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Essays About Success
Crafting an essay on the broad and subjective topic of "Essays About Success" can be a daunting
task. Success is a multifaceted concept, and attempting to encapsulate its essence within the
confines of an essay requires careful consideration and thoughtful analysis. The challenge lies in
navigating the vast sea of perspectives on success, ranging from personal achievements to
societal definitions, and addressing the diverse factors that contribute to an individual's or a
society's sense of accomplishment.
One must grapple with the intricacies of defining success, as it differs significantly among
individuals based on their values, cultures, and life experiences. The writer faces the challenge of
striking a balance between providing a comprehensive overview of success and delving into
specific aspects that resonate with a wide audience. Additionally, it is essential to avoid falling
into the trap of clichГ©s and oversimplifications, as success is a nuanced and evolving concept
that defies easy categorization.
Furthermore, the process of writing about success necessitates extensive research to incorporate
relevant examples, case studies, and expert opinions. The writer must synthesize this information
coherently to present a well-supported and compelling argument. Maintaining a clear and logical
structure throughout the essay is crucial to guide the reader through the exploration of diverse
perspectives on success without losing focus or coherence.
Expressing personal views on success, while incorporating a range of perspectives, adds an extra
layer of complexity. Striking the right balance between subjectivity and objectivity requires
finesse, ensuring that the essay resonates with readers on a personal level while remaining
grounded in a broader context.
In conclusion, crafting an essay on the theme of "Essays About Success" demands a careful
blend of research, critical thinking, and effective communication. The writer must navigate
through the intricacies of defining success, addressing various perspectives, and maintaining a
coherent narrative. Despite the challenges, a well-written essay on success has the potential to
inspire, provoke thought, and engage readers in a meaningful exploration of this universal and
elusive concept.
For those seeking assistance in exploring such intricate topics or tackling complex essays, similar
essays and more can be ordered on Professional writers can provide guidance
and support to navigate the complexities of essay writing, ensuring a well-crafted and insightful
piece on the chosen subject.
Essays About Success Essays About Success
The Five Management Functions Within The United States
The five management functions can be found in any successful organization and is
the foundation for achieving the organizations goals. Our text states, management
functions encompass innovative planning, detailed organization, diligent leadership,
systematic staffing and finally must possess those abilities that permit the controlling
of both human and organizational resources to accomplish a company s pre
determined objectives. (Baack, Reilly, Minnich, 2014, p. 1.3) In this paper I will
address each concept of Planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling and
how they are implemented in day to day operations in the United States Air Force,
with a heavy concentration in the Special Tactics community.
Planning is the deliberate act of establishing goals, and formulating a game plan in
order to accomplish a long term end state. This process is done by leaders at the
strategic, tactical and operational levels. Strategic planning is a management tool. It is
used for the purpose helping an organization do a better job to focus its energy, to
ensure that members of the organization are working toward the same goals, to
assess and adjust the organization s direction in response to a changing environment.
In short, strategic planning is a disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions
and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, what it does, and why it
does it, with a focus on the future. (Bryson, 1988, p. 73) The Tactical level consists
of mid
Ducker Lake s Water Quality
Abstract Water quality is sometimes ignored by lake management until it affects fish
production and aesthetic values and is significant to test the quality of lakes
frequently, sometimes as many as multiple times a day since the water in the lake
could be used as a drinking source for both humans and animals. Protecting the
present quality of the lake is significant when it comes to avoiding future problems.
Duckers Lake s water quality was sampled in spring 2014. Variables that could
measure the water quality of lakes include: dissolved oxygen (DO) levels,
temperature, pH, turbidity, and phosphate and nitrates levels. Mean turbidity levels
increased overall throughout the sampling dates, while pH seemed to decrease
overall throughout... Show more content on ...
Natural eutrophication is a very slow process that could take years, decades, and
sometimes centuries. The sediment build up in eutrophic lakes will make lakes very
shallow. This increases vegetation due to the increase in light exposure.
Anthropogenic eutrophication is a faster process that could occur in days and
months. Anthropogenic eutrophication is due to fertilizer runoff from surrounding
areas and could convert oligotrophic lakes into eutrophic lakes. The difference
between oligotrophic lakes and eutrophic lakes is that oligotrophic lakes have very
clear, blue water. Oligotrophic lakes are deep with low sedimentation levels.
Eutrophic lakes have murky, dirty looking water. They are very shallow with high
sedimentation levels. Plants dominate the shoreline because of the increase in light
and vegetation (Walsh
SEO Advantages Of HTTPS
HTTP vs HTTPS SEO Advantages of HTTPS
Have you ever noticed the green padlock icon in the address bar of your web
browser while browsing any website?? That is the visually indication of that a
HTTPS connection is in effect. A web address without a green padlock is a HTTP
For website owners....
No matter what you prefer being a website owner you need to provide extra security
for all the personal detail that users share with your website like credit card details,
online bank details etc.
A good online browsing experience involves the additional security you provide to
your customers that cannot be decrypted by hackers.
That is what Google is looking for provide a secure browsing experience for the web
users. Hence favors the ... Show more content on ...
With a HTTPS connection, all communications are securely encrypted. This means
that even if somebody managed to break into the connection, they would not be able
decrypt any of the data which passes between you and the website.
SEO Advantages of Switching to HTTPS
HTTPS is important as it helps reduce the chances of hackers snooping or trying to
seize and access your customers data as it moves between the internet server and your
computer or vice versa.
With HTTPS it can be guaranteed that the site will encrypt their information for that
extra level of security.
It shouldn t come as a surprise that Google prefers sites that are trusted and certified.
Considering the benefits of HTTPS and to make the internet a secure place Google
has announced that going HTTPS adding a SSL certificate on your site will give you
a ranking boost.
Google has also updated Google Webmaster Tools to better handle HTTPS sites and
the reporting on them.
If your website is already serving on HTTPS, you can test its security level and
configuration with the Qualys Lab
Strategic Marketing Management Essay
Strategic Marketing Management
Sample Exam Questions
Question 1: a. Is the PLC (Product life cycle) concept useful in developing Marketing
strategies? Describe why or why not? What are the limitations of the PLC concept?
A strategy is a fundamental pattern of present and planned objectives, resource
deployments, and interactions of an organisation with markets, competitors and other
environmental factors.
b. What are the advantages available to Google with their Google maps (as a Pioneer
firm) in the Internet search engine market? What are the advantages available to any
of the follower firms in the market?
c. Under what conditions to pioneer and follower strategies each have the greatest
probability ... Show more content on ...
Their research is focused on identifying new opportunities and applying new
technology to satisfy customer needs as opposed to product improvement and cost
cutting solutions like product oriented firms. Such companies design packaging for
customer convenience and use it as a promotional tool rather than to merely protect
the product or reduce costs involved and they emphasise their promotion on product
benefits and ability to satisfy customer needs or solve problems (as opposed to
product features, quality and price).
Advantages include...
b. Discuss the factors that mediate a marketing s strategic role within an organisation
Lecture 1: Competitive factors affect a firms market orientation
Influence of different development stages across industries and global markets
Strategic Inertia
c. Outline the major levels of strategy in most large, multi product organisations
Lecture 1:
1. Corporate Strategy: Decisions about the organisation s scope and resource
deployments across its divisions or businesses
2. Business level strategy: How a business unit competes within its industry
3. Marketing strategy (Functional) Effective allocation and coordination of marketing
resources and activities
d. List the five components of a well developed strategy.
Lecture 1:
1. Scope (breadth of the strategic
Judith Walkowitz s Jack The Ripper
Jack the Ripper is the seventh chapter of City of Dreadful Delight book written by
Judith Walkowitz published in 1992. In this chapter, Walkowitz analyzes the
historical forces that contribute to shape the social aspects of late Victorian London
period. The author emphasizes the myth of Jack the Ripper, who was a serial
murderer killing five prostitutes in London city in 1888 and examines the discourse
and social circumstance caused the Ripper figured male dominance and female
passivity pattern in feasible and intractable approach .
Walkowitz s investigation of this chapter primarily highlights the influential role of
the press in the form of subjectivities and behaviors. She argues about the media
coverage of these murders presented a discourse ... Show more content on ...
However, she successfully delivers a fastidious, inventive, and enticing historical text.
The investigation of the discourses among Jack the Ripper, she illustrates the
historical significance of narratives of sexuality. She demonstrates different
discourses that surfaced the were the results of extraordinary struggles over power.
She illustrates these struggles over the implications in concrete and significant
detail, capture human gain and loss among the individuals who managed to
challenge superior power and remodify structures of meaning. Walkowitz tells a
series of the events surrounding historic murders Jack the Ripper for contemporary
feminism. Justifiably, she concentrates on sexual issues and politics . She later
minimizes matters of class and describes London as a city amidst complex change.
However, she neglects the cross class experiences repeated all through the city,
regardless of whether between superior males and the common laborers objects of
their look, or amongst Stead and a girl he secured, or between social reformers and
Jazz Concert Critique
On May 13, 2016, the Vocal Jazz Ensembles at Sacramento State University had
their one of the last concerts before the semester ended, which was directed by our
professor Gaw Vang Williams. This concert was performed by four groups and
different solo, which was completely different experience from the first two concerts
that I attended at Sac State. In this Vocal Jazzconcert, there was packed and a lot of
audiences who were friends, family and students come to support and enjoy before
this semester ended. Overall, this was a good show and I found that Vocal Jazz was
much more fun and enjoyable than the first two. In this concert, I enjoyed every
pieces of performance and there were three pieces that caught my attention, which
were Hold On ,... Show more content on ...
I have listened to this song but I found the performance by C Sus Voices was more
fun and enjoyable. Each member played as an instrumental roles as bass, beatbox,
low and high notes supports as an acapella style which without any instrument. In
this performance, I love the atmosphere and the moods that the groups brought out.
In this pieces, it didn t look like they were performing but they really played and
enjoyed what they were doing, which also influence the audiences moods. Even
though Maggie Niscasio the one who sang this song was really tired, but they
seemed brought me and audiences a relaxed moment and an enjoyable atmosphere.
Also, the song Singing in the Rain was another piece that was played by C Sus
Voices, which mixed with Rhianna s Umbrella. This performance gave me
different feelings by combining two songs as one. By singing these two songs
together in the Jazz style, C Sus Voices seemed performing a new song c and
matching perfectly between the Rain with the Umbrella. Also in this performance, I
loved the way they played the songs and the atmosphere. Overall, I felt really relaxed
and I enjoyed the performance played by C Sus
Analysis Of Beyonce s Song Pretty Hurts
Life, True Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness:
Beyonce s Portrayal of the American Beauty Standard
America is supposed to be the land of the free and the home of the brave. Instead, it
is oppressed with a disease that attacks the self esteem of its entire people. Women,
in particular, are affected. Because society sets ridiculous expectations for beauty,
women strive to achieve them but, never will.Beyonce s song Pretty Hurts was co
written by Joshua Coleman, Sia Fuller and Beyonce Knowles. As the music video
begins, the spotlight turns onto Miss Third Ward, Beyonce s character, and she
smiles. Throughout the video, the spotlight is always the cue for Miss Third Ward to
put on a happy face. She only smiles in the spotlight. As Miss Third ... Show more
content on ...
The video clearly suggests that it is the white population, or the majority, that sets
the standard of beauty. Although some of the contestants are white, all of the
spectators in the video are also white by race. The judges in the pageant are white
men, the lady who spray tans Miss Third Ward is also white. Because all the judges
are white men, the video speaks that white men are the ones who formed the mold
for American women to fit. Women of every race are subject to the white man s
view of beauty. It is ironic that while Miss Third Ward naturally has tanned skin, a
the white woman is spray tanning her, suggesting that Miss Third Ward is only
allowed to be an artificial copy of the real her. People with pale skin lay in tanning
beds or spray tan to get a certain look during the summer months but reject the
quality during the cooler season. Tanned skin has become a trend. The artist goes
even further to make the pageant coach a tall, lanky albino black man. The winner
of the pageant, Miss Shaolin, is also an albino black woman. The two albino blacks
are the counterpart to spray tanning the natually tanned. The video insists that white
is beautiful. Miss Shaolin wears a ton of makeup and seems to look over worked
with plastic surgery and botox. She has bleached blonde hair and looks malnourished.
Throughout the video, there are scenes where Miss Third Ward is sitting at her vanity
in the dressing room,
Marijuan The Pseudo Gate Way Drug
Marijuana: The Pseudo Gate way Drug
My thesis states that the federal government of United States of America should
legalize marijuana. Legalizing would not only benefit the people of need for
medical uses but also our economy for recreational use. In the year of 2014 the
state of Colorado was the one of the first few states to legalize the use of
recreational marijuana. Colorado retailers sold $386 million of medical marijuana
and $313 million for purely recreational purposes (Ingraham). Within one year of the
legalization of cannabis, Colorado cannabis market was able to generate nearly
seven hundred million dollars. The money garnered from the market is not only
significant but also the taxation of it will benefit sectors in need nationally. For an
example since the legalization of cannabis in Colorado it has gained $15.6 million in
tax revenues, the funds benefit a called Building Excellent Schools Today (BEST)
grant program meant to generate additional funding for public schools in the state to
renew or replace deteriorating facilities.
Despite the fact of the potential market boom and it benefiting other sectors,
prohibitionist groups urge that cannabis is a threat to society and its youth. An
organization known as Save Our Society from Drugs (S.O.S) claims that the use of
medical marijuana is a scam is by special interest groups used to exploit the sick and
dying. According to Save Our Society from Drugs, crude cannabis does not have any
medical properties
The Devastating (KK)
The Devastating K.K.K
The K.K.K. was and still is the strongest and the largest American terrorist group.
This mainly white racist group set out to bring back white dominance to America.
The K.K.K. has very little limits when it came to torturing it s enemies. The KKK
stood in the way of racial equality from its beginnings, its actions, and its work today
They KKK had a very distinct beginning that changed the US. The KKK began in
Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1865 as an informal society of six veterans of the Confederacy,
the Southern states that had fought the Union during the American Civil War( Ku
Klux Klan ). This evidence shows that the men who started the KKK were from the
deep south and fought against the north to keep slavery and would do anything to
keep it. The KKK s main goal was to establish white supremacy throughout the
country by intimidating and killing freed blacks and any members and supporters of
the Republican Party (Ku Klux Klan). This shows what the KKK planned to do and
what they wanted to happen because of it. They raced outside and leaped astride their
horses and swooped through the town the town streets, ... Show more content on ...
On 17th May, 2000, the FBI announced that the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church
Bombing had been carried out by the Ku Klux Klan splinter group, the Cahaba
Boys (Effects of the Klu Klux Klan). This is a recent find of something the KKK
did. In the mid 2010s, between five and eight thousand KKK members had been
identified in forty one American states ( Ku Klux Klan ). This shows that the KKK
is still a big thing and could still be dangerous. current version of the KKK consists of
numerous small groups scattered across the United States, advocating for white
supremacy above all nonwhite and non Christian Americans ( Ku Klux Klan ). This
shows that the KKK is different from back then because it is smaller and more spread
Research Paper About Ano Viejo
El AГ±o Viejo.
Every year, regardless of religion or cultural beliefs, people around the world get
super excited with the coming of the New Year. The year 2018 was no exception,
the streets were filled with excitement and the world celebrated and welcomed the
New Year with fireworks, parties, dancing, delicious foods and parades. However,
before welcoming the New Yearmany people took the time to observe El AГ±o
Viejo. El AГ±o Viejo is a very popular year end tradition, which is celebrated in
Colombia, Ecuador, Cuba, Puerto Rico and other countries in Latin America. This
particular tradition calls for members of the community to come together and
celebrate their many accomplishments as well as to reflecting and letting go of their
The tradition of the AГ±o Viejo is very particular in that members of the
community are required to reflect on their accomplishments and failures
throughout the year and are called to set obligatory resolutions for change. The
obligatory resolutions are therefore set and made public on the eve of December
31st before the welcoming of the New Year. Moreover, the AГ±o Viejo tradition
calls for members of society to be thankful for all the blessings acquired throughout
the year. In Latin America, there is a very popular song that is the trademark of el
AГ±o Viejo Celebration, which emphasizes the importance of being thankful. This
particular song El AГ±o Viejo by Crescencio Salcedo has been around for more than
sixty years, and
Health Disparity Among Chinese Americans
While people of Chinese descent appear to be less likely to suffer from conditions
such as obesity and high blood pressure, they actually more likely to experience the
degenerative diseases associated with these conditions. Before adjustment, Chinese
Americans are shown to experience hypertension at a lower rate than Whites.
However once adjusted for age, BMI, prevalence of diabetes, and smoking , East
Asians showed 30% increased likelihood for hypertensionand 20% increased
incidence of stroke compared to Whites (Sucher, 2017). According to a study by Dr.
Tsai and Associates (2013) not only are Chinese people more likely to suffer from a
stroke than Whites, they are also at between 10% 23% more likely than their close
ethnic neighbor Taiwan.... Show more content on ...
al., 2013). Because of this it is clear that one major health disparity among Chinese
people is poor diet, specifically regarding sodium intake. The typical Chinese diet one
that is high in sodium, especially among those living in more urban areas (Zhang et.
al., 2013). Another health disparity among Chinese people, is the heavy reliance on
traditional Chinese medicine. While resorting to traditional methods may have
therapeutic effects on a variety of diseases, hypertension and therefore stroke
unfortunately, do not strongly benefit from such methods (Wang Xiong,
Analysis Of The Machine Stops
The Machine Stops is a short, science fiction story written by E.M. Forester. Set in
a post apocolypic dystopian society, the two main characters, Vashti and Kuno, as
well as everyone else, live underground with the help of the Machine. The Machine
provides every single person and their needs, including the air they breath, because
the surface of the Earth can no longer sustain mankind. Not only does the Machine
give every necessity to its people, it also provides the Book, which contains rules to
help the people survive. This often leads the people to worship the Machine as a type
of deity. In the book The Machine Stops, which was written by E.M. Forester, the
main characters Vashti and Kuno have multiple differences with few similarites.
Vashti and Kuno are completely different in apperance. When being introduced to
Vashti, the book describes her as a swaddled lump of flesh a woman, about five
feet high,with a face as white as a fungus. (Forester 1). This is a very strong and
disturbing representation of a women. This implies that Vashti doesn t move much
due to inactiveness, and also implies that she doesn t go outside much, more or less
because of the fact that she lives underground. On the other hand, Kuno has a very
athletic build. When being introduced to Kuno, we learn that he was sent away as a
baby because all babies were sent away from their mothers at birth. We also learn that
Kuno possessed some kind of physical strength, because he escaped the Machine,
Essay On Theseus
Theseus Theseus has many changes in his character throughout his adventures.
These developments in his mindset lead him from being a depressed, weak child,
to a strong leader that many look up to. When the story begins, Theseus is living in
a small mountain town, and is generally depressed. He has no friends, and he s
smaller and scrawnier than all of the other boys living in his village. Theseus picks
fights, even if he knows he will lose. Although he trains to be stronger, he is still
dissatisfied with his pathetic life. However, his life takes a turn for the better after a
seagull visits him in a dream, giving him knowledge that Theseus will use for his
entire life . The seagull instructs him that he should use his enemies strength to his
advantage.... Show more content on ...
He trains them, strengthening their skill and power. He shows his true leadership,
becoming a sort of teacher to them. When they arrive at Knossos, he tries to
convince King Minos to let the tributes go. He is not only thinking for himself, but
for his people. Minos refuses, but Theseus is still set on fighting the bull, not for
the glory now, but so others will not have to be killed. His mindset has practically
switched, instead of being self pitying, he is now selfless. Theseus successfully
slays the Minotaur, and takes his tributes and the two of Minos daughters home.
He is so happy, drunk with strength and joy, that he forgets a promise he made to
his father. When he was leaving Athens, he swore that if he killed the beast and
made it back alive, he would change his sail from black cloth to white. Theseus
forgets to change the black sail, and his father, under the assumption that Theseus is
dad, jumps off a cliff, killing himself. This makes Theseus the king, and he unites
many City states in Greece, and eventually takes King Minos s kingdom as well. He
rules as a fair and wise king, and many people look up to and respect
The Things They Carried The Weight Of Life Essay
The Weight of Life
They carried the sky. The whole atmosphere, they carried it, the humidity, the
monsoons, the stink of fungus and decay, all of it, they carried gravity, (O Brien
114). The Things They Carried follows army men as they endure the hardships of
battle. Through the story, we are introduced to the characters by what they carry with
them. Each object reveals continuously more about the characters that ultimately
brings us to an understanding of who they are. The use of objects in this story
relates well with my life. By looking at what I carry, it can be determined who I am.
May it be a driver s license, style choice, or even the way one carries himself; it can
be determined (at least roughly) who someone is. However, it is the meaning behind
what we carry that truly defines who we are. Tangible or intangible, what we carry
tells our individual story ... Show more content on ...
I personally relate well to a specific portion of this story. Lieutenant Jimmy Cross
carried a pebble with him everywhere he went. It may seem absurd to carry a
pebble while at war... what s the use, right? However, he carried more than just a
pebble; he carried his love for Martha through that seemingly useless rock. I too
carried an object like that pebble: something seemingly useless. I acquired a green
wrist band while with my good friend. This was one of the last times I spoke to her.
From that day on, I wore the green wrist band every minute of every hour for two
years. Although I cared very much for her, the feelings only went in one direction.
Every time I looked down at the green band it reminded me of her. One day the
green wrist band finally snapped... but I wasn t sad. When it gave out it was almost
like closure for me. When the small weight of that band was lifted from my wrist, an
even larger weight was lifted from my heart. I looked down at the fractured band,
smiled, and threw it
Immigrants In America
During the late 19th century a new wave of immigrants hit in America. These
communities of immigrants came from all over such as China, French Canadian, and
Italy. They had hopes and dreams of a better life and flooded in for the opportunities
that lay ahead of them such as religious and political freedom. Thousands of
immigrants came daily with millions arriving in total. Immigrants fulfilled low wage
jobs in factories, mills, and working on the railroads. While each immigrant
community had different experiences, and went through different challenges they all
had one thing in common: adjusting to their new life in America and experiencing
the hostility from the traditional Americans who had already been there.
One of the first immigrant communities to come to the United States were the
Chinese. The author, Roger Daniels, stated that, Immigration of Chinese into the
United States began at about the time of the California gold rush in 1849; the
hundreds and then thousands of Chinese men who flocked to San Francisco were
drawn by the same gold fever that drew even larger numbers of other migrants to
California (Daniels, pg. #3). The Chinese flocked to the west coast for the job
opportunities that were presented to them. The Chinese hoped that by coming to
America they would become very wealthy. In fact, many hoped to become rich and
then return to their homeland. This was not the case, many became poor and were
working low wage dangerous jobs. The jobs included anything
A Report On The Case Of Intravenous Injection For
On 7th March 1972, the Daily Telegraph [1] published the news that 500 bottles of
5% dextrose drip feed solution were urgently traced by the Department of Health
since they may have been contaminated. Five patients, four men, and a woman died at
the Devonport hospital in Plymouth between 29th February and 2nd March. The
common factor among these patients was each had been given infusions of the 5%
dextrose fluid manufactured by Evans Medical Ltd., of Speke, Liverpool. The
dextrose solution is used by intravenous injection for patients who cannot eat
including post operative patients. The suspect batch coded D1192/C, originally
consisting approximately 660 bottles, was manufactured in May 1971 by Evans
Medical. A joint statement was issued... Show more content on ...
With steam continuously entering the autoclave from the top, the air inside the
autoclave would be displaced. When the displacement finishes, all the contents in the
autoclave would reach and be held at the required temperature, giving the satisfactory
sterilisation cycle. There are six autoclaves in the Transfusion Unit at Evans Medical,
each consists of a pressure gauge and a dial thermometer at the top and a recording
thermometer with an inserted recorder sensor in the condensate drain. There was
evidence given by the autoclave operator and supervisor that occasionally the
temperature recorders of autoclaves numbers 4, 5, and 6 either show a temperature
below 240 or fail to indicate any rise above the baseline from about December 1970.
When this happened, technicians were called to inspect the autoclaves. Normally, the
recorder would work again and the sterilising cycle will be continued. On most of the
occasions, the technician advised the supervisor that the temperature recorder was
broken but the supervisor ignored his advice and continued using the autoclaves. In
fact, the manager of the Transfusion Unit had requested for replacement of all six
recorders but the request was not followed up. In consequence, in the event of the
recorder not functioning, the staff continued the production if the dial thermometer
and the pressure gauge were working properly and indicating correct temperature and
On 6th April 1971, a batch of 5% dextrose
Paper On African Elephant
My interest in the white rhino started about three years ago when I was doing a
research paper about the African elephant. I came across the white rhino as I was
searching for the fellow species that were being threatened by hunters in Africa. I
never really paid much attention to large wild animals before because of the fact that
they are large and I figured that they wouldn t be threatened like most smaller
animals. One threat this wild rhino is facing is habitat loss due to agriculture and
settlements. Another threat is poachers who are interested in their horns to sell
mainly across the East. Although these threats are putting white rhinos at risk,
through the efforts of groups such as the Wild Foundation and World Wild Life, the
prognosis for the continued survival of the white rhino is good.... Show more content
on ...
Many pay little to no attention to this specie just like a hippopotamus or an animal
that seems to stand out as if it were a white tiger. These creatures are mostly located
around South Africa, North Africa and there are a few around East Africa as well
(White Rhino; White Rhinoceros). The white rhino is very muscular, white rhinos
have a square upper lip with almost no hair and has its two front ivory horns (White
Rhino). These creatures travel in herds and mark their territory usually with
vigorously scraped dung piles (White Rhinoceros). Males have a small land range of
1 3km although the females land range is about 6 20km or even lager depending on
the population density and the land quality (White
Physical Therapy History
The History of Physical Therapy
Hayley J. Harris
Arkansas State University
In recent decades, physical therapy has become somewhat of a hot commodity in
America. According the United States Department of Labor and Bureau of Labor
Statistics (2014), the number of physical therapy jobs is expected to jump an
astonishing 36% by 2022, equating to almost 280,000 licensed, practicing physical
therapists. Physical therapy seems to have joined the ranks of doctor, teacher, and
astronaut in the list of typical career aspirations. However, many of those aspiring
students do not have a full understanding of what all physical therapy entails,
including where it all began. According to Michael A. Pagliarulo (2012) the term
physical therapy wasn t coined until the 20th century, but the concept of using
physical measures to ... Show more content on ...
Pagliarulo (2012) goes on to discuss what was referred to as the Vermont Plan. This
was a statewide plan implemented by Vermont to observe and study the effects of
polio. Through this plan, health care teams including orthopedic surgeons, nurses,
physiotherapists, bracemakers, and stenographers began making field visits to
provide care for children with polio. Measurements to determine the muscle strength
of those children affected by polio were then used to develop therapy through exercise
and massage. However, as more children were diagnosed with polio and more
soldier were returning home from war, the need for reconstruction aides increased.
With this increased need for aides became an increasing need for a professional
body that could set a code of ethics and standards to practice
The Economic Structure Of Feudal Society
Emerging, as Marx posits, out of the economic structure of feudal society,
Capitalism quickly became a pervasive, relentless and seemingly inescapable
structure. The emancipation from serfdom and from the fetters of the guild led, on
one hand, to the unprecedented creation of various economic and social
opportunities. Conversely, Marx also acknowledges that these new freedmen
became sellers of themselves only after they had been robbed of all their own means
of production, and of all the guarantees of existence afforded by the old feudal
system...Just as man is governed, in religion, by the products of his own brain, so, in
capitalist production, he is governed by the products of his own hand...within the
capitalist system all methods for raising the social productiveness of labor are brought
about at the cost of the individual laborer; all means for the development of
production transform themselves into means of domination over, and exploitation of,
the producers; they mutilate the laborer into a fragment of a man, degrade him to the
level of an appendage of a machine...they transform his lifetime into working time,
and drag his wife and child beneath the wheels of the Juggernaut of capital...
Accumulation of wealth is at one pole, therefore, at the same time accumulation of
misery, agony of toil slaver, ignorance, brutality, mental degradation, at the opposite
pole, i.e., one the side of the class that produces its own product in the form of capital.
Throughout the first
1931 China Research Paper
The China floods of 1931 is known as possibly the worst natural disaster of all
time. The 1931 Chinese floods were a series of horrible floods that decimated
China and lasted around three months. The death toll ranges from one hundred and
forty five thousand to four million people and floods were estimated to have
affected over twenty eight million people. Large amounts of people drowned
during the flood but some died from waterborne diseases. The cause for the floods
were many independent variables which combined to create a dramatic flood that
came to China overnight. This natural disaster could have actually been averted if
proper flood control measures had been put in place and followed. Three major rivers
were affected by the 1931 China
An Analysis of Seinfeld
Seinfeld Examine the use of stereotypes in the representation of gender, race, and
class. Investigate the way social situation is depicted? Describe how the
psychology of the characters is simplified or exaggerated and why? Choose the
object of analysis In Seinfeld stereotypes are used to show the reflections of
different classes of people. For women, this is demonstrated through the various
girlfriends that Jerry has and how he is easily able to have a sexual relationship
with them. To expand upon these ideas the character of Elaine is the classic
example. She is supposed to be a career orientated woman. Yet, she goes through
one boyfriend to the next. Towards the end of the series is when she has been with
so many men that she begins dating some of the same ones over. In this aspect, the
psychology is exaggerated by illustrating how she has been with all of New York
City. However, the reality is that the actual size of the city is so large, it is
impossible to sleep with most men in New York. This is depicting women as
vulnerable sex objects (who will sleep with anyone). The way that race is used in
stereotypes is to show how Jewish people only have friends that are from their own
demographic or among Caucasians. Anyone who is considered to be a minority is
depicted as a worker or an individual that is somewhat arrogant. This is illustrated
with the relationship that George has Mr. Morgan (his boss at the Yankees). The
psychology of these characters is simplified.
How Did Hitler Become A Dictator
Who was Adolf Hitler before he became a dictator? What drove him to become the
way he did? Before Adolf Hitler became a dictator and murder, he had another life.
He had friends and family that cared about him. Now what do they think of him after
he has done those terrible things to those people.
Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889, an Easter Saturday evening. Adolf was the
fourth child born to Alois and Klara Hitler. On his birth certificate it says Adolfus,
but he was referred to as Adolf. His father Alois Hitlerruled over his family like a
tyrant, often lashing out in drunken rages at his childern and wife. Adolf Hitler
learned at a very young age that the one who weilds the greatest power prevails.
Before Adolf was three, the Hitler family had moved serveral times within the ...
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set out on a morning walk and was stricken with a pleural (lung) hemorrhage. He
died moments later in the arms of a neighbor at the Gasthaus Stiefler, a nearby inn
and tavern. Despite their past differences when thirteen Adolf saw his fathers
liveless body he broke down and wept. After that a few years later Adolf moved
around. He finally settled down in Vienna in the beginning of 1909. Adolf lived in
the streets and parks during the warm months. And in the autumn the cold forced him
to take a bed in a dosshouse called the Asylum for the Shelterless. He meet a man
named Reinhold Hanisch and they became good friends.
In December, Hitler moved into a hostel for single men at Meldemanstrasse 27,
where Hitler would stay for the remainder of his three years in Vienna. Hanisch soon
joined him and they formed a partnership with each other. Hitler began to paint things
like postcards, pictures, and posters. And then Hanisch sold them and it made enough
money to meet their needs. A couple of years later their partnership broke up becuase
Hitler though that Hanich was spending to much of their profit for meaning less
Summary. Groups Were Told To Design A Prototype Which
Groups were told to design a prototype which wold be able be used by a library as a
computer system. The aim of this report was to show the factors that led to the
group failing to carry out this tasks. The factors that caused this to happen were time
mismanagement, bad project planning and poor communication. Factors that lead to
a group failing a project was chosen as the topic of the report so problems that led to
the group failing could be identified and understood in a way that would prevent
group members from making the same mistakes in any future projects. These factors
can be avoided by using planning resources and steady communication through Email
services and ... Show more content on ...
An example of this was during the design specification stage of the project. The
group ended up getting very low scores because of the way the project was carried
out. The work was not evenly shared out between the group members and all group
members did not meet up regularly to see who had done which stage of the
project. One group member ended up doing most of the task including the story
design, the Entity relationship diagram, most of the use case descriptions and the
structured English because the other group members did not understand how to do
these part of the projects. This led to the group getting very low scores in all these
sections as the individual who carried out most of the tasks was not able to fully
focus on each section and develop them to an adequate level. This could have been
avoided if the group had planned the project well because the weaknesses of
individual members could have been discussed earlier and the person who
understood the work could have showed the other members of the group how to carry
out the various task they did not understand and this would have helped the group
avoid failing this stage of the project. Poor project management is also harmful to a
group chances of passing a project because it also leads to a lack of communication
as group members would not be able
Rossum s Universal Robots
A company called Rossum s Universal Robots makes robots for the world, but
Helena (The President s daughter) is trying to convince the robots to revolt against
Domino s cruelty but ends up marrying him. 10 years later and barely anyone is
giving birth to children anymore because robots can replace everything, so Helena
burns the formula to create robots in hope that no more robots will be made an
takeover the human race. The robots end up attacking the factory and kill everyone
except Alquist thinking that he can find the robotformula again, a while later Alquist
hasn t discovered the formula yet and he starts to fear oblivion as the robots only
have a lifespan of 20 30 years. In the end, two robots named Primus and Helena fall
in love and Alquist believes that they have souls so he tells them to go off and
produce life, and then Alquist died feeling hopeful of the future.
The protagonist of the play R.U.R are constantly changing over the course of the
play. At the beginning of the play, it seems to the audience that Domain, the manager
of the R.U.R factory, is the antagonist. He shows signs of being a cruel and villainous
character, as ... Show more content on ...
The plot of the story is very well developed and is also extremely entertaining to a
person who is reading or watching the play. You can that every character has a lot of
depth to their personality, and the playwright did a very good job of using each
character s unique strengths and weaknesses to not only build a further understanding
of their personality to the audience but also to help move the plot along in a smooth
and choreographed way. One pronounced weakness of the play R.U.R is the reaction
of the robots to humans after their revolt. At times it was confusing tries to
understand why the robots murdered Helena even though she was the one that was
kind towards the machines. Besides that one hazzy point, R.U.R is just a very strong
and interesting
Future School Counselor Personal Statement
I am certain that students are capable of absorbing information and growing
emotionally and intellectually when properly directed and supported. My personal
values will make me an exceptional school counselor that will be committed to
ensuring that all my students are serviced in a suitable manner according to the
guidelines. I believe being empathetic is imperative in order to be able to support
students. My personal goal as a future counselor is to empower students to become
independent and to reach their full potential. I want to serve as a guide for them
while providing reassurance and motivation. Counseling students is a challenging
task that I am willing to accept with enthusiasm and optimism, which will transmit
to my students. There are several qualities a counselor must possess in order to be
effective. I believe that as a gain knowledge and understanding about the profession
along with my personal skills I will be able to demonstrate efficacy. As a future
school counselorI will... Show more content on ...
It will be my responsibility to help students accept and appreciate themselves; in
turn they will improve relationships and have greater academic achievement. This
will be demonstrated through the use of data such as the four components of
program evaluation and improvement (ASCA, 2012). It is imperative to know that
being a leader and advocating for students is one of the major roles of a school
counselor. According to Erford, to achieve this counselors must ensure that school
counseling programs are data driven, are action oriented , and demonstrate their
belief that all students deserve the academic, career and college readiness, and
personal/social resources to access the very best academic, career/college, and
personal/social opportunities during and after K 12 schooling (Erford, 2015,
Essay about Lab 1-Measurement, Length, Mass, Volume,...
Lab Report
Experiment # 1
Measurement, Length, Mass, Volume,
Density Time
David Case:
January 17, 2015
Experiment #1
Measurement, Length, Mass, Volume, Density, Time
To make basic distance, mass, density, and time measurements.
To make calculations of volume and density, using proper units, and to practice using
graphing software while graphing the relationship between the circumference of a
circle and its diameter. Materials: stopwatch meter tape 3 rectangular objects metric
ruler pencils metal bolt 500‐G scale graduated cylinder five circular objects
Lab Notes: 1. Estimation of Various... Show more content on ...
By having the length, width, and height measurements off by a little, the volume
would be off by a huge amount. A small error in the hand measurements would grow
by leaps and bounds in measuring volume. 3. Graphing data and the determination of
ПЂ In this experiment, I measured 5 round objects of varying sizes. The objects I
selected are a cup, a bowl, a soda can, a babies rattle, a CD.
Diameter (cm)
Circumference (cm)
Question: What is the slope of C vs d line? What does it represent? The slope of the
C vs d line, according to the above graph, is 3.2548. This represents a ratio between
the circumference and the diameter of a round object. Being that I used imprecise
measuring devices my measurements are a little off. Although my ratio seems
consistent in my graph. With a more accurate measuring device my measurement
would be closer to ПЂ.
G. Percentage error formula: Percentage error = ПЂ = 3.14 Estimate = 3.2548 3.14
3.2548/3.14 = ‐0.0365 x ‐1 = 0.0365 x 100% = 3.65% My percent of error is
3.65%. 4 Density Measurements: determine the density of a metal bolt by
water‐displacement method:
A, B C: For this experiment first I weighed a metal bolt using a digital scale,
getting a weight of 7.8 g. Then I filled the graduated cylinder with water to 10 mL.
Next I placed the metal bolt into the cylinder and recorded the new volume. This
reading was 12 mL.
The Big Short Is A Financial Crisis Movie Directed By...
The big short is a financial crisis movie directed by Adam McKay and released in
2015. It bases on a truth story that some smart investors bet against the United State
mortgage market in 2006 to 2008. Michael Burry, an eccentric hedge fund manager,
discovered with his own research that the United State housing market was a bubble
about to burst within in a couple years. He started to bet against the United State
mortgagebacked securities market by convincing some large banks to create a credit
default swapmarket, which was kind of a bond insurance police, and he invested
about $1,3 billion in the credit default swap market. If he was right about the market
collapse, his fund would bust up very high and make a hug profit. On the other hand,
his fund would be gone if the market stay stable.
Through Michael Burry s idea and action, the banker Jared Vennett who worked at
Deutschebank quickly learned and understood that Burry s predictions was likely
true, and he made himself an opportunity of earning fees on selling those credit
default swap to the firms, which the firms could earn profit when the underlying
mortgage bonds fail. He came to Mark Baum office and tried to convince him to buy
credit default swaps. His explanation about the market collapse would being more
perpetuated by the packaging of subprime loans into collateralized debt obligations
(CDOs). Through Vennett s convincing, Mark Baum and his associated started to
investigate the Miami housing market. He first
Animal-Assisted Therapy Pets
When someone gets sick, it is obvious that they want a loved one with them. That
loved one could include a four legged pal with some whiskers. There are multiple
individuals who prefer these whiskered friends by their side on their hospital bed
rather than another individual. That is s where the controversy commences. Should
pets be allowed in hospitals with their owners or should they stay at home?
Researchers have revealed that having a pet visit while hospitalized, the patient s
mood is more likely to brighten and reduce the duration of the hospitalstay. A number
of hospitals around the country are allowing pets to visit their owners and are
resulting in great outcomes. The director of Pastoral Care Services at the University
of Maryland... Show more content on ...
Aside from the diseases that a pet can bring, let s not forget about those who are
allergic to them. Both of these conflicts have resolutions to them. As long as the
pet has all of its vaccines and has been cleared by a veterinarian they should be
allowed in. Allowing pets, such as dogs, to visit their sick owners, is a great form
of therapy. I believe that as long as the pet is looked upon by a doctor and is
cleared from any sickness, they should be allowed to visit. In some hospitals, there
are certain requirements that should be met if a patient wants their pet to visit. For
example, in Long Island, North Shore University Hospital, they allow personal
pets to visit as long as they follow the requirements. Some of the requirements are,
A doctor has to approve the visit, and there has to be an attestation from a
veterinarian that the animal is healthy and up to date on all its shots. Most animal
visitors are dogs, and generally most institutions require that they be groomed
within a day or so of a visit. They need to be on a leash while passing through
hospital corridors; cats must be in a carrier. It is important to have the animal to visit
to have its shots update and have the patient s doctor approve the visit of the
The Film A Better Life
Within the film A Better Life there are many examples of situations that are seen as
subjects which many people do not openly talk about. Circumstances such as illegal
immigration and how people who do chose to enter the United States through
backdoor channels can actually be a benefit to society and raise productive members
of society. Furthermore, the movie depicts an illegal, Carlos Galindo and his
struggles of maintaining a job, being a single parent, and at the same time evading
detection from United States immigrationofficers. This struggle of trying to provide
for his son Luis and make sure he maintains the correct direction which he is
following to be a successful member of society is plagued by Luis s friend, Facundo
and his girlfriend, Ruthie Valdez. Both of Luis s friends are on the track of being
stuck inside of a Hispanic gang. This rips Luis in half due to his proper upbringing
by his father Carlos. This paper will document multiple occurrences from the film
and analyze the cultural significance for each event. Originally, Carlos and his wife
immigrated illegally to the United States just before Luis was born with the intent
to establish a better life . This was followed by the struggles that all illegals face,
which resulted in a difficult life. Carlos s inability to provide an extravagant
lifestyle to his wife caused her to leave him to care for Luis himself. From our
lectures we learned this type of behavior from a Mexican woman is not typical
Diary Of An American Diary Entry
Diary Entry One: I can t believe what I m hearing. This can t be true. It s like some
twisted joke someone has to be playing on me. Before I go into detail, let me
explain. When I got home from school yesterday, I had a package sitting at my
front door full of seven cassette tapes with no return address or any explanation of
what I was even supposed to do with them. I figured I would pop them into my dad
s stereo in the garage and find out; little did I know what I was about to hear would
change my life forever. I popped the first tape in, pulled up a stool, and pressed
play. As soon as I heard her voice, I felt my pink, warm cheeks immediately turn a
ghostly white. It was the voice of Hannah Baker, a girl who just committed suicide
two weeks ago. We were just classmates. Maybe friends. Maybe I even sort of liked
her. I don t know, I never really got the chance to know her. She never let me.
Anyways, as I listened to her soft voice echo in the garage, she explained what I
was listening to. It was her recorded suicide note with thirteen stories, each on one
side of a cassette tape. Each story explained one person s impact on her decision to
end her life. She explained the process that these tapes were supposed to go through.
Number one: You listen. Number... Show more content on ...
As I continued to listen to the first tape, I concentrated on her voice, listening to
each syllable of her words gracefully fall of her lips, sounding almost scripted. She
began the first story, Justin Foley, a senior who was Hannah s first kiss who
spread rumors that they did more than just kiss. I paused the tapes and figured I
should use something more private, for fear that someone in my house would hear.
I knew that a friend of mine had a walkman, and I figured I d be able to borrow it
from him, just for a night to listen to the tapes. I packed up the tapes and walked to his
Basketball Throw Bracket
The way to construct a major league ball playoff bracket is described below. This
will let you track the competition all the way to the end of the World Series, so
you ll know how the World Champions won. The criteria for determining which
teams make the MLB playoffs are complex. Unless you are an avid follower, it can
very difficult to distinguish between wild cards, record holders and divisional
winners. However, this guide explains the basics in the playoffs that go into the
decision of major league baseballteam, and decides which teams advance. This is the
way to construct a baseballdivision playoff bracket.
Know the definition of a playoff bracket. The playoff bracket simply shows the teams
that oppose each other in each round. Lots ... Show more content on
Once you have got the two winners from the division series on the NL side, those
two winning teams will have to play each other to get the league champions. In
order to demonstrate this on your baseball bracket, sketch a different 3 sided cube.
Sketch a line from the center of the division games boxes, and put the winning team
on that line. Each winning team should be joined together by using a vertical line.
Do this for the AL and the NL teams in the bracket.
Display the World Series champs. Once both leagues have played, there will be one
winner on each side. At this point both sides in your baseball playoff bracket will
meet in the page s center. Divide each league championship game in half by drawing
a line through the center of that game and enter the winning team on this line. There
will be 2 teams written next to each other. The reason is that one team is in the
National League while the other is in the American League. You don t need a box
now, just the line.
Champion of the World Series. The winner of your MLB playoff bracket will be
determined at the conclusion of the World Series. Underline the rival World Series
competitor team s names, by themselves. Jot down the victorious ballteam s name on
this line, writing champion beneath
The Life Of Frederick Douglass And Harriet Ann Jacobs
Frederick Douglass and Harriet Ann Jacobs
There are those in America who believe that it is time we move past the deep
complex feelings towards the cultural repercussions of slavery. Much like the modern
day, Germans feel in their association with the murders and tragedies after World War
II, many Americans especially white American want to feel an understandable
disassociation from the white Americans who propagated slavery. Thus calling this
unbearable reminder of the past white guilt and marginalizing slavery as a mistake
of a much more ignorant time. Many Americans object to the ongoing studies of
the conditions that caused slavery (Bardis, White Guilt). This is a tremendous
mistake, and the memoirs of Frederick Douglass and Harriet Ann Jacobs
exemplifies why it is essential that this time period is studied and be understood by
all current and future generations of Americans. Douglass s Narrative of the Life
of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave and Jacobs s Incidents in the Life of a
Slave Girl portray very different aspects of this shameful time in history. The life
of a slave was not a static or universal lifestyle, and those held in bondage led
extremely different lives. While much of this could be attributed to the region, work
available, or specific plantations, the biggest difference highlighted by comparing
Douglass and Jacobs, is the difference in experience based on gender. Both Douglass
and Jacobs are extremely expressive writers who
Amazing Grace Kozol Chapter Summaries
Amazing Grace is an informative book published to inform the people about
conditions in one of the nations poorest congressional districts. The book is
centered on interviews among children and their family members that live in the
area of Mott Haven, located in the South Bronx. One can interpret that living
conditions in this area of the wealthiest nation in world are considered subpar to say
the very least. Is anyone listening? Is anyone paying any attention or caring that
there are people dying everyday of deaths that could be prevented? Following the
civil rights acts in the late 1960s, Kozol has been an activist for equal education
among children regardless of their racial or economic background. He has published
many books portraying the declining levels of equality throughout the nation; his
most praised being Amazing Grace. He travels to the Mott Haven division of the
South Bronx, which happens to be one of the poorest nations in the country. While in
Mott Haven, Kozol meets many people including children, parents, and ministers;
and speaks with them about their living conditions and how they see the world
around them. The book is divided into six chapters all based off of different times
that Kozol visited and the many different people... Show more content on ...
Washington was one of the first main characters that is brought into the storys plot.
She is the mother of David and Charlene (later introduced) and is also battling AIDS.
Mrs. Washington frequently reflects on the lives that have been lost in the area due
to negligence by the government. These instances usually involve the most important
crimes that are committed in the community including fires, gun shots, and AIDS.
There are also many times that Mrs. Washington describes the negligence of the
hospitals and the lack of adequate care facilities and staff for the area. Mrs.
Washington s conversations usually do not include her own personal experiences
because she is too busy caring for others to worry about
Communication Interactive Analysis Essay
Goal for the interaction: My goals for the interaction was to create and build a
therapeutic relationship with the client. I hoped to use multiple communication
techniques such as the use of open ended questions and general leads.
Description of the environment: The interaction first took place in the cafeteria of
the home during breakfast. We were both seated at a table and there was plenty of
background noise as there were multiple people eating and having conversations.
Later on the interaction moved to the client s room because it was quiet and there
was almost no background noise. The client sat on the edge of here bed while I sat
on a chair beside the bed.
Student s Communication (including ... Show more content on ...
Open ended questions were necessary throughout this interaction because without
them the client would not have given me the information that I was searching for.
Open ended questions helped me to build trust between the client and I. They ensured
the client that I was interested in what they were saying.
That s amazing, can you tell me about your stay here?
I used silence to allow for the client to think about how she was feeling. I also used
facial expressions to show my interest and curiosity.I was beginning to become
worried and anxious that I would not be able to complete the assignment because I
wasn t receiving the information I was expecting from this interaction. I like it here
quite a bit, the building is new, I remember when this was just bush. There is also
many people around my age so I always have someone to talk to
The client sat on the edge of her bed and gestured around to the building and
surrounding roomsAsking clients to share something about themselves and their life
history, apart from the reasons for the health visit or administration helps to establish
rapport and increases the client s comfort level (Arnold Boggs, 2011, p.373). Older
adults are likely to
Key Elements In Mean Girls, Directed By Mark Waters
In the movie, Mean Girls, Mark Waters uses key elements, such as plot, to express the
different themes in the film.
Some of the first areas of plot seen in the movie are the protagonist and the
antagonist. As described by Greg Johnson and Thomas R. Arp, the protagonist is the
central character in a conflict (98) and the antagonist is any force arranged against
the protagonist (98). Most seem to think that the protagonist has heroic qualities, but
as said by Johnson and Arp, this is often not true (98). But, in the case of Mean Girls,
the protagonist of the film, Cady Heron, seems to save the day at the end of the
movie. Within the movie, Cady makes some poor choices. An example of this is
when she lied to Regina about the Kalteen bars ... Show more content on ...
Conflict can be defined as a clash of actions, ideas, desires, or wills (Johnson, Arp
98). Conflict is derived from the existence of a protagonist and an antagonist, so
because Cady is the protagonist and Regina is the antagonist, the primary conflict in
the film is character versus character. It is this conflict that helps support the theme.
For example, conflict is noticeable through Regina and Cady s changes at the end
of the film. Even after Cady had tried everything she could to ruin Regina s life,
and Regina had tried everything to make Cady jealous, both still forgave each other
as they went their separate ways. The audience can understand that the two girls
forgave each other based on when Cady says, all of the drama from last year just
wasn t important anymore (Waters) at the end of the film. By saying this, the
viewers recognize that Cady is stating that the two girls had finally forgiven one
another. This evidence helps to support the theme because even though Cady did
terrible things to Regina, and Regina did terrible things to Cady, they still learned to
forgive one another. The evidence also helps to provide a theme for the audience that
is meaningful and important. Through this description, the audience gets an idea of
the theme s place in the story, and how it is meant to teach society to
Comparing The United States And Switzerland
Trying to compare the United States to Switzerland is quite difficult, especially
when there are many differences between the states of America. So the easiest is
to compare the general aspects across the board, and for the smaller differences I
can only compare it with Texas, since I have lived there my whole life. The first
major difference is the food, of course the food is different all across Europe
compared to the United States, just because we have different types of food. In
America we like to imitate other countries food, trying to bring different cuisines to
everyone s diet. For example; Italian, Greek, Chinese, Asian, and many other
different cuisines. Swiss food you rarely see in America, like the fondue, that is
something America has put a twist on, trying to imitate that certain dish. Roclette has
just now been introduced to America, and it s one of the bigger hits now, but it is
nice to know we have had it in Switzerlandfrom where it is originally from. Another
difference in food, is that nothing in Switzerland is processed, no preservatives, no
high fructose corn syrup, and no dyes. Another thing that is different with the
foods, is having freshly produced chocolate that is out of this world. It is a
disappointment to go back to America and crave chocolate to only have the options
of either getting Hershey s, which will not taste as good or as smooth, or find
European chocolate for more than $5. But not all of American food is bad, we are
known for
Amazon Research Paper or commonly known as Amazon was a company which firstly sold
only books on the Internet (known as an online bookstore), but Jeff Bezos, the
founder of this company, had a vision in making Amazon be An everything store .
Now, Amazon sells everything such as CDs, hardware, software, clothes, toys,
numerous tools and much more. Amazon shows its slogan as Our vision is to be the
world s most consumer centric company, where customers can come to find anything
they want to buy online (Straus, 2017). Jeff Bezos(the founder of
Jeff Bezos raised $1 million from his relatives and friends to start his business by
rented a house in Seattle and set up the business in his garage. The first month after
this business started in ... Show more content on ...
First, regret nothing, there s nothing to be regret in his life. He started a new web
based company when the internet s future was a huge risk. He said that he would
regret it if he didn t do it. This means if we want to do something, we must do it, so
even though it is failed we won t regret it because it was our decision.
Second, play the long game, Jeff Bezos was telling the truth to his investors that
the company was not having a profit for a year, and then he gave a chance to his
investors to hand off from this company before it collapsed. He also showed that
this was his strategy. This means that on the way to do something it s not always
easy so we need to play a long game to succeed in the future, even though it s failed
we still happy because we try our best to do what we want.
Third, start narrow then diversify. First only sold the books but soon, it
sold various things and now it s involve in the production of media game as what he
has told, he must make Amazon become An everything store . This means we need to
do things slowly, not rush because sometimes doing things rush will cause many
How Cryptography Is Defined As A Major Factor During
The Ignominious Tribe, the worlds second oldest profession, these are both
describing the same thing, the mysterious profession that lives in the shadows of
history. Espionage. Governments fear it, yet it is always a major factor during
wars, and it isn t very well known by the general public. Men and women throughout
history who have fought in secret positions during wars, often placed into positions
of great danger. Why were they willing to risk so much for their countries? Profit?
Honor? Adrenaline? There are many aspects of the art of espionage, from the
necessary grunt work of field agents to the solid determination of cryptologists.
Cryptographyis defined as the art of writing and solving codes, a necessary practice
for all sides involved in any major battle or power struggle, an example being World
War II, where coding and cipher script were integral parts of the conflict, main
factors of every win or loss. Without cryptography, some estimate that the war
would have lasted at least two years longer than it did, thus proving the necessary
function of cryptography. In the following pages, the reader will learn a brief history
of the evolution of cryptography, and how it was important in such major recent
struggles as WWII. This form of espionage has been an integral part of history.
Espionage has been recognized as an important part of all military affairs since the
beginnings of recorded history. It began with, and still heavily relies upon, the
various forms of
John Gay s The Beggar s Opera
Wrought with double irony and an overall sense of mock pastoral, English
playwright John Gay s The Beggar s Opera (1728) expresses the ironic dynamic
between the central characters Macheath and Peachum. Even the names of the
characters comically resemble their occupations within the play, Peachum s being a
play on the word peach which means to bring one to trial, while Macheath s
meaning son of heath and being a play on the heaths of London, which were prime
places for highwaymen (Tillotson et al.). While Gay used both characters as a
political satire towards Jonathan Wild and the then Prime Minister Robert Walpole
(after all, The Beggar s Opera was a political satire first and a potential literary
commentary second), they also mocked the traditional roles of hero and villain by
switching their positions in an ironic fashion. Throughout the play, Peachum
expresses how, despite his rather nefarious act of peaching criminals, he does not
view himself as a villain. Rather, he views himself as a tragic hero, reigning high
above the cheats of the world and putting them in their rightful place: whether it be
the gallows or under his thumb. Such a concept creates the second layer of irony, the
first being that, conventionally, Peachum fits many of the characteristics of a tragic
hero. He conscientiously sees what he his doing as righteous a trait of the pastoral
hero. Within the first scene of the play, Peachum compares his occupation of
peaching to a lawyer s, both
The Registered Nurse Should Access And Analyse The Best...
Standard 1.1 outlines that the registered nurse should access and analyse the best
available evidence which includes research to ensure they provides safe and quality
practice (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2016). This was absent in
scenario one as a result of a fast verbal medical handover Mary to Nicole. There was
no guidance as to which patient was being discussed, and no time to write down all
the important medical information required about her patients (Edith Cowan
University, 2016). In scenario two Mary provides more guidance to Nicole about
which patient she is talking about ensuring all the necessary information is received
by Nicole (Edith Cowan University, 2016). Research has proven that handover is
often difficult in the health care process, and often results in information being lost,
distorted or misinterpreted. Verbal handover has also been described as an
incomplete process when compared to information available in patient notes and
records (Drach Zahavy Hadid, 2015). This is demonstrated in both scenarios with
Nicole being given a fast handover with no guidance about where the information
she is being given is relevant to. Whilst in scenario two Mary provides prompts and
gives Nicole time to write down all the necessary information she requires (Edith
Cowan University, 2016). Standard 1.5 outlines that the nursefollows the ethical
framework both in practice and when making decisions (Nursing and Midwifery
Board of Australia,
Katherine Lizbeth Shadows Analysis
Shadows are guardians. They are there to protect us from forces that we couldn t
even begin to understand, and to make sure we never know they exist. These
shadows are led by a woman named Katherine Lizbeth, but to the shadows, she was
Queen Katherine. A woman driven by an intense killer instinct, Katherine uses her
talents as an assassin for the glory of her people and the continued elevation of her
From her childhood, Katherine had always displayed a natural gift for combat.
Being the daughter of a prominent Seversk General allowed many paths to open up
for her, but she rejected them all for the path of the blade. She was trained by the
finest assassins in Seversk, her father being the best among them.
It wasn t long before Katherine demanded her first assignment. The task was simple,
assassinate a low ranking Baikalsk officer. However,... Show more content on ...
Returning to the camp she spied on her now heavily guarded target and realized a
stealthy kill was no longer an option. Drawing her blades, she leaped into battle,
unleashing a whirlwind of steel. As blades flashed one by one each guard fell, each
kill bringing her closer to her target. One final thrown dagger to restore her honor.
Bloody and bruised, Katherine barely escaped the Baikalsk forces and returned to
Seversk a changed woman. A scar over her left eye now serves as a constant reminder
of the day she let passion interfere with duty.
Screams echoed down the halls from the brass lined wooden door that lead to the
dungeons. The screams had become a regular occurrence ever since the recent pop up
attacks from the Baikalsk army. Sometimes rouge attackers would find their way into
the kingdom but they would soon be captured by the guards and then interrogated by
the Lady Katherine herself.
The smell of rotten flesh would sometimes fill the corridors if there had been an
attack on a larger scale than
Child Care Settings
Over the last decades, there has been increasing concern in establishing of education
and care settings in Australia. This essay will introduce five key influences on the
establishing of education and care settings in Australia, the similarities and
differences between the Quality Improvement Accreditation System (QIAS) and the
current National Quality Framework (NQF).
Maybanke Anderson and Lillian de Lissa as well as other people were pioneer who
led the movement to early childhood education and care in Australia (Organisation for
Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD], 2000). Educational thinkers
including Froebel and Pestalozzi and the associated development of preschool
movements in Europe and America had significantly influence ... Show more content
on ...
The Commonwealth facilitated childcare by introducing standardized fee relief
for children in uncommercial center based long day care centers in 1984 (Social
Policy Group, 1997 98). Fee relief was the essential avenue through which the
Commonwealth funded childcare places and the purpose was to help low income
families or median income households with the expenses of quality child care
services (Social Policy Group, 1995). From 1985 to 1987, more childcare services
were provided, for example, approximately 11000 new center based long day care
places and 5650 family day care places were afforded (Social Policy Group, 1997
98). The Childcare Assistance ensured that parents on low and middle incomes could
be benefited due to its strictly targeted nature (Social Policy Group,
Herodotus Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca
Egyptians and Indians
(An Analysis of the way the Egyptians lived to the way the Avavares lived)
Herodotus is considered by most to have been the first Greek historian which would
make him the first European historian as well. He wrote many books in his time and
History contains Observations on Egypt. Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca was one of
the first Europeans to explore the American Southwest. He wrote La Relacion that
talks mostly of the few months that he spent with the Avavares. Herodotustalks about
the way the Egyptians see different animals, perform different ceremonies, and De
Vaca focuses mainly on the lifestyle of the Avavares.
Herodotus talks a lot about the animals that the Egyptians see as sacred and those that
are ... Show more content on ...
The Avavares have a lot to do with religion and they base their lifestyle on the
healers of the tribe. De Vaca prayed a lot and that helped with a lot of what they
were doing in the tribe. He managed to bring one man back from the dead . From
paragraph 4 of Chapter Twenty two of From La Relacion, I removed a mat with
which he was covered, and as best I could prayed to Our Lord to restore his health,
as well as that of all the others who might be in need of it, and after having made
the sign of the cross and breathed on him many times they brought his bow and
presented it to me, and a basket of ground tunas, and took me to many others who
were suffering from vertigo. This is one of the many examples of how they really
respected their healer of the
Technology Advances in Antebellum America
Technology Advances in Antebellum America
The Era of 1800 to 1860 proved to be some of the most technologically advanced
years of the 19th century. This Era saw a rapid technological change in
communications, travel. Through these advances helped the United States grow and
prosper. Communication was now possible from the most populated to the least
populated areas of the country. Telegraph wires stretched from north to south and
east to west. The introduction of the Pony Express allowed the physical movement
of mail from the east to as far west as California and as far North as Wyoming.
Transportation was at its heyday, via water, rail or land, people moved across the
country faster than any other time in history. This era showed ... Show more content
on ...
Many paddleboats offered its passengers richly furnished accommodations; lavishly
decorated staterooms; gambling; dining with fine entertainment and often were
referred to as floating palaces. (Havighurst, p120) The steam engine paddleboats,
canals, and water travel had limitations and could only provide travel as far as the
river or tributary allowed; however, railroads did not have these limitations.
The iron rail, flanged wheel and puffing locomotive appeared in America by 1830.
In the next twenty years the railroad brought a new dimension and added a new
flavor to American transportation. The first railroads frequently helped American
cities (and in turn were aided themselves) as they sought a larger share of western
markets. (Stover, p10) As the canal craze was replaced with the rail craze, America
once again found a means to connect north to south and east to west. Rails could do
what canals could not; they could penetrate the dry arid areas, steep mountainous
areas, span rivers, go up, over, or down under any impedance. But the penultimate
advantaged was speed and time saved.
In 1852 rail shipments from Cincinnati to New York City took from six to eight
days, about a third of the time required for service via the canals, Lake Erie and the
Hudson River. (Bourne, p33) Many
. Summarise the Historical Changes in Childhood
There is little evidence of what it was really like in the past so it is difficult for a
lot of people to re construct the life of a child, however from what I have researched,
and in my own opinion I am going to summarise the historical changes in childhood
experience and relate these changes to childhood development and rights.
In the 19th century I think children missed out on most of their childhood as most of
them took on jobs such as chimney sweepers, street sellers and farms for example.
These were mainly children from poor families who were seen as extra farm hands
and were exploited by receiving low pay for long hours and working in poor
conditions. Families did not look at how the children were treated and the possible
impact ... Show more content on ...
Also from what my grandad has told me, back then they weren t allowed to express
themselves as they would get emotional and physical abuse towards them, so they
just carried on with everyday life.
They was wealthy families and was a lot easier from them as they had the money to
attend a private school or was home schooled. They were also encouraged to donate
money and goods to the poor.
Kerry Woolford
Even though a legislation was drawn up and improved childhood education,
healthcare and welfare, children were and even now in modern society around the
world are being taken advantage of for monetary gain.
Modern society now especially since 1997 have tried putting children first such as
committing to meeting children s needs. There are still problems such as school
truancy, adolescents not in education or training and also child protection as there
have been tragic deaths including baby P and Victoria climbie, which her death was
largely responsible for the formation of every child matters inactive plus a lot of other
changes in different systems,
2. Discuss how family systems are influential in child development processes and
include challenges to meeting a child s needs, such as conflicts and poor parenting
Family systems can influence in a child s
Decision Tree
Decision Tree Analysis
Choosing Between Options by Projecting Likely Outcomes
Decision Trees are useful tools for helping you to choose between several courses of
They provide a highly effective structure within which you can explore options, and
investigate the possible outcomes of choosing those options. They also help you to
form a balanced picture of the risks and rewards associated with each possible course
of action. This makes them particularly useful for choosing between different
strategies, projects or investment opportunities, particularly when your resources are
How to Use the Tool
You start a Decision Treewith a decision that you need to make. Draw a small
square to represent this on the left hand side ... Show more content on
Calculating the Value of Decision Nodes
When you are evaluating a decision node, write down the cost of each option along
each decision line. Then subtract the cost from the outcome value that you have
already calculated. This will give you a value that represents the benefit of that
decision. Note that amounts already spent do not count for this analysis these are
sunk costs and (despite the emotional cost) should not be factored into the decision.
When you have calculated these decision benefits, choose the option that has the
largest benefit, and take that as the decision made. This is the value of that decision
node. Figure 4 shows this calculation of decision nodes in our example:
In this example, the benefit we previously calculated for new product, thorough
development was $420,400. We estimate the future cost of this approach as
$150,000. This gives a net benefit of $270,400.
The net benefit of new product, rapid development was $31,400. On this branch we
therefore choose the most valuable option, new product, thorough development , and
allocate this value to the decision node.
Result By applying this technique we can see that the best option is to develop a new
product. It is worth much more to us to take our time and get the product right, than
to rush the product to market. And it s better just to improve our existing products
than to
Importance Of English Essay
English is a widely accepted language in the scenario of today. It has become global
language and we can say has often been referred to as, the lingua franca of the
modern era. English as a second language is currently most often taught around the
world. In India, the purpose of English is not only for to make communication with
the outside world, but also for within inter state. There is the great ethnic and
linguistic diversity. Because of the great diversity within our nation, English as a
language played a significant role as an indispensable link language. With the
tremendous revolution in the Information Technology sector, various software and
operating systems have been developed in the English language and English has
become a great medium for written and oral communication. Due to communicative
and educative value which English as a language has achieved and established itself
as the world s most important language. The world has recognized its... Show more
content on ...
It has been considered as Language is like a system with its characteristics. In India
English has established as the most important language and set up as the associate
language. English is the second spoken language in India after Hindi and probably
the first in reading and writing language in India. In India, the purpose of English is
not only for to make communication with the outside world, but also for within inter
state. Indians minds have accepted English language for better education, culture,
higher intellect and bright future. Indians are using English with Indian language
simultaneously in their conversation and move to speak fluent English. English also
facilitates the communication among Indians of different language speakers. Thus
English language has become the language of legal, financial, educational and
business in
The Friendship Of David And Jonathan
Saul s son Jonathan found great favor in David. Jonathan grew to love David, and
helped protect him from Saul s wrath. The friendship of David and Jonathan was
the effect of divine grace, which produces in true believers one heart and one soul,
and causes them to love each other (Henry, 2000). It is possible to love other people
even if a parent has hatred in their hearts towards them. When Jonathan could not stop
Sauls march toward evil, he could warn the intended victim, thus averting a tragedy
(Fackler, 2006). Christians in today s world can learn a valuable lesson of loving
others even if there are issues that are impending on the situation that could cause
anger to occur. Jonathan was loyal to Davidcausing a positive reflection on his
covenant and commitment to his friendship with David. And it came to pass, when
he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with
the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul (KJV, 1 Samuel 18:1).
Jonathan vowed to help David and stood by his word. Those who love Christ as
their own souls will be willing to join themselves to him in an everlasting covenant
(Henry, 2001). I was unaware that David and Jonathanhad such a special bond; and
made me think about my own life and my commitment to my friends. There can be
strength found in God s word if you put him first as David did in his own battles.
How 1 Samuel affects Christians Today
The teachings of 1 Samuel shares valuable
Hcl Technologies
In 2011, HCLT ERS (Engineering and R D Services), a division of HCL
Technologies, a global
IT services corporation headquartered in New Delhi, India, had to devise next year s
plan for the
Engineering Out Of The Box (EOOTB) business concept that it had initiated in
2009, which transformed the division s ability to create 16 productized solutions and
to engage new and old customers in new revenue services. The productized solutions
were heavily reliant upon IT platform based solutions and services. The EVP, Global
Sales, Engineering and Research
Services (ERS), HCL Technologies, and the EOOTB team must consider the potential
user experiences that ERS could gain from EOOTB in conjunction with its customers
and ... Show more content on ...
Our clients are also able to launch products faster because they are not developing
everything ground up.
The 3 tenets of EOOTB are:
1. Core Product
Full system development, Product development life cycle services based on industry
domain expertise; this includes leveraging HCL‟s multi disciplinary design and
development expertise.
HCL is focused on enabling customers develop cutting edge next gen products along
Completeness, Criticality, Complexity and Cost of ownership.
For example for a Fortune 500 software company HCL owns complete product
management, design, development, test support for their secu rity software that
receives 40 million signatures downloads within 30 min of a virus attack.
Similarly for one of the largest Aerospace companies in the world, HCL is involved
in developing 20 of the major mission critical and complex avionics systems.
2. Ecosystem Innovation
Extend the competence of core products by creating platforms for ecosystem
innovation. This is where HCL has invested in creating 20+ productized solutions that
provide immediate time to market advantage to customers. HCL solutions are on
Mobility, Cloud, Collaboration, Online,
Convergence, Smart Devices, and Green etc. that are leveraged by customers across
multiple industry segments.
One of the biggest impacts in ecosystem innovation is around Cloud. With the
availability of
Gender Roles in the Illiad
Gender Roles: Hector in The Iliad In Homer s Illiad Hector, one of the primary
leaders of Trojan forces and also a prince of the fated city of Troy fulfills the male
gender expectations defined through prowess in war. However, male s heroism is
driven by the fear of shame and dishonor in war. Hector is an mortal character in
Homer s Iliadand all Hectorseeks is war glory, and he believes that one must die
with a cause. He fears the indignity that he believes will come should he not fight
nobly for his city of Troy but it is this way of thinking which steers Hector towards
his eventual death. Paris, Hector s brother actually was a counter example of the
drive behind male heroism. In Book three of the Iliad Paris stepped out of the... Show
more content on ...
With Zeus not currently not assisting Hector and the Trojans in the war, Hector
was temporarily decommissioned from the war because of an injury inflicted on
him by Ajax who knocked him out with a stone. Later on in Book fifteen Zeus sent
Apollo to bring strength back to Hector. When he eventually did rise he was
described as: A horse that has eaten barley in its stall / Breaking its halter and
galloping across the plain, / making for his accustomed swim in the river, / A
glorious animal, head held high, mane streaming / Like wind on his shoulders. Sure
of his splendor / He prances by the horse runs and he mares in pasture. (Book 15 lines
266 271)
It was as if Hector took pride in the fact that he got hurt and was near death because
that is what war glory is all about. Obviously it was embedded in his soul to never
stop fighting and to continue helping Troy in the war because of his fear of shame
and dishonor in war, but the fact that he was near death and almost able to achieve
the goal of dying gloriously while fighting in war, is what drove him to fight even
more, so he could eventually achieve that goal. As readers, we would imagine that if
a character was told his/her fate, even though it is something is predetermined and
inevitable that character still might try change to alter their actions in an attempt to
change their fate, especially if they were told it
A Report On The Airport
Renowned for being the perfect gateway to the amazing and spectacular Costa
Blanca resort region is the beautiful Alicante Elche Airport a common ground for
transfers to stunning destinations such as the idyllic and panoramic resorts of
Benidorm, Denia, Murcia and Torrevieja. The airport acts as an ideal base for an out
of this world memorable and extraordinary holiday vacation to amazing Alicantemust
visit tourist attractions including the beautiful MARQ museum, the magical El
Postiguet beach offering stunning Mediterranean views , the gorgeous El Tossal and
Canalejas Parks, checkout the vibrant, attractive and lively Marina and the
fascinating Puerto Viejo Square both featuring a variety of cafes, restaurants,
buildings and bars. Also worth visiting is the spectacular St.Mary s church also
referred to as the Basilica of Santa Maria, the breathtaking Malaga Cathedral, the
brilliant and gorgeous St.Ferdinand Castle and lastly the amazing Safari Aitana
teeming with wild animals from all over the world.
Originally named El Altet, Alicante Elche Airportpopularly referred to as Aeropuerto
de Alicante Elche in Spanish, is the main airport for the regions of Valencia and
Murcia and sixth busiest airport in Spain after Madrid, Barcelona, Palma de
Mallorca, Malaga and Gran Canaria in terms of passenger traffic. The airport is
situated 9 km southwest of Alicante, about 160 km south of Valencia, about 70 km
north of Murcia and 10 km east of Elche situated on the
A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings By Gabriel Garcia
Sarah Grace Valleroy Journal #1 A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings by Gabriel
GarcГa MГЎrquez has left me confused, to say the least. The structure of the story
is unique in nature as it follows Palayo and his wife, Elisenda, through the eyes of
a confusing narrator, who is both with and apart from and with the story, as the two
navigate a situation that would befuddle any of us; finding what appears to be a
fallen angel on their property and trying to decide what to do with him. The thing
that confused me the most, however, is Palayo and Elisenda s relationship to this
creature that they have discovered and lack of empathy at his plight. Though he is
referred to as an angel, a title that is often viewed with a good degree of supernatural
Soft Rock Influence
The thing I find most crazy is how much influence political, economic, and civil
difficulties had on rock music. The five major rock styles came to be because of
the violence during protest and economic troubles of a post war United States.
Soft rock was created for people how were getting tired of the violence of the
protest at the time. With the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the shooting
of four Kent State University student protesters. Soft rock has themes of life, love,
and relationships. Some of the most influential musicians of soft rock were James
Tylor, Carly Simon, and Carole King. Soft rock was influenced by folk protest song
and being tired of the violence, and glam rock was influenced by the world s
problems after the war.... Show more content on ...
The musicians of glam rock wore extremely glittery and loud costumes. Themes of
glam rock were sexuality, masculinity, and femininity. The big singers of glam rock
were The Velvet Underground, David Bowie, Queen, and Marc Bolan. Where
glam rock was for the people that embraced the self indulgent side of the post war
time; Heavy metal music was brought to be by the angry and frustrated people of
the time. Heavy metal is extremely loud with screaming vocals. Famous heavy
metal bands were Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath. These two bands where not
loved by the music media, and were often characterized as satanic. Black Sabbath
was named the princes of darkness. I listen to all types of music, but I really like
heavy metal. I tend to listen to what most people call screamo. Progressive rock
was music for the artist and people trying to make rock more artistic. Progressive
rock was a way to for musician to be more creative and express themselves in many
ways. This style of rock did have a lot of criticism for being a group that was
against sociality and high culture status. Famous bands for progressive rock were
Yes, Pink Floyd, and Emerson, Lake, and
Child Adolescent Population And Developmentally
Introduction This paper will attempt to compare two systematic review articles on the
topic of restraints and seclusion (S R) and its implications within the child adolescent
population and developmentally impaired persons. The articles should present
evidence to address claims on reduction while the results of the studies provide
evidence on rationales to these practices. Aggressive behaviors by both of these
populations in inpatient psychiatric facilities at some point become a safety issue in
terms of assault and injury for both. Both reviews focus on incidences of seclusion
and restraints and ways to reduce usage. The articles aim to answer what the current
state of evidence is supporting restraints and reduction methods. Nonetheless,
interventions are needed to reduce restriction and restraint utilization in children and
persons with developmental disabilities (Menon, Raghavendra, Bernard 2010)
Phenomenon of Interest The article Initiatives to reduce the use of seclusion and
restraints on people with developmental disabilities: A systematic review and
quantitative synthesis, analyzes the use of R S within the developmental disabled.
According to Gaskin, Mcvilly McGillivray (2013) there is insufficient evidence that
explores these practices among this population. There is also not enough evidence for
aggression management measures and training in de escalation procedures. The
review assesses studies that introduce interventions and the effects of R S
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Essays About Success

  • 1. Essays About Success Crafting an essay on the broad and subjective topic of "Essays About Success" can be a daunting task. Success is a multifaceted concept, and attempting to encapsulate its essence within the confines of an essay requires careful consideration and thoughtful analysis. The challenge lies in navigating the vast sea of perspectives on success, ranging from personal achievements to societal definitions, and addressing the diverse factors that contribute to an individual's or a society's sense of accomplishment. One must grapple with the intricacies of defining success, as it differs significantly among individuals based on their values, cultures, and life experiences. The writer faces the challenge of striking a balance between providing a comprehensive overview of success and delving into specific aspects that resonate with a wide audience. Additionally, it is essential to avoid falling into the trap of clichГ©s and oversimplifications, as success is a nuanced and evolving concept that defies easy categorization. Furthermore, the process of writing about success necessitates extensive research to incorporate relevant examples, case studies, and expert opinions. The writer must synthesize this information coherently to present a well-supported and compelling argument. Maintaining a clear and logical structure throughout the essay is crucial to guide the reader through the exploration of diverse perspectives on success without losing focus or coherence. Expressing personal views on success, while incorporating a range of perspectives, adds an extra layer of complexity. Striking the right balance between subjectivity and objectivity requires finesse, ensuring that the essay resonates with readers on a personal level while remaining grounded in a broader context. In conclusion, crafting an essay on the theme of "Essays About Success" demands a careful blend of research, critical thinking, and effective communication. The writer must navigate through the intricacies of defining success, addressing various perspectives, and maintaining a coherent narrative. Despite the challenges, a well-written essay on success has the potential to inspire, provoke thought, and engage readers in a meaningful exploration of this universal and elusive concept. For those seeking assistance in exploring such intricate topics or tackling complex essays, similar essays and more can be ordered on Professional writers can provide guidance and support to navigate the complexities of essay writing, ensuring a well-crafted and insightful piece on the chosen subject. Essays About Success Essays About Success
  • 2. The Five Management Functions Within The United States Air... The five management functions can be found in any successful organization and is the foundation for achieving the organizations goals. Our text states, management functions encompass innovative planning, detailed organization, diligent leadership, systematic staffing and finally must possess those abilities that permit the controlling of both human and organizational resources to accomplish a company s pre determined objectives. (Baack, Reilly, Minnich, 2014, p. 1.3) In this paper I will address each concept of Planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling and how they are implemented in day to day operations in the United States Air Force, with a heavy concentration in the Special Tactics community. Planning is the deliberate act of establishing goals, and formulating a game plan in order to accomplish a long term end state. This process is done by leaders at the strategic, tactical and operational levels. Strategic planning is a management tool. It is used for the purpose helping an organization do a better job to focus its energy, to ensure that members of the organization are working toward the same goals, to assess and adjust the organization s direction in response to a changing environment. In short, strategic planning is a disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, what it does, and why it does it, with a focus on the future. (Bryson, 1988, p. 73) The Tactical level consists of mid
  • 3. Ducker Lake s Water Quality Abstract Water quality is sometimes ignored by lake management until it affects fish production and aesthetic values and is significant to test the quality of lakes frequently, sometimes as many as multiple times a day since the water in the lake could be used as a drinking source for both humans and animals. Protecting the present quality of the lake is significant when it comes to avoiding future problems. Duckers Lake s water quality was sampled in spring 2014. Variables that could measure the water quality of lakes include: dissolved oxygen (DO) levels, temperature, pH, turbidity, and phosphate and nitrates levels. Mean turbidity levels increased overall throughout the sampling dates, while pH seemed to decrease overall throughout... Show more content on ... Natural eutrophication is a very slow process that could take years, decades, and sometimes centuries. The sediment build up in eutrophic lakes will make lakes very shallow. This increases vegetation due to the increase in light exposure. Anthropogenic eutrophication is a faster process that could occur in days and months. Anthropogenic eutrophication is due to fertilizer runoff from surrounding areas and could convert oligotrophic lakes into eutrophic lakes. The difference between oligotrophic lakes and eutrophic lakes is that oligotrophic lakes have very clear, blue water. Oligotrophic lakes are deep with low sedimentation levels. Eutrophic lakes have murky, dirty looking water. They are very shallow with high sedimentation levels. Plants dominate the shoreline because of the increase in light and vegetation (Walsh
  • 4. SEO Advantages Of HTTPS HTTP vs HTTPS SEO Advantages of HTTPS Have you ever noticed the green padlock icon in the address bar of your web browser while browsing any website?? That is the visually indication of that a HTTPS connection is in effect. A web address without a green padlock is a HTTP connection. For website owners.... No matter what you prefer being a website owner you need to provide extra security for all the personal detail that users share with your website like credit card details, online bank details etc. A good online browsing experience involves the additional security you provide to your customers that cannot be decrypted by hackers. That is what Google is looking for provide a secure browsing experience for the web users. Hence favors the ... Show more content on ... With a HTTPS connection, all communications are securely encrypted. This means that even if somebody managed to break into the connection, they would not be able decrypt any of the data which passes between you and the website. SEO Advantages of Switching to HTTPS HTTPS is important as it helps reduce the chances of hackers snooping or trying to seize and access your customers data as it moves between the internet server and your computer or vice versa. With HTTPS it can be guaranteed that the site will encrypt their information for that extra level of security. It shouldn t come as a surprise that Google prefers sites that are trusted and certified. Considering the benefits of HTTPS and to make the internet a secure place Google has announced that going HTTPS adding a SSL certificate on your site will give you a ranking boost. Google has also updated Google Webmaster Tools to better handle HTTPS sites and the reporting on them. If your website is already serving on HTTPS, you can test its security level and configuration with the Qualys Lab
  • 5. Strategic Marketing Management Essay Strategic Marketing Management Sample Exam Questions Question 1: a. Is the PLC (Product life cycle) concept useful in developing Marketing strategies? Describe why or why not? What are the limitations of the PLC concept? A strategy is a fundamental pattern of present and planned objectives, resource deployments, and interactions of an organisation with markets, competitors and other environmental factors. b. What are the advantages available to Google with their Google maps (as a Pioneer firm) in the Internet search engine market? What are the advantages available to any of the follower firms in the market? c. Under what conditions to pioneer and follower strategies each have the greatest probability ... Show more content on ... Their research is focused on identifying new opportunities and applying new technology to satisfy customer needs as opposed to product improvement and cost cutting solutions like product oriented firms. Such companies design packaging for customer convenience and use it as a promotional tool rather than to merely protect the product or reduce costs involved and they emphasise their promotion on product benefits and ability to satisfy customer needs or solve problems (as opposed to product features, quality and price). Advantages include... b. Discuss the factors that mediate a marketing s strategic role within an organisation Lecture 1: Competitive factors affect a firms market orientation Influence of different development stages across industries and global markets Strategic Inertia c. Outline the major levels of strategy in most large, multi product organisations Lecture 1: 1. Corporate Strategy: Decisions about the organisation s scope and resource deployments across its divisions or businesses 2. Business level strategy: How a business unit competes within its industry
  • 6. 3. Marketing strategy (Functional) Effective allocation and coordination of marketing resources and activities d. List the five components of a well developed strategy. Lecture 1: 1. Scope (breadth of the strategic
  • 7. Judith Walkowitz s Jack The Ripper Jack the Ripper is the seventh chapter of City of Dreadful Delight book written by Judith Walkowitz published in 1992. In this chapter, Walkowitz analyzes the historical forces that contribute to shape the social aspects of late Victorian London period. The author emphasizes the myth of Jack the Ripper, who was a serial murderer killing five prostitutes in London city in 1888 and examines the discourse and social circumstance caused the Ripper figured male dominance and female passivity pattern in feasible and intractable approach . Walkowitz s investigation of this chapter primarily highlights the influential role of the press in the form of subjectivities and behaviors. She argues about the media coverage of these murders presented a discourse ... Show more content on ... However, she successfully delivers a fastidious, inventive, and enticing historical text. The investigation of the discourses among Jack the Ripper, she illustrates the historical significance of narratives of sexuality. She demonstrates different discourses that surfaced the were the results of extraordinary struggles over power. She illustrates these struggles over the implications in concrete and significant detail, capture human gain and loss among the individuals who managed to challenge superior power and remodify structures of meaning. Walkowitz tells a series of the events surrounding historic murders Jack the Ripper for contemporary feminism. Justifiably, she concentrates on sexual issues and politics . She later minimizes matters of class and describes London as a city amidst complex change. However, she neglects the cross class experiences repeated all through the city, regardless of whether between superior males and the common laborers objects of their look, or amongst Stead and a girl he secured, or between social reformers and fallen
  • 8. Jazz Concert Critique On May 13, 2016, the Vocal Jazz Ensembles at Sacramento State University had their one of the last concerts before the semester ended, which was directed by our professor Gaw Vang Williams. This concert was performed by four groups and different solo, which was completely different experience from the first two concerts that I attended at Sac State. In this Vocal Jazzconcert, there was packed and a lot of audiences who were friends, family and students come to support and enjoy before this semester ended. Overall, this was a good show and I found that Vocal Jazz was much more fun and enjoyable than the first two. In this concert, I enjoyed every pieces of performance and there were three pieces that caught my attention, which were Hold On ,... Show more content on ... I have listened to this song but I found the performance by C Sus Voices was more fun and enjoyable. Each member played as an instrumental roles as bass, beatbox, low and high notes supports as an acapella style which without any instrument. In this performance, I love the atmosphere and the moods that the groups brought out. In this pieces, it didn t look like they were performing but they really played and enjoyed what they were doing, which also influence the audiences moods. Even though Maggie Niscasio the one who sang this song was really tired, but they seemed brought me and audiences a relaxed moment and an enjoyable atmosphere. Also, the song Singing in the Rain was another piece that was played by C Sus Voices, which mixed with Rhianna s Umbrella. This performance gave me different feelings by combining two songs as one. By singing these two songs together in the Jazz style, C Sus Voices seemed performing a new song c and matching perfectly between the Rain with the Umbrella. Also in this performance, I loved the way they played the songs and the atmosphere. Overall, I felt really relaxed and I enjoyed the performance played by C Sus
  • 9. Analysis Of Beyonce s Song Pretty Hurts Life, True Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness: Beyonce s Portrayal of the American Beauty Standard America is supposed to be the land of the free and the home of the brave. Instead, it is oppressed with a disease that attacks the self esteem of its entire people. Women, in particular, are affected. Because society sets ridiculous expectations for beauty, women strive to achieve them but, never will.Beyonce s song Pretty Hurts was co written by Joshua Coleman, Sia Fuller and Beyonce Knowles. As the music video begins, the spotlight turns onto Miss Third Ward, Beyonce s character, and she smiles. Throughout the video, the spotlight is always the cue for Miss Third Ward to put on a happy face. She only smiles in the spotlight. As Miss Third ... Show more content on ... The video clearly suggests that it is the white population, or the majority, that sets the standard of beauty. Although some of the contestants are white, all of the spectators in the video are also white by race. The judges in the pageant are white men, the lady who spray tans Miss Third Ward is also white. Because all the judges are white men, the video speaks that white men are the ones who formed the mold for American women to fit. Women of every race are subject to the white man s view of beauty. It is ironic that while Miss Third Ward naturally has tanned skin, a the white woman is spray tanning her, suggesting that Miss Third Ward is only allowed to be an artificial copy of the real her. People with pale skin lay in tanning beds or spray tan to get a certain look during the summer months but reject the quality during the cooler season. Tanned skin has become a trend. The artist goes even further to make the pageant coach a tall, lanky albino black man. The winner of the pageant, Miss Shaolin, is also an albino black woman. The two albino blacks are the counterpart to spray tanning the natually tanned. The video insists that white is beautiful. Miss Shaolin wears a ton of makeup and seems to look over worked with plastic surgery and botox. She has bleached blonde hair and looks malnourished. Throughout the video, there are scenes where Miss Third Ward is sitting at her vanity in the dressing room,
  • 10. Marijuan The Pseudo Gate Way Drug Marijuana: The Pseudo Gate way Drug My thesis states that the federal government of United States of America should legalize marijuana. Legalizing would not only benefit the people of need for medical uses but also our economy for recreational use. In the year of 2014 the state of Colorado was the one of the first few states to legalize the use of recreational marijuana. Colorado retailers sold $386 million of medical marijuana and $313 million for purely recreational purposes (Ingraham). Within one year of the legalization of cannabis, Colorado cannabis market was able to generate nearly seven hundred million dollars. The money garnered from the market is not only significant but also the taxation of it will benefit sectors in need nationally. For an example since the legalization of cannabis in Colorado it has gained $15.6 million in tax revenues, the funds benefit a called Building Excellent Schools Today (BEST) grant program meant to generate additional funding for public schools in the state to renew or replace deteriorating facilities. Despite the fact of the potential market boom and it benefiting other sectors, prohibitionist groups urge that cannabis is a threat to society and its youth. An organization known as Save Our Society from Drugs (S.O.S) claims that the use of medical marijuana is a scam is by special interest groups used to exploit the sick and dying. According to Save Our Society from Drugs, crude cannabis does not have any medical properties
  • 11. The Devastating (KK) The Devastating K.K.K The K.K.K. was and still is the strongest and the largest American terrorist group. This mainly white racist group set out to bring back white dominance to America. The K.K.K. has very little limits when it came to torturing it s enemies. The KKK stood in the way of racial equality from its beginnings, its actions, and its work today They KKK had a very distinct beginning that changed the US. The KKK began in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1865 as an informal society of six veterans of the Confederacy, the Southern states that had fought the Union during the American Civil War( Ku Klux Klan ). This evidence shows that the men who started the KKK were from the deep south and fought against the north to keep slavery and would do anything to keep it. The KKK s main goal was to establish white supremacy throughout the country by intimidating and killing freed blacks and any members and supporters of the Republican Party (Ku Klux Klan). This shows what the KKK planned to do and what they wanted to happen because of it. They raced outside and leaped astride their horses and swooped through the town the town streets, ... Show more content on ... On 17th May, 2000, the FBI announced that the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church Bombing had been carried out by the Ku Klux Klan splinter group, the Cahaba Boys (Effects of the Klu Klux Klan). This is a recent find of something the KKK did. In the mid 2010s, between five and eight thousand KKK members had been identified in forty one American states ( Ku Klux Klan ). This shows that the KKK is still a big thing and could still be dangerous. current version of the KKK consists of numerous small groups scattered across the United States, advocating for white supremacy above all nonwhite and non Christian Americans ( Ku Klux Klan ). This shows that the KKK is different from back then because it is smaller and more spread
  • 12. Research Paper About Ano Viejo El AГ±o Viejo. Every year, regardless of religion or cultural beliefs, people around the world get super excited with the coming of the New Year. The year 2018 was no exception, the streets were filled with excitement and the world celebrated and welcomed the New Year with fireworks, parties, dancing, delicious foods and parades. However, before welcoming the New Yearmany people took the time to observe El AГ±o Viejo. El AГ±o Viejo is a very popular year end tradition, which is celebrated in Colombia, Ecuador, Cuba, Puerto Rico and other countries in Latin America. This particular tradition calls for members of the community to come together and celebrate their many accomplishments as well as to reflecting and letting go of their failures. The tradition of the AГ±o Viejo is very particular in that members of the community are required to reflect on their accomplishments and failures throughout the year and are called to set obligatory resolutions for change. The obligatory resolutions are therefore set and made public on the eve of December 31st before the welcoming of the New Year. Moreover, the AГ±o Viejo tradition calls for members of society to be thankful for all the blessings acquired throughout the year. In Latin America, there is a very popular song that is the trademark of el AГ±o Viejo Celebration, which emphasizes the importance of being thankful. This particular song El AГ±o Viejo by Crescencio Salcedo has been around for more than sixty years, and
  • 13. Health Disparity Among Chinese Americans While people of Chinese descent appear to be less likely to suffer from conditions such as obesity and high blood pressure, they actually more likely to experience the degenerative diseases associated with these conditions. Before adjustment, Chinese Americans are shown to experience hypertension at a lower rate than Whites. However once adjusted for age, BMI, prevalence of diabetes, and smoking , East Asians showed 30% increased likelihood for hypertensionand 20% increased incidence of stroke compared to Whites (Sucher, 2017). According to a study by Dr. Tsai and Associates (2013) not only are Chinese people more likely to suffer from a stroke than Whites, they are also at between 10% 23% more likely than their close ethnic neighbor Taiwan.... Show more content on ... al., 2013). Because of this it is clear that one major health disparity among Chinese people is poor diet, specifically regarding sodium intake. The typical Chinese diet one that is high in sodium, especially among those living in more urban areas (Zhang et. al., 2013). Another health disparity among Chinese people, is the heavy reliance on traditional Chinese medicine. While resorting to traditional methods may have therapeutic effects on a variety of diseases, hypertension and therefore stroke unfortunately, do not strongly benefit from such methods (Wang Xiong,
  • 14. Analysis Of The Machine Stops The Machine Stops is a short, science fiction story written by E.M. Forester. Set in a post apocolypic dystopian society, the two main characters, Vashti and Kuno, as well as everyone else, live underground with the help of the Machine. The Machine provides every single person and their needs, including the air they breath, because the surface of the Earth can no longer sustain mankind. Not only does the Machine give every necessity to its people, it also provides the Book, which contains rules to help the people survive. This often leads the people to worship the Machine as a type of deity. In the book The Machine Stops, which was written by E.M. Forester, the main characters Vashti and Kuno have multiple differences with few similarites. Vashti and Kuno are completely different in apperance. When being introduced to Vashti, the book describes her as a swaddled lump of flesh a woman, about five feet high,with a face as white as a fungus. (Forester 1). This is a very strong and disturbing representation of a women. This implies that Vashti doesn t move much due to inactiveness, and also implies that she doesn t go outside much, more or less because of the fact that she lives underground. On the other hand, Kuno has a very athletic build. When being introduced to Kuno, we learn that he was sent away as a baby because all babies were sent away from their mothers at birth. We also learn that Kuno possessed some kind of physical strength, because he escaped the Machine,
  • 15. Essay On Theseus Theseus Theseus has many changes in his character throughout his adventures. These developments in his mindset lead him from being a depressed, weak child, to a strong leader that many look up to. When the story begins, Theseus is living in a small mountain town, and is generally depressed. He has no friends, and he s smaller and scrawnier than all of the other boys living in his village. Theseus picks fights, even if he knows he will lose. Although he trains to be stronger, he is still dissatisfied with his pathetic life. However, his life takes a turn for the better after a seagull visits him in a dream, giving him knowledge that Theseus will use for his entire life . The seagull instructs him that he should use his enemies strength to his advantage.... Show more content on ... He trains them, strengthening their skill and power. He shows his true leadership, becoming a sort of teacher to them. When they arrive at Knossos, he tries to convince King Minos to let the tributes go. He is not only thinking for himself, but for his people. Minos refuses, but Theseus is still set on fighting the bull, not for the glory now, but so others will not have to be killed. His mindset has practically switched, instead of being self pitying, he is now selfless. Theseus successfully slays the Minotaur, and takes his tributes and the two of Minos daughters home. He is so happy, drunk with strength and joy, that he forgets a promise he made to his father. When he was leaving Athens, he swore that if he killed the beast and made it back alive, he would change his sail from black cloth to white. Theseus forgets to change the black sail, and his father, under the assumption that Theseus is dad, jumps off a cliff, killing himself. This makes Theseus the king, and he unites many City states in Greece, and eventually takes King Minos s kingdom as well. He rules as a fair and wise king, and many people look up to and respect
  • 16. The Things They Carried The Weight Of Life Essay The Weight of Life They carried the sky. The whole atmosphere, they carried it, the humidity, the monsoons, the stink of fungus and decay, all of it, they carried gravity, (O Brien 114). The Things They Carried follows army men as they endure the hardships of battle. Through the story, we are introduced to the characters by what they carry with them. Each object reveals continuously more about the characters that ultimately brings us to an understanding of who they are. The use of objects in this story relates well with my life. By looking at what I carry, it can be determined who I am. May it be a driver s license, style choice, or even the way one carries himself; it can be determined (at least roughly) who someone is. However, it is the meaning behind what we carry that truly defines who we are. Tangible or intangible, what we carry tells our individual story ... Show more content on ... I personally relate well to a specific portion of this story. Lieutenant Jimmy Cross carried a pebble with him everywhere he went. It may seem absurd to carry a pebble while at war... what s the use, right? However, he carried more than just a pebble; he carried his love for Martha through that seemingly useless rock. I too carried an object like that pebble: something seemingly useless. I acquired a green wrist band while with my good friend. This was one of the last times I spoke to her. From that day on, I wore the green wrist band every minute of every hour for two years. Although I cared very much for her, the feelings only went in one direction. Every time I looked down at the green band it reminded me of her. One day the green wrist band finally snapped... but I wasn t sad. When it gave out it was almost like closure for me. When the small weight of that band was lifted from my wrist, an even larger weight was lifted from my heart. I looked down at the fractured band, smiled, and threw it
  • 17. Immigrants In America During the late 19th century a new wave of immigrants hit in America. These communities of immigrants came from all over such as China, French Canadian, and Italy. They had hopes and dreams of a better life and flooded in for the opportunities that lay ahead of them such as religious and political freedom. Thousands of immigrants came daily with millions arriving in total. Immigrants fulfilled low wage jobs in factories, mills, and working on the railroads. While each immigrant community had different experiences, and went through different challenges they all had one thing in common: adjusting to their new life in America and experiencing the hostility from the traditional Americans who had already been there. One of the first immigrant communities to come to the United States were the Chinese. The author, Roger Daniels, stated that, Immigration of Chinese into the United States began at about the time of the California gold rush in 1849; the hundreds and then thousands of Chinese men who flocked to San Francisco were drawn by the same gold fever that drew even larger numbers of other migrants to California (Daniels, pg. #3). The Chinese flocked to the west coast for the job opportunities that were presented to them. The Chinese hoped that by coming to America they would become very wealthy. In fact, many hoped to become rich and then return to their homeland. This was not the case, many became poor and were working low wage dangerous jobs. The jobs included anything
  • 18. A Report On The Case Of Intravenous Injection For Patients... On 7th March 1972, the Daily Telegraph [1] published the news that 500 bottles of 5% dextrose drip feed solution were urgently traced by the Department of Health since they may have been contaminated. Five patients, four men, and a woman died at the Devonport hospital in Plymouth between 29th February and 2nd March. The common factor among these patients was each had been given infusions of the 5% dextrose fluid manufactured by Evans Medical Ltd., of Speke, Liverpool. The dextrose solution is used by intravenous injection for patients who cannot eat including post operative patients. The suspect batch coded D1192/C, originally consisting approximately 660 bottles, was manufactured in May 1971 by Evans Medical. A joint statement was issued... Show more content on ... With steam continuously entering the autoclave from the top, the air inside the autoclave would be displaced. When the displacement finishes, all the contents in the autoclave would reach and be held at the required temperature, giving the satisfactory sterilisation cycle. There are six autoclaves in the Transfusion Unit at Evans Medical, each consists of a pressure gauge and a dial thermometer at the top and a recording thermometer with an inserted recorder sensor in the condensate drain. There was evidence given by the autoclave operator and supervisor that occasionally the temperature recorders of autoclaves numbers 4, 5, and 6 either show a temperature below 240 or fail to indicate any rise above the baseline from about December 1970. When this happened, technicians were called to inspect the autoclaves. Normally, the recorder would work again and the sterilising cycle will be continued. On most of the occasions, the technician advised the supervisor that the temperature recorder was broken but the supervisor ignored his advice and continued using the autoclaves. In fact, the manager of the Transfusion Unit had requested for replacement of all six recorders but the request was not followed up. In consequence, in the event of the recorder not functioning, the staff continued the production if the dial thermometer and the pressure gauge were working properly and indicating correct temperature and pressure. On 6th April 1971, a batch of 5% dextrose
  • 19. Paper On African Elephant My interest in the white rhino started about three years ago when I was doing a research paper about the African elephant. I came across the white rhino as I was searching for the fellow species that were being threatened by hunters in Africa. I never really paid much attention to large wild animals before because of the fact that they are large and I figured that they wouldn t be threatened like most smaller animals. One threat this wild rhino is facing is habitat loss due to agriculture and settlements. Another threat is poachers who are interested in their horns to sell mainly across the East. Although these threats are putting white rhinos at risk, through the efforts of groups such as the Wild Foundation and World Wild Life, the prognosis for the continued survival of the white rhino is good.... Show more content on ... Many pay little to no attention to this specie just like a hippopotamus or an animal that seems to stand out as if it were a white tiger. These creatures are mostly located around South Africa, North Africa and there are a few around East Africa as well (White Rhino; White Rhinoceros). The white rhino is very muscular, white rhinos have a square upper lip with almost no hair and has its two front ivory horns (White Rhino). These creatures travel in herds and mark their territory usually with vigorously scraped dung piles (White Rhinoceros). Males have a small land range of 1 3km although the females land range is about 6 20km or even lager depending on the population density and the land quality (White
  • 20. Physical Therapy History The History of Physical Therapy Hayley J. Harris Arkansas State University In recent decades, physical therapy has become somewhat of a hot commodity in America. According the United States Department of Labor and Bureau of Labor Statistics (2014), the number of physical therapy jobs is expected to jump an astonishing 36% by 2022, equating to almost 280,000 licensed, practicing physical therapists. Physical therapy seems to have joined the ranks of doctor, teacher, and astronaut in the list of typical career aspirations. However, many of those aspiring students do not have a full understanding of what all physical therapy entails, including where it all began. According to Michael A. Pagliarulo (2012) the term physical therapy wasn t coined until the 20th century, but the concept of using physical measures to ... Show more content on ... Pagliarulo (2012) goes on to discuss what was referred to as the Vermont Plan. This was a statewide plan implemented by Vermont to observe and study the effects of polio. Through this plan, health care teams including orthopedic surgeons, nurses, physiotherapists, bracemakers, and stenographers began making field visits to provide care for children with polio. Measurements to determine the muscle strength of those children affected by polio were then used to develop therapy through exercise and massage. However, as more children were diagnosed with polio and more soldier were returning home from war, the need for reconstruction aides increased. With this increased need for aides became an increasing need for a professional body that could set a code of ethics and standards to practice
  • 21. The Economic Structure Of Feudal Society Emerging, as Marx posits, out of the economic structure of feudal society, Capitalism quickly became a pervasive, relentless and seemingly inescapable structure. The emancipation from serfdom and from the fetters of the guild led, on one hand, to the unprecedented creation of various economic and social opportunities. Conversely, Marx also acknowledges that these new freedmen became sellers of themselves only after they had been robbed of all their own means of production, and of all the guarantees of existence afforded by the old feudal system...Just as man is governed, in religion, by the products of his own brain, so, in capitalist production, he is governed by the products of his own hand...within the capitalist system all methods for raising the social productiveness of labor are brought about at the cost of the individual laborer; all means for the development of production transform themselves into means of domination over, and exploitation of, the producers; they mutilate the laborer into a fragment of a man, degrade him to the level of an appendage of a machine...they transform his lifetime into working time, and drag his wife and child beneath the wheels of the Juggernaut of capital... Accumulation of wealth is at one pole, therefore, at the same time accumulation of misery, agony of toil slaver, ignorance, brutality, mental degradation, at the opposite pole, i.e., one the side of the class that produces its own product in the form of capital. Throughout the first
  • 22. 1931 China Research Paper The China floods of 1931 is known as possibly the worst natural disaster of all time. The 1931 Chinese floods were a series of horrible floods that decimated China and lasted around three months. The death toll ranges from one hundred and forty five thousand to four million people and floods were estimated to have affected over twenty eight million people. Large amounts of people drowned during the flood but some died from waterborne diseases. The cause for the floods were many independent variables which combined to create a dramatic flood that came to China overnight. This natural disaster could have actually been averted if proper flood control measures had been put in place and followed. Three major rivers were affected by the 1931 China
  • 23. An Analysis of Seinfeld Seinfeld Examine the use of stereotypes in the representation of gender, race, and class. Investigate the way social situation is depicted? Describe how the psychology of the characters is simplified or exaggerated and why? Choose the object of analysis In Seinfeld stereotypes are used to show the reflections of different classes of people. For women, this is demonstrated through the various girlfriends that Jerry has and how he is easily able to have a sexual relationship with them. To expand upon these ideas the character of Elaine is the classic example. She is supposed to be a career orientated woman. Yet, she goes through one boyfriend to the next. Towards the end of the series is when she has been with so many men that she begins dating some of the same ones over. In this aspect, the psychology is exaggerated by illustrating how she has been with all of New York City. However, the reality is that the actual size of the city is so large, it is impossible to sleep with most men in New York. This is depicting women as vulnerable sex objects (who will sleep with anyone). The way that race is used in stereotypes is to show how Jewish people only have friends that are from their own demographic or among Caucasians. Anyone who is considered to be a minority is depicted as a worker or an individual that is somewhat arrogant. This is illustrated with the relationship that George has Mr. Morgan (his boss at the Yankees). The psychology of these characters is simplified.
  • 24. How Did Hitler Become A Dictator Who was Adolf Hitler before he became a dictator? What drove him to become the way he did? Before Adolf Hitler became a dictator and murder, he had another life. He had friends and family that cared about him. Now what do they think of him after he has done those terrible things to those people. Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889, an Easter Saturday evening. Adolf was the fourth child born to Alois and Klara Hitler. On his birth certificate it says Adolfus, but he was referred to as Adolf. His father Alois Hitlerruled over his family like a tyrant, often lashing out in drunken rages at his childern and wife. Adolf Hitler learned at a very young age that the one who weilds the greatest power prevails. Before Adolf was three, the Hitler family had moved serveral times within the ... Show more content on ... set out on a morning walk and was stricken with a pleural (lung) hemorrhage. He died moments later in the arms of a neighbor at the Gasthaus Stiefler, a nearby inn and tavern. Despite their past differences when thirteen Adolf saw his fathers liveless body he broke down and wept. After that a few years later Adolf moved around. He finally settled down in Vienna in the beginning of 1909. Adolf lived in the streets and parks during the warm months. And in the autumn the cold forced him to take a bed in a dosshouse called the Asylum for the Shelterless. He meet a man named Reinhold Hanisch and they became good friends. In December, Hitler moved into a hostel for single men at Meldemanstrasse 27, where Hitler would stay for the remainder of his three years in Vienna. Hanisch soon joined him and they formed a partnership with each other. Hitler began to paint things like postcards, pictures, and posters. And then Hanisch sold them and it made enough money to meet their needs. A couple of years later their partnership broke up becuase Hitler though that Hanich was spending to much of their profit for meaning less
  • 25. Summary. Groups Were Told To Design A Prototype Which Wold Summary Groups were told to design a prototype which wold be able be used by a library as a computer system. The aim of this report was to show the factors that led to the group failing to carry out this tasks. The factors that caused this to happen were time mismanagement, bad project planning and poor communication. Factors that lead to a group failing a project was chosen as the topic of the report so problems that led to the group failing could be identified and understood in a way that would prevent group members from making the same mistakes in any future projects. These factors can be avoided by using planning resources and steady communication through Email services and ... Show more content on ... An example of this was during the design specification stage of the project. The group ended up getting very low scores because of the way the project was carried out. The work was not evenly shared out between the group members and all group members did not meet up regularly to see who had done which stage of the project. One group member ended up doing most of the task including the story design, the Entity relationship diagram, most of the use case descriptions and the structured English because the other group members did not understand how to do these part of the projects. This led to the group getting very low scores in all these sections as the individual who carried out most of the tasks was not able to fully focus on each section and develop them to an adequate level. This could have been avoided if the group had planned the project well because the weaknesses of individual members could have been discussed earlier and the person who understood the work could have showed the other members of the group how to carry out the various task they did not understand and this would have helped the group avoid failing this stage of the project. Poor project management is also harmful to a group chances of passing a project because it also leads to a lack of communication as group members would not be able
  • 26. Rossum s Universal Robots A company called Rossum s Universal Robots makes robots for the world, but Helena (The President s daughter) is trying to convince the robots to revolt against Domino s cruelty but ends up marrying him. 10 years later and barely anyone is giving birth to children anymore because robots can replace everything, so Helena burns the formula to create robots in hope that no more robots will be made an takeover the human race. The robots end up attacking the factory and kill everyone except Alquist thinking that he can find the robotformula again, a while later Alquist hasn t discovered the formula yet and he starts to fear oblivion as the robots only have a lifespan of 20 30 years. In the end, two robots named Primus and Helena fall in love and Alquist believes that they have souls so he tells them to go off and produce life, and then Alquist died feeling hopeful of the future. The protagonist of the play R.U.R are constantly changing over the course of the play. At the beginning of the play, it seems to the audience that Domain, the manager of the R.U.R factory, is the antagonist. He shows signs of being a cruel and villainous character, as ... Show more content on ... The plot of the story is very well developed and is also extremely entertaining to a person who is reading or watching the play. You can that every character has a lot of depth to their personality, and the playwright did a very good job of using each character s unique strengths and weaknesses to not only build a further understanding of their personality to the audience but also to help move the plot along in a smooth and choreographed way. One pronounced weakness of the play R.U.R is the reaction of the robots to humans after their revolt. At times it was confusing tries to understand why the robots murdered Helena even though she was the one that was kind towards the machines. Besides that one hazzy point, R.U.R is just a very strong and interesting
  • 27. Future School Counselor Personal Statement I am certain that students are capable of absorbing information and growing emotionally and intellectually when properly directed and supported. My personal values will make me an exceptional school counselor that will be committed to ensuring that all my students are serviced in a suitable manner according to the guidelines. I believe being empathetic is imperative in order to be able to support students. My personal goal as a future counselor is to empower students to become independent and to reach their full potential. I want to serve as a guide for them while providing reassurance and motivation. Counseling students is a challenging task that I am willing to accept with enthusiasm and optimism, which will transmit to my students. There are several qualities a counselor must possess in order to be effective. I believe that as a gain knowledge and understanding about the profession along with my personal skills I will be able to demonstrate efficacy. As a future school counselorI will... Show more content on ... It will be my responsibility to help students accept and appreciate themselves; in turn they will improve relationships and have greater academic achievement. This will be demonstrated through the use of data such as the four components of program evaluation and improvement (ASCA, 2012). It is imperative to know that being a leader and advocating for students is one of the major roles of a school counselor. According to Erford, to achieve this counselors must ensure that school counseling programs are data driven, are action oriented , and demonstrate their belief that all students deserve the academic, career and college readiness, and personal/social resources to access the very best academic, career/college, and personal/social opportunities during and after K 12 schooling (Erford, 2015,
  • 28. Essay about Lab 1-Measurement, Length, Mass, Volume,... GS104 Lab Report Experiment # 1 Measurement, Length, Mass, Volume, Density Time David Case: January 17, 2015 Experiment #1 Measurement, Length, Mass, Volume, Density, Time Objectives: To make basic distance, mass, density, and time measurements. To make calculations of volume and density, using proper units, and to practice using graphing software while graphing the relationship between the circumference of a circle and its diameter. Materials: stopwatch meter tape 3 rectangular objects metric ruler pencils metal bolt 500‐G scale graduated cylinder five circular objects Lab Notes: 1. Estimation of Various... Show more content on ... By having the length, width, and height measurements off by a little, the volume would be off by a huge amount. A small error in the hand measurements would grow by leaps and bounds in measuring volume. 3. Graphing data and the determination of ПЂ In this experiment, I measured 5 round objects of varying sizes. The objects I selected are a cup, a bowl, a soda can, a babies rattle, a CD. Object Diameter (cm) Circumference (cm) Cup 7 22 Bowl 14 48 Can 6 21 Rattle 5 18 CD 12 38
  • 29. Question: What is the slope of C vs d line? What does it represent? The slope of the C vs d line, according to the above graph, is 3.2548. This represents a ratio between the circumference and the diameter of a round object. Being that I used imprecise measuring devices my measurements are a little off. Although my ratio seems consistent in my graph. With a more accurate measuring device my measurement would be closer to ПЂ. G. Percentage error formula: Percentage error = ПЂ = 3.14 Estimate = 3.2548 3.14 3.2548/3.14 = ‐0.0365 x ‐1 = 0.0365 x 100% = 3.65% My percent of error is 3.65%. 4 Density Measurements: determine the density of a metal bolt by water‐displacement method: A, B C: For this experiment first I weighed a metal bolt using a digital scale, getting a weight of 7.8 g. Then I filled the graduated cylinder with water to 10 mL. Next I placed the metal bolt into the cylinder and recorded the new volume. This reading was 12 mL.
  • 30. The Big Short Is A Financial Crisis Movie Directed By... The big short is a financial crisis movie directed by Adam McKay and released in 2015. It bases on a truth story that some smart investors bet against the United State mortgage market in 2006 to 2008. Michael Burry, an eccentric hedge fund manager, discovered with his own research that the United State housing market was a bubble about to burst within in a couple years. He started to bet against the United State mortgagebacked securities market by convincing some large banks to create a credit default swapmarket, which was kind of a bond insurance police, and he invested about $1,3 billion in the credit default swap market. If he was right about the market collapse, his fund would bust up very high and make a hug profit. On the other hand, his fund would be gone if the market stay stable. Through Michael Burry s idea and action, the banker Jared Vennett who worked at Deutschebank quickly learned and understood that Burry s predictions was likely true, and he made himself an opportunity of earning fees on selling those credit default swap to the firms, which the firms could earn profit when the underlying mortgage bonds fail. He came to Mark Baum office and tried to convince him to buy credit default swaps. His explanation about the market collapse would being more perpetuated by the packaging of subprime loans into collateralized debt obligations (CDOs). Through Vennett s convincing, Mark Baum and his associated started to investigate the Miami housing market. He first
  • 31. Animal-Assisted Therapy Pets When someone gets sick, it is obvious that they want a loved one with them. That loved one could include a four legged pal with some whiskers. There are multiple individuals who prefer these whiskered friends by their side on their hospital bed rather than another individual. That is s where the controversy commences. Should pets be allowed in hospitals with their owners or should they stay at home? Researchers have revealed that having a pet visit while hospitalized, the patient s mood is more likely to brighten and reduce the duration of the hospitalstay. A number of hospitals around the country are allowing pets to visit their owners and are resulting in great outcomes. The director of Pastoral Care Services at the University of Maryland... Show more content on ... Aside from the diseases that a pet can bring, let s not forget about those who are allergic to them. Both of these conflicts have resolutions to them. As long as the pet has all of its vaccines and has been cleared by a veterinarian they should be allowed in. Allowing pets, such as dogs, to visit their sick owners, is a great form of therapy. I believe that as long as the pet is looked upon by a doctor and is cleared from any sickness, they should be allowed to visit. In some hospitals, there are certain requirements that should be met if a patient wants their pet to visit. For example, in Long Island, North Shore University Hospital, they allow personal pets to visit as long as they follow the requirements. Some of the requirements are, A doctor has to approve the visit, and there has to be an attestation from a veterinarian that the animal is healthy and up to date on all its shots. Most animal visitors are dogs, and generally most institutions require that they be groomed within a day or so of a visit. They need to be on a leash while passing through hospital corridors; cats must be in a carrier. It is important to have the animal to visit to have its shots update and have the patient s doctor approve the visit of the
  • 32. The Film A Better Life Within the film A Better Life there are many examples of situations that are seen as subjects which many people do not openly talk about. Circumstances such as illegal immigration and how people who do chose to enter the United States through backdoor channels can actually be a benefit to society and raise productive members of society. Furthermore, the movie depicts an illegal, Carlos Galindo and his struggles of maintaining a job, being a single parent, and at the same time evading detection from United States immigrationofficers. This struggle of trying to provide for his son Luis and make sure he maintains the correct direction which he is following to be a successful member of society is plagued by Luis s friend, Facundo and his girlfriend, Ruthie Valdez. Both of Luis s friends are on the track of being stuck inside of a Hispanic gang. This rips Luis in half due to his proper upbringing by his father Carlos. This paper will document multiple occurrences from the film and analyze the cultural significance for each event. Originally, Carlos and his wife immigrated illegally to the United States just before Luis was born with the intent to establish a better life . This was followed by the struggles that all illegals face, which resulted in a difficult life. Carlos s inability to provide an extravagant lifestyle to his wife caused her to leave him to care for Luis himself. From our lectures we learned this type of behavior from a Mexican woman is not typical
  • 33. Diary Of An American Diary Entry Diary Entry One: I can t believe what I m hearing. This can t be true. It s like some twisted joke someone has to be playing on me. Before I go into detail, let me explain. When I got home from school yesterday, I had a package sitting at my front door full of seven cassette tapes with no return address or any explanation of what I was even supposed to do with them. I figured I would pop them into my dad s stereo in the garage and find out; little did I know what I was about to hear would change my life forever. I popped the first tape in, pulled up a stool, and pressed play. As soon as I heard her voice, I felt my pink, warm cheeks immediately turn a ghostly white. It was the voice of Hannah Baker, a girl who just committed suicide two weeks ago. We were just classmates. Maybe friends. Maybe I even sort of liked her. I don t know, I never really got the chance to know her. She never let me. Anyways, as I listened to her soft voice echo in the garage, she explained what I was listening to. It was her recorded suicide note with thirteen stories, each on one side of a cassette tape. Each story explained one person s impact on her decision to end her life. She explained the process that these tapes were supposed to go through. Number one: You listen. Number... Show more content on ... As I continued to listen to the first tape, I concentrated on her voice, listening to each syllable of her words gracefully fall of her lips, sounding almost scripted. She began the first story, Justin Foley, a senior who was Hannah s first kiss who spread rumors that they did more than just kiss. I paused the tapes and figured I should use something more private, for fear that someone in my house would hear. I knew that a friend of mine had a walkman, and I figured I d be able to borrow it from him, just for a night to listen to the tapes. I packed up the tapes and walked to his
  • 34. Basketball Throw Bracket The way to construct a major league ball playoff bracket is described below. This will let you track the competition all the way to the end of the World Series, so you ll know how the World Champions won. The criteria for determining which teams make the MLB playoffs are complex. Unless you are an avid follower, it can very difficult to distinguish between wild cards, record holders and divisional winners. However, this guide explains the basics in the playoffs that go into the decision of major league baseballteam, and decides which teams advance. This is the way to construct a baseballdivision playoff bracket. Know the definition of a playoff bracket. The playoff bracket simply shows the teams that oppose each other in each round. Lots ... Show more content on ... Once you have got the two winners from the division series on the NL side, those two winning teams will have to play each other to get the league champions. In order to demonstrate this on your baseball bracket, sketch a different 3 sided cube. Sketch a line from the center of the division games boxes, and put the winning team on that line. Each winning team should be joined together by using a vertical line. Do this for the AL and the NL teams in the bracket. Display the World Series champs. Once both leagues have played, there will be one winner on each side. At this point both sides in your baseball playoff bracket will meet in the page s center. Divide each league championship game in half by drawing a line through the center of that game and enter the winning team on this line. There will be 2 teams written next to each other. The reason is that one team is in the National League while the other is in the American League. You don t need a box now, just the line. Champion of the World Series. The winner of your MLB playoff bracket will be determined at the conclusion of the World Series. Underline the rival World Series competitor team s names, by themselves. Jot down the victorious ballteam s name on this line, writing champion beneath
  • 35. The Life Of Frederick Douglass And Harriet Ann Jacobs Frederick Douglass and Harriet Ann Jacobs There are those in America who believe that it is time we move past the deep complex feelings towards the cultural repercussions of slavery. Much like the modern day, Germans feel in their association with the murders and tragedies after World War II, many Americans especially white American want to feel an understandable disassociation from the white Americans who propagated slavery. Thus calling this unbearable reminder of the past white guilt and marginalizing slavery as a mistake of a much more ignorant time. Many Americans object to the ongoing studies of the conditions that caused slavery (Bardis, White Guilt). This is a tremendous mistake, and the memoirs of Frederick Douglass and Harriet Ann Jacobs exemplifies why it is essential that this time period is studied and be understood by all current and future generations of Americans. Douglass s Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave and Jacobs s Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl portray very different aspects of this shameful time in history. The life of a slave was not a static or universal lifestyle, and those held in bondage led extremely different lives. While much of this could be attributed to the region, work available, or specific plantations, the biggest difference highlighted by comparing Douglass and Jacobs, is the difference in experience based on gender. Both Douglass and Jacobs are extremely expressive writers who
  • 36. Amazing Grace Kozol Chapter Summaries Amazing Grace is an informative book published to inform the people about conditions in one of the nations poorest congressional districts. The book is centered on interviews among children and their family members that live in the area of Mott Haven, located in the South Bronx. One can interpret that living conditions in this area of the wealthiest nation in world are considered subpar to say the very least. Is anyone listening? Is anyone paying any attention or caring that there are people dying everyday of deaths that could be prevented? Following the civil rights acts in the late 1960s, Kozol has been an activist for equal education among children regardless of their racial or economic background. He has published many books portraying the declining levels of equality throughout the nation; his most praised being Amazing Grace. He travels to the Mott Haven division of the South Bronx, which happens to be one of the poorest nations in the country. While in Mott Haven, Kozol meets many people including children, parents, and ministers; and speaks with them about their living conditions and how they see the world around them. The book is divided into six chapters all based off of different times that Kozol visited and the many different people... Show more content on ... Washington was one of the first main characters that is brought into the storys plot. She is the mother of David and Charlene (later introduced) and is also battling AIDS. Mrs. Washington frequently reflects on the lives that have been lost in the area due to negligence by the government. These instances usually involve the most important crimes that are committed in the community including fires, gun shots, and AIDS. There are also many times that Mrs. Washington describes the negligence of the hospitals and the lack of adequate care facilities and staff for the area. Mrs. Washington s conversations usually do not include her own personal experiences because she is too busy caring for others to worry about
  • 37. Communication Interactive Analysis Essay COMMUNICATION INTERACTIVE ANALYSIS Goal for the interaction: My goals for the interaction was to create and build a therapeutic relationship with the client. I hoped to use multiple communication techniques such as the use of open ended questions and general leads. Description of the environment: The interaction first took place in the cafeteria of the home during breakfast. We were both seated at a table and there was plenty of background noise as there were multiple people eating and having conversations. Later on the interaction moved to the client s room because it was quiet and there was almost no background noise. The client sat on the edge of here bed while I sat on a chair beside the bed. Student s Communication (including ... Show more content on ... Open ended questions were necessary throughout this interaction because without them the client would not have given me the information that I was searching for. Open ended questions helped me to build trust between the client and I. They ensured the client that I was interested in what they were saying. That s amazing, can you tell me about your stay here? I used silence to allow for the client to think about how she was feeling. I also used facial expressions to show my interest and curiosity.I was beginning to become worried and anxious that I would not be able to complete the assignment because I wasn t receiving the information I was expecting from this interaction. I like it here quite a bit, the building is new, I remember when this was just bush. There is also many people around my age so I always have someone to talk to The client sat on the edge of her bed and gestured around to the building and surrounding roomsAsking clients to share something about themselves and their life history, apart from the reasons for the health visit or administration helps to establish rapport and increases the client s comfort level (Arnold Boggs, 2011, p.373). Older adults are likely to
  • 38. Key Elements In Mean Girls, Directed By Mark Waters In the movie, Mean Girls, Mark Waters uses key elements, such as plot, to express the different themes in the film. Some of the first areas of plot seen in the movie are the protagonist and the antagonist. As described by Greg Johnson and Thomas R. Arp, the protagonist is the central character in a conflict (98) and the antagonist is any force arranged against the protagonist (98). Most seem to think that the protagonist has heroic qualities, but as said by Johnson and Arp, this is often not true (98). But, in the case of Mean Girls, the protagonist of the film, Cady Heron, seems to save the day at the end of the movie. Within the movie, Cady makes some poor choices. An example of this is when she lied to Regina about the Kalteen bars ... Show more content on ... Conflict can be defined as a clash of actions, ideas, desires, or wills (Johnson, Arp 98). Conflict is derived from the existence of a protagonist and an antagonist, so because Cady is the protagonist and Regina is the antagonist, the primary conflict in the film is character versus character. It is this conflict that helps support the theme. For example, conflict is noticeable through Regina and Cady s changes at the end of the film. Even after Cady had tried everything she could to ruin Regina s life, and Regina had tried everything to make Cady jealous, both still forgave each other as they went their separate ways. The audience can understand that the two girls forgave each other based on when Cady says, all of the drama from last year just wasn t important anymore (Waters) at the end of the film. By saying this, the viewers recognize that Cady is stating that the two girls had finally forgiven one another. This evidence helps to support the theme because even though Cady did terrible things to Regina, and Regina did terrible things to Cady, they still learned to forgive one another. The evidence also helps to provide a theme for the audience that is meaningful and important. Through this description, the audience gets an idea of the theme s place in the story, and how it is meant to teach society to
  • 39. Comparing The United States And Switzerland Trying to compare the United States to Switzerland is quite difficult, especially when there are many differences between the states of America. So the easiest is to compare the general aspects across the board, and for the smaller differences I can only compare it with Texas, since I have lived there my whole life. The first major difference is the food, of course the food is different all across Europe compared to the United States, just because we have different types of food. In America we like to imitate other countries food, trying to bring different cuisines to everyone s diet. For example; Italian, Greek, Chinese, Asian, and many other different cuisines. Swiss food you rarely see in America, like the fondue, that is something America has put a twist on, trying to imitate that certain dish. Roclette has just now been introduced to America, and it s one of the bigger hits now, but it is nice to know we have had it in Switzerlandfrom where it is originally from. Another difference in food, is that nothing in Switzerland is processed, no preservatives, no high fructose corn syrup, and no dyes. Another thing that is different with the foods, is having freshly produced chocolate that is out of this world. It is a disappointment to go back to America and crave chocolate to only have the options of either getting Hershey s, which will not taste as good or as smooth, or find European chocolate for more than $5. But not all of American food is bad, we are known for
  • 40. Amazon Research Paper or commonly known as Amazon was a company which firstly sold only books on the Internet (known as an online bookstore), but Jeff Bezos, the founder of this company, had a vision in making Amazon be An everything store . Now, Amazon sells everything such as CDs, hardware, software, clothes, toys, numerous tools and much more. Amazon shows its slogan as Our vision is to be the world s most consumer centric company, where customers can come to find anything they want to buy online (Straus, 2017). Jeff Bezos(the founder of Jeff Bezos raised $1 million from his relatives and friends to start his business by rented a house in Seattle and set up the business in his garage. The first month after this business started in ... Show more content on ... First, regret nothing, there s nothing to be regret in his life. He started a new web based company when the internet s future was a huge risk. He said that he would regret it if he didn t do it. This means if we want to do something, we must do it, so even though it is failed we won t regret it because it was our decision. Second, play the long game, Jeff Bezos was telling the truth to his investors that the company was not having a profit for a year, and then he gave a chance to his investors to hand off from this company before it collapsed. He also showed that this was his strategy. This means that on the way to do something it s not always easy so we need to play a long game to succeed in the future, even though it s failed we still happy because we try our best to do what we want. Third, start narrow then diversify. First only sold the books but soon, it sold various things and now it s involve in the production of media game as what he has told, he must make Amazon become An everything store . This means we need to do things slowly, not rush because sometimes doing things rush will cause many
  • 41. How Cryptography Is Defined As A Major Factor During Wars,... The Ignominious Tribe, the worlds second oldest profession, these are both describing the same thing, the mysterious profession that lives in the shadows of history. Espionage. Governments fear it, yet it is always a major factor during wars, and it isn t very well known by the general public. Men and women throughout history who have fought in secret positions during wars, often placed into positions of great danger. Why were they willing to risk so much for their countries? Profit? Honor? Adrenaline? There are many aspects of the art of espionage, from the necessary grunt work of field agents to the solid determination of cryptologists. Cryptographyis defined as the art of writing and solving codes, a necessary practice for all sides involved in any major battle or power struggle, an example being World War II, where coding and cipher script were integral parts of the conflict, main factors of every win or loss. Without cryptography, some estimate that the war would have lasted at least two years longer than it did, thus proving the necessary function of cryptography. In the following pages, the reader will learn a brief history of the evolution of cryptography, and how it was important in such major recent struggles as WWII. This form of espionage has been an integral part of history. Espionage has been recognized as an important part of all military affairs since the beginnings of recorded history. It began with, and still heavily relies upon, the various forms of
  • 42. John Gay s The Beggar s Opera Wrought with double irony and an overall sense of mock pastoral, English playwright John Gay s The Beggar s Opera (1728) expresses the ironic dynamic between the central characters Macheath and Peachum. Even the names of the characters comically resemble their occupations within the play, Peachum s being a play on the word peach which means to bring one to trial, while Macheath s meaning son of heath and being a play on the heaths of London, which were prime places for highwaymen (Tillotson et al.). While Gay used both characters as a political satire towards Jonathan Wild and the then Prime Minister Robert Walpole (after all, The Beggar s Opera was a political satire first and a potential literary commentary second), they also mocked the traditional roles of hero and villain by switching their positions in an ironic fashion. Throughout the play, Peachum expresses how, despite his rather nefarious act of peaching criminals, he does not view himself as a villain. Rather, he views himself as a tragic hero, reigning high above the cheats of the world and putting them in their rightful place: whether it be the gallows or under his thumb. Such a concept creates the second layer of irony, the first being that, conventionally, Peachum fits many of the characteristics of a tragic hero. He conscientiously sees what he his doing as righteous a trait of the pastoral hero. Within the first scene of the play, Peachum compares his occupation of peaching to a lawyer s, both
  • 43. The Registered Nurse Should Access And Analyse The Best... Standard 1.1 outlines that the registered nurse should access and analyse the best available evidence which includes research to ensure they provides safe and quality practice (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2016). This was absent in scenario one as a result of a fast verbal medical handover Mary to Nicole. There was no guidance as to which patient was being discussed, and no time to write down all the important medical information required about her patients (Edith Cowan University, 2016). In scenario two Mary provides more guidance to Nicole about which patient she is talking about ensuring all the necessary information is received by Nicole (Edith Cowan University, 2016). Research has proven that handover is often difficult in the health care process, and often results in information being lost, distorted or misinterpreted. Verbal handover has also been described as an incomplete process when compared to information available in patient notes and records (Drach Zahavy Hadid, 2015). This is demonstrated in both scenarios with Nicole being given a fast handover with no guidance about where the information she is being given is relevant to. Whilst in scenario two Mary provides prompts and gives Nicole time to write down all the necessary information she requires (Edith Cowan University, 2016). Standard 1.5 outlines that the nursefollows the ethical framework both in practice and when making decisions (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia,
  • 44. Katherine Lizbeth Shadows Analysis Shadows are guardians. They are there to protect us from forces that we couldn t even begin to understand, and to make sure we never know they exist. These shadows are led by a woman named Katherine Lizbeth, but to the shadows, she was Queen Katherine. A woman driven by an intense killer instinct, Katherine uses her talents as an assassin for the glory of her people and the continued elevation of her family. From her childhood, Katherine had always displayed a natural gift for combat. Being the daughter of a prominent Seversk General allowed many paths to open up for her, but she rejected them all for the path of the blade. She was trained by the finest assassins in Seversk, her father being the best among them. It wasn t long before Katherine demanded her first assignment. The task was simple, assassinate a low ranking Baikalsk officer. However,... Show more content on ... Returning to the camp she spied on her now heavily guarded target and realized a stealthy kill was no longer an option. Drawing her blades, she leaped into battle, unleashing a whirlwind of steel. As blades flashed one by one each guard fell, each kill bringing her closer to her target. One final thrown dagger to restore her honor. Bloody and bruised, Katherine barely escaped the Baikalsk forces and returned to Seversk a changed woman. A scar over her left eye now serves as a constant reminder of the day she let passion interfere with duty. ========== Screams echoed down the halls from the brass lined wooden door that lead to the dungeons. The screams had become a regular occurrence ever since the recent pop up attacks from the Baikalsk army. Sometimes rouge attackers would find their way into the kingdom but they would soon be captured by the guards and then interrogated by the Lady Katherine herself. The smell of rotten flesh would sometimes fill the corridors if there had been an attack on a larger scale than
  • 45. Child Care Settings Over the last decades, there has been increasing concern in establishing of education and care settings in Australia. This essay will introduce five key influences on the establishing of education and care settings in Australia, the similarities and differences between the Quality Improvement Accreditation System (QIAS) and the current National Quality Framework (NQF). Maybanke Anderson and Lillian de Lissa as well as other people were pioneer who led the movement to early childhood education and care in Australia (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD], 2000). Educational thinkers including Froebel and Pestalozzi and the associated development of preschool movements in Europe and America had significantly influence ... Show more content on ... The Commonwealth facilitated childcare by introducing standardized fee relief for children in uncommercial center based long day care centers in 1984 (Social Policy Group, 1997 98). Fee relief was the essential avenue through which the Commonwealth funded childcare places and the purpose was to help low income families or median income households with the expenses of quality child care services (Social Policy Group, 1995). From 1985 to 1987, more childcare services were provided, for example, approximately 11000 new center based long day care places and 5650 family day care places were afforded (Social Policy Group, 1997 98). The Childcare Assistance ensured that parents on low and middle incomes could be benefited due to its strictly targeted nature (Social Policy Group,
  • 46. Herodotus Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca Egyptians and Indians (An Analysis of the way the Egyptians lived to the way the Avavares lived) Herodotus is considered by most to have been the first Greek historian which would make him the first European historian as well. He wrote many books in his time and History contains Observations on Egypt. Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca was one of the first Europeans to explore the American Southwest. He wrote La Relacion that talks mostly of the few months that he spent with the Avavares. Herodotustalks about the way the Egyptians see different animals, perform different ceremonies, and De Vaca focuses mainly on the lifestyle of the Avavares. Herodotus talks a lot about the animals that the Egyptians see as sacred and those that are ... Show more content on ... The Avavares have a lot to do with religion and they base their lifestyle on the healers of the tribe. De Vaca prayed a lot and that helped with a lot of what they were doing in the tribe. He managed to bring one man back from the dead . From paragraph 4 of Chapter Twenty two of From La Relacion, I removed a mat with which he was covered, and as best I could prayed to Our Lord to restore his health, as well as that of all the others who might be in need of it, and after having made the sign of the cross and breathed on him many times they brought his bow and presented it to me, and a basket of ground tunas, and took me to many others who were suffering from vertigo. This is one of the many examples of how they really respected their healer of the
  • 47. Technology Advances in Antebellum America Technology Advances in Antebellum America The Era of 1800 to 1860 proved to be some of the most technologically advanced years of the 19th century. This Era saw a rapid technological change in communications, travel. Through these advances helped the United States grow and prosper. Communication was now possible from the most populated to the least populated areas of the country. Telegraph wires stretched from north to south and east to west. The introduction of the Pony Express allowed the physical movement of mail from the east to as far west as California and as far North as Wyoming. Transportation was at its heyday, via water, rail or land, people moved across the country faster than any other time in history. This era showed ... Show more content on ... Many paddleboats offered its passengers richly furnished accommodations; lavishly decorated staterooms; gambling; dining with fine entertainment and often were referred to as floating palaces. (Havighurst, p120) The steam engine paddleboats, canals, and water travel had limitations and could only provide travel as far as the river or tributary allowed; however, railroads did not have these limitations. The iron rail, flanged wheel and puffing locomotive appeared in America by 1830. In the next twenty years the railroad brought a new dimension and added a new flavor to American transportation. The first railroads frequently helped American cities (and in turn were aided themselves) as they sought a larger share of western markets. (Stover, p10) As the canal craze was replaced with the rail craze, America once again found a means to connect north to south and east to west. Rails could do what canals could not; they could penetrate the dry arid areas, steep mountainous areas, span rivers, go up, over, or down under any impedance. But the penultimate advantaged was speed and time saved. In 1852 rail shipments from Cincinnati to New York City took from six to eight days, about a third of the time required for service via the canals, Lake Erie and the Hudson River. (Bourne, p33) Many
  • 48. . Summarise the Historical Changes in Childhood Experience... There is little evidence of what it was really like in the past so it is difficult for a lot of people to re construct the life of a child, however from what I have researched, and in my own opinion I am going to summarise the historical changes in childhood experience and relate these changes to childhood development and rights. In the 19th century I think children missed out on most of their childhood as most of them took on jobs such as chimney sweepers, street sellers and farms for example. These were mainly children from poor families who were seen as extra farm hands and were exploited by receiving low pay for long hours and working in poor conditions. Families did not look at how the children were treated and the possible impact ... Show more content on ... Also from what my grandad has told me, back then they weren t allowed to express themselves as they would get emotional and physical abuse towards them, so they just carried on with everyday life. They was wealthy families and was a lot easier from them as they had the money to attend a private school or was home schooled. They were also encouraged to donate money and goods to the poor. Kerry Woolford Even though a legislation was drawn up and improved childhood education, healthcare and welfare, children were and even now in modern society around the world are being taken advantage of for monetary gain. Modern society now especially since 1997 have tried putting children first such as committing to meeting children s needs. There are still problems such as school truancy, adolescents not in education or training and also child protection as there have been tragic deaths including baby P and Victoria climbie, which her death was largely responsible for the formation of every child matters inactive plus a lot of other changes in different systems, 2. Discuss how family systems are influential in child development processes and include challenges to meeting a child s needs, such as conflicts and poor parenting practices. Family systems can influence in a child s
  • 49. Decision Tree Decision Tree Analysis Choosing Between Options by Projecting Likely Outcomes Decision Trees are useful tools for helping you to choose between several courses of action. They provide a highly effective structure within which you can explore options, and investigate the possible outcomes of choosing those options. They also help you to form a balanced picture of the risks and rewards associated with each possible course of action. This makes them particularly useful for choosing between different strategies, projects or investment opportunities, particularly when your resources are limited. How to Use the Tool You start a Decision Treewith a decision that you need to make. Draw a small square to represent this on the left hand side ... Show more content on ... Calculating the Value of Decision Nodes When you are evaluating a decision node, write down the cost of each option along each decision line. Then subtract the cost from the outcome value that you have already calculated. This will give you a value that represents the benefit of that decision. Note that amounts already spent do not count for this analysis these are sunk costs and (despite the emotional cost) should not be factored into the decision. When you have calculated these decision benefits, choose the option that has the largest benefit, and take that as the decision made. This is the value of that decision node. Figure 4 shows this calculation of decision nodes in our example: In this example, the benefit we previously calculated for new product, thorough development was $420,400. We estimate the future cost of this approach as $150,000. This gives a net benefit of $270,400. The net benefit of new product, rapid development was $31,400. On this branch we therefore choose the most valuable option, new product, thorough development , and allocate this value to the decision node. Result By applying this technique we can see that the best option is to develop a new product. It is worth much more to us to take our time and get the product right, than to rush the product to market. And it s better just to improve our existing products than to
  • 50. Importance Of English Essay English is a widely accepted language in the scenario of today. It has become global language and we can say has often been referred to as, the lingua franca of the modern era. English as a second language is currently most often taught around the world. In India, the purpose of English is not only for to make communication with the outside world, but also for within inter state. There is the great ethnic and linguistic diversity. Because of the great diversity within our nation, English as a language played a significant role as an indispensable link language. With the tremendous revolution in the Information Technology sector, various software and operating systems have been developed in the English language and English has become a great medium for written and oral communication. Due to communicative and educative value which English as a language has achieved and established itself as the world s most important language. The world has recognized its... Show more content on ... It has been considered as Language is like a system with its characteristics. In India English has established as the most important language and set up as the associate language. English is the second spoken language in India after Hindi and probably the first in reading and writing language in India. In India, the purpose of English is not only for to make communication with the outside world, but also for within inter state. Indians minds have accepted English language for better education, culture, higher intellect and bright future. Indians are using English with Indian language simultaneously in their conversation and move to speak fluent English. English also facilitates the communication among Indians of different language speakers. Thus English language has become the language of legal, financial, educational and business in
  • 51. The Friendship Of David And Jonathan Saul s son Jonathan found great favor in David. Jonathan grew to love David, and helped protect him from Saul s wrath. The friendship of David and Jonathan was the effect of divine grace, which produces in true believers one heart and one soul, and causes them to love each other (Henry, 2000). It is possible to love other people even if a parent has hatred in their hearts towards them. When Jonathan could not stop Sauls march toward evil, he could warn the intended victim, thus averting a tragedy (Fackler, 2006). Christians in today s world can learn a valuable lesson of loving others even if there are issues that are impending on the situation that could cause anger to occur. Jonathan was loyal to Davidcausing a positive reflection on his covenant and commitment to his friendship with David. And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul (KJV, 1 Samuel 18:1). Jonathan vowed to help David and stood by his word. Those who love Christ as their own souls will be willing to join themselves to him in an everlasting covenant (Henry, 2001). I was unaware that David and Jonathanhad such a special bond; and made me think about my own life and my commitment to my friends. There can be strength found in God s word if you put him first as David did in his own battles. How 1 Samuel affects Christians Today The teachings of 1 Samuel shares valuable
  • 52. Hcl Technologies HCL TECHNOLOGIES In 2011, HCLT ERS (Engineering and R D Services), a division of HCL Technologies, a global IT services corporation headquartered in New Delhi, India, had to devise next year s plan for the Engineering Out Of The Box (EOOTB) business concept that it had initiated in 2009, which transformed the division s ability to create 16 productized solutions and to engage new and old customers in new revenue services. The productized solutions were heavily reliant upon IT platform based solutions and services. The EVP, Global Sales, Engineering and Research Services (ERS), HCL Technologies, and the EOOTB team must consider the potential user experiences that ERS could gain from EOOTB in conjunction with its customers and ... Show more content on ... Our clients are also able to launch products faster because they are not developing everything ground up. The 3 tenets of EOOTB are: 1. Core Product Full system development, Product development life cycle services based on industry domain expertise; this includes leveraging HCL‟s multi disciplinary design and development expertise. HCL is focused on enabling customers develop cutting edge next gen products along Innovation, Completeness, Criticality, Complexity and Cost of ownership. For example for a Fortune 500 software company HCL owns complete product management, design, development, test support for their secu rity software that receives 40 million signatures downloads within 30 min of a virus attack. Similarly for one of the largest Aerospace companies in the world, HCL is involved in developing 20 of the major mission critical and complex avionics systems. 2. Ecosystem Innovation Extend the competence of core products by creating platforms for ecosystem innovation. This is where HCL has invested in creating 20+ productized solutions that provide immediate time to market advantage to customers. HCL solutions are on Mobility, Cloud, Collaboration, Online, Convergence, Smart Devices, and Green etc. that are leveraged by customers across multiple industry segments. One of the biggest impacts in ecosystem innovation is around Cloud. With the availability of multiple
  • 53. Gender Roles in the Illiad Gender Roles: Hector in The Iliad In Homer s Illiad Hector, one of the primary leaders of Trojan forces and also a prince of the fated city of Troy fulfills the male gender expectations defined through prowess in war. However, male s heroism is driven by the fear of shame and dishonor in war. Hector is an mortal character in Homer s Iliadand all Hectorseeks is war glory, and he believes that one must die with a cause. He fears the indignity that he believes will come should he not fight nobly for his city of Troy but it is this way of thinking which steers Hector towards his eventual death. Paris, Hector s brother actually was a counter example of the drive behind male heroism. In Book three of the Iliad Paris stepped out of the... Show more content on ... With Zeus not currently not assisting Hector and the Trojans in the war, Hector was temporarily decommissioned from the war because of an injury inflicted on him by Ajax who knocked him out with a stone. Later on in Book fifteen Zeus sent Apollo to bring strength back to Hector. When he eventually did rise he was described as: A horse that has eaten barley in its stall / Breaking its halter and galloping across the plain, / making for his accustomed swim in the river, / A glorious animal, head held high, mane streaming / Like wind on his shoulders. Sure of his splendor / He prances by the horse runs and he mares in pasture. (Book 15 lines 266 271) It was as if Hector took pride in the fact that he got hurt and was near death because that is what war glory is all about. Obviously it was embedded in his soul to never stop fighting and to continue helping Troy in the war because of his fear of shame and dishonor in war, but the fact that he was near death and almost able to achieve the goal of dying gloriously while fighting in war, is what drove him to fight even more, so he could eventually achieve that goal. As readers, we would imagine that if a character was told his/her fate, even though it is something is predetermined and inevitable that character still might try change to alter their actions in an attempt to change their fate, especially if they were told it
  • 54. A Report On The Airport Renowned for being the perfect gateway to the amazing and spectacular Costa Blanca resort region is the beautiful Alicante Elche Airport a common ground for transfers to stunning destinations such as the idyllic and panoramic resorts of Benidorm, Denia, Murcia and Torrevieja. The airport acts as an ideal base for an out of this world memorable and extraordinary holiday vacation to amazing Alicantemust visit tourist attractions including the beautiful MARQ museum, the magical El Postiguet beach offering stunning Mediterranean views , the gorgeous El Tossal and Canalejas Parks, checkout the vibrant, attractive and lively Marina and the fascinating Puerto Viejo Square both featuring a variety of cafes, restaurants, buildings and bars. Also worth visiting is the spectacular St.Mary s church also referred to as the Basilica of Santa Maria, the breathtaking Malaga Cathedral, the brilliant and gorgeous St.Ferdinand Castle and lastly the amazing Safari Aitana teeming with wild animals from all over the world. Originally named El Altet, Alicante Elche Airportpopularly referred to as Aeropuerto de Alicante Elche in Spanish, is the main airport for the regions of Valencia and Murcia and sixth busiest airport in Spain after Madrid, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Malaga and Gran Canaria in terms of passenger traffic. The airport is situated 9 km southwest of Alicante, about 160 km south of Valencia, about 70 km north of Murcia and 10 km east of Elche situated on the
  • 55. A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings By Gabriel Garcia Marquez Sarah Grace Valleroy Journal #1 A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings by Gabriel GarcГa MГЎrquez has left me confused, to say the least. The structure of the story is unique in nature as it follows Palayo and his wife, Elisenda, through the eyes of a confusing narrator, who is both with and apart from and with the story, as the two navigate a situation that would befuddle any of us; finding what appears to be a fallen angel on their property and trying to decide what to do with him. The thing that confused me the most, however, is Palayo and Elisenda s relationship to this creature that they have discovered and lack of empathy at his plight. Though he is referred to as an angel, a title that is often viewed with a good degree of supernatural
  • 56. Soft Rock Influence The thing I find most crazy is how much influence political, economic, and civil difficulties had on rock music. The five major rock styles came to be because of the violence during protest and economic troubles of a post war United States. Soft rock was created for people how were getting tired of the violence of the protest at the time. With the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the shooting of four Kent State University student protesters. Soft rock has themes of life, love, and relationships. Some of the most influential musicians of soft rock were James Tylor, Carly Simon, and Carole King. Soft rock was influenced by folk protest song and being tired of the violence, and glam rock was influenced by the world s problems after the war.... Show more content on ... The musicians of glam rock wore extremely glittery and loud costumes. Themes of glam rock were sexuality, masculinity, and femininity. The big singers of glam rock were The Velvet Underground, David Bowie, Queen, and Marc Bolan. Where glam rock was for the people that embraced the self indulgent side of the post war time; Heavy metal music was brought to be by the angry and frustrated people of the time. Heavy metal is extremely loud with screaming vocals. Famous heavy metal bands were Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath. These two bands where not loved by the music media, and were often characterized as satanic. Black Sabbath was named the princes of darkness. I listen to all types of music, but I really like heavy metal. I tend to listen to what most people call screamo. Progressive rock was music for the artist and people trying to make rock more artistic. Progressive rock was a way to for musician to be more creative and express themselves in many ways. This style of rock did have a lot of criticism for being a group that was against sociality and high culture status. Famous bands for progressive rock were Yes, Pink Floyd, and Emerson, Lake, and
  • 57. Child Adolescent Population And Developmentally Impaired... Introduction This paper will attempt to compare two systematic review articles on the topic of restraints and seclusion (S R) and its implications within the child adolescent population and developmentally impaired persons. The articles should present evidence to address claims on reduction while the results of the studies provide evidence on rationales to these practices. Aggressive behaviors by both of these populations in inpatient psychiatric facilities at some point become a safety issue in terms of assault and injury for both. Both reviews focus on incidences of seclusion and restraints and ways to reduce usage. The articles aim to answer what the current state of evidence is supporting restraints and reduction methods. Nonetheless, interventions are needed to reduce restriction and restraint utilization in children and persons with developmental disabilities (Menon, Raghavendra, Bernard 2010) Phenomenon of Interest The article Initiatives to reduce the use of seclusion and restraints on people with developmental disabilities: A systematic review and quantitative synthesis, analyzes the use of R S within the developmental disabled. According to Gaskin, Mcvilly McGillivray (2013) there is insufficient evidence that explores these practices among this population. There is also not enough evidence for aggression management measures and training in de escalation procedures. The review assesses studies that introduce interventions and the effects of R S