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The Economic Impact of Globalization on Turkey
Introduction Globalization has affected the world in many different ways, including cultural exchange,
language development, and information diffusion, along with worldwide economic and financial
growth. Here we wish to analyse the costs and benefits of globalisation to the Republic of Turkey.
More specifically, we will look at the economic and business impacts globalisation has made on
Turkey and its current position with regard to the world economy. Current Economic Situation Today s
economic outlook for Turkey is deteriorating. GDP growth has been revised to 3.6% for 2008 (against
4.3% previously) and to 3.0% for 2009 (previously 4.0%). Turkey s unemployment rate rose to 9.4%.
The slowdown in growth in 2007 (GDP growth of 4.5%) ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, there was not comparable increase in their exports. On the contrary, the rise of montage
industries which used imported components to assemble the products primarily (i.e. electronic goods,
motor vehicles, consumer durables, etc) meant that industrial growth required ever more imports.
Paradoxically, the attempts at import substitution to decrease its trade balance deficit tended to
aggravate it. This strategy also caused other problems: the capital intensive nature of many industrial
investments, especially those in the intermediate goods sector, caused employment in industry to grow
relatively more slowly, which lead to structural unemployment. Moreover, dependence on imported
petroleum to develop its industry made the country highly vulnerable to increases in oil prices. These
are the threats for the country to achieve sustainable economic growth. Late 1970s and early 1980s:
Economic Reform In the late 1970s, the industrial sector of Turkey had reached a turning point. In the
short run, it needed to decrease the trade balance deficit. It was facing shortages of energy, imported
machinery parts, and processing materials. These had caused a decline in industrial output during the
last few years of the decade. In the longer run, to become more efficient and to be able to have more
exports, the industrial structure had to be adjusted in accordance with the country s comparative
advantages. In effect, industry would have to transfer resources out of
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The Importance Of Nudity In Ancient Greek Historical Art
In the Ancient Greek historical Art, nude male figures were used to depict the beauty of the human
body as well as the new focusing in the evolution of art. The nude first became significant in the art of
ancient Greece, where athletic competitions at religious festivals celebrated the human body,
particularly the male, in an unparalleled way. (Jean) Thus, the social standard of the time in aesthetic,
modesty and morality was reflected in every nudity art work .Nude male figures, in sculptures and
paintings, of warriors, charioteers and musicians had become more and more popular as the symbol of
energy and power of life or were used as the symbol of God, Goddess and Heroes. But nude figures of
Gods and Goddess were no longer allowed by the Christianity in the Renaissance because of
emphasizing on chastity and celibacy further discounted depictions of nakedness (Jean) , nude figures
of athletic were used as an expression of virility as well as the beauty of the human body. Nudity in
the Middle Ages became sinful, therefore, nude figures were rare in the medieval art and the artists
were focusing on creating art about God and Goddess and their power rather than depicting the beauty
of the human body. And by the end of the medieval period, nude female figures intended to be
attractive and slowly brought back into art and became popular again. In the Baroque to Modern art,
nudity still played an important role in art. In the Baroque period, nude art had changed and became
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Nosocomial Infection Research Paper
How does one feel when he or she is admitted into a hospital or health care facility, and on the news
there is a feature on infections within the health care facilities. A major problem today s time in the
health care is the risk for nosocomial infections. These nosocomial infections are contracted with in
the hospital or any health care facility, and are also known as health care acquired infections H.A.I. .
The risk of these infections, are now higher than ever. With the constant flow of patients into the
health care facility, it is nearly impossible to make sure the area is clean and safe for the next patient.
This is a major problem just because the types of infection that are contracted. Infections include:
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus ... Show more content on ...
With the use of antibacterial wipes and other cleaning supplies and protective equipment the health
care provider can sterilize areas that are needed for care and protect them selves from carrying the
infections with them. There are some time management problems with supplied material to clean and
protect the patients from infections. The problem with these wipes is that they take time to work
effectively. And with the way the hospital works now a days the time spend making sure the rooms are
set and clean for the next patient is not encouraged. Some time the cleaning and sterilization process is
preformed but not enough. This is why we see the spread of infections with in the hospital. Now
concerning the use of protective equipment. If we can use the equipment correctly we will diminish
the risk of spreading infections. Look at the simple nitrile glove. It protects the hands from nasty
bacteria and when disposed of properly it doesn t cause a concern of an infection. Now I under stand
with the gloves and other equipment the cost will be an
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Gary Nash Essay
In the essay written by Gary Nash, he argues that the reason for the American Revolution was not
caused by the defense of constitutional rights and liberties, but that of material conditions of life in
America were not very favorable and that social and economic factors should be considered as the
driving factor that pushed many colonists to revolt. The popular ideology which can be defined as
resonating most strongly within the middle and lower strata of society and went far beyond
constitutional rights to a discussion of the proper distribution of wealth and power in the social system
had a dynamic role in the decisions of many people to revolt. The masses ideas were not of
constitutional rights, but the equal distribution of wealth ... Show more content on ...
As the wealthy increased their assets in the cities, at the same time, a large class was impoverished
city dwellers. A huge contrast between the wealthy and the poor were forming and becoming more
apparent from the beginning of the eighteenth century in the colonies. The data that was collected on
the people who were submitted into poor houses clearly with little doubt that the third quarter of the
eighteenth century was an era of severe economic and social dislocation in the cities, and that by the
end of the colonial period a large number of urban dwellers were without property, without
opportunity, and except for public aid, without the means of obtaining the necessities. This evidence of
poverty in the colonies is one that Nash tries to point out to support his argument that there was a
sharp contrast in the distribution of wealth, and that the masses were at this time more focused on the
economy s downfall of the period than defending for constitutional rights and liberties. Protest sparked
as the result of the enormous poverty in the colonies. Frustrated with their living conditions the middle
and lower classes protested violently in the cities. During this time of frustration with the economic
conditions, rank had no privileges, as even the lieutenant governor was shot in Massachusetts. The
wealthy were attacked
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Teacher Observation Essay
Consequently, high attrition rates characterize the first 3 years of teaching, underscoring a need to
provide better support for beginning teachers. Every new teacher becomes part of the school
community. The special education teachers must work across the boundaries of general and special
education and communicate effectively with general education teachers, related services personnel,
administrators, and parents. They should know how to coordinate their work with other professionals
to accomplish important goals. I think that learning to interact in a positive and productive manner
with colleagues is a critically important part of the new teacher s work. As I observed at school, the
tension can arise if the paraprofessional keeps disagreeing with the teacher s decision. It can easily
happen if the teacher is new. I strongly believe that it is a responsibility of every new teacher to take
time to build relationships with others from the moment she/he begins interacting with them. Strong
partnerships with other teachers should lead to productive interaction with other professionals in the
school and better teaching. Building strong relationships are important for helping students meet their
goals. According to Billingsley, Brownell, Israel Kamman (2013, p. 27), Teachers who establish
positive relationships will be less stressed and more satisfied with their work, and those who
experience chronic interpersonal problems have greater stress, withdraw, and will likely be
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Essay about Marcus Aurelius Meditations
Kurt McGann
Period 1 Mythology
Personal Meditations Section 1 Stoicism: a systematic philosophy, dating from around 300 b.c., that
held the principles of logical thought to reflect a cosmic reason instantiated in nature.
( Marcus Aurelius (the author of Meditations ) was a stoic as well as an emperor. The
book he wrote was a collection of thoughts, things he advised himself to do, a piece reflecting his
stoicism, and a personal diary of sorts. The kinds of things put into this book were sometimes crazy,
sometimes contradictory, yet sometimes very true and insightful. Marcus wasn t a professional
philosopher, and this comes out in his work, but he had an interesting way of living his life. His
writings ... Show more content on ...
Could you have a hot bath unless the firewood underwent some change? Could you be nourished if the
food suffered no change? Is it possible for any useful thing to be achieved without change? Do you
not see, then, that change in yourself is of the same order, and no less necessary to nature?
Many things we reap benefits from only come from the change of that item, as marcus explains. As
well as getting benefits from change, we can also get cons. If we change things, such as law reforms,
many will be mad, and just as many will be happy. So when it comes to change, it can leave bad
effects just as well as it can leave good effects.
Although Marcus has good intent, I can t head all of his advice. Marcus believed along with other
things, that self improvement was important over many a things. I agree that self improvement is well,
self improvement; and by the nature of the phrase itself is a good thing. Marcus holds this true at a
more extreme level, putting it before things that lead to your own happiness. If today was your last
day to live (assuming you are certain it is your last day to live) and you had a responsibility to better
yourself given to you before your death, Marcus would say to go through with that responsibility, even
if it resulted in your own discomfort. Marcus sees the improvement of one s self would be more
important than your own happiness, saying that dying a better person is better than dying content. I
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Nazi Olympics Research Paper
The vast majority of my earliest memories consist of cheering on my favorite sports teams along with
my father. The weekends were dedicated to watching games, regardless of the sport or level of the
athletes. We would gather around the old box television and cheer on Notre Dame football and
basketball, Detroit Tigers baseball, and every two years, the U.S. Olympic teams. The Olympics
always bring out patriotic sentiments in Americans, and we were no exception. From Beijing, to
Vancouver, to London, to Sochi, to Rio, I recollect watching the nightly recaps with Bob Costas, and
checking the medal count, hoping to see the United States firmly situated in first place among the
many other competing countries.
However, sports is not the only field ... Show more content on ...
They took eleven Israeli athletes and coaches hostage, but killed two almost immediately after they
put up a fight (Davis). The world watched, transfixed, as the scene played out throughout the day.
German officials attempted to negotiate with the captors by pushing back deadlines by which the
Palestinians said they were going to kill the athletes. Eventually, a settlement was reached where the
captives were to be taken to an airport and flown to Egypt where negotiations could continue. The
Germans set up an ambush on the runway in an attempt to rescue the Israelis, but tragically, it
miserably failed and each athlete was murdered by their captors (1972: Munich and
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Ethical Issues In Veterinary Clinic
The two ethical issues and concerns in the Veterinary practice I chose have to deal with Convenience
Euthanasia and Low cost Spay/Neuter clinics. Since working at a veterinary clinic over the past few
years these issues where always a concern one way or in another. People would at times have the need
to prematurely say good bye to their pets. If that wasn t strangely enough some people would subject
their pets to a backdoor spay/neuter operation without even being bothered by the pain their pets
would experience as a result. Why would it be by any definition ethical to euthanize a healthy pet?
This is a question that is often debated in the veterinary field. It s clearly not always the ultimate
option as far as a lot ... Show more content on ...
Now that torch has been handed over to Drew Carey, he now echoes those exact same words. So what
s the big deal you asked? Over the past few years there has been a surge of low cost spay/neuter
clinics springing up, from the back alleys in some states to being propped up at mini malls. Some may
argue the fact that at least the pet owner is doing their part of controlling the pet population but at what
cost to the well being of their beloved pet. Some pet owners are under the impression that private
veterinarians charge more just to make more money whereas the low cost clinic can perform the say
operation at a much lower rate and the quality is the same. Not so true. A spay for your adult
Rottweiler at your local vet hospital can range from $200 to $500 dollars including anesthesia, pain
medication and post operative care. (Low Cost spay/neuter clinics vs. Local Vets, para 9). The price at
a low cost spay clinic the fee may run as low as $30 $50. At a lot of times that cost only covers the
procedure. Pain medication and post operative care is either an option or just not event provided. With
the pet owner not being aware of this their pet quietly suffers. It s been noted and witness that there
are times when a surgical procedure in done at a low cost clinic the pet has a good chance of
experiencing surgical complications. (Low Cost
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Themistocles Oedipus In The Persian Expedition
In The Persian Expedition, Xenophon follows the fate of 10,000 Greek mercenaries as they make their
long and arduous journey from deep in Persian territory back to Greece, their homeland. In addition to
details of the trip, Xenophon discusses some personal qualities of Cyrus and the leaders of his
mercenary s. Themistocles was an Athenian politician from a slightly earlier period who rose to
prominence using his cunning, cleverness, persuasion, and deception. Presented favorably by Plutarch
in The Rise and Fall of Athens: Nine Greek Lives, and critically in The Histories of Herodotus,
Themistocles is not discussed by Xenophon. Although he demonstrated the intelligence that Xenophon
valued, Themistocles deceptive nature, greed, and self interest ... Show more content on ...
Xenophon s main reason for disliking Menon was his deceitfulness and dishonest nature: The shortest
road to the achievement of his desires lay he thought through false swearing, lying, and cheating
(Xenophon, 2.6). Xenophon also valued the honesty of Cyrus. He would tell no lies to anyone
(Xenophon, 1.9). Themistocles was also deceitful and willing to do whatever was necessary to
survive, as illustrated by his clever trick in Salamis: so he cast around for a counter stroke and hit
upon his celebrated trick Siccinus (Plutarch ,3.12). Even when Themistocles did not lie outright, he
valued his manipulative powers: Themistocles told them that he had brought two gods, persuasion and
compulsion (Plutarch, 3.21). He used his cunning to get his way, threatening to lie to get the sailors in
trouble if they crossed him: but partly by entreaties and partly by the threat that he would denounce
them to the Athenians and make it appear that they had known all along who he was, but had taken
him on board in the first instance for a bribe, he forced them to stand out to sea and reach the coast of
Asia (Plutarch, 3.25). Themistocles, though brilliant and clever, resorted to lying and manipulation
when honesty was not productive enough, in contrast to the truth telling Cyrus, whom Xenophon
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The Work Of The Va Social Workers
This meek beginning social work had progressed into a professional service with treatment obligations
in all patient care areas, helping patients ←and→ families to attain their highest level of
adjustment/coping in society, endorsing vocational ←and→ psychosocial rehabilitation. Social
workers developed implemented treatment approaches which addressed individual social difficulties
work with acute/chronic medical conditions, dying patients, bereaved families. VA social workers
were liable for ensuring continuity of care through the admission, evaluation, treatment, follow up
processes this consisted of coordinating discharge planning providing case management services
based on the patients clinical community health social services ... Show more content on ...
F., Dekle, Judith. Ward., Sheets, Carol., 2014).
A struggle for veterans was finding employment after completing the service so many veterans had
problems with conforming to civilian from transitioning out the military. The unemployment rate for
all U.S. veterans was 6.9 percent←;→ however, for those who had served since September 11 it rest at
10 percent. 13 percent of the veterans in the U.S. population were homeless, another 1.4 million
veterans were at the endangered of homelessness. The source for vets that unfortunately discovery
themselves in this position of being homeless lack of employment, poverty, housing shortages, low
wages with adding drug abuse, alcohol, physical mental illness these problems can leave a veteran out
in the streets (Hoffer, Elizabeth. F., Dekle, Judith. Ward., Sheets, Carol., 2014).
Health ←and→ mental health troubles reflected an extensive range of concerns centered on chronic
health problems, substance abuse, psychosocial, clinically diagnosed problems, self esteem problems.
Substance abuse was noticed as a major obstacle to conquering homelessness addictive behaviors in
the same way as alcoholism, drug abuse were frequently identified in
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In Spiegelman’s Maus, Even the Dedications Are an...
Spiegelman s Maus is a graphic novel which explores events of the holocaust and the uniting of a
father and son. Though often overlooked the dedications play an integral role in better understanding
the text. The dedications do not influence the meaning of the book but do reinforce events in the book.
Spiegelman dedicates the first book to his mother as an attempt to rid himself of the guilt associated
with his mother s suicide. In an attempt to not have the same short comings as his father, Art
associates his most prized work with the most prized people in his life. Richieu is often disregarded in
the book however he is vital in Spiegelman s eyes. The book in its entirety is highly important as it is
a dedication to a whole race. ... Show more content on ...
Spiegelman has presented his father s memoirs in a creative way by portraying racial groups as
animals and by making the story into a graphic novel. By presenting it in comic form, Art Spiegelman
is able to better capture the emotions of those in the graphic novel. Not a dedication in the
conventional sense, the book eternalizes the memoirs of Vladek and those around him.
The dedications are an essential part of the text as their meaning extends beyond the book. Spiegelman
uses them as a way to remember those that were close to him. This is noticed in the dedications to his
mother, to Richieu the brother he never knew and to his children. The book is a legacy to those that
experienced the terror of the holocaust and is A Survivors
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Leadership Is An Important Element Of The Management...
Steve Jobs
CEO, Apple
Leadership is an important element of the management function. Leadership involves ability to
integrate human resources and firm s goals. Different situations may warrant different kinds of
leadership. A business leader knows how to motivate people, accomplish goals, and get things done
quickly. Leaders act as middlemen between employees and organization s objectives. Leaders reveal
attributes of courage, creativity, and entrepreneurial energy. Strong leaders are essential to the success
of an organization. To be a successful leader, an individual must be innovative, able to constructive
criticism, and possess power to influence others. Steve Jobs leadership style is quite unique and
influencing. We can see a lot of examples of great business leader in real life. One of them is Steve
Jobs, a well known personality all over the world.
In order to survive for the organization in the long run, an efficient organization is one which adapt
with the changing external environment. In such case, a leader must be innovative and creative who
easily diagnose the situation and implement new ideas to avoid the threat of that factor to the
organization. Steve Jobs was known for his new ideas and creativity. His innovations and dedications
to quality made his customer brand loyal. He came up with nano
technology in the market He brought us Apple, Pixar, and desktop laser printers. He delivered one of
the most watched TED Talks of
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Relationship Maintenance In Long Distance Relationships
The Statistic Brain Research Institute states 14 million people [Americans] considered themselves to
be in a long distance relationship and cannot see partners cannot see each other face to face daily like
geographically close relationships (Long Distance Relationship Statistics). These high numbers make
relationship maintenance for long distance relationships all the more viable for discussion. Due to the
distance, long distance relationships present unique obstacles such as lack of physical contact,
increased financial burdens to maintain relationships, and high expectations of partners for the quality
of limited face to face meetings in the relationship. Therefore, a different type of relationship
maintenance will be presented in order to assist long distance couples from becoming part of the failed
70%. A relationship maintenance model will be compared to scenarios and suggestions will be made
in order create a stronger relationship through communication for both parties involved in long
distance relationships.
SMS and SNS are powerful devices that strengthen interpersonal communication between couples
because they allow validation which is difficult to achieve in long distance relationships. In close
distant relationships couples, SMS and SNS are supports to offline relationship maintenance
processes; however due to the lack of opportunity to engage in relationship processes in LDR, SMS
and SNS becomes a channel to express relationship maintenance. Relationship
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Cross 9e TBB Ch27
Chapter 27 Antitrust Law N.B.: TYPE indicates that a question is new, modified, or unchanged, as
follows. N A question new to this edition of the Test Bank. + A question modified from the previous
edition of the Test Bank. = A question included in the previous edition of the Test Bank.
TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 1. The purpose of antitrust law is to reduce competition. ANSWER: F
PAGES: Introduction TYPE: N BUSPROG: Analytic AICPA: BB Legal 2. Any activity that
substantially affects interstate commerce falls outside the scope of antitrust laws. ANSWER: F
PAGES: Section 1 TYPE: N BUSPROG: Analytic AICPA: BB Legal 3. Market power is the ability of
a firm to enter a given market. ANSWER: F PAGES: Section 1 TYPE: N BUSPROG: ... Show more
content on ...
a federal trade commission act. b. an antitrust law. c. an interstate commerce act. d. a suppressive
restraint on trade. ANSWER: B PAGES: Introduction TYPE: = BUSPROG: Reflective AICPA: BB
Legal 2. Discount Retail Corporation may be engaging in conduct that vio­
lates the Sherman Act. To
bring an action against the firm requires that its conduct have a sig­
nificant impact on a. international
commerce. b. Internet commerce. c. interstate commerce. d. intrastate commerce. ANSWER: C
PAGES: Section 1 TYPE: = BUSPROG: Reflective AICPA: BB Legal 3. Soft Drink Corporation is
charged with violating the Sherman Act through conduct subject to the rule of reason. When applying
the rule of reason in this situation, a court will not consider a. the purpose of the agreement. b. the
parties market ability to implement the agreement. c. the effect of the agreement on international trade.
d. the potential effect of the agreement on competition. ANSWER: C PAGES: Section 1 TYPE: N
BUSPROG: Reflective AICPA: BB Legal Fact Pattern 27 1 (Questions 4 5 apply) Natural Gas, Inc.,
and Olio Energy Company refine and sell natural gas. To limit the supply of natural gas on the market
and thereby raise prices, Natural Gas and Olio Energy agree to buy excess supplies from dealers and
dispose of it. 4. Refer to Fact Pattern 27 1. The agreement between Natural Gas and Olio Energy is a.
a horizontal restraint. b. none of the choices. c. a resale price maintenance
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Amanda Clark Research Paper
Amanda Clark s phone conversation came to an abrupt end when her Chevrolet Trailblazer rolled
three times before landing on its roof. She had run a stop sign and was broadsided by another driver.
Metal caved in around her, but the roof stayed intact and she survived with just scrapes and bruises
(Tracy). Amanda Clark survived her first car accident caused by distracted driving, but wasn t as lucky
the second time. After she started driving again, she pledged to put her phone away and focus on
driving. Clark s Mother, Bonnye Spray, said, I thought this would be a wakeup call for her, and it was
for a short time she wouldn t talk on the phone, she was more cautious. But she got more confident in
her driving and a sense of Hey, I survived one, I m invincible, nothing is going to happen to me now
(Tracy). A year after her accident, Clark was driving on a highway. She ... Show more content on ...
I didn t even realize what I was doing, until one day Stephanie called me out on it (Henry). The effects
of distracted driving accidents are not always physical. The emotional upset a driver feels after a car
accident can affect them for months or even years after the accident, regardless if the accident was
their fault or not. Although distracted driving is a problem for all drivers, it specifically is a major
problem for teenagers. Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for American teens. When it
comes to distracted driving, young people are the most likely to text and talk behind the wheel (
Distracted Driving Facts ). In Idaho between the years of 2010 and 2014, the age group 15 19
experienced the most crashes, with the age group 20 24 coming second. Teenagers also contributed to
10% of fatal car crashes and a little over 15% of serious injury car crashes ( Distracted Crash
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Booker T Washington Biography
Booker T. Washington developed amidst declining social, political, and financial conditions for
American blacks. His racial program set the terms for the levelheaded discussion on Negro projects
for the decades in the vicinity of 1895 and 1915. Conceived a slave in a Virginia log lodge in 1856,
Booker T. Washington was author and chief of Tuskegee Institute, a typical and mechanical school in
Alabama. Washington had worked his way through Hampton Institute in Virginia. General Samuel
Chapman Armstrong, the vital of Hampton, had set up a program of farming and mechanical preparing
and Christian devotion for Negroes satisfactory to southern whites. Washington took in the convention
of monetary headway joined with acknowledgment of disfranchisement and placation with the white
South from Armstrong. Washington educated at Hampton until 1881, when he was going another
school at Tuskegee. His ascent to national unmistakable quality came in 1895 with a concise
discourse, which ... Show more content on ...
Washington gave his Atlanta Compromise speech. The subject of what to do about the horrifying
social and monetary states of blacks and the connection amongst blacks and whites in monetarily
moving south. Speaking to whites, Washington guaranteed his group of onlookers that he would urge
blacks to wind up noticeably capable in horticulture, mechanics, trade, and local administration, and to
urge them to dignify and glorify. Booker T. Washington, guaranteed whites that blacks were faithful
individuals who trusted they would succeed in extent to their diligent work. Unsettling for social
uniformity, Washington contended, was yet indiscretion, and most blacks understood the privilege that
would come.
Booker T. Washington target audience were whites. He spoke and wrote about self reliance, but
replied upon the whites to, cast their buckets down , and to stop the friction upon races. Booker T.
Washington, pandering to the whites awarded him funding for his
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Birth Control Implanon
Paris M. Lewis
English 101
Robin White
April 15, 2015
Are you interested in birth control are know someone who is? Are you stuck or know someone who is
stuck in between which birth control to use? Well, being a woman myself I have found that using the
birth control Implanon was the best birth control for me only because it is convenient, mess free, and
it last for up to three years. People around the world have used birth control methods for thousands of
years. These methods include things such as condoms, pills, shots, and many other things that have
advanced though out the years. Today, the world has many safe and effective birth control methods
available to us, however all birth controls do not work the same for everyone. Birth control which is
also formally known as contraception or fertility control are methods or devices used to prevent
pregnancy. Birth control methods have been used for many years dating back all the way to ancient
times. In fact Egypt has some of the earliest documented birth controls. For example the women there
would use honey, acacia leafs and also lent to stuff up their vaginas to block the male sperm from
entering. This has mainly to do with the religious view of the women. The Roman Catholic Church
only agrees with natural family planning however there are a number of Catholics whom accept and
agree with modern birth control methods. Also according to Muhammad,
who the Muslims believe to be the last and
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Suicide And The College Life
James Dykes
SOC 201
Professor Bobys
28 October 2014
Suicide and the College Life
Among the general population of young adults aged eighteen to twenty four, homicide and suicide are,
respectively, the second and third leading causes of death. While no studies currently compare
homicide and suicide rates on campuses, the risk of homicide is generally lower, and many campus
professionals dedicated to suicide prevention and mental health promotion often refer to suicide as the
second leading cause of death among college students (Suicide Prevention Resource Center, 2004).
Available data suggests that suicide occurs at a rate between six point five and seven point five per one
hundred thousand among college students, approximately half the rate ... Show more content on ...
According to Durkheim there are four major types of suicide anomic, altruistic, egostic and fatalistic
suicides. Anomic is when people feel lost and alone, altruistic is when there are social factors, egostic
is where someone is or feels detached from society, and fatalistic is someone who kills themselves
before they are taken to jail usually death by cop. Most college students would fall into the anomic
suicide they mostly feel lost or alone in a strange new place. The rate of suicide in college students can
be linked to depression, sexual orientation, and the fear of failure. Depression in college students is
one of the main factors of suicide Some of the triggers of college depression include being away from
home, lack of a normal social support group, and a history of depression. According to the article,
Suicide Ideation Among College Students Evidencing Subclinical Depression students who thought
about suicide more often were more depressed. Almost half of students who have reported suicidal
behavior never received psychiatric help. This shows that past attempts at suicide could lead to future
attempts at suicide. Being away from home is another major factor in depression. Most people agree
that for the first month away from home they are depressed about being in college. People do not
realize that when they go to college they are leaving behind most of their social
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The Legal, Ethical, And Social Responsibility...
Abstract This is a research and analytical paper on the legal, ethical, and social responsibility
ramifications of Anheuser Busch InBev s deceptive advertising scheme for its Beck s beer products.
Beck s beer was marketed using the labels such as German Quality and Originated in Germany. It was
found out that the beer is no longer produced in Germany because the brewery has been transferred to
St. Louis, Missouri. A class action lawsuit was filed against Anheuser Busch and a preliminary court
approval of the agreement with the plaintiffs granted consumers a refund of up to $50 on products
purchased from May 2011. Anheuser Busch has also agreed to adjust the labels in its packaging to
clarify that the beer is US made. The deceptive advertising of Anheuser Busch violated state laws
governing unfair and deceptive trade and is unethical based on utilitarian ethical theory, Kantian
theory, and social contract theory. It was also against the social responsibility principles. Table of
Contents Introduction 4 Legal Analysis 5 Ethical Analysis 7 Utilitarian Ethical Analysis 7 Kantian
Ethical Analysis 10 Social Contract Ethical Analysis 12 Social Responsibility Analysis 13 Conclusion
17 References 19 Introduction When an advertisement or promotion has any representation, omission,
or practice that misleads consumers, there is a deception (Richards, 2013). This paper analyzes the
legal, ethical, and social responsibility ramifications of the false
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Obi Wan And Ammon s Relationship Essay
All classic stories need a companion to the hero. Without this partner, the story would lack someone to
drive the story forward and to motivate the hero. The classic saga Star Wars and movie Clash of the
Titans share this common theme. This can be seen in the romantic duos Han and Leia along side
Perseus and Andromeda, the mentor relationship between Luke and Obi wan along with Perseus and
Ammon, and the owner relationship with Luke with R2D2 and Perseus with Pegasus. Firstly, the
romantic relationships of Han and Leia and Perseus and Andromeda are remembered in culture and in
history. Han and Leia are an iconic couple from the Star Wars saga, and lovers Perseus and
Andromeda are memorialized in the stars. Leia and Andromeda are both princesses ... Show more
content on ...
Obi wan and Ammon serve as mentors to the main heroes, both stumbling upon them during conflict
and providing advice and care. Luke and Perseus both start out fairly naive, but with the teachings of
Obi wan and Ammon they grow as heroes. Obi wan teaches Luke the ways of the jedi, and Ammon
teaches Perseus the ways of the hero. Both mentors save the heroes, Obi wan finding Luke after being
attacked by sand people and saving him. Ammon finds Perseus after being dropped in an unknown
place by Zeus. Both these mentors direct the heroes towards their goal, Obi wan directing Luke
towards Yoda and his end goal of defeating Darth Vader, and Ammon advising Perseus on how to
defeat the Kraken. They both essentially drive the plot forward, giving the main heroes direction.
These mentors also act as parental figures in the absence of the heroes, Luke having no parents ( to his
knowledge, in the first half of the saga) and losing his aunt and uncle, and Perseus never having met
his father and separated from his mother. These two relationships between Luka and Obi wan and
Perseus and Ammon are the main reasons the heroes have development and go on their
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Speech On Water Heater
1. A water heater is not something which will last forever. As the water heater reaches its expiry age it
is bound to require some repairs. Contact us and we shall ensure a longer life for your heater.
2. With you water heater wanting repairs, you may feel the experience of the way your ancestors
probably lived. Reach out to us and we shall ensure that you are back to the current era as soon as
3. A water heater is one of the most important technologies of the house as the laundry, dishes and of
course you, all heating hot water. We are here to ensure that you all get your share of hot water supply.
4. Even if you treat your water heater in the best manner it can still have some issue at any given point
of time. We can help you decide ... Show more content on ...
A struggling water heater can not only make you devoid of hot water, it can lead to excess energy bills
as well. Contact us and we shall ensure that the repairs are done at the earliest.
6. An inefficient water tends to heat water for a long time as compared to a fit one. This not wastes
electricity but your precious time is lost as well. Get it repaired before the damage worsens.
7. It is a one time cost to seek professional help if your water heater goes wrong or is working
inefficiently. However, this one expenditure can give your heater a new life.
8. Do you know that there can be considerate mineral build up in the water heater which slows down
its efficiency? Contact us for its cleaning and increased efficiency.
9. The heating element or the tank of the water heater is the most likely component to be affected by
mineral deposits. Regular cleaning by professionals can help you this damage from being done.
10. Have you been trying to repair your water heater yourself? Contact us and we will ensure that you
have your peace of mind and hot water as well.
11. We have a team of professionals who are efficient enough to handle the repairs of a water heater.
You can rest assured that we will give you the convenience of hot water at the
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James Madison Research Paper
James Madison was a very important person, he was known as the Father of the Constitution. He
wrote most of the Constitution because he was such a great writer and he was also very smart, he had
very bright ideas. Madison also wrote the Bill of Rights and was the key writer of that and he wrote a
third of the Federalist Papers. I think that everyone should know about James Madison not only
because he was known as the Father of the Constitution he was also one of our presidents from 1809
to 1817 putting him as president through the war of 1812.
James Madison didn t write all of the Constitution himself, he had lots of help from Thomas Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson wasn t the Father of the Constitution like James Madison was but he still played ...
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Madison was a very smart person and he was the first person to graduate from Princeton. Of course
Madison had a very high seat through most of his adulthood, but one time he lost the election because
he didn t give alcohol to the voters.
James Madison wasn t at first a fan of the Bill of Rights but soon he was for the Bill of Rights and was
the key author of them. Not only was he the author of the Bill of Rights he was also one of the authors
of the Federalist Papers. The Federalist Papers were a series of 85 essays that supported the
Constitution. James Madison had some help from Alexander Hamilton and John Jay. The three of
them wrote under the name of Publius because they figured that if the people thought that the paper
were written by a commoner then the people would listen better.
In conclusion James Madison is a very important person in the history of America. Everyone should
know about him and what he did because he shaped our country into what it is today. He was a very
important author writing the Bill of Rights almost by himself and being a second and third author to
the Constitution and Federalist Papers. James was a very smart person and always stayed strong to his
opinion of being free from the King, and having freedom of religion and speech. I think that James
title as Father of the Constitution fits him because he was the father
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Business Ethics Is Not An Oxymoron Essay
Business Ethics Is Not An Oxymoron by Dexter Calma
Ateneo Graduate School of Business
Business, in a very simplified definition, describes an exchange of something for another. In this
context, it can be implied that there is a fiduciary understanding that the parties involved receive
goods or services that are of equal value according to the appraisal system that they have agreed upon,
whether it is based on units of measurement, or just mere goodwill. Thus, ethical standards that are
applied in business should be in correspondence to expected moral behaviors of society, a basic
equation of interdependence.
The understanding of this basic equation has been very evident to a vast majority of well known
business people, among which ... Show more content on ...
Months after she returned to work from her operations, she received a year end employee rating of NI
(Needs Improvement). This is the lowest rating that an employee can get in our company. If you got
this rating, you will not receive any year end performance bonuses and salary increases. Her manager
pointed out the month were she went on leave, exceeding her allowable vacation leaves of 15 days,
and made a major impact on the under manned process during the critical working days. Employees
who knew the story all agreed with the fact that this was unethical, and inconsiderate. It was not long
before this certain employee filed her resignation. It was also just a matter of days after her tender that
most for her team mates tendered their resignation letters as well. It was made clear to them that it was
hopeless, and things would not be better anymore. The management team of this group was only
focused on results, profits, good numbers, and their reputation to deliver on time. They hired new
employees because as we all know, it is easy to hire nowadays because of the scarcity of jobs and
surplus of qualified professionals. But the same scenarios happened and not long before these new
employees tendered their resignation letters. Higher management saw that it there is a problem the
groups management and made their move. It was
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Brookside Dairy
In this first articles explains how a farmer from a large dairy farm that is called Brookside Dairy in
Indiana County is adopting new technology that will save money and help the environment by
managing manure from 550 dairy cows. The Brookside Dairy farm has been owned by the George
family since 1781owning about 1,200 acres and with that much land the bills were high and with 550
cattle they had about 10,000 gallons of waste to spar. In the article Mr. George said economics, odor
control and the resulting better quality fertilizer for considering a digester on their dairy operation. So
then the Georges sought help from there friendly business partner Jim Resh, of the Indiana County
Conservation District, to find out if there was a way to install an on farm digester. ... Show more
content on ...
The renewable energy that the Georges produced through the bio gas is set up to offset the farm s
electricity use and/or sell the power at wholesale rates to the local utility. In the article it stated that the
change to bio gas results in less odor causing compounds in manure in a liquid storage system and the
breaking down of manure in the digester changes the organic nitrogen into ammonium which is when
spread on the fields it ll become more readily available when consumed by the plants allowing for less
nutrient runoff. Also reduces weeds appearing in the fields causing less weeds growing with crops.
Another great thing about the digestion process it also reduces methane, a greenhouse gas, emissions
(basically global warming) which would otherwise remain in the atmosphere for 9 to 15
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Computer Programming Career Paper
Computer programming is currently one of the fastest growing careers. I enjoy spending time sitting
alone and looking at a computer. I would like a career that uses my greatest strengths to my advantage.
As a computer programmer, I can do what I enjoy for the money. This paper will explore the job
description, requirements and salary expectation for a computer programmer. To begin with, the job
description for a computer programmer includes many components. Occupational Handbook, states
that computer programmers write programs in many different computer languages. They also update
or expand existing programs. As well they have to test programs for errors and fix the program if they
find any (Occupational Handbook). Campus explored, claims ... Show more content on ...
Occupational Handbook notes that the lowest that a computer programmer could get paid is 44
thousand dollars. While the most that a computer programmer can get paid is around 127 thousand
dollars (Occupational Handbook). Pay Scale state that the more work experience in computer
programming the more you will get paid. They also say that the location you work at will also
determine how much you will get paid (Pay Scale). I think that not much goes into how much you get
paid as a computer programmer. I feel that I could make a living as a computer programmer. I know
that computer programmers can make a lot of money depending on where you work and how much
experience you have. In summary, you should consider the salary when you are looking for a career.
In conclusion, you should consider the job description, job requirements, and salary expectations if
you want to become a computer programmer. Firstly I believe this would be a good career for me is
because I like to do my work alone. My second reason is that I can concentrate for long periods of
time. My final reason would be because I can catch little mistakes in code. With how fast computer
programming is growing it would be easy to get a
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The Ideas, Meanings, And Power Dynamics
The ideas, meanings, and power dynamics in the three books we read are very different, however
some similarities are present. As far as veiling, the meanings within each book are primarily
complimentary. When looking at the views on how certain affairs, such as veiling, should be enforced
and interacted with, we see more skewed ideas. In general, all three show hegemonic qualities, yet
Young and Defiant in Tehran reveals more dominating than hegemonic qualities. Veiling is an
extremely debated and controversial topic all over the world. From what has been revealed, it can be
presumed that a substantial difference of veiling across the board, is enforcement. From Veiled
Sentiments to Young and Defiant in Tehran, the differences in ideas regarding veiling are noticeably
contrasting. The three anthropology texts involved, include further inside information and feelings
regarding veiling. In Veiled Sentiments by Lila Abu Lughod, veiling is a choice and is not forced on
women. Due to the faith and freedom of choice, most women willingly and happily veil properly.
Although sexuality is not a popular norm among the Bedouin, it is not the sole reason for veiling.
Granted, women will be criticized and mocked for not veiling or taking part in sexual affiliations.
Such mockery is described in a story where grandmothers react to the granddaughters Western style
negligees. Once the grandmothers had found out about them, they put them on, initially embarrassing
the girls,
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Essay about How the Downfall of RBS Could Have Been Prevented
1. What is the core idea behind agency theory?
2. Can you use agency theory to analyse:
a. the rise and downfall of RBS;
b. the mortgage debt crisis more generally?
3. Who is/are the principal(s) and who is/are the agent(s) in your analysis?
Can you think of one threat that arises from the use of agency theory in developing measures aimed to
prevent future banking and/or financial failures?
The emergency rescue of the Royal Bank of Scotland in 2008 has cost the UK government thus the
British taxpayer a huge amount of money. Many people are upset about the high bonuses the RBS
management board have received, both because of the outrageously high amount and because the
performance of the bank on the long term was not good at all. ... Show more content on ...
By pursuing this, the manager (agent) also pursues the goals of the shareholders (principals). At least
that is the idea behind it.
The Royal Bank of Scotland just like many other banks and businesses paid out its managers
considerable bonuses for their performances. Managers at RBS started maximising their bonuses by
aggressive actions such as take overs and investing in complex financial products. These actions
caused the profits of RBS to grow rapidly, which meant high bonuses for the managers. These actions,
however, also meant the stability and financial safety of RBS on the long term got worse and worse.
This was not a problem for the managers as they had already earned their bonuses. A different bonus
structure probably would have prevented the reckless actions of the RBS managers.
Bonuses of managers could be paid out in shares which they are obliged to keep for a certain time
period, e.g. 5 years. That way the share price on the long term is of importance for the managers and
the goal of the shareholders is aligned with the goal of the managers. However, the share price is
dependent on much more factors than the performance of just one manager. There is a risk that
managers would feel they have little to none influence on the share price and still make risk full
decisions. Another possibility would be determining the bonus of a manager on their performance in
the long run, e.g. 5 years. A combination of these two bonus
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What Is Eos Lip Balm
The EOS lip balm has taken over the lip balm market in this country. The little round orbs filled with
aromatic lip balm are a favorite for millions of women across the country. Surprisingly, EOS lip balm
is new to the lip balm market, compared to traditional favorites like Chapstick, Blistex, and Burt s
Bees. EOS or the Evolution Of Smooth is lavishly displayed in magazine pictorials and in local retail
stores. Today, the small startup is the second best, selling lip balm. How did they achieve that position
in an over saturated lip balm market? Read on for more about EOS. In The Beginning In the beginning
there were about three main players in the lip balm industry that controlled all the sales. Of course,
there were hundreds or even thousands
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Career In Pediatric Oncology
A Career in Pediatric Oncology Oncology is the study and treatment of cancer. Cancer is a disease that
develops when normal cells in certain parts of the body start to grow abnormally and continuously. It
has been a plague on human life for a while; in fact, the earliest evidence of the disease was found in
ancient Egyptian manuscripts dating back to 1600 BC. It is currently the most diagnosed disease in the
world. Pediatric Oncology is a subspecialty of the practice that focuses on the treatment of cancer in
children. In earlier days, because information on the disease was limited, treatment for children was
almost inexistent. However, in the 1940s a doctor named Sidney Farber made a milestone in the
treatment of these children by administering ... Show more content on ...
The steps are: (1) Earn a Bachelor s Degree; (2) Pass the MCAT; (3) Apply to Medical School; (4)
Graduate from Medical School; (5) Obtain Medical Licensure; (6) Complete a Pediatric Residency
Program; (7) Become Board Certified in Pediatrics; (8) Participate in a Pediatric Oncology
Fellowship; and (9) Earn Board Certification in Pediatric Hematology Oncology. ( Become A
Pediatric Oncologist: Education And Career Roadmap )
To complete these steps I will need to incorporate my whole life to this goal. From a social point of
view, I will choose my friends wisely; making sure to not associate with negative people and instead
collaborate with those who share the same ambition and interest. It is also important not to isolate
yourself in the process of chasing your goals; so keeping in touch with family is a definite. In terms of
jobs, finding ones that involve interaction with children seems or laboratory internships seem to be the
best option.
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Free Will In John Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men
We live in an existence where we dream and make plans to achieve those dreams. Dreams are fuel for
life because it gives you hope that everything will be alright and it give paths to follow when you don
t have any. Sometimes dreams don t go as planned, as a matter of fact they can be shattered into
million pieces in few seconds. It does not matter how well thought out your plans were, but they can
be destroyed because you don t know what is going to happen in the future. Things are predestined
and they will happen no matter how much you try to avoid it. Our future is not in our control so, when
we try to alter our fate, we mess it up even more. In John Steinbeck s novel, Of Mice and Men,
George and Lennie are doomed to their fate, but they ... Show more content on ...
They have a dream that they want to fulfill and by achieving this goal they can prevent living a
horrible life. According to George, With us it ain t like that. We got somebody to talk to that gives a
damn about us. We don t have to sit in no bar room blown in our jack jus because we got no place else
to go (Steinbeck, 14). In simpler terms, they do not want to live like all the other men. Besides, they
have a planned future so they won t have to live an ordinary and static life of a migrant worker. Also,
George and Lennie want to have their own ranch and live there without any trouble. As a good friend,
George tries his best to keep Lennie out of trouble as much as possible. So he tells him not to interact
with Curly because he is a walking trouble. George explains to Lennie, Look, Lennie. You try to keep
away from him, will you? Don t never speak to him if he comes in here you move clear to the other
side of the room (Steinbeck, 29). The point is that George does not want Lennie to get in any feud
with Curley he is the boss s son. Therefore he is trying to ensure that Lennie does not get into any
mess which will cause them to lose this job. All in all, they tried to modify their fate by not getting
into any fuss and having a planned
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Pros And Cons Of The Right To Die Law
About a century ago, when new technologies such as the artificial respirator and morphine spiked, the
right to die law came up. The right to die law gives terminally ill patients the ability to end their life.
Today, in the United States only five states have passed the right to die law. All terminally ill patients,
should have the option open to them in all fifty states. With the right to die law comes a variety of
opinions, along with uprising questions, and stories of people who did or should have been able to
chose their death. The right to die law is a very controversial topic, that has many pros and cons. One
con is that if we killed someone, there is the chance of finding the cure soon after, meaning that person
could have
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American Dollar vs Japanese Yen
This paper aims to compare the Japanese Yen against the US Dollar over a five year period starting
from 2005 till 2010. The exchange traded fund for Japanese Yen shall also be discussed in the paper
and afterwards an analysis of both the currencies shall be presented. There are different factors that
influence the exchange rate differences between any two chosen currencies. The effects produced by
these different exchange rates can be of quite different intensity. The most common elements that have
an impact on exchange rate difference include economic factors, socio political factors and other
behavioral or technical factors also. The macroeconomic factors such as growth of a country,
employment rate, gross domestic product etc. All ... Show more content on ...
In the similar time period Japanese Yen has been in the third position with a turnover position of
20.8% in the year 2005. The overall financial market currency structure has seen a decline in the
turnover position of the US Dollar to 85% from a strong position of 88%. Similarly a decline has been
in the position of the Japanese Yen to 17.2% from an acceptable turnover position of 20.8%. While
considering the trend of these two currencies during the period starting from 2007 and ending at 2010,
it is to be noted that minute changes were seen in the two different currencies with regards to their
share in foreign currency market. The US Dollar witnessed a continued fall to 84.9% from its previous
85.6% however, the Japanese Yen saw a rise from its previous position of 17.2% to an increase of1.8%
that is 19%. During the same time period the US dollar and Japanese Yen were the second most traded
paired currencies and was traded at around 14% of the overall foreign currency market second to the
US Dollar and Euro pair. Conclusion The foreign exchange market has seen considerable changes
owing to the global financial crisis. It is to be seen how different factors like economy and global
politics further impact strong currencies like the US Dollar and other competing currencies such as the
Japanese Yen.
References Adam, C., amp; Vines, D., (2009), Remaking Macroeconomic Policy after the Global
Financial Crisis: a balance sheet approach, Oxford
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Meaning Of Homeland
Moving forward, the nationalist sentiments did not stop after the Holocaust, but were furthered, and
now captivated other nations in the world to support a Jewish state as well. Before the Holocaust, Jews
knew there was a mass presence of anti semitism throughout Europe, in which was a driving factor to
establish a homeland. After the Holocaust Zionism continued to gain popularity. In the essay The
Meaning of Homeland the author Amos Oz gives his own personal perspective on Israeli nationalism
when claiming being a Jew in the diaspora means that Auschwitz is meant for you. It is meant for you
because you are a symbol, not an individual. (237) By saying this he argues nationalism is a necessity
because even if a Jew has nationalism for the
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My Cultural Paper On Machu Picchu Peruvian Restaurant
One of the countries in South America is Peru, home to part of the Amazon rainforest and also to
Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu is an ancient Incan city that was set high in the Andes Mountains. The
civilization was renowned for its sophisticated dry stone walls, and so is Machu Picchu Peruvian
Restaurant. This restaurant has captured the essence not only of the ancient civilization, but of the
culture of Peru as well. Though this is a restaurant, they teach their customers about Spanish culture,
and they also contributes to both their immediate community and Hispanic community. So in other
words, this restaurant isn t just a restaurant, but a Peruvian cultural experience. First of all, the reason
why I chose to do my Cultural Paper on Machu Picchu Peruvian Restaurant is because to me (as well
as the community, I m sure), this place isn t only in existence to sell food, but to allow its customers to
experience Peru and it s culture as much as possible without going to the actual country. When you
first drive past the restaurant, the stone design of the outside draws your attention. This restaurant is
located in downtown Newburgh (one of the most dangerous cities in New York), so its design
automatically stands out from the poverty surrounding the area. Also, from the moment I walked into
the restaurant, it was like I stepped into a different world; from the smells to the ambiance, this
restaurant embodied Peru to the T . The dishes on the menu were all authentic, Peruvian
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Gertrude s Tragic End Of Shakespeare s Hamlet
John (Zhiyao) Ma
21L.009, Shakespeare
March 11, 2015
Gertrude s Tragic End The nature of Shakespeare s plays, with its notable lack of stage directions,
gives way to multiple different interpretations of the characters, plot, and even of the purpose of the
play itself. The character of Gertrude is no exception. Gertrude s character and motives, being left
ambiguous, have been interpreted in many different ways in various productions of Hamlet. Was she
implicit in the death of King Hamlet, or was she merely a clueless bystander? Did she drink the poison
as an act of motherly self sacrifice, or was it an accidental tragedy? Zefferelli s Hamlet (1990) and
Almereyda s Hamlet (2000) provide two different interpretations on Gertrude s characterization. In
particular, there exist substantial differences in their renditions of Gertrude s death while Almereyda
portrays her death as a noble suicide, Zefferelli paints her death as a by product of her unceasing lust
for pleasure. Furthermore, in that scene, we also notice a difference in Hamlet s attitude towards
Gertrude. By analyzing these points along with other scenes within the context of the entire film, we
manage to develop an understanding of Almereyda s and Zefferelli s view on Gertrude and how use
that to develop the tragic conclusion of the final scene. Almereyda s rendition of Gertrude s death
portrays her death as a noble act of self sacrifice. [Clip 1 Gertrude s end]. At the beginning of the
fencing duel, we see her
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A Great Author By Norman Vincent Peale
A great author, Norman Vincent Peale, (n.d) had once said, I believe there are two sides to the
phenomenon known as death, this side where we live, and the other side where we shall continue to
live. Eternity does not start with death. We are in eternity now . That was the only thought buzzing my
mind when I got out of my client, Jenny s house. Jenny recently lost her husband but in his funeral she
looked calm, happy and acted like she was not grieving at all. Her families were concerned and had
asked me to take care of her as they thought she has some psychological issue or was just at great
denial. Since, Jenny and I knew each other for long, we established good therapeutic relationship
instantly. According to her mother, she always talked to herself, laughs loudly at the middle of the
night and at times refers to her husband, as he is still alive. I felt that she is in grieving process and
needs some time to recover. However, when I asked her how she was feeling about her loss, she
looked at me like she did not understand what I was talking about. Later, she said that her husband is
still there with her and he is not lost. She can feel him and talk to him. Furthermore, she express that
she realizes her behavior might seem weird to others but for her that is real and it was happening to
her. She shares with me stories about her connectedness with her husband in a spiritual way. It is just
his body have left the world but his soul was still there with her. Moreover she
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Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Mobile Invoice Essay
3.18 Strengths weaknesses of the Second Document (Invoice) 3.18.1 Strengths of O2 Invoice The
appearance of the O2 invoice is very professional for that of an invoice; this is because the
information is well laid out and easy to read. The header contains the classic O2 blue colour, the logo
and an image of a balloon; this is strength because it makes the invoice look more vibrant and
attractive. The background colour of the invoice is white and the text is black. The text is a good size;
this is strength because it makes the invoice look professional and is also very easy to read. The
invoice contains contact details; this is a strength because customers will be able to contact O2 with
any queries. 3.18.2 Strengths of Vodafone Invoice The overall appearance of the Vodafone invoice is
very professional. The header of the invoice is red and blue and includes the Vodafone logo; this is a
strength because it makes the invoice look more vibrant. The invoice contains a range of contact
details and also an FAQ section; these are strengths because it helps customers with any 3.18.3
Weaknesses of O2 Invoice The O2 invoice contains very little weaknesses. An advantage the
Vodafone invoice has over the O2 invoice is that the O2 invoice doesn t contain an FAQ section; this
is a weakness because customers may have a query that will be left unanswered. 3.18.4 Weakness of
Vodafone Invoice Similar to the O2 invoice, the Vodafone invoice has very little
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Cliff Burton Pros And Cons
Las Angeles, 1982. A strange time for the music scene. Popular music is stuck in limbo between pop
and rock. This story starts when a young James Hetfield puts an ad in the local newspaper looking to
start a band. He gets his answer when Lars Ulrich responds to the call. Together, they form Metallica,
and they are out for the blood of hair metal. After finding a lead guitar player, Metallica needs a
bassist. After some trial and error, the end up with Cliff Burton. That moment would have effects over
30 years later, on a beginning bassist living in Wyoming. Three things could be learned from Cliff s
legacy, serving the song, playing outside the box, and being yourself. Cliff s first great aspect to learn
from, was serving the song. Cliff Burton s bass playing was revolutionary at the time. He preferred to
ignore the so called standard way to play bass. His playing was wild, loud, and labeled as lead bass.
But despite his ferocious playing, Cliff always played to serve the song. If the song didn t have space
for overdriven bass, then there was none. But if permitted by the song structure and vibe, then Cliff
would let loose. This was important for me to learn, because it taught me to always put the song first.
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Before Cliff, there were so few bassist who played in his style, that it was considered outlandish to
play a bass that way. Cliff stacked distortion pedals, electronics that turned the bass sound into a
gnarly wave of sound. Cliff was a pioneer in this style of playing, to the point that he had a whole
song that was nothing but a bass solo. To this day, that song is a Metallica favorite. By not playing to
the standard of what a bass player is supposed to be, was another valuable asset for me to learn. It
enabled me to break creative barriers, and take control of my
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Adnan Syed
Adnan Syed is accused of murdering his ex girlfriend, and various factors present him as a very likely
suspect. Information gathered from his peers don t add up, but instead prove he is innocent. Is Adnan
guilty or innocent for his ex girlfriend s death? In the Serial Podcast, Sarah Koenig discusses the case,
committed almost seventeen years ago, and uncovers new evidence that indicates Adnan s innocence.
Adnan Syed has been viewed as a boyfriend, honor roll student, and a murderer. Many described him
as a smart, flirtatious, and a likable high schooler. On January 13, 1999, his ex girlfriend Hae Min Lee
was murdered. Investigators immediately assumed Adnan as the primary suspect because Hae had
broken up with him, a month prior to the ... Show more content on ...
Looking back, Adnan is not guilty because he wasn t too upset after Hae broke up with him. Peers and
teachers have announced he took a breakup like any other high schooler, sad and glum. In the library,
Asia and Adnan were chatting with each other when Hae was dead. There s no possibility Adnan
could have killed Hae when he was in the library. Also, Adnan claims he does not know where Leakin
Park is. Aside from that, the sequence of events is inaccurate since Adnan s alibi has been supported
by witnesses. Although Jay claims he s been with Adnan when he reveals Hae s dead body and when
they buried it. However, most of the reasons that prove Adnan is guilty come from Jay, and no one
else can confirm them. Is Jay really a trustful
... Get more on ...
Florida Recruit Case Study
Florida Recruiting: Inaugural Early Signing Day Preview
Tomorrow marks the first early signing period for college football recruits. Prospects from around the
country will be shutting down their recruitment processes, signing, and early enrolling to their
program of choice.
Dan Mullen was introduced as the 27th head coach in Florida Gators history just three weeks prior to
the inaugural signing period.
Despite seven de commitments from the Gators 2018 recruiting class since the arrival of Mullen, this
staff have put themselves in a position to close out the early signing period with a profusion of
Florida has several prominent prospects that could find themselves in the #AllBite18 class on
Wednesday and Armchair examines the ... Show more content on ...
The opportunity of playing time awaits Jones in Gainesville and many believe he will sign his letter of
intent to the Gators on Wednesday.
Prediction: Florida
DB Trey Dean (Hampton, Ga.) Dean is another big time prospect that seems to be eyeing the Gators
more than other programs.
Dean de committed from the Tennessee Volunteers two weeks ago, and ever since, the Gators have
made a pursuit at landing the nations 22nd ranked safety.
Dean (6 foot 2, 180 pounds) is a long, athletic defensive back that possesses tremendous football IQ.
His length at defensive back benefits him in jump ball situations, allowing him to make a play on the
ball at its highest point.
Following an official visit to the Gators this past weekend, I expect Florida to seal the deal with Dean.
Florida also recently hired the Volunteers defensive back coach from a season ago (Dean s former
coach he committed to), making the pitch to Dean much easier.
Dean would be the fourth safety prospect to sign for the Gators on Wednesday. The staff made this
unit a priority on the trail and it will pay off during the inaugural early signing
... Get more on ...

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  • 2. The Economic Impact of Globalization on Turkey Introduction Globalization has affected the world in many different ways, including cultural exchange, language development, and information diffusion, along with worldwide economic and financial growth. Here we wish to analyse the costs and benefits of globalisation to the Republic of Turkey. More specifically, we will look at the economic and business impacts globalisation has made on Turkey and its current position with regard to the world economy. Current Economic Situation Today s economic outlook for Turkey is deteriorating. GDP growth has been revised to 3.6% for 2008 (against 4.3% previously) and to 3.0% for 2009 (previously 4.0%). Turkey s unemployment rate rose to 9.4%. The slowdown in growth in 2007 (GDP growth of 4.5%) ... Show more content on ... Therefore, there was not comparable increase in their exports. On the contrary, the rise of montage industries which used imported components to assemble the products primarily (i.e. electronic goods, motor vehicles, consumer durables, etc) meant that industrial growth required ever more imports. Paradoxically, the attempts at import substitution to decrease its trade balance deficit tended to aggravate it. This strategy also caused other problems: the capital intensive nature of many industrial investments, especially those in the intermediate goods sector, caused employment in industry to grow relatively more slowly, which lead to structural unemployment. Moreover, dependence on imported petroleum to develop its industry made the country highly vulnerable to increases in oil prices. These are the threats for the country to achieve sustainable economic growth. Late 1970s and early 1980s: Economic Reform In the late 1970s, the industrial sector of Turkey had reached a turning point. In the short run, it needed to decrease the trade balance deficit. It was facing shortages of energy, imported machinery parts, and processing materials. These had caused a decline in industrial output during the last few years of the decade. In the longer run, to become more efficient and to be able to have more exports, the industrial structure had to be adjusted in accordance with the country s comparative advantages. In effect, industry would have to transfer resources out of ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Importance Of Nudity In Ancient Greek Historical Art In the Ancient Greek historical Art, nude male figures were used to depict the beauty of the human body as well as the new focusing in the evolution of art. The nude first became significant in the art of ancient Greece, where athletic competitions at religious festivals celebrated the human body, particularly the male, in an unparalleled way. (Jean) Thus, the social standard of the time in aesthetic, modesty and morality was reflected in every nudity art work .Nude male figures, in sculptures and paintings, of warriors, charioteers and musicians had become more and more popular as the symbol of energy and power of life or were used as the symbol of God, Goddess and Heroes. But nude figures of Gods and Goddess were no longer allowed by the Christianity in the Renaissance because of emphasizing on chastity and celibacy further discounted depictions of nakedness (Jean) , nude figures of athletic were used as an expression of virility as well as the beauty of the human body. Nudity in the Middle Ages became sinful, therefore, nude figures were rare in the medieval art and the artists were focusing on creating art about God and Goddess and their power rather than depicting the beauty of the human body. And by the end of the medieval period, nude female figures intended to be attractive and slowly brought back into art and became popular again. In the Baroque to Modern art, nudity still played an important role in art. In the Baroque period, nude art had changed and became ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Nosocomial Infection Research Paper How does one feel when he or she is admitted into a hospital or health care facility, and on the news there is a feature on infections within the health care facilities. A major problem today s time in the health care is the risk for nosocomial infections. These nosocomial infections are contracted with in the hospital or any health care facility, and are also known as health care acquired infections H.A.I. . The risk of these infections, are now higher than ever. With the constant flow of patients into the health care facility, it is nearly impossible to make sure the area is clean and safe for the next patient. This is a major problem just because the types of infection that are contracted. Infections include: Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus ... Show more content on ... With the use of antibacterial wipes and other cleaning supplies and protective equipment the health care provider can sterilize areas that are needed for care and protect them selves from carrying the infections with them. There are some time management problems with supplied material to clean and protect the patients from infections. The problem with these wipes is that they take time to work effectively. And with the way the hospital works now a days the time spend making sure the rooms are set and clean for the next patient is not encouraged. Some time the cleaning and sterilization process is preformed but not enough. This is why we see the spread of infections with in the hospital. Now concerning the use of protective equipment. If we can use the equipment correctly we will diminish the risk of spreading infections. Look at the simple nitrile glove. It protects the hands from nasty bacteria and when disposed of properly it doesn t cause a concern of an infection. Now I under stand with the gloves and other equipment the cost will be an ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Gary Nash Essay In the essay written by Gary Nash, he argues that the reason for the American Revolution was not caused by the defense of constitutional rights and liberties, but that of material conditions of life in America were not very favorable and that social and economic factors should be considered as the driving factor that pushed many colonists to revolt. The popular ideology which can be defined as resonating most strongly within the middle and lower strata of society and went far beyond constitutional rights to a discussion of the proper distribution of wealth and power in the social system had a dynamic role in the decisions of many people to revolt. The masses ideas were not of constitutional rights, but the equal distribution of wealth ... Show more content on ... As the wealthy increased their assets in the cities, at the same time, a large class was impoverished city dwellers. A huge contrast between the wealthy and the poor were forming and becoming more apparent from the beginning of the eighteenth century in the colonies. The data that was collected on the people who were submitted into poor houses clearly with little doubt that the third quarter of the eighteenth century was an era of severe economic and social dislocation in the cities, and that by the end of the colonial period a large number of urban dwellers were without property, without opportunity, and except for public aid, without the means of obtaining the necessities. This evidence of poverty in the colonies is one that Nash tries to point out to support his argument that there was a sharp contrast in the distribution of wealth, and that the masses were at this time more focused on the economy s downfall of the period than defending for constitutional rights and liberties. Protest sparked as the result of the enormous poverty in the colonies. Frustrated with their living conditions the middle and lower classes protested violently in the cities. During this time of frustration with the economic conditions, rank had no privileges, as even the lieutenant governor was shot in Massachusetts. The wealthy were attacked ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Teacher Observation Essay Consequently, high attrition rates characterize the first 3 years of teaching, underscoring a need to provide better support for beginning teachers. Every new teacher becomes part of the school community. The special education teachers must work across the boundaries of general and special education and communicate effectively with general education teachers, related services personnel, administrators, and parents. They should know how to coordinate their work with other professionals to accomplish important goals. I think that learning to interact in a positive and productive manner with colleagues is a critically important part of the new teacher s work. As I observed at school, the tension can arise if the paraprofessional keeps disagreeing with the teacher s decision. It can easily happen if the teacher is new. I strongly believe that it is a responsibility of every new teacher to take time to build relationships with others from the moment she/he begins interacting with them. Strong partnerships with other teachers should lead to productive interaction with other professionals in the school and better teaching. Building strong relationships are important for helping students meet their goals. According to Billingsley, Brownell, Israel Kamman (2013, p. 27), Teachers who establish positive relationships will be less stressed and more satisfied with their work, and those who experience chronic interpersonal problems have greater stress, withdraw, and will likely be ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Essay about Marcus Aurelius Meditations Kurt McGann 11/12/11 Period 1 Mythology Hart Personal Meditations Section 1 Stoicism: a systematic philosophy, dating from around 300 b.c., that held the principles of logical thought to reflect a cosmic reason instantiated in nature. ( Marcus Aurelius (the author of Meditations ) was a stoic as well as an emperor. The book he wrote was a collection of thoughts, things he advised himself to do, a piece reflecting his stoicism, and a personal diary of sorts. The kinds of things put into this book were sometimes crazy, sometimes contradictory, yet sometimes very true and insightful. Marcus wasn t a professional philosopher, and this comes out in his work, but he had an interesting way of living his life. His writings ... Show more content on ... Could you have a hot bath unless the firewood underwent some change? Could you be nourished if the food suffered no change? Is it possible for any useful thing to be achieved without change? Do you not see, then, that change in yourself is of the same order, and no less necessary to nature? Many things we reap benefits from only come from the change of that item, as marcus explains. As well as getting benefits from change, we can also get cons. If we change things, such as law reforms, many will be mad, and just as many will be happy. So when it comes to change, it can leave bad effects just as well as it can leave good effects. Although Marcus has good intent, I can t head all of his advice. Marcus believed along with other things, that self improvement was important over many a things. I agree that self improvement is well, self improvement; and by the nature of the phrase itself is a good thing. Marcus holds this true at a more extreme level, putting it before things that lead to your own happiness. If today was your last day to live (assuming you are certain it is your last day to live) and you had a responsibility to better yourself given to you before your death, Marcus would say to go through with that responsibility, even if it resulted in your own discomfort. Marcus sees the improvement of one s self would be more important than your own happiness, saying that dying a better person is better than dying content. I completely ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Nazi Olympics Research Paper The vast majority of my earliest memories consist of cheering on my favorite sports teams along with my father. The weekends were dedicated to watching games, regardless of the sport or level of the athletes. We would gather around the old box television and cheer on Notre Dame football and basketball, Detroit Tigers baseball, and every two years, the U.S. Olympic teams. The Olympics always bring out patriotic sentiments in Americans, and we were no exception. From Beijing, to Vancouver, to London, to Sochi, to Rio, I recollect watching the nightly recaps with Bob Costas, and checking the medal count, hoping to see the United States firmly situated in first place among the many other competing countries. However, sports is not the only field ... Show more content on ... They took eleven Israeli athletes and coaches hostage, but killed two almost immediately after they put up a fight (Davis). The world watched, transfixed, as the scene played out throughout the day. German officials attempted to negotiate with the captors by pushing back deadlines by which the Palestinians said they were going to kill the athletes. Eventually, a settlement was reached where the captives were to be taken to an airport and flown to Egypt where negotiations could continue. The Germans set up an ambush on the runway in an attempt to rescue the Israelis, but tragically, it miserably failed and each athlete was murdered by their captors (1972: Munich and ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Ethical Issues In Veterinary Clinic The two ethical issues and concerns in the Veterinary practice I chose have to deal with Convenience Euthanasia and Low cost Spay/Neuter clinics. Since working at a veterinary clinic over the past few years these issues where always a concern one way or in another. People would at times have the need to prematurely say good bye to their pets. If that wasn t strangely enough some people would subject their pets to a backdoor spay/neuter operation without even being bothered by the pain their pets would experience as a result. Why would it be by any definition ethical to euthanize a healthy pet? This is a question that is often debated in the veterinary field. It s clearly not always the ultimate option as far as a lot ... Show more content on ... Now that torch has been handed over to Drew Carey, he now echoes those exact same words. So what s the big deal you asked? Over the past few years there has been a surge of low cost spay/neuter clinics springing up, from the back alleys in some states to being propped up at mini malls. Some may argue the fact that at least the pet owner is doing their part of controlling the pet population but at what cost to the well being of their beloved pet. Some pet owners are under the impression that private veterinarians charge more just to make more money whereas the low cost clinic can perform the say operation at a much lower rate and the quality is the same. Not so true. A spay for your adult Rottweiler at your local vet hospital can range from $200 to $500 dollars including anesthesia, pain medication and post operative care. (Low Cost spay/neuter clinics vs. Local Vets, para 9). The price at a low cost spay clinic the fee may run as low as $30 $50. At a lot of times that cost only covers the procedure. Pain medication and post operative care is either an option or just not event provided. With the pet owner not being aware of this their pet quietly suffers. It s been noted and witness that there are times when a surgical procedure in done at a low cost clinic the pet has a good chance of experiencing surgical complications. (Low Cost ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Themistocles Oedipus In The Persian Expedition In The Persian Expedition, Xenophon follows the fate of 10,000 Greek mercenaries as they make their long and arduous journey from deep in Persian territory back to Greece, their homeland. In addition to details of the trip, Xenophon discusses some personal qualities of Cyrus and the leaders of his mercenary s. Themistocles was an Athenian politician from a slightly earlier period who rose to prominence using his cunning, cleverness, persuasion, and deception. Presented favorably by Plutarch in The Rise and Fall of Athens: Nine Greek Lives, and critically in The Histories of Herodotus, Themistocles is not discussed by Xenophon. Although he demonstrated the intelligence that Xenophon valued, Themistocles deceptive nature, greed, and self interest ... Show more content on ... Xenophon s main reason for disliking Menon was his deceitfulness and dishonest nature: The shortest road to the achievement of his desires lay he thought through false swearing, lying, and cheating (Xenophon, 2.6). Xenophon also valued the honesty of Cyrus. He would tell no lies to anyone (Xenophon, 1.9). Themistocles was also deceitful and willing to do whatever was necessary to survive, as illustrated by his clever trick in Salamis: so he cast around for a counter stroke and hit upon his celebrated trick Siccinus (Plutarch ,3.12). Even when Themistocles did not lie outright, he valued his manipulative powers: Themistocles told them that he had brought two gods, persuasion and compulsion (Plutarch, 3.21). He used his cunning to get his way, threatening to lie to get the sailors in trouble if they crossed him: but partly by entreaties and partly by the threat that he would denounce them to the Athenians and make it appear that they had known all along who he was, but had taken him on board in the first instance for a bribe, he forced them to stand out to sea and reach the coast of Asia (Plutarch, 3.25). Themistocles, though brilliant and clever, resorted to lying and manipulation when honesty was not productive enough, in contrast to the truth telling Cyrus, whom Xenophon ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Work Of The Va Social Workers This meek beginning social work had progressed into a professional service with treatment obligations in all patient care areas, helping patients ←and→ families to attain their highest level of adjustment/coping in society, endorsing vocational ←and→ psychosocial rehabilitation. Social workers developed implemented treatment approaches which addressed individual social difficulties work with acute/chronic medical conditions, dying patients, bereaved families. VA social workers were liable for ensuring continuity of care through the admission, evaluation, treatment, follow up processes this consisted of coordinating discharge planning providing case management services based on the patients clinical community health social services ... Show more content on ... F., Dekle, Judith. Ward., Sheets, Carol., 2014). A struggle for veterans was finding employment after completing the service so many veterans had problems with conforming to civilian from transitioning out the military. The unemployment rate for all U.S. veterans was 6.9 percent←;→ however, for those who had served since September 11 it rest at 10 percent. 13 percent of the veterans in the U.S. population were homeless, another 1.4 million veterans were at the endangered of homelessness. The source for vets that unfortunately discovery themselves in this position of being homeless lack of employment, poverty, housing shortages, low wages with adding drug abuse, alcohol, physical mental illness these problems can leave a veteran out in the streets (Hoffer, Elizabeth. F., Dekle, Judith. Ward., Sheets, Carol., 2014). Health ←and→ mental health troubles reflected an extensive range of concerns centered on chronic health problems, substance abuse, psychosocial, clinically diagnosed problems, self esteem problems. Substance abuse was noticed as a major obstacle to conquering homelessness addictive behaviors in the same way as alcoholism, drug abuse were frequently identified in ... Get more on ...
  • 12. In Spiegelman’s Maus, Even the Dedications Are an... Spiegelman s Maus is a graphic novel which explores events of the holocaust and the uniting of a father and son. Though often overlooked the dedications play an integral role in better understanding the text. The dedications do not influence the meaning of the book but do reinforce events in the book. Spiegelman dedicates the first book to his mother as an attempt to rid himself of the guilt associated with his mother s suicide. In an attempt to not have the same short comings as his father, Art associates his most prized work with the most prized people in his life. Richieu is often disregarded in the book however he is vital in Spiegelman s eyes. The book in its entirety is highly important as it is a dedication to a whole race. ... Show more content on ... Spiegelman has presented his father s memoirs in a creative way by portraying racial groups as animals and by making the story into a graphic novel. By presenting it in comic form, Art Spiegelman is able to better capture the emotions of those in the graphic novel. Not a dedication in the conventional sense, the book eternalizes the memoirs of Vladek and those around him. The dedications are an essential part of the text as their meaning extends beyond the book. Spiegelman uses them as a way to remember those that were close to him. This is noticed in the dedications to his mother, to Richieu the brother he never knew and to his children. The book is a legacy to those that experienced the terror of the holocaust and is A Survivors ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Leadership Is An Important Element Of The Management... 1 Steve Jobs CEO, Apple Introduction Leadership is an important element of the management function. Leadership involves ability to integrate human resources and firm s goals. Different situations may warrant different kinds of leadership. A business leader knows how to motivate people, accomplish goals, and get things done quickly. Leaders act as middlemen between employees and organization s objectives. Leaders reveal attributes of courage, creativity, and entrepreneurial energy. Strong leaders are essential to the success of an organization. To be a successful leader, an individual must be innovative, able to constructive criticism, and possess power to influence others. Steve Jobs leadership style is quite unique and influencing. We can see a lot of examples of great business leader in real life. One of them is Steve Jobs, a well known personality all over the world. MAIN BODY In order to survive for the organization in the long run, an efficient organization is one which adapt with the changing external environment. In such case, a leader must be innovative and creative who easily diagnose the situation and implement new ideas to avoid the threat of that factor to the organization. Steve Jobs was known for his new ideas and creativity. His innovations and dedications to quality made his customer brand loyal. He came up with nano 2 technology in the market He brought us Apple, Pixar, and desktop laser printers. He delivered one of the most watched TED Talks of ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Relationship Maintenance In Long Distance Relationships The Statistic Brain Research Institute states 14 million people [Americans] considered themselves to be in a long distance relationship and cannot see partners cannot see each other face to face daily like geographically close relationships (Long Distance Relationship Statistics). These high numbers make relationship maintenance for long distance relationships all the more viable for discussion. Due to the distance, long distance relationships present unique obstacles such as lack of physical contact, increased financial burdens to maintain relationships, and high expectations of partners for the quality of limited face to face meetings in the relationship. Therefore, a different type of relationship maintenance will be presented in order to assist long distance couples from becoming part of the failed 70%. A relationship maintenance model will be compared to scenarios and suggestions will be made in order create a stronger relationship through communication for both parties involved in long distance relationships. SMS and SNS are powerful devices that strengthen interpersonal communication between couples because they allow validation which is difficult to achieve in long distance relationships. In close distant relationships couples, SMS and SNS are supports to offline relationship maintenance processes; however due to the lack of opportunity to engage in relationship processes in LDR, SMS and SNS becomes a channel to express relationship maintenance. Relationship ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Cross 9e TBB Ch27 Chapter 27 Antitrust Law N.B.: TYPE indicates that a question is new, modified, or unchanged, as follows. N A question new to this edition of the Test Bank. + A question modified from the previous edition of the Test Bank. = A question included in the previous edition of the Test Bank. TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 1. The purpose of antitrust law is to reduce competition. ANSWER: F PAGES: Introduction TYPE: N BUSPROG: Analytic AICPA: BB Legal 2. Any activity that substantially affects interstate commerce falls outside the scope of antitrust laws. ANSWER: F PAGES: Section 1 TYPE: N BUSPROG: Analytic AICPA: BB Legal 3. Market power is the ability of a firm to enter a given market. ANSWER: F PAGES: Section 1 TYPE: N BUSPROG: ... Show more content on ... a federal trade commission act. b. an antitrust law. c. an interstate commerce act. d. a suppressive restraint on trade. ANSWER: B PAGES: Introduction TYPE: = BUSPROG: Reflective AICPA: BB Legal 2. Discount Retail Corporation may be engaging in conduct that vio­ lates the Sherman Act. To bring an action against the firm requires that its conduct have a sig­ nificant impact on a. international commerce. b. Internet commerce. c. interstate commerce. d. intrastate commerce. ANSWER: C PAGES: Section 1 TYPE: = BUSPROG: Reflective AICPA: BB Legal 3. Soft Drink Corporation is charged with violating the Sherman Act through conduct subject to the rule of reason. When applying the rule of reason in this situation, a court will not consider a. the purpose of the agreement. b. the parties market ability to implement the agreement. c. the effect of the agreement on international trade. d. the potential effect of the agreement on competition. ANSWER: C PAGES: Section 1 TYPE: N BUSPROG: Reflective AICPA: BB Legal Fact Pattern 27 1 (Questions 4 5 apply) Natural Gas, Inc., and Olio Energy Company refine and sell natural gas. To limit the supply of natural gas on the market and thereby raise prices, Natural Gas and Olio Energy agree to buy excess supplies from dealers and dispose of it. 4. Refer to Fact Pattern 27 1. The agreement between Natural Gas and Olio Energy is a. a horizontal restraint. b. none of the choices. c. a resale price maintenance ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Amanda Clark Research Paper Amanda Clark s phone conversation came to an abrupt end when her Chevrolet Trailblazer rolled three times before landing on its roof. She had run a stop sign and was broadsided by another driver. Metal caved in around her, but the roof stayed intact and she survived with just scrapes and bruises (Tracy). Amanda Clark survived her first car accident caused by distracted driving, but wasn t as lucky the second time. After she started driving again, she pledged to put her phone away and focus on driving. Clark s Mother, Bonnye Spray, said, I thought this would be a wakeup call for her, and it was for a short time she wouldn t talk on the phone, she was more cautious. But she got more confident in her driving and a sense of Hey, I survived one, I m invincible, nothing is going to happen to me now (Tracy). A year after her accident, Clark was driving on a highway. She ... Show more content on ... I didn t even realize what I was doing, until one day Stephanie called me out on it (Henry). The effects of distracted driving accidents are not always physical. The emotional upset a driver feels after a car accident can affect them for months or even years after the accident, regardless if the accident was their fault or not. Although distracted driving is a problem for all drivers, it specifically is a major problem for teenagers. Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for American teens. When it comes to distracted driving, young people are the most likely to text and talk behind the wheel ( Distracted Driving Facts ). In Idaho between the years of 2010 and 2014, the age group 15 19 experienced the most crashes, with the age group 20 24 coming second. Teenagers also contributed to 10% of fatal car crashes and a little over 15% of serious injury car crashes ( Distracted Crash ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Booker T Washington Biography Booker T. Washington developed amidst declining social, political, and financial conditions for American blacks. His racial program set the terms for the levelheaded discussion on Negro projects for the decades in the vicinity of 1895 and 1915. Conceived a slave in a Virginia log lodge in 1856, Booker T. Washington was author and chief of Tuskegee Institute, a typical and mechanical school in Alabama. Washington had worked his way through Hampton Institute in Virginia. General Samuel Chapman Armstrong, the vital of Hampton, had set up a program of farming and mechanical preparing and Christian devotion for Negroes satisfactory to southern whites. Washington took in the convention of monetary headway joined with acknowledgment of disfranchisement and placation with the white South from Armstrong. Washington educated at Hampton until 1881, when he was going another school at Tuskegee. His ascent to national unmistakable quality came in 1895 with a concise discourse, which ... Show more content on ... Washington gave his Atlanta Compromise speech. The subject of what to do about the horrifying social and monetary states of blacks and the connection amongst blacks and whites in monetarily moving south. Speaking to whites, Washington guaranteed his group of onlookers that he would urge blacks to wind up noticeably capable in horticulture, mechanics, trade, and local administration, and to urge them to dignify and glorify. Booker T. Washington, guaranteed whites that blacks were faithful individuals who trusted they would succeed in extent to their diligent work. Unsettling for social uniformity, Washington contended, was yet indiscretion, and most blacks understood the privilege that would come. Booker T. Washington target audience were whites. He spoke and wrote about self reliance, but replied upon the whites to, cast their buckets down , and to stop the friction upon races. Booker T. Washington, pandering to the whites awarded him funding for his ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Birth Control Implanon Paris M. Lewis English 101 Robin White April 15, 2015 Implanon Are you interested in birth control are know someone who is? Are you stuck or know someone who is stuck in between which birth control to use? Well, being a woman myself I have found that using the birth control Implanon was the best birth control for me only because it is convenient, mess free, and it last for up to three years. People around the world have used birth control methods for thousands of years. These methods include things such as condoms, pills, shots, and many other things that have advanced though out the years. Today, the world has many safe and effective birth control methods available to us, however all birth controls do not work the same for everyone. Birth control which is also formally known as contraception or fertility control are methods or devices used to prevent pregnancy. Birth control methods have been used for many years dating back all the way to ancient times. In fact Egypt has some of the earliest documented birth controls. For example the women there would use honey, acacia leafs and also lent to stuff up their vaginas to block the male sperm from entering. This has mainly to do with the religious view of the women. The Roman Catholic Church only agrees with natural family planning however there are a number of Catholics whom accept and agree with modern birth control methods. Also according to Muhammad, who the Muslims believe to be the last and ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Suicide And The College Life James Dykes SOC 201 Professor Bobys 28 October 2014 Suicide and the College Life Among the general population of young adults aged eighteen to twenty four, homicide and suicide are, respectively, the second and third leading causes of death. While no studies currently compare homicide and suicide rates on campuses, the risk of homicide is generally lower, and many campus professionals dedicated to suicide prevention and mental health promotion often refer to suicide as the second leading cause of death among college students (Suicide Prevention Resource Center, 2004). Available data suggests that suicide occurs at a rate between six point five and seven point five per one hundred thousand among college students, approximately half the rate ... Show more content on ... According to Durkheim there are four major types of suicide anomic, altruistic, egostic and fatalistic suicides. Anomic is when people feel lost and alone, altruistic is when there are social factors, egostic is where someone is or feels detached from society, and fatalistic is someone who kills themselves before they are taken to jail usually death by cop. Most college students would fall into the anomic suicide they mostly feel lost or alone in a strange new place. The rate of suicide in college students can be linked to depression, sexual orientation, and the fear of failure. Depression in college students is one of the main factors of suicide Some of the triggers of college depression include being away from home, lack of a normal social support group, and a history of depression. According to the article, Suicide Ideation Among College Students Evidencing Subclinical Depression students who thought about suicide more often were more depressed. Almost half of students who have reported suicidal behavior never received psychiatric help. This shows that past attempts at suicide could lead to future attempts at suicide. Being away from home is another major factor in depression. Most people agree that for the first month away from home they are depressed about being in college. People do not realize that when they go to college they are leaving behind most of their social ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Legal, Ethical, And Social Responsibility... Abstract This is a research and analytical paper on the legal, ethical, and social responsibility ramifications of Anheuser Busch InBev s deceptive advertising scheme for its Beck s beer products. Beck s beer was marketed using the labels such as German Quality and Originated in Germany. It was found out that the beer is no longer produced in Germany because the brewery has been transferred to St. Louis, Missouri. A class action lawsuit was filed against Anheuser Busch and a preliminary court approval of the agreement with the plaintiffs granted consumers a refund of up to $50 on products purchased from May 2011. Anheuser Busch has also agreed to adjust the labels in its packaging to clarify that the beer is US made. The deceptive advertising of Anheuser Busch violated state laws governing unfair and deceptive trade and is unethical based on utilitarian ethical theory, Kantian theory, and social contract theory. It was also against the social responsibility principles. Table of Contents Introduction 4 Legal Analysis 5 Ethical Analysis 7 Utilitarian Ethical Analysis 7 Kantian Ethical Analysis 10 Social Contract Ethical Analysis 12 Social Responsibility Analysis 13 Conclusion 17 References 19 Introduction When an advertisement or promotion has any representation, omission, or practice that misleads consumers, there is a deception (Richards, 2013). This paper analyzes the legal, ethical, and social responsibility ramifications of the false ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Obi Wan And Ammon s Relationship Essay All classic stories need a companion to the hero. Without this partner, the story would lack someone to drive the story forward and to motivate the hero. The classic saga Star Wars and movie Clash of the Titans share this common theme. This can be seen in the romantic duos Han and Leia along side Perseus and Andromeda, the mentor relationship between Luke and Obi wan along with Perseus and Ammon, and the owner relationship with Luke with R2D2 and Perseus with Pegasus. Firstly, the romantic relationships of Han and Leia and Perseus and Andromeda are remembered in culture and in history. Han and Leia are an iconic couple from the Star Wars saga, and lovers Perseus and Andromeda are memorialized in the stars. Leia and Andromeda are both princesses ... Show more content on ... Obi wan and Ammon serve as mentors to the main heroes, both stumbling upon them during conflict and providing advice and care. Luke and Perseus both start out fairly naive, but with the teachings of Obi wan and Ammon they grow as heroes. Obi wan teaches Luke the ways of the jedi, and Ammon teaches Perseus the ways of the hero. Both mentors save the heroes, Obi wan finding Luke after being attacked by sand people and saving him. Ammon finds Perseus after being dropped in an unknown place by Zeus. Both these mentors direct the heroes towards their goal, Obi wan directing Luke towards Yoda and his end goal of defeating Darth Vader, and Ammon advising Perseus on how to defeat the Kraken. They both essentially drive the plot forward, giving the main heroes direction. These mentors also act as parental figures in the absence of the heroes, Luke having no parents ( to his knowledge, in the first half of the saga) and losing his aunt and uncle, and Perseus never having met his father and separated from his mother. These two relationships between Luka and Obi wan and Perseus and Ammon are the main reasons the heroes have development and go on their ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Speech On Water Heater 1. A water heater is not something which will last forever. As the water heater reaches its expiry age it is bound to require some repairs. Contact us and we shall ensure a longer life for your heater. 2. With you water heater wanting repairs, you may feel the experience of the way your ancestors probably lived. Reach out to us and we shall ensure that you are back to the current era as soon as possible. 3. A water heater is one of the most important technologies of the house as the laundry, dishes and of course you, all heating hot water. We are here to ensure that you all get your share of hot water supply. 4. Even if you treat your water heater in the best manner it can still have some issue at any given point of time. We can help you decide ... Show more content on ... A struggling water heater can not only make you devoid of hot water, it can lead to excess energy bills as well. Contact us and we shall ensure that the repairs are done at the earliest. 6. An inefficient water tends to heat water for a long time as compared to a fit one. This not wastes electricity but your precious time is lost as well. Get it repaired before the damage worsens. 7. It is a one time cost to seek professional help if your water heater goes wrong or is working inefficiently. However, this one expenditure can give your heater a new life. 8. Do you know that there can be considerate mineral build up in the water heater which slows down its efficiency? Contact us for its cleaning and increased efficiency. 9. The heating element or the tank of the water heater is the most likely component to be affected by mineral deposits. Regular cleaning by professionals can help you this damage from being done. 10. Have you been trying to repair your water heater yourself? Contact us and we will ensure that you have your peace of mind and hot water as well. 11. We have a team of professionals who are efficient enough to handle the repairs of a water heater. You can rest assured that we will give you the convenience of hot water at the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. James Madison Research Paper James Madison was a very important person, he was known as the Father of the Constitution. He wrote most of the Constitution because he was such a great writer and he was also very smart, he had very bright ideas. Madison also wrote the Bill of Rights and was the key writer of that and he wrote a third of the Federalist Papers. I think that everyone should know about James Madison not only because he was known as the Father of the Constitution he was also one of our presidents from 1809 to 1817 putting him as president through the war of 1812. James Madison didn t write all of the Constitution himself, he had lots of help from Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson wasn t the Father of the Constitution like James Madison was but he still played ... Show more content on ... Madison was a very smart person and he was the first person to graduate from Princeton. Of course Madison had a very high seat through most of his adulthood, but one time he lost the election because he didn t give alcohol to the voters. James Madison wasn t at first a fan of the Bill of Rights but soon he was for the Bill of Rights and was the key author of them. Not only was he the author of the Bill of Rights he was also one of the authors of the Federalist Papers. The Federalist Papers were a series of 85 essays that supported the Constitution. James Madison had some help from Alexander Hamilton and John Jay. The three of them wrote under the name of Publius because they figured that if the people thought that the paper were written by a commoner then the people would listen better. In conclusion James Madison is a very important person in the history of America. Everyone should know about him and what he did because he shaped our country into what it is today. He was a very important author writing the Bill of Rights almost by himself and being a second and third author to the Constitution and Federalist Papers. James was a very smart person and always stayed strong to his opinion of being free from the King, and having freedom of religion and speech. I think that James title as Father of the Constitution fits him because he was the father ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Business Ethics Is Not An Oxymoron Essay Business Ethics Is Not An Oxymoron by Dexter Calma Ateneo Graduate School of Business Business, in a very simplified definition, describes an exchange of something for another. In this context, it can be implied that there is a fiduciary understanding that the parties involved receive goods or services that are of equal value according to the appraisal system that they have agreed upon, whether it is based on units of measurement, or just mere goodwill. Thus, ethical standards that are applied in business should be in correspondence to expected moral behaviors of society, a basic equation of interdependence. The understanding of this basic equation has been very evident to a vast majority of well known business people, among which ... Show more content on ... Months after she returned to work from her operations, she received a year end employee rating of NI (Needs Improvement). This is the lowest rating that an employee can get in our company. If you got this rating, you will not receive any year end performance bonuses and salary increases. Her manager pointed out the month were she went on leave, exceeding her allowable vacation leaves of 15 days, and made a major impact on the under manned process during the critical working days. Employees who knew the story all agreed with the fact that this was unethical, and inconsiderate. It was not long before this certain employee filed her resignation. It was also just a matter of days after her tender that most for her team mates tendered their resignation letters as well. It was made clear to them that it was hopeless, and things would not be better anymore. The management team of this group was only focused on results, profits, good numbers, and their reputation to deliver on time. They hired new employees because as we all know, it is easy to hire nowadays because of the scarcity of jobs and surplus of qualified professionals. But the same scenarios happened and not long before these new employees tendered their resignation letters. Higher management saw that it there is a problem the groups management and made their move. It was ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Brookside Dairy In this first articles explains how a farmer from a large dairy farm that is called Brookside Dairy in Indiana County is adopting new technology that will save money and help the environment by managing manure from 550 dairy cows. The Brookside Dairy farm has been owned by the George family since 1781owning about 1,200 acres and with that much land the bills were high and with 550 cattle they had about 10,000 gallons of waste to spar. In the article Mr. George said economics, odor control and the resulting better quality fertilizer for considering a digester on their dairy operation. So then the Georges sought help from there friendly business partner Jim Resh, of the Indiana County Conservation District, to find out if there was a way to install an on farm digester. ... Show more content on ... The renewable energy that the Georges produced through the bio gas is set up to offset the farm s electricity use and/or sell the power at wholesale rates to the local utility. In the article it stated that the change to bio gas results in less odor causing compounds in manure in a liquid storage system and the breaking down of manure in the digester changes the organic nitrogen into ammonium which is when spread on the fields it ll become more readily available when consumed by the plants allowing for less nutrient runoff. Also reduces weeds appearing in the fields causing less weeds growing with crops. Another great thing about the digestion process it also reduces methane, a greenhouse gas, emissions (basically global warming) which would otherwise remain in the atmosphere for 9 to 15 ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Computer Programming Career Paper Computer programming is currently one of the fastest growing careers. I enjoy spending time sitting alone and looking at a computer. I would like a career that uses my greatest strengths to my advantage. As a computer programmer, I can do what I enjoy for the money. This paper will explore the job description, requirements and salary expectation for a computer programmer. To begin with, the job description for a computer programmer includes many components. Occupational Handbook, states that computer programmers write programs in many different computer languages. They also update or expand existing programs. As well they have to test programs for errors and fix the program if they find any (Occupational Handbook). Campus explored, claims ... Show more content on ... Occupational Handbook notes that the lowest that a computer programmer could get paid is 44 thousand dollars. While the most that a computer programmer can get paid is around 127 thousand dollars (Occupational Handbook). Pay Scale state that the more work experience in computer programming the more you will get paid. They also say that the location you work at will also determine how much you will get paid (Pay Scale). I think that not much goes into how much you get paid as a computer programmer. I feel that I could make a living as a computer programmer. I know that computer programmers can make a lot of money depending on where you work and how much experience you have. In summary, you should consider the salary when you are looking for a career. In conclusion, you should consider the job description, job requirements, and salary expectations if you want to become a computer programmer. Firstly I believe this would be a good career for me is because I like to do my work alone. My second reason is that I can concentrate for long periods of time. My final reason would be because I can catch little mistakes in code. With how fast computer programming is growing it would be easy to get a ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Ideas, Meanings, And Power Dynamics The ideas, meanings, and power dynamics in the three books we read are very different, however some similarities are present. As far as veiling, the meanings within each book are primarily complimentary. When looking at the views on how certain affairs, such as veiling, should be enforced and interacted with, we see more skewed ideas. In general, all three show hegemonic qualities, yet Young and Defiant in Tehran reveals more dominating than hegemonic qualities. Veiling is an extremely debated and controversial topic all over the world. From what has been revealed, it can be presumed that a substantial difference of veiling across the board, is enforcement. From Veiled Sentiments to Young and Defiant in Tehran, the differences in ideas regarding veiling are noticeably contrasting. The three anthropology texts involved, include further inside information and feelings regarding veiling. In Veiled Sentiments by Lila Abu Lughod, veiling is a choice and is not forced on women. Due to the faith and freedom of choice, most women willingly and happily veil properly. Although sexuality is not a popular norm among the Bedouin, it is not the sole reason for veiling. Granted, women will be criticized and mocked for not veiling or taking part in sexual affiliations. Such mockery is described in a story where grandmothers react to the granddaughters Western style negligees. Once the grandmothers had found out about them, they put them on, initially embarrassing the girls, ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Essay about How the Downfall of RBS Could Have Been Prevented 1. What is the core idea behind agency theory? 2. Can you use agency theory to analyse: a. the rise and downfall of RBS; b. the mortgage debt crisis more generally? 3. Who is/are the principal(s) and who is/are the agent(s) in your analysis? Can you think of one threat that arises from the use of agency theory in developing measures aimed to prevent future banking and/or financial failures? The emergency rescue of the Royal Bank of Scotland in 2008 has cost the UK government thus the British taxpayer a huge amount of money. Many people are upset about the high bonuses the RBS management board have received, both because of the outrageously high amount and because the performance of the bank on the long term was not good at all. ... Show more content on ... By pursuing this, the manager (agent) also pursues the goals of the shareholders (principals). At least that is the idea behind it. The Royal Bank of Scotland just like many other banks and businesses paid out its managers considerable bonuses for their performances. Managers at RBS started maximising their bonuses by aggressive actions such as take overs and investing in complex financial products. These actions caused the profits of RBS to grow rapidly, which meant high bonuses for the managers. These actions, however, also meant the stability and financial safety of RBS on the long term got worse and worse. This was not a problem for the managers as they had already earned their bonuses. A different bonus structure probably would have prevented the reckless actions of the RBS managers. Bonuses of managers could be paid out in shares which they are obliged to keep for a certain time period, e.g. 5 years. That way the share price on the long term is of importance for the managers and the goal of the shareholders is aligned with the goal of the managers. However, the share price is dependent on much more factors than the performance of just one manager. There is a risk that managers would feel they have little to none influence on the share price and still make risk full decisions. Another possibility would be determining the bonus of a manager on their performance in the long run, e.g. 5 years. A combination of these two bonus ... Get more on ...
  • 29. What Is Eos Lip Balm The EOS lip balm has taken over the lip balm market in this country. The little round orbs filled with aromatic lip balm are a favorite for millions of women across the country. Surprisingly, EOS lip balm is new to the lip balm market, compared to traditional favorites like Chapstick, Blistex, and Burt s Bees. EOS or the Evolution Of Smooth is lavishly displayed in magazine pictorials and in local retail stores. Today, the small startup is the second best, selling lip balm. How did they achieve that position in an over saturated lip balm market? Read on for more about EOS. In The Beginning In the beginning there were about three main players in the lip balm industry that controlled all the sales. Of course, there were hundreds or even thousands ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Career In Pediatric Oncology A Career in Pediatric Oncology Oncology is the study and treatment of cancer. Cancer is a disease that develops when normal cells in certain parts of the body start to grow abnormally and continuously. It has been a plague on human life for a while; in fact, the earliest evidence of the disease was found in ancient Egyptian manuscripts dating back to 1600 BC. It is currently the most diagnosed disease in the world. Pediatric Oncology is a subspecialty of the practice that focuses on the treatment of cancer in children. In earlier days, because information on the disease was limited, treatment for children was almost inexistent. However, in the 1940s a doctor named Sidney Farber made a milestone in the treatment of these children by administering ... Show more content on ... The steps are: (1) Earn a Bachelor s Degree; (2) Pass the MCAT; (3) Apply to Medical School; (4) Graduate from Medical School; (5) Obtain Medical Licensure; (6) Complete a Pediatric Residency Program; (7) Become Board Certified in Pediatrics; (8) Participate in a Pediatric Oncology Fellowship; and (9) Earn Board Certification in Pediatric Hematology Oncology. ( Become A Pediatric Oncologist: Education And Career Roadmap ) To complete these steps I will need to incorporate my whole life to this goal. From a social point of view, I will choose my friends wisely; making sure to not associate with negative people and instead collaborate with those who share the same ambition and interest. It is also important not to isolate yourself in the process of chasing your goals; so keeping in touch with family is a definite. In terms of jobs, finding ones that involve interaction with children seems or laboratory internships seem to be the best option. ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Free Will In John Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men We live in an existence where we dream and make plans to achieve those dreams. Dreams are fuel for life because it gives you hope that everything will be alright and it give paths to follow when you don t have any. Sometimes dreams don t go as planned, as a matter of fact they can be shattered into million pieces in few seconds. It does not matter how well thought out your plans were, but they can be destroyed because you don t know what is going to happen in the future. Things are predestined and they will happen no matter how much you try to avoid it. Our future is not in our control so, when we try to alter our fate, we mess it up even more. In John Steinbeck s novel, Of Mice and Men, George and Lennie are doomed to their fate, but they ... Show more content on ... They have a dream that they want to fulfill and by achieving this goal they can prevent living a horrible life. According to George, With us it ain t like that. We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us. We don t have to sit in no bar room blown in our jack jus because we got no place else to go (Steinbeck, 14). In simpler terms, they do not want to live like all the other men. Besides, they have a planned future so they won t have to live an ordinary and static life of a migrant worker. Also, George and Lennie want to have their own ranch and live there without any trouble. As a good friend, George tries his best to keep Lennie out of trouble as much as possible. So he tells him not to interact with Curly because he is a walking trouble. George explains to Lennie, Look, Lennie. You try to keep away from him, will you? Don t never speak to him if he comes in here you move clear to the other side of the room (Steinbeck, 29). The point is that George does not want Lennie to get in any feud with Curley he is the boss s son. Therefore he is trying to ensure that Lennie does not get into any mess which will cause them to lose this job. All in all, they tried to modify their fate by not getting into any fuss and having a planned ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Pros And Cons Of The Right To Die Law About a century ago, when new technologies such as the artificial respirator and morphine spiked, the right to die law came up. The right to die law gives terminally ill patients the ability to end their life. Today, in the United States only five states have passed the right to die law. All terminally ill patients, should have the option open to them in all fifty states. With the right to die law comes a variety of opinions, along with uprising questions, and stories of people who did or should have been able to chose their death. The right to die law is a very controversial topic, that has many pros and cons. One con is that if we killed someone, there is the chance of finding the cure soon after, meaning that person could have ... Get more on ...
  • 33. American Dollar vs Japanese Yen This paper aims to compare the Japanese Yen against the US Dollar over a five year period starting from 2005 till 2010. The exchange traded fund for Japanese Yen shall also be discussed in the paper and afterwards an analysis of both the currencies shall be presented. There are different factors that influence the exchange rate differences between any two chosen currencies. The effects produced by these different exchange rates can be of quite different intensity. The most common elements that have an impact on exchange rate difference include economic factors, socio political factors and other behavioral or technical factors also. The macroeconomic factors such as growth of a country, employment rate, gross domestic product etc. All ... Show more content on ... In the similar time period Japanese Yen has been in the third position with a turnover position of 20.8% in the year 2005. The overall financial market currency structure has seen a decline in the turnover position of the US Dollar to 85% from a strong position of 88%. Similarly a decline has been in the position of the Japanese Yen to 17.2% from an acceptable turnover position of 20.8%. While considering the trend of these two currencies during the period starting from 2007 and ending at 2010, it is to be noted that minute changes were seen in the two different currencies with regards to their share in foreign currency market. The US Dollar witnessed a continued fall to 84.9% from its previous 85.6% however, the Japanese Yen saw a rise from its previous position of 17.2% to an increase of1.8% that is 19%. During the same time period the US dollar and Japanese Yen were the second most traded paired currencies and was traded at around 14% of the overall foreign currency market second to the US Dollar and Euro pair. Conclusion The foreign exchange market has seen considerable changes owing to the global financial crisis. It is to be seen how different factors like economy and global politics further impact strong currencies like the US Dollar and other competing currencies such as the Japanese Yen. References Adam, C., amp; Vines, D., (2009), Remaking Macroeconomic Policy after the Global Financial Crisis: a balance sheet approach, Oxford ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Meaning Of Homeland Moving forward, the nationalist sentiments did not stop after the Holocaust, but were furthered, and now captivated other nations in the world to support a Jewish state as well. Before the Holocaust, Jews knew there was a mass presence of anti semitism throughout Europe, in which was a driving factor to establish a homeland. After the Holocaust Zionism continued to gain popularity. In the essay The Meaning of Homeland the author Amos Oz gives his own personal perspective on Israeli nationalism when claiming being a Jew in the diaspora means that Auschwitz is meant for you. It is meant for you because you are a symbol, not an individual. (237) By saying this he argues nationalism is a necessity because even if a Jew has nationalism for the ... Get more on ...
  • 35. My Cultural Paper On Machu Picchu Peruvian Restaurant One of the countries in South America is Peru, home to part of the Amazon rainforest and also to Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu is an ancient Incan city that was set high in the Andes Mountains. The civilization was renowned for its sophisticated dry stone walls, and so is Machu Picchu Peruvian Restaurant. This restaurant has captured the essence not only of the ancient civilization, but of the culture of Peru as well. Though this is a restaurant, they teach their customers about Spanish culture, and they also contributes to both their immediate community and Hispanic community. So in other words, this restaurant isn t just a restaurant, but a Peruvian cultural experience. First of all, the reason why I chose to do my Cultural Paper on Machu Picchu Peruvian Restaurant is because to me (as well as the community, I m sure), this place isn t only in existence to sell food, but to allow its customers to experience Peru and it s culture as much as possible without going to the actual country. When you first drive past the restaurant, the stone design of the outside draws your attention. This restaurant is located in downtown Newburgh (one of the most dangerous cities in New York), so its design automatically stands out from the poverty surrounding the area. Also, from the moment I walked into the restaurant, it was like I stepped into a different world; from the smells to the ambiance, this restaurant embodied Peru to the T . The dishes on the menu were all authentic, Peruvian ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Gertrude s Tragic End Of Shakespeare s Hamlet John (Zhiyao) Ma 21L.009, Shakespeare March 11, 2015 Gertrude s Tragic End The nature of Shakespeare s plays, with its notable lack of stage directions, gives way to multiple different interpretations of the characters, plot, and even of the purpose of the play itself. The character of Gertrude is no exception. Gertrude s character and motives, being left ambiguous, have been interpreted in many different ways in various productions of Hamlet. Was she implicit in the death of King Hamlet, or was she merely a clueless bystander? Did she drink the poison as an act of motherly self sacrifice, or was it an accidental tragedy? Zefferelli s Hamlet (1990) and Almereyda s Hamlet (2000) provide two different interpretations on Gertrude s characterization. In particular, there exist substantial differences in their renditions of Gertrude s death while Almereyda portrays her death as a noble suicide, Zefferelli paints her death as a by product of her unceasing lust for pleasure. Furthermore, in that scene, we also notice a difference in Hamlet s attitude towards Gertrude. By analyzing these points along with other scenes within the context of the entire film, we manage to develop an understanding of Almereyda s and Zefferelli s view on Gertrude and how use that to develop the tragic conclusion of the final scene. Almereyda s rendition of Gertrude s death portrays her death as a noble act of self sacrifice. [Clip 1 Gertrude s end]. At the beginning of the fencing duel, we see her ... Get more on ...
  • 37. A Great Author By Norman Vincent Peale A great author, Norman Vincent Peale, (n.d) had once said, I believe there are two sides to the phenomenon known as death, this side where we live, and the other side where we shall continue to live. Eternity does not start with death. We are in eternity now . That was the only thought buzzing my mind when I got out of my client, Jenny s house. Jenny recently lost her husband but in his funeral she looked calm, happy and acted like she was not grieving at all. Her families were concerned and had asked me to take care of her as they thought she has some psychological issue or was just at great denial. Since, Jenny and I knew each other for long, we established good therapeutic relationship instantly. According to her mother, she always talked to herself, laughs loudly at the middle of the night and at times refers to her husband, as he is still alive. I felt that she is in grieving process and needs some time to recover. However, when I asked her how she was feeling about her loss, she looked at me like she did not understand what I was talking about. Later, she said that her husband is still there with her and he is not lost. She can feel him and talk to him. Furthermore, she express that she realizes her behavior might seem weird to others but for her that is real and it was happening to her. She shares with me stories about her connectedness with her husband in a spiritual way. It is just his body have left the world but his soul was still there with her. Moreover she ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Mobile Invoice Essay 3.18 Strengths weaknesses of the Second Document (Invoice) 3.18.1 Strengths of O2 Invoice The appearance of the O2 invoice is very professional for that of an invoice; this is because the information is well laid out and easy to read. The header contains the classic O2 blue colour, the logo and an image of a balloon; this is strength because it makes the invoice look more vibrant and attractive. The background colour of the invoice is white and the text is black. The text is a good size; this is strength because it makes the invoice look professional and is also very easy to read. The invoice contains contact details; this is a strength because customers will be able to contact O2 with any queries. 3.18.2 Strengths of Vodafone Invoice The overall appearance of the Vodafone invoice is very professional. The header of the invoice is red and blue and includes the Vodafone logo; this is a strength because it makes the invoice look more vibrant. The invoice contains a range of contact details and also an FAQ section; these are strengths because it helps customers with any 3.18.3 Weaknesses of O2 Invoice The O2 invoice contains very little weaknesses. An advantage the Vodafone invoice has over the O2 invoice is that the O2 invoice doesn t contain an FAQ section; this is a weakness because customers may have a query that will be left unanswered. 3.18.4 Weakness of Vodafone Invoice Similar to the O2 invoice, the Vodafone invoice has very little ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Cliff Burton Pros And Cons Las Angeles, 1982. A strange time for the music scene. Popular music is stuck in limbo between pop and rock. This story starts when a young James Hetfield puts an ad in the local newspaper looking to start a band. He gets his answer when Lars Ulrich responds to the call. Together, they form Metallica, and they are out for the blood of hair metal. After finding a lead guitar player, Metallica needs a bassist. After some trial and error, the end up with Cliff Burton. That moment would have effects over 30 years later, on a beginning bassist living in Wyoming. Three things could be learned from Cliff s legacy, serving the song, playing outside the box, and being yourself. Cliff s first great aspect to learn from, was serving the song. Cliff Burton s bass playing was revolutionary at the time. He preferred to ignore the so called standard way to play bass. His playing was wild, loud, and labeled as lead bass. But despite his ferocious playing, Cliff always played to serve the song. If the song didn t have space for overdriven bass, then there was none. But if permitted by the song structure and vibe, then Cliff would let loose. This was important for me to learn, because it taught me to always put the song first. ... Show more content on ... Before Cliff, there were so few bassist who played in his style, that it was considered outlandish to play a bass that way. Cliff stacked distortion pedals, electronics that turned the bass sound into a gnarly wave of sound. Cliff was a pioneer in this style of playing, to the point that he had a whole song that was nothing but a bass solo. To this day, that song is a Metallica favorite. By not playing to the standard of what a bass player is supposed to be, was another valuable asset for me to learn. It enabled me to break creative barriers, and take control of my ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Adnan Syed Adnan Syed is accused of murdering his ex girlfriend, and various factors present him as a very likely suspect. Information gathered from his peers don t add up, but instead prove he is innocent. Is Adnan guilty or innocent for his ex girlfriend s death? In the Serial Podcast, Sarah Koenig discusses the case, committed almost seventeen years ago, and uncovers new evidence that indicates Adnan s innocence. Adnan Syed has been viewed as a boyfriend, honor roll student, and a murderer. Many described him as a smart, flirtatious, and a likable high schooler. On January 13, 1999, his ex girlfriend Hae Min Lee was murdered. Investigators immediately assumed Adnan as the primary suspect because Hae had broken up with him, a month prior to the ... Show more content on ... Looking back, Adnan is not guilty because he wasn t too upset after Hae broke up with him. Peers and teachers have announced he took a breakup like any other high schooler, sad and glum. In the library, Asia and Adnan were chatting with each other when Hae was dead. There s no possibility Adnan could have killed Hae when he was in the library. Also, Adnan claims he does not know where Leakin Park is. Aside from that, the sequence of events is inaccurate since Adnan s alibi has been supported by witnesses. Although Jay claims he s been with Adnan when he reveals Hae s dead body and when they buried it. However, most of the reasons that prove Adnan is guilty come from Jay, and no one else can confirm them. Is Jay really a trustful ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Florida Recruit Case Study Florida Recruiting: Inaugural Early Signing Day Preview Tomorrow marks the first early signing period for college football recruits. Prospects from around the country will be shutting down their recruitment processes, signing, and early enrolling to their program of choice. Dan Mullen was introduced as the 27th head coach in Florida Gators history just three weeks prior to the inaugural signing period. Despite seven de commitments from the Gators 2018 recruiting class since the arrival of Mullen, this staff have put themselves in a position to close out the early signing period with a profusion of momentum. Florida has several prominent prospects that could find themselves in the #AllBite18 class on Wednesday and Armchair examines the ... Show more content on ... The opportunity of playing time awaits Jones in Gainesville and many believe he will sign his letter of intent to the Gators on Wednesday. Prediction: Florida DB Trey Dean (Hampton, Ga.) Dean is another big time prospect that seems to be eyeing the Gators more than other programs. Dean de committed from the Tennessee Volunteers two weeks ago, and ever since, the Gators have made a pursuit at landing the nations 22nd ranked safety. Dean (6 foot 2, 180 pounds) is a long, athletic defensive back that possesses tremendous football IQ. His length at defensive back benefits him in jump ball situations, allowing him to make a play on the ball at its highest point. Following an official visit to the Gators this past weekend, I expect Florida to seal the deal with Dean. Florida also recently hired the Volunteers defensive back coach from a season ago (Dean s former coach he committed to), making the pitch to Dean much easier. Dean would be the fourth safety prospect to sign for the Gators on Wednesday. The staff made this unit a priority on the trail and it will pay off during the inaugural early signing ... Get more on ...