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High School Essay Topics
Writing an essay on the topic of "High School Essay Topics" may initially seem like a
straightforward task, given the abundance of potential subjects related to high school
experiences, challenges, and opportunities. However, the difficulty lies in navigating the vast
array of possible topics and selecting one that is both engaging and relevant.
Firstly, one must consider the target audience and the purpose of the essay. High school essay
topics can span a wide range, including academic achievements, extracurricular activities,
personal growth, challenges faced, and future aspirations. The challenge is to find a balance
between personal reflection and broader themes that resonate with the readers.
Additionally, the task becomes complex when trying to stand out among the multitude of essays
on similar subjects. Crafting a unique perspective or presenting a fresh angle on a common topic
requires creativity and critical thinking. Avoiding clichГ©s and overused narratives is crucial to
maintaining the reader's interest and making the essay memorable.
Furthermore, the process involves thorough research to gather relevant information and data to
support the chosen topic. This requires time and effort to ensure the essay is well-informed and
substantiated, contributing to its overall quality and credibility.
The difficulty is also compounded by the need for effective organization and coherent
expression of ideas. Structuring the essay logically, maintaining a clear thesis statement, and
ensuring smooth transitions between paragraphs are essential elements in achieving a cohesive
and compelling piece.
In conclusion, while writing an essay on "High School Essay Topics" may appear deceptively
simple at first, the real challenge lies in selecting an engaging topic, presenting a unique
perspective, conducting thorough research, and crafting a well-organized and articulate essay. It
requires a combination of creativity, critical thinking, and writing skills to produce a standout
For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar tasks, various resources are available,
including online writing services like, where professional writers can provide
support in creating high-quality and customized essays tailored to specific requirements.
High School Essay TopicsHigh School Essay Topics
Vladimir Lenin s Role In Russian History
Vladimir Lenin played a very important role in Russia s history. Lenin had almost
the same exact views about government as Karl Marx did. During Lenin s rule he
made decisions that really changed the nation. However, Lenin not only played an
important rule in Russian history but in universal history as well. He has been known
as the greatest revolutionary leader behind Karl Marx, the one who opened up
everyone s eyes to communism (Vladimir LeninBiography).
Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov was Lenin s birth name. He took on the last name Lenin
when he was working under the table with his government party. Lenin was born in
Simbirsk, Russia, on April 22, 1870. Simbirsk was renamed Ulyanovsk in his honor.
Lenin had six siblings of whom he was the ... Show more content on
He believed that only a revolution caused by the working class people would help
the government, but the others believed in a revolution of the rich (Vladimir Lenin).
Lenin believed that the working class needed to cause the revolution, because they
carried the country on their backs. Without the working class the country wouldn t
prosper. The working class consisted of merchants, soldiers, peasants, farmers, etc. If
Russia took out that class of people Russia would soon deteriorate. The working
class was very vital to Russia and that s why Lenin believed that they needed to cause
a revolution
Meeting Scheduler Requirements Engineering
Meeting Scheduler Software Requirements Specification 1 Introduction This
document specifies all the requirements for the Meeting Scheduler software system
that aimed to help people scheduler their meetings. 1. Purpose The purpose of this
document is to provide a software requirement specification for the Meeting
Scheduler software system by listing the system functional and non functional
requirements. This document also presents non functional requirements system
dependency, non functional software goal analysis, requirements dependency matrix
and business continuity plan. 2. Scope This document is intended for providing a
well defined functional and non functional requirement specification. The scope of
this document... Show more content on ...
The Meeting Scheduler shall be working with each web browser easily. 2.2 Product
Functions The Meeting Scheduler System is responsible for managing meetings
between various potential meeting attendees. It will determine the meeting time
depending on the potential attendee s personal agenda. The potential attendees will
always be kept up to date when they are invited to a meeting, the meeting information
is changed and the meeting is cancelled. The Meeting Scheduler will be responsible
for allocating location, room and equipment requirements. The Meeting Scheduler
will allow meeting initiator and potential attendees to re plan of a meeting. 2.3 User
Characteristics The target groups of the Meeting Scheduler System are: Non expert
users; thus, the system will provide a very easy to use user interface. System users (in
hierarchical order); system engineers, administrator, initiator and non expert users
Frequency of use (in hierarchical order); administrator, initiator, non expert users and
system engineers 2.4 General Constraints The system will be designed by using PHP
and HTML languages. The system will be merged with Joomla content management
application. The system will support any kind of platform that has a web browser.
The system will support concurrent user requests. The system will not allow multiple
authentications. Apache Tomcat will be used as database. 2.5 Assumptions and
Was John Brown A Hero
John Brown the Hero John Brown has been a controversial political figure to
generations of Americans across the nation. He is often regarded as one of two
polarizing ideals, the unapologetic freedom fighting abolitionist and then as the
religious zealot turned domestic terrorist. There is even a case to be made that John
Brownwas America s first domestic terrorist. While Brown s methods may have
been extreme, he delivered his intended message; that change needed to occur for
the country to be truly free. John Brown s actions and beliefs that he held that led
to the raid at Harper s Ferry were noble and had major cultural impact on American
society at that time. John Brown was a man who is by definition non conformist .
He grew up wealthy and educated, but with little formal education he took risks
financially and socially and had a high sense of morality that grounded the beliefs that
would soon... Show more content on ...
When he was young during the War with England he stayed with a nice landlord that
was housing a United States Marshall in possession of a slave boy. The Marshall
grew a fondness of young John Brown and complimented every little thing Brown
would do, while the slave boy who was of equal ability was berated and treated
poorly and beaten in front of Brown once. This experience caused Brown to engage
in self reflection that led to his strong belief system. Brown s strong belief system
was the main driving force behind his revolution, he believed that it was the right of
the negro to be free even if that cost meant violence. A common argument against
Brown that paints him as a terrorist are these violent actions he takes. Now in nature
these acts could be counted as terrorism, destruction of property and murder.
However a key part of terrorism
Chelow Kebab History
The Persian Empire fell in the year 330 BCE due to the invasion of Alexander III of
Macedon (Metropolitan Museum of Art). During this the Greeks controlled the
Persian lands, this was known as the Seleucid dynasty. After the Seleucid dynasty
there were many dynasties that controlled Persia. During the year 633 654 AD
Muslims started attacking the Sassanid Empire and took back control of Iran, this was
known as the Muslim conquest or the Arab conquest of Iran. Modern day Iran is
divided into 31 provinces (Statoids). These 31 provinces are combined into 5 regions
of Iran. These 5 regions are Tehran (middle northern region), Esfahan (middle
southern region), Tabriz (northwest region), Kermanshah (western region), and
Mashhad (eastern region).... Show more content on ...
This dish is often referred to as the original Iranian national dish besides the true
national dish Chelow kebab. This dish is an herb stew with many herbal mixtures
combined with Persian polo rice. Persian polo rice is basmati rice that is cooked in
a seasoned broth often mixed with onions and spices. This gives the rice a brown
color completely different from the rice styles of Chelow. Ghormeh is originally a
Turkish word; this dish is from the region of Tabriz, which is next to turkey.
Ghormeh in Turkish means stewed and sabzi means Persian herbs. The Turkish
people used Persian herbs to create this dish and the Persians loved the stew so
they adopted this dish from Turkey. Ghormeh sabzi s herbal ingredients are a
mixture of parsley, green onions, coriander, and dried fenugreek leaves. The dish is
cooked with kidney beans and turmeric seasoned lamb or beef all served with polo or
tah dig (crusted saffron seasoned
Examples Of Hypnotism In War By Jack London
You are transported into someone else s mind. You perceive things just as they do.
Through his/her senses you experience a variety of emotions and thoughts. You are
surrounded by unfamiliar people in his/her little world, yet somehow they make you
feel like you have known them your entire life through the way they make you smile,
laugh, and sometimes even cry. How is this possible, you ask? Could it be through
virtual reality, perhaps even through hypnotism? The answer lies within stories.
Authors are able to naturally coax readers into the minds of characters by using point
of view. It has a great impact on characterization, specifically in the short storyWar ,
by Jack London. The limited omniscient point of view of the short story greatly...
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He is only referred to by his physical characteristics from the first meeting. In the
middle of the story, when the cavalry scout happens upon another person, the first
thing he notices is how his face is covered with several weeks growth of ginger
colored beard (London 42). London then goes on to give us a little bit more detail,
The eyes were blue and wide apart, with laughter wrinkles in the corners (42). Due to
the unique limited omniscient point of view, not much is revealed about any of the
other characters in the story, not even the antagonist who plays an enormous role.
This point of view reveals practically nothing about this vital character including his
name, background, etc. All in all, it is evident that point of view greatly affects the
characterization of the ginger bearded man.
The characterization of the cavalry scout and the ginger bearded man is greatly
influenced by the limited omniscient point of view of the short story War , by Jack
London. Point of view, or perspective, is an important tool applied by authors for
use in literature, but it pertains to more than just books. Perspective is crucial in
order for us to understand others, to not only step into their shoes, but to walk
around in them as well. If humans can learn to take advantage of the powerful tool
that is perspective, maybe we would not need to go to war, but rather we would
Unusual Languages of the World
Jenn Beckmann
Part 1
2. Define pidgin and creole and explain the difference between them.
Pidgins and creoles are both languages that occur when two people of different
languages are communicating (p.232). In order to define a pidgin, it is important
to look at the process in which a pidgin develops. When contact between speakers
of two different languages occurs and they begin to create ways of communication
through words and phrases, pre pidgin is developing. A pidgin develops as a new
language when the original group or several groups of people begin using the pre
pidgin to communicate as the common language. The pidgin is then being used as the
lingua franca (p. 233). Depending on the use of the language, there is also a
restricted pidgin and expanded pidgin. Restricted pidgin is only used when
necessary for communication and typically has small vocabulary and little
grammar. Expanded pidgin is a pidgin that is used everyday and in different
entities such as religion or the government. This type of pidgin has an expanded
vocabulary and grammar. On the other hand, a creole is a pidgin that children learn
and use as their first language. With children learn the language as their first, it will
expand to community usage. Gramatics are much more complex in a creole as is
the vocabulary of the language (p.234). There are differences between a pidgin and
creole that can be defined. A pidgin is spoken between people of different languages
with less vocabulary and
Daly Research Paper
There is minimal information regarding Daly s time in the city of New York, but it
is known that he worked at various jobs such as errand boy, hostler, and stevedore
in order to save enough money to buy passage to the city of San Francisco,
California where a sister lived (Shoebotham, 1956), (Encyclopedia of World
Biography, 2004). Upon his arrival in California in 1861, Daly set about making his
fortune. Despite his lack of formal education, Daly was an intelligent, ambitious, and
driven individual (Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2004). During his stay in San
Francisco, he worked odd jobs on farms and truck gardens (Shoebotham, 1956) and it
was here that his future changed forever.
During one of his many jobs, Daly met another young Irishman ... Show more content
on ...
Daly remained in Virginia City until mid summer 1869, when a devastating fire broke
out in the Comstock Lode. Daly, realizing that the boom was ending, followed the
hordes of miners seeking riches to various camps in Nevada, such as White Pine,
Mineral Hill, and Eureka (Shoebotham, 1956). The prospects for continued success
were dim and Daly was at a loss as to where to go next. Fortunately, his reputation as
a competent miner and team leader, brought him to the attention of the Walker
Brothers in Salt Lake City, Utah and in 1871, Daly moved to Alta to take charge of
the Emma mine there (Shoebotham, 1956). Under Daly s supervision, the Emma
quickly doubled production and when his instinct told him the mine was playing out,
Daly suggested to the Walker Brothers that they divest themselves of their interest in
the mine (Shoebotham, 1956). They followed his advice and pleased with the results,
the company promoted Daly to superintendent of the Walker Properties in the Ophir
and Dry Canyon districts outside of Salt Lake City, Utah (Shoebotham, 1956). Over
the next several years, the Walker Brothers made good use of Daly s talent by sending
him to various sites throughout the
Musical Development From The 50 S
Musical development from the 50 s to the present day
1950 s
The 1950 s was a very important decade in the development of music as it saw the
birth of rock n roll. Artists such as Elvis Presley and Chuck Berry took the style of
playing already established in genres such as blues and country music and
completely renovated it. They took the idea of a 12 bar blues pattern and sped it up
and added rhythmic, catchy hooks to make the music easy to dance to. The lyrics of
songs about the genre itself as well as teenage love and sex, although the latter was
only referred to through slang terminology, appealed greatly to teenagers of the time
due to their rebellious nature.
Rock n roll also saw the bass guitar replacing the upright bass in most ... Show more
content on ...
Songs such as hound dog and jailhouse rock made him one of the most renowned
performers of all time and still influence music greatly even today.
While Presley was no doubt the most successful and best known artist of the
decade, there are several other performers who were key figures in establishing rock
n roll as the music of the era. Artists such as Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry and Bill
Haley and the comets played an integral role in creating rock n roll and making it a
success with songs such as Johnny B Goode and rock around the clock .
1960 s
Without a doubt the most influential event in the development of music in the 1960 s
was what became known as the British invasion. With the televised beatings of
peaceful civil rights protestors the American youth became disenchanted with their
government and the music that was produced up until 1963 began to reflect that.
After 1963 however acts that had been hugely successful in Britain began to make
appearances in America, most notably the Beatles. The band, later known as the fab
four, became an overnight success in the states and very few American artists
maintained any semblance of popularity as a result of the ensuing beatlemania as it
Duality Of Organized Religion
The Duality of Organized Religion and Spirituality
From the beginning of human existence, religion and spirituality have played
immense, critical roles in the lives of people and the functionings of our society. In
our world today, the conflict in religious forces combined with the conflict in
spiritual forces depict both our confusion and our yearning to connect with divine
forces and influence the people around us for good. Organized Religion and
spirituality both provide their own unique, important influences and opportunities to
individuals and our society. Each have their own set of benefits and detriments and
analyzing these are growingly essential to our world because people choose to
participate in one or the other or both and ... Show more content on ...
From ancient Egypt, we find the first official records of religious practice. Egyptian
religion was a large, polytheistic system complete with idols, statues and the
pyramids. Religion in ancient Egypt dictated nearly everything anybody said, wore or
did on a daily basis. Phoenicia, Palestine, Greece and Rome all followed with similar
references to the divine and texts that portrayed themes of holiness and mythological
practices.(Mark The Hindu faith is perfect evidence
of the resilience and strength of religion. Founded in India in 2,000 BCE, it is still
one of the most widely accepted and has one of the largest populations in the world.
(BBC No Author Throughout
history we have seen religion in many different forms such as mythology and these
forms have often been manifest in governments and societies. This proves its
resilience and vibrancy since the beginning of human existence and today in our
modern culture. Mankind has both created and relied on religion from the very
beginning and how those systems have stayed dependable and substantial in the
forces of the worlds governmental and societal organizations.
Another advantage to Organized religion is that in many circumstances it can
cultivate love and service in a community. Service organizations, community
functions and assistance
Exploring The Idea Of The Baroque Art Era
For my Installation piece I have decided to explore the idea of The Baroque Art Era.
The Baroque is a period of artistic style that concentrated on exaggerated processes
and lavish designs.
Starting in Rome in the early 1600 s, The Baroque style began after the Roman
Church was in the middle of monumental internal reform, attempting to address the
representation of the arts within the society of the time. They believed that a change
in the way art was delivered to the masses was necessary to reach a larger audience.
The Council of Trent believed that the paintings and sculptures in the church needed
to appeal to the masses and therefore their context and story should be able to speak
to the illiterate and not just the well educated and informed. This consequently saw
the style turn deliberately from the witty, intellectual characteristics of the 16th
century Mannerist art, to a more internal appeal aimed at the senses. It created an art
that was direct, simple and obvious but theatrical.
Swiss Art Historian, Heinrich Wolffin defined The Baroqueas the age where the oval
replaced the circle as the center of the composition and the colouristic and painterly
effects began to become more prominent .
Examples of Baroque paintings and designs can be seen in Peitro da Cortona s
works, including the Glorification of the Reign of Urban VIII created in 1633. His
use of dynamic composition, irrational lighting, dramatic gestures and poses, and
miraculous effects accentuate the
The Poetry of Robert Frost Essay
Have you ever looked outside your window and wondered what the world really
means? Reading Robert Frost s poetry you will be able to form your own opinion
and thoughts about this pulchritudinous world. His poetry is so deep and meaningful
you will be overwhelmed with what was going through this man s head. Life is not
paradisiacal, and this is something Robert Frost knew but his poetrygave insight to
the people of his time and the generations to come. Although Robert Frost s life was
far from perfect he was still an extraordinary person; his great inspirations, themes,
and figurative language have won him many honors and awards thus creating one of
the greatest American poets known to this day. Robert Frost went though a lump
growing up... Show more content on ...
Over the next decade life became more bothersome for Frost because he had a
tremendous amount of jobs. Times were hard for Robert but he worked very hard
to make due of what he had and did not complain of what he did not have. Frost life
was filled with devastation and success all wrapped in one. His life was getting
better when he met his soon to be wife Elinor White. Robert Frost and Elinor White
married in 1895.(Barry ix). In 1899 the married couple moved to Derry, New
Hampshire which is the state where he became a cobbler, farmer, and a teacher at
Pinkerton Academy.(Barry ix). Frost and his wife had many children but sadly
many of them did not live long enough to even see their teenage years.(Barry ix).
His children went though some cataclysmic times, his son shot himself and his
daughter was always very ill.(Bober 173). Whether his life was going marvelous or
god awful Frost still
Gonzalez, Jones 3 managed to be a great friend, husband, and parent.(Burnshaw
458). Frost was making commendable career moves that no longer made him known
as a farmer but as an auspicious poet. In 1912 he moved himself and his family to
New England and even published his first book A Boy s Will .(Barry xi). When Frost
writes his poetry he talks about what he saw in the world or what was going on in his
life.(Bober 10). Readers got to see a world in a uniquely explained way which was
the way Frost
Fanny in Jane Austen s Mansfield Park Essay
FANNY amp;#8217;S ROLE IN amp;#8216;MANSFIELD PARK amp;#8217;
Mansfield Park has sometimes been considered as atypical of Jane Austen as being
solemn and moralistic. Poor Fanny Price is brought up at Mansfield Park with her
uncle and aunt. Where only her cousin Edmund helps her with the difficulties she
suffers from the rest of the family, and from her own fearfulness and timidity. When
the sophisticated Crawfords (Henry and Mary) visit the Mansfield neighbourhood,
the moral sense of each marriageable member of the Mansfield family is tested in
various ways, but Fanny emerges unscathed.
We need to look at the way Austen... Show more content on ...
This may be moderated by the history of displacement Jane Austen has provided for
Fanny: the years of intimidation she has endured from Mrs Norris and her
dependence on Edmund, whose kindness comes with instructions for her of how she
should behave.
Fanny has a disapproving attitude towards Mary. We are never sure whether this is
due to Fanny amp;#8217;s morals or her jealousy of the way Edmund is fixated with
As a result of Edmunds amp;#8217; coaching, Fanny amp;#8217;s moral attitudes in
general are over determined, so it is quite easy for us to think of her as modelling a
amp;#8216;conduct manual amp;#8217;.
There are several passages within amp;#8216;Mansfield Park amp;#8216;where Jane
Austen smiles kindly on, our
Impostor Syndrome
When the dean told a forum of professors that he felt like a fraud during his
graduate research, Jane knew what he meant. The dean said that he was worried
his program acceptance had been a mistake and he d blow his cover. He thought
everyone else in the program was so much smarter, even though he had more
laboratory experience and better grades. For years, he was scared that any second
someone would reveal him to be a fraud, terrified to speak up because he was
certain someone would question him, and positive that his life would fall apart at
any second. If you feel, like he did, that your accomplishments are just luck or a
mistake and your life could collapse at any moment, then you may be experiencing
Impostor Syndrome , a psychological... Show more content on ...
This will help you remember your value and skills. Own your success; write a
journal showcasing all your successes and failures. Then note how many more
success you have had. Carry a notecard with you that states you are unique and use it
to remind yourself to not to compare you or your achievements to others. Make a list
of potential mentors and approach them for guidance, by reducing your isolation and
expanding your network you can
New Technology Has Affected Traditional Graphic Design
New technology has affected traditional Graphic Design
During the past years, graphic design has been changing all over the world,
especially regarding the use of certain techniques of designing. Traditional
principles and techniques of design allow designers to be more creative, but more
and more designers are using computers. So, is new technology good or bad? It may
seem strange to consider the different aspects of graphic design because most people
only know the technological side. Though most people think graphic design is more
about the digital media, it is actually a complicated process that requires creativity
that computers cannot supply.
Some of the new generation graphic designers argue that hand made work is not
as effective nor trendy as a digital version of the work. However, traditional design
has many advantages that digital design does not. Starting a design on a piece of
paper helps the brain to be more productive, creating the new ideas out of the first
one. As an illustration, a study was made regarding the topic, in which 10 people,
including artist and non artists were required to draw using only sheets of paper
and 16 pastel pens, to research how drawing is an excellent therapy for creative
expression that also showed how the brain rhythm changes in order to help the
whole creative process. All participants were recruited via email and each one was
scheduled for an individual session, they were supervised to easily measure the
difference between the
Connection To Literature
1.The term significance to literature is defined as your own personal connection or
feelings you experience as you read the short story, poem, or play. These personal
reactions to the literary texts is comprised of your own personal experiences to the
topic discussed. How are you able to relate to what the author is conveying in the
story and what interpretations could you conclude from the story? They state that
readers find significance in a short story by reading the author s headnotes and
commentaries which will help the reader to better understand the significance of the
writer s lives, historical times, and cultural traditions in order to comprehend their
work. Also, it is important to read twice in order to better understand the
Lebron James Mission Statement
GOALS: The main objective is to develop a brand image revolving around the
person that LeBron James is, both for the LeBron brand as a whole and the LRMR
(LeBron, Randy, Maverick, Richard) firm. Another important objective to consider is
to create a new sports marketing business model that revolves around the person
behind the brand . In order to do this, it is important to discuss the three target
segment videogame endorsement opportunities that are in existence. It is crucial to
analyze and choose the best opportunity for LeBron s brand and the LRMR firm.
Another goal to be considered is all the benefits a videogame will bring the firm, such
as: easiness to manage, time commitment, good profit and revenues gained towards
the firm (making... Show more content on ...
In the future, LRMR firm, should also begin targeting 2k games. Initially, LRMR
should target Microsoft Xbox live, because it meets all the criteria of the
segmentation check. This segment is the answer to what LRMR is looking for;
being that the main priority is for the LeBron James brand is to have fun. As
shown previously, and looking at it as a brand image, this segment would permit
James and LRMR to have control over when the game would be released and how
it would be promoted; this deal is really flexible which is what the firm is mainly
looking for. Being able to make it into whatever LRMR wants it to be, the deal
with Xbox Live is the perfect fit. For this segment, there may be some threats and
weaknesses that LRMR firm would not totally agree with, but whenever they go
back to check all the opportunities and strengths this segment has to offer (which is
what they were basically looking for), those weaknesses and threats become a little
less important to pay attention to. So in conclusion, they should choose the XBOX
Live deal because it offers the biggest opportunity for LRMR to make the game
about the person behind the brand. As a second option, targeting 2k games, it is
important to have into consideration that profits and revenues will be much greater if
we decide to work with
Racism, By Stephen B. Morton
Racism is a major evil in this world. The horrific acts that occurred on June 17,
2015 were a total and complete act of racism. Dylann Roof entered a historically
black church, attended a bible study, and as the night ended he opened fire on
everyone in attendance, the deaths totaling to nine. The image, taken by Stephen B.
Morton signifies hope for humanity, no matter how hopeful it cannot cover up the
morbidness of the acts that occurred just one day before. The image a representation
of raceissues in America today and shows how far we have come by supporting one
another no matter the color at times of need. It also represents how racismamong
other things is still a prominent issue in modern day America. The photograph places
the... Show more content on ...
He found a group that he felt accepted with online and with this one looks at
Berreby s It Takes a Tribe . People in general thrive in groups or tribes. Whether
they do in consciously or not the human body gravitates towards being grouped
with others (5). As stated in the essay confirming reasons certain acts can happen,
We know that human beings identify with social groups, sometimes sufficiently to
kill or die on their behalf (5). This biological pull can be defining of any person due
to their group can make them who they are by giving them beliefs and rituals to live
by. Roof felt this pull and need when he found his racist driven groups on the
internet. The groups Roof felt pulled to are labeled as a white supremacist movement
that originated in South Africa. Grouping is an appealing thing to anyone due to the
support that is received. This is shown in the photograph as well as the group of
women find comfort in each other. Being Christians and mourning the lives lost has
brought these women together in this image as well as the memorial that has been
created. Each person that has participated in the organization of this memorial have
something in common, and this brings this tribe comfort. With the help Christianity
in this image God and the power of prayer has brought many people to this site of
memorial to help heal the city and that was the image that Morton was
Health System Ethics
In support of the board of directors commitment to an IT initiative for the health
system, we are evaluating different vendors for the selection of an innovative health
system that:
Includes a CEHRT (Certified Electronic Health Record technology).
Allows for structured data that complies with established government standards and
requirements to qualify for use in Medicare and Medicare EHR incentive programs.
Flexibility for implementation of national incentives, government requirements or
future provisions that might affect the purchase, features or use of the new system.
We have evaluated implications and present some recommendations for your
consideration of qualifying IT Health Systems as part of your initiatives ... Show
more content on ...
oOne of the main components for the HITECH is the Medicare and Medicaid EHR
Incentive Programs. These programs give incentive payments to eligible
professionals, hospitals, and critical access hospitals (CAHs) that implement or
upgrade to a certified EHR (Wager 8). An additional incentive is received if we can
demonstrate Meaningful Use of interoperable electronic medical records. The concept
of electronic health records meaningful use (EHR MU) [8] implements the provisions
of the ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) of 2009 that provide these
type of incentives.
Other regulations related to Health Information Technology that we will need to
consider for this memo are:
oThe CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) program ensure quality
laboratory testing. All clinical laboratories must be properly certified to receive
Medicare or Medicaid payments ( o The FDASIA (Food and Drug
Administration Safety and Innovation Act) [6] is a risk based regulatory framework
for health IT. It includes medical mobile applications that promote innovation,
protects patient safety, and avoids regulatory duplication. o HIPAA (Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act). HIPAA was intended primarily to make
insurance more affordable and accessible for the consumers. Later on, it included
provisions to simplify administrative processes, provide patients with certain rights
My Experience At A University Level
This course has become a journey for me. It has been one of my first classes at a
university level. I have learned many valuable skills and lessons. I know they will
be of great use to me in my further years at college, and in life. First, I learned that if
I follow instructions and meet the criteria that is expected of me I can do very well.
Secondly, I had the opportunityto learn how to develop a resume for college and
work use. Having a resume that is up to standards and knowing what I need to
modify, in the years to come, is extremely helpful when I am trying to obtain an
occupation. Additionally, I also obtained the knowledge and skills on how to conduct
research. Learninghow to use the OSU library website to be able to find academic
databases has been extremely helpful. I have learned how to access the databases
and be able to search and obtain what I need. Even though, my other classes have
not required me to conduct research, I may have to conduct research in the years to
come. Knowing how to navigate the website and conduct my research will make it
easier. I am very pleased with myself that I chose to do the extracredit that was
offered. I knew that many professors did not offer the opportunity to gain extra
credit. When I heard how many opportunities and points that I could potentially
obtained I knew I had to try. Which, I am glad I did. The extra credit helped
tremendously. Seeing the results reflect on my grade made me realize that I was on
the right track.
1930s Working Conditions
We will be discussing the difference in working conditions of the 1930s and 1950s
and compare them to today s working condition standards. We will also discuss
how we as individual s personal careers path would be in the 1930s and 1950s.
Finally, we will discuss if are career did not exist at that time in the United States,
what we would do as individuals would do to as a career and how it compares to
Working Conditions in the early 1930s to the 1950s was constantly evolving.
President Roosevelt s relief efforts did much in providing Americans with jobs but
many key factors had been overlooked. There had been cases of poor working
conditions, long hours, little to no job security, and work for pennies on the dollar
(OpenStax, 2015). In the early 1900s, eighty percent of workers had been exposed to
constantly changing weather conditions which affected working conditions
(Lebergott, n.d.) Such workers would include but not limited to railroad, farmers, and
construction (Lebergott, n.d.) Later in ... Show more content on ...
If I had to go to that specific time in American history, I would have to relearn
everything due to the lack of technology we have today. Focusing on the manual
arts such as drawing, painting, and writing. Though this being a large dilemma, I
would still strive to stay within the design field for I have always had a love for
design. Being a Multimedia Illustrator (25M) for the United States Army, I had the
great privilege to viewing posters created to help influence the American public.
Such posters would read You talk of sacrifice with an image caught on concertina
wire dead while the bottom of the poster states He knew the meaning of sacrifice .
Design split into two major groups in the 1940s, which had been World War II
designs and advertising (Jenna, 2014) Designs promoting patriotism and advertising
promoting products for the economy at the time had optimistic turn at the time (Jenna,
Poster Boys of the Postmodern Movement
Poster Boys of the Postmodern Movement
Postmodernism, the current art movement, seems to allude comprehensive
understanding. Most intellectuals understand what dictates and decides a
postmodern piece, but are incapable of constructing a precise criteria for
determining a postmodern piece due to the broad perception of the idea. The book
Interviews with Hideous Men written by David Foster Wallaceand the Japanese
Animation Space Dandy are both examples of what might be considered an example
of a postmodern piece in their respective fields. Although, the way in which both
embody these ideals in appropriation, the focus on mundane subject matter, and the
presence of artist intention in postmodern works are on opposite sides of the
movement. According to, , the postmodern movement is the deconstruction of
modernism and previous art movements in order to allow for creativity and
originality while not being restricted to rules and standards previously set by an
artistic discipline s predecessors. While this seems to be a rather vague concept in
which a creative movement is constructed upon, there are traits that have been
established that are considered common in what would classified as postmodern
pieces. These elements that seem to be most common in this particular genre are the
focus on appropriation over creation, the focus on the mundane, and artist intention
among many others. The complexity of postmodern works is an indicator for
something of this movement because it
Super Bowl Advertising Essay
The Super Bowl, one of the largest sporting events in America is watched by
millions of people. It shows some of the amazing talents that all the athletes have.
But the Super Bowl is also a place for advertisements of ads for short. Every year
companies spend millions of dollars to get just one ad in the Super Bowl. Some of
these ads are hilarious to watch while others just fill you with emotions. And every
ad has one main goal, to persuade the watcher into buying their product or service.
Advertising is a powerful tool that most people don t even realize. A popular
advertising tactic is to make people think they need a product. During a commercial
from snickers a person meets his younger self right before an important meeting and
he tells
Bigger Historical Context
I personally think out of the three novels we read this semester, Bigger is more part
of his historical context. I feel that if I was in Biggers s shoes during the 1930 s
during that historical period, it would have been very easy for me to fall into what
Bigger did. Bigger was stuck in a system where only racism, crime, violence and
injustice surrounded his world. He felt the only way he could continue living in a
world where he would never be accepted, it was easier to create fear amongst white
people. There comes a time where the frustration gets to someone knowing that no
matter what you do in your life, your destiny will always follow you. For Bigger
his destiny was to be a person of color who was criticized by what he look from the
outside. The other two novels that we read during the semester, I feel Battle Royale
was also based on a historical period just like The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. There
were a lot of events occurring such as the hypocritical Japanese government that was
taken place. The Food and Drug Act that came about and the capitalist government
that took advantage of the circumstances of immigrants during that era. I agree that
all these 3 main characters do belong in their historical context, however Bigger to
me was more heavily impacted in the sense that in the end, his life was... Show more
content on ...
I am not referring to the violent behavior that he participated in but to the extent
that as human beings we are not perfect and at our most vulnerable moments we
can fall victims to the system and become a person we are not. Bigger s attitude
toward whites is a convincing combination of powerful anger and powerful fear. I
believe Bigger was a victim of what racism created. Bigger is stuck with a powerful
conviction that he will never have control over his own life. Intimidation, fear and
frustration are all part of Bigger s daily existence, as he is forced to hide behind a
mask of toughness or either fall victim to
Food Additive
The use of food additives is an emotional topic which continues to provoke
consumer concern. Despite modern day associations food additives have been
used for centuries. Food preservation began when man first learned to safeguard
food from one harvest to the next and by the salting and smoking of meat and fish.
The Egyptians used colors and flavorings, and the Romans used saltpeter
(potassium nitrate), spices and colors for preservation and to improve the
appearance of foods. Cooks regularly used baking powder as a raising agent,
thickeners for sauces and gravies, and colors, such as cochineal, to transform good
quality raw materials into foods that were safe, wholesome and enjoyable to eat. The
overall aims of traditional ... Show more content on ...
Colors are used to add or restore color in a food in order to enhance its visual appeal
and to match consumer expectations. The processing of peas and the preparation of
jams can lead to loss of color, and hence food colors can compensate for these losses.
Some colors are used purely for visual decoration on cakes and confectionery items.
Masking or disguising inferior quality is unacceptable uses of color.
The primary reasons for adding colors to foods include: * To offset color loss due
to exposure to light, air, extremes of temperature, moisture and storage conditions *
To compensate for natural or seasonal variations in food raw materials or the effects
of processing and storage to meet consumer expectations (Masking or disguising
inferior quality, however, are unacceptable uses of colors.). * To enhance colors that
occur naturally but at levels weaker than those usually associated with a given food.
There are two types of sweetener. Intense and bulk sweeteners impart a sweet taste
to foodstuffs and are useful in low calorie products and for special dietary products,
such as those for diabetics.
Intense sweeteners, such as acesulfam K, aspartame and saccharin are 130 200 times,
200 times and 300 500 times sweeter, respectively, than sugar and they have
Crescent Pure Essay
Blue People
Purple Notes
Green PDB
Red Competitors
Orange Decisions
Sarah Ryan Vice President of Marketing, Portland Drake Beverages (PDB). PDB
Manufacturer of organic juices and sparkling waters.
Positioning: After segmenting and targeting. Where in customers minds the product
occupies relative to competing products.
Crescent: Non alcoholic functional beverage, impending launch in three U.S.
markets. Acquired in July 2013. Energy enhancing, hydrating, all organic ingredients.
Energy drinks vs. Sports drink(hydrating)
PDB s competitors: Planned to launch all natural versions of own sports/energy
drinks in second half of 2015.
PDB: Due to production capacity constraints, national launch only in early 2015. Soft
... Show more content on ...
Energy stimulants: Guarana, ginseng (relieve fatigue, boost concentration/endurance)
Fine grain salt for electrolytes.
ALL certified organic. No chemicals were used.
Also has nutritional information on the can.
Product positioning: Options
Matt Levor: PDB Market Research Director
Energy Drinks:
Boost of energy to combat fatigue and promote mental focus.
Re inforce existing perceptions. (Flawed consumer survey indicated energy)
Prices: Average $2 $5 for 8 16oz. Average $2.99, above $2.75 price point.
34% consumed in last 6 months.
Projected market in 201 is $8.5 billion.
Advertising: Targets 18 24 men. Visually startling images, extreme sports, loud rock
Organic certification and minimal caffeine amount differentiates in market.
Concerns: Long term viability due to negative media attention.
Sports drinks:
Market: $6.3billion.
42% consider it anytime beverages.
Wider consumer base. Not only sports. More often.
$1.00 $2.00 for 12oz and 24oz
Ingredients: Water, sugar, salt.
Enhance athletic performance. Post workout fatigue
Healthier anytime drinks.
Prices: $2.75 is above and need to justify premium price.
Energy Drinks
Sports Drinks
$8.5 billion
$6.3 billion
$2 $5
$1 $2
Industry average price
Pricing Strategy
Consumer base
18 24yr Men mostly
Anytime beverage. Wider.
Market Research:
Energy Drinks
Sports Drinks
Consumer Data
18 34yrs.
Household income below 25k
Issues With Attending College
The most pressing issue facing high school seniors today is supporting themselves
in college, because when attending college, a student will spend a great deal of
money each year. When a student decides to go to college, they will have to pay a
large amount of money to attend the college of their choice. Sometimes the collegeof
their choice is too much for them to afford. Depending where they attend college can
be a factor depending on if they can afford the necessary items, such as books and
school supplies.
There are many big colleges that students hope to attend, but when they are looking
at how much they are, their favorite college might be too expensive for them to
afford. The tuition at some schools are very expensive, along with the
Social and Ethical Values
Social and Ethics Values
In this word document I will be talking about social and ethical values, how they
have an impact at the workplace and how they relate to Ikea s aims and objectives.
There are various different types of factors that we need to consider for social and
ethical values such as: 1) Production/products 2) Suppliers 3) Customers 4) Workers
5) Environment 6) Local communities
All of these factors have an impact on the workplace.
Products/ Production:
This is a print screen from the Ikea website and this shows that Ikea is very caring
about the environment and they try to make sure that even at low prices that the
quality of the product is still very good and they ensure they re customers that ...
Show more content on ...
This is a print screen from the famous consumer review website called and on this website I found a review saying that the
customer service at Ikea is terrible and this was posted by keithboy40 this customer
had bought a product from Ikea it didn t turn to be the same one that he had asked
for he understood that it could have been a mistake so he had to travel 15 miles
back to Ikea just so he can explain the situation to them however the manager there
was not very friendly and helpful or even in fact knowledgeable because the
customer told him that the bed he had chosen was a bargain corner bed and the
manager said the bed we gave you is the one you have chosen and that it is a bargain
corner bed and therefore the customers money would not be returned back to him and
the customer s argument was that the sales man didn t tell them that this was also a
bargain corner bed and that it could not be returned after it has been purchased. So
the customer was not told all of the details of the product. In the customers words the
manager was the manager was a nightmare. Stone face unsociable and unwilling to
budge. he kept quoting company
Poverty And The Homeless Population Essay
percent increase since the homeless count in 2013 (Halstead). These numbers are
only expected to go up in the coming years, as long the problem of not enough room
in shelters exist.
In addition to the individual homeless population growing, the streets of Marin will
see another consequence that the county faces due to this problem. The community
will see a significant increase in the number of homeless families. Marin now more
than before is seeing more families living on the streets. According to Marin county,
as of January 29, 2015 there was a total of 1,309 homeless people. That is a 38%
increase since January 2013. However, that count does not account for those
homeless who find alternative shelters, such as, cars, and under passes. Another study
revealed that 15% of the overall homeless population are families with children. 35%
of those surveyed for the 2015 count said that this was their first time experiencing
homelessness. 51% said that they had been homeless for a year or more (Marin
County Census). With these alarming statistics, it has become quite clear what the
impact of lack of shelter spaces in Marin County has done a significant amount of
damage to the community.
Home values will decrease as the homeless population increases. People believe that
if there are shelters near their homes that the value will decrease significantly.
Having homeless people lingering around one s house can be disturbing to residents,
especially in Marin for those who pride
History of the Violin
History of the Violin
The most beautiful sounding violins in existence today were made in Italy in the
early 1700s, a period called the golden age of violin making. These instruments,
especially those made by Antonio Stradivari and Guarneri del GesГ№, are the most
desired instruments by both collectors and performers, selling for millions of dollars.
Modern day violin makers have not been able to successfully copy the techniques
they used to produce the same quality sound of violins that was made during this
period. The violin produces sound by drawing a bow across one or more strings
which may be held down by the fingers of the other hand to produce a full range of
pitches. The violin is the smallest and highest pitched ... Show more content on ...
In the course of his long career in the northern Italian town of Cremona, he created
more than a thousand stringed instruments; approximately 600 still survive. Many
of Antonio Stradivari s greatest instruments were made around his 70th birthday,
which he celebrated in 1714. One of the greatest Stradivarius violins is the Titian
which he made in 1715. It was named the Titian because its clear orange red color
resembled the work of the famous Venetian painter. The Titian has long been
counted among Stradivari s finest golden period violins. It represents a blend of
the design, techniques, styles, and accumulated experience at the time of its
making. The earliest known owner was a French nobleman, the Comte D Every. In
1922 it was acquired by celebrated violinist Efram Zimbalist who played it briefly.
It is currently in the hands of soloist Cho Liang Lin, who has performed with it
since 2002. Antonio Stradivari died in 1737. There was an economic slowdown
around this time that badly affected the demand for violins. Whether it was the low
demand for violins at the time or his sons lack of ability or ambition, the family
business did not continue much longer after his death. His remaining inventory was
sold to collectors, along with his violin patterns and the tools that he used. Today,
attempts to copy Stradivari s techniques seem doomed to failure. Although his violins
have been
Todays World
Marvels of Today s World.
In the past places and buildings were considered to be the 7 Wonders of the World,
each one is so different but all had one thing in common how unbelievable and
amazing they were. In today s world as well as geographical marvels there are grand
engineering projects that have opened up new possibilities and changed millions of
people s lives for the better. Technology, medical treatments, The Channel Tunnel
and Robotics are but a few of many that I would consider to be the marvels of today
s world. These wonders make our lives easier, more efficient and convenient. We can
t imagine our lives today without telephones, televisions, emails, cars, planes,
computers, space rockets etc. London is a city that ... Show more content on ...
Hopefully they won t completely overtake the role of mankind!
Another marvel of the world is medical technology in my opinion. We now have
the technology to provide people that have missing limbs with fake ones so that
they can continue on living their lives and enjoy it. This is just incredible. Many
infectious diseases such as Chicken Pox, Malaria, Measles and Tuberculosis have
been conquered through vaccines, antibiotics, and improved living conditions.
Cancer has become a more common illness, but treatments have been developed
that effectively combat some forms of the disease .We also have the technology to
control abnormal heart rhythms with the use of a pacemaker. I think pacemakers
are absolutely fantastic, such a clever idea. Pacemakers have prolonged people
with heart conditions life span and made life easier for them to live. The way a
little camera can be inserted into the body to look at problems/diseases,
completely puts me in awe. Also heart and lung transplants are one of the marvels
of today s world. This again saves people s lives. The way that a team of doctors
and nurses are able to take out a patient s heart or lung and put in a new one so that
they can live is truly a marvel. Medical technology is just phenomenal and
unbelievable. Through technology, millions of lives have been saved and improved
dramatically. This is why I d consider it to be one of the marvels of today s world.
The original
Church History, Or Contemporary Experience Of The
strained in its correspondence to the Bible (1 Cor 12:30), church history, or
contemporary experience of the various collection of Christ. Dunning s representation
of a quiet man who came to faith in his service was extremely convincing too. Could
this man who couldn t talk get the Pentecostal submersion of the Holy Spiritas prove
by tongues as characterized by Horton? This point was well taken. General I was
empowered by the evangelist endeavors of the Pentecostals, the stories of the work
of the Spirit in the lives of individuals in different customs, and their strong
observer for Christ. Nevertheless, I was altogether unconvinced by the convention
of subsequence confirm at first and solely by talking in tongues. Pentecostals
believes that receiving of Holy Spirit is only done by looking up to Jesus.
Sometimes it happens without even seeking the experience as it happened in the
romans at the Cornelius house. I agree with what Horton says about receiving the
Holy Spirit as growing up in India I have seen a lot of people receive the gifts
faster than usual. But I am glad that Horton recognizes when he says, All the gifts
of God is by grace through faith, and that faith included obedience, must be based
on God s written word, and must be faith in God. We need to ask than we will
receive as the word says that. Even in bible we will see people were waiting and
asking in expectation as they have heard John the baptism proclaim that right now
they are being baptized by
A Short Note On Diabetes And Its Effects On The Risk Of...
Diastolic dysfunction is observed in 40 60% of diabetics with heart failure, this
occur through a pathological processes that cause stiffening of the myocardium
due to cross linking and extracellular matrix deposition, hypertrophy, and neuronal
abnormalities (Rakowski et al., 1996), (Zile Brutsaert 2002), (Laing et al., 2003),
(Drury et al., 2011), (Forbes Cooper 2013). Many factors play a role in
development of CVD in diabetes as dyslipidemia, poor glycemic control that cause
direct damage to myocardium, or affect through atherosclerotic process , while
other factors are still controversial (Zile Brutsaert 2002), (Hogan et al., 2003),
(Laing et al., 2003), (Paterson et al., 2007), (Fowler 2008), (Forbes Cooper 2013).
The current study investigated effect of different coronary risk factors on the risk
of development of heart failure such as age, gender, presence of medical
comorbidities as (DM, hypertension and CAD), smoking, Body mass index (BMI),
blood sugar and lipid profile and results showed that both DM and CAD had strong
association with development of heart failure as well as obesity measured by BMI
and cholesterollevel. This agreed with many studies that showed that diabetes is a
strong independent risk factor for left ventricular dysfunction and the presence of
addition coronary risk factors increase the risk such as age, sex,
hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, positive family history, and smoking
(Jurkovicova D et al., 2006). Also studies showed
The Prospect Theory Paper
If you were given the opportunity to make the decision of receiving $5000 with
100% certainty or the option with a 50% chanced of receiving $7000, what would
you do? According to the Prospect Theory, people generally select the option of
winning the $5000 where there is absolute certainty of a gain, over the option that
is only half as certain. The Prospect Theory was first introduced by psychologists
Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky in the late 1970 s and was further developed
into the early 1990 s after years of research. Essentially, this is an expressive
theoretical model that is to be applied to humans, that describes our behaviors and
abilities to make decisions under certain circumstances. And, is comprised of the
uncertainty or certainty... Show more content on ...
We tend to ignore the final outcome of a decision and focus on the certainty or
uncertainty of it. The value we place on winning and losing vary, which is what
the Prospect Theory suggests. The Prospect Theory is a model that psychologists
created to explain our behavior when it comes to decision making and how we
make decisions. Typically, if a decision has to do with a gain, people will lean
towards the most certain option because they may fear that if they selected the
other option that would be disappointed. On the other hand, decisions that have to
do with loses are seen as the opposite by the majority of people. This is because we
feel more risky when selecting the uncertain option over the certain option because
we are trying to avoid a significant loss. The Prospect Theory provides an
explanation on how people make choices under strained conditions of gains and
losses in their applications of the real
Superior Temporal Gyrus Research Paper
It s hard to understand how people can say dance is easy when it s so complex to
be thinking about every single part of your body at the same time making sure it s in
perfect position from one movement to the next throughout a whole routine and even
before that during the hour long practices for months. The body endures too much
with bumps and bruises, stretching and soreness, and pops and cracks but that s only
the physical aspect of what a dancer has to go through. The mind is worked and
conditioned along the journey to improve what you see externally. The brain
undergoes critical thinking of the song playing, beats, timing, when and how to move
certain body parts until the end of every performance.
The Superior temporal Gyrus is responsible for processing sounds with the primary
auditory cortex. Some areas of the superior temporal gyrus are specialized for
processing combination of frequencies while other areas are specialized for
processing changes in amplitude or frequency. This contributes to hearing rhythm
with steady beats and fluctuations in music which is just vibrating air molecules
connecting with the eardrum with different ... Show more content on
Thalamus tells whether the signals been received are any signs of danger by
communicating with the hippocampus. The hippocampus stores historical sound/
danger associations while the thalamus links to the amygdala to initiate an emotional
response. The amygdala is an important part of the limbic system. The limbic
system in involved without emotions, feelings of pleasure, and memories while the
amygdala is specifically for the processing of emotions, memories, and motivation.
For a dancer to truly perform, they give off emotion based on the music. Whether the
music is sad they show it in their facial expressions and play out a character that is
perceived by the
Female Gangs
Since the evolution of civilization, man has always formed groups, and sects to lead
a covered life. As time passed by, the scenario changed, what turned out to be group
formation for hunting during the nomadic times led to formation of groups as tribes
for waging wars, and eventually in the urban times, now street gangs are formed in
mostly developed cities, which are filled with crimeand hate towards people other
than their own gangs. Gangs all over the world especially in the United States of
America, are very often very underlined as a male dominated one, and females that
were supposed to be with the gangmembers, were either their wives of girlfriends,
and females who were seen actively involved were supposed to be for sole purposes...
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Female gangs and crimes committed by females can no longer be taken as one of the
incidents which can be evident from the following: Make no mistake, these girls are
not girl scouts, they are not as organized as established male gangs, but they are
getting close (Courtesy: Lieutenant Gary French, commander of the Boston Police s
Youth Violence Strike Force, Retrieved on February 9th 2008 from site
Females in gangs follow what is known as the gang s code of dressing, which
would include having same tattoos, same hair color and same dressing style. The
system of gangs have always incorporated a sense of brotherhood and family
towards its members, and females who enter these gangs want to take refuge away
from their homes and schools, and that is why females today who are joining
gangs and are ready to go at any level to connect to the gangs;many of them are
willing to take tests like group sex with gang members or doing burglary just to
prove their mettle. The roles of females in the coming times in street gangs are
more like to change for the worse, and females will be involved in more and more
gruesome crimes, because of the new ideologies of male gang members that females
who are caught are generally given a relaxed sentence compared to their male
Comparison of J2Ee and .Net
Technological changes can put a company into turmoil. Multiple requirements need to
be taken into consideration when deciding upon new technologies which include
usability, functionality, performance and cost. When looking into the decision upon
which platform to use within a business, the debate between using .NET and J2EE
can be critical. Extensive research must be done to find out if currently used
programs will work correctly with either platform or if new programs need to be put
in use.
.NET is very tightly integrated into Microsoft operating systems, so the decision
needs to be made whether to have a Microsoft framework in place. J2EE will work
on any operating system, but is more complex and its GUI environment is ... Show
more content on ...
Other technologies that are included in the J2EE platform include Java Server Pages
(JSP) which allows for faster development and an environment that is easily
maintained. It allows for the change of the outward appearance or design of a page
without having to change the underlying dynamic content. Java Management
Extensions (JMX) has multiple uses as it allows for the adaptation of legacy systems
along with the implementation of new management and monitoring solutions. JMX
provides the resources for the monitoring of devices, applications and service driven
networks and defines the J2EE Management Model which has been designed to
operate with various protocols and management systems. Other technologies included
in the J2EE platform are: J2EE Connector Architecture which specifies architecture
that is standard for accessing resources in diverse Enterprise Information Systems
(EIS); J2EE Deployment API which enables the use of components and applications
by defining the standard APIs; J2EE Authorization Contract for Containers defines
new classes which are needed to satisfy the J2EE
authorization model; and Java API for XML Registries (JAXR) which uses a
standard uniform way to use business registries that have been based on open or
industry led specifications.
The J2EE platform requires specific server software in order to function as a web
service and application server. The most basic requirements include the J2EE
Health Benefits Of Daily Physical Activity
Rationale 1.Purpose: The general purpose for this presentation is to inform the
audience about health benefits of daily physical activity. The audience will be able
to list two benefits of daily physical activity after this presentation. The central idea
is that physical activity should be implemented daily to promote a happy and
healthy life. 2.Audience: The ideal audience for my presentation would be school
age children and teens; although, the topic of this presentation would be
appropriate for a broader audience. Ideally, school age children and teens would
benefit more from this presentation because the sooner they are informed on the
subject the better. 3.Significance: It is important for students to know how to live a
healthy and happy lifestyle. Children at this age are becoming more self aware,
self conscience, and dealing with body image issues. They have more
opportunities to participate in daily physical activities, such as sports. If they are
informed now of the benefits of daily physical activities, they may want to change
their lifestyle and have a chance to live even longer. Introduction: 1.Attention
getting opening: How many of you want to die from diabetes complications? How
many of you want to live a life disabled by Rheumatoid arthritis? How many of you
look forward to heart disease or high blood pressure as you age? No one, right! Of
Course not! Well, did you know that many of these diseases and deaths from them
can be prevented with physical
Analysis Of Tidal Wetlands
In the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service s 130 year assessment of Status and Trends of
Wetlands in the Long Island Sound Area, the results indicated that there was a
48% loss of Tidal Wetlands from the 1880s to 2000s in New York. Even after
protective legislation was passed in the 1970s, wetland decline increased by 19%
decrease in New York from 1970 to present day. (Basso, 6)
This decline in wetlands should be of concern to ____ as wetlands provide a variety
of ecosystem services to the general populace. They provide provisioning services by
the providing habitats to different marine organisms such as shellfish, finfish, and
waterfowl, some of which provide humans eat They provide supporting services, such
as nutrient cycling (Teal 1986, ... Show more content on ...
However, too much nitrogen is leading to the wetland s demise. While the main
concern for the loss of wetlands up until the 1970s was draining and filling, and while
the laws created then focused on reducing wetland destruction through urbanization,
wetlands are still being deteriorated. Today, the main concern is wetland loss created
by increased amounts of open water on the marsh surface. The literature suggests that
on average, healthy New England marshes have 9% permanent open water on their
surface. However, an open water assessment indicates an average of 47% permanent
open water on the marshes studied (Kirwan 2013).
In Long Island, the marshes are wetter and vegetated areas are shifting from high
marsh to low marsh or to mud flat, which are far less productive and give fewer
services than the salt marshes and other high marshes that are supposed to be there.
(Kirwan 2013
Warren and Niering 1993, Muschacke 2007, Tiner 2006, Field 2014, Rozsa 1995,
Watson et al. 2014, Smith 2009, USFWS 2011)
While there are plenty of human created stressors that are creating this conversion,
such as invasive species, sediment deprivation, hydraulic modification, pollution and
climate change (Smith 2009, Gedan 2009, Wigand 2014, Watson 2014, Silliman
2009, Kirwan 2013). (Silliman 2009, Lotze 2006), one major stressor is that of urban
runoff, specifically, the high nutrient levels of fertilizer runoff. In a nine year study,
researcher Linda Deegan added
Biomes are the Communities of the World
Biomes are all over the world, that s why they are considered the world s major
communities. Biomes are large areas scattered around the earth, filled with animals
and plants acclimating to their environments. You can classify biomes in many
different ways, by their climate, their biodiversity, human activity, their animals and
plants, and their habitats. There are only five conspicuous types of biomes,
Grassland, Tundra, Desert, Aquatic, and forest. Without biomes, the earth would be
unbalanced. Throughout the years, we have cause a lot of damage towards our earth,
such as causing pollution, and abolishing natural habitats. If we continue living like
this, there might be more serious or severe implications on the biomes. Knowing that
we share the world with so many other species of plants and animals, we should
consider the consequences of our actions. The Aquatic biomeis the most significant
out of all of the five biomes. Water is essential and important for life here on Earth.
It s what we all need in order to survive. Water also supports life, and many different
species live in it, or for some parts of their life. Since water covers one thirds of the
Earth, the temperature of the aquatic biome tends to be humid and slightly cool. It
is fairly constant so it can be able to tolerate life. This region is filled with so many
different species of animals some big and some even small. The Aquatic biome is
broken into two regions freshwater and marine
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Fibre Composites And...
Composite materials are the engineering materials made from two or more
constituent materials they remain separate and distinct on a macroscopic level but
forming a single component or Composites can defined as materials that consist of
two more chemically and physically different phases separated by a distinct
interface(matrix phase and dispersed phase). The different systems are combined
judiciously to achieve a component with more and more useful structural or
functional properties non attainable by any of the constituent alone. Matrix phase is
the primary phase having a continuous character. Matrix is usually more ductile and
less hard phase. It holds the dispersed phase and shares a load with it. Dispersed
(reinforcing) ... Show more content on ...
The combined challenge thus consists in developing effective and environmentally
friendly flame retardant systems for polymer materials. The development of flame
retardant materials and understanding the phenomena that take place during
combustion often require close collaboration between several fields of scientific
expertise (macromolecular and physical chemistry, physics of mass and heat transfer,
rheology, etc.). Fire retardants are combined with polymer resins to reduce their
flammability, decrease production of volatiles and inhibit
Zander Research Paper
The plane made a sharp left and ignited in mid air like a fireball, like a firework in
the sky, a loud scream emitted from the plane, and it went straight down into the Lake
Havasu desert.
My experience at flight school is finally done, and today I get to fly around
beautiful Lake Havasu AZ alone. Zander, my friend is still training, so today he is
going to fly with an instructor in an E 18 A Growler, I will be tailing behind in my
personal 737 900 Boeing Dreamliner, which I was given for my design contributions
to the plane, and spacecraft that I worked on. As our planes are prepped to go, the
Head Instructor, Dave, went over our flight plans. The crew gave us the thumbs up to
fly, with the minor exception that my transponder was not ... Show more content on ...
Images flashed through my head of when I saw my dad get crushed in the World
Trade Center, and all I could do was stare at the wreckage hoping he would come
back. But, I know Zander is not dead, he had to have made it out alive. The ejection
seat fired shooting straight down to the ground because of the plane s position in the
air. But, the plane had precautions for an emergency landing, so I knew Zander had to
be alive. I looked around for the best landing conditions because my plane could
come down at any moment. I flew about 8 Miles to the Lake Havasu National
Wildlife Refuge, here there was a flat looking area where the sandbar once existed
when the lake was here. I prepped the plane for an emergency landing and started
my decent, I eased the back wheels down first, emitting a loud ear piercing squeak,
as the plane started to sink down into the sand, causing the back wheels to drift.
When the plane started to slow, I let the front wheel down onto the sand, slowly
reaching my hand up to the emergency exit above, located on the ceiling in the
cockpit. I opened the hatch, and alarms blared from the control panel in the front of
the aircraft. I pulled the red handle to open the door, and it flew open with maximum
pressure, (A
Essay on Chapter 63 Nursing Management
Chapter 63: Nursing Management: Musculoskeletal Trauma and Orthopedic
Surgery Test Bank MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. When teaching seniors at a community
recreation center, which information will the nurse include about ways to prevent
fractures? a. Tack down scatter rugs in the home. b. Most falls happen outside the
home. c. Buy shoes that provide good support and are comfortable to wear. d.
Range of motion exercises should be taught by a physical therapist. ANS: C
Comfortable shoes with good support will help decrease the risk for falls. Scatter
rugs should be eliminated, not just tacked down. Activities of daily living provide
range of motion exercise; these do not need to be taught by a physical therapist. Falls
inside the home are responsible... Show more content on ...
The nurse will instruct the patient with a fractured left radius that the cast will
need to remain in place a. for several months. b. for at least 3 weeks. c. until
swelling of the wrist has resolved. d. until x rays show complete bony union. ANS:
B Bone healing starts immediately after the injury, but since ossification does not
begin until 3 weeks postinjury, the cast will need to be worn for at least 3 weeks.
Complete union may take up to a year. Resolution of swelling does not indicate
bone healing. DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (application) REF: 1513 TOP: Nursing
Process: Implementation MSC: NCLEX: Physiological Integrity
USTESTBANK.COM 7. A 48 year old patient with a comminuted fracture of the left
femur has Buck s traction in place while waiting for surgery. To assess for pressure
areas on the patient s back and sacral area and to provide skin care, the nurse should a.
loosen the traction and help the patient turn onto the unaffected side. b. place a pillow
between the patient s legs and turn gently to each side. c. turn the patient partially to
each side with the assistance of another nurse. d. have the patient lift the buttocks by
bending and pushing with the right leg. ANS: D The patient can lift the buttocks off
the bed by using the left leg without changing the right leg alignment. Turning the
patient will tend to move the leg out of alignment. Disconnecting the traction will
interrupt the weight needed to
Case Study 43 Choledocholithiasis
Case Study 43 Choledocholithiasis Scenario T.B. is a 65 year old retiree who is
admitted to your unit from the emergency department (ED). On arrival you note
that he is trembling and nearly doubled over with severe abdominal pain. T.B.
indicates that he has severe pain in the right upper quadrant (RUQ) of his
abdomen that radiates through to his mid back as a deep, sharp boring pain. He is
more comfortable walking or sitting bent forward rather than lying flat in bed. He
admits to having had several similar bouts of abdominal pain in the last month, but
none as bad as this. He feels nauseated but has not vomited, although he did vomit a
week ago with a similar episode. T.B. experienced an acute onset of pain after eating
fish and chips... Show more content on ...
He reports that on a scale of 1 to 10, his pain has decreased from a 10 to a 4 in an
hour. What other methods could be used to help T.B. s pain? Anticholinergics can
be used to decrease secretion and counteract smooth muscle contraction to help
with comfort levels of T.B. Also attempting to use none medication therapy such as
massage, or relaxation techniques can be used to relieve pain. What data charted
in the assessment are consistent with CBD obstruction? Presenting with jaundice,
pain, clay colored stool, nausea, vomiting, pain triggered by high fat content meal,
tender upon palpation, and fatigue are all findings that are consistent with CBD.
CASE STUDY PROGRESS At 2330 T.B. spikes a temperature of 38.6В° C
(tympanic). His SaO2 on 2 L O2/NC is now 90%, so you immediately increase the
flow rate to raise his O2 saturation. You inform the on call surgeon, and she orders a
STAT chest x ray (CXR) and a broad spectrum antibiotic imipenem and cilastatin 500
mg IV q6h (check renal function; this medication must be dose adjusted if patient has
renal impairment, or there is an increased risk for seizure). What actions need to be
completed before starting the antibiotic? Before administration of any medication the
patients chart should be looked at and varify that the patient has no allergies that
could be related to said treatment or anything similar in their medical history. Also
obtaining a baseline set of vitals prior to medication administration

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High School Essay Topics. Essay questions for high school students. 25 Great Essay topics for ...

  • 1. High School Essay Topics Writing an essay on the topic of "High School Essay Topics" may initially seem like a straightforward task, given the abundance of potential subjects related to high school experiences, challenges, and opportunities. However, the difficulty lies in navigating the vast array of possible topics and selecting one that is both engaging and relevant. Firstly, one must consider the target audience and the purpose of the essay. High school essay topics can span a wide range, including academic achievements, extracurricular activities, personal growth, challenges faced, and future aspirations. The challenge is to find a balance between personal reflection and broader themes that resonate with the readers. Additionally, the task becomes complex when trying to stand out among the multitude of essays on similar subjects. Crafting a unique perspective or presenting a fresh angle on a common topic requires creativity and critical thinking. Avoiding clichГ©s and overused narratives is crucial to maintaining the reader's interest and making the essay memorable. Furthermore, the process involves thorough research to gather relevant information and data to support the chosen topic. This requires time and effort to ensure the essay is well-informed and substantiated, contributing to its overall quality and credibility. The difficulty is also compounded by the need for effective organization and coherent expression of ideas. Structuring the essay logically, maintaining a clear thesis statement, and ensuring smooth transitions between paragraphs are essential elements in achieving a cohesive and compelling piece. In conclusion, while writing an essay on "High School Essay Topics" may appear deceptively simple at first, the real challenge lies in selecting an engaging topic, presenting a unique perspective, conducting thorough research, and crafting a well-organized and articulate essay. It requires a combination of creativity, critical thinking, and writing skills to produce a standout piece. For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar tasks, various resources are available, including online writing services like, where professional writers can provide support in creating high-quality and customized essays tailored to specific requirements. High School Essay TopicsHigh School Essay Topics
  • 2. Vladimir Lenin s Role In Russian History Vladimir Lenin played a very important role in Russia s history. Lenin had almost the same exact views about government as Karl Marx did. During Lenin s rule he made decisions that really changed the nation. However, Lenin not only played an important rule in Russian history but in universal history as well. He has been known as the greatest revolutionary leader behind Karl Marx, the one who opened up everyone s eyes to communism (Vladimir LeninBiography). Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov was Lenin s birth name. He took on the last name Lenin when he was working under the table with his government party. Lenin was born in Simbirsk, Russia, on April 22, 1870. Simbirsk was renamed Ulyanovsk in his honor. Lenin had six siblings of whom he was the ... Show more content on ... He believed that only a revolution caused by the working class people would help the government, but the others believed in a revolution of the rich (Vladimir Lenin). Lenin believed that the working class needed to cause the revolution, because they carried the country on their backs. Without the working class the country wouldn t prosper. The working class consisted of merchants, soldiers, peasants, farmers, etc. If Russia took out that class of people Russia would soon deteriorate. The working class was very vital to Russia and that s why Lenin believed that they needed to cause a revolution
  • 3. Meeting Scheduler Requirements Engineering Meeting Scheduler Software Requirements Specification 1 Introduction This document specifies all the requirements for the Meeting Scheduler software system that aimed to help people scheduler their meetings. 1. Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide a software requirement specification for the Meeting Scheduler software system by listing the system functional and non functional requirements. This document also presents non functional requirements system dependency, non functional software goal analysis, requirements dependency matrix and business continuity plan. 2. Scope This document is intended for providing a well defined functional and non functional requirement specification. The scope of this document... Show more content on ... The Meeting Scheduler shall be working with each web browser easily. 2.2 Product Functions The Meeting Scheduler System is responsible for managing meetings between various potential meeting attendees. It will determine the meeting time depending on the potential attendee s personal agenda. The potential attendees will always be kept up to date when they are invited to a meeting, the meeting information is changed and the meeting is cancelled. The Meeting Scheduler will be responsible for allocating location, room and equipment requirements. The Meeting Scheduler will allow meeting initiator and potential attendees to re plan of a meeting. 2.3 User Characteristics The target groups of the Meeting Scheduler System are: Non expert users; thus, the system will provide a very easy to use user interface. System users (in hierarchical order); system engineers, administrator, initiator and non expert users Frequency of use (in hierarchical order); administrator, initiator, non expert users and system engineers 2.4 General Constraints The system will be designed by using PHP and HTML languages. The system will be merged with Joomla content management application. The system will support any kind of platform that has a web browser. The system will support concurrent user requests. The system will not allow multiple authentications. Apache Tomcat will be used as database. 2.5 Assumptions and
  • 4. Was John Brown A Hero John Brown the Hero John Brown has been a controversial political figure to generations of Americans across the nation. He is often regarded as one of two polarizing ideals, the unapologetic freedom fighting abolitionist and then as the religious zealot turned domestic terrorist. There is even a case to be made that John Brownwas America s first domestic terrorist. While Brown s methods may have been extreme, he delivered his intended message; that change needed to occur for the country to be truly free. John Brown s actions and beliefs that he held that led to the raid at Harper s Ferry were noble and had major cultural impact on American society at that time. John Brown was a man who is by definition non conformist . He grew up wealthy and educated, but with little formal education he took risks financially and socially and had a high sense of morality that grounded the beliefs that would soon... Show more content on ... When he was young during the War with England he stayed with a nice landlord that was housing a United States Marshall in possession of a slave boy. The Marshall grew a fondness of young John Brown and complimented every little thing Brown would do, while the slave boy who was of equal ability was berated and treated poorly and beaten in front of Brown once. This experience caused Brown to engage in self reflection that led to his strong belief system. Brown s strong belief system was the main driving force behind his revolution, he believed that it was the right of the negro to be free even if that cost meant violence. A common argument against Brown that paints him as a terrorist are these violent actions he takes. Now in nature these acts could be counted as terrorism, destruction of property and murder. However a key part of terrorism
  • 5. Chelow Kebab History The Persian Empire fell in the year 330 BCE due to the invasion of Alexander III of Macedon (Metropolitan Museum of Art). During this the Greeks controlled the Persian lands, this was known as the Seleucid dynasty. After the Seleucid dynasty there were many dynasties that controlled Persia. During the year 633 654 AD Muslims started attacking the Sassanid Empire and took back control of Iran, this was known as the Muslim conquest or the Arab conquest of Iran. Modern day Iran is divided into 31 provinces (Statoids). These 31 provinces are combined into 5 regions of Iran. These 5 regions are Tehran (middle northern region), Esfahan (middle southern region), Tabriz (northwest region), Kermanshah (western region), and Mashhad (eastern region).... Show more content on ... This dish is often referred to as the original Iranian national dish besides the true national dish Chelow kebab. This dish is an herb stew with many herbal mixtures combined with Persian polo rice. Persian polo rice is basmati rice that is cooked in a seasoned broth often mixed with onions and spices. This gives the rice a brown color completely different from the rice styles of Chelow. Ghormeh is originally a Turkish word; this dish is from the region of Tabriz, which is next to turkey. Ghormeh in Turkish means stewed and sabzi means Persian herbs. The Turkish people used Persian herbs to create this dish and the Persians loved the stew so they adopted this dish from Turkey. Ghormeh sabzi s herbal ingredients are a mixture of parsley, green onions, coriander, and dried fenugreek leaves. The dish is cooked with kidney beans and turmeric seasoned lamb or beef all served with polo or tah dig (crusted saffron seasoned
  • 6. Examples Of Hypnotism In War By Jack London You are transported into someone else s mind. You perceive things just as they do. Through his/her senses you experience a variety of emotions and thoughts. You are surrounded by unfamiliar people in his/her little world, yet somehow they make you feel like you have known them your entire life through the way they make you smile, laugh, and sometimes even cry. How is this possible, you ask? Could it be through virtual reality, perhaps even through hypnotism? The answer lies within stories. Authors are able to naturally coax readers into the minds of characters by using point of view. It has a great impact on characterization, specifically in the short storyWar , by Jack London. The limited omniscient point of view of the short story greatly... Show more content on ... He is only referred to by his physical characteristics from the first meeting. In the middle of the story, when the cavalry scout happens upon another person, the first thing he notices is how his face is covered with several weeks growth of ginger colored beard (London 42). London then goes on to give us a little bit more detail, The eyes were blue and wide apart, with laughter wrinkles in the corners (42). Due to the unique limited omniscient point of view, not much is revealed about any of the other characters in the story, not even the antagonist who plays an enormous role. This point of view reveals practically nothing about this vital character including his name, background, etc. All in all, it is evident that point of view greatly affects the characterization of the ginger bearded man. The characterization of the cavalry scout and the ginger bearded man is greatly influenced by the limited omniscient point of view of the short story War , by Jack London. Point of view, or perspective, is an important tool applied by authors for use in literature, but it pertains to more than just books. Perspective is crucial in order for us to understand others, to not only step into their shoes, but to walk around in them as well. If humans can learn to take advantage of the powerful tool that is perspective, maybe we would not need to go to war, but rather we would
  • 7. Unusual Languages of the World Jenn Beckmann Part 1 2. Define pidgin and creole and explain the difference between them. Pidgins and creoles are both languages that occur when two people of different languages are communicating (p.232). In order to define a pidgin, it is important to look at the process in which a pidgin develops. When contact between speakers of two different languages occurs and they begin to create ways of communication through words and phrases, pre pidgin is developing. A pidgin develops as a new language when the original group or several groups of people begin using the pre pidgin to communicate as the common language. The pidgin is then being used as the lingua franca (p. 233). Depending on the use of the language, there is also a restricted pidgin and expanded pidgin. Restricted pidgin is only used when necessary for communication and typically has small vocabulary and little grammar. Expanded pidgin is a pidgin that is used everyday and in different entities such as religion or the government. This type of pidgin has an expanded vocabulary and grammar. On the other hand, a creole is a pidgin that children learn and use as their first language. With children learn the language as their first, it will expand to community usage. Gramatics are much more complex in a creole as is the vocabulary of the language (p.234). There are differences between a pidgin and creole that can be defined. A pidgin is spoken between people of different languages with less vocabulary and
  • 8. Daly Research Paper There is minimal information regarding Daly s time in the city of New York, but it is known that he worked at various jobs such as errand boy, hostler, and stevedore in order to save enough money to buy passage to the city of San Francisco, California where a sister lived (Shoebotham, 1956), (Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2004). Upon his arrival in California in 1861, Daly set about making his fortune. Despite his lack of formal education, Daly was an intelligent, ambitious, and driven individual (Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2004). During his stay in San Francisco, he worked odd jobs on farms and truck gardens (Shoebotham, 1956) and it was here that his future changed forever. During one of his many jobs, Daly met another young Irishman ... Show more content on ... Daly remained in Virginia City until mid summer 1869, when a devastating fire broke out in the Comstock Lode. Daly, realizing that the boom was ending, followed the hordes of miners seeking riches to various camps in Nevada, such as White Pine, Mineral Hill, and Eureka (Shoebotham, 1956). The prospects for continued success were dim and Daly was at a loss as to where to go next. Fortunately, his reputation as a competent miner and team leader, brought him to the attention of the Walker Brothers in Salt Lake City, Utah and in 1871, Daly moved to Alta to take charge of the Emma mine there (Shoebotham, 1956). Under Daly s supervision, the Emma quickly doubled production and when his instinct told him the mine was playing out, Daly suggested to the Walker Brothers that they divest themselves of their interest in the mine (Shoebotham, 1956). They followed his advice and pleased with the results, the company promoted Daly to superintendent of the Walker Properties in the Ophir and Dry Canyon districts outside of Salt Lake City, Utah (Shoebotham, 1956). Over the next several years, the Walker Brothers made good use of Daly s talent by sending him to various sites throughout the
  • 9. Musical Development From The 50 S Musical development from the 50 s to the present day 1950 s The 1950 s was a very important decade in the development of music as it saw the birth of rock n roll. Artists such as Elvis Presley and Chuck Berry took the style of playing already established in genres such as blues and country music and completely renovated it. They took the idea of a 12 bar blues pattern and sped it up and added rhythmic, catchy hooks to make the music easy to dance to. The lyrics of songs about the genre itself as well as teenage love and sex, although the latter was only referred to through slang terminology, appealed greatly to teenagers of the time due to their rebellious nature. Rock n roll also saw the bass guitar replacing the upright bass in most ... Show more content on ... Songs such as hound dog and jailhouse rock made him one of the most renowned performers of all time and still influence music greatly even today. While Presley was no doubt the most successful and best known artist of the decade, there are several other performers who were key figures in establishing rock n roll as the music of the era. Artists such as Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry and Bill Haley and the comets played an integral role in creating rock n roll and making it a success with songs such as Johnny B Goode and rock around the clock . 1960 s Without a doubt the most influential event in the development of music in the 1960 s was what became known as the British invasion. With the televised beatings of peaceful civil rights protestors the American youth became disenchanted with their government and the music that was produced up until 1963 began to reflect that. After 1963 however acts that had been hugely successful in Britain began to make appearances in America, most notably the Beatles. The band, later known as the fab four, became an overnight success in the states and very few American artists maintained any semblance of popularity as a result of the ensuing beatlemania as it
  • 10. Duality Of Organized Religion The Duality of Organized Religion and Spirituality From the beginning of human existence, religion and spirituality have played immense, critical roles in the lives of people and the functionings of our society. In our world today, the conflict in religious forces combined with the conflict in spiritual forces depict both our confusion and our yearning to connect with divine forces and influence the people around us for good. Organized Religion and spirituality both provide their own unique, important influences and opportunities to individuals and our society. Each have their own set of benefits and detriments and analyzing these are growingly essential to our world because people choose to participate in one or the other or both and ... Show more content on ... From ancient Egypt, we find the first official records of religious practice. Egyptian religion was a large, polytheistic system complete with idols, statues and the pyramids. Religion in ancient Egypt dictated nearly everything anybody said, wore or did on a daily basis. Phoenicia, Palestine, Greece and Rome all followed with similar references to the divine and texts that portrayed themes of holiness and mythological practices.(Mark The Hindu faith is perfect evidence of the resilience and strength of religion. Founded in India in 2,000 BCE, it is still one of the most widely accepted and has one of the largest populations in the world. (BBC No Author Throughout history we have seen religion in many different forms such as mythology and these forms have often been manifest in governments and societies. This proves its resilience and vibrancy since the beginning of human existence and today in our modern culture. Mankind has both created and relied on religion from the very beginning and how those systems have stayed dependable and substantial in the forces of the worlds governmental and societal organizations. Another advantage to Organized religion is that in many circumstances it can cultivate love and service in a community. Service organizations, community functions and assistance
  • 11. Exploring The Idea Of The Baroque Art Era For my Installation piece I have decided to explore the idea of The Baroque Art Era. The Baroque is a period of artistic style that concentrated on exaggerated processes and lavish designs. Starting in Rome in the early 1600 s, The Baroque style began after the Roman Church was in the middle of monumental internal reform, attempting to address the representation of the arts within the society of the time. They believed that a change in the way art was delivered to the masses was necessary to reach a larger audience. The Council of Trent believed that the paintings and sculptures in the church needed to appeal to the masses and therefore their context and story should be able to speak to the illiterate and not just the well educated and informed. This consequently saw the style turn deliberately from the witty, intellectual characteristics of the 16th century Mannerist art, to a more internal appeal aimed at the senses. It created an art that was direct, simple and obvious but theatrical. Swiss Art Historian, Heinrich Wolffin defined The Baroqueas the age where the oval replaced the circle as the center of the composition and the colouristic and painterly effects began to become more prominent . Examples of Baroque paintings and designs can be seen in Peitro da Cortona s works, including the Glorification of the Reign of Urban VIII created in 1633. His use of dynamic composition, irrational lighting, dramatic gestures and poses, and miraculous effects accentuate the
  • 12. The Poetry of Robert Frost Essay Have you ever looked outside your window and wondered what the world really means? Reading Robert Frost s poetry you will be able to form your own opinion and thoughts about this pulchritudinous world. His poetry is so deep and meaningful you will be overwhelmed with what was going through this man s head. Life is not paradisiacal, and this is something Robert Frost knew but his poetrygave insight to the people of his time and the generations to come. Although Robert Frost s life was far from perfect he was still an extraordinary person; his great inspirations, themes, and figurative language have won him many honors and awards thus creating one of the greatest American poets known to this day. Robert Frost went though a lump growing up... Show more content on ... Over the next decade life became more bothersome for Frost because he had a tremendous amount of jobs. Times were hard for Robert but he worked very hard to make due of what he had and did not complain of what he did not have. Frost life was filled with devastation and success all wrapped in one. His life was getting better when he met his soon to be wife Elinor White. Robert Frost and Elinor White married in 1895.(Barry ix). In 1899 the married couple moved to Derry, New Hampshire which is the state where he became a cobbler, farmer, and a teacher at Pinkerton Academy.(Barry ix). Frost and his wife had many children but sadly many of them did not live long enough to even see their teenage years.(Barry ix). His children went though some cataclysmic times, his son shot himself and his daughter was always very ill.(Bober 173). Whether his life was going marvelous or god awful Frost still Gonzalez, Jones 3 managed to be a great friend, husband, and parent.(Burnshaw 458). Frost was making commendable career moves that no longer made him known as a farmer but as an auspicious poet. In 1912 he moved himself and his family to New England and even published his first book A Boy s Will .(Barry xi). When Frost writes his poetry he talks about what he saw in the world or what was going on in his life.(Bober 10). Readers got to see a world in a uniquely explained way which was the way Frost
  • 13. Fanny in Jane Austen s Mansfield Park Essay amp;#8220;FANNY EMERGES VICTORIOUS SIMPLY BECAUSE THE OTHERS FALTER ; (MARY POOVEY) DO YOU AGREE WITH THIS READING OF FANNY amp;#8217;S ROLE IN amp;#8216;MANSFIELD PARK amp;#8217; Mansfield Park has sometimes been considered as atypical of Jane Austen as being solemn and moralistic. Poor Fanny Price is brought up at Mansfield Park with her uncle and aunt. Where only her cousin Edmund helps her with the difficulties she suffers from the rest of the family, and from her own fearfulness and timidity. When the sophisticated Crawfords (Henry and Mary) visit the Mansfield neighbourhood, the moral sense of each marriageable member of the Mansfield family is tested in various ways, but Fanny emerges unscathed. We need to look at the way Austen... Show more content on ... This may be moderated by the history of displacement Jane Austen has provided for Fanny: the years of intimidation she has endured from Mrs Norris and her dependence on Edmund, whose kindness comes with instructions for her of how she should behave. Fanny has a disapproving attitude towards Mary. We are never sure whether this is due to Fanny amp;#8217;s morals or her jealousy of the way Edmund is fixated with her. As a result of Edmunds amp;#8217; coaching, Fanny amp;#8217;s moral attitudes in general are over determined, so it is quite easy for us to think of her as modelling a amp;#8216;conduct manual amp;#8217;. There are several passages within amp;#8216;Mansfield Park amp;#8216;where Jane Austen smiles kindly on, our
  • 14. Impostor Syndrome When the dean told a forum of professors that he felt like a fraud during his graduate research, Jane knew what he meant. The dean said that he was worried his program acceptance had been a mistake and he d blow his cover. He thought everyone else in the program was so much smarter, even though he had more laboratory experience and better grades. For years, he was scared that any second someone would reveal him to be a fraud, terrified to speak up because he was certain someone would question him, and positive that his life would fall apart at any second. If you feel, like he did, that your accomplishments are just luck or a mistake and your life could collapse at any moment, then you may be experiencing Impostor Syndrome , a psychological... Show more content on ... This will help you remember your value and skills. Own your success; write a journal showcasing all your successes and failures. Then note how many more success you have had. Carry a notecard with you that states you are unique and use it to remind yourself to not to compare you or your achievements to others. Make a list of potential mentors and approach them for guidance, by reducing your isolation and expanding your network you can
  • 15. New Technology Has Affected Traditional Graphic Design New technology has affected traditional Graphic Design During the past years, graphic design has been changing all over the world, especially regarding the use of certain techniques of designing. Traditional principles and techniques of design allow designers to be more creative, but more and more designers are using computers. So, is new technology good or bad? It may seem strange to consider the different aspects of graphic design because most people only know the technological side. Though most people think graphic design is more about the digital media, it is actually a complicated process that requires creativity that computers cannot supply. Some of the new generation graphic designers argue that hand made work is not as effective nor trendy as a digital version of the work. However, traditional design has many advantages that digital design does not. Starting a design on a piece of paper helps the brain to be more productive, creating the new ideas out of the first one. As an illustration, a study was made regarding the topic, in which 10 people, including artist and non artists were required to draw using only sheets of paper and 16 pastel pens, to research how drawing is an excellent therapy for creative expression that also showed how the brain rhythm changes in order to help the whole creative process. All participants were recruited via email and each one was scheduled for an individual session, they were supervised to easily measure the difference between the
  • 16. Connection To Literature 1.The term significance to literature is defined as your own personal connection or feelings you experience as you read the short story, poem, or play. These personal reactions to the literary texts is comprised of your own personal experiences to the topic discussed. How are you able to relate to what the author is conveying in the story and what interpretations could you conclude from the story? They state that readers find significance in a short story by reading the author s headnotes and commentaries which will help the reader to better understand the significance of the writer s lives, historical times, and cultural traditions in order to comprehend their work. Also, it is important to read twice in order to better understand the
  • 17. Lebron James Mission Statement GOALS: The main objective is to develop a brand image revolving around the person that LeBron James is, both for the LeBron brand as a whole and the LRMR (LeBron, Randy, Maverick, Richard) firm. Another important objective to consider is to create a new sports marketing business model that revolves around the person behind the brand . In order to do this, it is important to discuss the three target segment videogame endorsement opportunities that are in existence. It is crucial to analyze and choose the best opportunity for LeBron s brand and the LRMR firm. Another goal to be considered is all the benefits a videogame will bring the firm, such as: easiness to manage, time commitment, good profit and revenues gained towards the firm (making... Show more content on ... In the future, LRMR firm, should also begin targeting 2k games. Initially, LRMR should target Microsoft Xbox live, because it meets all the criteria of the segmentation check. This segment is the answer to what LRMR is looking for; being that the main priority is for the LeBron James brand is to have fun. As shown previously, and looking at it as a brand image, this segment would permit James and LRMR to have control over when the game would be released and how it would be promoted; this deal is really flexible which is what the firm is mainly looking for. Being able to make it into whatever LRMR wants it to be, the deal with Xbox Live is the perfect fit. For this segment, there may be some threats and weaknesses that LRMR firm would not totally agree with, but whenever they go back to check all the opportunities and strengths this segment has to offer (which is what they were basically looking for), those weaknesses and threats become a little less important to pay attention to. So in conclusion, they should choose the XBOX Live deal because it offers the biggest opportunity for LRMR to make the game about the person behind the brand. As a second option, targeting 2k games, it is important to have into consideration that profits and revenues will be much greater if we decide to work with
  • 18. Racism, By Stephen B. Morton Racism is a major evil in this world. The horrific acts that occurred on June 17, 2015 were a total and complete act of racism. Dylann Roof entered a historically black church, attended a bible study, and as the night ended he opened fire on everyone in attendance, the deaths totaling to nine. The image, taken by Stephen B. Morton signifies hope for humanity, no matter how hopeful it cannot cover up the morbidness of the acts that occurred just one day before. The image a representation of raceissues in America today and shows how far we have come by supporting one another no matter the color at times of need. It also represents how racismamong other things is still a prominent issue in modern day America. The photograph places the... Show more content on ... He found a group that he felt accepted with online and with this one looks at Berreby s It Takes a Tribe . People in general thrive in groups or tribes. Whether they do in consciously or not the human body gravitates towards being grouped with others (5). As stated in the essay confirming reasons certain acts can happen, We know that human beings identify with social groups, sometimes sufficiently to kill or die on their behalf (5). This biological pull can be defining of any person due to their group can make them who they are by giving them beliefs and rituals to live by. Roof felt this pull and need when he found his racist driven groups on the internet. The groups Roof felt pulled to are labeled as a white supremacist movement that originated in South Africa. Grouping is an appealing thing to anyone due to the support that is received. This is shown in the photograph as well as the group of women find comfort in each other. Being Christians and mourning the lives lost has brought these women together in this image as well as the memorial that has been created. Each person that has participated in the organization of this memorial have something in common, and this brings this tribe comfort. With the help Christianity in this image God and the power of prayer has brought many people to this site of memorial to help heal the city and that was the image that Morton was
  • 19. Health System Ethics Issue In support of the board of directors commitment to an IT initiative for the health system, we are evaluating different vendors for the selection of an innovative health system that: Includes a CEHRT (Certified Electronic Health Record technology). Allows for structured data that complies with established government standards and requirements to qualify for use in Medicare and Medicare EHR incentive programs. Flexibility for implementation of national incentives, government requirements or future provisions that might affect the purchase, features or use of the new system. We have evaluated implications and present some recommendations for your consideration of qualifying IT Health Systems as part of your initiatives ... Show more content on ... oOne of the main components for the HITECH is the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs. These programs give incentive payments to eligible professionals, hospitals, and critical access hospitals (CAHs) that implement or upgrade to a certified EHR (Wager 8). An additional incentive is received if we can demonstrate Meaningful Use of interoperable electronic medical records. The concept of electronic health records meaningful use (EHR MU) [8] implements the provisions of the ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) of 2009 that provide these type of incentives. Other regulations related to Health Information Technology that we will need to consider for this memo are: oThe CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) program ensure quality laboratory testing. All clinical laboratories must be properly certified to receive Medicare or Medicaid payments ( o The FDASIA (Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act) [6] is a risk based regulatory framework for health IT. It includes medical mobile applications that promote innovation, protects patient safety, and avoids regulatory duplication. o HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). HIPAA was intended primarily to make insurance more affordable and accessible for the consumers. Later on, it included provisions to simplify administrative processes, provide patients with certain rights concerning
  • 20. My Experience At A University Level This course has become a journey for me. It has been one of my first classes at a university level. I have learned many valuable skills and lessons. I know they will be of great use to me in my further years at college, and in life. First, I learned that if I follow instructions and meet the criteria that is expected of me I can do very well. Secondly, I had the opportunityto learn how to develop a resume for college and work use. Having a resume that is up to standards and knowing what I need to modify, in the years to come, is extremely helpful when I am trying to obtain an occupation. Additionally, I also obtained the knowledge and skills on how to conduct research. Learninghow to use the OSU library website to be able to find academic databases has been extremely helpful. I have learned how to access the databases and be able to search and obtain what I need. Even though, my other classes have not required me to conduct research, I may have to conduct research in the years to come. Knowing how to navigate the website and conduct my research will make it easier. I am very pleased with myself that I chose to do the extracredit that was offered. I knew that many professors did not offer the opportunity to gain extra credit. When I heard how many opportunities and points that I could potentially obtained I knew I had to try. Which, I am glad I did. The extra credit helped tremendously. Seeing the results reflect on my grade made me realize that I was on the right track.
  • 21. 1930s Working Conditions Introduction We will be discussing the difference in working conditions of the 1930s and 1950s and compare them to today s working condition standards. We will also discuss how we as individual s personal careers path would be in the 1930s and 1950s. Finally, we will discuss if are career did not exist at that time in the United States, what we would do as individuals would do to as a career and how it compares to today. Working Conditions in the early 1930s to the 1950s was constantly evolving. President Roosevelt s relief efforts did much in providing Americans with jobs but many key factors had been overlooked. There had been cases of poor working conditions, long hours, little to no job security, and work for pennies on the dollar (OpenStax, 2015). In the early 1900s, eighty percent of workers had been exposed to constantly changing weather conditions which affected working conditions (Lebergott, n.d.) Such workers would include but not limited to railroad, farmers, and construction (Lebergott, n.d.) Later in ... Show more content on ... If I had to go to that specific time in American history, I would have to relearn everything due to the lack of technology we have today. Focusing on the manual arts such as drawing, painting, and writing. Though this being a large dilemma, I would still strive to stay within the design field for I have always had a love for design. Being a Multimedia Illustrator (25M) for the United States Army, I had the great privilege to viewing posters created to help influence the American public. Such posters would read You talk of sacrifice with an image caught on concertina wire dead while the bottom of the poster states He knew the meaning of sacrifice . Design split into two major groups in the 1940s, which had been World War II designs and advertising (Jenna, 2014) Designs promoting patriotism and advertising promoting products for the economy at the time had optimistic turn at the time (Jenna,
  • 22. Poster Boys of the Postmodern Movement Poster Boys of the Postmodern Movement Postmodernism, the current art movement, seems to allude comprehensive understanding. Most intellectuals understand what dictates and decides a postmodern piece, but are incapable of constructing a precise criteria for determining a postmodern piece due to the broad perception of the idea. The book Interviews with Hideous Men written by David Foster Wallaceand the Japanese Animation Space Dandy are both examples of what might be considered an example of a postmodern piece in their respective fields. Although, the way in which both embody these ideals in appropriation, the focus on mundane subject matter, and the presence of artist intention in postmodern works are on opposite sides of the movement. According to, , the postmodern movement is the deconstruction of modernism and previous art movements in order to allow for creativity and originality while not being restricted to rules and standards previously set by an artistic discipline s predecessors. While this seems to be a rather vague concept in which a creative movement is constructed upon, there are traits that have been established that are considered common in what would classified as postmodern pieces. These elements that seem to be most common in this particular genre are the focus on appropriation over creation, the focus on the mundane, and artist intention among many others. The complexity of postmodern works is an indicator for something of this movement because it
  • 23. Super Bowl Advertising Essay The Super Bowl, one of the largest sporting events in America is watched by millions of people. It shows some of the amazing talents that all the athletes have. But the Super Bowl is also a place for advertisements of ads for short. Every year companies spend millions of dollars to get just one ad in the Super Bowl. Some of these ads are hilarious to watch while others just fill you with emotions. And every ad has one main goal, to persuade the watcher into buying their product or service. Advertising is a powerful tool that most people don t even realize. A popular advertising tactic is to make people think they need a product. During a commercial from snickers a person meets his younger self right before an important meeting and he tells
  • 24. Bigger Historical Context I personally think out of the three novels we read this semester, Bigger is more part of his historical context. I feel that if I was in Biggers s shoes during the 1930 s during that historical period, it would have been very easy for me to fall into what Bigger did. Bigger was stuck in a system where only racism, crime, violence and injustice surrounded his world. He felt the only way he could continue living in a world where he would never be accepted, it was easier to create fear amongst white people. There comes a time where the frustration gets to someone knowing that no matter what you do in your life, your destiny will always follow you. For Bigger his destiny was to be a person of color who was criticized by what he look from the outside. The other two novels that we read during the semester, I feel Battle Royale was also based on a historical period just like The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. There were a lot of events occurring such as the hypocritical Japanese government that was taken place. The Food and Drug Act that came about and the capitalist government that took advantage of the circumstances of immigrants during that era. I agree that all these 3 main characters do belong in their historical context, however Bigger to me was more heavily impacted in the sense that in the end, his life was... Show more content on ... I am not referring to the violent behavior that he participated in but to the extent that as human beings we are not perfect and at our most vulnerable moments we can fall victims to the system and become a person we are not. Bigger s attitude toward whites is a convincing combination of powerful anger and powerful fear. I believe Bigger was a victim of what racism created. Bigger is stuck with a powerful conviction that he will never have control over his own life. Intimidation, fear and frustration are all part of Bigger s daily existence, as he is forced to hide behind a mask of toughness or either fall victim to
  • 25. Food Additive INTRODUCTION The use of food additives is an emotional topic which continues to provoke consumer concern. Despite modern day associations food additives have been used for centuries. Food preservation began when man first learned to safeguard food from one harvest to the next and by the salting and smoking of meat and fish. The Egyptians used colors and flavorings, and the Romans used saltpeter (potassium nitrate), spices and colors for preservation and to improve the appearance of foods. Cooks regularly used baking powder as a raising agent, thickeners for sauces and gravies, and colors, such as cochineal, to transform good quality raw materials into foods that were safe, wholesome and enjoyable to eat. The overall aims of traditional ... Show more content on ... Colors are used to add or restore color in a food in order to enhance its visual appeal and to match consumer expectations. The processing of peas and the preparation of jams can lead to loss of color, and hence food colors can compensate for these losses. Some colors are used purely for visual decoration on cakes and confectionery items. Masking or disguising inferior quality is unacceptable uses of color. The primary reasons for adding colors to foods include: * To offset color loss due to exposure to light, air, extremes of temperature, moisture and storage conditions * To compensate for natural or seasonal variations in food raw materials or the effects of processing and storage to meet consumer expectations (Masking or disguising inferior quality, however, are unacceptable uses of colors.). * To enhance colors that occur naturally but at levels weaker than those usually associated with a given food. Sweetener There are two types of sweetener. Intense and bulk sweeteners impart a sweet taste to foodstuffs and are useful in low calorie products and for special dietary products, such as those for diabetics. Intense sweeteners, such as acesulfam K, aspartame and saccharin are 130 200 times, 200 times and 300 500 times sweeter, respectively, than sugar and they have
  • 26. Crescent Pure Essay Blue People Purple Notes Green PDB Red Competitors Orange Decisions Sarah Ryan Vice President of Marketing, Portland Drake Beverages (PDB). PDB Manufacturer of organic juices and sparkling waters. Positioning: After segmenting and targeting. Where in customers minds the product occupies relative to competing products. Crescent: Non alcoholic functional beverage, impending launch in three U.S. markets. Acquired in July 2013. Energy enhancing, hydrating, all organic ingredients. Energy drinks vs. Sports drink(hydrating) PDB s competitors: Planned to launch all natural versions of own sports/energy drinks in second half of 2015. PDB: Due to production capacity constraints, national launch only in early 2015. Soft ... Show more content on ... Energy stimulants: Guarana, ginseng (relieve fatigue, boost concentration/endurance) Fine grain salt for electrolytes. ALL certified organic. No chemicals were used. Also has nutritional information on the can. Product positioning: Options Matt Levor: PDB Market Research Director Energy Drinks: Boost of energy to combat fatigue and promote mental focus. Re inforce existing perceptions. (Flawed consumer survey indicated energy) Prices: Average $2 $5 for 8 16oz. Average $2.99, above $2.75 price point. 34% consumed in last 6 months. Projected market in 201 is $8.5 billion. Advertising: Targets 18 24 men. Visually startling images, extreme sports, loud rock music. Organic certification and minimal caffeine amount differentiates in market. Concerns: Long term viability due to negative media attention. Sports drinks: Market: $6.3billion. 42% consider it anytime beverages. Wider consumer base. Not only sports. More often. $1.00 $2.00 for 12oz and 24oz
  • 27. Ingredients: Water, sugar, salt. Enhance athletic performance. Post workout fatigue Healthier anytime drinks. Prices: $2.75 is above and need to justify premium price. Energy Drinks Sports Drinks Market $8.5 billion $6.3 billion Price $2 $5 $1 $2 Industry average price $2.99 $1 Pricing Strategy Penetration Premium Consumer base 18 24yr Men mostly Anytime beverage. Wider. Market Research: Energy Drinks Sports Drinks Consumer Data 18 34yrs. Parents Household income below 25k Half
  • 28. Issues With Attending College The most pressing issue facing high school seniors today is supporting themselves in college, because when attending college, a student will spend a great deal of money each year. When a student decides to go to college, they will have to pay a large amount of money to attend the college of their choice. Sometimes the collegeof their choice is too much for them to afford. Depending where they attend college can be a factor depending on if they can afford the necessary items, such as books and school supplies. There are many big colleges that students hope to attend, but when they are looking at how much they are, their favorite college might be too expensive for them to afford. The tuition at some schools are very expensive, along with the
  • 29. Social and Ethical Values Social and Ethics Values In this word document I will be talking about social and ethical values, how they have an impact at the workplace and how they relate to Ikea s aims and objectives. There are various different types of factors that we need to consider for social and ethical values such as: 1) Production/products 2) Suppliers 3) Customers 4) Workers 5) Environment 6) Local communities All of these factors have an impact on the workplace. Products/ Production: This is a print screen from the Ikea website and this shows that Ikea is very caring about the environment and they try to make sure that even at low prices that the quality of the product is still very good and they ensure they re customers that ... Show more content on ... This is a print screen from the famous consumer review website called and on this website I found a review saying that the customer service at Ikea is terrible and this was posted by keithboy40 this customer had bought a product from Ikea it didn t turn to be the same one that he had asked for he understood that it could have been a mistake so he had to travel 15 miles back to Ikea just so he can explain the situation to them however the manager there was not very friendly and helpful or even in fact knowledgeable because the customer told him that the bed he had chosen was a bargain corner bed and the manager said the bed we gave you is the one you have chosen and that it is a bargain corner bed and therefore the customers money would not be returned back to him and the customer s argument was that the sales man didn t tell them that this was also a bargain corner bed and that it could not be returned after it has been purchased. So the customer was not told all of the details of the product. In the customers words the manager was the manager was a nightmare. Stone face unsociable and unwilling to budge. he kept quoting company
  • 30. Poverty And The Homeless Population Essay percent increase since the homeless count in 2013 (Halstead). These numbers are only expected to go up in the coming years, as long the problem of not enough room in shelters exist. In addition to the individual homeless population growing, the streets of Marin will see another consequence that the county faces due to this problem. The community will see a significant increase in the number of homeless families. Marin now more than before is seeing more families living on the streets. According to Marin county, as of January 29, 2015 there was a total of 1,309 homeless people. That is a 38% increase since January 2013. However, that count does not account for those homeless who find alternative shelters, such as, cars, and under passes. Another study revealed that 15% of the overall homeless population are families with children. 35% of those surveyed for the 2015 count said that this was their first time experiencing homelessness. 51% said that they had been homeless for a year or more (Marin County Census). With these alarming statistics, it has become quite clear what the impact of lack of shelter spaces in Marin County has done a significant amount of damage to the community. Home values will decrease as the homeless population increases. People believe that if there are shelters near their homes that the value will decrease significantly. Having homeless people lingering around one s house can be disturbing to residents, especially in Marin for those who pride
  • 31. History of the Violin History of the Violin The most beautiful sounding violins in existence today were made in Italy in the early 1700s, a period called the golden age of violin making. These instruments, especially those made by Antonio Stradivari and Guarneri del GesГ№, are the most desired instruments by both collectors and performers, selling for millions of dollars. Modern day violin makers have not been able to successfully copy the techniques they used to produce the same quality sound of violins that was made during this period. The violin produces sound by drawing a bow across one or more strings which may be held down by the fingers of the other hand to produce a full range of pitches. The violin is the smallest and highest pitched ... Show more content on ... In the course of his long career in the northern Italian town of Cremona, he created more than a thousand stringed instruments; approximately 600 still survive. Many of Antonio Stradivari s greatest instruments were made around his 70th birthday, which he celebrated in 1714. One of the greatest Stradivarius violins is the Titian which he made in 1715. It was named the Titian because its clear orange red color resembled the work of the famous Venetian painter. The Titian has long been counted among Stradivari s finest golden period violins. It represents a blend of the design, techniques, styles, and accumulated experience at the time of its making. The earliest known owner was a French nobleman, the Comte D Every. In 1922 it was acquired by celebrated violinist Efram Zimbalist who played it briefly. It is currently in the hands of soloist Cho Liang Lin, who has performed with it since 2002. Antonio Stradivari died in 1737. There was an economic slowdown around this time that badly affected the demand for violins. Whether it was the low demand for violins at the time or his sons lack of ability or ambition, the family business did not continue much longer after his death. His remaining inventory was sold to collectors, along with his violin patterns and the tools that he used. Today, attempts to copy Stradivari s techniques seem doomed to failure. Although his violins have been
  • 32. Todays World Marvels of Today s World. In the past places and buildings were considered to be the 7 Wonders of the World, each one is so different but all had one thing in common how unbelievable and amazing they were. In today s world as well as geographical marvels there are grand engineering projects that have opened up new possibilities and changed millions of people s lives for the better. Technology, medical treatments, The Channel Tunnel and Robotics are but a few of many that I would consider to be the marvels of today s world. These wonders make our lives easier, more efficient and convenient. We can t imagine our lives today without telephones, televisions, emails, cars, planes, computers, space rockets etc. London is a city that ... Show more content on ... Hopefully they won t completely overtake the role of mankind! Another marvel of the world is medical technology in my opinion. We now have the technology to provide people that have missing limbs with fake ones so that they can continue on living their lives and enjoy it. This is just incredible. Many infectious diseases such as Chicken Pox, Malaria, Measles and Tuberculosis have been conquered through vaccines, antibiotics, and improved living conditions. Cancer has become a more common illness, but treatments have been developed that effectively combat some forms of the disease .We also have the technology to control abnormal heart rhythms with the use of a pacemaker. I think pacemakers are absolutely fantastic, such a clever idea. Pacemakers have prolonged people with heart conditions life span and made life easier for them to live. The way a little camera can be inserted into the body to look at problems/diseases, completely puts me in awe. Also heart and lung transplants are one of the marvels of today s world. This again saves people s lives. The way that a team of doctors and nurses are able to take out a patient s heart or lung and put in a new one so that they can live is truly a marvel. Medical technology is just phenomenal and unbelievable. Through technology, millions of lives have been saved and improved dramatically. This is why I d consider it to be one of the marvels of today s world. The original
  • 33. Church History, Or Contemporary Experience Of The Other... strained in its correspondence to the Bible (1 Cor 12:30), church history, or contemporary experience of the various collection of Christ. Dunning s representation of a quiet man who came to faith in his service was extremely convincing too. Could this man who couldn t talk get the Pentecostal submersion of the Holy Spiritas prove by tongues as characterized by Horton? This point was well taken. General I was empowered by the evangelist endeavors of the Pentecostals, the stories of the work of the Spirit in the lives of individuals in different customs, and their strong observer for Christ. Nevertheless, I was altogether unconvinced by the convention of subsequence confirm at first and solely by talking in tongues. Pentecostals believes that receiving of Holy Spirit is only done by looking up to Jesus. Sometimes it happens without even seeking the experience as it happened in the romans at the Cornelius house. I agree with what Horton says about receiving the Holy Spirit as growing up in India I have seen a lot of people receive the gifts faster than usual. But I am glad that Horton recognizes when he says, All the gifts of God is by grace through faith, and that faith included obedience, must be based on God s written word, and must be faith in God. We need to ask than we will receive as the word says that. Even in bible we will see people were waiting and asking in expectation as they have heard John the baptism proclaim that right now they are being baptized by
  • 34. A Short Note On Diabetes And Its Effects On The Risk Of... Diastolic dysfunction is observed in 40 60% of diabetics with heart failure, this occur through a pathological processes that cause stiffening of the myocardium due to cross linking and extracellular matrix deposition, hypertrophy, and neuronal abnormalities (Rakowski et al., 1996), (Zile Brutsaert 2002), (Laing et al., 2003), (Drury et al., 2011), (Forbes Cooper 2013). Many factors play a role in development of CVD in diabetes as dyslipidemia, poor glycemic control that cause direct damage to myocardium, or affect through atherosclerotic process , while other factors are still controversial (Zile Brutsaert 2002), (Hogan et al., 2003), (Laing et al., 2003), (Paterson et al., 2007), (Fowler 2008), (Forbes Cooper 2013). The current study investigated effect of different coronary risk factors on the risk of development of heart failure such as age, gender, presence of medical comorbidities as (DM, hypertension and CAD), smoking, Body mass index (BMI), blood sugar and lipid profile and results showed that both DM and CAD had strong association with development of heart failure as well as obesity measured by BMI and cholesterollevel. This agreed with many studies that showed that diabetes is a strong independent risk factor for left ventricular dysfunction and the presence of addition coronary risk factors increase the risk such as age, sex, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, positive family history, and smoking (Jurkovicova D et al., 2006). Also studies showed
  • 35. The Prospect Theory Paper If you were given the opportunity to make the decision of receiving $5000 with 100% certainty or the option with a 50% chanced of receiving $7000, what would you do? According to the Prospect Theory, people generally select the option of winning the $5000 where there is absolute certainty of a gain, over the option that is only half as certain. The Prospect Theory was first introduced by psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky in the late 1970 s and was further developed into the early 1990 s after years of research. Essentially, this is an expressive theoretical model that is to be applied to humans, that describes our behaviors and abilities to make decisions under certain circumstances. And, is comprised of the uncertainty or certainty... Show more content on ... We tend to ignore the final outcome of a decision and focus on the certainty or uncertainty of it. The value we place on winning and losing vary, which is what the Prospect Theory suggests. The Prospect Theory is a model that psychologists created to explain our behavior when it comes to decision making and how we make decisions. Typically, if a decision has to do with a gain, people will lean towards the most certain option because they may fear that if they selected the other option that would be disappointed. On the other hand, decisions that have to do with loses are seen as the opposite by the majority of people. This is because we feel more risky when selecting the uncertain option over the certain option because we are trying to avoid a significant loss. The Prospect Theory provides an explanation on how people make choices under strained conditions of gains and losses in their applications of the real
  • 36. Superior Temporal Gyrus Research Paper It s hard to understand how people can say dance is easy when it s so complex to be thinking about every single part of your body at the same time making sure it s in perfect position from one movement to the next throughout a whole routine and even before that during the hour long practices for months. The body endures too much with bumps and bruises, stretching and soreness, and pops and cracks but that s only the physical aspect of what a dancer has to go through. The mind is worked and conditioned along the journey to improve what you see externally. The brain undergoes critical thinking of the song playing, beats, timing, when and how to move certain body parts until the end of every performance. The Superior temporal Gyrus is responsible for processing sounds with the primary auditory cortex. Some areas of the superior temporal gyrus are specialized for processing combination of frequencies while other areas are specialized for processing changes in amplitude or frequency. This contributes to hearing rhythm with steady beats and fluctuations in music which is just vibrating air molecules connecting with the eardrum with different ... Show more content on ... Thalamus tells whether the signals been received are any signs of danger by communicating with the hippocampus. The hippocampus stores historical sound/ danger associations while the thalamus links to the amygdala to initiate an emotional response. The amygdala is an important part of the limbic system. The limbic system in involved without emotions, feelings of pleasure, and memories while the amygdala is specifically for the processing of emotions, memories, and motivation. For a dancer to truly perform, they give off emotion based on the music. Whether the music is sad they show it in their facial expressions and play out a character that is perceived by the
  • 37. Female Gangs Since the evolution of civilization, man has always formed groups, and sects to lead a covered life. As time passed by, the scenario changed, what turned out to be group formation for hunting during the nomadic times led to formation of groups as tribes for waging wars, and eventually in the urban times, now street gangs are formed in mostly developed cities, which are filled with crimeand hate towards people other than their own gangs. Gangs all over the world especially in the United States of America, are very often very underlined as a male dominated one, and females that were supposed to be with the gangmembers, were either their wives of girlfriends, and females who were seen actively involved were supposed to be for sole purposes... Show more content on ... Female gangs and crimes committed by females can no longer be taken as one of the incidents which can be evident from the following: Make no mistake, these girls are not girl scouts, they are not as organized as established male gangs, but they are getting close (Courtesy: Lieutenant Gary French, commander of the Boston Police s Youth Violence Strike Force, Retrieved on February 9th 2008 from site Females in gangs follow what is known as the gang s code of dressing, which would include having same tattoos, same hair color and same dressing style. The system of gangs have always incorporated a sense of brotherhood and family towards its members, and females who enter these gangs want to take refuge away from their homes and schools, and that is why females today who are joining gangs and are ready to go at any level to connect to the gangs;many of them are willing to take tests like group sex with gang members or doing burglary just to prove their mettle. The roles of females in the coming times in street gangs are more like to change for the worse, and females will be involved in more and more gruesome crimes, because of the new ideologies of male gang members that females who are caught are generally given a relaxed sentence compared to their male
  • 38. Comparison of J2Ee and .Net INTRODUCTION Technological changes can put a company into turmoil. Multiple requirements need to be taken into consideration when deciding upon new technologies which include usability, functionality, performance and cost. When looking into the decision upon which platform to use within a business, the debate between using .NET and J2EE can be critical. Extensive research must be done to find out if currently used programs will work correctly with either platform or if new programs need to be put in use. .NET is very tightly integrated into Microsoft operating systems, so the decision needs to be made whether to have a Microsoft framework in place. J2EE will work on any operating system, but is more complex and its GUI environment is ... Show more content on ... Other technologies that are included in the J2EE platform include Java Server Pages (JSP) which allows for faster development and an environment that is easily maintained. It allows for the change of the outward appearance or design of a page without having to change the underlying dynamic content. Java Management Extensions (JMX) has multiple uses as it allows for the adaptation of legacy systems along with the implementation of new management and monitoring solutions. JMX provides the resources for the monitoring of devices, applications and service driven networks and defines the J2EE Management Model which has been designed to operate with various protocols and management systems. Other technologies included in the J2EE platform are: J2EE Connector Architecture which specifies architecture that is standard for accessing resources in diverse Enterprise Information Systems (EIS); J2EE Deployment API which enables the use of components and applications by defining the standard APIs; J2EE Authorization Contract for Containers defines new classes which are needed to satisfy the J2EE authorization model; and Java API for XML Registries (JAXR) which uses a standard uniform way to use business registries that have been based on open or industry led specifications. SERVER REQUIREMENTS The J2EE platform requires specific server software in order to function as a web service and application server. The most basic requirements include the J2EE
  • 39. Health Benefits Of Daily Physical Activity Rationale 1.Purpose: The general purpose for this presentation is to inform the audience about health benefits of daily physical activity. The audience will be able to list two benefits of daily physical activity after this presentation. The central idea is that physical activity should be implemented daily to promote a happy and healthy life. 2.Audience: The ideal audience for my presentation would be school age children and teens; although, the topic of this presentation would be appropriate for a broader audience. Ideally, school age children and teens would benefit more from this presentation because the sooner they are informed on the subject the better. 3.Significance: It is important for students to know how to live a healthy and happy lifestyle. Children at this age are becoming more self aware, self conscience, and dealing with body image issues. They have more opportunities to participate in daily physical activities, such as sports. If they are informed now of the benefits of daily physical activities, they may want to change their lifestyle and have a chance to live even longer. Introduction: 1.Attention getting opening: How many of you want to die from diabetes complications? How many of you want to live a life disabled by Rheumatoid arthritis? How many of you look forward to heart disease or high blood pressure as you age? No one, right! Of Course not! Well, did you know that many of these diseases and deaths from them can be prevented with physical
  • 40. Analysis Of Tidal Wetlands In the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service s 130 year assessment of Status and Trends of Wetlands in the Long Island Sound Area, the results indicated that there was a 48% loss of Tidal Wetlands from the 1880s to 2000s in New York. Even after protective legislation was passed in the 1970s, wetland decline increased by 19% decrease in New York from 1970 to present day. (Basso, 6) This decline in wetlands should be of concern to ____ as wetlands provide a variety of ecosystem services to the general populace. They provide provisioning services by the providing habitats to different marine organisms such as shellfish, finfish, and waterfowl, some of which provide humans eat They provide supporting services, such as nutrient cycling (Teal 1986, ... Show more content on ... However, too much nitrogen is leading to the wetland s demise. While the main concern for the loss of wetlands up until the 1970s was draining and filling, and while the laws created then focused on reducing wetland destruction through urbanization, wetlands are still being deteriorated. Today, the main concern is wetland loss created by increased amounts of open water on the marsh surface. The literature suggests that on average, healthy New England marshes have 9% permanent open water on their surface. However, an open water assessment indicates an average of 47% permanent open water on the marshes studied (Kirwan 2013). In Long Island, the marshes are wetter and vegetated areas are shifting from high marsh to low marsh or to mud flat, which are far less productive and give fewer services than the salt marshes and other high marshes that are supposed to be there. (Kirwan 2013 Warren and Niering 1993, Muschacke 2007, Tiner 2006, Field 2014, Rozsa 1995, Watson et al. 2014, Smith 2009, USFWS 2011) While there are plenty of human created stressors that are creating this conversion, such as invasive species, sediment deprivation, hydraulic modification, pollution and climate change (Smith 2009, Gedan 2009, Wigand 2014, Watson 2014, Silliman 2009, Kirwan 2013). (Silliman 2009, Lotze 2006), one major stressor is that of urban runoff, specifically, the high nutrient levels of fertilizer runoff. In a nine year study, researcher Linda Deegan added
  • 41. Biomes are the Communities of the World Biomes are all over the world, that s why they are considered the world s major communities. Biomes are large areas scattered around the earth, filled with animals and plants acclimating to their environments. You can classify biomes in many different ways, by their climate, their biodiversity, human activity, their animals and plants, and their habitats. There are only five conspicuous types of biomes, Grassland, Tundra, Desert, Aquatic, and forest. Without biomes, the earth would be unbalanced. Throughout the years, we have cause a lot of damage towards our earth, such as causing pollution, and abolishing natural habitats. If we continue living like this, there might be more serious or severe implications on the biomes. Knowing that we share the world with so many other species of plants and animals, we should consider the consequences of our actions. The Aquatic biomeis the most significant out of all of the five biomes. Water is essential and important for life here on Earth. It s what we all need in order to survive. Water also supports life, and many different species live in it, or for some parts of their life. Since water covers one thirds of the Earth, the temperature of the aquatic biome tends to be humid and slightly cool. It is fairly constant so it can be able to tolerate life. This region is filled with so many different species of animals some big and some even small. The Aquatic biome is broken into two regions freshwater and marine
  • 42. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Fibre Composites And... CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Composite materials are the engineering materials made from two or more constituent materials they remain separate and distinct on a macroscopic level but forming a single component or Composites can defined as materials that consist of two more chemically and physically different phases separated by a distinct interface(matrix phase and dispersed phase). The different systems are combined judiciously to achieve a component with more and more useful structural or functional properties non attainable by any of the constituent alone. Matrix phase is the primary phase having a continuous character. Matrix is usually more ductile and less hard phase. It holds the dispersed phase and shares a load with it. Dispersed (reinforcing) ... Show more content on ... The combined challenge thus consists in developing effective and environmentally friendly flame retardant systems for polymer materials. The development of flame retardant materials and understanding the phenomena that take place during combustion often require close collaboration between several fields of scientific expertise (macromolecular and physical chemistry, physics of mass and heat transfer, rheology, etc.). Fire retardants are combined with polymer resins to reduce their flammability, decrease production of volatiles and inhibit
  • 43. Zander Research Paper The plane made a sharp left and ignited in mid air like a fireball, like a firework in the sky, a loud scream emitted from the plane, and it went straight down into the Lake Havasu desert. My experience at flight school is finally done, and today I get to fly around beautiful Lake Havasu AZ alone. Zander, my friend is still training, so today he is going to fly with an instructor in an E 18 A Growler, I will be tailing behind in my personal 737 900 Boeing Dreamliner, which I was given for my design contributions to the plane, and spacecraft that I worked on. As our planes are prepped to go, the Head Instructor, Dave, went over our flight plans. The crew gave us the thumbs up to fly, with the minor exception that my transponder was not ... Show more content on ... Images flashed through my head of when I saw my dad get crushed in the World Trade Center, and all I could do was stare at the wreckage hoping he would come back. But, I know Zander is not dead, he had to have made it out alive. The ejection seat fired shooting straight down to the ground because of the plane s position in the air. But, the plane had precautions for an emergency landing, so I knew Zander had to be alive. I looked around for the best landing conditions because my plane could come down at any moment. I flew about 8 Miles to the Lake Havasu National Wildlife Refuge, here there was a flat looking area where the sandbar once existed when the lake was here. I prepped the plane for an emergency landing and started my decent, I eased the back wheels down first, emitting a loud ear piercing squeak, as the plane started to sink down into the sand, causing the back wheels to drift. When the plane started to slow, I let the front wheel down onto the sand, slowly reaching my hand up to the emergency exit above, located on the ceiling in the cockpit. I opened the hatch, and alarms blared from the control panel in the front of the aircraft. I pulled the red handle to open the door, and it flew open with maximum pressure, (A
  • 44. Essay on Chapter 63 Nursing Management Musculoskeletal... Chapter 63: Nursing Management: Musculoskeletal Trauma and Orthopedic Surgery Test Bank MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. When teaching seniors at a community recreation center, which information will the nurse include about ways to prevent fractures? a. Tack down scatter rugs in the home. b. Most falls happen outside the home. c. Buy shoes that provide good support and are comfortable to wear. d. Range of motion exercises should be taught by a physical therapist. ANS: C Comfortable shoes with good support will help decrease the risk for falls. Scatter rugs should be eliminated, not just tacked down. Activities of daily living provide range of motion exercise; these do not need to be taught by a physical therapist. Falls inside the home are responsible... Show more content on ... The nurse will instruct the patient with a fractured left radius that the cast will need to remain in place a. for several months. b. for at least 3 weeks. c. until swelling of the wrist has resolved. d. until x rays show complete bony union. ANS: B Bone healing starts immediately after the injury, but since ossification does not begin until 3 weeks postinjury, the cast will need to be worn for at least 3 weeks. Complete union may take up to a year. Resolution of swelling does not indicate bone healing. DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (application) REF: 1513 TOP: Nursing Process: Implementation MSC: NCLEX: Physiological Integrity USTESTBANK.COM 7. A 48 year old patient with a comminuted fracture of the left femur has Buck s traction in place while waiting for surgery. To assess for pressure areas on the patient s back and sacral area and to provide skin care, the nurse should a. loosen the traction and help the patient turn onto the unaffected side. b. place a pillow between the patient s legs and turn gently to each side. c. turn the patient partially to each side with the assistance of another nurse. d. have the patient lift the buttocks by bending and pushing with the right leg. ANS: D The patient can lift the buttocks off the bed by using the left leg without changing the right leg alignment. Turning the patient will tend to move the leg out of alignment. Disconnecting the traction will interrupt the weight needed to
  • 45. Case Study 43 Choledocholithiasis Case Study 43 Choledocholithiasis Scenario T.B. is a 65 year old retiree who is admitted to your unit from the emergency department (ED). On arrival you note that he is trembling and nearly doubled over with severe abdominal pain. T.B. indicates that he has severe pain in the right upper quadrant (RUQ) of his abdomen that radiates through to his mid back as a deep, sharp boring pain. He is more comfortable walking or sitting bent forward rather than lying flat in bed. He admits to having had several similar bouts of abdominal pain in the last month, but none as bad as this. He feels nauseated but has not vomited, although he did vomit a week ago with a similar episode. T.B. experienced an acute onset of pain after eating fish and chips... Show more content on ... He reports that on a scale of 1 to 10, his pain has decreased from a 10 to a 4 in an hour. What other methods could be used to help T.B. s pain? Anticholinergics can be used to decrease secretion and counteract smooth muscle contraction to help with comfort levels of T.B. Also attempting to use none medication therapy such as massage, or relaxation techniques can be used to relieve pain. What data charted in the assessment are consistent with CBD obstruction? Presenting with jaundice, pain, clay colored stool, nausea, vomiting, pain triggered by high fat content meal, tender upon palpation, and fatigue are all findings that are consistent with CBD. CASE STUDY PROGRESS At 2330 T.B. spikes a temperature of 38.6В° C (tympanic). His SaO2 on 2 L O2/NC is now 90%, so you immediately increase the flow rate to raise his O2 saturation. You inform the on call surgeon, and she orders a STAT chest x ray (CXR) and a broad spectrum antibiotic imipenem and cilastatin 500 mg IV q6h (check renal function; this medication must be dose adjusted if patient has renal impairment, or there is an increased risk for seizure). What actions need to be completed before starting the antibiotic? Before administration of any medication the patients chart should be looked at and varify that the patient has no allergies that could be related to said treatment or anything similar in their medical history. Also obtaining a baseline set of vitals prior to medication administration