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Essay Writings
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Essay Writings" is a paradoxical journey in self-reflection and
linguistic expression. At first glance, one might assume that writing about the act of writing
essays should be a seamless endeavor for anyone with a basic command of language. However,
delving into the intricacies of the subject reveals a complex tapestry that demands not only a
profound understanding of the mechanics of essay construction but also a keen awareness of the
nuances inherent in effective communication.
The challenge lies in avoiding the pitfalls of redundancy and clichГ©s while navigating the
delicate balance between formality and creativity. It requires the ability to transcend the
commonplace and breathe life into the prose, transforming it from a mere sequence of words into
a compelling narrative. The task is not just to string together sentences but to weave a coherent
and persuasive argument that captivates the reader's attention from the introduction to the
Moreover, one must grapple with the diverse expectations of different audiences, whether
academic, professional, or casual readers. Each group demands a unique approach to language,
tone, and style, making the process of essay writing a continuous exercise in adaptability and
The writer must also confront the ever-looming specter of writer's block, a formidable adversary
that can strike at the most inconvenient moments. Overcoming this obstacle requires a
combination of discipline, creativity, and a dash of inspiration, turning the act of writing into a
relentless pursuit of the perfect expression.
In essence, crafting an essay on "Essay Writings" is akin to embarking on a literary odyssey,
navigating the turbulent waters of self-expression, linguistic precision, and intellectual depth. It is
an intellectual challenge that demands not only knowledge of the subject matter but a profound
understanding of the artistry inherent in effective communication.
In conclusion, the difficulty of writing an essay on this topic lies in the delicate balance between
technical proficiency and creative finesse. The writer must grapple with the intricacies of
language, adapt to diverse audiences, and overcome the formidable challenges of writer's block.
It is a task that requires dedication, skill, and a genuine passion for the written word.
For those seeking assistance in navigating this intricate terrain, it's worth noting that similar
essays and much more can be ordered on, a platform dedicated to providing
support in the realm of academic and creative writing.
Essay WritingsEssay Writings
Igloos Research Paper
Have you ever wondered about how it would feel to live in an igloo, and have to
constantly travel and move with a nomadic tribe? If you re like me, than you
probably have. Igloos have always been interesting to me, from their dome shape,
to the people behind them, I ve always wanted to learn more about igloos. While
researching, I found may interesting facts. For example, the Inuit didn t have a
formal marriage ceremony. The construction of igloos had to be simple because the
Inuit people were nomadic. The Inuit people had to build the igloo around them,
and relied on body heat to keep themselves warm because they ran out of wood. One
reason they ran out of wood was probably because they made some of their homes
with the wood, along with stone
Brain Camp Personal Statement
My desire to study medicine was kindled from experiences that taught me what
medicine is. I had the opportunity to be in STEP NUS Sunburst Brain Camp, which
was my first encounter with medicine. The theme of the camp was neuroscience, a
new and challenging topic for me. The topic was unfamiliar, but I was undaunted as
I was intrigued on how powerful yet mysterious the brain is. With my team
members, we found out more about neuroscience, only to find myself discovering
the joy of how my newfound knowledge could help people in real life, which is the
basis of medicine. The dynamic nature of medicine makes it intellectually stimulating,
and my thirst of knowledge motivates me to explore in areas that are unfamiliar. This
is when I discovered my interest in gaining insights on medicine, and I believe this is
what studying medicine requires. The ever constant advancement of medicine,
requires one to have the desire to keep up with novel breakthroughs, to be updated
with improved ways to treat patients.... Show more content on ...
I could see nervousness and fear in his eyes. He was evidently worried about the
surgical procedures that were involved, but I had no means of comforting him. The
doctor, though, was composed and went on to explain his condition and how the
surgery is safe. My grandfather looked at him with trust. His face turned from a
face of anxiety to one of relief, having the reassurance that he needed. That moment
I realised what it means to be a doctor. It means I will be granted the capability to
translate my care and concern into better support and assist others like my
grandfather. I can be a doctor who not only treats my patients physically, but also
allay their
Food In Medieval Times
Food. humans depend on it , without food, everyone would end up dying. People in
the medieval times did not have McDonalds or Burger King, no, they made a
foundation to the food humans eat today. Gathering food for the kings and peasants
was difficult , it required hard work and determination, but in the end, the kings and
peasants received their food, and food was changing the world. Society dramatically
changed due to peasants and kings eating different food options, feasts, and the Black
For those living in the manor house, there was a ride range of food available.
According to medieval, Fowl such as capons, geese, larks, and chickens
were usually available to the lord and his family. This was because those living in the
manor house were so high up in the social class, that they had these food options. states that Vegetables and fruits were not often part of
their diet as they were seen as peasant ... Show more content on ...
Melitta Weiss Adamson writes in her book Food in Medieval Times , Aside from
the diners, the actors in the spectacle that was a medieval feast were the household
staff. (162). This shows that there were many key contributors for a medieval feast.
From the top down they included the steward, who ran the entire household, the
marshal, who was his chief official at dinner, the head waiter and the taster, known
as the sewer, the head of the pantry, known as the pantler, the person in charge of
the drinks, known as the butler, the ewerer in charge of the hand washing and
linen, the carver, and the lord s cupbearer. This shows that the lord of that time had
my actors that each had a specific job to help the lord. (162). but at royal feasts,
noblemen would be given some of the royal duties, but at royal feasts nobleman
would be given some of the serving duties in the hall. This was because for the royal
feasts, the best of the best was
The S-3 Summary
(Camp, 2014) The S 3 from 3rd Battalion 1st marines would then prevent any
vehicle from driving further south into the city. (Camp, 2014) Later that evening at
1900, 3rd battalion 1st Marines launched an attack and seized the train station with
the help of two platoons from the Iraqi National Guard. (Camp, 2014) On the third
day, 3rd Battalion 1st Marines opened up a holes for the US Army s 2nd Battalion
7th Cavalry to provide it with support by fire. They then followed them into Jolan
Park and cleared it of insurgents. (Camp, 2014) The Marines attacked further into
northern Fallujah to destroy the enemy and to seize the regimental objectives. (Camp,
2014) 3rd Battalion 5th marines was forced to leave behind a growing collection
The Employment at Will Doctrine
Doctrine liability employer based actions responses employee s behavior actions
Introduction The employment at will doctrine has always been a difficult matter
to comprehend and America is the only country that practices it. Other countries
such as Japan, Great Britain, Italy, Canada, Sweden and France all have mandatory
provisions that make it a requirement that employers must have a good reason for
any termination of an employee. In the United States from the beginning of 1980s,
the doctrine came under immense challenge as the employees felt dissatisfied with
the doctrine. This is because they felt that they were more often discharged
unfairly despite years of hard work in a company. This led to three exceptions
being made to the doctrine that saw the number of employment fall between 2% to
5% that year. These exceptions are; 1. Where there is a breach of contract by an
employer, 2. Where there is a breach of a covenant of Good faith and fair dealing,
3. Where the employer violates a public policy, which is part of a government
policy (Sentell Robbins 2008). Body Describe what steps you would take to
address the following scenario involving skills, competence, and abilities: The
employee seems to be unable to learn the computer applications that are basic to her
job responsibilities, but, consistently tells her boss that she is a good worker and a
genius and that he does not appreciate her . Even after a few months of training and
support, she is
Harry And Strange Logic Of Book Discounters
1.Harry and Strange Logic of Book Discounters Harry Potter books sold out
immediately on multiple discount offers from different bookshop. There was lot
of book shops which were selling the book on cheaper and discounted prices. They
went on with this offer since a lot of people were coming to buy that book and they
will sell it on margin prices, the prices were competitive and the number of copies
sold in millions. On the launch of this book the book sellers gave out 40 percent
discount, since the author was known and had a lot of fan following. Even the
independent book sellers were selling this book with additional services. They didn
t drop down the price for the book but instead gave a few added services to their
customers. Books stores usually know the best sellers and they are well familiar
with the fan following of the different authors. They devise out a strategy which
covers all their expenses and sell the book on a price where they still get away
making profit. 2.Variable price coke machines being tested The New vending
Machine of Coca Cola company automatically raises prices in hot temperature, this
automation however seems unfair is being used and tested. The desire for a cold
fizzy drink is heightened in the summer s hot days so the machine is stimulated by
heat sensors which automatically raise prices. This however will have a few
drawbacks. Since the heat sensor controls the price, technological problems can make
the machine sense wrong. 3.Top artist
Analysis Of Tim Willis s The At T Summer Bridge
When I first arrived to the AT T Summer Bridge, one of the first people I meet was
Tim Willis. He was heaver involved the project aspect of the camp, but still present
in that time. The more I talked to him the more interesting his experiences were. He
then invited me to check out the Sooner off Road team, and joined the team. Tim is
in his senior year of school and is the person with a lot of experience in the
Mechanical Engineeringfield before graduation. His interest was more through
tinkering with things. From a young he found it fun to design, build, and test
things in his free time. During this time, he joined the Boys Scouts of America and
became an Eagle Scout in the organization. To achieve this rank he created a Man
made waterfall in a stream as a final project. I was told by him it was very
challenging, but after that he finds a challenge and tackles it head on. However, the
greatest challenge he had to tackle was in 2011. During that year Tim was a junior in
high school, his house was hit by a tornado.
Everything I owned was gone. The only thing I had were the clothes on my back.
This thought me a lesson in humbleness, through the whole process of getting back
to where we were. I mean we went from having a home to being homeless. It made
me realize that things don not last forever.
Tim s family was able to get back to where they were, but he will always remember
this experience.
Afterwards, this short story Tim told me how he got interested in Mechanical
Comparing Sucrose And Non-Reducing Sugars
There are exceptions to conducting this test. For example, non reducing sugars
such as sucrose cannot be detected using the Benedict s test (Mrothery, 2004). In
order for non reducing sugars to be tested with a Benedict reagent, hydrochloric
acid (HCl) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) must be placed into the solution before
adding a Benedict reagent (Mrothery, 2004). As a result, sucrose (C12H22O11),
made up of two monosaccharides or two carbonyl carbons, is hydrolysed and broken
down its glyosidic bond to form glucoseand fructose or one carbonyl carbon when
heated (Ausetute, 2014 and Chem Guide, 2010) (see Appendix 4). The sodium
hydroxide then neutralises the solution to ensure a positive Benedict Test (Chem
Guide, 2010).
Given that Benedict s
Essay about Effect of Media Violence on Children
Effect of Media Violence on Children
The children of today are surrounded by technology and entertainment that is full of
violence. It is estimated that the average child watches from three to five hours of
television a day! Listening to music is also a time consuming pastime among
children. With all of that exposure, one might pose the question, How can seeing so
much violence on television and video games and hearing about violence in in music
affect a child s behavior? Obviously these media have a big influence on childrens
behavior: we can see it in the way they attempt to emulate their favorite rock stars by
dressing in a similar style and the way children play games, imitating their favorite
cartoon personalities or super ... Show more content on ...
14), and Ice Cube, who goes on trial next month on charges of shooting a man to
death at a bowling alley (AP Nov. 11), are seen as heroes to a lot of children. Most
people would agree that they are not very good role models and that the lyrics that
they write promoting shooting policeman and raping women can have a negative
affect on children s behavior. However, there are examples of music having a
positive influence on kids are also prevalent. The girl rap group Salt N Pepa, who
are often categorized according to their sexual image, also project an image of
feminine strength. Cheryl James, a.k.a Salt, said, We get compliments from
women like, You inspired me to get out of an abusive relationship. It makes me
feel good about what I do (AP Nov. 5). There is also some good examples of music,
which brings a more positive feeling to the group. An example of this can be heard in
the animaniacs compact disk.
Television is especially influential on the children of today. Thirty years ago, not
every home had a television; they were considered a luxury that only the rich could
afford. Now, most households have two televisions and children watch them
incessantly. Many children s programs are extremely violent and a child can learn
violent behavior from watching these programs. For example, about a month ago,
in Norway, a small girl was beaten, stripped, and left to die by three boys aged 5, 6,
and 6. When asked why
City In New York City
Every city has more than one story to tell, more than one face to show. In Mexican
Manifesto, BolaГ±o s narrator tells us that [j]ust as the hidden face of other cities is
in theatres, parks, docks, beaches, labyrinths, churches, brothels, bars, cheap
cinemas, old buildings, even supermarkets, the hidden face of Mexico City could be
found in the enormous web of public baths, legal, semi legal, and clandestine.
Likewise, the hidden face of New York Citylies within parks, museums, restaurants,
etc. New York City is called the City of Dreams , city that never sleeps and the
Capital of the World , especially to the outsiders the tourists. However, is that the
city all about? Not even close! People tend to look at the bigger and more obvious
picture. No one takes the time to analyze and thus, they end up missing out on the
little facets which also have their own stories to tell. One can only understand a
city to the full extent if one knows the entire truth consisting of the good and the
bad as well as the essential and trivial factors. Out of the many places I have visited
in New York City, Central Park is one of my favorite places that brings me joy. I
am one of the millions of people who visit the park every year. I somehow always
end up finding myself there. Sometimes it was for picnic, sometimes it was to play
PokГ©mon Go, and sometimes it was to just take a break from all the chaos and
relax. This park includes lakes, theaters, ice rinks, fountains, tennis courts,
Essay on The Terrorists Attack on the World Trade Centre...
The terrorists attack on the World Trade Centre in New York on September 9, 2001
which changes the western concept about Islam and Muslims. Moreover, Islamic
concept Jihad is criticized and it is questioned among Non Muslims. 9/11 attack not
only effects non Muslims but also the Muslims who have no connections with the
terrorist groups. As well as they do not support these terrorism. These Muslims face
the hatred of the non western people. They feel guilty about the Sin, they neither
commit nor support. After 9/11, The Muslims all over the world called as terrorist
and Islamis considered as religion which provokes terror. Although, the Muslim
terrorists attempted these attacks on the name of Jihad, Islam does not encourage...
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According to the article, The concept of Jihad , Now a days, Many Muslims are
engaged in the movements on the basis of Islamic Jihad . Thought calling
themselves as Jihadi. Actions are needed as Jihad to meet all circumstances.
However, these battles on the behalf of Jihad does not meet the criteria. As they are
promoting Fasad (opposite of Jihad) in the world and will not be rewarded by the
Lord. Instead they will be punished for their evil deed. (Khan 81) An important
question rises about the Islam which is Does Islam promote violence? The criticizers
said that Islam advocates peace and it does not maintain peace. According to the
Islamic history, The Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) never preached violence nor did
he urge the Muslims to do brutal killing of people on the name of Islam. He always
preferred the choice which did not raise fierceness. His enemies always abused him,
their kids threw stones on him. They also plotted the murder against him. Instead of
fighting back, he migrated to Medina. He gave several chances to his enemies. He
also signed the treaties with Non Muslims. The most of treaties points are in favor of
Non Muslims.
If Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) anticipated to provoke violence, he
would start brutal killing and did not sign any of these treaties. Why would he spent
thirteen years in Mecca to preach the Islamic teachings? Because, he wanted to set an
example for people that Islam is the name
Comparison of Donne and Jennings Poetry
Consider the ways in which Donne and Jennings use form, structure and language
to present their thoughts and ideas. You should make relevant references to your
wider reading in the poetry of love. The poem the The Anniversary By John Donne,
is a metaphysical poem about the sun itself growing older each year, this process
reminds Donne that him and his lover are closer to their end. The second poem is
called One Flesh , and is written by Elizabeth Jennings. In the course of this poem
Jennings explores the relationship and separateness of her now elderly parents. There
are multiple contrasting factors between these two poems, considering they are both
written from different time periods and view love in sharply differing perspective....
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Therefore, some may interpret their love as lasting forever because they are
everything , possibly even death itself. On the other hand, in the Jennings poem
One Flesh the loss of love can occur without the physical death of two beings. As
both these elderly couples continue to live but have already dead love. The quote;
lying apart now is particularly ambiguous, it may show how the lovers lay apart
from one another in life or either how they are already dead and lay apart in
separate coffins. Either way it can be seen to show a lack of love, by the notion of
them both being apart . The cycle of fire is metaphorical to the death of love, as
Jennings notes fire she came from has now grown cold . This may imply how no
fire, which represents passion cannot last, and will soon have a death and turn cold
. Nonetheless, there is a slight connection to Donne s poem and the idea of love
being continued in the afterlife. Jennings sees the partners distance as being
strangely apart yet straggly close together . The repetition of strangely highlights
how this is an abnormal circumstance, as Jennings could be communicating how
that despite their difference the bond of love is strong and will hold them
together, maybe even in death. Moreover, a desire to escape love and be free from
it can be communicated by how the woman partner is dreaming of childhood .
Childhood can signify a young girl s dream of growing up and having a fairy tale
Theme Of Immigration In West Side Story
Cultural interactions are important when it comes to settling during an immigration.
The movie West Side Story shows the way the Puerto Ricans tried to fit in and be a
part of the New York City community. Once they got into New York City, the Puerto
Ricans engaged themselves in various economic activities like working in stores for
other people. The main theme of the West Side Story showed that intercultural
relationships were an important part of the lives of the immigrants and emigrants of
NYC. The paper has managed to show that cultural interactions are of great
importance when it comes to the settling in of immigrants in a new community. The
Puerto Ricans indeed faced many issues when they got to NYC. The existing
communities made it difficult for them to settle in well. There was too much hatred
and violence between the two cultures in that community that even brought about
death. Loveusually have a way of cooling people down. When Tony and Maria fell in
love despite the differences in their cultures, something special happened. Although
they were not able to achieve their dreams because Tony ended up being killed, the
two cultures were able to discard their hatred for each other and come together for the
first time. Indeed, the smooth settling of immigrants greatly depends on the cultural
interactions in their new destination.
When it comes to the history of immigration in the United States, the immigration of
the Puerto Rican people is a unique one.
Happiness Essay
Happiness is something that is wanted by almost everyone;people that are rich, and
plebeians and some like to assert that they are happy. Everyone has a different way
of experiencing happiness or getting happiness. While they try to get happiness even
if it will be an ample amount of happiness, they try to avoid being aghast. Some
people like clothing or electronics while some like relaxing at vacations where they
can be around facetious people and enjoy themselves. Each individual person
experiences happinessa different way because some people like to dream about things
that are not plausible and some people like to think about reality. Many people think
that it money is an essential part to their happiness. They feel that with money,...
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as people age, they tend to find more joy in ordinary, everyday experiences like
walking or gardening, compared to that trip to Fiji, another recent study found.
People experience joy from experience. For example, you might enjoy a view when
you are on vacation. If you take a picture of that, you can always come back to look
at the picture. This way, people might be able to experience this all over again and
can be a sequel for them since their experiencing something similar. This can bring
them happiness again and their experience won t be pulverized by forgetness.
Finally, experiences are don t cost money. A person might experience something like
seeing their best friend in a long time. This can bring them the same amount of
happiness as a new car they bought might bring them. Even though they both give
the same amount of happiness, one cost thousands of dollars and one is free. In
the quality of a person s everyday experience such as joy, fascination, anxiety,
sadness, anger, and affection and life evaluation a person s thoughts about his or her
life (on a longer time scale. Here, the quote emphasizes that things in everyday life
can bring a different amount of happiness or some other feeling. Everything can be
worth an amount of happiness
Ad Campaign of an Online University s Bachelor s Degree...
Online University s Bachelor s Degree Program Ad Campaign
At the center of any effective advertising campaign is a very clear definition of who
the customer is, what their needs are, and what expectation they have of service. For
an online university bachelor s degree program this is critically important to the
success of any advertising, public relations and marketing program. The student and
their needs to become the center of these strategies if they are to succeed.
For any student considering one online university bachelor s program over another,
their criterion will include expertise of the facility, ease of using the online tools and
what the total experience will be like. Marketing services based businesses incouding
education on the dimensions of student or customer experience is critical to their
success. Services must underscore the role of experiences in benefitting and
increasing the value delivered to customers; just speaking of features or functional
attributes of a service is not sufficient (Palmer, 2010).
The advertising, PR and marketing strategies all must be coordinated around a
common message to prospective students that underscore the online universities
competencies and show it is worthy of trust. Prospective students are evaluating
online universities as the foundations for their future and therefore accreditation,
reputation of the school and tis instructors, and value of the degree after graduation
all must be considered. Unifying marketing,
Hurricane Sandy Was A Devastating Storm
Hurricane Sandy Breakthrough
By: Kene Ochuba Date: Friday November 6, 2015
Hurricane Sandy was a devastating storm nicknamed The Frankenstorm . The
Frankenstorm happened from October 19 October 31. Hurricane Sandy was very
catastrophic and damaged lots of properties. The cost of repairs was billions of
dollars. Hurricane Sandy is the second most costly hurricane behind hurricane Katrina
. Hurricane Sandy at night on October 28, 2015.
Hurricanes are large gusts of wind that are concentrated usually in a spiral. There are
three different types of this storm: cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons. Why The
Frankenstorm is called a hurricane is because hurricanes happen in and around the
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. While the others (Typhoons and cyclones) happen in
other parts of the world in other oceans. Hurricanes are the biggest storms and do
more damage than all of the other storms. The season of these devastating natural
disasters are from June 1st to November 30. If you live near the coast of the
Atlantic or Pacific Oceans make sure you are prepared with the tips that will be
stated later. Hurricanes usually happen over a week, but sometimes hurricanes last
only a few hours, when some last over 3 weeks. Hurricane are named on a six year
rotation of male and female names. These names include Ivan, Katrina, Sandy and
Hurricanes form in a quite interesting way. These storms only form above bodies of
water such as oceans. Where these incredible storms start is
Scholarly Articles On Teaching And Learning
Many will ask the question what is a review of literature? Review of literature
allows individuals to synthesize and share prior and current thinking in their field.
This paper will examine scholarly articles about teaching and learning in the English
discipline. This review of literature seeks to explore factors that can cause poor
reading comprehensionamong students and provide strategies as to how these
students comprehension and vocabulary skills can be improved therefore, enhancing
their academic performance. In addition, this paper will outline an explanation of
how the strategies address the needs of diverse students in the English discipline.
Issues within the English Discipline The teaching of English in the high school
across the United States has changed tremendously. Many of the issues are familiar
but complex. Teaching and learning issues that English teachers face consist of the
following: overcrowded classrooms, students with poor reading, and vocabulary skills
etc. Regardless of the challenges, teachers are still held responsible for the growth of
their learners. Improvements must start before students enter high school. Reading
comprehension and vocabulary development is vital to students success in school and
in their life. Students who begin school with poor vocabulary skills are at a
disadvantage and they tend to struggle with fluency and comprehension. Multiple
studies show that when students get off to a poor start in reading, they hardly catch
Why Become An Organ Donor
Why you should become an organ donor.
Without the organ donor, there is no story, no hope, and no transplant. But when
there is an organ donor, life springs from death, sorrow turns to hope, and a terrible
loss becomes a gift. UNOS
More people should consider being an organ donor because they can save up to eight
lives. Organ donation does not cost the patient or their family anything. Organ
donation is only considered after every lifesaving attempt has been made.
Organ donation is a sensitive topic for some people. Everyone has varying opinions
on whether it is right or wrong based on many different points. One of the main
arguments against becoming an organ donor is it goes against someone s religion,
however all major religions in the
Theme Of Rape Of The Lock
Mock epic is a narrative poem which aims at mockery and laughter by using almost
all the characteristic features of an epic but for a trivial subject. In the The Rape of
the Lock there is an invocation to Muses, intention of subject, battles, supernatural
machinery, and journey on water, underworld journey, long speeches, feasts (coffee
house), Homeric similes and grand style but all for a simple family dispute instead
of a national struggle. The grand action of a low subject produces comical laughter
and makes the story more absurd. Instead of magnificent passions and great fights
between heroes in which the immortals take part, we see the theme of The Rape of
the Lock as a minor passionate quarrel assisted by the spirits of the air. The... Show
more content on ...
In the poem Rape of the Lock, Pope has introduced the episodes of the game of
Omber which suggests the powerful battle and the cards involve the soldiers
described in great detail. There is also the battle between lords and ladies just like
the battle in epic poem. But in mock epic this battle is fought with fans and snuff
instead of with swords and spears. There are single fight between Belinda and
Baron and between Clarissa and Sir Plume. Another very important element of an
epic is the active participation of supernatural machinery like god and goddesses.
In The Rape of the Lock, there are sylphs and gnomes. These aerial spirits are small
and unimportant things and are therefore, exactly in keeping with the triviality of
the theme. These aerial spirits guards the person of the heroine that is Belinda and
when there is fight between the flowers of Belinda and those of the Baron, they
take part in the fight like god and goddesses in war. Pope described the protecting
sylph under Ariel. In that the sylphs are the lampoon of epic deities. A long
dangerous journey on water is a must in an epic. Here in the poem The Rape of the
Lock , Belinda takes a relaxed journey on water without any stress and danger. She
travels up the Thames in a boat to join Hampton Court to play the game of card
Omber adorning her
Literature Review On Impulse Buying
Planned purchases involve time consuming information searching with rational
decision making, whereas unplanned buying refers to all shopping decisions made
without any advance planning. Impulse buying is distinguished from the unplanned
buying in terms of quick decision making. In addition to being unplanned, an
impulse purchase also involves experiencing a sudden, strong, and irresistible urge
to buy The purpose of this paper is to provide a detailed account of the impulse
buying behavior influenced through external stimuli by compiling the various
research works literature in the field of Retailing and Consumer Behavior. It gives a
broad overview of the impulse buying construct and the various behavior related
aspects. The... Show more content on ...
They are further determined on the basis of the different sales promotions inside the
shop. Reminder impulse buying occurs when the buyer is reminded of the need of
the product noticing it in the shop. Pure impulse buying is a novelty or escape
purchase which a shopper breaks the trend of usual shopping. fashion oriented
impulse is a type of suggestion impulse where the purchase is motivated by self
suggestion to buy the new fashion product. In case of fashion oriented impulse
buying, shopper has no previous experience with the new and fashionable
Essay On Multiple Myeloma
A 67 year old male presents to the emergency department with a 2 day history of
fever and productive cough. He feels very unwell. The patient is known to have
multiple myeloma, a diagnosis established 1 year ago. He was induced with high
dose chemotherapy and maintained on bortezomib. Vital signs: Temperature 38.8ВєC
(101.8В°F), bloodpressure 125/88 mmHg, heartrate 98 beats/min, respiratory rate 20
breaths/min. Crepitations are heard in the right middle chest. Chest x ray shows
areas of consolidation in the right middle and lower lobes. They most recent serum
protein electrophoresis is seen in the image. The M spike has increased from 4.5 to
6.3 gm/dL over the past 4 months. The most likely predisposing cause of the patent s
findings is: A.Chemotherapy effect
B.Decreased macrophage/monocyte function
Answer ... Show more content on ...
The plasma cell is the end differentiated maturation of the B lymphocyte and the
producer of immunoglobulins. Multiple myeloma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia
/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL), another B cell neoplasm, both commonly
develop hypogammaglobulinemia. This antibody deficiency leads to infections by
encapsulated organisms such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, as in this case, rather
than viruses and fungi. The respiratory system is the major site of infection. While
the 23 valent pneumococcal vaccine is given to these patients, there is no evidence
that it prolongs survival. Intravenous immunoglobulin infusion has been helpful in
septic patients, but antibiotics are the mainstay of
Essay James Joyce s Araby and Eveline
James Joyce s Araby and Eveline
In Araby and Eveline Joyce uses religious symbols to show the importance of the
Catholic religion in both of the main characters lives. Both of these stories take
place in Dublin, Ireland, a place that is very strong in its belief in the Catholic
religion. In Araby, the imagery of the infamous Fall is presented to the reader within
the second paragraph to indicate its importance. The themes of religious masses can
be found in Eveline. The concept of the Catholic Ash Wednesday is presented
throughout both Araby and Eveline.
The second paragraph of ?Araby? presents the idea of the Adam and Eve story
known as ?The Fall.? ?The wild garden behind the house contained a central apple ...
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In ?Eveline? images of religious masses come up in the story. ?Through the wide
doors of the sheds she caught a glimpse of the black mass of the boat lying in beside
the quay wall, with illumined portholes.? (32/45 47). The theme of religious masses
is written into a very important time of the main character?s life. Eveline is faced
with the decision whether or not to go with Frank to Buenos Aires. If she went,
she would flee the responsibilities of her family and be able to finally live in a land
where she could be carefree. Black mass is the traditional ceremony that witches
will perform to invoke evil spirits and mock the mass of the Catholic Church. Since
the theme of the black mass is used, it hints to the reader that maybe Eveline does
not want to be held down by her religion. By using the words ?black? and ?mass?
together, Joyce not only indicates the importance of Catholicism, but it shows the
idea that Eveline is trying to break free from the constrictive power of the church and
Finally, the topic of Ash Wednesday is brought up in ?Araby? and ?Eveline.? Ash
Wednesday is one of the most important days in the Catholic religion. It is the day
of repentance in the Catholic Church, as well as the first day of lent. Lent is a time
where a Catholic follower is deprived from one of the most important things in jhor
life. Dust is always used to
Professional Issues in Computing
Learning Outcome 1: Understand the impact of National and Global legislation
involved in computing and information systems development. Computers and their
uses have become pervasive in today s society with new uses occurring on almost a
daily basis. In general this use is beneficial; however, as with all technology,
computers may be put to the wrong use. In order to safeguard computer users in the
UK there are different types of legislation covering the many uses or misuses of
Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Following is the current
legislation in computing: 1.1)Computer Misuse Act 1990 1.2)Consumer Protection
Act 1987 1.3)Data Protection Act 1998 1.4)Disability Discrimination Act 1995
1.5)Freedom of... Show more content on ...
[8th November 1995] The Disability Discrimination Act (1995) is UK legislation
that makes discrimination against anyone with a disability illegal. The act states
that everyone should be viewed as equal with regards to employment, education
and training, property, providing goods and services, facilities and equipment. The
UK Disability Rights Commission was set up to help support the legislation and to
investigate non compliance to the act. The Equality and Human Rights
Commission s web site includes excellent resources on all aspects of equality and
the law. Reference: learning/ITLaw01CD/page_29.htm
1.5Freedom of Information Act The Freedom of Information Act 2002 places
responsibilities on public bodies to be open and visible about their work. There are
certain instances where exemptions can be made, such as national security. The
earliest freedom of information act is considered to be Sweden s Freedom of the
Press Act dated 1766. Typically, the Freedom of Information act defines the way in
which government information can be made available to the public. A related
concept is open meetings legislation, which allows access to government meetings,
not just to the records of them. In many countries, privacy or data protection laws
may be part of the freedom of information legislation; the concepts are often closely
tied together in political discourse. The backbone of the UK Freedom of
Primaquine Research Paper
Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase deficiency Most people in the Africa
population (about 20%) are born with a glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase
deficiency (G6PD deficiency) (Campbell and Tishkoff, 2008). Primaquine is
dangerous in patient with G6PD deficiency and it is known to cause haemolysis in
people with inborn G6PD deficiency (Bradford, 2002). Therefore, the use of
primaquine with artemether results in severity of adverse effects such as anaemia,
haemolysis and GIT disturbances. However, this is a dose independent physiological
effect, not all doses of primaquine results in such adverse effects. Table 3: The
relationship between primaquine daily dose and haemolysis anaemia in Africa
countries with G6PD deficiency (Coleman, 1996). Primaquine
Depression And Social Psychology Essay
Depression is a mood disorder that has huge impact on what people feel and think. It
causes an insistent sensation of not only unhappiness, but also a lack of interest in the
things one once sought out to be intriguing.
The Humanistic perspective underlines the study of a person as a whole. It is focused
on human behavior and ways to help improve the way an individual perceives
themselves, which are the things that cause people to feel valuable. Due to the fact
that the humanistic approach deals with the idea of helping yourself, a person is
responsible for their own happiness and if they are not happy they can alter their
lifestyle to achieve happiness. That being said, if someone is depressed they can
change their life around ... Show more content on ...
There is a concern with how the individual functions mentally. Since depression is a
result from regular negative prejudice being input into our thinking process, our
output or reactions would be negative or sad behavior. Our emotional behavior results
from a cognitive irregularity. Therefore meaning that people who are depressed have
a different thought process than those who aren t depressed. The changes in the way
we think come before the arrival of a depressed mood.
The cultural viewpoint states that human behavior is influenced by different social
compressions and cultural influences. Our views and opinions are molded by the
type of environment that we are stationed in. They are also influenced by the insight
of powered figures that control social order. The cultural perspective has vast
influence over the way that a human behaves and their thought process. If someone is
placed in an environment where they are not happy and they do not like where they
are, they will slowly become depressed. The environment will a negative picture in
their mind that could only result in a sad
The Founding Of The Baha I Faith
Baha is consider themselves world citizens, working for the establishment of a
universal human civilization based on love, spiritual virtues and the desire of all
people for the peace and prosperity (@BahaiTeachings. pg.1). They believe in the
harmony and peace of humanity and the undividedness of all religions of the world.
The founders of the Baha i faith endured trials and tribulations to set the standards
for future supporters. The beliefs, worships, and traditions amplify the organization
and ground rules of the Baha i faith. This faith openly expresses its fondness of
equality to any gender, race, or ethnicity with minor differences. Baha i religion is
perhaps one of the most compassionate and nondiscriminatory religions known to
society. In similar fashion, the founders formed the history of the Baha i faith. A
founder is a person who establishes an institution or settlement ( FOUNDER). The
first founder was a young merchant named Siyyid Ali Muhammad. Moreover, it was
said that he brought the world a new message from God called the Bab, which means
The Gate (@BahaiTeachings. pg. 1). The Babi faith spread quickly from the
revolutionary teachings of spiritual and moral transformation. The government was
appalled by the sudden acknowledgement of the faith and acted immediately. An
abundance of Babis was lacerated for their beliefs. The Bab message became the
stepping stone for the Baha i faith. Additionally, the second founder, Baha u llah, he
was born
Female Italian Artists of the Baroque Period
Female Italian Artists of the Baroque Period Many male artists during the Baroque
Period were tremendously successful having received many commissions from a
multitude of rich patrons. Their equally talented female counterparts were not as
accepted in the male dominated society. Although equally talented, the patriarchal
mentality of the times ensured a difficult road for some in the artistic world. The
more prominent female artists such as Artemisia Gentileschi, Lavinia Fontana and
Orsola Maddalena Caccia had the advantage of having fathers who were prodigious
artists themselves and provided the training required for them to flourish as great
virtuosos in their own right. I will show and explain some of their known works.
Artemisia Gentileschi was a very talented albeit restricted female artist during the
Italian Baroque period. She was born in Rome on July 8, 1593, to Orazio Gentileschi
and Prudentia Montoni. Her father, Orazio, was a great and highly sought after
artist for his work in frescoes, altarpieces and portraits. A most notable patron was
Pope Paul V. Orazio was surprised at his daughter s talent for painting and ensured
that he gave her the proper training. She has also had the distinct advantage of being
surrounded by a variety of local and foreign artists. As young as twelve years old,
Artemisia was able to expertly grind and mix her father s pigments and assist him in
small commissions. Her first known dated painting was Susanna and the Elders,
Merger Between Staples And Office Depot
Proposed Merger between Staples and Office Depot Leads to Concerns of Higher
The effect and impact of corporate mergers of companies can be a significant
change for the company s prosperity and growth as well as the consumer s point of
view also. Though few of the mergers and acquisitions might be helpful for the
company and be profitable as well there are always few risks and failures that
come with the process. According to a study the company has only 50% chance of
success when it comes to merger and acquisition. But still very big companies do the
merger because they can become bigger by combing with their competitors and end
their competition. But sometimes these mergers are expected to create a monopoly
in the sector because they will dominate the whole sector and cause a biased decision
for the customers. This case talks about the merger between two of the biggest office
supplies companies Staples and Office Depot. Through this case we will discuss on
the merger between the two big companies created a tension of monopoly and
whether or not it will be profitable for both sides of the merger. This Mega Merger
created a sense of stress in the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) also forcing it to file
a case against both the parties for creating a monopoly in the business. If we look at
this case in the view of a Firm Manager we can clearly identify the rights and the
wrong in the case and effectively point of out how it is going to be a failure of
success by
Essay on Death and Dying in the Somali Culture
Culturally competent cares in the medical field can make a huge difference in the
satisfaction and the healing of patients who are guests in the facilities that we will be
at. In central Minnesota we have the privilege of having many different cultures in a
small area. With many people immigrating here from their homeland it is important,
as health care professionals, to have an understanding of the many different beliefs
and traditions that we may come across in our personal and professional lives.
The Somali population has seen a significant rise in the number of individuals that
are now living in central Minnesota. Most of the Somali population is of the Islamic
faith. I would like to explain some of the differences in the Islamic ... Show more
content on ...
So a life close to Allah while on earth will bring an afterlife close to Allah as well.
That is mostly why death is not resisted but accepted as a part of life in the Islamic
faith. This attitude toward death is a bit different than the thinking of a majority
of the individuals in the area. Many fear death and do not want to accept that life
will eventually end, even with the promise of meeting their savior once they pass.
Depending on the field that the nurse works in, interacting with a dying individual
may or may not happen. If a person is taking care of a dying individual it is
important to know some basic etiquette so that the person or their family will not
be offended by any actions of the staff. It is customary to address the family of the
dying person instead of directly telling the person that their time is almost done,
though it is ok to tell the patient the seriousness of their illness. (Children s) the
family then can inform the person in their own way. It would be ideal for the person
to be able to pass in their own home but that is not always possible.
When a person of the Islamic faith is in a facility when death is imminent, there are
some considerations that can be taken to help the make it an easier time on
everyone involved. Making room for the family and friends of the dying person for
prayer would be greatly appreciated, as it is greatly
Compare And Contrast Mcveigh And Rudolph
When it comes to Timothy McVeigh, Ted Kaczynski, and Eric Rudolph they have
many similarities. First, they were all survivalist in some way. McVeigh was
looking for a lifestyle that was a survivalist type. Kaczynski lived in a small cabin
that had no electricity or running water. His yearly cost of survival was around
$400. Rudolph using his survivalist skills stayed on the run for five years before he
was caught. These three bombers also shared anti governmental views. These three
terrorists also messed up in some way that got them eventually caught. After the
explosion, the rear axle was found in the rumble and on it was an identification
number. This identification number lead them to McVeigh who was already in jail
for being pulled over... Show more content on ...
McVeigh s failing his training made him even more resentful of the government.
As his frustration grew, he wrote news outlets and congressman. Not being heard,
he felt the government was too powerful after their use of force at the Branch
Davidian compound. Why do you believe he felt compelled to act out violently
against his country and citizens? McVeigh out out violently against the government
because he felt that they were too controlling and he wanted to weaken it. He
wanted to start a revolution. His clothing was what explained his motives the most.
McVeigh viewed the government as tyrants and the people like himself as patriots.
The government being the tyrants had to die and the patriots had to sacrifice in
order to win. What could authorities have done to either predict or prevent some or
all of these attacks? The letters were very revealing when it came to him intentions
and how far he was willing to go. Somebody should have turned in these letters and
this could have been prevented. Ted Kaczynski What may have led him to make his
choice? When Kaczynski tried to love autonomously he wasn t able because
industries would destroy the land around him. He finally lost it when his favorite spot
was turned into a
Acne Myth Essay
Acne Myths
Myth #!: The consumption of chocolate assists in the breakout of acne.
The truth is that several research studies found no relation between the consumption
of chocolate and the breakout of acne.
Myth #2: Eating pizza exacerbates acne development.
This is far from the truth as there has been no evidence to suggest this claim.
Consumption of pizza in moderation will not lead to acne breakouts.
Myth #3: Fried foods are cause acne breakouts.
No findings suggest that fried foods cause acne breakouts.
Myth #5: Consumption of Coca Cola and other sodas are bad for you if you have
Several studies have been conducted to check the validity of this claim, but no
findings suggest that cola consumption promotes acne. It remains a myth. Drinks
such as Coca Cola are usually consumed by teens in fast food restaurants and if they
frequent it often, or work there, the pores react to the grease in the environment and
this could be the cause of flare ups. Make sure to wash your hands if you have been
handling oil or greasy foods. ... Show more content on ...
There is no truth to this as over exposure to the sun causes skin cancer and premature
aging. Alternatively, the sun does promote the production of vitamin D, which may
help skin condition. If you are using Benzoyl Peroxide, we strongly recommend that
you use caution in the sun by wearing a high SPF sun screen.
Myth #7: Dirty skin causes acne.
The claim that dirt causes acne may be another myth. Some connections have been
found, thus keeping the skin pores clear of dirt may prevent bacteria from infecting
the skin. Special oil absorbing microfiber facial cloths are probably the best way to
grab dirt from the skin after using benzoyl peroxide.
Myth #8: Acne will no longer be a problem once someone reaches adulthood.
This is not true for many people who experience acne as an adult, though the
severity may vary. However, people above age 50 rarely get infected with
Swot Analysis Of Joubert Network Security
Joubert Network Security firm would like to thank you again for allowing us the time
to provide exceptional and efficient security change to your network. We have
conducted an assessment of the current network security and we will provide you
with major recommendations for an optimum security and hardened network.
The very purpose of this report is to find any vulnerability in your network and
proposed sound and effective change to mitigate any breach and be as proactive as
possible. A proactive approach will save money and keep your business running.
Businesses with hardened systems succeed. As with any business ignorance will cost
millions. The lack of a user education will innocently pave the way for vulnerabilities
and hacking.
The methodology used is a penetration testing in your defense system (firewall) and a
thorough assessment that will pinpoint issues and find risks. Hackers use the same
methodology to penetrate any back door left open by inexperienced and uneducated
users that will open a way for hackers innocently and lead the way to malware and
No system is safe from hacking. However, hardened your network against any
potential attack will spare your business from breaches and catastrophes. As a result,
we have evaluated and assessed the network security and have found the following
First, the existing Smoothwall firewall is an effective open source firewall which
provide services for web filtering, VPN, IPS and Email services. IT also
... Get more on ...
Who Is Luna In The Girl Who Drank The Moon
Margaux 12/21/17
English The Girl Who Drank the Moon Essay
In the book The Girl Who Drank the Moon there are many characters that I can
relate to. There are also some who are very different from me. Luna is one of the
characters in the book who I think I can relate to. Luna is a special child. Luna
became different when Xan, the witch, accidentally fed her moonlight from a full
moon. Moonlight from a full moon is the strongest magic. After that happened Xan
decided to care for Luna instead of letting another family take care of her. Luna grew
quickly while the magic built up inside her. Luna reminds me of myself. She is super
energetic, curious and is always running around. ... Show more content on ...
Antain lives in a town that is very strange.
Every year the town collects the first borns, brings them to the woods, and leaves
them there to be eaten by the witch. The evil witch though does nothing of the sort.
The witch actually goes to other towns and gives the children to people who will
love them. Anatin does not want to be part of taking the babies because it is cruel
and unjust. Antain is very brave. He went into to the madwoman s cell when no
one else would. If I were in those situations I wouldn t have taken part. But, I don t
think I would be brave enough to go into the madwoman s cell. This is why Antain
reminds me of myself. There are a bunch of characters that I think are like me. But,
there are also a few that I think are the complete opposite of me. Antain s uncle is
one of them. He is always telling Antain that he asks to many questions. Antain s
uncle always sticks to tradition. I never stick to tradition and I m alway the one
asking to many question. Fryian is also nothing like me. For one thing he s a
dragon. But also he is very small and is always crying about
Measles Mumps Theory And Autism
Researching autism is comparable to solving a puzzle one piece at a time. This
commonly known neurological disorder affects a child before the age of three
(Miller). Autism can affect any child of all races or genders. Each autistic child is
unique in their own ways. Even though researchers have been investigating this
matter for years, this lifelong condition has no known cause. Some theories have been
hypothesized, but have been proven wrong. One example is the theory of the
measles, mumps, and rubella vaccinecausing autism. Scientific studies have proven
that the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine does not cause autism.
Autism, also referred to as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is a complex disability
of the development of the brain (Concerns). ... Show more content on
His theory was that the MMR vaccine could trigger autism (Mooney). Andrew
Wakefield published a medical journal called The Lancet (Mooney). This journal
stated his experimental procedure and his conclusion. In his experiment, he studied
the digestive tracts of 12 children (Mooney). Nine of these twelve children were
autistic (Mooney). Wakefield postulated that the MMR vaccine caused intestinal
inflammation that led to the translocation of usually nonpermeable peptides to the
bloodstream and, subsequently, to the brain, where they affected development.
(Gerber). Wakefield found that All 8 children had gastrointestinal symptoms and
signs and lymphoid nodular hyperplasia revealed on endoscopy. (Gerber).
Andrew Wakefield s experiment was proven inaccurate; his scientific procedure was
not thorough. Not only was data not entirely collected, but he used no control
subjects (Gerber). Also, gastrointestinal symptoms did not predate autism in several
children (Gerber). Therefore, he was not consistent in stating that intestinal
inflammation facilitated the bloodstream invasion of encephalopathic peptides
(Gerber). This experiment could also have a possibility of being biased (Gerber).
The endoscopic and neuropsychological assessments were not blind
Bankruptcy Chapter 7
Chapter 7 bankruptcy: the bankruptcy in chapter seven is known as a liquidation
process. This process is used when a corporation basically has no other alternatives
in saving the corporation and has the ability to attain the essential creditor settlement.
All of the corporation s possessions have to be vended for their palpable value.
There has been over a numerous amount of corporations who have declared
bankruptcy on a yearly basis. Chapter 9 bankruptcy: this bankruptcy applies to all the
cities in all areas. The biggest city to ever announce bankruptcy is Detroit, Michigan.
However, there have been others such as: Stockton, California, and lastly,
Birmingham, Alabama. Chapter 11 bankruptcy: this bankruptcy means that
corporations are able
Society And The Lone Hero In The Western Film
The classic elements of The Western as a genre is dominated by the differences and
relationship between society and the lone hero. As the narrative captures this
relationship other classic elements of The Western are put on display. According to
Will Wright, these elements include the secondary class that women hold to men in
society as the Easternization of the world, the root of good versus evil, and
wilderness versus civilization. These elements are directly correlated to The Western
film Shane (1953) where the classic plot plays out when Shane comes into
civilization on his horse with his moleskins and six shooter to inevitably defeat the
villains threatening society. There are 16 parts to the classical plot according to
Wright with some optional, but Shane follows these actions almost perfectly.... Show
more content on ...
His abilities then transpire as his exceptional ability to shoot is discovered from
young Joey and the rest of civilization including the Rykers, the villains of this film.
In the surmounting drama between the good and evil the obvious nature that women
are second two men is continuous throughout the film observed as Marion and the
other women following their husbands orders and only take care of the children. The
women do not get involved with the men s affairs even as the Rykers threaten the
homesteaders existence and their livelihood. This then forces Shane to intervene on
behalf of his pride and his friendship with Joe Starrett. Continuing to follow this
classical plot suggested by Wright Shane ends up defeating the villains and leaving
civilization into the wilderness deciding that his morals are not fit for society even
though his actions were to protect
Computer Use in Early Childhood Education
Computer Use in Early Years of Education
Abstract The importance of the child s development in early years of education has
reached the stage where it becomes critical that learning programs becomes a global
issue. Understanding changes and undertaking practice is fundamental in student
learning. The purpose of this article is to increase our perception on the different
effects of using computer technology in early childhood setting. In answering the
question What is the purpose of education? I started at that time from the observation
that man lives in a world of objects which influence him and which he wishes to
influence, and so he must know these objects in their characteristics, their essence
and their relation to one ... Show more content on ...
There are five different developmental domains of children which all relate to each
other. They are easily referred to as the SPICE of life: Social Refers mostly to the
ability to form attachments, play with others, co operation and sharing, and being
able to create lasting relationships with others. Physical Development of Fine (small)
and Gross (large) Motor Skills. Intellectual The process of making sense of the world
around them. Creative The development of special abilities creating talents. Music,
Art, Writing, Reading, and Singing are all ways for creative development to take
place. Emotional Development of self awareness, self confidence, and coping with
feelings as well as understanding them.
/computers and early years 1124
According to Yelland (1999), Educators beliefs such as Montessori, Isaacs, Froebel,
and Steiner, has led to early childhood programs that are characterized by their
adherence to such traditional principles, manifested in unstructured environments,
informal contexts, and learning through active exploration and play. Indeed, early
pioneers such as Montessori advocated relatively structured learning opportunities,
whereas Froebel s views supported a less formal structure. However, both Froebel
and Montessori seemed to
Khufu Pyramid Leader
Khufu a great pyramid builder. He has done Many great things for his people, things
like lead his military into the Nubia Libya. Khufu accomplishments lots of things, he
had even built the great Pyramid Of Giza. Khufu had done lots of things in his
Who was Khufu?
Khufu was born Khnum Khufwy to Hetepheres 1 and Snefru. He was born in 2589
BC. His father Snefru was a great pyramid builder. Khufu came to the throne in his
twenties. He started ruling in 2609 BC, he then had started working on his pyramid.
What did Khufu do as a leader?
Throughout ruling he has lead his people through many things.He lead then into the
Nubia Libya and the Sinai. He had build a small boat to transport his people in when
they went to war. He also helped
Bryant s Thanatopsis
Nature, during the Renaissance era provided inspiration and a feeling of higher
enlightenment for many of the authors who wrote poetry and biographies during this
period. William Cullen Bryant, a poet from this period was deeply inspired by
nature. His poems reflect a close relationship with nature and he uses this relationship
to craft the ideas in his poetryfrom his observations. Bryant s poem Thanatopsis
reflects his feelings towards nature along with his dark feelings on death. These
views and feelings within the poem are used to show death being more of a process
that will include a journey with nature. From a literature analysis point of view
Bryant s poem is unique. His poem, however, relating back to death does not embrace
religious... Show more content on ...
Budick, the author discusses transcendentalism within the poem as well as how the
images described within the poem relate back to transcendentalism. The way in which
I have incorporated this source into my research essay is by using it to support my
argument on nature being sympathetic to individuals as well as how
transcendentalism is used in the poem.
Mclean, Albert F. William Cullen Bryant. New York: Twayne publisher Inc, 1964.
Albert Mclean s Book William Cullen Bryant. Analysis many of Bryant s poems
including Thanatopsis. His book not only talks about Bryant s poems but it also
talks about a little about Bryant s life as well as some of his ideas on writing and
how the public viewed his poems. This source I used in my essay to argue the
sermon like tone that Thanatopsis has as well as the use of plain style, the meaning
of plain style, and how that structure is used within the poem.
Muller, Guilber H. William Cullen Bryant. New York: State University of New York
Press, 2008. Print
Guilbert s book William Cullen Bryant give a great amount of detail on Bryant s life
from and his accomplishments. I used this source within my paper to give some
details about Bryant s life such as his love for nature and background information
about him growing up
American Home Buyers Research Paper
Anyone who has read American Home Shield Warranty reviews knows that home
warranty plans are extremely important. Air conditioners are covered by home
warranty plans. There are a number of problems that you may encounter with your
air conditioner. One of the problems that many people run into is dealing with an air
conditioner that will not cool. Fortunately, these problems are often easy to fix.
Below is a list of things that All American Home Buyers recommends doing if you
have an air conditioner that will not cool: Check The Thermostat The first thing you
will need to do if your air conditioner is not cooling properly is to check the
thermostat. Make sure that you have the thermostat on auto. If your air conditioner is
set to on, then... Show more content on ...
That is why All American Home Buyers recommends checking the air filter. A
dirty air filter can also reduce the efficiency of your air conditioner. Check The
Ductwork The ducts are one of the most important parts of your air conditioner.
They are the part that deliver the cooled air to your home. If the ducts are poorly
designed, bent or cracked, then your home cannot be properly cooled. You may
want to consider having a professional inspect the ducts. Check Your Outside Unit
The problem may be with your outside unit. If it is covered with grass, dirt and
debris, then is probably what is causing your air conditioner to not cool properly.
Clean the area. You may also need to trim bushes around your outside unit. You
should call a professional if the outside fan does not work. Many people who have
written American Home Shield Warranty reviews called a professional because
there outside fan did not work. Check The Refrigerant If your unit is older, then it
may leak refrigerant. Your unit will not be able to keep your home cool if it is
leaking too much refrigerant. The refrigerant may have also frozen. You will need to
contact a professional if there is a problem with your
Analysis Of Sundiat An Epic Of Old Mali By D. T. Maili
The African epic Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali, by D.T. Maili, examines the
theme of destiny through three characters: Sundiata, Nare Maghan, and Nounfari .
Sundiata could not walk at seven years old and, because of his celebrity as the king
s son, the community humiliated and gossiped about him. However, when he felt
his destiny pull him to greatness he accepted without hesitation, saying, Very well
then, I am going to walk today (Maili 132). Sundiata realized it was time for him to
walk and disregarded the obstacle of his crippled legs. Sundiata was a prophesied to
be a great hero, and his confidence in the power of fate was one of one of the reasons
he later reached a legendary status. His son s disability worried Nare Maghan
Essay On Six Months To Break A Behavior
Some people say that it takes six months to break a habit. However, I personally
think it requires more of a mental change rather than just a physical change to
break a behavior regardless if it s six months or shorter. In this case, I had two
weeks to change a behavior I did on a daily basis. For this paper I worked on two
things that I wanted to work on. First, It was not wearing makeup for a week and
second, I really wanted to subtract dairy products from my diet. After I give a
reflection of my experience, I will being to talk about my internship and how we
encourage a change behavior within our families. I wanted to focus eliminating
dairy products in my daily intake and find a substitute if possible. I didn t realize
how much milk, cheese and eggs I ate throughout the day until I had to find a habit
to change. I would eat cereal in the morning because it was the easiest breakfast,
eggs for either breakfast or dinner and cheese with almost everything I ate. At
school, It seemed like I would gravite my way to dairy products naturally like
pizza, sandwiches, or coffee. Taking dairy products out of my diet has always been
something I wanted to try doing, but I never seemed to happened. Reason being, I
believe dairy products affect my digestive system and might be causing me to have
acne more than usual(that s just my theory).When I started, I substituted milk for
Almond milk and didn t eat or buy anything made with eggs or cheese. During this
week, I struggled a lot with
Annotated Bibliography For Childhood Obesity
ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY2 Annotated Bibliography for Child Obesity
Childhood obesity in America is a growing disease that has become an epidemic
problem that has lasting psychological effects, because of advertisement of fast
food, lack of physical activities, and parental control; which has made food become
a major health issue in many young teenager s lives today. Childhood obesity is
something that most kids inherit from his or her own parent. When it comes to child
obesity, there is a great deal of understanding of the causes and consequences of this
kind of problem. There are important necessary steps to take in order to take
preventative action. Koplan, Jeffrey P., Liverman, Catharyn T., and Kraak, Vivica A.,
eds. Preventing Childhood Obesity : Health in the Balance. Washington, US:
National Academies Press, 2005. Accessed May 14, 2016. ProQuest ebrary.... Show
more content on ...
In general, life expectancy has increased by more than thirty years since 1900 and
much of this improvement is due to the reduction of infant and early childhood
mortality. Given this trajectory toward a healthier childhood, we begin the 21st
century with a shocking development an epidemic of obesity in children and youth.
The increased number of obese children throughout the U.S. during the past 25
years has led policymakers to rank it as one of the most critical public health threats
of the 21st century. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY3 Annotated Bibliography for
Child Obesity This resource is used to support my claim due to how child obesity
has increased in the past century. Kiess, W., Marcus, C., Wabitsch, M. (2004).
Obesity in Childhood and Adolescence. Basel:
Explain The Logistical Issues That The British Military...
Explain how logistical issues that the British military encountered in the
Revolutionary War contributed to the American Victory.
Logistics is the planning and moving of supplies, food, equipment and people from
the point of the supplier to the place/people who need them. The military
operations of the British suffered significantly because of a logistical system that
was not able to sustain supply lines. The 3000 mile journey that the supplies had to
make from the host country to the New World was an instance when this supply
system failed the British. This inability would sometimes be caused by weather that
struck convoys and the ships would be forced to turn back or be diverted to other
places. Others would continue on with the journey and then have to wait for the
weather to break while their cargoes rotted or died, and would not make it to the
New World. Additional causes would be profiteering, poor supply procedures and
privateering (McCoy, 2012). Failure to integrate their logistics, tactics, and strategy in
addition to the unreliability of the supply chain, forced the British to abandon
strategic ports or bases leaving significant amounts of supply behind which would
then decrease ... Show more content on ...
The militia held fast to the belief they brought with them from Europe, the belief
that the militia were brought here for the purpose of neighborhood self protection.
Militiamen did not sign up to be deployed, away from their farms and families, for
more than a short period of time or great distances. They held religious, political and
economic beliefs, and had a negative view of debt and usury, and no need for fame
and wealth (Moreland Terrar, 2010). They were a self sufficient people and their
farms produced all that they needed. In contrast, the Continental Army was wage
workers that got paid to kill in order to make money off of the war. The militia
wanted no part in
Research Paper On Baldness
Baldness is a common occurrence among men. It is typically regarded as something
normal and not indicative of any kind of health condition, although it may cause
psychological distress in the affected. However, scientists have discovered positive
correlations between baldness and several pathologies. Male pattern hair loss, as it
is formally known in the medical realm, affects at least 50% of men in old age. Its
causes are believed to be largely genetic. Recent studies have finally shed some light
on the genetic underpinnings of the condition, revealing several complex
relationships with other diseases and innate traits.
Shortness and baldness
According to scientists at the University of Bonn, Germany, short men are more
likely to experience hair loss prematurely. They studied the genetic material of more
than 20,000 men from around the world. Slightly less than half were bald men. After
analyzing the data, the team of scientists led by geneticists Dr. Stephanie Heilmann
Heimbach and Prof. Markus Nöthen discovered that prematurely bald men carried
60 genomic alterations. These genetic signatures meant that prematurely bald males
are more likely to undergo puberty earlier, to have small body size, and to develop
several types of cancer (including prostate cancer). Associations between bone density
and light skin color were also found. The study now published in the ... Show more
content on ...
The objective of this research effort was to help scientists see how and why hair loss
arises from genetic factors. 287 genetic regions were identified, and, surprisingly,
many of them derived from the X chromosome, which is inherited from the mother.
Scientists expressed that one of the long term implications of this research is the
creation of a genetic tool that helps predict hair loss patterns in the future. The study
was published in the PLOS Genetics
Klondike Gold Rush Research Paper
The gold rush was located along the Klondike river thats why people have many
names for the gold rush because there were many places where it took place and
the Klondike river was one of those places where hundreds or thousands of people
went to find gold. Like I said before the Gold rush was called lots of things people
even call it the disappointment of the generation or like the luckiest thing on earth
but they usually call the gold rush the Klondike gold rush. There are many many
people who go up there and search for gold in the book I was reading they said
there are up to one hundred thousand people plus up there looking for gold and about
3/4 came out lucky and the other Вј either came out with nothing or even died trying
to get gold
Working At ACE Hardware
Working at ACE Hardware matured me as a person through creating an optimistic
development of myself and allowing me to realize my drive in life by giving me
responsibilities and a sense of purpose. To further explain, through being given duties
and thus a sense that my actions mattered in addition to watching the businessstrive
and meeting such an abundance of amiable coworkers and cordial customers I
became optimistic and joyful. My mental transformation occurred due to being given
tasks such as customerservice, cashiering, stocking shelves, cleaning, updating
inventory, and projects to improve the store. As a result, every weekend morning
or after school on days I worked I look forward to walking through ACE s sliding
glass door, buttoning up my red tweed vest, hooking my radio on my ear. Before
ACE Hardware I viewed the world pessimistically and believed life to be
meaningless. However, after I began working my entire outlook on life changed
positively. For example, when I felt excluded during my stay at University... Show
more content on ...
Additionally, working at ACE Hardware allowed for a further mentality shift
within myself beyond optimism. ACE Hardware allowed for the realization that
despite my actions being minuscule ripples in the scale of our world, they matter
locally. As an illustration, helping customers in a crisis, whether it be helping them
find a washer to prevent their motorcycle s gas tank from quick rusting or a
connector to avoid water damage under a sink, exists as a modest act, yet has a
tremendous effect to that individual. Providing service to those in need gave me
satisfaction and aligned myself with my life goals. To clarify and sum up, through
working at ACE Hardware I became optimistic and my true ambition in life
developed, to create a brighter world through maintaining a positive attitude and
Dante s Inferno and the Garden of Earthly Delights
The Garden of Earthly Delights painted by Hieronymus Bosch, depicts many vivid
fictional scenes in triptych style. The right wing of the triptych depicts Hell and the
causes of man s downfall, which Dante wrote about in the Inferno. Dante tries to
convey to all humanity the consequences of human actions and the levels of hellthat
he believes exist for different levels of sins. Dante divides Hell up into ten different
circles, and there is an upper and a lower level of Hell. Dante and Bosch have similar
views on the evil within people and this evil is represented in their works, whether it
transpires in a painting or in a book.
br This evil is evident in the right wing of The Garden of Earthy Delights, which can
be used to portray ... Show more content on ...
And that you may report on me up there, know that I am Bertran de Born, the one
who evilly encouraged the young king. (XXVIII: 133 135) Dante portrays the
figure of Bertran as a man who is holding his head that has been cut off. With
regards to the disemboweled person, Wrong is it for a man to have what he once cast
off. (XII: 104 105)
br There is a woman at the bottom right of the painting that is being held by a
kangaroo type creature. This creature may represent the invisible force that Dante
believes is inside a sinner that makes him do the things he does, whether it be caused
by mental or physical suffering. One of the sinners in the Inferno, an Impersonator,
kept craving water. He said, O you who bear no punishment at all (I can t think
why) within this world of sorrow, he said to us, pause here and look upon the misery
of one Master Adamo: in life I had all that I could desire, and now, alas, I crave a drop
of water. (XXX: 58 63) There is a man pictured near the woman and he is throwing
up. This could also be representative of the evil inborn in sinners.
br At the bottom left side of the painting is a man about to be eaten by a termite who
has a game table on his head. This is illustrating that the tables are turned on the man
who has committed some terrible crime. In the Inferno this is represented by Lucifer
eating the three worst sinners, Judas Iscariot, Brutus, and Cassius, all who betrayed
A Study On Progeria Syndrome
Progeria is a syndrome that is extremely rare which causes premature aging in
children. I found this disease very interesting because infants appear perfectly
normal at birth but the aging process begins to happen very rapidly as early as 12
months. The young children will start displaying elderly characteristics as the
disease progresses. These children will often die from old age diseases such as heart
attacks, and strokes or related complications. The mayo clinic website indicates that
progeriachildren live an average of 13 years, some can live up to 20 or more. The
oldest living progeria patient recorded was Meg Casey who according to the
Orlando Sentinel newspaper died in Connecticut at 29 years old. Progeria, also
known as... Show more content on ...
Hutchinson). In 2003, the genetic mutation for HGPS was identified as a single
base mutation in the lamin A (LMNA) gene (Rork, Huang, Gordon, Kleinman,
Kieran, Liang, 2014, p 197). This discovery has led to genetic testing and the
development of drug therapies such as farnesyltransferase inhibitors (para. Rork, et
al., p. 197). These advances allow for the importance of a timely diagnosis. The
altered LMNA protein makes the nuclear membrane unstable and gradually
damages the nucleus, making cells more likely to die prematurely, which leads to
premature aging (para. Progeria, 2014). Most prevalent cause of death is
myocardial infarction or stroke, caused by hardening of the arteries causing a mean
life expectancy of 13 years (para. Progeria, 2016).
Predisposing Factors Progeria is caused by a mutation in the lamin A, LMNA,
gene. This spontaneous mutation is not due to hereditary but most likely occurs by
chance just prior to conception, making this condition extremely rare. In fact,
according to Mayo clinic website researchers believe a single sperm or egg is
affected just before conception (Progeria, 2014). This disease does not seem to
affect any one gender or race more than another. Neither parent is a carrier for the
gene mutation is purely a chance occurance.
Clinical Manifestations
Babies born with progeria typically look normal at birth but then show signs of

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Essay Writings

  • 1. Essay Writings Crafting an essay on the topic of "Essay Writings" is a paradoxical journey in self-reflection and linguistic expression. At first glance, one might assume that writing about the act of writing essays should be a seamless endeavor for anyone with a basic command of language. However, delving into the intricacies of the subject reveals a complex tapestry that demands not only a profound understanding of the mechanics of essay construction but also a keen awareness of the nuances inherent in effective communication. The challenge lies in avoiding the pitfalls of redundancy and clichГ©s while navigating the delicate balance between formality and creativity. It requires the ability to transcend the commonplace and breathe life into the prose, transforming it from a mere sequence of words into a compelling narrative. The task is not just to string together sentences but to weave a coherent and persuasive argument that captivates the reader's attention from the introduction to the conclusion. Moreover, one must grapple with the diverse expectations of different audiences, whether academic, professional, or casual readers. Each group demands a unique approach to language, tone, and style, making the process of essay writing a continuous exercise in adaptability and versatility. The writer must also confront the ever-looming specter of writer's block, a formidable adversary that can strike at the most inconvenient moments. Overcoming this obstacle requires a combination of discipline, creativity, and a dash of inspiration, turning the act of writing into a relentless pursuit of the perfect expression. In essence, crafting an essay on "Essay Writings" is akin to embarking on a literary odyssey, navigating the turbulent waters of self-expression, linguistic precision, and intellectual depth. It is an intellectual challenge that demands not only knowledge of the subject matter but a profound understanding of the artistry inherent in effective communication. In conclusion, the difficulty of writing an essay on this topic lies in the delicate balance between technical proficiency and creative finesse. The writer must grapple with the intricacies of language, adapt to diverse audiences, and overcome the formidable challenges of writer's block. It is a task that requires dedication, skill, and a genuine passion for the written word. For those seeking assistance in navigating this intricate terrain, it's worth noting that similar essays and much more can be ordered on, a platform dedicated to providing support in the realm of academic and creative writing. Essay WritingsEssay Writings
  • 2. Igloos Research Paper Have you ever wondered about how it would feel to live in an igloo, and have to constantly travel and move with a nomadic tribe? If you re like me, than you probably have. Igloos have always been interesting to me, from their dome shape, to the people behind them, I ve always wanted to learn more about igloos. While researching, I found may interesting facts. For example, the Inuit didn t have a formal marriage ceremony. The construction of igloos had to be simple because the Inuit people were nomadic. The Inuit people had to build the igloo around them, and relied on body heat to keep themselves warm because they ran out of wood. One reason they ran out of wood was probably because they made some of their homes with the wood, along with stone
  • 3. Brain Camp Personal Statement My desire to study medicine was kindled from experiences that taught me what medicine is. I had the opportunity to be in STEP NUS Sunburst Brain Camp, which was my first encounter with medicine. The theme of the camp was neuroscience, a new and challenging topic for me. The topic was unfamiliar, but I was undaunted as I was intrigued on how powerful yet mysterious the brain is. With my team members, we found out more about neuroscience, only to find myself discovering the joy of how my newfound knowledge could help people in real life, which is the basis of medicine. The dynamic nature of medicine makes it intellectually stimulating, and my thirst of knowledge motivates me to explore in areas that are unfamiliar. This is when I discovered my interest in gaining insights on medicine, and I believe this is what studying medicine requires. The ever constant advancement of medicine, requires one to have the desire to keep up with novel breakthroughs, to be updated with improved ways to treat patients.... Show more content on ... I could see nervousness and fear in his eyes. He was evidently worried about the surgical procedures that were involved, but I had no means of comforting him. The doctor, though, was composed and went on to explain his condition and how the surgery is safe. My grandfather looked at him with trust. His face turned from a face of anxiety to one of relief, having the reassurance that he needed. That moment I realised what it means to be a doctor. It means I will be granted the capability to translate my care and concern into better support and assist others like my grandfather. I can be a doctor who not only treats my patients physically, but also allay their
  • 4. Food In Medieval Times Food. humans depend on it , without food, everyone would end up dying. People in the medieval times did not have McDonalds or Burger King, no, they made a foundation to the food humans eat today. Gathering food for the kings and peasants was difficult , it required hard work and determination, but in the end, the kings and peasants received their food, and food was changing the world. Society dramatically changed due to peasants and kings eating different food options, feasts, and the Black Plague. For those living in the manor house, there was a ride range of food available. According to medieval, Fowl such as capons, geese, larks, and chickens were usually available to the lord and his family. This was because those living in the manor house were so high up in the social class, that they had these food options. states that Vegetables and fruits were not often part of their diet as they were seen as peasant ... Show more content on ... Melitta Weiss Adamson writes in her book Food in Medieval Times , Aside from the diners, the actors in the spectacle that was a medieval feast were the household staff. (162). This shows that there were many key contributors for a medieval feast. From the top down they included the steward, who ran the entire household, the marshal, who was his chief official at dinner, the head waiter and the taster, known as the sewer, the head of the pantry, known as the pantler, the person in charge of the drinks, known as the butler, the ewerer in charge of the hand washing and linen, the carver, and the lord s cupbearer. This shows that the lord of that time had my actors that each had a specific job to help the lord. (162). but at royal feasts, noblemen would be given some of the royal duties, but at royal feasts nobleman would be given some of the serving duties in the hall. This was because for the royal feasts, the best of the best was
  • 5. The S-3 Summary (Camp, 2014) The S 3 from 3rd Battalion 1st marines would then prevent any vehicle from driving further south into the city. (Camp, 2014) Later that evening at 1900, 3rd battalion 1st Marines launched an attack and seized the train station with the help of two platoons from the Iraqi National Guard. (Camp, 2014) On the third day, 3rd Battalion 1st Marines opened up a holes for the US Army s 2nd Battalion 7th Cavalry to provide it with support by fire. They then followed them into Jolan Park and cleared it of insurgents. (Camp, 2014) The Marines attacked further into northern Fallujah to destroy the enemy and to seize the regimental objectives. (Camp, 2014) 3rd Battalion 5th marines was forced to leave behind a growing collection
  • 6. The Employment at Will Doctrine Doctrine liability employer based actions responses employee s behavior actions Introduction The employment at will doctrine has always been a difficult matter to comprehend and America is the only country that practices it. Other countries such as Japan, Great Britain, Italy, Canada, Sweden and France all have mandatory provisions that make it a requirement that employers must have a good reason for any termination of an employee. In the United States from the beginning of 1980s, the doctrine came under immense challenge as the employees felt dissatisfied with the doctrine. This is because they felt that they were more often discharged unfairly despite years of hard work in a company. This led to three exceptions being made to the doctrine that saw the number of employment fall between 2% to 5% that year. These exceptions are; 1. Where there is a breach of contract by an employer, 2. Where there is a breach of a covenant of Good faith and fair dealing, 3. Where the employer violates a public policy, which is part of a government policy (Sentell Robbins 2008). Body Describe what steps you would take to address the following scenario involving skills, competence, and abilities: The employee seems to be unable to learn the computer applications that are basic to her job responsibilities, but, consistently tells her boss that she is a good worker and a genius and that he does not appreciate her . Even after a few months of training and support, she is
  • 7. Harry And Strange Logic Of Book Discounters 1.Harry and Strange Logic of Book Discounters Harry Potter books sold out immediately on multiple discount offers from different bookshop. There was lot of book shops which were selling the book on cheaper and discounted prices. They went on with this offer since a lot of people were coming to buy that book and they will sell it on margin prices, the prices were competitive and the number of copies sold in millions. On the launch of this book the book sellers gave out 40 percent discount, since the author was known and had a lot of fan following. Even the independent book sellers were selling this book with additional services. They didn t drop down the price for the book but instead gave a few added services to their customers. Books stores usually know the best sellers and they are well familiar with the fan following of the different authors. They devise out a strategy which covers all their expenses and sell the book on a price where they still get away making profit. 2.Variable price coke machines being tested The New vending Machine of Coca Cola company automatically raises prices in hot temperature, this automation however seems unfair is being used and tested. The desire for a cold fizzy drink is heightened in the summer s hot days so the machine is stimulated by heat sensors which automatically raise prices. This however will have a few drawbacks. Since the heat sensor controls the price, technological problems can make the machine sense wrong. 3.Top artist
  • 8. Analysis Of Tim Willis s The At T Summer Bridge When I first arrived to the AT T Summer Bridge, one of the first people I meet was Tim Willis. He was heaver involved the project aspect of the camp, but still present in that time. The more I talked to him the more interesting his experiences were. He then invited me to check out the Sooner off Road team, and joined the team. Tim is in his senior year of school and is the person with a lot of experience in the Mechanical Engineeringfield before graduation. His interest was more through tinkering with things. From a young he found it fun to design, build, and test things in his free time. During this time, he joined the Boys Scouts of America and became an Eagle Scout in the organization. To achieve this rank he created a Man made waterfall in a stream as a final project. I was told by him it was very challenging, but after that he finds a challenge and tackles it head on. However, the greatest challenge he had to tackle was in 2011. During that year Tim was a junior in high school, his house was hit by a tornado. Everything I owned was gone. The only thing I had were the clothes on my back. This thought me a lesson in humbleness, through the whole process of getting back to where we were. I mean we went from having a home to being homeless. It made me realize that things don not last forever. Tim s family was able to get back to where they were, but he will always remember this experience. Afterwards, this short story Tim told me how he got interested in Mechanical
  • 9. Comparing Sucrose And Non-Reducing Sugars There are exceptions to conducting this test. For example, non reducing sugars such as sucrose cannot be detected using the Benedict s test (Mrothery, 2004). In order for non reducing sugars to be tested with a Benedict reagent, hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) must be placed into the solution before adding a Benedict reagent (Mrothery, 2004). As a result, sucrose (C12H22O11), made up of two monosaccharides or two carbonyl carbons, is hydrolysed and broken down its glyosidic bond to form glucoseand fructose or one carbonyl carbon when heated (Ausetute, 2014 and Chem Guide, 2010) (see Appendix 4). The sodium hydroxide then neutralises the solution to ensure a positive Benedict Test (Chem Guide, 2010). Given that Benedict s
  • 10. Essay about Effect of Media Violence on Children Effect of Media Violence on Children The children of today are surrounded by technology and entertainment that is full of violence. It is estimated that the average child watches from three to five hours of television a day! Listening to music is also a time consuming pastime among children. With all of that exposure, one might pose the question, How can seeing so much violence on television and video games and hearing about violence in in music affect a child s behavior? Obviously these media have a big influence on childrens behavior: we can see it in the way they attempt to emulate their favorite rock stars by dressing in a similar style and the way children play games, imitating their favorite cartoon personalities or super ... Show more content on ... 14), and Ice Cube, who goes on trial next month on charges of shooting a man to death at a bowling alley (AP Nov. 11), are seen as heroes to a lot of children. Most people would agree that they are not very good role models and that the lyrics that they write promoting shooting policeman and raping women can have a negative affect on children s behavior. However, there are examples of music having a positive influence on kids are also prevalent. The girl rap group Salt N Pepa, who are often categorized according to their sexual image, also project an image of feminine strength. Cheryl James, a.k.a Salt, said, We get compliments from women like, You inspired me to get out of an abusive relationship. It makes me feel good about what I do (AP Nov. 5). There is also some good examples of music, which brings a more positive feeling to the group. An example of this can be heard in the animaniacs compact disk. Television Television is especially influential on the children of today. Thirty years ago, not every home had a television; they were considered a luxury that only the rich could afford. Now, most households have two televisions and children watch them incessantly. Many children s programs are extremely violent and a child can learn violent behavior from watching these programs. For example, about a month ago, in Norway, a small girl was beaten, stripped, and left to die by three boys aged 5, 6, and 6. When asked why
  • 11. City In New York City Every city has more than one story to tell, more than one face to show. In Mexican Manifesto, BolaГ±o s narrator tells us that [j]ust as the hidden face of other cities is in theatres, parks, docks, beaches, labyrinths, churches, brothels, bars, cheap cinemas, old buildings, even supermarkets, the hidden face of Mexico City could be found in the enormous web of public baths, legal, semi legal, and clandestine. Likewise, the hidden face of New York Citylies within parks, museums, restaurants, etc. New York City is called the City of Dreams , city that never sleeps and the Capital of the World , especially to the outsiders the tourists. However, is that the city all about? Not even close! People tend to look at the bigger and more obvious picture. No one takes the time to analyze and thus, they end up missing out on the little facets which also have their own stories to tell. One can only understand a city to the full extent if one knows the entire truth consisting of the good and the bad as well as the essential and trivial factors. Out of the many places I have visited in New York City, Central Park is one of my favorite places that brings me joy. I am one of the millions of people who visit the park every year. I somehow always end up finding myself there. Sometimes it was for picnic, sometimes it was to play PokГ©mon Go, and sometimes it was to just take a break from all the chaos and relax. This park includes lakes, theaters, ice rinks, fountains, tennis courts,
  • 12. Essay on The Terrorists Attack on the World Trade Centre... The terrorists attack on the World Trade Centre in New York on September 9, 2001 which changes the western concept about Islam and Muslims. Moreover, Islamic concept Jihad is criticized and it is questioned among Non Muslims. 9/11 attack not only effects non Muslims but also the Muslims who have no connections with the terrorist groups. As well as they do not support these terrorism. These Muslims face the hatred of the non western people. They feel guilty about the Sin, they neither commit nor support. After 9/11, The Muslims all over the world called as terrorist and Islamis considered as religion which provokes terror. Although, the Muslim terrorists attempted these attacks on the name of Jihad, Islam does not encourage... Show more content on ... According to the article, The concept of Jihad , Now a days, Many Muslims are engaged in the movements on the basis of Islamic Jihad . Thought calling themselves as Jihadi. Actions are needed as Jihad to meet all circumstances. However, these battles on the behalf of Jihad does not meet the criteria. As they are promoting Fasad (opposite of Jihad) in the world and will not be rewarded by the Lord. Instead they will be punished for their evil deed. (Khan 81) An important question rises about the Islam which is Does Islam promote violence? The criticizers said that Islam advocates peace and it does not maintain peace. According to the Islamic history, The Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) never preached violence nor did he urge the Muslims to do brutal killing of people on the name of Islam. He always preferred the choice which did not raise fierceness. His enemies always abused him, their kids threw stones on him. They also plotted the murder against him. Instead of fighting back, he migrated to Medina. He gave several chances to his enemies. He also signed the treaties with Non Muslims. The most of treaties points are in favor of Non Muslims. If Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) anticipated to provoke violence, he would start brutal killing and did not sign any of these treaties. Why would he spent thirteen years in Mecca to preach the Islamic teachings? Because, he wanted to set an example for people that Islam is the name
  • 13. Comparison of Donne and Jennings Poetry Consider the ways in which Donne and Jennings use form, structure and language to present their thoughts and ideas. You should make relevant references to your wider reading in the poetry of love. The poem the The Anniversary By John Donne, is a metaphysical poem about the sun itself growing older each year, this process reminds Donne that him and his lover are closer to their end. The second poem is called One Flesh , and is written by Elizabeth Jennings. In the course of this poem Jennings explores the relationship and separateness of her now elderly parents. There are multiple contrasting factors between these two poems, considering they are both written from different time periods and view love in sharply differing perspective.... Show more content on ... Therefore, some may interpret their love as lasting forever because they are everything , possibly even death itself. On the other hand, in the Jennings poem One Flesh the loss of love can occur without the physical death of two beings. As both these elderly couples continue to live but have already dead love. The quote; lying apart now is particularly ambiguous, it may show how the lovers lay apart from one another in life or either how they are already dead and lay apart in separate coffins. Either way it can be seen to show a lack of love, by the notion of them both being apart . The cycle of fire is metaphorical to the death of love, as Jennings notes fire she came from has now grown cold . This may imply how no fire, which represents passion cannot last, and will soon have a death and turn cold . Nonetheless, there is a slight connection to Donne s poem and the idea of love being continued in the afterlife. Jennings sees the partners distance as being strangely apart yet straggly close together . The repetition of strangely highlights how this is an abnormal circumstance, as Jennings could be communicating how that despite their difference the bond of love is strong and will hold them together, maybe even in death. Moreover, a desire to escape love and be free from it can be communicated by how the woman partner is dreaming of childhood . Childhood can signify a young girl s dream of growing up and having a fairy tale romance,
  • 14. Theme Of Immigration In West Side Story Cultural interactions are important when it comes to settling during an immigration. The movie West Side Story shows the way the Puerto Ricans tried to fit in and be a part of the New York City community. Once they got into New York City, the Puerto Ricans engaged themselves in various economic activities like working in stores for other people. The main theme of the West Side Story showed that intercultural relationships were an important part of the lives of the immigrants and emigrants of NYC. The paper has managed to show that cultural interactions are of great importance when it comes to the settling in of immigrants in a new community. The Puerto Ricans indeed faced many issues when they got to NYC. The existing communities made it difficult for them to settle in well. There was too much hatred and violence between the two cultures in that community that even brought about death. Loveusually have a way of cooling people down. When Tony and Maria fell in love despite the differences in their cultures, something special happened. Although they were not able to achieve their dreams because Tony ended up being killed, the two cultures were able to discard their hatred for each other and come together for the first time. Indeed, the smooth settling of immigrants greatly depends on the cultural interactions in their new destination. Introduction When it comes to the history of immigration in the United States, the immigration of the Puerto Rican people is a unique one.
  • 15. Happiness Essay Happiness is something that is wanted by almost everyone;people that are rich, and plebeians and some like to assert that they are happy. Everyone has a different way of experiencing happiness or getting happiness. While they try to get happiness even if it will be an ample amount of happiness, they try to avoid being aghast. Some people like clothing or electronics while some like relaxing at vacations where they can be around facetious people and enjoy themselves. Each individual person experiences happinessa different way because some people like to dream about things that are not plausible and some people like to think about reality. Many people think that it money is an essential part to their happiness. They feel that with money,... Show more content on ... In the article YOU CAN BUY HAPPINESS, IF IT S AN EXPERIENCEit states, And as people age, they tend to find more joy in ordinary, everyday experiences like walking or gardening, compared to that trip to Fiji, another recent study found. People experience joy from experience. For example, you might enjoy a view when you are on vacation. If you take a picture of that, you can always come back to look at the picture. This way, people might be able to experience this all over again and can be a sequel for them since their experiencing something similar. This can bring them happiness again and their experience won t be pulverized by forgetness. Finally, experiences are don t cost money. A person might experience something like seeing their best friend in a long time. This can bring them the same amount of happiness as a new car they bought might bring them. Even though they both give the same amount of happiness, one cost thousands of dollars and one is free. In the article STUDY: HIGH INCOMES DON T BRING YOU HAPPINESS it states, the quality of a person s everyday experience such as joy, fascination, anxiety, sadness, anger, and affection and life evaluation a person s thoughts about his or her life (on a longer time scale. Here, the quote emphasizes that things in everyday life can bring a different amount of happiness or some other feeling. Everything can be worth an amount of happiness
  • 16. Ad Campaign of an Online University s Bachelor s Degree... Online University s Bachelor s Degree Program Ad Campaign At the center of any effective advertising campaign is a very clear definition of who the customer is, what their needs are, and what expectation they have of service. For an online university bachelor s degree program this is critically important to the success of any advertising, public relations and marketing program. The student and their needs to become the center of these strategies if they are to succeed. For any student considering one online university bachelor s program over another, their criterion will include expertise of the facility, ease of using the online tools and what the total experience will be like. Marketing services based businesses incouding education on the dimensions of student or customer experience is critical to their success. Services must underscore the role of experiences in benefitting and increasing the value delivered to customers; just speaking of features or functional attributes of a service is not sufficient (Palmer, 2010). The advertising, PR and marketing strategies all must be coordinated around a common message to prospective students that underscore the online universities competencies and show it is worthy of trust. Prospective students are evaluating online universities as the foundations for their future and therefore accreditation, reputation of the school and tis instructors, and value of the degree after graduation all must be considered. Unifying marketing,
  • 17. Hurricane Sandy Was A Devastating Storm Hurricane Sandy Breakthrough By: Kene Ochuba Date: Friday November 6, 2015 Hurricane Sandy was a devastating storm nicknamed The Frankenstorm . The Frankenstorm happened from October 19 October 31. Hurricane Sandy was very catastrophic and damaged lots of properties. The cost of repairs was billions of dollars. Hurricane Sandy is the second most costly hurricane behind hurricane Katrina . Hurricane Sandy at night on October 28, 2015. Hurricanes are large gusts of wind that are concentrated usually in a spiral. There are three different types of this storm: cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons. Why The Frankenstorm is called a hurricane is because hurricanes happen in and around the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. While the others (Typhoons and cyclones) happen in other parts of the world in other oceans. Hurricanes are the biggest storms and do more damage than all of the other storms. The season of these devastating natural disasters are from June 1st to November 30. If you live near the coast of the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans make sure you are prepared with the tips that will be stated later. Hurricanes usually happen over a week, but sometimes hurricanes last only a few hours, when some last over 3 weeks. Hurricane are named on a six year rotation of male and female names. These names include Ivan, Katrina, Sandy and Andrew. Hurricanes form in a quite interesting way. These storms only form above bodies of water such as oceans. Where these incredible storms start is
  • 18. Scholarly Articles On Teaching And Learning Many will ask the question what is a review of literature? Review of literature allows individuals to synthesize and share prior and current thinking in their field. This paper will examine scholarly articles about teaching and learning in the English discipline. This review of literature seeks to explore factors that can cause poor reading comprehensionamong students and provide strategies as to how these students comprehension and vocabulary skills can be improved therefore, enhancing their academic performance. In addition, this paper will outline an explanation of how the strategies address the needs of diverse students in the English discipline. Issues within the English Discipline The teaching of English in the high school across the United States has changed tremendously. Many of the issues are familiar but complex. Teaching and learning issues that English teachers face consist of the following: overcrowded classrooms, students with poor reading, and vocabulary skills etc. Regardless of the challenges, teachers are still held responsible for the growth of their learners. Improvements must start before students enter high school. Reading comprehension and vocabulary development is vital to students success in school and in their life. Students who begin school with poor vocabulary skills are at a disadvantage and they tend to struggle with fluency and comprehension. Multiple studies show that when students get off to a poor start in reading, they hardly catch
  • 19. Why Become An Organ Donor Why you should become an organ donor. Without the organ donor, there is no story, no hope, and no transplant. But when there is an organ donor, life springs from death, sorrow turns to hope, and a terrible loss becomes a gift. UNOS More people should consider being an organ donor because they can save up to eight lives. Organ donation does not cost the patient or their family anything. Organ donation is only considered after every lifesaving attempt has been made. Organ donation is a sensitive topic for some people. Everyone has varying opinions on whether it is right or wrong based on many different points. One of the main arguments against becoming an organ donor is it goes against someone s religion, however all major religions in the
  • 20. Theme Of Rape Of The Lock Mock epic is a narrative poem which aims at mockery and laughter by using almost all the characteristic features of an epic but for a trivial subject. In the The Rape of the Lock there is an invocation to Muses, intention of subject, battles, supernatural machinery, and journey on water, underworld journey, long speeches, feasts (coffee house), Homeric similes and grand style but all for a simple family dispute instead of a national struggle. The grand action of a low subject produces comical laughter and makes the story more absurd. Instead of magnificent passions and great fights between heroes in which the immortals take part, we see the theme of The Rape of the Lock as a minor passionate quarrel assisted by the spirits of the air. The... Show more content on ... In the poem Rape of the Lock, Pope has introduced the episodes of the game of Omber which suggests the powerful battle and the cards involve the soldiers described in great detail. There is also the battle between lords and ladies just like the battle in epic poem. But in mock epic this battle is fought with fans and snuff instead of with swords and spears. There are single fight between Belinda and Baron and between Clarissa and Sir Plume. Another very important element of an epic is the active participation of supernatural machinery like god and goddesses. In The Rape of the Lock, there are sylphs and gnomes. These aerial spirits are small and unimportant things and are therefore, exactly in keeping with the triviality of the theme. These aerial spirits guards the person of the heroine that is Belinda and when there is fight between the flowers of Belinda and those of the Baron, they take part in the fight like god and goddesses in war. Pope described the protecting sylph under Ariel. In that the sylphs are the lampoon of epic deities. A long dangerous journey on water is a must in an epic. Here in the poem The Rape of the Lock , Belinda takes a relaxed journey on water without any stress and danger. She travels up the Thames in a boat to join Hampton Court to play the game of card Omber adorning her
  • 21. Literature Review On Impulse Buying Planned purchases involve time consuming information searching with rational decision making, whereas unplanned buying refers to all shopping decisions made without any advance planning. Impulse buying is distinguished from the unplanned buying in terms of quick decision making. In addition to being unplanned, an impulse purchase also involves experiencing a sudden, strong, and irresistible urge to buy The purpose of this paper is to provide a detailed account of the impulse buying behavior influenced through external stimuli by compiling the various research works literature in the field of Retailing and Consumer Behavior. It gives a broad overview of the impulse buying construct and the various behavior related aspects. The... Show more content on ... They are further determined on the basis of the different sales promotions inside the shop. Reminder impulse buying occurs when the buyer is reminded of the need of the product noticing it in the shop. Pure impulse buying is a novelty or escape purchase which a shopper breaks the trend of usual shopping. fashion oriented impulse is a type of suggestion impulse where the purchase is motivated by self suggestion to buy the new fashion product. In case of fashion oriented impulse buying, shopper has no previous experience with the new and fashionable
  • 22. Essay On Multiple Myeloma A 67 year old male presents to the emergency department with a 2 day history of fever and productive cough. He feels very unwell. The patient is known to have multiple myeloma, a diagnosis established 1 year ago. He was induced with high dose chemotherapy and maintained on bortezomib. Vital signs: Temperature 38.8ВєC (101.8В°F), bloodpressure 125/88 mmHg, heartrate 98 beats/min, respiratory rate 20 breaths/min. Crepitations are heard in the right middle chest. Chest x ray shows areas of consolidation in the right middle and lower lobes. They most recent serum protein electrophoresis is seen in the image. The M spike has increased from 4.5 to 6.3 gm/dL over the past 4 months. The most likely predisposing cause of the patent s findings is: A.Chemotherapy effect B.Decreased macrophage/monocyte function C.Hypogammaglobulinemia D.Lymphopenia E.Neutropenia Answer ... Show more content on ... The plasma cell is the end differentiated maturation of the B lymphocyte and the producer of immunoglobulins. Multiple myeloma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia /small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL), another B cell neoplasm, both commonly develop hypogammaglobulinemia. This antibody deficiency leads to infections by encapsulated organisms such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, as in this case, rather than viruses and fungi. The respiratory system is the major site of infection. While the 23 valent pneumococcal vaccine is given to these patients, there is no evidence that it prolongs survival. Intravenous immunoglobulin infusion has been helpful in septic patients, but antibiotics are the mainstay of
  • 23. Essay James Joyce s Araby and Eveline James Joyce s Araby and Eveline In Araby and Eveline Joyce uses religious symbols to show the importance of the Catholic religion in both of the main characters lives. Both of these stories take place in Dublin, Ireland, a place that is very strong in its belief in the Catholic religion. In Araby, the imagery of the infamous Fall is presented to the reader within the second paragraph to indicate its importance. The themes of religious masses can be found in Eveline. The concept of the Catholic Ash Wednesday is presented throughout both Araby and Eveline. The second paragraph of ?Araby? presents the idea of the Adam and Eve story known as ?The Fall.? ?The wild garden behind the house contained a central apple ... Show more content on ... In ?Eveline? images of religious masses come up in the story. ?Through the wide doors of the sheds she caught a glimpse of the black mass of the boat lying in beside the quay wall, with illumined portholes.? (32/45 47). The theme of religious masses is written into a very important time of the main character?s life. Eveline is faced with the decision whether or not to go with Frank to Buenos Aires. If she went, she would flee the responsibilities of her family and be able to finally live in a land where she could be carefree. Black mass is the traditional ceremony that witches will perform to invoke evil spirits and mock the mass of the Catholic Church. Since the theme of the black mass is used, it hints to the reader that maybe Eveline does not want to be held down by her religion. By using the words ?black? and ?mass? together, Joyce not only indicates the importance of Catholicism, but it shows the idea that Eveline is trying to break free from the constrictive power of the church and religion. Finally, the topic of Ash Wednesday is brought up in ?Araby? and ?Eveline.? Ash Wednesday is one of the most important days in the Catholic religion. It is the day of repentance in the Catholic Church, as well as the first day of lent. Lent is a time where a Catholic follower is deprived from one of the most important things in jhor life. Dust is always used to
  • 24. Professional Issues in Computing Learning Outcome 1: Understand the impact of National and Global legislation involved in computing and information systems development. Computers and their uses have become pervasive in today s society with new uses occurring on almost a daily basis. In general this use is beneficial; however, as with all technology, computers may be put to the wrong use. In order to safeguard computer users in the UK there are different types of legislation covering the many uses or misuses of Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Following is the current legislation in computing: 1.1)Computer Misuse Act 1990 1.2)Consumer Protection Act 1987 1.3)Data Protection Act 1998 1.4)Disability Discrimination Act 1995 1.5)Freedom of... Show more content on ... [8th November 1995] The Disability Discrimination Act (1995) is UK legislation that makes discrimination against anyone with a disability illegal. The act states that everyone should be viewed as equal with regards to employment, education and training, property, providing goods and services, facilities and equipment. The UK Disability Rights Commission was set up to help support the legislation and to investigate non compliance to the act. The Equality and Human Rights Commission s web site includes excellent resources on all aspects of equality and the law. Reference: learning/ITLaw01CD/page_29.htm 1.5Freedom of Information Act The Freedom of Information Act 2002 places responsibilities on public bodies to be open and visible about their work. There are certain instances where exemptions can be made, such as national security. The earliest freedom of information act is considered to be Sweden s Freedom of the Press Act dated 1766. Typically, the Freedom of Information act defines the way in which government information can be made available to the public. A related concept is open meetings legislation, which allows access to government meetings, not just to the records of them. In many countries, privacy or data protection laws may be part of the freedom of information legislation; the concepts are often closely tied together in political discourse. The backbone of the UK Freedom of
  • 25. Primaquine Research Paper Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase deficiency Most people in the Africa population (about 20%) are born with a glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PD deficiency) (Campbell and Tishkoff, 2008). Primaquine is dangerous in patient with G6PD deficiency and it is known to cause haemolysis in people with inborn G6PD deficiency (Bradford, 2002). Therefore, the use of primaquine with artemether results in severity of adverse effects such as anaemia, haemolysis and GIT disturbances. However, this is a dose independent physiological effect, not all doses of primaquine results in such adverse effects. Table 3: The relationship between primaquine daily dose and haemolysis anaemia in Africa countries with G6PD deficiency (Coleman, 1996). Primaquine
  • 26. Depression And Social Psychology Essay DEPRESSION: Depression is a mood disorder that has huge impact on what people feel and think. It causes an insistent sensation of not only unhappiness, but also a lack of interest in the things one once sought out to be intriguing. The Humanistic perspective underlines the study of a person as a whole. It is focused on human behavior and ways to help improve the way an individual perceives themselves, which are the things that cause people to feel valuable. Due to the fact that the humanistic approach deals with the idea of helping yourself, a person is responsible for their own happiness and if they are not happy they can alter their lifestyle to achieve happiness. That being said, if someone is depressed they can change their life around ... Show more content on ... There is a concern with how the individual functions mentally. Since depression is a result from regular negative prejudice being input into our thinking process, our output or reactions would be negative or sad behavior. Our emotional behavior results from a cognitive irregularity. Therefore meaning that people who are depressed have a different thought process than those who aren t depressed. The changes in the way we think come before the arrival of a depressed mood. The cultural viewpoint states that human behavior is influenced by different social compressions and cultural influences. Our views and opinions are molded by the type of environment that we are stationed in. They are also influenced by the insight of powered figures that control social order. The cultural perspective has vast influence over the way that a human behaves and their thought process. If someone is placed in an environment where they are not happy and they do not like where they are, they will slowly become depressed. The environment will a negative picture in their mind that could only result in a sad
  • 27. The Founding Of The Baha I Faith Baha is consider themselves world citizens, working for the establishment of a universal human civilization based on love, spiritual virtues and the desire of all people for the peace and prosperity (@BahaiTeachings. pg.1). They believe in the harmony and peace of humanity and the undividedness of all religions of the world. The founders of the Baha i faith endured trials and tribulations to set the standards for future supporters. The beliefs, worships, and traditions amplify the organization and ground rules of the Baha i faith. This faith openly expresses its fondness of equality to any gender, race, or ethnicity with minor differences. Baha i religion is perhaps one of the most compassionate and nondiscriminatory religions known to society. In similar fashion, the founders formed the history of the Baha i faith. A founder is a person who establishes an institution or settlement ( FOUNDER). The first founder was a young merchant named Siyyid Ali Muhammad. Moreover, it was said that he brought the world a new message from God called the Bab, which means The Gate (@BahaiTeachings. pg. 1). The Babi faith spread quickly from the revolutionary teachings of spiritual and moral transformation. The government was appalled by the sudden acknowledgement of the faith and acted immediately. An abundance of Babis was lacerated for their beliefs. The Bab message became the stepping stone for the Baha i faith. Additionally, the second founder, Baha u llah, he was born
  • 28. Female Italian Artists of the Baroque Period Female Italian Artists of the Baroque Period Many male artists during the Baroque Period were tremendously successful having received many commissions from a multitude of rich patrons. Their equally talented female counterparts were not as accepted in the male dominated society. Although equally talented, the patriarchal mentality of the times ensured a difficult road for some in the artistic world. The more prominent female artists such as Artemisia Gentileschi, Lavinia Fontana and Orsola Maddalena Caccia had the advantage of having fathers who were prodigious artists themselves and provided the training required for them to flourish as great virtuosos in their own right. I will show and explain some of their known works. Artemisia Gentileschi was a very talented albeit restricted female artist during the Italian Baroque period. She was born in Rome on July 8, 1593, to Orazio Gentileschi and Prudentia Montoni. Her father, Orazio, was a great and highly sought after artist for his work in frescoes, altarpieces and portraits. A most notable patron was Pope Paul V. Orazio was surprised at his daughter s talent for painting and ensured that he gave her the proper training. She has also had the distinct advantage of being surrounded by a variety of local and foreign artists. As young as twelve years old, Artemisia was able to expertly grind and mix her father s pigments and assist him in small commissions. Her first known dated painting was Susanna and the Elders, completed
  • 29. Merger Between Staples And Office Depot Proposed Merger between Staples and Office Depot Leads to Concerns of Higher Prices The effect and impact of corporate mergers of companies can be a significant change for the company s prosperity and growth as well as the consumer s point of view also. Though few of the mergers and acquisitions might be helpful for the company and be profitable as well there are always few risks and failures that come with the process. According to a study the company has only 50% chance of success when it comes to merger and acquisition. But still very big companies do the merger because they can become bigger by combing with their competitors and end their competition. But sometimes these mergers are expected to create a monopoly in the sector because they will dominate the whole sector and cause a biased decision for the customers. This case talks about the merger between two of the biggest office supplies companies Staples and Office Depot. Through this case we will discuss on the merger between the two big companies created a tension of monopoly and whether or not it will be profitable for both sides of the merger. This Mega Merger created a sense of stress in the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) also forcing it to file a case against both the parties for creating a monopoly in the business. If we look at this case in the view of a Firm Manager we can clearly identify the rights and the wrong in the case and effectively point of out how it is going to be a failure of success by
  • 30. Essay on Death and Dying in the Somali Culture Culturally competent cares in the medical field can make a huge difference in the satisfaction and the healing of patients who are guests in the facilities that we will be at. In central Minnesota we have the privilege of having many different cultures in a small area. With many people immigrating here from their homeland it is important, as health care professionals, to have an understanding of the many different beliefs and traditions that we may come across in our personal and professional lives. The Somali population has seen a significant rise in the number of individuals that are now living in central Minnesota. Most of the Somali population is of the Islamic faith. I would like to explain some of the differences in the Islamic ... Show more content on ... So a life close to Allah while on earth will bring an afterlife close to Allah as well. That is mostly why death is not resisted but accepted as a part of life in the Islamic faith. This attitude toward death is a bit different than the thinking of a majority of the individuals in the area. Many fear death and do not want to accept that life will eventually end, even with the promise of meeting their savior once they pass. Depending on the field that the nurse works in, interacting with a dying individual may or may not happen. If a person is taking care of a dying individual it is important to know some basic etiquette so that the person or their family will not be offended by any actions of the staff. It is customary to address the family of the dying person instead of directly telling the person that their time is almost done, though it is ok to tell the patient the seriousness of their illness. (Children s) the family then can inform the person in their own way. It would be ideal for the person to be able to pass in their own home but that is not always possible. When a person of the Islamic faith is in a facility when death is imminent, there are some considerations that can be taken to help the make it an easier time on everyone involved. Making room for the family and friends of the dying person for prayer would be greatly appreciated, as it is greatly
  • 31. Compare And Contrast Mcveigh And Rudolph When it comes to Timothy McVeigh, Ted Kaczynski, and Eric Rudolph they have many similarities. First, they were all survivalist in some way. McVeigh was looking for a lifestyle that was a survivalist type. Kaczynski lived in a small cabin that had no electricity or running water. His yearly cost of survival was around $400. Rudolph using his survivalist skills stayed on the run for five years before he was caught. These three bombers also shared anti governmental views. These three terrorists also messed up in some way that got them eventually caught. After the explosion, the rear axle was found in the rumble and on it was an identification number. This identification number lead them to McVeigh who was already in jail for being pulled over... Show more content on ... McVeigh s failing his training made him even more resentful of the government. As his frustration grew, he wrote news outlets and congressman. Not being heard, he felt the government was too powerful after their use of force at the Branch Davidian compound. Why do you believe he felt compelled to act out violently against his country and citizens? McVeigh out out violently against the government because he felt that they were too controlling and he wanted to weaken it. He wanted to start a revolution. His clothing was what explained his motives the most. McVeigh viewed the government as tyrants and the people like himself as patriots. The government being the tyrants had to die and the patriots had to sacrifice in order to win. What could authorities have done to either predict or prevent some or all of these attacks? The letters were very revealing when it came to him intentions and how far he was willing to go. Somebody should have turned in these letters and this could have been prevented. Ted Kaczynski What may have led him to make his choice? When Kaczynski tried to love autonomously he wasn t able because industries would destroy the land around him. He finally lost it when his favorite spot was turned into a
  • 32. Acne Myth Essay Acne Myths Myth #!: The consumption of chocolate assists in the breakout of acne. The truth is that several research studies found no relation between the consumption of chocolate and the breakout of acne. Myth #2: Eating pizza exacerbates acne development. This is far from the truth as there has been no evidence to suggest this claim. Consumption of pizza in moderation will not lead to acne breakouts. Myth #3: Fried foods are cause acne breakouts. No findings suggest that fried foods cause acne breakouts. Myth #5: Consumption of Coca Cola and other sodas are bad for you if you have acne. Several studies have been conducted to check the validity of this claim, but no findings suggest that cola consumption promotes acne. It remains a myth. Drinks such as Coca Cola are usually consumed by teens in fast food restaurants and if they frequent it often, or work there, the pores react to the grease in the environment and this could be the cause of flare ups. Make sure to wash your hands if you have been handling oil or greasy foods. ... Show more content on ... There is no truth to this as over exposure to the sun causes skin cancer and premature aging. Alternatively, the sun does promote the production of vitamin D, which may help skin condition. If you are using Benzoyl Peroxide, we strongly recommend that you use caution in the sun by wearing a high SPF sun screen. Myth #7: Dirty skin causes acne. The claim that dirt causes acne may be another myth. Some connections have been found, thus keeping the skin pores clear of dirt may prevent bacteria from infecting the skin. Special oil absorbing microfiber facial cloths are probably the best way to grab dirt from the skin after using benzoyl peroxide. Myth #8: Acne will no longer be a problem once someone reaches adulthood. This is not true for many people who experience acne as an adult, though the severity may vary. However, people above age 50 rarely get infected with
  • 33. Swot Analysis Of Joubert Network Security Joubert Network Security firm would like to thank you again for allowing us the time to provide exceptional and efficient security change to your network. We have conducted an assessment of the current network security and we will provide you with major recommendations for an optimum security and hardened network. The very purpose of this report is to find any vulnerability in your network and proposed sound and effective change to mitigate any breach and be as proactive as possible. A proactive approach will save money and keep your business running. Businesses with hardened systems succeed. As with any business ignorance will cost millions. The lack of a user education will innocently pave the way for vulnerabilities and hacking. The methodology used is a penetration testing in your defense system (firewall) and a thorough assessment that will pinpoint issues and find risks. Hackers use the same methodology to penetrate any back door left open by inexperienced and uneducated users that will open a way for hackers innocently and lead the way to malware and viruses. No system is safe from hacking. However, hardened your network against any potential attack will spare your business from breaches and catastrophes. As a result, we have evaluated and assessed the network security and have found the following results. First, the existing Smoothwall firewall is an effective open source firewall which provide services for web filtering, VPN, IPS and Email services. IT also ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Who Is Luna In The Girl Who Drank The Moon Margaux 12/21/17 English The Girl Who Drank the Moon Essay In the book The Girl Who Drank the Moon there are many characters that I can relate to. There are also some who are very different from me. Luna is one of the characters in the book who I think I can relate to. Luna is a special child. Luna became different when Xan, the witch, accidentally fed her moonlight from a full moon. Moonlight from a full moon is the strongest magic. After that happened Xan decided to care for Luna instead of letting another family take care of her. Luna grew quickly while the magic built up inside her. Luna reminds me of myself. She is super energetic, curious and is always running around. ... Show more content on ... Antain lives in a town that is very strange. Every year the town collects the first borns, brings them to the woods, and leaves them there to be eaten by the witch. The evil witch though does nothing of the sort. The witch actually goes to other towns and gives the children to people who will love them. Anatin does not want to be part of taking the babies because it is cruel and unjust. Antain is very brave. He went into to the madwoman s cell when no one else would. If I were in those situations I wouldn t have taken part. But, I don t think I would be brave enough to go into the madwoman s cell. This is why Antain reminds me of myself. There are a bunch of characters that I think are like me. But, there are also a few that I think are the complete opposite of me. Antain s uncle is one of them. He is always telling Antain that he asks to many questions. Antain s uncle always sticks to tradition. I never stick to tradition and I m alway the one asking to many question. Fryian is also nothing like me. For one thing he s a dragon. But also he is very small and is always crying about
  • 35. Measles Mumps Theory And Autism Researching autism is comparable to solving a puzzle one piece at a time. This commonly known neurological disorder affects a child before the age of three (Miller). Autism can affect any child of all races or genders. Each autistic child is unique in their own ways. Even though researchers have been investigating this matter for years, this lifelong condition has no known cause. Some theories have been hypothesized, but have been proven wrong. One example is the theory of the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccinecausing autism. Scientific studies have proven that the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine does not cause autism. Autism, also referred to as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is a complex disability of the development of the brain (Concerns). ... Show more content on ... His theory was that the MMR vaccine could trigger autism (Mooney). Andrew Wakefield published a medical journal called The Lancet (Mooney). This journal stated his experimental procedure and his conclusion. In his experiment, he studied the digestive tracts of 12 children (Mooney). Nine of these twelve children were autistic (Mooney). Wakefield postulated that the MMR vaccine caused intestinal inflammation that led to the translocation of usually nonpermeable peptides to the bloodstream and, subsequently, to the brain, where they affected development. (Gerber). Wakefield found that All 8 children had gastrointestinal symptoms and signs and lymphoid nodular hyperplasia revealed on endoscopy. (Gerber). Andrew Wakefield s experiment was proven inaccurate; his scientific procedure was not thorough. Not only was data not entirely collected, but he used no control subjects (Gerber). Also, gastrointestinal symptoms did not predate autism in several children (Gerber). Therefore, he was not consistent in stating that intestinal inflammation facilitated the bloodstream invasion of encephalopathic peptides (Gerber). This experiment could also have a possibility of being biased (Gerber). The endoscopic and neuropsychological assessments were not blind
  • 36. Bankruptcy Chapter 7 Chapter 7 bankruptcy: the bankruptcy in chapter seven is known as a liquidation process. This process is used when a corporation basically has no other alternatives in saving the corporation and has the ability to attain the essential creditor settlement. All of the corporation s possessions have to be vended for their palpable value. There has been over a numerous amount of corporations who have declared bankruptcy on a yearly basis. Chapter 9 bankruptcy: this bankruptcy applies to all the cities in all areas. The biggest city to ever announce bankruptcy is Detroit, Michigan. However, there have been others such as: Stockton, California, and lastly, Birmingham, Alabama. Chapter 11 bankruptcy: this bankruptcy means that corporations are able
  • 37. Society And The Lone Hero In The Western Film The classic elements of The Western as a genre is dominated by the differences and relationship between society and the lone hero. As the narrative captures this relationship other classic elements of The Western are put on display. According to Will Wright, these elements include the secondary class that women hold to men in society as the Easternization of the world, the root of good versus evil, and wilderness versus civilization. These elements are directly correlated to The Western film Shane (1953) where the classic plot plays out when Shane comes into civilization on his horse with his moleskins and six shooter to inevitably defeat the villains threatening society. There are 16 parts to the classical plot according to Wright with some optional, but Shane follows these actions almost perfectly.... Show more content on ... His abilities then transpire as his exceptional ability to shoot is discovered from young Joey and the rest of civilization including the Rykers, the villains of this film. In the surmounting drama between the good and evil the obvious nature that women are second two men is continuous throughout the film observed as Marion and the other women following their husbands orders and only take care of the children. The women do not get involved with the men s affairs even as the Rykers threaten the homesteaders existence and their livelihood. This then forces Shane to intervene on behalf of his pride and his friendship with Joe Starrett. Continuing to follow this classical plot suggested by Wright Shane ends up defeating the villains and leaving civilization into the wilderness deciding that his morals are not fit for society even though his actions were to protect
  • 38. Computer Use in Early Childhood Education Computer Use in Early Years of Education Abstract The importance of the child s development in early years of education has reached the stage where it becomes critical that learning programs becomes a global issue. Understanding changes and undertaking practice is fundamental in student learning. The purpose of this article is to increase our perception on the different effects of using computer technology in early childhood setting. In answering the question What is the purpose of education? I started at that time from the observation that man lives in a world of objects which influence him and which he wishes to influence, and so he must know these objects in their characteristics, their essence and their relation to one ... Show more content on ... There are five different developmental domains of children which all relate to each other. They are easily referred to as the SPICE of life: Social Refers mostly to the ability to form attachments, play with others, co operation and sharing, and being able to create lasting relationships with others. Physical Development of Fine (small) and Gross (large) Motor Skills. Intellectual The process of making sense of the world around them. Creative The development of special abilities creating talents. Music, Art, Writing, Reading, and Singing are all ways for creative development to take place. Emotional Development of self awareness, self confidence, and coping with feelings as well as understanding them. /computers and early years 1124 According to Yelland (1999), Educators beliefs such as Montessori, Isaacs, Froebel, and Steiner, has led to early childhood programs that are characterized by their adherence to such traditional principles, manifested in unstructured environments, informal contexts, and learning through active exploration and play. Indeed, early pioneers such as Montessori advocated relatively structured learning opportunities, whereas Froebel s views supported a less formal structure. However, both Froebel and Montessori seemed to
  • 39. Khufu Pyramid Leader Khufu a great pyramid builder. He has done Many great things for his people, things like lead his military into the Nubia Libya. Khufu accomplishments lots of things, he had even built the great Pyramid Of Giza. Khufu had done lots of things in his lifespan. Who was Khufu? Khufu was born Khnum Khufwy to Hetepheres 1 and Snefru. He was born in 2589 BC. His father Snefru was a great pyramid builder. Khufu came to the throne in his twenties. He started ruling in 2609 BC, he then had started working on his pyramid. What did Khufu do as a leader? Throughout ruling he has lead his people through many things.He lead then into the Nubia Libya and the Sinai. He had build a small boat to transport his people in when they went to war. He also helped
  • 40. Bryant s Thanatopsis Nature, during the Renaissance era provided inspiration and a feeling of higher enlightenment for many of the authors who wrote poetry and biographies during this period. William Cullen Bryant, a poet from this period was deeply inspired by nature. His poems reflect a close relationship with nature and he uses this relationship to craft the ideas in his poetryfrom his observations. Bryant s poem Thanatopsis reflects his feelings towards nature along with his dark feelings on death. These views and feelings within the poem are used to show death being more of a process that will include a journey with nature. From a literature analysis point of view Bryant s poem is unique. His poem, however, relating back to death does not embrace religious... Show more content on ... Budick, the author discusses transcendentalism within the poem as well as how the images described within the poem relate back to transcendentalism. The way in which I have incorporated this source into my research essay is by using it to support my argument on nature being sympathetic to individuals as well as how transcendentalism is used in the poem. Mclean, Albert F. William Cullen Bryant. New York: Twayne publisher Inc, 1964. Print. Albert Mclean s Book William Cullen Bryant. Analysis many of Bryant s poems including Thanatopsis. His book not only talks about Bryant s poems but it also talks about a little about Bryant s life as well as some of his ideas on writing and how the public viewed his poems. This source I used in my essay to argue the sermon like tone that Thanatopsis has as well as the use of plain style, the meaning of plain style, and how that structure is used within the poem. Muller, Guilber H. William Cullen Bryant. New York: State University of New York Press, 2008. Print Guilbert s book William Cullen Bryant give a great amount of detail on Bryant s life from and his accomplishments. I used this source within my paper to give some details about Bryant s life such as his love for nature and background information about him growing up
  • 41. American Home Buyers Research Paper Anyone who has read American Home Shield Warranty reviews knows that home warranty plans are extremely important. Air conditioners are covered by home warranty plans. There are a number of problems that you may encounter with your air conditioner. One of the problems that many people run into is dealing with an air conditioner that will not cool. Fortunately, these problems are often easy to fix. Below is a list of things that All American Home Buyers recommends doing if you have an air conditioner that will not cool: Check The Thermostat The first thing you will need to do if your air conditioner is not cooling properly is to check the thermostat. Make sure that you have the thermostat on auto. If your air conditioner is set to on, then... Show more content on ... That is why All American Home Buyers recommends checking the air filter. A dirty air filter can also reduce the efficiency of your air conditioner. Check The Ductwork The ducts are one of the most important parts of your air conditioner. They are the part that deliver the cooled air to your home. If the ducts are poorly designed, bent or cracked, then your home cannot be properly cooled. You may want to consider having a professional inspect the ducts. Check Your Outside Unit The problem may be with your outside unit. If it is covered with grass, dirt and debris, then is probably what is causing your air conditioner to not cool properly. Clean the area. You may also need to trim bushes around your outside unit. You should call a professional if the outside fan does not work. Many people who have written American Home Shield Warranty reviews called a professional because there outside fan did not work. Check The Refrigerant If your unit is older, then it may leak refrigerant. Your unit will not be able to keep your home cool if it is leaking too much refrigerant. The refrigerant may have also frozen. You will need to contact a professional if there is a problem with your
  • 42. Analysis Of Sundiat An Epic Of Old Mali By D. T. Maili The African epic Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali, by D.T. Maili, examines the theme of destiny through three characters: Sundiata, Nare Maghan, and Nounfari . Sundiata could not walk at seven years old and, because of his celebrity as the king s son, the community humiliated and gossiped about him. However, when he felt his destiny pull him to greatness he accepted without hesitation, saying, Very well then, I am going to walk today (Maili 132). Sundiata realized it was time for him to walk and disregarded the obstacle of his crippled legs. Sundiata was a prophesied to be a great hero, and his confidence in the power of fate was one of one of the reasons he later reached a legendary status. His son s disability worried Nare Maghan
  • 43. Essay On Six Months To Break A Behavior Some people say that it takes six months to break a habit. However, I personally think it requires more of a mental change rather than just a physical change to break a behavior regardless if it s six months or shorter. In this case, I had two weeks to change a behavior I did on a daily basis. For this paper I worked on two things that I wanted to work on. First, It was not wearing makeup for a week and second, I really wanted to subtract dairy products from my diet. After I give a reflection of my experience, I will being to talk about my internship and how we encourage a change behavior within our families. I wanted to focus eliminating dairy products in my daily intake and find a substitute if possible. I didn t realize how much milk, cheese and eggs I ate throughout the day until I had to find a habit to change. I would eat cereal in the morning because it was the easiest breakfast, eggs for either breakfast or dinner and cheese with almost everything I ate. At school, It seemed like I would gravite my way to dairy products naturally like pizza, sandwiches, or coffee. Taking dairy products out of my diet has always been something I wanted to try doing, but I never seemed to happened. Reason being, I believe dairy products affect my digestive system and might be causing me to have acne more than usual(that s just my theory).When I started, I substituted milk for Almond milk and didn t eat or buy anything made with eggs or cheese. During this week, I struggled a lot with
  • 44. Annotated Bibliography For Childhood Obesity ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY2 Annotated Bibliography for Child Obesity Childhood obesity in America is a growing disease that has become an epidemic problem that has lasting psychological effects, because of advertisement of fast food, lack of physical activities, and parental control; which has made food become a major health issue in many young teenager s lives today. Childhood obesity is something that most kids inherit from his or her own parent. When it comes to child obesity, there is a great deal of understanding of the causes and consequences of this kind of problem. There are important necessary steps to take in order to take preventative action. Koplan, Jeffrey P., Liverman, Catharyn T., and Kraak, Vivica A., eds. Preventing Childhood Obesity : Health in the Balance. Washington, US: National Academies Press, 2005. Accessed May 14, 2016. ProQuest ebrary.... Show more content on ... In general, life expectancy has increased by more than thirty years since 1900 and much of this improvement is due to the reduction of infant and early childhood mortality. Given this trajectory toward a healthier childhood, we begin the 21st century with a shocking development an epidemic of obesity in children and youth. The increased number of obese children throughout the U.S. during the past 25 years has led policymakers to rank it as one of the most critical public health threats of the 21st century. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY3 Annotated Bibliography for Child Obesity This resource is used to support my claim due to how child obesity has increased in the past century. Kiess, W., Marcus, C., Wabitsch, M. (2004). Obesity in Childhood and Adolescence. Basel:
  • 45. Explain The Logistical Issues That The British Military... Explain how logistical issues that the British military encountered in the Revolutionary War contributed to the American Victory. Logistics is the planning and moving of supplies, food, equipment and people from the point of the supplier to the place/people who need them. The military operations of the British suffered significantly because of a logistical system that was not able to sustain supply lines. The 3000 mile journey that the supplies had to make from the host country to the New World was an instance when this supply system failed the British. This inability would sometimes be caused by weather that struck convoys and the ships would be forced to turn back or be diverted to other places. Others would continue on with the journey and then have to wait for the weather to break while their cargoes rotted or died, and would not make it to the New World. Additional causes would be profiteering, poor supply procedures and privateering (McCoy, 2012). Failure to integrate their logistics, tactics, and strategy in addition to the unreliability of the supply chain, forced the British to abandon strategic ports or bases leaving significant amounts of supply behind which would then decrease ... Show more content on ... The militia held fast to the belief they brought with them from Europe, the belief that the militia were brought here for the purpose of neighborhood self protection. Militiamen did not sign up to be deployed, away from their farms and families, for more than a short period of time or great distances. They held religious, political and economic beliefs, and had a negative view of debt and usury, and no need for fame and wealth (Moreland Terrar, 2010). They were a self sufficient people and their farms produced all that they needed. In contrast, the Continental Army was wage workers that got paid to kill in order to make money off of the war. The militia wanted no part in
  • 46. Research Paper On Baldness Baldness is a common occurrence among men. It is typically regarded as something normal and not indicative of any kind of health condition, although it may cause psychological distress in the affected. However, scientists have discovered positive correlations between baldness and several pathologies. Male pattern hair loss, as it is formally known in the medical realm, affects at least 50% of men in old age. Its causes are believed to be largely genetic. Recent studies have finally shed some light on the genetic underpinnings of the condition, revealing several complex relationships with other diseases and innate traits. Shortness and baldness According to scientists at the University of Bonn, Germany, short men are more likely to experience hair loss prematurely. They studied the genetic material of more than 20,000 men from around the world. Slightly less than half were bald men. After analyzing the data, the team of scientists led by geneticists Dr. Stephanie Heilmann Heimbach and Prof. Markus NГ¶then discovered that prematurely bald men carried 60 genomic alterations. These genetic signatures meant that prematurely bald males are more likely to undergo puberty earlier, to have small body size, and to develop several types of cancer (including prostate cancer). Associations between bone density and light skin color were also found. The study now published in the ... Show more content on ... The objective of this research effort was to help scientists see how and why hair loss arises from genetic factors. 287 genetic regions were identified, and, surprisingly, many of them derived from the X chromosome, which is inherited from the mother. Scientists expressed that one of the long term implications of this research is the creation of a genetic tool that helps predict hair loss patterns in the future. The study was published in the PLOS Genetics
  • 47. Klondike Gold Rush Research Paper The gold rush was located along the Klondike river thats why people have many names for the gold rush because there were many places where it took place and the Klondike river was one of those places where hundreds or thousands of people went to find gold. Like I said before the Gold rush was called lots of things people even call it the disappointment of the generation or like the luckiest thing on earth but they usually call the gold rush the Klondike gold rush. There are many many people who go up there and search for gold in the book I was reading they said there are up to one hundred thousand people plus up there looking for gold and about 3/4 came out lucky and the other Вј either came out with nothing or even died trying to get gold
  • 48. Working At ACE Hardware Working at ACE Hardware matured me as a person through creating an optimistic development of myself and allowing me to realize my drive in life by giving me responsibilities and a sense of purpose. To further explain, through being given duties and thus a sense that my actions mattered in addition to watching the businessstrive and meeting such an abundance of amiable coworkers and cordial customers I became optimistic and joyful. My mental transformation occurred due to being given tasks such as customerservice, cashiering, stocking shelves, cleaning, updating inventory, and projects to improve the store. As a result, every weekend morning or after school on days I worked I look forward to walking through ACE s sliding glass door, buttoning up my red tweed vest, hooking my radio on my ear. Before ACE Hardware I viewed the world pessimistically and believed life to be meaningless. However, after I began working my entire outlook on life changed positively. For example, when I felt excluded during my stay at University... Show more content on ... Additionally, working at ACE Hardware allowed for a further mentality shift within myself beyond optimism. ACE Hardware allowed for the realization that despite my actions being minuscule ripples in the scale of our world, they matter locally. As an illustration, helping customers in a crisis, whether it be helping them find a washer to prevent their motorcycle s gas tank from quick rusting or a connector to avoid water damage under a sink, exists as a modest act, yet has a tremendous effect to that individual. Providing service to those in need gave me satisfaction and aligned myself with my life goals. To clarify and sum up, through working at ACE Hardware I became optimistic and my true ambition in life developed, to create a brighter world through maintaining a positive attitude and helping
  • 49. Dante s Inferno and the Garden of Earthly Delights The Garden of Earthly Delights painted by Hieronymus Bosch, depicts many vivid fictional scenes in triptych style. The right wing of the triptych depicts Hell and the causes of man s downfall, which Dante wrote about in the Inferno. Dante tries to convey to all humanity the consequences of human actions and the levels of hellthat he believes exist for different levels of sins. Dante divides Hell up into ten different circles, and there is an upper and a lower level of Hell. Dante and Bosch have similar views on the evil within people and this evil is represented in their works, whether it transpires in a painting or in a book. br br This evil is evident in the right wing of The Garden of Earthy Delights, which can be used to portray ... Show more content on ... And that you may report on me up there, know that I am Bertran de Born, the one who evilly encouraged the young king. (XXVIII: 133 135) Dante portrays the figure of Bertran as a man who is holding his head that has been cut off. With regards to the disemboweled person, Wrong is it for a man to have what he once cast off. (XII: 104 105) br br There is a woman at the bottom right of the painting that is being held by a kangaroo type creature. This creature may represent the invisible force that Dante believes is inside a sinner that makes him do the things he does, whether it be caused by mental or physical suffering. One of the sinners in the Inferno, an Impersonator, kept craving water. He said, O you who bear no punishment at all (I can t think why) within this world of sorrow, he said to us, pause here and look upon the misery of one Master Adamo: in life I had all that I could desire, and now, alas, I crave a drop of water. (XXX: 58 63) There is a man pictured near the woman and he is throwing up. This could also be representative of the evil inborn in sinners. br br At the bottom left side of the painting is a man about to be eaten by a termite who has a game table on his head. This is illustrating that the tables are turned on the man who has committed some terrible crime. In the Inferno this is represented by Lucifer eating the three worst sinners, Judas Iscariot, Brutus, and Cassius, all who betrayed their
  • 50. A Study On Progeria Syndrome Progeria is a syndrome that is extremely rare which causes premature aging in children. I found this disease very interesting because infants appear perfectly normal at birth but the aging process begins to happen very rapidly as early as 12 months. The young children will start displaying elderly characteristics as the disease progresses. These children will often die from old age diseases such as heart attacks, and strokes or related complications. The mayo clinic website indicates that progeriachildren live an average of 13 years, some can live up to 20 or more. The oldest living progeria patient recorded was Meg Casey who according to the Orlando Sentinel newspaper died in Connecticut at 29 years old. Progeria, also known as... Show more content on ... Hutchinson). In 2003, the genetic mutation for HGPS was identified as a single base mutation in the lamin A (LMNA) gene (Rork, Huang, Gordon, Kleinman, Kieran, Liang, 2014, p 197). This discovery has led to genetic testing and the development of drug therapies such as farnesyltransferase inhibitors (para. Rork, et al., p. 197). These advances allow for the importance of a timely diagnosis. The altered LMNA protein makes the nuclear membrane unstable and gradually damages the nucleus, making cells more likely to die prematurely, which leads to premature aging (para. Progeria, 2014). Most prevalent cause of death is myocardial infarction or stroke, caused by hardening of the arteries causing a mean life expectancy of 13 years (para. Progeria, 2016). Predisposing Factors Progeria is caused by a mutation in the lamin A, LMNA, gene. This spontaneous mutation is not due to hereditary but most likely occurs by chance just prior to conception, making this condition extremely rare. In fact, according to Mayo clinic website researchers believe a single sperm or egg is affected just before conception (Progeria, 2014). This disease does not seem to affect any one gender or race more than another. Neither parent is a carrier for the gene mutation is purely a chance occurance. Clinical Manifestations Babies born with progeria typically look normal at birth but then show signs of