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Essay Writing On Books
Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Writing On Books" can be both intriguing and
challenging. On one hand, books are a vast and diverse subject, offering a plethora of themes,
genres, and perspectives to explore. However, the sheer breadth of the topic can make it difficult
to narrow down and focus on a specific aspect.
Crafting an engaging essay requires a thoughtful approach to selecting relevant points,
organizing ideas coherently, and presenting a well-structured argument. Additionally, it's
important to strike a balance between personal insights and objective analysis, providing a
unique perspective while incorporating scholarly viewpoints.
The challenge intensifies as one must delve into the intricacies of literature, exploring the impact
of books on culture, society, and individual readers. Analyzing the literary devices, themes, and
historical context of various works adds layers of complexity to the essay. Furthermore, the need
for critical evaluation and the articulation of well-supported opinions can make the writing
process even more demanding.
In conclusion, while writing an essay on the expansive theme of books offers a chance for
exploration and expression, it also demands meticulous research, critical thinking, and effective
communication. It requires the writer to navigate through the vast literary landscape, carefully
selecting and synthesizing information to create a compelling and coherent narrative.
If you find the task too challenging or time-consuming, it's worth noting that assistance is
available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on, a platform that
provides professional writing services to help individuals navigate the complexities of academic
and creative writing.
Essay Writing On Books Essay Writing On Books
Health Behaviors Are The Beliefs And Actions Regarding
Health behaviors are the beliefs and actions regarding your personal well being.
These behaviors often stem from adolescence. Observing your mother s sedentary
behavior or watching your father eat a family size bag of chips in one sitting easily
becomes second nature as you grow older. Luckily, it is easy to examine and alter
negative behaviors with today s technology. There are many documentaries, books,
and quizzes (among many other means) offering a way to drop a negative habit and
pick up a healthy one. After taking the Evaluate Your Lifestyle quiz, my results stated
I possess good healthhabits. My scores ranged from nine to ten points in each
category. Being a health conscious person, this made me happy with my... Show more
content on ...
In my early late teens to early twenties I started to limit my intake of soda after
learning about the damage it would potentially cause inside my body. I first realize
I needed to drink more water after a visit to my local salon to get my eyebrows
waxed. While I thought nothing of it, the esthetician questioned my water intake.
After stating I drank very little, she said she knew by my skin. As a woman, this
thought blew up in my head. If she could notice my limited water intake by looking
at my skin I wondered what my insides looked like. Naturally, I raced home to chug
enough water to fill a bathtub. After a few days, this practice ceased and I continued
to not drink nearly enough water for my body.
Water may not provide energy, but it is essential to our survival. The benefits
include: the balance of bodily fluids, flushes out toxins in body, clearer skin, and
overall hydration. Hydration improves performance (Liquid Energy 2005). The
recommended water intake for a female my age and size is seventy two fluid
ounces (Water 2014). Low water intake can induce levels of the hormone
vasopressin go up with dehydration, and may cause blood sugar to rise
(Environmental Nutrition 2012). Symptoms of stress, which can be overcome with
a balanced diet and by drinking enough water in a day (Combat Stress 2013). Some
of my current health issues related to water intake include acne, allergies, and my
mentality. For one week, I chose to
Andrew Carnegie, Eugene V. Debs, and Horatio Alger Essay
Andrew Carnegie, Eugene V. Debs, and Horatio Alger
During the late nineteenth century rapid industrialization paved the way for extreme
economical wealth of many business. In accordance with the overflowing wealth in
the nineteenth century many individuals held similar but yet contrasting views
toward the wealth that was created in the United States. Among these individuals
were Andrew Carnegie, Eugene V. Debs, and HoratioAlger.
One of the best known philanthropists was the American industrialist Andrew
Carnegie, who devoted the latter part of his life to giving away most of the huge
fortune he had amassed in the steel industry. Following the principles laid down in
his essay Gospel of Wealth , Carnegie returned over $300 million ... Show more
content on ...
The doctrine specifically advocates nationalization of natural resources, basic
industries, banking and credit facilities, and public utilities. It places special
emphasis on the nationalization of monopolized branches of industry and trade,
viewing monopolies as inimical to the public welfare. Debs attitudes toward the
wealth that was create was that the government should redistribute it, so that
everyone could be equal economically. Even though this idea may seem absurd it
can be looked upon as an action of Andrew Carnegie in a less radical form.
Washington differed from both Carnegie and Debs but yet still held one similar
aspect that ties him with them. On September 18, 1895, in Atlanta, Georgia,
Washington made his famous compromise speech. In this address he urged blacks to
accept their inferior social position for the present and to strive to raise themselves
through vocational training and economic self reliance. This attitude of able to
achieve economically through hard work contrasts the idea of both Carnegie and
Debs. Carnegie believed in predestined wealth. However Washington s attitude was if
one works hard, one can become rich. It also contrasts Debs attitude because Debs
believed in the redistribution of wealth. However despite theses differences there is
one thing that ties them together: the redistribution of wealth. Washington founded
Civil Liberties And The American Dream
The United States of America, as people know it today, was built on a bundle of
moving pieces to ensure that citizens would live in complete freedom and peace.
America s history illustrates to others the secret to becoming successful is based on
fixing and overcoming failures. The United States of America has not always been
The American Dream due to many controversies among its citizens. The government
of the United States of America handles conflicts between different parties that often
oppose others beliefs, the citizens will always be protected by certain rights and
liberties that construct a feeling of safety and support one s life. In the United States
of America, civil liberties are focused on putting barriers on the government s... Show
more content on ...
Finally, the last amendment that protects basic freedoms would be recognized as
the Fourth Amendment. This amendment placed restrictions on unlawful search
and seizures of American s property. Although these rights are subjected to all law
abiding citizens, a suspect of a crime is also granted additional civil liberties. These
civil liberties are sworn in by the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth
Amendment. The Fourth Amendment protects those accused of a criminal act
from unlawful searches and seizures. If a police officer has reasonable proof of
criminal activity they are not required to obtain a search warrant signed by a judge.
With this being said, if a suspect is found at guilt during a search and is throttled to
court they have the support of the Fifth Amendment. The Fifth Amendment is
documented as one of the elongated amendments in the Bill of Rights. This
amendment gives criminals a shield of potentially facing double jeopardy. As this
amendment may protect one from double jeopardy, it also gives felons the refusal
to testify due to the possibility of self incrimination. Criminals who are accused of
committing a crime shall receive the right to a swift and open trial that is guaranteed
by the Sixth Amendment. As criminals may potentially move to a trial, the Seventh
Amendment sets forth a regulation that a judge is prohibited to reconsider a
decision or questions previously decided by a jury. Before a case is accelerated to
trial a suspect has the
Autism Dnp Intervention
Implications/ Contributions towards health care policy
This will achieve the goal of primary prevention which will still be preventing
disease based on vaccination and will also prevent the possible role of neuro
inflammation that has been hypothesized as a contributor to the development of
autism. This intervention could be studied long term and identify if staggering the
vaccines increase autism or decreased the incidence. It will also begin to decrease the
humongous cost associated with treatment of children that are diagnosed with autism.
For every child that does not develop autism, this is one family that has been spared
the huge stress and family burden related to taking care of children with autism.
Lastly, it will be win win situation ... Show more content on ...
It is a developmental disorder that was once rare but now very common. Although
several schools of thought have indicated that the rise in this number is based of
improved diagnostics, but there is still no evidence to support that. Others indicate
that an environmental component may play a role and the only huge environ
mental change is the rise in the number of vaccination that children received and
the year that children were receiving 2 3 or more vaccination at once. Vaccines by
themselves are partially killed or attenuated viruses. Have we wondered what
cumulative effect may occur in the lives of these babies with cumulative effects of
partially killed viruses in the body of very young babies that have not developed any
immunity to fight off disease. At this time, there is no cure and even after diagnosis
the prognosis of the child resuming normal function is poor. Why don t we do
something that has the potential to pre emptively prevent it from occurring at least in
some select individuals? Only then can we begin to reverse this silent epidermin that
has affected the most vulnerable in our society, our
Bolsheviks Seizure of Power in 1917
Bolsheviks Seizure of Power in 1917
There are many factors that help explain how and why the Bolsheviks managed to
seize power in 1917. It was a combination of long and short term causes that
together, created a revolution. The political system itself was long overdue for
reform, but with a weak Tsar, the economic and social conditions became worse and
worse. In 23 years, Nicholas II dropped from the glorious Little Father of Russia to
prisoners of his own country, hatred and despised by the majority, for the suffering
and unhappiness he had helped create.
There were many long term causes that gradually led up to the revolution in 1917.
The political system installed in Russia under the ... Show more content on ...
Overcrowding, terrible food, disease and alcoholism were everyday happenings.
Peasants began to realise that working in the factories was no better than working on
the land.
As a result of this industrialisation, a new class of people called the Capitalists began
to emerge in Russia. These were the new middle class, which Russia had only seen as
shopkeepers and university lecturers, but landowners, bankers, industrialists and
businessmen flourished. The capitalist s main concern was the management of the
economy and controlling their workforce. The clashes between the workers and the
capitalists are another huge factor that lead up to the revolution in 1917.
Not everyone however was readily loyal to the Tsar as explained earlier. Many middle
class people wanted greater democracy in Russia and wanted, like Britain, a
monarch but also a powerful parliament. These were called liberals or Cadets.
The two other groups were more passionately opposed to the Tsar and believed
revolution was the key to Russia s problems. The Socialist Revolutionaries were a
radical movement that believed violence was the only way to revolution, and support
for them was wide spread. Their aims were to divide the huge estates from the
nobility and hand them over to the peasants. The socialist democratic party
Managerial Accounting Case
MBA 520: Managerial Accounting
Performance Measurement at Lipton:
Evaluation and Recommendations
Nick Arens
Chris Lance
Ryan Moore
Rob Sloan
We at ALMS Consulting Co. have been hired to analyze the way product lines and
product managers are being evaluated at the Thomas J. Lipton, Incorporated ( Lipton
or the Company ) entity. We will review the performance metrics utilized at the
corporate level of Lipton, explain the current methodology utilized to evaluate the
individual product lines, and then detail the benefits and potential downfalls of the
methodology proposed by Don Logan. Finally, we will provide our own
recommendations and opinions as to how ... Show more content on ...
Historic cost depreciation is being used which leads to skewed numbers that
misrepresent how well a product line will continue to operate in the future due to
understated replacement value of fixed assets.
Also, the cost of working capital is not being included; as a result, Trading Profit is
not indicating the amount of cash and other current assets being tied up in each
particular product line. We think that the opportunity cost of utilizing (tying up)
working capital is not reflected on each individual product lines final results, enabling
product managers to utilize potentially excessive levels of working capital without
poorly affecting their Trading Profit.
Finally, Mr. Logan concluded that there are expenses that are not being allocated at
all or are being allocated improperly:
There is a corporate unallocated Other Income and Deductions ( OI amp;D ) account
that includes charges that pertain to the different product lines.
The allocation of the New Product Development costs is also questionable. Even
though these costs are being utilized to create new products, the established products
are bearing the costs based on their profits.
Manufacturing overhead is based on planned and not actual production.
Don Logan felt that all of these factors played a role in not presenting a true measure
of how each product line and each product manager was doing within Lipton. We tend
to agree that the current process is not accurately reflecting how
The Black Walnut Tree Figurative Language
In The Roots
There is a conflict between practicality and sentimentality conveyed through the use
of both literal and figurative language by poet Mary Oliver in The Black Walnut
Tree. There is an alternation from a debate between mother and daughter rationalizing
reasons of selling the black walnut tree that sits in the family s backyard in order to
pay off their mortgage, to the symbolic viewing and characterization of the tree as a
reflection of the family s history and what value it holds to further generations.
Despite the whip crack of the mortgage experienced every month, cutting down the
black walnut tree would be a heinous deception on the family s heritage.
The literal language used in the beginning of the free verse does not imply the tree
having any symbolic meaning to the speaker and her mother. It is casually said My
mother and I debate, we could sell the black walnut tree...[to] pay off the mortgage
which defines that in these lines the tree has not yet been introduced with its
symbolic purpose. Initially, the tree is viewed as a property they are willing to sell.
They rationalize the idea by noting that there are roots in the ... Show more content on ...
The narrator s vision of her ancestors expanding a plentiful life is emphasized with
the picturesque blue fields...with leaves and vines and orchards. This then strikes the
narrator with the realization that cutting down the tree would be a betrayal to their
ancestors, their dreams and the demise of the heritage of the
Hedda Gabler Faults
To what extent do Hedda Gabler s character faults lead to her death? The play
Hedda Gabler, written by Henrik Ibsen, discusses the journey of the protagonist
Hedda Tesman, formerly known as Hedda Gabler, in her dissent to suicide.
Reaching a point where she is entrapped by the misery that has encapsulated all
aspects of her life and the feeling that death is the only escape. This journey of poor
decision making is largely caused by Hedda s character faults with her inability to fit
into 17th century Norwegian society, her self insecurities and her flirtatious
behaviour. However, these character faults are accentuated by the constrictive time
and setting in which Hedda lives. Overall Ibsen aims to show the audience the
difficulties that face... Show more content on ...
Hedda s class upbringing and the sexual stereotypes placed upon her enable the
character flaws she possesses to heighten leading to disastrous results. Being
brought up as the daughter, and only child, of the the great General Gabler means
Hedda would have been brought up in a household of quite extensive freedom. The
General would have wanted a son, to inherit his title, wealth as well as to go
sporting with, and when he did not have one, he is likely to have treated Hedda
rather like a son. She would often be seen her riding down the road along with the
General and the repetition of her using guns throughout the play shows that she
was accustom to the use of guns as a child. As such, she found shifting into Tesman
s traditionalist views of a wife difficult, as she aimed for success and independence.
Due to the social expectations of Ibsen s setting Hedda is unable to follow a career
of her own as she is expected to stay at home looking after children. This means that
she is forced to reap any feeling of success from her husband s wretched
professorship . Along with this, her dislike of having children and taking her husband
s name would have been more acceptable in a further modernised setting yet are
scorned upon in her setting. As such the ensuing
Canada s Initial Reception Of Chinese Immigrants
Chapter Four: Canada s Initial Reception of Chinese Immigrants
Contrary to the United States initial warm welcome to Chinese immigrants, Canada
began their era of peak Chinese immigration with hostility. One large factor in why
this occurred can be found in the time frame of peak Chinese immigration to Canada
which was after the United States enacted their Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) which
effectively prevented almost all new Chinese immigrants from entering the US for the
following decade. Because of that newfound barrier, Chinese that still wanted to come
to North America to take advantage of economic opportunities found themselves
purchasing tickets to British Columbia, Canada. However, sentiments towards
Chinese in 1880s western Canada were analogous to those present in the United
States; those which led to the enactment of America s Chinese Exclusion Act. As
Chinese populations in California continued to grow, Americans found that the
Chinese began making economic conditions less than ideal for white laborers which
later started social uproar in the latter half of the 19th century. Because Canada is
directly adjacent to the United States, Canadians witnessed the economic woes of
native born laborers along the west coast. As a result, they became increasingly wary
of Chinese currently in or the increasing number now entering Canada. Between
January 1881 and October 1884, approximately 17,00 Chinese entered Canada. A
Canadian fear of succumbing to the same economic
The Coming of Intelligent Green Vehicles
A Report from the TechCast Project While many people simply want to get from A
to B, transportation options (and especially automobiles) have to meet a variety of
consumer demands: They must be clean, affordable, safe, and increasingly
intelligent. Here is an overview of the choices and challenges for carmakers and
consumers over the next 10 to 15 years. Imagine being able to sit back during your
morning commute while your car does the driving. Would you move closer to the
country? Take up the oboe? Finally read War and. Peace? And just imagine the
freedom it would bring to those who are disabled. Take, for instance, the legally blind
man who earlier in 2012 took a spin in Google s self driving car to go to Taco Bell
and then... Show more content on ...
And China, driven by the need to conserve energy and avoid pollution, plans to
have 5 million vehicles powered only by electric motors (all electrics) on the road
by 2020. All electric vehicles (EVs) have existed almost as long as gas engine
vehicles, offering advantages of refueling with relatively cheap electricity, quieter
ride, and simpler mechanisms. They emit no pollutants, require no fossil fuels,
and the electricity to power them can be generated from clean sources such as
wind and solar in years to come. They can be recharged from 110 or 220 volt
outlets at nominal cost and do not require oil changes, tune ups or emissions
inspections. The shift to electric powered cars is expected to cause sales of
gasoline and diesel powered cars to begin to decline about 2020. EVs remain
limited by range on a single battery charge and time required for recharge.
However, significant advances in batteries and capacitors and the emergence of
home and public charging and exchange stations are making EVs more practical.
Some plug in hybrids, like the GM Volt, are designed for all electric drive with on
board charging. Improvements in technology will show up directly as models with
increased range for all battery or all ultraca pacitor mode appear in the market. Auto
manufacturers are offering broader selections, and prices are nearly
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Deprivation among College Students
One of the most common and high risk disorders among college students is sleep
deprivation. Sleep deprivation is when one does not obtain the full amount of
sleep that is required for the body to function properly. Young adults need about six
to eight hours of sleep in order to function properly, but some college students do
not get to sleep the full six to eight hours in one sleep session. There has been a
wide range of concern on whether or not people are performing at their highest
potential in their day to day lives or if that performance is somehow interrupted due
to this insufficient sleep. Buboltz, Brown and Soper (2001) found that trouble
waking up in the morning, taking more than thirty minutes to fall asleep, and
daytime sleepiness were more of the common types of sleep difficulties. Due to
inadequate sleep students get during the night, they tend to take naps in the middle
of the day (Ye, Johnson, Keane, Manasia, Gregas, 2015). Most college students often
surrender their sleep during the week, and make up for it by sleeping longer on the
weekends (Pilcher Walters, 1997), but they actually do not get more sleep.
Sleep deprivation comes with many risks such as impaired cognitive performance,
behavioral changes, and health issues. This paper will review research on sleep
deprivation and inadequate sleeping patterns such as napping to make up for loss of
sleep. This paper will explain the normal sleeping patterns that one
The Issue Of Substance Abuse Essay
It is well known that any form of substance use can be fatal, but so can a lot of
other things: choking, accidents, health issues, and sheer bad luck. However,
there is something special about substance abuse fatalities from substance use are
considered preventable. Take deaths associated with driving under the influence of
alcohol, lung cancer brought on by smoking, or heart attacks associated with
cocaine use. A person could die in a car crash, from lung cancer, or a heart attack
without ever touching alcohol, cigarettes, or cocaine respectively. However, there
is an increase in death associated with these items. The most curious part of this is
the legal versus illegal categorization of substances. According to the Center for
Disease Control, tobacco is considered the leading cause of preventable death
(CDC, 2016). Yet, not only is it legal, a person in the U.S. can purchase cigarettes as
young as 18, which is three years earlier than the legal age to drink alcohol. This
knowledge leads to questions about addictionand prevalence of substance use.
Besides being readily available and highly addictive, are there other factors in the
use and abuse of legal substances and are they good indicators of illicit drug use?
There is clear evidence to support that children, adolescents, and adults learn and
emulate what they see on television. The American Academy of Pediatrics has done
research and come to the conclusion that the causes of adolescent substance use are
A Trip To Disney Land Research Paper
I can t believe this! My friend informed me that he had an extra ticket to go to
Disney Land and he invited me. Of course I wanted to go to Disney Land, who
wouldn t. My heart was full with joy and excitement, I ve always wanted to visit
the land of imagination. Disney Land is known for all there fun rides and sweet
hotels. The best part is the animation characters. Most of the Disney characters are
there to have fun with you. Disney Land is a place where you are never too old to be
a kid again. When I arrived at Disney Land I would first go explore as much as
possible. Me and my friend would go on the most frightening rides. I ll try to go and
take pictures with all my favorite Disney characters. Then I would go get a relaxing
Thermodynamics and Ideal Gas
First Law Exercise:
Problem 1: A volume 10 m3 contains 8 kg of oxygen at a temperature of 300 K.
Find the work necessary to decrease the volume to 5 m3, (a) at a constant pressure
and (b) at constant temperature. (c) What is the temperature at the end of the
process in (a)? (d) What is the pressure at the end of process in (b)? (e) Show both
processes in the p V plane. Problem 2: The temperature of an ideal gas at an initial
pressure p1 and volume V1 is increased at constant volume until the pressure is
doubled. The gas is then expanded isothermally until the pressure drops to its original
value, where it is compressed at constant pressure until the volume returns to its
initial value. (a) Sketch these processes in the p V plane and in ... Show more content
on ...
Neglecting friction between the piston and the cylinder wall, determine the heat
transfer to the air, in kJ.
First Law Additional Exercises:
Problem 13: A system executes a quasi static process from an initial state 1 to a
final state 2, absorbing 80 kJ of heat and expanding from 2.0 m3 to 2.25 m3 against
a constant pressure of 1.5 bar. The system is brought back to its initial state by a
non quasi static process, during which it rejects 100 kJ of heat. What is the work
done during the second process? Problem 14: Three kg of air in a rigid container
changes its state from 5.0 bar and 75oC to 12 bar while it is stirred. The heat
absorbed is 195 kJ. Assume air to be an ideal gas with cv = 0.714 kJ/kg K.
Determine the final temperature, change in thermal energy and work done. Problem
15: Two kg of air at 2.5 bar and 30oC forms a closed system. It undergoes a constant
pressure process with heat addition of 450 kJ. Compute final temperature, change
in enthalpy, change in thermal energy, and work done. Assume air to be an ideal
gas, with a mol.wt of 29 kg/kmol and cv = 0.714 kJ/kg K. Problem 16: A perfectly
insulated system contains 0.1 m3 of hydrogen at 30oC, 5.0 bar. It is stirred at
constant pressure till the temperature reaches 60oC. Determine heat transferred,
change in thermal energy, stirrer work, and net work. Treat hydrogen as an ideal gas
with mol.wt. = 2 kg/kmol, Оі = 1.4.
Elements Of Science Fiction In Sally, By Isaac Asimov
In the short story Sally, by Isaac Asimov, elements of Science Fiction are shown.
These elements of science fiction are that the setting is in the future, that there is true
and fictitious technology, situations that have never happened, and there are positives
and negatives of the technology on the human race. First, one element of science
fictionshown in Sally is the setting being in the future. When talking about taking
the automatobiles motors in new bodies, Mr. Gellhorn says what year it is. That s
what I m offering some of your positronic motors. They ll be put into new 57
bodies. (Asimov 505) By saying new 57 bodies, it shows that the new car models are
in 2057. This proves in one element that this short storyis science fiction, because the
story takes place in the future. With this story being in the future, there will also be
true and fictitious technology. Another element that is shown clearly in Sally is that
there is true and fictitious technology. An example of true technology of the time this
story was written, 1953, is manually driven cars. When Jake is in the middle of
thinking, he flashbacks to a time before automatic cars. I can remember when there
wasn t an automobile in the world with brains enough to find its way home. I
chauffeured dead lumps of machines that needed a man s hand at their controls every
minute. (Asimov 502) This shows true technology at the time this story was written,
since he explains dead lumps of
I Have A Dream Short Story
M.L.K once said I have a dream.... Now my mom is saying, I have a dream to go
to America, and make my kids well educated. Our family does not really have good
education; however, my uncle did go to college. Long before I was born my
grandma, her son, and her daughters actually immigrated from Bhutan to Nepal. My
familyare Nepali, but they just lived in Bhutan. I don t really know the story, but
they had to immigrate from Bhutan, for the government did not like them being
there. At least that s what I ve heard. I guess we are moving for the American
dream , or to get a better life. Some of my uncles, aunts, and cousins are already in
Boston. So it won t be too bad. In the afternoon (while we packed) we had a
conversation about moving: I can t wait to get a job, mom said cheerfully, and
send you guys to a college. But aren t you going to miss Nepal? I asked her with a
confused, and a serious face. We will obviously come and visit Nepal she shook
her head You dummy. How about grandma, cousins, and uncle? Aren t you going
to miss them? my sister questioned mom like she was a interviewer. They will
also come to Boston in like three, or four months, she sighed Now, no more
questions kids. Later that night I could not go to sleep. I was too worried about
moving to Boston. Starting a new life won t be easy because making new friends in
a place where there are kids from different countries, and I don t even know English
good enough. It looks like I
Non-State Actors And Terrorism
Non state actors and terrorism in international relations are complicated subjects
seeing it in different perspectives. Non state actors see themselves as freedom
fighters, whereas the victims see them as terrorists. There isn t a solid definition on
terrorism however, there are three different qualities that defines a terrorist. Violence
is a quality that causes destruction of properties and murder within states. Targeting
civilians is another quality that terrorist have because they use them to create
examples to threaten state actors. Finally the most important quality out of all is
political purposes because without it, it would be a group of sick people who
slaughter other people out of pleasure. Non states actors, and terrorismexisted... Show
more content on ...
Using violence, targeting civilian, and having a political goal is three main qualities
that defines a terrorist because without it any of these qualities it would be either a
protest or group of psychopaths killing civilians. In the movie Olympus Has Fallen
shows the violence of killing innocent people, causing destruction of properties and
taking president as hostage for political reasons. Kang Yeonsak the antagonist of the
movie wanted to turn United States of American into an irradiated wasteland and
watch them suffer as revenge for his family. There are similar historical examples of
terrorism that happened such as the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 nearly
killed 2,500 innocent people in the World Trade Center and 1979 1980 Iran hostage
crisis using hostage as blackmail toward the government for exchanges of
Essay on Top Sites for Christian Singles
Top Sites for Christian Singles
You cannot be lonely if you like the person you re alone with. Wayne Dyer
While I enjoy being single, I do occasionally like male company for dinner, dancing
or just good conversation. Fortunately, there are many sites for singles to find friends,
dates and even mates; however, I was interested in sites for Christian singles.
After contacting several megachurches to inquire as to which sites were most used by
their singles, we learned that the directors for the ministries were not asking this
question and the singles where not volunteering the information although the felt the
services were being used. The single ministry leaders felt that their goal was to
provide an environment for the singles ... Show more content on ...
After speaking with those who have personally used the services, what they liked
most on any dating site are pre screened members (i.e., background checks) and the
ability to browse potential candidate during a trial or free membership.
One site,, is owned by Penthouse Media Group. Knowing that even
non Christian sites are not 100% authentic, some Christian singles sites do publish
statements or articles of faith. A few of the Christian singles sites admitted to not
wanting to publish a statement of faith so that no one would feel excluded.
Christian Mingle, owned by Sparks Networks, primarily has members in the US
and some in Canada. They provide opportunities for members to express his or her
faith, share a bible passage, and list a church or ministry affiliation. The profile took
five minutes to complete even asking open ended questions to allow you to express
yourself. Member fees are $29.99 per month; however, with a six month contract, the
fee is $13.99 per month.
Christian Singles is owned by Christians Networking Enterprises LLC, and they
advertise that they are dedicated to marriage
Positive Risk Taking Essay
Unit 24
1 1.1
For many people risk is an accepted part of everyday life. Every day activities such
as catching the bus, travelling on holiday, playing football, setting up home and
starting a family all carry some element of risk.
Risk plays a part in our health, safety, security, well being, employment, education,
daily activities, using resources and equipment and in community participation. But
some adults, for example disabled people or older people, are often discouraged from
taking risks.
Traditionally they are not encouraged to take risks in areas such as budgeting,
planning, employment and daily living skills. This may be either because of their
perceived limitations or fear that they or others might be harmed. ... Show more
content on ...
These should all e recorded to prevent re prescribing.
If a side effect is spotted you should take the following steps: * Inform the manager *
Seek medical help * Observe the person * Record all symptoms * Record what you
have done * Treat the symptoms if possible or take to hospital * Record the medicine
and reaction in the persons care notes * Inform their GP.
Unit 47
2 2.4
There are a variety of different ways in which medicine can be administered. * Orally
The majority of medicines are administered this way via tablets, liquids etc.
* Sublingually
This is where tablets or capsules are placed under the tongue for fast absorption.
* Inhalation
This is most commonly used by asthma patients. It delivers the medicine directly to
the lungs.
* Intramuscular injection
This is injected directly into large muscles (usually legs or bum). This can only be
done by a doctor or nurse.
* Intravenous injection
This is injected straight directly into the veins. Medicines are rapidly absorbed into
the body. This can only be performed by a doctor or trained nurse.
* Subcutaneous injection
This form of medicine is injected directly under the skin. After training care staff may
provide this
College Application Essay Sample
While at the American Academy of Religion conference in San Diego California
last year, I attended an event for prospective students hosted by the Chicago School
of Divinity entitled, Coffee with the Dean. There I met Margaret M. Mitchell the
then Dean, and John Howell the Coordinator for Recruiting Admissions, of the
Chicago School of Divinity. After expressing my various research interests to Dean
Mitchell, she said that my research interests were a perfect match with several
professors at the Divinity School: Alireza Doostdar, Michael Sells, and James T.
Robinson. After thorough research and visits to numerous religious studies programs,
I am confident the Chicago School of Divinity is the best place for me to pursue my
academic and professional goals. I am determined to become a stellar candidate for
their program by enhancing my graduate school application. Strengthening my
graduate school application entails taking more specialized courses in my fields of
interest to demonstrate my engagement with contemporary... Show more content on ...
I hit the intellectual apex and exhausted all resources offered at my undergraduate
institution, I am now looking for rigorous training in an environment of self
motivated, independent thinking individuals that will continue to catalyze my
intellectual growth. During my career as a Graduate Student at Large, I plan to
take three to six courses chosen from the Divinity School, the department of Near
Eastern Languages and Civilizations, and the Harris School of Public Policy. I am
highly receptive to feedback and plan to be in close contact with the GSAL
advising team for direction on class choices, unit load, and helpful resources offered
by the university. Moreover, I hope to receive guidance on preparing my graduate
school application to the master program at the Chicago school of Divinity, and to
similar programs
Elizabeth Duboy Sustainability Analysis
The waterfront is the origin of human culture and economy. A lot of creatures
depend on water for life, mankind is no exception. Therefore, the earliest villages
were close to water sources. This was not only because of our dependence on water
but also due to traffic concerns. The rise and fall of many cities was related to
transportation. In the very beginning, villages close to water turned into fishing
villages. In the age of navigation, they became the posts of trade. In the industrial age,
they became container ports. The old ports then became the new waterfront
appearance. Such a process represents the diversity of waterfront use and its
importance to human life and commercial activities. With the advancements in
Industrial Revolution... Show more content on ...
2 Careful planning and innovative design (planning). 3 The main building is the key
(Architectural Design). 4 Attach importance to management to maintain the
attraction of waterfront area (operation and management). Waterfront development
includes political decision making, urban planning, architectural design, development
operation and management; the land development strategy mentioned in this paper
focuses not only on the development of points, but also on the development of lines
and surfaces. The waterfront land development strategy and urban development
strategies are closely related; more precisely, waterfront land development strategy is
one part of urban development strategy. At different stages and for different
problems, we need different development strategies; for analysis of waterfront land
development strategy, this paper will explain in two aspects: the origin and
significance of strategy, and the contents of strategy: The origin and significance of
Wood Bats Should Be Used For The Ncaa
Wood Bats Should Be Used in the NCAA
Trent Ream
University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
A major topic that comes up when people start to talk about college baseball and
the bats they use. They went back and forth debating on whether or not the NCAA
should switch to wood bats. Reasons why people think they should switch to wood
bats. But there are still people who think they should stay using what they use now.
Metal bats will keep the game interesting, some reasons why they should switch are
that most MLB draft picks come from college and they use wood bats in the MLB.
Another reason is hitting with a wood bat is a completely different game. an
additional example would be that wood bats would give you a better representation
of the stats compared to major league hitters. Lastly another reason is because they
use low seam balls.
Wood Bats Should Be Used in the NCAA
A major topic that will come up when people start to talk about college baseball and
the bats they use. They have went back and forth debating on whether or not the
NCAA should switch to wood bats. There are many reasons why people think they
should switch to wood bats. But there are still people who think they should stay
using what they use now. Although metal bats will keep the game interesting, some
reasons why people think they should switch are that most MLB draft picks come
from college and they use wood bats in the MLB. The next reason is hitting with a
Installing A System With Graphical Password Schemes
Since conventional password schemes are vulnerable to shoulder surfing, many
shoulder surfing resistant graphical password schemes have been proposed.
However, as most users are more familiar with textual passwords than pure graphical
passwords, text based graphical password schemes have been proposed.
Unfortunately, none of existing text based shoulder surfing resistant graphical
passwordschemes is both secure and efficient enough. Here, we propose 4 D
Password scheme to make the existing scheme even more robust and powerful. We
propose to different authenticationscheme to one system, and this will lend more
stability and make the attacks on userprivacy even more difficult to succeed in. We
proposed a system with graphical password scheme, Color code authentication, OTP
based authentication, and Time Elapse Authentication scheme composed as a 4 D
Authentication system.
Today, although the password authentication is used widely, since users write their
password directly on screen and tend to make their password easy to remember, they
may be vulnerable to several attacks such as brute force, guessing, replay, and
shoulder surfing. Although many authentication schemes were proposed to improve
the usability and security, they are still vulnerable to the shoulder surfing attack. In
this project, we propose a 4 D pattern based authentication scheme which is secure
against this attack. Also, we analyse the usability, deplorability, and security of the
A Field That Has Seen Rapid Growth During The Last
Christina Cacciola
Play Therapy
An overview
A field that has seen rapid growth in the last few decades is child therapy. Unlike
adult therapy which can be as simple as a conversation between peers, child therapy
presents a variety of new barriers. One barrier faced by child therapists is
understanding behaviors that come from individuals on a different developmental
level than themselves. Techniques and conversations that can be readily applied to
adults by therapists are lost on children. Additionally with disorders that effect
communication and connection, all attempts previously used would be null and void.
Unfortunately, the individuals who would benefit from therapy the most are the ones
who present these barriers. In an effort to make up for these deficits, play therapy
was introduced as a way to transcend language barriers and aid the child in becoming
self aware on their own.
Using the historically noted context of the importance of play, many therapists
have refined and structured this natural language and have been able to facilitate
desirable change for a variety of issues. The rest of this paper aims at providing the
reader with a proficient overview of play therapy. The benefits, history, credentials,
inner workings, and role of the family will be examined. Classical cases, as well as
individual case studies, and larger scale findings will be examined, and the role and
credentials of the therapist outlined.
Why play? Play is an important
How Can We Overcome Stress And Live A Life Full Of
How to Overcome Stress and Live a Life Full of Happiness
By Anoop K Gupta | Submitted On March 26, 2015
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Expert Author Anoop K Gupta
Stress has become an integral part of our day to day life. And the worst thing is that
if we don t take corrective measures, we start remaining under stress for longer
durations which causes lot of health issues later on in life. So let s try and understand
what stress is and how ... Show more content on ...
What causes Stress
Let s try to find out causes of stress in our lives. The biggest problem with us is that
we are out on a mission to change others. We are busy criticizing others, pinpointing
faults in others unnecessarily without focussing on ourselves. We wantothers to
become the way we want them to be. We believe this will give us happiness. But
actually this process gives us stress because we are unable to change others. Our
actions are guided by our expectations in return. And non fulfilment of expectations
from relationships is biggest cause of stress and disappointment these days.
As parents, we want to control our children. We want our children to pursue a career
of our choice. When our teen aged child wants to go out for party or movies, we are
the first one to lecture him. We want to influence him. And when our Children refuse
to mend their ways, we feel stressed.
We feel stressed in relationships because as a lover, either we want to influence our
partner or we want to please our partner. And either ways in all situations, whenever
we fail to achieve success, it causes immense stress.
After son s marriage, mother feels stressed. The reason is she fears she will lose
control over his son who had loved and followed her mother unconditionally for
nearly twenty five years.
The wife feels stressed because she feels that unless her mother in law stops
controlling her son, how she will influence her husband.
The son feels stressed because he is trying to
Stereotypes In Billy Elliot
In the film Billy Elliot directed by Stephen Daldry, Michael is a thought provoking
character because he is portrayed as both gay and a cross dresser. With the film
being set during the 1984 1985 coal miners strike. Michael lives in Everington,
Durham, a small town in north eastern England where you re either a straight girl or
a straight man and the community is very black and white and there is no grey area
in between area for people like Michael.
In the film Billy Elliot Michael is seen to be interested in cross dressing and
frequently dresses up in his sister s dresses and puts on his mother s makeup (most
notably her lipstick). The long shot of him standing at his door in front of Billy
wearing his little sister s dress shows ... Show more content on ...
Along with the struggles of growing up in a community where he doesn t fit the
expected norm for male behaviour, Michael has an alcoholic and abusive father
who believes heavily in the gender stereotypes perpetuated throughout the film and
disapproves heavily of Michael s behaviour. All this strain on Michael makes it
hard for him to have a normal childhood as he struggles with the challenges of
growing up in a community where you don t fit the mold of what a man should be
like. This is shown in the scene when he and Billy are wearing tutus and dancing in
the boxing hall and get caught by two angry parents who then proceed to call them
both poofs and sissies for dancing together. Michael is also seen at the end of the
film to have his male partner sitting next to him.This relates to the audience
because at some point in their life everyone feels like they don t fit in with the
majority of their community, whether it is a small difference or a large one people
are all unique but sometimes can feel like they are the only one fighting against
the world. In Michael s case he has to grow up hiding his true self and not being
able to express his feelings as the community he lives in is heavily embedded in
traditional gender roles and stereotypes and does not accept people who don t fit
within the black and white
King, Pigs And Cattle Controversy
Once upon a time there lived 2 sons, a king, and pigs and cows peacefully eating
grass and carrots. They had lived on an island known as Ireland and the king was
very selfish. He was also wealthy and so he would not share a meal with anyone
not even a piece of it. As the king grew fat and wide he still didn t care. He was so
fat he exclaimed once as his news look at this citizens I m fat!!! and he literally
meant to say that to the whole village. Then the king made a fire so he could eat
beef jerky and bacon. The king goes with his bow and kills half the pigs and cows
that were out there in the field. He then found out that he was at a high cholesterol
and died due to the fact that the doctors were having lunch. Then
Honda Ridgeline Case Study
The Honda Ridgeline returns this spring after a two year hiatus. The second
generation midsize pickup truck model debuted at the North American International
Auto Show in Detroit this week, making a clean break from the previous edition.
At least when it comes to styling. What hasn t changed is the Ridgeline s unibody
construction as it uses a car like architecture it shares with the Honda Pilot SUV.
What this means is front wheel drive is standard, while all wheel drive is optional.
We are bringing our unique technology and original thinking to the market in a new
and challenging concept for a Honda pickup, said John Mendel, executive vice
president of American Honda Motor Co., Inc. We think we ve got a better idea, a
truck that uses... Show more content on ...
It will also be manufactured stateside at its manufacturing plant in Lincoln,
Alabama. That s same approach Nissan and Toyota have taken to gain acceptance
in this all American passenger vehicle segment. To effectively battle in a
competitive segment, Honda has to approach potential customers with something
different. It already knows that it will not and it cannot reach off road enthusiasts.
On the other hand, Honda has designed the Ridgeline to provide excellent on road
utility as well as overall versatility. What should help Honda is the Ridgeline s 3.5
liter, V 6 engine, its only engine choice. This direct injection motor is paired with a
6 speed automatic transmission, forming the only powertrain combination offered.
Honda hasn t specified numbers yet, but the automaker claims that among midsize
V 6 pickup truck models, it expects to lead the segment in a few key areas.
Specifically, Honda says the new Ridgeline will offer best in class acceleration
performance. Further, the automaker expects the Ridgeline to approach the 1,600
pound payload capacity of competing trucks. If this truck matches the previous
edition s 5,000 pound towing capacity, then it ll provide one more reason for people
to consider
Essay Tchaikovsky
Tchaikovsky ATchaikovsky=s music is not only one of the cornerstones of
Russian musical society and world music . . . It is at the same time a creative and
technical encyclopedia to which every Russian composer has reference in the
course of his own work,@ commented Dimitri Shostakovich.1 This was a typical
view held by Tchaikovsky=s contemporaries. He was well known and well
respected, especially in his later years. In addition, Tchaikovsky was recognized as
the most expressive Romantic composer in Russia.2 He was often idolized and put
on a pedestal, particularly during his tour of the United States in 1891 when he
conducted concerts of his own works in some of the leading concert halls.
Tchaikovsky brought national attention to... Show more content on ...
Petersburg. When he was fourteen years old, a major cholera epidemic was raging
through Russia, a quite common occurrence during his lifetime. His mother
contracted the disease and subsequently died. Tchaikovsky was completely
shattered by her death. AIt is likely that the emotional imbalance that characterized
Tchaikovsky=s throughout his life dates from this tragedy.@4 He remained a
clerk for three years. He hated his job but he worked feverishly at it for he worked
hard at every task he was given. He continued to be drawn into the music world and
he took piano and theory lessons. Finally, in 1862, he quit his job and devoted the
rest of his life to music which he began by entering the St. Petersburg
Conservatory. He graduated with a silver medal in 1865. After graduation he was
unsure of what to do until 1866 when Nicholas Rubenstein offered him the job of
professor of harmony at the newly formed Moscow Conservatory. It was here that
he wrote his first serious works which included AA Festival Overture on the
Danish National Hymn,@ his First Symphony in G AWinter Daydreams,@ and his
first opera AThe Voyevode.@ Showing his desire for perfection he tore up the
opera because he was dissatisfied with it and it wasn=t until 1949 that it was
revived.5 Tchaikovsky=s first masterpiece was composed from 1869 1870. It was a
symphonic fantasy based on Shakespeare=s Romeo and Juliet. ARomeo and Juliet@
was the first of Tchaikovsky=s works in which his superbly
How To Make Lace Wigs Essay
Best Lace Wigs for African American hair
If you re an African American woman looking for the perfect synthetic or Remy lace
wigs, here are a few options you may want to consider.
Yaki lace wigs
Yaki lace wigs are made of the highest quality Indian Remy hair. These wigs have a
very fine texture, although you can choose to purchase Yaki wigs that are slightly
thicker. The biggest advantage of these is that they dry straight, but you can curl them
any way you choose. You can even obtain a bouncy curl by setting the wet hairwith
rollers. These are very versatile wigs that can be worn in a number of styles,
including an up do or high ponytail. If you love long hair, then Yaki lace wigs can be
an ideal choice.
Some of the features of a yaki lace ... Show more content on ...
It takes only minimal care to keep these wigs looking natural and healthy. Thanks to
advancements in wig technology, it can be difficult to tell these wigs from your real
hair, even up close.
Kinky hair lace wigs
If your goal is a natural, fresh and relaxed look, kinky hair lace wigs are a great
option. Made of high quality Indian Remy hair, these are very soft and have been
textured to simulate African American hair that has been blow dried and freshly
relaxed. The hair dries straight, but you can flat iron it for a sleeker look. This is also
idea for cornrows. Kinky hair lace wigs offer versatility and can be styled in a variety
of ways, including an up do or high ponytail.
Some of the features of a kinky hair lace wig include:
100% premium Indian Remy hair
Can be styled in a variety of ways
Comes in a variety of lengths and colors
Can be parted anywhere for a more natural look
Seamless and discreet look making it virtually undetectable
Lightweight and
Peta Research Paper
PETA, Take Off Your Blinders By Melanie Showers Junior Prepared Public
Speaking CDE Northern Lebanon FFA Chapter Lebanon County Eastern Region 2
/11/16 Mrs. Balmer Ms. Oberst Imagine this; You are wearing blinders next to your
eyes, like the horses that pull the Amish buggy. You can t see left, you can t see
right, you can only see straight forward to your set destination. This is how I
imagine PETA and its followers when they wrote their most recent article about the
FFA and their views about it. They only saw one view of the FFA and that was the
only way they promoted it. You would think they would be thanking the FFA for all
they do against animal abuse and their work of promoting animals as more than just
food or a project ... Show more content on ...
Dairy cows produce more milk than what a calf needs in a day. The calves are
gently separated, with no harm done to the cow or calf. The article also states that
the FFA promotes cows being constantly artificially inseminated on rape racks to
keep milk production flowing. The FFA does promote the dairy industry, but
nothing called a rape rack exists. They are called head locks or a cattle chute and they
keep the cows in place for the breeder. They don t harm the cow at all. Also, cows are
bred at certain times, and they do get breaks from being milked, these are called dry
The Journey Of Gilgamesh And Enkidu
Gilgamesh had a journey that he had begun with Enkidu which they had to travel to
Cedar Forest to defeat Humbaba. When Enkidu died, Gilgamesh had to deal with his
own journey that s when everything begins for him. He learned immortality from
which he got from Utnapishtim. His journey ended when he had return to Uruk. The
second part of his journey was for wisdom. When Gilgamesh had to find
Utnapishtim, he believes that it was for immortality. But it was impossible. It was
not possible. Love was a big part of motivation erotic and platonic, had motivated a
different in Gilgamesh. The love that Gilgamesh and Enkidu had as friends made him
better man in the first part of the story, but when Enkidu dies, Gilgamesh had change
... Show more content on ...
Gilgamesh and Enkidu did not do this to give praises of their own names. They
both was doing god s work by killing Humbaba, even if it was not directly to
another god s wants. Shamash helps Gilgamesh by the Sun god which Gilgamesh
had a god to go too. It was very nice to have a god of his own. Shamash hung around
to help Gilgamesh and Enkidu. That s why it was a little bit confusion to why
Enkidu tells Gilgamesh to kill Humbaba so fast, before Shamash finds out about it.
Shamhat was a female character in Tablet I and II of the Epic of Gilgameshhad was
again in tablet VII. She was a prostitute who brings Enkidu from a wild man into
interaction with civilization. Gilgamesh was somewhat a real person who lived
between 2,500 and 2,700 B.C. and the fifth king in the First Dynasty of Uruk.
Urshambi take Gilgamesh on a boat ride across the sea and through the Water of
Death to Utnapishtim. Humbaba was the monster who protected the Cedar Forest.
He can do tricks by changing his face. The giant ship was called The Preserve of Life
was a tasked by Enkidu which had abandon his worldly possessions. Ishtar was a
goddess. She was the one that let the fire and brimstone loose. That made Enkidu and
Gilgamesh not meet eye to eye. That half lead Enkidu to the death penalty from the
gods. That sends Gilgamesh failing his search for immortality.
Kate Hamill s Adaptation Of Sense And Sensibility
Playwright Kate Hamill s adaptation of Jane Austen s Sense and Sensibility enhances
the classic through the use of the dramatic elements conflict and characterization,
which contribute to the believability and meaning of the piece. The costume design
by Olivera Gajic, lighting design by Cecilia Durbin, and scenic design by Peter
Ksander used in the Playmakers Repertory Company s production of Sense and
Sensibilitydirected by Taibi Magar engage the audience and contribute to the
development of the dramatic elements. In Sense and Sensibility, the vulnerability of
women in society is explored through contrasting personalities and the importance
placed on marriage, resulting in a critique of both sexes and social foundations such
as money and... Show more content on ...
The awkwardness that transpires as both Elinor and Edward attempt to write
letters in the same room shows both Elinor s and Edward s reluctance to show their
feelings because of society s judgements and develops their individual characters.
Elinor is aware of the impact that her lack of wealth has on her marriage prospects,
so she does not admit her feelings for Edward explicitly to him nor her family
despite their existence. She is sensible and does not allow her love for a man make
her vulnerable. Edward also has difficulty expressing his emotions. His feelings are
complicated by his family s desires and his engagement to Lucy Steele (Sarah
Elizabeth Keyes). Despite his feelings for Elinor, he is characterized by his loyalty
to his prior commitments. His loyalty, while admirable, is also the hamartia that
nearly keeps him away from Elinor forever. Marianne Dashwood s passion and
spontaneity is evident through her actions; she cuts off a lock of her hair for her
suitor, John Willoughby, without an engagement and weeps openly when he leaves
town. Her excessive sensibility is a critique of women s dependence on men for
happiness. Willoughby is characterized as the perfect man, yet develops into a very
problematic and unfaithful character. He draws Marianne in only to break her heart
and it is eventually revealed that she is not the only girl
Captive Animals Research Paper
Ms. Spangenberg
Cp World Literature Period 3
4 April 2017
Within Barriers
Marine Park Under Fire After Video Shows Captive Orca Banging Its Head Against
A Gate, Giraffe s Death by Zoo Prompts Investigation,Crocodile stoned to death in
horrific attack at Tunisian zoo. These alarming captions are only a few of the many
similar headlines that have been stamped across the top news in the United States
over the past two years. The issue of stereotypic behavior in captive animals include
physical, emotional, and psychological medical conditions that have the potential to
afflict an astounding number of zoo animals. This stereotypic behavior is an obvious
sign that animals in captivity are neither happy nor mentally stable. Although paying
a visit ... Show more content on ...
The Animal Welfareact is a federal law signed in the year of 1966 to regulate the
transportation of animals from their natural habitat, limit the amount of animals
admitted to participate in research studies as well as limit those who are forced to
live in captivity of artificial habitats. While environmental laws are created to meet
the standards of animal stability, such requirements are not always met. The issue
arises when there is a trade off for animals in the black market where we see
unsustainable trading of wildlife. This is most certainly a threat to the survival of
exotic animals. Due to the regulations of the Welfare Act, it has become utilized to
take in these animals for financial trade to receive under the table profit from
abducted animals.Legitimate hunters have limitations upon how to handle abducting
these animals. Such expectations for hunting include obtaining a license to do so,
prohibiting the use of poison, or using force of an armed weapon. Over the course
of the century, being in possession of wildlife has become vital for general rural
areas who make a living from hunting and trading their cattle or priced animals for
financial stability. Commercial trade is is an international business
Employee Turnover Rate Affects A Business
Turnover refers to the number of employees who leave a company in a particular
period of time. (Westover 2014 16) Throughout my entire college career I have
tried to focus and narrow down on the topic of employee turnover rates. I have
researched it, I have studied it, and I have really gone and try to analyze every
possibility of cause and effect when it comes to employee turnover rates. There are
many aspects to an HRM role within a companyand one of those is being able to look
at employee turnover rates due to the impact that it can have on a company s cost. I
have chosen to interview two HR managers, Ben Wood with Graphtec INC. and Bill
Schlenker with Pierce Accounting, about employee turnover rates for this assignment
to have a deeper look into their thoughts, goals, and ideas about employee turnover
rates. The first questionI asked was, How do you feel employee turnover rate can
affect a business? The question allowed me to see different thoughts and ideas from
individuals that had been working with this directly. Ben Wood, an HRM for 5
years, stated, I feel that turnover rates directly affect customer experience, support
levels, and how much development and improvement can be provided to a staff. It
can also affect employee morale. (Wood 2016) The effects on employee morale are an
idea that I had never thought of previously. The thought that one person leaving
might have an effect on others is a though that seems almost strange; however, with
The Following Of Jesus Christ
The Following of Jesus Christ Discipleship is the study of theology, having a
religion, and being a follower of Christ. Dietrich Bonhoeffer had many themes and
studies pertaining to discipleship. Throughout his book Bonhoeffer shared his views
and the way he sees discipleship. I learned about Bonhoeffer s writings on the call to
discipleship, discipleship and the cross, discipleship and the individual, and the
church of JesusChrist and discipleship. By learning discipleship through Bonhoeffer
it allowed for me to broaden the way I view theology and the following of Christ.
The themes in this book allow for one to grow in their theological outlook. To begin
Bonhoeffer discussed his views on the call to discipleship. Bonhoeffer wrote,... Show
more content on ...
They did not fight for the miracle worker to avoid his death. They simply punished
this man for no reason at all. He lived the perfect life and brought people to the
Lord. So for Jesus to be put to death by the people they abandoned him. They left
his side and left him to suffer on the cross. On the cross was where Jesus died a
miserable death and suffered greatly. The last thing described by Bonhoeffer was
that the cross represents guilt. He described how Jesus was the bearer of all sins
for humans. Now Christians become the ones who bare other individuals sin and
guilt. To sum up the cross it has many meanings and it signifies a lot in Christian
religion. After Bonhoeffer finished writing about the cross he wrote about
discipleship and the individual. This is about how God made people as
individuals. God made us to be alone and be lonely. He did this so we would have
someone to go to in these lonely times and this person is Jesus christ and God. In
this chapter Bonhoeffer really discusses how we being individuals need to accept
Jesus Christ the mediator. Back to the issue of Jesus bearing all of our sins it truly
shows how caring and how much he values our lives. If Christ is willing to die for
us and our sins we should at minimum bring him into our lives. We should
recognize what he did for us and live in a way where he can shine through us. So by
God creating us as lonely individuals we should be able to reach out to
One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest By Ken Kesey
Ken Kesey s novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest, was written in 1962. It is a
book and is fictional. Fictional books are important to read for many reasons.
Some of the reasons are the following; fiction can help you understand society and
the world around you, it can allow you to understand and share the feeling of
someone else, fiction can help your way of viewing others and strengthens your
consciousness, and fiction also helps to keep your brain healthy and
knowledgeable. The way it helps you understand society is fiction books can show
you things that can happen in the world and give you more of an idea of what to
expect in a world where anything can happen. Fiction allows you to understand and
share the feeling of ... Show more content on ...
Ken Kesey was born on September 17, 1935 in La Junta, Colorado. His parents are
Fred and Geneva Smith Kesey. Kesey and his family moved away to Oregon. In
Oregon, he started a successful marketing cooperative for dairy farmers, named the
Eugene Farmers Cooperative. Kesey built it into the largest dairy operation in the
area. He then renamed it Darigold. During his highschool years, he was voted most
likely to succeed and he did. Later on he attended the University of Oregon. Kesey
was in fraternities and sports. He became a star wrestler in the 174 pound class.
Following the year of his college graduation in 1956, he married his wife, Faye
Haxby. They moved to Los Angeles; Kesey wanted to become a movie actor but
starting writing novels instead. Ken Kesey later on got a job as a night attendant. He
started taking experimental drugs, that resemble psychoses. During those trials,
Kesey became consumed in the drug experiments and his job in the psychiatric ward
at night that he would go to work high on hallucinogens; he felt as if he could see
into the patient s faces. During one night while he was working, he hallucinated the
face of an American Indian. This vision inspired Kesey to write his first published
novel, One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest. (Charters, Ann)
A theme in One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest, could be as Bromden talks about the
fog machine and considers it a safe place for him and all
Morality And Its Effect On Society
Morality is compatible with politics, for it is the people who create politics and in
them rest morals. Morality itself rest in the individual, and as such is interpreted in
various ways; when put together it is only natural that the definition of morality as a
whole is simplified and thus individual interpreting is compromise and also, a
consensus is reached. As discussed in the Apology and elaborated in Crito, Socrates
stance is moral in nature but is in line with politics, in relation to today s issue of
marriage equality; that is the law is made and must be obeyed and when you
involve independent thinking the political sphere will begin to fall. For equal
marriage in the US it is simply an understanding of what marriage is in the eyes of
the government, and that is: a contract between two individuals who feel that a life,
legally, together is beneficial to them in some ways. Moralityis a personal idea of
what is genuinely good and bad, (whereas ethicsis concerned with how and in what
way one acts) morality is in line with in what is good and bad for that person. This
being the case, each individual is subject to two areas of acting, the first is morally
or in themselves and the other is in the public realm, and thus who they understand
what is good in themselves they will proceed to act in some way in the public
realm. It is in the public realm where morality and politics collide, for the laws of
the land are not always in sync with one s own understanding of
The Impact Of Confucianism
Confucianism, also known as The School of the Scholars , is an ethical and
philosophical institution in East Asia and developed from the teachings of the early
Chinese sage Confucius (Wertz, 1998). Indeed, it is a complicated institution that
including moral, social, political, and religious thoughts. Up to the 21st century, most
of them had enormous impacts on the history of Chinese enlightenment.Confucianism
is viewed as state religion of empire China (Wertz, 1998). The countries and various
territories, where ethnic Chinese are the majority, are extremely influenced by
Confucianism such as China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore .The thoughts from
Confucianism has formulated the customs in those community and people comply
with these.... Show more content on ...
Confucius had advocated more views about the relationships between different
classes that existed in a society, also he noticed that a superior should be obeyed
because of receiving Mandate of Heaven (Wertz, 1998). In North Korea, all the
citizens are necessary to be loyal to their states and emphasis, who called Kim Jong
un (Hwang, 2002). Requiring people to have excessive Loyalty leads North Korea
has become currently a country where disrespect for human rights. Everybody knows
only the mighty president has sheer human rights and all citizens seem to be his
vassals in North Korea. In additions, North Korean s destiny and human rights do not
belong to themselves, but to the mighty president. Thus, people should pursue moral
principles when they have the contradiction with customs, they define what is right
or wrong, not only the great leader to formulate the social norms, but also a society.
More importantly, people s live and human rights should not be controlled by
everything and everyone, including the great leader. The human rights, namely the
freedom of religions, freedom of speech are the necessities to people. They can do
everything they want illegally, it does not mean they betray their
Reading Strategies
Research Paper:
Teacher: Le Thi Tuyet Mai, M.A. Student: Chu Thi Thai Hien Class: CHAV k.17
Student s Code: 161015
Cantho December, 2010
Strategies4 II. 2. Distinction between Strategies and Skills4 II. 3. Difference
Strategic Readers from Poor Readers4 II. 4. Some Methods for Teaching Reading
Strategies6 II. 4. 1. Before Reading6 II. 4. 2. During Reading6 II. 4. 3. After
Reading6 II. 5. Some Techniques for Teaching Reading Strategies6 II. 5. 1. Some
Techniques for Teaching Before Reading... Show more content on ...
He stated that strategies differentiate within an individual and that a person can use
a variety of strategies to achieve his or her goal. Oxford (as cited in Oxford, 2003,
p.8) defined strategies as follows: The word strategies comes from the ancient Greek
word strategia, which means steps or actions taken for the purpose of winning a war.
The warlike meaning of strategia, has fortunately fallen away but the control and
directedness remains in the version of the word. He believed that whether a strategy
is helpful or not depends on the specific context in which it is appropriately used. In
order to use a strategy effectively, learners have to consider three important
conditions: whether the strategy relates well to the second language task at hand,
whether the strategy fits the particular students learning style preferences to one
degree or another, or whether the students employ the strategy and link it with other
strategies well.
II. 2. Distinction between Strategies and Skills
Strategies can be defined as conscious actions that learners take to achieve desired
goals or objectives, while a skill is a strategy that has become automatic. As learners
consciously learn and practice specific reading strategies, the strategies move from
conscious to unconscious; from strategy to skill (Nunan, 2003). Strategic reading is
defined as the ability of the reader
Is418 Project 1-2-3 Essay example
IS 418: Security Strategies in Linux Platforms and Applications
* Project: Linux Based Web Application Infrastructure
* Project: Logistics
* Project Part 3: Executive Summary
* Project Part 3: Tasks 1 * Project Part 3: Tasks 2 * Project Part 3: Tasks 3
IS 418: Security Strategies in Linux Platforms and Applications
* Project: Linux Based Web Application Infrastructure
* Project: Logistics
* Project Part 3: Executive Summary
* Project Part 3: Tasks 1 * Project Part 3: Tasks 2 * Project Part 3: Tasks 3
Task 1: Use a Kernel
First World Bank Savings and Loan s Linux based infrastructure requires an in house
custom kernel or a kernel provided by a vendor ... Show more content on ...
However the key strength in all these management appliance solutions is that they are
open solutions designed to empower the customer.
The Power of Open Standards:
Opengear has a long tradition of working with organizations and people in the open
standards and open source community to help support the development of open
design and spread the use of open platforms: * Opengear partnered with OSSI and
the OpenSSL project to sponsor the OpenSSL cryptographic module meeting the
FIPS 140 2 standard for ARM processors * Opengear supports the OpenFlow/SDN
Interoperability Lab. This Software Defined Networking (SDN) technology from the
Muscle Contraction Lab
This lab was conducted to test the muscle reaction to three different solutions and
observe the muscle contraction in the presence of each solution. We predicted that
ATP solution in distilled water might cause muscle contraction since ATP alone binds
to myosin to break the cross bridge and enable the myosinto rebind to actin at the next
musclecontraction. ( ATP and Muscle Contraction
. Boundless Biology) All three
groups were given a 2cm length of psoas muscle, which was placed on a
microscope slide with a small drop of glycerol. First, we measured each fiber, and
then added 2 drops of one of the solutions, Solution A; .25% ATP in distilled water,
Solution B; .25% ATP solution in water, .05M KCI, .001 M MgC12 in distilled
water, and Solution C; .05 M KC1, .001 M MgC12 in distilled water. We waited 30
seconds after adding the solution and we measured the fiber again to see if there was
any muscle concentration after adding the solution. Our hypothesis was not
supported, because the fiber size did not change.
The purpose of this lab was to learn if any of the three solutions used for the
experiment would cause the fiber to have a muscle contraction and if there wasn t
any muscle contraction, understand why the solution didn t cause a muscle
Muscle contractions are a reduction in size of muscle ... Show more content on ...
(Table 1) ATP alone causes myosin to break the cross bridge and allow the myosin to
reattach to the actin causing a muscle contraction, since the solution we used had
ATP; I believed that that was enough to cause the fiber contraction. I thought that we
had done our experiment in correctly because there was no muscle contraction. I
believed that it was due to the amount of solution we added to the fiber. We re did
the experiment and added four drops of the solution but there was no muscle
contraction as
Rehabilitation Is The Most Intensive Treatment Option For...
Rehabilitation is the most intensive treatment option for recovery. Other names are
Residential Treatment Program, inpatient substance abuse treatment, drug
rehabilitation, or rehab. Rehabilitation provides three unique characteristics to
enhance the opportunity for a successful recovery. Treatment is away from:
1.Home. 2.Access to drugs. 3.Contact with active substance abusers. The
advantages of receiving intensive treatment away from home and without access
to drugs and active drug abusers are well established. However, as with every
treatment approach, results depend on the patient s willingness to do the work to
attain the goal of sustained sobriety ( Longer residence
times in rehab produce better results because the longer a person is substance free,
the greater the likelihood of staying substance free (
Rehabilitation provides the most health therapeutic environment for recovery.
TYPES OF REHABILITATION PROGRAMS Rehabilitation programs come in a
vast array of shapes and sizes. No two are alike because each program has a unique
philosophy as to how best to achieve recovery. Locations There is a wide array of
locations for treatment. Some programs are located in a hospital while others are
freestanding facilities solely dedicated to the treatment of substance abuse. Others
are located in urban areas where patients learn a trade or work. Still others are far
from civilization where patients may farm the land, grow their
Explain The Technological Advances In Ww2
WEAPONS IN WWII The technological advances made in the World War II were
amazing. We gained a lot of new understandings in technology. The Rocket Team
that made the missiles that terrorized the streets of London helped send a man to
the moon. And the weapon advancements were high too. The weapons that were
discovered are still helpful to this day. The machine guns that were used in the war
on the American side were: Browning M1919A4/A6 that fired up to 500 rounds in
one minute, and the Browning M2HB (.50 BMG) that had grown a reputation for
itself, because it was used on vehicles and fired varied amounts of ammo. The
Browning M2HB was often referred to as the war horses the weapons because it was
so overpowered. As for the machine guns used
Atkins Vs Virgina
wastes the time of courts and attorneys. From the point that the person is sentenced
to death row, the convicted may need to wait about 12 years until execution.
Furthermore, the actual execution has many complications as well. A hanging may
seem simple, but a miscalculation of the drop may lead to the person suffering a
slow suffocation or the head being torn off the body. Another method, electrocution,
is also not reliable. In one case, John Evans was electrocuted three times before he
died, with his flesh burning and flames consuming his leg. Some may argue that this
is the reason gas chambers were created. However, the chambers also cause slow and
painful death as shown by Don Harding s execution which took ten minutes. Today s
most used... Show more content on ...
Two important cases that both have looked at the death penalty in various ways, may
show that capital punishment is not applicable today. In the case Atkins v. Virginia,
which took place in 2002, Daryl Renard Atkins was mentally retarded. Atkins was
sentenced to death, but he appealed to the Supreme Court. This case takes a look at
the question of whether executing a mentally retarded person is constitutional. The
court ruled 6 3 that it is not constitutional to kill a mentally retarded person because
the nation s standards are changing and many are against such sentences ( Atkins ).
It is clear that the death penalty is being applied less and less, which make it seem
that it is no longer applicable today. This opinion is also backed up by the later case,
Roper v. Simmons. The case was decided in 2004, but the events date back to 1993.
Christopher Simmons was sentenced to death in 1993, but he was only 17. The
lower courts ruled for Simmons, stating that the national opinion on killing a minor
has changed. However, not many believed the lower court had the power to overrule
the Supreme Court s previous decision on Stanford v. Kentucky. The case went up to
the Supreme Court where the court ruled in a 5 4 ruling for Simmons. The Court
stated that the standards have changed in the past years, making it so that executing
minors is no longer Constitutional ( Roper ). As shown by these cases, the national
consensus on the death penalty is changing, which is no longer as necessary as it
once may have

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Essay Writing On Books. Impressive How To Introduce A Book In An Essay Thatsnotus

  • 1. Essay Writing On Books Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Writing On Books" can be both intriguing and challenging. On one hand, books are a vast and diverse subject, offering a plethora of themes, genres, and perspectives to explore. However, the sheer breadth of the topic can make it difficult to narrow down and focus on a specific aspect. Crafting an engaging essay requires a thoughtful approach to selecting relevant points, organizing ideas coherently, and presenting a well-structured argument. Additionally, it's important to strike a balance between personal insights and objective analysis, providing a unique perspective while incorporating scholarly viewpoints. The challenge intensifies as one must delve into the intricacies of literature, exploring the impact of books on culture, society, and individual readers. Analyzing the literary devices, themes, and historical context of various works adds layers of complexity to the essay. Furthermore, the need for critical evaluation and the articulation of well-supported opinions can make the writing process even more demanding. In conclusion, while writing an essay on the expansive theme of books offers a chance for exploration and expression, it also demands meticulous research, critical thinking, and effective communication. It requires the writer to navigate through the vast literary landscape, carefully selecting and synthesizing information to create a compelling and coherent narrative. If you find the task too challenging or time-consuming, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on, a platform that provides professional writing services to help individuals navigate the complexities of academic and creative writing. Essay Writing On Books Essay Writing On Books
  • 2. Health Behaviors Are The Beliefs And Actions Regarding Health behaviors are the beliefs and actions regarding your personal well being. These behaviors often stem from adolescence. Observing your mother s sedentary behavior or watching your father eat a family size bag of chips in one sitting easily becomes second nature as you grow older. Luckily, it is easy to examine and alter negative behaviors with today s technology. There are many documentaries, books, and quizzes (among many other means) offering a way to drop a negative habit and pick up a healthy one. After taking the Evaluate Your Lifestyle quiz, my results stated I possess good healthhabits. My scores ranged from nine to ten points in each category. Being a health conscious person, this made me happy with my... Show more content on ... In my early late teens to early twenties I started to limit my intake of soda after learning about the damage it would potentially cause inside my body. I first realize I needed to drink more water after a visit to my local salon to get my eyebrows waxed. While I thought nothing of it, the esthetician questioned my water intake. After stating I drank very little, she said she knew by my skin. As a woman, this thought blew up in my head. If she could notice my limited water intake by looking at my skin I wondered what my insides looked like. Naturally, I raced home to chug enough water to fill a bathtub. After a few days, this practice ceased and I continued to not drink nearly enough water for my body. Water may not provide energy, but it is essential to our survival. The benefits include: the balance of bodily fluids, flushes out toxins in body, clearer skin, and overall hydration. Hydration improves performance (Liquid Energy 2005). The recommended water intake for a female my age and size is seventy two fluid ounces (Water 2014). Low water intake can induce levels of the hormone vasopressin go up with dehydration, and may cause blood sugar to rise (Environmental Nutrition 2012). Symptoms of stress, which can be overcome with a balanced diet and by drinking enough water in a day (Combat Stress 2013). Some of my current health issues related to water intake include acne, allergies, and my mentality. For one week, I chose to
  • 3. Andrew Carnegie, Eugene V. Debs, and Horatio Alger Essay Andrew Carnegie, Eugene V. Debs, and Horatio Alger During the late nineteenth century rapid industrialization paved the way for extreme economical wealth of many business. In accordance with the overflowing wealth in the nineteenth century many individuals held similar but yet contrasting views toward the wealth that was created in the United States. Among these individuals were Andrew Carnegie, Eugene V. Debs, and HoratioAlger. One of the best known philanthropists was the American industrialist Andrew Carnegie, who devoted the latter part of his life to giving away most of the huge fortune he had amassed in the steel industry. Following the principles laid down in his essay Gospel of Wealth , Carnegie returned over $300 million ... Show more content on ... The doctrine specifically advocates nationalization of natural resources, basic industries, banking and credit facilities, and public utilities. It places special emphasis on the nationalization of monopolized branches of industry and trade, viewing monopolies as inimical to the public welfare. Debs attitudes toward the wealth that was create was that the government should redistribute it, so that everyone could be equal economically. Even though this idea may seem absurd it can be looked upon as an action of Andrew Carnegie in a less radical form. Washington differed from both Carnegie and Debs but yet still held one similar aspect that ties him with them. On September 18, 1895, in Atlanta, Georgia, Washington made his famous compromise speech. In this address he urged blacks to accept their inferior social position for the present and to strive to raise themselves through vocational training and economic self reliance. This attitude of able to achieve economically through hard work contrasts the idea of both Carnegie and Debs. Carnegie believed in predestined wealth. However Washington s attitude was if one works hard, one can become rich. It also contrasts Debs attitude because Debs believed in the redistribution of wealth. However despite theses differences there is one thing that ties them together: the redistribution of wealth. Washington founded
  • 4. Civil Liberties And The American Dream The United States of America, as people know it today, was built on a bundle of moving pieces to ensure that citizens would live in complete freedom and peace. America s history illustrates to others the secret to becoming successful is based on fixing and overcoming failures. The United States of America has not always been The American Dream due to many controversies among its citizens. The government of the United States of America handles conflicts between different parties that often oppose others beliefs, the citizens will always be protected by certain rights and liberties that construct a feeling of safety and support one s life. In the United States of America, civil liberties are focused on putting barriers on the government s... Show more content on ... Finally, the last amendment that protects basic freedoms would be recognized as the Fourth Amendment. This amendment placed restrictions on unlawful search and seizures of American s property. Although these rights are subjected to all law abiding citizens, a suspect of a crime is also granted additional civil liberties. These civil liberties are sworn in by the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Amendment. The Fourth Amendment protects those accused of a criminal act from unlawful searches and seizures. If a police officer has reasonable proof of criminal activity they are not required to obtain a search warrant signed by a judge. With this being said, if a suspect is found at guilt during a search and is throttled to court they have the support of the Fifth Amendment. The Fifth Amendment is documented as one of the elongated amendments in the Bill of Rights. This amendment gives criminals a shield of potentially facing double jeopardy. As this amendment may protect one from double jeopardy, it also gives felons the refusal to testify due to the possibility of self incrimination. Criminals who are accused of committing a crime shall receive the right to a swift and open trial that is guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment. As criminals may potentially move to a trial, the Seventh Amendment sets forth a regulation that a judge is prohibited to reconsider a decision or questions previously decided by a jury. Before a case is accelerated to trial a suspect has the
  • 5. Autism Dnp Intervention Implications/ Contributions towards health care policy This will achieve the goal of primary prevention which will still be preventing disease based on vaccination and will also prevent the possible role of neuro inflammation that has been hypothesized as a contributor to the development of autism. This intervention could be studied long term and identify if staggering the vaccines increase autism or decreased the incidence. It will also begin to decrease the humongous cost associated with treatment of children that are diagnosed with autism. For every child that does not develop autism, this is one family that has been spared the huge stress and family burden related to taking care of children with autism. Lastly, it will be win win situation ... Show more content on ... It is a developmental disorder that was once rare but now very common. Although several schools of thought have indicated that the rise in this number is based of improved diagnostics, but there is still no evidence to support that. Others indicate that an environmental component may play a role and the only huge environ mental change is the rise in the number of vaccination that children received and the year that children were receiving 2 3 or more vaccination at once. Vaccines by themselves are partially killed or attenuated viruses. Have we wondered what cumulative effect may occur in the lives of these babies with cumulative effects of partially killed viruses in the body of very young babies that have not developed any immunity to fight off disease. At this time, there is no cure and even after diagnosis the prognosis of the child resuming normal function is poor. Why don t we do something that has the potential to pre emptively prevent it from occurring at least in some select individuals? Only then can we begin to reverse this silent epidermin that has affected the most vulnerable in our society, our
  • 6. Bolsheviks Seizure of Power in 1917 Bolsheviks Seizure of Power in 1917 There are many factors that help explain how and why the Bolsheviks managed to seize power in 1917. It was a combination of long and short term causes that together, created a revolution. The political system itself was long overdue for reform, but with a weak Tsar, the economic and social conditions became worse and worse. In 23 years, Nicholas II dropped from the glorious Little Father of Russia to prisoners of his own country, hatred and despised by the majority, for the suffering and unhappiness he had helped create. There were many long term causes that gradually led up to the revolution in 1917. The political system installed in Russia under the ... Show more content on ... Overcrowding, terrible food, disease and alcoholism were everyday happenings. Peasants began to realise that working in the factories was no better than working on the land. As a result of this industrialisation, a new class of people called the Capitalists began to emerge in Russia. These were the new middle class, which Russia had only seen as shopkeepers and university lecturers, but landowners, bankers, industrialists and businessmen flourished. The capitalist s main concern was the management of the economy and controlling their workforce. The clashes between the workers and the capitalists are another huge factor that lead up to the revolution in 1917. Not everyone however was readily loyal to the Tsar as explained earlier. Many middle class people wanted greater democracy in Russia and wanted, like Britain, a monarch but also a powerful parliament. These were called liberals or Cadets. The two other groups were more passionately opposed to the Tsar and believed revolution was the key to Russia s problems. The Socialist Revolutionaries were a radical movement that believed violence was the only way to revolution, and support for them was wide spread. Their aims were to divide the huge estates from the nobility and hand them over to the peasants. The socialist democratic party
  • 7. Managerial Accounting Case MBA 520: Managerial Accounting Performance Measurement at Lipton: Evaluation and Recommendations Nick Arens Chris Lance Ryan Moore Rob Sloan Summary We at ALMS Consulting Co. have been hired to analyze the way product lines and product managers are being evaluated at the Thomas J. Lipton, Incorporated ( Lipton or the Company ) entity. We will review the performance metrics utilized at the corporate level of Lipton, explain the current methodology utilized to evaluate the individual product lines, and then detail the benefits and potential downfalls of the methodology proposed by Don Logan. Finally, we will provide our own recommendations and opinions as to how ... Show more content on ... Historic cost depreciation is being used which leads to skewed numbers that misrepresent how well a product line will continue to operate in the future due to understated replacement value of fixed assets. Also, the cost of working capital is not being included; as a result, Trading Profit is not indicating the amount of cash and other current assets being tied up in each particular product line. We think that the opportunity cost of utilizing (tying up) working capital is not reflected on each individual product lines final results, enabling product managers to utilize potentially excessive levels of working capital without poorly affecting their Trading Profit. Finally, Mr. Logan concluded that there are expenses that are not being allocated at all or are being allocated improperly: There is a corporate unallocated Other Income and Deductions ( OI amp;D ) account that includes charges that pertain to the different product lines. The allocation of the New Product Development costs is also questionable. Even though these costs are being utilized to create new products, the established products are bearing the costs based on their profits. Manufacturing overhead is based on planned and not actual production. Don Logan felt that all of these factors played a role in not presenting a true measure of how each product line and each product manager was doing within Lipton. We tend to agree that the current process is not accurately reflecting how
  • 8. The Black Walnut Tree Figurative Language In The Roots There is a conflict between practicality and sentimentality conveyed through the use of both literal and figurative language by poet Mary Oliver in The Black Walnut Tree. There is an alternation from a debate between mother and daughter rationalizing reasons of selling the black walnut tree that sits in the family s backyard in order to pay off their mortgage, to the symbolic viewing and characterization of the tree as a reflection of the family s history and what value it holds to further generations. Despite the whip crack of the mortgage experienced every month, cutting down the black walnut tree would be a heinous deception on the family s heritage. The literal language used in the beginning of the free verse does not imply the tree having any symbolic meaning to the speaker and her mother. It is casually said My mother and I debate, we could sell the black walnut tree...[to] pay off the mortgage which defines that in these lines the tree has not yet been introduced with its symbolic purpose. Initially, the tree is viewed as a property they are willing to sell. They rationalize the idea by noting that there are roots in the ... Show more content on ... The narrator s vision of her ancestors expanding a plentiful life is emphasized with the picturesque blue fields...with leaves and vines and orchards. This then strikes the narrator with the realization that cutting down the tree would be a betrayal to their ancestors, their dreams and the demise of the heritage of the
  • 9. Hedda Gabler Faults To what extent do Hedda Gabler s character faults lead to her death? The play Hedda Gabler, written by Henrik Ibsen, discusses the journey of the protagonist Hedda Tesman, formerly known as Hedda Gabler, in her dissent to suicide. Reaching a point where she is entrapped by the misery that has encapsulated all aspects of her life and the feeling that death is the only escape. This journey of poor decision making is largely caused by Hedda s character faults with her inability to fit into 17th century Norwegian society, her self insecurities and her flirtatious behaviour. However, these character faults are accentuated by the constrictive time and setting in which Hedda lives. Overall Ibsen aims to show the audience the difficulties that face... Show more content on ... Hedda s class upbringing and the sexual stereotypes placed upon her enable the character flaws she possesses to heighten leading to disastrous results. Being brought up as the daughter, and only child, of the the great General Gabler means Hedda would have been brought up in a household of quite extensive freedom. The General would have wanted a son, to inherit his title, wealth as well as to go sporting with, and when he did not have one, he is likely to have treated Hedda rather like a son. She would often be seen her riding down the road along with the General and the repetition of her using guns throughout the play shows that she was accustom to the use of guns as a child. As such, she found shifting into Tesman s traditionalist views of a wife difficult, as she aimed for success and independence. Due to the social expectations of Ibsen s setting Hedda is unable to follow a career of her own as she is expected to stay at home looking after children. This means that she is forced to reap any feeling of success from her husband s wretched professorship . Along with this, her dislike of having children and taking her husband s name would have been more acceptable in a further modernised setting yet are scorned upon in her setting. As such the ensuing
  • 10. Canada s Initial Reception Of Chinese Immigrants Chapter Four: Canada s Initial Reception of Chinese Immigrants Contrary to the United States initial warm welcome to Chinese immigrants, Canada began their era of peak Chinese immigration with hostility. One large factor in why this occurred can be found in the time frame of peak Chinese immigration to Canada which was after the United States enacted their Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) which effectively prevented almost all new Chinese immigrants from entering the US for the following decade. Because of that newfound barrier, Chinese that still wanted to come to North America to take advantage of economic opportunities found themselves purchasing tickets to British Columbia, Canada. However, sentiments towards Chinese in 1880s western Canada were analogous to those present in the United States; those which led to the enactment of America s Chinese Exclusion Act. As Chinese populations in California continued to grow, Americans found that the Chinese began making economic conditions less than ideal for white laborers which later started social uproar in the latter half of the 19th century. Because Canada is directly adjacent to the United States, Canadians witnessed the economic woes of native born laborers along the west coast. As a result, they became increasingly wary of Chinese currently in or the increasing number now entering Canada. Between January 1881 and October 1884, approximately 17,00 Chinese entered Canada. A Canadian fear of succumbing to the same economic
  • 11. The Coming of Intelligent Green Vehicles A Report from the TechCast Project While many people simply want to get from A to B, transportation options (and especially automobiles) have to meet a variety of consumer demands: They must be clean, affordable, safe, and increasingly intelligent. Here is an overview of the choices and challenges for carmakers and consumers over the next 10 to 15 years. Imagine being able to sit back during your morning commute while your car does the driving. Would you move closer to the country? Take up the oboe? Finally read War and. Peace? And just imagine the freedom it would bring to those who are disabled. Take, for instance, the legally blind man who earlier in 2012 took a spin in Google s self driving car to go to Taco Bell and then... Show more content on ... And China, driven by the need to conserve energy and avoid pollution, plans to have 5 million vehicles powered only by electric motors (all electrics) on the road by 2020. All electric vehicles (EVs) have existed almost as long as gas engine vehicles, offering advantages of refueling with relatively cheap electricity, quieter ride, and simpler mechanisms. They emit no pollutants, require no fossil fuels, and the electricity to power them can be generated from clean sources such as wind and solar in years to come. They can be recharged from 110 or 220 volt outlets at nominal cost and do not require oil changes, tune ups or emissions inspections. The shift to electric powered cars is expected to cause sales of gasoline and diesel powered cars to begin to decline about 2020. EVs remain limited by range on a single battery charge and time required for recharge. However, significant advances in batteries and capacitors and the emergence of home and public charging and exchange stations are making EVs more practical. Some plug in hybrids, like the GM Volt, are designed for all electric drive with on board charging. Improvements in technology will show up directly as models with increased range for all battery or all ultraca pacitor mode appear in the market. Auto manufacturers are offering broader selections, and prices are nearly
  • 12. Sleep Deprivation Sleep Deprivation among College Students One of the most common and high risk disorders among college students is sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation is when one does not obtain the full amount of sleep that is required for the body to function properly. Young adults need about six to eight hours of sleep in order to function properly, but some college students do not get to sleep the full six to eight hours in one sleep session. There has been a wide range of concern on whether or not people are performing at their highest potential in their day to day lives or if that performance is somehow interrupted due to this insufficient sleep. Buboltz, Brown and Soper (2001) found that trouble waking up in the morning, taking more than thirty minutes to fall asleep, and daytime sleepiness were more of the common types of sleep difficulties. Due to inadequate sleep students get during the night, they tend to take naps in the middle of the day (Ye, Johnson, Keane, Manasia, Gregas, 2015). Most college students often surrender their sleep during the week, and make up for it by sleeping longer on the weekends (Pilcher Walters, 1997), but they actually do not get more sleep. Sleep deprivation comes with many risks such as impaired cognitive performance, behavioral changes, and health issues. This paper will review research on sleep deprivation and inadequate sleeping patterns such as napping to make up for loss of sleep. This paper will explain the normal sleeping patterns that one
  • 13. The Issue Of Substance Abuse Essay It is well known that any form of substance use can be fatal, but so can a lot of other things: choking, accidents, health issues, and sheer bad luck. However, there is something special about substance abuse fatalities from substance use are considered preventable. Take deaths associated with driving under the influence of alcohol, lung cancer brought on by smoking, or heart attacks associated with cocaine use. A person could die in a car crash, from lung cancer, or a heart attack without ever touching alcohol, cigarettes, or cocaine respectively. However, there is an increase in death associated with these items. The most curious part of this is the legal versus illegal categorization of substances. According to the Center for Disease Control, tobacco is considered the leading cause of preventable death (CDC, 2016). Yet, not only is it legal, a person in the U.S. can purchase cigarettes as young as 18, which is three years earlier than the legal age to drink alcohol. This knowledge leads to questions about addictionand prevalence of substance use. Besides being readily available and highly addictive, are there other factors in the use and abuse of legal substances and are they good indicators of illicit drug use? There is clear evidence to support that children, adolescents, and adults learn and emulate what they see on television. The American Academy of Pediatrics has done research and come to the conclusion that the causes of adolescent substance use are
  • 14. A Trip To Disney Land Research Paper I can t believe this! My friend informed me that he had an extra ticket to go to Disney Land and he invited me. Of course I wanted to go to Disney Land, who wouldn t. My heart was full with joy and excitement, I ve always wanted to visit the land of imagination. Disney Land is known for all there fun rides and sweet hotels. The best part is the animation characters. Most of the Disney characters are there to have fun with you. Disney Land is a place where you are never too old to be a kid again. When I arrived at Disney Land I would first go explore as much as possible. Me and my friend would go on the most frightening rides. I ll try to go and take pictures with all my favorite Disney characters. Then I would go get a relaxing
  • 15. Thermodynamics and Ideal Gas First Law Exercise: Problem 1: A volume 10 m3 contains 8 kg of oxygen at a temperature of 300 K. Find the work necessary to decrease the volume to 5 m3, (a) at a constant pressure and (b) at constant temperature. (c) What is the temperature at the end of the process in (a)? (d) What is the pressure at the end of process in (b)? (e) Show both processes in the p V plane. Problem 2: The temperature of an ideal gas at an initial pressure p1 and volume V1 is increased at constant volume until the pressure is doubled. The gas is then expanded isothermally until the pressure drops to its original value, where it is compressed at constant pressure until the volume returns to its initial value. (a) Sketch these processes in the p V plane and in ... Show more content on ... Neglecting friction between the piston and the cylinder wall, determine the heat transfer to the air, in kJ. First Law Additional Exercises: Problem 13: A system executes a quasi static process from an initial state 1 to a final state 2, absorbing 80 kJ of heat and expanding from 2.0 m3 to 2.25 m3 against a constant pressure of 1.5 bar. The system is brought back to its initial state by a non quasi static process, during which it rejects 100 kJ of heat. What is the work done during the second process? Problem 14: Three kg of air in a rigid container changes its state from 5.0 bar and 75oC to 12 bar while it is stirred. The heat absorbed is 195 kJ. Assume air to be an ideal gas with cv = 0.714 kJ/kg K. Determine the final temperature, change in thermal energy and work done. Problem 15: Two kg of air at 2.5 bar and 30oC forms a closed system. It undergoes a constant pressure process with heat addition of 450 kJ. Compute final temperature, change in enthalpy, change in thermal energy, and work done. Assume air to be an ideal gas, with a mol.wt of 29 kg/kmol and cv = 0.714 kJ/kg K. Problem 16: A perfectly insulated system contains 0.1 m3 of hydrogen at 30oC, 5.0 bar. It is stirred at constant pressure till the temperature reaches 60oC. Determine heat transferred, change in thermal energy, stirrer work, and net work. Treat hydrogen as an ideal gas with mol.wt. = 2 kg/kmol, Оі = 1.4.
  • 16. Elements Of Science Fiction In Sally, By Isaac Asimov In the short story Sally, by Isaac Asimov, elements of Science Fiction are shown. These elements of science fiction are that the setting is in the future, that there is true and fictitious technology, situations that have never happened, and there are positives and negatives of the technology on the human race. First, one element of science fictionshown in Sally is the setting being in the future. When talking about taking the automatobiles motors in new bodies, Mr. Gellhorn says what year it is. That s what I m offering some of your positronic motors. They ll be put into new 57 bodies. (Asimov 505) By saying new 57 bodies, it shows that the new car models are in 2057. This proves in one element that this short storyis science fiction, because the story takes place in the future. With this story being in the future, there will also be true and fictitious technology. Another element that is shown clearly in Sally is that there is true and fictitious technology. An example of true technology of the time this story was written, 1953, is manually driven cars. When Jake is in the middle of thinking, he flashbacks to a time before automatic cars. I can remember when there wasn t an automobile in the world with brains enough to find its way home. I chauffeured dead lumps of machines that needed a man s hand at their controls every minute. (Asimov 502) This shows true technology at the time this story was written, since he explains dead lumps of
  • 17. I Have A Dream Short Story M.L.K once said I have a dream.... Now my mom is saying, I have a dream to go to America, and make my kids well educated. Our family does not really have good education; however, my uncle did go to college. Long before I was born my grandma, her son, and her daughters actually immigrated from Bhutan to Nepal. My familyare Nepali, but they just lived in Bhutan. I don t really know the story, but they had to immigrate from Bhutan, for the government did not like them being there. At least that s what I ve heard. I guess we are moving for the American dream , or to get a better life. Some of my uncles, aunts, and cousins are already in Boston. So it won t be too bad. In the afternoon (while we packed) we had a conversation about moving: I can t wait to get a job, mom said cheerfully, and send you guys to a college. But aren t you going to miss Nepal? I asked her with a confused, and a serious face. We will obviously come and visit Nepal she shook her head You dummy. How about grandma, cousins, and uncle? Aren t you going to miss them? my sister questioned mom like she was a interviewer. They will also come to Boston in like three, or four months, she sighed Now, no more questions kids. Later that night I could not go to sleep. I was too worried about moving to Boston. Starting a new life won t be easy because making new friends in a place where there are kids from different countries, and I don t even know English good enough. It looks like I
  • 18. Non-State Actors And Terrorism Non state actors and terrorism in international relations are complicated subjects seeing it in different perspectives. Non state actors see themselves as freedom fighters, whereas the victims see them as terrorists. There isn t a solid definition on terrorism however, there are three different qualities that defines a terrorist. Violence is a quality that causes destruction of properties and murder within states. Targeting civilians is another quality that terrorist have because they use them to create examples to threaten state actors. Finally the most important quality out of all is political purposes because without it, it would be a group of sick people who slaughter other people out of pleasure. Non states actors, and terrorismexisted... Show more content on ... Using violence, targeting civilian, and having a political goal is three main qualities that defines a terrorist because without it any of these qualities it would be either a protest or group of psychopaths killing civilians. In the movie Olympus Has Fallen shows the violence of killing innocent people, causing destruction of properties and taking president as hostage for political reasons. Kang Yeonsak the antagonist of the movie wanted to turn United States of American into an irradiated wasteland and watch them suffer as revenge for his family. There are similar historical examples of terrorism that happened such as the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 nearly killed 2,500 innocent people in the World Trade Center and 1979 1980 Iran hostage crisis using hostage as blackmail toward the government for exchanges of
  • 19. Essay on Top Sites for Christian Singles Top Sites for Christian Singles You cannot be lonely if you like the person you re alone with. Wayne Dyer While I enjoy being single, I do occasionally like male company for dinner, dancing or just good conversation. Fortunately, there are many sites for singles to find friends, dates and even mates; however, I was interested in sites for Christian singles. After contacting several megachurches to inquire as to which sites were most used by their singles, we learned that the directors for the ministries were not asking this question and the singles where not volunteering the information although the felt the services were being used. The single ministry leaders felt that their goal was to provide an environment for the singles ... Show more content on ... After speaking with those who have personally used the services, what they liked most on any dating site are pre screened members (i.e., background checks) and the ability to browse potential candidate during a trial or free membership. One site,, is owned by Penthouse Media Group. Knowing that even non Christian sites are not 100% authentic, some Christian singles sites do publish statements or articles of faith. A few of the Christian singles sites admitted to not wanting to publish a statement of faith so that no one would feel excluded. Christian Mingle, owned by Sparks Networks, primarily has members in the US and some in Canada. They provide opportunities for members to express his or her faith, share a bible passage, and list a church or ministry affiliation. The profile took five minutes to complete even asking open ended questions to allow you to express yourself. Member fees are $29.99 per month; however, with a six month contract, the fee is $13.99 per month. Christian Singles is owned by Christians Networking Enterprises LLC, and they advertise that they are dedicated to marriage
  • 20. Positive Risk Taking Essay Unit 24 1 1.1 For many people risk is an accepted part of everyday life. Every day activities such as catching the bus, travelling on holiday, playing football, setting up home and starting a family all carry some element of risk. Risk plays a part in our health, safety, security, well being, employment, education, daily activities, using resources and equipment and in community participation. But some adults, for example disabled people or older people, are often discouraged from taking risks. Traditionally they are not encouraged to take risks in areas such as budgeting, planning, employment and daily living skills. This may be either because of their perceived limitations or fear that they or others might be harmed. ... Show more content on ... These should all e recorded to prevent re prescribing. If a side effect is spotted you should take the following steps: * Inform the manager * Seek medical help * Observe the person * Record all symptoms * Record what you have done * Treat the symptoms if possible or take to hospital * Record the medicine and reaction in the persons care notes * Inform their GP. Unit 47 2 2.4 There are a variety of different ways in which medicine can be administered. * Orally The majority of medicines are administered this way via tablets, liquids etc. * Sublingually This is where tablets or capsules are placed under the tongue for fast absorption. * Inhalation This is most commonly used by asthma patients. It delivers the medicine directly to the lungs. * Intramuscular injection This is injected directly into large muscles (usually legs or bum). This can only be done by a doctor or nurse. * Intravenous injection This is injected straight directly into the veins. Medicines are rapidly absorbed into the body. This can only be performed by a doctor or trained nurse. * Subcutaneous injection This form of medicine is injected directly under the skin. After training care staff may provide this
  • 21. College Application Essay Sample While at the American Academy of Religion conference in San Diego California last year, I attended an event for prospective students hosted by the Chicago School of Divinity entitled, Coffee with the Dean. There I met Margaret M. Mitchell the then Dean, and John Howell the Coordinator for Recruiting Admissions, of the Chicago School of Divinity. After expressing my various research interests to Dean Mitchell, she said that my research interests were a perfect match with several professors at the Divinity School: Alireza Doostdar, Michael Sells, and James T. Robinson. After thorough research and visits to numerous religious studies programs, I am confident the Chicago School of Divinity is the best place for me to pursue my academic and professional goals. I am determined to become a stellar candidate for their program by enhancing my graduate school application. Strengthening my graduate school application entails taking more specialized courses in my fields of interest to demonstrate my engagement with contemporary... Show more content on ... I hit the intellectual apex and exhausted all resources offered at my undergraduate institution, I am now looking for rigorous training in an environment of self motivated, independent thinking individuals that will continue to catalyze my intellectual growth. During my career as a Graduate Student at Large, I plan to take three to six courses chosen from the Divinity School, the department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, and the Harris School of Public Policy. I am highly receptive to feedback and plan to be in close contact with the GSAL advising team for direction on class choices, unit load, and helpful resources offered by the university. Moreover, I hope to receive guidance on preparing my graduate school application to the master program at the Chicago school of Divinity, and to similar programs
  • 22. Elizabeth Duboy Sustainability Analysis The waterfront is the origin of human culture and economy. A lot of creatures depend on water for life, mankind is no exception. Therefore, the earliest villages were close to water sources. This was not only because of our dependence on water but also due to traffic concerns. The rise and fall of many cities was related to transportation. In the very beginning, villages close to water turned into fishing villages. In the age of navigation, they became the posts of trade. In the industrial age, they became container ports. The old ports then became the new waterfront appearance. Such a process represents the diversity of waterfront use and its importance to human life and commercial activities. With the advancements in Industrial Revolution... Show more content on ... 2 Careful planning and innovative design (planning). 3 The main building is the key (Architectural Design). 4 Attach importance to management to maintain the attraction of waterfront area (operation and management). Waterfront development includes political decision making, urban planning, architectural design, development operation and management; the land development strategy mentioned in this paper focuses not only on the development of points, but also on the development of lines and surfaces. The waterfront land development strategy and urban development strategies are closely related; more precisely, waterfront land development strategy is one part of urban development strategy. At different stages and for different problems, we need different development strategies; for analysis of waterfront land development strategy, this paper will explain in two aspects: the origin and significance of strategy, and the contents of strategy: The origin and significance of
  • 23. Wood Bats Should Be Used For The Ncaa Wood Bats Should Be Used in the NCAA Trent Ream University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown Abstract A major topic that comes up when people start to talk about college baseball and the bats they use. They went back and forth debating on whether or not the NCAA should switch to wood bats. Reasons why people think they should switch to wood bats. But there are still people who think they should stay using what they use now. Metal bats will keep the game interesting, some reasons why they should switch are that most MLB draft picks come from college and they use wood bats in the MLB. Another reason is hitting with a wood bat is a completely different game. an additional example would be that wood bats would give you a better representation of the stats compared to major league hitters. Lastly another reason is because they use low seam balls. Wood Bats Should Be Used in the NCAA A major topic that will come up when people start to talk about college baseball and the bats they use. They have went back and forth debating on whether or not the NCAA should switch to wood bats. There are many reasons why people think they should switch to wood bats. But there are still people who think they should stay using what they use now. Although metal bats will keep the game interesting, some reasons why people think they should switch are that most MLB draft picks come from college and they use wood bats in the MLB. The next reason is hitting with a
  • 24. Installing A System With Graphical Password Schemes Since conventional password schemes are vulnerable to shoulder surfing, many shoulder surfing resistant graphical password schemes have been proposed. However, as most users are more familiar with textual passwords than pure graphical passwords, text based graphical password schemes have been proposed. Unfortunately, none of existing text based shoulder surfing resistant graphical passwordschemes is both secure and efficient enough. Here, we propose 4 D Password scheme to make the existing scheme even more robust and powerful. We propose to different authenticationscheme to one system, and this will lend more stability and make the attacks on userprivacy even more difficult to succeed in. We proposed a system with graphical password scheme, Color code authentication, OTP based authentication, and Time Elapse Authentication scheme composed as a 4 D Authentication system. I.INTRODUCTION Today, although the password authentication is used widely, since users write their password directly on screen and tend to make their password easy to remember, they may be vulnerable to several attacks such as brute force, guessing, replay, and shoulder surfing. Although many authentication schemes were proposed to improve the usability and security, they are still vulnerable to the shoulder surfing attack. In this project, we propose a 4 D pattern based authentication scheme which is secure against this attack. Also, we analyse the usability, deplorability, and security of the
  • 25. A Field That Has Seen Rapid Growth During The Last Few... Christina Cacciola 8/29/2014 Play Therapy An overview A field that has seen rapid growth in the last few decades is child therapy. Unlike adult therapy which can be as simple as a conversation between peers, child therapy presents a variety of new barriers. One barrier faced by child therapists is understanding behaviors that come from individuals on a different developmental level than themselves. Techniques and conversations that can be readily applied to adults by therapists are lost on children. Additionally with disorders that effect communication and connection, all attempts previously used would be null and void. Unfortunately, the individuals who would benefit from therapy the most are the ones who present these barriers. In an effort to make up for these deficits, play therapy was introduced as a way to transcend language barriers and aid the child in becoming self aware on their own. Using the historically noted context of the importance of play, many therapists have refined and structured this natural language and have been able to facilitate desirable change for a variety of issues. The rest of this paper aims at providing the reader with a proficient overview of play therapy. The benefits, history, credentials, inner workings, and role of the family will be examined. Classical cases, as well as individual case studies, and larger scale findings will be examined, and the role and credentials of the therapist outlined. Why play? Play is an important
  • 26. How Can We Overcome Stress And Live A Life Full Of Happiness How to Overcome Stress and Live a Life Full of Happiness By Anoop K Gupta | Submitted On March 26, 2015 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Anoop K Gupta Stress has become an integral part of our day to day life. And the worst thing is that if we don t take corrective measures, we start remaining under stress for longer durations which causes lot of health issues later on in life. So let s try and understand what stress is and how ... Show more content on ... What causes Stress Let s try to find out causes of stress in our lives. The biggest problem with us is that we are out on a mission to change others. We are busy criticizing others, pinpointing faults in others unnecessarily without focussing on ourselves. We wantothers to become the way we want them to be. We believe this will give us happiness. But actually this process gives us stress because we are unable to change others. Our actions are guided by our expectations in return. And non fulfilment of expectations from relationships is biggest cause of stress and disappointment these days. As parents, we want to control our children. We want our children to pursue a career of our choice. When our teen aged child wants to go out for party or movies, we are the first one to lecture him. We want to influence him. And when our Children refuse to mend their ways, we feel stressed. We feel stressed in relationships because as a lover, either we want to influence our partner or we want to please our partner. And either ways in all situations, whenever we fail to achieve success, it causes immense stress. After son s marriage, mother feels stressed. The reason is she fears she will lose control over his son who had loved and followed her mother unconditionally for nearly twenty five years. The wife feels stressed because she feels that unless her mother in law stops controlling her son, how she will influence her husband. The son feels stressed because he is trying to
  • 27. Stereotypes In Billy Elliot In the film Billy Elliot directed by Stephen Daldry, Michael is a thought provoking character because he is portrayed as both gay and a cross dresser. With the film being set during the 1984 1985 coal miners strike. Michael lives in Everington, Durham, a small town in north eastern England where you re either a straight girl or a straight man and the community is very black and white and there is no grey area in between area for people like Michael. In the film Billy Elliot Michael is seen to be interested in cross dressing and frequently dresses up in his sister s dresses and puts on his mother s makeup (most notably her lipstick). The long shot of him standing at his door in front of Billy wearing his little sister s dress shows ... Show more content on ... Along with the struggles of growing up in a community where he doesn t fit the expected norm for male behaviour, Michael has an alcoholic and abusive father who believes heavily in the gender stereotypes perpetuated throughout the film and disapproves heavily of Michael s behaviour. All this strain on Michael makes it hard for him to have a normal childhood as he struggles with the challenges of growing up in a community where you don t fit the mold of what a man should be like. This is shown in the scene when he and Billy are wearing tutus and dancing in the boxing hall and get caught by two angry parents who then proceed to call them both poofs and sissies for dancing together. Michael is also seen at the end of the film to have his male partner sitting next to him.This relates to the audience because at some point in their life everyone feels like they don t fit in with the majority of their community, whether it is a small difference or a large one people are all unique but sometimes can feel like they are the only one fighting against the world. In Michael s case he has to grow up hiding his true self and not being able to express his feelings as the community he lives in is heavily embedded in traditional gender roles and stereotypes and does not accept people who don t fit within the black and white
  • 28. King, Pigs And Cattle Controversy Once upon a time there lived 2 sons, a king, and pigs and cows peacefully eating grass and carrots. They had lived on an island known as Ireland and the king was very selfish. He was also wealthy and so he would not share a meal with anyone not even a piece of it. As the king grew fat and wide he still didn t care. He was so fat he exclaimed once as his news look at this citizens I m fat!!! and he literally meant to say that to the whole village. Then the king made a fire so he could eat beef jerky and bacon. The king goes with his bow and kills half the pigs and cows that were out there in the field. He then found out that he was at a high cholesterol and died due to the fact that the doctors were having lunch. Then
  • 29. Honda Ridgeline Case Study The Honda Ridgeline returns this spring after a two year hiatus. The second generation midsize pickup truck model debuted at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit this week, making a clean break from the previous edition. At least when it comes to styling. What hasn t changed is the Ridgeline s unibody construction as it uses a car like architecture it shares with the Honda Pilot SUV. What this means is front wheel drive is standard, while all wheel drive is optional. We are bringing our unique technology and original thinking to the market in a new and challenging concept for a Honda pickup, said John Mendel, executive vice president of American Honda Motor Co., Inc. We think we ve got a better idea, a truck that uses... Show more content on ... It will also be manufactured stateside at its manufacturing plant in Lincoln, Alabama. That s same approach Nissan and Toyota have taken to gain acceptance in this all American passenger vehicle segment. To effectively battle in a competitive segment, Honda has to approach potential customers with something different. It already knows that it will not and it cannot reach off road enthusiasts. On the other hand, Honda has designed the Ridgeline to provide excellent on road utility as well as overall versatility. What should help Honda is the Ridgeline s 3.5 liter, V 6 engine, its only engine choice. This direct injection motor is paired with a 6 speed automatic transmission, forming the only powertrain combination offered. Honda hasn t specified numbers yet, but the automaker claims that among midsize V 6 pickup truck models, it expects to lead the segment in a few key areas. Specifically, Honda says the new Ridgeline will offer best in class acceleration performance. Further, the automaker expects the Ridgeline to approach the 1,600 pound payload capacity of competing trucks. If this truck matches the previous edition s 5,000 pound towing capacity, then it ll provide one more reason for people to consider
  • 30. Essay Tchaikovsky Tchaikovsky ATchaikovsky=s music is not only one of the cornerstones of Russian musical society and world music . . . It is at the same time a creative and technical encyclopedia to which every Russian composer has reference in the course of his own work,@ commented Dimitri Shostakovich.1 This was a typical view held by Tchaikovsky=s contemporaries. He was well known and well respected, especially in his later years. In addition, Tchaikovsky was recognized as the most expressive Romantic composer in Russia.2 He was often idolized and put on a pedestal, particularly during his tour of the United States in 1891 when he conducted concerts of his own works in some of the leading concert halls. Tchaikovsky brought national attention to... Show more content on ... Petersburg. When he was fourteen years old, a major cholera epidemic was raging through Russia, a quite common occurrence during his lifetime. His mother contracted the disease and subsequently died. Tchaikovsky was completely shattered by her death. AIt is likely that the emotional imbalance that characterized Tchaikovsky=s throughout his life dates from this tragedy.@4 He remained a clerk for three years. He hated his job but he worked feverishly at it for he worked hard at every task he was given. He continued to be drawn into the music world and he took piano and theory lessons. Finally, in 1862, he quit his job and devoted the rest of his life to music which he began by entering the St. Petersburg Conservatory. He graduated with a silver medal in 1865. After graduation he was unsure of what to do until 1866 when Nicholas Rubenstein offered him the job of professor of harmony at the newly formed Moscow Conservatory. It was here that he wrote his first serious works which included AA Festival Overture on the Danish National Hymn,@ his First Symphony in G AWinter Daydreams,@ and his first opera AThe Voyevode.@ Showing his desire for perfection he tore up the opera because he was dissatisfied with it and it wasn=t until 1949 that it was revived.5 Tchaikovsky=s first masterpiece was composed from 1869 1870. It was a symphonic fantasy based on Shakespeare=s Romeo and Juliet. ARomeo and Juliet@ was the first of Tchaikovsky=s works in which his superbly
  • 31. How To Make Lace Wigs Essay Best Lace Wigs for African American hair If you re an African American woman looking for the perfect synthetic or Remy lace wigs, here are a few options you may want to consider. Yaki lace wigs Yaki lace wigs are made of the highest quality Indian Remy hair. These wigs have a very fine texture, although you can choose to purchase Yaki wigs that are slightly thicker. The biggest advantage of these is that they dry straight, but you can curl them any way you choose. You can even obtain a bouncy curl by setting the wet hairwith rollers. These are very versatile wigs that can be worn in a number of styles, including an up do or high ponytail. If you love long hair, then Yaki lace wigs can be an ideal choice. Some of the features of a yaki lace ... Show more content on ... It takes only minimal care to keep these wigs looking natural and healthy. Thanks to advancements in wig technology, it can be difficult to tell these wigs from your real hair, even up close. Kinky hair lace wigs If your goal is a natural, fresh and relaxed look, kinky hair lace wigs are a great option. Made of high quality Indian Remy hair, these are very soft and have been textured to simulate African American hair that has been blow dried and freshly relaxed. The hair dries straight, but you can flat iron it for a sleeker look. This is also idea for cornrows. Kinky hair lace wigs offer versatility and can be styled in a variety of ways, including an up do or high ponytail. Some of the features of a kinky hair lace wig include: 100% premium Indian Remy hair Can be styled in a variety of ways Comes in a variety of lengths and colors Can be parted anywhere for a more natural look Seamless and discreet look making it virtually undetectable Lightweight and
  • 32. Peta Research Paper PETA, Take Off Your Blinders By Melanie Showers Junior Prepared Public Speaking CDE Northern Lebanon FFA Chapter Lebanon County Eastern Region 2 /11/16 Mrs. Balmer Ms. Oberst Imagine this; You are wearing blinders next to your eyes, like the horses that pull the Amish buggy. You can t see left, you can t see right, you can only see straight forward to your set destination. This is how I imagine PETA and its followers when they wrote their most recent article about the FFA and their views about it. They only saw one view of the FFA and that was the only way they promoted it. You would think they would be thanking the FFA for all they do against animal abuse and their work of promoting animals as more than just food or a project ... Show more content on ... Dairy cows produce more milk than what a calf needs in a day. The calves are gently separated, with no harm done to the cow or calf. The article also states that the FFA promotes cows being constantly artificially inseminated on rape racks to keep milk production flowing. The FFA does promote the dairy industry, but nothing called a rape rack exists. They are called head locks or a cattle chute and they keep the cows in place for the breeder. They don t harm the cow at all. Also, cows are bred at certain times, and they do get breaks from being milked, these are called dry
  • 33. The Journey Of Gilgamesh And Enkidu Gilgamesh had a journey that he had begun with Enkidu which they had to travel to Cedar Forest to defeat Humbaba. When Enkidu died, Gilgamesh had to deal with his own journey that s when everything begins for him. He learned immortality from which he got from Utnapishtim. His journey ended when he had return to Uruk. The second part of his journey was for wisdom. When Gilgamesh had to find Utnapishtim, he believes that it was for immortality. But it was impossible. It was not possible. Love was a big part of motivation erotic and platonic, had motivated a different in Gilgamesh. The love that Gilgamesh and Enkidu had as friends made him better man in the first part of the story, but when Enkidu dies, Gilgamesh had change ... Show more content on ... Gilgamesh and Enkidu did not do this to give praises of their own names. They both was doing god s work by killing Humbaba, even if it was not directly to another god s wants. Shamash helps Gilgamesh by the Sun god which Gilgamesh had a god to go too. It was very nice to have a god of his own. Shamash hung around to help Gilgamesh and Enkidu. That s why it was a little bit confusion to why Enkidu tells Gilgamesh to kill Humbaba so fast, before Shamash finds out about it. Shamhat was a female character in Tablet I and II of the Epic of Gilgameshhad was again in tablet VII. She was a prostitute who brings Enkidu from a wild man into interaction with civilization. Gilgamesh was somewhat a real person who lived between 2,500 and 2,700 B.C. and the fifth king in the First Dynasty of Uruk. Urshambi take Gilgamesh on a boat ride across the sea and through the Water of Death to Utnapishtim. Humbaba was the monster who protected the Cedar Forest. He can do tricks by changing his face. The giant ship was called The Preserve of Life was a tasked by Enkidu which had abandon his worldly possessions. Ishtar was a goddess. She was the one that let the fire and brimstone loose. That made Enkidu and Gilgamesh not meet eye to eye. That half lead Enkidu to the death penalty from the gods. That sends Gilgamesh failing his search for immortality.
  • 34. Kate Hamill s Adaptation Of Sense And Sensibility Playwright Kate Hamill s adaptation of Jane Austen s Sense and Sensibility enhances the classic through the use of the dramatic elements conflict and characterization, which contribute to the believability and meaning of the piece. The costume design by Olivera Gajic, lighting design by Cecilia Durbin, and scenic design by Peter Ksander used in the Playmakers Repertory Company s production of Sense and Sensibilitydirected by Taibi Magar engage the audience and contribute to the development of the dramatic elements. In Sense and Sensibility, the vulnerability of women in society is explored through contrasting personalities and the importance placed on marriage, resulting in a critique of both sexes and social foundations such as money and... Show more content on ... The awkwardness that transpires as both Elinor and Edward attempt to write letters in the same room shows both Elinor s and Edward s reluctance to show their feelings because of society s judgements and develops their individual characters. Elinor is aware of the impact that her lack of wealth has on her marriage prospects, so she does not admit her feelings for Edward explicitly to him nor her family despite their existence. She is sensible and does not allow her love for a man make her vulnerable. Edward also has difficulty expressing his emotions. His feelings are complicated by his family s desires and his engagement to Lucy Steele (Sarah Elizabeth Keyes). Despite his feelings for Elinor, he is characterized by his loyalty to his prior commitments. His loyalty, while admirable, is also the hamartia that nearly keeps him away from Elinor forever. Marianne Dashwood s passion and spontaneity is evident through her actions; she cuts off a lock of her hair for her suitor, John Willoughby, without an engagement and weeps openly when he leaves town. Her excessive sensibility is a critique of women s dependence on men for happiness. Willoughby is characterized as the perfect man, yet develops into a very problematic and unfaithful character. He draws Marianne in only to break her heart and it is eventually revealed that she is not the only girl
  • 35. Captive Animals Research Paper Ms. Spangenberg Cp World Literature Period 3 4 April 2017 Within Barriers Marine Park Under Fire After Video Shows Captive Orca Banging Its Head Against A Gate, Giraffe s Death by Zoo Prompts Investigation,Crocodile stoned to death in horrific attack at Tunisian zoo. These alarming captions are only a few of the many similar headlines that have been stamped across the top news in the United States over the past two years. The issue of stereotypic behavior in captive animals include physical, emotional, and psychological medical conditions that have the potential to afflict an astounding number of zoo animals. This stereotypic behavior is an obvious sign that animals in captivity are neither happy nor mentally stable. Although paying a visit ... Show more content on ... The Animal Welfareact is a federal law signed in the year of 1966 to regulate the transportation of animals from their natural habitat, limit the amount of animals admitted to participate in research studies as well as limit those who are forced to live in captivity of artificial habitats. While environmental laws are created to meet the standards of animal stability, such requirements are not always met. The issue arises when there is a trade off for animals in the black market where we see unsustainable trading of wildlife. This is most certainly a threat to the survival of exotic animals. Due to the regulations of the Welfare Act, it has become utilized to take in these animals for financial trade to receive under the table profit from abducted animals.Legitimate hunters have limitations upon how to handle abducting these animals. Such expectations for hunting include obtaining a license to do so, prohibiting the use of poison, or using force of an armed weapon. Over the course of the century, being in possession of wildlife has become vital for general rural areas who make a living from hunting and trading their cattle or priced animals for financial stability. Commercial trade is is an international business
  • 36. Employee Turnover Rate Affects A Business Turnover refers to the number of employees who leave a company in a particular period of time. (Westover 2014 16) Throughout my entire college career I have tried to focus and narrow down on the topic of employee turnover rates. I have researched it, I have studied it, and I have really gone and try to analyze every possibility of cause and effect when it comes to employee turnover rates. There are many aspects to an HRM role within a companyand one of those is being able to look at employee turnover rates due to the impact that it can have on a company s cost. I have chosen to interview two HR managers, Ben Wood with Graphtec INC. and Bill Schlenker with Pierce Accounting, about employee turnover rates for this assignment to have a deeper look into their thoughts, goals, and ideas about employee turnover rates. The first questionI asked was, How do you feel employee turnover rate can affect a business? The question allowed me to see different thoughts and ideas from individuals that had been working with this directly. Ben Wood, an HRM for 5 years, stated, I feel that turnover rates directly affect customer experience, support levels, and how much development and improvement can be provided to a staff. It can also affect employee morale. (Wood 2016) The effects on employee morale are an idea that I had never thought of previously. The thought that one person leaving might have an effect on others is a though that seems almost strange; however, with the
  • 37. The Following Of Jesus Christ The Following of Jesus Christ Discipleship is the study of theology, having a religion, and being a follower of Christ. Dietrich Bonhoeffer had many themes and studies pertaining to discipleship. Throughout his book Bonhoeffer shared his views and the way he sees discipleship. I learned about Bonhoeffer s writings on the call to discipleship, discipleship and the cross, discipleship and the individual, and the church of JesusChrist and discipleship. By learning discipleship through Bonhoeffer it allowed for me to broaden the way I view theology and the following of Christ. The themes in this book allow for one to grow in their theological outlook. To begin Bonhoeffer discussed his views on the call to discipleship. Bonhoeffer wrote,... Show more content on ... They did not fight for the miracle worker to avoid his death. They simply punished this man for no reason at all. He lived the perfect life and brought people to the Lord. So for Jesus to be put to death by the people they abandoned him. They left his side and left him to suffer on the cross. On the cross was where Jesus died a miserable death and suffered greatly. The last thing described by Bonhoeffer was that the cross represents guilt. He described how Jesus was the bearer of all sins for humans. Now Christians become the ones who bare other individuals sin and guilt. To sum up the cross it has many meanings and it signifies a lot in Christian religion. After Bonhoeffer finished writing about the cross he wrote about discipleship and the individual. This is about how God made people as individuals. God made us to be alone and be lonely. He did this so we would have someone to go to in these lonely times and this person is Jesus christ and God. In this chapter Bonhoeffer really discusses how we being individuals need to accept Jesus Christ the mediator. Back to the issue of Jesus bearing all of our sins it truly shows how caring and how much he values our lives. If Christ is willing to die for us and our sins we should at minimum bring him into our lives. We should recognize what he did for us and live in a way where he can shine through us. So by God creating us as lonely individuals we should be able to reach out to
  • 38. One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest By Ken Kesey Ken Kesey s novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest, was written in 1962. It is a classic book and is fictional. Fictional books are important to read for many reasons. Some of the reasons are the following; fiction can help you understand society and the world around you, it can allow you to understand and share the feeling of someone else, fiction can help your way of viewing others and strengthens your consciousness, and fiction also helps to keep your brain healthy and knowledgeable. The way it helps you understand society is fiction books can show you things that can happen in the world and give you more of an idea of what to expect in a world where anything can happen. Fiction allows you to understand and share the feeling of ... Show more content on ... (Marvelous) Ken Kesey was born on September 17, 1935 in La Junta, Colorado. His parents are Fred and Geneva Smith Kesey. Kesey and his family moved away to Oregon. In Oregon, he started a successful marketing cooperative for dairy farmers, named the Eugene Farmers Cooperative. Kesey built it into the largest dairy operation in the area. He then renamed it Darigold. During his highschool years, he was voted most likely to succeed and he did. Later on he attended the University of Oregon. Kesey was in fraternities and sports. He became a star wrestler in the 174 pound class. Following the year of his college graduation in 1956, he married his wife, Faye Haxby. They moved to Los Angeles; Kesey wanted to become a movie actor but starting writing novels instead. Ken Kesey later on got a job as a night attendant. He started taking experimental drugs, that resemble psychoses. During those trials, Kesey became consumed in the drug experiments and his job in the psychiatric ward at night that he would go to work high on hallucinogens; he felt as if he could see into the patient s faces. During one night while he was working, he hallucinated the face of an American Indian. This vision inspired Kesey to write his first published novel, One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest. (Charters, Ann) A theme in One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest, could be as Bromden talks about the fog machine and considers it a safe place for him and all
  • 39. Morality And Its Effect On Society Morality is compatible with politics, for it is the people who create politics and in them rest morals. Morality itself rest in the individual, and as such is interpreted in various ways; when put together it is only natural that the definition of morality as a whole is simplified and thus individual interpreting is compromise and also, a consensus is reached. As discussed in the Apology and elaborated in Crito, Socrates stance is moral in nature but is in line with politics, in relation to today s issue of marriage equality; that is the law is made and must be obeyed and when you involve independent thinking the political sphere will begin to fall. For equal marriage in the US it is simply an understanding of what marriage is in the eyes of the government, and that is: a contract between two individuals who feel that a life, legally, together is beneficial to them in some ways. Moralityis a personal idea of what is genuinely good and bad, (whereas ethicsis concerned with how and in what way one acts) morality is in line with in what is good and bad for that person. This being the case, each individual is subject to two areas of acting, the first is morally or in themselves and the other is in the public realm, and thus who they understand what is good in themselves they will proceed to act in some way in the public realm. It is in the public realm where morality and politics collide, for the laws of the land are not always in sync with one s own understanding of
  • 40. The Impact Of Confucianism Confucianism, also known as The School of the Scholars , is an ethical and philosophical institution in East Asia and developed from the teachings of the early Chinese sage Confucius (Wertz, 1998). Indeed, it is a complicated institution that including moral, social, political, and religious thoughts. Up to the 21st century, most of them had enormous impacts on the history of Chinese enlightenment.Confucianism is viewed as state religion of empire China (Wertz, 1998). The countries and various territories, where ethnic Chinese are the majority, are extremely influenced by Confucianism such as China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore .The thoughts from Confucianism has formulated the customs in those community and people comply with these.... Show more content on ... Confucius had advocated more views about the relationships between different classes that existed in a society, also he noticed that a superior should be obeyed because of receiving Mandate of Heaven (Wertz, 1998). In North Korea, all the citizens are necessary to be loyal to their states and emphasis, who called Kim Jong un (Hwang, 2002). Requiring people to have excessive Loyalty leads North Korea has become currently a country where disrespect for human rights. Everybody knows only the mighty president has sheer human rights and all citizens seem to be his vassals in North Korea. In additions, North Korean s destiny and human rights do not belong to themselves, but to the mighty president. Thus, people should pursue moral principles when they have the contradiction with customs, they define what is right or wrong, not only the great leader to formulate the social norms, but also a society. More importantly, people s live and human rights should not be controlled by everything and everyone, including the great leader. The human rights, namely the freedom of religions, freedom of speech are the necessities to people. They can do everything they want illegally, it does not mean they betray their
  • 41. Reading Strategies CAN THO UNIVERSITY ENGLISH DEPARTMENT [pic] Research Paper: READING STRATEGIES FOR ACADEMIC STUDENTS Teacher: Le Thi Tuyet Mai, M.A. Student: Chu Thi Thai Hien Class: CHAV k.17 Student s Code: 161015 Cantho December, 2010 TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION2 CHAPTER II: LITERATURE4 II. 1. Definition of Strategies4 II. 2. Distinction between Strategies and Skills4 II. 3. Difference Strategic Readers from Poor Readers4 II. 4. Some Methods for Teaching Reading Strategies6 II. 4. 1. Before Reading6 II. 4. 2. During Reading6 II. 4. 3. After Reading6 II. 5. Some Techniques for Teaching Reading Strategies6 II. 5. 1. Some Techniques for Teaching Before Reading... Show more content on ... He stated that strategies differentiate within an individual and that a person can use a variety of strategies to achieve his or her goal. Oxford (as cited in Oxford, 2003, p.8) defined strategies as follows: The word strategies comes from the ancient Greek word strategia, which means steps or actions taken for the purpose of winning a war. The warlike meaning of strategia, has fortunately fallen away but the control and directedness remains in the version of the word. He believed that whether a strategy is helpful or not depends on the specific context in which it is appropriately used. In order to use a strategy effectively, learners have to consider three important conditions: whether the strategy relates well to the second language task at hand, whether the strategy fits the particular students learning style preferences to one degree or another, or whether the students employ the strategy and link it with other strategies well. II. 2. Distinction between Strategies and Skills Strategies can be defined as conscious actions that learners take to achieve desired goals or objectives, while a skill is a strategy that has become automatic. As learners consciously learn and practice specific reading strategies, the strategies move from conscious to unconscious; from strategy to skill (Nunan, 2003). Strategic reading is defined as the ability of the reader
  • 42. Is418 Project 1-2-3 Essay example IS 418: Security Strategies in Linux Platforms and Applications * Project: Linux Based Web Application Infrastructure * Project: Logistics * Project Part 3: Executive Summary * Project Part 3: Tasks 1 * Project Part 3: Tasks 2 * Project Part 3: Tasks 3 IS 418: Security Strategies in Linux Platforms and Applications * Project: Linux Based Web Application Infrastructure * Project: Logistics * Project Part 3: Executive Summary * Project Part 3: Tasks 1 * Project Part 3: Tasks 2 * Project Part 3: Tasks 3 Task 1: Use a Kernel Scenario: First World Bank Savings and Loan s Linux based infrastructure requires an in house custom kernel or a kernel provided by a vendor ... Show more content on ... However the key strength in all these management appliance solutions is that they are open solutions designed to empower the customer. The Power of Open Standards: Opengear has a long tradition of working with organizations and people in the open standards and open source community to help support the development of open design and spread the use of open platforms: * Opengear partnered with OSSI and the OpenSSL project to sponsor the OpenSSL cryptographic module meeting the FIPS 140 2 standard for ARM processors * Opengear supports the OpenFlow/SDN Interoperability Lab. This Software Defined Networking (SDN) technology from the Open
  • 43. Muscle Contraction Lab This lab was conducted to test the muscle reaction to three different solutions and observe the muscle contraction in the presence of each solution. We predicted that ATP solution in distilled water might cause muscle contraction since ATP alone binds to myosin to break the cross bridge and enable the myosinto rebind to actin at the next musclecontraction. ( ATP and Muscle Contraction . Boundless Biology) All three groups were given a 2cm length of psoas muscle, which was placed on a microscope slide with a small drop of glycerol. First, we measured each fiber, and then added 2 drops of one of the solutions, Solution A; .25% ATP in distilled water, Solution B; .25% ATP solution in water, .05M KCI, .001 M MgC12 in distilled water, and Solution C; .05 M KC1, .001 M MgC12 in distilled water. We waited 30 seconds after adding the solution and we measured the fiber again to see if there was any muscle concentration after adding the solution. Our hypothesis was not supported, because the fiber size did not change. Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to learn if any of the three solutions used for the experiment would cause the fiber to have a muscle contraction and if there wasn t any muscle contraction, understand why the solution didn t cause a muscle contraction. Introduction: Muscle contractions are a reduction in size of muscle ... Show more content on ... (Table 1) ATP alone causes myosin to break the cross bridge and allow the myosin to reattach to the actin causing a muscle contraction, since the solution we used had ATP; I believed that that was enough to cause the fiber contraction. I thought that we had done our experiment in correctly because there was no muscle contraction. I believed that it was due to the amount of solution we added to the fiber. We re did the experiment and added four drops of the solution but there was no muscle contraction as
  • 44. Rehabilitation Is The Most Intensive Treatment Option For... Rehabilitation is the most intensive treatment option for recovery. Other names are Residential Treatment Program, inpatient substance abuse treatment, drug rehabilitation, or rehab. Rehabilitation provides three unique characteristics to enhance the opportunity for a successful recovery. Treatment is away from: 1.Home. 2.Access to drugs. 3.Contact with active substance abusers. The advantages of receiving intensive treatment away from home and without access to drugs and active drug abusers are well established. However, as with every treatment approach, results depend on the patient s willingness to do the work to attain the goal of sustained sobriety ( Longer residence times in rehab produce better results because the longer a person is substance free, the greater the likelihood of staying substance free ( Rehabilitation provides the most health therapeutic environment for recovery. TYPES OF REHABILITATION PROGRAMS Rehabilitation programs come in a vast array of shapes and sizes. No two are alike because each program has a unique philosophy as to how best to achieve recovery. Locations There is a wide array of locations for treatment. Some programs are located in a hospital while others are freestanding facilities solely dedicated to the treatment of substance abuse. Others are located in urban areas where patients learn a trade or work. Still others are far from civilization where patients may farm the land, grow their
  • 45. Explain The Technological Advances In Ww2 WEAPONS IN WWII The technological advances made in the World War II were amazing. We gained a lot of new understandings in technology. The Rocket Team that made the missiles that terrorized the streets of London helped send a man to the moon. And the weapon advancements were high too. The weapons that were discovered are still helpful to this day. The machine guns that were used in the war on the American side were: Browning M1919A4/A6 that fired up to 500 rounds in one minute, and the Browning M2HB (.50 BMG) that had grown a reputation for itself, because it was used on vehicles and fired varied amounts of ammo. The Browning M2HB was often referred to as the war horses the weapons because it was so overpowered. As for the machine guns used
  • 46. Atkins Vs Virgina wastes the time of courts and attorneys. From the point that the person is sentenced to death row, the convicted may need to wait about 12 years until execution. Furthermore, the actual execution has many complications as well. A hanging may seem simple, but a miscalculation of the drop may lead to the person suffering a slow suffocation or the head being torn off the body. Another method, electrocution, is also not reliable. In one case, John Evans was electrocuted three times before he died, with his flesh burning and flames consuming his leg. Some may argue that this is the reason gas chambers were created. However, the chambers also cause slow and painful death as shown by Don Harding s execution which took ten minutes. Today s most used... Show more content on ... Two important cases that both have looked at the death penalty in various ways, may show that capital punishment is not applicable today. In the case Atkins v. Virginia, which took place in 2002, Daryl Renard Atkins was mentally retarded. Atkins was sentenced to death, but he appealed to the Supreme Court. This case takes a look at the question of whether executing a mentally retarded person is constitutional. The court ruled 6 3 that it is not constitutional to kill a mentally retarded person because the nation s standards are changing and many are against such sentences ( Atkins ). It is clear that the death penalty is being applied less and less, which make it seem that it is no longer applicable today. This opinion is also backed up by the later case, Roper v. Simmons. The case was decided in 2004, but the events date back to 1993. Christopher Simmons was sentenced to death in 1993, but he was only 17. The lower courts ruled for Simmons, stating that the national opinion on killing a minor has changed. However, not many believed the lower court had the power to overrule the Supreme Court s previous decision on Stanford v. Kentucky. The case went up to the Supreme Court where the court ruled in a 5 4 ruling for Simmons. The Court stated that the standards have changed in the past years, making it so that executing minors is no longer Constitutional ( Roper ). As shown by these cases, the national consensus on the death penalty is changing, which is no longer as necessary as it once may have