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Essay On What Is Life
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essay On What Is Life" is inherently challenging due to the
abstract and deeply personal nature of the topic. Life, as a concept, encompasses myriad
dimensions, including philosophical, scientific, existential, and emotional realms. Attempting to
encapsulate its essence within the confines of an essay demands introspection, critical analysis,
and a profound understanding of human existence.
Firstly, defining life itself poses a formidable obstacle. Is life merely a biological phenomenon
characterized by cellular processes and metabolic functions? Or does it extend beyond the
physical realm, encompassing consciousness, emotions, and subjective experiences? Exploring
these questions requires navigating through complex theories from biology, psychology,
philosophy, and spirituality, each offering unique perspectives on the nature of life.
Moreover, the subjective nature of the topic complicates the writing process further. What life
means to one individual may differ drastically from another's interpretation. Personal
experiences, cultural backgrounds, and individual beliefs profoundly influence perceptions of
life, making it a deeply subjective and nuanced concept. Attempting to reconcile these diverse
viewpoints while maintaining coherence and clarity within the essay presents a formidable
Furthermore, delving into the philosophical and existential aspects of life demands grappling
with profound questions regarding purpose, meaning, and mortality. Contemplating the fleeting
nature of existence, the pursuit of happiness, and the inevitability of death requires a delicate
balance between introspection and academic rigor. Unraveling these existential quandaries
within the confines of an essay necessitates intellectual depth, emotional sensitivity, and
philosophical acumen.
In addition to conceptual complexities, the task of articulating one's thoughts eloquently poses
its own set of challenges. Effectively communicating abstract ideas, weaving together disparate
threads of thought, and maintaining a cohesive narrative structure demand literary skill and
precision. Crafting an essay that engages readers intellectually and emotionally while offering
profound insights into the nature of life requires meticulous attention to language, style, and
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Essay On What Is Life" is an inherently daunting
task, fraught with conceptual, existential, and linguistic challenges. Navigating through the
labyrinthine depths of human existence, attempting to distill its essence into coherent prose, and
inviting readers to embark on a journey of introspection and contemplation demands intellectual
courage, emotional honesty, and literary finesse.
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Essay On What Is Life Essay On What Is Life
High Stakes Testing And Statewide Standards
High stakes testing and statewide standards The Department of Education concludes
that high stakes testing and statewide standards puts too strain on both the teacher
and student. Multiple studies show evidence of miscalculation of scores, teachers
being blamed for low test score, and too much time spent on preparation for the tests.
The purpose of this policy brief is to elaborate on the non beneficial components of
high stakes testingand statewide standards. Thus, peer reviewed research articles and
evidential articles are reviewed on high stakes testing and statewide standards. In
addition, the state of Florida has shown the greatest amount of dissatisfied outcomes.
The information provided in this policy brief will precisely indicate why high stakes
testing and statewide standards should be abandoned from the school system. I
request the action of Congress to outlaw high stakes testing and statewide standards
for the betterment of all National citizens by passing a new law to force states away
from standardized testing.
For the past 15 years, the No Child Left Behind Law (NCLB), every state has been
required to provide each child with a test. This occurs every year; K 8th grade is
tested on math and reading, and once in high school. Furthermore, districts have
added a variety of tests to follow state mandated tests. The Counsel of the Great City
schools concluded that students take approximately 113 tests between grades K 12.
Roberta Munoz (2006)
Prejudice In Miriam Carver s The Narrator In Cathedral
Prejudice comes in all forms; whether it is due to someone s skin color, religion, or
disability, fear of someone who is different than what you view as normal is apparent
all around us. Miriam Webster defines Prejudice as injury or damage resulting from
some judgment or action of another in disregard to one s rights . Although most
people tend to associate prejudicewith racism, that is not always the case. In quite a
few instances of everyday life, it is hate towards another person you consider to be
inferior and not normal. Prejudice implies a closed point of view, one that is not
open to differences and a prejudgement of a group of people you have never
interacted with. It is through the Narrators eyes we see his skeptical tone expressed in
his prejudice and occasional jealousy, that we start to understand the Narrator. The
Narrator in Cathedral depicts this hybrid definition of prejudice in his very character
and it s this prejudice that sets the theme of the story, as well as setting up the ending
in an ironic setting.
From the opening line of Carver s short story, the Narrator gives off the impression
to the reader that he does not have any connection to his self perceived antagonist,
Robert, and has a very little opinion of him because of his physical disability.. It isn
t until Robert comes to his home, his wife guiding him into the house, that we see
the narrator take pause. He also had this full beard. But he didn t use a cane and he
didn t wear dark
Working Memory Gender Differences
Working memory (WM) is used to active temporary storage and manipulation of
information within the time of a few seconds, and is an important component for
many higher cognitive functions. (Speck, Ernst, Braun, Koch, Miller and Chang,
2000) When it comes to memory, there is a short term memory as well a long term
memory. The differences between the two is that the information that is stored in a
short term memory are only there for a short amount of time and the information in
the long term memory have been there for a long period of time. The working
memory according to Speck, Ernst, Braun, Koch, Miller, and Chang is used when we
are storing information in temporary storage, at the same time the brain works to
manipulate the information... Show more content on ...
According to the research done by Speck, Ernst, Braun, Koch, Miller, and Chang,
there are differences between the male and female brains in regards to hemisphere
activation when the brain is storing and manipulating specific information over a
short period of time. It was found that these differences in the hemisphere activation
influenced the time and accuracy performances of males and females. As found by
Hill, Laird, and Robinson, gender differences are shown in the two different types of
working memory: spatial and verbal. The gender differences were evident in the
brains of the participants. Different areas of the brain were activated, which
demonstrated that males and females favor different types of working memory. This
research helped us understand that females are more advanced in verbal working
memory and men favor spatial working memory. Bridge also discovered gender
differences with memory and cognition being that women were more successful than
men with recollection. Additionally, Bridge concluded that social and biological
factors may potentially be influential to these
Eco Test Paper
Section I 1Citrus Speculation and Forecasting, Inc, has been hired by a private
consortium of orange growers to predict what will happen to the price and output
of oranges under the conditions below. What are your predictions? For each part,
sketch a graph showing the appropriate demand and supply analysis. a) A major
freeze destroys a large number of the orange trees in Florida. b) The American
Medical Association announces that drinking orange juice can reduce the risk of
heart attack. (Marks 10) 2)During a year of operation, a firm collects Rs. 2,00,000 in
revenue and spends Rs. 90,000 on raw materials, labor expense, utilities, and rent.
The owners of the... Show more content on ...
b) The difference between the legal and illegal prices of a prohibited demerit good.
c) The difference between the intrinsic worth of a good and its market price d) The
positive difference between the cost of a good and its market price e) None of the
above 9)Which of the following is not true? a) Indifference curve describes all the
possible combinations of two goods which give equal satisfaction to the consumer.
b) Total utility is the sum of marginal utility of all units of a good consumed. c)
When price of a product increases, demand for its complement increase. d) Utility
is a psychological concept and therefore cannot be precisely measured. e)
Consumer surplus of a good and its economic value are different. 10)Which of the
following statement is true? a) Anything that increases total utility will, other things
being equal, tend to raise marginal utility. b) When a buyer experiences consumer
surplus, the seller experiences a loss. c) If A and B are substitutes, then a rise in the
price of A will tend to result in an increase in the demand for B. d) It is possible to
sum individual demand curves to get the market demand curve only when all
consumers are
Federal Reserve Essay
Federal Reserve The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a calculation that provides
insight into the current economy of our nation to allow individuals to understand the
current and past year s standings in the economy. The calculation of the GDP allows
for the government to determine what adjustments are necessary to manage an
effective status for the economy. Based upon the GDP the government can forecast
any necessary changes that must be made to either the monetary policyor the fiscal
policy. The wealth of a country is based upon the government s ability to manage the
economy through the monetary system and not on the amount of money that is
located within that economy. The calculations for the GDP are produced to provide
the most... Show more content on ...
To stabilize the economy bonds are used which release money into the market. The
responsibility of the Central Bank is to maintain the health of the banking system and
regulating the purchase and sale of bonds. The interest rates are controlled to balance
the markets. According to the Monetary Policy Report to Congress, The Federal
Open Market Committee (FOMC) maintained a target range of 0 to Вј percent for the
federal funds rate throughout the second half of 2009 and early 2010 while
representing forecasted economic decisions to rationalize low levels for longer
times on the federal funds rate (Federal Reserve, 2010). Purchases were still being
made by the Fed s to result in improvements to the economy through focusing on
mortgages, the real estate market, and the credit market. Predictions by the Federal
Open Market Committee depicted low levels on the federal funds rates in early 2010
which would continue for some time while over time the economy would see growth,
a rise in inflation, and a decline in unemployment. Feds were in agreement though
they expected the recovery process to be slower. Purchases by the Federal reserve
were slowed, $300 billion of Treasury securities were completed by October and the
purchases of $1.25 trillion of MBS and about $175 billion of agency debt were
suppose to be finished the first quarter of 2010 (Federal Reserve, 2010).
Direction of Recent Monetary Policy and
Tommy John Thesis
Topic What are the causes for high school baseball players to receive Tommy John
surgery? In the past 10 years, the amount of high school baseball players who
received the surgery has drastically inclined. The players themselves and even some
parents and coaches would want to know this information.
Audience Middle school baseball players who are about to go into high school. Also,
the parents of the players so they will better understand how to protect their sons
arm and elbow from damage. Some coaches may also be interested in this so they
know how to handle their pitchers and how to keep them healthy. They will expect
me to teach them how to keep their kids on the field. The readers will think that
Tommy John only happens to major league players, however, in reality, it can
happen to anyone, regardless of age. I am a firsthand example of this. The players
will now reconsider how they throw and the kinds of pitches they throw. ... Show
more content on ...
They should see that they are at risk. Everyone thinks that baseball is a non injury
and a non contact sport. However, every team seems to have at least one pitcher on
the bench who is recovering from, or has previously had Tommy John. My thesis
will be what causes high school pitchers to receive Tommy John and what are they
doing differently today compared to several years ago. I am trying to change the
readers perspective on how the players are pitching and I am going to implement new
ideas. I want to have a positive impact on the life of several players and parents. I can
use my real example for concrete evidence and I know what to
Character Traits of Peter in Cue for Treason
c ENG1D Essay Assignment Cue for treason Rough Draft
This essay is going to talk about the character traits of Peter Brownrigg in Geoffrey
Trease s Cue for Treason. Peter Brownrigg is the novel s narrator and protagonist.
He is fourteen years old and he lives in Country Cumberland. One day, he throws a
rock to Sir
Phillip which makes him get in a lot of trouble, he has to leave his hometown for his
own safety, and then Peter starts on the journey. Peter is independent, rational and
He knows how to take care of himself, instead of relying on his parents. Moreover
Peter handles matters rationality as he will not base his decisions on his own ... Show
more content on ...
Therefore, Peter is rational, because he will not his emotions to make his decision,
and therefore he rationally thinks.
Lastly, throughout the novel there are many examples of Peter Brownrigg s
courageous actions. For example, Peter throws a rock at Sir Phillip, so others will
have more time to get away, he climbs the wall of the yellow gentlemen s house to
retrieve his copy of the play, and while Tom Boyd is missing, he tells Kit that he will
go find Tom. We
The Sower Vs The Gleaners Essay
The two paintings I am going to discuss are The Sower (Top, Right) and The
Gleaners (Top, Left) by Jean Francois Millet. Both paintings are in the Realist style
with The Sower painted in 1849 and The Gleaners in 1857. The Sower measures at
101 X 80.7cm whereas The Gleaners is 83.5 X 110cm. This essay will look at how
these paintings are representative of Realism through their social and political
context and elements of style. The Realist effect of Millet s paintings will be shown
in comparison with another paintingof similar time, The Recall of the Gleaners
(bottom image) by Jules Breton (1859). A key aspect of realism is a social agenda
within the painting, which both Millet s paintings evoke. The Gleaners is making a
remark at the divide in the rural society. Salon goers thought he was bringing
poverty and dirt to the Salon. The painting shakes the ideologies of French society.
Audiences wanted to believe peasants were happy and comfortable in their lives so
that they would not revolt again. The Gleaners shows realism by depicting the
peasants as unhealthy and by hiding their faces. Making the peasants anonymous
shows the suffering of their class and that rural France was an unequal society. Millet
makes a criticism of the Bourgeoisie lifestyle in the painting. The Sower made Salon
goers... Show more content on ...
In the Gleaners Millet has used darker and duller colours to be more true to
perceptual vision. Similarly in The Sower the colours used to represent the light of
the sun creates a shadow and vagueness to the face of the figure. This emphasises the
idea of the peasant s anonymousness and their lack of importance in society. These
colours also contrast with the idea of sunshine and instead suggest the impending
winter and death. Whereas The Recall uses warmer colours to suggest everything is
beautiful and happy for the peasants to please the audience but is not the peasants
How Balanced Scorecard Is Developed And Acts
This essay examines how balanced scorecard is developed and acts as an increasingly
important factor in balancing strategic objectives and measure/KPIs tools used in
businesses, industry, organizations and government to integrated and aligned
business vision and strategy of the organization. The balanced scorecard has changed
from simple performance measurement tool to performance strategy, strategic
planning and to management system that fit into current rapid change in business
environment. However, this essay will only illustrate specifically in performance
measurement framework using balanced scorecard and mainly focus on advantages it
s contributed to business activities. The limitation and criticism of balanced scorecard
as a... Show more content on ...
This new type of balanced score card change business s strategic plan from a
striking but unreceptive paper into the marching orders for the business on a daily
basis. It is a tool that provides performance measurements and further enhances
planner s efficiency in identifying the exact things to be done and measured. It gives
a clearer view for executives to able to implement its strategy. Drs. Kaplan and
Norton (1996) have added this new approach to strategic management by recognizing
some weakness and imprecision of previous approaches to form and provides a
clearer prescription for businesses that how it should be measured in order to have a
more balance view in financial perspective. It also provides feedback from internal
business process and also obtains information from external perspective to improve
the efficiency of performing strategic movement and results which basically act as a
nerve center of a business.
According to Kaplan and Norton (1992), financial measurement only gives a clear
view of past business activities and story which its investment in that industry.
However the long term perspectives in stakeholder relationship are not being value as
a key to be success in business environment. Therefore, they further suggest that
executive must change in guiding and evaluating their businesses when come to
create future value for business by focusing in investing customer s perspective,
financial perspective, internal
Public School Board Essay
(A) In Ontario, there are 31 Public English school boards and 29 English Catholic
school boards (Ministry of Education, n.d.). There are also 4 French Public school
boards and 8 French Catholic school boards (Ministry of Education, n.d.). Public
school boards or private schools are the ones who hire elementary schoolteachers (
Elementary School Teacher. , n.d.). In 2014 2015, there were about 115,156 full time
teachers, about 74,960 elementary schools and 40, 196 secondary teachers (Ministry
of Education, n.d.). During the same time, there were about 7,329 principals and
vice principals and about 9,198 childhood educators (Ministry of Education, n.d.).
Those in senior administrative positions, such as principal or vice principal, are
able to earn a higher salary ( Elementary School Teacher. , n.d.). There are many
jobs that involve working with kids other than being a teacher ( Elementary School
Teacher. , n.d.). After gaining more working experience, many teachers become
principals or guidance counselors. Other possible carriers include, librarian, supply
teacher, camp counselor, early childhood educator, professor, social worker as well
as child and youth worker ( Elementary School Teacher. , n.d.).
(B) Elementary school teachers teach children from kindergarten to grade six (
Elementary School Teacher. , n.d.). They provide and educational foundation based
on subjects involving information such as numbers, language, science, and social
studies ( Elementary School
Shallow Groundwater Depth Under Saline Irrigation...
Soil salinization and critical shallow groundwater depth under saline irrigation
conditions in a Saharan irrigated land
Zied Haj Amor a, Nissma Feki b, Salem Bouri a aWater, Energy and Environment
Laboratory, National Engineering School of Sfax, 3038 Sfax, Tunisia
bEnvironmental, Geotechnical and Civil Materials Research Unit, National
Engineering School of Sfax, 3038 Sfax, Tunisia
E mail: Telephone: +216 25 919 074 Fax: +216 75 276 605
In arid irrigated areas, understanding the impact of shallow groundwater on soil
salinization is becoming critical for suggesting possible options of improving land
productivity. In this study, under saline irrigationconditions, the effects of shallow
groundwater depth on water and salt dynamics in the root zone of date palms were
analyzed in a Tunisian Saharan oasis (Lazala Oasis) using the HYDRUS 1D model.
Measured data of soil electrical conductivities were used in model validation. The
comparison between simulated and measured data demonstrated that the HYDRUS
1D gave an acceptable estimation of water and salt dynamics in the root zone of date
palms. Under frequent irrigations with saline water (6 dS m 1), scenario simulations
were performed with different depths of shallow groundwater. The simulation results
reveal that, during the summer season, high irrigation frequency and shallow
groundwater with low depth (0.8 m) are required to maintain adequate soil water
content and low
Joffrey Dance Essay
Joffrey: Mavericks of American Dance, recounts the tale of the revolutionized
American dance by consolidating advanced customary dance to make another brave
work of art. The Joffrey Ballet was an group that effectively went out on a limb that
changed the dance form for eternity. As the title indicates, the film depicts the
organization as a nonconformist the principal American dancecompany to coordinate
current dance moves into its traditional expressive dance base, and one that was so
associated with political and societal occasions of the time. Established in 1956 by
Robert Joffrey and Gerald Arpino, the progressions were little at in the first place,
expanding the significance of male artists in the gathering with and choreographing
less constrained development. At that point when the 1960s hit everything changed.
Strong works like the dull, hostile to war demonstrate The Green Table and the
hallucinogenic hippy freakout Astarte politicized the artistic expression and melded
it with a cutting edge sensibility without losing the traditionally prepared roots.
Acclaim, attention, and Time Magazine covers (back in the blameless days when a
wonder such as this was still viewed as essential) took after, and the free thinker
medicines of the specialty were reflected in... Show more content on
In a couple of years that mantle would move to Europe yet it was Robert Joffrey s
effective little organization that pushed those progressions and open new boondocks
for ballet. American specialists who changed their artistic expression, as well as
found a crowd of people. Joffrey: Mavericks of American Dance, a genuine history of
the Joffrey Ballet, might be a nostalgic love letter to organizers Robert Joffrey and
Gerald Arpino, yet it saturated me with an enthusiasm and motivation any
The New England And The Chesapeake Colonies Essay
European nations vigorously began to take over the newly discovered Americas
throughout most of the 16th century leading into the 17th century. England was very
forceful in pushing out multiple groups of people to the eastern coast of what is
now known as North America. At that time there were only two prominent regions
in North America, they were known then as the New England and the Chesapeake
colonies. These two colonies would eventually band together to stand as one nation,
but that was toward the end of the 17th century. The beginning tells a completely
different story, both colonies had very different beliefs on what the exact reason
may have been for the settlers to come to the New World. They lived very different
lives because of this. A lot of these differences affected them politically in who they
followed, socially in who they spoke with, and economically in who they would do
business with. Connecticut, Plymouth, Rhode Island, Massachusetts Bay Colony, and
New Haven all made up the region that was New England. It laid just north of the
colony of Chesapeake. The New Englanders wanted and longed for religious freedom.
They were known as Puritan Separatists, they wanted complete separation from the
Church of England. Protestantism was an evolution that thrived in England once the
Church separated from Catholicism. These people wanted to turn toward Calvinism,
because of this they began to be called Separatists . They were not alone in this,
joined with them where
Daniel Andre Brisco. Liberty University. Integration Of
Daniel Andre Brisco
Liberty University
Integration of Faith Learning
BUSI 690
Other than Whole Foods, think of company examples where doing things right and
acting in the interests of broader stakeholders (rather than just stockholders alone)
have produced a stronger competitive advantage. Why was this the case? Other than
Whole Foods, a company that examples doing things right is Starbucks. Starbucks
trusts that leading business morally and endeavoring to make the best decision are
fundamental to the achievement of the organization (Starbucks, 2017). All partners
make particular commitments to a firm, which thus gives diverse sorts of advantages
to various partners. Representatives contribute their time and gifts to the ... Show
more content on ...
Additionally, Starbucks focuses on the customer satisfaction aspect, setting them
apart from their competition. The purpose behind an organization s presence is to
give items or administrations that address the issues of its objective clients and
benefit them definitively. The part of clients is basic to the organization s survival
and achievement. Through the purchase choices they make every day, they select
which organizations will flourish and which will fizzle. They likewise give
profitable criticism to the organization about its items and client benefit level (Hill,
2017). This criticism empowers the organization to enhance what it offers and to
think of altogether new answers for client needs in view of what its clients
requested. For some organizations, clients additionally assume a key part in the
organization s advertising endeavors by prescribing the organization s items or
administrations to other potential clients (Hill, 2017). Decisions... the best power
we have in our lives are our decisions. As Christians, this ought to dependably
include making the best decision. In any dialog about making the best choice, we
should likewise raise love. This is on account of God s adoration for us and our
affection for him urges us to need to do great too. We adore and serve others, since
he initially cherished us. Galatians 6:9 teaches us, And let us not grow weary of
doing good, for in due season we will reap,
Flowers And The Symbol Of Flowers
A symbol of purity, innocence or life, when connected to the motivation of a
character, flowers have the ability to demonstrate a character s emotions and
behaviors in a way that describing a character s physical and emotional appearance
cannot. Vibrant flowers symbolize aspiration and determination while a wilted or
destroyed flowerrepresents a somber and heartbroken attitude toward life. The motif
of the flowersin Paul s Case and The Chrysanthemums represent the progression of
the characters hopeand dreams.
In the opening scene of Paul s Case, the author notes the vibrant, red carnation that
Paul wears to his disciplinary meeting and consequently the teacher s distaste of
what they believe the flower symbolizes referring to it as a, scandalous red carnation
and how, his whole attitude was symbolized by...his flippantly red carnation flower
(Cather 114). A defiant student, shown by his disrespect toward his teachers, Paul
seems unfazed to the fact that he is in a disciplinary meeting choosing to act
indifferent to what his teachers say about him. He is arrogant consequently holding
himself to a higher status than his teachers thus causing him to feel entitled. The red
carnation symbolizes his idealistic view of society in which he had hopes and ... Show
more content on ...
In both Paul s Case and The Chrysanthemums, the character s willpower and
idealistic views of the world shattered, causing them to come to terms with the harsh
realities that coincide with the dreams that they held for themselves. Though Paul
and Elisa choose different paths after the destruction of the flowers, both characters
hopes and dreams are destroyed themselves as the now have to navigate the harsh
reality of life. Both authors chose to portray how, like a flower, people are not
impervious to life around them and when reality strikes, it has the ability to destroy a
Government Drones
The thought of government drones buzzing overhead and constantly monitoring the
activities of law abiding citizens runs contrary to the notion of what it means to live
in a free society says senator Charles Grassley on a topic that is in very high
controversy (Quattlebaum1).Having the sanctity of our own privacyin households and
backyards is an entitlement that we all are gifted with, but many people are having
that privacy tarnished with a new creation sweeping the country Drones. Domestic
use of drones is raising concerns about privacy and fourth amendment violations in
many states and cities. Privacy is only one of the concerns of these drones.Many
drones are found crashing into buildings and trees and are considered a huge safety
hazard... Show more content on ...
In fact it was a drone, hired by a real estate agent to take photos of the property next
door to her house . Lingard was later horrified to discover a picture the drone had
taken showing her mostly naked body in billboard real estate ads (Smith16). Many
people are wondering if overhead drones controlled by a police officer or even a
neighbor violates privacy and especially our Fourth Amendment right of unreasonable
searches and seizures. Jay Stanley of the A.C.L.U has found his place on these battery
powered invaders when he states We don t want the governmenthovering over our
cities and towns 24/7 and tracking everywhere that everyone goes (17). Stanley is
definitely not the only concerned citizen on the issue.The drones can be the size of
birds to nearly three ton monsters. Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont makes the
same point when he states This fast emerging technology is cheap and could pose a
threat to the privacy and civil liberties of millions of is another
example of a fast changing policy area on which we need to focus to make sure that
modern technology is not used to erode Americans rights to
Amana Takaful Core Competencies
Doyle Stern (2006) explains that a competitive advantage needs to be meticulously
crafted over a period of time by channeling the organizations resources and selecting
carefully crafted marketing strategies. Figure 1.1.1 illustrates the organizational
resources of Amana Takaful as derived from the strategic audit (Appendix 1) which
can enable the company to outperform its competitors and earn the share of hearts,
minds, markets and higher than average profits. Figure 1.1.1 Resources of Amana
Takaful These resources generally show and direct the company of how and what to
use, in order to create value and earn returns above average by methodically
leveraging their resources, core competencies and capabilities to take advantages of
the opportunities arising in the external environment. The role of the firm s resources
is to provide a foundation for... Show more content on ...
It may often seem too easy to think of a whole list of things that a company could do
well, however; the 2 authors go on two give 3 ways of identifying core competencies
as mentioned below. Relevance: ability to significantly add value to the customers
Difficulty to imitate: difficulty to imitate and build upon sustainable advantage
Accessibility to wide range of markets: should be able to open up to a few potential
markets Asset ValuableRareInimitableNon SubstitutableImplications for
competitiveness Takaful Excellence for 17 yearsYesYesYesYesSustain CA Skilled
employees with specialist competencies YesYesYesYesSustain CA Sales and channel
effectivenessYesNoNoNoCompetitive parity Marketing capability ( shariah
complaint) YesYesYesNoSustainable
An Example Of A Letter To James Patterson
Cherie Smith Plymouth High School Dear James Patterson, I have been recently
diagnosed with depression, over the course of eight grade year, my life gradually got
worse. From getting my phone taken away, to attempting suicide, and planning on
running, to drug use, abusing prescription drugs, day drinking, getting into fights
with peers, prostitution. Anything that could distract me from my pain. I would do
anything to escape reality. I started getting bullied towards the middle of my eighth
grade year, that was also around the time I began cutting and doing drugs. After that I
planned on running away with one of my friends, then my dad found out, about
everything. He gave my phone to the police and had me institutionalized, I stayed in
Relationship Between Perfectionism And Team Performance
Identification of the study
The research study employs a qualitative method of data collection to get a glimpse of
the behaviors of the phenomenon under investigation. The study relied heavily on
observation, filling out of questionnaires, and stated behaviors of the participants on a
voluntary basis. In addition, it was utilized to achieve an intensive understanding of
the relationship between perfectionism and team performance in sport. The method
was advantageous in that it is purely aimed at the participant s individual class of
meaning, thereby providing a better understanding of personal experiences of the
phenomena while at the same time describing in rich details how the phenomena are
embedded and situated in different contexts. ... Show more content on
The study tended to consider the team level for the theoretical meaning of
perfectionism when transposed.
According to the article, few researches have investigated the relationship of
perfectionism performance in sport. For instance, Stoeber argues that researches have
not conducted the study on perfectionism in sports in single units. Thus, the present
study aimed at investigating its influence in romantic couples.
Primary question(s) posed by the researcher(s).
The primary question posed by the researcher is how to evaluate the relationship
between perfectionism and team performance in sports. The study is aimed at
investigating how other oriented, self oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism
influenced performance of the team while competing in sports. Adapting Hewitt and
Flett, a change was anticipated in both team oriented and other oriented perfectionism
while self oriented was expected to remain the same.
Primary Questions
How does perfectionism influence team performance in sports?
H1o. No relationship between team performance and perfectionism
H1a. A relationship exists between performance and perfectionism
Variables measured by the authors measured to complete the study
The study employed rowers and boats in a competition. The research used a design of
correlation where perfectionism of the rowers was measured before the competition
began while the measurement of team performance took place during the entire
period of competition.
Seat Belt Plagiarism
INDIVIDUAL ONLINE Assignment Coversheet This form is to be completed by
students submitting online copies of essays or assignments for a Faculty of Social
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Walk Two Moon Research Paper
There were several story lines running through Walk Two Moons. One was the
journey Sal took with Gram and Gramps throughout the United States to get to
Lewiston, Idaho in one week. They traveled to Lexington, Mount Rushmore, and
then to Old Faithful. These tourist attractions are some of the few places Sal,
Gram, and Gramps visited on their road trip. Lexington is located in the state of
Kentucky. Kentucky is where Sal lived in the beginning of the book before she
moved to a different state in the United States. Lexington is the second largest city
in Kentucky and has a population of about 318,449 people! It is known as the the
horse capital of the world because it is the home of a few major race courses. In
Lexington, they have a strange law that you can t put an ice cream cone in your
back pocket. This law was made to help reduce horses being stolen. Horses like
sweets so they will follow you. People might think that you are stealing their horse
and you could even get arrested for doing this act.... Show more content on ...
The carving of Mount Rushmore took about 14 years with the help of over 400
workers! They thought about doing the four presidents waist up but did not have
enough money to do so. As you can see, they started doing George Washington s
body. Each president s face is 60 feet tall Dynamite was used, the process they used
was called honeycombing. 800 million pounds of granite was removed in the
sculpting and the whole entire project costed the United States $989,992.32. The
idea of making Mount Rushmore was made in 1923 by Doane Robinson. He wanted
to find a way to attract tourists. His plan worked because three million people visit
the attraction
Cause And Effect Of Tornados
To form a tornado the atmosphere needs to create an instability. The air closest to the
ground will be warm, humid, and have south facing winds. In the upper atmosphere,
the air will be cold with west or southwest facing winds. These two components in the
upper and lower atmosphere together create the atmospheric instability. Another key
component to form a tornadois wind shear. Wind shear is the change in wind speed
and direction of wind while the warmer and cooler air are chasing each other
around in the circle, creating the height of the tornado. ( Prepare for a Tornado,
2017) Although tornados have been recorded in every continent except for
Antarctica most are found in central United States better known as tornado alley a
stretch of land from the western part of Texas to North Dakota. On average, there
are two thousand tornadoes annually, but two out of three of those tornadoes happen
in the United States. The states with the most tornados on average are Texas,
Kansas, Oklahoma, and Florida. Tornadoes form in the central part of the United
States most commonly because of the reoccurring atmospheric instability from the
dry polar air that meets the warm moist air from the Gulf of Mexico. (Prepare for a
Tornado, 2017) A storm capable of producing a tornado can occur at any time but
most often they occur in the spring and summer, June and May have the highest
number of tornados recorded. Tornadoes can happen at any time of the day but most
often occur between the
The St. Bartholomew s Day Massacre By Barbra
During the 1500 s, the conflict and tension between Catholics and Protestants brought
about new levels of violence in Paris and surrounding areas. Despite the authorities of
Paris attempts at maintaining peace and order, Catholics were determined to rid the
streets of unwanted Protestants. On August 24th, 1572, a day known to Catholics as
St. Bartholomew s Day , thousands of Protestants were murdered by Catholics. From
then on, this day was known as The St. Bartholomew s Day Massacre. Authors
Barbra Diefendorf, and Philip Benedict both wrote about this devastating time in
history with contrasting approaches to the issue. Though sharing in some similarities,
the approaches in which Diefendorf and Benedict take on the St. Bartholomew s Day
Massacre are significantly contrastive. The authors provide different theories to why
the massacre occurred, as well as disclose information about important events that
occurred during different times. When considering a massacre as extensive as the
one that occurred on St. Bartholomew s Day in 1572, it is unlikely that there would
be just one sole cause. Authors Diefendorf and Benedict focused on varying theories
related to the causes of the Parismassacre in each of their accounts. In Diefendorf s
version, she chose to not only look at the contributions made by the King and Paris s
authorities to the massacre, but also at the relationship between the authorities and
the Parisians themselves. There are multiple acknowledgments made
The Black Hills Institution Of South Dakota
The Black Hills Institution in South Dakota has the rights to own Sue. They found
her, claimed her, and even paid for her, meaning that the government should have
nothing to do with who the owns her.
In 1990, at the Ruth Mason Dinosaur Quarry in South Dakota, paleontologist Susan
Hendrickson Ph.D., discovered some fossil bones on the side of a cliff. Her co
worker and one of the founders of The Black Hill Institution, Peter Larson, a
paleontologist, helped uncover what was known as a Tyrannosaurus rex. It was named
Sue, after Hendrickson. Sue was the only Tyrannosaurus Rex to be completed 80%,
compared to the others found, being less then 40% complete (Hendrickson Ph.D.
and Larson). Maurice Williams, the property owner of where the excavation took
place, was offered $5,000 from The Black Hill Institution. He accepted the offer
with hopes of Sue one day being in a museum (Webster). After 17 days of excavating
Sue, was taken to Hill City, South Dakota where the Black Hills Institution was
located (Hendrickson Ph.D. and Larson).
The Black Hills Institution crew was very careful when transporting and Sue to
Hill City. After arriving, the crew worked hard and carefully on preserving Sue and
avoiding to make any mistakes. The people who worked on her when removing
rocks and minerals from around the fossil were considered one of the best
paleontologists even though they did not have a Ph.D. This said by Phillip Manning
Ph.D. It was see y many that the Black Hills Institution knew
Parental Divorce Research Paper
I will be focussing on how parental divorce affect a young person aged fifteen to
sixteen, I will also be looking at the things that can be done in order to make it as
easy as it can be; divorce is not an easy thing for anyone to go through. I will be
focussing on two key issues, effects of the transition and the emotional support
needed to make it easier; divorce has many different effects, among the effects are
the possibility of having to move away leaving friends but there are also the new
starts, choice of who they are going to live with as well as have tragic effects on
school work, attendance and exams; there are also the effects on their well being as
some find it hard to cope as they feel like their whole life is being torn apart in...
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On the other hand support for a younger child would not be the same as play
therapy may be a better things yet again this is not likely to happen in a setting so a
child will have to go somewhere in order to have this, this would also be more
focussed on getting them to express their emotions rather than talking about the
situation that a child would be going
Chris Mccandless Passion For Adventure
The final moments that Chris experienced in this world were enveloped by nature,
an area of his life that he found complete peace and love. In his last photographed
moments, McCandless was seen smiling next to a bus, his face horribly emaciated,
almost skeletal, (Krakauer 199). His cheek and other facial structures were visible
and his skin hugging tighter to his face proved clear signs of starvation; however,
he was still smiling in the middle of the wilderness. His face shows clear signs of
content peace, and there is no reason he d fake a smile with nobody around. Chris
died shortly after his last photograph. The 1997 film Titanic, directed by James
Cameron of California State University, concludes with a dramatic scene in which the
male... Show more content on ...
Chris McCandless and his family held beliefs under the Christian faith, a religion that
spoke highly of the afterlife in heaven. If Chris was truly a religious man like his
family, the end of his life was likely bought with a tranquil feeling of accepting the
afterlife. Annie Lennox, a four time Grammy winner for her vocal performances in
movies and videos, sang Into the West for the soundtrack of Lord of the Rings: The
Return of the King, and the single won a Grammy for best song for a motion picture.
The calming lyrics state, The ships have come to carry you home, which illustrates a
peaceful transition to the afterlife (Lennox 2003). The Afterlife Experiments,
Breakthrough Scientific Evidence of Life After Death, written by the psychology and
medicine professor Dr. Gary Schwartz, explains of an increase in releasing
bioelectromagnetic energy when humans die when they hope to see a loved one in
the afterlife (Schwartz). The lyrics and scientific study both give affirming hopes to
an afterlife that those who die believe they will end up peacefully. Chris
McCandless could have been hoping for this afterlife in his last moments where he
could seek a new form of
Kerala Elephants
The path that led me to writing this story about the plight of the Kerala Elephants
started when weeks ago I was graciously asked to join a Facebook group,
appropriately named Animal Activists.
The next brick in my path was laid by Lisa Fay Wind Roloff a well meaning
member of this group. She sent me a picture of an abused elephants being held in
Kerala, India.
The path became even clearer as I delved deeper into my research on the agony and
torture the Kerala Elephants are suffering at this very moment.
As I searched the net and read many insightful articles and petitions devoted to
stopping the Kerala torture, I came across a wonderful article, published by the New
York Times on August 2013, titled The Hard Life of Celebrity Elephants ... Show
more content on ...
Growing up the man I loved, and looked up to, a man I called Dad, beat me
everyday. He was a product of his times, and my heart and soul forgave him long
ago. But as with these animals a 7 year old is unable to change his daily fortune
without a champion.
Unlike these helpless creatures, I and millions of other children grew up to become
men and women who said Enough. No longer would we accept our fate. So we
fought back and change our destiny to what we wanted, not what others tried to
determine for us.
The beatings I endured became routine, the pain dulled, and as a child lying in bed
sobbing, battered from the nights punishment, I swore that I would never let any
child, woman or animal suffer like this. I would willingly sacrifice myself in order
to protect anyone from harm and in the years that have passed, life has presented me
with far too many opportunities to put that seven year olds promise to the test and I
have never once failed in honoring his vow.
If you visit the Wildlife Planet s Site and you start laughing while seeing a picture
of a dog, bug eyed with a caption that says You mean you weren t joking when you
said we were out of snacks? don t berate
Copernicus Research Paper
Nicolas Copernicus was born, into a family of copper merchants, on February 19,
1473. He was the fourth child in the family and least likely to take over his father s
business. During the 1480 s Copernicus s father passed away and he was taken in
by his uncle. His uncle decided that he would make sure Copernicus got the best
education in order for him to be successful. In 1491 Copernicus enter the University
of Cracow to study mathematics and painting. By mid decade Copernicus was
given the Frombork canon cathedral appointment that allowed him to fund the
continuation of his studies for as long as he lived. He developed a growing interest in
the cosmos. In 1496 he took leave and traveled to Italy, where he enrolled in a
religious law program
Aims And Objectives Of Barclays And Hbc
The research paper is based on three different tasks that intend to assess
organisational purposes, monetary and fiscal policies in respects of two distinct
organisations related with banking division. The main errand means to assess
hierarchical purposes in respects of Barclays and HSBC banks based in the UK.
Besides, the other portion of the task depends on the business environment in which
organisations operates. Task 1 Purpose of organisations Aims and Objectives Related
with Banking and financial sector, Barclays and HSBC have shared approach that
intends to prepare and help their employees to improve their work performance in
regards to keep up positive environment in the organisation that help the companies to
increase their performance. The primary goals of the banks... Show more content on ...
The working pattern in banking sector is much similar like business working
environment that particularly manages the highs and lows of the economy. Some of
the stakeholders of Barclays and HSBC incorporate, Employees The internal working
employees are seen as the partners of the organisation as their expert and individual
activities are connected with the development and progress of the organisation.
Barclays and HSBC empower and motivate their employee to give their compatible
and skilled services for the development of the organisations. Investors The most
important partner of Barclays and HSBC further incorporate their investors that
directly invest their capital in the business of banks. Both of the banks keep the
attraction of their investors towards the organisation so is to proceed with their
Virgil vs. Homer in Underworld
How does Virgil deviate from Homer in the underworld, and why?
When comparing The Aeneid to The Odyssey , it is impossible not to notice the
similarity between Homer and Virgil s poems. Both heroes leave Troy, granted one
barely escapes and the other leaves victoriously, and both in one sense or the other
are trying to reach their home, whether it is the old or future home. The adventures
of the two heroes are incredibly similar on a number of accounts with the trip to the
underworld being most intriguing. First of all it is important to understand that
Homer and Virgil wrote their poems for different reasons; Homer s The Odysseywas
written for entertainment purposes, while Virgil s The Aeneidwas written in order to
... Show more content on ...
Aeneas on the other hand is much more focused on the future; he is also trying to
get home, but that home does not exist yet, besides that, while seeing his old
friends he also finds out about the future of his generations and yet even more
about the city he is on his way to establish. This could bring us to the point of
Homer s vs. Virgil s reasons for writing their poems; as mentioned earlier, Homer
wrote his poem for entertainment purposes. This explains why the majority of book
eleven is made up of Odysseus meeting his old friends and great warriors of the war;
through telling their stories, Homer entertained the readers and the audience by
letting them imagine how the heroes act after their death (what still matters to them,
which quarrels have not been forgotten etc.). Virgil on the other hand skips most of
the greetings of Aeneas with old friends and focuses instead on the meeting with his
father. There, while including sentimentality, the main point of the meeting is for
Aeneas and the readers to find out about where the rulers of Rome came from.
Aeneas in the underworld gets to see, although not speak to, his future son, the future
Caesars and learns all about the glory of the future empire. Even the description of
the underworld itself may fall
Examples Of Cultural Criticism In Othello
Cultural criticism is exploring or examining the relationship of dominant role based
on ethnicity, and sexual identity of person, also a great understanding of yourself.
Historical is basically know the background story before you making assumptions off
the text, and to better understand text lookup time period close to the time like 1600
s for Othelloby William Shakespeare. To sum up the whole play Othello, in act one
Othello is Accused of using black magic, witchcraft, and etc on Desdemona by her
father Brabantio. Othello tells he that is not using magic or witchcraft on Desdemona
she just fell in love with his war story. And also state that Brabantio used to love him
and his war story. In Othello by William Shakespeare Othello representatives... Show
more content on ...
According to Kim, A miasma of plague hangs around Shakespeare s dramatic
corpus, and Othello is a topical response to its occasional outbreak in 1603 ( Kim
1). Othello skin color was the same response as the outbreak in 1603, known as the
plague. Brabantio was acting like Othello had a disease when he found out that he
married his daughter. Instead of Othello getting mad or going on the run, about
him trying to come and kill or arrest him. Othello stay calm and waits for him, Not
I, I must be found. / My parts, my title, and my perfect soul / Shall manifest me
rightly. Is it they? (Act 1, Scene 2, Lines 31 33). He turns a bad situation into a
better one by compromise with the farther by listening to his feelings, and telling
him in a calm manner that he didn t do anything wrong to Desdemona and that it is
all willingly. In this play Othello, Othello is put in a lot dramatic irony situation with
Iago. Because Iago was always set Othello up, the audiences knew exactly what Iago
was up to but Othello didn t.
And to sum up this whole idea,Othello was a great representation of a Historical
Cultural figure starting with the way he s treated, to his responses to it, ending with
the way he compromise with the different situations that comes his
The Procter Gamble Company
Case study
at BI Norwegian Business School
Case 1: The Procter amp; Gamble Company: Mexico 1991
Exam code and name:
GRA 6544 Multinational Corporate Finance
Hand out date:
Hand in date:
Study place:
BI Oslo
Table of Contents Abstract:ii 1. Mexican economic conditions1 a. Change in Mexican
economic and political conditions during the 1970s and 1980s1 b. Mexico s economic
and political climate in 19912 2. Financing options2 3. Financing risk, foreign
exchange risk and business risk8 4. Attractiveness of Mexico s capital market9 5.
Conclusion:10 References:11
Procter amp; Gamble (P amp;G) needs to borrow an average of $55 million over the
next ... Show more content on ...
Both the external debt, as a ratio of GDP, and the public sector deficit had fallen to
36% and 1,5%, respectively. The dependence on the petroleum export was reduced
and it accounted for only 29% of exports in 1991, compared to 77% in 1982. There
had been a tremendous structural shift within sectors where the ownership, market
shares and responsibility between the government and the private sector became more
evenly distributed. The government was highly involved in public utilities,
petroleum, banking and some manufacturing industries, while the private sector
dominated the remaining areas (especially manufacturing, mining, commerce,
entertainment and service industries). The main economic goals of the Mexican
government in 1991 were to lower inflation, modernize the economy and improve
the standard of living for the poorest inhabitants. In order to control the inflation,
that had spiked to over 159% in 1987 (, the government
introduced several new policies: 1) reduce the fiscal deficit and the public sectors
internal debt, 2) control aggregate demand, 3) temper real wage increases, 4) limit
price increases, and 5) sterilize capital inflows. The government also developed
different measures in order to encourage foreign direct investments in Mexico. This
implied controlled devaluation rate of the peso (target per year of 5,5%), lowered
corporate tax rate (max. 35%) and relaxed restrictions on foreign capital movements.
The Mexican
Nutrigrain Commercial
I chose the NutriGrain commercial. In this advertisement, a business woman is
presented two options to eat. She can either choose a NutriGrain bar, or a doughnut.
The screen then splits vertically in two to compare how her day progressed based on
what she decided to eat at the beginning at the commercial. On the left side of the
screen, the woman chooses to eat the doughnut. On the right, she eats the NutriGrain
bar. As the woman s day progresses, the split screen serves to show the woman who
ate the NutriGrain bar makes healthier choices than the version of her who ate the
doughnut. As the commercial continues, a woman is voicing over the commercial,
saying one good decision, can lead to another . At the end of the commercial, the
viewer is reminded of the ingredients in the bar that make it healthy and that eatinga
NutriGrain bar can make you feel better all day . This commercial is intended for
working women who want to be healthy in general. This is determined based on
how the woman in the commercial is portrayed. This woman is a white collared
worker who has a busy work day. As a woman who works she is presented with
typical foodchoices anyone sees in an office setting, deciding between fruits or
brownies, or the stairs or escalator.... Show more content on ...
NutriGrain wants you to know that eating their product can inspire you to make
healthier decision for the rest of your day. The company is telling consumers that
buying their product is a healthy choice that can help you stay away from other
unhealthy snacks. With this commercial, NutriGrain preys on the guilt most women
have if they indulge in the high calorie office snacks or are too busy to eat at all.
NutriGrain wants women to know that they do have time to eat their product, and by
doing so, they can create a healthy mindset for the rest of the
Rats Essay
Rats are various medium sized rodents. True rats are members of the genus Rattus,
the most important of which to humans are the black rat, Rattus rattus, and the brown
rat, R. norvegicus. Many members of other rodent genera and families are also called
rats and share many characteristics with true rats. A rathas an average life span of 2 3
Rats are distinguished from mice by their size; rats generally have bodies longer than
12 cm (5 in).
* 1 Species and description * 2 As pets * 3 As subjects of scientific research * 4
Laughter in rats * 5 As food * 6 In culture o 6.1 In Eastern cultures o 6.2 In Western
cultures o 6.3 In religion ... Show more content on ...
[edit] As subjects of scientific research
Main Article: Brown rats in science
A laboratory rat strain known as a Zucker rat. These rats are bred to be genetically
prone to diabetes, the same metabolic disorder found among humans.
A laboratory rat strain known as a Zucker rat. These rats are bred to be genetically
prone to diabetes, the same metabolic disorder found among humans.
In 1895, Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts (United States) established a
population of domestic white brown rats to study the effects of diet and for other
physiological studies. Over the years, rats have been used in many experimental
studies, which have added to our understanding of genetics, diseases, the effects of
drugs, and other topics that have provided a great benefit for the health and wellbeing
of humankind. Laboratory rats have also proved valuable in psychological studies of
learning and other mental processes (Barnett 2002). A 2007 study found rats to
possess metacognition, a mental ability previously only found in humans and some
On January, 2008, Doris Taylor, director, Center for Cardiovascular Repair,
University of Minnesota used the core procedure of decellularisation to let hearts
from animal cadavers beat by infusing live cells. The research
Counseling Psychology Careers
Out of all the careers i was given an opportunity to choose, i decided to pick
Counseling Psychology .An average salary for a counseling psychologist is roughly
about $87,910, depending on what state or country you re in. Counseling
psychologists use psychological theory and investigation in therapeutic work to assist
clients with a diversity of problems. These problems can range from anxiety and
depression emerging from troublesome life situations to those suffering from mental
health conditions.These life problems include relationship difficulties, bereavement,
sexual or domestic abuse, etc. This job can be highly rewarding when working with
the individuals , but there are certain requirements going into this profession, such as
Explain The Four Stages Of Estrous Cycle
Estrus is the period of sexual receptivity for a female animal. The estrous cycle has
four stages: proestrus, estrus, metestrus, and diestrus. Proestrus is the first stage, and
lasts approximately three days. During this stage of estrus, follicle growth begins due
to the decrease in progesterone and increase in follicle stimulating hormone and
estrogen. The corpus luteum is disintegrated, and the endometrium(the uterine lining)
begins developing. After proestrus, is estrus, which lasts approximately twelve to
eighteen hours. Estrus is the time when animals are considered to be in heat . The
female animal shows signs of behavioral estrus (standing to be mounted, mounting
others, frequent urination, a winking vulva, and the occasional... Show more content
on ...
It stimulates follicular development and estrogen synthesis. It sends a positive
feedback to the ovaries. Estrogen originates from the granulosa cells in the follicle. It
regulates gonadotropin releasing hormone, luteinizing hormone, and follicle
stimulating hormone, and also increases sexual behavior. Estrogen sends a positive
feedback to the surge center in he hypothalamus. Prostaglandin F2 alpha originates
from the uterus endometrium. It destroys the corpus luteum and causes contractions
in the uterus, as well as abortion. Progesterone originates from the corpus luteum
/placenta. It maintains pregnancy, inhibits gonadotropin releasing hormone, and also
prevents estrus and ovulation. Progesterone sends a negative feedback to the
hypothalamus. Thanks to the six main hormones gonadotropin releasing hormone,
luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, estrogen, prostaglandin F2 alpha,
and progesterone female animals go through the period of sexual receptivity called
estrus. The estrous cycle has four cycles: proestrus, estrus, metestrus, and diestrus. All
species of animals must go through the estrous cycle in order to
Senior Prom Memories
I have a lot of good memories of my senior prom. The Hilton s California ballroom,
the dancing, and socializing with friends were some of the memories. But most of
all, the food was the best memory of all. The food served at Castlemont High s
senior prom was colorful and delicious. One could not help but to see, smell, and
eventually consume the food. The meal consisted of hors d oeurves, the main course,
beverages, and dessert. All of these delicacies combined made the prom a satisfying
I remember vividly the set of hors d oeurves. The hors d oeurves were arranged in a
big heart to set the mood of mystery and romance. The bright crimson bell pepper
stood mighty in the face of its relative, the humble, dull, green pepper. The darkened
pieces of beef had visible hints of all purpose seasoning and slivers of onions. The
dull pink jumbo shrimp looked like crescent moons, outrageously swollen, and just
about ready to bust out of their transparent, segmented shells.
The smell of hors d oeurves served to whet the appetite of all in attendance. The
hickory smell of beef stood out to draw everyone near. The shrimp had a salty smell
with a hint of ocean water. The bell peppers, both green and red, had a tart smell,
compared to their fleshy counterparts. My taste buds watered, but nothing could
compare to the next course I was about to see.
After devouring the hors d oeurves, the main course was set before us. The
arrangements of Chinese styled
Alternate Ending To Frankenstein Essay
Opening my eyes to the complete darkness and loneliness, I swung awake. The last
thing I can remember is the dog running out into the road, the brightness of the day
light, and the car headed off the road. As my head cleared, I realize I m hanging
upside down. Feet and legs completely binded. Hearing something breathing behind
me was very unsettling. From what I could see and feel this was a cold and dank
cave. There was the dim light of a fire shining shadows across the open cavern. My
wallet, watch, and an old pocket knifeI always had on me was feet away on a stone
pedestal. Dad always kept his Swiss Army Knifein his pocket no matter where he
Reaching up to see if I could try and untie the bindings that held me up. The shuffling
... Show more content on ...
The only way I could go now was forward and if it didn t lead anywhere nothing
could be done and I will have to save myself from this living nightmare. The room
ahead had old writing and painting on the wall which told a story. First there was a
man laying on a table and there was people surrounding him with their hands raised
to the sky. He seemed to be struggling on the table and then words were written next
to it but it was a strange language I had never seen before. The next two were very
faint and couldn t be seen. Finally I came upon the picture of the man on the table
but he had endured a great change. He was just like the creature that was hunting
me as I read the last words on the wall which were in english. Wendigo. Long ago
there was this old show that told me about a whole bunch of Native American myths
and the Wendigo was one of them, I had heard of this creature once before. Chills
flew down my back as the soft touch of someones breath went down my
Rousseau Evil By Nature
First edition of the discourse on the origin and foundations of inequality among men
From the budget that the structure and the figure of the man have always been the
same, Rousseau looks primitive man as a being dedicated to life wandering and wild.
Morally the wild man is distinguished of the animal by being free and perfectible,
allowing you to not blindly follow their instinct, but determined in the sense that it
wants to. In this state the man lives alone, outside the society; his passions are limited
to the satisfaction of the natural desires, sentimental and imaginary superstructures
Against the thesis sustained by the British philosopher Thomas Hobbes, Rousseau
denies that a similar man is evil by nature; on the contrary,
The Bell Jar Thesis
Kyra Hengst
Ms. Metzler
English III CP, period 9
12 March 2018
The Bell Jar, an autobiographical novel
Thesis: In The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath utilizes an autobiographical protagonist to
express purity versus impurity, as well as mind versus body in a world of double
Attempted suicide multiple times
Hanging herself
Electroshock therapy
Commited suicide
Ted Hughes
Husband to Plath
Had an affair
Two children with Plath
Frieda, Nicholas
The Bell Jar
Cultural alienation
Plath s only novel
Preeminent American poet
Died shortly after publishing
Published in England
Eight years
January 1963
Harper Row
Because the book presented ungrateful caricatures
Occupation struggle
Fig tree
Electroshock therapy
Multiple doctors
Sexual revolution
Decade of Plath s death
Women at home
Double standards
Decade the novel was written
Purity versus impurity
Cleansing and purifying spirit
Two perspectives of world
Pure and impure
Double standards
Remain pure until marriage
Men can do as they please
Esther went against norms
Had sex with Irwin
Associated with virgin and clean
Sexual war
Hot baths
Spiritually cleansed
Mind versus body
Takes over mind
Effects body
Spiritual transcendence
Body is an inanimate object
Esther s perspective
Realizes it is feeling flesh
Kyra Hengst
Ms. Metzler ... Show more content on ...
For example, Sylvia Plath formulated her experiences and time period into a plot to
compose her novel. As the book progresses, the protagonist provides insight on her
journey and struggle to find happiness. In The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath utilizes an
autobiographical protagonist to express purity versus impurity, as well as mind
versus body in a world of double
Regionalism As A Moral Guide
Key Terms: New Immigrants These immigrant were people from East and South
Europe with different religions and cultures. They left their home country to flee
population growth and because it was easier to get to America. Settlement House
These houses were complexes in neighborhoods that were created in order to help
the new immigrants. They provided health care, education and midwife services.
Liberal Protestant This new branch of Protestantism was prominent from 1875 to
1925 and was caused by Darwin s evolution theory. These people believed that the
Bible was to be interpreted metaphorically and as a moral guide and not as scientific
or historical facts. Tuskegee Institute This school was created by Booker T.
Washington and was a black... Show more content on ...
To begin, I understand that moving to America was simpler than it was for the old
immigrants. This is because steamships made the journey shorter and cheaper. Once
an immigrant arrived to America in order to become successful, they must
previously know a person who is already in America. This person then must
introduce the new immigrant to a boss, who will give the new immigrant a job and
a place to live. The immigrant will be living in a segregated neighborhood with other
immigrants from the same home country. However, the immigrant will be paid very
cheaply due to a surplus in workers. But, the immigrant will likely have a settlement
house nearby, where they can receive health care and education.Throughout the
immigrant s life he or she would be criticized and segregated for their culture, race, or
Research Paper On Sinkholes
The Sinkholes
11:34 A.M. Tuesday
Whoosh! Scream! Boom! The sinkhole was growing and growing Michael was
running as fast as he could, then Michael started falling. Deeper and deeper by the
second, then everything went black.
2:53 Sunday
It was a typical day in Texas, the town of Adobes 107 degrees Fahrenheit. It was an
average school day math, language arts, recess, social studies, lunch, and end of day.
Michael was your average high school student brown hair, five foot three, and loved
hamburgers and hotdogs. He was heading home from school. When he got home he
sat down and turned on the radio. Reports of giant sinkhole in West Adobes if you
live in West Adobes I would recommend going North to Las Vibras this is your daily
Constantine I
In the early days of the Orthodox Christian Church, a power struggle over the control
and guidance of the dogma of the Christian faith was raging. During this time, various
sects of the Christians religion were at odds with each other. Early Christianity had
numerous different sects and varying beliefs and each sect was convinced that their
version of the Christian religion was the correct doctrine and that the other Christian
sects practiced heresy. Constantine I, known to history as Constantine the Great, was
the Roman Emperor from 306 to 337 AD and played a vital role in this religious
movement. Eventually, the Orthodox and Arianism sects became the primary sects,
and it was after the death of the baptized Constantine I, that the Orthodox... Show
more content on ...
It angered Constantine that Bishop Eusebius defended Arius, the founder of Arian
Christian beliefs, and other Arian exiles; this resulted in the exile of Eusebius for
three years by Constantine. After three years, Eusebius was able to convince
Constantine that the Arian Christian beliefs of Arius did not violate the Nicene
Creed. Eusebius, who never renounced his Arian beliefs, nor converted to Orthodox
Christianity, returned from exile in 329. In 337AD, Constantine the Great was
baptized by Eusebius of Nicomedia, who remained a member of the Arian sect and
continued to resist the Orthodox Church for the remainder of his life.
Heart Of Darkness Racist Essay
When I read Heart of Darkness, I did think it was a racist book. The story revolves
around a character named Marlow who goes to work in the Congo. The labor for
the company he works for comes from the slavery of the native people. The author,
Joseph Conrad, depicts these people as savages, which is also very racist. Also,
when he refers to them he uses a racial slur, rather than calling them black people or
finding another way to state that they are not white. Throughout the book Conrad
also depicts a lot of violence towards these people which I saw as unnecessary since
most of the time it is not explained and does not further develop the story. These are
the reasons why I think Heart of Darknessis racist. In the beginning of the book, the
main character Marlow gets a job working for a company on a steamboat in the
Congo. The native people of the Congo are considered to be very dangerous.... Show
more content on ...
Throughout the book he either calls them the n word or refers to them as natives .
The n word is commonly known as a racial slur and should not be used unless you
are a member of the black race, which Conrad is not. Chinua Achebe stated in the
interview Out of Africa , that he believed that Joseph Conrad ... would appear to be
obsessed with that word... . When Conrad is not calling the black the n word, he is
calling them natives . Now one may think natives is not racist, I, however, do think
it is racist. It is implying that the people there are wild and uncivilized. Someone
would not go to a predominately white country like England and refer to the people
there as natives even though they were native to England. The word native to me just
gives an extremely derogatory tone to these people. One can see how racist this story
is from the language alone without even taking in consideration what the story is
Jean Jacques Rousseau Essay
Jean Jacques Rousseau I was born to a family whose morals distinguished them
from the people. (Josephson 9) Jean Jacques Rousseau was born in Geneva,
Switzerland on June 28, 1712. He became the son of Isaac Rousseau, a plebian
class watchmaker, and Suzanne Bernard, the daughter of a minister who died
shortly after giving birth to him. Rousseau s baptism ceremony was a traditional
one held at St. Peter s Cathedral on July 4, 1712 by the reverend senebies. He had
an elder brother who had a loose character , but Rousseau loved him anyway. At an
early age, Rousseau found a love for reading. His mother had an inheritance of some
money and many romantic books and novels, so those are the first that he read. He
and his father... Show more content on ...
He was next placed as an engraver in April 1725. His master was also a violent
man like his father who fed Rousseau poorly and often treated him harshly. The
young boy developed a menial frame of mind. This apprenticeship lasted for about
four years with the first half consisting of stealing and a lackey spirit, and the
following half Rousseau s love for reading was revived. The more miserable he
became with his master, the more he read. He would play with the other boys on
free days, usually Sundays, and venture out of the city gates. He often came home
just before the drawbridge closed at sundown and twice had to sleep outside the
city. On day on March 14, 1728, Rousseau was late and saw the drawbridge closing.
He yelled to his uncle he would not be returning to his master. Bernard did not try
to stop the boy, who was just over sixteen when he decided to make his journey.
After wandering for several days he fell upon the Roman Catholic priests at
Consignon in Savoy. He was then turned over to Madame de Warens at Annecy,
who sent him to a school in Turin. He wandered several places but in 1730
eventually returned to Madame de Warens. He spent eight years in her household and
it was there that he fully developed his love and taste for music, the enjoyment of
nature, his passion for reading the English,
Ontology vs. Epistemology
Ontology deals with questions concerning what entities exist or can be said to
exist. What do we know? What are we certain of? What can we prove? What is the
nature of existence? Epistemology is the study of knowledge. How do we know
what we know? How can we establish truth and certainty? Are their limits to what
we can know based on how we come to know it? These epistemological questions
when combined with ontological questions have philosophers pondering what exists
and how we know it exists. In A Certain Ambiguity, by Gaurav Suri and Hartosh
Singh Bal, there was a constant question of proof. How do you go about proving
something? Well the book suggests that it is only possible to prove something if you
have a set of accepted axioms.... Show more content on ...
The first half of this quote explains that idea in a different way, Each society
thought that their way was the natural way, the absolute way, and the certain way,
but Protagoras and Sophists realized that one way was not anymore certain or real
than any other way. They went on to generalize that every human idea is relative
to the circumstances surrounding the originator of the idea, and that true
knowledge is unattainable. (pg. 42) The second half of the quote intrigued me.
People are too dependent on one another to formulate or recognize new truths. The
movie Flatland showed how people s thoughts and ideas are limited to what they
can see and what they experience. The circles were powerful and influential and
clearly knew they could control the thoughts of their people. The circumstance
surrounding the idea of the existence of the 3rd dimension was the shapes were to
be punished if they disobeyed the circles and tried to prove there was a 3rd
dimension. When someone finally stood out and fought to prove the existence of
the new dimension, was when the people followed along because the new truth
made more sense. If people keep looking at certainty with an oh look, something
shiny attitude they are going to continue to be pawns in someone s game and are
never really going to increasing their knowledge. Oh look, something shiny is used
to express the way people react when they are told a new truth. Most people are not
educated enough to
Alfred I Dupont Research Paper
Wealthiest families use their money to buy elegant houses and expensive cars, but
the DuPonts were different. The Dupont s being the wealthiest family in Delaware
used their money to make and develop better things to help improve Delaware.
From starting a gunpowder mill to developing a hospital for sick children .Alfred
I.DuPont and the DuPont family have influenced and affected Delaware in many
different ways. Eleuthere Irenee DuPont, born in Paris,France was a French
American chemist and an industrialist. He was the first to start the family company
once he move to America. One day when Eleuthere was hunting he noticed that the
type of gunpowder that he was using wasnt that ineffective. Being the gunpowder
ineffective it was also expensive. This gave him a great idea to start his own
gunpowder company. In 1802, Eleuthere decided to open his gunpowder mill on
Brandywine River in Delaware. Opening his company, made it the largest
manufacture of gunpowder in the U.S in 1811. The war of 1812 rose Eleuthere
profit to go up. Eleuthere also opened a wooden mill, cotton mill and a tannery...
Show more content on ...
DuPont is well known as the owner of the A.I Dupont hospital for children. Alfred
I. DuPont, son of Eleuthere Irenee DuPont made many changes in Delaware. In
the 20th century he built devices to change manufacturing. Alfred I. DuPont cared
so much of his family company. After the death of his father he wanted to keep his
family company going. In the other hand, Alfred s uncle wanted to sell their
family company. This did not satisfied Alfred, he and his other cousin fought to
keep the company going. The company meant a family trust for Alfred. Alfred also
cared about others as well. He made a old age payment plan, which was a plan to
help the elderly in need. he paid this out of his own money. The state later on made it
a law. After Alfred I. DuPont death he left a small portion of his money to friends and
family. But the majority of his wealth went to the Numerous
Look closely at the meeting between john proctor and...
Look closely at the meeting between john proctor and Elizabeth proctor in the
prison in act 4. In what ways does it show their relationship to have changed from
earlier in the play? How does Miller make this episode both moving and tragic?
Miller saw a connection between the Salem witch trials in the 17th century, and the
McCarthy trials of the 1950 s. What he wrote about was based on theory, which is
linked to the 1950 s trials. Miller is using the Salem witch trials to criticise the
American society. He talks about Proctors tragedy to show how culture and belief can
ruin innocent lives.
In act 2 John Proctor and Elizabeth Proctor s relationship develops.
At first John takes extra care to make sure that he doesn t say ... Show more content
on ...
I think not. John is fed up of being judged by Elizabeth.
The relationship is very distant and this is shown when they are both arguing and
judging. Mr Hale makes an unexpected visit to the
Proctor s house to ask some questions. A question was asked to John for him to recite
the Ten Commandments. He manages to recite nine and is stuck on adultery. It is
here that Elizabeth steps in to help him.
John then says, Between the two of us we do know them all. This sentence shows
that they have come together because they are saying that together they know the Ten
Commandments instead of individually knowing them. This scene brings John and
Elizabeth together a bit, as
John needed Elizabeth to help him and she did. It is the first time that their
relationship shows closeness in the play.
However he shows his love for Elizabeth again when at the end of this scene she is
taken away in chains and he cries I will fall like an ocean on the court This showing
that he will not give up until
Elizabeth is out from jail and not being accused. When he says that he will fall on
the court like an ocean it denotes that he will fight the court. The word ocean when he
used it in that sentence connotes him being huge like an ocean and powerful. He is
going to crush the court.
Earlier in this scene some people come round with a warrant to take
Proctors wife and to search his house. When the
quiz 5 solution
Question 1
XYZ Company operates two departments, the assembly department and the finishing
department. During June, the assembly department reported the following
units % complete DM % complete conversion work in process, June 1 24,000 75%
40% units completed during June 50,000 work in process, June 30 37,000 80% 20%
The cost of beginning work in process and the costs added during June were as
DM Conversion Total cost work in process, June 1 $ 43,360 $ 70,000 $113,360 costs
incurred during June 529,760 234,220 ... Show more content on ...
$ 8.60 ($529,760 Г· 61,600)
Conversion costs ............ 4.90 ($234,220 Г· 47,800)
Total unit cost ............. 13.50
Cost of ending work in process:
Direct materials ............ $254,560 (29,600 x $8.60)
Conversion costs ............ 36,260 (7,400 x $4.90)
Total ....................... $290,820
Question 4
XYZ Company operates two departments, the assembly department and the finishing
department. During June, the assembly department reported the following
units % complete DM % complete conversion work in process, June 1 24,000 75%
40% units completed during June 50,000 work in process, June 30 37,000 80% 20%
The cost of beginning work in process and the costs added during June were as
DM Conversion Total cost work in process, June 1 $ 43,360 $ 70,000 $113,360 costs
incurred during June 529,760 234,220 763,980 total costs $573,120 $304,220
Calculate the total cost of the 24,000 units in beginning work in process using the
FIFO process costing method.
Correct answer
% Complete
Equivalent Units
direct materials conversion costs direct materials conversion costs
Beginning work in
Character Analysis Of Prince Charming
I think Ella fell for Prince Charming because when she met Prince Charming he
wanted to dance with a girl like her and she fell for him. Ella was at a ball when
they met and Prince Charming stunningly said, would you like to dance with me.
Ella said, YES! Ella also, fell for the prince s handsome, dashing, and bright eyes.
Ella did not know it would turn out bad, until he asked her to marry him and she
said NO. The prince did not approve, locked her up, and his eyes looked cold and
empty now to Ella. Ella thought it was Prince Charmings business to know she did
not want to marry him. But, I still think she fell for him because she got caught up in
is charm.
How was Jed s love for Ella different than Prince Charming s love for her? Jed s love
for Ella is different from Prince Charming s love for her because... Prince
Charming s characteristics are dashing, handsome, and secretive. Jed s
characteristics are sweet, lovable, and a little rude (left Ella without saying, bye ).
Ella fell for the Prince s charm and she also, fell for Jed s kindness. On the other
hand,... Prince Charming locked up Ella, but Jed left Ella without saying, good bye.
Like the Prince, Jed finds Ella very beautiful, but he can see her humor, courage, ...
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taking charge and being a leader. Ella took responsibility of her own life by...
trying to escape from the prince, trying to not get married to the prince, and (the
most risky) went to the Sualan war to see Jed. I think Ella is very responsible,
encouraging, and a great leader. Ella also, had great ideas, for example: not
marrying the prince, escaping the dungeon, and staying strong (never got let
down). In my perspective Ella never let anyone stand on her and she did what she
needed to do. Ella got things done like: cleaning, hard work, and she did all that
with barely any energy. So, I think Ella took like in her own hands because she need
to stay strong for her (dead)
Rate Of Car Collision
As drivers age, their risk of being involved in a car collision decreases. The present
study investigated if this trend is due, in part, to some risky drivers having a
collision early in their driving lives and subsequently reducing their risky driving
after that negative experience. Accelerometers and video cameras were installed
in the vehicles of 16 to 17 year old drivers (N= 254), allowing coders to measure the
number of g force events (i.e., events in which a threshold acceleration level was
exceeded) per 1,000 miles and the number of collisions. Among the 41 participants
who experienced a severe collision, the rate of g force events dropped significantly in
the 1st month after the collision, remained unchanged for the 2nd month, ... Show
more content on ...
Groups aging from sixteen to seventeen (adolescence) tend to adventure in the area of
alcohol and drugs. Which in fact can impair judgement and decrease reflexes of
motor skills. Consideration in the decreasing of risk for accidents may increase
substance abuse which could result in a severe accident. Adolescences is a phase
where a individual goes through confusion and discovery of one s self. Many
challenges come about that could change peer pressure to be cause teens to show
impression to want to drive fast. Ways to find the true rate of the collisions in future
on could create more categorical sub groups and increase the sample
Military Spending Rhetorical Analysis Essay
The purpose of this analysis is to examine the rhetorical appeals on an argument
presented by two different authors who have written about the subject of the Military
s Budget. In the article, Yes, Of Course We Should Cut Military Spending! by Henry
Blodget, He argues that Military Spending should be cut and given to more needed
civil programs. Contrary to Henry, the article, Reckless Cuts to US Military Spending
Leaving America Vulnerable. By Steven Cohen puts forth the argument that Military
Budgetcuts will leave the US Military unable to carry out their duties and will but
this country s interest at risk. This paper will examine the rhetorical appeals of
ethos, pathos, and logos found within each of the articles presented by these
authors. In addition, highlights of the author s similarities and differences in style
will be noted here as well. Henry Blodget, the author of the article Yes, of course we
should cut military spending! is the co founder, CEO, and editor in chief of Business
Insider. He is often asked to be a guest of shows that air on CNN, MSNBC, and NPR
for his economic expertise. Mr. Blodget also served as a top rated Wall Street analyst
... Show more content on ...
He is a former member of the Board of Directors of the United States Naval Institute
at Annapolis. Steve is now a lawyer that works for the Law office of KDL M, a
major law office in New York City. He also contributes to the New York Times,
Forbes, and The Wall Street Journal. His background not only in the military but
also as a graduate of one of its more prodigies academy makes him a very
knowledgeable figure in the needs of the Military. Though this may lead to bais, his
experience as a lawyer to see all the angles can give the reader a sense that he can see
all angles of an issue and to form an educated
Essay about sociology and the family
You will refer to statistical evidence when discussing the variety of family and
household types. You will be required to reference your work throughout and produce
a correct and current bibliography to demonstrate that you have used different sources
to obtain your information.
Sociology and the Family
The Nuclear Family generally consists of a Mother, a Father and at least 1 child, this
image of a family is thought to of come about at the time of the Industrial Revolution.
(Willmott and Young) believe that an increase in the Nuclear Family was the result of
the Industrialization. They found that during pre industrial times, the most common
type of family structure, was that of the Extended Family (Extended Family can take
... Show more content on ...
Martin (2012) explains that British children are among the least likely to live with
both Biological Parents by the time they reach age 14, statistics show that in Britain
this is just 68.9%, whilst the same statistics in France are 79.5% and Finland at the
highest with 95.2%.
Changes in the different Family types will be outlined with evidence in the following
pages showing Evidence and Statistics.
Browne (2008) tells us that whilst Marriage is the usual type of relationship between
Men and Women, Marriages where it s the first time for both partners, is on a high
scale decline, numbers have at least halved since 1970. This means that there are
now more Reconstituted Families (families where at least one spouse will have
children from a previous relationship), also knows as Step Families. This is the
fastest growing family type as now nearly half of Marriages involve a second
marriage for at least one of the partners, reflecting an increase in Divorce Rates.
The most recent studies show that 42% of Marriages now end in Divorce and that
they are on the increase, although recent statistics contradict this fact, as they show
that Divorce Rates are decreasing each year. In 2011, there were 117,588 divorces,
compared to 121,779 in 2008, and a staggering 153,176 in 2003, a decrease of 30%
in 8 years (ONS, 2008 2011)
South African divorce rates are also decreasing, between 2005 and 2011, the numbers
fell, from 32,484 to 20,980, a difference of 55% (SSA).

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Essay On What Is Life. Essay On What Is Life? What Is Life Essay Step By Step Guide

  • 1. Essay On What Is Life Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essay On What Is Life" is inherently challenging due to the abstract and deeply personal nature of the topic. Life, as a concept, encompasses myriad dimensions, including philosophical, scientific, existential, and emotional realms. Attempting to encapsulate its essence within the confines of an essay demands introspection, critical analysis, and a profound understanding of human existence. Firstly, defining life itself poses a formidable obstacle. Is life merely a biological phenomenon characterized by cellular processes and metabolic functions? Or does it extend beyond the physical realm, encompassing consciousness, emotions, and subjective experiences? Exploring these questions requires navigating through complex theories from biology, psychology, philosophy, and spirituality, each offering unique perspectives on the nature of life. Moreover, the subjective nature of the topic complicates the writing process further. What life means to one individual may differ drastically from another's interpretation. Personal experiences, cultural backgrounds, and individual beliefs profoundly influence perceptions of life, making it a deeply subjective and nuanced concept. Attempting to reconcile these diverse viewpoints while maintaining coherence and clarity within the essay presents a formidable challenge. Furthermore, delving into the philosophical and existential aspects of life demands grappling with profound questions regarding purpose, meaning, and mortality. Contemplating the fleeting nature of existence, the pursuit of happiness, and the inevitability of death requires a delicate balance between introspection and academic rigor. Unraveling these existential quandaries within the confines of an essay necessitates intellectual depth, emotional sensitivity, and philosophical acumen. In addition to conceptual complexities, the task of articulating one's thoughts eloquently poses its own set of challenges. Effectively communicating abstract ideas, weaving together disparate threads of thought, and maintaining a cohesive narrative structure demand literary skill and precision. Crafting an essay that engages readers intellectually and emotionally while offering profound insights into the nature of life requires meticulous attention to language, style, and rhetoric. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Essay On What Is Life" is an inherently daunting task, fraught with conceptual, existential, and linguistic challenges. Navigating through the labyrinthine depths of human existence, attempting to distill its essence into coherent prose, and inviting readers to embark on a journey of introspection and contemplation demands intellectual courage, emotional honesty, and literary finesse. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Essay On What Is Life Essay On What Is Life
  • 2. High Stakes Testing And Statewide Standards High stakes testing and statewide standards The Department of Education concludes that high stakes testing and statewide standards puts too strain on both the teacher and student. Multiple studies show evidence of miscalculation of scores, teachers being blamed for low test score, and too much time spent on preparation for the tests. The purpose of this policy brief is to elaborate on the non beneficial components of high stakes testingand statewide standards. Thus, peer reviewed research articles and evidential articles are reviewed on high stakes testing and statewide standards. In addition, the state of Florida has shown the greatest amount of dissatisfied outcomes. The information provided in this policy brief will precisely indicate why high stakes testing and statewide standards should be abandoned from the school system. I request the action of Congress to outlaw high stakes testing and statewide standards for the betterment of all National citizens by passing a new law to force states away from standardized testing. For the past 15 years, the No Child Left Behind Law (NCLB), every state has been required to provide each child with a test. This occurs every year; K 8th grade is tested on math and reading, and once in high school. Furthermore, districts have added a variety of tests to follow state mandated tests. The Counsel of the Great City schools concluded that students take approximately 113 tests between grades K 12. Roberta Munoz (2006)
  • 3. Prejudice In Miriam Carver s The Narrator In Cathedral Prejudice comes in all forms; whether it is due to someone s skin color, religion, or disability, fear of someone who is different than what you view as normal is apparent all around us. Miriam Webster defines Prejudice as injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard to one s rights . Although most people tend to associate prejudicewith racism, that is not always the case. In quite a few instances of everyday life, it is hate towards another person you consider to be inferior and not normal. Prejudice implies a closed point of view, one that is not open to differences and a prejudgement of a group of people you have never interacted with. It is through the Narrators eyes we see his skeptical tone expressed in his prejudice and occasional jealousy, that we start to understand the Narrator. The Narrator in Cathedral depicts this hybrid definition of prejudice in his very character and it s this prejudice that sets the theme of the story, as well as setting up the ending in an ironic setting. From the opening line of Carver s short story, the Narrator gives off the impression to the reader that he does not have any connection to his self perceived antagonist, Robert, and has a very little opinion of him because of his physical disability.. It isn t until Robert comes to his home, his wife guiding him into the house, that we see the narrator take pause. He also had this full beard. But he didn t use a cane and he didn t wear dark
  • 4. Working Memory Gender Differences Working memory (WM) is used to active temporary storage and manipulation of information within the time of a few seconds, and is an important component for many higher cognitive functions. (Speck, Ernst, Braun, Koch, Miller and Chang, 2000) When it comes to memory, there is a short term memory as well a long term memory. The differences between the two is that the information that is stored in a short term memory are only there for a short amount of time and the information in the long term memory have been there for a long period of time. The working memory according to Speck, Ernst, Braun, Koch, Miller, and Chang is used when we are storing information in temporary storage, at the same time the brain works to manipulate the information... Show more content on ... According to the research done by Speck, Ernst, Braun, Koch, Miller, and Chang, there are differences between the male and female brains in regards to hemisphere activation when the brain is storing and manipulating specific information over a short period of time. It was found that these differences in the hemisphere activation influenced the time and accuracy performances of males and females. As found by Hill, Laird, and Robinson, gender differences are shown in the two different types of working memory: spatial and verbal. The gender differences were evident in the brains of the participants. Different areas of the brain were activated, which demonstrated that males and females favor different types of working memory. This research helped us understand that females are more advanced in verbal working memory and men favor spatial working memory. Bridge also discovered gender differences with memory and cognition being that women were more successful than men with recollection. Additionally, Bridge concluded that social and biological factors may potentially be influential to these
  • 5. Eco Test Paper Section I 1Citrus Speculation and Forecasting, Inc, has been hired by a private consortium of orange growers to predict what will happen to the price and output of oranges under the conditions below. What are your predictions? For each part, sketch a graph showing the appropriate demand and supply analysis. a) A major freeze destroys a large number of the orange trees in Florida. b) The American Medical Association announces that drinking orange juice can reduce the risk of heart attack. (Marks 10) 2)During a year of operation, a firm collects Rs. 2,00,000 in revenue and spends Rs. 90,000 on raw materials, labor expense, utilities, and rent. The owners of the... Show more content on ... b) The difference between the legal and illegal prices of a prohibited demerit good. c) The difference between the intrinsic worth of a good and its market price d) The positive difference between the cost of a good and its market price e) None of the above 9)Which of the following is not true? a) Indifference curve describes all the possible combinations of two goods which give equal satisfaction to the consumer. b) Total utility is the sum of marginal utility of all units of a good consumed. c) When price of a product increases, demand for its complement increase. d) Utility is a psychological concept and therefore cannot be precisely measured. e) Consumer surplus of a good and its economic value are different. 10)Which of the following statement is true? a) Anything that increases total utility will, other things being equal, tend to raise marginal utility. b) When a buyer experiences consumer surplus, the seller experiences a loss. c) If A and B are substitutes, then a rise in the price of A will tend to result in an increase in the demand for B. d) It is possible to sum individual demand curves to get the market demand curve only when all consumers are
  • 6. Federal Reserve Essay Federal Reserve The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a calculation that provides insight into the current economy of our nation to allow individuals to understand the current and past year s standings in the economy. The calculation of the GDP allows for the government to determine what adjustments are necessary to manage an effective status for the economy. Based upon the GDP the government can forecast any necessary changes that must be made to either the monetary policyor the fiscal policy. The wealth of a country is based upon the government s ability to manage the economy through the monetary system and not on the amount of money that is located within that economy. The calculations for the GDP are produced to provide the most... Show more content on ... To stabilize the economy bonds are used which release money into the market. The responsibility of the Central Bank is to maintain the health of the banking system and regulating the purchase and sale of bonds. The interest rates are controlled to balance the markets. According to the Monetary Policy Report to Congress, The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) maintained a target range of 0 to Вј percent for the federal funds rate throughout the second half of 2009 and early 2010 while representing forecasted economic decisions to rationalize low levels for longer times on the federal funds rate (Federal Reserve, 2010). Purchases were still being made by the Fed s to result in improvements to the economy through focusing on mortgages, the real estate market, and the credit market. Predictions by the Federal Open Market Committee depicted low levels on the federal funds rates in early 2010 which would continue for some time while over time the economy would see growth, a rise in inflation, and a decline in unemployment. Feds were in agreement though they expected the recovery process to be slower. Purchases by the Federal reserve were slowed, $300 billion of Treasury securities were completed by October and the purchases of $1.25 trillion of MBS and about $175 billion of agency debt were suppose to be finished the first quarter of 2010 (Federal Reserve, 2010). Direction of Recent Monetary Policy and
  • 7. Tommy John Thesis Topic What are the causes for high school baseball players to receive Tommy John surgery? In the past 10 years, the amount of high school baseball players who received the surgery has drastically inclined. The players themselves and even some parents and coaches would want to know this information. Audience Middle school baseball players who are about to go into high school. Also, the parents of the players so they will better understand how to protect their sons arm and elbow from damage. Some coaches may also be interested in this so they know how to handle their pitchers and how to keep them healthy. They will expect me to teach them how to keep their kids on the field. The readers will think that Tommy John only happens to major league players, however, in reality, it can happen to anyone, regardless of age. I am a firsthand example of this. The players will now reconsider how they throw and the kinds of pitches they throw. ... Show more content on ... They should see that they are at risk. Everyone thinks that baseball is a non injury and a non contact sport. However, every team seems to have at least one pitcher on the bench who is recovering from, or has previously had Tommy John. My thesis will be what causes high school pitchers to receive Tommy John and what are they doing differently today compared to several years ago. I am trying to change the readers perspective on how the players are pitching and I am going to implement new ideas. I want to have a positive impact on the life of several players and parents. I can use my real example for concrete evidence and I know what to
  • 8. Character Traits of Peter in Cue for Treason c ENG1D Essay Assignment Cue for treason Rough Draft This essay is going to talk about the character traits of Peter Brownrigg in Geoffrey Trease s Cue for Treason. Peter Brownrigg is the novel s narrator and protagonist. He is fourteen years old and he lives in Country Cumberland. One day, he throws a rock to Sir Phillip which makes him get in a lot of trouble, he has to leave his hometown for his own safety, and then Peter starts on the journey. Peter is independent, rational and courageous. He knows how to take care of himself, instead of relying on his parents. Moreover Peter handles matters rationality as he will not base his decisions on his own ... Show more content on ... Therefore, Peter is rational, because he will not his emotions to make his decision, and therefore he rationally thinks. Lastly, throughout the novel there are many examples of Peter Brownrigg s courageous actions. For example, Peter throws a rock at Sir Phillip, so others will have more time to get away, he climbs the wall of the yellow gentlemen s house to retrieve his copy of the play, and while Tom Boyd is missing, he tells Kit that he will go find Tom. We
  • 9. The Sower Vs The Gleaners Essay The two paintings I am going to discuss are The Sower (Top, Right) and The Gleaners (Top, Left) by Jean Francois Millet. Both paintings are in the Realist style with The Sower painted in 1849 and The Gleaners in 1857. The Sower measures at 101 X 80.7cm whereas The Gleaners is 83.5 X 110cm. This essay will look at how these paintings are representative of Realism through their social and political context and elements of style. The Realist effect of Millet s paintings will be shown in comparison with another paintingof similar time, The Recall of the Gleaners (bottom image) by Jules Breton (1859). A key aspect of realism is a social agenda within the painting, which both Millet s paintings evoke. The Gleaners is making a remark at the divide in the rural society. Salon goers thought he was bringing poverty and dirt to the Salon. The painting shakes the ideologies of French society. Audiences wanted to believe peasants were happy and comfortable in their lives so that they would not revolt again. The Gleaners shows realism by depicting the peasants as unhealthy and by hiding their faces. Making the peasants anonymous shows the suffering of their class and that rural France was an unequal society. Millet makes a criticism of the Bourgeoisie lifestyle in the painting. The Sower made Salon goers... Show more content on ... In the Gleaners Millet has used darker and duller colours to be more true to perceptual vision. Similarly in The Sower the colours used to represent the light of the sun creates a shadow and vagueness to the face of the figure. This emphasises the idea of the peasant s anonymousness and their lack of importance in society. These colours also contrast with the idea of sunshine and instead suggest the impending winter and death. Whereas The Recall uses warmer colours to suggest everything is beautiful and happy for the peasants to please the audience but is not the peasants
  • 10. How Balanced Scorecard Is Developed And Acts This essay examines how balanced scorecard is developed and acts as an increasingly important factor in balancing strategic objectives and measure/KPIs tools used in businesses, industry, organizations and government to integrated and aligned business vision and strategy of the organization. The balanced scorecard has changed from simple performance measurement tool to performance strategy, strategic planning and to management system that fit into current rapid change in business environment. However, this essay will only illustrate specifically in performance measurement framework using balanced scorecard and mainly focus on advantages it s contributed to business activities. The limitation and criticism of balanced scorecard as a... Show more content on ... This new type of balanced score card change business s strategic plan from a striking but unreceptive paper into the marching orders for the business on a daily basis. It is a tool that provides performance measurements and further enhances planner s efficiency in identifying the exact things to be done and measured. It gives a clearer view for executives to able to implement its strategy. Drs. Kaplan and Norton (1996) have added this new approach to strategic management by recognizing some weakness and imprecision of previous approaches to form and provides a clearer prescription for businesses that how it should be measured in order to have a more balance view in financial perspective. It also provides feedback from internal business process and also obtains information from external perspective to improve the efficiency of performing strategic movement and results which basically act as a nerve center of a business. According to Kaplan and Norton (1992), financial measurement only gives a clear view of past business activities and story which its investment in that industry. However the long term perspectives in stakeholder relationship are not being value as a key to be success in business environment. Therefore, they further suggest that executive must change in guiding and evaluating their businesses when come to create future value for business by focusing in investing customer s perspective, financial perspective, internal
  • 11. Public School Board Essay (A) In Ontario, there are 31 Public English school boards and 29 English Catholic school boards (Ministry of Education, n.d.). There are also 4 French Public school boards and 8 French Catholic school boards (Ministry of Education, n.d.). Public school boards or private schools are the ones who hire elementary schoolteachers ( Elementary School Teacher. , n.d.). In 2014 2015, there were about 115,156 full time teachers, about 74,960 elementary schools and 40, 196 secondary teachers (Ministry of Education, n.d.). During the same time, there were about 7,329 principals and vice principals and about 9,198 childhood educators (Ministry of Education, n.d.). Those in senior administrative positions, such as principal or vice principal, are able to earn a higher salary ( Elementary School Teacher. , n.d.). There are many jobs that involve working with kids other than being a teacher ( Elementary School Teacher. , n.d.). After gaining more working experience, many teachers become principals or guidance counselors. Other possible carriers include, librarian, supply teacher, camp counselor, early childhood educator, professor, social worker as well as child and youth worker ( Elementary School Teacher. , n.d.). (B) Elementary school teachers teach children from kindergarten to grade six ( Elementary School Teacher. , n.d.). They provide and educational foundation based on subjects involving information such as numbers, language, science, and social studies ( Elementary School
  • 12. Shallow Groundwater Depth Under Saline Irrigation... Soil salinization and critical shallow groundwater depth under saline irrigation conditions in a Saharan irrigated land Zied Haj Amor a, Nissma Feki b, Salem Bouri a aWater, Energy and Environment Laboratory, National Engineering School of Sfax, 3038 Sfax, Tunisia bEnvironmental, Geotechnical and Civil Materials Research Unit, National Engineering School of Sfax, 3038 Sfax, Tunisia E mail: Telephone: +216 25 919 074 Fax: +216 75 276 605 Abstract In arid irrigated areas, understanding the impact of shallow groundwater on soil salinization is becoming critical for suggesting possible options of improving land productivity. In this study, under saline irrigationconditions, the effects of shallow groundwater depth on water and salt dynamics in the root zone of date palms were analyzed in a Tunisian Saharan oasis (Lazala Oasis) using the HYDRUS 1D model. Measured data of soil electrical conductivities were used in model validation. The comparison between simulated and measured data demonstrated that the HYDRUS 1D gave an acceptable estimation of water and salt dynamics in the root zone of date palms. Under frequent irrigations with saline water (6 dS m 1), scenario simulations were performed with different depths of shallow groundwater. The simulation results reveal that, during the summer season, high irrigation frequency and shallow groundwater with low depth (0.8 m) are required to maintain adequate soil water content and low
  • 13. Joffrey Dance Essay Joffrey: Mavericks of American Dance, recounts the tale of the revolutionized American dance by consolidating advanced customary dance to make another brave work of art. The Joffrey Ballet was an group that effectively went out on a limb that changed the dance form for eternity. As the title indicates, the film depicts the organization as a nonconformist the principal American dancecompany to coordinate current dance moves into its traditional expressive dance base, and one that was so associated with political and societal occasions of the time. Established in 1956 by Robert Joffrey and Gerald Arpino, the progressions were little at in the first place, expanding the significance of male artists in the gathering with and choreographing less constrained development. At that point when the 1960s hit everything changed. Strong works like the dull, hostile to war demonstrate The Green Table and the hallucinogenic hippy freakout Astarte politicized the artistic expression and melded it with a cutting edge sensibility without losing the traditionally prepared roots. Acclaim, attention, and Time Magazine covers (back in the blameless days when a wonder such as this was still viewed as essential) took after, and the free thinker medicines of the specialty were reflected in... Show more content on ... In a couple of years that mantle would move to Europe yet it was Robert Joffrey s effective little organization that pushed those progressions and open new boondocks for ballet. American specialists who changed their artistic expression, as well as found a crowd of people. Joffrey: Mavericks of American Dance, a genuine history of the Joffrey Ballet, might be a nostalgic love letter to organizers Robert Joffrey and Gerald Arpino, yet it saturated me with an enthusiasm and motivation any
  • 14. The New England And The Chesapeake Colonies Essay European nations vigorously began to take over the newly discovered Americas throughout most of the 16th century leading into the 17th century. England was very forceful in pushing out multiple groups of people to the eastern coast of what is now known as North America. At that time there were only two prominent regions in North America, they were known then as the New England and the Chesapeake colonies. These two colonies would eventually band together to stand as one nation, but that was toward the end of the 17th century. The beginning tells a completely different story, both colonies had very different beliefs on what the exact reason may have been for the settlers to come to the New World. They lived very different lives because of this. A lot of these differences affected them politically in who they followed, socially in who they spoke with, and economically in who they would do business with. Connecticut, Plymouth, Rhode Island, Massachusetts Bay Colony, and New Haven all made up the region that was New England. It laid just north of the colony of Chesapeake. The New Englanders wanted and longed for religious freedom. They were known as Puritan Separatists, they wanted complete separation from the Church of England. Protestantism was an evolution that thrived in England once the Church separated from Catholicism. These people wanted to turn toward Calvinism, because of this they began to be called Separatists . They were not alone in this, joined with them where
  • 15. Daniel Andre Brisco. Liberty University. Integration Of Daniel Andre Brisco Liberty University Integration of Faith Learning BUSI 690 Other than Whole Foods, think of company examples where doing things right and acting in the interests of broader stakeholders (rather than just stockholders alone) have produced a stronger competitive advantage. Why was this the case? Other than Whole Foods, a company that examples doing things right is Starbucks. Starbucks trusts that leading business morally and endeavoring to make the best decision are fundamental to the achievement of the organization (Starbucks, 2017). All partners make particular commitments to a firm, which thus gives diverse sorts of advantages to various partners. Representatives contribute their time and gifts to the ... Show more content on ... Additionally, Starbucks focuses on the customer satisfaction aspect, setting them apart from their competition. The purpose behind an organization s presence is to give items or administrations that address the issues of its objective clients and benefit them definitively. The part of clients is basic to the organization s survival and achievement. Through the purchase choices they make every day, they select which organizations will flourish and which will fizzle. They likewise give profitable criticism to the organization about its items and client benefit level (Hill, 2017). This criticism empowers the organization to enhance what it offers and to think of altogether new answers for client needs in view of what its clients requested. For some organizations, clients additionally assume a key part in the organization s advertising endeavors by prescribing the organization s items or administrations to other potential clients (Hill, 2017). Decisions... the best power we have in our lives are our decisions. As Christians, this ought to dependably include making the best decision. In any dialog about making the best choice, we should likewise raise love. This is on account of God s adoration for us and our affection for him urges us to need to do great too. We adore and serve others, since he initially cherished us. Galatians 6:9 teaches us, And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap,
  • 16. Flowers And The Symbol Of Flowers A symbol of purity, innocence or life, when connected to the motivation of a character, flowers have the ability to demonstrate a character s emotions and behaviors in a way that describing a character s physical and emotional appearance cannot. Vibrant flowers symbolize aspiration and determination while a wilted or destroyed flowerrepresents a somber and heartbroken attitude toward life. The motif of the flowersin Paul s Case and The Chrysanthemums represent the progression of the characters hopeand dreams. In the opening scene of Paul s Case, the author notes the vibrant, red carnation that Paul wears to his disciplinary meeting and consequently the teacher s distaste of what they believe the flower symbolizes referring to it as a, scandalous red carnation and how, his whole attitude was symbolized by...his flippantly red carnation flower (Cather 114). A defiant student, shown by his disrespect toward his teachers, Paul seems unfazed to the fact that he is in a disciplinary meeting choosing to act indifferent to what his teachers say about him. He is arrogant consequently holding himself to a higher status than his teachers thus causing him to feel entitled. The red carnation symbolizes his idealistic view of society in which he had hopes and ... Show more content on ... In both Paul s Case and The Chrysanthemums, the character s willpower and idealistic views of the world shattered, causing them to come to terms with the harsh realities that coincide with the dreams that they held for themselves. Though Paul and Elisa choose different paths after the destruction of the flowers, both characters hopes and dreams are destroyed themselves as the now have to navigate the harsh reality of life. Both authors chose to portray how, like a flower, people are not impervious to life around them and when reality strikes, it has the ability to destroy a
  • 17. Government Drones The thought of government drones buzzing overhead and constantly monitoring the activities of law abiding citizens runs contrary to the notion of what it means to live in a free society says senator Charles Grassley on a topic that is in very high controversy (Quattlebaum1).Having the sanctity of our own privacyin households and backyards is an entitlement that we all are gifted with, but many people are having that privacy tarnished with a new creation sweeping the country Drones. Domestic use of drones is raising concerns about privacy and fourth amendment violations in many states and cities. Privacy is only one of the concerns of these drones.Many drones are found crashing into buildings and trees and are considered a huge safety hazard... Show more content on ... In fact it was a drone, hired by a real estate agent to take photos of the property next door to her house . Lingard was later horrified to discover a picture the drone had taken showing her mostly naked body in billboard real estate ads (Smith16). Many people are wondering if overhead drones controlled by a police officer or even a neighbor violates privacy and especially our Fourth Amendment right of unreasonable searches and seizures. Jay Stanley of the A.C.L.U has found his place on these battery powered invaders when he states We don t want the governmenthovering over our cities and towns 24/7 and tracking everywhere that everyone goes (17). Stanley is definitely not the only concerned citizen on the issue.The drones can be the size of birds to nearly three ton monsters. Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont makes the same point when he states This fast emerging technology is cheap and could pose a threat to the privacy and civil liberties of millions of is another example of a fast changing policy area on which we need to focus to make sure that modern technology is not used to erode Americans rights to
  • 18. Amana Takaful Core Competencies Doyle Stern (2006) explains that a competitive advantage needs to be meticulously crafted over a period of time by channeling the organizations resources and selecting carefully crafted marketing strategies. Figure 1.1.1 illustrates the organizational resources of Amana Takaful as derived from the strategic audit (Appendix 1) which can enable the company to outperform its competitors and earn the share of hearts, minds, markets and higher than average profits. Figure 1.1.1 Resources of Amana Takaful These resources generally show and direct the company of how and what to use, in order to create value and earn returns above average by methodically leveraging their resources, core competencies and capabilities to take advantages of the opportunities arising in the external environment. The role of the firm s resources is to provide a foundation for... Show more content on ... It may often seem too easy to think of a whole list of things that a company could do well, however; the 2 authors go on two give 3 ways of identifying core competencies as mentioned below. Relevance: ability to significantly add value to the customers Difficulty to imitate: difficulty to imitate and build upon sustainable advantage Accessibility to wide range of markets: should be able to open up to a few potential markets Asset ValuableRareInimitableNon SubstitutableImplications for competitiveness Takaful Excellence for 17 yearsYesYesYesYesSustain CA Skilled employees with specialist competencies YesYesYesYesSustain CA Sales and channel effectivenessYesNoNoNoCompetitive parity Marketing capability ( shariah complaint) YesYesYesNoSustainable
  • 19. An Example Of A Letter To James Patterson Cherie Smith Plymouth High School Dear James Patterson, I have been recently diagnosed with depression, over the course of eight grade year, my life gradually got worse. From getting my phone taken away, to attempting suicide, and planning on running, to drug use, abusing prescription drugs, day drinking, getting into fights with peers, prostitution. Anything that could distract me from my pain. I would do anything to escape reality. I started getting bullied towards the middle of my eighth grade year, that was also around the time I began cutting and doing drugs. After that I planned on running away with one of my friends, then my dad found out, about everything. He gave my phone to the police and had me institutionalized, I stayed in the
  • 20. Relationship Between Perfectionism And Team Performance Identification of the study The research study employs a qualitative method of data collection to get a glimpse of the behaviors of the phenomenon under investigation. The study relied heavily on observation, filling out of questionnaires, and stated behaviors of the participants on a voluntary basis. In addition, it was utilized to achieve an intensive understanding of the relationship between perfectionism and team performance in sport. The method was advantageous in that it is purely aimed at the participant s individual class of meaning, thereby providing a better understanding of personal experiences of the phenomena while at the same time describing in rich details how the phenomena are embedded and situated in different contexts. ... Show more content on ... The study tended to consider the team level for the theoretical meaning of perfectionism when transposed. According to the article, few researches have investigated the relationship of perfectionism performance in sport. For instance, Stoeber argues that researches have not conducted the study on perfectionism in sports in single units. Thus, the present study aimed at investigating its influence in romantic couples. Primary question(s) posed by the researcher(s). The primary question posed by the researcher is how to evaluate the relationship between perfectionism and team performance in sports. The study is aimed at investigating how other oriented, self oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism influenced performance of the team while competing in sports. Adapting Hewitt and Flett, a change was anticipated in both team oriented and other oriented perfectionism while self oriented was expected to remain the same. Primary Questions How does perfectionism influence team performance in sports? Hypotheses H1o. No relationship between team performance and perfectionism H1a. A relationship exists between performance and perfectionism Variables measured by the authors measured to complete the study The study employed rowers and boats in a competition. The research used a design of correlation where perfectionism of the rowers was measured before the competition began while the measurement of team performance took place during the entire period of competition.
  • 21. Seat Belt Plagiarism INDIVIDUAL ONLINE Assignment Coversheet This form is to be completed by students submitting online copies of essays or assignments for a Faculty of Social Sciences subject. Attach this Cover Sheet as the front page of the assignment. Assignments are to be submitted to the relevant academic. PLAGIARISM Deliberate plagiarism may lead to failure in the subject. Plagiarism is cheating by using the written ideas or submitted work of someone else. The University of Wollongong has a strong policy against plagiarism. See Acknowledgement Practice /Plagiarism Prevention Policy at /UOW058648.html Please note: You will receive an email notification/receipt when your assignment has been uploaded to the relevant site. You... Show more content on ... П’ Is the argument logically developed?П’ Have you provided evidence for your statements?П’ 3.Conclusion Does it sum up the main points of the essay?П’ Does it contain no new material?П’ 4.Grammatical accuracy Is your paragraphing clear (indented first line or line space left)?П’ Does the body of each paragraph explain and develop the first (key) sentence?П’ Did you spell check?П’ 5.Plagiarism Have you used your own words to make your points or, when using the words of others, used quotation marks and acknowledged your source?П’ Have you looked at the university s plagiarism policy on the web? ( П’ Does the referencing conform to the Harvard Standard? (see Referencing Guidelines on the School s website in Current Student Info under Information for Students)П’ Is the material in the reference list cited in the essay and vice versa? 6.Abstract (if appropriate) Does the abstract briefly paraphrase the entire essay? 7.Format в—Џ Are the font size, line spacing, margins appropriate (or as required by the subject)?П’ S/NS = Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory Marker
  • 22. Walk Two Moon Research Paper There were several story lines running through Walk Two Moons. One was the journey Sal took with Gram and Gramps throughout the United States to get to Lewiston, Idaho in one week. They traveled to Lexington, Mount Rushmore, and then to Old Faithful. These tourist attractions are some of the few places Sal, Gram, and Gramps visited on their road trip. Lexington is located in the state of Kentucky. Kentucky is where Sal lived in the beginning of the book before she moved to a different state in the United States. Lexington is the second largest city in Kentucky and has a population of about 318,449 people! It is known as the the horse capital of the world because it is the home of a few major race courses. In Lexington, they have a strange law that you can t put an ice cream cone in your back pocket. This law was made to help reduce horses being stolen. Horses like sweets so they will follow you. People might think that you are stealing their horse and you could even get arrested for doing this act.... Show more content on ... The carving of Mount Rushmore took about 14 years with the help of over 400 workers! They thought about doing the four presidents waist up but did not have enough money to do so. As you can see, they started doing George Washington s body. Each president s face is 60 feet tall Dynamite was used, the process they used was called honeycombing. 800 million pounds of granite was removed in the sculpting and the whole entire project costed the United States $989,992.32. The idea of making Mount Rushmore was made in 1923 by Doane Robinson. He wanted to find a way to attract tourists. His plan worked because three million people visit the attraction
  • 23. Cause And Effect Of Tornados To form a tornado the atmosphere needs to create an instability. The air closest to the ground will be warm, humid, and have south facing winds. In the upper atmosphere, the air will be cold with west or southwest facing winds. These two components in the upper and lower atmosphere together create the atmospheric instability. Another key component to form a tornadois wind shear. Wind shear is the change in wind speed and direction of wind while the warmer and cooler air are chasing each other around in the circle, creating the height of the tornado. ( Prepare for a Tornado, 2017) Although tornados have been recorded in every continent except for Antarctica most are found in central United States better known as tornado alley a stretch of land from the western part of Texas to North Dakota. On average, there are two thousand tornadoes annually, but two out of three of those tornadoes happen in the United States. The states with the most tornados on average are Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Florida. Tornadoes form in the central part of the United States most commonly because of the reoccurring atmospheric instability from the dry polar air that meets the warm moist air from the Gulf of Mexico. (Prepare for a Tornado, 2017) A storm capable of producing a tornado can occur at any time but most often they occur in the spring and summer, June and May have the highest number of tornados recorded. Tornadoes can happen at any time of the day but most often occur between the
  • 24. The St. Bartholomew s Day Massacre By Barbra Diefendorf... During the 1500 s, the conflict and tension between Catholics and Protestants brought about new levels of violence in Paris and surrounding areas. Despite the authorities of Paris attempts at maintaining peace and order, Catholics were determined to rid the streets of unwanted Protestants. On August 24th, 1572, a day known to Catholics as St. Bartholomew s Day , thousands of Protestants were murdered by Catholics. From then on, this day was known as The St. Bartholomew s Day Massacre. Authors Barbra Diefendorf, and Philip Benedict both wrote about this devastating time in history with contrasting approaches to the issue. Though sharing in some similarities, the approaches in which Diefendorf and Benedict take on the St. Bartholomew s Day Massacre are significantly contrastive. The authors provide different theories to why the massacre occurred, as well as disclose information about important events that occurred during different times. When considering a massacre as extensive as the one that occurred on St. Bartholomew s Day in 1572, it is unlikely that there would be just one sole cause. Authors Diefendorf and Benedict focused on varying theories related to the causes of the Parismassacre in each of their accounts. In Diefendorf s version, she chose to not only look at the contributions made by the King and Paris s authorities to the massacre, but also at the relationship between the authorities and the Parisians themselves. There are multiple acknowledgments made
  • 25. The Black Hills Institution Of South Dakota The Black Hills Institution in South Dakota has the rights to own Sue. They found her, claimed her, and even paid for her, meaning that the government should have nothing to do with who the owns her. In 1990, at the Ruth Mason Dinosaur Quarry in South Dakota, paleontologist Susan Hendrickson Ph.D., discovered some fossil bones on the side of a cliff. Her co worker and one of the founders of The Black Hill Institution, Peter Larson, a paleontologist, helped uncover what was known as a Tyrannosaurus rex. It was named Sue, after Hendrickson. Sue was the only Tyrannosaurus Rex to be completed 80%, compared to the others found, being less then 40% complete (Hendrickson Ph.D. and Larson). Maurice Williams, the property owner of where the excavation took place, was offered $5,000 from The Black Hill Institution. He accepted the offer with hopes of Sue one day being in a museum (Webster). After 17 days of excavating Sue, was taken to Hill City, South Dakota where the Black Hills Institution was located (Hendrickson Ph.D. and Larson). The Black Hills Institution crew was very careful when transporting and Sue to Hill City. After arriving, the crew worked hard and carefully on preserving Sue and avoiding to make any mistakes. The people who worked on her when removing rocks and minerals from around the fossil were considered one of the best paleontologists even though they did not have a Ph.D. This said by Phillip Manning Ph.D. It was see y many that the Black Hills Institution knew
  • 26. Parental Divorce Research Paper I will be focussing on how parental divorce affect a young person aged fifteen to sixteen, I will also be looking at the things that can be done in order to make it as easy as it can be; divorce is not an easy thing for anyone to go through. I will be focussing on two key issues, effects of the transition and the emotional support needed to make it easier; divorce has many different effects, among the effects are the possibility of having to move away leaving friends but there are also the new starts, choice of who they are going to live with as well as have tragic effects on school work, attendance and exams; there are also the effects on their well being as some find it hard to cope as they feel like their whole life is being torn apart in... Show more content on ... On the other hand support for a younger child would not be the same as play therapy may be a better things yet again this is not likely to happen in a setting so a child will have to go somewhere in order to have this, this would also be more focussed on getting them to express their emotions rather than talking about the situation that a child would be going
  • 27. Chris Mccandless Passion For Adventure The final moments that Chris experienced in this world were enveloped by nature, an area of his life that he found complete peace and love. In his last photographed moments, McCandless was seen smiling next to a bus, his face horribly emaciated, almost skeletal, (Krakauer 199). His cheek and other facial structures were visible and his skin hugging tighter to his face proved clear signs of starvation; however, he was still smiling in the middle of the wilderness. His face shows clear signs of content peace, and there is no reason he d fake a smile with nobody around. Chris died shortly after his last photograph. The 1997 film Titanic, directed by James Cameron of California State University, concludes with a dramatic scene in which the male... Show more content on ... Chris McCandless and his family held beliefs under the Christian faith, a religion that spoke highly of the afterlife in heaven. If Chris was truly a religious man like his family, the end of his life was likely bought with a tranquil feeling of accepting the afterlife. Annie Lennox, a four time Grammy winner for her vocal performances in movies and videos, sang Into the West for the soundtrack of Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, and the single won a Grammy for best song for a motion picture. The calming lyrics state, The ships have come to carry you home, which illustrates a peaceful transition to the afterlife (Lennox 2003). The Afterlife Experiments, Breakthrough Scientific Evidence of Life After Death, written by the psychology and medicine professor Dr. Gary Schwartz, explains of an increase in releasing bioelectromagnetic energy when humans die when they hope to see a loved one in the afterlife (Schwartz). The lyrics and scientific study both give affirming hopes to an afterlife that those who die believe they will end up peacefully. Chris McCandless could have been hoping for this afterlife in his last moments where he could seek a new form of
  • 28. Kerala Elephants The path that led me to writing this story about the plight of the Kerala Elephants started when weeks ago I was graciously asked to join a Facebook group, appropriately named Animal Activists. The next brick in my path was laid by Lisa Fay Wind Roloff a well meaning member of this group. She sent me a picture of an abused elephants being held in Kerala, India. The path became even clearer as I delved deeper into my research on the agony and torture the Kerala Elephants are suffering at this very moment. As I searched the net and read many insightful articles and petitions devoted to stopping the Kerala torture, I came across a wonderful article, published by the New York Times on August 2013, titled The Hard Life of Celebrity Elephants ... Show more content on ... Growing up the man I loved, and looked up to, a man I called Dad, beat me everyday. He was a product of his times, and my heart and soul forgave him long ago. But as with these animals a 7 year old is unable to change his daily fortune without a champion. Unlike these helpless creatures, I and millions of other children grew up to become men and women who said Enough. No longer would we accept our fate. So we fought back and change our destiny to what we wanted, not what others tried to determine for us. The beatings I endured became routine, the pain dulled, and as a child lying in bed sobbing, battered from the nights punishment, I swore that I would never let any child, woman or animal suffer like this. I would willingly sacrifice myself in order to protect anyone from harm and in the years that have passed, life has presented me with far too many opportunities to put that seven year olds promise to the test and I have never once failed in honoring his vow. If you visit the Wildlife Planet s Site and you start laughing while seeing a picture of a dog, bug eyed with a caption that says You mean you weren t joking when you said we were out of snacks? don t berate
  • 29. Copernicus Research Paper Nicolas Copernicus was born, into a family of copper merchants, on February 19, 1473. He was the fourth child in the family and least likely to take over his father s business. During the 1480 s Copernicus s father passed away and he was taken in by his uncle. His uncle decided that he would make sure Copernicus got the best education in order for him to be successful. In 1491 Copernicus enter the University of Cracow to study mathematics and painting. By mid decade Copernicus was given the Frombork canon cathedral appointment that allowed him to fund the continuation of his studies for as long as he lived. He developed a growing interest in the cosmos. In 1496 he took leave and traveled to Italy, where he enrolled in a religious law program
  • 30. Aims And Objectives Of Barclays And Hbc The research paper is based on three different tasks that intend to assess organisational purposes, monetary and fiscal policies in respects of two distinct organisations related with banking division. The main errand means to assess hierarchical purposes in respects of Barclays and HSBC banks based in the UK. Besides, the other portion of the task depends on the business environment in which organisations operates. Task 1 Purpose of organisations Aims and Objectives Related with Banking and financial sector, Barclays and HSBC have shared approach that intends to prepare and help their employees to improve their work performance in regards to keep up positive environment in the organisation that help the companies to increase their performance. The primary goals of the banks... Show more content on ... The working pattern in banking sector is much similar like business working environment that particularly manages the highs and lows of the economy. Some of the stakeholders of Barclays and HSBC incorporate, Employees The internal working employees are seen as the partners of the organisation as their expert and individual activities are connected with the development and progress of the organisation. Barclays and HSBC empower and motivate their employee to give their compatible and skilled services for the development of the organisations. Investors The most important partner of Barclays and HSBC further incorporate their investors that directly invest their capital in the business of banks. Both of the banks keep the attraction of their investors towards the organisation so is to proceed with their speculations.
  • 31. Virgil vs. Homer in Underworld How does Virgil deviate from Homer in the underworld, and why? When comparing The Aeneid to The Odyssey , it is impossible not to notice the similarity between Homer and Virgil s poems. Both heroes leave Troy, granted one barely escapes and the other leaves victoriously, and both in one sense or the other are trying to reach their home, whether it is the old or future home. The adventures of the two heroes are incredibly similar on a number of accounts with the trip to the underworld being most intriguing. First of all it is important to understand that Homer and Virgil wrote their poems for different reasons; Homer s The Odysseywas written for entertainment purposes, while Virgil s The Aeneidwas written in order to ... Show more content on ... Aeneas on the other hand is much more focused on the future; he is also trying to get home, but that home does not exist yet, besides that, while seeing his old friends he also finds out about the future of his generations and yet even more about the city he is on his way to establish. This could bring us to the point of Homer s vs. Virgil s reasons for writing their poems; as mentioned earlier, Homer wrote his poem for entertainment purposes. This explains why the majority of book eleven is made up of Odysseus meeting his old friends and great warriors of the war; through telling their stories, Homer entertained the readers and the audience by letting them imagine how the heroes act after their death (what still matters to them, which quarrels have not been forgotten etc.). Virgil on the other hand skips most of the greetings of Aeneas with old friends and focuses instead on the meeting with his father. There, while including sentimentality, the main point of the meeting is for Aeneas and the readers to find out about where the rulers of Rome came from. Aeneas in the underworld gets to see, although not speak to, his future son, the future Caesars and learns all about the glory of the future empire. Even the description of the underworld itself may fall
  • 32. Examples Of Cultural Criticism In Othello Cultural criticism is exploring or examining the relationship of dominant role based on ethnicity, and sexual identity of person, also a great understanding of yourself. Historical is basically know the background story before you making assumptions off the text, and to better understand text lookup time period close to the time like 1600 s for Othelloby William Shakespeare. To sum up the whole play Othello, in act one Othello is Accused of using black magic, witchcraft, and etc on Desdemona by her father Brabantio. Othello tells he that is not using magic or witchcraft on Desdemona she just fell in love with his war story. And also state that Brabantio used to love him and his war story. In Othello by William Shakespeare Othello representatives... Show more content on ... According to Kim, A miasma of plague hangs around Shakespeare s dramatic corpus, and Othello is a topical response to its occasional outbreak in 1603 ( Kim 1). Othello skin color was the same response as the outbreak in 1603, known as the plague. Brabantio was acting like Othello had a disease when he found out that he married his daughter. Instead of Othello getting mad or going on the run, about him trying to come and kill or arrest him. Othello stay calm and waits for him, Not I, I must be found. / My parts, my title, and my perfect soul / Shall manifest me rightly. Is it they? (Act 1, Scene 2, Lines 31 33). He turns a bad situation into a better one by compromise with the farther by listening to his feelings, and telling him in a calm manner that he didn t do anything wrong to Desdemona and that it is all willingly. In this play Othello, Othello is put in a lot dramatic irony situation with Iago. Because Iago was always set Othello up, the audiences knew exactly what Iago was up to but Othello didn t. And to sum up this whole idea,Othello was a great representation of a Historical Cultural figure starting with the way he s treated, to his responses to it, ending with the way he compromise with the different situations that comes his
  • 33. The Procter Gamble Company Case study at BI Norwegian Business School Case 1: The Procter amp; Gamble Company: Mexico 1991 Exam code and name: GRA 6544 Multinational Corporate Finance Hand out date: 11.09.2012 Hand in date: 25.09.2012 Study place: BI Oslo Table of Contents Abstract:ii 1. Mexican economic conditions1 a. Change in Mexican economic and political conditions during the 1970s and 1980s1 b. Mexico s economic and political climate in 19912 2. Financing options2 3. Financing risk, foreign exchange risk and business risk8 4. Attractiveness of Mexico s capital market9 5. Conclusion:10 References:11 Abstract: Procter amp; Gamble (P amp;G) needs to borrow an average of $55 million over the next ... Show more content on ... Both the external debt, as a ratio of GDP, and the public sector deficit had fallen to 36% and 1,5%, respectively. The dependence on the petroleum export was reduced and it accounted for only 29% of exports in 1991, compared to 77% in 1982. There had been a tremendous structural shift within sectors where the ownership, market shares and responsibility between the government and the private sector became more evenly distributed. The government was highly involved in public utilities, petroleum, banking and some manufacturing industries, while the private sector dominated the remaining areas (especially manufacturing, mining, commerce, entertainment and service industries). The main economic goals of the Mexican government in 1991 were to lower inflation, modernize the economy and improve the standard of living for the poorest inhabitants. In order to control the inflation, that had spiked to over 159% in 1987 (, the government introduced several new policies: 1) reduce the fiscal deficit and the public sectors internal debt, 2) control aggregate demand, 3) temper real wage increases, 4) limit price increases, and 5) sterilize capital inflows. The government also developed different measures in order to encourage foreign direct investments in Mexico. This implied controlled devaluation rate of the peso (target per year of 5,5%), lowered
  • 34. corporate tax rate (max. 35%) and relaxed restrictions on foreign capital movements. The Mexican
  • 35. Nutrigrain Commercial I chose the NutriGrain commercial. In this advertisement, a business woman is presented two options to eat. She can either choose a NutriGrain bar, or a doughnut. The screen then splits vertically in two to compare how her day progressed based on what she decided to eat at the beginning at the commercial. On the left side of the screen, the woman chooses to eat the doughnut. On the right, she eats the NutriGrain bar. As the woman s day progresses, the split screen serves to show the woman who ate the NutriGrain bar makes healthier choices than the version of her who ate the doughnut. As the commercial continues, a woman is voicing over the commercial, saying one good decision, can lead to another . At the end of the commercial, the viewer is reminded of the ingredients in the bar that make it healthy and that eatinga NutriGrain bar can make you feel better all day . This commercial is intended for working women who want to be healthy in general. This is determined based on how the woman in the commercial is portrayed. This woman is a white collared worker who has a busy work day. As a woman who works she is presented with typical foodchoices anyone sees in an office setting, deciding between fruits or brownies, or the stairs or escalator.... Show more content on ... NutriGrain wants you to know that eating their product can inspire you to make healthier decision for the rest of your day. The company is telling consumers that buying their product is a healthy choice that can help you stay away from other unhealthy snacks. With this commercial, NutriGrain preys on the guilt most women have if they indulge in the high calorie office snacks or are too busy to eat at all. NutriGrain wants women to know that they do have time to eat their product, and by doing so, they can create a healthy mindset for the rest of the
  • 36. Rats Essay Rats are various medium sized rodents. True rats are members of the genus Rattus, the most important of which to humans are the black rat, Rattus rattus, and the brown rat, R. norvegicus. Many members of other rodent genera and families are also called rats and share many characteristics with true rats. A rathas an average life span of 2 3 years[1]. Rats are distinguished from mice by their size; rats generally have bodies longer than 12 cm (5 in). Contents [hide] * 1 Species and description * 2 As pets * 3 As subjects of scientific research * 4 Laughter in rats * 5 As food * 6 In culture o 6.1 In Eastern cultures o 6.2 In Western cultures o 6.3 In religion ... Show more content on ... [edit] As subjects of scientific research Main Article: Brown rats in science A laboratory rat strain known as a Zucker rat. These rats are bred to be genetically prone to diabetes, the same metabolic disorder found among humans. A laboratory rat strain known as a Zucker rat. These rats are bred to be genetically prone to diabetes, the same metabolic disorder found among humans. In 1895, Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts (United States) established a population of domestic white brown rats to study the effects of diet and for other physiological studies. Over the years, rats have been used in many experimental studies, which have added to our understanding of genetics, diseases, the effects of drugs, and other topics that have provided a great benefit for the health and wellbeing of humankind. Laboratory rats have also proved valuable in psychological studies of learning and other mental processes (Barnett 2002). A 2007 study found rats to possess metacognition, a mental ability previously only found in humans and some primates.[1][2] On January, 2008, Doris Taylor, director, Center for Cardiovascular Repair, University of Minnesota used the core procedure of decellularisation to let hearts from animal cadavers beat by infusing live cells. The research
  • 37. Counseling Psychology Careers Out of all the careers i was given an opportunity to choose, i decided to pick Counseling Psychology .An average salary for a counseling psychologist is roughly about $87,910, depending on what state or country you re in. Counseling psychologists use psychological theory and investigation in therapeutic work to assist clients with a diversity of problems. These problems can range from anxiety and depression emerging from troublesome life situations to those suffering from mental health conditions.These life problems include relationship difficulties, bereavement, sexual or domestic abuse, etc. This job can be highly rewarding when working with the individuals , but there are certain requirements going into this profession, such as getting
  • 38. Explain The Four Stages Of Estrous Cycle Estrus is the period of sexual receptivity for a female animal. The estrous cycle has four stages: proestrus, estrus, metestrus, and diestrus. Proestrus is the first stage, and lasts approximately three days. During this stage of estrus, follicle growth begins due to the decrease in progesterone and increase in follicle stimulating hormone and estrogen. The corpus luteum is disintegrated, and the endometrium(the uterine lining) begins developing. After proestrus, is estrus, which lasts approximately twelve to eighteen hours. Estrus is the time when animals are considered to be in heat . The female animal shows signs of behavioral estrus (standing to be mounted, mounting others, frequent urination, a winking vulva, and the occasional... Show more content on ... It stimulates follicular development and estrogen synthesis. It sends a positive feedback to the ovaries. Estrogen originates from the granulosa cells in the follicle. It regulates gonadotropin releasing hormone, luteinizing hormone, and follicle stimulating hormone, and also increases sexual behavior. Estrogen sends a positive feedback to the surge center in he hypothalamus. Prostaglandin F2 alpha originates from the uterus endometrium. It destroys the corpus luteum and causes contractions in the uterus, as well as abortion. Progesterone originates from the corpus luteum /placenta. It maintains pregnancy, inhibits gonadotropin releasing hormone, and also prevents estrus and ovulation. Progesterone sends a negative feedback to the hypothalamus. Thanks to the six main hormones gonadotropin releasing hormone, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, estrogen, prostaglandin F2 alpha, and progesterone female animals go through the period of sexual receptivity called estrus. The estrous cycle has four cycles: proestrus, estrus, metestrus, and diestrus. All species of animals must go through the estrous cycle in order to
  • 39. Senior Prom Memories I have a lot of good memories of my senior prom. The Hilton s California ballroom, the dancing, and socializing with friends were some of the memories. But most of all, the food was the best memory of all. The food served at Castlemont High s senior prom was colorful and delicious. One could not help but to see, smell, and eventually consume the food. The meal consisted of hors d oeurves, the main course, beverages, and dessert. All of these delicacies combined made the prom a satisfying experience. I remember vividly the set of hors d oeurves. The hors d oeurves were arranged in a big heart to set the mood of mystery and romance. The bright crimson bell pepper stood mighty in the face of its relative, the humble, dull, green pepper. The darkened pieces of beef had visible hints of all purpose seasoning and slivers of onions. The dull pink jumbo shrimp looked like crescent moons, outrageously swollen, and just about ready to bust out of their transparent, segmented shells. The smell of hors d oeurves served to whet the appetite of all in attendance. The hickory smell of beef stood out to draw everyone near. The shrimp had a salty smell with a hint of ocean water. The bell peppers, both green and red, had a tart smell, compared to their fleshy counterparts. My taste buds watered, but nothing could compare to the next course I was about to see. After devouring the hors d oeurves, the main course was set before us. The arrangements of Chinese styled
  • 40. Alternate Ending To Frankenstein Essay Opening my eyes to the complete darkness and loneliness, I swung awake. The last thing I can remember is the dog running out into the road, the brightness of the day light, and the car headed off the road. As my head cleared, I realize I m hanging upside down. Feet and legs completely binded. Hearing something breathing behind me was very unsettling. From what I could see and feel this was a cold and dank cave. There was the dim light of a fire shining shadows across the open cavern. My wallet, watch, and an old pocket knifeI always had on me was feet away on a stone pedestal. Dad always kept his Swiss Army Knifein his pocket no matter where he went. Reaching up to see if I could try and untie the bindings that held me up. The shuffling ... Show more content on ... The only way I could go now was forward and if it didn t lead anywhere nothing could be done and I will have to save myself from this living nightmare. The room ahead had old writing and painting on the wall which told a story. First there was a man laying on a table and there was people surrounding him with their hands raised to the sky. He seemed to be struggling on the table and then words were written next to it but it was a strange language I had never seen before. The next two were very faint and couldn t be seen. Finally I came upon the picture of the man on the table but he had endured a great change. He was just like the creature that was hunting me as I read the last words on the wall which were in english. Wendigo. Long ago there was this old show that told me about a whole bunch of Native American myths and the Wendigo was one of them, I had heard of this creature once before. Chills flew down my back as the soft touch of someones breath went down my
  • 41. Rousseau Evil By Nature First edition of the discourse on the origin and foundations of inequality among men (1755) From the budget that the structure and the figure of the man have always been the same, Rousseau looks primitive man as a being dedicated to life wandering and wild. Morally the wild man is distinguished of the animal by being free and perfectible, allowing you to not blindly follow their instinct, but determined in the sense that it wants to. In this state the man lives alone, outside the society; his passions are limited to the satisfaction of the natural desires, sentimental and imaginary superstructures clean. Against the thesis sustained by the British philosopher Thomas Hobbes, Rousseau denies that a similar man is evil by nature; on the contrary,
  • 42. The Bell Jar Thesis Kyra Hengst Ms. Metzler English III CP, period 9 12 March 2018 The Bell Jar, an autobiographical novel Thesis: In The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath utilizes an autobiographical protagonist to express purity versus impurity, as well as mind versus body in a world of double standards. Biography Depression Attempted suicide multiple times Pills Hanging herself Medications Electroshock therapy Commited suicide Auxification Ted Hughes Husband to Plath Had an affair Two children with Plath Frieda, Nicholas Transition The Bell Jar Cultural alienation Plath s only novel Autobiographical Plath Preeminent American poet Died shortly after publishing Published in England Eight years January 1963 Harper Row Because the book presented ungrateful caricatures Life Occupation struggle Fig tree Depression Electroshock therapy Multiple doctors Times 1960s Sexual revolution
  • 43. Decade of Plath s death 1950s Women at home Double standards Decade the novel was written Philosophy Purity versus impurity Vodka Cleansing and purifying spirit Two perspectives of world Pure and impure Double standards Remain pure until marriage Men can do as they please Esther went against norms Had sex with Irwin Pure Associated with virgin and clean Sexual war Hot baths Spiritually cleansed Mind versus body Depression Takes over mind Effects body Spiritual transcendence Confinement Body is an inanimate object Esther s perspective Realizes it is feeling flesh Kyra Hengst Ms. Metzler ... Show more content on ... For example, Sylvia Plath formulated her experiences and time period into a plot to compose her novel. As the book progresses, the protagonist provides insight on her journey and struggle to find happiness. In The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath utilizes an autobiographical protagonist to express purity versus impurity, as well as mind versus body in a world of double
  • 44. Regionalism As A Moral Guide Key Terms: New Immigrants These immigrant were people from East and South Europe with different religions and cultures. They left their home country to flee population growth and because it was easier to get to America. Settlement House These houses were complexes in neighborhoods that were created in order to help the new immigrants. They provided health care, education and midwife services. Liberal Protestant This new branch of Protestantism was prominent from 1875 to 1925 and was caused by Darwin s evolution theory. These people believed that the Bible was to be interpreted metaphorically and as a moral guide and not as scientific or historical facts. Tuskegee Institute This school was created by Booker T. Washington and was a black... Show more content on ... To begin, I understand that moving to America was simpler than it was for the old immigrants. This is because steamships made the journey shorter and cheaper. Once an immigrant arrived to America in order to become successful, they must previously know a person who is already in America. This person then must introduce the new immigrant to a boss, who will give the new immigrant a job and a place to live. The immigrant will be living in a segregated neighborhood with other immigrants from the same home country. However, the immigrant will be paid very cheaply due to a surplus in workers. But, the immigrant will likely have a settlement house nearby, where they can receive health care and education.Throughout the immigrant s life he or she would be criticized and segregated for their culture, race, or
  • 45. Research Paper On Sinkholes The Sinkholes 11:34 A.M. Tuesday Whoosh! Scream! Boom! The sinkhole was growing and growing Michael was running as fast as he could, then Michael started falling. Deeper and deeper by the second, then everything went black. 2:53 Sunday It was a typical day in Texas, the town of Adobes 107 degrees Fahrenheit. It was an average school day math, language arts, recess, social studies, lunch, and end of day. Michael was your average high school student brown hair, five foot three, and loved hamburgers and hotdogs. He was heading home from school. When he got home he sat down and turned on the radio. Reports of giant sinkhole in West Adobes if you live in West Adobes I would recommend going North to Las Vibras this is your daily news
  • 46. Constantine I In the early days of the Orthodox Christian Church, a power struggle over the control and guidance of the dogma of the Christian faith was raging. During this time, various sects of the Christians religion were at odds with each other. Early Christianity had numerous different sects and varying beliefs and each sect was convinced that their version of the Christian religion was the correct doctrine and that the other Christian sects practiced heresy. Constantine I, known to history as Constantine the Great, was the Roman Emperor from 306 to 337 AD and played a vital role in this religious movement. Eventually, the Orthodox and Arianism sects became the primary sects, and it was after the death of the baptized Constantine I, that the Orthodox... Show more content on ... It angered Constantine that Bishop Eusebius defended Arius, the founder of Arian Christian beliefs, and other Arian exiles; this resulted in the exile of Eusebius for three years by Constantine. After three years, Eusebius was able to convince Constantine that the Arian Christian beliefs of Arius did not violate the Nicene Creed. Eusebius, who never renounced his Arian beliefs, nor converted to Orthodox Christianity, returned from exile in 329. In 337AD, Constantine the Great was baptized by Eusebius of Nicomedia, who remained a member of the Arian sect and continued to resist the Orthodox Church for the remainder of his life.
  • 47. Heart Of Darkness Racist Essay When I read Heart of Darkness, I did think it was a racist book. The story revolves around a character named Marlow who goes to work in the Congo. The labor for the company he works for comes from the slavery of the native people. The author, Joseph Conrad, depicts these people as savages, which is also very racist. Also, when he refers to them he uses a racial slur, rather than calling them black people or finding another way to state that they are not white. Throughout the book Conrad also depicts a lot of violence towards these people which I saw as unnecessary since most of the time it is not explained and does not further develop the story. These are the reasons why I think Heart of Darknessis racist. In the beginning of the book, the main character Marlow gets a job working for a company on a steamboat in the Congo. The native people of the Congo are considered to be very dangerous.... Show more content on ... Throughout the book he either calls them the n word or refers to them as natives . The n word is commonly known as a racial slur and should not be used unless you are a member of the black race, which Conrad is not. Chinua Achebe stated in the interview Out of Africa , that he believed that Joseph Conrad ... would appear to be obsessed with that word... . When Conrad is not calling the black the n word, he is calling them natives . Now one may think natives is not racist, I, however, do think it is racist. It is implying that the people there are wild and uncivilized. Someone would not go to a predominately white country like England and refer to the people there as natives even though they were native to England. The word native to me just gives an extremely derogatory tone to these people. One can see how racist this story is from the language alone without even taking in consideration what the story is
  • 48. Jean Jacques Rousseau Essay Jean Jacques Rousseau I was born to a family whose morals distinguished them from the people. (Josephson 9) Jean Jacques Rousseau was born in Geneva, Switzerland on June 28, 1712. He became the son of Isaac Rousseau, a plebian class watchmaker, and Suzanne Bernard, the daughter of a minister who died shortly after giving birth to him. Rousseau s baptism ceremony was a traditional one held at St. Peter s Cathedral on July 4, 1712 by the reverend senebies. He had an elder brother who had a loose character , but Rousseau loved him anyway. At an early age, Rousseau found a love for reading. His mother had an inheritance of some money and many romantic books and novels, so those are the first that he read. He and his father... Show more content on ... He was next placed as an engraver in April 1725. His master was also a violent man like his father who fed Rousseau poorly and often treated him harshly. The young boy developed a menial frame of mind. This apprenticeship lasted for about four years with the first half consisting of stealing and a lackey spirit, and the following half Rousseau s love for reading was revived. The more miserable he became with his master, the more he read. He would play with the other boys on free days, usually Sundays, and venture out of the city gates. He often came home just before the drawbridge closed at sundown and twice had to sleep outside the city. On day on March 14, 1728, Rousseau was late and saw the drawbridge closing. He yelled to his uncle he would not be returning to his master. Bernard did not try to stop the boy, who was just over sixteen when he decided to make his journey. After wandering for several days he fell upon the Roman Catholic priests at Consignon in Savoy. He was then turned over to Madame de Warens at Annecy, who sent him to a school in Turin. He wandered several places but in 1730 eventually returned to Madame de Warens. He spent eight years in her household and it was there that he fully developed his love and taste for music, the enjoyment of nature, his passion for reading the English,
  • 49. Ontology vs. Epistemology Ontology deals with questions concerning what entities exist or can be said to exist. What do we know? What are we certain of? What can we prove? What is the nature of existence? Epistemology is the study of knowledge. How do we know what we know? How can we establish truth and certainty? Are their limits to what we can know based on how we come to know it? These epistemological questions when combined with ontological questions have philosophers pondering what exists and how we know it exists. In A Certain Ambiguity, by Gaurav Suri and Hartosh Singh Bal, there was a constant question of proof. How do you go about proving something? Well the book suggests that it is only possible to prove something if you have a set of accepted axioms.... Show more content on ... The first half of this quote explains that idea in a different way, Each society thought that their way was the natural way, the absolute way, and the certain way, but Protagoras and Sophists realized that one way was not anymore certain or real than any other way. They went on to generalize that every human idea is relative to the circumstances surrounding the originator of the idea, and that true knowledge is unattainable. (pg. 42) The second half of the quote intrigued me. People are too dependent on one another to formulate or recognize new truths. The movie Flatland showed how people s thoughts and ideas are limited to what they can see and what they experience. The circles were powerful and influential and clearly knew they could control the thoughts of their people. The circumstance surrounding the idea of the existence of the 3rd dimension was the shapes were to be punished if they disobeyed the circles and tried to prove there was a 3rd dimension. When someone finally stood out and fought to prove the existence of the new dimension, was when the people followed along because the new truth made more sense. If people keep looking at certainty with an oh look, something shiny attitude they are going to continue to be pawns in someone s game and are never really going to increasing their knowledge. Oh look, something shiny is used to express the way people react when they are told a new truth. Most people are not educated enough to
  • 50. Alfred I Dupont Research Paper Wealthiest families use their money to buy elegant houses and expensive cars, but the DuPonts were different. The Dupont s being the wealthiest family in Delaware used their money to make and develop better things to help improve Delaware. From starting a gunpowder mill to developing a hospital for sick children .Alfred I.DuPont and the DuPont family have influenced and affected Delaware in many different ways. Eleuthere Irenee DuPont, born in Paris,France was a French American chemist and an industrialist. He was the first to start the family company once he move to America. One day when Eleuthere was hunting he noticed that the type of gunpowder that he was using wasnt that ineffective. Being the gunpowder ineffective it was also expensive. This gave him a great idea to start his own gunpowder company. In 1802, Eleuthere decided to open his gunpowder mill on Brandywine River in Delaware. Opening his company, made it the largest manufacture of gunpowder in the U.S in 1811. The war of 1812 rose Eleuthere profit to go up. Eleuthere also opened a wooden mill, cotton mill and a tannery... Show more content on ... DuPont is well known as the owner of the A.I Dupont hospital for children. Alfred I. DuPont, son of Eleuthere Irenee DuPont made many changes in Delaware. In the 20th century he built devices to change manufacturing. Alfred I. DuPont cared so much of his family company. After the death of his father he wanted to keep his family company going. In the other hand, Alfred s uncle wanted to sell their family company. This did not satisfied Alfred, he and his other cousin fought to keep the company going. The company meant a family trust for Alfred. Alfred also cared about others as well. He made a old age payment plan, which was a plan to help the elderly in need. he paid this out of his own money. The state later on made it a law. After Alfred I. DuPont death he left a small portion of his money to friends and family. But the majority of his wealth went to the Numerous
  • 51. Look closely at the meeting between john proctor and... Look closely at the meeting between john proctor and Elizabeth proctor in the prison in act 4. In what ways does it show their relationship to have changed from earlier in the play? How does Miller make this episode both moving and tragic? Miller saw a connection between the Salem witch trials in the 17th century, and the McCarthy trials of the 1950 s. What he wrote about was based on theory, which is linked to the 1950 s trials. Miller is using the Salem witch trials to criticise the American society. He talks about Proctors tragedy to show how culture and belief can ruin innocent lives. In act 2 John Proctor and Elizabeth Proctor s relationship develops. At first John takes extra care to make sure that he doesn t say ... Show more content on ... I think not. John is fed up of being judged by Elizabeth. The relationship is very distant and this is shown when they are both arguing and judging. Mr Hale makes an unexpected visit to the Proctor s house to ask some questions. A question was asked to John for him to recite the Ten Commandments. He manages to recite nine and is stuck on adultery. It is here that Elizabeth steps in to help him. John then says, Between the two of us we do know them all. This sentence shows that they have come together because they are saying that together they know the Ten Commandments instead of individually knowing them. This scene brings John and Elizabeth together a bit, as John needed Elizabeth to help him and she did. It is the first time that their relationship shows closeness in the play. However he shows his love for Elizabeth again when at the end of this scene she is taken away in chains and he cries I will fall like an ocean on the court This showing that he will not give up until Elizabeth is out from jail and not being accused. When he says that he will fall on the court like an ocean it denotes that he will fight the court. The word ocean when he used it in that sentence connotes him being huge like an ocean and powerful. He is going to crush the court. Earlier in this scene some people come round with a warrant to take Proctors wife and to search his house. When the
  • 52. quiz 5 solution Question 1 XYZ Company operates two departments, the assembly department and the finishing department. During June, the assembly department reported the following information: units % complete DM % complete conversion work in process, June 1 24,000 75% 40% units completed during June 50,000 work in process, June 30 37,000 80% 20% The cost of beginning work in process and the costs added during June were as follows: DM Conversion Total cost work in process, June 1 $ 43,360 $ 70,000 $113,360 costs incurred during June 529,760 234,220 ... Show more content on ... $ 8.60 ($529,760 Г· 61,600) Conversion costs ............ 4.90 ($234,220 Г· 47,800) Total unit cost ............. 13.50 Cost of ending work in process: Direct materials ............ $254,560 (29,600 x $8.60) Conversion costs ............ 36,260 (7,400 x $4.90) Total ....................... $290,820 Question 4 XYZ Company operates two departments, the assembly department and the finishing department. During June, the assembly department reported the following information: units % complete DM % complete conversion work in process, June 1 24,000 75% 40% units completed during June 50,000 work in process, June 30 37,000 80% 20% The cost of beginning work in process and the costs added during June were as follows: DM Conversion Total cost work in process, June 1 $ 43,360 $ 70,000 $113,360 costs incurred during June 529,760 234,220 763,980 total costs $573,120 $304,220 $877,340 Calculate the total cost of the 24,000 units in beginning work in process using the FIFO process costing method. Correct answer $235,520
  • 53. Explanation: Units % Complete Equivalent Units direct materials conversion costs direct materials conversion costs Beginning work in
  • 54. Character Analysis Of Prince Charming I think Ella fell for Prince Charming because when she met Prince Charming he wanted to dance with a girl like her and she fell for him. Ella was at a ball when they met and Prince Charming stunningly said, would you like to dance with me. Ella said, YES! Ella also, fell for the prince s handsome, dashing, and bright eyes. Ella did not know it would turn out bad, until he asked her to marry him and she said NO. The prince did not approve, locked her up, and his eyes looked cold and empty now to Ella. Ella thought it was Prince Charmings business to know she did not want to marry him. But, I still think she fell for him because she got caught up in is charm. How was Jed s love for Ella different than Prince Charming s love for her? Jed s love for Ella is different from Prince Charming s love for her because... Prince Charming s characteristics are dashing, handsome, and secretive. Jed s characteristics are sweet, lovable, and a little rude (left Ella without saying, bye ). Ella fell for the Prince s charm and she also, fell for Jed s kindness. On the other hand,... Prince Charming locked up Ella, but Jed left Ella without saying, good bye. Like the Prince, Jed finds Ella very beautiful, but he can see her humor, courage, ... Show more content on ... taking charge and being a leader. Ella took responsibility of her own life by... trying to escape from the prince, trying to not get married to the prince, and (the most risky) went to the Sualan war to see Jed. I think Ella is very responsible, encouraging, and a great leader. Ella also, had great ideas, for example: not marrying the prince, escaping the dungeon, and staying strong (never got let down). In my perspective Ella never let anyone stand on her and she did what she needed to do. Ella got things done like: cleaning, hard work, and she did all that with barely any energy. So, I think Ella took like in her own hands because she need to stay strong for her (dead)
  • 55. Rate Of Car Collision Abstract As drivers age, their risk of being involved in a car collision decreases. The present study investigated if this trend is due, in part, to some risky drivers having a collision early in their driving lives and subsequently reducing their risky driving after that negative experience. Accelerometers and video cameras were installed in the vehicles of 16 to 17 year old drivers (N= 254), allowing coders to measure the number of g force events (i.e., events in which a threshold acceleration level was exceeded) per 1,000 miles and the number of collisions. Among the 41 participants who experienced a severe collision, the rate of g force events dropped significantly in the 1st month after the collision, remained unchanged for the 2nd month, ... Show more content on ... Groups aging from sixteen to seventeen (adolescence) tend to adventure in the area of alcohol and drugs. Which in fact can impair judgement and decrease reflexes of motor skills. Consideration in the decreasing of risk for accidents may increase substance abuse which could result in a severe accident. Adolescences is a phase where a individual goes through confusion and discovery of one s self. Many challenges come about that could change peer pressure to be cause teens to show impression to want to drive fast. Ways to find the true rate of the collisions in future on could create more categorical sub groups and increase the sample
  • 56. Military Spending Rhetorical Analysis Essay The purpose of this analysis is to examine the rhetorical appeals on an argument presented by two different authors who have written about the subject of the Military s Budget. In the article, Yes, Of Course We Should Cut Military Spending! by Henry Blodget, He argues that Military Spending should be cut and given to more needed civil programs. Contrary to Henry, the article, Reckless Cuts to US Military Spending Leaving America Vulnerable. By Steven Cohen puts forth the argument that Military Budgetcuts will leave the US Military unable to carry out their duties and will but this country s interest at risk. This paper will examine the rhetorical appeals of ethos, pathos, and logos found within each of the articles presented by these authors. In addition, highlights of the author s similarities and differences in style will be noted here as well. Henry Blodget, the author of the article Yes, of course we should cut military spending! is the co founder, CEO, and editor in chief of Business Insider. He is often asked to be a guest of shows that air on CNN, MSNBC, and NPR for his economic expertise. Mr. Blodget also served as a top rated Wall Street analyst ... Show more content on ... He is a former member of the Board of Directors of the United States Naval Institute at Annapolis. Steve is now a lawyer that works for the Law office of KDL M, a major law office in New York City. He also contributes to the New York Times, Forbes, and The Wall Street Journal. His background not only in the military but also as a graduate of one of its more prodigies academy makes him a very knowledgeable figure in the needs of the Military. Though this may lead to bais, his experience as a lawyer to see all the angles can give the reader a sense that he can see all angles of an issue and to form an educated
  • 57. Essay about sociology and the family You will refer to statistical evidence when discussing the variety of family and household types. You will be required to reference your work throughout and produce a correct and current bibliography to demonstrate that you have used different sources to obtain your information. Sociology and the Family The Nuclear Family generally consists of a Mother, a Father and at least 1 child, this image of a family is thought to of come about at the time of the Industrial Revolution. (Willmott and Young) believe that an increase in the Nuclear Family was the result of the Industrialization. They found that during pre industrial times, the most common type of family structure, was that of the Extended Family (Extended Family can take ... Show more content on ... Martin (2012) explains that British children are among the least likely to live with both Biological Parents by the time they reach age 14, statistics show that in Britain this is just 68.9%, whilst the same statistics in France are 79.5% and Finland at the highest with 95.2%. Changes in the different Family types will be outlined with evidence in the following pages showing Evidence and Statistics. Browne (2008) tells us that whilst Marriage is the usual type of relationship between Men and Women, Marriages where it s the first time for both partners, is on a high scale decline, numbers have at least halved since 1970. This means that there are now more Reconstituted Families (families where at least one spouse will have children from a previous relationship), also knows as Step Families. This is the fastest growing family type as now nearly half of Marriages involve a second marriage for at least one of the partners, reflecting an increase in Divorce Rates. The most recent studies show that 42% of Marriages now end in Divorce and that they are on the increase, although recent statistics contradict this fact, as they show that Divorce Rates are decreasing each year. In 2011, there were 117,588 divorces, compared to 121,779 in 2008, and a staggering 153,176 in 2003, a decrease of 30% in 8 years (ONS, 2008 2011) South African divorce rates are also decreasing, between 2005 and 2011, the numbers fell, from 32,484 to 20,980, a difference of 55% (SSA).