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Essay Writing In IIMs And XAT!
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Essay Writing In IIMs And XAT! Take Care Of This!! Its A Management ... Essay Writing In IIMs And XAT! Take
Care Of This!! Its A Management ...
Certainty And Doubt In My Writing Work
While struggling with puzzling and complex events I came to a deeper understanding of constant
questioning and doubting as the utmost ability in my writing Voltaire noted that doubt is not
a pleasant condition, but certainty is an absurd one. I doubted even myself, my motives and my
memory, my knowledge... I would ask myself repeatedly: did I hear and remember this and that
properly, are my notes and records accurate, did I understand some event... At times I was feeling as I
was walking that blurry boundary between facts and illusion and that I could fall if I make any wrong
step. But, what was right and what was wrong in that hall of mirrors... Comparing daily my opinions
and comments with the rest of the media brought me that uneasy feeling that I don t belong there
anymore, that there was broadening a significant gap between me and the majority of my friends in
that profession. We greeted each other occasionally, but we choose the sides. My side was quite lonely
few groups of intellectuals, university professors, journalists, artists; all of them wonderful people,
professionals in their fields, but stripped of their influence. Another side was vast and strong, built
carefully during the time authoritarian, populist leader ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, these wars did not solve anything and left the whole region in unstable condition with few
potential conflict situations Serbia, still playing its risky game between East and West powers and still
with an unsolved Kosovo issue; Bosnia artificially divided and re glued against the will of its multi
ethnic constituents; Macedonia with its unsolvable problem of the growing influence of Albanian
minority, and so on goes that long
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What Role Did The Setting Of Monetary Policy Play On...
What role did the setting of monetary policy play in housing market developments?
Monetary policies play can or not play a major role in the housing developments. This all depends on
the supporting evidences provided that aligns with the goals of the policy makers. In this scenario
monetary policy was not the initial reason for the extraordinary strength in the housing markets.
According this case study, a relationship between interest rates and housing activities is not adequate
enough to explain the rise in residential investments or house prices. However some increase in
housing markets can attest to lower interest rates and favourable monetary policies that followed after
the 2011 recession, which was actually a small factor, As ... Show more content on ...
Similar to the United States and as noted by Taylor (2008) and Ahrend and others (2008), In light of
these considerations, the evaluation of policy settings is perhaps best done through a comparison of
projected outcomes for the policy objectives given policy expectations; such a comparison involves
examining whether the forecasts of policymakers, the private sector, or other forecasters were
consistent with a balancing of the price stability objective and the full employment objective (for
example, the unemployment rate in the neighborhood of its estimated natural rate). This guidance was
designed to influence asset prices, economic activity, and inflation in a manner consistent with the
goals of price stability and full employment. As has been emphasized by many researchers, the
guidance of expectations is the primary channel through which policy affects economic outcomes the
overnight interest rate in the interbank market is in itself in consequential for economic activity,
except to the extent that it affects expectations of the future path of this rate, which in turn influence a
broad array of asset prices important to aggregate spending and price setting.
The central role of communication regarding the future path of the policy
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The Rise And Development Of Liberalism
The concept of ownership is one that seems elementary; however, when thought about, it is something
very puzzling and convoluted.You do not really own anything unless you created it. You can buy a
book with your own money that you earned, and you will have that book, but you will not truly own it.
You did not write the words inside it or drew the art on the cover, it is not yours. You do not even own
the paper upon which the book is printed. You just have possession of another person s creation.
People are most often guided into thinking that if you have something, you own it.
The rise and development of liberalism in Enlightenment political thought has many relations with the
growth of what is today called civil society , the society characterized by work and trade in pursuit of
private property. Several Enlightenment thinkers, such as John Locke had thoughts about ownership
and what it means to be an owner of private property.In Locke s Second Treatise he writes: It is very
clear, that God, as king David says, Psal. cvx. 16, has given the earth to the children of men; given it
to mankind in common. But this being supposed, it seems to some a very great difficulty how any one
individual should ever come to have a property in any thing ... I shall endeavour to show how men
might come to have a property in several parts of that which God gave to mankind in common, and
that without any express compact of all the commoners He makes the point of that while we all share
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Bronze Casting among the Ruins
Starting in the ancient cities of Mesopotamia, bronze sculptures have been discovered in these ruins
(Sturgis). Many more were discovered in the decorated tombs of the Chinese emperors, the discovered
towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum, making a great influence on the Renaissance period (Sturgis).
Bronze sculptures during this period came to the vanguard of art. However, many centuries had passed
before the necessary tools were created to make bronze casting easier during the nineteenth century of
the Industrial Revolution (Sturgis). Because of these utensils, bronze casting sprang to the top of the
art world again. In recent times, Paris is known for their bronze sculptures since the middle of the
nineteenth century. Factories for bronze casting leapt to the top in Paris in order to cast editions of
bronze sculptures for the hundreds of artists who specialized in bronze (Sturgis). Paris became the
place to go to in order to study this renowned style and have their own sculptured edited to bronze
(Sturgis). This desire for the artistic fascination caused creations of many bronze sculptures whose
beauty and majesty outshines the sculptures of modern times (Sturgis). Paris in the middle of the
nineteenth century held the peak of captivation of this form of art. Bronze casting differed from city to
city, century to century; however, they all followed some of the basic steps to sculpting ( Bronze
Sculpture ). First an artist would have to model the sculpture by using a range
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8 Factors That Can Influence The Potential On Postsynaptic...
1. The following are 8 factors that can influence the potential on the postsynaptic membrane:
(a) Excitatory Postsynaptic Potentials (EPSPs): EPSPs increase the postsynaptic neuron s likelihood to
generate an action potential by generating a local depolarization. EPSPs result from excitatory stimuli,
such as an excitatory neurotransmitter (Glutamate) released by the presynaptic neuron. Excitatory
stimuli will bind and open ligand gated Na+ channels, allowing Na+ ions to move inside a cell down
their concentration gradient. The influx of Na+ ions will cause a local depolarization at the
postsynaptic membrane, which if summated can reach threshold and fire an action potential.
(b) Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials (IPSPs): EPSPs decrease the postsynaptic neuron s likelihood to
generate an action potential by generating a local hyperpolarization. EPSPs result from inhibitory
stimuli such as an inhibitory neurotransmitter (GABA) released by the presynaptic neuron. Inhibitory
stimuli can bind and open ligand gated K+ channels and Cl channels, allowing K+ ions to move out of
a cell and allowing Cl ions to move into a cell down their concentration gradient. The influx of Cl ions
and the outflux of K+ ions causes a local hyperpolarization at the postsynaptic membrane, which
reduces the postsynaptic neuron s probability to firing an action potential.
(c) Temporal Summation: The presynaptic neuron can influence the postsynaptic neuron by changing
the frequency of the stimulus.
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Magnificent Pythagorean Paradoxes In Ancient Greece
Subsequent to the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great, the ancient Greeks established possibly
the greatest center of learning at the time in Alexandria. Indeed, history purports that perhaps this
great library rivaled even the great library in Athens, especially considering the fact that the
Alexandrian library produced such significant mathematical figures as Archimedes and Euclid, the
works of whom likely depended on the earlier works of great Greek mathematicians like Thales and
Pythagoras (Lahanas, 2016). Although even those preceding mathematicians likely expounded upon
the mathematical methodologies and computational techniques developed in earlier Babylonian and
Egyptian civilizations. Still, there can be no doubt that modern mathematics, ... Show more content on ...
The premise behind the paradoxes was that the method of describing motion using Pythagorean
thought, treating numbers solely as discrete, arguably demonstrated the impossibility of motion. His
four paradoxes illustrating this line of thinking are The Dichotomy, Achilles and the Tortoise, The
Arrow, and The Stadium. The paradox presented in The Dichotomy is that a race, from beginning to
end, is a finite distance. Zeno purported that there are infinitely many half distances, which meant that
you could never reach the end, according to Pythagorean thought. This paradox offered a precedent to
the idea of the limit of an infinite sequence, in that an infinite number of half distances can add to a
finite distance. Achilles and the Tortoise presented a similar paradox about infinite measures within a
finite distance, and demonstrated that the boast of Achilles, that he could beat the tortoise even when
the tortoise had a head start, could not come to fruition based on Pythagorean thought. The Arrow
presented a paradox between the Pythagorean thought, that discrete units of instances make up time,
and the premise that if Pythagoreans were correct then the arrow could not move. Thus, claimed Zeno,
time must be continuous and not discrete. The Stadium presents a situation which proves that there is
no smallest unit of time, as Pythagoreans believed, and therefore time must be both finitely divisible
and infinitely divisible (Andrews, Development of calculus: More about the paradoxes, 2016).
Although Zeno s arguments were sound, they did not negate the influence that Pythagoras had on the
study of mathematics. Indeed, another famous Greek philosopher, Plato, professedly transferred his
knowledge of Pythagorean mathematics to one of his students, Eudoxus (Lahanas,
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Montana and the Rocky Mountains
Have you ever wondered about Montana, have you ever been to the Rocky Mountains or do
you know anybody that retired and moved to the Rocky Mountains or somewhere in Montana? If
not and if you just want to learn about Montana continue reading and you will learn all about
Montana is the mostly densely populated state. Montana is from the Spanish word Montana
(mountain or mountainous region)
2,700 African Americans live here. Montana s first African Americans arrived in 1860.
About 18,000 Hispanic people live in Montana. Native Americans make up about 6 percent of
Montana s population. More than 4,6000 Asian Americans live in Montana. Chinese people first lived
in Montana. All of them owned businesses, like, laundries and restaurants. They arrived during Word
War 2. Almost 90 percent of Montanans are white. In the 1800s, European immigrants arrived.
Miners came from Ireland, Wales, England, Italy, and Poland.
Farmers arrived from Germany and Norway. Lumberjacks came from Sweden. Most worked
as miners and cowboys. Many of their families came from Mexico. Also, many retired people live
The best retired cities are Missoula and Bozeman. Others have retired areas like Hamilton
and Kaliteli. Today Montanans came from the early miners and ranchers. Many Hispanics and
Latinos have moved to larger cities. About 52 percent of Montanans live in or near cities.
Most of Montana s large cities are in the Rocky Mountains. About 48
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Gnosticism Essay
Gnosticism, which was viewed as a threat to early Christian beliefs can be defined as the thought and
practice especially of various cults of late pre Christian and early Christian centuries distinguished by
the conviction that matter is evil and that emancipation comes through gnosis (King, p.5). Besides the
dictionary s condensed definition summarizing Gnosticism, Gnosticism is a much more complex
belief composed of numerous myths defining humans and God and viewed as an ancient Christian
heresy. Gnosticism is rather a term invented in the early modern period to aid in defining the
boundaries of normative Christianity. Yet, it has been mistakenly come to be thought of as a distinctive
Christian heresy or seen as a religion in its own ... Show more content on ...
One of the most important characteristics is mythopeia. Mythopoeia is, the construction of elaborate
myth through which revealed gnosis is transmitted (Birger, p. 14, 17). The Gnostics saw these myths
as a divine revelation, which gave more expressions to their beliefs when thought. This also meant
that each teacher would tell a story in their own words.
There were a handful of teachers who taught Gnosticism. They had many beliefs and teachings where
they were seeking to address their ideas and problems. Some of these teachers included: Simon the
Magician, Basilides, Valentinus, and Marcion.
Simon the Magician is introduced in the Bible as, This man is the divine power known as the Great
Power . This statement is showing Simon as God by saying he is the great power. No one really knows
exactly when Gnosticism became a movement. Orthodox writers believe that Simon was the one to
begin this movement. He is the first prophet to be known to us by name. He thought that the Garden of
Eden, exodus from Egypt, and the crossing of the Red Seas were allegories. He believed in Jesus.
Some believe he may have been the Simon mentioned in Acts 8: 9 24. He wanted to buy the Holy
Spirit from those that believe. Orthodox writers like Justin
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Elizabeth Acevedo Book Report
At the beginning of the year, I did not like to read whatsoever. My view on reading was tough and I
did not even want to try to read a book. Reading has just never been my thing, it is hard and it s hard
for me to remember what I read. When It was my first day of junior year and I walked into English I
was overwhelmed with all of the books that were in the room. I was not happy because I figured we
would read a lot and the teacher would get to choose the book but once I figured out that you could
choose your own book it made me feel more comfortable towards my reading.
This school year one of the books I decided to read was The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo. This is a
newer book and was released on March 6th, 2018. This book sucked me in as soon as I saw the cover
of the book, Acevedo s book was the type of book where I ll just read 40 50 pages but then turned into
me reading 60 to 70 pages a night even after reading 15 ... Show more content on ...
This book has a 4.13 out of 5 rating which is really good for a book that got released in 2012. This
book is about a gay twenty one year old college student. His name was Matthew Shepard who was
lured from a Wyoming bar by two young men, savagely beaten, tied to a remote fence and left to die.
This is a short book of poems all based on the murder of Matthew Shepard. They re told from various
perspectives and which helps readers understand the story more. Newman uses this quote well because
of the situation in the book, despite reading hundreds of books about straight people, I did not grow up
to embrace the heterosexual lifestyle. Similarly, someone who is heterosexual is not going to turn gay
from reading a book that features a child being raised by two moms (Newman 113). A beautiful quote
in verse inspired by a real tragedy simply because of one boy s sexuality. This tells the readers that
someone s sexuality is not something to joke
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The Birth Of A Moral Dilemma
The Birth of a Moral Dilemma in The Guest People choose every day in different circumstances and
degrees either small imperceptible one, such as the color of the shirt that they will wear, or huge
emotional and moral dilemmas like an abort or a high risk surgery. Nonetheless, there is always a
decision made that has its consequences (want or not). Albert Camus uses characterization to address
the importance of choices. The author uses the character of Balducci to show what happens when
people follow the rules without hesitation. For example, when Balducci arrives into the school to leave
the Arab with Daru, and Daru shows himself discontent with that unforeseen problem, he says, Those
are the orders (Camus). Balducci as a man of law must follow whatever thing is said to him, and he
will do it for sure without dubiety; in addition, Balducci remarks, [Y]ou must sign, that s the rule
(Camus). He has to obey all the requisites and commandments that his work dictates, and he can t
avoid doing this because he will break all the goodness that justice represents. Nevertheless, Camus
tries to point out if a person who only follow a guide or manual for every decision he or she made.
That person is, in fact, making no choices, and he or she does not have to face and think about what is
right or wrong because that person will search and do whatever is said in that guide. Particularly, in
this story, Balducci notes, You don t get used to putting a rope on a man even after
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How Emmett Till Changed History
Emmett Till was a fourteen year old african american boy from Chicago, Illinois. He took a train to
Money, Mississippi in the summer to visit family. Money, Mississippi was known as a very white
powered town. It was when Emmett whistled at a white woman in a convenient store that he changed
history. Two white men came into Emmett s family s home and took him in the night, over the series
of several hours they had beaten, shot, and drowned him in a river 30 miles away from Money. When
he was found he had a cotton gin fan tied to his neck and his face was unrecognizable. He was sent
back to Chicago where his mother had identified him as her son by the ring on his finger. His mother
Mamie Till ordered the people the leave the casket open during
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Artificial Intelligence Concerns
Concerns on Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence is still an infant compared to other
technologies. It brings about great promises for our future and some even predict that its importance
will rival that of the printing press. (Boden) By human nature, many tried to play God: People of all
generation and all over the world dreamt of creating a being that is capable of carrying out human
actions. A few decades ago, many regarded cloning as ludicrous and simply ignored it. However, we
have accomplished it, and who knows what advancement is coming. Artificial intelligence, although
nascent, is very popular and as Ray Kurtzweil suggests might be possible within the next thirty year.
Kurtzweil further ... Show more content on ...
The development of artificial intelligence, therefore, will benefit many, bringing about the common
good. Artificial intelligence applications are numerous. Schools can buy interactive AI, which will
never be bored or angry, to teach. Businesses can also benefit by hiring workers who are never bored,
complain, or strike. However, there are many obvious ethical issues involved when dealing with
artificial intelligence. First and most apparent, is that if we allow artificial research to continue, many
workers, especially labor workers, will lose their jobs due directly to the development of artificial
intelligence. This is absolutely unfair for these workers. What are they going to do? How will they
support their families? Many will become homeless or turn to crime. The balance between the poor
and the rich will be tipped. There will be few who will enjoy this development, namely the business
owners, who have control of the AI and are independent of the lower class labor force. The rest will be
in destitute. As we know, if only a small portion of society does productive work, the economy will be
in chaos. According to Tom Shanks, a doctor for Applied Ethics at Markkula Center, when companies
move toward robotics, it is the company s responsibility to retrain employees who lost their jobs.
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Cochlear Australia And New Zealand
Cochlear Australia and New Zealand is a company that specializes in electronic medical devices that
replaces the function of the damaged inner ear. Cochlear Australia and New Zealand developed a short
film entitled Does Love Last Forever? , which premiered in Australian theaters to attendees of the
movie Lion and eventually became a viral sensation. The film follows the story of a couple s
relationship from its early stages through to middle age and retirement, and asks the audience at the
end whether the couple remained happy and in love. In actuality, the film was disguised as a hearing
test and used camera angles, misleading body language, background noises to help determine the
viewer s hearing ability. Those that experience hearing loss rely more heavily on techniques like
watching body language, or lip reading, and removing the ability to do so while watching the film
helps the viewer interpret its own ending. Thus, those that could not hear the dialogue would conclude
love did not last, while those that could hear the conversation would determine that love did last.
Cochlear s campaign uses spin tactics such as emotional manipulation and deception to create a
purchaser demand for their products. They specifically use the tactic of fearmongering, or deliberately
arousing public fear about an issue, to make the audience believe they may need a hearing aid. The
film is deliberately made to be difficult to hear regardless of your hearing capabilities to create
anxiety, drawing upon Edward Bernays tactic of swinging emotional currents as to create a higher
purchaser demand (Bernays 54). This film is also spun to appear as a public service announcement,
where the primary focus of the campaign is to selflessly help the audience. The video hides the fact
that it is created by a company who would monetarily benefit from an increased rate of hearing loss.
The spin used in this video was successful because it effectively tricks the viewer into thinking they
were experiencing hearing loss. In addition to carefully timed camera angles, the video allows the
audience to see themselves and their relationships through the couple and the focus on them makes
them less likely to suspect they are victims of spin. When I
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The Man From Snowy River Analysis
How do stories teach us about other cultures or our own? From the stories, I chose, The Man from
Snowy River by Banjo Patterson and Guo Nian by Chinese Mythology both stories show totally
different cultures form what we live in today. In The Man from Snowy River they were chasing horses
which escaped from the paddock and the horse owners chased down the horses on their horse. Now a
day s paddocks are well guarded and if horses did escape the owners would chase the down with
trucks and maybe vans. The Man from Snowy River shows bravery and skill A man that holds his own
is good enough . Maybe we could try improve our bravery and skill in times when needed. Today
people don t give many people a fair go He ll be with us when he s wanted
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Summary Of To A Mouse And To A Mouse
In 1786, Robert Burns published his first line of poetry Poems: Chiefly in Scottish Dialect which
made him well known with the poems of To a Mouse , and To a Louse . His techniques included
writing six lines for each stanza. The rhyme scheme to these lines consist of AAABA giving the first,
second, third, and fifth lines four pairs of stressed and unstressed syllables. What I mean by if you
stress the first syllable, the subject will be totally different than an unstressed subject. In his poetry, the
fourth and sixth lines are different from the other lines. These two lines consist of two pairs of stressed
and unstressed syllables which is similar to a limerick or a ballad. This essay will be a compare and
contrast of his two poems To a Mouse, and To a Louse and a breakdown of these stanzas. In Burns s
poem of To a Mouse , his first stanza is talking about the destruction of a mouse s nest as the character
is doing his winter plowing. As he addresses the mouse he is reassuring the mouse there is no harm
intended. It moves onto him, saying nature has been destroyed by man s rule and how man s dominion
is the reason the mouse is afraid of man. The plowman s humanity is described as poor, and the mouse
s earth born companion. Daimen means rare or occasional, an icker is one ear of corn, and a thrave is a
measure of cut grain. He says it s not a big deal if the mouse takes an ear of corn every once in awhile
and it s not a huge request and it won t be missed when
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Brahms’ “Wie Melodien” Op. 105 Essay
The lyrics for Brahms Wie Melodien Op. 105, No. 1 are from a poem written by Klaus Groth. It is a
poem that never clearly states its true meaning. Instead, it arouses an emotional feeling of one
dreaming about something from the past. And, these emotional feelings are expressed in Groth s poem
through a variety of images. The poem begins with using melodies as an image. In the first phrase,
Like melodies draw it to me softly through the mind, the word melodies seems to be symbolic of
thoughts or memories. These melodies are like a tune that you cannot get out of your head, a memory
that he is unable to forget. In his next phrase, Like spring flowers blossom it and floats like a scent
away, he uses the ... Show more content on ...
However, it is not a bitter loss. Instead, the memory of that love continues to remain with him like a
sweet fragrance. Groth s reference to a moist eye also seems to symbolize how the memory of this lost
love continues to remain fresh (moist referring to something fresh in difference to stale) in his eyes.
And at the same time, moist eye represents when an emotion is so strong (either happy or sad) that it
brings tears to one s eyes. Brahms vocal and piano accompaniment do not fail to capture and express
this imagery of the poem. One example of the vocal line capturing one of the poem s images is in m.
41. Here, the vocal line is falling in register, painting an image of how a tear might fall. Another
example where the vocal line supports the imagery of the text is when the text is talking about how it
floats like a scent away and vanishes like a breath in m. 10 and m. 23. The same text appears twice
here and when it is repeated the second time it can be heard like an echo to the first statement, as it
fades away and becomes lower in register at the end of the phrase. This echo that fades away supports
the images in the text of floating away and vanishing. The piano accompaniment also assists in
expressing the poem s imagery. Most of this Lied is quarter notes in the voice with eighth notes in
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Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Considering the Legal Requirements
The Exxon Valdez oil spill that took place on March 24, 1989, was responsible for an enormous
amount of damage to the natural environment of Alaska. Animal life and plant life alike, were severely
harmed from this disastrous spill. Being such a high risk company, one would assume that the legal
requirements surrounding the company policy were prioritized. Due to the scope of the disaster
though, one may wonder just how strict the requirements were that governed the operations of Exxon.
Even if there were rules in place, how well were they being followed by Exxon employees? What
were the legal requirements that governed the operations of Exxon? Did the people responsible for this
disaster consider these? In the following discussion, these are examined from a moral analysis point of
After a broad investigation that lead to many lawsuits and fines, it was clear that multiple factors
contributed to the Exxon disaster. The Coast Guard and the National Transportation Society were two
of several agencies that provided rules and regulations for Exxon. These agencies found violations that
Exxon committed that lead to the disaster. ... Show more content on ...
At the time of the Exxon disaster, it was found that Captain Joseph Hazelwood s blood alcohol level
was 0.061. The Exxon crew also broke laws pertaining to manning the ship. They simply didn t have
enough crew members. According to the state of Alaska, Manning policies also affected crew fatigue.
Tankers in the 1950s carried a crew of 40 to 42 to manage about 6.3 million gallons of oil, the Exxon
carried a crew of 19 to transport 53 million gallons. (Alaska, 2017) Basically, the captain was
intoxicated and the crew was tired. They were incompetent for the massive task before them, to say
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Fighting for a Better Health Essay
Fighting for a Better Health
As of today, America has undergone many issues involving health like diabetes, heart disease, and
lung cancer. Many of the health issues are caused by components very well known to us such as
pollution, alcohol, drugs, sexually transmitted diseases, and so forth. Little was known about the fact
that food, being an important necessity for human life, has started America s major epidemic among
children and teens obesity. With more than 50 million youths attending schools everyday (HHS 1), it s
scary to think of the fact that three fourths of the adolescents don t eat a healthy diet. In ... Show more
content on ...
This gives the students no choice but to eat a healthy school lunch; of course, the students would be
able to buy as much candy as they would like before and after school or during any extracurricular
Another proposed deterrent is the complete no sale of soda and candy anytime within school property,
otherwise known as a ban. School officials observe the banishment as a major solution to decrease the
rate of obesity among students in America. Even though Federal law prohibits the sale of foods
containing little nutritional value in competition with the school lunch program (Vail 1), many parents
repeatedly argue about the fact that this act of limitation eliminates their students freedom of choice.
Several high school students agree. As spokesman for the Center of Consumer Freedom, John Doyle
says, They can eliminate everything they want, and it will not do one thing to curb obesity (Egan 3).
On the other hand, various school districts have postponed acts of limitation on fattening foods and
beverages due to other reasons.
The number one reason is the fact that the schools would lose thousands of dollars a year in lost
contracts with food companies. According to an industry study, schools across the country get about
$750 million annually from contract deals with companies who are granted permission
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Sister Carrie and the American Dream
The American Dream is surely based on the concept of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness but
it is above all, a matter of ambition. James Truslow Adams, an American writer and historian, in 1931
states: life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to
ability or achievement , which not only points towards a better standard of living for Americans but
also denounces a degree of greed in the US society. Ambition not only killed the cat but killed
relationships as well in texts like Sister Carrie and Death of a Salesman. While the American Dream
was supposed to be a collective success at its initial stage, ambition, along with a pinch of greed and
materialism were perfect ingredients ... Show more content on ...
When I walked out I was twenty one. And, by God, I was rich!
Through Ben, Miller s play suggests that one must be ruthless, sometimes even wild, in order to
achieve success. This very dynamic approach towards the American Dream is what makes Willy
Loman envious of his brother s success and machismo. The contrast between a passive approach and
dynamic ambition towards the realization of the American Dream is the cause of rift in a brother
relationship between Willy and Ben. Another instance of rift in relationships in regards to ambition
and the American Dream can be found in the father son relationship between Willy and his son Biff.
Willy always believed that personality, not hard work or innovation, was the key to success. His
personal views even justified adultery. This is where conflicts arose; Biff was against this trait of his
father s personality. It is only after learning about Willy s infidelity that Biff decides to pursue his own
American Dream. However, he is torn between two American Dreams: becoming a salesman like his
father or immersing himself in nature. Different ambitions and perceptions of the American Dream
eventually led to Biff being convinced that his father had the wrong dream. At this point, the arising
question is: is ambition contributing towards the realization of an American
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The Role Of Companionship In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein
Throughout the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, the main characters consistently seek out a
companion. Victor depends heavily on companionship from Clerval to keep him from going insane in
times of hardship and tragedy. Walton desires the companionship of a man to share in the beauty and
wonder of things throughout his travels. When asked to be exiled away to South America, The
Creature has one sole request for Victor Frankenstein before he leaves; a female companion to help
him bear the burden of loneliness. The Creature makes his proposal to Victor explaining the struggles
he has endured in an attempt to convince him. Many Romantic characteristics are prevalent in his
request as he regales Victor with the tales of his life so far, which ... Show more content on ...
One of these would be equality. Throughout his first days of life, The Creature is consistently rejected
by all those around him, including his own creator. This happens repeatedly throughout his life. In
seeking out a companion, this shows the characteristic of equality because he just wants to be like
everyone else and be able to make connection in life. He wishes that his life wasn t filled only with
loneliness and rejection, but with the love of another being. I am alone and miserable; man will not
associate with me... (Frankenstein, Mary Shelley, Chapter 16, Page 133). The Creature is aware of
what he looks like and he knows that the only things that could ever offer him companionship is
something just like him. Another Romantic Element would be the Individual versus society. The
Creature faces rejection from everyone and his desire for a companion to be built for him shows just
that. He has been pushed away from every single person that he has tried to connect with. He has been
poised against society. He knows that the only person who he has a chance of building a relationship
with is one who was made just like him, just as terrible
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Utilizing Qr Code Technology for Emr.
Utilizing QR Code Technology In Encoding Patient Summary List 2012
Utilizing QR Code Technology In Encoding Patient Summary List
Fatima Alsaleh and Samir Elmasri PhD College of Computer and Information Systems, King Saud
University, Saudi Arabia
Abstract: In situations like emergency, where the immediately gained, summarized and accurate
information may radically make the difference between life and death, the need for a solution that
fulfills this requirement arises. Number of solutions was previously proposed including emergency
card and smart cards, but each has number of cons and pros. With the rapid adoption of smartphones,
QR codes (Quick Response) is the ideal substitute for the current circumstances. It can be easily read
by ... Show more content on ...
Smart Card is the perfect media that can be used as a health card due to its small size, secure,
capability of digitizing a huge amount of personal and medical data [4]. Some attempts have been
done by researchers to develop a personal portable healthcare record smart cards and a corresponding
framework to simplify maintenance and transfer of patient records [9]. Researchers in the U.K. have
created MyCare, a smart card with a fold out USB plug that can hold a patient s medical history.
MyCare was developed with open source that enables it to run on different computers and operating
systems. Data is protected through PINs and encryption, with a higher level of encryption planned for
further stages in the development process [5][6]. These smart card projects work better in countries
with nationalized health care. In the US For example, competition among hospitals is a barrier to a
smart card system [5]. Smart card technology was not widely spread due to lack of standards (Dash,
2001); the communications between a smart card and smart card reader. The cards also need to be
updated constantly which would be hard to enforce [10]. For smart cards, user mobility is only
possible if every machine that the user access has a smart card reader attached. The machine must
support the same standard smart card reader interfaces or use the same proprietary smart card reader
Research Statement Due to the barriers of smart cards usage including, the high cost value, the
... Get more on ...
The Adversarial System Essay
Introduction In the discussion which follows, the function served by evidence within the adversarial
system will be considered. The central importance of relevance to the admissibility of evidence will be
linked to the purpose served by the tribunal of fact. The range of factors which impact on the criminal
justice system will act as a basis to consider the justification for the exclusion of certain evidential
material. Developments in attitudes as a result of recent legislation will lead the discussion to the
conclusion that the above statement is not sustainable Setting the scene Purpose. The adversarial
system involves competing versions of disputed events being advanced by parties to the litigation. The
purpose of ... Show more content on ...
Observers have noted in recent years a shift in government policy toward what is perceived as
redressing the balance in criminal justice, to be more advantageous to victims and less so to the
accused. (have implications for current exclusionary rules) Nature of evidence. May and Powles view
evidence as something which tends to prove or disprove something else. In the context of a trial this
consists of information placed before the court for the purpose of proving or disproving facts in issue.
Beecher Monas states that in a system based on the rule of law and which aspires to truth , the
accuracy and reliability of such information is essential. The mechanisms available to the court to
determine the latter, centre on the presentation of evidence under oath, cross examination and the
observation of witness demeanour . The development of specific rules of evidence from the 18th.
century onwards were much influenced by the jury system of trial. Concerns with the ability of lay
juries to evaluate and assimilate various data led to safeguards being introduced The perceived need
within the current adversarial system for such rules has, as
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Fictive Fragments Of A Father And Son Analysis
David Mura s Fictive Fragments of a Father and Son focuses on Mura discovering his cultural identity
through his father s past lifestyle. As he analyzes his father s past, he comes to realize his father stories
are possibly fictional, but have an inner meaning regardless. Mura comprehends how his father s
stories focus on the idea of freedom and balancing dual cultures. While placed in camps at an
adolescent age, Mura s father had to learn various types of American ideals including cultural
activities, celebrations, and traditions. One saying that always stuck with the father is a teacher stating,
After the war you will be free again and back in American society (Mura 101). The instructor s lessons
mostly focused on what it takes to feel ... Show more content on ...
Many elements persuaded non natives to gradually feel welcome, but it overall led for them to change
their idea of what being part of America really symbolized. For instance, the father told Mura that he
had played baseball in the camps since the very beginning. With baseball being originated from the
United States, it immediately became stamped as an American sport because it highlights their
strength, masculinity, and ideals of a modern society. By the camp offering a game such as baseball, it
establishes the labels the camp wanted to implement into non natives in hopes of them to feel more
comfortable within society. Another example worth mentioning is participating in the city s post war
celebrations. After the war ended, the father identifies how the community was celebrating the end of
a war. The celebration involved confetti, firecrackers, men sweeping women off their feet, and lastly,
music. Notably, the song emphasized in the celebration was called Stars and Stripes Forever. A high
school band was playing this song loud and proud to demonstrate their patriotic dedication. The
instrumental symbolizes the American flag and beliefs of the American traditions. After distinguishing
how society celebrated their patriotic pride, this led to the father to come to the conclusion of what the
teachers were discussing on how to represent an American and it was like to be free. Ever since being
in the camps, the father felt conflicted on how to implement his Japanese culture along with his
American culture. At the camp, he was taught American ideals to show his dedication towards their
society. In the process, the father became conflicted on balancing two cultures and overall, led for his
freedom to feel limited. Obtaining freedom signifies expressing oneself however they pleased. At the
same time, the camp instructors
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The Rights Of Animal Testing
A long time of debates go back and forth on the rights of all animals with further argument or debates,
do humans have the right to use animals on medical testing and lab use? There are several issues that
can be placed in this argument this research will acknowledge four important topics in the rights of
animal testing. Is it right to use animals for testing? Is it right to compare animal DNA to human DNA
in these animal experiments? Is it right to use real animals instead of computers to generate results? Is
it right to state animals are being protected and cared for while giving toxins to make them sick?
Therefore, the question needs to be asked if animals should be used for scientific experiments in labs
all across the globe. The on going attacks on the lab staff s morals, attacked on facilities and the lack
of support from the public have made medical testing on animals a significant dilemma among the
public. The two organizations that are in the middle of this argument are the People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals (PETA) and Americans for Medical Progress (AMP). AMP defends that animals
are biologically similar to humans and are susceptible to over 200 diseases and play a vital role in
advances in medical care and treatments. Many of these successes have created treatments, cures and
vaccines that have increased health care resources for both human and animals a like. The problem
with this success comes the concern on whether or not it is
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The Book Thief Movie Themes
The Book Thief, directed by Brian Percival, and The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, directed by Mark
Herman, are both films that share similar themes and are focused on the time of war during Hitler s
reign of power. In both films, the idea of innocence is portrayed and corrupted through the friendship
of child protagonists, influence of father figures, characterisation of children in war and the narrative
perspectives. Symbolism, motifs and themes in these two films are explored to emphasise how
innocence is portrayed and corrupted throughout the texts.
Through the friendship of child protagonists in both films, the audience is able to view and understand
how innocence is portrayed and corrupted. Bruno in The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, is the main ... Show
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With a similar end of war scene in The Book Thief, after the bombings that occurred, Liesel lost the
boy she loved which is another way that the idea of innocence has been corrupted. Within this scene
the director uses a bird s eye view angle of the death of Rudy and mise en scene is also used in this
text, placing Liesel sitting with Rudy in the middle of the ruins of their street, leaving the audience to
feel heartbroken just as The Boy in Striped Pyjamas does with the death of both boys. Although, the
friendship between child protagonists in The Book Thief, Liesel and Rudy, starts as an innocent
friendship and remains that way through most of the film, their friendship is explored through playful
love whereas the friendship between Bruno and Shmuel is explored through boundaries and
restrictions to their freedom, being stuck on opposite sides of the fence. Another friendship that occurs
is the friendship between Liesel and a Jewish man named Max that her family is hiding under their
basement. In this friendship, Liesel herself symbolises innocence which enables Max to find the
strength to survive. The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, however, does not include another important
friendship to the main protagonist, it only focuses on the unlikely friendship between a Jew and a boy
with a commander for a father.
The influence of father figures in both
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Economic Efficiency
Recent measures taken by the firm to achieve efficiency. (Distinguish carefully as between different
economic notions of efficiency in your answer).
Glanbia plc is an international dairy and nutritional ingredients group headquartered in Ireland. The
company has 4,500 employees in seven countries and sales offices in a further five. International
operations include food ingredients and nutritionals while Irish operations incorporate consumer foods
and agribusiness and property. The group has three strategic joint ventures which are based in the UK,
USA and Nigeria. The company has the early 2000 s expanded its international based projects and
acquired new sectors of the world market by mergers and acquisitions.
Due to the economic ... Show more content on ...
Arla foods ingredients has given itself the task os establish local production before 2013 in the united
states. A good sign for glanbia for the near future is that Arla foods aren t looking to make a major
move into the American market but merely get a foothold in the market for future expansion. For now
the company feels it s European market can be expaned more in countries like France Norway and
|No.1 |No.3 |
|Denmark |Germany |
|Sweden |Poland |
|Finland | |
|Holland | |
Kerry group is a world leader in food ingredients and flavours serving the food and beverage industry
and a leading supplier of added value brands and customer branded foods to Irish and UK markets.
The group has organically and through a series of strategic acquisitions in its relatively short
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The Theories of Bandura versus Erikson
How does an infant develop into an adult? The answer is not as obvious as it seems. There are a
variety of factors that contribute to human development. A person not only grows physically but also
cognitively and socio emotionally. This paper will explain two theories; one cognitive and one socio
emotional; about human development. The two theories will be described, compared, contrasted and
individually evaluated based on the strong points and limitations. The first theory examined is Albert
Bandura s social cognitive/learning theory. A child does not automatically know how to interpret their
environment, but they can learn about the world around them and how to manipulate their
surroundings by observing people around them. According to Bandura (2002), Viewed from the
sociocognitive perspective, human nature is characterised [sic] by a vast potentiality that can be
fashioned by direct and vicarious experience into a variety of forms within biological limits (pp. 271
272). Although a large amount of learning from watching other people happens in childhood, a person
can acquire new skills or knowledge at any point in their life with the help of other people. The second
theory examined is Erik Erikson s eight stages of psychosocial development. Each stage in Erikson s
theory involves a conflict/crisis that a person must work through to evolve their personality. Rosenthal
(1981) explains that, Each stage arises because a new dimension of social interaction
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The Attack On The World Trade Center
The war in Afghanistan is well known for all the destruction it s caused in the Middle East. Two things
well known for the destruction is the attacks on the world trade center, and catching Osama Bin
Laden. It all started September 11th, 2001 when Afghanistan attacked America. These attacks are by
far the worst terrorist attack on American soil. These attacks will never be forgotten. The first attacks
on the world trade center were not the 9/11 attacks. In fact, the first attack was on February 26th,
1993. When a few terrorists put large explosives under the world trade center. The terrorists were
attempting to bring down the world trade center but it didn t. There were six deaths and over 1,000
injured. They had traced the van to a few people who attended a mosque in Brooklyn. Later the leader
of the attacks, Ramzi Yousef, sent a message to the New York Time saying that the attack was
retaliation for Americans support of Israel, then fled to Pakistan. Ramzi Yousef appeared again in the
Philippians and had an apartment that he was making explosives in. He made a bomb that he took onto
an airplane. He placed it in the airplane and had a timer on it and it exploded. The explosive killed one
person and injured ten. Afterward Ramzi decided he wanted to make more attacks on the U.S. He later
was making more explosives in his apartment with a friend. An accident happened while mixing
chemicals and a fire started. Ramzi managed to escape somewhere in the Philippians, but
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Kellogg s Mission Statement
In 1906, Kellogg s was founded by W.K. Kellogg and his brother, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg after their
failed attempt at making granola. Surprisingly this failed attempt worked out in their favor because the
two brothers were able to create the delicious recipe for some of our favorite cereal today Kellogg s
Corn Flakes. In 1914, Kellogg s was introduced into Canada which opened doors allowing the
company to later open factories in Australia, England, Mexico, Japan, and India just to name a few.
Kellogg s mission statement is to enrich and delight the world through foods and brands that matter (
Kellogg s Promise to You , 2017). Kellogg is best known for most popular product Rice Krispies, Pop
Tarts, Froot Loops, Frosted Flakes and Eggo Waffles
... Get more on ...
Case Study Of Sainsbury
Sainsbury s CEO Peter Davis has launched the Business Transformation Programme in November
2000 to consultancy firm Accenture. The main focus areas of the project were Supply Chain
Management, EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale) and the outsourcing of Sainsbury s IT processes to
Accenture. They had estimated £2.16bn for the whole project.
Stock availability is main basic point of supermarket food retailing business. Retailers can call it the
first moment of truth for the consumer. If there is no product on the shelves, the customer cannot buy
it. And of course the retailer cannot sell it, it misses a sales and profit opportunity. Along with
competitive prices and short queues at the checkout of the system, stock availability is one of the three
musts for grocery chains. If the company fail at one of these the company will start to fail as a retailer.
This is a lesson to Sainsbury s that once was the United Kingdom s leading supermarket as the mid
The new automated system depots were ... Show more content on ...
It give the chain better control of supplier to store replenishment time and stockholding. Sainsbury s
thought that software could work, given that food retailing encompasses many more variables than
other products. Robert Brent, supermarket analyst at KBC Peel Hunt, says: Accenture [its technology
consultants] delivered a system for food retailing that was far too exacting given the variables. It was
trying to use a just in time system with food where there are just too many uncertainties involved. The
system works, but basically it has no latitude; it can t take any fluctuations. Food retailing is not an
exacting science: how can you design a programme that can factor in, for example, the weather? The
others have kept, by and large, to traditional methodologies and they realise that you cannot take JIT
beyond a certain
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Essay Writing In IIMs And XAT Take Care Of This Its A Management ...

  • 1. Essay Writing In IIMs And XAT! Take Care Of This!! Its A Management ... 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay Writing In IIMs And XAT! Take Care Of This!! Its A Management ... Essay Writing In IIMs And XAT! Take Care Of This!! Its A Management ...
  • 2. Certainty And Doubt In My Writing Work While struggling with puzzling and complex events I came to a deeper understanding of constant questioning and doubting as the utmost ability in my writing Voltaire noted that doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is an absurd one. I doubted even myself, my motives and my memory, my knowledge... I would ask myself repeatedly: did I hear and remember this and that properly, are my notes and records accurate, did I understand some event... At times I was feeling as I was walking that blurry boundary between facts and illusion and that I could fall if I make any wrong step. But, what was right and what was wrong in that hall of mirrors... Comparing daily my opinions and comments with the rest of the media brought me that uneasy feeling that I don t belong there anymore, that there was broadening a significant gap between me and the majority of my friends in that profession. We greeted each other occasionally, but we choose the sides. My side was quite lonely few groups of intellectuals, university professors, journalists, artists; all of them wonderful people, professionals in their fields, but stripped of their influence. Another side was vast and strong, built carefully during the time authoritarian, populist leader ... Show more content on ... Moreover, these wars did not solve anything and left the whole region in unstable condition with few potential conflict situations Serbia, still playing its risky game between East and West powers and still with an unsolved Kosovo issue; Bosnia artificially divided and re glued against the will of its multi ethnic constituents; Macedonia with its unsolvable problem of the growing influence of Albanian minority, and so on goes that long ... Get more on ...
  • 3. What Role Did The Setting Of Monetary Policy Play On... What role did the setting of monetary policy play in housing market developments? Monetary policies play can or not play a major role in the housing developments. This all depends on the supporting evidences provided that aligns with the goals of the policy makers. In this scenario monetary policy was not the initial reason for the extraordinary strength in the housing markets. According this case study, a relationship between interest rates and housing activities is not adequate enough to explain the rise in residential investments or house prices. However some increase in housing markets can attest to lower interest rates and favourable monetary policies that followed after the 2011 recession, which was actually a small factor, As ... Show more content on ... Similar to the United States and as noted by Taylor (2008) and Ahrend and others (2008), In light of these considerations, the evaluation of policy settings is perhaps best done through a comparison of projected outcomes for the policy objectives given policy expectations; such a comparison involves examining whether the forecasts of policymakers, the private sector, or other forecasters were consistent with a balancing of the price stability objective and the full employment objective (for example, the unemployment rate in the neighborhood of its estimated natural rate). This guidance was designed to influence asset prices, economic activity, and inflation in a manner consistent with the goals of price stability and full employment. As has been emphasized by many researchers, the guidance of expectations is the primary channel through which policy affects economic outcomes the overnight interest rate in the interbank market is in itself in consequential for economic activity, except to the extent that it affects expectations of the future path of this rate, which in turn influence a broad array of asset prices important to aggregate spending and price setting. The central role of communication regarding the future path of the policy ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Rise And Development Of Liberalism The concept of ownership is one that seems elementary; however, when thought about, it is something very puzzling and convoluted.You do not really own anything unless you created it. You can buy a book with your own money that you earned, and you will have that book, but you will not truly own it. You did not write the words inside it or drew the art on the cover, it is not yours. You do not even own the paper upon which the book is printed. You just have possession of another person s creation. People are most often guided into thinking that if you have something, you own it. The rise and development of liberalism in Enlightenment political thought has many relations with the growth of what is today called civil society , the society characterized by work and trade in pursuit of private property. Several Enlightenment thinkers, such as John Locke had thoughts about ownership and what it means to be an owner of private property.In Locke s Second Treatise he writes: It is very clear, that God, as king David says, Psal. cvx. 16, has given the earth to the children of men; given it to mankind in common. But this being supposed, it seems to some a very great difficulty how any one individual should ever come to have a property in any thing ... I shall endeavour to show how men might come to have a property in several parts of that which God gave to mankind in common, and that without any express compact of all the commoners He makes the point of that while we all share ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Bronze Casting among the Ruins Starting in the ancient cities of Mesopotamia, bronze sculptures have been discovered in these ruins (Sturgis). Many more were discovered in the decorated tombs of the Chinese emperors, the discovered towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum, making a great influence on the Renaissance period (Sturgis). Bronze sculptures during this period came to the vanguard of art. However, many centuries had passed before the necessary tools were created to make bronze casting easier during the nineteenth century of the Industrial Revolution (Sturgis). Because of these utensils, bronze casting sprang to the top of the art world again. In recent times, Paris is known for their bronze sculptures since the middle of the nineteenth century. Factories for bronze casting leapt to the top in Paris in order to cast editions of bronze sculptures for the hundreds of artists who specialized in bronze (Sturgis). Paris became the place to go to in order to study this renowned style and have their own sculptured edited to bronze (Sturgis). This desire for the artistic fascination caused creations of many bronze sculptures whose beauty and majesty outshines the sculptures of modern times (Sturgis). Paris in the middle of the nineteenth century held the peak of captivation of this form of art. Bronze casting differed from city to city, century to century; however, they all followed some of the basic steps to sculpting ( Bronze Sculpture ). First an artist would have to model the sculpture by using a range ... Get more on ...
  • 6. 8 Factors That Can Influence The Potential On Postsynaptic... 1. The following are 8 factors that can influence the potential on the postsynaptic membrane: (a) Excitatory Postsynaptic Potentials (EPSPs): EPSPs increase the postsynaptic neuron s likelihood to generate an action potential by generating a local depolarization. EPSPs result from excitatory stimuli, such as an excitatory neurotransmitter (Glutamate) released by the presynaptic neuron. Excitatory stimuli will bind and open ligand gated Na+ channels, allowing Na+ ions to move inside a cell down their concentration gradient. The influx of Na+ ions will cause a local depolarization at the postsynaptic membrane, which if summated can reach threshold and fire an action potential. (b) Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials (IPSPs): EPSPs decrease the postsynaptic neuron s likelihood to generate an action potential by generating a local hyperpolarization. EPSPs result from inhibitory stimuli such as an inhibitory neurotransmitter (GABA) released by the presynaptic neuron. Inhibitory stimuli can bind and open ligand gated K+ channels and Cl channels, allowing K+ ions to move out of a cell and allowing Cl ions to move into a cell down their concentration gradient. The influx of Cl ions and the outflux of K+ ions causes a local hyperpolarization at the postsynaptic membrane, which reduces the postsynaptic neuron s probability to firing an action potential. (c) Temporal Summation: The presynaptic neuron can influence the postsynaptic neuron by changing the frequency of the stimulus. ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Magnificent Pythagorean Paradoxes In Ancient Greece Subsequent to the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great, the ancient Greeks established possibly the greatest center of learning at the time in Alexandria. Indeed, history purports that perhaps this great library rivaled even the great library in Athens, especially considering the fact that the Alexandrian library produced such significant mathematical figures as Archimedes and Euclid, the works of whom likely depended on the earlier works of great Greek mathematicians like Thales and Pythagoras (Lahanas, 2016). Although even those preceding mathematicians likely expounded upon the mathematical methodologies and computational techniques developed in earlier Babylonian and Egyptian civilizations. Still, there can be no doubt that modern mathematics, ... Show more content on ... The premise behind the paradoxes was that the method of describing motion using Pythagorean thought, treating numbers solely as discrete, arguably demonstrated the impossibility of motion. His four paradoxes illustrating this line of thinking are The Dichotomy, Achilles and the Tortoise, The Arrow, and The Stadium. The paradox presented in The Dichotomy is that a race, from beginning to end, is a finite distance. Zeno purported that there are infinitely many half distances, which meant that you could never reach the end, according to Pythagorean thought. This paradox offered a precedent to the idea of the limit of an infinite sequence, in that an infinite number of half distances can add to a finite distance. Achilles and the Tortoise presented a similar paradox about infinite measures within a finite distance, and demonstrated that the boast of Achilles, that he could beat the tortoise even when the tortoise had a head start, could not come to fruition based on Pythagorean thought. The Arrow presented a paradox between the Pythagorean thought, that discrete units of instances make up time, and the premise that if Pythagoreans were correct then the arrow could not move. Thus, claimed Zeno, time must be continuous and not discrete. The Stadium presents a situation which proves that there is no smallest unit of time, as Pythagoreans believed, and therefore time must be both finitely divisible and infinitely divisible (Andrews, Development of calculus: More about the paradoxes, 2016). Although Zeno s arguments were sound, they did not negate the influence that Pythagoras had on the study of mathematics. Indeed, another famous Greek philosopher, Plato, professedly transferred his knowledge of Pythagorean mathematics to one of his students, Eudoxus (Lahanas, ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Montana and the Rocky Mountains Have you ever wondered about Montana, have you ever been to the Rocky Mountains or do you know anybody that retired and moved to the Rocky Mountains or somewhere in Montana? If not and if you just want to learn about Montana continue reading and you will learn all about Montana. Montana is the mostly densely populated state. Montana is from the Spanish word Montana (mountain or mountainous region) 2,700 African Americans live here. Montana s first African Americans arrived in 1860. About 18,000 Hispanic people live in Montana. Native Americans make up about 6 percent of Montana s population. More than 4,6000 Asian Americans live in Montana. Chinese people first lived in Montana. All of them owned businesses, like, laundries and restaurants. They arrived during Word War 2. Almost 90 percent of Montanans are white. In the 1800s, European immigrants arrived. Miners came from Ireland, Wales, England, Italy, and Poland. Farmers arrived from Germany and Norway. Lumberjacks came from Sweden. Most worked as miners and cowboys. Many of their families came from Mexico. Also, many retired people live here. The best retired cities are Missoula and Bozeman. Others have retired areas like Hamilton and Kaliteli. Today Montanans came from the early miners and ranchers. Many Hispanics and Latinos have moved to larger cities. About 52 percent of Montanans live in or near cities. Most of Montana s large cities are in the Rocky Mountains. About 48 ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Gnosticism Essay Gnosticism, which was viewed as a threat to early Christian beliefs can be defined as the thought and practice especially of various cults of late pre Christian and early Christian centuries distinguished by the conviction that matter is evil and that emancipation comes through gnosis (King, p.5). Besides the dictionary s condensed definition summarizing Gnosticism, Gnosticism is a much more complex belief composed of numerous myths defining humans and God and viewed as an ancient Christian heresy. Gnosticism is rather a term invented in the early modern period to aid in defining the boundaries of normative Christianity. Yet, it has been mistakenly come to be thought of as a distinctive Christian heresy or seen as a religion in its own ... Show more content on ... One of the most important characteristics is mythopeia. Mythopoeia is, the construction of elaborate myth through which revealed gnosis is transmitted (Birger, p. 14, 17). The Gnostics saw these myths as a divine revelation, which gave more expressions to their beliefs when thought. This also meant that each teacher would tell a story in their own words. There were a handful of teachers who taught Gnosticism. They had many beliefs and teachings where they were seeking to address their ideas and problems. Some of these teachers included: Simon the Magician, Basilides, Valentinus, and Marcion. Simon the Magician is introduced in the Bible as, This man is the divine power known as the Great Power . This statement is showing Simon as God by saying he is the great power. No one really knows exactly when Gnosticism became a movement. Orthodox writers believe that Simon was the one to begin this movement. He is the first prophet to be known to us by name. He thought that the Garden of Eden, exodus from Egypt, and the crossing of the Red Seas were allegories. He believed in Jesus. Some believe he may have been the Simon mentioned in Acts 8: 9 24. He wanted to buy the Holy Spirit from those that believe. Orthodox writers like Justin ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Elizabeth Acevedo Book Report At the beginning of the year, I did not like to read whatsoever. My view on reading was tough and I did not even want to try to read a book. Reading has just never been my thing, it is hard and it s hard for me to remember what I read. When It was my first day of junior year and I walked into English I was overwhelmed with all of the books that were in the room. I was not happy because I figured we would read a lot and the teacher would get to choose the book but once I figured out that you could choose your own book it made me feel more comfortable towards my reading. This school year one of the books I decided to read was The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo. This is a newer book and was released on March 6th, 2018. This book sucked me in as soon as I saw the cover of the book, Acevedo s book was the type of book where I ll just read 40 50 pages but then turned into me reading 60 to 70 pages a night even after reading 15 ... Show more content on ... This book has a 4.13 out of 5 rating which is really good for a book that got released in 2012. This book is about a gay twenty one year old college student. His name was Matthew Shepard who was lured from a Wyoming bar by two young men, savagely beaten, tied to a remote fence and left to die. This is a short book of poems all based on the murder of Matthew Shepard. They re told from various perspectives and which helps readers understand the story more. Newman uses this quote well because of the situation in the book, despite reading hundreds of books about straight people, I did not grow up to embrace the heterosexual lifestyle. Similarly, someone who is heterosexual is not going to turn gay from reading a book that features a child being raised by two moms (Newman 113). A beautiful quote in verse inspired by a real tragedy simply because of one boy s sexuality. This tells the readers that someone s sexuality is not something to joke ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Birth Of A Moral Dilemma The Birth of a Moral Dilemma in The Guest People choose every day in different circumstances and degrees either small imperceptible one, such as the color of the shirt that they will wear, or huge emotional and moral dilemmas like an abort or a high risk surgery. Nonetheless, there is always a decision made that has its consequences (want or not). Albert Camus uses characterization to address the importance of choices. The author uses the character of Balducci to show what happens when people follow the rules without hesitation. For example, when Balducci arrives into the school to leave the Arab with Daru, and Daru shows himself discontent with that unforeseen problem, he says, Those are the orders (Camus). Balducci as a man of law must follow whatever thing is said to him, and he will do it for sure without dubiety; in addition, Balducci remarks, [Y]ou must sign, that s the rule (Camus). He has to obey all the requisites and commandments that his work dictates, and he can t avoid doing this because he will break all the goodness that justice represents. Nevertheless, Camus tries to point out if a person who only follow a guide or manual for every decision he or she made. That person is, in fact, making no choices, and he or she does not have to face and think about what is right or wrong because that person will search and do whatever is said in that guide. Particularly, in this story, Balducci notes, You don t get used to putting a rope on a man even after ... Get more on ...
  • 12. How Emmett Till Changed History Emmett Till was a fourteen year old african american boy from Chicago, Illinois. He took a train to Money, Mississippi in the summer to visit family. Money, Mississippi was known as a very white powered town. It was when Emmett whistled at a white woman in a convenient store that he changed history. Two white men came into Emmett s family s home and took him in the night, over the series of several hours they had beaten, shot, and drowned him in a river 30 miles away from Money. When he was found he had a cotton gin fan tied to his neck and his face was unrecognizable. He was sent back to Chicago where his mother had identified him as her son by the ring on his finger. His mother Mamie Till ordered the people the leave the casket open during ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Artificial Intelligence Concerns Concerns on Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence is still an infant compared to other technologies. It brings about great promises for our future and some even predict that its importance will rival that of the printing press. (Boden) By human nature, many tried to play God: People of all generation and all over the world dreamt of creating a being that is capable of carrying out human actions. A few decades ago, many regarded cloning as ludicrous and simply ignored it. However, we have accomplished it, and who knows what advancement is coming. Artificial intelligence, although nascent, is very popular and as Ray Kurtzweil suggests might be possible within the next thirty year. Kurtzweil further ... Show more content on ... The development of artificial intelligence, therefore, will benefit many, bringing about the common good. Artificial intelligence applications are numerous. Schools can buy interactive AI, which will never be bored or angry, to teach. Businesses can also benefit by hiring workers who are never bored, complain, or strike. However, there are many obvious ethical issues involved when dealing with artificial intelligence. First and most apparent, is that if we allow artificial research to continue, many workers, especially labor workers, will lose their jobs due directly to the development of artificial intelligence. This is absolutely unfair for these workers. What are they going to do? How will they support their families? Many will become homeless or turn to crime. The balance between the poor and the rich will be tipped. There will be few who will enjoy this development, namely the business owners, who have control of the AI and are independent of the lower class labor force. The rest will be in destitute. As we know, if only a small portion of society does productive work, the economy will be in chaos. According to Tom Shanks, a doctor for Applied Ethics at Markkula Center, when companies move toward robotics, it is the company s responsibility to retrain employees who lost their jobs. (Machines) ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Cochlear Australia And New Zealand Cochlear Australia and New Zealand is a company that specializes in electronic medical devices that replaces the function of the damaged inner ear. Cochlear Australia and New Zealand developed a short film entitled Does Love Last Forever? , which premiered in Australian theaters to attendees of the movie Lion and eventually became a viral sensation. The film follows the story of a couple s relationship from its early stages through to middle age and retirement, and asks the audience at the end whether the couple remained happy and in love. In actuality, the film was disguised as a hearing test and used camera angles, misleading body language, background noises to help determine the viewer s hearing ability. Those that experience hearing loss rely more heavily on techniques like watching body language, or lip reading, and removing the ability to do so while watching the film helps the viewer interpret its own ending. Thus, those that could not hear the dialogue would conclude love did not last, while those that could hear the conversation would determine that love did last. Cochlear s campaign uses spin tactics such as emotional manipulation and deception to create a purchaser demand for their products. They specifically use the tactic of fearmongering, or deliberately arousing public fear about an issue, to make the audience believe they may need a hearing aid. The film is deliberately made to be difficult to hear regardless of your hearing capabilities to create anxiety, drawing upon Edward Bernays tactic of swinging emotional currents as to create a higher purchaser demand (Bernays 54). This film is also spun to appear as a public service announcement, where the primary focus of the campaign is to selflessly help the audience. The video hides the fact that it is created by a company who would monetarily benefit from an increased rate of hearing loss. The spin used in this video was successful because it effectively tricks the viewer into thinking they were experiencing hearing loss. In addition to carefully timed camera angles, the video allows the audience to see themselves and their relationships through the couple and the focus on them makes them less likely to suspect they are victims of spin. When I ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Man From Snowy River Analysis How do stories teach us about other cultures or our own? From the stories, I chose, The Man from Snowy River by Banjo Patterson and Guo Nian by Chinese Mythology both stories show totally different cultures form what we live in today. In The Man from Snowy River they were chasing horses which escaped from the paddock and the horse owners chased down the horses on their horse. Now a day s paddocks are well guarded and if horses did escape the owners would chase the down with trucks and maybe vans. The Man from Snowy River shows bravery and skill A man that holds his own is good enough . Maybe we could try improve our bravery and skill in times when needed. Today people don t give many people a fair go He ll be with us when he s wanted ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Summary Of To A Mouse And To A Mouse In 1786, Robert Burns published his first line of poetry Poems: Chiefly in Scottish Dialect which made him well known with the poems of To a Mouse , and To a Louse . His techniques included writing six lines for each stanza. The rhyme scheme to these lines consist of AAABA giving the first, second, third, and fifth lines four pairs of stressed and unstressed syllables. What I mean by if you stress the first syllable, the subject will be totally different than an unstressed subject. In his poetry, the fourth and sixth lines are different from the other lines. These two lines consist of two pairs of stressed and unstressed syllables which is similar to a limerick or a ballad. This essay will be a compare and contrast of his two poems To a Mouse, and To a Louse and a breakdown of these stanzas. In Burns s poem of To a Mouse , his first stanza is talking about the destruction of a mouse s nest as the character is doing his winter plowing. As he addresses the mouse he is reassuring the mouse there is no harm intended. It moves onto him, saying nature has been destroyed by man s rule and how man s dominion is the reason the mouse is afraid of man. The plowman s humanity is described as poor, and the mouse s earth born companion. Daimen means rare or occasional, an icker is one ear of corn, and a thrave is a measure of cut grain. He says it s not a big deal if the mouse takes an ear of corn every once in awhile and it s not a huge request and it won t be missed when ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Brahms’ “Wie Melodien” Op. 105 Essay The lyrics for Brahms Wie Melodien Op. 105, No. 1 are from a poem written by Klaus Groth. It is a poem that never clearly states its true meaning. Instead, it arouses an emotional feeling of one dreaming about something from the past. And, these emotional feelings are expressed in Groth s poem through a variety of images. The poem begins with using melodies as an image. In the first phrase, Like melodies draw it to me softly through the mind, the word melodies seems to be symbolic of thoughts or memories. These melodies are like a tune that you cannot get out of your head, a memory that he is unable to forget. In his next phrase, Like spring flowers blossom it and floats like a scent away, he uses the ... Show more content on ... However, it is not a bitter loss. Instead, the memory of that love continues to remain with him like a sweet fragrance. Groth s reference to a moist eye also seems to symbolize how the memory of this lost love continues to remain fresh (moist referring to something fresh in difference to stale) in his eyes. And at the same time, moist eye represents when an emotion is so strong (either happy or sad) that it brings tears to one s eyes. Brahms vocal and piano accompaniment do not fail to capture and express this imagery of the poem. One example of the vocal line capturing one of the poem s images is in m. 41. Here, the vocal line is falling in register, painting an image of how a tear might fall. Another example where the vocal line supports the imagery of the text is when the text is talking about how it floats like a scent away and vanishes like a breath in m. 10 and m. 23. The same text appears twice here and when it is repeated the second time it can be heard like an echo to the first statement, as it fades away and becomes lower in register at the end of the phrase. This echo that fades away supports the images in the text of floating away and vanishing. The piano accompaniment also assists in expressing the poem s imagery. Most of this Lied is quarter notes in the voice with eighth notes in ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Considering the Legal Requirements The Exxon Valdez oil spill that took place on March 24, 1989, was responsible for an enormous amount of damage to the natural environment of Alaska. Animal life and plant life alike, were severely harmed from this disastrous spill. Being such a high risk company, one would assume that the legal requirements surrounding the company policy were prioritized. Due to the scope of the disaster though, one may wonder just how strict the requirements were that governed the operations of Exxon. Even if there were rules in place, how well were they being followed by Exxon employees? What were the legal requirements that governed the operations of Exxon? Did the people responsible for this disaster consider these? In the following discussion, these are examined from a moral analysis point of view. After a broad investigation that lead to many lawsuits and fines, it was clear that multiple factors contributed to the Exxon disaster. The Coast Guard and the National Transportation Society were two of several agencies that provided rules and regulations for Exxon. These agencies found violations that Exxon committed that lead to the disaster. ... Show more content on ... At the time of the Exxon disaster, it was found that Captain Joseph Hazelwood s blood alcohol level was 0.061. The Exxon crew also broke laws pertaining to manning the ship. They simply didn t have enough crew members. According to the state of Alaska, Manning policies also affected crew fatigue. Tankers in the 1950s carried a crew of 40 to 42 to manage about 6.3 million gallons of oil, the Exxon carried a crew of 19 to transport 53 million gallons. (Alaska, 2017) Basically, the captain was intoxicated and the crew was tired. They were incompetent for the massive task before them, to say the ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Fighting for a Better Health Essay Fighting for a Better Health As of today, America has undergone many issues involving health like diabetes, heart disease, and lung cancer. Many of the health issues are caused by components very well known to us such as pollution, alcohol, drugs, sexually transmitted diseases, and so forth. Little was known about the fact that food, being an important necessity for human life, has started America s major epidemic among children and teens obesity. With more than 50 million youths attending schools everyday (HHS 1), it s scary to think of the fact that three fourths of the adolescents don t eat a healthy diet. In ... Show more content on ... This gives the students no choice but to eat a healthy school lunch; of course, the students would be able to buy as much candy as they would like before and after school or during any extracurricular activity. Another proposed deterrent is the complete no sale of soda and candy anytime within school property, otherwise known as a ban. School officials observe the banishment as a major solution to decrease the rate of obesity among students in America. Even though Federal law prohibits the sale of foods containing little nutritional value in competition with the school lunch program (Vail 1), many parents repeatedly argue about the fact that this act of limitation eliminates their students freedom of choice. Several high school students agree. As spokesman for the Center of Consumer Freedom, John Doyle says, They can eliminate everything they want, and it will not do one thing to curb obesity (Egan 3). On the other hand, various school districts have postponed acts of limitation on fattening foods and beverages due to other reasons. The number one reason is the fact that the schools would lose thousands of dollars a year in lost contracts with food companies. According to an industry study, schools across the country get about $750 million annually from contract deals with companies who are granted permission ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Sister Carrie and the American Dream The American Dream is surely based on the concept of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness but it is above all, a matter of ambition. James Truslow Adams, an American writer and historian, in 1931 states: life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement , which not only points towards a better standard of living for Americans but also denounces a degree of greed in the US society. Ambition not only killed the cat but killed relationships as well in texts like Sister Carrie and Death of a Salesman. While the American Dream was supposed to be a collective success at its initial stage, ambition, along with a pinch of greed and materialism were perfect ingredients ... Show more content on ... When I walked out I was twenty one. And, by God, I was rich! Through Ben, Miller s play suggests that one must be ruthless, sometimes even wild, in order to achieve success. This very dynamic approach towards the American Dream is what makes Willy Loman envious of his brother s success and machismo. The contrast between a passive approach and dynamic ambition towards the realization of the American Dream is the cause of rift in a brother relationship between Willy and Ben. Another instance of rift in relationships in regards to ambition and the American Dream can be found in the father son relationship between Willy and his son Biff. Willy always believed that personality, not hard work or innovation, was the key to success. His personal views even justified adultery. This is where conflicts arose; Biff was against this trait of his father s personality. It is only after learning about Willy s infidelity that Biff decides to pursue his own American Dream. However, he is torn between two American Dreams: becoming a salesman like his father or immersing himself in nature. Different ambitions and perceptions of the American Dream eventually led to Biff being convinced that his father had the wrong dream. At this point, the arising question is: is ambition contributing towards the realization of an American ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Role Of Companionship In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein Throughout the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, the main characters consistently seek out a companion. Victor depends heavily on companionship from Clerval to keep him from going insane in times of hardship and tragedy. Walton desires the companionship of a man to share in the beauty and wonder of things throughout his travels. When asked to be exiled away to South America, The Creature has one sole request for Victor Frankenstein before he leaves; a female companion to help him bear the burden of loneliness. The Creature makes his proposal to Victor explaining the struggles he has endured in an attempt to convince him. Many Romantic characteristics are prevalent in his request as he regales Victor with the tales of his life so far, which ... Show more content on ... One of these would be equality. Throughout his first days of life, The Creature is consistently rejected by all those around him, including his own creator. This happens repeatedly throughout his life. In seeking out a companion, this shows the characteristic of equality because he just wants to be like everyone else and be able to make connection in life. He wishes that his life wasn t filled only with loneliness and rejection, but with the love of another being. I am alone and miserable; man will not associate with me... (Frankenstein, Mary Shelley, Chapter 16, Page 133). The Creature is aware of what he looks like and he knows that the only things that could ever offer him companionship is something just like him. Another Romantic Element would be the Individual versus society. The Creature faces rejection from everyone and his desire for a companion to be built for him shows just that. He has been pushed away from every single person that he has tried to connect with. He has been poised against society. He knows that the only person who he has a chance of building a relationship with is one who was made just like him, just as terrible ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Utilizing Qr Code Technology for Emr. Utilizing QR Code Technology In Encoding Patient Summary List 2012 Utilizing QR Code Technology In Encoding Patient Summary List Fatima Alsaleh and Samir Elmasri PhD College of Computer and Information Systems, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Abstract: In situations like emergency, where the immediately gained, summarized and accurate information may radically make the difference between life and death, the need for a solution that fulfills this requirement arises. Number of solutions was previously proposed including emergency card and smart cards, but each has number of cons and pros. With the rapid adoption of smartphones, QR codes (Quick Response) is the ideal substitute for the current circumstances. It can be easily read by ... Show more content on ... Smart Card is the perfect media that can be used as a health card due to its small size, secure, capability of digitizing a huge amount of personal and medical data [4]. Some attempts have been done by researchers to develop a personal portable healthcare record smart cards and a corresponding framework to simplify maintenance and transfer of patient records [9]. Researchers in the U.K. have created MyCare, a smart card with a fold out USB plug that can hold a patient s medical history. MyCare was developed with open source that enables it to run on different computers and operating systems. Data is protected through PINs and encryption, with a higher level of encryption planned for further stages in the development process [5][6]. These smart card projects work better in countries with nationalized health care. In the US For example, competition among hospitals is a barrier to a smart card system [5]. Smart card technology was not widely spread due to lack of standards (Dash, 2001); the communications between a smart card and smart card reader. The cards also need to be updated constantly which would be hard to enforce [10]. For smart cards, user mobility is only possible if every machine that the user access has a smart card reader attached. The machine must support the same standard smart card reader interfaces or use the same proprietary smart card reader [11]. Research Statement Due to the barriers of smart cards usage including, the high cost value, the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Adversarial System Essay Introduction In the discussion which follows, the function served by evidence within the adversarial system will be considered. The central importance of relevance to the admissibility of evidence will be linked to the purpose served by the tribunal of fact. The range of factors which impact on the criminal justice system will act as a basis to consider the justification for the exclusion of certain evidential material. Developments in attitudes as a result of recent legislation will lead the discussion to the conclusion that the above statement is not sustainable Setting the scene Purpose. The adversarial system involves competing versions of disputed events being advanced by parties to the litigation. The purpose of ... Show more content on ... Observers have noted in recent years a shift in government policy toward what is perceived as redressing the balance in criminal justice, to be more advantageous to victims and less so to the accused. (have implications for current exclusionary rules) Nature of evidence. May and Powles view evidence as something which tends to prove or disprove something else. In the context of a trial this consists of information placed before the court for the purpose of proving or disproving facts in issue. Beecher Monas states that in a system based on the rule of law and which aspires to truth , the accuracy and reliability of such information is essential. The mechanisms available to the court to determine the latter, centre on the presentation of evidence under oath, cross examination and the observation of witness demeanour . The development of specific rules of evidence from the 18th. century onwards were much influenced by the jury system of trial. Concerns with the ability of lay juries to evaluate and assimilate various data led to safeguards being introduced The perceived need within the current adversarial system for such rules has, as ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Fictive Fragments Of A Father And Son Analysis David Mura s Fictive Fragments of a Father and Son focuses on Mura discovering his cultural identity through his father s past lifestyle. As he analyzes his father s past, he comes to realize his father stories are possibly fictional, but have an inner meaning regardless. Mura comprehends how his father s stories focus on the idea of freedom and balancing dual cultures. While placed in camps at an adolescent age, Mura s father had to learn various types of American ideals including cultural activities, celebrations, and traditions. One saying that always stuck with the father is a teacher stating, After the war you will be free again and back in American society (Mura 101). The instructor s lessons mostly focused on what it takes to feel ... Show more content on ... Many elements persuaded non natives to gradually feel welcome, but it overall led for them to change their idea of what being part of America really symbolized. For instance, the father told Mura that he had played baseball in the camps since the very beginning. With baseball being originated from the United States, it immediately became stamped as an American sport because it highlights their strength, masculinity, and ideals of a modern society. By the camp offering a game such as baseball, it establishes the labels the camp wanted to implement into non natives in hopes of them to feel more comfortable within society. Another example worth mentioning is participating in the city s post war celebrations. After the war ended, the father identifies how the community was celebrating the end of a war. The celebration involved confetti, firecrackers, men sweeping women off their feet, and lastly, music. Notably, the song emphasized in the celebration was called Stars and Stripes Forever. A high school band was playing this song loud and proud to demonstrate their patriotic dedication. The instrumental symbolizes the American flag and beliefs of the American traditions. After distinguishing how society celebrated their patriotic pride, this led to the father to come to the conclusion of what the teachers were discussing on how to represent an American and it was like to be free. Ever since being in the camps, the father felt conflicted on how to implement his Japanese culture along with his American culture. At the camp, he was taught American ideals to show his dedication towards their society. In the process, the father became conflicted on balancing two cultures and overall, led for his freedom to feel limited. Obtaining freedom signifies expressing oneself however they pleased. At the same time, the camp instructors ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Rights Of Animal Testing A long time of debates go back and forth on the rights of all animals with further argument or debates, do humans have the right to use animals on medical testing and lab use? There are several issues that can be placed in this argument this research will acknowledge four important topics in the rights of animal testing. Is it right to use animals for testing? Is it right to compare animal DNA to human DNA in these animal experiments? Is it right to use real animals instead of computers to generate results? Is it right to state animals are being protected and cared for while giving toxins to make them sick? Therefore, the question needs to be asked if animals should be used for scientific experiments in labs all across the globe. The on going attacks on the lab staff s morals, attacked on facilities and the lack of support from the public have made medical testing on animals a significant dilemma among the public. The two organizations that are in the middle of this argument are the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and Americans for Medical Progress (AMP). AMP defends that animals are biologically similar to humans and are susceptible to over 200 diseases and play a vital role in advances in medical care and treatments. Many of these successes have created treatments, cures and vaccines that have increased health care resources for both human and animals a like. The problem with this success comes the concern on whether or not it is ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Book Thief Movie Themes The Book Thief, directed by Brian Percival, and The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, directed by Mark Herman, are both films that share similar themes and are focused on the time of war during Hitler s reign of power. In both films, the idea of innocence is portrayed and corrupted through the friendship of child protagonists, influence of father figures, characterisation of children in war and the narrative perspectives. Symbolism, motifs and themes in these two films are explored to emphasise how innocence is portrayed and corrupted throughout the texts. Through the friendship of child protagonists in both films, the audience is able to view and understand how innocence is portrayed and corrupted. Bruno in The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, is the main ... Show more content on ... With a similar end of war scene in The Book Thief, after the bombings that occurred, Liesel lost the boy she loved which is another way that the idea of innocence has been corrupted. Within this scene the director uses a bird s eye view angle of the death of Rudy and mise en scene is also used in this text, placing Liesel sitting with Rudy in the middle of the ruins of their street, leaving the audience to feel heartbroken just as The Boy in Striped Pyjamas does with the death of both boys. Although, the friendship between child protagonists in The Book Thief, Liesel and Rudy, starts as an innocent friendship and remains that way through most of the film, their friendship is explored through playful love whereas the friendship between Bruno and Shmuel is explored through boundaries and restrictions to their freedom, being stuck on opposite sides of the fence. Another friendship that occurs is the friendship between Liesel and a Jewish man named Max that her family is hiding under their basement. In this friendship, Liesel herself symbolises innocence which enables Max to find the strength to survive. The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, however, does not include another important friendship to the main protagonist, it only focuses on the unlikely friendship between a Jew and a boy with a commander for a father. The influence of father figures in both ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Economic Efficiency Recent measures taken by the firm to achieve efficiency. (Distinguish carefully as between different economic notions of efficiency in your answer). Glanbia plc is an international dairy and nutritional ingredients group headquartered in Ireland. The company has 4,500 employees in seven countries and sales offices in a further five. International operations include food ingredients and nutritionals while Irish operations incorporate consumer foods and agribusiness and property. The group has three strategic joint ventures which are based in the UK, USA and Nigeria. The company has the early 2000 s expanded its international based projects and acquired new sectors of the world market by mergers and acquisitions. Due to the economic ... Show more content on ... Arla foods ingredients has given itself the task os establish local production before 2013 in the united states. A good sign for glanbia for the near future is that Arla foods aren t looking to make a major move into the American market but merely get a foothold in the market for future expansion. For now the company feels it s European market can be expaned more in countries like France Norway and Germany. |No.1 |No.3 | |Denmark |Germany | |Sweden |Poland | |Finland | | |Holland | | [pic] Kerry group is a world leader in food ingredients and flavours serving the food and beverage industry and a leading supplier of added value brands and customer branded foods to Irish and UK markets. The group has organically and through a series of strategic acquisitions in its relatively short ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Theories of Bandura versus Erikson How does an infant develop into an adult? The answer is not as obvious as it seems. There are a variety of factors that contribute to human development. A person not only grows physically but also cognitively and socio emotionally. This paper will explain two theories; one cognitive and one socio emotional; about human development. The two theories will be described, compared, contrasted and individually evaluated based on the strong points and limitations. The first theory examined is Albert Bandura s social cognitive/learning theory. A child does not automatically know how to interpret their environment, but they can learn about the world around them and how to manipulate their surroundings by observing people around them. According to Bandura (2002), Viewed from the sociocognitive perspective, human nature is characterised [sic] by a vast potentiality that can be fashioned by direct and vicarious experience into a variety of forms within biological limits (pp. 271 272). Although a large amount of learning from watching other people happens in childhood, a person can acquire new skills or knowledge at any point in their life with the help of other people. The second theory examined is Erik Erikson s eight stages of psychosocial development. Each stage in Erikson s theory involves a conflict/crisis that a person must work through to evolve their personality. Rosenthal (1981) explains that, Each stage arises because a new dimension of social interaction ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Attack On The World Trade Center The war in Afghanistan is well known for all the destruction it s caused in the Middle East. Two things well known for the destruction is the attacks on the world trade center, and catching Osama Bin Laden. It all started September 11th, 2001 when Afghanistan attacked America. These attacks are by far the worst terrorist attack on American soil. These attacks will never be forgotten. The first attacks on the world trade center were not the 9/11 attacks. In fact, the first attack was on February 26th, 1993. When a few terrorists put large explosives under the world trade center. The terrorists were attempting to bring down the world trade center but it didn t. There were six deaths and over 1,000 injured. They had traced the van to a few people who attended a mosque in Brooklyn. Later the leader of the attacks, Ramzi Yousef, sent a message to the New York Time saying that the attack was retaliation for Americans support of Israel, then fled to Pakistan. Ramzi Yousef appeared again in the Philippians and had an apartment that he was making explosives in. He made a bomb that he took onto an airplane. He placed it in the airplane and had a timer on it and it exploded. The explosive killed one person and injured ten. Afterward Ramzi decided he wanted to make more attacks on the U.S. He later was making more explosives in his apartment with a friend. An accident happened while mixing chemicals and a fire started. Ramzi managed to escape somewhere in the Philippians, but ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Kellogg s Mission Statement In 1906, Kellogg s was founded by W.K. Kellogg and his brother, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg after their failed attempt at making granola. Surprisingly this failed attempt worked out in their favor because the two brothers were able to create the delicious recipe for some of our favorite cereal today Kellogg s Corn Flakes. In 1914, Kellogg s was introduced into Canada which opened doors allowing the company to later open factories in Australia, England, Mexico, Japan, and India just to name a few. Kellogg s mission statement is to enrich and delight the world through foods and brands that matter ( Kellogg s Promise to You , 2017). Kellogg is best known for most popular product Rice Krispies, Pop Tarts, Froot Loops, Frosted Flakes and Eggo Waffles ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Case Study Of Sainsbury Sainsbury s CEO Peter Davis has launched the Business Transformation Programme in November 2000 to consultancy firm Accenture. The main focus areas of the project were Supply Chain Management, EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale) and the outsourcing of Sainsbury s IT processes to Accenture. They had estimated £2.16bn for the whole project. Stock availability is main basic point of supermarket food retailing business. Retailers can call it the first moment of truth for the consumer. If there is no product on the shelves, the customer cannot buy it. And of course the retailer cannot sell it, it misses a sales and profit opportunity. Along with competitive prices and short queues at the checkout of the system, stock availability is one of the three musts for grocery chains. If the company fail at one of these the company will start to fail as a retailer. This is a lesson to Sainsbury s that once was the United Kingdom s leading supermarket as the mid 1990s. The new automated system depots were ... Show more content on ... It give the chain better control of supplier to store replenishment time and stockholding. Sainsbury s thought that software could work, given that food retailing encompasses many more variables than other products. Robert Brent, supermarket analyst at KBC Peel Hunt, says: Accenture [its technology consultants] delivered a system for food retailing that was far too exacting given the variables. It was trying to use a just in time system with food where there are just too many uncertainties involved. The system works, but basically it has no latitude; it can t take any fluctuations. Food retailing is not an exacting science: how can you design a programme that can factor in, for example, the weather? The others have kept, by and large, to traditional methodologies and they realise that you cannot take JIT beyond a certain ... Get more on ...