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Essay Positive Thinking
Writing an essay on the topic of "Positive Thinking" can be both challenging and rewarding. On
one hand, the concept itself is broad and abstract, encompassing various psychological,
philosophical, and practical aspects. It requires a deep understanding of human psychology,
mindset, and behavior. Moreover, conveying the importance and benefits of positive thinking
while providing concrete examples and evidence can be quite intricate.
Additionally, crafting a compelling essay on positive thinking necessitates creativity and
originality. It's essential to present fresh perspectives and insights to engage the reader
effectively. Finding the right balance between theoretical concepts and real-life applications is
crucial to ensure the essay resonates with the audience.
Moreover, maintaining a positive tone throughout the essay is imperative to align with the topic's
theme. It requires skillful writing to convey optimism and encouragement without sounding
clichГ© or superficial. Striking this balance while conveying a meaningful message can be a
daunting task.
However, despite the challenges, exploring the topic of positive thinking offers an opportunity
for personal growth and introspection. Through research and reflection, one can gain valuable
insights into the power of mindset and its impact on various aspects of life.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of positive thinking presents its own set of
challenges, but it also offers a platform for exploration and enlightenment. By delving into this
subject, one can uncover valuable lessons that promote personal development and well-being.
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Essay Positive ThinkingEssay Positive Thinking
Lack Of Knowledge In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein
In 2014, a survey done by the Bureau of Labor Statistics discovered that roughly
two thirds of students graduating high school will continue their education at a
university. We spend almost our whole lives in the pursuit of knowledge. Gaining
knowledge helps human beings achieve the things they covet most in life like
money, family, and recognition. Examples of these are being qualified for a better
job, having a successful family, and making a scientific discovery or having a large
impact on society. As Frankenstein has proposed, there are both positive and negative
effects of knowledgedepending on the use. In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein, Victor
Frankenstein is a fact seeking young man that is infatuated with the natural world and
how things work. He applies his interests to his studies and ends up studying Physics,
Chemistry, and Anatomy at the University of... Show more content on
Intellect allows the human race to advance and excel our way of life. So many
people in just our lifetime have been able to revolutionize the world. For example,
Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, all extremely intelligent people who were
able to change the world immensely by using their abundance of knowledge for
good. Einstein had an IQ of 190. For comparison, to be considered a genius, one
must score a 140 on an IQ test. (ABC). Bill Gates and Steve Jobs both
revolutionized the technological world and made multi billion dollar businesses.
These two men are to epitome of using their remarkable knowledge as a blessing.
Granted there was definitely a rough patch or two along the way. One man,
Christopher Langan, dropped out of school believing he could teach himself more
than his teachers could. He went on to develop a group called the Cognitive
Theoretic Model of the Universe solely for the purpose of creating problems to
challenge highly intellectual
Different Cultures of the World Must Live Together
No culture can live if it attempts to be exclusive. This quote was stated by the
preeminent leader, Mahatma Gandhi. Every culture that exists are unique and
significant because of their vast traditions and beliefs. The extent of one s culture
informs the way one views others and the world. Throughout the stories, Where
World s Collide , An Indian Father s Plea , and the Willie Lynch letter each culture
presented was controlled by another culture. Each character was expected to adapt
themselves to a whole new culture, leaving their traditions hidden. It was portrayed in
the story that the dominating culture wanted to remain dominant as they adapt others
to their traditions and principles. The authors of these stories were able to express
themselves through imagery as they painted a picture for the readers to relate to,
appealling to their human senses.
In the story, Where World s Collide , Pico Iyer guides us through the various
cultures in LAX as they [came] out, dazed, disoriented, heads still partly in the
clouds, bodies still several time zones away, [as] they step into the Promised Land.
From the perspective of an Indian origin immigrant visiting the United States, Pico
Iyer witnessed signs of discrimination, sterotypes, and cultural indifferences. They
have already, perhaps, visited the restroom where someone has written Yes on
Proposition 187. Mexicans go home. Through observing evidence of racial
discrimination in the restroom, Pico Iyer was given a mere
Rogers View Of The Good Life
My Thoughts: Rogers description of the good life as a direction is incredibly
different from the American perspective that happiness is a singular goal one can
achieve. We often think that, once we reach a point in life where we re happy, that
we ll stay that way indefinitely. Rogers perspective is less palatable, but probably
more accurate.
My Thoughts: To me, this was Roger s most interesting and thoughtprovoking quote.
When he says that someone living the good life would very likely not be a
conformist, it makes me think about the fact that most people are conformists. I
don t think being a conformist is a fixed aspect of who people are, but I do think it s
very hard to overcome for people who have lived much of their lives that ... Show
more content on ...
I think that the people close to us have a responsibility to tell us how they perceive
our behavior. Whether or not we agree with it, it s still helpful to know that others
may not always take things as we mean them to. This quote made me think of an
argument I had with my step father when I was around 12 or so. We were talking
about how the constant arguments we had were making the house a very negative
place to be. I said, Well, if you don t like it, you can leave! He perceived that as me
telling him to get out of the house, but I meant that because he was an adult and
had a car and money, he was able to drive away from the house if he wanted and
take a break from it, whereas I was stuck there. We didn t clear up the
misunderstanding at the time, but when I talked to my brother later that night, he
pointed out to me that that was how everyone else in the family had taken my
comment. I would never have even considered that that was how they would have
heard it, but having that pointed out to me has made me more cognizant of the way
I word things, even now, almost 10 years later. By pointing out to me how my
words were taken by the rest of the family, I was able to grow in my ability to
consider others
Saint Augustine Essay
Saint Augustine
Saint Augustine (354 430 AD), also known as Augustine of Hippo created an image
of himself through his writings and teachings. He was born in Tagaste, a town in
North Africa, on November 13, 354 AD. He was born into a middle class family.
Patricius, his father, was a pagan, but later converted to Christianity because of his
wife, Monica, was a devout Christian. Augustine s mother, who was devoted to the
Roman Catholic church, constantly tried for her son s conversion.
Augustine was educated as a lecturer in the former North African cities of Tagaste,
Madaura, and Carthage. The philosophical works of Marcus Tullius Cicero, a Roman
speaker and politician, inspired Augustine to become a seeker after truth. Augustine...
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For when a cure is effected, that does not mean that the evils which were present
go away from the body and dwell elsewhere: they altogether cease to exist
(Augustine 177). In sum, when evil is controlled it will no longer exist in the good
or anywhere else. Augustine relates this to the vices in our soul and how they are
nothing but deprivations of natural good. Just like the disease and wounds, when
the vices are cured, they cease to exist in the soul and everywhere else. What he is
trying to say is that God didn t create evil for its own purpose. God is supremely
good and wouldn t put evil on this earth if we weren t able to get some good out of it.
So evil is here for the purpose of good.
Augustine discusses the idea of contraries in Chapter XIV. Augustine states that
two contraries cannot be predicated at the same time of the same thing (Augustine
178) does not hold true with the concept of good and evil, even though they are
contraries. They are seen as an exception to the rule. He is saying that good and
evil can exist at the same time in any one thing. He also says that good can exist
without evil, but evil cannot exist without good, or in anything that is not good.
For a man or an angel can exist without being wicked; but nothing can be wicked
except a man or an angel: and so far as he is a man or an angel, he is good; so far as
he is wicked, he is
Prevalence of Masked Hypertenstion in Type 2 Diabetic...
The main finding of this study is that the serum ADMA levels were significantly
increased in MHT patients with DM compared to normotensive diabetic subjects.
ADMA levels, BMI, and low HDL levels were independent predictors of MHT in
patients with DM.
ADMA levels positively correlated with ABPM measurements, especially daytime
measurements, but were not related to office BP measurements. ADMA levels may
play a role in prediction, with a good sensitivity and negative predictive value but
poor specificity and positive predictive value. To the best of our knowledge, this is
the first study to examine the relationship between ADMA and
MHT in the current literature.
Ng et al. studied in a total of 133 DM patients, 18% of whom had
MHT. It was ... Show more content on ...
In another elegant human trial, Achan et al. demonstrated that ADMA infusion
increases systemic vascular resistance by 24%, and mean arterial BP by 6% in
healthy subjects and that a bolus dose of ADMA decreases cardiac output by 15%
[18]. In a second part of that study, it was shown that a handgrip maneuver increased
cardiac output in control subjects by 96%, but in subjects given ADMA, cardiac
output increased by only 35%.
ADMA concentration 30 min after the infusion was 2.6 mol/L, however, the baseline
value was not provided. In addition, several studies have shown that serum ADMA
levels are increased in essential hypertension about two fold and are related to
impaired endothelial function [5,16]. Perticone and colleagues found that
ADMA in essential hypertensive subjects was strongly and inversely associated with
the peak increase in forearm blood flow
[5]. These studies demonstrated that ADMA plays an important role in the
regulation of vascular tone. It is known that ADMA levels are increased among
type 2 DM patients [19]. On the contrary, in a small study, Paiva et al. reported
decreased ADMA level in diabetics due to renal hyperfiltration [20]. It seems that the
prognostic value of ADMA is more important in patients with DM [21].
Krzyzanowska et al. reported that ADMA predicted cardiovascular events and
enhanced the predictive role of CRP in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Pablo Escobar s Influence In Colombia
Sometimes I am God, if I say a man dies, he dies that same day. The man that said
this was responsible for the deaths of thousands of people and made billions of
dollars a year in the process. Escobar caused conflict by killing and bribing
government officials as well as innocent people. He compromised very little himself.
He stopped at nothing to get what he wanted. Pablo Escobar used conflict to force
others to compromise their ideals and morals, leading to his increased power and
influence in Colombiaand the United States.
Pablo Escobar grew up in a poor family, which may have lead to his wish for power
and wealth. Pablo was born on December 1, 1949 in Rio Negro, Colombia
(Anrhiud). He had one brother named Robert who would eventually ... Show more
content on ...
To prevent extradition he assassinated 3 presidential candidates that supported
extradition laws (Gorgorni). To avoid extradition Pablo also offered to pay
colombia s debt (Anhriud). He was willing to compromise some of his wealth to
get his way when violence didn t solve his problem. He surrendered himself to the
colombian government but said that if he did they could not use extradition to
take him to the U.S. and he got to stay in his own luxury prison he had built (17
facts). He said I prefer to be in a grave in colombia than in a jail in the U.S.
Compromise on his terms was surrendering to the government. He surrendered in
1991 (Pablo Escobar). His prison was called La Catedral because it was so
luxurious. It was complete with a spa, nightclub, and Casino (Anhriud). While in the
prison he was threatened to be bombed by rival Cali Cartel. Pablo could still run his
cartel while in the prison so his cartel did not stop shiping massive quantities of
cocaine daily (Griggs). While in prison he tortured and killed his closest associates
and friends with a blowtorch for betraying him for the Cali cartel. This shows how
little he actually compromised to go to La Catedral . He never stopped his pursuit
for power even when in prison he was making
Social Justice Definition Essay
Paraphrasing from the reading, social justice is defined as a basic value and desired
goal in democratic societies that includes equal and fair access to resources and
opportunities, without individual limitations based on observed, or interpretations of,
differences in personal identities. Taking from this definition and what I previously
know, my own interpretation is that social justiceis actions or behaviors that promote
peace and respect for others despite physical or mental differences. The three terms I
was most familiar with were biracial, stereotype, and ethnocentrism. Growing up I
think nearly everyone is taught about the harm that stereotyping can do to a person.
To treat every person as an individual and to get to know everyone personally is
something that I was taught as a student in elementary and has always been apart of
my life.... Show more content on ...
After reading the glossary definition, my original interpretation of re fencing is
essentially justifying the use of a stereotype. For example, if a person were to call
someone else out for using a stereotype, they would then in turn use re fencing to
try to explain why their stereotype is true. After looking at an article online by
Stacey Wyatt, I determined that re fencing is actually subconscious. Re fencing is
when a stereotype is not fulfilled as the brain expects. The brain will then
automatically re fence to the old thought and ignore the break in the stereotype. The
second term I was unsure about was contact hypothesis. After reading the definition,
I am aware of what contact hypothesis is, however I had not heard that specific term
and did not originally know what it referred to. I believe that this theory is only
somewhat true; as I do not think simply bringing people of different backgrounds
together will automatically lead to improved relations between them. There has to be
some sort of common goal to create that
Triage Research Paper
Triaging Patients Using the ADTMC The French world trier , the origin of the
word triage , was originally applied to a process of sorting, probably around 1972,
by Baron Dominique Jean Larrey, Surgeon in Chief to Nepoleon s Imperial Guard.
Out of French Service de Sante, not only emerged the concept of triage, but the
organizational structure necessary to handle the growing number of casualties in
modern warfare. The original concepts of triage were primarily focused on mass
casualty situations. Many of the original concepts of triage, the sorting in to
immediate, urgent, and non urgent with the use of the holding category in the
warfare situation, remain valid today in mass casualty and warfare situations. The
triage sieve remains in place and is widely used throughout the military organizations
(Emerg Med J. 2006 Feb; 23(2); 154 155.). Triage is the process of determining the
priority of patients treatments based on the severity of their conditions. This rations
patient treatment efficiently when resources are insufficient for all to be treated
immediately. The original triage system was based on sorting surgical patients in
battlefield... Show more content on ...
As per the basic knowledge about this procedure all active duty military medic
should be able to determine the level of the urgency required in patient care in order
to provide the essential medical care. In most of the cases, determining the
seriousness of the illness or injury is the first basic step, which can actually save the
time of the patient and the health care provider himself and the available resources in
the treatment
Comparison Between The Bacchae and The Medea
In Euripides The Bacchae and in the Medea, there are significant binary oppositions
in both plays. Binary opposition is the two opposite terms, such as good versus bad.
Binary opposition is used to present both sides of a contrast (Marvin, 1). In The
Bacchae and the Medea, Euripides used binary opposition to highlight the central
themes. The significant binary oppositions that are used are men versus women,
foreigner versus citizen, and god versus man. The contrast between men versus
women is an important opposition in both plays. The women in the Greek society
have no control of their life; the men are in control (Barlow 159). In The Bacchae
Dionysusunderminded the Greek society point view on women and empowers... Show
more content on ...
The binary opposition of man versus woman starts off strong, but Euripides switches
the roles in both plays. In The Bacchae the woman worship Dionysus. Pentheus
disguises himself as a woman, and goes off to view the women in the mountains,
which is Dionysus plan the whole time. Pentheus dresses up as a woman and
admits to wanting to see the women up at the mountains, and this goes against
Pentheus anger at the beginning of the play (Bacchae 813 814). In the end of the
play the women overpower Pentheus and destroy him to pieces (Bacchae 1125
1140). This is an example of the women being controlling of their own actions and
being stronger than the men. In Medea the stereotype of the man and the woman
switch. Medea is no longer going to sit around and let every man walk all over her;
she states in her speech that she will take revenge on everybody that caused her
misery (Medea 364 409). Barlow emphasizes on the reversal of the stereotype,
stating that Medea, is a woman, moreover, who simply refuses to any longer to
accept at any rate Greek female stereotypes unless to use them with calculation to
gain her own immediate ends (158). Medea reversing the stereotype is the reversal of
man controlling the woman, and this shows that woman as well have the power to
control their own life. Euripides also highlights how
Boeing Airlines And The Defense Market Essay
Company s Market
Boeing may only be one company, but they compete in two different markets:
commercial airlines and the defense industry. The main competition in the
commercial airline market is Airbus. Airbus and Boeing seem to have the commercial
airline industry in a chokehold basically having no other competitors. Since the
industry has high barriers to entry they will not see much competition anytime soon.
Boeing is the American leader in commercial airplanes and Airbus is the European
leader, which means they are constantly battling. Their competing aircrafts are the
Airbus A380 and the Boeing 747. Both companies have many variations of their
respected aircraft and according to Business Insider, Airbus A380 outranks the
Boeing 747 based on cost, range, size and luxury.
The defense market, Boeing aligns itself in is more complex than their commercial
airline market. Boeing s main competitor in this market is Lockheed Martin and
Raytheon Company. Even though all these companies may compete, each with
each other they often create joint ventures because the defense industry requires a
diverse product mix that one company may not be able to fulfill. One example of
these ventures is when Boeing and Lockheed Martin come to together to own
/operate Hellfire Systems, LLC which allows for both companies to sell AGM 114
Hellfire Missiles. This missile is used in the United States Army, Navy and Air Force
so this is a very profitable venture for both Lockheed Martin and Boeing.
Pedagogical Content Knowledge Analysis
Advances in technology have created learning environments that are enriching, yet
ever changing. The field of medicine has shown a long history of integrating new
technologies to advance educational practices. Simulation, as a medical education
methodology, has shown great potential to advance the technology enabled learning
environment in healthcare. The following paper provides a concept analysis of
advancing the medical field by integrating innovative and technology driven
simulation methodologies. The overarching benefit includes increasing the level of
competency among medical practitioners prior to executing procedures on real life
patients (Gordon, Wilkerson, Shaffer, Armstrong, 2001). The discussion is filtered
through the Technological... Show more content on ...
TPCK extends upon a previous conceptual framework called the Pedagogical Content
Knowledge to include the importance of technology in modern education (Mishra
Koehler, 2006). The TPCK framework provides an argument that effective
integrations of technology, within any field of practice, will require a positive
synthesis among three primary components of technology, pedagogy, and content
(Mishra Koehler, 2006). Instructors that are able to negotiate these three components
in the learning environment can be said to represent expertise in their field of study
(Jain, 2008). In this sense, the most successful instructors will also be disciplinary
experts, technology experts, and teaching experts in their particular fields. For the
field of medical education, the integration of technological applications such as
simulation is a requirement under the considerations of the TPCK conceptual model.
The question then becomes: what are the best technological applications that can
support the growth of competency among current and future medical practitioners? In
short, simulation provides tremendous potential at filling the gaps that often exists in
specialty fields of medicine between theory and practical
Snow Falling On Cedars Essay
Racism is the notion that one s own ethnic stock is superior to that of someone else
s. Most all racism is as result of ignorance. Racism can range from a simple comment
to make another human being feel inferior, to complex actions that make others feel
unwelcome in society because of who they are. The theme of racism can be seen
throughout literature. In the murder mystery novel, SnowFalling on Cedars, by David
Guterson, many examples of wartime racism are evident.
The novel is set on San Piedro Island off the coast of Washington in the year 1954.
It is a place of five thousand damp souls (5). Kabuo Miyamoto, a member of the
island s Japanese American community, is on trial for the murder of Carl Heine, a
fellow fisherman. Heine s ... Show more content on ...
Also, Kabuo knew that they re going to want to see me hang no matter what the
truth is.... They hate anyone who looks like the soldiers they fought (391). That
quote seemingly holds a lot of truth. Much of World War II was waged against
Germany, and their persecution of the Jews. Ironically, the most vocal bigot in this
story (Etta Heine) is not only of German descent, but was actually born in
Germany. Yet, there appears to be no prejudice against Germans on San Piedro
Island as a result of the War. This provides a strong argument to the idea that white
people were racist towards Japanese people also because physically they looked
different. In all of World War II, no person of Japanese ancestry living in the
United States, Alaska, or Hawaii was ever charged with any act of espionage or
sabotage. This fact is at very least disturbing. Because of the internment camps,
Hatsue and Kabuo are forced to spent their wedding night in a public room with only
a curtain, and a radio to stop the details of their evening from traveling through the
thin walls. They have no choice on what to wear, eat, or do.
It is not only the Japanese who remember the horrors of the camps and the war.
Ishmael Chambers, the embittered war veteran who runs the San Piedro Review lost
his childhood love when the Japanese were herded up and taken to the internment
camps. Ishmael is not an objective witness however. He grew up with Carl and
Kabuo. He lost an arm in Tarawa
Essay On Rosebud
A lot can be surmised during the short excerpt, but unless you watch the movie the
viewers guessed conclusion could be correct or incorrect. The initial thought was
how did this man die? Did he die of an illness or was he poisoned, maybe by
Rosebud. Using the ominous music and gray, cloudy, and deserted scenery, one
would guess that the man died with unusual circumstances. But on the other hand, it
seemed to be at the owner s secluded home with a nurse on duty, pointing to an
illness. The real plot can only be discovered by watching the rest of the movie. The
man on his death bed uttered one word, Rosebud. This man was rich with abundant
property, albeit run down and forgotten, but he was able to afford an on duty nurse
conveniently placed to tend to him when he died. If he is the main character, the
movie will need to be shot with flashbacks to make him alive, thereby making him the
main character.... Show more content on ...
It is an overcast day or evening, but there is the menacing mansion ever in the
background. They want the viewer to know something bad is about to happen up
in the secluded mansion. Everything is dilapidated and run down, so no one has
cared for this place or the man for some time, which goes along with the
unwelcome mood. There happens to be a couple foretelling items placed in the
scene, if you know what to look for. The dying word of Rosebud elicits questions.
Who is Rosebud? Why was Rosebud the last thought of the dying man? The actual
word has the viewer asking questions and wanting to view more to find out who
Rosebud is and why is it so important to this dying man. The viewer will be curious
about that one word, where in reality everyone is curious about that one word. I did
not see anyone else in the room with the character, so I am wondering how anyone
knew that was his last spoken
The Deaths Of Women During Ciudad Juarez
In general those who live in Ciudad Juarez know about the recurring murders over
the past decade involving women. Despite of that there are still millions that are
oblivious to this occurring or choose to ignore it. It also gets less talked about
comparing to other issues occurring around the world. Those who choose to talk
about the subject eventually give up because they saw no immediate results or any
progress at all. As stated before some chose to ignore the issue because they felt it
was the easy way out and had fear of their own lives as well. Especially, the
residents of Ciudad Juarez were in fear to speak of it because they felt they would
put their lives endangered. However, to truly understand the severity and
seriousness of this subject like many other issues you need to have some idea of
how and why it started and the history or facts surrounding the issue. That is why
the main focus is finding the factors that may have contributed to the recurring
murders of women in Ciudad Juarez. Moreover, the effects of the murders on the
victim families, the public in general, and the city. Also finding if there were any
motives behind the murders of the women. Lastly, finding if there are any solutions
for the murders to come to an end, any way to deter people from doing it, and has
there been something done in the past decade to tackle the murders from happening
again. There has been debates and deliberations on how and when the series murders
of women began, but
The Pros And Cons Of The Intolerable Acts
The Intolerable Acts were a series of laws passed by British Parliament in 1774
with the intent to suppress the colonial Boston. The series of laws closed the ports
and placed it under martial law. The Sons of Liberty were a group of colonial
protestors which issues a call for a boycott. Merchant communities were skeptical
to participate unless everyone could mutually agree on terms and means to enforce
the provisions. Pressure from the groups was quickly mounting, colonial
legislatures empowered delegates to attend a Continental Congress where they
would set up terms for a boycott. Philadelphia September 5, 1774, The Congress
first met. With delegates representing each of the 13 colonies except for Georgia.
By the Next month, Congress had come up with a Plan. October 20, 1774, The
Articles of Association were adopted by Congress. The Articles of Association
stated that if the Intolerable Acts were not repealed by December 1, 1774, the
colonies began a boycott of British goods. Inside the Articles, there were outlined
plans for an embargo on exports if the Acts were not repealed before September 10,
1775. Within the Articles of Association were fourteen different articles outline
different topics. The article that affects Theater is Article 8 which states and will
discountenance and discourage every species of extravagance and dissipation,
especially all horse racing, and all kinds of games, cockfighting, exhibitions of
shews, plays and other expensive diversions and
I Am About Last Night
I wake up just enough to roll over. As I do so, the annoying, repetitive sound of my
alarm clock fills my ears. I groan and roll myself out of bed. I trudge over to my
dresser and turn the alarm off. I don t feel like going to school today, especially since
I know that Dad will be calling Mom while I m gone.
As I walk to the bathroom, I grab my phone from my desk. I see that I have two
new messages and one new email. I read the first message, which is from my mom,
telling me that she d be gone this morning. I open the second message, and of course,
it s from Damon.
Text to Karrison from Damon:
Good morning, beautiful. I hope you have an amazing day! I m still very sorry
about last night. I know I must have disappointed you, and I feel awful. I promise
that I ll make it up to you!
Well, I don t know how he would expect that he disappointed me. I m great at hiding
my emotions! I wonder how he s going to try to make it up to me.
I walk over to the mirror and almost shriek at my appearance. My eyes are crusty, and
my long, brown hair is sticking out in all directions. I was painfully reminded of
Einstein. I look down at my sink and groan. I look like an Einstein raccoon! I forgot
to clean my makeup off before I went to sleep. Looks like I have a bunch of work to
do before I leave for school.
With excitement, I realize it s Friday and almost jump up and down. Face and hair
or outfit first? I should try to do something with my hair first. I wash my face and dry
The Biological Causes For Serial Killers
Introduction: This investigation examines the biological causes for serial killers
psychopathic tendencies and examines those same biological factors in both men
and women to find the correlation between a higher rate of male serial killers and
the biology behind their actions. It is imperitave to first know what a serial killeris,
and what makes them such a cold fish. There are sections of the brain that do have
control over a human being s personality, where that individual can either develop
into an average person or join the other one percent of psychopaths living in the
world today (due to physical damage or chemical imbalance in the brain). These
specific sections of the brain are different in males then in females, some
components of the brain vary in size etc. between sexes. It is crucial to have all
these pieces, with this information its then possible to form a conlusion to the
surfaced question. To stretch ones knowledge and understanding of serial killers a
necasssary source is the Encyclopedia of Serial Killers, second edition by Micheal
Newton , which gives detailed insight on the worlds most infamous serial killers and
their tactics, not including other informative articles sited later on in the analysis. In
addition to that source, another applicable book would be The Emotional Brain by
Joseph LeDoux, assisting in learning the physical structures of the brain that control
ones emotions and motivations, as well as the male brain versus the females.
Migration In The Great Migration
The neoclassical economic theory sees migration as a consequence of
irregularities in the supply and demand of labor in different areas. The
Neoclassical theory insinuates that migrants relocate from one place to another
with the intention of maximizing their income. People tend to move from counties
where wages are low and labor is plentiful relative to capital to those where the
opposite is the case (Castles, 566). Emphasis is put on personal determinations to
relocate based on logical observations of the costs and rewards associated. The
journey of African Americans from the Southern States to the North during The
Great Migration is linked to the neoclassical theory due to wages and the shortage
of labor; in order for African Americans to obtain better wages, they needed to
relocate to the Northern and Western cities. During both World Wars, when America
sent her sons to battle and desperately needed laborers for the war factories, African
Americans filled the depleted factories and the supply and demand balance of
laborers was materialized. The Oxford Handbook of African AmericanCitizenship,
1865 Present narrated the economic aspects of African Americans by tracing the
historical development of African American economic experiences, starting from the
dawn of Reconstruction onward, and shed light on the consequences concerning the
economic marginalization of blacks in the south during The Great Migration. The
discriminatory system of Jim Crow s south led to lower
How Did Agriculture Influence The Development Of
During mans transition to agriculture human achievements were both interesting
and essential even though archeologists needed to interpret the remains of tools,
cave paintings and burial sites. The social norms adopted during this period led to
the creation of society as we know it today. Agriculture led to the formation of
more complex societies where people were able to settle in one place for longer
periods focus on economic, political, and religious goals which helped to increase the
number of people in the world.
On the banks of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers in Mesopotamia and the Nile in Egypt
emerged civilizations affected the history of the eastern half of the Mediterranean.
Theses civilizations led to formation of cities and ... Show more content on ...
Secondly, the end of the ice age saw the retreat of certain big game animals.
Hunters began to look for smaller game, such as deer and wild boar. The amount of
animals available for hunting declined. This also increased the new sources of food.
(Zvelebil, 2009)
The development of agriculture was of fundamental importance for the future
history of mankind. It meant that more people could remain settled in one area for
a longer period and spend less time searching for food which allowed people to
begin to learn a crafts. This led too many becoming and became carpenters tanners,
scribes and metal workers. A civil service and priesthood emerged. Some of the
villages that had originated at the beginning of the Neolithic period began to
resemble fortified cities in Asia Minor and Syria. The largest and central cities
however, were on the major rivers of Egypt and Mesopotamia in the fourth
millennium BC. It was there that the largest quantities of food could be grown and
the largest number of people could live together. (Zvelebil, 2009)
The core of the Mesopotamian city was the temple, the house of the state holy being
whose needs had to be provided for by the community. The temples became very
powerful groups that created vast estates that engaged in activities
Monothelitism as Opposed to Dyothelitism
Monothelitism is a subject concerning Jesus having two natures but one will. The
opposing, which is commonly known as Dyothelitism, is the idea that Jesus has both
two natures and two wills. Monothelitism was a heresy that occurred during the 7th
century. (Chapman) This controversy started with Emperor Heraclius who wanted to
unite people under one idea. With the help of Sergius of Constantinople, they got
Pope Honorius to agree with the idea that Christ had one energy. Pope Honorius,
however, was later condemned of heresy. Sophronius, a monk who lived in Palestine,
disagreed with the compromise that was made, he made it clear that he thought that
Dyothelitism was an important aspect of Christianity. In 638, the Emperor responded
to Sophronius ideas with an edict titled Exposition of the Faith which said that
people were no longer permitted to discuss the matter, and that Christ had one will.
( History of the Christian Church... ) There was support for this idea, though there
was resistance as well. Specifically, Maximus Confessor and Pope Martinus. These
two were very strong in their position of support for Dyothelitism. In 648, Emperor
Constans II made an edict titled Type that he hoped would create peace. The edict
called for silence on the topic that was being debated, and took a neutral view on the
subject. The emperor was later informed that Monothelitismhad been declared a
heresy. Constans II, in response to this, imprisoned the pope and made sure he
Analysis Of The Movie The Studio Band Essay
Adjusting to college is, as us students would put it, wild. But, very few can say
they had an experience comparable Andrew Neiman from Damien Chazelle s
Whiplash. As a freshman at the Shaffer Conservatory (the fictitious best music
school in the U.S.), Neiman happens into the best Jazz ensemble in the whole
school. The Studio Band is directed by Terence Fletcher, who is unashamedly
abusive to his students. During Neiman s first rehearsal, Fletcher catches him off
tempo and responds by slapping him, hurling a chair at him, and verbally abusing
him in front of the whole class. Neiman, committed to never feeling that level of
embarrassment again, responds by practicing until his hands bleed. Through this
intense treatment, he finds new drive in striving to become one of the greatest
drummers of his time. Neiman s drive transitions into obsession and his
relationship with Fletcher becomes increasingly toxic. Director Chazelle wanted to
paint a picture of a world he himself had lived. He shares his own life through the
ticking clocks of the rehearsal rooms, the padded soundproofing of the practice
booths, the trombonists emptying spit valves, the popped blisters and bleeding
hands I might be able to examine how that world reflected America as a whole.
Chazelle gives us a natural point of entry (Smith 5) to invoke an idea that can
resonate deep inside all of us: passion. Some art aims to invoke emotionlessness in us
by depicting something completely unrelatable,
Technological Advancement is Natural
Technological Advancement is Natural
As we enter the twenty first century, it is clear that many things about our method of
interacting with our environment are different than in previous centuries, and that, in
fact, the very philosophy of the man nature interaction may change again. Some look
forward to these changes. Others are fearful or condemnatory. In many cases, people
implicitly or explicitly argue that certain technologies are unnatural. They claim that
while certain technologies may be useful, other technologies represent a form of
Nature manipulation and this that tinkering is unwise. Since this argument may
appear in many places, it is important to critically analyze it. I feel that this argument
is the arbitrary reaction ... Show more content on ...
Polytheism identifies multiple supernatural beings who each exercise arbitrary
control over Nature, and all of whom may be good or evil and triumphant or
banished depending on random factors such as the phase of the moon and which
deity has the most priests and temples. Universalism identifies no supernatural being
separate from Nature itself, but affirms that Nature is, in the end, good. While
atheism , devil worship , fatalism and hedonism are also logically valid philosophies,
they take less time to explain, present fewer leads for philosophical study, and seem
not to have guided the actions of many people worthy of emulation. At any rate,
religious hierarchies played an important factor in world government for several
thousand years.
As a trivial example of how fundamental nature is in religious discourse, different
religions have, over time, prescribed different hair grooming standards. The early
Christian apostle Paul taught, Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man
have long hair, it is a shame unto him? (1 Cor. 11:14) Jewish men have long worn a
skull cap to cover the hair while praying. On the other hand, Sikh men believe that
the hair is sacred, and that to cut it (or let it be dirty) would be to defile it. When in
public places, they wear a turban to protect their hair from anything unclean. Their
respect for God created nature also leads them to refrain from eating any sort of meat.
Maturation in Bless Me, Ultima Essay
In Bless Me, Ultima, Rudolfo Anaya defends the assertion, for in much wisdom there
is much grief, and increase of knowledge is increase of sorrow, from Ecclesiastes.
Tony endures many trials throughout the novel, therefore increasing his knowledge of
life but also increasing his grief and sorrow. After witnessing Lupito s death, Tony
realizes that people are not always what they appear to be. Tony also begins to
question his religion because of trials in the novel, some of which include Lucas
cure and the sighting of the golden carp. In his trek during the blizzard, Tony learns
of his brother s sinful doings and he witnesses the death of a good man. Tony gains
much knowledgein these scenes, but, unfortunately, with this... Show more content on ...
The people in the mob, who Tony knows as typically peaceful people, become
violent. They show no mercy towards the war sick Lupito, who shot the sheriff.
Tony is emotionally affected because he believes that his father participated in the
act and could have been one of the men on the bridge who shot Lupito. Tony also
learns how much sorrow World War II has caused. The families of soldiers are
broken because their sons are at war. And now the horrors of the war have claimed
two more deaths. Tony begins to question his belief in God after Ultima cures his
Uncle Lucas and Tony sees the beauty of the golden carp. Tony witnesses Ultima
cure his uncle after the Trementina daughters put a curse on Lucas. Ultima s special
power is the only thing that can heal the ailing man. Not even the Church can
reverse the Trementina s curse. After Ultima s work is done, Tony questions the
power of the Church and God. If they are so powerful, why could they not rid
Lucas of the evil in him? Tony questions his religion even more following the
sighting of the golden carp. He has never seen God, but he has seen the beauty and
splendor of the golden carp. Tony s questions and worries evaporate at the sight of
the pagan god. When Tony sees the golden carp, he feels the way he had hoped to
feel at his First Communion. The golden carp, not the power behind the Church, is
Tony s idea of a God. Tony gains the most wisdom
Model Organisms Essay
During the course of the past thirty years, the study of model organisms has become
more significant in the study of embryological development. A model organism is a
species that is easy to cultivate and monitor in a laboratory environment and is used
to represent broad groups of organisms. Examples of successful and important model
organisms include the Ascidia, Zebrafish, and Medeka species. Through intense
researching of these organisms, scientists have been able to gain valuable insight into
the developmental processes of many complex vertebrates, including humans.
Model organisms are used to study embryonic development for several reasons. These
organisms have shared characteristics including short life spans and generation ...
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Through research of the embryonic development of the ascidians, scientists were able
to better understand the vertebrate gene function and regulatory networks of several
processes. The ascidia genes involved in the formation of the notochord, which were
shown to be analogous to those of tadpoles, and were consequently mapped in order
to obtain information regarding gene function in vertebrates. In addition, the
developmental processes in ascidia embryogenesis were studied in great detail,
leading to advances in the conception of the regulatory network s involvement in
governing notochord differentiation and also the process leading to the formation of
the tail (Corbo et al. 2001).
The zebrafish, another marine model organism, was also selected due to its short life
cycle and rapid embryological development. Moreover, the zebrafish have nearly
transparent embryo cells, making the embryos easily accessible, and allowing
developmental events to be easily observed. As a result of numerous similarities in
development when compared to other vertebrates, the zebrafish has solidified its
position as a model organism. Most importantly, the zebrafish is an effective model
organism because both experimental embryologic methods and genetic analysis can
be easily applied to it (Grunwald and Eisen 2002).
Due to experimentation with the zebrafish, scientists have been able to gain insight
into the formation and function of individual tissues, organ
Much Ado About Nothing Analysis
Much Ado About Nothing Analysis
Beginning in 15th century Messina in the aftermath of a war, the play opens with
the army of Don Pedro of Aragon arriving in the country and being welcomed by
Leonato, Messina s governor. Count Claudio, hero of the war, falls in love with
Leonato s daughter Hero at first sight, and Don Pedro promises to woo Hero for
Claudio. Don John, Don Pedro s brother who is resentful of both Claudio and Don
Pedro for defeating him in the just ended war and himself being a bastard son,
ineligible of heirdom, hopes to find a way to ruin Claudio s impending happiness.
After Don Pedro woos Hero for Claudio, he proposes that everyone trick Benedick
and Beatrice into falling in love. Don John and his henchman Borachio agree on a
plan to disrupt the coming marriage: Borachio will convince Claudio that Hero is
unfaithful by staging a meeting with Margaret, Hero s waiting servant. Margaret
will be dressed in Hero s attire, and Claudio will assume Borachio is Hero s lover.
Leonato, Claudio and Don Pedro stage a conversation for Benedick to overhear
where they talk of Beatrice s desperate love for Benedick, how he would mock her
if he knew of her feelings. Benedick joyously decides he must love her in return.
Beatrice is also lured into overhearing a conversation between Hero and Ursula, a
waiting servant, who talk about Benedick s desperate love for Beatrice and about
how her arrogance will keep her out of his love s grasp. Beatrice decides that she
must shed her
The Resurrection Of Jesus
Overall, the events of the resurrection must have been a period of great confusion
and bewilderment to Jesus followers. Even though Jesus followers had knowledge of
the resurrection from the Scriptures and Jesus own personal testimony and
prophecies (Matthew 16:21; 20:17), they still did not understand, at least in the
beginning. But how quickly that confusion and bewilderment turned to joy after their
eyes were opened. When I became a true follower of Jesusmany years ago, I can
remember the joy that I felt in having my eyes opened. I like to think that the joy I
experienced was the same joy Jesus followers experienced after the resurrection.
Unfortunately, there are not many details concerning the actual resurrection. Matthew
s ... Show more content on ...
Jesus appearance to the women, the apostles, and other believers (1 Corinthians 15:6)
proved the Scriptures and erased doubt concerning the resurrection amongst the
apostles and all believers. The resurrection preceded Jesus charge to disciple all
nations and Peter s full restoration; furthermore, Jesus final appearance before the
Ascension opened the minds of the apostles which enabled them to understand the
Scriptures and to fulfill the command to disciple all
A Course On The Deuteronomic History
If I were to teach a course on the Deuteronomic History, I would choose Joshua and
Judges on the grounds that it holds more stories that have relevance to the context of
my United Methodist congregation. The approximate demographics of my
congregation are as follows: over ninety percent are Caucasian; over fifty percent are
45 years of age or older; women are the dominate group within most of the small
group activities; and the mining, healthcare, and retail industries are the largest
employers respectively. Layoffs affect most families in this congregation due to
regular fluctuations in the mining industry, some due to direct employment and
others due to delicate economic ties to the mining industry. Just like most of the
country, the families of my congregation are less nuclear than in generations past as
blended and other non traditional families are increasing in number. It is from this
context that I have considered which Deuteronomic History stories to cover in a
weekly course of several weeks.
Before introducing these war texts, I would first present some background frame of
reference. I would first explain some scholarly thought about the time (622 BCE) in
which Joshua was written and how Josiah s reign might have influenced the lens
from which the authors created and edited the final form known today. Given that
most of my congregation believes heavily in the inerrancy and infallibility of the bible
in combination with a small amount of human error, this information
The Little Mermaid Analysis
Fairy tales often resemble what culture was like during the time in which they were
written. They tell us the story of women s struggle and survival throughout history, in
societies with rules dictated by men. Whether it be surviving the torment of a wicked
stepmother or the consequences of just being curious, one issue stays the same, the
longing to escape the expectations that social norms impose is evident with just about
any story. In this paper, I will compare the similarities and differences, and show a
strong relationship between Hans Christian Anderson s, The Little Mermaidand the
movie Boyz n the Hood, written and directed by John Singleton.
The Little Mermaid, is a historical fairy tale written in the year 1836. During this
time in history, women were expected to live a certain way. The ideal woman was
submissive; her job was to be a meek, obedient, loving wife who was totally
subservient to the men around her (Citation 1). This is clearly the case in this
story in many instances from beginning to end. The little mermaid is expected to
abide the rules of the sea. She is expected to follow the path of her sisters who are
content with living under the sea and is to live in her own little plot in the garden
just like everyone else, but she wasn t like the rest of her fellow mermaids. She had
always had an infatuation with the surface, always longing for her 15th birthday
when she would be able to rise to the surface and see the world of humans. Once she
laid eyes on the human world and the handsome young prince, her desire to break free
from the social norm consumed her every thought.
Boyz in the Hood, is a racially charged look into the life of black males in the ghettos
of California. It took place in a time where racism was alive and well, and drug laws
like the 1 100 crack/powder disparity were being passed targeting black people
disproportionally. Many cases of police brutality and even mobs attacking and
murdering black men made the headlines in the 1980s. This movie, much like The
Little Mermaid, is about the struggle of two males who are trying to break free from
the social norms imposed by society. The protagonist in this movie, Tre, moves to
South Central, Los Angeles to live
Paper On Writing Service Contract Essay
Paper Shapers Writing Service Contract
Paper Shapers has designed this agreement to protect the rights of both parties
entering into this service agreement. Please read each section carefully and feel free
to address any question or concerns you may have about this agreement.
Due to the value we place on the time of our Paper Shapers staff as well as our
customers, writing appointments will be scheduled for 1 hour interval per page. All
appointments will promptly begin at the time agreed upon by both parties
regardless of time lost due to customer lateness. There will be no time or price
adjustments made for time lost due to the lateness of a customer. All time requested
beyond the 1 hour interval, if permissible due to the open availability of a staff
member, shall be subject to an extension fee of $40 per hour. It is strongly advised
and recommended that all customers show up on time and thoroughly prepared for
all appointments in order to avoid any extra fees.
Cancellation Notice
Missed or cancelled appointments are subject to a cancelation charge of 20% of the
service charge. All clients are able to reschedule an appointment up to 24 hours prior
to the scheduled to the appointment time in order to avoid any occurring fees. There
will be a $20 fee charged for the rescheduling of an appointment that occur A client
will have two opportunities to reschedule an appointment before an appointment is
marked as a cancellation.
A deposit of 20% of the
Salem Witch Trial
The Salem Witch Trials were held in Salem, Massachusetts during the end of 1692
and the beginning of 1693. These were a series of trials and prosecutions of
suspected witches. Most of these supposed witches were women but some were men.
These people were accused of making local children ill by practicing witchcraft. The
children claimed to be possessed by the devil and gave names of witches who did
this to them. This struck a fear through the whole town. Everyone became scared of
being named a witch. After the witches were accused, there were trials in the
courtroom to determine their guilt. If they were found guilty, they were punished.
The majority of the retributions were by hanging, some also died in jail, and one was
stoned to death. This... Show more content on ...
In A Brief History of the Salem Witch Trials it shows that Governor Phipps said It
were better that ten suspected witches should escape rather than one innocent
person be condemned ( Blumberg ). This just shows that he was tired of innocent
people dying. He thought that it would be better to save the innocent people and
potentially lose some bad people, instead of catching all of the bad. So he decided
to get rid of the Special Court of Oyer and Terminer. He replaced this court with a
Superior Court of Judicature. This court only found 3 in 56 people that were
accused, actually guilty. A large reason there were so few convicted was the fact
that this court was not allowed to use dreams and visions as evidence to convict. In
addition to creating this new court, the Governor also released several accused
witches and prohibited any more arrests. Most of the people that were involved in the
trials apologized shortly after the trials
Essay On Iago Manipulation In Othello
Iago is very notorious for his villainous acts throughout the play Othello , by
William Shakespeare. Iago s motives drive him to manipulate and deceive other
characters so his monstrous (I, iii, 395) plot would succeed. Iago manages to con
Roderigo to take his money. Iago also tries to ruin Othello and Desdemonas
relationship by using Cassio as a bait. In this passage, Iagoexplains how he will
manipulate Rodrigo, Cassio and, most importantly, Othelloto achieve his goals.
The first victim of Iago s manipulation was Roderigo. Iago realises Roderigo will do
anything to be with Desdemona, so Iago uses this to his advantage. Thus do I ever
make my fool my purse (I, iii, 374). Iago plays with Roderigo s emotions and hopes
to swindle his money. Iago makes a fool out of Rodrigo because he is a rich guy
who thinks that money will win over Desdemona s heart. Roderigo buys her gifts
and gives it to Iago thinking that he will give it to Desdemona. Instead, Iago keeps
it for himself, and making a lot of profit in doing so. Iago does not waste his on
knowledge and skills on something he can get someone else to do. For I mine own
gained knowledge should profane (I, iii, 375). Iago convinces Roderigo that he
will make Desdemona fall in love with him by giving her presents with Rodrigo s
money. This shows that he is sly and clever because he knows that Roderigo has a
lot of money he can benefit from. Also, Iago gets something useful out of Roderigo
that aids in his evil plans. If I would time expend with such a snipe But for my
sport and profit (I, iii, 376 377). Roderigo is shown to be a very gullible character
that believes everything Iago says. Iago keeps Rodrigo uninformed about his plans
and continues to profit from him. Rodrigo follows Iago blindly, thinking the whole
time that Iago is trying to aid him, but since Iago is driven to become lieutenant, he
uses Roderigo for his money and something to rely on. Later Iago sends Roderigo to
kill Cassio so Iago would not be suspected as a criminal. Iago s plans begin to
dwindle as Roderigo ends up dying by the hands of the manipulative Iago that
supposedly helped Roderigo get with Desdemona.
The second victim of Iago s manipulation in the text was Cassio. Cassio is
Japan Economy Analysis
CUHK International Summer School 2009
MGT 3580
Global Enterprise Management
Individual Country Analysis Assignment
Contents Page
1. Introduction Japan in a Glance 3
2. Japan s Current Economic Performance 3
1. GDP /Capital (PPP) and GDP growth Rate 3
2. Inflation Rate 3
3. Unemployment Rate 4
4. Foreign Direct Investment Report 4
1. FDI ... Show more content on ...
From 2006 to 2007, Japan s inflation rate took a rapid increase from negative
inflation in 2006 to positive inflation rate in 2007. This sharp increase in inflation
rate was likely to be due to the world s shortage of rice crisis. As rice is Japan s
main source of stable food, the rice crisis push up rice prices globally, causing the
inflation rate in Japan to rise sharply. Currently, there are speculation that Japan s
inflation rate may rose at the fastest pace in the decade as companies facing the
global economic crisis may pass higher costs to consumers.
Prices of daily necessities rose while pay stagnated, causing a sharp increase in
consumer price index and thus the increase in inflation rate.
3. Unemployment Rate
Japan s unemployment rate was 3.9% in 2008 and worsen during the global
economy recession. The ratio of jobs to applicants worsened, sliding to a two year
low of 0.97. Currently, Japan s unemployment rate rose to 5.2%, as the number of
jobless rose to nearly 3.5 million. The total number of jobless people climbed by
770,000 from a year earlier to 3.47 million in May, according to the Ministry of
Internal Affairs and Communications in its monthly report. Those with employment
fell by 1.36 million from the previous year to 63.42 million, as quoted by
TOMOKO A. HOSAKA Jun 30, 2009. It is expected that Japan s unemployment rate
will rise to a new record since its last peak in 2002 (Refer to Annex 2.31) This
increase in unemployment
Brook Farm Utopian Societies
Utopian societies A utopian society is a perfect society that possesses perfect
qualities. Utopian societies don t typically work due to money issues and conflict
due to control issues within the society. People have conflicts due to the fact that
not all of the people in the society think alike. Money troubles became apparent
when people in the utopian societies created a system of sharing money and profit.
Issues arose when people in the society realized that only very few people in the
society were actually working while most were just taking the profit off the ones
who did the work. Brook Farm (1841 1846) was one of the many utopian societies
that failed due to money problems within the society. The founder of the Brook
Farm, George Ripley, experienced money conflicts when farmers declared they
needed more farm land for their crops, but as they bought the farmland more money
issues arose from people in the society needing supplies to do their jobs. Another
issue in buying all the supplies for the community was that the workers within society
weren t selling enough goods to pay the money back, so that they could support the
society. Due to these struggles the Brook Farm failed at the end of 1846 proving that
utopian societies cannot... Show more content on ...
But, what made this society one to remember was its founders Charles Lane and
Bronson Alcott, knowing nothing about farming whatsoever. The society truly
started to fail when farmers realized the incompetence of their governing leaders, so
the rebelled against them. The farmers believed that they should rule the society
because they had the knowledge of the land. But when the farmers started to rebel the
society began to fall. The farmers forgot about the crops and they were left
unmaintained and forgotten. When harvest time came around the society was left
with nothing and with no money to support the society it perished by the end of
Comparative Look at Action Research Essay
Comparative Look at Action Research: Application 1
Lona Burch
Walden University
Dr. Cindee Easton
Action Research for Educators (EDUC 6733R 1) January 9, 2011
Comparative Look at Action Research Based on my prior knowledge and this week s
resource, I see a little clear why action research can help me address the needs of my
students better. This week I have learned the difference between action research
/teacher inquiry and education traditional research. Also, I have learned the
relationship between action research and teacher professional growth and decision
making. Last, I have been able to see what teacher inquiry/action research look like,
how they are similar and different. I have discovered this week that ... Show more
content on ...
At this point in my personal education and with the current economy, I feel that this
is a course that is wasting time for teachers today with all the pay cuts, class size
increases, and furlough days. Currently I go to school only the days my students go
to school. All my planning is done at home after hours and unpaid therefore; what
teacher has time for active research?
| |Action Research Study #1 |Action Research Study #2 |Action Research Study #3 |
|Questions | | | |
|Who is the author of the study (i.e., insider or|insider teacher |insider teacher |insider
teacher |
|outsider, researcher or teacher)? | | | |
|What is the title of the action research study? | Understanding high school black male
| Understanding high school black male | The mother tongue: The role of |
| |students achievement and school experience. |students achievement and school
The Stages of Childhood Development
CHAPTER 01: Preschool child
1.1 Preschool child
Preschool age is basically identified as year three to six. In psychology this age
group categorize as early childhood . This early childhood stage is more imperative
in the child development and their learning procedure. That s why the concept of
preschool has come to play.
Preschoolers are always on the move, exploring their world with excitement, curiosity,
and an apparently endless source of energy. The capacity of learning in this stage is
enormous. They learn and develop from each experience, association, and adventure
that they meet. Having the enough space and opportunity to discover objects and
playing environments helps preschool child to develop their imagination and help the
... Show more content on ...
Understanding the early childhood development means to understand the behavioral,
cognitive, psychosocial, language and motor development that children get through
their early childhood stage. Psychologists state about early childhood development in
according to different views. The theories by Sigmund Freud stressed out the
importance of early childhood actions and experiences that almost completely
focused on mental disorders than normal performance.
According to Freud s early childhood developmental theories it is clarify as a
progression of psychosexual stages. At Three Essays on Sexuality (1915), Freud
tells that stages as oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital. Every period connect the
fulfillment of a libidinal desire and be able to afterward play a role in adult
personality and behavior.
Erik Erikson says that each period of child development based on overcome a conflict.
As an example, the main conflict through the early childhood stage engages in
creating a feeling of personal identity. Success or failures within the conflicts at each
period can impact on the whole functioning. For an example, failure to develop a
personal identity results in role confusion through the adolescent stage.
Early childhood development can be discussed under five developmental areas. Those
are identified as;
Motor development
Dr Morton Superhuman
SUPERHUMAN A Supernatural Drama, 43 minutes A Second Chance Life is
anything but ordinary for the Weber three. Orphaned by a horrific accident their
only chance of survival is Dr Andrew Morton. Hired by an anonymous investor Dr
Morton has been working on a revolutionary serum that gives his financier the
chance at immortality. Injecting them, the teens not only survive they awaken with
remarkable superhuman abilities. Learning to use their powers comes with
responsibility and the occasional tendencies towards misbehaving. Ivy, Oliver, and
Jameson must navigate the real world with a heightened new perspective.
Meanwhile on the other side of Redwood City Dr Philippa Yates nefariously
continues to create her own army of super humans. However, a break in the
sequencing sees her creating a weaponised force of criminals who threaten the
lives of Redwood City citizens. It is up to the Webers to protect the people and
remain anonymous from the Nobel Alliance who craves the science for warfare and
will do anything to acquire it. Attempting to keep good grades while secretly saving
the city will test the trio like never before, until old family secrets are revealed it tests
their loyalty, family, and themselves. Forever changed by experience, they must trust
... Show more content on ...
Everybody has their share of secrets but is murder one of them? It is the call that
changed everything for Sophie Talbot, returning to Franklin Pines for her father s
funeral when the body of her best friend Avery Johnston is found. Knowing there is a
murderer in town, Sophie uses what her ex cop father taught her to uncover the truth.
Suspicious of the events over the past two years, she begins her own investigation,
taking her on a dangerous journey. Sophie must not tip off the killer jeopardising any
hope of uncovering the truth. Running from the past, a killer, and herself Sophie
must focus on what is true. Can Sophie solve this mystery before it is too
Oscar Magallanes Research Paper
Oscar Magallanes
Oscar Magallanes
American, 1976, Los Angeles, California
Magallanes was raised in the Azusa Barrio of Los Angeles. His artwork is
influenced by the cultural and social elements of his upbringing. At the age of fifteen,
he was expelled from high school, but was accepted into the Ryman Arts program at
the Otis Parsons College campus which encouraged him to become a professional
artist. The experience of participating in two distinct worlds continues to inform the
By introducing work with pre Columbian imagery that often mirror Western
iconography Magallanes presents imagery in which the viewer is visually confronted
with facing the dominance of western culture over indigenous cultures. Magallanes
art allows
Pax Romana Research Paper
The decline of the Roman Empire began in 180 AD after Marcus Aurelius died and
his son, Commodus gained control of Rome. This event marked the end of the Pax
Romana. The Pax Romana was the many centuries of peace and prosperity in the
Roman Empire. The rulers following after Marcus Aurelius had little to no idea on
how to deal with the giant empire that Rome had become. This led to growing
problems within the Empire and the slow decline of Rome. Many of the following
emperors tried to slow or stop the decline of Rome, but not all were successful. One
of these rulers was Diocletian, who went to many extents and brought a new view
on the government and had new ideas for Rome. Because of all of his efforts,
Diocletian did slow the decline... Show more content on ...
This means that the governors of big provinces began to argue and try to steal the
throne. He proceeded to fix this danger by splitting up provinces into smaller units.
Before this, there were under fifty provinces, and after these reforms there were over
one hundred ( Diocletian. Encyclopedia). Military and civil administrations were
spread into and throughout each of the provinces. This allowed for personal and
careful judicial and administrative work. This also promoted imperial stability. But,
dividing the Empire had put a severe strain on the economy, ( Diocletian.
Encyclopedia of World Biography, Gale). Basically, the province division negatively
impacted the economy to an
Persuasive Speech For Flipinos
Welcome to the Future Foreign Urban Careers Convention, also known as F.
F.U.C.C. or F FOOK K. I know you are all anxious to travel to distant lands, embark
upon adventures, and begin working on your first million in your chosen career
fields! STOP! Before you board that airplane, I am attempting to SAVE YOUR LIFE
at the most keep you from arrest or fines at the least, embarrassment. I have been
asked by the Chairperson of F FOOK K to speak to you today because there just may
be no one more qualified to address the topic of Foreign Faux Pasthan moi . FAUX
PAS is French. Spelled as if it should be pronounced FOX PASS, but it IS NOT!
The X and the S are, SILENT. And that, friends, should be the first faux pas you
step around. According to Dictionary, Faux pas literally means
false step; social blunder. Do not take a false step into a big pile of . . .
embarrassing or offensive unlawful, social crap. Why me, you ask? Unfortunately,
I have seen the inside of more foreign police stations, consulates and embassies
than most heads of state; probably more than most talking heads, radioheads, OR
Deadheads, and CERTAINLY more than any heads of class. My first faux arrest
was at the tender age of 6 while my father was US Ambassador to Singapore; I
simply forgot to flush the toilet in a public restroom. Who knew?!? My parents were
lucky to only pay a small fine under the table, to get me released from mall security
that time. When I
Security in the Office
What measures should office employees take to ensure office security?
Why is office security important?
Office security is important because security threats, in particular, theft and
embezzlement, do take place in small businesses.
What is embezzlement?
Embezzlement occurs when the company s property are misappropriated by the
employee whom the property is entrusted. In simple terms, this is the act of the
employees stealing property from their own company.
What warning signs of embezzlement should employees look out for?
An increase in overall sales returns could mean that the accounts receivable payments
of the company have been concealed.
If there are unusual bad debts within the company, this could mean employee fraud
has taken place in the company. In addition, if the cash or credit sales has declined
or increased slightly from previous period, this could mean that some of the company
s sales are not recorded.
Bounced checks received by the companies could mean that funds are being taken out
from the business bank account without authority.
Shortages of inventory could mean that employee pilferage has taken place within the
A decline in profit and an increase in expenses incurred by the company can mean
that cash is withdrawn from the company s account illegitimately.
Slow collection of business accounts receivable can be used by employees to hide
Steps to preventing employee embezzlement:
In order to prevent dishonest acts from
Epiphany In Raymond Carver s Cathedral
Raymond Carver s Cathedral is a short story that unfolds through the perspective of
Bub. The story begins by depicting Bub s narrow mindedness and as the story
progresses it becomes clear that his perspective shifts after an encounter with his wife
s blind friend Robert. It is through this encounter that Bub has an epiphany. It is his
jealousy towards Robert and intoxication that debunk his preconceived notations and
highlight the connection between him and Robert. It is only after his epiphany that
he is drawn out of this obliviousness and gains insight. Bub s wife, his smoking, and
drinking are key elements in breaking apart his bias and as a result he is enlightened.
Bub s epiphany helps him realize how Robert mirrors his life. The first indication of
this was the jealousy he felt when his wife told him about her last day working with
Robert. On her last day last day in the office, the blind man asked if he could touch
her face. She told me he touched his fingers to every part of her face, her nose even
her neck! She never forgot it (pg. 3). The narrator s jealousy was triggered because
the thought of another male touching his wife bothered him. The mere fact that it
was a she could never forget, it hit him hard. This emotional reaction shows that
either the narrator doesn t connect with his wife on an intimate level or he never
cared for how his wife felt intimately until she spoke of another male and how his
touch was unforgettable.
Another factor in Bub s enlightenment was the consumption of alcohol. I was
having a drink and watching TV when I heard the car pull into the drive. I got up
off the sofa with my drink and went to the window to have a look ( 5). His constant
drinking helped to slowly lowered the walls that he had up. Before becoming
intoxicated, Bub held several preconceived notions about blindness. He felt that
Robert s blindness hindered him from his daily activities such as eating, The blind
man had right away located his foods, he knew just where everything was on his
plate. I watched with admiration as he used his knife and fork on the meat (pg. 7).
The narrator was astonished, he didn t expect Robert to be able to locate the food on
his plate nor did he expect him to find and
Beauty And Beauty In Frankenstein
Beauty is pain. It is a common thought and a pervasive one for not only do people
define beauty by the amount of suffering a person undergoes but goodness is defined
similarly. The two concepts are inextricably related. Studies have shown beautiful
people are perceived as of good character while those ugly and deformed seem
inherently mischievous and untrustworthy (Dorsey). Yet, everyone has at one time or
another met an individual whose beauty is only superficial. Admittedly, this natural
instinct toward prejudgment is difficult to control. Examples of individuals violating
these instinctual rules of beauty and morality fill the pages of Mary Shelley s
Frankenstein. Indeed, in her novel, Shelly recognizes and accentuates humanity s
prejudice toward ugliness in order to contrast with her personal definitionof beauty
one that recognizes virtue as the basis of beauty regardless of physical form so that
her theme, that humanity is less above the beast in virtue and intelligence then it
believes, is revealed. In a novel that is quite brimming with depictions of horrid acts
of violence and mental agony, it is surprising how much time is spent describing
beauty. Quite often as an escape from said agony, Victor, the eponymous protagonist,
strolls through the nature surrounding his Genevois dwelling. The oft visited nearby
lake is described by Victor as a scene so beautiful and heavenly (Shelley, 95) before
he considers drowning himself in that peaceful body. To describe a
Assessment of Therapeutic Effects of Subcutaneous...
Background and Objective: Neurologic literatrure about therapeutic effect of
subcutaneous corticosteroids in patients with migrainous chronic daily headache is
scare. Aim of this research is assessment of therapeutic effects of this management in
the patients.
Methods: Consecutive patients with migrainous chronic daily headache in our
headache clinic enrolled a prospective before and after therapeutic study during
2010 2013. Fourty mg Metylprednisolone was divided in four subcutaneous
injection doses. Two injections were done in right and left suboccipital area exactly
at retromastoid cervicocranial junction and two injections were performed in lower
medial frontal area exactly at medial right and left eye brow limit. A headache daily
was filled out by the patient before and one month after intervention. The severity of
pain was classified based on the Pain Intensity Instrument, using a 0 to 10 point
numeric rating scale. Paired t test and Chi square served for statistical analysis.
Results: 504 patients (378 females, 126 males) with migrainous chronic daily
headache underwent the study. Dramatic, significant, moderate and mild or no
improvement constituted 28.6%, 33.3%, 23.8%, and 14.3% of the post treatment
courses respectively. Therapeutic effectof intervention on mean pain scores was
significant; t=7.38, df=20, p=.000. Two cases developed subcutaneous fat atrophy in
frontal injection site and 3 cases experienced syncope during injection.
Conclusion: Subcutaneous
The Many Characteristics, Factors, And Style Features
There are many characteristics, factors, and style features that are considered when
building or adding additions to a college. Mid nineteenth century many colleges were
attacked by educators, politicians, and writers, stating that the traditional college was
irrelevant to contemporary needs (Turner Campus, An American Planning Tradition,
129). It was established that the traditional colleges were out of date and with a
democratic reform there would be changes to the traditional collegethat would lead to
a new method of collegiate learning and open doors for higher education.
The traditional college was built for professional men; their purpose was not to
educate millions, there soon became a call for democratic reform. Overtime the
public wanted training from these institutions, and there was a call for a People s
College (Turner, 129). During this time agricultural colleges were having trouble
attracting students and deciding what an agricultural college should be, they were
struggling with their identity and reverting to more traditional forms of education.
Wabash Manual Labor College in Indiana dropped the Manual Labor from it s
name, as a result the college erected large and impressive buildings in the fashionable
styles of the day such as Italianate (Turner, 131). At the same time scientific and
technical schools were making better progress. At these early stages of agricultural
and scientific education, the appropriate architecture was decided, it was to
In Rescuing Sohrab, Amir Could Find Redmeption for
Through the course of the novel, the quest for redemption remains a key motive
for both Amir and Baba. In rescuing Sohrab, this quest is near completion, but in
fact will never be entire in the case of Baba, having taken the truth about his
betrayal with him to his grave. With the rescue of Sohrab from the clutches of the
tyrannical Assef, Amir does find close to redemption, but not for his father, only
himself. True redemption is when one atones for his own sins; Baba will remain
restless in his grave. Sohrab, the son of Hassan, serves as a means of salvation for
the tortured soul that is Amir. Having attempted to neglect his past, he has learnt the
past claws its way out , leaving him an insomniac whilst residing in America. The...
Show more content on ...
The callous act of betraying his devoted friend, having slept with his wife, and in
turn creating the illegitimate Hassan. But it is through this we see the powerful
character that is Baba. ...good, real good, was born out of your father s remorse
Rahim Khan describes; we see the power of redemption when remorse is genuine
and sincere. His impact visible at his funeral where streams of people Amir barely
knew tell him how Baba found them a job, helped built them a house or that he
was like a brother to them . Baba uses his wealth, skills and influences to make a
difference in the lives of many. He works for three years through the obstacles of
corruption, building approvals, tradesmen and escalating costs to build the much
needed orphanage. He completes all this of his own will, truly wishing to redeem
himself. Despite having betrayed Ali, he ensures both Ali and Hassan s lives are as
full and secure as possible. Treating Amir and Hassan almost equal and even crying
at Ali s departure, displaying his true affection for the one he regrettably betrayed.
The Kite runner shows that redemption is only possible when one takes
responsibility for ones action through positive, altruistic and courageous deeds. Baba
committed many acts of philanthropy, but fails to inform the people around him and
those affected of his sins, which leads us to deem that he did not achieve true
redemption. True redemption is when a person atones for his own sins,
The Health Belief Model ( Hbm ) Essay
Out of all the vaccine preventable diseases, pertussis challenges most infectious
diseases in severity and importance in children. In 2014, the incidence rate of
pertussis in the United States increased by 15%, with almost 33,000 cases reported
(Centers for Disease Control, 2015). The bacterium that causes this illness attacks an
unprotected immune by attaching to the lining of the respiratory system. After initial
attack, begins the release of the toxins that prohibit the respiratory system from
working functionally. Because of this, mucus builds up in the lungs, causing an
uncontrollable cough that makes breathing difficult (Tan et al, 2005). This illness is
very contagious and almost always deadly in children. However, it can be prevented
with proper vaccination. This problem can be addressed with the Health Belief Model
(HBM), which encourages preventive health actions in order to prevent unwanted
adverse conditions, with the idea that action depends on the value and expectancy of
the behavior. The HBM attempts to explain and predict behaviors by focusing on
attitudes and beliefs of individuals that are represented by six distinct constructs.
These constructs include, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived
benefits, perceived barriers, cues to action, and self efficacy. In addition, these six
constructs are modified by other variables including, age, gender, ethnicity,
personality, socioeconomics, and knowledge (Sharma, 2017). The HBM
acknowledges that

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Essay Positive Thinking

  • 1. Essay Positive Thinking Writing an essay on the topic of "Positive Thinking" can be both challenging and rewarding. On one hand, the concept itself is broad and abstract, encompassing various psychological, philosophical, and practical aspects. It requires a deep understanding of human psychology, mindset, and behavior. Moreover, conveying the importance and benefits of positive thinking while providing concrete examples and evidence can be quite intricate. Additionally, crafting a compelling essay on positive thinking necessitates creativity and originality. It's essential to present fresh perspectives and insights to engage the reader effectively. Finding the right balance between theoretical concepts and real-life applications is crucial to ensure the essay resonates with the audience. Moreover, maintaining a positive tone throughout the essay is imperative to align with the topic's theme. It requires skillful writing to convey optimism and encouragement without sounding clichГ© or superficial. Striking this balance while conveying a meaningful message can be a daunting task. However, despite the challenges, exploring the topic of positive thinking offers an opportunity for personal growth and introspection. Through research and reflection, one can gain valuable insights into the power of mindset and its impact on various aspects of life. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of positive thinking presents its own set of challenges, but it also offers a platform for exploration and enlightenment. By delving into this subject, one can uncover valuable lessons that promote personal development and well-being. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Essay Positive ThinkingEssay Positive Thinking
  • 2. Lack Of Knowledge In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein In 2014, a survey done by the Bureau of Labor Statistics discovered that roughly two thirds of students graduating high school will continue their education at a university. We spend almost our whole lives in the pursuit of knowledge. Gaining knowledge helps human beings achieve the things they covet most in life like money, family, and recognition. Examples of these are being qualified for a better job, having a successful family, and making a scientific discovery or having a large impact on society. As Frankenstein has proposed, there are both positive and negative effects of knowledgedepending on the use. In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein is a fact seeking young man that is infatuated with the natural world and how things work. He applies his interests to his studies and ends up studying Physics, Chemistry, and Anatomy at the University of... Show more content on ... Intellect allows the human race to advance and excel our way of life. So many people in just our lifetime have been able to revolutionize the world. For example, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, all extremely intelligent people who were able to change the world immensely by using their abundance of knowledge for good. Einstein had an IQ of 190. For comparison, to be considered a genius, one must score a 140 on an IQ test. (ABC). Bill Gates and Steve Jobs both revolutionized the technological world and made multi billion dollar businesses. These two men are to epitome of using their remarkable knowledge as a blessing. Granted there was definitely a rough patch or two along the way. One man, Christopher Langan, dropped out of school believing he could teach himself more than his teachers could. He went on to develop a group called the Cognitive Theoretic Model of the Universe solely for the purpose of creating problems to challenge highly intellectual
  • 3. Different Cultures of the World Must Live Together No culture can live if it attempts to be exclusive. This quote was stated by the preeminent leader, Mahatma Gandhi. Every culture that exists are unique and significant because of their vast traditions and beliefs. The extent of one s culture informs the way one views others and the world. Throughout the stories, Where World s Collide , An Indian Father s Plea , and the Willie Lynch letter each culture presented was controlled by another culture. Each character was expected to adapt themselves to a whole new culture, leaving their traditions hidden. It was portrayed in the story that the dominating culture wanted to remain dominant as they adapt others to their traditions and principles. The authors of these stories were able to express themselves through imagery as they painted a picture for the readers to relate to, appealling to their human senses. In the story, Where World s Collide , Pico Iyer guides us through the various cultures in LAX as they [came] out, dazed, disoriented, heads still partly in the clouds, bodies still several time zones away, [as] they step into the Promised Land. From the perspective of an Indian origin immigrant visiting the United States, Pico Iyer witnessed signs of discrimination, sterotypes, and cultural indifferences. They have already, perhaps, visited the restroom where someone has written Yes on Proposition 187. Mexicans go home. Through observing evidence of racial discrimination in the restroom, Pico Iyer was given a mere
  • 4. Rogers View Of The Good Life My Thoughts: Rogers description of the good life as a direction is incredibly different from the American perspective that happiness is a singular goal one can achieve. We often think that, once we reach a point in life where we re happy, that we ll stay that way indefinitely. Rogers perspective is less palatable, but probably more accurate. My Thoughts: To me, this was Roger s most interesting and thoughtprovoking quote. When he says that someone living the good life would very likely not be a conformist, it makes me think about the fact that most people are conformists. I don t think being a conformist is a fixed aspect of who people are, but I do think it s very hard to overcome for people who have lived much of their lives that ... Show more content on ... I think that the people close to us have a responsibility to tell us how they perceive our behavior. Whether or not we agree with it, it s still helpful to know that others may not always take things as we mean them to. This quote made me think of an argument I had with my step father when I was around 12 or so. We were talking about how the constant arguments we had were making the house a very negative place to be. I said, Well, if you don t like it, you can leave! He perceived that as me telling him to get out of the house, but I meant that because he was an adult and had a car and money, he was able to drive away from the house if he wanted and take a break from it, whereas I was stuck there. We didn t clear up the misunderstanding at the time, but when I talked to my brother later that night, he pointed out to me that that was how everyone else in the family had taken my comment. I would never have even considered that that was how they would have heard it, but having that pointed out to me has made me more cognizant of the way I word things, even now, almost 10 years later. By pointing out to me how my words were taken by the rest of the family, I was able to grow in my ability to consider others
  • 5. Saint Augustine Essay Saint Augustine Saint Augustine (354 430 AD), also known as Augustine of Hippo created an image of himself through his writings and teachings. He was born in Tagaste, a town in North Africa, on November 13, 354 AD. He was born into a middle class family. Patricius, his father, was a pagan, but later converted to Christianity because of his wife, Monica, was a devout Christian. Augustine s mother, who was devoted to the Roman Catholic church, constantly tried for her son s conversion. Augustine was educated as a lecturer in the former North African cities of Tagaste, Madaura, and Carthage. The philosophical works of Marcus Tullius Cicero, a Roman speaker and politician, inspired Augustine to become a seeker after truth. Augustine... Show more content on ... For when a cure is effected, that does not mean that the evils which were present go away from the body and dwell elsewhere: they altogether cease to exist (Augustine 177). In sum, when evil is controlled it will no longer exist in the good or anywhere else. Augustine relates this to the vices in our soul and how they are nothing but deprivations of natural good. Just like the disease and wounds, when the vices are cured, they cease to exist in the soul and everywhere else. What he is trying to say is that God didn t create evil for its own purpose. God is supremely good and wouldn t put evil on this earth if we weren t able to get some good out of it. So evil is here for the purpose of good. Augustine discusses the idea of contraries in Chapter XIV. Augustine states that two contraries cannot be predicated at the same time of the same thing (Augustine 178) does not hold true with the concept of good and evil, even though they are contraries. They are seen as an exception to the rule. He is saying that good and evil can exist at the same time in any one thing. He also says that good can exist without evil, but evil cannot exist without good, or in anything that is not good. For a man or an angel can exist without being wicked; but nothing can be wicked except a man or an angel: and so far as he is a man or an angel, he is good; so far as he is wicked, he is
  • 6. Prevalence of Masked Hypertenstion in Type 2 Diabetic... The main finding of this study is that the serum ADMA levels were significantly increased in MHT patients with DM compared to normotensive diabetic subjects. ADMA levels, BMI, and low HDL levels were independent predictors of MHT in patients with DM. ADMA levels positively correlated with ABPM measurements, especially daytime measurements, but were not related to office BP measurements. ADMA levels may play a role in prediction, with a good sensitivity and negative predictive value but poor specificity and positive predictive value. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to examine the relationship between ADMA and MHT in the current literature. Ng et al. studied in a total of 133 DM patients, 18% of whom had MHT. It was ... Show more content on ... In another elegant human trial, Achan et al. demonstrated that ADMA infusion increases systemic vascular resistance by 24%, and mean arterial BP by 6% in healthy subjects and that a bolus dose of ADMA decreases cardiac output by 15% [18]. In a second part of that study, it was shown that a handgrip maneuver increased cardiac output in control subjects by 96%, but in subjects given ADMA, cardiac output increased by only 35%. ADMA concentration 30 min after the infusion was 2.6 mol/L, however, the baseline value was not provided. In addition, several studies have shown that serum ADMA levels are increased in essential hypertension about two fold and are related to impaired endothelial function [5,16]. Perticone and colleagues found that ADMA in essential hypertensive subjects was strongly and inversely associated with the peak increase in forearm blood flow [5]. These studies demonstrated that ADMA plays an important role in the regulation of vascular tone. It is known that ADMA levels are increased among type 2 DM patients [19]. On the contrary, in a small study, Paiva et al. reported decreased ADMA level in diabetics due to renal hyperfiltration [20]. It seems that the prognostic value of ADMA is more important in patients with DM [21]. Krzyzanowska et al. reported that ADMA predicted cardiovascular events and enhanced the predictive role of CRP in patients with type 2 diabetes. In
  • 7. Pablo Escobar s Influence In Colombia Sometimes I am God, if I say a man dies, he dies that same day. The man that said this was responsible for the deaths of thousands of people and made billions of dollars a year in the process. Escobar caused conflict by killing and bribing government officials as well as innocent people. He compromised very little himself. He stopped at nothing to get what he wanted. Pablo Escobar used conflict to force others to compromise their ideals and morals, leading to his increased power and influence in Colombiaand the United States. Pablo Escobar grew up in a poor family, which may have lead to his wish for power and wealth. Pablo was born on December 1, 1949 in Rio Negro, Colombia (Anrhiud). He had one brother named Robert who would eventually ... Show more content on ... To prevent extradition he assassinated 3 presidential candidates that supported extradition laws (Gorgorni). To avoid extradition Pablo also offered to pay colombia s debt (Anhriud). He was willing to compromise some of his wealth to get his way when violence didn t solve his problem. He surrendered himself to the colombian government but said that if he did they could not use extradition to take him to the U.S. and he got to stay in his own luxury prison he had built (17 facts). He said I prefer to be in a grave in colombia than in a jail in the U.S. Compromise on his terms was surrendering to the government. He surrendered in 1991 (Pablo Escobar). His prison was called La Catedral because it was so luxurious. It was complete with a spa, nightclub, and Casino (Anhriud). While in the prison he was threatened to be bombed by rival Cali Cartel. Pablo could still run his cartel while in the prison so his cartel did not stop shiping massive quantities of cocaine daily (Griggs). While in prison he tortured and killed his closest associates and friends with a blowtorch for betraying him for the Cali cartel. This shows how little he actually compromised to go to La Catedral . He never stopped his pursuit for power even when in prison he was making
  • 8. Social Justice Definition Essay Paraphrasing from the reading, social justice is defined as a basic value and desired goal in democratic societies that includes equal and fair access to resources and opportunities, without individual limitations based on observed, or interpretations of, differences in personal identities. Taking from this definition and what I previously know, my own interpretation is that social justiceis actions or behaviors that promote peace and respect for others despite physical or mental differences. The three terms I was most familiar with were biracial, stereotype, and ethnocentrism. Growing up I think nearly everyone is taught about the harm that stereotyping can do to a person. To treat every person as an individual and to get to know everyone personally is something that I was taught as a student in elementary and has always been apart of my life.... Show more content on ... After reading the glossary definition, my original interpretation of re fencing is essentially justifying the use of a stereotype. For example, if a person were to call someone else out for using a stereotype, they would then in turn use re fencing to try to explain why their stereotype is true. After looking at an article online by Stacey Wyatt, I determined that re fencing is actually subconscious. Re fencing is when a stereotype is not fulfilled as the brain expects. The brain will then automatically re fence to the old thought and ignore the break in the stereotype. The second term I was unsure about was contact hypothesis. After reading the definition, I am aware of what contact hypothesis is, however I had not heard that specific term and did not originally know what it referred to. I believe that this theory is only somewhat true; as I do not think simply bringing people of different backgrounds together will automatically lead to improved relations between them. There has to be some sort of common goal to create that
  • 9. Triage Research Paper Triaging Patients Using the ADTMC The French world trier , the origin of the word triage , was originally applied to a process of sorting, probably around 1972, by Baron Dominique Jean Larrey, Surgeon in Chief to Nepoleon s Imperial Guard. Out of French Service de Sante, not only emerged the concept of triage, but the organizational structure necessary to handle the growing number of casualties in modern warfare. The original concepts of triage were primarily focused on mass casualty situations. Many of the original concepts of triage, the sorting in to immediate, urgent, and non urgent with the use of the holding category in the warfare situation, remain valid today in mass casualty and warfare situations. The triage sieve remains in place and is widely used throughout the military organizations (Emerg Med J. 2006 Feb; 23(2); 154 155.). Triage is the process of determining the priority of patients treatments based on the severity of their conditions. This rations patient treatment efficiently when resources are insufficient for all to be treated immediately. The original triage system was based on sorting surgical patients in battlefield... Show more content on ... As per the basic knowledge about this procedure all active duty military medic should be able to determine the level of the urgency required in patient care in order to provide the essential medical care. In most of the cases, determining the seriousness of the illness or injury is the first basic step, which can actually save the time of the patient and the health care provider himself and the available resources in the treatment
  • 10. Comparison Between The Bacchae and The Medea In Euripides The Bacchae and in the Medea, there are significant binary oppositions in both plays. Binary opposition is the two opposite terms, such as good versus bad. Binary opposition is used to present both sides of a contrast (Marvin, 1). In The Bacchae and the Medea, Euripides used binary opposition to highlight the central themes. The significant binary oppositions that are used are men versus women, foreigner versus citizen, and god versus man. The contrast between men versus women is an important opposition in both plays. The women in the Greek society have no control of their life; the men are in control (Barlow 159). In The Bacchae Dionysusunderminded the Greek society point view on women and empowers... Show more content on ... The binary opposition of man versus woman starts off strong, but Euripides switches the roles in both plays. In The Bacchae the woman worship Dionysus. Pentheus disguises himself as a woman, and goes off to view the women in the mountains, which is Dionysus plan the whole time. Pentheus dresses up as a woman and admits to wanting to see the women up at the mountains, and this goes against Pentheus anger at the beginning of the play (Bacchae 813 814). In the end of the play the women overpower Pentheus and destroy him to pieces (Bacchae 1125 1140). This is an example of the women being controlling of their own actions and being stronger than the men. In Medea the stereotype of the man and the woman switch. Medea is no longer going to sit around and let every man walk all over her; she states in her speech that she will take revenge on everybody that caused her misery (Medea 364 409). Barlow emphasizes on the reversal of the stereotype, stating that Medea, is a woman, moreover, who simply refuses to any longer to accept at any rate Greek female stereotypes unless to use them with calculation to gain her own immediate ends (158). Medea reversing the stereotype is the reversal of man controlling the woman, and this shows that woman as well have the power to control their own life. Euripides also highlights how
  • 11. Boeing Airlines And The Defense Market Essay Company s Market Boeing may only be one company, but they compete in two different markets: commercial airlines and the defense industry. The main competition in the commercial airline market is Airbus. Airbus and Boeing seem to have the commercial airline industry in a chokehold basically having no other competitors. Since the industry has high barriers to entry they will not see much competition anytime soon. Boeing is the American leader in commercial airplanes and Airbus is the European leader, which means they are constantly battling. Their competing aircrafts are the Airbus A380 and the Boeing 747. Both companies have many variations of their respected aircraft and according to Business Insider, Airbus A380 outranks the Boeing 747 based on cost, range, size and luxury. The defense market, Boeing aligns itself in is more complex than their commercial airline market. Boeing s main competitor in this market is Lockheed Martin and Raytheon Company. Even though all these companies may compete, each with each other they often create joint ventures because the defense industry requires a diverse product mix that one company may not be able to fulfill. One example of these ventures is when Boeing and Lockheed Martin come to together to own /operate Hellfire Systems, LLC which allows for both companies to sell AGM 114 Hellfire Missiles. This missile is used in the United States Army, Navy and Air Force so this is a very profitable venture for both Lockheed Martin and Boeing.
  • 12. Pedagogical Content Knowledge Analysis Advances in technology have created learning environments that are enriching, yet ever changing. The field of medicine has shown a long history of integrating new technologies to advance educational practices. Simulation, as a medical education methodology, has shown great potential to advance the technology enabled learning environment in healthcare. The following paper provides a concept analysis of advancing the medical field by integrating innovative and technology driven simulation methodologies. The overarching benefit includes increasing the level of competency among medical practitioners prior to executing procedures on real life patients (Gordon, Wilkerson, Shaffer, Armstrong, 2001). The discussion is filtered through the Technological... Show more content on ... TPCK extends upon a previous conceptual framework called the Pedagogical Content Knowledge to include the importance of technology in modern education (Mishra Koehler, 2006). The TPCK framework provides an argument that effective integrations of technology, within any field of practice, will require a positive synthesis among three primary components of technology, pedagogy, and content (Mishra Koehler, 2006). Instructors that are able to negotiate these three components in the learning environment can be said to represent expertise in their field of study (Jain, 2008). In this sense, the most successful instructors will also be disciplinary experts, technology experts, and teaching experts in their particular fields. For the field of medical education, the integration of technological applications such as simulation is a requirement under the considerations of the TPCK conceptual model. The question then becomes: what are the best technological applications that can support the growth of competency among current and future medical practitioners? In short, simulation provides tremendous potential at filling the gaps that often exists in specialty fields of medicine between theory and practical
  • 13. Snow Falling On Cedars Essay Racism is the notion that one s own ethnic stock is superior to that of someone else s. Most all racism is as result of ignorance. Racism can range from a simple comment to make another human being feel inferior, to complex actions that make others feel unwelcome in society because of who they are. The theme of racism can be seen throughout literature. In the murder mystery novel, SnowFalling on Cedars, by David Guterson, many examples of wartime racism are evident. The novel is set on San Piedro Island off the coast of Washington in the year 1954. It is a place of five thousand damp souls (5). Kabuo Miyamoto, a member of the island s Japanese American community, is on trial for the murder of Carl Heine, a fellow fisherman. Heine s ... Show more content on ... Also, Kabuo knew that they re going to want to see me hang no matter what the truth is.... They hate anyone who looks like the soldiers they fought (391). That quote seemingly holds a lot of truth. Much of World War II was waged against Germany, and their persecution of the Jews. Ironically, the most vocal bigot in this story (Etta Heine) is not only of German descent, but was actually born in Germany. Yet, there appears to be no prejudice against Germans on San Piedro Island as a result of the War. This provides a strong argument to the idea that white people were racist towards Japanese people also because physically they looked different. In all of World War II, no person of Japanese ancestry living in the United States, Alaska, or Hawaii was ever charged with any act of espionage or sabotage. This fact is at very least disturbing. Because of the internment camps, Hatsue and Kabuo are forced to spent their wedding night in a public room with only a curtain, and a radio to stop the details of their evening from traveling through the thin walls. They have no choice on what to wear, eat, or do. It is not only the Japanese who remember the horrors of the camps and the war. Ishmael Chambers, the embittered war veteran who runs the San Piedro Review lost his childhood love when the Japanese were herded up and taken to the internment camps. Ishmael is not an objective witness however. He grew up with Carl and Kabuo. He lost an arm in Tarawa
  • 14. Essay On Rosebud A lot can be surmised during the short excerpt, but unless you watch the movie the viewers guessed conclusion could be correct or incorrect. The initial thought was how did this man die? Did he die of an illness or was he poisoned, maybe by Rosebud. Using the ominous music and gray, cloudy, and deserted scenery, one would guess that the man died with unusual circumstances. But on the other hand, it seemed to be at the owner s secluded home with a nurse on duty, pointing to an illness. The real plot can only be discovered by watching the rest of the movie. The man on his death bed uttered one word, Rosebud. This man was rich with abundant property, albeit run down and forgotten, but he was able to afford an on duty nurse conveniently placed to tend to him when he died. If he is the main character, the movie will need to be shot with flashbacks to make him alive, thereby making him the main character.... Show more content on ... It is an overcast day or evening, but there is the menacing mansion ever in the background. They want the viewer to know something bad is about to happen up in the secluded mansion. Everything is dilapidated and run down, so no one has cared for this place or the man for some time, which goes along with the unwelcome mood. There happens to be a couple foretelling items placed in the scene, if you know what to look for. The dying word of Rosebud elicits questions. Who is Rosebud? Why was Rosebud the last thought of the dying man? The actual word has the viewer asking questions and wanting to view more to find out who Rosebud is and why is it so important to this dying man. The viewer will be curious about that one word, where in reality everyone is curious about that one word. I did not see anyone else in the room with the character, so I am wondering how anyone knew that was his last spoken
  • 15. The Deaths Of Women During Ciudad Juarez In general those who live in Ciudad Juarez know about the recurring murders over the past decade involving women. Despite of that there are still millions that are oblivious to this occurring or choose to ignore it. It also gets less talked about comparing to other issues occurring around the world. Those who choose to talk about the subject eventually give up because they saw no immediate results or any progress at all. As stated before some chose to ignore the issue because they felt it was the easy way out and had fear of their own lives as well. Especially, the residents of Ciudad Juarez were in fear to speak of it because they felt they would put their lives endangered. However, to truly understand the severity and seriousness of this subject like many other issues you need to have some idea of how and why it started and the history or facts surrounding the issue. That is why the main focus is finding the factors that may have contributed to the recurring murders of women in Ciudad Juarez. Moreover, the effects of the murders on the victim families, the public in general, and the city. Also finding if there were any motives behind the murders of the women. Lastly, finding if there are any solutions for the murders to come to an end, any way to deter people from doing it, and has there been something done in the past decade to tackle the murders from happening again. There has been debates and deliberations on how and when the series murders of women began, but
  • 16. The Pros And Cons Of The Intolerable Acts The Intolerable Acts were a series of laws passed by British Parliament in 1774 with the intent to suppress the colonial Boston. The series of laws closed the ports and placed it under martial law. The Sons of Liberty were a group of colonial protestors which issues a call for a boycott. Merchant communities were skeptical to participate unless everyone could mutually agree on terms and means to enforce the provisions. Pressure from the groups was quickly mounting, colonial legislatures empowered delegates to attend a Continental Congress where they would set up terms for a boycott. Philadelphia September 5, 1774, The Congress first met. With delegates representing each of the 13 colonies except for Georgia. By the Next month, Congress had come up with a Plan. October 20, 1774, The Articles of Association were adopted by Congress. The Articles of Association stated that if the Intolerable Acts were not repealed by December 1, 1774, the colonies began a boycott of British goods. Inside the Articles, there were outlined plans for an embargo on exports if the Acts were not repealed before September 10, 1775. Within the Articles of Association were fourteen different articles outline different topics. The article that affects Theater is Article 8 which states and will discountenance and discourage every species of extravagance and dissipation, especially all horse racing, and all kinds of games, cockfighting, exhibitions of shews, plays and other expensive diversions and
  • 17. I Am About Last Night I wake up just enough to roll over. As I do so, the annoying, repetitive sound of my alarm clock fills my ears. I groan and roll myself out of bed. I trudge over to my dresser and turn the alarm off. I don t feel like going to school today, especially since I know that Dad will be calling Mom while I m gone. As I walk to the bathroom, I grab my phone from my desk. I see that I have two new messages and one new email. I read the first message, which is from my mom, telling me that she d be gone this morning. I open the second message, and of course, it s from Damon. Text to Karrison from Damon: Good morning, beautiful. I hope you have an amazing day! I m still very sorry about last night. I know I must have disappointed you, and I feel awful. I promise that I ll make it up to you! Well, I don t know how he would expect that he disappointed me. I m great at hiding my emotions! I wonder how he s going to try to make it up to me. I walk over to the mirror and almost shriek at my appearance. My eyes are crusty, and my long, brown hair is sticking out in all directions. I was painfully reminded of Einstein. I look down at my sink and groan. I look like an Einstein raccoon! I forgot to clean my makeup off before I went to sleep. Looks like I have a bunch of work to do before I leave for school. With excitement, I realize it s Friday and almost jump up and down. Face and hair or outfit first? I should try to do something with my hair first. I wash my face and dry
  • 18. The Biological Causes For Serial Killers Introduction: This investigation examines the biological causes for serial killers psychopathic tendencies and examines those same biological factors in both men and women to find the correlation between a higher rate of male serial killers and the biology behind their actions. It is imperitave to first know what a serial killeris, and what makes them such a cold fish. There are sections of the brain that do have control over a human being s personality, where that individual can either develop into an average person or join the other one percent of psychopaths living in the world today (due to physical damage or chemical imbalance in the brain). These specific sections of the brain are different in males then in females, some components of the brain vary in size etc. between sexes. It is crucial to have all these pieces, with this information its then possible to form a conlusion to the surfaced question. To stretch ones knowledge and understanding of serial killers a necasssary source is the Encyclopedia of Serial Killers, second edition by Micheal Newton , which gives detailed insight on the worlds most infamous serial killers and their tactics, not including other informative articles sited later on in the analysis. In addition to that source, another applicable book would be The Emotional Brain by Joseph LeDoux, assisting in learning the physical structures of the brain that control ones emotions and motivations, as well as the male brain versus the females.
  • 19. Migration In The Great Migration The neoclassical economic theory sees migration as a consequence of irregularities in the supply and demand of labor in different areas. The Neoclassical theory insinuates that migrants relocate from one place to another with the intention of maximizing their income. People tend to move from counties where wages are low and labor is plentiful relative to capital to those where the opposite is the case (Castles, 566). Emphasis is put on personal determinations to relocate based on logical observations of the costs and rewards associated. The journey of African Americans from the Southern States to the North during The Great Migration is linked to the neoclassical theory due to wages and the shortage of labor; in order for African Americans to obtain better wages, they needed to relocate to the Northern and Western cities. During both World Wars, when America sent her sons to battle and desperately needed laborers for the war factories, African Americans filled the depleted factories and the supply and demand balance of laborers was materialized. The Oxford Handbook of African AmericanCitizenship, 1865 Present narrated the economic aspects of African Americans by tracing the historical development of African American economic experiences, starting from the dawn of Reconstruction onward, and shed light on the consequences concerning the economic marginalization of blacks in the south during The Great Migration. The discriminatory system of Jim Crow s south led to lower
  • 20. How Did Agriculture Influence The Development Of Ancient... During mans transition to agriculture human achievements were both interesting and essential even though archeologists needed to interpret the remains of tools, cave paintings and burial sites. The social norms adopted during this period led to the creation of society as we know it today. Agriculture led to the formation of more complex societies where people were able to settle in one place for longer periods focus on economic, political, and religious goals which helped to increase the number of people in the world. On the banks of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers in Mesopotamia and the Nile in Egypt emerged civilizations affected the history of the eastern half of the Mediterranean. Theses civilizations led to formation of cities and ... Show more content on ... Secondly, the end of the ice age saw the retreat of certain big game animals. Hunters began to look for smaller game, such as deer and wild boar. The amount of animals available for hunting declined. This also increased the new sources of food. (Zvelebil, 2009) The development of agriculture was of fundamental importance for the future history of mankind. It meant that more people could remain settled in one area for a longer period and spend less time searching for food which allowed people to begin to learn a crafts. This led too many becoming and became carpenters tanners, scribes and metal workers. A civil service and priesthood emerged. Some of the villages that had originated at the beginning of the Neolithic period began to resemble fortified cities in Asia Minor and Syria. The largest and central cities however, were on the major rivers of Egypt and Mesopotamia in the fourth millennium BC. It was there that the largest quantities of food could be grown and the largest number of people could live together. (Zvelebil, 2009) The core of the Mesopotamian city was the temple, the house of the state holy being whose needs had to be provided for by the community. The temples became very powerful groups that created vast estates that engaged in activities
  • 21. Monothelitism as Opposed to Dyothelitism Monothelitism is a subject concerning Jesus having two natures but one will. The opposing, which is commonly known as Dyothelitism, is the idea that Jesus has both two natures and two wills. Monothelitism was a heresy that occurred during the 7th century. (Chapman) This controversy started with Emperor Heraclius who wanted to unite people under one idea. With the help of Sergius of Constantinople, they got Pope Honorius to agree with the idea that Christ had one energy. Pope Honorius, however, was later condemned of heresy. Sophronius, a monk who lived in Palestine, disagreed with the compromise that was made, he made it clear that he thought that Dyothelitism was an important aspect of Christianity. In 638, the Emperor responded to Sophronius ideas with an edict titled Exposition of the Faith which said that people were no longer permitted to discuss the matter, and that Christ had one will. ( History of the Christian Church... ) There was support for this idea, though there was resistance as well. Specifically, Maximus Confessor and Pope Martinus. These two were very strong in their position of support for Dyothelitism. In 648, Emperor Constans II made an edict titled Type that he hoped would create peace. The edict called for silence on the topic that was being debated, and took a neutral view on the subject. The emperor was later informed that Monothelitismhad been declared a heresy. Constans II, in response to this, imprisoned the pope and made sure he received
  • 22. Analysis Of The Movie The Studio Band Essay Adjusting to college is, as us students would put it, wild. But, very few can say they had an experience comparable Andrew Neiman from Damien Chazelle s Whiplash. As a freshman at the Shaffer Conservatory (the fictitious best music school in the U.S.), Neiman happens into the best Jazz ensemble in the whole school. The Studio Band is directed by Terence Fletcher, who is unashamedly abusive to his students. During Neiman s first rehearsal, Fletcher catches him off tempo and responds by slapping him, hurling a chair at him, and verbally abusing him in front of the whole class. Neiman, committed to never feeling that level of embarrassment again, responds by practicing until his hands bleed. Through this intense treatment, he finds new drive in striving to become one of the greatest drummers of his time. Neiman s drive transitions into obsession and his relationship with Fletcher becomes increasingly toxic. Director Chazelle wanted to paint a picture of a world he himself had lived. He shares his own life through the ticking clocks of the rehearsal rooms, the padded soundproofing of the practice booths, the trombonists emptying spit valves, the popped blisters and bleeding hands I might be able to examine how that world reflected America as a whole. Chazelle gives us a natural point of entry (Smith 5) to invoke an idea that can resonate deep inside all of us: passion. Some art aims to invoke emotionlessness in us by depicting something completely unrelatable,
  • 23. Technological Advancement is Natural Technological Advancement is Natural As we enter the twenty first century, it is clear that many things about our method of interacting with our environment are different than in previous centuries, and that, in fact, the very philosophy of the man nature interaction may change again. Some look forward to these changes. Others are fearful or condemnatory. In many cases, people implicitly or explicitly argue that certain technologies are unnatural. They claim that while certain technologies may be useful, other technologies represent a form of Nature manipulation and this that tinkering is unwise. Since this argument may appear in many places, it is important to critically analyze it. I feel that this argument is the arbitrary reaction ... Show more content on ... Polytheism identifies multiple supernatural beings who each exercise arbitrary control over Nature, and all of whom may be good or evil and triumphant or banished depending on random factors such as the phase of the moon and which deity has the most priests and temples. Universalism identifies no supernatural being separate from Nature itself, but affirms that Nature is, in the end, good. While atheism , devil worship , fatalism and hedonism are also logically valid philosophies, they take less time to explain, present fewer leads for philosophical study, and seem not to have guided the actions of many people worthy of emulation. At any rate, religious hierarchies played an important factor in world government for several thousand years. As a trivial example of how fundamental nature is in religious discourse, different religions have, over time, prescribed different hair grooming standards. The early Christian apostle Paul taught, Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? (1 Cor. 11:14) Jewish men have long worn a skull cap to cover the hair while praying. On the other hand, Sikh men believe that the hair is sacred, and that to cut it (or let it be dirty) would be to defile it. When in public places, they wear a turban to protect their hair from anything unclean. Their respect for God created nature also leads them to refrain from eating any sort of meat. During
  • 24. Maturation in Bless Me, Ultima Essay In Bless Me, Ultima, Rudolfo Anaya defends the assertion, for in much wisdom there is much grief, and increase of knowledge is increase of sorrow, from Ecclesiastes. Tony endures many trials throughout the novel, therefore increasing his knowledge of life but also increasing his grief and sorrow. After witnessing Lupito s death, Tony realizes that people are not always what they appear to be. Tony also begins to question his religion because of trials in the novel, some of which include Lucas cure and the sighting of the golden carp. In his trek during the blizzard, Tony learns of his brother s sinful doings and he witnesses the death of a good man. Tony gains much knowledgein these scenes, but, unfortunately, with this... Show more content on ... The people in the mob, who Tony knows as typically peaceful people, become violent. They show no mercy towards the war sick Lupito, who shot the sheriff. Tony is emotionally affected because he believes that his father participated in the act and could have been one of the men on the bridge who shot Lupito. Tony also learns how much sorrow World War II has caused. The families of soldiers are broken because their sons are at war. And now the horrors of the war have claimed two more deaths. Tony begins to question his belief in God after Ultima cures his Uncle Lucas and Tony sees the beauty of the golden carp. Tony witnesses Ultima cure his uncle after the Trementina daughters put a curse on Lucas. Ultima s special power is the only thing that can heal the ailing man. Not even the Church can reverse the Trementina s curse. After Ultima s work is done, Tony questions the power of the Church and God. If they are so powerful, why could they not rid Lucas of the evil in him? Tony questions his religion even more following the sighting of the golden carp. He has never seen God, but he has seen the beauty and splendor of the golden carp. Tony s questions and worries evaporate at the sight of the pagan god. When Tony sees the golden carp, he feels the way he had hoped to feel at his First Communion. The golden carp, not the power behind the Church, is Tony s idea of a God. Tony gains the most wisdom
  • 25. Model Organisms Essay During the course of the past thirty years, the study of model organisms has become more significant in the study of embryological development. A model organism is a species that is easy to cultivate and monitor in a laboratory environment and is used to represent broad groups of organisms. Examples of successful and important model organisms include the Ascidia, Zebrafish, and Medeka species. Through intense researching of these organisms, scientists have been able to gain valuable insight into the developmental processes of many complex vertebrates, including humans. Model organisms are used to study embryonic development for several reasons. These organisms have shared characteristics including short life spans and generation ... Show more content on ... 2001). Through research of the embryonic development of the ascidians, scientists were able to better understand the vertebrate gene function and regulatory networks of several processes. The ascidia genes involved in the formation of the notochord, which were shown to be analogous to those of tadpoles, and were consequently mapped in order to obtain information regarding gene function in vertebrates. In addition, the developmental processes in ascidia embryogenesis were studied in great detail, leading to advances in the conception of the regulatory network s involvement in governing notochord differentiation and also the process leading to the formation of the tail (Corbo et al. 2001). The zebrafish, another marine model organism, was also selected due to its short life cycle and rapid embryological development. Moreover, the zebrafish have nearly transparent embryo cells, making the embryos easily accessible, and allowing developmental events to be easily observed. As a result of numerous similarities in development when compared to other vertebrates, the zebrafish has solidified its position as a model organism. Most importantly, the zebrafish is an effective model organism because both experimental embryologic methods and genetic analysis can be easily applied to it (Grunwald and Eisen 2002). Due to experimentation with the zebrafish, scientists have been able to gain insight into the formation and function of individual tissues, organ
  • 26. Much Ado About Nothing Analysis Much Ado About Nothing Analysis Beginning in 15th century Messina in the aftermath of a war, the play opens with the army of Don Pedro of Aragon arriving in the country and being welcomed by Leonato, Messina s governor. Count Claudio, hero of the war, falls in love with Leonato s daughter Hero at first sight, and Don Pedro promises to woo Hero for Claudio. Don John, Don Pedro s brother who is resentful of both Claudio and Don Pedro for defeating him in the just ended war and himself being a bastard son, ineligible of heirdom, hopes to find a way to ruin Claudio s impending happiness. After Don Pedro woos Hero for Claudio, he proposes that everyone trick Benedick and Beatrice into falling in love. Don John and his henchman Borachio agree on a plan to disrupt the coming marriage: Borachio will convince Claudio that Hero is unfaithful by staging a meeting with Margaret, Hero s waiting servant. Margaret will be dressed in Hero s attire, and Claudio will assume Borachio is Hero s lover. Leonato, Claudio and Don Pedro stage a conversation for Benedick to overhear where they talk of Beatrice s desperate love for Benedick, how he would mock her if he knew of her feelings. Benedick joyously decides he must love her in return. Beatrice is also lured into overhearing a conversation between Hero and Ursula, a waiting servant, who talk about Benedick s desperate love for Beatrice and about how her arrogance will keep her out of his love s grasp. Beatrice decides that she must shed her
  • 27. The Resurrection Of Jesus Overall, the events of the resurrection must have been a period of great confusion and bewilderment to Jesus followers. Even though Jesus followers had knowledge of the resurrection from the Scriptures and Jesus own personal testimony and prophecies (Matthew 16:21; 20:17), they still did not understand, at least in the beginning. But how quickly that confusion and bewilderment turned to joy after their eyes were opened. When I became a true follower of Jesusmany years ago, I can remember the joy that I felt in having my eyes opened. I like to think that the joy I experienced was the same joy Jesus followers experienced after the resurrection. Unfortunately, there are not many details concerning the actual resurrection. Matthew s ... Show more content on ... Jesus appearance to the women, the apostles, and other believers (1 Corinthians 15:6) proved the Scriptures and erased doubt concerning the resurrection amongst the apostles and all believers. The resurrection preceded Jesus charge to disciple all nations and Peter s full restoration; furthermore, Jesus final appearance before the Ascension opened the minds of the apostles which enabled them to understand the Scriptures and to fulfill the command to disciple all
  • 28. A Course On The Deuteronomic History If I were to teach a course on the Deuteronomic History, I would choose Joshua and Judges on the grounds that it holds more stories that have relevance to the context of my United Methodist congregation. The approximate demographics of my congregation are as follows: over ninety percent are Caucasian; over fifty percent are 45 years of age or older; women are the dominate group within most of the small group activities; and the mining, healthcare, and retail industries are the largest employers respectively. Layoffs affect most families in this congregation due to regular fluctuations in the mining industry, some due to direct employment and others due to delicate economic ties to the mining industry. Just like most of the country, the families of my congregation are less nuclear than in generations past as blended and other non traditional families are increasing in number. It is from this context that I have considered which Deuteronomic History stories to cover in a weekly course of several weeks. Before introducing these war texts, I would first present some background frame of reference. I would first explain some scholarly thought about the time (622 BCE) in which Joshua was written and how Josiah s reign might have influenced the lens from which the authors created and edited the final form known today. Given that most of my congregation believes heavily in the inerrancy and infallibility of the bible in combination with a small amount of human error, this information
  • 29. The Little Mermaid Analysis Fairy tales often resemble what culture was like during the time in which they were written. They tell us the story of women s struggle and survival throughout history, in societies with rules dictated by men. Whether it be surviving the torment of a wicked stepmother or the consequences of just being curious, one issue stays the same, the longing to escape the expectations that social norms impose is evident with just about any story. In this paper, I will compare the similarities and differences, and show a strong relationship between Hans Christian Anderson s, The Little Mermaidand the movie Boyz n the Hood, written and directed by John Singleton. The Little Mermaid, is a historical fairy tale written in the year 1836. During this time in history, women were expected to live a certain way. The ideal woman was submissive; her job was to be a meek, obedient, loving wife who was totally subservient to the men around her (Citation 1). This is clearly the case in this story in many instances from beginning to end. The little mermaid is expected to abide the rules of the sea. She is expected to follow the path of her sisters who are content with living under the sea and is to live in her own little plot in the garden just like everyone else, but she wasn t like the rest of her fellow mermaids. She had always had an infatuation with the surface, always longing for her 15th birthday when she would be able to rise to the surface and see the world of humans. Once she laid eyes on the human world and the handsome young prince, her desire to break free from the social norm consumed her every thought. Boyz in the Hood, is a racially charged look into the life of black males in the ghettos of California. It took place in a time where racism was alive and well, and drug laws like the 1 100 crack/powder disparity were being passed targeting black people disproportionally. Many cases of police brutality and even mobs attacking and murdering black men made the headlines in the 1980s. This movie, much like The Little Mermaid, is about the struggle of two males who are trying to break free from the social norms imposed by society. The protagonist in this movie, Tre, moves to South Central, Los Angeles to live
  • 30. Paper On Writing Service Contract Essay Paper Shapers Writing Service Contract Paper Shapers has designed this agreement to protect the rights of both parties entering into this service agreement. Please read each section carefully and feel free to address any question or concerns you may have about this agreement. Scheduling Due to the value we place on the time of our Paper Shapers staff as well as our customers, writing appointments will be scheduled for 1 hour interval per page. All appointments will promptly begin at the time agreed upon by both parties regardless of time lost due to customer lateness. There will be no time or price adjustments made for time lost due to the lateness of a customer. All time requested beyond the 1 hour interval, if permissible due to the open availability of a staff member, shall be subject to an extension fee of $40 per hour. It is strongly advised and recommended that all customers show up on time and thoroughly prepared for all appointments in order to avoid any extra fees. Cancellation Notice Missed or cancelled appointments are subject to a cancelation charge of 20% of the service charge. All clients are able to reschedule an appointment up to 24 hours prior to the scheduled to the appointment time in order to avoid any occurring fees. There will be a $20 fee charged for the rescheduling of an appointment that occur A client will have two opportunities to reschedule an appointment before an appointment is marked as a cancellation. Fees A deposit of 20% of the
  • 31. Salem Witch Trial The Salem Witch Trials were held in Salem, Massachusetts during the end of 1692 and the beginning of 1693. These were a series of trials and prosecutions of suspected witches. Most of these supposed witches were women but some were men. These people were accused of making local children ill by practicing witchcraft. The children claimed to be possessed by the devil and gave names of witches who did this to them. This struck a fear through the whole town. Everyone became scared of being named a witch. After the witches were accused, there were trials in the courtroom to determine their guilt. If they were found guilty, they were punished. The majority of the retributions were by hanging, some also died in jail, and one was stoned to death. This... Show more content on ... In A Brief History of the Salem Witch Trials it shows that Governor Phipps said It were better that ten suspected witches should escape rather than one innocent person be condemned ( Blumberg ). This just shows that he was tired of innocent people dying. He thought that it would be better to save the innocent people and potentially lose some bad people, instead of catching all of the bad. So he decided to get rid of the Special Court of Oyer and Terminer. He replaced this court with a Superior Court of Judicature. This court only found 3 in 56 people that were accused, actually guilty. A large reason there were so few convicted was the fact that this court was not allowed to use dreams and visions as evidence to convict. In addition to creating this new court, the Governor also released several accused witches and prohibited any more arrests. Most of the people that were involved in the trials apologized shortly after the trials
  • 32. Essay On Iago Manipulation In Othello Iago is very notorious for his villainous acts throughout the play Othello , by William Shakespeare. Iago s motives drive him to manipulate and deceive other characters so his monstrous (I, iii, 395) plot would succeed. Iago manages to con Roderigo to take his money. Iago also tries to ruin Othello and Desdemonas relationship by using Cassio as a bait. In this passage, Iagoexplains how he will manipulate Rodrigo, Cassio and, most importantly, Othelloto achieve his goals. The first victim of Iago s manipulation was Roderigo. Iago realises Roderigo will do anything to be with Desdemona, so Iago uses this to his advantage. Thus do I ever make my fool my purse (I, iii, 374). Iago plays with Roderigo s emotions and hopes to swindle his money. Iago makes a fool out of Rodrigo because he is a rich guy who thinks that money will win over Desdemona s heart. Roderigo buys her gifts and gives it to Iago thinking that he will give it to Desdemona. Instead, Iago keeps it for himself, and making a lot of profit in doing so. Iago does not waste his on knowledge and skills on something he can get someone else to do. For I mine own gained knowledge should profane (I, iii, 375). Iago convinces Roderigo that he will make Desdemona fall in love with him by giving her presents with Rodrigo s money. This shows that he is sly and clever because he knows that Roderigo has a lot of money he can benefit from. Also, Iago gets something useful out of Roderigo that aids in his evil plans. If I would time expend with such a snipe But for my sport and profit (I, iii, 376 377). Roderigo is shown to be a very gullible character that believes everything Iago says. Iago keeps Rodrigo uninformed about his plans and continues to profit from him. Rodrigo follows Iago blindly, thinking the whole time that Iago is trying to aid him, but since Iago is driven to become lieutenant, he uses Roderigo for his money and something to rely on. Later Iago sends Roderigo to kill Cassio so Iago would not be suspected as a criminal. Iago s plans begin to dwindle as Roderigo ends up dying by the hands of the manipulative Iago that supposedly helped Roderigo get with Desdemona. The second victim of Iago s manipulation in the text was Cassio. Cassio is
  • 33. Japan Economy Analysis CUHK International Summer School 2009 MGT 3580 Global Enterprise Management Individual Country Analysis Assignment Contents Page 1. Introduction Japan in a Glance 3 2. Japan s Current Economic Performance 3 1. GDP /Capital (PPP) and GDP growth Rate 3 2. Inflation Rate 3 3. Unemployment Rate 4 4. Foreign Direct Investment Report 4 1. FDI ... Show more content on ... From 2006 to 2007, Japan s inflation rate took a rapid increase from negative inflation in 2006 to positive inflation rate in 2007. This sharp increase in inflation rate was likely to be due to the world s shortage of rice crisis. As rice is Japan s main source of stable food, the rice crisis push up rice prices globally, causing the inflation rate in Japan to rise sharply. Currently, there are speculation that Japan s inflation rate may rose at the fastest pace in the decade as companies facing the global economic crisis may pass higher costs to consumers. Prices of daily necessities rose while pay stagnated, causing a sharp increase in consumer price index and thus the increase in inflation rate. 3. Unemployment Rate Japan s unemployment rate was 3.9% in 2008 and worsen during the global economy recession. The ratio of jobs to applicants worsened, sliding to a two year low of 0.97. Currently, Japan s unemployment rate rose to 5.2%, as the number of jobless rose to nearly 3.5 million. The total number of jobless people climbed by 770,000 from a year earlier to 3.47 million in May, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in its monthly report. Those with employment fell by 1.36 million from the previous year to 63.42 million, as quoted by TOMOKO A. HOSAKA Jun 30, 2009. It is expected that Japan s unemployment rate
  • 34. will rise to a new record since its last peak in 2002 (Refer to Annex 2.31) This increase in unemployment
  • 35. Brook Farm Utopian Societies Utopian societies A utopian society is a perfect society that possesses perfect qualities. Utopian societies don t typically work due to money issues and conflict due to control issues within the society. People have conflicts due to the fact that not all of the people in the society think alike. Money troubles became apparent when people in the utopian societies created a system of sharing money and profit. Issues arose when people in the society realized that only very few people in the society were actually working while most were just taking the profit off the ones who did the work. Brook Farm (1841 1846) was one of the many utopian societies that failed due to money problems within the society. The founder of the Brook Farm, George Ripley, experienced money conflicts when farmers declared they needed more farm land for their crops, but as they bought the farmland more money issues arose from people in the society needing supplies to do their jobs. Another issue in buying all the supplies for the community was that the workers within society weren t selling enough goods to pay the money back, so that they could support the society. Due to these struggles the Brook Farm failed at the end of 1846 proving that utopian societies cannot... Show more content on ... But, what made this society one to remember was its founders Charles Lane and Bronson Alcott, knowing nothing about farming whatsoever. The society truly started to fail when farmers realized the incompetence of their governing leaders, so the rebelled against them. The farmers believed that they should rule the society because they had the knowledge of the land. But when the farmers started to rebel the society began to fall. The farmers forgot about the crops and they were left unmaintained and forgotten. When harvest time came around the society was left with nothing and with no money to support the society it perished by the end of
  • 36. Comparative Look at Action Research Essay Comparative Look at Action Research: Application 1 Lona Burch Walden University Dr. Cindee Easton Action Research for Educators (EDUC 6733R 1) January 9, 2011 Comparative Look at Action Research Based on my prior knowledge and this week s resource, I see a little clear why action research can help me address the needs of my students better. This week I have learned the difference between action research /teacher inquiry and education traditional research. Also, I have learned the relationship between action research and teacher professional growth and decision making. Last, I have been able to see what teacher inquiry/action research look like, how they are similar and different. I have discovered this week that ... Show more content on ... At this point in my personal education and with the current economy, I feel that this is a course that is wasting time for teachers today with all the pay cuts, class size increases, and furlough days. Currently I go to school only the days my students go to school. All my planning is done at home after hours and unpaid therefore; what teacher has time for active research? | |Action Research Study #1 |Action Research Study #2 |Action Research Study #3 | |Questions | | | | |Who is the author of the study (i.e., insider or|insider teacher |insider teacher |insider teacher | |outsider, researcher or teacher)? | | | | |What is the title of the action research study? | Understanding high school black male | Understanding high school black male | The mother tongue: The role of | | |students achievement and school experience. |students achievement and school
  • 37. The Stages of Childhood Development CHAPTER 01: Preschool child 1.1 Preschool child Preschool age is basically identified as year three to six. In psychology this age group categorize as early childhood . This early childhood stage is more imperative in the child development and their learning procedure. That s why the concept of preschool has come to play. Preschoolers are always on the move, exploring their world with excitement, curiosity, and an apparently endless source of energy. The capacity of learning in this stage is enormous. They learn and develop from each experience, association, and adventure that they meet. Having the enough space and opportunity to discover objects and playing environments helps preschool child to develop their imagination and help the ... Show more content on ... Understanding the early childhood development means to understand the behavioral, cognitive, psychosocial, language and motor development that children get through their early childhood stage. Psychologists state about early childhood development in according to different views. The theories by Sigmund Freud stressed out the importance of early childhood actions and experiences that almost completely focused on mental disorders than normal performance. According to Freud s early childhood developmental theories it is clarify as a progression of psychosexual stages. At Three Essays on Sexuality (1915), Freud tells that stages as oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital. Every period connect the fulfillment of a libidinal desire and be able to afterward play a role in adult personality and behavior. Erik Erikson says that each period of child development based on overcome a conflict. As an example, the main conflict through the early childhood stage engages in creating a feeling of personal identity. Success or failures within the conflicts at each period can impact on the whole functioning. For an example, failure to develop a personal identity results in role confusion through the adolescent stage. Early childhood development can be discussed under five developmental areas. Those are identified as; Motor development Behavioral
  • 38. Dr Morton Superhuman SUPERHUMAN A Supernatural Drama, 43 minutes A Second Chance Life is anything but ordinary for the Weber three. Orphaned by a horrific accident their only chance of survival is Dr Andrew Morton. Hired by an anonymous investor Dr Morton has been working on a revolutionary serum that gives his financier the chance at immortality. Injecting them, the teens not only survive they awaken with remarkable superhuman abilities. Learning to use their powers comes with responsibility and the occasional tendencies towards misbehaving. Ivy, Oliver, and Jameson must navigate the real world with a heightened new perspective. Meanwhile on the other side of Redwood City Dr Philippa Yates nefariously continues to create her own army of super humans. However, a break in the sequencing sees her creating a weaponised force of criminals who threaten the lives of Redwood City citizens. It is up to the Webers to protect the people and remain anonymous from the Nobel Alliance who craves the science for warfare and will do anything to acquire it. Attempting to keep good grades while secretly saving the city will test the trio like never before, until old family secrets are revealed it tests their loyalty, family, and themselves. Forever changed by experience, they must trust ... Show more content on ... Everybody has their share of secrets but is murder one of them? It is the call that changed everything for Sophie Talbot, returning to Franklin Pines for her father s funeral when the body of her best friend Avery Johnston is found. Knowing there is a murderer in town, Sophie uses what her ex cop father taught her to uncover the truth. Suspicious of the events over the past two years, she begins her own investigation, taking her on a dangerous journey. Sophie must not tip off the killer jeopardising any hope of uncovering the truth. Running from the past, a killer, and herself Sophie must focus on what is true. Can Sophie solve this mystery before it is too
  • 39. Oscar Magallanes Research Paper Oscar Magallanes Oscar Magallanes American, 1976, Los Angeles, California Magallanes was raised in the Azusa Barrio of Los Angeles. His artwork is influenced by the cultural and social elements of his upbringing. At the age of fifteen, he was expelled from high school, but was accepted into the Ryman Arts program at the Otis Parsons College campus which encouraged him to become a professional artist. The experience of participating in two distinct worlds continues to inform the work. By introducing work with pre Columbian imagery that often mirror Western iconography Magallanes presents imagery in which the viewer is visually confronted with facing the dominance of western culture over indigenous cultures. Magallanes art allows
  • 40. Pax Romana Research Paper The decline of the Roman Empire began in 180 AD after Marcus Aurelius died and his son, Commodus gained control of Rome. This event marked the end of the Pax Romana. The Pax Romana was the many centuries of peace and prosperity in the Roman Empire. The rulers following after Marcus Aurelius had little to no idea on how to deal with the giant empire that Rome had become. This led to growing problems within the Empire and the slow decline of Rome. Many of the following emperors tried to slow or stop the decline of Rome, but not all were successful. One of these rulers was Diocletian, who went to many extents and brought a new view on the government and had new ideas for Rome. Because of all of his efforts, Diocletian did slow the decline... Show more content on ... This means that the governors of big provinces began to argue and try to steal the throne. He proceeded to fix this danger by splitting up provinces into smaller units. Before this, there were under fifty provinces, and after these reforms there were over one hundred ( Diocletian. Encyclopedia). Military and civil administrations were spread into and throughout each of the provinces. This allowed for personal and careful judicial and administrative work. This also promoted imperial stability. But, dividing the Empire had put a severe strain on the economy, ( Diocletian. Encyclopedia of World Biography, Gale). Basically, the province division negatively impacted the economy to an
  • 41. Persuasive Speech For Flipinos Welcome to the Future Foreign Urban Careers Convention, also known as F. F.U.C.C. or F FOOK K. I know you are all anxious to travel to distant lands, embark upon adventures, and begin working on your first million in your chosen career fields! STOP! Before you board that airplane, I am attempting to SAVE YOUR LIFE at the most keep you from arrest or fines at the least, embarrassment. I have been asked by the Chairperson of F FOOK K to speak to you today because there just may be no one more qualified to address the topic of Foreign Faux Pasthan moi . FAUX PAS is French. Spelled as if it should be pronounced FOX PASS, but it IS NOT! The X and the S are, SILENT. And that, friends, should be the first faux pas you step around. According to Dictionary, Faux pas literally means false step; social blunder. Do not take a false step into a big pile of . . . embarrassing or offensive unlawful, social crap. Why me, you ask? Unfortunately, I have seen the inside of more foreign police stations, consulates and embassies than most heads of state; probably more than most talking heads, radioheads, OR Deadheads, and CERTAINLY more than any heads of class. My first faux arrest was at the tender age of 6 while my father was US Ambassador to Singapore; I simply forgot to flush the toilet in a public restroom. Who knew?!? My parents were lucky to only pay a small fine under the table, to get me released from mall security that time. When I
  • 42. Security in the Office What measures should office employees take to ensure office security? Why is office security important? Office security is important because security threats, in particular, theft and embezzlement, do take place in small businesses. What is embezzlement? Embezzlement occurs when the company s property are misappropriated by the employee whom the property is entrusted. In simple terms, this is the act of the employees stealing property from their own company. What warning signs of embezzlement should employees look out for? An increase in overall sales returns could mean that the accounts receivable payments of the company have been concealed. If there are unusual bad debts within the company, this could mean employee fraud has taken place in the company. In addition, if the cash or credit sales has declined or increased slightly from previous period, this could mean that some of the company s sales are not recorded. Bounced checks received by the companies could mean that funds are being taken out from the business bank account without authority. Shortages of inventory could mean that employee pilferage has taken place within the company. A decline in profit and an increase in expenses incurred by the company can mean that cash is withdrawn from the company s account illegitimately. Slow collection of business accounts receivable can be used by employees to hide embezzlement. Steps to preventing employee embezzlement: In order to prevent dishonest acts from
  • 43. Epiphany In Raymond Carver s Cathedral Raymond Carver s Cathedral is a short story that unfolds through the perspective of Bub. The story begins by depicting Bub s narrow mindedness and as the story progresses it becomes clear that his perspective shifts after an encounter with his wife s blind friend Robert. It is through this encounter that Bub has an epiphany. It is his jealousy towards Robert and intoxication that debunk his preconceived notations and highlight the connection between him and Robert. It is only after his epiphany that he is drawn out of this obliviousness and gains insight. Bub s wife, his smoking, and drinking are key elements in breaking apart his bias and as a result he is enlightened. Bub s epiphany helps him realize how Robert mirrors his life. The first indication of this was the jealousy he felt when his wife told him about her last day working with Robert. On her last day last day in the office, the blind man asked if he could touch her face. She told me he touched his fingers to every part of her face, her nose even her neck! She never forgot it (pg. 3). The narrator s jealousy was triggered because the thought of another male touching his wife bothered him. The mere fact that it was a she could never forget, it hit him hard. This emotional reaction shows that either the narrator doesn t connect with his wife on an intimate level or he never cared for how his wife felt intimately until she spoke of another male and how his touch was unforgettable. Another factor in Bub s enlightenment was the consumption of alcohol. I was having a drink and watching TV when I heard the car pull into the drive. I got up off the sofa with my drink and went to the window to have a look ( 5). His constant drinking helped to slowly lowered the walls that he had up. Before becoming intoxicated, Bub held several preconceived notions about blindness. He felt that Robert s blindness hindered him from his daily activities such as eating, The blind man had right away located his foods, he knew just where everything was on his plate. I watched with admiration as he used his knife and fork on the meat (pg. 7). The narrator was astonished, he didn t expect Robert to be able to locate the food on his plate nor did he expect him to find and
  • 44. Beauty And Beauty In Frankenstein Beauty is pain. It is a common thought and a pervasive one for not only do people define beauty by the amount of suffering a person undergoes but goodness is defined similarly. The two concepts are inextricably related. Studies have shown beautiful people are perceived as of good character while those ugly and deformed seem inherently mischievous and untrustworthy (Dorsey). Yet, everyone has at one time or another met an individual whose beauty is only superficial. Admittedly, this natural instinct toward prejudgment is difficult to control. Examples of individuals violating these instinctual rules of beauty and morality fill the pages of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein. Indeed, in her novel, Shelly recognizes and accentuates humanity s prejudice toward ugliness in order to contrast with her personal definitionof beauty one that recognizes virtue as the basis of beauty regardless of physical form so that her theme, that humanity is less above the beast in virtue and intelligence then it believes, is revealed. In a novel that is quite brimming with depictions of horrid acts of violence and mental agony, it is surprising how much time is spent describing beauty. Quite often as an escape from said agony, Victor, the eponymous protagonist, strolls through the nature surrounding his Genevois dwelling. The oft visited nearby lake is described by Victor as a scene so beautiful and heavenly (Shelley, 95) before he considers drowning himself in that peaceful body. To describe a
  • 45. Assessment of Therapeutic Effects of Subcutaneous... Background and Objective: Neurologic literatrure about therapeutic effect of subcutaneous corticosteroids in patients with migrainous chronic daily headache is scare. Aim of this research is assessment of therapeutic effects of this management in the patients. Methods: Consecutive patients with migrainous chronic daily headache in our headache clinic enrolled a prospective before and after therapeutic study during 2010 2013. Fourty mg Metylprednisolone was divided in four subcutaneous injection doses. Two injections were done in right and left suboccipital area exactly at retromastoid cervicocranial junction and two injections were performed in lower medial frontal area exactly at medial right and left eye brow limit. A headache daily was filled out by the patient before and one month after intervention. The severity of pain was classified based on the Pain Intensity Instrument, using a 0 to 10 point numeric rating scale. Paired t test and Chi square served for statistical analysis. Results: 504 patients (378 females, 126 males) with migrainous chronic daily headache underwent the study. Dramatic, significant, moderate and mild or no improvement constituted 28.6%, 33.3%, 23.8%, and 14.3% of the post treatment courses respectively. Therapeutic effectof intervention on mean pain scores was significant; t=7.38, df=20, p=.000. Two cases developed subcutaneous fat atrophy in frontal injection site and 3 cases experienced syncope during injection. Conclusion: Subcutaneous
  • 46. The Many Characteristics, Factors, And Style Features That... There are many characteristics, factors, and style features that are considered when building or adding additions to a college. Mid nineteenth century many colleges were attacked by educators, politicians, and writers, stating that the traditional college was irrelevant to contemporary needs (Turner Campus, An American Planning Tradition, 129). It was established that the traditional colleges were out of date and with a democratic reform there would be changes to the traditional collegethat would lead to a new method of collegiate learning and open doors for higher education. The traditional college was built for professional men; their purpose was not to educate millions, there soon became a call for democratic reform. Overtime the public wanted training from these institutions, and there was a call for a People s College (Turner, 129). During this time agricultural colleges were having trouble attracting students and deciding what an agricultural college should be, they were struggling with their identity and reverting to more traditional forms of education. Wabash Manual Labor College in Indiana dropped the Manual Labor from it s name, as a result the college erected large and impressive buildings in the fashionable styles of the day such as Italianate (Turner, 131). At the same time scientific and technical schools were making better progress. At these early stages of agricultural and scientific education, the appropriate architecture was decided, it was to
  • 47. In Rescuing Sohrab, Amir Could Find Redmeption for Both... Through the course of the novel, the quest for redemption remains a key motive for both Amir and Baba. In rescuing Sohrab, this quest is near completion, but in fact will never be entire in the case of Baba, having taken the truth about his betrayal with him to his grave. With the rescue of Sohrab from the clutches of the tyrannical Assef, Amir does find close to redemption, but not for his father, only himself. True redemption is when one atones for his own sins; Baba will remain restless in his grave. Sohrab, the son of Hassan, serves as a means of salvation for the tortured soul that is Amir. Having attempted to neglect his past, he has learnt the past claws its way out , leaving him an insomniac whilst residing in America. The... Show more content on ... The callous act of betraying his devoted friend, having slept with his wife, and in turn creating the illegitimate Hassan. But it is through this we see the powerful character that is Baba. ...good, real good, was born out of your father s remorse Rahim Khan describes; we see the power of redemption when remorse is genuine and sincere. His impact visible at his funeral where streams of people Amir barely knew tell him how Baba found them a job, helped built them a house or that he was like a brother to them . Baba uses his wealth, skills and influences to make a difference in the lives of many. He works for three years through the obstacles of corruption, building approvals, tradesmen and escalating costs to build the much needed orphanage. He completes all this of his own will, truly wishing to redeem himself. Despite having betrayed Ali, he ensures both Ali and Hassan s lives are as full and secure as possible. Treating Amir and Hassan almost equal and even crying at Ali s departure, displaying his true affection for the one he regrettably betrayed. The Kite runner shows that redemption is only possible when one takes responsibility for ones action through positive, altruistic and courageous deeds. Baba committed many acts of philanthropy, but fails to inform the people around him and those affected of his sins, which leads us to deem that he did not achieve true redemption. True redemption is when a person atones for his own sins,
  • 48. The Health Belief Model ( Hbm ) Essay Out of all the vaccine preventable diseases, pertussis challenges most infectious diseases in severity and importance in children. In 2014, the incidence rate of pertussis in the United States increased by 15%, with almost 33,000 cases reported (Centers for Disease Control, 2015). The bacterium that causes this illness attacks an unprotected immune by attaching to the lining of the respiratory system. After initial attack, begins the release of the toxins that prohibit the respiratory system from working functionally. Because of this, mucus builds up in the lungs, causing an uncontrollable cough that makes breathing difficult (Tan et al, 2005). This illness is very contagious and almost always deadly in children. However, it can be prevented with proper vaccination. This problem can be addressed with the Health Belief Model (HBM), which encourages preventive health actions in order to prevent unwanted adverse conditions, with the idea that action depends on the value and expectancy of the behavior. The HBM attempts to explain and predict behaviors by focusing on attitudes and beliefs of individuals that are represented by six distinct constructs. These constructs include, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, cues to action, and self efficacy. In addition, these six constructs are modified by other variables including, age, gender, ethnicity, personality, socioeconomics, and knowledge (Sharma, 2017). The HBM acknowledges that