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Essays For High School Students To Read
Writing an essay on the subject of "Essays For High School Students To Read" can be both
challenging and intriguing. The difficulty lies in striking a balance between engaging content that
captivates the high school audience and providing valuable insights that contribute to their
intellectual growth. Crafting an essay that resonates with young minds requires careful
consideration of their interests, concerns, and the challenges they face.
To begin with, identifying relevant and relatable topics for high school students is a task that
demands thorough research and a nuanced understanding of their world. The content must be
not only age-appropriate but also intellectually stimulating, encouraging critical thinking and
reflection. Balancing educational content with an engaging writing style is crucial to maintain the
attention of high school readers.
Moreover, the challenge extends to tailoring the language and tone to suit the target audience
while avoiding the pitfalls of condescension. It's essential to communicate complex ideas in a
clear and accessible manner, ensuring that the essay fosters comprehension and sparks curiosity.
The task is also complicated by the need to provide unique perspectives or fresh takes on familiar
subjects. High school students are exposed to a myriad of information daily, and crafting an
essay that stands out requires originality and creativity. Striking the right chord between novelty
and relevance can be a daunting task, demanding a keen understanding of contemporary issues
and an ability to present them in a compelling light.
In conclusion, while writing an essay on "Essays For High School Students To Read," one must
navigate the delicate balance between relevance, intellectual depth, and engaging presentation.
It's a challenge that demands meticulous research, a nuanced understanding of the target
audience, and the ability to convey ideas in an accessible yet thought-provoking manner.
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Essays For High School Students To Read Essays For High School Students To Read
Letters From An American Farmer Analysis
It was once stated, Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. In other
words, take care of your own life. Forbear from seeking aid. Many people have
immigrated to the United States in search of the American Dream by themselves,
pursuing a place to call home, a stable job, and a happy life. In Letters from an
American Farmer, J. Hector St. John de CrГЁvecoeur attempts to persuade the
Europeans that America is unequivocally the land of opportunity worth moving to by
causing them to feel empathy and by having them procure the logical conclusion on
their own. Employing the use of metaphors, the French aristocrat aims to draw out
empathetic feelings from the audience. For example, he writes, In Europe, [the poor]
were as so many
Analysis Of Francois Hutteau s Great Search For Liberty
Francois Hutteau s great search for Liberty
Hello my French brothers and sisters! Dark times have befallen our precious land,
and pure chaos has ensued. I write to the people in France in hopes of establishing
a new land. A land that can be looked upon proudly with eyes of great virtue. In
order to achieve our wildest dreams we must sort through the rubbish that has
landed us here in the first place. How will we as a society react to the many things
that have been dealt to the people of France? Perhaps our great fight ends in
bloodshed, and broken promises. Or perhaps we could take heed of the laws and
policies our fellow Europeans across the Sea. I had the pleasure of visiting one of the
cities in America that the citizens take so much pride in: Boston, Massachusetts. A
port town on the North Eastern coast that was a large part of the American Revolution
. It was also home to the Notorious Boston Massacre. There are a number of things
that I enjoyed about my trip, but pointing out the differences between Boston and
France had to be the most delectable part of my trip. The way in which they practice
religion is something to behold. Their new Constitution is also no laughing matter,
and lastly the many things Americans find fun is mesmerizing, and also repulsive.
America is a tremendous place and I cannot wait to guide you through my journey
and inferences.
The first voyage I made when I got off the boat was directly towards a church. I
decided to visit the Old North Church and as I approached I noticed that the brick
work seemed to glisten in the sun, and the white interior reminded me of how pure
the world can really be. The church practiced Protestantism, and started soon after
the War.[1] I admired the way in which the citizens praised God, but I did happen to
notice that their practices were rather different from my own. After talking to some
of the Americans most had either commented on my accent or expressed their
condolences to the revolution. I also asked them about how they worship and how
they choose to worship. Many of these American citizens were free to choose what
they wanted to worship. Most did say that they would be judged for their religious
decisions, but were never forced into doing
Remember the Titans
Jamie Velez
Elizabeth Hughes
Paul Way
EDUC 268
Remember the Titans Five Step Analysis
Plot Summary
In April of 1971, the United States Supreme Court issued a ruling that ended all
stateimposed segregation in public schools. This was the same year that T. C.
Williams High School located in Alexander Virginia was integrated. This is the
setting for the movie Remember the Titans, staring Denzel Washington who portrays
Herman Boone the head coach of the Titans.
Herman Boone is brought in as an assistant coach to join the all white coaching staff.
When Herman Boone is appointed head coach over a wining white coach he is
reluctant to accept because the same things had happened to him when a white coach
had been appointed over him in ... Show more content on ...
He did it without looking for gratitude or glory. He is even able to complement
Coach Boone at the end of the summer camp for his fine work.
Gerry Bertier and Julius Campbell are the unofficial leaders of the white and black
teams respectively. They fall into this position because of their athleticism, personal
convictions, and need to protect their brothers . Gerry Bertier ultimately becomes
team leader by learning to set aside his prejudice and focus on the team regardless of
color. The relationship that develops between Bertier and Campbell lead the way for
most of the team to come together.
Yukl (2006) Peer Leadership . Sometimes a manager asks a subordinate to share in
performing certain leadership function and sometimes subordinates perform these
functions on their own initiative. (p. 55)
The leaders are forced to face many issues that are poised to tear the team apart:
В· Herman Boone appointed over qualified winning white coach
В· Conflicting leadership styles between Herman Boone and Bill Yoast
В· Racism in the south at the beginning of the 1970s
В· Divided team due to black and white being forced to play together
В· Divided coaching staff due to black and white being forced to coach together
В· Machinations of School board and other governing bodies
В· Coach Boone suspicious of Bill Yoast possibly sabotaging his efforts
В· Coach Boone sacrificing too much for the sake of winning
В· Coach Boone putting aside his pride to accept help from white
ID, Ego, And Superego In Lord Of The Flies By William
The Reality of ID,EGO, and Superego
In the book Lord of the Flies, by William Golding shows examples of the mind set
ID, Ego, and Super are part of one s mind set when born. ID is the primitive mind, it
contains all the basic needs and feelings of a person this demonstrates the character
Jack . Ego is the growth of a person s mind, it relates to the real world actions
meaning it operates with the reality principle, it compromises the good and the bad
this represents the character Ralph. The next mind set is the Superego, this is called
the moral part of the mind the parental and societal values. it stores and enforces the
rules of what is needed to know this describes the character Piggy.
ID (Jack), Ego (Ralph), Superego(Piggy)
The Id contains a human s primitive drive and operates according to the pleasure
principle, whereby its two main goals are the seeking of pleasure and the avoidance
of pain.(
the book Lord of the Flies the author introduces the charcter Jack a young kid, but
starts to change as a person. He represents ID, by his action of needing and wanting
things. Being part of Ralph s group all Jack wanted to do was hunt, and hunt nothing
else just the need to hunt for pigs. Soon after that he then decides to leave the group
of boys to start his own group of hunters to be in charge and command. As the mind
keeps growing and developing a human can show improvement which brings up Ego.
Baghban Comparison
I am from Dayton, Ohio. I saw similarities and difference between Dayton, Ohio and
Appalachia Baghban. I attend Christian Private School, and the students were from
surrounding cities like Xenia, Huber Height, and Kettering. As Baghban pointed out,
the children were influenced by their homes and cities. Baghban brought up family
values, education and literacy in Appalachian, and Dayton residents and private
school student share similarities and difference with Appalachian culture. In the
Article, the Baghban explained the importance of the family values and views. For
instance, Baghban explained that Appalachian citizen went to hunt trips, regularly. In
Dayton, citizen would visit each other for Holidays, but I did not meet people who
Obesity Problem Analysis
Obesity Problem Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States.
Almost one third of the US population is currently obese with a body mass index
(BMI) greater than 30, and close to 5 percent is morbidly obese with a BMI greater
than 40 (see Obesity in America). Obesity not only increases the risks of many health
problems, including hypertension, respiratory disease, orthopedic disorders, diabetes
mellitus, and hyperlipidemia, but also has adverse social and economic
consequences. Current approaches to weight control are in general not very
successful and results vary greatly between individuals. This is mostly due to the fact
that obesity is a complex, multifaceted issue which requires an integrated and
comprehensive solution.... Show more content on ...
The p ratio is the utilization ratio of fat and lean mass when energy is withdrawn or
deposited from the body. In the case of weight gain, a low p ratio indicates large
energy deposited to the lean tissues, while a high p ratio indicates a large increase in
fat mass in comparison to lean mass. The question is how p ratio varies from
individual to individual and how it is controlled by genetic factor. Speakman
(Obesity: The Integrated Roles of Environment and Genetic, 2004) emphasizes the
connection between genetics and environment in his comprehensive review on
obesity. One of the most interesting hypothesis that connects genetic and environment
is the lipostatic regulation system. The lipostatic system connects our energy storage
with targets encoded in the brain, which drives our behavior, including food intake,
physical activity and metabolisms. This model suggests that obese people have
lipostat set at a high level. It also suggests that, although exposed to the same
environment, some people will develop obesity because their genetics leads them to
more likely adapt behaviors or physiologies that tip the energy balance toward more
storage. There are plenty of genetic evidences to support this hypothesis.
Clara Schuman Impact On Society
In an era where only men got to do things that weren t housework and motherhood
women s rights were practically nonexistent, Clara Schuman performed in public and
composed, something that women in her time never did. She was the main
interpreter of her husband s work, but she also played an important role in
reintroducing eighteenth century music to the public. Unfortunately, her
compositions remained unknown until the second half of the twentieth century.
Many are still unpublished and owned by private collectors. Clara was born into a
very musical family in 1819. From an early age, her father planned Clara s career and
life down to the smallest detail. She daily received a one hour lesson and two hours
of practice. In March 1828, at the
Comparing Culture In Where Worlds Collide And Indian
Father s
Culture in definition is: the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group,
place, or time (Merriam Webster s Learner s Dictionary). Thus, based on these
certain beliefs, customs, traditions, and arts, a person s thoughts, ideas, and views
can be greatly affected since they lived with a lifestyle based around a specific culture
. Therefore, it can be coherent that the culture of a person is paramount to one s
views of the world and of others as seen throughout many texts such as, An Indian
Father s Pleas by Robert Lake and Where Worlds Collide by Pico Iyer. To begin
with, the effect of culture on one s views of the world and of others can be seen
throughout the essay, And Indian Father s Plea by Robert Lake (Medicine... Show
more content on ...
Over there is a block long white limo, a Lincoln Continental, and, over there, a
black Chevy Blazer with Mexican Stickers all over its windows, being towed. (Iyer
62) Moreover, states, The blue skies and palm trees they saw on TV are scarcely
visible from here: just an undifferentiated smoggy haze, billboards advertising
Nissan and Panasonic and Canon, and beyond those an endlessly receding mass of
grey streets. Overhead, they can see the all too familiar signs of Hilton and Hyatt
and Holiday Inn; in the distance, a sea of tract houses, mini malls, and high rises.
(Iyer 62) These describe how the culture of the tourists or immigrants of the United
States portrayed America in a positive way, a place for opportunity, thus causing
the travelers to deter their eyes from what is really there and see only what they
choose to see and what they choose to believe. Therefore, this proves how the
people s culture changed how they view certain things around the world which is
evident in this when people look away from reality and see only what they
Transfer Of Juvenile Offenders
Brevin, The laws governing the transfer of juvenile offenders from the juvenile court
system to the adult criminal court system do vary from state to state, consequently, a
very small percentage are actually waived (Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention, n.d.). The discretion of the court is first and foremost to
protect society from a violent offender. There are instances where a juvenile offender
poses such a great risk to society, although they are extremely rare, the court will
have no choice but to remand them to be held. The state of Tennessee specifically
identified crimes within legislation dictating which crimes can be transferred to
criminal court (Justia US Law, n.d.). In the Tennessee Statute 37 1 134, it states
Character Goals And Changing Knowledge Play
Character goals and changing knowledge play a huge role in ET the Extra
Terrestrial, especially once different people discovered ET s existence. When
Gertie found out about ET, she was scared, especially since she was in a very
unfamiliar circumstances. Gertie s unfamiliarity with ET is palpable within the
beginning of the scene, and as she continued to learn more about ET, she became
more and more comfortable with being around him and talking about him. In the
beginning, she would refuse to stand near ET and stayed far away from him
because she was scared and unfamiliar with him. Mike obviously understood that he
had to keep ET a secret and had a much better and safer introduction to ET, so Gertie
was the only one at risk of acting monumentally different. Gertie s actions in this
scene create and change her long termcharacter goals and changes her perspective and
actions within the entire movie. Her naivetГ© as a child still shows through later in
the movie as she forgets some plans through the movie, but she shows love towards
ET after becoming more familiar with him and understandinghow important he is.
The scene is dictated by multiple short term goals by Gertie that evolved into a
different situation. This scene marks the turning point where Elliot includes his
siblings in his secret and they must work together in order to protect ET. Gertie is
continuously asking questions in the scene in order to understand and feel
comfortable with ET. Her overall hesitance is
Criminal Case Analysis
Throughout the 20th century, the importance of criminal cases increased. From
sentencing the death penalty to creating a model code that almost all of the states
use, the decisions on criminal cases have changed constantly. Criminal cases are
defined as a person committing a public wrong which is considered an offense
against the state. A criminal case can be settled with a plea bargain or through a trial,
which is decided by certain jurisdictions. There are many factors that go into deciding
a criminal case, those being the crimethat was committed, the evidence that is
brought into the case, the state the trial is being held in and whether the Judge
dismisses the case or not. Many of the crucial criminal cases have shined a light on
the important... Show more content on ...
The MPC was used in courts, and judges rely on it when handling substantive
criminal law decisions. Some states even used MPC s model of organization as a
starting point. MPC remains an influence in the criminal laws for more than 2/3 of
the states even if it s received a lot of criticism.
Another way that decisions on criminal cases have developed is with the Hearsay
Rule. The Hearsay rule is defined as a statement, other than one made by the
declarant while testifying at a trial or hearing, offered in evidence to prove the truth
of the matter at hand. (HR) The hearsay rule is not allowed in several courts
because it is questionable and could violate the 6th and 14th amendment. The only
exceptions for allowing the hearsay rule is in some cases if the declarant can testify,
if the declarant can t testify or if the case involves child
Access the Effects of the Spanish Settlement in Hispaniola...
For the first ten years of colonization, Hispaniola was the only colony in the
Caribbean where the Spanish settled. In the 16thcentury, Hispaniola was the centre
of the Spanish colonial system in the Caribbean. It was known as the Pearl of the
Caribbean. Just like in the other colonies, the Tainos thought that the Spaniards
were gods and welcomed them into their villages. Columbus believed that
Hispaniola had gold and forced the Tainos to work in the mines. Columbus also
made the Tainos pay the Spanish a tribute to satisfy both the Crown s and the settler
s greed for gold, and to obtain food for his settlement. It was easy to take control of
the Tainos as they assumed that if they pleased the gods that they would be richly
rewarded in... Show more content on ...
It was the Spaniard s new way of controlling the Tainos. The local magistrate was in
charge of allocating labour for each conquistador. The imposition of tributes on the
Taino s can be argued to be the first form of slavery. The concept was that the
Tainos were forced to do low paid or unpaid labour for a certain number of weeks
or months each year on Spanish owned farms and mines. It is argued that the
repartimiento was the first form of slavery. Even though the Tainos were not stated
as owned, they were free in various respects and the work was alternating. The
needs of the Tainos were ignored and they were punished severely. Some of the
native communities that were located near to Spanish settlements also had to give
up a percentage of their people to work in agriculture, construction of houses and
streets and as part of the labour force. Columbus could not control this labour
system as the Tainos resisted against the system. Some of the Tainos escaped from
the repartimiento by leaving their communities and looked for wage labour
elsewhere. Other signed contracts (asientos) which lasted six months to a year and
required the workers to be paid a salary, provided living quarters and religious
services during the time. When NicolГЎs de Ovando became governor of Hispaniola
in 1502, he brought with him a stabilized labour system; the encomienda system. The
theory of this
The Curveball Case
When the topic of intelligence failures and politics come up, the first thing that
crosses my mind is Curveball. If we take a look at it, the Curveball case addresses
most of the topics in this week s assignment, but I would argue that the primary
issue with Curveball and the information gathered was the failure of policymakers
to really listen. Curveball was an Iraqi chemical engineer that claimed to have
information on weapons of mass destruction developed by the Saddam Hussein
regime. He was ran by German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) and in his
efforts to seek asylum in Germany, he convinced his BND handlers of his placement
and access to the Iraqi biological weapons. He was very cooperative with his German
handlers, but even
Hagia Sophia Research Paper
The Hagia Sophia is located in Istanbul, Turkey. Istanbul is part of two continents
Europe and Asia. At one point with four Empires, Istanbul was one of the largest
cities in the world. Istanbul used to be called Constantinople; it was named after the
ruler Constantine the Great, who is the first Christian Emperor. After Constantine
was ruler then came Justinian, who in the 6th century wanted a cathedral; he turned
to two men to help build it. They were Isidore the Elder and Anthemius. It took less
than six years to complete Hagia Sophia, which was faster than medieval builders
that were constructing Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France that took nearly a
century. The Hagia Sophia was the largest cathedral for 1000 years until the Seville
CSS Physical Fitness Assessment
commence 13 NOV 17 at 0730 and end 17 NOV 17 at 0730. All medically cleared
servicemembers are required to participate. All leave and TAD requirements are to
be managed accordingly. Medical Screening. No member is authorized to
participate in the PFA without an updated Physical Health Assessment (PHA). Any
servicemember with an PHA expiring prior to 30 NOV 17 is required to obtain a
current PHA. All Physical Activity Risk Factor Questionnaires (PARFQS)
(NAVPERS 6110/3) are to be completed via Physical Readiness Information
Management System (PRIMS) prior to 10 NOV 17. If any responses on the
questionnaire are answered yes, the document must be printed, signed, and taken
to medical for clearance. If a medical waiver is required, print NAVMED 6110/4
(PFA Medical Clearance/Waiver Form) and take to medical. NOTE: This medical
appointment can be in conjunction with the PHA, but does not replace the
requirement to have a current PHA. Please contact the Command Fitness Leader
(CFL), LSCS(SW) Andrade at 401 841 1582 or for
additional information. 2. OPERATIONAL RISK MANAGEMENT (ORM).
Operational and Off Duty Risk management is, in reality, a tool for making smart
decisions, used by people... Show more content on ...
the lead in modernizing its Navy College and Voluntary Education programs,
ensuring Sailors have the same opportunities as their civilian counterparts. The goal
is to provide online access and support to Sailors pursuing voluntary education at the
time and place most convenient for them, using the already familiar virtual tools.
Naval Education and Training Command (NETC) closed the remaining four
physical Navy College Offices (NCO) in the continental United States as of Oct. 1.
This initiative is part of an ongoing effort to increase virtual and self service options
for Sailors. Visit
Romantic Comedy Analysis
Romantic Comedies. We all know of at least one. Chances are we all have one that
we could watch over and over again. But, why? What makes romantic comedies so
appealing? Why do so many people like them? The Incredible Jessica James is a
romantic comedy, that is also an adult s coming of age movie, but not your typical
one. A typical romcom plays love as an almost insignificantly light hearted joke.
While love is still joked about, it isn t quite as light hearted in The Incredible Jessica
James. When people think of a rom com we typically think of one like: Sleepless in
Seattle, You ve Got Mail, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, 10 Things I Hate About You
, or Pretty in Pink. The Incredible Jessica James doesn t match up to those movies in
a couple of ways. The Incredible Jessica James doesn t completely shy around the
politics of today s society, it starts off light but gradually becomes a little more
serious, shows the struggles of dating when two people start out not completely
over their exes, and is even relatable to some people whose parents have had a rough
divorced. Jessica Jones was made to be relatable more than the idealistic romantic
comedywhere they always end up together. Politics; it is everywhere so why
shouldn t we expect it in our movies? Jessica James is passionate about three things
in this movie: her opinions (politics), theater, and honesty. Her political views are
showcased in one particular scene: her sister s baby shower. Her gift while thoughtful
Sylvia Plath s The Bell Jar
Sylvia Plath s The Bell Jar The works of Sylvia Plath have always been at least
slightly controversial; most of them have themes of feminism, suicide, or
depression. Plath was born in 1932 in Boston, Massachusetts, and by the age of
twelve she was reported to have had an IQ of about 160 (Kelly). Growing up in an
age in which women were expected to be nothing more than conservative
housemaids, Plath stood defiant against the views of society, choosing to expose any
misogynistic prejudices or hateful prospects against mental illness through her
writings (Allen).
Perhaps the most famous work of Sylvia Plath s is The Bell Jar a book that follows the
mental deterioration of a nineteen year old girl named Esther through the narration of
Esther herself. Although Sylvia Plath hated life in general and committed suicide at
the age of 32 after her husband left her, the myriad autobiographical elements,
metaphors, and motifs that appear throughout her works produce a beautifully vivid
representation of people, the world, and life itself ( Sylvia Plath ). Sylvia Plath, like
her character ... Show more content on ...
To Esther, the world seems quite unfriendly, and the novel documents her desperate
search for identity and reassurance. Nevertheless, Esther is intrigued by the world
around her, and at the start of the book she is seen with a wondrous outlook on life
that is reflected in the metaphors throughout the novel (Coyle). In the first half of the
book, Esther is fascinated by the medical practices of her boyfriend, Buddy, as well as
by current events in the newspapers and the thought of her own future family. As the
story progresses, however, Esther becomes indifferent about life, and she develops
bitterness toward everything that appears to prevent her from achieving things she
wants (Huf). As Esther s mental state worsens, the metaphors and similes presented to
the reader begin to have negative connotations
Causes and Consequences of Emancipation Russia
What were the most important causes and most important consequences of the
emancipation of the Serfs?
Serfdom, a system of virtual slavery tying the Russian peasants to their landlords,
was abolished in 1861 under the imperial demand of Tsar Nicholas II. This change
was put in place for many reasons, including military defeat in Crimea, the economy
and political system, which all contributed to the backwardness of Russia as a nation,
as they prohibited the introduction of other major reforms. In my view, the most
important cause of emancipation was the state of the economy, because the nature of
serfdom prevented the country from catching up with the west, and the most
important consequence was that the military was able to dramatically ... Show more
content on ...
Another major cause of serfdom being abolished was because of the defeat in the
Crimea and the diminishing strength of the military. The defeat of the army in the
Crimean war (1856) was seen as humiliating, as Russian sense of pride was strongly
based on its military, and it showed Russia s backwardness as a nation. The
structure of the army was impossible to utilise; mainly composed of conscripted
illiterate peasants, who were poorly trained and sentenced to a life in the army.
They were difficult to control, and torture methods like flogging (where all the
skin was whipped off the back) were commonplace. Because of this, the army
fought with brute strength, rather than skilled precision, and was becoming less
and less effective as morale was low. The equipment provided was also of very low
quality. The view that emancipation had to happen to make the military stronger
was supported by many high profile people, such as War minister (D. Milyutin).
Under the current system it couldn t be reorganised, as it would have meant trained
ex soldiers and reservists going back to villages with guns, which would ve been
risked uprisings. Railways were also needed to increase mobility, impossible without
industry. In order to become more effective, they also needed to reduce the size of
the military to
Palm Desert Case Study
Experience 2015 Present Palm Desert Area Regional Chamber of Palm Desert, CA
Maintain the metrics as established for the 5 Star US Accredited, Award Winning
Work with Board of Directors to establish, implement and maintain the corporate
mission and vision and assist with setting the strategic direction of the organization.
Extensive experience establishing and implementing annual program of work
/business plan that is consistent with achieving strategic goals set with the Board of
Oversee and manage fiscal resources of the organization including preparation of the
annual budget, and ensuring that all financial records are audited in compliance with
established laws. ... Show more content on ...
Participate in both chamber and community activities to promote and enhance the
image and relationship for the chamber with all groups and parties within the city
and state. This has lead to stronger more effective relationships with the city as
evidenced by the successful negotiations of securing $35,000 for an annual event and
an additional $35,000 for a new event thus taking a risk and having confidence that
the only 5 Star Chamber in the Coachella Valleywould be successful.
Coordinate the activities of the chamber staff including recruiting, educating, training,
supervising and regularly assessing performance of staff.
Recruit, orient, and direct the activities of volunteers including committees,
workgroups and task forces.
Recruit new members and retain existing members by directing and participating with
appropriate personnel to ensure adequate membership services.
Selected and participated at the US Chamber Institution of Organizational
Management accreditation at the University of Tuscon site as a Class
Essay Joseph Conrad s The Secret Agent
Joseph Conrad s The Secret Agent: A Critique of Late Victorian Gender Roles
February 15, 1894, was the most interesting afternoon in the otherwise dreary history
of Greenwich Observatory. Earlier in the day, Martial Bourdin, a skinny anarchist,
traveled by train from Westminster to Greenwich, concealing a small bomb. As he
ominously ambled through Greenwich Park, towards the Observatory, something
happened no one knows exactly what and he blew most of himself to shreds. The
British, who loved to quantify in the late nineteenth century, noted that the explosion
spread bits of flesh over a distance of sixty yards. Martial Bourdin remained alive for
another half hour, but gave no hint as to the reason for his choice of such a bizarre ...
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According to John Palmer, this dark irony is essential for the novel s structure. He
states, The Secret Agent is built [...] on the characteristic esthetic tensions of satirical
fiction misunderstandings, dramatic ironies, revealing symbolic parallels and
contrasts, and the like (104). Claire Rosenfield says that Conrad uses an ironic type of
gallows humor to effectively communicate the darkness of the world portrayed in
the novel. Life is so appalling that this humor arrives in the midst of horror, the
point at which despair becomes humorous (121). E. M. W. Tillyard s perspective
differs from that of Rosenfield and Palmer; from his perspective, Conrad keeps his
dreadful story within the bounds of comedy by means of his ironic method (103). His
comments imply that the ironic tone does not effectively convey the sinister darkness
present in the story.
Many critics note that Conrad s irony reflects a pessimistic perspective of the
British society in The Secret Agent. Conrad s perspective is reflective of a society
still reeling from the traumatizing social effects of industrialization. Walter Wright
observes that London s drab streets and barren ugliness reveal the futility of life (189
190), and impersonal fate s destruction of individuals further reveals life s emptiness
(197). From Wright s perspective, the life without control or choice in The Secret
Agent is a life without meaning. Rosenfield
Cleaning Of River Ganga Initiative
Cleaning of River Ganga Initiative Sampath Kolachana Akash Agarwal 12114004
Bharat Gaind 12114022 Pankaj Gudlani 12114047 CSE Department, IIT Roorkee
Abstract: Ganga is the largest river of India, the most sacred river to the Hindus,
more than 2500 kms in length is the third largest river by discharge. The condition
of ganga river is deteriorating day by day. In Varanasi alone, around 2000 million
litres of sewage is dumped into river ganga everyday. This paper displays the
condition of River Ganga, the major factors that are responsible for its pollution, the
various plans and actions that have been taken by the government to control this and
their consequences and limitations. It also describes some of our own solutions in
this regard like changing of crop pattern, better irrigation techniques, diversification
and purification and pollution tax, which on implementation can play a vital role in
cleaning the river. Index Terms: Introduction, Causes of Ganga Pollution, Different
CLeaning Plan, Ganga Action Plan, Consequences of GAP, Economic failure of
GAP, Limitations of GAP, Post GAP actions taken, Discharge into Ganga, Recent
News on Ganga cleaning Introduction Ganga river rises in the western Himalayas in
Uttarakhand, and flows south and east through the Gangetic Plain of North India into
Bangladesh, where it empties into the Bay of Bengal. It is 2,525 km (1,569 mi) in
length. It is a trans boundary river of Asia, which flows through the nations of
Isolation In A Rose For Emily
William Faulkner wrote a short story called A Rose for Emily. This story stuns
many readers starting from the beginning to the end. This story is based upon a
woman named Miss Emily Grierson and the isolated life she lives. The people in
the town she lives in gossip about her life. As this story goes on, readers can see
how Emily and her mental status changes. In the end of the story, it talks about
how the townspeople discovered a gruesome murder that Miss Emily committed.
The ending can give a sense to readers that something was not right with her. This
story can be portrayed as how Miss Emily begins to become mentally unstable,
which leads to a psychotic break because of social isolation, the death of her father,
and the influences of society. In this story, Miss Emily goes through so much that
she is ... living as a lonely recluse in her family s decaying aristocratic house for
more than forty years until her death (Hsu and Wang 87). When Emily s father was
still alive, ... he chases off every suitor that comes near her, denying Emily the
choice of taking up the traditional role of wife... and ... isolating her from the
townspeople (Hsu and Wang 89). The strictness of her father and the fact that Emily
... tries to live in the old aristocratic honor... has kept Emily living all alone and
separated from the town (Hsu and Wang). Living alone with only one person, her
manservant, impacted her social life. This severe time of isolation affected her
mental stability because
Business Models for Internet Based E-Commerce an
Business Models for Internet based E Commerce An Anatomy
B Mahadevan Associate Professor, Production Operations Management Indian
Institute of Management Bangalore 560 0 76, INDIA. e mail:
To Appear in
Abstract The success of Internet based businesses in the Business to Customer
segment in recent years is an indication of the events to unfold at the dawn of the
new millennium. It is widely projected that the Business to Business segment is
poised for a spectacular growth. However, a consistent definition and a framework
for a business model for the Internet based business is still non existent. This paper is
an effort to fill in this gap.
We propose ... Show more content on ...
We particularly identify and focus on two broad issues concerning organization
engaging in Internet based business: Is there a basis on which one can classify
these new propositions? and are there any factors that could potentially influence an
organization in identifying an appropriate sub set of these propositions for its
business? We propose to address these issues in this paper. Barua et al.6 proposed a
four layer framework for measuring the size of the Internet economy as a whole. The
Internet infrastructure layer addresses the issue of backbone infrastructure required
for conducting business via the net. Expectedly, it is
largely made up of telecommunication companies and other hardware manufacturers
such as computer and networking equipment. The Internet applications layer provides
support systems for the Internet economy through a variety of software applications
that enable organizations to commercially exploit the backbone infrastructure. Over
years, several applications addressing a range of issues from web page design to
providing security and trust in conducting various business transactions over the net
have been developed. The Internet intermediary layer includes a host of companies
that participate in the market making process in several ways. Finally, the Internet
commerce layer covers companies that conduct business in an over all ambience
provided by the other three layers. We refer to their
A-1 Steak Sauce Case Analysis
Case Recap A.1. Steak Sauce is one of the premier brands in the Kraft Foods
portfolio, there is little competition, high sales and excellent margins (Kerin
Peterson, 2010). Currently, their closest competitor is Heinz 57 but they are not
seen as a direct competitor because they market their sauce as being versatile for all
meats. Lawry s is introducing a steak sauce on April 1, just in time for summer
grilling season. They plan on offering a 2 for $5 promotional price. Executives at
A.1. need to decide what kind of marketingstrategy to use to fight back against
Lawry s. I prepared an analysis of several marketing strategies that can be used by
executives at A.1. Steak Sauce. This case analysis will provide a summary of A.1....
Show more content on ...
should go for a 2 for $4.00 promotional price to send Lawry s a message. Chuck
Smith knows he has to keep in mind the 2003 profit target so he, along with his
business team, sat down to figure out the financial implications of each alternative.
Executives have noted that beef consumption in the US is declining and this
explains why volume sales have remained stagnant over the past few years. On the
other hand, consumption of chicken and turkey has doubled since the 1970s
(AMI, 2009). Considering this information, one recommendation is to offer a sale
Buy one A.1. Steak Sauce, get one A.1. Marinade free . This type of sale will
appeal to customers who plan on grilling both steak and chicken during Memorial
Day weekend. Because of the small amount of steak sauce used at one time some
consumers do not find it necessary, nor are they interested, in buying 2 bottles of
steak sauce for $5. This promotion would also help increase brand awareness for
A.1. marinades without spending a lot of money on outside advertising. A.1. Steak
Sauce is a premier steak sauce used at 9 out of 10 Steak Houses in the United
States and it is one of the oldest and strongest brands in Kraft Food s portfolio. One
recommendation is to update the packaging or size offered to consumers. Currently,
A.1. is offered in one size, 10 oz glass bottle. If A.1. packaged their
The Holocaust And The Bosnian Genocide
Two terrifying events in earth s history are the German Holocaust and the Bosnian
genocide. Both are similar in the ways they horrified and innocently killed their
victims. They massacred based on which religion you believed in. We all know that
the Jews were victims to the Nazis, but not many know that Muslims were the
unlucky recipient of the Bosnian genocide. Also, the techniques used to innocently
kill the persecuted group are parallel. How these genocides occurred is very alike;
this includes each leader. During both crises, millions of innocent citizens were
brutally killed before the United States of America came to help and fight the
oppressors. The German Holocaust is the most well known horrific massacring event
in the world. This occurred during World War II in Western Europe when anti
Semitism, ethnic hatred, and nationalism prompted countries to join with the Nazi
administration in the destruction of European Jews. Over a few Axis states, fascist
military associations terrorized, robbed, and killed indigenous Jews, either under
German direction or on their own. In these states and others, military personnel and
the police played a main part in the expropriation, concentration, and extradition of
Jewish occupants in their nations ( Holocaust ). The Holocaust Encyclopedia best
describes the German Holocaust as: The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic,
state sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its
Factors That Affect The Health Of Their Cattle Essay
Analytic Phase In the situation, we know that farmers are concerned about the health
of their cattle, but it will be important for the organization to investigate why. There
may be a forecasted increase of six thousand tests during the next period, but will that
persist throughout the future or will it be a one period situation is an important
consideration. At this point, utilizing the decision support method of evidence based
management that question could come to light. According to Nahavandi, Denhardt,
and Denhardt (2014), the cause effect component of this decision making technique
can help conclude through statistics if farmers are more concerned about their cattle s
health because more appear sickly or if the local farmers have increased the
population of cattle within the businesses market region. To further expand on this
thinking, if more cattle are becoming sick the question of why should be considered
as this will determine if the problem is long term, short term, or seasonal. These
considerations will influence various alternatives for the organization. First and
foremost, the consideration of the organization actually doing anything to
accommodate the forecast must be determined since a forecast is an estimation that
something will occur versus a guarantee. If a reaction is considered then specific
considerations relating to the estimated increase in tests perform must be thought out.
Most importantly, how would the organization handle the increased production?
Narrative Techniques In Pulp Fiction
Pulp Fiction is a black comedy, and crime movie that was written and directed by
Quentin Tarantino. The movie features graphic violence, drugs, and a mysterious
briefcase. Pulp Fiction tells several stories in a nonlinear way, meaning that the
narratives are not told in a chronological order and do not follow the rules of space
and time. The usage of a nonlinear format in Pulp Fiction was quite compelling as it
did not follow the typical cause effect sequence in any scene, instead Tarantino chose
to open the movie with a non typical effect rather than a cause.
The movie tells the story of two hit men, a mob boss and his wife, and an aging
boxer. The stories of these people are put together to create a bizarre yet funny movie.
John Travolta ... Show more content on ...
The dialogue puts comedy in the mouths of killers and other moral degenerates. The
dialogue was also somewhat misleading because it never really revealed the
narrative of the movie. For example when the two hitmen drive to their first
assignment, they casually talk about McDonalds, they never really mentioned who
they are killing and why they are killing them. We see that in so many scenes which
makes the movie even more fascinating because it draws your attention to figure out
the reasons of why things go that way but we never really get answers.
Tarantino did many things in the movie that haven t been done before,
What inspired Tarantino to create Pulp Fiction was old movies not real life. The
name Pulp Fiction is perfect for the movie because it is derived from pulp
magazines which are inexpensive fiction magazines are best known for their lurid,
exploitative, and sensational subject matter. Tarantino describes pulp mags as cheap,
disposable entertainment that you can roll up take it with you anywhere, but can t
wait until you take it out and read it again which is exactly how the movie is like.
No matter how many times you watch it, you will still be fascinated by its series of
The film has a clever dialogue which resonated with young movie lover that found it
to be exciting and
African American Music
In the nineteenth century, European countries expanded their interest in foreign
music globally. Through world fairs like the 1889 Universal Exposition, cultural and
material riches were displayed, which sparked widespread interest in exotic cultures
and music, especially the Indonesian gamelan. Exotic musicwas ranked on a spectrum
of exoticism, ranging from pure exoticism to transcultural composing. The term
exoticism represents a non Western object referred to as Othering, where one group is
discriminated from one s own group due to self definition. Exotic music evokes
cultural and geographical Otherness and should be perceived as different from home,
both by the composer and by the audience.1 On the other side of the spectrum,
transcultural transposing incorporates certain styles and conventions of another culture
s music and merge musical elements that the composer and audience would recognize
as our own with those of the distant other culture .2 Some pieces, such as Colin
McPhee s Tabuh Tabuhan, were easier to place on the spectrum, while others, such as
Benjamin Britten s operaDeath in Venice, were harder to decide. Through the
characteristics, and overall purpose of the opera, although Britten integrates exotic
gamelan music in Death in Venice to represent homosexuality, which was prohibited
in English society, Death in... Show more content on ...
Britten s use of gamelan style does not represent a non Western Other ; instead, it is
used as a metaphor for his homosexuality. Death in Venice expresses Britten s
emotions and sufferings on homosexuality. Compared with Carmen, and exotic work,
Death in Venice does not compare to the level of exoticism displayed in Carmen.
Therefore, Britten s Death in Venice should be categorized at the transcultural
composition side of the
Boiling Point Lab Report
Introduction/Purpose To determine whether boiling point, density, mass, and volume
are intensive or extensive properties two experiments will be conducted. One
experiment will be dedicated to identify if boiling point is an intensive or extensive
property by boiling water at different quantities. The other experiment will identify if
density and mass are intensive or extensive properties by utilizing a grape. The
experiment will consist of measuring the mass and volumeof a grape to determine the
density. Both of these experiments will aid to classify boiling point, density, mass,
and volume as either intensive or extensive properties, for the reason that the
properties will either remain identical or will alter due to the quantity of the property
thus being able to categorize the properties accurately. Understanding boiling point,
density, mass, and volume and being able to classify them as either intensive or
extensive properties will enhance our knowledge of these properties and ultimately
innovate our daily lives. For instance, unknown material can be identified by knowing
the boiling point, density, mass, and volume of the substance. Intensive properties aid
the process of identifying unknown substances for the reason that they don t depend
on the quantity of the substance nor do they alter. Although, extensive properties do
alter due to quantity that is present, they differentiate between matters. Therefore,
both of the experiments will aid in the knowledge and
Essay on Analysis of Beneath My House
Paper 5 Analysis of Beneath My House Beneath My House by Louise Erdrich, is a
literary essay with an expressive approach. Erdrich narrates the day she rescues a
kitten from beneath her house, despite the fact that she does not even like cats. Her
maternal instincts take over when she hears the kitten cry, which causes her to do
whatever it takes to rescue the kitten. Then, the author analyzes the event and she
expresses her emotional response. Through the use of description and narration,
Erdrich allows for the audience to imagine the rescue of the kitten beneath her house.
The overall theme is the act of being born. The literary purpose is apparent
throughout. Erdrich uses every opportunity to entertain her audience with the... Show
more content on ...
She presents this irony in a humorous way, which allows comic relief in the middle
of a dangers situation. It is evident that this literary work has an expressive
approach. The author shares a personal experience of rescuing a kitten from
beneath her house. In her reflection, she reveals what the basement symbolizes to
her, which is both comfort and death: comfort, because she finally rescues this tiny
creature ; death, because she is in need of a rescue herself. No one else is aware
that she is beneath the house, and she is so far beneath, in a small space; she feels
as if she may be stuck and die there. She compares her feelings to what she thinks a
fetus may feel right before delivery, and states that, what the body remembers of
birth it anticipates as death. Erdrich expresses her emotional reactions throughout,
and she carefully selects words that cause an aesthetic effect. She says the kitten has
a piteous cry that she can hardly stand to hear. Then, she gets so close to the kitten
and brushes its fur, but the kitten scrambles away, and she feels a slight warmth come
over her, which is a mad calm. This mad calm pushes her to complete this rescue
mission. She continues to try and catch the kitten, and she continues to fail. Her
desperation is apparent, but she prevails and takes a deep breath, and remains patient,
and finally she catches the kitten. Erdrich uses description and first person narration
1984 Diary Entry Essay
G. Orwell s 1984 written assignment. The following text is a diary entry, written by
Winston. It s what he would ve written when he had just been arrested and brought
to Miniluv, if he had been able to. This is the last entry in the diary of Winston
Smith. It finally happened. I was dead long before, but soon I ll be shot in the head
for real. I hope it s quick, at least in the end, after the torture. I hope and I don t
believe myself, for I know it s a futile hope, simply the bit of humanity left in me
fighting to survive. What will it take to break me? I m not strong. I need to be. I m
scared. It s foolish to think that the way I die can affect the future in any way, but it s
important. I need to die with my own thoughts in my skull, so that when they shoot
me, those thoughts will get out with the stream of my blood and brain matter. And
maybe, in the second before darkness descends, I ll... Show more content on ...
This will also be an interesting read for those who enjoy analyzing people based on
how they react in stressful situations. But all readers should feel pity and pride for
this man, who has locked his emotional turmoil under a numbed soul, brain
frantically leaping through visions of a golden future and nightmares filled with pain
and torture, all the while still staying as brave as possible in these circumstances,
saying: You can t break all of me! And that is the point. Even though Winston loves
BB in the end, even though he has been tortured past the point of breaking, he fought
until the end, and then made the most human choice. He stayed human as he gave in,
as he was brainwashed and destroyed from within, because he was human enough to
admit we can t always win. The text has fulfilled its purpose of showing how
humanity can stand against death and accept it as inevitable in the same
Pros And Cons Of Section 1983
The preferred method by many inmates is to file under 42 United States code 1983
or 42 USC 1983. Section 1983, as inmates call it, states that if a government official,
such as a correctional officer, denies an inmate protection under the constitution, the
injured party (inmates) can sue for liability and monetary damages. Inmates have
preferred to file Section 1983 suits in federal courts than to file torts in state courts,
where the scope of relief is less broad. Also, the federal courts through the hands on
era to now have shown more sympathy at time to inmates claims. A 1992 study by
the National Center for State courts (NCSC) with assistance from the bureau of
Justice Statistics studied Section 1983 cases disposed of in the United State.
Primary Factors Shaping The Development Of The British...
Any historian can easily give you a list of the many different factors that shaped
the development of the British colonies in North America but there is only one
primary factor that shaped it. This primary factor is religion making the statement
that geography was the primary factor in shaping the development of the British
Colonies in North America invalid.These British Colonies would not have been as
successful if they weren t religiously motivated and religiously tolerant. Religion
was the drive and reason to why they migrated to North America and the basis for
the majority of the British colonies. Some may argue that religion cannot be the
primary factor because it was itself affected by geography but that does not
matter.These people forget that if it wasn t for the colonists strong religious beliefs
they wouldn t have colonized to America. This makes religion very important
because it was the drive that led them to America and once they got there of course
they were affected by geography but wouldn t have been so... Show more content on ...
Maryland was made for refuge for English Catholics and Pennsylvania was for
Puritans that were looking for a home of their own so they can have religious
freedom and their own distinctive social order. Along with this those who came
for religious reasons were more successful overall because they came looking for a
place where they can live a religious life and not for gold. They ended up
succeeding further because colonies like Jamestown when they came they focused
too much on finding gold and less on forming a foundation that they ended up
unprepared, starving (for instance the starving times) and in desperate need of help.
Although they were able to make tobacco and succeed later on they still were never
able to stay stable economically or
Diction, Symbolism, And Imagery In Robinson s Richard
The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side:
Diction, Symbolism and Imagery in Robinson s Richard Cory Oftentimes in poetry,
something that appears simple is, in fact, very complex upon deeper evaluation.
Edwin Arlington Robinson does exactly this in his poem, Richard Cory, by creating
an accessible poem that can then be picked apart to reveal a deeper meaning. Upon
first glance, the poem appears to be an interesting narrative about the idolization of a
rich aristocrat from the perspective of a poor commoner with whom he interacts.
However, upon closer evaluation, a different meaning can be discovered; the idea that
desirable situations often contain negative attributes that people are unaware of or
overlook. This is achieved through ... Show more content on ...
For example, the phrase fluttering pulses could mean the townspeople being
nervous in his present or could be seen as a symbol to represent romantic interests
(159). Another symbol appears in the line, He was a gentleman from sole to crown
(158). The word crown has two meanings in this usage (158). The most apparent
definition is that it is the top of his head; however, symbolically it is a reference to a
king. Thus, drawing this parallel emphasizes the status that Richard Cory holds within
their community. Using the word crown also leads to many inferences on the
speaker s opinion of Cory, without them actually having to be stated (158). The
stereotypical image of a king is that of someone who is regal, rich, kind, fair and
more, which is all indicated within that one word. A third symbol is the analogies
to meat and bread in the last stanza. In this the speaker is making a statement about
socioeconomic classes, but in a more eloquent way. Bread is a euphemism for
being poor, because it is all that they could afford to eat. The word bread also
references the Roman idea of panem et circenses, or bread and circuses. This
phrase indicates the idea that as long as the poor are fed and entertained, they will
remain in their impoverished state. The speaker curses the bread because that is all
that he can afford to eat, but does nothing more drastic, because he is not going
hungry and his situation could be much worse (159). Meanwhile, having the ability to
eat meat was a sign of status, because it meant you had enough money to buy more
expensive food. This comparison of bread and meat highlights the speaker s longing
for the things that he does not have, the meat, without appreciating the fact that at
least he can afford to eat bread. It also indicates that he is only thinking about Richard
Cory in the shallowest way possible, what he can buy, rather than who
The Music That Have Changed The Face Of Music
Growing up, Beethoven was a household name. Countless studies have been released
claiming classical music could increase babies intelligence. The importance of music
is vast and affects every individual in a multitude of ways. Throughout the course of
history, there have been artist that have changed the face of music as we know it.
Two important composers to the course of music s history are Ludwig van Beethoven
and Franz Liszt. While both composers certainly have similarities in their music, there
are also multiple differences that separate them as completely different artists.
Ludwig van Beethoven was born around December 16th in 1770 in the city of
Bonn. His father, Johann van Beethoven was a singer and terrible alcoholic. He
was locked in a cellar, flogged, and made to practice for hours upon hours. He was
also beaten for any mistakes made while playing piano. Beethoven s father hoped he
would be a musical child prodigy just like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. When
Beethoven turned the age of ten, he dropped out of school to pursue studying music
full time. When his father s health began to decay due to his alcoholism, Beethoven
began to work in order to support his family. He worked as an Assistant Court
Organist. Ludwig van Beethoven was sent to Vienna to study music further, but
returned home when his mother became ill. Beethoven s earliest piece was titled
Cantata on the Death of Emperor Joseph II and was written after the death of
Emperor Joseph II. In 1792 Beethoven
Network Security Concepts Essay
Network Security Concepts
File security falls into two categories, encryption and access. Access to files can
mean physical access to a computer with unsecured files or access via user
permissions or privileges in the form of access control lists (ACLs) (Strengthen
Your Users File Security, 2003). The files kept on a server with NTFS storage can
be locked to prevent anyone who does not have the correct permissions from opening
them. This is secure but can be bypassed with physical access to an open computer
and should not be used for sensitive information. The other method of securing files is
by encrypting the information in the files using an Encrypting File System (EFS),
which employs public key encryption privileges (Strengthen ... Show more content on ...
Secret and private keys are very similar and are often used interchangeably. The
difference is that secret keys are used for both encryption and decryption, while a
private key is part of the public/private key system and is used only for decryption
(Cryptography, 2005). In both cases, the key may be known only to a single person
or a limited group of people in order to keep the key secure.
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a method of verifying users on a network, while a
digital certificate is a reference from a neutral company that confirms the identity of
an internet site (Shay, 2004, p. 321) and (Tomsho, G., Tittel, E. Johnson, D., 2004, P.
378). The digital certificate is issued by a Certificate Authority (CA) such as Verisign,
and a registration authority (RA) that acts as a reference to identify an entity to a
user of the website, and uses a directory that holds the certificate and can revoke a
company s digital status. The PKI technology is at the core of the digital certificates
used in almost all transactions on the internet. The PKI uses a cryptographic key pair,
one of which is public and one which is private, to authenticate the owner of the
certificate (PKI, 2002).
In each of the layers of the OSI model, there are security risks that exist and are
developing now, and
Visit To The Supreme Court
Court Visit Reflection for Criminal Case State v. Monfort
Zirui Chen
University of Washington Part 1
What courthouse did you attend?
I attend to the King County Superior Court.
Date attended?
I attended the court on February 23rd, 2015.
Judge s name?
The judge s name was Kessler, Ronald.
What type of proceeding was it (criminal or civil)?
The type of proceeding was criminal.
What was the subject of the case (e.g., murder, personal injury, divorce, assault, etc.)?
The subject of the case was murder.
What stage of the proceeding did you observe (direct testimony, cross examination,
Voir Dire, etc.)?
The proceeding was on the stage of direct examination and cross examination, when
plaintiff s lawyer and defendant s lawyer question ... Show more content on ...
I was born in China, where their justice system is different comparing to the United
States. In fact, my father was a former County Court president in one of the county in
China. He gave me an idea of how the system runs in China. There are many
differences between two countries, and the most ones that stand out to me were the
amount of judges, the levels of court, right to convict crime and given punishment,
and the law system. First of all, as I mention previously, I found out that there is
only one judge in the Superior Court, and nine judges in the Supreme Court. In
China, there are three judges who manage the flow of the case. Secondly, there are
three levels of courts in the United States, which are the lower courts, appeal court,
and Supreme Court. However, there are only two levels of court in China. They are
the county court and the federal courts. Once the federal court made decision, there is
no opportunity for any appeals. Thirdly, the jury makes the conviction of rather the
defendant is guilty or not in United States County Courts, the judge decides the
penalty. In China, the three judges make both decisions on convictions and
penalties. Last difference that my father pointed out was how the law system work
to charge a person. He told me that there are little over eight hundred laws created in
China, and few local county laws made for different geographic of the
Power In Afghanistan
Originally Afghanistan was led by the Shah Monarchy elitism and the economy was
stable. Until the Soviets took over although not all the contributions to Afghanistan
were bad most did not help the circumstances. The instability of the political system
and society in general was caused by the medaling of the Russians and other
countries. When the Russians invaded and eliminated the people in power it caused
rebel groups to form. One of the rebel groups were the Taliban. Many people that
were in the government were assassinated by different groups. When the Taliban took
control of Afghanistanthey took the elite out of power and put themselves in that role
becoming the governing power. Problems that happen with instabilities within a
government is that it is possible for radical groups... Show more content on ...
Islam is also used to acknowledge what is right and wrong. Although Islam is a
peaceful religion the Taliban used to justify its extreme behaviors. They did this
by killing people from other religions or religious sector they did not agree with.
Like the Hazara, which Hassan was a part of considered to be of lesser status. The
Taliban also believed that the only way to practice was if it was Pashtun. Since
Hassan was considered lower class he became on of Baba and Amir s servants.
Even though Hassan was technically Baba s child he never claimed him. Part of
this reason he was never claimed could be because of the difference in status.
Hazara cannot go against a Pashtun s word. This comes into play when Amir feels
guilty about not doing anything about Hassan s rape so instead on confronting him
or talking to relive his stress and guilt. Amir plants a watch underneath his pillow to
make it look like Hassan was stealing from them. Although in this case Amir did not
get what he wanted because Baba forgave Hassan for his supposed theft. It is not
until after Hassan dies and Amir saves Sohrab from the Taliban that his guilt
Seagram Values
Definition of Project: After taking over the reins from his father Edgar Bronfman Sr.
in 1994, Edgar Jr. launched a campaign in 1995 after meeting with 200 of his senior
management team to announce that Seagram would be the best managed beverage
company . Therefore, he explained the challenges that profits gain by the
development of their premier products, the diversification and acquisitions into new
markets during the 1960 s into the late 1980 s would need a new fresh strategy for
Seagram s to keep their competitive standing, hence the introduction of Seagram
Values (Jick Peiperl, 2011). These values would direct the company towards
effectively managing business processes, the reduction of cost and foresight towards
growth opportunities.... Show more content on ...
Similarly, manager should align rewards with corporate goals and should be based
on the intrinsic or extrinsic needs of the employee (Salie Schlechter,2012). These
actions on the employee behalf encourages the Seagram value of innovation.
Furthermore, this value compares to the third step of the effective change model of
foster consensus for the new vision, competence to enact it, and cohesion to move it
along. Moreover, this step supports the employee that is doing well and conversely
for those that are not conforming to change, outplacement should be an option (Jick
Analysis Of George Orwell s Shooting An Elephant
The author of Shooting an Elephant, George Orwell, describes his moral troubles as
a police officer in Moulmein in lower Burma (known as Myanmar in the twenty first
century) when encouraged by its citizens to kill a rogue elephant in town. Orwell
details how nearly every citizen in Moulmein had a grudge against Europeans, and
would, as a result, antagonize any European in the town. Orwell was a sub divisional
European police officer and had a particularly difficult time in Moulmein. Orwell
explains one particular Burman tripped him at a sporting event, ignored, as the
Burman tripped him, by the referee, and laughed at by the crowd. The Burmans
antagonized Orwell, and would always find a time to insult him when the time was
right and a safe distance between the two. Orwell mentioned Buddhist priests, as
thousands of them inhabited the town without much to do, were the worst of his
aggressors, and would mockingly taunt Europeans.
The Burmese abhorred Orwell, and would antagonize him when possible. Orwell,
however, felt different feelings towards the Burmese people. He had secretly been for
the Burmese cause, and against their aggressor ― the British. His job as a sub
divisional police officer gave Orwell further insight into the dirty work of the British
Empire, and caused him to strongly dislike his occupation. The British huddled the
oppressed, naked, abused prisoners and long term convicts into stinking, dank jails
and struck them into submission with bamboo. This
Mary Rowlandson s Captivity Narrative, The Sovereignty
Mary Rowlandson s captivity narrative, The Sovereignty and Goodness of God, and
Charles Brockden Brown s novel Edgar Huntly were both written during a time of
discovery, exploration, and the questioning of identity in America. The frontier was
considered the wild place of the unknown, and in these two works, the wilderness of
the frontier and characters of civilized society interact to form compelling stories.
Mary Rowlandsons narrative and Brown s novel Edgar Huntly both use the theme
of savagery, in which the world of the frontier enables self proclaimed civilized
people to rationalize savage behavior, showing that everyone has the capability of
savagery, and all have inner, dark impulses that are an inherent part of one s human...
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In another instance she consumed raw horse liver which she described in this
manner: I was forced to take the rest and eat it as it was, with the blood about my
mouth, and yet a savory bit it was to me; for to the hungry soul every bitter thing
was sweet (Rowlandson 68). Her description of eating the horse liver with the
image of the blood about her mouth is particularly savage and would normally by
associated only with the Native Americans. She attempts to justify her behavior
with her desperate hunger, and this further reveals the ability of the frontier to
create a world in which the civilized attempt to rationalize their own savage
behavior. After she later ate a piece of fawn so tender that she was able to eat the
bones as well as the flesh, Rowlandson relied upon her faith and credited God for
making the normally detestable food delicious to her. She portrays the food as a
gift from God when she states, I would tell the world what a blessing the Lord gave
to such mean food (Rowlandon 76). This also reveals Rowlandson s shifting
perspective in the narrative as to what is and is not considered savagery; At the
beginning of the novel, a Native American committing these same actions would
have been considered by Rowlandson to be the most barbarous heathen. Perhaps one
of Mary Rowlandon s most barbarous actions occurred during the eighteenth remove
when she stole a piece of horse meat from a child. Rowlandson describes the incident
Acute Bronchitis And Common Respiratory Disease
Acute bronchitis is one of the most common diagnoses encountered in a primary care
setting. It affects millions of individuals resulting in significant impact on health of
patients and health care industry. Studies have shown that 90% of times acute
bronchitis is caused by a virus, yet health care providers are failing to treat or
manage these patients with appropriate therapies (Knutson Braun, 2002). The focus
of this paper is to review the guidelines for treatment of acute bronchitis after
differentiating acute bronchitis from other common respiratory disease in terms of
epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis,
complications and patient education. Understanding the evaluation and treatment
guidelines, nurse practitioners can provide evidence based practice for patients
with acute bronchitis. Epidemiology and significance of the problem Acute
bronchitis is one of the five top reasons to seek medical care in the United States.
The incidence of acute bronchitis is typically higher in fall and winter season,
accounting for 82% of the cases (Fayyaz, 2014). It affects full spectrum of
population including any age group, gender and demographics. The incidence of
acute bronchitis accounts for 36 million office visits annually (Blush, 2013).
Although it can be seen in variety of patients, children tend to get acute bronchitis as
many 6 times a year where as adults acquire about two to four on average every year
(Blush, 2013). These
Developing Self and Others Essay
Contents Summary Introduction Findings: Section 1: Know how to identify
development needs Assessment Criteria (AC) AC1.1 Identify your own learning
style(s) and the learning style(s) of another member of the team. AC1.2 Using a
simple technique for identifying own development needs and the development needs
of another member of the team. AC1.3 Identify potential barriers to learning AC1.4
Explain how barriers to learning can be overcome Section 2 Know how to develop
self and others to achieve organisational objectives AC2.1 Briefly analyse learning
/development options to meet need(s) of self and another member of the team AC2.2
Identify support mechanisms for the development of self and another member of the
team AC2.3... Show more content on ...
SWOT analysis is a structured planning method used to evaluate the Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business
venture. It can be completed for a product, place or person. SWOT analysis came
from the research conducted at Stanford Research Institute from 1960 1970 using
data from the fortune 500 companies and is credited to Albert Humphrey. The
following development needs for my colleague and me were identified using the
SWOT (Appendix 5). Care Assistant: Report writing: All employees of the trust
are legally responsible for all records held whether paper or electronic. Progress
reports are completed daily in the form of client daily records, behaviour books
and reviews. Part of the care assistant role is to contribute to this reporting.
Communication Skills: My colleague has difficulty speaking out. She feels that her
language skills need developed to be able to communicate effectively with other
professionals and parents. Knowledge of clients/behaviour plans: Part of the job
specification is knowledge of behaviour management. My colleague is new to the
role and is unfamiliar with the behaviour modification plans set out for all clients as
yet. Personal: Level 5 management qualifications: progression to the level 5
qualification on completion of level 3. This qualification is required to progress into
management roles and will further develop my sells and
Theme Of Music In A Streetcar Named Desire
In the field of psychology, it has been proven that music can affect the brain and
human moods. During many moments of stress during the play, A Streetcar Named
Desire , different songs intertwined with stage directions have portrayed that
influence the tone and mood of the scene and characters within the scenes. There are
multiple types of musicused during this drama, including the Blue Piano,
Varsouviana Polka, Paper Doll, and It s Only a Paper Moon. Tennessee Williams use
of the music motif in the stage directions in his play , A Streetcar Named Desire , to
foreshadow events that represent characters, the social classthat is repressive, and
mirrors the character of Blanche DuBoisas she loses her grip with reality adds to the
audience s understanding of the play as a whole. One of the first and main music
motifs used in the play A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams, involves
the music theme of Blue Piano . This recurring symbol and theme can be seen in
the play s opening scene, a tiny Blue Piano sounds in a bar around the corner from
Stanley and Stella s apartment. The Blue Piano plays as Blanche arrives at Elysian
Fields, and is dominant when she recounts the deaths at Belle Reve (Scene 1),
while she kisses the young man from the newspaper (Scene 5), and when the
Doctor leads her away to the asylum (Scene 11). For instance, the music of the blue
piano drums and trumpet is heard (Williams, page 164) occurs when Stanley has
just overheard a conversation between Stella and Blanche, in which Blanche is
asking Stella not to hang back with the brutes (Williams, page 164). However,
when Stanley walks in, Stella immediately goes to him and embraces him with
both arms which makes the music of the blue piano more significant as the blue
piano represents Stanley s blue collar working class and the vibrancy of that class,
it foreshadows the triumph of Stanley over Stella at the end of the play, and in turn
emphasizes Williams social comment on the 1940 s America where he can see
Stanley and the values of his class replacing those of Blanche and her class. Again,
The barely audible blue piano begins to drum up louder. (Williams, page 214) shows
the use of the music of the blue
Essay on John Maynard Keynes Versus Friederich A. Hayek
Two major economic thinkers of the of the early twentieth century, John Maynard
Keynes and Friedrich A. Hayek, hold very different economic viewpoints. Keynes is
among the most famous economic philosophers. Keynes, who s theories gained a
reputation during the Great Depression in the 1930s, focused mainly on an economy
s bust. It is where the economy declines and finally bottoms out, that Keynesian
economics believes the answers lie for its eventual recovery. On the other hand,
Hayek believed that in studying the boom answers would be provided to lead the
economy out of the bust that was sure to follow. Hayek backed the Austrian school of
economics. John Maynard Keynes fostered a school of thought that came to be
known after him,... Show more content on ...
This is almost the textbook definition of money illusion, which of course classical
economics assumes people are not fooled by. Still, Keynes ideas gained popularity
and President Franklin D. Roosevelt s New Deal was directly influenced by the
Keynesian point of view. Keynes held that the way out of a depression was to
increase an economy s aggregate demand(AD). Roosevelt s New Deal contained huge
federal expenditures and government jobs programs, all designed to boost AD. These
programs, including direct relief, were paid by taxpayers dollars and the tax rates rose
dramatically multiple times during the Great Depression. F. A. Hayek, the other
economic thinker of the twentieth century, believed that the way to stabilize a broken
economy was to find solution from the boom that preceded the current bust. The
Hayek supported Austrian theory sought a connection among business cycles, capital
theory, and monetary theory. Hayek believed an economy started going downhill
when people did not coordinate their actions. The spontaneous order of the free
market and price system usually does a fantastic job of coordinating people s actions.
Hayek said that the credit market becomes distorted when the money supply
increases, interest rates go down, and the credit becomes artificially cheap (Friedrich).
This causes an artificially high rate of investment and malinvestment. [Malinvestment
is ]...too much investment in long term projects relative to short term ones, and the
The Squire s Tale
Because The Squire s Tale from Chaucer s The Canterbury Tales is incomplete, the
romantic idea of life and love are the prominent themes of the limited story. The
interruption of the tale leads more to assumptions than accurate analysis.
A Fantastical Tale
This story begins in a foreign location, introduces a mysterious guest, and describes
magical items. How does this not sound like the beginning of a fantasy story along
the lines of Lord of the Rings? Instead, it is the imaginative tale of the Squire from
Chaucer s The Canterbury Tales. The Squire is a young man who is an apprentice to
his father, a knight. His fantastical tale is set in the land of Tartary and is filled with
hope. His tale begins as an optimistic story about love.
The Squire never finishes his story. He is interrupted by another member of the
travelling group and is not given an opportunity to return to it. The Squire receives
praise for what he has told up to the point of the ... Show more content on ...
He provides this romantic backdrop to tell his tale about love. Unfortunately, the
theme of love only develops between the female falcon and Canace. Had the Squire
been permitted to continue his story, he would have added to his tale and allowed
for further development of this theme. He does note that the remainder of his story
would have explained how the children of the king could have found the loves of
their lives.
As it remains a truncated story, what does the Squire tell about love? He notes that
despite our feelings of love, they may not be shared by our partner, as the female
falcon learns. It is a powerful feeling and can lead to deep emotional pain. Canace
shows that this pain does heal, and we are then able to go forth and experience it
again. It is a feeling that should be cherished and nurtured, despite there being no
assurances that it will last
Current Sources Of The State Of Indonesia
In Indonesia, petroleum is one of the main sources of the state revenues. It is also a
very important strategic commodity and often as political issue. The revenues from
oil and gas have driven the economic growth and contributed significantly for the
development of Indonesia. In the world, legislations which regulate oil and gas are
varies from country to country. In spite of many variations, in general, the upstream
oil and gas activities, based on two systems, the production sharing contracts and the
licensing systems. Indonesia was the country that introduced the concept of
production sharing contracts in 1966 (Bindemann, 1999).
After the verdict of Indonesian Constitutional Court in 2012 on The Oil and Gas
Law, some of the articles were unconstitutional and not legally binding. As a result,
the government and the parliament want to revise the oil and gas law and led to the
ideas of replacing the production sharing contract with the licensing system.
Nevertheless, before Indonesia adopts the new system, many aspects should be
considered in designing legislations. Some of the aspects are the concept of natural
resources ownership, revenues for the state, and attractiveness for the investors.
Mean while, as the owner of natural resources, the government has the rights to
control and regulate petroleum resources. The government would also have to balance
its demand for maximizing the revenues from oil and gas and adverse effect on
investment climate. Thus, it should be
Specific Security Policy
Issue Specific Security Policy:
Luebbert Medical Company
Title: Home use of company owned computer equipment
This policy addresses the use of Luebbert Medical Company s (LMC) company
owned computer equipment. This includes hardware, software, and procedures
associated with company equipment. This policy is intended for authorized users
within LMC. This includes employees and conditional workers. Authorized users are
expected to understand and comply with the contents of this document.
Users are permitted, with prior approval, to use LMC s equipment. Equipment is
not to be used for personal use, or used with software that will be used in your
personal time off. Equipment should only be used to enhance the work done within
the company. The company firewall will require authentication to access certain
files/folders via VPN, that would not usually occur when used in the office. This is
to ensure appropriate use of equipment, permissions and privileges will be very
strict when the user is not connected to the company network. Only LMC has the
ability to approve users who are able to use the equipment, and are the only ones
who should know the access codes to access the VPN. Use of company equipment
that goes against protocols ... Show more content on ...
In regard to safeguarding and confirming equipment remains properly configured,
concerning proper and authorized software, it is the responsibility of the end user to
ensure that their equipment remains properly configured. The LMC Information
Security Team are responsible for defining the authentication and software
requirements, as well as the development of necessary compliance programs
/software. LMC reserves the right to audit any and all equipment that it

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Essays For High School Students To Read. 9 High School Essay Examples amp; Samples - PDF Examples - 5 Ways ...

  • 1. Essays For High School Students To Read Writing an essay on the subject of "Essays For High School Students To Read" can be both challenging and intriguing. The difficulty lies in striking a balance between engaging content that captivates the high school audience and providing valuable insights that contribute to their intellectual growth. Crafting an essay that resonates with young minds requires careful consideration of their interests, concerns, and the challenges they face. To begin with, identifying relevant and relatable topics for high school students is a task that demands thorough research and a nuanced understanding of their world. The content must be not only age-appropriate but also intellectually stimulating, encouraging critical thinking and reflection. Balancing educational content with an engaging writing style is crucial to maintain the attention of high school readers. Moreover, the challenge extends to tailoring the language and tone to suit the target audience while avoiding the pitfalls of condescension. It's essential to communicate complex ideas in a clear and accessible manner, ensuring that the essay fosters comprehension and sparks curiosity. The task is also complicated by the need to provide unique perspectives or fresh takes on familiar subjects. High school students are exposed to a myriad of information daily, and crafting an essay that stands out requires originality and creativity. Striking the right chord between novelty and relevance can be a daunting task, demanding a keen understanding of contemporary issues and an ability to present them in a compelling light. In conclusion, while writing an essay on "Essays For High School Students To Read," one must navigate the delicate balance between relevance, intellectual depth, and engaging presentation. It's a challenge that demands meticulous research, a nuanced understanding of the target audience, and the ability to convey ideas in an accessible yet thought-provoking manner. For those seeking assistance in crafting similar essays or tackling other writing challenges, there are resources available. Consider exploring services, where you can find support for a variety of writing needs. Essays For High School Students To Read Essays For High School Students To Read
  • 2. Letters From An American Farmer Analysis It was once stated, Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. In other words, take care of your own life. Forbear from seeking aid. Many people have immigrated to the United States in search of the American Dream by themselves, pursuing a place to call home, a stable job, and a happy life. In Letters from an American Farmer, J. Hector St. John de CrГЁvecoeur attempts to persuade the Europeans that America is unequivocally the land of opportunity worth moving to by causing them to feel empathy and by having them procure the logical conclusion on their own. Employing the use of metaphors, the French aristocrat aims to draw out empathetic feelings from the audience. For example, he writes, In Europe, [the poor] were as so many
  • 3. Analysis Of Francois Hutteau s Great Search For Liberty Francois Hutteau s great search for Liberty Hello my French brothers and sisters! Dark times have befallen our precious land, and pure chaos has ensued. I write to the people in France in hopes of establishing a new land. A land that can be looked upon proudly with eyes of great virtue. In order to achieve our wildest dreams we must sort through the rubbish that has landed us here in the first place. How will we as a society react to the many things that have been dealt to the people of France? Perhaps our great fight ends in bloodshed, and broken promises. Or perhaps we could take heed of the laws and policies our fellow Europeans across the Sea. I had the pleasure of visiting one of the cities in America that the citizens take so much pride in: Boston, Massachusetts. A port town on the North Eastern coast that was a large part of the American Revolution . It was also home to the Notorious Boston Massacre. There are a number of things that I enjoyed about my trip, but pointing out the differences between Boston and France had to be the most delectable part of my trip. The way in which they practice religion is something to behold. Their new Constitution is also no laughing matter, and lastly the many things Americans find fun is mesmerizing, and also repulsive. America is a tremendous place and I cannot wait to guide you through my journey and inferences. The first voyage I made when I got off the boat was directly towards a church. I decided to visit the Old North Church and as I approached I noticed that the brick work seemed to glisten in the sun, and the white interior reminded me of how pure the world can really be. The church practiced Protestantism, and started soon after the War.[1] I admired the way in which the citizens praised God, but I did happen to notice that their practices were rather different from my own. After talking to some of the Americans most had either commented on my accent or expressed their condolences to the revolution. I also asked them about how they worship and how they choose to worship. Many of these American citizens were free to choose what they wanted to worship. Most did say that they would be judged for their religious decisions, but were never forced into doing
  • 4. Remember the Titans Jamie Velez Elizabeth Hughes Paul Way EDUC 268 Remember the Titans Five Step Analysis Plot Summary In April of 1971, the United States Supreme Court issued a ruling that ended all stateimposed segregation in public schools. This was the same year that T. C. Williams High School located in Alexander Virginia was integrated. This is the setting for the movie Remember the Titans, staring Denzel Washington who portrays Herman Boone the head coach of the Titans. Herman Boone is brought in as an assistant coach to join the all white coaching staff. When Herman Boone is appointed head coach over a wining white coach he is reluctant to accept because the same things had happened to him when a white coach had been appointed over him in ... Show more content on ... He did it without looking for gratitude or glory. He is even able to complement Coach Boone at the end of the summer camp for his fine work. Gerry Bertier and Julius Campbell are the unofficial leaders of the white and black teams respectively. They fall into this position because of their athleticism, personal convictions, and need to protect their brothers . Gerry Bertier ultimately becomes team leader by learning to set aside his prejudice and focus on the team regardless of color. The relationship that develops between Bertier and Campbell lead the way for most of the team to come together. Yukl (2006) Peer Leadership . Sometimes a manager asks a subordinate to share in performing certain leadership function and sometimes subordinates perform these functions on their own initiative. (p. 55) Issues The leaders are forced to face many issues that are poised to tear the team apart: В· Herman Boone appointed over qualified winning white coach В· Conflicting leadership styles between Herman Boone and Bill Yoast В· Racism in the south at the beginning of the 1970s В· Divided team due to black and white being forced to play together В· Divided coaching staff due to black and white being forced to coach together В· Machinations of School board and other governing bodies В· Coach Boone suspicious of Bill Yoast possibly sabotaging his efforts В· Coach Boone sacrificing too much for the sake of winning В· Coach Boone putting aside his pride to accept help from white
  • 5. ID, Ego, And Superego In Lord Of The Flies By William Golding The Reality of ID,EGO, and Superego In the book Lord of the Flies, by William Golding shows examples of the mind set ID, Ego, and Super are part of one s mind set when born. ID is the primitive mind, it contains all the basic needs and feelings of a person this demonstrates the character Jack . Ego is the growth of a person s mind, it relates to the real world actions meaning it operates with the reality principle, it compromises the good and the bad this represents the character Ralph. The next mind set is the Superego, this is called the moral part of the mind the parental and societal values. it stores and enforces the rules of what is needed to know this describes the character Piggy. ID (Jack), Ego (Ralph), Superego(Piggy) The Id contains a human s primitive drive and operates according to the pleasure principle, whereby its two main goals are the seeking of pleasure and the avoidance of pain.( the book Lord of the Flies the author introduces the charcter Jack a young kid, but starts to change as a person. He represents ID, by his action of needing and wanting things. Being part of Ralph s group all Jack wanted to do was hunt, and hunt nothing else just the need to hunt for pigs. Soon after that he then decides to leave the group of boys to start his own group of hunters to be in charge and command. As the mind keeps growing and developing a human can show improvement which brings up Ego.
  • 6. Baghban Comparison I am from Dayton, Ohio. I saw similarities and difference between Dayton, Ohio and Appalachia Baghban. I attend Christian Private School, and the students were from surrounding cities like Xenia, Huber Height, and Kettering. As Baghban pointed out, the children were influenced by their homes and cities. Baghban brought up family values, education and literacy in Appalachian, and Dayton residents and private school student share similarities and difference with Appalachian culture. In the Article, the Baghban explained the importance of the family values and views. For instance, Baghban explained that Appalachian citizen went to hunt trips, regularly. In Dayton, citizen would visit each other for Holidays, but I did not meet people who visit
  • 7. Obesity Problem Analysis Obesity Problem Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. Almost one third of the US population is currently obese with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30, and close to 5 percent is morbidly obese with a BMI greater than 40 (see Obesity in America). Obesity not only increases the risks of many health problems, including hypertension, respiratory disease, orthopedic disorders, diabetes mellitus, and hyperlipidemia, but also has adverse social and economic consequences. Current approaches to weight control are in general not very successful and results vary greatly between individuals. This is mostly due to the fact that obesity is a complex, multifaceted issue which requires an integrated and comprehensive solution.... Show more content on ... The p ratio is the utilization ratio of fat and lean mass when energy is withdrawn or deposited from the body. In the case of weight gain, a low p ratio indicates large energy deposited to the lean tissues, while a high p ratio indicates a large increase in fat mass in comparison to lean mass. The question is how p ratio varies from individual to individual and how it is controlled by genetic factor. Speakman (Obesity: The Integrated Roles of Environment and Genetic, 2004) emphasizes the connection between genetics and environment in his comprehensive review on obesity. One of the most interesting hypothesis that connects genetic and environment is the lipostatic regulation system. The lipostatic system connects our energy storage with targets encoded in the brain, which drives our behavior, including food intake, physical activity and metabolisms. This model suggests that obese people have lipostat set at a high level. It also suggests that, although exposed to the same environment, some people will develop obesity because their genetics leads them to more likely adapt behaviors or physiologies that tip the energy balance toward more storage. There are plenty of genetic evidences to support this hypothesis.
  • 8. Clara Schuman Impact On Society In an era where only men got to do things that weren t housework and motherhood women s rights were practically nonexistent, Clara Schuman performed in public and composed, something that women in her time never did. She was the main interpreter of her husband s work, but she also played an important role in reintroducing eighteenth century music to the public. Unfortunately, her compositions remained unknown until the second half of the twentieth century. Many are still unpublished and owned by private collectors. Clara was born into a very musical family in 1819. From an early age, her father planned Clara s career and life down to the smallest detail. She daily received a one hour lesson and two hours of practice. In March 1828, at the
  • 9. Comparing Culture In Where Worlds Collide And Indian Father s Culture in definition is: the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time (Merriam Webster s Learner s Dictionary). Thus, based on these certain beliefs, customs, traditions, and arts, a person s thoughts, ideas, and views can be greatly affected since they lived with a lifestyle based around a specific culture . Therefore, it can be coherent that the culture of a person is paramount to one s views of the world and of others as seen throughout many texts such as, An Indian Father s Pleas by Robert Lake and Where Worlds Collide by Pico Iyer. To begin with, the effect of culture on one s views of the world and of others can be seen throughout the essay, And Indian Father s Plea by Robert Lake (Medicine... Show more content on ... Over there is a block long white limo, a Lincoln Continental, and, over there, a black Chevy Blazer with Mexican Stickers all over its windows, being towed. (Iyer 62) Moreover, states, The blue skies and palm trees they saw on TV are scarcely visible from here: just an undifferentiated smoggy haze, billboards advertising Nissan and Panasonic and Canon, and beyond those an endlessly receding mass of grey streets. Overhead, they can see the all too familiar signs of Hilton and Hyatt and Holiday Inn; in the distance, a sea of tract houses, mini malls, and high rises. (Iyer 62) These describe how the culture of the tourists or immigrants of the United States portrayed America in a positive way, a place for opportunity, thus causing the travelers to deter their eyes from what is really there and see only what they choose to see and what they choose to believe. Therefore, this proves how the people s culture changed how they view certain things around the world which is evident in this when people look away from reality and see only what they
  • 10. Transfer Of Juvenile Offenders Brevin, The laws governing the transfer of juvenile offenders from the juvenile court system to the adult criminal court system do vary from state to state, consequently, a very small percentage are actually waived (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, n.d.). The discretion of the court is first and foremost to protect society from a violent offender. There are instances where a juvenile offender poses such a great risk to society, although they are extremely rare, the court will have no choice but to remand them to be held. The state of Tennessee specifically identified crimes within legislation dictating which crimes can be transferred to criminal court (Justia US Law, n.d.). In the Tennessee Statute 37 1 134, it states
  • 11. Character Goals And Changing Knowledge Play Character goals and changing knowledge play a huge role in ET the Extra Terrestrial, especially once different people discovered ET s existence. When Gertie found out about ET, she was scared, especially since she was in a very unfamiliar circumstances. Gertie s unfamiliarity with ET is palpable within the beginning of the scene, and as she continued to learn more about ET, she became more and more comfortable with being around him and talking about him. In the beginning, she would refuse to stand near ET and stayed far away from him because she was scared and unfamiliar with him. Mike obviously understood that he had to keep ET a secret and had a much better and safer introduction to ET, so Gertie was the only one at risk of acting monumentally different. Gertie s actions in this scene create and change her long termcharacter goals and changes her perspective and actions within the entire movie. Her naivetГ© as a child still shows through later in the movie as she forgets some plans through the movie, but she shows love towards ET after becoming more familiar with him and understandinghow important he is. The scene is dictated by multiple short term goals by Gertie that evolved into a different situation. This scene marks the turning point where Elliot includes his siblings in his secret and they must work together in order to protect ET. Gertie is continuously asking questions in the scene in order to understand and feel comfortable with ET. Her overall hesitance is
  • 12. Criminal Case Analysis Throughout the 20th century, the importance of criminal cases increased. From sentencing the death penalty to creating a model code that almost all of the states use, the decisions on criminal cases have changed constantly. Criminal cases are defined as a person committing a public wrong which is considered an offense against the state. A criminal case can be settled with a plea bargain or through a trial, which is decided by certain jurisdictions. There are many factors that go into deciding a criminal case, those being the crimethat was committed, the evidence that is brought into the case, the state the trial is being held in and whether the Judge dismisses the case or not. Many of the crucial criminal cases have shined a light on the important... Show more content on ... The MPC was used in courts, and judges rely on it when handling substantive criminal law decisions. Some states even used MPC s model of organization as a starting point. MPC remains an influence in the criminal laws for more than 2/3 of the states even if it s received a lot of criticism. Another way that decisions on criminal cases have developed is with the Hearsay Rule. The Hearsay rule is defined as a statement, other than one made by the declarant while testifying at a trial or hearing, offered in evidence to prove the truth of the matter at hand. (HR) The hearsay rule is not allowed in several courts because it is questionable and could violate the 6th and 14th amendment. The only exceptions for allowing the hearsay rule is in some cases if the declarant can testify, if the declarant can t testify or if the case involves child
  • 13. Access the Effects of the Spanish Settlement in Hispaniola... For the first ten years of colonization, Hispaniola was the only colony in the Caribbean where the Spanish settled. In the 16thcentury, Hispaniola was the centre of the Spanish colonial system in the Caribbean. It was known as the Pearl of the Caribbean. Just like in the other colonies, the Tainos thought that the Spaniards were gods and welcomed them into their villages. Columbus believed that Hispaniola had gold and forced the Tainos to work in the mines. Columbus also made the Tainos pay the Spanish a tribute to satisfy both the Crown s and the settler s greed for gold, and to obtain food for his settlement. It was easy to take control of the Tainos as they assumed that if they pleased the gods that they would be richly rewarded in... Show more content on ... It was the Spaniard s new way of controlling the Tainos. The local magistrate was in charge of allocating labour for each conquistador. The imposition of tributes on the Taino s can be argued to be the first form of slavery. The concept was that the Tainos were forced to do low paid or unpaid labour for a certain number of weeks or months each year on Spanish owned farms and mines. It is argued that the repartimiento was the first form of slavery. Even though the Tainos were not stated as owned, they were free in various respects and the work was alternating. The needs of the Tainos were ignored and they were punished severely. Some of the native communities that were located near to Spanish settlements also had to give up a percentage of their people to work in agriculture, construction of houses and streets and as part of the labour force. Columbus could not control this labour system as the Tainos resisted against the system. Some of the Tainos escaped from the repartimiento by leaving their communities and looked for wage labour elsewhere. Other signed contracts (asientos) which lasted six months to a year and required the workers to be paid a salary, provided living quarters and religious services during the time. When NicolГЎs de Ovando became governor of Hispaniola in 1502, he brought with him a stabilized labour system; the encomienda system. The theory of this
  • 14. The Curveball Case When the topic of intelligence failures and politics come up, the first thing that crosses my mind is Curveball. If we take a look at it, the Curveball case addresses most of the topics in this week s assignment, but I would argue that the primary issue with Curveball and the information gathered was the failure of policymakers to really listen. Curveball was an Iraqi chemical engineer that claimed to have information on weapons of mass destruction developed by the Saddam Hussein regime. He was ran by German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) and in his efforts to seek asylum in Germany, he convinced his BND handlers of his placement and access to the Iraqi biological weapons. He was very cooperative with his German handlers, but even
  • 15. Hagia Sophia Research Paper The Hagia Sophia is located in Istanbul, Turkey. Istanbul is part of two continents Europe and Asia. At one point with four Empires, Istanbul was one of the largest cities in the world. Istanbul used to be called Constantinople; it was named after the ruler Constantine the Great, who is the first Christian Emperor. After Constantine was ruler then came Justinian, who in the 6th century wanted a cathedral; he turned to two men to help build it. They were Isidore the Elder and Anthemius. It took less than six years to complete Hagia Sophia, which was faster than medieval builders that were constructing Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France that took nearly a century. The Hagia Sophia was the largest cathedral for 1000 years until the Seville
  • 16. CSS Physical Fitness Assessment CSS PHYSICAL FITNESS ASSESSMENT (PFA). Cycle 2 of 2017 PFA will commence 13 NOV 17 at 0730 and end 17 NOV 17 at 0730. All medically cleared servicemembers are required to participate. All leave and TAD requirements are to be managed accordingly. Medical Screening. No member is authorized to participate in the PFA without an updated Physical Health Assessment (PHA). Any servicemember with an PHA expiring prior to 30 NOV 17 is required to obtain a current PHA. All Physical Activity Risk Factor Questionnaires (PARFQS) (NAVPERS 6110/3) are to be completed via Physical Readiness Information Management System (PRIMS) prior to 10 NOV 17. If any responses on the questionnaire are answered yes, the document must be printed, signed, and taken to medical for clearance. If a medical waiver is required, print NAVMED 6110/4 (PFA Medical Clearance/Waiver Form) and take to medical. NOTE: This medical appointment can be in conjunction with the PHA, but does not replace the requirement to have a current PHA. Please contact the Command Fitness Leader (CFL), LSCS(SW) Andrade at 401 841 1582 or for additional information. 2. OPERATIONAL RISK MANAGEMENT (ORM). Operational and Off Duty Risk management is, in reality, a tool for making smart decisions, used by people... Show more content on ... REMAINING U.S. NAVY COLLEGE OFFICES CLOSED. The Navy has taken the lead in modernizing its Navy College and Voluntary Education programs, ensuring Sailors have the same opportunities as their civilian counterparts. The goal is to provide online access and support to Sailors pursuing voluntary education at the time and place most convenient for them, using the already familiar virtual tools. Naval Education and Training Command (NETC) closed the remaining four physical Navy College Offices (NCO) in the continental United States as of Oct. 1. This initiative is part of an ongoing effort to increase virtual and self service options for Sailors. Visit
  • 17. Romantic Comedy Analysis Romantic Comedies. We all know of at least one. Chances are we all have one that we could watch over and over again. But, why? What makes romantic comedies so appealing? Why do so many people like them? The Incredible Jessica James is a romantic comedy, that is also an adult s coming of age movie, but not your typical one. A typical romcom plays love as an almost insignificantly light hearted joke. While love is still joked about, it isn t quite as light hearted in The Incredible Jessica James. When people think of a rom com we typically think of one like: Sleepless in Seattle, You ve Got Mail, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, 10 Things I Hate About You , or Pretty in Pink. The Incredible Jessica James doesn t match up to those movies in a couple of ways. The Incredible Jessica James doesn t completely shy around the politics of today s society, it starts off light but gradually becomes a little more serious, shows the struggles of dating when two people start out not completely over their exes, and is even relatable to some people whose parents have had a rough divorced. Jessica Jones was made to be relatable more than the idealistic romantic comedywhere they always end up together. Politics; it is everywhere so why shouldn t we expect it in our movies? Jessica James is passionate about three things in this movie: her opinions (politics), theater, and honesty. Her political views are showcased in one particular scene: her sister s baby shower. Her gift while thoughtful is
  • 18. Sylvia Plath s The Bell Jar Sylvia Plath s The Bell Jar The works of Sylvia Plath have always been at least slightly controversial; most of them have themes of feminism, suicide, or depression. Plath was born in 1932 in Boston, Massachusetts, and by the age of twelve she was reported to have had an IQ of about 160 (Kelly). Growing up in an age in which women were expected to be nothing more than conservative housemaids, Plath stood defiant against the views of society, choosing to expose any misogynistic prejudices or hateful prospects against mental illness through her writings (Allen). Perhaps the most famous work of Sylvia Plath s is The Bell Jar a book that follows the mental deterioration of a nineteen year old girl named Esther through the narration of Esther herself. Although Sylvia Plath hated life in general and committed suicide at the age of 32 after her husband left her, the myriad autobiographical elements, metaphors, and motifs that appear throughout her works produce a beautifully vivid representation of people, the world, and life itself ( Sylvia Plath ). Sylvia Plath, like her character ... Show more content on ... To Esther, the world seems quite unfriendly, and the novel documents her desperate search for identity and reassurance. Nevertheless, Esther is intrigued by the world around her, and at the start of the book she is seen with a wondrous outlook on life that is reflected in the metaphors throughout the novel (Coyle). In the first half of the book, Esther is fascinated by the medical practices of her boyfriend, Buddy, as well as by current events in the newspapers and the thought of her own future family. As the story progresses, however, Esther becomes indifferent about life, and she develops bitterness toward everything that appears to prevent her from achieving things she wants (Huf). As Esther s mental state worsens, the metaphors and similes presented to the reader begin to have negative connotations
  • 19. Causes and Consequences of Emancipation Russia What were the most important causes and most important consequences of the emancipation of the Serfs? Serfdom, a system of virtual slavery tying the Russian peasants to their landlords, was abolished in 1861 under the imperial demand of Tsar Nicholas II. This change was put in place for many reasons, including military defeat in Crimea, the economy and political system, which all contributed to the backwardness of Russia as a nation, as they prohibited the introduction of other major reforms. In my view, the most important cause of emancipation was the state of the economy, because the nature of serfdom prevented the country from catching up with the west, and the most important consequence was that the military was able to dramatically ... Show more content on ... Another major cause of serfdom being abolished was because of the defeat in the Crimea and the diminishing strength of the military. The defeat of the army in the Crimean war (1856) was seen as humiliating, as Russian sense of pride was strongly based on its military, and it showed Russia s backwardness as a nation. The structure of the army was impossible to utilise; mainly composed of conscripted illiterate peasants, who were poorly trained and sentenced to a life in the army. They were difficult to control, and torture methods like flogging (where all the skin was whipped off the back) were commonplace. Because of this, the army fought with brute strength, rather than skilled precision, and was becoming less and less effective as morale was low. The equipment provided was also of very low quality. The view that emancipation had to happen to make the military stronger was supported by many high profile people, such as War minister (D. Milyutin). Under the current system it couldn t be reorganised, as it would have meant trained ex soldiers and reservists going back to villages with guns, which would ve been risked uprisings. Railways were also needed to increase mobility, impossible without industry. In order to become more effective, they also needed to reduce the size of the military to
  • 20. Palm Desert Case Study Experience 2015 Present Palm Desert Area Regional Chamber of Palm Desert, CA President/CEO Maintain the metrics as established for the 5 Star US Accredited, Award Winning Chamber. Work with Board of Directors to establish, implement and maintain the corporate mission and vision and assist with setting the strategic direction of the organization. Extensive experience establishing and implementing annual program of work /business plan that is consistent with achieving strategic goals set with the Board of Directors. Oversee and manage fiscal resources of the organization including preparation of the annual budget, and ensuring that all financial records are audited in compliance with established laws. ... Show more content on ... Participate in both chamber and community activities to promote and enhance the image and relationship for the chamber with all groups and parties within the city and state. This has lead to stronger more effective relationships with the city as evidenced by the successful negotiations of securing $35,000 for an annual event and an additional $35,000 for a new event thus taking a risk and having confidence that the only 5 Star Chamber in the Coachella Valleywould be successful. Coordinate the activities of the chamber staff including recruiting, educating, training, supervising and regularly assessing performance of staff. Recruit, orient, and direct the activities of volunteers including committees, workgroups and task forces. Recruit new members and retain existing members by directing and participating with appropriate personnel to ensure adequate membership services. Selected and participated at the US Chamber Institution of Organizational Management accreditation at the University of Tuscon site as a Class
  • 21. Essay Joseph Conrad s The Secret Agent Joseph Conrad s The Secret Agent: A Critique of Late Victorian Gender Roles February 15, 1894, was the most interesting afternoon in the otherwise dreary history of Greenwich Observatory. Earlier in the day, Martial Bourdin, a skinny anarchist, traveled by train from Westminster to Greenwich, concealing a small bomb. As he ominously ambled through Greenwich Park, towards the Observatory, something happened no one knows exactly what and he blew most of himself to shreds. The British, who loved to quantify in the late nineteenth century, noted that the explosion spread bits of flesh over a distance of sixty yards. Martial Bourdin remained alive for another half hour, but gave no hint as to the reason for his choice of such a bizarre ... Show more content on ... According to John Palmer, this dark irony is essential for the novel s structure. He states, The Secret Agent is built [...] on the characteristic esthetic tensions of satirical fiction misunderstandings, dramatic ironies, revealing symbolic parallels and contrasts, and the like (104). Claire Rosenfield says that Conrad uses an ironic type of gallows humor to effectively communicate the darkness of the world portrayed in the novel. Life is so appalling that this humor arrives in the midst of horror, the point at which despair becomes humorous (121). E. M. W. Tillyard s perspective differs from that of Rosenfield and Palmer; from his perspective, Conrad keeps his dreadful story within the bounds of comedy by means of his ironic method (103). His comments imply that the ironic tone does not effectively convey the sinister darkness present in the story. Many critics note that Conrad s irony reflects a pessimistic perspective of the British society in The Secret Agent. Conrad s perspective is reflective of a society still reeling from the traumatizing social effects of industrialization. Walter Wright observes that London s drab streets and barren ugliness reveal the futility of life (189 190), and impersonal fate s destruction of individuals further reveals life s emptiness (197). From Wright s perspective, the life without control or choice in The Secret Agent is a life without meaning. Rosenfield
  • 22. Cleaning Of River Ganga Initiative Cleaning of River Ganga Initiative Sampath Kolachana Akash Agarwal 12114004 Bharat Gaind 12114022 Pankaj Gudlani 12114047 CSE Department, IIT Roorkee Abstract: Ganga is the largest river of India, the most sacred river to the Hindus, more than 2500 kms in length is the third largest river by discharge. The condition of ganga river is deteriorating day by day. In Varanasi alone, around 2000 million litres of sewage is dumped into river ganga everyday. This paper displays the condition of River Ganga, the major factors that are responsible for its pollution, the various plans and actions that have been taken by the government to control this and their consequences and limitations. It also describes some of our own solutions in this regard like changing of crop pattern, better irrigation techniques, diversification and purification and pollution tax, which on implementation can play a vital role in cleaning the river. Index Terms: Introduction, Causes of Ganga Pollution, Different CLeaning Plan, Ganga Action Plan, Consequences of GAP, Economic failure of GAP, Limitations of GAP, Post GAP actions taken, Discharge into Ganga, Recent News on Ganga cleaning Introduction Ganga river rises in the western Himalayas in Uttarakhand, and flows south and east through the Gangetic Plain of North India into Bangladesh, where it empties into the Bay of Bengal. It is 2,525 km (1,569 mi) in length. It is a trans boundary river of Asia, which flows through the nations of
  • 23. Isolation In A Rose For Emily William Faulkner wrote a short story called A Rose for Emily. This story stuns many readers starting from the beginning to the end. This story is based upon a woman named Miss Emily Grierson and the isolated life she lives. The people in the town she lives in gossip about her life. As this story goes on, readers can see how Emily and her mental status changes. In the end of the story, it talks about how the townspeople discovered a gruesome murder that Miss Emily committed. The ending can give a sense to readers that something was not right with her. This story can be portrayed as how Miss Emily begins to become mentally unstable, which leads to a psychotic break because of social isolation, the death of her father, and the influences of society. In this story, Miss Emily goes through so much that she is ... living as a lonely recluse in her family s decaying aristocratic house for more than forty years until her death (Hsu and Wang 87). When Emily s father was still alive, ... he chases off every suitor that comes near her, denying Emily the choice of taking up the traditional role of wife... and ... isolating her from the townspeople (Hsu and Wang 89). The strictness of her father and the fact that Emily ... tries to live in the old aristocratic honor... has kept Emily living all alone and separated from the town (Hsu and Wang). Living alone with only one person, her manservant, impacted her social life. This severe time of isolation affected her mental stability because
  • 24. Business Models for Internet Based E-Commerce an Anatomy Business Models for Internet based E Commerce An Anatomy B Mahadevan Associate Professor, Production Operations Management Indian Institute of Management Bangalore 560 0 76, INDIA. e mail: To Appear in DOLIRUQLD0DQDJHPHQW5HYLHZ 6XPPHU9RO1R Abstract The success of Internet based businesses in the Business to Customer segment in recent years is an indication of the events to unfold at the dawn of the new millennium. It is widely projected that the Business to Business segment is poised for a spectacular growth. However, a consistent definition and a framework for a business model for the Internet based business is still non existent. This paper is an effort to fill in this gap. We propose ... Show more content on ... We particularly identify and focus on two broad issues concerning organization engaging in Internet based business: Is there a basis on which one can classify these new propositions? and are there any factors that could potentially influence an organization in identifying an appropriate sub set of these propositions for its business? We propose to address these issues in this paper. Barua et al.6 proposed a four layer framework for measuring the size of the Internet economy as a whole. The Internet infrastructure layer addresses the issue of backbone infrastructure required for conducting business via the net. Expectedly, it is 2 largely made up of telecommunication companies and other hardware manufacturers such as computer and networking equipment. The Internet applications layer provides support systems for the Internet economy through a variety of software applications that enable organizations to commercially exploit the backbone infrastructure. Over years, several applications addressing a range of issues from web page design to providing security and trust in conducting various business transactions over the net have been developed. The Internet intermediary layer includes a host of companies that participate in the market making process in several ways. Finally, the Internet commerce layer covers companies that conduct business in an over all ambience provided by the other three layers. We refer to their
  • 25. A-1 Steak Sauce Case Analysis Case Recap A.1. Steak Sauce is one of the premier brands in the Kraft Foods portfolio, there is little competition, high sales and excellent margins (Kerin Peterson, 2010). Currently, their closest competitor is Heinz 57 but they are not seen as a direct competitor because they market their sauce as being versatile for all meats. Lawry s is introducing a steak sauce on April 1, just in time for summer grilling season. They plan on offering a 2 for $5 promotional price. Executives at A.1. need to decide what kind of marketingstrategy to use to fight back against Lawry s. I prepared an analysis of several marketing strategies that can be used by executives at A.1. Steak Sauce. This case analysis will provide a summary of A.1.... Show more content on ... should go for a 2 for $4.00 promotional price to send Lawry s a message. Chuck Smith knows he has to keep in mind the 2003 profit target so he, along with his business team, sat down to figure out the financial implications of each alternative. Recommendation Executives have noted that beef consumption in the US is declining and this explains why volume sales have remained stagnant over the past few years. On the other hand, consumption of chicken and turkey has doubled since the 1970s (AMI, 2009). Considering this information, one recommendation is to offer a sale Buy one A.1. Steak Sauce, get one A.1. Marinade free . This type of sale will appeal to customers who plan on grilling both steak and chicken during Memorial Day weekend. Because of the small amount of steak sauce used at one time some consumers do not find it necessary, nor are they interested, in buying 2 bottles of steak sauce for $5. This promotion would also help increase brand awareness for A.1. marinades without spending a lot of money on outside advertising. A.1. Steak Sauce is a premier steak sauce used at 9 out of 10 Steak Houses in the United States and it is one of the oldest and strongest brands in Kraft Food s portfolio. One recommendation is to update the packaging or size offered to consumers. Currently, A.1. is offered in one size, 10 oz glass bottle. If A.1. packaged their
  • 26. The Holocaust And The Bosnian Genocide Two terrifying events in earth s history are the German Holocaust and the Bosnian genocide. Both are similar in the ways they horrified and innocently killed their victims. They massacred based on which religion you believed in. We all know that the Jews were victims to the Nazis, but not many know that Muslims were the unlucky recipient of the Bosnian genocide. Also, the techniques used to innocently kill the persecuted group are parallel. How these genocides occurred is very alike; this includes each leader. During both crises, millions of innocent citizens were brutally killed before the United States of America came to help and fight the oppressors. The German Holocaust is the most well known horrific massacring event in the world. This occurred during World War II in Western Europe when anti Semitism, ethnic hatred, and nationalism prompted countries to join with the Nazi administration in the destruction of European Jews. Over a few Axis states, fascist military associations terrorized, robbed, and killed indigenous Jews, either under German direction or on their own. In these states and others, military personnel and the police played a main part in the expropriation, concentration, and extradition of Jewish occupants in their nations ( Holocaust ). The Holocaust Encyclopedia best describes the German Holocaust as: The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its
  • 27. Factors That Affect The Health Of Their Cattle Essay Analytic Phase In the situation, we know that farmers are concerned about the health of their cattle, but it will be important for the organization to investigate why. There may be a forecasted increase of six thousand tests during the next period, but will that persist throughout the future or will it be a one period situation is an important consideration. At this point, utilizing the decision support method of evidence based management that question could come to light. According to Nahavandi, Denhardt, and Denhardt (2014), the cause effect component of this decision making technique can help conclude through statistics if farmers are more concerned about their cattle s health because more appear sickly or if the local farmers have increased the population of cattle within the businesses market region. To further expand on this thinking, if more cattle are becoming sick the question of why should be considered as this will determine if the problem is long term, short term, or seasonal. These considerations will influence various alternatives for the organization. First and foremost, the consideration of the organization actually doing anything to accommodate the forecast must be determined since a forecast is an estimation that something will occur versus a guarantee. If a reaction is considered then specific considerations relating to the estimated increase in tests perform must be thought out. Most importantly, how would the organization handle the increased production?
  • 28. Narrative Techniques In Pulp Fiction Pulp Fiction is a black comedy, and crime movie that was written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. The movie features graphic violence, drugs, and a mysterious briefcase. Pulp Fiction tells several stories in a nonlinear way, meaning that the narratives are not told in a chronological order and do not follow the rules of space and time. The usage of a nonlinear format in Pulp Fiction was quite compelling as it did not follow the typical cause effect sequence in any scene, instead Tarantino chose to open the movie with a non typical effect rather than a cause. The movie tells the story of two hit men, a mob boss and his wife, and an aging boxer. The stories of these people are put together to create a bizarre yet funny movie. John Travolta ... Show more content on ... The dialogue puts comedy in the mouths of killers and other moral degenerates. The dialogue was also somewhat misleading because it never really revealed the narrative of the movie. For example when the two hitmen drive to their first assignment, they casually talk about McDonalds, they never really mentioned who they are killing and why they are killing them. We see that in so many scenes which makes the movie even more fascinating because it draws your attention to figure out the reasons of why things go that way but we never really get answers. Tarantino did many things in the movie that haven t been done before, What inspired Tarantino to create Pulp Fiction was old movies not real life. The name Pulp Fiction is perfect for the movie because it is derived from pulp magazines which are inexpensive fiction magazines are best known for their lurid, exploitative, and sensational subject matter. Tarantino describes pulp mags as cheap, disposable entertainment that you can roll up take it with you anywhere, but can t wait until you take it out and read it again which is exactly how the movie is like. No matter how many times you watch it, you will still be fascinated by its series of events. The film has a clever dialogue which resonated with young movie lover that found it to be exciting and
  • 29. African American Music In the nineteenth century, European countries expanded their interest in foreign music globally. Through world fairs like the 1889 Universal Exposition, cultural and material riches were displayed, which sparked widespread interest in exotic cultures and music, especially the Indonesian gamelan. Exotic musicwas ranked on a spectrum of exoticism, ranging from pure exoticism to transcultural composing. The term exoticism represents a non Western object referred to as Othering, where one group is discriminated from one s own group due to self definition. Exotic music evokes cultural and geographical Otherness and should be perceived as different from home, both by the composer and by the audience.1 On the other side of the spectrum, transcultural transposing incorporates certain styles and conventions of another culture s music and merge musical elements that the composer and audience would recognize as our own with those of the distant other culture .2 Some pieces, such as Colin McPhee s Tabuh Tabuhan, were easier to place on the spectrum, while others, such as Benjamin Britten s operaDeath in Venice, were harder to decide. Through the characteristics, and overall purpose of the opera, although Britten integrates exotic gamelan music in Death in Venice to represent homosexuality, which was prohibited in English society, Death in... Show more content on ... Britten s use of gamelan style does not represent a non Western Other ; instead, it is used as a metaphor for his homosexuality. Death in Venice expresses Britten s emotions and sufferings on homosexuality. Compared with Carmen, and exotic work, Death in Venice does not compare to the level of exoticism displayed in Carmen. Therefore, Britten s Death in Venice should be categorized at the transcultural composition side of the
  • 30. Boiling Point Lab Report Introduction/Purpose To determine whether boiling point, density, mass, and volume are intensive or extensive properties two experiments will be conducted. One experiment will be dedicated to identify if boiling point is an intensive or extensive property by boiling water at different quantities. The other experiment will identify if density and mass are intensive or extensive properties by utilizing a grape. The experiment will consist of measuring the mass and volumeof a grape to determine the density. Both of these experiments will aid to classify boiling point, density, mass, and volume as either intensive or extensive properties, for the reason that the properties will either remain identical or will alter due to the quantity of the property thus being able to categorize the properties accurately. Understanding boiling point, density, mass, and volume and being able to classify them as either intensive or extensive properties will enhance our knowledge of these properties and ultimately innovate our daily lives. For instance, unknown material can be identified by knowing the boiling point, density, mass, and volume of the substance. Intensive properties aid the process of identifying unknown substances for the reason that they don t depend on the quantity of the substance nor do they alter. Although, extensive properties do alter due to quantity that is present, they differentiate between matters. Therefore, both of the experiments will aid in the knowledge and
  • 31. Essay on Analysis of Beneath My House Paper 5 Analysis of Beneath My House Beneath My House by Louise Erdrich, is a literary essay with an expressive approach. Erdrich narrates the day she rescues a kitten from beneath her house, despite the fact that she does not even like cats. Her maternal instincts take over when she hears the kitten cry, which causes her to do whatever it takes to rescue the kitten. Then, the author analyzes the event and she expresses her emotional response. Through the use of description and narration, Erdrich allows for the audience to imagine the rescue of the kitten beneath her house. The overall theme is the act of being born. The literary purpose is apparent throughout. Erdrich uses every opportunity to entertain her audience with the... Show more content on ... She presents this irony in a humorous way, which allows comic relief in the middle of a dangers situation. It is evident that this literary work has an expressive approach. The author shares a personal experience of rescuing a kitten from beneath her house. In her reflection, she reveals what the basement symbolizes to her, which is both comfort and death: comfort, because she finally rescues this tiny creature ; death, because she is in need of a rescue herself. No one else is aware that she is beneath the house, and she is so far beneath, in a small space; she feels as if she may be stuck and die there. She compares her feelings to what she thinks a fetus may feel right before delivery, and states that, what the body remembers of birth it anticipates as death. Erdrich expresses her emotional reactions throughout, and she carefully selects words that cause an aesthetic effect. She says the kitten has a piteous cry that she can hardly stand to hear. Then, she gets so close to the kitten and brushes its fur, but the kitten scrambles away, and she feels a slight warmth come over her, which is a mad calm. This mad calm pushes her to complete this rescue mission. She continues to try and catch the kitten, and she continues to fail. Her desperation is apparent, but she prevails and takes a deep breath, and remains patient, and finally she catches the kitten. Erdrich uses description and first person narration
  • 32. 1984 Diary Entry Essay G. Orwell s 1984 written assignment. The following text is a diary entry, written by Winston. It s what he would ve written when he had just been arrested and brought to Miniluv, if he had been able to. This is the last entry in the diary of Winston Smith. It finally happened. I was dead long before, but soon I ll be shot in the head for real. I hope it s quick, at least in the end, after the torture. I hope and I don t believe myself, for I know it s a futile hope, simply the bit of humanity left in me fighting to survive. What will it take to break me? I m not strong. I need to be. I m scared. It s foolish to think that the way I die can affect the future in any way, but it s important. I need to die with my own thoughts in my skull, so that when they shoot me, those thoughts will get out with the stream of my blood and brain matter. And maybe, in the second before darkness descends, I ll... Show more content on ... This will also be an interesting read for those who enjoy analyzing people based on how they react in stressful situations. But all readers should feel pity and pride for this man, who has locked his emotional turmoil under a numbed soul, brain frantically leaping through visions of a golden future and nightmares filled with pain and torture, all the while still staying as brave as possible in these circumstances, saying: You can t break all of me! And that is the point. Even though Winston loves BB in the end, even though he has been tortured past the point of breaking, he fought until the end, and then made the most human choice. He stayed human as he gave in, as he was brainwashed and destroyed from within, because he was human enough to admit we can t always win. The text has fulfilled its purpose of showing how humanity can stand against death and accept it as inevitable in the same
  • 33. Pros And Cons Of Section 1983 The preferred method by many inmates is to file under 42 United States code 1983 or 42 USC 1983. Section 1983, as inmates call it, states that if a government official, such as a correctional officer, denies an inmate protection under the constitution, the injured party (inmates) can sue for liability and monetary damages. Inmates have preferred to file Section 1983 suits in federal courts than to file torts in state courts, where the scope of relief is less broad. Also, the federal courts through the hands on era to now have shown more sympathy at time to inmates claims. A 1992 study by the National Center for State courts (NCSC) with assistance from the bureau of Justice Statistics studied Section 1983 cases disposed of in the United State.
  • 34. Primary Factors Shaping The Development Of The British... Any historian can easily give you a list of the many different factors that shaped the development of the British colonies in North America but there is only one primary factor that shaped it. This primary factor is religion making the statement that geography was the primary factor in shaping the development of the British Colonies in North America invalid.These British Colonies would not have been as successful if they weren t religiously motivated and religiously tolerant. Religion was the drive and reason to why they migrated to North America and the basis for the majority of the British colonies. Some may argue that religion cannot be the primary factor because it was itself affected by geography but that does not matter.These people forget that if it wasn t for the colonists strong religious beliefs they wouldn t have colonized to America. This makes religion very important because it was the drive that led them to America and once they got there of course they were affected by geography but wouldn t have been so... Show more content on ... Maryland was made for refuge for English Catholics and Pennsylvania was for Puritans that were looking for a home of their own so they can have religious freedom and their own distinctive social order. Along with this those who came for religious reasons were more successful overall because they came looking for a place where they can live a religious life and not for gold. They ended up succeeding further because colonies like Jamestown when they came they focused too much on finding gold and less on forming a foundation that they ended up unprepared, starving (for instance the starving times) and in desperate need of help. Although they were able to make tobacco and succeed later on they still were never able to stay stable economically or
  • 35. Diction, Symbolism, And Imagery In Robinson s Richard Cory The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side: Diction, Symbolism and Imagery in Robinson s Richard Cory Oftentimes in poetry, something that appears simple is, in fact, very complex upon deeper evaluation. Edwin Arlington Robinson does exactly this in his poem, Richard Cory, by creating an accessible poem that can then be picked apart to reveal a deeper meaning. Upon first glance, the poem appears to be an interesting narrative about the idolization of a rich aristocrat from the perspective of a poor commoner with whom he interacts. However, upon closer evaluation, a different meaning can be discovered; the idea that desirable situations often contain negative attributes that people are unaware of or overlook. This is achieved through ... Show more content on ... For example, the phrase fluttering pulses could mean the townspeople being nervous in his present or could be seen as a symbol to represent romantic interests (159). Another symbol appears in the line, He was a gentleman from sole to crown (158). The word crown has two meanings in this usage (158). The most apparent definition is that it is the top of his head; however, symbolically it is a reference to a king. Thus, drawing this parallel emphasizes the status that Richard Cory holds within their community. Using the word crown also leads to many inferences on the speaker s opinion of Cory, without them actually having to be stated (158). The stereotypical image of a king is that of someone who is regal, rich, kind, fair and more, which is all indicated within that one word. A third symbol is the analogies to meat and bread in the last stanza. In this the speaker is making a statement about socioeconomic classes, but in a more eloquent way. Bread is a euphemism for being poor, because it is all that they could afford to eat. The word bread also references the Roman idea of panem et circenses, or bread and circuses. This phrase indicates the idea that as long as the poor are fed and entertained, they will remain in their impoverished state. The speaker curses the bread because that is all that he can afford to eat, but does nothing more drastic, because he is not going hungry and his situation could be much worse (159). Meanwhile, having the ability to eat meat was a sign of status, because it meant you had enough money to buy more expensive food. This comparison of bread and meat highlights the speaker s longing for the things that he does not have, the meat, without appreciating the fact that at least he can afford to eat bread. It also indicates that he is only thinking about Richard Cory in the shallowest way possible, what he can buy, rather than who
  • 36. The Music That Have Changed The Face Of Music Growing up, Beethoven was a household name. Countless studies have been released claiming classical music could increase babies intelligence. The importance of music is vast and affects every individual in a multitude of ways. Throughout the course of history, there have been artist that have changed the face of music as we know it. Two important composers to the course of music s history are Ludwig van Beethoven and Franz Liszt. While both composers certainly have similarities in their music, there are also multiple differences that separate them as completely different artists. Ludwig van Beethoven was born around December 16th in 1770 in the city of Bonn. His father, Johann van Beethoven was a singer and terrible alcoholic. He was locked in a cellar, flogged, and made to practice for hours upon hours. He was also beaten for any mistakes made while playing piano. Beethoven s father hoped he would be a musical child prodigy just like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. When Beethoven turned the age of ten, he dropped out of school to pursue studying music full time. When his father s health began to decay due to his alcoholism, Beethoven began to work in order to support his family. He worked as an Assistant Court Organist. Ludwig van Beethoven was sent to Vienna to study music further, but returned home when his mother became ill. Beethoven s earliest piece was titled Cantata on the Death of Emperor Joseph II and was written after the death of Emperor Joseph II. In 1792 Beethoven
  • 37. Network Security Concepts Essay Network Security Concepts File security falls into two categories, encryption and access. Access to files can mean physical access to a computer with unsecured files or access via user permissions or privileges in the form of access control lists (ACLs) (Strengthen Your Users File Security, 2003). The files kept on a server with NTFS storage can be locked to prevent anyone who does not have the correct permissions from opening them. This is secure but can be bypassed with physical access to an open computer and should not be used for sensitive information. The other method of securing files is by encrypting the information in the files using an Encrypting File System (EFS), which employs public key encryption privileges (Strengthen ... Show more content on ... Secret and private keys are very similar and are often used interchangeably. The difference is that secret keys are used for both encryption and decryption, while a private key is part of the public/private key system and is used only for decryption (Cryptography, 2005). In both cases, the key may be known only to a single person or a limited group of people in order to keep the key secure. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a method of verifying users on a network, while a digital certificate is a reference from a neutral company that confirms the identity of an internet site (Shay, 2004, p. 321) and (Tomsho, G., Tittel, E. Johnson, D., 2004, P. 378). The digital certificate is issued by a Certificate Authority (CA) such as Verisign, and a registration authority (RA) that acts as a reference to identify an entity to a user of the website, and uses a directory that holds the certificate and can revoke a company s digital status. The PKI technology is at the core of the digital certificates used in almost all transactions on the internet. The PKI uses a cryptographic key pair, one of which is public and one which is private, to authenticate the owner of the certificate (PKI, 2002). In each of the layers of the OSI model, there are security risks that exist and are developing now, and
  • 38. Visit To The Supreme Court Court Visit Reflection for Criminal Case State v. Monfort Zirui Chen University of Washington Part 1 What courthouse did you attend? I attend to the King County Superior Court. Date attended? I attended the court on February 23rd, 2015. Judge s name? The judge s name was Kessler, Ronald. What type of proceeding was it (criminal or civil)? The type of proceeding was criminal. What was the subject of the case (e.g., murder, personal injury, divorce, assault, etc.)? The subject of the case was murder. What stage of the proceeding did you observe (direct testimony, cross examination, Voir Dire, etc.)? The proceeding was on the stage of direct examination and cross examination, when plaintiff s lawyer and defendant s lawyer question ... Show more content on ... I was born in China, where their justice system is different comparing to the United States. In fact, my father was a former County Court president in one of the county in China. He gave me an idea of how the system runs in China. There are many differences between two countries, and the most ones that stand out to me were the amount of judges, the levels of court, right to convict crime and given punishment, and the law system. First of all, as I mention previously, I found out that there is only one judge in the Superior Court, and nine judges in the Supreme Court. In China, there are three judges who manage the flow of the case. Secondly, there are three levels of courts in the United States, which are the lower courts, appeal court, and Supreme Court. However, there are only two levels of court in China. They are the county court and the federal courts. Once the federal court made decision, there is no opportunity for any appeals. Thirdly, the jury makes the conviction of rather the defendant is guilty or not in United States County Courts, the judge decides the penalty. In China, the three judges make both decisions on convictions and penalties. Last difference that my father pointed out was how the law system work to charge a person. He told me that there are little over eight hundred laws created in China, and few local county laws made for different geographic of the
  • 39. Power In Afghanistan Originally Afghanistan was led by the Shah Monarchy elitism and the economy was stable. Until the Soviets took over although not all the contributions to Afghanistan were bad most did not help the circumstances. The instability of the political system and society in general was caused by the medaling of the Russians and other countries. When the Russians invaded and eliminated the people in power it caused rebel groups to form. One of the rebel groups were the Taliban. Many people that were in the government were assassinated by different groups. When the Taliban took control of Afghanistanthey took the elite out of power and put themselves in that role becoming the governing power. Problems that happen with instabilities within a government is that it is possible for radical groups... Show more content on ... Islam is also used to acknowledge what is right and wrong. Although Islam is a peaceful religion the Taliban used to justify its extreme behaviors. They did this by killing people from other religions or religious sector they did not agree with. Like the Hazara, which Hassan was a part of considered to be of lesser status. The Taliban also believed that the only way to practice was if it was Pashtun. Since Hassan was considered lower class he became on of Baba and Amir s servants. Even though Hassan was technically Baba s child he never claimed him. Part of this reason he was never claimed could be because of the difference in status. Hazara cannot go against a Pashtun s word. This comes into play when Amir feels guilty about not doing anything about Hassan s rape so instead on confronting him or talking to relive his stress and guilt. Amir plants a watch underneath his pillow to make it look like Hassan was stealing from them. Although in this case Amir did not get what he wanted because Baba forgave Hassan for his supposed theft. It is not until after Hassan dies and Amir saves Sohrab from the Taliban that his guilt
  • 40. Seagram Values Definition of Project: After taking over the reins from his father Edgar Bronfman Sr. in 1994, Edgar Jr. launched a campaign in 1995 after meeting with 200 of his senior management team to announce that Seagram would be the best managed beverage company . Therefore, he explained the challenges that profits gain by the development of their premier products, the diversification and acquisitions into new markets during the 1960 s into the late 1980 s would need a new fresh strategy for Seagram s to keep their competitive standing, hence the introduction of Seagram Values (Jick Peiperl, 2011). These values would direct the company towards effectively managing business processes, the reduction of cost and foresight towards growth opportunities.... Show more content on ... Similarly, manager should align rewards with corporate goals and should be based on the intrinsic or extrinsic needs of the employee (Salie Schlechter,2012). These actions on the employee behalf encourages the Seagram value of innovation. Furthermore, this value compares to the third step of the effective change model of foster consensus for the new vision, competence to enact it, and cohesion to move it along. Moreover, this step supports the employee that is doing well and conversely for those that are not conforming to change, outplacement should be an option (Jick Peiperl,
  • 41. Analysis Of George Orwell s Shooting An Elephant The author of Shooting an Elephant, George Orwell, describes his moral troubles as a police officer in Moulmein in lower Burma (known as Myanmar in the twenty first century) when encouraged by its citizens to kill a rogue elephant in town. Orwell details how nearly every citizen in Moulmein had a grudge against Europeans, and would, as a result, antagonize any European in the town. Orwell was a sub divisional European police officer and had a particularly difficult time in Moulmein. Orwell explains one particular Burman tripped him at a sporting event, ignored, as the Burman tripped him, by the referee, and laughed at by the crowd. The Burmans antagonized Orwell, and would always find a time to insult him when the time was right and a safe distance between the two. Orwell mentioned Buddhist priests, as thousands of them inhabited the town without much to do, were the worst of his aggressors, and would mockingly taunt Europeans. The Burmese abhorred Orwell, and would antagonize him when possible. Orwell, however, felt different feelings towards the Burmese people. He had secretly been for the Burmese cause, and against their aggressor ― the British. His job as a sub divisional police officer gave Orwell further insight into the dirty work of the British Empire, and caused him to strongly dislike his occupation. The British huddled the oppressed, naked, abused prisoners and long term convicts into stinking, dank jails and struck them into submission with bamboo. This
  • 42. Mary Rowlandson s Captivity Narrative, The Sovereignty And... Mary Rowlandson s captivity narrative, The Sovereignty and Goodness of God, and Charles Brockden Brown s novel Edgar Huntly were both written during a time of discovery, exploration, and the questioning of identity in America. The frontier was considered the wild place of the unknown, and in these two works, the wilderness of the frontier and characters of civilized society interact to form compelling stories. Mary Rowlandsons narrative and Brown s novel Edgar Huntly both use the theme of savagery, in which the world of the frontier enables self proclaimed civilized people to rationalize savage behavior, showing that everyone has the capability of savagery, and all have inner, dark impulses that are an inherent part of one s human... Show more content on ... In another instance she consumed raw horse liver which she described in this manner: I was forced to take the rest and eat it as it was, with the blood about my mouth, and yet a savory bit it was to me; for to the hungry soul every bitter thing was sweet (Rowlandson 68). Her description of eating the horse liver with the image of the blood about her mouth is particularly savage and would normally by associated only with the Native Americans. She attempts to justify her behavior with her desperate hunger, and this further reveals the ability of the frontier to create a world in which the civilized attempt to rationalize their own savage behavior. After she later ate a piece of fawn so tender that she was able to eat the bones as well as the flesh, Rowlandson relied upon her faith and credited God for making the normally detestable food delicious to her. She portrays the food as a gift from God when she states, I would tell the world what a blessing the Lord gave to such mean food (Rowlandon 76). This also reveals Rowlandson s shifting perspective in the narrative as to what is and is not considered savagery; At the beginning of the novel, a Native American committing these same actions would have been considered by Rowlandson to be the most barbarous heathen. Perhaps one of Mary Rowlandon s most barbarous actions occurred during the eighteenth remove when she stole a piece of horse meat from a child. Rowlandson describes the incident
  • 43. Acute Bronchitis And Common Respiratory Disease Acute bronchitis is one of the most common diagnoses encountered in a primary care setting. It affects millions of individuals resulting in significant impact on health of patients and health care industry. Studies have shown that 90% of times acute bronchitis is caused by a virus, yet health care providers are failing to treat or manage these patients with appropriate therapies (Knutson Braun, 2002). The focus of this paper is to review the guidelines for treatment of acute bronchitis after differentiating acute bronchitis from other common respiratory disease in terms of epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications and patient education. Understanding the evaluation and treatment guidelines, nurse practitioners can provide evidence based practice for patients with acute bronchitis. Epidemiology and significance of the problem Acute bronchitis is one of the five top reasons to seek medical care in the United States. The incidence of acute bronchitis is typically higher in fall and winter season, accounting for 82% of the cases (Fayyaz, 2014). It affects full spectrum of population including any age group, gender and demographics. The incidence of acute bronchitis accounts for 36 million office visits annually (Blush, 2013). Although it can be seen in variety of patients, children tend to get acute bronchitis as many 6 times a year where as adults acquire about two to four on average every year (Blush, 2013). These
  • 44. Developing Self and Others Essay Contents Summary Introduction Findings: Section 1: Know how to identify development needs Assessment Criteria (AC) AC1.1 Identify your own learning style(s) and the learning style(s) of another member of the team. AC1.2 Using a simple technique for identifying own development needs and the development needs of another member of the team. AC1.3 Identify potential barriers to learning AC1.4 Explain how barriers to learning can be overcome Section 2 Know how to develop self and others to achieve organisational objectives AC2.1 Briefly analyse learning /development options to meet need(s) of self and another member of the team AC2.2 Identify support mechanisms for the development of self and another member of the team AC2.3... Show more content on ... SWOT analysis is a structured planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It can be completed for a product, place or person. SWOT analysis came from the research conducted at Stanford Research Institute from 1960 1970 using data from the fortune 500 companies and is credited to Albert Humphrey. The following development needs for my colleague and me were identified using the SWOT (Appendix 5). Care Assistant: Report writing: All employees of the trust are legally responsible for all records held whether paper or electronic. Progress reports are completed daily in the form of client daily records, behaviour books and reviews. Part of the care assistant role is to contribute to this reporting. Communication Skills: My colleague has difficulty speaking out. She feels that her language skills need developed to be able to communicate effectively with other professionals and parents. Knowledge of clients/behaviour plans: Part of the job specification is knowledge of behaviour management. My colleague is new to the role and is unfamiliar with the behaviour modification plans set out for all clients as yet. Personal: Level 5 management qualifications: progression to the level 5 qualification on completion of level 3. This qualification is required to progress into management roles and will further develop my sells and
  • 45. Theme Of Music In A Streetcar Named Desire In the field of psychology, it has been proven that music can affect the brain and human moods. During many moments of stress during the play, A Streetcar Named Desire , different songs intertwined with stage directions have portrayed that influence the tone and mood of the scene and characters within the scenes. There are multiple types of musicused during this drama, including the Blue Piano, Varsouviana Polka, Paper Doll, and It s Only a Paper Moon. Tennessee Williams use of the music motif in the stage directions in his play , A Streetcar Named Desire , to foreshadow events that represent characters, the social classthat is repressive, and mirrors the character of Blanche DuBoisas she loses her grip with reality adds to the audience s understanding of the play as a whole. One of the first and main music motifs used in the play A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams, involves the music theme of Blue Piano . This recurring symbol and theme can be seen in the play s opening scene, a tiny Blue Piano sounds in a bar around the corner from Stanley and Stella s apartment. The Blue Piano plays as Blanche arrives at Elysian Fields, and is dominant when she recounts the deaths at Belle Reve (Scene 1), while she kisses the young man from the newspaper (Scene 5), and when the Doctor leads her away to the asylum (Scene 11). For instance, the music of the blue piano drums and trumpet is heard (Williams, page 164) occurs when Stanley has just overheard a conversation between Stella and Blanche, in which Blanche is asking Stella not to hang back with the brutes (Williams, page 164). However, when Stanley walks in, Stella immediately goes to him and embraces him with both arms which makes the music of the blue piano more significant as the blue piano represents Stanley s blue collar working class and the vibrancy of that class, it foreshadows the triumph of Stanley over Stella at the end of the play, and in turn emphasizes Williams social comment on the 1940 s America where he can see Stanley and the values of his class replacing those of Blanche and her class. Again, The barely audible blue piano begins to drum up louder. (Williams, page 214) shows the use of the music of the blue
  • 46. Essay on John Maynard Keynes Versus Friederich A. Hayek Two major economic thinkers of the of the early twentieth century, John Maynard Keynes and Friedrich A. Hayek, hold very different economic viewpoints. Keynes is among the most famous economic philosophers. Keynes, who s theories gained a reputation during the Great Depression in the 1930s, focused mainly on an economy s bust. It is where the economy declines and finally bottoms out, that Keynesian economics believes the answers lie for its eventual recovery. On the other hand, Hayek believed that in studying the boom answers would be provided to lead the economy out of the bust that was sure to follow. Hayek backed the Austrian school of economics. John Maynard Keynes fostered a school of thought that came to be known after him,... Show more content on ... This is almost the textbook definition of money illusion, which of course classical economics assumes people are not fooled by. Still, Keynes ideas gained popularity and President Franklin D. Roosevelt s New Deal was directly influenced by the Keynesian point of view. Keynes held that the way out of a depression was to increase an economy s aggregate demand(AD). Roosevelt s New Deal contained huge federal expenditures and government jobs programs, all designed to boost AD. These programs, including direct relief, were paid by taxpayers dollars and the tax rates rose dramatically multiple times during the Great Depression. F. A. Hayek, the other economic thinker of the twentieth century, believed that the way to stabilize a broken economy was to find solution from the boom that preceded the current bust. The Hayek supported Austrian theory sought a connection among business cycles, capital theory, and monetary theory. Hayek believed an economy started going downhill when people did not coordinate their actions. The spontaneous order of the free market and price system usually does a fantastic job of coordinating people s actions. Hayek said that the credit market becomes distorted when the money supply increases, interest rates go down, and the credit becomes artificially cheap (Friedrich). This causes an artificially high rate of investment and malinvestment. [Malinvestment is ]...too much investment in long term projects relative to short term ones, and the
  • 47. The Squire s Tale Because The Squire s Tale from Chaucer s The Canterbury Tales is incomplete, the romantic idea of life and love are the prominent themes of the limited story. The interruption of the tale leads more to assumptions than accurate analysis. A Fantastical Tale This story begins in a foreign location, introduces a mysterious guest, and describes magical items. How does this not sound like the beginning of a fantasy story along the lines of Lord of the Rings? Instead, it is the imaginative tale of the Squire from Chaucer s The Canterbury Tales. The Squire is a young man who is an apprentice to his father, a knight. His fantastical tale is set in the land of Tartary and is filled with hope. His tale begins as an optimistic story about love. The Squire never finishes his story. He is interrupted by another member of the travelling group and is not given an opportunity to return to it. The Squire receives praise for what he has told up to the point of the ... Show more content on ... He provides this romantic backdrop to tell his tale about love. Unfortunately, the theme of love only develops between the female falcon and Canace. Had the Squire been permitted to continue his story, he would have added to his tale and allowed for further development of this theme. He does note that the remainder of his story would have explained how the children of the king could have found the loves of their lives. As it remains a truncated story, what does the Squire tell about love? He notes that despite our feelings of love, they may not be shared by our partner, as the female falcon learns. It is a powerful feeling and can lead to deep emotional pain. Canace shows that this pain does heal, and we are then able to go forth and experience it again. It is a feeling that should be cherished and nurtured, despite there being no assurances that it will last
  • 48. Current Sources Of The State Of Indonesia In Indonesia, petroleum is one of the main sources of the state revenues. It is also a very important strategic commodity and often as political issue. The revenues from oil and gas have driven the economic growth and contributed significantly for the development of Indonesia. In the world, legislations which regulate oil and gas are varies from country to country. In spite of many variations, in general, the upstream oil and gas activities, based on two systems, the production sharing contracts and the licensing systems. Indonesia was the country that introduced the concept of production sharing contracts in 1966 (Bindemann, 1999). After the verdict of Indonesian Constitutional Court in 2012 on The Oil and Gas Law, some of the articles were unconstitutional and not legally binding. As a result, the government and the parliament want to revise the oil and gas law and led to the ideas of replacing the production sharing contract with the licensing system. Nevertheless, before Indonesia adopts the new system, many aspects should be considered in designing legislations. Some of the aspects are the concept of natural resources ownership, revenues for the state, and attractiveness for the investors. Mean while, as the owner of natural resources, the government has the rights to control and regulate petroleum resources. The government would also have to balance its demand for maximizing the revenues from oil and gas and adverse effect on investment climate. Thus, it should be
  • 49. Specific Security Policy Issue Specific Security Policy: Luebbert Medical Company Title: Home use of company owned computer equipment STATEMENT OF POLICY This policy addresses the use of Luebbert Medical Company s (LMC) company owned computer equipment. This includes hardware, software, and procedures associated with company equipment. This policy is intended for authorized users within LMC. This includes employees and conditional workers. Authorized users are expected to understand and comply with the contents of this document. APPROPRIATE USE Users are permitted, with prior approval, to use LMC s equipment. Equipment is not to be used for personal use, or used with software that will be used in your personal time off. Equipment should only be used to enhance the work done within the company. The company firewall will require authentication to access certain files/folders via VPN, that would not usually occur when used in the office. This is to ensure appropriate use of equipment, permissions and privileges will be very strict when the user is not connected to the company network. Only LMC has the ability to approve users who are able to use the equipment, and are the only ones who should know the access codes to access the VPN. Use of company equipment that goes against protocols ... Show more content on ... In regard to safeguarding and confirming equipment remains properly configured, concerning proper and authorized software, it is the responsibility of the end user to ensure that their equipment remains properly configured. The LMC Information Security Team are responsible for defining the authentication and software requirements, as well as the development of necessary compliance programs /software. LMC reserves the right to audit any and all equipment that it