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Essay William Shakespeare
Writing an essay on the topic of William Shakespeare may seem like a daunting task at first
glance. The complexity lies not only in the vastness of Shakespeare's literary works but also in
the profound impact he had on English literature. Attempting to encapsulate the essence of his
plays, sonnets, and other writings within the confines of an essay requires a delicate balance
between depth and brevity.
One of the challenges is navigating the intricate themes and characters that Shakespeare
masterfully wove into his plays. Each work is a tapestry of emotions, human nature, and societal
reflections, making it essential for the writer to carefully select which aspects to highlight.
Additionally, delving into the historical and cultural context of Shakespeare's time adds another
layer of complexity, as it enriches the understanding of his works but demands thorough
Moreover, the sheer volume of critical analyses and interpretations surrounding Shakespeare's
works can be overwhelming. Striking a balance between incorporating existing scholarly
perspectives and presenting one's own insights can be a tricky task. The writer must be cautious
not to get lost in the sea of existing literature while still contributing a unique perspective to the
Furthermore, crafting an essay on William Shakespeare requires a meticulous examination of his
language and poetic techniques. Analyzing the nuances of his verse, deciphering metaphors, and
understanding the historical evolution of the English language during his time are critical aspects
that demand attention to detail.
In conclusion, writing an essay on William Shakespeare is a formidable undertaking that requires
a deep understanding of his works, historical context, and literary techniques. It involves
navigating a vast ocean of scholarly analyses while maintaining a distinct voice and perspective.
However, for those seeking assistance or more in-depth explorations, various resources are
available, including essay writing services, where one can find similar
essays and much more.
Essay William ShakespeareEssay William Shakespeare
Unions And Collective Bargaining Rights
Union and collective bargaining rights are important for improvement as well as
maintaining labor conditions and employment relations and are most certainly
essential in international labor. Unions and collective bargaining rights are designed
to promote and ensure our human rights are protected. This certainly doesn t mean
there aren t flaws in the system, however, the intention of unions and collective
bargaining is to safeguard workers, employers as well as the government to make it
Since the National Labor Relations Act was passed in 1935, unions have been in
existence. The main role is to safeguard workers rights, ensure safe work conditions
and negotiate for the employees through collective bargaining. Collective bargaining
... Show more content on ...
The two sides don t have to reach an agreement, but they always have to bargain in
good faith. Although, neither side is required to make a particular concession, a
party that refuses to bend on a single issue or to put any offer on the table might be
acting in good faith. The National Labor Relations Act forbids employers from
interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of rights relating
to organizing, forming, joining or assisting a labor organization for collective
bargaining purposes, or from working together to improve terms and conditions of
employment, or refraining from any such activity. Similarly, labor organizations may
not restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of these rights. Primary examples of
employer conduct that violates the law are, but not limited to; threatening employees
with loss of jobs or benefits if they join or vote for a union or engage in protected
concerted activity, threatening to close the plant if employees select a union to
represent them, questioning employees about their union sympathies or activities in
circumstances that tend to interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in the exercise
of their rights under the Act. Promising benefits to employees to discourage their
union support. Transferring, laying off, terminating, assigning employees more
difficult work tasks, or otherwise punishing employees because they engaged in
union or protected concerted activity or have filed unfair labor practice charges or
participated in an investigation conducted by
Research Paper On Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering What exactly is mechanical engineering? This is a question
many people ask themselves, but the question they should be asking themselves is
how important is mechanical engineering to the community? Mechanical engineering
is a step to create a better future. In the field of mechanical engineering, machines are
built to facilitate and improve transportation, manufacturing, and various things we
use in our daily lives. In order to become a mechanical engineer, you first have to
know the background and requirements for being a mechanical engineer. Mechanical
engineeringis a part of engineering that involves the design, installation,
manufacturing, and maintenance of machines. Mechanical engineers study physics
to create new and advanced machines that will be helpful for us. Some examples of
the machines that mechanical engineers work on are electric generators, steam
turbines, industrial production equipment, and machine tools. Many devices of
mechanical engineering increase noise and pollution so... Show more content on ...
The first one is the dealing and understanding of mechanical science which includes
dealing with physical science and the relations with heat, energy, and power. The
second one is the process of research, development, and design. The third one is the
production of products and power which includes planning, maintenance, and
operation. The fourth one is the coordinating job of the mechanical engineer
including management, negotiation, and commerce. An engineer is called to
ponder and think out every possible approach to a given problem (Reyes Guerra 6).
A mechanical engineer needs to do all of these thing in order to work in this field.
To be an engineer, a person must be inquisitive and a problem solver that uses logic
and imagination. An engineer must be able to get along with other people and make
relationships. Engineers must think outside the box in order to solve complex
Third Person Omniscient Narrator
The special knowledge the third person omniscient narrator has can be useful in
employing writerly techniques not available to other points of view (POV). Having
unlimited information and the power to dole it out as desired is a super power that
can be used for good or evil (symbolically speaking LOL!). The act of being an
omniscient narratorcan influence the plot and character development as well as the
atmospheric tension and emotional impact felt by the reader.
When used for good the third person omniscient intrusive narrator can weave their
own personality, opinions, and attitudes into the story. An author can engage
readers with humor, pathos, irony, etc. This type of narrator is practically the main
character as we see everything filtered through their bias and personality. If a
reader enjoys the narrators voice, this POV can be an enjoyable read. Two glaring
negatives of this viewpoint are that if you don t like the narrator, you probably won
t finish the story and when the narrator directly addresses the reader; it can feel old
fashioned if not cleverly done.
The third person omniscient neutral narrator makes no pronouncements or judgments
and strives to unobtrusively tell the story while also having access to all knowledge
and the power to wield words at will (say ... Show more content on ...
It seems like this would be a writers paradise, but that is not always the case. Our
text states that In the hands of a novice or intermediate writer, omniscience often
yields stories lacking human behavior (Sexton 161). The writer is so caught up in
describing the thoughts of different characters they forget to show what is happening.
Inexperienced writers may also awkwardly segue from character to character in a
confusing manner, leaving readers wondering which characters perspective they are
What Is The Relationship Between Native American And...
Native Americans and English Settlers in Colonial America
Throughout history people have always been placed in different categories such as
good versus evil, strong versus weak or civilized versus uncivilized. All of these
names are based on some individual viewpoints and their perspective of how history
unfolded. The occasions that occurred in New England amid the 17th century were of
basic significance in the historical backdrop of the United States of America. It was
the underlying time of the relations between the Native American and Anglo Saxon
human advancement and the result of the primary many years of shared contacts
molded and changed the course of history for both societies. The underlying
foundations of American national character
School Uniforms Essays
Schools today aren t in the best condition. There is teasing, violence, discrimination,
cliques, and poverty. There is much to say about how having mandatory school
uniforms will help these problems. My question is, will uniforms help these problems
enough to dismiss the hurt that they would cause? I say the uniforms do little to help.
Having uniforms would stop the teasing and discrimination about clothing, but there
is more to tease or discriminate someone about rather than just clothing. Such as
hygiene, looks, personality, intelligence, race, and the list goes on. So unless people
somehow find a way to be perfect in everyone s opinion, teasing and discrimination
won t stop. ... Show more content on ...
not because you shop at the same stores.
Wearing the same thing as someone else would hardly help the poverty issue. It
doesn t change the fact that you are poor. It just masks the fact that you can t afford
new clothes but there are other, less noticeable signs of poverty like never having
lunch money, or at the high school level, your car could be a sign.
In my survey of Douglas High School students and teachers, the percentage of people
that wanted school uniforms was about the same as the percentage who were against
them; but the people who wanted school uniforms didn t have very good reasons of
why they wanted them and they didn t seem to have thought about what uniforms
were capable of. One student surveyed answered the question, quot;what are some
advantages of wearing school uniforms? quot; by saying, quot;You don t get judged!
No stereotypes! quot; . Another answered the same question by saying,
quot;Uniforms look cool! And you don t have to worry about what to wear the next
day. quot; . Both of these students answered the question about the disadvantages of
having school uniforms by saying there are no disadvantages.
The anti uniform students seemed to have thought more and were able to give extra
comments and answer questions keeping in mind
Persuasive Essay On Rodent Removal
Rodents are a problem in homes across the world.
Mice and rats are the most common invaders. They re attracted to the prospect of
easy shelter and food. You may also find yourself up against squirrels that view attics
as protected nesting areas.
Still, it s troubling when you discover evidence of rodent activity in your home. It s
not just the violation of your food or the need to sanitize areas where you find rodent
Rodents carry diseases that humans can catch, such as hantavirus and leptospirosis,
which makes them a threat to your whole family.
If you re up against an infestation, you have a number of rodent removal options
open to you. Let s take a close look at some of the things you can do for proper
rodent removal.
Traps and Poison
Traps and poison are widely employed rodent removal solutions, but there are some
things to consider.
You have a choice between several types of lethal traps.
There are electric traps that kill with a high voltage charge. Glue traps simply keep
the mouse stuck in place and it dies from starvation or dehydration.
Snap traps break the mouse s neck. These come in both an open and closed style.
The closed style traps are better for homes with pets and kids, since paws and
fingers can t get caught by the spring loaded bar.
If rodent killing just isn t your speed, you can also opt for a humane trap. Pro tip:
take the trap far from your home before releasing any mice. That prevents them from
coming straight back inside.
Water Purification Essay
Water purification is the process of removing undesirable chemicals, biological
contaminants, suspended solids and gases from contaminated water. The goal is to
produce water fit for a specific purpose. Most water is purified for human
consumption (drinking water), but water purification may also be designed for a
variety of other purposes, including meeting the requirements of medical,
pharmacological, chemical and industrial applications. In general the methods used
include physical processes such as filtration,sedimentation, and distillation, biological
processes such as slow sand filters or biologically active carbon, chemical processes
such asflocculation and chlorination and the use of electromagnetic radiation such as
ultraviolet... Show more content on ...
Most deep groundwater does not need screening before other purification steps. 3.
Storage Water from rivers may also be stored in bankside reservoirs for periods
between a few days and many months to allow natural biological purification to
take place. This is especially important if treatment is by slow sand filters. Storage
reservoirs also provide a buffer against short periods of drought or to allow water
supply to be maintained during transitory pollutionincidents in the source river. 4. Pre
chlorination In many plants the incoming water was chlorinated to minimize the
growth of fouling organisms on the pipe work and tanks. Because of the potential
adverse quality effects (see chlorine below), this has largely been discontinued.[3]
Widely varied techniques are available to remove the fine solids, micro organisms
and some dissolved inorganic and organic materials. The choice of method will
depend on the quality of the water being treated, the cost of the treatment process and
the quality standards expected of the processed water.
[edit]pH adjustment
Pure water has a pH close to 7 (neither alkaline nor acidic). Sea water can have pH
values that range from 7.5 to 8.4 (moderately alkaline). Fresh water can have
widely ranging pH values depending on the geology of the drainage basin or aquifer
and the influence of contaminant inputs (acid rain). If the water is acidic (lower
than 7), lime, soda ash, or sodium hydroxide can be added to raise the pH during
Norman Bates Character Analysis
Norman Bates is a middle aged man who is the owner of a not so popular motel
along with his mother. For many years Norman has lived alone with no friends,
family, or even many visitors to keep him company. But it was not like he was
actively seeking out human interaction either, rather it seems as if he has tried to
avoid it. There are many examples of his antisocial tendencies, such as when
mother yells at him for not attracting people to the motel or doing his job: Why
didn t you turn on the sign when it got dark? And why aren t you up at the office
where you belong? (Bloch 12 13). One would expect the owner of motel to want
people s business and do his job to make money, but Norman seems like he is
actiavely avoiding his duties on... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately for Norman, this was the case of his mother s death. Throughout
the whole passage Norman appears to talking his mother, but in reality he is
actually just talking to his other personality who became his mother. This is
known as dissociative identity disorder: a disorder characterized by the presence
of two or more distinct personality states. When his mother says I know what you re
thinking Norman. I know all about you, boy. More than you dream. But I know
that, too what you dream...That s why you never get rid of me, even if you really
wanted to (Bloch 17 18). This is reinforcing the fact that he is in fact not talking to
his actual mother, but rather the personality he developed in his mind after her
passing. The only only way a momma s boy could cope with such a traumatic
incident is to act like she has never been gone. When Norman kills he thinks it is his
mother telling him to do that, but it really himself displacing all of his anger and
frustrations on innocent people because deep down he is still trying to get that
affection from his mother, but it will never come to
Essay On Gun Control On Guns
Lately, there has been a controversy about gun control due to gun crime. Now, there
has been an uprising of conversation about the carrying of guns on college
campuses. Guns should not be allowed on college campuses because it is very
dangerous. There s alternative self defense, professors/students would feel unsafe at
school and be frightened, and some people are not mentally stable or are immature.
Guns should not be allowed on college campuses, they are too dangerous and there
are other ways of protecting yourself. For example, carrying a knife. They are
everywhere, and almost everyone has at least a couple of them, whether they are
Swiss Army knives or big fixed bladed K bars. A simple folding tactical knife can be
kept nicely concealed in your pocket and can be equally as effective. For self
defense, I would go for a durable folding knife that can be opened quickly and has a
serrated blade with an ergonomic grip. Another thing you can use is a stun gun, or
also known as a taser. They don t look like traditional guns, so they won t attract
much attention. Not only are they a non lethal weapon, but also work in the wind or
rain. The mere jolting sound that they produce might even be enough to just scare
attackers, but if it isn t, the thousands of volts of electricity certainly will! A third
weapon you can use instead of a gun is pepper spray. Yes, it doesn t sound like it d be
very effective, but did you know it is strong enough to be used as a defense against
Silent Film, Martyrs of the Alamo, Loosely Depicts the...
Martyrs of the Alamo is a silent film that not only loosely depicts the historical event
of the Battle at the Alamo but it perpetuates ethnic stereotypes of Mexicans to build a
sense of nationalism in the early 1900 s. Researchers Ford and Harawa argue in their
academic journal that ethnicity can be broken down into two dimensions, relational
and attributional. The relational dimension pertains to the relationship dynamics
between an ethnic group and the society they live in. These relationships can be
shown through different societal institutions; such as, the educational system, judicial
system and even the film industry. As stated by Dr. Keeling, the film industry can be
seen as an institution that produces ways of thinking of the... Show more content on ...
By using the Mexican solider and the small child it can allude to the harm that can be
done to the United States. The child can symbolize the future of America and the
cost that can be paid if Americans do not fight for what is theirs. By instilling fear,
Griffin could spark Americans to react and feel that it is their duty to protect their
country. We see a large contrast between the American characters and Mexican
characters in the film. The American characters are chivalrous, courageous and
dressed in a typical Western fashion; raccoon fur hats, formal wear or button down
shirts while the Mexican characters are depicted as cowards and womanizing
drunks in sombreros, ponchos or soldier uniforms with darkened skin. These
negative depictions of Mexicans are used as a contrast from this perfect image of
what it is to be American . For example, the General Santa Ana is portrayed to be a
weak leader who is detached from the battle and who is preoccupied with exploiting
women. In contrast to Davy Crockett who is able to band together with others to fight
and protect Texas while on the battle front. Griffin uses these historic Alamo figures
to emulate what it means to belong to America. The idea of Americans not backing
down against a threat is portrayed through figures like Davy Crocket. These negative
portrayals of Mexicans fuels an already existing stigma. Griffin reinforces these
archetypes through film and this in turn can lead to the
The Advantages of E-Textbooks Essays
Imagine a day when youngsters would leave for school carrying nothing more than
an electronic device weighing less than one pound. The advent and growing
popularity of electronic textbooks may make this a reality sooner rather than later. No
more students trudging around with 20 pound backpacks strapped to their backs. No
more lockers jammed with textbooks and notebooks. The benefits of transitioning to e
textbooks are many and provide advantages for both students and educators.
Electronic textbooks can be updated faster than traditional textbooks and can also
provide resources that traditional books cannot supply. Because reprinting textbooks
is expensive, they are rarely corrected and schools frequently have outdated versions
that... Show more content on ...
Emoticons are used in text messages and emails. Given how the use of such graphics
has permeated everyday functions in our society, up and coming generations will feel
more comfortable if educational institutions utilize such devices for classroom work.
Electronic textbooks also provide resources that traditional texts cannot offer. For
example, some e books include videos or motion graphics to illustrate concepts.
Interactive applications are also utilized to help with studying and test preparation.
Many educators are embracing the use of electronic textbooks for a variety of
reasons. Ken White, an instructor at Everett Community College, points out that
some older students may have a hard time transitioning to e textbooks but younger
generations of students will be much more successful at making the conversion
(Moving towards virtual textbooks). The trend seems to be that electronic devices of
all sorts are becoming more and more popular. As these devices continue to permeate
our culture, integrating them as soon and as frequently as possible into the classroom
will help students adjust to using them now and in the future. White even uses the
new textbook format because, [Electronic textbooks] make me really look at my
teaching (Moving towards virtual textbooks). As a teacher, he is adopting the trend of
going digital. By re evaluating his teaching method, he will be able to approach his
subject from a different angle that might be more
Research On Vigilance And Sustained Attention
Studies on vigilance and sustained attention have been a widely studied part of
psychology since the Second World War. This is because it was found that people
monitoring radars for enemy ships experienced what is now known as vigilance
decrement. That is when the ability of a subject to detect an abnormality during a task
which primarily displays a normal screen. In the case of WWII radar monitors, this
was to detect when an enemy submarine entered the radar. (Helton, W. S. Russell, P.
N. (2012). ) After a short time, typically 20 30 minutes but in certain cases as little as
5 minutes, vigilance decrement can occur. (Caggio, D. M., Parasuraman, R. (2004)).
There are two main theories commonly cited to explain this phenomenon, mindless
theory and resource theory. Resource theory says that the vigilance decrement is due
to the exhaustion of brain resources required to maintain focus on the task.
Mindless theory simply explains vigilance depletion as being caused by
disengagement from the task due to boredom. (Helton, W. S. Russell, P. N. (2012).)
The two theories explain the same phenomenon much differently; resource theory
says it s caused in part by cognitive overload, while mindless theory suggests it s
caused by cognitive under load causing boredom. (Helton, W. S., Russell, P. N.
(2015)). Resource theory is strongly supported by a wide array of evidence from
behavioural studies, mental workload studies, and brain imaging studies. When the
The Cavalry Of The Infantry Company
The Infantry Company
SFC Larson, Zachary
University of Louisville
Dr. Carpenter
May 9th, 2015
The Infantry Company
Let me start by introducing you to what the Infantry is. The Infantry is where
younger men go to become professional killers, in order to defend the constitution
of the United States of America. It is the assembly line that takes your everyday
kid and turns him into a weapon for the greater good. An Infantryman is trained to
face combat on foot with only his fellow Soldiers and his rifle. He will fight the
enemy face to face and is trained to never except defeat. To call yourself an
infantryman you have to be willing to crawl and fight for every inch of land beneath
your body. An... Show more content on ...
Once that person passes all assigned tasks he will then be awarded the Infantry Blue
Cord. The blue cord signifies the bond that all Infantry Soldiers share and the
sacrifices that will be expected of him.
After the training is complete, that Soldier will be shipped to his Unit (company).
The company rank structure is as follows: Company Commander in the rank of a
Captain, the Company Commander will have an adviser that is called the Company
First Sergeant in the rank of a Master Sergeant (E 8). Along with the two most
ranking persons in the company, they will have an Executive Officer in the rank of
First Lieutenant (XO for short). The three most ranking persons in the company
come up with the standard operating procedures and pass out any directions or tasks
that need to be completed. They have a control span of usually three platoons of 40
Soldiers. Sometimes in an Infantry Company, there will be four platoons as outlined
in (Morrow, J. (2007). The Infantry Rifle Platoonand Squad. (FM 3 21.8 (FM7 8)).
The top ranking individuals count on the three Platoon leaders and the three Platoon
Sergeants to execute all tasks given. The Platoon Leader is usually in the rank of
Second Lieutenant and the Platoon Sergeant is in the Rank of Sergeant First Class
(E 7). Each Platoon has one of each leader. Furthermore the Platoon has four squads
and a Headquarters section. Each
After many a summer dies the swan
After Many a Summer Dies the Swan by Aldous Huxley
Aldous Huxley was an English fiction and non fiction writer, novelist and critic.
Besides novels he published travel books, histories, poems, plays, and essays on
philosophy, arts, sociology, religion and morДЃls He was a humanist, pacifist and
satirist. He was interested in spiritual subjects as parapsychology and philosophical
mysticism. His lifelong preoccupation with the negative and positive impacts of
science and technology life makes him one of the representative writers and
intellectuals of the 20th century.
Aldous Leonard Huxley was born on 26 of July in 1894, in Godalming, Surrey,
England. His family was a part of English intellectual elite. Aldous grandfather was
the ... Show more content on ...
Mr. Jeremy Pordage is an English archivist and literature expert, who is brought by
Mr. Stoyte from England in order to archive a rare collection of books. Mr.
Pordage s presence highlights Mr. Stoyte s shallow attitude towards the precious
works of art, that he can afford himself. Virginia Mounciple is Mr. Stoyte s twenty
two year old mistress, who gives pleasure to the old man, secretly likes Dr. Obispo,
and who s young assistant Peter is in love with. Mr. Propter is Jo Stoyte s
neighbour, who is only one of the characters who achieves success and happiness,
without upsetting anyone ar creating evil. All these characters have different life
philosophies. Dr. Obispo places great faith in science and medicine as saviours of
humankind. He sees everyone as a stepping stone to science, the greater good.
According to Propter s philosophy, he is trapped in ego based human behaviour that
prevents him from reaching enlightenment. Dr. Obispo seduces Virginia in a
characteristically egotistical way. She is unable to resist him despite her loyalty to
Mr. Stoyte. When she is found out by Stoyte, he wants to kill Dr. Obispo, but
accidentally kills Peter instead. Dr. Obispo covers up the act for money and
continued research support. This takes him, along with Virginia and Stoyte, to
Europe, where they find an immortal human, the Fifth Earl of Gonister, who is 200
years old and still alive, but who now resembles an ape. Mr. Stoyte can not grasp that
transcendence or goodness
Kimbell Art Museum
The Museum of Modern Art and its Impact on Museum Architecture During the early
part of the twentieth century, the architecture of art museums shifted in the United
States. As the role and purpose of museums changed with the times, so did the
buildings that housed the artwork. Architects designed specific museumsites as
opposed to converting royal palaces. While some museums take inspiration from
other successful museums, others break the mold and become the new standard. The
Louvre in Paris became the model museum during the nineteenth century (McClellan,
1994, p. 12). The Louvre established guidelines for displaying and hanging artwork.
Its Grand Gallery spaces established ideal guidelines for viewing distances and
heights (McClellan,... Show more content on ...
Goodwin and Stone rejected the Beaux Arts movement previously seen at museums
during the early part of the twentieth century (Ricciotti, 1985, p. 59). In many cases,
it was the opposite of traditional museums. The Museum of Modern Art was not
designed with grand halls or spacious rooms like traditional museums (Ricciotti,
1985, p.59). The walls were covered in light textured cloth which was later on
adopted by other museums (Ricciotti, p. 1985, p. 57). The building was divided into
smaller gallery spaces as compared to the Louvre. Additionally, the artwork in the
museum was also a smaller residential scale because many pieces came from collector
s homes (Ricciotti, 1985, p. 57). Furthermore, the museum is set in a densely
populated area which limits the square footage (Ricciotti, 1985, p.57). The Museum
of Modern Art was contained on multiple stories and designed vertically, as opposed
to horizontally sprawling museums like the Louvre and other palatial museums
(Ricciotti, 1985, p. 59). Goodwin and Stone created a museum that impacted museum
architecture in the twentieth century. It was a decisive break with conventional
museum design (Wallach, 1992, p. 209). The Museum of Modern Art became one of
the most architecturally influential museums of the twentieth century (Merkel, 2002,
p. 71; Ricciotti, 1985, p. 52). This influence helped establish the modern model of a
museum building. The
Devry Spch 277 All Week Assignments – Latest (All 6
Devry SPCH 277 All Week Assignments Latest
(All 6 Weeks) spch 277 all week assignments latest
For Further Information And For A+ Work Contact US At
QuestionPart I: Communication Competence Analysis
Review the Communication Competence summary on pages 22 23. Complete the
checklist and write a response in three parts that addresses the following using clear
1.Pick two to three competencies from the listing for which you feel you are
currently strong, and describe why you feel that way.
2.Pick two to three competencies from the listing for which you feel you currently
need improvement,and describe why you feel that way.
Each section should be ... Show more content on ...
You may choose to format these into tables or write them in paragraphform. With
whichever option, you should have clear labels for the four main areas: problem,
goal, plan, and test of measurability.
Part III: Presentation Topics and Research Ideas
Based on the improvement strategies and work on the CCC that you have completed
up to this point, put together a numbered list of at least six presentation topics you
might have an interest in researching and developing for the Week 6 assignment.
Rank the topics with your strongest choice at the top of the list and the others in
descending order.
Using your first topic choice, list three references that would be suitable as
research sources to support a presentation. These should be in addition to your
textbook and not come from the open Web (e.g., a Google search, a blog, and so on).
The best place to look is the DeVry University Library.
Include your work for Parts I, II, and III in the same Word file (.docx).
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this
page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep by step instructions
or watch this TutorialDropbox
LULULEMON Ethical BehaviourSocial Responsibility
lululemon athletica
There are many ways to measure the success of a business. A financial analysis of
lululemon athletica, a Vancouver based company, would show that it is valued at
more than $220 million. Would looking at an improved level of health in its
community be another way to measure the success of this company? lululemon
athletica founder Chip Wilson would welcome your investigation of the improved
health and well being of people in the communities of the more than 40 locations
around the world where the company conducts business.1
History of the Company
Founded in 1998, lululemon athletica recognized an increase in the number of
women participating in both yoga and athletics, and ... Show more content on ...
Some examples include, friends are more important than money, SWEAT once a day
to regenerate your skin, and jealousy works the opposite way you want it to .
The Charitable Giving program at lululemon athletica is committed to raising
awareness of charities in the communities in which it does business. Guests decide
which local charities they would like to support and the store then selects up to eight
of these to be part of the program. lululemon athletica is also committed to the Centre
for Integrated Healing, an organization dedicated to holistic treatment and prevention
of cancer, and Silken Laumann s community oriented Active Kids Movement.8
Growth and Community Commitment
The company has plans to open nearly 200 new stores worldwide. In preparation,
lululemon athletica has hired an experienced CEO, Robert Meers, who was at the
helm of Reebok for 15 years. In 2005, the company implemented a five year vision
called the Community Legacies program which is based on the belief that every
person we hire, garment we create, store we open, customer we educate, and yoga
class we attend contributes to building a legacy in our communities. 9 This goal and
action plan, along with the deep rooted commitment to ethical business practices and
maintaining a health and fun filled environment in communities it operates in, will
guide lululemon athletica towards success as a global retailer.
Katsushika Hokusai Culture Trip
Lane, Richard. Images from the Floating World: The Japanese Print: Including an
Illustrated Dictionary of Ukiyo e. New York: Dorset, 1982. Print.
Nirei, Hiroe. A Brief History Of The Great Wave : Japan s Most Famous Artwork.
The Culture Trip. The Culture Trip, n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2017.
Katsushika Hokusai Floating World By: Lane Bauer As one is immersed in the
floating dream of the steady and precise hand of Hokusai, it seems that the most
satisfying thing is him, himself, in collection with his work; A work which is truly
magnanimous of his struggle and thus, causes one to be wonderstruck. I believe I
just spent the last however many hours falling in love with a person I ve never met
in the most revering kind of way. Though, I was shocked... Show more content on ...
The use of blue Prussian imported ink seemed to be the first thing that caught
Europe s eye. This first discovery started the wave pf admiration in French artists.
Various French artists began collecting his pieces and began showcasing them as
well as imitating his prints in their own works. This caused the works to gain
acclaim and therein his influence elevated the reputation of graphic arts in France.
Based on these artist s collections and clear influence it does appear as though
Hokusai unknowingly bridged the gap of printmaking as a respectable medium for
fine artists. I believe this caused a social change in the perspectives of what their
lives actually were when observing the expansive differences of Hokusai s
experience. This new perspective is clearly shown in the adopting of his two
dimension style, uncluttered composition, and thin brushstrokes; Various artists seen
even in prints classically known in France today, such as The Nightclub Le Divan
Japonais by Henri Toulouse Lautrec. There is a tangible quintessence of Hokusai and
he is an undoubtedly impactful artist and will remain as
The Monarch Butterfly Annual Migration
The monarch butterfly annual migration is a visually spectacular feat, in terms of the
number of butterflies flying to their overwintering sites and as well as the masses that
congregates at the overwintering sites in Mexico. The idea that monarch butterflies
exhibited migratory behavior was once controversial, it was not until Fred Urquhart
and his colleagues pioneered a tagging work with the eastern North American
population for decades that revealed the long distance of the monarch migration. The
tagging efforts that began in 1937 lead to the discovery of their overwintering sites in
Mexico in 1975. With its long distance traveled and the nature of the predictable and
the repetitive nature of its annual migration. The ... Show more content on ...
Environmental factors such as the decrease in day length, cooler temperature and
aging milkweed trigger the monarch to begin its migration, although the precise
environmental trigger that initiates migration is not well understood. When spring
arrives, they become reproductively active, mate and leave Mexico to re migrate
north. During the remigration northward the females lay fertilized eggs on newly
emerged milkweeds in the southern parts of the United States (Reppert and others
2010). Their offspring s will also continue the migration up northward to repopulate
the northern section of the monarch habitat range. Even though the monarch
migration is repetitive and cyclic in nature, their migration cycle is multigenerational.
It takes about two generations of spring and summer butterflies that are following the
progressive northward emergence of milkweeds to repopulate the entire range and
therefore completing the migration cycle (Reppert and others 2010).
Time Compensated Sun Compass (The Navigational process)
The Monarch butterfly uses a map and a compass like other long distance migrants.
The map sense is needed to determine which direction they are to fly and to stop. The
compass sense is utilized so that the migrants can orient in the southern direction
throughout the course of their migration. It has been shown that the monarch may
not have a true map sense, although the monarch
Essay On Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal cord compression/injury
Spinal cord injuries are fractures or dislocations to the vertebrae. Spinal cord injuries
can be classified as either complete or incomplete. Complete means that spinal cord
can no longer send messages below the injured area resulting in paralysis. With
incomplete spinal cord injuries there is still some movement and sensation below the
injured area. Spinal cord injuries can be caused for many reason including but not
limited to: hyperflexion, hyperextension, axial loading or vertical compression,
excessive rotation, or penetrating trauma. Spinal cord injuries are commonly caused
by vehicle accidents, violence, falls, and sports injuries.
Physical Assessment/Clinical Manifestations
Loss of movement, loss of sensation, including the ability to feel heat, cold and
touch, loss of bowel or bladder control, exaggerated reflex activities or spasms,
changes in sexual function, sexual sensitivity and fertility, pain or an intense stinging
sensation caused by damage to the nerve fibers in spinal cord, difficulty breathing,
coughing or clearing secretions from lungs. ... Show more content on
Emergency signs and symptoms: extreme back pain or pressure in the neck, head or
back, weakness, incoordination or paralysis in any part of the body, numbness,
tingling or loss of sensation in hands, fingers, feet or toes, loss of bladder or bowel
control, difficulty with balance and walking, impaired breathing after injury, an oddly
positioned or twisted neck or back
Tetraplegia or quadriplegia: paralysis of arms, hands, trunk, legs, and pelvic organs
Paraplegia: paralysis of trunk, legs, and pelvic organs
Laboratory Assessments
Hemoglobin and Hematocrit: monitor for any blood loss
ABG s: ensures adequate oxygenation and ventilation
Prealbumin and albumin: measures protein needed for healthy skin
Urinalysis: to see if any genitourinary injuries exist
Other Diagnostic Assessments
X ray: used to find bone, disk, or any problems in spinal
Glass Ceiling Of Business
Pants today are globally worn by both men and women, however, behind this piece of
material reveals the symbol of equality between both genders. The significance of
pants worn by women signifies the many challenges women went through to get to
this role of equality.
Centuries ago, women did not have the same rights as men. Women wearing pants
was a process in history that women fought long for. The revolution of women s
clothing from bloomers and corsets, to comfort and sensibility, helped advance
women s role in society, and add to quality of life. Women were expected to
maintain the stereotype as a housewife. Women generally did not take part in any
workforces, they were expected to stay home, and take care of the children. To
signify their role in society, in the 1840 s women were [...] characterized by low
and sloping shoulders, a low pointed waist, and bell shaped skirts that grew
increasingly voluminous throughout the decade... Hair was parted in the center
with ringlets at the side of the head, or styled with loops around the ears and pulled
into a bun at the back of the head. Paisley or crochet shawls were fashionable
accessories, as being linen caps with lace frills for indoor wear, and large bonnets for
outdoors. Capes with large collars were fashionable, states the History of Fashion
(History of Fashion 1840 1900, n.d., para 1). The differences in wardrobes did not
just distinguish men and women, but, it displayed the quality
Mark Mgwire And Sosa Hall Of Fame
Hall of Fame In the summer of 1998, every baseball fan, critic, and writer watched
Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa race to break Roger Maris record of 61 home
runs in one season. The two players both seemed to hit a homer every day of that
summer. When the season came to the end of that summer of 1998, both Major
league Baseball stars were tied at fifty five home runs. McGwire and Sosa both
surpassed Maris record within the first couple weeks of September. The Fans thought
this was a once in a lifetime event in baseball because the last home runchase was in
1961 between Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris. Baseball attendance and interest
substantially increased because of the two sluggers. Home runs became more
prevalent in the seasons that... Show more content on ...
Leigh comments that players who use steroids have an unfair advantage over
baseball players who do not use them because steroids increase a player s statistics
substantially. Steinberg declares, Sending players with proven steroid use into
the Hall of Fame is simply not fair (Steinberg). Leigh also looks into how it would
affect young people if steroid users were allowed in the Hall of Fame. Steinberg
points out that if steroid users were elected into the Hall of Fame that young
athletes would get the impression that steroid use is acceptable in order to
accomplish athletic goals. He emphasizes that young athletes model oneself after
their baseball idols so young athletes may start to use steroids if their idol happens
to use steroids and still gets elected to the Hall (Steinberg). According to Ted Berg,
a sports writer who currently writes for USA today and sports sites such as For the
Win, profession baseball players who use steroids should be allowed in the Hall of
Fame as he explains in his article, 4 reasons the Baseball Hall of Fame should
include steroid users. Berg questions the baseball writer s choice to judge the lives
of baseball players and why steroid users are not getting elected into the Hall of
Fame. Berg argues that by allowing steroid users into the Hall that the Hall of Fame
will get more attention. The reason he thinks more people will go to the Hall of
Fame if
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of ISDN
ISDN means integrated services digital network.
It is just a communicational standard used for transmitting video and data digital
telephone lines or normal telephone wires. This standard support data transfer rates
of 64 kbps. It is the initial high speed internet service. [1]
ISDN internet service is simply a telephone based network system that operates by a
circuit switch, or dedicated line. It can transmit data and phone conversations
digitally over normal telephone wires. This makes it both faster and of higher quality
than dial up internet service.[2]
Why isdn developed
Before ISDN, it wasn t easy for ordinary telephone lines to offer fast transportation
over just one line. ISDN was made to perform on digital telephone ... Show more
content on ...
Advantages of ISDN Lines:[7]
1.The primary advantage of ISDN line is it is a Digital Line and hence the voice
quality is preferable to analog circuits.
2.The ISDN line can carry voice , data , video and fax information in exactly the
same line.
3.Each ISDN line can provide a bandwidth of 128 Kbps both in the upstream direction
in addition to the downstream direction this feature enables it to carry video
communications in realtime at both ends.
4.Since ISDN is a routine switched network, there is little if any data loss while
transmitting data (In packet switched networks, there is some data loss across the
propagation path and hence information must be re transmitted, sometimes).
5.Trouble shooting a Digital Network now is easier than trouble shooting analog
circuits. Faults could be rectified faster and the network performance is very reliable
and predictable.
6.When compared to ADSL, ISDN BRI can travel for longer distances and hence
suited to remote Access to the internet.
7.With ISDN, the call set and up tear down is faster than analog
The Stop and Frisk Policy Analysis Essay
Eighty seven percent of stops in 2012, were Black and Hispanic people. Compare
that percentage to the amount of water on Earth, only seventy percent. Now, imagine
eighty seven percent water covering the Earth. That would make the world
unbalanced and difficult to live in, which is how life is for the minorities impacted
by Stop and Frisk. One of the most debated and controversial topics in New York City
is the Stop and Frisk policy, and the impact it has on police, Latinos, and African
Americans. Stop and Frisk fails to promote justice and equitable society because it
creates a society where one group is lesser than another. The Stop and Frisk policy
was created in Ohio, 1968, because of the a Supreme Court case, Terry v. Ohio (US
Courts).... Show more content on ...
Stop and Frisk does not give the Latino and Black communities equal access to the
safety and protection the police provide because they are the ones constantly being
hunted. This is one way that Stop and Frisk promotes institutional racism. This is also
psychologically damaging to victims of Stop and Frisk because makes them feel
unprotected and unsafe
(CCR 8). Stop and Frisk was not created to be racist but, An institution may not set
out to discriminate but through its rules, it may have this effect (Chakraborty). The
people who made the policy and who are enforcing the policy, Stop and Frisk, didn t
intend to single out minorities but that is the end result. Feeling like a policy is
created specifically to attack a certain group based on race gives a feeling like the
world and government is against them (Glover). Institutional racism is also
apparent when people acting on the policy (the police being the people and Stop
and Frisk being the policy) show signs of prejudice, oppression, power and
discrimination (Randal). The police show signs of prejudice against the Black and
Latinos by showing an attitude that is based on limited information or stereotypes
(CCR 7). The police base their searches on what a stereotypical
The Pros And Cons Of European Expansion Of India
The vast expansion of Muslim faith in Asia helped India connect with the outside
world through trade, diplomacy, and exchange in ideas or religions. During this time,
the Europeans pictured the luxurious wealth of India through accounts from Muslims
and traded with India (through the Muslim territories in Asia like the Ottoman
Empire s territory). The Europeans did not want to have to do this anymore; they
wanted to find a direct trade route to India. So, after years of cartographical and
maritime advancements, the first European who achieved this mission was Vasco da
Gama in 1498, by maritime travel around the Cape of Good Hope. This direct contact
from the Portuguese truly started the Age of European reign in India. I will examine
the three... Show more content on ...
Unlike the Portuguese, they focused most of their attention on the trading ports of
Southeast Asia. They came for the spice trade there in 1620 and settled their
headquarters in Jakarta, Java. However, the Dutch do have a role in Indian trade from
1602, when the Dutch Company is established in India. A unique quality of the Dutch
settlements was that they rarely built fortresses; they lived in Mughal cities and
houses and don t try to convert anyone to Protestantism. This tactic puts them
distinctly apart from the Portuguese. Another characteristic of Dutch colonialism in
India was that they came to India through a chartered trading company, giving the
Dutch a part of the sovereignty of their State. The Dutch and Portuguese have naval
battles because the Dutch try conquering coastal areas outside of Mughal power as
well (like
E1 Synthesis Lab Report
An E1 reaction involves a two step mechanism. In this particular reaction, before
the first step can take place, the alcohol group on 2 methyl 2 butanol is protonated
by sulfuric acid so that water is formed as a suitable leaving group. The first step
can then take place: the loss of water as leaving group to form a carbocation
intermediate. Then, a beta proton is eliminated resulting in the formation of a
double bond, forming an alkene. In this reaction, a major product (2 methyl 2
butene) and a minor product (2 methyl 1 butene) are formed. Two products were
formed because two different beta protons were available for elimination, resulting
in the double bond being put in two different positions. However, one of the
products is favored and considered major because of Zaitsev s rule that states the
more substituted alkene is favored.... Show more content on ...
The compound being tested is placed as a liquid into the gas chromatogram and it
is vaporized. The mobile phase is a gas, and the vaporized sample is pushed
through a coiled column by a carrier gas, which is chosen so that it is unreactive
with the sample. The coiled column is also coated by a liquid which serves as the
stationary phase. The different components will reach the detector of the
chromatograph at different points, depending on their boiling points. Substances with
lower boiling points will vaporize faster, and will therefore reach the detector faster
than their higher boiling point counterparts. The detector sends out an output in the
form of a graph which can be analyzed to tell what compounds are in the sample as
well as how much of
Comparative Study Of Various Enhanced Oil Recovery
Study Project Report,2nd semester,
2015 16
Prepared by:
Kaveri Singh (2012B2A1621P)
Mentor : Dr. Utkarsh Maheshwari
Chemical Engineering Department
I feel immense pleasure and pride of being part of Birla Institute Of Technology And
Science, Pilani which moduled me to the present state.
I acknowledge my deep sense of gratitude towards Dr Utkarsh Maheshwari , my
mentor for his constant guidance and advice.
Last but not the least, I d also like to thank the Chemical Engineering Department for
giving me an opportunity to undertake this study.
Table of contents Page no.
1. Introduction 4
2. Formation of crude oil 4
3. Location of reservoirs 4
4. Oil recovery 5
5. Why do we not recover 100 per cent of the oil? 6
6. Types of EOR Methods 7
7. Selection of a method 8 9
8. Experimental Study 10
9. Conclusion 11
10. References 12
1. Introduction :
We are facing grave dangers due to the depletion of fossil fuels, and hence we are
trying to look for alternate sources of energy.
After doing a brief study of major forms of energy both renewable and non
renewable namely solar energy, tidal energy, wind energy, geothermal energy,
biomass energy, biofuels, hydrogen energy, fossil fuels etc I realised that fossil fuels
i.e coal, oil and natural gas will be meeting our major energy requirements for the
next 50 years or so. And hence we need to optimise the oil we get from a reservoir to
the maximum for which we use
Michael Northrop Gentlemen
In my book Gentlemen by Michael Northrop is a mystery story in which a group of
four friends, called gentlemen by their english teacher, find out one of their friends is
missing and after investigating a little the find out that their clues lead to the english
teacher but was it really him. What the summary never explained what and how thing
The book is about 4 kids who go to Twttawa high school in a town. One day when
they go to school Micheals friend, tommy, was in math class and they were
answering square routes and one of the equations had the number three in it and he
has trouble pronounce the thr in three and he doesn t want to butcher it in front of a
girl he likes, so he decided to flip his desk and the
Federal Trade Commission Research Paper
Federal Trade Commission The Federal Trade Commission was founded by
Woodrow Wilson the twenty eight president of the United States and it was
established in September 26, 1914 in Washington D. C. The seal for the Federal
Trade Commission was adopted in 1915 and designed by Tiffany and Company. The
seal symbolizes many of the values and promote the agency mission. The winged
flywheel represents progress and reflects the commitment to protect consumer
interests in a world of involving technology. The shield represents the role in
defending American consumer interests. And it protects the benefits of robust
competition and fighting harm to consumers from unfair deceptive practices. The
scales are the traditional of emblem of justice... Show more content on ...
Consumer protection laws are federal and state statues governing sales and credit
practices involving consumer goods. Consumer Product Safety Commission,
Unfair or Deceptive Trade Practices, Truth in Lending Act, Fair Debt Collection
Practices Act, Warranties and Consumer Remedies are laws that were establish to
give the consumer a fair shake at buying or borrowing money. Goods that were
purchase or service for personal use were presumed fair that buyers and sellers
would bargained for equal positions. The consumer protection is a law that has to
contribute to safety, protecting the health of consumers and the economic interest of
consumers. Local trade practices consider unfair or deceptive may fall with Federal
Trade Commission laws and regulations and have an effect on interstate commerce.
Federal and state laws governing sales, credit financing and reporting, product
quality, leases, sales practices, debt collection and other aspects of consumer
transactions may be regulated as deceptive trade practices. Consumers are protected
by several types of agencies and statues that are enforced by state and federal laws.
Today many of consumer protection issues are involve with the
Christopher Nol An Auteur And Postmodern Filmmaker
Christopher Nolan is an auteur and postmodern filmmaker. He started off making
low budget indie films, his first being Doodlebug. He has now risen to being one
of the biggest names in Hollywood and creating blockbusters that not only are
visual masterpieces but thought provoking journeys. He respects film as an art
form, thus allowing him to create some of the top ranked films this century and
The Dark Night and Momento are even classed among the greatest films of all
time. He has 122 major wins and 163 nominations, most notably three Oscars, three
golden globes and three BAFTAS. His films have grossed a total of US$4.2 billion
making him, not only one of the most visionary, but one of the most successful
directors of all time. Many say what he s trying to be is some kind of modern
Kubrick. I think he d be better off being a modern Hitchcock I believe he is a mix
of the two, both pleasing the general audience and those that are there for intellectual
stimulation. After Doodlebug gained him critical attention he then moved on to a
bigger project, Following. The films I will analyse are The Prestige and Interstellar,
which are films filled with his trademark of non linear storytelling, grand camera
angles and powerful diegetic and non diegetic sounds. One of the films I have chosen
to study is The Prestige. In this film there are many time cuts. The plotline is truly
non linear (non chronological). In this film Nolan masterfully weaves separate
plotlines and timelines
Wyatt Earp Essay
Tombstone , the Wonderful Western About Wyatt Earp You ve called down the
thunder, well now you ve got it, shouted Wyatt Earp to the cowboys, in the movie
about his life, Tombstone. As you can tell by Wyatt Earp s famous quote, Tombstone
is a violent, interesting, and crazy movie. Tombstone is a movie full of fighting,
death, reckless cowboys, guns, and more, in the city of Tombstone. It is attention
grabbing, and once you start watching it, you won t ever want to stop. Although
Tombstone is usually upbeat and full of fighting, it does have sad moments. Overall,
this movie is about Wyatt Earp, his brothers, and Doc Hollidays crazy experiences and
adventures in Tombstone, Arizona. Wyatt Earp and his two brothers, Virgil and
Morgan, along... Show more content on ...
Tombstone is not only limited to history fans though, it is a very intriguing and
fun to watch movie, and most people would enjoy it. I would not recommend this
movie to people afraid of violence, because there is a lot of shooting and goriness
throughout this film. Tombstone is rated R, so I would also not recommend this
to younger people, because of the violence and language. Overall, I really enjoyed
watching this film. I felt like I learned a lot about western life, and the violence that
occured. All of the scenes were very well done, and I did not get bored while
watching. The movie seemed very realistic, especially in the battling scenes. All of
the actors in Tombstone did a fascinating job and portrayed their character very
well. I also believe the movie was well put together, and all of the different scenes
flowed together great. Tombstone was very fun to watch, and I learned a lot while
watching it. If I had to rate Tombstone, I would give it 8 stars out of 10. All of the
scenes were entertaining, the acting was excellent, there was not an overload of
violence, it was realistic, and it was put together very well. Although this movie
did have a great deal of good points, it did have its poor ones. At a few points during
the movie, I became confused. To be more specific, during the showdown scene, I
was confused on who was a cowboy, and who was not. I also grew confused during
the scene with
Summary Of The Second Sex By Simone De Beauvoir
In The Second Sex, Simone de Beauvoir questions the idea held in society that
those who live simpler lives with no foreseeable challenges are inherently content
and satisfied in their lives. Specifically, she disagrees with the idea that women
who are oppressed, and thus, due to their lack of opportunities and freedoms, must
lead lives that the patriarchal society makes available to them, are happier than the
women whose freedom brings them challenges and shortcomings. De Beauvoir
claims that we cannot assume someone is happy from what we see, and we cannot
simply assume happiness means to that person what it does to us; it is not too
clear just what the word happy really mean and still less what true values it may
mask. There is no possibility measuring the happiness of others, and it is always
easy to describe as happy the situation in which one wishes to place them, (de
Beauvoir 261). She continues to discuss this idea of seeing one as happy in the
situation the observer views as ideal, specifically the non working woman stripped
of her rights, whose lack of purpose and duties is seen as peaceful happiness, in
particular those who are condemned to stagnation are often pronounced happy on
the pretext that happiness consists in being at rest, (de Beauvoir 261). This is not to
say a woman s happiness cannot be found being a housewife, but one cannot assume
what will bring women joy and fulfillment, because all people are different with
varying wants and needs. Women need all the opportunities available and full
liberation in order to be able to find their happiness, if it can be found. Sara Ahmed
says, Feminismdoes not guarantee what we will find through this expansion of
bodily horizons. It simply opens up the places where we can look, (Ahmed 70).
Ahmed goes on to explain how happiness may not even be a healthy goal, as often
women are expected to give up much in order to be able to find a happiness that is
likely unachievable. Ahmed also discusses the 2002 film The Hours, which tells the
stories of three women living in different eras all struggling with their happiness in
their vastly different lives. All three women experience other people in their lives
telling them that they should be happy
Growing Up Digital Wired For Distraction Analysis
The article written by Matt Richtel, Growing up Digital, Wired for Distraction,
represents the theme that growing up with technology has really changed students
life and has interfered with their education. The article starts with, the point that
time has changed so teens as well as adults are now drawn to the internet and
seeking for help on everything. According to Mr. Reilly, one of Vishal s teachers
states, He s a kid caught between two worlds, one that is the real world and one that
revolves around a technology to hide behind. (3) Vishal, a young 17 year old is a
very bright student that took a turn in life between technology and school. Vishal has
a rare talent for film critique and gets very good grades in that subject in... Show more
content on ...
Technology can be very helpful in life and can give you options for school classes
or activities such as online classes. While talking about how technology is major in
Vishal s life the author states, he is focused in a way he rarely is when doing
homework. (7) This article portrays the point that even though technology is major in
Vishal s life it is hurting him in what will make his future, education. For example,
Vishal s principle states that he use to be a very bright student, but has lost the
spark. One last point that is made in this article talks about how hands on technology
can help you in school, but in other opinions it can hurt you and make it impossible
to concentrate. Between two very smart men they talk about whether, Technology
might be the reason Vishal seems to lose interest in academics the minute he leaves
class, (9) or if technology is how you reach out to students and find their passion in
academics.This section of the article is all about the discussion of whether
technology connect students to school or does it separate them from academics. The
very last section in the article strives to the point that Vishal, usually a bright student,
has seemed to decelerate in school and his grades are beginning to lower, due to
technology and film
Brain Drain In America
The holidays are a time for family gatherings. Americans load up their cars or get on
planes, travel to see family and reconnect with lost high school classmates. The
American population, temporarily at least, desegregates.
Now the word segregation might sound a bit confounding, conjuring up images of
race and riot, but this segregation is different. As the January 19, 2007, Inside Higher
Education points out, today s segregation transcends race and separates people by
education and affluence. Americans with college and postgraduate degrees
increasingly cluster in a handful of locations, leaving the rest of the country
intellectually and economically sapped, the victims of a brain drain. The America
that was once a melting pot for dreams and ideas accessible by all from sea to
shining sea is now an America where dreams come true for the talented few only
when they live by a sea. The segregation caused by this out migration of high ability
youth from where they were raised to a few economically and intellectually vibrant
locales cripples rural America and even some urban areas, while destabilizing the
American economy and society. Brain drain has caused the American melting pot to
reach a melting point.
For us to fix it, we ... Show more content on ...
An October 2006 University of Iowa Civic Analysis Network report chronicles the
process. What happens is, brain drain regions often encourage their elite high school
students to seek out more prestigious colleges and universities in other parts of the
nation the old get out while the gettin is good routine. Sure some students stay, but
many don t. After college, the elite students from local institutions as well as those
who ve already left seek employment in the economically vibrant locations, leaving
their homes talent drained. While it s perfectly natural for kids to move away, the
problem for brain drained regions is that few talented people ever
Human Connections With The Land
Human Connections with the Land
The life sustaining bond of human beings with the land has a strong connection.
Centuries have gone by... throughout the many years, humans have relied on the land
to provide, evolve, help survive, and move forward with their lives. The land
provides for humans in a non costly manner. The land provides humans free shelter.
For example, Humans use the dirt we walk on to build shelter. The Earth provides
humans natural resources, such as water from lakes, streams and rain. The land gives
humans bountiful, healthy nourishing food. The Earth provides free healthcare for
every living creature. The land has a bond with humans because the land provides
natural resources, it provides shelter, and it evolves the human body.
The Earth was formed about 4.54 billion years ago in one in many galaxies. After
many years have passed the Earth has evolved and land was created. Many species
have formed also the life of nature. The land provides humans nutrients and resources
for people to survive, such as nourishing foods and materials for building shelter.
The life sustaining bond between humans and the land is that the land provides
humans with many things that they need in order to survive and thrive with for the
future. The land provides us with water, meat, vegetables, medicinal herbs, materials
for shelter, and much more. This is what connects humans to the land.
Ha 2
There is a saying We don t own the Earth, the Earth owns us This is a
Desire Vs. Morality And Duty
Section I: Theme Desire vs. Morality and Duty: Throughout the novel, Ethan seems
to struggle with managing his desire for Mattie and his duty as a husband. This
theme is apparent throughout the entirety of the novella. It starts before the book
even begins. Ethan, in the first chapter, admits to often walking Mattie, his wife s
cousin, home just to spend few minutes alone with her. However it is first
mentioned in the book when Ethan is standing alone, just watching Mattie dance.
He knows he has a wife to get back to, but yet all he can imagine is being in that
party and being the one who is dancing passionately with Mattie. Although, his
sense of duty and morality is not only because of his relationship with Zeena, but
because he fears the way his society would react to such a scandal. Although his
desire to leave Zeena, a sour and sickly old woman, is somewhat understandable, he
knows that his society would shun him if he abandoned her for another woman.
Later in the book, this theme is again apparent when Zeena must leave to see a new
doctor about her illness. Ethan loses his sense of duty to her, and lies to Zeena so
that he can spend time with the one he so desires. However in chapter nine, this
theme is most apparent. After Zeena tells Ethan that she is to throw Mattie, the love
of his life and the last force that could make him happy, out on the streets to make
room for a new hired girl, Ethan devises a plan to run off with Mattie. He spends an
entire night making
Native Americans And Western Medicine
Understanding Native Americans and Western Medicine
Essential Knowledge for Providing Culturally Competent Care to Native Americans
Brittany Schelitzche
Writing for Healthcare
Hennepin Technical College Native Americans and Western Medicine:
Essential Knowledge for Providing Culturally Competent Care to Native Americans
Many Alaskan Natives and Native Indians, also known as American Indians, share the
same or similar views on health and medicine. Their definition of traditional medicine
incorporates medicine and religion, various chants and rituals, and being one with
Earth (Broome, B., Broome, R., 2007). In the United States we are challenged to think
about health care from our tradition as a cultural melting pot. Therefore, we must
address the large range of individual health care needs from populations living the
inner city and suburbia to those in rural environments. (O Brien, Anslow, Begay,
Pereira, Sullivan, 2002). It is important for healthcare workers to understand the
views of American Indians in order to integrate their traditional medicine as well as
western medicine. Examining areas such as common health conditions, treatments,
and attitudes towards health, natural and alternative health will lead to a better
capability of providing culturally competent care.
Introduction and Background Native Americans, such as Navajo and Cherokee, have
been in the United States for the past 12,000 years (Horowitz, 2012). Although those
are the two most
Fair Housing Act Case Study
Since the passage of the 1968 Fair Housing Act , there have been legal tools and
policies that combat segregation in housing, overall, promoting more diverse cities.
While the Fair Housing Act have been successful in diversifying formerly all white
cities. A new problem is emerging for the people in the integrated neighborhoods: the
return of the great whites. Soon there will be no home for these people. The mission
districtof San Francisco , soon will lose all its original dwellers to the high demands
of the Bay Area. A neighborhood historically home to Central and South American
immigrants are being overtaken by the new , improved population . As you stroll
down the once taquerias, bakeries, bars and auto mechanic shops lined streets,... Show
more content on ...
The first wave of gentrification ended when the dot com bubble burst and the
number of Ellis act evictions plunged. In 2005, however, after new technology
companies like Google, Facebook, and cisco began attracting thousands of high
paid employees to the bay, the number of Ellis evictions tripled.1 In 2013, Ellis
evictions grew 175 percent from the year before.1 The companies moved to the
south bay but the city attracted many of these young techies. The techies would
live in the city and end up commuting to the Bay area. During that time more than
half of the Ellis evictions were carried out less than a year after a building had
changed hands. Since 2011, 69 percent of the evictions have occurred n the
mission no more than a few blocks from the private tech company s shuttle bus
stops.1 The Companies provide shuttle bus service to the city in order to carry
their employers in to the bay. Not only do the buses cause overcrowding of the
streets but they also traffic and a trend of living more than 30 miles from work. The
tech workers flooding into the Mission creates the profit motive for landlords to push
people out. Whether the individual tech workers are conscious of it or not, they are
complicit in the process of gentrification. The Google bus protests struck a nerve
because they highlighted how the Tech sector is facilitating the forced displacement
of families.
Curcuma Longa Essay
Qualitative Analysis
Results of Phytochemical Evaluation for Curcuma Longa Extract
The results of phytochemical evaluation of Curcuma Longa extract summarized in
table 2.
Table 2: Shows the results of phytochemical evaluation of Curcuma Longa extract.
Figure 3: Illustrates the results of phytochemical tests of Curcuma Longa extract.
The previous table 2 and figure 3 show the results of applied phytochemical tests for
constituents of Curcuma Longa extract which were all positive. The results indicate
the presence of the active constituents of curcuminoids. It also indicates the presence
of alkaloids, tannins, phenolic compounds, terpenoids, saponins and flavonoids.
These phytochemicals were also reported in ... Show more content on
No.Concentration Ојg/mlAbsorbance
Concentration of Curcuma Longa extract in mcg/ml
Figure 5: Illustrates calibration curve of standard curcumin.
From the result in table 6 and figure 5 which illustrated the calibration curve of the
UV spectrophotometer with working standard Curcuma Longa extract and the r2 =
Curcumin in Gel Formulation
Table 7: Shows linearity of curcumin in the gel formulation.
No.Concentration Ојg/mlAbsorbance
Concentration of Curcuma Longa extract in mcg/ml
Figure 6: Illustrates the curve of curcumin in the gel formulation. Assay Test of
Curcumin Content in Gel Formula
Assay of curcumin in gel formula was calculated using the following formula
Assay of curcumin = (absorbance of sample / absorbance of standard Г—
concentration of standard / concentration of sample) 100
= (0.127/0.180 Г— 10/10) 100 =
performance enhancing drugs in sports Essay
Performance Enhancing Drugs: Introduction
The Tour de France is considered the world s most competitive bicycle race. Each
summer top cycling teams from around the world compete in the three week event,
which sends riders on a grueling, multi stage course through the mountainous
countryside of Ireland, France, and Belgium. In 1998, the image of Tour de France
cyclists as athletes at the peak of their natural abilities was tarnished by allegations of
widespread performanceenhancing drug use among competitors. The doping scandal
broke a few days prior to the start of the race when a masseuse for France s Festina
team, Willy Voet, was arrested after police found large quantities of anabolic steroids
and erythropoietin, or EPO, in his car ... Show more content on ...
WADA is also investing more of its resources in developing new tests to keep pace
with the changing array of drugs that athletes are taking.
Whether or not those who contend that drug tests remain easy to beat will be
satisfied by renewed testing efforts remains uncertain. Clearly, however,
performance enhancing drug testing has affected the careers of many elite athletes.
Athletes who test positive for drugs at the Olympic level are stripped of their
medals and records and are suspended from all competition for two years on the
first offense. In 1988, Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson was stripped of a gold medal
and was later banned from track and field competition for life after he tested positive
for steroids. At the 2000 Summer Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia, Romanian
gymnast Andrea Raducan had her gold medal taken away when she tested positive
for pseudoephedrine, a stimulant. American shot putter C.J. Hunter withdrew from
competition after it was revealed that he had tested positive four times for the steroid
nandrolone. Scores of other athletes were also expelled from the Sydney Games after
flunking drug tests. More recently, at the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake
City, Utah, British skier Alain Baxter was stripped of his bronze medal after testing
positive for methamphetamine, although an appeal is pending.
Detection efforts notwithstanding, seeking an edge over one s opponents has long
made the use of
Abnormal Behavior And Aberrant Behavior
While no commonly recognized definition of the term abnormality exists to examine
the observations described below, most descriptions of aberrant behavior share some
common aspects, namely, deviance, dysfunction, danger and distress ( four Ds ). In
other words, mental aberration patterns are usually deviant (atypical, out of the
ordinary, radical, possibly even strange), distressing (distasteful and disturbing to the
individual), potentially dangerous, and dysfunctional (hampering the individual s
capacity of carrying out everyday tasks constructively). Such a broad description
provides a valuable basis for examining the abnormal phenomena outlined in this
paper (Comer, 2013).
A few days ago, I met twenty eight year old Joanna, a friend ... Show more content on ...
While she expressed concerns about this issue, she claimed there was no way she
could control it.
Joanna clearly exhibits dysfunctional behavior which hampers her everyday
functioning. Dysfunctional conduct distresses, confuses and sidetracks
individuals such that their productivity and participation in normal social activities
gets adversely affected and they are unable to adequately take care of themselves
(Comer, 2013). This is evident in Joanna s sleep disturbances, chronic anxiety,
joblessness, and negative impact on her health. Her conduct distresses her and is
evidently deviant from normal behavior. Hence, it may be considered an abnormal
occurrence which defies principles of normalcy. Our cultural and societal norms
highlight the significance of effectively performing everyday activities.
Obsessions such as those exhibited by Joanna aren t an ordinary component of
and individual s behavior. Joanna s habits will probably be perceived as
unwelcome and atypical. Her activities may be considered abnormal as they are
consistent with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) symptoms, which involve
repeated compulsions and obsessions capable of greatly interfering with a person s
everyday activities. OCD symptoms generally have 4 key facets: obsessions linked
to checking compulsions, obsessions with cleanliness linked to a compulsion to wash
and clean constantly, hoarding related habits, and a need for order and symmetry.
Two of the above
13c Nmr Spectrum
Analyzing the 13C NMR spectrum of the unknown sample #46, seven distinct
signals were studied shown in table (2). Signal 1 had an observed peak value of
21.225 ppm and a calculated peak value11 of 20.8 ppm. Comparing with the
literature ppm value5 range 5 30 ppm, signal 1 corresponds with CH3 C=O group.
This signal was the second to the most upfield and shielded in the 13C NMR
spectrum comparing with signal 7 because of the carbonhigh electron density.
However, it was more downfield than signal 7 due to the presence of the oxygenin the
group. Signal 2 had an observed peak value of 171.629 ppm and a calculated peak
value10 of 171.0 ppm. Comparing with the literature value5 range 165 180 ppm,
signal 2 corresponds with an ester group. Signal 2 is the most downfield and
deshielded because the carbonyl group is in between two electronegative oxygens,
therefore it could be concluded that there was an ester in the given compound.... Show
more content on ...
Comparing with the literature value5 range between 45 65 ppm, signal 3
corresponds with O CH2 group. Signal 3 was downfield and deshielded comparing
with signals 4,5,6, and 7 because it was directly bonded to the oxygen electronegative
atom. It can be concluded that signal 3 is a CH2 group connected to the ester group.
According to the13C NMR spectrum, signals 4, 5, and 6 were very similar and the
three of them were upfield and shielded because of the weak magnetic field applied
around them. Signal 4, 5, and 6 had an observed ppm values of 28.253 ppm, 28.248
ppm, and 22.533 ppm respectively and a calculated ppm values10 of 28.5 ppm, 28.3
ppm and 22.4 ppm respectively. Comparing with the literature ppm value5 range 13
35 ppm, signal 4, 5 and 6 corresponds with R CH2 R group. It can be concluded that
signals 4, 5 and 6 are part of CH2 groups. Lastly, signal 7 had an observed ppm value
of 14.163 ppm and a calculated ppm value10 of 14.0
Strength Of Women In The Bean Trees
In The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver and My ГЃntonia by Willa Cather, four
female characters exhibit the weaknesses and strengths of women. Taylor Greer and
Lou Ann Ruiz in The Bean Trees employ the weaknesses and strengths of females,
through conversations, and events that they take part in, in which they choose
whether or not to sacrifice pride of fear. Lena Lingard and ГЃntonia Shimerda in My
ГЃntonia demonstrate the strengths of women who sacrifice pride through breaking
expectations and roles. The strength of women is vital to avoid being taken
advantage of by others. To be recognized as strong, a womanmust first sacrifice a
smaller aspect of herself through breaking genderroles or societal expectations, to
prove the confidence contained by a... Show more content on ...
Taylor Greer portrays a strong empowered woman when she sacrifices herself by
putting herself in danger and breaking the societal expectations. A strong woman can
be defined as confident and risk taking. Taylor constantly fits this definition in The
Bean Trees. When she has stopped to eat dinner on her trip, Taylor has a
conversation with a man in the diner that demonstrates her sense of confidence.
Taylor points out that one of the men with her in the room looks as though he is
looking for trouble (Kingsolver 21). However, when the man insults her current
financial situation, Taylor retorts and asks him, You think being busted is a joke?..
(Kingsolver 21). Taylor then slid[es] the bottle back and hit his beer mug dead
center... (Kingsolver 21). She is sacrificing her safety by picking a fight with a
dangerous looking man, but she is willing to do this to stand up for herself. This
breaks the gender roles and societal expectations of her time and area. Women were
expected to stay quiet and go along with what men were saying. Another example of
Taylor sacrificing her safety to be a strong woman is when she makes her decision to
drive Esperanza and Estevan to a
Interview Summary Of Peter Holloway s On Virtual...
Interview summary for Peter Holloway, conducted on October 8, 2015 by Anita
Sommer for the IRI Virtual Experimentation and Simulation project.
Peter Holloway is a Systems Engineer with Rolls Royce Limited. He leads a team of
simulation tool developers that code, refine, and integrate existing modeling tools
that are used in the preliminary design phases of their jet engines. The preliminary
design stages involve identifying candidate engine architectures, preparing proposals,
and presenting proposals to customers such as Boeing and Airbus. Peter has been
involved in simulation for about ten years in a number of different companies and at
various levels. His team consists mostly of domain experts that have lent themselves
to programming, with between three and five years of systems design experience.
Rolls Royce has a culture of allowing its engineering staff to develop experimentation
and simulation tools within their domain of expertise. Often however, these domain
experts are not experienced programmers and the tools the engineers develop are used
by only a few people within that domain. Peters team takes these tools, improves the
code, making the tools more robust, and most importantly from a simulation point of
view, making the different tools talk to each other in whole system simulation
Rolls Royce Ltd. uses virtual experimentation and simulation on both their products
and processes because it helps the company meet cost and time objectives when
Criminal Law. Criminal Law Refers To Federal And State
Criminal Law Criminal Law refers to federal and state laws that make certain illegal
behavior and punishable by imprisonment and /or fines. In United States, the law
system is included two different types of cases, one is civil, another one is criminal
cases. Besides, the charges pursued by prosecutors for violations of criminal statutes.
When it comes to the history of the criminal law, the United States common law were
ruled by British within colonial times. Common law is a process that establishes and
improved rules that govern some nations. U.S. continues to employ a common law
system, which works in combination with state and federal statutes, after they
became an independent nation. They adopted the U.S. Constitution as the... Show
more content on ...
Under common law, a person cannot be truly guilty of a crime unless he or she
consciously commits a dangerous or illegal act. The intent to commit a crime is
officially known as Mens rea . There are several most criminal cases involve one of
the following sorts of mens rea that represent levels of culpability: Intent,
Knowledge, Recklessness and Negligence. Intent, it s an explicit and conscious
desire to enact an illegal or dangerous action. For instance, if a person targets and
attacks someone with the goal of inflicting harm on the victim, the criminal is
displaying criminal intent. Knowledge, the term applied that a person is aware
that his or her action will have certain results, but does not seem to care. For
example, a person violently punches someone on their face, the inflicting harm
may not be criminal s primary goal; yet, if he was aware that harm would be a
predictable result of his action, then he may in charge of guilty of having criminal
knowledge. Recklessness risk is a decision that to commit a certain action even with
knowing about associated risks. Recklessness is a state of mind that is determined
both subjectively and objectively. There are two types of reckless behavior. The first
looks at what the actor knew or is believed to have been thinking when the act
occurred. Second, considering what a reasonable person would have
helmet law Essay examples
The Motorcycle Helmets, Educate not Legislate Choice or Law?
Freedom of choice quot; is not about the thrill of feeling the wind in our hair any
more than a young man s choice to serve in the armed forces of this country during a
time of war is about the thrill of being shot at. The issue is about returning personal
responsibility to trained and experienced adult motorcyclists. It is about rejecting the
proposition that the government should be allowed to impose upon the personal
decisions of free men.
Helmets are not the universal remedy many claim them to be. Training riders and
educating the motoring public to share the road while being aware of motorcycles are
among the most effective ways to prevent accidents, injuries and deaths. ... Show
more content on ...
The New Hampshire Motorcyclist Rights Organization has done a great job of letting
legislators in Concord know their views, and AMA members have flooded the capitol
with letters in opposition. quot;
The federal government is unable to set a national helmet law policy because it is
Constitutionally considered an issue under the jurisdiction of individual states. The
Federal Government attempted to influence state policy with the federal Highway
Safety Act of 1966, however, when the Department of Transportation was authorized
to withhold portions of federal highway safety and road construction funds from any
states that failed to enact motorcycle helmet laws for all riders. By the end of the
following year, 38 states had enacted a universal helmet law, and by 1975, 47 states
had complied. That same year, Congress withdrew the federal requirement, and
within three years, half the states had repealed their statutes. Since then, additional
states have repealed the law, but some states that had initially repealed the law have
re enacted it. Many states have passed modified versions of the law, such as
requiring helmets to be worn only by minors, although these laws have proven
extremely difficult to enforce. The variations in helmet laws have allowed for
extensive research to be performed comparing effects of the helmet law on injury
statistics both within states both before and after repeal acts and between states with
and without helmet laws.
Why Should Huckleberry Finn Be Banned
Floating Down a River of Controversy
Thesis: Students, teachers, parents, professors, and others have debated for decades
whether The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a racist novel and if it should be
banned from the classroom.
I. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a racist novel
The use of the N word
Black students always offended by word, no matter teacher reasoning (Wallace 18)
Black students feel too isolated to bring issues to teachers (Carey Webb 27)
Used 214 times, normalizes its use (Fikes 3)
Huck uses it to imply that blacks aren t humans (Wallace 21)
Increases racial tensions, whites value black peers less (Wallace 17)
Causes black resentment of whites (Lew 16)
Twain used the word in speaking (Carey Webb 24)
Causes psychological ... Show more content on ...
He has self worth (Hansen 48)
Huck and Jim s relationship
When Huck and Jim argue, Jim wins (Lew 19)
Huck and Jim going together for freedom and morality (Nichols 209)
Huck ready to give up afterlife to help Jim (Nichols 212)
Huck Jim represent interracial brotherhood and friendship (Nichols 214)
Jim father figure and friend of Huck (Nichols 212)
Jim becomes superior to Huck after Huck humbles self (Lew 20)
Huck is rejecting southern norms when he goes to hell (Nilon 66) Jim helps Huck
realize blacks are human (Nichols 212)
Jim keeps going South bc he is concerned with Huck s safety (Zalisk 3)
Novel s ending
End is satirizing how South tries to keep blacks enslaved (Nichols 213)
Tom represents southerner chivalric (Nilon 64)
Violence south Klan lynching, arrogance dominance of Dem (Nilon 65)
Tom Southerner who says help blacks but works to keep subjugated (Nilon 66)
Huck Southerner wants to help blacks but not be enemy of powerful (Nilon 67)
Jim Black who trusted white to help but harmed bc of this (Nilon 71)
Jim locked in same cabin how slaves put back into slavery after free (Nilon 73)
How Jim acts is saying that blacks were losing sense of self (Nilon 75)
Jim acts way he does to avoid conflict and survive to see family (Robinson
Resistance To Civil Government Rhetorical Analysis
Throughout the essay, Resistance to Civil Government by Henry Thoreau, he
argues that if you believe that a law is unjust, you can with your conscience and
break the law and do what you feel is just. By Henry using appeals, social
commentary, and simply by taking a stand his argument was effective. Appeals are
a way that numerous authors instantly grab the reader s attention. Thoreau uses
appeals within his essay to appoint his position. He uses Ethos throughout the
writing. Ethos are characteristics of a culture or community as manifested in its
beliefs and aspirations. He uses these to show the reader that you can stand up for
what is thought to be right. Thoreau believes in proceeding with your conscience,
no matter the law, if you don t believe you should follow it then simply don t. But
in the real world, people must follow the laws given by a higher authority. He is
trying to show what is ethical for you, but may not be ethical to the rest of the
world. Thoreau also uses pathos to create an effective argument. Pathos are a quality
that evokes sadness and grasps the reader s emotions. He uses them to back up...
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Social commentary is a spoken or written act of rebellion toward an individual or
group. This is exactly how Thoreau acts towards the government. He has a rebellious
attitude toward them. He states, he wishes there was a new government, or no
government at all. Thoreau wants change within the laws that the government has
set for the citizens, and a way people can break the laws that they feel are unjust. He
uses social commentary to show just how unjust multiple laws actually are. For
example, he refuses to pay poll tax and ends up in jail. This shows his rebellious
attitude toward the government. By doing this, he proved his point. That no matter
the punishment, he will still do what he thinks is right. Thoreau kept his word for
what he was arguing as he refuses the
Critical Analysis Of The Clash Of Civilization
In The Clash of Civilization, Samuel P. Huntington argues that globalization has
united cultures that were normally very withdrawn. It has increased contact between
these cultures, which then led to an increase in misunderstanding, resentment, and
eventually conflict. Huntington also hypothesizes that the leading factor of conflict
in the 21st century will be the differences between cultures. This will eventually result
in the change of dominance within civilizations to different civilizations. Lastly, he
also predicts that the West, Arab nations, such as Saudi Arabia, and China will also
have and an increase in cultural conflict with one another.
Huntington then goes on to hypothesize that the ultimate source of conflict in this
world will not only be ideological or economical but the division between human
kind will mostly take place because of the cultural conflict. He says that The clash of
civilizations will dominate global politics. The fault lines between civilizations will
be the battle lines of the future. (82). In order to have a better and concise
understanding of Huntington s Clash of Civilizations? it is necessary to understand
the strengths of his argument. The strengths in his argument are well portrayed
through his division of the world in eight different civilizations and also through his
explanation of why there is conflict between cultures. Also, he portrays that cultural
issues tend to be more complicated to resolve than political dilemmas. These

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Essay William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare Essay For Students In English The William ...

  • 1. Essay William Shakespeare Writing an essay on the topic of William Shakespeare may seem like a daunting task at first glance. The complexity lies not only in the vastness of Shakespeare's literary works but also in the profound impact he had on English literature. Attempting to encapsulate the essence of his plays, sonnets, and other writings within the confines of an essay requires a delicate balance between depth and brevity. One of the challenges is navigating the intricate themes and characters that Shakespeare masterfully wove into his plays. Each work is a tapestry of emotions, human nature, and societal reflections, making it essential for the writer to carefully select which aspects to highlight. Additionally, delving into the historical and cultural context of Shakespeare's time adds another layer of complexity, as it enriches the understanding of his works but demands thorough research. Moreover, the sheer volume of critical analyses and interpretations surrounding Shakespeare's works can be overwhelming. Striking a balance between incorporating existing scholarly perspectives and presenting one's own insights can be a tricky task. The writer must be cautious not to get lost in the sea of existing literature while still contributing a unique perspective to the discourse. Furthermore, crafting an essay on William Shakespeare requires a meticulous examination of his language and poetic techniques. Analyzing the nuances of his verse, deciphering metaphors, and understanding the historical evolution of the English language during his time are critical aspects that demand attention to detail. In conclusion, writing an essay on William Shakespeare is a formidable undertaking that requires a deep understanding of his works, historical context, and literary techniques. It involves navigating a vast ocean of scholarly analyses while maintaining a distinct voice and perspective. However, for those seeking assistance or more in-depth explorations, various resources are available, including essay writing services, where one can find similar essays and much more. Essay William ShakespeareEssay William Shakespeare
  • 2. Unions And Collective Bargaining Rights Union and collective bargaining rights are important for improvement as well as maintaining labor conditions and employment relations and are most certainly essential in international labor. Unions and collective bargaining rights are designed to promote and ensure our human rights are protected. This certainly doesn t mean there aren t flaws in the system, however, the intention of unions and collective bargaining is to safeguard workers, employers as well as the government to make it harmonious. Since the National Labor Relations Act was passed in 1935, unions have been in existence. The main role is to safeguard workers rights, ensure safe work conditions and negotiate for the employees through collective bargaining. Collective bargaining ... Show more content on ... The two sides don t have to reach an agreement, but they always have to bargain in good faith. Although, neither side is required to make a particular concession, a party that refuses to bend on a single issue or to put any offer on the table might be acting in good faith. The National Labor Relations Act forbids employers from interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of rights relating to organizing, forming, joining or assisting a labor organization for collective bargaining purposes, or from working together to improve terms and conditions of employment, or refraining from any such activity. Similarly, labor organizations may not restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of these rights. Primary examples of employer conduct that violates the law are, but not limited to; threatening employees with loss of jobs or benefits if they join or vote for a union or engage in protected concerted activity, threatening to close the plant if employees select a union to represent them, questioning employees about their union sympathies or activities in circumstances that tend to interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of their rights under the Act. Promising benefits to employees to discourage their union support. Transferring, laying off, terminating, assigning employees more difficult work tasks, or otherwise punishing employees because they engaged in union or protected concerted activity or have filed unfair labor practice charges or participated in an investigation conducted by
  • 3. Research Paper On Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering What exactly is mechanical engineering? This is a question many people ask themselves, but the question they should be asking themselves is how important is mechanical engineering to the community? Mechanical engineering is a step to create a better future. In the field of mechanical engineering, machines are built to facilitate and improve transportation, manufacturing, and various things we use in our daily lives. In order to become a mechanical engineer, you first have to know the background and requirements for being a mechanical engineer. Mechanical engineeringis a part of engineering that involves the design, installation, manufacturing, and maintenance of machines. Mechanical engineers study physics to create new and advanced machines that will be helpful for us. Some examples of the machines that mechanical engineers work on are electric generators, steam turbines, industrial production equipment, and machine tools. Many devices of mechanical engineering increase noise and pollution so... Show more content on ... The first one is the dealing and understanding of mechanical science which includes dealing with physical science and the relations with heat, energy, and power. The second one is the process of research, development, and design. The third one is the production of products and power which includes planning, maintenance, and operation. The fourth one is the coordinating job of the mechanical engineer including management, negotiation, and commerce. An engineer is called to ponder and think out every possible approach to a given problem (Reyes Guerra 6). A mechanical engineer needs to do all of these thing in order to work in this field. To be an engineer, a person must be inquisitive and a problem solver that uses logic and imagination. An engineer must be able to get along with other people and make relationships. Engineers must think outside the box in order to solve complex
  • 4. Third Person Omniscient Narrator The special knowledge the third person omniscient narrator has can be useful in employing writerly techniques not available to other points of view (POV). Having unlimited information and the power to dole it out as desired is a super power that can be used for good or evil (symbolically speaking LOL!). The act of being an omniscient narratorcan influence the plot and character development as well as the atmospheric tension and emotional impact felt by the reader. When used for good the third person omniscient intrusive narrator can weave their own personality, opinions, and attitudes into the story. An author can engage readers with humor, pathos, irony, etc. This type of narrator is practically the main character as we see everything filtered through their bias and personality. If a reader enjoys the narrators voice, this POV can be an enjoyable read. Two glaring negatives of this viewpoint are that if you don t like the narrator, you probably won t finish the story and when the narrator directly addresses the reader; it can feel old fashioned if not cleverly done. The third person omniscient neutral narrator makes no pronouncements or judgments and strives to unobtrusively tell the story while also having access to all knowledge and the power to wield words at will (say ... Show more content on ... It seems like this would be a writers paradise, but that is not always the case. Our text states that In the hands of a novice or intermediate writer, omniscience often yields stories lacking human behavior (Sexton 161). The writer is so caught up in describing the thoughts of different characters they forget to show what is happening. Inexperienced writers may also awkwardly segue from character to character in a confusing manner, leaving readers wondering which characters perspective they are
  • 5. What Is The Relationship Between Native American And... Native Americans and English Settlers in Colonial America Throughout history people have always been placed in different categories such as good versus evil, strong versus weak or civilized versus uncivilized. All of these names are based on some individual viewpoints and their perspective of how history unfolded. The occasions that occurred in New England amid the 17th century were of basic significance in the historical backdrop of the United States of America. It was the underlying time of the relations between the Native American and Anglo Saxon human advancement and the result of the primary many years of shared contacts molded and changed the course of history for both societies. The underlying foundations of American national character
  • 6. School Uniforms Essays Schools today aren t in the best condition. There is teasing, violence, discrimination, cliques, and poverty. There is much to say about how having mandatory school uniforms will help these problems. My question is, will uniforms help these problems enough to dismiss the hurt that they would cause? I say the uniforms do little to help. Having uniforms would stop the teasing and discrimination about clothing, but there is more to tease or discriminate someone about rather than just clothing. Such as hygiene, looks, personality, intelligence, race, and the list goes on. So unless people somehow find a way to be perfect in everyone s opinion, teasing and discrimination won t stop. ... Show more content on ... not because you shop at the same stores. Wearing the same thing as someone else would hardly help the poverty issue. It doesn t change the fact that you are poor. It just masks the fact that you can t afford new clothes but there are other, less noticeable signs of poverty like never having lunch money, or at the high school level, your car could be a sign. In my survey of Douglas High School students and teachers, the percentage of people that wanted school uniforms was about the same as the percentage who were against them; but the people who wanted school uniforms didn t have very good reasons of why they wanted them and they didn t seem to have thought about what uniforms were capable of. One student surveyed answered the question, quot;what are some advantages of wearing school uniforms? quot; by saying, quot;You don t get judged! No stereotypes! quot; . Another answered the same question by saying, quot;Uniforms look cool! And you don t have to worry about what to wear the next day. quot; . Both of these students answered the question about the disadvantages of having school uniforms by saying there are no disadvantages. The anti uniform students seemed to have thought more and were able to give extra comments and answer questions keeping in mind
  • 7. Persuasive Essay On Rodent Removal Rodents are a problem in homes across the world. Mice and rats are the most common invaders. They re attracted to the prospect of easy shelter and food. You may also find yourself up against squirrels that view attics as protected nesting areas. Still, it s troubling when you discover evidence of rodent activity in your home. It s not just the violation of your food or the need to sanitize areas where you find rodent droppings. Rodents carry diseases that humans can catch, such as hantavirus and leptospirosis, which makes them a threat to your whole family. If you re up against an infestation, you have a number of rodent removal options open to you. Let s take a close look at some of the things you can do for proper rodent removal. Traps and Poison Traps and poison are widely employed rodent removal solutions, but there are some things to consider. You have a choice between several types of lethal traps. There are electric traps that kill with a high voltage charge. Glue traps simply keep the mouse stuck in place and it dies from starvation or dehydration. Snap traps break the mouse s neck. These come in both an open and closed style. The closed style traps are better for homes with pets and kids, since paws and fingers can t get caught by the spring loaded bar. If rodent killing just isn t your speed, you can also opt for a humane trap. Pro tip: take the trap far from your home before releasing any mice. That prevents them from coming straight back inside. Poisons
  • 8. Water Purification Essay Water purification is the process of removing undesirable chemicals, biological contaminants, suspended solids and gases from contaminated water. The goal is to produce water fit for a specific purpose. Most water is purified for human consumption (drinking water), but water purification may also be designed for a variety of other purposes, including meeting the requirements of medical, pharmacological, chemical and industrial applications. In general the methods used include physical processes such as filtration,sedimentation, and distillation, biological processes such as slow sand filters or biologically active carbon, chemical processes such asflocculation and chlorination and the use of electromagnetic radiation such as ultraviolet... Show more content on ... Most deep groundwater does not need screening before other purification steps. 3. Storage Water from rivers may also be stored in bankside reservoirs for periods between a few days and many months to allow natural biological purification to take place. This is especially important if treatment is by slow sand filters. Storage reservoirs also provide a buffer against short periods of drought or to allow water supply to be maintained during transitory pollutionincidents in the source river. 4. Pre chlorination In many plants the incoming water was chlorinated to minimize the growth of fouling organisms on the pipe work and tanks. Because of the potential adverse quality effects (see chlorine below), this has largely been discontinued.[3] Widely varied techniques are available to remove the fine solids, micro organisms and some dissolved inorganic and organic materials. The choice of method will depend on the quality of the water being treated, the cost of the treatment process and the quality standards expected of the processed water. [edit]pH adjustment Pure water has a pH close to 7 (neither alkaline nor acidic). Sea water can have pH values that range from 7.5 to 8.4 (moderately alkaline). Fresh water can have widely ranging pH values depending on the geology of the drainage basin or aquifer and the influence of contaminant inputs (acid rain). If the water is acidic (lower than 7), lime, soda ash, or sodium hydroxide can be added to raise the pH during
  • 9. Norman Bates Character Analysis Norman Bates is a middle aged man who is the owner of a not so popular motel along with his mother. For many years Norman has lived alone with no friends, family, or even many visitors to keep him company. But it was not like he was actively seeking out human interaction either, rather it seems as if he has tried to avoid it. There are many examples of his antisocial tendencies, such as when mother yells at him for not attracting people to the motel or doing his job: Why didn t you turn on the sign when it got dark? And why aren t you up at the office where you belong? (Bloch 12 13). One would expect the owner of motel to want people s business and do his job to make money, but Norman seems like he is actiavely avoiding his duties on... Show more content on ... Unfortunately for Norman, this was the case of his mother s death. Throughout the whole passage Norman appears to talking his mother, but in reality he is actually just talking to his other personality who became his mother. This is known as dissociative identity disorder: a disorder characterized by the presence of two or more distinct personality states. When his mother says I know what you re thinking Norman. I know all about you, boy. More than you dream. But I know that, too what you dream...That s why you never get rid of me, even if you really wanted to (Bloch 17 18). This is reinforcing the fact that he is in fact not talking to his actual mother, but rather the personality he developed in his mind after her passing. The only only way a momma s boy could cope with such a traumatic incident is to act like she has never been gone. When Norman kills he thinks it is his mother telling him to do that, but it really himself displacing all of his anger and frustrations on innocent people because deep down he is still trying to get that affection from his mother, but it will never come to
  • 10. Essay On Gun Control On Guns Lately, there has been a controversy about gun control due to gun crime. Now, there has been an uprising of conversation about the carrying of guns on college campuses. Guns should not be allowed on college campuses because it is very dangerous. There s alternative self defense, professors/students would feel unsafe at school and be frightened, and some people are not mentally stable or are immature. Guns should not be allowed on college campuses, they are too dangerous and there are other ways of protecting yourself. For example, carrying a knife. They are everywhere, and almost everyone has at least a couple of them, whether they are Swiss Army knives or big fixed bladed K bars. A simple folding tactical knife can be kept nicely concealed in your pocket and can be equally as effective. For self defense, I would go for a durable folding knife that can be opened quickly and has a serrated blade with an ergonomic grip. Another thing you can use is a stun gun, or also known as a taser. They don t look like traditional guns, so they won t attract much attention. Not only are they a non lethal weapon, but also work in the wind or rain. The mere jolting sound that they produce might even be enough to just scare attackers, but if it isn t, the thousands of volts of electricity certainly will! A third weapon you can use instead of a gun is pepper spray. Yes, it doesn t sound like it d be very effective, but did you know it is strong enough to be used as a defense against
  • 11. Silent Film, Martyrs of the Alamo, Loosely Depicts the... Martyrs of the Alamo is a silent film that not only loosely depicts the historical event of the Battle at the Alamo but it perpetuates ethnic stereotypes of Mexicans to build a sense of nationalism in the early 1900 s. Researchers Ford and Harawa argue in their academic journal that ethnicity can be broken down into two dimensions, relational and attributional. The relational dimension pertains to the relationship dynamics between an ethnic group and the society they live in. These relationships can be shown through different societal institutions; such as, the educational system, judicial system and even the film industry. As stated by Dr. Keeling, the film industry can be seen as an institution that produces ways of thinking of the... Show more content on ... By using the Mexican solider and the small child it can allude to the harm that can be done to the United States. The child can symbolize the future of America and the cost that can be paid if Americans do not fight for what is theirs. By instilling fear, Griffin could spark Americans to react and feel that it is their duty to protect their country. We see a large contrast between the American characters and Mexican characters in the film. The American characters are chivalrous, courageous and dressed in a typical Western fashion; raccoon fur hats, formal wear or button down shirts while the Mexican characters are depicted as cowards and womanizing drunks in sombreros, ponchos or soldier uniforms with darkened skin. These negative depictions of Mexicans are used as a contrast from this perfect image of what it is to be American . For example, the General Santa Ana is portrayed to be a weak leader who is detached from the battle and who is preoccupied with exploiting women. In contrast to Davy Crockett who is able to band together with others to fight and protect Texas while on the battle front. Griffin uses these historic Alamo figures to emulate what it means to belong to America. The idea of Americans not backing down against a threat is portrayed through figures like Davy Crocket. These negative portrayals of Mexicans fuels an already existing stigma. Griffin reinforces these archetypes through film and this in turn can lead to the
  • 12. The Advantages of E-Textbooks Essays Imagine a day when youngsters would leave for school carrying nothing more than an electronic device weighing less than one pound. The advent and growing popularity of electronic textbooks may make this a reality sooner rather than later. No more students trudging around with 20 pound backpacks strapped to their backs. No more lockers jammed with textbooks and notebooks. The benefits of transitioning to e textbooks are many and provide advantages for both students and educators. Electronic textbooks can be updated faster than traditional textbooks and can also provide resources that traditional books cannot supply. Because reprinting textbooks is expensive, they are rarely corrected and schools frequently have outdated versions that... Show more content on ... Emoticons are used in text messages and emails. Given how the use of such graphics has permeated everyday functions in our society, up and coming generations will feel more comfortable if educational institutions utilize such devices for classroom work. Electronic textbooks also provide resources that traditional texts cannot offer. For example, some e books include videos or motion graphics to illustrate concepts. Interactive applications are also utilized to help with studying and test preparation. Many educators are embracing the use of electronic textbooks for a variety of reasons. Ken White, an instructor at Everett Community College, points out that some older students may have a hard time transitioning to e textbooks but younger generations of students will be much more successful at making the conversion (Moving towards virtual textbooks). The trend seems to be that electronic devices of all sorts are becoming more and more popular. As these devices continue to permeate our culture, integrating them as soon and as frequently as possible into the classroom will help students adjust to using them now and in the future. White even uses the new textbook format because, [Electronic textbooks] make me really look at my teaching (Moving towards virtual textbooks). As a teacher, he is adopting the trend of going digital. By re evaluating his teaching method, he will be able to approach his subject from a different angle that might be more
  • 13. Research On Vigilance And Sustained Attention Introduction: Studies on vigilance and sustained attention have been a widely studied part of psychology since the Second World War. This is because it was found that people monitoring radars for enemy ships experienced what is now known as vigilance decrement. That is when the ability of a subject to detect an abnormality during a task which primarily displays a normal screen. In the case of WWII radar monitors, this was to detect when an enemy submarine entered the radar. (Helton, W. S. Russell, P. N. (2012). ) After a short time, typically 20 30 minutes but in certain cases as little as 5 minutes, vigilance decrement can occur. (Caggio, D. M., Parasuraman, R. (2004)). There are two main theories commonly cited to explain this phenomenon, mindless theory and resource theory. Resource theory says that the vigilance decrement is due to the exhaustion of brain resources required to maintain focus on the task. Mindless theory simply explains vigilance depletion as being caused by disengagement from the task due to boredom. (Helton, W. S. Russell, P. N. (2012).) The two theories explain the same phenomenon much differently; resource theory says it s caused in part by cognitive overload, while mindless theory suggests it s caused by cognitive under load causing boredom. (Helton, W. S., Russell, P. N. (2015)). Resource theory is strongly supported by a wide array of evidence from behavioural studies, mental workload studies, and brain imaging studies. When the
  • 14. The Cavalry Of The Infantry Company THE INFANTRY1 2 2 THE INFANTRY The Infantry Company SFC Larson, Zachary University of Louisville Dr. Carpenter May 9th, 2015 The Infantry Company Let me start by introducing you to what the Infantry is. The Infantry is where younger men go to become professional killers, in order to defend the constitution of the United States of America. It is the assembly line that takes your everyday kid and turns him into a weapon for the greater good. An Infantryman is trained to face combat on foot with only his fellow Soldiers and his rifle. He will fight the enemy face to face and is trained to never except defeat. To call yourself an infantryman you have to be willing to crawl and fight for every inch of land beneath your body. An... Show more content on ... Once that person passes all assigned tasks he will then be awarded the Infantry Blue Cord. The blue cord signifies the bond that all Infantry Soldiers share and the sacrifices that will be expected of him. After the training is complete, that Soldier will be shipped to his Unit (company). The company rank structure is as follows: Company Commander in the rank of a Captain, the Company Commander will have an adviser that is called the Company First Sergeant in the rank of a Master Sergeant (E 8). Along with the two most ranking persons in the company, they will have an Executive Officer in the rank of First Lieutenant (XO for short). The three most ranking persons in the company come up with the standard operating procedures and pass out any directions or tasks that need to be completed. They have a control span of usually three platoons of 40 Soldiers. Sometimes in an Infantry Company, there will be four platoons as outlined in (Morrow, J. (2007). The Infantry Rifle Platoonand Squad. (FM 3 21.8 (FM7 8)). The top ranking individuals count on the three Platoon leaders and the three Platoon Sergeants to execute all tasks given. The Platoon Leader is usually in the rank of Second Lieutenant and the Platoon Sergeant is in the Rank of Sergeant First Class (E 7). Each Platoon has one of each leader. Furthermore the Platoon has four squads and a Headquarters section. Each
  • 15. After many a summer dies the swan After Many a Summer Dies the Swan by Aldous Huxley Aldous Huxley was an English fiction and non fiction writer, novelist and critic. Besides novels he published travel books, histories, poems, plays, and essays on philosophy, arts, sociology, religion and morДЃls He was a humanist, pacifist and satirist. He was interested in spiritual subjects as parapsychology and philosophical mysticism. His lifelong preoccupation with the negative and positive impacts of science and technology life makes him one of the representative writers and intellectuals of the 20th century. Aldous Leonard Huxley was born on 26 of July in 1894, in Godalming, Surrey, England. His family was a part of English intellectual elite. Aldous grandfather was the ... Show more content on ... Mr. Jeremy Pordage is an English archivist and literature expert, who is brought by Mr. Stoyte from England in order to archive a rare collection of books. Mr. Pordage s presence highlights Mr. Stoyte s shallow attitude towards the precious works of art, that he can afford himself. Virginia Mounciple is Mr. Stoyte s twenty two year old mistress, who gives pleasure to the old man, secretly likes Dr. Obispo, and who s young assistant Peter is in love with. Mr. Propter is Jo Stoyte s neighbour, who is only one of the characters who achieves success and happiness, without upsetting anyone ar creating evil. All these characters have different life philosophies. Dr. Obispo places great faith in science and medicine as saviours of humankind. He sees everyone as a stepping stone to science, the greater good. According to Propter s philosophy, he is trapped in ego based human behaviour that prevents him from reaching enlightenment. Dr. Obispo seduces Virginia in a characteristically egotistical way. She is unable to resist him despite her loyalty to Mr. Stoyte. When she is found out by Stoyte, he wants to kill Dr. Obispo, but accidentally kills Peter instead. Dr. Obispo covers up the act for money and continued research support. This takes him, along with Virginia and Stoyte, to Europe, where they find an immortal human, the Fifth Earl of Gonister, who is 200 years old and still alive, but who now resembles an ape. Mr. Stoyte can not grasp that transcendence or goodness
  • 16. Kimbell Art Museum The Museum of Modern Art and its Impact on Museum Architecture During the early part of the twentieth century, the architecture of art museums shifted in the United States. As the role and purpose of museums changed with the times, so did the buildings that housed the artwork. Architects designed specific museumsites as opposed to converting royal palaces. While some museums take inspiration from other successful museums, others break the mold and become the new standard. The Louvre in Paris became the model museum during the nineteenth century (McClellan, 1994, p. 12). The Louvre established guidelines for displaying and hanging artwork. Its Grand Gallery spaces established ideal guidelines for viewing distances and heights (McClellan,... Show more content on ... Goodwin and Stone rejected the Beaux Arts movement previously seen at museums during the early part of the twentieth century (Ricciotti, 1985, p. 59). In many cases, it was the opposite of traditional museums. The Museum of Modern Art was not designed with grand halls or spacious rooms like traditional museums (Ricciotti, 1985, p.59). The walls were covered in light textured cloth which was later on adopted by other museums (Ricciotti, p. 1985, p. 57). The building was divided into smaller gallery spaces as compared to the Louvre. Additionally, the artwork in the museum was also a smaller residential scale because many pieces came from collector s homes (Ricciotti, 1985, p. 57). Furthermore, the museum is set in a densely populated area which limits the square footage (Ricciotti, 1985, p.57). The Museum of Modern Art was contained on multiple stories and designed vertically, as opposed to horizontally sprawling museums like the Louvre and other palatial museums (Ricciotti, 1985, p. 59). Goodwin and Stone created a museum that impacted museum architecture in the twentieth century. It was a decisive break with conventional museum design (Wallach, 1992, p. 209). The Museum of Modern Art became one of the most architecturally influential museums of the twentieth century (Merkel, 2002, p. 71; Ricciotti, 1985, p. 52). This influence helped establish the modern model of a museum building. The
  • 17. Devry Spch 277 All Week Assignments – Latest (All 6 Weeks) Devry SPCH 277 All Week Assignments Latest (All 6 Weeks) spch 277 all week assignments latest For Further Information And For A+ Work Contact US At SPINWOOP@GMAIL.COM QuestionPart I: Communication Competence Analysis Review the Communication Competence summary on pages 22 23. Complete the checklist and write a response in three parts that addresses the following using clear headings: 1.Pick two to three competencies from the listing for which you feel you are currently strong, and describe why you feel that way. 2.Pick two to three competencies from the listing for which you feel you currently need improvement,and describe why you feel that way. Each section should be ... Show more content on ... You may choose to format these into tables or write them in paragraphform. With whichever option, you should have clear labels for the four main areas: problem, goal, plan, and test of measurability. Part III: Presentation Topics and Research Ideas Based on the improvement strategies and work on the CCC that you have completed up to this point, put together a numbered list of at least six presentation topics you might have an interest in researching and developing for the Week 6 assignment. Rank the topics with your strongest choice at the top of the list and the others in descending order. Using your first topic choice, list three references that would be suitable as research sources to support a presentation. These should be in addition to your textbook and not come from the open Web (e.g., a Google search, a blog, and so on). The best place to look is the DeVry University Library. Include your work for Parts I, II, and III in the same Word file (.docx). Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep by step instructions or watch this TutorialDropbox
  • 18. LULULEMON Ethical BehaviourSocial Responsibility ETHICAL BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY lululemon athletica There are many ways to measure the success of a business. A financial analysis of lululemon athletica, a Vancouver based company, would show that it is valued at more than $220 million. Would looking at an improved level of health in its community be another way to measure the success of this company? lululemon athletica founder Chip Wilson would welcome your investigation of the improved health and well being of people in the communities of the more than 40 locations around the world where the company conducts business.1 History of the Company Founded in 1998, lululemon athletica recognized an increase in the number of women participating in both yoga and athletics, and ... Show more content on ... Some examples include, friends are more important than money, SWEAT once a day to regenerate your skin, and jealousy works the opposite way you want it to . The Charitable Giving program at lululemon athletica is committed to raising awareness of charities in the communities in which it does business. Guests decide which local charities they would like to support and the store then selects up to eight of these to be part of the program. lululemon athletica is also committed to the Centre for Integrated Healing, an organization dedicated to holistic treatment and prevention of cancer, and Silken Laumann s community oriented Active Kids Movement.8 Growth and Community Commitment The company has plans to open nearly 200 new stores worldwide. In preparation, lululemon athletica has hired an experienced CEO, Robert Meers, who was at the helm of Reebok for 15 years. In 2005, the company implemented a five year vision called the Community Legacies program which is based on the belief that every person we hire, garment we create, store we open, customer we educate, and yoga class we attend contributes to building a legacy in our communities. 9 This goal and action plan, along with the deep rooted commitment to ethical business practices and maintaining a health and fun filled environment in communities it operates in, will guide lululemon athletica towards success as a global retailer.
  • 19. Katsushika Hokusai Culture Trip Lane, Richard. Images from the Floating World: The Japanese Print: Including an Illustrated Dictionary of Ukiyo e. New York: Dorset, 1982. Print. Nirei, Hiroe. A Brief History Of The Great Wave : Japan s Most Famous Artwork. The Culture Trip. The Culture Trip, n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2017. Katsushika Hokusai Floating World By: Lane Bauer As one is immersed in the floating dream of the steady and precise hand of Hokusai, it seems that the most satisfying thing is him, himself, in collection with his work; A work which is truly magnanimous of his struggle and thus, causes one to be wonderstruck. I believe I just spent the last however many hours falling in love with a person I ve never met in the most revering kind of way. Though, I was shocked... Show more content on ... The use of blue Prussian imported ink seemed to be the first thing that caught Europe s eye. This first discovery started the wave pf admiration in French artists. Various French artists began collecting his pieces and began showcasing them as well as imitating his prints in their own works. This caused the works to gain acclaim and therein his influence elevated the reputation of graphic arts in France. Based on these artist s collections and clear influence it does appear as though Hokusai unknowingly bridged the gap of printmaking as a respectable medium for fine artists. I believe this caused a social change in the perspectives of what their lives actually were when observing the expansive differences of Hokusai s experience. This new perspective is clearly shown in the adopting of his two dimension style, uncluttered composition, and thin brushstrokes; Various artists seen even in prints classically known in France today, such as The Nightclub Le Divan Japonais by Henri Toulouse Lautrec. There is a tangible quintessence of Hokusai and he is an undoubtedly impactful artist and will remain as
  • 20. The Monarch Butterfly Annual Migration Introduction The monarch butterfly annual migration is a visually spectacular feat, in terms of the number of butterflies flying to their overwintering sites and as well as the masses that congregates at the overwintering sites in Mexico. The idea that monarch butterflies exhibited migratory behavior was once controversial, it was not until Fred Urquhart and his colleagues pioneered a tagging work with the eastern North American population for decades that revealed the long distance of the monarch migration. The tagging efforts that began in 1937 lead to the discovery of their overwintering sites in Mexico in 1975. With its long distance traveled and the nature of the predictable and the repetitive nature of its annual migration. The ... Show more content on ... Environmental factors such as the decrease in day length, cooler temperature and aging milkweed trigger the monarch to begin its migration, although the precise environmental trigger that initiates migration is not well understood. When spring arrives, they become reproductively active, mate and leave Mexico to re migrate north. During the remigration northward the females lay fertilized eggs on newly emerged milkweeds in the southern parts of the United States (Reppert and others 2010). Their offspring s will also continue the migration up northward to repopulate the northern section of the monarch habitat range. Even though the monarch migration is repetitive and cyclic in nature, their migration cycle is multigenerational. It takes about two generations of spring and summer butterflies that are following the progressive northward emergence of milkweeds to repopulate the entire range and therefore completing the migration cycle (Reppert and others 2010). Time Compensated Sun Compass (The Navigational process) The Monarch butterfly uses a map and a compass like other long distance migrants. The map sense is needed to determine which direction they are to fly and to stop. The compass sense is utilized so that the migrants can orient in the southern direction throughout the course of their migration. It has been shown that the monarch may not have a true map sense, although the monarch
  • 21. Essay On Spinal Cord Injury Spinal cord compression/injury Definition Spinal cord injuries are fractures or dislocations to the vertebrae. Spinal cord injuries can be classified as either complete or incomplete. Complete means that spinal cord can no longer send messages below the injured area resulting in paralysis. With incomplete spinal cord injuries there is still some movement and sensation below the injured area. Spinal cord injuries can be caused for many reason including but not limited to: hyperflexion, hyperextension, axial loading or vertical compression, excessive rotation, or penetrating trauma. Spinal cord injuries are commonly caused by vehicle accidents, violence, falls, and sports injuries. Physical Assessment/Clinical Manifestations Loss of movement, loss of sensation, including the ability to feel heat, cold and touch, loss of bowel or bladder control, exaggerated reflex activities or spasms, changes in sexual function, sexual sensitivity and fertility, pain or an intense stinging sensation caused by damage to the nerve fibers in spinal cord, difficulty breathing, coughing or clearing secretions from lungs. ... Show more content on ... Emergency signs and symptoms: extreme back pain or pressure in the neck, head or back, weakness, incoordination or paralysis in any part of the body, numbness, tingling or loss of sensation in hands, fingers, feet or toes, loss of bladder or bowel control, difficulty with balance and walking, impaired breathing after injury, an oddly positioned or twisted neck or back Tetraplegia or quadriplegia: paralysis of arms, hands, trunk, legs, and pelvic organs Paraplegia: paralysis of trunk, legs, and pelvic organs Laboratory Assessments Hemoglobin and Hematocrit: monitor for any blood loss ABG s: ensures adequate oxygenation and ventilation Prealbumin and albumin: measures protein needed for healthy skin Urinalysis: to see if any genitourinary injuries exist Other Diagnostic Assessments X ray: used to find bone, disk, or any problems in spinal
  • 22. Glass Ceiling Of Business GLASS CEILINGS IN BUSINESS Pants today are globally worn by both men and women, however, behind this piece of material reveals the symbol of equality between both genders. The significance of pants worn by women signifies the many challenges women went through to get to this role of equality. Centuries ago, women did not have the same rights as men. Women wearing pants was a process in history that women fought long for. The revolution of women s clothing from bloomers and corsets, to comfort and sensibility, helped advance women s role in society, and add to quality of life. Women were expected to maintain the stereotype as a housewife. Women generally did not take part in any workforces, they were expected to stay home, and take care of the children. To signify their role in society, in the 1840 s women were [...] characterized by low and sloping shoulders, a low pointed waist, and bell shaped skirts that grew increasingly voluminous throughout the decade... Hair was parted in the center with ringlets at the side of the head, or styled with loops around the ears and pulled into a bun at the back of the head. Paisley or crochet shawls were fashionable accessories, as being linen caps with lace frills for indoor wear, and large bonnets for outdoors. Capes with large collars were fashionable, states the History of Fashion (History of Fashion 1840 1900, n.d., para 1). The differences in wardrobes did not just distinguish men and women, but, it displayed the quality
  • 23. Mark Mgwire And Sosa Hall Of Fame Hall of Fame In the summer of 1998, every baseball fan, critic, and writer watched Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa race to break Roger Maris record of 61 home runs in one season. The two players both seemed to hit a homer every day of that summer. When the season came to the end of that summer of 1998, both Major league Baseball stars were tied at fifty five home runs. McGwire and Sosa both surpassed Maris record within the first couple weeks of September. The Fans thought this was a once in a lifetime event in baseball because the last home runchase was in 1961 between Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris. Baseball attendance and interest substantially increased because of the two sluggers. Home runs became more prevalent in the seasons that... Show more content on ... Leigh comments that players who use steroids have an unfair advantage over baseball players who do not use them because steroids increase a player s statistics substantially. Steinberg declares, Sending players with proven steroid use into the Hall of Fame is simply not fair (Steinberg). Leigh also looks into how it would affect young people if steroid users were allowed in the Hall of Fame. Steinberg points out that if steroid users were elected into the Hall of Fame that young athletes would get the impression that steroid use is acceptable in order to accomplish athletic goals. He emphasizes that young athletes model oneself after their baseball idols so young athletes may start to use steroids if their idol happens to use steroids and still gets elected to the Hall (Steinberg). According to Ted Berg, a sports writer who currently writes for USA today and sports sites such as For the Win, profession baseball players who use steroids should be allowed in the Hall of Fame as he explains in his article, 4 reasons the Baseball Hall of Fame should include steroid users. Berg questions the baseball writer s choice to judge the lives of baseball players and why steroid users are not getting elected into the Hall of Fame. Berg argues that by allowing steroid users into the Hall that the Hall of Fame will get more attention. The reason he thinks more people will go to the Hall of Fame if
  • 24. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of ISDN ISDN ISDN means integrated services digital network. Defenation It is just a communicational standard used for transmitting video and data digital telephone lines or normal telephone wires. This standard support data transfer rates of 64 kbps. It is the initial high speed internet service. [1] ISDN internet service is simply a telephone based network system that operates by a circuit switch, or dedicated line. It can transmit data and phone conversations digitally over normal telephone wires. This makes it both faster and of higher quality than dial up internet service.[2] Why isdn developed Before ISDN, it wasn t easy for ordinary telephone lines to offer fast transportation over just one line. ISDN was made to perform on digital telephone ... Show more content on ... [7] Advantages of ISDN Lines:[7] 1.The primary advantage of ISDN line is it is a Digital Line and hence the voice quality is preferable to analog circuits. 2.The ISDN line can carry voice , data , video and fax information in exactly the same line. 3.Each ISDN line can provide a bandwidth of 128 Kbps both in the upstream direction in addition to the downstream direction this feature enables it to carry video communications in realtime at both ends. 4.Since ISDN is a routine switched network, there is little if any data loss while transmitting data (In packet switched networks, there is some data loss across the propagation path and hence information must be re transmitted, sometimes). 5.Trouble shooting a Digital Network now is easier than trouble shooting analog circuits. Faults could be rectified faster and the network performance is very reliable and predictable. 6.When compared to ADSL, ISDN BRI can travel for longer distances and hence suited to remote Access to the internet. 7.With ISDN, the call set and up tear down is faster than analog
  • 25. The Stop and Frisk Policy Analysis Essay Eighty seven percent of stops in 2012, were Black and Hispanic people. Compare that percentage to the amount of water on Earth, only seventy percent. Now, imagine eighty seven percent water covering the Earth. That would make the world unbalanced and difficult to live in, which is how life is for the minorities impacted by Stop and Frisk. One of the most debated and controversial topics in New York City is the Stop and Frisk policy, and the impact it has on police, Latinos, and African Americans. Stop and Frisk fails to promote justice and equitable society because it creates a society where one group is lesser than another. The Stop and Frisk policy was created in Ohio, 1968, because of the a Supreme Court case, Terry v. Ohio (US Courts).... Show more content on ... Stop and Frisk does not give the Latino and Black communities equal access to the safety and protection the police provide because they are the ones constantly being hunted. This is one way that Stop and Frisk promotes institutional racism. This is also psychologically damaging to victims of Stop and Frisk because makes them feel unprotected and unsafe (CCR 8). Stop and Frisk was not created to be racist but, An institution may not set out to discriminate but through its rules, it may have this effect (Chakraborty). The people who made the policy and who are enforcing the policy, Stop and Frisk, didn t intend to single out minorities but that is the end result. Feeling like a policy is created specifically to attack a certain group based on race gives a feeling like the world and government is against them (Glover). Institutional racism is also apparent when people acting on the policy (the police being the people and Stop and Frisk being the policy) show signs of prejudice, oppression, power and discrimination (Randal). The police show signs of prejudice against the Black and Latinos by showing an attitude that is based on limited information or stereotypes (CCR 7). The police base their searches on what a stereotypical
  • 26. The Pros And Cons Of European Expansion Of India The vast expansion of Muslim faith in Asia helped India connect with the outside world through trade, diplomacy, and exchange in ideas or religions. During this time, the Europeans pictured the luxurious wealth of India through accounts from Muslims and traded with India (through the Muslim territories in Asia like the Ottoman Empire s territory). The Europeans did not want to have to do this anymore; they wanted to find a direct trade route to India. So, after years of cartographical and maritime advancements, the first European who achieved this mission was Vasco da Gama in 1498, by maritime travel around the Cape of Good Hope. This direct contact from the Portuguese truly started the Age of European reign in India. I will examine the three... Show more content on ... Unlike the Portuguese, they focused most of their attention on the trading ports of Southeast Asia. They came for the spice trade there in 1620 and settled their headquarters in Jakarta, Java. However, the Dutch do have a role in Indian trade from 1602, when the Dutch Company is established in India. A unique quality of the Dutch settlements was that they rarely built fortresses; they lived in Mughal cities and houses and don t try to convert anyone to Protestantism. This tactic puts them distinctly apart from the Portuguese. Another characteristic of Dutch colonialism in India was that they came to India through a chartered trading company, giving the Dutch a part of the sovereignty of their State. The Dutch and Portuguese have naval battles because the Dutch try conquering coastal areas outside of Mughal power as well (like
  • 27. E1 Synthesis Lab Report An E1 reaction involves a two step mechanism. In this particular reaction, before the first step can take place, the alcohol group on 2 methyl 2 butanol is protonated by sulfuric acid so that water is formed as a suitable leaving group. The first step can then take place: the loss of water as leaving group to form a carbocation intermediate. Then, a beta proton is eliminated resulting in the formation of a double bond, forming an alkene. In this reaction, a major product (2 methyl 2 butene) and a minor product (2 methyl 1 butene) are formed. Two products were formed because two different beta protons were available for elimination, resulting in the double bond being put in two different positions. However, one of the products is favored and considered major because of Zaitsev s rule that states the more substituted alkene is favored.... Show more content on ... The compound being tested is placed as a liquid into the gas chromatogram and it is vaporized. The mobile phase is a gas, and the vaporized sample is pushed through a coiled column by a carrier gas, which is chosen so that it is unreactive with the sample. The coiled column is also coated by a liquid which serves as the stationary phase. The different components will reach the detector of the chromatograph at different points, depending on their boiling points. Substances with lower boiling points will vaporize faster, and will therefore reach the detector faster than their higher boiling point counterparts. The detector sends out an output in the form of a graph which can be analyzed to tell what compounds are in the sample as well as how much of
  • 28. Comparative Study Of Various Enhanced Oil Recovery Essay COMPARATIVE STUDY OF VARIOUS ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY METHODS Study Project Report,2nd semester, 2015 16 Prepared by: Kaveri Singh (2012B2A1621P) Mentor : Dr. Utkarsh Maheshwari Chemical Engineering Department Acknowledgements I feel immense pleasure and pride of being part of Birla Institute Of Technology And Science, Pilani which moduled me to the present state. I acknowledge my deep sense of gratitude towards Dr Utkarsh Maheshwari , my mentor for his constant guidance and advice. Last but not the least, I d also like to thank the Chemical Engineering Department for giving me an opportunity to undertake this study. Table of contents Page no. 1. Introduction 4 2. Formation of crude oil 4 3. Location of reservoirs 4 4. Oil recovery 5 5. Why do we not recover 100 per cent of the oil? 6 6. Types of EOR Methods 7 7. Selection of a method 8 9 8. Experimental Study 10 9. Conclusion 11 10. References 12 1. Introduction : We are facing grave dangers due to the depletion of fossil fuels, and hence we are trying to look for alternate sources of energy. After doing a brief study of major forms of energy both renewable and non renewable namely solar energy, tidal energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, biomass energy, biofuels, hydrogen energy, fossil fuels etc I realised that fossil fuels i.e coal, oil and natural gas will be meeting our major energy requirements for the next 50 years or so. And hence we need to optimise the oil we get from a reservoir to the maximum for which we use
  • 29. Michael Northrop Gentlemen In my book Gentlemen by Michael Northrop is a mystery story in which a group of four friends, called gentlemen by their english teacher, find out one of their friends is missing and after investigating a little the find out that their clues lead to the english teacher but was it really him. What the summary never explained what and how thing happened. The book is about 4 kids who go to Twttawa high school in a town. One day when they go to school Micheals friend, tommy, was in math class and they were answering square routes and one of the equations had the number three in it and he has trouble pronounce the thr in three and he doesn t want to butcher it in front of a girl he likes, so he decided to flip his desk and the
  • 30. Federal Trade Commission Research Paper Federal Trade Commission The Federal Trade Commission was founded by Woodrow Wilson the twenty eight president of the United States and it was established in September 26, 1914 in Washington D. C. The seal for the Federal Trade Commission was adopted in 1915 and designed by Tiffany and Company. The seal symbolizes many of the values and promote the agency mission. The winged flywheel represents progress and reflects the commitment to protect consumer interests in a world of involving technology. The shield represents the role in defending American consumer interests. And it protects the benefits of robust competition and fighting harm to consumers from unfair deceptive practices. The scales are the traditional of emblem of justice... Show more content on ... Consumer protection laws are federal and state statues governing sales and credit practices involving consumer goods. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Unfair or Deceptive Trade Practices, Truth in Lending Act, Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Warranties and Consumer Remedies are laws that were establish to give the consumer a fair shake at buying or borrowing money. Goods that were purchase or service for personal use were presumed fair that buyers and sellers would bargained for equal positions. The consumer protection is a law that has to contribute to safety, protecting the health of consumers and the economic interest of consumers. Local trade practices consider unfair or deceptive may fall with Federal Trade Commission laws and regulations and have an effect on interstate commerce. Federal and state laws governing sales, credit financing and reporting, product quality, leases, sales practices, debt collection and other aspects of consumer transactions may be regulated as deceptive trade practices. Consumers are protected by several types of agencies and statues that are enforced by state and federal laws. Today many of consumer protection issues are involve with the
  • 31. Christopher Nol An Auteur And Postmodern Filmmaker Christopher Nolan is an auteur and postmodern filmmaker. He started off making low budget indie films, his first being Doodlebug. He has now risen to being one of the biggest names in Hollywood and creating blockbusters that not only are visual masterpieces but thought provoking journeys. He respects film as an art form, thus allowing him to create some of the top ranked films this century and The Dark Night and Momento are even classed among the greatest films of all time. He has 122 major wins and 163 nominations, most notably three Oscars, three golden globes and three BAFTAS. His films have grossed a total of US$4.2 billion making him, not only one of the most visionary, but one of the most successful directors of all time. Many say what he s trying to be is some kind of modern Kubrick. I think he d be better off being a modern Hitchcock I believe he is a mix of the two, both pleasing the general audience and those that are there for intellectual stimulation. After Doodlebug gained him critical attention he then moved on to a bigger project, Following. The films I will analyse are The Prestige and Interstellar, which are films filled with his trademark of non linear storytelling, grand camera angles and powerful diegetic and non diegetic sounds. One of the films I have chosen to study is The Prestige. In this film there are many time cuts. The plotline is truly non linear (non chronological). In this film Nolan masterfully weaves separate plotlines and timelines
  • 32. Wyatt Earp Essay Tombstone , the Wonderful Western About Wyatt Earp You ve called down the thunder, well now you ve got it, shouted Wyatt Earp to the cowboys, in the movie about his life, Tombstone. As you can tell by Wyatt Earp s famous quote, Tombstone is a violent, interesting, and crazy movie. Tombstone is a movie full of fighting, death, reckless cowboys, guns, and more, in the city of Tombstone. It is attention grabbing, and once you start watching it, you won t ever want to stop. Although Tombstone is usually upbeat and full of fighting, it does have sad moments. Overall, this movie is about Wyatt Earp, his brothers, and Doc Hollidays crazy experiences and adventures in Tombstone, Arizona. Wyatt Earp and his two brothers, Virgil and Morgan, along... Show more content on ... Tombstone is not only limited to history fans though, it is a very intriguing and fun to watch movie, and most people would enjoy it. I would not recommend this movie to people afraid of violence, because there is a lot of shooting and goriness throughout this film. Tombstone is rated R, so I would also not recommend this to younger people, because of the violence and language. Overall, I really enjoyed watching this film. I felt like I learned a lot about western life, and the violence that occured. All of the scenes were very well done, and I did not get bored while watching. The movie seemed very realistic, especially in the battling scenes. All of the actors in Tombstone did a fascinating job and portrayed their character very well. I also believe the movie was well put together, and all of the different scenes flowed together great. Tombstone was very fun to watch, and I learned a lot while watching it. If I had to rate Tombstone, I would give it 8 stars out of 10. All of the scenes were entertaining, the acting was excellent, there was not an overload of violence, it was realistic, and it was put together very well. Although this movie did have a great deal of good points, it did have its poor ones. At a few points during the movie, I became confused. To be more specific, during the showdown scene, I was confused on who was a cowboy, and who was not. I also grew confused during the scene with
  • 33. Summary Of The Second Sex By Simone De Beauvoir In The Second Sex, Simone de Beauvoir questions the idea held in society that those who live simpler lives with no foreseeable challenges are inherently content and satisfied in their lives. Specifically, she disagrees with the idea that women who are oppressed, and thus, due to their lack of opportunities and freedoms, must lead lives that the patriarchal society makes available to them, are happier than the women whose freedom brings them challenges and shortcomings. De Beauvoir claims that we cannot assume someone is happy from what we see, and we cannot simply assume happiness means to that person what it does to us; it is not too clear just what the word happy really mean and still less what true values it may mask. There is no possibility measuring the happiness of others, and it is always easy to describe as happy the situation in which one wishes to place them, (de Beauvoir 261). She continues to discuss this idea of seeing one as happy in the situation the observer views as ideal, specifically the non working woman stripped of her rights, whose lack of purpose and duties is seen as peaceful happiness, in particular those who are condemned to stagnation are often pronounced happy on the pretext that happiness consists in being at rest, (de Beauvoir 261). This is not to say a woman s happiness cannot be found being a housewife, but one cannot assume what will bring women joy and fulfillment, because all people are different with varying wants and needs. Women need all the opportunities available and full liberation in order to be able to find their happiness, if it can be found. Sara Ahmed says, Feminismdoes not guarantee what we will find through this expansion of bodily horizons. It simply opens up the places where we can look, (Ahmed 70). Ahmed goes on to explain how happiness may not even be a healthy goal, as often women are expected to give up much in order to be able to find a happiness that is likely unachievable. Ahmed also discusses the 2002 film The Hours, which tells the stories of three women living in different eras all struggling with their happiness in their vastly different lives. All three women experience other people in their lives telling them that they should be happy
  • 34. Growing Up Digital Wired For Distraction Analysis The article written by Matt Richtel, Growing up Digital, Wired for Distraction, represents the theme that growing up with technology has really changed students life and has interfered with their education. The article starts with, the point that time has changed so teens as well as adults are now drawn to the internet and seeking for help on everything. According to Mr. Reilly, one of Vishal s teachers states, He s a kid caught between two worlds, one that is the real world and one that revolves around a technology to hide behind. (3) Vishal, a young 17 year old is a very bright student that took a turn in life between technology and school. Vishal has a rare talent for film critique and gets very good grades in that subject in... Show more content on ... Technology can be very helpful in life and can give you options for school classes or activities such as online classes. While talking about how technology is major in Vishal s life the author states, he is focused in a way he rarely is when doing homework. (7) This article portrays the point that even though technology is major in Vishal s life it is hurting him in what will make his future, education. For example, Vishal s principle states that he use to be a very bright student, but has lost the spark. One last point that is made in this article talks about how hands on technology can help you in school, but in other opinions it can hurt you and make it impossible to concentrate. Between two very smart men they talk about whether, Technology might be the reason Vishal seems to lose interest in academics the minute he leaves class, (9) or if technology is how you reach out to students and find their passion in academics.This section of the article is all about the discussion of whether technology connect students to school or does it separate them from academics. The very last section in the article strives to the point that Vishal, usually a bright student, has seemed to decelerate in school and his grades are beginning to lower, due to technology and film
  • 35. Brain Drain In America The holidays are a time for family gatherings. Americans load up their cars or get on planes, travel to see family and reconnect with lost high school classmates. The American population, temporarily at least, desegregates. Now the word segregation might sound a bit confounding, conjuring up images of race and riot, but this segregation is different. As the January 19, 2007, Inside Higher Education points out, today s segregation transcends race and separates people by education and affluence. Americans with college and postgraduate degrees increasingly cluster in a handful of locations, leaving the rest of the country intellectually and economically sapped, the victims of a brain drain. The America that was once a melting pot for dreams and ideas accessible by all from sea to shining sea is now an America where dreams come true for the talented few only when they live by a sea. The segregation caused by this out migration of high ability youth from where they were raised to a few economically and intellectually vibrant locales cripples rural America and even some urban areas, while destabilizing the American economy and society. Brain drain has caused the American melting pot to reach a melting point. For us to fix it, we ... Show more content on ... An October 2006 University of Iowa Civic Analysis Network report chronicles the process. What happens is, brain drain regions often encourage their elite high school students to seek out more prestigious colleges and universities in other parts of the nation the old get out while the gettin is good routine. Sure some students stay, but many don t. After college, the elite students from local institutions as well as those who ve already left seek employment in the economically vibrant locations, leaving their homes talent drained. While it s perfectly natural for kids to move away, the problem for brain drained regions is that few talented people ever
  • 36. Human Connections With The Land Human Connections with the Land The life sustaining bond of human beings with the land has a strong connection. Centuries have gone by... throughout the many years, humans have relied on the land to provide, evolve, help survive, and move forward with their lives. The land provides for humans in a non costly manner. The land provides humans free shelter. For example, Humans use the dirt we walk on to build shelter. The Earth provides humans natural resources, such as water from lakes, streams and rain. The land gives humans bountiful, healthy nourishing food. The Earth provides free healthcare for every living creature. The land has a bond with humans because the land provides natural resources, it provides shelter, and it evolves the human body. The Earth was formed about 4.54 billion years ago in one in many galaxies. After many years have passed the Earth has evolved and land was created. Many species have formed also the life of nature. The land provides humans nutrients and resources for people to survive, such as nourishing foods and materials for building shelter. The life sustaining bond between humans and the land is that the land provides humans with many things that they need in order to survive and thrive with for the future. The land provides us with water, meat, vegetables, medicinal herbs, materials for shelter, and much more. This is what connects humans to the land. Ha 2 There is a saying We don t own the Earth, the Earth owns us This is a
  • 37. Desire Vs. Morality And Duty Section I: Theme Desire vs. Morality and Duty: Throughout the novel, Ethan seems to struggle with managing his desire for Mattie and his duty as a husband. This theme is apparent throughout the entirety of the novella. It starts before the book even begins. Ethan, in the first chapter, admits to often walking Mattie, his wife s cousin, home just to spend few minutes alone with her. However it is first mentioned in the book when Ethan is standing alone, just watching Mattie dance. He knows he has a wife to get back to, but yet all he can imagine is being in that party and being the one who is dancing passionately with Mattie. Although, his sense of duty and morality is not only because of his relationship with Zeena, but because he fears the way his society would react to such a scandal. Although his desire to leave Zeena, a sour and sickly old woman, is somewhat understandable, he knows that his society would shun him if he abandoned her for another woman. Later in the book, this theme is again apparent when Zeena must leave to see a new doctor about her illness. Ethan loses his sense of duty to her, and lies to Zeena so that he can spend time with the one he so desires. However in chapter nine, this theme is most apparent. After Zeena tells Ethan that she is to throw Mattie, the love of his life and the last force that could make him happy, out on the streets to make room for a new hired girl, Ethan devises a plan to run off with Mattie. He spends an entire night making
  • 38. Native Americans And Western Medicine Understanding Native Americans and Western Medicine Essential Knowledge for Providing Culturally Competent Care to Native Americans Brittany Schelitzche Writing for Healthcare Hennepin Technical College Native Americans and Western Medicine: Essential Knowledge for Providing Culturally Competent Care to Native Americans Many Alaskan Natives and Native Indians, also known as American Indians, share the same or similar views on health and medicine. Their definition of traditional medicine incorporates medicine and religion, various chants and rituals, and being one with Earth (Broome, B., Broome, R., 2007). In the United States we are challenged to think about health care from our tradition as a cultural melting pot. Therefore, we must address the large range of individual health care needs from populations living the inner city and suburbia to those in rural environments. (O Brien, Anslow, Begay, Pereira, Sullivan, 2002). It is important for healthcare workers to understand the views of American Indians in order to integrate their traditional medicine as well as western medicine. Examining areas such as common health conditions, treatments, and attitudes towards health, natural and alternative health will lead to a better capability of providing culturally competent care. Introduction and Background Native Americans, such as Navajo and Cherokee, have been in the United States for the past 12,000 years (Horowitz, 2012). Although those are the two most
  • 39. Fair Housing Act Case Study Since the passage of the 1968 Fair Housing Act , there have been legal tools and policies that combat segregation in housing, overall, promoting more diverse cities. While the Fair Housing Act have been successful in diversifying formerly all white cities. A new problem is emerging for the people in the integrated neighborhoods: the return of the great whites. Soon there will be no home for these people. The mission districtof San Francisco , soon will lose all its original dwellers to the high demands of the Bay Area. A neighborhood historically home to Central and South American immigrants are being overtaken by the new , improved population . As you stroll down the once taquerias, bakeries, bars and auto mechanic shops lined streets,... Show more content on ... The first wave of gentrification ended when the dot com bubble burst and the number of Ellis act evictions plunged. In 2005, however, after new technology companies like Google, Facebook, and cisco began attracting thousands of high paid employees to the bay, the number of Ellis evictions tripled.1 In 2013, Ellis evictions grew 175 percent from the year before.1 The companies moved to the south bay but the city attracted many of these young techies. The techies would live in the city and end up commuting to the Bay area. During that time more than half of the Ellis evictions were carried out less than a year after a building had changed hands. Since 2011, 69 percent of the evictions have occurred n the mission no more than a few blocks from the private tech company s shuttle bus stops.1 The Companies provide shuttle bus service to the city in order to carry their employers in to the bay. Not only do the buses cause overcrowding of the streets but they also traffic and a trend of living more than 30 miles from work. The tech workers flooding into the Mission creates the profit motive for landlords to push people out. Whether the individual tech workers are conscious of it or not, they are complicit in the process of gentrification. The Google bus protests struck a nerve because they highlighted how the Tech sector is facilitating the forced displacement of families.
  • 40. Curcuma Longa Essay RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Qualitative Analysis Results of Phytochemical Evaluation for Curcuma Longa Extract The results of phytochemical evaluation of Curcuma Longa extract summarized in table 2. Table 2: Shows the results of phytochemical evaluation of Curcuma Longa extract. 1Alkaloids+ 2Tannins+ 3Glycosides+ 4Saponins+ 5Flavonoids+ 6Terpenoids+ 7Phenol+ Figure 3: Illustrates the results of phytochemical tests of Curcuma Longa extract. The previous table 2 and figure 3 show the results of applied phytochemical tests for constituents of Curcuma Longa extract which were all positive. The results indicate the presence of the active constituents of curcuminoids. It also indicates the presence of alkaloids, tannins, phenolic compounds, terpenoids, saponins and flavonoids. These phytochemicals were also reported in ... Show more content on ... No.Concentration Ојg/mlAbsorbance 1100.18 2200.23 3300.278 4400.33 5500.38 Concentration of Curcuma Longa extract in mcg/ml Figure 5: Illustrates calibration curve of standard curcumin. From the result in table 6 and figure 5 which illustrated the calibration curve of the UV spectrophotometer with working standard Curcuma Longa extract and the r2 = 0.9999. Curcumin in Gel Formulation Table 7: Shows linearity of curcumin in the gel formulation. No.Concentration Ојg/mlAbsorbance 1100.127 2200.148 3300.166 4400.185
  • 41. 5500.206 Concentration of Curcuma Longa extract in mcg/ml Figure 6: Illustrates the curve of curcumin in the gel formulation. Assay Test of Curcumin Content in Gel Formula Assay of curcumin in gel formula was calculated using the following formula Assay of curcumin = (absorbance of sample / absorbance of standard Г— concentration of standard / concentration of sample) 100 = (0.127/0.180 Г— 10/10) 100 =
  • 42. performance enhancing drugs in sports Essay Performance Enhancing Drugs: Introduction The Tour de France is considered the world s most competitive bicycle race. Each summer top cycling teams from around the world compete in the three week event, which sends riders on a grueling, multi stage course through the mountainous countryside of Ireland, France, and Belgium. In 1998, the image of Tour de France cyclists as athletes at the peak of their natural abilities was tarnished by allegations of widespread performanceenhancing drug use among competitors. The doping scandal broke a few days prior to the start of the race when a masseuse for France s Festina team, Willy Voet, was arrested after police found large quantities of anabolic steroids and erythropoietin, or EPO, in his car ... Show more content on ... WADA is also investing more of its resources in developing new tests to keep pace with the changing array of drugs that athletes are taking. Whether or not those who contend that drug tests remain easy to beat will be satisfied by renewed testing efforts remains uncertain. Clearly, however, performance enhancing drug testing has affected the careers of many elite athletes. Athletes who test positive for drugs at the Olympic level are stripped of their medals and records and are suspended from all competition for two years on the first offense. In 1988, Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson was stripped of a gold medal and was later banned from track and field competition for life after he tested positive for steroids. At the 2000 Summer Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia, Romanian gymnast Andrea Raducan had her gold medal taken away when she tested positive for pseudoephedrine, a stimulant. American shot putter C.J. Hunter withdrew from competition after it was revealed that he had tested positive four times for the steroid nandrolone. Scores of other athletes were also expelled from the Sydney Games after flunking drug tests. More recently, at the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, Utah, British skier Alain Baxter was stripped of his bronze medal after testing positive for methamphetamine, although an appeal is pending. Detection efforts notwithstanding, seeking an edge over one s opponents has long made the use of
  • 43. Abnormal Behavior And Aberrant Behavior While no commonly recognized definition of the term abnormality exists to examine the observations described below, most descriptions of aberrant behavior share some common aspects, namely, deviance, dysfunction, danger and distress ( four Ds ). In other words, mental aberration patterns are usually deviant (atypical, out of the ordinary, radical, possibly even strange), distressing (distasteful and disturbing to the individual), potentially dangerous, and dysfunctional (hampering the individual s capacity of carrying out everyday tasks constructively). Such a broad description provides a valuable basis for examining the abnormal phenomena outlined in this paper (Comer, 2013). A few days ago, I met twenty eight year old Joanna, a friend ... Show more content on ... While she expressed concerns about this issue, she claimed there was no way she could control it. Joanna clearly exhibits dysfunctional behavior which hampers her everyday functioning. Dysfunctional conduct distresses, confuses and sidetracks individuals such that their productivity and participation in normal social activities gets adversely affected and they are unable to adequately take care of themselves (Comer, 2013). This is evident in Joanna s sleep disturbances, chronic anxiety, joblessness, and negative impact on her health. Her conduct distresses her and is evidently deviant from normal behavior. Hence, it may be considered an abnormal occurrence which defies principles of normalcy. Our cultural and societal norms highlight the significance of effectively performing everyday activities. Obsessions such as those exhibited by Joanna aren t an ordinary component of and individual s behavior. Joanna s habits will probably be perceived as unwelcome and atypical. Her activities may be considered abnormal as they are consistent with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) symptoms, which involve repeated compulsions and obsessions capable of greatly interfering with a person s everyday activities. OCD symptoms generally have 4 key facets: obsessions linked to checking compulsions, obsessions with cleanliness linked to a compulsion to wash and clean constantly, hoarding related habits, and a need for order and symmetry. Two of the above
  • 44. 13c Nmr Spectrum Analyzing the 13C NMR spectrum of the unknown sample #46, seven distinct signals were studied shown in table (2). Signal 1 had an observed peak value of 21.225 ppm and a calculated peak value11 of 20.8 ppm. Comparing with the literature ppm value5 range 5 30 ppm, signal 1 corresponds with CH3 C=O group. This signal was the second to the most upfield and shielded in the 13C NMR spectrum comparing with signal 7 because of the carbonhigh electron density. However, it was more downfield than signal 7 due to the presence of the oxygenin the group. Signal 2 had an observed peak value of 171.629 ppm and a calculated peak value10 of 171.0 ppm. Comparing with the literature value5 range 165 180 ppm, signal 2 corresponds with an ester group. Signal 2 is the most downfield and deshielded because the carbonyl group is in between two electronegative oxygens, therefore it could be concluded that there was an ester in the given compound.... Show more content on ... Comparing with the literature value5 range between 45 65 ppm, signal 3 corresponds with O CH2 group. Signal 3 was downfield and deshielded comparing with signals 4,5,6, and 7 because it was directly bonded to the oxygen electronegative atom. It can be concluded that signal 3 is a CH2 group connected to the ester group. According to the13C NMR spectrum, signals 4, 5, and 6 were very similar and the three of them were upfield and shielded because of the weak magnetic field applied around them. Signal 4, 5, and 6 had an observed ppm values of 28.253 ppm, 28.248 ppm, and 22.533 ppm respectively and a calculated ppm values10 of 28.5 ppm, 28.3 ppm and 22.4 ppm respectively. Comparing with the literature ppm value5 range 13 35 ppm, signal 4, 5 and 6 corresponds with R CH2 R group. It can be concluded that signals 4, 5 and 6 are part of CH2 groups. Lastly, signal 7 had an observed ppm value of 14.163 ppm and a calculated ppm value10 of 14.0
  • 45. Strength Of Women In The Bean Trees In The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver and My ГЃntonia by Willa Cather, four female characters exhibit the weaknesses and strengths of women. Taylor Greer and Lou Ann Ruiz in The Bean Trees employ the weaknesses and strengths of females, through conversations, and events that they take part in, in which they choose whether or not to sacrifice pride of fear. Lena Lingard and ГЃntonia Shimerda in My ГЃntonia demonstrate the strengths of women who sacrifice pride through breaking expectations and roles. The strength of women is vital to avoid being taken advantage of by others. To be recognized as strong, a womanmust first sacrifice a smaller aspect of herself through breaking genderroles or societal expectations, to prove the confidence contained by a... Show more content on ... Taylor Greer portrays a strong empowered woman when she sacrifices herself by putting herself in danger and breaking the societal expectations. A strong woman can be defined as confident and risk taking. Taylor constantly fits this definition in The Bean Trees. When she has stopped to eat dinner on her trip, Taylor has a conversation with a man in the diner that demonstrates her sense of confidence. Taylor points out that one of the men with her in the room looks as though he is looking for trouble (Kingsolver 21). However, when the man insults her current financial situation, Taylor retorts and asks him, You think being busted is a joke?.. (Kingsolver 21). Taylor then slid[es] the bottle back and hit his beer mug dead center... (Kingsolver 21). She is sacrificing her safety by picking a fight with a dangerous looking man, but she is willing to do this to stand up for herself. This breaks the gender roles and societal expectations of her time and area. Women were expected to stay quiet and go along with what men were saying. Another example of Taylor sacrificing her safety to be a strong woman is when she makes her decision to drive Esperanza and Estevan to a
  • 46. Interview Summary Of Peter Holloway s On Virtual... Interview summary for Peter Holloway, conducted on October 8, 2015 by Anita Sommer for the IRI Virtual Experimentation and Simulation project. Peter Holloway is a Systems Engineer with Rolls Royce Limited. He leads a team of simulation tool developers that code, refine, and integrate existing modeling tools that are used in the preliminary design phases of their jet engines. The preliminary design stages involve identifying candidate engine architectures, preparing proposals, and presenting proposals to customers such as Boeing and Airbus. Peter has been involved in simulation for about ten years in a number of different companies and at various levels. His team consists mostly of domain experts that have lent themselves to programming, with between three and five years of systems design experience. Rolls Royce has a culture of allowing its engineering staff to develop experimentation and simulation tools within their domain of expertise. Often however, these domain experts are not experienced programmers and the tools the engineers develop are used by only a few people within that domain. Peters team takes these tools, improves the code, making the tools more robust, and most importantly from a simulation point of view, making the different tools talk to each other in whole system simulation software. Rolls Royce Ltd. uses virtual experimentation and simulation on both their products and processes because it helps the company meet cost and time objectives when delivering
  • 47. Criminal Law. Criminal Law Refers To Federal And State Criminal Law Criminal Law refers to federal and state laws that make certain illegal behavior and punishable by imprisonment and /or fines. In United States, the law system is included two different types of cases, one is civil, another one is criminal cases. Besides, the charges pursued by prosecutors for violations of criminal statutes. When it comes to the history of the criminal law, the United States common law were ruled by British within colonial times. Common law is a process that establishes and improved rules that govern some nations. U.S. continues to employ a common law system, which works in combination with state and federal statutes, after they became an independent nation. They adopted the U.S. Constitution as the... Show more content on ... Under common law, a person cannot be truly guilty of a crime unless he or she consciously commits a dangerous or illegal act. The intent to commit a crime is officially known as Mens rea . There are several most criminal cases involve one of the following sorts of mens rea that represent levels of culpability: Intent, Knowledge, Recklessness and Negligence. Intent, it s an explicit and conscious desire to enact an illegal or dangerous action. For instance, if a person targets and attacks someone with the goal of inflicting harm on the victim, the criminal is displaying criminal intent. Knowledge, the term applied that a person is aware that his or her action will have certain results, but does not seem to care. For example, a person violently punches someone on their face, the inflicting harm may not be criminal s primary goal; yet, if he was aware that harm would be a predictable result of his action, then he may in charge of guilty of having criminal knowledge. Recklessness risk is a decision that to commit a certain action even with knowing about associated risks. Recklessness is a state of mind that is determined both subjectively and objectively. There are two types of reckless behavior. The first looks at what the actor knew or is believed to have been thinking when the act occurred. Second, considering what a reasonable person would have
  • 48. helmet law Essay examples The Motorcycle Helmets, Educate not Legislate Choice or Law? Freedom of choice quot; is not about the thrill of feeling the wind in our hair any more than a young man s choice to serve in the armed forces of this country during a time of war is about the thrill of being shot at. The issue is about returning personal responsibility to trained and experienced adult motorcyclists. It is about rejecting the proposition that the government should be allowed to impose upon the personal decisions of free men. Helmets are not the universal remedy many claim them to be. Training riders and educating the motoring public to share the road while being aware of motorcycles are among the most effective ways to prevent accidents, injuries and deaths. ... Show more content on ... The New Hampshire Motorcyclist Rights Organization has done a great job of letting legislators in Concord know their views, and AMA members have flooded the capitol with letters in opposition. quot; The federal government is unable to set a national helmet law policy because it is Constitutionally considered an issue under the jurisdiction of individual states. The Federal Government attempted to influence state policy with the federal Highway Safety Act of 1966, however, when the Department of Transportation was authorized to withhold portions of federal highway safety and road construction funds from any states that failed to enact motorcycle helmet laws for all riders. By the end of the following year, 38 states had enacted a universal helmet law, and by 1975, 47 states had complied. That same year, Congress withdrew the federal requirement, and within three years, half the states had repealed their statutes. Since then, additional states have repealed the law, but some states that had initially repealed the law have re enacted it. Many states have passed modified versions of the law, such as requiring helmets to be worn only by minors, although these laws have proven extremely difficult to enforce. The variations in helmet laws have allowed for extensive research to be performed comparing effects of the helmet law on injury statistics both within states both before and after repeal acts and between states with and without helmet laws.
  • 49. Why Should Huckleberry Finn Be Banned Floating Down a River of Controversy Thesis: Students, teachers, parents, professors, and others have debated for decades whether The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a racist novel and if it should be banned from the classroom. I. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a racist novel The use of the N word Black students always offended by word, no matter teacher reasoning (Wallace 18) Black students feel too isolated to bring issues to teachers (Carey Webb 27) Used 214 times, normalizes its use (Fikes 3) Huck uses it to imply that blacks aren t humans (Wallace 21) Increases racial tensions, whites value black peers less (Wallace 17) Causes black resentment of whites (Lew 16) Twain used the word in speaking (Carey Webb 24) Causes psychological ... Show more content on ... He has self worth (Hansen 48) Huck and Jim s relationship When Huck and Jim argue, Jim wins (Lew 19) Huck and Jim going together for freedom and morality (Nichols 209) Huck ready to give up afterlife to help Jim (Nichols 212) Huck Jim represent interracial brotherhood and friendship (Nichols 214) Jim father figure and friend of Huck (Nichols 212) Jim becomes superior to Huck after Huck humbles self (Lew 20) Huck is rejecting southern norms when he goes to hell (Nilon 66) Jim helps Huck realize blacks are human (Nichols 212) Jim keeps going South bc he is concerned with Huck s safety (Zalisk 3) Novel s ending End is satirizing how South tries to keep blacks enslaved (Nichols 213) Tom represents southerner chivalric (Nilon 64) Violence south Klan lynching, arrogance dominance of Dem (Nilon 65) Tom Southerner who says help blacks but works to keep subjugated (Nilon 66) Huck Southerner wants to help blacks but not be enemy of powerful (Nilon 67) Jim Black who trusted white to help but harmed bc of this (Nilon 71) Jim locked in same cabin how slaves put back into slavery after free (Nilon 73) How Jim acts is saying that blacks were losing sense of self (Nilon 75) Jim acts way he does to avoid conflict and survive to see family (Robinson
  • 50. Resistance To Civil Government Rhetorical Analysis Throughout the essay, Resistance to Civil Government by Henry Thoreau, he argues that if you believe that a law is unjust, you can with your conscience and break the law and do what you feel is just. By Henry using appeals, social commentary, and simply by taking a stand his argument was effective. Appeals are a way that numerous authors instantly grab the reader s attention. Thoreau uses appeals within his essay to appoint his position. He uses Ethos throughout the writing. Ethos are characteristics of a culture or community as manifested in its beliefs and aspirations. He uses these to show the reader that you can stand up for what is thought to be right. Thoreau believes in proceeding with your conscience, no matter the law, if you don t believe you should follow it then simply don t. But in the real world, people must follow the laws given by a higher authority. He is trying to show what is ethical for you, but may not be ethical to the rest of the world. Thoreau also uses pathos to create an effective argument. Pathos are a quality that evokes sadness and grasps the reader s emotions. He uses them to back up... Show more content on ... Social commentary is a spoken or written act of rebellion toward an individual or group. This is exactly how Thoreau acts towards the government. He has a rebellious attitude toward them. He states, he wishes there was a new government, or no government at all. Thoreau wants change within the laws that the government has set for the citizens, and a way people can break the laws that they feel are unjust. He uses social commentary to show just how unjust multiple laws actually are. For example, he refuses to pay poll tax and ends up in jail. This shows his rebellious attitude toward the government. By doing this, he proved his point. That no matter the punishment, he will still do what he thinks is right. Thoreau kept his word for what he was arguing as he refuses the
  • 51. Critical Analysis Of The Clash Of Civilization In The Clash of Civilization, Samuel P. Huntington argues that globalization has united cultures that were normally very withdrawn. It has increased contact between these cultures, which then led to an increase in misunderstanding, resentment, and eventually conflict. Huntington also hypothesizes that the leading factor of conflict in the 21st century will be the differences between cultures. This will eventually result in the change of dominance within civilizations to different civilizations. Lastly, he also predicts that the West, Arab nations, such as Saudi Arabia, and China will also have and an increase in cultural conflict with one another. Huntington then goes on to hypothesize that the ultimate source of conflict in this world will not only be ideological or economical but the division between human kind will mostly take place because of the cultural conflict. He says that The clash of civilizations will dominate global politics. The fault lines between civilizations will be the battle lines of the future. (82). In order to have a better and concise understanding of Huntington s Clash of Civilizations? it is necessary to understand the strengths of his argument. The strengths in his argument are well portrayed through his division of the world in eight different civilizations and also through his explanation of why there is conflict between cultures. Also, he portrays that cultural issues tend to be more complicated to resolve than political dilemmas. These