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Reflection Paper On Soccer
Throughout everyone's life, they have all worked so hard for something or to get to something,
however, you always know that the heartbreaking moment is right around the corner. It is awful to
know that you have been working so hard to get to where you are, and something could make it
come crashing down in a split second. Just like in Jenga, with every move that is made, you watch
the tower of wooden blocks as it is almost about to fall, waiting for that one person to make the
wrong move. Throughout the game, each player works so hard to make sure that they pick the right
block and continue the game, but with pulling out one wrong block, the whole tower can come
crashing right down. Throughout my years of playing soccer, I have learned that no matter how hard
you work for something, it can all come undone with one mistake.
One time I experienced this was when my soccer team was playing a top forty team in the state. The
game, which was tied 4–4, had under a minute of time before that final whistle. Everyone on the
team had been playing their hearts out and had been working so hard to get the game to where it
had been. After being down 3–1 at one point in the game, the entire team found it in their hearts to
work together, and not give up. After we put 3 straight goals into the net, we took the lead, which
was short lived after a game tying penalty kick. However, after working so hard, we were
determined to keep the game where it was at. One of our players received that ball
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The Importance Of Soccer
Soccer is a popular sport all over the world and it is most popular in places like Europe and Spain.
The objective of soccer is to score goals by passing the ball down the field into the opposing
team's goal. The objective is to score more goals than your opponent. Soccer is popular all over
the world, but why isn't it popular here in the U.S? Sports like basketball, Football, Baseball, and
Tennis are all popular here in the U.S, yet, soccer doesn't get as much attention. The U.S
international team has qualified for the biggest international tournament, The World Cup, for 32
years in a row. They never won the World cup, but they have been performing really well over the
years. If soccer was more popular here in the U.S, they would have more people wanting to play
the sport, causing them to improve massively as a team. A major reason soccer isn't popular here
is because the U.S only has 1 league to play in. For example, all major countries have over 2–4
leagues so that more teams can play to reach for the top. The U.S has a league called Major
League Soccer, also known as the MLS. Firstly, the MLS only has 22 teams in its league, that is
more than most popular leagues in Europe and Spain! More teams mean more excitement and fans
right? Well not necessarily, The MLS might have more teams than any other league in Europe, but
it is very boring to watch. You might ask, why would it be boring if there's more teams? It is boring
since there is only 1 league, meaning there is
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Why Soccer Is Better Than Other Countries
Waking up early in the morning to go the soccer field and get a whiff of fresh cut grass, paint, and
the unpleasant smell of some soccer socks being put on to be ready for a match. Some people
may have played soccer in their younger days and can understand the enjoyment. Some people
are committed to the sport and others may have played a few years because their parents made
them to. There is nothing wrong with playing soccer, but to know that they were a part of an
amazing experience. This is a very popular sport around to world and is called football to other
countries, but is called soccer in the United States. A lot of differences in how people in America see
the sport than those from another country. The beautiful game of soccer is more content...
Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are players who are soon to become legends for their
countries. Many people enjoy the game of soccer whether they are playing or just watching.
There are many competitions and other platforms to watch a decent soccer match. Competitions
like the Champions League, Euros, Copa America, Gold Cup, etc. Many fans tuned in to watch
the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. Fans from all over the world tune in to witness the greatest
tournament to be competed at a high level. The entire World Cup reached 3.2 billion viewers, and
the final game had around one million viewers watching live (2014 FIFA World Cup, 2015).
Others enjoy to play the sport as well. People enjoy the game of soccer whether it is playing for
fun or competing in the World Cup. Fans that play want to imitate their favorite players moves.
Children watching the pros work their magic during the World Cup, doing fancy tricks or scoring
crazy goals makes kids go out with a ball and copy what they saw. Players like Ronaldo and Messi
do things that make child look up to them. A study from a survey conducted by FIFA in 2007
found that 265 million people are playing soccer (Kunz, 2007). Players play to sometimes relieve
themselves from a tense situation in the real world. So, as they play, they seem to escape in a
different reality that all they see and
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Football vs. Soccer Essay
Football vs. Soccer Athletes who play football share the same goal as athletes who play soccer:
score the most goals to win the game. In football, there are two areas on opposite sides of the
field where one can score points by bringing the football over the goal line. Soccer shares this
same concept by having two nets on opposite sides of the field where one can score a point by
kicking the soccer ball into the net. Also, both sports share the concept of having an offense and
defense, and both sports each have eleven players on a team on the field at a time. These are only
few of many similarities between these two sports, but in actuality, they are significantly different.
The rules, rituals, and concepts of both sports more content...
On defense, there are defensive linemen who aim to tackle, or "sack" the quarterback. Next, the
linebackers serve as support by standing behind the linemen, they get their name by literally
"backing the line." Specifically, their job is to tackle the running back or quarterback if either
one of them crosses the "line of scrimmage," or the initial location of the ball, with the ball in
hand. Furthermore, the defensive backs attempt to prevent the wide receivers from catching
passes from the quarterback. On the other hand, in the game of soccer, the only piece of
equipment required is shin guards. Soccer is a contact sport, but no one tackles anyone like in
football, so the use of shoulder pads and helmets is not necessary. As opposed to football, the
home team in a soccer game wears white jerseys and the visiting team wears the colorful jerseys.
In a soccer game, a team's offense and defense is on the field simultaneously, there is no
alternation of a team's offense and defense. Each team has a goalie, also known as a keeper, to
serve as the last line of defense against the offense. This player is the only one who may use his/her
hands on the field, but he/she must remain inside the eighteen–yard–goalie–box to do so. A number
of three to five defenders position themselves in front of the goalie, and their primary job is to keep
the ball away from the goalie, because, as stated previously, the goalie is the last line
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Essay On Soccer Refereeing
Today we are talking about soccer refereeing. Each division is way different it's starts at at age four
to major league soccer. It can be recreational soccer or competitive soccer. Boys and girls can play.
Now you can find out more about the sport on a referee's side.
There are different age groups but the first one i am going to talk to you about is U8. If you don't
know what that means it means 7 years old kids playing soccer. For this level it's is 20 min Halfs
for two halfs. They use size 3 balls. That's the smallest ball. They usually play slow and they are
learning the sport. There are no offsides.
Its different for U16. they are 35 min. Half for two halfs. They are 15 year olds. They usually play
fast. They know the sport and
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Narrative Essay About Soccer
I was only 10 and I've been playing soccer for 5 years. I was playing rec soccer and I enjoyed it.
We had a great season and were undefeated. We wanted to win our last game to make sure we
didn't lose our last game. We were going against Union. They also had a good team. We've played
them and beat them before, but we barely won. I arrived at the rec center and was ready to beat
Union. I saw my team on the field kicking the ball around. I smelled the freshly cut grass. I could
smell the popcorn from the concession stand. The other team was walking towards the field in
their bright green jerseys. The coach was waiting for the rest of the team to arrive. A few minutes
past and the whole team was on the field ready to play. We warmed up a bit and did a few drills. I
were confident that we were gonna beat Union. We finished warming up and went to coach to get
ready. The referee blew the whistle and called the captains. We picked tails on the side of a coin
to see who gets ball first. The coin landed on heads and Union got ball first. I went back to the
bench and sat down to relax. I talked with my friends for a while. Then, the ref blew the whistle.
Union ran to the field and got in their positions. Coach talked to us a little bit more and sent us out
to our positions. The positions I played were midfielder and defense. The coach put me in as a
midfielder. The weather was looking great for a game. The sky was clear and the sun was out. We
all stared at the ref and waited for
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Descriptive Essay On Soccer
People have always loved to play games. The human race has created hundreds of thousands of
games to entertain themselves and to compete with one another. The most beloved games are
those of physical sports. One of these sports, that has become a worldwide phenomenon, is the
game soccer. The entire world gathers every four years to send out their best team, and to see
which country is the ultimate champion. To play the game of soccer, there needs to be referees
to ensure that the players are safe and are following the rules. Though this was once a highly
respected position, in Virginia, working as a referee is no longer worth the time, due to a lack of
respect, no support system, and the constant variations and changes to the rules. As the game of
soccer has progressed, the title for referee has seen a declined in the respect shown toward it.
Fans chant profanities in the stands, and players challenge each and every decision made. Being
a referee means that when I am on the field I become responsible for the safety of every player on
the field, and for ensuring that the rules of the game are maintained. This means that whatever
call I might make, someone is not pleased with it. While working as a referee, I was constantly
being yelled at by angry coaches, parents, and sometimes even players. No one likes to admit that
they were playing to rough or purposely falling over hoping for me to call a foul, but it is my job to
and make them play properly for the security of all of
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Essay About Soccer
Megan – you were our last line of defence and thank goodness you were because I don't know
anybody else who could have made some of the saves you did. You started contributing more to
our team conversations and talking to the team from goal and I'm sure everybody felt it helped
them improve their game at some point. Everybody on the team thanks you for standing in net,
sometimes not getting to touch the ball and freezing your butt off. And even though being in net
may have felt pointless during those games, it allowed everybody in front of you to feel more
comfortable pushing the ball forward and trying new things because they knew if they screwed it
up, you would be there to back them up. You gave our team some confidence and it
more content...
Players like that always grow to have a head for the game. I can already see you reading plays and
anticipating the ball, and that is a massive skill to have as you continue forward with your soccer
career. You became constant in the starting line up, and that is a challenging thing to accomplish in
your first year. But you showed no sign of letting the pressure get to you and it showed on the field.
Lindsay – we put you here there and everywhere this year and you took it all in stride and just
played your game. I don't think I've ever seen anybody fall that much, but I've also never seen
anybody get up that quickly. You played a major role in the first game we played against holy
trinity. You broke up so many plays that could have developed into goals, and you kept up with
one of the fastest girls on their team like it was nothing. You impressed me this year with your
different range of passing, sometimes you lob it forward for others to run onto, sometimes you
chip it just barely over the head of the opponent, and sometimes you play around with the ball and
freak me out and then still make a great pass. Thank you for playing where we needed you to and
for not questioning our ideas. If you keep going at this rate you will become a very versatile player
that can fill any role a team may need. Sam – holy crap. I didn't know you had a left foot, but I'm
glad you do because without it this last
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Soccer Descriptive Essay
Wrist Wrist Wrist One lovely afternoon I was at my indoor soccer game. I was in an indoor
league with some of my friends and we were tearing every team we played. That day we were
going to play against an academy team, which have very good players.I had arrived about two
minutes before the game. I was pretty late because I had gone to go eat before with my brother.
So because of that I didn't start and I wasn't warmed up either. Nathan, my coach was like "Hey
man did you go sew your clothes?," in a jokingly was because I was late. The game had begun
now and it was already intense. It was back to back If I do say so. The first half was an exciting
one as it was all tied up two to two. I had played about half of the half. Now came the second half,
and later on I went on the pitch. Some kid and I jumped up into the air to win the ball. We both
did, and when I fell down, I guess I landed on my hand the wrong way. I felt a sudden pain on my
hand. My wrist was all jacked up. It was horrendous as I looked down at my hair in shock as It
looked like the top of mountains.I couldn't feel my hand, It hurt quite a lot when i attempted to
move it. My teammates, the opponents, my coach, the referee, and my brother all gathered around
me to see what had happened. I wasn't crying or anything but I sure wanted to. Actually I really did
haha. My brother questioned " oh dang man, you good?," and well I just looked at him in pain, I
didn't know what to say. When the ambulance arrived at the
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Why Soccer is my Passion
Many people play sports and have hobbies they are passionate about, but soccer isn't justa hobby
or a sport I play for fun soccer is my life. Millions of people across the globe play thebeautiful sport
of futbol (soccer), so what makes me different from the rest. I started playingsoccer when I was 3
years old and instantly fell in love with the beautiful game. I could tell rightaway that soccer was
my sport and my passion and no one could take that away from me.Throughout my development of
soccer my emotions for the sport remained constant but mypassion for it changed I became
addicted to the sport. I could and still stay soccer is my drug andI can not live without it. Soccer is
many things to me it is my friend, my comfort place, mysupporter, more content...
We were all set up on the field ready for the game, I remember closing my eyes forabout a minute
before the game started, that minute felt like 10 years, I froze and thought aboutmyself when I
was 3 years old and how I first fell in love with the game and how my ultimatedream was to
become pro, I remember the hours of pain and suffering I put myself through tobecome the player
I was today, I remembered waking up at 4 a.m. on school mornings to go forruns so that I could
run longer in games,I remember skipping parties and hanging with friendsso that I could train, I
remembered everything, but one thing truly hit me was how much soccerwas there for me
growing up my parents argued a lot and when I was feeling sad and lonely Iwould go train at the
fields and it would hell my sorrow. Growing up in a household when yourparents are constantly
fighting is difficult, but soccer was my out lit it was my therapist. Duringthe time of their divorce
I felt like I had no one but soccer so I decided I need to give back to thegame. Soccer did so much
for me, so I wanted to prove to it that it wasn't a waste of time andthat I would make something out
of the game. I opened my eyes and didn't feel human anymore Ididn't feel in control of my own
body the sport had taken over me for the better. I remembermoments when I was running and it
didn't even feel like my feet were touching the floor
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Research Paper On Soccer
More than 270 million people play soccer around the world soccer is one of the most popular sports
in Europe and America it is said that the early growth in England. It is a sport that has two teams
and eleven people on each team kicking a sphere ball. The goal keeper is the only player to touch the
ball with his hand or arm in the penalty area if a player touch's it with his hand in the penalty area
it's a indirect free kick but if it is a tackle inside the box it's a penalty and if you tackle outside the
box it is a normal free kick which lots of people score. Soccer has been played for many years now. /
/ The Soccer chip shot is usually used to catch the goalkeeper by surprise by chipping the ball over
the keeper into the net. Strikers use
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Descriptive Essay On Soccer
This past year was the first year in my high school athletic career that I played starting goalie for
the soccer team. I played previous years, but they were different as I was not in goal. The feeling
and excitement of being in goal was like a euphoria. We do not always win but being a goalie
changed my life! I have played soccer since I was in 8th grade. It is a way for me to release my
aggression in a healthy and stable way. I have played defense and offense, but I had never been a
goalie until August 28th, 2017. Earlier in the day at around 11:00 am I had people already
doubting me saying that I was not going to be good at all. I kinda took offense to it, but let it go
away and tried to prove them all wrong. It was the fourth game of the season and our original
goalie Sydney Palta injured her wrist by jumping on her trampoline. So my coach thought that it
would be a good idea if I tried goalie. I thought that it was going to be a one time thing, but it was
not. I was goalie for the rest of the season. It will always be the most important part of my
sophomore year. It was very nerve racking, the game was against Merrillville. It was intimidating,
I was petrified that my face was going to get dislocated or I was going to get laceration. I was
used to getting hurt because I have really bad ankles. I have gotten sprains, strains, and even
twisted my ankle in the past, but never before was I in a position where my face could get injured.
As I went home that day I put
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Essays On Soccer

  • 1. Reflection Paper On Soccer Throughout everyone's life, they have all worked so hard for something or to get to something, however, you always know that the heartbreaking moment is right around the corner. It is awful to know that you have been working so hard to get to where you are, and something could make it come crashing down in a split second. Just like in Jenga, with every move that is made, you watch the tower of wooden blocks as it is almost about to fall, waiting for that one person to make the wrong move. Throughout the game, each player works so hard to make sure that they pick the right block and continue the game, but with pulling out one wrong block, the whole tower can come crashing right down. Throughout my years of playing soccer, I have learned that no matter how hard you work for something, it can all come undone with one mistake. One time I experienced this was when my soccer team was playing a top forty team in the state. The game, which was tied 4–4, had under a minute of time before that final whistle. Everyone on the team had been playing their hearts out and had been working so hard to get the game to where it had been. After being down 3–1 at one point in the game, the entire team found it in their hearts to work together, and not give up. After we put 3 straight goals into the net, we took the lead, which was short lived after a game tying penalty kick. However, after working so hard, we were determined to keep the game where it was at. One of our players received that ball Get more content on
  • 2. The Importance Of Soccer Soccer is a popular sport all over the world and it is most popular in places like Europe and Spain. The objective of soccer is to score goals by passing the ball down the field into the opposing team's goal. The objective is to score more goals than your opponent. Soccer is popular all over the world, but why isn't it popular here in the U.S? Sports like basketball, Football, Baseball, and Tennis are all popular here in the U.S, yet, soccer doesn't get as much attention. The U.S international team has qualified for the biggest international tournament, The World Cup, for 32 years in a row. They never won the World cup, but they have been performing really well over the years. If soccer was more popular here in the U.S, they would have more people wanting to play the sport, causing them to improve massively as a team. A major reason soccer isn't popular here is because the U.S only has 1 league to play in. For example, all major countries have over 2–4 leagues so that more teams can play to reach for the top. The U.S has a league called Major League Soccer, also known as the MLS. Firstly, the MLS only has 22 teams in its league, that is more than most popular leagues in Europe and Spain! More teams mean more excitement and fans right? Well not necessarily, The MLS might have more teams than any other league in Europe, but it is very boring to watch. You might ask, why would it be boring if there's more teams? It is boring since there is only 1 league, meaning there is Get more content on
  • 3. Why Soccer Is Better Than Other Countries Waking up early in the morning to go the soccer field and get a whiff of fresh cut grass, paint, and the unpleasant smell of some soccer socks being put on to be ready for a match. Some people may have played soccer in their younger days and can understand the enjoyment. Some people are committed to the sport and others may have played a few years because their parents made them to. There is nothing wrong with playing soccer, but to know that they were a part of an amazing experience. This is a very popular sport around to world and is called football to other countries, but is called soccer in the United States. A lot of differences in how people in America see the sport than those from another country. The beautiful game of soccer is more content... Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are players who are soon to become legends for their countries. Many people enjoy the game of soccer whether they are playing or just watching. There are many competitions and other platforms to watch a decent soccer match. Competitions like the Champions League, Euros, Copa America, Gold Cup, etc. Many fans tuned in to watch the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. Fans from all over the world tune in to witness the greatest tournament to be competed at a high level. The entire World Cup reached 3.2 billion viewers, and the final game had around one million viewers watching live (2014 FIFA World Cup, 2015). Others enjoy to play the sport as well. People enjoy the game of soccer whether it is playing for fun or competing in the World Cup. Fans that play want to imitate their favorite players moves. Children watching the pros work their magic during the World Cup, doing fancy tricks or scoring crazy goals makes kids go out with a ball and copy what they saw. Players like Ronaldo and Messi do things that make child look up to them. A study from a survey conducted by FIFA in 2007 found that 265 million people are playing soccer (Kunz, 2007). Players play to sometimes relieve themselves from a tense situation in the real world. So, as they play, they seem to escape in a different reality that all they see and Get more content on
  • 4. Football vs. Soccer Essay Football vs. Soccer Athletes who play football share the same goal as athletes who play soccer: score the most goals to win the game. In football, there are two areas on opposite sides of the field where one can score points by bringing the football over the goal line. Soccer shares this same concept by having two nets on opposite sides of the field where one can score a point by kicking the soccer ball into the net. Also, both sports share the concept of having an offense and defense, and both sports each have eleven players on a team on the field at a time. These are only few of many similarities between these two sports, but in actuality, they are significantly different. The rules, rituals, and concepts of both sports more content... On defense, there are defensive linemen who aim to tackle, or "sack" the quarterback. Next, the linebackers serve as support by standing behind the linemen, they get their name by literally "backing the line." Specifically, their job is to tackle the running back or quarterback if either one of them crosses the "line of scrimmage," or the initial location of the ball, with the ball in hand. Furthermore, the defensive backs attempt to prevent the wide receivers from catching passes from the quarterback. On the other hand, in the game of soccer, the only piece of equipment required is shin guards. Soccer is a contact sport, but no one tackles anyone like in football, so the use of shoulder pads and helmets is not necessary. As opposed to football, the home team in a soccer game wears white jerseys and the visiting team wears the colorful jerseys. In a soccer game, a team's offense and defense is on the field simultaneously, there is no alternation of a team's offense and defense. Each team has a goalie, also known as a keeper, to serve as the last line of defense against the offense. This player is the only one who may use his/her hands on the field, but he/she must remain inside the eighteen–yard–goalie–box to do so. A number of three to five defenders position themselves in front of the goalie, and their primary job is to keep the ball away from the goalie, because, as stated previously, the goalie is the last line Get more content on
  • 5. Essay On Soccer Refereeing Today we are talking about soccer refereeing. Each division is way different it's starts at at age four to major league soccer. It can be recreational soccer or competitive soccer. Boys and girls can play. Now you can find out more about the sport on a referee's side. There are different age groups but the first one i am going to talk to you about is U8. If you don't know what that means it means 7 years old kids playing soccer. For this level it's is 20 min Halfs for two halfs. They use size 3 balls. That's the smallest ball. They usually play slow and they are learning the sport. There are no offsides. Its different for U16. they are 35 min. Half for two halfs. They are 15 year olds. They usually play fast. They know the sport and Get more content on
  • 6. Narrative Essay About Soccer I was only 10 and I've been playing soccer for 5 years. I was playing rec soccer and I enjoyed it. We had a great season and were undefeated. We wanted to win our last game to make sure we didn't lose our last game. We were going against Union. They also had a good team. We've played them and beat them before, but we barely won. I arrived at the rec center and was ready to beat Union. I saw my team on the field kicking the ball around. I smelled the freshly cut grass. I could smell the popcorn from the concession stand. The other team was walking towards the field in their bright green jerseys. The coach was waiting for the rest of the team to arrive. A few minutes past and the whole team was on the field ready to play. We warmed up a bit and did a few drills. I were confident that we were gonna beat Union. We finished warming up and went to coach to get ready. The referee blew the whistle and called the captains. We picked tails on the side of a coin to see who gets ball first. The coin landed on heads and Union got ball first. I went back to the bench and sat down to relax. I talked with my friends for a while. Then, the ref blew the whistle. Union ran to the field and got in their positions. Coach talked to us a little bit more and sent us out to our positions. The positions I played were midfielder and defense. The coach put me in as a midfielder. The weather was looking great for a game. The sky was clear and the sun was out. We all stared at the ref and waited for Get more content on
  • 7. Descriptive Essay On Soccer People have always loved to play games. The human race has created hundreds of thousands of games to entertain themselves and to compete with one another. The most beloved games are those of physical sports. One of these sports, that has become a worldwide phenomenon, is the game soccer. The entire world gathers every four years to send out their best team, and to see which country is the ultimate champion. To play the game of soccer, there needs to be referees to ensure that the players are safe and are following the rules. Though this was once a highly respected position, in Virginia, working as a referee is no longer worth the time, due to a lack of respect, no support system, and the constant variations and changes to the rules. As the game of soccer has progressed, the title for referee has seen a declined in the respect shown toward it. Fans chant profanities in the stands, and players challenge each and every decision made. Being a referee means that when I am on the field I become responsible for the safety of every player on the field, and for ensuring that the rules of the game are maintained. This means that whatever call I might make, someone is not pleased with it. While working as a referee, I was constantly being yelled at by angry coaches, parents, and sometimes even players. No one likes to admit that they were playing to rough or purposely falling over hoping for me to call a foul, but it is my job to and make them play properly for the security of all of Get more content on
  • 8. Essay About Soccer Megan – you were our last line of defence and thank goodness you were because I don't know anybody else who could have made some of the saves you did. You started contributing more to our team conversations and talking to the team from goal and I'm sure everybody felt it helped them improve their game at some point. Everybody on the team thanks you for standing in net, sometimes not getting to touch the ball and freezing your butt off. And even though being in net may have felt pointless during those games, it allowed everybody in front of you to feel more comfortable pushing the ball forward and trying new things because they knew if they screwed it up, you would be there to back them up. You gave our team some confidence and it more content... Players like that always grow to have a head for the game. I can already see you reading plays and anticipating the ball, and that is a massive skill to have as you continue forward with your soccer career. You became constant in the starting line up, and that is a challenging thing to accomplish in your first year. But you showed no sign of letting the pressure get to you and it showed on the field. Lindsay – we put you here there and everywhere this year and you took it all in stride and just played your game. I don't think I've ever seen anybody fall that much, but I've also never seen anybody get up that quickly. You played a major role in the first game we played against holy trinity. You broke up so many plays that could have developed into goals, and you kept up with one of the fastest girls on their team like it was nothing. You impressed me this year with your different range of passing, sometimes you lob it forward for others to run onto, sometimes you chip it just barely over the head of the opponent, and sometimes you play around with the ball and freak me out and then still make a great pass. Thank you for playing where we needed you to and for not questioning our ideas. If you keep going at this rate you will become a very versatile player that can fill any role a team may need. Sam – holy crap. I didn't know you had a left foot, but I'm glad you do because without it this last Get more content on
  • 9. Soccer Descriptive Essay Wrist Wrist Wrist One lovely afternoon I was at my indoor soccer game. I was in an indoor league with some of my friends and we were tearing every team we played. That day we were going to play against an academy team, which have very good players.I had arrived about two minutes before the game. I was pretty late because I had gone to go eat before with my brother. So because of that I didn't start and I wasn't warmed up either. Nathan, my coach was like "Hey man did you go sew your clothes?," in a jokingly was because I was late. The game had begun now and it was already intense. It was back to back If I do say so. The first half was an exciting one as it was all tied up two to two. I had played about half of the half. Now came the second half, and later on I went on the pitch. Some kid and I jumped up into the air to win the ball. We both did, and when I fell down, I guess I landed on my hand the wrong way. I felt a sudden pain on my hand. My wrist was all jacked up. It was horrendous as I looked down at my hair in shock as It looked like the top of mountains.I couldn't feel my hand, It hurt quite a lot when i attempted to move it. My teammates, the opponents, my coach, the referee, and my brother all gathered around me to see what had happened. I wasn't crying or anything but I sure wanted to. Actually I really did haha. My brother questioned " oh dang man, you good?," and well I just looked at him in pain, I didn't know what to say. When the ambulance arrived at the Get more content on
  • 10. Why Soccer is my Passion Many people play sports and have hobbies they are passionate about, but soccer isn't justa hobby or a sport I play for fun soccer is my life. Millions of people across the globe play thebeautiful sport of futbol (soccer), so what makes me different from the rest. I started playingsoccer when I was 3 years old and instantly fell in love with the beautiful game. I could tell rightaway that soccer was my sport and my passion and no one could take that away from me.Throughout my development of soccer my emotions for the sport remained constant but mypassion for it changed I became addicted to the sport. I could and still stay soccer is my drug andI can not live without it. Soccer is many things to me it is my friend, my comfort place, mysupporter, more content... We were all set up on the field ready for the game, I remember closing my eyes forabout a minute before the game started, that minute felt like 10 years, I froze and thought aboutmyself when I was 3 years old and how I first fell in love with the game and how my ultimatedream was to become pro, I remember the hours of pain and suffering I put myself through tobecome the player I was today, I remembered waking up at 4 a.m. on school mornings to go forruns so that I could run longer in games,I remember skipping parties and hanging with friendsso that I could train, I remembered everything, but one thing truly hit me was how much soccerwas there for me growing up my parents argued a lot and when I was feeling sad and lonely Iwould go train at the fields and it would hell my sorrow. Growing up in a household when yourparents are constantly fighting is difficult, but soccer was my out lit it was my therapist. Duringthe time of their divorce I felt like I had no one but soccer so I decided I need to give back to thegame. Soccer did so much for me, so I wanted to prove to it that it wasn't a waste of time andthat I would make something out of the game. I opened my eyes and didn't feel human anymore Ididn't feel in control of my own body the sport had taken over me for the better. I remembermoments when I was running and it didn't even feel like my feet were touching the floor Get more content on
  • 11. Research Paper On Soccer More than 270 million people play soccer around the world soccer is one of the most popular sports in Europe and America it is said that the early growth in England. It is a sport that has two teams and eleven people on each team kicking a sphere ball. The goal keeper is the only player to touch the ball with his hand or arm in the penalty area if a player touch's it with his hand in the penalty area it's a indirect free kick but if it is a tackle inside the box it's a penalty and if you tackle outside the box it is a normal free kick which lots of people score. Soccer has been played for many years now. / / The Soccer chip shot is usually used to catch the goalkeeper by surprise by chipping the ball over the keeper into the net. Strikers use Get more content on
  • 12. Descriptive Essay On Soccer This past year was the first year in my high school athletic career that I played starting goalie for the soccer team. I played previous years, but they were different as I was not in goal. The feeling and excitement of being in goal was like a euphoria. We do not always win but being a goalie changed my life! I have played soccer since I was in 8th grade. It is a way for me to release my aggression in a healthy and stable way. I have played defense and offense, but I had never been a goalie until August 28th, 2017. Earlier in the day at around 11:00 am I had people already doubting me saying that I was not going to be good at all. I kinda took offense to it, but let it go away and tried to prove them all wrong. It was the fourth game of the season and our original goalie Sydney Palta injured her wrist by jumping on her trampoline. So my coach thought that it would be a good idea if I tried goalie. I thought that it was going to be a one time thing, but it was not. I was goalie for the rest of the season. It will always be the most important part of my sophomore year. It was very nerve racking, the game was against Merrillville. It was intimidating, I was petrified that my face was going to get dislocated or I was going to get laceration. I was used to getting hurt because I have really bad ankles. I have gotten sprains, strains, and even twisted my ankle in the past, but never before was I in a position where my face could get injured. As I went home that day I put Get more content on