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How To Write A Good Expository Essay
Writing an essay on the topic "How To Write A Good Expository Essay" may initially seem like
a straightforward task, as the subject matter appears self-referential. However, delving into the
intricacies of expository writing can reveal its inherent challenges. Crafting a compelling and
informative expository essay requires a deep understanding of the topic, a clear and organized
structure, and the ability to convey information in a coherent and engaging manner.
One of the difficulties lies in the need for thorough research to gather relevant and credible
information. A good expository essay demands a solid foundation of facts, examples, and
evidence to support the central theme. This research phase can be time-consuming and requires
careful evaluation of sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.
Structuring the essay poses another challenge. An effective expository essay should have a clear
introduction, a well-developed body with logically organized paragraphs, and a concise
conclusion. Achieving a seamless flow between these sections while maintaining coherence and
relevance is a task that demands careful consideration and planning.
Additionally, the writer must strike a balance between providing enough information to support
the thesis and avoiding unnecessary details. Ensuring that the content is accessible to the target
audience without sacrificing depth is a delicate task that requires a keen understanding of the
reader's perspective.
Moreover, mastering the art of transitions is crucial in expository writing. Seamless connections
between ideas and paragraphs help guide the reader through the essay, enhancing comprehension
and overall readability. Struggling with transition words and phrases can hinder the essay's
In conclusion, writing a good expository essay is no easy feat. It involves extensive research,
meticulous planning, and skillful execution in presenting information. Overcoming the challenges
of gathering relevant data, structuring the essay effectively, maintaining a balance between depth
and accessibility, and ensuring smooth transitions all contribute to the complexity of this task.
For those seeking assistance, it's worth considering external help. Services like
offer support for various types of essays, including expository ones. Professional assistance can
provide valuable insights and guidance, making the process of writing such essays more
manageable for those who may find it challenging.
How To Write A Good Expository EssayHow To Write A Good Expository Essay
The Decreasing Value Of Production
The purpose of this section is to analyze the decreasing value of the production in
frequency between the three types of the bigram syntactic sequences and the three
types of the trigram syntactic sequences in order to test Hypothesis 2 which was
proposed for this study. Hypothesis 2 denotes that, in the learner s corpus, as
compared to the reference corpora, the production rate of the articles is lower in the
NPs which have an adjective preceding a noun(Art + Adj + N) than noun phrases
which have no preceding adjective (Art + N),
The procedure of the analysis is to compare per million normalized frequency of
the three types of the bigram syntactic sequences and the three types of the trigram
syntactic sequences within the same group and across different groups. Based on
the results of the raw production frequency of the bigram and trigram syntactic
sequences ( the+N , a+N , and an+N vs. a + N , a + Adj + N , and an + Adj + N ),
the raw production counts were normalized per 1,000,000 for inter language
comparison between the learner corpus and the reference corpus. Then, the
decreasing values between the bigram syntactic sequences and the trigram syntactic
sequences were assessed calculated by dividing the trigram sequence production rate
in the production rate of the bigram sequence.
Table 13. Framework used to evaluate the decreasing value between the two syntactic
sequences Definite article the Indefinite article a Indefinitearticle an
Bigramthe + noun
Porter s Five Forces
Porter s Five Forces
Porter s Five Forces allowed us to analyse the influences on the industry in which
Tesco operates. It highlights where Tesco has developed a competitive edge over its
Potential entrants:
Throughout the recession Tesco has continued to invest into expanding the company
and developing efficiencies, making it as competitive as ever to defend against the
threat of new entrants (Datamonitor, 2010, p. 19).
The threat of a new competitor entering this sector is relatively low, due to the huge
capital investment required to be competitive and establish a brand identity that
stands out.
One of Tescos main advantages is their ability to buy in vast quantities, making them
highly price competitive.
Along with being ... Show more content on ...
Tesco then use this customer data to shape product offerings, create ranges, gain a
better understanding of consumer segments and shopping profiles, help marketing to
build loyalty and develop promotion offerings that suit target groups.
Datamonitor (2010, p.19) reports amp;amp;quot;18% more UK households are
redeeming (Tesco) vouchers than a year ago amp;amp;quot;. Money off vouchers are
a very successful promotion tool during a recession, and thanks to information
retained through the amp;amp;quot;Clubcard amp;amp;quot;, they can be
personalised to suit the needs of individual customers, therefore increasing customer
Large organizations, like Tesco, are in the position of control when it comes to
negotiating with suppliers.
In 2009, Tesco switched to sourcing many products directly from the UK, in an effort
to lower prices in the Republic of Ireland to prevent shoppers heading North due to
the devaluation of sterling against the euro. This allowed them to cut its prices by up
to 22% in the border regions, helping them retain their competitive edge (http:/
/ shows tesco kept switch to uk suppliers
secret 1754805.html).
Closer relationships with the suppliers and significant changes to merchandising
strategy are
Ethiopia s Red Terror
Primary Sources:
Abebe, Belay. Mengistu s Red Terror. Personal interview. 11 Oct. 2016.
The interview with Belay Abebe provided a first person experience of what happened
during the Ethiopian Red Terror. Throughout the interview, Abebe answered
questions that provided insight on how Mengistu took control of the Ethiopian
government, cruel things that Derg did to citizens, and personal encounters with the
party themselves. Abebe stated that the Red Terror originally occurred because Derg
had forcefully switched Ethiopia to a communist state, and in the process of doing so,
they took away land and businesses away from the citizens. Because of this, many of
the Ethiopian citizens started to peaceful protest against the government. Abebe states
... Show more content on ...
The Red Terror was unleashed by the military legislature of Colonel Mengistu Haile
Mariam in the mid 1970s to annihilate the left opposition. Political polarization
prompted extraordinary type of savagery. Without a doubt, the powers included both
as instigators and casualties of the Red Terror have contrasting discernment and
appraisals of the viciousness. Yet, it is critical to set up what happened during the
violence, techniques utilized and the quantity of organizations required in propelling
it. Second, an important examination of the Red Terror ought to likewise arrange the
entire clash in an appropriate historical point of view. This happened at historical
point that Ethiopia was, and still is, going through; from tyrant legislative issues to
democracy as the end of the government offered path to a voyage to the
Latitudinal Gradient of Species Diversity Essay
Latitudinal Gradient of Species Diversity
The latitudinal gradient in species diversity is one of the most striking patterns in the
distribution of organisms on the planet. Simply put, the average number of species
per unit area increases dramatically the closer the area is to the equator, almost
entirely regardless of the type of organism being considered (Pianka, 1994).
Researchers investigating the gradient have formulated a wide variety of hypothesis
explaining the higher level of species diversity in the tropics. These include but are
not limited to: a greater degree of evolution and radiation in tropical species due to
the long and relatively stable geological history of the area, seasonal climatic stability
and/or predictability, ... Show more content on ...
52). As a result, these unique soils became the tropical soils of general usage and
were believed to cover most of the tropical region (Sanchez, 1976). These soils were
believed to have formed on ancient parent materials under uniformly hot and humid
conditions, and be highly leached, nutrient poor, and characterized by laterite (hard
iron oxide) deposits which cause the soil to become rock hard upon desiccation
(Sanchez, 1976).
Of course, tropical soils are not this uniform. Even if parent materials were
essentially homogeneous throughout the tropics, the huge range in temperature,
topography and precipitation regime found within the tropical zone would lead to
very different pedogenesis in different areas (Sanchez, 1976). Furthermore, there
are a wide variety of parent materials found in the tropics. Some soils are formed on
the ancient Brazilian and Guianan Shields, some on recently exposed or deposited
parent materials, and some on volcanic ash (Van Wambecke and Dudal). The only
characteristic all tropical soils share by definition is that they experience a
temperature change of less than 5 C during the course of the year (Sanchez, 1976).
While it is true that temperature effects pedogenic processes, it can hardly be argued
that this similarity would outweigh all the differences cited above, so we must
assume that there is a significant degree of variability among tropical soils.
Oxisols have the largest tropical areal distribution
The Dj Essay
The Dj Essay, Research Paper
The DJ
About fifteen years ago a culture was born. In Europe a new type of music was
being created. Something new, something fresh. A music fueled by throbbing
beats over rattling bass. This is electronic music. The mastermind behind this
whole up and coming culture was and is the DJ. In the past five years have
become more and more popular everyday. Some people who are not aware of this
music or this culture might argue that being a DJ is not a serious profession for
various reasons. Throughout this paper I will prove these notions false. As support I
will provide the history of the DJ, what exactly it is, insight from various DJ s and
much more.
It all began about fifteen years ago. In towns in Europe ... Show more content on ...
Rock music absorbed House and Techno, and DJ s and electronicists began to tour
and act like rock stars. As one century tipped into another, dance music was still a
primary source of interest and creativity as Trance, a futuristic blend of technology
and House and Techno, became a chart topping, globe girdling sensation (
Prendergast pg 367). Another great more specific example of this is Paul
Oakenfold as written in Last night a DJ saved my life, When Paul Oakenfold
plays records in a club, every person on the dance floor will be facing him. Just like
they d face a rock band on a stage. There s not much to see: a baseball cap maybe, a
studious face leaning into a pair of headphones, some minimal arm movements as
he slides in another flawless mix. Occasionally he might throw his hands up in
excitement, smile out in response to a particularly grand track, or share a wink
with some energetic fan, and when he does, there ll be a sea of hands aloft, a
breakout of waving and grinning, an ocean of smiling dancers mirroring his every
gesture. For he is a superstar ( Brewster pg 384). Along with these tours came annual
festivals. Huge festivals every year with sometimes over a hundred thousand people
in attendance. Some of these are Love Parade and Gatecrasher( ( Just like any music industry this one
soon started having conventions. The biggest one is the Winter Music Conference(
The Importance Of Life In Life
Everyone in life has faced different obstacles, I mean when you re brought up you
learn that life isn t a nice pleasant place. One of my favorite quotes of all time is by
Sylvester Stallone who said, Let me tell you something you already know. The
world ain t all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will
beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or
nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. Life is defined by how you advance past these
obstacles that are put in your path. Look at the successful people life such as: Bill
Gates, Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Mark Cuban, etc. All of these people have
experienced failure or tragedy before making millions; however, they did not let
this tragedy impair their vision of success. In my life I have experienced many
tragedies much like everyone else in this world, but there is one tragedy that has
affected the way I am today and the outlook I have in life. Earlier this year my
grandpa had been diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis. For those who don t know
what pulmonary fibrosis is, it is essentially the scarring of the tissue in your lungs
causing shortness of breath and making it hard to breathe. Now I was devastated by
this obstacle in my life. I hated to sit there and watch him struggle breathingwhile just
sitting in that unembellished hospital bed. The doctors told us that there was no cure
for his disease, and that ultimately he d have to fight. They did set him up
Human Trafficking Is A Criminal Act And Violates Human
A young African girl, Gracie, was persuaded into having sex with strange men and
packaging illegal drugs, all under the watch of child traffickers. Gracie s family was
murdered when she was eleven years old; shortly thereafter, an older man claimed to
be a friend of her deceased family. This man brought her to a home where Gracie was
forced to engage in sex with men she d never met; sometimes it was 3 or 4 men a day
Each year, 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders; half
of those people are children ( 11 Facts ). Human trafficking is a criminal act and
violates human rights; it is especially devastating to children. Countless innocent
children and families are impacted by Child Trafficking ... Show more content on ...
In other instances, child traffickers hook the family s interest with talk of a better
future; then, bribery and/or threats are used. Normally, in the more recent years,
families will be asked for payment towards the service a trafficker is providing
(NSPCC). By paying for the child s plane ticket to a new country or providing he
/she with connections, it only seems fair for the parents of the minor to come up
with a service payment. However, this is all a form of manipulation by the trafficker,
because they are not actually looking to better the life of the child that they are
indeed smuggling. The only interest is the money that is exchanged, and the innocent
families in this situation are oblivious to that fact.
Due to child trafficking, the average age a teen enters the sex trade in the U.S. is
12 to 14 years old ( 11 Facts ). This statistic is mainly due to child traffickers forcing
their victims into prostitution. Intimidating minors into sex trade is a horrible
trend among human trafficking and has become the norm. All the more, Gracie s
story gets worse; after a long two years, she was taken away by another man and
was illegally smuggled into a foreign country. There, the man locked her in a room
inside a brothel and coerced her to prostitute sex to men, as well as package drugs
for local drug dealers (NSPCC). After Gracie managed to break free from this
abusive environment, she was put in jail for fraudulent behaviors because of her fake
Mental Health And Mental Illness
Nursing education includes theoretical studies and clinical experiences which cannot
be substitute with other. While starting my nursing career as a student without any
previous experiences in mental health, I also have the same attitude as general people
where mentally ill people are vulnerable, dangerous, unpredictable, and to some
degree responsible for their own illness. Initially, I was not fully prepared, anxious
and stressed to start the course. After studying mental health, I found what is mental
health, what are the causes of mental illness, disease type, a severity of diseases and
as being nurse how can we treat mentally ill people. Hence, after studying mental
health, my perspective towards the mentally ill patient is totally changed and feel
more comfortable to deal with mental illness.
Before studying mental health, I thought that mental illness cannot be recovered
fully. It can only be controlled because whenever mental illness topic used to discuss,
stress was one and only topic which comes on my mind. According to Jorm, Barney,
Christensen, Highet, Kelly, and Kitchener (2006), there is a huge gap in people and
professionals, people are not believing in the treatment of mental illness. However,
mental illness can be recovered with proper counselling, guidance and treatment
(Stanton, Tooth, and Champ, 2017). Mental illness can be caused by different factors
such as work pressure, ethnic group, intellectual disability, economic and social
status, immoral
Pygmalion Allusion
A.) An allusion is an indirect or direct reference to anything that is a source outside of
that work of literature or the situation.
B.) Pygmalion was a Greek sculptor who lost interest in women due to prostitutes.
Pygmalion then carved a realistic statue of a women out of ivory, gave it the name
of Galatea and soon fell in love with it. He went to the altar of Aphrodite and asked
for a bride and the Goddess of love took petty upon him and brought his statue to
life. When he came home to embrace his statue he realized that it was warm and that
the ivory was no longer as hard as it used to be. Galatea and Pygmalion got married
and eventually have a child and they both are forever grateful to Aphrodite and bring
her gifts throughout their lives.
Mcdonald Senior Restaurant
1. To enhance socialization and quality decision making.
2. To advance the student s learning in the national world of business operation.
LC 3
I. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 1. What is the effect of the increasing seniors
population to the image of Suzanne s Mc Donald s Restaurant? 2. What services
should Suzanne s Mc Donald s Restaurant could offer to attract more young
customers to avail the facilities longer than the seniors?
II. DEFINITION OF THE PROBLEM The Mc Donald s Restaurant is open to the
public especially to the young ones, but unfortunately, the main ... Show more content
on ...
A good interaction of employees towards their clients can establish a harmonious
relationship that may lead later on to trusting each other. But too much
involvement especially on personal matters, if abused, can affect the business
which may lead to its own downfall. Establishing a good relationship among
customers is one of the effective ways to have a good business, but of course, there
s always a limitation in every personal connection towards them. 3. High
Expectation to the Business Setting goals and achieve them are necessary to attain
success in the business world. It is alright to set expectations beyond your capacity
but make sure to strive hard in order to succeed. A low expectation bring lesser
challenges and if succeeds, brings lesser satisfaction. Unlike having higher
expectations which brings more challenges and if succeeds, greater satisfaction
can be felt. However, there are times that higher expectations can result to a
greatest and most painful decline of the business. In setting expectation, high or
low, extra careful is necessary and good decision is expected not only for one s
common good but for all who is part of the business. 4. Gradual Tolerance of the
Management Mc Donald s is a fast food restaurant in which people are expected to
eat and run or buy and run. But in this case, seniors stay for about 4 hours or more in
a place having coffee or eating meals. Maybe because the management forgot to let
Rhetorical Analysis Of The Glass Ceiling
Frank, Carter
October 17th, 2017
Rhetorical Analysis: The Glass Ceiling Hurts Business Too
In Sarah Bianchi Sand s article, she details the glass ceiling, or an unofficial
boundary that prevents women and minorities alike from reaching their highest
potential. Her work is meant to persuade readers that the glass ceiling isn t a myth,
but a real and serious problem. Being the Chair and Executive Director of the
National Committee on Pay Equity, Sarah has plenty of reason for wanting to
persuade this topic. Her thesis effectively starts this process by laying out what is
happening. This theory is circulating widely among the press perhaps because it is
controversial and contradicts what has become rather boring to the media but what
remains are the real life experiences of women and people of color no real change
in the wage gap and no improvement in the glass ceiling (Bianchi Sand p.306). This
thesis opens the door for Sarah to talk about and persuade her readers that the glass
ceiling is no myth. By using ethos, pathos, and logos our Author persuades her
readers that the glass ceiling is hurting business but can be raised.
Sarah Bianchi Sand began her career path as an advocate of equal pay for equal
work in 1969 when she took a job as a stewardess for United Airlines. Appalled by
the inequalities she saw there, she ran for and won a seat as president of the flight
attendants union. Now Chair and Executive Director of the National Committee
Chris Abani s Graceland
Contemporary Perspectives
Graceland Analysis
Elvis had read a newspaper editorial that stated, rather proudly, that Nigeria had a
higher percentage of millionaires...than nearly any other country in the world, and
most of them lived and conducted their business in Lagos. The editorial failed to
mention that their wealth had been made over the years with the help of crooked
politicians, criminal soldiers, bent contractors, and greedy oil company executives. Or
that Nigeria also had a higher percentage of poor people than nearly any other
country in the world. (Abani 8) This quote exemplifies the image of Nigeria
presented in Chris Abani s shocking novel Graceland. Based on Abani s own
experiences in the conflicted, war torn country, ... Show more content on ...
How could a place be so ugly and violent yet beautiful at the same time? he
wondered. He hadn t known about the poverty and violence of Lagos until he arrived.
It was as if people conspired with the city to weave a web of silence around its
unsavory parts. People who didn t live in Lagos only saw postcards of skyscrapers,
sweeping flyovers, beaches and hotels. (Abani 7)
In this land beset by violence, poverty, death, and exploitation, Elvis becomes a
dancer, using talcum powder and a black wig in order to impersonate his namesake
(The American singer Elvis), in order to make a living entertaining the rich tourists
on the Lagos City beaches. He takes a second job as a private dancer for the
tourists a job where he makes more money, but is treated as a disposable slave. As
Elvis progresses to adulthood without any strong male figures to guide him in his
life, he befriends two other characters, Caesar Augustus Anyanwu (a.k.a. The King
of Beggars) and Redemption. The King of Beggars is a Nigerian political activist,
willing to do anything to topple the abusive, corrupt military regime that controls
the nation. Redemption lives on shady dealings specifically drug trafficking, in
order to survive. Elvis gets sucked into the seedy underworld, and gets in deeper
than he would ever imagine. Abani sets a very grim and cynical scene, with little
hope. Elvis manages to flee by taking a plane to America, in
Population Overpopulation Over Population
overpopulation and population density
When we think of population density most people aren t positive on this is actually
means. In this essay, I will state why population density is becoming a problem in
today s society and how this is having an effect on our environment, political, and
economic state of countries. According to populationdensity is the
number of people living per unit of an area (e.g. per square mile); the number of
people relative to the space occupied by them
After some secondary research, I found out that the continent of Asia has the highest
population density in the world if we look at the statistics on the
countries with the highest population density are Asia, Africa, and North America.
If we narrow this down to induvial countries we can see from this graph on the
right that there is a cluster within Asia, the country that shows us this is China is
overpopulated because of the colour of the country and if you refer it back to the
map. Once you refer it back to the map you can see that China has approximately
150 people living per square kilometre in China, this is mainly because of highly
over populated cities in China. For example, Hong Kong, Hong Kong has a high
population density of 6,349 people living per square kilometre, which is massive
compared to different smaller countries like The Republic of China (Taiwan) who
have a population density of 639 people per square kilometre. I know this by
referring back to
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Providing a place of employment has lead to numerous benefits for employers and
employees. When having a diversity of people working for a company, different
types of personalities intermingle with each other on a day to day basis. Even
though having a diverse group of people coexist in the workforce can serve a huge
benefit to the company, it can also lead to problems amongst coworkers. In order to
make sure everyone is treated fairly, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
(EEOC) was created to enforce federal regulations for equality in the workforce
(smallbusiness). The EEOC pursues complaints about hiring or firing based off of
certain factors such as, race, religion, age, ... Show more content on ...
In addition to, the supervisor may have not been fully aware of what is and what
is not appropriate in the workforce. To avoid all of this confusion, during the on
boarding process, all new employees should sit in on either a lecture or video
informing them what is and what is not sexual harassment and how to handle the
situation. A recommendation for the owner with regards to preparing a response to
the EEOC is to inform them that mediation will be taken place first. To prevent any
court fees and legal fees see if the situation can be resolved verbally as well
educating all employees on their rights. Even if the employee is an immigrant with a
work visa, the law protecting US citizens still applies to them.
Work Cited:
Employment Rights of Immigrants Under Federal Anti Discrimination Laws. (n.d.).
Retrieved February 22, 2015, from
Sexual Harassment. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2015, from
The Charge Handling Process. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2015, from http:/
The Importance of the EEOC. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2015, from http:/
/ eeoc 63678.html
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2015, from
Political Socialization Of Latin America And The United...
Political socialization is the procedure by which individuals shape their thoughts
regarding legislative issues. It s the deep rooted advancement of a man s political
esteems. Even though most political socialization happens during youth, individuals
keep on shaping their political values for the duration of their lives. A variety of
components influence a person s political socialization. Individual variables, for
example, your family, social and economic classes, education and friend gatherings,
all impact your political values. More broad things, similar to the mass media and
key world occasions, additionally influence your political values.
A political culture is an arrangement of set attributes and practices held by a people
that shapes their political conduct. It incorporates ... Show more content on ...
At the end of the day people in both countries want to have a government that
represents the needs of the people. The want to feel included in the decisions that
make up their country. But one thing I would say that sets United States political
culture from Latin America is that the United States has more educated people which
allows more people to understand and get involve into politics. Latin America doesn t
have a strong education system like America which leaves most of their people
unable to read or write. You can t get really involved in politics if you don t know
what s going on in your country. The United States also has the luxury of not
worrying about political rivals killing our president just to come into power and start
a dictatorship. While countries in Latin America must fear that happening way more
than we have to. In a way, we have been spoiled by the fact we have a democracy and
some people don t even bother into checking on the government that helps run the
country. So even though both countries political cultures have differences they have
many similarities as
Being A Loyalist Essay
As proved today, we should clearly stay under Britain s rule. Let s not forget that
being a loyalist was very risky and unsafe. Whenever someone was a loyalist they
were put into danger because patriots were known to overreact. For example, when
Thomas Hutchinson revealed he was a loyalist, patriots burnt down his house
instead of being civilized. Also, you could be imprisoned by the patriots just for
being a loyalist. The patriots felt that being a loyalist was wrong and would
imprison you just for having that opinion. Along with being imprisoned, you had to
pay a huge amount of money to get out. This goes to show that many people were
afraid to be loyalists because of the consequences and how violent the patriots were.
This also shows that... Show more content on ...
They protested for taxation without representation simply because they didn t want to
pay taxes, and the protests weren t peaceful. One example of their violence is the
Boston Tea Partyand The Boston Massacre. The Boston Massacre wasn t even a
massacre despite the name. This was when some patriots started throwing
snowballs at soldiers and the soldiers had to defend themselves from the patriots,
so the patriots were shot. The Boston Tea Party was when a very small tax was
placed on tea and the patriots weren t happy about that. So instead of paying the
very small tax, they went onto the tea ships and dumped the tea into the ocean. The
taxes would overall help us in the end, because they also helped with protection and
a better military. For their protests on Taxation without representation , they were
protesting something that wasn t completely true. Actually, it was false because
there was representation. Each colony had someone that could go to Parliament
and speak on the colony s behalf. As for the taxes, they were placed on all of
Britain, not just the colonies, yet the patriots were not satisfied and decided not to
pay the taxes even though they were cheaper than what Britain had to pay. May I
remind you that the taxes were being placed because of the land we have. The
patriots want to go to war again which would not only result in an estimated
Application Of Writing For Writing
In regards to writing I have always struggled to meet all of the requirements for a
perfect paper that includes a well organized text filled with rich analytical sentences.
In the beginning of the semester I constantly worried about the structure of my
writing and its overall material. In high school it was important for me to complete
my essays by answering the questions that I was given, but in college, students go
more into depth. College students are required to focus on grammar, and well
structured ideas that flow along with rich analytical content. After I was given my
first assignment I was pressured to improve my overall work by focusing on structure
and developing analytical content. Assignments such as the weekly readings and
writingassignments helped me improve my overall work. Through the narrative essay,
artist research essay and Storify project I focused on many aspects that improved my
writing. For all of my assignments it was useful to use techniques, such as, reading
out loud to revise the structure of my work and going into depth with description.
My first English assignment was to read the essays from the 50 Essays book, and
reflect on these essays by focusing on their main idea. These weekly readings slowly
taught me how to analyze the structure of different essays. Through the journal essay
assignments I came across to a particular essay that grabbed my attention. The essay,
Why Bother By Michael Pollan, allows the reader to be moved by his written
Opportunities And Barriers Of Sustainability
Opportunities and Barriers to Sustainability
In order to be an integral part in saving the Earth s environment and ensuring
resources for future generations, the way individuals live needs to change. Being
fortunate enough to reside in one of the nation s most developed countries, I
wanted to make sure the way I have been living has been meeting the standards set
by sustainable living. Using the overall environmental footprint provided by
Global Footprint Network, I was able to pinpoint the areas in my life that needed
to improve in order for me to be more sustainable. I chose to use this Footprint
calculator because it gives you a breakdown on how many resources from the planet
are needed in order to provide for your living standards. Once you have input the
information, the calculator provides a general ecological footprint explanation and
gives real case scenarios in which you can do to reduce it. The results for my
footprint were as follows: If everyone were to live the way I do, we would need 5.3
planet earths to provide enough resources. It would take 23.6 global acres of land
for energy production, which would emit 23.6 tons of carbon dioxide, and the
biggest impacts on my personal footprint included 36 percent of services, 21 percent
food and 19 percent mobility.
Clearly, my desires for comfort, mobility and relief from labor has led me to make
impractical decision making. One of the benefits of the Footprint Calculator is that
creates what if scenarios, that
The Environmental Impact of Cattle Farming Essay
Mass Cattle farming within modern societies can pose many environmental
implications, if caution is not taken. Not only do they contribute to land degradation,
they contaminate soil and water, promote over consumption, and waste excessively
high amounts of resources. For many cities in Canada, this problem affects the
condition of their environment. Key initiatives and programs are being mounted,
now more than ever, to aid in minimizing such a demanding issue. More specifically,
in Edmonton the framework that has been implemented to address these issues have
been provided by several grants, courtesy of the Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency.
These grants amounting to approximately $2 million, were issued in the beginning of
2011, and are... Show more content on ...
Regardless of the answer, it is crucial that we look into this conception of the future
with harsh eyes so we can remain practical and accountable. We are in no means
searching for a simple solution, merely the right one.
By analyzing research findings and case studies we will be able to disassemble the
environmental impact of cattle farming, and make sense of our counteraction.
The framework being assessed is the form of conflict resolution, or more specifically
stress management, battling environmental degradation. Whether or not the
community s stance is feasible is debatable. Ideally, the big picture promises an
increase in value production capacity, and several steps toward a sustainable market.
(Canada News Centre, 2011).
Agriculture today must balance a wide array of demands and environmental
challenges that are continually evolving in their nature and complexity. A major
challenge is achieving long term environmental sustainability of production. At the
same time, agriculture is increasingly valued by Canadians for its environmental
benefits, including its provision of some wildlife habitat; the visual beauty of
farmland; and environmental services, such as nutrient cycling and the storage and
filtering of water. Governments, farmers, and others have worked together for many
years to promote research, programming, and related actions to address
environmental concerns. However, an environmentally sustainable form of agriculture
Advantages Of Centralized Database
What is Centralized Database?
In a centralized database, a server or a mainframe computer is used to store all the
data of an organization. Through the Wide Area Network (WAN) users in distant
locations access data using the application programs available for data access. The
centralized database is ought to be able to accept and satisfy the entire requests that
are received in the system, however, it could easily be crammed. Therefore, the
ability to place every single data in its place can ease the process of maintaining and
backing up. Moreover, when the data is stored in a centralized database, the outdated
data is not available anymore in other places, so it makes it easier to maintain data
Centralized database is different from distributed database in having all its data on one
... Show more content on ...
Advantages of Distributed Database System
1. Increased reliability and availability A distributed database system is strong to
failure to some extent. Hence, it is more reliable when compared to a centralized
database system.
2. Local control The data is dispersed in a way that every part of it is local to some
sites (servers). The site in which the part of data is stored is the owner of the data.
3. Modular growth (resilient) Growth is easier. We do not need to interrupt any of
the active sites to introduce or add a new site. Hence, the expansion of the entire
system is easier. Removal of site as well does not cause much problems.
4. Lower communication costs (More Economical) Data are spread in a way that they
are available near to the location where they are needed more. This decreases the
communication cost much more than a centralized system.
5. Faster response Most of the data are local and in close to where they are needed.
Consequently, the requests can be answered quickly when compared to a centralized
The Fast Food Industry In Canada
The fourth largest employer in Canada; fast food restaurants employ more than
6.9% of Canada s work force which is more than 1.2 million people and provide
first jobs more than any other industry (Health and Safety Report, 2016). As the
fast food industry employees more than 500,000 people (under the age of 25)
exposing a large number of the population (Health and Safety Report, 2016),
especially youth to various workplace hazards and health issues it is vital to discuss
this topic for all Canadians. The fast food industry does not only employ front desk
staff but involves employees working in the kitchen, dish washers, freezers, garbage
handling, cleaning, drive thru and even some of them working outside the
restaurants, in parking lots etc.... Show more content on ...
(2017, 01 17). Retrieved 02 11, 2017, from Healthy Day: https:/
/ and health 41/occupational health
news 507/fast food workers 646454.html Assessing Health Safety Issues. (2017, 02
11). Retrieved 02 11, 2017, from Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety: Canada Occupational Health
and Safety Regulations (SOR/86 304). (2017, 02 09). Retrieved 02 11, 2017, from
Justice Laws Website: 86 304/page
40.html Canadian Occupational Health and Safety (OH S) Laws. (2017, 02 11).
Retrieved 02 11, 2017, from Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety: Common accidents in the
retaurant industry. (2011, 03 06). Retrieved from Restobiz:
/common accidents in the restaurant industry/ Health and Safety Executive. (n.d.).
Retrieved from Health and Safety Executive:
/flash fries.htm Health and Safety Report. (2016, 07 28). Retrieved 02 11, 2017,
from Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety:
Chrysler 300 Essay
If you re looking into purchasing a 2016 Chrysler 300 for sale in Puyallup, then
Larson Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram is the place to be. We are proud to offer you this
vehicle, as it is a standout in its class. In essence, you get luxury amenities at a
price that won t break the bank. Many trims are available, and all provide a
pleasant driving experience. 2016 Chrysler 300 Details Four trims are offered, and
the first is dubbed the Limited. It comes well appointed with desirable features that
include LED daytime running lights and taillights, a rearview camera, keyless entry
and ignition, cruise control, dual zone automatic climate control and leather
upholstery. 17 inch alloy wheels are standard, but if you go with all wheel drive you
get 19 inch versions.... Show more content on ...
The stereo system on the next trim the 300C Platinum is advanced as well, as the
upgrade includes a Harman Kardon 19 speaker setup. Also included on this trim
are adaptive xenon headlights, power adjustable pedals, heated and cooled front
cupholders and upgraded leather upholstery. Of note is that several options are
available, many of which come in the form of the stand alone variety. For instance,
a few upper trim standards are available as options on the lower trims. The bundles
are noteworthy as well. For this year, there is a 90th Anniversary Package that
provides remote start, the dual pane sunroof and the navigation system. The badging
and signage is trim specific as well. You can also go with the SafetyTec Plus
Package with the 2016 Chrysler 300 for sale in Puyallup that gets you puddle lamps,
front and rear parking sensors, automatic high beams, automatic wipers and lane
departure warning and prevention. Additional Chrysler 300 Model
Experiment 8 Phenol Alkylation
Experiment 8: Phenol Alkylation Amber Chavis CHEM 2753 007 November 15,
2017 Objective/Purpose: This experiment was designed by conducting a
substitution reaction to construct a complex compound (2 methylphenoxyacetic
acid) from two simple parts; also known as synthesis converting simple molecules
into more complex molecules. A purification technique known as crystallization
was used to purify the product. Suction filtration was used to filter out the product.
The experiment was completed over a three day experimental period. Procedure:
In this experiment, 0.31 g (2.87 mmol) of 2 methylphenol was suspended in a 10
mL Erlenmeyer flask along with 1 mL of water and a stir bar. The flask was
clamped onto a hotplate/stirrer and turned on so that the stir bar would turn freely.
Based on the amount of 2 methylphenol, 0.957 mL (0.00287 mmol) NaOH was
calculated and collected in a syringe. The NaOH was then added to the 2
methylphenol solution and allowed to mix completely. In another 10 mL
Erlenmeyer flask, 0.34 g (2.92 mmol) of sodium chloroacetate was calculated based
on the amount of 2 methylphenol and placed into the flask along with 1 mL of
water. The sodium chloroacetate solution was mixed until dissolved. The sodium
chloroacetate solution was poured into the 2 methylphenol and NaOH solution after
it was fully dissolved using a microscale funnel. Then the apparatus was put together.
The glass portion of a medicine dropper was attached and placed inside of a
The Minimum Wage Is Not A Living Wage
The Minimum Wage is not a Living Wage The current minimum wage in the United
States is a wage which Americans cannot live on. Americans are forced to live in
poor living conditions because of the low wages they earn. The low wages workers
earn result in poor healthcare because they cannot afford the proper treatment. The
minimum wageleaves little, if any, for any unexpected expenses. The minimum wage
in America affects American workers trying to make ends meet. The minimum wage
needs to be raised and changed to the living wage. The minimum wage in the United
Statesneeds to be raised to a wage which American workers can live on. The current
minimum wage leaves little room for everyday expenses. In this paper, I will
argue that the minimum wage should be raised to a living wage. The minimum
wage which Americans earn creates a financial gap between the employee and the
employer. The need to raise the minimum wage to a living wage lies in the reason
to reduce income inequality. The inequality between the employer and the
employee is an enormous problem in the United States. The employer pays the
employee a wage that is not livable. The Americans earning the minimum wage are
forced to have themselves and their families live on a wage that is not livable. The
minimum wage in itself is not enough to support a family. The cost of necessary
items to live is going up, while the American worker s wage stagnates. The necessity
items that are needed to live on are getting
Ib Extended Essay
How effective would the takeover of Motorola mobility be for Google as a growth
Candidate name:
Candidate number:
School name:
School number:
Date submitted:
Word count:
I would like to thank my extended essay supervisor for her continuous support
throughout this assignment. Her guidance and patience have been of great help to
me in completing this task.
I would also like to thank my family and friends for their endless support and for
always providing me with the encouragement to continue working when times were
In August of 2011, Google announced that it would take over Motorola mobility in an
... Show more content on ...
However over the years Google has managed to grow into one of the largest public
limited companies as they now have various products apart from the search engine.
Google has its own web browser known as Google Chrome, it had acquired
YouTube in the year 2006 and it has many other services in its portfolio. However
there is one recent development that Google has produced which has taken the world
by surprise i.e. ANDROID. This is Google s own operating system for mobile phones.
After having briefly introduced the relevant companies, I shall now talk about the
merger. The world is increasingly becoming dependent upon quick communication
for almost all issues related to life. This is true for the business world as well. The
emergence of smartphones has almost sufficiently satisfied the people s needs
mentioned above. One of the very successful operating systems for these
smartphones is the android and the breaking news of Google taking over Motorola
has caused great speculation that the entire technological universe of
communication could be dominated by Google. However there are some eye brows
raised questioning whether the takeover was worth 12.5 billion USD5 given that the
situation of Motorola mobility is not too favourable. These different opinions are
what led me to carry out a research on how effective would the takeover of Motorola
mobility be for Google?
The main objective of this
Santa Claus Symbols
Did you know that there are different holiday characters around the world? When
you think of the holidays who do you think of? Is it Santa or Krampus or one of the
others? Well there are actually a ton of holiday icons that you may have never heard
of. These characters come from a multitude of places and countries. These figures are
also all related to the christmasseason. There are many different icons that are
celebrated around the world and represent different holidays.
Santa Claus is one of the most well known characters. Santa Claus became more
popular when Clement C. Moore wrote a story called A visit from St. Nicholas .
He wrote a book about what Santa looked like and what he did. One tradition is
people will go to a public place and sit on Santa s lap. Many places have a person
dressed like Santa where kids can go up and sit on their lap and tell them what they
want for Christmas. Another tradition is people put up a Christmas tree so Santa
can put presents under it. People put up pine trees with lights and ornaments on it
and on Christmas Eve if you were good Santa puts gifts under it. The last tradition
is Santa comes every year on Christmas Eve night and delivers presents to kids. If
you were good Santa will fill your stockings and put gifts under your tree but if you
were bad you get a lump of coal. This is why Santa Claus is a big hit across America.
La Befana is a holiday icon who delivers gifts to kids in Italy. La Befana delivers
gifts to kids on January
Nature Conservancy Research Paper
The Nature Conservancy, founded in 1951, is on a mission to conserve the land
and water on which the world depends. The Conservancy is working in 35 different
countries and all 50 states of America. According to the Conservancy, the estimated
damage from invasive species worldwide totals more than 1.4 trillion dollars, five
percent of the global economy (The Nature Conservancy). In other words, they
understand and acknowledge that the removal of invasive species is perhaps one of
the biggest projects necessary to protecting the natural world. The Conservancy
suggests that the society only plant native species, not bring foreign fruits and foods
into a different area. Other suggestions are to not move firewood as it can harbor
forest pests and to not release aquarium fish or plants into the wilderness. Final tips
include cleaning boots before... Show more content on ...
For instance, adaptive management involves setting targets for control and then
identifying the most productive removal method, and finally analyzing how effective
the plan has been. Satellite imagery is used to map the location of non native
species. The satellites provide the conservancy with maps of where large populations
of invasive species are inhabited. Another new technology is remote sensing, which
is able to identify objects through their density; it can even distinguish between
different plant species (The Nature Conservancy). Remote sensing has historically
been used to remove bush honeysuckle, which chokes native forests and spreads
quickly. In order to safely remove invasive plants, the conservancy may pull them to
cut off their water supply or use natural predators, prescribed fires, flooding, and
herbicide use. Some of their greatest achievements are reducing japanese knotweed
population by 80% in Oregon and containing invasive phragmites in
Macbeth Ambition
English Assignment Term 3
Representations of ambition within Macbeth
Within Macbeth, there are numerous representations of human values and conflicts,
including duty vs. desire, the effects of a guilty conscience on the human journey and
the differences between genders, and the superiority of men within the play, and the
modern era. The value foregrounded throughout this text is the representations of
ambition within the play Macbeth, and we will be focusing on the protagonist of the
story, ironically named Macbeth.
The effect of ambition can be a double edged sword. Ambition can provide a person
with desire, so that they can accomplish goals, and give them a kick start towards
them. On the other hand, however, ambition can ... Show more content on ...
Once he murders the King Duncan, he knows that he must prolong his undeserved
spot as King, as the repercussions will be that of the actions that he have committed.
This is due to the Chain of Being, which he has distinctly broken. Once this
hypothetical chain is broken, which by the way, represents the natural order, the
universe will be plundered into chaos, and righting the wrong will retain the natural
Throughout the ending of the play, when Duncan s sons plot to overthrow Macbeth,
he accepts his fate, and the apparitions stated by the three witches during their second
meeting with Macbeth come to fruition. He knows of his imminent downfall, and
within his final moments of life, he accepts defeat.
I will not yield to kiss the ground before young Malcolm s feet, and to be baited
with the rabble s curse. Though Birnam Wood be come to Dunsinane, and thou
opposed, being of no woman born, yet I will try the last. Before my body I throw
my warlike shield. Lay on, Macduff; and damned be him that first cries, Hold,
This scene marks the promised demise of Macbeth, and good once again
conquering evil. His ambitions overall lead to his demise, and if he had either
followed his orders from the King, who is a higher being on the Chain of Being , or
gained the royal, majestic position through an accepted process, then his death would
not have been sentenced and
Applying Tax Advice On Laser Group
International Tax Planning
Tax Advice on Laser Group
Peng Yu (Angela) Wang
International Taxation
Table of Contents
1Executive Summary1
2Background and business proposals2
3International Tax Planning Advice3
1Executive Summary
We, the Tax Expert Australia , will be providing Australian and international taxation
services to our client Laser Australia Pty Limited (Laser) as tax advisor. This repot
sets out Laser s current business expansion model, and proposed international tax
planning opportunities and implications.
1.Most effective vehicle to establish business in:
Hong kong (branch v subsidiary)
2.Financing between hong kong and aus
Debt and equity distinction
Aus ... Show more content on ...
The majority of Laser s assets are its intellectual properties (IPs) in relation to the
laser technology. Throughout the stages of developing the technology, the company
has incurred significant amount of debts.
The company is short on fund and is therefore seeking advise on the best group
structure for tax purposes a reduction in Laser s group tax would give the company
more funding to conduct its technological and medical research.
Laser is an Australian resident company.
The founder and director of the company, Mr Andy Wang, has various business and
research connections mainland China. Laser s current growth strategy is to carry on
business in China, with the possibility of expanding its operations globally in the
future. Laser is in the process of developing complex laser machines with minimum
cost therefore it is also intending to take advantage of China s manufacturing
3. International Tax Structuring Advice Australia
3.1. Australian special purpose vehicle
We recommend that a new Australian special purpose vehicle ( Laser International )
be incorporated to hold Laser s proposed foreign investments. This structure allows
effective segregation of Laser s domestic and foreign operations, and facilitates a
simpler sale or demerger of either of the operations in the future.
4.Foreign Holding Vehicle
4.1. Setting up Hong Kong Holding Company
We recommend a
Complete Three Random Acts Of Kindness
For this project I chose to complete three random acts of kindness. The first random
act of kindness that I completed was done at the University of Saskatchewan
campus. One afternoon, I wrote the same message on roughly 10 different
flashcards. My plan for this act was to pass out flashcards with kind messages on
them and pass them out to students in Murray Library. Attached to the flashcards
was two mini chocolate bars. The message read Good luck studying for midterms!
You can do this. I hope this little treat helps you get through our day. The day after I
finished writing all the messages and attaching the chocolate bars, I proceeded to
walk around Murray Library and pass them out the strangers. I intended to
approach individuals who were sitting by themselves because I people who were by
themselves would appreciate it more. Individuals who were sitting in group of
people may have been distracted by their friends in order to sincerely take in the
random act of kindness. Additionally, I did not want to approach groups of people
because then I would feel obliged to give every person in that group a flashcard and
some chocolate. The reason why I wanted to do this specific act of kindness is
because I wanted to do everything in my power to make a stranger happy. During the
time of midterm exams students are very stressed out. Students, including myself at
times, are constantly worried about their results, the possibility of failure, and how
much time one needs
Marketing Plan for Burt s Bees
Prepare a marketing plan for Burt s Bees to further their presence in Scandinavian
and Nordic countries.
Executive Summary
The following marketing plan forms the basis for the introduction of Burt s Bees
brand. The analysis allows us to outline the best strategies to follow for the
achievement of the company s strategic goals in the Scandinavian market and of its
potential would be enable Burt s Bees to be fully informed of their target market and
be able to introduce and sell their cosmetics into the Nordic countries. It enable the
company to gain an full analysis of the market and its potential, a clear identification
of the target groups, development of the brand with an appropriate a range of
marketing tools to launch and promote ... Show more content on ...
Economic view: Most of the Nordic countries have positive growth in GDP, which
means the people have more disposable income the amount of money that households
have available for spending and saving after income taxes have been accounted for.
Technological trends: With new production and communication technologies, Burt s
Bees are suitable to perform better advertisements and promotions for the products.
For instance, Burt s Bees can advertise their products through the social networks,
like Facebook and Youtube etc.
Social Ecological trends: With a focus on sustainability, Burt s Bees natural
cosmetics goods are a very good advantage to stay in the market due to the fact that
people are paying more attention on environmental friendly goods.
SWOT Analysis
The SWOT analysis analyses the company s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats, therefore Burt s Bees can counter a few critical weaknesses that could
threaten our ability to build profitability and the market position.
Effective product
Customers loyalty
Experienced management team
Low brand awareness
Low budgets
Huge growth
Define the Term Sensitive Periods and Link Them...
TITLE SHEET for Distance Learning Students
Is English your first language: Yes (please delete as applicable)
/No (please delete as applicable)
I declare that this work is my own and the work of others is acknowledged by
quotation or correct referencing. I declare that this work has not been copied from
another student(s) past or present at this or any other educational institution, or from
any ... Show more content on ...
They are slowly coming to terms with their new identity as an adolescent and the
world outside the family and school. For the first time, they no longer see themselves
as sons or daughters, brothers or sisters, or students, but as individuals who seek to
understand their place in society and search for opportunities to contribute to society.
The first phase can be sub divided the spiritual (Montessori 1966 and 2007a) and
Social Embryonic (Montessori, 1966 and 2007a). The Spiritual Embryonic is the
phase of intellectual development or a period of mental construction of the child that
starts developing right after birth and continues developing to three. The Social
Embryonic stages slowly replaces subconscious learning with the will to learn. The
Child will demonstrate greater awareness of others needs and becomes sensitive to
the social aspects of their culture.
Montessori talks about Sensitive Periods, which she splits into six. In order to
understand these Periods and how children move between these phases, it s
important to understand how children take in stimuli from the environment and use
it to grow. Most theorists agree that there are periods in children s lives in which
they become biologically mature enough to gain certain skills that they could not
have easily picked up prior to that maturation. For example, research has shown that
babies and toddlers brains are more flexible with regard to learning to
Lines In Romantic Films
Films really do take us to an entirely different universe and everyone absolutely
loves it, because it gives people a chance to live in the moment of every scene that
they re watching. But romantic films, without a doubt, touches the hearts of the
viewers every single time. Not just because people get to witness how the actor
play the role very well but because of their lines. There are a lot of lines in romantic
movies that totally just marked everyone s minds. So here are some of the notable
romantic film lines that everybody knows. Moulin Rouge! Notable Quote: The
greatest thing you ll ever learn is to love and be loved in return. This has got to be
one of the most romantic line anyone has ever heard in film history. It was said by...
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You ve got to do what s right for you, even if it hurts some people you love. So it s
not gonna be easy. It s gonna be hard. We re gonna have to work at this everyday,
but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you forever, you and me
everyday. Long yet extremely meaningful. One of the saddest romantic films ever
made. It had mixed reviews since the viewers absolutely loved how tear jerking it
is but then critics D didn t really got into it. This is a 2004 film adaptation of
Nicholas Sparks novel of the same name starring, Ryan Gosling alongside Rachel
McAdams. The story is about an old man who reads to an old woman about a
certain couple who was separated by the Second World War. The old lady s
memory was faded and so the man s words got her to relive their moments. When
Harry Met Sally Notable Quote: When you realize you want to spend the rest of
your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as
Essay on The Good Life
Achieving the good life John doe PHI 208 Ethics and Moral Reasoning Daniel
Beteta 1 February 2013 I grew up in a small Midwest town called Anderson
Indiana. Whenever people ask where I m from and I say Indiana they think corn
fields and country living but that s far from the truth. In my experience I have seen
corn fields everywhere but my home state. I have yet to see any farms or anything
that would suggest country. One could question the dialect of Indiana residents. It
has been said that most of the people migrated from the south to work at Guide
Corp, a car plant that was the one good job in the city. Throughout the years
Anderson has changed. The one good job that we had has left and with that so have
the people. Most people... Show more content on ...
This couple sounds like they are one of the most charitable people in the world and
giving that amount will help a lot of people but are the motives around there
giving actual genuine? It s something to debate because a lot of people in the
higher tax bracket are almost required to give up some of their earnings. When
they file their taxes the charitable giving deduction effectively operates as a federal
matching program, when you make a charitable donation you will receive a tax
break. So do we know if they are giving because they feel like they need to spread
the wealth they made or lower their taxable income by giving? It is not for us to
determine their motives. The bottom line is that if it is be generous or to receive
the tax cut the money is used for less fortunate people, therefore in the end
charitable work is being done. Some people give to their church when they start to
earn more. If you are truly religious and involved in church then you follow what
God says. One verse in the bible states Honor the Lord with your wealth and with
the first fruits of all your produce (Proverbs 3:9). This in turn makes people believe
they should tithe a certain percentage of their pay to the church. Now nothing is
wrong with giving to the church, the only problem I see is when the church starts to
run more like a business then a
Essay on Cirque Du Soleil
Cirque du Soleil ( Circus of the Sun ) is a Canadian entertainment company, self
described as a dramatic mix of circus arts and street entertainment. Based in
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and located in the inner city area of Saint Michel, it was
founded in Baie Saint Paul in 1984 by two former street performers, Guy LalibertГ©
and Gilles Ste Croix.
Cirque du Soleil History:
A marvelous idea began to take shape in the early 1980 s in Baie Saint Paul, a
charming village nestled on the north shore of the St Lawrence River, east of
Quebec City. Les Г‰chassiers de Baie Saint Paul ( The Stiltwalkers of Baie Saint
Paul ), a theatre troupe founded by Gilles Ste Croix, walked on stilts, juggled,
danced, breathed fire and played ... Show more content on ...
Cirque du Soleil hasn t received any grants from the public or private sectors since
Is there a space for IT in artistic organization such as Cirque du Soleil?
At Cirque du Soleil, a touring show is a very complex matter. A tour can be treated
as a little village of about 150 people, and it needs the best technology to meet their
needs which can range from basic bandwidth requirements to ticket sales, payroll and
phone systems. And as this is a village that moves every six or seven weeks, which
means that it has to be constantly torn down and set up again.
Everything has to be precise and methodical. For every tour, they have to tear
down a big top that seats 2,500 and 55 trailer loads of equipment have to be hauled
rom place to place. And everything has to be in working order within 30 hours. At
Cirque du Soleil, casting is a key process. Castings talent scouts are always on the
move, travelling to the ends of the earth. The casting director maintains a pool of
artists for the eight shows and recruit artists for new shows. Once a performer is
hired, he or she has to go through a series of steps before actually participating in a
show. One of those steps is the make up lessons that ensure that performers can
apply their own make up for the various roles they play in a given show. Initially,
make up for each part of every show was documented with 35 mm photos and forms
listing the products used and the procedure to follow, which was stored in big binders
Unfair Pay Difference Of The United States
Paige Paladino Professor Hall November 21, 2016 Research Paper Unfair Pay
Difference Everyone has studied history throughout their educational years. They
talked about the rights men had and what the rights women didn t have. Now you
would think that everyone is paid equally, well that s not true. The U.S. Women s
Soccer team has been fighting for equal pay to their male counter parts since the
beginning of the year 2016. They have made videos and had many of interviews
about their fight. The way to fix this problem is to continue to fight to have equal
pay to their male counterparts. The U.S. Women s soccer team represents the U.S
in international soccer competitions at the highest level. The team is one of the
most successful in international women s soccer teams by winning three World
Cup titles, four Olympic gold medals, seven CONCACAF (the Confederation of
North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football) Gold Cup wins, and
ten Algarve Cups. Receiving a medal in every World Cup competition and Olympic
tournament from 1991 to 2015, before being knocked out in the quarterfinals of the
2016 Olympics, after a penalty shoot out. They are currently ranked number 1,
moving back into the position on July 10, 2015, due to its winning of the 2015
World Cup. The U.S. Men s soccer team represents the U.S. in international soccer.
They have been in ten FIFA World Cups. Their best result was when they made it to
the semi final at the 1930 World Cup,
Final Projedct
The Final Project is worth 105 points. Please download this document to your
computer and save it using the naming convention specified in the course syllabus.
For the Final Project you will be using the MM207 Student Data Set, the survey
codebook, and StatCrunch as necessary. You should enter your answers/responses
directly after the question. There is no need to retype the project.
After completing and saving the project, submit your project in the Final Drop Box.
In the course, go to Unit 9 Instructor Graded Project StatCrunch to access the
MM207 Student Data Set. When the page loads you will need to click on Data Set
on the left side of the page. You do not need a StatCrunch ID or a password to access
the data set; simply ... Show more content on ...
Be sure to show the data from your sample and the data to support your estimate.
8. Assume that the MM207 Student Data Set is a random sample of all Kaplan
students; estimate the proportion of all Kaplan students who are male using a 90%
level of confidence.
9. Assume you want to estimate with the proportion of students who commute less
than 5 miles to work within 2%, what sample size would you need?
10. A professor at Kaplan University claims that the average age of all Kaplan
students is 36 years old. Use a 95% confidence interval to test the professor s claim.
Is the professor s claim reasonable or not? Explain.
NOTE: Project problems should not be posted to the Discussion threads. Questions
on the project problems should be addressed to the instructor by sending an email or
by attending office hours.
Would you like a Math Center tutor to review your project?
Students in MM207 may submit their projects to the Math Center for review. Tutors
will not grade or correct the project, but they will provide guidance for improvement.
Students should submit assignments early enough to receive feedback and make
corrections before the project due date (24 hour turn around times Monday Thursday
and 48 hour turn around times on weekends are typical).
Email projects to: Please put project review in the subject line of
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Mt Vesuvius is a famous mountain. Mt Vesuvius lies on the...
Mt Vesuvius is a famous mountain. Mt Vesuvius lies on the outskirts of Naples,
Italy and is one of the most famous volcanoes in the world. Mt Vesuvius is a
stratovolcano which means it was built in alternate layers, these layers were layers of
lava and ash. Around seventeen to twenty five years ago Mt Vesuvius was formed.
Figure 2: Map showing the location of Mount Vesuviuson the west coast of Italy.
Map by and Map Resources. Nearby Volcanoes: Etna Stromboli
The benefits
The benefits volcanoes would provide:
1.Heat in the form of heated springs, pools of water and the soul around volcanoes
are often very fertile because of the ash that was cooled.
2.Volcanic soil is full of nutrients and would be ideal for... Show more content on ...
пЃ¶3 July 1660
пЃ¶13 April 1694
пЃ¶25 May 1698
пЃ¶28 July 1707
пЃ¶20 May 1737
пЃ¶23 December 1760
пЃ¶19 October 1767
пЃ¶8 August 1779
пЃ¶15 June 1794
Other volcanic eruptions
пЃ¶22 October 1822
пЃ¶23 August 1834
пЃ¶6 February 1850
пЃ¶1 May 1855
пЃ¶8 December 1861
пЃ¶15 November 1868
пЃ¶24 April 1872
пЃ¶4 April 1906
пЃ¶3 June 1929
пЃ¶18 March 1944
The frequency of the Mt Vesuvius eruptions is abnormally high which basically
means that the Mountain in its time erupted a lot and as a fact it erupted at a
frequency rate of no longer than 35 years between two eruptions apart from the 131
years of quiescence. Quiescence meaning that the volcano hadn t erupted for a certain
The famous Eruption of 24 August AD79..
On 24 August AD79, Mt Vesuvius created European and world history as it erupted
in the most catastrophic and infamous manner. Pliny the Younger has educated
historians on the eruption of AD79. Pliny the Younger was a Roman administrator
and poet. On the 24th of August Mt Vesuvius exploded with a deadly cloud of
volcanic ash, stones, and gas to an approximated height of 33km, spewing molten
rock and pulverised pumice, this was rated at one and a half million tons per second.
This indicates that the eruption released around one hundred thousand times the
thermal energy that was released by the Hiroshima bombing. The towns of Pompeii
and Herculaneum were
Skeletal Muscle Cells
Structure of Skeletal Muscle: (4)
Skeletal muscle cells (single cell with many nuclei) are cells that are often under
voluntary control. Skeletal muscle cells are attached to bones of the body and assist
in bone movement. Attached to the bone via tendons (strong bands of connective
tissue) is the belly of the muscle which alternates in thickness. Connective tissue also
creates a sheath, binding together groups of muscle cells. Every skeletal muscle cell is
arranged length ways adjacent to one another comprised of a multitude of myofibrils.
Surrounding each skeletal muscle cell is the sarcolemma with contains sarcoplasm. A
sarcomere has two recognisably different bands, one light, one dark. The I band is
light in colour and represents where
Jimi Hendrix Research Papers
Kareem Alashi 5663179
Music Literature
Dec. 7 2015
Jimi Hendrix (Woodstock)
Final Report
Hendrix was born in Seattle, WA November 27, 1942
He died in London September 18, 1970 An American guitarist, singer, and song
writer. He started playing for the first time in 1961 at the age of 15. He was
motivated by the American rock and roll and electric blues. Hendrix taught himself to
play guitar as a young person, listening to records by soul guitarists Sloppy Waters
was one of them. He played in secondary school groups before enrolling in the U.S.
Armed force in 1959. Released in 1961, Hendrix started working under the nom de
plume James as a pickup guitarist. In 1965 Hendrix framed his own particular band.
Woodstock is a weekend event that ... Show more content on ...
Carefully maintained bends of force harmonies that reproduced hints of bombs
dropping, mounted guns discharging, and maybe the indicated shouts of passing on
people amidst an ethereal assault, Hendrix recounts a direct story about the
overwhelming occasions happening abroad in Vietnam through his interpretation of
the U.S. national anthem.
Hendrix s performance at Woodstock wasn t the same as his different forms of the
song of praise, and it can be found in the mind boggling relationship between the
fleeting and topographical setting of Woodstock and the dynamic gravitas created by
the mental synchronization between artists and group of the audience amid the live
My opinion about this video is that it has a unique type of combination of
instruments with harmony among all of them. Hendrix was playing and singing
with emotions all the time and I saw this while he was playing his electric guitar
closing his eyes. He seemed to be a left handed person because he plays the guitar
Media vs. Parenting Essay
Media vs. Parenting
What impact does sex, violence, drugs, etc. in the media have on children? What can
we do about it? How do we balance the tension between freedom of expression and
the need to protect children? When you talk about the media and whether or not it is
harmful on children, you must examine the whole industry and all aspects of its
effects on children. It is that the media as a whole is not as harmful to children as
some intense other can, but over exposure to certain aspects of certain types of
media can be harmful. To say that all media can be harmful to children is a fallacy
that must be avoided when examining this topic. Most people when analyzing this
issue tend to focus on drugs, sex, and violence in terms of ... Show more content on ...
Those who disliked Hearst or competed against him called his brand of media
yellow press . However is can we accuse a person of imposing bad media onto
society, just because we do not believe in what they wish to talk about? The second
amendment assures us that we have the right to voice our opinions, therefore by
holding his ground I believe Mr. Hearst was not doing harm to society but just doing
what he thought he was entitled to do. I will further discuss other prominent
individuals in the media and how they have been perceived.
In a matter of seconds, 80% children can impersonate an action hero in a video
action game, A TV show, Reality shows or even a movie/TV character. We see a lot
of media as happy, energetic, and exciting. We rarely see the media as depressed,
boring, and unattractive. Sadly, as much as happy, exciting, and energetic sounds so
great, a great number of that happy media is related to sex, violence, drugs, tobacco
and alcohol. Children rely on the television, games, magazines, and the internet to
occupy their time. The second a child opens a magazine and sees sexy women
striking a pose with a beer in her hand, he/she looks up to that as sexy and cool. The
National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse released a 145 page study
claiming that children drink 25 percent of all alcohol consumed in the United States
and that it is mainly
Tuck Everlasting Theme
This book is about A spring of water by a tree can make you live forever if you
drink it and it s also about a girl think more about life and having to make hard
decisions. Tuck Everlasting By: Natalie Babbitt Analyzes the Circle of life And
how not dying isn t living. The main theme of Tuck everlasting is the circle of life.
An example from the text that shows the theme is dying is part of the wheel, right
there next to being born. You can t pick out pieces you like and leave the rest.
Being it s passing us by,us Tucks living s heavy work, but off to one side, the way
we are, its useless, too.It dont make sense . If I knowed how to climb back on the
wheel, I d do it in a minute. You can t have living without dying. So you can t call it...
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An example is Its my toad so you better leave it alone. Said Winnie to the dog She
ran up to her room And grabbed the bottle of the spring water that Jessie gave her.
The Dog watched the whole operation happen. Then the dog got bored and ran
away Winnie picked up the toad and held it for a long time Without the least
disgust, in the palm of her hand It sat comely as she poured the the spring water in
the toad until the last drop was gone. She laid the toad in the grass and said You re
safe forever. This whole part of the book made me think how she have up the water
that would make her live forever on a toad. She probably thought about the circle of
life how she wanted to die, not now but someday. I think the author was trying to
show that you should think about a decision for a long time before you do something
and that how Winnie made her mind to give it to the toad and not just think about
SLP Analysis Essay
Cumulative Final
Section 1
An analysis of Aaron s language sample reveals that he may suffer from a language
disorder. According to the American Speech Language Hearing Association also
known as, ASHA, a language disorder is defined as impaired comprehension and/or
use of spoken, written and/or other symbol systems. The disorder may involve (1) the
form of language (phonology, morphology, and syntax), (2) the content of language
(semantics), and/or (3) the function of language in communication (pragmatics) in
any combination (ASHA, 2013) . Aaron appears to have difficulty elaborating the
content of language used as well as his functional use of language in a socially
appropriate manner. Deficiencies in language can have a profound ... Show more
content on ...
Phonological disorders in children can result from physical or organic causes or
may be functional in nature ( Phonological disorders in, 2013) . Children with a
phonological disorder may experience a higher risk for reading and writing
disabilities. If left unresolved, phonological disorders have long term consequences
that may interfere with an individual s future social, academic, and vocational well
being, largely resulting from persistent, reduced intelligibility of speech (
Phonological disorders in, 2013).
Morphological awareness supports a variety of literacy skills, including word
identification, reading fluency, reading comprehension, and spelling. Increased
morphological awareness enables children to analyze the internal structure of words
and decode them more quickly and accurately ( Morphological awareness:
Implications, 2013). Aaron exhibited problems with his morphological awareness in
various spots throughout the language sample. For example Aaron said And she
felled in the thing , And the lady sawed her . In these two utterances Aaron has shown
a failure to meet and use the correct past tense morphology. Through intervention the
SLP can influence the use of and knowledge of phonology and morphology on word
recognition and spelling, ultimately increasing one s morphological awareness.
Syntax refers to the rules of word order and word combinations in order to
Ap Style Poetry Analysis Essay
Page 1 of 2 ZOOM Module Five Lesson One Assignment: AP Style PoetryIn the
passage, one of the themes which Lewis Carroll conveys throughout his story is
the theme of Man vs. Nature to help express the point of his poem more clearly.
Lewis Carroll uses certain literary devices in order to apply this theme to his story
including imagery, allusions, and onomatopoeia. Visual imagery in this passage is
used by the author in order to convey a better understanding of situations and
settings of the passage to the reader for a better and more natural feel for the text.
The author uses this imagery when describing the Jabberwocky to the reader by
making his audience visualize the Jabberwocky and allow the reader to piece an
image of the
How Did The Trojan War Affect Us Today
Would you like to know the story of Trojan War? They story of the Trojan War is
known as the fight between the kingdoms of Troy and Mycanaen Greece. The
Trojan War to this day still has evidence that is being uncovered and finding more
about Troy and how its affected us today. The Trojan all began with a kidnapping of
a women. Aphrodite said that if Prince Paris gave him the golden apple then
Aphrodite would give him the most beautiful girl in the world(McDonald). Although
when he gave Aphrodite the golden apple Paris did not know that the women was
already married to Menelaus(McDonald). So Paris went and kidnapped her, when
Menelaus asked for Helenback Paris Refused. Two boys fighting over one girl started
a famous war. The Trojan war
Comparing Locke And Marx s Manifesto Of The
Communist Party
From its primal adaptations to the specialized, highly sophisticated systems in which
they currently operate, religion and politics has been inexplicably linked to humanity,
with each playing a significant role in sociopolitical development since man s very
inception. As humans have become increasingly more interconnected and
interdependent, the now commonplace societal entities of politicsand religionwere
borne into fruition, servicing as an agent of communal advancement and moral
betterment. Despite thousands of years of co existence, the relationship between
religion and politics has been one of consistent animosity, with perpetual jockeying
for power often resulting in social unrest and public dissent that has sent philosophers
scurrying... Show more content on ...
Locke too comments on religion s tendency to foster social dissension and the
impossibility of determining religious correctness: If the religion of any church
becomes true and saving because its leaders, prelates, priests, and others of that tribe
mightily extol and praise it, what religion can ever be reckoned erroneous? (19 20).
Locke s excerpt lends credence into the fact that religion s very premise attempt at
explanation of supernatural phenomena renders it incapable of communal harmony,
as human inability to gather empirical evidence on supernatural occurrences leave it
open to infinite possibility, a degree of ambiguity that has led religion to become an
enterprise that is being constantly created and modified. The underlying mystique and
profound uncertainty ultimate culminated in a wave of religious liberty and freedom
of conscience that ultimately gave expression to the sway of competition within the
domain of knowledge (26). Marx s excerpt provides insight into the fact that the very
identity of religion as a
Describe How The Design Of Respiratory System
Process of respiration involves supply of oxygen to blood cells (oxygen intake) and
excretion of carbon dioxide and other waste (CO2 excretion). Purified blood is
carried to all parts of the body by blood vessels in order to achieve gaseous exchange
at cell level. This process is carried out through a complex system called Respiratory
System. Organs which comprise respiratory system include mouth, nasal passage,
glottis, trachea, larynx, pharynx, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli and last but not the
least lungs.
In the following lines, we ll discuss in details how the structures of respiratory system
accomplish exchange of gases.
The upper respiratory tract comprises those organs that bring the air in and lower
respiratory tract comprises those parts that process the air. Upper respiratory tract
starts from the nose and the mouth. They enable the air to enter through external
nares (nostrils). Behind the nostrils there are little shelves of bone called nasal
conchae (superior, middle and inferior). They divide the nasal cavity into thin
passages called meatuses. (Jahangir, 2015). Surface areas of nasal conchae creates
turbulence, forcing the air to get bounced in the nasal cavity and increase the surface
area of these cavities, thus allowing the mucus to trap the dirt, bacteria and enable
only warm, clean and moist air as it passes down to the lungs. (Rogers, 2012)
Figure 1. (,
Liberty and Political Liberalism
Liberty and Political Liberalism
William D. Towah
Liberty and Political Liberalism
The Relationship between the Concepts of Liberty and Political Liberalism
In his publication: The Equality Trust , Goddard, J. (2013) discussed that liberty as
defined by many to mean the ability of an individual to carry out his/her will
without any active obstruction or impediment from any persons is narrowed and,
therefore, flawed. He proposed that liberty should rather be viewed as the absence of
relationship domination and dependence between persons regardless of whether any
actual interference takes place (para. 1). According to him once this broader view is
keenly considered, the comparability between liberty and equality becomes ... Show
more content on ...
Negative liberty is a freedom from restrictions that would not permit an individual
from making desired choices. The action of the individual is control externally to
the extent that it conflicts with is internal desires. For example, a professional
footballer who still has 4years left on his contract with his club may harbor the
desire to join other clubs. He is said to have his liberty to make decisions but parent
club could restrict his desires so he could complete his term of contract; this can be
best termed as negative liberty (Liberalism: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
The Debate around Political Liberalism
Political liberalism which is seen by many theorists as a doctrinal exercise of the
natural rights and freedom of the individual has created the platform where
government s total control of citizens behavior and will is minimized. It is now
argued that, state interference in the life of the governed be limited to enable the
individual exercises his rational intellect to his liberty and to acquire property and all
others that may allow him to enjoy his freedom without any violation. As many
countries have adopted liberalism, democratic governance with the adherence to the
rule of law has taken preeminence over the conservative regimes. The liberal social
order has now brought the debate as the conservatives continue to argue that, Political
Liberalism has given birth to Liberal Feminism which aimed at gender equality. This
fight for feminism has
The Sound And The Fury By William Faulkner
In William Faulkner s The Sound and the Fury themes such as culture and names are
displayed through the perspective of the formerly respectable Compson family. Led
by Mr. and Mrs. Compson. Faulkner uses this novel to criticize the importance of
reputations to southern families and to criticize the culture of Post Bellum society.
Criticizing society was something relatively new at this time, resulting in this novel
becoming a leader in the movement, ushering in a new style of writing. Protagonists:
Benjamin, Caddy, and Quentin all feel the effects of the issues of reputation and
ideologies of society that culture in the south attempts to force them to uphold. The
beginning of the Novel places the reader in the mind of Benjamin Compson.... Show
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Another example is Benjy s castration. Benjy has a special connection to his sister
Caddy. Caddy goes against the grain of society and treats Benjy as her brother, not
as a burden or an ill judgment from God like the rest of her family. I thought that
Benjamin was punishment enough for any sins I have committed I thought he
was my punishment for putting aside my pride and marrying a man who held
himself above me I don t complain I loved him above all of them because of it
because my duty (Faulkner) When Caddy ran away he grieved by the fence,
watching the school girls return to their homes, hoping that Caddy would return to
hers. Benjamin attempts to grab one of the girls resulting in him being labeled as a
threat. Benjy s assault was not intended to be sexual. However, it was still seen as
a threat. Not only a threat to the families of the girls, but also a threat to the
Compsons. If Benjy reproduced it would plague them with another child, most
likely suffering from the same disabilities as its father. Another direct example of
Benjy being viewed as inferior. Faulkner uses Benjy to display the flaws of the
ideology towards disabled peoples in Post Bellum culture. The theme of names is
also present with Benjy. Faulkner uses Benjy to criticize the importance of ones
reputation in the south. It can be inferred several times from close examination of
Mrs. Compsons dialogue that she often worries about how Benjamin
The Lorax is a story about a man who abused the environment and about what he
learned. The story begins in the most run down part of a dull, gray town. A small
boy asks the Once ler to share the secret of the Lorax and how he was taken away.
Thus, the story is told as a flashback as the Once ler talks about the Lorax and past
The Characters:
A. The Once ler, a businessman
B. The Lorax, a leader of the plants and animals
The Once ler s Story: The Beginning
The Once ler moved across the land to his wagon. He came upon a new land with an
important natural resource. (A natural resource is a plant, animal or mineral that can
be used by people.)
What was this natural ... Show more content on ...
and he must have industrial progress. Can t shut down and fire 100,000 workers; bad
economics. And he was greedy.
Going Broke
The Once lers business failed. The Once ler started business in a small shop. As
more and more thneeds were made and sold, more workers were needed. That is how
a town grew up around the thneed factory.
What happened to cause the failure of the business?
What happened to the workers and the town after the factory closed?
Lessons to Be Learned
The Once ler learned that he had made a mistake.
What was his mistake?
What makes you think that the Once lers ideas about the use of natural resources
Explain what must happen for the Lorax and his animals to return.
Going in depth:
What analogies and parallels can be made when comparing this story with real life
situations? (Which country do you think Dr. Suess was trying to copy?)
Environmental Problems:
You probably noticed changes in the environment as the Once ler went about the
business of making thneeds. You might, for example, remember that the Lorax
complained about the smoggy air caused by the Once ler s factory. The smoggy air is
an environmental problem. An environmental problem occurs when the condition of
something or someone in the natural environment is threatened by a change. The air
was clean and fresh before the Once ler s activities; but pollution made it dirty and
smelly. That is, the

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How To Write A Good Expository Essay. The Expository Essay Essays

  • 1. How To Write A Good Expository Essay Writing an essay on the topic "How To Write A Good Expository Essay" may initially seem like a straightforward task, as the subject matter appears self-referential. However, delving into the intricacies of expository writing can reveal its inherent challenges. Crafting a compelling and informative expository essay requires a deep understanding of the topic, a clear and organized structure, and the ability to convey information in a coherent and engaging manner. One of the difficulties lies in the need for thorough research to gather relevant and credible information. A good expository essay demands a solid foundation of facts, examples, and evidence to support the central theme. This research phase can be time-consuming and requires careful evaluation of sources to ensure accuracy and reliability. Structuring the essay poses another challenge. An effective expository essay should have a clear introduction, a well-developed body with logically organized paragraphs, and a concise conclusion. Achieving a seamless flow between these sections while maintaining coherence and relevance is a task that demands careful consideration and planning. Additionally, the writer must strike a balance between providing enough information to support the thesis and avoiding unnecessary details. Ensuring that the content is accessible to the target audience without sacrificing depth is a delicate task that requires a keen understanding of the reader's perspective. Moreover, mastering the art of transitions is crucial in expository writing. Seamless connections between ideas and paragraphs help guide the reader through the essay, enhancing comprehension and overall readability. Struggling with transition words and phrases can hinder the essay's effectiveness. In conclusion, writing a good expository essay is no easy feat. It involves extensive research, meticulous planning, and skillful execution in presenting information. Overcoming the challenges of gathering relevant data, structuring the essay effectively, maintaining a balance between depth and accessibility, and ensuring smooth transitions all contribute to the complexity of this task. For those seeking assistance, it's worth considering external help. Services like offer support for various types of essays, including expository ones. Professional assistance can provide valuable insights and guidance, making the process of writing such essays more manageable for those who may find it challenging. How To Write A Good Expository EssayHow To Write A Good Expository Essay
  • 2. The Decreasing Value Of Production The purpose of this section is to analyze the decreasing value of the production in frequency between the three types of the bigram syntactic sequences and the three types of the trigram syntactic sequences in order to test Hypothesis 2 which was proposed for this study. Hypothesis 2 denotes that, in the learner s corpus, as compared to the reference corpora, the production rate of the articles is lower in the NPs which have an adjective preceding a noun(Art + Adj + N) than noun phrases which have no preceding adjective (Art + N), The procedure of the analysis is to compare per million normalized frequency of the three types of the bigram syntactic sequences and the three types of the trigram syntactic sequences within the same group and across different groups. Based on the results of the raw production frequency of the bigram and trigram syntactic sequences ( the+N , a+N , and an+N vs. a + N , a + Adj + N , and an + Adj + N ), the raw production counts were normalized per 1,000,000 for inter language comparison between the learner corpus and the reference corpus. Then, the decreasing values between the bigram syntactic sequences and the trigram syntactic sequences were assessed calculated by dividing the trigram sequence production rate in the production rate of the bigram sequence. Table 13. Framework used to evaluate the decreasing value between the two syntactic sequences Definite article the Indefinite article a Indefinitearticle an Bigramthe + noun
  • 3. Porter s Five Forces Porter s Five Forces Porter s Five Forces allowed us to analyse the influences on the industry in which Tesco operates. It highlights where Tesco has developed a competitive edge over its rivals. Potential entrants: Throughout the recession Tesco has continued to invest into expanding the company and developing efficiencies, making it as competitive as ever to defend against the threat of new entrants (Datamonitor, 2010, p. 19). The threat of a new competitor entering this sector is relatively low, due to the huge capital investment required to be competitive and establish a brand identity that stands out. One of Tescos main advantages is their ability to buy in vast quantities, making them highly price competitive. Along with being ... Show more content on ... Tesco then use this customer data to shape product offerings, create ranges, gain a better understanding of consumer segments and shopping profiles, help marketing to build loyalty and develop promotion offerings that suit target groups. Datamonitor (2010, p.19) reports amp;amp;quot;18% more UK households are redeeming (Tesco) vouchers than a year ago amp;amp;quot;. Money off vouchers are a very successful promotion tool during a recession, and thanks to information retained through the amp;amp;quot;Clubcard amp;amp;quot;, they can be personalised to suit the needs of individual customers, therefore increasing customer satisfaction. Suppliers: Large organizations, like Tesco, are in the position of control when it comes to negotiating with suppliers. In 2009, Tesco switched to sourcing many products directly from the UK, in an effort to lower prices in the Republic of Ireland to prevent shoppers heading North due to the devaluation of sterling against the euro. This allowed them to cut its prices by up to 22% in the border regions, helping them retain their competitive edge (http:/ / shows tesco kept switch to uk suppliers secret 1754805.html). Closer relationships with the suppliers and significant changes to merchandising strategy are
  • 4. Ethiopia s Red Terror Primary Sources: Abebe, Belay. Mengistu s Red Terror. Personal interview. 11 Oct. 2016. The interview with Belay Abebe provided a first person experience of what happened during the Ethiopian Red Terror. Throughout the interview, Abebe answered questions that provided insight on how Mengistu took control of the Ethiopian government, cruel things that Derg did to citizens, and personal encounters with the party themselves. Abebe stated that the Red Terror originally occurred because Derg had forcefully switched Ethiopia to a communist state, and in the process of doing so, they took away land and businesses away from the citizens. Because of this, many of the Ethiopian citizens started to peaceful protest against the government. Abebe states ... Show more content on ... The Red Terror was unleashed by the military legislature of Colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam in the mid 1970s to annihilate the left opposition. Political polarization prompted extraordinary type of savagery. Without a doubt, the powers included both as instigators and casualties of the Red Terror have contrasting discernment and appraisals of the viciousness. Yet, it is critical to set up what happened during the violence, techniques utilized and the quantity of organizations required in propelling it. Second, an important examination of the Red Terror ought to likewise arrange the entire clash in an appropriate historical point of view. This happened at historical point that Ethiopia was, and still is, going through; from tyrant legislative issues to democracy as the end of the government offered path to a voyage to the
  • 5. Latitudinal Gradient of Species Diversity Essay Latitudinal Gradient of Species Diversity The latitudinal gradient in species diversity is one of the most striking patterns in the distribution of organisms on the planet. Simply put, the average number of species per unit area increases dramatically the closer the area is to the equator, almost entirely regardless of the type of organism being considered (Pianka, 1994). Researchers investigating the gradient have formulated a wide variety of hypothesis explaining the higher level of species diversity in the tropics. These include but are not limited to: a greater degree of evolution and radiation in tropical species due to the long and relatively stable geological history of the area, seasonal climatic stability and/or predictability, ... Show more content on ... 52). As a result, these unique soils became the tropical soils of general usage and were believed to cover most of the tropical region (Sanchez, 1976). These soils were believed to have formed on ancient parent materials under uniformly hot and humid conditions, and be highly leached, nutrient poor, and characterized by laterite (hard iron oxide) deposits which cause the soil to become rock hard upon desiccation (Sanchez, 1976). Of course, tropical soils are not this uniform. Even if parent materials were essentially homogeneous throughout the tropics, the huge range in temperature, topography and precipitation regime found within the tropical zone would lead to very different pedogenesis in different areas (Sanchez, 1976). Furthermore, there are a wide variety of parent materials found in the tropics. Some soils are formed on the ancient Brazilian and Guianan Shields, some on recently exposed or deposited parent materials, and some on volcanic ash (Van Wambecke and Dudal). The only characteristic all tropical soils share by definition is that they experience a temperature change of less than 5 C during the course of the year (Sanchez, 1976). While it is true that temperature effects pedogenic processes, it can hardly be argued that this similarity would outweigh all the differences cited above, so we must assume that there is a significant degree of variability among tropical soils. Oxisols have the largest tropical areal distribution
  • 6. The Dj Essay The Dj Essay, Research Paper The DJ About fifteen years ago a culture was born. In Europe a new type of music was being created. Something new, something fresh. A music fueled by throbbing beats over rattling bass. This is electronic music. The mastermind behind this whole up and coming culture was and is the DJ. In the past five years have become more and more popular everyday. Some people who are not aware of this music or this culture might argue that being a DJ is not a serious profession for various reasons. Throughout this paper I will prove these notions false. As support I will provide the history of the DJ, what exactly it is, insight from various DJ s and much more. It all began about fifteen years ago. In towns in Europe ... Show more content on ... Rock music absorbed House and Techno, and DJ s and electronicists began to tour and act like rock stars. As one century tipped into another, dance music was still a primary source of interest and creativity as Trance, a futuristic blend of technology and House and Techno, became a chart topping, globe girdling sensation ( Prendergast pg 367). Another great more specific example of this is Paul Oakenfold as written in Last night a DJ saved my life, When Paul Oakenfold plays records in a club, every person on the dance floor will be facing him. Just like they d face a rock band on a stage. There s not much to see: a baseball cap maybe, a studious face leaning into a pair of headphones, some minimal arm movements as he slides in another flawless mix. Occasionally he might throw his hands up in excitement, smile out in response to a particularly grand track, or share a wink with some energetic fan, and when he does, there ll be a sea of hands aloft, a breakout of waving and grinning, an ocean of smiling dancers mirroring his every gesture. For he is a superstar ( Brewster pg 384). Along with these tours came annual festivals. Huge festivals every year with sometimes over a hundred thousand people in attendance. Some of these are Love Parade and Gatecrasher( ( Just like any music industry this one soon started having conventions. The biggest one is the Winter Music Conference(
  • 7. The Importance Of Life In Life Everyone in life has faced different obstacles, I mean when you re brought up you learn that life isn t a nice pleasant place. One of my favorite quotes of all time is by Sylvester Stallone who said, Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain t all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. Life is defined by how you advance past these obstacles that are put in your path. Look at the successful people life such as: Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Mark Cuban, etc. All of these people have experienced failure or tragedy before making millions; however, they did not let this tragedy impair their vision of success. In my life I have experienced many tragedies much like everyone else in this world, but there is one tragedy that has affected the way I am today and the outlook I have in life. Earlier this year my grandpa had been diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis. For those who don t know what pulmonary fibrosis is, it is essentially the scarring of the tissue in your lungs causing shortness of breath and making it hard to breathe. Now I was devastated by this obstacle in my life. I hated to sit there and watch him struggle breathingwhile just sitting in that unembellished hospital bed. The doctors told us that there was no cure for his disease, and that ultimately he d have to fight. They did set him up
  • 8. Human Trafficking Is A Criminal Act And Violates Human Rights A young African girl, Gracie, was persuaded into having sex with strange men and packaging illegal drugs, all under the watch of child traffickers. Gracie s family was murdered when she was eleven years old; shortly thereafter, an older man claimed to be a friend of her deceased family. This man brought her to a home where Gracie was forced to engage in sex with men she d never met; sometimes it was 3 or 4 men a day (NSPCC). Each year, 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders; half of those people are children ( 11 Facts ). Human trafficking is a criminal act and violates human rights; it is especially devastating to children. Countless innocent children and families are impacted by Child Trafficking ... Show more content on ... In other instances, child traffickers hook the family s interest with talk of a better future; then, bribery and/or threats are used. Normally, in the more recent years, families will be asked for payment towards the service a trafficker is providing (NSPCC). By paying for the child s plane ticket to a new country or providing he /she with connections, it only seems fair for the parents of the minor to come up with a service payment. However, this is all a form of manipulation by the trafficker, because they are not actually looking to better the life of the child that they are indeed smuggling. The only interest is the money that is exchanged, and the innocent families in this situation are oblivious to that fact. Due to child trafficking, the average age a teen enters the sex trade in the U.S. is 12 to 14 years old ( 11 Facts ). This statistic is mainly due to child traffickers forcing their victims into prostitution. Intimidating minors into sex trade is a horrible trend among human trafficking and has become the norm. All the more, Gracie s story gets worse; after a long two years, she was taken away by another man and was illegally smuggled into a foreign country. There, the man locked her in a room inside a brothel and coerced her to prostitute sex to men, as well as package drugs for local drug dealers (NSPCC). After Gracie managed to break free from this abusive environment, she was put in jail for fraudulent behaviors because of her fake
  • 9. Mental Health And Mental Illness Nursing education includes theoretical studies and clinical experiences which cannot be substitute with other. While starting my nursing career as a student without any previous experiences in mental health, I also have the same attitude as general people where mentally ill people are vulnerable, dangerous, unpredictable, and to some degree responsible for their own illness. Initially, I was not fully prepared, anxious and stressed to start the course. After studying mental health, I found what is mental health, what are the causes of mental illness, disease type, a severity of diseases and as being nurse how can we treat mentally ill people. Hence, after studying mental health, my perspective towards the mentally ill patient is totally changed and feel more comfortable to deal with mental illness. Before studying mental health, I thought that mental illness cannot be recovered fully. It can only be controlled because whenever mental illness topic used to discuss, stress was one and only topic which comes on my mind. According to Jorm, Barney, Christensen, Highet, Kelly, and Kitchener (2006), there is a huge gap in people and professionals, people are not believing in the treatment of mental illness. However, mental illness can be recovered with proper counselling, guidance and treatment (Stanton, Tooth, and Champ, 2017). Mental illness can be caused by different factors such as work pressure, ethnic group, intellectual disability, economic and social status, immoral
  • 10. Pygmalion Allusion A.) An allusion is an indirect or direct reference to anything that is a source outside of that work of literature or the situation. B.) Pygmalion was a Greek sculptor who lost interest in women due to prostitutes. Pygmalion then carved a realistic statue of a women out of ivory, gave it the name of Galatea and soon fell in love with it. He went to the altar of Aphrodite and asked for a bride and the Goddess of love took petty upon him and brought his statue to life. When he came home to embrace his statue he realized that it was warm and that the ivory was no longer as hard as it used to be. Galatea and Pygmalion got married and eventually have a child and they both are forever grateful to Aphrodite and bring her gifts throughout their lives.
  • 11. Mcdonald Senior Restaurant CASE TITLE: MC DONALD S SENIORS RESTAURANT CASE STUDY METHOD OBJECTIVES: 1. To enhance socialization and quality decision making. 2. To advance the student s learning in the national world of business operation. BY: MARY KRISTINE S. TORRECAMPO LC 3 I. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 1. What is the effect of the increasing seniors population to the image of Suzanne s Mc Donald s Restaurant? 2. What services should Suzanne s Mc Donald s Restaurant could offer to attract more young customers to avail the facilities longer than the seniors? II. DEFINITION OF THE PROBLEM The Mc Donald s Restaurant is open to the public especially to the young ones, but unfortunately, the main ... Show more content on ... A good interaction of employees towards their clients can establish a harmonious relationship that may lead later on to trusting each other. But too much involvement especially on personal matters, if abused, can affect the business which may lead to its own downfall. Establishing a good relationship among customers is one of the effective ways to have a good business, but of course, there s always a limitation in every personal connection towards them. 3. High Expectation to the Business Setting goals and achieve them are necessary to attain success in the business world. It is alright to set expectations beyond your capacity but make sure to strive hard in order to succeed. A low expectation bring lesser challenges and if succeeds, brings lesser satisfaction. Unlike having higher expectations which brings more challenges and if succeeds, greater satisfaction can be felt. However, there are times that higher expectations can result to a greatest and most painful decline of the business. In setting expectation, high or low, extra careful is necessary and good decision is expected not only for one s common good but for all who is part of the business. 4. Gradual Tolerance of the Management Mc Donald s is a fast food restaurant in which people are expected to eat and run or buy and run. But in this case, seniors stay for about 4 hours or more in a place having coffee or eating meals. Maybe because the management forgot to let them
  • 12. Rhetorical Analysis Of The Glass Ceiling Frank, Carter Almond Enc1102 October 17th, 2017 Rhetorical Analysis: The Glass Ceiling Hurts Business Too In Sarah Bianchi Sand s article, she details the glass ceiling, or an unofficial boundary that prevents women and minorities alike from reaching their highest potential. Her work is meant to persuade readers that the glass ceiling isn t a myth, but a real and serious problem. Being the Chair and Executive Director of the National Committee on Pay Equity, Sarah has plenty of reason for wanting to persuade this topic. Her thesis effectively starts this process by laying out what is happening. This theory is circulating widely among the press perhaps because it is controversial and contradicts what has become rather boring to the media but what remains are the real life experiences of women and people of color no real change in the wage gap and no improvement in the glass ceiling (Bianchi Sand p.306). This thesis opens the door for Sarah to talk about and persuade her readers that the glass ceiling is no myth. By using ethos, pathos, and logos our Author persuades her readers that the glass ceiling is hurting business but can be raised. Sarah Bianchi Sand began her career path as an advocate of equal pay for equal work in 1969 when she took a job as a stewardess for United Airlines. Appalled by the inequalities she saw there, she ran for and won a seat as president of the flight attendants union. Now Chair and Executive Director of the National Committee
  • 13. Chris Abani s Graceland Contemporary Perspectives Graceland Analysis Elvis had read a newspaper editorial that stated, rather proudly, that Nigeria had a higher percentage of millionaires...than nearly any other country in the world, and most of them lived and conducted their business in Lagos. The editorial failed to mention that their wealth had been made over the years with the help of crooked politicians, criminal soldiers, bent contractors, and greedy oil company executives. Or that Nigeria also had a higher percentage of poor people than nearly any other country in the world. (Abani 8) This quote exemplifies the image of Nigeria presented in Chris Abani s shocking novel Graceland. Based on Abani s own experiences in the conflicted, war torn country, ... Show more content on ... How could a place be so ugly and violent yet beautiful at the same time? he wondered. He hadn t known about the poverty and violence of Lagos until he arrived. It was as if people conspired with the city to weave a web of silence around its unsavory parts. People who didn t live in Lagos only saw postcards of skyscrapers, sweeping flyovers, beaches and hotels. (Abani 7) In this land beset by violence, poverty, death, and exploitation, Elvis becomes a dancer, using talcum powder and a black wig in order to impersonate his namesake (The American singer Elvis), in order to make a living entertaining the rich tourists on the Lagos City beaches. He takes a second job as a private dancer for the tourists a job where he makes more money, but is treated as a disposable slave. As Elvis progresses to adulthood without any strong male figures to guide him in his life, he befriends two other characters, Caesar Augustus Anyanwu (a.k.a. The King of Beggars) and Redemption. The King of Beggars is a Nigerian political activist, willing to do anything to topple the abusive, corrupt military regime that controls the nation. Redemption lives on shady dealings specifically drug trafficking, in order to survive. Elvis gets sucked into the seedy underworld, and gets in deeper than he would ever imagine. Abani sets a very grim and cynical scene, with little hope. Elvis manages to flee by taking a plane to America, in
  • 14. Population Overpopulation Over Population overpopulation and population density When we think of population density most people aren t positive on this is actually means. In this essay, I will state why population density is becoming a problem in today s society and how this is having an effect on our environment, political, and economic state of countries. According to populationdensity is the number of people living per unit of an area (e.g. per square mile); the number of people relative to the space occupied by them After some secondary research, I found out that the continent of Asia has the highest population density in the world if we look at the statistics on the countries with the highest population density are Asia, Africa, and North America. If we narrow this down to induvial countries we can see from this graph on the right that there is a cluster within Asia, the country that shows us this is China is overpopulated because of the colour of the country and if you refer it back to the map. Once you refer it back to the map you can see that China has approximately 150 people living per square kilometre in China, this is mainly because of highly over populated cities in China. For example, Hong Kong, Hong Kong has a high population density of 6,349 people living per square kilometre, which is massive compared to different smaller countries like The Republic of China (Taiwan) who have a population density of 639 people per square kilometre. I know this by referring back to
  • 15. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 2/21/2015 Providing a place of employment has lead to numerous benefits for employers and employees. When having a diversity of people working for a company, different types of personalities intermingle with each other on a day to day basis. Even though having a diverse group of people coexist in the workforce can serve a huge benefit to the company, it can also lead to problems amongst coworkers. In order to make sure everyone is treated fairly, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was created to enforce federal regulations for equality in the workforce (smallbusiness). The EEOC pursues complaints about hiring or firing based off of certain factors such as, race, religion, age, ... Show more content on ... In addition to, the supervisor may have not been fully aware of what is and what is not appropriate in the workforce. To avoid all of this confusion, during the on boarding process, all new employees should sit in on either a lecture or video informing them what is and what is not sexual harassment and how to handle the situation. A recommendation for the owner with regards to preparing a response to the EEOC is to inform them that mediation will be taken place first. To prevent any court fees and legal fees see if the situation can be resolved verbally as well educating all employees on their rights. Even if the employee is an immigrant with a work visa, the law protecting US citizens still applies to them. Work Cited: Employment Rights of Immigrants Under Federal Anti Discrimination Laws. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2015, from facts.cfm Sexual Harassment. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2015, from /laws/types/sexual_harassment.cfm The Charge Handling Process. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2015, from http:/ / The Importance of the EEOC. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2015, from http:/ / eeoc 63678.html Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2015, from
  • 16. Political Socialization Of Latin America And The United... Political socialization is the procedure by which individuals shape their thoughts regarding legislative issues. It s the deep rooted advancement of a man s political esteems. Even though most political socialization happens during youth, individuals keep on shaping their political values for the duration of their lives. A variety of components influence a person s political socialization. Individual variables, for example, your family, social and economic classes, education and friend gatherings, all impact your political values. More broad things, similar to the mass media and key world occasions, additionally influence your political values. A political culture is an arrangement of set attributes and practices held by a people that shapes their political conduct. It incorporates ... Show more content on ... At the end of the day people in both countries want to have a government that represents the needs of the people. The want to feel included in the decisions that make up their country. But one thing I would say that sets United States political culture from Latin America is that the United States has more educated people which allows more people to understand and get involve into politics. Latin America doesn t have a strong education system like America which leaves most of their people unable to read or write. You can t get really involved in politics if you don t know what s going on in your country. The United States also has the luxury of not worrying about political rivals killing our president just to come into power and start a dictatorship. While countries in Latin America must fear that happening way more than we have to. In a way, we have been spoiled by the fact we have a democracy and some people don t even bother into checking on the government that helps run the country. So even though both countries political cultures have differences they have many similarities as
  • 17. Being A Loyalist Essay As proved today, we should clearly stay under Britain s rule. Let s not forget that being a loyalist was very risky and unsafe. Whenever someone was a loyalist they were put into danger because patriots were known to overreact. For example, when Thomas Hutchinson revealed he was a loyalist, patriots burnt down his house instead of being civilized. Also, you could be imprisoned by the patriots just for being a loyalist. The patriots felt that being a loyalist was wrong and would imprison you just for having that opinion. Along with being imprisoned, you had to pay a huge amount of money to get out. This goes to show that many people were afraid to be loyalists because of the consequences and how violent the patriots were. This also shows that... Show more content on ... They protested for taxation without representation simply because they didn t want to pay taxes, and the protests weren t peaceful. One example of their violence is the Boston Tea Partyand The Boston Massacre. The Boston Massacre wasn t even a massacre despite the name. This was when some patriots started throwing snowballs at soldiers and the soldiers had to defend themselves from the patriots, so the patriots were shot. The Boston Tea Party was when a very small tax was placed on tea and the patriots weren t happy about that. So instead of paying the very small tax, they went onto the tea ships and dumped the tea into the ocean. The taxes would overall help us in the end, because they also helped with protection and a better military. For their protests on Taxation without representation , they were protesting something that wasn t completely true. Actually, it was false because there was representation. Each colony had someone that could go to Parliament and speak on the colony s behalf. As for the taxes, they were placed on all of Britain, not just the colonies, yet the patriots were not satisfied and decided not to pay the taxes even though they were cheaper than what Britain had to pay. May I remind you that the taxes were being placed because of the land we have. The patriots want to go to war again which would not only result in an estimated
  • 18. Application Of Writing For Writing In regards to writing I have always struggled to meet all of the requirements for a perfect paper that includes a well organized text filled with rich analytical sentences. In the beginning of the semester I constantly worried about the structure of my writing and its overall material. In high school it was important for me to complete my essays by answering the questions that I was given, but in college, students go more into depth. College students are required to focus on grammar, and well structured ideas that flow along with rich analytical content. After I was given my first assignment I was pressured to improve my overall work by focusing on structure and developing analytical content. Assignments such as the weekly readings and writingassignments helped me improve my overall work. Through the narrative essay, artist research essay and Storify project I focused on many aspects that improved my writing. For all of my assignments it was useful to use techniques, such as, reading out loud to revise the structure of my work and going into depth with description. My first English assignment was to read the essays from the 50 Essays book, and reflect on these essays by focusing on their main idea. These weekly readings slowly taught me how to analyze the structure of different essays. Through the journal essay assignments I came across to a particular essay that grabbed my attention. The essay, Why Bother By Michael Pollan, allows the reader to be moved by his written
  • 19. Opportunities And Barriers Of Sustainability Opportunities and Barriers to Sustainability In order to be an integral part in saving the Earth s environment and ensuring resources for future generations, the way individuals live needs to change. Being fortunate enough to reside in one of the nation s most developed countries, I wanted to make sure the way I have been living has been meeting the standards set by sustainable living. Using the overall environmental footprint provided by Global Footprint Network, I was able to pinpoint the areas in my life that needed to improve in order for me to be more sustainable. I chose to use this Footprint calculator because it gives you a breakdown on how many resources from the planet are needed in order to provide for your living standards. Once you have input the information, the calculator provides a general ecological footprint explanation and gives real case scenarios in which you can do to reduce it. The results for my footprint were as follows: If everyone were to live the way I do, we would need 5.3 planet earths to provide enough resources. It would take 23.6 global acres of land for energy production, which would emit 23.6 tons of carbon dioxide, and the biggest impacts on my personal footprint included 36 percent of services, 21 percent food and 19 percent mobility. Clearly, my desires for comfort, mobility and relief from labor has led me to make impractical decision making. One of the benefits of the Footprint Calculator is that creates what if scenarios, that
  • 20. The Environmental Impact of Cattle Farming Essay Mass Cattle farming within modern societies can pose many environmental implications, if caution is not taken. Not only do they contribute to land degradation, they contaminate soil and water, promote over consumption, and waste excessively high amounts of resources. For many cities in Canada, this problem affects the condition of their environment. Key initiatives and programs are being mounted, now more than ever, to aid in minimizing such a demanding issue. More specifically, in Edmonton the framework that has been implemented to address these issues have been provided by several grants, courtesy of the Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency. These grants amounting to approximately $2 million, were issued in the beginning of 2011, and are... Show more content on ... Regardless of the answer, it is crucial that we look into this conception of the future with harsh eyes so we can remain practical and accountable. We are in no means searching for a simple solution, merely the right one. By analyzing research findings and case studies we will be able to disassemble the environmental impact of cattle farming, and make sense of our counteraction. The framework being assessed is the form of conflict resolution, or more specifically stress management, battling environmental degradation. Whether or not the community s stance is feasible is debatable. Ideally, the big picture promises an increase in value production capacity, and several steps toward a sustainable market. (Canada News Centre, 2011). Agriculture today must balance a wide array of demands and environmental challenges that are continually evolving in their nature and complexity. A major challenge is achieving long term environmental sustainability of production. At the same time, agriculture is increasingly valued by Canadians for its environmental benefits, including its provision of some wildlife habitat; the visual beauty of farmland; and environmental services, such as nutrient cycling and the storage and filtering of water. Governments, farmers, and others have worked together for many years to promote research, programming, and related actions to address environmental concerns. However, an environmentally sustainable form of agriculture
  • 21. Advantages Of Centralized Database What is Centralized Database? In a centralized database, a server or a mainframe computer is used to store all the data of an organization. Through the Wide Area Network (WAN) users in distant locations access data using the application programs available for data access. The centralized database is ought to be able to accept and satisfy the entire requests that are received in the system, however, it could easily be crammed. Therefore, the ability to place every single data in its place can ease the process of maintaining and backing up. Moreover, when the data is stored in a centralized database, the outdated data is not available anymore in other places, so it makes it easier to maintain data integrity. Centralized database is different from distributed database in having all its data on one ... Show more content on ... Advantages of Distributed Database System 1. Increased reliability and availability A distributed database system is strong to failure to some extent. Hence, it is more reliable when compared to a centralized database system. 2. Local control The data is dispersed in a way that every part of it is local to some sites (servers). The site in which the part of data is stored is the owner of the data. 3. Modular growth (resilient) Growth is easier. We do not need to interrupt any of the active sites to introduce or add a new site. Hence, the expansion of the entire system is easier. Removal of site as well does not cause much problems. 4. Lower communication costs (More Economical) Data are spread in a way that they are available near to the location where they are needed more. This decreases the communication cost much more than a centralized system. 5. Faster response Most of the data are local and in close to where they are needed. Consequently, the requests can be answered quickly when compared to a centralized
  • 22. The Fast Food Industry In Canada The fourth largest employer in Canada; fast food restaurants employ more than 6.9% of Canada s work force which is more than 1.2 million people and provide first jobs more than any other industry (Health and Safety Report, 2016). As the fast food industry employees more than 500,000 people (under the age of 25) exposing a large number of the population (Health and Safety Report, 2016), especially youth to various workplace hazards and health issues it is vital to discuss this topic for all Canadians. The fast food industry does not only employ front desk staff but involves employees working in the kitchen, dish washers, freezers, garbage handling, cleaning, drive thru and even some of them working outside the restaurants, in parking lots etc.... Show more content on ... (2017, 01 17). Retrieved 02 11, 2017, from Healthy Day: https:/ / and health 41/occupational health news 507/fast food workers 646454.html Assessing Health Safety Issues. (2017, 02 11). Retrieved 02 11, 2017, from Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety: Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (SOR/86 304). (2017, 02 09). Retrieved 02 11, 2017, from Justice Laws Website: 86 304/page 40.html Canadian Occupational Health and Safety (OH S) Laws. (2017, 02 11). Retrieved 02 11, 2017, from Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety: Common accidents in the retaurant industry. (2011, 03 06). Retrieved from Restobiz: /common accidents in the restaurant industry/ Health and Safety Executive. (n.d.). Retrieved from Health and Safety Executive: /flash fries.htm Health and Safety Report. (2016, 07 28). Retrieved 02 11, 2017, from Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety:
  • 23. Chrysler 300 Essay If you re looking into purchasing a 2016 Chrysler 300 for sale in Puyallup, then Larson Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram is the place to be. We are proud to offer you this vehicle, as it is a standout in its class. In essence, you get luxury amenities at a price that won t break the bank. Many trims are available, and all provide a pleasant driving experience. 2016 Chrysler 300 Details Four trims are offered, and the first is dubbed the Limited. It comes well appointed with desirable features that include LED daytime running lights and taillights, a rearview camera, keyless entry and ignition, cruise control, dual zone automatic climate control and leather upholstery. 17 inch alloy wheels are standard, but if you go with all wheel drive you get 19 inch versions.... Show more content on ... The stereo system on the next trim the 300C Platinum is advanced as well, as the upgrade includes a Harman Kardon 19 speaker setup. Also included on this trim are adaptive xenon headlights, power adjustable pedals, heated and cooled front cupholders and upgraded leather upholstery. Of note is that several options are available, many of which come in the form of the stand alone variety. For instance, a few upper trim standards are available as options on the lower trims. The bundles are noteworthy as well. For this year, there is a 90th Anniversary Package that provides remote start, the dual pane sunroof and the navigation system. The badging and signage is trim specific as well. You can also go with the SafetyTec Plus Package with the 2016 Chrysler 300 for sale in Puyallup that gets you puddle lamps, front and rear parking sensors, automatic high beams, automatic wipers and lane departure warning and prevention. Additional Chrysler 300 Model
  • 24. Experiment 8 Phenol Alkylation Experiment 8: Phenol Alkylation Amber Chavis CHEM 2753 007 November 15, 2017 Objective/Purpose: This experiment was designed by conducting a substitution reaction to construct a complex compound (2 methylphenoxyacetic acid) from two simple parts; also known as synthesis converting simple molecules into more complex molecules. A purification technique known as crystallization was used to purify the product. Suction filtration was used to filter out the product. The experiment was completed over a three day experimental period. Procedure: In this experiment, 0.31 g (2.87 mmol) of 2 methylphenol was suspended in a 10 mL Erlenmeyer flask along with 1 mL of water and a stir bar. The flask was clamped onto a hotplate/stirrer and turned on so that the stir bar would turn freely. Based on the amount of 2 methylphenol, 0.957 mL (0.00287 mmol) NaOH was calculated and collected in a syringe. The NaOH was then added to the 2 methylphenol solution and allowed to mix completely. In another 10 mL Erlenmeyer flask, 0.34 g (2.92 mmol) of sodium chloroacetate was calculated based on the amount of 2 methylphenol and placed into the flask along with 1 mL of water. The sodium chloroacetate solution was mixed until dissolved. The sodium chloroacetate solution was poured into the 2 methylphenol and NaOH solution after it was fully dissolved using a microscale funnel. Then the apparatus was put together. The glass portion of a medicine dropper was attached and placed inside of a
  • 25. The Minimum Wage Is Not A Living Wage The Minimum Wage is not a Living Wage The current minimum wage in the United States is a wage which Americans cannot live on. Americans are forced to live in poor living conditions because of the low wages they earn. The low wages workers earn result in poor healthcare because they cannot afford the proper treatment. The minimum wageleaves little, if any, for any unexpected expenses. The minimum wage in America affects American workers trying to make ends meet. The minimum wage needs to be raised and changed to the living wage. The minimum wage in the United Statesneeds to be raised to a wage which American workers can live on. The current minimum wage leaves little room for everyday expenses. In this paper, I will argue that the minimum wage should be raised to a living wage. The minimum wage which Americans earn creates a financial gap between the employee and the employer. The need to raise the minimum wage to a living wage lies in the reason to reduce income inequality. The inequality between the employer and the employee is an enormous problem in the United States. The employer pays the employee a wage that is not livable. The Americans earning the minimum wage are forced to have themselves and their families live on a wage that is not livable. The minimum wage in itself is not enough to support a family. The cost of necessary items to live is going up, while the American worker s wage stagnates. The necessity items that are needed to live on are getting
  • 26. Ib Extended Essay EXTENDED ESSAY BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT RESEARCH QUESTION: How effective would the takeover of Motorola mobility be for Google as a growth strategy? Candidate name: Candidate number: School name: School number: Supervisor: Date submitted: Word count: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. I would like to thank my extended essay supervisor for her continuous support throughout this assignment. Her guidance and patience have been of great help to me in completing this task. I would also like to thank my family and friends for their endless support and for always providing me with the encouragement to continue working when times were difficult. ABSTRACT. In August of 2011, Google announced that it would take over Motorola mobility in an ... Show more content on ... However over the years Google has managed to grow into one of the largest public limited companies as they now have various products apart from the search engine. Google has its own web browser known as Google Chrome, it had acquired YouTube in the year 2006 and it has many other services in its portfolio. However there is one recent development that Google has produced which has taken the world by surprise i.e. ANDROID. This is Google s own operating system for mobile phones. THE TAKEOVER. After having briefly introduced the relevant companies, I shall now talk about the merger. The world is increasingly becoming dependent upon quick communication for almost all issues related to life. This is true for the business world as well. The emergence of smartphones has almost sufficiently satisfied the people s needs mentioned above. One of the very successful operating systems for these smartphones is the android and the breaking news of Google taking over Motorola has caused great speculation that the entire technological universe of communication could be dominated by Google. However there are some eye brows raised questioning whether the takeover was worth 12.5 billion USD5 given that the situation of Motorola mobility is not too favourable. These different opinions are what led me to carry out a research on how effective would the takeover of Motorola
  • 27. mobility be for Google? OBJECTIVE. The main objective of this
  • 28. Santa Claus Symbols Did you know that there are different holiday characters around the world? When you think of the holidays who do you think of? Is it Santa or Krampus or one of the others? Well there are actually a ton of holiday icons that you may have never heard of. These characters come from a multitude of places and countries. These figures are also all related to the christmasseason. There are many different icons that are celebrated around the world and represent different holidays. Santa Claus is one of the most well known characters. Santa Claus became more popular when Clement C. Moore wrote a story called A visit from St. Nicholas . He wrote a book about what Santa looked like and what he did. One tradition is people will go to a public place and sit on Santa s lap. Many places have a person dressed like Santa where kids can go up and sit on their lap and tell them what they want for Christmas. Another tradition is people put up a Christmas tree so Santa can put presents under it. People put up pine trees with lights and ornaments on it and on Christmas Eve if you were good Santa puts gifts under it. The last tradition is Santa comes every year on Christmas Eve night and delivers presents to kids. If you were good Santa will fill your stockings and put gifts under your tree but if you were bad you get a lump of coal. This is why Santa Claus is a big hit across America. La Befana is a holiday icon who delivers gifts to kids in Italy. La Befana delivers gifts to kids on January
  • 29. Nature Conservancy Research Paper The Nature Conservancy, founded in 1951, is on a mission to conserve the land and water on which the world depends. The Conservancy is working in 35 different countries and all 50 states of America. According to the Conservancy, the estimated damage from invasive species worldwide totals more than 1.4 trillion dollars, five percent of the global economy (The Nature Conservancy). In other words, they understand and acknowledge that the removal of invasive species is perhaps one of the biggest projects necessary to protecting the natural world. The Conservancy suggests that the society only plant native species, not bring foreign fruits and foods into a different area. Other suggestions are to not move firewood as it can harbor forest pests and to not release aquarium fish or plants into the wilderness. Final tips include cleaning boots before... Show more content on ... For instance, adaptive management involves setting targets for control and then identifying the most productive removal method, and finally analyzing how effective the plan has been. Satellite imagery is used to map the location of non native species. The satellites provide the conservancy with maps of where large populations of invasive species are inhabited. Another new technology is remote sensing, which is able to identify objects through their density; it can even distinguish between different plant species (The Nature Conservancy). Remote sensing has historically been used to remove bush honeysuckle, which chokes native forests and spreads quickly. In order to safely remove invasive plants, the conservancy may pull them to cut off their water supply or use natural predators, prescribed fires, flooding, and herbicide use. Some of their greatest achievements are reducing japanese knotweed population by 80% in Oregon and containing invasive phragmites in
  • 30. Macbeth Ambition English Assignment Term 3 Representations of ambition within Macbeth Within Macbeth, there are numerous representations of human values and conflicts, including duty vs. desire, the effects of a guilty conscience on the human journey and the differences between genders, and the superiority of men within the play, and the modern era. The value foregrounded throughout this text is the representations of ambition within the play Macbeth, and we will be focusing on the protagonist of the story, ironically named Macbeth. The effect of ambition can be a double edged sword. Ambition can provide a person with desire, so that they can accomplish goals, and give them a kick start towards them. On the other hand, however, ambition can ... Show more content on ... Once he murders the King Duncan, he knows that he must prolong his undeserved spot as King, as the repercussions will be that of the actions that he have committed. This is due to the Chain of Being, which he has distinctly broken. Once this hypothetical chain is broken, which by the way, represents the natural order, the universe will be plundered into chaos, and righting the wrong will retain the natural order. Throughout the ending of the play, when Duncan s sons plot to overthrow Macbeth, he accepts his fate, and the apparitions stated by the three witches during their second meeting with Macbeth come to fruition. He knows of his imminent downfall, and within his final moments of life, he accepts defeat. I will not yield to kiss the ground before young Malcolm s feet, and to be baited with the rabble s curse. Though Birnam Wood be come to Dunsinane, and thou opposed, being of no woman born, yet I will try the last. Before my body I throw my warlike shield. Lay on, Macduff; and damned be him that first cries, Hold, enough! This scene marks the promised demise of Macbeth, and good once again conquering evil. His ambitions overall lead to his demise, and if he had either followed his orders from the King, who is a higher being on the Chain of Being , or gained the royal, majestic position through an accepted process, then his death would not have been sentenced and
  • 31. Applying Tax Advice On Laser Group International Tax Planning Tax Advice on Laser Group Peng Yu (Angela) Wang Z3460732 TABL2756 International Taxation Table of Contents 1Executive Summary1 2Background and business proposals2 3International Tax Planning Advice3 Appendices5 1Executive Summary We, the Tax Expert Australia , will be providing Australian and international taxation services to our client Laser Australia Pty Limited (Laser) as tax advisor. This repot sets out Laser s current business expansion model, and proposed international tax planning opportunities and implications. Issues: 1.Most effective vehicle to establish business in: Hong kong (branch v subsidiary) China 2.Financing between hong kong and aus Debt and equity distinction Aus ... Show more content on ... The majority of Laser s assets are its intellectual properties (IPs) in relation to the laser technology. Throughout the stages of developing the technology, the company has incurred significant amount of debts. The company is short on fund and is therefore seeking advise on the best group structure for tax purposes a reduction in Laser s group tax would give the company more funding to conduct its technological and medical research. Laser is an Australian resident company. The founder and director of the company, Mr Andy Wang, has various business and research connections mainland China. Laser s current growth strategy is to carry on business in China, with the possibility of expanding its operations globally in the future. Laser is in the process of developing complex laser machines with minimum cost therefore it is also intending to take advantage of China s manufacturing
  • 32. capabilities. 3. International Tax Structuring Advice Australia 3.1. Australian special purpose vehicle We recommend that a new Australian special purpose vehicle ( Laser International ) be incorporated to hold Laser s proposed foreign investments. This structure allows effective segregation of Laser s domestic and foreign operations, and facilitates a simpler sale or demerger of either of the operations in the future. 4.Foreign Holding Vehicle 4.1. Setting up Hong Kong Holding Company We recommend a
  • 33. Complete Three Random Acts Of Kindness For this project I chose to complete three random acts of kindness. The first random act of kindness that I completed was done at the University of Saskatchewan campus. One afternoon, I wrote the same message on roughly 10 different flashcards. My plan for this act was to pass out flashcards with kind messages on them and pass them out to students in Murray Library. Attached to the flashcards was two mini chocolate bars. The message read Good luck studying for midterms! You can do this. I hope this little treat helps you get through our day. The day after I finished writing all the messages and attaching the chocolate bars, I proceeded to walk around Murray Library and pass them out the strangers. I intended to approach individuals who were sitting by themselves because I people who were by themselves would appreciate it more. Individuals who were sitting in group of people may have been distracted by their friends in order to sincerely take in the random act of kindness. Additionally, I did not want to approach groups of people because then I would feel obliged to give every person in that group a flashcard and some chocolate. The reason why I wanted to do this specific act of kindness is because I wanted to do everything in my power to make a stranger happy. During the time of midterm exams students are very stressed out. Students, including myself at times, are constantly worried about their results, the possibility of failure, and how much time one needs
  • 34. Marketing Plan for Burt s Bees Prepare a marketing plan for Burt s Bees to further their presence in Scandinavian and Nordic countries. Executive Summary The following marketing plan forms the basis for the introduction of Burt s Bees brand. The analysis allows us to outline the best strategies to follow for the achievement of the company s strategic goals in the Scandinavian market and of its potential would be enable Burt s Bees to be fully informed of their target market and be able to introduce and sell their cosmetics into the Nordic countries. It enable the company to gain an full analysis of the market and its potential, a clear identification of the target groups, development of the brand with an appropriate a range of marketing tools to launch and promote ... Show more content on ... Economic view: Most of the Nordic countries have positive growth in GDP, which means the people have more disposable income the amount of money that households have available for spending and saving after income taxes have been accounted for. Technological trends: With new production and communication technologies, Burt s Bees are suitable to perform better advertisements and promotions for the products. For instance, Burt s Bees can advertise their products through the social networks, like Facebook and Youtube etc. Social Ecological trends: With a focus on sustainability, Burt s Bees natural cosmetics goods are a very good advantage to stay in the market due to the fact that people are paying more attention on environmental friendly goods. SWOT Analysis The SWOT analysis analyses the company s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, therefore Burt s Bees can counter a few critical weaknesses that could threaten our ability to build profitability and the market position. Strengths: Effective product Customers loyalty Experienced management team OrganicWeaknesses: Low brand awareness Low budgets Opportunities: Huge growth
  • 35. Define the Term Sensitive Periods and Link Them... TITLE SHEET for Distance Learning Students Is English your first language: Yes (please delete as applicable) STUDENT NAME: John STUDENT NO: 56382 NAME OF MARKER: Jaff DATE OF SUBMISSION: ASSIGNMENT NO:2NO. OF WORDS: 2163 BIBLIOGRAPHY ENCLOSED: Yes /No (please delete as applicable) I declare that this work is my own and the work of others is acknowledged by quotation or correct referencing. I declare that this work has not been copied from another student(s) past or present at this or any other educational institution, or from any ... Show more content on ... They are slowly coming to terms with their new identity as an adolescent and the world outside the family and school. For the first time, they no longer see themselves as sons or daughters, brothers or sisters, or students, but as individuals who seek to understand their place in society and search for opportunities to contribute to society. The first phase can be sub divided the spiritual (Montessori 1966 and 2007a) and Social Embryonic (Montessori, 1966 and 2007a). The Spiritual Embryonic is the phase of intellectual development or a period of mental construction of the child that starts developing right after birth and continues developing to three. The Social Embryonic stages slowly replaces subconscious learning with the will to learn. The Child will demonstrate greater awareness of others needs and becomes sensitive to the social aspects of their culture. Montessori talks about Sensitive Periods, which she splits into six. In order to understand these Periods and how children move between these phases, it s important to understand how children take in stimuli from the environment and use it to grow. Most theorists agree that there are periods in children s lives in which they become biologically mature enough to gain certain skills that they could not have easily picked up prior to that maturation. For example, research has shown that babies and toddlers brains are more flexible with regard to learning to
  • 36. Lines In Romantic Films Films really do take us to an entirely different universe and everyone absolutely loves it, because it gives people a chance to live in the moment of every scene that they re watching. But romantic films, without a doubt, touches the hearts of the viewers every single time. Not just because people get to witness how the actor play the role very well but because of their lines. There are a lot of lines in romantic movies that totally just marked everyone s minds. So here are some of the notable romantic film lines that everybody knows. Moulin Rouge! Notable Quote: The greatest thing you ll ever learn is to love and be loved in return. This has got to be one of the most romantic line anyone has ever heard in film history. It was said by... Show more content on ... You ve got to do what s right for you, even if it hurts some people you love. So it s not gonna be easy. It s gonna be hard. We re gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you forever, you and me everyday. Long yet extremely meaningful. One of the saddest romantic films ever made. It had mixed reviews since the viewers absolutely loved how tear jerking it is but then critics D didn t really got into it. This is a 2004 film adaptation of Nicholas Sparks novel of the same name starring, Ryan Gosling alongside Rachel McAdams. The story is about an old man who reads to an old woman about a certain couple who was separated by the Second World War. The old lady s memory was faded and so the man s words got her to relive their moments. When Harry Met Sally Notable Quote: When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as
  • 37. Essay on The Good Life Achieving the good life John doe PHI 208 Ethics and Moral Reasoning Daniel Beteta 1 February 2013 I grew up in a small Midwest town called Anderson Indiana. Whenever people ask where I m from and I say Indiana they think corn fields and country living but that s far from the truth. In my experience I have seen corn fields everywhere but my home state. I have yet to see any farms or anything that would suggest country. One could question the dialect of Indiana residents. It has been said that most of the people migrated from the south to work at Guide Corp, a car plant that was the one good job in the city. Throughout the years Anderson has changed. The one good job that we had has left and with that so have the people. Most people... Show more content on ... This couple sounds like they are one of the most charitable people in the world and giving that amount will help a lot of people but are the motives around there giving actual genuine? It s something to debate because a lot of people in the higher tax bracket are almost required to give up some of their earnings. When they file their taxes the charitable giving deduction effectively operates as a federal matching program, when you make a charitable donation you will receive a tax break. So do we know if they are giving because they feel like they need to spread the wealth they made or lower their taxable income by giving? It is not for us to determine their motives. The bottom line is that if it is be generous or to receive the tax cut the money is used for less fortunate people, therefore in the end charitable work is being done. Some people give to their church when they start to earn more. If you are truly religious and involved in church then you follow what God says. One verse in the bible states Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce (Proverbs 3:9). This in turn makes people believe they should tithe a certain percentage of their pay to the church. Now nothing is wrong with giving to the church, the only problem I see is when the church starts to run more like a business then a
  • 38. Essay on Cirque Du Soleil Introduction: Cirque du Soleil ( Circus of the Sun ) is a Canadian entertainment company, self described as a dramatic mix of circus arts and street entertainment. Based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and located in the inner city area of Saint Michel, it was founded in Baie Saint Paul in 1984 by two former street performers, Guy LalibertГ© and Gilles Ste Croix. Cirque du Soleil History: A marvelous idea began to take shape in the early 1980 s in Baie Saint Paul, a charming village nestled on the north shore of the St Lawrence River, east of Quebec City. Les Г‰chassiers de Baie Saint Paul ( The Stiltwalkers of Baie Saint Paul ), a theatre troupe founded by Gilles Ste Croix, walked on stilts, juggled, danced, breathed fire and played ... Show more content on ... Cirque du Soleil hasn t received any grants from the public or private sectors since 1992. Is there a space for IT in artistic organization such as Cirque du Soleil? At Cirque du Soleil, a touring show is a very complex matter. A tour can be treated as a little village of about 150 people, and it needs the best technology to meet their needs which can range from basic bandwidth requirements to ticket sales, payroll and phone systems. And as this is a village that moves every six or seven weeks, which means that it has to be constantly torn down and set up again. Everything has to be precise and methodical. For every tour, they have to tear down a big top that seats 2,500 and 55 trailer loads of equipment have to be hauled rom place to place. And everything has to be in working order within 30 hours. At Cirque du Soleil, casting is a key process. Castings talent scouts are always on the move, travelling to the ends of the earth. The casting director maintains a pool of artists for the eight shows and recruit artists for new shows. Once a performer is hired, he or she has to go through a series of steps before actually participating in a show. One of those steps is the make up lessons that ensure that performers can apply their own make up for the various roles they play in a given show. Initially, make up for each part of every show was documented with 35 mm photos and forms listing the products used and the procedure to follow, which was stored in big binders
  • 39. Unfair Pay Difference Of The United States Paige Paladino Professor Hall November 21, 2016 Research Paper Unfair Pay Difference Everyone has studied history throughout their educational years. They talked about the rights men had and what the rights women didn t have. Now you would think that everyone is paid equally, well that s not true. The U.S. Women s Soccer team has been fighting for equal pay to their male counter parts since the beginning of the year 2016. They have made videos and had many of interviews about their fight. The way to fix this problem is to continue to fight to have equal pay to their male counterparts. The U.S. Women s soccer team represents the U.S in international soccer competitions at the highest level. The team is one of the most successful in international women s soccer teams by winning three World Cup titles, four Olympic gold medals, seven CONCACAF (the Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football) Gold Cup wins, and ten Algarve Cups. Receiving a medal in every World Cup competition and Olympic tournament from 1991 to 2015, before being knocked out in the quarterfinals of the 2016 Olympics, after a penalty shoot out. They are currently ranked number 1, moving back into the position on July 10, 2015, due to its winning of the 2015 World Cup. The U.S. Men s soccer team represents the U.S. in international soccer. They have been in ten FIFA World Cups. Their best result was when they made it to the semi final at the 1930 World Cup,
  • 40. Final Projedct The Final Project is worth 105 points. Please download this document to your computer and save it using the naming convention specified in the course syllabus. For the Final Project you will be using the MM207 Student Data Set, the survey codebook, and StatCrunch as necessary. You should enter your answers/responses directly after the question. There is no need to retype the project. After completing and saving the project, submit your project in the Final Drop Box. In the course, go to Unit 9 Instructor Graded Project StatCrunch to access the MM207 Student Data Set. When the page loads you will need to click on Data Set on the left side of the page. You do not need a StatCrunch ID or a password to access the data set; simply ... Show more content on ... Be sure to show the data from your sample and the data to support your estimate. 8. Assume that the MM207 Student Data Set is a random sample of all Kaplan students; estimate the proportion of all Kaplan students who are male using a 90% level of confidence. 9. Assume you want to estimate with the proportion of students who commute less than 5 miles to work within 2%, what sample size would you need? 10. A professor at Kaplan University claims that the average age of all Kaplan students is 36 years old. Use a 95% confidence interval to test the professor s claim. Is the professor s claim reasonable or not? Explain. NOTE: Project problems should not be posted to the Discussion threads. Questions on the project problems should be addressed to the instructor by sending an email or by attending office hours. Would you like a Math Center tutor to review your project? Students in MM207 may submit their projects to the Math Center for review. Tutors will not grade or correct the project, but they will provide guidance for improvement. Students should submit assignments early enough to receive feedback and make corrections before the project due date (24 hour turn around times Monday Thursday and 48 hour turn around times on weekends are typical). Email projects to: Please put project review in the subject line of the message. Please email the project using your Kaplan student account as messages sent from outside
  • 41. Mt Vesuvius is a famous mountain. Mt Vesuvius lies on the... Mt Vesuvius is a famous mountain. Mt Vesuvius lies on the outskirts of Naples, Italy and is one of the most famous volcanoes in the world. Mt Vesuvius is a stratovolcano which means it was built in alternate layers, these layers were layers of lava and ash. Around seventeen to twenty five years ago Mt Vesuvius was formed. Figure 2: Map showing the location of Mount Vesuviuson the west coast of Italy. Map by and Map Resources. Nearby Volcanoes: Etna Stromboli The benefits The benefits volcanoes would provide: 1.Heat in the form of heated springs, pools of water and the soul around volcanoes are often very fertile because of the ash that was cooled. 2.Volcanic soil is full of nutrients and would be ideal for... Show more content on ... пЃ¶1500 пЃ¶1631 пЃ¶3 July 1660 пЃ¶13 April 1694 пЃ¶25 May 1698 пЃ¶28 July 1707 пЃ¶20 May 1737 пЃ¶23 December 1760 пЃ¶19 October 1767 пЃ¶8 August 1779 пЃ¶15 June 1794 Other volcanic eruptions пЃ¶22 October 1822 пЃ¶23 August 1834 пЃ¶6 February 1850 пЃ¶1 May 1855 пЃ¶8 December 1861 пЃ¶15 November 1868 пЃ¶24 April 1872 пЃ¶4 April 1906 пЃ¶3 June 1929 пЃ¶18 March 1944 The frequency of the Mt Vesuvius eruptions is abnormally high which basically means that the Mountain in its time erupted a lot and as a fact it erupted at a frequency rate of no longer than 35 years between two eruptions apart from the 131 years of quiescence. Quiescence meaning that the volcano hadn t erupted for a certain period. The famous Eruption of 24 August AD79..
  • 42. On 24 August AD79, Mt Vesuvius created European and world history as it erupted in the most catastrophic and infamous manner. Pliny the Younger has educated historians on the eruption of AD79. Pliny the Younger was a Roman administrator and poet. On the 24th of August Mt Vesuvius exploded with a deadly cloud of volcanic ash, stones, and gas to an approximated height of 33km, spewing molten rock and pulverised pumice, this was rated at one and a half million tons per second. This indicates that the eruption released around one hundred thousand times the thermal energy that was released by the Hiroshima bombing. The towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum were
  • 43. Skeletal Muscle Cells Structure of Skeletal Muscle: (4) Skeletal muscle cells (single cell with many nuclei) are cells that are often under voluntary control. Skeletal muscle cells are attached to bones of the body and assist in bone movement. Attached to the bone via tendons (strong bands of connective tissue) is the belly of the muscle which alternates in thickness. Connective tissue also creates a sheath, binding together groups of muscle cells. Every skeletal muscle cell is arranged length ways adjacent to one another comprised of a multitude of myofibrils. Surrounding each skeletal muscle cell is the sarcolemma with contains sarcoplasm. A sarcomere has two recognisably different bands, one light, one dark. The I band is light in colour and represents where
  • 44. Jimi Hendrix Research Papers Kareem Alashi 5663179 Music Literature Dec. 7 2015 Jimi Hendrix (Woodstock) Final Report Hendrix was born in Seattle, WA November 27, 1942 He died in London September 18, 1970 An American guitarist, singer, and song writer. He started playing for the first time in 1961 at the age of 15. He was motivated by the American rock and roll and electric blues. Hendrix taught himself to play guitar as a young person, listening to records by soul guitarists Sloppy Waters was one of them. He played in secondary school groups before enrolling in the U.S. Armed force in 1959. Released in 1961, Hendrix started working under the nom de plume James as a pickup guitarist. In 1965 Hendrix framed his own particular band. Woodstock is a weekend event that ... Show more content on ... Carefully maintained bends of force harmonies that reproduced hints of bombs dropping, mounted guns discharging, and maybe the indicated shouts of passing on people amidst an ethereal assault, Hendrix recounts a direct story about the overwhelming occasions happening abroad in Vietnam through his interpretation of the U.S. national anthem. Hendrix s performance at Woodstock wasn t the same as his different forms of the song of praise, and it can be found in the mind boggling relationship between the fleeting and topographical setting of Woodstock and the dynamic gravitas created by the mental synchronization between artists and group of the audience amid the live performance. My opinion about this video is that it has a unique type of combination of instruments with harmony among all of them. Hendrix was playing and singing with emotions all the time and I saw this while he was playing his electric guitar closing his eyes. He seemed to be a left handed person because he plays the guitar
  • 45. Media vs. Parenting Essay Media vs. Parenting What impact does sex, violence, drugs, etc. in the media have on children? What can we do about it? How do we balance the tension between freedom of expression and the need to protect children? When you talk about the media and whether or not it is harmful on children, you must examine the whole industry and all aspects of its effects on children. It is that the media as a whole is not as harmful to children as some intense other can, but over exposure to certain aspects of certain types of media can be harmful. To say that all media can be harmful to children is a fallacy that must be avoided when examining this topic. Most people when analyzing this issue tend to focus on drugs, sex, and violence in terms of ... Show more content on ... Those who disliked Hearst or competed against him called his brand of media yellow press . However is can we accuse a person of imposing bad media onto society, just because we do not believe in what they wish to talk about? The second amendment assures us that we have the right to voice our opinions, therefore by holding his ground I believe Mr. Hearst was not doing harm to society but just doing what he thought he was entitled to do. I will further discuss other prominent individuals in the media and how they have been perceived. In a matter of seconds, 80% children can impersonate an action hero in a video action game, A TV show, Reality shows or even a movie/TV character. We see a lot of media as happy, energetic, and exciting. We rarely see the media as depressed, boring, and unattractive. Sadly, as much as happy, exciting, and energetic sounds so great, a great number of that happy media is related to sex, violence, drugs, tobacco and alcohol. Children rely on the television, games, magazines, and the internet to occupy their time. The second a child opens a magazine and sees sexy women striking a pose with a beer in her hand, he/she looks up to that as sexy and cool. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse released a 145 page study claiming that children drink 25 percent of all alcohol consumed in the United States and that it is mainly
  • 46. Tuck Everlasting Theme This book is about A spring of water by a tree can make you live forever if you drink it and it s also about a girl think more about life and having to make hard decisions. Tuck Everlasting By: Natalie Babbitt Analyzes the Circle of life And how not dying isn t living. The main theme of Tuck everlasting is the circle of life. An example from the text that shows the theme is dying is part of the wheel, right there next to being born. You can t pick out pieces you like and leave the rest. Being it s passing us by,us Tucks living s heavy work, but off to one side, the way we are, its useless, too.It dont make sense . If I knowed how to climb back on the wheel, I d do it in a minute. You can t have living without dying. So you can t call it... Show more content on ... An example is Its my toad so you better leave it alone. Said Winnie to the dog She ran up to her room And grabbed the bottle of the spring water that Jessie gave her. The Dog watched the whole operation happen. Then the dog got bored and ran away Winnie picked up the toad and held it for a long time Without the least disgust, in the palm of her hand It sat comely as she poured the the spring water in the toad until the last drop was gone. She laid the toad in the grass and said You re safe forever. This whole part of the book made me think how she have up the water that would make her live forever on a toad. She probably thought about the circle of life how she wanted to die, not now but someday. I think the author was trying to show that you should think about a decision for a long time before you do something and that how Winnie made her mind to give it to the toad and not just think about
  • 47. SLP Analysis Essay Cumulative Final Section 1 An analysis of Aaron s language sample reveals that he may suffer from a language disorder. According to the American Speech Language Hearing Association also known as, ASHA, a language disorder is defined as impaired comprehension and/or use of spoken, written and/or other symbol systems. The disorder may involve (1) the form of language (phonology, morphology, and syntax), (2) the content of language (semantics), and/or (3) the function of language in communication (pragmatics) in any combination (ASHA, 2013) . Aaron appears to have difficulty elaborating the content of language used as well as his functional use of language in a socially appropriate manner. Deficiencies in language can have a profound ... Show more content on ... Phonological disorders in children can result from physical or organic causes or may be functional in nature ( Phonological disorders in, 2013) . Children with a phonological disorder may experience a higher risk for reading and writing disabilities. If left unresolved, phonological disorders have long term consequences that may interfere with an individual s future social, academic, and vocational well being, largely resulting from persistent, reduced intelligibility of speech ( Phonological disorders in, 2013). Morphological awareness supports a variety of literacy skills, including word identification, reading fluency, reading comprehension, and spelling. Increased morphological awareness enables children to analyze the internal structure of words and decode them more quickly and accurately ( Morphological awareness: Implications, 2013). Aaron exhibited problems with his morphological awareness in various spots throughout the language sample. For example Aaron said And she felled in the thing , And the lady sawed her . In these two utterances Aaron has shown a failure to meet and use the correct past tense morphology. Through intervention the SLP can influence the use of and knowledge of phonology and morphology on word recognition and spelling, ultimately increasing one s morphological awareness. Syntax refers to the rules of word order and word combinations in order to
  • 48. Ap Style Poetry Analysis Essay Page 1 of 2 ZOOM Module Five Lesson One Assignment: AP Style PoetryIn the passage, one of the themes which Lewis Carroll conveys throughout his story is the theme of Man vs. Nature to help express the point of his poem more clearly. Lewis Carroll uses certain literary devices in order to apply this theme to his story including imagery, allusions, and onomatopoeia. Visual imagery in this passage is used by the author in order to convey a better understanding of situations and settings of the passage to the reader for a better and more natural feel for the text. The author uses this imagery when describing the Jabberwocky to the reader by making his audience visualize the Jabberwocky and allow the reader to piece an image of the
  • 49. How Did The Trojan War Affect Us Today Would you like to know the story of Trojan War? They story of the Trojan War is known as the fight between the kingdoms of Troy and Mycanaen Greece. The Trojan War to this day still has evidence that is being uncovered and finding more about Troy and how its affected us today. The Trojan all began with a kidnapping of a women. Aphrodite said that if Prince Paris gave him the golden apple then Aphrodite would give him the most beautiful girl in the world(McDonald). Although when he gave Aphrodite the golden apple Paris did not know that the women was already married to Menelaus(McDonald). So Paris went and kidnapped her, when Menelaus asked for Helenback Paris Refused. Two boys fighting over one girl started a famous war. The Trojan war
  • 50. Comparing Locke And Marx s Manifesto Of The Communist Party From its primal adaptations to the specialized, highly sophisticated systems in which they currently operate, religion and politics has been inexplicably linked to humanity, with each playing a significant role in sociopolitical development since man s very inception. As humans have become increasingly more interconnected and interdependent, the now commonplace societal entities of politicsand religionwere borne into fruition, servicing as an agent of communal advancement and moral betterment. Despite thousands of years of co existence, the relationship between religion and politics has been one of consistent animosity, with perpetual jockeying for power often resulting in social unrest and public dissent that has sent philosophers scurrying... Show more content on ... Locke too comments on religion s tendency to foster social dissension and the impossibility of determining religious correctness: If the religion of any church becomes true and saving because its leaders, prelates, priests, and others of that tribe mightily extol and praise it, what religion can ever be reckoned erroneous? (19 20). Locke s excerpt lends credence into the fact that religion s very premise attempt at explanation of supernatural phenomena renders it incapable of communal harmony, as human inability to gather empirical evidence on supernatural occurrences leave it open to infinite possibility, a degree of ambiguity that has led religion to become an enterprise that is being constantly created and modified. The underlying mystique and profound uncertainty ultimate culminated in a wave of religious liberty and freedom of conscience that ultimately gave expression to the sway of competition within the domain of knowledge (26). Marx s excerpt provides insight into the fact that the very identity of religion as a
  • 51. Describe How The Design Of Respiratory System Facilitates... DESCRIBE HOW THE DESIGN OF RESPIRATORY SYSTEM FACILITATES GAS EXCHANGE? SID: Process of respiration involves supply of oxygen to blood cells (oxygen intake) and excretion of carbon dioxide and other waste (CO2 excretion). Purified blood is carried to all parts of the body by blood vessels in order to achieve gaseous exchange at cell level. This process is carried out through a complex system called Respiratory System. Organs which comprise respiratory system include mouth, nasal passage, glottis, trachea, larynx, pharynx, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli and last but not the least lungs. In the following lines, we ll discuss in details how the structures of respiratory system accomplish exchange of gases. The upper respiratory tract comprises those organs that bring the air in and lower respiratory tract comprises those parts that process the air. Upper respiratory tract starts from the nose and the mouth. They enable the air to enter through external nares (nostrils). Behind the nostrils there are little shelves of bone called nasal conchae (superior, middle and inferior). They divide the nasal cavity into thin passages called meatuses. (Jahangir, 2015). Surface areas of nasal conchae creates turbulence, forcing the air to get bounced in the nasal cavity and increase the surface area of these cavities, thus allowing the mucus to trap the dirt, bacteria and enable only warm, clean and moist air as it passes down to the lungs. (Rogers, 2012) Figure 1. (,
  • 52. Liberty and Political Liberalism Liberty and Political Liberalism William D. Towah Liberty and Political Liberalism The Relationship between the Concepts of Liberty and Political Liberalism In his publication: The Equality Trust , Goddard, J. (2013) discussed that liberty as defined by many to mean the ability of an individual to carry out his/her will without any active obstruction or impediment from any persons is narrowed and, therefore, flawed. He proposed that liberty should rather be viewed as the absence of relationship domination and dependence between persons regardless of whether any actual interference takes place (para. 1). According to him once this broader view is keenly considered, the comparability between liberty and equality becomes ... Show more content on ... Negative liberty is a freedom from restrictions that would not permit an individual from making desired choices. The action of the individual is control externally to the extent that it conflicts with is internal desires. For example, a professional footballer who still has 4years left on his contract with his club may harbor the desire to join other clubs. He is said to have his liberty to make decisions but parent club could restrict his desires so he could complete his term of contract; this can be best termed as negative liberty (Liberalism: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) The Debate around Political Liberalism Political liberalism which is seen by many theorists as a doctrinal exercise of the natural rights and freedom of the individual has created the platform where government s total control of citizens behavior and will is minimized. It is now argued that, state interference in the life of the governed be limited to enable the individual exercises his rational intellect to his liberty and to acquire property and all others that may allow him to enjoy his freedom without any violation. As many countries have adopted liberalism, democratic governance with the adherence to the rule of law has taken preeminence over the conservative regimes. The liberal social order has now brought the debate as the conservatives continue to argue that, Political Liberalism has given birth to Liberal Feminism which aimed at gender equality. This fight for feminism has
  • 53. The Sound And The Fury By William Faulkner In William Faulkner s The Sound and the Fury themes such as culture and names are displayed through the perspective of the formerly respectable Compson family. Led by Mr. and Mrs. Compson. Faulkner uses this novel to criticize the importance of reputations to southern families and to criticize the culture of Post Bellum society. Criticizing society was something relatively new at this time, resulting in this novel becoming a leader in the movement, ushering in a new style of writing. Protagonists: Benjamin, Caddy, and Quentin all feel the effects of the issues of reputation and ideologies of society that culture in the south attempts to force them to uphold. The beginning of the Novel places the reader in the mind of Benjamin Compson.... Show more content on ... Another example is Benjy s castration. Benjy has a special connection to his sister Caddy. Caddy goes against the grain of society and treats Benjy as her brother, not as a burden or an ill judgment from God like the rest of her family. I thought that Benjamin was punishment enough for any sins I have committed I thought he was my punishment for putting aside my pride and marrying a man who held himself above me I don t complain I loved him above all of them because of it because my duty (Faulkner) When Caddy ran away he grieved by the fence, watching the school girls return to their homes, hoping that Caddy would return to hers. Benjamin attempts to grab one of the girls resulting in him being labeled as a threat. Benjy s assault was not intended to be sexual. However, it was still seen as a threat. Not only a threat to the families of the girls, but also a threat to the Compsons. If Benjy reproduced it would plague them with another child, most likely suffering from the same disabilities as its father. Another direct example of Benjy being viewed as inferior. Faulkner uses Benjy to display the flaws of the ideology towards disabled peoples in Post Bellum culture. The theme of names is also present with Benjy. Faulkner uses Benjy to criticize the importance of ones reputation in the south. It can be inferred several times from close examination of Mrs. Compsons dialogue that she often worries about how Benjamin
  • 54. Lorax ENDANGERED SPECIES: THE LORAX The Introduction The Lorax is a story about a man who abused the environment and about what he learned. The story begins in the most run down part of a dull, gray town. A small boy asks the Once ler to share the secret of the Lorax and how he was taken away. Thus, the story is told as a flashback as the Once ler talks about the Lorax and past events. The Characters: A. The Once ler, a businessman B. The Lorax, a leader of the plants and animals The Once ler s Story: The Beginning The Once ler moved across the land to his wagon. He came upon a new land with an important natural resource. (A natural resource is a plant, animal or mineral that can be used by people.) What was this natural ... Show more content on ... No Explain. and he must have industrial progress. Can t shut down and fire 100,000 workers; bad economics. And he was greedy. Going Broke The Once lers business failed. The Once ler started business in a small shop. As more and more thneeds were made and sold, more workers were needed. That is how a town grew up around the thneed factory. What happened to cause the failure of the business? What happened to the workers and the town after the factory closed? Lessons to Be Learned The Once ler learned that he had made a mistake. What was his mistake? What makes you think that the Once lers ideas about the use of natural resources changed? Explain what must happen for the Lorax and his animals to return. Going in depth: What analogies and parallels can be made when comparing this story with real life situations? (Which country do you think Dr. Suess was trying to copy?) IDENTIFYING PROBLEMS AND ISSUES Environmental Problems: You probably noticed changes in the environment as the Once ler went about the business of making thneeds. You might, for example, remember that the Lorax complained about the smoggy air caused by the Once ler s factory. The smoggy air is an environmental problem. An environmental problem occurs when the condition of something or someone in the natural environment is threatened by a change. The air was clean and fresh before the Once ler s activities; but pollution made it dirty and smelly. That is, the