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Famous Narrative Essays
Crafting an essay on the theme of "Famous Narrative Essays" is a task that demands a delicate
balance of research, analysis, and creativity. The difficulty lies not only in summarizing the
essence of renowned narrative essays but also in weaving a cohesive narrative that captures the
essence of each chosen work. The challenge is to delve into the complexities of narrative
structures, character development, and thematic nuances while maintaining a coherent and
engaging flow.
One must tread the fine line between providing insightful commentary and avoiding the trap of
merely summarizing the narratives. The task involves not just describing the narratives but
understanding the unique voices and storytelling techniques employed by the authors. It requires
the ability to discern underlying themes, motivations, and the cultural or historical context that
influenced these famous narratives.
Furthermore, the writer must showcase a nuanced understanding of the impact these essays have
had on literature, society, or the individual reader. It necessitates diving deep into literary
analysis and drawing connections between the narratives and broader societal or philosophical
The process is akin to unraveling a rich tapestry, carefully examining each thread to comprehend
the intricate patterns woven by the authors. It demands a keen eye for detail, an appreciation for
literary nuances, and the ability to articulate one's interpretations coherently.
In conclusion, crafting an essay on "Famous Narrative Essays" requires not only a comprehensive
understanding of the chosen works but also the skill to articulate the insights gained from the
exploration. It's a challenging endeavor that demands dedication, analytical prowess, and a
genuine passion for storytelling. For those finding this task daunting, it's worth considering
seeking assistance from platforms like, where similar essays and much more
can be ordered to ease the burden of this intricate writing process.
Famous Narrative EssaysFamous Narrative Essays
Great Expectations By Charles Dicken
In Charles Dicken s novel Great Expectations there is a wide diverse cast of
characters who play different significant roles that affect the character
development of Pip. One of the unsung heroes throughout the book, that s role can
be often overlooked is Herbert Pocket. At first glance, it can seem as if Herbert
does not have as much of an influence on Pip as he tends to blend into the
background, along with the fact that at different points can compare to other minor
characters that only show up when they are needed to help move the plot along.
Herbert stands out from this crowd due to different factors in his relationship with
Pip, and how this association allows him to be able to affect and help mold Pip s
character. This close bond began with Pip s first experience with how a gentleman
would react in different circumstances that he uses as an expectation as he takes the
path to become a gentleman himself. On this path to becoming a gentleman Pip
confides in Herbert many times, and seeks his advice that ultimately directs Pip s
decision on whatever topic he went to Herbert asking for help on. Herbert never
fails to come to Pip s aid, proving his trustworthiness, always doing so with a cheery
attitude that Pip later reflects upon how it influence over him and others as well.
This further engraves the trust and friendship that Pip and Herbert share, Herbert
being there to provide Pip with a family type of love between Pip s different father
figures he is presented with. It
Vending Machine Snacks
In a recent AOL poll, we asked our readers to tell us what their least favorite body
parts were. The overwhelming answer? My belly! But the concern over a flabby
belly is more serious than simply not looking good in a bathing suit. Researchers are
finding that abdominal fat leads to higher risks of heart disease, diabetes and even
certain types of cancers.
We re all aware that lack of exercise and a diet of burgers and fries will cause our
bellies to bloat and expand, but who knew that those late nights at the office, the
stress of that big project or the hidden trans fats in our favorite vending machine
snacks were adding dangerous inches to our midsections?
In a society where workaholics reign, Americans are more sleep deprived, stress
ridden ... Show more content on ...
The problems arise when certain factors, such as muscle mass and fat deposition, are
not taken into consideration. Because muscle is much denser than fat and takes up
less space, two individuals of the same height and weight could have the same BMI,
even though one may have a significantly higher percentage of body fat than the other.
Researchers now know that if most of your fat is in the tummy area, your health risks
are greater than if it resides in, say, the hips, thighs or rear (sometimes referred to as
the apple versus pear theory.
Dr. Tobias Pischon, lead author of a recent study that focused on the correlation
between abdominal fat and colon cancer, stated in a Reuters Health report that this
type of fat is more alarming. Belly fat is metabolically active and could possibly
increase colon cancer risk by raising levels of certain hormones that affect cell
growth, including the growth of cancer cells.
Consequently, waist to hip ratio (a measurement of waist size divided by hip size) is
a more reliable gauge of your risk factors for certain diseases, such as heart attacks. A
ratio of above 0.85 for women and above 0.90 for men is higher than average and
typically indicates greater
Le Guin s The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas Essay
Living out Omelas
In Le Guin amp;#8217;s amp;#8220;The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, ; we
find ourselves faced with a moral dilemma. What is it that we as people base our
happiness on? The idea of societal and personal happiness is played out through the
analogy of Omelas and the abandoned child. In this story, we are drawn into Le
Guin amp;#8217;s world by use of her vivid descriptions.
Le Guin pulls us into Omelas with her first phrase amp;#8220;with a clamor of bells
that set the swallows soaring. ; From here she intricately weaves a pattern of plot and
theme which she draws upon throughout the entire story. We are initially given to a
blissful, almost jubilant, Omelas. We picture the amp;#8220;houses with red roofs
and painted ... Show more content on ...
Le Guin utilizes broad terms such as amp;#8220;the youths and girls, the merry
women, old people and master workmen. ; By using general identities for these
characters, we fill in the gaps with our own imagination molding them to fit people
known in our lives. Even the child in the basement was only a amp;#8220;child ; and
the amp;#8220;boys and girls ; ran around naked with amp;#8220;mudstained feet
and ankles. ; As much as she may shift to one character, Le Guin never gave more
than a few vague details about that character amp;#8217;s description. This was
played and replayed throughout the story with great consistency.
Though it inhabitants may have been obscure and lightly characterized, Omelas itself
held more detail than its people did. Omelas is depicted as a jubilant place of
harmony and laughter. A fairy tale. Le Guin uses imaginative terms to allow the
reader a gateway through which we gaze into the daily life of an Omelasn, a worry
free life where amp;#8220;the people went dancing ; and one can hear
amp;#8220;the great joyous clanging of the bells. ; Omelas is played out in a
realistic way. The reader is meant to connect with the inhabitants of Omelas who are
mature, passionate and intelligent. Le Guin dispels certain things in our modern era
that give strain to some people amp;#8217;s lives and woe to others. She refers to
amp;#8220;secret police, slavery and the bomb ; as negative thoughts outside of
Omelas that do not exist in it.
Essay On A Touch Of Sin
The movie A Touch of Sin, film by Jia Zhangke is about four independent crimes
that happened in China. In this paper, I will be focusing on two of these stories
which are Dahai and Xiaoyu. Dahai, played by actor Jiang Wu, is former
mineworker who is diabetic, doesn t have a regular job and whose seeking for
justice. Xiaoyu played by actress Zhao Tao, who is the mistress of a business man
and who works as a receptionist in a sauna. She is very poised and a good organizer
as she helps her lover bypass Chinese control on Taiwanese citizens for travel in the
mainland. I believe that both Dahai and Xiaoyu were suppressed by their
surroundings and the Chinese culture therefore they ended up killing people.
Dahai was seeking justice throughout ... Show more content on ...
Then he killed the guy that called him Mr. golf after asking him about the chief s
location, and this shows that he really does not care anymore and he wants to get rid
of anyone who stops in his way or even just anyone that bothers him. Then he went to
the chief and killed him by the temple. Then he killed the guy that was beating the
horse, because beating the horse is an act of violence and Dahai doesn t desire that.
Then he killed Jiao in his car but he was not shown being shot like the others instead
Dahai was on screen with a revenge smile on his face.
We re introduced to Xiaoyu as a woman trying to get a man divorced from his wife.
He offered her to go with him on the train to his city and accept things the way they
are, but she refused and said that she owes an explanation to her parents, which we
discover later that they are separated. This shows that she does care about culture
and that she comes from a conservative family. She went back to the train station
and knocked on the window so her boyfriend opens the door for her but the train
moves and she doesn t get to go on it, and I believe that the problem begins here,
because the train leaving means that she missed her chance or opportunity to be with
that man. Then she goes to her work and she gets beaten up for seducing someone s
husband but we don t know if she really seduced him or not because
Unit 424 Referencing For Research Paper
424 Task 1.1 Introduction Referencing is when you acknowledge materials used
while researching, including books; papers; websites and other published or
unpublished materials. References are used to acknowledge the parts of your work
that are based on information from other outside sources and have been written by
someone else not by yourself. References are a way to acknowledge the other
authors and give them accreditation. If you fail to use references, what you have
written would be classed as plagiarism and will be discredited. When to use
referencing Referencing should be used whenever quotations of an original text is
used or you refer to quotations and paraphrase any content that has been written by
someone else. References could
Biodiversity And Conservation Of Marine Biodiversity
The world s oceans cover 70 percent of the earth s surface (Allsopp, Page, Johnston,
Santillo, 2009). The oceans biodiversity is increasingly becoming more threatened
each year by anthropogenic activities such as pollution, destructive fishing methods,
overfishing and commercial agriculture (Tyus, 2012). Marine conservation has
improved over the years to protect and preserve ecosystems in oceans and seas. To
limit the anthropogenic damage, restore habitats, species and preserve vulnerable
marine life (Norse Crowder, 2005). The term marine biodiversitydiscusses the
abundance of species in a geographical area. (Allsopp et al., 2009). The biodiversity
and conservation of marine systems can include a range of different types of
habitats, the habitat that will be discussed in this study will be tropical coral reefs
of Madagascar (Dobson Frid, 2009). Coral reefs are the most biologically diverse
ecosystem within the oceans (Hill, 2005). At a global scale, they tend to have high
species diversity to care and support a large number of fish communities (Tyus,
2012). Coral reefs are recognised as the most pristine marine ecosystem of
Madagascar; it is species rich but are also very fragile and threatened (Ahamada,
Bijoux, Cauvin, Kooonjul, Maharavo, Pierre Louis, 2004). Endemic species inhabit
this region such as butterflyfish (Chaetodontidae) and wrasses (Labridae), which
show reliable indicators for the reefs health (Nadon, Griffiths, Doherty, 2005).
Velondriake marine
Toyota Research Paper
Toyota Motor Corp. Research Report
Size of Company Toyota Motor Corporation and its subsidiaries engage in the
production of automobiles Japan. The company operates in three segments:
Automotive Operations, Financial Service Operations, and Other Operations. The
Automotive Operations segment designs, manufactures, assembles, and sells cars,
recreational and sport utility vehicles, minivans and trucks, and related parts and
accessories. The Financial Services Operations segment primarily provides finance
to dealers and their customers for the purchase or lease of Toyota vehicles. This
segment also provides retail financing, retail leasing, wholesale financing and
insurance, credit cards, and mortgage loans. The Other Operations segment ... Show
more content on ...
main strategy for the North American market is to aim for higher sales, while raising
the proportion of locally produced automobiles. Toyota Motor Corp have reached a
stage where investments made over the last several years to expand production
capacity are beginning to show returns and improved profitability can be expected.
Toyota s goal is to bolster local production through additional investment, and
contribute to the regional economy by expanding its operations. At present, our
production capacity in North America is approximately 1.25 million units (including
our joint venture with GM). However, Toyota Motor Corp plan to boost this to 1.45
million units during 2003.
Thus far, our product strategy of successively expanding our model range, from
smaller cars to luxury sedans, full sized pickup trucks, large SUVs, and crossover
vehicles has proved successful. In a bid to further extend our customer base, we have
established the Scion marketing group, which will develop a range of vehicles
targeting young, first time car buyers. With respect to environmental issues, Toyota s
hybrid automobile Prius, which was introduced to the North American market in
2000, has been extremely well received and development is under way to launch our
next generation hybrid car. The Company intends to
Amazon Essay
Nguyen Quoc Khanh BUS 103 Case 3: Amazon: One E Store to Rule Them All. 1.
In what way does Bezos s decision to develop and deliver the Kindle show
systematic and intuitive thinking? First, Bezos has shown his intuitive thinking in
the decision of unveiling Amazon Kindle, a new device that is completely outside
Apple s catalog though Amazon still sold Apple s iPod. Furthermore, he introduced
to Medias his product, it seemed like a declaration to Apple. Because Apple is a
giant of technological industry, so the situation would be complex to be its
competitor. However, it was the only way to make a technological evolution by
Kindle. As a result, this situation required Bezos to have a quick and broad evaluation
for making the decision.... Show more content on ...
Obviously, Apple is already the monster in tech industry, which leads the music
downloads market. Amazon has only achieved the success in digital book
downloads. Therefore, music downloading service is not the absolute advantage of
this firm. That is why Amazon would likely to face to many challenges such as the
stagnation of this service, which does not meet customer s needs. Furthermore, the
situation remains would make Amazon lose customers. Besides, e commerce and
internet are considered not to be the best way and place for high involvement
purchases. The second error decisions that is also a trap for Bezos is that he sells
so many luxury products such as diamond. Nowadays, technology develops
rapidly, and it is the opportunity for high tech criminal to break out any security
network system. It leads to the business losses of many huge corporations all over
the world. This problem can cause the failure of Amazon, which is predictable. 4. I.
What are the latest initiatives coming out of Amazon? According to my research,
the latest initiative of Amazon is Fire TV, an entertainment device, which has come
out in April 2014. The service access for customers will be much easier and faster
with this device. II. How do they stack up in relation to actual or potential
competition? III. How has Zappos acquisition turned out? Since its founding in 1999,
Zappos had become one of the world s largest
Essay on Thirty Years War
Thirty Years War Philip, Spanish kings. Philip I (the Handsome), 1478 1506, king
of Castile (1506), was the son of Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I and Mary of
Burgundy. He inherited Burgundy and the Low Countries from his mother and
was titular joint ruler of Castile with his wife, Joanna. But her father ruled these
lands as his regent, so he contested (1504) Ferdinand s regency and assumed (1506)
joint rule of Castile with his wife. Philip s early death, however, and his wife s
deteriorating mental condition allowed Ferdinand to resume joint control of
Castile. The Low Countries passed to Philip s son, who later became Holy Roman
Emperor Charles V. Philip II, 1527 98, king of Spain (1556 98), king of Naples and
Sicily (1554 98)... Show more content on ...
But the nation fought in Italy (1615 17) and entered the Thirty Years War.
Although the church prospered and the grandees accumulated vast estates, the
Spanish economy declined, partly as a result of Philip s expulsion (1609 14) of
the Moriscos. During Philip s reign, Spanish culture flourished and gave to the
world great artists such as the author Cervantes and the painter El Greco. Philip IV,
1605 65, king of Spain, Naples, and Sicily (1621 65) and, as Philip III, king of
Portugal (1621 40), intelligent but lacking energy, was unable to prevent Spain s
political and economic decline. The Thirty Years War continued until 1648, and
the war with France (1621 59) ended with Spain s humiliation. Portugal revolted
(1640), Catalonia was occupied by the French, and Spain had to recognize the
independence of the Netherlands (1648). Philip was a patron of the arts and, thanks
to Velazquez, was perhaps the most frequently portrayed king in history. The
accession of Philip V, 1683 1746, the first Bourbon king of Spain (1700 1746),
precipitated the War of the Spanish Succession (1701 14) because his grandfather,
Louis XIV of France, had accepted the Spanish throne for Philip. By the Peace of
Utrecht, Spain lost much territory, including the Spanish Netherlands, Naples, and
Sicily. Philip was forced to introduce the Salic law of succession, which forbade
female monarchs and thus precluded the crown s personal union with France. The
Components That Make Up Braces
Braces are used to help straighten crooked teeth and for people with an under or over
bite. Your dentist or orthodontist will recommend if you need braces and what kind
would fit for you. Braces weren t developed until the 1800 s and the methods used to
straighten teeth varied from culture to culture. By the time a child is 12 they should
have their permanent teethand that is when you can find out if you will need braces
or not. There are many components that make up braces. Brackets which are the
small squares in the front that bond to the front of the tooth and they act like handles
holding the arch wire. You can get tooth colored brackets or steel brackets.
Orthodontic bands are steel or clear colored and they wrapped around each tooth
Marketing Plan for Children Art Company
Marketing Plan
Table of Contents
Executive Summary................................................................................Page 3
Environmental Analysis.......................................................................Page 4
SWOT Analysis................................................................................Page 8
Marketing Objectives.......................................................................Page 9
Marketing Strategies.......................................................................Page 10
Marketing Implementation.......................................................................Page 12
Evaluating Control ..............................................................................Page 14
Abrakadoodle offers full service visual art classes for kids, summer art camps,
holiday art camps, art parties and art events that stimulate and educate to more than
one million children in schools, community sites, and art studios for kids ... Show
more content on ...
The 2013 Census ACS data (including 2013 Maryland household income numbers)
will be released in September of 2014.
*With 1 being 2012 and 8 representing 2005
The ACS 1 year survey shows that the median family income for Maryland was
$85,985 in 2012. Compared to the median US Family income, Maryland median
family income is $23,458 higher. 2013 family income data will be released in
September of 2014.
20121 Year Change3 Year Change
United States$62,527 0.34%4.37% Maryland $85,985 0.48%4.66%
S W O T Analysis:
The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses within the
company/franchise and describes the opportunities and threats facing Abrakadoodle.
Trained leader and staff
Excellent customer service
Well thought out business model addressing a need for the area
Excellent education and fun for children and kids
Corporate brand recognition
Excellent relationship with Bowie BIC
Newly established franchise
Corporate website is very generic
Materials and fees are on the higher income end of the spectrum
Only uses 2% of gross for advertising vs. other programs that contribute higher
Little presence on social medial sites
Essay about William Faulkner and History
William Faulkner and History
In order to fully understand importance of history and the past in Faulkner s
writing, it is first necessary to examine the life he lived and the place that shaped it.
William Cuthbert Falkner (the u was later added via his own accord) was born
September 25, 1897 in New Albany, Mississippi (Padgett). Named for his great
grandfather Colonel Falkner, young William was told countless stories as a boy of
the old Colonel and other great heroes of the South. Faulkner himself described the
process of embellishment subjected to one story told by his Aunt over time: [Aunt Jenny] grew older the tale itself grew richer and richer, taking on a
mellow splendor like wine; until what had been a hare brained ... Show more content
on ...
While it is possible to regard Faulkner s writing without the knowledge of his
Southern heritage, Faulkner enthusiast and literary Critic Cleanth Brooks argues
that in order to understand him, one must realize the importance of his being born
in a particular time and place. Faulkner himself has made this connection and
simply admitted to writing about what he knew best: his own little postage stamp
of native soil (Brooks, Time 251). Brooks further develops the notion that Faulkner
uses his personal knowledge and experience in his essay Faulkner and the Muse of
History. He describes Faulkner s surrounding acquaintances stating that, ...the people
that he knew had clinging to their lives a great deal of the stuff of history the
history that had produced them and had helped them mold the culture out of which
them came (266). The South of Faulkner s youth was still very much alive with pre
war memories being passed down through generations and weaving a culture all of
its own. This Southern culture, also the culture Faulkner wrote about, held family
very central to it. Society placed an emphasis on manners and honour, and was
characterized by close personal relationships (Brooks, Muse). Even despite the region
s quite rigid black white caste system there was
Applied Sociology Within the Family Essay
Applied Sociology within the Family Applied sociology is a part of everyday life.
Families experience sociological changes when parents get divorced, a new job is
taken, or they get discriminated against. Most people may not think of family as a
small society, micro level society, within itself. All families have a hierarchy of
power beginning with the head of the household which tends to be the father. The
way a familyforms its own small society is interesting. Family roles have change
dramatically. Fifty to sixty years ago, families were merely based on the degree of
precision and the roles performed by the parents. Now days the primary family roles
which were initially the husband s responsibility such as income, household repairs,...
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Although a marital relationship begins before any other type of family relationship,
this fact does not mean that it is the easiest type to maintain. Gaining and maintaining
marital quality involves commitment, communication and certain adjustments for
each of the spouses. When the marital status of the parents becomes stressed, the
family can experience chaos and complete crises. When this happens, the structure
becomes unclear and the overall family becomes unable to function. I find it
interesting that the social function of the family can be impacted if only one
relationship is broken within the network.
The article Applying Applied Sociology in the Family describes the family unit as
a micro level society. The micro level is the smallest structure of society, but may
be the strongest. Family units consist of small groups of compatible people.
Guidelines are established to help control the functions of the family and also help
establish behaviors that in turn allow the individual society to be unique. Each
family has its own roles that each family member must uphold in order to have a
functional unit. The article gives an example of the roles in terms of a hierarchy
such as the father being the head of the household and a step down is the mother, a
partner to the father (Applied Sociology).
There are also specific characteristics of a family society being socialization,
segregation, ritual, and sanctioning. The first trait,
Why Are Movies Better Than Movies
When it comes to the entertainment boom millennials are facing, no other debate
is as fierce as the debate of whether movies or book are better. Novels, or books, are
perennial, having lasted throughout time as the premier way of sharing knowledge
and the presentation of entertainment. However, the invention of films in the late
1800 s disrupted the titan. Movies then became a significant way to present stories
and fears of books effacing from existence became mainstream. Although novels
are still present in modern times, the movie industry has only exploded, with the
uprise of Hollywood and billions of dollars of spending movies have become as
big as books. However, when it comes to the debate on whether which form of
information is better, novels have always been on the winning side with the most
people standing behind books. Movies are rapidly approaching the popularity of
books, but literature will still be better than films in ways such as prevailing in time
and story limitations, immersing the reader, and providing more space for thoughts
and imagination. Movies, although innovative, cannot stand to literature because of
their limitations, and lack of ability to allow viewers to think and be in harmony
with them. A book is edited and crafted, but the writer is still working within an
unlimited time canvas. This condensing of books into movies leads to deleted parts
from the book or abbreviation of developments within the book. (6 Reasons The
Book Is (Almost
Food In Medieval Times
Food. humans depend on it , without food, everyone would end up dying. People in
the medieval times did not have McDonalds or Burger King, no, they made a
foundation to the food humans eat today. Gathering food for the kings and peasants
was difficult , it required hard work and determination, but in the end, the kings and
peasants received their food, and food was changing the world. Society dramatically
changed due to peasants and kings eating different food options, feasts, and the Black
For those living in the manor house, there was a ride range of food available.
According to medieval, Fowl such as capons, geese, larks, and chickens
were usually available to the lord and his family. This was because those living in the
manor house were so high up in the social class, that they had these food options. states that Vegetables and fruits were not often part of
their diet as they were seen as peasant ... Show more content on ...
Melitta Weiss Adamson writes in her book Food in Medieval Times , Aside from
the diners, the actors in the spectacle that was a medieval feast were the household
staff. (162). This shows that there were many key contributors for a medieval feast.
From the top down they included the steward, who ran the entire household, the
marshal, who was his chief official at dinner, the head waiter and the taster, known
as the sewer, the head of the pantry, known as the pantler, the person in charge of
the drinks, known as the butler, the ewerer in charge of the hand washing and
linen, the carver, and the lord s cupbearer. This shows that the lord of that time had
my actors that each had a specific job to help the lord. (162). but at royal feasts,
noblemen would be given some of the royal duties, but at royal feasts nobleman
would be given some of the serving duties in the hall. This was because for the royal
feasts, the best of the best was
Time The Two Deliverymen Left Max s House
By the time the two deliverymen left Max s house, they were slathered in sweat.
Each had wet inverted pyramids soaked through the backs of their green coveralls.
To Max, the sweat spots looked as though they were part of the delivery company s
uniforms. Each dabbed and rubbed their handkerchiefs across their craggy and
ruddy faces while rolling up their long sleeves in a way to help cool themselves.
By the time they had unloaded, unpacked, and situated the new refrigerator under
the overzealous and finicky eyes of Max s father, both deliveryman were boiling
with quieted acrimony. As a consequence, they didn t hesitate to oblige Max s
youthful request to leave the cardboard box that the new refrigerator arrived in, so
that he could play with it. When Max had anxiously asked, the fatter of the two
deliveryman smiled and answered loudly, Sure kid, we d be glad to, and under his
breath said, anything to get us out of here quicker. Max eyeballed the box with
anticipation and guesstimated it to be roughly four feet wide and nearly the length
of the one man canoe his father had vehemently insisted Max learn to use on his 7th
birthday, last spring. Although Max had tried to decline, he was unsuccessful.
Grudgingly, Max attempted to use it and as a result and nearly drowned as a result.
His father hadn t so much tried teaching Max, as much as stood from shore and
yelled at him. His father dragged the canoe out of the slow meandering river and
snipped, At least the canoe is
Error Performance Improvement Of A Multiplexed Mimo...
Error Performance improvement in Spatially Multiplexed MIMO Systems over
Weibull Gamma Fading Channel
Keerti Tiwari and Davinder S. Saini
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Jaypee University of Information Technology
Waknaghat, Solan, (H.P.) 173234, India
E mail,
Abstract In multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems, spatial demultiplexing
at the receiver is a motivational task. Thus, several detection techniques are
investigated in existing literature. There is a tradeoff between computational
complexity and optimal performance in many detection techniques. The ordered
successive interference cancellation (OSIC) with minimum mean square error
(MMSE) is used to improve the error performance. However, maximum likelihood
(ML) detection gives optimal performance at the higher complexity level whereas
MMSE OSIC detection is less complex. Therefore, MMSE OSIC2 detection is
suggested as a solution. In this paper, spatial multiplexed (SM) MIMO systems are
considered to evaluate error performance with different detection techniques such as
MMSE OSIC, ML and MMSE OSIC2 in a composite fading i.e. Weibull gamma
(WG) fading environment. In WG distribution, Weibull and gamma distribution
represent multipath and shadowing effects respectively. It is shown by simulation
results that the MMSE OSIC2 detection technique gives the improved symbol error
performance (SER) which is closely likely ML performance
The Iranian Language Essay
Today the Iranian languages are spoken from Central Turkey, Syria and Iraq in the
west to Pakistan and the western edge of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of
China in the east. In the North, its outposts are Ossetic in the central Caucasus and
Yaghnobi and Tajik Persian in Tajikistan in Central Asia, while in the South they are
bounded by the Persian Gulf, except for the Kumzari enclave on the Masandam
peninsula in Oman.
Historically, the New Iranian stage overlaps with the Islamization of Iranian speaking
lands in the seventh century CE. The Middle Iranian stage began in the third century
BCE. The oldest stages go back to the beginning of the second millennium BCE. The
oldest physical document of Iranian is the Old Persian inscription by ... Show more
content on ...
The later Iranians moved into and across the Iranian plateau, both carrying the new
social structure with their languages, with a lasting impact on the socio political
structures of Iran and Afghanistan, and the subcontinent.
The Iranians on their part can probably be correlated with the subsequent so called
Yaz I culture in the BMAC complex, which reflects major cultural changes towards a
more rural society after 1 500 BCE. They apparently remained in Central Asia, and
only by the end of the second millennium BCE began to spread over the Iranian
plateau. By the second half of the eighth century BCE, Iranian Median and Persian
tribes (Mada and Parswa) had already been long established among the original non
Iranian speakers of the Zagros mountain ranges of Iranian Kurdestan, according to
the records of the Assyrian ruler Shalmaneser III (r. 858 824 BCE). Minorsky
(1957: 78) recognized that the name of the tiny village Qal a Paswe near Solduz in
Kurdestan retains the memory of the Iranian settlements (cf. also Zadok 200 1;
2002). The successors of the Parswa tribes who settled in the southwest of the Iranian
plateau created the Achaemenid Empire (ca. 558 330 BCE) which, beginning with
the Sasanian period (224 6 5 1 CE) and thereafter, ultimately resulted in the
dominance of Persian over the Iranian expanse.
While the Iranian plateau was increasingly Iranianized, the Iranian tribes known as
Scythians by the Greek
Manushi Sangathan vs. Government of Delhi-Its
Manushi Sangathan v Government of Delhi Its Implications
The following project aims to discuss the highlights of the judgement of Manushi
Sangathan v Government of Delhi, and the various legal provisions it attracts. The
case involves an expansion of the rights of the poor, overturning a number of
previous decisions.
In the case, Manushi Sangathan (an organization that represents the causes of the
poorer sections of the society) challenged the implementation of some aspects of
Delhi s transport policy, which were approved by the Municipal Corporation of
Delhi. The policy fixed the total number of cycle rickshaws that could ply on the
streets of Delhi at 99,000, required that the plier of the rickshaw be its owner, and
certain other provisions. The High Court ruled in favour Manushi Sangathan, holding
most of the provisions of the transport policy to be arbitrary and unconstitutional. The
Supreme Court upheld the same.
The judgement in the case is a rare one, where the Court has expanded the rights
and freedoms of the poor. It was inconsistent with the precedents, i.e. Hemraj and
Ors v C.P. Delhi (2006) and All Delhi Cycle Rickshaw Operators Union v MCD.
While the latter emphasized on the owner plier policy, in the former, the
representatives were not heard on the premise that pulling rickshaws was degrading
The following issues were examined by the court
Fixing of total number of rickshaws at 99,000:
This was held to be
Essay about Globe Theater
II. Structure of the Globe
The theater that Cuthbert Burbage built for the Chamberlain s Men had a total
capacity of between 2,000 and 3,000 spectators. Because there was no lighting, all
performances at the Globe were conducted, weather permitting, during the day
(probably most often in the mid afternoon span between 2 P.M. and 5 P.M.).
Because most of the Globe and all of its stage was open air, acoustics were poor and
the actors were compelled by circumstances to shout their lines, stress their
enunciation, and engage in exaggerated theatrical gestures. What would seem most
striking to a modern (Broadway) theatergoer about the productions staged at the
Globe is that they were completely devoid of background scenery. Although costumes
... Show more content on ...
Although condemned by London authorities, along with cock fighting, bear baiting
and the bawdy attractions of taverns, the Southwark theater district operated outside
the legal reach of the City s officials. But while the Globe Theatre, and indeed, the
entire Elizabethan theater scene opened its doors to the low life of the pits, it also
accommodated an audience of higher status, well heeled, and better educated
individuals. As Harry Levin notes in his general introduction to the Riverside
Shakespeare (1974), the quot;Globe was truly a microcosm or little world of man
quot;. With its logo of Hercules holding up the earth (as a temporary replacement to
Atlas), the Globe Theatre constituted a quot;little world quot; in which the social elite
rubbed up against a cross section of common vulgarians, drunken idlers, and other
shady, street wise sorts. Yet, at the same time, the Globe was grand even in the eyes
of Elizabethan society s most powerful and prosperous leaders. As Levin also
observes in his prefatory essay, recently discovered documents indicate that
reconstructions of the Globe as quot;a quaint little Tudor cottage quot; have been
errant, since Burbage s house quot;may have had arches, pilaster, and other details of
Baroque architecture quot;. Contemporaneous accounts suggests that the Globe was
far more impressive than the thatched and half timbered models of it can capture,
having a more spectacular look to its structure than is commonly recognized, one
A Research On Animal Assisted Therapy
In 2011 it was found that about 30% of college students reported feeling so
depressed it was difficult to function (Depression and College Students 1).
83% of soldiers have been in situations that threatened their lives. 40% of these
soldiers suffer from psychological illness (McPhee). The United States Department of
Veteran s Affairs estimates PTSD affects В
ј of troops returning from the Middle East;
about 300,000 men and women (Harris 4). Many veterans have reintegration issues.
Veterans can t relate to their surroundings when they return home (McPhee).
The amount of people in the US with dementia shows the increase of dementia with
age. Five percent of those age 71 79, 24% of those age 80 89, and 37% for those age
90 and over (Facts About Dementia: Overview).
The general research done for Animal Assisted Therapycan be applied to a more
specific type, Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (Shultz 17). The abbreviation for
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy is EAP (Harris 2). EAP is a specialized form of
psychotherapy using the horse as a therapeutic tool (Schultz 265).
Wyatt Webb is a therapist in Tucson, Arizona. Webb does not believe in replacing
traditional therapy methods, only adding to what already exists (Webb 2). Equine
Assisted Psychotherapy was created from a combination of Gestalt therapy, Reality
therapy and Rational Emotive therapy. Reality therapy plays a large role in EAP It
focuses on what the person can actually control (Schultz 25,27). EAP meets several
Synoptic Gospels Research Paper
The Synoptic Gospels include Mark, Matthew, and Luke. Syn optic, meaning seen
together , because so many of their stories are in common with each other and can
be lined up columns and can be compared, often their words are verbatim. The
reason John is not included in this group is because his writings are not as similar to
those of the Synoptic Gospels. The writers of the Synoptic Gospels had a similar
theme going on than that of John. John does incorporate information about Jesusthat
seems to have come from some of the same souses as Matthew, Mark, and Luke, but
he also seems to have a much different view of Jesus and includes many more stories
that are unique to him than that of the other three. To break down the Synoptic
Gospels and how they each portray Jesus, it is appropriate that I explain how they
each relate to, and differ from each other.
Mark, based upon scholars findings, appears to have been the first written and ...
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This is strange and much different from John as well as the other books. For us to
know this today ... we entail for it have been passed on orally or through recorded
documents of some sort. This clearly means that there is diffidently more to the
story and Mark is not telling us all of it. Why he leaves so many events out much of
Jesus life unwritten is unknown but there must have been a reason at the time just as
there is a reason John had written all that he had at the time he did.
Matthew and Luke are believed to have been written at about the same time. They
both seem to have used similar sources but do not appear to have ever known each
other, because they rarely are in agreement against Mark s wording. They both have
used Mark as a reference while editing Marks within their own writings by reverbing
or cleaning up his phrasing to be better and more fluently
The Role of the Concept of Need and Inequality Social Policy
From the inauguration of state organised welfare the concepts of need and
inequality have been at the centre of discussions and debates on social policy. Since
the 19th century it has widely been accepted that the state has some responsibility
towards attempting to fulfil some of civil society s needs and the needs of those
most at risk. Changing definitions and attitudes surround the concepts of need and
inequality; this means any discussion of these instantly encapsulates the political and
ideological debates which affect all aspects of social policy. Titmuss (ed. 1987)
writes that collectively provided services are deliberately designed to meet certain
socially recognized needs ; they are manifestations this means any changes... Show
more content on ...
Yet there were many different ideas on what was seen as real need and who was
seen as deserving of welfare. In the Victorian era people were either deemed as
deserving or undeserving poor; basically meaning that their poverty was either created
by their own failings such as alcohol abuse or by eventualities which were out of
their control such as job losses or illness (thus making them deserving) (Fraser,
1984). With the expansion of State welfare, and the bureaucracy which came with
it, the poor were no longer categorised into deserving or undeserving instead their
needs were assessed. The introduction of the means test established a way of
determining the extent of the needs of people. Although this may appear a fair way
of organising welfare it has in fact had detrimental effects; according to Deacon
Bradshaw (1983) the means test is socially divisive as it has given rise to gross
distortions in the distribution of income amongst poorer families . This system has
also failed to deliver benefits to many people who need them as the means tested
service has reflected values approved by society for example marriage, thus leaving
those who do not conform to these values in a worse position financially (Deacon
Bradshaw, 1983). Although means testing should essentially redistribute wealth
through taxation, evidence has shown that it has done little to combat
The Carleton Prize For Biotechnology
The Carleton Prize for Biotechnology: Antony van Leeuwenhoek
Shukri Dalal
BIOL 1010 Biotechnology and Society
Professor James J. Cheetham
Carleton University
Tuesday October 6th, 2015
Prize s are put into place to award gifted beings; whose work has or will make a
significant change in mankind. Most importantly, they are recognize by their genius
and not judging their area of expertise. When the awarded person wins the prize,
there is always a level expectation that is expected of them. In the history of science,
there have been many achievements that have motivated by human to not only live
to the fullest of their potential but to live as long and healthy life as they can. These
victories in medicine have started the courage for all human being all over the world
having the confidence to live their lives without a disease or bacteria infection that
now days can be cured without any problem taking their life. Given Antony Van
Leeuwenhoek along with his many contributions to science, there is no better
nominee for an award that demonstrated the constitutional achievements in
biotechnology. A tradesman and inventor in the biotechnology society he is
undeniably deserving of The Carleton Prize of Biotechnology. Antony van
Leeuwenhoek s experimentation of lenses for microscopic research, and his
inventions which increased magnification, research and development there would be
many unanswered question in the medical world. Antony van Leeuwenhoek
Wayne s World Film Analysis
The movie poster for Wayne s World certainly gives the impression of a cheaply
made duo comedy film (reminiscent of the Bill and Ted movies) ripe with surface
jokes and PG 13 sexual innuendos. As for the director, Penelope Spheeris, Wayne s
World is quite the change of pace in terms of her previous work on the documentary
The Decline of WesternCivilization. However, this filmsurprisingly delivers in its
own unique way, bringing a plethora of amusing quotable lines, memorable scenes
and in some cases underlying intellectual commentary about pop culture.
The film was based off of the Saturday Night Live skit that parodied a local public
access show. Wayne Campbell (Mike Meyers) hosts Wayne s World in his parent s
basement where he is accompanied by his best friend Garth Alger (Dana Carvey).
The duo interview guests, discuss which super model has the most babe like qualities,
and use the words excellent and party time enough to be considered Aurora, ... Show
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Since Wayne and Garth are avid music lovers, there is a scene where they go to a
music store to covet over a Stratocaster Wayne really wants. He begins the first note
of Stairway to Heaven and is promptly shut down by the store manager. I found this
fairly clever, considering everyone who plays guitar ultimately starts with that simple
riff that drives their parents insane. However, upon further investigation there is
more depth to this rather simple commentary. As it turns out, the filmmakers were
not actually given the rights to Stairway to Heaven which played into this idea that
not even Led Zeppelin wants you to play their popular song, which made me laugh
a little harder (Wood, 2015). Of course there are more pop culture references
including ironic ad reads for Pizza Hut, Doritos, and Pepsi, all done in a manner that
only Wayne and Garth could think
What Is Andrew Jackson Necessary Evil
This paper will account for the saga of the American President Andrew Jackson and
his battles with the United States banking industry, most notably the Second Bank of
the United States, and how President Jackson s actions were a justified necessary
evil. This paper will illustrate the specific battle President Jackson had with the
second National Bank of America and how, like many battles President Jackson had
as a general, was chosen wisely. To understand the saga of President Jackson and his
battles with the national banking industry, it is wise to understand the man that was
Andrew Jacksonleading up to his major battle. It was no secret that President Jackson
was not a fan of government, regardless of what title came before his name.... Show
more content on ...
Knowing that President Jackson was an opponent, Nicholas Biddle actively
sought to renew the Second National Bank s charter. This would require
congressional approval and President Jackson s executive approval. With a
presidential election coming up, President Jackson s congressional rival Henry
Clay wanted this to be a central issue of the presidential election of 1832. Senator
Clay believed that with the pressures of President Jackson seeking reelection,
Jackson would be more inclined to re charter the Second National Bank; whereas,
if President Jackson was reelected, Jackson would not have anything to lose and
decide to veto the re chartering of the bank in 1836 when the charter was
scheduled to end. Writing Nicholas Biddle, Senator Clay expressed this belief
saying that the President, in the event of the passage of a bill, seems to be a matter
of doubt and speculation. My own belief is that, if now called upon he (Jackson)
would not negative the bill, but that if he should be re elected the event might and
probably would be different. Nicholas Biddle took the powerful senator s words
seriously, and applied for a re charter in 1832. The bill passed the House of
Representatives and the Senate and was sent to President Andrew Jackson s desk
for approval or a veto. Turning to his cabinet for advice, President Jackson relied on
the advice of Attorney General Roger Taney. Taney wrote President Jackson, I
understand the application at the present time, it means in plain English this the
Bank says to the President, your next election is at hand if you charter us, well if
not, beware of your power. President Jackson accepted Taney s interpretation of the
bank s attempted re chartering as a direct challenge to his presidency, and decided
The World Of Collegiate Athletics
The world of collegiate athletics was founded upon the ideals of commercialism and
is filled with talented athletes that contain tremendous amounts of potential.
Unfortunately, in order to bring in revenue that serves as crucial funding for their
universities nationwide, the NCAA exploits the talent of these players and justifies
this action by assuming the disguise of amateurism while also managing to adopt an
indistinct version of professionalism. Instead, the NCAA spends portions of its
revenue in order to renovate sports facilities and pay members of the coaching staff
rather than providing compensation for the main sources of its revenue the players
and the attention that their athletic talents bring to this organization. By... Show more
content on ...
By regarding participation in collegiate athletics as a hobby, the NCAA is subtly
discrediting both the hard work and dedication of college athletes. In their defense,
the association of college athletics with the word amateurism is believed to call
these athletes to also put an emphasis on their education. Even though collegiate
athletics appear to be managed under the principles of amateurism and call athletes
to focus on their education, it doesn t necessarily mean that most of these athletes
actually want to emphasize education more than athletics. As talented individuals,
college athletes work hard in order to provide success for their respective teams
and to properly ensure their own success at the next level. Not only does an
education that is forced upon some of them detract from their athletic aspirations,
but it also makes it highly infeasible for them to sustain a job that regular college
students have the chance to partake in. That is why a small form of compensation
from the NCAA would not only reward them for the mass amounts of revenue that
they bring in, but it would also provide a source of income that could only be
obtained if these athletes were able to pursue job opportunities.
The power of athletic directors throughout the NCAA and their focus
Analysis of Robert ForstВґs Mending Wall Essay
Robert Frost deliberated a intention and was determined to get it across any way
that he could. He verbalized his feelings through Walls and Blockages, Descriptive
words, and Seasons and Nature. The aspiration of walls in this piece is to block
neighbors and assemble a better relationship. Descriptive words are used to portray
a improved visual of what is designed to see. Robert Frostspeaks of seasons as if it
were a human.
Wall s are blockages used to isolate a human beings wants and feelings. Privacy
should be respected by all although offensiveness was not intended by either
neighbor. The speaker s logic was that the wall blocking the properties were absurd.
The essential purpose of the poem is the desire by one neighbor to have a ... Show
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Robert Frost used a word choice that shaped the readers mind into the outdoor
scenery where the dog is on one side of the fence barking.
Robert Frost is a major nature enthusiast. In the poem, Mending Wall, the speaker
talks about the Spring. Taking a literal approach, he used Spring, because it is the
first season of the year. A new beginning for two people that have had a protracted
antagonism for one another. The speaker does not understand how they are becoming
good neighbors, because they are not cows. People often use nature to express new
beginnings and the start of something new.
Nature is a description of a Season. Seasons are the start of a new beginning. The
speaker uses the word Spring, possibly because it is the first official and whole
season of the year. The neighbor could be expressing how he thinks they should
break the wall down and start over. A new beginning is what he desires.
The speaker wants nothing but a friendship with his neighbor but the neighbor wants
the privacy that he feels he is entitled to. The speaker expresses how the neighbor is
a pine cone. Pine cones are hard and nettlesome. Pine cones are very arduous.
Attempting to express his feelings, the speaker could be referring to the neighbor as
a pine cone, because no matter how bad he tries, the neighbor will not break into
The last word or phrase that Robert Frost expressed within the poem was cows. The
neighbor thinks it is ridiculous to have
Statement Of Purposes In Journalism
Ezra Pound once said that literature is news that stays news. For me, literature is the
very essence of the enduring power of any great work of art. In journalism industry, it
plays an important and fundamental role in news reporting and communication. I
deem literature as the art that uses language as a media, depicting information about
humanity and ways of living. Journalism, flourished by the news that constantly
changes around this globe, is an ultra competitive modern media market that needs
versatile, multimedia journalists with cutting edge academic and vocational skills, to
influence people and the world. My parents came from little so they made a choice
to give a lot. They care much about my education, more than I do. My father wrote...
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Your program enjoys a high reputation for journalism and communication education
in the world. I will master advanced journalism knowledge and new technologies
through the curriculum like Applied Communication Research, Journalism Theory
and Analysis, and Media Management etc. In addition, I will cultivate my creative
skills, critical and technical abilities of flexibly applying communication theories and
media techniques to the analysis and management of the ever changing environment.
After graduation, I would work in an organization as a reporter firstly, mainly
focusing on the public welfare of ordinary people and defending the rights of them,
by using powerful communication channels to bring attention to nowadays issues.
Several years later, I wish to become an independent journalist dedicated to fair and
accurate reporting and analysis of civil rights and social justices. Whatever it is, my
interest and responsibility would always revolve around covering the truth as a
journalist, using it as a tool to make a positive impact on the community and even the
Selecting The Next Chapter
Selecting the Next Chapter Eventually, we all reach the age at the end of our high
school career when we have to choose a path. The path that we select will guide
each of us to the trail that we will follow for the rest of our lives. Some of us will
choose to go directly into the workforce, potentially go to a trade school, or even
go onto a post secondary education in order to obtain a degree. What decision we
make then determines what the rest of our life will hold, how successful we can
possibly be, our yearly salary, and can introduce us to people who will play active
roles throughout our entire life.
Now, I am a senior in high school, and I have quickly found this decision right on my
doorstep. Over the past few years, I have had my eyes on several different post
secondary college options, but I have narrowed this list quite significantly over the
past few months based on factors like their available majors, the college s size, and
the extracurricular activities that are offered by the institution. With this said, I have
selected three colleges that have specifically caught my eye based on these factors:
Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky; Purdue University in West Lafayette,
Indiana; and Saint Mary of the Woods College in St. Mary of the Woods, Indiana.
Majors Of course, when selecting colleges recently, it was necessary to pick those
ones that followed my interest base. Ideally, this would be to obtain a Master s
Degree in Science for Agricultural
Atlantis Lost Empire
A Comparative Analysis of Atlantis: The Lost Empire (Walt Disney Pictures, 2001)
and Boxtrolls (LAIKA, 2014)
Animation styles: The animators at Disney wanted to attempt something different
when they were producing the film, Atlantis: the lost empire. Disney wanted to use a
mixture on hand drawn animation and CG to create an adventure film in the Indiana
Jones mold (Pallant 110). In order to accomplish this, they removed the Musical
aesthetic that had been found in their previous films (110). The creator of Hellboy,
Mike Mignola, served as a huge inspiration when it came to the animation and
character models of Atlantis. Following the comic book style, the animators at
Disney gave the characters angular designs that the creative team later ... Show more
content on ...
The minor characters include many different races: Latino, African American, Italian,
French, and similarities to native Americans, but both the protagonist and the
antagonist are white. When looking at the characters, it is easy to tell that most likely,
the side characters have been Americanized. Most of the culture has been taken out of
these characters including the Atlantians. What makes it worse is that Milo represent
the only character that seems to have a complex personality. The main love interest
Kida, has only one main personality trait, and it is her curiosity about Milo. The
movies have most of the characters relying on Milo to save the day. The white man
must teach the Atlantians there own culture, because the Atlantians cannot read their
own writing. The Atlantians are shown to be a weak people, who cannot solve their
own problems and they must rely on Milo to save
Drinking And Driving
Drinking and driving is not always a right thing. When people drink and drive the
action of it could get extremely dangerous. Wrecks are one of the main problems
that can happen when some people are drunk because some can lose control of what
they are trying to do and end up wrecking. Another problem is driving under the
influenceof being on drugs. This can cause serious damage. When people are on
drugs, they lose train of thought and half of the time, they forget what they are
doing. It does not end too well. People can become abusive because they usually do
not exactly know what they are doing. Usually, people do drugs to get their minds or
to make them feel better when they are emotional, but when others do so much, they
lose control... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately, some of the money was spent on high school driver education, which
increased teenage driving without reducing the number of crashes per driver, thus
increasing deaths (Robertson 296).When driving while on any kind of drug can
mess up your train in thought. Although people tend to lose what they was thinking
before and everything else, but most of all some forget about the dangerous outcome
that will happen when they are on them. Throughout the year there has been a big
change in the numbers going up on crashes. There are now programs that can help
them so they can get out of everything and all the drugs that you re on (Robertson
295). They have made vast progress: based on random stops, the number of drivers
with any alcohol in their system was 35.9% in 1973. By 2007, the figure had fallen
to 12.4%, according to the Department of Transportation (Gray 54).Police to this
day are still trying to get people to stop drinking and driving and doing drugs and
driving. There has been so many wrecks and people dying over this case. Some
people do not really understand how dangerous it can be and they still continue to
do it. It was becoming to the point police can not really get anyone to understand
even with them being taken into prison (Gray 54). Three published studies have
examined the effects of lowered BAC laws on teenage driving after drinking and
fatal car crash involvement.(n5 n7). Youths are more likely to
Peppercorn Dining
Ohm s law From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the law related
to electricity. For other uses, see Ohm s acoustic law. V, I, and R, the parameters of
Ohm s law. Ohm s law states that the current through a conductor between two points
is directlyproportional to the potential difference across the two points. Introducing
the constant of proportionality, the resistance,[1] one arrives at the usual
mathematical equation that describes this relationship:[2] where I is the current
through the conductor in units of amperes, V is the potential difference measured
across the conductor in units of volts, and R is the resistance of the conductor in units
of ohms.... Show more content on ...
This application of Ohm s law is illustrated with examples in How To Analyze
Resistive Circuits Using Ohm s Law on wikiHow. Other versions Ohm s law, in
the form above, is an extremely useful equation in the field of electrical/electronic
engineering because it describes how voltage, current and resistance are
interrelated on a macroscopic level, that is, commonly, as circuit elements in an
electrical circuit. Physicists who study the electrical properties of matter at the
microscopic level use a closely related and more general vector equation,
sometimes also referred to as Ohm s law, having variables that are closely related
to the V, I, and R scalar variables of Ohm s law, but which are each functions of
position within the conductor. Physicists often use this continuum form of Ohm s
Law:[31] where E is the electric field vector with units of volts per meter
(analogous to V of Ohm s law which has units of volts), J is thecurrent density
vector with units of amperes per unit area (analogous to I of Ohm s law which has
units of amperes), and ПЃ (Greek rho ) is the resistivity with units of ohmВ·meters
(analogous to R of Ohm s law which has units of ohms). The above equation is
sometimes written[32] as J = E where Пѓ (Greek sigma ) is the conductivity which is
the reciprocal
Qualities Of A Global Society
Leaders are found all across the globe and can be said that leaders share some of
the same characteristics. If the reader was to close their eyes and imagine a leader,
then what kind of characteristics do you believe that he or she would hold deep
within their hearts. The important qualities in leading in a global society I believe
are the ability to be viewed as unique, encouraging, competitive, humble, and
trustworthy. Often time s challenges can occur and if a leader does have these
qualities implications can occur that can affect the world on a global scale. These
qualities are essential in life and I plan to apply them to my character to make
advancements in my career by mastering each one these traits separately. Good
Leadershipis something the world values and encourages all over the world. I believe
the world is searching for new people who are willing to be culturally diverse leaders.
Leadership is a tricky subject that is actually hard to define in one single definition.
According to Alex J. Ramthun Leadership is a dynamic, interactive influence
process among individuals in groups where members lead one another to achieve
organizational objectives. (Ramthun, 2012) However, when one dissects leadership
it is noticed that there are many dimensions to it. True leadership is the ability to be
diverse and culturally competent on a global scale while leading. A Culturally
diverse leader appreciates the differences of other. Culturally diverse leaders are
The Essential Properties Of Consciousness
Every morning when we wake up, an entire world of images, textures, sounds, and
smells emerges around us. We smell coffee, hear a chorus of birds at the windowsill,
and squint at the sun filtering through the curtains. We also experience a series of
internal sensations: a stream of jumbled thoughts, awareness of ourselves, hunger,
pain, happiness. All of this perceptual experience isn t the natural world; it s our
subjective representation of it. This is the mysterious, impalpable quality we call
The essential properties of consciousness have been matters of philosophical debate
since the 1600s, when Descartes proclaimed that mind and brain were separate
substances. But recently, scientists and doctors have started asking ... Show more
content on ...
A brief history of anesthesia and consciousness
At the cornerstone of scientific investigations of consciousness is the field of
anesthesiology. Intuitively, this makes sense: Every day, approximately 60,000
patients in the United States are shuttled in and out of unconsciousness under the
watchful eyes of anesthesiologists. The first anesthetics were gases like nitrous oxide
and chloroform, which extinguished memory and produced an unconscious state.
Upon waking, patients would describe feelings of painlessness and euphoria. But for
a long time, physicians didn t understand how these anesthetics worked or what,
exactly, consciousness was. Research focused more on how to administer drugs
safely than on their exact mechanism on the brain.
The tide shifted in 1994, when Francis Crick, who co discovered the structure of
DNA, published a brief, searing manifesto called The Astonishing Hypothesis. In it,
he urged scientists to address a topic seemingly more suited to philosophical round
tables: human consciousness. Now is the time to think scientifically about
consciousness (and its relationship, if any, to the hypothetical immortal soul), Crick
wrote. To understand ourselves we must understand how nerve cells behave and how
they interact.
Suddenly, symposia centered on discovering the mechanism of human consciousness
sprang up across the country. A topic
Genotypes In Children
Phenotypes driven by DNA from passing of traits from parent to offspring. Before
children are born, they receive half of their traits from their mother and the other half
from their father. That is why the child may have their father s nose and their mother
s eye shape. Other traits could include eye color, hair color, hair texture, weight, and
skin color. Different combinations of traits may cause offspring to appear different
from their parents. However, the majority of traits inherited from parents will be the
same. There are other things that you do not inherit from parent inherited traits.
These are traits that from what the offspring learn or are caused by the environment.
Phenotypes is expressed in part through the processes of transcription and translation.
In transcription, the cell copies the gene... Show more content on ...
Phenotype are more specifically be observed as anatomical, morphological,
physiological, and behavioral characteristics. Phenotype can also represent what can
be as an extended phenotype. Which is what natural selection interacts with
distinguishing among genotypes. Thus in which, genes interact with environment
and the production of genotype typically involves the protein molecules as template
by DNA. The process of phenotype generation typically involves the copying of
DNA based information into RNA information. RNA based information is then
copied into amino acid based information. I have chosen my paternal grandfather
with a dominant phenotype for his skin color. I predicts that my paternal
grandfather genotype for his skin color give his off spring a higher possibilities to
possess a same skin tone that is along pass from my father to me. I would go about
testing my hypothesis by observing my paternal uncle and aunt to see if they possess
the same skin tone as my paternal
Essay about Xmen Movie
Xmen movie I am critiquing the movie X men . This movie is based on a comic
book and on an animated series. Both the animated series and the comic book revolve
around mutants. These mutants often look human, however many look quite
different than any normal human and also their powers are quite extraordinary. This
creates one problem when converting to movie form. Make up gadgets and special
effectsmust be used so that our reality where the film is made may accurately reflect
the reality where the film is set. Also, the characters from the animated seriesand the
comic books all have personalities and physical features that the actorsin the film
must try to match. This is a difficult thing to do. Not only must the actors... Show
more content on ...
Speaking of Wolverine, his claws had a bit of a metamorphosis from the original
sources. They were much bigger and thicker. This detracted slightly from the idea
of the original sources. The claws appeared much more unwieldy however this did
not seem to impair wolverine s use of them. And so it did work out well. The claws
also brought up the question of how they fit into wolverine s hand, being so much
bigger. However, wolverine s healing power did seem to work well. The mind
powers of others in the movie were slightly under done. However there were a few
scenes that focused on the mind powers of various individuals. Mystique s
costuming was very well done. So were her shape changing special effects. The
various effects of her shape changing were believable looking and true to form with
the various sources. Magneto s powers of magnetism were also well done. The
sheer force of will and power behind Magneto was well represented by the special
effects. The toad guy was an obvious extra, however, his tongue stretch effect was
quite striking and caused the viewer to shrink back and go ugh . The rest of the
minor roles were also well supplied with effects. Kitty Pryde s phase and Iceman s
flower were well done special effect wise. The general acrobatics and fighting that
went on were well choreographed. Many of the maneuvers were a little super
human, however, that is to be expected because of the nature of the film. There was a
small amount of special effects used
Henry V Theme Of War
Known as one of the greatest warrior kings in all of English history, Henry V has
left a hefty impression. In Shakespeare s play of the same name, the monarch battles
literally with France for the throne and figuratively with accountability and being a
just ruler and conqueror. Through the story, we can see the values Henry holds and
how the real implications of war aren t something the king cannot deal with in a
proper manner. The debate between King Henry and the common soldiers like
Williams and Bates illustrate fundamental problems with Henry s rule and asks
important questions about the motives behind war itself. In Act 4, Scene 1 of
Shakespeare s Henry V, the king does incognito in a cloak to interact with the
everyman of his army. This... Show more content on ...
He ignores the responsibility of the king for putting all these lives in danger. He
denies the fault of the king for waging the war, and instead deflects the blame onto
the will of God. Basically, his response to the soldiers is that they must be
spiritually prepared when they go into battle because the king is not responsible
for their deaths. This is a believe that is horribly ignorant and unfair to the people
who might actually lose their lives. When the king conquers the French port on the
mouth of the Seine, he insults them and states that God is on their side. Eventually,
he implies that the French should feel badly for being responsible for the death of
their many citizens at the hands of English. However, the same doesn t apply for
himself when he could be leading his men to their deaths. This might be because he
thinks God s favor lies with England but it is of course foolish and hypocritical to
believe this. Using religion as a shield is a method Henry uses throughout the play,
stating the kingdom of England has God on their side on multiple occasions. This
aversion of guilt continually demonstrates Henry s doubt in himself and fragile
Achican American Identity Case Study
What? Why does Lorena resist identifying herself as a Latina or a Chicana? What are
the discourses that stigmatize these identities? To Nelda, what is the difference
between being Chicana and being Mexican American? What are the discourses that
surround each identity? What experiences have informed the ways in which Nelda
and Lorena understand their identities? What does Lorena mean when she refers to
her job as a human being ? How does this perspective shape the way she understands
her identity?
Have you ever been asked what s your race or ethnicity? Well I have, and it s a
strange question to answer personally. When someone asks me that I have to wait
and ponder as to why in the world would one would be asking such a strange
question. I ... Show more content on ...
That is a question that has several answers, but in Lorena s case she redefines what it
means to be Mexican American in the US by working hard to better herself and her
life. An example of Lorena bettering herself is when she set out to get a job that
would help her advance in her life instead of a job that is stereotypically done by
immigrants, ... in my situation, Hispanic people, we don t get office jobs. I was sure I
needed to go get a job at another meat market, or maybe helping clean houses, or
babysitting (Lorena, 195). Even though she faced so much self doubt about what
she was capable of doing, she went and explored her possibilities. That was just one
way that undocumented immigrants work harder to redefine being Mexican
American in the US. In the Valenzuela piece, it is more difficult to prove how Nelda
was trying to change what it meant to be Mexican American. Although, the author
does provide her own insight as to how Nelda makes that change to redefining
herself, the fact that she bore at least some of the emblems of Americanized speech,
dress, and interpersonal skills is a side note to a more central awakening within her
that helps explain her rapid transformation into a Chicana against the historical and
institutional odds of her doing so (Nelda,
Ursula LeGuin s The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas
Ursula LeGuin s The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas
Utopia is any state, condition, or place of ideal perfection. In Ursula LeGuin s
short story The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas the city of Omelas is
described as a utopia. The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas presents a challenge
of conscience for anyone who chooses to live in Omelas.
Omelas is described by the narrator as the story begins. The city appears to be very
likable. At times the narrator does not know the truth and therefore guesses what
could be, presenting these guesses as often essential detail. The narrator also lets the
reader mold the city. The narrator states the technology Omelas could have and then
says or they could have none of that: it doesn t ... Show more content on ...
But there are some who walk away from Omelas. These are few, but they are the
ones that have guilt. They could not live in a place, no matter how perfect, that
thrives off a child s torment.
All of the narrator s questions invite the reader to place ;himself in the position of
the people of Omelas. Do you need this to make you happy? Then you may have it.
Once the reader begins to enjoy the city and begins to see its happiness as a good
thing, then the reader, like the adolescents in the story, must be shown that on which
the happiness depends. Readers must face the question of what they would be
willing to sacrifice for happiness. In Omelas, the people have no guilt so they are
able to sacrifice the child for their happiness with no remorse because they are happy.
The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas is an attempt to explain the problem of evil
Collins writes the narrative justifies or makes sense of a painful aspect of theodicy
(527). The question of the problem of evil is summed up in three statements: God is
good, God is omnipotent and omniscient, and there is evil. The existence of evil is
usually accepted as a given. If God is good, but not omnipotent, he wants to stop evil,
but cannot. If God is omnipotent, but not good, he could stop evil, but would not. In
Christianity, however, God is understood to be both good and omnipotent,
A Lesson Before Dying Rhetorical Analysis
A Lesson Before Dying is a novel that depicts racism, in justice and sacrifice all
through the perspective of a black male. Gaines does a great job of making the
reader feel like they are watching all this unfold in real life. One of the reasons
why Gaines was able to tell this story so well because of his own personal
experiences, similar to the ones in A Lesson Before Dying making the his story
seem sincere. Gaines makes effective use of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos, the three
appeals of rhetoric. Gaines establishes his ethos by showing how un just the verdict
was on Jefferson. Grant argues that Jefferson doesn t have the intelligence to pull off
such a scheme Gentlemen of the jury. Look at the shape of this skull, this face as flat
Social And Social Changes In Japan During The Tokugawa
Firstly, Japan s political structure was transformed to really large extent during the
Meiji era as it brought about changes such as in the manner of governing the people,
parliament structure as well as the reform in policies that the Japanese were forced to
sign with the Western powers such as the United States of America and Great Britain.
During the Tokugawa period the Emperor Meiji limited the power of the samurai
removing exclusive rights such as their right to punish commoners and he also
removed their right to be the only armed force in Japan, in favour of westernized
military with several different armed sections. In addition, the Emperor sent scholars
to Britain, France and Germany to study their parliament as well as study the way
these Western nations operated. Eventually the Emperor appointed Ito Hirobumi to
select an adequate constitution for the new empire of Japan.... Show more content on ...
Education was a main social system that changed during modernization. In the Edo
period, school was only for children of people in higher classes. Now it was
mandatory for all children to take. In 1871, the Japanese government established a
Ministry of Education. It was designed to break down class identities which helped
raise the standard of living in Japan. In 1884 an important man named Mori Arinori
became the Minister of Education for Japan. He restructured the school system which
stayed in place for sixty years. As well, he established the Imperial University which
was later renamed the Tokyo University. These changes that were made influenced
people all over Japan. The government believed that Japan would become a more
powerful country if their citizens were educated. The government taught values such
as national identity and loyalty to the Emperor. This helped unite Japan and make
them a stronger
Importance of Good Manners
Importance of Good Manners The larger a population grows, it seems the worse
manners become. That is too bad, because in a large, busy society, good manners
become even more important. Common courtesies such as holding a door open for
someone, saying please and thank you, and allowing an elderly or disabled person
to go to the head of the line all make the world a nicer place to live in. Good
manners do not cost anything, and it takes little extra time to practice them. Benefits
Good manners help put others at ease and therefore make social interactions more
pleasant. Simple courtesies like saying please and thank you show that you
acknowledge another person as more than an object. Good manners aid friendships
and are essential... Show more content on ...
This is why poor manners can feel so offensive. It s not like a direct insult which is
personal. Lack of manners offends because it s impersonal. It fails to recognize
that a two way connection is taking place and sends the message I am not aware of
you as a person . One of the reasons traditional courtesies may have slipped in recent
years might be that we spend so much time interacting with non human things. You
don t have to ask a television to switch channels or thank a computer for recording
your files. People who neglect manners, however, do so at their social and
professional peril. Manners demonstrate an awareness of one s social environment.
Even if no serious offence is taken, poor manners can still make someone appear
less engaged in what s happening around them and more caught up in their own
world. In other words, good manners connect people to those around them, poor or
bad manners can cause a separation. Imagine, for example, there is a small group of
loud talking cinema goers disrupting the film for the rest of the audience. The
auditorium is now split into an us and them . Whether they re aware of it or not, the
rowdy group has become isolated from the rest of the cinema community. Good
manners are a code of common practice. What constitutes good manners can differ
from group to group or culture to culture. Whatever the customs are, respecting them
shows a desire
What Are The Similarities Of The Hang And Dynasty
Hundreds of civilizations have up and fallen over thousands of years. However, the
foremost eminent and long lasting societies have developed a similar options over
the course of their growth. 2 major civilizations were the Han and Zhou. each of that
had a similar general characteristics with variable parts.
The Chow and dynasty had the same system of presidency. each selected their ruler
relying upon the Mandate of Heaven. this idea determined that authority was gained
through winning the favor of the gods. people who were chosen claimed to be the
Sons of Gods. However, once natural disasters, famine, and nonattendance occurred,
it had been believed to be signs from the gods. The individuals would then believe
that the Sons of Gods had ... Show more content on ...
This resulted within the mingling of the Chinese and Indian individuals and therefore
the integration of their arts. Chinese artists that reborn to Buddhism then began to
draw photos and sculpt pictures of Buddha and his teachings. On the opposite hand,
the Zhou had not been influenced by any major faith. Instead, most art was
primarily based off of the previous kinfolk, the Shang. They used bronze to form
sculptures and Jade to form ornaments to embellish their palaces and shrines. The
Chow palaces were primarily product of massive wood beams. Han design was
conjointly similar, they featured temples that closely resembled Indian stupas
dedicated to Buddha. However, Buddhism isn t the sole belief that powerfully
affected civilizations.
At first, the Chow dynasty s scheme thought about emperors to be specially others,
then came flush landowners/merchants, farmers, and so slaves. However, once
philosophical theory came into fashion, the merchants and farmers switched places.
Farmers were seen as higher than merchants as a result of they contributed way more
to the society by making the food. The Han custom made this technique within which
farmers were command in an exceedingly higher social standing than flush artisans
Anatomy Reflection
What went wrong
As with other PA faculties, you may be aware of the general complaints made by the
first year PA students about the Anatomy course. I do know my classmates were
affected different; however, these were my own personal challenges with the
Anatomy course:
Disorganization of course material o Class reading assignments did not match
Lecture o Lecture PowerPoints were not provided despite request from several
students. It was usually provided a couple of days before the test. This shortened the
time to study, memorize and focus on the necessary anatomical structures.
Lack of guidance on how to study the information presented
As recommended during the PA orientation, I read the assigned readings for my
courses; however, for anatomy, this exercise quickly became futile only because it did
not contribute to helping to understand lectures provided in class. With voluminous
reading assignments, many times, the anatomy lecture focused little or none from the
information in the textbook. Lectures mostly presented anatomical structures and so
focus on images were paramount. Therefore, the reading did little to help understand
lecture material if one is not familiar enough with the anatomical structures. While
this was the case, the PowerPoints with the anatomical structures were not provided.
Insufficient consistent guidance in the Anatomy Cadaver lab
Initially there was no tutoring and/or review sessions for the lab. Many of us were
confused and
The Fast Food Industry In The 1900 s
The restaurant industry is a dominating power in the United States. Specifically, fast
food restaurants are the leading force of the food that Americans consume every day.
The popular chains such as McDonalds, Burger King, and Wendy s control the way
that consumers eat, due to the fact that they remove most mom and pop type
businesses. In Chew on This, authors Eric Schlosser and Charles Wilson explore the
effects that the fast foodindustry has taken on children s lives, food distribution and
packaging, and health of the public since its rise to fame. The rise of quick service
restaurants began in the 1900 s as car hops were a popular form of eating; families
could be serviced directly in their automobiles without having to leave a vehicle to go
inside and get a table. Around this time, the hamburgerwas not the popular dish that it
was today Children are the root of most advertisements; they are the impressionable
bunch of the population, making it easier to target goods and products towards them.
As the restaurant industry began to boom,... Show more content on ...
Obesity has grown as a side effect of the large portions eaten for breakfast, lunch, and
dinner. In the United States, one out of every six children have reached the weight
category of being obese with many bordering the morbidly obese section. The
calories and super sizing options that companies are releasing is not helping this
epidemic. E coli outbreaks are also a danger that the companies face in their meat
packing plants. About fourteen people every year die from food poisoning because
it is left untreated or unnoticed. Food companies often keep their E coli outbreaks
undercover, as they bribe larger administration to get charges recalled. Fast food
restaurants know what they are doing to consumers is wrong, however they continue
to do it even if it means people will lose their
Theme Of The Women Of Brewster Place
Gloria Naylor s novel The Women of Brewster Place is centered on the themes of
homelessness and interpersonal relationship among the members of the Afro
American society. The characters of this novel reside in a same ghetto and each
character has a different story to tell according to his/her dreams and experiences.
The destitute and the deprived people lead their life with the driving force of their
dreams.The migrants of the black South America have a dream to steer ahead to
reach a next level in their lives. They are settlers who have left home for different
reasons and despite their difficulties; they help one another and live in a ghetto.
Mattie Michael is the central character who plays the role of an enduring friend.
Mattie s experience... Show more content on ...
Her debut novel The Women of Brewster Place (1982) won the National Book
Award, the same story was later adopted as a television show. Gloria Naylor through
her novel, The Women of Brewster Place has decoded the major conflicts of the
socially deprived clan. Their struggle to accomplish their dreams; the phases of
achievements and failures and quest for sustaining the success is artistically
conveyed in this novel. A critical analysis of this novel reveals that it is centered on
the themes of homelessness, initial struggles of immigrants, hopefulness to realize
their dreams and the varied interpersonal relationship among the members of the
locality. The novelist examines the dreams of different women in seven different
stories. Dreams are the images of the hidden emotions and desires of any person.
These dreams have lead people to aim and accomplish their desires. But dreams are
not realized at every instance in human life. According to Freud dreams are the
fulfillment of wishes, and sometimes that dreams represent the fulfillment of wishes.
Accomplished dreams have led people to the state of satisfaction and
unaccomplished ones remain at distance, often inducing and indulging an individual
to chase it at their own preferred pace. Dreams that have become a reality have
always been motivational on the contrary the deferred dreams of people have also
contributed to help another achieve the
The Battle Of Qala I Jangi
This paper explores the battle of Qala i Jangi, with alternate outcomes and relevant
capabilities of both sides rendering a future effect on the campaign. Taliban and
foreign fighters surrendered near Kunduz and were being held as enemy combatants
at Qala i Jangi fortress prison for interrogations by the American Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA). The prisoners revolted and the ensuing fighting escalated into one of
the bloodiest battles of the conflict. Northern Alliance fighters, assisted by British
and American Special Forces and air support, to quelled the revolt. As a result all but
86 prisoners were killed. United States (US) suffered the first American fatality
during the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan. Among the surviving prisoners was an
American citizen. The subsequent lessons learned will be employed throughout
campaigns on the Global War on Terrorism, Operation Enduring Freedom.
(Wikipedia, 2015) Overview of Qala i Jangi Battle
The battle of Qala i Jangi may have been prevented by use of the most basic
techniques yielding intelligence and saving lives, this paper will show the events as
they occurred analyzing the failures and the effects. November 2001, Mazar e Sharif
located in Northern Afghanistan would host the bloodiest battle from 25 November
2001 through 1 December 2001. The battle took place when approximately 600
prisoners consisting of Taliban and foreign fighters, were hastily placed in the Qala i
Jangi prison fortress. The prisoners revolted
Branches Of Government Essay
Branches of Government When the Constitution of the United States of America was
signed and ratified the people had a self sustaining government made up of three
equal, but distinct, branches. The legislative branch, made up of a House of
Representatives and Senate; The executive branch, which includes the President,
Vice President, and the executive cabinet members; Finally, the judicial branch,
consisting of the state and federal courts. The framers believed that all three
branches in theory, would work together to govern not only for the good of the
people, but for the good of the states, and the nation as a whole. Similarly to today,
the framers had two camps that held different ideologies as to how a government
should execute its... Show more content on ...
(Patterson, 2008) This left the national government with little power to achieve
anything and resulted in many states operating fully independent of one another.
States would negotiate their own trade deals and create their own military forces
without regard to what another state was doing. The Articles also gave the congress
no power to tax, and therefore the expected duties of defense and care of the
national economy could not be accomplished. This continued until 1786, when a
citizen revolt referred to as Shay s Rebellion occurred. The rebellion was made up of
former Revolutionary War veterans who were trying to keep the government from
foreclosing on their property due to unpaid taxes. The members of the congress were
urged to send in help to put down the rebellion, but they had no force to send in. In a
growing fear that the revolt and spreading anarchy could not be controlled an
emergency meeting, the constitutional convention of 1787, was held to discuss the
future of the government and the need for more national control. The constitutional
convention in 1787, the framers discussed and argued over many different issues.
One issue most notable to the formation of the separate branches was the Great
Compromise. This deal was struck between smaller states that feared unbalanced
representation on the national level giving more power and authority to
Oishi s Dichotomy
The dichotomy between the Chrysanthemum and the Sword is one that embodied
the delicate balance of both the life and death that make up the whole of a samurai
s life. On one hand the life of a samurai is a way of a warrior. It is a path that
embodies death and utter destruction of any enemy or obstacle that come in their
way and as long as it is honorable any level of brutality is acceptable. To be a samurai
is to hope to die by the sword and yet on the other hand being able to understand the
world of the beauty of the world around them is one of their duties. In the same
way the stroke of a sword can end a life the stroke of a brush can create beautiful
calligraphy. This two fold life is the way of the samurai and to the outsider it can be...
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In the book Oishi serves as the leader to the band of Ronin who seek to take the life
of Kira in the name of their late lord. Oishi must find a balance between planning to
strike at the perfect moment and holding back the furry of the young Samurai.
This in and of itself is the dichotomy that they face and Oishi knows that a perfectly
executed strike will send a message to the Shogun as well as preserving their honor.
Near the end of the book we get a good look into both sides of Oishi one when he is
traveling back Oishi was able to relax and enjoy the scenery he had been to
preoccupied to notice before. Now he could appreciate the spectacular sights of the
country sides. and on the other side when he kills Kira Oishi ,in a cold rage, swung
his sword with two hands in a great arc which snipped Kira s head from it s
shoulders. In the first quote Oishi is able to appreciate the calmness and life of the
world of the country side and on the other hand he is able to take the life of another
with no remorse. Hara on the other hand is hot headed and ready for action at all
times here he says to the old treasurer of his clan if you don t, I ll come back and
take a sword to you as you
Serpent Bound Essay
This project s aim is to produce a collaborative archeological study of Serpent Mound.
The goal of the project is to use applied archaeology to understand Serpent Mound
through oral histories of the descendant community, the Eastern Shawnee of
Oklahoma, and traditional archaeological methods, creating an updated narrative
about Serpent Mound that can be accessed by the public. Archaeological methods
utilized will be done with the Eastern Shawnee of Oklahoma as to show them how
archaeology explains Serpent Mound s construction. This project accepts that Serpent
Mound was constructed ~2,300 years ago by Adena people, and will use this
narrative when talking about the site from an archaeological perspective.
The final product of this project will be a revamped Serpent Mound museum and ...
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The website will also include virtual tours of Serpent Mound and the museum
displays. The oral histories of the descendant communities will be embedded via
audio and also displayed through text on the website.
Additionally, the information of a revamped site museum and website will be sent out
to surrounding school systems and community members. It is imperative for students
to learn and claim an identity of a site steward by engaging and familiarizing with the
site. Additionally, the informational flyers will contain all the information needed to
set up field trips and visits to Serpent Mound.
Overall, the voice and knowledge of descendant communities and the archaeological
understanding of Serpent Mound will be easily accessed by all ages through in
person or virtual field trip. The products express Serpent Mound s significance to the
public and allows for more knowledge of the site and site protection. Increased
preservation of the site allows future populations to visit and study the mound, and
for the Eastern Shawnee people to continue to have cultural ties to the
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Famous Narrative Essays

  • 1. Famous Narrative Essays Crafting an essay on the theme of "Famous Narrative Essays" is a task that demands a delicate balance of research, analysis, and creativity. The difficulty lies not only in summarizing the essence of renowned narrative essays but also in weaving a cohesive narrative that captures the essence of each chosen work. The challenge is to delve into the complexities of narrative structures, character development, and thematic nuances while maintaining a coherent and engaging flow. One must tread the fine line between providing insightful commentary and avoiding the trap of merely summarizing the narratives. The task involves not just describing the narratives but understanding the unique voices and storytelling techniques employed by the authors. It requires the ability to discern underlying themes, motivations, and the cultural or historical context that influenced these famous narratives. Furthermore, the writer must showcase a nuanced understanding of the impact these essays have had on literature, society, or the individual reader. It necessitates diving deep into literary analysis and drawing connections between the narratives and broader societal or philosophical themes. The process is akin to unraveling a rich tapestry, carefully examining each thread to comprehend the intricate patterns woven by the authors. It demands a keen eye for detail, an appreciation for literary nuances, and the ability to articulate one's interpretations coherently. In conclusion, crafting an essay on "Famous Narrative Essays" requires not only a comprehensive understanding of the chosen works but also the skill to articulate the insights gained from the exploration. It's a challenging endeavor that demands dedication, analytical prowess, and a genuine passion for storytelling. For those finding this task daunting, it's worth considering seeking assistance from platforms like, where similar essays and much more can be ordered to ease the burden of this intricate writing process. Famous Narrative EssaysFamous Narrative Essays
  • 2. Great Expectations By Charles Dicken In Charles Dicken s novel Great Expectations there is a wide diverse cast of characters who play different significant roles that affect the character development of Pip. One of the unsung heroes throughout the book, that s role can be often overlooked is Herbert Pocket. At first glance, it can seem as if Herbert does not have as much of an influence on Pip as he tends to blend into the background, along with the fact that at different points can compare to other minor characters that only show up when they are needed to help move the plot along. Herbert stands out from this crowd due to different factors in his relationship with Pip, and how this association allows him to be able to affect and help mold Pip s character. This close bond began with Pip s first experience with how a gentleman would react in different circumstances that he uses as an expectation as he takes the path to become a gentleman himself. On this path to becoming a gentleman Pip confides in Herbert many times, and seeks his advice that ultimately directs Pip s decision on whatever topic he went to Herbert asking for help on. Herbert never fails to come to Pip s aid, proving his trustworthiness, always doing so with a cheery attitude that Pip later reflects upon how it influence over him and others as well. This further engraves the trust and friendship that Pip and Herbert share, Herbert being there to provide Pip with a family type of love between Pip s different father figures he is presented with. It
  • 3. Vending Machine Snacks In a recent AOL poll, we asked our readers to tell us what their least favorite body parts were. The overwhelming answer? My belly! But the concern over a flabby belly is more serious than simply not looking good in a bathing suit. Researchers are finding that abdominal fat leads to higher risks of heart disease, diabetes and even certain types of cancers. We re all aware that lack of exercise and a diet of burgers and fries will cause our bellies to bloat and expand, but who knew that those late nights at the office, the stress of that big project or the hidden trans fats in our favorite vending machine snacks were adding dangerous inches to our midsections? In a society where workaholics reign, Americans are more sleep deprived, stress ridden ... Show more content on ... The problems arise when certain factors, such as muscle mass and fat deposition, are not taken into consideration. Because muscle is much denser than fat and takes up less space, two individuals of the same height and weight could have the same BMI, even though one may have a significantly higher percentage of body fat than the other. Researchers now know that if most of your fat is in the tummy area, your health risks are greater than if it resides in, say, the hips, thighs or rear (sometimes referred to as the apple versus pear theory. Dr. Tobias Pischon, lead author of a recent study that focused on the correlation between abdominal fat and colon cancer, stated in a Reuters Health report that this type of fat is more alarming. Belly fat is metabolically active and could possibly increase colon cancer risk by raising levels of certain hormones that affect cell growth, including the growth of cancer cells. Consequently, waist to hip ratio (a measurement of waist size divided by hip size) is a more reliable gauge of your risk factors for certain diseases, such as heart attacks. A ratio of above 0.85 for women and above 0.90 for men is higher than average and typically indicates greater
  • 4. Le Guin s The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas Essay Living out Omelas In Le Guin amp;#8217;s amp;#8220;The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, ; we find ourselves faced with a moral dilemma. What is it that we as people base our happiness on? The idea of societal and personal happiness is played out through the analogy of Omelas and the abandoned child. In this story, we are drawn into Le Guin amp;#8217;s world by use of her vivid descriptions. Le Guin pulls us into Omelas with her first phrase amp;#8220;with a clamor of bells that set the swallows soaring. ; From here she intricately weaves a pattern of plot and theme which she draws upon throughout the entire story. We are initially given to a blissful, almost jubilant, Omelas. We picture the amp;#8220;houses with red roofs and painted ... Show more content on ... Le Guin utilizes broad terms such as amp;#8220;the youths and girls, the merry women, old people and master workmen. ; By using general identities for these characters, we fill in the gaps with our own imagination molding them to fit people known in our lives. Even the child in the basement was only a amp;#8220;child ; and the amp;#8220;boys and girls ; ran around naked with amp;#8220;mudstained feet and ankles. ; As much as she may shift to one character, Le Guin never gave more than a few vague details about that character amp;#8217;s description. This was played and replayed throughout the story with great consistency. Though it inhabitants may have been obscure and lightly characterized, Omelas itself held more detail than its people did. Omelas is depicted as a jubilant place of harmony and laughter. A fairy tale. Le Guin uses imaginative terms to allow the reader a gateway through which we gaze into the daily life of an Omelasn, a worry free life where amp;#8220;the people went dancing ; and one can hear amp;#8220;the great joyous clanging of the bells. ; Omelas is played out in a realistic way. The reader is meant to connect with the inhabitants of Omelas who are mature, passionate and intelligent. Le Guin dispels certain things in our modern era that give strain to some people amp;#8217;s lives and woe to others. She refers to amp;#8220;secret police, slavery and the bomb ; as negative thoughts outside of Omelas that do not exist in it. Le
  • 5. Essay On A Touch Of Sin The movie A Touch of Sin, film by Jia Zhangke is about four independent crimes that happened in China. In this paper, I will be focusing on two of these stories which are Dahai and Xiaoyu. Dahai, played by actor Jiang Wu, is former mineworker who is diabetic, doesn t have a regular job and whose seeking for justice. Xiaoyu played by actress Zhao Tao, who is the mistress of a business man and who works as a receptionist in a sauna. She is very poised and a good organizer as she helps her lover bypass Chinese control on Taiwanese citizens for travel in the mainland. I believe that both Dahai and Xiaoyu were suppressed by their surroundings and the Chinese culture therefore they ended up killing people. Dahai was seeking justice throughout ... Show more content on ... Then he killed the guy that called him Mr. golf after asking him about the chief s location, and this shows that he really does not care anymore and he wants to get rid of anyone who stops in his way or even just anyone that bothers him. Then he went to the chief and killed him by the temple. Then he killed the guy that was beating the horse, because beating the horse is an act of violence and Dahai doesn t desire that. Then he killed Jiao in his car but he was not shown being shot like the others instead Dahai was on screen with a revenge smile on his face. We re introduced to Xiaoyu as a woman trying to get a man divorced from his wife. He offered her to go with him on the train to his city and accept things the way they are, but she refused and said that she owes an explanation to her parents, which we discover later that they are separated. This shows that she does care about culture and that she comes from a conservative family. She went back to the train station and knocked on the window so her boyfriend opens the door for her but the train moves and she doesn t get to go on it, and I believe that the problem begins here, because the train leaving means that she missed her chance or opportunity to be with that man. Then she goes to her work and she gets beaten up for seducing someone s husband but we don t know if she really seduced him or not because
  • 6. Unit 424 Referencing For Research Paper 424 Task 1.1 Introduction Referencing is when you acknowledge materials used while researching, including books; papers; websites and other published or unpublished materials. References are used to acknowledge the parts of your work that are based on information from other outside sources and have been written by someone else not by yourself. References are a way to acknowledge the other authors and give them accreditation. If you fail to use references, what you have written would be classed as plagiarism and will be discredited. When to use referencing Referencing should be used whenever quotations of an original text is used or you refer to quotations and paraphrase any content that has been written by someone else. References could
  • 7. Biodiversity And Conservation Of Marine Biodiversity The world s oceans cover 70 percent of the earth s surface (Allsopp, Page, Johnston, Santillo, 2009). The oceans biodiversity is increasingly becoming more threatened each year by anthropogenic activities such as pollution, destructive fishing methods, overfishing and commercial agriculture (Tyus, 2012). Marine conservation has improved over the years to protect and preserve ecosystems in oceans and seas. To limit the anthropogenic damage, restore habitats, species and preserve vulnerable marine life (Norse Crowder, 2005). The term marine biodiversitydiscusses the abundance of species in a geographical area. (Allsopp et al., 2009). The biodiversity and conservation of marine systems can include a range of different types of habitats, the habitat that will be discussed in this study will be tropical coral reefs of Madagascar (Dobson Frid, 2009). Coral reefs are the most biologically diverse ecosystem within the oceans (Hill, 2005). At a global scale, they tend to have high species diversity to care and support a large number of fish communities (Tyus, 2012). Coral reefs are recognised as the most pristine marine ecosystem of Madagascar; it is species rich but are also very fragile and threatened (Ahamada, Bijoux, Cauvin, Kooonjul, Maharavo, Pierre Louis, 2004). Endemic species inhabit this region such as butterflyfish (Chaetodontidae) and wrasses (Labridae), which show reliable indicators for the reefs health (Nadon, Griffiths, Doherty, 2005). Velondriake marine
  • 8. Toyota Research Paper Toyota Motor Corp. Research Report Size of Company Toyota Motor Corporation and its subsidiaries engage in the production of automobiles Japan. The company operates in three segments: Automotive Operations, Financial Service Operations, and Other Operations. The Automotive Operations segment designs, manufactures, assembles, and sells cars, recreational and sport utility vehicles, minivans and trucks, and related parts and accessories. The Financial Services Operations segment primarily provides finance to dealers and their customers for the purchase or lease of Toyota vehicles. This segment also provides retail financing, retail leasing, wholesale financing and insurance, credit cards, and mortgage loans. The Other Operations segment ... Show more content on ... main strategy for the North American market is to aim for higher sales, while raising the proportion of locally produced automobiles. Toyota Motor Corp have reached a stage where investments made over the last several years to expand production capacity are beginning to show returns and improved profitability can be expected. Toyota s goal is to bolster local production through additional investment, and contribute to the regional economy by expanding its operations. At present, our production capacity in North America is approximately 1.25 million units (including our joint venture with GM). However, Toyota Motor Corp plan to boost this to 1.45 million units during 2003. Thus far, our product strategy of successively expanding our model range, from smaller cars to luxury sedans, full sized pickup trucks, large SUVs, and crossover vehicles has proved successful. In a bid to further extend our customer base, we have established the Scion marketing group, which will develop a range of vehicles targeting young, first time car buyers. With respect to environmental issues, Toyota s hybrid automobile Prius, which was introduced to the North American market in 2000, has been extremely well received and development is under way to launch our next generation hybrid car. The Company intends to
  • 9. Amazon Essay Nguyen Quoc Khanh BUS 103 Case 3: Amazon: One E Store to Rule Them All. 1. In what way does Bezos s decision to develop and deliver the Kindle show systematic and intuitive thinking? First, Bezos has shown his intuitive thinking in the decision of unveiling Amazon Kindle, a new device that is completely outside Apple s catalog though Amazon still sold Apple s iPod. Furthermore, he introduced to Medias his product, it seemed like a declaration to Apple. Because Apple is a giant of technological industry, so the situation would be complex to be its competitor. However, it was the only way to make a technological evolution by Kindle. As a result, this situation required Bezos to have a quick and broad evaluation for making the decision.... Show more content on ... Obviously, Apple is already the monster in tech industry, which leads the music downloads market. Amazon has only achieved the success in digital book downloads. Therefore, music downloading service is not the absolute advantage of this firm. That is why Amazon would likely to face to many challenges such as the stagnation of this service, which does not meet customer s needs. Furthermore, the situation remains would make Amazon lose customers. Besides, e commerce and internet are considered not to be the best way and place for high involvement purchases. The second error decisions that is also a trap for Bezos is that he sells so many luxury products such as diamond. Nowadays, technology develops rapidly, and it is the opportunity for high tech criminal to break out any security network system. It leads to the business losses of many huge corporations all over the world. This problem can cause the failure of Amazon, which is predictable. 4. I. What are the latest initiatives coming out of Amazon? According to my research, the latest initiative of Amazon is Fire TV, an entertainment device, which has come out in April 2014. The service access for customers will be much easier and faster with this device. II. How do they stack up in relation to actual or potential competition? III. How has Zappos acquisition turned out? Since its founding in 1999, Zappos had become one of the world s largest
  • 10. Essay on Thirty Years War Thirty Years War Philip, Spanish kings. Philip I (the Handsome), 1478 1506, king of Castile (1506), was the son of Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I and Mary of Burgundy. He inherited Burgundy and the Low Countries from his mother and was titular joint ruler of Castile with his wife, Joanna. But her father ruled these lands as his regent, so he contested (1504) Ferdinand s regency and assumed (1506) joint rule of Castile with his wife. Philip s early death, however, and his wife s deteriorating mental condition allowed Ferdinand to resume joint control of Castile. The Low Countries passed to Philip s son, who later became Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. Philip II, 1527 98, king of Spain (1556 98), king of Naples and Sicily (1554 98)... Show more content on ... But the nation fought in Italy (1615 17) and entered the Thirty Years War. Although the church prospered and the grandees accumulated vast estates, the Spanish economy declined, partly as a result of Philip s expulsion (1609 14) of the Moriscos. During Philip s reign, Spanish culture flourished and gave to the world great artists such as the author Cervantes and the painter El Greco. Philip IV, 1605 65, king of Spain, Naples, and Sicily (1621 65) and, as Philip III, king of Portugal (1621 40), intelligent but lacking energy, was unable to prevent Spain s political and economic decline. The Thirty Years War continued until 1648, and the war with France (1621 59) ended with Spain s humiliation. Portugal revolted (1640), Catalonia was occupied by the French, and Spain had to recognize the independence of the Netherlands (1648). Philip was a patron of the arts and, thanks to Velazquez, was perhaps the most frequently portrayed king in history. The accession of Philip V, 1683 1746, the first Bourbon king of Spain (1700 1746), precipitated the War of the Spanish Succession (1701 14) because his grandfather, Louis XIV of France, had accepted the Spanish throne for Philip. By the Peace of Utrecht, Spain lost much territory, including the Spanish Netherlands, Naples, and Sicily. Philip was forced to introduce the Salic law of succession, which forbade female monarchs and thus precluded the crown s personal union with France. The
  • 11. Components That Make Up Braces Braces are used to help straighten crooked teeth and for people with an under or over bite. Your dentist or orthodontist will recommend if you need braces and what kind would fit for you. Braces weren t developed until the 1800 s and the methods used to straighten teeth varied from culture to culture. By the time a child is 12 they should have their permanent teethand that is when you can find out if you will need braces or not. There are many components that make up braces. Brackets which are the small squares in the front that bond to the front of the tooth and they act like handles holding the arch wire. You can get tooth colored brackets or steel brackets. Orthodontic bands are steel or clear colored and they wrapped around each tooth
  • 12. Marketing Plan for Children Art Company Abrakadoodle Marketing Plan Table of Contents Executive Summary................................................................................Page 3 Environmental Analysis.......................................................................Page 4 SWOT Analysis................................................................................Page 8 Marketing Objectives.......................................................................Page 9 Marketing Strategies.......................................................................Page 10 Marketing Implementation.......................................................................Page 12 Evaluating Control ..............................................................................Page 14 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Abrakadoodle offers full service visual art classes for kids, summer art camps, holiday art camps, art parties and art events that stimulate and educate to more than one million children in schools, community sites, and art studios for kids ... Show more content on ... The 2013 Census ACS data (including 2013 Maryland household income numbers) will be released in September of 2014. HISTORICAL REAL MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME FOR MARYLAND *With 1 being 2012 and 8 representing 2005 REAL MEDIAN FAMILY INCOME IN MARYLAND The ACS 1 year survey shows that the median family income for Maryland was $85,985 in 2012. Compared to the median US Family income, Maryland median family income is $23,458 higher. 2013 family income data will be released in September of 2014. 20121 Year Change3 Year Change United States$62,527 0.34%4.37% Maryland $85,985 0.48%4.66% S W O T Analysis: The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses within the company/franchise and describes the opportunities and threats facing Abrakadoodle. STRENGTHS Trained leader and staff
  • 13. Excellent customer service Well thought out business model addressing a need for the area Excellent education and fun for children and kids Corporate brand recognition Excellent relationship with Bowie BIC WEAKNESSES Newly established franchise Corporate website is very generic Materials and fees are on the higher income end of the spectrum Only uses 2% of gross for advertising vs. other programs that contribute higher Little presence on social medial sites
  • 14. Essay about William Faulkner and History William Faulkner and History In order to fully understand importance of history and the past in Faulkner s writing, it is first necessary to examine the life he lived and the place that shaped it. William Cuthbert Falkner (the u was later added via his own accord) was born September 25, 1897 in New Albany, Mississippi (Padgett). Named for his great grandfather Colonel Falkner, young William was told countless stories as a boy of the old Colonel and other great heroes of the South. Faulkner himself described the process of embellishment subjected to one story told by his Aunt over time: [Aunt Jenny] grew older the tale itself grew richer and richer, taking on a mellow splendor like wine; until what had been a hare brained ... Show more content on ... While it is possible to regard Faulkner s writing without the knowledge of his Southern heritage, Faulkner enthusiast and literary Critic Cleanth Brooks argues that in order to understand him, one must realize the importance of his being born in a particular time and place. Faulkner himself has made this connection and simply admitted to writing about what he knew best: his own little postage stamp of native soil (Brooks, Time 251). Brooks further develops the notion that Faulkner uses his personal knowledge and experience in his essay Faulkner and the Muse of History. He describes Faulkner s surrounding acquaintances stating that, ...the people that he knew had clinging to their lives a great deal of the stuff of history the history that had produced them and had helped them mold the culture out of which them came (266). The South of Faulkner s youth was still very much alive with pre war memories being passed down through generations and weaving a culture all of its own. This Southern culture, also the culture Faulkner wrote about, held family very central to it. Society placed an emphasis on manners and honour, and was characterized by close personal relationships (Brooks, Muse). Even despite the region s quite rigid black white caste system there was
  • 15. Applied Sociology Within the Family Essay Applied Sociology within the Family Applied sociology is a part of everyday life. Families experience sociological changes when parents get divorced, a new job is taken, or they get discriminated against. Most people may not think of family as a small society, micro level society, within itself. All families have a hierarchy of power beginning with the head of the household which tends to be the father. The way a familyforms its own small society is interesting. Family roles have change dramatically. Fifty to sixty years ago, families were merely based on the degree of precision and the roles performed by the parents. Now days the primary family roles which were initially the husband s responsibility such as income, household repairs,... Show more content on ... Although a marital relationship begins before any other type of family relationship, this fact does not mean that it is the easiest type to maintain. Gaining and maintaining marital quality involves commitment, communication and certain adjustments for each of the spouses. When the marital status of the parents becomes stressed, the family can experience chaos and complete crises. When this happens, the structure becomes unclear and the overall family becomes unable to function. I find it interesting that the social function of the family can be impacted if only one relationship is broken within the network. The article Applying Applied Sociology in the Family describes the family unit as a micro level society. The micro level is the smallest structure of society, but may be the strongest. Family units consist of small groups of compatible people. Guidelines are established to help control the functions of the family and also help establish behaviors that in turn allow the individual society to be unique. Each family has its own roles that each family member must uphold in order to have a functional unit. The article gives an example of the roles in terms of a hierarchy such as the father being the head of the household and a step down is the mother, a partner to the father (Applied Sociology). There are also specific characteristics of a family society being socialization, segregation, ritual, and sanctioning. The first trait,
  • 16. Why Are Movies Better Than Movies When it comes to the entertainment boom millennials are facing, no other debate is as fierce as the debate of whether movies or book are better. Novels, or books, are perennial, having lasted throughout time as the premier way of sharing knowledge and the presentation of entertainment. However, the invention of films in the late 1800 s disrupted the titan. Movies then became a significant way to present stories and fears of books effacing from existence became mainstream. Although novels are still present in modern times, the movie industry has only exploded, with the uprise of Hollywood and billions of dollars of spending movies have become as big as books. However, when it comes to the debate on whether which form of information is better, novels have always been on the winning side with the most people standing behind books. Movies are rapidly approaching the popularity of books, but literature will still be better than films in ways such as prevailing in time and story limitations, immersing the reader, and providing more space for thoughts and imagination. Movies, although innovative, cannot stand to literature because of their limitations, and lack of ability to allow viewers to think and be in harmony with them. A book is edited and crafted, but the writer is still working within an unlimited time canvas. This condensing of books into movies leads to deleted parts from the book or abbreviation of developments within the book. (6 Reasons The Book Is (Almost
  • 17. Food In Medieval Times Food. humans depend on it , without food, everyone would end up dying. People in the medieval times did not have McDonalds or Burger King, no, they made a foundation to the food humans eat today. Gathering food for the kings and peasants was difficult , it required hard work and determination, but in the end, the kings and peasants received their food, and food was changing the world. Society dramatically changed due to peasants and kings eating different food options, feasts, and the Black Plague. For those living in the manor house, there was a ride range of food available. According to medieval, Fowl such as capons, geese, larks, and chickens were usually available to the lord and his family. This was because those living in the manor house were so high up in the social class, that they had these food options. states that Vegetables and fruits were not often part of their diet as they were seen as peasant ... Show more content on ... Melitta Weiss Adamson writes in her book Food in Medieval Times , Aside from the diners, the actors in the spectacle that was a medieval feast were the household staff. (162). This shows that there were many key contributors for a medieval feast. From the top down they included the steward, who ran the entire household, the marshal, who was his chief official at dinner, the head waiter and the taster, known as the sewer, the head of the pantry, known as the pantler, the person in charge of the drinks, known as the butler, the ewerer in charge of the hand washing and linen, the carver, and the lord s cupbearer. This shows that the lord of that time had my actors that each had a specific job to help the lord. (162). but at royal feasts, noblemen would be given some of the royal duties, but at royal feasts nobleman would be given some of the serving duties in the hall. This was because for the royal feasts, the best of the best was
  • 18. Time The Two Deliverymen Left Max s House By the time the two deliverymen left Max s house, they were slathered in sweat. Each had wet inverted pyramids soaked through the backs of their green coveralls. To Max, the sweat spots looked as though they were part of the delivery company s uniforms. Each dabbed and rubbed their handkerchiefs across their craggy and ruddy faces while rolling up their long sleeves in a way to help cool themselves. By the time they had unloaded, unpacked, and situated the new refrigerator under the overzealous and finicky eyes of Max s father, both deliveryman were boiling with quieted acrimony. As a consequence, they didn t hesitate to oblige Max s youthful request to leave the cardboard box that the new refrigerator arrived in, so that he could play with it. When Max had anxiously asked, the fatter of the two deliveryman smiled and answered loudly, Sure kid, we d be glad to, and under his breath said, anything to get us out of here quicker. Max eyeballed the box with anticipation and guesstimated it to be roughly four feet wide and nearly the length of the one man canoe his father had vehemently insisted Max learn to use on his 7th birthday, last spring. Although Max had tried to decline, he was unsuccessful. Grudgingly, Max attempted to use it and as a result and nearly drowned as a result. His father hadn t so much tried teaching Max, as much as stood from shore and yelled at him. His father dragged the canoe out of the slow meandering river and snipped, At least the canoe is
  • 19. Error Performance Improvement Of A Multiplexed Mimo... Error Performance improvement in Spatially Multiplexed MIMO Systems over Weibull Gamma Fading Channel Keerti Tiwari and Davinder S. Saini Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Jaypee University of Information Technology Waknaghat, Solan, (H.P.) 173234, India E mail, Abstract In multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems, spatial demultiplexing at the receiver is a motivational task. Thus, several detection techniques are investigated in existing literature. There is a tradeoff between computational complexity and optimal performance in many detection techniques. The ordered successive interference cancellation (OSIC) with minimum mean square error (MMSE) is used to improve the error performance. However, maximum likelihood (ML) detection gives optimal performance at the higher complexity level whereas MMSE OSIC detection is less complex. Therefore, MMSE OSIC2 detection is suggested as a solution. In this paper, spatial multiplexed (SM) MIMO systems are considered to evaluate error performance with different detection techniques such as MMSE OSIC, ML and MMSE OSIC2 in a composite fading i.e. Weibull gamma (WG) fading environment. In WG distribution, Weibull and gamma distribution represent multipath and shadowing effects respectively. It is shown by simulation results that the MMSE OSIC2 detection technique gives the improved symbol error performance (SER) which is closely likely ML performance
  • 20. The Iranian Language Essay Today the Iranian languages are spoken from Central Turkey, Syria and Iraq in the west to Pakistan and the western edge of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China in the east. In the North, its outposts are Ossetic in the central Caucasus and Yaghnobi and Tajik Persian in Tajikistan in Central Asia, while in the South they are bounded by the Persian Gulf, except for the Kumzari enclave on the Masandam peninsula in Oman. Historically, the New Iranian stage overlaps with the Islamization of Iranian speaking lands in the seventh century CE. The Middle Iranian stage began in the third century BCE. The oldest stages go back to the beginning of the second millennium BCE. The oldest physical document of Iranian is the Old Persian inscription by ... Show more content on ... The later Iranians moved into and across the Iranian plateau, both carrying the new social structure with their languages, with a lasting impact on the socio political structures of Iran and Afghanistan, and the subcontinent. The Iranians on their part can probably be correlated with the subsequent so called Yaz I culture in the BMAC complex, which reflects major cultural changes towards a more rural society after 1 500 BCE. They apparently remained in Central Asia, and only by the end of the second millennium BCE began to spread over the Iranian plateau. By the second half of the eighth century BCE, Iranian Median and Persian tribes (Mada and Parswa) had already been long established among the original non Iranian speakers of the Zagros mountain ranges of Iranian Kurdestan, according to the records of the Assyrian ruler Shalmaneser III (r. 858 824 BCE). Minorsky (1957: 78) recognized that the name of the tiny village Qal a Paswe near Solduz in Kurdestan retains the memory of the Iranian settlements (cf. also Zadok 200 1; 2002). The successors of the Parswa tribes who settled in the southwest of the Iranian plateau created the Achaemenid Empire (ca. 558 330 BCE) which, beginning with the Sasanian period (224 6 5 1 CE) and thereafter, ultimately resulted in the dominance of Persian over the Iranian expanse. While the Iranian plateau was increasingly Iranianized, the Iranian tribes known as Scythians by the Greek
  • 21. Manushi Sangathan vs. Government of Delhi-Its Implications Manushi Sangathan v Government of Delhi Its Implications INTRODUCTION: The following project aims to discuss the highlights of the judgement of Manushi Sangathan v Government of Delhi, and the various legal provisions it attracts. The case involves an expansion of the rights of the poor, overturning a number of previous decisions. In the case, Manushi Sangathan (an organization that represents the causes of the poorer sections of the society) challenged the implementation of some aspects of Delhi s transport policy, which were approved by the Municipal Corporation of Delhi. The policy fixed the total number of cycle rickshaws that could ply on the streets of Delhi at 99,000, required that the plier of the rickshaw be its owner, and certain other provisions. The High Court ruled in favour Manushi Sangathan, holding most of the provisions of the transport policy to be arbitrary and unconstitutional. The Supreme Court upheld the same. JUDGEMENT: The judgement in the case is a rare one, where the Court has expanded the rights and freedoms of the poor. It was inconsistent with the precedents, i.e. Hemraj and Ors v C.P. Delhi (2006) and All Delhi Cycle Rickshaw Operators Union v MCD. While the latter emphasized on the owner plier policy, in the former, the representatives were not heard on the premise that pulling rickshaws was degrading labour. The following issues were examined by the court Fixing of total number of rickshaws at 99,000: This was held to be
  • 22. Essay about Globe Theater II. Structure of the Globe The theater that Cuthbert Burbage built for the Chamberlain s Men had a total capacity of between 2,000 and 3,000 spectators. Because there was no lighting, all performances at the Globe were conducted, weather permitting, during the day (probably most often in the mid afternoon span between 2 P.M. and 5 P.M.). Because most of the Globe and all of its stage was open air, acoustics were poor and the actors were compelled by circumstances to shout their lines, stress their enunciation, and engage in exaggerated theatrical gestures. What would seem most striking to a modern (Broadway) theatergoer about the productions staged at the Globe is that they were completely devoid of background scenery. Although costumes ... Show more content on ... Although condemned by London authorities, along with cock fighting, bear baiting and the bawdy attractions of taverns, the Southwark theater district operated outside the legal reach of the City s officials. But while the Globe Theatre, and indeed, the entire Elizabethan theater scene opened its doors to the low life of the pits, it also accommodated an audience of higher status, well heeled, and better educated individuals. As Harry Levin notes in his general introduction to the Riverside Shakespeare (1974), the quot;Globe was truly a microcosm or little world of man quot;. With its logo of Hercules holding up the earth (as a temporary replacement to Atlas), the Globe Theatre constituted a quot;little world quot; in which the social elite rubbed up against a cross section of common vulgarians, drunken idlers, and other shady, street wise sorts. Yet, at the same time, the Globe was grand even in the eyes of Elizabethan society s most powerful and prosperous leaders. As Levin also observes in his prefatory essay, recently discovered documents indicate that reconstructions of the Globe as quot;a quaint little Tudor cottage quot; have been errant, since Burbage s house quot;may have had arches, pilaster, and other details of Baroque architecture quot;. Contemporaneous accounts suggests that the Globe was far more impressive than the thatched and half timbered models of it can capture, having a more spectacular look to its structure than is commonly recognized, one
  • 23. A Research On Animal Assisted Therapy In 2011 it was found that about 30% of college students reported feeling so depressed it was difficult to function (Depression and College Students 1). 83% of soldiers have been in situations that threatened their lives. 40% of these soldiers suffer from psychological illness (McPhee). The United States Department of Veteran s Affairs estimates PTSD affects В ј of troops returning from the Middle East; about 300,000 men and women (Harris 4). Many veterans have reintegration issues. Veterans can t relate to their surroundings when they return home (McPhee). The amount of people in the US with dementia shows the increase of dementia with age. Five percent of those age 71 79, 24% of those age 80 89, and 37% for those age 90 and over (Facts About Dementia: Overview). The general research done for Animal Assisted Therapycan be applied to a more specific type, Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (Shultz 17). The abbreviation for Equine Assisted Psychotherapy is EAP (Harris 2). EAP is a specialized form of psychotherapy using the horse as a therapeutic tool (Schultz 265). Wyatt Webb is a therapist in Tucson, Arizona. Webb does not believe in replacing traditional therapy methods, only adding to what already exists (Webb 2). Equine Assisted Psychotherapy was created from a combination of Gestalt therapy, Reality therapy and Rational Emotive therapy. Reality therapy plays a large role in EAP It focuses on what the person can actually control (Schultz 25,27). EAP meets several mental
  • 24. Synoptic Gospels Research Paper The Synoptic Gospels include Mark, Matthew, and Luke. Syn optic, meaning seen together , because so many of their stories are in common with each other and can be lined up columns and can be compared, often their words are verbatim. The reason John is not included in this group is because his writings are not as similar to those of the Synoptic Gospels. The writers of the Synoptic Gospels had a similar theme going on than that of John. John does incorporate information about Jesusthat seems to have come from some of the same souses as Matthew, Mark, and Luke, but he also seems to have a much different view of Jesus and includes many more stories that are unique to him than that of the other three. To break down the Synoptic Gospels and how they each portray Jesus, it is appropriate that I explain how they each relate to, and differ from each other. Mark, based upon scholars findings, appears to have been the first written and ... Show more content on ... This is strange and much different from John as well as the other books. For us to know this today ... we entail for it have been passed on orally or through recorded documents of some sort. This clearly means that there is diffidently more to the story and Mark is not telling us all of it. Why he leaves so many events out much of Jesus life unwritten is unknown but there must have been a reason at the time just as there is a reason John had written all that he had at the time he did. Matthew and Luke are believed to have been written at about the same time. They both seem to have used similar sources but do not appear to have ever known each other, because they rarely are in agreement against Mark s wording. They both have used Mark as a reference while editing Marks within their own writings by reverbing or cleaning up his phrasing to be better and more fluently
  • 25. The Role of the Concept of Need and Inequality Social Policy From the inauguration of state organised welfare the concepts of need and inequality have been at the centre of discussions and debates on social policy. Since the 19th century it has widely been accepted that the state has some responsibility towards attempting to fulfil some of civil society s needs and the needs of those most at risk. Changing definitions and attitudes surround the concepts of need and inequality; this means any discussion of these instantly encapsulates the political and ideological debates which affect all aspects of social policy. Titmuss (ed. 1987) writes that collectively provided services are deliberately designed to meet certain socially recognized needs ; they are manifestations this means any changes... Show more content on ... Yet there were many different ideas on what was seen as real need and who was seen as deserving of welfare. In the Victorian era people were either deemed as deserving or undeserving poor; basically meaning that their poverty was either created by their own failings such as alcohol abuse or by eventualities which were out of their control such as job losses or illness (thus making them deserving) (Fraser, 1984). With the expansion of State welfare, and the bureaucracy which came with it, the poor were no longer categorised into deserving or undeserving instead their needs were assessed. The introduction of the means test established a way of determining the extent of the needs of people. Although this may appear a fair way of organising welfare it has in fact had detrimental effects; according to Deacon Bradshaw (1983) the means test is socially divisive as it has given rise to gross distortions in the distribution of income amongst poorer families . This system has also failed to deliver benefits to many people who need them as the means tested service has reflected values approved by society for example marriage, thus leaving those who do not conform to these values in a worse position financially (Deacon Bradshaw, 1983). Although means testing should essentially redistribute wealth through taxation, evidence has shown that it has done little to combat
  • 26. The Carleton Prize For Biotechnology The Carleton Prize for Biotechnology: Antony van Leeuwenhoek Shukri Dalal 100950887 BIOL 1010 Biotechnology and Society Professor James J. Cheetham Carleton University Tuesday October 6th, 2015 Prize s are put into place to award gifted beings; whose work has or will make a significant change in mankind. Most importantly, they are recognize by their genius and not judging their area of expertise. When the awarded person wins the prize, there is always a level expectation that is expected of them. In the history of science, there have been many achievements that have motivated by human to not only live to the fullest of their potential but to live as long and healthy life as they can. These victories in medicine have started the courage for all human being all over the world having the confidence to live their lives without a disease or bacteria infection that now days can be cured without any problem taking their life. Given Antony Van Leeuwenhoek along with his many contributions to science, there is no better nominee for an award that demonstrated the constitutional achievements in biotechnology. A tradesman and inventor in the biotechnology society he is undeniably deserving of The Carleton Prize of Biotechnology. Antony van Leeuwenhoek s experimentation of lenses for microscopic research, and his inventions which increased magnification, research and development there would be many unanswered question in the medical world. Antony van Leeuwenhoek
  • 27. Wayne s World Film Analysis The movie poster for Wayne s World certainly gives the impression of a cheaply made duo comedy film (reminiscent of the Bill and Ted movies) ripe with surface jokes and PG 13 sexual innuendos. As for the director, Penelope Spheeris, Wayne s World is quite the change of pace in terms of her previous work on the documentary The Decline of WesternCivilization. However, this filmsurprisingly delivers in its own unique way, bringing a plethora of amusing quotable lines, memorable scenes and in some cases underlying intellectual commentary about pop culture. The film was based off of the Saturday Night Live skit that parodied a local public access show. Wayne Campbell (Mike Meyers) hosts Wayne s World in his parent s basement where he is accompanied by his best friend Garth Alger (Dana Carvey). The duo interview guests, discuss which super model has the most babe like qualities, and use the words excellent and party time enough to be considered Aurora, ... Show more content on ... Since Wayne and Garth are avid music lovers, there is a scene where they go to a music store to covet over a Stratocaster Wayne really wants. He begins the first note of Stairway to Heaven and is promptly shut down by the store manager. I found this fairly clever, considering everyone who plays guitar ultimately starts with that simple riff that drives their parents insane. However, upon further investigation there is more depth to this rather simple commentary. As it turns out, the filmmakers were not actually given the rights to Stairway to Heaven which played into this idea that not even Led Zeppelin wants you to play their popular song, which made me laugh a little harder (Wood, 2015). Of course there are more pop culture references including ironic ad reads for Pizza Hut, Doritos, and Pepsi, all done in a manner that only Wayne and Garth could think
  • 28. What Is Andrew Jackson Necessary Evil This paper will account for the saga of the American President Andrew Jackson and his battles with the United States banking industry, most notably the Second Bank of the United States, and how President Jackson s actions were a justified necessary evil. This paper will illustrate the specific battle President Jackson had with the second National Bank of America and how, like many battles President Jackson had as a general, was chosen wisely. To understand the saga of President Jackson and his battles with the national banking industry, it is wise to understand the man that was Andrew Jacksonleading up to his major battle. It was no secret that President Jackson was not a fan of government, regardless of what title came before his name.... Show more content on ... Knowing that President Jackson was an opponent, Nicholas Biddle actively sought to renew the Second National Bank s charter. This would require congressional approval and President Jackson s executive approval. With a presidential election coming up, President Jackson s congressional rival Henry Clay wanted this to be a central issue of the presidential election of 1832. Senator Clay believed that with the pressures of President Jackson seeking reelection, Jackson would be more inclined to re charter the Second National Bank; whereas, if President Jackson was reelected, Jackson would not have anything to lose and decide to veto the re chartering of the bank in 1836 when the charter was scheduled to end. Writing Nicholas Biddle, Senator Clay expressed this belief saying that the President, in the event of the passage of a bill, seems to be a matter of doubt and speculation. My own belief is that, if now called upon he (Jackson) would not negative the bill, but that if he should be re elected the event might and probably would be different. Nicholas Biddle took the powerful senator s words seriously, and applied for a re charter in 1832. The bill passed the House of Representatives and the Senate and was sent to President Andrew Jackson s desk for approval or a veto. Turning to his cabinet for advice, President Jackson relied on the advice of Attorney General Roger Taney. Taney wrote President Jackson, I understand the application at the present time, it means in plain English this the Bank says to the President, your next election is at hand if you charter us, well if not, beware of your power. President Jackson accepted Taney s interpretation of the bank s attempted re chartering as a direct challenge to his presidency, and decided
  • 29. The World Of Collegiate Athletics The world of collegiate athletics was founded upon the ideals of commercialism and is filled with talented athletes that contain tremendous amounts of potential. Unfortunately, in order to bring in revenue that serves as crucial funding for their universities nationwide, the NCAA exploits the talent of these players and justifies this action by assuming the disguise of amateurism while also managing to adopt an indistinct version of professionalism. Instead, the NCAA spends portions of its revenue in order to renovate sports facilities and pay members of the coaching staff rather than providing compensation for the main sources of its revenue the players and the attention that their athletic talents bring to this organization. By... Show more content on ... By regarding participation in collegiate athletics as a hobby, the NCAA is subtly discrediting both the hard work and dedication of college athletes. In their defense, the association of college athletics with the word amateurism is believed to call these athletes to also put an emphasis on their education. Even though collegiate athletics appear to be managed under the principles of amateurism and call athletes to focus on their education, it doesn t necessarily mean that most of these athletes actually want to emphasize education more than athletics. As talented individuals, college athletes work hard in order to provide success for their respective teams and to properly ensure their own success at the next level. Not only does an education that is forced upon some of them detract from their athletic aspirations, but it also makes it highly infeasible for them to sustain a job that regular college students have the chance to partake in. That is why a small form of compensation from the NCAA would not only reward them for the mass amounts of revenue that they bring in, but it would also provide a source of income that could only be obtained if these athletes were able to pursue job opportunities. The power of athletic directors throughout the NCAA and their focus
  • 30. Analysis of Robert ForstВґs Mending Wall Essay Robert Frost deliberated a intention and was determined to get it across any way that he could. He verbalized his feelings through Walls and Blockages, Descriptive words, and Seasons and Nature. The aspiration of walls in this piece is to block neighbors and assemble a better relationship. Descriptive words are used to portray a improved visual of what is designed to see. Robert Frostspeaks of seasons as if it were a human. Wall s are blockages used to isolate a human beings wants and feelings. Privacy should be respected by all although offensiveness was not intended by either neighbor. The speaker s logic was that the wall blocking the properties were absurd. The essential purpose of the poem is the desire by one neighbor to have a ... Show more content on ... Robert Frost used a word choice that shaped the readers mind into the outdoor scenery where the dog is on one side of the fence barking. Robert Frost is a major nature enthusiast. In the poem, Mending Wall, the speaker talks about the Spring. Taking a literal approach, he used Spring, because it is the first season of the year. A new beginning for two people that have had a protracted antagonism for one another. The speaker does not understand how they are becoming good neighbors, because they are not cows. People often use nature to express new beginnings and the start of something new. Nature is a description of a Season. Seasons are the start of a new beginning. The speaker uses the word Spring, possibly because it is the first official and whole season of the year. The neighbor could be expressing how he thinks they should break the wall down and start over. A new beginning is what he desires. The speaker wants nothing but a friendship with his neighbor but the neighbor wants the privacy that he feels he is entitled to. The speaker expresses how the neighbor is a pine cone. Pine cones are hard and nettlesome. Pine cones are very arduous. Attempting to express his feelings, the speaker could be referring to the neighbor as a pine cone, because no matter how bad he tries, the neighbor will not break into fragments. The last word or phrase that Robert Frost expressed within the poem was cows. The neighbor thinks it is ridiculous to have
  • 31. Statement Of Purposes In Journalism Ezra Pound once said that literature is news that stays news. For me, literature is the very essence of the enduring power of any great work of art. In journalism industry, it plays an important and fundamental role in news reporting and communication. I deem literature as the art that uses language as a media, depicting information about humanity and ways of living. Journalism, flourished by the news that constantly changes around this globe, is an ultra competitive modern media market that needs versatile, multimedia journalists with cutting edge academic and vocational skills, to influence people and the world. My parents came from little so they made a choice to give a lot. They care much about my education, more than I do. My father wrote... Show more content on ... Your program enjoys a high reputation for journalism and communication education in the world. I will master advanced journalism knowledge and new technologies through the curriculum like Applied Communication Research, Journalism Theory and Analysis, and Media Management etc. In addition, I will cultivate my creative skills, critical and technical abilities of flexibly applying communication theories and media techniques to the analysis and management of the ever changing environment. After graduation, I would work in an organization as a reporter firstly, mainly focusing on the public welfare of ordinary people and defending the rights of them, by using powerful communication channels to bring attention to nowadays issues. Several years later, I wish to become an independent journalist dedicated to fair and accurate reporting and analysis of civil rights and social justices. Whatever it is, my interest and responsibility would always revolve around covering the truth as a journalist, using it as a tool to make a positive impact on the community and even the whole
  • 32. Selecting The Next Chapter Selecting the Next Chapter Eventually, we all reach the age at the end of our high school career when we have to choose a path. The path that we select will guide each of us to the trail that we will follow for the rest of our lives. Some of us will choose to go directly into the workforce, potentially go to a trade school, or even go onto a post secondary education in order to obtain a degree. What decision we make then determines what the rest of our life will hold, how successful we can possibly be, our yearly salary, and can introduce us to people who will play active roles throughout our entire life. Now, I am a senior in high school, and I have quickly found this decision right on my doorstep. Over the past few years, I have had my eyes on several different post secondary college options, but I have narrowed this list quite significantly over the past few months based on factors like their available majors, the college s size, and the extracurricular activities that are offered by the institution. With this said, I have selected three colleges that have specifically caught my eye based on these factors: Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky; Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana; and Saint Mary of the Woods College in St. Mary of the Woods, Indiana. Majors Of course, when selecting colleges recently, it was necessary to pick those ones that followed my interest base. Ideally, this would be to obtain a Master s Degree in Science for Agricultural
  • 33. Atlantis Lost Empire A Comparative Analysis of Atlantis: The Lost Empire (Walt Disney Pictures, 2001) and Boxtrolls (LAIKA, 2014) Animation styles: The animators at Disney wanted to attempt something different when they were producing the film, Atlantis: the lost empire. Disney wanted to use a mixture on hand drawn animation and CG to create an adventure film in the Indiana Jones mold (Pallant 110). In order to accomplish this, they removed the Musical aesthetic that had been found in their previous films (110). The creator of Hellboy, Mike Mignola, served as a huge inspiration when it came to the animation and character models of Atlantis. Following the comic book style, the animators at Disney gave the characters angular designs that the creative team later ... Show more content on ... The minor characters include many different races: Latino, African American, Italian, French, and similarities to native Americans, but both the protagonist and the antagonist are white. When looking at the characters, it is easy to tell that most likely, the side characters have been Americanized. Most of the culture has been taken out of these characters including the Atlantians. What makes it worse is that Milo represent the only character that seems to have a complex personality. The main love interest Kida, has only one main personality trait, and it is her curiosity about Milo. The movies have most of the characters relying on Milo to save the day. The white man must teach the Atlantians there own culture, because the Atlantians cannot read their own writing. The Atlantians are shown to be a weak people, who cannot solve their own problems and they must rely on Milo to save
  • 34. Drinking And Driving Drinking and driving is not always a right thing. When people drink and drive the action of it could get extremely dangerous. Wrecks are one of the main problems that can happen when some people are drunk because some can lose control of what they are trying to do and end up wrecking. Another problem is driving under the influenceof being on drugs. This can cause serious damage. When people are on drugs, they lose train of thought and half of the time, they forget what they are doing. It does not end too well. People can become abusive because they usually do not exactly know what they are doing. Usually, people do drugs to get their minds or to make them feel better when they are emotional, but when others do so much, they lose control... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, some of the money was spent on high school driver education, which increased teenage driving without reducing the number of crashes per driver, thus increasing deaths (Robertson 296).When driving while on any kind of drug can mess up your train in thought. Although people tend to lose what they was thinking before and everything else, but most of all some forget about the dangerous outcome that will happen when they are on them. Throughout the year there has been a big change in the numbers going up on crashes. There are now programs that can help them so they can get out of everything and all the drugs that you re on (Robertson 295). They have made vast progress: based on random stops, the number of drivers with any alcohol in their system was 35.9% in 1973. By 2007, the figure had fallen to 12.4%, according to the Department of Transportation (Gray 54).Police to this day are still trying to get people to stop drinking and driving and doing drugs and driving. There has been so many wrecks and people dying over this case. Some people do not really understand how dangerous it can be and they still continue to do it. It was becoming to the point police can not really get anyone to understand even with them being taken into prison (Gray 54). Three published studies have examined the effects of lowered BAC laws on teenage driving after drinking and fatal car crash involvement.(n5 n7). Youths are more likely to
  • 35. Peppercorn Dining Ohm s law From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the law related to electricity. For other uses, see Ohm s acoustic law. V, I, and R, the parameters of Ohm s law. Ohm s law states that the current through a conductor between two points is directlyproportional to the potential difference across the two points. Introducing the constant of proportionality, the resistance,[1] one arrives at the usual mathematical equation that describes this relationship:[2] where I is the current through the conductor in units of amperes, V is the potential difference measured across the conductor in units of volts, and R is the resistance of the conductor in units of ohms.... Show more content on ... This application of Ohm s law is illustrated with examples in How To Analyze Resistive Circuits Using Ohm s Law on wikiHow. Other versions Ohm s law, in the form above, is an extremely useful equation in the field of electrical/electronic engineering because it describes how voltage, current and resistance are interrelated on a macroscopic level, that is, commonly, as circuit elements in an electrical circuit. Physicists who study the electrical properties of matter at the microscopic level use a closely related and more general vector equation, sometimes also referred to as Ohm s law, having variables that are closely related to the V, I, and R scalar variables of Ohm s law, but which are each functions of position within the conductor. Physicists often use this continuum form of Ohm s Law:[31] where E is the electric field vector with units of volts per meter (analogous to V of Ohm s law which has units of volts), J is thecurrent density vector with units of amperes per unit area (analogous to I of Ohm s law which has units of amperes), and ПЃ (Greek rho ) is the resistivity with units of ohmВ·meters (analogous to R of Ohm s law which has units of ohms). The above equation is sometimes written[32] as J = E where Пѓ (Greek sigma ) is the conductivity which is the reciprocal
  • 36. Qualities Of A Global Society Leaders are found all across the globe and can be said that leaders share some of the same characteristics. If the reader was to close their eyes and imagine a leader, then what kind of characteristics do you believe that he or she would hold deep within their hearts. The important qualities in leading in a global society I believe are the ability to be viewed as unique, encouraging, competitive, humble, and trustworthy. Often time s challenges can occur and if a leader does have these qualities implications can occur that can affect the world on a global scale. These qualities are essential in life and I plan to apply them to my character to make advancements in my career by mastering each one these traits separately. Good Leadershipis something the world values and encourages all over the world. I believe the world is searching for new people who are willing to be culturally diverse leaders. Leadership is a tricky subject that is actually hard to define in one single definition. According to Alex J. Ramthun Leadership is a dynamic, interactive influence process among individuals in groups where members lead one another to achieve organizational objectives. (Ramthun, 2012) However, when one dissects leadership it is noticed that there are many dimensions to it. True leadership is the ability to be diverse and culturally competent on a global scale while leading. A Culturally diverse leader appreciates the differences of other. Culturally diverse leaders are comfortable
  • 37. The Essential Properties Of Consciousness Every morning when we wake up, an entire world of images, textures, sounds, and smells emerges around us. We smell coffee, hear a chorus of birds at the windowsill, and squint at the sun filtering through the curtains. We also experience a series of internal sensations: a stream of jumbled thoughts, awareness of ourselves, hunger, pain, happiness. All of this perceptual experience isn t the natural world; it s our subjective representation of it. This is the mysterious, impalpable quality we call consciousness. The essential properties of consciousness have been matters of philosophical debate since the 1600s, when Descartes proclaimed that mind and brain were separate substances. But recently, scientists and doctors have started asking ... Show more content on ... A brief history of anesthesia and consciousness At the cornerstone of scientific investigations of consciousness is the field of anesthesiology. Intuitively, this makes sense: Every day, approximately 60,000 patients in the United States are shuttled in and out of unconsciousness under the watchful eyes of anesthesiologists. The first anesthetics were gases like nitrous oxide and chloroform, which extinguished memory and produced an unconscious state. Upon waking, patients would describe feelings of painlessness and euphoria. But for a long time, physicians didn t understand how these anesthetics worked or what, exactly, consciousness was. Research focused more on how to administer drugs safely than on their exact mechanism on the brain. The tide shifted in 1994, when Francis Crick, who co discovered the structure of DNA, published a brief, searing manifesto called The Astonishing Hypothesis. In it, he urged scientists to address a topic seemingly more suited to philosophical round tables: human consciousness. Now is the time to think scientifically about consciousness (and its relationship, if any, to the hypothetical immortal soul), Crick wrote. To understand ourselves we must understand how nerve cells behave and how they interact. Suddenly, symposia centered on discovering the mechanism of human consciousness sprang up across the country. A topic
  • 38. Genotypes In Children Phenotypes driven by DNA from passing of traits from parent to offspring. Before children are born, they receive half of their traits from their mother and the other half from their father. That is why the child may have their father s nose and their mother s eye shape. Other traits could include eye color, hair color, hair texture, weight, and skin color. Different combinations of traits may cause offspring to appear different from their parents. However, the majority of traits inherited from parents will be the same. There are other things that you do not inherit from parent inherited traits. These are traits that from what the offspring learn or are caused by the environment. Phenotypes is expressed in part through the processes of transcription and translation. In transcription, the cell copies the gene... Show more content on ... Phenotype are more specifically be observed as anatomical, morphological, physiological, and behavioral characteristics. Phenotype can also represent what can be as an extended phenotype. Which is what natural selection interacts with distinguishing among genotypes. Thus in which, genes interact with environment and the production of genotype typically involves the protein molecules as template by DNA. The process of phenotype generation typically involves the copying of DNA based information into RNA information. RNA based information is then copied into amino acid based information. I have chosen my paternal grandfather with a dominant phenotype for his skin color. I predicts that my paternal grandfather genotype for his skin color give his off spring a higher possibilities to possess a same skin tone that is along pass from my father to me. I would go about testing my hypothesis by observing my paternal uncle and aunt to see if they possess the same skin tone as my paternal
  • 39. Essay about Xmen Movie Xmen movie I am critiquing the movie X men . This movie is based on a comic book and on an animated series. Both the animated series and the comic book revolve around mutants. These mutants often look human, however many look quite different than any normal human and also their powers are quite extraordinary. This creates one problem when converting to movie form. Make up gadgets and special effectsmust be used so that our reality where the film is made may accurately reflect the reality where the film is set. Also, the characters from the animated seriesand the comic books all have personalities and physical features that the actorsin the film must try to match. This is a difficult thing to do. Not only must the actors... Show more content on ... Speaking of Wolverine, his claws had a bit of a metamorphosis from the original sources. They were much bigger and thicker. This detracted slightly from the idea of the original sources. The claws appeared much more unwieldy however this did not seem to impair wolverine s use of them. And so it did work out well. The claws also brought up the question of how they fit into wolverine s hand, being so much bigger. However, wolverine s healing power did seem to work well. The mind powers of others in the movie were slightly under done. However there were a few scenes that focused on the mind powers of various individuals. Mystique s costuming was very well done. So were her shape changing special effects. The various effects of her shape changing were believable looking and true to form with the various sources. Magneto s powers of magnetism were also well done. The sheer force of will and power behind Magneto was well represented by the special effects. The toad guy was an obvious extra, however, his tongue stretch effect was quite striking and caused the viewer to shrink back and go ugh . The rest of the minor roles were also well supplied with effects. Kitty Pryde s phase and Iceman s flower were well done special effect wise. The general acrobatics and fighting that went on were well choreographed. Many of the maneuvers were a little super human, however, that is to be expected because of the nature of the film. There was a small amount of special effects used
  • 40. Henry V Theme Of War Known as one of the greatest warrior kings in all of English history, Henry V has left a hefty impression. In Shakespeare s play of the same name, the monarch battles literally with France for the throne and figuratively with accountability and being a just ruler and conqueror. Through the story, we can see the values Henry holds and how the real implications of war aren t something the king cannot deal with in a proper manner. The debate between King Henry and the common soldiers like Williams and Bates illustrate fundamental problems with Henry s rule and asks important questions about the motives behind war itself. In Act 4, Scene 1 of Shakespeare s Henry V, the king does incognito in a cloak to interact with the everyman of his army. This... Show more content on ... He ignores the responsibility of the king for putting all these lives in danger. He denies the fault of the king for waging the war, and instead deflects the blame onto the will of God. Basically, his response to the soldiers is that they must be spiritually prepared when they go into battle because the king is not responsible for their deaths. This is a believe that is horribly ignorant and unfair to the people who might actually lose their lives. When the king conquers the French port on the mouth of the Seine, he insults them and states that God is on their side. Eventually, he implies that the French should feel badly for being responsible for the death of their many citizens at the hands of English. However, the same doesn t apply for himself when he could be leading his men to their deaths. This might be because he thinks God s favor lies with England but it is of course foolish and hypocritical to believe this. Using religion as a shield is a method Henry uses throughout the play, stating the kingdom of England has God on their side on multiple occasions. This aversion of guilt continually demonstrates Henry s doubt in himself and fragile
  • 41. Achican American Identity Case Study What? Why does Lorena resist identifying herself as a Latina or a Chicana? What are the discourses that stigmatize these identities? To Nelda, what is the difference between being Chicana and being Mexican American? What are the discourses that surround each identity? What experiences have informed the ways in which Nelda and Lorena understand their identities? What does Lorena mean when she refers to her job as a human being ? How does this perspective shape the way she understands her identity? Have you ever been asked what s your race or ethnicity? Well I have, and it s a strange question to answer personally. When someone asks me that I have to wait and ponder as to why in the world would one would be asking such a strange question. I ... Show more content on ... That is a question that has several answers, but in Lorena s case she redefines what it means to be Mexican American in the US by working hard to better herself and her life. An example of Lorena bettering herself is when she set out to get a job that would help her advance in her life instead of a job that is stereotypically done by immigrants, ... in my situation, Hispanic people, we don t get office jobs. I was sure I needed to go get a job at another meat market, or maybe helping clean houses, or babysitting (Lorena, 195). Even though she faced so much self doubt about what she was capable of doing, she went and explored her possibilities. That was just one way that undocumented immigrants work harder to redefine being Mexican American in the US. In the Valenzuela piece, it is more difficult to prove how Nelda was trying to change what it meant to be Mexican American. Although, the author does provide her own insight as to how Nelda makes that change to redefining herself, the fact that she bore at least some of the emblems of Americanized speech, dress, and interpersonal skills is a side note to a more central awakening within her that helps explain her rapid transformation into a Chicana against the historical and institutional odds of her doing so (Nelda,
  • 42. Ursula LeGuin s The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas Essay Ursula LeGuin s The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas Utopia is any state, condition, or place of ideal perfection. In Ursula LeGuin s short story The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas the city of Omelas is described as a utopia. The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas presents a challenge of conscience for anyone who chooses to live in Omelas. Omelas is described by the narrator as the story begins. The city appears to be very likable. At times the narrator does not know the truth and therefore guesses what could be, presenting these guesses as often essential detail. The narrator also lets the reader mold the city. The narrator states the technology Omelas could have and then says or they could have none of that: it doesn t ... Show more content on ... But there are some who walk away from Omelas. These are few, but they are the ones that have guilt. They could not live in a place, no matter how perfect, that thrives off a child s torment. All of the narrator s questions invite the reader to place ;himself in the position of the people of Omelas. Do you need this to make you happy? Then you may have it. Once the reader begins to enjoy the city and begins to see its happiness as a good thing, then the reader, like the adolescents in the story, must be shown that on which the happiness depends. Readers must face the question of what they would be willing to sacrifice for happiness. In Omelas, the people have no guilt so they are able to sacrifice the child for their happiness with no remorse because they are happy. The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas is an attempt to explain the problem of evil . Collins writes the narrative justifies or makes sense of a painful aspect of theodicy (527). The question of the problem of evil is summed up in three statements: God is good, God is omnipotent and omniscient, and there is evil. The existence of evil is usually accepted as a given. If God is good, but not omnipotent, he wants to stop evil, but cannot. If God is omnipotent, but not good, he could stop evil, but would not. In Christianity, however, God is understood to be both good and omnipotent,
  • 43. A Lesson Before Dying Rhetorical Analysis A Lesson Before Dying is a novel that depicts racism, in justice and sacrifice all through the perspective of a black male. Gaines does a great job of making the reader feel like they are watching all this unfold in real life. One of the reasons why Gaines was able to tell this story so well because of his own personal experiences, similar to the ones in A Lesson Before Dying making the his story seem sincere. Gaines makes effective use of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos, the three appeals of rhetoric. Gaines establishes his ethos by showing how un just the verdict was on Jefferson. Grant argues that Jefferson doesn t have the intelligence to pull off such a scheme Gentlemen of the jury. Look at the shape of this skull, this face as flat as
  • 44. Social And Social Changes In Japan During The Tokugawa Period Firstly, Japan s political structure was transformed to really large extent during the Meiji era as it brought about changes such as in the manner of governing the people, parliament structure as well as the reform in policies that the Japanese were forced to sign with the Western powers such as the United States of America and Great Britain. During the Tokugawa period the Emperor Meiji limited the power of the samurai removing exclusive rights such as their right to punish commoners and he also removed their right to be the only armed force in Japan, in favour of westernized military with several different armed sections. In addition, the Emperor sent scholars to Britain, France and Germany to study their parliament as well as study the way these Western nations operated. Eventually the Emperor appointed Ito Hirobumi to select an adequate constitution for the new empire of Japan.... Show more content on ... Education was a main social system that changed during modernization. In the Edo period, school was only for children of people in higher classes. Now it was mandatory for all children to take. In 1871, the Japanese government established a Ministry of Education. It was designed to break down class identities which helped raise the standard of living in Japan. In 1884 an important man named Mori Arinori became the Minister of Education for Japan. He restructured the school system which stayed in place for sixty years. As well, he established the Imperial University which was later renamed the Tokyo University. These changes that were made influenced people all over Japan. The government believed that Japan would become a more powerful country if their citizens were educated. The government taught values such as national identity and loyalty to the Emperor. This helped unite Japan and make them a stronger
  • 45. Importance of Good Manners Importance of Good Manners The larger a population grows, it seems the worse manners become. That is too bad, because in a large, busy society, good manners become even more important. Common courtesies such as holding a door open for someone, saying please and thank you, and allowing an elderly or disabled person to go to the head of the line all make the world a nicer place to live in. Good manners do not cost anything, and it takes little extra time to practice them. Benefits Good manners help put others at ease and therefore make social interactions more pleasant. Simple courtesies like saying please and thank you show that you acknowledge another person as more than an object. Good manners aid friendships and are essential... Show more content on ... This is why poor manners can feel so offensive. It s not like a direct insult which is personal. Lack of manners offends because it s impersonal. It fails to recognize that a two way connection is taking place and sends the message I am not aware of you as a person . One of the reasons traditional courtesies may have slipped in recent years might be that we spend so much time interacting with non human things. You don t have to ask a television to switch channels or thank a computer for recording your files. People who neglect manners, however, do so at their social and professional peril. Manners demonstrate an awareness of one s social environment. Even if no serious offence is taken, poor manners can still make someone appear less engaged in what s happening around them and more caught up in their own world. In other words, good manners connect people to those around them, poor or bad manners can cause a separation. Imagine, for example, there is a small group of loud talking cinema goers disrupting the film for the rest of the audience. The auditorium is now split into an us and them . Whether they re aware of it or not, the rowdy group has become isolated from the rest of the cinema community. Good manners are a code of common practice. What constitutes good manners can differ from group to group or culture to culture. Whatever the customs are, respecting them shows a desire
  • 46. What Are The Similarities Of The Hang And Dynasty Hundreds of civilizations have up and fallen over thousands of years. However, the foremost eminent and long lasting societies have developed a similar options over the course of their growth. 2 major civilizations were the Han and Zhou. each of that had a similar general characteristics with variable parts. The Chow and dynasty had the same system of presidency. each selected their ruler relying upon the Mandate of Heaven. this idea determined that authority was gained through winning the favor of the gods. people who were chosen claimed to be the Sons of Gods. However, once natural disasters, famine, and nonattendance occurred, it had been believed to be signs from the gods. The individuals would then believe that the Sons of Gods had ... Show more content on ... This resulted within the mingling of the Chinese and Indian individuals and therefore the integration of their arts. Chinese artists that reborn to Buddhism then began to draw photos and sculpt pictures of Buddha and his teachings. On the opposite hand, the Zhou had not been influenced by any major faith. Instead, most art was primarily based off of the previous kinfolk, the Shang. They used bronze to form sculptures and Jade to form ornaments to embellish their palaces and shrines. The Chow palaces were primarily product of massive wood beams. Han design was conjointly similar, they featured temples that closely resembled Indian stupas dedicated to Buddha. However, Buddhism isn t the sole belief that powerfully affected civilizations. At first, the Chow dynasty s scheme thought about emperors to be specially others, then came flush landowners/merchants, farmers, and so slaves. However, once philosophical theory came into fashion, the merchants and farmers switched places. Farmers were seen as higher than merchants as a result of they contributed way more to the society by making the food. The Han custom made this technique within which farmers were command in an exceedingly higher social standing than flush artisans and
  • 47. Anatomy Reflection What went wrong As with other PA faculties, you may be aware of the general complaints made by the first year PA students about the Anatomy course. I do know my classmates were affected different; however, these were my own personal challenges with the Anatomy course: Disorganization of course material o Class reading assignments did not match Lecture o Lecture PowerPoints were not provided despite request from several students. It was usually provided a couple of days before the test. This shortened the time to study, memorize and focus on the necessary anatomical structures. Lack of guidance on how to study the information presented As recommended during the PA orientation, I read the assigned readings for my courses; however, for anatomy, this exercise quickly became futile only because it did not contribute to helping to understand lectures provided in class. With voluminous reading assignments, many times, the anatomy lecture focused little or none from the information in the textbook. Lectures mostly presented anatomical structures and so focus on images were paramount. Therefore, the reading did little to help understand lecture material if one is not familiar enough with the anatomical structures. While this was the case, the PowerPoints with the anatomical structures were not provided. Insufficient consistent guidance in the Anatomy Cadaver lab Initially there was no tutoring and/or review sessions for the lab. Many of us were confused and
  • 48. The Fast Food Industry In The 1900 s The restaurant industry is a dominating power in the United States. Specifically, fast food restaurants are the leading force of the food that Americans consume every day. The popular chains such as McDonalds, Burger King, and Wendy s control the way that consumers eat, due to the fact that they remove most mom and pop type businesses. In Chew on This, authors Eric Schlosser and Charles Wilson explore the effects that the fast foodindustry has taken on children s lives, food distribution and packaging, and health of the public since its rise to fame. The rise of quick service restaurants began in the 1900 s as car hops were a popular form of eating; families could be serviced directly in their automobiles without having to leave a vehicle to go inside and get a table. Around this time, the hamburgerwas not the popular dish that it was today Children are the root of most advertisements; they are the impressionable bunch of the population, making it easier to target goods and products towards them. As the restaurant industry began to boom,... Show more content on ... Obesity has grown as a side effect of the large portions eaten for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In the United States, one out of every six children have reached the weight category of being obese with many bordering the morbidly obese section. The calories and super sizing options that companies are releasing is not helping this epidemic. E coli outbreaks are also a danger that the companies face in their meat packing plants. About fourteen people every year die from food poisoning because it is left untreated or unnoticed. Food companies often keep their E coli outbreaks undercover, as they bribe larger administration to get charges recalled. Fast food restaurants know what they are doing to consumers is wrong, however they continue to do it even if it means people will lose their
  • 49. Theme Of The Women Of Brewster Place Gloria Naylor s novel The Women of Brewster Place is centered on the themes of homelessness and interpersonal relationship among the members of the Afro American society. The characters of this novel reside in a same ghetto and each character has a different story to tell according to his/her dreams and experiences. The destitute and the deprived people lead their life with the driving force of their dreams.The migrants of the black South America have a dream to steer ahead to reach a next level in their lives. They are settlers who have left home for different reasons and despite their difficulties; they help one another and live in a ghetto. Mattie Michael is the central character who plays the role of an enduring friend. Mattie s experience... Show more content on ... Her debut novel The Women of Brewster Place (1982) won the National Book Award, the same story was later adopted as a television show. Gloria Naylor through her novel, The Women of Brewster Place has decoded the major conflicts of the socially deprived clan. Their struggle to accomplish their dreams; the phases of achievements and failures and quest for sustaining the success is artistically conveyed in this novel. A critical analysis of this novel reveals that it is centered on the themes of homelessness, initial struggles of immigrants, hopefulness to realize their dreams and the varied interpersonal relationship among the members of the locality. The novelist examines the dreams of different women in seven different stories. Dreams are the images of the hidden emotions and desires of any person. These dreams have lead people to aim and accomplish their desires. But dreams are not realized at every instance in human life. According to Freud dreams are the fulfillment of wishes, and sometimes that dreams represent the fulfillment of wishes. Accomplished dreams have led people to the state of satisfaction and unaccomplished ones remain at distance, often inducing and indulging an individual to chase it at their own preferred pace. Dreams that have become a reality have always been motivational on the contrary the deferred dreams of people have also contributed to help another achieve the
  • 50. The Battle Of Qala I Jangi This paper explores the battle of Qala i Jangi, with alternate outcomes and relevant capabilities of both sides rendering a future effect on the campaign. Taliban and foreign fighters surrendered near Kunduz and were being held as enemy combatants at Qala i Jangi fortress prison for interrogations by the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The prisoners revolted and the ensuing fighting escalated into one of the bloodiest battles of the conflict. Northern Alliance fighters, assisted by British and American Special Forces and air support, to quelled the revolt. As a result all but 86 prisoners were killed. United States (US) suffered the first American fatality during the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan. Among the surviving prisoners was an American citizen. The subsequent lessons learned will be employed throughout campaigns on the Global War on Terrorism, Operation Enduring Freedom. (Wikipedia, 2015) Overview of Qala i Jangi Battle The battle of Qala i Jangi may have been prevented by use of the most basic techniques yielding intelligence and saving lives, this paper will show the events as they occurred analyzing the failures and the effects. November 2001, Mazar e Sharif located in Northern Afghanistan would host the bloodiest battle from 25 November 2001 through 1 December 2001. The battle took place when approximately 600 prisoners consisting of Taliban and foreign fighters, were hastily placed in the Qala i Jangi prison fortress. The prisoners revolted
  • 51. Branches Of Government Essay Branches of Government When the Constitution of the United States of America was signed and ratified the people had a self sustaining government made up of three equal, but distinct, branches. The legislative branch, made up of a House of Representatives and Senate; The executive branch, which includes the President, Vice President, and the executive cabinet members; Finally, the judicial branch, consisting of the state and federal courts. The framers believed that all three branches in theory, would work together to govern not only for the good of the people, but for the good of the states, and the nation as a whole. Similarly to today, the framers had two camps that held different ideologies as to how a government should execute its... Show more content on ... (Patterson, 2008) This left the national government with little power to achieve anything and resulted in many states operating fully independent of one another. States would negotiate their own trade deals and create their own military forces without regard to what another state was doing. The Articles also gave the congress no power to tax, and therefore the expected duties of defense and care of the national economy could not be accomplished. This continued until 1786, when a citizen revolt referred to as Shay s Rebellion occurred. The rebellion was made up of former Revolutionary War veterans who were trying to keep the government from foreclosing on their property due to unpaid taxes. The members of the congress were urged to send in help to put down the rebellion, but they had no force to send in. In a growing fear that the revolt and spreading anarchy could not be controlled an emergency meeting, the constitutional convention of 1787, was held to discuss the future of the government and the need for more national control. The constitutional convention in 1787, the framers discussed and argued over many different issues. One issue most notable to the formation of the separate branches was the Great Compromise. This deal was struck between smaller states that feared unbalanced representation on the national level giving more power and authority to
  • 52. Oishi s Dichotomy The dichotomy between the Chrysanthemum and the Sword is one that embodied the delicate balance of both the life and death that make up the whole of a samurai s life. On one hand the life of a samurai is a way of a warrior. It is a path that embodies death and utter destruction of any enemy or obstacle that come in their way and as long as it is honorable any level of brutality is acceptable. To be a samurai is to hope to die by the sword and yet on the other hand being able to understand the world of the beauty of the world around them is one of their duties. In the same way the stroke of a sword can end a life the stroke of a brush can create beautiful calligraphy. This two fold life is the way of the samurai and to the outsider it can be... Show more content on ... In the book Oishi serves as the leader to the band of Ronin who seek to take the life of Kira in the name of their late lord. Oishi must find a balance between planning to strike at the perfect moment and holding back the furry of the young Samurai. This in and of itself is the dichotomy that they face and Oishi knows that a perfectly executed strike will send a message to the Shogun as well as preserving their honor. Near the end of the book we get a good look into both sides of Oishi one when he is traveling back Oishi was able to relax and enjoy the scenery he had been to preoccupied to notice before. Now he could appreciate the spectacular sights of the country sides. and on the other side when he kills Kira Oishi ,in a cold rage, swung his sword with two hands in a great arc which snipped Kira s head from it s shoulders. In the first quote Oishi is able to appreciate the calmness and life of the world of the country side and on the other hand he is able to take the life of another with no remorse. Hara on the other hand is hot headed and ready for action at all times here he says to the old treasurer of his clan if you don t, I ll come back and take a sword to you as you
  • 53. Serpent Bound Essay This project s aim is to produce a collaborative archeological study of Serpent Mound. The goal of the project is to use applied archaeology to understand Serpent Mound through oral histories of the descendant community, the Eastern Shawnee of Oklahoma, and traditional archaeological methods, creating an updated narrative about Serpent Mound that can be accessed by the public. Archaeological methods utilized will be done with the Eastern Shawnee of Oklahoma as to show them how archaeology explains Serpent Mound s construction. This project accepts that Serpent Mound was constructed ~2,300 years ago by Adena people, and will use this narrative when talking about the site from an archaeological perspective. The final product of this project will be a revamped Serpent Mound museum and ... Show more content on ... The website will also include virtual tours of Serpent Mound and the museum displays. The oral histories of the descendant communities will be embedded via audio and also displayed through text on the website. Additionally, the information of a revamped site museum and website will be sent out to surrounding school systems and community members. It is imperative for students to learn and claim an identity of a site steward by engaging and familiarizing with the site. Additionally, the informational flyers will contain all the information needed to set up field trips and visits to Serpent Mound. Overall, the voice and knowledge of descendant communities and the archaeological understanding of Serpent Mound will be easily accessed by all ages through in person or virtual field trip. The products express Serpent Mound s significance to the public and allows for more knowledge of the site and site protection. Increased preservation of the site allows future populations to visit and study the mound, and for the Eastern Shawnee people to continue to have cultural ties to the