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Essays On Gratitude
Crafting an essay on the theme of gratitude poses a unique challenge as it demands a delicate
balance between personal reflection and universal appeal. Gratitude is an abstract and
multifaceted concept, making it complex to articulate in a coherent and engaging manner. The
difficulty lies not only in conveying a genuine sense of appreciation but also in avoiding
clichГ©s and trite expressions that might dilute the impact of the message.
Expressing gratitude requires a nuanced understanding of the subject, transcending mere
enumeration of thankful sentiments. A successful essay delves into the depth of emotions,
exploring the intricacies of gratitude in various contexts – from personal relationships to
societal interactions. Striking the right chord between introspection and relatability becomes a
formidable task, as too much focus on one aspect may alienate readers while neglecting the other
can result in a superficial narrative.
Additionally, the challenge lies in avoiding a didactic tone that may overshadow the sincerity of
the gratitude being expressed. The writer must navigate the fine line between being instructive
and genuinely sharing moments of appreciation. This requires a keen sense of self-awareness, as
the essay should not come across as preachy or self-indulgent.
Furthermore, finding a fresh perspective on gratitude amidst a plethora of existing literature on
the topic adds another layer of complexity. The writer must strive to bring a unique angle or
personal insight to ensure the essay stands out amidst the multitude of reflections on gratitude.
In conclusion, writing an essay on gratitude is a demanding task that necessitates a delicate
interplay of introspection, relatability, and originality. Successfully navigating these challenges,
however, can result in a powerful piece that resonates with readers on a profound level.
And for those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, a helpful
resource to explore is There, one can find support for crafting impactful
essays on various topics, ensuring a polished and well-articulated final product.
Essays On Gratitude Essays On Gratitude
Full Sail Research Paper
what led my creative mind to full sail? well in the beginning since baby years;
before I could even babble, music and technology have always been there. as a
strong point and very high significance in my everyday life. I can think back to
times I used to take rides cruising along listening to Bob Marley or R Kelly. no
matter what the musical composition was in, I deeply fell in love with it. from the
drop of a bassline to the punch and pop of the snare, music has always been there. I
never really knew exactly what I wanted to choose and pursue up until 2 2 1/2 years
ago. I ve changed my mindset and my daily routine. it all started during freshman
year playing footballand trying to do the thing that the Average high schoolboy does.
But!... Show more content on ...
its mind blowing to know that any one of my professors could have just worked on
the latest jay z album. whatever full sail has out to offer I want to get it in full and
more till there is absolutely nothing else to learn. the way that I feel and breathe
music Full Sail has that embodied within its spirit and education. Full sail represents
a huge part in multiple industries outside of music, it is the game changer, the
technological advantages, hands on establishment, industrial level studios and labs.
when I think of full sail I just instantly get prepared and so ready to indulge and
constitute the future full sail alumni. my creative mind will lead me into
accomplishing great triumph in the industry post graduation. I know that my, all in
all, will fight til forever to the ends of time to hold great achievements post
graduation from full sail. besides, all of that full sail has to offer I d really love to
take advantage of the networking and endless possibilities to happen when partnering
up and exploring new ideas and creation thoughts. being that I have an endless
passion for music and audio full sail will benefit myself
Essay about Virtual Situated Learning Environment (VSLE)
There is a embarrassment of changes facing society as new interactive
communication knowledge accelerates the achievements of economies of depth. of
knowledge holds considerable untapped potential for performance gains . the
workplace as being a stable place in a single central location, with normal daily
hours confined to 9 5 daylight hours, is being replaced by global organizations
(through globally positioned parts of the business, global outsourcing, and/or global
supply chains) and global communication networks (email, global blogs , diaries, The
new global workplace requires managers factor of production, knowledge, and thus
managers manage by the consent of the assist the growing number of knowledge
workers to handle a large... Show more content on ...
Despite criticism that the on line learning environment has the potential to return
carefully, the on line environment it does provide opportunities to design a learning
on designing on line learning opportunities that are cheaper rather than adding value
and value adding on line learning opportunities that do more than deliver information
to use the on line learning environment to network, share their tacit knowledge, and
engage in continuous learning, particularly those located in global workplaces. This
learning environment to a focus on re designed management learning opportunities
that opportunities need to cater for the time and place requirements of the global
manager. VSLE can be designed to be accessible by all managers at all times and
from all parts
The focus in this section is on how the on line environment can be used to design
designed to complement rather than replaced the F2F learning environment, and thus
our conclusions can only relate to this mixed learning environment. other a practicing
manager working as a
Diverse Participation In Canadian Politics
still progress to be made. Even though the current parliament is around 25% female,
countries such as Cuba, Sweden, and Bolivia are champion examples of diverse
participation in politics, as their governments inspire female leadership with close to,
over 50% females in government since their last elections. Canada s policies of
multiculturalism have led to increased representation by Canadians from visible
minorities. It was only in 1971, that Liberal Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau
official in the House of Commons, policies of bilingualism and multiculturalism, to
increase participation in democracy.10 This was the first step in truly creating equality
amongst all ethnic groups in Canada. His speech was made at a time when very few
... Show more content on ...
Canada s present Liberal
government has created a record in the number of minorities participating in its
that surpassed the record that the previous Conservative government had also created.
One example of how greatly the representation of minorities has increased, is that
are presently 4 cabinet ministers of Sikh backgrounds, and this is over 10% of the
cabinet. There is immense progress in increased participation across ethnicities, and
this must also follow through with age. The average age of the House of Commons of
Canada, is still above 53, among MPs whose age is listed; more than 50 per cent of
under 40 years of age are women. With the exception of Calgary Centre MP Michelle
Rempel, they are also exclusively NDP. 7 (Woolf, 2015) Again, we note that the
NDP is
leading the way in younger, in female, and in LGBT participation in politics. These
figures point to a lack of knowledge in youth about how to participate in politics, and
Mentorship The Workplace
Mentorship is an asset for anyone attempting to learn something new. According to
Merriam Webster dictionary a mentor is a trusted counselor or guide. To me this
implies someone that you up to and have access to via direct communication and not
an idol, such as a celebrity, who you do not have any contact. Everyone has some
form of mentorship in their life. In athletics, there are always teammates or coaches
that train and challenge a person. In education, there are teachers and upperclassmen.
In the workplace, senior coworkers and supervisors fulfill the role. No matter where a
person is in life, there is always an individual who can assist them through guidance
and encouragement. The idea that everyone has mentorship, indicates that
Enzyme Concentration
This experiment was carried out with many precautions to minimise error margins.
These measures included putting the measuring cylinders in the water bath/ ice box
/ and bench top at the same time, using the same capsicum extract, having the same
person record the results and add the capsicum extract. However there were still
some results that exhibited error such as collecting the measuring cylinders at
different times which prolonged the exposure, as well as have a delay between
starting the timer and adding the capsicum extract. Other issues consist of having an
uneven layer of foam (O2) which was a random error that made it difficult to record
mL, and forgetting to record the temperatureof the H2O2.
Ideally there should have been a gap between exposing each measuring cylinder to
the change in temperature, so once one temperature was recorded the next one was
ready rather than them overlapping. Another improvement in the experiment would
be to assign the task of timing to one person and adding the extract to another person
to diminish the gap between completing each of the tasks*. In addition, testing more
temperature points or repeating the experiment would allow for a wider range of
results and a higher accuracy reading of the ideal conditions for enzyme reactivity. ...
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These include wearing enclosed shoes, safety goggles, an apron, and tying up long
hair. Additionally, grasping measuring cylinders away from the surface of the hot
water and placing it in a stand on a linoleum mat to protect the work bench.
From the results I can conclude that enzymes are heavily affected by temperature
changes; slowing down the rate of a reaction if the conditions are wrong. The amount
of oxygen that was produced decreased as the temperature
Asperger s Syndrome In Forrest Gump
The Main character in Forrest Gump by Winston Groom is Forrest Gump. Forrest
s exceptionality is not specified, it is said that he has a IQ of 70 and it is implied
that he has some sort of autism but he most likely has Asperger s Syndrome because
he has difficulty communicating and trouble going through social situations. He is
verbal but he has a language processing disorder that makes his responses seem less
intelligent then a normal person s responses. He also interprets figurative phrases like
many people with Asperger s do (, 2017). Forrest Gumphas a kind pure
childlike heart, he just wants to have a kind and honest life by always trying to do
the right thing, the one thing he doesn t like is being called an idiot. In the
Speech On Nature Is Precious
God created the world perfectly. We are so bless to have such a precious gift like
this. Nature provides us what we need to survive each day of our living, like our
mother. It give us a food to eat, water to drink, air to breathe, shelter to stay and
many more for our life to become better and easier. Our nature have many beautiful
scenery. Our eyes won t get tired mesmerizing on it. No wonder why many artist,
writers, poets, and painters choose it to be their subject. Human are the real user of
the nature. We are dependent on it that s why we will not survive on earth without
it. Having this precious gift means also a big responsibility. A big responsibility for
a human to fulfill. That s why it is right and just to take care on it. As I said nature is
... Show more content on ...
We should not allow our selfishness to take over. We should enjoy our beautiful
nature without hurting it. Let s help each other to take away it from the damages.
So that our future generation can also witness how beautiful it is. Human should
not take it for granted. Let s value the worth of it while it is not too late. Let s help
each other to take care of it so that we can enjoy it forever.
Nature is everything which surround us and one of this is the flower. Flower is a part
of a plant. It is a reproductive organ that produces eggs and pollen grains. Many
flower have brightly colored petals and sweet fragrant which make them unique
from the other living things. They produce nectar that attracts insect, animals and
human too. While the animals eat on the nectar, some pollen grains stick on their
bodies. When they move to another flower they carry the pollen and help pollinate
those flowers. The pollination by animals are more effectively than pollination by
the wind. Why? Because the animals directly move from flower to flower and not
like in wind where the pollen can be carry anywhere. There is an assurance if it is
War And Love In Ernest Hemingway s A Farewell To Arms
Ernest Hemingway wrote A Farewell to Arms, a celebrated historical fiction, amidst
a time of war and personal suffering. Hemingway believed at this time that life is a
tragedy that can only have one end (Hemingway, VIII). He continues further, calling
war a constant, bullying, murderous, slovenly crime (Hemingway, IX). Hemingway
also suffered at home, in addition to his issues regarding the state of the world. His
wife had just endured a difficult pregnancy and delivery, which contributed to the last
bitter chapter of his story. Keeping in mind the tortured and surly mental state of
Hemingway, it is difficult to swallow the idea that he would write a wholesome, well
founded lovestory that attracts people. To some readers, A Farewell to Arms
tells of a
whirlwind romance between an ambulance driver and a nurse that is based on an
unbreakable foundation of love, trust, magnetism, and compassion. Anxious
modernists, like Trevor Dodman who are cited in Joel Armstrong s nonfiction text,
will come up with a remarkably different outlook on this tragedy. With aid from A
Powerful Beacon Love Illuminating Human Attachment in Hemingway s A Farewell
to Arms , the loveless relationship between Frederic Henry and Catherine Barkley
will be seen as rushed, meaningless, and mentally destructive to the parties involved.
When Henry returns from a highly anticipated leave, he sees that everything is
running smoothly despite his prolonged absence. He begins to feel useless, so he and
Yay Mc Helper Case Analysis
What is your Minecraft username?
What gamemode do you most frequently play on?
How many hours would you be able to contribute to the position per day?
5 8 Hours Per Day
What strengths do you see in yourself that you could use to be a better Yay Mc helper?
1. One of my best assets that I could see me using to be a great helper is my
patience and my knowledge of how to detect a hacker. I have noticed that many
staff members are really unsure on if the person is hacking or is just really good. I
could help to ensure that the person being watched is not banned falsely or let go
when they were actually hacking. I am familiar with common screenshare tools
such as Blsquad and Sarefine SS tool. I know where to/how to find hacks and/or
illegal mods. If placed in a situation where I need to screenshare, I am able to easily
control and complete the screenshare in a timely manner. I can tell the difference
between laggers and hackers, which, sadly, some staff members I have met on other
servers can t. One last advantage that comes with my knowledge of screensharing, is
that I can do reverse psychology on most people. It s simple and sometimes reveals
that the player hacks. All you have to do is, when looking ... Show more content on ...
My fourth strength I am going to share on this application, is my ability to stay
active. I am on Minecraft almost all day on the weekends and around 4 5 hours on
weekdays. I do have other activities I like to do, so my estimates may be a little off,
but my playtime falls roughly in that time frame. I can always play with a web
browser tab open, making it easy to switch between minecraft and the forums. I am
familiar with the forums and how it functions. I can and will help forum members if
they need any assistance. Within my daily playtime, I could spend most of it being a
staff member and helping players, but I also like to play as a normal player
sometimes. I ll most likely play on an alt if I ever feel like PvPing instead of staffing,
Political, Economic, And Political Changes In The Middle
In the High Middle ages (after 1000 A.D) and beyond there were major political,
economic and intellectual changes that happed across Europe. The changes
helped bring about new eras to the European landscape. As Europe was brought
into these new eras, it thus brought upon the end of the Dark Ages. Looking first at
the political changes that took place across Europe we can break it down into four
key areas, the first of which is England. England had suffered more from Viking
invasions than any other part of Europe and eventually fell under Viking rule with
Viking Canute (McKay 254). Until Canute passed away and William of Normandy
claimed the throne, the English kings had little power outside of calling for war.
After William of Normandy took control of the throne, he limited the power of the
nobles and church officials, and built a unified monarchy to help centralize England
(McKay 255). Along with this he created laws, including a centralized tax system,
and took control of the judicial system. This centralizing of England continued with
William s successors. In 1215, King John was forced to sign the Magna Cartawhich
limited the power of the king and later became the basis for Parliament. The next
area is France, which was known as the most powerful kingdom within Europe, but
the kings themselves lacked power. Again this changed once it fell under a new ruler,
Philip II. Philip II began waging war and expanding their territory starting with
Normandy. Along with this,
Example Of Osha Research Paper
Osha is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration an agency of the United
States Department of Labor. Osha requires employers to provide their employees
with safety from all known dangers. Osha was created December 29, 1970, and it
was signed by president Richard M. Nixon.
Osha was created to assure safe and healthful working conditions during construction.
Osha is part of the United States Department of Labor. Congress created OSHA to
assure safe and healthful conditions for working men and women by setting and
enforcing standards and providing training, outreach, education and compliance
assistance. Under the OSHA law, employers are responsible for providing a safe and
healthful workplace for their workers. Richard M. Nixon in December 29, 1970.
Osha covers most private sector employers and workers. ... Show more content on ...
Bus. v. Dougherty is the complaint that unions are inappropriately proselytizing in the
workplace during OSHA safety inspections. Osha s manual recognizes the right of
workers to have an employee representative accompany OSHA inspectors during a
workplace safety inspection.In a controversial Feb 12, 2013, OSHA Deputy Assistant
Secretary Richard E. Fairfax wrote that workers can designate a person who is
affiliated with a union without a collective bargaining agreement at their workplace
or with a community organization to act as their personal representative. he
continued to say. He continued, It is OSHA s view that representatives are reasonably
necessary when they will make a positive contribution to a thorough and effective
inspection. T]here are numerous ways that an employee representative who is neither
an employee of the employer being inspected nor a collective bargaining agent could
make an important contribution to a thorough and effective
The Importance Of School Dress Codes
Do school dress codes come off as too strict? Some schools have a twenty one page
rulebook on prom alone. Crazy, right? Who decides what belongs in a dress code
and what does not? Should the students have a say on their school s dress code?
Student do not have a say in their school s dress, so high school dress codes feel too
restricting to the students. A school dress codeconsists of many aspects. The
Crestwood High SchoolStudent Handbook forbids students from wearing anything
too revealing (2017, pg. 22). An outfit must not distract anyone from their learning,
but school officials say if an outfit will distract another, it should not appear in
school. Students should decide what goes in a dress code, because they know what
distracts... Show more content on ...
Tattoos show self expression even if they offend someone. Everyone wears
undergarments, and, to some, head coverings hold religious values. Students have
a wide variety of reactions to the appointed dress codes. Both boys and girls react
to how the dress codes restrict students choices of clothing. A senior boy from Palo
Alto, CA, believes the dress code restricts the students at his school. Jackson Brook
concludes, The idea that a visible bra strap or a pair of leggings will prevent a teen
boy from learning is absurd to me. And I should know, I m a teen boy! (Menza,
2015). This boy believes that clothes distracting guys from learning makes a joke
out of teenage boys maturity, as his learning does not change if a female s bra
strap shows. He also goes on to tell how he feels about calling a females clothing
distracting. He believes dress codes have a way of blaming girls for causing any
distractions because of what they wear (Menza, 2015). Girls do not distract the
other students the clothing does, but according to most people the girls distract,
because they choose what to wear. A young lady, named Cameron Boland, wore a
spaghetti strapped sundress to an event at a different school. She wanted to look
fancy for her speech for a National Honor Society event. She won this event and
became a historian but later had it taken away because of her appearance that day.
The dress code at Baker
Fundamentals of Management
Fundamentals of Management
Meaning of Management Management is the art of getting things done by a group of
people with the effective utilization of available resources. An individual cannot be
treated as a managing body running any organization. A minimum of two persons are
essential to form a management. These persons perform the functions in order to
achieve the objectives of an organization. Management is the group of activities
which drafts plans, prepares policies and arranges men, money, machine and materials
required to achieve the objectives. The above definitions reveal that management is
the activity of man who struggles for better living in the complex and ... Show more
content on ...
If there is only one course of action, need for decision making does not arise. The
quality of decision taken by the manager determines the organizations performance.
The success or failure of an organization depends upon the degree of right decision
taken by the manager.
Universal application: The principles and practices of management are applicable not
to any particular industry alone but applicable to every type of industry. The practice
of management is different from one organization to another according to their nature.
Management is getting thing done: A manager does not actually perform the work
but he gets things done by others. According to Knootz and O Donnel, management
is the art of getting things done through and with people in formally organized groups.
Management as a class or a team: A class may be defined as a group of people
having homogenous characteristics to achieve common objectives. Engineers and
doctors are grouped as a class in a society. Each and every doctor has the same
objectives in life. Just like engineers and doctors the management are some of the
specializations of management, specialists are appointed in the key posts of top
Direction and control: A manager can direct his sub ordinates in the performance of
a work and control them whenever necessary. If the available resources are not
utilized properly be him, he fails to achieve the corporate objectives in the absence of
direction and control. Generally,
The Cheesecake Factory Essay
The name says it all, Cheesecake Factory. Who would not want to go somewhere
where the main product is cheesecake? When you think of a factory, you think of a
large room filled with lots of equipment and employees all with very specific duties.
The Cheesecake factory is no different. The restaurant is set up to run just like a
factory using classical approaches of organization. The Cheesecake factoryis a very
successful business, constantly growing. Everything about it is large, from the
portions to the amount of employees working for them. The reason for their success
is due to their high expectations of workers, their managerial set up to ensure
customer satisfaction, and their ability to combine several aspects of... Show more
content on ...
General managers, who run all aspects of a restaurant, receive a new BMW their
first day on the job. Salaries for general managers can be in the six figure range,
according to Wensing from
$150,000 to $200,000, by some accounts (Ruiz 2006). This sounds like the perfect
place to work but there is always room for improvement to make sure that the
employees are able to keep an open flow of communication not only with each other
but with other franchises and corporate. This way, if there are any concerns within a
particular field that can t be settled by management alone, they can be addressed by
cooperate. After all, it was the vice president of performance and development,
Chuck Wensing that said, One of our biggest challenges is the notion of how to get
big, but remain small (Ruiz 2006).
My recommendation for this would be to hold quarterly and annual events that allow
the executives to mingle with the employees so that they may hear their thoughts
and opinions in person. It would allow for idea sharing between franchises and offer
more training that can lead to higher pay or recognition. This would also help to
bolster employee morale and overall performance.
Another thing the Cheesecake factory does that works well is create a simple
managerial set up that follows the principles of organizational structure. There is
unity of command among the employees, meaning that employees receive orders
Byron Bay Research Paper
Byron Bay is home to some of the most fantastic snorkeling in Australia, as the
Julian Rocks Marine Reserve calls the area home. If you are looking for some top
notch Byron Bay snorkeling, make sure you pack your snorkeling gear!
When to Visit for Byron Bay Snorkeling
The great thing about Byron Bay is the temperate climate that it experiences. The
mild climate makes Byron Bay a great place to visit year round. With warm
temperatures and sunny days the norm for most of the year, you can really partake
in Byron Bay snorkeling anytime of the year. Spring, from September to November,
is the best time to visit, as there are smaller crowds and the lowest average rainfall.
Summer, from December to February, is when the temperatures are the warmest,...
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This site is one of the few snorkeling sites in the world where you can swim amongst
the tropical marine species found along the Great Barrier Reef. This marine reserve
is home to three species of sea turtles, a variety of rays, sharks, dolphins and over 400
species of tropical fish. It is only a 5 minute boat ride from Byron Bay and several
tour operators can take you there, or you can charter a boat if you want to go on your
own time.
You will slip off the boat and into the clear waters surrounding Julian Rocks Marine
Reserve. From there, swim about and you can see turtles just feet from you, as
well as dolphins and a variety of tropical fish. Keep your eyes peeled for
camouflaged nurse sharks lying on the seabed. These nurse sharks come to the
marine reserve during the winter months to breed, and don t be afraid it is safe to
snorkel around
Team Narrative Essay
4am. Be at the boathouse tomorrow at 4am, Coach reminded us as we finished
preparing our boats. Everyone groaned. As much as the first race of the new
season excited us, waking up that early wasn t something to look forward to. But,
we did it. The next morning everyone showed up and was ready to take a bus for
the next 3 hours. While some half asleep teenagers arrived earlier than others, by
4:30am the team was on the bus and ready to leave. The bus ride from Crystal Lake
to Moline, IL at the earliest hours of the day is nothing close to the bus ride some of
us took home from school the day before. It s pretty much kids sleeping in blankets
or staring out the window while listening to music. At least for the first two hours.
Until the... Show more content on ...
After five and a half hours of getting everything ready to go, it s finally time for the
Men s 8+ boat to leave the dock. This is most of the guys first race of the season,
besides those who raced earlier that day in the Men s 4+ race. After a couple of
minutes of pre race pump up in a circle (seriously, we did that), it s time to get all
hands on the boat. We bring the boat down to the dock master, the official who
approves the boat s eligibility to race, and find out that we aren t allowed on the
dock. No, we didn t have an illegal engine hidden under the boat to propel us to the
finish line (although that would be pretty cool), but the regatta was running
behind schedule. It became clear that we would have to wait even longer. As we
waited for the time to come for us to put our boat in the water, it was easy to get
annoyed with the officials. Especially after putting the boat in the water and being
asked to bring it back off of the dock to wait yet again. Nonetheless, we had to
move past the fact that we had been waiting for hours. We had to get our game
faces on. When it was time to actually shove off the dock, nobody was truly in the
zone . The row up the Mississippi River to the start line, which was against the
current and the wind, also didn t help. Plus, once we were at the start line, we had to
wait a few more minutes for the other boats to get there also. I have never wanted to
just race as much
Compare And Contrast Education Reform
An educational system is a means to develop a workforce, to improve the
socioeconomic status of the poor via social mobility, and to create a shared culture.
Given these important roles, educational systems are targets for social reformers.
Joseph Lancaster and Arne Duncan were both education reformers with strong and
influential ideas about what and how students are taught. Lancaster was a London
schoolmaster and eventual leader of the Monitorial educationreform movement in the
early 1800s. Duncan was the US Secretary of Education from 2009 2015, and led an
era of active federal education reform. In comparing and contrasting these two
educational reformers from the past and present, there are more similarities than
differences.... Show more content on ...
Recent United States Secretary of Education Arne Duncan was still trying to
accomplish the same goal. In Lancaster s book Improvements in Education he
argues people should invest money into the education of the poor. Why then so
eager in the pursuit of riches? and why not rather pay that attention to the infant
poor, which their wants requires? (Improvements in Education). This line
demonstrates that Lancaster believes people should put money towards the
education of the poor so that they can have a chance to better their place in society.
Lancaster tried to lower the cost of education by developing the monitorial system
of education which uses less teachers and so lowers salary costs. This is similar to
Arne Duncan s emphasis on investing more money into education and in managing
costs. At the end of his term, The Washington Post reported his agency directed
$100 billion in stimulus funds to districts small and large that were otherwise facing
severe job cuts in the wake of the 2008 recession. The move preserved an estimated
350,000 teaching jobs. In his speeches, Duncan said that states and institutions of
higher education will need to meet us halfway in doing more to keep college costs
down and boost completion . This statement made by Duncan shows that both he and
Lancaster have similar ideas on the cost of education, they both believe that
education was a social investment and that the cost of education should be lowered
so poorer people can
Theology Can Seem Like A Scary Word To Some People. For
Theology can seem like a scary word to some people. For some, this word evokes
images of large libraries and stuffy book lovers sitting on the library floor reading
huge volumes of work by the like Karl Barth s Church Dogmatics or H. Orton
Wiley s three volume Systematic Theology. For others, you picture a university or
seminary where professional pastors and future professors go, but come back to
your local church with bigger words and ideas than you can account for on your
child s language arts homework. And still for some, the idea of some professor
sitting in an ivory tower writing and scheming up some new and novel idea just
trying to make your life miserable that is surely unbiblical. Surely, it s not something
for the... Show more content on ...
For polytheistic (many god) traditions it could mean doing something for one god to
avoid the wrath of another. For the Deist, it could just be simply about finding
general truths in all traditions and living a moral life and going to heaven. Everyone
believes different things and that essentially is what theology is and aims to discuss.
It is discussion about God or gods and the relationship that exists between us and them
and us with others.
What Makes Theology Christian?
Christian theology is talking about God in Christian ways. Christians, think about
their faith. Christian faith is about both a matter of reflection and an outcome of that
reflection. It looks at why we do the things we do and why. It considers why
Protestants uphold an importance of the Scripture and Catholics look at both
Scripture and Tradition. To answer the question then of what makes theology
Christian, it all comes down to what we believe. One such example of this in practice
is the various beliefs about the Church itself.
For some people the Christian Church should only be a body of believers, while for
others they believe it should be a mixed group. There are certainly other ideas out
there also on the matter. Christian theology however forces us to think in an orderly
manner about the fundamental ideas of our Christian faith. Theology is, at least to
great extent, intellectual reflection on the act, content, and implications of Christian
faith. It is used to sometimes
How Much Sodium Hydroxide Used To Turn The Diluted
HNC Applied Sciences
Zakiah Ali
The aim of this experiment was to measure how much sodium hydroxide was used to
turn the diluted vinegar pink.
2 Pipettes (25cm3)
Volumetric flask
2 beakers
Clamp stand
White title
Conical flask
Pipette filler
Deionised water
0.1mol/l sodium hydroxide
3 drops of phenolpththalein indicator
A standardized vinegar solution was prepared, to test how much sodium hydroxide is
needed to turn the solution pink. In order to know when the equivalence point is
reached, an indicator solution called phenolphthalein was added to the vinegar at the
start of the titration. Phenolphthalein is an organic dye which is colorless in acidic
solutions ... Show more content on ...
The hose of the burette was opened until the solution turned pink. 20.2ml of sodium
hydroxide was used to get the solution to turn pink.( 4. Fill the burette with NaOH
(aq) up to the top, between 0 mL and 5 mL. Use a funnel to do this carefully,
preferably over the sink. Measure this volume precisely, and record it as the Initial
Burette Reading on your
Myosin Light Chain
All organisms, from humans to simple bacteria, have a necessity to move in order to
adapt to changes in their external or internal environment, navigate towards food, and
avoid dangers. Even cells are teeming with motion as they reorganize organelles,
nucleic acids, and proteins. At the molecular level, two types of elements assist in the
control movements of the cell and the organism as a whole: molecular motor proteins
and intricate complexes of proteinfilaments that make up the cytoskeleton of the cell
(Vale and Milligan, 2000). Myosinis a family of motor protein that act as enzymes in
the hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to form adenosine diphosphate
(ADP) and inorganic phosphate (Pi), The energy released by this reaction to drive
the movement of molecules and contraction of muscle fibers (Grigorenko et al.,
2007). A remarkable part of evolution is that the same mechanisms that control of
contraction of muscles by myosin, are also used to propel... Show more content on ...
In the N terminal region, the heavy chain forms a motor domain that is globular in
structure. The motor domain has an О± helix that extends from the C terminus,
which becomes part of the light chain binding domain. At this binding domain, the
essential and regulatory light chains wrap around the О± helix to thicken and support
its structure. The motor domains can be divided into three domains: the actin binding
site, the nucleotide binding site (P loop NTPase domain core as an ATP catalytic
site), and the converter domain. A converter domain is present at the junction
between the ATP catalytic site of the motor domain and the light chain binding
domain. The converter domain and the light chain binding domain compose the lever
arm , which has a significant role in producing the mechanical force needed to
generate movement during muscle
Health Safety
Occupational Health and Safety
1. (15 marks) The TLV for carbon monoxide is 35ppm. Define the terms TLV and
ppm and calculate them for the following example:
TVL = Term for airborne concentration of a substance, below which all workers are
believed to be protected while exposed to it day after day for 8 hour periods.
PPM = Concentration by volume of one part of a gas, or by weight of a liquid or
solid, per million parts of air or liquid.
A mechanic in an automotive repair shop is exposed to the following carbon
monoxide levels over an 8 hour shift.
1. 2 hours @ 34 ppm
2. 5 hours @ 40 ppm
3. 1 hour @ 20 ppm
Is the worker over exposed during the duration of the work shift? ... Show more
content on ...
Have employees rotate half days exposed to the carbon monoxide and half days on
non exposure duties.
Increase monitoring equipment in the facility.
3. Personal Protective Equipment:
Should only be used in the event that engineering and/or administrative controls are
not feasible or practical.
Use of respiratory assist equipment during peak TVL periods.
2. Referring to question 1, how could you use the elements of the hazard control
hierarchy to help clarify the concept of safety controls for an employee? How might
an employee participate in ensuring their own safety? What other worker rights might
you include in this type of orientation to health and safety training regarding psycho
social factors and emerging workplace stressors? (10 marks)
We could use the elements of the hazard control hierarchy to help clarify the
concepts of safety controls for employees by reviewing the primary concepts of each
of the controls and how they will related to their roles:
Engineering Controls the modification of work processes, equipment, and materials
in order to reduce exposure to hazards.
Administrative Controls management involvement, training of employees, rotation
of employees, environmental sampling, and medical surveillance to protect
Personal Protective Equipment should only be used when there is no feasible or
practical way to enclose a process, provide local
Examples Of Identity And Coming Of Age
Identity and coming of age are the most important gearings in a life. In fact, human
beings has to find and accept their own identity in order to come of age. Identity
reveals the acceptance of the origins of a person, its sexual and social desires and
furthermore, its acceptance itself. Thus, coming of age is complete thanks to the
identity a person accepts, then it takes maturity and more confidence. In this essay,
two characters will be confronted to a search of an identity in order to come of age.
First, Jhumpa Lahiriintroduces us to her main character in her novel The Namesake,
Gogol, a troubled boy that has to grow up with an unusual name. Secondly, Jeffrey
Eugenides in Middlesex inroduces us to Calliope/Cal Stephanides, an intersex person.
The novel ... Show more content on ...
The two characters shows some common points such as hte fact that both are
surrounded by their family but most of all their origins. This essay has analyzed the
two different journey taken by the characters to find an identity and come of age.
However, to find an identity is harder than it
Traditions and Customs in Romania
Romania is situated in the southeast of Europe, to the north of the Balkan Mountains.
It has a population of about 23 million inhabitants. Most of its people are of Roman
origin in fact, Romania means land of the Romans . But there are also Hungarians,
Germans, Serbs, Tartars, and Russians who make up the rest of the population. The
official language is Romanian, the only language of Latin origin in Eastern Europe.
Brought up to respect religious traditions, the majority of Romaniansis Orthodox
(nearly 87 percent). Protestants are the next largest denomination at 6.8 percent with
Catholics making up 5.6 percent of the population. A small number of Muslims also
live in Romania. Romanian Orthodox Church, in common with all Eastern... Show
more content on ...
The white blouse is also a basic item in male costume, tightened at the waist with a
woolen sash or leather belt. This is usually worn with narrow, white trousers. A
typical piece of headgear for men is the hat made of lambskin, black felt, or straw
depending on the time of year and the local tradition. Romania preserved a significant
number of traditional customs and celebrations manifest within the strong community
of the village. Ceremonies dedicated to the significant moments of one s life (birth,
wedding, death), to natural cycles (such as solstice, equinox, harvest, springtime) or
to the big religious celebrations, follow the same archaic mythical rituals they did a
thousand years ago. Even though preformed in 21st century in villages marked by
modernization, such traditional rites haven t diminish their prestige. They still
provide viable answers to how to live in harmony with the environment and
community, that the present social and economical system cannot furnish.
During winter solstice, when the sun is weak and frost and dryness take over,
Romanian peasants conceived ceremonies to help the Sun and Nature to overcome
this temporary crisis. For 12 days between Christmas and St. John on January 7th, all
Romanian villages have specific celebrations, starting with children s caroling on
Christmas eve: Mos Ajun or Buna Dimineata (Good Morning).
Well spread throughout
Ethical Issues Of Education Organizational Structure Essay
Ethical issues in Education Organizational Structure Ethics are a set of principles
that people use to decide what is right and wrong. Other words such as principles
and morals are used concurrently when discussing ethics. Principles are major
beliefs and rules that have a significant influence on the way things are done as well
as relationships with others. Morals are principals of right or wrong behavior that
are generally accepted by a society. With a basic understanding of these basic terms
of ethics, a more comprehensive and deeper understanding of ethics in general
becomes more attainable. Situational ethics can be grouped into various categories
such as political and governance ethics, social and economic ethics. Further
breakdown of these broad categories gives examples such as business ethics,
educational ethics, law ethics and internet ethics. Often, the impact of ethics is
greatly under rated , however the elite and aware majority do acknowledge ethics as
the foundation of global harmony. A specific analysis of an educational ethical
dilemma aims to understand the factors of determining right from wrong in an
attempt to reach a moral standing after analysis. The ethical dilemma is set in an
education institution, the Deputy principal , who is a friend, altered the Higher
School Certificate (HSC) to improve the results for the students undertaking
mathematics and give them an overall high mark. I reported him to the department
EPAC , the employment
Benzocaine Synthesis Lab Report
Result and Discussion In this experiment, the synthesis of benzocaine was carried
out by acid catalyst and recrystallization process was utilized to purify the product
form impurities. The synthesis of Benzocaine was carried from 4 Amino benzoic
acid (PABA) and absolute ethanol with sulfuric acid as catalyst. The reaction took
place under reflux, and isolation of product was carried out by using saturated
Na2CO3 and dH2O. The characterization of the product involved the NMR and IR
spectrum analysis. Besides, the purity of the solid product was supported by melting
point determination. For the NMR spectrum analysis, all the peaks matched the
expected NMR result of pure benzocaine. There were triplet peaks at 1.149, 1.265,
and 1.385 ppm which... Show more content on ...
The pure benzocaine was dried, weighed, and percent yield of the reaction was
calculated. Besides, the melting point of the white solid was also determined to
confirm the purity of the product. The melting point was turned out to be around
88 91В°C which was very close to the expected melting point (88 90В°C). One of
the problem in isolating and purifying the product was during the recrystallization
process. Since recrystallization reaction used to purify the product from
impurities, this resulted in low product yield. When the pure product was
crystallized and impurities were removed from the product, the weight of product
became lesser compared to the weight before recrystallization. The percent yield of
the reaction was 25.6 % which was a bit low, but this value was a reasonable yield
for recrystallization. The percent yield for recrystallization was usually a bit low
compared to reactions without recrystallization. The low percent yield of this
reaction showed matched with the expected low yield of recrystallization. Besides,
another problem occurred was during drying step of the crude benzocaine. The
vacuum was not strong enough to remove all the water, and made the product being
soaked and absorbed on the filter paper. This might contribute to the low yield of
Biologically Diverse Coral Reef
In the article Continental drift created biologically diverse coral reefs it explains
how researchers study the evolution of many marine species and how they were
affected by plate tectonics. The scientists used 100 million years of Earth s history
and the history of continental drifts to create a computer model of patterns of new
marine species. From this computer model scientists were able to show that the drift
of the continental plates was the likely driving force behind the emergence of new
species (ETH Zurich). Researchers concluded that continental drift increased the
biodiversity of marine species. If a reef is divided into two separate reefs due to plate
tectonics, for example, the two populations in each patch would continue
Product Strategy of Usps
Product Strategy of the U. S. Postal Service
Dwaynell Lowe
Strayer University
Operations Management
Dr. Phyllis Parise
November 15, 2015
Product Life Cycle Product life cycle refers to the stages that a product. Changes in
demand for the product is the factor that delineates the changes from one cycle to
another (Daft amp; Sanders, 2012). The typical product life cycle has four
identifiable stages; * Introductory Stage characterized by the launching of a new
product. * Growth Stage highlighted by strong growth and profits. * Maturity Stage
the product is well established and the organization seeks to maintain market share. *
Decline Stage the market for the product shrinks.
The United State Postal ... Show more content on ...
From 2007 to 2012 USPS posted net losses in excess of $41 billion with much of
that driven by fuel costs. It currently spends $3.3 billion on highway contracts, while
spending only $40 million on freight rail contracts. USPS should consider shifting
part of its mail volume to rail. By making this change it has been estimated that
USPS could save at least $100 million per year. Additionally, because of its lesser
sensitivity to fuel price increases and greater control of its own infrastructure, rail
transportation has major, long term strategic advantages over highway (Berman,
Total Quality Management Total Quality Management (TQM) is an organizational
approach that seeks to identify and eliminate the root causes of issues that
undermine quality whether in a manufacturing or service organization. As stated
previously USPS as a product is in a state of decline and must find ways to
eliminate barriers to attaining its service commitments. Package delivery is a sector
of its market in which it has remained competitive with private carriers such as UPS
and FedEX. To continue to compete and excel in the package delivery arena USPS
must insure that it eliminates barriers to meeting and or exceeding on time delivery
expectations. Therefore, I would suggest the use of control charts to determine the
cause of packages being delivered outside the upper control limit. The upper control
limit for
Renaissance And Baroque Art
Caravaggio was an Italian painter born in Milan around 1571. He is considered one
of the fathers of the modern painting. His father was called Fermo Merisi, who was
an architect decorator and a household administrator. His mother was called Lucia
Aratori and she came from one of the Propertified families in the region. In 1576, the
family relocated to Caravaggio to escape the plague that devastated Milan. His father
died in 1577 and the mother died in 1584 (Frank, 2013, p. 292). Caravaggio remained
an orphan at 11 years of age and he was apprenticed in Milan. When he later went to
Rome, his work became accepted due to the technique of tenebrism he used which
involved the use of shadow for
Compare And Contrast Superintendent And School Board...
Superintendent and School Board Relationships Simple arithmetic is not an easy
task. Just like some students have difficulties with basic mathematics skills, so does
the Superintendent. This is not to say that the Superintendent cannot do basic math.
What this is really comparing is the challenging undertaking involved in counting
four out of seven votes in favor of the Superintendent s recommendations. Swaying
back and forth for Board votes is timely and very hard to accomplish, but it is an
essential part of the job. Sharp and Walter (2004) explain board members have no
authority as individuals. However, together or as a majority they can be extremely
powerful in making policy. Longer tenures and more efficient working... Show more
content on ...
Along the same lines, it is important that when individual board members request
information it is sent to every single member. Otherwise, the Superintendent gives up
the opportunity to understand from where each board member is coming (Effective
Superintendent School Board Relations). This to some extent could be used as
informational leverage, which could help down the line when trying to sway support.
Keeping records on request is also considered very helpful when working with
Boards. It is important that they stay informed, but it is also just as valuable that they
get some feedback as to how much information they are requesting. They may tend to
back off from requesting so much information. Regardless as to how and how often,
the Superintendent must establish a communication system. Boards do not like
surprises. It undermines board members trust, and makes them look bad, when they
hear information about the district from another source (Effective Superintendent
School Board Relations). Getting the Boards trust can assist in creating a team
concept. In any relationship, whether it is at home or work trust is essential for
success. Trust is fundamental to all working relationships. Superintendents must be
able to develop trust so that all members feel united in working toward a common
goal. Many times, the demise of a Superintendent School Board relationship can
Spoon River Themes
The movie Sixth Sense and the book the Spoon River Anthology both talk about
dead people, but there lies a deeper meaning in both of them. The book and movie
each have their own differences, but also the book and movie have similarities
between them. The book and the movie are not that different they have each share
common theme. The movie Sixth Sense and the book spoon river anthologyhave their
differences but also share a common theme which is, Do not end your life with you
unfinished business, finish what you started. In the book the Spoon River anthology,
many themes are expressed throughout the story. One of the themes is never being
afraid to speak your mind because that is the way you will be remembered. This is
found in Dorcas... Show more content on ...
One of those ideas is how can someone tell if they are alive or dead without
experiencing. At the end of the movie there is a major plot twist where the
audience finds out that the doctor was actually dead the entire and got shot he did
not realize either. The doctor did not realize that he was dead until Cole said They
do not know they are dead yet. The doctor realizes this is happening to him when
he goes back to his house for the first time and sees his wife. Another idea is that
how can we tell what is real or fake without actually seeing it. This idea comes from
Cole Sean a nine year old kid who suffers from a disorder where he can see dead
people as though they were living. His problem brings up an interesting point
because Humans do not know what is actually real or not because we really do not
what is there. Cole is a very special kid because he can the dead people and he
knows what is real because he sees the dead people and he knows what is there. It
is a little frightening these things out in this world that humans cannot see but
could be there. A theme found in sixth sense is Closure makes everything better.
This theme is found when the Doctor is by Cole to talk to his wife when she is
sleeping because then she will listen. Cole said to the Doctor the best time to talk
to her is when she is sleeping, because she will actually listen. The Doctors does
this and His wife is able to feel much better because she knows that her husband is
okay and that he will always be with her. This makes the doctor feel better too
because he knows that he wife still loves him and will always remember him. The
doctor and his wife were both better once the doctor opened up and gave some
closure. Another example about this is when Cole and his mom were stuck in traffic
Cole finally told his mother about his secret and gave an example. He told his mom
that his grandmother, Cole s mom s mom, that Grandma
Gender Roles In Elizabethan Society
The Change of Women s Roles in Society Gender equality is more than a goal in
itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting
sustainable development and building good governance. (Kofi Annan). Gender roles
today are not a huge problem in today s society, but back then it was a struggle for
women. Women were not allowed equal rights as men before the 20th century. This
lead to women holding a very low standpoint in their society limiting a lot of rights
and freedoms women have now. Women that fought their equal rights as men in
America left a lasting impact in history for females of the United States.
The status of a woman s role in society today has drastically changed since the
Elizabethan Era, ... Show more content on ...
During Shakespeare s time, women were thought to be not very strong, smart, or
have weak emotions. (Women s International Center). Men were thought to be the
leaders or caretakers of their wives or daughters because women were conceived as
to be like children. (Women s International Center). The first reform groups started
appearing during the 1820 s and 1830 s that hoped to change women suffrage in the
U.S.A. The first women s rights convention was held in Seneca Falls, N.Y., July
1848. Stanton and Susan Anthony created the National Woman Suffrage Association,
which would later be combined with the American Women Suffrage Association to
make the National American Woman Suffrage Association in 1890. This
organization made efforts to change the federal law and oppose the 15th amendment
that allowed any male citizen of the U.S.A to vote because it excluded women.
(History, Art, Archives of the U.S. House of Representatives). Many decades later,
some states had already passed laws allowing women to vote, but it wasn t until 1920
that the 19th amendment was added to the Constitution allowing women to vote.
This gave women a higher, more respectable place in society that left a lasting effect
on today s
Gitlow V Taylork Case Summary
Facts of the Case In 1951 Eugene Dennis along with 10 other members of the
American communist party were arrested and charged under the Smith Act with
teaching and supporting the overthrowing of the government. This was the third of a
series of major cases pertaining to the freedom of speech in concern with speech with
communist ideals supporting the overthrow of the government. In 1925 s Gitlow V
NewYork, Gitlow is charged under the criminal anarchy act due to his communist
publications, and in 1927 s Whitney V California, Whitney is charged under the
criminal syndicalism act for helping establish the communist labor party of America.
The Law The First Amendment of The Constitution which supports freedom of
speech and the Fifth Amendment of the constitution. The Fifth Amendment clause of
due process due to the ambiguity of the statue. Legal Questions Did the Smith Act
violate citizen s First amendment freedom of speech... Show more content on ...
When observing the freedom of speech it should be noted that not all speech has the
same value on a scale. Lewd and obscene speech are not as thoroughly protected and
claimed by constitutional immunity as seen in Chaplinsky V State of New York. The
prohibition of speech which may advocate the overthrowing of the government can
be just as dangerous as outlawing speech which criticizes serious defects in our
government but does support the overthrowing of the government. Those who have
serious concerns for government reform may stay quiet in fear of criticism and
inadvertently be losing their first amendment freedoms. The court does not bear the
responsibility of deciding how to manage the clash of interest, and instead respect
congress decision that the avocation of overthrowing the government is speech that
can be
Analysis Of The Book Witches The Absolutely True Tale
In the book Witches! The Absolutely True Tale of Disaster in Salem by Rosalyn
Schanzer the town of Salem starting going into a panic of the theory of witches
from the fits of two girls. Everyone accusing each other, family is accusing family.
Brothers are accusing brothers. Accused witches are taken to trial, but are the
trials that fair? The trials were unfair because of the use of spectral evidence, the
inability to testify for oneself, and the surprisingly unbiased judges. Even though it
was a courtroom, spectral evidence was used in many ways. Spectral evidence is
when a witness is saying that somebody s spector or spirit appeared to them in a
dream and they are using it to testify against whoever is on trial. When the accusers
were having fits and screaming and thrashing in odd ways, the courtroom did not
tell them to quiet down, they instead believed that the accused witch in the room
was guilty, it was a horrid sight. (According to the Salem Witch Trials DBQ)
Document 6 The examination of Bridget Bishop, when she moved her head all of
the afflicted moved their head, then she turned up her eyes and the afflicted turned
up their eyes. When the accused witch looked or moved a muscle, the accusers
magically moved the same muscle. According to Joan Holub s What Were the
Salem Witch Trials? The girl accusers tumbled to the floor if Bridget happened to
look their way, as if her invisible specter had knocked them down. (Holub 61). Even
though the accused witches plead
Essay on Should English Be the Official Language of the...
Should English be the Official Language of the United States
ENG 122
April 30, 2012
Should English be the Official Language of the United States The debate on whether
the United States should make English the official language has been raging within
the borders of the country for decades. Several bills have been presented to Congress
over the years, but have stagnated due to the opposition on either side. Though there
would certainly be drawbacks to introducing English as the official language of the
United States, there would also be immeasurable benefit. Not only would an official
language streamline government processes and reduce government spending, it
would also aid the United States by unifying its people. ... Show more content on ...
English, 1995). The federal government also spends millions of dollars funding the
Immigration and Naturalization Services which is currently required to translate the
citizenship test into multiple languages. In all, U.S. taxpayers shell out $13 billion a
year funding a multi lingual government (U.S. English, 1995).
The laws currently in the books are even being used to squeeze more money out of
the government and businesses. Executive Order 13166, which was signed by
President Clinton and later enforced by President Bush, requires all federal agencies
and recipients of federal funds to provide translation services for non English
speakers. This requirement is at the American tax payer s expense. An Iranian
immigrant in Oklahoma recently used the Executive Order as grounds for complaint
asking the U.S. Department of Transportation to investigate the state because it failed
to give the driver s license exam in Farsi (McAlpin, 2008). The U.S. Supreme Court
rejected the argument citing an individual may not sue for foreign language services
by charging discrimination under the nation origin category of the Civil Rights Act.
Even the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and Health and
Human Services (HHS) are rallying support for those citizens who do not currently
speak English well or at all. The EEOC is fighting
Parable Of The Syro-Poenician
The parable of the Syro Phoenician is a very interesting story because Jesus responds
in a manner that is not how we have anticipated Christ to respond. Christ initially
turned down a woman whose daughter was vexed with a devil because she was a
Gentile. Through the woman s faith, her daughter was healed. The encounter of Jesus
and the Canaanite woman appears in both Matthew and Mark. Both authors are
writing to the Jews. Since the story is the intended for the same people, the story
does not differ much. However, in Mark, there are two Joseph Smith Translations
that give us information that can teach us. In Mark 7:24, the scripture originally says,
... and he entered into an house, and would have no man know it: but he could not be
hid. The Joseph Smith Translation adds but (He) could not deny them: for he... Show
more content on ...
At the end of verse 24 it says, but he could not be hid. The woman knew who Christ
was because of the title that she gives him. In Matthew s account, she says, have
mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David. Because the lady was a Gentile, Christ
initially did not heal her, but after she demonstrated her faith, her daughter was
healed. From this encounter Jesus was trying to teach the Abrahamic Covenant. The
Abrahamic Covenant means that in Christ s mortal ministry, he was to teach the Jew
first and then the Gentile. Christ also could have been teaching compassion. Even
though she was not of the House of Israel, she was shown love by Christ because of
her faith. Jesus could have healed her right away, but He did not, thereby helping the
woman exercise her faith. Once, she demonstrated her faith, her daughter was made
whole. Through this experience, Christ taught his disciples both compassion and the
Jefferson On Equality
As a country we are still moving in the right direction in our attempt to level the
playing field between people of all races, genders, and sentiments, so I must
respectfully disagree with your statement that Jefferson s vision is not attainable.
Much like all of humanities evolution, time, knowledge, reasoning, and rationality
play a major role in our continuing development into a better society. If you closely
examine the history of equality, for example, and how far we have come in the
United Statesalone, it is easy to see that we have had more major achievements then
not. It is my belief that humanity strives to be better tomorrow then we are today.
That we use new found knowledge to enlighten others and with every step, even
small ones, we will evolve into a better society.... Show more content on ...
Conflict is itself not necessarily bad if it results in a positive change. However, it
is my belief much of our current political and social conflict is due to arrogance
and entitlement. As a society we are losing the ability to respect a difference of
opinion. Instead of taking the time to listen to why someone holds the views they do
and come to an agreement that benefits both parties involved, we close our thoughts
to anything that doesn t fall in line with our own beliefs. This process generates
heated conflict and hatred. In that respect we have taken a slight evolutionary step
backwards. Perhaps this disconnect is due to technological advances and our lack of
face to face social interaction that encourages an egomaniacal
SPA Reflective Essay
I went to SPA with two goals, including: To know the criteria for type of anesthesia
for each procedure, and to know the most commonly performed procedure and
whether any research had been conducted to uncover the disease condition that
warrants this procedure. According Dr. Chopra, Kathryn, RN, and Katie, Charge
nurse, severity of patient s problem and whether the procedure will involve major
tissues are some of the criteria used to decide on the type anesthesia for each
procedure. In addition, the charge nurse in person of Katie reported that
esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) ranks highest among many procedures
performed at SPA. I was told that EGD is both diagnostic and therapeutic procedure,
which makes it to be commonly performed, ... Show more content on
My professor took walked me to SPA around 8 am, and I was introduced to the
charge nurse of the unit, who received me warmly. After this, I was assigned
initially to Vaishali, RN who took me to the first patient. With this patient, we did
initial assessment before the procedure where plethora of questions were asked to
ensure patient s safety. Immediately after this, I was asked to follow one patient to
a procedure room for observation. I had the opportunity to see how the patient was
prepared for the procedure, the type of anesthesia, type of health professionals who
make up the SPA team for each procedure, and the patient is monitored throughout
the process. After the procedure, I was told to stay with the patient for 30 minutes in
the recovery room, where the vital signs are monitored every five minutes until
patient fully comes around or better still, becomes fully aware the environment.
Furthermore, discharge teachings are given at recovery room, and what took my
interest was the language used in this area. One of the staff nurses said to patient
that You are legally intoxicated for the next 24 hours, therefore, no driving, signing
of legal documents, and no operation of microwave. I like this statement because, it
underscores patient safety. Thereafter, I followed other patient, and the whole
processes stated above were repeated. I learned how division of labor brings
efficiency. I will remember to utilize this in the nearest
Mysteries of the Multiverse
Name: Assif Khan
Student no:
Subject: PCS 181
The term multiverse has many nicknames including but not limited to quantum
universes, alternate universes, alternate realities etc. But, what is the multiverse? If
one was to look up the meaning of the word, the definition that is provided in the
Oxford Dictionary states a hypothetical space or realm consisting of a number of
universes, of which our own universe is only one 1. The use of the term multiverse or
its other moniker parallel universe, has been used in cosmology, physics, and
philosophy to perhaps more prominently in science fiction literature and movies for
decades. Ever since Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding in the
1920s, ... Show more content on ...
Though existence of multiverse has not been proven to be a fact as of yet, the
primary concern regarding the validity of multiverse theory is the fact that the
existence of multiverse is not observable nor scientifically testable. Science is based
on validity, reproducibility and the pursuit of truth. However, how does one prove the
existence of something, if it is purported to exist outside of our visual horizon?
Unlike distant stars, we have yet to see light, emitted from a parallel universe through
a telescope. So, the argument against multiverse theory is that it is a belief, rather
than a proven scientific fact and it is hypothetical in nature. And prioritizing
hypothesis over observational confirmations is a mistake that scientists are not
afforded to make. George Ellis4, Professor of mathematics from University of Cape
Town supports this view by suggesting that even if there were infinite number of
universes, infinite is a mathematical entity rather than a physical one and therefore,
we could not count the infinite galaxies in a finite time and thus, it is impossible to
prove the existence of infinite universes through mathematical tests and observations.
And if it cannot be tested, why should it be any more scientifically valid than
metaphysics or astrology?
But, defenders of multiverse theory point to Kant and his speculation regarding some
nebulae being island universes 5
The Population s Natural Resources
Togo s environment consists of a fair amount of diversity with gently sloping savanna
hills in the north, expansive lagoons and marshes stretching from the coastal plain in
the south, and hills and plateaus in the central region of the country. The nation s
natural resources are made up predominately of phosphates, limestone, marble, and
arable land. As of 2011 their total renewable water resources are 14.7 cu km, with
total withdrawals in 2005 only at 0.17 cu km per year, suggesting they have enough
water resources to meet the growing needs of their people for the time being. The
percentage of endogenous freshwater supply withdrawn for use by Togo as listed by
The World Resources Institute is about 1% annually. The more difficult issue for
Togo will be protecting the water quality and finding the financing and resources to
expand infrastructure to provide a much larger % of the population with access to
improved water and sanitation. Natural hazards for Togo are hot temperatures,
intermittent droughts, and dry Harmattan winds causing reductions in visibility. The
country s most troubling environmental issues include deforestation from slash and
burn agriculturecombined with the harvesting of wood for fuel. Water pollution
causing health hazards with drinking water sources, and harming the fishing industry.
Additionally, increasing urbanization and development is causing rises air pollution,
which has become more threatening to their urban metropolitan areas. The
How Ww1 Changed British Literature
World War One began on July 28, 1914 and ended with the signing of the armistice
on November 11, 1918. The war cost a total of one hundred eighty six billion
dollars. The total casualties of the war were thirty seven million, with another
eleven million civilian casualties. The British Empire alone lost over three million
people in the war. (English) World War One effected the whole world the heartache
and bloodshed changed politics, economics, and public opinion. This war changed
people s lives, but it also changes their way of thinking and their way of writing.
After World War One British literature was changed from simple stories to a more
realistic and meaningful approach to life.
Nineteenth century England is what most historians ... Show more content on ...
The three notable poets of the Victorian age became similarly absorbed in social
issues. Beginning as a poet of pure romantic escapism, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, soon
moved on to problems of religious faith, social change, and political power. All the
characteristic moods of his poetry, from brooding splendor to lyrical sweetness, are
expressed with smooth technical mastery. His style, as well as his peculiarly English
conservatism, stands in some contrast to the intellectuality and bracing harshness of
the poetry of Robert Browning. Matthew Arnold, the third of these mid Victorian
poets, stands apart from them as a more subtle and balanced thinker his literary
criticism is the most remarkable written in Victorian times. His poetry displays a
sorrowful, disillusioned pessimism over the human plight in rapidly changing times,
a pessimism countered, however, by a strong sense of duty. (English) World War
One was an event that changed literature throughout England and the world. People
felt lost, broken and disheveled after the war. This is obvious when you see the
change in literature after the war. Literature after the war, or post war literature, is
different from the literature during the Victorian age. The optimism of previous
decades was abandoned and a bleak, pessimistic outlook on life
Paradox Of Finding Identity Within Sexual Freedom
Paradox of Finding Identity In Sexual Freedom Humans now have a very different
life compared to the past since freedom, opportunities, and information together are
playing a vital role in this modern society. Especially young people, they become
more independent and are capable of living their lives. However, while society
provides people a lot of benefits, it makes their lives even more complex at the same
time by leaving them pressured and confused about who they really are. In her essay,
Selections from Hard to Get:Twenty Something Women and the Paradox of Sexual
Freedom, Leslie Bell mentions that in this new in between developmental period
American twenty something women have more freedom and opportunities to their
sexual lives than previous generations. But they are struggling with the paradoxes of
their relationships and desires at the same time. Bell suggests that social expectations
and cultural guidelines, which are conventions of female sexuality and stereotypes of
being a good girl, prevent these young women from pursuing their sexual desires and
limiting their relationships with men. However, even these women have chosen the
way they live, and what kind of sexual life they want to be bad girls to break those
old rules, they ended with losing their identities. As a result, establishing a women s
identity rather than clinging to contradictory directives and social expectations
impacts female sexuality more. When these twenty something women try to split
Analysis Of Jesus Land By Julia Scheeres
When an individual s pursuit of self awareness is disrupted, it often becomes
characterized by the creation of an opposite in other people. This theme is evident
in Julia Scheeres s memoir Jesus Land. During her period of adolescent self
discovery, Julia is met with obstacles caused by fanatical authority figures in both
her family and church. This struggle ultimately leads Julia to disown and even
demonize her closet relation, her brother David. Although the book is a concentrated
depiction of this pattern, the idea of othering is prevalent in our country as a whole.
Specifically, gender othering always has and always will be an issue in America and
the American Dream. Through the description of her adolescent experiences in her
memoir Jesus Land, Julia Scheeres exposes... Show more content on
Men counter women by placing them in subordinate roles. One theory behind this
othering is that men feel the need to project their fraility and vulnerability on females
as a justification for treating them as inferior (Arini). These supporting and domestic
roles are presented by Christianity as the more moral choice. Most religions require
that a woman concentrate on her family, appealing to the female maternal instincts
(Arini). After years of being taught scriptures on being obedient, women convince
themselves that they are supposed to be submissive. They quell their other
aspirations and focus on getting married, having kids, and caring for a family
(Arini). A study held by Lauren E. Maltby, M. Elizabeth L. Hall, Tamara L.
Anderson, and Keith Edwards showed that increased scriptual literalism in males
parelled directly with increased benevolent sexism. Benevolent sexism is the belief
that, among other things, women should be kept at home in domestic roles. As a
male s agreement with core Christian ideals increases, his tendency to hold sexist
views increases (Maltby). Both men and women who accept the literal
The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Essay
Like sheep led to the slaughter; this is one of the most famous analogies used to
refer to the Jews during the holocaust. The Jews were being systematically
murdered, beaten, and abused day after day, and there was almost no refusal on their
part. Almost no one fought back. This however was not the case in the Warsaw
ghetto. Throughout the summer of 1942, nearly 300,000 Jews were deported from
the Warsaw ghetto to the Treblinka death camp. During this summer, a resistance
organization known as the Z.O.B. was formed. It was headed by the 23 year old
Mordecai Anielewicz, and was comprised primarily of young men. The deportations
halted in September, and the Z.O.B. began collecting whatever weapons they could
manage to smuggle into the... Show more content on ...
The Jews were able to keep up the resistance for about a month, but the fight was
officially ended on May 16 with the destruction of Warsaw s great synagogue
( About 7,000 Jews were killed during the uprising, and another
7,000 deported, but a few hundred German soldiers fell as well (
Preparing for the resistance brought up both feelings of terror, and excitement over
the fact that the Nazis would not be able to get away with at least one of their
plans so easily. Zivia Lubetkin, who was a resistance fighter in the ghetto,
describes the feeling of the resistance organization on the 18th of April after getting
the news of the final roundup that was to take place the next day. She says [e]ven
though we were prepared, and had even prayed for this hour, we turned pale. A
tremor of joy mixed with a shudder of fear passed through all of us. But we
suppressed our emotions and reached for our guns (Gilbert 557). Resistance was a
new idea to the Jews. Since the Nazis had taken over, the Jews had found themselves
in a rather helpless situation. There was almost no way to escape the ghettos, and
those who did manage to make it out knew they were costing the Jews they had left
behind. This was the first real attempt at an actual organized armed resistance.
Lubetkin tells how the Germans were determined, especially after being forced to
retreat in January, but so were the Jews. Determination was certainly something
How Does Ebenezer Scrooge Change
Ebenezer scrooge will never be the man or as most would say the devil himself
again. The process for him to change was not pleasant or easy,but it did happen in
one night. This stingy old man had been to shown his fate as well as the ones of
others which he has shunned, for him to change his ways and make the shadows
of tomorrow nonexistent. The change that he undergoes through all had a cause
other than his own and the effects where to joy the of others whose futures now
holds a brighter promise. At first glance, you might think scrooge is and ordinary
senior who owns a business and has quite a fortune, but once you look into his eyes
you see how his soul is dark, small,crooked, shattered and beyond repair and clearly
from a lost love. Might be the reason why he is so inconsiderate and he only cares
about... Show more content on ...
Scrooge said once when he was a young man that when owned his own firm that he
would treat his apprentices as he was treated,but he never did since that would
waste money on something other than himself for good reason. Yet, the refreshment
of his mind made him rethink his choice and gave him the thought of treating his
clerk Cratchit better for reasons other than Tiny Tim s health condition, but out of
the good of his dark, broken, cold, mending heart. Which after undergoing this
whole process is ready to release all the sorrow and feelings it has held back.So
Scrooge now knowing what his has in store for him he wakes and spares no time in
starting to make his mends as soon as he wakes up. Starting with most important of
all Tiny Tim then, the poor, then his nephew. Doing all of this without hesitation or
doubt and gave away money with simple
Fish and Management Case Study Essay
FITTskills: Global Supply Chain Management
Case Study #5: Global Supply Chain Management and Shipping
Case Study #5: Global Supply Chain Management and Shipping
Catch of the day
Kalastaa Inc. have been in the local Finnish aquaculture industry for nearly fourteen
years. They raise salmon and trout for local markets, and have recently negotiated a
deal with a small fish processing plant that distributes under a major product label in
Finland. Although they run a rather small operation, employing 16 people year
round, Kalastaa believes they are in a position to export some surplus and perhaps
broker further deals with fish processing plants around the European
Union. They do want to maintain ties with the local fresh fish ... Show more content
on ...
Colour coding is a common practice in the fish industry and provides a method of
standardization for something as subjective as colour. Both in production and sales,
colour is the most important quality parameter for salmon.
Salmon buyers can request information on the colour of a delivered lot in the form
of a number corresponding to a colour number on the Roche scale. Another salmon
colour reference is the colour number on the Salmofan scale. Kalastaa s bank, acting
as their export advisor, contacts the
FITTskills: Global Supply Chain Management
Case Study #5: Global Supply Chain Management and Shipping
company to tell them that the letter of credit has fallen though because the certificate
of quality is vague and it cannot be ascertained if the shipment has passed its quality
Something is fishy...
The documents were delivered directly to the buyer for payment. DanskFisk insists
on inspecting the shipment upon arrival. DanskFisk is not an experienced salmon
importer, and usually deals with Spanish Blue Fish and Irish Char. They are not in
disagreement that the salmon shipment has passed quality inspection. Upon
DanskFisk s inspection, they claim that the fat content of the stock is much higher
than is claimed in the quality inspection. They reject the sale and will accept
substitute goods, but are claiming damages for loss of profit. Kalastaa management
wonder if they need to rethink their
Mass Media During The Last Century
Mass Media During the Last Century
Lea Berrier
December 4, 2017
Allyson Wells
Mass Media During the Last Century
Mass media has changed dramatically over the course of the last century. There have
been three major changes. Each of these changes has effected American culture. The
changes have taken place because of media convergence. These are the major
The first significant development in mass media was the paper stage (Campbell,
Martin, Fabos, 2016, ). During this phase, stories or messages were sent out
written, or typed on paper. That was the way that they reached the people. The
second stage of mass media was the Electronic Era. During this era, messages could
meet their match in an instant. People did not have to wait for it to be delivered
over time. The third development of mass media is the digital era. The digital era
includes images and sounds converted into an electronic signal (Campbell, Martin,
Fabos, 2016, ). Messages are being delivered faster than ever before. These are the
three significant developments in the last century.
These Eras all greatly affected American culture. During the paper Era, people lived
on farms (Campbell, Martin, Fabos, 2016, ). Once stories such as books, and
newspapers were developed, they could reach a lot of people. The written word did
not change according to who told it. It made sure that everybody got the same
information. The electronic Era also had a significant influence on culture. The

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Essays On Gratitude. Gratitude journal slideshare

  • 1. Essays On Gratitude Crafting an essay on the theme of gratitude poses a unique challenge as it demands a delicate balance between personal reflection and universal appeal. Gratitude is an abstract and multifaceted concept, making it complex to articulate in a coherent and engaging manner. The difficulty lies not only in conveying a genuine sense of appreciation but also in avoiding clichГ©s and trite expressions that might dilute the impact of the message. Expressing gratitude requires a nuanced understanding of the subject, transcending mere enumeration of thankful sentiments. A successful essay delves into the depth of emotions, exploring the intricacies of gratitude in various contexts – from personal relationships to societal interactions. Striking the right chord between introspection and relatability becomes a formidable task, as too much focus on one aspect may alienate readers while neglecting the other can result in a superficial narrative. Additionally, the challenge lies in avoiding a didactic tone that may overshadow the sincerity of the gratitude being expressed. The writer must navigate the fine line between being instructive and genuinely sharing moments of appreciation. This requires a keen sense of self-awareness, as the essay should not come across as preachy or self-indulgent. Furthermore, finding a fresh perspective on gratitude amidst a plethora of existing literature on the topic adds another layer of complexity. The writer must strive to bring a unique angle or personal insight to ensure the essay stands out amidst the multitude of reflections on gratitude. In conclusion, writing an essay on gratitude is a demanding task that necessitates a delicate interplay of introspection, relatability, and originality. Successfully navigating these challenges, however, can result in a powerful piece that resonates with readers on a profound level. And for those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, a helpful resource to explore is There, one can find support for crafting impactful essays on various topics, ensuring a polished and well-articulated final product. Essays On Gratitude Essays On Gratitude
  • 2. Full Sail Research Paper what led my creative mind to full sail? well in the beginning since baby years; before I could even babble, music and technology have always been there. as a strong point and very high significance in my everyday life. I can think back to times I used to take rides cruising along listening to Bob Marley or R Kelly. no matter what the musical composition was in, I deeply fell in love with it. from the drop of a bassline to the punch and pop of the snare, music has always been there. I never really knew exactly what I wanted to choose and pursue up until 2 2 1/2 years ago. I ve changed my mindset and my daily routine. it all started during freshman year playing footballand trying to do the thing that the Average high schoolboy does. But!... Show more content on ... its mind blowing to know that any one of my professors could have just worked on the latest jay z album. whatever full sail has out to offer I want to get it in full and more till there is absolutely nothing else to learn. the way that I feel and breathe music Full Sail has that embodied within its spirit and education. Full sail represents a huge part in multiple industries outside of music, it is the game changer, the technological advantages, hands on establishment, industrial level studios and labs. when I think of full sail I just instantly get prepared and so ready to indulge and constitute the future full sail alumni. my creative mind will lead me into accomplishing great triumph in the industry post graduation. I know that my, all in all, will fight til forever to the ends of time to hold great achievements post graduation from full sail. besides, all of that full sail has to offer I d really love to take advantage of the networking and endless possibilities to happen when partnering up and exploring new ideas and creation thoughts. being that I have an endless passion for music and audio full sail will benefit myself
  • 3. Essay about Virtual Situated Learning Environment (VSLE) There is a embarrassment of changes facing society as new interactive communication knowledge accelerates the achievements of economies of depth. of knowledge holds considerable untapped potential for performance gains . the workplace as being a stable place in a single central location, with normal daily hours confined to 9 5 daylight hours, is being replaced by global organizations (through globally positioned parts of the business, global outsourcing, and/or global supply chains) and global communication networks (email, global blogs , diaries, The new global workplace requires managers factor of production, knowledge, and thus managers manage by the consent of the assist the growing number of knowledge workers to handle a large... Show more content on ... Despite criticism that the on line learning environment has the potential to return carefully, the on line environment it does provide opportunities to design a learning on designing on line learning opportunities that are cheaper rather than adding value and value adding on line learning opportunities that do more than deliver information to use the on line learning environment to network, share their tacit knowledge, and engage in continuous learning, particularly those located in global workplaces. This learning environment to a focus on re designed management learning opportunities that opportunities need to cater for the time and place requirements of the global manager. VSLE can be designed to be accessible by all managers at all times and from all parts The focus in this section is on how the on line environment can be used to design designed to complement rather than replaced the F2F learning environment, and thus our conclusions can only relate to this mixed learning environment. other a practicing manager working as a
  • 4. Diverse Participation In Canadian Politics still progress to be made. Even though the current parliament is around 25% female, countries such as Cuba, Sweden, and Bolivia are champion examples of diverse participation in politics, as their governments inspire female leadership with close to, and over 50% females in government since their last elections. Canada s policies of multiculturalism have led to increased representation by Canadians from visible minorities. It was only in 1971, that Liberal Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau made official in the House of Commons, policies of bilingualism and multiculturalism, to increase participation in democracy.10 This was the first step in truly creating equality amongst all ethnic groups in Canada. His speech was made at a time when very few ... Show more content on ... Canada s present Liberal government has created a record in the number of minorities participating in its caucus, that surpassed the record that the previous Conservative government had also created. One example of how greatly the representation of minorities has increased, is that there are presently 4 cabinet ministers of Sikh backgrounds, and this is over 10% of the cabinet. There is immense progress in increased participation across ethnicities, and this must also follow through with age. The average age of the House of Commons of Canada, is still above 53, among MPs whose age is listed; more than 50 per cent of MPs under 40 years of age are women. With the exception of Calgary Centre MP Michelle Rempel, they are also exclusively NDP. 7 (Woolf, 2015) Again, we note that the NDP is
  • 5. leading the way in younger, in female, and in LGBT participation in politics. These figures point to a lack of knowledge in youth about how to participate in politics, and
  • 6. Mentorship The Workplace Mentorship is an asset for anyone attempting to learn something new. According to Merriam Webster dictionary a mentor is a trusted counselor or guide. To me this implies someone that you up to and have access to via direct communication and not an idol, such as a celebrity, who you do not have any contact. Everyone has some form of mentorship in their life. In athletics, there are always teammates or coaches that train and challenge a person. In education, there are teachers and upperclassmen. In the workplace, senior coworkers and supervisors fulfill the role. No matter where a person is in life, there is always an individual who can assist them through guidance and encouragement. The idea that everyone has mentorship, indicates that
  • 7. Enzyme Concentration This experiment was carried out with many precautions to minimise error margins. These measures included putting the measuring cylinders in the water bath/ ice box / and bench top at the same time, using the same capsicum extract, having the same person record the results and add the capsicum extract. However there were still some results that exhibited error such as collecting the measuring cylinders at different times which prolonged the exposure, as well as have a delay between starting the timer and adding the capsicum extract. Other issues consist of having an uneven layer of foam (O2) which was a random error that made it difficult to record mL, and forgetting to record the temperatureof the H2O2. Ideally there should have been a gap between exposing each measuring cylinder to the change in temperature, so once one temperature was recorded the next one was ready rather than them overlapping. Another improvement in the experiment would be to assign the task of timing to one person and adding the extract to another person to diminish the gap between completing each of the tasks*. In addition, testing more temperature points or repeating the experiment would allow for a wider range of results and a higher accuracy reading of the ideal conditions for enzyme reactivity. ... Show more content on ... These include wearing enclosed shoes, safety goggles, an apron, and tying up long hair. Additionally, grasping measuring cylinders away from the surface of the hot water and placing it in a stand on a linoleum mat to protect the work bench. From the results I can conclude that enzymes are heavily affected by temperature changes; slowing down the rate of a reaction if the conditions are wrong. The amount of oxygen that was produced decreased as the temperature
  • 8. Asperger s Syndrome In Forrest Gump The Main character in Forrest Gump by Winston Groom is Forrest Gump. Forrest s exceptionality is not specified, it is said that he has a IQ of 70 and it is implied that he has some sort of autism but he most likely has Asperger s Syndrome because he has difficulty communicating and trouble going through social situations. He is verbal but he has a language processing disorder that makes his responses seem less intelligent then a normal person s responses. He also interprets figurative phrases like many people with Asperger s do (, 2017). Forrest Gumphas a kind pure childlike heart, he just wants to have a kind and honest life by always trying to do the right thing, the one thing he doesn t like is being called an idiot. In the
  • 9. Speech On Nature Is Precious God created the world perfectly. We are so bless to have such a precious gift like this. Nature provides us what we need to survive each day of our living, like our mother. It give us a food to eat, water to drink, air to breathe, shelter to stay and many more for our life to become better and easier. Our nature have many beautiful scenery. Our eyes won t get tired mesmerizing on it. No wonder why many artist, writers, poets, and painters choose it to be their subject. Human are the real user of the nature. We are dependent on it that s why we will not survive on earth without it. Having this precious gift means also a big responsibility. A big responsibility for a human to fulfill. That s why it is right and just to take care on it. As I said nature is ... Show more content on ... We should not allow our selfishness to take over. We should enjoy our beautiful nature without hurting it. Let s help each other to take away it from the damages. So that our future generation can also witness how beautiful it is. Human should not take it for granted. Let s value the worth of it while it is not too late. Let s help each other to take care of it so that we can enjoy it forever. Nature is everything which surround us and one of this is the flower. Flower is a part of a plant. It is a reproductive organ that produces eggs and pollen grains. Many flower have brightly colored petals and sweet fragrant which make them unique from the other living things. They produce nectar that attracts insect, animals and human too. While the animals eat on the nectar, some pollen grains stick on their bodies. When they move to another flower they carry the pollen and help pollinate those flowers. The pollination by animals are more effectively than pollination by the wind. Why? Because the animals directly move from flower to flower and not like in wind where the pollen can be carry anywhere. There is an assurance if it is
  • 10. War And Love In Ernest Hemingway s A Farewell To Arms Ernest Hemingway wrote A Farewell to Arms, a celebrated historical fiction, amidst a time of war and personal suffering. Hemingway believed at this time that life is a tragedy that can only have one end (Hemingway, VIII). He continues further, calling war a constant, bullying, murderous, slovenly crime (Hemingway, IX). Hemingway also suffered at home, in addition to his issues regarding the state of the world. His wife had just endured a difficult pregnancy and delivery, which contributed to the last bitter chapter of his story. Keeping in mind the tortured and surly mental state of Hemingway, it is difficult to swallow the idea that he would write a wholesome, well founded lovestory that attracts people. To some readers, A Farewell to Arms tells of a whirlwind romance between an ambulance driver and a nurse that is based on an unbreakable foundation of love, trust, magnetism, and compassion. Anxious modernists, like Trevor Dodman who are cited in Joel Armstrong s nonfiction text, will come up with a remarkably different outlook on this tragedy. With aid from A Powerful Beacon Love Illuminating Human Attachment in Hemingway s A Farewell to Arms , the loveless relationship between Frederic Henry and Catherine Barkley will be seen as rushed, meaningless, and mentally destructive to the parties involved. When Henry returns from a highly anticipated leave, he sees that everything is running smoothly despite his prolonged absence. He begins to feel useless, so he and his
  • 11. Yay Mc Helper Case Analysis What is your Minecraft username? Privacyy What gamemode do you most frequently play on? Kits How many hours would you be able to contribute to the position per day? 5 8 Hours Per Day What strengths do you see in yourself that you could use to be a better Yay Mc helper? 1. One of my best assets that I could see me using to be a great helper is my patience and my knowledge of how to detect a hacker. I have noticed that many staff members are really unsure on if the person is hacking or is just really good. I could help to ensure that the person being watched is not banned falsely or let go when they were actually hacking. I am familiar with common screenshare tools such as Blsquad and Sarefine SS tool. I know where to/how to find hacks and/or illegal mods. If placed in a situation where I need to screenshare, I am able to easily control and complete the screenshare in a timely manner. I can tell the difference between laggers and hackers, which, sadly, some staff members I have met on other servers can t. One last advantage that comes with my knowledge of screensharing, is that I can do reverse psychology on most people. It s simple and sometimes reveals that the player hacks. All you have to do is, when looking ... Show more content on ... My fourth strength I am going to share on this application, is my ability to stay active. I am on Minecraft almost all day on the weekends and around 4 5 hours on weekdays. I do have other activities I like to do, so my estimates may be a little off, but my playtime falls roughly in that time frame. I can always play with a web browser tab open, making it easy to switch between minecraft and the forums. I am familiar with the forums and how it functions. I can and will help forum members if they need any assistance. Within my daily playtime, I could spend most of it being a staff member and helping players, but I also like to play as a normal player sometimes. I ll most likely play on an alt if I ever feel like PvPing instead of staffing,
  • 12. Political, Economic, And Political Changes In The Middle Ages In the High Middle ages (after 1000 A.D) and beyond there were major political, economic and intellectual changes that happed across Europe. The changes helped bring about new eras to the European landscape. As Europe was brought into these new eras, it thus brought upon the end of the Dark Ages. Looking first at the political changes that took place across Europe we can break it down into four key areas, the first of which is England. England had suffered more from Viking invasions than any other part of Europe and eventually fell under Viking rule with Viking Canute (McKay 254). Until Canute passed away and William of Normandy claimed the throne, the English kings had little power outside of calling for war. After William of Normandy took control of the throne, he limited the power of the nobles and church officials, and built a unified monarchy to help centralize England (McKay 255). Along with this he created laws, including a centralized tax system, and took control of the judicial system. This centralizing of England continued with William s successors. In 1215, King John was forced to sign the Magna Cartawhich limited the power of the king and later became the basis for Parliament. The next area is France, which was known as the most powerful kingdom within Europe, but the kings themselves lacked power. Again this changed once it fell under a new ruler, Philip II. Philip II began waging war and expanding their territory starting with Normandy. Along with this,
  • 13. Example Of Osha Research Paper Osha is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration an agency of the United States Department of Labor. Osha requires employers to provide their employees with safety from all known dangers. Osha was created December 29, 1970, and it was signed by president Richard M. Nixon. Osha was created to assure safe and healthful working conditions during construction. Osha is part of the United States Department of Labor. Congress created OSHA to assure safe and healthful conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and providing training, outreach, education and compliance assistance. Under the OSHA law, employers are responsible for providing a safe and healthful workplace for their workers. Richard M. Nixon in December 29, 1970. Osha covers most private sector employers and workers. ... Show more content on ... Bus. v. Dougherty is the complaint that unions are inappropriately proselytizing in the workplace during OSHA safety inspections. Osha s manual recognizes the right of workers to have an employee representative accompany OSHA inspectors during a workplace safety inspection.In a controversial Feb 12, 2013, OSHA Deputy Assistant Secretary Richard E. Fairfax wrote that workers can designate a person who is affiliated with a union without a collective bargaining agreement at their workplace or with a community organization to act as their personal representative. he continued to say. He continued, It is OSHA s view that representatives are reasonably necessary when they will make a positive contribution to a thorough and effective inspection. T]here are numerous ways that an employee representative who is neither an employee of the employer being inspected nor a collective bargaining agent could make an important contribution to a thorough and effective
  • 14. The Importance Of School Dress Codes Do school dress codes come off as too strict? Some schools have a twenty one page rulebook on prom alone. Crazy, right? Who decides what belongs in a dress code and what does not? Should the students have a say on their school s dress code? Student do not have a say in their school s dress, so high school dress codes feel too restricting to the students. A school dress codeconsists of many aspects. The Crestwood High SchoolStudent Handbook forbids students from wearing anything too revealing (2017, pg. 22). An outfit must not distract anyone from their learning, but school officials say if an outfit will distract another, it should not appear in school. Students should decide what goes in a dress code, because they know what distracts... Show more content on ... Tattoos show self expression even if they offend someone. Everyone wears undergarments, and, to some, head coverings hold religious values. Students have a wide variety of reactions to the appointed dress codes. Both boys and girls react to how the dress codes restrict students choices of clothing. A senior boy from Palo Alto, CA, believes the dress code restricts the students at his school. Jackson Brook concludes, The idea that a visible bra strap or a pair of leggings will prevent a teen boy from learning is absurd to me. And I should know, I m a teen boy! (Menza, 2015). This boy believes that clothes distracting guys from learning makes a joke out of teenage boys maturity, as his learning does not change if a female s bra strap shows. He also goes on to tell how he feels about calling a females clothing distracting. He believes dress codes have a way of blaming girls for causing any distractions because of what they wear (Menza, 2015). Girls do not distract the other students the clothing does, but according to most people the girls distract, because they choose what to wear. A young lady, named Cameron Boland, wore a spaghetti strapped sundress to an event at a different school. She wanted to look fancy for her speech for a National Honor Society event. She won this event and became a historian but later had it taken away because of her appearance that day. The dress code at Baker
  • 15. Fundamentals of Management UNIT I Fundamentals of Management Meaning of Management Management is the art of getting things done by a group of people with the effective utilization of available resources. An individual cannot be treated as a managing body running any organization. A minimum of two persons are essential to form a management. These persons perform the functions in order to achieve the objectives of an organization. Management is the group of activities which drafts plans, prepares policies and arranges men, money, machine and materials required to achieve the objectives. The above definitions reveal that management is the activity of man who struggles for better living in the complex and ... Show more content on ... If there is only one course of action, need for decision making does not arise. The quality of decision taken by the manager determines the organizations performance. The success or failure of an organization depends upon the degree of right decision taken by the manager. Universal application: The principles and practices of management are applicable not to any particular industry alone but applicable to every type of industry. The practice of management is different from one organization to another according to their nature. Management is getting thing done: A manager does not actually perform the work but he gets things done by others. According to Knootz and O Donnel, management is the art of getting things done through and with people in formally organized groups. Management as a class or a team: A class may be defined as a group of people having homogenous characteristics to achieve common objectives. Engineers and doctors are grouped as a class in a society. Each and every doctor has the same objectives in life. Just like engineers and doctors the management are some of the specializations of management, specialists are appointed in the key posts of top management. Direction and control: A manager can direct his sub ordinates in the performance of a work and control them whenever necessary. If the available resources are not utilized properly be him, he fails to achieve the corporate objectives in the absence of direction and control. Generally,
  • 16. The Cheesecake Factory Essay The name says it all, Cheesecake Factory. Who would not want to go somewhere where the main product is cheesecake? When you think of a factory, you think of a large room filled with lots of equipment and employees all with very specific duties. The Cheesecake factory is no different. The restaurant is set up to run just like a factory using classical approaches of organization. The Cheesecake factoryis a very successful business, constantly growing. Everything about it is large, from the portions to the amount of employees working for them. The reason for their success is due to their high expectations of workers, their managerial set up to ensure customer satisfaction, and their ability to combine several aspects of... Show more content on ... General managers, who run all aspects of a restaurant, receive a new BMW their first day on the job. Salaries for general managers can be in the six figure range, according to Wensing from $150,000 to $200,000, by some accounts (Ruiz 2006). This sounds like the perfect place to work but there is always room for improvement to make sure that the employees are able to keep an open flow of communication not only with each other but with other franchises and corporate. This way, if there are any concerns within a particular field that can t be settled by management alone, they can be addressed by cooperate. After all, it was the vice president of performance and development, Chuck Wensing that said, One of our biggest challenges is the notion of how to get big, but remain small (Ruiz 2006). My recommendation for this would be to hold quarterly and annual events that allow the executives to mingle with the employees so that they may hear their thoughts and opinions in person. It would allow for idea sharing between franchises and offer more training that can lead to higher pay or recognition. This would also help to bolster employee morale and overall performance. Another thing the Cheesecake factory does that works well is create a simple managerial set up that follows the principles of organizational structure. There is unity of command among the employees, meaning that employees receive orders
  • 17. Byron Bay Research Paper Byron Bay is home to some of the most fantastic snorkeling in Australia, as the Julian Rocks Marine Reserve calls the area home. If you are looking for some top notch Byron Bay snorkeling, make sure you pack your snorkeling gear! When to Visit for Byron Bay Snorkeling The great thing about Byron Bay is the temperate climate that it experiences. The mild climate makes Byron Bay a great place to visit year round. With warm temperatures and sunny days the norm for most of the year, you can really partake in Byron Bay snorkeling anytime of the year. Spring, from September to November, is the best time to visit, as there are smaller crowds and the lowest average rainfall. Summer, from December to February, is when the temperatures are the warmest,... Show more content on ... This site is one of the few snorkeling sites in the world where you can swim amongst the tropical marine species found along the Great Barrier Reef. This marine reserve is home to three species of sea turtles, a variety of rays, sharks, dolphins and over 400 species of tropical fish. It is only a 5 minute boat ride from Byron Bay and several tour operators can take you there, or you can charter a boat if you want to go on your own time. You will slip off the boat and into the clear waters surrounding Julian Rocks Marine Reserve. From there, swim about and you can see turtles just feet from you, as well as dolphins and a variety of tropical fish. Keep your eyes peeled for camouflaged nurse sharks lying on the seabed. These nurse sharks come to the marine reserve during the winter months to breed, and don t be afraid it is safe to snorkel around
  • 18. Team Narrative Essay 4am. Be at the boathouse tomorrow at 4am, Coach reminded us as we finished preparing our boats. Everyone groaned. As much as the first race of the new season excited us, waking up that early wasn t something to look forward to. But, we did it. The next morning everyone showed up and was ready to take a bus for the next 3 hours. While some half asleep teenagers arrived earlier than others, by 4:30am the team was on the bus and ready to leave. The bus ride from Crystal Lake to Moline, IL at the earliest hours of the day is nothing close to the bus ride some of us took home from school the day before. It s pretty much kids sleeping in blankets or staring out the window while listening to music. At least for the first two hours. Until the... Show more content on ... After five and a half hours of getting everything ready to go, it s finally time for the Men s 8+ boat to leave the dock. This is most of the guys first race of the season, besides those who raced earlier that day in the Men s 4+ race. After a couple of minutes of pre race pump up in a circle (seriously, we did that), it s time to get all hands on the boat. We bring the boat down to the dock master, the official who approves the boat s eligibility to race, and find out that we aren t allowed on the dock. No, we didn t have an illegal engine hidden under the boat to propel us to the finish line (although that would be pretty cool), but the regatta was running behind schedule. It became clear that we would have to wait even longer. As we waited for the time to come for us to put our boat in the water, it was easy to get annoyed with the officials. Especially after putting the boat in the water and being asked to bring it back off of the dock to wait yet again. Nonetheless, we had to move past the fact that we had been waiting for hours. We had to get our game faces on. When it was time to actually shove off the dock, nobody was truly in the zone . The row up the Mississippi River to the start line, which was against the current and the wind, also didn t help. Plus, once we were at the start line, we had to wait a few more minutes for the other boats to get there also. I have never wanted to just race as much
  • 19. Compare And Contrast Education Reform An educational system is a means to develop a workforce, to improve the socioeconomic status of the poor via social mobility, and to create a shared culture. Given these important roles, educational systems are targets for social reformers. Joseph Lancaster and Arne Duncan were both education reformers with strong and influential ideas about what and how students are taught. Lancaster was a London schoolmaster and eventual leader of the Monitorial educationreform movement in the early 1800s. Duncan was the US Secretary of Education from 2009 2015, and led an era of active federal education reform. In comparing and contrasting these two educational reformers from the past and present, there are more similarities than differences.... Show more content on ... Recent United States Secretary of Education Arne Duncan was still trying to accomplish the same goal. In Lancaster s book Improvements in Education he argues people should invest money into the education of the poor. Why then so eager in the pursuit of riches? and why not rather pay that attention to the infant poor, which their wants requires? (Improvements in Education). This line demonstrates that Lancaster believes people should put money towards the education of the poor so that they can have a chance to better their place in society. Lancaster tried to lower the cost of education by developing the monitorial system of education which uses less teachers and so lowers salary costs. This is similar to Arne Duncan s emphasis on investing more money into education and in managing costs. At the end of his term, The Washington Post reported his agency directed $100 billion in stimulus funds to districts small and large that were otherwise facing severe job cuts in the wake of the 2008 recession. The move preserved an estimated 350,000 teaching jobs. In his speeches, Duncan said that states and institutions of higher education will need to meet us halfway in doing more to keep college costs down and boost completion . This statement made by Duncan shows that both he and Lancaster have similar ideas on the cost of education, they both believe that education was a social investment and that the cost of education should be lowered so poorer people can
  • 20. Theology Can Seem Like A Scary Word To Some People. For Theology can seem like a scary word to some people. For some, this word evokes images of large libraries and stuffy book lovers sitting on the library floor reading huge volumes of work by the like Karl Barth s Church Dogmatics or H. Orton Wiley s three volume Systematic Theology. For others, you picture a university or seminary where professional pastors and future professors go, but come back to your local church with bigger words and ideas than you can account for on your child s language arts homework. And still for some, the idea of some professor sitting in an ivory tower writing and scheming up some new and novel idea just trying to make your life miserable that is surely unbiblical. Surely, it s not something for the... Show more content on ... For polytheistic (many god) traditions it could mean doing something for one god to avoid the wrath of another. For the Deist, it could just be simply about finding general truths in all traditions and living a moral life and going to heaven. Everyone believes different things and that essentially is what theology is and aims to discuss. It is discussion about God or gods and the relationship that exists between us and them and us with others. What Makes Theology Christian? Christian theology is talking about God in Christian ways. Christians, think about their faith. Christian faith is about both a matter of reflection and an outcome of that reflection. It looks at why we do the things we do and why. It considers why Protestants uphold an importance of the Scripture and Catholics look at both Scripture and Tradition. To answer the question then of what makes theology Christian, it all comes down to what we believe. One such example of this in practice is the various beliefs about the Church itself. For some people the Christian Church should only be a body of believers, while for others they believe it should be a mixed group. There are certainly other ideas out there also on the matter. Christian theology however forces us to think in an orderly manner about the fundamental ideas of our Christian faith. Theology is, at least to great extent, intellectual reflection on the act, content, and implications of Christian faith. It is used to sometimes
  • 21. How Much Sodium Hydroxide Used To Turn The Diluted Vinegar HNC Applied Sciences Zakiah Ali Aim The aim of this experiment was to measure how much sodium hydroxide was used to turn the diluted vinegar pink. Materials 2 Pipettes (25cm3) Burette Volumetric flask 2 beakers Clamp stand Clip White title Funnel Conical flask Pipette filler Vinegar Deionised water 0.1mol/l sodium hydroxide 3 drops of phenolpththalein indicator Summary A standardized vinegar solution was prepared, to test how much sodium hydroxide is needed to turn the solution pink. In order to know when the equivalence point is reached, an indicator solution called phenolphthalein was added to the vinegar at the start of the titration. Phenolphthalein is an organic dye which is colorless in acidic solutions ... Show more content on ... The hose of the burette was opened until the solution turned pink. 20.2ml of sodium hydroxide was used to get the solution to turn pink.( 4. Fill the burette with NaOH (aq) up to the top, between 0 mL and 5 mL. Use a funnel to do this carefully, preferably over the sink. Measure this volume precisely, and record it as the Initial Burette Reading on your
  • 22. Myosin Light Chain All organisms, from humans to simple bacteria, have a necessity to move in order to adapt to changes in their external or internal environment, navigate towards food, and avoid dangers. Even cells are teeming with motion as they reorganize organelles, nucleic acids, and proteins. At the molecular level, two types of elements assist in the control movements of the cell and the organism as a whole: molecular motor proteins and intricate complexes of proteinfilaments that make up the cytoskeleton of the cell (Vale and Milligan, 2000). Myosinis a family of motor protein that act as enzymes in the hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to form adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate (Pi), The energy released by this reaction to drive the movement of molecules and contraction of muscle fibers (Grigorenko et al., 2007). A remarkable part of evolution is that the same mechanisms that control of contraction of muscles by myosin, are also used to propel... Show more content on ... In the N terminal region, the heavy chain forms a motor domain that is globular in structure. The motor domain has an О± helix that extends from the C terminus, which becomes part of the light chain binding domain. At this binding domain, the essential and regulatory light chains wrap around the О± helix to thicken and support its structure. The motor domains can be divided into three domains: the actin binding site, the nucleotide binding site (P loop NTPase domain core as an ATP catalytic site), and the converter domain. A converter domain is present at the junction between the ATP catalytic site of the motor domain and the light chain binding domain. The converter domain and the light chain binding domain compose the lever arm , which has a significant role in producing the mechanical force needed to generate movement during muscle
  • 23. Health Safety Occupational Health and Safety Questions 1. (15 marks) The TLV for carbon monoxide is 35ppm. Define the terms TLV and ppm and calculate them for the following example: Answer: TVL = Term for airborne concentration of a substance, below which all workers are believed to be protected while exposed to it day after day for 8 hour periods. PPM = Concentration by volume of one part of a gas, or by weight of a liquid or solid, per million parts of air or liquid. A mechanic in an automotive repair shop is exposed to the following carbon monoxide levels over an 8 hour shift. 1. 2 hours @ 34 ppm 2. 5 hours @ 40 ppm 3. 1 hour @ 20 ppm Is the worker over exposed during the duration of the work shift? ... Show more content on ... Have employees rotate half days exposed to the carbon monoxide and half days on non exposure duties. Increase monitoring equipment in the facility. 3. Personal Protective Equipment: Should only be used in the event that engineering and/or administrative controls are not feasible or practical. Use of respiratory assist equipment during peak TVL periods. 2. Referring to question 1, how could you use the elements of the hazard control hierarchy to help clarify the concept of safety controls for an employee? How might an employee participate in ensuring their own safety? What other worker rights might you include in this type of orientation to health and safety training regarding psycho social factors and emerging workplace stressors? (10 marks)
  • 24. Answer: We could use the elements of the hazard control hierarchy to help clarify the concepts of safety controls for employees by reviewing the primary concepts of each of the controls and how they will related to their roles: Engineering Controls the modification of work processes, equipment, and materials in order to reduce exposure to hazards. Administrative Controls management involvement, training of employees, rotation of employees, environmental sampling, and medical surveillance to protect individuals. Personal Protective Equipment should only be used when there is no feasible or practical way to enclose a process, provide local
  • 25. Examples Of Identity And Coming Of Age Identity and coming of age are the most important gearings in a life. In fact, human beings has to find and accept their own identity in order to come of age. Identity reveals the acceptance of the origins of a person, its sexual and social desires and furthermore, its acceptance itself. Thus, coming of age is complete thanks to the identity a person accepts, then it takes maturity and more confidence. In this essay, two characters will be confronted to a search of an identity in order to come of age. First, Jhumpa Lahiriintroduces us to her main character in her novel The Namesake, Gogol, a troubled boy that has to grow up with an unusual name. Secondly, Jeffrey Eugenides in Middlesex inroduces us to Calliope/Cal Stephanides, an intersex person. The novel ... Show more content on ... The two characters shows some common points such as hte fact that both are surrounded by their family but most of all their origins. This essay has analyzed the two different journey taken by the characters to find an identity and come of age. However, to find an identity is harder than it
  • 26. Traditions and Customs in Romania Romania is situated in the southeast of Europe, to the north of the Balkan Mountains. It has a population of about 23 million inhabitants. Most of its people are of Roman origin in fact, Romania means land of the Romans . But there are also Hungarians, Germans, Serbs, Tartars, and Russians who make up the rest of the population. The official language is Romanian, the only language of Latin origin in Eastern Europe. Brought up to respect religious traditions, the majority of Romaniansis Orthodox (nearly 87 percent). Protestants are the next largest denomination at 6.8 percent with Catholics making up 5.6 percent of the population. A small number of Muslims also live in Romania. Romanian Orthodox Church, in common with all Eastern... Show more content on ... The white blouse is also a basic item in male costume, tightened at the waist with a woolen sash or leather belt. This is usually worn with narrow, white trousers. A typical piece of headgear for men is the hat made of lambskin, black felt, or straw depending on the time of year and the local tradition. Romania preserved a significant number of traditional customs and celebrations manifest within the strong community of the village. Ceremonies dedicated to the significant moments of one s life (birth, wedding, death), to natural cycles (such as solstice, equinox, harvest, springtime) or to the big religious celebrations, follow the same archaic mythical rituals they did a thousand years ago. Even though preformed in 21st century in villages marked by modernization, such traditional rites haven t diminish their prestige. They still provide viable answers to how to live in harmony with the environment and community, that the present social and economical system cannot furnish. During winter solstice, when the sun is weak and frost and dryness take over, Romanian peasants conceived ceremonies to help the Sun and Nature to overcome this temporary crisis. For 12 days between Christmas and St. John on January 7th, all Romanian villages have specific celebrations, starting with children s caroling on Christmas eve: Mos Ajun or Buna Dimineata (Good Morning). Well spread throughout
  • 27. Ethical Issues Of Education Organizational Structure Essay Ethical issues in Education Organizational Structure Ethics are a set of principles that people use to decide what is right and wrong. Other words such as principles and morals are used concurrently when discussing ethics. Principles are major beliefs and rules that have a significant influence on the way things are done as well as relationships with others. Morals are principals of right or wrong behavior that are generally accepted by a society. With a basic understanding of these basic terms of ethics, a more comprehensive and deeper understanding of ethics in general becomes more attainable. Situational ethics can be grouped into various categories such as political and governance ethics, social and economic ethics. Further breakdown of these broad categories gives examples such as business ethics, educational ethics, law ethics and internet ethics. Often, the impact of ethics is greatly under rated , however the elite and aware majority do acknowledge ethics as the foundation of global harmony. A specific analysis of an educational ethical dilemma aims to understand the factors of determining right from wrong in an attempt to reach a moral standing after analysis. The ethical dilemma is set in an education institution, the Deputy principal , who is a friend, altered the Higher School Certificate (HSC) to improve the results for the students undertaking mathematics and give them an overall high mark. I reported him to the department EPAC , the employment
  • 28. Benzocaine Synthesis Lab Report Result and Discussion In this experiment, the synthesis of benzocaine was carried out by acid catalyst and recrystallization process was utilized to purify the product form impurities. The synthesis of Benzocaine was carried from 4 Amino benzoic acid (PABA) and absolute ethanol with sulfuric acid as catalyst. The reaction took place under reflux, and isolation of product was carried out by using saturated Na2CO3 and dH2O. The characterization of the product involved the NMR and IR spectrum analysis. Besides, the purity of the solid product was supported by melting point determination. For the NMR spectrum analysis, all the peaks matched the expected NMR result of pure benzocaine. There were triplet peaks at 1.149, 1.265, and 1.385 ppm which... Show more content on ... The pure benzocaine was dried, weighed, and percent yield of the reaction was calculated. Besides, the melting point of the white solid was also determined to confirm the purity of the product. The melting point was turned out to be around 88 91В°C which was very close to the expected melting point (88 90В°C). One of the problem in isolating and purifying the product was during the recrystallization process. Since recrystallization reaction used to purify the product from impurities, this resulted in low product yield. When the pure product was crystallized and impurities were removed from the product, the weight of product became lesser compared to the weight before recrystallization. The percent yield of the reaction was 25.6 % which was a bit low, but this value was a reasonable yield for recrystallization. The percent yield for recrystallization was usually a bit low compared to reactions without recrystallization. The low percent yield of this reaction showed matched with the expected low yield of recrystallization. Besides, another problem occurred was during drying step of the crude benzocaine. The vacuum was not strong enough to remove all the water, and made the product being soaked and absorbed on the filter paper. This might contribute to the low yield of
  • 29. Biologically Diverse Coral Reef In the article Continental drift created biologically diverse coral reefs it explains how researchers study the evolution of many marine species and how they were affected by plate tectonics. The scientists used 100 million years of Earth s history and the history of continental drifts to create a computer model of patterns of new marine species. From this computer model scientists were able to show that the drift of the continental plates was the likely driving force behind the emergence of new species (ETH Zurich). Researchers concluded that continental drift increased the biodiversity of marine species. If a reef is divided into two separate reefs due to plate tectonics, for example, the two populations in each patch would continue
  • 30. Product Strategy of Usps Product Strategy of the U. S. Postal Service Dwaynell Lowe Strayer University Operations Management Dr. Phyllis Parise November 15, 2015 Product Life Cycle Product life cycle refers to the stages that a product. Changes in demand for the product is the factor that delineates the changes from one cycle to another (Daft amp; Sanders, 2012). The typical product life cycle has four identifiable stages; * Introductory Stage characterized by the launching of a new product. * Growth Stage highlighted by strong growth and profits. * Maturity Stage the product is well established and the organization seeks to maintain market share. * Decline Stage the market for the product shrinks. The United State Postal ... Show more content on ... From 2007 to 2012 USPS posted net losses in excess of $41 billion with much of that driven by fuel costs. It currently spends $3.3 billion on highway contracts, while spending only $40 million on freight rail contracts. USPS should consider shifting part of its mail volume to rail. By making this change it has been estimated that USPS could save at least $100 million per year. Additionally, because of its lesser sensitivity to fuel price increases and greater control of its own infrastructure, rail transportation has major, long term strategic advantages over highway (Berman, 2012). Total Quality Management Total Quality Management (TQM) is an organizational approach that seeks to identify and eliminate the root causes of issues that undermine quality whether in a manufacturing or service organization. As stated previously USPS as a product is in a state of decline and must find ways to eliminate barriers to attaining its service commitments. Package delivery is a sector of its market in which it has remained competitive with private carriers such as UPS and FedEX. To continue to compete and excel in the package delivery arena USPS must insure that it eliminates barriers to meeting and or exceeding on time delivery expectations. Therefore, I would suggest the use of control charts to determine the cause of packages being delivered outside the upper control limit. The upper control limit for
  • 31. Caraavaggio Renaissance And Baroque Art Caravaggio Caravaggio was an Italian painter born in Milan around 1571. He is considered one of the fathers of the modern painting. His father was called Fermo Merisi, who was an architect decorator and a household administrator. His mother was called Lucia Aratori and she came from one of the Propertified families in the region. In 1576, the family relocated to Caravaggio to escape the plague that devastated Milan. His father died in 1577 and the mother died in 1584 (Frank, 2013, p. 292). Caravaggio remained an orphan at 11 years of age and he was apprenticed in Milan. When he later went to Rome, his work became accepted due to the technique of tenebrism he used which involved the use of shadow for
  • 32. Compare And Contrast Superintendent And School Board... Superintendent and School Board Relationships Simple arithmetic is not an easy task. Just like some students have difficulties with basic mathematics skills, so does the Superintendent. This is not to say that the Superintendent cannot do basic math. What this is really comparing is the challenging undertaking involved in counting four out of seven votes in favor of the Superintendent s recommendations. Swaying back and forth for Board votes is timely and very hard to accomplish, but it is an essential part of the job. Sharp and Walter (2004) explain board members have no authority as individuals. However, together or as a majority they can be extremely powerful in making policy. Longer tenures and more efficient working... Show more content on ... Along the same lines, it is important that when individual board members request information it is sent to every single member. Otherwise, the Superintendent gives up the opportunity to understand from where each board member is coming (Effective Superintendent School Board Relations). This to some extent could be used as informational leverage, which could help down the line when trying to sway support. Keeping records on request is also considered very helpful when working with Boards. It is important that they stay informed, but it is also just as valuable that they get some feedback as to how much information they are requesting. They may tend to back off from requesting so much information. Regardless as to how and how often, the Superintendent must establish a communication system. Boards do not like surprises. It undermines board members trust, and makes them look bad, when they hear information about the district from another source (Effective Superintendent School Board Relations). Getting the Boards trust can assist in creating a team concept. In any relationship, whether it is at home or work trust is essential for success. Trust is fundamental to all working relationships. Superintendents must be able to develop trust so that all members feel united in working toward a common goal. Many times, the demise of a Superintendent School Board relationship can
  • 33. Spoon River Themes The movie Sixth Sense and the book the Spoon River Anthology both talk about dead people, but there lies a deeper meaning in both of them. The book and movie each have their own differences, but also the book and movie have similarities between them. The book and the movie are not that different they have each share common theme. The movie Sixth Sense and the book spoon river anthologyhave their differences but also share a common theme which is, Do not end your life with you unfinished business, finish what you started. In the book the Spoon River anthology, many themes are expressed throughout the story. One of the themes is never being afraid to speak your mind because that is the way you will be remembered. This is found in Dorcas... Show more content on ... One of those ideas is how can someone tell if they are alive or dead without experiencing. At the end of the movie there is a major plot twist where the audience finds out that the doctor was actually dead the entire and got shot he did not realize either. The doctor did not realize that he was dead until Cole said They do not know they are dead yet. The doctor realizes this is happening to him when he goes back to his house for the first time and sees his wife. Another idea is that how can we tell what is real or fake without actually seeing it. This idea comes from Cole Sean a nine year old kid who suffers from a disorder where he can see dead people as though they were living. His problem brings up an interesting point because Humans do not know what is actually real or not because we really do not what is there. Cole is a very special kid because he can the dead people and he knows what is real because he sees the dead people and he knows what is there. It is a little frightening these things out in this world that humans cannot see but could be there. A theme found in sixth sense is Closure makes everything better. This theme is found when the Doctor is by Cole to talk to his wife when she is sleeping because then she will listen. Cole said to the Doctor the best time to talk to her is when she is sleeping, because she will actually listen. The Doctors does this and His wife is able to feel much better because she knows that her husband is okay and that he will always be with her. This makes the doctor feel better too because he knows that he wife still loves him and will always remember him. The doctor and his wife were both better once the doctor opened up and gave some closure. Another example about this is when Cole and his mom were stuck in traffic Cole finally told his mother about his secret and gave an example. He told his mom that his grandmother, Cole s mom s mom, that Grandma
  • 34. Gender Roles In Elizabethan Society The Change of Women s Roles in Society Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance. (Kofi Annan). Gender roles today are not a huge problem in today s society, but back then it was a struggle for women. Women were not allowed equal rights as men before the 20th century. This lead to women holding a very low standpoint in their society limiting a lot of rights and freedoms women have now. Women that fought their equal rights as men in America left a lasting impact in history for females of the United States. The status of a woman s role in society today has drastically changed since the Elizabethan Era, ... Show more content on ... During Shakespeare s time, women were thought to be not very strong, smart, or have weak emotions. (Women s International Center). Men were thought to be the leaders or caretakers of their wives or daughters because women were conceived as to be like children. (Women s International Center). The first reform groups started appearing during the 1820 s and 1830 s that hoped to change women suffrage in the U.S.A. The first women s rights convention was held in Seneca Falls, N.Y., July 1848. Stanton and Susan Anthony created the National Woman Suffrage Association, which would later be combined with the American Women Suffrage Association to make the National American Woman Suffrage Association in 1890. This organization made efforts to change the federal law and oppose the 15th amendment that allowed any male citizen of the U.S.A to vote because it excluded women. (History, Art, Archives of the U.S. House of Representatives). Many decades later, some states had already passed laws allowing women to vote, but it wasn t until 1920 that the 19th amendment was added to the Constitution allowing women to vote. This gave women a higher, more respectable place in society that left a lasting effect on today s
  • 35. Gitlow V Taylork Case Summary Facts of the Case In 1951 Eugene Dennis along with 10 other members of the American communist party were arrested and charged under the Smith Act with teaching and supporting the overthrowing of the government. This was the third of a series of major cases pertaining to the freedom of speech in concern with speech with communist ideals supporting the overthrow of the government. In 1925 s Gitlow V NewYork, Gitlow is charged under the criminal anarchy act due to his communist publications, and in 1927 s Whitney V California, Whitney is charged under the criminal syndicalism act for helping establish the communist labor party of America. The Law The First Amendment of The Constitution which supports freedom of speech and the Fifth Amendment of the constitution. The Fifth Amendment clause of due process due to the ambiguity of the statue. Legal Questions Did the Smith Act violate citizen s First amendment freedom of speech... Show more content on ... When observing the freedom of speech it should be noted that not all speech has the same value on a scale. Lewd and obscene speech are not as thoroughly protected and claimed by constitutional immunity as seen in Chaplinsky V State of New York. The prohibition of speech which may advocate the overthrowing of the government can be just as dangerous as outlawing speech which criticizes serious defects in our government but does support the overthrowing of the government. Those who have serious concerns for government reform may stay quiet in fear of criticism and inadvertently be losing their first amendment freedoms. The court does not bear the responsibility of deciding how to manage the clash of interest, and instead respect congress decision that the avocation of overthrowing the government is speech that can be
  • 36. Analysis Of The Book Witches The Absolutely True Tale Of... In the book Witches! The Absolutely True Tale of Disaster in Salem by Rosalyn Schanzer the town of Salem starting going into a panic of the theory of witches from the fits of two girls. Everyone accusing each other, family is accusing family. Brothers are accusing brothers. Accused witches are taken to trial, but are the trials that fair? The trials were unfair because of the use of spectral evidence, the inability to testify for oneself, and the surprisingly unbiased judges. Even though it was a courtroom, spectral evidence was used in many ways. Spectral evidence is when a witness is saying that somebody s spector or spirit appeared to them in a dream and they are using it to testify against whoever is on trial. When the accusers were having fits and screaming and thrashing in odd ways, the courtroom did not tell them to quiet down, they instead believed that the accused witch in the room was guilty, it was a horrid sight. (According to the Salem Witch Trials DBQ) Document 6 The examination of Bridget Bishop, when she moved her head all of the afflicted moved their head, then she turned up her eyes and the afflicted turned up their eyes. When the accused witch looked or moved a muscle, the accusers magically moved the same muscle. According to Joan Holub s What Were the Salem Witch Trials? The girl accusers tumbled to the floor if Bridget happened to look their way, as if her invisible specter had knocked them down. (Holub 61). Even though the accused witches plead
  • 37. Essay on Should English Be the Official Language of the... Should English be the Official Language of the United States Name ENG 122 Instructor April 30, 2012 Should English be the Official Language of the United States The debate on whether the United States should make English the official language has been raging within the borders of the country for decades. Several bills have been presented to Congress over the years, but have stagnated due to the opposition on either side. Though there would certainly be drawbacks to introducing English as the official language of the United States, there would also be immeasurable benefit. Not only would an official language streamline government processes and reduce government spending, it would also aid the United States by unifying its people. ... Show more content on ... English, 1995). The federal government also spends millions of dollars funding the Immigration and Naturalization Services which is currently required to translate the citizenship test into multiple languages. In all, U.S. taxpayers shell out $13 billion a year funding a multi lingual government (U.S. English, 1995). The laws currently in the books are even being used to squeeze more money out of the government and businesses. Executive Order 13166, which was signed by President Clinton and later enforced by President Bush, requires all federal agencies and recipients of federal funds to provide translation services for non English speakers. This requirement is at the American tax payer s expense. An Iranian immigrant in Oklahoma recently used the Executive Order as grounds for complaint asking the U.S. Department of Transportation to investigate the state because it failed to give the driver s license exam in Farsi (McAlpin, 2008). The U.S. Supreme Court rejected the argument citing an individual may not sue for foreign language services by charging discrimination under the nation origin category of the Civil Rights Act. Even the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and Health and Human Services (HHS) are rallying support for those citizens who do not currently speak English well or at all. The EEOC is fighting
  • 38. Parable Of The Syro-Poenician The parable of the Syro Phoenician is a very interesting story because Jesus responds in a manner that is not how we have anticipated Christ to respond. Christ initially turned down a woman whose daughter was vexed with a devil because she was a Gentile. Through the woman s faith, her daughter was healed. The encounter of Jesus and the Canaanite woman appears in both Matthew and Mark. Both authors are writing to the Jews. Since the story is the intended for the same people, the story does not differ much. However, in Mark, there are two Joseph Smith Translations that give us information that can teach us. In Mark 7:24, the scripture originally says, ... and he entered into an house, and would have no man know it: but he could not be hid. The Joseph Smith Translation adds but (He) could not deny them: for he... Show more content on ... At the end of verse 24 it says, but he could not be hid. The woman knew who Christ was because of the title that she gives him. In Matthew s account, she says, have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David. Because the lady was a Gentile, Christ initially did not heal her, but after she demonstrated her faith, her daughter was healed. From this encounter Jesus was trying to teach the Abrahamic Covenant. The Abrahamic Covenant means that in Christ s mortal ministry, he was to teach the Jew first and then the Gentile. Christ also could have been teaching compassion. Even though she was not of the House of Israel, she was shown love by Christ because of her faith. Jesus could have healed her right away, but He did not, thereby helping the woman exercise her faith. Once, she demonstrated her faith, her daughter was made whole. Through this experience, Christ taught his disciples both compassion and the Abrahamic
  • 39. Jefferson On Equality As a country we are still moving in the right direction in our attempt to level the playing field between people of all races, genders, and sentiments, so I must respectfully disagree with your statement that Jefferson s vision is not attainable. Much like all of humanities evolution, time, knowledge, reasoning, and rationality play a major role in our continuing development into a better society. If you closely examine the history of equality, for example, and how far we have come in the United Statesalone, it is easy to see that we have had more major achievements then not. It is my belief that humanity strives to be better tomorrow then we are today. That we use new found knowledge to enlighten others and with every step, even small ones, we will evolve into a better society.... Show more content on ... Conflict is itself not necessarily bad if it results in a positive change. However, it is my belief much of our current political and social conflict is due to arrogance and entitlement. As a society we are losing the ability to respect a difference of opinion. Instead of taking the time to listen to why someone holds the views they do and come to an agreement that benefits both parties involved, we close our thoughts to anything that doesn t fall in line with our own beliefs. This process generates heated conflict and hatred. In that respect we have taken a slight evolutionary step backwards. Perhaps this disconnect is due to technological advances and our lack of face to face social interaction that encourages an egomaniacal
  • 40. SPA Reflective Essay Goals I went to SPA with two goals, including: To know the criteria for type of anesthesia for each procedure, and to know the most commonly performed procedure and whether any research had been conducted to uncover the disease condition that warrants this procedure. According Dr. Chopra, Kathryn, RN, and Katie, Charge nurse, severity of patient s problem and whether the procedure will involve major tissues are some of the criteria used to decide on the type anesthesia for each procedure. In addition, the charge nurse in person of Katie reported that esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) ranks highest among many procedures performed at SPA. I was told that EGD is both diagnostic and therapeutic procedure, which makes it to be commonly performed, ... Show more content on ... My professor took walked me to SPA around 8 am, and I was introduced to the charge nurse of the unit, who received me warmly. After this, I was assigned initially to Vaishali, RN who took me to the first patient. With this patient, we did initial assessment before the procedure where plethora of questions were asked to ensure patient s safety. Immediately after this, I was asked to follow one patient to a procedure room for observation. I had the opportunity to see how the patient was prepared for the procedure, the type of anesthesia, type of health professionals who make up the SPA team for each procedure, and the patient is monitored throughout the process. After the procedure, I was told to stay with the patient for 30 minutes in the recovery room, where the vital signs are monitored every five minutes until patient fully comes around or better still, becomes fully aware the environment. Furthermore, discharge teachings are given at recovery room, and what took my interest was the language used in this area. One of the staff nurses said to patient that You are legally intoxicated for the next 24 hours, therefore, no driving, signing of legal documents, and no operation of microwave. I like this statement because, it underscores patient safety. Thereafter, I followed other patient, and the whole processes stated above were repeated. I learned how division of labor brings efficiency. I will remember to utilize this in the nearest
  • 41. Multiverse Mysteries of the Multiverse Name: Assif Khan Student no: Subject: PCS 181 The term multiverse has many nicknames including but not limited to quantum universes, alternate universes, alternate realities etc. But, what is the multiverse? If one was to look up the meaning of the word, the definition that is provided in the Oxford Dictionary states a hypothetical space or realm consisting of a number of universes, of which our own universe is only one 1. The use of the term multiverse or its other moniker parallel universe, has been used in cosmology, physics, and philosophy to perhaps more prominently in science fiction literature and movies for decades. Ever since Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding in the 1920s, ... Show more content on ... Though existence of multiverse has not been proven to be a fact as of yet, the primary concern regarding the validity of multiverse theory is the fact that the existence of multiverse is not observable nor scientifically testable. Science is based on validity, reproducibility and the pursuit of truth. However, how does one prove the existence of something, if it is purported to exist outside of our visual horizon? Unlike distant stars, we have yet to see light, emitted from a parallel universe through a telescope. So, the argument against multiverse theory is that it is a belief, rather than a proven scientific fact and it is hypothetical in nature. And prioritizing hypothesis over observational confirmations is a mistake that scientists are not afforded to make. George Ellis4, Professor of mathematics from University of Cape Town supports this view by suggesting that even if there were infinite number of universes, infinite is a mathematical entity rather than a physical one and therefore, we could not count the infinite galaxies in a finite time and thus, it is impossible to prove the existence of infinite universes through mathematical tests and observations. And if it cannot be tested, why should it be any more scientifically valid than metaphysics or astrology? But, defenders of multiverse theory point to Kant and his speculation regarding some nebulae being island universes 5
  • 42. The Population s Natural Resources Togo s environment consists of a fair amount of diversity with gently sloping savanna hills in the north, expansive lagoons and marshes stretching from the coastal plain in the south, and hills and plateaus in the central region of the country. The nation s natural resources are made up predominately of phosphates, limestone, marble, and arable land. As of 2011 their total renewable water resources are 14.7 cu km, with total withdrawals in 2005 only at 0.17 cu km per year, suggesting they have enough water resources to meet the growing needs of their people for the time being. The percentage of endogenous freshwater supply withdrawn for use by Togo as listed by The World Resources Institute is about 1% annually. The more difficult issue for Togo will be protecting the water quality and finding the financing and resources to expand infrastructure to provide a much larger % of the population with access to improved water and sanitation. Natural hazards for Togo are hot temperatures, intermittent droughts, and dry Harmattan winds causing reductions in visibility. The country s most troubling environmental issues include deforestation from slash and burn agriculturecombined with the harvesting of wood for fuel. Water pollution causing health hazards with drinking water sources, and harming the fishing industry. Additionally, increasing urbanization and development is causing rises air pollution, which has become more threatening to their urban metropolitan areas. The
  • 43. How Ww1 Changed British Literature World War One began on July 28, 1914 and ended with the signing of the armistice on November 11, 1918. The war cost a total of one hundred eighty six billion dollars. The total casualties of the war were thirty seven million, with another eleven million civilian casualties. The British Empire alone lost over three million people in the war. (English) World War One effected the whole world the heartache and bloodshed changed politics, economics, and public opinion. This war changed people s lives, but it also changes their way of thinking and their way of writing. After World War One British literature was changed from simple stories to a more realistic and meaningful approach to life. Nineteenth century England is what most historians ... Show more content on ... The three notable poets of the Victorian age became similarly absorbed in social issues. Beginning as a poet of pure romantic escapism, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, soon moved on to problems of religious faith, social change, and political power. All the characteristic moods of his poetry, from brooding splendor to lyrical sweetness, are expressed with smooth technical mastery. His style, as well as his peculiarly English conservatism, stands in some contrast to the intellectuality and bracing harshness of the poetry of Robert Browning. Matthew Arnold, the third of these mid Victorian poets, stands apart from them as a more subtle and balanced thinker his literary criticism is the most remarkable written in Victorian times. His poetry displays a sorrowful, disillusioned pessimism over the human plight in rapidly changing times, a pessimism countered, however, by a strong sense of duty. (English) World War One was an event that changed literature throughout England and the world. People felt lost, broken and disheveled after the war. This is obvious when you see the change in literature after the war. Literature after the war, or post war literature, is different from the literature during the Victorian age. The optimism of previous decades was abandoned and a bleak, pessimistic outlook on life
  • 44. Paradox Of Finding Identity Within Sexual Freedom Paradox of Finding Identity In Sexual Freedom Humans now have a very different life compared to the past since freedom, opportunities, and information together are playing a vital role in this modern society. Especially young people, they become more independent and are capable of living their lives. However, while society provides people a lot of benefits, it makes their lives even more complex at the same time by leaving them pressured and confused about who they really are. In her essay, Selections from Hard to Get:Twenty Something Women and the Paradox of Sexual Freedom, Leslie Bell mentions that in this new in between developmental period American twenty something women have more freedom and opportunities to their sexual lives than previous generations. But they are struggling with the paradoxes of their relationships and desires at the same time. Bell suggests that social expectations and cultural guidelines, which are conventions of female sexuality and stereotypes of being a good girl, prevent these young women from pursuing their sexual desires and limiting their relationships with men. However, even these women have chosen the way they live, and what kind of sexual life they want to be bad girls to break those old rules, they ended with losing their identities. As a result, establishing a women s identity rather than clinging to contradictory directives and social expectations impacts female sexuality more. When these twenty something women try to split
  • 45. Analysis Of Jesus Land By Julia Scheeres When an individual s pursuit of self awareness is disrupted, it often becomes characterized by the creation of an opposite in other people. This theme is evident in Julia Scheeres s memoir Jesus Land. During her period of adolescent self discovery, Julia is met with obstacles caused by fanatical authority figures in both her family and church. This struggle ultimately leads Julia to disown and even demonize her closet relation, her brother David. Although the book is a concentrated depiction of this pattern, the idea of othering is prevalent in our country as a whole. Specifically, gender othering always has and always will be an issue in America and the American Dream. Through the description of her adolescent experiences in her memoir Jesus Land, Julia Scheeres exposes... Show more content on ... Men counter women by placing them in subordinate roles. One theory behind this othering is that men feel the need to project their fraility and vulnerability on females as a justification for treating them as inferior (Arini). These supporting and domestic roles are presented by Christianity as the more moral choice. Most religions require that a woman concentrate on her family, appealing to the female maternal instincts (Arini). After years of being taught scriptures on being obedient, women convince themselves that they are supposed to be submissive. They quell their other aspirations and focus on getting married, having kids, and caring for a family (Arini). A study held by Lauren E. Maltby, M. Elizabeth L. Hall, Tamara L. Anderson, and Keith Edwards showed that increased scriptual literalism in males parelled directly with increased benevolent sexism. Benevolent sexism is the belief that, among other things, women should be kept at home in domestic roles. As a male s agreement with core Christian ideals increases, his tendency to hold sexist views increases (Maltby). Both men and women who accept the literal
  • 46. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Essay Like sheep led to the slaughter; this is one of the most famous analogies used to refer to the Jews during the holocaust. The Jews were being systematically murdered, beaten, and abused day after day, and there was almost no refusal on their part. Almost no one fought back. This however was not the case in the Warsaw ghetto. Throughout the summer of 1942, nearly 300,000 Jews were deported from the Warsaw ghetto to the Treblinka death camp. During this summer, a resistance organization known as the Z.O.B. was formed. It was headed by the 23 year old Mordecai Anielewicz, and was comprised primarily of young men. The deportations halted in September, and the Z.O.B. began collecting whatever weapons they could manage to smuggle into the... Show more content on ... The Jews were able to keep up the resistance for about a month, but the fight was officially ended on May 16 with the destruction of Warsaw s great synagogue ( About 7,000 Jews were killed during the uprising, and another 7,000 deported, but a few hundred German soldiers fell as well ( Preparing for the resistance brought up both feelings of terror, and excitement over the fact that the Nazis would not be able to get away with at least one of their plans so easily. Zivia Lubetkin, who was a resistance fighter in the ghetto, describes the feeling of the resistance organization on the 18th of April after getting the news of the final roundup that was to take place the next day. She says [e]ven though we were prepared, and had even prayed for this hour, we turned pale. A tremor of joy mixed with a shudder of fear passed through all of us. But we suppressed our emotions and reached for our guns (Gilbert 557). Resistance was a new idea to the Jews. Since the Nazis had taken over, the Jews had found themselves in a rather helpless situation. There was almost no way to escape the ghettos, and those who did manage to make it out knew they were costing the Jews they had left behind. This was the first real attempt at an actual organized armed resistance. Lubetkin tells how the Germans were determined, especially after being forced to retreat in January, but so were the Jews. Determination was certainly something
  • 47. How Does Ebenezer Scrooge Change Ebenezer scrooge will never be the man or as most would say the devil himself again. The process for him to change was not pleasant or easy,but it did happen in one night. This stingy old man had been to shown his fate as well as the ones of others which he has shunned, for him to change his ways and make the shadows of tomorrow nonexistent. The change that he undergoes through all had a cause other than his own and the effects where to joy the of others whose futures now holds a brighter promise. At first glance, you might think scrooge is and ordinary senior who owns a business and has quite a fortune, but once you look into his eyes you see how his soul is dark, small,crooked, shattered and beyond repair and clearly from a lost love. Might be the reason why he is so inconsiderate and he only cares about... Show more content on ... Scrooge said once when he was a young man that when owned his own firm that he would treat his apprentices as he was treated,but he never did since that would waste money on something other than himself for good reason. Yet, the refreshment of his mind made him rethink his choice and gave him the thought of treating his clerk Cratchit better for reasons other than Tiny Tim s health condition, but out of the good of his dark, broken, cold, mending heart. Which after undergoing this whole process is ready to release all the sorrow and feelings it has held back.So Scrooge now knowing what his has in store for him he wakes and spares no time in starting to make his mends as soon as he wakes up. Starting with most important of all Tiny Tim then, the poor, then his nephew. Doing all of this without hesitation or doubt and gave away money with simple
  • 48. Fish and Management Case Study Essay FITTskills: Global Supply Chain Management Case Study #5: Global Supply Chain Management and Shipping Case Study #5: Global Supply Chain Management and Shipping Catch of the day Kalastaa Inc. have been in the local Finnish aquaculture industry for nearly fourteen years. They raise salmon and trout for local markets, and have recently negotiated a deal with a small fish processing plant that distributes under a major product label in Finland. Although they run a rather small operation, employing 16 people year round, Kalastaa believes they are in a position to export some surplus and perhaps broker further deals with fish processing plants around the European Union. They do want to maintain ties with the local fresh fish ... Show more content on ... Colour coding is a common practice in the fish industry and provides a method of standardization for something as subjective as colour. Both in production and sales, colour is the most important quality parameter for salmon. Salmon buyers can request information on the colour of a delivered lot in the form of a number corresponding to a colour number on the Roche scale. Another salmon colour reference is the colour number on the Salmofan scale. Kalastaa s bank, acting as their export advisor, contacts the FITT 1 FITTskills: Global Supply Chain Management Case Study #5: Global Supply Chain Management and Shipping company to tell them that the letter of credit has fallen though because the certificate of quality is vague and it cannot be ascertained if the shipment has passed its quality certification. Something is fishy... The documents were delivered directly to the buyer for payment. DanskFisk insists on inspecting the shipment upon arrival. DanskFisk is not an experienced salmon importer, and usually deals with Spanish Blue Fish and Irish Char. They are not in disagreement that the salmon shipment has passed quality inspection. Upon DanskFisk s inspection, they claim that the fat content of the stock is much higher than is claimed in the quality inspection. They reject the sale and will accept substitute goods, but are claiming damages for loss of profit. Kalastaa management wonder if they need to rethink their
  • 49. Mass Media During The Last Century Mass Media During the Last Century Lea Berrier HUM/186 December 4, 2017 Allyson Wells Mass Media During the Last Century Mass media has changed dramatically over the course of the last century. There have been three major changes. Each of these changes has effected American culture. The changes have taken place because of media convergence. These are the major changes. The first significant development in mass media was the paper stage (Campbell, Martin, Fabos, 2016, ). During this phase, stories or messages were sent out written, or typed on paper. That was the way that they reached the people. The second stage of mass media was the Electronic Era. During this era, messages could meet their match in an instant. People did not have to wait for it to be delivered over time. The third development of mass media is the digital era. The digital era includes images and sounds converted into an electronic signal (Campbell, Martin, Fabos, 2016, ). Messages are being delivered faster than ever before. These are the three significant developments in the last century. These Eras all greatly affected American culture. During the paper Era, people lived on farms (Campbell, Martin, Fabos, 2016, ). Once stories such as books, and newspapers were developed, they could reach a lot of people. The written word did not change according to who told it. It made sure that everybody got the same information. The electronic Era also had a significant influence on culture. The