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How To Write Amazing Essay By Essayist - Issuu How To Write Amazing Essay By Essayist - Issuu
The Assassination Of Boris Nemtsov
It is said that people fear what they don t understand. The unknown has always inspired anxiety in us
as a species. Feelings such as that are to be expected, even healthy, to have. If we had no fear, it is
quite unlikely that humans would have survived until now. Self preservation is paramount to survival;
yet, in the era in which we live it is often used against us. Fearmongering is a device used by
advertisers, media, and politicians. Governments such as Russia s use so called politics of fear
(emphasis added) as a weapon to maintain control over their people by repressing or removing their
adversaries; this is exceptionally evident in the assassination of Putin critic, Boris Nemtsov (Gel man
8). Nemtsov had a career in politics from 1990
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Psychoanalytic Theory And Psychodynamic Theory
Psychoanalytic Theory
In this paper, I will discuss the theoretical perspective of psychoanalytic theory and discuss a few of
the theorist that helped to shape and expanded upon this theory. I will focus mainly on Sigmund
Freud, the founder of the psychodynamic approach and use his theory as the foundation to compare
other theorist perspectives. Psychoanalytic theory is based on the belief that the human mind often
represses threatening wishes or painful experiences. Repression is believed to place these painful
experiences and emotions into the unconscious mind until they resurface. I will discuss the tools that
therapists take to help their patients find insight into their repressed feeling and I will discuss the
approaches therapist ... Show more content on ...
For example, consider a newborn baby who is hungry and cries when it needs to be feed, or when it
needs to be changed. When a baby wants something, it will cry regardless of the situation and without
any consideration for others. This behavior is the result of the id and its desire to have its basic needs
As the individuals, basic needs are met and these needs become more of a want than a need, and
becomes more of a conscious thought than an unconscious one, the ego begins to form. The ego is the
rational, pragmatic part of our personality ( Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality Boundless
Open Textbook , 2016) and functions according to the reality principle. The reality principle is the
ability of the mind to be able to assess the realities of the world and act upon it in an appropriate way.
The ego acts as a mediator and will make compromises to keep the id happy; in a realistic way. The
ego has no concept of right or wrong; something is good simply if it achieves its end of satisfying
without causing harm to itself or to the id (McLeod, 1970).
As the ego struggles to keep the id happy and encounters obstacles, it keeps a record of those obstacles
and the objects that have assisted in obtaining its goals. This record of things to avoid and strategies to
take becomes the superego (Boeree, Sigmund Freud). The superego is believed to be the moral part
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Archbishop Lefebvre s Open Letter To Confused Catholics
[presenting an understanding of]...its teaching on the Church, and now, moved by a desire for the
restoration of unity among all the followers of Christ, it wishes to set before all Catholics the ways and
means by which they too can respond to this grace and to this divine call. Misinterpreted teaching In
chapter ten of Archbishop Lefebvre s Open Letter to Confused Catholics he indicates that ecumenism
is understood as a movement by which the various churches of the world will be brought together to
form one Church. He understands the movement to consist of false charity attempting to wed truth and
error. This can only occur through adopting error and casting aside ... Show more content on ...
For the Lord laid down His life to give new life to the...human race and unify it so that they all may be
one even as He is one with the Father. Based on the next sentence in the same article it is clear that the
unity spoken of is a sharing in the divine nature via the Eucharist. It is this unity that the baptized are
born into, for there is one Body, and one Spirit dwelling within. The power for humanity to share in
the Divine Nature was entrusted, by Christ, to the College of the Twelve , with Peter, the rock on
whom the Church is built, who possesses the keys of the Kingdom, whom Christ entrusted the sheep
to be confirmed in faith and sheppard in perfect unity. The Lord entrusted the one Church to them to
teach, govern, and sanctify the family of God in fraternal harmony. The Decree expressly makes clear
that the Church is God s only flock. For it is only in full communion with teh CHurch that one can
have full communion with the Trinity, the source of the
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Humpback Whale Communication
Whales are highly intelligent creatures and possess many human like qualities such as the ability to
teach, learn, cooperate, and grieve. They communicate using echolocation, by which sounds are able
to travel for miles as the sound waves propagate in the water (Whale Communication and
Vocalizations, 2015). The sounds will echo back to the whale that sends them and this form of
communication can travel at a speed of one mile per second. Different species of whales take on
various forms of communication as is evident by the humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae, who
communicate by singing. Both male and female humpback whales vocalize, but only the males
produce the characteristically loud and complex song with distinct themes and melodies ... Show more
content on ...
The communication between humpback whales of different regions is shown by a pattern of horizontal
transmission of multiple song types in an unidirectional pattern eastward through the populations in
the western and South Pacific over an 11 year period displays (Murray et al., 2012). Most song types
were first documented in the eastern Australian population and spread to New Caledonia and Tonga,
and then on to American Samoa, the Cook Islands, and finally to French Polynesia (Garland et al.,
2011). This example of cultural transmission of behavior was replicated in multiple populations in a
vast geographic region and the level and rate of change of this cultural transmission is unparalleled by
any other nonhuman animal (Murray et al., 2012). The vocal linkage between the Indian and South
Pacific Ocean basins raises the question of how far a single song type can be horizontally transmitted
and how adaptive humpback whales are to change in their habitat (Southern Indian ocean humpback
whales found singing different tunes, 2015). Investigating the underlying mechanisms of song
evolution may allow insights into the transmission of cultural traits and the evolution of culture and
behavior in humpback
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Musculoskeletal Disorders In Higher Education
The personal computer revolution has drasticallyaltered work system in offices and universities. This
multi computing device has now become an inevitable part of any VDT workstation. The ever
growing use of computer workstations in universities is fourfold (1)instructional (2) administrative (3)
research and (4) study purpose.
In universities, computers are being used for preparing lectures, presenting to the class, accessing and
analyzing numerous data available online, maintaining database of students, employees and
professors, making communication in the form of e mails or chat, browsing the Internet for necessary
information and to introduce oneself with the reality and veracity of the global job market to have the
competitive edge over ... Show more content on ...
Annual report on WMSD by United States Department of Labor in 2014 revealed that WMSD
incidents cost about $20 billion in the year 2013 as direct cost and five times to that amount as indirect
cost (OSHA, 2014). All these statistics are alarming and signifies the necessity of assessment of
design of computer workstations and the work postures of users to draw out the root causes of
growing number of cases of WMSDs.It has become a priority to prevent work related musculoskeletal
disorders (WMSDs) in many countries (da Costa and Vieira,
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Reflective Essay On The Bluest Eye
In our modern day world you should not be so ignorant to believe that racism is not prevalent although
some may you experience it. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison truly hits home in conveying this
message. Morrison did not communicate this through an adult character no, but through a child, a
young and innocent child. In my opinion, this was brilliantly done in that bringing a child into
situations like Pecola s case it highlights the sheer horror of prejudice and rape. With Pecola s graphic
invocation of the craving and loneliness at the heart of her desire, and the tragedy of her satisfied
wish, The Bluest Eye is sure to be one of the most affective, powerful, and impactful novels of all the
American novels. Morrison s repetition of the ... Show more content on ...
I think this ties back into that fact that everyone is subjected to the turmoil that comes with societal
pressure. Each point of view is different to put the reader in that characters shoes. It gave me a sense
as to why some of the characters were the way they were. I am also disappointed to say I may be the
fault in society. The fact that I clung onto the reason that Cholly had a rough life and that is why he
committed the crimes he did leads me to further realize how fragile and naive the human mind can be.
I found comfort in clinging onto that so it would be less of a burden on me while reading. I think it s a
natural fault to cling onto whatever you can to lessen the blow of uncomfortable situations and this
novel definitely put me in that awkward position. Personally, I would and already have recommended
this novel to anyone who enjoys a book that makes them think and question everything. I will
continue to read more novels written by Toni Morrison to have certain connection and to maybe
further understand her books. This tragic story of a young girl trying to be loved has and will continue
to touch the hearts of those that read
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Essay on Theorising Heterosexism for Social Work Education
In the United States and many other countries throughout the world, societal structures have been
created to place some in a position of power and others into oppressed positions. These systems often
remain unchallenged and force the oppressed into silence for fear of becoming outcasts. These
systems affect everyone and can even go as far as making the oppressed internally believe that they
are supposed to stay in their second class state. One of these many systems is heterosexism. This paper
will cover what heterosexism is, the effects of heterosexism, how heterosexism relates to other forms
of oppression, and what can be done to stop heterosexism from being perpetuated.
Julie Fish (2008) defines heterosexism, in her article, as the ... Show more content on
Fish (2008) states some of these assumptions such as same sex couples cannot provide the appropriate
gender role models, same sex parents will raise their children to be gay, and children will be bullied
because they have parents who are both of the same gender.
Brennan, Craig, and Thompson (2012) state in their study that there is a link between gay and bisexual
men s obsession with thinness and muscularity and internalized homophobia. In their study they
linked gay and bisexual men to depression, eating disorders, and internalized homophobia. Their
experiment was based around the theory that people adopt certain characteristics to have access to
privileges in a society and be accepted by the dominant group. Brennan et al. s (2012) results showed
that of the men who showed higher levels of internalized homophobia they also exhibited higher
drives for muscularity. This relates to heterosexism because gay and bisexual men are not considered
the norm. This is why many gay and bisexual men have this obsession over being thin and muscular,
partly because of internalized homophobia. This stems from an overcompensation act to try and be
more masculine in an attempt to balance out their sexual orientation. It relates back to the idea of
acceptance. They are consciously or unconsciously rationalizing that this will make them more
accepted whether it is true or not.
Olivia Murray (2011) talks about the need for more
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School Of Athens Raphael Analysis
Raffaello Sanzio, better known as Raphael, painted a breathtaking piece of work named The School of
Athens. In this painting there are multiple elements of art and principles of design that make the
painting come to life. Most of these elements and principles go unnoticed by the untrained eye. Little
do most people know about what actually makes this masterpiece so intriguing. The elements of art
and principles of design were necessary in order to depict Raphael s image of what he thought the
school of Athens looked like. Color is an element of art that is very important to his work of art. The
colors in his piece include different shades of brown, red, orange, green, white, and a tiny bit of
yellow. The different textures in the ... Show more content on ...
The implied lines appear where the light hits the figures and objects in the painting the hardest, where
as the strong lines appear more often in the shadows of the painting and the foreground of the piece.
The shapes created by these lines are both organic and architectural. The organic lines create the
images of the people and some of the sculptures in Raphael s painting. The architectural lines make up
the formation of the arches and steps in his piece. In Raphael s painting, there are Athenians on the
steps and at the bottom of the steps, which creates the foreground, Athenians at the top of the steps and
an arch create the middle ground, and the other two arches create the middle ground. The value
created in Raphael s work is very recognizable. The scale of value ranges between a seven and eight if
it was being judged on a scale from one, being the lightest, and ten, being the darkest. The value and
color start to disappear the closer figures get to the background, which creates an atmospheric
perspective. The composition of the painting is placed to where the viewer s eyes move to the center
of the painting. This composition was created by one point perspective. The arch in which the painting
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A Decentralized Platform That Runs Smart Contracts Essay
Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts [...] on a custom built blockchain
( This platform allows for interested parties to use the blockchain in a way which
helps move value, represent ownership of property and store registries of debt all without having a
third party intercede and even allows for automation of the transfer of funds as defined in contracts
( Ethereum s cryptocurrency are the DigixDAO and Augur. Ethereum was first
introduced by, the nineteen year old Canadian,Vitalik Buterin on August 2014 however after getting
hacked the developers decided to create Ethereum Classic (Blockgeek, What is Cryptocurrency ).
Rippleworks with banks to transform how they send money around the world ( Ripple s
technology allows banks to send money fast, on demand, at a low cost and there is no payment size
restriction. Ripple is the least popular among the cryptocurrency industry as they are consider to be a
network that processes debts as oppose to real cryptocurrency. Additionally, the company that
manages Ripple distributes their cryptocurrency token, XRP, at will which defies the purpose for an
algorithm that creates a code for the creation of cryptocurrencies (Blockgeeks, What is
Cryptocurrency ).
Litecoin is a decentralized currency created on October 2011 ( currency is
considered to be the silver standard to the digital currency as one of the first cryptocurrencies to model
after Bitcoin.
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Disadvantages Of Development
Development is a broad concept that includes social, economic, political and human aspects. Human
development consists of the foundation on which the first three aspects .According to Burkey (1993:
38), economic and political development should be translated into social development. As
development is a broad concept, it has been extensively explored with a view to realize that economic
growth and social development. However, the emphasis moved from industrial and economic
development as the factors that determine societal transformations. Economic growth may bring
material gain to the people, but development is about enrichment of the lives of the people in the
society Edwards (1993:80) this means that development is much more important to a country than
economic growth only because when people are not empowered and developed it takes us back to the
theory of development which explains that empowerment and ... Show more content on ...
In addition, the policies have been criticized in terms of their effectiveness in meeting the narrow
objectives set by the IMF. Under half those accepting IMF loans achieve their balance of payments
and inflation objectives, and only one fifth achieve their growth targets, Hodd (1987:336) This
assessment of the financial institutions shows that they do assist in Africa with their balance of
payments at that time but in the long run it causes debts for the African states as they will have to pay
the loan bank with interest. When the loan is paid with interest, it draws back the states and this means
that they will be focusing on paying the IMF loan instead of developing their countries and the
problem is that the payment period for this loan is very short which puts pressure for the states to pay
back the
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Production Flow Process Of PT Adaro Indonesia
PT Adaro Indonesia is one of the largest coal mining companies in Indonesia. Since those early days,
the Tabalong mine has grown to be the southern hemisphere s largest single mine site, and production
has grown from an initial 1 million tons in 1992, with some years recording extraordinary growth. In
2006, for example, Adaro Indonesia increased production by more than 28% from the previous year to
34.4 million tons. And it has product called Envirocoal to be marketed in the world. This is a sub
bituminous coal that has low levels of pollutants, including low levels of ash, sulfur, and nitrogen And
it has a reputation as one of the environmentally coal, as well as solid fuel at the most cost effective.
Coal is produced from three mining pits (Tutupan, Paringin and Wara) located in South Kalimantan.
And it distributed to customers by road and river routes (fig.1). This requires a good coal chain system
[1]. One of it is rom to port operations using a double vessel trailer (fig.2). ... Show more content on ...
Very interesting to handle that is not as easy, because in rom to port operations has several internal
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King Lear And Ginny Analysis
In contrast to Shakespeare, Smiley allows a feminine standpoint offering a more positive outlook on
Rose and Ginny. In spite of the sinister image portrayed of Regan and Goneril in King Lear, Rose and
Ginny are found to be respectable daughters who instead of taking advantage of their father, only
offered their care and love for him. Ginny, the protagonist is seen to be submissive to the male figures
in her life, her father Larry and her husband Ty. Ginny takes on the role of a motherly and loving
character who not only takes care of her father and husband but also cares for her sisters Rose and
Coraline. When Larry gets into a car crash due to drinking and driving instead of leaving him stranded
due to his very careless and stupid chose, Ginny and Rose are by his side and care for him even more
for him during his healing process. ... Show more content on ...
Rose or I will give you breakfast at the regular time from now on, and you can just go out and work
afterwards (Smiley, 159). It took a lot from her submissive personality to warn her father like this
however, she did it through the love she has for him. Ginny tolerates Larry s insolent behaviour and
ever since their mother s death, both Ginny and Rose make him breakfast every morning and obeyed
the demands made by their father. Rose sarcastically tells Ginny, You re such a good daughter, so slow
to judge, it s like stupidity (Smiley, 162). Rose s statement proves the type of person Ginny is selfless
and nurturing. As the novel goes on, readers come to learn that Ginny takes on the needs of others
before her own, she does not see this as a burden but a sees it as a contribution to the survival of her
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Jack And Ralph Relationship In Lord Of The Flies
The Lord of the Flies is a novel about two dozen boys who are stranded on a deserted island during
World War II. In The Lord of the Flies, Ralph and Jack s relationship directly affects tribal decisions
and development. Jack and Ralph s differences in opinion, development of savagery, competitive mind
set and fight for power cause difficulty within the tribe.
Jack and Ralph s negative relationship develops there differences in opinion. Jack doesn t take it
serious that his pig hunters are not contributing to building the forts. We want meat. Well, we haven t
got any yet. And we need shelters. (Golding 51). Jack does not understand the importance of having
the shelters built as much as Ralph does. Likewise, Jack neglects the fire in order to go on a pig hunt.
This causes a ship to not notice and to bypass the island. There was a ship. Out there you said you d
keep the fire going and you let it out! (Golding 70). Jack doesn t see the importance in the rescue fire
and neglects the job he was given by Ralph. Ralph makes the rule that the only fire allowed, is the one
on top of the mountain. (Golding 81). This insures that the hunters keep the fire going because they
will need it to cook pigs. Ralph does not see the importance of catching pigs as Jack does and only
sees the importance of their rescue. In conclusion, Jack and Ralph neglect one another s priorities,
leading the development of a negative relationship.
As the boys spend more time on the island, they lose
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The Prophet Muhammad Was A Great Woman
Zainab bint Muhammad was a great woman. She was the eldest daughter of the Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) and Khadija (rah). She was born 599AD. Her story begins in Makkah when one day her
cousin, Abu al As ibn al Rabi, ask her head in marriage. The prophet asked Zaynab if she wanted to
marry him, and she blushed out of bashfulness and smiled. They had two children named Ali (died
during childhood) and Umma. One day when, Abu al As ibn al Rabi returned to Makkah from a trip,
Zainab announced that her father had become the prophet of Islam and that she and most her family
had be come Muslims. The quraysh told Abu al As ibn al Rabi to divorce Zainab and that they would
bring him a better woman. He refused and stayed with Zainab, but he refused to ... Show more content
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During the immigration Zainab got permission from her father to stay with her husband in Makkah.
That s when tragedy struck. Since Zainab s husband was not Muslim, he was going to fight in the
battle of Badr against the Muslims. That meant that he would have to fight her father. She was very
scared. She feared for her husband and her father. She prayed saying O Allah, I fear one day the sun
may rise and my children become orphans or I lose my father . So the battle started, and ended in
victory for the Muslims. In the end the Muslims won and Abu al As ibn al Rabi was captured. When
this news reached Makkah, Zainab was over come with relief and thanked Allah that her father was all
right and that the Muslims had won. There was a problem though. Her husband was captured. She did
not have much so she gave her necklace as a payment. When the prophet was checking the payments
and releasing captives, he saw Zainab s necklace. He began to sob because it was Khadija s necklace
and he had loved her dearly. He released Abu al As ibn al Rabi for the time being and told him to give
the necklace to Zainab and tell her to never give it away. Then the prophet created a rule. A Muslim
woman cannot be married to a disbeliver. Therefore, when Abu al As ibn al Rabi came back to
Makkah he told Zainab that she had to go and stay with her father in Madina and leave him. She asked
him for millionth time if he would become Muslim and stay with
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Energy Policy
Module Handbook 2013 Programme: University of Plymouth BSc Oil and Gas Management Module
Title: International Energy Policy Level: 5 Credits: 15 Delivery Period: February May 2013 Total
Study Time: 150 hours, comprising 40 classroom hours and 110 hours of personal study. |Module
Leader: |Dr Cassandra Martinez King | |Module Leader s Contact Hours: |Please refer to the timetable |
|Module Leader s Phone number: | ... Show more content on ...
Cognitive/intellectual skills: ability to synthesise information and analyse issues affecting oil and gas
policies across the world. Key/Transferable skills: demonstrate the ability to manage a range of
information affecting world energy problems and sources of proffered solutions to those issues
elicited. Practical skills: ability to operate in situation of varying complexity which entails the use of a
variety of techniques and methodologies. 4. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures and tutorials
will provide a solid foundation for learning but you are expected to participate in private study and
reading of your own without being directed explicitly. You should read the required reading material at
your own pace but be aware that extra reading may be issued to you during the semester. You are also
expected to find your own additional reading material, particularly for the purposes of the assignment.
The weekly sessions will provide academic and practice based information. Tutorial Questions will be
given to the students in the lectures and/or at the end of each lecture. During tutorials students will be
expected to present, discuss and critically evaluate all aspects of the topic in question. An active,
participatory approach is expected. As a general guide, a formal lecture will present a particular theme
each week
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International Monetary Fund ( Imf ), World Trade...
Belgium, Dominican Republic, and Israel are members of the International Monetary Fund (IMF),
World Trade Organization (WTO) and World Bank. These organizations in their own right are trying
to improve the economy by facilitating internationals trading (IMF) , reducing poverty around the
world (IMF), ensuring that trading flows smoothly and freely (WTO) and providing financial advice
to assist in economic advancement (World Bank). Countries that are members of the IMF, WTO and
World Bank, in my opinion believe that working together , following the organizations guidelines, can
improve the economy. Belgium works with other international and regional organizations, to
encourage economic cooperation and assistance to developing countries. Belgium is a key provider of
humanitarian, reconstruction, and development assistance in Africa, Afghanistan, and Syria. Belgium
is also the host country of the European Union (EU) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
and plays an important role in discussions between European foreign ministers and the Secretary of
Dominican Republic, along with the United States as well as other Central American countries are part
of the Dominican Republic Central America United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA DR). This
agreement creates economic opportunities by eliminating tariffs, opening markets and reducing
barriers. It facilitates trade and investment among these countries and furthers regional integration.
Israel and the
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Career Progression
Being able to achieve an important aspect in life can be transitioning, gratifying, and most
importantly, memorable. Before beginning to decide where to start in life, an accomplishment or event
that I achieved is relative to the start of a puzzle. In a sense, this is the root of a career or goal for the
future. As for a career choice, becoming a computer hardware engineer occurred because of a
successful attempt of working a computer at a very young age. As a child, I have always found
computers to be both intriguing and fascinating because of their functionality to handle everyday
When my father bought his first computer, he was appreciative of possessing his own despite its
appearance and functionality. The first computer my ... Show more content on ...
Compared to the other students, I excelled in many fields such as typing, computer programming, and
digital arts. From that accomplishing moment, I decided that my dream was to become a computer
hardware engineer and construct or design computers for future generations.
When I was in second grade, my family had to make a decision that would affect me mentally as I had
to change homes. Although I still went to the same elementary school, the travel time between the new
house and the old was twice as long and because of that, I had to transfer to another school. At the new
school I transferred to, there were not as many computer courses to take and because of this, I did not
have the time to continue taking computer courses outside of school, as I was busy with schoolwork.
The following year, I slightly began to lose interest in the computer field, as I no longer had any
computer classes to take at school. However, since there were no computer classes to take, my father
purchased my very first computer. Upon receiving it, I was without words and began to use the
computer for two years by playing games, paint, and many more. Although it the computer operated
on Windows rather than Mac, I was still familiar with the format as I never saw a difference between
the two at a young
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Global governance institutions, from the International...
Global governance institutions, from the International Monetary Fund to the World Trade
Organization, are little loved. They are often perceived as bastions of sclerotic mediocrity at best and
outright corruption at worst. In the wake of the 2008 financial crash, Daniel W. Drezner, like so many
others, observed the smoking ruins of the global economy and wondered the extent to which global
governance institutions have affected the post recession, international system.
In The System Worked, Drezner contends that despite the massive scale and reverberations of this
latest crisis (larger, as he argues, than those that precipitated the Great Depression), the global
economy has bounced back remarkably well. Examining the major resuscitation ... Show more content
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Conceptually, Denzer appears to conflate the phases of violence, discrediting the belief that violence
transpires through stages. In a Denzerian world, the international system is bifurcated between
violence and nonviolence. In his assessment of financial resilience through public sentiments, Denzer
s overinvestment in evidence that measures peace through actual violence versus potential violence
discredits various disputes that have escalated diplomatically, but have yet to turn violent. Denzer
supposes that all liberalizing change must involve varying degrees of violence, ipso facto breaching a
threshold of peace. Denzer profoundly overlooks the generally peaceful regime changes in Egypt and
Tunisia, which, like so many others, were predominantly led by civil disobedience, civil resistance,
and online activism, rarely intensifying into violent demonstrations. Denzer s assessment also misses
cold or still conflicts, whose underlying causes and historic underpinnings have surfaced amid the ever
competitive, protectionist nature following Great Recession. Take for example China and Japan s
diplomatic clash over the contested Senkaku Islands. For four decades, Chinese and Japanese
grievances have been reshaped in light of new regional expectations and financial conditions. In Japan
s case, the
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The Grapes Of Wrath
At the heart of every immigrant s experience is a dream a vision of hope that is embodied in his or her
destination (Gladstein, p. 685). In the novel, The Grapes of Wrath, it is portrayed that the migrant s
thoughts of an American Dream is/was a simple and straightforward notion: go west (California), get
employment and become rich. Little did they that know that an ideal and perfect life was difficult to
accomplish and it corrupted the minds of those pursuing it. The author, John Steinberg, placed a lot of
emphasis on the unachievable nature of the American Dream regarding economic stability in the novel
through the cross country migration of the Joads, their continuous and unpredictable changes in
employment and eventually, their failure to find the success they so desired in California (Aghosh,
Allentown, PA).
The novel, The Grapes of Wrath, is an ... Show more content on ...
The Joads were going down something of a tricky intense street a way of escape from misery to an
uncertain Californian deliverance (Spangler). It can be reasoned that when the one and only option is
putting the family on the road to a foreign place, problems arise (Spangler) and the Joads faced many
problems. Connie, among his relatives, chose to accept reality rather than to live in a fantasy pursuing
the American Dream. For instance, Connie strikes out all alone... he then forsakes the Joads adamant
quest for ranch work for the open doors in the city (Bloom, p. 18). Connie understood that pursuing
the American Dream was an exercise in vainness and although he ran far from the matters of money
related uncertainty by leaving his significant other and child, he was essentially doing what was
reasonable and rather taken after a future that would best suit him. While the Joads were on an endless
excursion in search of the American Dream, they didn t discover any jobs that suited their trust of a
money related way of
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Nominating Committee Candidates
Fast fact sheets intend to deliver a high level overview of a given content area and provide important
information or answers to the most frequently asked questions. Please utilize these sheets to maintain
consistency in language, responses to questions, and guidance to the district constituencies.
Q: Where is the process for nominations listed?
A: The Nominating Committee Chairman Leadership Guide can be found by logging into, and navigating to More Resources Chapter President. This resource
provides a step by step outline for the 6 week nomination and election process. The chapter President
and Nominating Committee Chairman should also consult Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity Bylaws,
Article XII., Section 6 and Robert s ... Show more content on ...
Use a calm tone of voice and take care to listen to the member s concerns. Address her emotions first
and then address the facts at hand. You may have to remind your sister that the discussions of the
Nominating Committee are confidential. You may need to refer your sister to your adviser for further
Q: When does Leadership Day take place?
A: Leadership Day is held after elections and before installation of officers, usually during week two
through four of the Chapter Strategic Plan. Leadership Day is the optimal format. However, training
can be broken into three smaller modules presented at a joint Chapter Council.
Q: Who attends Leadership Day?
A: Outgoing Chapter Council, incoming Chapter Council and the Advisory Board.
Optional: Fraternity visitors, Every Member Education Trainers or Greek adviser visitors.
Q: What should Leadership Day look like?
A: You can find the Sample Leadership Day Agenda by logging into, and
navigating to More Resources Chapter VP Organization. Your training should include the following:
Team Building Activities
Importance of Communication
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Weena Revealed In The Time Traveler
I Was Surprised that the Time Traveller just left because you figure he would go looking for Weena.
He Said that he would bring Weena back with him to their time and yet he just left. It was weird he
just left for the time machine before he even thought about going after Weena and bringing her back
like he said he would.
I Want to find out if Weena is really dead or not. I mean it never actually mentions he finds her but
still what if she still in the forest. I mean she can t be dead right? If she is one of the main characters of
the story it would be weird to have her die when you just met her not that long ago.
I thought at the end of chapter 10 was a trap and it was. I was surprised I was correct though because it
could have been any thing
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The Virginia Tech Shooting
On April 16, 2007, one of the most tragic incidents in the United States occurred on the campus of
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia. Seung Hui Cho, a senior at
Virginia Tech ruthlessly murdered 32 people and wounded 17 others through the usage of firearms in
two separate attacks. This incident is considered the deadliest shooting incident by a single gunman in
the history of America. While people still mourn and pray for the victims, this shooting also led to
many controversies. Till this day, Cho s access to firearm and Virginia Tech s security hazard remains
to be controversial. The motive and cause of Cho s action and what the school could have done in
order to prevent this tragic incident will be addressed. The incident occurred on Monday, April 16th
2007. Seung Hui Cho was a 23 years old senior at Virginia Tech. He was born in South Korea and
moved to America during his early childhood years. The shooting took in the form of two separate
attacks on the campus. Cho was armed with a 9 millimeter handgun, a 22 caliber handgun and
hundreds of rounds of ammunition. The first one took place at 7:15 in the morning, which he shot two
people in a dorm. During the gap between the first attack and the second attack, Cho mailed a clip of
video that contains rantings about wealthy brat and other topics and pictures of him wielding guns to
NBC news. He then started his second attack. Cho chained and locked several main doors of an
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Effects Of The Financial Crisis Of Deutsche Bank s...
7. Effects of the financial crisis Deutsche bank s involvement with collateralized debt obligations and
residential mortgage backed securities contributed greatly to the housing bubble that burst in 2008
thus helping launch the great recession. Even though the residential mortgage backed securities were
only trading in the United States our local economy here is extremely influential all over the world
because of globalization, and the interrelations of the world s economy. The recession created here by
the housing bubble bursting helped to create a global recession. 8. Regulation Most financial
institutions do not hold themselves accountable. However, they do fall under the regulation of
governing bodies. In the United States we have the US securities and exchange commission (SEC)
that regulates trading of commodities and securities that are exchanged on an open market. In April
2010 the SEC proposed revisions to the application of asset backed securities (CDO and RMBS). A
few of the most important implementations are that the issuer is required to file on the SEC website a
computer program that provides investors with a tool to analyze information about specific loans
within the pool of assets. This computer program would show the effect of the so called waterfall so
investors can analyze how the borrowers loan payments are distributed to investors in the ABS, how
losses or lack of payment on those loans will be divided among the investors, and when administrative
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Comparing The Yellow Wallpaper And The Story Of An Hour
During the period that the two short stories, The Yellow Wallpaper and The Story of an Hour, were
originally written and published countless females had no freedom and were confined due to male
dominance and a lack of feminine freedom. The two authors are Charlotte Gilman Perkins, who wrote
The Yellow Wallpaper and Kate Chopin, who wrote Story of an Hour, they have numerous similarities
that can be compared but also have difference throughout their writings. Within theses two short
stories, both authors express their growing troubles of feminine freedom and male dominance. The
main female characters of both stories express a desire to be free from different components that
include males being the dominant figure over women. In the ... Show more content on
Within The Yellow Wallpaper the author says, I sometimes fancy that in my condition if I had less
opposition and more society and stimulus but John says the very worst thing I can do is think about
my condition... (648). This has relevance because it expressed the narrators want for freedom but she
is repressed and her husband tells her what she can and cannot do. She cannot help but feel the way
she does, and so the move she makes at the end, focusing on the house instead of her situation, marks
the beginning of her slide into obsession and madness due to her husband trying to completely control
her life. The narrator does everything that she can take her mind off of being trapped in the room by
herself all day. One of the main thematic components that changes throughout the story is how she
occupies herself, So I will let it alone and talk about the house (648). She tried to pass it off as she
does nothing but talk about the house, but what actually made her go insane is believed to be the way
that she watched the wallpaper, Life is very much more exciting now than it used to be. You see I have
something more to expect, to look forward to, to watch. I really do eat better, and am more quiet than I
was (653). This is arguably the moment in the story at which the narrator has truly lost her sanity; this
is due to the fact of her being suppressed from intellect and creativity as a
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Monte Cassino Battle
The attack on Monte Cassino was a bloody affair and one that was dubbed the Stalingrad of the Italian
front. The battle saw a plethora of high explosives exchanged between the Allied and Axis forces of
World War Two. Polish forces had one unlikely war hero on their side, a Syrian brown bear named
Wojtek, which translates in Slavik to, he who loves war . He was essential in moving ammunition for
the Polish 22nd Artillery Supply Company during the Battle of Monte Cassino, which allowed them to
continue to bombard Axis forces within the city while boosting the morale of friendly forces engaged
in the deadly battle. This essay will continue to address the history and outcome of the Battle of Monte
Cassino, the evolution and contribution provided ... Show more content on ...
Today s military still utilizes the attack and defensive techniques presented in this battle by the Allied
and Axis forces. It is also important to take away the role that Wojtek played, and how a simple
solution to a difficult problem can vastly change the tactics, techniques and procedures of a military
force in future operations. One of the most valuable tools to understand is how to use and implement
the lessons learned process to improve and dominate future military operations. As the fires
community moves forward it should continue to understand the role that it plays to shape offensive
and defensive operations, either in a standalone method or as part of a joint attack to control the
ground force commander s
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Ethics Of Compassion Essay
Ethics of compassion To help explain the ethics of compassion I will be using reference from the
Dalia Lama s book Ethics for the New Millennium, more specifically chapter ten; The Need for
Discernment, and chapter 5 The Supreme Emotion. I will also refer to Touching Peace, and the five
mindfulness trainings. The Dalia Lama had so many strong points it was hard to find any criticisms in
his philosophies. One thing that concerned me was how he recognizes people who kill and torture for
pleasure. The other point he made that came across as weaker to me or somewhat questionable is that
we are to question whether our motive is genuinely compassionate when considered in relation to the
totality of all beings. As for the strong points keeping ... Show more content on ...
The Dalai Lama felt this to be entirely appropriate, and very necessary, In that it shows two sides of
human potential. I agree with him on this completely and I think the fact they made this memorial like
this makes it more than just a memorial, it is also art. The Dalia Lama wants us to understand that the
existence of negative potential does not give us grounds to suppose that human nature is inherently
violent. The next question to think about is, what about those who kill and torture for pleasure? Here
he is talking about people like Hilter, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot. In these types of people there is a
lacking of the basic impulse toward care and affection for others. There is a commonality between all
of them, that their schemes were carried out in accordance to a perverted vision. They all have goals
towards which they were working. The Dalia Lama wants us to understand that killers come from a
particular society, time and place. Also we should recognize the role of the imaginative faculty in their
actions. Although I can understand these things, I think it comes awful close to making excuses for the
horrible actions that these people have been in charge of. By the use to which this faculty is put
determines whether actions it conceives are positive or negative, ethical or unethical. The individuals
motivation in this is known as Kun
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Dropout Age Should Be 18
Dropout Ages Should Be 18
Were you aware that every year, over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States
alone? That s a student every 26 seconds or 7,000 a day. Currently, 20 states have ages 18 as a dropout
age and 30 have it as 16 and 17. All states that have school dropout ages under 18 should be raised to
18 because dropping out will make them earn less money, become less healthy, and increase the
likelihood of going to jail.
The first reason why school dropout age should be raised is because it makes them more likely to be in
jail. In the article, Staying in School: A Proposal for Raising High School Graduation Rates , it states
that school dropout rates have been increasing and have been pushing high schoolers
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Juvenile Court Case Study
In the Juvenile Case #1, the client suspected of burglarizing and murdering the elderly lady should be
tried in a Juvenile Court rather Adult court which would be in the best interest of the child. To begin
with, the client has no juvenile delinquent record and had minimal behavioral issues in the Juvenile
Hall, which aids to their side since they have a clean history and this is the first record of criminal
behavior. With this in mind, it is plausible for the minor to change to become a better civilian through
rehabilitation which is made possible by the Juvenile court. The client has proved their ability to
improve themselves by earning a high school diploma and attending voluntary treatment programs
which shows the success of the juvenile ... Show more content on ...
The suspect was only 14 years old when placed into custody, where they are young enough to still be
considered an adolescent and don t know right from wrong. For a young client that was born addicted
to meth and abandoned at birth, they must have a poor mental and emotional state that exists within
them. Without having a biological mother or father figure in their life, they lack guidance in
identifying what is wrong and what is right and what the consequences of their actions are due to the
poor parental supervision they were exposed to while growing up. Alongside, the lack of parental
support and supervision while growing up the minor is proven to suffer from psychological disorders
such as ADHD, insomnia, and anti social tendencies which affects their mental and emotional health.
With the client having no gang ties or association, this greatly increases the likelihood that they will
rehabilitate since they carry no ties with other gang members or criminals. Next, the minor did not
originally have the intent to stab and murder the elderly lady before entering the home. As the client
retrieved a deadly kitchen knife from inside the house, rather than bringing their own weapon shows
how this was not a planned premeditated murder. This proves that a rather spontaneous and
unpredicted action was committed by the juvenile that could have been triggered by their poor mental
and emotional state. In the end, due to the minimal degree of criminal sophistication that exists in the
minor they should be initiated under the juvenile court
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Essay on Fiat Chrysler
Case Questions 1. According to a major economics consulting firms, Fiat`s ¨South American
operations are the jewel in the Italian company`s global operations¨. Fiat has plants in Brazil and
Argentina, and Brazil is the biggest market, well ahead of its home country market. In 2011, with the
Chrysler venture taking up more and more of the firm`s attention and as European sales suffered a
steep decline rumors began to circulate that Marchionne might move Fiat headquarters from Italy to
the United States. Discuss Fiat´s takeover of Chrysler as part of strategy to transform itself from
international business into a multinational or global business 2. What benefit does fiat hope to gain
from its arrangement with Chrysler what potential ... Show more content on ...
We found innovation, cost reduction and market conditions as key elements supporting a successful
internal strategy and strategic alliance and diversification to be among the most widely applied
strategies for a foreign market penetration and development, while fusions and licenses were the least
preferred. Conclusion: Lots and lots of question marks. It all depends on how it goes. If Fiat can
pacify Chrysler, if the integration of Fiat Chrysler works, if Americans really buy smaller engine cars,
if the new platforms prove successful, if they keep their position in Brazil and manage to break into
Russia and China, if Europe recovers. However, there are good, solid reasons for hope of a better
future. Dark clouds abound, but here and there, there are rays of sunshine. They are well positioned in
some key markets. They ve established a foothold in North America. They have a big presence and are
a player in markets all over the world (except Asia). The cars are more reliable than ever before, yet
still manage to be engaging and more fun than some of the competition and most owners are satisfied.
Their new engines are renowned and studied and copied by other makers as they really do point a way
into an ever more frugal future. However, do they have the capacity to overcome the difficulties? You
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The Body s Central Nervous System Essay
The Brain The brain is known as a spongy organ made up of nerve and supportive tissues. It is located
on top of the head and protected by the skull. Beneath, the brain is linked/connected to the spinal cord
whereby they re considered to be the major control network for the body s functions and abilities to do
work. Both the brain and spinal cord comprises the body s Central Nervous System (CNS) and
empowers conscious communication with the body and also helps perform vital operations such as
breathing, releasing hormones, and maintaining blood pressure. The Central Nervous System (CNS)
works along with the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS). According to the Canadian Cancer Society,
PNS is made up of nerves that branch out from the spinal cord to relay messages from the brain to
different parts of the body. In summary, both CNS and PNS enable a person to talk, walk, and do lots
of creative/physical activities. The brain collects and interprets nerve signals from the entire body and
also responds based on information being collected from the person itself. There are so many
complexity in which many parts of the brain controls how we feel/emotional needs, our speech,
movement, body temperature, self awareness, and many more. In depth, the brain is divided into
several sections/groups. Sections include the Cerebrum, Cerebellum, brainstem, and the diencephalon.
The cerebrum is considered to be the largest part of the brain. Split in two parts called the left and
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The Theme Of Knowledge In Seed By Lisa Heathfield
Seed, a book by Lisa Heathfield, applies the idea that knowledge is power, but ignorance is bliss
through the character development of Pearl, the depth of settings and ambiguity. Seed s narrative
quality explores that knowledge does not always make one influential, however, not acquiring
knowledge is a relieving sensation.
The development of Pearl was highlighted through the narration of the book, explicitly describing how
she felt when Ellis would express his conflicting opinions on Papa S s practices. The narrative of Pearl
conveyed her as an innocent character who was unaware of the good from people outside of her cult,
named Seed. She preferred not to bother herself with teachings other than what Papa S taught the cult.
Nonetheless, her beliefs changed gradually from the appearance of Ellis. He told Pearl about his
experiences outside the cult, which signifies the power he could have with his knowledge. Ellis was
more educated than the children of the cult, therefore, he would ... Show more content on ...
Pearl s encounter with Papa S shows how uncomfortable she is when he laid on the bed with her when
she said, Papa S touches my arm. And I hate it. (pg. 236 237) The ambiguity of the scene leads the
audience to believe how inappropriate Papa S s actions were. Pearl s point of view during the scene
suggested reflection on Ellis s comment about Papa S corrupt behaviour, causing her to flee from Papa
S. The knowledge of Papa S actions lead her to doubt his guidance which was unsettling and
frightening for Pearl. Her reaction provided perception into how recognising dangerous situations is
significant to her survival and improves awareness rather than being oblivious. Although the narrative
of Pearl provided vague details on the scene, the reader s mind is encouraged to wander and reflect on
what Papa S could have
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Alice Calla Quotes
Your cake is good, mumbles Alastair, pushing the remnants of Alice s supposedly tear enhanced cake
around on his plate. But so s yours, he says, nodding towards Calla.
The two women exchange an exasperated look. Okay, Scott, whaddaya think? Alice asks.
Scott chews thoughtfully. Well, they re the exact same cake.
But which one tastes better? prods Calla.
Neither. At Alice s raised eyebrow obviously something she learned from him he admits, Alice s cake
is a bit salty.
Yes, that would be because she put tears Margaret makes exaggerated air quotes, in her cake.
Calla beams. So my cake is better?
Scott pinches his forefinger and thumb together. By about that much.
What do you think, Your Highness? Alice ... Show more content on ...
Ask Brenna s great great well, very great grandmother.
Brenda s very great grandmother? Something seems to dawn on Scott. She was the head cook back
then too!
And she was the best baker in all the twelve kingdoms! Margaret sighs, and Alice can nearly feel the
wave of nostalgia. Yeah, I remember popping into the castle kitchens and stealing her cookies
You re not the only one to do that, interjects Alice dryly. Scott
But the thing was, those snobby ambassadors from other kingdoms didn t think her baking was up to
par. Well, they didn t think anyone in Arhearst had baking skills. So I gave Brianna s super great
grandma a vial of saltwater, told her to tell the others in the kitchen that they re a top secret magical
ingredient, and let the word spread that her cakes were enhanced by magic. Next thing you know,
dignitaries are lining up to have a taste of some Arhearst cake, even though it was the exact same thing
the chefs were making before, maybe a bit saltier. Margaret snorts like an agitated horse. It was an
experiment in seeing how much you can sway popular opinion of something based on whether it s
magical or
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The New Meaning Of Airline Packing
The New Meaning to Airline Packing
Before 9/11 when Americans boarded an airplane, the only worry that crossed their minds could have
been hijackers holding the airplane, the crew, and the passengers for some kind of ransom, or
something going wrong with the airplane itself. After 9/11, we are now seeing a new kind of hijacker;
terrorists who use the airplanes themselves as weapons against the people they hate. They run the
airplanes into buildings to kill as many people they can with one attempt. This paper will take a look
at what the government did in the days after 9/11 to put into place a defense against terrorists.
From the Aviation and Transportation Act that was passed in November of 2001, Arming Pilots
Against Terrorism Act that ... Show more content on ...
This act required airlines to use stronger materials in the construction of cock pit doors, heavier locks,
and video monitors for pilots to view what is happening in the cabin. Putting in wireless devices for
the flight crew to notify the cockpit of any problems. Just weeks after this act was passed by Congress
the airline Jet Blue had these requirements in every airplane they own. Putting crew and passengers
safety before their profit. This act also gave to the Under Secretary of Transportation the job
recruiting, training, and providing weapons for air marshals for each flight. As an elite group, highly
trained, the air marshals will set with the passengers and have the advantage of knowing what is going
on inside the cabin at all times.
Carol Hallett, head of the Airline Transportation Association said The wisest investment in improving
security is hiring more air marshals because they are highly trained to provide professional protection.
(Renna, 2003)
This protection is costing the airlines approximately $3,000 per air marshal, per flight. Requiring two
air marshals in each plane.
Part of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act gave the Under Secretary of Transportation the
job to recruit, train, and air pilots using similar training programs that were used for air marshals. The
program for the pilots is done on a volunteer basis program only. In
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Analysis Of William Wordsworth s Macbeth Essay
The Protagonist: Romney Wordsworth
The Protagonist s Chief Want: Wordsworth chief want is to reveal to the chancellor that every human
being has purpose, worth, and a voice. The value of one s life is not simply based on his or her
conformity to the various edicts set forth by the State. In order to achieve his chief want, Romney is
willing to sacrifice his own life. At the end of the story, Romney relinquishes his life and the
chancellor escapes. After Romney s death, it seems as though the chancellor learned nothing from his
near death experience in Wordsworth room; yet, upon being pronounced obsolete , the chancellor
desperately screams in anguish that his life contains purpose and worth. Thus, Wordsworth fulfilled
his chief want through his life and death.
The Inciting Incident: The inciting incident begins when the chancellor finds Wordsworth guilty of
being an obsolete man. Wordsworth understands that merely arguing his position will yield unfruitful
results; rather, he will only convince the chancellor through his actions.
1. The State believes that individuals, not contributing to the advancement of their perfect society,
have no purpose. Declaring Romney Wordsworth vocation unneeded in their advanced society, the
state, thus, seeks to liquidate him in order to maintain balance and harmony.
2. The Chancellor seeks to maintain order and control within the state. Presiding as the judge at
Wordsworth s
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Analysis Of Walter Onth, By Walter Ong
Yeast, an article written by Walter Ong in 1990, starts with an explanation of a problem the author
believes lies within Catholic institutions. That problem is the challenges the Church faces to be
accepting in an ever growing pluralistic world, while also remaining true to it s own values. With
situations arising such as non Catholic faculty and students, as well as questions of academic freedom
Catholic institutions are found asking themselves where the line is of sharing their own ideas while
still remaining flexible and accepting (Ong 1). Ong goes on to explain the etymology of the word
catholic in order to prove his future point. He makes the point that although it s common belief that
catholic is said to mean universal, or ... Show more content on ...
In the same way, the church should build into itself the cultures or mixtures of cultures in which it
finds itself (Ong 3). He reaches his final solution about how the relationship between a pluralistic
society and a Catholic institution should behave. He explains that this parable can be used in three
different areas. First, faith in academic subjects should respect the fact that ideas are constantly
changing, and the academics being taught should evolve as ideas change. Secondly, faculty don t have
to be Catholic, but they should respect the religion in view of the fact that they teach at a Catholic
institution, and therefore should represent the character of the institution. Third, as it pertains to
students, the institution should continue to spread its influence through classes, but no student should
have it forced upon them. Lastly, he relates it to cosmology in saying that as more abstract ideas come
into the world of science, the Catholic church needs to absorb these ideas instead of renouncing them.
Overall, Ong summarizes the idea of not only accepting, but celebrating differences that the Catholic
community finds itself in (Ong 5 6). The reason I picked this article was because Ong makes the point
that a Catholic institution should accept students that aren t Catholic, but still have a responsibility to
educate, those willing, about
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The Life Of Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol
The Victorian Period lasted from 1832 to 1901 under Queen Victoria s reign. The culture revealed in
this era was a time of rapid change, social inequality, industrialization, supernatural and religious
beliefs, and was accurately reflected in the works of Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol. Roles of
men and women were strictly defined, as were economic statuses. The hustle and bustle of the streets
led to illnesses. Working conditions were destitute and unsanitary. Children often had little to no
education, unless very fortunate. New advancements in technology arose, after the industrialization of
the United Kingdom began.
As a result of Queen Victoria s reign, a strict division between social classes was defined.
The working class ... Show more content on ...
The cotton, coal, trade, and ship building industries were booming. Aside from shaping the historical
reality of the time, Dickens represented narrative pathways, perspectival frames, and models of
behavior that guided his modern society audience towards finding their places in a rapidly changing
industrial age(Fiske). He wrote the entertaining novella, A Christmas Carol, as an escape from the
world of modernity, into a world of spirituality. Regarding the religious beliefs in the Victorian Period,
Victorians were primarily characterized by Christianity. The term Victorian is familiar with social
decorums that encompass strong religious customs(Coleman). As a product of industrialization, the
traditional British Christmas we know today is not found in the midsts of history(Flanders). Charles
Dickens was partially responsible for Victorian England s regained Christmas spirit. He reflected the
themes of redemption, family, merriness, and Christmas spirit in his narrative. For example, The
Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. Oh, Jacob Marley! Heaven and the Christmas Time be
praised for this! I say it on my knees, old Jacob, on my knees!, Dickens demonstrated Scrooge s
redemption and new found Christmas spirit(Dickens 82). Religion during the Victorian Period had a
vast impact on Dickens writing, he wrote stories through his belief in Christianity. In addition to
strong religious beliefs, Victorians turned to supernatural ways of reasoning. Due
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Compare And Contrast Western Medicine And Chinese Medicine
It is important to grasp that one cannot understand Traditional Chinese Medicine by trying to explain
it in Western scientific or medical terms. The ancient Chinese physicians developed a system of
medicine that has survived for over three thousand years. Chinese medicine is complete within itself
but that it is based on physiological concepts, theories regarding cause of disease, methods of
diagnosis, and principles of treatment that are completely different from the western way of viewing
the body.
One way to understand how two medical systems can view the body differently without one system
being right and the other system being wrong is to use the analogy of a map. For example, compare a
road map and a topographical map of the city of Waco. Both maps represent the same area, but they
do so in very different ways. As long as both maps are based on accurate information, serve as useful
tools for their intended purposes, and have been created with self consistent logic, ... Show more
content on ...
Western medicine is like the road map. Depending on the size and scale of the map, a road map can
offer very detailed representation of countries, states, counties, cities, neighborhoods, and even
individual buildings. If you were using a map to select the shortest route to an appointment across
town, you would choose one with quite a small scale and then you would disregard parts of the map
that did not pertain the roads and highways that you plan to use. This is similar to the way that
Western medicine views the body as a collection of distinct parts (organs, tissues, cells) that can be
taken apart and considered in isolation. Diagnosis and treatment of disease in Western medicine
involves using signs, symptoms, and various diagnostic tests to pinpoint the disordered part(s) of the
body and then counteract these signs and symptoms with medications, surgery, or other
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A Lifelong Learner Must Be Highly Motivated
The undеrlying prеcept of lifelоng learning is that lеаrning is tоо importаnt to be left tо schools and
univеrsities, and that the rеsponsibilitу for lеаrning thrоughout lifе and from life liеs with individuаls.
In this sеnse lifelong learning is sustаinаblе lеаrning in that it rеliеs оn self directed individual
initiаtives rаthеr that hаnding down of knowledge frоm еxperts or a centrаl аuthоrity (
A lifelong learner must be highly motivated to engage in the learning process and he has to have the
necessary confidence and skills. According to Knapper and Cropley ( these skills include
the fоllоwing three dimensiоns:
 Pеоple plan and mоnitor their оwn learning;
 Lеаrners engage in sеlf evaluatiоn and rеflectiоn;
 Аssessment fоcuses on fееdback for chаnge and imprоvement.
As stated above, individuals are responsible to set and aссomplish their self mаnaged learning goals.
Ian Cunningham has argued that some form of оverall assessment is necessary for effеctive self
managed learning as it focuses the mind and crеаtes clоsure. To be confident and motivated a lifelong
learner has to monitor and evaluate his own performance and achievements. Self SWOT analysis is an
useful tool that gives the individual the ability to recognise his strengths and weaknesses and it helps
in finding the right direction for change in both personal and professional contexts. This will motivate
people to set higher goals, to strive for continuous improvement of their
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Psychopathology Diagnostic Classification Systems ( Dsm )...
This paper agrees with the statement psychopathology diagnostic classification systems (such as the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) or the International Classification of
Diseases (ICD)) are of little use to health professionals and patients because behaviours are often
misidentified and medicalised . To support this argument, this paper will discuss the most important
four main points that contribute to the subjective judgement of DSM and the limitations in validity,
reliability and utility of DSM: subjectivity of DSM, medicalisation of psychiatric disorders, influence
of pharmaceutical industry and cultural bias. A concern of the DSM is that all diagnostic criteria in
DSM are based on symptoms that are largely subjective and descriptive as DSM does not provide lists
of signs, as criteria for diagnosis (Johnstone, 2008). Such subjectivity of DSM poses a challenge even
for experienced clinicians who use the DSM and ICD criteria and also cause diagnostic unreliability. It
is argued by Johnstone (2008) that psychiatric symptoms without signs cannot be evidence of a
particular condition. The How Mad Are You? video by Liddell Jay (2008) supports the claim that the
subjectivity of DSM criteria creates low reliability and validity for a majority of the patients. In this
video, there were ten volunteers who participated in this study, of which five had a history of
psychiatric disorders and five with no history of psychiatric disorders. A
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  • 2. The Assassination Of Boris Nemtsov It is said that people fear what they don t understand. The unknown has always inspired anxiety in us as a species. Feelings such as that are to be expected, even healthy, to have. If we had no fear, it is quite unlikely that humans would have survived until now. Self preservation is paramount to survival; yet, in the era in which we live it is often used against us. Fearmongering is a device used by advertisers, media, and politicians. Governments such as Russia s use so called politics of fear (emphasis added) as a weapon to maintain control over their people by repressing or removing their adversaries; this is exceptionally evident in the assassination of Putin critic, Boris Nemtsov (Gel man 8). Nemtsov had a career in politics from 1990 ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Psychoanalytic Theory And Psychodynamic Theory Psychoanalytic Theory In this paper, I will discuss the theoretical perspective of psychoanalytic theory and discuss a few of the theorist that helped to shape and expanded upon this theory. I will focus mainly on Sigmund Freud, the founder of the psychodynamic approach and use his theory as the foundation to compare other theorist perspectives. Psychoanalytic theory is based on the belief that the human mind often represses threatening wishes or painful experiences. Repression is believed to place these painful experiences and emotions into the unconscious mind until they resurface. I will discuss the tools that therapists take to help their patients find insight into their repressed feeling and I will discuss the approaches therapist ... Show more content on ... For example, consider a newborn baby who is hungry and cries when it needs to be feed, or when it needs to be changed. When a baby wants something, it will cry regardless of the situation and without any consideration for others. This behavior is the result of the id and its desire to have its basic needs meet. As the individuals, basic needs are met and these needs become more of a want than a need, and becomes more of a conscious thought than an unconscious one, the ego begins to form. The ego is the rational, pragmatic part of our personality ( Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality Boundless Open Textbook , 2016) and functions according to the reality principle. The reality principle is the ability of the mind to be able to assess the realities of the world and act upon it in an appropriate way. The ego acts as a mediator and will make compromises to keep the id happy; in a realistic way. The ego has no concept of right or wrong; something is good simply if it achieves its end of satisfying without causing harm to itself or to the id (McLeod, 1970). As the ego struggles to keep the id happy and encounters obstacles, it keeps a record of those obstacles and the objects that have assisted in obtaining its goals. This record of things to avoid and strategies to take becomes the superego (Boeree, Sigmund Freud). The superego is believed to be the moral part ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Archbishop Lefebvre s Open Letter To Confused Catholics DECREE ON ECUMENISM: UNITATIS REDINTEGRATIO Thesis: The Sacred Council ... [presenting an understanding of]...its teaching on the Church, and now, moved by a desire for the restoration of unity among all the followers of Christ, it wishes to set before all Catholics the ways and means by which they too can respond to this grace and to this divine call. Misinterpreted teaching In chapter ten of Archbishop Lefebvre s Open Letter to Confused Catholics he indicates that ecumenism is understood as a movement by which the various churches of the world will be brought together to form one Church. He understands the movement to consist of false charity attempting to wed truth and error. This can only occur through adopting error and casting aside ... Show more content on ... For the Lord laid down His life to give new life to the...human race and unify it so that they all may be one even as He is one with the Father. Based on the next sentence in the same article it is clear that the unity spoken of is a sharing in the divine nature via the Eucharist. It is this unity that the baptized are born into, for there is one Body, and one Spirit dwelling within. The power for humanity to share in the Divine Nature was entrusted, by Christ, to the College of the Twelve , with Peter, the rock on whom the Church is built, who possesses the keys of the Kingdom, whom Christ entrusted the sheep to be confirmed in faith and sheppard in perfect unity. The Lord entrusted the one Church to them to teach, govern, and sanctify the family of God in fraternal harmony. The Decree expressly makes clear that the Church is God s only flock. For it is only in full communion with teh CHurch that one can have full communion with the Trinity, the source of the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Humpback Whale Communication Whales are highly intelligent creatures and possess many human like qualities such as the ability to teach, learn, cooperate, and grieve. They communicate using echolocation, by which sounds are able to travel for miles as the sound waves propagate in the water (Whale Communication and Vocalizations, 2015). The sounds will echo back to the whale that sends them and this form of communication can travel at a speed of one mile per second. Different species of whales take on various forms of communication as is evident by the humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae, who communicate by singing. Both male and female humpback whales vocalize, but only the males produce the characteristically loud and complex song with distinct themes and melodies ... Show more content on ... The communication between humpback whales of different regions is shown by a pattern of horizontal transmission of multiple song types in an unidirectional pattern eastward through the populations in the western and South Pacific over an 11 year period displays (Murray et al., 2012). Most song types were first documented in the eastern Australian population and spread to New Caledonia and Tonga, and then on to American Samoa, the Cook Islands, and finally to French Polynesia (Garland et al., 2011). This example of cultural transmission of behavior was replicated in multiple populations in a vast geographic region and the level and rate of change of this cultural transmission is unparalleled by any other nonhuman animal (Murray et al., 2012). The vocal linkage between the Indian and South Pacific Ocean basins raises the question of how far a single song type can be horizontally transmitted and how adaptive humpback whales are to change in their habitat (Southern Indian ocean humpback whales found singing different tunes, 2015). Investigating the underlying mechanisms of song evolution may allow insights into the transmission of cultural traits and the evolution of culture and behavior in humpback ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Musculoskeletal Disorders In Higher Education The personal computer revolution has drasticallyaltered work system in offices and universities. This multi computing device has now become an inevitable part of any VDT workstation. The ever growing use of computer workstations in universities is fourfold (1)instructional (2) administrative (3) research and (4) study purpose. In universities, computers are being used for preparing lectures, presenting to the class, accessing and analyzing numerous data available online, maintaining database of students, employees and professors, making communication in the form of e mails or chat, browsing the Internet for necessary information and to introduce oneself with the reality and veracity of the global job market to have the competitive edge over ... Show more content on ... Annual report on WMSD by United States Department of Labor in 2014 revealed that WMSD incidents cost about $20 billion in the year 2013 as direct cost and five times to that amount as indirect cost (OSHA, 2014). All these statistics are alarming and signifies the necessity of assessment of design of computer workstations and the work postures of users to draw out the root causes of growing number of cases of WMSDs.It has become a priority to prevent work related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) in many countries (da Costa and Vieira, ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Reflective Essay On The Bluest Eye In our modern day world you should not be so ignorant to believe that racism is not prevalent although some may you experience it. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison truly hits home in conveying this message. Morrison did not communicate this through an adult character no, but through a child, a young and innocent child. In my opinion, this was brilliantly done in that bringing a child into situations like Pecola s case it highlights the sheer horror of prejudice and rape. With Pecola s graphic invocation of the craving and loneliness at the heart of her desire, and the tragedy of her satisfied wish, The Bluest Eye is sure to be one of the most affective, powerful, and impactful novels of all the American novels. Morrison s repetition of the ... Show more content on ... I think this ties back into that fact that everyone is subjected to the turmoil that comes with societal pressure. Each point of view is different to put the reader in that characters shoes. It gave me a sense as to why some of the characters were the way they were. I am also disappointed to say I may be the fault in society. The fact that I clung onto the reason that Cholly had a rough life and that is why he committed the crimes he did leads me to further realize how fragile and naive the human mind can be. I found comfort in clinging onto that so it would be less of a burden on me while reading. I think it s a natural fault to cling onto whatever you can to lessen the blow of uncomfortable situations and this novel definitely put me in that awkward position. Personally, I would and already have recommended this novel to anyone who enjoys a book that makes them think and question everything. I will continue to read more novels written by Toni Morrison to have certain connection and to maybe further understand her books. This tragic story of a young girl trying to be loved has and will continue to touch the hearts of those that read ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Essay on Theorising Heterosexism for Social Work Education In the United States and many other countries throughout the world, societal structures have been created to place some in a position of power and others into oppressed positions. These systems often remain unchallenged and force the oppressed into silence for fear of becoming outcasts. These systems affect everyone and can even go as far as making the oppressed internally believe that they are supposed to stay in their second class state. One of these many systems is heterosexism. This paper will cover what heterosexism is, the effects of heterosexism, how heterosexism relates to other forms of oppression, and what can be done to stop heterosexism from being perpetuated. Julie Fish (2008) defines heterosexism, in her article, as the ... Show more content on ... Fish (2008) states some of these assumptions such as same sex couples cannot provide the appropriate gender role models, same sex parents will raise their children to be gay, and children will be bullied because they have parents who are both of the same gender. Brennan, Craig, and Thompson (2012) state in their study that there is a link between gay and bisexual men s obsession with thinness and muscularity and internalized homophobia. In their study they linked gay and bisexual men to depression, eating disorders, and internalized homophobia. Their experiment was based around the theory that people adopt certain characteristics to have access to privileges in a society and be accepted by the dominant group. Brennan et al. s (2012) results showed that of the men who showed higher levels of internalized homophobia they also exhibited higher drives for muscularity. This relates to heterosexism because gay and bisexual men are not considered the norm. This is why many gay and bisexual men have this obsession over being thin and muscular, partly because of internalized homophobia. This stems from an overcompensation act to try and be more masculine in an attempt to balance out their sexual orientation. It relates back to the idea of acceptance. They are consciously or unconsciously rationalizing that this will make them more accepted whether it is true or not. Olivia Murray (2011) talks about the need for more ... Get more on ...
  • 9. School Of Athens Raphael Analysis Raffaello Sanzio, better known as Raphael, painted a breathtaking piece of work named The School of Athens. In this painting there are multiple elements of art and principles of design that make the painting come to life. Most of these elements and principles go unnoticed by the untrained eye. Little do most people know about what actually makes this masterpiece so intriguing. The elements of art and principles of design were necessary in order to depict Raphael s image of what he thought the school of Athens looked like. Color is an element of art that is very important to his work of art. The colors in his piece include different shades of brown, red, orange, green, white, and a tiny bit of yellow. The different textures in the ... Show more content on ... The implied lines appear where the light hits the figures and objects in the painting the hardest, where as the strong lines appear more often in the shadows of the painting and the foreground of the piece. The shapes created by these lines are both organic and architectural. The organic lines create the images of the people and some of the sculptures in Raphael s painting. The architectural lines make up the formation of the arches and steps in his piece. In Raphael s painting, there are Athenians on the steps and at the bottom of the steps, which creates the foreground, Athenians at the top of the steps and an arch create the middle ground, and the other two arches create the middle ground. The value created in Raphael s work is very recognizable. The scale of value ranges between a seven and eight if it was being judged on a scale from one, being the lightest, and ten, being the darkest. The value and color start to disappear the closer figures get to the background, which creates an atmospheric perspective. The composition of the painting is placed to where the viewer s eyes move to the center of the painting. This composition was created by one point perspective. The arch in which the painting ... Get more on ...
  • 10. A Decentralized Platform That Runs Smart Contracts Essay Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts [...] on a custom built blockchain ( This platform allows for interested parties to use the blockchain in a way which helps move value, represent ownership of property and store registries of debt all without having a third party intercede and even allows for automation of the transfer of funds as defined in contracts ( Ethereum s cryptocurrency are the DigixDAO and Augur. Ethereum was first introduced by, the nineteen year old Canadian,Vitalik Buterin on August 2014 however after getting hacked the developers decided to create Ethereum Classic (Blockgeek, What is Cryptocurrency ). Rippleworks with banks to transform how they send money around the world ( Ripple s technology allows banks to send money fast, on demand, at a low cost and there is no payment size restriction. Ripple is the least popular among the cryptocurrency industry as they are consider to be a network that processes debts as oppose to real cryptocurrency. Additionally, the company that manages Ripple distributes their cryptocurrency token, XRP, at will which defies the purpose for an algorithm that creates a code for the creation of cryptocurrencies (Blockgeeks, What is Cryptocurrency ). Litecoin is a decentralized currency created on October 2011 ( currency is considered to be the silver standard to the digital currency as one of the first cryptocurrencies to model after Bitcoin. ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Disadvantages Of Development Development is a broad concept that includes social, economic, political and human aspects. Human development consists of the foundation on which the first three aspects .According to Burkey (1993: 38), economic and political development should be translated into social development. As development is a broad concept, it has been extensively explored with a view to realize that economic growth and social development. However, the emphasis moved from industrial and economic development as the factors that determine societal transformations. Economic growth may bring material gain to the people, but development is about enrichment of the lives of the people in the society Edwards (1993:80) this means that development is much more important to a country than economic growth only because when people are not empowered and developed it takes us back to the theory of development which explains that empowerment and ... Show more content on ... In addition, the policies have been criticized in terms of their effectiveness in meeting the narrow objectives set by the IMF. Under half those accepting IMF loans achieve their balance of payments and inflation objectives, and only one fifth achieve their growth targets, Hodd (1987:336) This assessment of the financial institutions shows that they do assist in Africa with their balance of payments at that time but in the long run it causes debts for the African states as they will have to pay the loan bank with interest. When the loan is paid with interest, it draws back the states and this means that they will be focusing on paying the IMF loan instead of developing their countries and the problem is that the payment period for this loan is very short which puts pressure for the states to pay back the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Production Flow Process Of PT Adaro Indonesia 1. INTRODUCTION PT Adaro Indonesia is one of the largest coal mining companies in Indonesia. Since those early days, the Tabalong mine has grown to be the southern hemisphere s largest single mine site, and production has grown from an initial 1 million tons in 1992, with some years recording extraordinary growth. In 2006, for example, Adaro Indonesia increased production by more than 28% from the previous year to 34.4 million tons. And it has product called Envirocoal to be marketed in the world. This is a sub bituminous coal that has low levels of pollutants, including low levels of ash, sulfur, and nitrogen And it has a reputation as one of the environmentally coal, as well as solid fuel at the most cost effective. Coal is produced from three mining pits (Tutupan, Paringin and Wara) located in South Kalimantan. And it distributed to customers by road and river routes (fig.1). This requires a good coal chain system [1]. One of it is rom to port operations using a double vessel trailer (fig.2). ... Show more content on ... Very interesting to handle that is not as easy, because in rom to port operations has several internal restrictions ... Get more on ...
  • 13. King Lear And Ginny Analysis In contrast to Shakespeare, Smiley allows a feminine standpoint offering a more positive outlook on Rose and Ginny. In spite of the sinister image portrayed of Regan and Goneril in King Lear, Rose and Ginny are found to be respectable daughters who instead of taking advantage of their father, only offered their care and love for him. Ginny, the protagonist is seen to be submissive to the male figures in her life, her father Larry and her husband Ty. Ginny takes on the role of a motherly and loving character who not only takes care of her father and husband but also cares for her sisters Rose and Coraline. When Larry gets into a car crash due to drinking and driving instead of leaving him stranded due to his very careless and stupid chose, Ginny and Rose are by his side and care for him even more for him during his healing process. ... Show more content on ... Rose or I will give you breakfast at the regular time from now on, and you can just go out and work afterwards (Smiley, 159). It took a lot from her submissive personality to warn her father like this however, she did it through the love she has for him. Ginny tolerates Larry s insolent behaviour and ever since their mother s death, both Ginny and Rose make him breakfast every morning and obeyed the demands made by their father. Rose sarcastically tells Ginny, You re such a good daughter, so slow to judge, it s like stupidity (Smiley, 162). Rose s statement proves the type of person Ginny is selfless and nurturing. As the novel goes on, readers come to learn that Ginny takes on the needs of others before her own, she does not see this as a burden but a sees it as a contribution to the survival of her family ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Jack And Ralph Relationship In Lord Of The Flies The Lord of the Flies is a novel about two dozen boys who are stranded on a deserted island during World War II. In The Lord of the Flies, Ralph and Jack s relationship directly affects tribal decisions and development. Jack and Ralph s differences in opinion, development of savagery, competitive mind set and fight for power cause difficulty within the tribe. Jack and Ralph s negative relationship develops there differences in opinion. Jack doesn t take it serious that his pig hunters are not contributing to building the forts. We want meat. Well, we haven t got any yet. And we need shelters. (Golding 51). Jack does not understand the importance of having the shelters built as much as Ralph does. Likewise, Jack neglects the fire in order to go on a pig hunt. This causes a ship to not notice and to bypass the island. There was a ship. Out there you said you d keep the fire going and you let it out! (Golding 70). Jack doesn t see the importance in the rescue fire and neglects the job he was given by Ralph. Ralph makes the rule that the only fire allowed, is the one on top of the mountain. (Golding 81). This insures that the hunters keep the fire going because they will need it to cook pigs. Ralph does not see the importance of catching pigs as Jack does and only sees the importance of their rescue. In conclusion, Jack and Ralph neglect one another s priorities, leading the development of a negative relationship. As the boys spend more time on the island, they lose ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Prophet Muhammad Was A Great Woman Zainab bint Muhammad was a great woman. She was the eldest daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Khadija (rah). She was born 599AD. Her story begins in Makkah when one day her cousin, Abu al As ibn al Rabi, ask her head in marriage. The prophet asked Zaynab if she wanted to marry him, and she blushed out of bashfulness and smiled. They had two children named Ali (died during childhood) and Umma. One day when, Abu al As ibn al Rabi returned to Makkah from a trip, Zainab announced that her father had become the prophet of Islam and that she and most her family had be come Muslims. The quraysh told Abu al As ibn al Rabi to divorce Zainab and that they would bring him a better woman. He refused and stayed with Zainab, but he refused to ... Show more content on ... During the immigration Zainab got permission from her father to stay with her husband in Makkah. That s when tragedy struck. Since Zainab s husband was not Muslim, he was going to fight in the battle of Badr against the Muslims. That meant that he would have to fight her father. She was very scared. She feared for her husband and her father. She prayed saying O Allah, I fear one day the sun may rise and my children become orphans or I lose my father . So the battle started, and ended in victory for the Muslims. In the end the Muslims won and Abu al As ibn al Rabi was captured. When this news reached Makkah, Zainab was over come with relief and thanked Allah that her father was all right and that the Muslims had won. There was a problem though. Her husband was captured. She did not have much so she gave her necklace as a payment. When the prophet was checking the payments and releasing captives, he saw Zainab s necklace. He began to sob because it was Khadija s necklace and he had loved her dearly. He released Abu al As ibn al Rabi for the time being and told him to give the necklace to Zainab and tell her to never give it away. Then the prophet created a rule. A Muslim woman cannot be married to a disbeliver. Therefore, when Abu al As ibn al Rabi came back to Makkah he told Zainab that she had to go and stay with her father in Madina and leave him. She asked him for millionth time if he would become Muslim and stay with ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Energy Policy Module Handbook 2013 Programme: University of Plymouth BSc Oil and Gas Management Module Title: International Energy Policy Level: 5 Credits: 15 Delivery Period: February May 2013 Total Study Time: 150 hours, comprising 40 classroom hours and 110 hours of personal study. |Module Leader: |Dr Cassandra Martinez King | |Module Leader s Contact Hours: |Please refer to the timetable | |Module Leader s Phone number: | ... Show more content on ... Cognitive/intellectual skills: ability to synthesise information and analyse issues affecting oil and gas policies across the world. Key/Transferable skills: demonstrate the ability to manage a range of information affecting world energy problems and sources of proffered solutions to those issues elicited. Practical skills: ability to operate in situation of varying complexity which entails the use of a variety of techniques and methodologies. 4. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures and tutorials will provide a solid foundation for learning but you are expected to participate in private study and reading of your own without being directed explicitly. You should read the required reading material at your own pace but be aware that extra reading may be issued to you during the semester. You are also expected to find your own additional reading material, particularly for the purposes of the assignment. The weekly sessions will provide academic and practice based information. Tutorial Questions will be given to the students in the lectures and/or at the end of each lecture. During tutorials students will be expected to present, discuss and critically evaluate all aspects of the topic in question. An active, participatory approach is expected. As a general guide, a formal lecture will present a particular theme each week ... Get more on ...
  • 17. International Monetary Fund ( Imf ), World Trade... Belgium, Dominican Republic, and Israel are members of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Trade Organization (WTO) and World Bank. These organizations in their own right are trying to improve the economy by facilitating internationals trading (IMF) , reducing poverty around the world (IMF), ensuring that trading flows smoothly and freely (WTO) and providing financial advice to assist in economic advancement (World Bank). Countries that are members of the IMF, WTO and World Bank, in my opinion believe that working together , following the organizations guidelines, can improve the economy. Belgium works with other international and regional organizations, to encourage economic cooperation and assistance to developing countries. Belgium is a key provider of humanitarian, reconstruction, and development assistance in Africa, Afghanistan, and Syria. Belgium is also the host country of the European Union (EU) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and plays an important role in discussions between European foreign ministers and the Secretary of State. Dominican Republic, along with the United States as well as other Central American countries are part of the Dominican Republic Central America United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA DR). This agreement creates economic opportunities by eliminating tariffs, opening markets and reducing barriers. It facilitates trade and investment among these countries and furthers regional integration. Israel and the ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Career Progression Being able to achieve an important aspect in life can be transitioning, gratifying, and most importantly, memorable. Before beginning to decide where to start in life, an accomplishment or event that I achieved is relative to the start of a puzzle. In a sense, this is the root of a career or goal for the future. As for a career choice, becoming a computer hardware engineer occurred because of a successful attempt of working a computer at a very young age. As a child, I have always found computers to be both intriguing and fascinating because of their functionality to handle everyday situations. When my father bought his first computer, he was appreciative of possessing his own despite its appearance and functionality. The first computer my ... Show more content on ... Compared to the other students, I excelled in many fields such as typing, computer programming, and digital arts. From that accomplishing moment, I decided that my dream was to become a computer hardware engineer and construct or design computers for future generations. When I was in second grade, my family had to make a decision that would affect me mentally as I had to change homes. Although I still went to the same elementary school, the travel time between the new house and the old was twice as long and because of that, I had to transfer to another school. At the new school I transferred to, there were not as many computer courses to take and because of this, I did not have the time to continue taking computer courses outside of school, as I was busy with schoolwork. The following year, I slightly began to lose interest in the computer field, as I no longer had any computer classes to take at school. However, since there were no computer classes to take, my father purchased my very first computer. Upon receiving it, I was without words and began to use the computer for two years by playing games, paint, and many more. Although it the computer operated on Windows rather than Mac, I was still familiar with the format as I never saw a difference between the two at a young ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Global governance institutions, from the International... Global governance institutions, from the International Monetary Fund to the World Trade Organization, are little loved. They are often perceived as bastions of sclerotic mediocrity at best and outright corruption at worst. In the wake of the 2008 financial crash, Daniel W. Drezner, like so many others, observed the smoking ruins of the global economy and wondered the extent to which global governance institutions have affected the post recession, international system. In The System Worked, Drezner contends that despite the massive scale and reverberations of this latest crisis (larger, as he argues, than those that precipitated the Great Depression), the global economy has bounced back remarkably well. Examining the major resuscitation ... Show more content on ... Conceptually, Denzer appears to conflate the phases of violence, discrediting the belief that violence transpires through stages. In a Denzerian world, the international system is bifurcated between violence and nonviolence. In his assessment of financial resilience through public sentiments, Denzer s overinvestment in evidence that measures peace through actual violence versus potential violence discredits various disputes that have escalated diplomatically, but have yet to turn violent. Denzer supposes that all liberalizing change must involve varying degrees of violence, ipso facto breaching a threshold of peace. Denzer profoundly overlooks the generally peaceful regime changes in Egypt and Tunisia, which, like so many others, were predominantly led by civil disobedience, civil resistance, and online activism, rarely intensifying into violent demonstrations. Denzer s assessment also misses cold or still conflicts, whose underlying causes and historic underpinnings have surfaced amid the ever competitive, protectionist nature following Great Recession. Take for example China and Japan s diplomatic clash over the contested Senkaku Islands. For four decades, Chinese and Japanese grievances have been reshaped in light of new regional expectations and financial conditions. In Japan s case, the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Grapes Of Wrath At the heart of every immigrant s experience is a dream a vision of hope that is embodied in his or her destination (Gladstein, p. 685). In the novel, The Grapes of Wrath, it is portrayed that the migrant s thoughts of an American Dream is/was a simple and straightforward notion: go west (California), get employment and become rich. Little did they that know that an ideal and perfect life was difficult to accomplish and it corrupted the minds of those pursuing it. The author, John Steinberg, placed a lot of emphasis on the unachievable nature of the American Dream regarding economic stability in the novel through the cross country migration of the Joads, their continuous and unpredictable changes in employment and eventually, their failure to find the success they so desired in California (Aghosh, Allentown, PA). The novel, The Grapes of Wrath, is an ... Show more content on ... The Joads were going down something of a tricky intense street a way of escape from misery to an uncertain Californian deliverance (Spangler). It can be reasoned that when the one and only option is putting the family on the road to a foreign place, problems arise (Spangler) and the Joads faced many problems. Connie, among his relatives, chose to accept reality rather than to live in a fantasy pursuing the American Dream. For instance, Connie strikes out all alone... he then forsakes the Joads adamant quest for ranch work for the open doors in the city (Bloom, p. 18). Connie understood that pursuing the American Dream was an exercise in vainness and although he ran far from the matters of money related uncertainty by leaving his significant other and child, he was essentially doing what was reasonable and rather taken after a future that would best suit him. While the Joads were on an endless excursion in search of the American Dream, they didn t discover any jobs that suited their trust of a money related way of ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Nominating Committee Candidates Fast fact sheets intend to deliver a high level overview of a given content area and provide important information or answers to the most frequently asked questions. Please utilize these sheets to maintain consistency in language, responses to questions, and guidance to the district constituencies. Q: Where is the process for nominations listed? A: The Nominating Committee Chairman Leadership Guide can be found by logging into, and navigating to More Resources Chapter President. This resource provides a step by step outline for the 6 week nomination and election process. The chapter President and Nominating Committee Chairman should also consult Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity Bylaws, Article XII., Section 6 and Robert s ... Show more content on ... Use a calm tone of voice and take care to listen to the member s concerns. Address her emotions first and then address the facts at hand. You may have to remind your sister that the discussions of the Nominating Committee are confidential. You may need to refer your sister to your adviser for further discussion. Q: When does Leadership Day take place? A: Leadership Day is held after elections and before installation of officers, usually during week two through four of the Chapter Strategic Plan. Leadership Day is the optimal format. However, training can be broken into three smaller modules presented at a joint Chapter Council. Q: Who attends Leadership Day? A: Outgoing Chapter Council, incoming Chapter Council and the Advisory Board. Optional: Fraternity visitors, Every Member Education Trainers or Greek adviser visitors. Q: What should Leadership Day look like? A: You can find the Sample Leadership Day Agenda by logging into, and navigating to More Resources Chapter VP Organization. Your training should include the following: Team Building Activities Importance of Communication Triplet ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Weena Revealed In The Time Traveler I Was Surprised that the Time Traveller just left because you figure he would go looking for Weena. He Said that he would bring Weena back with him to their time and yet he just left. It was weird he just left for the time machine before he even thought about going after Weena and bringing her back like he said he would. I Want to find out if Weena is really dead or not. I mean it never actually mentions he finds her but still what if she still in the forest. I mean she can t be dead right? If she is one of the main characters of the story it would be weird to have her die when you just met her not that long ago. I thought at the end of chapter 10 was a trap and it was. I was surprised I was correct though because it could have been any thing ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Virginia Tech Shooting On April 16, 2007, one of the most tragic incidents in the United States occurred on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia. Seung Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech ruthlessly murdered 32 people and wounded 17 others through the usage of firearms in two separate attacks. This incident is considered the deadliest shooting incident by a single gunman in the history of America. While people still mourn and pray for the victims, this shooting also led to many controversies. Till this day, Cho s access to firearm and Virginia Tech s security hazard remains to be controversial. The motive and cause of Cho s action and what the school could have done in order to prevent this tragic incident will be addressed. The incident occurred on Monday, April 16th 2007. Seung Hui Cho was a 23 years old senior at Virginia Tech. He was born in South Korea and moved to America during his early childhood years. The shooting took in the form of two separate attacks on the campus. Cho was armed with a 9 millimeter handgun, a 22 caliber handgun and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. The first one took place at 7:15 in the morning, which he shot two people in a dorm. During the gap between the first attack and the second attack, Cho mailed a clip of video that contains rantings about wealthy brat and other topics and pictures of him wielding guns to NBC news. He then started his second attack. Cho chained and locked several main doors of an ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Effects Of The Financial Crisis Of Deutsche Bank s... 7. Effects of the financial crisis Deutsche bank s involvement with collateralized debt obligations and residential mortgage backed securities contributed greatly to the housing bubble that burst in 2008 thus helping launch the great recession. Even though the residential mortgage backed securities were only trading in the United States our local economy here is extremely influential all over the world because of globalization, and the interrelations of the world s economy. The recession created here by the housing bubble bursting helped to create a global recession. 8. Regulation Most financial institutions do not hold themselves accountable. However, they do fall under the regulation of governing bodies. In the United States we have the US securities and exchange commission (SEC) that regulates trading of commodities and securities that are exchanged on an open market. In April 2010 the SEC proposed revisions to the application of asset backed securities (CDO and RMBS). A few of the most important implementations are that the issuer is required to file on the SEC website a computer program that provides investors with a tool to analyze information about specific loans within the pool of assets. This computer program would show the effect of the so called waterfall so investors can analyze how the borrowers loan payments are distributed to investors in the ABS, how losses or lack of payment on those loans will be divided among the investors, and when administrative ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Comparing The Yellow Wallpaper And The Story Of An Hour During the period that the two short stories, The Yellow Wallpaper and The Story of an Hour, were originally written and published countless females had no freedom and were confined due to male dominance and a lack of feminine freedom. The two authors are Charlotte Gilman Perkins, who wrote The Yellow Wallpaper and Kate Chopin, who wrote Story of an Hour, they have numerous similarities that can be compared but also have difference throughout their writings. Within theses two short stories, both authors express their growing troubles of feminine freedom and male dominance. The main female characters of both stories express a desire to be free from different components that include males being the dominant figure over women. In the ... Show more content on ... Within The Yellow Wallpaper the author says, I sometimes fancy that in my condition if I had less opposition and more society and stimulus but John says the very worst thing I can do is think about my condition... (648). This has relevance because it expressed the narrators want for freedom but she is repressed and her husband tells her what she can and cannot do. She cannot help but feel the way she does, and so the move she makes at the end, focusing on the house instead of her situation, marks the beginning of her slide into obsession and madness due to her husband trying to completely control her life. The narrator does everything that she can take her mind off of being trapped in the room by herself all day. One of the main thematic components that changes throughout the story is how she occupies herself, So I will let it alone and talk about the house (648). She tried to pass it off as she does nothing but talk about the house, but what actually made her go insane is believed to be the way that she watched the wallpaper, Life is very much more exciting now than it used to be. You see I have something more to expect, to look forward to, to watch. I really do eat better, and am more quiet than I was (653). This is arguably the moment in the story at which the narrator has truly lost her sanity; this is due to the fact of her being suppressed from intellect and creativity as a ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Monte Cassino Battle The attack on Monte Cassino was a bloody affair and one that was dubbed the Stalingrad of the Italian front. The battle saw a plethora of high explosives exchanged between the Allied and Axis forces of World War Two. Polish forces had one unlikely war hero on their side, a Syrian brown bear named Wojtek, which translates in Slavik to, he who loves war . He was essential in moving ammunition for the Polish 22nd Artillery Supply Company during the Battle of Monte Cassino, which allowed them to continue to bombard Axis forces within the city while boosting the morale of friendly forces engaged in the deadly battle. This essay will continue to address the history and outcome of the Battle of Monte Cassino, the evolution and contribution provided ... Show more content on ... Today s military still utilizes the attack and defensive techniques presented in this battle by the Allied and Axis forces. It is also important to take away the role that Wojtek played, and how a simple solution to a difficult problem can vastly change the tactics, techniques and procedures of a military force in future operations. One of the most valuable tools to understand is how to use and implement the lessons learned process to improve and dominate future military operations. As the fires community moves forward it should continue to understand the role that it plays to shape offensive and defensive operations, either in a standalone method or as part of a joint attack to control the ground force commander s ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Ethics Of Compassion Essay Ethics of compassion To help explain the ethics of compassion I will be using reference from the Dalia Lama s book Ethics for the New Millennium, more specifically chapter ten; The Need for Discernment, and chapter 5 The Supreme Emotion. I will also refer to Touching Peace, and the five mindfulness trainings. The Dalia Lama had so many strong points it was hard to find any criticisms in his philosophies. One thing that concerned me was how he recognizes people who kill and torture for pleasure. The other point he made that came across as weaker to me or somewhat questionable is that we are to question whether our motive is genuinely compassionate when considered in relation to the totality of all beings. As for the strong points keeping ... Show more content on ... The Dalai Lama felt this to be entirely appropriate, and very necessary, In that it shows two sides of human potential. I agree with him on this completely and I think the fact they made this memorial like this makes it more than just a memorial, it is also art. The Dalia Lama wants us to understand that the existence of negative potential does not give us grounds to suppose that human nature is inherently violent. The next question to think about is, what about those who kill and torture for pleasure? Here he is talking about people like Hilter, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot. In these types of people there is a lacking of the basic impulse toward care and affection for others. There is a commonality between all of them, that their schemes were carried out in accordance to a perverted vision. They all have goals towards which they were working. The Dalia Lama wants us to understand that killers come from a particular society, time and place. Also we should recognize the role of the imaginative faculty in their actions. Although I can understand these things, I think it comes awful close to making excuses for the horrible actions that these people have been in charge of. By the use to which this faculty is put determines whether actions it conceives are positive or negative, ethical or unethical. The individuals motivation in this is known as Kun ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Dropout Age Should Be 18 Dropout Ages Should Be 18 Were you aware that every year, over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States alone? That s a student every 26 seconds or 7,000 a day. Currently, 20 states have ages 18 as a dropout age and 30 have it as 16 and 17. All states that have school dropout ages under 18 should be raised to 18 because dropping out will make them earn less money, become less healthy, and increase the likelihood of going to jail. The first reason why school dropout age should be raised is because it makes them more likely to be in jail. In the article, Staying in School: A Proposal for Raising High School Graduation Rates , it states that school dropout rates have been increasing and have been pushing high schoolers ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Juvenile Court Case Study In the Juvenile Case #1, the client suspected of burglarizing and murdering the elderly lady should be tried in a Juvenile Court rather Adult court which would be in the best interest of the child. To begin with, the client has no juvenile delinquent record and had minimal behavioral issues in the Juvenile Hall, which aids to their side since they have a clean history and this is the first record of criminal behavior. With this in mind, it is plausible for the minor to change to become a better civilian through rehabilitation which is made possible by the Juvenile court. The client has proved their ability to improve themselves by earning a high school diploma and attending voluntary treatment programs which shows the success of the juvenile ... Show more content on ... The suspect was only 14 years old when placed into custody, where they are young enough to still be considered an adolescent and don t know right from wrong. For a young client that was born addicted to meth and abandoned at birth, they must have a poor mental and emotional state that exists within them. Without having a biological mother or father figure in their life, they lack guidance in identifying what is wrong and what is right and what the consequences of their actions are due to the poor parental supervision they were exposed to while growing up. Alongside, the lack of parental support and supervision while growing up the minor is proven to suffer from psychological disorders such as ADHD, insomnia, and anti social tendencies which affects their mental and emotional health. With the client having no gang ties or association, this greatly increases the likelihood that they will rehabilitate since they carry no ties with other gang members or criminals. Next, the minor did not originally have the intent to stab and murder the elderly lady before entering the home. As the client retrieved a deadly kitchen knife from inside the house, rather than bringing their own weapon shows how this was not a planned premeditated murder. This proves that a rather spontaneous and unpredicted action was committed by the juvenile that could have been triggered by their poor mental and emotional state. In the end, due to the minimal degree of criminal sophistication that exists in the minor they should be initiated under the juvenile court ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Essay on Fiat Chrysler Case Questions 1. According to a major economics consulting firms, Fiat`s ¨South American operations are the jewel in the Italian company`s global operations¨. Fiat has plants in Brazil and Argentina, and Brazil is the biggest market, well ahead of its home country market. In 2011, with the Chrysler venture taking up more and more of the firm`s attention and as European sales suffered a steep decline rumors began to circulate that Marchionne might move Fiat headquarters from Italy to the United States. Discuss Fiat´s takeover of Chrysler as part of strategy to transform itself from international business into a multinational or global business 2. What benefit does fiat hope to gain from its arrangement with Chrysler what potential ... Show more content on ... We found innovation, cost reduction and market conditions as key elements supporting a successful internal strategy and strategic alliance and diversification to be among the most widely applied strategies for a foreign market penetration and development, while fusions and licenses were the least preferred. Conclusion: Lots and lots of question marks. It all depends on how it goes. If Fiat can pacify Chrysler, if the integration of Fiat Chrysler works, if Americans really buy smaller engine cars, if the new platforms prove successful, if they keep their position in Brazil and manage to break into Russia and China, if Europe recovers. However, there are good, solid reasons for hope of a better future. Dark clouds abound, but here and there, there are rays of sunshine. They are well positioned in some key markets. They ve established a foothold in North America. They have a big presence and are a player in markets all over the world (except Asia). The cars are more reliable than ever before, yet still manage to be engaging and more fun than some of the competition and most owners are satisfied. Their new engines are renowned and studied and copied by other makers as they really do point a way into an ever more frugal future. However, do they have the capacity to overcome the difficulties? You can ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Body s Central Nervous System Essay Research: The Brain The brain is known as a spongy organ made up of nerve and supportive tissues. It is located on top of the head and protected by the skull. Beneath, the brain is linked/connected to the spinal cord whereby they re considered to be the major control network for the body s functions and abilities to do work. Both the brain and spinal cord comprises the body s Central Nervous System (CNS) and empowers conscious communication with the body and also helps perform vital operations such as breathing, releasing hormones, and maintaining blood pressure. The Central Nervous System (CNS) works along with the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS). According to the Canadian Cancer Society, PNS is made up of nerves that branch out from the spinal cord to relay messages from the brain to different parts of the body. In summary, both CNS and PNS enable a person to talk, walk, and do lots of creative/physical activities. The brain collects and interprets nerve signals from the entire body and also responds based on information being collected from the person itself. There are so many complexity in which many parts of the brain controls how we feel/emotional needs, our speech, movement, body temperature, self awareness, and many more. In depth, the brain is divided into several sections/groups. Sections include the Cerebrum, Cerebellum, brainstem, and the diencephalon. The cerebrum is considered to be the largest part of the brain. Split in two parts called the left and ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Theme Of Knowledge In Seed By Lisa Heathfield Seed, a book by Lisa Heathfield, applies the idea that knowledge is power, but ignorance is bliss through the character development of Pearl, the depth of settings and ambiguity. Seed s narrative quality explores that knowledge does not always make one influential, however, not acquiring knowledge is a relieving sensation. The development of Pearl was highlighted through the narration of the book, explicitly describing how she felt when Ellis would express his conflicting opinions on Papa S s practices. The narrative of Pearl conveyed her as an innocent character who was unaware of the good from people outside of her cult, named Seed. She preferred not to bother herself with teachings other than what Papa S taught the cult. Nonetheless, her beliefs changed gradually from the appearance of Ellis. He told Pearl about his experiences outside the cult, which signifies the power he could have with his knowledge. Ellis was more educated than the children of the cult, therefore, he would ... Show more content on ... Pearl s encounter with Papa S shows how uncomfortable she is when he laid on the bed with her when she said, Papa S touches my arm. And I hate it. (pg. 236 237) The ambiguity of the scene leads the audience to believe how inappropriate Papa S s actions were. Pearl s point of view during the scene suggested reflection on Ellis s comment about Papa S corrupt behaviour, causing her to flee from Papa S. The knowledge of Papa S actions lead her to doubt his guidance which was unsettling and frightening for Pearl. Her reaction provided perception into how recognising dangerous situations is significant to her survival and improves awareness rather than being oblivious. Although the narrative of Pearl provided vague details on the scene, the reader s mind is encouraged to wander and reflect on what Papa S could have ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Alice Calla Quotes Your cake is good, mumbles Alastair, pushing the remnants of Alice s supposedly tear enhanced cake around on his plate. But so s yours, he says, nodding towards Calla. The two women exchange an exasperated look. Okay, Scott, whaddaya think? Alice asks. Scott chews thoughtfully. Well, they re the exact same cake. But which one tastes better? prods Calla. Neither. At Alice s raised eyebrow obviously something she learned from him he admits, Alice s cake is a bit salty. Yes, that would be because she put tears Margaret makes exaggerated air quotes, in her cake. Saltwater. Calla beams. So my cake is better? Scott pinches his forefinger and thumb together. By about that much. What do you think, Your Highness? Alice ... Show more content on ... Ask Brenna s great great well, very great grandmother. Brenda s very great grandmother? Something seems to dawn on Scott. She was the head cook back then too! And she was the best baker in all the twelve kingdoms! Margaret sighs, and Alice can nearly feel the wave of nostalgia. Yeah, I remember popping into the castle kitchens and stealing her cookies You re not the only one to do that, interjects Alice dryly. Scott But the thing was, those snobby ambassadors from other kingdoms didn t think her baking was up to par. Well, they didn t think anyone in Arhearst had baking skills. So I gave Brianna s super great grandma a vial of saltwater, told her to tell the others in the kitchen that they re a top secret magical ingredient, and let the word spread that her cakes were enhanced by magic. Next thing you know, dignitaries are lining up to have a taste of some Arhearst cake, even though it was the exact same thing the chefs were making before, maybe a bit saltier. Margaret snorts like an agitated horse. It was an experiment in seeing how much you can sway popular opinion of something based on whether it s magical or ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The New Meaning Of Airline Packing The New Meaning to Airline Packing Before 9/11 when Americans boarded an airplane, the only worry that crossed their minds could have been hijackers holding the airplane, the crew, and the passengers for some kind of ransom, or something going wrong with the airplane itself. After 9/11, we are now seeing a new kind of hijacker; terrorists who use the airplanes themselves as weapons against the people they hate. They run the airplanes into buildings to kill as many people they can with one attempt. This paper will take a look at what the government did in the days after 9/11 to put into place a defense against terrorists. From the Aviation and Transportation Act that was passed in November of 2001, Arming Pilots Against Terrorism Act that ... Show more content on ... This act required airlines to use stronger materials in the construction of cock pit doors, heavier locks, and video monitors for pilots to view what is happening in the cabin. Putting in wireless devices for the flight crew to notify the cockpit of any problems. Just weeks after this act was passed by Congress the airline Jet Blue had these requirements in every airplane they own. Putting crew and passengers safety before their profit. This act also gave to the Under Secretary of Transportation the job recruiting, training, and providing weapons for air marshals for each flight. As an elite group, highly trained, the air marshals will set with the passengers and have the advantage of knowing what is going on inside the cabin at all times. Carol Hallett, head of the Airline Transportation Association said The wisest investment in improving security is hiring more air marshals because they are highly trained to provide professional protection. (Renna, 2003) This protection is costing the airlines approximately $3,000 per air marshal, per flight. Requiring two air marshals in each plane. Part of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act gave the Under Secretary of Transportation the job to recruit, train, and air pilots using similar training programs that were used for air marshals. The program for the pilots is done on a volunteer basis program only. In ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Analysis Of William Wordsworth s Macbeth Essay STORY ANALYSIS WORKSHEET The Protagonist: Romney Wordsworth The Protagonist s Chief Want: Wordsworth chief want is to reveal to the chancellor that every human being has purpose, worth, and a voice. The value of one s life is not simply based on his or her conformity to the various edicts set forth by the State. In order to achieve his chief want, Romney is willing to sacrifice his own life. At the end of the story, Romney relinquishes his life and the chancellor escapes. After Romney s death, it seems as though the chancellor learned nothing from his near death experience in Wordsworth room; yet, upon being pronounced obsolete , the chancellor desperately screams in anguish that his life contains purpose and worth. Thus, Wordsworth fulfilled his chief want through his life and death. The Inciting Incident: The inciting incident begins when the chancellor finds Wordsworth guilty of being an obsolete man. Wordsworth understands that merely arguing his position will yield unfruitful results; rather, he will only convince the chancellor through his actions. Antagonists: Antagonists: 1. The State believes that individuals, not contributing to the advancement of their perfect society, have no purpose. Declaring Romney Wordsworth vocation unneeded in their advanced society, the state, thus, seeks to liquidate him in order to maintain balance and harmony. 2. The Chancellor seeks to maintain order and control within the state. Presiding as the judge at Wordsworth s ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Analysis Of Walter Onth, By Walter Ong Yeast, an article written by Walter Ong in 1990, starts with an explanation of a problem the author believes lies within Catholic institutions. That problem is the challenges the Church faces to be accepting in an ever growing pluralistic world, while also remaining true to it s own values. With situations arising such as non Catholic faculty and students, as well as questions of academic freedom Catholic institutions are found asking themselves where the line is of sharing their own ideas while still remaining flexible and accepting (Ong 1). Ong goes on to explain the etymology of the word catholic in order to prove his future point. He makes the point that although it s common belief that catholic is said to mean universal, or ... Show more content on ... In the same way, the church should build into itself the cultures or mixtures of cultures in which it finds itself (Ong 3). He reaches his final solution about how the relationship between a pluralistic society and a Catholic institution should behave. He explains that this parable can be used in three different areas. First, faith in academic subjects should respect the fact that ideas are constantly changing, and the academics being taught should evolve as ideas change. Secondly, faculty don t have to be Catholic, but they should respect the religion in view of the fact that they teach at a Catholic institution, and therefore should represent the character of the institution. Third, as it pertains to students, the institution should continue to spread its influence through classes, but no student should have it forced upon them. Lastly, he relates it to cosmology in saying that as more abstract ideas come into the world of science, the Catholic church needs to absorb these ideas instead of renouncing them. Overall, Ong summarizes the idea of not only accepting, but celebrating differences that the Catholic community finds itself in (Ong 5 6). The reason I picked this article was because Ong makes the point that a Catholic institution should accept students that aren t Catholic, but still have a responsibility to educate, those willing, about ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Life Of Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol The Victorian Period lasted from 1832 to 1901 under Queen Victoria s reign. The culture revealed in this era was a time of rapid change, social inequality, industrialization, supernatural and religious beliefs, and was accurately reflected in the works of Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol. Roles of men and women were strictly defined, as were economic statuses. The hustle and bustle of the streets led to illnesses. Working conditions were destitute and unsanitary. Children often had little to no education, unless very fortunate. New advancements in technology arose, after the industrialization of the United Kingdom began. As a result of Queen Victoria s reign, a strict division between social classes was defined. The working class ... Show more content on ... The cotton, coal, trade, and ship building industries were booming. Aside from shaping the historical reality of the time, Dickens represented narrative pathways, perspectival frames, and models of behavior that guided his modern society audience towards finding their places in a rapidly changing industrial age(Fiske). He wrote the entertaining novella, A Christmas Carol, as an escape from the world of modernity, into a world of spirituality. Regarding the religious beliefs in the Victorian Period, Victorians were primarily characterized by Christianity. The term Victorian is familiar with social decorums that encompass strong religious customs(Coleman). As a product of industrialization, the traditional British Christmas we know today is not found in the midsts of history(Flanders). Charles Dickens was partially responsible for Victorian England s regained Christmas spirit. He reflected the themes of redemption, family, merriness, and Christmas spirit in his narrative. For example, The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. Oh, Jacob Marley! Heaven and the Christmas Time be praised for this! I say it on my knees, old Jacob, on my knees!, Dickens demonstrated Scrooge s redemption and new found Christmas spirit(Dickens 82). Religion during the Victorian Period had a vast impact on Dickens writing, he wrote stories through his belief in Christianity. In addition to strong religious beliefs, Victorians turned to supernatural ways of reasoning. Due ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Compare And Contrast Western Medicine And Chinese Medicine It is important to grasp that one cannot understand Traditional Chinese Medicine by trying to explain it in Western scientific or medical terms. The ancient Chinese physicians developed a system of medicine that has survived for over three thousand years. Chinese medicine is complete within itself but that it is based on physiological concepts, theories regarding cause of disease, methods of diagnosis, and principles of treatment that are completely different from the western way of viewing the body. One way to understand how two medical systems can view the body differently without one system being right and the other system being wrong is to use the analogy of a map. For example, compare a road map and a topographical map of the city of Waco. Both maps represent the same area, but they do so in very different ways. As long as both maps are based on accurate information, serve as useful tools for their intended purposes, and have been created with self consistent logic, ... Show more content on ... Western medicine is like the road map. Depending on the size and scale of the map, a road map can offer very detailed representation of countries, states, counties, cities, neighborhoods, and even individual buildings. If you were using a map to select the shortest route to an appointment across town, you would choose one with quite a small scale and then you would disregard parts of the map that did not pertain the roads and highways that you plan to use. This is similar to the way that Western medicine views the body as a collection of distinct parts (organs, tissues, cells) that can be taken apart and considered in isolation. Diagnosis and treatment of disease in Western medicine involves using signs, symptoms, and various diagnostic tests to pinpoint the disordered part(s) of the body and then counteract these signs and symptoms with medications, surgery, or other ... Get more on ...
  • 39. A Lifelong Learner Must Be Highly Motivated The undеrlying prеcept of lifelоng learning is that lеаrning is tоо importаnt to be left tо schools and univеrsities, and that the rеsponsibilitу for lеаrning thrоughout lifе and from life liеs with individuаls. In this sеnse lifelong learning is sustаinаblе lеаrning in that it rеliеs оn self directed individual initiаtives rаthеr that hаnding down of knowledge frоm еxperts or a centrаl аuthоrity ( A lifelong learner must be highly motivated to engage in the learning process and he has to have the necessary confidence and skills. According to Knapper and Cropley ( these skills include the fоllоwing three dimensiоns:  Pеоple plan and mоnitor their оwn learning;  Lеаrners engage in sеlf evaluatiоn and rеflectiоn;  Аssessment fоcuses on fееdback for chаnge and imprоvement. As stated above, individuals are responsible to set and aссomplish their self mаnaged learning goals. Ian Cunningham has argued that some form of оverall assessment is necessary for effеctive self managed learning as it focuses the mind and crеаtes clоsure. To be confident and motivated a lifelong learner has to monitor and evaluate his own performance and achievements. Self SWOT analysis is an useful tool that gives the individual the ability to recognise his strengths and weaknesses and it helps in finding the right direction for change in both personal and professional contexts. This will motivate people to set higher goals, to strive for continuous improvement of their ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Psychopathology Diagnostic Classification Systems ( Dsm )... This paper agrees with the statement psychopathology diagnostic classification systems (such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) or the International Classification of Diseases (ICD)) are of little use to health professionals and patients because behaviours are often misidentified and medicalised . To support this argument, this paper will discuss the most important four main points that contribute to the subjective judgement of DSM and the limitations in validity, reliability and utility of DSM: subjectivity of DSM, medicalisation of psychiatric disorders, influence of pharmaceutical industry and cultural bias. A concern of the DSM is that all diagnostic criteria in DSM are based on symptoms that are largely subjective and descriptive as DSM does not provide lists of signs, as criteria for diagnosis (Johnstone, 2008). Such subjectivity of DSM poses a challenge even for experienced clinicians who use the DSM and ICD criteria and also cause diagnostic unreliability. It is argued by Johnstone (2008) that psychiatric symptoms without signs cannot be evidence of a particular condition. The How Mad Are You? video by Liddell Jay (2008) supports the claim that the subjectivity of DSM criteria creates low reliability and validity for a majority of the patients. In this video, there were ten volunteers who participated in this study, of which five had a history of psychiatric disorders and five with no history of psychiatric disorders. A ... Get more on ...