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How To Write A Background
Research Paper
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How To Write A Background Research Paper How To Write A Background Research Paper
Egg Freezing Research Paper
Is Egg Freezing Really the Way to Halt Our Biological Clock? Trending in America, even amongst
women in their twenties, is freezing our eggs really the answer to putting us in control of becoming
mothers at a later stage in life? With clinics in the UK reporting up to a 400% increase in levels of
interest, we have a look at whether this expensive procedure is the way forward. Egg Banking
Advances: Vitrification is the preferred egg freezing method due to its ability to avoid the formation of
ice crystals by reducing the temperature up to 600 times faster than previous, less successful
processes. This recent advancement to the egg freezing process has brought the level of transfer rates
equal to those of fresh eggs. Survival rates of fertilised, ... Show more content on ...
In society today, it is not uncommon for females to spend their twenties and early thirties furthering
their education and progressing in their profession and the ability to freeze their eggs can certainly
take the pressure off the battle against the biological clock. Difficulties with the economic crisis have
led to people reaching financial stability later than ever before. The rise in property prices and the
increasing cost of living are reasons why the option of freezing eggs is becoming so popular. During
our prime years, many females are struggling in rented accommodation, paying off student debts and
lacking job security which means they feel unable to consider comfortably starting a family until years
down the line. With more time being spent in work and education, it leaves less opportunity to find the
perfect man to settle down with and have a family. Increasingly, women are using the option of
freezing their eggs as a safety net, allowing them to give birth when their biological clock is telling
them otherwise. This is also a common method for females who have their first baby at a mature age
and are determined to have more than one. Egg freezing will increase the likeliness of this, even after
they reach the
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The Other Woman by Sherwood Anderson
How does one know one is truly in love with another person? In the short story, The Other Woman by
Sherwood Anderson, a man expresses his thoughts of the week before getting married to the narrator.
In this week the man has been promoted for a position in government and been recognized for his
poetry writing. Therefore, has been receiving a lot of recognition from people. With many different
types of emotions happening at once in a week the man encounters with another woman. As the man is
trying to tell his thought of what happened to him that week, one can see how the man is having
trouble expressing himself. By Anderson portraying this man s thoughts in an unorganized matter he is
illustrating the confusion of the man s feelings towards his fiancée. With the promotion and
recognition for his poetry the man has been undergoing a lot of emotions. The narrator says, He felt
like one floating in air. When he got into bed after seeing so many people and hearing so many words
of praise his head whirled round and round. When he closed his eyes a crowd of people invaded his
room. It seemed as though the minds of all the people of his city were centred on himself. The most
absurd fancies took possession of him. The man was clearly not being his self that week. There were
many emotions going through him that had him was feeling confused. He had been around so many
people that he felt as if their ideologies and values were placed onto him. This passage clearly states
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Lineage-Based Perspective
With there being more than 50,000 species of vertebrates alone it is essential for all biology majors to
have a working knowledge of the tree of life. The two perspectives for teaching zoology are the
Linnean taxonomical and the Phylogenetic clade based perspective. The Linnean taxonomical
perspective is a rank based hierarchy while the phylogenetic clade based perspective groups species
by focusing a common ancestor and its descendants. In regards to teaching zoology there is more
value in using the phylogenetic clade based perspective rather than the Linnean perspective because it
allows students to organize the details of biodiversity with a more rational system.
Phylogenetic taxonomy focuses on common ancestry and derived functional ... Show more content on ...
For example; Coleoptera contains over three hundred thousand species while Primate contains roughly
four hundred species including the human (Ballen, Cissy J., and Harry W. Greene).
This lack of criteria is what causes the exclusion of taxonomic acknowledgment of major evolutionary
innovations while inaccurately portraying history. It is also mentioned in Greene s more recent journal
that the Linnean method fails at specifying clades based upon the origin of limbs in tetrapods and
shelled egg amniotes. While it also, obscures the fact that crocodilians are more closely related to
birds than they are to turtles, lizards, and snakes, which does not highlight many dramatic similarities
between earlier archosaurs (Ballen, Cissy J., and Harry W. Greene). These two main concerns of
omission and obscuration are why the phylogenetic clade based system is a far more valuable and
beneficial methodology for teaching zoology.
As it was mentioned previously, the phylogenetic clade based perspective only recognizes
monophyletic taxa, which are those taxa derived from a common ancestor not shared with any other
group. There is another argument being made that paraphyletic groups should not be included as units
of study within a zoology course. Paraphyletic and monophyletic units of study both have their
benefits and drawbacks however I believe that
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Financial Implications Of Gate Keeping
Financial implications of gate keeping
Gatekeeping is about the decisions made by journalists or media companies through policy; therefore,
we must look at what influences those decisions. Gatekeeping as an idea has a number of factors that
influence what information is presented and why (Soroka, 2012). Since finances is a key part of any
business and there are still those who attempt to limit the audience s access to information online, and
they do so for financial reasons (Taneja, 2013). The editors of small community media are more
concerned about revenue than those at larger publications (Donhue, Olien, Tichenor). There is an
argument that can be made that gate keeping decisions have traditionally been based on financial
considerations (Tichenor, Donohue, Olien, Clarke, 1980; Soroka, 2012). Research has shown, at least
some community media outlets, that editors make decisions about what to publish based upon some
influence from the expectations their advertisers and fear of alienating the community and therefore
the publication s subscribers (Tichenor, Donohue, Olien, Clarke, 1980). This is because community
media cannot exist without advertisers (Kennedy, 1974); therefore, it would be counterintuitive to
anger and alienate users. This leads to a situation where it can easily be conceived that the same
economic factors would impact gatekeeping decisions on the web.
The importance of community
The term community is elastic and can mean many things ranging from
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The Use Of Hippocampal Neurons On Memory
Abstract: Optogenetics has been used to show that activating a specific ensemble of hippocampal
neurons that contribute to a memory engram can erase or even alter a memory. The purpose of the
study was to use optogenetics and the addition of an external stimuli to try and create a false memory.
Neurons of mice were labeled with a light sensitive channel during the exploration of a safe room.
Mice were then placed in a new room and given foot shocks while simultaneously using light pulses to
activate the neurons that had been previously labeled in the safe room. After being placed back into
the safe room, mice exhibited freezing responses. A false memory of fear was created in these mice as
they demonstrated freezing behavior in the room in which they had not been shocked. Multiple
methods have been used to manipulate neuronal pathways, and the fact that so many different methods
already exist suggest a bright future for the discovery of a method that can be beneficial to humans.
Understanding how the hippocampus functions is essential to understanding how psychological
diseases affect memory, and this procedure has the potential to be a type of treatment. This study
demonstrates how unreliable memories are, and how the complete manipulation of one can be
accomplished simply by activating a specific neuronal population.
A major goal in neuroscience is to noninvasively, safely, and precisely be able to control specific
neuronal populations. This
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Conformity In The Film Without My Daughter
Refusing forced conformity can lead to consequences, and an individual can never conform to
anything, without defecting another.
The well known director Brian Gilbert conveyed and explored the theme of conformity in one of his
memorable movies Without my daughter . The movie is extracted from a real life story of Betty
Mahmoody and her daughter Mahtob Mahmoody. The storyline of the movie revolves around an
American couple, the husband is from an Iranian background and he hasn t visited his home country
for more than 10 years. The story progresses as they visit Iran and her husband; Moody steals her
freedom and forces her to live with him and with his family in Iran. Thus, Betty and Mahtob are being
forced to conform to the rules and regulations ... Show more content on ...
His idea was conveyed and explored in many scenes of the movie. One of the scenes is when Moody s
father wakes him up early every morning to perform the morning prayer that is unbreakable part of the
muslim tradition. Techniques such as facial expressions, dialogue and the tone of voice are used to
express this idea. When Betty in a sleepy tone asks her husband to stay in bed, You ve been getting up
early every morning. Don t go. He replied to her angrily by saying; What s the matter with you? We re
with my family. They re Sayyeds direct descendants of Mohammed. Of course, to a sophisticated
American that must seem primitive. Betty s facial expression were filled with sadness and pure
confusion as she couldn t identify the reason behind her husband s reaction and words. This shows
that Moody was conforming to his family and religion, however he wasn t conforming to his old
lifestyle in America. Also when Betty asked him to stay, she wasn t conforming to the Islamic religion
and tradition. Again Gilbert achieved his goal clearly when he showed live evident of conformity in
the movie, and this further extents the confirmation of the idea that an individual can never conform to
anything, without defecting
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Native American Relations Dbq
Over the course of the 17th century, the relationship between the English colonies and the Native
Americans changed drastically. At first, there was a peaceful relationship and the two groups even
helped each other out; but, as time passed, the relationship began to deteriorate and the two groups
became hostile towards each other. One of the first relationships between the English colonists and the
Native Americans was a peaceful one; the two groups tried to help each other with the resources they
had. In Document 6, A Relation of the Indian War, it refers to some grievances that the Natives had. It
says, [King Philip] constrained other Indians from ronging the English, and gave them Corn and
shewed them how to plant. This example of peace goes all the way back to the early English
colonization of Plymouth. The Natives offered a helping hand to the newly arrived English, who had
very little. Since the Natives referenced an early sign of peace, Document 6 supports a peaceful
relationship between the Natives and English colonists. Also, in Document 1, Proceedings of the
Virginia House of Burgesses, it refers to how the English colonists are educating and converting some
Native American children. It states, A certain number of the natives children to be educated by them in
true religion and a civil course of life. This shows that the English colonists were being nice to the
Natives. The Natives children were being educated and the English were spreading their
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Causes Of The Trail Of Tears
This first hand account by John G Burnett, a member of the 2nd Regiment, 2nd Brigade, Mounted
Infantry, written in 1890 as a letter to his children which paints a descriptive picture of the brutality of
the Trail of Tears ( Two Accounts of the Trail of Tears ). The Trail of Tears was a tragic event, but was
unavoidable due to the circumstances of the time. Many factors preceding the Trail of Tears are
catalysts for the tragic event. Dubbed the Trail of Tears, the United States Army forced the Cherokee
Indians from their home and made them move west of the Mississippi. There were people who were
for the Trail of Tears and those who were not. Some factors which made the Trail of Tears inevitable
was the growing population of America, the attitude of Americans toward natives, and the president of
the time. The American people called for military and political action against the Indian tribes east of
the Mississippi. President Andrew Jackson answered the call and on May 28, 1830 signed the Indian
Removal Act ( Trail of Tears Timeline ). Although this act was only supposed to allow the negotiation
of voluntary removal with the tribes, it made it inevitable for the Indian removal. After Jackson s
victory in 1832 all tribe leaders agreed to the act. The Indian Removal Act was a catalyst for the
abolishment of the traditional rights for the Indians. The Indians had only two options: assimilate and
concede to United States law or leave their homeland. The five tribes most affected
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The Debate On The Circus Acts That Were Called The 1st...
After viewing the circus acts that were called the 1st presidential debate and the vice presidential
debate that aired earlier in the month, my expectations for the 2nd debate were not too high.
Unfortunately my even my low expectations were not met and I felt as though there was not a large
enough improvement during this debate to have made any difference from the first one. While we saw
some improvement in terms of candidate behavior, the rest of the debate was severely lacking in
substance. Questions posed by the audience were shallow, then made even more so by the follow up
questions from the moderators. On the topic of moderators, there appears to be a continuing theme of
their lack of effectiveness that has carried throughout all of the debates including this one. Leading up
to the 2nd debate we have seen the results of having two candidates with political views on complete
opposite poles and personalities to match. The events of the first debate can easily be described as
throwing water into a pot of hot oil and just watching it happen. Throughout the debate we had seen
Donald Trump repeatedly interrupt and attempt to interject as Hillary Clinton was speaking in an
effort to defend himself. However this interruptions were more of a nuisance, especially due to most
of them being composed of the words no and not true . Fortunately for the sake of everyone watching
the debate, Trump learned to better control his interruptions and was largely silent while it was
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Winston Smith From Spongebob Squarepants
Intro Essay I am sure that everyone, at least once, has compared themselves to a character from their
favorite literary work or movie. Oftentimes parallels can be, and are drawn between the audience
members and the characters on the page or screen. Other times people contrast themselves to
characters, pointing out the stark differences between their real world lives and the high adventure
thrills of the life of the character in question. In this essay,I will compare myself to the personalities of
Winston Smith from 1984, putting focus on our shared inquisitive and skeptical nature, as well as that
of Spongebob Squarepants, with his cheerful disposition and sense of childlike wonder. And finally, I
will be comparing myself with Russell, the kid from UP. ... Show more content on ...
As the book progresses we see Winston gradually growing more and more doubtful that his dystopian
environment is the way things should be. He is seen searching for the truth and is always weary about
what may lie ahead. Although I do not ask questions on the same grand scale as Winston, I do have a
naturally inquisitive, and somewhat skeptical nature. I find myself interested in the most abstract and
bizarre concepts, sometimes relating to the possibility of time travel through quantum particles, and
other times something as trivial as movie trivia. Despite my desire to learn new concepts and ideas, I
can often times lose interest in things I have trouble understanding. This is where I believe Winston
and I share some common ground. We are both incredibly curious and at the same time held back by
skepticism of the
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Speech Distracting Essay
In the informative speech, I didn t many things that were admired and distracting during the speech,
and I hope to improve on those distracting interrupting acts on my next speech. During the speech, I
did some items that were a little distracting through the speech. As I watched my speech I noticed I
had some awkward pauses, bad transitions, some um s, and a little stuttering throughout the speech. If
you look at the speech I tend to stutter which is a little distracting. Talking about the festival Diwali I
talk about Rangoli and its colored pattern I stutter and forget what I am explaining. Another thing I
could improve on is my transitions when hearing the speech, the transitions are a little rough and not
as smooth. During the transition when I switch from talking about the celebrations to the language I
say, with all these celebrations it tends to bring many religions and languages together doesn t really
make sense and could be spoken a little smoother. Stuttering is also a part of the speech I did during
the speech which distracting. Throughout the speech, I stutter during different parts and one of those
parts being when I am talking about the different traditions when eating Indian food. I say, some of the
traditions when people eat in India are well we all we eat on our hands, which is a little annoying.
During the speech, I also said um s during the speech. When citing my source on languages I said
some ums, repeating the citation from the notecard. During the speech I had a little tough time with
stuttering at moments, saying some um s, bad transitions, and some pauses in the future I tend to
improve it for the next speech. During the speech, I was also a good speaker in many ways. I had a
good voice projection, my hand moment was consistent, I was always facing the audience and held
eye contact, and had facial expressions to emphasize the importance of a topic. Right off the bat when
I was explaining my citation saying According to the U.S Census Bureau there are alone 5.7% Asian s
in the United States, I was pointing my hands to make sure everyone was paying attention to the
numbers. Another thing I did well during the speech was, that I kept eye contact with everyone during
the speech
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Acids And Its Effect On The Wine Industry
I know that the topic of acids in wines have been discussed many times in our wine circles. It is
important to realize that both good and bad acids exist in the wines that we drink. Let s look at acids in
wines and their effects on the final product that we all enjoy so much.
The relative amounts of tartaric and malic acids vary depending on the grape variety and on where the
grapes are grown. For example, in Burgundy, the Chardonnay has a lower concentration of malic acid
than a Chardonnay grown in the Napa Valley of California.
Both tartaric and malic acids are nonvolatile which means that they do not evaporate or boil off when
wine is heated. An example of a Volatile acid in wine is acetic acid (vinegar). Acetic acid does boil off
when heated, and is undesirable in wine. Volatile acidity of 0.03 0.06% is produced during
fermentation and is considered a normal level.
Tartaric and malic acids are produced by grapes as they develop. In warm climates, these acids are lost
through the biochemical process of respiration. Grapes grown in warmer climates have lower acidity
than grapes grown in cooler environments For example, Chablis (France) produces grapes with high
acid because the climate is very cool, while Napa Valley produces grapes with lower acidity because
the climate is warmer.
Sugar production in a cold verses warm climates is completely opposite of acid production. The
warmer the climate the higher the sugar content of the grapes. Australia verses
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Sound of Waves
Sound of Waves Test Answer each of the following questions thoroughly. I will be grading on
thoughtfulness and how well you explain your answer. For the factual questions, you just need to get it
correct. This first section does not need as much explanation, you may give a short response. Why was
Shinji s mother angry when she first received Hiroshi s post card? She was angry because Hiroshi had
sent her an expensive post card, and she said kids these days don t know the value of money. What
kind of job does Shinji s mother do? What is the name of Shinji s boat? Where is the setting? it takes
place after the war, on an island called Uta jima. Why does the mom cry when Shinji reads the letter
from his brother? Shinji s ... Show more content on ...
What does it mean to have get up and go ? get up and go means to not be so hesitant and quickly go
for the gold. to act quickly and boldly, be brave, but not stupid. if you can do that you can achieve
things that other people wish they could. How does social class affect the way that people see each
other? social class makes the upper class think they are better than us and rich, and lower class makes
people feel down and poor. social class affects us a lot. social class is like racism. we think differently
of each other. Shinji is a low class, while Hatsue is of High class but both yet seem to find
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Compare And Contrast Tenochtitlan And Popocatepetl
Tenochtitlan and Popocatepetl and IxtlaccihuatI are two very similar stories. They have a lot in
common but not everything is the same. Somethings are different about these stories. Tenochtitlan and
Popocatepetl Ixtlaccihuatl can be different like there being no kings. Somethings are the same like the
environment. Tenochtitlan and Popocatepetl Ixtlaccihuatl have some similarities in their stories (as
mentioned in the beginning). They have similar environments, like the wild and the grass mountains.
They also have similar lifestyles like hunting and farming. They both had lots of warriors to fight their
wars. They were also very victorious in their
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Examples Of Diversity In The Novel By Esme
Throughout the book, there are several examples of Esme demonstrating diversity. Two specific
examples that stood out was when, Esme taught her class how to thread needles. (pg. 68) Including the
boys in her class, who initially were not excited about it. Mainly because it was an activity that was
more related to girls doing it. This is an example of diversity because she is showing them that the
stigma revolving around girls or boys only activities, do not have to be that way. And it is not a bad
thing if girls do boy activities and if boys do girl activities. The second example of diversity in the
novel is when, Esme was given a sari by one of her students. (pg. 148) Esme wore the sari showing
her students that there is nothing wrong with
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Technology And The Rights Of A State Of Emergency
Technology and the rights that are written in the constitution is a privilege that people must not take
advantage of in order for them to keep on having it for their life time. For those people who step out of
that line that is draw and cause issue for others. Then society has every right to protect its self from
those kind of induvial. Such as cause problems like potentially dangerous leaks that may force other in
direct path of harm way or if people miss use them like Tools for communication, tools for oppression,
or causing the Shutdown of communication in free countries.
For the purpose of, Shutting down communication in free countries was one of the things that I
learned in way that I have better understanding why some governments go down that route in order to
protect people from them self and others. For example, the government dose of power to take way
people rights in a state of emergency including the freedom of speech where people can say whatever
they want without causing harm to individuals. However, if a person or people do beyond want is
considered rational and society is in jeopardy of crashing down. The government can become a ruler
or powerfully entity by putting in Marshall Law that basically means place of residence or country is
on lock down and the government is full control that area and peoples actions. However, technology
and communication has brought a new spin on how people take out their frustrations and talk about in
way that is some
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Advantages Of Halal Products
Halal is the word from an Arabic phrase which means lawful or permitted as prescribed by Islamic
Law. A quote in a Hadith was stated that Your practice of faith will not be correct unless your actions
are correct which means may consider as a basic Islamic rule that controls many of Muslim s
behaviors. Quran and Hadith are the main sources of Muslim in their action and intention in daily life
to different behaviors including the Muslim s behaviors towards accepting Halal products in the
Islamic concept and rule.
Malaysia Department of Islamic Development (JAKIM) is one of the authorities that responsible to
approve any product that would be produce from manufacturer as a halal product. Manufacturers will
get the Halal certificate ... Show more content on ...
The market of Halal products are very huge that can be expand in worldwide because if the bigger
population of Muslim in worldwide, the demand for the Halal products is increase as well. Halal
products are not only for halal in foods consuming, it also needed in other consumer goods that refer
to cosmetic products, clothing and equipment.
Cosmetics are the superficial measures to make something appear better, more attractive, or more
impressive when to be look for the other people. The uses of cosmetics products can be enhance
peoples to be more confident to confront with the public in any field of works. That are very important
the Halal cosmetics should be ready in the market for Muslim consumers for the safety.
Furthermore, for the Muslims, there is a need to carry out their transactions in accordance with the
rules and principles of Islam because the vector of commodities which a non Muslim consumer may
be able to choose from is quite different from that of a Muslim consumer, even if all elements of
goods and services were available (Metwally, 1997). This is because Islam prohibits Muslim in certain
commodities or indulging in some activities such as consuming alcohol, pork, and gamble. In the Holy
Quran was
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The Federal Budget Process Essay
Running head: The Federal Budget Process The Federal Budget Process Abstract This report focuses
on the federal budget process of the United States of America. The annual federal budget begins with a
detailed proposal from the President in February. The budget request is developed by the President s
Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Next, Congress creates a blueprint called a budget
resolution that sets limits on how much each committee can spend (or reduce revenues) over the
course of the year. The terms of the budget resolution are then enforced against individual
appropriations, entitlement bills, and tax bills on the House and Senate floors. In addition, Congress
sometimes uses a special procedure called ... Show more content on ...
Second, the president uses the budget request to lay out his relative priorities for federal programs
(Myers, et al, 1989; Policy Basics, 2011). The President s budget is very specific, and recommends
funding levels for individual federal programs or small groups of programs called budget accounts.
The budget typically sketches out fiscal policy and budget priorities not only for the year but for the
next five years or more. It is also accompanied by historical tables that set our past budget figures
(Policy Basics, 2011 Para 4). The third role that the President s budget plays is that it can be used to
alert Congress of what spending and tax policy changes the President recommends. It is not necessary
for the President to propose legislative changes for those parts of the budget that are governed by
permanent law if he feels none are needed (Policy Basics, 2011). Majority of the federal tax code is set
in permanent law, and will not expire. Similarly, more than one half of federal spending including the
three largest entitlement programs (Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security) is also permanently
enacted. Interest paid on the national debt is also paid automatically, with no need for specific
legislation. (There is, however, a
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Our Insistence Upon Resistance
Our Insistence upon Resistance
I believe it is better to do what pleases the real you before doing what would please a hypothetical
other. Subsequently, the act of resistance that I most identify with out of the novels we have read is in
Alif the Unseen, with the choice of Dina to reject what she is supposed to do, and dress as she pleases.
Her decision to wear the Niqab as an expression of her devotion to sainthood, despite the fact that it
would make her worth less to others is a powerful one. Unlike Intisar, who veiled herself elaborately
as a mark of high class, Dina chose to do so to resist her expected role as the bare faced, underpaid
ornament to someone s office or nursery, and create for herself a world that she finds beautiful (30).
This relates to my life in how I reject the obligation to always dress in a way that is expected of my
gender, and instead present myself in a way that pleases me, even if to others it may make me less
When I came to college, I wore my hair in long, caramel ringlets, often with a faux rose clipped in the
front. Within a few months, I donned a brushed back undercut, frequently accompanied by my favorite
button down and bow tie. I worked out as I had before; although now my goal was to become
stronger, not thinner. Soon, as many college students do, I became the proud owner of a permanent
piece of body art. As I entered my journey to independence, I resisted the presentation of myself I felt
obligated to adhere to in my
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TO: Dennis Boyle, Senior Project Leader and Studio Manager
SUBJECT: Visor product, Handspring
Executive Summary
Handspring, the client, is asking IDEO to design Visor product in approximately 10 months. The
design needs to be fully compatible and less expensive version of Palm V, development of which took
two years. Such short development time would require IDEO to compromise on its proven
development process and sacrifice the emphasis on innovation. Further more, Visor needs to be
superior to Palm V with an ability to allow adding new functionality easily. Handspring is also making
assumptions about the audience of Visor and audience s price as well as feature preferences, primarily
due to its consideration of Visor as ... Show more content on ...
(refer exhibit B:TWOS analysis) Exhibit A: 4 C s Analysis
From a product management perspective, we decided to look at the 4C s: Category, Competition,
Customer, and Context.
Category: Handheld devices are clearly in aggressive growth stage. Products in this category are likely
to face some competitive pressure. However since the category itself is growing, Handspring can grab
market share without head on competition with current players. This opportunity may not be present
once the Category reaches maturity stage. Hence, it may be a bad idea to delay the product launch, for
designing an ideal product. Handspring will be better served by putting a functional product early on
than, ideal product much later.
It can be argued that handheld devices market is on the Chasm stage, as explained by Gordon Moore .
Handspring s plug in modules can be an innovative feature which can accelerate adoption of handheld
devices by masses. However, the currently proposed feature may not significant enough to be a
disruptive innovation. IDEO s time tested development process may help Handspring to develop a
truly innovative product. By reducing the product development time, Handspring will be loosing many
of the benefits bought on by IDEO.
Palm V with its 350USD price and sleek Lithium battery is aiming for
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Why Is Emergency Services Important
Why is emergency services are important? They are important to me because they help, care, and
serve for the citizens in their township. Police, ambulance, and firefighters help their community by
risking their lives to save ours. Emergency services may help us by saving our lives, but they also help
our lives by everyday activities. Emergency services help us by volunteering in their communities.
Police, firefighters, and ambulances are hard jobs. Firefighters risk their lives by going into fires.
Ambulances have the burden on their shoulder because another life is on their hands. Police have the
job to protect their community by keeping everything at peace. Emergency services help their
communities me by making them stronger
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The Double Self Portrait By Frida Kahlo
On first impression, The Two Fridas(1939) by Frida Kahlo, is an image that appears grim and sad,
with a gloomy atmosphere, set by the background, and a gruesome imagery seen through the open,
bloody hearts. The double self portrait is an oil and canvas image of a European and Mexican Frida.
The European Frida s dress is covered in blood from a cut heart vein, and both the women s hearts are
exposed, with European Frida s appearing broken. The two figures are sat in the foreground of the
image, with a woven bench beneath them and a stormy, grey sky as the background. The image doesn
t have a very distinct appearance of being three dimensional, through its lack of depth. Though the
figures still appear closer to the audience then then other ... Show more content on ...
There is a repetition of shape throughout the white lace located on the European Frida s dress, and
more natural flower shaped images repeated along the hem of her dress. The cloud shaped objects in
the sky create an atmosphere of stormy times and gloomy days.
There is a strong contrast in colour between the two Frida s. The one on the right has bright colours
blue and yellow, complimentary colours, adorning her traditional clothing, where else the European
Frida appears dressed in a more monochromatic outfit with sprinkles of contrasting colour, through
the red of her blood and other earth tones of the flowers. Her representation of colours used, have a
variety of meanings, ranging from the blue meaning distance from her husband, but a continued
tenderness towards him, and the yellow showing signs of her madness sickness and fear. Most of
which hold a negative connotation which is emphasised throughout the piece. Though the piece holds
a sombre atmosphere to the piece, the artwork does not appear to have a very cold palette. There are a
few warm colours that contrast with the icy grey tones of the clouds. But otherwise the piece has a
warmer tint, emphasised especially through the warm tone of Kahlo s skin.
Tone is seen throughout the piece, especially in the face, through the created depth, in darkening
several areas for the purpose to make some aspects appear to be closer to the view than other. Like the
nose for instance. Due to the shadow added to the right of the
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The Old Tradition In The Lottery By Shirley Jackson
The Lottery a short story by Shirley Jackson, features a small town during the time of their lottery. The
lottery is an annual event, organized by Mr. Summers. It is a highly important time, as the whole town
comes to the town square on the day of the lottery. The guidelines are quite simple: everyone takes a
slip of paper out of the symbolic black box, and the slip of paper with the black mark carved on it, is
the lucky winner . But their definition of the lottery is different一usually, a lottery is a valuable thing
to win. But when Tessie Hutchinson, the lucky winner gets her reward by getting stoned to death by
the rest of the villagers, it is clear that winning this lottery can t be a good affair... So what is the
purpose of this lottery? Rather than discontinuing the lottery, the town continues with it because they
don t want to upset an old tradition.
Already, it is clear that the lottery is especially old. Old Man Warner, the oldest man in town, proves
that the lottery is an old tradition: Seventy seventh year I been in the lottery, Old Man Warner said as
he went through the crowd. Seventy seventh time (p.23, lines 280 282) . 77 years is a long time for a
tradition to be going on. This line of text undoubtedly shows how old the lottery must be if Old Man
Warner, the oldest man in town remembers participating in the lottery for 77 years. Another example
is on page 16, and lines 93 96: Because so much of the ritual had been forgotten or
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Oral Tradition Paper
It was the intention of this paper to situate The Oral Tradition Workshop for Educators and other
intercultural programs in Esmeraldas into the greater context of intercultural educational programs
globally. First, it aimed to illustrate that intercultural education is often a response to long standing
historical, political, and economic marginalization of one group by the dominate culture. For Afro
Ecuadorians, as in the cases of Europe and Latin America, the focus on intercultural education
emerged as a response to historical marginalization after the amendment to the constitution in 1998
calling for expanded collective rights of indigenous groups and Afro Ecuadorian. At the heart of
intercultural education programs is the assumption that the school and its key actors (students,
educators, administrators) play a critical role in eradicating inequality and negotiating spaces between
cultures (Aikman, 1997). This belief is evident in all of the cases presented in the paper as well as the
intercultural education programs in ... Show more content on ...
These policies have left Afro Ecuadorians disproportionally poorer and less educated than other
groups in Ecuador. Thus, policy leaders intended to improve these conditions through inclusive
education policies that recognize the significance of the contributions of Afro Ecuadorians in the
national discourse.
The TTOA workshop is an example of this initiative. The decision to use the TTOA workshop to
explore the development of intercultural programs in the region is due to the fact that, in many ways,
the program is a replica of other intercultural education initiatives in the region. First, Juan Garcia, a
pioneer of Afro Ecuadorian educational programs, created it. It also aimed to emphasize the
historically, political, and economic significance of Afro Ecuadorians in the larger context of
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Definition Essay On My Hero
A Hero, a person of distinguished courage or ability, admired for brave deeds and noble qualities.
According to But what is your definition? A hero is someone who inspires others to be
their best.someone who pushes themselves, who is involved in their community, who encourages My
hero is the kid from down the street who plays baseball all day. Across the country, from state to state
you could literally say my hero chased his dreams until they became reality and I was his biggest fan
throughout this journey. My hero began playing baseball at a young age.Always traveling on the go to
huge tournaments all over the country,it was his dream to play college baseball from the start. Nonstop
training,he could never put his ball down. I remember watching this for hours at a time just throwing
his ball up against the brick wall and feild it as it ricocheted back at him over and over, he did this just
to have quick hands and be able to field the ball cleanly. By all means this is the dedication I hope to
have as much as he did.The older he got, the harder he worked watching him always on the go to
trainers and practices or just to the batting cage for a few swings. Therefore, after all the ... Show more
content on ...
He s that kid who you always see in the gym. Being my best everyday is something my hero pushes
me to do. I am very thankful for his support and his encouraging points that make me the athlete i am
and the athlete i hope to become. Going to the gym every day to not just work on his own skill, but
also others make him very influential in my life. My hero wants me to be the best i can be by giving
me pep talks before my games. This helps me to know what to strive to do that game! He makes me
strive to be my best in every way. Not just in the gym but also in school. My hero inspires me to do
well in school just like he does. He is in some of the highest courses at the High School and that
makes me want to follow directly in this
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Analyzing Two Different Women
Analyzing two different women
And do not retain them (i.e. women) in wedlock against their will in order to hurt them. He who does
such a thing indeed sins against himself. And do not take the signs of God lightly... ( Baqarah, 231).
Allah means in the Qur an that, a man who is not treating his wife good and disrespects her by
ignoring Allah s words in the Qur an, shall be destined to go to hill. Holy Qur an provides guidance
for cases when it is the wife who thinks that she is being mistreated and feels unhappy about her
marriage. In the past years,women were treated differently, for example in the 19th century, womens
had no right. At one time, wedded ladies in the US could not make wills, be the guardian of their
youngsters, earn ... Show more content on ...
This essay will analyze the situation of women that are mirrored in The Story of an Hour and Hills
Like White Elephants.
The Story of an Hour, where it mostly talks about Mrs. Mallard. A clever, free lady, Louise Mallard
comprehends the right route for ladies to carry on. However, her inward contemplations and
sentiments are anything besides right. When her sister announces the news that Brently, Mrs. Mallard
husband , has died, Louise shouts drastically as opposed to feeling numb, as she knows numerous
other ladies who would feel hopelessly sad. Her fierce response promptly demonstrates that she is an
enthusiastic, decisive lady. She realizes that she would cry for Brently and anticipate future without
him. Yet, when she is out of others sight, her private musings are of her own life. Louise experienced a
heart issue, which shows the degree to which she feels that marriage has persecuted her. Mrs. Mallard
has this issue because her enthusiastic mentality was trapped in her marriage with Bently. In the hour
amid which Louise accepts Brently s death, her heart thumps unequivocally without a doubt, Louise
feels her new freedom physically. Alone in her room, her heart races, and her entire body feels warm.
She spreads her arms open, typically respecting her new life , (last name, year p,82). Free! Body and
soul free! , (last name 82) she kept whispering to herself, an announcement that demonstrates the
excutment of her new autonomy. Nevertheless, her
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The Bible Is Not A Book Of Religion
The Bible is not a book of religions or rituals. Rather, the Bible is a library of 66 books 39 of which
are known as the Old Testament and 27 books referred to as the New Testament that reveals God s
divine plan of redemption, reconciliation, salvation, restoration and renewal of the whole world. The
Bible can be read as a great literature, or as a history of Israel, or as a source of theological
information. Though it is all of these things, none of them does full justice to Scripture as being
authoritative. God has all authority, and we accept the Bible as the primary authority by which God
communicates to us what He wants us to believe and to do. N.T. Wright s book theorizes that Scripture
is authoritative in that the authority of ... Show more content on ...
In doing so, we can discover that final authority is not in and of scripture itself but of the Triune God
who is the Author of scripture. The second obstacle to consider is that many have dismissed scripture
as a book of Israelitic Christian stories. Wright contends that these stories are told to inform us of
internal dynamics of the past so as to engage us in the present for transformation into Christ likeness.
(p.25). Thirdly, Wright asserts that the question of scripture s authority should not be viewed as a list
of rules where God condescends to man. Rather, scripture should be received as God s purpose to save
and renew the entire world by authorizing the church God s agent in the world with His mission
through the work of the Holy Spirit. Thus, it is imperative that biblical scholars see the role of
scripture not simply as being [informative about or revelatory of God s truth] but as a means of God s
action in and through us. (p.28)
Generally, most biblical scholars agree that scripture s authority is found in the sovereign God
Himself; but their doctrinal positions differ from that point. Wisely enough, Wright avoids the locked
suitcase melee on biblical inerrancy or biblical infallibility. Instead, he focused on God s purpose for
scripture and why it is demonstrably authoritative. Scriptures are not merely human books or
collections of human opinion; they are books which contain God s revelation of
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Analysis of Joesph J. Ellis´ American Creation Essay
Joseph J. Ellis the author of American Creation which turns out to be a national best seller who wrote
other book such as His Excellency, founding brother, American Sphinx, Passionate sage, after the
revolution, and school for soldiers. What the author does that make this book a very unique book is he
give us a brief back around of American coming to life after multiple attempt to set up a government.
He tells us how we use much different culture to build our government from deciding if we should
have a dictatorship like in England or not but have a democracy like the Romans. Joseph makes
important arguments which could not be resolved at the time we were building the Constitution, of
how we should governing a long term argument over the ... Show more content on ...
He had to quickly give up on the whole illusion that we still have a chance at treasures of their day
which plays later plays a major role in the US today that we no longer fight for freedom but we fight
to hold peace and to protect our self but back then during the revolution people we fighting for a
chance at making a new country and that our liberty will always defeat enemy that fight for just
money or glory. Joseph shows that George Washington had come to realize that he had to quickly give
up the idea that he will always have army and that he will have soldier that from other countries and
different state like Massachusetts or Maryland . He tells us how that many of those people would end
up soldiers who would joined them to help them through the war and would be a military that would
be discipline but at the same time as violation which they understood that they would have to be in
order to win each of their individual liberty. He tells us how Washington was in the British military
and was train by them but he also did training by himself which would have a side effect of his
training. It would cause Washington to avoid major battles but it will ultimately turn out that this will
resort in his successful. My understanding of the from reading these page that Washington didn t fight
for independence but fought for independence but what happens we know that he did not fight his
battle alone from basic knowledge we know that Washington
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The Impact Of The Proclamation Of 1763
The day was October 7th 1763. The air was cold in Britain, and what happened in Britain that day
changed the course of history. King George III issued the Proclamation of 1763. This all started
because of the French and Indian war. The French and Indian war was a war fought between the
British and France who had the Native Americans on their side. It was Britain versus the rest of North
America. It was a grueling war, but Britain eventually prevailed. After this war, the King created the
Proclamation of 1763. After the French and Indian war, the relationship between the American
colonists and Britain was strained because Britain took away their land, the colonists didn t like the
Proclamation of 1763, and Britain had listened to the Native Americans over the Colonists. The
relationship between the colonists and Britain was strained because Britain took away their land.
According to Document A, the American colonists had gained a lot more land after the French and
Indian war. But, the Proclamation of 1763 took all of it away and they had the same land they started
with. I think everyone would be very mad if someone took away something you had just got. The
colonists had worked hard for that land. They had lost lives the same as the British, but then British
took that land away from the colonists and had reserved it for the Indians. The colonists had died for
that land. Fathers, brothers, sons, had all died in that war and their mourning families were barred
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Drug Policy And Efforts Of Control Substance Abuse
Drug policy and efforts to control substance abuse have resulted in human rights violations in many
countries. 27 million people were problem drug users in 2013 (United Nations Office on Drugs and
Crime, 2013), representing a vulnerable and marginalised group (Petty, 2012). The need for human
rights to be at the forefront of any debate, policy or legislation regarding the war on drugs is
heightened by human rights abuses resulting from such action namely torture and ill treatment by
police, extrajudicial killings, arbitrary detention, and denial of essential medicines and basic health
services (Human Rights Watch, 2009). The term drug user can be interpreted in the context of law,
culture and science, making the enactment of effective, harm preventative legislation difficult.
However, evidence of a lack of acknowledgement of fundamental human rights in drug reform has
lead to such rights violations, often stemming from the belief that drug addicts are incapable of self
governance and determination... extreme measurers are necessary to save them from themselves
(Petty, 2012). This essay will discuss human rights theories and mechanisms in relation to drug reform
and its associated violations of human rights.
The right to life, liberty, and health and equality before the law, as addressed in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights (1948), are perhaps the most fundamental rights that have been
compromised by drug policy and reform. The INPUD (International Network
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History Of Disneyland
In 1955 when Disneyland opened you had to pay a fee to get into the park plus buy tickets for the
rides. The fee was $1.00 to get in and the rides were priced form 10 cents to 75 cents. There was
another option that you could pay for the fee and 8 rides for $2.50. This was the first time a fee had
been charged to just get into a park but Walt did this for a good reason as this wasn t just an
amusement park but this pacifically designed to give an magical experience to people of all ages. After
three months of the park being open A day at Disneyland came out. This was where you had the fee to
get into the park as well as 10 rides was all included in one price. They had a system where they used
letters A through to E . This categorised
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How Collective Bargaining Agreements Effect The Players...
Most people around the world enjoy sporting events. These events are considered great entertainment
options. So what does professional baseball, football, basketball, and most other companies around the
United States have in common? If you guessed Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA), Unions,
arbitration and strikes/work stoppages you are absolutely correct. In the coming paragraphs, labor
relations within the world of sports will be discussed from their unions to how collective bargaining
agreements effect both the players and the owners. What is a Collective Bargaining Agreement? CBA
is a written and signed document between a company and a labor organization specifying the terms
and conditions of employment for a specified period of time. The written agreement is then a contract
between the employer and the employees. Collective bargaining is a continuous process, beginning
with the negotiation of a contract through the entirety of the contract with almost daily interpretation
and administration of its provisions. Collective bargaining and unions have had a considerable effect
on fans through professional sports. Because of these contract negotiations, athletes in recent years
have benefited from an increasing share of ticket and television profits. Collective bargaining has
resulted in strikes and lockouts and has disrupted several seasons through cancellation of games or
even ending a season. The televising of sporting events has become the largest source of revenue
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The Hard Life of the Amazon Essay
Almost every inhabitant of the Colombian Amazon has an interesting story to tell about their home,
which is one of the most amazing places in the world. The Amazon provides survival experiences,
exotic food, extreme recreation, and a unique livelihood to all those who have lived there. However,
the character and future of many has also been shaped by a context of poverty, harsh violence,
restricted opportunities, geographical disparities and gender inequity. Almost everyone who has loved
and lived under the magic of the Amazon has also lost loved ones. Many have died there, either by
direct armed conflict or by the weakness of the State regarding law enforcement and insufficient
ability of services to meet basic needs. I was raised in one ... Show more content on ...
This environmental and social context has always encouraged me to better myself, the members of my
family, and the rest of the society that dwells in there. Obtaining my undergraduate degree in
Microbiology and my master s degree in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics allowed me
to work for nearly eight years in public goals oriented to sustainability in the Amazon Region. In my
professional experience I noticed that we are losing the fight against environmental degradation,
despite the efforts of Colombian institutions inspired by the Rio de Janeiro Convention. My
experiences in life, along with my academic and professional background, have enlightened my
pathway to earn a PhD degree and become a pioneer for women in the Colombian Amazon region to
reach a doctoral degree. I studied Microbiology not only because of my great interest in this field but
also because of its applicability to conservation of the Amazonian biodiversity. This formation in an
experimental science gave me tools for understanding the rules of life and the ecological principles.
Due to limited opportunities to find a job in microbiology, I switched to applied economics. I found
this field very useful for my region and saw opportunities to research in a social science, another
equally important field for conservation. During my formation many courses caught my attention and
expanded my analytical skills. In particular, Welfare Economics, Agricultural
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Loyalty In Plato s Symposium
One type of love that is brought up by many speakers in Plato s Symposium is that of an older man,
around thirty, and a much younger boy, around thirteen. This love is rare in today s society, but all of
the speakers present feel the need to defend this pederasty, proving the increased role that this love
played in their society. Although this love was more common during the time of the Symposium, there
are similar types of relationships still occurring. Not all of these modern relationships include sex as
the old relationships did, but they still have the exchange of virtue and wisdom that the past
relationships did. Many of the speakers address the issue of pederasty directly, and others do so
indirectly through inferences and conclusions. During the course of Pausanias speech, the topic of
pederasty is directly brought up, where he states one ... Show more content on ...
21). This would lead one to believe that the laws against pederasty prohibit couples from marrying and
living together, which if given the opportunity could lower the amount of disgrace among couples as
the men and boys would be more likely to stay together. These type of laws which regulate the types
of love that are allowed, are often controversial especially since they could not even say what they
want to get for themselves from one another (p. 21). Since these pederast relationships do not
contribute to the advancement of the race through procreation, the polis may see no reason to allow
them to continue. To the people involved in the relationship, they are looking for and wondrously
struck with friendship, attachment, and love, and are unwilling to be apart from one another even for a
short amount of time (p.
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Analysis Of Mr Smith Goes To Washington
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is an American political drama/ comedy film directed by Frank Capra
in 1939. The movie is about a young U.S. senator who fights for his innocence in America s corrupt
political system. The main character is Jefferson Smith, the newly appointed senator. Smith is the head
of the boy rangers in town and is appointed by Jim Taylor, the political boss of the state governor
Hubert Hopper. Senator Smith is looked after by Senior senator Joseph Paine, an old friend of Smith s
father. Senator Paine tells Smith to propose a bill, and lends his secretary Clarissa Saunders to aid him.
The bill Smith proposes is to ask the Federal Government for a loan to buy acres of land in his home
state for a national boy s camp. The loan
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The Bronies And The Boony Phenomenon
The brony phenomenon creates a sense of conviviality for several men by opposing the stringent
expectations established by our society. As the show was not intended for people in their age group,
the bronies have secured an unexpected camaraderie with each other in effect from being different
from what society anticipated and hence attempting to create a more permissive culture. Together
these grown men, stuck in Erikson s fifth stage of development, have trouble discovering a place for
themselves in our conservative society. Applied by our conventional society, austere expectations
prompt Bronies to be stuck in a state of role bewilderness. Acting like adolescents, Bronies are
discovering who they are, their passions, and inventing themselves ... Show more content on ...
The characters represent many things for the Bronies, such as honesty, kindness, generosity, and
loyalty thus giving much comfort to these flummoxed men. Since the ponies all depict a specific
character trait, the Bronies are able to picture themselves through the ponies. For typification, a young
man with Aspergers named Daniel can see himself through one of the stars of the show: Twilight
Sparkle. This pony is very intelligent, organized, kind, serious and anxious he saw himself in that
character. He felt a connection to that specific animated character. For people who have this
syndrome, it makes it much more difficult to interact in social situations, causing them to become
socially awkward. Instead of helping his condition, the cartoon impedes his condition. By projecting
¨themselves on another¨, the bronies are able to adopt ¨someone else´s value system¨ and thus, are able
to hide their inability to make an identity for one s self (Rochat, 729) and (Fleming, 9 11 ). There are
several Bronies worldwide who are in the same position Daniel is using the mechanism of
¨foreclosure¨ to cope with their identity crisis. This method allows for people to ¨assume an identity of
convenience¨ in order to ¨suppress the anxiety¨ that comes from the role confusion (Fleming, 9 11). By
doing so, the Bronies can achieve a temporary identity and detain any further physiological
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Goal Setting for Academic Success
29 November 2010 Goal Setting for Academic Success Goals are like road maps; they get a person
from one point to another. Goals provide the direction one needs to reach a destination. The best way
to get results is to plan for the future, but live one day at a time. Think about the future; how does one
define success? What makes one happy? What drives a person? What makes a person get out of bed in
the morning? Does success mean family, money, security, helping others, improving the environment,
solving problems, a career, or a degree? Whatever a student decides, the key to academic success is to
strengthen one s will to succeed and to do this one must set academic goals. The ... Show more content
on ...
By conditioning, the student will be able to follow this map created as if life depends on it because in
a way it does. This is the student s future and they should take it very seriously (Carter et al. 100).
Putting academic strategies into action is to achieve a desired goal. Prepare daily, weekly, monthly,
and yearly; action plans are your set of directions to achieve academic goals. Things to remember to
include in a plan of action is time management, which would include how much time is spent studying
everyday; where the student will study, who the student will study with, and how the student will
avoid distractions. Keeping assignments and important dates organized in a planner is very important.
The student will then be able to refer to it on a daily. A student must also take into consideration
negativity and how to avoid it, assuring that the short term goals are being met successfully. The
student should be encouraged even if they don t succeed at first to try again. The student may struggle
at first deciding and committing to academic goals, but that doesn t mean they can t go back and
revise academic plans. It s important to note that in the beginning of the post secondary experience;
academically the student should start out simple but be concise. If the student is undecided on a major
but still has to find classes to take, conquering the general
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The Death Penalty Should Be Enacted In Illinois Essay
The Death Penalty Should Be Enacted In Illinois Due to the recent releases of newly exonerated Death
Row inmates, individuals and organizations are calling for a moratorium a cooling off period for state
executions. The cases of just a few inmates makes it apparent that this would be a necessary step to
save innocent lives. After 17 years in prison, Illinois Death Row inmate Anthony Porter was released
from jail after a judge threw out his murder conviction following the introduction of new evidence.
This reversal of fortune came just two days before Porter was to be executed. As reported in USA
Today, Porter s release was the ... Show more content on ...
Michelle Stevens, a columnist for the Chicago Sun Times, reported that in 1998 Illinois State
Representative Coy Pugh (D Chicago) introduced a resolution calling for a bi partisan panel to study
the death penalty in Illinois. During the study all executions would be postponed. This proposal was
initially killed but revived following the recent releases. Yet, this call for a moratorium on the death
penalty is not the first time that state executions have been opposed. Throughout its history capital
punishment has been opposed on many premises. In discussion forums across the world many
individuals often cite deterrence of crime as a viable defense of capital punishment. However,
comprehensive studies, including the 1994 FBI Uniform crime Report, indicate that capital
punishment does not serve as a deterrent to crime. According to the American Civil Liberties Union,
the death penalty not only does not deter crime among states that have either abolished or instituted
the death penalty crime and murder rates have remained unchanged. Additionally, Eric Pooley of Time
magazine, in his research, reports that no proof exists to substantiate claims that capital punishment
discourages crime by anyone other than the criminals whom are executed. Glenn Lammi, of the
Washington Legal Foundation is quoted as saying that there are no convincing studies [connecting] the
death penalty and
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Non Surgical Hair Loss
Hair loss affects many men and women and in many cases is incurable and can have an effect on a
person s self esteem. While people can go the surgical route to transplant hair commonly referred to as
hair plugs, there may not be donor hair available. Waiting lists and the fact that the hair may be
rejected means thousands of dollars spent for nothing. Many places offer Non Surgical Hair Solutions
Arizona to help cover up the signs of hair loss and slow the progression. A variety of treatments is
available that fit both the budget and the type of hair loss a person has. For those whose hair loss is
due to medical reasons, find that they can choose a wig made of real hair custom fit to their head.
These wigs are hand crafted and use hair that
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Personal Narrative Of My Life
Personal Narrative One day in mid November, I thought that one of the worst days in my life had
come. I walked into my parent s room, and I found my mother rushing to gather things to go
somewhere. Curiously, I asked my mom where she was going, and why she was in such a rush. My
mom said, Julia was in a bad car accident on the way home from school and is headed to the hospital.
I m going up there to see if there is anything I can do to help. Immediately many questions came to
my mind, but I knew that it would be best to not ask until she was sure of the answers and had more
information. Julia was family to me, but not my blood. I have known her since I was born, and she has
always been around since. Her Aunt is my mother s best friend as well as my Godmother. She has
known Julia s family for over 30 years. I wasn t as close to Julia as I would ve liked to be, but I still
knew her very well. She was only 17 years old and it was her Senior year in high school. Since my
mom is a Pediatric nurse at Baptist, it was no surprise to me that my mom was going there to help. I
told her to update me as soon as she found out anything. After my mom left to go to the hospital, I sat
on the couch anxiously waiting for any information from her. Eventually my mom texted me saying
that she was in critical condition and in a coma. She also said that she had to be on a ventilator and
wasn t responding to anything. With that information, I knew that this was something very serious and
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The Mystery Of Jack London
Surviving the wilderness Imagine being in fifty degrees below zero weather trying to survive in the
Yukon. In the story the no named new comer is traveling throughout the freezing Yukon cold weather
when he was told not to. But he still went anyways to meet up with his friends. During the story he
met an Alaskan husky that tried to build a fire so many times; at this point he is over it. So he tries to
kill the dog to sink his hands in the dog s body. Luckily the man ends up losing control because he is
so cold, and ends up dieing. In the story To Build a Fire, Jack London uses naturalism to explain why
the protagonist s lack of knowledge about his surroundings leads to his death. Many things have
happened in Jack London s life. Jack ... Show more content on ...
When London was in Mexico he was diagnosed with dysentery and pleurisy. Then when he want to
California his illness recurred, he had kidney disease and on November 10th he passed a kidney stone.
On November 21st he was in pain and throwing up. The next day he died of an attack of
gastrointestinal uremia.( London, Jack, 1876 1916 ). It was unfortunate that London died but overall
he had a fine life. Now for the story, in the story the old timer from Sulphur Creek told the protagonist
not to go to the Yukon but he still went anyway. The man does not listen to what people tell him
because he thinks that he knows everything. He does not have any experience with the Northland
(Campbell). This just makes everything worse, the man did not listen and he has no experience. The
old timer from Sulphur Creek who is a prospector told the man to not travel to Klondike alone when it
it cold( Campbell ). Does this man know what he is doing? It is freezing cold, the man told him not to
go and if he did go do not go alone. Towards the end he starts to realize that the old timer knew what
he was talking about, That man from Sulphur creek had spoken the truth when telling how cold it
sometimes got in the country. And he had laughed at him at the time! That showed one must not be too
sure of things (London). The protagonist knows it all, until the man realizes the Yukon is just like the
older man said it was. Throughout the story the dog
... Get more on ...
San Bernardino California Research Paper
I grew up in san bernardino california I was born on March 10 2000.Not only did I grew up in san
bernardino but also my sisters did. A Lot of people believe that san bernardino is a bad place but for
me is my home. Yes there is a lot of crimes here but what city doesn t have crimes. Growing up in san
bernardino made me stronger I have seen a lot of bad things happen but I have also seen good things.
My father is from jerez zacatecas and my mother is from huajuapan de leon. My parents came here to
have a better life and then they met each other and had 3 girls. My sister are proud of where we grew
up. Growing up in san bernardino california has taught me a lot for example it has tough me to fight
for what I believe in. also that fear shouldn t ... Show more content on ...
I love that house we had so many memories in that house we group up there. I still remember my
room. My room was decorated as princesses. What I love the most about my house was that my house
was six blocks from my first elementary but once we move schools our house was only three block
away from juanita jones elementary. When I was in 5th grade I came home one day and my parents
and my neighbors had received a letter from the government saying that we had to move houses
because they were going to expand the freeway so my parent started to find other houses I was sad
about leaving I love that house I had so many memories. My house was next to a small liquor store
call Bob s market. My sisters and i would always go to Bob s market before we went to school he
would always give us free candy we still go and visit bob and his wife since our house is nearby but
we don t visit as much.
Since i grew up in san bernardino I experience a lot of things and I have seen a lot of things for
example one day long ago it was midnight and my sisters woke up hearing gunshots and baggins on
the door there was 3 men that were wearing mask and they were chasing another guy they left a mark
of a hole in my neighbors door. Also I have seen someone get shot cross my house it was scary but I
overcame that fear and I turn that fear into
... Get more on ...

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How To Write A Background Research Paper

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  • 2. Egg Freezing Research Paper Is Egg Freezing Really the Way to Halt Our Biological Clock? Trending in America, even amongst women in their twenties, is freezing our eggs really the answer to putting us in control of becoming mothers at a later stage in life? With clinics in the UK reporting up to a 400% increase in levels of interest, we have a look at whether this expensive procedure is the way forward. Egg Banking Advances: Vitrification is the preferred egg freezing method due to its ability to avoid the formation of ice crystals by reducing the temperature up to 600 times faster than previous, less successful processes. This recent advancement to the egg freezing process has brought the level of transfer rates equal to those of fresh eggs. Survival rates of fertilised, ... Show more content on ... In society today, it is not uncommon for females to spend their twenties and early thirties furthering their education and progressing in their profession and the ability to freeze their eggs can certainly take the pressure off the battle against the biological clock. Difficulties with the economic crisis have led to people reaching financial stability later than ever before. The rise in property prices and the increasing cost of living are reasons why the option of freezing eggs is becoming so popular. During our prime years, many females are struggling in rented accommodation, paying off student debts and lacking job security which means they feel unable to consider comfortably starting a family until years down the line. With more time being spent in work and education, it leaves less opportunity to find the perfect man to settle down with and have a family. Increasingly, women are using the option of freezing their eggs as a safety net, allowing them to give birth when their biological clock is telling them otherwise. This is also a common method for females who have their first baby at a mature age and are determined to have more than one. Egg freezing will increase the likeliness of this, even after they reach the ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Other Woman by Sherwood Anderson How does one know one is truly in love with another person? In the short story, The Other Woman by Sherwood Anderson, a man expresses his thoughts of the week before getting married to the narrator. In this week the man has been promoted for a position in government and been recognized for his poetry writing. Therefore, has been receiving a lot of recognition from people. With many different types of emotions happening at once in a week the man encounters with another woman. As the man is trying to tell his thought of what happened to him that week, one can see how the man is having trouble expressing himself. By Anderson portraying this man s thoughts in an unorganized matter he is illustrating the confusion of the man s feelings towards his fiancée. With the promotion and recognition for his poetry the man has been undergoing a lot of emotions. The narrator says, He felt like one floating in air. When he got into bed after seeing so many people and hearing so many words of praise his head whirled round and round. When he closed his eyes a crowd of people invaded his room. It seemed as though the minds of all the people of his city were centred on himself. The most absurd fancies took possession of him. The man was clearly not being his self that week. There were many emotions going through him that had him was feeling confused. He had been around so many people that he felt as if their ideologies and values were placed onto him. This passage clearly states that ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Lineage-Based Perspective With there being more than 50,000 species of vertebrates alone it is essential for all biology majors to have a working knowledge of the tree of life. The two perspectives for teaching zoology are the Linnean taxonomical and the Phylogenetic clade based perspective. The Linnean taxonomical perspective is a rank based hierarchy while the phylogenetic clade based perspective groups species by focusing a common ancestor and its descendants. In regards to teaching zoology there is more value in using the phylogenetic clade based perspective rather than the Linnean perspective because it allows students to organize the details of biodiversity with a more rational system. Phylogenetic taxonomy focuses on common ancestry and derived functional ... Show more content on ... For example; Coleoptera contains over three hundred thousand species while Primate contains roughly four hundred species including the human (Ballen, Cissy J., and Harry W. Greene). This lack of criteria is what causes the exclusion of taxonomic acknowledgment of major evolutionary innovations while inaccurately portraying history. It is also mentioned in Greene s more recent journal that the Linnean method fails at specifying clades based upon the origin of limbs in tetrapods and shelled egg amniotes. While it also, obscures the fact that crocodilians are more closely related to birds than they are to turtles, lizards, and snakes, which does not highlight many dramatic similarities between earlier archosaurs (Ballen, Cissy J., and Harry W. Greene). These two main concerns of omission and obscuration are why the phylogenetic clade based system is a far more valuable and beneficial methodology for teaching zoology. As it was mentioned previously, the phylogenetic clade based perspective only recognizes monophyletic taxa, which are those taxa derived from a common ancestor not shared with any other group. There is another argument being made that paraphyletic groups should not be included as units of study within a zoology course. Paraphyletic and monophyletic units of study both have their benefits and drawbacks however I believe that ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Financial Implications Of Gate Keeping Financial implications of gate keeping Gatekeeping is about the decisions made by journalists or media companies through policy; therefore, we must look at what influences those decisions. Gatekeeping as an idea has a number of factors that influence what information is presented and why (Soroka, 2012). Since finances is a key part of any business and there are still those who attempt to limit the audience s access to information online, and they do so for financial reasons (Taneja, 2013). The editors of small community media are more concerned about revenue than those at larger publications (Donhue, Olien, Tichenor). There is an argument that can be made that gate keeping decisions have traditionally been based on financial considerations (Tichenor, Donohue, Olien, Clarke, 1980; Soroka, 2012). Research has shown, at least some community media outlets, that editors make decisions about what to publish based upon some influence from the expectations their advertisers and fear of alienating the community and therefore the publication s subscribers (Tichenor, Donohue, Olien, Clarke, 1980). This is because community media cannot exist without advertisers (Kennedy, 1974); therefore, it would be counterintuitive to anger and alienate users. This leads to a situation where it can easily be conceived that the same economic factors would impact gatekeeping decisions on the web. The importance of community The term community is elastic and can mean many things ranging from ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Use Of Hippocampal Neurons On Memory Abstract: Optogenetics has been used to show that activating a specific ensemble of hippocampal neurons that contribute to a memory engram can erase or even alter a memory. The purpose of the study was to use optogenetics and the addition of an external stimuli to try and create a false memory. Neurons of mice were labeled with a light sensitive channel during the exploration of a safe room. Mice were then placed in a new room and given foot shocks while simultaneously using light pulses to activate the neurons that had been previously labeled in the safe room. After being placed back into the safe room, mice exhibited freezing responses. A false memory of fear was created in these mice as they demonstrated freezing behavior in the room in which they had not been shocked. Multiple methods have been used to manipulate neuronal pathways, and the fact that so many different methods already exist suggest a bright future for the discovery of a method that can be beneficial to humans. Understanding how the hippocampus functions is essential to understanding how psychological diseases affect memory, and this procedure has the potential to be a type of treatment. This study demonstrates how unreliable memories are, and how the complete manipulation of one can be accomplished simply by activating a specific neuronal population. Introduction: A major goal in neuroscience is to noninvasively, safely, and precisely be able to control specific neuronal populations. This ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Conformity In The Film Without My Daughter Refusing forced conformity can lead to consequences, and an individual can never conform to anything, without defecting another. The well known director Brian Gilbert conveyed and explored the theme of conformity in one of his memorable movies Without my daughter . The movie is extracted from a real life story of Betty Mahmoody and her daughter Mahtob Mahmoody. The storyline of the movie revolves around an American couple, the husband is from an Iranian background and he hasn t visited his home country for more than 10 years. The story progresses as they visit Iran and her husband; Moody steals her freedom and forces her to live with him and with his family in Iran. Thus, Betty and Mahtob are being forced to conform to the rules and regulations ... Show more content on ... His idea was conveyed and explored in many scenes of the movie. One of the scenes is when Moody s father wakes him up early every morning to perform the morning prayer that is unbreakable part of the muslim tradition. Techniques such as facial expressions, dialogue and the tone of voice are used to express this idea. When Betty in a sleepy tone asks her husband to stay in bed, You ve been getting up early every morning. Don t go. He replied to her angrily by saying; What s the matter with you? We re with my family. They re Sayyeds direct descendants of Mohammed. Of course, to a sophisticated American that must seem primitive. Betty s facial expression were filled with sadness and pure confusion as she couldn t identify the reason behind her husband s reaction and words. This shows that Moody was conforming to his family and religion, however he wasn t conforming to his old lifestyle in America. Also when Betty asked him to stay, she wasn t conforming to the Islamic religion and tradition. Again Gilbert achieved his goal clearly when he showed live evident of conformity in the movie, and this further extents the confirmation of the idea that an individual can never conform to anything, without defecting ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Native American Relations Dbq Over the course of the 17th century, the relationship between the English colonies and the Native Americans changed drastically. At first, there was a peaceful relationship and the two groups even helped each other out; but, as time passed, the relationship began to deteriorate and the two groups became hostile towards each other. One of the first relationships between the English colonists and the Native Americans was a peaceful one; the two groups tried to help each other with the resources they had. In Document 6, A Relation of the Indian War, it refers to some grievances that the Natives had. It says, [King Philip] constrained other Indians from ronging the English, and gave them Corn and shewed them how to plant. This example of peace goes all the way back to the early English colonization of Plymouth. The Natives offered a helping hand to the newly arrived English, who had very little. Since the Natives referenced an early sign of peace, Document 6 supports a peaceful relationship between the Natives and English colonists. Also, in Document 1, Proceedings of the Virginia House of Burgesses, it refers to how the English colonists are educating and converting some Native American children. It states, A certain number of the natives children to be educated by them in true religion and a civil course of life. This shows that the English colonists were being nice to the Natives. The Natives children were being educated and the English were spreading their ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Causes Of The Trail Of Tears This first hand account by John G Burnett, a member of the 2nd Regiment, 2nd Brigade, Mounted Infantry, written in 1890 as a letter to his children which paints a descriptive picture of the brutality of the Trail of Tears ( Two Accounts of the Trail of Tears ). The Trail of Tears was a tragic event, but was unavoidable due to the circumstances of the time. Many factors preceding the Trail of Tears are catalysts for the tragic event. Dubbed the Trail of Tears, the United States Army forced the Cherokee Indians from their home and made them move west of the Mississippi. There were people who were for the Trail of Tears and those who were not. Some factors which made the Trail of Tears inevitable was the growing population of America, the attitude of Americans toward natives, and the president of the time. The American people called for military and political action against the Indian tribes east of the Mississippi. President Andrew Jackson answered the call and on May 28, 1830 signed the Indian Removal Act ( Trail of Tears Timeline ). Although this act was only supposed to allow the negotiation of voluntary removal with the tribes, it made it inevitable for the Indian removal. After Jackson s victory in 1832 all tribe leaders agreed to the act. The Indian Removal Act was a catalyst for the abolishment of the traditional rights for the Indians. The Indians had only two options: assimilate and concede to United States law or leave their homeland. The five tribes most affected ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Debate On The Circus Acts That Were Called The 1st... After viewing the circus acts that were called the 1st presidential debate and the vice presidential debate that aired earlier in the month, my expectations for the 2nd debate were not too high. Unfortunately my even my low expectations were not met and I felt as though there was not a large enough improvement during this debate to have made any difference from the first one. While we saw some improvement in terms of candidate behavior, the rest of the debate was severely lacking in substance. Questions posed by the audience were shallow, then made even more so by the follow up questions from the moderators. On the topic of moderators, there appears to be a continuing theme of their lack of effectiveness that has carried throughout all of the debates including this one. Leading up to the 2nd debate we have seen the results of having two candidates with political views on complete opposite poles and personalities to match. The events of the first debate can easily be described as throwing water into a pot of hot oil and just watching it happen. Throughout the debate we had seen Donald Trump repeatedly interrupt and attempt to interject as Hillary Clinton was speaking in an effort to defend himself. However this interruptions were more of a nuisance, especially due to most of them being composed of the words no and not true . Fortunately for the sake of everyone watching the debate, Trump learned to better control his interruptions and was largely silent while it was ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Winston Smith From Spongebob Squarepants Intro Essay I am sure that everyone, at least once, has compared themselves to a character from their favorite literary work or movie. Oftentimes parallels can be, and are drawn between the audience members and the characters on the page or screen. Other times people contrast themselves to characters, pointing out the stark differences between their real world lives and the high adventure thrills of the life of the character in question. In this essay,I will compare myself to the personalities of Winston Smith from 1984, putting focus on our shared inquisitive and skeptical nature, as well as that of Spongebob Squarepants, with his cheerful disposition and sense of childlike wonder. And finally, I will be comparing myself with Russell, the kid from UP. ... Show more content on ... As the book progresses we see Winston gradually growing more and more doubtful that his dystopian environment is the way things should be. He is seen searching for the truth and is always weary about what may lie ahead. Although I do not ask questions on the same grand scale as Winston, I do have a naturally inquisitive, and somewhat skeptical nature. I find myself interested in the most abstract and bizarre concepts, sometimes relating to the possibility of time travel through quantum particles, and other times something as trivial as movie trivia. Despite my desire to learn new concepts and ideas, I can often times lose interest in things I have trouble understanding. This is where I believe Winston and I share some common ground. We are both incredibly curious and at the same time held back by skepticism of the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Speech Distracting Essay In the informative speech, I didn t many things that were admired and distracting during the speech, and I hope to improve on those distracting interrupting acts on my next speech. During the speech, I did some items that were a little distracting through the speech. As I watched my speech I noticed I had some awkward pauses, bad transitions, some um s, and a little stuttering throughout the speech. If you look at the speech I tend to stutter which is a little distracting. Talking about the festival Diwali I talk about Rangoli and its colored pattern I stutter and forget what I am explaining. Another thing I could improve on is my transitions when hearing the speech, the transitions are a little rough and not as smooth. During the transition when I switch from talking about the celebrations to the language I say, with all these celebrations it tends to bring many religions and languages together doesn t really make sense and could be spoken a little smoother. Stuttering is also a part of the speech I did during the speech which distracting. Throughout the speech, I stutter during different parts and one of those parts being when I am talking about the different traditions when eating Indian food. I say, some of the traditions when people eat in India are well we all we eat on our hands, which is a little annoying. During the speech, I also said um s during the speech. When citing my source on languages I said some ums, repeating the citation from the notecard. During the speech I had a little tough time with stuttering at moments, saying some um s, bad transitions, and some pauses in the future I tend to improve it for the next speech. During the speech, I was also a good speaker in many ways. I had a good voice projection, my hand moment was consistent, I was always facing the audience and held eye contact, and had facial expressions to emphasize the importance of a topic. Right off the bat when I was explaining my citation saying According to the U.S Census Bureau there are alone 5.7% Asian s in the United States, I was pointing my hands to make sure everyone was paying attention to the numbers. Another thing I did well during the speech was, that I kept eye contact with everyone during the speech ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Acids And Its Effect On The Wine Industry I know that the topic of acids in wines have been discussed many times in our wine circles. It is important to realize that both good and bad acids exist in the wines that we drink. Let s look at acids in wines and their effects on the final product that we all enjoy so much. The relative amounts of tartaric and malic acids vary depending on the grape variety and on where the grapes are grown. For example, in Burgundy, the Chardonnay has a lower concentration of malic acid than a Chardonnay grown in the Napa Valley of California. Both tartaric and malic acids are nonvolatile which means that they do not evaporate or boil off when wine is heated. An example of a Volatile acid in wine is acetic acid (vinegar). Acetic acid does boil off when heated, and is undesirable in wine. Volatile acidity of 0.03 0.06% is produced during fermentation and is considered a normal level. Tartaric and malic acids are produced by grapes as they develop. In warm climates, these acids are lost through the biochemical process of respiration. Grapes grown in warmer climates have lower acidity than grapes grown in cooler environments For example, Chablis (France) produces grapes with high acid because the climate is very cool, while Napa Valley produces grapes with lower acidity because the climate is warmer. Sugar production in a cold verses warm climates is completely opposite of acid production. The warmer the climate the higher the sugar content of the grapes. Australia verses ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Sound of Waves Sound of Waves Test Answer each of the following questions thoroughly. I will be grading on thoughtfulness and how well you explain your answer. For the factual questions, you just need to get it correct. This first section does not need as much explanation, you may give a short response. Why was Shinji s mother angry when she first received Hiroshi s post card? She was angry because Hiroshi had sent her an expensive post card, and she said kids these days don t know the value of money. What kind of job does Shinji s mother do? What is the name of Shinji s boat? Where is the setting? it takes place after the war, on an island called Uta jima. Why does the mom cry when Shinji reads the letter from his brother? Shinji s ... Show more content on ... What does it mean to have get up and go ? get up and go means to not be so hesitant and quickly go for the gold. to act quickly and boldly, be brave, but not stupid. if you can do that you can achieve things that other people wish they could. How does social class affect the way that people see each other? social class makes the upper class think they are better than us and rich, and lower class makes people feel down and poor. social class affects us a lot. social class is like racism. we think differently of each other. Shinji is a low class, while Hatsue is of High class but both yet seem to find ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Compare And Contrast Tenochtitlan And Popocatepetl Tenochtitlan and Popocatepetl and IxtlaccihuatI are two very similar stories. They have a lot in common but not everything is the same. Somethings are different about these stories. Tenochtitlan and Popocatepetl Ixtlaccihuatl can be different like there being no kings. Somethings are the same like the environment. Tenochtitlan and Popocatepetl Ixtlaccihuatl have some similarities in their stories (as mentioned in the beginning). They have similar environments, like the wild and the grass mountains. They also have similar lifestyles like hunting and farming. They both had lots of warriors to fight their wars. They were also very victorious in their ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Examples Of Diversity In The Novel By Esme Throughout the book, there are several examples of Esme demonstrating diversity. Two specific examples that stood out was when, Esme taught her class how to thread needles. (pg. 68) Including the boys in her class, who initially were not excited about it. Mainly because it was an activity that was more related to girls doing it. This is an example of diversity because she is showing them that the stigma revolving around girls or boys only activities, do not have to be that way. And it is not a bad thing if girls do boy activities and if boys do girl activities. The second example of diversity in the novel is when, Esme was given a sari by one of her students. (pg. 148) Esme wore the sari showing her students that there is nothing wrong with ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Technology And The Rights Of A State Of Emergency Technology and the rights that are written in the constitution is a privilege that people must not take advantage of in order for them to keep on having it for their life time. For those people who step out of that line that is draw and cause issue for others. Then society has every right to protect its self from those kind of induvial. Such as cause problems like potentially dangerous leaks that may force other in direct path of harm way or if people miss use them like Tools for communication, tools for oppression, or causing the Shutdown of communication in free countries. For the purpose of, Shutting down communication in free countries was one of the things that I learned in way that I have better understanding why some governments go down that route in order to protect people from them self and others. For example, the government dose of power to take way people rights in a state of emergency including the freedom of speech where people can say whatever they want without causing harm to individuals. However, if a person or people do beyond want is considered rational and society is in jeopardy of crashing down. The government can become a ruler or powerfully entity by putting in Marshall Law that basically means place of residence or country is on lock down and the government is full control that area and peoples actions. However, technology and communication has brought a new spin on how people take out their frustrations and talk about in way that is some ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Advantages Of Halal Products 1.0 INTRODUCTION Halal is the word from an Arabic phrase which means lawful or permitted as prescribed by Islamic Law. A quote in a Hadith was stated that Your practice of faith will not be correct unless your actions are correct which means may consider as a basic Islamic rule that controls many of Muslim s behaviors. Quran and Hadith are the main sources of Muslim in their action and intention in daily life to different behaviors including the Muslim s behaviors towards accepting Halal products in the Islamic concept and rule. Malaysia Department of Islamic Development (JAKIM) is one of the authorities that responsible to approve any product that would be produce from manufacturer as a halal product. Manufacturers will get the Halal certificate ... Show more content on ... The market of Halal products are very huge that can be expand in worldwide because if the bigger population of Muslim in worldwide, the demand for the Halal products is increase as well. Halal products are not only for halal in foods consuming, it also needed in other consumer goods that refer to cosmetic products, clothing and equipment. Cosmetics are the superficial measures to make something appear better, more attractive, or more impressive when to be look for the other people. The uses of cosmetics products can be enhance peoples to be more confident to confront with the public in any field of works. That are very important the Halal cosmetics should be ready in the market for Muslim consumers for the safety. Furthermore, for the Muslims, there is a need to carry out their transactions in accordance with the rules and principles of Islam because the vector of commodities which a non Muslim consumer may be able to choose from is quite different from that of a Muslim consumer, even if all elements of goods and services were available (Metwally, 1997). This is because Islam prohibits Muslim in certain commodities or indulging in some activities such as consuming alcohol, pork, and gamble. In the Holy Quran was ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Federal Budget Process Essay Running head: The Federal Budget Process The Federal Budget Process Abstract This report focuses on the federal budget process of the United States of America. The annual federal budget begins with a detailed proposal from the President in February. The budget request is developed by the President s Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Next, Congress creates a blueprint called a budget resolution that sets limits on how much each committee can spend (or reduce revenues) over the course of the year. The terms of the budget resolution are then enforced against individual appropriations, entitlement bills, and tax bills on the House and Senate floors. In addition, Congress sometimes uses a special procedure called ... Show more content on ... Second, the president uses the budget request to lay out his relative priorities for federal programs (Myers, et al, 1989; Policy Basics, 2011). The President s budget is very specific, and recommends funding levels for individual federal programs or small groups of programs called budget accounts. The budget typically sketches out fiscal policy and budget priorities not only for the year but for the next five years or more. It is also accompanied by historical tables that set our past budget figures (Policy Basics, 2011 Para 4). The third role that the President s budget plays is that it can be used to alert Congress of what spending and tax policy changes the President recommends. It is not necessary for the President to propose legislative changes for those parts of the budget that are governed by permanent law if he feels none are needed (Policy Basics, 2011). Majority of the federal tax code is set in permanent law, and will not expire. Similarly, more than one half of federal spending including the three largest entitlement programs (Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security) is also permanently enacted. Interest paid on the national debt is also paid automatically, with no need for specific legislation. (There is, however, a ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Our Insistence Upon Resistance Our Insistence upon Resistance I believe it is better to do what pleases the real you before doing what would please a hypothetical other. Subsequently, the act of resistance that I most identify with out of the novels we have read is in Alif the Unseen, with the choice of Dina to reject what she is supposed to do, and dress as she pleases. Her decision to wear the Niqab as an expression of her devotion to sainthood, despite the fact that it would make her worth less to others is a powerful one. Unlike Intisar, who veiled herself elaborately as a mark of high class, Dina chose to do so to resist her expected role as the bare faced, underpaid ornament to someone s office or nursery, and create for herself a world that she finds beautiful (30). This relates to my life in how I reject the obligation to always dress in a way that is expected of my gender, and instead present myself in a way that pleases me, even if to others it may make me less valuable. When I came to college, I wore my hair in long, caramel ringlets, often with a faux rose clipped in the front. Within a few months, I donned a brushed back undercut, frequently accompanied by my favorite button down and bow tie. I worked out as I had before; although now my goal was to become stronger, not thinner. Soon, as many college students do, I became the proud owner of a permanent piece of body art. As I entered my journey to independence, I resisted the presentation of myself I felt obligated to adhere to in my ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Ideo MEMORANDUM TO: Dennis Boyle, Senior Project Leader and Studio Manager SUBJECT: Visor product, Handspring Executive Summary Handspring, the client, is asking IDEO to design Visor product in approximately 10 months. The design needs to be fully compatible and less expensive version of Palm V, development of which took two years. Such short development time would require IDEO to compromise on its proven development process and sacrifice the emphasis on innovation. Further more, Visor needs to be superior to Palm V with an ability to allow adding new functionality easily. Handspring is also making assumptions about the audience of Visor and audience s price as well as feature preferences, primarily due to its consideration of Visor as ... Show more content on ... (refer exhibit B:TWOS analysis) Exhibit A: 4 C s Analysis From a product management perspective, we decided to look at the 4C s: Category, Competition, Customer, and Context. Category: Handheld devices are clearly in aggressive growth stage. Products in this category are likely to face some competitive pressure. However since the category itself is growing, Handspring can grab market share without head on competition with current players. This opportunity may not be present once the Category reaches maturity stage. Hence, it may be a bad idea to delay the product launch, for designing an ideal product. Handspring will be better served by putting a functional product early on than, ideal product much later. It can be argued that handheld devices market is on the Chasm stage, as explained by Gordon Moore . Handspring s plug in modules can be an innovative feature which can accelerate adoption of handheld devices by masses. However, the currently proposed feature may not significant enough to be a disruptive innovation. IDEO s time tested development process may help Handspring to develop a truly innovative product. By reducing the product development time, Handspring will be loosing many of the benefits bought on by IDEO. Competition: Palm V with its 350USD price and sleek Lithium battery is aiming for ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Why Is Emergency Services Important Why is emergency services are important? They are important to me because they help, care, and serve for the citizens in their township. Police, ambulance, and firefighters help their community by risking their lives to save ours. Emergency services may help us by saving our lives, but they also help our lives by everyday activities. Emergency services help us by volunteering in their communities. Police, firefighters, and ambulances are hard jobs. Firefighters risk their lives by going into fires. Ambulances have the burden on their shoulder because another life is on their hands. Police have the job to protect their community by keeping everything at peace. Emergency services help their communities me by making them stronger ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Double Self Portrait By Frida Kahlo On first impression, The Two Fridas(1939) by Frida Kahlo, is an image that appears grim and sad, with a gloomy atmosphere, set by the background, and a gruesome imagery seen through the open, bloody hearts. The double self portrait is an oil and canvas image of a European and Mexican Frida. The European Frida s dress is covered in blood from a cut heart vein, and both the women s hearts are exposed, with European Frida s appearing broken. The two figures are sat in the foreground of the image, with a woven bench beneath them and a stormy, grey sky as the background. The image doesn t have a very distinct appearance of being three dimensional, through its lack of depth. Though the figures still appear closer to the audience then then other ... Show more content on ... There is a repetition of shape throughout the white lace located on the European Frida s dress, and more natural flower shaped images repeated along the hem of her dress. The cloud shaped objects in the sky create an atmosphere of stormy times and gloomy days. There is a strong contrast in colour between the two Frida s. The one on the right has bright colours blue and yellow, complimentary colours, adorning her traditional clothing, where else the European Frida appears dressed in a more monochromatic outfit with sprinkles of contrasting colour, through the red of her blood and other earth tones of the flowers. Her representation of colours used, have a variety of meanings, ranging from the blue meaning distance from her husband, but a continued tenderness towards him, and the yellow showing signs of her madness sickness and fear. Most of which hold a negative connotation which is emphasised throughout the piece. Though the piece holds a sombre atmosphere to the piece, the artwork does not appear to have a very cold palette. There are a few warm colours that contrast with the icy grey tones of the clouds. But otherwise the piece has a warmer tint, emphasised especially through the warm tone of Kahlo s skin. Tone is seen throughout the piece, especially in the face, through the created depth, in darkening several areas for the purpose to make some aspects appear to be closer to the view than other. Like the nose for instance. Due to the shadow added to the right of the ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Old Tradition In The Lottery By Shirley Jackson The Lottery a short story by Shirley Jackson, features a small town during the time of their lottery. The lottery is an annual event, organized by Mr. Summers. It is a highly important time, as the whole town comes to the town square on the day of the lottery. The guidelines are quite simple: everyone takes a slip of paper out of the symbolic black box, and the slip of paper with the black mark carved on it, is the lucky winner . But their definition of the lottery is different一usually, a lottery is a valuable thing to win. But when Tessie Hutchinson, the lucky winner gets her reward by getting stoned to death by the rest of the villagers, it is clear that winning this lottery can t be a good affair... So what is the purpose of this lottery? Rather than discontinuing the lottery, the town continues with it because they don t want to upset an old tradition. Already, it is clear that the lottery is especially old. Old Man Warner, the oldest man in town, proves that the lottery is an old tradition: Seventy seventh year I been in the lottery, Old Man Warner said as he went through the crowd. Seventy seventh time (p.23, lines 280 282) . 77 years is a long time for a tradition to be going on. This line of text undoubtedly shows how old the lottery must be if Old Man Warner, the oldest man in town remembers participating in the lottery for 77 years. Another example is on page 16, and lines 93 96: Because so much of the ritual had been forgotten or ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Oral Tradition Paper It was the intention of this paper to situate The Oral Tradition Workshop for Educators and other intercultural programs in Esmeraldas into the greater context of intercultural educational programs globally. First, it aimed to illustrate that intercultural education is often a response to long standing historical, political, and economic marginalization of one group by the dominate culture. For Afro Ecuadorians, as in the cases of Europe and Latin America, the focus on intercultural education emerged as a response to historical marginalization after the amendment to the constitution in 1998 calling for expanded collective rights of indigenous groups and Afro Ecuadorian. At the heart of intercultural education programs is the assumption that the school and its key actors (students, educators, administrators) play a critical role in eradicating inequality and negotiating spaces between cultures (Aikman, 1997). This belief is evident in all of the cases presented in the paper as well as the intercultural education programs in ... Show more content on ... These policies have left Afro Ecuadorians disproportionally poorer and less educated than other groups in Ecuador. Thus, policy leaders intended to improve these conditions through inclusive education policies that recognize the significance of the contributions of Afro Ecuadorians in the national discourse. The TTOA workshop is an example of this initiative. The decision to use the TTOA workshop to explore the development of intercultural programs in the region is due to the fact that, in many ways, the program is a replica of other intercultural education initiatives in the region. First, Juan Garcia, a pioneer of Afro Ecuadorian educational programs, created it. It also aimed to emphasize the historically, political, and economic significance of Afro Ecuadorians in the larger context of ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Definition Essay On My Hero A Hero, a person of distinguished courage or ability, admired for brave deeds and noble qualities. According to But what is your definition? A hero is someone who inspires others to be their best.someone who pushes themselves, who is involved in their community, who encourages My hero is the kid from down the street who plays baseball all day. Across the country, from state to state you could literally say my hero chased his dreams until they became reality and I was his biggest fan throughout this journey. My hero began playing baseball at a young age.Always traveling on the go to huge tournaments all over the country,it was his dream to play college baseball from the start. Nonstop training,he could never put his ball down. I remember watching this for hours at a time just throwing his ball up against the brick wall and feild it as it ricocheted back at him over and over, he did this just to have quick hands and be able to field the ball cleanly. By all means this is the dedication I hope to have as much as he did.The older he got, the harder he worked watching him always on the go to trainers and practices or just to the batting cage for a few swings. Therefore, after all the ... Show more content on ... He s that kid who you always see in the gym. Being my best everyday is something my hero pushes me to do. I am very thankful for his support and his encouraging points that make me the athlete i am and the athlete i hope to become. Going to the gym every day to not just work on his own skill, but also others make him very influential in my life. My hero wants me to be the best i can be by giving me pep talks before my games. This helps me to know what to strive to do that game! He makes me strive to be my best in every way. Not just in the gym but also in school. My hero inspires me to do well in school just like he does. He is in some of the highest courses at the High School and that makes me want to follow directly in this ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Analyzing Two Different Women Analyzing two different women And do not retain them (i.e. women) in wedlock against their will in order to hurt them. He who does such a thing indeed sins against himself. And do not take the signs of God lightly... ( Baqarah, 231). Allah means in the Qur an that, a man who is not treating his wife good and disrespects her by ignoring Allah s words in the Qur an, shall be destined to go to hill. Holy Qur an provides guidance for cases when it is the wife who thinks that she is being mistreated and feels unhappy about her marriage. In the past years,women were treated differently, for example in the 19th century, womens had no right. At one time, wedded ladies in the US could not make wills, be the guardian of their youngsters, earn ... Show more content on ... This essay will analyze the situation of women that are mirrored in The Story of an Hour and Hills Like White Elephants. The Story of an Hour, where it mostly talks about Mrs. Mallard. A clever, free lady, Louise Mallard comprehends the right route for ladies to carry on. However, her inward contemplations and sentiments are anything besides right. When her sister announces the news that Brently, Mrs. Mallard husband , has died, Louise shouts drastically as opposed to feeling numb, as she knows numerous other ladies who would feel hopelessly sad. Her fierce response promptly demonstrates that she is an enthusiastic, decisive lady. She realizes that she would cry for Brently and anticipate future without him. Yet, when she is out of others sight, her private musings are of her own life. Louise experienced a heart issue, which shows the degree to which she feels that marriage has persecuted her. Mrs. Mallard has this issue because her enthusiastic mentality was trapped in her marriage with Bently. In the hour amid which Louise accepts Brently s death, her heart thumps unequivocally without a doubt, Louise feels her new freedom physically. Alone in her room, her heart races, and her entire body feels warm. She spreads her arms open, typically respecting her new life , (last name, year p,82). Free! Body and soul free! , (last name 82) she kept whispering to herself, an announcement that demonstrates the excutment of her new autonomy. Nevertheless, her ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Bible Is Not A Book Of Religion The Bible is not a book of religions or rituals. Rather, the Bible is a library of 66 books 39 of which are known as the Old Testament and 27 books referred to as the New Testament that reveals God s divine plan of redemption, reconciliation, salvation, restoration and renewal of the whole world. The Bible can be read as a great literature, or as a history of Israel, or as a source of theological information. Though it is all of these things, none of them does full justice to Scripture as being authoritative. God has all authority, and we accept the Bible as the primary authority by which God communicates to us what He wants us to believe and to do. N.T. Wright s book theorizes that Scripture is authoritative in that the authority of ... Show more content on ... In doing so, we can discover that final authority is not in and of scripture itself but of the Triune God who is the Author of scripture. The second obstacle to consider is that many have dismissed scripture as a book of Israelitic Christian stories. Wright contends that these stories are told to inform us of internal dynamics of the past so as to engage us in the present for transformation into Christ likeness. (p.25). Thirdly, Wright asserts that the question of scripture s authority should not be viewed as a list of rules where God condescends to man. Rather, scripture should be received as God s purpose to save and renew the entire world by authorizing the church God s agent in the world with His mission through the work of the Holy Spirit. Thus, it is imperative that biblical scholars see the role of scripture not simply as being [informative about or revelatory of God s truth] but as a means of God s action in and through us. (p.28) Generally, most biblical scholars agree that scripture s authority is found in the sovereign God Himself; but their doctrinal positions differ from that point. Wisely enough, Wright avoids the locked suitcase melee on biblical inerrancy or biblical infallibility. Instead, he focused on God s purpose for scripture and why it is demonstrably authoritative. Scriptures are not merely human books or collections of human opinion; they are books which contain God s revelation of ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Analysis of Joesph J. Ellis´ American Creation Essay Joseph J. Ellis the author of American Creation which turns out to be a national best seller who wrote other book such as His Excellency, founding brother, American Sphinx, Passionate sage, after the revolution, and school for soldiers. What the author does that make this book a very unique book is he give us a brief back around of American coming to life after multiple attempt to set up a government. He tells us how we use much different culture to build our government from deciding if we should have a dictatorship like in England or not but have a democracy like the Romans. Joseph makes important arguments which could not be resolved at the time we were building the Constitution, of how we should governing a long term argument over the ... Show more content on ... He had to quickly give up on the whole illusion that we still have a chance at treasures of their day which plays later plays a major role in the US today that we no longer fight for freedom but we fight to hold peace and to protect our self but back then during the revolution people we fighting for a chance at making a new country and that our liberty will always defeat enemy that fight for just money or glory. Joseph shows that George Washington had come to realize that he had to quickly give up the idea that he will always have army and that he will have soldier that from other countries and different state like Massachusetts or Maryland . He tells us how that many of those people would end up soldiers who would joined them to help them through the war and would be a military that would be discipline but at the same time as violation which they understood that they would have to be in order to win each of their individual liberty. He tells us how Washington was in the British military and was train by them but he also did training by himself which would have a side effect of his training. It would cause Washington to avoid major battles but it will ultimately turn out that this will resort in his successful. My understanding of the from reading these page that Washington didn t fight for independence but fought for independence but what happens we know that he did not fight his battle alone from basic knowledge we know that Washington ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Impact Of The Proclamation Of 1763 The day was October 7th 1763. The air was cold in Britain, and what happened in Britain that day changed the course of history. King George III issued the Proclamation of 1763. This all started because of the French and Indian war. The French and Indian war was a war fought between the British and France who had the Native Americans on their side. It was Britain versus the rest of North America. It was a grueling war, but Britain eventually prevailed. After this war, the King created the Proclamation of 1763. After the French and Indian war, the relationship between the American colonists and Britain was strained because Britain took away their land, the colonists didn t like the Proclamation of 1763, and Britain had listened to the Native Americans over the Colonists. The relationship between the colonists and Britain was strained because Britain took away their land. According to Document A, the American colonists had gained a lot more land after the French and Indian war. But, the Proclamation of 1763 took all of it away and they had the same land they started with. I think everyone would be very mad if someone took away something you had just got. The colonists had worked hard for that land. They had lost lives the same as the British, but then British took that land away from the colonists and had reserved it for the Indians. The colonists had died for that land. Fathers, brothers, sons, had all died in that war and their mourning families were barred from ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Drug Policy And Efforts Of Control Substance Abuse Drug policy and efforts to control substance abuse have resulted in human rights violations in many countries. 27 million people were problem drug users in 2013 (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2013), representing a vulnerable and marginalised group (Petty, 2012). The need for human rights to be at the forefront of any debate, policy or legislation regarding the war on drugs is heightened by human rights abuses resulting from such action namely torture and ill treatment by police, extrajudicial killings, arbitrary detention, and denial of essential medicines and basic health services (Human Rights Watch, 2009). The term drug user can be interpreted in the context of law, culture and science, making the enactment of effective, harm preventative legislation difficult. However, evidence of a lack of acknowledgement of fundamental human rights in drug reform has lead to such rights violations, often stemming from the belief that drug addicts are incapable of self governance and determination... extreme measurers are necessary to save them from themselves (Petty, 2012). This essay will discuss human rights theories and mechanisms in relation to drug reform and its associated violations of human rights. The right to life, liberty, and health and equality before the law, as addressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), are perhaps the most fundamental rights that have been compromised by drug policy and reform. The INPUD (International Network ... Get more on ...
  • 32. History Of Disneyland In 1955 when Disneyland opened you had to pay a fee to get into the park plus buy tickets for the rides. The fee was $1.00 to get in and the rides were priced form 10 cents to 75 cents. There was another option that you could pay for the fee and 8 rides for $2.50. This was the first time a fee had been charged to just get into a park but Walt did this for a good reason as this wasn t just an amusement park but this pacifically designed to give an magical experience to people of all ages. After three months of the park being open A day at Disneyland came out. This was where you had the fee to get into the park as well as 10 rides was all included in one price. They had a system where they used letters A through to E . This categorised ... Get more on ...
  • 33. How Collective Bargaining Agreements Effect The Players... Most people around the world enjoy sporting events. These events are considered great entertainment options. So what does professional baseball, football, basketball, and most other companies around the United States have in common? If you guessed Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA), Unions, arbitration and strikes/work stoppages you are absolutely correct. In the coming paragraphs, labor relations within the world of sports will be discussed from their unions to how collective bargaining agreements effect both the players and the owners. What is a Collective Bargaining Agreement? CBA is a written and signed document between a company and a labor organization specifying the terms and conditions of employment for a specified period of time. The written agreement is then a contract between the employer and the employees. Collective bargaining is a continuous process, beginning with the negotiation of a contract through the entirety of the contract with almost daily interpretation and administration of its provisions. Collective bargaining and unions have had a considerable effect on fans through professional sports. Because of these contract negotiations, athletes in recent years have benefited from an increasing share of ticket and television profits. Collective bargaining has resulted in strikes and lockouts and has disrupted several seasons through cancellation of games or even ending a season. The televising of sporting events has become the largest source of revenue ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Hard Life of the Amazon Essay Almost every inhabitant of the Colombian Amazon has an interesting story to tell about their home, which is one of the most amazing places in the world. The Amazon provides survival experiences, exotic food, extreme recreation, and a unique livelihood to all those who have lived there. However, the character and future of many has also been shaped by a context of poverty, harsh violence, restricted opportunities, geographical disparities and gender inequity. Almost everyone who has loved and lived under the magic of the Amazon has also lost loved ones. Many have died there, either by direct armed conflict or by the weakness of the State regarding law enforcement and insufficient ability of services to meet basic needs. I was raised in one ... Show more content on ... This environmental and social context has always encouraged me to better myself, the members of my family, and the rest of the society that dwells in there. Obtaining my undergraduate degree in Microbiology and my master s degree in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics allowed me to work for nearly eight years in public goals oriented to sustainability in the Amazon Region. In my professional experience I noticed that we are losing the fight against environmental degradation, despite the efforts of Colombian institutions inspired by the Rio de Janeiro Convention. My experiences in life, along with my academic and professional background, have enlightened my pathway to earn a PhD degree and become a pioneer for women in the Colombian Amazon region to reach a doctoral degree. I studied Microbiology not only because of my great interest in this field but also because of its applicability to conservation of the Amazonian biodiversity. This formation in an experimental science gave me tools for understanding the rules of life and the ecological principles. Due to limited opportunities to find a job in microbiology, I switched to applied economics. I found this field very useful for my region and saw opportunities to research in a social science, another equally important field for conservation. During my formation many courses caught my attention and expanded my analytical skills. In particular, Welfare Economics, Agricultural ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Loyalty In Plato s Symposium One type of love that is brought up by many speakers in Plato s Symposium is that of an older man, around thirty, and a much younger boy, around thirteen. This love is rare in today s society, but all of the speakers present feel the need to defend this pederasty, proving the increased role that this love played in their society. Although this love was more common during the time of the Symposium, there are similar types of relationships still occurring. Not all of these modern relationships include sex as the old relationships did, but they still have the exchange of virtue and wisdom that the past relationships did. Many of the speakers address the issue of pederasty directly, and others do so indirectly through inferences and conclusions. During the course of Pausanias speech, the topic of pederasty is directly brought up, where he states one ... Show more content on ... 21). This would lead one to believe that the laws against pederasty prohibit couples from marrying and living together, which if given the opportunity could lower the amount of disgrace among couples as the men and boys would be more likely to stay together. These type of laws which regulate the types of love that are allowed, are often controversial especially since they could not even say what they want to get for themselves from one another (p. 21). Since these pederast relationships do not contribute to the advancement of the race through procreation, the polis may see no reason to allow them to continue. To the people involved in the relationship, they are looking for and wondrously struck with friendship, attachment, and love, and are unwilling to be apart from one another even for a short amount of time (p. ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Analysis Of Mr Smith Goes To Washington Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is an American political drama/ comedy film directed by Frank Capra in 1939. The movie is about a young U.S. senator who fights for his innocence in America s corrupt political system. The main character is Jefferson Smith, the newly appointed senator. Smith is the head of the boy rangers in town and is appointed by Jim Taylor, the political boss of the state governor Hubert Hopper. Senator Smith is looked after by Senior senator Joseph Paine, an old friend of Smith s father. Senator Paine tells Smith to propose a bill, and lends his secretary Clarissa Saunders to aid him. The bill Smith proposes is to ask the Federal Government for a loan to buy acres of land in his home state for a national boy s camp. The loan ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Bronies And The Boony Phenomenon The brony phenomenon creates a sense of conviviality for several men by opposing the stringent expectations established by our society. As the show was not intended for people in their age group, the bronies have secured an unexpected camaraderie with each other in effect from being different from what society anticipated and hence attempting to create a more permissive culture. Together these grown men, stuck in Erikson s fifth stage of development, have trouble discovering a place for themselves in our conservative society. Applied by our conventional society, austere expectations prompt Bronies to be stuck in a state of role bewilderness. Acting like adolescents, Bronies are discovering who they are, their passions, and inventing themselves ... Show more content on ... The characters represent many things for the Bronies, such as honesty, kindness, generosity, and loyalty thus giving much comfort to these flummoxed men. Since the ponies all depict a specific character trait, the Bronies are able to picture themselves through the ponies. For typification, a young man with Aspergers named Daniel can see himself through one of the stars of the show: Twilight Sparkle. This pony is very intelligent, organized, kind, serious and anxious he saw himself in that character. He felt a connection to that specific animated character. For people who have this syndrome, it makes it much more difficult to interact in social situations, causing them to become socially awkward. Instead of helping his condition, the cartoon impedes his condition. By projecting ¨themselves on another¨, the bronies are able to adopt ¨someone else´s value system¨ and thus, are able to hide their inability to make an identity for one s self (Rochat, 729) and (Fleming, 9 11 ). There are several Bronies worldwide who are in the same position Daniel is using the mechanism of ¨foreclosure¨ to cope with their identity crisis. This method allows for people to ¨assume an identity of convenience¨ in order to ¨suppress the anxiety¨ that comes from the role confusion (Fleming, 9 11). By doing so, the Bronies can achieve a temporary identity and detain any further physiological ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Goal Setting for Academic Success 29 November 2010 Goal Setting for Academic Success Goals are like road maps; they get a person from one point to another. Goals provide the direction one needs to reach a destination. The best way to get results is to plan for the future, but live one day at a time. Think about the future; how does one define success? What makes one happy? What drives a person? What makes a person get out of bed in the morning? Does success mean family, money, security, helping others, improving the environment, solving problems, a career, or a degree? Whatever a student decides, the key to academic success is to strengthen one s will to succeed and to do this one must set academic goals. The ... Show more content on ... By conditioning, the student will be able to follow this map created as if life depends on it because in a way it does. This is the student s future and they should take it very seriously (Carter et al. 100). Putting academic strategies into action is to achieve a desired goal. Prepare daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly; action plans are your set of directions to achieve academic goals. Things to remember to include in a plan of action is time management, which would include how much time is spent studying everyday; where the student will study, who the student will study with, and how the student will avoid distractions. Keeping assignments and important dates organized in a planner is very important. The student will then be able to refer to it on a daily. A student must also take into consideration negativity and how to avoid it, assuring that the short term goals are being met successfully. The student should be encouraged even if they don t succeed at first to try again. The student may struggle at first deciding and committing to academic goals, but that doesn t mean they can t go back and revise academic plans. It s important to note that in the beginning of the post secondary experience; academically the student should start out simple but be concise. If the student is undecided on a major but still has to find classes to take, conquering the general ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Death Penalty Should Be Enacted In Illinois Essay The Death Penalty Should Be Enacted In Illinois Due to the recent releases of newly exonerated Death Row inmates, individuals and organizations are calling for a moratorium a cooling off period for state executions. The cases of just a few inmates makes it apparent that this would be a necessary step to save innocent lives. After 17 years in prison, Illinois Death Row inmate Anthony Porter was released from jail after a judge threw out his murder conviction following the introduction of new evidence. This reversal of fortune came just two days before Porter was to be executed. As reported in USA Today, Porter s release was the ... Show more content on ... Michelle Stevens, a columnist for the Chicago Sun Times, reported that in 1998 Illinois State Representative Coy Pugh (D Chicago) introduced a resolution calling for a bi partisan panel to study the death penalty in Illinois. During the study all executions would be postponed. This proposal was initially killed but revived following the recent releases. Yet, this call for a moratorium on the death penalty is not the first time that state executions have been opposed. Throughout its history capital punishment has been opposed on many premises. In discussion forums across the world many individuals often cite deterrence of crime as a viable defense of capital punishment. However, comprehensive studies, including the 1994 FBI Uniform crime Report, indicate that capital punishment does not serve as a deterrent to crime. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, the death penalty not only does not deter crime among states that have either abolished or instituted the death penalty crime and murder rates have remained unchanged. Additionally, Eric Pooley of Time magazine, in his research, reports that no proof exists to substantiate claims that capital punishment discourages crime by anyone other than the criminals whom are executed. Glenn Lammi, of the Washington Legal Foundation is quoted as saying that there are no convincing studies [connecting] the death penalty and ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Non Surgical Hair Loss Hair loss affects many men and women and in many cases is incurable and can have an effect on a person s self esteem. While people can go the surgical route to transplant hair commonly referred to as hair plugs, there may not be donor hair available. Waiting lists and the fact that the hair may be rejected means thousands of dollars spent for nothing. Many places offer Non Surgical Hair Solutions Arizona to help cover up the signs of hair loss and slow the progression. A variety of treatments is available that fit both the budget and the type of hair loss a person has. For those whose hair loss is due to medical reasons, find that they can choose a wig made of real hair custom fit to their head. These wigs are hand crafted and use hair that ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Personal Narrative Of My Life Personal Narrative One day in mid November, I thought that one of the worst days in my life had come. I walked into my parent s room, and I found my mother rushing to gather things to go somewhere. Curiously, I asked my mom where she was going, and why she was in such a rush. My mom said, Julia was in a bad car accident on the way home from school and is headed to the hospital. I m going up there to see if there is anything I can do to help. Immediately many questions came to my mind, but I knew that it would be best to not ask until she was sure of the answers and had more information. Julia was family to me, but not my blood. I have known her since I was born, and she has always been around since. Her Aunt is my mother s best friend as well as my Godmother. She has known Julia s family for over 30 years. I wasn t as close to Julia as I would ve liked to be, but I still knew her very well. She was only 17 years old and it was her Senior year in high school. Since my mom is a Pediatric nurse at Baptist, it was no surprise to me that my mom was going there to help. I told her to update me as soon as she found out anything. After my mom left to go to the hospital, I sat on the couch anxiously waiting for any information from her. Eventually my mom texted me saying that she was in critical condition and in a coma. She also said that she had to be on a ventilator and wasn t responding to anything. With that information, I knew that this was something very serious and that ... Get more on ...
  • 42. The Mystery Of Jack London Surviving the wilderness Imagine being in fifty degrees below zero weather trying to survive in the Yukon. In the story the no named new comer is traveling throughout the freezing Yukon cold weather when he was told not to. But he still went anyways to meet up with his friends. During the story he met an Alaskan husky that tried to build a fire so many times; at this point he is over it. So he tries to kill the dog to sink his hands in the dog s body. Luckily the man ends up losing control because he is so cold, and ends up dieing. In the story To Build a Fire, Jack London uses naturalism to explain why the protagonist s lack of knowledge about his surroundings leads to his death. Many things have happened in Jack London s life. Jack ... Show more content on ... When London was in Mexico he was diagnosed with dysentery and pleurisy. Then when he want to California his illness recurred, he had kidney disease and on November 10th he passed a kidney stone. On November 21st he was in pain and throwing up. The next day he died of an attack of gastrointestinal uremia.( London, Jack, 1876 1916 ). It was unfortunate that London died but overall he had a fine life. Now for the story, in the story the old timer from Sulphur Creek told the protagonist not to go to the Yukon but he still went anyway. The man does not listen to what people tell him because he thinks that he knows everything. He does not have any experience with the Northland (Campbell). This just makes everything worse, the man did not listen and he has no experience. The old timer from Sulphur Creek who is a prospector told the man to not travel to Klondike alone when it it cold( Campbell ). Does this man know what he is doing? It is freezing cold, the man told him not to go and if he did go do not go alone. Towards the end he starts to realize that the old timer knew what he was talking about, That man from Sulphur creek had spoken the truth when telling how cold it sometimes got in the country. And he had laughed at him at the time! That showed one must not be too sure of things (London). The protagonist knows it all, until the man realizes the Yukon is just like the older man said it was. Throughout the story the dog ... Get more on ...
  • 43. San Bernardino California Research Paper I grew up in san bernardino california I was born on March 10 2000.Not only did I grew up in san bernardino but also my sisters did. A Lot of people believe that san bernardino is a bad place but for me is my home. Yes there is a lot of crimes here but what city doesn t have crimes. Growing up in san bernardino made me stronger I have seen a lot of bad things happen but I have also seen good things. My father is from jerez zacatecas and my mother is from huajuapan de leon. My parents came here to have a better life and then they met each other and had 3 girls. My sister are proud of where we grew up. Growing up in san bernardino california has taught me a lot for example it has tough me to fight for what I believe in. also that fear shouldn t ... Show more content on ... I love that house we had so many memories in that house we group up there. I still remember my room. My room was decorated as princesses. What I love the most about my house was that my house was six blocks from my first elementary but once we move schools our house was only three block away from juanita jones elementary. When I was in 5th grade I came home one day and my parents and my neighbors had received a letter from the government saying that we had to move houses because they were going to expand the freeway so my parent started to find other houses I was sad about leaving I love that house I had so many memories. My house was next to a small liquor store call Bob s market. My sisters and i would always go to Bob s market before we went to school he would always give us free candy we still go and visit bob and his wife since our house is nearby but we don t visit as much. Since i grew up in san bernardino I experience a lot of things and I have seen a lot of things for example one day long ago it was midnight and my sisters woke up hearing gunshots and baggins on the door there was 3 men that were wearing mask and they were chasing another guy they left a mark of a hole in my neighbors door. Also I have seen someone get shot cross my house it was scary but I overcame that fear and I turn that fear into ... Get more on ...