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Essay Structures
Crafting an essay on the intricacies of "Essay Structures" may seem deceptively straightforward
at first glance, but delving into the process reveals a web of complexities. The challenge lies not
only in elucidating the various structural frameworks but also in presenting the information
coherently and persuasively.
To commence, one must grapple with the multifaceted nature of essay structures, from the classic
introduction-body-conclusion triad to more sophisticated patterns tailored for specific purposes.
Each structure demands meticulous planning and an acute understanding of the topic at hand.
Balancing the need for a compelling introduction that captures attention with a conclusion that
leaves a lasting impression requires finesse.
Moreover, the content within each section necessitates a harmonious flow. Transitions must be
seamless, guiding the reader through a logical progression of ideas. Each paragraph should serve
as a building block, contributing to the overarching argument or narrative. The challenge lies not
only in presenting ideas cogently but also in maintaining a cohesive thread that ties the entire
essay together.
Navigating the sea of information available on the chosen topic is another hurdle. Sorting
through sources, extracting relevant information, and integrating it seamlessly into the essay
requires analytical skills and a discerning eye. The ability to synthesize diverse perspectives and
present a comprehensive overview is paramount.
Furthermore, the task extends beyond the intellectual domain. Proper formatting, adherence to
citation styles, and attention to grammatical nuances are essential. The devil, as they say, is in the
details, and overlooking these aspects can detract from the overall quality of the essay.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Essay Structures" demands not just a command over the
subject matter but a mastery of the art of communication. It requires the writer to be a skilled
architect, carefully constructing a framework that can support and showcase ideas effectively.
The process involves a delicate balance between creativity and structure, making it a challenging
yet intellectually rewarding endeavor.
And remember, if you find yourself grappling with the complexities of essay writing, there are
resources available to assist you. Services like offer a range of writing
assistance, providing support for similar essays and much more.
Essay Structures Essay Structures
Prison Vs Auburn Prison Analysis
Two forms of penitentiary emerged in the early stages of the United States the
Auburn and Pennsylvania system. Pennsylvania system is a method which has a
main focus placed on solitary confinement. This program is known as the separate
system. The program arose in the Walnut jail, which was later converted into a state
prisonwith the additions a separate cell for the worst type of felons. The inmates
were placed in a cell by themselves where they would only see the correctional staff
and maybe a visitor on rare occasions. The would work in solitary as well to make
sure that they were able to focus on themselves. The Auburn prison system took a
completely different stance. In the Pennsylvania system inmates were to be kept
alone, in the Auburn
The Poisonwood Bible
Intro People always greatly and negatively impact each other, though they believe it
to be for the greater good. In the 1950 s European and American imperialism tore
asunder what tranquility there was in the Congo. These countries may have not been
aware of their influence at the time, but the outcome nonetheless was drastic. Cultural
misunderstandings were the ultimate catalyst for the Congo s destruction. In Barbara
Kingsolvers novel The Poisonwood Biblepublished in 1998 she exposes how cultural
ignorance creates problems. With her chosen syntax, point of view, and time gap of
each narrator Kingsolver exposes how close mindedness creates unfulfilled results
because individuals can not adapt to cultural changes.
Barbara ... Show more content on ...
All she wanted was his approval and recognition, but as time progressed she no longer
valued his values the same way. Throughout the text Leah, who sees with the eyes of
an intelligent, flexible learner, presents historical and cultural details...integrates all
types of knowledge into her narratives (Austenfeld). For example Leah embraced
African culture while her father never condoned it. Leah Price s pivotal moment
follows at the church s vote. While the congregation votes on tata Jesus The
Preacher stands up and spits wounding words in all directions. As her father
insultes the native s culture she no longer considers her father to be a holy man.
Even though she was raised around his teachings she no longer considers him to be
of pure intentions. Since Nathan is arrogant, inflexible, and passionately committed
he never attempted to learn the society s needs he just wanted to create Christian
clones for his own selfish salvation. In the end she finally states, If I had a prayer
left in me, it was that this red faced man [Nathaniel] shaking with rage would never
lay a hand on me again officially ending her glorious thoughts towards her father
(Kingsolver 333). Since the reader progressed though Leah s bildungsroman they
realize Nathaniel s inability to adapt created an individual worthy of a monstrous title.
Another strong candidate in the reader s mind is Ruth May, she is innocent.
Bulimia Nervosa Is An Eating Disorder Essay
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder that is most commonly found in women of
teenage or young adult age (Herzog, D. B. (1982). This disorder can have very
serious effects on the body. Some of these physical effects include dental problems,
inflamed esophagus, EEG abnormalities, abdominal or urinary disturbances, and
changes in blood sugar level. (Muuss, R. E. (1986). ) The mental and emotional tolls
of this disorder can be equally as dangerous. According to Pompili, M., Girardi, P.,
Ruberto, A., Tatarelli, R. (2006) individuals with bulimia nervosaare at a higher risk
for committing suicide. To be diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa, according to the
DSM 5, a person must experience episodes of binge eating along with harmful
behaviors meant to compensate for the binging. These behaviors often include
vomiting, exercising excessively, depriving oneself of food, or using medications
inappropriately to achieve weight loss.
/doi/book/10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596 (American Psychiatric Association,
2013). According to Lundgren, J. D., Danoff Burg, S., Anderson, D. A. (2004) a lot
of research has been done on the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy in treating
bulimia nervosa and it is widely believed to be the best treatment for the disorder.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is essentially the combination of cognitive therapy,
designed to change unhealthy thoughts and schema, and behavioral therapy, designed
to change
The Moro National Liberation Front
The Philippines security threat has been in danger for many years dating back to the
establishment of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF). MNLF sought to
establish an autonomous Muslim region within the country. (Fowler, 2011) MNLF
used guerilla style tactics against the country for several years before agreeing to a
ceasefire with the Philippine government in 1976. (Fowler, 2011) As with many
ceasefire agreements not everyone within the group was in favor of the deal therefore
resulting in members establishing a separate group known as the Moro Islamic
Liberation Front (MILF) which established the Islamist insurgency within the
country. (Fowler, 2011) MILF has remained the primary internal threat to the country
for more than the last 40 years. They have utilized insurgent tactics against the
government primarily in the southern region of Mindanao resulting in the death of
more than 120,000 Philippines. (Reuters, 2014) In March 2014 the Philippine
government and MILF signed a peace agreement calling for the end of disputes in
exchange for an autonomous Muslim region in the south. (Whaley, 2014) Despite the
agreement there is still cause for concern with internal threats to the country. Much
like the agreement with MNLF in 1976 not all MILF members agree with the pact
and have established smaller factions to continue operations against the government.
(Reuters, 2014) A separate Islamist group established in 1990 is the Abu Sayyaf
Group (ASG) who has ties to Al
The Platonist Tradition and the Ordering of Knowledge...
The Platonist Tradition and the Ordering of Knowledge
ABSTRACT: I argue that the contemporary crisis in education that nothing appears
valid as a discipline unless it has a utilitarian value may be challenged from the
perspective of the Platonist tradition. The ascent through philosophy to the vision of
Beauty in itself in Plato s Symposium affirms the perception of beauty or nobility as
the ultimate end and value of all knowledge. Marsilio Ficino s adaption of Plato in the
Renaissance articulates a more metaphysical ascent which broadens the objects of
knowledge in order to include the cosmos and the arts as well as philosophy. Together,
these two accounts provide a foundation for understanding the ordering of all
knowledge ... Show more content on ...
Of course, they are disappointed to discover that philosophy has more questions than
answers, and that there is no answer which has not been disputed. Nevertheless, they
approach the subject in the same spirit as traditional philosophical inquiry. In this
spirit, then, it is appropriate to seek an answer to the question, What is the value of
education? Indeed, this question presupposes an answer to an even more basic one:
What is education?
It is difficult to articulate responses to these questions. Can liberal education today
be really non utilitarian, as it was for Aristotle, motivated by pure curiosity and a
concern for excellence? (3) Such a response has the merit of joining battle directly
with the modern mentality, but it presupposes the system of moral and intellectual
virtues as defining human excellence. On the other hand, it is impossible to follow
the classical tradition and find a moral value in literature and the fine arts without
drawing critical distinctions regarding the moral value of particular works. This,
however, has long been foreclosed by the Kantian doctrine of the autonomy of
aesthetic judgment. (4) In any case, it is unclear what might be the source of moral
judgment in the modern world; the classical concept of virtue presupposed both a
concept of the soul and a concept of citizenship in a particular locality. (5) All three
concepts have largely disappeared in the modern
The Battle of Thermopylae began in 480 BC and was a...
The Battle of Thermopylae began in 480 BC and was a product of the Greeks
attempt help defend the Ionians from the Persians. This irritated the Persian
Emperor, Xerxes, because he thought of Greece as a small kingdom that had no
place revolting against the Persian Empire. The Athenians sympathized with the
Ionians because the Persians had also tried to invade Greece on multiple occasions.
The Athenians provided feeble help to the Ionians and in retaliation the Persians
struck at athens (23B). Xerxes was known to be irrational with his temper, and may
have thought of his invasion as retaliation for the fact that his father, Darius the
Great, was defeated at the Battle of Marathon against the Greeks. His temper was so
great that at Hellas... Show more content on ...
Demophilus was the general who came to Leonidas aid by leading eight hundred
Thebans and Thespians alongside the Spartans (A). On the opposing side, Xerxes
gained a lot of power in his home empire, Persia, by spreading propaganda claiming
that he was a God. He constructed a plan to invade Greece after the Ionian Revolt
and the Battle of Marathon. He was power crazed and angry, and although these
personality traits led him to gain power in the short term, they ultimately led to the
fall of the Persian Empire (A). Not many people know about Ephialtes, but he is in
part responsible for the Greek s loss. On the second day of the battle, Ephialtes
reported to the Persians that there was previously unknown flanking path that would
lead to a vulnerable access point behind the Spartan lines. This would ultimately
lead to the destruction of the Greek warriors (A). In addition to good leadership the
greeks developed and employed successful battle tactics, which they were able to
adapt to the topography, thus allowing them to sustain afight despite being grossly
outnumbered (C). The most important tactic was the Hoplite Phalax, which was a
wall of Greek infantry men with shields and long spears. This was effective for the
Greeks because the advancing Persians had to travel through a very narrow path
along the Malian Gulf to
Education Based On A Systematic Mapping Study Essay
In education, gamification has shown some encouraging results, since some of the
research done have report improvement in student engagement in forums, projects,
and other learning activities (Anderson et al. 2014; Caton and Greenhill 2013;
Akpolat and Slany 2014). Additionally, some studies have shown increase in
attendance, participation, and material downloads (Barata et al. 2013; Goehle
2013). Dicheva et al (2015) presented a literature review of the state of gamification
research in education based on a systematic mapping study. They presented the
tendencies of the studies analyzed based on the design principles, game features,
area of application, and academic subject covered. Their results showed that the most
popular game features used were points, badges, and leaderboards follow by Levels,
Virtual Goods, and Avatars. The badges were given for a wide variety of
achievements (e.g. for challenge achievements and participation achievements, for
learning time management, for reading content, or for performance)(Dicheva et al.
2015). Goehle (2013) presented the implementation of a levels and badges system in
an online mathematical homework program call WeBWorkK . They highlighted the
importance of careful design and implementation of the features to maintain
engagement and avoid frustrations. For example, the threshold of the level needed to
be carefully selected and a rapid feedback system of the student level and
achievements progress was implemented. Due to the
Is The Federal Reserve Accountable For Sub Prime
Final Project Part Two
Kevin Nozari
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
MBAA 523
October 1, 2015
Is the Federal Reserve Accountable for sub prime market economic disaster and its
sustainability in a post disaster U.S economy?
The most commonly known sub prime finance crisis came into illumination when a
sudden rise in home foreclosures in 2006 twirled seemingly out of control in 2007,
triggering a nationwide economic crisis that went worldwide within the year. The
greatest responsibility is pointed at the lenders who created such problems. It was
the lenders who, at the end of the day, lend finances to citizens with poor credit and a
high risk of failure to pay. When the Feds inundated the markets with growing capital
... Show more content on ...
The sub prime crisis affected, not only to the US, but it s footpath across the world.
The economic financial system across the world experienced suffering very badly,
thereby leading the deteriorating of the economy. According to numerous
economists, the crisis of 2008 was the most severe economic contraction, despite the
fact that it is less than the Great Depression. To preserve financial policy steadiness,
Federal Reserve applied conservative financial policy stimulus thereby decreasing the
federal resources rate to almost zero and becoming the lender of the last resort . Fed
created this new loan program to improve the deteriorating financial system.
In this paper, we will be using the log log model. The log log model used for the
demand for wealth (attuned for inflation). We will be using the M1, as a display, for
demand on wealth and interest rate as the illuminating variable affecting the demand
for wealth. Using the regression, we will study the hypothesis. For this paper, the
hypothesis used will talk about the connection between money and the interest rate.
The null hypothesis, in this case, will be the interest affecting the demand for
money in the economy. The data that we will be reviewing is from October 2008 to
October 2011, 3 years worth of data. This connection will give us the basic
understanding of the performance of the monetary policy in US economy after the
Research Review
In response to the financial disaster that had occurred
The Cable Guy And Ferris Bueller s Day Off
A man swerves his car into oncoming traffic, colliding with a car and killing two
women. He could not explain or remember changing lanes and instead of facing 5
years in jail for dangerous driving, he was fined $175. Would you class this as
injustice? Most people would until the name is publicised. Matthew Broderick, the
famous actor known for films such as The Cable Guy and Ferris Bueller s Day Off ,
got away with manslaughter.
I am speaking to you today to get justice for the families who have lost a loved one,
the photographers abused by self absorbed superstars and the security guards
attacked for doing their job. Celebrities are constantly allowed to get away with more
crime than non celebrities because they can sing, dance or act. They earn enough
money that they can afford top lawyers and even pay corrupt law systems for their
freedom. Heart strung fans on the jury make biased votes and the law is too terrified
of the outrage that could occur if a beloved celebrity was put to justice. ... Show more
content on ...
Since when is the punishment a person receives dependent on the amount of money
they have and not the severity of the crime. With this philosophy guilty billionaires
can commit murder with no repercussions except a slap on the wrist whereas
innocent citizens that can t afford a lawyer are being put away in jail for petty
crimes. Yes, celebrities have earnt the money by choosing a business that pays
thousands for an attractive person that can sing but why are we allowing these
people to believe that they are above the law? Because the government is
Wonder Boys Thesis
After a long semester of waiting we finally get to watch the film that was promised
to us simply titled Wonder Boys. I ve never heard of this movie before December
3rd so I was quite intrigued to see why my professor was so enthused by the mere
thought of it. So I patiently waited (which by the way is not a thing I do often) for
the following Tuesday to come hoping that it wouldn t suck. After two days of
watching the filmI was not let down, my previous pessimistic thoughts were
violently drop kicked off of the nearest tower. Not saying it s the best movie ever, but
I can honestly say that I thoroughly enjoyed this film. Following Grady Tripp through
clouds of marijuana we witness his affair with the Chancellor of his university, meet...
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So after we learn that this dog is in fact blind, which is ironic seeing as he s sees
clear as day while his owner the chairman is the only one blind to the secret affair.
Tripp goes outside to snow covered backyard, there he sees his student James Leer
holding what seems to be a gun. James assures Tripp that the gun is fake and it
shoots bottle caps. Tripp gets James to come inside the Chancellor s home with
him so see Marilyn Monroe s jacket. After hearing a sound of someone coming
under stairs Tripp goes to see who it was soon after the chairman s dog bites Tripp.
Hearing Tripp scream James shoots the dog with the gun he claimed was a fake
killing the dog. Throughout the movie they keep this dead dog in Tripp s back
trunk which symbolizes to me the weight or pressure keeping Tripp from writing
his next book. Tripp was unable to finish his book which tied in with how Tripp
lived his life. I don t think Tripp was the type to want to choose or take control of
his own life. He was married to a woman who he wasn t even happy being with
while working as a professor which he didn t seem to care for. He didn t do what
made him happy and he left things incomplete or up in the wind. Not sure if he
really wanted to just let his wife leave or start something real with his lover he
decided to ignore those things hoping
Austrobilharzia Variglandis Is A Swimmer s Itch
The common name of Austrobilharzia Variglandis is a swimmer s itch.
What does your worm look like? The Austrobilharzia Variglandis looks like a long,
thin fish with two sharp ends or fins at the end of it.
What is the life cycle of your worm? The life cycle of my worm is eggs are passed
in waste, the eggs then hatch and release miracidia, the parasite develops in a
molluscan intermediate host, humans are exposed to the dermatitis producing
cercariae, cercariae then makes it s way to the skin of birds and their blood vessels.
Where are the eggs laid? They lay their eggs inside the host animal. Where do the
adult worms live? The adult worms are found in the blood vessels where they make
eggs that are then passed to waste.
What type of climate does the worm live in? The climate in which swimmer s itch
lives is wet. ... Show more content on ...
The disease a swimmer s itch causes is a cutaneous inflammatory response usually
connected with stabbing of the skin by cercariae of bird schistosomes.
In what area/region of the world is this disease predominantly found? This disease is
mostly found in the United States, most heard in Great Lakes region.
What are the symptoms of this disease? The symptoms of this disease are reddening
and itching of the skin in water.
Who/what are hosts of your worm/disease? The hosts of my worm/disease are ducks.
Nassarius obsoletus and snails are the transitional hosts for this species.
What are the risk factors of developing this disease? A host is most likely to contract
the swimmers itch disease
How is the disease transmitted? The disease is passed on from one organism to
another under the clothes worn by swimmers where the organisms are trapped after
the person leaves the
The Politics of Massachusetts throughout the Ages Essay
The Politics of Massachusetts
The Constitution Drafted in 1779, the Constitution of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts is the oldest functioning written constitution in the world. Drafted by
none other than John and Samuel Adams, along with John Bowdoin, it served as a
model for our own nation s Constitution. It features a structure, composed of chapters,
sections and articles, vastly more organized than any other state constitution of its
time. Within this document, rights of the citizens, and the framework of the states
government is outlined. While it has changed over the years, it manages to paint a
picture of the inner workings of Massachusetts politics. Some remarkable features in
Massachusetts Constitution are ideas which were ... Show more content on ...
Outlining the powers of the President of the institution to improve education, as
well as calling attention to the importance of literature. These key features would
lead to Massachusetts becoming one of the forefronts of education in the world.
The executive branch, as outlined in the Constitution, is composed of a Governor,
a Lt. Governor, as well as numerous councilors from amongst the state. The
governor is the only person allowed to suspend the laws, and must review every
bill and law before it is passed. He, or she, is the Commander in Chief of the
militia, and appoints all judicial officers. However, these powers are limited, as
the legislative body may supersede the power of the governor with a 2/3 majority
vote in both houses. Furthermore, the other members of the Executive branch are
elected separately, unlike many of the governors of the country, the Lieutenant
Governor, as well as the councilors, Secretary, Treasurer, and Commissary, are
elected into office, and keep the governor in check. This limits the power of the
governor greatly, primarily only allowing the governor to recommend budget plans,
and guide the General Court in his own direction. The governor may reduce items
or parts of items in bills appropriating money, with reason provided, but is mostly at
the mercy of the councilors. The legislature of the Commonwealth, is bicameral,
much like our Congress, it is composed of a Senate and a House of Representatives.
The Senate, made up of 40
The Effect of Steriods in Major League Baseball Essay
Baseball is known as America s pastime and is one of the most popular, respected
sports on earth. Since the beginning of the sport, it seemingly advances with
technology every year making faster and stronger players. The use of steroids
became rampant and spread among players and has carried them away from the true
history of the game they play. Controversy still today runs around the sport today
about fines, punishments and record breaking. The past two decades of Major
League Baseballhave been tainted because of the use of performance enhancing
drugs, also known as steroids, causing the loss of many fans and the true meaning of
America s favorite sport.
In the early 80 s many professional players began to discover steroids, but Major ...
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A suspension from an entire season and thousands of dollars of fine were issued
and that seemed light with talks of being banned from baseball floating between the
two parties. Major League Baseball took the right direction in the situation making
an example of this group of players and especially Rodriguez (Quinn, Fish, and
Gomez). This no tolerance policy could hopefully put a stop to the use of steroid in
this great sport and get the game back to its original form.
One of the most controversial subjects in Major League Baseball is that of hall of
fame voting. Players who have tested positive should not be eligible for the hall of
fame ballot. This is a great honor for players who are truly great and play the game
the right way. The hall of fame has no room for players who try to gain unfair
advantages through performance enhancing drugs. One of the greatest players of
all time, Pete Rose, was denied from the Baseball Hall of Fame do betting on his
games. This shows how seriously the voters take being inducted. Players who have
tested positive for steroids should be banned from the hall of fame, which is what
Major League Baseball is moving toward. Another issue is players who have broken
records and tested positive for steroids during the period they broke the record.
Although increased speed and arm strength have also been linked to the use of
steroids, home run statistics have glaringly
Aziz In A Passage To India
Why talk about the English? Brrrr...! An Outlook on Aziz s Attempts to Bridge the
Gap A Passage To India by E. M. Forster is a rich, postcolonial novel delving into
the possibility of sustaining a personal friendship between an English person and an
Indian person. This topic is being discussed in the beginning of the novel at the home
of Hamidullah, ... they were discussing as to whether or no(t) it is possible to be
friends with an Englishman. Mahmoud Ali argued that it was not, Hamidullah
disagreed, but with so many reservations... (Forster 7) Aziz, who the novel centers
around, has the disposition to just shut them out and ignore them and all will be jolly.
Of course, later, we find Aziz does not shut them out and rather... Show more content
on ...
She naturally brings criminal charges against him and ruins any chances of that
relationship continuing. I see no point in elaborating on this subject because it is
so cut and dry. This relationship did not last and was destined for failure from that
prig of an Englishwoman. Mrs. Moore and Aziz s relationship is a bit more tangled
than the cut and dry experience with Ms. Quested. Aziz only has three meetings
with Mrs. Moore. Both characters have this great fondness for the other with no
substance. They have some superficial similarities and Aziz proclaims she s
Oriental! It seems like both want an unconventional friendship so acutely they
immediately gravitate towards this love that transcends race lines. When Fielding
misses the train and Aziz realizes he ll be alone with the two women his feelings
from the mosque come rushing back for Mrs. Moore, She was perfect as always,
his dear Mrs. Moore. (Forster 145) But there is no real substance to their friendship
only feelings and emotions. Fielding accurately describes the real relationship
between the two, to Aziz on the roof after the trial, You are so fantastic.... Miss
Quested, you won t treat her generously;... Miss Quested anyhow behaved decently
this morning, whereas the old lady never did anything for you at all. (Forster 282)
Fielding is absolutely correct, Mrs. Moore never actually does anything for Aziz
except be a friendly, slightly senile old lady. In fact
Education and Welfare
Education is the key staple to furthering the life standard for all humans. So why is it
that the collectors of welfare and public aid are statistically the ones with the least
amount of education? Within this paper I plan to address this issue and those that
contribute to education, or lack there of, for welfarerecipients. I feel this issue has a
great deal to do with race, gender and lack of equality in all aspects of public policy.
Let us start at the beginning. Most women on welfare were raised in homes that
collected welfare. This is the first major issue. Unfortunately, poverty and collection
of welfare are often an issue that relate mostly to women with children. Not men or
married families, but women who are in turn the ... Show more content on ...
Therefore making it possible for them to get higher paying jobs and support their
families without help. According to the National Institute for Literacy it could take
В•900 hours of education and training for minimally (similar to high school dropouts
/NALS Level 1) skilled welfare women to move up to the basic level (similar to
below average high school graduates /NALS Level 2);
В•200 hours of education and training for basic skilled recipients to move up to the
competent level (similar to people with some postsecondary education/NALS Level
3); and
В•200 hours for competent skilled welfare women to move up to advanced skill level
(similar to people with a bachelor s degree or more/NALS Level 4/5).
According to this information, if the States would put the money into training and
educational classes for literacy, specialized trade and post secondary education it
would greatly decrease dependence. However many states choose not to implement
such programs and choose only to get welfare recipients into the workforce with
minimal training prior. When states choose such options it often leaves the recipient
and their family in poverty. Also, with the new limits on availability of public aid
being reduced to 5 years, if the new job that they are forced to take does not work
out, they can not go back to welfare because time limits have run out.
Barry Callebaut Mission Statement
Introduction Barry Callebaut is one of the largest cocoa producers worldwide with an
average annual production estimated to be around 1.7 million tons of coca. In year
1996, the merging of Belgian chocolate producer Callebaut and French company
Cacao Barry took place. In the present the company s headquarter is in Zurich,
Switzerland. The company s mission statement is clear, which is to improve the life
conditions of their farmers and the community, through improved productivity and
helping in community development. In order to do so, they ensure that their farmers
are earning an equitable income, in addition caring for their health and the well being
of their families too. Since cocoa communities are mostly located in remote areas,
they often have limited infrastructure development. Barry Callebautis concerned with
this issue... Show more content on ...
They respect all rules and laws regarding food safety and they follow all regulations
at their plants and workplaces. Any threat to a product or even bad quality sold to
their customers, the company takes immediate action by reporting to their managers
and eliminating the problem immediately.
7 Community involvement and development
73,600 people reached the company because of their community activities. Barry
Callebaut works on community development through child protection and other
ways. They provide training for their farmers in order to help them increase their
capabilities. In addition, the company is engaged in raising awareness of child labor
issues, addressing basic education and health needs, and improves life conditions of
their employees.
Code of Conduct
Barry Callebaut follows principles and guidelines that reflect their reality in the
workforce. Major principles are:
Product safety and quality
Conflict in interest
Gifts, hospitality and entertainment
Fair competition
Corruption and
Semiotic Analysis of Usmc s Commercial The Climb
We can learn a lot from watching television. A viewer can distinguish differences
between what societies believes as appealing or desirable versus what is off putting
or unwanted. The power of television exposes us to values and concepts, realistic or
unrealistic, which shape how we see and react to ideas. An example of television
shaping our beliefs can found when watching videos such as the United States Marine
Corpsrecruiting commercials. Using a semiotic analysis of a 2001 USMC recruiting
commercial entitled The Climb, a viewer can analyze the given signs and symbols
throughout the video that make being part of the USMC not only something to be
desired, but a characteristic value to be honored as well.
Berger says that signs and ... Show more content on ...
19). For the man in the video, a story is being told of his journey or his difficult
climb towards what the video voices as his destiny among the world s greatest
warriors. In the span of 60 seconds, while we follow the man climbing we can see
images that are first placed as the sole image we see on screen (instead of the man
climbing). The images are then transferred onto the rock walls at different intervals
of his climb. This sort of transference from an image being all that we see on screen
to being placed on the walls suggest that the particular event is what the man will
soon experience and is something that the man is growing closer to reaching.
Furthermore on the diachronic analysis, each of the particular events shown in the
video is significant to the development of the man s character as a U.S. Marine.
The first image we see on the rock wall is a man in uniform. There are two things
to note here. First, the man in uniform is, in fact, the climber. This sign signifies
that the man sees the person who he wants to be and that his goal of becoming that
man can be reached once he gets to the top, having to fully dedicate himself to the
feat of climbing the large rock. The second thing to note is the actual camera shot of
the image of the man in uniform in this scene. It is between a close up (face only) to
medium shot (most of the
Short Term Effects Of Reconstruction
There were many short term and long term effects of the Civil War. After the Civil
War through 1896, the North and South tried to reunite the United States through
Reconstruction to avoid being attacked by other countries. While the government
tried to solve key problems facing the nation, their solutions were short term and
failed to address the problem. Due to many people disagreeing about these solutions
the government was coming up with, there were many battles over Reconstruction
that did not work out for many people. After all the struggling and disagreeing the
American people finally brought an end to Reconstruction. Rebuilding the nation, The
battle over Reconstruction, and the end of Reconstruction all had many short and
long term effects. After the war, the government tried to solve key problems facing
the nation. The 10% Plan was proposed by Abraham Lincolnand its purpose was to
end Reconstruction quickly. It pardoned all Ex Confederates in the South as long
as they apologized, it would only need ten percent of the voters in each state to
swear allegiance to the Union, and did not offer any type of equality to the
Freedmen. The 10% Plan was a short term effect because Lincoln was assassinated
by John Wilkes Booth in 1865, and after he was killed and Vice President Andrew
Johnsontook over the idea of the 10% Plan disappeared. Another attempt to end
Reconstruction by the government was proposed by the Radical Republicans in
congress and was the complete
The Needs of Our Society s Neglected Kids Discussed in...
In the book titled Finding fish: a memoir, the author addresses the need of our
society s neglected children to find love, safety and protection. Many children like
Antwone are subjected to different types of abuse such as: physical, emotional and
sexual. Foster care was an option for Antwone. Foster care is the placement for
children outside the custody of their parents or legal guardians after court finding
that the children have been abused or neglected. The court may also find the child to
be a person in need of supervision or have committed delinquent acts. The foster care
is a social service system with many component parts and complex interrelationships
between those parts (Downs, Moore and McFadden, 2009, p.274). Social... Show
more content on ...
213). Physical abuse is the most common type of child maltreatment. Boys and
girls are about equally likely to be physically abused. Physical abuse include:
hitting, kicking, shaking, throwing, burning, stabbing or shocking the child
(Downs, Moore and McFaden, 2009, pg. 211). Lastly, according to Downs, Moore
and McFadden sexual abuse is an act of a person, adult or child, which forces,
coerces, or threatens a child to have any form of sexual contact or to engage in any
type of sexual activity at the perpetrator s direction (2009,p214). The terms of
sexual abuse encompasses a wide range of behaviors which are the follow:
fondling, making a child touch an adult s sexual organs and penetrating a child s
vagina or anus (Downs, Moore and McFaden, 2009, p.214). Among the abuses
Antwone was subjected to, he was a victim of repeated sexual abuse. He did not
receive adequate supervision and he was always hoping that someone would find
out and stop the abuse. Surprisingly, The Child and Family services Review
(CFSR) report that the child instances of child maltreatment is less that one percent
for children in out of home care (Federal Resister, 2006, p.s32980, as cited in Downs,
Moore and McFadden, 2009, p.309). Downs, Moore, McFadden
Lisa The Iconoclast And The Simpsons
The short story An Enemy of the People and the Simpsons episode Lisa the
Iconoclast both deal with themes of obtaining new information and deciding whether
to then release that information in the best interests of the public based on
consequences that do not only impact themselves but those important to them. In An
Enemy of the People , Dr. Stockmann has discovered information regarding the town
s public baths, that the water has been contaminated and any future use of the
facilities could lead to severe illness. In Lisa the Iconoclast , during Springfield s
bicentennial celebrations, Lisa Simpsondiscovers that the town founder, Jebediah
Springfield is really Hans Sprungfeld, a murderous pirate who had tried to kill George
Washington. In both stories there are also consequences for the Stockmann and
Simpson families. Though there are ultimately major differences as to the conclusion
of each of the stories regarding their decision to withhold or release the information
based on the public opinion. One of the most important themes that both these stories
share is the existence of knowledge that the protagonists believe is important to share
for the good of the community. For Dr. Stockmann it is the baths and their
contamination, for Lisa Simpsons it is the true identity of Springfield s founder. Dr.
Stockmann learns about this new information, after sending away a sample of the
town s water to a major university. When the results are returned, he is shocked to find
Roman Twelve Table Essay
What does it Say?
The Roman Twelve tables are twelve tables that were created as a code of law.
Each table explains the title of that code/law thoroughly. The tables are as follows:
Table 1: Procedure: for courts and trials. Table 2: Trials, continued. Table 3: Debt.
Table 4: Rights of fathers (paterfamilias) over the family. Table 5: Legal
guardianship and inheritance laws. Table 6: Acquisition and possession. Table 7:
Land rights. Table 8: Torts and delicts (Laws of injury). Table 9: Public law. Table
10: Sacred law. Table 11: Supplement Me. And Table 12: Supplement II.
What was it designed to do?
The Roman Twelve Tableswas mostly designed for what was considered an
agricultural community. They were designed to restrain Roman citizens from
committing certain unappreciable acts ... Show more content on ...
For the time it was written it does a good job at covering most of the basis
especially for the agricultural community that Rome was. Comparing the twelve
tables to the essence of our governmental policies now I can see where some things
from then have been applied to our rules of governing in modern times. Some of
those things that our still applicable today come from table 1, those being: Everyone
is innocent until proven otherwise, everyone has the right to defend themselves in
front of a judge, and the judge must take every piece of evidence into
The Day Of The Locust Analysis
Victims of America It s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep
to believe it. George Carlin. In the novel, the Day of the Locust, Nathanael West is
able to depict the falsity behind the American Dream. West sees Hollywood s version
of the phenomenon known as the American Dream as a myth that many people fall
victim to, which is shown through the recurring themes of despair in the novel.
Through the characters of The Day of the Locust, Nathaniel West is able to illustrate
the dangers of the Hollywood dream. According to Christenson The virtues that were
once associated with the dream have all but disappeared from the societies depicted
in American literature as the quest for fame, fortune, and power has replaced... Show
more content on ...
As time passes, the goals of millennials adapt to the nature of society. With new age
media and technology, the modern generation see celebrities and their lavish
lifestyle daily. The new generation is inclined to think that fame and money is the
lifestyle one should desire. Hollywood is the mecca of celebrities, and this is
where the new American Dream is located. Hollywood transformed the definition
of the American dream. Many consider it the Hollywood dream, which consists of
the fast life. Satires of Hollywood reveal the extent to which the Hollywood Dream
has subverted and ultimately replaced the position of the American Dream in
American culture. Per James Cook (8). Fast money, popularity/fame, the beautiful
women/men at your disposal, and having people wish they were you. Celebrities
appear to be the face of the Hollywood dream. People from far and wide come to
Hollywood to achieve this prosperous life and fulfill their acting careers. However,
similar to the American Dream, this is all just a myth. No matter how hard one may
work, they just won t be able to fulfill their dreams. Cook articulates The primary
concern of the Hollywood Dream, unlike the American Dream, is ends not means (9)
Many millennials tend to only focus on the end result, and disregard the
The Concept Of The Jumping Robot
ABSTRACT: Depending upon the type of terrain an¬¬d application, robot
motion varies from simple translatory motion to complex motions like walking,
jumping, climbing. Jumping is a preferred mode over others when it comes to
crossing obstacles that are of a size larger than the robots own body. It is better to
jump over a terrain with irregular surface, debris, ground cracks than climbing and
crossing over them. A new mechanism for increasing the usefulness of ground robots
in surveillance applications has been proposed, which adds a jumping ability to the
existing wheeled motion. The operations of wheeled movement and the jumping
mechanism are independent of each other. The configuration for a two wheeled
jumping robot is defined, the jumping... Show more content on ...
The robot will be driven with two motorized wheels and a balancing tail which will
provide the third point of contact. The jumping action will be obtained with the aid of
the tail. The task is to tug the tail within the body of the robot, preserving the normal
reaction force with the ground and then releasing it as it produces the energy to lift
the robot body off the ground. Fig 1. Conceptual 3D model of the Jumping Robot
Existing methods to activate the tail on a wheeled robot are winching
mechanism[4][5] and pneumatics[6][7] .In winching an additional actuator,
required to hold the sheet in a coiled state increases the power requirements and
also adds extra weight to the body of the robot. For pneumatics, the size of the
robot increases due to the compressor involved. Also the number of firings that can
be produced are limited. Any drop in the pressure of compressed air will also lead
to malfunctioning of the jumping mechanism. Considering the difficulties faced
above, the proposed system shall make use of compression springs. The tail will be
spring loaded. Concepts have been generated to provide best fit for the defined
(a) Rack and Pinion
Greek Life Should Be Banned Off Of College Campuses
Over several decades, Greek life has been an integral part of colleges and universities
throughout the United States. There is a high demand of fitting in in today s society
and a question that students, parents, and teachers alike often ask themselves is,
Does Greek life provide a more safe or harmful environment? With strong evidence, it
is absolutely absurd to believe that fraternities and sororitiesdo more good than they
do harm. Various statistics provide factual evidence as to why Greek life is a toxic
and dangerous environment for many young adults. Between the rapeculture, hazing,
and delinquency linked to the students associated with Greek life, it is time that it
comes to an end for good so that students may have a more safe and enjoyable
college experience. Fraternities and Sororities should be banned off of college
and university campuses due to the danger and drama associated with them. First
off, colleges and universities should ban Greek life on campuses for obvious
reasons, the first being rape culture. Sexual violence is not something to be swept
under the rug and brushed off. It continues to be a massive problem everywhere in
America, and colleges are no exception. An article by The Guardian states, Frat
brothers rape 300% more. One in five women are sexually assaulted on campus
(Valenti, 2014). Looking at that statistic in real terms, 20% of females on a college
campus will be sexually assaulted before they graduate. This evidence clearly
Research Paper On Pretty Little Liars
Pretty Little Liars is an American teen drama, mystery and thriller television series
based on the popular book series, written by Sara Shepard. For those who have
never heard of Pretty Little Liars, the show is based around a group of four female
friends who become engrossed in a missing persons case. The queen bee of their
group, Alison, goes missing and the remaining friends find themselves being
blackmailed by an anonymous source, A, who seems to know an awful lot of their
secrets. TV shows come in many different variations. Pretty Little Liars may not be
the first teen targeting show in its generation, shows such as Vampire Diaries, Teen
Wolf and Gossip Girl fall in this category. Yet, Pretty Little Liars has criteria that
stands out among the rest. The captivating show sucks in over 2.972 million viewers
a week and has won awards such as Choice... Show more content on
There s a fair amount of mature language, and some misguided choices that the
characters make that lead them into dangerous situations, all of which is made
possible by an extreme lack of parental influence on the show. However, most kids
say the show is watchable and appropriate for their peers age ten and up. In spite of
these reviews, I believe the action and mysterious aspect of the show is not too
scary and I m usually a total wimp when it comes to scary movies or TV shows.
Pretty Little Liars is more suspenseful than other shows and some storylines are
just a little bit creepy, As for the age appropriate aspect, I believe the show is not
the cleanest, but in the world we live in today most kids under the age of 12 are
watching teen based shows with inappropriate storylines. The show is not only for
teens. My mom and some older adults I know, also watch the nail bitingly good
show. The fan base is mainly girls but guys can certainly watch and enjoy it
Storyboard Analysis
To accomplish Mr. Clarke s group project, we have chosen two media to remediate.
The two media that we have chosen for this group project is a poster and a
storyboard .Our group had chosen the speech People and Peace and not Profits and
War by Shirley Chisholm; coming to an agreement on choosing the text from the
lines 42 48 in Chisholm speech. In addition, the two media will represent that the
people/citizens are living in poverty and neglect; while, the Defense Department is
in the highest state that they can be in. The two media that our group has chosen to
remediate will have a correlation with Chisholm s speech to express her meaning
out to the world for the people to hear. For the poster that our group had created for
one of the media,... Show more content on ...
The title of our storyboard is 2 Years . The title represents the Kairos that was used
in Chisholm speech, Two more years. Two more years of... (Chisholm). Kairos is
sometime used as a rhetorical device to make an argument successful. In addition
to the storyboard, we decided to represent the three main parts of the excerpt. One
of the main lines of the excerpt is ...death for our best young men ... (Chisholm).
Therefore, for the remediation that our group had created, we chose to place a boy
lying down in the city to represent the death of the young boy. This medium was the
most difficult for our group to compose because of the technical difficulties. Though
these difficulties for our group will affect our decision in the future by choosing to
stay away from the computers and stick to paper projects. The second main part of
the excerpt is ...not having good education... (Chisholm). As a result, our group had
chosen to put the books on fire while the kids are watching their education go to
waste. As for the last remediation of the three main points of the speech, we had
chosen to remediate was placed dollar signs on the houses to represent the Defense
Department. In Chisholm speech she had stated that Cancerous growth of Defense
Department... (Chisholm). Meaning that the Defense Department was wealthy and
What Is Pythias A Tyrant
The story of Damon and Pythias is a perfect example of what the highest point of
what friendship can be. The story also shows what a tyrant is by the series of
events that occur within the story. In addition the story so far is about two
noblemen named Damon and Pythias, they are what it means to have a perfect
friendship. They would risk their life for each other in any given situation. Then the
worst of them all occurs, King Dionysius a treacherous ruler who fits the
description of what a tyrant is has a dream that Pythias is going to overthrow him
from his title as king. Pythias was accused of trying to overthrow King Dionysius
with no way to prove his innocence to the king s liking, and was then sentenced to
death. The king was going to
Class Inequality In Karl Marx And The Propertyless Class
However, with respect towards the property class, there are certain elements that
challenge this idea. One of these elements in particular is the propertyless class. One
may note that the definition of the term propertyless class may be conceptualised as
the class interests that are negatively privileged with respect to property belonging
typically to one of the following types:
1.They themselves objects of ownership, thus in essence they are unfree.
2.They are considered to be outcasts or proletarians.
3.They are considered to be a debtor class, as they have accumulated large amounts
of debts for loans and mortgages in order to pay outstanding bills.
One may clearly conclude that a major challenge towards class status with regards to
the property class is the idea that if one is unskilled, ... Show more content on ...
Karl Marx believes that the capitalist system spawns the concept of class and the
struggles these classes face within this systematic ideology. In order for one to
understand Marx s conceptualisation of class struggle, one needs to first understand
the definition of capitalism, which may be defined as an economic and political
system in which a country s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for
profit, rather than by the state (Hornby, 2016). Marx believes that there are triggers
that provoke the idea of class struggle; these triggers include exploitation and
One may note that economic alienation under capitalism means that man is alienated
in daily activities which includes the very work he/she fashions a living. In addition,
one may also note that there are four aspects to economic alienation, which include:
the object of labour, the process of production, alienated from themselves and fellow
Super Size Me Documentary
Over the years Obesity has become a big problem in america for many reasons.
The number of deaths obesity had caused is a very large number and will continue
to rise. Luckily, the Super Size Me documentary did a good job at explaining the
risks of fast food and has brought me to realize how important it is to to control the
amount of fast foodyou eat. Watching this documentary I have obtained lots of useful
information and it definitely got my attention about the world wide problem of
The Super Size Me documentary was very informative and brought me to realize
my own diet. It also made me start to think about how I could possibly change to
live a more healthy lifestyle. As we all know living an obese lifestyle may cause
life threatening problems such as heart attacks, types of cancer, and more often than
not you will have mobility issues and a possible need to be hospitalized. Knowing
this I ve decided fast food ... Show more content on ...
In comparison to what was mentioned in the movie I personally don t exercise as
much as I should, but I also try not to eat out that much and cook healthier meals.
However, since watching the documentary it really stressed the point of exercising,
and made me want to exercise more to feel better mentally and physically. Super
Size Me made me want to be a healthier person.
Although this documentary got the point eating fast food regularly is very
unhealthy across I thought it was a little ridiculous to go on a mcdonald s binge
eating nothing but their food for a whole month. I also thought it was a little
unrealistic because not a lot of people only eat Mcdonald s as their diet, there is
always something else instead of that. However, it is still not okay to eat poorly
more often than not, but I did like how he really showed the long term effects caused
by eating that
Meursault Thesis Statement
Meursault should be allowed to live because he acted out of self defense. Although
he was not in immediate danger when he shot it was clear that there was not any
chance that the Arab man brought out the knife just to have a friendly chat with
Meursault. If he had waited to make sure that the man was going to hurt him it would
risk the man either throwing the knife and mortally wounding Meursault or possibly
just being able to get close enough to stab Meursault. The moment that the two of
them met alone, both wielding dangerous weapons was the moment that they both
realized that there was no possible way that they were both walking away from that
beach alive. Although with that being said there were other ways to possibly disable
the Arab or... Show more content on ...
Meursault s lack of motivation and care about everything was shown to even give in
to him just being killed. Although he has a change of heart later on during and
before the trial Meursault was shown to not really care about the whole ordeal and
has already accepted the fact that he will be punished for the murder of the Arab. A
quote that shows just how much he really cares about his own life was shown when
he was first brought to the police. I said that I thought my case was pretty simple
(Camus.63). This quote demonstrates his acceptance of the fact that he did commit a
crime and that he should be punished. It also shows how fast he is to give up in a
desperate situation. He later when the verdict is announced didn t seem that shocked
by being put to the death penalty. This fact shows that he is either in agreement with
the verdict or he has already come to terms with what he
Diamond Industry Analysis Essay
Industry Analysis
Diamond Industry
(Gem Based diamonds)
The Diamond industry is essentially broken up into 3 segments: 1. Industrial
Diamonds natural and synthetic diamonds that are used in a wide range of
manufacturing processes for their physical properties. 2. Jewelry Diamonds rough
diamonds cut for use as gemstones in jewelry. 3. Investment Diamonds high quality
large gemstones, often with special characteristics, purchased for investment.
The Jewelry and Investment segments together represent 83 percent of the value of
rough diamonds produced. The industry is controlled as a monopoly by the De Beers
diamond company which operates from South Africa and London. The wholesale
trade and cutting of diamonds is limited to only ... Show more content on ...
Alrosa s sales in 2005 accounted for US$ 2.5 billion, 1.7% growth to 2004.
BHP Billiton
BHP Billiton describes itself as the world s largest mining company having 38,000
employees working in more than 100 operations in approximately 25 countries. In
fact, the company does not concentrate on diamond production but also on iron, coal,
petroleum, bauxite, aluminium, manganese and copper amongst other materials.
BHP Billiton was formed in 2001 through a merger of the Australian Broken Hill
Proprietary Company (BHP) and the British Billiton that had extensive operations in
South Africa.
The Australian BHP operates 60 % of the business and the British Billton the other
40%. Even though the companies operate as one business with one board of
directors and a single management structure, they are listed separately on the stock
exchange. The company sales in 2006 accounted to US$36 billion with a growth of
21.3% compared to 2005 and a net income of US$10 billion, 53.1% growth compared
to 2005.
Rio Tinto Group
To be a competitor in the diamond industry, a company has to be one of the largest
mining companies. Rio Tinto Group falls right behind BHP, they employee over
32,000 employees. The Group s major products include aluminum, copper, diamonds,
energy products, gold, industrial minerals (borates, titanium dioxide, salt and talc),
and iron. It is strongly represented in Australia and North America (accounting for
about 40%
The Conflict And Conflict Management Strategies
Robbins and Judge define conflict as a process that begins when one party perceives
another party has or is about to negatively affect something that is cared about. There
is a variety of conflicts that individuals will encounter within their lives. Knowing and
understating the conflict cycle and understanding conflictmanagement strategies will
help individuals solve conflict in a reasonable manner (Robbins Judge, 2014).
Discussing Contentious Issues/ Bringing Conflict into the Open When managers
are faced with discussing contentious issues or having to bring up conflict within
their organizations, there are several steps that they can take to ensure that all goes
smoothly. A process should be put in place that ensures that all individuals feel safe
when bringing up ideas and thoughts. Managers must prepare and plan for what
might come their way. Goals and objectives of the discussion must be clear to all
involved. Goals should be put in writing and a range of potential outcomes should be
shared (Robbins Judge, 2014, p. 315 316). Next ground rules should be established.
Grounds rules are a list of expected behaviors that individuals must portray during a
discussion/meeting. The following are a list of ground rules that could be helpful
when discussing contentious issues.
Don t interrupt
Give everyone equal time to speak
No outside interruptions (cell phones, etc.)
Be respectful of other people s opinions
Address the issue, don t attack the
What Is Job Analysis
According to Maimunah, 2014, Job analysis is a method of understanding a job to
studying the knowledge, experiences, skills and others essential qualitification that
necessary to perform the job. Job analysis cab be done through combination of
interviews, questionnaire and observation by a researchers.
Job analysis is subsequently organized and compile in job description. Job analysis
is a technique of studying a job to identify the skills, knowledge, experience, and
other requirements necessary to perform the job. Job analysis is useful in the process
of recruitment and selection. It also one of important steps to do the job evaluation
process and the process usually are repeated.
Job analysis is conducted to obtain current and reliable information about job in order
to make a better management decision. This will help for the organisation to save
money, increase productivity and others. ... Show more content on ...
This job analysis is to give the employee or the new comer appropriate training and
to setup the objective for them to perform their task so that they can easily to be
assessed and managed in the organisation.
In the organisation, job analysis is important to use because its combine this three
type of collecting data. That is interviews, questionnaires and observations. This
combination is to help the employer to get more specific information and they will
be more specific in giving task to their employee and to know the specific position to
In this research, job analysis is used as the main objective. The combination of
interview, questionnaire and observation are use as the medium to get the
information. The focus of this study is to get more information about a certain job
position but in the different organisation and to focus how this job analysis helps the
organisation to make decision for they own
Arneson s Argument Of Degradation Of The Surrogate
Anderson s second argument is that of degradation of the surrogate. This thinking
may be true in some cases, but not all. Anderson makes the comparison of surrogates
to a hatchery. Again, Anderson herself degrades surrogates by removing their
autonomy and projecting them as docile and incompetent creatures who cannot enter
into a contract without being exploited. Arneson rebuts this assertion by asking the
question why is it permissible for a womanto act as a surrogate for a friend or family
member (Altruistic Surrogacy) but as soon as money is entered into the equation
(Commercial Surrogacy), it becomes morally unacceptable. Arneson s point that the
exchange of money for the service of surrogacy does not make the practice
intrinsically harmful,... Show more content on ...
Pande tries to shed more light on the economic and psychological empowerment and
opportunity surrogacy has given women. Surrogates are introduced to medical
services that are normally not accessible to them. Over the course of her research,
Pande shifted her position and stated that the practice of surrogacy needs to be
prohibited, and came to view surrogacy as ethical work that needs regulation in order
not to exploit the women and babies. She believes surrogate mothers must be given
the right to organize in labor unions and negotiate with the intended parents.
Pande thinks the long range solution is to relax surrogacy regulation in other
countries so that people don t need to leave their home countries to find surrogate
mothers. She proposed an international model of surrogacy founded on openness and
transparency on three fronts: in the structure of payments, in the medical process, and
in the relationships forged within surrogacy.
Opinion will continue to be divided on whether commercial surrogacy arrangements
devalue children and women in intangible ways. But what has become clear is that
well designed regulation can greatly mitigate most of the potential tangible harms of
surrogacy, and this would seem to be the appropriate function of law in a liberal
society in response to an issue on which no societal consensus
Keep It Heart Healthy
Preventive measures are imperative in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease
(CVD). De Backer mentions that having a lifestyle incorporating poor diet, lack of
physical activity, and smoking greatly contributes to the risk factors of individuals
with CVD (2017). Prevention is my method for reducing the incidence of
cardiovascular disease. My proposed policy, Keep It Heart Healthy, is to address
the CVD risk concerns of African American (AA) women ages 25 to 45. With a
higher occurrence of cardiovascular disease occurring more in African American
women than women of other races, this campaign will target a majority of
individuals who are at risk. Most women at the age range of 25 to 45 are fairly
healthy which will allow me to focus on preventive methods. Few programs are
available for African Americans to be educated and introduced interventions to
reduce the risk of CVD. It is possible to significantly improve risk behaviors for AA
and adherence to interventions when culture appropriateness is taken into account
(Brown, et al., 2017).... Show more content on ...
Keep It Heart Healthy could be enacted to assist in the Healthy People 2020 goal to
improve cardiovascular health and quality of life through prevention, detection, and
treatment of risk factors (2010). My campaign to reach out to AA women in
educating them about CVD risk factors and measure to prevent will assist in
improving the cardiovascular health of the women. The program will be a new
regulation and can become an intervention in the prevention of heart disease and
stroke. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in African American women in
the United States which is why there is a need for health education and promotion
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). Existing campaigns such as the
CDC s advocacy program in preventing heart disease would be a guideline in creating
my proposed
Historical Influences In Psychology
Assignment 1: Historical Influences
The seven early and modern perspectives of psychology contain the following:
psychodynamic perspective, behavioral perspective, humanistic perspective,
cognitive perspective, sociocultural perspective, bio psychological perspective, and
evolutionary perspective.
Psychodynamic perspective not only aims attention to the unconscious mind and over
conscious behavior, but limits the attention on sexual motivations and provides the
growth of a sense of self, social and interpersonal relations, and the motivations of
others behavior. Although psychodynamic perspective may not be as popular as
before, Freud s theory is commonly used by individuals in therapy and customize the
techniques for up to date use.
Behavioral ... Show more content on ...
What humanistic perspective does is allow people to make a destiny for themselves;
we latch on to free will. Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers are the two founders of
humanistic, which is still being put to use for self understanding and self
Cognitive perspective focuses more on memory, intelligence, problem solving, and
language, which has become a major factor in psychology. Cognitive perspective also
focuses on the field of cognitive neuroscience, which studies the physical works of
the brain and nervous system when dealing with memory and thinking. In order to
witness the structure activity of the brain, neuroscientist use machines such as,
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI),
and positron emission tomography (PET).
Social psychology and cultural psychology are two areas combined that make up
the sociocultural perspective. The study of groups, social roles, and social actions
and relations are known as social psychology and cultural psychology is the study
of cultural norms, values, and expectations, which makes both areas family due to
the effects individuals have on one another, either by one s self or in a group. Lev
Vygotsky, a Russian psychologist created his sociocultural theory of cognitive
development by using the sociocultural approach. Cross cultural research is also
known to be relevant to sociocultural perspective due to comparing the behavior of
two or more
Japanese Internment Camps In Canada
After Japan s attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, many Japanese Canadians
were removed from their homes and were sent to internment camps in the B.C.
interior, farms, and internment camps across Canada. This decision to relocate
Japanese Canadians was made by the Canadian government. Although the relocation
of the Japanese Canadians was justified as a security measure, Canadashould have not
interned the Japanese Canadians. This event was not the first case of racism and
discrimination as history repeats itself. Japanese Canadians posed no threat to
national security and yet they were interned, and as Canada still struggles with
racism, Canada has made much progress, but there is still so much more that needs
to be done.
Many Canadians ... Show more content on ...
Craig Takeuchi, journalist for The Georgia Straight, wrote an article how he was
called a Chinaman when he is Japanese. Another incident was when he was
purchasing items at Shoppers Drug Mart, the clerk told Takeuchi the total for his
purchase. He took out his coins to see which ones to use. The clerk tells him
slowly which ones are the different. He wrote about how people, not just Asian
Canadians, to speak out when they witness, read, or experience discriminatory
expressions in public, whether it s racism, Islamophobia, sexism, or any other
opinions because it s not immigrants who are eroding Canadian values but that it s
the ignorant. Today in Canada we have legal protection for victims of
discrimination and a constitutional guarantee of equality rights for all. According to
an Angus Reid poll, while a third of Canadians (32 per cent) believe that racism is
a significant problem in Canada, 55 per cent are satisfied that we have overcome it.
It is very evident that racism is still among the people of Canada and people should
try to think about more not just Asian immigrants but also everyone else and as they
come into Canada, we should be welcoming and respect their
Table Controls at Bellagio Casino Resort
Controls at the Bellagio Casino Resort
Purpose of Case
The Controls at the Bellagio Casino Resort case was designed with several purposes
in mind.
First, it illustrates a control system that is dominated by action and personnel
controls, rather than results controls. The analysis of this system leads to insights
about some of the factors that limit the feasibility of results controls.
Second, the case can lead into a discussion of what is meant by the term tight control.
The case presents an excellent example of the application of tight action controls in
the table games areas of the casino.
Finally, the case can lead into a discussion of the meaning of what auditors refer to as
internal control, which is a subset of the ... Show more content on ...
Another problem that casinos face is skimming. Skimming means that money is
taken from the casino, such as cash from the cage or counting room often requiring
cover through forged documentation and changed audit trails. This problem can be
used to lead into a discussion of internal control and the ways in which cash is
controlled in the casino. The two major purposes of internal controls are (1) to
safeguard assets and (2) to ensure reliability of the financial records. In the area of
cash, the casino maintains imprest cash balances to safeguard the cash and chips; this
means assigning individual responsibility for a certain amount of money. And they
have elaborate procedures to ensure that the financial records are reliable (e.g.,
multiple approvals of transactions, checking of audit trails, multiple reconciliations,
and trend analyses), some of which are described in great detail in the case.
Do these procedures prevent skimming? The answer is a tentative yes. The controls
are effective against skimming unless collusion is involved, which is a frequent
limitation to internal controls. Weakness of Results Controls
Assignment Question 2,
. Results controls are simply not feasible for control over the dealers because
results are not measured until the 24 hour drop procedure is complete, and during
that period more than one dealer has worked at a table. It would be possible to
measure dealer productivity by keeping track of deals per hour,
Danger And Cleanup Of Orbital Debris
Danger And Cleanup Of Orbital Debris Orbital debris, which are different than
space debri, pose a threat to space missions and astronauts. Manny previous
missions have left orbital debris in their wake. Most of the debris are left up there
until they are pulled toward earth by gravity and then destroyed by earth s
atmosphere. Until then the space junk is left to orbit around the earth. The amount
of debri continues to grow quicker than the earth can destroy it. Leaving the debri
to sit up there unchecked poses dangers for astronauts and space missions both
current and future. There are several solutions that scientists have come up with
that could help reduce the danger of space debris. Orbital debris are specifically
the man made objects that follow a path of orbit around the earth (NASA, 2013).
Orbital debris differ from satellites in that they no longer serve a working purpose,
making them essentially space junk (NASA, 2013). Orbital debris can sometimes be
confused with space debris. The term space debris encompases anyting that is
wandering about space or orbiting around something like the sun, manmade or not
(NASA, 2013). Things like meteorites and man made objects that are not in orbit
around earth (NASA, 2013). While orbital debris only includes man made, unusefull
things, that are in orbit around the earth (NASA, 2013). The orbital space junk can
wind up floating around the earth in a couple of different ways. One of the most
common ways that it can get up there
Burger King And Brome Modern Eatery
Millions of restaurants market their food in various ways to attract you, the
consumer. In Kiera Butler s essay, The Creepy Language Tricks Taco Bell Uses to
Fool People into Eating There, she explains how various language usage on a menu
can be used to provide a positive and appealing impression to the customers of that
restaurant. Marketers create menus with the goal to appeal to the buyers thus,
creating revenue for the restaurant. A restaurant s menumay vary from a high quality
cuisine to a cheaper lower quality food. Two popular restaurant s menus: Burger King
and Brome Modern Eatery, use numerous ways to portray their menus in an appealing
and positive manor. Though both restaurants have a similar cuisine, Burger King, is...
Show more content on ...
Another way Burger King tries to make their menu stand out and appeal the
consumers is by, using a variety of fonts. Burger King assumes that their customers
struggle to stay focused while reading a boring menu so, to keep their customers
interested and focused, Burger King uses a plethora of bold attention grabbing
fonts. Burger King wants to be flashy and use fonts to create this bold image.
Finally, vibrant color on a menu is used to make it appear energetic, or even
exciting to the customers. If the menu was boring or dull in color, it would create
the same negative impression about the food. The entire Burger King menu is
packed with various colors for each section of the menu, this creates an appealing
image for the menu. So, what impressions do these tactics provide on the actual
quality of the food served at Burger King? Unfortunately, there does come a point
when too much on a menu becomes a bad thing. Over using pictures, fonts, and
colors on the menu tends to make the quality of the food seem cheap and unfulfilling.
Burger King uses pictures, fonts and colors to provide an appealing and positive
impression about the food they serve however, these tactics may also distract the
customers from the quality of the food.
In contrast, Brome Modern Eatery s menu includes limited amounts of pictures,
fewer fonts, and less colors compared to Burger King. Brome s very simple and
straight forward menu consists of eleven different burgers that are
The Lost Iago in Shakespeare s Othello Essay example
The Lost Iago in Othello
In Shakespeare s Othello the sinister nature of the ancient casts a pall of uneasiness
over the narrative of the play. How can the evil influence of one character be so
pervasive? Let us in this essay probe his character and find answers to our questions.
In Historical Differences: Misogyny and Othello Valerie Wayne exposes Iago s
inability to praise women when Desdemona asks him how he would do it:
Iago s worry that he cannot do what Desdemona asks implies that his dispraise of
women was candid and easily produced, while the praise requires labour and
inspiration from a source beyond himself. His insufficiency is more surprising
because elsewhere in the play Iago appears as a ... Show more content on ...
Evidence of his psychopathic personality is seen early in the play. He manipulates
the wealthy Roderigo into awakening the senator Brabantio ( Rouse him: make
after him, poison his delight ); and then he utters very offensive smutty lines about
a black ram and white ewe, which indicate the way his sick mind operates. Iago s
very language reveals the level at which his evil mind works. Francis Ferguson in
Two Worldviews Echo Each Other describes the types of base, loathsome imagery
used by the antagonist Iago when he slips his mask aside while awakening Brabantio:
Iago is letting loose the wicked passion inside him, as he does from time to time
throughout the play, when he slips his mask aside. At such moments he always
resorts to this imagery of money bags, treachery, and animal lust and violence. So
he expresses his own faithless, envious spirit, and, by the same token, his vision of
the populous city of Venice Iago s world, as it has been called. . . .(132)
He seems to be motivated by love of money which he has been receiving from
Roderigo for some time ( thou, Iago, who hast had my purse / As if the strings were
thine ). Iago himself says that he is motivated by revenge on the Moor ( I follow him
How Organizations Can Move Beyond The First Steps Of...
Change is best carried through by the many, not by just the hero leader. Ten
challenges to the initiation and sustaining of change are elaborated, illustrated by a
rich range of case studies and supported by a practical checklist.
We all know that change and innovation are of the essence for organisations today
and in future. The bad news, according to Peter Senge, is that most change initiatives
fail. The good news is that Senge and his co authors think they know why and what
to do about it.
Senge is the guru of the learning organisation whose previous book The Fifth
Discipline was hailed as a groundbreaking book about organisational transformation.
Senge and his co authors, all of them change experts, call this new book a Fifth
Discipline resource . The aim of the book is to show how organisations can move
beyond the first steps of corporate change and sustain the momentum.
The problems that cause the failure of change projects cannot be solved by more
expert advice, better consultants or more committed managers, say Senge and co.
They stem from our most basic ways of thinking. Unless these change, new initiatives
will only produce the same unproductive types of action. The fundamental problem is
that most change initiatives deal only with growth processes and not with the
limiting processes. We need to change our way of thinking so that we can understand
the forces that impede progress and develop strategies for dealing with them.
One of the

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Essay Structures. 004 Paragraph Argumentative Essay Outline Onwebioinnovateco With Theme ...

  • 1. Essay Structures Crafting an essay on the intricacies of "Essay Structures" may seem deceptively straightforward at first glance, but delving into the process reveals a web of complexities. The challenge lies not only in elucidating the various structural frameworks but also in presenting the information coherently and persuasively. To commence, one must grapple with the multifaceted nature of essay structures, from the classic introduction-body-conclusion triad to more sophisticated patterns tailored for specific purposes. Each structure demands meticulous planning and an acute understanding of the topic at hand. Balancing the need for a compelling introduction that captures attention with a conclusion that leaves a lasting impression requires finesse. Moreover, the content within each section necessitates a harmonious flow. Transitions must be seamless, guiding the reader through a logical progression of ideas. Each paragraph should serve as a building block, contributing to the overarching argument or narrative. The challenge lies not only in presenting ideas cogently but also in maintaining a cohesive thread that ties the entire essay together. Navigating the sea of information available on the chosen topic is another hurdle. Sorting through sources, extracting relevant information, and integrating it seamlessly into the essay requires analytical skills and a discerning eye. The ability to synthesize diverse perspectives and present a comprehensive overview is paramount. Furthermore, the task extends beyond the intellectual domain. Proper formatting, adherence to citation styles, and attention to grammatical nuances are essential. The devil, as they say, is in the details, and overlooking these aspects can detract from the overall quality of the essay. In conclusion, writing an essay on "Essay Structures" demands not just a command over the subject matter but a mastery of the art of communication. It requires the writer to be a skilled architect, carefully constructing a framework that can support and showcase ideas effectively. The process involves a delicate balance between creativity and structure, making it a challenging yet intellectually rewarding endeavor. And remember, if you find yourself grappling with the complexities of essay writing, there are resources available to assist you. Services like offer a range of writing assistance, providing support for similar essays and much more. Essay Structures Essay Structures
  • 2. Prison Vs Auburn Prison Analysis Two forms of penitentiary emerged in the early stages of the United States the Auburn and Pennsylvania system. Pennsylvania system is a method which has a main focus placed on solitary confinement. This program is known as the separate system. The program arose in the Walnut jail, which was later converted into a state prisonwith the additions a separate cell for the worst type of felons. The inmates were placed in a cell by themselves where they would only see the correctional staff and maybe a visitor on rare occasions. The would work in solitary as well to make sure that they were able to focus on themselves. The Auburn prison system took a completely different stance. In the Pennsylvania system inmates were to be kept alone, in the Auburn
  • 3. The Poisonwood Bible Intro People always greatly and negatively impact each other, though they believe it to be for the greater good. In the 1950 s European and American imperialism tore asunder what tranquility there was in the Congo. These countries may have not been aware of their influence at the time, but the outcome nonetheless was drastic. Cultural misunderstandings were the ultimate catalyst for the Congo s destruction. In Barbara Kingsolvers novel The Poisonwood Biblepublished in 1998 she exposes how cultural ignorance creates problems. With her chosen syntax, point of view, and time gap of each narrator Kingsolver exposes how close mindedness creates unfulfilled results because individuals can not adapt to cultural changes. Style Barbara ... Show more content on ... All she wanted was his approval and recognition, but as time progressed she no longer valued his values the same way. Throughout the text Leah, who sees with the eyes of an intelligent, flexible learner, presents historical and cultural details...integrates all types of knowledge into her narratives (Austenfeld). For example Leah embraced African culture while her father never condoned it. Leah Price s pivotal moment follows at the church s vote. While the congregation votes on tata Jesus The Preacher stands up and spits wounding words in all directions. As her father insultes the native s culture she no longer considers her father to be a holy man. Even though she was raised around his teachings she no longer considers him to be of pure intentions. Since Nathan is arrogant, inflexible, and passionately committed he never attempted to learn the society s needs he just wanted to create Christian clones for his own selfish salvation. In the end she finally states, If I had a prayer left in me, it was that this red faced man [Nathaniel] shaking with rage would never lay a hand on me again officially ending her glorious thoughts towards her father (Kingsolver 333). Since the reader progressed though Leah s bildungsroman they realize Nathaniel s inability to adapt created an individual worthy of a monstrous title. Another strong candidate in the reader s mind is Ruth May, she is innocent.
  • 4. Bulimia Nervosa Is An Eating Disorder Essay Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder that is most commonly found in women of teenage or young adult age (Herzog, D. B. (1982). This disorder can have very serious effects on the body. Some of these physical effects include dental problems, inflamed esophagus, EEG abnormalities, abdominal or urinary disturbances, and changes in blood sugar level. (Muuss, R. E. (1986). ) The mental and emotional tolls of this disorder can be equally as dangerous. According to Pompili, M., Girardi, P., Ruberto, A., Tatarelli, R. (2006) individuals with bulimia nervosaare at a higher risk for committing suicide. To be diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa, according to the DSM 5, a person must experience episodes of binge eating along with harmful behaviors meant to compensate for the binging. These behaviors often include vomiting, exercising excessively, depriving oneself of food, or using medications inappropriately to achieve weight loss. /doi/book/10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). According to Lundgren, J. D., Danoff Burg, S., Anderson, D. A. (2004) a lot of research has been done on the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy in treating bulimia nervosa and it is widely believed to be the best treatment for the disorder. Cognitive behavioral therapy is essentially the combination of cognitive therapy, designed to change unhealthy thoughts and schema, and behavioral therapy, designed to change
  • 5. The Moro National Liberation Front The Philippines security threat has been in danger for many years dating back to the establishment of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF). MNLF sought to establish an autonomous Muslim region within the country. (Fowler, 2011) MNLF used guerilla style tactics against the country for several years before agreeing to a ceasefire with the Philippine government in 1976. (Fowler, 2011) As with many ceasefire agreements not everyone within the group was in favor of the deal therefore resulting in members establishing a separate group known as the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) which established the Islamist insurgency within the country. (Fowler, 2011) MILF has remained the primary internal threat to the country for more than the last 40 years. They have utilized insurgent tactics against the government primarily in the southern region of Mindanao resulting in the death of more than 120,000 Philippines. (Reuters, 2014) In March 2014 the Philippine government and MILF signed a peace agreement calling for the end of disputes in exchange for an autonomous Muslim region in the south. (Whaley, 2014) Despite the agreement there is still cause for concern with internal threats to the country. Much like the agreement with MNLF in 1976 not all MILF members agree with the pact and have established smaller factions to continue operations against the government. (Reuters, 2014) A separate Islamist group established in 1990 is the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) who has ties to Al
  • 6. The Platonist Tradition and the Ordering of Knowledge... The Platonist Tradition and the Ordering of Knowledge ABSTRACT: I argue that the contemporary crisis in education that nothing appears valid as a discipline unless it has a utilitarian value may be challenged from the perspective of the Platonist tradition. The ascent through philosophy to the vision of Beauty in itself in Plato s Symposium affirms the perception of beauty or nobility as the ultimate end and value of all knowledge. Marsilio Ficino s adaption of Plato in the Renaissance articulates a more metaphysical ascent which broadens the objects of knowledge in order to include the cosmos and the arts as well as philosophy. Together, these two accounts provide a foundation for understanding the ordering of all knowledge ... Show more content on ... Of course, they are disappointed to discover that philosophy has more questions than answers, and that there is no answer which has not been disputed. Nevertheless, they approach the subject in the same spirit as traditional philosophical inquiry. In this spirit, then, it is appropriate to seek an answer to the question, What is the value of education? Indeed, this question presupposes an answer to an even more basic one: What is education? It is difficult to articulate responses to these questions. Can liberal education today be really non utilitarian, as it was for Aristotle, motivated by pure curiosity and a concern for excellence? (3) Such a response has the merit of joining battle directly with the modern mentality, but it presupposes the system of moral and intellectual virtues as defining human excellence. On the other hand, it is impossible to follow the classical tradition and find a moral value in literature and the fine arts without drawing critical distinctions regarding the moral value of particular works. This, however, has long been foreclosed by the Kantian doctrine of the autonomy of aesthetic judgment. (4) In any case, it is unclear what might be the source of moral judgment in the modern world; the classical concept of virtue presupposed both a concept of the soul and a concept of citizenship in a particular locality. (5) All three concepts have largely disappeared in the modern
  • 7. The Battle of Thermopylae began in 480 BC and was a... The Battle of Thermopylae began in 480 BC and was a product of the Greeks attempt help defend the Ionians from the Persians. This irritated the Persian Emperor, Xerxes, because he thought of Greece as a small kingdom that had no place revolting against the Persian Empire. The Athenians sympathized with the Ionians because the Persians had also tried to invade Greece on multiple occasions. The Athenians provided feeble help to the Ionians and in retaliation the Persians struck at athens (23B). Xerxes was known to be irrational with his temper, and may have thought of his invasion as retaliation for the fact that his father, Darius the Great, was defeated at the Battle of Marathon against the Greeks. His temper was so great that at Hellas... Show more content on ... Demophilus was the general who came to Leonidas aid by leading eight hundred Thebans and Thespians alongside the Spartans (A). On the opposing side, Xerxes gained a lot of power in his home empire, Persia, by spreading propaganda claiming that he was a God. He constructed a plan to invade Greece after the Ionian Revolt and the Battle of Marathon. He was power crazed and angry, and although these personality traits led him to gain power in the short term, they ultimately led to the fall of the Persian Empire (A). Not many people know about Ephialtes, but he is in part responsible for the Greek s loss. On the second day of the battle, Ephialtes reported to the Persians that there was previously unknown flanking path that would lead to a vulnerable access point behind the Spartan lines. This would ultimately lead to the destruction of the Greek warriors (A). In addition to good leadership the greeks developed and employed successful battle tactics, which they were able to adapt to the topography, thus allowing them to sustain afight despite being grossly outnumbered (C). The most important tactic was the Hoplite Phalax, which was a wall of Greek infantry men with shields and long spears. This was effective for the Greeks because the advancing Persians had to travel through a very narrow path along the Malian Gulf to
  • 8. Education Based On A Systematic Mapping Study Essay In education, gamification has shown some encouraging results, since some of the research done have report improvement in student engagement in forums, projects, and other learning activities (Anderson et al. 2014; Caton and Greenhill 2013; Akpolat and Slany 2014). Additionally, some studies have shown increase in attendance, participation, and material downloads (Barata et al. 2013; Goehle 2013). Dicheva et al (2015) presented a literature review of the state of gamification research in education based on a systematic mapping study. They presented the tendencies of the studies analyzed based on the design principles, game features, area of application, and academic subject covered. Their results showed that the most popular game features used were points, badges, and leaderboards follow by Levels, Virtual Goods, and Avatars. The badges were given for a wide variety of achievements (e.g. for challenge achievements and participation achievements, for learning time management, for reading content, or for performance)(Dicheva et al. 2015). Goehle (2013) presented the implementation of a levels and badges system in an online mathematical homework program call WeBWorkK . They highlighted the importance of careful design and implementation of the features to maintain engagement and avoid frustrations. For example, the threshold of the level needed to be carefully selected and a rapid feedback system of the student level and achievements progress was implemented. Due to the
  • 9. Is The Federal Reserve Accountable For Sub Prime Market... Final Project Part Two Kevin Nozari Embry Riddle Aeronautical University MBAA 523 October 1, 2015 Is the Federal Reserve Accountable for sub prime market economic disaster and its sustainability in a post disaster U.S economy? The most commonly known sub prime finance crisis came into illumination when a sudden rise in home foreclosures in 2006 twirled seemingly out of control in 2007, triggering a nationwide economic crisis that went worldwide within the year. The greatest responsibility is pointed at the lenders who created such problems. It was the lenders who, at the end of the day, lend finances to citizens with poor credit and a high risk of failure to pay. When the Feds inundated the markets with growing capital ... Show more content on ... The sub prime crisis affected, not only to the US, but it s footpath across the world. The economic financial system across the world experienced suffering very badly, thereby leading the deteriorating of the economy. According to numerous economists, the crisis of 2008 was the most severe economic contraction, despite the fact that it is less than the Great Depression. To preserve financial policy steadiness, Federal Reserve applied conservative financial policy stimulus thereby decreasing the federal resources rate to almost zero and becoming the lender of the last resort . Fed created this new loan program to improve the deteriorating financial system. In this paper, we will be using the log log model. The log log model used for the demand for wealth (attuned for inflation). We will be using the M1, as a display, for demand on wealth and interest rate as the illuminating variable affecting the demand for wealth. Using the regression, we will study the hypothesis. For this paper, the hypothesis used will talk about the connection between money and the interest rate. The null hypothesis, in this case, will be the interest affecting the demand for money in the economy. The data that we will be reviewing is from October 2008 to October 2011, 3 years worth of data. This connection will give us the basic understanding of the performance of the monetary policy in US economy after the crisis. Research Review In response to the financial disaster that had occurred
  • 10. The Cable Guy And Ferris Bueller s Day Off A man swerves his car into oncoming traffic, colliding with a car and killing two women. He could not explain or remember changing lanes and instead of facing 5 years in jail for dangerous driving, he was fined $175. Would you class this as injustice? Most people would until the name is publicised. Matthew Broderick, the famous actor known for films such as The Cable Guy and Ferris Bueller s Day Off , got away with manslaughter. I am speaking to you today to get justice for the families who have lost a loved one, the photographers abused by self absorbed superstars and the security guards attacked for doing their job. Celebrities are constantly allowed to get away with more crime than non celebrities because they can sing, dance or act. They earn enough money that they can afford top lawyers and even pay corrupt law systems for their freedom. Heart strung fans on the jury make biased votes and the law is too terrified of the outrage that could occur if a beloved celebrity was put to justice. ... Show more content on ... Since when is the punishment a person receives dependent on the amount of money they have and not the severity of the crime. With this philosophy guilty billionaires can commit murder with no repercussions except a slap on the wrist whereas innocent citizens that can t afford a lawyer are being put away in jail for petty crimes. Yes, celebrities have earnt the money by choosing a business that pays thousands for an attractive person that can sing but why are we allowing these people to believe that they are above the law? Because the government is
  • 11. Wonder Boys Thesis After a long semester of waiting we finally get to watch the film that was promised to us simply titled Wonder Boys. I ve never heard of this movie before December 3rd so I was quite intrigued to see why my professor was so enthused by the mere thought of it. So I patiently waited (which by the way is not a thing I do often) for the following Tuesday to come hoping that it wouldn t suck. After two days of watching the filmI was not let down, my previous pessimistic thoughts were violently drop kicked off of the nearest tower. Not saying it s the best movie ever, but I can honestly say that I thoroughly enjoyed this film. Following Grady Tripp through clouds of marijuana we witness his affair with the Chancellor of his university, meet... Show more content on ... So after we learn that this dog is in fact blind, which is ironic seeing as he s sees clear as day while his owner the chairman is the only one blind to the secret affair. Tripp goes outside to snow covered backyard, there he sees his student James Leer holding what seems to be a gun. James assures Tripp that the gun is fake and it shoots bottle caps. Tripp gets James to come inside the Chancellor s home with him so see Marilyn Monroe s jacket. After hearing a sound of someone coming under stairs Tripp goes to see who it was soon after the chairman s dog bites Tripp. Hearing Tripp scream James shoots the dog with the gun he claimed was a fake killing the dog. Throughout the movie they keep this dead dog in Tripp s back trunk which symbolizes to me the weight or pressure keeping Tripp from writing his next book. Tripp was unable to finish his book which tied in with how Tripp lived his life. I don t think Tripp was the type to want to choose or take control of his own life. He was married to a woman who he wasn t even happy being with while working as a professor which he didn t seem to care for. He didn t do what made him happy and he left things incomplete or up in the wind. Not sure if he really wanted to just let his wife leave or start something real with his lover he decided to ignore those things hoping
  • 12. Austrobilharzia Variglandis Is A Swimmer s Itch The common name of Austrobilharzia Variglandis is a swimmer s itch. What does your worm look like? The Austrobilharzia Variglandis looks like a long, thin fish with two sharp ends or fins at the end of it. What is the life cycle of your worm? The life cycle of my worm is eggs are passed in waste, the eggs then hatch and release miracidia, the parasite develops in a molluscan intermediate host, humans are exposed to the dermatitis producing cercariae, cercariae then makes it s way to the skin of birds and their blood vessels. Where are the eggs laid? They lay their eggs inside the host animal. Where do the adult worms live? The adult worms are found in the blood vessels where they make eggs that are then passed to waste. What type of climate does the worm live in? The climate in which swimmer s itch lives is wet. ... Show more content on ... The disease a swimmer s itch causes is a cutaneous inflammatory response usually connected with stabbing of the skin by cercariae of bird schistosomes. In what area/region of the world is this disease predominantly found? This disease is mostly found in the United States, most heard in Great Lakes region. What are the symptoms of this disease? The symptoms of this disease are reddening and itching of the skin in water. Who/what are hosts of your worm/disease? The hosts of my worm/disease are ducks. Nassarius obsoletus and snails are the transitional hosts for this species. What are the risk factors of developing this disease? A host is most likely to contract the swimmers itch disease How is the disease transmitted? The disease is passed on from one organism to another under the clothes worn by swimmers where the organisms are trapped after the person leaves the
  • 13. The Politics of Massachusetts throughout the Ages Essay The Politics of Massachusetts The Constitution Drafted in 1779, the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is the oldest functioning written constitution in the world. Drafted by none other than John and Samuel Adams, along with John Bowdoin, it served as a model for our own nation s Constitution. It features a structure, composed of chapters, sections and articles, vastly more organized than any other state constitution of its time. Within this document, rights of the citizens, and the framework of the states government is outlined. While it has changed over the years, it manages to paint a picture of the inner workings of Massachusetts politics. Some remarkable features in Massachusetts Constitution are ideas which were ... Show more content on ... Outlining the powers of the President of the institution to improve education, as well as calling attention to the importance of literature. These key features would lead to Massachusetts becoming one of the forefronts of education in the world. The executive branch, as outlined in the Constitution, is composed of a Governor, a Lt. Governor, as well as numerous councilors from amongst the state. The governor is the only person allowed to suspend the laws, and must review every bill and law before it is passed. He, or she, is the Commander in Chief of the militia, and appoints all judicial officers. However, these powers are limited, as the legislative body may supersede the power of the governor with a 2/3 majority vote in both houses. Furthermore, the other members of the Executive branch are elected separately, unlike many of the governors of the country, the Lieutenant Governor, as well as the councilors, Secretary, Treasurer, and Commissary, are elected into office, and keep the governor in check. This limits the power of the governor greatly, primarily only allowing the governor to recommend budget plans, and guide the General Court in his own direction. The governor may reduce items or parts of items in bills appropriating money, with reason provided, but is mostly at the mercy of the councilors. The legislature of the Commonwealth, is bicameral, much like our Congress, it is composed of a Senate and a House of Representatives. The Senate, made up of 40
  • 14. The Effect of Steriods in Major League Baseball Essay Baseball is known as America s pastime and is one of the most popular, respected sports on earth. Since the beginning of the sport, it seemingly advances with technology every year making faster and stronger players. The use of steroids became rampant and spread among players and has carried them away from the true history of the game they play. Controversy still today runs around the sport today about fines, punishments and record breaking. The past two decades of Major League Baseballhave been tainted because of the use of performance enhancing drugs, also known as steroids, causing the loss of many fans and the true meaning of America s favorite sport. In the early 80 s many professional players began to discover steroids, but Major ... Show more content on ... A suspension from an entire season and thousands of dollars of fine were issued and that seemed light with talks of being banned from baseball floating between the two parties. Major League Baseball took the right direction in the situation making an example of this group of players and especially Rodriguez (Quinn, Fish, and Gomez). This no tolerance policy could hopefully put a stop to the use of steroid in this great sport and get the game back to its original form. One of the most controversial subjects in Major League Baseball is that of hall of fame voting. Players who have tested positive should not be eligible for the hall of fame ballot. This is a great honor for players who are truly great and play the game the right way. The hall of fame has no room for players who try to gain unfair advantages through performance enhancing drugs. One of the greatest players of all time, Pete Rose, was denied from the Baseball Hall of Fame do betting on his games. This shows how seriously the voters take being inducted. Players who have tested positive for steroids should be banned from the hall of fame, which is what Major League Baseball is moving toward. Another issue is players who have broken records and tested positive for steroids during the period they broke the record. Although increased speed and arm strength have also been linked to the use of steroids, home run statistics have glaringly
  • 15. Aziz In A Passage To India Why talk about the English? Brrrr...! An Outlook on Aziz s Attempts to Bridge the Gap A Passage To India by E. M. Forster is a rich, postcolonial novel delving into the possibility of sustaining a personal friendship between an English person and an Indian person. This topic is being discussed in the beginning of the novel at the home of Hamidullah, ... they were discussing as to whether or no(t) it is possible to be friends with an Englishman. Mahmoud Ali argued that it was not, Hamidullah disagreed, but with so many reservations... (Forster 7) Aziz, who the novel centers around, has the disposition to just shut them out and ignore them and all will be jolly. Of course, later, we find Aziz does not shut them out and rather... Show more content on ... She naturally brings criminal charges against him and ruins any chances of that relationship continuing. I see no point in elaborating on this subject because it is so cut and dry. This relationship did not last and was destined for failure from that prig of an Englishwoman. Mrs. Moore and Aziz s relationship is a bit more tangled than the cut and dry experience with Ms. Quested. Aziz only has three meetings with Mrs. Moore. Both characters have this great fondness for the other with no substance. They have some superficial similarities and Aziz proclaims she s Oriental! It seems like both want an unconventional friendship so acutely they immediately gravitate towards this love that transcends race lines. When Fielding misses the train and Aziz realizes he ll be alone with the two women his feelings from the mosque come rushing back for Mrs. Moore, She was perfect as always, his dear Mrs. Moore. (Forster 145) But there is no real substance to their friendship only feelings and emotions. Fielding accurately describes the real relationship between the two, to Aziz on the roof after the trial, You are so fantastic.... Miss Quested, you won t treat her generously;... Miss Quested anyhow behaved decently this morning, whereas the old lady never did anything for you at all. (Forster 282) Fielding is absolutely correct, Mrs. Moore never actually does anything for Aziz except be a friendly, slightly senile old lady. In fact
  • 16. Education and Welfare Education is the key staple to furthering the life standard for all humans. So why is it that the collectors of welfare and public aid are statistically the ones with the least amount of education? Within this paper I plan to address this issue and those that contribute to education, or lack there of, for welfarerecipients. I feel this issue has a great deal to do with race, gender and lack of equality in all aspects of public policy. Let us start at the beginning. Most women on welfare were raised in homes that collected welfare. This is the first major issue. Unfortunately, poverty and collection of welfare are often an issue that relate mostly to women with children. Not men or married families, but women who are in turn the ... Show more content on ... Therefore making it possible for them to get higher paying jobs and support their families without help. According to the National Institute for Literacy it could take В•900 hours of education and training for minimally (similar to high school dropouts /NALS Level 1) skilled welfare women to move up to the basic level (similar to below average high school graduates /NALS Level 2); В•200 hours of education and training for basic skilled recipients to move up to the competent level (similar to people with some postsecondary education/NALS Level 3); and В•200 hours for competent skilled welfare women to move up to advanced skill level (similar to people with a bachelor s degree or more/NALS Level 4/5). According to this information, if the States would put the money into training and educational classes for literacy, specialized trade and post secondary education it would greatly decrease dependence. However many states choose not to implement such programs and choose only to get welfare recipients into the workforce with minimal training prior. When states choose such options it often leaves the recipient and their family in poverty. Also, with the new limits on availability of public aid being reduced to 5 years, if the new job that they are forced to take does not work out, they can not go back to welfare because time limits have run out.
  • 17. Barry Callebaut Mission Statement Introduction Barry Callebaut is one of the largest cocoa producers worldwide with an average annual production estimated to be around 1.7 million tons of coca. In year 1996, the merging of Belgian chocolate producer Callebaut and French company Cacao Barry took place. In the present the company s headquarter is in Zurich, Switzerland. The company s mission statement is clear, which is to improve the life conditions of their farmers and the community, through improved productivity and helping in community development. In order to do so, they ensure that their farmers are earning an equitable income, in addition caring for their health and the well being of their families too. Since cocoa communities are mostly located in remote areas, they often have limited infrastructure development. Barry Callebautis concerned with this issue... Show more content on ... They respect all rules and laws regarding food safety and they follow all regulations at their plants and workplaces. Any threat to a product or even bad quality sold to their customers, the company takes immediate action by reporting to their managers and eliminating the problem immediately. 7 Community involvement and development 73,600 people reached the company because of their community activities. Barry Callebaut works on community development through child protection and other ways. They provide training for their farmers in order to help them increase their capabilities. In addition, the company is engaged in raising awareness of child labor issues, addressing basic education and health needs, and improves life conditions of their employees. Code of Conduct Barry Callebaut follows principles and guidelines that reflect their reality in the workforce. Major principles are: Product safety and quality Conflict in interest Gifts, hospitality and entertainment Fair competition Corruption and
  • 18. Semiotic Analysis of Usmc s Commercial The Climb We can learn a lot from watching television. A viewer can distinguish differences between what societies believes as appealing or desirable versus what is off putting or unwanted. The power of television exposes us to values and concepts, realistic or unrealistic, which shape how we see and react to ideas. An example of television shaping our beliefs can found when watching videos such as the United States Marine Corpsrecruiting commercials. Using a semiotic analysis of a 2001 USMC recruiting commercial entitled The Climb, a viewer can analyze the given signs and symbols throughout the video that make being part of the USMC not only something to be desired, but a characteristic value to be honored as well. Berger says that signs and ... Show more content on ... 19). For the man in the video, a story is being told of his journey or his difficult climb towards what the video voices as his destiny among the world s greatest warriors. In the span of 60 seconds, while we follow the man climbing we can see images that are first placed as the sole image we see on screen (instead of the man climbing). The images are then transferred onto the rock walls at different intervals of his climb. This sort of transference from an image being all that we see on screen to being placed on the walls suggest that the particular event is what the man will soon experience and is something that the man is growing closer to reaching. Furthermore on the diachronic analysis, each of the particular events shown in the video is significant to the development of the man s character as a U.S. Marine. The first image we see on the rock wall is a man in uniform. There are two things to note here. First, the man in uniform is, in fact, the climber. This sign signifies that the man sees the person who he wants to be and that his goal of becoming that man can be reached once he gets to the top, having to fully dedicate himself to the feat of climbing the large rock. The second thing to note is the actual camera shot of the image of the man in uniform in this scene. It is between a close up (face only) to medium shot (most of the
  • 19. Short Term Effects Of Reconstruction There were many short term and long term effects of the Civil War. After the Civil War through 1896, the North and South tried to reunite the United States through Reconstruction to avoid being attacked by other countries. While the government tried to solve key problems facing the nation, their solutions were short term and failed to address the problem. Due to many people disagreeing about these solutions the government was coming up with, there were many battles over Reconstruction that did not work out for many people. After all the struggling and disagreeing the American people finally brought an end to Reconstruction. Rebuilding the nation, The battle over Reconstruction, and the end of Reconstruction all had many short and long term effects. After the war, the government tried to solve key problems facing the nation. The 10% Plan was proposed by Abraham Lincolnand its purpose was to end Reconstruction quickly. It pardoned all Ex Confederates in the South as long as they apologized, it would only need ten percent of the voters in each state to swear allegiance to the Union, and did not offer any type of equality to the Freedmen. The 10% Plan was a short term effect because Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth in 1865, and after he was killed and Vice President Andrew Johnsontook over the idea of the 10% Plan disappeared. Another attempt to end Reconstruction by the government was proposed by the Radical Republicans in congress and was the complete
  • 20. The Needs of Our Society s Neglected Kids Discussed in... In the book titled Finding fish: a memoir, the author addresses the need of our society s neglected children to find love, safety and protection. Many children like Antwone are subjected to different types of abuse such as: physical, emotional and sexual. Foster care was an option for Antwone. Foster care is the placement for children outside the custody of their parents or legal guardians after court finding that the children have been abused or neglected. The court may also find the child to be a person in need of supervision or have committed delinquent acts. The foster care is a social service system with many component parts and complex interrelationships between those parts (Downs, Moore and McFadden, 2009, p.274). Social... Show more content on ... 213). Physical abuse is the most common type of child maltreatment. Boys and girls are about equally likely to be physically abused. Physical abuse include: hitting, kicking, shaking, throwing, burning, stabbing or shocking the child (Downs, Moore and McFaden, 2009, pg. 211). Lastly, according to Downs, Moore and McFadden sexual abuse is an act of a person, adult or child, which forces, coerces, or threatens a child to have any form of sexual contact or to engage in any type of sexual activity at the perpetrator s direction (2009,p214). The terms of sexual abuse encompasses a wide range of behaviors which are the follow: fondling, making a child touch an adult s sexual organs and penetrating a child s vagina or anus (Downs, Moore and McFaden, 2009, p.214). Among the abuses Antwone was subjected to, he was a victim of repeated sexual abuse. He did not receive adequate supervision and he was always hoping that someone would find out and stop the abuse. Surprisingly, The Child and Family services Review (CFSR) report that the child instances of child maltreatment is less that one percent for children in out of home care (Federal Resister, 2006, p.s32980, as cited in Downs, Moore and McFadden, 2009, p.309). Downs, Moore, McFadden
  • 21. Lisa The Iconoclast And The Simpsons The short story An Enemy of the People and the Simpsons episode Lisa the Iconoclast both deal with themes of obtaining new information and deciding whether to then release that information in the best interests of the public based on consequences that do not only impact themselves but those important to them. In An Enemy of the People , Dr. Stockmann has discovered information regarding the town s public baths, that the water has been contaminated and any future use of the facilities could lead to severe illness. In Lisa the Iconoclast , during Springfield s bicentennial celebrations, Lisa Simpsondiscovers that the town founder, Jebediah Springfield is really Hans Sprungfeld, a murderous pirate who had tried to kill George Washington. In both stories there are also consequences for the Stockmann and Simpson families. Though there are ultimately major differences as to the conclusion of each of the stories regarding their decision to withhold or release the information based on the public opinion. One of the most important themes that both these stories share is the existence of knowledge that the protagonists believe is important to share for the good of the community. For Dr. Stockmann it is the baths and their contamination, for Lisa Simpsons it is the true identity of Springfield s founder. Dr. Stockmann learns about this new information, after sending away a sample of the town s water to a major university. When the results are returned, he is shocked to find
  • 22. Roman Twelve Table Essay What does it Say? The Roman Twelve tables are twelve tables that were created as a code of law. Each table explains the title of that code/law thoroughly. The tables are as follows: Table 1: Procedure: for courts and trials. Table 2: Trials, continued. Table 3: Debt. Table 4: Rights of fathers (paterfamilias) over the family. Table 5: Legal guardianship and inheritance laws. Table 6: Acquisition and possession. Table 7: Land rights. Table 8: Torts and delicts (Laws of injury). Table 9: Public law. Table 10: Sacred law. Table 11: Supplement Me. And Table 12: Supplement II. What was it designed to do? The Roman Twelve Tableswas mostly designed for what was considered an agricultural community. They were designed to restrain Roman citizens from committing certain unappreciable acts ... Show more content on ... For the time it was written it does a good job at covering most of the basis especially for the agricultural community that Rome was. Comparing the twelve tables to the essence of our governmental policies now I can see where some things from then have been applied to our rules of governing in modern times. Some of those things that our still applicable today come from table 1, those being: Everyone is innocent until proven otherwise, everyone has the right to defend themselves in front of a judge, and the judge must take every piece of evidence into
  • 23. The Day Of The Locust Analysis Victims of America It s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. George Carlin. In the novel, the Day of the Locust, Nathanael West is able to depict the falsity behind the American Dream. West sees Hollywood s version of the phenomenon known as the American Dream as a myth that many people fall victim to, which is shown through the recurring themes of despair in the novel. Through the characters of The Day of the Locust, Nathaniel West is able to illustrate the dangers of the Hollywood dream. According to Christenson The virtues that were once associated with the dream have all but disappeared from the societies depicted in American literature as the quest for fame, fortune, and power has replaced... Show more content on ... As time passes, the goals of millennials adapt to the nature of society. With new age media and technology, the modern generation see celebrities and their lavish lifestyle daily. The new generation is inclined to think that fame and money is the lifestyle one should desire. Hollywood is the mecca of celebrities, and this is where the new American Dream is located. Hollywood transformed the definition of the American dream. Many consider it the Hollywood dream, which consists of the fast life. Satires of Hollywood reveal the extent to which the Hollywood Dream has subverted and ultimately replaced the position of the American Dream in American culture. Per James Cook (8). Fast money, popularity/fame, the beautiful women/men at your disposal, and having people wish they were you. Celebrities appear to be the face of the Hollywood dream. People from far and wide come to Hollywood to achieve this prosperous life and fulfill their acting careers. However, similar to the American Dream, this is all just a myth. No matter how hard one may work, they just won t be able to fulfill their dreams. Cook articulates The primary concern of the Hollywood Dream, unlike the American Dream, is ends not means (9) Many millennials tend to only focus on the end result, and disregard the
  • 24. The Concept Of The Jumping Robot ABSTRACT: Depending upon the type of terrain an¬¬d application, robot motion varies from simple translatory motion to complex motions like walking, jumping, climbing. Jumping is a preferred mode over others when it comes to crossing obstacles that are of a size larger than the robots own body. It is better to jump over a terrain with irregular surface, debris, ground cracks than climbing and crossing over them. A new mechanism for increasing the usefulness of ground robots in surveillance applications has been proposed, which adds a jumping ability to the existing wheeled motion. The operations of wheeled movement and the jumping mechanism are independent of each other. The configuration for a two wheeled jumping robot is defined, the jumping... Show more content on ... The robot will be driven with two motorized wheels and a balancing tail which will provide the third point of contact. The jumping action will be obtained with the aid of the tail. The task is to tug the tail within the body of the robot, preserving the normal reaction force with the ground and then releasing it as it produces the energy to lift the robot body off the ground. Fig 1. Conceptual 3D model of the Jumping Robot Existing methods to activate the tail on a wheeled robot are winching mechanism[4][5] and pneumatics[6][7] .In winching an additional actuator, required to hold the sheet in a coiled state increases the power requirements and also adds extra weight to the body of the robot. For pneumatics, the size of the robot increases due to the compressor involved. Also the number of firings that can be produced are limited. Any drop in the pressure of compressed air will also lead to malfunctioning of the jumping mechanism. Considering the difficulties faced above, the proposed system shall make use of compression springs. The tail will be spring loaded. Concepts have been generated to provide best fit for the defined problem. (a) Rack and Pinion
  • 25. Greek Life Should Be Banned Off Of College Campuses Over several decades, Greek life has been an integral part of colleges and universities throughout the United States. There is a high demand of fitting in in today s society and a question that students, parents, and teachers alike often ask themselves is, Does Greek life provide a more safe or harmful environment? With strong evidence, it is absolutely absurd to believe that fraternities and sororitiesdo more good than they do harm. Various statistics provide factual evidence as to why Greek life is a toxic and dangerous environment for many young adults. Between the rapeculture, hazing, and delinquency linked to the students associated with Greek life, it is time that it comes to an end for good so that students may have a more safe and enjoyable college experience. Fraternities and Sororities should be banned off of college and university campuses due to the danger and drama associated with them. First off, colleges and universities should ban Greek life on campuses for obvious reasons, the first being rape culture. Sexual violence is not something to be swept under the rug and brushed off. It continues to be a massive problem everywhere in America, and colleges are no exception. An article by The Guardian states, Frat brothers rape 300% more. One in five women are sexually assaulted on campus (Valenti, 2014). Looking at that statistic in real terms, 20% of females on a college campus will be sexually assaulted before they graduate. This evidence clearly
  • 26. Research Paper On Pretty Little Liars Pretty Little Liars is an American teen drama, mystery and thriller television series based on the popular book series, written by Sara Shepard. For those who have never heard of Pretty Little Liars, the show is based around a group of four female friends who become engrossed in a missing persons case. The queen bee of their group, Alison, goes missing and the remaining friends find themselves being blackmailed by an anonymous source, A, who seems to know an awful lot of their secrets. TV shows come in many different variations. Pretty Little Liars may not be the first teen targeting show in its generation, shows such as Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf and Gossip Girl fall in this category. Yet, Pretty Little Liars has criteria that stands out among the rest. The captivating show sucks in over 2.972 million viewers a week and has won awards such as Choice... Show more content on ... There s a fair amount of mature language, and some misguided choices that the characters make that lead them into dangerous situations, all of which is made possible by an extreme lack of parental influence on the show. However, most kids say the show is watchable and appropriate for their peers age ten and up. In spite of these reviews, I believe the action and mysterious aspect of the show is not too scary and I m usually a total wimp when it comes to scary movies or TV shows. Pretty Little Liars is more suspenseful than other shows and some storylines are just a little bit creepy, As for the age appropriate aspect, I believe the show is not the cleanest, but in the world we live in today most kids under the age of 12 are watching teen based shows with inappropriate storylines. The show is not only for teens. My mom and some older adults I know, also watch the nail bitingly good show. The fan base is mainly girls but guys can certainly watch and enjoy it
  • 27. Storyboard Analysis To accomplish Mr. Clarke s group project, we have chosen two media to remediate. The two media that we have chosen for this group project is a poster and a storyboard .Our group had chosen the speech People and Peace and not Profits and War by Shirley Chisholm; coming to an agreement on choosing the text from the lines 42 48 in Chisholm speech. In addition, the two media will represent that the people/citizens are living in poverty and neglect; while, the Defense Department is in the highest state that they can be in. The two media that our group has chosen to remediate will have a correlation with Chisholm s speech to express her meaning out to the world for the people to hear. For the poster that our group had created for one of the media,... Show more content on ... The title of our storyboard is 2 Years . The title represents the Kairos that was used in Chisholm speech, Two more years. Two more years of... (Chisholm). Kairos is sometime used as a rhetorical device to make an argument successful. In addition to the storyboard, we decided to represent the three main parts of the excerpt. One of the main lines of the excerpt is ...death for our best young men ... (Chisholm). Therefore, for the remediation that our group had created, we chose to place a boy lying down in the city to represent the death of the young boy. This medium was the most difficult for our group to compose because of the technical difficulties. Though these difficulties for our group will affect our decision in the future by choosing to stay away from the computers and stick to paper projects. The second main part of the excerpt is ...not having good education... (Chisholm). As a result, our group had chosen to put the books on fire while the kids are watching their education go to waste. As for the last remediation of the three main points of the speech, we had chosen to remediate was placed dollar signs on the houses to represent the Defense Department. In Chisholm speech she had stated that Cancerous growth of Defense Department... (Chisholm). Meaning that the Defense Department was wealthy and well
  • 28. What Is Pythias A Tyrant The story of Damon and Pythias is a perfect example of what the highest point of what friendship can be. The story also shows what a tyrant is by the series of events that occur within the story. In addition the story so far is about two noblemen named Damon and Pythias, they are what it means to have a perfect friendship. They would risk their life for each other in any given situation. Then the worst of them all occurs, King Dionysius a treacherous ruler who fits the description of what a tyrant is has a dream that Pythias is going to overthrow him from his title as king. Pythias was accused of trying to overthrow King Dionysius with no way to prove his innocence to the king s liking, and was then sentenced to death. The king was going to
  • 29. Class Inequality In Karl Marx And The Propertyless Class However, with respect towards the property class, there are certain elements that challenge this idea. One of these elements in particular is the propertyless class. One may note that the definition of the term propertyless class may be conceptualised as the class interests that are negatively privileged with respect to property belonging typically to one of the following types: 1.They themselves objects of ownership, thus in essence they are unfree. 2.They are considered to be outcasts or proletarians. 3.They are considered to be a debtor class, as they have accumulated large amounts of debts for loans and mortgages in order to pay outstanding bills. One may clearly conclude that a major challenge towards class status with regards to the property class is the idea that if one is unskilled, ... Show more content on ... Karl Marx believes that the capitalist system spawns the concept of class and the struggles these classes face within this systematic ideology. In order for one to understand Marx s conceptualisation of class struggle, one needs to first understand the definition of capitalism, which may be defined as an economic and political system in which a country s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state (Hornby, 2016). Marx believes that there are triggers that provoke the idea of class struggle; these triggers include exploitation and alienation. Alienation One may note that economic alienation under capitalism means that man is alienated in daily activities which includes the very work he/she fashions a living. In addition, one may also note that there are four aspects to economic alienation, which include: the object of labour, the process of production, alienated from themselves and fellow human
  • 30. Super Size Me Documentary Over the years Obesity has become a big problem in america for many reasons. The number of deaths obesity had caused is a very large number and will continue to rise. Luckily, the Super Size Me documentary did a good job at explaining the risks of fast food and has brought me to realize how important it is to to control the amount of fast foodyou eat. Watching this documentary I have obtained lots of useful information and it definitely got my attention about the world wide problem of Obesity. The Super Size Me documentary was very informative and brought me to realize my own diet. It also made me start to think about how I could possibly change to live a more healthy lifestyle. As we all know living an obese lifestyle may cause life threatening problems such as heart attacks, types of cancer, and more often than not you will have mobility issues and a possible need to be hospitalized. Knowing this I ve decided fast food ... Show more content on ... In comparison to what was mentioned in the movie I personally don t exercise as much as I should, but I also try not to eat out that much and cook healthier meals. However, since watching the documentary it really stressed the point of exercising, and made me want to exercise more to feel better mentally and physically. Super Size Me made me want to be a healthier person. Although this documentary got the point eating fast food regularly is very unhealthy across I thought it was a little ridiculous to go on a mcdonald s binge eating nothing but their food for a whole month. I also thought it was a little unrealistic because not a lot of people only eat Mcdonald s as their diet, there is always something else instead of that. However, it is still not okay to eat poorly more often than not, but I did like how he really showed the long term effects caused by eating that
  • 31. Meursault Thesis Statement Meursault should be allowed to live because he acted out of self defense. Although he was not in immediate danger when he shot it was clear that there was not any chance that the Arab man brought out the knife just to have a friendly chat with Meursault. If he had waited to make sure that the man was going to hurt him it would risk the man either throwing the knife and mortally wounding Meursault or possibly just being able to get close enough to stab Meursault. The moment that the two of them met alone, both wielding dangerous weapons was the moment that they both realized that there was no possible way that they were both walking away from that beach alive. Although with that being said there were other ways to possibly disable the Arab or... Show more content on ... Meursault s lack of motivation and care about everything was shown to even give in to him just being killed. Although he has a change of heart later on during and before the trial Meursault was shown to not really care about the whole ordeal and has already accepted the fact that he will be punished for the murder of the Arab. A quote that shows just how much he really cares about his own life was shown when he was first brought to the police. I said that I thought my case was pretty simple (Camus.63). This quote demonstrates his acceptance of the fact that he did commit a crime and that he should be punished. It also shows how fast he is to give up in a desperate situation. He later when the verdict is announced didn t seem that shocked by being put to the death penalty. This fact shows that he is either in agreement with the verdict or he has already come to terms with what he
  • 32. Diamond Industry Analysis Essay Industry Analysis Diamond Industry (Gem Based diamonds) The Diamond industry is essentially broken up into 3 segments: 1. Industrial Diamonds natural and synthetic diamonds that are used in a wide range of manufacturing processes for their physical properties. 2. Jewelry Diamonds rough diamonds cut for use as gemstones in jewelry. 3. Investment Diamonds high quality large gemstones, often with special characteristics, purchased for investment. The Jewelry and Investment segments together represent 83 percent of the value of rough diamonds produced. The industry is controlled as a monopoly by the De Beers diamond company which operates from South Africa and London. The wholesale trade and cutting of diamonds is limited to only ... Show more content on ... Alrosa s sales in 2005 accounted for US$ 2.5 billion, 1.7% growth to 2004. BHP Billiton BHP Billiton describes itself as the world s largest mining company having 38,000 employees working in more than 100 operations in approximately 25 countries. In fact, the company does not concentrate on diamond production but also on iron, coal, petroleum, bauxite, aluminium, manganese and copper amongst other materials. BHP Billiton was formed in 2001 through a merger of the Australian Broken Hill Proprietary Company (BHP) and the British Billiton that had extensive operations in South Africa. The Australian BHP operates 60 % of the business and the British Billton the other 40%. Even though the companies operate as one business with one board of directors and a single management structure, they are listed separately on the stock exchange. The company sales in 2006 accounted to US$36 billion with a growth of 21.3% compared to 2005 and a net income of US$10 billion, 53.1% growth compared to 2005. Rio Tinto Group To be a competitor in the diamond industry, a company has to be one of the largest mining companies. Rio Tinto Group falls right behind BHP, they employee over 32,000 employees. The Group s major products include aluminum, copper, diamonds, energy products, gold, industrial minerals (borates, titanium dioxide, salt and talc), and iron. It is strongly represented in Australia and North America (accounting for about 40%
  • 33. The Conflict And Conflict Management Strategies Robbins and Judge define conflict as a process that begins when one party perceives another party has or is about to negatively affect something that is cared about. There is a variety of conflicts that individuals will encounter within their lives. Knowing and understating the conflict cycle and understanding conflictmanagement strategies will help individuals solve conflict in a reasonable manner (Robbins Judge, 2014). Discussing Contentious Issues/ Bringing Conflict into the Open When managers are faced with discussing contentious issues or having to bring up conflict within their organizations, there are several steps that they can take to ensure that all goes smoothly. A process should be put in place that ensures that all individuals feel safe when bringing up ideas and thoughts. Managers must prepare and plan for what might come their way. Goals and objectives of the discussion must be clear to all involved. Goals should be put in writing and a range of potential outcomes should be shared (Robbins Judge, 2014, p. 315 316). Next ground rules should be established. Grounds rules are a list of expected behaviors that individuals must portray during a discussion/meeting. The following are a list of ground rules that could be helpful when discussing contentious issues. Don t interrupt Give everyone equal time to speak No outside interruptions (cell phones, etc.) Be respectful of other people s opinions Address the issue, don t attack the
  • 34. What Is Job Analysis 1.0 INTRODUCTION According to Maimunah, 2014, Job analysis is a method of understanding a job to studying the knowledge, experiences, skills and others essential qualitification that necessary to perform the job. Job analysis cab be done through combination of interviews, questionnaire and observation by a researchers. Job analysis is subsequently organized and compile in job description. Job analysis is a technique of studying a job to identify the skills, knowledge, experience, and other requirements necessary to perform the job. Job analysis is useful in the process of recruitment and selection. It also one of important steps to do the job evaluation process and the process usually are repeated. Job analysis is conducted to obtain current and reliable information about job in order to make a better management decision. This will help for the organisation to save money, increase productivity and others. ... Show more content on ... This job analysis is to give the employee or the new comer appropriate training and to setup the objective for them to perform their task so that they can easily to be assessed and managed in the organisation. In the organisation, job analysis is important to use because its combine this three type of collecting data. That is interviews, questionnaires and observations. This combination is to help the employer to get more specific information and they will be more specific in giving task to their employee and to know the specific position to them. In this research, job analysis is used as the main objective. The combination of interview, questionnaire and observation are use as the medium to get the information. The focus of this study is to get more information about a certain job position but in the different organisation and to focus how this job analysis helps the organisation to make decision for they own
  • 35. Arneson s Argument Of Degradation Of The Surrogate Anderson s second argument is that of degradation of the surrogate. This thinking may be true in some cases, but not all. Anderson makes the comparison of surrogates to a hatchery. Again, Anderson herself degrades surrogates by removing their autonomy and projecting them as docile and incompetent creatures who cannot enter into a contract without being exploited. Arneson rebuts this assertion by asking the question why is it permissible for a womanto act as a surrogate for a friend or family member (Altruistic Surrogacy) but as soon as money is entered into the equation (Commercial Surrogacy), it becomes morally unacceptable. Arneson s point that the exchange of money for the service of surrogacy does not make the practice intrinsically harmful,... Show more content on ... Pande tries to shed more light on the economic and psychological empowerment and opportunity surrogacy has given women. Surrogates are introduced to medical services that are normally not accessible to them. Over the course of her research, Pande shifted her position and stated that the practice of surrogacy needs to be prohibited, and came to view surrogacy as ethical work that needs regulation in order not to exploit the women and babies. She believes surrogate mothers must be given the right to organize in labor unions and negotiate with the intended parents. Pande thinks the long range solution is to relax surrogacy regulation in other countries so that people don t need to leave their home countries to find surrogate mothers. She proposed an international model of surrogacy founded on openness and transparency on three fronts: in the structure of payments, in the medical process, and in the relationships forged within surrogacy. CONCLUSION: Opinion will continue to be divided on whether commercial surrogacy arrangements devalue children and women in intangible ways. But what has become clear is that well designed regulation can greatly mitigate most of the potential tangible harms of surrogacy, and this would seem to be the appropriate function of law in a liberal society in response to an issue on which no societal consensus
  • 36. Keep It Heart Healthy Preventive measures are imperative in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). De Backer mentions that having a lifestyle incorporating poor diet, lack of physical activity, and smoking greatly contributes to the risk factors of individuals with CVD (2017). Prevention is my method for reducing the incidence of cardiovascular disease. My proposed policy, Keep It Heart Healthy, is to address the CVD risk concerns of African American (AA) women ages 25 to 45. With a higher occurrence of cardiovascular disease occurring more in African American women than women of other races, this campaign will target a majority of individuals who are at risk. Most women at the age range of 25 to 45 are fairly healthy which will allow me to focus on preventive methods. Few programs are available for African Americans to be educated and introduced interventions to reduce the risk of CVD. It is possible to significantly improve risk behaviors for AA and adherence to interventions when culture appropriateness is taken into account (Brown, et al., 2017).... Show more content on ... Keep It Heart Healthy could be enacted to assist in the Healthy People 2020 goal to improve cardiovascular health and quality of life through prevention, detection, and treatment of risk factors (2010). My campaign to reach out to AA women in educating them about CVD risk factors and measure to prevent will assist in improving the cardiovascular health of the women. The program will be a new regulation and can become an intervention in the prevention of heart disease and stroke. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in African American women in the United States which is why there is a need for health education and promotion (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). Existing campaigns such as the CDC s advocacy program in preventing heart disease would be a guideline in creating my proposed
  • 37. Historical Influences In Psychology Assignment 1: Historical Influences The seven early and modern perspectives of psychology contain the following: psychodynamic perspective, behavioral perspective, humanistic perspective, cognitive perspective, sociocultural perspective, bio psychological perspective, and evolutionary perspective. Psychodynamic perspective not only aims attention to the unconscious mind and over conscious behavior, but limits the attention on sexual motivations and provides the growth of a sense of self, social and interpersonal relations, and the motivations of others behavior. Although psychodynamic perspective may not be as popular as before, Freud s theory is commonly used by individuals in therapy and customize the techniques for up to date use. Behavioral ... Show more content on ... What humanistic perspective does is allow people to make a destiny for themselves; we latch on to free will. Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers are the two founders of humanistic, which is still being put to use for self understanding and self improvement. Cognitive perspective focuses more on memory, intelligence, problem solving, and language, which has become a major factor in psychology. Cognitive perspective also focuses on the field of cognitive neuroscience, which studies the physical works of the brain and nervous system when dealing with memory and thinking. In order to witness the structure activity of the brain, neuroscientist use machines such as, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and positron emission tomography (PET). Social psychology and cultural psychology are two areas combined that make up the sociocultural perspective. The study of groups, social roles, and social actions and relations are known as social psychology and cultural psychology is the study of cultural norms, values, and expectations, which makes both areas family due to the effects individuals have on one another, either by one s self or in a group. Lev Vygotsky, a Russian psychologist created his sociocultural theory of cognitive development by using the sociocultural approach. Cross cultural research is also known to be relevant to sociocultural perspective due to comparing the behavior of two or more
  • 38. Japanese Internment Camps In Canada After Japan s attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, many Japanese Canadians were removed from their homes and were sent to internment camps in the B.C. interior, farms, and internment camps across Canada. This decision to relocate Japanese Canadians was made by the Canadian government. Although the relocation of the Japanese Canadians was justified as a security measure, Canadashould have not interned the Japanese Canadians. This event was not the first case of racism and discrimination as history repeats itself. Japanese Canadians posed no threat to national security and yet they were interned, and as Canada still struggles with racism, Canada has made much progress, but there is still so much more that needs to be done. Many Canadians ... Show more content on ... Craig Takeuchi, journalist for The Georgia Straight, wrote an article how he was called a Chinaman when he is Japanese. Another incident was when he was purchasing items at Shoppers Drug Mart, the clerk told Takeuchi the total for his purchase. He took out his coins to see which ones to use. The clerk tells him slowly which ones are the different. He wrote about how people, not just Asian Canadians, to speak out when they witness, read, or experience discriminatory expressions in public, whether it s racism, Islamophobia, sexism, or any other opinions because it s not immigrants who are eroding Canadian values but that it s the ignorant. Today in Canada we have legal protection for victims of discrimination and a constitutional guarantee of equality rights for all. According to an Angus Reid poll, while a third of Canadians (32 per cent) believe that racism is a significant problem in Canada, 55 per cent are satisfied that we have overcome it. It is very evident that racism is still among the people of Canada and people should try to think about more not just Asian immigrants but also everyone else and as they come into Canada, we should be welcoming and respect their
  • 39. Table Controls at Bellagio Casino Resort Controls at the Bellagio Casino Resort Purpose of Case The Controls at the Bellagio Casino Resort case was designed with several purposes in mind. First, it illustrates a control system that is dominated by action and personnel controls, rather than results controls. The analysis of this system leads to insights about some of the factors that limit the feasibility of results controls. Second, the case can lead into a discussion of what is meant by the term tight control. The case presents an excellent example of the application of tight action controls in the table games areas of the casino. Finally, the case can lead into a discussion of the meaning of what auditors refer to as internal control, which is a subset of the ... Show more content on ... Another problem that casinos face is skimming. Skimming means that money is taken from the casino, such as cash from the cage or counting room often requiring cover through forged documentation and changed audit trails. This problem can be used to lead into a discussion of internal control and the ways in which cash is controlled in the casino. The two major purposes of internal controls are (1) to safeguard assets and (2) to ensure reliability of the financial records. In the area of cash, the casino maintains imprest cash balances to safeguard the cash and chips; this means assigning individual responsibility for a certain amount of money. And they have elaborate procedures to ensure that the financial records are reliable (e.g., multiple approvals of transactions, checking of audit trails, multiple reconciliations, and trend analyses), some of which are described in great detail in the case. Do these procedures prevent skimming? The answer is a tentative yes. The controls are effective against skimming unless collusion is involved, which is a frequent limitation to internal controls. Weakness of Results Controls Assignment Question 2, . Results controls are simply not feasible for control over the dealers because results are not measured until the 24 hour drop procedure is complete, and during that period more than one dealer has worked at a table. It would be possible to measure dealer productivity by keeping track of deals per hour,
  • 40. Danger And Cleanup Of Orbital Debris Danger And Cleanup Of Orbital Debris Orbital debris, which are different than space debri, pose a threat to space missions and astronauts. Manny previous missions have left orbital debris in their wake. Most of the debris are left up there until they are pulled toward earth by gravity and then destroyed by earth s atmosphere. Until then the space junk is left to orbit around the earth. The amount of debri continues to grow quicker than the earth can destroy it. Leaving the debri to sit up there unchecked poses dangers for astronauts and space missions both current and future. There are several solutions that scientists have come up with that could help reduce the danger of space debris. Orbital debris are specifically the man made objects that follow a path of orbit around the earth (NASA, 2013). Orbital debris differ from satellites in that they no longer serve a working purpose, making them essentially space junk (NASA, 2013). Orbital debris can sometimes be confused with space debris. The term space debris encompases anyting that is wandering about space or orbiting around something like the sun, manmade or not (NASA, 2013). Things like meteorites and man made objects that are not in orbit around earth (NASA, 2013). While orbital debris only includes man made, unusefull things, that are in orbit around the earth (NASA, 2013). The orbital space junk can wind up floating around the earth in a couple of different ways. One of the most common ways that it can get up there
  • 41. Burger King And Brome Modern Eatery Millions of restaurants market their food in various ways to attract you, the consumer. In Kiera Butler s essay, The Creepy Language Tricks Taco Bell Uses to Fool People into Eating There, she explains how various language usage on a menu can be used to provide a positive and appealing impression to the customers of that restaurant. Marketers create menus with the goal to appeal to the buyers thus, creating revenue for the restaurant. A restaurant s menumay vary from a high quality cuisine to a cheaper lower quality food. Two popular restaurant s menus: Burger King and Brome Modern Eatery, use numerous ways to portray their menus in an appealing and positive manor. Though both restaurants have a similar cuisine, Burger King, is... Show more content on ... Another way Burger King tries to make their menu stand out and appeal the consumers is by, using a variety of fonts. Burger King assumes that their customers struggle to stay focused while reading a boring menu so, to keep their customers interested and focused, Burger King uses a plethora of bold attention grabbing fonts. Burger King wants to be flashy and use fonts to create this bold image. Finally, vibrant color on a menu is used to make it appear energetic, or even exciting to the customers. If the menu was boring or dull in color, it would create the same negative impression about the food. The entire Burger King menu is packed with various colors for each section of the menu, this creates an appealing image for the menu. So, what impressions do these tactics provide on the actual quality of the food served at Burger King? Unfortunately, there does come a point when too much on a menu becomes a bad thing. Over using pictures, fonts, and colors on the menu tends to make the quality of the food seem cheap and unfulfilling. Burger King uses pictures, fonts and colors to provide an appealing and positive impression about the food they serve however, these tactics may also distract the customers from the quality of the food. In contrast, Brome Modern Eatery s menu includes limited amounts of pictures, fewer fonts, and less colors compared to Burger King. Brome s very simple and straight forward menu consists of eleven different burgers that are
  • 42. The Lost Iago in Shakespeare s Othello Essay example The Lost Iago in Othello In Shakespeare s Othello the sinister nature of the ancient casts a pall of uneasiness over the narrative of the play. How can the evil influence of one character be so pervasive? Let us in this essay probe his character and find answers to our questions. In Historical Differences: Misogyny and Othello Valerie Wayne exposes Iago s inability to praise women when Desdemona asks him how he would do it: Iago s worry that he cannot do what Desdemona asks implies that his dispraise of women was candid and easily produced, while the praise requires labour and inspiration from a source beyond himself. His insufficiency is more surprising because elsewhere in the play Iago appears as a ... Show more content on ... (79) Evidence of his psychopathic personality is seen early in the play. He manipulates the wealthy Roderigo into awakening the senator Brabantio ( Rouse him: make after him, poison his delight ); and then he utters very offensive smutty lines about a black ram and white ewe, which indicate the way his sick mind operates. Iago s very language reveals the level at which his evil mind works. Francis Ferguson in Two Worldviews Echo Each Other describes the types of base, loathsome imagery used by the antagonist Iago when he slips his mask aside while awakening Brabantio: Iago is letting loose the wicked passion inside him, as he does from time to time throughout the play, when he slips his mask aside. At such moments he always resorts to this imagery of money bags, treachery, and animal lust and violence. So he expresses his own faithless, envious spirit, and, by the same token, his vision of the populous city of Venice Iago s world, as it has been called. . . .(132) He seems to be motivated by love of money which he has been receiving from Roderigo for some time ( thou, Iago, who hast had my purse / As if the strings were thine ). Iago himself says that he is motivated by revenge on the Moor ( I follow him to
  • 43. How Organizations Can Move Beyond The First Steps Of... ABSTRACT Change is best carried through by the many, not by just the hero leader. Ten challenges to the initiation and sustaining of change are elaborated, illustrated by a rich range of case studies and supported by a practical checklist. We all know that change and innovation are of the essence for organisations today and in future. The bad news, according to Peter Senge, is that most change initiatives fail. The good news is that Senge and his co authors think they know why and what to do about it. Senge is the guru of the learning organisation whose previous book The Fifth Discipline was hailed as a groundbreaking book about organisational transformation. Senge and his co authors, all of them change experts, call this new book a Fifth Discipline resource . The aim of the book is to show how organisations can move beyond the first steps of corporate change and sustain the momentum. The problems that cause the failure of change projects cannot be solved by more expert advice, better consultants or more committed managers, say Senge and co. They stem from our most basic ways of thinking. Unless these change, new initiatives will only produce the same unproductive types of action. The fundamental problem is that most change initiatives deal only with growth processes and not with the limiting processes. We need to change our way of thinking so that we can understand the forces that impede progress and develop strategies for dealing with them. One of the