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Essays On Biodiversity
Writing an essay on the topic of biodiversity can be a challenging yet rewarding task. The
complexity lies in the vastness of the subject matter, as biodiversity encompasses a wide range of
biological diversity, ecosystems, and the intricate interactions between different species.
Addressing this topic requires a comprehensive understanding of ecological principles,
conservation efforts, and the impact of human activities on the natural world.
Researching for such an essay involves delving into various scientific disciplines, including
biology, ecology, and environmental science. The need to gather accurate and up-to-date
information adds an additional layer of difficulty, as the field of biodiversity is continuously
evolving with new discoveries and challenges.
Crafting a coherent and compelling essay also requires the ability to synthesize complex concepts
and present them in a manner that is accessible to a diverse audience. Striking a balance between
scientific rigor and engaging prose is crucial to effectively convey the importance of biodiversity
and the consequences of its decline.
Moreover, discussing potential solutions and advocating for sustainable practices adds another
dimension to the essay. This requires a nuanced understanding of policy implications, ethical
considerations, and the role of individuals in fostering positive change.
In conclusion, writing an essay on biodiversity demands a multifaceted approach, involving deep
research, analytical thinking, and effective communication skills. However, the endeavor is
worthwhile, as it allows the writer to contribute to the understanding and promotion of one of
the most critical aspects of our planet's health.
If you find yourself struggling with such a task, it's worth noting that assistance is available.
Similar essays and much more can be ordered on, where experienced writers
can provide support in navigating the complexities of biodiversity or any other challenging topic.
Essays On Biodiversity Essays On Biodiversity
The History Of Sedimentary Basins
The sedimentary record is the best archive of basin forming tectonics and structural
processes, particularly in regions with complex tectonic history such as the Eastern
Cordillera in the Northern Andes of Colombia. Multiple tectonic episodes have
driven fault reactivation and sedimentation in the Cenozoic is related to
contractional strain. Sedimentary basins within the Eastern Cordillera contain
coarse and fine grained units. The presence of coarse grained units in the distal
regions of a foreland basin are in particular used to constrain deformation history on
the basis of the conditions governing their deposition. Varying mechanisms are
proposed for distal coarse clastic facies including 1) Orography (Masek et al., 1994)
and climate... Show more content on ...
The addition of a second chronometer such as ZHe bolsters provenance constrains.
Though, different locations can have similar ZHe ages within one region, ZHe
and ZPb ages cannot be the same unless related to volcanism (Reiners et al., 2005).
Therefore, for accurate tectonic interpretations based on volcanic grain exclusions,
we implement the use of double chronometry on the same detrital grains, an
approach only used in the axial Eastern Cordillera (Saylor et al., 2012b). ZHe plays
a valuable role in determining tectonic and thermal evolution of the thrust belt via
lag time analysis (Cerveny et al., 1988, Ruiz et al., 2004, Bernet et al., 2006,
Saylor et al., 2012). Changes in Lag time reflects upsection variation in
deformation and exhumation rate of the adjacent orogen by interpreting five lag
time trajectories. On each end of the spectrum, an upsection decrease in lag time
will indicate accelerated thrust induced exhumation and an upsection increase in
lag time will indicate reduced exhumation and possible introduction of a new
source area. Various studies in the Eastern Cordillera have focused on single
chronometry using either ZPb for provenance history (Horton et al., 2010, 2015,
Cardona et al., 2010, Nie et al., 2010, Bayona et al., 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, Saylor
et al., 2011, Bande et al., 2012, Ochoa et al., 2012, Ayala et al.,
The Ripple Effect of Smoking
The Ripple Effect of Smoking It has become common knowledge that smoking is
bad for people s health, nonetheless people continue to smoke. To be honest, that is
fine. If people want to endanger themselves by smoking then I wish them a swift and
peaceful end (though most smokers die a slow and agonizing death). What is not
acceptable is the effect that smoke has on non smokers who have almost no way of
getting away from smoke unless they want to stay in their house. Smokers affect
everyone around them for the worse. Smokingshould be restricted or banned from all
public places because the health of non smokers should not be jeopardized by
secondhand smoke. As stated before, almost everyone knows and accepts the fact that
... Show more content on ...
An additional 35,000 die of heart disease also from secondhand smoke... It is
unfair to make those who choose not to smoke be damaged by the secondhand
smoke of a smoker. What is the solution to this problem? The most effective
solution is to ban smoking in all public places. If people who want to smoke then
they can do so in the privacy of their own homes, where they can only hurt
themselves and their loved ones. California has taken the first step by banning
smoking in most indoor establishments. Yet more has to be done. It needs to be
banned outdoors in public as well. Though the theory that outdoors smoke
dissipates has some validity, if you are within 20 feet of a smoker, you are still
affected. Other atmospheric conditions can cause you to be affected from farther
away. There will be arguments against this solution, the main one being personal
freedom. Opponents will say that their personal freedom to smoke is being violated.
Though right now, smokers are violating millions of people s rights. A non smoker s
right to live in an uncontaminated and healthy environment is being violated by the
smoker who chooses to engage in this repulsive habit. A non smoker s right to a
longer, pain free life is being taken away by the diseases they get from inhaling
secondhand smoke.
Underdogs Markus Zusak
If you re looking for inspiration, don t turn to a writer they thrive on misery.
Writing a book is all about struggling with inadequate prose, false starts and
discarded drafts, Markus Zusak voices during a Ted Talk. His words arguably
describe his writing process, a mix of fails and a sprinkle of misery. Zusak is an
Australian author born in 1975. He is the son of German and Austrian immigrant
parents. His parents encouraged him to study English; they wanted their children to
master the language, something they themselves had not. Perhaps the close
relationship he built with English at a young age compelled him to write fictionwhen
he was 16. After several rejections, Zusak published his first novel, Underdogs, in
1999. Published by Omnibus Books, a division of Scholastic Australia. This novel
was his big break into the world of young adult fiction. Fighting Ruben Wolfe and
When Dogs Cry followed shortly after. Then Zusak wrote I Am the Messenger
published by Pan Macmillan Australia... Show more content on ...
The first point is that the story is straight from life. He admits that the Book Thief
is not his life, yet there are small details that reflect his. The second point is that as
he told the story he gave several small details like the color of his brother s lunch
box. The small details make the story more believable. The third point concerns what
he calls best moments. These are the parts in the story that hold your attention. The
best moment in the anecdote should be when the brother cracked the egg, but it was
when he confessed to his dad that he had switched the eggs. This was a best moment
because it was unexpected. The audience assumed the dad would be angry; however,
it was the opposite; his dad was proud. And the last point that Zusak includes in his
writing process is editing. He has told the anecdote countless times, and each time he
edits it, which allows him to improve
The Space Of Millennium Park
The space of Millennium Park is defined by rows of trees which outline the
perimeter of the park on all four sides. The trees on the outline of the park create a
buffer between the park and the busy city streets. Internally, the trees within the park
serve as a dividing barrier for smaller spaces/attractions, allowing different spaces to
communicate different functions and ideas. A majority of space within Millennium
Parkall rise above the human scale. The surrounding buildings and skyscrapers
serve as a reminder of how little we are compared to the vast size of the city.
Interesting, although humans are small relatively compared to the park. The
surroundings reflect what we are capable of and the scale of what we can achieve.
Territory... Show more content on ...
Boundaries within the garden are created through the trees and hedged on the outer
perimeter. Inside the park, the limestone curbs/walls define the spaces that the plants
occupy. They also serve as barriers in order to prevent visitors from going directly
into the garden.
Spaces like the Jay Pritzker Pavilion and the Great Lawn individually create space
through division of territory. The Great Lawn is defined by a large area of cut
grass. The enormous space welcomes onlookers from every direction of the park.
It s flat and soft surface allows visitors to freely dictate how they want to use the
space, ranging from relaxing to engage in physical activities. The Jay Pritzker
Pavilion defines itself separately from the Great Lawn by using cement as a
surface instead of grass. Individuals that occupy this space are welcomed by a fixed
seating area, unlike the lawn where people can freely occupy a space. Collectively,
the two spaces are hard to miss, because they tower over a majority of trees and
sculpture in the park. Relative to the human scale, the metal frames and interlocking
steel pipes that stretch across the Great Lawn mimic the ambiance of an indoor
concert hall.
Organization and Composition
The places within Millennium Park occupy a certain space on the grid. This
Current Australian Environmental Issues
Introduction Ecology is the division of biology that deals with the relationships and
interactions amongst organisms and their environment, (including other organisms).
It derives from the Greek word Okologie , broken down oikos meaning house, place
of dwelling or habitation and logia which is study of . Ecology is literally the study
of where organisms live (Ecology, n.d.). It is widely believed that having an
understanding of ecology can help us to better manage Australian environments.
Since settlement, European land management practices have placed our natural
environments under considerable pressure resulting in Australia losing nearly 40% of
its forests, and a significant amount of the remaining native vegetation being highly
disintegrated (Bradshaw, 2012). Resulting in the degradation of habitats. This essay
will discuss how better understanding ecology can assist us with current Australian
environmental issues. Forest habitats Firstly it should be noted that Australia could
lose a large proportion of its remaining... Show more content on ...
Emphasis must be drawn on the maintenance of existing primary forest patches, and
the regeneration of medium areas between fragments to increase native habitat area,
connectivity and ecosystem functions (Bradshaw, 2012). Australia had little forest
cover to begin with so it is troublesome that Australia has been subjected to such vast
amounts of deforestation. The vegetation left is highly disjointed and ecologically
disturbed to the point where many flora and fauna species have already gone extinct
or are in proximate danger of extinction. It was anticipated that over 80% of eucalypt
forests in Australia had been humanly modified, back in 1992 (Bradshaw, 2012). Half
of these forests under current protection have been logged at some point since
European colonisation (Bradshaw,
Athens Vs Rome Dbq Analysis
Athens vs Rome: Which was the Better System? I.Athens and Rome were two
powerful civilizations. Their impact still influence us today. About 500 BC, people
were no longer considered subjects. They are now called citizens, and had to meet
certain responsibilities. If you meet the requirements then you could be granted
citizenship. Only certain people could be granted citizenship, and it was to be
honored and protected. Athens had a better system then Rome, because the Athenians
where more cautious and gave people equal chances for obtaining citizenship. They
also did ostracism, and believed in The Old Oligarch. II.Supporting Paragraphs a)In
Document C, the various sources state in the first paragraph in Athens, once a person
is granted citizenship,
Dbq Essay
For article one my country, Italy voted for each motion to pass. For motion one,
we voted to pass it as it was to give us, Italy our land we were promised from the
Treaty of London. As for the other three motions, we voted to pass them as we
made alliances with the other countries, excluding Germany to allow us to receive
what we wanted from the Treaty of Versailles. We also voted to pass the other
motions as they did not affect our country personally. For the votes, all for went in
our direction as we voted yes to each motion, which all went through with a pass.
In article two, we voted to pass both motions one and two. Our country voted to have
every country s military restricted because it would lower the chances of another war
... Show more content on ...
For motion three we passed it, although we did turn on Great Britain on motion one,
we still believed they deserved money for their own losses during the war. Like
articule one and two, the votes went the same way we voted.
For article four, we voted to pass motions three and six. Motion three was for
colonies such as Libya be given to Italy due to the Treaty of London. We voted to
pass this as we wanted our colonies promised from this treaty, as we switched
alliances during the war. In addition to giving us our colonies, we also wanted to
split up the rest of the German colonies equally to all the nations. As for motion
six, we voted to pass its since it didn t affect us in any way as they wanted the
island colonies, which no one else claimed they wanted it. For motions one, two,
four and five, we voted to not pass as all these motions as they benefited one
country over another, and we believed the german colonies should equally go to one
another, and the promised colonies to go to who they would belong to. All these
voted also went the way we voted.
Lastly in article five, we voted to pass motions one and five. We voted to pass those
two as we believed Germany, Russia and Serbia were the causes of WWI. We
believed this as the assassination of Duke Ferdinand of Austria Hungary started a
chain of events which created the war. As Serbia was blamed for this assassination it
Augustine Of Hippo Influence
As bishop, he donated all of his land and gave his money to the poor. This made him
widely popular and often times more politically powerful than even the emperor.
He studied theology with Simplician, a presbyter of Rome. Using his new education,
along with his knowledge of Greek, he took the time to study the Old Testament and
Greek authors. He used all of this while preaching; his abilities impressed Augustine
of Hippo, who previously thought poorly of Christian preachers.
After meeting Ambrose, Augustine reevaluated himself and was forever changed. In
387, Ambrose baptized Augustine, who he had a great influence on. St. Monica,
Augustine s mother, loved Ambrose as an angel of Godwho uprooted her son from
his former ways and led him to
Who Is The Play Wrighter In Antigone
Play wrighter, Sophocles in his play, Antigone argues that when it comes to justice,
people in general often times struggle with society and themselves; therefore, human
beings have a natural tendency to have pride and let it affect their decisions which
can lead to being stubborn and not want to face the truth but feel the guilt. He
supports his claim by first declaring the law, the finds out that the body has been
tampered with and demands that this man is caught and put to death, then sentenced
antigoneto her death for defying creon s law and trying to honor traitor, and finally
as a result of his stubbornness and pride, his son, wife, and antigone died for one
very wrong decision that he made. Sophocless purpose is to prove that not every
justified decision is the right one in... Show more content on ...
He establishes a eye opening tone for the readers of Antigone. According to
Antigone creon s state of mind towards the end of the story is guilt for the deaths
and feels a heavy burden. Creon feels guilty and responsible for Haemon s death as
he states, I was the fool, not you; and you died for me (I.v.92). This shows that
creon feels for the of him, he has lost his son. This statement also means wrong all
along and his son was right but because creon could not see that earlier now his son
is dead. Creon also feels regret for being stubborn and blind to the truth, creon
states, My own blind heart has brought me from darkness to final darkness (I.v.86
87). This statement that creon has said means that he was being stubborn and not
listening to his son when he was trying to tell him the truth but for not listening
creon lost his one and only son. This also means that losing his son has brought him
from a low point in his life to the lowest point ever, where nothing and no one will
ever matter to him. Creon also just wants to die all
Charles Dickens Impact On Society
Throughout history, groups of humans have been striving for equality in every
aspect. During the Victorian Era, Charles Dickens created many inspirational pieces
to encourage the gaining equality in England. One of Dickens highest rated novels,
Great Expectations, he utilizes his trusty theme to reach out to readers world wide.
The words orchestrated in his novelimpact many lives even to this day. Charles
Dickenscreated a classic through the character development and relationships that
millions can relate to. Charles Dickens, is arguably the most influential and greatest
author of all time. Dickens childhood molded him into the inspirational writer he is
known as in modern times. Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth, England,...
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Pip is devastated by this because it means that Estella was never meant for him,
and that his biggest regret as a childhood caused him to receive such great benefits.
His disappointment is described, Miss Havisham s intentions towards me, all a mere
dream, Estella not designed for me. (Pg 302) [4] Pip goes to ask Miss Havisham how
she could lead him on like that and she becomes hysterical because of how regretful
she is. She is extremely sick for the rest of her life after this event and it is also the
event in which she is redeemed for her poor
Flags Of Our Fathers And Visit To St. Elizabeth s
In times upon which a society is distant from its core values, when members are
challenged by their internal values and their loyalty to their nation; there lies a
memory of what once was. It is often that memory permits members any society
that were wronged or denied their rights, that provides the hope necessary to prevail
through and act during difficult times. Patriotism is believing in one s nation. The
belief is developed from the greatness that was perceived by its citizens and that
creates those precious memories that are referred to in dark times to lead people to
act when their own nation may be against them. Anne Frank once wrote in her diary,
I think that it will all come right, that this cruelty too will end and that peace and
tranquility will return again (Frank, 1942). Her sanguine words reflect past memories
of tranquillity in her nation and when the troubles she faced in the time she wrote this
were non existent. Anne Frank reflected what it is to be patriotic by remembering
and believing in the restoration of peace to her nation.... Show more content on ...
Through the event layout of the book, it is demonstrated that patriotism is fighting
for and having the willingness to make sacrifices for the preservation and
restoration of a nation. This message is not only applicable to American troops, but
also for the Japanese soldiers abiding by a corrupt version of the bushido code
because both sides were willing to fight and sacrifice themselves in order to preserve
or restore the honor of their
Satire In Political Cartoons
Political cartoons and satire are a prevalent way to depict the current viewpoints in
the political system. In some cases, the cartoons can polarize people when they push
the envelope too far. However, in many cases, Democrats and Republicans alike can
join in laughing at the humor intended by the illustrators and writers. For my cartoon,
I chose to draw a picture of an elephant crushing Donald Trump, the Republican
presidential candidate. The meaning behind my cartoon is that even Republicans are
trying to keep Trump from saying all the highly opinionated, offensive, and negative
things in his political campaign. Elephants represent the Republicans, and the
Democrats are symbolized as Donkeys. In my cartoon, the elephant sitting on Trump
17 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Moving To A New City
Deciding to relocate requires a lot of considerations. Evaluating each possible
alternative is essential. There are many aspects that people need to consider before
relocating to another side of town or moving across the country. After all, moving
requires thorough research, and it is important to examine positive and negative
aspects of moving to a new area. Consequently, it is imperative for individuals to
take their time to evaluate their options, before taking such big step. Commonly,
people are in search of better housing, employment opportunities, cost of living,
safety, school system, and community. They are in search of the perfect place to
settle down. According to Thought Catalog in their 2014 article 17 Questions to
Ask Yourself Before Moving to A New City. One should ask oneself, can I afford
it, do I know anyone that live there, where am I going to live, where are the good
neighborhoods and bad neighborhoods, what is the cost of living, what is the job
market like, is this the right move? Those are essential questions that one needs to
take into account, if you can afford to live in this city, knowing... Show more content
on ...
Cost of living varies from state to state. Utility cost fluctuates, especially during
summer and winter seasons. Then there is health care cost, food, and childcare.
Knowing the cost of living in a given place would help you to make an informed
decision about what kind of income you would need to maintain a comfortable
standard way of living. Frequently, people erroneously think that because they are
moving to a bigger city with a larger income, they assume is the equivalent to a
prosperous life. There cost of living calculator like in that will allow you
to estimate how far your new income can you stretch in your new city. Cost of
Living calculators can facilitate you to assess the cost of living different parts of the
Workload Service Delivery
The purpose of this paper was to understand the effects of workload and caseload
sizes on the quality of service delivery in child welfare services. Yamatani, Engel,
and Spjeldnes (2009) presented various family service reviews of several states from
sources such as The Children s Bureau and The U.S. Government Accountability
Office, which demonstrated the negative impacts of excessive workloads and
caseloads on service delivery in childwelfare. The reviews found that most social
workers had caseloads and workloads that were too large to allow them to adequately
meet client needs. Yamatani et al. (2009) propose a combination of qualitative and
quantitative research to find a comprehensive solution in setting and maintaining
appropriate workload and caseloads for social workers. Qualitative research aims to
understand the underlying reasons behind the issues of caseload and workload
standards, while quantitative research measures the data drawn from the population
used in order to deliver quantified results.... Show more content on ...
Deciding a standard caseload and workload size is not a simple task as Yamatani et
al. (2009) mentioned. Yamatani et al. (2009) considered various important
questions in regards to designating a specific caseload and workload for a trained
social worker at a specific agency that would facilitate best practices in terms of
service delivery. I thought the breakdown of the major challenges and complications
to the empirical research assessment was really helpful. It helped me to understand
the complexity of client needs which translates to more than just caseload and
workload. Taking this into account, I can see why setting a standard caseload and
workload number is difficult, as well as why it is very
Blaie Pascal Argument
According to Blaise Pascal, while questioning God s existence, we enter the game.
We have to bet on God s existence; even the stakes are too high. If one believes in
God and is right, or wins, then he goes to Heaven. That is an absolute winning
situation, where you win everything. If one believes in Godand is wrong, he simply
ceases to exist. If one does not believe in God and is right, he simply ceases to exist
again. If one does not believe in God and is wrong, he faces an eternity in Hell.
Simple, but those are four possibilities of game. To prevent ourselves from
punishment or going to Hell , it is better to claim our belief in God, however, it
seems selfish. Nevertheless, we are in the game and have to bet. As Pascal writes, we
The History Of Jazz
History of Jazz Jazz originated in New Orleans as a byproduct to the unique
culturally rich environment that encompassed the city in the 19th and 20th century.
Jazz has a long history with many influential artists, which made it one of the most
diverse genres of our time (Basin 2014). Jazz emerged as a part of a broad musical
revolution encompassing many genres with a large contribution from people of
African heritage. Charles Bolden was one of the most influential artists and is
credited as the principle leader of the Jazzera. All in all, Jazz is a diverse genre with
a rich past encompassing many strong musicians (McNulty 2015). With the vestiges
of French and Spanish colonial roots, the resilience of African influences after the
slavery era and the influx of immigrants from Europe jazz was born. All of these
cultures were intertwined to produce a new sound that was distinctly... Show more
content on ...
Many of his compositions, including Maple Leaf Rag and The Entertainer, were
published and sold across the country. Ragtime, although based on European classical
music, led to the development of the style known as stride piano, one of the first
forms of jazz (Kingman 1990). Another person instrumental in the development of
jazz, was Jelly Roll Morton, who combined ragtime with various other musical
styles, including blues, minstrel show tunes, Hispanic music, and white popular
songs (United 2015). However, his virtuosity at the piano, and his mixture of
composition and improvisation had a lasting effect on jazz performance. Following
Morton, was James Johnson, who was influenced by growing up listening to works
of Morton (United 2015). He was one of the originators of the stride piano style. His
music, which used most of the conventions of ragtime, also included improvisation
and elements of the blues, two aspects that were widely influential in the
development of
Sqlite Essay
SQLite is an Open Source database. SQLite supports standard relational database
features like SQL syntax, transactions and prepared statements. The database requires
limited memory at runtime (approx. 250 KByte) which makes it a good candidate
from being embedded into other runtimes.
SQLite supports the data types TEXT (similar to String in Java), INTEGER
(similar to long in Java) and REAL (similar to double in Java). All other types must
be converted into one of these fields before getting saved in the database. SQLite
itself does not validate if the types written to the columns are actually of the defined
type, e.g. you can write an integer into a string column and vice versa.
SQLite in Android
SQLite is embedded into every Android ... Show more content on ...
Other more familiar database engines run great once you get them going. But doing
the initial installation and configuration can be intimidatingly complex.
Server less
Most SQL database engines are implemented as a separate server process.
Programs that want to access the database communicate with the server using
some kind of interprocess communication (typically TCP/IP) to send requests to
the server and to receive back results. SQLite does not work this way. With SQLite,
the process that wants to access the database reads and writes directly from the
database files on disk. There is no intermediary server process.There are advantages
and disadvantages to being server less. The main advantage is that there is no
separate server process to install, setup, configure, initialize, manage, and
troubleshoot. This is one reason why SQLite is a zero configuration database engine.
Programs that use SQLite require no administrative support for setting up the
database engine before they are run. Any program that is able to access the disk is
able to use an SQLite database.
On the other hand, a database engine that uses a server can provide better protection
from bugs in the client application stray pointers in a client cannot corrupt memory
on the server. And because a server is a single persistent process, it is able control
database access with more precision, allowing for finer grain locking and better
Most SQL database engines are
Nt1310 Unit 4
The output of LINE A will be
PARENT : value = 5
Because child only updates its copy of value. When the control returns to the parent,
its value will remain 5.
Short term: main objective of short term scheduler is to increase system performance.
It is the change of ready state to running state of the process.
Medium term: it removes the processes from the memory, then reinstates them later
to continue running.
Long term: primary objective of long term scheduler is to provide a balanced mix of
jobs, such as I/O bound and processor bound. It controls the degree of
A primary difference is in the frequency of their execution. The short term scheduler
must select a new process often. Long term is used less often.
Answer: ... Show more content on ...
How do they differ from those used when a process is created?
Answer: Thread does not require new resources to execute. Creating a process
requires allocating a process control block (PCB), a rather large data structure. The
PCB includes a memory map, list of open files, and environment variables. Allocating
and managing the memory map is typically the most time consuming activity.
Creating either a user or kernel thread involves allocating a small data structure to
hold a register set, stack, and priority.
Busy waiting is a technique in which a process repeatedly checks to see if a
condition is true without getting the processor time. While a process is in its critical
section, any other process that tries to enter its critical section must loop
continuously to get the critical section. This will make the process eat CPU (usually).
That is just busy for waiting the processor time. Busy waiting cannot be avoided
altogether. High priority processes and time critical functions will actually use a busy
waiting algorithm with the expectation that the wait will be no longer than a few
How Does Beatrix Potter Use Illustrations In The Tale Of...
Beatrix Potters, The Tale of Peter Rabbit (1902), is a classic example of how
illustrations help create story using a visual deception of what is happening within
the story, and expand the use of text to add to the overall plot. Illustrations have more
to them than just making the page look pretty; they educate and develop the
imagination of young readers, but are also there for the enjoyment and understanding
of the story. On an educational level, the connection of illustration to the child reader
still remain little understood, as Fang (1996) explains The relation of pictures to
stories and the nature of the readers interaction with both are an important aspect of
literacy too little regarded and even less understood . This is why it is... Show more
content on ...
On page 66, we appear to see Peter being cared for, (Potter, 1902, p.67) His mother
put him to bed, and made some camomile tea , after his traumatic day, however this
isn t what the illustration is really showing. From the image, we can see Peter at
the back of the room, looking willingly at his sisters, with a vision of envy. This
could be seen as role reversal due to Peter s actions, because throughout the book
we see Peter as the main character and almost always the center of attention where
the illustrations are concerned. However in this picture he is at the back and the
girls are at the front, even though they still have their backs to us. Young readers
would feel sympathy for Peter, because he is the protagonist and has been the main
focus throughout the book, so to see him singled out like this would encourages
this, but an adult reader would read between the lines, and see that he is actually
being punished because he doesn t want to go to bed and have camomile tea. Peter
wants to stay up with his sisters and have bread and milk and blackberries for
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The Forest Fair features Alaskan artists, hand crafted items, exotic foods and
entertainers from all over Alaska. Run Fest Love to run? Participate in one of the
most scenic races around, from a full marathon to the mile road race.
Alaskan Wildlife Conservation The Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center is a
sanctuary dedicated to preserving Alaska s wildlife. Visitors may see brown bears
cooling off in the water, a bull moose strutting, wood bison roaming on pastures and
more. Anchorage Trolly Tour Take a fully narrated tour of historic Anchorage from
the comfort of an enclosed heated trolley! Relax while your guide shares history,
family stories and explores Anchorage s past and present. Alaskan Railroad The
Alaska Railroad is your ticket to the most memorable Alaska day trips and
excursions. Breathtaking scenery and stress free traveling allows you to enjoy your
trip through Alaska. Tony Knowles Coastal Trail One of the most beautiful coastal
trails in the nation, the trail gently winds along the coast eleven miles from
downtown to the chalet at Kincaid Park and is by far Anchorage s most popular trail.
Why stop at just one adventure?
Visit Anchorage this season and join in the fun. From outdoor adventures to art
museums to unique dining experiences, the city and surronding areas promise an
unforgettable trip the whole family will enjoy.
Bill C-24 Essay
On October 19th,2015 we vote to end the reign of the man who had been called the
worst prime minister in history this man is Steven Harper. Harper became prime
minister in 2006 and since then has done nothing but bad for Canada. Harpers
record is that of someone who doesn t hold the values of us Canadians. Some very
un Canadian things about Harper are; His attack on science , sexism, and racism.
When the Harper government took control of the country in 2006 they started to
control and even prevent the free flow of scientific information across Canada,
especially the type that highlighted the consequences of industrial development. This
was done two ways: through silencing scientists who might speak of this scientific
information, ... Show more content on ...
Recently there have been two anti terrorism bills that are really affecting Canadian
citizens who weren t born here. Bill C 24 is an attack on duel citizens that were
not born in Canada or are eligible for another citizenship. This bill allows these the
Canadian government to revoke your citizenship if you have committed or are
suspected of serious crimes. They could also deport you. This creates the idea of
second class citizens. Some are not able to be targeted well others are immune.
Bill C 51 is one that is really complicated, but the something it does are: It gives
CSIS and the RCMP larger power in order to prevent terrorism. The issue is no
checks and balances, no safeguards, and nothing in place to make sure what CSIS
is doing is legal. It also even has allowed CSIS to break the charter of rights with
permission without the public ever being notified. It also vastly expands our
definition of security and that of which terrorism falls under. The terms definition of
terrorism is very vague. Threats of terrorism can now be considered: interfering with
public safety, the economy or financial security of Canada East. This could trap
illegal protestors or the blockading railways and much more under terrorism charges.
The bill also effects a lot more and threatens the rights and freedoms of many
What Is The Theme Of Motherism In The Color Purple
Victims of a triple jeopardy of classism, sexism and racism, they are trampled upon
at the bottom of the food chain. Yet, giving life to those that take their sustenance
and essences, they are left with the burden and oppression to carry. The idea of
labelling a woman as a black mother perpetuates an ideology that blackness is not
encompassed in mothering. The black woman never granted the opportunity, during
or after slavery, to access the white privilege of motherhood. Thus, she cannot attain
the white definition of motherhood. Alice Walker with her writing would see no
problem with the removal of the black woman from an apparent white ideal of
motherhood. Womanism, then would stand in solidarity for the misunderstood bad
mothers/ black ... Show more content on ...
They are willing to sacrifice their mental state. In her work Black Women Image
Makers Mary Helen Washington epitomizes the black women as suffering from the
triple bias of race class and gender but whose main goal is to keep their children and
that of their family safe. Sethe must muster up the strength after her milk is taken
and she is beaten to get to her children that are waiting on the other side of the river.
Celie must subject her body to the incestuous act of Pa to save Nettie. Yet, these two
women are dispossessed, the dispossession does not stop their maternal instinct as
mothers to protect by all measures
My Passion For Ice Hockey
Another summer has gone by and already it s the start of a brand new school year.
Summer 2017 was quite relaxing. I didn t have any extraordinary plans for the
summer since I wasn t leaving Vancouver, but I spent the summer in the city itself
during the hot and humid climate. I usually didn t have any fixed routines throughout
my summer, so I spent most of my days sleeping away and staying up all night until
sunrise, binging through shows on Netflix with my best friend on FaceTime,
spending quality timewith my family, enjoying backyard barbecues and camping.
Summer started getting busier around late August. It was that time again to lace up
my skates, throw on my jersey, hit the ice and start tryouts. My passion for ice
hockey began when
Effective Use Of Diction In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein
Mary Shelley s Frankenstein, an epistolary novel that structure a diverse narration
enable through letters and dialogue. During the story, he author goes back and forth
from writing from Victor s point of view and other character s perspective in the
letters. The diction used to capture the feeling of abandonment, sorrow, and loss of
identity that the monster felt. Victor also endured the feeling of sorrow because the
very thing he created destroyed his entire family. The diction allowed the audience
to connect to the characters, feel the pain and agony one s faces after making a
wrong decision that affects the rest of one s life.
The structure of Frankenstein allowed the audience to read the letters from all of the
characters perspective including Victor and Elizabeth. Victor would communicate to
... Show more content on ...
From a different perspective the creature would narrate the story using a solemn
tone because he was viewed horrible and disgusting by mankind. Why did I live?
Why, I m the instant, did I not extinguish the spark of existence when you had so
wantonly bestowed? (Shelley pg. 125). The creature questioning Victor s actions and
making him a hideous beast. The diction used by the creature instant and extinguish
the spark of existence makes the audience feel the agony of not belonging anywhere.
The word extinguish provides a negative connotation to terminate or the end of
something. The creature wanted to know why his creator brought him into a world
where he was not going to be accepted by. Eventually, leading the creature the curse
all of mankind and became the very thing mankind saw in him as, a monster. The
creature explained to Victor what he experienced from mankind and his angry
towards mankind. All men hate the wretched; how, then, must I be hated, who am
miserable beyond all living things! (Shelley pg. 88). The
Ringworm Essay
Ringworm, dermatophytosis, is a common skin infection. Though titled ringworm,
it is a fungus beneath the skin rather than a parasite; It is not a parasite nor a worm.
The fungus name is derived from its appearance; a circular, red rash shaped as a
ring. It is able to survive on skin, nearly all surfaces, and fabric. It is transmitted
through contact with contaminated surfaces and body fluids. Symptoms in animals
may include patchy areas of hair loss; red, circular lesions beneath the skin, as well
as scratching and chewing at the site. Ringworm can be diagnosed through physical
examinations. There are two forms of diagnostics that be conducted to properly
diagnose this fungus. A stain culture called potassium hydroxide, is inexpensive and
easily performed. Skin scrapings are... Show more content on ...
These medications eliminate fungal cells and prevent further growth and
reproduction. Antifungal medicines. NHS Choices, NHS, 14 Aug. 2017, medicines/. Fungal Diseases. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 16 Aug. 2017, Fungal Diseases. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 6 Dec.
2015, professionals.html. Infection
Control Practices and Zoonotic Disease Risks Among Veterinarians in the United
States. Infection control practices and zoonotic disease risks among veterinarians in
the United States | Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association | Vol 232 ,
No 12, DVM, Pinney,
Chris C. Fungi and Yeast. The Veterinary Guide for Dogs, Cats, Birds, and Exotic
Pets, p.
Analysis Of A Streetcar Named Desire By Tennessee
Kalene Regaldo
Essay 4
A Streetcar Named Desire was written by Tennessee Williams and won a Pulitzer
Prize for it in 1955, his body of work was know to confront issues of adultery,
homosexuality, incest and mental illness (Mays 1815). A Streetcar Named Desire
was later made into a movie by award winning director Elia Kazan in 1951. Kazan s
film was successful in reflecting Tennessee William s plot, however there were
slight differences when it came to Kazan s film version of depicting characters and
scenes. The major difference that set these two apart was censorship, Kazan s film
was produced in 1950 s when times were a lot more conservative, and Kazan had to
abide to Hays Code, many of the play features were censored out in the film, for
they had to be approved and portray a certain roles. Tennessee Williams playwright
was a representation of his family and his own life, Elia Kazan did an outstanding job
transcending his plot to the screen despite the difficulties of abiding to rules and
regulations put into place.
Tennessee Williams was very successful in his work, but when it comes down to his
success we need to be insightful of his upbringing to understand his why especially in
terms of what contributed to A Streetcar Named Desire. According to Tennessee
Williams biography, he was born in Columbus, Mississippi, moved to St. Louis and
later moved to New Orleans after college. This contributes to the setting of A
Streetcar Named Desire, the DuBois were originally from Laurel Mississippi and
found themselves living in a urban city of New Orleans, Louisiana which takes
place both in Williams and Kazan s setting. In William s biography, he had
described his childhood growing up in mississippi as pleasant and happy but
things changed for the worse after moving to St. Louis, he stated that his Carefree
nature of his boyhood was stripped away in his urban home . This can be seen
through Blanche and Stella s own upbringing, in William s play the two lost Belle
Reve, Stella moves to New Orleans and finds herself in the city center settling for
less, as for Blanche, taking care of Belle Reve, losing her family, having to make
executive adult decisions she was forced to grow up and face reality at a very
Gender Roles In Peter Pan
In the past few decades, women have been greatly stereotyped and prejudged
against due to their roles in literature and society. J.M Barrie s Peter Pan is a classic
tale about the adventures of a young boy who never grows old. When viewing this
story, with the Feminist Critical Theory, one can see the negative portrayal of
womanhood and its effect on a young audience. The portrayal of women in Peter Pan
teaches the readers about genderroles and stereotypical characteristics, the
insignificant role of women in society, and the sexualization of women. Literature
helps society in establishing gender roles and norms, which dictate the way children
should behave based on their sex. The femalecharacters in Peter Pan, play the role of
being perfect mothers, who are housewives. Mrs. Darling is seen as the ideal woman
because she is a submissive and loyal housewife, and a nurturing and loving
mother. She was a lovely lady, with a romantic mind and such a sweet mocking
mouth (Barrie 8), describes the characteristics of an ideal woman. The perfect
woman would be one who is nothing but kind, and dreams of romantic things.
These characteristics are very stereotypical as they perceive women to be beneath
men and to stay at home and take care of the children. The character of Wendy, also
plays the role of being a housewife and a maternal figure to the other children. She is
taken to Neverland to fulfill Peter Pan s and the Lost Boys need to have a mother
figure. John,
Situational Leadership Theory Of Leadership
When it comes to Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, and our own President
Obama, how did they become such powerful people? What do they have that the
average person does not? Well, that answer is leadership skills. They did not know
when they were born that they were going to become big leaders, but as they were
growing up they learned what skills it took to allow them to become different from
everyone else and become leaders.
As we all know there is no magic when it comes to leadership. You either have the
leadership skills or you don t. While it is a learned behavior that begins at almost
birth and is strengthened throughout your life. And the simple rule is that not all
people are born to be leaders.
Situational leadership theory is useful and relevant in effective leadership culture
Situational leadership theory is the theory that not just one style of leadership can
work in every situation. Two scientists named Paul Hershey and Ken Blanchard came
up with the theory. It was first named Life cycle theory of leadership and then was
changed in mid 1970 to Situational leadership theory. When it comes to situational
leadership theory we must understand that every situation is not the same and that
every situation cannot be handled the same way. You cannot lead a group the same
way all the time (Blanchard, 2001).
When it comes to situational leadership theory, it is the way that people respond to
working and being led in a group. There are some important pieces to this
Similarities Between Martin Luther King Jr And Socrates
Martin Luther King and Socrates were quite similar in a way. Both seemed to
somehow understand the world and knew when things had to change. Both of
them wrote some of the best work behind bars. Socrates was locked away in a
Greek prison where he wrote the Apology, while King was imprisoned in Alabama
when he wrote Letter from a Birmingham Jail . King would quote Socrates and give
him credit for his ideas. They both stuck to their principles and payed with their lives.
Both of them were concerned with having the people of their time question the
accepted norm. Plato diagnosed a speech given by Socrates in The Apology which
was both an argumentative and defensive speech about what Socrates had walked
throughout his life. Martin Luther King,... Show more content on ...
Socrates was portrayed as a denigrator among the people. With this Socrates was
being known as a disrespectful person to the gods and by corrupting the mind of
the youth. So Socrates was being convicted on two counts: first one being irreligion
and immoral influence. With regard to the first count Socrates professes himself in
doubt as to whether the accusers meant that he did not believe in gods at all, or
only that he believed in different gods from those which were recognized by the
city. This is a doubt which we must be content to share (Plato 16). He was being
accused for not believing in the same gods. Similarly, Martin Luther King, Jr. argued
through his powers of persuasion that people needed to think for themselves in the
ways of societal operation. King advocated nonviolent resistance to end racial
discrimination and segregation in the United States. King states that, In any
nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps: collection of the facts to determine
whether injustices are alive, negotiation, self purification and direct action. We have
gone through all these steps in Birmingham there can be no gainsaying of the fact
that racial injustice engulfs this community. Birmingham is probably the most
thoroughly segregated city in the United States. (87) By Martin Luther king Saying
this in his letter he was able to get support from other individuals who agreed with
him. King and Socrates both allowed people to open their eyes so to speak to the
realities and conditions in which they lived
Gender Roles Seen in Toys Essay
Gender Roles and Toys
By Shawna Robb
English 101
Professor Solomon
One room has pretty pink wallpaper with a princess border; the other is blue with
monster trucks on one wall and sports pictures on another. It is not hard to tell which
room is female and which room is male. Male and female are used in this instance to
define genders. Gender, unlike sex, is a universal guideline upon which individuals
are placed. Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behavior, and activities
that a particular society considers appropriate for men and women. When the
pressure of gender stereotypes is open to debate some say there are prenatal
influences that are gender based. What is obvious is that gender plays a significant ...
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Bandura s Social Learning Theory says, human behavior is transmitted, whether
deliberately or inadvertently, largely through exposure to social models (Bandura
1). When a child thinks that a behavior will be punished versus rewarded but
instead is not even acknowledged they will perceive it as a reward. Children
usually continue rewarded behavior to receive more praise. Television is seen as a
super tutor to Bandura, the child will model what they see on television, not
knowing if it is good or bad. For those children whose parents are not good role
models, the television becomes the behavioral role model. If violence and
aggression is viewed on the television, it is more likely that children will engage in
violent and aggressive behavior. While television can model appropriate behavior,
there is a well documented tendency for violence and aggression. Advertisements are
difficult to avoid since they are interwoven in shows and they tend to emphasize
violent and aggressive behavior (Kilinger 13). In the study by Kilinger, Hamilton and
Cantrell they observed children s perceptions of aggressive content, stereotypic sex
role behavior, and appropriateness of television toy commercials (Kilinger, 11). The
results of the study support the notion that there is a gender bias in terms of
aggressive content and consequently aggression potential. The results did show
Jicama Research Paper
Recipe #25: Jicama and Red Beets Infusion Serves 3 to 4 Ingredients: пѓ 1 piece,
large jicama, peeled, quartered пѓ 1 piece, large apple пѓ 2 pieces, large red or
sugar beets, peeled пѓ 1 liter filtered water пѓ Вј cup apple juice concentrate
пѓ Вј cup honey You will also need: пѓ A large pitcher or large non reactive
container that will fit into your fridge Directions: 1. Using Blade A, slice the
apple, beets and jicama into thin disks. 2. Drop the fruits into the filtered water. 3.
Stir in the apple juice concentrate and honey. 4. Chill for at least an hour before
serving. Always serve cold. Cooking tip: to make it easier to fit oddly shaped fruits
and vegetables within the brackets of the spiralizer, chop off the ends evenly using a
sharp knife. Then, with a vegetable peeler, shave off more problematic areas (e.g.
corners or indentations.)... Show more content on ...
This will extend its lifespan, and provide you more years of service. So here are a
few easy tips you can try. пѓ Buy a separate brush for your machine. Most
spiralizers are dishwasher safe, but it would still be better if you can scrub the
blades using a dedicated brush. Sometimes, fruit or vegetable fibers remain within
the blades. These leftovers will contribute to the early decay of the metal, and leave
offensive odors. Buy a small scrubbing brush that you will use only for your
spiralizer. пѓ Always wash the blades with soapy water to prevent scratches.
пѓ Always air dry or pat dry the machine and its separate components before storing
these away to prevent the metal from decaying. This prevents mold from finding
roots in the nooks and crannies of your
Essay about A National Tradegy
In September 11th A National Tragedy, James Peck writes about how the tragic event,
September 11th has affected our world today. Peck states that tragedy is a word that
has commonly been overused by Americans throughout news articles and magazines
when a significant event happens. When referring to September 11th, the crashing of
the twin towers, this is a tragic event.
Peck states, I do know life is life and theatre is theatre (735), but we as Americans
immediately turn life events into narrations where we ourselves play the roles of the
characters and the plot is the problem that is affecting us in our life. Turning
significant events into narrations allows Americans to replay events and go over
them constantly throughout ... Show more content on ...
The attacks dramatize the destruction and construct America as the wealthy super
power it is, clearly these attacks were criminal acts and the attackers must be brought
to justice through the Supreme Court and internationally.
The world knows America better than us Americans know of it. Through emotion
and painful events such as this one America has came to better understand itself and
the strengths that it has. America has one of the strongest military personal in the
world, allowing us to be able to react to attacks such as this one. Peck states Since
September 11th, I believe we ve been living out a national melodrama (737). A
western movie was created by President Bush Wanted: Dead or Alive casting Osama
bin Laden causing the defining moment of Americas melodrama allowing people to
be aware of the attacker by posting posters throughout the United States. America has
sent military troops over to Iraq in search of the attackers killing innocent citizen in
order to voice our opinions on this matter. The best assurance that the US will not
again be the object of comparably horrific terrorist attack is an equitable distribution
of global capital that moves wealth more evenly though out the world and generates
genuinely reciprocal forms of cultural
Forks Over Knives Essay
Snakes in the Garden
Forks over Knives is a film that exposes the dangers of eating meat and dairy and its
dire consequences on the human health. According to the documentary the three
leading causes of death in the U.S. which entail heart disease, hypertension and
diabetes can be reversed by altering our diet and diminishing animal products. The
concept of food as medicine is brought to life by researchers, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn
and Dr. T Colin Campbell. The film further demonstrates how the intimate
relationship between the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) and the
food industries i.e meat industry that influences the guidelines set by the agency and
in turn endangering the American public. The average American person is led to
believe by the media that dairy and meat are the only and main sources of protein and
that lacking these items would be detrimental to the human body. Throughout the film
the popular ... Show more content on ...
Thus in order to prove their claim the notion of food as medicine, they put it to the
test. All through the film, cameras monitor real individuals who have been
diagnosed with chronic conditions ranging from heart disease to diabetes. A wide
range of doctors educate the reality patients on how to embrace and incorporate a
whole food, plant based diet into their lifestyle. Joey Aucoin was one of the few
reality patients who was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes along with high levels of
cholesterol whose primary approach to treat his chronic conditions was the adoption
of the plant based diet, in the end the film depicts that after several weeks Joey like
many of the other participants had no need for any medications that he was forced to
take while on a high processed food
Reflections on the Death of the Ball Turret Gunner Essay
A Reflection on The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner Rebeca Espirito Santo
The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner From my mother s sleep I fell into the State
And I hunched in its belly till my wet fur froze Six miles from the earth, loosed
from its dream of life I woke to black flack and the nightmare fighters When I died
they washed me out of the turret with a hose. Randall Jarrell
The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner , by Randall Jarrell, is a surprisingly simple and
brief poem; nevertheless it is extensive in content. Due to carefully chosen words,
with ... Show more content on ...
Even if he was spared another gunner s bullet at the end of the mission, he knew he
was still not safe. In the case of a forced landing, he knew he would be sacrificed.
On the third line Six miles from the earth, loosed from its dream of life one can
observe his acknowledgment of this surreal reality. This leads the character to the
understanding of not only his physical distance from earth, but also from earthly
life and the odds against him going back to that life. He was already preparing
himself for the worst and suppressing his hopes of survival. Through the distress of
a single man, Jarrell is able to depict the fears of a lonely soldier in an extremely
vulnerable position, and invites us into the heinous reality of war which forces us to
question our impressions of soldiers having no fear yet not questioning their bravery.
War can produce gruesome situations that can cause even the bravest men to face
their fears, but it is how they deal with this fear that is the important part. Ball turret
gunners were courageous warriors. They were fully aware of how susceptible to
death they were, nevertheless, they would continue to fight time after time. WWII
was a dreadful episode in human history that killed millions of people, and its
bloodshed is described by the UN Charter as a scourge that has brought untold sorrow
to mankind . Jarrell had served in the military himself, thus he knew at least to some
The Impact Of Baby Boomers On Long-Term Care System
The challenges and impact of Baby Boomers on long term care systems are going to
modify the manner in which traditional health care, patient access, financial payments
and treatment are delivered. Baby Boomers will have an extensive amount of care
maintenance needs involving various rehabilitation conditions, acute and chronic
illnesses, which will require a significant amount of thoroughly trained gerontologists,
skilled nurses, nurse practitioners, social workers, community advocates, and family
involvement. This article explores options sought to reduce the costs to society and
Baby Boomers as innovative savings, tax credit options, and other alternative long
term care financing choices lessening the impact on the long term care system....
Show more content on ...
With home care becoming the next wave of long term care services that will help
keep Baby Boomers out of institutional programs and skilled nursing facilities, it
will require a supplemental add on support for family members or the at home
caregiver as respite care and compensation for this care will have to be financially
addressed. Adult day services provide the aging adult with physical exercise, social
activities, and cognitive engagement. The Baby Boomers independence and
acknowledgment of traditional long term care institutions will bring change to the
style and type of adult day care activities offered, as they are more engaged with
technology, and at keeping themselves as active as
A Report On Oasis Palace Essay
The Place where, I chose to do my FSA Report is called an Oasis Palace, the place is
located in Newark, California. Oasis Place is a family oriented place, where
friends and families bring their children to this great indoor facility to play indoor
games. This Business is run by an family as well. The Place offers great indoor
activities for both adults and children s. The Palace is separated into three categories,
Food, Indoor games, and Party Palace. Overall, this place great for the families that
have kids, because it provides lots of amenities for the kids. Oasis Palace is an Indian
food restaurant. They offer various different types of food that comes from the region
of South, North indian. Most of the customer they come to the restaurant are mostly
from South and North india. The Restaurant offers great food for the customers,
most of the customer that comes to eat at the restaurant are vegetarian. Hiring a
chef, who has good knowledge in making vegetarian food is a must. Oasis Palace
is divided into two parts first is the Party palace, and a restaurant, also the this
facility also offers a Fitness center. It is a great system for all the customers, they
would not have to go anywhere to go to gym, since it next to the restaurant. Overall,
Oasis Palace is an great place for a family, however it can improved so much to gain
more customer. For this report, i will be analyzing improvements in customer service,
online/ phone orders, management, Food quality,
Mac Computers vs. Personal Computers
Mac Computers vs. Personal Computers Starting in the 1980s computer systems
have become an essential part of our lives. Steve Jobs created the first personal
computer called the Altair 8800 costing 379 US dollars and later on Bill Gates
created Microsoft Disk Operating System which would grow to become Windows
Operating System. Throughout the year s computers have been an ever growing
market and have officially changed the way we work. Still to this day people clash
at which computer system is better Mac or PC. Is it because the flexibility the PC
has? Or the low prices PC offers to the public? But the biggest front is which system
has the best protection against viruses? Most Windows PC s allow the user to buy
and upgrade their systems... Show more content on ...
Why would they spend thousands of dollars or more on a computer system to just
do those type of task when you could spend half that. Mac computer have always
been the more expensive computer system to buy, but since Apple has been
coming out with more and more products like the iPod, iPad, and iPhone and many
PC users are converting over to Apple products because they like to have the
ability to share music, photos, and documents easily through all the systems. Mac
computer have also been designing their system to be small and elegant. For
example, when you re going to class you don t want to sit there and have a big
bulky computer that ways close to four pound, you want a computer that is slim
and light and easy to transport. Mac computers have always made their products
easy to carry around. Like everyone says you get what you pay for. The biggest
question now is which system has the best virus protection. For many years PC
computer have fallen victim of viruses and Microsoft has been combating these and
providing services to prevent viruses from spreading throughout every house hold.
Microsoft also handles security issues and computer problems better than ever now.
For example Microsoft offers free updates to their Microsoft and Windows products
and recently they came out with a free anti virus product that can be easily
downloaded and works alongside the Firewall protection system called
The Effects Of Popular Culture Toys On The Development
In the aforementioned scenario, the educator notes her observations of children s
behaviour when popular culture toys and figures are incorporated into play. While
the boys within the classroom are perceived to behave more vigorously, forcibly
and loud whilst playing with action figures, girls are observed as placid and
submissive subsequent to their play with Barbie dolls and ponies. This leads to
educator to ponder on the effects popular culturehas on the development of a child s
Onwards from birth, children are surrounded by and live within environments
which are rich in gender stereotyping (Siraj Blatchford, 2004, p. 24). They are given
toys, books and clothes in which the media and society deems applicable to their
specific gender. These gendered beliefs and practices are then implemented and
shared as a child matures and can see particular traits such as; empathy, kindness,
assertiveness and aggression as over or under developed (National Union of
Teachers [NUT], 2013, p. 3). Therefore, it is imperitive that educators embrace,
model and begin teaching gender equality in the early years of childcare and
beyond.Linn (2004, p.61 62) asserts that children assimilate gender identity through
play and social relationships. The production of popular culture toys and resources
are explicitly targeted and consciously marketed as gender specific (NUT, 2013, p
4). For example princess toys and media characters display attributes of beauty and
Serial Killers And The United States
Introduction Serial murder crime though rare, is not a a new phenomenon. This
crime has been committed for centuries and will continue to be a crime that is
committed throughout the world. It is unfortunate and scary that this is probably
one of the most serious of crimes that cannot be prevented. According to the U.S.
Department of Justice, serial murderers commit their crimes because they want to.
Rehabilitation is not obtainable for serial killers due to their inability for remorse
and empathy, or to see people as people and not objects(Knight 2006). This
research paper will focus primarily on serial murder within the U.S. First and
foremost, a legal definition provided by the U.S. Department of Justice will be
presented to set forth the discussion of this research paper. As follows will be a
detailed discussion explaining serial killer typologies with the use of examples of
known serial killers in the U.S. Types of serial killers are: power oriented, mission
oriented, visionary, and hedonistic, each typology will be clearly defined and
explained. Some serial killers can have a mixture of each typology s characteristic.
Serial killers that will be discussed and used as examples to represent the content of
this research paper will be, John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy, Robert Berdella, Jeffery
Dahmer, and lastly the most prolific serial killer in American history, Gary
Ridgeway. Problems with studying serial killing, are that because of rarity and
access. Most of what we think
Theological Analysis Essay
Theological Analysis In reflecting on this situation, the passages of on the
characteristics of those who are shepherds and those who are not come to mind. In
the Gospel of John, Jesus communicates the demands of being a shepherd of
church. I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the
Father knows me and I know the Father; and I will lay down my life for the sheep.
I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. These also I must lead, and they
will hear my voice, and there will be one flock, one shepherd (John 10:14 16). This
passage models the expectations for those who minister, both pastors and lay
ecclesial ministers, to the faithful. We are called to lead the faithful to deeper love
and knowledge of the Lord. We must be ready to forgo our preferences and desires
for the needs of those we minister to. Compelled to share eternal life with all, we...
Show more content on ...
The Ongoing Formation of Priests Committee in the Archdiocese of Galveston
Houston selects priests to partake in Good Leaders, Good Shepherds , a 21 month
national leadership training program that helps priests better order their lives and
ministry (Echo s a Priest s life, Texas Catholic Herald News). Good Leaders, Good
Shepherds assists priest in forming a vision for themselves within their particular
ministry so that they can more effectively lead those who are in their pastoral care
(Echo s a priest s life, Texas Catholic Herald
Sex determination is an essential key in the forensic evaluation because it is the
important component of biological identity. Scapula is a flat bone and it was selected
for the reason that its negligible morphological changes during its life time when the
development is finished(1).
In present study, 186 patient were included only those who came for ct thorax
referred by the physician. The main goal is to estimate the scapular parameter check
whether there is any significance difference or not and finally with the use of the
discriminant analysis identify the gender.
Melad G Paulis, et al 200(100 males 100 females)P 0.00093.5%
In the present study in descriptive statistics of six variables are reported. Table no 1,
which shows mean and standard deviation for both sexes. The overall mean value
collected from the scapula of males are larger than that of females, this indicates the
existence of sexual dimorphism in the measurements ... Show more content on ...
Dabbs, conducted a study based on sex determination using the scapula in New
Kingdom skeletons from Tell El this project descriptive statistics for the
five variables included (Maximum length of the scapula, Maximum length of the
spine, Breadth of infraspinous body, Height of glenoid prominence, Breadth of
glenoid prominence, which shown the mean and standard deviation of both sexes as
well as the t values for both sexes(15).
In present study multivariate test was done which demonstrate there are significance
difference between males and females for all the six variables (p
The Epic, Gilphash, And The Epic Of Gilgamesh
In the realm of a mythic story, a myth can possess the ability to reshape a world,
because its stories do not have limitations (Paden 79). Within William Padens
argument about myths, he discusses the benefits of believing in a mythic story,
because mythic stories can build the world (Paden 84). With the help of the epic of
Gilgamesh, this myth will help to create a connection between the statement by
William Paden, and the character of Gilgamesh. By creating a connection between
these two texts, the theory of love, unavoidable fate of death, and the imbalance of
power are the reoccurring themes and theories that are the building blocks to the
statement by William Paden.
By connecting the epic of Gilgamesh to how it can build a world, there is a certain
theme and theory that can be connected. In the epic of Gilgamesh, the love that
Gilgamesh had for Enkidu is the motivating factor that helps Gilgamesh become a
noble king. By 2100 BCE, Gilgamesh was the king of Uruk, but had terrorized his
people and couldn t tame his energy (Dalley 51). When the people of Uruk had
asked the gods to get Gilgamesh a rival, Enkidu was born (Dalley 53). After
Gilgamesh and Enkidu had countless stalemated battles and became best friends, the
love that Gilgamesh had for Enkidu during and after his death had caused Gilgamesh
to become a civilized and moral human being (Dalley 61). Within the constructs of
building a better world, Enkidu can be paralleled to a female parent that helps their
Velcro Effect Of Tiny Hooks On A Burr
Everyone uses Velcro in some way, whether it s on shoes or if it s simply just to stick
two things together. Velcro, which is inspired by burrs (a type of seed case or flower
head), is a very famous example of biomimicry. In 1941, when Swiss engineer
George de Mestral was removing burrs from his dog after a hunting trip, he decided
to observe them and see how they worked. When he looked at the burrs under a
microscope, George de Mestralnoticed that there are tiny hooks at the end of each
spine on a bur. These miniscule hooks are the reason why burrs stick onto things like
animal fur, clothing, and hair. The hooks catch onto anything with loops, which
animal fur, clothing, and hair all have. This one observation inspired George de
Trojan War Tactics
Analyse the effectiveness of the tactics used by both sides in the Trojan War.
The Trojan war was a ten year siege on the city of the city of Troy at the hands of
the Greek forces led by a psychopathic king, Agamemnon. This conflict, which took
place about 1200 B.C has become one of the most well known Greek mythology
events in history. In the 13th century B.C, Troy and Sparta had stopped their wars
and become allies, this was until Paris the youngest prince of Troy seduced Helen,
the Queen of Sparta and left with her back to Troy. When Menelaos (The King of
Sparta) found out what had happened, he vowed ... Show more content on ...
The leaders would then come forward on their chariots and challenge each other to
single combat. This was a common method of warfare. It allows for true heroes to be
shown and depicts the power of the leaders.
The soldiers would enter the battle in chariots, launching javelins into the enemy
formations, then dismount for hand to hand combat with more javelin throwing, rock
throwing, and hand to hand sword and shield fighting. In the Iliad Homer also
mentions the use of the phalanx formation being used by the Greeks. The phalanx is
a rectangular mass military formation, usually composed entirely of heavy infantry
armed with spears, pikes, or similar weapons . Scholars suggest that the Greeks would
have used this tactic because the alignment of shields minimises the chances of
projectiles hitting the men, and the men can move as one, strong unit.
In book 4 of Homer s Iliad, a major battle in the war is described in detail.After the
armies have gathered together all there available forces, they began to march
towards each other.The Achaean forces moved forward towards the Trojans
covering the horizon with the sight of eminent war. As the Greeks moved forward
they unknowingly ventured into the range of the Trojan archers, who were some of
the finest in the known world. As the Greeks were held back by the range of the
Trojan archers, they were quickly losing men and morale so Agamemnon made the
decision to withdraw from
Road Of Nonconformity
In the poem, The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost, the author introduces the reader
to a character that seems to be having a difficult time making choices. The character
describes two similar roads that he can take, but he is an indecisive being.
Additionally, the two roads are choice that were available to him at one point in his
life but he hesitated to pick and choose. I personally believe that what the narrator
means thats he took the roadthat not many people have taken. The poem speaks about
conformity, therefore one roadis giving in to conformity while the other is not. The
narrator then chooses the road less traveled which I perceive it to be the road of
nonconformity due to the fact that not many people travel down that
Essay On Soundtracks
Just about everybody enjoys some type of music, whether it is country, rap, old
country, western, or jazz. The right song can get you feeling in the right mood
when you are in a good or even in a bad mood. That is why the type of soundtrack
you choose for an event (just like personalized merchandise) can set the right tone
and either make or break the occasion. Whether it is a subtle background musicat a
conference, or rock and roll at an anniversary party, choosing the right tunes is
essential. Background music works best here. You will generally want something
subtle that guests hardly notice, but that makes them feel calm at the same time. You
can use music at meetings, business dinners, conferences and trade shows to enhance
the atmosphere and get things turned up a notch. Soundtracks help smooth over
mingling and chatting, and can give a corporate event an air of sophistication.
Instrumental music works well at business events too, especially during breaks or
pauses while people move from one event to the next. A string quartet, a solo piano
player, or even a live singer can all work, just so long as they are quiet enough that
people can hear their conversations. You might think live music equals stages and
high volume speakers, but this may not necessarily... Show more content on ...
As with weddings, the possibilities for a party soundtrack are endless. They can
range anywhere from the house going through K Pop to classical. It will definitely
depend on the theme of the party, as well as who is going! You don t need a band
or a DJ to have an unforgettable party. Create your very own playlist using music
platforms like Spotify, Pandora or Apple Music even. And if you do not have the
time to put one together yourself, choose one of the many that are already featured.
Just remember to get a good stereo
A Description of Formula SAE
When a few university professors got together 20 years ago to start a very informal
SAE student design competition then known as Mini Indy, I doubt that any of them
expected their efforts would change the world of motor racing and the lives of
thousands of young men and women. Today this program, renamed Formula SAE
В®, has become the world championship for college engineering students, and the
training program for race car engineers and designers around the world. Teams from
as far away as Korea, Japan and Mexico travel to the suburbs of Detroit each May
for the big event. Satellite events have begun in the United Kingdom and Australia.
Each year as many as 4,000 students are members of Formula SAE teams at
universities around ... Show more content on ...
It also comes from stories shared with me by many different teams. Much of this is
a subjective interpretation of my experience in the management end of a Formula
project. I am human and fully capable of missing something. I expect people will
disagree with some of the ideas presented. The opinions expressed are my own and
do not reflect those of any organization I am now or have been affiliated with. Part
I: Organizational Topics Where to Begin: The natural inclination of any FSAETM
group is to begin by focusing on what car to build. While it is important to be
thinking about design issues and ideas, in the early meetings you will probably
not be able to create a definitive plan. Unless you have designed and built complete
automobiles before, you should not make definitive decisions yet. There will be
plenty of dialog and thought given to the car design without making it a priority
yet. Students usually think the biggest problems will be technical. We embark on
an FSAE project with grand visions of a fast, exciting racecar and can t wait to get
started designing and building it. What you find out right away, particularly if you
are in a leadership position, is that the largest problems to overcome have less to do
with actual hands on design, construction, and driving of
Clean Water Act Protects Water
A Priceless Natural Resource Clean Water Water is necessary to sustain life. Water
not only sustains life, but it is the very foundation for life. Where does the water
we drink come from? Our water comes from many different sources such as
groundwater, lakes, rivers, reservoirs, aquifers, springs and streams. In order for
this water to sustain our life, it must be clean. Water is needed to meet the
demands of people in their everyday life. This includes the need for water in
homes, agriculture, industry, medicine and recreation. For health and prosperity
people must have access to clean, safe water. Water is regulated at the federal, state
and local level. The Clean Water Act protects water at the federal level. The
Environmental Protection Agency regulates the standards for contaminants in
water. In order for our water to be clean, we must protect our water sources from
pollution and contaminants. This is why we need to care for the water that we
have. Humans need water in order to survive. Our bodies are about 60 percent
water, the brain is about 70 percent water, and the lungs are made of 90 percent
water. Water is more important for you to survive than food is. When you become
dehydrated, it reduces the amount of blood flow in your body, and causes your heart
to work harder, and pump the blood faster. If you go long enough without water you
ll eventually enter into coma and die. You can also drink too much water. When you
drink too much water you can
History of Film Exhibition Prior to 1927
While the actual films produced during the silent era of American film production
and distribution are frequently discussed and analyzed, both as primary historical
documents and important cultural contributions, the actual practice of exhibiting and
viewing those films gets somewhat less attention. Prior to 1927 (the year when sound
films first emerged onto the national stage), movie exhibition in the United States was
still growing into the massive industry it represents today, and it reflected in the films
being produced. By examining the history of filmexhibition prior to 1927 in general,
and the experiences of Denver and New York in particular, it will be possible to
understand how the medium s nearly thirty year existence prior to sound was
characterized by a chaotic, open ended exhibition system that nevertheless predicts
the gradual takeover of exhibition by a few large chains. To begin it is necessary to
note that there was some precedent for the exhibition of films even before the
medium was created, because by the time film became widely known in the 1890s,
phonographs had been set up in the arcades found in the heart of bustling cities,
where for a few cents customers could select various music and speeches, which they
listen to through individual ear horns (Gomery 4). Early film exhibitions attempted to
recreate this process, using Thomas Edison s Kinetograph to draw customers into
arcades, even though the concept of individual audiences make much more
Catalhuyuk Women Analysis
Part 1: During the 1960 s an archeological dig conducted by James Mellaart took
place in what is now modern day Turkey. Mellaart was just one of many
archeologists who wanted to understand the civilizations of the Neolithic age, and
Catalhuyuk (an early civilization which lived in what is now modern day Turkey)
in particular. The dig led to a discovery of multiple female figurines made from
baked clay called Venus figurines. These figurines were most likely created around
5,000 B.C.E. Part 2: The Venus figurines could have been made to express the way
the Catalhuyuk people viewed women. Considering how plentiful the figurines are,
historians can infer that women were most likely worshipped. Women in the
Catalhuyuk civilization could have been worshipped for many reasons. They were
capable of pregnancy which people may have thought connected them to the earth.
If they had a direct connection to the earth, they were goddesses or special beings
which would have be celebrated and praised. Because religion played such a huge
part in their everyday lives, perhaps the people created the figurines to call upon the
earth goddesses for rain, crops, or protection from illness. Looking... Show more
content on ...
This change could have been due to the rise of agriculture. The rise of agriculture
meant that men didn t have to hunt for food and women didn t have to gather food.
Naturally the men decided that women were too weak to participate in farming so
the gender roles began to become imbalanced. The women, not having to participate
in food production were now viewed purely as tools for expanding their population.
Because the clock never ticked back in time, women still remain unequal to men this
day. If women could have played a part in the agricultural revolution, would gender
roles would be more
Guillain-Barr Syndrome Essay
Guillain Barre syndrome is a rare neuromuscular disease. It is when the body s
immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system. It is a disorder
where the myelin sheath of the nerves is lost. This prevents the nerves from
sending signals to the muscles. This creates weakness in the muscles, normally
starting in the extremities and in some cases spreading to be complete paralysis.
Guillain Barre can happen to anyone regardless of age, this includes children, and
any sex. The causes are not completely known. Around 100,000 people are
diagnosed with Guillain Barre a year, and around one third of patients are admitted
into the ICU. Out of those 15 20% of patients require mechanical ventilation while
others aren t as severe.
Guillain Barre first symptoms can include weakness or tingling in the arms and
legs. This disease process is ascending so the weakness will start in the toes or
fingertips and progresses upward. The paralysis generally is similar on both sides
of the body. This can occur within a couple of days to increasing through a few
weeks. Patients can also have a decreased reflex in knees and weakness in respiratory
muscles and swallowing. Some other symptoms can include pain such as aching in
the shoulders, back, buttocks, and thighs. Respiratory complaints in these patients
can include; dyspnea while active, shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing, and
slurred speech.
It is diagnosed by observing a development of muscle paralysis, cerebrospinal
Las Vegas, Nevada
Las Vegas, Nevada the city that never sleeps. Casinos, amusement parks, shopping,
Anything you want to do you can! Sin city is a city I m sure you ll love. Activities
like the Adventure Dome is a tempting amusement park. It has exotic rides for all
ages. But the Bacchanal restaurant is a very comfortable, popular place too eat your
meal after a long day on the strip. The Caesars Palace is a great place to go after you
think you re going to have a foodcoma. It has a very relaxing stay. There are 8
different pools/hot tubs. Las Vegas, Nevada is one of the most exotic and exciting
places in the world to visit.
The Adventuredome theme park is a fun attraction for everyone. It has exotic rides
and tempting games too enjoy with family and friends. After a great breakfast at a
5 star restaurant, it is time to get the day started! The Adventuredome is a great way
to start. It has over 25 rides for all ages. The Adventuredome also has fun games like
bumper cars, mini golf, and laser tag.
This super tempting place has something for everyone. If roller coasters in the air
aren t for you you can play laser tag or mini golf. ... Show more content on ...
It has some of the best and most tasteful food around. After a great night s rest, your
bound to be hungry. It s nice to have a five star restaurant right in the hotel you re
staying in. Going out of the hotel to eat in this case would be crazy. All you ever
wanted to eat is in this restaurant it is quick and easy to get up and or coming home
too have delicious food. Another great factor of the restaurant is that it sells a lot of
different foods! They have foods from many different countries. This is great if you
are in the mood for Mexican and then suddenly want Chinese food, this place is
great. The Buffet selections are amazing for picky eaters. The Bacchanal is a great
restaurant with many choices to choose
Matthew Yglesias Against Transparency
In Against Transparency, author Matthew Yglesias argues that the emails of public
officials should be afforded the same level of privacy as granted to phone calls and
other private conversations. His arguments fall primarily into a couple categories.
The first is that email is a necessary and convenient way to facilitate communication,
and forcing officials to monitor what they say or reveal in emails when any
scandalous information could simply be transmitted through other mediums does
nothing but impede that communication. The second is that forced email disclosure
is generally not an effective way to for the public to receive information, and that
proponents of transparency should instead focus on improving the quality of
information the governmentvoluntarily releases. Yglesias focusses primarily on the
common sense flaws that come with... Show more content on ...
As stated above, increasing access to a single form of electronic communication in
2016 is simply too limited an approach to do anything but hamper government.
Additionally, the pursuit of such measures can often come at the expense of more
effective and realistic methods of monitoring government action. Yglesias
describes the FOIA process as a very slow, highly adversarial process that is
primarily useful to people with an ax to grind. For a national government as
unimaginably vast as the United States , this is not a satisfactory primary tool for
forcing disclosure. Yglesias proposes an alternative, however, in the form of routine
publication of what it knows. This is certainly the more attractive option. The
dynamic created by the FOIA process where disclosure is a forced and drawn out
process is not one to foster any sense of trust in
What Is The Theme Of The Hobbit Book Vs Movie
Most people have heard of the movie The Hobbit. If not they might have heard of
the book The Hobbit: An unexpected Journey. The well known fantasy story
directed by Peter Jackson, and written by J.R.R. Tolkien has not only a story about
fantasy, but a story about bravery, making a difference, and not judging a book by
its cover. In this case Bilbo Baggins. As I watched the movie and followed the
characters throughout their thrilling adventure, the movie kept me on my toes. Not
only was it well made, but the actors also acted the part very well and I don t think
that anyone could have done a better job with portraying the characters.
This movie is very interesting and unique in many ways. This movie follows around
a small hobbit named Bilbo Baggins who has lived a calm and quiet life, which was
turned upside down when a great wizard Gandalf, and a group of messy dwarves
come into his life inviting him to go on a trip that not only out of his comfort zone,
but something that seems out of grasp to a mere hobbit. When Bilbo accepts the ...
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Although personally I haven t read any of the books, I can clearly see the
personality of each individual character and the way they think even without
reading the books. Martin Freemon did a great job showing the shy hobbits
journey into becoming an amazing hero. He did a really good job showing the
character development in the movie. Ian Mckellen also did an extraordinary job
with the role of Gandalf. Gandalf is the type of person that is wiser than most and
has great problem solving skills, yet for some reason is still a little ruff around the
edges and Ian shows this in the movie and I was really impressed with his acting in
the movie. The rest of the actors did a very good job as well although I must say
my favorite character is one that wasn t acted out by anyone at all, which is Gollum,
I really love his

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Essays On Biodiversity. Biodiversity Conservation Issues Essay Example Topics and Well ...

  • 1. Essays On Biodiversity Writing an essay on the topic of biodiversity can be a challenging yet rewarding task. The complexity lies in the vastness of the subject matter, as biodiversity encompasses a wide range of biological diversity, ecosystems, and the intricate interactions between different species. Addressing this topic requires a comprehensive understanding of ecological principles, conservation efforts, and the impact of human activities on the natural world. Researching for such an essay involves delving into various scientific disciplines, including biology, ecology, and environmental science. The need to gather accurate and up-to-date information adds an additional layer of difficulty, as the field of biodiversity is continuously evolving with new discoveries and challenges. Crafting a coherent and compelling essay also requires the ability to synthesize complex concepts and present them in a manner that is accessible to a diverse audience. Striking a balance between scientific rigor and engaging prose is crucial to effectively convey the importance of biodiversity and the consequences of its decline. Moreover, discussing potential solutions and advocating for sustainable practices adds another dimension to the essay. This requires a nuanced understanding of policy implications, ethical considerations, and the role of individuals in fostering positive change. In conclusion, writing an essay on biodiversity demands a multifaceted approach, involving deep research, analytical thinking, and effective communication skills. However, the endeavor is worthwhile, as it allows the writer to contribute to the understanding and promotion of one of the most critical aspects of our planet's health. If you find yourself struggling with such a task, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on, where experienced writers can provide support in navigating the complexities of biodiversity or any other challenging topic. Essays On Biodiversity Essays On Biodiversity
  • 2. The History Of Sedimentary Basins The sedimentary record is the best archive of basin forming tectonics and structural processes, particularly in regions with complex tectonic history such as the Eastern Cordillera in the Northern Andes of Colombia. Multiple tectonic episodes have driven fault reactivation and sedimentation in the Cenozoic is related to contractional strain. Sedimentary basins within the Eastern Cordillera contain coarse and fine grained units. The presence of coarse grained units in the distal regions of a foreland basin are in particular used to constrain deformation history on the basis of the conditions governing their deposition. Varying mechanisms are proposed for distal coarse clastic facies including 1) Orography (Masek et al., 1994) and climate... Show more content on ... The addition of a second chronometer such as ZHe bolsters provenance constrains. Though, different locations can have similar ZHe ages within one region, ZHe and ZPb ages cannot be the same unless related to volcanism (Reiners et al., 2005). Therefore, for accurate tectonic interpretations based on volcanic grain exclusions, we implement the use of double chronometry on the same detrital grains, an approach only used in the axial Eastern Cordillera (Saylor et al., 2012b). ZHe plays a valuable role in determining tectonic and thermal evolution of the thrust belt via lag time analysis (Cerveny et al., 1988, Ruiz et al., 2004, Bernet et al., 2006, Saylor et al., 2012). Changes in Lag time reflects upsection variation in deformation and exhumation rate of the adjacent orogen by interpreting five lag time trajectories. On each end of the spectrum, an upsection decrease in lag time will indicate accelerated thrust induced exhumation and an upsection increase in lag time will indicate reduced exhumation and possible introduction of a new source area. Various studies in the Eastern Cordillera have focused on single chronometry using either ZPb for provenance history (Horton et al., 2010, 2015, Cardona et al., 2010, Nie et al., 2010, Bayona et al., 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, Saylor et al., 2011, Bande et al., 2012, Ochoa et al., 2012, Ayala et al.,
  • 3. The Ripple Effect of Smoking The Ripple Effect of Smoking It has become common knowledge that smoking is bad for people s health, nonetheless people continue to smoke. To be honest, that is fine. If people want to endanger themselves by smoking then I wish them a swift and peaceful end (though most smokers die a slow and agonizing death). What is not acceptable is the effect that smoke has on non smokers who have almost no way of getting away from smoke unless they want to stay in their house. Smokers affect everyone around them for the worse. Smokingshould be restricted or banned from all public places because the health of non smokers should not be jeopardized by secondhand smoke. As stated before, almost everyone knows and accepts the fact that ... Show more content on ... An additional 35,000 die of heart disease also from secondhand smoke... It is unfair to make those who choose not to smoke be damaged by the secondhand smoke of a smoker. What is the solution to this problem? The most effective solution is to ban smoking in all public places. If people who want to smoke then they can do so in the privacy of their own homes, where they can only hurt themselves and their loved ones. California has taken the first step by banning smoking in most indoor establishments. Yet more has to be done. It needs to be banned outdoors in public as well. Though the theory that outdoors smoke dissipates has some validity, if you are within 20 feet of a smoker, you are still affected. Other atmospheric conditions can cause you to be affected from farther away. There will be arguments against this solution, the main one being personal freedom. Opponents will say that their personal freedom to smoke is being violated. Though right now, smokers are violating millions of people s rights. A non smoker s right to live in an uncontaminated and healthy environment is being violated by the smoker who chooses to engage in this repulsive habit. A non smoker s right to a longer, pain free life is being taken away by the diseases they get from inhaling secondhand smoke.
  • 4. Underdogs Markus Zusak If you re looking for inspiration, don t turn to a writer they thrive on misery. Writing a book is all about struggling with inadequate prose, false starts and discarded drafts, Markus Zusak voices during a Ted Talk. His words arguably describe his writing process, a mix of fails and a sprinkle of misery. Zusak is an Australian author born in 1975. He is the son of German and Austrian immigrant parents. His parents encouraged him to study English; they wanted their children to master the language, something they themselves had not. Perhaps the close relationship he built with English at a young age compelled him to write fictionwhen he was 16. After several rejections, Zusak published his first novel, Underdogs, in 1999. Published by Omnibus Books, a division of Scholastic Australia. This novel was his big break into the world of young adult fiction. Fighting Ruben Wolfe and When Dogs Cry followed shortly after. Then Zusak wrote I Am the Messenger published by Pan Macmillan Australia... Show more content on ... The first point is that the story is straight from life. He admits that the Book Thief is not his life, yet there are small details that reflect his. The second point is that as he told the story he gave several small details like the color of his brother s lunch box. The small details make the story more believable. The third point concerns what he calls best moments. These are the parts in the story that hold your attention. The best moment in the anecdote should be when the brother cracked the egg, but it was when he confessed to his dad that he had switched the eggs. This was a best moment because it was unexpected. The audience assumed the dad would be angry; however, it was the opposite; his dad was proud. And the last point that Zusak includes in his writing process is editing. He has told the anecdote countless times, and each time he edits it, which allows him to improve
  • 5. The Space Of Millennium Park The space of Millennium Park is defined by rows of trees which outline the perimeter of the park on all four sides. The trees on the outline of the park create a buffer between the park and the busy city streets. Internally, the trees within the park serve as a dividing barrier for smaller spaces/attractions, allowing different spaces to communicate different functions and ideas. A majority of space within Millennium Parkall rise above the human scale. The surrounding buildings and skyscrapers serve as a reminder of how little we are compared to the vast size of the city. Interesting, although humans are small relatively compared to the park. The surroundings reflect what we are capable of and the scale of what we can achieve. Territory... Show more content on ... Boundaries within the garden are created through the trees and hedged on the outer perimeter. Inside the park, the limestone curbs/walls define the spaces that the plants occupy. They also serve as barriers in order to prevent visitors from going directly into the garden. Spaces like the Jay Pritzker Pavilion and the Great Lawn individually create space through division of territory. The Great Lawn is defined by a large area of cut grass. The enormous space welcomes onlookers from every direction of the park. It s flat and soft surface allows visitors to freely dictate how they want to use the space, ranging from relaxing to engage in physical activities. The Jay Pritzker Pavilion defines itself separately from the Great Lawn by using cement as a surface instead of grass. Individuals that occupy this space are welcomed by a fixed seating area, unlike the lawn where people can freely occupy a space. Collectively, the two spaces are hard to miss, because they tower over a majority of trees and sculpture in the park. Relative to the human scale, the metal frames and interlocking steel pipes that stretch across the Great Lawn mimic the ambiance of an indoor concert hall. Organization and Composition The places within Millennium Park occupy a certain space on the grid. This
  • 6. Current Australian Environmental Issues Introduction Ecology is the division of biology that deals with the relationships and interactions amongst organisms and their environment, (including other organisms). It derives from the Greek word Okologie , broken down oikos meaning house, place of dwelling or habitation and logia which is study of . Ecology is literally the study of where organisms live (Ecology, n.d.). It is widely believed that having an understanding of ecology can help us to better manage Australian environments. Since settlement, European land management practices have placed our natural environments under considerable pressure resulting in Australia losing nearly 40% of its forests, and a significant amount of the remaining native vegetation being highly disintegrated (Bradshaw, 2012). Resulting in the degradation of habitats. This essay will discuss how better understanding ecology can assist us with current Australian environmental issues. Forest habitats Firstly it should be noted that Australia could lose a large proportion of its remaining... Show more content on ... Emphasis must be drawn on the maintenance of existing primary forest patches, and the regeneration of medium areas between fragments to increase native habitat area, connectivity and ecosystem functions (Bradshaw, 2012). Australia had little forest cover to begin with so it is troublesome that Australia has been subjected to such vast amounts of deforestation. The vegetation left is highly disjointed and ecologically disturbed to the point where many flora and fauna species have already gone extinct or are in proximate danger of extinction. It was anticipated that over 80% of eucalypt forests in Australia had been humanly modified, back in 1992 (Bradshaw, 2012). Half of these forests under current protection have been logged at some point since European colonisation (Bradshaw,
  • 7. Athens Vs Rome Dbq Analysis Athens vs Rome: Which was the Better System? I.Athens and Rome were two powerful civilizations. Their impact still influence us today. About 500 BC, people were no longer considered subjects. They are now called citizens, and had to meet certain responsibilities. If you meet the requirements then you could be granted citizenship. Only certain people could be granted citizenship, and it was to be honored and protected. Athens had a better system then Rome, because the Athenians where more cautious and gave people equal chances for obtaining citizenship. They also did ostracism, and believed in The Old Oligarch. II.Supporting Paragraphs a)In Document C, the various sources state in the first paragraph in Athens, once a person is granted citizenship,
  • 8. Dbq Essay For article one my country, Italy voted for each motion to pass. For motion one, we voted to pass it as it was to give us, Italy our land we were promised from the Treaty of London. As for the other three motions, we voted to pass them as we made alliances with the other countries, excluding Germany to allow us to receive what we wanted from the Treaty of Versailles. We also voted to pass the other motions as they did not affect our country personally. For the votes, all for went in our direction as we voted yes to each motion, which all went through with a pass. In article two, we voted to pass both motions one and two. Our country voted to have every country s military restricted because it would lower the chances of another war ... Show more content on ... For motion three we passed it, although we did turn on Great Britain on motion one, we still believed they deserved money for their own losses during the war. Like articule one and two, the votes went the same way we voted. For article four, we voted to pass motions three and six. Motion three was for colonies such as Libya be given to Italy due to the Treaty of London. We voted to pass this as we wanted our colonies promised from this treaty, as we switched alliances during the war. In addition to giving us our colonies, we also wanted to split up the rest of the German colonies equally to all the nations. As for motion six, we voted to pass its since it didn t affect us in any way as they wanted the island colonies, which no one else claimed they wanted it. For motions one, two, four and five, we voted to not pass as all these motions as they benefited one country over another, and we believed the german colonies should equally go to one another, and the promised colonies to go to who they would belong to. All these voted also went the way we voted. Lastly in article five, we voted to pass motions one and five. We voted to pass those two as we believed Germany, Russia and Serbia were the causes of WWI. We believed this as the assassination of Duke Ferdinand of Austria Hungary started a chain of events which created the war. As Serbia was blamed for this assassination it caused
  • 9. Augustine Of Hippo Influence As bishop, he donated all of his land and gave his money to the poor. This made him widely popular and often times more politically powerful than even the emperor. He studied theology with Simplician, a presbyter of Rome. Using his new education, along with his knowledge of Greek, he took the time to study the Old Testament and Greek authors. He used all of this while preaching; his abilities impressed Augustine of Hippo, who previously thought poorly of Christian preachers. After meeting Ambrose, Augustine reevaluated himself and was forever changed. In 387, Ambrose baptized Augustine, who he had a great influence on. St. Monica, Augustine s mother, loved Ambrose as an angel of Godwho uprooted her son from his former ways and led him to
  • 10. Who Is The Play Wrighter In Antigone Play wrighter, Sophocles in his play, Antigone argues that when it comes to justice, people in general often times struggle with society and themselves; therefore, human beings have a natural tendency to have pride and let it affect their decisions which can lead to being stubborn and not want to face the truth but feel the guilt. He supports his claim by first declaring the law, the finds out that the body has been tampered with and demands that this man is caught and put to death, then sentenced antigoneto her death for defying creon s law and trying to honor traitor, and finally as a result of his stubbornness and pride, his son, wife, and antigone died for one very wrong decision that he made. Sophocless purpose is to prove that not every justified decision is the right one in... Show more content on ... He establishes a eye opening tone for the readers of Antigone. According to Antigone creon s state of mind towards the end of the story is guilt for the deaths and feels a heavy burden. Creon feels guilty and responsible for Haemon s death as he states, I was the fool, not you; and you died for me (I.v.92). This shows that creon feels for the of him, he has lost his son. This statement also means wrong all along and his son was right but because creon could not see that earlier now his son is dead. Creon also feels regret for being stubborn and blind to the truth, creon states, My own blind heart has brought me from darkness to final darkness (I.v.86 87). This statement that creon has said means that he was being stubborn and not listening to his son when he was trying to tell him the truth but for not listening creon lost his one and only son. This also means that losing his son has brought him from a low point in his life to the lowest point ever, where nothing and no one will ever matter to him. Creon also just wants to die all
  • 11. Charles Dickens Impact On Society Throughout history, groups of humans have been striving for equality in every aspect. During the Victorian Era, Charles Dickens created many inspirational pieces to encourage the gaining equality in England. One of Dickens highest rated novels, Great Expectations, he utilizes his trusty theme to reach out to readers world wide. The words orchestrated in his novelimpact many lives even to this day. Charles Dickenscreated a classic through the character development and relationships that millions can relate to. Charles Dickens, is arguably the most influential and greatest author of all time. Dickens childhood molded him into the inspirational writer he is known as in modern times. Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth, England,... Show more content on ... Pip is devastated by this because it means that Estella was never meant for him, and that his biggest regret as a childhood caused him to receive such great benefits. His disappointment is described, Miss Havisham s intentions towards me, all a mere dream, Estella not designed for me. (Pg 302) [4] Pip goes to ask Miss Havisham how she could lead him on like that and she becomes hysterical because of how regretful she is. She is extremely sick for the rest of her life after this event and it is also the event in which she is redeemed for her poor
  • 12. Flags Of Our Fathers And Visit To St. Elizabeth s In times upon which a society is distant from its core values, when members are challenged by their internal values and their loyalty to their nation; there lies a memory of what once was. It is often that memory permits members any society that were wronged or denied their rights, that provides the hope necessary to prevail through and act during difficult times. Patriotism is believing in one s nation. The belief is developed from the greatness that was perceived by its citizens and that creates those precious memories that are referred to in dark times to lead people to act when their own nation may be against them. Anne Frank once wrote in her diary, I think that it will all come right, that this cruelty too will end and that peace and tranquility will return again (Frank, 1942). Her sanguine words reflect past memories of tranquillity in her nation and when the troubles she faced in the time she wrote this were non existent. Anne Frank reflected what it is to be patriotic by remembering and believing in the restoration of peace to her nation.... Show more content on ... Through the event layout of the book, it is demonstrated that patriotism is fighting for and having the willingness to make sacrifices for the preservation and restoration of a nation. This message is not only applicable to American troops, but also for the Japanese soldiers abiding by a corrupt version of the bushido code because both sides were willing to fight and sacrifice themselves in order to preserve or restore the honor of their
  • 13. Satire In Political Cartoons Political cartoons and satire are a prevalent way to depict the current viewpoints in the political system. In some cases, the cartoons can polarize people when they push the envelope too far. However, in many cases, Democrats and Republicans alike can join in laughing at the humor intended by the illustrators and writers. For my cartoon, I chose to draw a picture of an elephant crushing Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate. The meaning behind my cartoon is that even Republicans are trying to keep Trump from saying all the highly opinionated, offensive, and negative things in his political campaign. Elephants represent the Republicans, and the Democrats are symbolized as Donkeys. In my cartoon, the elephant sitting on Trump
  • 14. 17 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Moving To A New City Deciding to relocate requires a lot of considerations. Evaluating each possible alternative is essential. There are many aspects that people need to consider before relocating to another side of town or moving across the country. After all, moving requires thorough research, and it is important to examine positive and negative aspects of moving to a new area. Consequently, it is imperative for individuals to take their time to evaluate their options, before taking such big step. Commonly, people are in search of better housing, employment opportunities, cost of living, safety, school system, and community. They are in search of the perfect place to settle down. According to Thought Catalog in their 2014 article 17 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Moving to A New City. One should ask oneself, can I afford it, do I know anyone that live there, where am I going to live, where are the good neighborhoods and bad neighborhoods, what is the cost of living, what is the job market like, is this the right move? Those are essential questions that one needs to take into account, if you can afford to live in this city, knowing... Show more content on ... Cost of living varies from state to state. Utility cost fluctuates, especially during summer and winter seasons. Then there is health care cost, food, and childcare. Knowing the cost of living in a given place would help you to make an informed decision about what kind of income you would need to maintain a comfortable standard way of living. Frequently, people erroneously think that because they are moving to a bigger city with a larger income, they assume is the equivalent to a prosperous life. There cost of living calculator like in that will allow you to estimate how far your new income can you stretch in your new city. Cost of Living calculators can facilitate you to assess the cost of living different parts of the
  • 15. Workload Service Delivery The purpose of this paper was to understand the effects of workload and caseload sizes on the quality of service delivery in child welfare services. Yamatani, Engel, and Spjeldnes (2009) presented various family service reviews of several states from sources such as The Children s Bureau and The U.S. Government Accountability Office, which demonstrated the negative impacts of excessive workloads and caseloads on service delivery in childwelfare. The reviews found that most social workers had caseloads and workloads that were too large to allow them to adequately meet client needs. Yamatani et al. (2009) propose a combination of qualitative and quantitative research to find a comprehensive solution in setting and maintaining appropriate workload and caseloads for social workers. Qualitative research aims to understand the underlying reasons behind the issues of caseload and workload standards, while quantitative research measures the data drawn from the population used in order to deliver quantified results.... Show more content on ... Deciding a standard caseload and workload size is not a simple task as Yamatani et al. (2009) mentioned. Yamatani et al. (2009) considered various important questions in regards to designating a specific caseload and workload for a trained social worker at a specific agency that would facilitate best practices in terms of service delivery. I thought the breakdown of the major challenges and complications to the empirical research assessment was really helpful. It helped me to understand the complexity of client needs which translates to more than just caseload and workload. Taking this into account, I can see why setting a standard caseload and workload number is difficult, as well as why it is very
  • 16. Blaie Pascal Argument According to Blaise Pascal, while questioning God s existence, we enter the game. We have to bet on God s existence; even the stakes are too high. If one believes in God and is right, or wins, then he goes to Heaven. That is an absolute winning situation, where you win everything. If one believes in Godand is wrong, he simply ceases to exist. If one does not believe in God and is right, he simply ceases to exist again. If one does not believe in God and is wrong, he faces an eternity in Hell. Simple, but those are four possibilities of game. To prevent ourselves from punishment or going to Hell , it is better to claim our belief in God, however, it seems selfish. Nevertheless, we are in the game and have to bet. As Pascal writes, we have
  • 17. The History Of Jazz History of Jazz Jazz originated in New Orleans as a byproduct to the unique culturally rich environment that encompassed the city in the 19th and 20th century. Jazz has a long history with many influential artists, which made it one of the most diverse genres of our time (Basin 2014). Jazz emerged as a part of a broad musical revolution encompassing many genres with a large contribution from people of African heritage. Charles Bolden was one of the most influential artists and is credited as the principle leader of the Jazzera. All in all, Jazz is a diverse genre with a rich past encompassing many strong musicians (McNulty 2015). With the vestiges of French and Spanish colonial roots, the resilience of African influences after the slavery era and the influx of immigrants from Europe jazz was born. All of these cultures were intertwined to produce a new sound that was distinctly... Show more content on ... Many of his compositions, including Maple Leaf Rag and The Entertainer, were published and sold across the country. Ragtime, although based on European classical music, led to the development of the style known as stride piano, one of the first forms of jazz (Kingman 1990). Another person instrumental in the development of jazz, was Jelly Roll Morton, who combined ragtime with various other musical styles, including blues, minstrel show tunes, Hispanic music, and white popular songs (United 2015). However, his virtuosity at the piano, and his mixture of composition and improvisation had a lasting effect on jazz performance. Following Morton, was James Johnson, who was influenced by growing up listening to works of Morton (United 2015). He was one of the originators of the stride piano style. His music, which used most of the conventions of ragtime, also included improvisation and elements of the blues, two aspects that were widely influential in the development of
  • 18. Sqlite Essay SQLite is an Open Source database. SQLite supports standard relational database features like SQL syntax, transactions and prepared statements. The database requires limited memory at runtime (approx. 250 KByte) which makes it a good candidate from being embedded into other runtimes. SQLite supports the data types TEXT (similar to String in Java), INTEGER (similar to long in Java) and REAL (similar to double in Java). All other types must be converted into one of these fields before getting saved in the database. SQLite itself does not validate if the types written to the columns are actually of the defined type, e.g. you can write an integer into a string column and vice versa. SQLite in Android SQLite is embedded into every Android ... Show more content on ... Other more familiar database engines run great once you get them going. But doing the initial installation and configuration can be intimidatingly complex. Server less Most SQL database engines are implemented as a separate server process. Programs that want to access the database communicate with the server using some kind of interprocess communication (typically TCP/IP) to send requests to the server and to receive back results. SQLite does not work this way. With SQLite, the process that wants to access the database reads and writes directly from the database files on disk. There is no intermediary server process.There are advantages and disadvantages to being server less. The main advantage is that there is no separate server process to install, setup, configure, initialize, manage, and troubleshoot. This is one reason why SQLite is a zero configuration database engine. Programs that use SQLite require no administrative support for setting up the database engine before they are run. Any program that is able to access the disk is able to use an SQLite database. On the other hand, a database engine that uses a server can provide better protection from bugs in the client application stray pointers in a client cannot corrupt memory on the server. And because a server is a single persistent process, it is able control database access with more precision, allowing for finer grain locking and better concurrency. Most SQL database engines are
  • 19. Nt1310 Unit 4 The output of LINE A will be PARENT : value = 5 Because child only updates its copy of value. When the control returns to the parent, its value will remain 5. Short term: main objective of short term scheduler is to increase system performance. It is the change of ready state to running state of the process. Medium term: it removes the processes from the memory, then reinstates them later to continue running. Long term: primary objective of long term scheduler is to provide a balanced mix of jobs, such as I/O bound and processor bound. It controls the degree of multiprogramming. A primary difference is in the frequency of their execution. The short term scheduler must select a new process often. Long term is used less often. Answer: ... Show more content on ... How do they differ from those used when a process is created? Answer: Thread does not require new resources to execute. Creating a process requires allocating a process control block (PCB), a rather large data structure. The PCB includes a memory map, list of open files, and environment variables. Allocating and managing the memory map is typically the most time consuming activity. Creating either a user or kernel thread involves allocating a small data structure to hold a register set, stack, and priority. Busy waiting is a technique in which a process repeatedly checks to see if a condition is true without getting the processor time. While a process is in its critical section, any other process that tries to enter its critical section must loop continuously to get the critical section. This will make the process eat CPU (usually). That is just busy for waiting the processor time. Busy waiting cannot be avoided altogether. High priority processes and time critical functions will actually use a busy waiting algorithm with the expectation that the wait will be no longer than a few
  • 20. How Does Beatrix Potter Use Illustrations In The Tale Of... Beatrix Potters, The Tale of Peter Rabbit (1902), is a classic example of how illustrations help create story using a visual deception of what is happening within the story, and expand the use of text to add to the overall plot. Illustrations have more to them than just making the page look pretty; they educate and develop the imagination of young readers, but are also there for the enjoyment and understanding of the story. On an educational level, the connection of illustration to the child reader still remain little understood, as Fang (1996) explains The relation of pictures to stories and the nature of the readers interaction with both are an important aspect of literacy too little regarded and even less understood . This is why it is... Show more content on ... On page 66, we appear to see Peter being cared for, (Potter, 1902, p.67) His mother put him to bed, and made some camomile tea , after his traumatic day, however this isn t what the illustration is really showing. From the image, we can see Peter at the back of the room, looking willingly at his sisters, with a vision of envy. This could be seen as role reversal due to Peter s actions, because throughout the book we see Peter as the main character and almost always the center of attention where the illustrations are concerned. However in this picture he is at the back and the girls are at the front, even though they still have their backs to us. Young readers would feel sympathy for Peter, because he is the protagonist and has been the main focus throughout the book, so to see him singled out like this would encourages this, but an adult reader would read between the lines, and see that he is actually being punished because he doesn t want to go to bed and have camomile tea. Peter wants to stay up with his sisters and have bread and milk and blackberries for
  • 21. Description Of Sheraton Anchorage Hotel And Spa Home Sheraton Anchorage Hotel Spa 4.1 (10 reviews) 401 East 6th Avenue, Anchorage, AK, 99501, United States Weather: Light rain, 10 В°C / 50 В°F Local Time: 12:22pm Phone: (907) 276 8700 Hotel Reservations: 888 627 8046 Englishlanguage navigation HomePhotosRoomsLocal AreaHotel FeaturesDiningMeetings EventsWeddingsIce SpaOffersReviews Reserve Your Stay Explore Anchorage this Summer The Minute Summer Got Closer. Lock in our best rates of the summer when you book today. SPGВ® Members save more, plus enjoy free Wi Fi and earn Starpoints when booking directly on our website or the SPG App. Insider tip: Find some of our best rates over holidays, including Canada Day, 4th of July and Labor Day weekend. ... Show more content on ... The Forest Fair features Alaskan artists, hand crafted items, exotic foods and entertainers from all over Alaska. Run Fest Love to run? Participate in one of the most scenic races around, from a full marathon to the mile road race. THINGS TO DO: Alaskan Wildlife Conservation The Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center is a sanctuary dedicated to preserving Alaska s wildlife. Visitors may see brown bears cooling off in the water, a bull moose strutting, wood bison roaming on pastures and more. Anchorage Trolly Tour Take a fully narrated tour of historic Anchorage from the comfort of an enclosed heated trolley! Relax while your guide shares history, family stories and explores Anchorage s past and present. Alaskan Railroad The Alaska Railroad is your ticket to the most memorable Alaska day trips and excursions. Breathtaking scenery and stress free traveling allows you to enjoy your trip through Alaska. Tony Knowles Coastal Trail One of the most beautiful coastal trails in the nation, the trail gently winds along the coast eleven miles from downtown to the chalet at Kincaid Park and is by far Anchorage s most popular trail. Why stop at just one adventure?
  • 22. Visit Anchorage this season and join in the fun. From outdoor adventures to art museums to unique dining experiences, the city and surronding areas promise an unforgettable trip the whole family will enjoy.
  • 23. Bill C-24 Essay On October 19th,2015 we vote to end the reign of the man who had been called the worst prime minister in history this man is Steven Harper. Harper became prime minister in 2006 and since then has done nothing but bad for Canada. Harpers record is that of someone who doesn t hold the values of us Canadians. Some very un Canadian things about Harper are; His attack on science , sexism, and racism. image When the Harper government took control of the country in 2006 they started to control and even prevent the free flow of scientific information across Canada, especially the type that highlighted the consequences of industrial development. This was done two ways: through silencing scientists who might speak of this scientific information, ... Show more content on ... Recently there have been two anti terrorism bills that are really affecting Canadian citizens who weren t born here. Bill C 24 is an attack on duel citizens that were not born in Canada or are eligible for another citizenship. This bill allows these the Canadian government to revoke your citizenship if you have committed or are suspected of serious crimes. They could also deport you. This creates the idea of second class citizens. Some are not able to be targeted well others are immune. Bill C 51 is one that is really complicated, but the something it does are: It gives CSIS and the RCMP larger power in order to prevent terrorism. The issue is no checks and balances, no safeguards, and nothing in place to make sure what CSIS is doing is legal. It also even has allowed CSIS to break the charter of rights with permission without the public ever being notified. It also vastly expands our definition of security and that of which terrorism falls under. The terms definition of terrorism is very vague. Threats of terrorism can now be considered: interfering with public safety, the economy or financial security of Canada East. This could trap illegal protestors or the blockading railways and much more under terrorism charges. The bill also effects a lot more and threatens the rights and freedoms of many
  • 24. What Is The Theme Of Motherism In The Color Purple Victims of a triple jeopardy of classism, sexism and racism, they are trampled upon at the bottom of the food chain. Yet, giving life to those that take their sustenance and essences, they are left with the burden and oppression to carry. The idea of labelling a woman as a black mother perpetuates an ideology that blackness is not encompassed in mothering. The black woman never granted the opportunity, during or after slavery, to access the white privilege of motherhood. Thus, she cannot attain the white definition of motherhood. Alice Walker with her writing would see no problem with the removal of the black woman from an apparent white ideal of motherhood. Womanism, then would stand in solidarity for the misunderstood bad mothers/ black ... Show more content on ... They are willing to sacrifice their mental state. In her work Black Women Image Makers Mary Helen Washington epitomizes the black women as suffering from the triple bias of race class and gender but whose main goal is to keep their children and that of their family safe. Sethe must muster up the strength after her milk is taken and she is beaten to get to her children that are waiting on the other side of the river. Celie must subject her body to the incestuous act of Pa to save Nettie. Yet, these two women are dispossessed, the dispossession does not stop their maternal instinct as mothers to protect by all measures
  • 25. My Passion For Ice Hockey Another summer has gone by and already it s the start of a brand new school year. Summer 2017 was quite relaxing. I didn t have any extraordinary plans for the summer since I wasn t leaving Vancouver, but I spent the summer in the city itself during the hot and humid climate. I usually didn t have any fixed routines throughout my summer, so I spent most of my days sleeping away and staying up all night until sunrise, binging through shows on Netflix with my best friend on FaceTime, spending quality timewith my family, enjoying backyard barbecues and camping. Summer started getting busier around late August. It was that time again to lace up my skates, throw on my jersey, hit the ice and start tryouts. My passion for ice hockey began when
  • 26. Effective Use Of Diction In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein Mary Shelley s Frankenstein, an epistolary novel that structure a diverse narration enable through letters and dialogue. During the story, he author goes back and forth from writing from Victor s point of view and other character s perspective in the letters. The diction used to capture the feeling of abandonment, sorrow, and loss of identity that the monster felt. Victor also endured the feeling of sorrow because the very thing he created destroyed his entire family. The diction allowed the audience to connect to the characters, feel the pain and agony one s faces after making a wrong decision that affects the rest of one s life. The structure of Frankenstein allowed the audience to read the letters from all of the characters perspective including Victor and Elizabeth. Victor would communicate to ... Show more content on ... From a different perspective the creature would narrate the story using a solemn tone because he was viewed horrible and disgusting by mankind. Why did I live? Why, I m the instant, did I not extinguish the spark of existence when you had so wantonly bestowed? (Shelley pg. 125). The creature questioning Victor s actions and making him a hideous beast. The diction used by the creature instant and extinguish the spark of existence makes the audience feel the agony of not belonging anywhere. The word extinguish provides a negative connotation to terminate or the end of something. The creature wanted to know why his creator brought him into a world where he was not going to be accepted by. Eventually, leading the creature the curse all of mankind and became the very thing mankind saw in him as, a monster. The creature explained to Victor what he experienced from mankind and his angry towards mankind. All men hate the wretched; how, then, must I be hated, who am miserable beyond all living things! (Shelley pg. 88). The
  • 27. Ringworm Essay Ringworm, dermatophytosis, is a common skin infection. Though titled ringworm, it is a fungus beneath the skin rather than a parasite; It is not a parasite nor a worm. The fungus name is derived from its appearance; a circular, red rash shaped as a ring. It is able to survive on skin, nearly all surfaces, and fabric. It is transmitted through contact with contaminated surfaces and body fluids. Symptoms in animals may include patchy areas of hair loss; red, circular lesions beneath the skin, as well as scratching and chewing at the site. Ringworm can be diagnosed through physical examinations. There are two forms of diagnostics that be conducted to properly diagnose this fungus. A stain culture called potassium hydroxide, is inexpensive and easily performed. Skin scrapings are... Show more content on ... These medications eliminate fungal cells and prevent further growth and reproduction. Antifungal medicines. NHS Choices, NHS, 14 Aug. 2017, medicines/. Fungal Diseases. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 16 Aug. 2017, Fungal Diseases. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 6 Dec. 2015, professionals.html. Infection Control Practices and Zoonotic Disease Risks Among Veterinarians in the United States. Infection control practices and zoonotic disease risks among veterinarians in the United States | Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association | Vol 232 , No 12, DVM, Pinney, Chris C. Fungi and Yeast. The Veterinary Guide for Dogs, Cats, Birds, and Exotic Pets, p.
  • 28. Analysis Of A Streetcar Named Desire By Tennessee Williams Kalene Regaldo Essay 4 A Streetcar Named Desire was written by Tennessee Williams and won a Pulitzer Prize for it in 1955, his body of work was know to confront issues of adultery, homosexuality, incest and mental illness (Mays 1815). A Streetcar Named Desire was later made into a movie by award winning director Elia Kazan in 1951. Kazan s film was successful in reflecting Tennessee William s plot, however there were slight differences when it came to Kazan s film version of depicting characters and scenes. The major difference that set these two apart was censorship, Kazan s film was produced in 1950 s when times were a lot more conservative, and Kazan had to abide to Hays Code, many of the play features were censored out in the film, for they had to be approved and portray a certain roles. Tennessee Williams playwright was a representation of his family and his own life, Elia Kazan did an outstanding job transcending his plot to the screen despite the difficulties of abiding to rules and regulations put into place. Tennessee Williams was very successful in his work, but when it comes down to his success we need to be insightful of his upbringing to understand his why especially in terms of what contributed to A Streetcar Named Desire. According to Tennessee Williams biography, he was born in Columbus, Mississippi, moved to St. Louis and later moved to New Orleans after college. This contributes to the setting of A Streetcar Named Desire, the DuBois were originally from Laurel Mississippi and found themselves living in a urban city of New Orleans, Louisiana which takes place both in Williams and Kazan s setting. In William s biography, he had described his childhood growing up in mississippi as pleasant and happy but things changed for the worse after moving to St. Louis, he stated that his Carefree nature of his boyhood was stripped away in his urban home . This can be seen through Blanche and Stella s own upbringing, in William s play the two lost Belle Reve, Stella moves to New Orleans and finds herself in the city center settling for less, as for Blanche, taking care of Belle Reve, losing her family, having to make executive adult decisions she was forced to grow up and face reality at a very
  • 29. Gender Roles In Peter Pan In the past few decades, women have been greatly stereotyped and prejudged against due to their roles in literature and society. J.M Barrie s Peter Pan is a classic tale about the adventures of a young boy who never grows old. When viewing this story, with the Feminist Critical Theory, one can see the negative portrayal of womanhood and its effect on a young audience. The portrayal of women in Peter Pan teaches the readers about genderroles and stereotypical characteristics, the insignificant role of women in society, and the sexualization of women. Literature helps society in establishing gender roles and norms, which dictate the way children should behave based on their sex. The femalecharacters in Peter Pan, play the role of being perfect mothers, who are housewives. Mrs. Darling is seen as the ideal woman because she is a submissive and loyal housewife, and a nurturing and loving mother. She was a lovely lady, with a romantic mind and such a sweet mocking mouth (Barrie 8), describes the characteristics of an ideal woman. The perfect woman would be one who is nothing but kind, and dreams of romantic things. These characteristics are very stereotypical as they perceive women to be beneath men and to stay at home and take care of the children. The character of Wendy, also plays the role of being a housewife and a maternal figure to the other children. She is taken to Neverland to fulfill Peter Pan s and the Lost Boys need to have a mother figure. John,
  • 30. Situational Leadership Theory Of Leadership When it comes to Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, and our own President Obama, how did they become such powerful people? What do they have that the average person does not? Well, that answer is leadership skills. They did not know when they were born that they were going to become big leaders, but as they were growing up they learned what skills it took to allow them to become different from everyone else and become leaders. As we all know there is no magic when it comes to leadership. You either have the leadership skills or you don t. While it is a learned behavior that begins at almost birth and is strengthened throughout your life. And the simple rule is that not all people are born to be leaders. Situational leadership theory is useful and relevant in effective leadership culture Situational leadership theory is the theory that not just one style of leadership can work in every situation. Two scientists named Paul Hershey and Ken Blanchard came up with the theory. It was first named Life cycle theory of leadership and then was changed in mid 1970 to Situational leadership theory. When it comes to situational leadership theory we must understand that every situation is not the same and that every situation cannot be handled the same way. You cannot lead a group the same way all the time (Blanchard, 2001). When it comes to situational leadership theory, it is the way that people respond to working and being led in a group. There are some important pieces to this
  • 31. Similarities Between Martin Luther King Jr And Socrates Martin Luther King and Socrates were quite similar in a way. Both seemed to somehow understand the world and knew when things had to change. Both of them wrote some of the best work behind bars. Socrates was locked away in a Greek prison where he wrote the Apology, while King was imprisoned in Alabama when he wrote Letter from a Birmingham Jail . King would quote Socrates and give him credit for his ideas. They both stuck to their principles and payed with their lives. Both of them were concerned with having the people of their time question the accepted norm. Plato diagnosed a speech given by Socrates in The Apology which was both an argumentative and defensive speech about what Socrates had walked throughout his life. Martin Luther King,... Show more content on ... Socrates was portrayed as a denigrator among the people. With this Socrates was being known as a disrespectful person to the gods and by corrupting the mind of the youth. So Socrates was being convicted on two counts: first one being irreligion and immoral influence. With regard to the first count Socrates professes himself in doubt as to whether the accusers meant that he did not believe in gods at all, or only that he believed in different gods from those which were recognized by the city. This is a doubt which we must be content to share (Plato 16). He was being accused for not believing in the same gods. Similarly, Martin Luther King, Jr. argued through his powers of persuasion that people needed to think for themselves in the ways of societal operation. King advocated nonviolent resistance to end racial discrimination and segregation in the United States. King states that, In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps: collection of the facts to determine whether injustices are alive, negotiation, self purification and direct action. We have gone through all these steps in Birmingham there can be no gainsaying of the fact that racial injustice engulfs this community. Birmingham is probably the most thoroughly segregated city in the United States. (87) By Martin Luther king Saying this in his letter he was able to get support from other individuals who agreed with him. King and Socrates both allowed people to open their eyes so to speak to the realities and conditions in which they lived
  • 32. Gender Roles Seen in Toys Essay Gender Roles and Toys By Shawna Robb English 101 Professor Solomon One room has pretty pink wallpaper with a princess border; the other is blue with monster trucks on one wall and sports pictures on another. It is not hard to tell which room is female and which room is male. Male and female are used in this instance to define genders. Gender, unlike sex, is a universal guideline upon which individuals are placed. Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behavior, and activities that a particular society considers appropriate for men and women. When the pressure of gender stereotypes is open to debate some say there are prenatal influences that are gender based. What is obvious is that gender plays a significant ... Show more content on ... Bandura s Social Learning Theory says, human behavior is transmitted, whether deliberately or inadvertently, largely through exposure to social models (Bandura 1). When a child thinks that a behavior will be punished versus rewarded but instead is not even acknowledged they will perceive it as a reward. Children usually continue rewarded behavior to receive more praise. Television is seen as a super tutor to Bandura, the child will model what they see on television, not knowing if it is good or bad. For those children whose parents are not good role models, the television becomes the behavioral role model. If violence and aggression is viewed on the television, it is more likely that children will engage in violent and aggressive behavior. While television can model appropriate behavior, there is a well documented tendency for violence and aggression. Advertisements are difficult to avoid since they are interwoven in shows and they tend to emphasize violent and aggressive behavior (Kilinger 13). In the study by Kilinger, Hamilton and Cantrell they observed children s perceptions of aggressive content, stereotypic sex role behavior, and appropriateness of television toy commercials (Kilinger, 11). The results of the study support the notion that there is a gender bias in terms of aggressive content and consequently aggression potential. The results did show
  • 33. Jicama Research Paper Recipe #25: Jicama and Red Beets Infusion Serves 3 to 4 Ingredients: пѓ 1 piece, large jicama, peeled, quartered пѓ 1 piece, large apple пѓ 2 pieces, large red or sugar beets, peeled пѓ 1 liter filtered water пѓ Вј cup apple juice concentrate пѓ Вј cup honey You will also need: пѓ A large pitcher or large non reactive container that will fit into your fridge Directions: 1. Using Blade A, slice the apple, beets and jicama into thin disks. 2. Drop the fruits into the filtered water. 3. Stir in the apple juice concentrate and honey. 4. Chill for at least an hour before serving. Always serve cold. Cooking tip: to make it easier to fit oddly shaped fruits and vegetables within the brackets of the spiralizer, chop off the ends evenly using a sharp knife. Then, with a vegetable peeler, shave off more problematic areas (e.g. corners or indentations.)... Show more content on ... This will extend its lifespan, and provide you more years of service. So here are a few easy tips you can try. пѓ Buy a separate brush for your machine. Most spiralizers are dishwasher safe, but it would still be better if you can scrub the blades using a dedicated brush. Sometimes, fruit or vegetable fibers remain within the blades. These leftovers will contribute to the early decay of the metal, and leave offensive odors. Buy a small scrubbing brush that you will use only for your spiralizer. пѓ Always wash the blades with soapy water to prevent scratches. пѓ Always air dry or pat dry the machine and its separate components before storing these away to prevent the metal from decaying. This prevents mold from finding roots in the nooks and crannies of your
  • 34. Essay about A National Tradegy Tragedy In September 11th A National Tragedy, James Peck writes about how the tragic event, September 11th has affected our world today. Peck states that tragedy is a word that has commonly been overused by Americans throughout news articles and magazines when a significant event happens. When referring to September 11th, the crashing of the twin towers, this is a tragic event. Peck states, I do know life is life and theatre is theatre (735), but we as Americans immediately turn life events into narrations where we ourselves play the roles of the characters and the plot is the problem that is affecting us in our life. Turning significant events into narrations allows Americans to replay events and go over them constantly throughout ... Show more content on ... The attacks dramatize the destruction and construct America as the wealthy super power it is, clearly these attacks were criminal acts and the attackers must be brought to justice through the Supreme Court and internationally. The world knows America better than us Americans know of it. Through emotion and painful events such as this one America has came to better understand itself and the strengths that it has. America has one of the strongest military personal in the world, allowing us to be able to react to attacks such as this one. Peck states Since September 11th, I believe we ve been living out a national melodrama (737). A western movie was created by President Bush Wanted: Dead or Alive casting Osama bin Laden causing the defining moment of Americas melodrama allowing people to be aware of the attacker by posting posters throughout the United States. America has sent military troops over to Iraq in search of the attackers killing innocent citizen in order to voice our opinions on this matter. The best assurance that the US will not again be the object of comparably horrific terrorist attack is an equitable distribution of global capital that moves wealth more evenly though out the world and generates genuinely reciprocal forms of cultural
  • 35. Forks Over Knives Essay Snakes in the Garden Forks over Knives is a film that exposes the dangers of eating meat and dairy and its dire consequences on the human health. According to the documentary the three leading causes of death in the U.S. which entail heart disease, hypertension and diabetes can be reversed by altering our diet and diminishing animal products. The concept of food as medicine is brought to life by researchers, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and Dr. T Colin Campbell. The film further demonstrates how the intimate relationship between the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) and the food industries i.e meat industry that influences the guidelines set by the agency and in turn endangering the American public. The average American person is led to believe by the media that dairy and meat are the only and main sources of protein and that lacking these items would be detrimental to the human body. Throughout the film the popular ... Show more content on ... Thus in order to prove their claim the notion of food as medicine, they put it to the test. All through the film, cameras monitor real individuals who have been diagnosed with chronic conditions ranging from heart disease to diabetes. A wide range of doctors educate the reality patients on how to embrace and incorporate a whole food, plant based diet into their lifestyle. Joey Aucoin was one of the few reality patients who was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes along with high levels of cholesterol whose primary approach to treat his chronic conditions was the adoption of the plant based diet, in the end the film depicts that after several weeks Joey like many of the other participants had no need for any medications that he was forced to take while on a high processed food
  • 36. Reflections on the Death of the Ball Turret Gunner Essay A Reflection on The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner Rebeca Espirito Santo The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner From my mother s sleep I fell into the State And I hunched in its belly till my wet fur froze Six miles from the earth, loosed from its dream of life I woke to black flack and the nightmare fighters When I died they washed me out of the turret with a hose. Randall Jarrell The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner , by Randall Jarrell, is a surprisingly simple and brief poem; nevertheless it is extensive in content. Due to carefully chosen words, with ... Show more content on ... Even if he was spared another gunner s bullet at the end of the mission, he knew he was still not safe. In the case of a forced landing, he knew he would be sacrificed. On the third line Six miles from the earth, loosed from its dream of life one can observe his acknowledgment of this surreal reality. This leads the character to the understanding of not only his physical distance from earth, but also from earthly life and the odds against him going back to that life. He was already preparing himself for the worst and suppressing his hopes of survival. Through the distress of a single man, Jarrell is able to depict the fears of a lonely soldier in an extremely vulnerable position, and invites us into the heinous reality of war which forces us to question our impressions of soldiers having no fear yet not questioning their bravery. War can produce gruesome situations that can cause even the bravest men to face their fears, but it is how they deal with this fear that is the important part. Ball turret gunners were courageous warriors. They were fully aware of how susceptible to death they were, nevertheless, they would continue to fight time after time. WWII was a dreadful episode in human history that killed millions of people, and its bloodshed is described by the UN Charter as a scourge that has brought untold sorrow to mankind . Jarrell had served in the military himself, thus he knew at least to some extent
  • 37. The Impact Of Baby Boomers On Long-Term Care System The challenges and impact of Baby Boomers on long term care systems are going to modify the manner in which traditional health care, patient access, financial payments and treatment are delivered. Baby Boomers will have an extensive amount of care maintenance needs involving various rehabilitation conditions, acute and chronic illnesses, which will require a significant amount of thoroughly trained gerontologists, skilled nurses, nurse practitioners, social workers, community advocates, and family involvement. This article explores options sought to reduce the costs to society and Baby Boomers as innovative savings, tax credit options, and other alternative long term care financing choices lessening the impact on the long term care system.... Show more content on ... With home care becoming the next wave of long term care services that will help keep Baby Boomers out of institutional programs and skilled nursing facilities, it will require a supplemental add on support for family members or the at home caregiver as respite care and compensation for this care will have to be financially addressed. Adult day services provide the aging adult with physical exercise, social activities, and cognitive engagement. The Baby Boomers independence and acknowledgment of traditional long term care institutions will bring change to the style and type of adult day care activities offered, as they are more engaged with technology, and at keeping themselves as active as
  • 38. A Report On Oasis Palace Essay Introduction: The Place where, I chose to do my FSA Report is called an Oasis Palace, the place is located in Newark, California. Oasis Place is a family oriented place, where friends and families bring their children to this great indoor facility to play indoor games. This Business is run by an family as well. The Place offers great indoor activities for both adults and children s. The Palace is separated into three categories, Food, Indoor games, and Party Palace. Overall, this place great for the families that have kids, because it provides lots of amenities for the kids. Oasis Palace is an Indian food restaurant. They offer various different types of food that comes from the region of South, North indian. Most of the customer they come to the restaurant are mostly from South and North india. The Restaurant offers great food for the customers, most of the customer that comes to eat at the restaurant are vegetarian. Hiring a chef, who has good knowledge in making vegetarian food is a must. Oasis Palace is divided into two parts first is the Party palace, and a restaurant, also the this facility also offers a Fitness center. It is a great system for all the customers, they would not have to go anywhere to go to gym, since it next to the restaurant. Overall, Oasis Palace is an great place for a family, however it can improved so much to gain more customer. For this report, i will be analyzing improvements in customer service, online/ phone orders, management, Food quality,
  • 39. Mac Computers vs. Personal Computers Mac Computers vs. Personal Computers Starting in the 1980s computer systems have become an essential part of our lives. Steve Jobs created the first personal computer called the Altair 8800 costing 379 US dollars and later on Bill Gates created Microsoft Disk Operating System which would grow to become Windows Operating System. Throughout the year s computers have been an ever growing market and have officially changed the way we work. Still to this day people clash at which computer system is better Mac or PC. Is it because the flexibility the PC has? Or the low prices PC offers to the public? But the biggest front is which system has the best protection against viruses? Most Windows PC s allow the user to buy and upgrade their systems... Show more content on ... Why would they spend thousands of dollars or more on a computer system to just do those type of task when you could spend half that. Mac computer have always been the more expensive computer system to buy, but since Apple has been coming out with more and more products like the iPod, iPad, and iPhone and many PC users are converting over to Apple products because they like to have the ability to share music, photos, and documents easily through all the systems. Mac computer have also been designing their system to be small and elegant. For example, when you re going to class you don t want to sit there and have a big bulky computer that ways close to four pound, you want a computer that is slim and light and easy to transport. Mac computers have always made their products easy to carry around. Like everyone says you get what you pay for. The biggest question now is which system has the best virus protection. For many years PC computer have fallen victim of viruses and Microsoft has been combating these and providing services to prevent viruses from spreading throughout every house hold. Microsoft also handles security issues and computer problems better than ever now. For example Microsoft offers free updates to their Microsoft and Windows products and recently they came out with a free anti virus product that can be easily downloaded and works alongside the Firewall protection system called
  • 40. The Effects Of Popular Culture Toys On The Development Of... In the aforementioned scenario, the educator notes her observations of children s behaviour when popular culture toys and figures are incorporated into play. While the boys within the classroom are perceived to behave more vigorously, forcibly and loud whilst playing with action figures, girls are observed as placid and submissive subsequent to their play with Barbie dolls and ponies. This leads to educator to ponder on the effects popular culturehas on the development of a child s genderidentity. Onwards from birth, children are surrounded by and live within environments which are rich in gender stereotyping (Siraj Blatchford, 2004, p. 24). They are given toys, books and clothes in which the media and society deems applicable to their specific gender. These gendered beliefs and practices are then implemented and shared as a child matures and can see particular traits such as; empathy, kindness, assertiveness and aggression as over or under developed (National Union of Teachers [NUT], 2013, p. 3). Therefore, it is imperitive that educators embrace, model and begin teaching gender equality in the early years of childcare and beyond.Linn (2004, p.61 62) asserts that children assimilate gender identity through play and social relationships. The production of popular culture toys and resources are explicitly targeted and consciously marketed as gender specific (NUT, 2013, p 4). For example princess toys and media characters display attributes of beauty and charisma,
  • 41. Serial Killers And The United States Introduction Serial murder crime though rare, is not a a new phenomenon. This crime has been committed for centuries and will continue to be a crime that is committed throughout the world. It is unfortunate and scary that this is probably one of the most serious of crimes that cannot be prevented. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, serial murderers commit their crimes because they want to. Rehabilitation is not obtainable for serial killers due to their inability for remorse and empathy, or to see people as people and not objects(Knight 2006). This research paper will focus primarily on serial murder within the U.S. First and foremost, a legal definition provided by the U.S. Department of Justice will be presented to set forth the discussion of this research paper. As follows will be a detailed discussion explaining serial killer typologies with the use of examples of known serial killers in the U.S. Types of serial killers are: power oriented, mission oriented, visionary, and hedonistic, each typology will be clearly defined and explained. Some serial killers can have a mixture of each typology s characteristic. Serial killers that will be discussed and used as examples to represent the content of this research paper will be, John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy, Robert Berdella, Jeffery Dahmer, and lastly the most prolific serial killer in American history, Gary Ridgeway. Problems with studying serial killing, are that because of rarity and access. Most of what we think
  • 42. Theological Analysis Essay Theological Analysis In reflecting on this situation, the passages of on the characteristics of those who are shepherds and those who are not come to mind. In the Gospel of John, Jesus communicates the demands of being a shepherd of church. I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I will lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. These also I must lead, and they will hear my voice, and there will be one flock, one shepherd (John 10:14 16). This passage models the expectations for those who minister, both pastors and lay ecclesial ministers, to the faithful. We are called to lead the faithful to deeper love and knowledge of the Lord. We must be ready to forgo our preferences and desires for the needs of those we minister to. Compelled to share eternal life with all, we... Show more content on ... The Ongoing Formation of Priests Committee in the Archdiocese of Galveston Houston selects priests to partake in Good Leaders, Good Shepherds , a 21 month national leadership training program that helps priests better order their lives and ministry (Echo s a Priest s life, Texas Catholic Herald News). Good Leaders, Good Shepherds assists priest in forming a vision for themselves within their particular ministry so that they can more effectively lead those who are in their pastoral care (Echo s a priest s life, Texas Catholic Herald
  • 43. Scapula Sex determination is an essential key in the forensic evaluation because it is the important component of biological identity. Scapula is a flat bone and it was selected for the reason that its negligible morphological changes during its life time when the development is finished(1). In present study, 186 patient were included only those who came for ct thorax referred by the physician. The main goal is to estimate the scapular parameter check whether there is any significance difference or not and finally with the use of the discriminant analysis identify the gender. STUDYNUMBER OF PATIENTSP VALUERESULT ACCURACY Melad G Paulis, et al 200(100 males 100 females)P 0.00093.5% In the present study in descriptive statistics of six variables are reported. Table no 1, which shows mean and standard deviation for both sexes. The overall mean value collected from the scapula of males are larger than that of females, this indicates the existence of sexual dimorphism in the measurements ... Show more content on ... Dabbs, conducted a study based on sex determination using the scapula in New Kingdom skeletons from Tell El this project descriptive statistics for the five variables included (Maximum length of the scapula, Maximum length of the spine, Breadth of infraspinous body, Height of glenoid prominence, Breadth of glenoid prominence, which shown the mean and standard deviation of both sexes as well as the t values for both sexes(15). In present study multivariate test was done which demonstrate there are significance difference between males and females for all the six variables (p
  • 44. The Epic, Gilphash, And The Epic Of Gilgamesh In the realm of a mythic story, a myth can possess the ability to reshape a world, because its stories do not have limitations (Paden 79). Within William Padens argument about myths, he discusses the benefits of believing in a mythic story, because mythic stories can build the world (Paden 84). With the help of the epic of Gilgamesh, this myth will help to create a connection between the statement by William Paden, and the character of Gilgamesh. By creating a connection between these two texts, the theory of love, unavoidable fate of death, and the imbalance of power are the reoccurring themes and theories that are the building blocks to the statement by William Paden. By connecting the epic of Gilgamesh to how it can build a world, there is a certain theme and theory that can be connected. In the epic of Gilgamesh, the love that Gilgamesh had for Enkidu is the motivating factor that helps Gilgamesh become a noble king. By 2100 BCE, Gilgamesh was the king of Uruk, but had terrorized his people and couldn t tame his energy (Dalley 51). When the people of Uruk had asked the gods to get Gilgamesh a rival, Enkidu was born (Dalley 53). After Gilgamesh and Enkidu had countless stalemated battles and became best friends, the love that Gilgamesh had for Enkidu during and after his death had caused Gilgamesh to become a civilized and moral human being (Dalley 61). Within the constructs of building a better world, Enkidu can be paralleled to a female parent that helps their
  • 45. Velcro Effect Of Tiny Hooks On A Burr Everyone uses Velcro in some way, whether it s on shoes or if it s simply just to stick two things together. Velcro, which is inspired by burrs (a type of seed case or flower head), is a very famous example of biomimicry. In 1941, when Swiss engineer George de Mestral was removing burrs from his dog after a hunting trip, he decided to observe them and see how they worked. When he looked at the burrs under a microscope, George de Mestralnoticed that there are tiny hooks at the end of each spine on a bur. These miniscule hooks are the reason why burrs stick onto things like animal fur, clothing, and hair. The hooks catch onto anything with loops, which animal fur, clothing, and hair all have. This one observation inspired George de Mestral
  • 46. Trojan War Tactics Analyse the effectiveness of the tactics used by both sides in the Trojan War. ____________________________________________________________ ___ The Trojan war was a ten year siege on the city of the city of Troy at the hands of the Greek forces led by a psychopathic king, Agamemnon. This conflict, which took place about 1200 B.C has become one of the most well known Greek mythology events in history. In the 13th century B.C, Troy and Sparta had stopped their wars and become allies, this was until Paris the youngest prince of Troy seduced Helen, the Queen of Sparta and left with her back to Troy. When Menelaos (The King of Sparta) found out what had happened, he vowed ... Show more content on ... The leaders would then come forward on their chariots and challenge each other to single combat. This was a common method of warfare. It allows for true heroes to be shown and depicts the power of the leaders. The soldiers would enter the battle in chariots, launching javelins into the enemy formations, then dismount for hand to hand combat with more javelin throwing, rock throwing, and hand to hand sword and shield fighting. In the Iliad Homer also mentions the use of the phalanx formation being used by the Greeks. The phalanx is a rectangular mass military formation, usually composed entirely of heavy infantry armed with spears, pikes, or similar weapons . Scholars suggest that the Greeks would have used this tactic because the alignment of shields minimises the chances of projectiles hitting the men, and the men can move as one, strong unit. In book 4 of Homer s Iliad, a major battle in the war is described in detail.After the armies have gathered together all there available forces, they began to march towards each other.The Achaean forces moved forward towards the Trojans covering the horizon with the sight of eminent war. As the Greeks moved forward they unknowingly ventured into the range of the Trojan archers, who were some of the finest in the known world. As the Greeks were held back by the range of the Trojan archers, they were quickly losing men and morale so Agamemnon made the decision to withdraw from
  • 47. Road Of Nonconformity In the poem, The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost, the author introduces the reader to a character that seems to be having a difficult time making choices. The character describes two similar roads that he can take, but he is an indecisive being. Additionally, the two roads are choice that were available to him at one point in his life but he hesitated to pick and choose. I personally believe that what the narrator means thats he took the roadthat not many people have taken. The poem speaks about conformity, therefore one roadis giving in to conformity while the other is not. The narrator then chooses the road less traveled which I perceive it to be the road of nonconformity due to the fact that not many people travel down that
  • 48. Essay On Soundtracks Just about everybody enjoys some type of music, whether it is country, rap, old country, western, or jazz. The right song can get you feeling in the right mood when you are in a good or even in a bad mood. That is why the type of soundtrack you choose for an event (just like personalized merchandise) can set the right tone and either make or break the occasion. Whether it is a subtle background musicat a conference, or rock and roll at an anniversary party, choosing the right tunes is essential. Background music works best here. You will generally want something subtle that guests hardly notice, but that makes them feel calm at the same time. You can use music at meetings, business dinners, conferences and trade shows to enhance the atmosphere and get things turned up a notch. Soundtracks help smooth over mingling and chatting, and can give a corporate event an air of sophistication. Instrumental music works well at business events too, especially during breaks or pauses while people move from one event to the next. A string quartet, a solo piano player, or even a live singer can all work, just so long as they are quiet enough that people can hear their conversations. You might think live music equals stages and high volume speakers, but this may not necessarily... Show more content on ... As with weddings, the possibilities for a party soundtrack are endless. They can range anywhere from the house going through K Pop to classical. It will definitely depend on the theme of the party, as well as who is going! You don t need a band or a DJ to have an unforgettable party. Create your very own playlist using music platforms like Spotify, Pandora or Apple Music even. And if you do not have the time to put one together yourself, choose one of the many that are already featured. Just remember to get a good stereo
  • 49. A Description of Formula SAE Preface: When a few university professors got together 20 years ago to start a very informal SAE student design competition then known as Mini Indy, I doubt that any of them expected their efforts would change the world of motor racing and the lives of thousands of young men and women. Today this program, renamed Formula SAE В®, has become the world championship for college engineering students, and the training program for race car engineers and designers around the world. Teams from as far away as Korea, Japan and Mexico travel to the suburbs of Detroit each May for the big event. Satellite events have begun in the United Kingdom and Australia. Each year as many as 4,000 students are members of Formula SAE teams at universities around ... Show more content on ... It also comes from stories shared with me by many different teams. Much of this is a subjective interpretation of my experience in the management end of a Formula project. I am human and fully capable of missing something. I expect people will disagree with some of the ideas presented. The opinions expressed are my own and do not reflect those of any organization I am now or have been affiliated with. Part I: Organizational Topics Where to Begin: The natural inclination of any FSAETM group is to begin by focusing on what car to build. While it is important to be thinking about design issues and ideas, in the early meetings you will probably not be able to create a definitive plan. Unless you have designed and built complete automobiles before, you should not make definitive decisions yet. There will be plenty of dialog and thought given to the car design without making it a priority yet. Students usually think the biggest problems will be technical. We embark on an FSAE project with grand visions of a fast, exciting racecar and can t wait to get started designing and building it. What you find out right away, particularly if you are in a leadership position, is that the largest problems to overcome have less to do with actual hands on design, construction, and driving of
  • 50. Clean Water Act Protects Water A Priceless Natural Resource Clean Water Water is necessary to sustain life. Water not only sustains life, but it is the very foundation for life. Where does the water we drink come from? Our water comes from many different sources such as groundwater, lakes, rivers, reservoirs, aquifers, springs and streams. In order for this water to sustain our life, it must be clean. Water is needed to meet the demands of people in their everyday life. This includes the need for water in homes, agriculture, industry, medicine and recreation. For health and prosperity people must have access to clean, safe water. Water is regulated at the federal, state and local level. The Clean Water Act protects water at the federal level. The Environmental Protection Agency regulates the standards for contaminants in water. In order for our water to be clean, we must protect our water sources from pollution and contaminants. This is why we need to care for the water that we have. Humans need water in order to survive. Our bodies are about 60 percent water, the brain is about 70 percent water, and the lungs are made of 90 percent water. Water is more important for you to survive than food is. When you become dehydrated, it reduces the amount of blood flow in your body, and causes your heart to work harder, and pump the blood faster. If you go long enough without water you ll eventually enter into coma and die. You can also drink too much water. When you drink too much water you can
  • 51. History of Film Exhibition Prior to 1927 While the actual films produced during the silent era of American film production and distribution are frequently discussed and analyzed, both as primary historical documents and important cultural contributions, the actual practice of exhibiting and viewing those films gets somewhat less attention. Prior to 1927 (the year when sound films first emerged onto the national stage), movie exhibition in the United States was still growing into the massive industry it represents today, and it reflected in the films being produced. By examining the history of filmexhibition prior to 1927 in general, and the experiences of Denver and New York in particular, it will be possible to understand how the medium s nearly thirty year existence prior to sound was characterized by a chaotic, open ended exhibition system that nevertheless predicts the gradual takeover of exhibition by a few large chains. To begin it is necessary to note that there was some precedent for the exhibition of films even before the medium was created, because by the time film became widely known in the 1890s, phonographs had been set up in the arcades found in the heart of bustling cities, where for a few cents customers could select various music and speeches, which they listen to through individual ear horns (Gomery 4). Early film exhibitions attempted to recreate this process, using Thomas Edison s Kinetograph to draw customers into arcades, even though the concept of individual audiences make much more
  • 52. Catalhuyuk Women Analysis Part 1: During the 1960 s an archeological dig conducted by James Mellaart took place in what is now modern day Turkey. Mellaart was just one of many archeologists who wanted to understand the civilizations of the Neolithic age, and Catalhuyuk (an early civilization which lived in what is now modern day Turkey) in particular. The dig led to a discovery of multiple female figurines made from baked clay called Venus figurines. These figurines were most likely created around 5,000 B.C.E. Part 2: The Venus figurines could have been made to express the way the Catalhuyuk people viewed women. Considering how plentiful the figurines are, historians can infer that women were most likely worshipped. Women in the Catalhuyuk civilization could have been worshipped for many reasons. They were capable of pregnancy which people may have thought connected them to the earth. If they had a direct connection to the earth, they were goddesses or special beings which would have be celebrated and praised. Because religion played such a huge part in their everyday lives, perhaps the people created the figurines to call upon the earth goddesses for rain, crops, or protection from illness. Looking... Show more content on ... This change could have been due to the rise of agriculture. The rise of agriculture meant that men didn t have to hunt for food and women didn t have to gather food. Naturally the men decided that women were too weak to participate in farming so the gender roles began to become imbalanced. The women, not having to participate in food production were now viewed purely as tools for expanding their population. Because the clock never ticked back in time, women still remain unequal to men this day. If women could have played a part in the agricultural revolution, would gender roles would be more
  • 53. Guillain-Barr Syndrome Essay Guillain Barre syndrome is a rare neuromuscular disease. It is when the body s immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system. It is a disorder where the myelin sheath of the nerves is lost. This prevents the nerves from sending signals to the muscles. This creates weakness in the muscles, normally starting in the extremities and in some cases spreading to be complete paralysis. Guillain Barre can happen to anyone regardless of age, this includes children, and any sex. The causes are not completely known. Around 100,000 people are diagnosed with Guillain Barre a year, and around one third of patients are admitted into the ICU. Out of those 15 20% of patients require mechanical ventilation while others aren t as severe. Guillain Barre first symptoms can include weakness or tingling in the arms and legs. This disease process is ascending so the weakness will start in the toes or fingertips and progresses upward. The paralysis generally is similar on both sides of the body. This can occur within a couple of days to increasing through a few weeks. Patients can also have a decreased reflex in knees and weakness in respiratory muscles and swallowing. Some other symptoms can include pain such as aching in the shoulders, back, buttocks, and thighs. Respiratory complaints in these patients can include; dyspnea while active, shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing, and slurred speech. It is diagnosed by observing a development of muscle paralysis, cerebrospinal
  • 54. Las Vegas, Nevada Las Vegas, Nevada the city that never sleeps. Casinos, amusement parks, shopping, Anything you want to do you can! Sin city is a city I m sure you ll love. Activities like the Adventure Dome is a tempting amusement park. It has exotic rides for all ages. But the Bacchanal restaurant is a very comfortable, popular place too eat your meal after a long day on the strip. The Caesars Palace is a great place to go after you think you re going to have a foodcoma. It has a very relaxing stay. There are 8 different pools/hot tubs. Las Vegas, Nevada is one of the most exotic and exciting places in the world to visit. The Adventuredome theme park is a fun attraction for everyone. It has exotic rides and tempting games too enjoy with family and friends. After a great breakfast at a 5 star restaurant, it is time to get the day started! The Adventuredome is a great way to start. It has over 25 rides for all ages. The Adventuredome also has fun games like bumper cars, mini golf, and laser tag. This super tempting place has something for everyone. If roller coasters in the air aren t for you you can play laser tag or mini golf. ... Show more content on ... It has some of the best and most tasteful food around. After a great night s rest, your bound to be hungry. It s nice to have a five star restaurant right in the hotel you re staying in. Going out of the hotel to eat in this case would be crazy. All you ever wanted to eat is in this restaurant it is quick and easy to get up and or coming home too have delicious food. Another great factor of the restaurant is that it sells a lot of different foods! They have foods from many different countries. This is great if you are in the mood for Mexican and then suddenly want Chinese food, this place is great. The Buffet selections are amazing for picky eaters. The Bacchanal is a great restaurant with many choices to choose
  • 55. Matthew Yglesias Against Transparency In Against Transparency, author Matthew Yglesias argues that the emails of public officials should be afforded the same level of privacy as granted to phone calls and other private conversations. His arguments fall primarily into a couple categories. The first is that email is a necessary and convenient way to facilitate communication, and forcing officials to monitor what they say or reveal in emails when any scandalous information could simply be transmitted through other mediums does nothing but impede that communication. The second is that forced email disclosure is generally not an effective way to for the public to receive information, and that proponents of transparency should instead focus on improving the quality of information the governmentvoluntarily releases. Yglesias focusses primarily on the common sense flaws that come with... Show more content on ... As stated above, increasing access to a single form of electronic communication in 2016 is simply too limited an approach to do anything but hamper government. Additionally, the pursuit of such measures can often come at the expense of more effective and realistic methods of monitoring government action. Yglesias describes the FOIA process as a very slow, highly adversarial process that is primarily useful to people with an ax to grind. For a national government as unimaginably vast as the United States , this is not a satisfactory primary tool for forcing disclosure. Yglesias proposes an alternative, however, in the form of routine publication of what it knows. This is certainly the more attractive option. The dynamic created by the FOIA process where disclosure is a forced and drawn out process is not one to foster any sense of trust in
  • 56. What Is The Theme Of The Hobbit Book Vs Movie Most people have heard of the movie The Hobbit. If not they might have heard of the book The Hobbit: An unexpected Journey. The well known fantasy story directed by Peter Jackson, and written by J.R.R. Tolkien has not only a story about fantasy, but a story about bravery, making a difference, and not judging a book by its cover. In this case Bilbo Baggins. As I watched the movie and followed the characters throughout their thrilling adventure, the movie kept me on my toes. Not only was it well made, but the actors also acted the part very well and I don t think that anyone could have done a better job with portraying the characters. This movie is very interesting and unique in many ways. This movie follows around a small hobbit named Bilbo Baggins who has lived a calm and quiet life, which was turned upside down when a great wizard Gandalf, and a group of messy dwarves come into his life inviting him to go on a trip that not only out of his comfort zone, but something that seems out of grasp to a mere hobbit. When Bilbo accepts the ... Show more content on ... Although personally I haven t read any of the books, I can clearly see the personality of each individual character and the way they think even without reading the books. Martin Freemon did a great job showing the shy hobbits journey into becoming an amazing hero. He did a really good job showing the character development in the movie. Ian Mckellen also did an extraordinary job with the role of Gandalf. Gandalf is the type of person that is wiser than most and has great problem solving skills, yet for some reason is still a little ruff around the edges and Ian shows this in the movie and I was really impressed with his acting in the movie. The rest of the actors did a very good job as well although I must say my favorite character is one that wasn t acted out by anyone at all, which is Gollum, I really love his