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Good Governance Essay Jwt
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Good Governance Essay Jwt Good Governance Essay Jwt
Sophie Germain Research Paper
Marie Sophie Germain was born on April 1,1776 in Rue Saint Denis, Paris, France. Even though
her first name is Marie, she went by Sophie (Sophie, Famous). Since Sophie was a girl, she was
not eligible to go to school because of her gender. Her father had an interest in mathematics she
began to read the books on the subject of mathematical theory that belonged in her father s
library, in her free time while she was home (Sophie, Famous). She was even able to teach
herself the language of Latin and Greek, with the acknowledgement of these languages she was
able to read the works of Leonhard Euler and Isaac Newton. The only famous teacher she had
was Joseph Louis Lagrange (Sophie, Famous). During lectures (she was able to get lecture notes)
she was able to send her work to him. Sophie learned that she had Breast Cancer (Sophie,
Famous). Even though she had Breast Cancer, she persevered and she led to the discovery of laws
of equilibrium and the movement of elastic solids (Sophie, Scientist). She lost the battle to her
cancer and she died on June 27, 1831 (Sophie,Famous).... Show more content on ...
Germain was famous for Formulating Sophie Germain s theorem and her work in number theory,
mathematics acoustics and elasticity (Sophie, Famous). She submitted a letter to the Carl Friedrich
Gauss. The letter contained the first substantial progress toward a proof in the area of number
theory in the last 200 years, the Sophie Germain theory (Sophie, Famous). In the area of elasticity,
Germain wrote a paper on 1811, she submitted that paper three times to a contest. On her last
attempt she won the contest and she was the first ever girl to win the Paris Academy of Sciences
(Sophie, Famous). Sophie Germain was important to mathematics because of her work in elasticity,
number theory, and
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God Is Evil Research Paper
The problem of evil is the argument that if God is omniscient (all knowing), omnipotent (all
powerful), and benevolent. This implies that if God exists then he knows how to, wants to, and
can prevent all suffering. If such a God existed, though, then he would prevent all types of evil.
Although evil in all forms is an everyday part of the world around us; it has not been prevented.
Therefore, Goddoes not exist. More precisely if God exists then he is all knowing, almighty, and
perfectly good, if God were these then the world would not contain evil. There is evil in the
world both moral and natural, so God does not exist. If God does exist, then there would be no
evil. The existence of evil makes Gods existence rationally impossible. This problem is tackled
during the film God on Trial. The men in Auschwitz are sent to the selection process and when
they return more men are shuffled into the cell block. Moche states as the men start to pray What
are you praying for? Anyone else trying to help God make his mind up? He is Evil, he should be
here with us. We will put him on trial, maybe then he will hear us. Moche propositions a court to
determine whether God is... Show more content on ...
God gives us both good and bad things to deal with, good people experience horrible things as
well as bad people. The deaths of the innocents are sacrifices for Israel, says Kuhn. A sacrifice. A
holocaust. And when a man sacrifices something, it must be the best. Where are the Romans now?
They are dust. Hitler will die. The war will end. The people and the Torah will live. We must trust
in God.
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Medieval Universities Essay
Medieval Universities
The appearance of universities was part of the same high medieval education boom. Originally
universities were institutions where students could attain specialized instruction in advanced
studies. These types of studies were not available in the average cathedral schools. Advanced
schools existed in the ancient world, but did not promote a fixed curricula or award degrees. The
term university originally meant a corporation of guild. All universities were corporations of
students or teachers. Guilds were originally established to protect the interests and rights of the
members. The majority of the universities practiced diverse curriculum ( a few universities did
specialize in medicine or law). A new... Show more content on ...
This is usually done by filling out a questionnaire. At this point in time, the student has already
endured a full term of a professor. If the professor is doing a horrible or unfair job, the student is
forced to endure this without any relief. Not only does this affect the student s drive to learn, but
also his ability to learn. Having a poor professor hinders the student s learning capabilities. When
this happens, the student has usually forgotten most of what he learned by the end of the term. This
makes a total waste of time and money.
As for medieval times, the student guilds began to have enormous power during the 13th century.
Students could discharge professors that did not meet the specifications of a good professor. The
students only had to refuse to attend the classes. Professors of this time also had to pledge
allegiance to a guild. The guild would provide the professor s salary. Professors were dependent to
the students and had to receive permission from the students for any changes. Holidays and
beginning and duration time of lectures were decided by the student guilds. With the passage of
time, guilds began to structure the curriculum, and the time duration of each subject. A fine would
be imposed if the professor omitted material or went over the designated duration time of lectures.
The student guilds were kept informed of a professor s behavior and incompetence and would
discipline the professor
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Palm Oil And Its Effects
Palm Oil makes up more than 50% of daily used goods, particularly food goods, but this is not
without effects on other animals, plants and people. Many people are completely unaware of the
effects of Palm Oil. This is the reason why more awareness of Palm Oil and it s effects, is
necessary. This report will look at what Palm Oil is, how it is used, it s positives, it s negatives and
sustainable Palm Oil.
About Palm Oil
What is Palm Oil?
Palm Oil is an edible vegetable oil, that originates from the Palm Oil tree. It comes from the pulp
of the fruit which surrounds the kernel. It contributes to the economic development of developing
countries and plays a main role in the diets of millions of people around the world.
Where is it grown? Why?
Palm trees originated in West Africa, but was brought to South East Asia towards the start of the
20th century. During the British Industrial Revolution the demand for Palm Oil increased. At that
time 250,000 tones of Palm Oil was being exported annually, this number has now risen to more
that 60 000 000 tonnes a year. It is currently planted and harvested throughout Africa, Asia, North
America, South America, Indonesia and Malaysia. 85% of all Palm Oil is produced and exported
from Indonesia and Malaysia.
Palm trees can be grown in hot places with abundant rainfall, such as Malaysia and Indonesia. This
is why there is such large plantations in places such as Indonesia and Malaysia. The reason that
Palm Oil is used
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Esperanza As A Cultural Melting Pot
Esperanza Rising Literary Analysis The United States of America is a cultural melting pot; as a
result, there are many stories of those who have immigrated into the land. Pam Munoz Ryan has
written a story similar to other s who ventured into California, in Esperanza Rising. Her focus is
her own grandmother s life and experience as an immigrant from Mexico in the 1900 s. By using
the characterization literary device Ryan conveys the importance of family through the protagonist
s growth in the story. There are many people who may live a comfortable life with stability;
however, they may face a situation that will force them to reinvent themselves and start over in a
new land. Esperanza is a spoiled rich ... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately, the death of Esperanza s father forces her to flee to California and she is forced
leave everything behind and live amongst those who are below her. Esperanza travels to California
with her mother and previous servants Hortensia, Miguel, and Alfonso. The first main encounter
Esperanza experiences of growth is an encounter with a poor girl who wants her doll. Her reaction
was to hide her doll instantly because this doll was her last gift from her father and the little girl
... is poor and dirty (pg. 70). She is surprised that her mother apologizes to the child s mother.
Therefore, the author creates this scene to be the first lesson of kindness Esperanza experiences
because her mother makes a yarn doll for the crying child. Although, she is relieved that they get
off at the next stop because she doesn t want to be reminded of her selfish behavior (pg. 72). The
reader becomes aware of just how rich and spoiled Esperanza was because she sees an innocent
poor child to be so repulsive to her. The author writes about the character s relief when the child
is gone because it proves that she has not changed and is still entitled. However, this event is the
first step in Esperanza s realization and awareness of her selfish ways because she acknowledges
that her behavior was selfish. Moreover, they begin their new life in Arvin, California in a farm
workers camp and Esperanza must
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The Movie Hunger by Steve McQueen
Hunger (2008) Steve McQueen
Film Analysis
Rooted in the 1981 Irish hunger strike, artist Steve McQueen s brutally raw film Hunger retraces
the crusade of Provisional Irish Republican Army prisoners who desired Special Category Status
while imprisoned at Maze Compound Prison. Starting near the middle of a four year long
stalemate, McQueen s triptych follows the routine of a prison guard, Raymond Lohan, the
introduction of a new, IRA, non conforming prisoner Davey Gillen into the dirty protest , and
culminates with Bobby Sands, the IRA commanding officer inside Maze who volunteers to be the
first of many prisoners to go on a hunger strike for SCS, and is the first to die sixty six days later.
Through visceral scenes depicting extraordinary situations, Hunger reminds audiences of the battle
of attrition that was fought thirty years before, and how people dealt with decisions that politicians
made, and the environments which are created from those decisions, which they had to survive in.
Instead of taking a side in the conflict, Hunger portrays what one critic describes a probing,
clinical, oddly beautiful examination of one man s decision to die, to face the moment that we all
must, on his own terms.
The standoff in Maze Prison was borne from conflict during The Troubles, an extremely violent
period in the political conflict waged between republicans and nationalists, who wanted to see
Northern Ireland, a province of the United Kingdom, unified with the
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The Battle Of The Kosovo War
The first battle of the Kosovo war which was meticulously planned with stomach revolting malice
was less than a mile from my house and it resulted in the death of over 50 members of the Jashari
family. As the Serbian Army surrounded the three homes the Jashari s began to prepare for the
onslaught that was to come. Although less than 20 men had arms they valiantly defended their
house, their land, and most importantly their family from a determined and well organize Army.
These men, farmers by trade, equipped with simple Kalashnikov rifles defended their homes and
lives for hours and didn t allow for their bloodthirsty enemies to advance even one step towards
their precious brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers. The amount of power... Show more content on ...
We drove through the narrow dirt roads that winded through the hills. We were cautious not to
run into the Serbian Army as they would want us to head South out of the country rather than
North towards our cousin s village. We finally made it to our cousins after what seemed like a
never ending trip although we only traveled ten miles. Our cousin s village would be our home
for now, it was better than being dead but we would soon learn that death could be easier to
obtain than picking an apple from a tree. The days slowly passed and every night we would hear
the roar of gun fire. My mother would rock me to bed to the sound of those shots and the
explosions in the distance. The war raged on and people in the cities were in need of food. At
the time we had plenty of food so my father Gani and his nephew Besnik decided they would
enter the city to sell some crops. Gani and Besnik loaded their small car with apples, plums,
berries, some flour, and corn. They set off for Mitrovica and planned to take the backroads all
the way there. Their plans were soon useless as they were required to get off of the backroads.
Gani and Besnik drove onto the main road that leads to Mitorvica and travelled on that road for a
little over a mile. They spotted an armored vehicle belonging to the Serbian Army and decided to
continue driving past it. Unfortunately, the vehicle turned around and began following them. Gani
had a hand grenade in the center
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Causes And Effects Of The Boxer Rebellion In China
Due to the refusal of legal trade and underground trade occurred causing the spread of opium and
the decline of prosperity of Chinese citizens due to this epidemic. The mass addiction caused China
to allow some trade with foreigners to occur legally ad eventually open their doors. China was
unable to easily adapt to western standards and agree to the culture and advancements they were
introducing. The Taiping rebellion was between western religion and Confucianism, differing ideas
and parties divided the nation. The Nanking treaty was created and signed between Chinaand Britain
to decrease conflict with trade, yet inspired more unrest with the Chinese people. The Boxer
rebellion in the twentieth century then took place in order to increase Chinese nationalism and
deter foreign influence. This caused disturbance in their ability to modernize and did not aid in their
success as a nation. The anti foreign sentiments weakened their country and left them vulnerable to
weak governments.
With a presidency established parties developed further and unrest was deepened. Intellectuals
that were allowed to study overseas and in foreign countries disagreed with each other forming a
radical and liberal wing. These were divided among those who believed in socialism and those
who believed in democracy. Unification was sought out yet the country was increasingly divided.
Under Chiang the country was unified and the war lord era was ended, yet a socialistic government
was established. The
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The Manhattan Project Essay
The Manhattan Project was a very important event throughout the World War II history. It began the
development of the atomic bomb and other nuclear weapons that were of good help during the war.
It first began with a German scientist separating the uranium atom, which made people be scared of
what Hitler might be capable of. Also Hitler and his people had begun discovering new types of
weapons that were useful for them in the war. Something that apparently Hitler did not quite think
about, was the persecution of Jewish scientists such as Albert Einstein, who could very well use his
abilities against Hitler. Albert Einstein was a Jewish refugee in the United States. Another very
important scientist, although not Jewish, was Enrico Fermi,... Show more content on
On July of 1945, J Robert Oppenheimer tests the first bomb at Trinity State, near Alamogordo,
New Mexico. All the scientists readied themselves to watch the detonation of this atomic bomb
which stood on top of a tower. Once exploded, there was a blinding flash which could be seen
from 200 miles away. It also grew up to 40,000 feet and damaged some of the homes near it that
were 100 miles away. After this explosion President Truman, all the way from Postdam,
Germany, declares that the project was successful. Later on we see how there were more
bombings being made, not only this one at Trinity State. The United States was trying to make
Japan surrender but they denied it. Because of this the United States developed a new bomb
named little boy which was detonated in Hiroshima, Japan. On August 6, 1945 it exploded with
an altitude of 1,750 feet. Over 69% of Hiroshima s buildings were destroyed and about 7%
damaged. About 80,000 (or about 30%) of the people in Hiroshima were killed instantly and
another 70,000 were injured. After this occurring, Japan still didn t want to surrender which
caused the United States to develop another bomb. In August 9, 1945, the next bomb named Fat
Man took place at Nagasaki, Japan. This attack destroyed about 44% of the city, killed about
35,000 people and about 60,000 were injured. Emperor Hirohito from Japan had enough of these
bomb attacks and finally decided to surrender. He was already
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The Eras of PC Advancement
Introduction: The historical backdrop of PC advancement is regularly alluded to in reference to
the diverse eras of registering apparatuses. Each of the five eras of machines is portrayed by a
real mechanical improvement that at heart changed the way workstations work, bringing about
progressively more modest, less expensive, all the more effective and more productive and solid
registering units. In this Webopedia reference article you ll research each of the five eras of
workstations and the engineering improvements that have prompted the ebb and flow units that we
utilize today. Our trip begins in 1940 with vacuum tube hardware and heads off to the present day
and past with counterfeit consciousness. Original (1940 1956) Vacuum Tubes: The primary
machines utilized vacuum tubes for hardware and attractive drums for memory, and were regularly
huge, consuming whole rooms. They were exceptionally unmanageable to work and
notwithstanding utilizing an extraordinary arrangement of power, created a ton of high
temperature, which was regularly the reason for breakdowns. Original machines depended on
machine dialect, the most reduced level modifying dialect saw by workstations, to perform
operations, and they could just take care of one issue at once. Info was dependent upon punched
cards and paper tape, and yield was shown on printouts. The UNIVAC and ENIAC machines are
cases of original registering apparatuses. The UNIVAC was the first business
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Compverty And Poverty In The Bean Eaters, By Gwendolyn Brooks
Imagine what you would all be like if, despite adversity and poverty, you still had a positive outlook
on life? What would happen if you lived every day to the fullest? You would probably look back
on life fondly despite all your hardships that you may have faced. Gwendolyn Brooks addressed
the issues of poverty and living to the fullest in The BeanEaters and Sadie and Maud. Both these
poems have similar themes and some differences as well. This paper is about the contrasts between
the two poems.
Gwendolyn Brooks wrote both poems. Brooks often wrote about the plights of minorities and
those in poverty. She lived in an apartment in Chicago and would write poems about those
around her. I wrote about what I saw and heard in the street, Ms. Brooks once said. I lived in a
small second floor apartment at the corner, and I could look first on one side and then the other.
There was my material (M. Watkins, 2000). She drew her material from watching those around her.
You can clearly understand how her observations helped her write these two poems because of how
both the poems were about the plights of those in poverty.
In both poems, their characters were living in some sort of poverty. Even though they were in
poverty, they were without want. The characters in the poems still manage to have meaningful
lives despite the poverty and adversity that is against them. In Sadie and Maud , it is assumed
that Sadie did not earn as much money because it says Maud went to college/Sadie stayed at
home (G. Brooks, 1963). The reason one can assume that Sadie probably did not earn as much
money as her sister is that you usually earn more money if you have a degree. Also since it says
Sadie stayed at home it does not explain what she was doing during that time. In another part of
the poem, it states, When Sadie said her last so long/Her girls struck out from home. / (Sadie
had left as a heritage/Her fine tooth comb) (G. Brooks, 1963). Again, it is apparent that she did
not have much at all. All Sadie had to give was her fine tooth comb. The Bean Eaters also do not
have much to their name. it says They eat beans mostly, this old yellow pair. / Dinner is a casual
affair. /Plain chipware on a plain and creaking wood,
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Analysis Of John Donne s Holy Sonnet Xiv
In Holy Sonnet XIV, John Donne directly addresses God using a desperate and forceful tone. The
formal structure of Donne s holy sonnet follows the basic Petrarchan sonnet form. The sonnet has
fourteen lines divided into an octave and a sestet. The rhyme scheme of the octave is abba abba.
The sestet has the rhyme scheme cdcdee. Donne expresses his spiritual turmoil and longing by
using this structure to present different metaphors that illustrate his condition, and he uses
Petrarchan conventions to further highlight his spiritual desires. The octave introduces and
illustrates the spiritual difficulty that Donne finds himself in trapped in, and wants Godto take him
out of. The first line starts with Donne s desperate and urgent command to God to batter or
violently beat his heart (1). Donne uses the metaphor of his heart as a metal object, and God as a
metal smith to support this command. Donne s heart is a broken object that the metal smith has
gently stroked, breathed on to shine, and polished, in order to fix the broken parts. However,
Donne claims that this is not enough. The metal smith needs to break, blow, burn in order to
make the object new (4). The metal smith must apply more force to shatter the object, and then
place it into the fire to melt, so the metal can be purified and new. Donne seems to be telling God
that his heart is too broken by sin to be mended through God s normal ways of opening the heart to
faith again. God needs to bend
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Siddhartha Materialism
After Siddhartha becomes a successful businessman, he is able to get any material thing he ever
wanted he starts to enjoy his wealthy life and him and Kamala have amazing sex daily they grow
an emotional bond to each other, Kamala says You are the best lover, she said thoughtfully, I ever
saw. You re stronger than others, more supple, more willing. You ve learned my art well, Siddhartha
. At some time, when I ll be older, I d want to bear your child. They envision some kind of a future
with each other. The internal voice that meant so much to him suddenly went silent, he noticed
himself changing and losing himself as a person .Siddhatha became materialistic and unhappy with
the way things were and the way he was, he makes his pain disappear
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Analysis Of The Story Eveline By James Joyce
Eveline The story begins with a silver lining in a memory that deepens into a pit of depression
The narrator helps to describe her memories as Eveline, staring blankly out a window, wallows
in her conflicting feelings of adoration and isolation. Today in many places, what takes place in
Dublin during 1914 as common place family dynamics, can be recognized as a cyclical pattern
of abuse between a controlling and manipulative father, his demure and defenseless wife, and
their helpless and hopeful children. In the story Eveline written by James Joyce the main
character is suffering from symptoms of vicarious trauma and abuse, and although she
recognizes, and fantasizes about the option and possibility of a better life, ultimately she finds
herself a victim of circumstance, frozen in time, unable to make a decision, she is forced to
watch her opportunity fade from her grasp. Eveline exhibits the qualities of a young woman who
has spent her life exposed to traumatic, systematic abuse. As she looks out over the field of her
childhood, reaching into the past to pull forward the memories of friends and happiness, a foul
taste creeps in to her mind of Her father [who] used often to hunt them in out of the field with his
blackthorn stick; (Joyce) and the author gives the first indicator that Eveline s life has been little
more than tragic. An abusive parent is bad enough, but the real despair she must feel is driven home
when Eveline s thoughts reveal the unthinkable: her
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Four Factors That Affect The Overall Cost Of Cremation
There is a common held belief that cremation services are more affordable than funerals.
Cremation is often referred to as the low cost burial option. However, before you choose this
option for yourself, make sure you are aware of all the factors that can affect the cost of your
cremation. Here are the top four factors that affect the overall cost of cremation.
Factor #1: Transportation
After you pass away, your remains are going to need to be transported to the funeral home that
will take care of your cremation. Your remains will have to be transported from where ever you are
to the funeral home that you choose. If you are trying to plan your funeral and burial out in
advance, you are going to need to look into the cost of transportation for bodies.
These costs can vary, but generally the biggest factor that affects the price of transportation is how
far your body needs to travel. If you plan on having a local ... Show more content on ...
There are many different rules and choices that will affect the cost of storing your body.
To start with, most states require that bodies be storied a certain number of days before they are
cremated. These types of rules are in place to ensure that if there is an suspicion around your death,
an autopsy can be performed and the cause of your death can be found.
Next, if you have any medical devices inside of your body, such as a pacemaker, these medical
devices will need to be removed from your body before it can be cremated.
Finally, personal factors can affect your storage costs. If you want to haVe your body available for
viewing at your funeral, your body will need to be stored until your funeral and a casket will need
to be purchased or rented for the viewing. Even if you don t want a viewing at your funeral, you
may have family members who live far away who want to see your body one last time before it is
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Essay Chopin Sonata NO. 3
MUS 404: Keyboard Literature
June 22, 2010
Piano Sonata No. 3 in b minor, Op. 58 by FrГ©dГ©ric Chopin
Chopin s third sonata is a masterwork filled with pianistic elements, daring harmonies,
experimental form, and a wealth of expressivity. In this four movement work, references to other
Chopin compositions and influences from fellow composers are found. At the same time, there is a
progressive element; it looks forward to the heights which would be achieved by Chopin and later
Chopin wrote the Sonata, Op. 58 in 1844, several months after the Berceuse, Op. 57. The Berceuse
provides inspiration for the slow movement (Samson, Chopin 23). These works were written at a
time when Chopin s relationship with George Sand was ... Show more content on ...
It was an uninspired composition, a failure, and largely forgotten (Huneker 166).
Movement 1: Allegro maestoso
The first movement of the third sonata is the most experimental, the one which deviates most from
Classical form and harmonies. The exposition, in particular, is more like a fantasy than a sonata.
The sonata opens quite promisingly. A descending broken chord followed by ascending march like
chords creates the primary theme (mm. 1 4). As soon as this theme is established, it is lost by a
transition. The transition (mm. 12 16) is derived from the opening theme. Traditionally, the
transition should segue way into the second theme. However, this transition leads to another idea,
which is characterized by majestic chords (mm. 17 18). This melodic idea is equally promising; it
has the potential to serve as the primary theme which had been cut short. Unfortunately, it only
holds for two measures before it is swept away by a descending chromatic scale in sixths.
The listener would perceive the slow moving idea (mm. 23 29) which follows as the second theme,
if it were not for its fleeting mysteriousness. It provides a contrast to the majestic themes which
opened the movement. The harmonic ambiguities, created by the chromaticism, are very
progressive for the Romantic era. This chromatic section is only the beginning of a lengthy
transition (mm. 23 40), composed of at least
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Was Leni Riefenstahl A Nazi Sympathizer
A Nazi sympathiser is referred to be someone who is a member of the National Socialist German
Workers Party and agrees with opinion, and ideology. Since the end of World War II many have
debated whether Leni Riefenstahl was truly a Nazi sympathiser, a propagandist, or purely an
artist. Through the analyses of the evidence gathered in this case it is clear that Riefenstahl was
not a Nazi sympathizer; she purely did what she had to do to survive, just as every other citizen
whom lived through Nazi regime period did. Paragraph 1 Leni Riefenstahl was very passionate
about all hobbies and career paths she under took. As a film director Riefenstahl claimed to have
opposed Hitler s initial demands to direct Victory of Faith and Triumph of the Will . Though this
places question on why she hesitated to undertake this task at first. Due to her persistence for
what she loved to do which is clearly exemplified in her earlier childhood, this supports the idea
that she had a reason to decline. In Source E Riefenstahl does not seem to be pleased or passionate
in anyway when shaking hands with Hitler after being referred to as his favourite cinematographer
, Riefenstahl body language of lowering her face lightly downwards,... Show more content on ...
Riefenstahl, being known to be a part of Hitler s inner circle would have knew what
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Flag Desecration Persuasive Speech
Has the burning of the flag change the way we look at people or even more how we look at our
own country? As time goes on we find out that flag desecration has been a major problem in our
country, which has cause more commotion on how it is not relating to the First Amendment.
Both of the common country and of the state will diminish in proportion as respect for the flag
is weakened (Goldstein Robert) We can also see why people disagree to this problem and what
they are willing to do to stop this referring to the people who have tried to stop this before. Not
only that, we, the people have the right to change this, but more than the president. As told Trump
wants to make this legal, is that a proper thing to do? Flag Desecration can be stopped... Show more
content on ...
The country has noticed the change Donald Trump has tried to do which was making this
illegal, but can he? This is a quote that Trump had posted on twitter, Nobody should be allowed
to burn the American flag if they do, there must be consequences perhaps loss of citizenship or
year in jail! ( Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail) Trump believes this is a problem as well and
wants to change it, and he is correct about that, but from other information he cannot over turn
this idea because of the three branches all designed to create a check and balance system. From
CNN, George Washington had said this quote, If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb
and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. (Page 1) George Washington, a before
president agreed to the freedom of speech, but how it is being used now it should not happen. It
has been taken advantage of and has gotten out of control. This is giving the reason for Trump
wanting to make this
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Andromeda Constellation
The constellation of Andromeda is pretty interesting. Not only does it share it s name with the
galaxy closest to the Milky Way, it is also one of the 48 constellations listed by the Greco Roman
astronomer, Ptolemy. It is said that this constellation is ten times the size of Crux, the smallest
constellation, and a little over half the size of Hydra, the largest constellation. The brightest of
Andromeda s stars, Alpha Andromedae a binary star is also shared by the constellation Pegasus.
Andromeda is best viewed in the month of November, North of the 40В° South latitude. The story
of Andromeda comes from the Greek tale of Perseus. Cassiopeia was the queen of Ethiopia as well
as Andromeda s mother. She liked to brag about how her daughter was
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Animal Testing Should Not Be Wrong
Thousands of each species are killed every year against their will due to animal testing. Most people
are under the misconception that animal experiments enhance human cures due to the media,
experimenters, and universities which exaggerate animals potential and the role they have played
in past medical advancements. Researching thoroughly on websites, books, articles and
organizations, I will prove the common misconception that animals are needed for human
advancement to be incorrect. Animal testingis proven to hurt humans directly and misleading animal
experiments causes humans to dispose of cures.
Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisoned and abused in US labs every year (11 Facts
About Animal Testing, 1) Not only does animal testing affect the animals themselves, it affects
humans too. Misleading safety tests in animals, according to the Huffington Post directly hurt
humans (Ahktar, The Top Three Ways Animal Experiments Hurt Humans ). In March 2006, six
humans volunteered to be injected with TGN 1412, an experimental therapy. This compound was
designed to dampen their immune response, but it instead supercharged, which released a cascade
of chemicals causing all 6 to be sent to the hospital. Several of the men suffered permanent organ
damage. TGN 1412 was tested in mice, rabbits, and monkeys with no ill effects. Even monkeys the
species deemed most relevant to humans were tested, with still no manifested ill effects that
humans showed within
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The Persuader
I was once scammed online, by a scammer who I was trying to buy a limited edition virtual card.
The thing is when a victim is scammed the first thing he/she would do is blaming the scammer.
However, whose fault is it, the persuader or the victim? In order for persuaders to be able to win
they must gain people s trust, desire and belief. I believe in processes of gaining those things,
persuaders usually lie about certain things to be able to benefit themselves. Who is it to blame if
I trusted a doctor who said he/she could cure my cancer from faith healing and prayers and I die?
In this case it s the persuader s fault because he/she is faking and lying in order to steal from
someone. I think it is the victims/customers responsibility to be... Show more content on ...
Of course it is also the victim s fault for being naГЇve and credible. However, I think if you are
conned into giving someone $3000 is a crime freely. For example, some people fake as doctors
to scam people. They might say something like I could cure your mother s breasts cancer by
prayer of course it sounds stupid, but with the desire of the victim, they are likely to be less
aware and more credible. The responsibility should be the person who didn t deliver his/her
promises. In this case, I believe the persuader is the one responsibility for this case because he is
faking/lying who he is and what he promises by faking his identity and could be ruining someone
life, happiness and hope. However, I also think the victim should educate themselves or think
carefully before trusting. Con artists who prey and victimize others should undoubtedly be
punished, but we should encourage people to educate themselves so as to make these crimes.
On the other hand salesman who successfully convinces you into buying something is a very
similar case, however I think they are less of a crime, because they are not completely faking it,
at least they are promising the possible outcome like the protein powder. In this case I think the
fault should be more towards the victims because I believe they should know that some
salesmen don t even know their products so they lie and exaggerate about their products. Also,
they are playing with your brain and your desire. Most salesmen only care about money, which is
why they are trying to persuade you. I think victims should educate themselves more because if
their products is really good, they wouldn t even need to come to you and persuade to sell. In
cases where both victims and persuaders are wrong is something like a teacher offers his/her
students bribery, but the teacher keep asking for more money, in this case I
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Public Reason Revisited
In The Idea of Public Reason Revisited (1997) Rawles focuses on the concept of public reason,
exploring in this particular text how it can fit in the context of our political society full of
different overlapping religions, as well as its place in influencing the family when the family is
considered as a part of society as a whole. Contentious issues like same sex marriage and abortion
help demonstrate clearly the idea of public reason and how it is hard to walk the fine line between
being a member of a faith and a citizen of a society.
The basic idea of public reason is that because of the innate pluralism present in a society that has
so many different religions and philosophies, only generally agreed upon values may be used in
determining how a government governs its citizens. It specifies at the deepest ... Show more content
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At its essence, this means to attempt to work together with others for mutual benefit and Rawles is
correct in considering necessary for public discourse. If a member of society is stuck trying to
convince others of their particular whole truth , that their whole religion is correct, and view the
political landscape as a battleground of good vs. evil, friend vs. foe, then they reject this concept
of reciprocity. Ultimately, those who reject...reciprocity will of course reject the very idea of
public reason (442). This principal of reciprocity is important to keep in mind when considering
contentious issues like same sex marriage or abortion. For many, their beliefs on these issues are
greatly influenced by the particular religion or philosophy they follow and have reasons for
disagreeing with these practices based on said religion. In order for these people to present their
views in a way that can be considered reasonable they must appeal not to their personal religious
beliefs but to the broader moral values of society as a
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Self-Realization In The Remains Of The Day
There is a form that an ending can take a form far more subtle and yet more powerful than the
typical happy ending; the ending of true self realization. Men have an insidious way of deceiving
themselves most continue in this self destructive path for their entire lives, but some come to a
point where something strikes them, something that turns their constructed worlds upside down,
something that forces them to be honest with themselves; only when this something strikes them
can they come to a point of true self realization. The main character of The Remains of The Day,
Mr. Stevens, is one of them men to whom this self realization comes. In some roundabout way,
even during his time of blindness, Mr. Stevens is cognizant of this fact even if he does not see its
full implications. The theme of self realization is shown by the character s realization that bantering
plays a significant role in the accumulation of human warmth, and by his realization that the waning
years of life are often the most enjoyable... Show more content on ...
Stevens comes to see that there is a real joy that can be found in the waning years of one s life. As
the novel s name implies, the story centers around a man coming to grips with old age at first he is
resentful of the limits it puts on him, then he ignores it, then he comes to realize that it is
something that can be enjoyed. The evening of one s life is a time of rest a time when the work
has been completely finished, a time when whatever burdens one has been carrying around can
finally be passed to another. While addressing Mr. Stevens, the man on the pier says: You ve got
to enjoy yourself. The evening s the best part of the day. You ve done your day s work. Now you
can put you feet up and enjoy it. (Ishiguro 244) This statement rings true in Mr. Stevens mind. He
comes to see that there is a real joy in the final relaxation that comes with old age the work has
been done and it is time to enjoy the fruits of your
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St. John s University Department Of Athletics
St. John s University Department of Athletics
Head Coach Contract
This CONTRACT is made between St. John s University Department of Athletics (Athletics) and
Patrick Carlucci (Head Coach) effective May 18, 2015. Athletics and Head Coach may be
collectively referred to as the Parties or Party .
The Parties represented promise and agree as follows:
Athletics hereby employs Head Coach to perform such duties as head men s soccer coach, a 10
month position (June April). This contract shall be for a term commencing on May 18, 2015 and
ending June 30, 2019, unless earlier terminated as set fourth in this Contract.
Head Coach agrees to serve as the head men s soccer coach according to the ... Show more content
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Commitment to the academic well being and success of student athletes;
E.Supervision and evaluation of assistant coaches, graduate assistants, managers, interns, and
F.Recruitment of student athletes who demonstrate academic and athletic prowess;
G.Responsibility for the fiscal and budgetary management of the SJU Men s Soccer Program;
H.Participation in fundraising and promotional events for Athletics and SJU Men s Soccer Program;
I.Perform other duties as assigned by the President and Director.
Athletics agrees to pay the Head Coach as compensation for the services performed as the head
men s soccer coach a base salary of $80,000 annually, paid in twelve (12) monthly installments on
the last day of each month. It is understood that such salary payments are subject to local, state, and
federal withholdings, taxes, and retirement contributions.
Athletics agrees to pay the following incentive bonuses to Head Coach in the event the men s
soccer team achieves academic and athletic competition milestones.
Annual Graduation Rate over 85%1 month s additional salary
NCAA College Cup Championship3 month s additional salary
Team Reaches Final Four of NCAA Tournament2 month s additional salary
NCAA Tournament Participation 1 month s additional salary
Big East Regular Season Championship1 month s additional
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Unit 506 Understand Child And Young Person Development
Unit 506 Understand Child and Young Person Development
When looking at and discussing a child s development, you have to remember that all children
are different and grow at different rates. Every child will follow the same sequence but they may
not necessarily do it at the same time as each other. For example, you could have two, 6 month
old babies, 1 could already be able to crawl, and the other 1 may not have mastered it yet and may
not until they are a bit older. You must remember that your child is an individual and not group
him with another child and expect him/her to reach the milestones at the same time. It is important
also that a parent/carer, teacher etc., know the expected sequence a child follows, so they can tell
if a child is falling way behind and they may need to intervene to help them along.
Many skills and areas of development overlap. A child will not be able to learn a physical skill
without the development of their cognitive, social and communication skills as well. The areas of
development may be separated but it is important to remember that they do not work on their own
but together.
The aspects of development are:
* Physical
* Communication and Language
* Cognitive/intellectual
* Social
* Emotional
* Behavioural
* Moral
Source: Burnham, Baker 2010, Supporting Teaching and Learning, pg150
Physical Development
Physical is the development of the gross motor skills and the fine motor skills. It is an important
area of the overall development of a
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The Global Pursuit Of Economic Development Since The End...
In Global Political Economy, Chapter 11 discusses the global pursuit of economic development
since the end of the Second World War (219). In a nutshell, this analysis involves the account and
summary of some of the information that has been previously presented in earlier chapters of this
book. Mainly, the process of industrialization in Great Britain as well as the United States is noted
in the introduction to the chapter.
Afterwards, the authors proceed to define the term development using quotes and statements from
a few other authors. But, the central idea of development, no matter how the definition may be
worded, takes into account the themes of process and condition, or the change of condition. In
addition, when regarding the immediate era after the war, development relied on economic
growth of a country measured by its Gross National Product (GNP) (221). The Gross National
Product, according to Encyclopedia Britannica, is the total market value of the final goods and
services produced by a nation s economy during a specific period of time (usually a year),
computed before allowance is made for the depreciation or consumption of capital used in the
process of production (Encyclopedia Britannica).
The timeline of development for countries worldwide after WWII is then clarified. Many nations
were considered underdeveloped , backward , or most commonly Third World . Eventually,
countries in the southern hemisphere became known as the Global South , identifying
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The Fires of Jubilee
The Fires of Jubilee This book by Stephen B. Oates describes a sad and tragic story about a man
named Nat Turner who was born into slavery and his fight to be free. Ironically, his willingness to
do anything, even kill, to gain his freedom leads to his own demise. From the title of this book,
#8220;The Fires of Jubilee, #8221; a reader can truly grasp the concept that there is trouble, chaos,
and mayhem brewing in the month of August. This story was not only riveting, but also one that
kept me on my heels for almost the entire time that I was reading it. Stephen B. Oates, a prize
winning author of thirteen books and more then seventy articles, is currently a professor of history
at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.... Show more content on ...
After the rebellion and the death of Nat Turner, Garrison and Knapp, whom believed that
Negroes had as much to the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as whites enjoyed,
published the #8220;Liberator #8221; in Boston, demanding that slaves be emancipated and
freed. Though it cannot be said with certainty that this was the one major event that sparked the
freeing of slaves of everywhere in the United States, but is without a doubt an important aspect
in opening the eyes of the American people about the concept of slavery. As I would really not
consider #8220;The Fires of Jubilee #8221; a true reference guide to American history, I would
consider this to be a good reference for understanding how detrimental and harmful racism can be.
After all, that was what the Civil Rights was fought for, to gain the freedom of slaves all across
the nation, to try and give them back what whites had taken from them for so long, something in
which they had taken for granted. In a sense, this story about Nat #8217;s quest for freedom
correlates with the concept of probably the most important event in American history, the
Revolutionary War. The theme of the book seems to be the #8220;fighting for independence.
#8221; Was that not what the people of this country fought the Revolutionary War for? It is hard
for me to grasp the concept that the people of the United States, who were willing, and did, go to
war to gain their freedom and declare their
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Analysis Of Happiness Is A Warm Gun
Fast forward three years and it is easy to see what dramatic change came about in The Beatles style.
In 1968 The Beatles released their White Album. This album took them into a transcendental era of
the psychedelic movement, where drug fueled experimentation with heavy beats and intense topics
became the focus of their music. Happiness Is A Warm Gun is a musical masterpiece that combined
The Beatles new found music style, edgy, risky lyrics, and an underlying undertone that many
viewed as inappropriate for the public audience.
The song opens musically with only a guitar playing a riff behind the vocals. The song sounds to be
in C major, but the opening sounds to be in a minor key. This song seems like it is three different
songs woven together through intense beats and time signature changes. The beginning is 4/4 but
changes to 3/4 and 2/4 throughout the songs entirety. If I separated the song into three parts,
different tempos and instruments can be heard. In the beginning, only a guitar plays, followed by
drums and short chord strikes to create a chopping noise. The second part, characterized by the
tempo change and an intense guitar solo, adds a new percussion sound through the slashing of
cymbals and deliberate pedal stomps. The third part shows another signature change back to 4/4 and
a milder use of the cymbal, while still maintaining the chord chops. The riff from the introduction is
maintained throughout the whole song.
A syncopated melody can be heard
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Compare And Contrast Bartleby And Frankenstein
Naturalism, a literary movement from the 1880s to 1930s, uses detailed realism to highlight the
effect of social conditions on human character. Elements of this genre of literature accentuate the
work of famous writers: such as Herman Melville and Stephen Crane. The authors literary works
highlight the lack of humancompassion by exposing their protagonists to social dilemmas. In
Herman Melvilles story, Bartleby , the author encapsulates the realities that underlie human
responsibility to help others in need. On the other hand, Stephen Cranes novel, The Monster,
emphasizes the struggle of a man rejected from society despite his kind actions. Moreover, the
rhetorical similarities that capture the essence of naturalism in both texts include... Show more
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To begin with, Bartleby is the protagonist of Melville s story and he was a scrivener, the strangest
[one] ever saw (3). He looks like a cadaverously gentleman (16), yet he wasn t ordinarily humane
(10). His physical appearance symbolizes the image of someone who exhibits emotional coldness
and inhuman remoteness. In other words, he is alive but dead on the inside. Furthermore, another
central symbol of the novel is the office. In this environment, restricted relationships among
employees are evident. Hence, Bartleby appears as a prisoner of his own thoughts. He chose to
isolate himself, despite having people around him. This demonstrates the lack of personal
interactions in his work environment. The narrator, the employer of Bartleby, cares about the
protagonist because he doesn t want to feel guilty. He mentions that befriend[ing] Bartleby will
cost [him] little or nothing while at the same time he can lay up in [his] soul what would prove a
sweet morsel for [his] conscience (13). Moreover, this symbol of the office captures the essence of
egoism. The narrator acts kindly towards Bartleby to soothe his conscience, not because a human
being was mentally and physically in pain. Bartleby, judged on his corpse like appearance and
robotic actions, experienced apathetic responses that demonstrate how those around him never
attempted to genuinely help him. Consequently, the lack of human compassion to help others
demonstrates the inability to look consider the emotions of an individual that is
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Comparing Harold And Ana In Stranger Than Fiction
Harold and Ana are portrayed as an unlikely couple and their odd relationship is revealed through
the use of film techniques. These people are both characters from Marc Forster s stranger than
fiction film. The director used techniques such as colour, symbols and body language to show the
difference between the two and the unlikeliness of their relationship.
Ana and Harold are both associated with their own distinct colours that help show the audience
who they are and highlight their differences. The pair seems like an unlikely couple because the
colours that represent them show very different things about their personalities and that they are
very different people. Ana is shown often in a red setting, and red is incorporated into her clothes
and tattoos. The colour signifies passion and danger, Harold the opposite. He is often seen around
blue, the colour associated with coldness. As the film progresses Harold begins to be with other
colours, like red. When Harold decides that he wants Ana he is wearing a red sweater, the colours
that define him change when he realises that he wants to be with her. The ... Show more content on ...
Ana surrounds herself with circles, the shapes in her house, bakery and on her tattoo are
rounded and circular. The shape has no edges or corners; it signifies infinity and the circle of
life. It is flexible and exists within itself, this shows you how Ana chooses to live her life, facing
her fears with no corners to hide in, showing off everything that she is made of. Harold is very
often found around boxes and squares or rectangular shapes, it makes Harold look boxed in and
confided. The two are shown to be very different though the use of symbols but eventually Harold
is seen with more circles in his surroundings once he becomes closer with Ana. The different body
language the two uses also develop the unlikelyness that they would be
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Comparing Manson And Harris Klebold
While many people would easily agree that music is an art form that comes from the emotional
complexity and passions of human beings, Aristotle s truth that music that rouses ignoble passions
distorts a person s character is debatable. The claim that the wrong kind of music makes the wrong
kind of person, and the right kind tends to make the right kind of person is a paradoxical statement
that changes meaning and credibility depending on the reader s perspective. While morality has
been an integral part of religious music throughout history, there is no direct correlation that a
person s listening choices reflect their personal belief structures or that the mental health or
character of the listener is defined by their choice of music... Show more content on
One of the most well known examples is that of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold s preference for
industrial/metal artists such as Nine Inch Nails, Rammstein, KMFDM, and Marilyn Manson. Harris
and Klebold were the two American high school students who committed the Columbine High
School massacre which killed 13 people, injured 24 and ended in both Harris and Klebold s
suicides. In the wake of the shooting, Marilyn Manson was heavily targeted in the media and by
groups such as Citizens for Peace and Respect (an organization consisting of Columbine locals,
families, and church groups) for his music s corrupting influence on America s youth. When asked
what he would say to the two boys in Michael Moore s documentary about gun control Bowling for
Columbine, Manson stated, I wouldn t say a single word to them I would listen to what they have
to say, and that s what no one did. In subsequent interviews, Manson claimed that his lyrics are often
misinterpreted and that they encourage people to help process and get through suicidal or
depressive thoughts. He maintains that his music promotes not being afraid to be different and for
listeners to challenge societal views and norms. In the aftermath of the media circus surrounding the
Columbine high school shooting it was discovered that neither Harris nor Klebold were actually
fans of Manson s music at all. Although it is not apropos to this writing, Manson did pen a rebuttal
to the backlash via Rolling Stone that chronicled other musical artists that had been blamed for bad
behavior throughout the years and is worth a read ( In
the end however, it shows
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The Effectiveness of Octavian in Enlisting Senatorial...
The Effectiveness of Octavian in Enlisting Senatorial Support for his New Administration in the
Period 30 to 19 BC.
Octavian was the son of Gaius Octavius, a senator, but was the adopted son of Julius Caesar.
Essentially Octavian, or Augustus as he became known as in 27BC, was a conservative republican.
This is shown by Res Gestae Divi Augusti (literally the achievements of the Divine August )
paragraph 8: I brought back into use many exemplary practises of our ancestors which were
disappearing in our time. And also by Suetonius The Twelve Caesars, Augustus, chapter 93:
Augustus showed great respect to all ancient and long established foreign rites. The Republican
system was based on a ... Show more content on ...
However Octavian did not realise this at first and he illegally created himself consul: At the age of
19 he created himself consul, marched on Romeas if it were an enemy city ... to demand that the
appointment [of consul] should be confirmed. When the Senate hesitated to obey ... a centurion ...
displayed the hilt of his sword and boldly said If you do not make him consul, this will! (Suetonius
26). But how were these aims to fit into the fact that Octavian wanted to remain in power, and not
be too obvious about this fact?
Following the death of Julius Caesar, on the 27th of November in 43BC Titius, a tribune passed the
lex titia in the tribunal assembly. This was a law appointing Anthony, Lepidus and Octavian
triumvirs for 5 years, but this time could be lengthened. This was the technique of a populares,
rather than being passed by the Senate and being Optimates. The Triumvirs were clever in the fact
that they did not advertise the unconstitutional position of dictator. The leader of the three men to
rule was Antony a leading Caesarean and so therefore a populares. The constitutional position stood
against the ideals of the Roman Republic and therefore brought an end to the Roman Republic. This
was unacceptable from the point of view of a conservative republican senator. They immediately set
to work getting
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Between The Lines Of Beowulf
Between the Lines of Beowulf Epic poems date back to the early years Before Christ, some even
as far into the past as 2100 Before Christ. The original unknown author of Beowulf writes in the
Old English language and illustrates medieval times in stunning detail. Burton Raffel credibly
translates ancient works of literature into a legible dialect of today s society, while obtaining many
of the literary elements used in the original pieces of writing. Readers regard Beowulfas the mother
poem of England. This recognition only increases the significance of Beowulf, the actual
character, as an epic hero. The poem itself reflects on the Anglo Saxon way of life, and establishes
great differences from today s society. Like most pieces of literature... Show more content on ...
Lines 36 37 enhance the sound of the poem: He slipped through the door and there in the silence
/ Snatched up thirty men, smashed them... Without many other forms of entertainment, during the
era of the Anglo Saxons, bards memorized thousands of lines of poems; the alliteration within
Beowulf satisfies the listener. During Beowulf s battle with the dragon, the writer establishes
that for the first time in his life that famous prince / Fought with fate against him (l. 723 24). The
repetition of the f sound amuses the readers once again. Within the original poem written in Old
English every line of the poem contained four beats. The Old English version of Beowulf also
contained a pause within most lines; poets refer to this pause as a caesura. When Beowulf is
rebutting Unferth s false statements, he creates a caesura: You murdered your brothers, / Your
own close kin. Words and bright wit / Won t help your soul; you ll suffer hell s fires, / Unferth,
forever tormented (l. 320 23). The location of the pauses within this particular caesura produce
great emotion, yet the lines contain extremely simple phrases. In addition to caesuras, Beowulf
embodies a countless amount of kennings. Grendel acquires an abundance of kennings throughout
the poem. The writer refers to Grendel as: That shadow of death (l. 74), or That shepherd of evil,
guardian of crime (l. 432). The writer
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Impressionism And Post Impressionism
Nicole Hagias
Term Paper
Art History Renaissance Present
November 29th, 2017
Impressionists were seen as artists who were challenging normal and accepted concepts of color and
light. Impressionism got its start when certain painters started to use more natural methods of
painting and lighting their work, really straying from the traditional rules of academic painting and
art. In 1874, a group of artists called the Anonymous Society of Painters, Sculptors, Printmakers, etc.
put together an exhibit in Paris, France(4). Subsequently starting the movement which we know
today as Impressionism. Its founding members included Claude Monet, and Edgar Degas among
others. The group was unified and brought together only by its independence from the official
annual Salon (the Salon was the official art exhibition of the AcadГ©mie des Beaux Arts in Paris.
The salon considered to be the greatest annual art event in the Western world beginning in 1667) (2).
While many conservative critics disapproved of their work for its unfinished and sketch like
appearance, more progressive writers and critics praised it for its depiction of modern life and
enjoyed it for its contemporary subject matter with an innovative, new and different style calling
attention to it by calling it a revolution in modern painting (3) . To further on the style and history
of Impressionism and post impressionism I will be discussing three works of art exhibiting the
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Turabian Style
Kate L. Turabian s Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations presents two
basic documentation systems: notes bibliography style (or simply bibliography style) and author
date style (sometimes called reference list style). These styles are essentially the same as those
presented in The Chicago Manual of Style, sixteenth edition, with slight modifications for the needs
of student writers. Book Okuda, Michael, and Denise Okuda. 1993. Star trek chronology: The
history of the future. New York: Pocket Books. Journal Article Wilcox, Rhonda V. 1991. Shifting
roles and synthetic women in Star trek: The next generation. Studies in Popular Culture 13 (June):
53 65. Newspaper or... Show more content on ...
Closing cycles, shutting doors, ending chapters whatever name we give it, what matters is to
leave in the past the moments of life that have finished. Did you lose your job? Has a loving
relationship come to an end? Did you leave your parents house? Gone to live abroad? Has a long
lasting friendship ended all of a sudden? You can spend a long time wondering why this has
happened. You can tell yourself you won t take another step until you find out why certain
things that were so important and so solid in your life have turned into dust, just like that. But
such an attitude will be awfully stressing for everyone involved: your parents, your husband or
wife, your friends, your children, your sister. Everyone is finishing chapters, turning over new
leaves, getting on with life, and they will all feel bad seeing you at a standstill. Things pass, and
the best we can do is to let them really go away. That is why it is so important (however painful
it may be!) to destroy souvenirs, move, give lots of things away to orphanages, sell or donate the
books you have at home. Everything in this visible world is a manifestation of the invisible world,
of what is going on in our hearts and getting rid of certain memories also means making some
room for other memories to take their place. Let things go. Release them. Detach yourself from
them. Nobody plays this life
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Jasper Jones Friendship Quotes
Friendships are important to keep you going in life In Australia 1965 the Vietnamese war was
going on and there was a lot of corruption in the country as people were going off to war. As
Corrigan was described in the novel Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey it may seem like a city in
which friendships are very hard to form. The author tells us how everyone in the town lies and
how people didn t trust each other a lot. There are two friendships that author focuses on; Jeffrey
and Charlie, and Laura and Jasper. In the novel Craig describes how friends are important and how
lives of these characters would be much different without these friendships. In life sometimes friday
can be the only thing keeping you going forward, even if they know
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Hawthorne Romanticism
Nathaniel Hawthorne was born on the 4th of July, 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts to Nathaniel and
Elizabeth Clark Hathorne (Manning). He was an American writer who specialized in writing
short stories and romance novels. Among his many works are, The Scarlet Letter, The House of
Seven Gables, and Young Goodman Brown. Just like the works of Herman Melville and Edgar
Allan Poe, much of Hawthorne s works laid emphasis on the imperfect nature of human beings.
The imperfect nature of humans, he believed, was responsible for the tendency for men and
women of good hearts to commit sin and fall into despicable situations. Hawthorne s works can be
classified as a sub genre of Dark Romanticism, which highlights the unintended consequences and
complications that arise from well meaning efforts of people at making the society a better place to
live.... Show more content on ...
Before Hawthorne, literature was considered a major tool used to elevate the human spirit.
However, according to Henry James (an American writer who moved to England and became a
British subject), what most appealed to Hawthorne s imagination was the old secret of mankind
in general... the secret that we are really not by any means so good as a well regulated society
requires us to appear. According to of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, civilization requires
people to suppress and deny their aggressive and sexual impulses, which leads to inner conflict,
guilt, and in some individuals to neurosis and psychosis. This is the area of human
consciousness that Hawthorne explored even before Freud was even born. Hawthorne
approached this topic in a guarded way, which is the reason why his works are so full of allegory
and symbolism. However, some of his predecessors like Stephen King had no such reservations in
his style of
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Socrates vs Protagoras
Socrates a sophist? Or just sophisticated?
Plato goes a long way in attempting to distinguish Socrates from the likes of Protagoras, a self
admitted sophist. In Protagoras, Socrates is depicted as a street smart, wisdom dispensing young
man, brash with confidence and a bit of arrogance that goes a long way when confronted with the
old school rhetoric of Protagoras. Plato begins to separate the two at the hip right from the get go.
The dialogue between Socrates and his inquisitive friend Hippocrates went a long way to show
that Socrates had more questions than answers about Protagoras, the sophist, especially when it
came to talk about what it is exactly that he offers. Socrates companion is eager to hear the words of
... Show more content on ...
He preferred those who wish to learn from him, to come to him. The other sophist of the times
traveled through the towns teaching anyone at arms length, a method that was in much higher
danger of criticism than the one adopted by Protagoras.
A sophist would speak, a sophist would teach, a sophist would use language and words to
manipulate a situation to fit his point. A sophist would engulf you in his words and make the
impossible seem possible. A sophist would share his views on the world, life, and the future
with you; he would make you see the light of day even if it was night. A sophist was a wise man
who had the gift of gab, the ability to influence, the ability to sway, the ability to teach the young
how to be better speakers. All of the qualities that Socrates claimed he did not possess. Socrates
was depicted as a clever man, yet one who never taught, never persuaded, never tried to make his
thoughts shared by others. He was not a sophist, not a teacher, not a wise man . A wise man
knows that he knows nothing . Socrates always spoke of the fact that he was not a sophist because
he was only out for the truth. He never wanted you to believe his words just because they came out
of his mouth, he only asked the questions that were necessary to draw out the map to the truth
buried down below the layers of rhetoric.
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DDG 1000, Bringing the New Age of Naval Technology The future of warfare and intelligence is
upon the american people today, and it is appears to be the size of a small fishing boat. Massive yet
small, the DDG 1000 Zumwalt class stealth destroyer is cutting through naval regularity with
innovative new offensive, stealth, and information technology. The Zumwalt will be known as the
harbinger of technology and innovation in the upcoming years. Just as gunpowder and the
machinegun have changed warfare forever,the Zumwalt marks the beginning of a new era. At first
sight the DDG 1000 looks less like a destroyerand more like a low poly submarine vessel thanks to
its unique tumblehome hull. The angular shape of the destroyer gives it a sonar... Show more
content on ...
The LaWS uses a series of concentrated light beams in order to target, blind, and destroy
missiles, UAVs, and small watercraft. Unlike older, conventional, weapons the LaWS is
renowned for it s concentrated area of effect which will greatly reduce the amount of collateral
damage seen on the battlefield, saving countless lives. With a LaWS augment the Zumwalt class
destroyer will save millions, if not billions of dollars through its significantly lower cost to
operate compared to traditional missiles. A missile needs to be paid for to build, transport, arm,
and maintained while the LaWS only requires the electrical energy to fire for a few seconds to
complete the same task as a missile. The LaWS also holds a variety of modes to fill almost any
task at hand. At a low power setting the laser can be used to warn and ward off enemy or civilian
ships with a beam powerful enough to blind sailors or malcontents to cease their current actions
and turn about. With slightly higher amounts of power, the LaWS can fry electronics and disable
targeting, navigation, and video systems on board enemy crafts or missiles. On it s highest setting
the LaWS is capable of downing helicopters and remotely piloted aircraft in a matter of seconds by
burning through their outer plating and destroying engines or
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Thurgood Marshall s Influence On The United States
Thurgood Marshall was a man who cared a lot about the law. Marshall believed that the law could
fix most if not all problems. Marshall wanted equality for all citizens. In his life he strived for
equality, especially for colored people and whites. I believe that Thurgood Marshall s greatest
influence on the United Stateswas him fighting for rights to not be segregated. Marshall fought to
be able to be in the same room as whites along with other things being taken away from colored
people. Marshall being colored himself knew a lot about being segregated from the whites.
He influenced the people of the United States by telling them that they shouldn t allow segregation
any more. Marshall said In recognizing the humanity of our fellow
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Hull House Labor Museum
Hull House was a place for the poor to settle and have a relaxed time from work or the struggle.
The house provided child care, basic health care and classes for the poor (Presentation 10/5).
Lumbering our minds with literature that only served to cloud the really vital situation spread
before our eyes (Addams, pg. 71). Addams believed learningunneccessary skills in college like
literature represents educationlosing its value in the society. Addams focused on acquiring skills
that could be used in vital situations. The House was used to improve the conditions in the
communities for poor and learn domestic and educational skills to be used in their daily lives.
There were many activities for people of all ages. The Hull House Labor Museum... Show more
content on ...
It was not only the new ideas of what made the settlement house a success. Addams and her
colleagues lived among the poor in the settlement houses. It was a way to fully understand how
the other half lives, learn from them by experiencing how they live in the communities. Addams
visited Toynbee Hall which taught her to discover the life of the poor and have a first hand
account and understand the daily activity. (Addams, pg.78) The nursery provided care to the
children while parents were working and poor women, who are dealing with unsupportive
husbands. (Addams, pg.111) With the safety of the children, factory condition were unsafe for
children to be working there. There was one boy that was injured from a machine in a factory ,
which led to his death. The factories acted in such carelessness as they replaced the child with
another worker. Illinois State Bureau of Labor was investigated the child labor in the factories.
The Factory Laws of Illinois regulated the sanitary conditions of sweatshops and fixing the age to
begin working at 14(Addams, pg. 123). The Juvenile Protective Association was created to protect
the children in the city and improve the conditions affecting their lives.The association
communicated with other associations to stop the sale of liquor and tobacco to minors. (pg. 168)
In public health measures, the workers of the house created a small incinerator to reduce the
garbage problem in the city. An investigation began to garbage collection as it was suspected that
buildup of garbage led to the rising death rates (Addams,
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Using Denotative And Connotative Meanings
Using Denotative and Connotative Meanings The Lesson Activities will help you meet these
educational goals: 21st Century Skills You will apply use critical thinking and problem solving
skills, collaborate with others, and communicate effectively. Directions Please save this document
before you begin working on the assignment. Type your answers directly in the document.
_________________________________________________________________________ Self
Checked Activities Read the instructions for the following activities and type in your responses.
Click the link to the Student Answer Sheet at the end of the lesson. Use the answers or sample
responses to evaluate your own work. 1. Identifying Denotative and Connotative Meanings a....
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vity 1: Effect of Connotative Meanings Criteria Distinguished (4 points) Demonstrates a sound
understanding of words using denotative and connotative meanings Provides answers that are very
well developed and uniquely creative Consistently identifies denotative and connotative meanings
Accurately determines the effect that was being aimed for Accurately analyzes the overall effect
and emotional response of Reagan s speech Proficient (3 points) Demonstrates an understanding of
words using denotative and connotative meanings Provides answers that are well developed and
creative Generally identifies denotative and connotative meanings in each case Correctly
determines the effect that was being aimed for Correctly analyzes the overall effect and emotional
response of Reagan s speech Developing (2 points) Demonstrates a rough understanding of words
using denotative and connotative meanings Provides answers that are somewhat developed and
reflect an attempt to be creative Sometimes identifies denotative and connotative meanings Roughly
determines the effect that was being aimed for Roughly analyzes the overall effect and emotional
response of Reagan s speech Beginning (1 point) Demonstrates a flawed understanding of words
using denotative and connotative meanings Provides answers that are not well constructed or
creative Does not identify denotative and connotative meanings correctly Vaguely or incorrectly
determines the effect that was being aimed for Vague or incorrectly
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Apple Commercial Research Paper
Apple Commercials
What comes to people s mind when they hear the word Apple ? First thing they will think of is
iPhone, that s how popular Apple company is. Even though Apple products are trendy and famous
nowadays, they still need to let people know how good their product is. To be able to achieve that,
they advertise their product through television, social media, and many more. Apple was founded
by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne on April 1, 1976. iPhone7, Apple watch series 2,
and Mac Book Pro are the three new and improved products of Apple. iPhone 7 significantly
enhances the most important parts of the iPhone experience. It introduces progressed new camera
systems. The best battery life ever in an iPhone. Immersive stereo ... Show more content on ...
They can use their iPhone for a quick photo for their schedule this week. Young women can use
Apple Watch Series 2 for just incase they left their smartphone somewhere, they will still be able
to receive important calls and text messages. Also, Mac Book Pro can help young women finish
all the assessments they need to accomplish even though they are not in school. They can do it
anywhere because Mac Book Pro is easy to carry and portable.
Since Apple company will still be attracting young women, I think that these young women will
continue their values, priorities, and fears. Women appreciate Apple products and they keep in
mind how helpful it is to them. Young women s priorities will always be their studies first. They
wanted to graduate college, and Apple products made the process easier. I can see that Apple
Company will change in the next few years when it comes to their product s prices. The first thing
that a customer will check whenever they are buying a product is its price. The price of a gadget
must fit in his or her
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Social Conflict and Inequality Essay
Social Conflict and Inequality
The social conflict paradigm is a theory based on society being a complex system characterized by
inequality and conflict that generate social change. Personal life experiences dictate me to believe
this theory is true. Discussion of the theory in question and how it pertains to myself will be
covered in the paper. Social conflict can be seen all over the world we live in: in sports, politics
and normal social engagements. The main point I have experienced with this theory would be the
fact that I don t come from a rich, powerful, and prestigious family, which in turn limits my
chances of being successful. Karl Marx studied social conflict His entire life and wanted to reduce
social inequality. The social ... Show more content on ...
The majority of blacks are not given the same opportunities as whites partially due to the fact that
they are fighting an uphill battle. Just like coming from a poor family a colored person would lose
out in a battle over a job to a white person more often than not. Thus the social conflict theory is
proven by the way society runs. Social conflict has affected myself in the way that since I do not
come from a rich family background I need to work much harder to achieve my goals than I
would if I did come from a rich background. My eyes see social conflict when I hear about people
from rich backgrounds that don t have to work while in school, which frees up more time and
makes it easier to concentrate on grades. This can lead to a more prestigious college, which then
leads to a more prestigious job. I don t have this advantage so I have to work my way thorough
school. This disadvantage leads to less time to put into work, which means lower grades. My
situation of managing to work forty hours a week and taking full time classes is tough; whereas
if I was from a powerful family I would not have to deal with the burden of working and would
be able to concentrate on my studies more. Social conflict also tells me that I am better off than
others who aren t even able to attend college due to their backgrounds. A lot of people upon
leaving high school have to jump in the work force right away and support their families. This
makes it hard to change their
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Walmart Is Bad
Walmart Walmart is a huge retail chain in the United States. It is giving consumers more choices
than its competitors at a relatively low prices. Prior to its arrival the other retail business k mart,
target, and other small retail stores in United States especially in small towns and cities were
serving communities. After Walmart arrival the chain prevailed everywhere, as it is said about it, it
came, it conquer. About Walmart, mostly people I met, have positive and negative thoughts. People
think that Walmart ruined other businesses, other say, that Walmart become a kind of habit for
them. Business week described the Walmart effect in a cover story, as corporations cost efficiency
that has contributed to economy wide productivity gains
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Essay about Argentina and the IMF
Argentina, the IMF, and the WTO
In 1999, over 40,000 people came to protest in the streets outside the Seattle Conference Center,
where the delegates from the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Monetary
Fund (IMF) came to Seattle to discuss new international trade agreements. Many came to protest
not only against the WTO and the IMF, but also against globalization itself; Thousands were
protesting for anti globalization because of increasing concerns that certain trade and investment
measures were encroaching on national sovereignty. Everyone feared that too much power was
being centralized into organizations like the WTO and the IMF. Other reasons included the
widening gap between the rich and the poor; the creation of ... Show more content on ...
There is no definite answer as to why Argentina went into such an economic crisis, but looking at
its tumultuous history gives clues and possible causes that could have contributed. When Argentina
first gained independence from Spain, all of the provinces fought each other until a very tenuous
democracy was formed in 1860. Along with a considerably shaky government, economic policies
generally caused more harm than good. At the time budget deficits were handled by printing more
money, so inflation was a constant issue that still continues to affect Argentina to this day. In the
late 1800s and early 1900s, Argentina s economy began to increase, due to rising exports of beef
and wheat to Europe, made possible by the new technologies of railroads and refrigerator ships.
During the 1930s, when Argentina was going through difficulties with its trading partners, it
switched its economy to an import substitution economy a largely closed, self sufficient economy,
with high tariffs and extensive government direction. This made the exchange rates become highly
overvalued, which led to a lot of importation, but not enough exportation to balance out the debt.
There was low economic growth and even more frequent inflation; percentage wise, inflation was
in the triple digits from 1975 on. However, in 1989, Carlos Menem became president, and
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Social Workers And Substance Abuse
Field of Practice
Social workers who work in the area of substance abuse concentrates on specific clients that have
an addiction problem and those who are abusing different drug substances. Social workers who are
working and dealing with cases of substance abuse can help clients on their journey to rehabilitation
by being supportive, offering encouragement, and making the path to restoration a slightly easier.
Social workers in this field use their knowledge and abilities to comprehend the needs of the client
in relation to their substance abuse problems. The social worker measures the client to understand
the severity of the substance abuse in order to know how to deal with the client. Social workers
experienced in substance misuse and addiction often work as part of a team with other specialists,
particularly licensed alcohol and drug therapists, doctors, and nurses.
The NASW states that, Many states require alcohol and drug certification in order to work in
concentrated dependence treatment settings ( The NASW provides a general overview
on how social workers practice in the field of substance abuse and their goals. The National
Association of Social Workers states that, By developing and pertaining evidence informed methods
that include proven interventions and evolving procedures based on developing research findings,
social workers can evidently improve treatment amenities for clients and their families. This
methodology to service delivery demands that
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The Worst Mountain Accident In The History Of Everest Summary
Summary It is the worst mountain accident in the history of Everest. Rob Hall and Scott Fischer,
who were professional mountaineers, each of them had established commercial climbing companies
named Adventure Consultant for Hall, Mountain Madness for Fischer. They had plenty experiences
of climbing 8000ers mountains, and both of them had fully confidence about coming back from
Mount Everest.
In 1996, the two teams guided amateur climbers who participated by paying a large amount of
participation fee, and took them to the summit of Mount Everest. The two leaders were veterans of
climbing many of highest mountains, therefore their expenditures were not only sponsored by
participants but also funds from sponsors.
All clients knew each other
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Joy In The Bluest Eye Essay
Here is the truth. It is black and white. The ugliness of her environment personified in her face.
Press has evolved from educating the masses to publicizing for capitalism. Wright, J. C., Huston s
study concludes between the ages of 2 5 children are most affected by the content of television
across ethnic, economic, and gender backgrounds. The power mediahas over the society is evident.
Most vividly, media skews what is believed to be joy and beauty. Joy is extended pleasure, but
with time, joy can bring pain. Zadie Smiths Joy details her navigate through life as she finds
pleasure in the small things, but ultimately finds joy in the larger aspects of her life. Joy is living
and understanding the beauty of life. Mass, popularized media has miss defined what is joy and
beauty. Peculiar Pecula was bounded by the society s romanticism for white skin and blue eyes. In
The Bluest Eyeby Toni Morrison, Pecula believes if she s granted blue eyes she will be beautiful.
Media influences the youth. Pecula is a poor Black girl existing in the height of the segregated and
violent USA. ... Show more content on ...
Media, society s outlet, is a drug (like poppy seeds). Like poppy seeds, media is often dark and
very selective. It is from Pecula s blackness that society has taken its own opiate, so media settles
only for the singular blonde hair blue eyed person. Pecula survived a reality most would have
ended. Her persistence has gotten her to the end. Pleasure is a temporary good with little
consequence and ill intention. In the field of poppy, Pecula is awake and wishes to assimilate into a
culture that does not welcome those who are awake. Zadie Smith and Pecula both found joy despite
the distractions and the temptations that pleasure possesses. There are many things that cannot be
changed, but it is important that boundaries are constantly being pushed. Individuals should persist
to challenge the status que, so all can have a fair chance to live a joyful
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Employees In A Works Council
Works councils are expensive and put responsibility on the employer to keep up with the costs
that are associated with the works council. (Befort, 2004). Employees who are members of a
works council are still paid their normal wages, even if they are partaking in works council
meetings. Members of works councils are required to partake in additional training and
apprenticeships which the employer is responsible for these costs (Hubler, 2015). It was found that
companies that have a works council have incurred more net costs associated with training than
companies without a works council (Hubler, 2015). Works councils may cause too much employee
power in larger union industries like auto industry and fast food and cause demands for large
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The Greater Grand Forks Community Service And Restitution...
The Greater Grand Forks Community Service and Restitution Program is an essential resource to
the criminal justice community in the Grand Forks area. The mission statement of the CSRP
affirms that the program was designed in order to evaluate the risks and needs of the offender in
order to safely place offenders within Grand Forks and the surrounding communities to work
community service as not only a benefit to the public but to also provide offenders with an
opportunity to exhibit reparation and compensation for the crimes they have committed and act as
a deterrent to future criminal acts. The goal of this program is for the Grand Forks community to
benefit while the offender works to pay off their debt to society. The objectives of the... Show more
content on ...
The judgments received by this office provide details of what the client was charged with, how
many hours of community service was sentenced in lieu of jail time and how long the client has
to complete the set number of hours. If the offender was sentenced in District or Municipal court
the offender is responsible for making contact with the CSRP office within 48 hours of
sentencing. Upon, receiving a judgment and once the offender makes contact, the CSRP initiates
an interview to obtain information about the offenders criminal history and other relevant
information needed in order to assess the risks and needs of the offender. All of the information
acquired at this interview is then inputted into a database and used for monitoring purposes and
work site placement. The CSRP maintains a list of appropriate community service work site
options that include the phone number, address, hours of operation and contact names for work
site supervisors. Each client receives several different work site options and is provided with their
required deadline dates upon placement. It is up to the client as to whether they wish to work at
one or all of the options provided to them. The sites the CSRP works with take only certain
offenders depending on the type of business, and the cliental that business acquires. Obtaining
accurate and useful information is key for placing offenders in appropriate work site
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The Labor Force In Mr. Wonka s Charlie And The Chocolate...
The publication of the 1964 storyline of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory associates to the
politics and history of the United Kingdom. During this time, the labor force in the story directly
relates to the labor anxieties expressed in the UK. According to Robert Miles and Annie
Phizacklea, the British Nationality Act of 1948 released the labor market and British citizenship to
the New Commonwealth, men and women from the Caribbean and the Indian sub continent who
came to sell their labor power for a wage in British factories (Miles Phizacklea 1984). Once these
men and women arrived, they were instantaneously assumed as low grade, separated from the white
and there human appearance was questioned. Therefore, the men and women were later called the
domestic class in the British Empire, within the primary fragments of the slave trade. This relates
to the story that Grandpa Joe tells in the 1964 book. He states then one day, all of a sudden, Mr.
Wonka had to ask every single one of them to leave, to go home, never to come back (Dahl 19).
Grandpa Joe then says, the factory opened again however, nobody...ever...comes...out and
nobody...ever... goes... (Dahl 17). He explains the rising and falling of the factory and how Wonka
fires his entire staff, rebuilds his chocolate factory with hidden workers, the Oompa Loompas.
Wonka explains his compassionate reasoning for containing a population of 3000 black men,
women and children, when telling the tale of the Oompa Loompas. By using a
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Obesity Is The Main Problem All Over The World
In this modern era, Obesity is the main problem all over the world. Obesity is cause of increasing
so many diseases in all stages of human life. Some types of foods and the Environment is also
responsible for that. In this technological world, human replaces with machines which makes
adversely effect on human health. People mostly depend on technologies and becoming lazy. Some
people think that obesity is major health problem these days due to plenty of reasons. One the
other hand, most of the people are against for that. According to French sociologist, philosopher,
cultural theorist, political commentator, and photographer Jean Braudrillard, The obese is in a total
delirium. For he is not only large, of a size opposed to normal... Show more content on ...
There are a number of reasons why people become obese and many solutions to decrease obesity.
Further, Junk foods and fast foods are main causes to increase obesity. Some parents do not
know they kill their child by giving them junk food, because they do not know how to cook so
just buy junk food. Although junk food is easier than cook, but a plenty of child become obese
from junk food. Some companies wants to have a good business and put into too much sugar of
food that they made, because nature taste not everybody like. From that, they say welcome to
obesity, increase laziness and they also suffer from much type of diseases in their life. In fast
foods the percentage of Cholesterol is very high, so it s create many problems like high blood
pressure, diabetes. According to American journalists and author Katie Couric, In 1980 zero
kids had been diagnosed with type 2 0diabetes. It used to be considered adult onset diabetes. And
then by 2010 it was close to 57,000. For instance, some people eat daily fast foods from Hungry
Jacks, Mc Donald s and some other Restaurants so these big organisations are responsible for
obesity because these companies foods are not healthy. On other words excess use of electronic
devices like, computers, video games, remote controls, washing machines, is also causing obesity
in peoples. In this western era most of people are accepting the sitting lifestyle. Some decades ago
shopping consisted of
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The Effect Of Coffee Rust Essay
Also, recent low prices have restrained investment, which in turn leads to poor management
practices and strategies. In some cases, old trees have yet to be replaced, and pruning and care
regimens are neglected or performed poorly due to lack of labor (Magrath 2014). The lack of
investment is important for both finance and education. Smaller farmers often do not have enough
money to gain access to resources that could help in instructing them how to use the land and
regenerate their crops (Wakefield 2015).
A few promising solutions exist for mitigating the effects of coffeerust. A few of them include
government support, management options, improved technology and information sharing systems,
and changing social perceptions of coffee.
One possible way to indirectly prevent coffee rust from spreading to epidemic levels is for the
government to provide some support to farmers. Government subsidies for seeds, fertilizers, and
pesticides have the potential to help farmers cope with the investment difficulties they currently
face (Stone 2014).
There is some debate over whether full sun or shade coffee provides more protection against
coffee rust. Rust is easier to control on plants in full sun, as most of the time the coffee planted in
full sun are large plantations that are spaced farther apart. This allows for easier application of
fungicides. Farther spacing also allows for wind to blow within and throughout the coffee plants,
drying them and preventing free standing water
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Good Governance Essay Jwt
Good Governance Essay Jwt
Good Governance Essay Jwt

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  • 1. Good Governance Essay Jwt 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Good Governance Essay Jwt Good Governance Essay Jwt
  • 2. Sophie Germain Research Paper Marie Sophie Germain was born on April 1,1776 in Rue Saint Denis, Paris, France. Even though her first name is Marie, she went by Sophie (Sophie, Famous). Since Sophie was a girl, she was not eligible to go to school because of her gender. Her father had an interest in mathematics she began to read the books on the subject of mathematical theory that belonged in her father s library, in her free time while she was home (Sophie, Famous). She was even able to teach herself the language of Latin and Greek, with the acknowledgement of these languages she was able to read the works of Leonhard Euler and Isaac Newton. The only famous teacher she had was Joseph Louis Lagrange (Sophie, Famous). During lectures (she was able to get lecture notes) she was able to send her work to him. Sophie learned that she had Breast Cancer (Sophie, Famous). Even though she had Breast Cancer, she persevered and she led to the discovery of laws of equilibrium and the movement of elastic solids (Sophie, Scientist). She lost the battle to her cancer and she died on June 27, 1831 (Sophie,Famous).... Show more content on ... Germain was famous for Formulating Sophie Germain s theorem and her work in number theory, mathematics acoustics and elasticity (Sophie, Famous). She submitted a letter to the Carl Friedrich Gauss. The letter contained the first substantial progress toward a proof in the area of number theory in the last 200 years, the Sophie Germain theory (Sophie, Famous). In the area of elasticity, Germain wrote a paper on 1811, she submitted that paper three times to a contest. On her last attempt she won the contest and she was the first ever girl to win the Paris Academy of Sciences (Sophie, Famous). Sophie Germain was important to mathematics because of her work in elasticity, number theory, and ... Get more on ...
  • 3. God Is Evil Research Paper The problem of evil is the argument that if God is omniscient (all knowing), omnipotent (all powerful), and benevolent. This implies that if God exists then he knows how to, wants to, and can prevent all suffering. If such a God existed, though, then he would prevent all types of evil. Although evil in all forms is an everyday part of the world around us; it has not been prevented. Therefore, Goddoes not exist. More precisely if God exists then he is all knowing, almighty, and perfectly good, if God were these then the world would not contain evil. There is evil in the world both moral and natural, so God does not exist. If God does exist, then there would be no evil. The existence of evil makes Gods existence rationally impossible. This problem is tackled during the film God on Trial. The men in Auschwitz are sent to the selection process and when they return more men are shuffled into the cell block. Moche states as the men start to pray What are you praying for? Anyone else trying to help God make his mind up? He is Evil, he should be here with us. We will put him on trial, maybe then he will hear us. Moche propositions a court to determine whether God is... Show more content on ... God gives us both good and bad things to deal with, good people experience horrible things as well as bad people. The deaths of the innocents are sacrifices for Israel, says Kuhn. A sacrifice. A holocaust. And when a man sacrifices something, it must be the best. Where are the Romans now? They are dust. Hitler will die. The war will end. The people and the Torah will live. We must trust in God. ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Medieval Universities Essay Medieval Universities The appearance of universities was part of the same high medieval education boom. Originally universities were institutions where students could attain specialized instruction in advanced studies. These types of studies were not available in the average cathedral schools. Advanced schools existed in the ancient world, but did not promote a fixed curricula or award degrees. The term university originally meant a corporation of guild. All universities were corporations of students or teachers. Guilds were originally established to protect the interests and rights of the members. The majority of the universities practiced diverse curriculum ( a few universities did specialize in medicine or law). A new... Show more content on ... This is usually done by filling out a questionnaire. At this point in time, the student has already endured a full term of a professor. If the professor is doing a horrible or unfair job, the student is forced to endure this without any relief. Not only does this affect the student s drive to learn, but also his ability to learn. Having a poor professor hinders the student s learning capabilities. When this happens, the student has usually forgotten most of what he learned by the end of the term. This makes a total waste of time and money. As for medieval times, the student guilds began to have enormous power during the 13th century. Students could discharge professors that did not meet the specifications of a good professor. The students only had to refuse to attend the classes. Professors of this time also had to pledge allegiance to a guild. The guild would provide the professor s salary. Professors were dependent to the students and had to receive permission from the students for any changes. Holidays and beginning and duration time of lectures were decided by the student guilds. With the passage of time, guilds began to structure the curriculum, and the time duration of each subject. A fine would be imposed if the professor omitted material or went over the designated duration time of lectures. The student guilds were kept informed of a professor s behavior and incompetence and would discipline the professor ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Palm Oil And Its Effects Introduction Palm Oil makes up more than 50% of daily used goods, particularly food goods, but this is not without effects on other animals, plants and people. Many people are completely unaware of the effects of Palm Oil. This is the reason why more awareness of Palm Oil and it s effects, is necessary. This report will look at what Palm Oil is, how it is used, it s positives, it s negatives and sustainable Palm Oil. About Palm Oil What is Palm Oil? Palm Oil is an edible vegetable oil, that originates from the Palm Oil tree. It comes from the pulp of the fruit which surrounds the kernel. It contributes to the economic development of developing countries and plays a main role in the diets of millions of people around the world. Where is it grown? Why? Palm trees originated in West Africa, but was brought to South East Asia towards the start of the 20th century. During the British Industrial Revolution the demand for Palm Oil increased. At that time 250,000 tones of Palm Oil was being exported annually, this number has now risen to more that 60 000 000 tonnes a year. It is currently planted and harvested throughout Africa, Asia, North America, South America, Indonesia and Malaysia. 85% of all Palm Oil is produced and exported from Indonesia and Malaysia. Climate Palm trees can be grown in hot places with abundant rainfall, such as Malaysia and Indonesia. This is why there is such large plantations in places such as Indonesia and Malaysia. The reason that Palm Oil is used ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Esperanza As A Cultural Melting Pot ESPERANZA2 Esperanza Rising Literary Analysis The United States of America is a cultural melting pot; as a result, there are many stories of those who have immigrated into the land. Pam Munoz Ryan has written a story similar to other s who ventured into California, in Esperanza Rising. Her focus is her own grandmother s life and experience as an immigrant from Mexico in the 1900 s. By using the characterization literary device Ryan conveys the importance of family through the protagonist s growth in the story. There are many people who may live a comfortable life with stability; however, they may face a situation that will force them to reinvent themselves and start over in a new land. Esperanza is a spoiled rich ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, the death of Esperanza s father forces her to flee to California and she is forced leave everything behind and live amongst those who are below her. Esperanza travels to California with her mother and previous servants Hortensia, Miguel, and Alfonso. The first main encounter Esperanza experiences of growth is an encounter with a poor girl who wants her doll. Her reaction was to hide her doll instantly because this doll was her last gift from her father and the little girl ... is poor and dirty (pg. 70). She is surprised that her mother apologizes to the child s mother. Therefore, the author creates this scene to be the first lesson of kindness Esperanza experiences because her mother makes a yarn doll for the crying child. Although, she is relieved that they get off at the next stop because she doesn t want to be reminded of her selfish behavior (pg. 72). The reader becomes aware of just how rich and spoiled Esperanza was because she sees an innocent poor child to be so repulsive to her. The author writes about the character s relief when the child is gone because it proves that she has not changed and is still entitled. However, this event is the first step in Esperanza s realization and awareness of her selfish ways because she acknowledges that her behavior was selfish. Moreover, they begin their new life in Arvin, California in a farm workers camp and Esperanza must ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Movie Hunger by Steve McQueen Hunger (2008) Steve McQueen Film Analysis Rooted in the 1981 Irish hunger strike, artist Steve McQueen s brutally raw film Hunger retraces the crusade of Provisional Irish Republican Army prisoners who desired Special Category Status while imprisoned at Maze Compound Prison. Starting near the middle of a four year long stalemate, McQueen s triptych follows the routine of a prison guard, Raymond Lohan, the introduction of a new, IRA, non conforming prisoner Davey Gillen into the dirty protest , and culminates with Bobby Sands, the IRA commanding officer inside Maze who volunteers to be the first of many prisoners to go on a hunger strike for SCS, and is the first to die sixty six days later. Through visceral scenes depicting extraordinary situations, Hunger reminds audiences of the battle of attrition that was fought thirty years before, and how people dealt with decisions that politicians made, and the environments which are created from those decisions, which they had to survive in. Instead of taking a side in the conflict, Hunger portrays what one critic describes a probing, clinical, oddly beautiful examination of one man s decision to die, to face the moment that we all must, on his own terms. The standoff in Maze Prison was borne from conflict during The Troubles, an extremely violent period in the political conflict waged between republicans and nationalists, who wanted to see Northern Ireland, a province of the United Kingdom, unified with the ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Battle Of The Kosovo War The first battle of the Kosovo war which was meticulously planned with stomach revolting malice was less than a mile from my house and it resulted in the death of over 50 members of the Jashari family. As the Serbian Army surrounded the three homes the Jashari s began to prepare for the onslaught that was to come. Although less than 20 men had arms they valiantly defended their house, their land, and most importantly their family from a determined and well organize Army. These men, farmers by trade, equipped with simple Kalashnikov rifles defended their homes and lives for hours and didn t allow for their bloodthirsty enemies to advance even one step towards their precious brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers. The amount of power... Show more content on ... We drove through the narrow dirt roads that winded through the hills. We were cautious not to run into the Serbian Army as they would want us to head South out of the country rather than North towards our cousin s village. We finally made it to our cousins after what seemed like a never ending trip although we only traveled ten miles. Our cousin s village would be our home for now, it was better than being dead but we would soon learn that death could be easier to obtain than picking an apple from a tree. The days slowly passed and every night we would hear the roar of gun fire. My mother would rock me to bed to the sound of those shots and the explosions in the distance. The war raged on and people in the cities were in need of food. At the time we had plenty of food so my father Gani and his nephew Besnik decided they would enter the city to sell some crops. Gani and Besnik loaded their small car with apples, plums, berries, some flour, and corn. They set off for Mitrovica and planned to take the backroads all the way there. Their plans were soon useless as they were required to get off of the backroads. Gani and Besnik drove onto the main road that leads to Mitorvica and travelled on that road for a little over a mile. They spotted an armored vehicle belonging to the Serbian Army and decided to continue driving past it. Unfortunately, the vehicle turned around and began following them. Gani had a hand grenade in the center ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Causes And Effects Of The Boxer Rebellion In China Due to the refusal of legal trade and underground trade occurred causing the spread of opium and the decline of prosperity of Chinese citizens due to this epidemic. The mass addiction caused China to allow some trade with foreigners to occur legally ad eventually open their doors. China was unable to easily adapt to western standards and agree to the culture and advancements they were introducing. The Taiping rebellion was between western religion and Confucianism, differing ideas and parties divided the nation. The Nanking treaty was created and signed between Chinaand Britain to decrease conflict with trade, yet inspired more unrest with the Chinese people. The Boxer rebellion in the twentieth century then took place in order to increase Chinese nationalism and deter foreign influence. This caused disturbance in their ability to modernize and did not aid in their success as a nation. The anti foreign sentiments weakened their country and left them vulnerable to weak governments. With a presidency established parties developed further and unrest was deepened. Intellectuals that were allowed to study overseas and in foreign countries disagreed with each other forming a radical and liberal wing. These were divided among those who believed in socialism and those who believed in democracy. Unification was sought out yet the country was increasingly divided. Under Chiang the country was unified and the war lord era was ended, yet a socialistic government was established. The ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Manhattan Project Essay The Manhattan Project was a very important event throughout the World War II history. It began the development of the atomic bomb and other nuclear weapons that were of good help during the war. It first began with a German scientist separating the uranium atom, which made people be scared of what Hitler might be capable of. Also Hitler and his people had begun discovering new types of weapons that were useful for them in the war. Something that apparently Hitler did not quite think about, was the persecution of Jewish scientists such as Albert Einstein, who could very well use his abilities against Hitler. Albert Einstein was a Jewish refugee in the United States. Another very important scientist, although not Jewish, was Enrico Fermi,... Show more content on ... On July of 1945, J Robert Oppenheimer tests the first bomb at Trinity State, near Alamogordo, New Mexico. All the scientists readied themselves to watch the detonation of this atomic bomb which stood on top of a tower. Once exploded, there was a blinding flash which could be seen from 200 miles away. It also grew up to 40,000 feet and damaged some of the homes near it that were 100 miles away. After this explosion President Truman, all the way from Postdam, Germany, declares that the project was successful. Later on we see how there were more bombings being made, not only this one at Trinity State. The United States was trying to make Japan surrender but they denied it. Because of this the United States developed a new bomb named little boy which was detonated in Hiroshima, Japan. On August 6, 1945 it exploded with an altitude of 1,750 feet. Over 69% of Hiroshima s buildings were destroyed and about 7% damaged. About 80,000 (or about 30%) of the people in Hiroshima were killed instantly and another 70,000 were injured. After this occurring, Japan still didn t want to surrender which caused the United States to develop another bomb. In August 9, 1945, the next bomb named Fat Man took place at Nagasaki, Japan. This attack destroyed about 44% of the city, killed about 35,000 people and about 60,000 were injured. Emperor Hirohito from Japan had enough of these bomb attacks and finally decided to surrender. He was already ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Eras of PC Advancement Introduction: The historical backdrop of PC advancement is regularly alluded to in reference to the diverse eras of registering apparatuses. Each of the five eras of machines is portrayed by a real mechanical improvement that at heart changed the way workstations work, bringing about progressively more modest, less expensive, all the more effective and more productive and solid registering units. In this Webopedia reference article you ll research each of the five eras of workstations and the engineering improvements that have prompted the ebb and flow units that we utilize today. Our trip begins in 1940 with vacuum tube hardware and heads off to the present day and past with counterfeit consciousness. Original (1940 1956) Vacuum Tubes: The primary machines utilized vacuum tubes for hardware and attractive drums for memory, and were regularly huge, consuming whole rooms. They were exceptionally unmanageable to work and notwithstanding utilizing an extraordinary arrangement of power, created a ton of high temperature, which was regularly the reason for breakdowns. Original machines depended on machine dialect, the most reduced level modifying dialect saw by workstations, to perform operations, and they could just take care of one issue at once. Info was dependent upon punched cards and paper tape, and yield was shown on printouts. The UNIVAC and ENIAC machines are cases of original registering apparatuses. The UNIVAC was the first business ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Compverty And Poverty In The Bean Eaters, By Gwendolyn Brooks Imagine what you would all be like if, despite adversity and poverty, you still had a positive outlook on life? What would happen if you lived every day to the fullest? You would probably look back on life fondly despite all your hardships that you may have faced. Gwendolyn Brooks addressed the issues of poverty and living to the fullest in The BeanEaters and Sadie and Maud. Both these poems have similar themes and some differences as well. This paper is about the contrasts between the two poems. Gwendolyn Brooks wrote both poems. Brooks often wrote about the plights of minorities and those in poverty. She lived in an apartment in Chicago and would write poems about those around her. I wrote about what I saw and heard in the street, Ms. Brooks once said. I lived in a small second floor apartment at the corner, and I could look first on one side and then the other. There was my material (M. Watkins, 2000). She drew her material from watching those around her. You can clearly understand how her observations helped her write these two poems because of how both the poems were about the plights of those in poverty. In both poems, their characters were living in some sort of poverty. Even though they were in poverty, they were without want. The characters in the poems still manage to have meaningful lives despite the poverty and adversity that is against them. In Sadie and Maud , it is assumed that Sadie did not earn as much money because it says Maud went to college/Sadie stayed at home (G. Brooks, 1963). The reason one can assume that Sadie probably did not earn as much money as her sister is that you usually earn more money if you have a degree. Also since it says Sadie stayed at home it does not explain what she was doing during that time. In another part of the poem, it states, When Sadie said her last so long/Her girls struck out from home. / (Sadie had left as a heritage/Her fine tooth comb) (G. Brooks, 1963). Again, it is apparent that she did not have much at all. All Sadie had to give was her fine tooth comb. The Bean Eaters also do not have much to their name. it says They eat beans mostly, this old yellow pair. / Dinner is a casual affair. /Plain chipware on a plain and creaking wood, ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Analysis Of John Donne s Holy Sonnet Xiv In Holy Sonnet XIV, John Donne directly addresses God using a desperate and forceful tone. The formal structure of Donne s holy sonnet follows the basic Petrarchan sonnet form. The sonnet has fourteen lines divided into an octave and a sestet. The rhyme scheme of the octave is abba abba. The sestet has the rhyme scheme cdcdee. Donne expresses his spiritual turmoil and longing by using this structure to present different metaphors that illustrate his condition, and he uses Petrarchan conventions to further highlight his spiritual desires. The octave introduces and illustrates the spiritual difficulty that Donne finds himself in trapped in, and wants Godto take him out of. The first line starts with Donne s desperate and urgent command to God to batter or violently beat his heart (1). Donne uses the metaphor of his heart as a metal object, and God as a metal smith to support this command. Donne s heart is a broken object that the metal smith has gently stroked, breathed on to shine, and polished, in order to fix the broken parts. However, Donne claims that this is not enough. The metal smith needs to break, blow, burn in order to make the object new (4). The metal smith must apply more force to shatter the object, and then place it into the fire to melt, so the metal can be purified and new. Donne seems to be telling God that his heart is too broken by sin to be mended through God s normal ways of opening the heart to faith again. God needs to bend ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Siddhartha Materialism After Siddhartha becomes a successful businessman, he is able to get any material thing he ever wanted he starts to enjoy his wealthy life and him and Kamala have amazing sex daily they grow an emotional bond to each other, Kamala says You are the best lover, she said thoughtfully, I ever saw. You re stronger than others, more supple, more willing. You ve learned my art well, Siddhartha . At some time, when I ll be older, I d want to bear your child. They envision some kind of a future with each other. The internal voice that meant so much to him suddenly went silent, he noticed himself changing and losing himself as a person .Siddhatha became materialistic and unhappy with the way things were and the way he was, he makes his pain disappear ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Analysis Of The Story Eveline By James Joyce Eveline The story begins with a silver lining in a memory that deepens into a pit of depression The narrator helps to describe her memories as Eveline, staring blankly out a window, wallows in her conflicting feelings of adoration and isolation. Today in many places, what takes place in Dublin during 1914 as common place family dynamics, can be recognized as a cyclical pattern of abuse between a controlling and manipulative father, his demure and defenseless wife, and their helpless and hopeful children. In the story Eveline written by James Joyce the main character is suffering from symptoms of vicarious trauma and abuse, and although she recognizes, and fantasizes about the option and possibility of a better life, ultimately she finds herself a victim of circumstance, frozen in time, unable to make a decision, she is forced to watch her opportunity fade from her grasp. Eveline exhibits the qualities of a young woman who has spent her life exposed to traumatic, systematic abuse. As she looks out over the field of her childhood, reaching into the past to pull forward the memories of friends and happiness, a foul taste creeps in to her mind of Her father [who] used often to hunt them in out of the field with his blackthorn stick; (Joyce) and the author gives the first indicator that Eveline s life has been little more than tragic. An abusive parent is bad enough, but the real despair she must feel is driven home when Eveline s thoughts reveal the unthinkable: her ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Four Factors That Affect The Overall Cost Of Cremation There is a common held belief that cremation services are more affordable than funerals. Cremation is often referred to as the low cost burial option. However, before you choose this option for yourself, make sure you are aware of all the factors that can affect the cost of your cremation. Here are the top four factors that affect the overall cost of cremation. Factor #1: Transportation After you pass away, your remains are going to need to be transported to the funeral home that will take care of your cremation. Your remains will have to be transported from where ever you are to the funeral home that you choose. If you are trying to plan your funeral and burial out in advance, you are going to need to look into the cost of transportation for bodies. These costs can vary, but generally the biggest factor that affects the price of transportation is how far your body needs to travel. If you plan on having a local ... Show more content on ... There are many different rules and choices that will affect the cost of storing your body. To start with, most states require that bodies be storied a certain number of days before they are cremated. These types of rules are in place to ensure that if there is an suspicion around your death, an autopsy can be performed and the cause of your death can be found. Next, if you have any medical devices inside of your body, such as a pacemaker, these medical devices will need to be removed from your body before it can be cremated. Finally, personal factors can affect your storage costs. If you want to haVe your body available for viewing at your funeral, your body will need to be stored until your funeral and a casket will need to be purchased or rented for the viewing. Even if you don t want a viewing at your funeral, you may have family members who live far away who want to see your body one last time before it is ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Essay Chopin Sonata NO. 3 MUS 404: Keyboard Literature June 22, 2010 Piano Sonata No. 3 in b minor, Op. 58 by FrГ©dГ©ric Chopin Chopin s third sonata is a masterwork filled with pianistic elements, daring harmonies, experimental form, and a wealth of expressivity. In this four movement work, references to other Chopin compositions and influences from fellow composers are found. At the same time, there is a progressive element; it looks forward to the heights which would be achieved by Chopin and later composers. Background Chopin wrote the Sonata, Op. 58 in 1844, several months after the Berceuse, Op. 57. The Berceuse provides inspiration for the slow movement (Samson, Chopin 23). These works were written at a time when Chopin s relationship with George Sand was ... Show more content on ... It was an uninspired composition, a failure, and largely forgotten (Huneker 166). Movement 1: Allegro maestoso The first movement of the third sonata is the most experimental, the one which deviates most from Classical form and harmonies. The exposition, in particular, is more like a fantasy than a sonata. The sonata opens quite promisingly. A descending broken chord followed by ascending march like chords creates the primary theme (mm. 1 4). As soon as this theme is established, it is lost by a transition. The transition (mm. 12 16) is derived from the opening theme. Traditionally, the transition should segue way into the second theme. However, this transition leads to another idea, which is characterized by majestic chords (mm. 17 18). This melodic idea is equally promising; it has the potential to serve as the primary theme which had been cut short. Unfortunately, it only holds for two measures before it is swept away by a descending chromatic scale in sixths. The listener would perceive the slow moving idea (mm. 23 29) which follows as the second theme, if it were not for its fleeting mysteriousness. It provides a contrast to the majestic themes which opened the movement. The harmonic ambiguities, created by the chromaticism, are very progressive for the Romantic era. This chromatic section is only the beginning of a lengthy transition (mm. 23 40), composed of at least ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Was Leni Riefenstahl A Nazi Sympathizer A Nazi sympathiser is referred to be someone who is a member of the National Socialist German Workers Party and agrees with opinion, and ideology. Since the end of World War II many have debated whether Leni Riefenstahl was truly a Nazi sympathiser, a propagandist, or purely an artist. Through the analyses of the evidence gathered in this case it is clear that Riefenstahl was not a Nazi sympathizer; she purely did what she had to do to survive, just as every other citizen whom lived through Nazi regime period did. Paragraph 1 Leni Riefenstahl was very passionate about all hobbies and career paths she under took. As a film director Riefenstahl claimed to have opposed Hitler s initial demands to direct Victory of Faith and Triumph of the Will . Though this places question on why she hesitated to undertake this task at first. Due to her persistence for what she loved to do which is clearly exemplified in her earlier childhood, this supports the idea that she had a reason to decline. In Source E Riefenstahl does not seem to be pleased or passionate in anyway when shaking hands with Hitler after being referred to as his favourite cinematographer , Riefenstahl body language of lowering her face lightly downwards,... Show more content on ... Riefenstahl, being known to be a part of Hitler s inner circle would have knew what ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Flag Desecration Persuasive Speech Has the burning of the flag change the way we look at people or even more how we look at our own country? As time goes on we find out that flag desecration has been a major problem in our country, which has cause more commotion on how it is not relating to the First Amendment. Both of the common country and of the state will diminish in proportion as respect for the flag is weakened (Goldstein Robert) We can also see why people disagree to this problem and what they are willing to do to stop this referring to the people who have tried to stop this before. Not only that, we, the people have the right to change this, but more than the president. As told Trump wants to make this legal, is that a proper thing to do? Flag Desecration can be stopped... Show more content on ... The country has noticed the change Donald Trump has tried to do which was making this illegal, but can he? This is a quote that Trump had posted on twitter, Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag if they do, there must be consequences perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail! ( Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail) Trump believes this is a problem as well and wants to change it, and he is correct about that, but from other information he cannot over turn this idea because of the three branches all designed to create a check and balance system. From CNN, George Washington had said this quote, If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. (Page 1) George Washington, a before president agreed to the freedom of speech, but how it is being used now it should not happen. It has been taken advantage of and has gotten out of control. This is giving the reason for Trump wanting to make this ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Andromeda Constellation The constellation of Andromeda is pretty interesting. Not only does it share it s name with the galaxy closest to the Milky Way, it is also one of the 48 constellations listed by the Greco Roman astronomer, Ptolemy. It is said that this constellation is ten times the size of Crux, the smallest constellation, and a little over half the size of Hydra, the largest constellation. The brightest of Andromeda s stars, Alpha Andromedae a binary star is also shared by the constellation Pegasus. Andromeda is best viewed in the month of November, North of the 40В° South latitude. The story of Andromeda comes from the Greek tale of Perseus. Cassiopeia was the queen of Ethiopia as well as Andromeda s mother. She liked to brag about how her daughter was ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Animal Testing Should Not Be Wrong Thousands of each species are killed every year against their will due to animal testing. Most people are under the misconception that animal experiments enhance human cures due to the media, experimenters, and universities which exaggerate animals potential and the role they have played in past medical advancements. Researching thoroughly on websites, books, articles and organizations, I will prove the common misconception that animals are needed for human advancement to be incorrect. Animal testingis proven to hurt humans directly and misleading animal experiments causes humans to dispose of cures. Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisoned and abused in US labs every year (11 Facts About Animal Testing, 1) Not only does animal testing affect the animals themselves, it affects humans too. Misleading safety tests in animals, according to the Huffington Post directly hurt humans (Ahktar, The Top Three Ways Animal Experiments Hurt Humans ). In March 2006, six humans volunteered to be injected with TGN 1412, an experimental therapy. This compound was designed to dampen their immune response, but it instead supercharged, which released a cascade of chemicals causing all 6 to be sent to the hospital. Several of the men suffered permanent organ damage. TGN 1412 was tested in mice, rabbits, and monkeys with no ill effects. Even monkeys the species deemed most relevant to humans were tested, with still no manifested ill effects that humans showed within ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Persuader I was once scammed online, by a scammer who I was trying to buy a limited edition virtual card. The thing is when a victim is scammed the first thing he/she would do is blaming the scammer. However, whose fault is it, the persuader or the victim? In order for persuaders to be able to win they must gain people s trust, desire and belief. I believe in processes of gaining those things, persuaders usually lie about certain things to be able to benefit themselves. Who is it to blame if I trusted a doctor who said he/she could cure my cancer from faith healing and prayers and I die? In this case it s the persuader s fault because he/she is faking and lying in order to steal from someone. I think it is the victims/customers responsibility to be... Show more content on ... Of course it is also the victim s fault for being naГЇve and credible. However, I think if you are conned into giving someone $3000 is a crime freely. For example, some people fake as doctors to scam people. They might say something like I could cure your mother s breasts cancer by prayer of course it sounds stupid, but with the desire of the victim, they are likely to be less aware and more credible. The responsibility should be the person who didn t deliver his/her promises. In this case, I believe the persuader is the one responsibility for this case because he is faking/lying who he is and what he promises by faking his identity and could be ruining someone life, happiness and hope. However, I also think the victim should educate themselves or think carefully before trusting. Con artists who prey and victimize others should undoubtedly be punished, but we should encourage people to educate themselves so as to make these crimes. On the other hand salesman who successfully convinces you into buying something is a very similar case, however I think they are less of a crime, because they are not completely faking it, at least they are promising the possible outcome like the protein powder. In this case I think the fault should be more towards the victims because I believe they should know that some salesmen don t even know their products so they lie and exaggerate about their products. Also, they are playing with your brain and your desire. Most salesmen only care about money, which is why they are trying to persuade you. I think victims should educate themselves more because if their products is really good, they wouldn t even need to come to you and persuade to sell. In cases where both victims and persuaders are wrong is something like a teacher offers his/her students bribery, but the teacher keep asking for more money, in this case I ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Public Reason Revisited In The Idea of Public Reason Revisited (1997) Rawles focuses on the concept of public reason, exploring in this particular text how it can fit in the context of our political society full of different overlapping religions, as well as its place in influencing the family when the family is considered as a part of society as a whole. Contentious issues like same sex marriage and abortion help demonstrate clearly the idea of public reason and how it is hard to walk the fine line between being a member of a faith and a citizen of a society. The basic idea of public reason is that because of the innate pluralism present in a society that has so many different religions and philosophies, only generally agreed upon values may be used in determining how a government governs its citizens. It specifies at the deepest ... Show more content on ... At its essence, this means to attempt to work together with others for mutual benefit and Rawles is correct in considering necessary for public discourse. If a member of society is stuck trying to convince others of their particular whole truth , that their whole religion is correct, and view the political landscape as a battleground of good vs. evil, friend vs. foe, then they reject this concept of reciprocity. Ultimately, those who reject...reciprocity will of course reject the very idea of public reason (442). This principal of reciprocity is important to keep in mind when considering contentious issues like same sex marriage or abortion. For many, their beliefs on these issues are greatly influenced by the particular religion or philosophy they follow and have reasons for disagreeing with these practices based on said religion. In order for these people to present their views in a way that can be considered reasonable they must appeal not to their personal religious beliefs but to the broader moral values of society as a ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Self-Realization In The Remains Of The Day There is a form that an ending can take a form far more subtle and yet more powerful than the typical happy ending; the ending of true self realization. Men have an insidious way of deceiving themselves most continue in this self destructive path for their entire lives, but some come to a point where something strikes them, something that turns their constructed worlds upside down, something that forces them to be honest with themselves; only when this something strikes them can they come to a point of true self realization. The main character of The Remains of The Day, Mr. Stevens, is one of them men to whom this self realization comes. In some roundabout way, even during his time of blindness, Mr. Stevens is cognizant of this fact even if he does not see its full implications. The theme of self realization is shown by the character s realization that bantering plays a significant role in the accumulation of human warmth, and by his realization that the waning years of life are often the most enjoyable... Show more content on ... Stevens comes to see that there is a real joy that can be found in the waning years of one s life. As the novel s name implies, the story centers around a man coming to grips with old age at first he is resentful of the limits it puts on him, then he ignores it, then he comes to realize that it is something that can be enjoyed. The evening of one s life is a time of rest a time when the work has been completely finished, a time when whatever burdens one has been carrying around can finally be passed to another. While addressing Mr. Stevens, the man on the pier says: You ve got to enjoy yourself. The evening s the best part of the day. You ve done your day s work. Now you can put you feet up and enjoy it. (Ishiguro 244) This statement rings true in Mr. Stevens mind. He comes to see that there is a real joy in the final relaxation that comes with old age the work has been done and it is time to enjoy the fruits of your ... Get more on ...
  • 25. St. John s University Department Of Athletics St. John s University Department of Athletics Head Coach Contract This CONTRACT is made between St. John s University Department of Athletics (Athletics) and Patrick Carlucci (Head Coach) effective May 18, 2015. Athletics and Head Coach may be collectively referred to as the Parties or Party . The Parties represented promise and agree as follows: 1. EMPLOYMENT TERM Athletics hereby employs Head Coach to perform such duties as head men s soccer coach, a 10 month position (June April). This contract shall be for a term commencing on May 18, 2015 and ending June 30, 2019, unless earlier terminated as set fourth in this Contract. 2. PERFORMANCE Head Coach agrees to serve as the head men s soccer coach according to the ... Show more content on ... Commitment to the academic well being and success of student athletes; E.Supervision and evaluation of assistant coaches, graduate assistants, managers, interns, and volunteers; F.Recruitment of student athletes who demonstrate academic and athletic prowess; G.Responsibility for the fiscal and budgetary management of the SJU Men s Soccer Program; H.Participation in fundraising and promotional events for Athletics and SJU Men s Soccer Program; I.Perform other duties as assigned by the President and Director. 3.COMPENSATION Athletics agrees to pay the Head Coach as compensation for the services performed as the head men s soccer coach a base salary of $80,000 annually, paid in twelve (12) monthly installments on the last day of each month. It is understood that such salary payments are subject to local, state, and federal withholdings, taxes, and retirement contributions. 4.PERFORMANCE INCENTIVES Athletics agrees to pay the following incentive bonuses to Head Coach in the event the men s soccer team achieves academic and athletic competition milestones. Annual Graduation Rate over 85%1 month s additional salary NCAA College Cup Championship3 month s additional salary
  • 26. Team Reaches Final Four of NCAA Tournament2 month s additional salary NCAA Tournament Participation 1 month s additional salary Big East Regular Season Championship1 month s additional ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Unit 506 Understand Child And Young Person Development Unit 506 Understand Child and Young Person Development When looking at and discussing a child s development, you have to remember that all children are different and grow at different rates. Every child will follow the same sequence but they may not necessarily do it at the same time as each other. For example, you could have two, 6 month old babies, 1 could already be able to crawl, and the other 1 may not have mastered it yet and may not until they are a bit older. You must remember that your child is an individual and not group him with another child and expect him/her to reach the milestones at the same time. It is important also that a parent/carer, teacher etc., know the expected sequence a child follows, so they can tell if a child is falling way behind and they may need to intervene to help them along. Many skills and areas of development overlap. A child will not be able to learn a physical skill without the development of their cognitive, social and communication skills as well. The areas of development may be separated but it is important to remember that they do not work on their own but together. The aspects of development are: * Physical * Communication and Language * Cognitive/intellectual * Social * Emotional * Behavioural * Moral Source: Burnham, Baker 2010, Supporting Teaching and Learning, pg150 Physical Development Physical is the development of the gross motor skills and the fine motor skills. It is an important area of the overall development of a ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Global Pursuit Of Economic Development Since The End... In Global Political Economy, Chapter 11 discusses the global pursuit of economic development since the end of the Second World War (219). In a nutshell, this analysis involves the account and summary of some of the information that has been previously presented in earlier chapters of this book. Mainly, the process of industrialization in Great Britain as well as the United States is noted in the introduction to the chapter. Afterwards, the authors proceed to define the term development using quotes and statements from a few other authors. But, the central idea of development, no matter how the definition may be worded, takes into account the themes of process and condition, or the change of condition. In addition, when regarding the immediate era after the war, development relied on economic growth of a country measured by its Gross National Product (GNP) (221). The Gross National Product, according to Encyclopedia Britannica, is the total market value of the final goods and services produced by a nation s economy during a specific period of time (usually a year), computed before allowance is made for the depreciation or consumption of capital used in the process of production (Encyclopedia Britannica). The timeline of development for countries worldwide after WWII is then clarified. Many nations were considered underdeveloped , backward , or most commonly Third World . Eventually, countries in the southern hemisphere became known as the Global South , identifying ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Fires of Jubilee The Fires of Jubilee This book by Stephen B. Oates describes a sad and tragic story about a man named Nat Turner who was born into slavery and his fight to be free. Ironically, his willingness to do anything, even kill, to gain his freedom leads to his own demise. From the title of this book, #8220;The Fires of Jubilee, #8221; a reader can truly grasp the concept that there is trouble, chaos, and mayhem brewing in the month of August. This story was not only riveting, but also one that kept me on my heels for almost the entire time that I was reading it. Stephen B. Oates, a prize winning author of thirteen books and more then seventy articles, is currently a professor of history at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.... Show more content on ... After the rebellion and the death of Nat Turner, Garrison and Knapp, whom believed that Negroes had as much to the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as whites enjoyed, published the #8220;Liberator #8221; in Boston, demanding that slaves be emancipated and freed. Though it cannot be said with certainty that this was the one major event that sparked the freeing of slaves of everywhere in the United States, but is without a doubt an important aspect in opening the eyes of the American people about the concept of slavery. As I would really not consider #8220;The Fires of Jubilee #8221; a true reference guide to American history, I would consider this to be a good reference for understanding how detrimental and harmful racism can be. After all, that was what the Civil Rights was fought for, to gain the freedom of slaves all across the nation, to try and give them back what whites had taken from them for so long, something in which they had taken for granted. In a sense, this story about Nat #8217;s quest for freedom correlates with the concept of probably the most important event in American history, the Revolutionary War. The theme of the book seems to be the #8220;fighting for independence. #8221; Was that not what the people of this country fought the Revolutionary War for? It is hard for me to grasp the concept that the people of the United States, who were willing, and did, go to war to gain their freedom and declare their ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Analysis Of Happiness Is A Warm Gun Fast forward three years and it is easy to see what dramatic change came about in The Beatles style. In 1968 The Beatles released their White Album. This album took them into a transcendental era of the psychedelic movement, where drug fueled experimentation with heavy beats and intense topics became the focus of their music. Happiness Is A Warm Gun is a musical masterpiece that combined The Beatles new found music style, edgy, risky lyrics, and an underlying undertone that many viewed as inappropriate for the public audience. The song opens musically with only a guitar playing a riff behind the vocals. The song sounds to be in C major, but the opening sounds to be in a minor key. This song seems like it is three different songs woven together through intense beats and time signature changes. The beginning is 4/4 but changes to 3/4 and 2/4 throughout the songs entirety. If I separated the song into three parts, different tempos and instruments can be heard. In the beginning, only a guitar plays, followed by drums and short chord strikes to create a chopping noise. The second part, characterized by the tempo change and an intense guitar solo, adds a new percussion sound through the slashing of cymbals and deliberate pedal stomps. The third part shows another signature change back to 4/4 and a milder use of the cymbal, while still maintaining the chord chops. The riff from the introduction is maintained throughout the whole song. A syncopated melody can be heard ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Compare And Contrast Bartleby And Frankenstein Naturalism, a literary movement from the 1880s to 1930s, uses detailed realism to highlight the effect of social conditions on human character. Elements of this genre of literature accentuate the work of famous writers: such as Herman Melville and Stephen Crane. The authors literary works highlight the lack of humancompassion by exposing their protagonists to social dilemmas. In Herman Melvilles story, Bartleby , the author encapsulates the realities that underlie human responsibility to help others in need. On the other hand, Stephen Cranes novel, The Monster, emphasizes the struggle of a man rejected from society despite his kind actions. Moreover, the rhetorical similarities that capture the essence of naturalism in both texts include... Show more content on ... To begin with, Bartleby is the protagonist of Melville s story and he was a scrivener, the strangest [one] ever saw (3). He looks like a cadaverously gentleman (16), yet he wasn t ordinarily humane (10). His physical appearance symbolizes the image of someone who exhibits emotional coldness and inhuman remoteness. In other words, he is alive but dead on the inside. Furthermore, another central symbol of the novel is the office. In this environment, restricted relationships among employees are evident. Hence, Bartleby appears as a prisoner of his own thoughts. He chose to isolate himself, despite having people around him. This demonstrates the lack of personal interactions in his work environment. The narrator, the employer of Bartleby, cares about the protagonist because he doesn t want to feel guilty. He mentions that befriend[ing] Bartleby will cost [him] little or nothing while at the same time he can lay up in [his] soul what would prove a sweet morsel for [his] conscience (13). Moreover, this symbol of the office captures the essence of egoism. The narrator acts kindly towards Bartleby to soothe his conscience, not because a human being was mentally and physically in pain. Bartleby, judged on his corpse like appearance and robotic actions, experienced apathetic responses that demonstrate how those around him never attempted to genuinely help him. Consequently, the lack of human compassion to help others demonstrates the inability to look consider the emotions of an individual that is ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Comparing Harold And Ana In Stranger Than Fiction Harold and Ana are portrayed as an unlikely couple and their odd relationship is revealed through the use of film techniques. These people are both characters from Marc Forster s stranger than fiction film. The director used techniques such as colour, symbols and body language to show the difference between the two and the unlikeliness of their relationship. Ana and Harold are both associated with their own distinct colours that help show the audience who they are and highlight their differences. The pair seems like an unlikely couple because the colours that represent them show very different things about their personalities and that they are very different people. Ana is shown often in a red setting, and red is incorporated into her clothes and tattoos. The colour signifies passion and danger, Harold the opposite. He is often seen around blue, the colour associated with coldness. As the film progresses Harold begins to be with other colours, like red. When Harold decides that he wants Ana he is wearing a red sweater, the colours that define him change when he realises that he wants to be with her. The ... Show more content on ... Ana surrounds herself with circles, the shapes in her house, bakery and on her tattoo are rounded and circular. The shape has no edges or corners; it signifies infinity and the circle of life. It is flexible and exists within itself, this shows you how Ana chooses to live her life, facing her fears with no corners to hide in, showing off everything that she is made of. Harold is very often found around boxes and squares or rectangular shapes, it makes Harold look boxed in and confided. The two are shown to be very different though the use of symbols but eventually Harold is seen with more circles in his surroundings once he becomes closer with Ana. The different body language the two uses also develop the unlikelyness that they would be ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Comparing Manson And Harris Klebold While many people would easily agree that music is an art form that comes from the emotional complexity and passions of human beings, Aristotle s truth that music that rouses ignoble passions distorts a person s character is debatable. The claim that the wrong kind of music makes the wrong kind of person, and the right kind tends to make the right kind of person is a paradoxical statement that changes meaning and credibility depending on the reader s perspective. While morality has been an integral part of religious music throughout history, there is no direct correlation that a person s listening choices reflect their personal belief structures or that the mental health or character of the listener is defined by their choice of music... Show more content on ... One of the most well known examples is that of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold s preference for industrial/metal artists such as Nine Inch Nails, Rammstein, KMFDM, and Marilyn Manson. Harris and Klebold were the two American high school students who committed the Columbine High School massacre which killed 13 people, injured 24 and ended in both Harris and Klebold s suicides. In the wake of the shooting, Marilyn Manson was heavily targeted in the media and by groups such as Citizens for Peace and Respect (an organization consisting of Columbine locals, families, and church groups) for his music s corrupting influence on America s youth. When asked what he would say to the two boys in Michael Moore s documentary about gun control Bowling for Columbine, Manson stated, I wouldn t say a single word to them I would listen to what they have to say, and that s what no one did. In subsequent interviews, Manson claimed that his lyrics are often misinterpreted and that they encourage people to help process and get through suicidal or depressive thoughts. He maintains that his music promotes not being afraid to be different and for listeners to challenge societal views and norms. In the aftermath of the media circus surrounding the Columbine high school shooting it was discovered that neither Harris nor Klebold were actually fans of Manson s music at all. Although it is not apropos to this writing, Manson did pen a rebuttal to the backlash via Rolling Stone that chronicled other musical artists that had been blamed for bad behavior throughout the years and is worth a read ( In the end however, it shows ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Effectiveness of Octavian in Enlisting Senatorial... The Effectiveness of Octavian in Enlisting Senatorial Support for his New Administration in the Period 30 to 19 BC. Octavian was the son of Gaius Octavius, a senator, but was the adopted son of Julius Caesar. Essentially Octavian, or Augustus as he became known as in 27BC, was a conservative republican. This is shown by Res Gestae Divi Augusti (literally the achievements of the Divine August ) paragraph 8: I brought back into use many exemplary practises of our ancestors which were disappearing in our time. And also by Suetonius The Twelve Caesars, Augustus, chapter 93: Augustus showed great respect to all ancient and long established foreign rites. The Republican system was based on a ... Show more content on ... However Octavian did not realise this at first and he illegally created himself consul: At the age of 19 he created himself consul, marched on Romeas if it were an enemy city ... to demand that the appointment [of consul] should be confirmed. When the Senate hesitated to obey ... a centurion ... displayed the hilt of his sword and boldly said If you do not make him consul, this will! (Suetonius 26). But how were these aims to fit into the fact that Octavian wanted to remain in power, and not be too obvious about this fact? Following the death of Julius Caesar, on the 27th of November in 43BC Titius, a tribune passed the lex titia in the tribunal assembly. This was a law appointing Anthony, Lepidus and Octavian triumvirs for 5 years, but this time could be lengthened. This was the technique of a populares, rather than being passed by the Senate and being Optimates. The Triumvirs were clever in the fact that they did not advertise the unconstitutional position of dictator. The leader of the three men to rule was Antony a leading Caesarean and so therefore a populares. The constitutional position stood against the ideals of the Roman Republic and therefore brought an end to the Roman Republic. This was unacceptable from the point of view of a conservative republican senator. They immediately set to work getting ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Between The Lines Of Beowulf Between the Lines of Beowulf Epic poems date back to the early years Before Christ, some even as far into the past as 2100 Before Christ. The original unknown author of Beowulf writes in the Old English language and illustrates medieval times in stunning detail. Burton Raffel credibly translates ancient works of literature into a legible dialect of today s society, while obtaining many of the literary elements used in the original pieces of writing. Readers regard Beowulfas the mother poem of England. This recognition only increases the significance of Beowulf, the actual character, as an epic hero. The poem itself reflects on the Anglo Saxon way of life, and establishes great differences from today s society. Like most pieces of literature... Show more content on ... Lines 36 37 enhance the sound of the poem: He slipped through the door and there in the silence / Snatched up thirty men, smashed them... Without many other forms of entertainment, during the era of the Anglo Saxons, bards memorized thousands of lines of poems; the alliteration within Beowulf satisfies the listener. During Beowulf s battle with the dragon, the writer establishes that for the first time in his life that famous prince / Fought with fate against him (l. 723 24). The repetition of the f sound amuses the readers once again. Within the original poem written in Old English every line of the poem contained four beats. The Old English version of Beowulf also contained a pause within most lines; poets refer to this pause as a caesura. When Beowulf is rebutting Unferth s false statements, he creates a caesura: You murdered your brothers, / Your own close kin. Words and bright wit / Won t help your soul; you ll suffer hell s fires, / Unferth, forever tormented (l. 320 23). The location of the pauses within this particular caesura produce great emotion, yet the lines contain extremely simple phrases. In addition to caesuras, Beowulf embodies a countless amount of kennings. Grendel acquires an abundance of kennings throughout the poem. The writer refers to Grendel as: That shadow of death (l. 74), or That shepherd of evil, guardian of crime (l. 432). The writer ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Impressionism And Post Impressionism Nicole Hagias Term Paper Art History Renaissance Present November 29th, 2017 Analyzing Impressionism Impressionists were seen as artists who were challenging normal and accepted concepts of color and light. Impressionism got its start when certain painters started to use more natural methods of painting and lighting their work, really straying from the traditional rules of academic painting and art. In 1874, a group of artists called the Anonymous Society of Painters, Sculptors, Printmakers, etc. put together an exhibit in Paris, France(4). Subsequently starting the movement which we know today as Impressionism. Its founding members included Claude Monet, and Edgar Degas among others. The group was unified and brought together only by its independence from the official annual Salon (the Salon was the official art exhibition of the AcadГ©mie des Beaux Arts in Paris. The salon considered to be the greatest annual art event in the Western world beginning in 1667) (2). While many conservative critics disapproved of their work for its unfinished and sketch like appearance, more progressive writers and critics praised it for its depiction of modern life and enjoyed it for its contemporary subject matter with an innovative, new and different style calling attention to it by calling it a revolution in modern painting (3) . To further on the style and history of Impressionism and post impressionism I will be discussing three works of art exhibiting the unique ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Turabian Style Kate L. Turabian s Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations presents two basic documentation systems: notes bibliography style (or simply bibliography style) and author date style (sometimes called reference list style). These styles are essentially the same as those presented in The Chicago Manual of Style, sixteenth edition, with slight modifications for the needs of student writers. Book Okuda, Michael, and Denise Okuda. 1993. Star trek chronology: The history of the future. New York: Pocket Books. Journal Article Wilcox, Rhonda V. 1991. Shifting roles and synthetic women in Star trek: The next generation. Studies in Popular Culture 13 (June): 53 65. Newspaper or... Show more content on ... Closing cycles, shutting doors, ending chapters whatever name we give it, what matters is to leave in the past the moments of life that have finished. Did you lose your job? Has a loving relationship come to an end? Did you leave your parents house? Gone to live abroad? Has a long lasting friendship ended all of a sudden? You can spend a long time wondering why this has happened. You can tell yourself you won t take another step until you find out why certain things that were so important and so solid in your life have turned into dust, just like that. But such an attitude will be awfully stressing for everyone involved: your parents, your husband or wife, your friends, your children, your sister. Everyone is finishing chapters, turning over new leaves, getting on with life, and they will all feel bad seeing you at a standstill. Things pass, and the best we can do is to let them really go away. That is why it is so important (however painful it may be!) to destroy souvenirs, move, give lots of things away to orphanages, sell or donate the books you have at home. Everything in this visible world is a manifestation of the invisible world, of what is going on in our hearts and getting rid of certain memories also means making some room for other memories to take their place. Let things go. Release them. Detach yourself from them. Nobody plays this life ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Jasper Jones Friendship Quotes Friendships are important to keep you going in life In Australia 1965 the Vietnamese war was going on and there was a lot of corruption in the country as people were going off to war. As Corrigan was described in the novel Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey it may seem like a city in which friendships are very hard to form. The author tells us how everyone in the town lies and how people didn t trust each other a lot. There are two friendships that author focuses on; Jeffrey and Charlie, and Laura and Jasper. In the novel Craig describes how friends are important and how lives of these characters would be much different without these friendships. In life sometimes friday can be the only thing keeping you going forward, even if they know ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Hawthorne Romanticism Nathaniel Hawthorne was born on the 4th of July, 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts to Nathaniel and Elizabeth Clark Hathorne (Manning). He was an American writer who specialized in writing short stories and romance novels. Among his many works are, The Scarlet Letter, The House of Seven Gables, and Young Goodman Brown. Just like the works of Herman Melville and Edgar Allan Poe, much of Hawthorne s works laid emphasis on the imperfect nature of human beings. The imperfect nature of humans, he believed, was responsible for the tendency for men and women of good hearts to commit sin and fall into despicable situations. Hawthorne s works can be classified as a sub genre of Dark Romanticism, which highlights the unintended consequences and complications that arise from well meaning efforts of people at making the society a better place to live.... Show more content on ... Before Hawthorne, literature was considered a major tool used to elevate the human spirit. However, according to Henry James (an American writer who moved to England and became a British subject), what most appealed to Hawthorne s imagination was the old secret of mankind in general... the secret that we are really not by any means so good as a well regulated society requires us to appear. According to of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, civilization requires people to suppress and deny their aggressive and sexual impulses, which leads to inner conflict, guilt, and in some individuals to neurosis and psychosis. This is the area of human consciousness that Hawthorne explored even before Freud was even born. Hawthorne approached this topic in a guarded way, which is the reason why his works are so full of allegory and symbolism. However, some of his predecessors like Stephen King had no such reservations in his style of ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Socrates vs Protagoras Philosophy Socrates a sophist? Or just sophisticated? Plato goes a long way in attempting to distinguish Socrates from the likes of Protagoras, a self admitted sophist. In Protagoras, Socrates is depicted as a street smart, wisdom dispensing young man, brash with confidence and a bit of arrogance that goes a long way when confronted with the old school rhetoric of Protagoras. Plato begins to separate the two at the hip right from the get go. The dialogue between Socrates and his inquisitive friend Hippocrates went a long way to show that Socrates had more questions than answers about Protagoras, the sophist, especially when it came to talk about what it is exactly that he offers. Socrates companion is eager to hear the words of ... Show more content on ... He preferred those who wish to learn from him, to come to him. The other sophist of the times traveled through the towns teaching anyone at arms length, a method that was in much higher danger of criticism than the one adopted by Protagoras. A sophist would speak, a sophist would teach, a sophist would use language and words to manipulate a situation to fit his point. A sophist would engulf you in his words and make the impossible seem possible. A sophist would share his views on the world, life, and the future with you; he would make you see the light of day even if it was night. A sophist was a wise man who had the gift of gab, the ability to influence, the ability to sway, the ability to teach the young how to be better speakers. All of the qualities that Socrates claimed he did not possess. Socrates was depicted as a clever man, yet one who never taught, never persuaded, never tried to make his thoughts shared by others. He was not a sophist, not a teacher, not a wise man . A wise man knows that he knows nothing . Socrates always spoke of the fact that he was not a sophist because he was only out for the truth. He never wanted you to believe his words just because they came out of his mouth, he only asked the questions that were necessary to draw out the map to the truth buried down below the layers of rhetoric. ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Ddg-1000 DDG 1000, Bringing the New Age of Naval Technology The future of warfare and intelligence is upon the american people today, and it is appears to be the size of a small fishing boat. Massive yet small, the DDG 1000 Zumwalt class stealth destroyer is cutting through naval regularity with innovative new offensive, stealth, and information technology. The Zumwalt will be known as the harbinger of technology and innovation in the upcoming years. Just as gunpowder and the machinegun have changed warfare forever,the Zumwalt marks the beginning of a new era. At first sight the DDG 1000 looks less like a destroyerand more like a low poly submarine vessel thanks to its unique tumblehome hull. The angular shape of the destroyer gives it a sonar... Show more content on ... The LaWS uses a series of concentrated light beams in order to target, blind, and destroy missiles, UAVs, and small watercraft. Unlike older, conventional, weapons the LaWS is renowned for it s concentrated area of effect which will greatly reduce the amount of collateral damage seen on the battlefield, saving countless lives. With a LaWS augment the Zumwalt class destroyer will save millions, if not billions of dollars through its significantly lower cost to operate compared to traditional missiles. A missile needs to be paid for to build, transport, arm, and maintained while the LaWS only requires the electrical energy to fire for a few seconds to complete the same task as a missile. The LaWS also holds a variety of modes to fill almost any task at hand. At a low power setting the laser can be used to warn and ward off enemy or civilian ships with a beam powerful enough to blind sailors or malcontents to cease their current actions and turn about. With slightly higher amounts of power, the LaWS can fry electronics and disable targeting, navigation, and video systems on board enemy crafts or missiles. On it s highest setting the LaWS is capable of downing helicopters and remotely piloted aircraft in a matter of seconds by burning through their outer plating and destroying engines or ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Thurgood Marshall s Influence On The United States Thurgood Marshall was a man who cared a lot about the law. Marshall believed that the law could fix most if not all problems. Marshall wanted equality for all citizens. In his life he strived for equality, especially for colored people and whites. I believe that Thurgood Marshall s greatest influence on the United Stateswas him fighting for rights to not be segregated. Marshall fought to be able to be in the same room as whites along with other things being taken away from colored people. Marshall being colored himself knew a lot about being segregated from the whites. He influenced the people of the United States by telling them that they shouldn t allow segregation any more. Marshall said In recognizing the humanity of our fellow ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Hull House Labor Museum Hull House was a place for the poor to settle and have a relaxed time from work or the struggle. The house provided child care, basic health care and classes for the poor (Presentation 10/5). Lumbering our minds with literature that only served to cloud the really vital situation spread before our eyes (Addams, pg. 71). Addams believed learningunneccessary skills in college like literature represents educationlosing its value in the society. Addams focused on acquiring skills that could be used in vital situations. The House was used to improve the conditions in the communities for poor and learn domestic and educational skills to be used in their daily lives. There were many activities for people of all ages. The Hull House Labor Museum... Show more content on ... It was not only the new ideas of what made the settlement house a success. Addams and her colleagues lived among the poor in the settlement houses. It was a way to fully understand how the other half lives, learn from them by experiencing how they live in the communities. Addams visited Toynbee Hall which taught her to discover the life of the poor and have a first hand account and understand the daily activity. (Addams, pg.78) The nursery provided care to the children while parents were working and poor women, who are dealing with unsupportive husbands. (Addams, pg.111) With the safety of the children, factory condition were unsafe for children to be working there. There was one boy that was injured from a machine in a factory , which led to his death. The factories acted in such carelessness as they replaced the child with another worker. Illinois State Bureau of Labor was investigated the child labor in the factories. The Factory Laws of Illinois regulated the sanitary conditions of sweatshops and fixing the age to begin working at 14(Addams, pg. 123). The Juvenile Protective Association was created to protect the children in the city and improve the conditions affecting their lives.The association communicated with other associations to stop the sale of liquor and tobacco to minors. (pg. 168) In public health measures, the workers of the house created a small incinerator to reduce the garbage problem in the city. An investigation began to garbage collection as it was suspected that buildup of garbage led to the rising death rates (Addams, ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Using Denotative And Connotative Meanings Using Denotative and Connotative Meanings The Lesson Activities will help you meet these educational goals: 21st Century Skills You will apply use critical thinking and problem solving skills, collaborate with others, and communicate effectively. Directions Please save this document before you begin working on the assignment. Type your answers directly in the document. _________________________________________________________________________ Self Checked Activities Read the instructions for the following activities and type in your responses. Click the link to the Student Answer Sheet at the end of the lesson. Use the answers or sample responses to evaluate your own work. 1. Identifying Denotative and Connotative Meanings a.... Show more content on ... vity 1: Effect of Connotative Meanings Criteria Distinguished (4 points) Demonstrates a sound understanding of words using denotative and connotative meanings Provides answers that are very well developed and uniquely creative Consistently identifies denotative and connotative meanings Accurately determines the effect that was being aimed for Accurately analyzes the overall effect and emotional response of Reagan s speech Proficient (3 points) Demonstrates an understanding of words using denotative and connotative meanings Provides answers that are well developed and creative Generally identifies denotative and connotative meanings in each case Correctly determines the effect that was being aimed for Correctly analyzes the overall effect and emotional response of Reagan s speech Developing (2 points) Demonstrates a rough understanding of words using denotative and connotative meanings Provides answers that are somewhat developed and reflect an attempt to be creative Sometimes identifies denotative and connotative meanings Roughly determines the effect that was being aimed for Roughly analyzes the overall effect and emotional response of Reagan s speech Beginning (1 point) Demonstrates a flawed understanding of words using denotative and connotative meanings Provides answers that are not well constructed or creative Does not identify denotative and connotative meanings correctly Vaguely or incorrectly determines the effect that was being aimed for Vague or incorrectly ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Apple Commercial Research Paper Apple Commercials What comes to people s mind when they hear the word Apple ? First thing they will think of is iPhone, that s how popular Apple company is. Even though Apple products are trendy and famous nowadays, they still need to let people know how good their product is. To be able to achieve that, they advertise their product through television, social media, and many more. Apple was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne on April 1, 1976. iPhone7, Apple watch series 2, and Mac Book Pro are the three new and improved products of Apple. iPhone 7 significantly enhances the most important parts of the iPhone experience. It introduces progressed new camera systems. The best battery life ever in an iPhone. Immersive stereo ... Show more content on ... They can use their iPhone for a quick photo for their schedule this week. Young women can use Apple Watch Series 2 for just incase they left their smartphone somewhere, they will still be able to receive important calls and text messages. Also, Mac Book Pro can help young women finish all the assessments they need to accomplish even though they are not in school. They can do it anywhere because Mac Book Pro is easy to carry and portable. Since Apple company will still be attracting young women, I think that these young women will continue their values, priorities, and fears. Women appreciate Apple products and they keep in mind how helpful it is to them. Young women s priorities will always be their studies first. They wanted to graduate college, and Apple products made the process easier. I can see that Apple Company will change in the next few years when it comes to their product s prices. The first thing that a customer will check whenever they are buying a product is its price. The price of a gadget must fit in his or her ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Social Conflict and Inequality Essay Social Conflict and Inequality The social conflict paradigm is a theory based on society being a complex system characterized by inequality and conflict that generate social change. Personal life experiences dictate me to believe this theory is true. Discussion of the theory in question and how it pertains to myself will be covered in the paper. Social conflict can be seen all over the world we live in: in sports, politics and normal social engagements. The main point I have experienced with this theory would be the fact that I don t come from a rich, powerful, and prestigious family, which in turn limits my chances of being successful. Karl Marx studied social conflict His entire life and wanted to reduce social inequality. The social ... Show more content on ... The majority of blacks are not given the same opportunities as whites partially due to the fact that they are fighting an uphill battle. Just like coming from a poor family a colored person would lose out in a battle over a job to a white person more often than not. Thus the social conflict theory is proven by the way society runs. Social conflict has affected myself in the way that since I do not come from a rich family background I need to work much harder to achieve my goals than I would if I did come from a rich background. My eyes see social conflict when I hear about people from rich backgrounds that don t have to work while in school, which frees up more time and makes it easier to concentrate on grades. This can lead to a more prestigious college, which then leads to a more prestigious job. I don t have this advantage so I have to work my way thorough school. This disadvantage leads to less time to put into work, which means lower grades. My situation of managing to work forty hours a week and taking full time classes is tough; whereas if I was from a powerful family I would not have to deal with the burden of working and would be able to concentrate on my studies more. Social conflict also tells me that I am better off than others who aren t even able to attend college due to their backgrounds. A lot of people upon leaving high school have to jump in the work force right away and support their families. This makes it hard to change their ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Walmart Is Bad Walmart Walmart is a huge retail chain in the United States. It is giving consumers more choices than its competitors at a relatively low prices. Prior to its arrival the other retail business k mart, target, and other small retail stores in United States especially in small towns and cities were serving communities. After Walmart arrival the chain prevailed everywhere, as it is said about it, it came, it conquer. About Walmart, mostly people I met, have positive and negative thoughts. People think that Walmart ruined other businesses, other say, that Walmart become a kind of habit for them. Business week described the Walmart effect in a cover story, as corporations cost efficiency that has contributed to economy wide productivity gains ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Essay about Argentina and the IMF Argentina, the IMF, and the WTO In 1999, over 40,000 people came to protest in the streets outside the Seattle Conference Center, where the delegates from the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) came to Seattle to discuss new international trade agreements. Many came to protest not only against the WTO and the IMF, but also against globalization itself; Thousands were protesting for anti globalization because of increasing concerns that certain trade and investment measures were encroaching on national sovereignty. Everyone feared that too much power was being centralized into organizations like the WTO and the IMF. Other reasons included the widening gap between the rich and the poor; the creation of ... Show more content on ... There is no definite answer as to why Argentina went into such an economic crisis, but looking at its tumultuous history gives clues and possible causes that could have contributed. When Argentina first gained independence from Spain, all of the provinces fought each other until a very tenuous democracy was formed in 1860. Along with a considerably shaky government, economic policies generally caused more harm than good. At the time budget deficits were handled by printing more money, so inflation was a constant issue that still continues to affect Argentina to this day. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, Argentina s economy began to increase, due to rising exports of beef and wheat to Europe, made possible by the new technologies of railroads and refrigerator ships. During the 1930s, when Argentina was going through difficulties with its trading partners, it switched its economy to an import substitution economy a largely closed, self sufficient economy, with high tariffs and extensive government direction. This made the exchange rates become highly overvalued, which led to a lot of importation, but not enough exportation to balance out the debt. There was low economic growth and even more frequent inflation; percentage wise, inflation was in the triple digits from 1975 on. However, in 1989, Carlos Menem became president, and ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Social Workers And Substance Abuse Field of Practice Social workers who work in the area of substance abuse concentrates on specific clients that have an addiction problem and those who are abusing different drug substances. Social workers who are working and dealing with cases of substance abuse can help clients on their journey to rehabilitation by being supportive, offering encouragement, and making the path to restoration a slightly easier. Social workers in this field use their knowledge and abilities to comprehend the needs of the client in relation to their substance abuse problems. The social worker measures the client to understand the severity of the substance abuse in order to know how to deal with the client. Social workers experienced in substance misuse and addiction often work as part of a team with other specialists, particularly licensed alcohol and drug therapists, doctors, and nurses. The NASW states that, Many states require alcohol and drug certification in order to work in concentrated dependence treatment settings ( The NASW provides a general overview on how social workers practice in the field of substance abuse and their goals. The National Association of Social Workers states that, By developing and pertaining evidence informed methods that include proven interventions and evolving procedures based on developing research findings, social workers can evidently improve treatment amenities for clients and their families. This methodology to service delivery demands that ... Get more on ...
  • 50. The Worst Mountain Accident In The History Of Everest Summary Summary It is the worst mountain accident in the history of Everest. Rob Hall and Scott Fischer, who were professional mountaineers, each of them had established commercial climbing companies named Adventure Consultant for Hall, Mountain Madness for Fischer. They had plenty experiences of climbing 8000ers mountains, and both of them had fully confidence about coming back from Mount Everest. In 1996, the two teams guided amateur climbers who participated by paying a large amount of participation fee, and took them to the summit of Mount Everest. The two leaders were veterans of climbing many of highest mountains, therefore their expenditures were not only sponsored by participants but also funds from sponsors. All clients knew each other ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Joy In The Bluest Eye Essay Here is the truth. It is black and white. The ugliness of her environment personified in her face. Press has evolved from educating the masses to publicizing for capitalism. Wright, J. C., Huston s study concludes between the ages of 2 5 children are most affected by the content of television across ethnic, economic, and gender backgrounds. The power mediahas over the society is evident. Most vividly, media skews what is believed to be joy and beauty. Joy is extended pleasure, but with time, joy can bring pain. Zadie Smiths Joy details her navigate through life as she finds pleasure in the small things, but ultimately finds joy in the larger aspects of her life. Joy is living and understanding the beauty of life. Mass, popularized media has miss defined what is joy and beauty. Peculiar Pecula was bounded by the society s romanticism for white skin and blue eyes. In The Bluest Eyeby Toni Morrison, Pecula believes if she s granted blue eyes she will be beautiful. Media influences the youth. Pecula is a poor Black girl existing in the height of the segregated and violent USA. ... Show more content on ... Media, society s outlet, is a drug (like poppy seeds). Like poppy seeds, media is often dark and very selective. It is from Pecula s blackness that society has taken its own opiate, so media settles only for the singular blonde hair blue eyed person. Pecula survived a reality most would have ended. Her persistence has gotten her to the end. Pleasure is a temporary good with little consequence and ill intention. In the field of poppy, Pecula is awake and wishes to assimilate into a culture that does not welcome those who are awake. Zadie Smith and Pecula both found joy despite the distractions and the temptations that pleasure possesses. There are many things that cannot be changed, but it is important that boundaries are constantly being pushed. Individuals should persist to challenge the status que, so all can have a fair chance to live a joyful ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Employees In A Works Council Works councils are expensive and put responsibility on the employer to keep up with the costs that are associated with the works council. (Befort, 2004). Employees who are members of a works council are still paid their normal wages, even if they are partaking in works council meetings. Members of works councils are required to partake in additional training and apprenticeships which the employer is responsible for these costs (Hubler, 2015). It was found that companies that have a works council have incurred more net costs associated with training than companies without a works council (Hubler, 2015). Works councils may cause too much employee power in larger union industries like auto industry and fast food and cause demands for large ... Get more on ...
  • 53. The Greater Grand Forks Community Service And Restitution... The Greater Grand Forks Community Service and Restitution Program is an essential resource to the criminal justice community in the Grand Forks area. The mission statement of the CSRP affirms that the program was designed in order to evaluate the risks and needs of the offender in order to safely place offenders within Grand Forks and the surrounding communities to work community service as not only a benefit to the public but to also provide offenders with an opportunity to exhibit reparation and compensation for the crimes they have committed and act as a deterrent to future criminal acts. The goal of this program is for the Grand Forks community to benefit while the offender works to pay off their debt to society. The objectives of the... Show more content on ... The judgments received by this office provide details of what the client was charged with, how many hours of community service was sentenced in lieu of jail time and how long the client has to complete the set number of hours. If the offender was sentenced in District or Municipal court the offender is responsible for making contact with the CSRP office within 48 hours of sentencing. Upon, receiving a judgment and once the offender makes contact, the CSRP initiates an interview to obtain information about the offenders criminal history and other relevant information needed in order to assess the risks and needs of the offender. All of the information acquired at this interview is then inputted into a database and used for monitoring purposes and work site placement. The CSRP maintains a list of appropriate community service work site options that include the phone number, address, hours of operation and contact names for work site supervisors. Each client receives several different work site options and is provided with their required deadline dates upon placement. It is up to the client as to whether they wish to work at one or all of the options provided to them. The sites the CSRP works with take only certain offenders depending on the type of business, and the cliental that business acquires. Obtaining accurate and useful information is key for placing offenders in appropriate work site ... Get more on ...
  • 54. The Labor Force In Mr. Wonka s Charlie And The Chocolate... The publication of the 1964 storyline of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory associates to the politics and history of the United Kingdom. During this time, the labor force in the story directly relates to the labor anxieties expressed in the UK. According to Robert Miles and Annie Phizacklea, the British Nationality Act of 1948 released the labor market and British citizenship to the New Commonwealth, men and women from the Caribbean and the Indian sub continent who came to sell their labor power for a wage in British factories (Miles Phizacklea 1984). Once these men and women arrived, they were instantaneously assumed as low grade, separated from the white and there human appearance was questioned. Therefore, the men and women were later called the domestic class in the British Empire, within the primary fragments of the slave trade. This relates to the story that Grandpa Joe tells in the 1964 book. He states then one day, all of a sudden, Mr. Wonka had to ask every single one of them to leave, to go home, never to come back (Dahl 19). Grandpa Joe then says, the factory opened again however, nobody...ever...comes...out and nobody...ever... goes... (Dahl 17). He explains the rising and falling of the factory and how Wonka fires his entire staff, rebuilds his chocolate factory with hidden workers, the Oompa Loompas. Wonka explains his compassionate reasoning for containing a population of 3000 black men, women and children, when telling the tale of the Oompa Loompas. By using a ... Get more on ...
  • 55. Obesity Is The Main Problem All Over The World In this modern era, Obesity is the main problem all over the world. Obesity is cause of increasing so many diseases in all stages of human life. Some types of foods and the Environment is also responsible for that. In this technological world, human replaces with machines which makes adversely effect on human health. People mostly depend on technologies and becoming lazy. Some people think that obesity is major health problem these days due to plenty of reasons. One the other hand, most of the people are against for that. According to French sociologist, philosopher, cultural theorist, political commentator, and photographer Jean Braudrillard, The obese is in a total delirium. For he is not only large, of a size opposed to normal... Show more content on ... There are a number of reasons why people become obese and many solutions to decrease obesity. Further, Junk foods and fast foods are main causes to increase obesity. Some parents do not know they kill their child by giving them junk food, because they do not know how to cook so just buy junk food. Although junk food is easier than cook, but a plenty of child become obese from junk food. Some companies wants to have a good business and put into too much sugar of food that they made, because nature taste not everybody like. From that, they say welcome to obesity, increase laziness and they also suffer from much type of diseases in their life. In fast foods the percentage of Cholesterol is very high, so it s create many problems like high blood pressure, diabetes. According to American journalists and author Katie Couric, In 1980 zero kids had been diagnosed with type 2 0diabetes. It used to be considered adult onset diabetes. And then by 2010 it was close to 57,000. For instance, some people eat daily fast foods from Hungry Jacks, Mc Donald s and some other Restaurants so these big organisations are responsible for obesity because these companies foods are not healthy. On other words excess use of electronic devices like, computers, video games, remote controls, washing machines, is also causing obesity in peoples. In this western era most of people are accepting the sitting lifestyle. Some decades ago shopping consisted of ... Get more on ...
  • 56. The Effect Of Coffee Rust Essay Also, recent low prices have restrained investment, which in turn leads to poor management practices and strategies. In some cases, old trees have yet to be replaced, and pruning and care regimens are neglected or performed poorly due to lack of labor (Magrath 2014). The lack of investment is important for both finance and education. Smaller farmers often do not have enough money to gain access to resources that could help in instructing them how to use the land and regenerate their crops (Wakefield 2015). A few promising solutions exist for mitigating the effects of coffeerust. A few of them include government support, management options, improved technology and information sharing systems, and changing social perceptions of coffee. One possible way to indirectly prevent coffee rust from spreading to epidemic levels is for the government to provide some support to farmers. Government subsidies for seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides have the potential to help farmers cope with the investment difficulties they currently face (Stone 2014). There is some debate over whether full sun or shade coffee provides more protection against coffee rust. Rust is easier to control on plants in full sun, as most of the time the coffee planted in full sun are large plantations that are spaced farther apart. This allows for easier application of fungicides. Farther spacing also allows for wind to blow within and throughout the coffee plants, drying them and preventing free standing water ... Get more on ...