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How To Write A Descriptive Essay
Writing an essay on the intricacies of crafting a descriptive essay presents a unique set of
challenges. At the outset, one must grapple with the irony of describing the process of
description itself. This meta-cognitive task requires a delicate balance between providing
practical guidance and engaging the reader with vivid, illustrative language.
The difficulty intensifies as the writer endeavors to break down the multifaceted nature of
descriptive writing. It demands a nuanced understanding of sensory details, figurative language,
and the art of creating a cohesive, immersive experience for the reader. Striking the right chord
between being instructive and evocative adds another layer of complexity.
Moreover, the challenge lies not just in explaining the theoretical aspects but in demonstrating
them effectively. Crafting examples that showcase the principles of descriptive writing requires a
keen eye for detail and the ability to weave words in a way that transports the reader to the
envisioned scene. The risk of falling into the trap of mere abstraction without practical
application is ever-present.
Navigating the territory of structuring the essay on this subject is a task in itself. Balancing the
introduction, body, and conclusion while maintaining the thematic consistency needed for a
descriptive essay requires careful planning. It demands the writer's skill to transition seamlessly
between concepts, ensuring a smooth flow of ideas.
Conclusively, tackling the essay on "How To Write A Descriptive Essay" is akin to describing the
act of painting a masterpiece while simultaneously attempting to create one. It requires a unique
blend of technical know-how and artistic finesse. The challenge is not merely in elucidating the
process but in embodying the essence of descriptive writing within the essay itself.
For those who find themselves grappling with such complexities or seeking assistance, it's worth
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intricate terrain of essay composition.
How To Write A Descriptive EssayHow To Write A Descriptive Essay
Gender And Racial Identity Of Film
Yue Zheng
Prof. Aili Bresnahan
PHL 324
Gender and Racial Identity in Film Gender and racial identity was a form of
discrimination in the world and they were interrelated that fuelling the injustice social
phenomenon and problem. For example, women were a particular group and as a
symbol showed the social abuses, acts of violence and biggest discrimination based
on the sexual difference and racism. The difference of color, race, gender were the
big biases not only to deprive of women s an equal rights education opportunity,
health insurance or care, personal credit, but also to help racist and sexist to deny
women get the work, food and shelter equality. On the one hand, everyone has their
own identity which was the individuals psychological relationships to relate social
systems. Based on the Repost of Gender and Racial Discrimination which focused
on and pointed out there are some barriers to limit women get the rights or
empowerment in daily life and advancement in their career, especially the sexuality
and racial biases. (Zagreb, Croatia). So, the personal value, socioeconomic status,
education attainment, age, ethnic and racial, gender and social class identities
were the invisible standards to decide and evaluate women should be got what kind
of treatment in their life. Also, people almost preferred to create identity based on
the gender and racism in the daily life. because it was a part of self concept for the
kind of person, the color of skin and the
Why the Rich Are Getting Richer and the Poor, Poorer
Robert B. Reich, Why the Rich Are Getting Richer and the Poor, Poorer Reich
starts his exordium with a distribution of where American workers found
themselves in the early 1990 s in reference to where almost all American workers
were just 20 years before. Reich placed most of the workers that contributed to the
economy during the Nixon administration as being in one boat, analogous to the
famous quote by G.K. Chesterton, We are all in the same boat, in a stormy sea,
and we owe each other a terrible loyalty. Under Reich s distribution you were still in
a lifeboat, but the sea state and your future could be rough or smooth sailing
depending upon your chosen profession. To which boat one found his or her self was
directly related to how... Show more content on ...
Reich also uses a form and substance argument about occupants of the second boat, in
that as demographics change as the decline in the birth rate after the baby boom
would propagate through and generate opportunities for older in person servers that
would not otherwise be available to them, he then accurately predicts the situation
current Americans find themselves, the increasing numbers of elderly people will
Eucalyptus Globulus Effect on the Germination of Radish...
The purpose of the project was to determine whether Eucalyptus globulus had an
effect on the germination of radish seeds. It was hypothesized that Eucalyptus
globulus would have a negative effect on the germination of the seeds and their
Before a seed can germinate it must first shed the seed coat, a protective outer layer
that protects the seed from parasites, injury, and unfavorable temperatures. Inside the
seed coat is the embryo which contains the root and first leaves of the plant, called
cotyledons. After the seed coat has been shed the root emerges first so that it can
absorb water and nutrients. After the roots have come out of the embryo the
cotyledons will follow. Some seeds need certain conditions to germinate and go ...
Show more content on ...
Allelopathic chemicals can also exist in soil, affecting the surround plants and those
planted afterwards. Studies have shown that Leucaena leucocephala, a tree promoted
for water conservation and revegetation, contains a toxic amino acid in its leaves
and foliage that prevents the growth of other trees but not its own seedlings.
Research has also shown that this species reduces the yield of wheat and increases
the yield of rice. Other allelopathic plants include mango, box elder, broccoli, and
Eucalyptus. A study was conducted at Gomal University that tested the allelopathic
effects of Eucalyptus camaldulensis L. on the germination and seedling growth of
wheat. The leaves of E. camaldulensis trees were washed and dried and then filtered
to create a one hundred percent solution as well as ten percent, fifteen percent, and
twenty percent. These solutions were tested on twelve varieties of wheat. The results
showed that there was a significant decrease in germination counts with increasing
levels of Eucalyptus aqueous extract concentration. All twelve varieties of wheat were
adversely affected by the twenty percent concentration of Eucalyptus extract. It was
observed that there was a direct relationship between the number of normal seedlings
and the extract concentration. The results suggested that the E. camaldulensis L. leaf
aqueous extract could reduce normal seedlings even in low concentrations.
Definition On Extracurricular Activities
Definition on Extracurricular Activities Extracurricular activities allow students to
pursue interests outside of a standardized context (Strate,1996). Extracurricular
activities are the activities that caters the students voluntary involvement that is
situated at the external realm of the academic curriculum of a school or in a university
. These activities encourage students to permissively expose themselves with others
of the same age with a purpose. However, extracurricular activities are offered to all
students but volunteer activities are not always extracurricular activities. Every
activity is a students initiative in order to help others such as feeding programs,
tutorials, etc. On the other hand, extracurricular activities are not only made for the
purpose of allowing the students to do social outreach but for them to interact with
others and build public relationship that would help them along during their stay in
the university. This present study aims to investigate if these extracurricular activities
cannot only be defined by the following involvements, but it could serve as an outlet
for students from academics.... Show more content on ...
Being brilliant in the classroom can be done by any individual, but in order for one
to be holistically developed one must be knowledgeable on how to take control on
things that may arise after school as a professional. Extracurricular activities will train
students to be resilient in any situation that they may encounter and seek solutions for
every conflict that will arouse. In fact, the students will acquire the skills such as
being innovative, creative, and idealistic on seeking solutions for every
What Are The Similarities Between The Julius Caesar And...
The last century of the Roman Republic holds two of greatest political alliances in
history, the First Triumvirate, created in 60 BC, and the Second Triumvirate, created
in 43 BC. While the circumstances and actions of these two unions are very
different, they tend to have vey similar trends. Three men come together to increase
their political power, take control of the Republic, and fight against a particular
group that opposes them. First, we shall look at the creations of these two alliances,
as they seem to have distinct similarities. The characters that fill these two coalitions,
a brilliant politician, a military commander, and a successful senator, share similar
qualities in themselves. Finally, they both end in a similar fashion, as the two more
successful men fight for control of the Roman State. In 60 BC Gaius Julius Caesar
returned to Rome from his governorship of Hispania Ulterior. There he has
successfully campaigned against local tribes and given a triumph. Roman law
stated that generals given a triumph had to stay outside the city until the triumph
commenced, but Caesar also wanted to run for the consulship of 59 BC, which he
had to be in the city to declare. The Senate, led by Cato, denied his request to run in
absentia, so Caesar gave up his triumph to become a candidate. Caesar had a lot of
opposition against him in the senate, especially from the optimates. The greatest
Roman general in 60 BC is Gneaus Pompeius, a man given the title Magnus (The
Capitalism In Upton Sinclair s The Jungle
In The Jungle, Upton Sinclair reveals the vicious and merciless characteristics of
the system of Capitalism through Jurgis. At the beginning, he comes to America
full of hopes and dreams to improve his life but then he helplessly falters because of
the cruelty of Capitalism. The Jungle portrays two oppositional images of America,
which is seen by newcomers like Jurgis as a free land of opportunities that would
give them fortunes and make their dreams come true, but in reality is a world of
slavery under Capitalism. The story starts with the traditional Lithuanian wedding
celebration called veselija to bless the newlyweds, Jurgis Rudkus and Ona
Lukoszaite. Everyone enjoys the feast including the endless food and the music. As to
follow the... Show more content on ...
So he goes to Brown s and gets noticed by one of the bosses for his outstanding
physical condition among the others. The conversation between Jurgis and the
man who hires workers does not show any emotional interaction, but just solid dull
talking. Even though Jurgis tells the man that he cannot speak English, it does not
bother the man at all, because for him, being able to do all the required manual
labors is enough to hire Jurgis. The man asks if Jurgis can shovel guts by speaking
to him in Lithuanian: Zarnos. Pagaiksztis. Szluota! [Guts. Rake. Broom!] and
Jurgis replies that he is capable (32). In this process, it shows how choosing
workers is not based on how knowledgeable they are, but only their capability for
physical labors. There is no problem for Jurgis to be not able to speak English,
meaning that, in the future, there will not be any need for communication between
the workers and the bosses, but they should just obey and do their work. The scene
illustrates a side of capitaliem where Jurgis and all the other workers are displayed
like objects letting the capitalists choose according to their taste or by comparing the
efficiency among the
Feminist Analysis Essay
Zena Relente Mrs. Kehrmeyer American Lit., Period 1 14 November 2016 Feminist
Analysis Feminism is a movement towards equal society for both genders, male and
female, without discrimination. We should be able to live our lives without having
the fear of being judged and meeting the criteria assigned to each genderroles. In most
feminist narratives, the protagonists of the text are led by a woman who seeks
deliverance from the patriarchal oppression. The outcome of these problems is the
blatant actions of women to disenthrall from the oppressive. Kate Chopin the author
of the short story The Story of an Hour and the book The Awakening, and Charlotte
Perkins Gilman of The Yellow Wallpaper , portray the women s resistance and the
subverted... Show more content on ...
In the Literacy and Cultural Theory book Feminist Analysis by Donald Hall, Key
to all feminist methodologies is the belief that patriarchal oppression of women
throughout history has profound and multifaceted. (Hall 202) Patriarchy is the
social relations of power between men and women. Men are allowed to have
power to perform any task. On the other hand, women are only known for their
beauty which serves no purpose to any important matter. In her book, The Yellow
Wallpaper , Charlotte Perkins Gilman states, There comes John, and I must put
this away, he hates to have me write a word. (Gilman, 649) The issue is
acknowledged so that means it has occurred multiple times and most likely to be
ignored. Women s actions are restricted because some men fear that their women
will have greater knowledge compared to them. To put in another way, women
might take over and have the power to control men. There were a few evidences of
oppression of women since they were not allowed to journal and share their opinion
with others. It could be the reason why they are having doubts about the issue since
there is not enough evidence to
ACC 281 week 5 post assessment Essay example
1. A company s ending accounts receivable balance and the period s advertising
expense would be found on which financial statements, respectively balance sheet and
income statement (Yes. Accounts receivable will be on the balance sheet and the
advertising expenses on the income statement)
2. How does financial accounting differ from managerial accounting managerial
accounting deals with internal reporting and financial deals with internal reporting
(Yes. Managerial accounting deals with internal reporting and financial accounting
deals with external entities)
3. What calculation would you use to determine the net income
Revenues minus expenses equal net income. (Yes. Net Income = revenues expenses)
4. Your healthcare... Show more content on ...
Regulations and Rules in the Accounting Practice: There are basic accounting rules
that all organizations must follow. The purpose of these rules is to make sure that
sound accounting principles are being followed. There are private entity rules and
governmental entity rules. Which of the following acronym would best describe
these regulations and rules
GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
FASB Financial Accounting Standards Board
GASB Governmental Accounting Standards Board (Yes. The correct acronyms are
GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles; FASB Financial Accounting
Standards Board; GASB Governmental Accounting Standards Board
10. Determining which type of organization to form can take some time to figure it
out and can be based on your preferences. Why do many health organizations choose
the corporate structure both a and b (Yes. The corporate structure provides for limited
liability and ease of transferring ownership.)
11. Which type of organization divides equity by percentage of ownership
partnership (Yes. A partnership divides equity by percentage of ownership
12. The Discount on Notes Payable account is associated with a note payable when
interest is included in the obligation s face value. (Yes. The discount on notes
payable account is associated with a note payable when interest is included in the
obligation s face value.)
13. Assume that Robert Conrad, a nurse, worked 45 hours
Definitions Of A Dictator Essay
Dictators have been around for centuries, terrorizing and oppressing civilians through
manipulation, genocide, and many other sadistic methods of force. Starting in
Ancient Rome, the term dictator originated from the Latin root word dictare in the
late 14c. So, what is a dictator? The earliest definition that can be found was one
who has absolute power or authority . Other words that have been used to describe
dictators over the years is tyrant , despot , autocrat , and many more.
Everyone has seen dictators in the current news or historic documentaries such as
Kim Jong un, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, etc but perhaps were unaware of their
dictator title. Many leaders have been labelled dictators as they have absolute power
that was either taken by force or through manipulation or even just through blood.
However, today we will be focusing on two dictators who worked their ways up the
political ladder to the position that they strived for. Qin Shi Huang and Than Shwe
were both tyrannic, selfish, ... Show more content on ...
Qin Shi Huang was born on the eighteenth of February 259BC in Handan, China to
King Zhuangxiang of Qin and Queen Dowager Zhao. His father was the King of
the Qin state at that time. His birth name was Ying Zheng or Zhao Zheng whilst
being prince of the Qin state. Qin Shi Huang was allegedly a very aggressive
leader but also very ambitious, at the very young age of just twenty two he
assumed full power by ridding himself of his premier, Lu Buwei, who acted as a
regent while he was a minor . ( It was Qins Shi s aspiration to
unify and subjugate all seven states of china; Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan, and Qi
using the powerful economic and political military strength of the Qin state. Qin Shi
Huang s first ambition was to build the first feudal and centralised empire in
Chinese history and did so in 221BC. This is known as the Qin Dynasty which
reigned from 221BC to
Descriptive Essay On The Storm
The sky is alive, rain crashes furiously to the ground. Trees topple, lightning
shatters the sky, thunder shakes the ground. Two travelers from two worlds watch
the storm only long enough to know it is a monsoon worthy of legends. Ashely
had gone camping only this morning under clear skies and tamed weather. She is
a lover of the wild, mostly for the quiet. She plans every three or so months to
spend a week living off the land. She is young and her skills as a hunter are not yet
refined. But you don t need to trap and kill your own food when there are places
like Midnight Market where you can pick up all the oatmeal and sun dried grapes
one can eat for barely more than pocket change.
Ashley has been doing this ever since she was in her early teens. She had noticed
when she was thirteen that her sent had a powerful effect on other foxes, and in
exponentially greater one if she happened to be in estrus. So she mapped out her heat
cycle and made the arrangements to always be out of town when her heat hit.
In the seven years now Ashley has done this she has seen the strange, and the
unsettling out in the woods, but never has she seen rain so harshly that the rain burns
the skin and darkens one s vision. Her clothes are soaked through in moments and her
backpack saturates, her hunting coat offers her no protection for the vengeful storm.
There is only one thing Ashley can think to do.
Maybe 2 summers ago Ashley had discovered a natural cave only a mile or so from
her camp
Graphically Representing Data And Distribution Tables
Graphically Representing Data
Within a School Setting
Christopher M. Lightfoot Abstract
This paper examines the ability to graphically display frequency distribution tables
that are represented within a school setting. There are three types of data sets that are
interpreted within two types of frequency distribution tables (see Table 1). The first
type of data set that is mentioned is a discrete nominal data set that is graphically
displayed as a bar chart (see Figure 1), which displays the reoccurrence of each
category within the simple frequency table (see Table 2). The second data type
referenced is a discrete ordinal data set that was analyzed through a simple frequency
table. The simple frequency table allows for the conversion of the ordinal data into a
pie chart (see Figure 2), which measures the percentages within a four point Likert
Scale (see Table 3). The final data source is a continuous interval set, which was
interpreted through a cumulative frequency table (see table 4). The cumulative
frequency table is graphically represented in Figure 3 as a combination of a
histogram (which measures the percentage of class intervals) and scatter points (to
identify the cumulative percentage between all of the class intervals).
Graphically Representing Data
Within a School Setting
The creation of frequency distribution tables allows for the conversion of the data
within the set into a dramatic graphic representation. Research from the
Advantages And Disadvantages Of E4clicks
In the current manufacturing environment, estimating can affects the economic
condition of a business. It is the basis of your profit or loss. Estimates that are huge,
produce no work, because we are underbid and hence would not gain those potential
orders or sales. We may win underbid jobs, but they do not produce the efficiency
profit from which we can successfully involve a business.
Employers and engineers find it easier to justify purchase of equipment and software
used on the floor rather than estimating software. Obtaining the correct quantity of
sheets, bars, or castings is necessary. Whether we do it by using our trusty calculator,
writing the numbers down, plugging them into the shop management system ... Show
more content on ...
It helps most users to does estimating contract works for construction efficiently by
giving a good plan and accurate work throughout the contract works. e4clicks is
well known for its Job Order Contracting (JOC) and Simplified Acquisition for Base
Engineering Requirement (SABER) which is useful for contractors or
subcontractors because of its well organized and systematic solution or for repair
works and also building renovations. e4Clicks gives a kick off in competing with
other estimating contract works software programs. This is one of the software
that is easy to be run with all of the government contracts, where it can run all of it
in a single program. Moreover, e4Clicks could also goes beyond the contract to
provide users with friendly features where it also give users to have their estimating
works to be easily done. This company e4Clicks has been over more than a hundred
years with accumulated different types of project management, highly known
software programs development and also been working in the DOD estimating.
e4Clicks allows their users to outline, retain and also enhance the software for the
future usage. In addition, this software is produced the estimators its own for the
users which is also
Indian social and political ideas can be traced back to...
Indian social and political ideas can be traced back to the Indus Valley Civilization.
Hinduism was a defining religion of the Indus valley culture and remained a key
political entity until emperor Ashoka came. He established Buddhism and spread it
throughout Asia. The Mauryas rejuvenated Hinduism and Islam even came in the
eighth century. The Mughal Empire allowed Indiato become united despite all the
different religions and cultures. However, this did not last long because the
Europeans had decided to make claims in India.
Europeans wanted to control the Indian trade and they were not afraid of making
these claims violently. Loyola University of Chicago wrote, It was Europeans use of
force that enabled them to penetrate ... Show more content on ...
2). The Indians would remain under the control of the Europeans, which mostly
included the English. It was not until the late 19th century and early 20th century that
a man named Mohandas Gandhi appeared. Gandhi was helpful in driving the British
away from India, but it took a long time for him to succeed and it cost him his life.
India wanted freedom and their ideals remained mostly the same even through
European control for hundreds of years.
The Caste System has been a part of India s culture for a long time and it has
caused many social controversies between the higher and lower castes. UCLA
wrote, The greater majority of the Indian people have no assurance of two
nutritious meals a day, safety of employment, safe and clean housing, or such level
of education as would make it possible for them to understand their constitutional
rights and obligations ( UCLA para. 1). The higher castes believed that lower castes
were bad and that association with them was unlucky. They also wanted to conserve
their power and that is the reasoning behind the social division. The lower castes
lived unhealthy lives and many of them died at young ages, and they wanted to have
more equal rights. This controversy is old but it still continues today and it has
The Treaty Of The Versailles Treaty
What responsibility did each of the Big Three have for the failure of the Versailles
Treaty to bring peace to Europe? Be sure to discuss what each wanted to
accomplish. The treaty of the Versailles was an agreement between France,
England and the United states. Its intentions were to prevent a second world war
however, it was a total fail. An obvious reason for not being effective could be
because not everyone was included in the conference such as Russia, and Central
Powers. Instead, Prime minister George Clemenceau had thought he would speak
for all of europe and wanted to be the strongest of europe. Clemenceau seeked
revenge towards Germany, in fact he desired most dismantle the best of Germany s
military and their nationalist pride. As for the United States, Wilson implemented the
fourteen points which focused on self determination of people. Only few of his
points were included in the treaty but these points had been the reason for conflicts
happening in europe. Participation from everyone is important and not allowing
everyone s input could lead to negative outcomes such as, The league of nations
which most likely failed because the United States wasn t allowed to participate.
Why was the territory of the Ottoman Empire divided into mandates while the
territory of the Austro Hungarian Empire was divided into Nation states? Mandates
had only applied in the Middle East and were the cause to several conflicts. The
mandates allowed imposition of the French and British
Reciprocal Coevolution and Plant-Pollinator Interactions...
Interactions between plants and their pollinators has been discussed in the past very
frequently. Since the Darwinian times, the topic flourished. There are two aspects
that have an important role in this relationship that have been affected by the history.
The first being the floral mechanisms and the ecological relationships between plants
and the second are the evolutionary processes that affect the pollination (1). As the
interest progressed, the approaches became more specific and detailed which led to a
more fine scaled insight into plant pollinator relationship specialization. Due to
specific interactions between the plant and its pollinator a terminology of a plant
syndrome has been introduced, which gives a possibility to... Show more content on ...
A generalized pollination system that has been widespread as well as the
specialization of the pollination systems has been questioned (Waser, 1996). The
specificity of the pollination relationships is thought to have roots in the preference
of individuals. Specific scents, colours, shapes and morphology and combinations
of those attract different groups of pollinators. The obvious colour preference or
simply the morphology of the flower that determines the size of a species that can
get to the pollen and nectar affect the pollinator s response. Due to certain
restrictions, only specific species can act as a vector and that led to specialization of
a relationship. It was more of a key and lock mechanism rather than a coincidental
coevolution. Since the species that could not get to the specific flower, carried on
until it found a suitable one. This therefore does not necessarily mean that either the
flower or the vector altered their morphology just to increase the fitness. All of the
above arguments are also thought to be the root of the mentioned plant syndrome that
specifies the pollinator response and the species that acts as a vector. There have been
several links suggested and studied into depth. One of them was linking pollinator
behaviour to plant mating patterns. That suggests a high specialization of a
relationship since either of them had to adjust their natural behaviour to the organism
they interact with. According to the National Research Council
War on Wages
President Obama opened his State of the Union address with the dilemma of service
employees earning minimum wage in the United States, Even with the tax relief we
ve put in place, a family with two kids that earns the minimum wage still lives below
the poverty line...that s wrong (qtd in State of the Union Address 2013). The debate
over whether or not the minimum wageshould be raised has carried on for years
between Democrats and Republicans. While many Republican politicians feel that an
increase in minimum wagewould be devastating to the economy in terms of job
security and , in fact many fast food and retail workers earn below the poverty level
and rely on public assistance. An increase in minimum wage would not only help
service... Show more content on ...
His research found that there was no statistical correlation of minimum wage
increase and unemployment rate increase, but rather that the only outcome of a
minimum wage increase was the benefit of the minimum wage employees. The
Republicans argument was struck down once again, but unfortunately corporate
lobbyists have made them resilient against reason. The problem that many
politicians seem to forget is that the fast food workforce is not only made up of
high school and college kids anymore; the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics
published a survey which found that the median age of fast food workers were
29.2 years. Many of the employees that are in their late twenties and early thirties
are supporting a family on minimum wage which results in an annual income of
$15,000 to $20,000 per year, which is below the poverty level for a family of four.
Because of their low income, many families also rely on public assistance. The
University of California Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education
released a study revealing the amount of fast food workers still in need of
government assistance which was an alarming 52 percent (Allegretto). This is where
the American taxpayer is, or should be, concerned. According to Allegretto, the cost
of public assistance going towards food workers is an alarming seven billion dollars
annually. That is seven
Happiness Is An Impossible Dream Essay
For centuries, people had been seeking happiness. Everybody wants it, but it seems
like nobody has it. Everywhere you go at work, at home, in school, at the market, in
church you see people struggling; they exist but are not alive, like they are designed
to be slightly dissatisfied with everything.
Male and female, rich and poor, young and old, no one is free. Everyone is in a
cloud of discontent. For all the things they do have, they re always wanting
something they don t and can t have... to be happy.
As if happiness is an impossible dream that one should forever chase. As if happiness
is always there in some end of time, future dimension, not available in this present full
of disappointments.
Maybe you are also one of the crowd and you ... Show more content on ...
He is anxious all the time. Worrying doesn t have any use but to cart off happiness. It
doesn t solve a problem or influence the result of anything. Anxiety only affects the
worrier. It makes him, well, not happy.
3. His life is complicated. He runs three companies simultaneously, has five wives and
seven mistresses, twenty four children from nineteen different women, a board
director of the home owners association, president of the national businessmen s club,
avid golfer and congressman. No wonder he is unhappy.
4. He hoards and doesn t give. He keeps everything for himself, and only cares
about himself. He doesn t need anyone, and in effect no one needs him either. This
hoarding isn t only about money and things; it s also about compassion, time, and
talents. As Chris McCandless said before he died, Happiness is only real when shared.
5. He expects too much. Expectations are the source of life s stress, frustrations,
annoyance, misery, and pain. He creates these expectations in his head of what
things should be, what his wife and kids and employees should do, what life should
be like, and when they are not met happiness goes out of the window.
Do you recognize any of these signs in yourself? Are you starting to realize what
hinders you to become truly
The Death Of Gang Research
In the early twentieth century, the term gang was associated with groups in socially
disorganized and deteriorated inner city neighborhoods: It was applied to juveniles
who engaged in a variety of delinquencies, ranging from truancy, street brawls, and
beer running to race riots, robberies, and other serious crimes (Regoli, Hewitt,
DeLisi, 2011). There were several gangs within the United States, which included
street gangs, prison gangs, motorcycle gangs, and organized crimegangs that still exist
today. The word gangis derived from the word gonge, which is a term that means a
journey. Frederic Thrasher who was called the Father of Gang Research , who
defined the word gang as kids in the streets back in the 1920s. Many of the
American gangs began in urban areas and they still exist. It is said that many of the
known street gangs originated in some of the major cities like Los Angeles, Chicago,
Philadelphia, Miami and New York, and they later moved to other American cities
such as Atlanta, Cleveland, St. Louis, Dallas, Memphis, Nashville, New Orleans,
Milwaukee, Orlando, Houston, and Detroit. According to the 2011 National Gang
Threat Assessment, published by the National Gang Intelligence Center, some
33,000 gangs were estimated to be operating in the United States in 2011,
comprising an estimated 1.4 million members (Driscoll, 2013). Some of the first
predecessors of street gangs were Secret Societies, Gangs of Outlaws in the Wild
The Effects Of Stress On Physical Health
Psychological stress is pressure placed on a person to adapt, cope, or adjust to a
situation (Rathus, 2016, p.284). The result of prolonged stress can affect a person
s mood, pleasure experience, and have harmful effects on physical health (Rathus,
2016, p.284). Society in the twenty first century places high demands on people.
Technology makes it very difficult to separate work life, school life, and home life.
Today, society places a high value on a busy lifestyle for individuals. For example,
many places of business are open twenty four hours a day. In addition to societal
pressures, attending a university adds to the stressors a person may experience.
Going to school not only includes classroom time but it also includes homework,...
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Nontraditional student numbers continue to rise on college campuses and few
institutions meet the mental health needs for this special group of students (Carney
Crompton Tan, 2002). It is the purpose of this study to examine both the stressors (i.e.
triggers of the stress response) and perceived stress levels between traditional and
nontraditional students. General Student Population College students are a unique
population of people who have a variety of different stressors than people who do not
attend college (Holinka, 2015). Post secondary education is a stressful time for both
traditional and nontraditional students (Yarbrough Schaffer, 1990). Regardless of
student status whether it may be traditional, nontraditional, freshman senior, all
students experience stress at one time or another. Trenz, Ecklund Flores, and Rapoza
(2015), illustrate those traditional and nontraditional students both face life stress,
anxiety, and depression but manage stress, anxiety provoking events, and negative
situations quite differently. Navigating through a new chapter in life increases the
amount of stress on an individual. Interestingly, research shows that traditional and
nontraditional student sample score similarly when tested on their emotional
satisfaction with their support system suggesting that differences in support are
unlikely to explain differences in stress levels between these two groups (Carney
Crompton Tan, 2002). Numerous factors contribute to
David Chidester s Salvation And Suicide
In Salvation and Suicide David Chidester analyzes one of the most chilling events in
history. In 1978 Jim Jones orchestrated a mass murder suicide killing 914 Jonestown
citizens. Following this event the media posed the question What is the relation
between religion violence? Chidester using evidence to support an understanding of
why the people of the People s Temple could commit mass murder suicide and follow
the teachings of Jim Jones. Chidester gives a brief description of the events and of
Jim Jones life leading up to the massacre, giving insight to Jim Jones childhood.
Furthermore explaining Jim Jones understanding of religion, and his reasoning for
creating an unthinkable event. As a child Chidester describes Jones as a Dennis
the Menace (p.2) type of person. He reveled in the pranks he would pull on what
he considered to hypocritical Christian preachers and enjoyed retelling the stories to
his friends. Chidester describes one prank specifically in which Jones took a
preachers bible and filled it with cow manure. Jones believed in a practical take on
religion but did not think that the churches were living up... Show more content on ...
Jones was afraid of a nuclear war, with the turmoil within the world jones was
convinced of a nuclear attack upon the United States. During a two year sabbatical
with his family to Brazil, they were often harassed by natives stating that the
Americans would be to blame if a nuclear attack happened. Once back in America
Jones still harbored his fears and moved his followers to one of the 6 safest places
in America near San Francisco from an attack. For fear that an attack would
happened, jones sent 50 followers to Guyana to begin to build Jonestown on the
Promised Land (p. 9). Furthermore once Jones had moved his family to Guyana and
were visited by the congressman his fears were tipped and the mass murder suicide
Stuttering Speech
Most children begin to stutter from ages of two to four. Speech language
pathologists notice stuttering before parents do. Elementary school aged children
are less aware of their stuttering, but as they grow older they are more aware of their
speech disfluency. Even famous politicians who are required to speak in public
events suffer from speech disorders, with an example being former Vice President
Joe Biden. There are different types of stutteringsuch as developmental and acquired
stuttering. Also, there are different treatment methods speech language pathologist
use to help children and adults deal with their stutter.
Stuttering is a communication disorder that affects the fluency of speech. This
disorder causes disruptions in speech sound such as prolongation and repetition of
words. In some cases, disfluencies are classified by using the words um or uh too
often. Stuttering involves secondary behaviors such as escape and avoidant
behaviors. Some physical escape behaviors include trembling jaw and nodding head.
Those who stutter struggle with avoidance behaviors which include a word, sound,
and speech avoidance. Speech language pathologist differentiate speech disfluencies
by classifying it as between word and within word speech disfluencies. Between
words are typical and non stuttered which include phrase repetitions and interjections.
Within word is typical and stuttered which include sound/syllable repetitions, audible
sound prolongations, and inaudible sound
The Martian
Written over a period of 3 years, The Martian by Andy Weir became quite the
success. Originally self published as an e book on Amazon the book later became
a huge hit in the science fiction genre. This is due to the fact that it appealed to
both the casual readers and the hard core science fans. In 2014 the book was
officially published by Broadway Books. It contains a total of 369 pages
The book takes place on Mars and more specifically Acidalia Planitia, a plain in the
North part of the planet. The habitation module or Hab for short is where our
survivor will be spending most of his time while not in his rover. Another location is
the Hermes, the spaceship where the rest of the crew is. The last major location is
NASA s Jet Propulsion Laboratory ... Show more content on ...
While evacuating due to the severity of the storm the communications antenna
breaks and hits Mark Watney knocking him out. Believing him dead his crew
reluctantly continue the evacuation. Waking up to find out he is the only person
on the planet Mark starts preparing his plan to survive. Using his home made dirt
and rationing his food he hopes to be able to live until the Ares 4 mission arrives a
couple of years later. Watney regains communication with NASA after bringing
Pathfinder, an old rover that died in 1997, back to life. While attempting to create
water Mark creates an explosion that causes the death of many of his crops.
Realizing he will no longer have enough food to last the 3 years of wait, NASA
hastily prepares a resupply mission. Cutting some corners to save time causes some
safety procedures to be overlooked. The resupply mission ends up exploding
shortly after launch. Having little to no choice the crew aboard Hermes decide to
use a manoeuver to flyby Earth and return to Mars for Mark. Watney proceeds to the
Ares 4 mission site to be able to reach the Hermes with the Ascent Vehicle. After
making modifications to the vehicle to make it lighter Mark gets ready to return home.
Mark Watney: Main Character, is a botanist and an engineer. He is a very important
part of the book.
The Crew: Other than Commander Lewis, very little is said about the crew which
includes Martinez, Beck, Johanssen and Vogel.
Commander Lewis: Head of the Ares 3 mission, Lewis is responsible for everyone.
She is the one that calls the shots and decides to reroute Hermes to go back for Mark.
Mitch Henderson: Head of the Ares 3 mission. He is the one that sent the Purnell
manoeuver to
Theoretical Perspective Of Immigration
ns (Family preference,2017).
The theoretical Perspective that is best able to understand immigrants and the role of
immigrants in a society is Structural Functionalism. Structural Functionalism explains
society as a structure with interrelated parts that work to maintain
stability.(Durkheim,1893). Structural Functionalism looks at society as a whole
through the function of its various elements such as traditions norms and institutions
(Subedi, 2017). Social Institutions in general provide many important functions for
our society (Mooney, Knox, Schacht, 2007). The family for example provides the
role of nurturing and socializing children while education allows society to gain and
pass down knowledge and skills (Mooney, Knox, Schacht, 2007).
The Fall Of Big Brother In George Orwell s 1984
With the power hungry Party and the most acknowledged face of Big Brother
watching and monitoring everybody, the story of 1984 by George Orwell
expresses the utmost control over their people and have the absolute power with
their country Oceania. The Party believes that Big Brother will live on forever,
because of the constant removal of those who are unfaithful and the rewriting of
history. However, with the example of the main character showing disobedience
against the Party, there is a chance for this type of ruling to fail and be destroyed
by the people. The main possible cause of the fall of Big Brother is most likely the
underestimation of the power of the people. A big factor that gives a hint to the fall
of Big Brother is the disobedience
Les Miserables Watchers
In Les Miserables, the watcher can establish a change in a character by
contemplating traits seen when first meeting a specific character, and at another
point of change for that character. Watchers pinpoint a dramatic change in the
character Eponine, who the author introduced as a child, to when she drew her last
breath. When watchers first meet Eponine, she portrays someone spoiled, bratty,
and a kiss up. By the end of her story, moreover, she has switched roles with
Cosette, and dies not getting anything she wants, including the man of her dreams.
The movie depicts a scene where a young Cosette, the daughter of a poor woman
who works a long ways away from home, leaving Cosette with a greedy family,
watches Eponine getting pampered with gifts
Missing Malaysian Air Flight....
Most of the people have read and watched the news of the missing Malaysia
Airlines flight MH370 from different Medias. I am also following this issue in this
month. People should have many doubts about this issue like me: what happened to
the plane? Where is this plane now? Yes, this issue is a mystery and nobody knows
where the plane is now. Till today many countries are still searching this plane. The
plane took off on March 8 after midnight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysiaand was
flying to Beijing. Let s see how these three articles from different news sources
viewed this mystery of missing plane.
After the news came out, it attracted many people s attention, but it was the
shocked news for the families of those passengers on the plane. There is no doubt
that, the families of those passengers were distraught when they received the
messages of the plane was missing and no one is assumed to have survived that
was announced on March 24th by Malaysia s prime minister, Najib Razak. (Fuller
Buckley, 2014) The families of the passengers had complained for weeks due to the
incomplete information given to them and the Malaysian prime minister was keen to
give final fact to them when he made the announcement. (Fuller Buckley, 2014)
There were 2/3 Chinese passengers on the plane and many of their friends and
relatives declined to believe the announcement and claimed the Malaysians were not
revealing what they really knew. (Fuller Buckley, 2014) Also, many heavy criticisms
Marx Brothers Research Paper
The Marx Brother
The Marx brothers were a comedy team of three brothers stage named Groucho,
Harpo, and Chico. They were entertainers for audience who were watching T.V.
There were five brothers were born in New York City. The group later then became
three brothers because the audience on suggest Groucho, Harpo and Chico on the
stage. Throughout the 1910 and 1920, the Marx brothers began developing the comic
Marx brothers were a family comedy act that was successful in vaudeville on
Broadway and motion pictures from 1905 to 1949.Thoughout the 1910 and the
1920s, the Marx brothers began developing the comic personae they would later
immortalize on the film. Groucho often seem to be the leader, as the audience were
amazed of what the show has to entertain them. Chico donned a silly pointed hat and
had an affected Italian accent which showed that many were surprise of what he can
do. Zeppo, the least know of quintet, mostly stand around doing nothing to do,
Gummo performed with his brothers early in the groups career, but then left later
around 1918. ... Show more content on ...
In 1925 the Marx brothers graduated from music hall obscurity on the Broadway
stage production, which they later made The Cocoanuts which made a huge hit for
the Marx brothers. Four years paramount studios sign the Marx brothers a movie
deal, which the film was called The Cocoanuts , they also made the movie Animal
Crackers . A hit from the Marx brother s fans and the general public, when they
made The Cocoanuts which establish the prototype for all subsequent of all the
Marx brothers film. Every film the Marx brothers made for the studios, were then
later next up like when they made Animal Crackers in 1930 by all this they became
more and more
The Biological Processes Of Dairy Cattle Essay
In today s world, many infants are allergic to certain proteins naturally present in
cow s milk. Due to the huge volume of milk products consumed by the human race,
there is a need to get rid of this allergy causing protein and eliminate this allergic
reaction. AgResearch has investigated ways to manipulate the genetic material in
dairy cattle by using the process of GeneKnockdown , with the aim to create a cow
which produces milk which doesn t contain the proteinresponsible for the allergic
reactions, the Beta lacto globulin protein or BLG . Scientists have been successful
in creating Daisy the Cow, who is a cloned calf genetically modified to produce
milk which does not contain the BLG protein. I will be discussing the biological
processes behind the cloning of Daisy the cow, and the decisions made by scientists
to use methods for genetically modifying the cow s genes from whom Daisy was
cloned, for the benefit of humans.
There are specific reasons AgResearch used processes like Gene Knockdown and
cloning by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer SCT to get the result they wanted. The
stakes are high to ensure the cloned cow Daisy survives and is healthy. Therefore
AgResearch needed to choose procedures which were most likely to yield
successful results. The whole project and process cost around 50 million dollars to
produce one cow, and with historical success rates very low they could potentially
lose funding and be shut down if the project didn t produce any successful
Polar Express Psychology
Innocence, trust, truth, and calmness are all different feelings that one might have
or encounter in their life. Most of these feelings are felt as a child and as a parent
more often. Blue is conservative and calming in a positive aspect. But blue can
also relate to sadness, lonely, cold, or depressing, in a more negative way. You feel
these things when you feel betrayed, lied to, or the loss of a loved one. Blue can
stimulate so many feelings depending on a situation. The Polar Express and the poem
The Side of Truthstimulate different feelings when read but they are intertwined in
some aspects. Though written in different centuries, The Polar Express and the poem
The Side Of Truth use emotional imagery to emphasize character transformation...
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The blue seen in the movie suggests the truth of hero boy s thoughts, and
confusion. Archetypally, blue is contemplated as reserved and quiet, and doesn t
like to make a fuss or draw attention (Color Psychology Web). The film embodies
these exact feelings in hero boy. He is reserved and quite and doesn t draw attention
to himself on the train and tries to stay low during the trip. However, the most
significant reference to blue throughout the film is his blue robe, which represents
the reserved person he is because of his beliefs. The train is also exemplifies the
truth that he can only decide for him self what he truly wants to believe in.
Thomas begins with truth and ends the poem with love , there is the silly level of
tension simply the reason in the side of truth, that all will resolve into a unjudging
truth which weakens the idea of truth itself. Truth is not essentially not false . Just
like in The Polar Express, it is not a film that convinces young children to believe in
the big man it paints a bigger a picture, to believe in what you think is true and
believe with all your heart and not let others convince you, you are
Application Of Information And Communication
In this section, a brief overview of the research topic will be looked into which
defines the key concepts, gives description of context and scope of the investigation.
This section also provides the aims and objectives of the research topic. Finally, the
methodology of the research study will be discussed.
The limitations challenging further integration of information and communication
technology (ICT) in Nigeria s secondary schools: An assessment through secondary
school teachers and students.
Over the past decade, technology has had far reaching impact on the way we live,
changing the way we work, learn, and communicate even the way we carry out our
regular, daily activities (Seifer and Mihalynuk, 2003). The role of ICT in education
extends beyond service learning classes and activities by providing more effective
experiences for faculty, students and community participants (Seifer and Mihalynuk,
The need for ICT in Nigerian secondary schools cannot be overemphasized. In this
technology driven era, everyone needs ICT competence to thrive (Adomi and
Kpangban, 2010). Although efforts have been made to ensure that ICTs are available
and utilised in Nigerian secondary school. However, the level of inculcation remains
low (Adomi and Kpangban, 2010). Goshit (2006) found out that most schools, both
private and public, do not offer ICT training programmes. The Federal Government of
Nigeria, in the National
Abstract . The Current Paper Presents A Critical Analysis
Abstract The current paper presents a critical analysis of the Hogan Personality
Inventory (HPI), as it will be utilized by practitioners of Industrial Organizational
Psychologists, based on the scholarly reviews from the Mental Measurements
Yearbook. A description of the standardization sample and presentation of validity
and reliability evidence of the HPI and the applications of HPI is included. The
pros and cons of using the HPI as a practitioner of I O Psychology are explored. The
quality of the test is examined and is discussed as being a good tool for organizations
seeking to reduce business costs by identifying individuals for hiring, promotion, and
training and to reduce turnover. Introduction As a practitioner of Industrial... Show
more content on ...
Other valuable uses include vetting of new partners, diagnosing sources of conflict,
matching personality to particular tasks or initiatives while also taking the
guesswork out of the hiring process (Neville, 2013). Current thinking in personality
assessments converges on the idea that most personality characteristics reflect the
five broad characteristics of the Five Factor Model extroversion, agreeableness,
conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness (The Science of Personality,
2015). Personality tests are typically less likely to differ in results by gender and
race than other tests, can be administered via paper and pencil or computerized
methods to large groups easily, cost effectively and do not necessarily require skilled
administrators (SIOP). In 2012 thirty five percent of Human Resources around the
world reported that they use personality inventories (Gray, 2015). Hogan Personality
Inventory The standardized test I have chosen to analyze is The Hogan Personality
Inventory. I was unfamiliar with this test but found that it is commonly used in
organizational settings and I am likely to encounter it in the field. According to
Axford, S. (MMY, 1998) the test manual includes an accurate test description and
clearly indicates its purpose and a design that is practical for use within the
organization. LoBello (MMY, 1998) describes the manual as user
Artificial Meningitis Essay
Bacterial meningitis is an infection that originates in the meninges of the brain and
can spread into the spinal column. The symptoms can develop within hours and take
up to two days after encountering a carrier host. Bacterial meningitis can be
transmitted through fluid transmission from the mouth or throat of an infected
person. Bacterial meningitisis a gram negative meningitis diplococcal bacterium.
There are several bacteriatypes that can cause meningitis, which include
Streptococcus pneumoniae (the most common cause), Groupe B Streptococcus,
Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus influenzae, and Listeria monocytogenes. The
meningitis does not live long on surfaces outside the host but has shown to live
longer on glass surfaces compared to plastic. Approximately five percent to twenty
five percent of carriers will move around without symptoms or becoming sick.
Studies have shown roughly eight hundred to fifteen hundred people a year will be
diagnosed yearly with roughly one hundred to... Show more content on ...
The first outer most layer is called the Dura mater (Latin tough mother) lying
closest to the skull. The dura mater has large blood vessels that track throughout it,
then split into smaller vessels as they continue into the other Meninges. The next
meninge would be the Arachnoid mater, which gives the impression of a spider
web. This area protects the central nervous system within the skull. The third layer
is called the Pia mater, this layer is the closet to the brain. Pia mater is a fibrous
material that is firmly attached to the brain and spinal column. The meninges are
filled with cerebro spinal fluid (CSF). The CSF is clear in color and comprised of
roughly 125mL of fluid at any given time covering the brain and spinal cord. The
CSF is composed of water, protein, cells and sugars, which are vital for the nervous
system to function
The United States Code ( U.s. )
The United States Code (U.S.C.) establishes and governs the form, function, duties,
and responsibilities of the US Government . The foundational to US National
Security and foreign relations are based on the three titles in the U.S.C, namely, Title
10, Title 22, and Title 50; which govern US Armed Forces, the Department of State,
public diplomacy efforts, and national defense (American Security Project, 2012).
However, the National Security Act of 1947 was the first U.S. law on the conduct of
intelligence operations. The act established the Central Intelligence Agencyto collect,
analyze, evaluate, and disseminate foreign intelligence to assist the President and
senior US government policymakers in making decisions relating to national security
(Central Intelligence Agency (2013). This intelligence law help to define the roles of
policymakers, (Executive Branch oversight, and Congressional oversight) while
making decisions relating to national security; and also defined the scope and
functions of intelligence community. For instance, the President who is the head of
the executive branch and commander in chief has the authority to direct military
operations and intelligence activities against external threats resides in his
Constitutional executive and commander in chief powers (Wall, 2011).
However, Congress has an oversight power over the president intelligence collection
power and activities. Article I, Section 8, paragraph 18 of the United States
constitution and
Weapons Used by the U.S. During WWI Essay example
Weapons Used By the U.S. During WWI Oh no, another one of us is dead due to
these deadly tools. If it s not a gun, it s a grenade, either way it s still usually deadly.
There are so many different types of these weapons, it s hard to count. Some of these
weapons include shotguns, bayonets, mortars, and knives. The United Statesitself has
many types of weapons, from handguns and machine guns to grenades and mortars.
One of the handguns used during WWI by the United States was the M1917
Revolver. The production of this revolver started in 1917 and spanned into 1920,
and it remained in service until 1954. The barrel if the gun was a standard 5.5
inches while the revolver had an overall length of 10.8 inches. (Colt Model 1917)
There... Show more content on ...
The gun was given the nickname Potato Digger because it was so powerful that
the arm of dug into the ground while firing. It was also had a gas operated and air
cooled design. (Colt Browning M1895) This belt fed gun could fire from a closed
bolt with a cyclic rate of 450 rounds per minute. The Colt Browning M1895 was the
first successful gas operated machine gun to enter the service. Once redesigned by
Colt from Browning s ideas, it weighed thirty five pounds. Along with being the
first gas operated machine gun, it was the first machine gun adopted by the United
States military. Colt ceased production of the gun in 1916 after it became obsolete
when the US entered World War I. Before entering the war the gun was used for
training in the United States. (M1895 Colt Browning) There were also hand
grenades involved in WWI. One in particular was the MK 2 defensive hand
grenade. This grenade was introduced in 1918 to replace the failed MK 1. The MK
2 was a time fused grenade that was filled with TNT or EC blank fire powder. Its
pineapple shape made it easier to throw by giving the thrower a better grip. It was
appropriately given the nickname of the iron pineapple . This grenade weighed a
total of 1 pound and 5 ounces, with the filling only weighing 2 ounces. The rest of
its weight came from the cast iron surface. There was a plug in the bottom to insert or
remove the filling, though in some models this was
Triple Alliance And Triple Entente During World War I
In the beginning of the 20th century, many changes where to take place that would
ultimately determine the alliances commonly known as the Triple Alliance and
Triple Entente during World War I. In 1904, the Russo Japanese War began. This
war ended with a defeat for Russia, which was humiliating, but did encourage the
Russian Empire to focus on the Balkans, an area that would play more dominate
roles in World War I
( 10 Events that Led to War One 1). Their newfound interest in
this area forced them to reassert themselves later, during the Bosnia Annexation
Crisis (Trueman 1). Over the years, Germany began to grow as an empire and an
extremely militaristic power (Tonge 1). The German s power created a naval rivalry
between themselves and Britain. Britain, fearing war, signed the Entente... Show more
content on ...
This put the Austria Hungarians in a political crisis, looking for a successor. On July
28 1914, Austria Hungary, looking to take revenge on the powers that assassinated
their heir, declared war on Serbia but also Germany. Shortly after, Germany declared
war on Russia and the Ottoman empire declared war on France and Britain, who
declared war on their enemy, Germany. This created the two sides of World War I,
The Allies: Braitain, France and Russia, and the Central Powers: Austria Hungary
and Germany . In 1915, Italy joined the Allies, Bulgaria joined the Central Powers,
and in 1916 Romania joined the Allies. Finally, in 1917, the United States joined
the Allies as well ( Course of the War 1914 18 1). A notable aspect of World War I
is that there was no identifiable bad guy of this war, however, as shown above, both
sides had history and motives that pushed them to declare
Symptoms Of A Mental Disorder
Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder which affects a persons thoughts,
feelings, and behavior. 1.1% of the worlds population suffers from Schizophrenia
making it one of the main causes of disability. No matter what race, age, or gender
everyone with this mental illness is affected in the same way. There are several
factors that cause disability in everyday life. For example, seeing or imagining things
that don t exist, hearing voices, feeling threatened by people or things, etc. This
literature review is going to discuss how patients are diagnosed, how they act in
everyday life, how their personality traits are and family involvement/compliance in
the treatments. There are several studies done to support these topics.
Knowing the ... Show more content on ...
Patients that are diagnosed with Schizophrenia have a hard time participating in
everyday activities, just like the previous article had discussed, patients avoid and
withdraw themselves from situations and everyday life activities. Normally, others
have abilities to think, behave, be motivated and do physical tasks but a patient
diagnosed with schizophrenia would have a weakened, low ability to do these things.
In the article Participation in daily life of people with Schizophrenia in comparison to
the general population (Easterbrook, Jarus, Kotler Lipskaya Velikovsky, 2016), there
was a cross sectional study conducted between those with Schizophrenia and those
without Schizophrenia. The purpose of this study was to see if patients diagnosed
with Schizophrenia participate in everyday life differently than those without it.
This study consisted of about 70 patients diagnosed with the illness and 70 other
people who were completely healthy. The patients with schizophrenia lived with
family and were single and unemployed while the healthy group had families of
their own and were employed. The group of patients lived with Schizophrenia for
about 10 years who were diagnosed in their 20s. About 47% of these patients were
hospitalized 1 3 times and the rest were hospitalized over 4 times. This study was
done 6 months after the patients were discharged so none of the
Point Of Origin Lab
The purpose of this lab was to find out how the amount of time that has elapsed
affect the position of the car away from the point of origin. Our hypothesis was if
the time elapsed is longer, then the car is going to be further away from the point
of origin. In this lab the independent variable what you are changing is time. The
dependent variable what you are measuring is how far the car is from the point of
origin after a certain amount of time (3 seconds, 6 seconds, and 9 seconds). The
controls things that stay the same throughout the whole lab is the car we used, the
meter stick that we measured in centimeters with, and the 40 centimeters of tape that
we used to mark the position of the car. Materials we used was a car, 40 centimeters of
... Show more content on ...
Our time increments were 3, 6, and 9 seconds. We had a person do a job like one
person would start the timer, one person would start the car, and then the other
person would place the tape on the ground after time limit. After each trial we
measured each piece of tape and how far away it was from the point of origin. The
first thing me and my group did for the lab was that we gathered our materials.
Second, we decided who was going to do what. Third, we marked the point of
origin with a small amount of the 40 cm. of tape. Fourth, the person that was in
charge of the timer got the timer ready. Fifth, we turned the car on. Sixth, we set
the car 60 cm. behind the point of origin. Seventh, the person that was in charge of
keeping the timer started the timer when the front wheels of the car were on the
point of origin. Eighth, when the timer is at 3 seconds, mark the position of the
car right that second. Continue the timer till 9 seconds and mark the 6 seconds
position as well as the 9 seconds position DO NOT STOP THE TIMER. There
should be a person ready to place a piece of tape on time. Ninth, measure the
distance with a meter stick in centimeters from the point of origin to the 3 seconds
mark, the 6 seconds mark, and finally the 9 seconds mark. Tenth, repeat steps from
four to nine 2 more
Fire Safety In Tennessee
From 2011 2015, there were 217 structure fires in Tennessee caused by children
playing with fire. These resulted in four deaths, 12 non emergency personnel injuries,
and over $5 million in property damage. In a recent article, the Tennessee State Fire
Marshal s Office discussed the importance of teaching your children about firesafety.
While you may not be able to prevent all accidents around your home, there are steps
you can take to protect your home and your family from fire related accidents.
Keep matches and lighters in a locked drawer or cabinet, out of the reach of young
Teach children to not play with lighters or matches. Tell them to bring matches or
lighters to a trusted adult if they find them.
Tell your children that
Hardships In Of Plymouth Plantation
Of Plymouth Plantation by William Bradford is a narrative that discusses the
experiences of the Puritans that traveled from New England to the New World. The
Puritans experienced many hardships while trying to restart their lives in America.
Similarly, Anne Bradstreet from the poem Upon the Burning of Our House, July
10th, 1666 experiences many hardships in her life in the Americas. The Puritans
experienced hardships that revealed the fact that some Puritans acted selfishly in life,
but others were very loyal and kind to each other, on the other hand, Bradstreet
experienced hardships that tested her beliefs and commitment to Puritanideology. The
leading hardship faced by the Puritans that revealed their selfishness was diseases.
One of... Show more content on ...
The feelings of sorrow and reminisce that she shouldn t have experienced
overwhelmed her. Despite having strong faith, Bradstreet expresses sorrow for her
pleasant things in ashes lie/And them behold no more shall I/Under thy roof no
guest shall sit/Nor at thy table eat a bit (Bradstreet 1. 27 30). According to Puritan
ideology, she should not care for these items and if lost she shouldn t mourn for
them. But Bradstreet is concerned with her belongings thus proving that she wasn
t completely devoted to Puritan ideology. Later, Bradstreet shows her commitment
to Puritan beliefs as she sees her whole house burn down. Bradstreet rethinks about
how she acted earlier and becomes angry at herself for straying from Puritan
beliefs. She then says farewell, my pelf, farewell my store/ The world no longer let
me love/ My hope and treasure lies above (Bradstreet l. 52 54). Bradstreet conveys
her new realization on what she should focus on and that is her home in heaven. She
sticks to Puritan ideology and says that she doesn t care about her belongings
anymore and will not think about them. Instead, Bradstreet claims that they will not
last so she and other Puritans should be more concerned with what they ll have in the
American Express Matrix Analysis
American Express Matrix Analysis Business Policy BUS 490 May, 23rd 2012 SWOT
Matrix 1. SWOT matrix is an approach that is used to evaluate the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities as well as the threats that are associated with all the
activities of the organization. An organization should conduct a SWOT analysis
strategy with an aim of ensuring that it meets all its set goals. More so they will be at
a position of identifying their competitors with whom they operate same businesses
so as to ensure they remain competitive in the market. When evaluating the strength
of an organization, organizations such as American Express should ensure that all the
strengths of that organization are listed and more so it should ensure that... Show
more content on ...
There are many recommendations that it has to consider for the next three years. For
instance, it has to reduce its cost to the customers. This will facilitate in ensuring
satisfaction of customers as a result of affordable prices. Second it should establish
other travel branches in different parts of the world the organization may use $3000
for the expansion. This will facilitate in attraction of a large market share which will
result to increased profit. The organization should also ensure that it advertise all its
services through various media services that will meet many customers with an aim
of convincing them to prefer their services as compared to those if other
organizations. 4. Comparison of the my recommendation with those of the
organization American Express has plans to establish some more companies in other
parts of the world which compares with the recommendations offered for the next
three years, since it is recommended that the organization should establish other
branches in different areas with an aim of attracting a large market share. The
recommendation of advertising also compare with that of American Express since
they have a plan to identify online services to attract many customers. American
Express also considers partnership with other organizations which will
The Causes Of The Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party was a direct protest by colonists in Boston against the Tea Tax
that had been imposed by the British government. Boston patriots, dressed as
Mohawk Indians, raided three British ships in Boston harbor and dumped 342
containers of tea into the harbor. There were many things that caused the Boston Tea
Partyto happen. There were acts such as the Sugar Act and the Currency Act that
caused the Boston Tea Party to happen, which all had to do with money or taxes.
The sugar act was a tax on sugar and molasses that affected the future of rum in the
area. The Currency Act was paper money issued by the colonies that was regulated,
so people could not spend it how they wanted to. The Boston Tea Party was
organized and carried... Show more content on ...
In turn, some Americans started to smuggle tea from Europe so they could sell it
for a profit. With this new tax, tea had almost become a commodity, not for its
rarity, but for its price. No one wanted to buy it because of the tax on it. There was
also many laws and acts established by Britain that created tension between Britain
and the Colonies. There were acts such as the Sugar Act and the Quartering Act
that infuriated the people and also led up to the events of the Boston Tea Party.
(The Boston Tea Party of 1773) The constant, and ever increasing, demands from
the British infuriated the American patriots especially those who belonged to the
Sons of Liberty organization. The Boston Massacre arose from the resentment of
Boston colonists towards the British which had been fuelled by protest activities
of the Sons of Liberty patriots. This violent incident resulted in the death of 5
colonists and the branding of 2 of the soldiers who were found guilty of
manslaughter. The Tea Act stirred up all of the old feelings of resentment towards
the British. Although various taxes had been repealed the Tea Tax was not. With the
Tea Act laws still intact, the Sons of liberty believed they had to something about it
right then. The Boston Tea Party took place on the night of December 16, 1773
between the hours of 7 PM and 10 PM at Griffin s Wharf in Boston. The original site
Friedma Friedman s Argument Analysis
In this paper, I show that Friedman s argument that it is immoral for managers to act
on social responsibilities, fails. He relies on that assertion that shareholders expect a
maximal return on their investment and if managers spend corporate funds on social
responsibilities, they are in turn taking profits away from shareholders and using their
money for an unintended purpose. However, this claim is false, as shareholders
cannot expect maximal profits and cannot dictate exactly what company funds are
spent on.
Friedman s argument is as follows:
(i) If a manager spends shareholders money in a way other than they want it spent,
she acts immorally
(ii) Shareholders invest their money into firms to maximise profits, not to act on
social responsibilities
(C) It is immoral for managers to act on social responsibilities (Friedman) ... Show
more content on ...
To spend the firm s money on matters of social responsibility, such as reducing
pollution beyond the amount that is in the best interests of the corporation or that is
required by law (Friedman) equates to spending the shareholders money, as it reduces
the return on their investment. Thus, they make less of a profit than they maximally
could. He argues that managers must prioritise their fiduciary obligations to
shareholders such as turning over a profit on their investment over altruistic
endeavors. Thus, he claims that failure to obey shareholders wishes by not
maximises profits is to behave
Patient and Hybrid Record Essay
1. What is the potential impact of the copy/paste functionality on the integrity of the
data and information contained in an EHR? The copy/paste function opens the
possibility for fraud, medical error and risk for malpractice claims. Fraud could
occur when a copy/paste function is used and than an insurance company is billed
for the procedure/services 2 or 3 times. When in reality the procedure/service was
only completed once. Medical error can occur with the copy/paste function, when a
nurse reads a chart made by a doctor who copy/pasted instructions or initiates a
procedure that was already completed but the doctor didn t realize that they copy
/pasted it again. Than the nurse completes the procedure again, which can... Show
more content on ...
Don t let staff get lazy and complacent with using the copy/paste function.
1. What impact can a hybrid record have on patient care?
The hybrid record could have negative and positive effects on patient care. One
negative effect would be that it would take longer to access and put together if a
whole file is requested. Another negative would be just where exactly is all of these
paper records being kept. A positive effect of the hybrid record is that if the computer
system is compromised in some way there would be a paper record.
2. How might the hybrid record change health information management?
The hybrid record would change health information management because you would
have to have employees to care for all these records, as well as employees for the
computer files thus creating more staff and costing more. There would of course have
to be training on how to properly handle the hybrid record having thus an effect on
the health information management team. Who would have to implement training,
schedule personnel off to take the training find yet others to cover for that training.
Again costing more money and time.
3. How might a hospital overcome some of the issues created by the hybrid record?
To overcome some issues created by the hybrid record you would have to have good
education/training in implementation of new data, new software and soft ware
Role Of God In Iberian Conflict
God as an Observer to Iberian Conflict Throughout the accounts of war in Iberia,
both Christians and Muslims alike call upon God to grant them favor, strength, and
protection as they charge into battle. Where they differ on the subject is typically
ingrained in the belief that only one form of worship is correct for the monotheistic
deity, and in doing so use Gods invocation to justify the Christian and Muslim
invasions. However, God himself does not intervene with the conflicts, but rather
plays a role as an observer to the conflict whose name continues to be mentioned
despite his lack of contributions to said wars. In this paper I will argue that God is an
omnipotent observer to the Iberian conflicts between Christians and Muslims, in
which... Show more content on ...
For example, during the Umayyad campaigns when territories were taken by the
Muslims it s described that Castles and fortresses quaked as though death had rushed
upon them, [...] / their hearts, publicly recognizing obedience, unanimously agreed to
join the Islamic community, which suggests that the military conquest was the
reason for the conversion, not God as the Muslims believed (The First Campaign
Undertaken by the Prince of the Faithful, 80 82). Because the denizens of the lands
converted, they were spared from further death and destruction, and so it begs the
question: if God was going to have them convert at the end of the battle, why would
he not have them convert before innocents were killed? Therefore, it seems that God
once again is merely observing the developments as the Umayyad Caliphate expands,
and he has no particular favor with Islam or Christianity because if he did he probably
would have shown a sign to either religion or saved them from death. In the same
way, El Cid justifies his conquests by declaring that I win battles as it pleases the
Creator, and both Moors and Christians fear me, which suggests that God favors no
side in the conflict as he allows El Cid to plunder the countryside of its wealth (Cid,
153). This also establishes that God observes El Cid s conquests and victories, does
nothing when his followers The Moors called on Muhammad
Analysis Of The Film Jigsaw
In the film JIGSAW, the screenwriters are Pete Goldfinger and Josh Stolberg. The
directors are Micheal Spiering and Peter Spiering. Its genre falls under crime,
horror, mystery, and thriller. The production company is Twisted Pictures.
JIGSAW is the eighth film in the SAW franchise it features deadly scenarios with
extreme gore, torture, and violence. Each player must follow the rules of the game
or there would be consequences such as body parts being sliced to bits, needles
injected with poisons, which may result death. John Kramer is a serial killer who
teaches his victims to value life lessons by placing them in deadly traps. After being
dead for ten years series of murders are appearing with the marks of the jigsaw killer.
Detectives and investigators find themselves chasing the ghost of John Kramer
who its purpose is to remind the world to be appreciative towards life by testing the
victims will to live. The victims are forced to face physical torture upon
themselves by killing others in order to escape. Five victims are trapped in a room
and in order to continue in the games for survival they are forced to experience
physical torture. The first victim dies in the first test due to being unconscious and
cannot manage to free himself. As the four victims continue in the games they are
selected due to their lies and must confess the truth for survival. One of the victim
dies from an injection of acid, and the other one dies from being lowered into a death
Edna Pontellier s Relationship With Water In The
Kate Chopin s novel, the Awakening, explores many feminist ideologies. The
protagonist, Edna Pontellier, experiences a gradual yet full fledged awakening.
There are many events throughout the story that portray this progression of self
awareness; most of these events revolve around Edna s relationship with water,
especially of her stay at Grand Isle. Chopin captures Edna s relationship with water
through its symbolism of both rebirth and death and the repeated string of gerunds at
the beginning and end of the novel. The setting of the resort at Grand Isle and the
coastal city of New Orleans emphasizes the importance of water to Edna s desire for
freedom. Chopin alludes to the chaotic and exceedingly disturbing nature of the
Essay on Sports Medicine
Sports Medicine
The Sports Medicane Profession has responded to the rise in over use injuries by
placing greater emphasis on injury prevention, developing new diagnostic and
techniques, and promoting rehabilitation as an aid to full recovery. This is what Dr.
Lyle J.
Micheli, one of the nations foremost sports medicane authorities, calls the new sports
Below is an example of what a typical sports doctor will do before getting their
It has become increasingly evident over the past 25 years that there is a need for
data on injury rates for the variety of sports and physical activities in which people of
ages are becoming involved. The research literature on the ... Show more content on ...
This pilot study
was undertaken to test data collection forms and procedures for a planned
prospective study of exercise and injury patterns in a large sample of middle aged and
older adults.
As a pilot study of activity and injury patterns in middle aged adults, data were
collected monthly for 6 months from 25 regularly exercising adults (19 male, 6
aged 43 70 years (mean 54.0 yr). Each subject completed a daily exercise log noting
duration and intensity of exercise, and distance covered (if appropriate). Any injuries
illnesses causing restriction of normal activity were recorded on separate check off
Reports were received each of the 6 months from all subjects. The subjects
3209 exercise sessions, totaling 2631 hrs. The predominant activities were running
sessions; 1780 hrs; 19,638 km), weightlifting (357 sessions; 181 hrs), walking (228
sessions; 195 hrs; 1064 km) and cycling (109 sessions; 78 hrs; 1992 km). All other
exercise activities (e.g., tennis, swimming, rowing, water running) totaled 388
and 397 hrs. The subjects averaged 4.0 hrs/week of exercise in 4.9 sessions/week of
min/session. Two thirds of the sessions involved running, and 21 subjects ran
These subjects ran an average of 3.9 times/week, 50.2 min/session, 38.2 km/week, 9.3
km/session at
Similarities Between The Holocaust And The Boy In The...
In both essays, the writers focus on the novel The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.
However, both writers express two very different perspectives on whether the book is
a good or bad example of teaching history through fiction. In the Point essay, the
writer believes that teaching history through fiction is valuable. The writer says that
The Boy In the Striped Pajamas is an excellent example of why you should teach
history through fiction. To support this claim the author states that you should teach
history through fiction because it makes history relevant and irresistible to a young
reader. This is represented in the novel The Boy in the Striped Pajamas because it is
told through the eyes of children. The Point essaysays, By approaching the Holocaust
through the eyes of two nine year old boys, the book provides a... Show more content
on ...
Meanwhile, the writer of the Counterpoint essay clearly states their opinion in the
first paragraph of the essay. The author says, Teaching history through the use of
fiction, including stories, novels, and films, is often misleading and can be
dangerous, and John Boyne s The Boy in the Striped Pajamas shows why. The writer
of the Counterpoint article believes that The Boy in the Striped Pajamas shows that
teaching history through fiction is misleading and dangerous because of its
inaccuracy. This is pointed out in the essay which says, . Young Bruno mishears
Auschwitz as Out With and the FГјhrer as the Fury. As Cesarani points out, any
normal German nine year old would have been able to pronounce FГјhrer and
Auschwitz correctly. Also, Bruno s word choices are culturally misplaced. When the
author used evidence from the novel such Auschwitz being called Out With , he
proved that young readers could be misleading when it comes to historical
Summary Of In The Road To Evergreen By Rachael Stryker
In The Road to Evergreen by Rachael Stryker is an interesting eye catching
ethnography that emphasizes on the psychiatric disorder on adopted children called
RAD, also known as reactive attachment disorder. Reactive attachment disorder
Describes children who are considered to be unable or unwilling to bond with
parental (most often mother) figures (Stryker 3). The reason why these particular
children are unable to form a bond with their primary familyis because in their past
relationships formed with their birth parents, if any, have been either neglected or
abused in both a physical and or mental way. So, in the end, the child is left with
RAD and their new adopted families are the ones who have to get help for them in
hope for a noticeable... Show more content on ...
Kinship is the study of relationships or kin, therefore is an important role on how a
person behaves as well as form attachments with other groups i.e. new family
members. A great example of this is the movie we watched in class called The
Dark Matter Of Love. Masha had a very difficult time adjusting with her new
family because she couldn t understand them and the family felt overwhelmed with
3 adopted children from Russia and you could tell by the way the parents acted.
But, overtime she and the other two adoptees learned to love, care ad be happy
with their family. Which goes to show that once you adjust and take things at a
slow and steady pace that everything turns out for the best. I also believe this goes
in hand with Stryker s central argument that if new parents had the same way of
thinking like the Diaz s, that maybe they wouldn t reach the point of distress and
turn to the evergreen model. Stryker s main point is that there are different ways to
get help for your child, and that you don t need to basically torture them for them to
Names In The Renaissance
The Renaissance, a time period painted over like a great canvas with the names of
legendary artists. People in the modern world know mostly the great names like
Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, etc. These names have become
ingrained in culture, so much so that the names have taken on a new persona of four
animated turtles. But like any time period these names barely scratch the surface of a
cornerstone in the history of art. Beginning in the 13th century, known as the Early
Renaissance, the focus of art started to shift from a heavenly perspective down to a
more human perspective. Sciences grew, knowledge of the human body expanded,
and in turn this helped shape artistic trends like they were clay on a potter s wheel.
Great... Show more content on ...
Ideally, the determination to learn and study art would come at a young age, Training
usually began at an early age. Some boys were placed with a master before they were
ten years old [... ] most boys were three or four years older than that when they began
(Italliano Resource). In comparison, becoming an artist was almost like becoming a
page for a knight. One must move out from the home, live under an artist, and under
the title of apprentice, must complete tasks such as weeping, running errands,
preparing the wooden panels for painting, and grinding and mixing pigments
(RenConnection) . If an apprentice was exceptional, the master would graduate the
student and would allow them to complete their own pieces of art. Depending on
what type of master one studied under, the art that an apprentice would learn varied
from sculpturing marble, oil painting, or sketching, to name a few. From instruction
from the master, learning how to draw statuettes became the natural progression of a
student s journey. (Italliano Resource). This helped students to foster greater
naturalism in Renaissance depictions of the human form (Italliano Resource). The
final step in becoming a master was to learn the technique of painting and drawing,
understanding the techniques used such as fresco or oil painting. Should a student
show enough skill to create professional
Greenbush Vs. Burke Heights
Greenbush vs. Burke Heights
This report will be on the research I have discovered first hand as well as through
statistical data that compares and contrasts the neighborhoods of Greenbush and
Burke Heights, both located in Madison, Wisconsin. When researching these two
neighborhoods, I focused on the neighborhoods housing statistics, demographics of
their residents, and the money circulating within the neighborhoods. Another aspect I
paid attention to while comparing the neighborhoods was the economic and
employment opportunities available within the communities. These benefits directly
correlate to the amount of capital that is available for residents. Lastly, I took note of
the entertainment, retail, and physical possibilities that prevailed in these
The first subject I will compare is the housing within each neighborhood. First, in
the Greenbush neighborhood, the majority of people are either college students or
young adults between the ages of twenty and thirty two. It was obvious this age
group lived in these homes seeing the dГ©cor on the front porches and the cars in
the driveways. The average household income ranges between seventy and eighty
five thousand dollars per year (StatisticalAtlas). Just walking down the street I
noticed most of the lots are designated for either college students, expensive
residential homes, or parks with green spaces. The neighborhoods average price for a
normal sized home would range between three hundred and three
Social Network
Part Two
Understanding the Marketplace and Consumers
TOMS Shoes
Case on how TOMS executes its strategy within the constantly changing marketing
environment. After viewing the video featuring TOMS Shoes, answer the following
questions about the marketing environment: What trends in the marketing
environment have contributed to the success of TOMS Shoes? Did TOMS Shoes first
scan the marketing environment in creating its strategy, or did it create its strategy
and fit the strategy to the environment? Does this matter? 3. Is TOMS strategy more
about serving needy children or about creating value for customers? Explain.
Get involved: Changing a life begins with a single step. This sounds like a mandate
from a ... Show more content on ...
The airline launched during a turbulent period when people were hesitant to travel
due to the aftermath of the 2001 terrorist attacks. People concerned about long
distance travel started to look for holidays in nearby countries. The timing worked to
the advantage of AirAsia when it started to fly regional routes. Asians were enjoying
the benefits of rising incomes and good economic growth and although many could
not afford long distance holidays, they were open to the idea of traveling to nearby
countries. In addition, increased media coverage on LCCs helped consumers
understand the no frills concept. The Internet also provided AirAsia with the
opportunity to reach more customers through online booking. Fernandes is a strong
believer in leading by example. He is often seen working alongside his team as a
crew member or baggage handler. This allows him to get to know his staff better and
to listen to customers feedback. He insists on a cooperative
The global financial crisis that started in mid 2008 affected many industries,
including the aviation industry. Fewer business and leisure travelers were flying due
to the economic recession. Corporations and government agencies issued orders, as
part of an austerity drive, for less travel or, when absolutely necessary for their
senior employees, for economy class travel. This became an opportunity for
The Chinese Immigration Into Hawaii
Less than ten percent of Hawaii s population is true, native, pureblooded Hawaiian.
The influx of immigrants came as an reaction to find work for the sugar fields. The
Chinese immigration into Hawaii began in the latter part of the eighteenth century.
They were the first wave of immigrants to arrive on the islands, followed by
Japanese, Portuguese, Filipinos, and Koreans. It has been noted in history, as far
back as Captain Cook s arrival in 1778, that Chinese presence began to occur. Since
the increasing trade between China and North America, Hawai i became an essential
stop along the trade route. The first group of indentured Chinese plantation recruits
arrived in 1852. Between 1852 and 1856, several thousand Chinese were brought into
... Show more content on ...
A driving force in the economy was the new potential immigrants looking for jobs
on the sugarcane farms. The sugar export industry didn t surge until the 1860s,
when access to Southern sugar was cut off during the Civil War. In order for this
industry to be commercially profitable, it was necessary to import foreign laborers
due to all the external, Western diseases that had wiped out the native population,
and the remaining natives were not enough to keep the workforce profitable. The
sandalwood trade had already established a relationship between Hawai i and China.
Furthermore, civil unrest and natural disasters in China made the country difficult to
earn a living. Thus, Hawai i became an attractive destination for Chinese immigrants
mostly married males who set out to earn money for their families back in China.
The Chinese laborers were signed to five year contracts, after those five years
around half returned to China while the other half stayed, creating Honolulu s
Chinatown. The neighborhood quickly grew with around 6,000 people occupying it.
But in 1886 a fire broke out and destroyed eight blocks of Chinatown. The
government responded to this fire by putting building restrictions, sadly none of those
were enforced causing more rickety buildings to be built. In 1900 Chinatown became
quarantined thanks to the Black Death. An answer to this solution was sanitary fires
to try to prevent further spread of the disease.
Comparing My Father And My Dad
When I was 10 years old I realized how alike and different me and my father really
are. Thinking to myself one day I was amazed on how different my dad and I really
are because dad was bald and he had a son with a full head of hair. My father also is
very blunt, he says whatever is on his mind while on the other hand I usually keep
my thoughts to myself. Though my dad and I are very different in many ways we
are more similar than different. My father loves the sport football and so do I! One
of our favorite activities that we do together is to watch the Michigan Wolverines and
Detroit Lions playevery Saturday and Sunday. We also love to cook and bake too.
Finally through the years that my father and I have spend together i have realized
how alike and different we both are.
It was a Ssaturday morning during the fall season and I was up early watching
some cartoons when I realized my dad was up. He was up and about doing his
usual Ssaturday chores when I notice something different about him. He looked
and acted nervous but at the same time he was super excited for something. That
something was a Michigan football game, which was gonna be played in a few
hours. I never really notice my dad act like this before, but when I did I knew
something was up. I then asked my dad, What s the big deal dad? and then he said,
It s the season opener for Michigan football! A few hours had passed and suddenly I
had heard my dad scream in joy at the TV. I then came running into the living
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How To Write A Descriptive Essay. How to Write a Good Descriptive Paragraph? Examples

  • 1. How To Write A Descriptive Essay Writing an essay on the intricacies of crafting a descriptive essay presents a unique set of challenges. At the outset, one must grapple with the irony of describing the process of description itself. This meta-cognitive task requires a delicate balance between providing practical guidance and engaging the reader with vivid, illustrative language. The difficulty intensifies as the writer endeavors to break down the multifaceted nature of descriptive writing. It demands a nuanced understanding of sensory details, figurative language, and the art of creating a cohesive, immersive experience for the reader. Striking the right chord between being instructive and evocative adds another layer of complexity. Moreover, the challenge lies not just in explaining the theoretical aspects but in demonstrating them effectively. Crafting examples that showcase the principles of descriptive writing requires a keen eye for detail and the ability to weave words in a way that transports the reader to the envisioned scene. The risk of falling into the trap of mere abstraction without practical application is ever-present. Navigating the territory of structuring the essay on this subject is a task in itself. Balancing the introduction, body, and conclusion while maintaining the thematic consistency needed for a descriptive essay requires careful planning. It demands the writer's skill to transition seamlessly between concepts, ensuring a smooth flow of ideas. Conclusively, tackling the essay on "How To Write A Descriptive Essay" is akin to describing the act of painting a masterpiece while simultaneously attempting to create one. It requires a unique blend of technical know-how and artistic finesse. The challenge is not merely in elucidating the process but in embodying the essence of descriptive writing within the essay itself. For those who find themselves grappling with such complexities or seeking assistance, it's worth noting that offers a range of services. Similar essays and more comprehensive assistance can be acquired through their platform, providing a helping hand to navigate the intricate terrain of essay composition. How To Write A Descriptive EssayHow To Write A Descriptive Essay
  • 2. Gender And Racial Identity Of Film Yue Zheng Prof. Aili Bresnahan PHL 324 11/8/2016 Gender and Racial Identity in Film Gender and racial identity was a form of discrimination in the world and they were interrelated that fuelling the injustice social phenomenon and problem. For example, women were a particular group and as a symbol showed the social abuses, acts of violence and biggest discrimination based on the sexual difference and racism. The difference of color, race, gender were the big biases not only to deprive of women s an equal rights education opportunity, health insurance or care, personal credit, but also to help racist and sexist to deny women get the work, food and shelter equality. On the one hand, everyone has their own identity which was the individuals psychological relationships to relate social systems. Based on the Repost of Gender and Racial Discrimination which focused on and pointed out there are some barriers to limit women get the rights or empowerment in daily life and advancement in their career, especially the sexuality and racial biases. (Zagreb, Croatia). So, the personal value, socioeconomic status, education attainment, age, ethnic and racial, gender and social class identities were the invisible standards to decide and evaluate women should be got what kind of treatment in their life. Also, people almost preferred to create identity based on the gender and racism in the daily life. because it was a part of self concept for the kind of person, the color of skin and the
  • 3. Why the Rich Are Getting Richer and the Poor, Poorer Robert B. Reich, Why the Rich Are Getting Richer and the Poor, Poorer Reich starts his exordium with a distribution of where American workers found themselves in the early 1990 s in reference to where almost all American workers were just 20 years before. Reich placed most of the workers that contributed to the economy during the Nixon administration as being in one boat, analogous to the famous quote by G.K. Chesterton, We are all in the same boat, in a stormy sea, and we owe each other a terrible loyalty. Under Reich s distribution you were still in a lifeboat, but the sea state and your future could be rough or smooth sailing depending upon your chosen profession. To which boat one found his or her self was directly related to how... Show more content on ... Reich also uses a form and substance argument about occupants of the second boat, in that as demographics change as the decline in the birth rate after the baby boom would propagate through and generate opportunities for older in person servers that would not otherwise be available to them, he then accurately predicts the situation current Americans find themselves, the increasing numbers of elderly people will
  • 4. Eucalyptus Globulus Effect on the Germination of Radish... The purpose of the project was to determine whether Eucalyptus globulus had an effect on the germination of radish seeds. It was hypothesized that Eucalyptus globulus would have a negative effect on the germination of the seeds and their growth. Before a seed can germinate it must first shed the seed coat, a protective outer layer that protects the seed from parasites, injury, and unfavorable temperatures. Inside the seed coat is the embryo which contains the root and first leaves of the plant, called cotyledons. After the seed coat has been shed the root emerges first so that it can absorb water and nutrients. After the roots have come out of the embryo the cotyledons will follow. Some seeds need certain conditions to germinate and go ... Show more content on ... Allelopathic chemicals can also exist in soil, affecting the surround plants and those planted afterwards. Studies have shown that Leucaena leucocephala, a tree promoted for water conservation and revegetation, contains a toxic amino acid in its leaves and foliage that prevents the growth of other trees but not its own seedlings. Research has also shown that this species reduces the yield of wheat and increases the yield of rice. Other allelopathic plants include mango, box elder, broccoli, and Eucalyptus. A study was conducted at Gomal University that tested the allelopathic effects of Eucalyptus camaldulensis L. on the germination and seedling growth of wheat. The leaves of E. camaldulensis trees were washed and dried and then filtered to create a one hundred percent solution as well as ten percent, fifteen percent, and twenty percent. These solutions were tested on twelve varieties of wheat. The results showed that there was a significant decrease in germination counts with increasing levels of Eucalyptus aqueous extract concentration. All twelve varieties of wheat were adversely affected by the twenty percent concentration of Eucalyptus extract. It was observed that there was a direct relationship between the number of normal seedlings and the extract concentration. The results suggested that the E. camaldulensis L. leaf aqueous extract could reduce normal seedlings even in low concentrations. Eucalyptus
  • 5. Definition On Extracurricular Activities Definition on Extracurricular Activities Extracurricular activities allow students to pursue interests outside of a standardized context (Strate,1996). Extracurricular activities are the activities that caters the students voluntary involvement that is situated at the external realm of the academic curriculum of a school or in a university . These activities encourage students to permissively expose themselves with others of the same age with a purpose. However, extracurricular activities are offered to all students but volunteer activities are not always extracurricular activities. Every activity is a students initiative in order to help others such as feeding programs, tutorials, etc. On the other hand, extracurricular activities are not only made for the purpose of allowing the students to do social outreach but for them to interact with others and build public relationship that would help them along during their stay in the university. This present study aims to investigate if these extracurricular activities cannot only be defined by the following involvements, but it could serve as an outlet for students from academics.... Show more content on ... Being brilliant in the classroom can be done by any individual, but in order for one to be holistically developed one must be knowledgeable on how to take control on things that may arise after school as a professional. Extracurricular activities will train students to be resilient in any situation that they may encounter and seek solutions for every conflict that will arouse. In fact, the students will acquire the skills such as being innovative, creative, and idealistic on seeking solutions for every
  • 6. What Are The Similarities Between The Julius Caesar And... The last century of the Roman Republic holds two of greatest political alliances in history, the First Triumvirate, created in 60 BC, and the Second Triumvirate, created in 43 BC. While the circumstances and actions of these two unions are very different, they tend to have vey similar trends. Three men come together to increase their political power, take control of the Republic, and fight against a particular group that opposes them. First, we shall look at the creations of these two alliances, as they seem to have distinct similarities. The characters that fill these two coalitions, a brilliant politician, a military commander, and a successful senator, share similar qualities in themselves. Finally, they both end in a similar fashion, as the two more successful men fight for control of the Roman State. In 60 BC Gaius Julius Caesar returned to Rome from his governorship of Hispania Ulterior. There he has successfully campaigned against local tribes and given a triumph. Roman law stated that generals given a triumph had to stay outside the city until the triumph commenced, but Caesar also wanted to run for the consulship of 59 BC, which he had to be in the city to declare. The Senate, led by Cato, denied his request to run in absentia, so Caesar gave up his triumph to become a candidate. Caesar had a lot of opposition against him in the senate, especially from the optimates. The greatest Roman general in 60 BC is Gneaus Pompeius, a man given the title Magnus (The Great)
  • 7. Capitalism In Upton Sinclair s The Jungle In The Jungle, Upton Sinclair reveals the vicious and merciless characteristics of the system of Capitalism through Jurgis. At the beginning, he comes to America full of hopes and dreams to improve his life but then he helplessly falters because of the cruelty of Capitalism. The Jungle portrays two oppositional images of America, which is seen by newcomers like Jurgis as a free land of opportunities that would give them fortunes and make their dreams come true, but in reality is a world of slavery under Capitalism. The story starts with the traditional Lithuanian wedding celebration called veselija to bless the newlyweds, Jurgis Rudkus and Ona Lukoszaite. Everyone enjoys the feast including the endless food and the music. As to follow the... Show more content on ... So he goes to Brown s and gets noticed by one of the bosses for his outstanding physical condition among the others. The conversation between Jurgis and the man who hires workers does not show any emotional interaction, but just solid dull talking. Even though Jurgis tells the man that he cannot speak English, it does not bother the man at all, because for him, being able to do all the required manual labors is enough to hire Jurgis. The man asks if Jurgis can shovel guts by speaking to him in Lithuanian: Zarnos. Pagaiksztis. Szluota! [Guts. Rake. Broom!] and Jurgis replies that he is capable (32). In this process, it shows how choosing workers is not based on how knowledgeable they are, but only their capability for physical labors. There is no problem for Jurgis to be not able to speak English, meaning that, in the future, there will not be any need for communication between the workers and the bosses, but they should just obey and do their work. The scene illustrates a side of capitaliem where Jurgis and all the other workers are displayed like objects letting the capitalists choose according to their taste or by comparing the efficiency among the
  • 8. Feminist Analysis Essay Zena Relente Mrs. Kehrmeyer American Lit., Period 1 14 November 2016 Feminist Analysis Feminism is a movement towards equal society for both genders, male and female, without discrimination. We should be able to live our lives without having the fear of being judged and meeting the criteria assigned to each genderroles. In most feminist narratives, the protagonists of the text are led by a woman who seeks deliverance from the patriarchal oppression. The outcome of these problems is the blatant actions of women to disenthrall from the oppressive. Kate Chopin the author of the short story The Story of an Hour and the book The Awakening, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman of The Yellow Wallpaper , portray the women s resistance and the subverted... Show more content on ... In the Literacy and Cultural Theory book Feminist Analysis by Donald Hall, Key to all feminist methodologies is the belief that patriarchal oppression of women throughout history has profound and multifaceted. (Hall 202) Patriarchy is the social relations of power between men and women. Men are allowed to have power to perform any task. On the other hand, women are only known for their beauty which serves no purpose to any important matter. In her book, The Yellow Wallpaper , Charlotte Perkins Gilman states, There comes John, and I must put this away, he hates to have me write a word. (Gilman, 649) The issue is acknowledged so that means it has occurred multiple times and most likely to be ignored. Women s actions are restricted because some men fear that their women will have greater knowledge compared to them. To put in another way, women might take over and have the power to control men. There were a few evidences of oppression of women since they were not allowed to journal and share their opinion with others. It could be the reason why they are having doubts about the issue since there is not enough evidence to
  • 9. ACC 281 week 5 post assessment Essay example 1. A company s ending accounts receivable balance and the period s advertising expense would be found on which financial statements, respectively balance sheet and income statement (Yes. Accounts receivable will be on the balance sheet and the advertising expenses on the income statement) 2. How does financial accounting differ from managerial accounting managerial accounting deals with internal reporting and financial deals with internal reporting (Yes. Managerial accounting deals with internal reporting and financial accounting deals with external entities) 3. What calculation would you use to determine the net income Revenues minus expenses equal net income. (Yes. Net Income = revenues expenses) 4. Your healthcare... Show more content on ... Regulations and Rules in the Accounting Practice: There are basic accounting rules that all organizations must follow. The purpose of these rules is to make sure that sound accounting principles are being followed. There are private entity rules and governmental entity rules. Which of the following acronym would best describe these regulations and rules GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles FASB Financial Accounting Standards Board GASB Governmental Accounting Standards Board (Yes. The correct acronyms are GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles; FASB Financial Accounting Standards Board; GASB Governmental Accounting Standards Board 10. Determining which type of organization to form can take some time to figure it out and can be based on your preferences. Why do many health organizations choose the corporate structure both a and b (Yes. The corporate structure provides for limited liability and ease of transferring ownership.) 11. Which type of organization divides equity by percentage of ownership partnership (Yes. A partnership divides equity by percentage of ownership 12. The Discount on Notes Payable account is associated with a note payable when interest is included in the obligation s face value. (Yes. The discount on notes payable account is associated with a note payable when interest is included in the obligation s face value.) 13. Assume that Robert Conrad, a nurse, worked 45 hours
  • 10. Definitions Of A Dictator Essay Dictators have been around for centuries, terrorizing and oppressing civilians through manipulation, genocide, and many other sadistic methods of force. Starting in Ancient Rome, the term dictator originated from the Latin root word dictare in the late 14c. So, what is a dictator? The earliest definition that can be found was one who has absolute power or authority . Other words that have been used to describe dictators over the years is tyrant , despot , autocrat , and many more. Everyone has seen dictators in the current news or historic documentaries such as Kim Jong un, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, etc but perhaps were unaware of their dictator title. Many leaders have been labelled dictators as they have absolute power that was either taken by force or through manipulation or even just through blood. However, today we will be focusing on two dictators who worked their ways up the political ladder to the position that they strived for. Qin Shi Huang and Than Shwe were both tyrannic, selfish, ... Show more content on ... Qin Shi Huang was born on the eighteenth of February 259BC in Handan, China to King Zhuangxiang of Qin and Queen Dowager Zhao. His father was the King of the Qin state at that time. His birth name was Ying Zheng or Zhao Zheng whilst being prince of the Qin state. Qin Shi Huang was allegedly a very aggressive leader but also very ambitious, at the very young age of just twenty two he assumed full power by ridding himself of his premier, Lu Buwei, who acted as a regent while he was a minor . ( It was Qins Shi s aspiration to unify and subjugate all seven states of china; Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan, and Qi using the powerful economic and political military strength of the Qin state. Qin Shi Huang s first ambition was to build the first feudal and centralised empire in Chinese history and did so in 221BC. This is known as the Qin Dynasty which reigned from 221BC to
  • 11. Descriptive Essay On The Storm The sky is alive, rain crashes furiously to the ground. Trees topple, lightning shatters the sky, thunder shakes the ground. Two travelers from two worlds watch the storm only long enough to know it is a monsoon worthy of legends. Ashely had gone camping only this morning under clear skies and tamed weather. She is a lover of the wild, mostly for the quiet. She plans every three or so months to spend a week living off the land. She is young and her skills as a hunter are not yet refined. But you don t need to trap and kill your own food when there are places like Midnight Market where you can pick up all the oatmeal and sun dried grapes one can eat for barely more than pocket change. Ashley has been doing this ever since she was in her early teens. She had noticed when she was thirteen that her sent had a powerful effect on other foxes, and in exponentially greater one if she happened to be in estrus. So she mapped out her heat cycle and made the arrangements to always be out of town when her heat hit. In the seven years now Ashley has done this she has seen the strange, and the unsettling out in the woods, but never has she seen rain so harshly that the rain burns the skin and darkens one s vision. Her clothes are soaked through in moments and her backpack saturates, her hunting coat offers her no protection for the vengeful storm. There is only one thing Ashley can think to do. Maybe 2 summers ago Ashley had discovered a natural cave only a mile or so from her camp
  • 12. Graphically Representing Data And Distribution Tables That... Graphically Representing Data Within a School Setting Christopher M. Lightfoot Abstract This paper examines the ability to graphically display frequency distribution tables that are represented within a school setting. There are three types of data sets that are interpreted within two types of frequency distribution tables (see Table 1). The first type of data set that is mentioned is a discrete nominal data set that is graphically displayed as a bar chart (see Figure 1), which displays the reoccurrence of each category within the simple frequency table (see Table 2). The second data type referenced is a discrete ordinal data set that was analyzed through a simple frequency table. The simple frequency table allows for the conversion of the ordinal data into a pie chart (see Figure 2), which measures the percentages within a four point Likert Scale (see Table 3). The final data source is a continuous interval set, which was interpreted through a cumulative frequency table (see table 4). The cumulative frequency table is graphically represented in Figure 3 as a combination of a histogram (which measures the percentage of class intervals) and scatter points (to identify the cumulative percentage between all of the class intervals). Graphically Representing Data Within a School Setting The creation of frequency distribution tables allows for the conversion of the data within the set into a dramatic graphic representation. Research from the
  • 13. Advantages And Disadvantages Of E4clicks 1.0History/Origin Introduction: In the current manufacturing environment, estimating can affects the economic condition of a business. It is the basis of your profit or loss. Estimates that are huge, produce no work, because we are underbid and hence would not gain those potential orders or sales. We may win underbid jobs, but they do not produce the efficiency profit from which we can successfully involve a business. Employers and engineers find it easier to justify purchase of equipment and software used on the floor rather than estimating software. Obtaining the correct quantity of sheets, bars, or castings is necessary. Whether we do it by using our trusty calculator, writing the numbers down, plugging them into the shop management system ... Show more content on ... It helps most users to does estimating contract works for construction efficiently by giving a good plan and accurate work throughout the contract works. e4clicks is well known for its Job Order Contracting (JOC) and Simplified Acquisition for Base Engineering Requirement (SABER) which is useful for contractors or subcontractors because of its well organized and systematic solution or for repair works and also building renovations. e4Clicks gives a kick off in competing with other estimating contract works software programs. This is one of the software that is easy to be run with all of the government contracts, where it can run all of it in a single program. Moreover, e4Clicks could also goes beyond the contract to provide users with friendly features where it also give users to have their estimating works to be easily done. This company e4Clicks has been over more than a hundred years with accumulated different types of project management, highly known software programs development and also been working in the DOD estimating. e4Clicks allows their users to outline, retain and also enhance the software for the future usage. In addition, this software is produced the estimators its own for the users which is also
  • 14. Indian social and political ideas can be traced back to... Indian social and political ideas can be traced back to the Indus Valley Civilization. Hinduism was a defining religion of the Indus valley culture and remained a key political entity until emperor Ashoka came. He established Buddhism and spread it throughout Asia. The Mauryas rejuvenated Hinduism and Islam even came in the eighth century. The Mughal Empire allowed Indiato become united despite all the different religions and cultures. However, this did not last long because the Europeans had decided to make claims in India. Europeans wanted to control the Indian trade and they were not afraid of making these claims violently. Loyola University of Chicago wrote, It was Europeans use of force that enabled them to penetrate ... Show more content on ... 2). The Indians would remain under the control of the Europeans, which mostly included the English. It was not until the late 19th century and early 20th century that a man named Mohandas Gandhi appeared. Gandhi was helpful in driving the British away from India, but it took a long time for him to succeed and it cost him his life. India wanted freedom and their ideals remained mostly the same even through European control for hundreds of years. The Caste System has been a part of India s culture for a long time and it has caused many social controversies between the higher and lower castes. UCLA wrote, The greater majority of the Indian people have no assurance of two nutritious meals a day, safety of employment, safe and clean housing, or such level of education as would make it possible for them to understand their constitutional rights and obligations ( UCLA para. 1). The higher castes believed that lower castes were bad and that association with them was unlucky. They also wanted to conserve their power and that is the reasoning behind the social division. The lower castes lived unhealthy lives and many of them died at young ages, and they wanted to have more equal rights. This controversy is old but it still continues today and it has
  • 15. The Treaty Of The Versailles Treaty What responsibility did each of the Big Three have for the failure of the Versailles Treaty to bring peace to Europe? Be sure to discuss what each wanted to accomplish. The treaty of the Versailles was an agreement between France, England and the United states. Its intentions were to prevent a second world war however, it was a total fail. An obvious reason for not being effective could be because not everyone was included in the conference such as Russia, and Central Powers. Instead, Prime minister George Clemenceau had thought he would speak for all of europe and wanted to be the strongest of europe. Clemenceau seeked revenge towards Germany, in fact he desired most dismantle the best of Germany s military and their nationalist pride. As for the United States, Wilson implemented the fourteen points which focused on self determination of people. Only few of his points were included in the treaty but these points had been the reason for conflicts happening in europe. Participation from everyone is important and not allowing everyone s input could lead to negative outcomes such as, The league of nations which most likely failed because the United States wasn t allowed to participate. Why was the territory of the Ottoman Empire divided into mandates while the territory of the Austro Hungarian Empire was divided into Nation states? Mandates had only applied in the Middle East and were the cause to several conflicts. The mandates allowed imposition of the French and British
  • 16. Reciprocal Coevolution and Plant-Pollinator Interactions... Interactions between plants and their pollinators has been discussed in the past very frequently. Since the Darwinian times, the topic flourished. There are two aspects that have an important role in this relationship that have been affected by the history. The first being the floral mechanisms and the ecological relationships between plants and the second are the evolutionary processes that affect the pollination (1). As the interest progressed, the approaches became more specific and detailed which led to a more fine scaled insight into plant pollinator relationship specialization. Due to specific interactions between the plant and its pollinator a terminology of a plant syndrome has been introduced, which gives a possibility to... Show more content on ... A generalized pollination system that has been widespread as well as the specialization of the pollination systems has been questioned (Waser, 1996). The specificity of the pollination relationships is thought to have roots in the preference of individuals. Specific scents, colours, shapes and morphology and combinations of those attract different groups of pollinators. The obvious colour preference or simply the morphology of the flower that determines the size of a species that can get to the pollen and nectar affect the pollinator s response. Due to certain restrictions, only specific species can act as a vector and that led to specialization of a relationship. It was more of a key and lock mechanism rather than a coincidental coevolution. Since the species that could not get to the specific flower, carried on until it found a suitable one. This therefore does not necessarily mean that either the flower or the vector altered their morphology just to increase the fitness. All of the above arguments are also thought to be the root of the mentioned plant syndrome that specifies the pollinator response and the species that acts as a vector. There have been several links suggested and studied into depth. One of them was linking pollinator behaviour to plant mating patterns. That suggests a high specialization of a relationship since either of them had to adjust their natural behaviour to the organism they interact with. According to the National Research Council
  • 17. War on Wages President Obama opened his State of the Union address with the dilemma of service employees earning minimum wage in the United States, Even with the tax relief we ve put in place, a family with two kids that earns the minimum wage still lives below the poverty line...that s wrong (qtd in State of the Union Address 2013). The debate over whether or not the minimum wageshould be raised has carried on for years between Democrats and Republicans. While many Republican politicians feel that an increase in minimum wagewould be devastating to the economy in terms of job security and , in fact many fast food and retail workers earn below the poverty level and rely on public assistance. An increase in minimum wage would not only help service... Show more content on ... His research found that there was no statistical correlation of minimum wage increase and unemployment rate increase, but rather that the only outcome of a minimum wage increase was the benefit of the minimum wage employees. The Republicans argument was struck down once again, but unfortunately corporate lobbyists have made them resilient against reason. The problem that many politicians seem to forget is that the fast food workforce is not only made up of high school and college kids anymore; the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics published a survey which found that the median age of fast food workers were 29.2 years. Many of the employees that are in their late twenties and early thirties are supporting a family on minimum wage which results in an annual income of $15,000 to $20,000 per year, which is below the poverty level for a family of four. Because of their low income, many families also rely on public assistance. The University of California Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education released a study revealing the amount of fast food workers still in need of government assistance which was an alarming 52 percent (Allegretto). This is where the American taxpayer is, or should be, concerned. According to Allegretto, the cost of public assistance going towards food workers is an alarming seven billion dollars annually. That is seven
  • 18. Happiness Is An Impossible Dream Essay For centuries, people had been seeking happiness. Everybody wants it, but it seems like nobody has it. Everywhere you go at work, at home, in school, at the market, in church you see people struggling; they exist but are not alive, like they are designed to be slightly dissatisfied with everything. Male and female, rich and poor, young and old, no one is free. Everyone is in a cloud of discontent. For all the things they do have, they re always wanting something they don t and can t have... to be happy. As if happiness is an impossible dream that one should forever chase. As if happiness is always there in some end of time, future dimension, not available in this present full of disappointments. Maybe you are also one of the crowd and you ... Show more content on ... He is anxious all the time. Worrying doesn t have any use but to cart off happiness. It doesn t solve a problem or influence the result of anything. Anxiety only affects the worrier. It makes him, well, not happy. 3. His life is complicated. He runs three companies simultaneously, has five wives and seven mistresses, twenty four children from nineteen different women, a board director of the home owners association, president of the national businessmen s club, avid golfer and congressman. No wonder he is unhappy. 4. He hoards and doesn t give. He keeps everything for himself, and only cares about himself. He doesn t need anyone, and in effect no one needs him either. This hoarding isn t only about money and things; it s also about compassion, time, and talents. As Chris McCandless said before he died, Happiness is only real when shared. 5. He expects too much. Expectations are the source of life s stress, frustrations, annoyance, misery, and pain. He creates these expectations in his head of what things should be, what his wife and kids and employees should do, what life should be like, and when they are not met happiness goes out of the window. Do you recognize any of these signs in yourself? Are you starting to realize what hinders you to become truly
  • 19. The Death Of Gang Research In the early twentieth century, the term gang was associated with groups in socially disorganized and deteriorated inner city neighborhoods: It was applied to juveniles who engaged in a variety of delinquencies, ranging from truancy, street brawls, and beer running to race riots, robberies, and other serious crimes (Regoli, Hewitt, DeLisi, 2011). There were several gangs within the United States, which included street gangs, prison gangs, motorcycle gangs, and organized crimegangs that still exist today. The word gangis derived from the word gonge, which is a term that means a journey. Frederic Thrasher who was called the Father of Gang Research , who defined the word gang as kids in the streets back in the 1920s. Many of the American gangs began in urban areas and they still exist. It is said that many of the known street gangs originated in some of the major cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Miami and New York, and they later moved to other American cities such as Atlanta, Cleveland, St. Louis, Dallas, Memphis, Nashville, New Orleans, Milwaukee, Orlando, Houston, and Detroit. According to the 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment, published by the National Gang Intelligence Center, some 33,000 gangs were estimated to be operating in the United States in 2011, comprising an estimated 1.4 million members (Driscoll, 2013). Some of the first predecessors of street gangs were Secret Societies, Gangs of Outlaws in the Wild West,
  • 20. The Effects Of Stress On Physical Health Psychological stress is pressure placed on a person to adapt, cope, or adjust to a situation (Rathus, 2016, p.284). The result of prolonged stress can affect a person s mood, pleasure experience, and have harmful effects on physical health (Rathus, 2016, p.284). Society in the twenty first century places high demands on people. Technology makes it very difficult to separate work life, school life, and home life. Today, society places a high value on a busy lifestyle for individuals. For example, many places of business are open twenty four hours a day. In addition to societal pressures, attending a university adds to the stressors a person may experience. Going to school not only includes classroom time but it also includes homework,... Show more content on ... Nontraditional student numbers continue to rise on college campuses and few institutions meet the mental health needs for this special group of students (Carney Crompton Tan, 2002). It is the purpose of this study to examine both the stressors (i.e. triggers of the stress response) and perceived stress levels between traditional and nontraditional students. General Student Population College students are a unique population of people who have a variety of different stressors than people who do not attend college (Holinka, 2015). Post secondary education is a stressful time for both traditional and nontraditional students (Yarbrough Schaffer, 1990). Regardless of student status whether it may be traditional, nontraditional, freshman senior, all students experience stress at one time or another. Trenz, Ecklund Flores, and Rapoza (2015), illustrate those traditional and nontraditional students both face life stress, anxiety, and depression but manage stress, anxiety provoking events, and negative situations quite differently. Navigating through a new chapter in life increases the amount of stress on an individual. Interestingly, research shows that traditional and nontraditional student sample score similarly when tested on their emotional satisfaction with their support system suggesting that differences in support are unlikely to explain differences in stress levels between these two groups (Carney Crompton Tan, 2002). Numerous factors contribute to
  • 21. David Chidester s Salvation And Suicide In Salvation and Suicide David Chidester analyzes one of the most chilling events in history. In 1978 Jim Jones orchestrated a mass murder suicide killing 914 Jonestown citizens. Following this event the media posed the question What is the relation between religion violence? Chidester using evidence to support an understanding of why the people of the People s Temple could commit mass murder suicide and follow the teachings of Jim Jones. Chidester gives a brief description of the events and of Jim Jones life leading up to the massacre, giving insight to Jim Jones childhood. Furthermore explaining Jim Jones understanding of religion, and his reasoning for creating an unthinkable event. As a child Chidester describes Jones as a Dennis the Menace (p.2) type of person. He reveled in the pranks he would pull on what he considered to hypocritical Christian preachers and enjoyed retelling the stories to his friends. Chidester describes one prank specifically in which Jones took a preachers bible and filled it with cow manure. Jones believed in a practical take on religion but did not think that the churches were living up... Show more content on ... Jones was afraid of a nuclear war, with the turmoil within the world jones was convinced of a nuclear attack upon the United States. During a two year sabbatical with his family to Brazil, they were often harassed by natives stating that the Americans would be to blame if a nuclear attack happened. Once back in America Jones still harbored his fears and moved his followers to one of the 6 safest places in America near San Francisco from an attack. For fear that an attack would happened, jones sent 50 followers to Guyana to begin to build Jonestown on the Promised Land (p. 9). Furthermore once Jones had moved his family to Guyana and were visited by the congressman his fears were tipped and the mass murder suicide
  • 22. Stuttering Speech Most children begin to stutter from ages of two to four. Speech language pathologists notice stuttering before parents do. Elementary school aged children are less aware of their stuttering, but as they grow older they are more aware of their speech disfluency. Even famous politicians who are required to speak in public events suffer from speech disorders, with an example being former Vice President Joe Biden. There are different types of stutteringsuch as developmental and acquired stuttering. Also, there are different treatment methods speech language pathologist use to help children and adults deal with their stutter. Stuttering is a communication disorder that affects the fluency of speech. This disorder causes disruptions in speech sound such as prolongation and repetition of words. In some cases, disfluencies are classified by using the words um or uh too often. Stuttering involves secondary behaviors such as escape and avoidant behaviors. Some physical escape behaviors include trembling jaw and nodding head. Those who stutter struggle with avoidance behaviors which include a word, sound, and speech avoidance. Speech language pathologist differentiate speech disfluencies by classifying it as between word and within word speech disfluencies. Between words are typical and non stuttered which include phrase repetitions and interjections. Within word is typical and stuttered which include sound/syllable repetitions, audible sound prolongations, and inaudible sound
  • 23. The Martian Written over a period of 3 years, The Martian by Andy Weir became quite the success. Originally self published as an e book on Amazon the book later became a huge hit in the science fiction genre. This is due to the fact that it appealed to both the casual readers and the hard core science fans. In 2014 the book was officially published by Broadway Books. It contains a total of 369 pages The book takes place on Mars and more specifically Acidalia Planitia, a plain in the North part of the planet. The habitation module or Hab for short is where our survivor will be spending most of his time while not in his rover. Another location is the Hermes, the spaceship where the rest of the crew is. The last major location is NASA s Jet Propulsion Laboratory ... Show more content on ... While evacuating due to the severity of the storm the communications antenna breaks and hits Mark Watney knocking him out. Believing him dead his crew reluctantly continue the evacuation. Waking up to find out he is the only person on the planet Mark starts preparing his plan to survive. Using his home made dirt and rationing his food he hopes to be able to live until the Ares 4 mission arrives a couple of years later. Watney regains communication with NASA after bringing Pathfinder, an old rover that died in 1997, back to life. While attempting to create water Mark creates an explosion that causes the death of many of his crops. Realizing he will no longer have enough food to last the 3 years of wait, NASA hastily prepares a resupply mission. Cutting some corners to save time causes some safety procedures to be overlooked. The resupply mission ends up exploding shortly after launch. Having little to no choice the crew aboard Hermes decide to use a manoeuver to flyby Earth and return to Mars for Mark. Watney proceeds to the Ares 4 mission site to be able to reach the Hermes with the Ascent Vehicle. After making modifications to the vehicle to make it lighter Mark gets ready to return home. Mark Watney: Main Character, is a botanist and an engineer. He is a very important part of the book. The Crew: Other than Commander Lewis, very little is said about the crew which includes Martinez, Beck, Johanssen and Vogel. Commander Lewis: Head of the Ares 3 mission, Lewis is responsible for everyone. She is the one that calls the shots and decides to reroute Hermes to go back for Mark. Mitch Henderson: Head of the Ares 3 mission. He is the one that sent the Purnell manoeuver to
  • 24. Theoretical Perspective Of Immigration ns (Family preference,2017). The theoretical Perspective that is best able to understand immigrants and the role of immigrants in a society is Structural Functionalism. Structural Functionalism explains society as a structure with interrelated parts that work to maintain stability.(Durkheim,1893). Structural Functionalism looks at society as a whole through the function of its various elements such as traditions norms and institutions (Subedi, 2017). Social Institutions in general provide many important functions for our society (Mooney, Knox, Schacht, 2007). The family for example provides the role of nurturing and socializing children while education allows society to gain and pass down knowledge and skills (Mooney, Knox, Schacht, 2007).
  • 25. The Fall Of Big Brother In George Orwell s 1984 With the power hungry Party and the most acknowledged face of Big Brother watching and monitoring everybody, the story of 1984 by George Orwell expresses the utmost control over their people and have the absolute power with their country Oceania. The Party believes that Big Brother will live on forever, because of the constant removal of those who are unfaithful and the rewriting of history. However, with the example of the main character showing disobedience against the Party, there is a chance for this type of ruling to fail and be destroyed by the people. The main possible cause of the fall of Big Brother is most likely the underestimation of the power of the people. A big factor that gives a hint to the fall of Big Brother is the disobedience
  • 26. Les Miserables Watchers In Les Miserables, the watcher can establish a change in a character by contemplating traits seen when first meeting a specific character, and at another point of change for that character. Watchers pinpoint a dramatic change in the character Eponine, who the author introduced as a child, to when she drew her last breath. When watchers first meet Eponine, she portrays someone spoiled, bratty, and a kiss up. By the end of her story, moreover, she has switched roles with Cosette, and dies not getting anything she wants, including the man of her dreams. The movie depicts a scene where a young Cosette, the daughter of a poor woman who works a long ways away from home, leaving Cosette with a greedy family, watches Eponine getting pampered with gifts
  • 27. Missing Malaysian Air Flight.... Most of the people have read and watched the news of the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 from different Medias. I am also following this issue in this month. People should have many doubts about this issue like me: what happened to the plane? Where is this plane now? Yes, this issue is a mystery and nobody knows where the plane is now. Till today many countries are still searching this plane. The plane took off on March 8 after midnight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysiaand was flying to Beijing. Let s see how these three articles from different news sources viewed this mystery of missing plane. After the news came out, it attracted many people s attention, but it was the shocked news for the families of those passengers on the plane. There is no doubt that, the families of those passengers were distraught when they received the messages of the plane was missing and no one is assumed to have survived that was announced on March 24th by Malaysia s prime minister, Najib Razak. (Fuller Buckley, 2014) The families of the passengers had complained for weeks due to the incomplete information given to them and the Malaysian prime minister was keen to give final fact to them when he made the announcement. (Fuller Buckley, 2014) There were 2/3 Chinese passengers on the plane and many of their friends and relatives declined to believe the announcement and claimed the Malaysians were not revealing what they really knew. (Fuller Buckley, 2014) Also, many heavy criticisms from
  • 28. Marx Brothers Research Paper The Marx Brother The Marx brothers were a comedy team of three brothers stage named Groucho, Harpo, and Chico. They were entertainers for audience who were watching T.V. There were five brothers were born in New York City. The group later then became three brothers because the audience on suggest Groucho, Harpo and Chico on the stage. Throughout the 1910 and 1920, the Marx brothers began developing the comic personae. Marx brothers were a family comedy act that was successful in vaudeville on Broadway and motion pictures from 1905 to 1949.Thoughout the 1910 and the 1920s, the Marx brothers began developing the comic personae they would later immortalize on the film. Groucho often seem to be the leader, as the audience were amazed of what the show has to entertain them. Chico donned a silly pointed hat and had an affected Italian accent which showed that many were surprise of what he can do. Zeppo, the least know of quintet, mostly stand around doing nothing to do, Gummo performed with his brothers early in the groups career, but then left later around 1918. ... Show more content on ... In 1925 the Marx brothers graduated from music hall obscurity on the Broadway stage production, which they later made The Cocoanuts which made a huge hit for the Marx brothers. Four years paramount studios sign the Marx brothers a movie deal, which the film was called The Cocoanuts , they also made the movie Animal Crackers . A hit from the Marx brother s fans and the general public, when they made The Cocoanuts which establish the prototype for all subsequent of all the Marx brothers film. Every film the Marx brothers made for the studios, were then later next up like when they made Animal Crackers in 1930 by all this they became more and more
  • 29. The Biological Processes Of Dairy Cattle Essay In today s world, many infants are allergic to certain proteins naturally present in cow s milk. Due to the huge volume of milk products consumed by the human race, there is a need to get rid of this allergy causing protein and eliminate this allergic reaction. AgResearch has investigated ways to manipulate the genetic material in dairy cattle by using the process of GeneKnockdown , with the aim to create a cow which produces milk which doesn t contain the proteinresponsible for the allergic reactions, the Beta lacto globulin protein or BLG . Scientists have been successful in creating Daisy the Cow, who is a cloned calf genetically modified to produce milk which does not contain the BLG protein. I will be discussing the biological processes behind the cloning of Daisy the cow, and the decisions made by scientists to use methods for genetically modifying the cow s genes from whom Daisy was cloned, for the benefit of humans. There are specific reasons AgResearch used processes like Gene Knockdown and cloning by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer SCT to get the result they wanted. The stakes are high to ensure the cloned cow Daisy survives and is healthy. Therefore AgResearch needed to choose procedures which were most likely to yield successful results. The whole project and process cost around 50 million dollars to produce one cow, and with historical success rates very low they could potentially lose funding and be shut down if the project didn t produce any successful
  • 30. Polar Express Psychology Innocence, trust, truth, and calmness are all different feelings that one might have or encounter in their life. Most of these feelings are felt as a child and as a parent more often. Blue is conservative and calming in a positive aspect. But blue can also relate to sadness, lonely, cold, or depressing, in a more negative way. You feel these things when you feel betrayed, lied to, or the loss of a loved one. Blue can stimulate so many feelings depending on a situation. The Polar Express and the poem The Side of Truthstimulate different feelings when read but they are intertwined in some aspects. Though written in different centuries, The Polar Express and the poem The Side Of Truth use emotional imagery to emphasize character transformation... Show more content on ... The blue seen in the movie suggests the truth of hero boy s thoughts, and confusion. Archetypally, blue is contemplated as reserved and quiet, and doesn t like to make a fuss or draw attention (Color Psychology Web). The film embodies these exact feelings in hero boy. He is reserved and quite and doesn t draw attention to himself on the train and tries to stay low during the trip. However, the most significant reference to blue throughout the film is his blue robe, which represents the reserved person he is because of his beliefs. The train is also exemplifies the truth that he can only decide for him self what he truly wants to believe in. Thomas begins with truth and ends the poem with love , there is the silly level of tension simply the reason in the side of truth, that all will resolve into a unjudging truth which weakens the idea of truth itself. Truth is not essentially not false . Just like in The Polar Express, it is not a film that convinces young children to believe in the big man it paints a bigger a picture, to believe in what you think is true and believe with all your heart and not let others convince you, you are
  • 31. Application Of Information And Communication Technology 1.INTRODUCTION In this section, a brief overview of the research topic will be looked into which defines the key concepts, gives description of context and scope of the investigation. This section also provides the aims and objectives of the research topic. Finally, the methodology of the research study will be discussed. 1.1TITLE The limitations challenging further integration of information and communication technology (ICT) in Nigeria s secondary schools: An assessment through secondary school teachers and students. 1.2REASON FOR CHOICE OF TOPIC Over the past decade, technology has had far reaching impact on the way we live, changing the way we work, learn, and communicate even the way we carry out our regular, daily activities (Seifer and Mihalynuk, 2003). The role of ICT in education extends beyond service learning classes and activities by providing more effective experiences for faculty, students and community participants (Seifer and Mihalynuk, 2003). The need for ICT in Nigerian secondary schools cannot be overemphasized. In this technology driven era, everyone needs ICT competence to thrive (Adomi and Kpangban, 2010). Although efforts have been made to ensure that ICTs are available and utilised in Nigerian secondary school. However, the level of inculcation remains low (Adomi and Kpangban, 2010). Goshit (2006) found out that most schools, both private and public, do not offer ICT training programmes. The Federal Government of Nigeria, in the National
  • 32. Abstract . The Current Paper Presents A Critical Analysis Abstract The current paper presents a critical analysis of the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), as it will be utilized by practitioners of Industrial Organizational Psychologists, based on the scholarly reviews from the Mental Measurements Yearbook. A description of the standardization sample and presentation of validity and reliability evidence of the HPI and the applications of HPI is included. The pros and cons of using the HPI as a practitioner of I O Psychology are explored. The quality of the test is examined and is discussed as being a good tool for organizations seeking to reduce business costs by identifying individuals for hiring, promotion, and training and to reduce turnover. Introduction As a practitioner of Industrial... Show more content on ... Other valuable uses include vetting of new partners, diagnosing sources of conflict, matching personality to particular tasks or initiatives while also taking the guesswork out of the hiring process (Neville, 2013). Current thinking in personality assessments converges on the idea that most personality characteristics reflect the five broad characteristics of the Five Factor Model extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness (The Science of Personality, 2015). Personality tests are typically less likely to differ in results by gender and race than other tests, can be administered via paper and pencil or computerized methods to large groups easily, cost effectively and do not necessarily require skilled administrators (SIOP). In 2012 thirty five percent of Human Resources around the world reported that they use personality inventories (Gray, 2015). Hogan Personality Inventory The standardized test I have chosen to analyze is The Hogan Personality Inventory. I was unfamiliar with this test but found that it is commonly used in organizational settings and I am likely to encounter it in the field. According to Axford, S. (MMY, 1998) the test manual includes an accurate test description and clearly indicates its purpose and a design that is practical for use within the organization. LoBello (MMY, 1998) describes the manual as user
  • 33. Artificial Meningitis Essay Bacterial meningitis is an infection that originates in the meninges of the brain and can spread into the spinal column. The symptoms can develop within hours and take up to two days after encountering a carrier host. Bacterial meningitis can be transmitted through fluid transmission from the mouth or throat of an infected person. Bacterial meningitisis a gram negative meningitis diplococcal bacterium. There are several bacteriatypes that can cause meningitis, which include Streptococcus pneumoniae (the most common cause), Groupe B Streptococcus, Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus influenzae, and Listeria monocytogenes. The meningitis does not live long on surfaces outside the host but has shown to live longer on glass surfaces compared to plastic. Approximately five percent to twenty five percent of carriers will move around without symptoms or becoming sick. Studies have shown roughly eight hundred to fifteen hundred people a year will be diagnosed yearly with roughly one hundred to... Show more content on ... The first outer most layer is called the Dura mater (Latin tough mother) lying closest to the skull. The dura mater has large blood vessels that track throughout it, then split into smaller vessels as they continue into the other Meninges. The next meninge would be the Arachnoid mater, which gives the impression of a spider web. This area protects the central nervous system within the skull. The third layer is called the Pia mater, this layer is the closet to the brain. Pia mater is a fibrous material that is firmly attached to the brain and spinal column. The meninges are filled with cerebro spinal fluid (CSF). The CSF is clear in color and comprised of roughly 125mL of fluid at any given time covering the brain and spinal cord. The CSF is composed of water, protein, cells and sugars, which are vital for the nervous system to function
  • 34. The United States Code ( U.s. ) The United States Code (U.S.C.) establishes and governs the form, function, duties, and responsibilities of the US Government . The foundational to US National Security and foreign relations are based on the three titles in the U.S.C, namely, Title 10, Title 22, and Title 50; which govern US Armed Forces, the Department of State, public diplomacy efforts, and national defense (American Security Project, 2012). However, the National Security Act of 1947 was the first U.S. law on the conduct of intelligence operations. The act established the Central Intelligence Agencyto collect, analyze, evaluate, and disseminate foreign intelligence to assist the President and senior US government policymakers in making decisions relating to national security (Central Intelligence Agency (2013). This intelligence law help to define the roles of policymakers, (Executive Branch oversight, and Congressional oversight) while making decisions relating to national security; and also defined the scope and functions of intelligence community. For instance, the President who is the head of the executive branch and commander in chief has the authority to direct military operations and intelligence activities against external threats resides in his Constitutional executive and commander in chief powers (Wall, 2011). However, Congress has an oversight power over the president intelligence collection power and activities. Article I, Section 8, paragraph 18 of the United States constitution and
  • 35. Weapons Used by the U.S. During WWI Essay example Weapons Used By the U.S. During WWI Oh no, another one of us is dead due to these deadly tools. If it s not a gun, it s a grenade, either way it s still usually deadly. There are so many different types of these weapons, it s hard to count. Some of these weapons include shotguns, bayonets, mortars, and knives. The United Statesitself has many types of weapons, from handguns and machine guns to grenades and mortars. One of the handguns used during WWI by the United States was the M1917 Revolver. The production of this revolver started in 1917 and spanned into 1920, and it remained in service until 1954. The barrel if the gun was a standard 5.5 inches while the revolver had an overall length of 10.8 inches. (Colt Model 1917) There... Show more content on ... The gun was given the nickname Potato Digger because it was so powerful that the arm of dug into the ground while firing. It was also had a gas operated and air cooled design. (Colt Browning M1895) This belt fed gun could fire from a closed bolt with a cyclic rate of 450 rounds per minute. The Colt Browning M1895 was the first successful gas operated machine gun to enter the service. Once redesigned by Colt from Browning s ideas, it weighed thirty five pounds. Along with being the first gas operated machine gun, it was the first machine gun adopted by the United States military. Colt ceased production of the gun in 1916 after it became obsolete when the US entered World War I. Before entering the war the gun was used for training in the United States. (M1895 Colt Browning) There were also hand grenades involved in WWI. One in particular was the MK 2 defensive hand grenade. This grenade was introduced in 1918 to replace the failed MK 1. The MK 2 was a time fused grenade that was filled with TNT or EC blank fire powder. Its pineapple shape made it easier to throw by giving the thrower a better grip. It was appropriately given the nickname of the iron pineapple . This grenade weighed a total of 1 pound and 5 ounces, with the filling only weighing 2 ounces. The rest of its weight came from the cast iron surface. There was a plug in the bottom to insert or remove the filling, though in some models this was
  • 36. Triple Alliance And Triple Entente During World War I In the beginning of the 20th century, many changes where to take place that would ultimately determine the alliances commonly known as the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente during World War I. In 1904, the Russo Japanese War began. This war ended with a defeat for Russia, which was humiliating, but did encourage the Russian Empire to focus on the Balkans, an area that would play more dominate roles in World War I ( 10 Events that Led to War One 1). Their newfound interest in this area forced them to reassert themselves later, during the Bosnia Annexation Crisis (Trueman 1). Over the years, Germany began to grow as an empire and an extremely militaristic power (Tonge 1). The German s power created a naval rivalry between themselves and Britain. Britain, fearing war, signed the Entente... Show more content on ... This put the Austria Hungarians in a political crisis, looking for a successor. On July 28 1914, Austria Hungary, looking to take revenge on the powers that assassinated their heir, declared war on Serbia but also Germany. Shortly after, Germany declared war on Russia and the Ottoman empire declared war on France and Britain, who declared war on their enemy, Germany. This created the two sides of World War I, The Allies: Braitain, France and Russia, and the Central Powers: Austria Hungary and Germany . In 1915, Italy joined the Allies, Bulgaria joined the Central Powers, and in 1916 Romania joined the Allies. Finally, in 1917, the United States joined the Allies as well ( Course of the War 1914 18 1). A notable aspect of World War I is that there was no identifiable bad guy of this war, however, as shown above, both sides had history and motives that pushed them to declare
  • 37. Symptoms Of A Mental Disorder Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder which affects a persons thoughts, feelings, and behavior. 1.1% of the worlds population suffers from Schizophrenia making it one of the main causes of disability. No matter what race, age, or gender everyone with this mental illness is affected in the same way. There are several factors that cause disability in everyday life. For example, seeing or imagining things that don t exist, hearing voices, feeling threatened by people or things, etc. This literature review is going to discuss how patients are diagnosed, how they act in everyday life, how their personality traits are and family involvement/compliance in the treatments. There are several studies done to support these topics. Knowing the ... Show more content on ... Patients that are diagnosed with Schizophrenia have a hard time participating in everyday activities, just like the previous article had discussed, patients avoid and withdraw themselves from situations and everyday life activities. Normally, others have abilities to think, behave, be motivated and do physical tasks but a patient diagnosed with schizophrenia would have a weakened, low ability to do these things. In the article Participation in daily life of people with Schizophrenia in comparison to the general population (Easterbrook, Jarus, Kotler Lipskaya Velikovsky, 2016), there was a cross sectional study conducted between those with Schizophrenia and those without Schizophrenia. The purpose of this study was to see if patients diagnosed with Schizophrenia participate in everyday life differently than those without it. This study consisted of about 70 patients diagnosed with the illness and 70 other people who were completely healthy. The patients with schizophrenia lived with family and were single and unemployed while the healthy group had families of their own and were employed. The group of patients lived with Schizophrenia for about 10 years who were diagnosed in their 20s. About 47% of these patients were hospitalized 1 3 times and the rest were hospitalized over 4 times. This study was done 6 months after the patients were discharged so none of the
  • 38. Point Of Origin Lab The purpose of this lab was to find out how the amount of time that has elapsed affect the position of the car away from the point of origin. Our hypothesis was if the time elapsed is longer, then the car is going to be further away from the point of origin. In this lab the independent variable what you are changing is time. The dependent variable what you are measuring is how far the car is from the point of origin after a certain amount of time (3 seconds, 6 seconds, and 9 seconds). The controls things that stay the same throughout the whole lab is the car we used, the meter stick that we measured in centimeters with, and the 40 centimeters of tape that we used to mark the position of the car. Materials we used was a car, 40 centimeters of ... Show more content on ... Our time increments were 3, 6, and 9 seconds. We had a person do a job like one person would start the timer, one person would start the car, and then the other person would place the tape on the ground after time limit. After each trial we measured each piece of tape and how far away it was from the point of origin. The first thing me and my group did for the lab was that we gathered our materials. Second, we decided who was going to do what. Third, we marked the point of origin with a small amount of the 40 cm. of tape. Fourth, the person that was in charge of the timer got the timer ready. Fifth, we turned the car on. Sixth, we set the car 60 cm. behind the point of origin. Seventh, the person that was in charge of keeping the timer started the timer when the front wheels of the car were on the point of origin. Eighth, when the timer is at 3 seconds, mark the position of the car right that second. Continue the timer till 9 seconds and mark the 6 seconds position as well as the 9 seconds position DO NOT STOP THE TIMER. There should be a person ready to place a piece of tape on time. Ninth, measure the distance with a meter stick in centimeters from the point of origin to the 3 seconds mark, the 6 seconds mark, and finally the 9 seconds mark. Tenth, repeat steps from four to nine 2 more
  • 39. Fire Safety In Tennessee From 2011 2015, there were 217 structure fires in Tennessee caused by children playing with fire. These resulted in four deaths, 12 non emergency personnel injuries, and over $5 million in property damage. In a recent article, the Tennessee State Fire Marshal s Office discussed the importance of teaching your children about firesafety. While you may not be able to prevent all accidents around your home, there are steps you can take to protect your home and your family from fire related accidents. Keep matches and lighters in a locked drawer or cabinet, out of the reach of young children. Teach children to not play with lighters or matches. Tell them to bring matches or lighters to a trusted adult if they find them. Tell your children that
  • 40. Hardships In Of Plymouth Plantation Of Plymouth Plantation by William Bradford is a narrative that discusses the experiences of the Puritans that traveled from New England to the New World. The Puritans experienced many hardships while trying to restart their lives in America. Similarly, Anne Bradstreet from the poem Upon the Burning of Our House, July 10th, 1666 experiences many hardships in her life in the Americas. The Puritans experienced hardships that revealed the fact that some Puritans acted selfishly in life, but others were very loyal and kind to each other, on the other hand, Bradstreet experienced hardships that tested her beliefs and commitment to Puritanideology. The leading hardship faced by the Puritans that revealed their selfishness was diseases. One of... Show more content on ... The feelings of sorrow and reminisce that she shouldn t have experienced overwhelmed her. Despite having strong faith, Bradstreet expresses sorrow for her pleasant things in ashes lie/And them behold no more shall I/Under thy roof no guest shall sit/Nor at thy table eat a bit (Bradstreet 1. 27 30). According to Puritan ideology, she should not care for these items and if lost she shouldn t mourn for them. But Bradstreet is concerned with her belongings thus proving that she wasn t completely devoted to Puritan ideology. Later, Bradstreet shows her commitment to Puritan beliefs as she sees her whole house burn down. Bradstreet rethinks about how she acted earlier and becomes angry at herself for straying from Puritan beliefs. She then says farewell, my pelf, farewell my store/ The world no longer let me love/ My hope and treasure lies above (Bradstreet l. 52 54). Bradstreet conveys her new realization on what she should focus on and that is her home in heaven. She sticks to Puritan ideology and says that she doesn t care about her belongings anymore and will not think about them. Instead, Bradstreet claims that they will not last so she and other Puritans should be more concerned with what they ll have in the
  • 41. American Express Matrix Analysis American Express Matrix Analysis Business Policy BUS 490 May, 23rd 2012 SWOT Matrix 1. SWOT matrix is an approach that is used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities as well as the threats that are associated with all the activities of the organization. An organization should conduct a SWOT analysis strategy with an aim of ensuring that it meets all its set goals. More so they will be at a position of identifying their competitors with whom they operate same businesses so as to ensure they remain competitive in the market. When evaluating the strength of an organization, organizations such as American Express should ensure that all the strengths of that organization are listed and more so it should ensure that... Show more content on ... There are many recommendations that it has to consider for the next three years. For instance, it has to reduce its cost to the customers. This will facilitate in ensuring satisfaction of customers as a result of affordable prices. Second it should establish other travel branches in different parts of the world the organization may use $3000 for the expansion. This will facilitate in attraction of a large market share which will result to increased profit. The organization should also ensure that it advertise all its services through various media services that will meet many customers with an aim of convincing them to prefer their services as compared to those if other organizations. 4. Comparison of the my recommendation with those of the organization American Express has plans to establish some more companies in other parts of the world which compares with the recommendations offered for the next three years, since it is recommended that the organization should establish other branches in different areas with an aim of attracting a large market share. The recommendation of advertising also compare with that of American Express since they have a plan to identify online services to attract many customers. American Express also considers partnership with other organizations which will
  • 42. The Causes Of The Boston Tea Party The Boston Tea Party was a direct protest by colonists in Boston against the Tea Tax that had been imposed by the British government. Boston patriots, dressed as Mohawk Indians, raided three British ships in Boston harbor and dumped 342 containers of tea into the harbor. There were many things that caused the Boston Tea Partyto happen. There were acts such as the Sugar Act and the Currency Act that caused the Boston Tea Party to happen, which all had to do with money or taxes. The sugar act was a tax on sugar and molasses that affected the future of rum in the area. The Currency Act was paper money issued by the colonies that was regulated, so people could not spend it how they wanted to. The Boston Tea Party was organized and carried... Show more content on ... In turn, some Americans started to smuggle tea from Europe so they could sell it for a profit. With this new tax, tea had almost become a commodity, not for its rarity, but for its price. No one wanted to buy it because of the tax on it. There was also many laws and acts established by Britain that created tension between Britain and the Colonies. There were acts such as the Sugar Act and the Quartering Act that infuriated the people and also led up to the events of the Boston Tea Party. (The Boston Tea Party of 1773) The constant, and ever increasing, demands from the British infuriated the American patriots especially those who belonged to the Sons of Liberty organization. The Boston Massacre arose from the resentment of Boston colonists towards the British which had been fuelled by protest activities of the Sons of Liberty patriots. This violent incident resulted in the death of 5 colonists and the branding of 2 of the soldiers who were found guilty of manslaughter. The Tea Act stirred up all of the old feelings of resentment towards the British. Although various taxes had been repealed the Tea Tax was not. With the Tea Act laws still intact, the Sons of liberty believed they had to something about it right then. The Boston Tea Party took place on the night of December 16, 1773 between the hours of 7 PM and 10 PM at Griffin s Wharf in Boston. The original site
  • 43. Friedma Friedman s Argument Analysis In this paper, I show that Friedman s argument that it is immoral for managers to act on social responsibilities, fails. He relies on that assertion that shareholders expect a maximal return on their investment and if managers spend corporate funds on social responsibilities, they are in turn taking profits away from shareholders and using their money for an unintended purpose. However, this claim is false, as shareholders cannot expect maximal profits and cannot dictate exactly what company funds are spent on. Friedman s argument is as follows: (i) If a manager spends shareholders money in a way other than they want it spent, she acts immorally (ii) Shareholders invest their money into firms to maximise profits, not to act on social responsibilities (C) It is immoral for managers to act on social responsibilities (Friedman) ... Show more content on ... To spend the firm s money on matters of social responsibility, such as reducing pollution beyond the amount that is in the best interests of the corporation or that is required by law (Friedman) equates to spending the shareholders money, as it reduces the return on their investment. Thus, they make less of a profit than they maximally could. He argues that managers must prioritise their fiduciary obligations to shareholders such as turning over a profit on their investment over altruistic endeavors. Thus, he claims that failure to obey shareholders wishes by not maximises profits is to behave
  • 44. Patient and Hybrid Record Essay 1. What is the potential impact of the copy/paste functionality on the integrity of the data and information contained in an EHR? The copy/paste function opens the possibility for fraud, medical error and risk for malpractice claims. Fraud could occur when a copy/paste function is used and than an insurance company is billed for the procedure/services 2 or 3 times. When in reality the procedure/service was only completed once. Medical error can occur with the copy/paste function, when a nurse reads a chart made by a doctor who copy/pasted instructions or initiates a procedure that was already completed but the doctor didn t realize that they copy /pasted it again. Than the nurse completes the procedure again, which can... Show more content on ... Don t let staff get lazy and complacent with using the copy/paste function. 1. What impact can a hybrid record have on patient care? The hybrid record could have negative and positive effects on patient care. One negative effect would be that it would take longer to access and put together if a whole file is requested. Another negative would be just where exactly is all of these paper records being kept. A positive effect of the hybrid record is that if the computer system is compromised in some way there would be a paper record. 2. How might the hybrid record change health information management? The hybrid record would change health information management because you would have to have employees to care for all these records, as well as employees for the computer files thus creating more staff and costing more. There would of course have to be training on how to properly handle the hybrid record having thus an effect on the health information management team. Who would have to implement training, schedule personnel off to take the training find yet others to cover for that training. Again costing more money and time. 3. How might a hospital overcome some of the issues created by the hybrid record? To overcome some issues created by the hybrid record you would have to have good education/training in implementation of new data, new software and soft ware
  • 45. Role Of God In Iberian Conflict God as an Observer to Iberian Conflict Throughout the accounts of war in Iberia, both Christians and Muslims alike call upon God to grant them favor, strength, and protection as they charge into battle. Where they differ on the subject is typically ingrained in the belief that only one form of worship is correct for the monotheistic deity, and in doing so use Gods invocation to justify the Christian and Muslim invasions. However, God himself does not intervene with the conflicts, but rather plays a role as an observer to the conflict whose name continues to be mentioned despite his lack of contributions to said wars. In this paper I will argue that God is an omnipotent observer to the Iberian conflicts between Christians and Muslims, in which... Show more content on ... For example, during the Umayyad campaigns when territories were taken by the Muslims it s described that Castles and fortresses quaked as though death had rushed upon them, [...] / their hearts, publicly recognizing obedience, unanimously agreed to join the Islamic community, which suggests that the military conquest was the reason for the conversion, not God as the Muslims believed (The First Campaign Undertaken by the Prince of the Faithful, 80 82). Because the denizens of the lands converted, they were spared from further death and destruction, and so it begs the question: if God was going to have them convert at the end of the battle, why would he not have them convert before innocents were killed? Therefore, it seems that God once again is merely observing the developments as the Umayyad Caliphate expands, and he has no particular favor with Islam or Christianity because if he did he probably would have shown a sign to either religion or saved them from death. In the same way, El Cid justifies his conquests by declaring that I win battles as it pleases the Creator, and both Moors and Christians fear me, which suggests that God favors no side in the conflict as he allows El Cid to plunder the countryside of its wealth (Cid, 153). This also establishes that God observes El Cid s conquests and victories, does nothing when his followers The Moors called on Muhammad
  • 46. Analysis Of The Film Jigsaw In the film JIGSAW, the screenwriters are Pete Goldfinger and Josh Stolberg. The directors are Micheal Spiering and Peter Spiering. Its genre falls under crime, horror, mystery, and thriller. The production company is Twisted Pictures. JIGSAW is the eighth film in the SAW franchise it features deadly scenarios with extreme gore, torture, and violence. Each player must follow the rules of the game or there would be consequences such as body parts being sliced to bits, needles injected with poisons, which may result death. John Kramer is a serial killer who teaches his victims to value life lessons by placing them in deadly traps. After being dead for ten years series of murders are appearing with the marks of the jigsaw killer. Detectives and investigators find themselves chasing the ghost of John Kramer who its purpose is to remind the world to be appreciative towards life by testing the victims will to live. The victims are forced to face physical torture upon themselves by killing others in order to escape. Five victims are trapped in a room and in order to continue in the games for survival they are forced to experience physical torture. The first victim dies in the first test due to being unconscious and cannot manage to free himself. As the four victims continue in the games they are selected due to their lies and must confess the truth for survival. One of the victim dies from an injection of acid, and the other one dies from being lowered into a death spiral
  • 47. Edna Pontellier s Relationship With Water In The Awakening Kate Chopin s novel, the Awakening, explores many feminist ideologies. The protagonist, Edna Pontellier, experiences a gradual yet full fledged awakening. There are many events throughout the story that portray this progression of self awareness; most of these events revolve around Edna s relationship with water, especially of her stay at Grand Isle. Chopin captures Edna s relationship with water through its symbolism of both rebirth and death and the repeated string of gerunds at the beginning and end of the novel. The setting of the resort at Grand Isle and the coastal city of New Orleans emphasizes the importance of water to Edna s desire for freedom. Chopin alludes to the chaotic and exceedingly disturbing nature of the
  • 48. Essay on Sports Medicine Sports Medicine The Sports Medicane Profession has responded to the rise in over use injuries by placing greater emphasis on injury prevention, developing new diagnostic and treatment techniques, and promoting rehabilitation as an aid to full recovery. This is what Dr. Lyle J. Micheli, one of the nations foremost sports medicane authorities, calls the new sports medicane. Below is an example of what a typical sports doctor will do before getting their degree: It has become increasingly evident over the past 25 years that there is a need for data on injury rates for the variety of sports and physical activities in which people of all ages are becoming involved. The research literature on the ... Show more content on ... This pilot study was undertaken to test data collection forms and procedures for a planned longitudinal, prospective study of exercise and injury patterns in a large sample of middle aged and older adults. As a pilot study of activity and injury patterns in middle aged adults, data were collected monthly for 6 months from 25 regularly exercising adults (19 male, 6 female) aged 43 70 years (mean 54.0 yr). Each subject completed a daily exercise log noting type, duration and intensity of exercise, and distance covered (if appropriate). Any injuries or
  • 49. illnesses causing restriction of normal activity were recorded on separate check off forms. Reports were received each of the 6 months from all subjects. The subjects accumulated 3209 exercise sessions, totaling 2631 hrs. The predominant activities were running (2128 sessions; 1780 hrs; 19,638 km), weightlifting (357 sessions; 181 hrs), walking (228 sessions; 195 hrs; 1064 km) and cycling (109 sessions; 78 hrs; 1992 km). All other exercise activities (e.g., tennis, swimming, rowing, water running) totaled 388 sessions and 397 hrs. The subjects averaged 4.0 hrs/week of exercise in 4.9 sessions/week of 49 min/session. Two thirds of the sessions involved running, and 21 subjects ran regularly. These subjects ran an average of 3.9 times/week, 50.2 min/session, 38.2 km/week, 9.3 km/session at
  • 50. Similarities Between The Holocaust And The Boy In The... In both essays, the writers focus on the novel The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. However, both writers express two very different perspectives on whether the book is a good or bad example of teaching history through fiction. In the Point essay, the writer believes that teaching history through fiction is valuable. The writer says that The Boy In the Striped Pajamas is an excellent example of why you should teach history through fiction. To support this claim the author states that you should teach history through fiction because it makes history relevant and irresistible to a young reader. This is represented in the novel The Boy in the Striped Pajamas because it is told through the eyes of children. The Point essaysays, By approaching the Holocaust through the eyes of two nine year old boys, the book provides a... Show more content on ... Meanwhile, the writer of the Counterpoint essay clearly states their opinion in the first paragraph of the essay. The author says, Teaching history through the use of fiction, including stories, novels, and films, is often misleading and can be dangerous, and John Boyne s The Boy in the Striped Pajamas shows why. The writer of the Counterpoint article believes that The Boy in the Striped Pajamas shows that teaching history through fiction is misleading and dangerous because of its inaccuracy. This is pointed out in the essay which says, . Young Bruno mishears Auschwitz as Out With and the FГјhrer as the Fury. As Cesarani points out, any normal German nine year old would have been able to pronounce FГјhrer and Auschwitz correctly. Also, Bruno s word choices are culturally misplaced. When the author used evidence from the novel such Auschwitz being called Out With , he proved that young readers could be misleading when it comes to historical
  • 51. Summary Of In The Road To Evergreen By Rachael Stryker In The Road to Evergreen by Rachael Stryker is an interesting eye catching ethnography that emphasizes on the psychiatric disorder on adopted children called RAD, also known as reactive attachment disorder. Reactive attachment disorder Describes children who are considered to be unable or unwilling to bond with parental (most often mother) figures (Stryker 3). The reason why these particular children are unable to form a bond with their primary familyis because in their past relationships formed with their birth parents, if any, have been either neglected or abused in both a physical and or mental way. So, in the end, the child is left with RAD and their new adopted families are the ones who have to get help for them in hope for a noticeable... Show more content on ... Kinship is the study of relationships or kin, therefore is an important role on how a person behaves as well as form attachments with other groups i.e. new family members. A great example of this is the movie we watched in class called The Dark Matter Of Love. Masha had a very difficult time adjusting with her new family because she couldn t understand them and the family felt overwhelmed with 3 adopted children from Russia and you could tell by the way the parents acted. But, overtime she and the other two adoptees learned to love, care ad be happy with their family. Which goes to show that once you adjust and take things at a slow and steady pace that everything turns out for the best. I also believe this goes in hand with Stryker s central argument that if new parents had the same way of thinking like the Diaz s, that maybe they wouldn t reach the point of distress and turn to the evergreen model. Stryker s main point is that there are different ways to get help for your child, and that you don t need to basically torture them for them to love
  • 52. Names In The Renaissance The Renaissance, a time period painted over like a great canvas with the names of legendary artists. People in the modern world know mostly the great names like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, etc. These names have become ingrained in culture, so much so that the names have taken on a new persona of four animated turtles. But like any time period these names barely scratch the surface of a cornerstone in the history of art. Beginning in the 13th century, known as the Early Renaissance, the focus of art started to shift from a heavenly perspective down to a more human perspective. Sciences grew, knowledge of the human body expanded, and in turn this helped shape artistic trends like they were clay on a potter s wheel. Great... Show more content on ... Ideally, the determination to learn and study art would come at a young age, Training usually began at an early age. Some boys were placed with a master before they were ten years old [... ] most boys were three or four years older than that when they began (Italliano Resource). In comparison, becoming an artist was almost like becoming a page for a knight. One must move out from the home, live under an artist, and under the title of apprentice, must complete tasks such as weeping, running errands, preparing the wooden panels for painting, and grinding and mixing pigments (RenConnection) . If an apprentice was exceptional, the master would graduate the student and would allow them to complete their own pieces of art. Depending on what type of master one studied under, the art that an apprentice would learn varied from sculpturing marble, oil painting, or sketching, to name a few. From instruction from the master, learning how to draw statuettes became the natural progression of a student s journey. (Italliano Resource). This helped students to foster greater naturalism in Renaissance depictions of the human form (Italliano Resource). The final step in becoming a master was to learn the technique of painting and drawing, understanding the techniques used such as fresco or oil painting. Should a student show enough skill to create professional
  • 53. Greenbush Vs. Burke Heights Greenbush vs. Burke Heights This report will be on the research I have discovered first hand as well as through statistical data that compares and contrasts the neighborhoods of Greenbush and Burke Heights, both located in Madison, Wisconsin. When researching these two neighborhoods, I focused on the neighborhoods housing statistics, demographics of their residents, and the money circulating within the neighborhoods. Another aspect I paid attention to while comparing the neighborhoods was the economic and employment opportunities available within the communities. These benefits directly correlate to the amount of capital that is available for residents. Lastly, I took note of the entertainment, retail, and physical possibilities that prevailed in these neighborhoods. The first subject I will compare is the housing within each neighborhood. First, in the Greenbush neighborhood, the majority of people are either college students or young adults between the ages of twenty and thirty two. It was obvious this age group lived in these homes seeing the dГ©cor on the front porches and the cars in the driveways. The average household income ranges between seventy and eighty five thousand dollars per year (StatisticalAtlas). Just walking down the street I noticed most of the lots are designated for either college students, expensive residential homes, or parks with green spaces. The neighborhoods average price for a normal sized home would range between three hundred and three
  • 54. Social Network 118 Part Two Understanding the Marketplace and Consumers VIDEO TOMS Shoes Case on how TOMS executes its strategy within the constantly changing marketing environment. After viewing the video featuring TOMS Shoes, answer the following questions about the marketing environment: What trends in the marketing environment have contributed to the success of TOMS Shoes? Did TOMS Shoes first scan the marketing environment in creating its strategy, or did it create its strategy and fit the strategy to the environment? Does this matter? 3. Is TOMS strategy more about serving needy children or about creating value for customers? Explain. Get involved: Changing a life begins with a single step. This sounds like a mandate from a ... Show more content on ... The airline launched during a turbulent period when people were hesitant to travel due to the aftermath of the 2001 terrorist attacks. People concerned about long distance travel started to look for holidays in nearby countries. The timing worked to the advantage of AirAsia when it started to fly regional routes. Asians were enjoying the benefits of rising incomes and good economic growth and although many could not afford long distance holidays, they were open to the idea of traveling to nearby countries. In addition, increased media coverage on LCCs helped consumers understand the no frills concept. The Internet also provided AirAsia with the opportunity to reach more customers through online booking. Fernandes is a strong believer in leading by example. He is often seen working alongside his team as a crew member or baggage handler. This allows him to get to know his staff better and to listen to customers feedback. He insists on a cooperative MANAGING COST IN A COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT The global financial crisis that started in mid 2008 affected many industries, including the aviation industry. Fewer business and leisure travelers were flying due to the economic recession. Corporations and government agencies issued orders, as part of an austerity drive, for less travel or, when absolutely necessary for their senior employees, for economy class travel. This became an opportunity for
  • 55. The Chinese Immigration Into Hawaii Less than ten percent of Hawaii s population is true, native, pureblooded Hawaiian. The influx of immigrants came as an reaction to find work for the sugar fields. The Chinese immigration into Hawaii began in the latter part of the eighteenth century. They were the first wave of immigrants to arrive on the islands, followed by Japanese, Portuguese, Filipinos, and Koreans. It has been noted in history, as far back as Captain Cook s arrival in 1778, that Chinese presence began to occur. Since the increasing trade between China and North America, Hawai i became an essential stop along the trade route. The first group of indentured Chinese plantation recruits arrived in 1852. Between 1852 and 1856, several thousand Chinese were brought into ... Show more content on ... A driving force in the economy was the new potential immigrants looking for jobs on the sugarcane farms. The sugar export industry didn t surge until the 1860s, when access to Southern sugar was cut off during the Civil War. In order for this industry to be commercially profitable, it was necessary to import foreign laborers due to all the external, Western diseases that had wiped out the native population, and the remaining natives were not enough to keep the workforce profitable. The sandalwood trade had already established a relationship between Hawai i and China. Furthermore, civil unrest and natural disasters in China made the country difficult to earn a living. Thus, Hawai i became an attractive destination for Chinese immigrants mostly married males who set out to earn money for their families back in China. The Chinese laborers were signed to five year contracts, after those five years around half returned to China while the other half stayed, creating Honolulu s Chinatown. The neighborhood quickly grew with around 6,000 people occupying it. But in 1886 a fire broke out and destroyed eight blocks of Chinatown. The government responded to this fire by putting building restrictions, sadly none of those were enforced causing more rickety buildings to be built. In 1900 Chinatown became quarantined thanks to the Black Death. An answer to this solution was sanitary fires to try to prevent further spread of the disease.
  • 56. Comparing My Father And My Dad When I was 10 years old I realized how alike and different me and my father really are. Thinking to myself one day I was amazed on how different my dad and I really are because dad was bald and he had a son with a full head of hair. My father also is very blunt, he says whatever is on his mind while on the other hand I usually keep my thoughts to myself. Though my dad and I are very different in many ways we are more similar than different. My father loves the sport football and so do I! One of our favorite activities that we do together is to watch the Michigan Wolverines and Detroit Lions playevery Saturday and Sunday. We also love to cook and bake too. Finally through the years that my father and I have spend together i have realized how alike and different we both are. It was a Ssaturday morning during the fall season and I was up early watching some cartoons when I realized my dad was up. He was up and about doing his usual Ssaturday chores when I notice something different about him. He looked and acted nervous but at the same time he was super excited for something. That something was a Michigan football game, which was gonna be played in a few hours. I never really notice my dad act like this before, but when I did I knew something was up. I then asked my dad, What s the big deal dad? and then he said, It s the season opener for Michigan football! A few hours had passed and suddenly I had heard my dad scream in joy at the TV. I then came running into the living