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Example Of Argumentative Essay
Writing an essay on the topic "Example of Argumentative Essay" can be challenging due to
several reasons. First and foremost, it requires a deep understanding of what constitutes an
argumentative essay and how to structure it effectively. This involves knowing how to formulate
a clear thesis statement, provide strong evidence to support arguments, and counter opposing
Additionally, finding relevant examples to support the arguments can be time-consuming and
may require extensive research. It's crucial to ensure that the examples chosen are credible and
effectively illustrate the points being made in the essay.
Furthermore, crafting a compelling argumentative essay requires critical thinking and analytical
skills. Writers need to carefully evaluate the evidence they present and anticipate potential
counterarguments in order to strengthen their own position.
Moreover, maintaining a coherent and logical flow throughout the essay is essential. This
involves organizing the arguments in a structured manner and using transitions to guide the
reader from one point to the next seamlessly.
Overall, writing an essay on the topic "Example of Argumentative Essay" requires a combination
of research, critical thinking, and effective writing skills to effectively convey a persuasive
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Example Of Argumentative Essay Example Of Argumentative Essay
Research Paper On Alzheimer s Disease
Alzheimer s disease Alzheimer s disease is a form of dementia. It is a brain disease
that slowly causes memory loss. It causes a loss of a person s reasoning skills and
their thinking skills. People with this disease used to be called senile. There are
no words to explain how watching a person with this disease just drifts away. Grief
stricken, morbid, somber, or heartbroken are some of the words that only come
close to explaining how it feels to watch a person with Alzheimer s disease slip
away from you. It is even more heart breaking to watch how they know they are
forgetting things and how it scares them. Learning about Alzheimer s disease may not
seem like an important subject to many people. However, it can benefit families that
have... Show more content on ...
This is the very severe cognitive decline or the late stage Alzheimer s. At this stage
they don t remember anything. Sometimes they may have a break through moment.
They can t carry on a conversation with you. They need help with almost
everything including their eating, using the bathroom, or daily care. Their muscles
get rigid and they even have a hard time swallowing. This is the stage where my
grandpa had to go into a facility for people with Alzheimer s. It is so sad to have to
take them from their home that they have lived in for years and take them
somewhere like that. Sometimes you don t have a choice ( Seven Stages of
Analysis Of Karel Capek s Rossum s Universal Robots
Fearless Robot Labor In Karel Capek s Rossum s Universal Robots, the factory
which Helena visits and lives at mass produces robots sold as workers around the
world. Originally, old Rossum began experimenting with the artificial creation of a
human being in order to uproot and imitate God. The young Rossum then simply
wanted to extinguish the need for human workers by creating robots that would
completely take over all the work that is necessary to sustain the human race. The
robots that he then created do not feel emotions and only exist to work for the
humans. The role that labor plays in R.U.R helps distinguish between robots and
humans because when the robots work, they are working for no reason other than
because they are ordered to do so by humans. Degrading work is not only found in
R.U.R, but also in the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, and when
analyzed, it is possible to determine when work is a meaningful human pursuit and
when it is merely dehumanizing slavery, based on the purpose behind it and the
humanity of the workers. Throughout Capek s play, work is viewed as degrading
because it has become something that is only done by robots. Humans shouldn t
have to do any work in the world Capek creates because the factory can mass
produce human like robots that can do all the work humans could do but like A
gasoline engine [that] doesn t need tassels and ornaments (Capek 9). Busman
explains how a Robot costs only three quarters of a cent an
Sherman Alexie s Connections
Alexie s book connections Have you ever thought about what inspires an author to
write their books and how it might connect to their own life ? Not all authors make
books about their life experiences, they might just make some sections of the book
about real events in their life. Sherman Alexie , the author of The Absolutely True
Story of a Part Time Indian , writes about poverty , race , tradition and culture ,
friendship , hopes , plans , and dreams , and education in his book .In this research
essay will explain and discuss more about his connections to his book and reality .
Sherman discusses ,in an interview with Jesse Sposato in September of 2012 , his
life connections with the book . Of course when Sherman spoke of undergoing
Four Types Of Mayfly s Adaption
Suction: the force that, by a pressure differential, attracts a substance or object to
the region of lower pressure. Adaption 5 There are four different types of mayfly s:
the swimmers, the clingers, the burrowers, and the crawlers. All of these different
types of mayfly s have physical adaptations on their body to help them do the thing
they were designed to do. This is an important adaptation because no matter if it s
swimming, clinging, crawling, or burrowing, all mayflies depend on the thing
they re good at to get food, hide, get away from predators, and thrive. The mayfly
nymphs that depend on swimming to live have flat body s and strong legs spread
out from each side. Having a flat body help s reduce the power of the stream and
strong legs help push the mayfly forward when it swims. These adaptations allow
swimming mayfly s to fight against the water s current and move freely even in the
swiftest streams. Being fast in the water can also help these mayfly nymphs to escape
from predators. Some mayfly nymph species that are good at swimming are Baetis,
Acentrella, and Isonychia mayflies.... Show more content on ...
At the end of each leg there is a claw that hooks onto the object that a mayfly is
clinging to. The clinging mayfly s in faster currents have more thick and short claws,
which strongly clamp on the submerged object they re hanging on. Other clinging
mayflies like the genus Rhithrogena have adapted further to water conditions and
have claws like suction cups. These claws and strong legs help mayfly s that cling to
stay put in fast moving waters. Species of clinging mayfly nymphs include Epeorus,
Stenonema, Stenacron, and Leucrocuta
Personal Narrative On Marty
All safety is illusion.
A stranger stabs a man repeatedly in the face and neck as he rides the rush hour train
to work, a man s parachute fails, an infant boy quietly dies in his sleep. This never
ending parade, this supporting cast that comes and goes and on and on; this ceaseless,
synchronous choir marching and singing solemnly in the echoing expanse of
It s 2:33 p.m. Central Standard Time: Minneapolis. Inside Old Chicago on First
Avenue, I ve been enjoying an afternoon of Double Deckerroni pizza, two large
mugs of beer and four shots of whiskey.
Ethereal tides sway each bobbling bottle in the sea all around and together and apart
or any which way.
My cell phone rings.
What re you up to, tonight? James s voice pulses ... Show more content on ...
Marty had sandy blonde hair, perpetual scruff, an ever dazed look in his green eyes.
Unlike James, nothing looked particularly Native American about Marty, other than
his nose, I guess, and his innumerable addictions.
The last time I d seen James or Marty was at The White Party thrown at the Fine
Line downtown two years before.
That night I recall that I d discreetly finished a fifth of Bombay Sapphire while I
worked my shift at Chino Latino. After I d counted down my till, I decided to take
the bus directly downtown rather than go home to Lana s sad eyes and her questions.
The White Party: Everyone attending was supposed to wear, of course, only white,
but I knew the theme, mostly, referred to whatever was laid out on the table and
shoveled into our noses in discreetly dark barroom corners.
I just needed a taste. I d been good long enough.
I didn t give a fuck if I wore my black t shirt, black pants, black work boots
contrarian Dakota, contemptible Dakota would probably slink into a corner to jerk
off or fuck some strange girl before the night s
The History of Tattoos
Are tattoos, a permanent marking of the skin for many generations, indicating a
rebel or a mischievous male in past generations a now a rising trend? Looking
around today, it may seem as though everybody has at least some type of tattoo on
their body, from a small butterfly, to a giant piece of artwork, well detailed and
thought about thoroughly. It seems as though trends come and go, like a certain style
of clothing, make up, or music type. But are tattoos one? Even though tattoos have
recently became a trend within the most recent generations, throughout history, they
have both affected the world positively and negatively because of disease,
stereotypes, and creativity. At first, scientist thought the first tattoos appeared on
Egyptians, but were they wrong? Given evidence, they found there had, in fact,
been tattoos given long before the Egyptians. Dated back to two hundred B.C.
researchers had found a mummified body, with markings along its thigh and legs,
as well as on their arms. Prehistoric young girls were given these inked marks as a
sign of their importance in the tribe they belonged to, as well as symbols of love and
dedication to one said person. The tattoos that became more fancy and thought out
were given to the higher ranked members of the tribe. Like the prehistoric tribes,
Egyptians too, created tattoos on people of their city. But, unlike the prehistoric
people, both males and females received these tattoos. At first young girls were given
A Case Scenario Within A Correctional Facility
The purpose of this paper is to present a case scenario within a correctional facility,
define the housing population, including the number of pregnant females. The
paper will give details as to the role of the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) and
how the FNP will implement her fit into the facility. The State Board of Nursing for
my state will be identified, and the Nurse Practice Act will be referenced as to their
support of role implementation for the FNP and end with a conclusion.
On 04/28/15 Jane Doe 23 year old rape victim was processed into the Jax
Correctional Facility at 6 weeks pregnant. Information was revealed that she was on
medication for an abortion completion, Jane Doe had taken two of the three pills
prescribed; she would require the permission to continue her treatment while
incarcerated to take the last pill in the regimen. Explained to patient all medications
had to be verified and approved by the Family Nurse practitioner (FNP) prior to
administration. FNP was informed of the patient s health status with a need to
continue medication while incarcerated, the FNP chose not to participate with the
administration of medication for the health condition of this patient.
Type and clients
Jax Correctional is a Pretrial Detention Facility that houses inmates until they are
scheduled to go to trial, or has been sentenced for a year or less. At present time this
facility is the third largest correctional facility in the state of Florida. The
The Unbalanced Scale Between Men And Women
The Unbalanced Scale between Men and Women
Over an extensive period of time, the issue concerning gender has consistently
occupy the media and the public mind. (Correll 20). It has established beliefs about
the roles of men and women as a whole. A man is expected always to be strong,
impervious to pain, and especially to emotional stress, dominant in the role of lord
and master; a woman is expected to be docile, submissive, passive, fulfilled in the
role of subordinate. (Fremon 129). It has been concluded for the longest time that
women are the inferior gender, biologically, psychologically and socially. For many
people, it is normal for women to be gender typed and never realize the prejudices
underlying into it. They are judged with ... Show more content on ...
Instead of supporting what her wife loves, he wished her to work out in the
orchard and raise some apples. (Steinbeck). Women are expected to help their
husbands before they aid to themselves. In addition, Elisa and her husband, Henry,
don t have a child, which makes her feel less of a woman. People always think that
women should be able to bear a child in order to fulfill the wifely duties. Because of
that, Elisa s married life was like a closed pot, she felt trapped, underappreciated
and frustrated because she felt like she couldn t do her part as a wife. (Steinbeck).
Not only sexual satisfaction denied her but she felt herself branded a failure.
(Fremon 129). Another contextual point that is being highlighted in the story is
the encounter of Elisa and the pot mender. Elisa wished that women could do such
thing, pertaining to the kind of life the pot mender has. The mender disagreed and
told her that It ain t the right kind of a life of a woman and added that, It would be
a lonely life for a woman... and a scarey life. (Steinbeck). The words coming from
the pot mender indicates stereotypes about women. His ideals of women are the
same as the society itself. He expected Elisa to be feminine and conjectured that
women, like her, are weak to live a life that is dangerous and perilous.
Despite the fact that both Henry and the pot mender showed indifference in Elisa s
role as a
Essay on China
The history of China is embeded with revolution and tension dating back to the feudal
periods and the first unified Chinese empire under Qi Shi Huang
Di in 221 B.C. The Confucianism ideology entrenched in the minds of the
Chinese people with its conservative base and the need to achieve harmony in
society has yet to be reached and most likely, never will. The proletariat is at the
heart of the Marxist Maoist approach to politics and the basic way of life for the
Chinese masses considering that ...roughly 85% of the population is based in
peasantry... While Marxism, as implemented by the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) and Nationalism have historically hindered the people of
China; a growing need to conform to ... Show more content on ...
The Chinese Communist Party was by no means a military power and it was unable
to sustain itself and flourish in the Nationalist controlled cities. The
Kuomintang, a nationalist party was set out to unify China under one central
government. The KMT had in its possession adequate means to quash the idealistic
CCP and did so on a number of occasions. Some of which led to rebellions such as
the Long March led by Mao Tse tung.
China, over history has experienced phases of both Nationalism and
Sinocentrism, both of which can be damaging to a developing country attempting to
compete economically in the global market. These ideas can relate back to the ancient
religion of confucianism. Confucianism has been instramental in the shaping of
China s leadership. Not only does it emphasize a rigid hierarchy kept in place by
virtuous behavior. But it also holds that strict adherence to proper behavior actually
leads to correct thinking. Accompanying Nationalism and Sinocentrism was rebellion
and unrest. Twenty four historic dynasties followed a common pattern of
development. At the beginning of a new dynasty, a period of national unity under
virtuous and benevolent rule flourished and usually was accompanied by intellectual
excitement. A
Defining Goffman s Total Institution Essay
To examine how far Lennox castle hospital was an example of what Goffman called
a Total Institution I will first need to explore Goffman s definition of this, along with
the four factors that he identified as characteristics of a Total institution I will then go
on to discuss how these four factors fit with Lennox castle hospital and determine
whether or not it fell into Goffman s model of a Total Institution.
In order to discuss how Goffman s four factors fit with Lennox castle hospital I will
first examine his definition. In 1961 Goffman stated that a total institution is a place
of residence and work where a large number of like situated individuals, cut off from
the wider society for an appreciable period of time, together ... Show more content on ...
Binary management, when staff and residents are kept separate by two different sets
of rules; staff member s felt superior to residents and maintain a social distance
between them allowing staff to feel empowered.
The inmate role, all residents are discouraged from keeping links to their former roles;
they lose their personal identity and are given an identity that the institution has
chosen for them.
The institutional perspective in time a resident may come to accept their loss of self
identity; everyday life revolves around the institution rather than centring on the
people in it.
(k101, Unit 7, p 107) and (Jones and Fowles,
Nai-Ni Chen and Taiwanese-American Modern Dance
Taiwan and America have always had strong relations since the early 1900s.
However, during the Cold War, they became even closer allies. During this time,
many famous American dancers such as Alvin Ailey, JosГ© LimГ
іn and Paul Taylor
visited Taiwan. They brought along the ideas of American style democracy embedded
in the art form of modern dance, which also expressed individual freedom. In
addition, the United States aid to Taiwan during the 1950s and 1960s helped Taiwan
create the booming economy it enjoys today. In the 1970s, the growth of economic
changes allowed for the numbers of professionals and intellectuals to grow. This
caused the middle class to expand, and the Taiwanese people became interested in
their culture, religion, and art, and how it was distinct from that of China. Modern
dance and Western classical music in Taiwan reflected the push for modernization
in society. The United States became the top training destination for young
Taiwanese dancers. Especially in 1987, after martial law in Taiwan was lifted,
many dancers began setting up their own troupes. One of the most famous
American trained Taiwanese dancers would be Lin Hwai min, who later returned to
Taiwan and in 1973 founded the world acclaimed Cloud Gate Dance Theater of
Taiwan. However, this paper will be focusing on a lesser known Taiwanese
American modern dancer: Nai Ni Chen. Chen is currently a successful modern
dancer in Fort Lee, New
Character Analysis Of The Storyteller By Antonia Michaelis
The book I choose to read was The Storyteller by Antonia Michaelis. Anna is a girl
who likes to dream and was quite an innocent child despite being in highschool
realty hasn t hit her yet, that was until she meet Abel also known as the polish
peddler. He is a drug dealer and that was who Anna soon came to love. Throughout
this novel there is chaos and love. The main characters who went through the most
character development was Anna becoming strong, Abel becoming unstable, and
Micha losing her innocence. Anna is an innocent teenager. She is able to block out
all of the bad and focus on what matters to her. Even if her best friends do drugs
and aren t the best of people she was still able to dream big and stay out of trouble.
Anna stayed outside. She felt stupid. She wanted to think about the old sled with
the red stripe, but instead she thought soap bubble. I live in a soap bubble. The
whole school knows things I don t. But maybe I don t want to know them.
(Michalis 7) As the story progressed she began to change. She meet the Abel also
known as the polish peddler. Abel is the definition of a bad guy and with that Anna
began to change. Instead of dreaming for herself she wanted her polish peddler to
have a better life. He is the bad boy for a reason but that doesn t mean he is when he
gets home. Anna realizes that he has a little sister named Micha. Anna begins to see
things that she shouldn t have and learns new scary facts. While at the same time she
Compare and Contrast Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Compare and Contrast Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Human beings have always
been curious about the meaning and purpose of life. Religions try to answer the
curiosity people have about there being a higher source, typically identifying this
greater domination as God. Some beliefs teach that there is only one G d this is
defined as a monotheistic religion. Some examples of monotheistic religions are
Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Although each sect has a different perspective on
teachings and beliefs they have one common thread; the belief in a singular deity.
Each religion has a different perspective but most important is where the religions
generated from. Major religions started in various parts of the world. Judaism,... Show
more content on ...
Christianity is broke in to three divisions Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. In
1054 a major break in Christianity took place, giving birth too two major sects.
The major sects were called Catholic and Orthodox. In the 16 century another split
became, and that sect was called Protestant. The issue of religious authority
continues to be a fundamental difference and perspective between the sects of
Christianity. For example, the Pope was not acknowledged by the Orthodox as a
worldwide supremacy. Comparison is the Catholic s religious structure cored
around the Pope. Thus Christianity has multiple sects and is far more complex.
Christianity has numerous sects; in comparison, Islam has only two major
branches. The main sects of Islam are Sunni and Shi a. The partition between these
two sects is the disagreement over authority. For example Sunni believes authority
is political. On the other hand, Shi a believes authority is political and religion.
Another major disagreement between the Shi a and Sunni was over the idea of
salvation. The Islamic community, it was believed, would only win G d s mercy
on the Day of Judgment if the community as a whole lived according to G d s
law.(66) The discrepancies with the main ideas cause the split in Islam as we see it
today. Each religion has a different way in obtaining salvation. Jewish and Christian
community, the Islamic community has different views on salvation as well as
beliefs. It is
To Kill A Mockingbird Essay Thesis
The story took place in the 1930 s in a town called Maycomb, Alabama. The story
is told to us by a young child in her perspective. It was during the time where racism
was a big part of the word still. The story told by the child during a trail of an
African American facing charges of rape of a white women. The child name is scout
and her father Atticus given the trial to defend the African Americanname Tom
Robison, but Atticus already knew how the outcome of the trial was going to be.
Atticus raised his children Scout and Jem in a very different way from many
different white folks raised their own. Jem and Scout get to see a different
perspective of the world from their father Atticus and there black cook Calpurnia.
Jem and Scout did not have a mother figure so Calpurnia took the role of being the
mother figure by giving her life lesson to Scout and Jem. Jem and Scout to see the
world how it is instead of seeing the black and white like most people. Atticus try s
to be honest with his children and does his best to explain things to his children
that would make his children understand the situation. As a reader we see that
Atticus try s to do good for the community for the whites and blacks. He want his
children to believe that tolerance of people and for the word of the bible, but to
accept and forgive as well of other people way of thinking. Throughout the story we
are introduce to Atticus which takes upon a trial that he was no favor of. He did not
want to take the
Cross-Class Mobility British Empire
He spoke to me about you; and said you were more like a gentleman than a servant;
now, I am plain dressed, and I have got the place. For The British in the eighteenth
century, the ideas of identity and class were united and informed each other.
Moreover the growth of the empire caused these ideas to be challenged and allowed
for the appearance of cross class mobility. For in the common Briton, the empire
created an interesting opportunity for mobility that was both social and spatial. The
empire provided citizens reasons to travel such as commercial opportunities, patriotic
duty with the military, and employment. Historians extensively explored imperial
mobility through the upper middle class, aristocracy, and gentry. The lower and
remaining middle class had opportunities to become part of the mobile empire as
well; although they left fewer sources. Yet the lower classes wrote travel... Show more
content on ...
The interactions between the two are seen in the author s perspective with the ideas,
cultures, and reflections of the various locations and how the author s identity
evolves as a result. This builds on the works of David Armitage, Linda Colley, Emma
Rothschild, and Maya Jasanoff, who attempt to bridge the historiography of British
Empire and nation, creating one field. As Rothschild and Jasanoff demonstrate,
personal accounts reveal different perspectives of empire that of the contemporary
people, of which I wish to contribute. Additionally my project builds upon
historiography that endeavors to link the empire globally rather by metropole or
periphery. Other historians link these concepts together through their analysis of the
East India Company and its relationship to Britain. These approaches allow for my
project to look at the lower classes through larger perspectives that make their
mobility a global concept through a personal
Demographics Of Aging Workers
The demographics of the workforce is changing, and companies are scrambling for a
succession plan for an aging workforce with vast amounts of knowledge and
experience. According to HR professionals, older workers are more professional,
more productive with stronger work ethics, reliable, and loyal than their younger
counterparts (Coombs, 2018).
In my experience, I have worked with every generational group except the Nexters. It
may be true that older workers such as the Silent Generation, and Baby Boomers have
all the qualities like being more professional, more productive with strong work
ethics, reliability, and loyalty, they did not mention the descriptions that stand out
most to me from my experience, and those are greed and
Essay on Use of DBCP and Relation to Infertility
Use of DBCP and relation to infertility
Dow produced DBCP (1,2 dibromo 3 chloropropane), a soil fumigant, and
nematicide, which was sold under the names the Nemagon and Fumazone until the
late 1970s. US banned DBCP in 1979 after it was linked to human sterility in
California. But, Dow and three other companies continued producing the hazardous
pesticide DBCP for years after it was banned and exported it to developing countries.
Animal testing had revealed that the product caused male sterility in rats and the
companies knew about it at least since the 1960s, but concealed this information.
They also neglected to report the related findings of reduced sperm and atrophied
testicles of rabbits and monkeys in the information submitted for ... Show more
content on ...
The company, however, continued to market Dursban in developing countries,
including India and claimed it was safe for humans and pets. In 2003, Dow agreed to
pay $2 million the largest penalty ever in a pesticide case to the state of New York, in
response to a lawsuit filed by the Attorney General to end Dow s illegal advertising
of Dursban as safe .
Acquisition of Union Carbide
The Bhopal Disaster of 1984 was the worst industrial disaster in the history of the
world. It was caused by the accidental release of methyl isocyanate (MIC) from a
Union Carbide India, Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant located in the heart of the city
of Bhopal. UCIL was a joint venture between Union Carbide and a public/private
consortium of Indian investors. The MIC leak killed thousands outright and injured
anywhere from 150,000 to 600,000 others, at least 15,000 of whom died later from
their injuries. The contamination due to the leak is still active and no cleanup has
been done till now.
Despite the involvement of Union Carbide in a criminal case in India, location of the
plant in the heart of the city and the disaster site still not cleaned up, Dow bought
Union Carbide in 2001. The transfer of ownership led to complicating the issue of
cleaning up the plant and its environs of hundreds of tonnes of toxic waste, which has
been left untouched. Environmentalists have warned that the waste is a potential
minefield in the heart of the city, and
The Community s Fallacy In Daisy Miller By Henry James
Logical fallacies are the common definitions which are used not only in our
normal communication but also applied in many commercials, movies and stories.
Basically, one
of the most common fallacies, named Bandwagon, is usually seen in a lot of stories.
fallacy, which is also named as a groupthink, a peer pressure or a common opinion, is
defined as
an action or a thinking that is right to do. The reason is because this opinion is
popular, supported
by the group; or you will be accepted if you do it. Consequently, it is easy to see that
in Daisy
Miller (Henry James), most of the characters behaviors are determined by this fallacy.
Moreover, it seems that only Daisy Miller has to resist ... Show more content on ...
Consequently, in Daisy Miller , it is clear to see that the author, Henry James, uses the
Bandwagon fallacy for helping readers to realize easily all of the arguments along
the story. It is
also easy to indicate that just because Daisy Miller insists on her American
independence which
is not accepted in Europe, she has to pay a heavy price: her death. Furthermore, in
this story, the
Bandwagon fallacy is used for setting off the morality of European people who judge
or be
judged based on their sociality s common opinion at that time. Therefore, this fallacy
means if
people can get along with the common sense of the sociality where they re living,
they will be
accepted; but if not, they will be eliminated although they think that they do a right
Ian Mcewan s Use Of Symbolism In Atonement
In the novel Atonement, every character elicits either a positive or negative
response from the reader. Ian McEwan s character Robbie Turner typically elicits
more of a positive and sympathetic response because people pitied him for his
tragic experiences. He never actually did anything harmful to anyone else, despite
what had been said; therefore, the readers always had faith that Robbie would
somehow be happy again. McEwan created Robbie with a strong personality that
allowed him to have hope and still love Cecilia, despite being unfairly accused and
imprisoned for someone else s actions. His experiences and outlook on life and love
can be easily compared to Jesus, which can contribute to the theme because both men
overcame their trials.... Show more content on ...
In the book, he had liberal, essentially Christian, politics. Robbie could easily be
compared to a Christ like figure. He was metaphorically crucified and cast out
when the accusations were said, like Jesus. The Dunkirk beach scene is definitely
not irrelevant in any sense of the word. This is essentially the Passion of Robbie.
Clearly he cannot have a pierced side or Crown of Thorns like Jesus, but he does
rise from the dead in the penultimate scene. McEwan used the biblical symbolism to
show how Robbie, like Jesus, was a victim of others
Drugs And Drug Abuse
As we all know drugs are given to you by a doctor for a specific purpose, either to
cure an illness or treat an ongoing disease. Otherwise taking prescription drugs can
be dangerous for your body and overall physical health. To go with this they can be
very addictive if someone starts to take them for recreational purposes. Just as hard
drugs can take control of someone s life, so can prescribed drugs if is it not a
monitored situation.
Anyone who starts to abuse hard drugs such as Crack or Heroin can run into serious
health issues. They are addicting and dangerous substances which can cause major
long term damage, sometimes the damage in irreversible if the situation has gone
to far. Substances that your body does not want are being injected directly into
your bloodstream, not only is the risk of illness phenomenally high but there is
potential that any dose could be your last. Over 50,000 Americans overdosed on
drugs in 2016, showing that fatal accidents are not a rare occurrence when it comes
to substance abuse. There are many reasons as to why the victim may have died
from shooting up. The batch that was supplied to them may have been bad, not
having the correct balance of ingredients. The victim may have put too much into his
blood stream, causing a fatal reaction to the dosage. Or they may just have done it for
the first time and had a bad reaction to what they put in their body. Drugs are lethal
substances and should not be taken lightly, whether you are buying them
Short Story Of Creative Writing
The University of Melbourne stood behind us as the lights flickered my eyes. The
class of 1995 was standing together reminiscing of the past and enjoying each other
s presence. One. Two Three. Smile, Dean yelled, taking our picture. I couldn t
believe twenty two years could go by that quickly. I still remembered some of the
faces that walked by me and memories that created here. One more picture. Smile!
One. Two, Dean stopped counting.
The floor started to shake and buildings toppled. Some people hit by cars, as they
attempted to run. I ran to the nearest building and some of the classmates followed. I
closed the door, looked out the window, and dread hit my face. Trees laid on the
roads and powerlines plunged onto homes and ... Show more content on ...
I showed them all the tools and equipment I collected during the past years and told
them I was a chemical engineer and could develop synthetic objects or chemical
solutions that could be used. We all then headed our ways to see what we could do.
The sun began to set and the stars shined the night sky. I began to head back to the
house and about 25 yards away was Justin. Bang! The sound came from behind the
trees in the forest and I stood there frozen.
A middle age man started to walk towards us with his gun pointed at Justin. We could
see some people far off in the distance with guns pointed out, too.
If you run, we will shoot! the man cautioned.
Justin and I looked at each other, frightened, and I sprinted at the house. Bang!
Bang! Gabe didn t know what the sound was an looked at me with uncertainty. I
told him, with my voice cracking, There are bandits out there with guns! They will
kill us! I built a gun while you were in your garage. Let me go get it! Gabe
exclaimed. He ran out to the other garage, with caution as the bandits frantically
tried to get over the gate. I suddenly remembered that Justin was suppose to run
towards the house with me. I looked around the house frantically screaming his
name. Gabe ran back to the house and I told him what happened, Justin was suppose
to run back to the house with me and now I don t know where he is! Gabe screamed
and ran out to the bandits pointing his gun at them and started to shoot. The
Compare And Contrast And Chestnet
Courts typically break the reasonable manner component down into the actions or
lack of actions that were performed by the individual or individuals representing the
store during the detention. Actions that are deemed reasonable in the eyes are the
court are escorting, asking the individual to stop and reenter store, asking for a
receipt, or asking for the individual in question to demonstrate some sort of proof that
effect they were not stealing. In Chestnet, the store requested she return, escorted her
to an office inside the store, and voluntarily emptied her purse reveling the stolen
item. (cite) Similarly, Bowman reflected reasonable detention performance: security
managed to halt them, ask for their receipt, led the individuals back into the
Customer Service office, and ask the individuals in question to proved a receipt for
the stolen merchandise. (cite) Both cases demonstrate a form of reasonable manner,
that a store most perform in order to gain protection from the shopkeeper exception
Whittlesey Bay Ground Water Flow Analysis
Lenz, ( 2003 ) studied the Ground Water Flow and Rainfall Runoff with Emphasis
on the Effects of Land Cover, Whittlesey Creek, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, 1999
2001 using SWAT model. The effects of land cover on flooding and base flow
characteristics of Whittlesey Creek, Bayfield County, Wis were examined in a
study that involved ground water flow and rainfall runoff modeling. Field data
were collected during 1999 2001. Potentiometric surface altitudes and stratigraphic
descriptions were provided by well logs. Geological data, soil parameters,
hydrography, altitude, and land cover data were compiled into a geographic
information system (GIS) and used in two ground water flow models (GFLOW
and MODFLOW) and a rainfall runoff model (SWAT). A base flow of 17 18 cubic
feet per second is produced in a deep ground water system which intersects Whittlesey
Creek near the confluence with the North Fork.... Show more content on ...
Permeable sands in the center of the Bayfield Peninsula to the northwest of the
surface water contributing basin is responsible for the base flow in Whittlesey
Creek. Based on simulations, model wide changes in recharge caused a
proportional change in simulated baseflow for Whittlesey Creek. About 2 11
percent of change in baseflow to Whittlesey Creek occurs by changing the
simulated amount of recharge by 25 to 50 percent in only the ground water
contributing area. Flood peaks (based on daily mean flows on peak flow days)
could be affected due to simulated changes in land cover within the Whittlesey
Creek. Surface water contributing basin would have minimal effects on base flow
and average annual runoff due to above changes. Reduction in flood peaks of about
12 14 percent is observed by changing the basin land cover to a reforested
What Is Metaphors Used In The Gothic Novel
These dark overtones and internal tensions laid the foundation perfectly for the
development of the gothic novel. The fear of the unknown are represented in
Radcliffe s gothic novel as the mystery surrounding the fates of other women. Once
Emily has found out the truth about the other women, then she is freed of her fears
and is able to cope with them. In a very real way she has made the transition to
confidence in herself and her own future. This particular brand of gothic novel seems
to be an encouragement to women and reassures them. Metaphors and Simile have
been a part of the human experience since man began comparing and contrasting
things to one another. Used by poets and novelists alike to express comparisons, these
elements are extremely useful to the writer. Radcliffe manages to use metaphors to
continue and round out the overall tone of the novel. This, too, is evident in the Vol.
2, ch. 5 example. As the landscape changes, she is evoking an implied metaphor
stating that experience is constantly changing and that sometimes, if one is lucky, one
will suddenly hit upon an inner truthor two, which comes as a result of the constant
changing. Interestingly enough, Radcliffe also employs very Romantic Era
techniques of utilizing nature to illustrate some of these truths, both inner and outer.
In the Vol. 2, ch. 5 piece, the landscape is described in detail. If Classical styles were
seen as being typically calm, harmonious, balanced, structured, and rational, then
Progressive Prank Protection Commercial Examples
The two ads I chose were the Nationwide Baby commercial and the Progressive
prank protection commercial. I chose these ads because they show a practical
product, that most people use, in an funny and unrelated way. The nationwide ad
shows a man taking care of a baby as if it is a car. This commercial is used to
promote car insurance. The progressive ad shows agents Flo and Jamie sneaking
around in the night pulling off their own version of pranks: fixing mailboxes,
replacing windows, and leaving paper bags with money on doorsteps. This
commercial is used to promote home insurance. Nationwide and Progressive are two
well known insurance companies.
The first ad I will talk about is the Nationwide Baby ad. The ad starts off with a
man washing his baby in his driveway the same way one would wash a car
(Nationwide). The ad goes on to show car related situations with a baby like
running into a fire hydrant, car repair shop, and in a grocery store parking lot. The
ad shows how Nationwide will protect what s precious to you by making it precious
to them. Therefore, just like a baby is precious and people will do anything to protect
their baby, ... Show more content on ...
People who own cars would likely watch this ad because they may want to change
insurance companies or to confirm their decision in getting Nationwide. People
who may be thinking about changing their insurance may watch this ad and see a
company that really value other peoples possessions and work with them. This
concept can be very persuasive in attracting people who are looking for a new
insurance company. Therefore, if a person is looking for an insurance company
that has good service and truly cares, then the Nationwide Baby ad would be a good
start of them choosing a new insurance company. For people who already are
Nationwide customers can be assured that they are a part of a caring company
Women Play A Special Role
I believe that women play a special role in religious life . Firstly, the dictionary
definition of a role is the function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a
particular situation . So a special role in the context of the question is an important
part played by women in religious life. This is very true in relation to Christianityand
Judaism. In Christianity I will look at important women saints in the religion and
the leadership roles that women can play in the church. In Judaism I will look at
the importance of women in the faith and the special roles they play in the home
and the synagogue and Rosh Chodesh.Important figures like saints play a special
role in religious life because they often give an image of what people should and
should not do and give a guideline on how to be like them in Christianity. A very
important woman in Christianity is Mary. She is the mother of Christ and she is
unique as she was chosen by God to look after Jesus because she was free of
original sin (the tendency to evil supposedly innate in all human beings, held to be
inherited from Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, online definition). Mary can
be called Saint Mary , The Virgin Mary and The Blessed Virgin Mary which shows
her reverence in Christianity. This has made Mary a role model for many Christians
as they aspire to live without sin and please God as she did. Another key woman in
Christianity is Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalene is mentioned in the
Negative Effects Of Kendarrious
Per Reporter: Robert has full custody of Kendarrious; Makeva (Kendarrious mother)
rights were terminated. Robert uses drugs (ice marijuana) around Kendarrious. The
ice is kept in the refrigerator and the marijuana in a jar in the closet. The intent is to
sell the drugs; the drugs have been sold around Kendarious. Recently, Robert blamed
Kendarrious for missing marijuana. According to Robert, Kendarrious sold the drugs
at school. There are people in and out of the home. Management has been informed
about the scent of drug use entering the neighbor s (unknown) home through the vent
in the bathroom. Kendarrious have not been physically harmed due to Robert being
under the influence; however, Robert does verbal abuse him. Robert calls Kendarrious
The Cold War Was A Conflict Between Ideologies And
After the World War II, the world was moving to new period economically, and
politically. Atomic and nuclear weapons and technologies such as a satellite were
also developed. At that time, there were two superpowers, the United States and The
Soviet Union in the world. During the World War II, they were on the same side, but
the Soviet Union s development of communist society and weapons gradually made
the United States anxieties about loss of their position as the most powerful state in
the world. Then, the Cold Warwas happened. This essay will explain that the Cold
War meant a conflict between ideologies and races between the United States and
the Soviet Union with involving many other countries, and also argue that the war
brought several impacts on diplomatic relations, creation of treaties and many
countries politics. Firstly, this essay will state that the Cold War was an ideological
conflict between two superpowers. Secondly, it will argue that the war was an arms
race between the United States and the Soviet Union. Thirdly, it will also argue that
the war was a space race between those two superpowers. Fourthly, it will explain
that the war, however, was worldwide. Then, it will state that many treaties were
concluded between countries during the war. It will also explain that the cold war
made confused China the United States relations. Finally, it will argue that the war
made several political change in the world.
The Cold War had several characteristics to
Pestel Eden
PESTEL analysis
Motivation of method
It is of great importance to make an analysis of the environment in which an
organisation operates in order to develop and implement a suitable, successful
strategy for the company. According to Johnson, Scholes and Whittington (2008) the
business environment of a company is an important issue determining its survival and
success. There are several layers of this business environment the macro environment,
the industry or sector layer, the layer with competitors and markets.
A focus has been given on macro level, the highest level layer, especially on one of
its factors: the PESTEL analysis. Johnson, Scholes and Whittington (2008) state that
the PESTEL framework is of crucial importance to ... Show more content on ...
England will gain a lot of (international) attention and the amount of tourist will
increase. The East of England Development Agency conducted a research and has
forecasted a gross profit revenue that could exceed ВЈ600 million to the English
economy. (Eeda, 2006)
Further more, the Eden Project is positioned in Cornwall, South West England.
Cornwall is one of the poorest areas in England with the lowest per capital
contribution to the national economy. (Conrwall) The operating of the Eden Project
will be influenced by this fact because the people from Cornwall will both, not visit
the Eden Project, or spend less money at the Eden Project. Related to this influence is
also the high entrance fee of Eden compared to other visitors attractions.
(Thisisdeveon, 2010) While the population of this area has already less money to
spend, high entrance fee will not contribute to attract more visitors and stay profitable
and sustainable in the long term.
Another economical factor which is able to influence the operational activities of the
Eden Project is the unemployment rates in England. The unemployment rates in
England are increasing. A survey conducted by Recruitment and Employment
Confederation suggest a continued weakening in the UK jobs market. (,
As shown in the graph on the next page, the unemployment rate currently stands at
The Taum Sauk Upper Reservoir Failure Occurred On
The Taum Sauk Upper Reservoir Failure occurred on December 14, 2005, ironically
on the same day the annual drill between Ameren and local emergency personnel was
scheduled to be held. This failure released 1.5 billion gallons of water down Profitt
Mountain and into Johnson Shut Ins State Park. This was an emergency event that
impacted one family s home, and three vehicles traveling on Route N.
The reservoir failure is classified as a man made event as it was caused by a failure
of the over pumping protective systems which includes pressure transducers that
monitor the water level within the upper reservoir and report the status of the water
level to a remote monitoring center. This created a cascading series of man made
natural events in ... Show more content on ...
And it involves interaction with familiar faces, tasks, procedures, and
organizations. (Auf der Heide, Erik. 1989) An emergency is generally personal in
nature. A disaster is an event associated with the impact of a natural hazard, which
leads to increased mortality, illness and/or injury, and destroys or disrupts
livelihoods, affecting the people or an area such that they (and/or outsiders)
perceive it as being exceptional and requiring external assistance for recovery
(Cannon 1994, 29, fn.2). Finally, a catastrophe can be viewed as ...any disaster that
overwhelms the ability of state, local, and volunteer agencies to adequately provide
victims with such life sustaining mass care services as food, shelter, and medical
assistance within the first 12 to 24 hours. (GAO, Disaster Management, 1993, p. 3).
The Emergency Management Cycle
The four phases of the emergency management cycle are Mitigation, Preparedness,
Response, and Recovery. Mitigation is the process of reducing the occurrence,
minimizing impact of the event, and preventing an event from occurring. Mitigation
steps can happen before and after an event.
Preparedness is the ability to handle the event. This includes planning and
preparations to help in response and rescue operations. Evacuation plans and stocking
up on food, water, medicine, and pet supplies are examples of
Women s Work Setting Environment
Women around the world have not been treated equally in a work setting
environment. In some places women aren t even allowed to work, but in our
nation the United States of America this is not our scenario. The scenario in the
United States of America is that women are allowed to work, but unfortunately
women are not being treated the same manner in which a man is treated in a work
setting. Women go through a lot of obstacles in a workplace, this should not be
happening at this time in date. We as a society tend to say we have grown and
prosper and that this is the land of opportunity, but how can such a statement be
said if women are not given the same opportunity as men are. In a work setting
women tend to be paid much less the man is paid for doing the same exact job.
Then because women are paid less its affects them in their daily life. Women also
face the difficulties of not being promoted as often as men are in a work setting.
After facing such difficulties in a work setting they still have issues of sexual
harassmentto deal with. Then, if women choose to become pregnant, they have
another difficulty to face. Overall the worst obstacle and what I feel is the one that
starts all of this is the challenge of women being hired for a job. The only reason why
women are not treated the same is a simple observation if a person is maleor female
makes all the difference in a work setting.
Predictably Irrational By Dan Ariely
I have always been fascinated by the inner workings of the mind. Why we act the
way we do in certain situations and why we act irrationally. Predictably Irrational by
Dan Ariely attempts to explore and answer these questions. He covers irrationality
from a variety of topics such as human relationships and market dynamics, but the
implications are valid in any field that requires decision making. Two topics that
Ariely covers in the book are: the zero price effect and the endowment effect. With
each of these topics, Ariely challenges the reader to rethink their current decision
making process and to step outside the irrational mind of the consumer. Dan Ariely
Although a feeling of awe at the capability of humans is clearly justified, ... Show
more content on ...
From the consumer s perspective, though, there is a huge difference between cheap
and free. Give a product away and it can go viral. Charge a single cent for it and
you re in an entirely different business, one of clawing and scratching for every
customer. The psychology of free is powerful indeed, as any marketer will tell you
(Anderson, 2008). Ariely is aware of the power of free and offers suggestions to
policy makers. For example, governments attempt to persuade the population to
receive regular health checks; in some cases running large advertising campaigns and
reducing the price of the health check. Ariely suggests that instead of spending
money on campaigns around creating awareness, put the money towards making the
health check free (Ariely, 2008). While this may not apply to a country with free
health care, the same general takeaway is still relevant: free is an emotional button
that can change a rational consumer into an irrational
The Importance Of The Past In The Dew Breaker
The past is so vital to the characters of Danticat s novel The Dew Breaker because
despite most of the trauma the characters have undergone in the past, they must keep
living with it and tell their story. One piece of symbolism that is persistent between
every chapter are the scars that every character has. Scars have been a central image
of this novel both literally and metaphorically. Each character has their unique scars
that they must carry with them. The story, in the end, talks about how the scars of the
pastare the scars of the future. Every scar is a symbol of the characters painful history
that they had to overcome, and now they must carry their past with themselves
forever. The scars of the past define precisely the importance of the past for every
individual character. The past is a part of all people at all moment. Past scars lie
over all of the characters in this novel. A character like Ka s father is once
corrupted by partaking in a violent, dictatorial regime. A character like Beatrice is
haunted by the horrors that impose on her in the past. The past is inescapable
because it is a core part of a person that it largely dictates the reasoning behind their
actions in presentsituations. The past is something which haunts each of the
characters in the novel for different reasons. It left a scar on them that they must
forever live with. The past haunts ka s father as a dew breaker under the authority of
a Haitian Dictator. My father never liked
The Background And Organizational Framework Of
owned by one of the richest men in America. Berkshire Hathaway is a holding
company that owns many different companies. According to Reuter (2015),
Berkshire Hathaway is made up of companies that if they were independent, nine of
them would be among the Fortune 500. So, it is hard to believe that this company
is the worst company on diversity efforts as of 2013! This paper will describe and
examine the following: the background and organizational framework of Berkshire
Hathaway, types of diversity, lack of commitment to diversity, the company s
reputation around diversity issues, policies, procedures, and practices in place, and
how this company could improve. Background... Show more content on ...
Some of the individual companies owned by Berkshire Hathaway are very diverse
companies with good diversity practices in place. However, it seems to be a
different story with the parent company itself. According to Marketline (2015),
Berkshire Hathaway has six women in key positions. This could be a sign that
Berkshire Hathaway is trying to add more diversity to its ranks. Only time will tell
if this trend will stick for Berkshire Hathaway. Types of Diversity and the Role
Each Plays in the Culture of the Organization There are several types of diversity
that are in the workplace and each plays a role in the culture of the organization.
According to Cal Poly Pomona (2015), the types of diversity in the workplace can
be age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic
background, and capabilities / disabilities. Diversity is a good thing to see in a
workplace because it brings different perspectives and ideas to the table. Seeing
people of varying ages in the workplace is refreshing because it shows longevity and
a respect for knowledge. People are healthier and working longer than ever before
collectively. There are people who retire than get another job, retire from that job,
and then get a part time job. Therefore, we will continue to see an aging workforce
for some time to come and this is good news for the workplace. It is good to have a
mix of genders in the
Representation Of Atlanta
Atlanta is an FX original series created and starring, actor, comedian, and musician,
Donald Glover (stage name: Childish Gambino). The series follows the lives of
Earnest Marks (Donald Glover) and his cousin Alfred Paper Boi Miles played by
Brian Tyree Henry, as they navigate through daily life in Atlanta Georgia. After
dropping out of Princeton University Earnest (Earn) finds himself back in Atlanta,
homeless, working at the airport on commission selling cell phone services. With no
money and no home, he goes to his cousin Alfred who has found success with his
newly released single, and asks to manage him. Earn who had a failed attempt at
being a rapper still sees the potential in the music industry to provide for himself and
his daughter. Within the first minute of the pilot episode you are introduced to World
Star Hip Hop and some common media representations of African Americanmen, in
the form of hyper masculinity and violence, appropriately titling this episode The Big
Donald Glover along with the other writers and producers of Atlanta proves the views
with an authentic look into the daily challenges of being black in this country. The
show creates a dialogue that examines the intersection of topics such as police
brutality, mental health, and transphobic in relation to the systemic racism and
violence experienced by black America. This review will examine the representation
of blackness on Atlanta, and how the representations of African Americans continue
Arctic Oil Drilling
Gas prices are increasing roughly every month or so as a result of the scarcity of
oil. Some people just shrug the price increase off and cope with it, but the
economic effect is far greater than it first appears. As the price of oil increases, so
does the price of all other products that are transported. There is, however, an
opportunity for the United States to increase the supply of available crude oil by
drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The idea of drilling in the Arctic has
been controversial and to the present day is still being debated. The United States
need to determine whether drilling in the Arctic will be a worthwhile consideration,
or if there are not sufficient benefits to counteract the harmful... Show more content
on ...
(Dickinson) Even with advanced technology at our fingertips, there is the potential
for errors which could lead to oil spills. If a spill occurred in this region, the effects
could be detrimental to the ocean. Oil and gas industries have plenty of experience
and history of preventing oil spills, but they have little experience in containing
and cleaning up oil spills ( Oil ). With the possibility of polluting the water, the plan
for Arctic drilling loses the votes of all environmentalists, a group that is not to be
trifled with. If authorization to drill in this region relied upon the approval of the
environmentalists, it could be nearly impossible because of their strong lobbying
power. The drilling is also viewed as a diversion to the country s real dilemma,
which is its disproportionately high rate of oil use. Americans guzzle up over
twenty five percent of the world s total oil consumption. The United States should
be working on making vehicles more fuel efficient so that a gallon of oil goes a
long way rather than sucking the earth dry of all its oil. This fact, by itself, is seen
as a more pertinent problem on which the country should focus instead of increasing
available production. Another reason against the drilling in the Arctic region is that,
even if the drilling is approved, there may not be as large yield as expected. All the
statistics about how much
Standing On The Rooftop Of A Building
Standing on the rooftop of a building in a city can give you the feeling that you can
view the whole world from where you stand. Worldviews differ for every individual,
shaped by their values, biases, prejudices, loves, commitments, and fears as mine is.
Developed through experience worldviews shift, as I expect mine will many times. A
large component of your worldviews are the values you hold, something that event
affect other things that shape your worldview. Over the past 8 ВЅ months my world
viewhas changed similarly to our Earth s rotation, we do not feel it but we know it
is happening and given time we can see of the stages that occurred. A value is a
person s judgement on what is important in life and is what priorities are within...
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I feel this is the case for many people and is a human condition that can be
suppressed if a person realizes the bias has developed into a negative prejudice.
Prejudices are rooted in a person s sense of justice, which is most likely why I
have a prejudice against negative and unkind people. Because I have such a strong
value of kindness I have developed a slight prejudice towards those who do not
share this value though I try my best to not act upon this prejudice. The contrasting
aspect of the prejudices contained in my worldview are my loves. What a person
loves is such a broad subject it can mean anything from a person to a meal to a
color. Some of my loves include my family, friends, food, my cat, myself, and hope
that can be found when you least expect it. Each one of these things are large parts
of my life that have influenced my life in a positive way and this positive influence
is most likely why I have come to love them so much. Of course I love other things
like books I have read like: Harry Potter, Les Miserables, and Stephen Hawking s
Brief History. Or shows I watch like: Supernatural, Sherlock, Criminal Minds, and
Or even my sweatpants, the color blue, and my soccer cleats.
But all of these things have a lesser impact on my life even though I love them. In
this way a person s loves shape their core values and yet are also shaped by those
values. Based on your love you can begin to
Color Descriptive Writing
The day before color entered my life
I stand on the edge of a dark brown wooden dock.I can sense that the tips of my
black vans are hanging over the edge. I feel my auburn hair blow wildly in the
wind .My mind is completely blank. This is how I have started every morning
since I could remember. It helps me collect my thoughts and prepare for the day
ahead. When you live in a town as perfect as grayville you need these moments
where you are free.
Just as I feel myself start to be at one with the wind, reality stands in the way. Shayli
you need to leave for school my dad yells at an inhumane volume.My family is very
loud, a trait I didn t inherit.
I cinched my black satin scarf tighter and start to amble back toward the house. It is ...
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I race in my room in a frenzy.
I throw on a pair of black skinny jeans, a t shirt with the band the 1975 on it and my
favorite pair of flowery Doc Martians.
On the drive to school I can t count how many traffic laws I broke. It s irrelevant
though.In this town I wouldn t get in trouble. I m the town golden girl, plus they don
t want to put me through any more stress.
I park my car in the senior parking lot and head. I glance at the time in my phone
before throwing it in my bag.I am a whole 4 minutes and 23 seconds late.
I Sprint through the school office doors strait to the attendance clerks desk. Ms.
Slade your late says the aging man in a questioning voice. I am so sorry, can you
write me a note I say in my best sincere voice. Yes..yes of course the aging
attendance clerk said.
This is how it always goes.
Ever since my mom died everyone treats me like I m a fragile thing that can shatter
at any moment.They dance around me pretending things are fine. I m not sure if it
makes me want to be strong and prove them wrong, or lose it like they expect. This
town is a sickness in itself. There motto should be It doesn t matter of you have a
fucked up life, smile and wave to your neighbor like nothing is
Analysis of Two of the Best Williams Shakespeare s Work
Known as the leader in classical poetry and drama, English writer William
Shakespeare, captures the passion and emotions that the romance and depths of the
human heart experiences in life. This is especially shown in his vast collection of
sonnets which exemplified the carpe diem ideology of the period, and the love that
one can have for another. Two of the most famous of Shakespeare s works, Sonnet55
[Not Marble, nor the gilded monuments] and sonnet 116 [Let me not to the marriage
of true minds], are no exception to this theme in poetry. Both of these sonnets
exemplify the love that the narrator has for a mistress in his life, and how he defines
his love for them. Throughout both poems, Shakespeare conveys his purpose through
the... Show more content on ...
By using this subtle form of metonymy, the idea of immortalization is achieved by
the poet as he conveys his theme. Other forms of poetic devices are also used
throughout the poem, such as alliteration and assonance. Alliteration is first seen
in Sonnet 55 with the M sound in marble and monuments and the p in princes and
powerful. Assonance is also seen early in the poem with the I in shine and bright,
this is the only occurrence of this poetic device in Sonnet 55. However, alliteration
is seen several more times in lines 5 6 with the triple w sound in when wasteful war
and the double s sound in shall statues. The p sound of pace and praise is also an
example of alliteration within this poem. Another literary element used in the
internal rhyme of Mars and wars in line seven. By using alliteration and assonance
in this poem, Shakespeare creates a soft but sincere tone for the piece. Sonnet 116
also has several different forms of poetic devices. Throughout the poem the theme of
love is conveyed through diction and the use of metonymy by repeating several
different words in order to illustrate the strength of emotion the poet feels for the
Essay about Gulliver in Gulliver s Travels
A Simple Life
The novel, Gulliver s Travels, is just that, a novel about the main character, Gulliver
who goes on many journeys. The part of this book that brings out the reader s
interest is Gulliver s character and the ways his character changes as the story
progresses. He begins as a naГЇve Englishman and by the end of the book he has a
strong hatred for the human race. Gulliver shows that his adventures have taught him
that a simple life, one without the complexities and weaknesses of human society,
may be best, but the simple life he longed for should not have been the route he took.
Before leaving his hometown in England, Gulliver was an open minded character.
His first journey lead him to the land of the Lilliputians, who ... Show more content
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Luckily for Gulliver, he managed to escape being blinded; at least for the time being.
On his second journey, Gulliver visited the island where the Houyhnhnms and Yahoos
resided. On this island the first people that Gulliver saw were the Yahoos but was first
to talk to the Houyhnhnms. While speaking to the Houyhnhnms, Gulliver realized
how intelligent the horse like specie was. The Houyhnhnms initially thought
Gulliver, because of the physical appearance, was a Yahoo, who happened superior
to the rest of them. On this island, the Houyhnhnms were the dominant species while
the Yahoos were the less governing and the more savage of the two groups. They
were said to be flesh eating animals that were greedy and selfish. Gulliver made the
connection that the Yahoos were like the mankind. Though the human race has laws,
government and art, their natural instincts are to be greedy and self striving. While
speaking with the Houyhnhnms of the relations of the English, Gulliver begins to
realize how much he dislikes his own people. Gulliver speaks of the English
Revolution and the war with France. In speaking of this, he begins to refer to the
English people as Yahoos. Gulliver and his master, one of the Houyhnhnms, speak
more of what distinguishes the Yahoos and the Houyhnhnms. Becoming more
intrigued by these conversations, Gulliver wants to see the compelling details for
himself. He asks to be put among the Yahoos and notices
British Empire Research Paper
By the 20th century, empire had evolved to the point of total collapse and the next
evolution was rise of the nation state. At the peak of the British Empire, its colonial
rule expanded over the whole globe. In particular, the colonies in the Middle East
and colony in India are great examples of the function of the British Empire. When
the Ottoman Empire was split up into smaller countries among the British and French
Empire with little regard for the people living there, tension arose. In Palestine, the
Jewish people and the Palestinian Arabs were promised land under the Balfour
Declaration (Tusan, Lecture, 4/20). The Declaration was not acted upon and the
Arabs did not get what was promised to them, the Jewish people however did. The
state... Show more content on ...
Russia had a different idea of what a new nation should look like. It became the
USSR during World War 1. It was a Nationalist Empire at its core and had nations
under its empire that conformed to Soviet laws. These countries were called
republics (Tusan, lecture, 4/22). It was not long before the strong centralized power
of the USSR began to evolve into something evil. Joseph Stalin was in charge over
the USSR when it was at it worst. The Iron Curtain cut Europe in half. Easter Europe
was the USSR. Stalin did this to claim the region as his own. This is what the true
evil in empire can do. There was too much pressure for the USSR to survive from
the outside world. On top of that, the people of the USSR began to revolt. After the
USSR fell, Joseph Havel, the president of Czechoslovakia under the USSR
addressed to the nation the plans for a new democratic nation (Tusan, 227). This was
the first step in rebuilding a broke group of
Benefits And Treatment Of Dissociative Identity Disorder
Diazepam Paired With Psychotherapy Dissociative Identity Disorder is a disorder that
is hardly talked about, however has extreme effects on patients that suffer with it.
However, this topic is important because it can lead to finding treatments that may be
more effective for patients with DID. Past studies have shown that the main treatment
for Dissociative Identity Disorderusually involves therapy. The most popular types of
therapy are psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, and family therapy. Treatment for DID has
a specific purpose which is to unite an individual with their personalities, and form a
functional identity (Pais, 2009). Additionally, a strength of past studies is that they
usually do a follow up on patients. Another strength is that the participants are usually
all of different ages. One limitation is that there is never enough participants for
research, another limitation is that there aren t many treatment options to try on
patients. Furthermore, is diazepam useful when paired with psychotherapy?
Moreover, my study will be unique because there has only been one case that tried
lorazepam, which is a similar drug to diazepam, and it proved to be successful
(Mushtaq, Shoib, Arif, Shah, Mushtaq, 2014). Also, my study will have more than
one patient, to have more accurate results. Finally, diazepam and psychotherapy could
be a good treatment for DID. Method
Timpani In Haydn s Music Essay
Timpani in Haydn s Music Franz Joseph Haydn, born March 31, 1732, is one of
the most influential classical composers. Being known as the Father of Symphony,
is an important reason to look at his work. Focusing closely on his use of timpani
in two of his major pieces, Symphony 103 and Missa in tempore belli, can give us
an in depth look on his development with the use of timpani. By first starting at
looking at his lifetime, then delving into both pieces, next comparing and contrasting
the two pieces, and finally, briefly going over other pieces influenced by the use of
timpani will give us a better understanding. Franz Joseph Haydn, better known as
Joseph Haydn, was born in Austria in 1732. When Haydn was eight years old, he
became a choirboy in Vienna. After his voice had matured, he became a teenage
freelance musician. After some time had passed, a noble family in Vienna, the
EsterhГЎzy s, hired him to composed for them. From 1761 until about 1790 he
worked for the EsterhГЎzy family composing instrumental works and opera s for
their summer palace performances. When Haydn had finished working for the
EsterhГЎzy family, he was well known throughout Europe and considered by some as
the greatest living composer at that time. Haydn s Symphony103, also known as the
Drumroll Symphony, is his second to last... Show more content on ...
This piece was written 1796 and is his most popular mass setting. It was written after
the French Revolution, during the time that Austria had feared invasion from the
French. He wrote this piece in the mood that Austrian s were feeling at this time. It is
believed that this mass was written as an anti war sentiment since in 1796 the
Austrian government has issued a decree that no Austrian should speak of peace until
the enemy is driven back to its customary

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Example Of Argumentative Essay

  • 1. Example Of Argumentative Essay Writing an essay on the topic "Example of Argumentative Essay" can be challenging due to several reasons. First and foremost, it requires a deep understanding of what constitutes an argumentative essay and how to structure it effectively. This involves knowing how to formulate a clear thesis statement, provide strong evidence to support arguments, and counter opposing viewpoints. Additionally, finding relevant examples to support the arguments can be time-consuming and may require extensive research. It's crucial to ensure that the examples chosen are credible and effectively illustrate the points being made in the essay. Furthermore, crafting a compelling argumentative essay requires critical thinking and analytical skills. Writers need to carefully evaluate the evidence they present and anticipate potential counterarguments in order to strengthen their own position. Moreover, maintaining a coherent and logical flow throughout the essay is essential. This involves organizing the arguments in a structured manner and using transitions to guide the reader from one point to the next seamlessly. Overall, writing an essay on the topic "Example of Argumentative Essay" requires a combination of research, critical thinking, and effective writing skills to effectively convey a persuasive argument. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Example Of Argumentative Essay Example Of Argumentative Essay
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  • 4. Sherman Alexie s Connections Alexie s book connections Have you ever thought about what inspires an author to write their books and how it might connect to their own life ? Not all authors make books about their life experiences, they might just make some sections of the book about real events in their life. Sherman Alexie , the author of The Absolutely True Story of a Part Time Indian , writes about poverty , race , tradition and culture , friendship , hopes , plans , and dreams , and education in his book .In this research essay will explain and discuss more about his connections to his book and reality . Sherman discusses ,in an interview with Jesse Sposato in September of 2012 , his life connections with the book . Of course when Sherman spoke of undergoing
  • 5. Four Types Of Mayfly s Adaption Suction: the force that, by a pressure differential, attracts a substance or object to the region of lower pressure. Adaption 5 There are four different types of mayfly s: the swimmers, the clingers, the burrowers, and the crawlers. All of these different types of mayfly s have physical adaptations on their body to help them do the thing they were designed to do. This is an important adaptation because no matter if it s swimming, clinging, crawling, or burrowing, all mayflies depend on the thing they re good at to get food, hide, get away from predators, and thrive. The mayfly nymphs that depend on swimming to live have flat body s and strong legs spread out from each side. Having a flat body help s reduce the power of the stream and strong legs help push the mayfly forward when it swims. These adaptations allow swimming mayfly s to fight against the water s current and move freely even in the swiftest streams. Being fast in the water can also help these mayfly nymphs to escape from predators. Some mayfly nymph species that are good at swimming are Baetis, Acentrella, and Isonychia mayflies.... Show more content on ... At the end of each leg there is a claw that hooks onto the object that a mayfly is clinging to. The clinging mayfly s in faster currents have more thick and short claws, which strongly clamp on the submerged object they re hanging on. Other clinging mayflies like the genus Rhithrogena have adapted further to water conditions and have claws like suction cups. These claws and strong legs help mayfly s that cling to stay put in fast moving waters. Species of clinging mayfly nymphs include Epeorus, Stenonema, Stenacron, and Leucrocuta
  • 6. Personal Narrative On Marty All safety is illusion. A stranger stabs a man repeatedly in the face and neck as he rides the rush hour train to work, a man s parachute fails, an infant boy quietly dies in his sleep. This never ending parade, this supporting cast that comes and goes and on and on; this ceaseless, synchronous choir marching and singing solemnly in the echoing expanse of nothingness. It s 2:33 p.m. Central Standard Time: Minneapolis. Inside Old Chicago on First Avenue, I ve been enjoying an afternoon of Double Deckerroni pizza, two large mugs of beer and four shots of whiskey. Ethereal tides sway each bobbling bottle in the sea all around and together and apart or any which way. My cell phone rings. What re you up to, tonight? James s voice pulses ... Show more content on ... Marty had sandy blonde hair, perpetual scruff, an ever dazed look in his green eyes. Unlike James, nothing looked particularly Native American about Marty, other than his nose, I guess, and his innumerable addictions. The last time I d seen James or Marty was at The White Party thrown at the Fine Line downtown two years before. That night I recall that I d discreetly finished a fifth of Bombay Sapphire while I worked my shift at Chino Latino. After I d counted down my till, I decided to take the bus directly downtown rather than go home to Lana s sad eyes and her questions. The White Party: Everyone attending was supposed to wear, of course, only white, but I knew the theme, mostly, referred to whatever was laid out on the table and shoveled into our noses in discreetly dark barroom corners. I just needed a taste. I d been good long enough. I didn t give a fuck if I wore my black t shirt, black pants, black work boots contrarian Dakota, contemptible Dakota would probably slink into a corner to jerk off or fuck some strange girl before the night s
  • 7. The History of Tattoos Are tattoos, a permanent marking of the skin for many generations, indicating a rebel or a mischievous male in past generations a now a rising trend? Looking around today, it may seem as though everybody has at least some type of tattoo on their body, from a small butterfly, to a giant piece of artwork, well detailed and thought about thoroughly. It seems as though trends come and go, like a certain style of clothing, make up, or music type. But are tattoos one? Even though tattoos have recently became a trend within the most recent generations, throughout history, they have both affected the world positively and negatively because of disease, stereotypes, and creativity. At first, scientist thought the first tattoos appeared on Egyptians, but were they wrong? Given evidence, they found there had, in fact, been tattoos given long before the Egyptians. Dated back to two hundred B.C. researchers had found a mummified body, with markings along its thigh and legs, as well as on their arms. Prehistoric young girls were given these inked marks as a sign of their importance in the tribe they belonged to, as well as symbols of love and dedication to one said person. The tattoos that became more fancy and thought out were given to the higher ranked members of the tribe. Like the prehistoric tribes, Egyptians too, created tattoos on people of their city. But, unlike the prehistoric people, both males and females received these tattoos. At first young girls were given tattoos
  • 8. A Case Scenario Within A Correctional Facility The purpose of this paper is to present a case scenario within a correctional facility, define the housing population, including the number of pregnant females. The paper will give details as to the role of the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) and how the FNP will implement her fit into the facility. The State Board of Nursing for my state will be identified, and the Nurse Practice Act will be referenced as to their support of role implementation for the FNP and end with a conclusion. Scenario On 04/28/15 Jane Doe 23 year old rape victim was processed into the Jax Correctional Facility at 6 weeks pregnant. Information was revealed that she was on medication for an abortion completion, Jane Doe had taken two of the three pills prescribed; she would require the permission to continue her treatment while incarcerated to take the last pill in the regimen. Explained to patient all medications had to be verified and approved by the Family Nurse practitioner (FNP) prior to administration. FNP was informed of the patient s health status with a need to continue medication while incarcerated, the FNP chose not to participate with the administration of medication for the health condition of this patient. Type and clients Jax Correctional is a Pretrial Detention Facility that houses inmates until they are scheduled to go to trial, or has been sentenced for a year or less. At present time this facility is the third largest correctional facility in the state of Florida. The
  • 9. The Unbalanced Scale Between Men And Women The Unbalanced Scale between Men and Women Over an extensive period of time, the issue concerning gender has consistently occupy the media and the public mind. (Correll 20). It has established beliefs about the roles of men and women as a whole. A man is expected always to be strong, impervious to pain, and especially to emotional stress, dominant in the role of lord and master; a woman is expected to be docile, submissive, passive, fulfilled in the role of subordinate. (Fremon 129). It has been concluded for the longest time that women are the inferior gender, biologically, psychologically and socially. For many people, it is normal for women to be gender typed and never realize the prejudices underlying into it. They are judged with ... Show more content on ... Instead of supporting what her wife loves, he wished her to work out in the orchard and raise some apples. (Steinbeck). Women are expected to help their husbands before they aid to themselves. In addition, Elisa and her husband, Henry, don t have a child, which makes her feel less of a woman. People always think that women should be able to bear a child in order to fulfill the wifely duties. Because of that, Elisa s married life was like a closed pot, she felt trapped, underappreciated and frustrated because she felt like she couldn t do her part as a wife. (Steinbeck). Not only sexual satisfaction denied her but she felt herself branded a failure. (Fremon 129). Another contextual point that is being highlighted in the story is the encounter of Elisa and the pot mender. Elisa wished that women could do such thing, pertaining to the kind of life the pot mender has. The mender disagreed and told her that It ain t the right kind of a life of a woman and added that, It would be a lonely life for a woman... and a scarey life. (Steinbeck). The words coming from the pot mender indicates stereotypes about women. His ideals of women are the same as the society itself. He expected Elisa to be feminine and conjectured that women, like her, are weak to live a life that is dangerous and perilous. Despite the fact that both Henry and the pot mender showed indifference in Elisa s role as a
  • 10. Essay on China China The history of China is embeded with revolution and tension dating back to the feudal periods and the first unified Chinese empire under Qi Shi Huang Di in 221 B.C. The Confucianism ideology entrenched in the minds of the Chinese people with its conservative base and the need to achieve harmony in society has yet to be reached and most likely, never will. The proletariat is at the heart of the Marxist Maoist approach to politics and the basic way of life for the Chinese masses considering that ...roughly 85% of the population is based in peasantry... While Marxism, as implemented by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Nationalism have historically hindered the people of China; a growing need to conform to ... Show more content on ... The Chinese Communist Party was by no means a military power and it was unable to sustain itself and flourish in the Nationalist controlled cities. The Kuomintang, a nationalist party was set out to unify China under one central government. The KMT had in its possession adequate means to quash the idealistic CCP and did so on a number of occasions. Some of which led to rebellions such as the Long March led by Mao Tse tung. China, over history has experienced phases of both Nationalism and Sinocentrism, both of which can be damaging to a developing country attempting to compete economically in the global market. These ideas can relate back to the ancient religion of confucianism. Confucianism has been instramental in the shaping of China s leadership. Not only does it emphasize a rigid hierarchy kept in place by virtuous behavior. But it also holds that strict adherence to proper behavior actually leads to correct thinking. Accompanying Nationalism and Sinocentrism was rebellion and unrest. Twenty four historic dynasties followed a common pattern of development. At the beginning of a new dynasty, a period of national unity under virtuous and benevolent rule flourished and usually was accompanied by intellectual excitement. A
  • 11. Defining Goffman s Total Institution Essay To examine how far Lennox castle hospital was an example of what Goffman called a Total Institution I will first need to explore Goffman s definition of this, along with the four factors that he identified as characteristics of a Total institution I will then go on to discuss how these four factors fit with Lennox castle hospital and determine whether or not it fell into Goffman s model of a Total Institution. In order to discuss how Goffman s four factors fit with Lennox castle hospital I will first examine his definition. In 1961 Goffman stated that a total institution is a place of residence and work where a large number of like situated individuals, cut off from the wider society for an appreciable period of time, together ... Show more content on ... Binary management, when staff and residents are kept separate by two different sets of rules; staff member s felt superior to residents and maintain a social distance between them allowing staff to feel empowered. The inmate role, all residents are discouraged from keeping links to their former roles; they lose their personal identity and are given an identity that the institution has chosen for them. The institutional perspective in time a resident may come to accept their loss of self identity; everyday life revolves around the institution rather than centring on the people in it. (k101, Unit 7, p 107) and (Jones and Fowles,
  • 12. Nai-Ni Chen and Taiwanese-American Modern Dance NAI NI CHEN AND TAIWANESE AMERICAN MODERN DANCE Taiwan and America have always had strong relations since the early 1900s. However, during the Cold War, they became even closer allies. During this time, many famous American dancers such as Alvin Ailey, JosГ© LimГ іn and Paul Taylor visited Taiwan. They brought along the ideas of American style democracy embedded in the art form of modern dance, which also expressed individual freedom. In addition, the United States aid to Taiwan during the 1950s and 1960s helped Taiwan create the booming economy it enjoys today. In the 1970s, the growth of economic changes allowed for the numbers of professionals and intellectuals to grow. This caused the middle class to expand, and the Taiwanese people became interested in their culture, religion, and art, and how it was distinct from that of China. Modern dance and Western classical music in Taiwan reflected the push for modernization in society. The United States became the top training destination for young Taiwanese dancers. Especially in 1987, after martial law in Taiwan was lifted, many dancers began setting up their own troupes. One of the most famous American trained Taiwanese dancers would be Lin Hwai min, who later returned to Taiwan and in 1973 founded the world acclaimed Cloud Gate Dance Theater of Taiwan. However, this paper will be focusing on a lesser known Taiwanese American modern dancer: Nai Ni Chen. Chen is currently a successful modern dancer in Fort Lee, New
  • 13. Character Analysis Of The Storyteller By Antonia Michaelis The book I choose to read was The Storyteller by Antonia Michaelis. Anna is a girl who likes to dream and was quite an innocent child despite being in highschool realty hasn t hit her yet, that was until she meet Abel also known as the polish peddler. He is a drug dealer and that was who Anna soon came to love. Throughout this novel there is chaos and love. The main characters who went through the most character development was Anna becoming strong, Abel becoming unstable, and Micha losing her innocence. Anna is an innocent teenager. She is able to block out all of the bad and focus on what matters to her. Even if her best friends do drugs and aren t the best of people she was still able to dream big and stay out of trouble. Anna stayed outside. She felt stupid. She wanted to think about the old sled with the red stripe, but instead she thought soap bubble. I live in a soap bubble. The whole school knows things I don t. But maybe I don t want to know them. (Michalis 7) As the story progressed she began to change. She meet the Abel also known as the polish peddler. Abel is the definition of a bad guy and with that Anna began to change. Instead of dreaming for herself she wanted her polish peddler to have a better life. He is the bad boy for a reason but that doesn t mean he is when he gets home. Anna realizes that he has a little sister named Micha. Anna begins to see things that she shouldn t have and learns new scary facts. While at the same time she is
  • 14. Compare and Contrast Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Essay Compare and Contrast Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Human beings have always been curious about the meaning and purpose of life. Religions try to answer the curiosity people have about there being a higher source, typically identifying this greater domination as God. Some beliefs teach that there is only one G d this is defined as a monotheistic religion. Some examples of monotheistic religions are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Although each sect has a different perspective on teachings and beliefs they have one common thread; the belief in a singular deity. Each religion has a different perspective but most important is where the religions generated from. Major religions started in various parts of the world. Judaism,... Show more content on ... Christianity is broke in to three divisions Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. In 1054 a major break in Christianity took place, giving birth too two major sects. The major sects were called Catholic and Orthodox. In the 16 century another split became, and that sect was called Protestant. The issue of religious authority continues to be a fundamental difference and perspective between the sects of Christianity. For example, the Pope was not acknowledged by the Orthodox as a worldwide supremacy. Comparison is the Catholic s religious structure cored around the Pope. Thus Christianity has multiple sects and is far more complex. Christianity has numerous sects; in comparison, Islam has only two major branches. The main sects of Islam are Sunni and Shi a. The partition between these two sects is the disagreement over authority. For example Sunni believes authority is political. On the other hand, Shi a believes authority is political and religion. Another major disagreement between the Shi a and Sunni was over the idea of salvation. The Islamic community, it was believed, would only win G d s mercy on the Day of Judgment if the community as a whole lived according to G d s law.(66) The discrepancies with the main ideas cause the split in Islam as we see it today. Each religion has a different way in obtaining salvation. Jewish and Christian community, the Islamic community has different views on salvation as well as beliefs. It is
  • 15. To Kill A Mockingbird Essay Thesis The story took place in the 1930 s in a town called Maycomb, Alabama. The story is told to us by a young child in her perspective. It was during the time where racism was a big part of the word still. The story told by the child during a trail of an African American facing charges of rape of a white women. The child name is scout and her father Atticus given the trial to defend the African Americanname Tom Robison, but Atticus already knew how the outcome of the trial was going to be. Atticus raised his children Scout and Jem in a very different way from many different white folks raised their own. Jem and Scout get to see a different perspective of the world from their father Atticus and there black cook Calpurnia. Jem and Scout did not have a mother figure so Calpurnia took the role of being the mother figure by giving her life lesson to Scout and Jem. Jem and Scout to see the world how it is instead of seeing the black and white like most people. Atticus try s to be honest with his children and does his best to explain things to his children that would make his children understand the situation. As a reader we see that Atticus try s to do good for the community for the whites and blacks. He want his children to believe that tolerance of people and for the word of the bible, but to accept and forgive as well of other people way of thinking. Throughout the story we are introduce to Atticus which takes upon a trial that he was no favor of. He did not want to take the
  • 16. Cross-Class Mobility British Empire He spoke to me about you; and said you were more like a gentleman than a servant; now, I am plain dressed, and I have got the place. For The British in the eighteenth century, the ideas of identity and class were united and informed each other. Moreover the growth of the empire caused these ideas to be challenged and allowed for the appearance of cross class mobility. For in the common Briton, the empire created an interesting opportunity for mobility that was both social and spatial. The empire provided citizens reasons to travel such as commercial opportunities, patriotic duty with the military, and employment. Historians extensively explored imperial mobility through the upper middle class, aristocracy, and gentry. The lower and remaining middle class had opportunities to become part of the mobile empire as well; although they left fewer sources. Yet the lower classes wrote travel... Show more content on ... The interactions between the two are seen in the author s perspective with the ideas, cultures, and reflections of the various locations and how the author s identity evolves as a result. This builds on the works of David Armitage, Linda Colley, Emma Rothschild, and Maya Jasanoff, who attempt to bridge the historiography of British Empire and nation, creating one field. As Rothschild and Jasanoff demonstrate, personal accounts reveal different perspectives of empire that of the contemporary people, of which I wish to contribute. Additionally my project builds upon historiography that endeavors to link the empire globally rather by metropole or periphery. Other historians link these concepts together through their analysis of the East India Company and its relationship to Britain. These approaches allow for my project to look at the lower classes through larger perspectives that make their mobility a global concept through a personal
  • 17. Demographics Of Aging Workers The demographics of the workforce is changing, and companies are scrambling for a succession plan for an aging workforce with vast amounts of knowledge and experience. According to HR professionals, older workers are more professional, more productive with stronger work ethics, reliable, and loyal than their younger counterparts (Coombs, 2018). In my experience, I have worked with every generational group except the Nexters. It may be true that older workers such as the Silent Generation, and Baby Boomers have all the qualities like being more professional, more productive with strong work ethics, reliability, and loyalty, they did not mention the descriptions that stand out most to me from my experience, and those are greed and
  • 18. Essay on Use of DBCP and Relation to Infertility Use of DBCP and relation to infertility Dow produced DBCP (1,2 dibromo 3 chloropropane), a soil fumigant, and nematicide, which was sold under the names the Nemagon and Fumazone until the late 1970s. US banned DBCP in 1979 after it was linked to human sterility in California. But, Dow and three other companies continued producing the hazardous pesticide DBCP for years after it was banned and exported it to developing countries. Animal testing had revealed that the product caused male sterility in rats and the companies knew about it at least since the 1960s, but concealed this information. They also neglected to report the related findings of reduced sperm and atrophied testicles of rabbits and monkeys in the information submitted for ... Show more content on ... The company, however, continued to market Dursban in developing countries, including India and claimed it was safe for humans and pets. In 2003, Dow agreed to pay $2 million the largest penalty ever in a pesticide case to the state of New York, in response to a lawsuit filed by the Attorney General to end Dow s illegal advertising of Dursban as safe . Acquisition of Union Carbide The Bhopal Disaster of 1984 was the worst industrial disaster in the history of the world. It was caused by the accidental release of methyl isocyanate (MIC) from a Union Carbide India, Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant located in the heart of the city of Bhopal. UCIL was a joint venture between Union Carbide and a public/private consortium of Indian investors. The MIC leak killed thousands outright and injured anywhere from 150,000 to 600,000 others, at least 15,000 of whom died later from their injuries. The contamination due to the leak is still active and no cleanup has been done till now. Despite the involvement of Union Carbide in a criminal case in India, location of the plant in the heart of the city and the disaster site still not cleaned up, Dow bought Union Carbide in 2001. The transfer of ownership led to complicating the issue of cleaning up the plant and its environs of hundreds of tonnes of toxic waste, which has been left untouched. Environmentalists have warned that the waste is a potential minefield in the heart of the city, and
  • 19. The Community s Fallacy In Daisy Miller By Henry James THE COMMUNITY S JUDGMENTS Logical fallacies are the common definitions which are used not only in our normal communication but also applied in many commercials, movies and stories. Basically, one of the most common fallacies, named Bandwagon, is usually seen in a lot of stories. Bandwagon fallacy, which is also named as a groupthink, a peer pressure or a common opinion, is defined as an action or a thinking that is right to do. The reason is because this opinion is popular, supported by the group; or you will be accepted if you do it. Consequently, it is easy to see that in Daisy Miller (Henry James), most of the characters behaviors are determined by this fallacy. Moreover, it seems that only Daisy Miller has to resist ... Show more content on ... Consequently, in Daisy Miller , it is clear to see that the author, Henry James, uses the Bandwagon fallacy for helping readers to realize easily all of the arguments along the story. It is also easy to indicate that just because Daisy Miller insists on her American independence which is not accepted in Europe, she has to pay a heavy price: her death. Furthermore, in this story, the Bandwagon fallacy is used for setting off the morality of European people who judge or be judged based on their sociality s common opinion at that time. Therefore, this fallacy means if people can get along with the common sense of the sociality where they re living, they will be accepted; but if not, they will be eliminated although they think that they do a right
  • 20. Ian Mcewan s Use Of Symbolism In Atonement In the novel Atonement, every character elicits either a positive or negative response from the reader. Ian McEwan s character Robbie Turner typically elicits more of a positive and sympathetic response because people pitied him for his tragic experiences. He never actually did anything harmful to anyone else, despite what had been said; therefore, the readers always had faith that Robbie would somehow be happy again. McEwan created Robbie with a strong personality that allowed him to have hope and still love Cecilia, despite being unfairly accused and imprisoned for someone else s actions. His experiences and outlook on life and love can be easily compared to Jesus, which can contribute to the theme because both men overcame their trials.... Show more content on ... In the book, he had liberal, essentially Christian, politics. Robbie could easily be compared to a Christ like figure. He was metaphorically crucified and cast out when the accusations were said, like Jesus. The Dunkirk beach scene is definitely not irrelevant in any sense of the word. This is essentially the Passion of Robbie. Clearly he cannot have a pierced side or Crown of Thorns like Jesus, but he does rise from the dead in the penultimate scene. McEwan used the biblical symbolism to show how Robbie, like Jesus, was a victim of others
  • 21. Drugs And Drug Abuse As we all know drugs are given to you by a doctor for a specific purpose, either to cure an illness or treat an ongoing disease. Otherwise taking prescription drugs can be dangerous for your body and overall physical health. To go with this they can be very addictive if someone starts to take them for recreational purposes. Just as hard drugs can take control of someone s life, so can prescribed drugs if is it not a monitored situation. Anyone who starts to abuse hard drugs such as Crack or Heroin can run into serious health issues. They are addicting and dangerous substances which can cause major long term damage, sometimes the damage in irreversible if the situation has gone to far. Substances that your body does not want are being injected directly into your bloodstream, not only is the risk of illness phenomenally high but there is potential that any dose could be your last. Over 50,000 Americans overdosed on drugs in 2016, showing that fatal accidents are not a rare occurrence when it comes to substance abuse. There are many reasons as to why the victim may have died from shooting up. The batch that was supplied to them may have been bad, not having the correct balance of ingredients. The victim may have put too much into his blood stream, causing a fatal reaction to the dosage. Or they may just have done it for the first time and had a bad reaction to what they put in their body. Drugs are lethal substances and should not be taken lightly, whether you are buying them
  • 22. Short Story Of Creative Writing The University of Melbourne stood behind us as the lights flickered my eyes. The class of 1995 was standing together reminiscing of the past and enjoying each other s presence. One. Two Three. Smile, Dean yelled, taking our picture. I couldn t believe twenty two years could go by that quickly. I still remembered some of the faces that walked by me and memories that created here. One more picture. Smile! One. Two, Dean stopped counting. The floor started to shake and buildings toppled. Some people hit by cars, as they attempted to run. I ran to the nearest building and some of the classmates followed. I closed the door, looked out the window, and dread hit my face. Trees laid on the roads and powerlines plunged onto homes and ... Show more content on ... I showed them all the tools and equipment I collected during the past years and told them I was a chemical engineer and could develop synthetic objects or chemical solutions that could be used. We all then headed our ways to see what we could do. The sun began to set and the stars shined the night sky. I began to head back to the house and about 25 yards away was Justin. Bang! The sound came from behind the trees in the forest and I stood there frozen. A middle age man started to walk towards us with his gun pointed at Justin. We could see some people far off in the distance with guns pointed out, too. If you run, we will shoot! the man cautioned. Justin and I looked at each other, frightened, and I sprinted at the house. Bang! Bang! Gabe didn t know what the sound was an looked at me with uncertainty. I told him, with my voice cracking, There are bandits out there with guns! They will kill us! I built a gun while you were in your garage. Let me go get it! Gabe exclaimed. He ran out to the other garage, with caution as the bandits frantically tried to get over the gate. I suddenly remembered that Justin was suppose to run towards the house with me. I looked around the house frantically screaming his name. Gabe ran back to the house and I told him what happened, Justin was suppose to run back to the house with me and now I don t know where he is! Gabe screamed and ran out to the bandits pointing his gun at them and started to shoot. The
  • 23. Compare And Contrast And Chestnet Courts typically break the reasonable manner component down into the actions or lack of actions that were performed by the individual or individuals representing the store during the detention. Actions that are deemed reasonable in the eyes are the court are escorting, asking the individual to stop and reenter store, asking for a receipt, or asking for the individual in question to demonstrate some sort of proof that effect they were not stealing. In Chestnet, the store requested she return, escorted her to an office inside the store, and voluntarily emptied her purse reveling the stolen item. (cite) Similarly, Bowman reflected reasonable detention performance: security managed to halt them, ask for their receipt, led the individuals back into the Customer Service office, and ask the individuals in question to proved a receipt for the stolen merchandise. (cite) Both cases demonstrate a form of reasonable manner, that a store most perform in order to gain protection from the shopkeeper exception act.
  • 24. Whittlesey Bay Ground Water Flow Analysis Lenz, ( 2003 ) studied the Ground Water Flow and Rainfall Runoff with Emphasis on the Effects of Land Cover, Whittlesey Creek, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, 1999 2001 using SWAT model. The effects of land cover on flooding and base flow characteristics of Whittlesey Creek, Bayfield County, Wis were examined in a study that involved ground water flow and rainfall runoff modeling. Field data were collected during 1999 2001. Potentiometric surface altitudes and stratigraphic descriptions were provided by well logs. Geological data, soil parameters, hydrography, altitude, and land cover data were compiled into a geographic information system (GIS) and used in two ground water flow models (GFLOW and MODFLOW) and a rainfall runoff model (SWAT). A base flow of 17 18 cubic feet per second is produced in a deep ground water system which intersects Whittlesey Creek near the confluence with the North Fork.... Show more content on ... Permeable sands in the center of the Bayfield Peninsula to the northwest of the surface water contributing basin is responsible for the base flow in Whittlesey Creek. Based on simulations, model wide changes in recharge caused a proportional change in simulated baseflow for Whittlesey Creek. About 2 11 percent of change in baseflow to Whittlesey Creek occurs by changing the simulated amount of recharge by 25 to 50 percent in only the ground water contributing area. Flood peaks (based on daily mean flows on peak flow days) could be affected due to simulated changes in land cover within the Whittlesey Creek. Surface water contributing basin would have minimal effects on base flow and average annual runoff due to above changes. Reduction in flood peaks of about 12 14 percent is observed by changing the basin land cover to a reforested
  • 25. What Is Metaphors Used In The Gothic Novel These dark overtones and internal tensions laid the foundation perfectly for the development of the gothic novel. The fear of the unknown are represented in Radcliffe s gothic novel as the mystery surrounding the fates of other women. Once Emily has found out the truth about the other women, then she is freed of her fears and is able to cope with them. In a very real way she has made the transition to confidence in herself and her own future. This particular brand of gothic novel seems to be an encouragement to women and reassures them. Metaphors and Simile have been a part of the human experience since man began comparing and contrasting things to one another. Used by poets and novelists alike to express comparisons, these elements are extremely useful to the writer. Radcliffe manages to use metaphors to continue and round out the overall tone of the novel. This, too, is evident in the Vol. 2, ch. 5 example. As the landscape changes, she is evoking an implied metaphor stating that experience is constantly changing and that sometimes, if one is lucky, one will suddenly hit upon an inner truthor two, which comes as a result of the constant changing. Interestingly enough, Radcliffe also employs very Romantic Era techniques of utilizing nature to illustrate some of these truths, both inner and outer. In the Vol. 2, ch. 5 piece, the landscape is described in detail. If Classical styles were seen as being typically calm, harmonious, balanced, structured, and rational, then
  • 26. Progressive Prank Protection Commercial Examples The two ads I chose were the Nationwide Baby commercial and the Progressive prank protection commercial. I chose these ads because they show a practical product, that most people use, in an funny and unrelated way. The nationwide ad shows a man taking care of a baby as if it is a car. This commercial is used to promote car insurance. The progressive ad shows agents Flo and Jamie sneaking around in the night pulling off their own version of pranks: fixing mailboxes, replacing windows, and leaving paper bags with money on doorsteps. This commercial is used to promote home insurance. Nationwide and Progressive are two well known insurance companies. The first ad I will talk about is the Nationwide Baby ad. The ad starts off with a man washing his baby in his driveway the same way one would wash a car (Nationwide). The ad goes on to show car related situations with a baby like running into a fire hydrant, car repair shop, and in a grocery store parking lot. The ad shows how Nationwide will protect what s precious to you by making it precious to them. Therefore, just like a baby is precious and people will do anything to protect their baby, ... Show more content on ... People who own cars would likely watch this ad because they may want to change insurance companies or to confirm their decision in getting Nationwide. People who may be thinking about changing their insurance may watch this ad and see a company that really value other peoples possessions and work with them. This concept can be very persuasive in attracting people who are looking for a new insurance company. Therefore, if a person is looking for an insurance company that has good service and truly cares, then the Nationwide Baby ad would be a good start of them choosing a new insurance company. For people who already are Nationwide customers can be assured that they are a part of a caring company
  • 27. Women Play A Special Role I believe that women play a special role in religious life . Firstly, the dictionary definition of a role is the function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation . So a special role in the context of the question is an important part played by women in religious life. This is very true in relation to Christianityand Judaism. In Christianity I will look at important women saints in the religion and the leadership roles that women can play in the church. In Judaism I will look at the importance of women in the faith and the special roles they play in the home and the synagogue and Rosh Chodesh.Important figures like saints play a special role in religious life because they often give an image of what people should and should not do and give a guideline on how to be like them in Christianity. A very important woman in Christianity is Mary. She is the mother of Christ and she is unique as she was chosen by God to look after Jesus because she was free of original sin (the tendency to evil supposedly innate in all human beings, held to be inherited from Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, online definition). Mary can be called Saint Mary , The Virgin Mary and The Blessed Virgin Mary which shows her reverence in Christianity. This has made Mary a role model for many Christians as they aspire to live without sin and please God as she did. Another key woman in Christianity is Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalene is mentioned in the
  • 28. Negative Effects Of Kendarrious Per Reporter: Robert has full custody of Kendarrious; Makeva (Kendarrious mother) rights were terminated. Robert uses drugs (ice marijuana) around Kendarrious. The ice is kept in the refrigerator and the marijuana in a jar in the closet. The intent is to sell the drugs; the drugs have been sold around Kendarious. Recently, Robert blamed Kendarrious for missing marijuana. According to Robert, Kendarrious sold the drugs at school. There are people in and out of the home. Management has been informed about the scent of drug use entering the neighbor s (unknown) home through the vent in the bathroom. Kendarrious have not been physically harmed due to Robert being under the influence; however, Robert does verbal abuse him. Robert calls Kendarrious
  • 29. The Cold War Was A Conflict Between Ideologies And Races... After the World War II, the world was moving to new period economically, and politically. Atomic and nuclear weapons and technologies such as a satellite were also developed. At that time, there were two superpowers, the United States and The Soviet Union in the world. During the World War II, they were on the same side, but the Soviet Union s development of communist society and weapons gradually made the United States anxieties about loss of their position as the most powerful state in the world. Then, the Cold Warwas happened. This essay will explain that the Cold War meant a conflict between ideologies and races between the United States and the Soviet Union with involving many other countries, and also argue that the war brought several impacts on diplomatic relations, creation of treaties and many countries politics. Firstly, this essay will state that the Cold War was an ideological conflict between two superpowers. Secondly, it will argue that the war was an arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union. Thirdly, it will also argue that the war was a space race between those two superpowers. Fourthly, it will explain that the war, however, was worldwide. Then, it will state that many treaties were concluded between countries during the war. It will also explain that the cold war made confused China the United States relations. Finally, it will argue that the war made several political change in the world. The Cold War had several characteristics to
  • 30. Pestel Eden PESTEL analysis Motivation of method It is of great importance to make an analysis of the environment in which an organisation operates in order to develop and implement a suitable, successful strategy for the company. According to Johnson, Scholes and Whittington (2008) the business environment of a company is an important issue determining its survival and success. There are several layers of this business environment the macro environment, the industry or sector layer, the layer with competitors and markets. A focus has been given on macro level, the highest level layer, especially on one of its factors: the PESTEL analysis. Johnson, Scholes and Whittington (2008) state that the PESTEL framework is of crucial importance to ... Show more content on ... England will gain a lot of (international) attention and the amount of tourist will increase. The East of England Development Agency conducted a research and has forecasted a gross profit revenue that could exceed ВЈ600 million to the English economy. (Eeda, 2006) Further more, the Eden Project is positioned in Cornwall, South West England. Cornwall is one of the poorest areas in England with the lowest per capital contribution to the national economy. (Conrwall) The operating of the Eden Project will be influenced by this fact because the people from Cornwall will both, not visit the Eden Project, or spend less money at the Eden Project. Related to this influence is also the high entrance fee of Eden compared to other visitors attractions. (Thisisdeveon, 2010) While the population of this area has already less money to spend, high entrance fee will not contribute to attract more visitors and stay profitable and sustainable in the long term. Another economical factor which is able to influence the operational activities of the Eden Project is the unemployment rates in England. The unemployment rates in England are increasing. A survey conducted by Recruitment and Employment Confederation suggest a continued weakening in the UK jobs market. (, 2010) As shown in the graph on the next page, the unemployment rate currently stands at
  • 31. The Taum Sauk Upper Reservoir Failure Occurred On December The Taum Sauk Upper Reservoir Failure occurred on December 14, 2005, ironically on the same day the annual drill between Ameren and local emergency personnel was scheduled to be held. This failure released 1.5 billion gallons of water down Profitt Mountain and into Johnson Shut Ins State Park. This was an emergency event that impacted one family s home, and three vehicles traveling on Route N. The reservoir failure is classified as a man made event as it was caused by a failure of the over pumping protective systems which includes pressure transducers that monitor the water level within the upper reservoir and report the status of the water level to a remote monitoring center. This created a cascading series of man made natural events in ... Show more content on ... And it involves interaction with familiar faces, tasks, procedures, and organizations. (Auf der Heide, Erik. 1989) An emergency is generally personal in nature. A disaster is an event associated with the impact of a natural hazard, which leads to increased mortality, illness and/or injury, and destroys or disrupts livelihoods, affecting the people or an area such that they (and/or outsiders) perceive it as being exceptional and requiring external assistance for recovery (Cannon 1994, 29, fn.2). Finally, a catastrophe can be viewed as ...any disaster that overwhelms the ability of state, local, and volunteer agencies to adequately provide victims with such life sustaining mass care services as food, shelter, and medical assistance within the first 12 to 24 hours. (GAO, Disaster Management, 1993, p. 3). The Emergency Management Cycle The four phases of the emergency management cycle are Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery. Mitigation is the process of reducing the occurrence, minimizing impact of the event, and preventing an event from occurring. Mitigation steps can happen before and after an event. Preparedness is the ability to handle the event. This includes planning and preparations to help in response and rescue operations. Evacuation plans and stocking up on food, water, medicine, and pet supplies are examples of
  • 32. Women s Work Setting Environment Women around the world have not been treated equally in a work setting environment. In some places women aren t even allowed to work, but in our nation the United States of America this is not our scenario. The scenario in the United States of America is that women are allowed to work, but unfortunately women are not being treated the same manner in which a man is treated in a work setting. Women go through a lot of obstacles in a workplace, this should not be happening at this time in date. We as a society tend to say we have grown and prosper and that this is the land of opportunity, but how can such a statement be said if women are not given the same opportunity as men are. In a work setting women tend to be paid much less the man is paid for doing the same exact job. Then because women are paid less its affects them in their daily life. Women also face the difficulties of not being promoted as often as men are in a work setting. After facing such difficulties in a work setting they still have issues of sexual harassmentto deal with. Then, if women choose to become pregnant, they have another difficulty to face. Overall the worst obstacle and what I feel is the one that starts all of this is the challenge of women being hired for a job. The only reason why women are not treated the same is a simple observation if a person is maleor female makes all the difference in a work setting.
  • 33. Predictably Irrational By Dan Ariely I have always been fascinated by the inner workings of the mind. Why we act the way we do in certain situations and why we act irrationally. Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely attempts to explore and answer these questions. He covers irrationality from a variety of topics such as human relationships and market dynamics, but the implications are valid in any field that requires decision making. Two topics that Ariely covers in the book are: the zero price effect and the endowment effect. With each of these topics, Ariely challenges the reader to rethink their current decision making process and to step outside the irrational mind of the consumer. Dan Ariely states: Although a feeling of awe at the capability of humans is clearly justified, ... Show more content on ... From the consumer s perspective, though, there is a huge difference between cheap and free. Give a product away and it can go viral. Charge a single cent for it and you re in an entirely different business, one of clawing and scratching for every customer. The psychology of free is powerful indeed, as any marketer will tell you (Anderson, 2008). Ariely is aware of the power of free and offers suggestions to policy makers. For example, governments attempt to persuade the population to receive regular health checks; in some cases running large advertising campaigns and reducing the price of the health check. Ariely suggests that instead of spending money on campaigns around creating awareness, put the money towards making the health check free (Ariely, 2008). While this may not apply to a country with free health care, the same general takeaway is still relevant: free is an emotional button that can change a rational consumer into an irrational
  • 34. The Importance Of The Past In The Dew Breaker The past is so vital to the characters of Danticat s novel The Dew Breaker because despite most of the trauma the characters have undergone in the past, they must keep living with it and tell their story. One piece of symbolism that is persistent between every chapter are the scars that every character has. Scars have been a central image of this novel both literally and metaphorically. Each character has their unique scars that they must carry with them. The story, in the end, talks about how the scars of the pastare the scars of the future. Every scar is a symbol of the characters painful history that they had to overcome, and now they must carry their past with themselves forever. The scars of the past define precisely the importance of the past for every individual character. The past is a part of all people at all moment. Past scars lie over all of the characters in this novel. A character like Ka s father is once corrupted by partaking in a violent, dictatorial regime. A character like Beatrice is haunted by the horrors that impose on her in the past. The past is inescapable because it is a core part of a person that it largely dictates the reasoning behind their actions in presentsituations. The past is something which haunts each of the characters in the novel for different reasons. It left a scar on them that they must forever live with. The past haunts ka s father as a dew breaker under the authority of a Haitian Dictator. My father never liked
  • 35. The Background And Organizational Framework Of Berkshire... ORGANIZATIONAL DIVERSITY OR LACK THEREOF Berhshire Hathaway is owned by one of the richest men in America. Berkshire Hathaway is a holding company that owns many different companies. According to Reuter (2015), Berkshire Hathaway is made up of companies that if they were independent, nine of them would be among the Fortune 500. So, it is hard to believe that this company is the worst company on diversity efforts as of 2013! This paper will describe and examine the following: the background and organizational framework of Berkshire Hathaway, types of diversity, lack of commitment to diversity, the company s reputation around diversity issues, policies, procedures, and practices in place, and how this company could improve. Background... Show more content on ... Some of the individual companies owned by Berkshire Hathaway are very diverse companies with good diversity practices in place. However, it seems to be a different story with the parent company itself. According to Marketline (2015), Berkshire Hathaway has six women in key positions. This could be a sign that Berkshire Hathaway is trying to add more diversity to its ranks. Only time will tell if this trend will stick for Berkshire Hathaway. Types of Diversity and the Role Each Plays in the Culture of the Organization There are several types of diversity that are in the workplace and each plays a role in the culture of the organization. According to Cal Poly Pomona (2015), the types of diversity in the workplace can be age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, and capabilities / disabilities. Diversity is a good thing to see in a workplace because it brings different perspectives and ideas to the table. Seeing people of varying ages in the workplace is refreshing because it shows longevity and a respect for knowledge. People are healthier and working longer than ever before collectively. There are people who retire than get another job, retire from that job, and then get a part time job. Therefore, we will continue to see an aging workforce for some time to come and this is good news for the workplace. It is good to have a mix of genders in the
  • 36. Representation Of Atlanta Atlanta is an FX original series created and starring, actor, comedian, and musician, Donald Glover (stage name: Childish Gambino). The series follows the lives of Earnest Marks (Donald Glover) and his cousin Alfred Paper Boi Miles played by Brian Tyree Henry, as they navigate through daily life in Atlanta Georgia. After dropping out of Princeton University Earnest (Earn) finds himself back in Atlanta, homeless, working at the airport on commission selling cell phone services. With no money and no home, he goes to his cousin Alfred who has found success with his newly released single, and asks to manage him. Earn who had a failed attempt at being a rapper still sees the potential in the music industry to provide for himself and his daughter. Within the first minute of the pilot episode you are introduced to World Star Hip Hop and some common media representations of African Americanmen, in the form of hyper masculinity and violence, appropriately titling this episode The Big Bang. Donald Glover along with the other writers and producers of Atlanta proves the views with an authentic look into the daily challenges of being black in this country. The show creates a dialogue that examines the intersection of topics such as police brutality, mental health, and transphobic in relation to the systemic racism and violence experienced by black America. This review will examine the representation of blackness on Atlanta, and how the representations of African Americans continue
  • 37. Arctic Oil Drilling Gas prices are increasing roughly every month or so as a result of the scarcity of oil. Some people just shrug the price increase off and cope with it, but the economic effect is far greater than it first appears. As the price of oil increases, so does the price of all other products that are transported. There is, however, an opportunity for the United States to increase the supply of available crude oil by drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The idea of drilling in the Arctic has been controversial and to the present day is still being debated. The United States need to determine whether drilling in the Arctic will be a worthwhile consideration, or if there are not sufficient benefits to counteract the harmful... Show more content on ... (Dickinson) Even with advanced technology at our fingertips, there is the potential for errors which could lead to oil spills. If a spill occurred in this region, the effects could be detrimental to the ocean. Oil and gas industries have plenty of experience and history of preventing oil spills, but they have little experience in containing and cleaning up oil spills ( Oil ). With the possibility of polluting the water, the plan for Arctic drilling loses the votes of all environmentalists, a group that is not to be trifled with. If authorization to drill in this region relied upon the approval of the environmentalists, it could be nearly impossible because of their strong lobbying power. The drilling is also viewed as a diversion to the country s real dilemma, which is its disproportionately high rate of oil use. Americans guzzle up over twenty five percent of the world s total oil consumption. The United States should be working on making vehicles more fuel efficient so that a gallon of oil goes a long way rather than sucking the earth dry of all its oil. This fact, by itself, is seen as a more pertinent problem on which the country should focus instead of increasing available production. Another reason against the drilling in the Arctic region is that, even if the drilling is approved, there may not be as large yield as expected. All the statistics about how much
  • 38. Standing On The Rooftop Of A Building Standing on the rooftop of a building in a city can give you the feeling that you can view the whole world from where you stand. Worldviews differ for every individual, shaped by their values, biases, prejudices, loves, commitments, and fears as mine is. Developed through experience worldviews shift, as I expect mine will many times. A large component of your worldviews are the values you hold, something that event affect other things that shape your worldview. Over the past 8 ВЅ months my world viewhas changed similarly to our Earth s rotation, we do not feel it but we know it is happening and given time we can see of the stages that occurred. A value is a person s judgement on what is important in life and is what priorities are within... Show more content on ... I feel this is the case for many people and is a human condition that can be suppressed if a person realizes the bias has developed into a negative prejudice. Prejudices are rooted in a person s sense of justice, which is most likely why I have a prejudice against negative and unkind people. Because I have such a strong value of kindness I have developed a slight prejudice towards those who do not share this value though I try my best to not act upon this prejudice. The contrasting aspect of the prejudices contained in my worldview are my loves. What a person loves is such a broad subject it can mean anything from a person to a meal to a color. Some of my loves include my family, friends, food, my cat, myself, and hope that can be found when you least expect it. Each one of these things are large parts of my life that have influenced my life in a positive way and this positive influence is most likely why I have come to love them so much. Of course I love other things like books I have read like: Harry Potter, Les Miserables, and Stephen Hawking s Brief History. Or shows I watch like: Supernatural, Sherlock, Criminal Minds, and Merlin. Or even my sweatpants, the color blue, and my soccer cleats. But all of these things have a lesser impact on my life even though I love them. In this way a person s loves shape their core values and yet are also shaped by those values. Based on your love you can begin to
  • 39. Color Descriptive Writing The day before color entered my life I stand on the edge of a dark brown wooden dock.I can sense that the tips of my black vans are hanging over the edge. I feel my auburn hair blow wildly in the wind .My mind is completely blank. This is how I have started every morning since I could remember. It helps me collect my thoughts and prepare for the day ahead. When you live in a town as perfect as grayville you need these moments where you are free. Just as I feel myself start to be at one with the wind, reality stands in the way. Shayli you need to leave for school my dad yells at an inhumane volume.My family is very loud, a trait I didn t inherit. I cinched my black satin scarf tighter and start to amble back toward the house. It is ... Show more content on ... I race in my room in a frenzy. I throw on a pair of black skinny jeans, a t shirt with the band the 1975 on it and my favorite pair of flowery Doc Martians. * On the drive to school I can t count how many traffic laws I broke. It s irrelevant though.In this town I wouldn t get in trouble. I m the town golden girl, plus they don t want to put me through any more stress. I park my car in the senior parking lot and head. I glance at the time in my phone before throwing it in my bag.I am a whole 4 minutes and 23 seconds late. I Sprint through the school office doors strait to the attendance clerks desk. Ms. Slade your late says the aging man in a questioning voice. I am so sorry, can you write me a note I say in my best sincere voice. Yes..yes of course the aging attendance clerk said. This is how it always goes. Ever since my mom died everyone treats me like I m a fragile thing that can shatter at any moment.They dance around me pretending things are fine. I m not sure if it makes me want to be strong and prove them wrong, or lose it like they expect. This town is a sickness in itself. There motto should be It doesn t matter of you have a fucked up life, smile and wave to your neighbor like nothing is
  • 40. Analysis of Two of the Best Williams Shakespeare s Work Known as the leader in classical poetry and drama, English writer William Shakespeare, captures the passion and emotions that the romance and depths of the human heart experiences in life. This is especially shown in his vast collection of sonnets which exemplified the carpe diem ideology of the period, and the love that one can have for another. Two of the most famous of Shakespeare s works, Sonnet55 [Not Marble, nor the gilded monuments] and sonnet 116 [Let me not to the marriage of true minds], are no exception to this theme in poetry. Both of these sonnets exemplify the love that the narrator has for a mistress in his life, and how he defines his love for them. Throughout both poems, Shakespeare conveys his purpose through the... Show more content on ... By using this subtle form of metonymy, the idea of immortalization is achieved by the poet as he conveys his theme. Other forms of poetic devices are also used throughout the poem, such as alliteration and assonance. Alliteration is first seen in Sonnet 55 with the M sound in marble and monuments and the p in princes and powerful. Assonance is also seen early in the poem with the I in shine and bright, this is the only occurrence of this poetic device in Sonnet 55. However, alliteration is seen several more times in lines 5 6 with the triple w sound in when wasteful war and the double s sound in shall statues. The p sound of pace and praise is also an example of alliteration within this poem. Another literary element used in the internal rhyme of Mars and wars in line seven. By using alliteration and assonance in this poem, Shakespeare creates a soft but sincere tone for the piece. Sonnet 116 also has several different forms of poetic devices. Throughout the poem the theme of love is conveyed through diction and the use of metonymy by repeating several different words in order to illustrate the strength of emotion the poet feels for the issue.
  • 41. Essay about Gulliver in Gulliver s Travels A Simple Life The novel, Gulliver s Travels, is just that, a novel about the main character, Gulliver who goes on many journeys. The part of this book that brings out the reader s interest is Gulliver s character and the ways his character changes as the story progresses. He begins as a naГЇve Englishman and by the end of the book he has a strong hatred for the human race. Gulliver shows that his adventures have taught him that a simple life, one without the complexities and weaknesses of human society, may be best, but the simple life he longed for should not have been the route he took. Before leaving his hometown in England, Gulliver was an open minded character. His first journey lead him to the land of the Lilliputians, who ... Show more content on ... Luckily for Gulliver, he managed to escape being blinded; at least for the time being. On his second journey, Gulliver visited the island where the Houyhnhnms and Yahoos resided. On this island the first people that Gulliver saw were the Yahoos but was first to talk to the Houyhnhnms. While speaking to the Houyhnhnms, Gulliver realized how intelligent the horse like specie was. The Houyhnhnms initially thought Gulliver, because of the physical appearance, was a Yahoo, who happened superior to the rest of them. On this island, the Houyhnhnms were the dominant species while the Yahoos were the less governing and the more savage of the two groups. They were said to be flesh eating animals that were greedy and selfish. Gulliver made the connection that the Yahoos were like the mankind. Though the human race has laws, government and art, their natural instincts are to be greedy and self striving. While speaking with the Houyhnhnms of the relations of the English, Gulliver begins to realize how much he dislikes his own people. Gulliver speaks of the English Revolution and the war with France. In speaking of this, he begins to refer to the English people as Yahoos. Gulliver and his master, one of the Houyhnhnms, speak more of what distinguishes the Yahoos and the Houyhnhnms. Becoming more intrigued by these conversations, Gulliver wants to see the compelling details for himself. He asks to be put among the Yahoos and notices
  • 42. British Empire Research Paper By the 20th century, empire had evolved to the point of total collapse and the next evolution was rise of the nation state. At the peak of the British Empire, its colonial rule expanded over the whole globe. In particular, the colonies in the Middle East and colony in India are great examples of the function of the British Empire. When the Ottoman Empire was split up into smaller countries among the British and French Empire with little regard for the people living there, tension arose. In Palestine, the Jewish people and the Palestinian Arabs were promised land under the Balfour Declaration (Tusan, Lecture, 4/20). The Declaration was not acted upon and the Arabs did not get what was promised to them, the Jewish people however did. The state... Show more content on ... Russia had a different idea of what a new nation should look like. It became the USSR during World War 1. It was a Nationalist Empire at its core and had nations under its empire that conformed to Soviet laws. These countries were called republics (Tusan, lecture, 4/22). It was not long before the strong centralized power of the USSR began to evolve into something evil. Joseph Stalin was in charge over the USSR when it was at it worst. The Iron Curtain cut Europe in half. Easter Europe was the USSR. Stalin did this to claim the region as his own. This is what the true evil in empire can do. There was too much pressure for the USSR to survive from the outside world. On top of that, the people of the USSR began to revolt. After the USSR fell, Joseph Havel, the president of Czechoslovakia under the USSR addressed to the nation the plans for a new democratic nation (Tusan, 227). This was the first step in rebuilding a broke group of
  • 43. Benefits And Treatment Of Dissociative Identity Disorder Diazepam Paired With Psychotherapy Dissociative Identity Disorder is a disorder that is hardly talked about, however has extreme effects on patients that suffer with it. However, this topic is important because it can lead to finding treatments that may be more effective for patients with DID. Past studies have shown that the main treatment for Dissociative Identity Disorderusually involves therapy. The most popular types of therapy are psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, and family therapy. Treatment for DID has a specific purpose which is to unite an individual with their personalities, and form a functional identity (Pais, 2009). Additionally, a strength of past studies is that they usually do a follow up on patients. Another strength is that the participants are usually all of different ages. One limitation is that there is never enough participants for research, another limitation is that there aren t many treatment options to try on patients. Furthermore, is diazepam useful when paired with psychotherapy? Moreover, my study will be unique because there has only been one case that tried lorazepam, which is a similar drug to diazepam, and it proved to be successful (Mushtaq, Shoib, Arif, Shah, Mushtaq, 2014). Also, my study will have more than one patient, to have more accurate results. Finally, diazepam and psychotherapy could be a good treatment for DID. Method Participants/Subjects It
  • 44. Timpani In Haydn s Music Essay Timpani in Haydn s Music Franz Joseph Haydn, born March 31, 1732, is one of the most influential classical composers. Being known as the Father of Symphony, is an important reason to look at his work. Focusing closely on his use of timpani in two of his major pieces, Symphony 103 and Missa in tempore belli, can give us an in depth look on his development with the use of timpani. By first starting at looking at his lifetime, then delving into both pieces, next comparing and contrasting the two pieces, and finally, briefly going over other pieces influenced by the use of timpani will give us a better understanding. Franz Joseph Haydn, better known as Joseph Haydn, was born in Austria in 1732. When Haydn was eight years old, he became a choirboy in Vienna. After his voice had matured, he became a teenage freelance musician. After some time had passed, a noble family in Vienna, the EsterhГЎzy s, hired him to composed for them. From 1761 until about 1790 he worked for the EsterhГЎzy family composing instrumental works and opera s for their summer palace performances. When Haydn had finished working for the EsterhГЎzy family, he was well known throughout Europe and considered by some as the greatest living composer at that time. Haydn s Symphony103, also known as the Drumroll Symphony, is his second to last... Show more content on ... This piece was written 1796 and is his most popular mass setting. It was written after the French Revolution, during the time that Austria had feared invasion from the French. He wrote this piece in the mood that Austrian s were feeling at this time. It is believed that this mass was written as an anti war sentiment since in 1796 the Austrian government has issued a decree that no Austrian should speak of peace until the enemy is driven back to its customary