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Family Tree Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Family Tree" presents both a unique and challenging
endeavor. At first glance, one might assume that delving into one's familial history is a
straightforward task; however, the process is often more intricate than it appears. The difficulty
arises from the necessity to navigate through a multitude of branches, each laden with stories,
experiences, and connections.
Embarking on the journey of composing a family tree essay requires a delicate balance between
factual accuracy and a narrative that captivates the reader. One must meticulously research and
verify information, drawing upon family records, anecdotes, and possibly even genealogical
databases. This meticulousness is crucial to ensure the essay's reliability and to create a
comprehensive and authentic portrayal of one's familial lineage.
Yet, the challenges extend beyond mere data collection. The writer must also navigate the
emotional landscape that comes with exploring family history. Unearthing stories of triumph,
hardship, joy, and sorrow may evoke a myriad of emotions, adding an additional layer of
complexity to the writing process. Striking the right tone, acknowledging complexities, and
respecting the nuances of family dynamics are essential aspects that demand careful
Furthermore, organizing the wealth of information into a coherent and engaging narrative poses
a formidable challenge. Successfully weaving together generations, relationships, and individual
stories requires a keen sense of storytelling and an artful approach to structure. The essay should
not read like a dry recitation of facts but rather as a compelling narrative that brings the family
tree to life for the reader.
In conclusion, writing a family tree essay is a labor-intensive task that demands a combination of
research skills, emotional intelligence, and storytelling prowess. The process involves delving
into personal history, navigating through generations, and presenting information in a manner
that is both informative and captivating. While the endeavor may be challenging, the potential
for a rich and rewarding narrative makes the effort worthwhile.
If you find yourself in need of assistance with essays or similar tasks, various services, including, offer support in crafting compelling and well-researched pieces. These
platforms provide a helping hand for those seeking expert guidance in turning their ideas into
polished and effective written works.
Family Tree EssayFamily Tree Essay
Ap Music History
Evolution of the CD After a couple of failed attempts of making a device that
could be used for mass sharing of music in the late 1800s, an immigrant from
Germany had finally come up with an idea that would change everything.
Chichester Bell (Alexander Graham Bell s cousin) and Thomas Edison s idea to
record sounds on round cylinders was a good idea except for the sound quality and
general effort that was required to make and replicate sound. The Phonograph was
one of the earliest attempts at recording devices. Thomas A. Edison wanted to create
this device in order to assist with business interactions. He originally used foil to
record sounds, but this wasn t the best medium. You could only play sounds once and
the quality wasn t the greatest. This is when wax cylinders came into play. It was
eventually decided that the wax cylinder wasn t strong enough to record something
permanently. Next followed the graphophone. This invention by Bell fixed the replay
problem, but mass production of musicwould ve been impossible because of the
sheer amount of work involved in recording each cylinder separately (Bells).... Show
more content on ...
His gramophone didn t record on cylinders. This was the creation of the record.
The first records were made of blackened glass but after some trials Berliner
arrived at the idea of zinc. The disc would be covered in a mixture of cold gas and
beeswax before the grooves were etched into the surface. These zinc records were
eventually replaced with plastic. The earliest gramophone had to be cranked by
hand in order for it to work but the use of spring motors changed that. This model
was the best that could be made at this time and quickly changed the act of recording
The Community s Fallacy In Daisy Miller By Henry James
Logical fallacies are the common definitions which are used not only in our
normal communication but also applied in many commercials, movies and stories.
Basically, one
of the most common fallacies, named Bandwagon, is usually seen in a lot of stories.
fallacy, which is also named as a groupthink, a peer pressure or a common opinion, is
defined as
an action or a thinking that is right to do. The reason is because this opinion is
popular, supported
by the group; or you will be accepted if you do it. Consequently, it is easy to see that
in Daisy
Miller (Henry James), most of the characters behaviors are determined by this fallacy.
Moreover, it seems that only Daisy Miller has to resist ... Show more content on ...
Consequently, in Daisy Miller , it is clear to see that the author, Henry James, uses the
Bandwagon fallacy for helping readers to realize easily all of the arguments along
the story. It is
also easy to indicate that just because Daisy Miller insists on her American
independence which
is not accepted in Europe, she has to pay a heavy price: her death. Furthermore, in
this story, the
Bandwagon fallacy is used for setting off the morality of European people who judge
or be
judged based on their sociality s common opinion at that time. Therefore, this fallacy
means if
people can get along with the common sense of the sociality where they re living,
they will be
accepted; but if not, they will be eliminated although they think that they do a right
Canoeing In Canad A Brief Textual Analysis
I know from experience the fear and terror that struck my eyes when canoeing
down a lake in Canada. A few years ago back in 2014 I went camping in Canada,
but this is not just any sort of camping trip, with a nice rustic log cabin fitted with
WiFi to make your camping experience more pleasurable . No,no,no, this was REAL
camping. Miles and miles away from any sort of any human civilization with no
more supplies than what you bring on your back. This was a canoeingbackpacking
trip meaning my family and I rented a few vessels (canoes) and brought all our
supplies on our backs to be carried and shipped the entirety of the trip. Did I mention
that the distance of this trip was close to seventy miles?
I first arrived in Canada excited to be put into pure nature and experience the first
real camping trip. But when I arrived at the outfitters who were driving us into
forest I began to worry. We turned off the main road onto a narrow dirt road barely
marked as if it ... Show more content on ...
At one point we decided to stop at a campsite for the night and set up camp. We drank
most of the water packed and we needed more to cook dinner so me and my dad had
to take a canoe to the middle of the lake to filter some more water (if we filtered the
water on the shore our water filter would have got clogged with a bunch of scum).
It was a pretty windy day this day and normally I wouldn t think too much of it, and
I didn t. So we got to the middle of the lake and filtered the water that we had needed
and were going to row back and we had started to paddle back, or we at least tried.
Little did I know what such mild winds can do to affect the current of the water.
We rowed as hard and as fast as we would yet were barely moving, the thought of
being blown away was not a happy thought. I dug down deep and gave the rowing
everything I had. We slowly began making progress inching towards back to the
island we were staying on. Finally, we were
Desert Island Analysis
Desert Islands
The most imaginary desert islands which he described in novel were like a peaceful
paradise where the shipwrecked traveler manages to continue living pretty much as
before used for Robinson Crusoe or Desert Island Discs!
In a book Coral Island by RM Ballantyne which was published in 1857, 100 years
before Golding s book, three young British boys are shipwrecked on a desert island
and have to survive without any adults. They were brave and resourceful. They
thoroughly enjoy their experience and there is never a hint of trouble. As one of the
characters, Peterkin, says, There was indeed no note of discord whatever in that
symphony we played together on that sweet coral island.
From his experience as a teacher, Golding knew that the idyllic life of Coral
Islandcould never exist in real life. So, he set out to write a novel that showed his
ideas about the darker side of human nature starting from the same basis. Boys
stranded on a desert island, away from all civilizing influences. Lord of the Flies was
the result.
Lord of the Flies:
These 5 years of war affected him deeply. Here he knew that even good can become
evil. In an interview he said:
WWII which I spent in Royal Navy had a great influence on my life as well as my
work. At that time I was young and now I am old. I was terrified and it had been
taken a long time to gain some understanding of mankind .
He also said
Before the WWII, I believed in the perfection of social Man. but after the war i did
not. I had discovered what one man could do to another. Anyone who moved to these
years without understanding that man produces evil as a bee produces honey, must
have been blind or wrong in the head.
At the end of war Golding returned to teaching and moved to Salisbury with his
family. One day he said to his wife. Wouldn t it be good idea if I wrote a book
about child on an Island? children who behave in the way. Children really would
behave. when he returned to his post at Bishop Wordsworth s School in 1945, he
began furthering his writing career. He wrote three novels, all of which went
unpublished. But his frustration would not last long. He started working on a novel
The Strangers Within in 1952. A year later it was sent
Prefrontal Lobotomy Analysis
Frequently, it s difficult to maintain a certain procedure which benefits both the
patient and physician. The growth of The Prefrontal Lobotomy was sought out to
assist patients with issues regarding mental illnesses, and conditions of
psychological disorders. The Prefrontal Lobotomy is said to be successful, but there
have been certain times where the procedure has caused death upon a patient. It s a
controversial procedure that has been done widely since it s prime era. It was widely
performed for decades to treat Schizophrenia, Manic Depression and Bipolar
Disorder. (Lobotomy: Definition, Procedure, History; Lewis, 2014) The Portuguese
Neurologist Antonio Egas Moniz is said to be credited with inventing the Lobotomy
in 1935, for which he shared the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicinein 1949.
(Official website of the Nobel Prize, Before the
procedure was tested on humans, it was actually tested on chimpanzees by a Yale
Neuroscientist John Fulton and his colleague Carlyle Jacobsen in 1935. Because of
certain behavioral and personality issues, the procedure was sought to adjust the way
illnesses were developed, and to eliminate them. The procedure was done by cutting
holes in... Show more content on ...
Today, mental illnesses can be treated with medication, surgery, etc. Rarely would you
hear that a physician is performing a Prefrontal Lobotomy to assist a patient with a
disorder. Manic Depression specifically is more so treated with medication. Other
disorders such as Schizophrenia can be treated with medication. There s also more
extreme procedures today such as sending electric shocks through the brain to cause
a temporary seizure that ll calm the patient down. I would say in my personal opinion
that a procedure as such would be much more effective for Schizophrenia
A Tale of Sin and Atonement Essay
The Beautiful Vampire A tale of sin and atonement?
In Theophile Gautier s The Beautiful Vampire, he is very subtle in presenting the sins
committed. Although all of the characters in this story commit various sins, the sins
of Romuald are the sins primarily focused on. This sinning of Romauld is very
unique in that he is a ordained priest who should be one of the last people to commit
these sins. It is this reason that makes the story what it is and draws the readers in
The first sin that the reader witnesses is during Romauld s ordainment ceremony.
Instead of keeping his head bowed, as one should during prayer, he raises his head
and spots the beautiful Clarimonde (Gautier 231). If Romauld would have stayed ...
Show more content on ...
Romauld s temptation into evil is very much like that of the temptation of Adam and
Eve in the Garden of Eden. He does not realize that it is actually evil enticing him
just as eve did not realize that the serpent was an evil being.
Romauld s lusting for Clarimonde becomes more evident when he is taken to be
with her dead body (244). This lusting over a dead body is very disturbing to many
readers for two different reasons. The first of these reasons is the fact that a
celibate priest is having these sexual attractions towards a woman. A priest, one of
the holiest men of God should be able to control his ungodly desires if anyone can.
The second reason for this disturbance is the face that he is lusting over the body of
a dead woman. Although we find out later that she has been dead all along, not just
in her chamber, the idea of necrophilia is a very disturbing concept to most people.
After she is found not to be dead, Romauld continuously wonders what would have
happened if he was not a priest. Would they be lovers? Would they be married? Or
would they even be together at all? This questioning of his life s choices is very
similar his previous thoughts of renouncing God and these thoughts appear to
continue to arise throughout the story which makes the reader wonder if this many is
even holy at all. Later in the story, Romauld mentions how he is able to
The Elements Of Criticism In Gulliver s Travels
Upoma Nahid Khan 14203011 Eng 214 Nawshaba Ahmed Gulliver s Travels:
Exploring both sides of the coin A staggeringly prolific writer, Anglo Irish Jonathan
Swift wrote a great many things. Swift was a tireless intellectual who wrote
pamphlets, poems and books. With politics being what they were in the early to
mid 18th century, Swift had been known to write under various pen names in order
to avoid an unwanted attention. Foremost among Swift s major works, Gulliver s
Travels which was originally published under the title Travels into Several Remote
Nations of the World is a superbly clever work still capable of holding a reader s
imagination more than a couple of centuries after it was first published in 1726
(Paula). It was written under the pen name Lemuel Gulliver, Swift told stories of a
series of expeditions to strange new worlds. More than simple fantasy writing,
Swift s novel was a heavy and intricate satire on politics, religion and other vices.
The real stroke of genius that Swift managed with Gulliver s Travels was its
universality; and thus a book written in 1726 is still read in 2016. Comic elements
were deliberately used and aimed quite directly at established power structures, but
the elements of fantasy written into the story is capable to attract... Show more content
on ...
The two major political parties seem drawn apart entirely because the technique of
cracking open an egg. Those who believe an egg should be cracked on the large
end are mortal enemies of those who believe an egg should be cracked on the small
end. Swift poses Lilliput with numerous such absurdities. It s a lot of fun when it s
not tedious. Gulliver uses his tremendous size to quickly win a naval battle against
Blefuscu. When he refuses to help the Lilliputians completely overtake Blefuscu,
things begin to get a bit sour. It isn t long before Gulliver manages to find a way off
the island which launches the tale into its second of four
Hls 410 Essay
Provide a synopsis of the article written by Professor Alan Dershowitz. Then identify
and describe the critical issues addressed in the article. In your paper, thoroughly
discuss and evaluate the following concepts: the ticking time bomb hypothesis;
Dershowitz s comments regarding Jeremy Bentham as well as his comments about
Voltaire s views; and the three ways to deal with the use of torture in the ticking time
bomb situation, as stated by the Israeli government appointed commission of the late
1980s. As part of the discussion about the commission s conclusions, include
Dershowitz s fourth road.
After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack ... Show more content on ...
J. Simpson. In addition to his numerous law review articles and books about criminal
and constitutional law, he has written, taught and lectured about history, philosophy,
psychology, literature, mathematics, theology, music, sports and even delicatessens.
[1] In the article Should the Ticking Bomb Terrorist Be Tortured? from his book titled
Why Terrorism Works: Understanding the Threat, Responding to the Challenge, Alan
M. Dershowitz presents measures that aim to prevent terrorism and still uphold US
legal, moral and humanitarian values in his article. According to Dershowitz, the
greatest danger facing the world today comes from religiously inspired, state
sponsored terrorist groups that seek to develop weapons of mass destruction for use
against civilian targets.[2] The ubiquitous and prolific Dershowitz brings very unique
perspectives to the table in this article and weighs in particularly on civil liberties and
international justice in a time of terror. He argues passionately and persuasively
that global terrorism is a phenomenon largely of our own making and that we can
and must take steps to reduce the frequency and severity of terrorist acts.
Dershowitz has a great deal to say and teach about the balance we are now
struggling to achieve between domestic security and civil liberty. There are critical
issues addressed in his article Should the Ticking Bomb Terrorist Be Tortured?
America is known for
Investigation Of A Security Clearance For A Position...
Background investigations are an essential aspect of the vetting process for both
employees and potential employees of the US Federal, State, and Local governments
and private sector companies that provide support, services and products to these
government entities. These investigations are conducted to determine the suitability
of the subject of the investigation to hold a security clearance for a position impacting
our national security. Many of the individuals hired by the aforementioned
organizations are placed in positions which require a security clearance. Based on the
type of clearance, the person has access to information that is crucial to
implementation of the missions of US government entities and private ... Show more
content on ...
The purpose of US Federal Government background investigations is to determine if
individuals are deemed acceptable for employment within the US government, and
more importantly, prevent individuals of malafied intent from gaining access to a
position impacting the US national security. Properly executed background
investigations can greatly diminish the possibility of a potential insider threat
obtaining access to classified information, which can cause the US great harm and the
US government great embarrassment.
Prior to the founding of the United States of America, the insider threat has hindered
the security of a nation. It is written that the outward destruction of a country results
from the inward turmoil of its government. Numerous historical accounts of internal
conflicts endangering the welfare of countries are present in the history books of
most countries. In most instances, the conflict occurred within the governmental
structure of the nation. Regarding internal threats, the US government is not immune
from this imminent danger. Constantly, there are numerous threat to US government
operations that are undetected. Although the US government Most recently, the
breach of security of former National Security Agency (NSA) employee, Edward
Snowden, and the ongoing saga of events surrounding his dubious departure from his
home country have permeated the media of countries around the world. The
Snowden case is the latest in the
Jennifer Government Point-of-View Analysis
Imagine a world where your last name is the company you work for. Imagine a
world where the United States includes all of North American, all of South
America, all of Australia, the Pacific Islands, South Africa, India, Thailand and
Russia. Welcome to Jennifer Government. The novel can be looked at by a reader
as a simple, yet innovative story. The novel can also be seen as a deep, catawampus
story with plenty of plot twists that are nicely blended together. Each successive
chapter is told from the view from a different character; each chapter holds a different
plot twist that keeps the reader guessing from one paragraph to the next; each chapter
delves into sense of human emotion. Max Barry focuses strongly on the use of
political satire... Show more content on ...
She realizes the plan and locks on a target for a vantage point for a sniper. She
races to the hotel building in which she suspects the sniper is hiding. Government
runs to the employee in charge of checking customers in and finds out the
information she needs. She races off from the counter with her partner when the
chapter comes to a close. The reader has now shifted narrators once again. The
reader is seeing through the shadow of Billy NRA, the assassin. Billy NRA has set
up his sniper rifle and holding for the moment of truth. Billy has his sight locked
on and ready to pull the trigger to end the life of the president. The door is abruptly
kicked open by Jennifer Government and she demands that Billy halts his actions.
But it is too late. The shot has been fired. Barry manifests these types of narrator
switches throughout the course of the entire novel. This rarely used style of writing
is perfect for the sense of suspense and style of action in Jennifer Government. The
combination of the multiple third person limited narrators and action filled plot also
leaves a small hole in which the reader must use their imagination to fill. An instance
would towards the end of the novel. All of our main characters, save Buy Mitsui, are
in the struggle the stemmed from the plan to kill the president. Jennifer handcuffs
Billy to the hotel mini bar, bombs are being dropped all around them, and Hack Nike
is struggling at Burger King with
Barack Obama s Legacy At The State Department
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Schoeller, Martin. Hillary Clinton. Digital image. Bloomberg Business., 10 Jan. 2013. Web. 18 Apr. 2015.
/2013 01 10/hillary clinton business legacy at the state department .
Linsey Downing
MGT 1010 900 Hillary Diane Rodham was born on October 26, 1947 in Chicago,
Illinois. Hillary was the eldest daughter of Hugh Rodham, a prosperous fabric store
owner, and Dorothy Emma Howell Rodham, a homemaker. She has two younger
brothers, Hugh Jr. and Anthony. As a young woman, Hillary was active in young
Republican groups and campaigned for Republican presidential nominee Barry
Goldwater in 1964. She was inspired to work in some form of public service after
hearing a ... Show more content on ...
After her graduation, she served as an advisor to the Children s Defense Fund in
Cambridge. She later moved to Arkansas where Bill was starting a political career,
and they got married in 1975. In Arkansas, Hillary became a very notable and
influential lawyer, while Bill s political career flourished (Ohebsion). Hillary Rodham
Clinton and Bill Clinton had a daughter, Chelsea Victoria Clinton, on February 27,
1980. Chelsea gave birth to a daughter, Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky, in September
2014, making the Clintons first time grandparents. Hillary Rodham Clinton has
been involved in politics from the time she attended Maine East High School to
now. She has served as president of the Wellesley Young Republicans, president of
the Wellesley College Government Association, served on the editorial board of
the Yale Review of Law and Social Action, the first lady of Arkansas, the first lady
of the United States, Senator of New York, United States Secretary of State, and
now she is running for the 2016 presidency. When Hillary was decisively elected to
the U.S. Senate, it was the first time ever that a woman was elected Senator of New
York, and the first time ever that a First Lady went on to hold public office
(Ohebsion). When it comes to Hillary Rodham Clinton, there are many leadership
traits that she possess. The traits that she holds that pushes her
The Proposed Pohick Creek Watershed Stream
The proposed Pohick Creek watershed stream restoration project PC9249 is located
northwest of Parliament Drive and east of Queen Victoria Court in Burke, VA, which
is in Fairfax County. This project was designated as a 10 year high priority project in
2010 due to erosion, location of the adjacent neighborhoods, and the invested interest
of the surrounding communities. Presently, only the design for the restoration project
has been funded and was completed in May 2015. Although it has been over a year
since the concept design was completed, the construction funding is still pending.
Based on the cost benefit analysis, the survey results and the site evaluation, I
recommend Fairfax County assist Southport and Signal Hill Homeowner
Associations (HOA) to receive immediate funding for the construction costs
($1,990,000) of the Pohick Creek at Queen Victoria (PC9249) stream restoration
Stormwater is water produced by rain or melting snow, which can rapidly flow over
impervious surfaces into streams. Upland development magnifies the occurrence of
stream bank erosion and in stream nutrient pollution, which also have indirect
negative effects. When stream bank erosion occurs, eroding sediment causes an
increase in turbidity. Heavy stormwater flows into streams mixes the streambed
sediment, which also increases turbidity, and ultimately causes declines in aquatic
biota (Waters 1995). Therefore, negative externalities of upland development include
Troon Golf
Title of Case: Troon Golf
Date: 10/14/2014
Name: Venkata Penmatsa
Critical Facts:
Troon Golf is a Golf Management organization headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona.
It is the largest golf management company in the world and has 190 golf courses in
32 states and 32 countries. (Fortinet, 2010)
Troon golf provides turnkey solution for technology to all aspects of the golf facility
development and management. (Fortinet, 2010)
Troon has received several awards from golf publications Magazines such as Golf
digest, Golf Magazine and golf week magazine has rated 36 of Troon golf managed
courses have received top 100 rankings. (Fortinet, 2010)
Troon s IT infrastructure expenses were increased because of the aging of the
hardware and IT managers ... Show more content on ...
They need to focus more on their Customer Service as it the major source of the
income. Applications need to be developed to get feedbacks from the customers on
the organization service. This will give help Troom management to take better
decisions to improve their quality and in turn to gain profits
Troon golf has to for moving to cloud computing. I feel an organization like Troon
can reduce their application operation costs by moving to cloud computing. As the
data and information stored is small and also most of the hardware or applications
are leased or bought from outside it is expensive. If it moved to cloud computing it
can save lot of money and reduce operations on the organizations.
Fortinet. (2010). Troon Golf The largest golf management company in the world .
Retrieved from Fortinet:
Onesta. (2012, May). Troon Golf. Retrieved from StudyMode: http:/
/ Golf 1004233.html
Pearlson, K. E., Saunders, C. S. (2013). Managing Using Information Systems. John
Wiley Sons, Inc.
Westmark, C. (2008, March 31). Slicing Through IT Costs. Retrieved from Baseline:
Clara Barton In American History
I, Clara Barton, am significant in American history. I am most commonly known for
founding the American Red Cross. Before that, I grew up on a farm with my parents
and four siblings, went to school, and was employed in the patent office and as a
nurse. Without me, life today would be much different.
I was born in 1821 as Clarissa Harlowe Barton. My birth took place on Christmas
Day in Oxford, Massachusetts. My parents were Captain Stephen Barton and Sarah
Barton. My father was a former fighter in the Indian Wars. After coming home, he
owned a farm. My mother supported the fight for women s rights. Because of this, I
was trained to treat others fairly.
I was the baby of the family. I had four older siblings. I had two brothers: David and
Stephen and two sisters: Dorothea and Sally. ... Show more content on ...
I was the first female clerk that worked full time. It wasn t very good there. Men
mistreated me. They spit on me! Later on, I was permitted by Officer Rucker to
become a nurse in the Civil War and other disasters. To name a few, I traveled to
the Battle of Fredericksburg, the Battle of Antietam, the Franco Prussian War, and
the Pennsylvania Flood. I helped supply the Union Soldiers with survival needs. I
was even called the angel of the battlefield . Being a nurse taught me that people
needed me. One of my well known quotes was: I may be compelled to face danger,
but never fear it, and while our soldiers can stand and fight, I can stand and feed and
nurse them.
I became famous when I founded the American Red Cross. I founded it on May 21,
1881, at the age of sixity. It all began when I went to France to help at a disaster
there when I was a nurse. Seeing the Red Cross of France, I traveled back to the
U.S to found a similar organization there. I was voted to be the first president. The
American Red Cross became one of the chains of the International Red Cross, whose
symbol was a white background with a red
american character
American Character Then and Now
A notion that still holds strong today, Fredrick Jackson Turner s idea of American
character was one based on trials and experiences. Unlike Crevecour, Turner believed
that American character was not simply a product of English character transported to
America, but rather another idea altogether (Faragher 63). He expressed this opinion
the best when he said, In the crucible of the frontier the immigrants were
Americanized, liberated, and fused into a mixed race, English in neither nationality
nor characteristics (Faragher 64). How exactly did American character form and what
defines ... Show more content on ...
The combination of the Turner thesis and Peck s translation of it, provided a
foundation that would help form American identity: individualism and collectivity. A
perfect example of this today is the sport of baseball, America s pastime.
By the time Turner presented his thesis in 1893 at the Colombian Exhibition in
Chicago, the myth of the cowboy and the myth of the frontier had already made
their way into novels for the enjoyment of east coasters who were curious of the
west (Cullen 127). Characters like Buffalo Bill, Nathaniel (Natty) Bumpo, and
Daniel Boone helped illustrated American character. The introduction of she males,
women with feminine and masculine qualities, were also an important feature of
these novels west (Cullen 127). Characters like Jane, from Calamity Jane by Edward
L. Wheeler, were like predecessors of women rights; they were heroines who
demanded and received, but remained kindhearted at the same time (Faber all).
Although all of these characters had a very profound role in molding people s
impression of the west, the novel which combined many individual roles of each
western into one was probably The Virginian by Own Wister. This novel was so
influential in helping to engrave American character in that it incorporated Turner s
idea of the disappearing
The Reflection Of The Human Eye Work
How does the human eye work?
The cornea is clear and at the front of the eye. When light rays enter it, the cornea
refracts it through the pupil and then the iris. The iris controls how much light may
pass through the pupil by expanding or shrinking. Next, the light ray will enter the
lens. This also refracts light by changing its shape with the help of the ciliary muscles
and the suspensory ligaments. The light will go through a dense jelly like tissue
named the vitreous humour and eventually focused at the back of the eye onto the
retina. The retina is a light sensitive tissue and covered with rods and cones. These
receptors will capture the light ray and transform it into electrical impulses. They get
sent off through the nerve fibres, then the optic nerve, and then finally the brain. The
picture given by the retina is upside down so our brain will next turn it the right way
Our bodies have the capability to endure large scars but, a slight scar on the cornea
can lead up to our vision becoming impaired. The retina will process the light rays,
into light impulses that need to be transferred to the brain to create an image, which
are focused on to them by the cornea. So, any deep injures experienced by the
cornea can lead to corneal scarring which would affect our vision.
Focusing on near and distant objects
People that have trouble focusing in near or a distant object is due the light rays
entering their eyes are unable to focus on the retina. This is a very common
Tutu And Tutsi Research Paper
Alain Destexhe states These colonists considered the Tutsi to be superior to the Hutu.
They believed that the Tutsi had superior martial skill and intelligence and that the
Tutsi at the central court possessed a different physiology from that of the Hutu; and
that only Tutsi were pastoralists. (Destexhe, 38). The colonisers took the myth to the
school rooms of Rwandausing European educated teachers. Following the schools,
there were mainly Tutsielite. Tutsi had opportunities to become doctors, teachers,
while the Hutus worked in lower administrative jobs, were shopkeepers, farmers, or
traders. In 1957, Nzioka explains the majority Hutufor the first time politically
challenged the Tutsi oligarchy and published a manifesto demanding... Show more
content on ...
Hutu and Tutsi spoke the same language and practiced similar religions. They also
intermarried. The identity card ethnicity of future generations was determined
patrilineally; all persons were designated as having the ethnicity of their fathers,
regardless of the ethnicity of their mothers. (Magnarella, 2002). These practices were
carried on until its abolition by the 1994 post genocide government. Paul Magnarella
observes had the unfortunate consequence of firmly attaching a sub national identity
to all Rwandans and thereby rigidly dividing them into categories, which, for many
people, carried a negative history of dominance subordination, superiority, inferiority,
and exploitation suffering. (Magnarella, 2002). Hutu and Tutsi lived together
relatively peacefully following in the 19th century. However, Magnarella states time
when their total population was comparatively low (probably less than two million,
versus over seven million in 1993) and land supply for both Hutu farmers and Tutsi
cattle grazers was ample. With rapid population growth in the twentieth century, the
situation changed. Rwanda was faced with a critical food people land imbalance.
Things continued to change and it suddenly became a competition for both Hutu and
Tutsi. Fearon and Laitin argues the notion that identities are socially constructed is
indisputable in social psychology and political science studies. It is the most basic
criteria for
Evite De Peron Analysis
Arguably the most politically controversial and influential women in Argentine
history, and Spiritual Leader of the nation, Maria Eva Duarte de Peron (1919
1952) and much of the history of her life is subject to substantial bias due to a
myriad of anti Peronist propaganda during the Peron s regime, as Marysa Navarro
states you were either for her, or against her . Although there is a consensus to a
monumental sum of the facts apropos to Eva Peron s life, the subject of discourse is
rather in the interpretations and perceptions of her life, such as her reasons for the
creation of the Eva Peron Foundation, how she came the her prominence, and her
purpose and goals. The orthodox view of Eva was formed directly after her death and
entails an image of promiscuity, manipulation, greed, and hunger for power and
revenge. However, towards the end of the twentieth century, revisionists refined this
interpretation, diminishing the negative portrayal; creating a less biased presentation.
The orthodox interpretation may be accredited to the Argentinian historian and author
Mary Main (1903 1998) in her book Evita: The Womanwith the Whip in 1952. Main
was born in Buenos Aires to upper class British parents, ... Show more content on ...
however, must be read and analysed with substantial scepticism and vigilance.
Keeping in mind that Main was born to an upper class family in Argentina, it is likely
that this influenced her perception of Eva before she began writing her book. This
is due to the Eva Peron Foundation, through which Eva and Juan taxed many of the
luxuries only available to the middle and upper classes of Argentinian society, also
known as the oligarchy. This inevitably caused substantial resentment for the socialist
views of the Peronist movement and its leaders, Juan and Eva. Additionally, it is
likely that this is also the cause of Mains extreme criticism of the Eva Peron
Foundation and her targeting of Eva, deeming her as promiscuous as an attempt to of
The Dna And Its Structure
Genes hold biological information that must be copied accurately for transmission to
the next generation. Before the DNA double helix was discovered two biological
question were unanswered: how can information for specifying an organism be
carried in chemical form? and how is it accurately copied? It was not until the 20th
century when the DNAmolecule was discovered and suggested answers to both these
questions. (Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, et al, 2002) With the help of many
scientists we now know exactly what the DNA molecule is, its structure, and its
function. The knowledge gained throughout the years on DNA has allowed many
things such as that of genetic genealogy. Knowing the structure of the DNA is what
has helped/continues... Show more content on ...
This is the molecule that contains the biological instructions that make each
species unique. (Deoxyribonucleic Acid DNA, 2012) Deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA) is the primary chemical component of chromosomes and is the material of
which genes are made of. It is also referred to as the molecule of heredity. This is
because parents transmit copied portions of their own DNA to their offspring
during reproduction (The DNA Molecule, n.d.). Before completely understanding
DNA it is important to look at the development of the study of DNA throughout the
years and finally look at the structure as well as what this knowledge now allows us
to do. The information of DNA is not something that scientists and others have
always been aware of. The knowledge in which we hold today is somethings that is
a product of multiple studies from multiple people who discovered different
aspects of the molecule. Such explanations of explorations of DNA are possible
because of the many scientists who paved the way. This began almost a century
before the Nobel Prize, in 1868, was awarded to James Watson, Franklin Crick, and
Maurice Wilkins. It was a young Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher who located
something no one had ever seen before from the nuclei of cells. He named this new
found compound nuclei . Today we refer to this as nucleic acid, the NA in DNA.
Gregor Mendel, a Czech monk just two
William Blake s Death And Allusions
Though an esteemed painter in his day, William Blake achieves most of his fame
through his profound poetry. Born in 1757, Blake grew up in London, England
along with his five siblings ( William Blake ). Even from the beginning of his
childhood, Blake always held the strong desire to become an artist ( William Blake
). As he grew up, he apprenticed first as an engraver and then later as a painter (
William Blake ). However, even though he set out to become an artist and took little
interest in publishing his poems during his lifetime, Blake s source of fame today
comes from his exceptional poetry. In fact many English classes today, from
elementary to college, challenge their students to analyse the complexity and
depth of Blake s poems, including one of his most famous works, The Tyger .
Published in Blake s collection of poems titled Songs of Experience in 1794, The
Tyger depicts a poem that on the surface appears simple in its subject matter of a
tiger, but in reality, paints a much deeper picture of a fearful, fiery beast ( William
Blake ). In his poem The Tyger , William Blake uses poetic structure, literary devises,
... Show more content on ...
While Blake does make various Biblical allusions throughout his poem, such as to
the Creation, he also references two of his own works. As the more well known
allusion, the reference to the The Lamb , a poem commonly paired with The Tyger
, appears in a question in the fifth stanza. The narrator asks whether he who made
the Lamb , the soft, mild creature, could make thee , the burning, fiery tiger (20).
Though less well known, Blake also adds a reference to one of his unfinished,
mythology books, The Four Zoas. In both The Four Zoas and The Tyger the line
the stars threw down their spears appears, a link which most people never notice
(Nurmi). These allusions to Blake s other works add a layer of depth to his already
CEO CFO Perceptions About AIS Impact on Firm
CEO and CFO perceptions about AIS impact on firm performance and financial
reporting: How do SOX, COSO, and the implementation of IT help reduce fraud and
increase productivity in a business? In the multifaceted, dynamic, corporate global
milieu, imminent rifts continue to rattle the arenas of accounting/finance. The
personal ambitions of CEO s and CFO s outweighed their responsibilities toward
shareholders, employees, operations, civic/ethical duties, and the general financial
system. CEO s primarily focused on their own profitability, by increasing margins,
meeting shareholder/market expectations, and expanding by any means necessary.
Therefore, this lead to CFO s and other members of top managementon the front lines
in manipulating... Show more content on ...
Subcategories of application controls include input controls, processing controls, and
output controls. The General controls include controls over IT governance,
infrastructure, network operating system security, database access, application
acquisitions development, and program changes. General controls are needed to
support the environment in which application controls function, and both are needed
to ensure accurate financial reporting, as well as reduce instances of fraudulent
activity. (Hall 2013)
While utilizing the aforementioned controls will greatly reduce risk of financial
fraud, there are inherent risks concerning information technology systems.
Organizations integrated in a global frame, face an overarching environmental risk
involving stability, which primarily concerns IT. The rapid production and ingenuity
of increasing computing power, coupled with consistent gains in the growth of
technology, have a direct result in an exponentially vibrant information technology
atmosphere. This dynamic environment causes constant changes within internal
controls in companies. Currently, IT is considered one of the main risk factors in
organizations, and both lack and excess of such investments can compromise the
structure and the operations of the firm. (Lunardi, Becker, Macada, Dolci 2010)
To keep up with the forward thinking global environment, as well as complying with
The Fight For Equal Rights, Especially For Women, Has
The fight for equal rights, especially for women, has never been stronger than it is in
2017. Just a few weeks ago women across the country staged a march on Washington
D.C. called The Women s March on Washington . This march wasn t limited to just
Washington, as 5 million participants marched in places such as New York, Boston,
Chicago, Los Angeles and Seattle to express their disapproval with recently elected
President Trump. This movement was the largest single day demonstration is U.S.
history but it would have never been possible without the fearlessness and
determination of the women that marched nearly a hundred years before them.
Without the original Women s Rights Movement, Alice Paul and Carrie Chapman
Catt, women would not have... Show more content on ...
The end product of this convention was a signed petition compiled of 32 men and
68 women all supporting women s rights. This convention got the ball rolling and
got women motivated and excited for what was to come in the future. Around 1890
two of the most influential women s rights groups in the National Women s Suffrage
Association and the American Women s Suffrage Association, combined to become
one organization called National Women s Association (NAWSA). The NAWSA
attracted many women from all over to help contribute to its cause to gain equality
for women, but it took a giant step forward with the addition of University of
Pennsylvania student Alice Paul. The film Iron Jawed Angels depicts the encounter
of Alice Paul and the NAWSA president Carrie Chapman Catta and shows us the
differences the two had in their ideas. Paul expressed her idea of fighting for
constitutional amendment while Carrie and the elder activists of the group supported
a state by state campaign. Alice also expresses her thoughts about gaining more
public attention for women s suffrage and purposes the activists seek more creative
means such as a parade during the inauguration of President Woodrow Wilson. While
Alice thought this was a great and innovative idea, the elder activists feared that the
parade would do nothing but set their movement back as they felt it would reduce
Guilty Hair Dyeing
Quick Ways To Resolve Premature Grey Hair
Premature graying and signs of aging can be a shocker for any girl. Grey hairs
before your 40s can definitely be worrisome, it could be due to styling products,
vitamin deficiency, low melanin levels, pollution, and hereditary. But at Guilty Bytes
we have a solution for every beauty problem and today we have got a bunch of home
remedies that can treat your gray hair. Before you go into panic mode and think of
coloring your hair with chemicals read our post that is raving about natural remedies.
We bet these treatments will definitely end your gray hair woes.
1. Black tea rinse:
Black tea is a natural dye that will boost melanin and keratin levels in your hair and
recover your hair from gray hair. ... Show more content on ...
Amla and fenugreek paste:
Amla is chock full of antioxidants, Vitamin C that will reverse grey hair and
fenugreek seeds will boost your hair growth and retain your original hair color.
Soak fenugreek seeds overnight and blend it with amla in a blender. Add 1 teaspoon
of coconut oil and massage your hair with this mixture. Leave it for 20 minutes and
wash your hair with cold water.
6. Onion and lemon juice:
Onion juice promotes the compound catalase that will boost your hair pigmentation
and reduce the chances of grey hair. Extract the juice of onion and mix it with lemon
juice, apply it on your scalp, hair strands and let it rest for 15 20 minutes. Rinse your
hair with cool water.
7. Curry leaves:
This is the one of the best ways to darken your hair. Take a handful of curry leaves
and mix it with coconut oil. Heat this mixture for 2 3 minutes and then once it cools
down massage your scalp with the concoction. Leave it overnight and wash your hair
with shampoo.
The mentioned home treatments would only work if you use them regularly. For
effective results use the prescribed methods twice a week. Also, reduce your stress
levels, quit smoking and eat healthy foods that will promote healthy
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Aluminium
Aluminium, 13th element in periodic table is a silvery white metal. Aluminium is
one of the most widespread metal in the earth s crust, constituting more than 8% of
earth s core mass. Aluminum is one of the world s most abundant metals and after
oxygen and silicon, aluminium is the third most common element present on earth.
Aluminium alloys which are widely used across the globe can be produced in two
different ways:
1.Primary alloys are produced from pure molten aluminium which are melted along
with addition elements to achieve desired properties.
2.Secondary alloys are produced from aluminium material scraps. These scraps are
low cost in nature. These scraps are re melted and are re classifying after adjustment
for main elements to achieve desired properties. These type of alloys generally have
high level of impurities.
Figure 1 schematically shows how primary aluminium from bauxite gets converted
into ... Show more content on ...
Various related outreach activities research programs have several times
communicated benefits of using aluminum in transportation industry Electrical: Due
to its significant weight and cost advantages over copper, aluminum is now
considered as the preferred material for electricity distribution and transmission.
Electronics Appliances: Due to versatile nature of aluminium, usage of aluminium
has been increased multi folds. From Presto Cooker (West Bend s 1970) to latest
electronic gadget (i phone 6s), all share a single, common characteristic, i.e. usage of
aluminium in it.
Other Markets: With the advancement of technology, presently aluminium usage is
also getting extended to solar panel nanotechnology, aluminum air batteries and
transparent aluminum
Kohl s Corporation
Kohl s Department Store Analysis
Ursula Landry Angela Burton
Cardinal Stritch University
Managerial Finance ADM 406
January 27, 2016
Introduction The New York Times states, Kohl s Corporation is a specialty
department store. As of January 31, 2015, the company operated 1,162 department
stores in 49 states and e commerce website (www. Kohl The company sells
private label, and national brand apparel, foot wear, accessories, and beauty and
home products. Kohl s Corporation is one of the largest discount department store
chains in the United States. Targeting middle income shoppers buying for their
families and homes, the chain maintains low retail prices through a low cost
structure, limited staffing, and progressive ... Show more content on
Competition heated up as department stores, particularly J.C. Penny Corporation,
Inc. and specialty apparel stores improved their performances. According to the
article of Funding Universe, Kohl s was faced with fierce competition in
California from stores such as, Mervyns and Macy West. Some analysts contended
the big push into the Golden State had distracted management, and indeed the
company suffered from excess inventory, forcing it to discount heavily, which
dented profits. Some shoppers turned to rival retailers when they encountered less
well kept stores and longer checkout lines than usual. Which the numbers were
disappointing, while revenues were still up 12.7 percent, surpassing the ten billion
mark for the first time, but net income fell for the first time in ten years dropping a
whopping 8.5% to $581 million, and in store sales fell 1.6 percent. In view of the
financial statements attached to this paper, Kohl s acquired debt increased both in
dollars and as a percentage of sales. Gross margin as a percentage of sales was
36.4% in 2014, much lower in 2013. The merchandise margin increased, but was
offset by higher shipping losses attributable to growth in the number of on line
orders. Selling, general and administration expenses both increased in dollars and as a
percentage of sales. There are numerous factors that impact the success of department
stores such as, political and
The Specifics About Adult Day Services
The Specifics About Adult Day Services Lets talk about Adult Day Services and
what they can provide for you and your family. Let me start by saying that you do
not need have a physical aliment to use this service. It is designed to provide
activities, exercise, meals, medication administration, health screening, bathing
services, podiatry care, hair care, lab work, socialization, structure and mental
stimulation for older adults. Almost anyone can benefit from that! These centers
can also be an essential tool to be utilized in caring for someone and can relieve a
great deal of stress on a caregiver. They can allow an older adult to stay in their home
or the home of their families for a longer period of time. It also can be all day care at
a fraction of the costs of in home care or long termcare.
Most centers are open Monday through Friday, some are even open on the
weekends. They generally open by 7am and close around 5pm. A client can attend as
many days that will work for your schedule and your finances. If you are looking for
only 1 or 2 days each week for some much needed respite, they can provide that. If
you still work and need care 5 days a week, they can provide that also. The centers
will work with you to meet your specific needs. Most centers also offer a half day
option (4 hours per day) and a full day option (more than 4 hours per day). In the
center that I work for you, if you choose the half day option you can decide what 4
hours will work best for you,
Argumentative Essay On Plastic Bags
The Plastic Bag Takeover As the United States deals with the overwhelming amounts
of waste building up, Nitin et al explain that plastics take anywhere from 15 to 1000
years to biodegrade once they are discarded (Nitin). Changes in recycling methods
can no longer keep up with the exorbitant amount of wasteproduced in the United
States. This is why some states choose to take their initiative one step further by
placing either fees or a ban on the use of plastic bags. Due to the enormous waste the
United States produces on a daily basis and the negative outcomes of this trash
including adverse health effects, harmful impacts on nature, and the exponential
piling of trash in landfills, the US government should ban plastic bags.
When citizens discard plastic bags in the outdoors, they unknowingly contribute to
the spreading of powerful illnesses. Through the pooling of rainwater, thrown away
bags contribute to the transmission of mosquito born illnesses, such as Malaria
(Trilling). Given the wet, warm environment that a littered plastic bag provides,
mosquitoes receive the ideal setting they need to breed. With increased mosquito
breeding, American s are left more susceptible to harmful illnesses. One simple way
to reduce the littering of plastic bags, is to make plastic bags harder to access in the
first place. Additionally, the creation of plastic bags commonly involves many
harmful chemicals that in turn play a role in causing detrimental health effects and
conditions. Substances in plastic products designed to enhance performance, and
make them desirable to consumers, often contain harmful ingredients (Ecology
Center). Plastic bags are a commonly overlooked destructive item that might
contribute to health problems. When foods are packaged alongside plastic,
chemicals migrate from the plastic packaging to the foods, one example being the
chemical Polyethylene, a substance suspected to be a carcinogen (Ecology Center).
The government has a duty to protect its citizens and one form of protection is
keeping people away from especially harmful chemicals and substances. The only
way to ensure citizens do not come into contact with these harmful substances on a
daily basis through plastic bags is to ban them
How Soccer Has Influenced My Life
Throughout my entire life, soccer has influenced me greatly. In fact, my childhood
can be described as watching my siblings play soccer. Rain or shine, no matter the
distance, no matter how much I didn t want to go, I was still there to support them.
All four of us made sacrifices to support each other. This made our family more
close knit. As a family of respected soccer players our last name often recognized.
This started at an early age and I learned I had expectations to meet. Club soccer
was a wake up call as the tournaments became more serious and games meant more. I
learned the hard way that being prepared is very important when going anywhere. It
was something my parents wanted me to do on my own and not help me with. This
made me
Human Nature, By Jean Jacques Rousseau And Thomas
The notion of human nature has always been historically debated. Explores,
philosophers, and writers have always come to argue on what is considered to be
barbarism, savagery, and civilized. These constructed categories have put a label on
people who do not share the same ideas as one another. These different views of
human nature have come to propel change and have come to revolutionized human
history. Jean Jacques Rousseau, Michel de Montaigne, and Thomas Hobbesall differ
on their ideas of human nature, but they also share common ground. For some of
these men the practices of different cultures are categorized as savagery, and for
others it has been viewed as noble savagery. Their ideas however have allowed
society to view different perspectives of human nature. These perspectives have
classified human nature as a way of life, or as an obstacle to what is consider to be
the good life. Their ethnographic resources provide a glimpse to all the different
cultures and their value to society and history.
Cannibalism in many Western societies is usually frown upon or illegal; however,
for a tribe located in Antarctic France which is now known as Brazil, cannibalism
is considered to be a norm. For many Western thinkers this cultural practice of
cannibalism would be an act of savagery, but for Michel de Montaigne this cultural
practice is categorized as noble savagery. Montaigne reverses the egocentric belief in
the superiority of western culture in his work Of Cannibals. His
The Controversy In Quantum Physics Circles
Quantum physics is mind bending, counterintuitive, and close to impossible to
understand. It s so complicated that a theory saying our reality is just one of an
infinite web of infinite timelines is one that s actually simpler than what most
quantum physicists believe. That neat and tidy explanation is known as the many
worlds interpretation, and it has caused plenty of controversy in physicscircles.
In the 1950s, a student at Princeton University named Hugh Everett III was studying
quantum mechanics. He learned about the Copenhagen interpretation, which says that
at the very, very smallest level what we mean when we say quantum matter exists
not just as a particle and not just as a wave, but in all possible states at once (all of
those states ... Show more content on ...
According to Everett s theory, in this timeline, the object is a particle, but there s
another timeline where it s a wave. Even more baffling, this implies that quantum
phenomena aren t the only things that split the universe into separate timelines. For
everything that happens, every action you take or decide not to take, there are infinite
other timelines worlds, if we may where something else took place. That s the many
worlds interpretation of quantum physics. It may not seem like it, but it s actually
simpler than the Copenhagen interpretation it doesn t strike an arbitrary line between
the quantum world and everything else, because everything behaves in the same way.
It also removes randomness from the picture, which helps the math work out nicely.
Not all physicists subscribe to this theory a recent poll found that the majority are
Copenhagen all the way but a growing minority do. Sean Carroll, for one. He
explains that many objections to the theory arise because people come at it from a
classical physics point of view. In classical s quite a bit of work to
accommodate extra universes, and you better have a good reason to justify putting in
that work, he writes. That is not what happens in quantum mechanics. The capacity
for describing multiple universes is automatically there. We don t have to add
Global Spending On Drug Law Enforcement Currently
Global spending on drug law enforcement currently exceeds one hundred billion
dollars per annum. This is said to be way over the amount spent on foreign aid,
global welfare, and climate change (, 2016). This is also backed up
by further expenditure of about 70 80 per cent of tens of billions of cash injections
from the United Nations to be spent on global drug control, through policing and
military intervention, this cash is injected with the aim of eradicating drug
production facilities and farms, and the prosecution and punishment of drug
traffickers and farmers (Gossop, 2013). This is all spent with one intention, the
intention to create a safer drug free world (Horsfield, 2016). Taking into consideration
the... Show more content on ...
After that it costs a further ВЈ40,000 for each year they spend incarcerated (Ministry
of Justice, 2015). It can thus be suggested that as it stands current global spending
far exceeds its worth, or at least for the state and those in government. As
comparatively, it could be argued it works very well in serving a criminal industry.
An illegal industry, that is eager to supply a growing global demand for drugs, with
an estimated annual turnover of $320 billion (, 2016).Therefore,
despite all of these resources spent by the state, there has been little improvement
towards the harms of illegal substance misuse and the global drug trade is now
arguably, entirely controlled by criminal organisations, street gangs and even
terrorists (Bean, 2010). It leaves you wondering, firstly, are we, as a society, going
the right way in dealing with the problems of substance misuse and secondly, how
has spending on the issue increased to such unsustainable amounts, often with little
positive results. 3.2 The Declaration of War The answer to the latter question, it
could be argued, is largely down to the fifty year global stance and the concept of
the War on drugs . A cohesive stance against certain substances is not something
which is new. Implemented measures can be deemed to go way back, even as far as
the time of the ancient Egyptians, whereby, records dating back
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Going International
Companies may face variety of advantages and disadvantages upon going
internationally. The advantages are expected to produce different strategies,
performance goals as well as even forms of market participation at the time of entry.
Among the advantages are accesses to new customers. Companies going
internationally are able to look for customers outside of their native country. This
means that they will have numerous customers that contribute much to their business.
This will definitely increase the demand for their products and hence increase the
profit margin higher compared to the companies doing businesses locally. For an
example, McDonald s is able to look for customers other than from their native
country when they set up business abroad.... Show more content on ...
On the other hand, a company that goes internationally can increase on the
efficiency of their products. They are able to produce products that are good in
quality and efficient to their desired customers. Besides that, international
companies are able to able to buy their raw materials in a bulk to reduce the cost of
inputs and avoid any problems. The bulk orders can be sent to all the same places
around the different countries where the business is set up. This will increase the
efficiency of the business carried out by the particular company. For an example,
McDonald s are able to send the same types of materials to all of its outlets in the
different parts of the world. The materials include the packaging and the type of
sauce used by the McDonald s in all its outlets. By doing this, McDonald s are able
to stabilize and control all of its outlets without many difficulties. Besides that,
customers that visit the restaurant will feel very satisfied of the same level of
service offered in all the McDonald s outlets. This will led McDonalds to focus on
other ways to increase its sales rather than solving the unwanted
General Conception Of Prejudice And Prejudice
The presence of stereotypes and prejudices existed from a long time ago along with
the human history partially often deeply integrated with religion or social status. In
21st century, people are facing with many different stereotypes and prejudices either
directly or indirectly. Stereotype is a generalized belief or assumption towards some
specific groups or people by the defined attributes or characteristics. Stereotyping can
foster prejudiceand shape people s point of views and behaviors of ourselves and
others. People measure the implicit and explicit prejudices such as linguistic bias
or the income inequality. Some theories with respect to researching this long
lasting phenomenon have been raised their awareness of the difference between
the traditional prejudice and the contemporary prejudice. To put it differently, the
transition of empirical theories of prejudice has been evolved from the blatant and
overt form to the subtle and symbolic form. One of the biggest traits of the modern
prejudice is hard to catch or notice so that even the prejudice holders are not aware
of what they are performing. In this essay, I am going to address the general
conception of prejudice using social categorization theory and dive in more details
about specific types of prejudice as the essay goes further.
In general, people interact or communicate with each other in many ways. They use a
mixture of verbal and nonverbal methods to deliver their messages accurately and
Unconditional Religious Freedom In The Colonies
The colonies of Massachusetts, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island relate to
each other in the sense that each colony had some sort of religious freedom, whether
it be conditional or unconditional. Massachusetts was religiously intolerant but
allowed for Puritans, Pilgrims, and Separatists to come to their land and practice their
religion because it fits with what they believed. Maryland was a little more tolerant
than Massachusetts, the colony stated that you could have religious freedom if you
believed in the holy trinity, with the religion you practiced, so it s an example of a
conditional religious freedom. Pennsylvania and Rhode Islandare the two colonies out
of these four that had unconditional religious freedom. The colonies were different
from each other in the sense of whether or not they were tolerant of different religions
or not, but they compared in the sense that they had some sort of religious freedoms.
Massachusetts was a colony founded by William Bradford and other pilgrims, who
originally came to the new world to practice their religion. The Puritans and the
Separatists were among them and they were welcomed into the colony because
their religion matched up with those that founded that colony. The Puritans believed
that only true believers could reside in the colony, and if they did not, they would
be kicked out, people there could have also been kicked out if they spoke out against
the core beliefs of the colony. The core beliefs of the colony
The Ethics of Reductionism in the Medical Sciences
While Marcum s philosophy focuses on medical research at the molecular, genetic,
and tissue levels, Elisabeth Lloyd emphasizes the socioeconomic factors of health.
She presents an empirical trend that permeates through a number of cross national
studies: the degree of income inequality in any given society is strongly correlated
with the society s level of morbidity and mortality. This means that if a society s
income gradient is steep (the poor are severely more poor than the rich), the worse
off everyone is rich and poor. This phenomenon can be seen in a wide range of
diseases, including allergies, asthma, accelerated aging, cancer, epilepsy, Grave s
disease, multiple sclerosis, myocardial infarction, PTSD, rheumatoid arthritis, just...
Show more content on ...
Both parties must take into account the expected quality of life, other medical
problems, support structures, etc. Tauber argues that the application of medical
sciences is not objective, as any medical practitioner engages in the social domain of
the sufferer and family just as much as he must engage in the genetic and biophysical
domains of the body. Therefore, medicine, by its very nature, is holistic. It seeks to
address all aspects of the patient, including illness, history, personal values, social
influences, psychological state, etc. And, in medicine, reductionism should be
viewed as a tool that may be applied to certain aspects as necessary to care for the
We have reviewed the causal effects on human healthat genetic, tissue, organismal,
and ecological levels. It appears that the line becomes blurred between reductionism
and holism when these levels of organization are presented next to one another (for
example, the organic holism of tissue structure demonstrated in Marcum s discussion
may be considered reductionism when presented relative to the human as a whole).
Consequentially, the various aspects of human health form a continuous, relative,
stack of holism on top of reductionist on top of holism on top of reductionism, etc. We
can more accurately classify these various causal effects as hierarchical levels of
explanation, rather than strictly reductionist
The Issuance Of Prime Minister Decree No Essay
On the issuance of Prime Minister Decree no. (1294) for year 2013 in November to
form EFSA s Board of Directors for a period of four years, over the past few months
EFSA developed a vision for its future directions and identifying its 2014 work plan.
The future directions include the following:
First: The Fundamental Principles adopted by EFSA
Second: The Axes of work for each activity supervised by EFSA
Third: The Axes of the Internal Construction of EFSA s Institutional Structure
First: The Fundamental Principles adopted by EFSA
Balancing between supervision and regulation over the safety of the financial markets
, customer s protection, and between the development of the markets mentioned, also
increase its appeal.
Claritying of the legislations governing the various activities of the market, seeking to
update it to respond to the actual practice and consistency with the best international
practices, and providing access to products and modern financial instruments. The
necessity of consulting the concerned parties, especially those working in the activity.
Simplifying the procedures for dealing with EFSA and striving to put deadlines for
its completion.
Ensuring communication with all parties involved in the market, educating dealers,
and provide fast response to their suggestions and complaints.
Attending to EFSA employees in terms of their skills development, motivating them,
and providing them with an acceptable working environment and
Comparing and Contrasting Homer s Odysseus and
Tennyson s...
Comparing Homer s Odysseus and Tennyson s Ulysses Homer s Odyssey depicts
the life of a middle aged, while Tennyson s Ulysses describes Ulysses as an old
man. The character s role in his son s life shifts. With maturity, Telemachus does not
require as much guidance from his father. However, time does not alter the caring
fellowship the man has with his crew, nor the willpower that he possesses in
achieving his goals. While Odysseus and his son are united and face the world
together, Ulysses sees himself and his son as two different people living separate
lives. When he returns, Odysseus has a close, personal relationship with his son; he
becomes Telemachus mentor. Odysseus realizes Telemachus resemblance to
... Show
more content on ...
Odysseus love for his crewmen is apparent; when his men are turned into swine,
Odysseus courageously risks his life to rescue his men from Circe. Delaying the
return by opening the bag of winds, the crew causes Odysseus frustration as he
debates whether to jump overboard and drown or stay among the living and
quietly endure (Homer 10.51 53). However, he tolerates his crew s senseless
stupidity , and they continue to achieve their common goal, returning to Ithaca. In
return, the men respect and trust their master . As a leader, Odysseus is not
overbearing, but sees himself equal to his men. Similarly, Ulysses has a close
fellowship with his crew. With his confidant speech, he arouses excitement in his
men. My mariners, Souls that have toiled and wrought, and thought with me
(Tennyson, Lines 45 46) indicates the crewmen and Ulysses have faced many
adventures together. Ulysses feels most alive when he is exploring the world with
his crew. He says, Come, my friends,...the gulfs will wash us down; and see the
great Achilles, whom we knew (Tennyson, Lines 56, 63 64). The consistent we and
us shows that the journey will be a team activity in which all will contribute and
gain. The stories of Odysseus and Ulysses show the gratification of a close
fellowship in which all work as team. Both men show willpower in realizing their
goals. Odysseus s target is returning to Ithaca to his beloved wife and son. He
overcomes many
The Digestive System And The Circulatory System
The Digestive System 1.1
The digestive system is comprised of a group of organs known as the alimentary
canal, which is one continues tube that runs from the oral cavity to the anus. The
second set of organs that make up the digestive system are the Accessory organs.
The digestive system has six main functions: ingestion, secretion, mixing and
movement, digestion, absorption, and excretion of food (Tortora Derrickson, 2009).
Alimentary canal
MouthThe mouth is made up of the checks hard and soft palates, internally and
externally covered with skin.The mouth is where food enters the body and the
process of digestion starts via mechanical and chemical digestion.oesophagus The
oesophagus is a long tube ... Show more content on ...
Salivary GlandsThe salivary glands surround the mouth. There are 3 sets of salivary
glands.The saliva moistens the food to lubricate it as it passes through the mouth; it
also begins the process of chemical digestion.
LiverThe liver is accessory organ of the digestive system which is triangle in shape.
The liver is located to the right of the stomach and above the small intestine.The main
functions of the liver in digestion are production and secretion of bile into the small
GallbladderThe gallbladder is a pear shaped organ located just behind the liver.The
gallbladder stores the bile and recycles any excess bile from the small intestine.
PancreasThe pancreas is a fairly large gland which is about 15cm in length. The head
is connected to the duodenum.The pancreas secretes many different digestive
enzymes into the small intestine via the duodenum to aid in the completion of
chemical digestion.
(Tortora Derrickson, 2009)
Diagrams from:
Enzyme Function of the liver and pancreas 1.2
The chyme arrives in the duodenum and the pancreas releases pancreatic juices
packed with enzymes that break down fats, carbohydrates, and proteins these are:
Pancreatic lipase, amylase, and protease. Bile is then realised by the gall bladder
this bile is produced by the liver, with the gall bladder being the bile duct this helps
to breakdown
Killings Andre Dubus Summary
Killings by Andre Dubus is a short story that humanizes and normalizes violence
and revenge murders. It intends to justify that murder is an okay thing to do as long
as you are doing it because you are emotionally distressed. In both killings that take
place in this story, there is a lot of hatred and need for revenge. Though murderis
reprehensible, I agree that in certain instances, it can be justified, as in the case with
Matt and the killing he partook in.
To start off, I don t believe that Richard s murder of Frank can be justified, and I
believe that is why Dubus makes it so the reader does not sympathize with Richard.
Dubus shows what kind of man Richard is throughout the story. Richard is described
after the murder of Frank as ... Show more content on ...
The story talks about how scared Matt was when his children were younger and
how caring he was of them when there was a possibility of them being in a
dangerous situation. His inability to protect Frank from Richard when Frank was
now an adult is what pushes Matt into killing Richard. When Richard kills Frank,
Matt felt that all the fears he had borne while [his children] were growing up...had
backed up like a huge wave and struck him on the beach and swept him out to sea
(pg. 98, Dubus). A person reading this section of the story feels dismay, grief,
compassion and sympathy for Matt even if they don t have children. The reader can
understand that if their child was killed in cold blood, they would not have a clear
conscious knowing that their child s murderer was walking free and that they couldn
t do anything about it.
Another factor that makes the reader sympathize with Matt is how his wife, Ruth, is
in shambles even months after Frank is murdered. [Ruth] sees him all the time. It
makes her cry. (pg. 94, Dubus). Killing Richard is the act of a protective husband
and father and Matt does it because he thinks it s the best solution for his family. Matt
acts in the interest of his family, even though he feels guilt for everything that takes
The major difference between Matt and Richard is that the reader is able to tell that
Matt feels guilty and even wants to back out of killing Richard when Dubus states
when Strout came around [the corner of the building]
Analysis Of The Poem The Woman Warrior By Maxine
The Unescapable Net:
Tradition vs Transformation in Kingston s Ideology The Woman Warrior, written by
Chinese American author Maxine Hong Kingston in 1976, blends traditional Chinese
folktales and memoir, and portrays the early 20th century Chinese history in a
Chinese American perspective. For Maxine, it seems Chinese history means social
and cultural constrains from conventional Chinese doctrines, especially regarding the
social status of womanhood, the blind collectivism, and superstition in old China.
Maxine s negative depiction of Chinese history partially reflects the bureaucracy of
patriarchal and feudal system in old China, but more importantly, reveals Maxine
herself, a third culture kid, as a paradox: she is eager to incorporate into the American
mainstream society by resisting her Chinese cultural background, but at the same
time, her unconscious actions imply that her Chinese background is a historical
baggage that she could never discard of. By retelling experiences and legends from
her mother and even her grandmother s generation, Maxine suggests how she as a
Chinese American woman is in a awkward state between tradition and transformation,
and presents a cultural clash between America and China. Maxine s portray of women
s role under the male dominated society and feudal system suggests the first paradox
in her ideology protesting male dominance, but at the same time admitting it. Women,
in ancient China, are usually treated as lower social status and
Historical Reference Of Social Psychology
Historical Reference of Social Psychology
Social psychology uses scientific methods to understand how people s opinions and
behaviors are influenced by the actual presence or the implied presence of others.
Social psychology is an integrative field that builds the gap between psychology and
sociology. Sociology, on the other hand, is the scientific study of human behavior. In
addition, social psychology is a comparatively new field that originated in the early
20th century. In 1954 Gordon Allport nominated Auguste Comte, the French
philosopher as the founder of social psychology, he saw it as a science separate from
both psychology and sociology; he called it la morale positive (Allport, 1968). In this
historical overview, evidence of ... Show more content on ...
He also suggested that psychology should be divided into two branches: social
psychology and physiological psychology. This suggestion helped in the early
distinction of social psychology from psychology.
In North America, G. Stanley Hall, was the major promoter of psychology. In 1883,
he founded the first experimental laboratory at Johns Hopkins University. He also
published the first psychological journal in English called the American Journal of
Psychology in 1887 (Bringmann, Bringmann, Early, 1992). He explored on topics
like vision, the brain, sensation, hearing, the will and the self. Both Wilhelm Wundt
and G. Stanley Hall s scientific studies helped in the development of social
psychology as a distinct field.
Social Psychology s Historical Link to Sociology
According to Deflem, (2013) Auguste Comte invented the word sociologie and
created the science of sociology. However, it was not institutionalized until several
years later. It was Norman Triplett that conducted the first credited social
psychological experimental study in 1895 (Davis Becker, 1995). He discovered that
individuals performance was augmented due to the presence of their perceived
competition. From this conclusion, he developed a theory called theory of
dynamogenesis (Davis Becker, 1995). Nevertheless, his discovery raised more
questions than answers; these questions lead to further
The Ragtime And The Blues
Both ragtime and the blues were essential and influential in their contributions to the
development of jazz. Together, they served as the primary predecessors to the later,
more complicated genre. Key elements from each brand are incorporated and mixed
to create jazz. Without the creative geniuses of ragtimesuch as Scott Jopin and James
Reese Europe and Bluespropagators W.C. Hady and Robert Johnson, the distinctive
genre of jazzwould not have emerged. Ragtime and blues are both unique in their
respective styles and means of development, yet they also share some similarities
despite their clearly outlined differences. Jasen and Tichenor argue that although
ragtime constitutes a concrete musical idiom... its distinguishing musical
characteristics were lost upon its early promoters and contemporary listening
audience, and... remain muddled to this day (1). However, there are key elements
of ragtime that make it unique and recognizable. Ragtime is a sound that is played
typically on the piano in ragged time, or in other words, syncopation a rhythmic
technique in which emphasis is placed on notes that are played off the beat
(Haskins 36). Another element of ragtime is its association with dance; ragtime
music would play and references would be made to ragging being a style of dancing
(Berlin 13). Ragtime developed through a combination of influences such as the call
and response pattern of slave and Negro work songs (Haskins 37) and the tenacious
ensembles of American
The Hashtag Activism
I think hashtag activism is a great method for people all over America to have a
say. Speaking of social injustices and explaining what upsets someone gives rise to
awareness of the injustice. The first step in change is knowing you have to change. I
feel with hashtag activism, because there are so many things to support, so many
movements people get lost in what they are supporting and so the activism simply
remains an idea. No actions are made to actually activate because people only support
on the internet, not many people are willing to actually go out and protestwhat they
believe. These kinds of people are called armchairm activists because they support
from the comfort of their couch. Saying you are going to do something and actually
The Chrysanthemums By John Steinbeck Essay
The Chrysanthemums By John Steinbeck
Tears, Idle Tears By Alfred, Lord Tennyson Both of these stories has the speaker/main
character going through an emotional journey and in a way they are pretty similar
with their own little differences. This story, The Chrysanthemums , and this poem,
Tears, Idle Tears , are both similar in the way that the main character/speaker of the
story is upset and is crying either at one point in the story or in all of the poem.
And, well, it s not just that but that seems to be the most obvious. They also have
such imagery and vivid images of what is happening to the main character/speaker.
It puts you in their shoes in a sense that you can relate to it or that you can even feel
the emotion of the character. In The Chrysanthemums it is when she cries over her
chrysanthemums that you truly see her fall but she is happy at one point even
though the story ends on a sad note. In Tears, Idle Tears however, there is no happy,
it is just pure gloomy and it is about dark and desolate feelings.
A symbol in The Chrysanthemums is the woman Elisa Allen s chrysanthemums that
are her pride and joy and, in a way, are like her children. She plants them every
season and does it the same way her mother did and her grandmother and from what
you can tell from the story it basically runs in her family. She has a planting thumb
just like her mother and grandmother did. But when a strange man rides by her house
asking for pans or anything to fix and she
The Secret Annex Character Analysis
The course of life between the occupants in the Secret Annex was filled with
happiness and festivities, but also many quarrels between them. Although each
character has had differentiation and similarities with others, Mr. Van Daan and Mr.
Dussel have discernible character traits throughout the play. Whereas their fears and
judgements akin, the two men have unalike responsibilities, especially with Mr. Van
Daan needing to be a father. Propitiously, their true characters are shown as a result of
their actions,
To begin with, Mr. Van Daan and Mr. Dussel surprisingly have more similarities
than differences. Particularly, their perspective of Anne s behaviors are fairly
similar. They both believe that she is immature and childish, whereas she is trying to
mature as a woman. To illustrate, Mr. Van Daan states, Don t you ever get tired of...
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Van Daan and Mr. Dussel have been concealed in the Annex for years, their main fear
is getting caught by the Green Police, or the Nazis. Together, the families try their
best to be silent during their stay but unfortunately, since safety is their priority,
Dussel and Mr. Van Daan are willing to risk chances; such as answering the
constantly ringing phone during a certain scene of the play. Mr. Frank refuses, as he
does not want to jeopardize the safety of others finding him and the residents in the
Secret Annex. On the contrary, Mr. Van Daan and Dussel want to pick up the
phone, since they believe Miep is calling to warn them. Notably, Mr. Van Daan
states, Just pick it up and listen. You don t have to speak. Just listen and see if it s
Miep. (Mr. Van Daan, 389) Dussel adds, Something has happened Mr. Frank... I beg
you, answer it! (Dussel, 389) The two men care deeply about their well being, even if
it means that the occupants take several risks. Their behavior towards certain
situations, especially this, are very similar. Although very anxious, their
acknowledgment to fear shows a similarity between
The Producers News
Northeastern Montana, during the early twentieth century, was plagued by a myriad
of poor farming condition such as hail, locusts, drought, and low commodity prices
according to McDonald. (McDonald, 20) The impecunious economic conditions
created a support base of highly volatile and emotional of farmers that were ripe for
political exploitation. Sheridan County s farmers were desperate for dynamic
political leadership that represented their best interests. Consequently, Charles E.
Taylor and the Producers News were able to efficaciously fill this gap by increasing
their popularity with farmers by utilizing the brilliant classist rhetoric that empowered
and radicalized this community of farmers. McDonald stated that, Taylor
demonstrated... Show more content on ...
Taylor was able to seize political power due to his paper, and he utilized the paper
to trumpet the achievements of his own political machine and its fight for the
farmers. (McDonald, 25) This marriage between politics and the media tied the
success of The Producers News to the success of the radical government.
Moreover, the Producers News became more leftwing and communist. This opened
the way for their opponents to utilize similar rhetoric to demonize and lambaste
both the paper and the local government. The anticommunist Plentywood Herald
was established as a way to counteract the Producers News. Furthermore, the
Hearald was able to capitalize on political scandals such as the robbery of the
county treasury and the Bolshevik funeral for Rodney Salisbury s daughter .
(McDonald, 30) This weakened the Producers News and the radical local
government. In addition, Taylor departed the Producers News, and the paper became
more national and radical. The Producers News no longer represented the local
community and it was far too radical. This in conjunction with a more vociferous
opposition and decent economic conditions brought an end to the far reaching
influence of the radical local government and The Producers News in this

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Family Tree Essay. My family tree Teaching Resources

  • 1. Family Tree Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of "Family Tree" presents both a unique and challenging endeavor. At first glance, one might assume that delving into one's familial history is a straightforward task; however, the process is often more intricate than it appears. The difficulty arises from the necessity to navigate through a multitude of branches, each laden with stories, experiences, and connections. Embarking on the journey of composing a family tree essay requires a delicate balance between factual accuracy and a narrative that captivates the reader. One must meticulously research and verify information, drawing upon family records, anecdotes, and possibly even genealogical databases. This meticulousness is crucial to ensure the essay's reliability and to create a comprehensive and authentic portrayal of one's familial lineage. Yet, the challenges extend beyond mere data collection. The writer must also navigate the emotional landscape that comes with exploring family history. Unearthing stories of triumph, hardship, joy, and sorrow may evoke a myriad of emotions, adding an additional layer of complexity to the writing process. Striking the right tone, acknowledging complexities, and respecting the nuances of family dynamics are essential aspects that demand careful consideration. Furthermore, organizing the wealth of information into a coherent and engaging narrative poses a formidable challenge. Successfully weaving together generations, relationships, and individual stories requires a keen sense of storytelling and an artful approach to structure. The essay should not read like a dry recitation of facts but rather as a compelling narrative that brings the family tree to life for the reader. In conclusion, writing a family tree essay is a labor-intensive task that demands a combination of research skills, emotional intelligence, and storytelling prowess. The process involves delving into personal history, navigating through generations, and presenting information in a manner that is both informative and captivating. While the endeavor may be challenging, the potential for a rich and rewarding narrative makes the effort worthwhile. If you find yourself in need of assistance with essays or similar tasks, various services, including, offer support in crafting compelling and well-researched pieces. These platforms provide a helping hand for those seeking expert guidance in turning their ideas into polished and effective written works. Family Tree EssayFamily Tree Essay
  • 2. Ap Music History Evolution of the CD After a couple of failed attempts of making a device that could be used for mass sharing of music in the late 1800s, an immigrant from Germany had finally come up with an idea that would change everything. Chichester Bell (Alexander Graham Bell s cousin) and Thomas Edison s idea to record sounds on round cylinders was a good idea except for the sound quality and general effort that was required to make and replicate sound. The Phonograph was one of the earliest attempts at recording devices. Thomas A. Edison wanted to create this device in order to assist with business interactions. He originally used foil to record sounds, but this wasn t the best medium. You could only play sounds once and the quality wasn t the greatest. This is when wax cylinders came into play. It was eventually decided that the wax cylinder wasn t strong enough to record something permanently. Next followed the graphophone. This invention by Bell fixed the replay problem, but mass production of musicwould ve been impossible because of the sheer amount of work involved in recording each cylinder separately (Bells).... Show more content on ... His gramophone didn t record on cylinders. This was the creation of the record. The first records were made of blackened glass but after some trials Berliner arrived at the idea of zinc. The disc would be covered in a mixture of cold gas and beeswax before the grooves were etched into the surface. These zinc records were eventually replaced with plastic. The earliest gramophone had to be cranked by hand in order for it to work but the use of spring motors changed that. This model was the best that could be made at this time and quickly changed the act of recording music
  • 3. The Community s Fallacy In Daisy Miller By Henry James THE COMMUNITY S JUDGMENTS Logical fallacies are the common definitions which are used not only in our normal communication but also applied in many commercials, movies and stories. Basically, one of the most common fallacies, named Bandwagon, is usually seen in a lot of stories. Bandwagon fallacy, which is also named as a groupthink, a peer pressure or a common opinion, is defined as an action or a thinking that is right to do. The reason is because this opinion is popular, supported by the group; or you will be accepted if you do it. Consequently, it is easy to see that in Daisy Miller (Henry James), most of the characters behaviors are determined by this fallacy. Moreover, it seems that only Daisy Miller has to resist ... Show more content on ... Consequently, in Daisy Miller , it is clear to see that the author, Henry James, uses the Bandwagon fallacy for helping readers to realize easily all of the arguments along the story. It is also easy to indicate that just because Daisy Miller insists on her American independence which is not accepted in Europe, she has to pay a heavy price: her death. Furthermore, in this story, the Bandwagon fallacy is used for setting off the morality of European people who judge or be judged based on their sociality s common opinion at that time. Therefore, this fallacy means if people can get along with the common sense of the sociality where they re living, they will be accepted; but if not, they will be eliminated although they think that they do a right
  • 4. Canoeing In Canad A Brief Textual Analysis I know from experience the fear and terror that struck my eyes when canoeing down a lake in Canada. A few years ago back in 2014 I went camping in Canada, but this is not just any sort of camping trip, with a nice rustic log cabin fitted with WiFi to make your camping experience more pleasurable . No,no,no, this was REAL camping. Miles and miles away from any sort of any human civilization with no more supplies than what you bring on your back. This was a canoeingbackpacking trip meaning my family and I rented a few vessels (canoes) and brought all our supplies on our backs to be carried and shipped the entirety of the trip. Did I mention that the distance of this trip was close to seventy miles? I first arrived in Canada excited to be put into pure nature and experience the first real camping trip. But when I arrived at the outfitters who were driving us into forest I began to worry. We turned off the main road onto a narrow dirt road barely marked as if it ... Show more content on ... At one point we decided to stop at a campsite for the night and set up camp. We drank most of the water packed and we needed more to cook dinner so me and my dad had to take a canoe to the middle of the lake to filter some more water (if we filtered the water on the shore our water filter would have got clogged with a bunch of scum). It was a pretty windy day this day and normally I wouldn t think too much of it, and I didn t. So we got to the middle of the lake and filtered the water that we had needed and were going to row back and we had started to paddle back, or we at least tried. Little did I know what such mild winds can do to affect the current of the water. We rowed as hard and as fast as we would yet were barely moving, the thought of being blown away was not a happy thought. I dug down deep and gave the rowing everything I had. We slowly began making progress inching towards back to the island we were staying on. Finally, we were
  • 5. Desert Island Analysis Desert Islands The most imaginary desert islands which he described in novel were like a peaceful paradise where the shipwrecked traveler manages to continue living pretty much as before used for Robinson Crusoe or Desert Island Discs! In a book Coral Island by RM Ballantyne which was published in 1857, 100 years before Golding s book, three young British boys are shipwrecked on a desert island and have to survive without any adults. They were brave and resourceful. They thoroughly enjoy their experience and there is never a hint of trouble. As one of the characters, Peterkin, says, There was indeed no note of discord whatever in that symphony we played together on that sweet coral island. From his experience as a teacher, Golding knew that the idyllic life of Coral Islandcould never exist in real life. So, he set out to write a novel that showed his ideas about the darker side of human nature starting from the same basis. Boys stranded on a desert island, away from all civilizing influences. Lord of the Flies was the result. Lord of the Flies: These 5 years of war affected him deeply. Here he knew that even good can become evil. In an interview he said: WWII which I spent in Royal Navy had a great influence on my life as well as my work. At that time I was young and now I am old. I was terrified and it had been taken a long time to gain some understanding of mankind . He also said Before the WWII, I believed in the perfection of social Man. but after the war i did not. I had discovered what one man could do to another. Anyone who moved to these years without understanding that man produces evil as a bee produces honey, must have been blind or wrong in the head. At the end of war Golding returned to teaching and moved to Salisbury with his family. One day he said to his wife. Wouldn t it be good idea if I wrote a book about child on an Island? children who behave in the way. Children really would behave. when he returned to his post at Bishop Wordsworth s School in 1945, he began furthering his writing career. He wrote three novels, all of which went unpublished. But his frustration would not last long. He started working on a novel The Strangers Within in 1952. A year later it was sent
  • 6. Prefrontal Lobotomy Analysis Frequently, it s difficult to maintain a certain procedure which benefits both the patient and physician. The growth of The Prefrontal Lobotomy was sought out to assist patients with issues regarding mental illnesses, and conditions of psychological disorders. The Prefrontal Lobotomy is said to be successful, but there have been certain times where the procedure has caused death upon a patient. It s a controversial procedure that has been done widely since it s prime era. It was widely performed for decades to treat Schizophrenia, Manic Depression and Bipolar Disorder. (Lobotomy: Definition, Procedure, History; Lewis, 2014) The Portuguese Neurologist Antonio Egas Moniz is said to be credited with inventing the Lobotomy in 1935, for which he shared the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicinein 1949. (Official website of the Nobel Prize, Before the procedure was tested on humans, it was actually tested on chimpanzees by a Yale Neuroscientist John Fulton and his colleague Carlyle Jacobsen in 1935. Because of certain behavioral and personality issues, the procedure was sought to adjust the way illnesses were developed, and to eliminate them. The procedure was done by cutting holes in... Show more content on ... Today, mental illnesses can be treated with medication, surgery, etc. Rarely would you hear that a physician is performing a Prefrontal Lobotomy to assist a patient with a disorder. Manic Depression specifically is more so treated with medication. Other disorders such as Schizophrenia can be treated with medication. There s also more extreme procedures today such as sending electric shocks through the brain to cause a temporary seizure that ll calm the patient down. I would say in my personal opinion that a procedure as such would be much more effective for Schizophrenia
  • 7. A Tale of Sin and Atonement Essay The Beautiful Vampire A tale of sin and atonement? In Theophile Gautier s The Beautiful Vampire, he is very subtle in presenting the sins committed. Although all of the characters in this story commit various sins, the sins of Romuald are the sins primarily focused on. This sinning of Romauld is very unique in that he is a ordained priest who should be one of the last people to commit these sins. It is this reason that makes the story what it is and draws the readers in initially. The first sin that the reader witnesses is during Romauld s ordainment ceremony. Instead of keeping his head bowed, as one should during prayer, he raises his head and spots the beautiful Clarimonde (Gautier 231). If Romauld would have stayed ... Show more content on ... Romauld s temptation into evil is very much like that of the temptation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. He does not realize that it is actually evil enticing him just as eve did not realize that the serpent was an evil being. Romauld s lusting for Clarimonde becomes more evident when he is taken to be with her dead body (244). This lusting over a dead body is very disturbing to many readers for two different reasons. The first of these reasons is the fact that a celibate priest is having these sexual attractions towards a woman. A priest, one of the holiest men of God should be able to control his ungodly desires if anyone can. The second reason for this disturbance is the face that he is lusting over the body of a dead woman. Although we find out later that she has been dead all along, not just in her chamber, the idea of necrophilia is a very disturbing concept to most people. After she is found not to be dead, Romauld continuously wonders what would have happened if he was not a priest. Would they be lovers? Would they be married? Or would they even be together at all? This questioning of his life s choices is very similar his previous thoughts of renouncing God and these thoughts appear to continue to arise throughout the story which makes the reader wonder if this many is even holy at all. Later in the story, Romauld mentions how he is able to
  • 8. The Elements Of Criticism In Gulliver s Travels Upoma Nahid Khan 14203011 Eng 214 Nawshaba Ahmed Gulliver s Travels: Exploring both sides of the coin A staggeringly prolific writer, Anglo Irish Jonathan Swift wrote a great many things. Swift was a tireless intellectual who wrote pamphlets, poems and books. With politics being what they were in the early to mid 18th century, Swift had been known to write under various pen names in order to avoid an unwanted attention. Foremost among Swift s major works, Gulliver s Travels which was originally published under the title Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World is a superbly clever work still capable of holding a reader s imagination more than a couple of centuries after it was first published in 1726 (Paula). It was written under the pen name Lemuel Gulliver, Swift told stories of a series of expeditions to strange new worlds. More than simple fantasy writing, Swift s novel was a heavy and intricate satire on politics, religion and other vices. The real stroke of genius that Swift managed with Gulliver s Travels was its universality; and thus a book written in 1726 is still read in 2016. Comic elements were deliberately used and aimed quite directly at established power structures, but the elements of fantasy written into the story is capable to attract... Show more content on ... The two major political parties seem drawn apart entirely because the technique of cracking open an egg. Those who believe an egg should be cracked on the large end are mortal enemies of those who believe an egg should be cracked on the small end. Swift poses Lilliput with numerous such absurdities. It s a lot of fun when it s not tedious. Gulliver uses his tremendous size to quickly win a naval battle against Blefuscu. When he refuses to help the Lilliputians completely overtake Blefuscu, things begin to get a bit sour. It isn t long before Gulliver manages to find a way off the island which launches the tale into its second of four
  • 9. Hls 410 Essay Running head: HOMELAND SECURITY 410 FINAL PROJECT TOPIC Provide a synopsis of the article written by Professor Alan Dershowitz. Then identify and describe the critical issues addressed in the article. In your paper, thoroughly discuss and evaluate the following concepts: the ticking time bomb hypothesis; Dershowitz s comments regarding Jeremy Bentham as well as his comments about Voltaire s views; and the three ways to deal with the use of torture in the ticking time bomb situation, as stated by the Israeli government appointed commission of the late 1980s. As part of the discussion about the commission s conclusions, include Dershowitz s fourth road. Abstract After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack ... Show more content on ... J. Simpson. In addition to his numerous law review articles and books about criminal and constitutional law, he has written, taught and lectured about history, philosophy, psychology, literature, mathematics, theology, music, sports and even delicatessens. [1] In the article Should the Ticking Bomb Terrorist Be Tortured? from his book titled Why Terrorism Works: Understanding the Threat, Responding to the Challenge, Alan M. Dershowitz presents measures that aim to prevent terrorism and still uphold US legal, moral and humanitarian values in his article. According to Dershowitz, the greatest danger facing the world today comes from religiously inspired, state sponsored terrorist groups that seek to develop weapons of mass destruction for use against civilian targets.[2] The ubiquitous and prolific Dershowitz brings very unique perspectives to the table in this article and weighs in particularly on civil liberties and international justice in a time of terror. He argues passionately and persuasively that global terrorism is a phenomenon largely of our own making and that we can and must take steps to reduce the frequency and severity of terrorist acts. Dershowitz has a great deal to say and teach about the balance we are now struggling to achieve between domestic security and civil liberty. There are critical issues addressed in his article Should the Ticking Bomb Terrorist Be Tortured? America is known for
  • 10. Investigation Of A Security Clearance For A Position... I.INTRODUCTION Background investigations are an essential aspect of the vetting process for both employees and potential employees of the US Federal, State, and Local governments and private sector companies that provide support, services and products to these government entities. These investigations are conducted to determine the suitability of the subject of the investigation to hold a security clearance for a position impacting our national security. Many of the individuals hired by the aforementioned organizations are placed in positions which require a security clearance. Based on the type of clearance, the person has access to information that is crucial to implementation of the missions of US government entities and private ... Show more content on ... II. INSIDER THREATS The purpose of US Federal Government background investigations is to determine if individuals are deemed acceptable for employment within the US government, and more importantly, prevent individuals of malafied intent from gaining access to a position impacting the US national security. Properly executed background investigations can greatly diminish the possibility of a potential insider threat obtaining access to classified information, which can cause the US great harm and the US government great embarrassment. Prior to the founding of the United States of America, the insider threat has hindered the security of a nation. It is written that the outward destruction of a country results from the inward turmoil of its government. Numerous historical accounts of internal conflicts endangering the welfare of countries are present in the history books of most countries. In most instances, the conflict occurred within the governmental structure of the nation. Regarding internal threats, the US government is not immune from this imminent danger. Constantly, there are numerous threat to US government operations that are undetected. Although the US government Most recently, the breach of security of former National Security Agency (NSA) employee, Edward Snowden, and the ongoing saga of events surrounding his dubious departure from his home country have permeated the media of countries around the world. The Snowden case is the latest in the
  • 11. Jennifer Government Point-of-View Analysis Imagine a world where your last name is the company you work for. Imagine a world where the United States includes all of North American, all of South America, all of Australia, the Pacific Islands, South Africa, India, Thailand and Russia. Welcome to Jennifer Government. The novel can be looked at by a reader as a simple, yet innovative story. The novel can also be seen as a deep, catawampus story with plenty of plot twists that are nicely blended together. Each successive chapter is told from the view from a different character; each chapter holds a different plot twist that keeps the reader guessing from one paragraph to the next; each chapter delves into sense of human emotion. Max Barry focuses strongly on the use of political satire... Show more content on ... She realizes the plan and locks on a target for a vantage point for a sniper. She races to the hotel building in which she suspects the sniper is hiding. Government runs to the employee in charge of checking customers in and finds out the information she needs. She races off from the counter with her partner when the chapter comes to a close. The reader has now shifted narrators once again. The reader is seeing through the shadow of Billy NRA, the assassin. Billy NRA has set up his sniper rifle and holding for the moment of truth. Billy has his sight locked on and ready to pull the trigger to end the life of the president. The door is abruptly kicked open by Jennifer Government and she demands that Billy halts his actions. But it is too late. The shot has been fired. Barry manifests these types of narrator switches throughout the course of the entire novel. This rarely used style of writing is perfect for the sense of suspense and style of action in Jennifer Government. The combination of the multiple third person limited narrators and action filled plot also leaves a small hole in which the reader must use their imagination to fill. An instance would towards the end of the novel. All of our main characters, save Buy Mitsui, are in the struggle the stemmed from the plan to kill the president. Jennifer handcuffs Billy to the hotel mini bar, bombs are being dropped all around them, and Hack Nike is struggling at Burger King with
  • 12. Barack Obama s Legacy At The State Department Hillary Rodham Clinton Schoeller, Martin. Hillary Clinton. Digital image. Bloomberg Business., 10 Jan. 2013. Web. 18 Apr. 2015. /2013 01 10/hillary clinton business legacy at the state department . Linsey Downing MGT 1010 900 Hillary Diane Rodham was born on October 26, 1947 in Chicago, Illinois. Hillary was the eldest daughter of Hugh Rodham, a prosperous fabric store owner, and Dorothy Emma Howell Rodham, a homemaker. She has two younger brothers, Hugh Jr. and Anthony. As a young woman, Hillary was active in young Republican groups and campaigned for Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater in 1964. She was inspired to work in some form of public service after hearing a ... Show more content on ... After her graduation, she served as an advisor to the Children s Defense Fund in Cambridge. She later moved to Arkansas where Bill was starting a political career, and they got married in 1975. In Arkansas, Hillary became a very notable and influential lawyer, while Bill s political career flourished (Ohebsion). Hillary Rodham Clinton and Bill Clinton had a daughter, Chelsea Victoria Clinton, on February 27, 1980. Chelsea gave birth to a daughter, Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky, in September 2014, making the Clintons first time grandparents. Hillary Rodham Clinton has been involved in politics from the time she attended Maine East High School to now. She has served as president of the Wellesley Young Republicans, president of the Wellesley College Government Association, served on the editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action, the first lady of Arkansas, the first lady of the United States, Senator of New York, United States Secretary of State, and now she is running for the 2016 presidency. When Hillary was decisively elected to the U.S. Senate, it was the first time ever that a woman was elected Senator of New York, and the first time ever that a First Lady went on to hold public office (Ohebsion). When it comes to Hillary Rodham Clinton, there are many leadership traits that she possess. The traits that she holds that pushes her
  • 13. The Proposed Pohick Creek Watershed Stream Restoration... Introduction The proposed Pohick Creek watershed stream restoration project PC9249 is located northwest of Parliament Drive and east of Queen Victoria Court in Burke, VA, which is in Fairfax County. This project was designated as a 10 year high priority project in 2010 due to erosion, location of the adjacent neighborhoods, and the invested interest of the surrounding communities. Presently, only the design for the restoration project has been funded and was completed in May 2015. Although it has been over a year since the concept design was completed, the construction funding is still pending. Based on the cost benefit analysis, the survey results and the site evaluation, I recommend Fairfax County assist Southport and Signal Hill Homeowner Associations (HOA) to receive immediate funding for the construction costs ($1,990,000) of the Pohick Creek at Queen Victoria (PC9249) stream restoration project. Background Stormwater is water produced by rain or melting snow, which can rapidly flow over impervious surfaces into streams. Upland development magnifies the occurrence of stream bank erosion and in stream nutrient pollution, which also have indirect negative effects. When stream bank erosion occurs, eroding sediment causes an increase in turbidity. Heavy stormwater flows into streams mixes the streambed sediment, which also increases turbidity, and ultimately causes declines in aquatic biota (Waters 1995). Therefore, negative externalities of upland development include
  • 14. Troon Golf Title of Case: Troon Golf Date: 10/14/2014 Name: Venkata Penmatsa Critical Facts: Troon Golf is a Golf Management organization headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona. It is the largest golf management company in the world and has 190 golf courses in 32 states and 32 countries. (Fortinet, 2010) Troon golf provides turnkey solution for technology to all aspects of the golf facility development and management. (Fortinet, 2010) Troon has received several awards from golf publications Magazines such as Golf digest, Golf Magazine and golf week magazine has rated 36 of Troon golf managed courses have received top 100 rankings. (Fortinet, 2010) Troon s IT infrastructure expenses were increased because of the aging of the hardware and IT managers ... Show more content on ... They need to focus more on their Customer Service as it the major source of the income. Applications need to be developed to get feedbacks from the customers on the organization service. This will give help Troom management to take better decisions to improve their quality and in turn to gain profits Troon golf has to for moving to cloud computing. I feel an organization like Troon can reduce their application operation costs by moving to cloud computing. As the data and information stored is small and also most of the hardware or applications are leased or bought from outside it is expensive. If it moved to cloud computing it can save lot of money and reduce operations on the organizations. References: Fortinet. (2010). Troon Golf The largest golf management company in the world . Retrieved from Fortinet: /Troon_Golf_CS.pdf Onesta. (2012, May). Troon Golf. Retrieved from StudyMode: http:/ / Golf 1004233.html Pearlson, K. E., Saunders, C. S. (2013). Managing Using Information Systems. John Wiley Sons, Inc. Westmark, C. (2008, March 31). Slicing Through IT Costs. Retrieved from Baseline:
  • 15. Clara Barton In American History I, Clara Barton, am significant in American history. I am most commonly known for founding the American Red Cross. Before that, I grew up on a farm with my parents and four siblings, went to school, and was employed in the patent office and as a nurse. Without me, life today would be much different. I was born in 1821 as Clarissa Harlowe Barton. My birth took place on Christmas Day in Oxford, Massachusetts. My parents were Captain Stephen Barton and Sarah Barton. My father was a former fighter in the Indian Wars. After coming home, he owned a farm. My mother supported the fight for women s rights. Because of this, I was trained to treat others fairly. I was the baby of the family. I had four older siblings. I had two brothers: David and Stephen and two sisters: Dorothea and Sally. ... Show more content on ... I was the first female clerk that worked full time. It wasn t very good there. Men mistreated me. They spit on me! Later on, I was permitted by Officer Rucker to become a nurse in the Civil War and other disasters. To name a few, I traveled to the Battle of Fredericksburg, the Battle of Antietam, the Franco Prussian War, and the Pennsylvania Flood. I helped supply the Union Soldiers with survival needs. I was even called the angel of the battlefield . Being a nurse taught me that people needed me. One of my well known quotes was: I may be compelled to face danger, but never fear it, and while our soldiers can stand and fight, I can stand and feed and nurse them. I became famous when I founded the American Red Cross. I founded it on May 21, 1881, at the age of sixity. It all began when I went to France to help at a disaster there when I was a nurse. Seeing the Red Cross of France, I traveled back to the U.S to found a similar organization there. I was voted to be the first president. The American Red Cross became one of the chains of the International Red Cross, whose symbol was a white background with a red
  • 16. american character American Character Then and Now A notion that still holds strong today, Fredrick Jackson Turner s idea of American character was one based on trials and experiences. Unlike Crevecour, Turner believed that American character was not simply a product of English character transported to America, but rather another idea altogether (Faragher 63). He expressed this opinion the best when he said, In the crucible of the frontier the immigrants were Americanized, liberated, and fused into a mixed race, English in neither nationality nor characteristics (Faragher 64). How exactly did American character form and what defines ... Show more content on ... The combination of the Turner thesis and Peck s translation of it, provided a foundation that would help form American identity: individualism and collectivity. A perfect example of this today is the sport of baseball, America s pastime. By the time Turner presented his thesis in 1893 at the Colombian Exhibition in Chicago, the myth of the cowboy and the myth of the frontier had already made their way into novels for the enjoyment of east coasters who were curious of the west (Cullen 127). Characters like Buffalo Bill, Nathaniel (Natty) Bumpo, and Daniel Boone helped illustrated American character. The introduction of she males, women with feminine and masculine qualities, were also an important feature of these novels west (Cullen 127). Characters like Jane, from Calamity Jane by Edward L. Wheeler, were like predecessors of women rights; they were heroines who demanded and received, but remained kindhearted at the same time (Faber all). Although all of these characters had a very profound role in molding people s impression of the west, the novel which combined many individual roles of each western into one was probably The Virginian by Own Wister. This novel was so influential in helping to engrave American character in that it incorporated Turner s idea of the disappearing
  • 17. The Reflection Of The Human Eye Work How does the human eye work? The cornea is clear and at the front of the eye. When light rays enter it, the cornea refracts it through the pupil and then the iris. The iris controls how much light may pass through the pupil by expanding or shrinking. Next, the light ray will enter the lens. This also refracts light by changing its shape with the help of the ciliary muscles and the suspensory ligaments. The light will go through a dense jelly like tissue named the vitreous humour and eventually focused at the back of the eye onto the retina. The retina is a light sensitive tissue and covered with rods and cones. These receptors will capture the light ray and transform it into electrical impulses. They get sent off through the nerve fibres, then the optic nerve, and then finally the brain. The picture given by the retina is upside down so our brain will next turn it the right way up. Our bodies have the capability to endure large scars but, a slight scar on the cornea can lead up to our vision becoming impaired. The retina will process the light rays, into light impulses that need to be transferred to the brain to create an image, which are focused on to them by the cornea. So, any deep injures experienced by the cornea can lead to corneal scarring which would affect our vision. Focusing on near and distant objects People that have trouble focusing in near or a distant object is due the light rays entering their eyes are unable to focus on the retina. This is a very common
  • 18. Tutu And Tutsi Research Paper Alain Destexhe states These colonists considered the Tutsi to be superior to the Hutu. They believed that the Tutsi had superior martial skill and intelligence and that the Tutsi at the central court possessed a different physiology from that of the Hutu; and that only Tutsi were pastoralists. (Destexhe, 38). The colonisers took the myth to the school rooms of Rwandausing European educated teachers. Following the schools, there were mainly Tutsielite. Tutsi had opportunities to become doctors, teachers, while the Hutus worked in lower administrative jobs, were shopkeepers, farmers, or traders. In 1957, Nzioka explains the majority Hutufor the first time politically challenged the Tutsi oligarchy and published a manifesto demanding... Show more content on ... Hutu and Tutsi spoke the same language and practiced similar religions. They also intermarried. The identity card ethnicity of future generations was determined patrilineally; all persons were designated as having the ethnicity of their fathers, regardless of the ethnicity of their mothers. (Magnarella, 2002). These practices were carried on until its abolition by the 1994 post genocide government. Paul Magnarella observes had the unfortunate consequence of firmly attaching a sub national identity to all Rwandans and thereby rigidly dividing them into categories, which, for many people, carried a negative history of dominance subordination, superiority, inferiority, and exploitation suffering. (Magnarella, 2002). Hutu and Tutsi lived together relatively peacefully following in the 19th century. However, Magnarella states time when their total population was comparatively low (probably less than two million, versus over seven million in 1993) and land supply for both Hutu farmers and Tutsi cattle grazers was ample. With rapid population growth in the twentieth century, the situation changed. Rwanda was faced with a critical food people land imbalance. Things continued to change and it suddenly became a competition for both Hutu and Tutsi. Fearon and Laitin argues the notion that identities are socially constructed is indisputable in social psychology and political science studies. It is the most basic criteria for
  • 19. Evite De Peron Analysis Arguably the most politically controversial and influential women in Argentine history, and Spiritual Leader of the nation, Maria Eva Duarte de Peron (1919 1952) and much of the history of her life is subject to substantial bias due to a myriad of anti Peronist propaganda during the Peron s regime, as Marysa Navarro states you were either for her, or against her . Although there is a consensus to a monumental sum of the facts apropos to Eva Peron s life, the subject of discourse is rather in the interpretations and perceptions of her life, such as her reasons for the creation of the Eva Peron Foundation, how she came the her prominence, and her purpose and goals. The orthodox view of Eva was formed directly after her death and entails an image of promiscuity, manipulation, greed, and hunger for power and revenge. However, towards the end of the twentieth century, revisionists refined this interpretation, diminishing the negative portrayal; creating a less biased presentation. The orthodox interpretation may be accredited to the Argentinian historian and author Mary Main (1903 1998) in her book Evita: The Womanwith the Whip in 1952. Main was born in Buenos Aires to upper class British parents, ... Show more content on ... however, must be read and analysed with substantial scepticism and vigilance. Keeping in mind that Main was born to an upper class family in Argentina, it is likely that this influenced her perception of Eva before she began writing her book. This is due to the Eva Peron Foundation, through which Eva and Juan taxed many of the luxuries only available to the middle and upper classes of Argentinian society, also known as the oligarchy. This inevitably caused substantial resentment for the socialist views of the Peronist movement and its leaders, Juan and Eva. Additionally, it is likely that this is also the cause of Mains extreme criticism of the Eva Peron Foundation and her targeting of Eva, deeming her as promiscuous as an attempt to of
  • 20. The Dna And Its Structure Genes hold biological information that must be copied accurately for transmission to the next generation. Before the DNA double helix was discovered two biological question were unanswered: how can information for specifying an organism be carried in chemical form? and how is it accurately copied? It was not until the 20th century when the DNAmolecule was discovered and suggested answers to both these questions. (Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, et al, 2002) With the help of many scientists we now know exactly what the DNA molecule is, its structure, and its function. The knowledge gained throughout the years on DNA has allowed many things such as that of genetic genealogy. Knowing the structure of the DNA is what has helped/continues... Show more content on ... This is the molecule that contains the biological instructions that make each species unique. (Deoxyribonucleic Acid DNA, 2012) Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the primary chemical component of chromosomes and is the material of which genes are made of. It is also referred to as the molecule of heredity. This is because parents transmit copied portions of their own DNA to their offspring during reproduction (The DNA Molecule, n.d.). Before completely understanding DNA it is important to look at the development of the study of DNA throughout the years and finally look at the structure as well as what this knowledge now allows us to do. The information of DNA is not something that scientists and others have always been aware of. The knowledge in which we hold today is somethings that is a product of multiple studies from multiple people who discovered different aspects of the molecule. Such explanations of explorations of DNA are possible because of the many scientists who paved the way. This began almost a century before the Nobel Prize, in 1868, was awarded to James Watson, Franklin Crick, and Maurice Wilkins. It was a young Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher who located something no one had ever seen before from the nuclei of cells. He named this new found compound nuclei . Today we refer to this as nucleic acid, the NA in DNA. Gregor Mendel, a Czech monk just two
  • 21. William Blake s Death And Allusions Though an esteemed painter in his day, William Blake achieves most of his fame through his profound poetry. Born in 1757, Blake grew up in London, England along with his five siblings ( William Blake ). Even from the beginning of his childhood, Blake always held the strong desire to become an artist ( William Blake ). As he grew up, he apprenticed first as an engraver and then later as a painter ( William Blake ). However, even though he set out to become an artist and took little interest in publishing his poems during his lifetime, Blake s source of fame today comes from his exceptional poetry. In fact many English classes today, from elementary to college, challenge their students to analyse the complexity and depth of Blake s poems, including one of his most famous works, The Tyger . Published in Blake s collection of poems titled Songs of Experience in 1794, The Tyger depicts a poem that on the surface appears simple in its subject matter of a tiger, but in reality, paints a much deeper picture of a fearful, fiery beast ( William Blake ). In his poem The Tyger , William Blake uses poetic structure, literary devises, ... Show more content on ... While Blake does make various Biblical allusions throughout his poem, such as to the Creation, he also references two of his own works. As the more well known allusion, the reference to the The Lamb , a poem commonly paired with The Tyger , appears in a question in the fifth stanza. The narrator asks whether he who made the Lamb , the soft, mild creature, could make thee , the burning, fiery tiger (20). Though less well known, Blake also adds a reference to one of his unfinished, mythology books, The Four Zoas. In both The Four Zoas and The Tyger the line the stars threw down their spears appears, a link which most people never notice (Nurmi). These allusions to Blake s other works add a layer of depth to his already rich
  • 22. CEO CFO Perceptions About AIS Impact on Firm Performance... CEO and CFO perceptions about AIS impact on firm performance and financial reporting: How do SOX, COSO, and the implementation of IT help reduce fraud and increase productivity in a business? In the multifaceted, dynamic, corporate global milieu, imminent rifts continue to rattle the arenas of accounting/finance. The personal ambitions of CEO s and CFO s outweighed their responsibilities toward shareholders, employees, operations, civic/ethical duties, and the general financial system. CEO s primarily focused on their own profitability, by increasing margins, meeting shareholder/market expectations, and expanding by any means necessary. Therefore, this lead to CFO s and other members of top managementon the front lines in manipulating... Show more content on ... Subcategories of application controls include input controls, processing controls, and output controls. The General controls include controls over IT governance, infrastructure, network operating system security, database access, application acquisitions development, and program changes. General controls are needed to support the environment in which application controls function, and both are needed to ensure accurate financial reporting, as well as reduce instances of fraudulent activity. (Hall 2013) While utilizing the aforementioned controls will greatly reduce risk of financial fraud, there are inherent risks concerning information technology systems. Organizations integrated in a global frame, face an overarching environmental risk involving stability, which primarily concerns IT. The rapid production and ingenuity of increasing computing power, coupled with consistent gains in the growth of technology, have a direct result in an exponentially vibrant information technology atmosphere. This dynamic environment causes constant changes within internal controls in companies. Currently, IT is considered one of the main risk factors in organizations, and both lack and excess of such investments can compromise the structure and the operations of the firm. (Lunardi, Becker, Macada, Dolci 2010) To keep up with the forward thinking global environment, as well as complying with
  • 23. The Fight For Equal Rights, Especially For Women, Has Never The fight for equal rights, especially for women, has never been stronger than it is in 2017. Just a few weeks ago women across the country staged a march on Washington D.C. called The Women s March on Washington . This march wasn t limited to just Washington, as 5 million participants marched in places such as New York, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and Seattle to express their disapproval with recently elected President Trump. This movement was the largest single day demonstration is U.S. history but it would have never been possible without the fearlessness and determination of the women that marched nearly a hundred years before them. Without the original Women s Rights Movement, Alice Paul and Carrie Chapman Catt, women would not have... Show more content on ... The end product of this convention was a signed petition compiled of 32 men and 68 women all supporting women s rights. This convention got the ball rolling and got women motivated and excited for what was to come in the future. Around 1890 two of the most influential women s rights groups in the National Women s Suffrage Association and the American Women s Suffrage Association, combined to become one organization called National Women s Association (NAWSA). The NAWSA attracted many women from all over to help contribute to its cause to gain equality for women, but it took a giant step forward with the addition of University of Pennsylvania student Alice Paul. The film Iron Jawed Angels depicts the encounter of Alice Paul and the NAWSA president Carrie Chapman Catta and shows us the differences the two had in their ideas. Paul expressed her idea of fighting for constitutional amendment while Carrie and the elder activists of the group supported a state by state campaign. Alice also expresses her thoughts about gaining more public attention for women s suffrage and purposes the activists seek more creative means such as a parade during the inauguration of President Woodrow Wilson. While Alice thought this was a great and innovative idea, the elder activists feared that the parade would do nothing but set their movement back as they felt it would reduce
  • 24. Guilty Hair Dyeing Quick Ways To Resolve Premature Grey Hair Premature graying and signs of aging can be a shocker for any girl. Grey hairs before your 40s can definitely be worrisome, it could be due to styling products, vitamin deficiency, low melanin levels, pollution, and hereditary. But at Guilty Bytes we have a solution for every beauty problem and today we have got a bunch of home remedies that can treat your gray hair. Before you go into panic mode and think of coloring your hair with chemicals read our post that is raving about natural remedies. We bet these treatments will definitely end your gray hair woes. 1. Black tea rinse: Black tea is a natural dye that will boost melanin and keratin levels in your hair and recover your hair from gray hair. ... Show more content on ... Amla and fenugreek paste: Amla is chock full of antioxidants, Vitamin C that will reverse grey hair and fenugreek seeds will boost your hair growth and retain your original hair color. Soak fenugreek seeds overnight and blend it with amla in a blender. Add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and massage your hair with this mixture. Leave it for 20 minutes and wash your hair with cold water. 6. Onion and lemon juice: Onion juice promotes the compound catalase that will boost your hair pigmentation and reduce the chances of grey hair. Extract the juice of onion and mix it with lemon juice, apply it on your scalp, hair strands and let it rest for 15 20 minutes. Rinse your hair with cool water. 7. Curry leaves: This is the one of the best ways to darken your hair. Take a handful of curry leaves and mix it with coconut oil. Heat this mixture for 2 3 minutes and then once it cools down massage your scalp with the concoction. Leave it overnight and wash your hair with shampoo. The mentioned home treatments would only work if you use them regularly. For effective results use the prescribed methods twice a week. Also, reduce your stress levels, quit smoking and eat healthy foods that will promote healthy
  • 25. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Aluminium Aluminium, 13th element in periodic table is a silvery white metal. Aluminium is one of the most widespread metal in the earth s crust, constituting more than 8% of earth s core mass. Aluminum is one of the world s most abundant metals and after oxygen and silicon, aluminium is the third most common element present on earth. Aluminium alloys which are widely used across the globe can be produced in two different ways: 1.Primary alloys are produced from pure molten aluminium which are melted along with addition elements to achieve desired properties. 2.Secondary alloys are produced from aluminium material scraps. These scraps are low cost in nature. These scraps are re melted and are re classifying after adjustment for main elements to achieve desired properties. These type of alloys generally have high level of impurities. Figure 1 schematically shows how primary aluminium from bauxite gets converted into ... Show more content on ... Various related outreach activities research programs have several times communicated benefits of using aluminum in transportation industry Electrical: Due to its significant weight and cost advantages over copper, aluminum is now considered as the preferred material for electricity distribution and transmission. Electronics Appliances: Due to versatile nature of aluminium, usage of aluminium has been increased multi folds. From Presto Cooker (West Bend s 1970) to latest electronic gadget (i phone 6s), all share a single, common characteristic, i.e. usage of aluminium in it. Other Markets: With the advancement of technology, presently aluminium usage is also getting extended to solar panel nanotechnology, aluminum air batteries and transparent aluminum
  • 26. Kohl s Corporation Kohl s Department Store Analysis Ursula Landry Angela Burton Cardinal Stritch University Managerial Finance ADM 406 January 27, 2016 Introduction The New York Times states, Kohl s Corporation is a specialty department store. As of January 31, 2015, the company operated 1,162 department stores in 49 states and e commerce website (www. Kohl The company sells private label, and national brand apparel, foot wear, accessories, and beauty and home products. Kohl s Corporation is one of the largest discount department store chains in the United States. Targeting middle income shoppers buying for their families and homes, the chain maintains low retail prices through a low cost structure, limited staffing, and progressive ... Show more content on ... Competition heated up as department stores, particularly J.C. Penny Corporation, Inc. and specialty apparel stores improved their performances. According to the article of Funding Universe, Kohl s was faced with fierce competition in California from stores such as, Mervyns and Macy West. Some analysts contended the big push into the Golden State had distracted management, and indeed the company suffered from excess inventory, forcing it to discount heavily, which dented profits. Some shoppers turned to rival retailers when they encountered less well kept stores and longer checkout lines than usual. Which the numbers were disappointing, while revenues were still up 12.7 percent, surpassing the ten billion mark for the first time, but net income fell for the first time in ten years dropping a whopping 8.5% to $581 million, and in store sales fell 1.6 percent. In view of the financial statements attached to this paper, Kohl s acquired debt increased both in dollars and as a percentage of sales. Gross margin as a percentage of sales was 36.4% in 2014, much lower in 2013. The merchandise margin increased, but was offset by higher shipping losses attributable to growth in the number of on line orders. Selling, general and administration expenses both increased in dollars and as a percentage of sales. There are numerous factors that impact the success of department stores such as, political and
  • 27. The Specifics About Adult Day Services The Specifics About Adult Day Services Lets talk about Adult Day Services and what they can provide for you and your family. Let me start by saying that you do not need have a physical aliment to use this service. It is designed to provide activities, exercise, meals, medication administration, health screening, bathing services, podiatry care, hair care, lab work, socialization, structure and mental stimulation for older adults. Almost anyone can benefit from that! These centers can also be an essential tool to be utilized in caring for someone and can relieve a great deal of stress on a caregiver. They can allow an older adult to stay in their home or the home of their families for a longer period of time. It also can be all day care at a fraction of the costs of in home care or long termcare. Most centers are open Monday through Friday, some are even open on the weekends. They generally open by 7am and close around 5pm. A client can attend as many days that will work for your schedule and your finances. If you are looking for only 1 or 2 days each week for some much needed respite, they can provide that. If you still work and need care 5 days a week, they can provide that also. The centers will work with you to meet your specific needs. Most centers also offer a half day option (4 hours per day) and a full day option (more than 4 hours per day). In the center that I work for you, if you choose the half day option you can decide what 4 hours will work best for you,
  • 28. Argumentative Essay On Plastic Bags The Plastic Bag Takeover As the United States deals with the overwhelming amounts of waste building up, Nitin et al explain that plastics take anywhere from 15 to 1000 years to biodegrade once they are discarded (Nitin). Changes in recycling methods can no longer keep up with the exorbitant amount of wasteproduced in the United States. This is why some states choose to take their initiative one step further by placing either fees or a ban on the use of plastic bags. Due to the enormous waste the United States produces on a daily basis and the negative outcomes of this trash including adverse health effects, harmful impacts on nature, and the exponential piling of trash in landfills, the US government should ban plastic bags. When citizens discard plastic bags in the outdoors, they unknowingly contribute to the spreading of powerful illnesses. Through the pooling of rainwater, thrown away bags contribute to the transmission of mosquito born illnesses, such as Malaria (Trilling). Given the wet, warm environment that a littered plastic bag provides, mosquitoes receive the ideal setting they need to breed. With increased mosquito breeding, American s are left more susceptible to harmful illnesses. One simple way to reduce the littering of plastic bags, is to make plastic bags harder to access in the first place. Additionally, the creation of plastic bags commonly involves many harmful chemicals that in turn play a role in causing detrimental health effects and conditions. Substances in plastic products designed to enhance performance, and make them desirable to consumers, often contain harmful ingredients (Ecology Center). Plastic bags are a commonly overlooked destructive item that might contribute to health problems. When foods are packaged alongside plastic, chemicals migrate from the plastic packaging to the foods, one example being the chemical Polyethylene, a substance suspected to be a carcinogen (Ecology Center). The government has a duty to protect its citizens and one form of protection is keeping people away from especially harmful chemicals and substances. The only way to ensure citizens do not come into contact with these harmful substances on a daily basis through plastic bags is to ban them
  • 29. How Soccer Has Influenced My Life Throughout my entire life, soccer has influenced me greatly. In fact, my childhood can be described as watching my siblings play soccer. Rain or shine, no matter the distance, no matter how much I didn t want to go, I was still there to support them. All four of us made sacrifices to support each other. This made our family more close knit. As a family of respected soccer players our last name often recognized. This started at an early age and I learned I had expectations to meet. Club soccer was a wake up call as the tournaments became more serious and games meant more. I learned the hard way that being prepared is very important when going anywhere. It was something my parents wanted me to do on my own and not help me with. This made me
  • 30. Human Nature, By Jean Jacques Rousseau And Thomas Hobbes The notion of human nature has always been historically debated. Explores, philosophers, and writers have always come to argue on what is considered to be barbarism, savagery, and civilized. These constructed categories have put a label on people who do not share the same ideas as one another. These different views of human nature have come to propel change and have come to revolutionized human history. Jean Jacques Rousseau, Michel de Montaigne, and Thomas Hobbesall differ on their ideas of human nature, but they also share common ground. For some of these men the practices of different cultures are categorized as savagery, and for others it has been viewed as noble savagery. Their ideas however have allowed society to view different perspectives of human nature. These perspectives have classified human nature as a way of life, or as an obstacle to what is consider to be the good life. Their ethnographic resources provide a glimpse to all the different cultures and their value to society and history. Cannibalism in many Western societies is usually frown upon or illegal; however, for a tribe located in Antarctic France which is now known as Brazil, cannibalism is considered to be a norm. For many Western thinkers this cultural practice of cannibalism would be an act of savagery, but for Michel de Montaigne this cultural practice is categorized as noble savagery. Montaigne reverses the egocentric belief in the superiority of western culture in his work Of Cannibals. His
  • 31. The Controversy In Quantum Physics Circles Quantum physics is mind bending, counterintuitive, and close to impossible to understand. It s so complicated that a theory saying our reality is just one of an infinite web of infinite timelines is one that s actually simpler than what most quantum physicists believe. That neat and tidy explanation is known as the many worlds interpretation, and it has caused plenty of controversy in physicscircles. In the 1950s, a student at Princeton University named Hugh Everett III was studying quantum mechanics. He learned about the Copenhagen interpretation, which says that at the very, very smallest level what we mean when we say quantum matter exists not just as a particle and not just as a wave, but in all possible states at once (all of those states ... Show more content on ... According to Everett s theory, in this timeline, the object is a particle, but there s another timeline where it s a wave. Even more baffling, this implies that quantum phenomena aren t the only things that split the universe into separate timelines. For everything that happens, every action you take or decide not to take, there are infinite other timelines worlds, if we may where something else took place. That s the many worlds interpretation of quantum physics. It may not seem like it, but it s actually simpler than the Copenhagen interpretation it doesn t strike an arbitrary line between the quantum world and everything else, because everything behaves in the same way. It also removes randomness from the picture, which helps the math work out nicely. Not all physicists subscribe to this theory a recent poll found that the majority are Copenhagen all the way but a growing minority do. Sean Carroll, for one. He explains that many objections to the theory arise because people come at it from a classical physics point of view. In classical s quite a bit of work to accommodate extra universes, and you better have a good reason to justify putting in that work, he writes. That is not what happens in quantum mechanics. The capacity for describing multiple universes is automatically there. We don t have to add
  • 32. Global Spending On Drug Law Enforcement Currently Exceeds Global spending on drug law enforcement currently exceeds one hundred billion dollars per annum. This is said to be way over the amount spent on foreign aid, global welfare, and climate change (, 2016). This is also backed up by further expenditure of about 70 80 per cent of tens of billions of cash injections from the United Nations to be spent on global drug control, through policing and military intervention, this cash is injected with the aim of eradicating drug production facilities and farms, and the prosecution and punishment of drug traffickers and farmers (Gossop, 2013). This is all spent with one intention, the intention to create a safer drug free world (Horsfield, 2016). Taking into consideration the... Show more content on ... After that it costs a further ВЈ40,000 for each year they spend incarcerated (Ministry of Justice, 2015). It can thus be suggested that as it stands current global spending far exceeds its worth, or at least for the state and those in government. As comparatively, it could be argued it works very well in serving a criminal industry. An illegal industry, that is eager to supply a growing global demand for drugs, with an estimated annual turnover of $320 billion (, 2016).Therefore, despite all of these resources spent by the state, there has been little improvement towards the harms of illegal substance misuse and the global drug trade is now arguably, entirely controlled by criminal organisations, street gangs and even terrorists (Bean, 2010). It leaves you wondering, firstly, are we, as a society, going the right way in dealing with the problems of substance misuse and secondly, how has spending on the issue increased to such unsustainable amounts, often with little positive results. 3.2 The Declaration of War The answer to the latter question, it could be argued, is largely down to the fifty year global stance and the concept of the War on drugs . A cohesive stance against certain substances is not something which is new. Implemented measures can be deemed to go way back, even as far as the time of the ancient Egyptians, whereby, records dating back
  • 33. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Going International Companies may face variety of advantages and disadvantages upon going internationally. The advantages are expected to produce different strategies, performance goals as well as even forms of market participation at the time of entry. Among the advantages are accesses to new customers. Companies going internationally are able to look for customers outside of their native country. This means that they will have numerous customers that contribute much to their business. This will definitely increase the demand for their products and hence increase the profit margin higher compared to the companies doing businesses locally. For an example, McDonald s is able to look for customers other than from their native country when they set up business abroad.... Show more content on ... On the other hand, a company that goes internationally can increase on the efficiency of their products. They are able to produce products that are good in quality and efficient to their desired customers. Besides that, international companies are able to able to buy their raw materials in a bulk to reduce the cost of inputs and avoid any problems. The bulk orders can be sent to all the same places around the different countries where the business is set up. This will increase the efficiency of the business carried out by the particular company. For an example, McDonald s are able to send the same types of materials to all of its outlets in the different parts of the world. The materials include the packaging and the type of sauce used by the McDonald s in all its outlets. By doing this, McDonald s are able to stabilize and control all of its outlets without many difficulties. Besides that, customers that visit the restaurant will feel very satisfied of the same level of service offered in all the McDonald s outlets. This will led McDonalds to focus on other ways to increase its sales rather than solving the unwanted
  • 34. General Conception Of Prejudice And Prejudice The presence of stereotypes and prejudices existed from a long time ago along with the human history partially often deeply integrated with religion or social status. In 21st century, people are facing with many different stereotypes and prejudices either directly or indirectly. Stereotype is a generalized belief or assumption towards some specific groups or people by the defined attributes or characteristics. Stereotyping can foster prejudiceand shape people s point of views and behaviors of ourselves and others. People measure the implicit and explicit prejudices such as linguistic bias or the income inequality. Some theories with respect to researching this long lasting phenomenon have been raised their awareness of the difference between the traditional prejudice and the contemporary prejudice. To put it differently, the transition of empirical theories of prejudice has been evolved from the blatant and overt form to the subtle and symbolic form. One of the biggest traits of the modern prejudice is hard to catch or notice so that even the prejudice holders are not aware of what they are performing. In this essay, I am going to address the general conception of prejudice using social categorization theory and dive in more details about specific types of prejudice as the essay goes further. In general, people interact or communicate with each other in many ways. They use a mixture of verbal and nonverbal methods to deliver their messages accurately and effectively.
  • 35. Unconditional Religious Freedom In The Colonies The colonies of Massachusetts, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island relate to each other in the sense that each colony had some sort of religious freedom, whether it be conditional or unconditional. Massachusetts was religiously intolerant but allowed for Puritans, Pilgrims, and Separatists to come to their land and practice their religion because it fits with what they believed. Maryland was a little more tolerant than Massachusetts, the colony stated that you could have religious freedom if you believed in the holy trinity, with the religion you practiced, so it s an example of a conditional religious freedom. Pennsylvania and Rhode Islandare the two colonies out of these four that had unconditional religious freedom. The colonies were different from each other in the sense of whether or not they were tolerant of different religions or not, but they compared in the sense that they had some sort of religious freedoms. Massachusetts was a colony founded by William Bradford and other pilgrims, who originally came to the new world to practice their religion. The Puritans and the Separatists were among them and they were welcomed into the colony because their religion matched up with those that founded that colony. The Puritans believed that only true believers could reside in the colony, and if they did not, they would be kicked out, people there could have also been kicked out if they spoke out against the core beliefs of the colony. The core beliefs of the colony
  • 36. The Ethics of Reductionism in the Medical Sciences While Marcum s philosophy focuses on medical research at the molecular, genetic, and tissue levels, Elisabeth Lloyd emphasizes the socioeconomic factors of health. She presents an empirical trend that permeates through a number of cross national studies: the degree of income inequality in any given society is strongly correlated with the society s level of morbidity and mortality. This means that if a society s income gradient is steep (the poor are severely more poor than the rich), the worse off everyone is rich and poor. This phenomenon can be seen in a wide range of diseases, including allergies, asthma, accelerated aging, cancer, epilepsy, Grave s disease, multiple sclerosis, myocardial infarction, PTSD, rheumatoid arthritis, just... Show more content on ... Both parties must take into account the expected quality of life, other medical problems, support structures, etc. Tauber argues that the application of medical sciences is not objective, as any medical practitioner engages in the social domain of the sufferer and family just as much as he must engage in the genetic and biophysical domains of the body. Therefore, medicine, by its very nature, is holistic. It seeks to address all aspects of the patient, including illness, history, personal values, social influences, psychological state, etc. And, in medicine, reductionism should be viewed as a tool that may be applied to certain aspects as necessary to care for the patient. We have reviewed the causal effects on human healthat genetic, tissue, organismal, and ecological levels. It appears that the line becomes blurred between reductionism and holism when these levels of organization are presented next to one another (for example, the organic holism of tissue structure demonstrated in Marcum s discussion may be considered reductionism when presented relative to the human as a whole). Consequentially, the various aspects of human health form a continuous, relative, stack of holism on top of reductionist on top of holism on top of reductionism, etc. We can more accurately classify these various causal effects as hierarchical levels of explanation, rather than strictly reductionist
  • 37. The Issuance Of Prime Minister Decree No Essay STRATEGY On the issuance of Prime Minister Decree no. (1294) for year 2013 in November to form EFSA s Board of Directors for a period of four years, over the past few months EFSA developed a vision for its future directions and identifying its 2014 work plan. The future directions include the following: First: The Fundamental Principles adopted by EFSA Second: The Axes of work for each activity supervised by EFSA Third: The Axes of the Internal Construction of EFSA s Institutional Structure First: The Fundamental Principles adopted by EFSA Balancing between supervision and regulation over the safety of the financial markets , customer s protection, and between the development of the markets mentioned, also increase its appeal. Claritying of the legislations governing the various activities of the market, seeking to update it to respond to the actual practice and consistency with the best international practices, and providing access to products and modern financial instruments. The necessity of consulting the concerned parties, especially those working in the activity. Simplifying the procedures for dealing with EFSA and striving to put deadlines for its completion. Ensuring communication with all parties involved in the market, educating dealers, and provide fast response to their suggestions and complaints. Attending to EFSA employees in terms of their skills development, motivating them, and providing them with an acceptable working environment and
  • 38. Comparing and Contrasting Homer s Odysseus and Tennyson s... Comparing Homer s Odysseus and Tennyson s Ulysses Homer s Odyssey depicts the life of a middle aged, while Tennyson s Ulysses describes Ulysses as an old man. The character s role in his son s life shifts. With maturity, Telemachus does not require as much guidance from his father. However, time does not alter the caring fellowship the man has with his crew, nor the willpower that he possesses in achieving his goals. While Odysseus and his son are united and face the world together, Ulysses sees himself and his son as two different people living separate lives. When he returns, Odysseus has a close, personal relationship with his son; he becomes Telemachus mentor. Odysseus realizes Telemachus resemblance to ... Show more content on ... Odysseus love for his crewmen is apparent; when his men are turned into swine, Odysseus courageously risks his life to rescue his men from Circe. Delaying the return by opening the bag of winds, the crew causes Odysseus frustration as he debates whether to jump overboard and drown or stay among the living and quietly endure (Homer 10.51 53). However, he tolerates his crew s senseless stupidity , and they continue to achieve their common goal, returning to Ithaca. In return, the men respect and trust their master . As a leader, Odysseus is not overbearing, but sees himself equal to his men. Similarly, Ulysses has a close fellowship with his crew. With his confidant speech, he arouses excitement in his men. My mariners, Souls that have toiled and wrought, and thought with me (Tennyson, Lines 45 46) indicates the crewmen and Ulysses have faced many adventures together. Ulysses feels most alive when he is exploring the world with his crew. He says, Come, my friends,...the gulfs will wash us down; and see the great Achilles, whom we knew (Tennyson, Lines 56, 63 64). The consistent we and us shows that the journey will be a team activity in which all will contribute and gain. The stories of Odysseus and Ulysses show the gratification of a close fellowship in which all work as team. Both men show willpower in realizing their goals. Odysseus s target is returning to Ithaca to his beloved wife and son. He overcomes many
  • 39. The Digestive System And The Circulatory System The Digestive System 1.1 The digestive system is comprised of a group of organs known as the alimentary canal, which is one continues tube that runs from the oral cavity to the anus. The second set of organs that make up the digestive system are the Accessory organs. The digestive system has six main functions: ingestion, secretion, mixing and movement, digestion, absorption, and excretion of food (Tortora Derrickson, 2009). Alimentary canal OrganStructureFunctionDiagram MouthThe mouth is made up of the checks hard and soft palates, internally and externally covered with skin.The mouth is where food enters the body and the process of digestion starts via mechanical and chemical digestion.oesophagus The oesophagus is a long tube ... Show more content on ... Salivary GlandsThe salivary glands surround the mouth. There are 3 sets of salivary glands.The saliva moistens the food to lubricate it as it passes through the mouth; it also begins the process of chemical digestion. LiverThe liver is accessory organ of the digestive system which is triangle in shape. The liver is located to the right of the stomach and above the small intestine.The main functions of the liver in digestion are production and secretion of bile into the small intestine. GallbladderThe gallbladder is a pear shaped organ located just behind the liver.The gallbladder stores the bile and recycles any excess bile from the small intestine. PancreasThe pancreas is a fairly large gland which is about 15cm in length. The head is connected to the duodenum.The pancreas secretes many different digestive enzymes into the small intestine via the duodenum to aid in the completion of chemical digestion. (Tortora Derrickson, 2009) Diagrams from: Enzyme Function of the liver and pancreas 1.2 The chyme arrives in the duodenum and the pancreas releases pancreatic juices packed with enzymes that break down fats, carbohydrates, and proteins these are: Pancreatic lipase, amylase, and protease. Bile is then realised by the gall bladder this bile is produced by the liver, with the gall bladder being the bile duct this helps to breakdown
  • 40. Killings Andre Dubus Summary Killings by Andre Dubus is a short story that humanizes and normalizes violence and revenge murders. It intends to justify that murder is an okay thing to do as long as you are doing it because you are emotionally distressed. In both killings that take place in this story, there is a lot of hatred and need for revenge. Though murderis reprehensible, I agree that in certain instances, it can be justified, as in the case with Matt and the killing he partook in. To start off, I don t believe that Richard s murder of Frank can be justified, and I believe that is why Dubus makes it so the reader does not sympathize with Richard. Dubus shows what kind of man Richard is throughout the story. Richard is described after the murder of Frank as ... Show more content on ... The story talks about how scared Matt was when his children were younger and how caring he was of them when there was a possibility of them being in a dangerous situation. His inability to protect Frank from Richard when Frank was now an adult is what pushes Matt into killing Richard. When Richard kills Frank, Matt felt that all the fears he had borne while [his children] were growing up...had backed up like a huge wave and struck him on the beach and swept him out to sea (pg. 98, Dubus). A person reading this section of the story feels dismay, grief, compassion and sympathy for Matt even if they don t have children. The reader can understand that if their child was killed in cold blood, they would not have a clear conscious knowing that their child s murderer was walking free and that they couldn t do anything about it. Another factor that makes the reader sympathize with Matt is how his wife, Ruth, is in shambles even months after Frank is murdered. [Ruth] sees him all the time. It makes her cry. (pg. 94, Dubus). Killing Richard is the act of a protective husband and father and Matt does it because he thinks it s the best solution for his family. Matt acts in the interest of his family, even though he feels guilt for everything that takes place. The major difference between Matt and Richard is that the reader is able to tell that Matt feels guilty and even wants to back out of killing Richard when Dubus states when Strout came around [the corner of the building]
  • 41. Analysis Of The Poem The Woman Warrior By Maxine Hong... The Unescapable Net: Tradition vs Transformation in Kingston s Ideology The Woman Warrior, written by Chinese American author Maxine Hong Kingston in 1976, blends traditional Chinese folktales and memoir, and portrays the early 20th century Chinese history in a Chinese American perspective. For Maxine, it seems Chinese history means social and cultural constrains from conventional Chinese doctrines, especially regarding the social status of womanhood, the blind collectivism, and superstition in old China. Maxine s negative depiction of Chinese history partially reflects the bureaucracy of patriarchal and feudal system in old China, but more importantly, reveals Maxine herself, a third culture kid, as a paradox: she is eager to incorporate into the American mainstream society by resisting her Chinese cultural background, but at the same time, her unconscious actions imply that her Chinese background is a historical baggage that she could never discard of. By retelling experiences and legends from her mother and even her grandmother s generation, Maxine suggests how she as a Chinese American woman is in a awkward state between tradition and transformation, and presents a cultural clash between America and China. Maxine s portray of women s role under the male dominated society and feudal system suggests the first paradox in her ideology protesting male dominance, but at the same time admitting it. Women, in ancient China, are usually treated as lower social status and
  • 42. Historical Reference Of Social Psychology Historical Reference of Social Psychology Social psychology uses scientific methods to understand how people s opinions and behaviors are influenced by the actual presence or the implied presence of others. Social psychology is an integrative field that builds the gap between psychology and sociology. Sociology, on the other hand, is the scientific study of human behavior. In addition, social psychology is a comparatively new field that originated in the early 20th century. In 1954 Gordon Allport nominated Auguste Comte, the French philosopher as the founder of social psychology, he saw it as a science separate from both psychology and sociology; he called it la morale positive (Allport, 1968). In this historical overview, evidence of ... Show more content on ... He also suggested that psychology should be divided into two branches: social psychology and physiological psychology. This suggestion helped in the early distinction of social psychology from psychology. In North America, G. Stanley Hall, was the major promoter of psychology. In 1883, he founded the first experimental laboratory at Johns Hopkins University. He also published the first psychological journal in English called the American Journal of Psychology in 1887 (Bringmann, Bringmann, Early, 1992). He explored on topics like vision, the brain, sensation, hearing, the will and the self. Both Wilhelm Wundt and G. Stanley Hall s scientific studies helped in the development of social psychology as a distinct field. Social Psychology s Historical Link to Sociology According to Deflem, (2013) Auguste Comte invented the word sociologie and created the science of sociology. However, it was not institutionalized until several years later. It was Norman Triplett that conducted the first credited social psychological experimental study in 1895 (Davis Becker, 1995). He discovered that individuals performance was augmented due to the presence of their perceived competition. From this conclusion, he developed a theory called theory of dynamogenesis (Davis Becker, 1995). Nevertheless, his discovery raised more questions than answers; these questions lead to further
  • 43. The Ragtime And The Blues Both ragtime and the blues were essential and influential in their contributions to the development of jazz. Together, they served as the primary predecessors to the later, more complicated genre. Key elements from each brand are incorporated and mixed to create jazz. Without the creative geniuses of ragtimesuch as Scott Jopin and James Reese Europe and Bluespropagators W.C. Hady and Robert Johnson, the distinctive genre of jazzwould not have emerged. Ragtime and blues are both unique in their respective styles and means of development, yet they also share some similarities despite their clearly outlined differences. Jasen and Tichenor argue that although ragtime constitutes a concrete musical idiom... its distinguishing musical characteristics were lost upon its early promoters and contemporary listening audience, and... remain muddled to this day (1). However, there are key elements of ragtime that make it unique and recognizable. Ragtime is a sound that is played typically on the piano in ragged time, or in other words, syncopation a rhythmic technique in which emphasis is placed on notes that are played off the beat (Haskins 36). Another element of ragtime is its association with dance; ragtime music would play and references would be made to ragging being a style of dancing (Berlin 13). Ragtime developed through a combination of influences such as the call and response pattern of slave and Negro work songs (Haskins 37) and the tenacious ensembles of American
  • 44. The Hashtag Activism I think hashtag activism is a great method for people all over America to have a say. Speaking of social injustices and explaining what upsets someone gives rise to awareness of the injustice. The first step in change is knowing you have to change. I feel with hashtag activism, because there are so many things to support, so many movements people get lost in what they are supporting and so the activism simply remains an idea. No actions are made to actually activate because people only support on the internet, not many people are willing to actually go out and protestwhat they believe. These kinds of people are called armchairm activists because they support from the comfort of their couch. Saying you are going to do something and actually
  • 45. The Chrysanthemums By John Steinbeck Essay The Chrysanthemums By John Steinbeck Tears, Idle Tears By Alfred, Lord Tennyson Both of these stories has the speaker/main character going through an emotional journey and in a way they are pretty similar with their own little differences. This story, The Chrysanthemums , and this poem, Tears, Idle Tears , are both similar in the way that the main character/speaker of the story is upset and is crying either at one point in the story or in all of the poem. And, well, it s not just that but that seems to be the most obvious. They also have such imagery and vivid images of what is happening to the main character/speaker. It puts you in their shoes in a sense that you can relate to it or that you can even feel the emotion of the character. In The Chrysanthemums it is when she cries over her chrysanthemums that you truly see her fall but she is happy at one point even though the story ends on a sad note. In Tears, Idle Tears however, there is no happy, it is just pure gloomy and it is about dark and desolate feelings. A symbol in The Chrysanthemums is the woman Elisa Allen s chrysanthemums that are her pride and joy and, in a way, are like her children. She plants them every season and does it the same way her mother did and her grandmother and from what you can tell from the story it basically runs in her family. She has a planting thumb just like her mother and grandmother did. But when a strange man rides by her house asking for pans or anything to fix and she
  • 46. The Secret Annex Character Analysis The course of life between the occupants in the Secret Annex was filled with happiness and festivities, but also many quarrels between them. Although each character has had differentiation and similarities with others, Mr. Van Daan and Mr. Dussel have discernible character traits throughout the play. Whereas their fears and judgements akin, the two men have unalike responsibilities, especially with Mr. Van Daan needing to be a father. Propitiously, their true characters are shown as a result of their actions, To begin with, Mr. Van Daan and Mr. Dussel surprisingly have more similarities than differences. Particularly, their perspective of Anne s behaviors are fairly similar. They both believe that she is immature and childish, whereas she is trying to mature as a woman. To illustrate, Mr. Van Daan states, Don t you ever get tired of... Show more content on ... Van Daan and Mr. Dussel have been concealed in the Annex for years, their main fear is getting caught by the Green Police, or the Nazis. Together, the families try their best to be silent during their stay but unfortunately, since safety is their priority, Dussel and Mr. Van Daan are willing to risk chances; such as answering the constantly ringing phone during a certain scene of the play. Mr. Frank refuses, as he does not want to jeopardize the safety of others finding him and the residents in the Secret Annex. On the contrary, Mr. Van Daan and Dussel want to pick up the phone, since they believe Miep is calling to warn them. Notably, Mr. Van Daan states, Just pick it up and listen. You don t have to speak. Just listen and see if it s Miep. (Mr. Van Daan, 389) Dussel adds, Something has happened Mr. Frank... I beg you, answer it! (Dussel, 389) The two men care deeply about their well being, even if it means that the occupants take several risks. Their behavior towards certain situations, especially this, are very similar. Although very anxious, their acknowledgment to fear shows a similarity between
  • 47. The Producers News Northeastern Montana, during the early twentieth century, was plagued by a myriad of poor farming condition such as hail, locusts, drought, and low commodity prices according to McDonald. (McDonald, 20) The impecunious economic conditions created a support base of highly volatile and emotional of farmers that were ripe for political exploitation. Sheridan County s farmers were desperate for dynamic political leadership that represented their best interests. Consequently, Charles E. Taylor and the Producers News were able to efficaciously fill this gap by increasing their popularity with farmers by utilizing the brilliant classist rhetoric that empowered and radicalized this community of farmers. McDonald stated that, Taylor demonstrated... Show more content on ... Taylor was able to seize political power due to his paper, and he utilized the paper to trumpet the achievements of his own political machine and its fight for the farmers. (McDonald, 25) This marriage between politics and the media tied the success of The Producers News to the success of the radical government. Moreover, the Producers News became more leftwing and communist. This opened the way for their opponents to utilize similar rhetoric to demonize and lambaste both the paper and the local government. The anticommunist Plentywood Herald was established as a way to counteract the Producers News. Furthermore, the Hearald was able to capitalize on political scandals such as the robbery of the county treasury and the Bolshevik funeral for Rodney Salisbury s daughter . (McDonald, 30) This weakened the Producers News and the radical local government. In addition, Taylor departed the Producers News, and the paper became more national and radical. The Producers News no longer represented the local community and it was far too radical. This in conjunction with a more vociferous opposition and decent economic conditions brought an end to the far reaching influence of the radical local government and The Producers News in this