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Example Of A Profile Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Example of a Profile Essay" can be both challenging and
rewarding. The difficulty lies in the need for a delicate balance between vivid storytelling and
objective analysis. Unlike other types of essays, a profile essay demands a keen eye for detail
and the ability to capture the essence of a person or subject in a compelling narrative.
Firstly, there's the challenge of conducting thorough research. It's not merely about gathering
facts and figures but delving into the individual's or subject's background, experiences, and
perspectives. This requires time and effort to ensure accuracy and depth in the portrayal.
Once the research is complete, the next hurdle is transforming raw information into a coherent
and engaging narrative. Crafting a compelling story involves choosing the right anecdotes,
quotes, and descriptions to paint a vivid picture. It's about creating a seamless flow that keeps
the reader captivated from the introduction to the conclusion.
Moreover, maintaining objectivity can be tricky. While the essay should offer insights into the
subject, it's crucial to avoid bias and present a fair and balanced view. Striking this balance
requires careful language choices and a thoughtful approach to the portrayal of the individual or
In addition, the challenge extends to incorporating a thematic thread that ties the various aspects
together. Whether it's a common trait, a defining moment, or a unique perspective, finding the
cohesive element that unifies the narrative adds another layer of complexity.
Despite these challenges, writing a profile essay can be a fulfilling experience. It provides an
opportunity to explore the intricacies of a person or subject, shedding light on aspects that may
go unnoticed. Successfully navigating these difficulties results in an essay that not only informs
but also resonates emotionally with the reader.
For those finding the task daunting, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar essays
and a variety of writing services can be accessed on, where professionals can
provide support in crafting well-researched and compelling pieces tailored to specific
Example Of A Profile EssayExample Of A Profile Essay
Benefits Of Living In A Shared House In College
Living in a shared house while you are in college is for sure your life experience.
Either you have great, good or not that good experience, there is a high possibility
that what you experience in a shared house remain in your memories for the rest of
your life. One of the reasons might be the fact that you have to live with people
that probably you had never seen before. Moreover, those people can be from
different parts of the country. But whatever the reason, anyone who study far from
his or her hometown has a strong impact on his or her life, where very positive o
very negative.
When a person move to another city because of college, positively influenced by
the change. First of all because it is a great opportunity to expand someone s
friendship, for example if the person move to a house where there are ten other
students, which are usually from different towns or cities, it is a chance to have ten
more friends. At the same time, it allows to know more about those owns, because
despite the fact that they are in the same country and even in the same region, there
are slight cultural differences such as different names for the same fruit for example.
On the other hand, people s experience living in a shared house may not be the best,
especially for those ones who had never been left home. For them, it might be really
difficult because usually they are not used to do housework, and as they are on they
are on they own, they might experience some frustration. For example, a
Ancient Mayans Research Paper
Ancient Mayans
Who were the Ancient Mayans? The Ancient Mayans were a religion/culture that
was in Mesoamerica (Southern Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize) beginning at
around 250 CE. They believed in over 165 gods and made advanced calendars and
astronomical buildings, they believed heavily on the fact that religion and science
were the same thing. They were able to calculate solar years and predict solar
eclipses. The Maya believed everyone went to the underworld ruled by evil gods
shown as jaguars. The three major gods were the god of the sun, the god of maize,
and the god of rain but they had a god for almost everything in nature and had a
strong belief in forest spirits. They had many ancient texts all written in hieroglyphs
which is hard ... Show more content on ...
The Maya carried out sacrifices, this was one of the things they were known for,
they would build great astronomical buildings used for these rituals/sacrifices. An
example of the types of sacrifices they did is something called a bloodletting
performed by the people but run by the priests. The Maya believed that the
underworld could be accessed from the physical world through things such as a
cave or cenote (natural pit or sinkhole). The underworld to them is not like say hell
like in christian faith but more of a world of the dead. There are multiple beliefs
for this underworld though some believed in something called Xibalba which was
a dark and horrid place but there is a story in one of their texts that states two twins
going into Xibalba to rescue their father, and kill the lords of death. Some believed
that the dead could come back to the physical world and speak to the leaving. They
believed that the kings had supernatural powers when they died so they would enter
the underworld but then use those supernatural powers and become a
Michael Lewis Teacher and Student of Language Essay
Michael Lewis formulated an approach which has changed the conventional
perspective of both teacher and student towards language. This revolutionary
approach created some intense and controversial debates about its validity. Lewis
(1993) was a naturalist who argued that any effective method in teaching must be
based on the fact of learning prefabricated chunks of language rather than the
individual words. He based his argument on the corpora data, which indicate that
language consists of a large quantity of prefabricated chunks. The lexical approach
can be described as a developed method rose from previous linguistic concepts. The
techniques that underlie the approach include noticing the nature of the language
rather than ... Show more content on ...
The lexical approach emphasizes that language consists of chunks, which go together
in order to produce coherent text and discourse. Therefore, the Lexical approach calls
for urgent attention to the centrality of the lexicon in structuring language (Lewis,
2002). Schmitt also agree with that and comments:
The lexical approach can be summarized in a few words: language consists not of
traditional grammar and vocabulary but often of multi word prefabricated chunks.
The lexical approach is a way of analysing and teaching language based on the idea
that it is made up of lexical units rather than grammatical structures. The units are
words and chunks formed by collocations and fixed phrases (nd.p215).
The lexical approach in language teaching seeks to centralize multi word unit or
chunks in syllabus and language teaching activities in .
The taxonomy of the lexical approach s items
The lexical approach distinguishes that words are the largest, familiar and
independent units of the lexical items category, they are considered as the basic
units of lexical items. These units may play a central role in utterance meaning,
which can be changed if a word changed. For example, give me a cup of coffee/tea
/beer (Coady, 1997). Although, words always appear partially dependent in speech
and writing, words also can behave fully independent in language. For instance, Sure!
Stop, Yes. Words
Atticus Personal Response
I am reading the book, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. The recent chapters
we have been reading focus on how to walk in someone else s shoes. In chapter 10,
11, and 12 mostly talks about how Aunt Alexandra comes and lives with them for a
while and how Jem is maturing more. In chapters 13, 14, and 15 shows that Atticus
goes to the jail cell where Tom Robinson is and so Jem, Dill, and Scout sneak out
and go looking for him. They see that a mob of men are coming towards Atticus and
Tim, so Scout runs to him and makes an end to the situation. Who knew a young
child could protect a man from other men. Some personalities that Atticus shows is
knowledgeable and responsible.
G. (To begin with) I will be characterizing Atticus as knowledgeable... Show more
content on ...
Within this story there is plenty of evidence to support this. Atticus is does not just
have multiple of knowledge for vocabulary and reading but he also has great
knowledge of kid behavior and to be in someone else s shoes. As a father of two,
he is knowledgeable in many materials. First of all, he teaches his children how
read at a young age, so his kids do not have difficulties in school. He tries to pass on
all of his knowledge to his kids. Another way he has plenty of knowledge is by
reading. He is not a normal father in Maycomb county, who drinks beer and plays
football. He would much rather read than play any active sport. One way to show
this from the book is He did not do the things our schoolmates fathers did: he never
went hunting, he did not play poker or fish or drink or smoke (Lee 119). This
shows that Mr. Finch prefers not to do the crazy stuff other fathers did. He prefers
to relax, read a book, and talk to his kids daily. The final way he demonstrates his
knowledge is by taking the Tom Robinson s case. He knows that he will not win
but he is doing it for himself. Atticus tells, The only thing we ve got is a black man
s word against the Ewell . The evidence boils down to you did I didn t (Lee 117).
This describes that even though he know he is not going to win the case, he is
going to try his best, so that is great knowledge of dedication. Not only is Atticus
knowledgeable, he is also responsible. One way he shows responsibility is by teaching
his kids to show manner to people...especially old ones. When Jem got furious at
Ms. Dubose and cut her camellia bushes, Atticus took it into his own hands and
made Jem apologize to her. A way he punished Jem is by reading to her for an hour
everyday for a month. Another way he shows responsibility is by asking his sister to
come and take help him take care of Jem and Scout. In the book it shows that, We
decided that
How Do Interest Groups Influence Public Policy
Interest Group Influence in Public Policy
Rebecca Zborowski
Anna Maria College
MPA 603
Dr. Steve Morreale, Professor
November 13, 2016
Interest groups and advocacy groups have an undeniably strong influence in
Washington, and while the results of lobbying efforts are not often touted, they sway
policy in areas like energy, housing, public finance, education, gun control and many
more. These interest groups may represent parochial interests, but there is surely an
area of policy that matches most splintered off factions. While they ve been portrayed
as shadowy forces in lawmaking, Interest Group Influence on US Policy Change: An
Assessment Based on Policy History by Matt Grossmann attempts to quantify and ...
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Says Grossmann on page 3, interest groups often play a central role in setting the
government agenda...[and] are often found to have a substantial impact on policy
outcomes. Many political candidates from both sides of the partisan aisle have run on
a platform of neutralizing the force of special interests in Washington, and this
illuminates why that s an important issue. Special interests lobby because they have
something to gain from the result of the policy, or those they represent do. It s not
always a nefarious intention, but the parochial nature of special interests is in conflict
with policy that affects the American public at large, and those interests often win out
because they wield power over lawmakers at the national, state and local
Medieval Music Research Paper
Medieval music period was around the 1940s.The music era was influenced by
troubadours, Trouveres , and minstrels who musicians that were poetical too.They
created their songs around peace,myths , legends and Nobel characters like knights
and princes but in society, everything wasn t good it was bad because they lived in
unhygienic places etc.Thomas tallis is a mediaeval composer he was born in 1505 in
England and died 1585 and on 23rd of November in Kent Greenwich and was buried
St alfeges church Greenwich. Thomas most famous pieces are if ye love me and
god we grant grace .Nearly all of Thomas music is just vocals only which mean it s
acapella.In one of Thomas songs called spem in alium there were 40 voices used
which is quite ... Show more content on ...
they made more woodwind music during this time than using strings mostly.there also
upgrades in music to do with the piano,influenced by opera houses and concerts.One
of the most famous composers of this time was Mozart (1756 1791)who created the
pieces Turkish march and the music he used was opera, symphony, concerto, choral,
instrumental and vocal music, revealing an amazing number of outstanding
unforgettable masterpieces.(1770 1827 )Beethoven was another famous composer
his famous pieces are Turkish march and Sonata in C KV 545.haydn was one of the
earliest composers 1732 1809. he was Austrian his works consist of Piano Sonata nВє
59 in E flat, Hob. XVI:49 and Kleine
Why Buddhism Do Not Believe In Religion
Unlike Christianity, Buddhism does not believe in a God. The first reason they do
not believe in a God is that most God origins come from a feeling of fear
(Dhammika, 2016). The Buddha tried to help people understand fear and be able to
... calmly and courageously accept the things we cannot change (Dhammika, 2016,
para. 3) The second reason Buddhist s do not believe in a God is that there is not
concrete evidence that supports the idea of a God (Dhammika, 2016). Christians
have heaven and hell and after death one will receive their final judgment as to where
one will spend eternity. Everyone in Christianitywill have eternal life after they die,
but those who are saved will go to heaven and those who are not saved who have
not followed the word of God will spend their eternal life in hell (Robinson, 2016).
Reincarnation or rebirth is the belief in Buddhism. Death is not the end but the
beginning of a new birth (Tang, 1999). This is where ones karmic actions come
into place, after death one goes be reborn in one of 6 realms which are; heaven,
human beings, Asura, hungry ghost, animal and hell (Tang, 1999, para. 4). These
Realms are not a permanent place and one does not stay there indefinitely (Tang,
1999). Buddhist s do not fear death at it is going to lead to a rebirth (Tang, 1999)....
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For Buddhist s the meaning of life is fairly simple and that is to end suffering
(meaning of life, 2015). The Buddha taught that humans suffer because we
continually strive after things that do not give lasting happiness. We desperately try
to hold on to things friends, health, material things that do not last, and this causes
sorrow (meaning of life, 2015, para. 1). By recognizing and freeing ourselves from
these attachments this will eventually lesson the suffering we are encountering and
end the series of reincarnations (meaning of life,
Lehigh Steel Case Analysis
Executive Summary
Lehigh Steel is a manufacturer of speciality steels for high strength, high use
applications. Its financial performance has generally trended wit but outperformed
the industry as a whole.
Following the general recessionary trend of the market, Lehigh Steel reported record
losses in 1991 after posting record profits in 1988. This had led to an increasing need
to rationalizing Lehigh Steel s product mix.
Traditionally, Lehigh Steel has followed Standard Cost Method for cost accounting.
Jack Clark, CFO of Lehigh Steel has given Bob Hall the task of implementing
Activity Based Costing at Lehigh Steel. Mark Edwards, Director of Operations and
MIS explored the implementation of Theory of Constrains (TOC) accounting for
Lehigh ... Show more content on ...
Steel products were defined by several attributes which determined the product
application and defined quality. Grade described the metallic (chemical)
composition of the steel, or the elements added to the basic recipe of iron and carbon
to create the desired properties. Product described the shape of the product, including
semi finished shapes (blooms, billets and bars) and finished shapes (wires and coils).
Surface finish described the smoothness and polish that could be applied to the
material s surface to enhance presentation. Size described the latitudinal and
longitudinal dimensions of the product. Structural quality described the absence of
breaks in the inner metallic structure. Surface quality described the absence of cracks
or seams on the surface. Because specific applications called for specific attributes,
many products were customized along one or more attributes for the customer.
However, of all attributes, customers valued most the grade, which determined
product performance.
Producers typically focussed on a portfolio of product shapes within a single segment
to carve niches in a broad industry. This focus strategy protected capital investments
in a capital intensive industry. The industry was capital intensive because (i) lumpy
and expensive capacity additions, (ii) cost structure was significantly changed only
Euthanasia And Doctor Assisted Suicide Research Paper
Should Euthanasia or Doctor Assisted Suicide be Aloud?
Should This Even be A Option?
David Barraclough
Communication 3050 03, Section C
Professor Roy Geiger
February 5th 2015
Should Euthanasia or Doctor Assisted Suicide be Aloud?
Should This Even be a Option?
Euthanasia and doctor assisted suicide, what a touchy subject. There is millions of
people would say that it would be absolutely cruel to allow people in the medical
field to have this power . As well just as many people are arguing that not allowing
euthanasia or the assistance of a doctor to end a life is a violation of their rights.
The right to Life has and will always be the number one most argued point when it
comes to this topic. Many argue that it is that person s life and if suffering from
horrifying pain, should be able to ... Show more content on ...
Retrieved January 25, 2015, from
Brust, T. (2014). Who s Body is This? Who s Body Is This?, 186(17), 2 2. http:/
Guthrie, P. (2006). Assisted suicide debated in the united states. Canadian Medical
Association Journal, 174(6), 755 6. Retrieved January 31, 2015, from http:/
Levitz, S. (2014, December 2). Senators seek to spur national debate on assisted
suicide with proposed new law. Retrieved January 25, 2015, from http:/
Robinson, S., L.L.B. (2014). Revisiting rodriguez. Canadian Medical Association
Journal, 186(16), 1264. Retrieved January 31, 2015, from doi:
Vogel, L. (2014). Top court hears right to die appeal. Canadian Medical Association
Journal, 186(17), 1284. Retrieved January 31, 2015, from doi:
Scotland s Rural Economic Crisis
A rural economic crisis occurred as there was a decline of people working the land.
The highland population between the years of 1921 1930 witnessed a decrease of
13.8% in the highland counties alone. This can be explained through an increase in
emigration, loss of life from World War One and a general decline in agriculture
. The
1920 s saw an overall increase in emigration from Scotland, many of these came
from rural areas. An explanation into rural emigration could be in response to the
land raids that were occurring during this time. Land raids were carried out mainly
by ex servicemen who were under the illusion, they would be rewarded in land for
war efforts. Therefore, showing the impact of the interwar years upon rural society in
Scotland. Another industry that suffered post war was the fishing... Show more
content on ...
However, during the interwar years, it became evident there was problems. The cost
of fuel was rising and fishermen struggled to keep up with the rising cost, while trying
to restore their boats to a pre war state. Significantly, the fishing industry lost their
traditional export markets in Germany, Russia and many Eastern European countries.
Therefore, resulting in a decline of Scotland s fishing industry. It is evident, Scotland
s economy was in ruins after the war, the reliance upon staple industries witnessed a
domino effect that spread throughout Scotland. Which resulted in the interwar
depression. However, it also had a substantial impact upon Scotland s employment
The interwar depression witnessed the emergence of mass unemployment. Scotland s
recession was deeper and more sustained than in England, resulting in higher levels
of unemployment and a social crisis. Notably, unemployment levels varied across
industries, regions and demographic groups. Unemployment rates were twice as high
for men than they were for women, males aged between 55 59 and 18 24
experienced higher rates
How To Respond To Stereotypes In A Square
Pressed up against people, strangers no less, and moving as if you are one body in
80 degree heat with over seventy percent humidity doesn t seem like a whole lot of
fun; however, there are certain things that make it worth the uncomfortableness of
the situation. There is such diversity of people, foods, and sounds that it makes
everything more interesting and bearable. The beautiful colors and smells of
summer are coupled with the beauty of people and smells of delicious, diverse
foods. The fresh fruits and vegetables paint a rainbow over the otherwise bland
colored baskets in which they sit. The gorgeous and intriguing smell of sunflowers
and roses fills the air like perfume. The fascinating sight of strange people wearing
strange clothes... Show more content on ...
Going around the Square there is more than just produce and baked goods; there
are also people that are trying to sell their message. There is always a booth, or
maybe two, that try to spread their religious opinions by using pamphlets and
traditional persuasive methods. However, there are more than a few captivating
individuals who want to share their extremely thought provoking performance.
Usually, there is a group of elderly women sitting in lawn chairs on one corner of
the Square. They are the kind of older women who have appear harmless and
extremely grandma esque. Except these grandmas hold signs spreading the
message of equality for the LGBTQ+ community. At first, they all just seem like
cool grandmas trying their best to protest, but every once in awhile they will get up
from their lawn chairs. They start to sing and dance! They are all connected, not
only through the message they are trying to send, but through the elbow lock they
have on each others arms which prevents them all from falling over. They are so
happy and proud of themselves; it really is a sight to see at least once in a
Eloi And Morlock Research Paper
The time traveler s theory reflects on Darwin s main points of the Darwin s Origin
Of Species work, because of the relation that the Eloi and Morlock have to humanity,
a thought made by the time traveler. While it is unclear on how did they entirely
separate into two distinct stages of man, they still share, possess, and evolve traits
and characteristics of a new humanity.
We shall begin on the first point of Darwin s book, that evolution of humanity will
remain constantly changing, the Eloi and Morlock are the prime examples and
subject of theory to the time traveler. The Morlock, symbolize the lower class, or the
toilers, who have still retained their working prowess, but have become dark creatures
who inhabit the underworld, as he calls it. All the Morlock are grotesque in nature,
they are mechanically intelligent, and survive on primal instinct, and as previously
being the minority under the rich class, they now control the descendants of the
upperclass by feeding off them like livestock. This changes how the ... Show more
content on ...
In the book, Mr. Protagonist reflects on how even when the Morlock are a large
threat in their preferred surrounding of dark shroud, they are as vulnerable as the
Eloi when in sunlight or fire, because they have not adapted to the light by living in
the dark for so long, it is their limitation, their weakness. The time traveler discovers
this with his many encounters with them that he comes to the conclusion that they
are blind and loathe the light. The Eloi are practically children, they get nourishment
from fruit because it doesn t require effort to hunt, and they live in complete
cluelessness of danger, living in the comfort of the upper world limits their desire
and ability to act on instinct for survival. They both are limited of their survival
because of the change of
Faith And The Gospel Of Mark
Faith is a very commonly used word in relation to Christianity and God. It is seen
and talked about throughout most of the bible. One can see faith very clearly in
the Four Gospel teachings of Mark, Mathew, Luke, and John in the New
Testament. Each says that it is necessary to have faith to have salvation and know
God. The word faith can be seen in twenty four of the twenty seven books in the
New Testament. The book of John is actually one of the three books where faith is
not used. However, the saying I believe is found ninety eight times within it
(Edmonds 2). Faith and the saying, I believe are very common, so one can see how
the GospelJohn can be seen as talking about faith as well as the other three Gospels.
The Gospel of Markwas written to encourage a group undergoing difficult trials and
persecutions (Just 1). The way that Mark does this is by showing his people that
through faith and belief in God, peace and salvation can be achieved. Readers even
see how the first thing Jesussays in the Gospel of Mark deals with faith. Mark says,
Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, And saying
the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent ye and believe the
gospel (Mark 1:14 15). This is a powerful way to show that faith is very important in
Christianity. Faith is first seen when four men came to one of Jesus teachings with a
paralyzed man. They could not get through the huge crowd, so they had to cut a hole
in the
Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction
Psychological Characteristics of a Job Assignment Introduction A field of interest
in human resources and psychology is job satisfaction. Not surprisingly, people
have noted that higher levels of job satisfaction are linked to improved job
performance. Hackman and Oldham were some of the first researchers to really
highlight the relationship between job characteristics and job satisfaction. Their Job
Characteristics Model (JCM) argued that, essentially, enriched or complex jobs are
associated with increased job satisfaction, motivation, and work performance. More
specifically, they assumed that five core job characteristics В¦influence three critical
psychological states В¦which in turn affect work outcomes (Fried Ferris, 1987). The
five core job characteristics include skill variety, task identity, task significance,
autonomy, and feedback from job (Fried Ferris, 1987). The three critical
psychological states include the experienced meaningfulness of the work, the
experienced responsibility for outcomes of the work, and knowledge of the actual
results of the work activities (Fried Ferris, 1987). The work outcomes that are
impacted by the job characteristics and psychological states include internal work
motivation, growth satisfaction, overall job satisfaction, work effectiveness, and
absenteeism (Fried Ferris, 1987). While other researchers have developed models to
measure job satisfaction and motivation, there has been surprisingly little research in
the area.
Example Of Sqwidnet Network
For being South Africa s fast growing loT network SqwidNet
Launched in 2016 as a licensed Sigfox operator in South Africa, SqwidNet network
offers low cost access to Internet of Things (loT) solutions and operators in South
Africa, creating opportunities for businesses to create innovative solutions. SqwidNet
s Sigfox network enables low cost, low power, and secure connectivity for IoT data
transmission upon which IoT devices, platforms, applications, and solutions can be
The company s common stock is 100% owned by DFA, the premier open access
fibre company. The SqwidNet network gives nationwide coverage for IoT, allowing
millions of sensors and devices to send small packets of data for analysis, immediate
action, and record ... Show more content on ...
That is where Outsourced CFO comes in with the business expertise of a passionate
Chief Financial Officer, or CFO, tailored to one s strategy and budget.
Outsourced CFO provides integrity and professional excellence in financial
consulting for ambitious SME s. Succeeding through uncompromising quality and
industry thought leadership, the company aims to help clients rethink, automate and
scale their companies in the pursuit of business prominence.
As entrepreneurs themselves, Outsourced CFO understands the important role
finances play in the success of a business. Sound financial planning and management
enables businesses to grow and flourish, while the lack of adequate planning could
spell inevitable failure.
The CFOs have helped many emerging companies realise triple digit growth rates
and have helped raise millions in seed and growth finance for SMEs. Outsourced
CFO offers its services in three packages, Performance (8 hours per month), Growth
(16 hours per month) and Eminence (32 hours per month).
In 2017, the company announced the launch of its latest eBook, What Your CFO
Needs to Know about Outsourcing Software Development. The guide features
exclusive information from its president, Andy
Shakespeare s Use Of Supernatural In Macbeth
Macbeth s: Supernatural There s different events occurring as the story goes on,
which surprises you each time. Macbeth is a fictional story with different events
going on as it continues. Macbeth develops the play with the sense of the
supernatural and an anxiety that is awakened by its imagery. Macbethis a man that has
done lots of horrible things and for his acts there s consequences, which his
conscious has him in no peace. Macbeth is known for being one of the most
straightforward stories of Shakespeare s that deals a lot with the spiritual kingdom.
Which has a lot of supernatural ideas/scenes in most of the whole story. It includes
witches, ghosts, and things that aren t present in the moment. It has a point of
Christianity and the force of evil witchcraftall throughout the play. Therefore, the
witches are contact by Macbeth to do evil stuff on people he knows that know of his
dirty work. As he first started calling them he said, Come you spirits that tend on
mortal thoughts.... Whatever in your... Show more content on ...
As it says Macbeth for shaking, and the power above, put on their instruments. All of
this demonstrates that Edward, who appears at the point where the dramatic tide
turns, this structure as well as the theme of this play balance him against Macbeth.
He is no warrior king, but an angelic figure blessed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The king of Scotland is in league with dark powers, while the English king is a
saint like servant of god. Which this can be read as an extended poem. This play is
a characteristic by an extraordinary density of image, meaning, and symbol. Most
of this is from the nature like, Banquo s identification of the martin with sanctity
proves fatally ironic. Lady Macbeth s preparation for her guests is signaled by a dark
calling of the birds of her own the raven is a harsh meaning/and the croaks are the
deadly entrance of Duncan s
The Importance Of Tourism In Hong Kong
Hong Kong has been commonly constructed as and known to both tourists as a
thoroughly metropolitan city, of which its modern architecture, especially with its
densely populated skyline around the Victoria Harbour, and boisterous and fast
paced lifestyle involving non stop eating and shopping take centre stage as a few of
Hong Kongs many selling points (Choi, Chan Wu, p 364). Much of Hong Kong s
status as an economic success could be attributed to its harbour. After Hong Kong
was ceded to the British after the First Opium war with the Chinese Qing dynastyin
1842, the island, which was previously a sleepy collection of fishing villages (Choi,
2007, p.8), became one of Britain s most important trading ports for spices and tea
from China (p. 9). The development of Hong Kong under British colonial rule has
undoubtedly influenced the character of Hong Kong as a tourist destination, with
many of its promoted sites, such as the tramways on Hong Kong Island, the Peak tram
up Victoria Peak, and the Star Ferry all being historical modes of public
transportation still operating today. This tour will focus on the Star Ferry, exploring
its symbolic importance to Hong Kong identity and how past and contemporary
events that have occurred in the physical area of the Star Ferry Pier where the ferry
operates from have been discursively co opted into, and representative of a greater
contestation of hegemonic ideologies surrounding Hong Kong s identity, as part of
an opposition
Whitney Museum of Art Essay
The Whitney Museum of American Art has often been referred to a citadel of
American Art, partially due to the museums façade, a striking granite building
(Figure 1), designed by Bauhaus trained architect Marcel Breuer. The museum
perpetuates this reference through its biennial review of contemporary American Art,
which the Whitney has become most famous for. The biennial has become since its
inception a measure of the state of contemporary artin America today.
Since the Museum s opening in 1931, the collection has grown to more than 12,000
paintings, sculptures, prints, drawings, and photographs, representing nearly 2,000
individual artists and providing the most complete overview of twentieth century
American art of any museum in the ... Show more content on ...
For example, in the 2004 biennial their was 113 artists shown, consistent with the
2000 show of around 103 artists. The Whitney seems determined to include as much
art as possible that can fit in their relatively small sized museum in order to better
reflect the condition of the art scene in contemporary America.
To fully understand the role of the biennial today, we must look to its past. The
earliest Biennials were assembled informally; easy groups of artists and museum
personnel made the selections. Most of those in the show lived in New York City,
although many had originally come from elsewhere. In 1937, the format was
changed and the exhibitions became Annuals, with one year for painting, one for
sculpture and various media. Some years, a single Whitney curator chose pieces;
sometimes an outsider was added. In 1973, they went back to Biennials. Today the
tradition remains the same as was begun fully in 1973. Increasingly in current shows
curators search out a wide range of ethnic and gender varieties to fully grasp the
breadth of American culture that is represented in current art work. Their has been
much criticism of the Whitney and their exclusion of non American artists. There are
sections of critics who believe that the Whitney is only
The Paradoxical Nature of Belonging Depicted in Arthur...
In Arthur Miller s The Crucible, we are positioned to see belonging as paradoxical, in
that the positive, human quality of belonging inevitably carries with it the negative
and dangerous corollary of exclusion. By belonging, we are automatically excluding
others and excluding ourselves from other groups. The Crucible achieves this
complex presentation of belonging through a variety of interconnected techniques
which will be explored in this essay. These techniques may be categorized into four
main groups: conflict, characterisation, heightened language and juxtaposition;
conflict being the foremost.
Firstly let us consider conflict. In each act of the play, we see the overpowering
desire to belong leading to a climax of conflict ... Show more content on ...
When John fails to recall the commandment against adultery, it is taken as evidence
of satanic influence in the household and hence used to justify Elizabeth s arrest. The
society s rules for belonging are strict one mistake and you are excluded.
By the third act we can see the potential evil of the people s desire to belong to each
other the court immediately distrusts and excludes anyone accused of being evil.
Perfectly innocent people are not given an adequate chance to defend themselves. The
irrational fear and insecurity of something splitting up the community is splitting up
the community.
In Act Four, the conflict is surrounding John Proctor s choice of whether or not to
confess. If he confesses, he will be accepted back into the community; however he
will be excluding the other accused people condemning them to death. Instead, he
chooses to belong to himself and his own sense of conscience. In doing this, he must
permanently exclude himself from the society and resign to his death.
Throughout The Crucible, external and internal conflicts run in parallel. Though
distinct, together they reinforce and nuance the theme that to belong is to exclude.
The main characters who experience internal conflict are Reverend Hale, John
Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor and Mary Warren. These characters are forced to be
involved in the conflict of the town
Bail Bonds
Finding the right bail bondsman to facilitate the smooth bail of your loved one can
be a challenging undertaking. While you want them out of jail as soon as possible,
you should take careful consideration in picking out a bondsman. There are many
bail bond companies in Victoria TX, but you want to choose one that is reliable
and trustworthy like ABC Bonding Co., which offers 24 hour bail bonds. A bail
bondsman acts as the defendant s surety, which means he ll pay the bail on behalf
of the defendant and takes responsibility if the accused fails to appear at court
hearings. If you re looking for the best bonding company in Victoria, TX, here are
some tips for you: Track Record: Check his legal qualifications and research the
results of past cases he s handled to assess his reliability. You may also want one
who belongs to a company that is accredited by the Better Business Bureau.... Show
more content on ...
They should also make it clear if collateral is required. If you can t prove that you
can pay their services, they should be able to work out a payment plan for you.
Legal procedures and licensing information: A reliable bail bondsman should be
able to explain the whole bailing process from hearing to repayment methods in an
easy to understand manner. Ask for proof that they can work within your
jurisdiction. Most bail bond agents are licensed through the Department of
Insurance within the state in which they work. With over 60 years of experience in
many types of bail bonds such as Misdemeanor Bail Bonds and Felony Bail Bonds,
experts at ABC Bonding Co. can post bonds within 10 minutes. Call them at 409 267
6433 or visit them online for more
I Am A Writer By Franklin W. Dixon
I am a writer. I love creating my own stories about whatever comes to mind. I like
writing stories about adventures and mysteries. I like to watch movies with action
and then go back and write about the movie, but with my own twist on it. I started
to do this after my first discovery of a mystery book called The Hardy Boysby
Franklin W. Dixon. Growing up, before I knew how to read, I would enjoy
learning about new things and figuring out things on my own. I would try to do
things that would be next to impossible for a little kid to do, alone. For example,
one day I was playing on the second story of my mid sized house in Snohomish and
I noticed, at the end of the hallway, a very large wooden looking bookshelf.
Somehow I had never... Show more content on ...
I scanned the first and second shelves first, mainly because they were at the same
height as me. I didn t see anything that looked interesting to me, other than the
cartoon character books, so I moved on to the next set shelves. I looked at the third
and fourth shelves. I had to step back and look at the books above me to see them.
I remember spotting a light blue spine book on the far left of the fourth shelf. I
focused on it, went directly underneath where it was, and reached up and grabbed
it. The book felt like it was made of some type of fabric and it also felt light for
how many pages that were in it. The book seemed cool to me because I had never
seen one like it before. First, I wanted to go over the book and see what I could
find. I saw that there were two boys on the cover of the book and they looked like
they were hiding from someone behind a tree, but I wasn t exactly sure. So I
opened the book up and began to read the first chapter. Since I really couldn t
actually read, I looked for pictures. I found a few pictures, only two or three of
them in the entire book, and then used them to create my own story about the
book. After doing this, I took the book in my room and waited for my dad to get
home from work, to show him what I had found. Later on in the evening, I heard my
dad s truck pull into the driveway, followed by footsteps to the front door to our
house. I ran
What Is The Main Conflict Of Where The Red Corn Grows
Where the Red Fern Grows Test
1. a) The point of view in a book is how the author tells the story.
b) First person
2. Billy s mother is religious, caring and harsh. Billy s mother is religious because
Billy came to her first when he had questions on whether God had helped him or
not. Billy s is caring because she worried so much about Billy on his first coon hunt.
Finally, Billy s mother is harsh because she hit him bad after he scared the family
when he found his first coon.
3. Billy s grandfather helps Billy very generously. He orders the dogs for billy, he
taught Billy some hunting tricks and he enters Billy into the coon hunting tournament.
4. a) The main conflict of Where the Red Furn grows is Man versus Self b) Billy
wins the conflict. ... Show more content on ...
a) Billy, Mrs. Pritchard and her hound are the characters in the passage.
b) Mrs. Pritchard is arranging the flowers on Rubin s grave.
c) The event takes place next to the Pritchard s house.
d) It takes place a little bit after Rubin s death.
e) Billy learns that Mrs. Pritchard is appreciative of the flowers and that he should
always respect the graves of the dead
2. a) Billy is the only character in the passage.
b) Billy is about to go back to work when he hears a breeze swaying through the big
sycamore. He notices that the breeze does not even touch a big black gum tree to his
c) Right next to the big sycamore tree where his dogs treed their first coon.
d) It takes place right after he gets his dogs and goes on his first coon hunt.
e) Billy learns that God is always with him. Learning that God s presence is with him
helps Billy to mature as a man of God. 3. a) Billy and a gang of ragamuffin kids.
b) The kids circle around Billy and start teasing him because of his dogs.
c) In the streets of the town of Taheluqh.
d) Right after he gets his dogs
e) He learns that people could attack you for anything you stand for and you have to
be ready. He learns to be tough, helping him
Argumentative Essay On Childhood Cancer
The Dreaded C Word
Cancer is the most common disease that causes death in the United States. It is
actually the second leading cause of death behind heart disease. Some people do not
realize it but children can also get cancer. This is call childhood cancer and it
amongst children from 0 17 years old. Childhood cancer is the leading cause of death
by disease past infancy among children in the United States. At a very young age,
childhood cancer had impacted my life physically, mentally and emotionally. It
definitely changed my perspective on how I will live my life through on out.
According to the American Cancer Society, there are sixteen major types of
childhood cancers and over 100 subtypes. Leukemia and Lymphoma cancer are the
most common cancers that children get at a young age. Everyday forty six kids
are diagnose with childhood cancer and seven children die every day. Childhood
cancer kills more kids than Cystic Fibrosis, AIDS, and asthma combined! The
worst part about childhood cancer is that the treatment side affects can last a
lifetime for these kids. People do not understand that childhood cancer only gets a
small percentage of the budget for all cancers. National Cancer Institute budget is
around $4.9 billion and only 4% of that sum goes towards childhood cancer. On July
17, 2002 my family, friends, and I heard the worst news ever that impacted all of our
lives especially mine. I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemiaat the age
of three. Being so
Energy Sources And Non Renewable Energy Source Essay
Intended Audience
Within this paper I wish to address two audiences, the first is best described as local
homeowners who are presently in the vicinity of windmills or who will be in the
future, and are somewhat skeptical of this renewable energy source. The second
group that I wish to address are those who are deemed to be environmentalists, who
have a very strong faith in wind energy and other forms of renewables. Since these
two audiences can be quite different the way in which I address concerns are going
to have to be comprehensive to both.
With focusing first on locals, I wish to include the basic information on wind turbines
so that all aspects of this renewable energy source can be fully understood. I also will
include a comparison of wind energy to other forms of renewable energy sources and
non renewable sources to point out important numbers and values within the
environment, the economy, and society. Locals have many important needs, wants
and values. They value their homes not only financially but in a family sense as well,
they value their health and safety. The want windmills to not have a negative effect
on their lives and at the same time have an efficient, inexpensive forms of energy that
they can have access to. When it comes to a problem having either a direct effect on
themselves or the environment, most but not all, would rather the environment take
the hit. Their interest most likely does not lie within big companies making big
profits, they value
Success Is The Most Misunderstood Driver Of Performance
Some popular theories claim that the amount a person is paid determines how well
that person produces and performs. However, new research suggests that there are
more variables at play pertaining to peak performance and link an employee s
happiness to his or her productivity and a company s success. Research indicates that
performance on nearly every level productivity, creativity, and engagement improves
when people cultivate and work with a positive mind set. According to Shawn Achor,
the author of The HappinessAdvantage, Happiness is perhaps the most
misunderstood driver of performance. For one, most people believe that success
precedes happiness. Once I get a promotion, I ll be happy, they think. Or, Once I
hit my sales target, I ll feel great. But because success is a moving target as soon as
you hit your target, you raise it again the happiness that results from success is
fleeting. Achor explains that when employees develop a positive mind set, they
become more engaged, creative, motivated, energetic, resilient, and productive at
work. He has observed this effect in his role as a researcher and lecturer in 48
countries on the connection between employee happiness and success.
In a study at the University of Warwick, economists discovered employees who were
happy increased their productivity by 12%, while unhappy workers were 10% less
productive. The Warwick research team stated: We find that human happiness has
large and positive causal effects on
Rethinking Cogs
Rethinking COGs
Military Counter Insurgency Operations (COIN) in Afghanistan and Iraq has
further complicated our understanding of COGs. Current U.S. Army doctrine
defines COG as, the source of power that provides moral or physical strength,
freedom of action, or will to act. My personal issue with the definition is that it
implies there can only be one COG. I disagree with this logic because in today s
interconnected world, I believe there can be more than one COGs.
Today s conflict environments are often asymmetric, decentralized and interconnected
via the internet. These factors lead to multiple COGs that fall along the lines of
structural/operational and ideological/moral. These variations of COGs are not
separate, but mutually supporting ... Show more content on ...
However, I believe the differences are because individuals are discussing different
conflict topics. Today s conflict environments are unlike what Clausewitz knew at the
time. Yes, many tactics still apply, but the conflict zones today are different. Conflict
zones today are increasingly asymmetric, decentralized and interconnected via the
Our textbooks define COG as, the set of characteristics, capabilities, and sources of
power from which a system derives its moral or physical strength, freedom of action
and will to act. To have practical application of targeting COGs, I believe we should
have multiple COGs. Today s conflict environments lead to COGs that fall along the
lines of structural and ideological/moral lines.
Your example of American support following the attacks on 9/11 would fall into the
Moral COG category and American Military power would be a structural COG. To
effectively defeat America, our adversaries would have to target both to truly defeat
us. If our adversaries only target one COG then they degrade our capabilities, but
they do not defeat us.
Fridolin And Albertine Compare And Contrast
Arthur Schnitzler was an Austrian novelist and playwright who wrote about lust
and infidelity in twentieth century Vienna. His narrative, Dream Story , was first
published in 1925. The story tells of a married couple living a comfortable
lifestyle. The husband is a thirty five year old doctor. The younger wife is occupied
by her responsibilities as wife and mother. In 1999, Stanley Kubrick released Eyes
Wide Shut, which is his adaptation of Schnitzler s Dream Story. In Kubrick s film,
Schnitzler s protagonists, Fridolin and Albertine, are renamed Bill and Alice
Harford. The similarities between Eyes Wide Shut and Schnitzler s Dream Story
is astonishing. The film s narrative is updated from turn of the century Vienna to
present day New York, however the plot of the novella remains intact. In both
stories, a wife tantalizes her husband with erotic reminiscences of her desire and
lust for another man. As a result, the envious, resentful husband sets out on a
nightly excursion to try and alleviate his damaged dignity and to fulfill his
unsatisfied sexual desires. The plots of both works are approximately the same,
with only a few alternations affecting how the audience views the film. Kubrick
integrates changes to the novella in order to clarify the film. Thesis? Albertine s
dream in Dream Story is more extensive and detailed than Alice s dream in Eyes
Wide Shut. When Fridolin arrives back home from the orgy, his wife Albertine wakes
up from a dream that
Analysis Of Marquette University s Marketing And...
Marquette University had many successes building its brand through a strategic
social media strategy. According to the case study, members of The Office of
Communications and Marketing supported and participated in the conception and
planning stages to help structure an effective social media strategy. In addition to the
research and information gathered internally, the universityalso engaged with a variety
of audiences, not physically on the campus, to further extend its market research and
brand. Marquette University s marketing and communications team s strategy for
social media is focused on engagement, dialogue, bridging of information, and
community. This strategy aligns with the university s mission, the search for truth,
the discovery and sharing of knowledge, the fostering of personal and professional
excellence ( About Marquette: Our Mission, n.d.).
I think the digital efforts by the Marquette University were effective because of the
following tactics. The team...
1.Designed strategic campaigns (combination of online and traditional tactics)
a.The Give Marquette campaign, designed to remind older alumni of their years on
b.Marquette pride photo competition on Flicker
2.Integrated social media networks (Twitter, Facebook, Flicker, Foursquare, Tumbler
and so on.)
This level of engagement online by the university really blew my mind. I can barely
wrap my arms around the first two social platforms in my day to day work activities.
I am very impressed.
The Relationship Between Inflation And Unemployment On
1.1Background of the Study
Three ultimate macroeconomic goals which every government strives to achieve in
order to ensure sound macroeconomic policy are maintenance of relative stability in
domestic prices, attainment of a high rate of employment or full employment and
achievement of a high rapid and sustainable economic growth. The relationship
between inflation and unemployment on growth remains a controversial one in both
theory and empirical findings. Originating from the Latin American context in the
1950s, the issue has generated an enduring debate between structuralists and
monetarists. The structuralists believe that inflation is essential for economic growth,
whereas the monetarists see inflation as detrimental to economic progress. There are
two aspects to this debate:
(a) The nature of the relationship if one exists and
(b) The direction of causality.
Friedman (1973) succinctly summarized the inconclusive nature of the relationship
between inflation and unemployment on economic growth as follows:
―historically, all possible combinations have occurred: inflation and unemployment
with and without development, no inflation and unemployment with and without
development. The main problems facing the economy of Iraq today are
unemployment and inflation. These problems are persistently complex and cause
economic and social dilemma to the economy as a whole. The inability of
government to provide a lasting solution to these twin challenges has contributed
Document Based Data Modeling Technique
Janu Barot
Database System
Midterm Exam
Document based data modeling technique and relational technique
In todays era, the volume of data we manage has developed to terabytes. As the
volume of data continues developing, the sorts of data produced by applications get
to be wealthier than some time recently. Subsequently, traditional relational databases
are tested to catch, visualize, seek, share, break down, and store data. We find many
difficulties in managing big data using traditional data modeling techniques. We still
need an advance modeling techniques threw which we can solve problems of
managing big data. There are two types of data models in data base system one is
relational model and other is non ... Show more content on ...
Column based or wide column NOSQL systems: These systems segment a table by
column into column families where every column family is put away in its own
records. They additionally permit forming of data qualities. Chart based NOSQL
systems: Data is spoken to as graphs, and related hubs can be found by navigating the
edges utilizing way expressions Data with the accompanying attributes is appropriate
for a NoSQL system firstly, Data volume becoming quickly secondly, Columnar
development of data then, Document and tuple data Lastly, Hierarchical and graph
data. Data with the accompanying qualities may be more qualified for a conventional
relational database management system is On Line Transaction Processing required
atomicity, consistency, disengagement, toughness prerequisites (ACID) then
Complex data relationship and Complex question prerequisites [2] Apache
Cassandra are example of BigTable style Databases Oracle Coherence, Kyoto
Cabinet is case of of Key Value Stores. mongo DB and Couch DB is example of
document database and neo4j and flock dB is case of graph database. [4]. I have
selected document base data modeling to compare and contras with relational data
modeling. Now before starting compare and contras of document base data modeling
and relational data modeling I would like to explain what does data modeling and
relational data modeling means. A data model is an accumulation of ideas that can be
utilized to depict the
Cause Of Ww1 Mini-Q Analysis
In World War I countries used all resources they could including dogs. Dogs were
used to carry messages that would be attached to their bodies. Germany had
employed 30,000 dogs by 1918. It s crazy to think about a dog on the battlefield. The
spark of World War I was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife
on the morning of June 28, 1914. There were many underlying events that caused
World War I, but three important underlying events were alliance, industrialization ,
and militarism. One of the three underlying events that lead to World War I becoming
such a big war was alliances. There were at least 100 countries according to http:/
/ fighting a war, and countries had to choose their side. Countries
used alliances for extra support. Germany, Austria Hungary, and Italy were part of
Triple Alliance until 1915 when Italy switched sides hurting Austria Hungar. On the
Triple Entente United Kingdom, and France fought together.... Show more content on ...
In Document E of Cause of WWI Mini Q the image shows a German propaganda
showing people that England is a monster.England is shown as a monster because
of how big they were from land to population. Britain had square miles of
12,740,000 and a population of 400,000,000, the biggest population out of the eight
main countries. However militarism is also an important underlying event in World
War I. The warfare great increased. In the beginning of the war soldiers used gun
powered guns at the end they used tanks and machine guns. Great Britain spent the
greatest percentage on its navy according to Document C of Cause of WWI Mini Q
Great Britain s army spent about $90 million at the beginning of the war in 1914. At
the end of the war countries have spent more than expected. Countries spent more
because the warfare became more expensive since it s wasn t just cannons and
The Trojan War Facts
Trojan War Myth/Fact Tell me, O Muse, of that ingenious hero who traveled far
and wide after he had sacked the famous town of Troy. (Butler 1835 1902) The epic
poem The Iliad and The Odyssey, is the story of the Greek struggle to rescue Queen
Helen from the Trojan captors. Which led to an all out war between the Achaean
Greeks and the Trojans, the name of this war is called the Trojan War
. The Trojan War
was a legendary conflict between the early Greeks and the people of Troy in
western Anatolia. In the original story, Paris, son of the Trojan king, ran off with
Helen, wife of Menelaus. Menelaus demanded to have her back, but the Trojans
refused, so his brother Agamemnon built a wooden horse that he took into battle with
him and led a Greek... Show more content on ...
The war apparently lasted ten years, when the Greeks finally withdrew, leaving
behind a large wooden horse with a raiding party concealed inside. A man named
Sinon was left behind and he convinced the Trojans to bring the horse inside the
city. When the Trojans bought the horse into the city the party of Greeks opened
up the horse and raided the city. Men were massacred, and women carried off. It
also states that the Gods found the war to be so interesting that they participated
themselves, and helped the Greeks take the city of Troy. No one really knows if
this war was a myth or a fact due to the fact that it is presented only briefly in an
epic poem. In order to find evidence of the war, historians have gone to the site of
where the war would ve taken place and excavated artifacts to prove wither the
Trojan was a myth or a fact. But their research started off from the very beginning,
which was the source of the Trojan War
Royal Brunei Airline Case Study
Survival is vital and it is one of the most important business entities. The airline
industry affected with the global economic downturn and the increased level of
competition. Bresnen and Fowler (1994) stated that in order to survive, the
organizations particularly airline industry need to design and consider fundamental
changes in terms of organizational change and managementpractices. The changes
made could be through developing strategies of restructuring and downsizing of the
organization as a measure to cope with unfavorable business conditions such as
financial crisis.
Large organization like airline industry, often undergo restructuring and downsizing
to secure survival through reduction of staffs to minimize overhead cost. It ... Show
more content on ...
During the announcement, he clarified that process of restructuring the organization
is the first step towards developing stronger foundation allowing the airline to
improve its value of the organization among customers, employees and society (Too,
One of the decisions made in the retrenchment scheme was to encourage early
retirement of its employees. The early retirement provided with compensation
package was a voluntary option for its employees who were willing to go for early
retirement; the employees were not being forced to do so. From 207 employees who
were given option for early retirement only 103 employees volunteered to undertake
early retirement scheme provided that they received $200,000 compensation if the
employees earn $3,000 monthly together with the incentives provided (Hana,
Eugen Sandow Research Paper
Eugen Sandow is generally accepted as the first modern bodybuilder. He performed
feats of strength and displayed his body in the late 1800s. As a result of his
exhibitions, Sandow was known as the strongest and best built man in the world.
Others soon began to admire and emulate him. Most of these bodybuilders, mostly
men, performed at exhibitions and for circuses. As more individuals participated in
bodybuilding, gyms and weight rooms appeared. Standard exercises began to
dominate weightlifting competitions. Although it was still not popular in the United
States, an increasing number of men and women began lifting weights to improve
their physiques.
Muscle Beach, often referred to as the birthplace of the fitness movement, is
synonymous with ... Show more content on ...
Images portray her in a two piece bathing suit lifting men and heavy weights over
her head, often while smiling. Physical Culture magazine named her Miss Physical
Culture. Her column, Barbelles, provided women advice on how to achieve the
level of strength and fitness they desired. She featured women who obtained their
goals and gave advice on performing workout routines to achieve ideal results. In
her column, she provided more advice about improving muscularity and strength
than about weight loss. However, Stockton s most important asset was her beauty.
She had to maintain standards of beauty and femininity to attain social acceptance
as a female bodybuilder. Other notable individuals at Muscle Beach included Joe
Gold, Jack Lalanne, Armand Tanny, and Pat McCormick. Joe Gold started his own
gym in Venice Beach named after him. After selling the gym, he started a new
fitness franchise, World s Gym. Jack Lalanne, known as the father of fitness, starred
in a television show, where he imparted advice on achieving and maintaining a
healthy mind and body. Pat McCormick was a four time Gold Medalist at the Olympic
External Environmnet Ducati
Analysis of External Environment of Ducati (Answer of Q. 2) In classical strategy
literature, competitive advantage of a company is generally attributed to the
management s ability to position the company s assets against some external context
(Mintzberg et al, 2005 amp; Juga, 1999). This external context is referred (Porter,
2004) as external environment for a particular company. According to Johnson et al
(2008:54), the environment is what gives organisations their means of survival. So, it
is important to a great extent that most of companies be aware of the environment in
which they are operating. In Author s view, Ducati was aware to a certain extent what
is the external environment surrounding it. This answer will attempt to... Show more
content on ...
It is a very much a step by step approach (Porter, 2004). Strategy development is
primarily seen as seeking attractive opportunities in the market (Johnson et al,
2008) According to Porter (2004:231), Crucial strategic questions facing a firm are
where in an industry a firm competes and in what segments will focus strategies be
sustainable. In author s view to a certain extent Ducati adopted this philosophy
when it tried to position itself in the motorcycle industry during the turnaround
period from 1996 to 2001 and further, to what extent it can be said that strategy of
Ducati was Market Driven. According to Porter (2004:233), an industry is an array
of similar or closely related products and Buyers. Ducati did not try to go beyond
motorcycle, related accessories and services as it comes out from the case. It
seemed to have followed porter s definition (2004) what an industry is and identified
which industry it operates in. Ducati appears to have focused its attention under the
leadership of Minoli on differences in customer needs i.e. market segmentation
(Porter,2004; Wit amp; Meyer, 2004; Johnson et al, 2008) as depicted in the figure
2, map of market (Wit amp; Meyer, 2004:857). It appears that Ducati identified Users
needs and preferences for product characteristics (Johnson
Analysis Of Gun With Occasional Music
He s a make addict, arrogant, and isn t going to stop unless he gets what he wants.
A private investigator in a futuristic world where animals can talk, and babies are
robots. In Gun, with Occasional Music by Jonathan Lethem, Conrad Metcalf, an ill
mannered private investigator, attempts to reveal the truth in the murder an old client.
It may be a lot to take in, but by the end of this review, you ll see how unorthodox
but strangely fascinating this book really is. In my point of view, this hard boiled
novel is a stereotypical agent gone rogue type of circumstance, I also believe it
contains mostly analogies. And finally, the fist fights, karma points, and various
drugs make the book even more interesting. Despite the fact he is the main
character, Metcalf sure has something about him that rubs people the wrong way.
Due to the fact he s going against the system more often than not, he gets caught in
a scuffle between other inquisitors that work at his office. That s because of Orton
Angwine, the number one suspect in the Maynard Stanhunt murder. Orton hires
Metcalf to do some digging and prove he s innocent. At first he wasn t interested,
but once he finds out there s a lot behind the story than he thought, he persists.
Because of his forbidden involvement, Metcalf gets in a variety of fights. And after
each punch in the gut, he keeps on his journey to expose the truth. If this book
were a movie, I could imagine a smoky bar. A man sitting in the corner, with a
cigar, fedora and a trench coat, or even a jazz band playing in the background. This
book can definitely give you that kind of vibe. And you might even get lost in that
type of setting. If you read this book and find it interesting, it ll be really difficult
to put it down. Even when Conrad Metcalf starts to open up about his feelings,
especially about Delia. Delia Limetree. She is only referenced once in the whole
book, but she definitely strung up a few questions for me. Delia Limetree is a girl
who Metcalf dated, or married, who left him. He explains they had an operation
done that swapped their nerve endings, as well as genitalia. That part didn t make
sense at first, then it dawned on me that it was just one big analogy. Someday I was
Analysis Of The Movie Cycles
Our film, Cycles, is a comedy/drama about a student who witnesses two men
getting rid of a body on his way home at night. When they notice him, he steals a
bike and escapes and struggles with a haunting paranoia of the two gangsters
finding and killing him. The film ends when the doorbell rings suddenly and he
reluctantly opens it expecting to see the men. Instead he sees a girl who wants her
bike back after he stole it. He returns and bike and turns around relieved, only to be
clobbered by the two men who had been waiting for him after all. They go to
dispose of his body, but a woman sees them and the film ends with them looking at
her, implying that the story loops on itself.
In a television drama, it s important that the audience can ... Show more content on ...
In the 19th century, Gustav Freytag notice a similarity in plays and books and created
a diagram to demonstrate this, which consists of 5 milestones in the story:
1. Exposition/Introduction: This is where the main characters (and some supporting)
are introduced and we get a look into their regular lives before their journey begins.
This is also where we see some minor conflict which could build into the main goal.
2. Rising Action: This is where the character s mission is made clear and they begin
their journey. Obstacles are introduced to prevent the protagonists achieving their
3. Climax: The rising action continues building drama until the biggest obstacle lies
before the characters, sometimes confronting an antagonist, which they may or may
not overcome.
4. Falling Action: Things become clearer and the characters, depending on if came
out on top during the climax, are either closing in to their goal or feel their furthest
away from it. To create suspense, this is normally where a twist would come in, a
successful protagonist could find out their friend was working against them the
whole time, or a failed hero discovers something new that gives them another chance.
5. Conclusion: This is where we see the characters triumph or fail and the following
consequences. We might see them return to normality or see the backlash after failing
their task. This normally gives the audience a sense of closure and
Who Is Chester Himes And For What Type Of Writing Is
1.the timeline for the Literature of Realism, Naturalism and Modernism 1940 1960
in the Norton Anthology of African American Literature 3rd Edition Volume 2, pp.
1522 1523 and identify what you believe are three primary events that occurred and
explain why you believe they had a significant impact on the period.
1940 Over 40 killed in race riots in Detroit and Harlem.
1955 14 year old Emmett Tile lynched in Mississippi.
1960 Sit in Staged by four black students at Woolworth lunch in North Carolina.
2.Who is Chester Himes and for what type of writing is he known for?
Chester Himes was in African Americanwriter whose literary genius went unnoticed
in the United States and was famous for series of black detective novels.
3.In the
Copernicus Influence On Religion
The Religious aspects that life seemed to revolve around during the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries made a large impression on the way scientists not only
distributed their information, but the way it was written down and explained. During
the time period the Church held an extraordinary amount of power, easily
outweighing any mere scientist who claimed the seemingly impossible notion that the
sun, not the earth, was in the center of the universe. Should someone inadvertently
challenge this immense authority, death was not simply a threat, it was an absolute
promise. This absolute giant of a power that was the church, loomed over many
scientists such as Copernicus acknowledged this power by writing things such as can
readily hold slanders from biting. Copernicus was directly going against the church
with his theory of heliocentrism though he writes his labors contribute even to the
well... Show more content on ...
The church itself changed how scientists as a whole worked, scientists didn t
dedicate their works to their inspirations, or their mothers or fathers like most
authors (scientific or not) do today. In Copernicus case, his work was dedicated it
to the church, easily showing how large of a power this was and how is changed
the way scientists wrote. In very few to no astrology textbooks from the twenty
first century will you find the words moses or the wisdom of God , because while
the church is powerful today, it has no where near the sway it had back a few
hundred years ago. This power not only affected the way people spoke, but how they
lived and how history and science and math was recorded, everything revolved
around the church, everything was static to the church, and yet later on, it
Rocky Mountain National Park Research Paper
Rocky Mountain National Park has it all: a pristine mountain lake, aspen leaves
trembling in the breeze, craggy mountain peaks covered in snow. Although Rocky
Mountain National Park is an eighth the size of Yellowstone, it packs everything in
it s 266,714 acres of land. Majestic mountain views can be found literally everywhere,
and you don t even have to step out of your car to see it! Grasslands, forests, and
even glaciers can be explored in Rocky Mountain National Park. After a quick 2 hour
drive from Denver, Colorado, you will know that coming to Rocky Mountain
National Park is worthy of being a National Park.
Rocky Mountain National Park has had a long, intriguing history full of ups and
downs. First, the Apache and Arapaho... Show more content on ...
Many visitors hike and backpack on easy to difficult trails. Horseback riding, rock
climbing, and mountaineering are common in the summer, too. In the winter, cross
country skiing and snowshoeing are popular recreational activities. Thousands of
visitors attempt to climb Longs Peak on an 8 mile climb gaining 4850 feet in
elevation. People also fish and camp in the park. Many recreational activities can be
found inside of Rocky Mountain National Park.
Rocky Mountain National Park is a place for everyone, including the old, the young,
and even pets! Forests, granite mountain peaks, lakes, streams, fields, and a long list
of other natural beauties can be found here. When you re looking for an incredible
place to have an incredible vacation, consider putting Rocky Mountain National Park
on the list, because you are going to experience something
Fall Prevention In The Elderly Essay
Quality Improvement for Fall Prevention in the Elderly
The occurrence of falls among the elderly is related to multiple factors, such as
inherent and external issues. Studies have proven that when appropriate intervention
is put in place, falls are preventable. A quality improvement according to Polit Beck
(2012) is created to examine the willingness of individuals to understand these
studies and put them into practice or to appraise the results of interventions already
in place. This paper will examine a practice issue facilitated by the advanced practice
nurse (APN), explore the theoretical underpinning of change, describe an
improvement tool and model for improvement and allocated resources towards the
prevention of fall among the elderly.
Selected Practice Issue
The occurrence of falls in older adults are common and can result in serious injuries,
even death. Owing to multifaceted changes in the aging, falls and related injuries are
rampant in the healthcare settings. Moreover, the decline in the involvement and
inspirational level of older adults in fall prevention measures continues to be a
challenge. Hence, increasing the motivational level of this older populace in fall
preventive plans is of ... Show more content on ...
The outcomes are revisit, reevaluation of current intervention methods and policies
and in most cases, changes to set protocols are implemented. To improve the quality
of life and reduce frailty among this older populace, the APN systematically reviews
and assess each individual upon admission process and identifies older adults at risk.
These risk factors are disseminated to the healthcare team members who ensure that
interventions are in place and implemented as ordered. The eventual objective of
RCA, of course, is to avert imminent harm by eradicating the oblivious errors that
continues to trigger adverse
Apocalypto Essay
Apocalypto was perhaps one of the films in which I was most curious to see because
of my Hispanic heritage. I was excited and then shocked by the films brutal portrayal
of the Mayan culture. I remember only hearing good things about how advanced the
Mayans were in astronomy, math and architecture but never the bad stuff. After
watching the filmI began reading more about the Spanish conquest and the Pre
Hispanic America, so it was interesting to see the historical references and level
realism captured in the film.
The film Apocalypto was shot digitally by Dean Semler under the direction of Mel
Gibson. He had previously worked with Gibson in several films such as We Were
Soldiers, The Road Warrior and others but never with Gibson as... Show more
content on ...
The film starts deep in the jungle where an isolated village is carrying on their
hunting and peaceful ways of life. The story follows the brave character Jaguar
Paw and his tribesman as their intimate village is decimated and taken captive by a
larger Mayan tribe. Jaguar Paw fortunately is able to foresee the impending attack
on his village and hides his wife and son in a profound cenote. However, Jaguar
and some of his fellow tribesman are taken captive and partake on a long journey
through the jungle to a large Mayan city. Not knowing what lies ahead, Jaguar Paw
holds on to hope that he will see his family again and fights desperately to escape
his captors from certain death. Upon arrival, the steep stepped pyramids, flourishing
markets, and most of all human sacrifice shock the captives. However, Jaguar Paw
manages to escape and take the fight to his home territory. He eventually finds
strength and takes the upper hand against the hunters, as they become the hunted.
He eventually arrives upon a beach and once again becomes overwhelmed by the
site of Spanish Ships. The hunters trailing behind him also become shocked and
forget about Jaguar Paw as he escapes to rescue his family from a flooding cenote.
Towards the end of Apocalypto, Jaguar Paw reunites with his wife and daughter
began to drift off through the jungle to begin a new
African Social Political Thought
African socialism was one of the earliest theories proffered by many African leaders
at the outset of independence. Leaders such as Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Julius Nyerere,
Obafemi Awolowo and Leopold Senghor all supported this concept but had different
approaches to it.
In this essay, my focus will be on Julius Nyerere and his approach to the idea of
African socialism.
Julius Kambarage Nyerere was born on the 13thof April, 1922 in Butiama in then
Tanganyika (Tanzania).As President of the United ... Show more content on ...
In the area of achieving self reliance by African states particularly Tanzania,
Nyerere developed an educational philosophy which could be approached under
two main headings; Education for Self reliance and Adult education. His interest in
Self reliance shares a great deal with Gandhi s approach to Basic Education . There
was a strong concern to counteract the colonialists assumptions and practices of the
dominant, formal means of education, which he saw as enslaving and oriented
towards western interest and norms. It was designed to transmit the values of the
colonizing power and to train individuals for the service of the colonial state. It
induced attitudes of subservience, human inequality and individualism, and
emphasized white collar skills. The context of colonial education was largely alien
and the entire system was organized by racial segregation. For Nyerere who was
once a teacher himself, he believed that education had to work for the common
good, foster co operation and promote equality. He asserted that the school
curriculum should go hand in hand with de emphasizing the import of formal
examinations which merely assesses a person s ability to learn facts. He said it was
necessary for African states to abandon examinations that are geared towards

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Example Of A Profile Essay

  • 1. Example Of A Profile Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of "Example of a Profile Essay" can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty lies in the need for a delicate balance between vivid storytelling and objective analysis. Unlike other types of essays, a profile essay demands a keen eye for detail and the ability to capture the essence of a person or subject in a compelling narrative. Firstly, there's the challenge of conducting thorough research. It's not merely about gathering facts and figures but delving into the individual's or subject's background, experiences, and perspectives. This requires time and effort to ensure accuracy and depth in the portrayal. Once the research is complete, the next hurdle is transforming raw information into a coherent and engaging narrative. Crafting a compelling story involves choosing the right anecdotes, quotes, and descriptions to paint a vivid picture. It's about creating a seamless flow that keeps the reader captivated from the introduction to the conclusion. Moreover, maintaining objectivity can be tricky. While the essay should offer insights into the subject, it's crucial to avoid bias and present a fair and balanced view. Striking this balance requires careful language choices and a thoughtful approach to the portrayal of the individual or subject. In addition, the challenge extends to incorporating a thematic thread that ties the various aspects together. Whether it's a common trait, a defining moment, or a unique perspective, finding the cohesive element that unifies the narrative adds another layer of complexity. Despite these challenges, writing a profile essay can be a fulfilling experience. It provides an opportunity to explore the intricacies of a person or subject, shedding light on aspects that may go unnoticed. Successfully navigating these difficulties results in an essay that not only informs but also resonates emotionally with the reader. For those finding the task daunting, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar essays and a variety of writing services can be accessed on, where professionals can provide support in crafting well-researched and compelling pieces tailored to specific requirements. Example Of A Profile EssayExample Of A Profile Essay
  • 2. Benefits Of Living In A Shared House In College Living in a shared house while you are in college is for sure your life experience. Either you have great, good or not that good experience, there is a high possibility that what you experience in a shared house remain in your memories for the rest of your life. One of the reasons might be the fact that you have to live with people that probably you had never seen before. Moreover, those people can be from different parts of the country. But whatever the reason, anyone who study far from his or her hometown has a strong impact on his or her life, where very positive o very negative. When a person move to another city because of college, positively influenced by the change. First of all because it is a great opportunity to expand someone s friendship, for example if the person move to a house where there are ten other students, which are usually from different towns or cities, it is a chance to have ten more friends. At the same time, it allows to know more about those owns, because despite the fact that they are in the same country and even in the same region, there are slight cultural differences such as different names for the same fruit for example. On the other hand, people s experience living in a shared house may not be the best, especially for those ones who had never been left home. For them, it might be really difficult because usually they are not used to do housework, and as they are on they are on they own, they might experience some frustration. For example, a
  • 3. Ancient Mayans Research Paper Ancient Mayans Who were the Ancient Mayans? The Ancient Mayans were a religion/culture that was in Mesoamerica (Southern Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize) beginning at around 250 CE. They believed in over 165 gods and made advanced calendars and astronomical buildings, they believed heavily on the fact that religion and science were the same thing. They were able to calculate solar years and predict solar eclipses. The Maya believed everyone went to the underworld ruled by evil gods shown as jaguars. The three major gods were the god of the sun, the god of maize, and the god of rain but they had a god for almost everything in nature and had a strong belief in forest spirits. They had many ancient texts all written in hieroglyphs which is hard ... Show more content on ... The Maya carried out sacrifices, this was one of the things they were known for, they would build great astronomical buildings used for these rituals/sacrifices. An example of the types of sacrifices they did is something called a bloodletting performed by the people but run by the priests. The Maya believed that the underworld could be accessed from the physical world through things such as a cave or cenote (natural pit or sinkhole). The underworld to them is not like say hell like in christian faith but more of a world of the dead. There are multiple beliefs for this underworld though some believed in something called Xibalba which was a dark and horrid place but there is a story in one of their texts that states two twins going into Xibalba to rescue their father, and kill the lords of death. Some believed that the dead could come back to the physical world and speak to the leaving. They believed that the kings had supernatural powers when they died so they would enter the underworld but then use those supernatural powers and become a
  • 4. Michael Lewis Teacher and Student of Language Essay Introduction Michael Lewis formulated an approach which has changed the conventional perspective of both teacher and student towards language. This revolutionary approach created some intense and controversial debates about its validity. Lewis (1993) was a naturalist who argued that any effective method in teaching must be based on the fact of learning prefabricated chunks of language rather than the individual words. He based his argument on the corpora data, which indicate that language consists of a large quantity of prefabricated chunks. The lexical approach can be described as a developed method rose from previous linguistic concepts. The techniques that underlie the approach include noticing the nature of the language rather than ... Show more content on ... The lexical approach emphasizes that language consists of chunks, which go together in order to produce coherent text and discourse. Therefore, the Lexical approach calls for urgent attention to the centrality of the lexicon in structuring language (Lewis, 2002). Schmitt also agree with that and comments: The lexical approach can be summarized in a few words: language consists not of traditional grammar and vocabulary but often of multi word prefabricated chunks. The lexical approach is a way of analysing and teaching language based on the idea that it is made up of lexical units rather than grammatical structures. The units are words and chunks formed by collocations and fixed phrases (nd.p215). The lexical approach in language teaching seeks to centralize multi word unit or chunks in syllabus and language teaching activities in . The taxonomy of the lexical approach s items The lexical approach distinguishes that words are the largest, familiar and independent units of the lexical items category, they are considered as the basic units of lexical items. These units may play a central role in utterance meaning, which can be changed if a word changed. For example, give me a cup of coffee/tea /beer (Coady, 1997). Although, words always appear partially dependent in speech and writing, words also can behave fully independent in language. For instance, Sure! Stop, Yes. Words
  • 5. Atticus Personal Response I am reading the book, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. The recent chapters we have been reading focus on how to walk in someone else s shoes. In chapter 10, 11, and 12 mostly talks about how Aunt Alexandra comes and lives with them for a while and how Jem is maturing more. In chapters 13, 14, and 15 shows that Atticus goes to the jail cell where Tom Robinson is and so Jem, Dill, and Scout sneak out and go looking for him. They see that a mob of men are coming towards Atticus and Tim, so Scout runs to him and makes an end to the situation. Who knew a young child could protect a man from other men. Some personalities that Atticus shows is knowledgeable and responsible. G. (To begin with) I will be characterizing Atticus as knowledgeable... Show more content on ... Within this story there is plenty of evidence to support this. Atticus is does not just have multiple of knowledge for vocabulary and reading but he also has great knowledge of kid behavior and to be in someone else s shoes. As a father of two, he is knowledgeable in many materials. First of all, he teaches his children how read at a young age, so his kids do not have difficulties in school. He tries to pass on all of his knowledge to his kids. Another way he has plenty of knowledge is by reading. He is not a normal father in Maycomb county, who drinks beer and plays football. He would much rather read than play any active sport. One way to show this from the book is He did not do the things our schoolmates fathers did: he never went hunting, he did not play poker or fish or drink or smoke (Lee 119). This shows that Mr. Finch prefers not to do the crazy stuff other fathers did. He prefers to relax, read a book, and talk to his kids daily. The final way he demonstrates his knowledge is by taking the Tom Robinson s case. He knows that he will not win but he is doing it for himself. Atticus tells, The only thing we ve got is a black man s word against the Ewell . The evidence boils down to you did I didn t (Lee 117). This describes that even though he know he is not going to win the case, he is going to try his best, so that is great knowledge of dedication. Not only is Atticus knowledgeable, he is also responsible. One way he shows responsibility is by teaching his kids to show manner to people...especially old ones. When Jem got furious at Ms. Dubose and cut her camellia bushes, Atticus took it into his own hands and made Jem apologize to her. A way he punished Jem is by reading to her for an hour everyday for a month. Another way he shows responsibility is by asking his sister to come and take help him take care of Jem and Scout. In the book it shows that, We decided that
  • 6. How Do Interest Groups Influence Public Policy Interest Group Influence in Public Policy Rebecca Zborowski Anna Maria College MPA 603 Dr. Steve Morreale, Professor November 13, 2016 Interest groups and advocacy groups have an undeniably strong influence in Washington, and while the results of lobbying efforts are not often touted, they sway policy in areas like energy, housing, public finance, education, gun control and many more. These interest groups may represent parochial interests, but there is surely an area of policy that matches most splintered off factions. While they ve been portrayed as shadowy forces in lawmaking, Interest Group Influence on US Policy Change: An Assessment Based on Policy History by Matt Grossmann attempts to quantify and ... Show more content on ... Says Grossmann on page 3, interest groups often play a central role in setting the government agenda...[and] are often found to have a substantial impact on policy outcomes. Many political candidates from both sides of the partisan aisle have run on a platform of neutralizing the force of special interests in Washington, and this illuminates why that s an important issue. Special interests lobby because they have something to gain from the result of the policy, or those they represent do. It s not always a nefarious intention, but the parochial nature of special interests is in conflict with policy that affects the American public at large, and those interests often win out because they wield power over lawmakers at the national, state and local
  • 7. Medieval Music Research Paper MEDIEVAL Medieval music period was around the 1940s.The music era was influenced by troubadours, Trouveres , and minstrels who musicians that were poetical too.They created their songs around peace,myths , legends and Nobel characters like knights and princes but in society, everything wasn t good it was bad because they lived in unhygienic places etc.Thomas tallis is a mediaeval composer he was born in 1505 in England and died 1585 and on 23rd of November in Kent Greenwich and was buried St alfeges church Greenwich. Thomas most famous pieces are if ye love me and god we grant grace .Nearly all of Thomas music is just vocals only which mean it s acapella.In one of Thomas songs called spem in alium there were 40 voices used which is quite ... Show more content on ... they made more woodwind music during this time than using strings mostly.there also upgrades in music to do with the piano,influenced by opera houses and concerts.One of the most famous composers of this time was Mozart (1756 1791)who created the pieces Turkish march and the music he used was opera, symphony, concerto, choral, instrumental and vocal music, revealing an amazing number of outstanding unforgettable masterpieces.(1770 1827 )Beethoven was another famous composer his famous pieces are Turkish march and Sonata in C KV 545.haydn was one of the earliest composers 1732 1809. he was Austrian his works consist of Piano Sonata nВє 59 in E flat, Hob. XVI:49 and Kleine
  • 8. Why Buddhism Do Not Believe In Religion Unlike Christianity, Buddhism does not believe in a God. The first reason they do not believe in a God is that most God origins come from a feeling of fear (Dhammika, 2016). The Buddha tried to help people understand fear and be able to ... calmly and courageously accept the things we cannot change (Dhammika, 2016, para. 3) The second reason Buddhist s do not believe in a God is that there is not concrete evidence that supports the idea of a God (Dhammika, 2016). Christians have heaven and hell and after death one will receive their final judgment as to where one will spend eternity. Everyone in Christianitywill have eternal life after they die, but those who are saved will go to heaven and those who are not saved who have not followed the word of God will spend their eternal life in hell (Robinson, 2016). Reincarnation or rebirth is the belief in Buddhism. Death is not the end but the beginning of a new birth (Tang, 1999). This is where ones karmic actions come into place, after death one goes be reborn in one of 6 realms which are; heaven, human beings, Asura, hungry ghost, animal and hell (Tang, 1999, para. 4). These Realms are not a permanent place and one does not stay there indefinitely (Tang, 1999). Buddhist s do not fear death at it is going to lead to a rebirth (Tang, 1999).... Show more content on ... For Buddhist s the meaning of life is fairly simple and that is to end suffering (meaning of life, 2015). The Buddha taught that humans suffer because we continually strive after things that do not give lasting happiness. We desperately try to hold on to things friends, health, material things that do not last, and this causes sorrow (meaning of life, 2015, para. 1). By recognizing and freeing ourselves from these attachments this will eventually lesson the suffering we are encountering and end the series of reincarnations (meaning of life,
  • 9. Lehigh Steel Case Analysis Executive Summary Lehigh Steel is a manufacturer of speciality steels for high strength, high use applications. Its financial performance has generally trended wit but outperformed the industry as a whole. Following the general recessionary trend of the market, Lehigh Steel reported record losses in 1991 after posting record profits in 1988. This had led to an increasing need to rationalizing Lehigh Steel s product mix. Traditionally, Lehigh Steel has followed Standard Cost Method for cost accounting. Jack Clark, CFO of Lehigh Steel has given Bob Hall the task of implementing Activity Based Costing at Lehigh Steel. Mark Edwards, Director of Operations and MIS explored the implementation of Theory of Constrains (TOC) accounting for Lehigh ... Show more content on ... Steel products were defined by several attributes which determined the product application and defined quality. Grade described the metallic (chemical) composition of the steel, or the elements added to the basic recipe of iron and carbon to create the desired properties. Product described the shape of the product, including semi finished shapes (blooms, billets and bars) and finished shapes (wires and coils). Surface finish described the smoothness and polish that could be applied to the material s surface to enhance presentation. Size described the latitudinal and longitudinal dimensions of the product. Structural quality described the absence of breaks in the inner metallic structure. Surface quality described the absence of cracks or seams on the surface. Because specific applications called for specific attributes, many products were customized along one or more attributes for the customer. However, of all attributes, customers valued most the grade, which determined product performance. Producers typically focussed on a portfolio of product shapes within a single segment to carve niches in a broad industry. This focus strategy protected capital investments in a capital intensive industry. The industry was capital intensive because (i) lumpy and expensive capacity additions, (ii) cost structure was significantly changed only
  • 10. Euthanasia And Doctor Assisted Suicide Research Paper Should Euthanasia or Doctor Assisted Suicide be Aloud? Should This Even be A Option? David Barraclough Communication 3050 03, Section C Professor Roy Geiger February 5th 2015 Should Euthanasia or Doctor Assisted Suicide be Aloud? Should This Even be a Option? Euthanasia and doctor assisted suicide, what a touchy subject. There is millions of people would say that it would be absolutely cruel to allow people in the medical field to have this power . As well just as many people are arguing that not allowing euthanasia or the assistance of a doctor to end a life is a violation of their rights. The right to Life has and will always be the number one most argued point when it comes to this topic. Many argue that it is that person s life and if suffering from horrifying pain, should be able to ... Show more content on ... Retrieved January 25, 2015, from /1641008371?accountid=39340 Brust, T. (2014). Who s Body is This? Who s Body Is This?, 186(17), 2 2. http:/ / Guthrie, P. (2006). Assisted suicide debated in the united states. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 174(6), 755 6. Retrieved January 31, 2015, from http:/ / Levitz, S. (2014, December 2). Senators seek to spur national debate on assisted suicide with proposed new law. Retrieved January 25, 2015, from http:/ / Robinson, S., L.L.B. (2014). Revisiting rodriguez. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 186(16), 1264. Retrieved January 31, 2015, from doi: /10.1503/cmaj.141213 Vogel, L. (2014). Top court hears right to die appeal. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 186(17), 1284. Retrieved January 31, 2015, from doi:
  • 11. Scotland s Rural Economic Crisis A rural economic crisis occurred as there was a decline of people working the land. The highland population between the years of 1921 1930 witnessed a decrease of 13.8% in the highland counties alone. This can be explained through an increase in emigration, loss of life from World War One and a general decline in agriculture . The 1920 s saw an overall increase in emigration from Scotland, many of these came from rural areas. An explanation into rural emigration could be in response to the land raids that were occurring during this time. Land raids were carried out mainly by ex servicemen who were under the illusion, they would be rewarded in land for war efforts. Therefore, showing the impact of the interwar years upon rural society in Scotland. Another industry that suffered post war was the fishing... Show more content on ... However, during the interwar years, it became evident there was problems. The cost of fuel was rising and fishermen struggled to keep up with the rising cost, while trying to restore their boats to a pre war state. Significantly, the fishing industry lost their traditional export markets in Germany, Russia and many Eastern European countries. Therefore, resulting in a decline of Scotland s fishing industry. It is evident, Scotland s economy was in ruins after the war, the reliance upon staple industries witnessed a domino effect that spread throughout Scotland. Which resulted in the interwar depression. However, it also had a substantial impact upon Scotland s employment levels. The interwar depression witnessed the emergence of mass unemployment. Scotland s recession was deeper and more sustained than in England, resulting in higher levels of unemployment and a social crisis. Notably, unemployment levels varied across industries, regions and demographic groups. Unemployment rates were twice as high for men than they were for women, males aged between 55 59 and 18 24 experienced higher rates
  • 12. How To Respond To Stereotypes In A Square Pressed up against people, strangers no less, and moving as if you are one body in 80 degree heat with over seventy percent humidity doesn t seem like a whole lot of fun; however, there are certain things that make it worth the uncomfortableness of the situation. There is such diversity of people, foods, and sounds that it makes everything more interesting and bearable. The beautiful colors and smells of summer are coupled with the beauty of people and smells of delicious, diverse foods. The fresh fruits and vegetables paint a rainbow over the otherwise bland colored baskets in which they sit. The gorgeous and intriguing smell of sunflowers and roses fills the air like perfume. The fascinating sight of strange people wearing strange clothes... Show more content on ... Going around the Square there is more than just produce and baked goods; there are also people that are trying to sell their message. There is always a booth, or maybe two, that try to spread their religious opinions by using pamphlets and traditional persuasive methods. However, there are more than a few captivating individuals who want to share their extremely thought provoking performance. Usually, there is a group of elderly women sitting in lawn chairs on one corner of the Square. They are the kind of older women who have appear harmless and extremely grandma esque. Except these grandmas hold signs spreading the message of equality for the LGBTQ+ community. At first, they all just seem like cool grandmas trying their best to protest, but every once in awhile they will get up from their lawn chairs. They start to sing and dance! They are all connected, not only through the message they are trying to send, but through the elbow lock they have on each others arms which prevents them all from falling over. They are so happy and proud of themselves; it really is a sight to see at least once in a
  • 13. Eloi And Morlock Research Paper The time traveler s theory reflects on Darwin s main points of the Darwin s Origin Of Species work, because of the relation that the Eloi and Morlock have to humanity, a thought made by the time traveler. While it is unclear on how did they entirely separate into two distinct stages of man, they still share, possess, and evolve traits and characteristics of a new humanity. We shall begin on the first point of Darwin s book, that evolution of humanity will remain constantly changing, the Eloi and Morlock are the prime examples and subject of theory to the time traveler. The Morlock, symbolize the lower class, or the toilers, who have still retained their working prowess, but have become dark creatures who inhabit the underworld, as he calls it. All the Morlock are grotesque in nature, they are mechanically intelligent, and survive on primal instinct, and as previously being the minority under the rich class, they now control the descendants of the upperclass by feeding off them like livestock. This changes how the ... Show more content on ... In the book, Mr. Protagonist reflects on how even when the Morlock are a large threat in their preferred surrounding of dark shroud, they are as vulnerable as the Eloi when in sunlight or fire, because they have not adapted to the light by living in the dark for so long, it is their limitation, their weakness. The time traveler discovers this with his many encounters with them that he comes to the conclusion that they are blind and loathe the light. The Eloi are practically children, they get nourishment from fruit because it doesn t require effort to hunt, and they live in complete cluelessness of danger, living in the comfort of the upper world limits their desire and ability to act on instinct for survival. They both are limited of their survival because of the change of
  • 14. Faith And The Gospel Of Mark Faith is a very commonly used word in relation to Christianity and God. It is seen and talked about throughout most of the bible. One can see faith very clearly in the Four Gospel teachings of Mark, Mathew, Luke, and John in the New Testament. Each says that it is necessary to have faith to have salvation and know God. The word faith can be seen in twenty four of the twenty seven books in the New Testament. The book of John is actually one of the three books where faith is not used. However, the saying I believe is found ninety eight times within it (Edmonds 2). Faith and the saying, I believe are very common, so one can see how the GospelJohn can be seen as talking about faith as well as the other three Gospels. The Gospel of Markwas written to encourage a group undergoing difficult trials and persecutions (Just 1). The way that Mark does this is by showing his people that through faith and belief in God, peace and salvation can be achieved. Readers even see how the first thing Jesussays in the Gospel of Mark deals with faith. Mark says, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, And saying the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent ye and believe the gospel (Mark 1:14 15). This is a powerful way to show that faith is very important in Christianity. Faith is first seen when four men came to one of Jesus teachings with a paralyzed man. They could not get through the huge crowd, so they had to cut a hole in the
  • 15. Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction Psychological Characteristics of a Job Assignment Introduction A field of interest in human resources and psychology is job satisfaction. Not surprisingly, people have noted that higher levels of job satisfaction are linked to improved job performance. Hackman and Oldham were some of the first researchers to really highlight the relationship between job characteristics and job satisfaction. Their Job Characteristics Model (JCM) argued that, essentially, enriched or complex jobs are associated with increased job satisfaction, motivation, and work performance. More specifically, they assumed that five core job characteristics В¦influence three critical psychological states В¦which in turn affect work outcomes (Fried Ferris, 1987). The five core job characteristics include skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback from job (Fried Ferris, 1987). The three critical psychological states include the experienced meaningfulness of the work, the experienced responsibility for outcomes of the work, and knowledge of the actual results of the work activities (Fried Ferris, 1987). The work outcomes that are impacted by the job characteristics and psychological states include internal work motivation, growth satisfaction, overall job satisfaction, work effectiveness, and absenteeism (Fried Ferris, 1987). While other researchers have developed models to measure job satisfaction and motivation, there has been surprisingly little research in the area.
  • 16. Example Of Sqwidnet Network For being South Africa s fast growing loT network SqwidNet Launched in 2016 as a licensed Sigfox operator in South Africa, SqwidNet network offers low cost access to Internet of Things (loT) solutions and operators in South Africa, creating opportunities for businesses to create innovative solutions. SqwidNet s Sigfox network enables low cost, low power, and secure connectivity for IoT data transmission upon which IoT devices, platforms, applications, and solutions can be developed. The company s common stock is 100% owned by DFA, the premier open access fibre company. The SqwidNet network gives nationwide coverage for IoT, allowing millions of sensors and devices to send small packets of data for analysis, immediate action, and record ... Show more content on ... That is where Outsourced CFO comes in with the business expertise of a passionate Chief Financial Officer, or CFO, tailored to one s strategy and budget. Outsourced CFO provides integrity and professional excellence in financial consulting for ambitious SME s. Succeeding through uncompromising quality and industry thought leadership, the company aims to help clients rethink, automate and scale their companies in the pursuit of business prominence. As entrepreneurs themselves, Outsourced CFO understands the important role finances play in the success of a business. Sound financial planning and management enables businesses to grow and flourish, while the lack of adequate planning could spell inevitable failure. The CFOs have helped many emerging companies realise triple digit growth rates and have helped raise millions in seed and growth finance for SMEs. Outsourced CFO offers its services in three packages, Performance (8 hours per month), Growth (16 hours per month) and Eminence (32 hours per month). In 2017, the company announced the launch of its latest eBook, What Your CFO Needs to Know about Outsourcing Software Development. The guide features exclusive information from its president, Andy
  • 17. Shakespeare s Use Of Supernatural In Macbeth Macbeth s: Supernatural There s different events occurring as the story goes on, which surprises you each time. Macbeth is a fictional story with different events going on as it continues. Macbeth develops the play with the sense of the supernatural and an anxiety that is awakened by its imagery. Macbethis a man that has done lots of horrible things and for his acts there s consequences, which his conscious has him in no peace. Macbeth is known for being one of the most straightforward stories of Shakespeare s that deals a lot with the spiritual kingdom. Which has a lot of supernatural ideas/scenes in most of the whole story. It includes witches, ghosts, and things that aren t present in the moment. It has a point of Christianity and the force of evil witchcraftall throughout the play. Therefore, the witches are contact by Macbeth to do evil stuff on people he knows that know of his dirty work. As he first started calling them he said, Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts.... Whatever in your... Show more content on ... As it says Macbeth for shaking, and the power above, put on their instruments. All of this demonstrates that Edward, who appears at the point where the dramatic tide turns, this structure as well as the theme of this play balance him against Macbeth. He is no warrior king, but an angelic figure blessed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The king of Scotland is in league with dark powers, while the English king is a saint like servant of god. Which this can be read as an extended poem. This play is a characteristic by an extraordinary density of image, meaning, and symbol. Most of this is from the nature like, Banquo s identification of the martin with sanctity proves fatally ironic. Lady Macbeth s preparation for her guests is signaled by a dark calling of the birds of her own the raven is a harsh meaning/and the croaks are the deadly entrance of Duncan s
  • 18. The Importance Of Tourism In Hong Kong Hong Kong has been commonly constructed as and known to both tourists as a thoroughly metropolitan city, of which its modern architecture, especially with its densely populated skyline around the Victoria Harbour, and boisterous and fast paced lifestyle involving non stop eating and shopping take centre stage as a few of Hong Kongs many selling points (Choi, Chan Wu, p 364). Much of Hong Kong s status as an economic success could be attributed to its harbour. After Hong Kong was ceded to the British after the First Opium war with the Chinese Qing dynastyin 1842, the island, which was previously a sleepy collection of fishing villages (Choi, 2007, p.8), became one of Britain s most important trading ports for spices and tea from China (p. 9). The development of Hong Kong under British colonial rule has undoubtedly influenced the character of Hong Kong as a tourist destination, with many of its promoted sites, such as the tramways on Hong Kong Island, the Peak tram up Victoria Peak, and the Star Ferry all being historical modes of public transportation still operating today. This tour will focus on the Star Ferry, exploring its symbolic importance to Hong Kong identity and how past and contemporary events that have occurred in the physical area of the Star Ferry Pier where the ferry operates from have been discursively co opted into, and representative of a greater contestation of hegemonic ideologies surrounding Hong Kong s identity, as part of an opposition
  • 19. Whitney Museum of Art Essay The Whitney Museum of American Art has often been referred to a citadel of American Art, partially due to the museums faГ§ade, a striking granite building (Figure 1), designed by Bauhaus trained architect Marcel Breuer. The museum perpetuates this reference through its biennial review of contemporary American Art, which the Whitney has become most famous for. The biennial has become since its inception a measure of the state of contemporary artin America today. Since the Museum s opening in 1931, the collection has grown to more than 12,000 paintings, sculptures, prints, drawings, and photographs, representing nearly 2,000 individual artists and providing the most complete overview of twentieth century American art of any museum in the ... Show more content on ... For example, in the 2004 biennial their was 113 artists shown, consistent with the 2000 show of around 103 artists. The Whitney seems determined to include as much art as possible that can fit in their relatively small sized museum in order to better reflect the condition of the art scene in contemporary America. To fully understand the role of the biennial today, we must look to its past. The earliest Biennials were assembled informally; easy groups of artists and museum personnel made the selections. Most of those in the show lived in New York City, although many had originally come from elsewhere. In 1937, the format was changed and the exhibitions became Annuals, with one year for painting, one for sculpture and various media. Some years, a single Whitney curator chose pieces; sometimes an outsider was added. In 1973, they went back to Biennials. Today the tradition remains the same as was begun fully in 1973. Increasingly in current shows curators search out a wide range of ethnic and gender varieties to fully grasp the breadth of American culture that is represented in current art work. Their has been much criticism of the Whitney and their exclusion of non American artists. There are sections of critics who believe that the Whitney is only
  • 20. The Paradoxical Nature of Belonging Depicted in Arthur... In Arthur Miller s The Crucible, we are positioned to see belonging as paradoxical, in that the positive, human quality of belonging inevitably carries with it the negative and dangerous corollary of exclusion. By belonging, we are automatically excluding others and excluding ourselves from other groups. The Crucible achieves this complex presentation of belonging through a variety of interconnected techniques which will be explored in this essay. These techniques may be categorized into four main groups: conflict, characterisation, heightened language and juxtaposition; conflict being the foremost. Firstly let us consider conflict. In each act of the play, we see the overpowering desire to belong leading to a climax of conflict ... Show more content on ... When John fails to recall the commandment against adultery, it is taken as evidence of satanic influence in the household and hence used to justify Elizabeth s arrest. The society s rules for belonging are strict one mistake and you are excluded. By the third act we can see the potential evil of the people s desire to belong to each other the court immediately distrusts and excludes anyone accused of being evil. Perfectly innocent people are not given an adequate chance to defend themselves. The irrational fear and insecurity of something splitting up the community is splitting up the community. In Act Four, the conflict is surrounding John Proctor s choice of whether or not to confess. If he confesses, he will be accepted back into the community; however he will be excluding the other accused people condemning them to death. Instead, he chooses to belong to himself and his own sense of conscience. In doing this, he must permanently exclude himself from the society and resign to his death. Throughout The Crucible, external and internal conflicts run in parallel. Though distinct, together they reinforce and nuance the theme that to belong is to exclude. The main characters who experience internal conflict are Reverend Hale, John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor and Mary Warren. These characters are forced to be involved in the conflict of the town
  • 21. Bail Bonds Finding the right bail bondsman to facilitate the smooth bail of your loved one can be a challenging undertaking. While you want them out of jail as soon as possible, you should take careful consideration in picking out a bondsman. There are many bail bond companies in Victoria TX, but you want to choose one that is reliable and trustworthy like ABC Bonding Co., which offers 24 hour bail bonds. A bail bondsman acts as the defendant s surety, which means he ll pay the bail on behalf of the defendant and takes responsibility if the accused fails to appear at court hearings. If you re looking for the best bonding company in Victoria, TX, here are some tips for you: Track Record: Check his legal qualifications and research the results of past cases he s handled to assess his reliability. You may also want one who belongs to a company that is accredited by the Better Business Bureau.... Show more content on ... They should also make it clear if collateral is required. If you can t prove that you can pay their services, they should be able to work out a payment plan for you. Legal procedures and licensing information: A reliable bail bondsman should be able to explain the whole bailing process from hearing to repayment methods in an easy to understand manner. Ask for proof that they can work within your jurisdiction. Most bail bond agents are licensed through the Department of Insurance within the state in which they work. With over 60 years of experience in many types of bail bonds such as Misdemeanor Bail Bonds and Felony Bail Bonds, experts at ABC Bonding Co. can post bonds within 10 minutes. Call them at 409 267 6433 or visit them online for more
  • 22. I Am A Writer By Franklin W. Dixon I am a writer. I love creating my own stories about whatever comes to mind. I like writing stories about adventures and mysteries. I like to watch movies with action and then go back and write about the movie, but with my own twist on it. I started to do this after my first discovery of a mystery book called The Hardy Boysby Franklin W. Dixon. Growing up, before I knew how to read, I would enjoy learning about new things and figuring out things on my own. I would try to do things that would be next to impossible for a little kid to do, alone. For example, one day I was playing on the second story of my mid sized house in Snohomish and I noticed, at the end of the hallway, a very large wooden looking bookshelf. Somehow I had never... Show more content on ... I scanned the first and second shelves first, mainly because they were at the same height as me. I didn t see anything that looked interesting to me, other than the cartoon character books, so I moved on to the next set shelves. I looked at the third and fourth shelves. I had to step back and look at the books above me to see them. I remember spotting a light blue spine book on the far left of the fourth shelf. I focused on it, went directly underneath where it was, and reached up and grabbed it. The book felt like it was made of some type of fabric and it also felt light for how many pages that were in it. The book seemed cool to me because I had never seen one like it before. First, I wanted to go over the book and see what I could find. I saw that there were two boys on the cover of the book and they looked like they were hiding from someone behind a tree, but I wasn t exactly sure. So I opened the book up and began to read the first chapter. Since I really couldn t actually read, I looked for pictures. I found a few pictures, only two or three of them in the entire book, and then used them to create my own story about the book. After doing this, I took the book in my room and waited for my dad to get home from work, to show him what I had found. Later on in the evening, I heard my dad s truck pull into the driveway, followed by footsteps to the front door to our house. I ran
  • 23. What Is The Main Conflict Of Where The Red Corn Grows Test Where the Red Fern Grows Test 1. a) The point of view in a book is how the author tells the story. b) First person 2. Billy s mother is religious, caring and harsh. Billy s mother is religious because Billy came to her first when he had questions on whether God had helped him or not. Billy s is caring because she worried so much about Billy on his first coon hunt. Finally, Billy s mother is harsh because she hit him bad after he scared the family when he found his first coon. 3. Billy s grandfather helps Billy very generously. He orders the dogs for billy, he taught Billy some hunting tricks and he enters Billy into the coon hunting tournament. 4. a) The main conflict of Where the Red Furn grows is Man versus Self b) Billy wins the conflict. ... Show more content on ... a) Billy, Mrs. Pritchard and her hound are the characters in the passage. b) Mrs. Pritchard is arranging the flowers on Rubin s grave. c) The event takes place next to the Pritchard s house. d) It takes place a little bit after Rubin s death. e) Billy learns that Mrs. Pritchard is appreciative of the flowers and that he should always respect the graves of the dead 2. a) Billy is the only character in the passage. b) Billy is about to go back to work when he hears a breeze swaying through the big sycamore. He notices that the breeze does not even touch a big black gum tree to his right. c) Right next to the big sycamore tree where his dogs treed their first coon. d) It takes place right after he gets his dogs and goes on his first coon hunt. e) Billy learns that God is always with him. Learning that God s presence is with him helps Billy to mature as a man of God. 3. a) Billy and a gang of ragamuffin kids. b) The kids circle around Billy and start teasing him because of his dogs. c) In the streets of the town of Taheluqh. d) Right after he gets his dogs e) He learns that people could attack you for anything you stand for and you have to be ready. He learns to be tough, helping him
  • 24. Argumentative Essay On Childhood Cancer The Dreaded C Word Cancer is the most common disease that causes death in the United States. It is actually the second leading cause of death behind heart disease. Some people do not realize it but children can also get cancer. This is call childhood cancer and it amongst children from 0 17 years old. Childhood cancer is the leading cause of death by disease past infancy among children in the United States. At a very young age, childhood cancer had impacted my life physically, mentally and emotionally. It definitely changed my perspective on how I will live my life through on out. According to the American Cancer Society, there are sixteen major types of childhood cancers and over 100 subtypes. Leukemia and Lymphoma cancer are the most common cancers that children get at a young age. Everyday forty six kids are diagnose with childhood cancer and seven children die every day. Childhood cancer kills more kids than Cystic Fibrosis, AIDS, and asthma combined! The worst part about childhood cancer is that the treatment side affects can last a lifetime for these kids. People do not understand that childhood cancer only gets a small percentage of the budget for all cancers. National Cancer Institute budget is around $4.9 billion and only 4% of that sum goes towards childhood cancer. On July 17, 2002 my family, friends, and I heard the worst news ever that impacted all of our lives especially mine. I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemiaat the age of three. Being so
  • 25. Energy Sources And Non Renewable Energy Source Essay Intended Audience Within this paper I wish to address two audiences, the first is best described as local homeowners who are presently in the vicinity of windmills or who will be in the future, and are somewhat skeptical of this renewable energy source. The second group that I wish to address are those who are deemed to be environmentalists, who have a very strong faith in wind energy and other forms of renewables. Since these two audiences can be quite different the way in which I address concerns are going to have to be comprehensive to both. With focusing first on locals, I wish to include the basic information on wind turbines so that all aspects of this renewable energy source can be fully understood. I also will include a comparison of wind energy to other forms of renewable energy sources and non renewable sources to point out important numbers and values within the environment, the economy, and society. Locals have many important needs, wants and values. They value their homes not only financially but in a family sense as well, they value their health and safety. The want windmills to not have a negative effect on their lives and at the same time have an efficient, inexpensive forms of energy that they can have access to. When it comes to a problem having either a direct effect on themselves or the environment, most but not all, would rather the environment take the hit. Their interest most likely does not lie within big companies making big profits, they value
  • 26. Success Is The Most Misunderstood Driver Of Performance Some popular theories claim that the amount a person is paid determines how well that person produces and performs. However, new research suggests that there are more variables at play pertaining to peak performance and link an employee s happiness to his or her productivity and a company s success. Research indicates that performance on nearly every level productivity, creativity, and engagement improves when people cultivate and work with a positive mind set. According to Shawn Achor, the author of The HappinessAdvantage, Happiness is perhaps the most misunderstood driver of performance. For one, most people believe that success precedes happiness. Once I get a promotion, I ll be happy, they think. Or, Once I hit my sales target, I ll feel great. But because success is a moving target as soon as you hit your target, you raise it again the happiness that results from success is fleeting. Achor explains that when employees develop a positive mind set, they become more engaged, creative, motivated, energetic, resilient, and productive at work. He has observed this effect in his role as a researcher and lecturer in 48 countries on the connection between employee happiness and success. In a study at the University of Warwick, economists discovered employees who were happy increased their productivity by 12%, while unhappy workers were 10% less productive. The Warwick research team stated: We find that human happiness has large and positive causal effects on
  • 27. Rethinking Cogs Rethinking COGs Military Counter Insurgency Operations (COIN) in Afghanistan and Iraq has further complicated our understanding of COGs. Current U.S. Army doctrine defines COG as, the source of power that provides moral or physical strength, freedom of action, or will to act. My personal issue with the definition is that it implies there can only be one COG. I disagree with this logic because in today s interconnected world, I believe there can be more than one COGs. Today s conflict environments are often asymmetric, decentralized and interconnected via the internet. These factors lead to multiple COGs that fall along the lines of structural/operational and ideological/moral. These variations of COGs are not separate, but mutually supporting ... Show more content on ... However, I believe the differences are because individuals are discussing different conflict topics. Today s conflict environments are unlike what Clausewitz knew at the time. Yes, many tactics still apply, but the conflict zones today are different. Conflict zones today are increasingly asymmetric, decentralized and interconnected via the internet. Our textbooks define COG as, the set of characteristics, capabilities, and sources of power from which a system derives its moral or physical strength, freedom of action and will to act. To have practical application of targeting COGs, I believe we should have multiple COGs. Today s conflict environments lead to COGs that fall along the lines of structural and ideological/moral lines. Your example of American support following the attacks on 9/11 would fall into the Moral COG category and American Military power would be a structural COG. To effectively defeat America, our adversaries would have to target both to truly defeat us. If our adversaries only target one COG then they degrade our capabilities, but they do not defeat us. WOC
  • 28. Fridolin And Albertine Compare And Contrast Arthur Schnitzler was an Austrian novelist and playwright who wrote about lust and infidelity in twentieth century Vienna. His narrative, Dream Story , was first published in 1925. The story tells of a married couple living a comfortable lifestyle. The husband is a thirty five year old doctor. The younger wife is occupied by her responsibilities as wife and mother. In 1999, Stanley Kubrick released Eyes Wide Shut, which is his adaptation of Schnitzler s Dream Story. In Kubrick s film, Schnitzler s protagonists, Fridolin and Albertine, are renamed Bill and Alice Harford. The similarities between Eyes Wide Shut and Schnitzler s Dream Story is astonishing. The film s narrative is updated from turn of the century Vienna to present day New York, however the plot of the novella remains intact. In both stories, a wife tantalizes her husband with erotic reminiscences of her desire and lust for another man. As a result, the envious, resentful husband sets out on a nightly excursion to try and alleviate his damaged dignity and to fulfill his unsatisfied sexual desires. The plots of both works are approximately the same, with only a few alternations affecting how the audience views the film. Kubrick integrates changes to the novella in order to clarify the film. Thesis? Albertine s dream in Dream Story is more extensive and detailed than Alice s dream in Eyes Wide Shut. When Fridolin arrives back home from the orgy, his wife Albertine wakes up from a dream that
  • 29. Analysis Of Marquette University s Marketing And... Marquette University had many successes building its brand through a strategic social media strategy. According to the case study, members of The Office of Communications and Marketing supported and participated in the conception and planning stages to help structure an effective social media strategy. In addition to the research and information gathered internally, the universityalso engaged with a variety of audiences, not physically on the campus, to further extend its market research and brand. Marquette University s marketing and communications team s strategy for social media is focused on engagement, dialogue, bridging of information, and community. This strategy aligns with the university s mission, the search for truth, the discovery and sharing of knowledge, the fostering of personal and professional excellence ( About Marquette: Our Mission, n.d.). I think the digital efforts by the Marquette University were effective because of the following tactics. The team... 1.Designed strategic campaigns (combination of online and traditional tactics) a.The Give Marquette campaign, designed to remind older alumni of their years on campus. b.Marquette pride photo competition on Flicker 2.Integrated social media networks (Twitter, Facebook, Flicker, Foursquare, Tumbler and so on.) This level of engagement online by the university really blew my mind. I can barely wrap my arms around the first two social platforms in my day to day work activities. I am very impressed.
  • 30. The Relationship Between Inflation And Unemployment On Growth INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Study Three ultimate macroeconomic goals which every government strives to achieve in order to ensure sound macroeconomic policy are maintenance of relative stability in domestic prices, attainment of a high rate of employment or full employment and achievement of a high rapid and sustainable economic growth. The relationship between inflation and unemployment on growth remains a controversial one in both theory and empirical findings. Originating from the Latin American context in the 1950s, the issue has generated an enduring debate between structuralists and monetarists. The structuralists believe that inflation is essential for economic growth, whereas the monetarists see inflation as detrimental to economic progress. There are two aspects to this debate: (a) The nature of the relationship if one exists and (b) The direction of causality. Friedman (1973) succinctly summarized the inconclusive nature of the relationship between inflation and unemployment on economic growth as follows: ―historically, all possible combinations have occurred: inflation and unemployment with and without development, no inflation and unemployment with and without development. The main problems facing the economy of Iraq today are unemployment and inflation. These problems are persistently complex and cause economic and social dilemma to the economy as a whole. The inability of government to provide a lasting solution to these twin challenges has contributed
  • 31. Document Based Data Modeling Technique Janu Barot Database System Midterm Exam Document based data modeling technique and relational technique In todays era, the volume of data we manage has developed to terabytes. As the volume of data continues developing, the sorts of data produced by applications get to be wealthier than some time recently. Subsequently, traditional relational databases are tested to catch, visualize, seek, share, break down, and store data. We find many difficulties in managing big data using traditional data modeling techniques. We still need an advance modeling techniques threw which we can solve problems of managing big data. There are two types of data models in data base system one is relational model and other is non ... Show more content on ... Column based or wide column NOSQL systems: These systems segment a table by column into column families where every column family is put away in its own records. They additionally permit forming of data qualities. Chart based NOSQL systems: Data is spoken to as graphs, and related hubs can be found by navigating the edges utilizing way expressions Data with the accompanying attributes is appropriate for a NoSQL system firstly, Data volume becoming quickly secondly, Columnar development of data then, Document and tuple data Lastly, Hierarchical and graph data. Data with the accompanying qualities may be more qualified for a conventional relational database management system is On Line Transaction Processing required atomicity, consistency, disengagement, toughness prerequisites (ACID) then Complex data relationship and Complex question prerequisites [2] Apache Cassandra are example of BigTable style Databases Oracle Coherence, Kyoto Cabinet is case of of Key Value Stores. mongo DB and Couch DB is example of document database and neo4j and flock dB is case of graph database. [4]. I have selected document base data modeling to compare and contras with relational data modeling. Now before starting compare and contras of document base data modeling and relational data modeling I would like to explain what does data modeling and relational data modeling means. A data model is an accumulation of ideas that can be utilized to depict the
  • 32. Cause Of Ww1 Mini-Q Analysis In World War I countries used all resources they could including dogs. Dogs were used to carry messages that would be attached to their bodies. Germany had employed 30,000 dogs by 1918. It s crazy to think about a dog on the battlefield. The spark of World War I was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife on the morning of June 28, 1914. There were many underlying events that caused World War I, but three important underlying events were alliance, industrialization , and militarism. One of the three underlying events that lead to World War I becoming such a big war was alliances. There were at least 100 countries according to http:/ / fighting a war, and countries had to choose their side. Countries used alliances for extra support. Germany, Austria Hungary, and Italy were part of Triple Alliance until 1915 when Italy switched sides hurting Austria Hungar. On the Triple Entente United Kingdom, and France fought together.... Show more content on ... In Document E of Cause of WWI Mini Q the image shows a German propaganda showing people that England is a monster.England is shown as a monster because of how big they were from land to population. Britain had square miles of 12,740,000 and a population of 400,000,000, the biggest population out of the eight main countries. However militarism is also an important underlying event in World War I. The warfare great increased. In the beginning of the war soldiers used gun powered guns at the end they used tanks and machine guns. Great Britain spent the greatest percentage on its navy according to Document C of Cause of WWI Mini Q Great Britain s army spent about $90 million at the beginning of the war in 1914. At the end of the war countries have spent more than expected. Countries spent more because the warfare became more expensive since it s wasn t just cannons and gunpowder
  • 33. The Trojan War Facts Trojan War Myth/Fact Tell me, O Muse, of that ingenious hero who traveled far and wide after he had sacked the famous town of Troy. (Butler 1835 1902) The epic poem The Iliad and The Odyssey, is the story of the Greek struggle to rescue Queen Helen from the Trojan captors. Which led to an all out war between the Achaean Greeks and the Trojans, the name of this war is called the Trojan War . The Trojan War was a legendary conflict between the early Greeks and the people of Troy in western Anatolia. In the original story, Paris, son of the Trojan king, ran off with Helen, wife of Menelaus. Menelaus demanded to have her back, but the Trojans refused, so his brother Agamemnon built a wooden horse that he took into battle with him and led a Greek... Show more content on ... The war apparently lasted ten years, when the Greeks finally withdrew, leaving behind a large wooden horse with a raiding party concealed inside. A man named Sinon was left behind and he convinced the Trojans to bring the horse inside the city. When the Trojans bought the horse into the city the party of Greeks opened up the horse and raided the city. Men were massacred, and women carried off. It also states that the Gods found the war to be so interesting that they participated themselves, and helped the Greeks take the city of Troy. No one really knows if this war was a myth or a fact due to the fact that it is presented only briefly in an epic poem. In order to find evidence of the war, historians have gone to the site of where the war would ve taken place and excavated artifacts to prove wither the Trojan was a myth or a fact. But their research started off from the very beginning, which was the source of the Trojan War
  • 34. Royal Brunei Airline Case Study Survival is vital and it is one of the most important business entities. The airline industry affected with the global economic downturn and the increased level of competition. Bresnen and Fowler (1994) stated that in order to survive, the organizations particularly airline industry need to design and consider fundamental changes in terms of organizational change and managementpractices. The changes made could be through developing strategies of restructuring and downsizing of the organization as a measure to cope with unfavorable business conditions such as financial crisis. Large organization like airline industry, often undergo restructuring and downsizing to secure survival through reduction of staffs to minimize overhead cost. It ... Show more content on ... During the announcement, he clarified that process of restructuring the organization is the first step towards developing stronger foundation allowing the airline to improve its value of the organization among customers, employees and society (Too, 2011). One of the decisions made in the retrenchment scheme was to encourage early retirement of its employees. The early retirement provided with compensation package was a voluntary option for its employees who were willing to go for early retirement; the employees were not being forced to do so. From 207 employees who were given option for early retirement only 103 employees volunteered to undertake early retirement scheme provided that they received $200,000 compensation if the employees earn $3,000 monthly together with the incentives provided (Hana,
  • 35. Eugen Sandow Research Paper Eugen Sandow is generally accepted as the first modern bodybuilder. He performed feats of strength and displayed his body in the late 1800s. As a result of his exhibitions, Sandow was known as the strongest and best built man in the world. Others soon began to admire and emulate him. Most of these bodybuilders, mostly men, performed at exhibitions and for circuses. As more individuals participated in bodybuilding, gyms and weight rooms appeared. Standard exercises began to dominate weightlifting competitions. Although it was still not popular in the United States, an increasing number of men and women began lifting weights to improve their physiques. Muscle Beach, often referred to as the birthplace of the fitness movement, is synonymous with ... Show more content on ... Images portray her in a two piece bathing suit lifting men and heavy weights over her head, often while smiling. Physical Culture magazine named her Miss Physical Culture. Her column, Barbelles, provided women advice on how to achieve the level of strength and fitness they desired. She featured women who obtained their goals and gave advice on performing workout routines to achieve ideal results. In her column, she provided more advice about improving muscularity and strength than about weight loss. However, Stockton s most important asset was her beauty. She had to maintain standards of beauty and femininity to attain social acceptance as a female bodybuilder. Other notable individuals at Muscle Beach included Joe Gold, Jack Lalanne, Armand Tanny, and Pat McCormick. Joe Gold started his own gym in Venice Beach named after him. After selling the gym, he started a new fitness franchise, World s Gym. Jack Lalanne, known as the father of fitness, starred in a television show, where he imparted advice on achieving and maintaining a healthy mind and body. Pat McCormick was a four time Gold Medalist at the Olympic
  • 36. External Environmnet Ducati Analysis of External Environment of Ducati (Answer of Q. 2) In classical strategy literature, competitive advantage of a company is generally attributed to the management s ability to position the company s assets against some external context (Mintzberg et al, 2005 amp; Juga, 1999). This external context is referred (Porter, 2004) as external environment for a particular company. According to Johnson et al (2008:54), the environment is what gives organisations their means of survival. So, it is important to a great extent that most of companies be aware of the environment in which they are operating. In Author s view, Ducati was aware to a certain extent what is the external environment surrounding it. This answer will attempt to... Show more content on ... It is a very much a step by step approach (Porter, 2004). Strategy development is primarily seen as seeking attractive opportunities in the market (Johnson et al, 2008) According to Porter (2004:231), Crucial strategic questions facing a firm are where in an industry a firm competes and in what segments will focus strategies be sustainable. In author s view to a certain extent Ducati adopted this philosophy when it tried to position itself in the motorcycle industry during the turnaround period from 1996 to 2001 and further, to what extent it can be said that strategy of Ducati was Market Driven. According to Porter (2004:233), an industry is an array of similar or closely related products and Buyers. Ducati did not try to go beyond motorcycle, related accessories and services as it comes out from the case. It seemed to have followed porter s definition (2004) what an industry is and identified which industry it operates in. Ducati appears to have focused its attention under the leadership of Minoli on differences in customer needs i.e. market segmentation (Porter,2004; Wit amp; Meyer, 2004; Johnson et al, 2008) as depicted in the figure 2, map of market (Wit amp; Meyer, 2004:857). It appears that Ducati identified Users needs and preferences for product characteristics (Johnson
  • 37. Analysis Of Gun With Occasional Music He s a make addict, arrogant, and isn t going to stop unless he gets what he wants. A private investigator in a futuristic world where animals can talk, and babies are robots. In Gun, with Occasional Music by Jonathan Lethem, Conrad Metcalf, an ill mannered private investigator, attempts to reveal the truth in the murder an old client. It may be a lot to take in, but by the end of this review, you ll see how unorthodox but strangely fascinating this book really is. In my point of view, this hard boiled novel is a stereotypical agent gone rogue type of circumstance, I also believe it contains mostly analogies. And finally, the fist fights, karma points, and various drugs make the book even more interesting. Despite the fact he is the main character, Metcalf sure has something about him that rubs people the wrong way. Due to the fact he s going against the system more often than not, he gets caught in a scuffle between other inquisitors that work at his office. That s because of Orton Angwine, the number one suspect in the Maynard Stanhunt murder. Orton hires Metcalf to do some digging and prove he s innocent. At first he wasn t interested, but once he finds out there s a lot behind the story than he thought, he persists. Because of his forbidden involvement, Metcalf gets in a variety of fights. And after each punch in the gut, he keeps on his journey to expose the truth. If this book were a movie, I could imagine a smoky bar. A man sitting in the corner, with a cigar, fedora and a trench coat, or even a jazz band playing in the background. This book can definitely give you that kind of vibe. And you might even get lost in that type of setting. If you read this book and find it interesting, it ll be really difficult to put it down. Even when Conrad Metcalf starts to open up about his feelings, especially about Delia. Delia Limetree. She is only referenced once in the whole book, but she definitely strung up a few questions for me. Delia Limetree is a girl who Metcalf dated, or married, who left him. He explains they had an operation done that swapped their nerve endings, as well as genitalia. That part didn t make sense at first, then it dawned on me that it was just one big analogy. Someday I was going
  • 38. Analysis Of The Movie Cycles Our film, Cycles, is a comedy/drama about a student who witnesses two men getting rid of a body on his way home at night. When they notice him, he steals a bike and escapes and struggles with a haunting paranoia of the two gangsters finding and killing him. The film ends when the doorbell rings suddenly and he reluctantly opens it expecting to see the men. Instead he sees a girl who wants her bike back after he stole it. He returns and bike and turns around relieved, only to be clobbered by the two men who had been waiting for him after all. They go to dispose of his body, but a woman sees them and the film ends with them looking at her, implying that the story loops on itself. In a television drama, it s important that the audience can ... Show more content on ... In the 19th century, Gustav Freytag notice a similarity in plays and books and created a diagram to demonstrate this, which consists of 5 milestones in the story: 1. Exposition/Introduction: This is where the main characters (and some supporting) are introduced and we get a look into their regular lives before their journey begins. This is also where we see some minor conflict which could build into the main goal. 2. Rising Action: This is where the character s mission is made clear and they begin their journey. Obstacles are introduced to prevent the protagonists achieving their goals. 3. Climax: The rising action continues building drama until the biggest obstacle lies before the characters, sometimes confronting an antagonist, which they may or may not overcome. 4. Falling Action: Things become clearer and the characters, depending on if came out on top during the climax, are either closing in to their goal or feel their furthest away from it. To create suspense, this is normally where a twist would come in, a successful protagonist could find out their friend was working against them the whole time, or a failed hero discovers something new that gives them another chance. 5. Conclusion: This is where we see the characters triumph or fail and the following consequences. We might see them return to normality or see the backlash after failing their task. This normally gives the audience a sense of closure and
  • 39. Who Is Chester Himes And For What Type Of Writing Is He... 1.the timeline for the Literature of Realism, Naturalism and Modernism 1940 1960 in the Norton Anthology of African American Literature 3rd Edition Volume 2, pp. 1522 1523 and identify what you believe are three primary events that occurred and explain why you believe they had a significant impact on the period. 1940 Over 40 killed in race riots in Detroit and Harlem. 1955 14 year old Emmett Tile lynched in Mississippi. 1960 Sit in Staged by four black students at Woolworth lunch in North Carolina. 2.Who is Chester Himes and for what type of writing is he known for? Chester Himes was in African Americanwriter whose literary genius went unnoticed in the United States and was famous for series of black detective novels. 3.In the
  • 40. Copernicus Influence On Religion The Religious aspects that life seemed to revolve around during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries made a large impression on the way scientists not only distributed their information, but the way it was written down and explained. During the time period the Church held an extraordinary amount of power, easily outweighing any mere scientist who claimed the seemingly impossible notion that the sun, not the earth, was in the center of the universe. Should someone inadvertently challenge this immense authority, death was not simply a threat, it was an absolute promise. This absolute giant of a power that was the church, loomed over many scientists such as Copernicus acknowledged this power by writing things such as can readily hold slanders from biting. Copernicus was directly going against the church with his theory of heliocentrism though he writes his labors contribute even to the well... Show more content on ... The church itself changed how scientists as a whole worked, scientists didn t dedicate their works to their inspirations, or their mothers or fathers like most authors (scientific or not) do today. In Copernicus case, his work was dedicated it to the church, easily showing how large of a power this was and how is changed the way scientists wrote. In very few to no astrology textbooks from the twenty first century will you find the words moses or the wisdom of God , because while the church is powerful today, it has no where near the sway it had back a few hundred years ago. This power not only affected the way people spoke, but how they lived and how history and science and math was recorded, everything revolved around the church, everything was static to the church, and yet later on, it
  • 41. Rocky Mountain National Park Research Paper Rocky Mountain National Park has it all: a pristine mountain lake, aspen leaves trembling in the breeze, craggy mountain peaks covered in snow. Although Rocky Mountain National Park is an eighth the size of Yellowstone, it packs everything in it s 266,714 acres of land. Majestic mountain views can be found literally everywhere, and you don t even have to step out of your car to see it! Grasslands, forests, and even glaciers can be explored in Rocky Mountain National Park. After a quick 2 hour drive from Denver, Colorado, you will know that coming to Rocky Mountain National Park is worthy of being a National Park. Rocky Mountain National Park has had a long, intriguing history full of ups and downs. First, the Apache and Arapaho... Show more content on ... Many visitors hike and backpack on easy to difficult trails. Horseback riding, rock climbing, and mountaineering are common in the summer, too. In the winter, cross country skiing and snowshoeing are popular recreational activities. Thousands of visitors attempt to climb Longs Peak on an 8 mile climb gaining 4850 feet in elevation. People also fish and camp in the park. Many recreational activities can be found inside of Rocky Mountain National Park. Rocky Mountain National Park is a place for everyone, including the old, the young, and even pets! Forests, granite mountain peaks, lakes, streams, fields, and a long list of other natural beauties can be found here. When you re looking for an incredible place to have an incredible vacation, consider putting Rocky Mountain National Park on the list, because you are going to experience something
  • 42. Fall Prevention In The Elderly Essay Quality Improvement for Fall Prevention in the Elderly The occurrence of falls among the elderly is related to multiple factors, such as inherent and external issues. Studies have proven that when appropriate intervention is put in place, falls are preventable. A quality improvement according to Polit Beck (2012) is created to examine the willingness of individuals to understand these studies and put them into practice or to appraise the results of interventions already in place. This paper will examine a practice issue facilitated by the advanced practice nurse (APN), explore the theoretical underpinning of change, describe an improvement tool and model for improvement and allocated resources towards the prevention of fall among the elderly. Selected Practice Issue The occurrence of falls in older adults are common and can result in serious injuries, even death. Owing to multifaceted changes in the aging, falls and related injuries are rampant in the healthcare settings. Moreover, the decline in the involvement and inspirational level of older adults in fall prevention measures continues to be a challenge. Hence, increasing the motivational level of this older populace in fall preventive plans is of ... Show more content on ... The outcomes are revisit, reevaluation of current intervention methods and policies and in most cases, changes to set protocols are implemented. To improve the quality of life and reduce frailty among this older populace, the APN systematically reviews and assess each individual upon admission process and identifies older adults at risk. These risk factors are disseminated to the healthcare team members who ensure that interventions are in place and implemented as ordered. The eventual objective of RCA, of course, is to avert imminent harm by eradicating the oblivious errors that continues to trigger adverse
  • 43. Apocalypto Essay Apocalypto was perhaps one of the films in which I was most curious to see because of my Hispanic heritage. I was excited and then shocked by the films brutal portrayal of the Mayan culture. I remember only hearing good things about how advanced the Mayans were in astronomy, math and architecture but never the bad stuff. After watching the filmI began reading more about the Spanish conquest and the Pre Hispanic America, so it was interesting to see the historical references and level realism captured in the film. The film Apocalypto was shot digitally by Dean Semler under the direction of Mel Gibson. He had previously worked with Gibson in several films such as We Were Soldiers, The Road Warrior and others but never with Gibson as... Show more content on ... The film starts deep in the jungle where an isolated village is carrying on their hunting and peaceful ways of life. The story follows the brave character Jaguar Paw and his tribesman as their intimate village is decimated and taken captive by a larger Mayan tribe. Jaguar Paw fortunately is able to foresee the impending attack on his village and hides his wife and son in a profound cenote. However, Jaguar and some of his fellow tribesman are taken captive and partake on a long journey through the jungle to a large Mayan city. Not knowing what lies ahead, Jaguar Paw holds on to hope that he will see his family again and fights desperately to escape his captors from certain death. Upon arrival, the steep stepped pyramids, flourishing markets, and most of all human sacrifice shock the captives. However, Jaguar Paw manages to escape and take the fight to his home territory. He eventually finds strength and takes the upper hand against the hunters, as they become the hunted. He eventually arrives upon a beach and once again becomes overwhelmed by the site of Spanish Ships. The hunters trailing behind him also become shocked and forget about Jaguar Paw as he escapes to rescue his family from a flooding cenote. Towards the end of Apocalypto, Jaguar Paw reunites with his wife and daughter began to drift off through the jungle to begin a new
  • 44. African Social Political Thought PHL 305: AFRICAN SOCIAL AND POLITICAL THOUGHT QUESTION: TAKE ONE AFRICAN SOCIO POLITICAL PHILOSOPHER AND DISCUSS: A. HIS POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY B. THE PROBLEM HE TRIED TO SOLVE C. THE EXTENT TO WHICH HE WAS SUCCESSFUL. African socialism was one of the earliest theories proffered by many African leaders at the outset of independence. Leaders such as Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Julius Nyerere, Obafemi Awolowo and Leopold Senghor all supported this concept but had different approaches to it. In this essay, my focus will be on Julius Nyerere and his approach to the idea of African socialism. Julius Kambarage Nyerere was born on the 13thof April, 1922 in Butiama in then Tanganyika (Tanzania).As President of the United ... Show more content on ... In the area of achieving self reliance by African states particularly Tanzania, Nyerere developed an educational philosophy which could be approached under two main headings; Education for Self reliance and Adult education. His interest in Self reliance shares a great deal with Gandhi s approach to Basic Education . There was a strong concern to counteract the colonialists assumptions and practices of the dominant, formal means of education, which he saw as enslaving and oriented towards western interest and norms. It was designed to transmit the values of the colonizing power and to train individuals for the service of the colonial state. It induced attitudes of subservience, human inequality and individualism, and emphasized white collar skills. The context of colonial education was largely alien and the entire system was organized by racial segregation. For Nyerere who was once a teacher himself, he believed that education had to work for the common good, foster co operation and promote equality. He asserted that the school curriculum should go hand in hand with de emphasizing the import of formal examinations which merely assesses a person s ability to learn facts. He said it was necessary for African states to abandon examinations that are geared towards