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Essay On Unemployment In Pakistan
Writing an essay on the subject of unemployment in Pakistan can be a challenging task due to
the complex and multifaceted nature of the issue. The topic requires a thorough understanding of
economic principles, social dynamics, and political factors that contribute to unemployment in
the country. It necessitates extensive research to gather accurate and up-to-date data on the
current employment situation, government policies, and the impact of global economic trends on
Pakistan's job market.
Crafting a compelling essay also involves analyzing the root causes of unemployment, such as
educational disparities, population growth, and insufficient infrastructure for job creation.
Additionally, addressing potential solutions and policy recommendations requires a deep
understanding of economic theories and their practical application in the context of Pakistan.
Moreover, one must be careful to present a balanced perspective, acknowledging both the
challenges and any positive initiatives taken by the government or other stakeholders to mitigate
unemployment. The essay should be well-structured, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs
that explore various aspects of the issue, and a conclusion that summarizes key points and offers
insights for the future.
Considering the sensitive nature of the topic, it's crucial to maintain objectivity and avoid
oversimplification of the problem. Providing evidence and examples to support arguments is
essential for a persuasive essay.
In conclusion, writing an essay on unemployment in Pakistan requires not only a good command
of language and writing skills but also a deep understanding of economic, social, and political
factors affecting the employment landscape. It's a challenging endeavor that demands thorough
research, critical analysis, and the ability to communicate complex ideas effectively.
And remember, if you find yourself struggling with such essays or need assistance with
academic writing, you can explore resources like for professional help. They
offer services for various types of essays and academic assignments to make the writing process
more manageable.
Essay On Unemployment In Pakistan Essay On Unemployment In Pakistan
Introduction To Chemistry, A Natural Science, And Social...
The subjects for this study will be undergraduate students enrolled in either
Introduction to Chemistry, a natural science, or General Psychology, a social
science, at the University of Arkansas in Spring 2018. Students will enroll in
courses based on their own academic preferences. These courses are both scheduled
for 50 minute discussion sections that meet two days a week (TTh) from either 9:30
10:20 or 10:30 11: 20. All identifying features of the student (e.g. names or student
ID number) will be replaced with random 7 digit ID numbers that the researchers will
assign to each student on the first day of the course. The condition each identification
number is in will not be revealed until the experiment has concluded and the data is...
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Researchers will also be analyzing if the type of course, natural science or social
science, will alter the note taking technique that has the highest scores. Type of
course will also be a between subjects variable. Materials required will include in
class assignments related to the lecture materials. Each in class assignment will
consist of ten questions that are easy to answer if the student was attending to
what the professor was saying. All students will require a laptop or paper notebook
to take notes on. The classrooms necessary will be smaller rooms with a maximum
of 40 seats per room. This small size is necessary so the research assistants can
ensure each student is using the correct method. Additionally, one experimental
condition will require the use of the app StayFocusd from Transfusion Media
(2010) which allows its users to temporarily block access to user specified apps for
a designated amount of time. This experiment will require the use of four research
assistants. Two of these assistants will be placed in the classroom to ensure students
are using the appropriate method. The remaining two research assistants will be in
the lab processing and configuring the data for the results of the experiment. Different
researchers will be used to compute the data than those who are in the classrooms to
eliminate any chance of experimenter bias. Lastly, the professors will be designing
and distributing the in class assignments. Procedure Students
Bigfoot Existence
Harmish Naik
English 9
April 12, 2016
Bigfoot s Existence Does Bigfoot actually exist on this very planet of Earth? Yet,
many people do not know if Bigfoot really exists or not. Bigfoot has been a real big
mystery. The mystery has not been solved yet as of right now. Although people
believe Bigfoot is not a real living thing, the sightings, research, places of origin and
evidence left behind suggests that Bigfoot is a living thing on Earth. The evidence left
behind from Bigfoot proves Bigfoot is a living thing on this very planet of Earth.
Bones were found identifying the size of a very big creature. (Bigfoot Facts). The
size of the bone identifies that there is a Bigfoot living in this world. Footprints in the
forests indicate a creature that ... Show more content on ...
It wasn t until 1958 that the Bigfoot legend really started to kick off in the United
States. That year, a man named Gerald Crew found a set of large footprints at a
construction site where he worked in California (Upton). Gerald Crew examined
the large footprints and declared the footprints were from a very big species that
could have been Bigfoot. In 1967, the Patterson Gimli film was captured. The film
shows a tall, hairy Bigfoot walking through the forest (Upton). This real film of
Bigfoot s existence grabbed the public s attention about this topic and the person
captured real footage of the Bigfoot walking in the forest. The legend of Bigfoot
existed long before the European men arrived in the New World. The Coastal
Indians tribes of British Columbia and in particular the Kwakiutls had carved
totem poles and face masks which clearly had references to a man beast
(Shackley). Even a long time ago, many Indian tribes living in North America have
maybe have seen or heard about Bigfoot being alive and living in the woods on
North American soil. Also, the man beast face masks referenced Bigfoot s facial
feautre of the
Christmas And Religion Essay
Intro to what Christmas is
Religious and sacred holiday, December 25
Celebrated religiously and secularly
Christians celebrate Christmas as the birth of christ
Traditions vary from culture to culture, but is mainly exchange of gifts, decorating of
tree, family dinners, and attending church
Often called the Feast Day of Christ
Jesus was not actually born on December 25th
It is coincide with the pagan holidays the romans used to do, honored the Harvest
God and Ancient God of Life
Historical background of Christmas
Romans before Jesus was born, celebrated many Holidays
Before the arrival of christ, early europeans celebrated it as a celebration of light and
birth in the darkest days of winter
Looked forward to having more sunlight
Black On Black Economics Case Study
Black on Black Economics 101 Fifteen young, black businessmen entered the black
owned Industrial Bank with the intent of opening accounts. The men were
members of the Black Male Entrepreneurship Institute (BMEI), a partner of the
U.S. Black Chambers Inc. (USBC). The move was a calculated effort to gain
support for black on black economics. Ron Busby is CEO of the USBC. He said,
In order for there to be a strong Black America, you must have strong Black
businesses. In order for there to be strong Black businesses, we must have strong
Black banks. So, from my standpoint, this is just a reciprocation for what Industrial
Bank has done for our communities for the last 80 years. The President/CEO of the
Industrial Bank, Doyle Mitchell, was... Show more content on ...
He said that it impacted every area of his life. When it was time to buy a house, he
found a black real estate agent, a black mortgage company, a black title company, a
black home inspector, a black pest control company, a black moving company.
Everybody that touched the transaction was a Black firm. The service was superior
and the price was right. There s a trillion dollars of spending power in our community
and we want to make sure that dollar stays within our community. Twenty eight days
a dollar stays in the Asian community, twenty one days a dollar stays in the Hispanic
community. In our community, our dollar leaves within six hours. We have got to
change that...Until we have total control of how we circulate our money, our power
and respect will continue to be marginalized, he declared. Busby is the leading voice
supporting black banks and businesses in America today. He hopes that he can
continue to inspire young black men and women to support the black community by
investing in themselves and their communities.
History Of Campaign Finance Reform
Campaign finance reform is a movement in the United States to help change the
involvement of money in American political campaigns (Boundless, 2015).
Throughout the history of campaign finance reform, three main areas have
consistently been the target of regulation: contributions, expenditures, and
advertising. Over the years Congress has instituted limits on how much individuals or
organizations may contribute to federal campaign committees and political groups,
how much campaign committees may spend during the course of an election, and how
much money might be used for advertising expenses during a campaign (Smith,
2010). To help limit contributions, expenditures, and advertising Congress has passed
laws which are known as campaign finance... Show more content on
The Tillman Act of 1907 prohibits money contributions to political campaigns by
partnerships and national banks (Profile: Tillman Act, 2015). The Act was ignored
by loopholes that the citizens and corporations found (Profile: Tillman Act, 2015).
The Federal Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of 1910 expands on the Tillman Act of
1907 (Profile: Tillman Act, 2015). The FCPA expands on the Tillman Act by
establishing limits on how much campaigns can spend on US House election
campaigns (Profile: Tillman Act, 2015). The Act additionally requires knowledge of
all monies spent and contributed during federal campaigns (Profile: Tillman Act,
How Did Louis Armstrong Influence Jazz
Louis Armstrong s influence in early Jazz
Louis Armstrong is often referred to as the Father of Jazz (Yanow, 2016) Louis
Armstrong was born on August 4th, 1901 in New Orleans, Louisiana in an
impoverished neighborhood that was nicknamed the battlefield because the
neighborhood was so poor (Yanow, 2016). When Louis was young, he shot a gun at
his father s new year s eve party and where he was arrested. He was sent to a group
home for boys called the Colored Waif s home for boys , he received music
instruction there and that s where he found his love for music. Louis Armstrong s
fluent style of improvisation, scatting and the depth to his music laid a foundation set
a new standard for generations of Jazz artists after his time.
Jazz was ... Show more content on ...
Another one of the biggest reasons for his contribution to 20th century music was
his ability to swing, when he first came onto the scene in the 1920s, he brought a
complete conception of swing that changed the music (Cogswell, 2003). On
Naughty Man (1924) is where he displayed his earliest use of swing. Much of the
vocabulary that was used in the swing era came directly from Armstrong s concept
of it, so much that artists changed their style of arranging like the artist Don Redman
I changed my style of arranging after I heard Louis Armstrong (Cogswell, 2003).
Louis created the foundation that is rooted swing
Identifying Human Hair and Animal Fair by Laser
1. Introduction:
1.1 Overview
The ability to identify an animal by examining its fur is a useful one for
taxonomists and biologists. The hair of prey is often not digested by a predator,
and so can be found in the predators scat and measured to ascertain its diet (Anwar
et al., 2011). An electron microscope can be used to obtain a lot of data from hair,
including its width and the shape and texture of its surface, however electron
microscopes are expensive and time consuming to operate (Sessions et al., 2009).
Lasers are much cheaper and can be used to easily measure the width of narrow
objects by measuring the interference pattern created when laser light is diffracted
around the object. As a result, laser diffraction may be a more preferable method for
identifying hairs based on their width. This experiment hopes to show that laser
diffraction is an accurate enough method for obtaining the width of narrow objects,
such as animal and human hairs, to allow comparison between them.
1.2 Wave interactions
1.2.1 Diffraction:
Diffraction is a physical phenomenon that occurs when waves encounter an obstacle
or gap between obstacles. Depending on the wavelength of the wave and the size of
the obstacle or gap waves bend and spread out. Waves tend to diffract more around
objects or gaps of a similar size to their wavelength. How a wave will diffract when
it meets an object can be modelled using Huygen s construction. Huygen s
construction is based on Huygen s principle of light
Basketball Throw Bracket
The way to construct a major league ball playoff bracket is described below. This
will let you track the competition all the way to the end of the World Series, so
you ll know how the World Champions won. The criteria for determining which
teams make the MLB playoffs are complex. Unless you are an avid follower, it can
very difficult to distinguish between wild cards, record holders and divisional
winners. However, this guide explains the basics in the playoffs that go into the
decision of major league baseballteam, and decides which teams advance. This is the
way to construct a baseballdivision playoff bracket.
Know the definition of a playoff bracket. The playoff bracket simply shows the teams
that oppose each other in each round. Lots ... Show more content on
Once you have got the two winners from the division series on the NL side, those
two winning teams will have to play each other to get the league champions. In
order to demonstrate this on your baseball bracket, sketch a different 3 sided cube.
Sketch a line from the center of the division games boxes, and put the winning team
on that line. Each winning team should be joined together by using a vertical line.
Do this for the AL and the NL teams in the bracket.
Display the World Series champs. Once both leagues have played, there will be one
winner on each side. At this point both sides in your baseball playoff bracket will
meet in the page s center. Divide each league championship game in half by drawing
a line through the center of that game and enter the winning team on this line. There
will be 2 teams written next to each other. The reason is that one team is in the
National League while the other is in the American League. You don t need a box
now, just the line.
Champion of the World Series. The winner of your MLB playoff bracket will be
determined at the conclusion of the World Series. Underline the rival World Series
competitor team s names, by themselves. Jot down the victorious ballteam s name on
this line, writing champion beneath
Descriptive Essay On My First Dog
My First Dog Kiki I remember like it was yesterday, but it was really three years ago.
That was one of the best days of my life when I got my first dog Kiki. I was so happy
a felt like I was going to explode with happiness.Kiki was half shih shu and half
yorkie, but she was more shih shu then she was yorkie. She had multiple color fur of
wight, brown and black, but she was mostly white with brown and black spots. She
was a tiny little puppywhen we got her and I love her so much.
We didn t just get Kiki I had to earn her. I begged my dad since I was five years old
and finally when I was nine years old he said I can have a dog, if I could learn the
thirteen articles of faith. My dad thought I would never learn all of the thirteen
articles of faith tell I was twelve and by then I would forget all about it his promise,
but he was wrong and I got it all memorized all of it in a month and remembered his
promise and he had to get my a dog. Then just a little will after that we started
looking for the perfect little puppy.
My mom said it will have to be a indoor dog because we didn t have a fenced in yard,
and if it was going to stay in the house it would have to be small dog and it could not
shed in the house. My mom said KSL would be the best way to go because there
were many people that tried to get rid of puppies there. We looked for many days but
we could not find a dog that was perfect for are family. Then I saw it the cutest little
Lieutenant General Saint And His Command Sergeants
In early 1986, Lieutenant General Saint and his Command Sergeants Major,
Command Sergeants Major Horvath, identified the need to establish an elite
organization to recognize stellar Non Commissioned Officers. These Non
Commissioned Officers are those who have demonstrated excellence in performance
and leadershipabilities that resemble those of other influential NCO s. A special
group that needed a figure head that all members could emulate and strive to act in
accordance with. This figure head could be none other than Sergeant Audie Murphy.
The Sergeant Audie Murphy Club originated at Fort Hood, Texas by a group of
dedicated officers, enlisted, and civilians; the most notable of which were the two
aforementioned leaders, their awards ... Show more content on ...
The support of the club has given back to all areas of influence including schools,
cemeteries, businesses, and programs such as the Warrior Outreach. The club has
been involved with many outstanding events such as feeding the homeless;
providing gifts for under privileged kids; partnering with local schools to help
establish a positive foundation for the youth through interaction; clearing and
cleaning overgrown cemeteries with the preservation society; and assisting with the
restoration of homes belonging to citizens in the area. One of the most interesting
things that the club does that should never go unnoticed is empowering and
providing great leaders with an outlet to be able to do these amazing things.
Individuals will struggle to find a way to make a difference in the community, but
when like minded individuals come together the opportunities seem to present
themselves in abundance. This is why I want to become a member of the SAMC.
To be able to give back to the community that has given so much for its veterans. To
be able to surround myself with motivated, dedicated, and intellectual leaders would
allow my passions and desires to be fulfilled. I earned the Meritorious Outstanding
Volunteer Medal by putting the welfare and needs of others before my own, both in
country and abroad. Being a part of these
Oprah Winfrey is a Hero
What do you think of when you think of a hero? According to the Oxford
dictionary, a hero is a person who is admired for courage, outstanding achievements,
or noble qualities. Heroes are especially popular in Greek myths and legends. Most
showed generous behavior, even if it was not obvious until the lesson was learned.
Oprah Winfreyis one of the most generous people of our time. I believe Oprah
Winfrey is a hero because she uses her past experiences to inform, support, and
help others, uses her money, fame, and time to help people, and shows incredible
emotional and spiritual strength. Oprah Gail Winfrey grew up in a small farming
community. A nineteen year old male cousin raped her when she was nine. She
was molested by a family friend and an uncle until she was fourteen. She became
pregnant and gave birth to a baby that died soon after. She then went to live with
her father. She blamed herself for these incidents and it took her many years to
realize it was not her fault. Winfrey told her history of sexual abuse on air when
one of her guests told her story. Later, eight hundred viewers called in with their
stories and to receive referrals to counseling. Oprah had even decided to commit
suicide in September 1981. She later felt that she was not really serious about taking
her life, but she had even written a note to her friend, Gayle King Bumpus. Her
passion and commitment on the issue of sexual abuse came from her own childhood
experience, but she had not allowed her
Remember The Titans Racism Analysis
To What Extent Did the Titans Success Eliminate Racism in The Community?
Remember the Titans, directed by Boaz Yakin, is a movie set in the early 1970 s that
focuses on the ways in which a particular school, where black and white students are
forced to integrate, reduces racism in the community. This reduction in racism is
mainly the result of the success of the School s football team, the Titans. Yakin uses
numerous film techniques throughout the film such as lighting, camera shots, camera
angles and audio to portray different emotions and feelings to people in the audience.
The racism in the team, community and neighbourhood changes throughout the
movie. In this discussion, This Essay will be talking about ... Show more content on ...
A few examples of this are scattered throughout the film such as Coach Boone s
neighbourhood, at the start of the movie the neighbours are looking at him and his
family through their windows which is symbolism for the barrier between both
races. The lighting inside the house and on the people watching is low key to show
that they are not happy about Coach Boone s family moving into the house across
the road. In the same scene a technique used is mise en scene, an object in the scene
is a toy koala, this shows that the family is not hostile. In a later scene, after the
Titans win the regional championship game, Coach Boon arrives home to find
everyone in the houses around him chanting and applauding him from outside their
doors and windows. This shows that the barriers between the two races are no longer
there. The technique used in this clip is a long shot to show the positive relationship
between the neighbours and Coach Boone. The racism in the neighbourhood has
been eliminated by the success of the Titans as the neighbours are no longer racist.
Near the end of the film the community begins to respect people of a different race,
something the Titans had already accomplished. The community adapts to the new
population and racism in the community appears to be lowered.
An example of racism being eliminated in the community is when some of the Titans
are kicked
How Does Steinbeck Use Foreshadowing In Of Mice And
Literature is difficult for some and effortless for others, but there is a type of
literature that is commonly used by many people and most use it without knowing.
It is called allusion which is the reference to another person or item. John Steinbeck
uses allusion to foreshadow what will happen in his book Of Mice and Men. In the
book Of Mice and Men the two main characters are George, a smart and short man
and Lennie, a strong but dumb man who both lived during the Great Depression. They
are migrant workers that get in trouble a lot of times and run from town to town
trying to find work, until they stumble upon a ranch that they can work on. During
their stay and the ranch foreshadowing suggests what would happen next, but the
book still had many twist that foreshadowing did not suggest. In Of Mice and Men
Steinbeck uses foreshadowing in various ways to suggest that George and Lennie s
plan would go askew, that Curley s wife would die, that George and Lennie would
lose of the farm dream, and how Lennie would die.... Show more content on ...
Steinbeck did this when he put the word mice in the title of the book. Steinbeck used
allusion of the poem To a Mouseby Robert Burns . In the poem To a Mouse the
mouse in the poem has plans to survive the winter but the mouse s small house in
ruin! It s feeble walls the are scattering... And bleak December s winds coming .
(Doc A). The mouse s plan to live in it s house for the winter go askew. The poem
further more states that The best laid schemes of mice and men, go often askew.
This suggests that both the plans of men and mice would go askew. Since
Steinbeck chose the word mouse or mice in the title of is novel Of Mice and Men,
what should we be able to foreshadow about the plans of the men or women in the
Anxiety And Panic Disorders
Anxiety can have such distress that it hinders with the power to lead a normal life.
If anxiety causes worry and fear are constant and overwhelming, and can be
disabling. A Panic disorder is a condition that one s has a feeling of terror that comes
suddenly and again and again with no warning. Other symptoms of a panic attack
include sweating, chest pain, shivers and it is an unusually strong or irregular pulse.
It can seem like you are having a heart attack or going crazy. Although, a panic
disordercan be frightening but normally it does not hurt others.
However, panic disorder should be treated by a physician it the panic attack continues.
There are some minor treatments that help an individual that is dealing with a panic
Planetary Nebulae Clouds
Nebula or the plural nebulae is derived from the Latin word for cloud(s), and is a term
traditionally used by astronomers to describe the vast gaseous structures which exist
throughout the universe.
Nebulae now have been divided into five major categories due to their reflective and
observational characteristics, these being emission nebulae, reflection nebulae, dark
nebulae, supernova remnants and planetary nebulae.
In fact, the term planetary nebula is a misnomer as they have nothing to do with
planets or planetary systems as the name was derived by eighteenth century
astronomers, William Herschel et al, who due to the restrictions of observational
technology available at that time i.e. small telescopes first thought they either looked
like the gas giant planets of our solar system or stars forming new planetary systems.
Planetary nebulae are often given the connotation PN or PNe for the plural by
astronomers and exhibit the final stage of a star s life whose initial size is
approximately between 1 and 8 solar masses, where the unused gases and elements
left from nuclear fusion are blown away from the remaining core producing a
luminous colourful halo around it. These phenomena can be very short lived in
astronomical terms, possibly just tens of thousands of years.
To reach this final stage of existence all stars go through the same accepted pattern of
evolution, except in the case for large mass stars who have much shorter lives due to
burning their hydrogen fuel
Goffman Total Institution
Goffman s Theory
Elaine Tyler
SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology
Instructor: Jeremy Baker
July 8, 2013
Goffman s Theory on Total Institutions We interact with a variety of people on a
regular basis who influence our behavior but who are not family or friends. Many
of these people we encounter because of their roles within particular social
institutions with which we interact. They are part of our secondary group members;
their opinions and behaviors shape us. Sometimes people live, work, eat, sleep and
socialize in a single unit where their lives are largely controlled by those in charge;
the organization controls the totality of one s life. (Goffman, 1961) Examples of them
... Show more content on ...
A tech bangs on your door just as you have started to drift off into a sweet sleep
again and informs you that you must be up for breakfast in thirty minutes. 7:15 am:
You drag your exhausted body out of bed and grab a cup of the weakest, wateriest
coffee you have ever ingested from the nurses station. You line up against the wall
and prepare to be paraded down to the cafeteria. 8:30 am: Community group. You
discuss at length the rules and regulations of the hospital (only use the phone for 10
minutes at a time, bath buckets are under no circumstances to be kept in your
room, no towels or food in your rooms, no physical contact with other patients.)
Most people are there for depression, some for anxiety, many for suicide attempts.
One or two are there for insomnia, a few for manic episodes and one boy about
your age is there for homicidal ideation. You yourself are there for a suicide
attempt (flashback to overdosing on 3000 milligrams of Seroquel, sleeping for 36
hours and then slitting your wrists, slicing each artery, spewing blood all over the
walls of your college dormitory.) 9:47 am: Code one! A 90 pound schizophrenic
girl screams and punches the walls (she hears voices and sees monsters that aren t
there) and a code team is called to sedate and restrain her. Incidents like this are
uncommon on your unit but not unheard of. They take her away, kicking and
screaming. 10:00 am: You and
Courtesy Of The Red White And Blue Analysis
In the history of the world, there has been music on the home front to depict the
feelings that are going on at this time. The music on the home front can be
inspirational, disheartening, supportive or even in contradiction of the events.
Looking at the music that is going on during a conflict can help understand the
feeling of the writer and even the whole nation. Looking at the two songs 99 Red
Balloons by Nena and Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue by Toby Keith, one can
see that there are many similarities and differences about these two songs, but they
both show the different emotions that are happening at the time of their conflict. On
the morning of August 13, 1961, Berlinwas woken by the sound of machinery and
soviet troops marching around the city of Berlin. On this morning the freedom to
pass from east to west Berlinwas ended and the tension grew between the Soviet east
side of Berlin and the Allied west side (Berlin Is Divided). When the wall was built,
the tension of the two sides grew and the thought of another war was on everyone s
mind. As said by The Berlin Wall
was one... Show more content on ...
The country was outraged by the attacks and president Bush started military
actions immediately. The song is about people who serve in the military and their
families. One of the most memorable lines from the song is you ll be sorry that you
messed with the US of A,...cause we ll put a boot in your ass, it s the American
way . This verse is definitely talking about al Qaeda and the revenge that was soon
to happen. In the music video, they show Toby Keith playing this song live in front
of the troops and when he sang that verse you can hear the cheers and excitement in
the audience. This is a patriotic song that can bring the country and troops together
during the war and even though it is a country song it gives the listener an upbeat
Description Of My Favorite Places To Go As A Child
One of my favorite places to go as a child was in the reservoir with my family. We
would start packing a few days before we left, first my brother s and I would go to
school on a Friday afterward we would go camping. Every time I would hurry home
because I was ready to go camping. When I was little I felt that my familyand I went
camping every day even though it wasn t. I have many memories of camping. I love
to go camping because you can smell the lake, or you can start a fire which smells
amazing. Waking up in the morning unzipping the tentand getting out to be able to
see the forests are wonderful. Sometimes my brother and I will sit in the woods
watch boats and jet skis go by. While you are falling asleep, you hear animals such
as coyotes or if someone had dogs you will hear them. When I wake up in the
morning to the birds chirping is amazing. Waking up in the morning when my
mom was in the middle of cooking potatoes, eggs, and sausage for breakfast you
could smell it, it was the best smell to wake up to. She would make hot cocoa which
made it ten times better. Some days my family and I would go fishing in the daytime,
every day at night we would go fishing till 3:00 sometimes earlier. If my brother and I
were bored we would go into a forest and play a game such as hide and go seek, or
tag. I know I few times my brother and I would build forts out of trees and sticks.
Once we went camping while it was raining, therefore, we put this canopy up and we
played board games
The Birth Of A Newborn Child
To see the birth of a newborn child is breathless. However, assisting on the soon to
be a new mom through the birth of her newborn child is satisfaction. As stated in
Labor and Delivery Nursing Women really appreciate what we do for them during
the birth of their children. They remember us. I ve had people come up to me
years later in the grocery store or at community events and say. You were my labor
nurse. Thank you (Nursing) The appreciation is received and able to see the
creation of a family. Labor and delivery nurse represent my dream and interest.
Furthermore, currently working as an OB/GYN licensed practical nurse at a
doctor s office has given me the interest of furthering my career and becoming a
labor and delivery nurse. . Being a labor and delivery nurse requires to be open
minded, assertive, and most of all a strong connector. Being a labor and delivery
nurse calls for an open mind that every individual has a different story on how they
become a mother. Whether it is a teen mother on the bed crying for help because
she is in so much pain or the mother getting ready to deliver and having to give her
baby for adoption. You have to care for every individual for whatever the
circumstance is or becomes and show empathy to all. Working with a doctor
setting as an obstetric nurse has assisted me to the road of an open once I become a
labor and delivery nurse. Such is when a twelve year old girl came to the doctor
office to start her prenatal care with her
To Kill A Mockingbird Quotes Integration
Quote Integration Using quotes from the text is an important way to support your
ideas. In most papers, I would expect at least 3 4 really strong quotations used to
prove your topic. The important word in the last sentence is prove. You do NOT
use quotations to establish facts from the story. You use quotations to PROVE
something. For example I don t need a quotation from the book to tell me that Tom
Robinson is found guilty. I have read To Kill a Mockingbird and I know that he is
found guilty. Be sure you are using quotations not to pad your paper, but to strengthen
it. There are a few different ways to integrate quotations from the text into your
writing. Without them, it simply looks like you are just talking off... Show more
content on ...
Colons are used when the sentence is already complete (you could end it with a
period); a colon indicates that what comes after the colon is directly connected to
what preceded it. Here is an example: Scout is constantly complaining about being
left behind by Jem and Dill. She expresses her feelings to Jem as he and Dill are
sneaking out to see Boo Radley: You never let me go anywhere. If you don t let me
go this time I m gonna tell Atticus on the both of you. She says this to Jem
intending to get him to bring her along. Notice in the previous example that the
sentence with the colon is actually a complete sentence (the colon could be
replaced by a period), but putting the colon there indicates that the quote connects
to what was said before the colon (in this case, Scout expressing herself). MORE
ON THE BACK If you have a quote from a text that is going to take up more than
four lines, or if you are quoting multiple lines of dialogue from a text, set the text
off by indenting it and NOT using quotation marks (it should remain double
spaced). Scout is constantly complaining about being left behind by Jem and Dill.
She expresses her feelings as Jem and Dill are sneaking out to see Boo Radley:
Jem had never snuck out for anything before and I was worried. I was also very
upset that he wouldn t take me along with him. It is one thing to be left behind during
all of the other adventures, but this was a
IAS 18 Revenue Recognition
This assignment features the recognition and measurement of revenue depending on
the source of revenue in accordance with the provisions of International Accounting
Standards (IAS) 18 Revenue.
I researched the topic and defined the special purposes of the assignment: first of all,
it is important to know the main concepts of IAS 18, also to learn the rules by using
this particular regulatory framework, and to get knowledge about writing the report
at all.
The Report
To: Managing Director
From: Student A
Regarding: IAS 18
Date: 3/11/2011
Introduction to the Report
The Conference on International Accounting Standard (IAS) 18 Revenue was ... Show
more content on ...
Rendering of services
When the outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services can be
reliably estimated, revenue from the sale of services is based on the level of
completion of the transaction at the balance sheet date. The outcome of a transaction
can be measured reliably when: * The amount of the transaction can be reliably
assessed; * There will be probability to get economic benefits for the enterprise as a
result of this operation; * Level of completion of the transaction at the balance sheet
date can be assessed; * Costs that should be suffered relating to a transaction can be
measured reliably.
Revenue from the provision of goods and all services is only recognized when the
amounts to be recognized are fixed or determinable, and collectability is reasonably
assured (Elliot B., Elliot J., 2007)
Interest, royalties and dividends
IAS 18 considers the accounting procedure of potential components of revenue
organization primarily from transactions involving the sale of goods, rendering of
services, as well as through other organizations or individuals property of the
reporting organization, giving interest, dividends or royalties. If the probability of the
The Physical And Emotional Development
outdoor play area is also paramount to augment the indoor area. The physical and
emotional development is no less important as cognitive development. Children
enjoy playing outside; therefore, confining a child to a hospital bed for the duration
of his or her recovery would stifle the recovery progress and make a traumatic
experience an emotional nightmare. A child that is surrounded by medical
equipment in his or her hospital room may develop anxiety and fear that can slow
recovery (Arkansas Children s Hospital, 2016). It must be conveyed to the
stakeholders that a natural playareamay improve the recovery time of a child
suffering from injuries. Children involved in serious injuries may have a sibling that
visits him or her in the hospital. The hospital may be just as frightening for the
sibling as it is for the injured child. A hospital that has a common outdoor playarea
could alleviate the emotional stress for the siblings visiting loved ones in the
hospital. In fact, stress can be a definitive barrier to wellness and recuperating
(Feldman, 2016). A hospital that has an outdoor play area could use this area for
young siblings to meet, instead of in a room full of medical equipment. An outside
play area for a hospital would have to be planned meticulously for safety concerns. It
should not be open to the general public and should only be accessed through the
hospital. The play area, weather covered or not, would be sensitive to bad weather
and daylight hours;
Problems Of Using Big Data Help Us Understand What...
What are the problems in using big data to help us understand what customers want?
Big data, defined as a popular term used to describe the exponential growth and
availability of data (What is Big Data? , n. d. ), has attracted considerable interest in
many fields as it promises to offer a level of analytic detail that has not been reached
so far. Whilst it is often promoted as the solution to many marketing problems, it has
some significant disadvantages. Cost, personnel, problems relating to the
interpretation of the data and difficulties deciding how to apply the new knowledge
to existing products and product design are all important problems.
Situation There is a line chart above from Google Trends which ... Show more content
on ...
Velocity. Massive data should be dealt with in time otherwise the quality of data will
Probably, Big Data can be the future of marketing. However, there are some
problems in using Big Data because of these characteristics. If we don t know how
to address problems, the investment will be wasted but enterprises still search around
in the haystack for the needle. Therefore, I will illustrate the problems and find out
some solutions for Big Data.
Firstly, the main problem is deciding which data should be selected. The data,
explaining customers desire and need, is important to be collected while most of the
businesses are confusing what data they should concentrate on. A recent Gartner
report (2014) stresses that 64% of firms raced to plan or launch a Big Data project,
though they didn t have enough professional knowledge yet. To understand what
customers need through Big Data possibly turns into the core of companies target.
The large data volumes and different varieties of data lead to complexity.
Secondly, the result predicted by Big Data probably isn t true at last. (MARCUS,
DAVIS. 2014).This phenomenon doesn t happen by accident in many companies.
Take Google Flu Trends as an example, they predicted that the Disease Control and
Protection Center wasn t able to control the flu spread quickly and effectively as time
went on. Later, this conclusion was proved wrong. Hence, it means that future
prediction contains inconsistencies
The Sun Is A Star
The Sun is a star that is located at the centre of our solar system composed primarily
of hydrogen and helium with smaller quantities of oxygen, carbon, neon, and iron.
The sun keeps our planets in orbit due to its large gravitational forces and provides
our planet with heat. There are many different ways in which stars can be classified,
and The Sunis listed as a G type Main Sequence starand is also known as a yellow
dwarf. It is currently in a phase called the main sequence in which 4 hydrogen
atoms are fused together to form 1 helium atom as well as energy (4.3x10 12 joules
worth). Our sun is approximately half way through its main sequence phase, and in
approximately 5 billion years it will enter it s post main sequence.
Once all of the hydrogen in the core of the sun is depleted, the sun begins its post
main sequence by ascending the red giant branch, starting with a phenomenon known
as shell burning. Once the hydrogen core is depleted, outward radiation pressure
stops and inward gravitational attraction causes the helium core to contract,
converting gravitational potential energy into thermal energy (http:/
/stellarevolution_postmain.html). This thermal energy causes an increase in
temperature which heats up the hydrogen shell surrounding its core, and once a
certain temperature is reached, hydrogen fusion occurs which produces more energy
than when it was on the main sequence. Due to this increase in
Compare And Contrast Nova Scotia And Acadians
The Acadians lived in Nova Scotia, part of the French dominion in North America.
However, France was not as interested on the territory where the Acadians lives, as
they were in the mainland territory of New France (present day Quebec). On the
other hand, from an early date the British showed interest on the territory where the
Acadians were located. The territory of Nova Scotiais located in a strategic
geographic locations that is the entrance to New France. The British attempted,
unsuccessfully, three times to capture Acadia. However, on their fourth attempt they
were able to capture the territory. In The Treaty of Utrecht of 1713, the French
succeeded Acadia to the British. For the most part, the Acadians were allowed to
continue with their
Article 2 Draft 1 Can the Dragon be tamed by ethics? : Alibaba listing on NYSE
Alibaba also known as the behemoth of Chinese internet and for some the Chinese
Amazon has been in news these days for all good reasons. The e commerce giant
has introduced its IPO in NYSE with an offer price of $68.00 per share. The prices
increased initially by 30% on the first day of trading taking the market value of the
company to $230 billion. Based on the offering price the stocks of Alibaba sold at
about 25 times higher than the estimated 2015 underwriter projection. After the first
day s raise the company will have to put its focus on the year on year growth. To
meet the expectation of investors and analysts the company need to increase revenue
by... Show more content on ...
CEO and Director Jack Ma hold the maximum shares of this vehicle, however it is
believed that a conflict may occur due to his dual role in the company. One of the
major challenge that can affect the prospect shareholder decision is that the
shareholders will buy the share in US but will have to coordinate with the authorities
in China. Which means taxes will apply on dividends or benefits if the company is
deemed as resident enterprise in China. Some of the other challenges like government
s strict control over Chinese Internet infrastructure, regulatory challenges on Alipay,
anti monopoly law in China and Chinese economic slowdown. These challenges can
impact the decision making of the shareholders who are willing to put their money in
Even after many challenges the company had a good opening at the IPO launch. A
huge amount of expectation now lies on the company to fulfil, keeping in mind the
challenges that might spoil the game. And if we look at the financial track records of
the company look positive. Being a seasoned player where it has in large part built
the status quo for online retailing in China and has been benefiting largely from the
market. The change that can impact the company s performance might be a sudden
technology change or change in the way Chinese customer uses online shopping.
With government support and lower tax slabs
How Micro Transactions Can Use For Play And Paid Games
Micro transactions
The use of micro transactions in free to play and paid games are the norm nowadays.
The different types of micro transactions in games can range from simple color
changes, buffs, buying items, and account transfers. The concept behind micro
transactions is to let the consumer choose what they want, and it lets the developer
earn extra money on the side. The problem with using micro transaction in games is
that the developers will stop making good games, and instead make games revolve
around the necessity of using micro transactions (Rybicki, 2006).
The amount of money a free to play game earns will shock most people. According
to SuperData, a marketing intelligence firm, Riot Games in 2013 earned $624
million from League of Legends (Jarvey, 2014). League of Legends is a free to play
game that has micro transaction. The appeal of generating money through micro
transactions in gaming are stronger than ever with profits reported by the likes of
Riot Games. The following chart shows the top ten online free to play game
revenues for 2013.
Figure 1: Top 10 Online Games, Based on Free to Play (Tassi, 2014)
Price of gaming
The age of playing on the video game console was thought to end in recent years,
but strong need for console gaming is still in demand. The Sony Playstation 4 has
sold over 20 million, while Microsoft and Nintendo have sold half that amount. Sony,
Microsoft and Nintendo are projected to earn over $15
New High School Graduation Requirements
In 2007 the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) adopted new high school
graduation requirements. In addition to completing the state s credit requirements
and demonstrating proficiency on state standardized assessments, students must meet
three personalized learning requirements (PLRs): 1) completion of an education plan
and profile; 2) participation in career related learning experiences; and 3) extended
application of personalized learning knowledge and skills in activities relevant to
postsecondary and career goals. This process is intended to begin in grade 7 and
continue through a student s senior year. See appendix A for more details on Oregon
s requirements.
ODE and the Oregon Education Investment Board (OEIB) view the PLRs as critical
to Oregon students postsecondary readiness and success. The two agencies are
partnering with REL Northwest and the Oregon College and Career Readiness
Research Alliance (OR CCR) to develop recommendations for increasing and
improving PLR implementation at public schools across the state.
This report provides a review of research on personalized learning and promising
practices occurring across the country. In this brief, we use personalized learning to
refer to the entire process of completing PLRs. The process is often documented in
and/or referred to as a personalized learning plan and includes participation in a
variety of learning activities and experiences. This brief is intended for policymakers
Excellence Starts with Governance
Excellence Starts with Governance
The IT control environment is shaped by top management attitudes, abilities,
awareness, and actions and includes integrity, ethical values, philosophy, and
operating style (Robinson, 2005). Corporate governance and IT governance are both
important for enterprise risk management (ERM). IT governance enables regulatory
and legal compliance, operational excellence, and optimal risk management. With
corporate governance and IT governance working together, the business objectives,
transparency, internal control, and accountability meet the business objectives in an
effective manner and stay compliant with regulations that govern the business
The Sarbanes Oxley Act mandates transparency, clear accountability, and rigorous
internal control, which requires corporate governance and IT governance to work
together. Top executives are held accountable under the Sarbanes Oxley Act for
internal controls and transparency of the organizations. Without corporate
governance and IT governance working together, the organization would not be in
compliance with this regulation. IT governance defines the IT structure, measures,
and monitoring framework and should include business value created and delivered
in a cost effective and efficient manner, risks identified and controlled, and assurance
of effective oversight. The organization s missions and strategic directions must meet
business needs for IT solutions, which requires corporate
Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl
Harriet Jacobs work, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl is a powerful piece. In
the slave narrative, she is battling to become a freed person which makes it didactic
because Jacobs wants slavery to end. There is elements of gothic writings because
it was something that truly happens. Slavery was a challenging and uncomfortable
life for the slaves such as Jacobs. Her mistress watched over her when she was
sleeping trying to provoke Jacobs into accuse herself of attempting to seduce the
mistress s husband. Slave narratives have gothic elements to it because Jacobs was
fearful of her life and her mistress watched over her when Jacobs was variable from
being asleep. Jacobs describes how she was in her grandmother s attic for seven years
Dreams And Its Effects On Our Lives
Dreams are one hell of a thing, while we rest our brains are all over the place with
thoughts and ideas that we would never dare express with anyone. Everything we
think about could be recycled into our dreams. Dreams in a way are rather magical;
it is everything we want played in a short film for our entertainment while our body
recovers from the day. The braincan be funny sometimes and pull pranks on you
with nightmares to keep you on your toes. Dreams sometimes make us dwell on
things that happened throughout the day. People claim that you can control your
dreams by doing a variety of little things before you fall asleep what people are trying
to achieve is called lucid dreaming. People believe that dreams are foreshadowing an
event that will occur in the near future this is referred commonly to DГ©jГ vu. Do
not worry we will go over everything much more extensively. I will cover the pros
and cons of each topic.
You are walking through the safari jungle and out of nowhere an alien that goes by
Ronaldo lands in front of you and is telling you to hop into his intergalactic
spaceship and flight co pilot with your math teacher from 3rd grade, so you
obviously hop in and fly off into the distant sky... Just before things are about to get
interesting, your alarm/parents will like always ruin it and wakes you up. At this
point, you are too upset that you have to go to school that the memory of that kick
ass dream was just whisked away and to never be fully remembered despite your
Civil War Weaponry
Ketchum Grenades
In August of 1861, William F. Ketchum patented the Ketchum Hand Grenade. Shortly
after, in the years of 1863 and 1864, the grenade was implemented in the American
Civil War.
With a lemon shaped piece of iron and a tail made of paper or cardboard, the
handheld explosive greatly resembled a dart. On the front of the grenade s body
was a plunger, which held a percussion cap filled with explosive material.When the
the grenade fell onto its nose and applied pressure to the plunger, an explosion was
triggered, only to be met by more gunpowder inside. Although the resulting explosion
caused a great deal of mayhem and shrapnel, it was not very reliable because its
detonation depended on the grenade falling directly onto its nose. Because of its
temperamental behavior, the grenade got a reputation for not being very accurate.
During its use by the Union army, the weapon was still in its earliest stages.
Although the Confederate army did not adopt this specific weapon, they had similar
ideas such as the Raines grenade, which was similar in appearance, but completely
inadequate for battle. Instead of cardboard fins for a stable flight, the Raines grenade
had a cloth streamer.
Ketchums were used in several important battles such as the battle of Vicksburg and
the siege of Petersburg. Union soldiers threw the grenades at the Confederate troops
and stood back for the explosion. They were faced with an unpleasant surprise when
the Confederates found a way to avoid any
Connotations of Marriage and Social Morals in Alexander...
Connotations of marriage and social mores in Alexander s Pope poem
The Rape of the Lock
In the early eighteenth century England witnessed the peak of the tumultuous
changes that is presently known as the Age of Enlightenment. Trapped deep within
the chaotic changes of politics, religion, art and social mores, Alexander Pope
proved a master at exploiting these changes circumstances in order to become an
admired poet. (page 558, Wilson)
Visible affected by the superficiality of the humankind, Alexander Pope made fun of
the real life situations, and commented on the vanity and trivialness of high society
during his time. According to Butt John, Pope suggests that society has no concept of
priority, in that they treat the ... Show more content on ...
Although Pope wrote The Rape of the Lock with the aim to reconcile the two
families, he does not hesitate to stress the idea that people should not focus on trivial
things and they rather should contemplate to the important matters. To convey its
message Pope intentionally used the heroic epic ton which itself takes a trivial
incident too seriously, and uses disproportionately impressive language to describe a
pathetic subject.
But since, alas! frail beauty must decay,
Curled or uncurled, since locks will turn to grey,
Since painted or unpainted, all shall fade,
And she who scorns a man must die a maid;
What then remains, but well our pow r to use,
And keep good humor still whate er we lose?
And trust me, dear! good humor can prevail,
When airs, and flights, and screams, and scolding fail. (V. 25 32, Pope)
The poem reveals the superficiality and immorality of mankind making judgements in
favor of appearances rather that morality. Belinda s idea of honour is seen to mean
little more than reputation . The sexual truth is finally admitted when Belinda wishes
the Baron had been content to seize/ Hairs less in sight, or any hairs but these
(IV.175 76, Pope). This sort of innuendo was remarkably popular, reflecting no doubt
of a powerful taboo.
Health and Wellness In The Workplace Essay
Health and Wellness Health and wellness in the work place is a vital part to a
company s success. Employees who are healthier and more productive are less
likely to call out from sickness. There are not many companies that have affordable
health care coverage for employees. More companies should make healthcare
affordable for their employees and their family. Research has been done on how
effective healthand wellness programs can be in the workplace. Throughout the
reading these points will be discussed. The effectiveness of health and wellness in
the workplace will also be spoken of. Health and wellness activities in the
workplace will be a positive move for companies and employees. Companies have
started to focus more on the... Show more content on ...
In the vending machines all sorts of dried nuts and fruits can be found. For those
employees who would like to lose weight, the company offers to pay the
membership fee for the gym. With these type of helpful gestures employees will
certainly stay healthy. Companies are expected to spend an estimated $7,720 per
employee this estimate is up from the $7,211 a few years ago according to NBGH.
With health care costs expected to continue to rise and cash strapped employees
less able to shoulder more premium increases, employers face a dilemma. (Marshall
P.53) Wellness in the workplace needs to be taken seriously by all employers, and
employees. There has been evidence that making sure employees eat healthier leads
to lower call out rates and more savings on health plans. In an article in Employee
Benefits magazine it states that Wellness management does not need to be
complicated, or costly. A few simple steps could help to mitigate long term problems,
such as introducing early intervention activities that red flag cases identified via an
absence reporting mechanism, the proactive management of musculo skeletal
conditions and stress, introducing a smoking cessation program or running regular
health wellbeing days. Workplace wellness as a concept has been used extensively in
recent years by management in business and industry, health professionals, fitness
experts, and others. This is a policy that should be implanted in all jobs. Wellness
may not
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Internet Marketing
1.1 Web Marketing
Web Marketing is also known as Internet Marketing, Online Marketing or E
Marketing. Web Marketing is the process of advertising which is generally done
though online to evolve in front of customers. Internet world has brought new
competition among organization which leads them to meet increasing competition,
expanding market and rising customer expectation on web. To deal with the
competition and to maintain long term relationship with the online customers
companies must adopt and practice web marketing with the help of different
strategies of Internet marketing. Marketing is done to acquire a large number of
customers at one time with the help of advertising strategies and it is important no
matter whether companies are ... Show more content on ...
Also it offers better returns than in other media along with the huge database through
which advertiser could easily maintain Electronic Relationship Management with the
Consumer (ECRM) and other side consumer also get whole detail about the products
and services from their own convenience place and get the product delver at their
doorstep which also helps them to reduce transportation cost, hassle free services,
easily availability, different options available etc to the
Three Types Of Cost When Quality Considerations Are
TO: John Smith, Supervisor
SUBJECT: Three types of cost when quality considerations are made
Given the highly competitive nature of today s markets we as a company must
provide high quality products to survive. Quality itself has become a major
competitive factor and in many ways is a contributing factor in success or failure.
The intent of this memo is to identify, explain and evaluate the three types of cost
associated with quality.
The three types of cost of quality are Prevention costs, Appraisal costs and Failure
cost (Both internal and External) (Stevenson, 2009 pg. 421) The first type of cost is
Prevention costs. Prevention refers to all costs associated with preventing the failure
or non conforming product or service ... Show more content on ...
However, if the cost of perfection is so expensive that the company cannot be
profitable, it is not realistic to spend too much on a zero defect mindset. Instead the
company must first identify what an acceptable percentage of defects is and where
the defect could have been prevented. Then the company can further quantify which
cost of quality is presenting the greatest risk and put procedures and policies in place
in an attempt to minimize defects. Since prevention costs many times are considered
the least expensive and can have the biggest affect on non conforming products most
companies will focus its initial and largest efforts into prevention. The next initiative
would be appraisal and last would be identifying
Negotiations In 12 Angry Men
Mahmoud Abdallah Instructor: Dr. Wael Zaraket
Negotiation Conflict resolution April 21, 2017
12 Angry Men illustrates how successful negotiations necessitates careful observation
and analysis of different, conflicting arguments presented by the various parties
involved, such that emotions and positions are effectively separated from the more
deeply entrenched and often concealed interests. These actions were performed by
Juror 8, who proceeded to question the other jurors motivations behind their assertion
of a guilty verdict (position). This movie illustrates how specific positions were of
little significance in determining the ... Show more content on ...
Eventually, the audience and jurors do not know if the boy truly committed the
murder or not (only reasonable doubt was established, based on the testimonial
evidence presented); the boy s true innocence or guilt had no bearing on the jury s
final agreement; the agreement was derived by systemically questioning and
addressing the assumptions and motivations (interests) backing the jurors decisions.
While all twelve jurors essentially desired justice to be served (according to their
personal definitions and interpretations) in the case, which is all parties fundamental
interest, Juror 8 adopted a different position from the other jurors, due to his
compassion and desire to see the teenager get a fairly deliberated verdict. Juror 3
opted for guilty , making the mistake of attempting to solve the wrong problem by
having a
Frederick Engels View Of Historical Materialism
Throughout the excerpt entitled II. THEORETICAL from the book Anti DГјhring
published 1877, the author and philosopher Frederick Engels takes a historical
materialistic approach; which is the methodological approach to the study of human
societies and their development with time, also known as the materialistic conception
of history. Engels also presents his argument against the capitalist system that
dominates at a globalized level. He shows that the capitalist mode of production is
fundamentally contradicting, which will eventually lead to its own demise. Engels
also indicates that many issues surface due to the fundamental contradictions of
capitalism; one of which, is between the organization of production in the individual
factory and the anarchy of production in society as a whole (Engels, p. 299) and
another is The mode of production rebels against the mode of exchange; the
productive forces rebel against the mode of production, which they have outgrown
(Engels, p. 302). Due to the fundamental contradictions of the capitalist mode of
production, an unavoidable chain of social and economic conflict arises.
As mentioned above, historical materialism also known as the materialistic
conception of history is the methodological approach to the study of human societies
and their development with time. Engels states that historical materialism begins with
the principle of production, and with production the exchange of its product, is the
basis of every social order;
Cleopatra Informative Speech
Cooper 5
Fate N. Cooper
Mrs. Dellinger
English II
3 May 2017
Cleopatra had a very extraordinary life. She was born into royalty and became a
ruler at a very young age due to her father s death. She was married four times, first
to her two younger brothers, third to Julius Caesar and fourth to Marc Antony. She
had four children with both Julius Caesar and marc Antony. Cleopatra also had 5
siblings. Later on, in life, Cleopatra committed suicide.
Cleopatra was born in 69 BC in Alexandria, Egypt (Cleopatra: The Woman Behind
the Name.) Her parents were Ptolemy Auletes (Cleopatra: The Woman Behind the
Name) and Cleopatra V ( Klimczak.) She had five siblings, two older sisters and a
younger sister, also two brothers, Cleopatra VI, ... Show more content on ...
Cleopatra chose to go back to Egypt. On her way back to Egypt she made a stop in
Cyprus which had been granted to her younger sister Arsinoe and her younger
brother and co ruler Ptolemy XIV, in order to ensure that she was known as their
true ruler. As Cleopatra arrived in Egypt she immediately took steps to consolidate
her rule. A document dated July 26 44 BC, Ptolemy XIV s name appeared, but
after that date he disappeared many say that Cleopatra ordered for him to be
poisoned and it is notable that around this time she dropped the epithet brother
loving from her titles. Cleopatra confirmed her son by Julius Caesar, Caesarion, co
regent. Cleopatra also continued to build the Caesareum in honor of Caesar. In
Dendera, Caesarion was depicted in front of images of Cleopatra, asserting him as
the primary ruler (Ancient Egypt Online.) Cleopatra and Marc Antony spent the
winter of 41 to 40 BC in Alexandria. In the spring of 40 BC, Marc Antony left
Cleopatra to return home. Marc Antony did not see her for four years. Fulvia,
Antony s ex wife had gotten into a movement against his wife Octavian over
veteran s allotments of land. In the meantime Cleopatra had given birth to twins, a
boy and a girl. Their twin children were officially recognized by Antony and were
given names of Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene. Marc Antony gave her
much land which was very essential to Egypt. He gave her Cyprus, the Cilician
coast, Phoenicia, Coele Syria, and Judea and Arabia. In 34 BC, Antony had a
campaign into Armenia which had been successful and financially rewarding.
Antony celebrated his triumph with a parade. He presented himself as the New
Dionysus. Ptolemy XV (Caesarion) was made the co ruler with his mother and was
also called the King of Kings, Cleopatra was called the Queen of Kings, Alexander
was named Great
Examples Of Market Segmentation Of Dove
Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
The adventure of becoming a successful brand with the launch of Cream Bar in the
United States begins in 1957. Dove is Unilever s fastest growing and momentum as
time goes on after this launch is one of the brands. World launch of Dove is started
in 1991. The brand went to meet with consumers in 55 countries in total by the end
of 1994. Thus, the Dove family kept expanding. Successive face and body cleansing
products, skin care, deodorant and hair care products with the launch of Dove
continued to grow rapidly. Today, Dove, and the difference in quality that will
redefine the standards of the category that enters through any personal care, personal
hygiene brand to the world s expert. ... Show more content on ...
Company conducted a survey in order to determine the segmentation of people who
would like to prefer fragrance and moisturizing cream in the skin care products they
Market Analysis: The analysis shows the preference of people which products they
would like to use.
40% of people prefer moisturizing features and fragrance
40% of people prefer fragrance free and moisturizing features
20% of people prefer to use products that matching their skin type
Demographic Segmentation:
Brand s demographic segmentation includes women and men whom are older than
18 years.
People that who conscious and awake about their skin care
People that who belongs to upper middle class
Women who use beauty products
People that who has high purchasing power and want to use quality products on their
Psychographic Segmentation
Dove uses psychographic segmentation in order to create psychology in women
where beauty incorporates all ages, body shapes and sizes.
Dove gives the message You are beautiful to way you are to all women to show that
they are valuable. Also company tries to make women encouraged in order to believe
what they say in their
African American Culture in a Modern American
African American Culture in a Modern American Dominant Sociology
Intro to Sociology
September 3, 2010
Janice Caparro
African American culture in the United States refers to the cultural contributions of
Americans African descent to the culture of the United States, either as part of or
distinct from American culture. The distinct identity of African Americanculture is
rooted in the historical experience of the African American people. The culture is
both distinct and enormously influential to American culture as a whole. African
American culture is rooted in Africa. It is a blend of chiefly sub Saharan African and
Sahelean cultures. Although slavery greatly restricted the ability of Americans of
African descent to practice their ... Show more content on ...
The folktales provided African Americans the opportunity to inspire and educate one
another. Examples of African American folktales include trickster tales of Br er
Rabbit and heroic tales such as that of John Henry. The Uncle Remus stories by Joel
Chandler Harris helped to bring African American folk tales into mainstream
adoption. Harris did not appreciate the complexity of the stories nor their potential for
a lasting impact on society. The legacy of the African American oral tradition
manifests in diverse forms. African American preachers tend to perform rather than
simply speak. The emotion of the subject is carried through the speaker s tone,
volume, and movement, which tend to mirror the rising action, climax, and
descending action of the sermon. Often song, dance, verse, and structured pauses are
placed throughout the sermon. Call and response is another pervasive element of the
African American oral tradition. It manifests in worship in what is commonly
referred to as the amen corner. In direct contrast to recent tradition in other American
and Western cultures, it is an acceptable and common audience reaction to interrupt
and affirm the speaker. This pattern of interaction is also in evidence in music,
particularly in blues and jazz forms. Hyperbolic and provocative, even incendiary,
rhetoric is another aspect of African American oral tradition often evident in the
pulpit in a tradition
Waste Trafficking Through Illegal Transnational Business
Waste trafficking refers to the traffic of hazardous wastes through illegal transnational
business that involves a variety of criminal groups such as private entities, corrupt
government officials, and organized crime groups (Liddick 134). According to
environment professor Don Liddick, By the late twentieth century transnational
organized criminals, corporate polluters, and corrupt public officials have discovered
the means to profit from the traffic in household garbage, chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs), and even radioactive wasteillicit industries that rival the international drug
trade in scope and profitability (Liddick 134). Waste is considered hazardous if it is
explosive, reactive, flammable, irritable, harmful, toxic, or corrosive. Hazardous
wasteincludes oily substances, batteries, medical waste,... Show more content on ...
In order to have a better understanding of waste trafficking it is important to examine
what facilitates it, the links it has to organized crime groups, and what steps have
been taken to counter it. There are four factors that increase the likelihood of waste
trafficking. The first factor is strict international regulations. As regulations are
implemented, new markets start to emerge. In 1991, for example, the Bamako
Convention imposed a ban on the import of hazardous waste into African, Pacific,
and Caribbean countries, but traffickers found alternative routes and destinations to
Europe and China. The second
Social Media in India
rights reserved / 2013 SOCIAL MEDIA IN INDIA More than 76 million people in
India will use social networking sites at least monthly this year, up 51.7% from
last year s total. Doubledigit growth in users will mean that by 2014, 83% of
internet users in the country will regularly access social networks Social network
users and penetration in India, 2010 2014: 2010: 33.1 million (+38.8% change
/ 52.3% of internet users / 2.8% of population) 2011: 50.2 million (+51.5% / 60.3%...
Show more content on ...
The younger segments, which is anybody below the age of 35, interact more with
the site and post reviews about products, engage with these companies on social
media and such. There is also an increase in visitor loyalty the Indian ecommerce
user makes six visits a month to an ecommerce site. Over 95% of ecommerce come
from social media portals. The second largest source for ecommerce users is search.
Other popular sources among ecommerce users include entertainment sites, news
sites, e mail and jobs sites Sources: ComScore India Limbara Srl / All rights reserved
/ 2013 TOP E COMMERCE WEBISTES IN INDIA On the basis of unique visitors
Jabong, Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra and Indiatimes shopping are the Top 5 ecommerce
sites in India. Each record over 5 million unique visitors per month, with Jabong
leading the pack at 11.6 million followed by Flipkart and Amazon with 10.7 million
each. Collectively, these five e tailers cater to 26 million online shoppers, more than a
half of total number of online ecommerce visitors in India alone. Limbara Srl / All
rights reserved / 2013 TOP E COMMERCE WEBISTES IN INDIA Footwear brand
Nike works only with online retailers such as Jabong and Myntra. Myntra accounts
for over 10% of annual sales for Nike (and for brand Puma, too) Limbara Srl / All
Physical Health Problems
The physical health problems caused by the computers for children
The invention of the electronic tools e.g. computers make people lead an efficient
and convenient life. The efficiency, convenience and practicability of the electronic
tools e.g. computers attract both adults and children, and make them use these tools
in their daily life (ThomГ©e, 2015). As has been seen, the use of computers and in
adults work is becoming more frequent and majority of children use these tools in
their daily life as well. However, the long time use of computers may caused some
problems, and one of the problems is the physical health problem. When using a
computer, no matter a laptop or a desktop, the user do not need to move. These
behavior would normally be defined as sedentary behavior, which may make the user
to do less physical exercise, fit less physically and suffer more risk of health
problems. The problem may be solved by three solutions, the first seems to make
children use computer in a right posture, the second may be some physical exercises
and another solution seems to decrease children s time spent on computers.
Physical health problem caused by computers
According to Kimmerly (2009), over 90% of children aged 3 18 in the US used
computers, and with children aged, more children started to use computer related
activities. However, the long time of uses of these electronic tools may lead to
physical health problems to children. For example visual strain, lack life
How Did Industrialists Become Successful
Industrialists at the time did what they could to become successful. Each one
knowing that how they become successful may not be approved by everyone but at
the time, they saw the need in the United States and created their industry. All of the
industries created were in some relation to the railroad system, which had become
America s first big business. The industries created included Carnegie Steel Company,
Standard Oil Company, and what had become of Carnegie Steel Company, United
StatesSteel. These industries were all created and were continued through processes
such as Vertical and Horizontal integration, the trust, and a community of interest.
After Jay Gould, Carnegie had become one of America s heroes. Carnegie was a
Scottish immigrant who came to the U.S. in 1848 at the age of twelve cleaning
bobbins in a textile factory. Eventually he had picked up on the skills of telegraph
operator noticed by Tom Scott, the superintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad who
would eventually hire Carnegie. Carnegie received a promotion later on and was lent
money from Scott that would help him start his business. In 1872, Carnegie built the
world s largest most up to date steel mill ... Show more content on ...
Rockefeller was Andrew Carnegie s only rival at the time. By the age of twenty five,
he controlled the largest oil refinery in Cleveland. By 1870, he founded his oil
business, Standard Oil Company. After years of demanding illegal rebates from
the railroads in exchange for his steady business, Rockefeller created a new form of
corporate structure known as trust. This coordinated the industry to ensure profits to
the participating corporations and to curb competition. By the end of the century,
the Standard Oil Company valued at more than $70 million and ruled more than 90
percent of the oil business. When Ida M. Tarbell s articles in McClure s Magazine,
exposing Rockefeller s illegal methods used to take over the oil industry, Rockefeller
had become a symbol of heartless
8th Amendment Cruel And Unusual Punishments
The Eighth Amendment and what does it stand for?
The suffering, pain, or humiliation, of a person is considered cruel and unusual
punishments and is not acceptable by the Eighth Amendment which states the
prohibiting the federal government from imposing excessive bail, excessive fines, or
cruel and unusual punishments. With this amendment you have the rights of;
protection from physical brutality, rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment, your
rights to decent conditions in prison, also your rights to medical care.
The Eighth Amendment states, the prohibition the federal government from
imposing excessive bail, excessive fines, or cruel and unusual punishment. This
amendment was authorized in 1791. The Cruel and Unusual Punishments division
restricts the severity of the punishments that the state and ... Show more content on ...
The legal definition of excessive bail is the amount of bail ordered by an accused
defendant when too much is too much to the point it s unnecessary or excessive.
Excessive fines prohibits the imposition of excessive fines to a person for a crime
thus had committed, this limits the payments of money to and from a person, the
principle of proportionality. Cruel and unusual punishments prohibits the method and
amount of the punishments, the method of the punishment such as burning at the
stake, crucifixion, or breaking on the wheel, in the U.S. supreme court said that the
use of excessive physical force against a person may constitute to be cruel and
unusual even if the subject person down not suffer serious injuries. The courts held
that the eighth amendment does not permit the imposition of the death penalty upon
a defendant who does a felony during which the murder is committed by someone
else, if in which the defendant does not kill or attempt to kill, which is saying the
eighth amendment is not applied of you or known subject is defending
Mommy Makeover Research Paper
A woman s body undergoes some tremendous changes during pregnancy and
childbirth. The unwanted effects of childbearing and breastfeeding, especially weight
gain and sagging skin, often remain long after childbirth.
If pregnancy has wrecked havoc on your body and you are a bit sad about your
postpartum body, don t despair. You can get your pre baby body back with the help
of a surgical intervention, called Mommy Makeover.
What is Mommy Makeover?
Mommy makeover is a combination of multiple body contouring procedures,
including breast surgery, body sculpting with liposuction, and abdominoplasty (also
known as a tummy tuck). These procedures can reverse the changes associated with
pregnancy and childbirth, and dramatically improve how you look ... Show more
content on ...
After the baby arrives, the abdominal muscles and skin shrink back down, leaving the
mother with stretch marks, loose skin and lax muscles. The excess fat and loose skin
can be removed from the abdominal region via an abdominoplasty.
Removal of Fat Deposition
Weight gain is inevitable during pregnancy. It s normal, healthy and also necessary,
albeit in reasonable measures. Putting on too much weight is not a good sign. The
unwanted fat deposits in the neck, arms, back and knees that do not go away after
pregnancy can be addressed through liposuction.
Laser Technology to Rejuvenate Your Skin
New mommies often go for laser therapy to enhance the texture, tone and quality of
your skin. There are a variety of laser treatments that can give you a smoother,
firmer, more vibrant looking complexion by removing fine lines, wrinkles and
folds from your face. Today, laser technology is widely used to correct loose or
sagging skin, erase signs of sun damage and remove unwanted hair on the face or
Cellulite Therapy
There are many cellulite treatments, including massages or cellulite creams, that can
improve the appearance of the dimpled skin on the thighs, hips, buttocks and
When to Get Mommy
Advantages Of Nursing-Care Robots
Introduction The Japanese population is rapidly aging and the number of elderly
people will account for a large part of it. Some care problems will be heavy burden
on young people. For example, it is possible that the young generation has to leave
their companies in order to devote time to their older family member s care.
Furthermore, the shortage of young workers leads other problems such as the
decline of business and the pension plan. Elderly people taking care of elderly
people has also become an important issue today. Therefore, Japan has to find
alternatives for making up for the caregiver shortages and improving the situation in
aging society. Some kind of alternatives (e.g. introduction of foreign care workers)
can be listed, but this... Show more content on ...
In addition, it does not contain the current situation of any other countries.
Therefore, with the comparison between nursing care robots and other ideas, the
best solution to the problems needs to be discussed in a near future. Significance
and Conclusion In aging society with fewer children, Japan should adopt nursing
care robots in order to make up for the caregiver shortages and avoid economic
recession which causes from a drain of young people. If the nursing care robots are
introduced into our life in aging society, they can relieve the heavy burden from the
young generation. Robots will also have a major influence on lifestyle. Hopefully,
this research can be helpful for your better understanding about nursing care robots
and a chance to think about the attitude towards them. Robots will play an important
role in our future. References Kanagawa welfare service association. (2010). Nursing
care robot promotion project. Retrieved from
Aasw Code Of Ethics In Social Work
Values are societies own guides to life. They identify what is wrong and what is
right, however it is up to the people to decide whether or not to follow them. But
what are values? Values can be defined as principles or standards of behaviour; one
s judgement of what is important in life (Oxford Dictionaries, 2015). Furthermore,
values are important and lasting beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture
about what is good or bad and desirable or undesirable (Business Dictionary, 2015).
Values hold high importance in the lives of people as they have major influence on
behaviour and attitude, as well as serving as broad guidelines in many situations. All
human experiences, interactions and conversations have the potential to shift... Show
more content on ...
Personal values are developed from surrounding circumstances, influencing them to
change over time. Personal values are not universal in that each individual holds
different beliefs and values. Values have been shaped by family, nation, generation
and historical events. Social workers must not impose their own values and beliefs
on their clients. Services should be sensitive and non judgmental (Pamela Wilshere,
1997, p. 1), rather than providing options based on what feels right according to the
practitioner s values and beliefs. A capable practitioner demonstrates confidentiality,
person centred practice, professional accountability, the legal context of practice and
demonstrates effective partnerships (McGregor, 2011), as well as a thorough
understanding and application of the ethics and values of the organisation while
being capable of managing their own values (McGregor, 2011). As mentioned
before, the AASW Code of Ethics (2010) guides social workers to respect the
intrinsic dignity and worth of clients and to treat each person in a caring and
respectful manner (Comartin Gonzalez Prendes, 2011). In practice, the AASW
standard indicates that practitioners of social work and human services must respect
the intrinsic worth and dignity of their clients by showing unconditional acceptance
of their clients values and beliefs. Regardless of
Intro to Philosophy
Introduction to Philosophy Essay
There are many reasons one should study philosophy. The study of philosophy can
ultimately change the way a person lives and unlock some deep questions about the
meaning of their life. Questions you ask yourself such as why you are doing the
things you are doing or where your life is heading or what you want to become in
life can be answered throughout the study of a philosophy course. Understanding
philosophy is the key in motivating us as individuals to explore life s most
challenging issues. Moreover, learning to understand philosophy will help you to
become more open minded, thoughtful, attuned to life in general, more of a critical
thinker, and less accepting of simplistic answers. Philosophy can ... Show more
content on ...
Children may ask questions such as, Why did God create life? or Why are bad
people bad? The best way to approach these questions is to follow the facts and be
blatantly honest. Knowledge is never gained by exaggerations and false pretenses.
Philosophy is the pursuit of wisdom, reflecting passion, commitment, and
intellectual ambition. Wisdom does not merely mean having knowledge in certain
areas of life, a wise, person knows how to use that knowledge and apply it to the
issues of life. Wise people are usually humble and do not think they have all the
answers in life; rather they approach the world with a childlike eagerness to learn.
Viewing philosophy as the pursuit of wisdom was given eloquent expression by the
female philosopher Perictione, Humanity came into being and exists in order to
contemplate the principle of the nature of the whole. The function of wisdom is to
gain possession of this very thing, and to contemplate the purpose of the things that
are. (Chaffee Ch1 p. 7) Philosophy is the science that considers the truth. Aristotle.
What we know to be true and false is very detrimental in life. Truth and reality can
sometimes change our lives for the better or the worse depending on how we
approach the situation. Philosophy is committed to the truth rather than popular
opinion, norms, and conventional wisdom. Finally, philosophy is a dynamic process
which probes the dynamic nature of philosophical thinking. The process of
Pericles Pride in his Athenian City
Pride is an emotion in each human being possesses. The Athenian s and American
people s prides plays a powerful part in their country for we are proud of the
country that we live in. An individual is patriotic to its country for it is the place
where we are born, raised, and hopefully be the place where we can make a
difference before we die. It is the country our ancestors built and we value it in our
history. A country s history can represent many different aspects of their culture and
civilization. The Athenian, Pericles thought precisely just that. Pericles states the
military might of the Athenian navy, the adaptability of the Athenian people, the
Athenian government and the roles of its individual citizens, art appreciation, and
how they are compared to their neighboring countries. His views that bias Athens
was profound and in depth which put the city and its people on a pedestal. Pericles
s speech first gave praise to the ancestors, for which they are the people who built
the city from the ground up and fought for democracy. He speaks of the ancestors
with great honor and valor and that it was them who gave birth to Athens. He
perceives Athens as a city with virtue, modesty, and modernization. It is a city who
doesn t isolate itself from other governing states. Pericles announce that they aren t
afraid to show their culture to the world and any foreigners may come and learn or
observe from them. He suggests Athens is a country that welcomes foreigners and
Case Study Of BLOM Bank
Overview of the company
BLOM bank is a leading Lebanese bank which business operations are based on
universal banking model including: commercial banking, corporate banking, private
banking, investment banking, asset management, retail banking, Islamic banking,
and insurance products and services. Its efficient work helps it maintain in 2014 the
lowest cost to income ratio among its competitors, which help it in raising its profit
$365.37 million the highest in the Lebanese banking sector. BLOM bank in now
present in 13 countries: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, UAE, France, UK, Switzerland,
Romania, Cyprus, Egypt, Qatar, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia.
2) Mission and Core Values:
BLOM BANK s goal is to be the leading regional financial institution providing
exceptional value and peace of mind to all our stakeholders . BLOM bank core
values are:
1.Prudence: providing peace of mind to their customers and stakeholders through
giving them safe and sustainable services.
2.Professionalism: ... Show more content on ...
Mohamad Sidani showed us the practical side of what we learnt in the course
regarding decision making. For example, while studying, we learn the concepts in
a general manner. However, the challenge is in applying them to each
circumstance we face. As he explained, the process of taking a decision follows the
same concept we have learnt, however; not word by word. It is more spontaneous
and to him it s very important to take his time, when possible, to study the different
alternatives and their possible outcomes. In addition, he weighs the possible benefits
against the risk of each option. After making up his mind, he keeps the decision to
himself and makes sure it s the best solution before announcing and implementing it.
He admits that intuition is one of the factors he bases his decisions on and sum up to
20%. However, it s not enough if it s not backed up by something
Critical Analysis Of Charles DickensOliver Twist
Critical Analysis Just like anyone else who reads a book, opinions are going to
form, and not all of them are going to be on the same page. Readers form different
opinions and views based on how they interpret the meaning of the novel. Many
critics have analyzed Charles Dickens Oliver Twist. Albert Borowitz and Kelly
Winters are two well known writers who wrote long critiques that analyzed the work
of Charles Dickens.
Crime writer Albert Borowitz believes that Charles Dickens uses the narrative of
Oliver s fall to serve his reformist purposes of attacking England s harsh, poor laws
and illustrating [in] the thesis that city slums could breed crime even in the most
innocent people (Borowitz). I absolutely agree with Borowitz. In the beginning,
the reader just assumes the Oliver just has terrible luck and that all of these
terrible events are happening to him out of misfortune. Oliver is portrayed as a
poor and innocent boy who is just being used by other people who have selfish
intentions. Later on, the bystanders realize that he was really the hardened little
wretch he was described to be by people (Dickens). Comparing the beginning of the
novel to the end of the novel, Oliver has transformed from an innocent and young
boy into a criminal in which he only speaks lies. Dickens has managed to attack
England s laws and changed Oliver s character from an innocent orphan into a
criminal. Jhaveri 4
Later on in the article, Borowitz also states that Dickens has
Personality Theory Research Paper
Another part of creating a personality theory is the debate between uniqueness
versus commonality which I have briefly discussed. I believe that every person is
unique because no two people have gone through identical life experiences, nor have
they been influenced in the exact same way by their environments and people around
them. With that being said, I also believe that human beings have many things in
common like how they deal with and react to certain situations. We are also alike in
our need for a place in the world and acceptance from others. Because I believe that
humans are both unique and common, I believe that both idiographic and nomothetic
research are important in learning how humans behave and who they will become. A
lot of... Show more content on ...
Another theory that is very reminiscent of behaviorism is the mechanistic theory in
which humans do not engage in cognition, but rather respond automatically to stimuli
in their environment. The animalistic theory also does not give humans enough
credit, which would be the exact opposite of humanistic psychology. It states that we
as humans act in the same ways as animals, namely primates, and while we do share
some behaviors and some amount of intelligence, I do not think that there are enough
commonalities to completely say that we are the same. Another theory of human
nature is the evolutionary psychological theory which states that we have inherent
behaviors that have been passed down through the generations since the inception of
humankind. I think that the theory of evolutionary psychology does have some
grounds because humans as a species have adapted and we are born with certain
knowledge and gut instincts about the world, but I do not think that this theory can
completely encapsulate human nature. I do not agree with the humanistic theory of
human nature because I do not believe that humans are born good, but instead mostly
neutral and that we engage in whatever practices or behaviors that we have decided
to engage
Proteomics Essay
4.2 Combination of proteomics and interactomics
The study of PPI is fundamental to define the molecular networks that contribute to
homeostasis of living organisms. Disruptions in protein interaction networks have
been shown to cause diseases in both human and animals. For instance, PPI
disturbances have been shown to be involved in cancer caused by p53 mutations [47],
neurodegenerative diseases resulting from protein aggregates accumulation [48], and
virus host interactions [49]. Therefore, the monitoring and study of PPIs can provide
innovative options for identifying diagnostic and therapeutic targets that have
potential for broader clinical applicability. Technological advances in genomics and
proteomics have spawned a large number of ... Show more content on
Shorter routes to the clinic are also possible because in vitro and in vivo screening,
chemical optimization, toxicology, bulk manufacturing, formulation development
and even early clinical development may have already been completed and can
therefore be bypassed. Collectively, these factors enable several years, and
substantial risks and costs, to be removed from the pathway to the market [51].
By submitting the hub bottleneck proteins identified through network analysis, we
identified potential drug repositioning candidates. Phosphoaminophosphonic acid
adenylate ester [52], is a small molecule, classified as a purine ribonucleotide that
targets HSP90AA1. It is currently experimental and has not been evaluated in clinical
trials, but is predicted to cross the blood brain barrier. It may be a promising
candidate for treating MPS VII for its anti oxidant effects. Quercetin, a small
molecule antioxidant targeting ATP5A1, and a naturally occurring molecule, is also
a promising candidate for antioxidant therapy. It is being evaluated in several clinical
trials, including trials evaluating its use for cancer prevention, cancer treatment, and
treatment of polyneuropathies. Rifabutin, which has been shown to also be able to
inhibit activation of inflammatory cells and has demonstrated ability to target
HSP90AA1, emerges as another potential drug candidate. Rifabutin is FDA approved
as an
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Essay On Unemployment In Pakistan. PDF A Study on Determinants of Unemployment in Pakistan

  • 1. Essay On Unemployment In Pakistan Writing an essay on the subject of unemployment in Pakistan can be a challenging task due to the complex and multifaceted nature of the issue. The topic requires a thorough understanding of economic principles, social dynamics, and political factors that contribute to unemployment in the country. It necessitates extensive research to gather accurate and up-to-date data on the current employment situation, government policies, and the impact of global economic trends on Pakistan's job market. Crafting a compelling essay also involves analyzing the root causes of unemployment, such as educational disparities, population growth, and insufficient infrastructure for job creation. Additionally, addressing potential solutions and policy recommendations requires a deep understanding of economic theories and their practical application in the context of Pakistan. Moreover, one must be careful to present a balanced perspective, acknowledging both the challenges and any positive initiatives taken by the government or other stakeholders to mitigate unemployment. The essay should be well-structured, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs that explore various aspects of the issue, and a conclusion that summarizes key points and offers insights for the future. Considering the sensitive nature of the topic, it's crucial to maintain objectivity and avoid oversimplification of the problem. Providing evidence and examples to support arguments is essential for a persuasive essay. In conclusion, writing an essay on unemployment in Pakistan requires not only a good command of language and writing skills but also a deep understanding of economic, social, and political factors affecting the employment landscape. It's a challenging endeavor that demands thorough research, critical analysis, and the ability to communicate complex ideas effectively. And remember, if you find yourself struggling with such essays or need assistance with academic writing, you can explore resources like for professional help. They offer services for various types of essays and academic assignments to make the writing process more manageable. Essay On Unemployment In Pakistan Essay On Unemployment In Pakistan
  • 2. Introduction To Chemistry, A Natural Science, And Social... The subjects for this study will be undergraduate students enrolled in either Introduction to Chemistry, a natural science, or General Psychology, a social science, at the University of Arkansas in Spring 2018. Students will enroll in courses based on their own academic preferences. These courses are both scheduled for 50 minute discussion sections that meet two days a week (TTh) from either 9:30 10:20 or 10:30 11: 20. All identifying features of the student (e.g. names or student ID number) will be replaced with random 7 digit ID numbers that the researchers will assign to each student on the first day of the course. The condition each identification number is in will not be revealed until the experiment has concluded and the data is... Show more content on ... Researchers will also be analyzing if the type of course, natural science or social science, will alter the note taking technique that has the highest scores. Type of course will also be a between subjects variable. Materials required will include in class assignments related to the lecture materials. Each in class assignment will consist of ten questions that are easy to answer if the student was attending to what the professor was saying. All students will require a laptop or paper notebook to take notes on. The classrooms necessary will be smaller rooms with a maximum of 40 seats per room. This small size is necessary so the research assistants can ensure each student is using the correct method. Additionally, one experimental condition will require the use of the app StayFocusd from Transfusion Media (2010) which allows its users to temporarily block access to user specified apps for a designated amount of time. This experiment will require the use of four research assistants. Two of these assistants will be placed in the classroom to ensure students are using the appropriate method. The remaining two research assistants will be in the lab processing and configuring the data for the results of the experiment. Different researchers will be used to compute the data than those who are in the classrooms to eliminate any chance of experimenter bias. Lastly, the professors will be designing and distributing the in class assignments. Procedure Students
  • 3. Bigfoot Existence Harmish Naik Henderson English 9 April 12, 2016 Bigfoot s Existence Does Bigfoot actually exist on this very planet of Earth? Yet, many people do not know if Bigfoot really exists or not. Bigfoot has been a real big mystery. The mystery has not been solved yet as of right now. Although people believe Bigfoot is not a real living thing, the sightings, research, places of origin and evidence left behind suggests that Bigfoot is a living thing on Earth. The evidence left behind from Bigfoot proves Bigfoot is a living thing on this very planet of Earth. Bones were found identifying the size of a very big creature. (Bigfoot Facts). The size of the bone identifies that there is a Bigfoot living in this world. Footprints in the forests indicate a creature that ... Show more content on ... It wasn t until 1958 that the Bigfoot legend really started to kick off in the United States. That year, a man named Gerald Crew found a set of large footprints at a construction site where he worked in California (Upton). Gerald Crew examined the large footprints and declared the footprints were from a very big species that could have been Bigfoot. In 1967, the Patterson Gimli film was captured. The film shows a tall, hairy Bigfoot walking through the forest (Upton). This real film of Bigfoot s existence grabbed the public s attention about this topic and the person captured real footage of the Bigfoot walking in the forest. The legend of Bigfoot existed long before the European men arrived in the New World. The Coastal Indians tribes of British Columbia and in particular the Kwakiutls had carved totem poles and face masks which clearly had references to a man beast (Shackley). Even a long time ago, many Indian tribes living in North America have maybe have seen or heard about Bigfoot being alive and living in the woods on North American soil. Also, the man beast face masks referenced Bigfoot s facial feautre of the
  • 4. Christmas And Religion Essay Intro to what Christmas is Religious and sacred holiday, December 25 Celebrated religiously and secularly Christians celebrate Christmas as the birth of christ Traditions vary from culture to culture, but is mainly exchange of gifts, decorating of tree, family dinners, and attending church Often called the Feast Day of Christ Jesus was not actually born on December 25th It is coincide with the pagan holidays the romans used to do, honored the Harvest God and Ancient God of Life Historical background of Christmas Romans before Jesus was born, celebrated many Holidays Before the arrival of christ, early europeans celebrated it as a celebration of light and birth in the darkest days of winter Looked forward to having more sunlight Therefore
  • 5. Black On Black Economics Case Study Black on Black Economics 101 Fifteen young, black businessmen entered the black owned Industrial Bank with the intent of opening accounts. The men were members of the Black Male Entrepreneurship Institute (BMEI), a partner of the U.S. Black Chambers Inc. (USBC). The move was a calculated effort to gain support for black on black economics. Ron Busby is CEO of the USBC. He said, In order for there to be a strong Black America, you must have strong Black businesses. In order for there to be strong Black businesses, we must have strong Black banks. So, from my standpoint, this is just a reciprocation for what Industrial Bank has done for our communities for the last 80 years. The President/CEO of the Industrial Bank, Doyle Mitchell, was... Show more content on ... He said that it impacted every area of his life. When it was time to buy a house, he found a black real estate agent, a black mortgage company, a black title company, a black home inspector, a black pest control company, a black moving company. Everybody that touched the transaction was a Black firm. The service was superior and the price was right. There s a trillion dollars of spending power in our community and we want to make sure that dollar stays within our community. Twenty eight days a dollar stays in the Asian community, twenty one days a dollar stays in the Hispanic community. In our community, our dollar leaves within six hours. We have got to change that...Until we have total control of how we circulate our money, our power and respect will continue to be marginalized, he declared. Busby is the leading voice supporting black banks and businesses in America today. He hopes that he can continue to inspire young black men and women to support the black community by investing in themselves and their communities.
  • 6. History Of Campaign Finance Reform Campaign finance reform is a movement in the United States to help change the involvement of money in American political campaigns (Boundless, 2015). Throughout the history of campaign finance reform, three main areas have consistently been the target of regulation: contributions, expenditures, and advertising. Over the years Congress has instituted limits on how much individuals or organizations may contribute to federal campaign committees and political groups, how much campaign committees may spend during the course of an election, and how much money might be used for advertising expenses during a campaign (Smith, 2010). To help limit contributions, expenditures, and advertising Congress has passed laws which are known as campaign finance... Show more content on ... The Tillman Act of 1907 prohibits money contributions to political campaigns by partnerships and national banks (Profile: Tillman Act, 2015). The Act was ignored by loopholes that the citizens and corporations found (Profile: Tillman Act, 2015). The Federal Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of 1910 expands on the Tillman Act of 1907 (Profile: Tillman Act, 2015). The FCPA expands on the Tillman Act by establishing limits on how much campaigns can spend on US House election campaigns (Profile: Tillman Act, 2015). The Act additionally requires knowledge of all monies spent and contributed during federal campaigns (Profile: Tillman Act,
  • 7. How Did Louis Armstrong Influence Jazz Louis Armstrong s influence in early Jazz Louis Armstrong is often referred to as the Father of Jazz (Yanow, 2016) Louis Armstrong was born on August 4th, 1901 in New Orleans, Louisiana in an impoverished neighborhood that was nicknamed the battlefield because the neighborhood was so poor (Yanow, 2016). When Louis was young, he shot a gun at his father s new year s eve party and where he was arrested. He was sent to a group home for boys called the Colored Waif s home for boys , he received music instruction there and that s where he found his love for music. Louis Armstrong s fluent style of improvisation, scatting and the depth to his music laid a foundation set a new standard for generations of Jazz artists after his time. Jazz was ... Show more content on ... Another one of the biggest reasons for his contribution to 20th century music was his ability to swing, when he first came onto the scene in the 1920s, he brought a complete conception of swing that changed the music (Cogswell, 2003). On Naughty Man (1924) is where he displayed his earliest use of swing. Much of the vocabulary that was used in the swing era came directly from Armstrong s concept of it, so much that artists changed their style of arranging like the artist Don Redman I changed my style of arranging after I heard Louis Armstrong (Cogswell, 2003). Louis created the foundation that is rooted swing
  • 8. Identifying Human Hair and Animal Fair by Laser Diffraction 1. Introduction: 1.1 Overview The ability to identify an animal by examining its fur is a useful one for taxonomists and biologists. The hair of prey is often not digested by a predator, and so can be found in the predators scat and measured to ascertain its diet (Anwar et al., 2011). An electron microscope can be used to obtain a lot of data from hair, including its width and the shape and texture of its surface, however electron microscopes are expensive and time consuming to operate (Sessions et al., 2009). Lasers are much cheaper and can be used to easily measure the width of narrow objects by measuring the interference pattern created when laser light is diffracted around the object. As a result, laser diffraction may be a more preferable method for identifying hairs based on their width. This experiment hopes to show that laser diffraction is an accurate enough method for obtaining the width of narrow objects, such as animal and human hairs, to allow comparison between them. 1.2 Wave interactions 1.2.1 Diffraction: Diffraction is a physical phenomenon that occurs when waves encounter an obstacle or gap between obstacles. Depending on the wavelength of the wave and the size of the obstacle or gap waves bend and spread out. Waves tend to diffract more around objects or gaps of a similar size to their wavelength. How a wave will diffract when it meets an object can be modelled using Huygen s construction. Huygen s construction is based on Huygen s principle of light
  • 9. Basketball Throw Bracket The way to construct a major league ball playoff bracket is described below. This will let you track the competition all the way to the end of the World Series, so you ll know how the World Champions won. The criteria for determining which teams make the MLB playoffs are complex. Unless you are an avid follower, it can very difficult to distinguish between wild cards, record holders and divisional winners. However, this guide explains the basics in the playoffs that go into the decision of major league baseballteam, and decides which teams advance. This is the way to construct a baseballdivision playoff bracket. Know the definition of a playoff bracket. The playoff bracket simply shows the teams that oppose each other in each round. Lots ... Show more content on ... Once you have got the two winners from the division series on the NL side, those two winning teams will have to play each other to get the league champions. In order to demonstrate this on your baseball bracket, sketch a different 3 sided cube. Sketch a line from the center of the division games boxes, and put the winning team on that line. Each winning team should be joined together by using a vertical line. Do this for the AL and the NL teams in the bracket. Display the World Series champs. Once both leagues have played, there will be one winner on each side. At this point both sides in your baseball playoff bracket will meet in the page s center. Divide each league championship game in half by drawing a line through the center of that game and enter the winning team on this line. There will be 2 teams written next to each other. The reason is that one team is in the National League while the other is in the American League. You don t need a box now, just the line. Champion of the World Series. The winner of your MLB playoff bracket will be determined at the conclusion of the World Series. Underline the rival World Series competitor team s names, by themselves. Jot down the victorious ballteam s name on this line, writing champion beneath
  • 10. Descriptive Essay On My First Dog My First Dog Kiki I remember like it was yesterday, but it was really three years ago. That was one of the best days of my life when I got my first dog Kiki. I was so happy a felt like I was going to explode with happiness.Kiki was half shih shu and half yorkie, but she was more shih shu then she was yorkie. She had multiple color fur of wight, brown and black, but she was mostly white with brown and black spots. She was a tiny little puppywhen we got her and I love her so much. We didn t just get Kiki I had to earn her. I begged my dad since I was five years old and finally when I was nine years old he said I can have a dog, if I could learn the thirteen articles of faith. My dad thought I would never learn all of the thirteen articles of faith tell I was twelve and by then I would forget all about it his promise, but he was wrong and I got it all memorized all of it in a month and remembered his promise and he had to get my a dog. Then just a little will after that we started looking for the perfect little puppy. My mom said it will have to be a indoor dog because we didn t have a fenced in yard, and if it was going to stay in the house it would have to be small dog and it could not shed in the house. My mom said KSL would be the best way to go because there were many people that tried to get rid of puppies there. We looked for many days but we could not find a dog that was perfect for are family. Then I saw it the cutest little
  • 11. Lieutenant General Saint And His Command Sergeants In early 1986, Lieutenant General Saint and his Command Sergeants Major, Command Sergeants Major Horvath, identified the need to establish an elite organization to recognize stellar Non Commissioned Officers. These Non Commissioned Officers are those who have demonstrated excellence in performance and leadershipabilities that resemble those of other influential NCO s. A special group that needed a figure head that all members could emulate and strive to act in accordance with. This figure head could be none other than Sergeant Audie Murphy. The Sergeant Audie Murphy Club originated at Fort Hood, Texas by a group of dedicated officers, enlisted, and civilians; the most notable of which were the two aforementioned leaders, their awards ... Show more content on ... The support of the club has given back to all areas of influence including schools, cemeteries, businesses, and programs such as the Warrior Outreach. The club has been involved with many outstanding events such as feeding the homeless; providing gifts for under privileged kids; partnering with local schools to help establish a positive foundation for the youth through interaction; clearing and cleaning overgrown cemeteries with the preservation society; and assisting with the restoration of homes belonging to citizens in the area. One of the most interesting things that the club does that should never go unnoticed is empowering and providing great leaders with an outlet to be able to do these amazing things. Individuals will struggle to find a way to make a difference in the community, but when like minded individuals come together the opportunities seem to present themselves in abundance. This is why I want to become a member of the SAMC. To be able to give back to the community that has given so much for its veterans. To be able to surround myself with motivated, dedicated, and intellectual leaders would allow my passions and desires to be fulfilled. I earned the Meritorious Outstanding Volunteer Medal by putting the welfare and needs of others before my own, both in country and abroad. Being a part of these
  • 12. Oprah Winfrey is a Hero What do you think of when you think of a hero? According to the Oxford dictionary, a hero is a person who is admired for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Heroes are especially popular in Greek myths and legends. Most showed generous behavior, even if it was not obvious until the lesson was learned. Oprah Winfreyis one of the most generous people of our time. I believe Oprah Winfrey is a hero because she uses her past experiences to inform, support, and help others, uses her money, fame, and time to help people, and shows incredible emotional and spiritual strength. Oprah Gail Winfrey grew up in a small farming community. A nineteen year old male cousin raped her when she was nine. She was molested by a family friend and an uncle until she was fourteen. She became pregnant and gave birth to a baby that died soon after. She then went to live with her father. She blamed herself for these incidents and it took her many years to realize it was not her fault. Winfrey told her history of sexual abuse on air when one of her guests told her story. Later, eight hundred viewers called in with their stories and to receive referrals to counseling. Oprah had even decided to commit suicide in September 1981. She later felt that she was not really serious about taking her life, but she had even written a note to her friend, Gayle King Bumpus. Her passion and commitment on the issue of sexual abuse came from her own childhood experience, but she had not allowed her
  • 13. Remember The Titans Racism Analysis В¬******DRAFT****** To What Extent Did the Titans Success Eliminate Racism in The Community? Discuss. Remember the Titans, directed by Boaz Yakin, is a movie set in the early 1970 s that focuses on the ways in which a particular school, where black and white students are forced to integrate, reduces racism in the community. This reduction in racism is mainly the result of the success of the School s football team, the Titans. Yakin uses numerous film techniques throughout the film such as lighting, camera shots, camera angles and audio to portray different emotions and feelings to people in the audience. The racism in the team, community and neighbourhood changes throughout the movie. In this discussion, This Essay will be talking about ... Show more content on ... A few examples of this are scattered throughout the film such as Coach Boone s neighbourhood, at the start of the movie the neighbours are looking at him and his family through their windows which is symbolism for the barrier between both races. The lighting inside the house and on the people watching is low key to show that they are not happy about Coach Boone s family moving into the house across the road. In the same scene a technique used is mise en scene, an object in the scene is a toy koala, this shows that the family is not hostile. In a later scene, after the Titans win the regional championship game, Coach Boon arrives home to find everyone in the houses around him chanting and applauding him from outside their doors and windows. This shows that the barriers between the two races are no longer there. The technique used in this clip is a long shot to show the positive relationship between the neighbours and Coach Boone. The racism in the neighbourhood has been eliminated by the success of the Titans as the neighbours are no longer racist. Near the end of the film the community begins to respect people of a different race, something the Titans had already accomplished. The community adapts to the new population and racism in the community appears to be lowered. An example of racism being eliminated in the community is when some of the Titans are kicked
  • 14. How Does Steinbeck Use Foreshadowing In Of Mice And Men Literature is difficult for some and effortless for others, but there is a type of literature that is commonly used by many people and most use it without knowing. It is called allusion which is the reference to another person or item. John Steinbeck uses allusion to foreshadow what will happen in his book Of Mice and Men. In the book Of Mice and Men the two main characters are George, a smart and short man and Lennie, a strong but dumb man who both lived during the Great Depression. They are migrant workers that get in trouble a lot of times and run from town to town trying to find work, until they stumble upon a ranch that they can work on. During their stay and the ranch foreshadowing suggests what would happen next, but the book still had many twist that foreshadowing did not suggest. In Of Mice and Men Steinbeck uses foreshadowing in various ways to suggest that George and Lennie s plan would go askew, that Curley s wife would die, that George and Lennie would lose of the farm dream, and how Lennie would die.... Show more content on ... Steinbeck did this when he put the word mice in the title of the book. Steinbeck used allusion of the poem To a Mouseby Robert Burns . In the poem To a Mouse the mouse in the poem has plans to survive the winter but the mouse s small house in ruin! It s feeble walls the are scattering... And bleak December s winds coming . (Doc A). The mouse s plan to live in it s house for the winter go askew. The poem further more states that The best laid schemes of mice and men, go often askew. This suggests that both the plans of men and mice would go askew. Since Steinbeck chose the word mouse or mice in the title of is novel Of Mice and Men, what should we be able to foreshadow about the plans of the men or women in the
  • 15. Anxiety And Panic Disorders Anxiety can have such distress that it hinders with the power to lead a normal life. If anxiety causes worry and fear are constant and overwhelming, and can be disabling. A Panic disorder is a condition that one s has a feeling of terror that comes suddenly and again and again with no warning. Other symptoms of a panic attack include sweating, chest pain, shivers and it is an unusually strong or irregular pulse. It can seem like you are having a heart attack or going crazy. Although, a panic disordercan be frightening but normally it does not hurt others. However, panic disorder should be treated by a physician it the panic attack continues. There are some minor treatments that help an individual that is dealing with a panic disorder.
  • 16. Planetary Nebulae Clouds Nebula or the plural nebulae is derived from the Latin word for cloud(s), and is a term traditionally used by astronomers to describe the vast gaseous structures which exist throughout the universe. Nebulae now have been divided into five major categories due to their reflective and observational characteristics, these being emission nebulae, reflection nebulae, dark nebulae, supernova remnants and planetary nebulae. In fact, the term planetary nebula is a misnomer as they have nothing to do with planets or planetary systems as the name was derived by eighteenth century astronomers, William Herschel et al, who due to the restrictions of observational technology available at that time i.e. small telescopes first thought they either looked like the gas giant planets of our solar system or stars forming new planetary systems. Planetary nebulae are often given the connotation PN or PNe for the plural by astronomers and exhibit the final stage of a star s life whose initial size is approximately between 1 and 8 solar masses, where the unused gases and elements left from nuclear fusion are blown away from the remaining core producing a luminous colourful halo around it. These phenomena can be very short lived in astronomical terms, possibly just tens of thousands of years. To reach this final stage of existence all stars go through the same accepted pattern of evolution, except in the case for large mass stars who have much shorter lives due to burning their hydrogen fuel
  • 17. Goffman Total Institution Running Head: ERVIN GOFFMAN Goffman s Theory Elaine Tyler SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology Instructor: Jeremy Baker July 8, 2013 ERVIN GOFFMAN Goffman s Theory on Total Institutions We interact with a variety of people on a regular basis who influence our behavior but who are not family or friends. Many of these people we encounter because of their roles within particular social institutions with which we interact. They are part of our secondary group members; their opinions and behaviors shape us. Sometimes people live, work, eat, sleep and socialize in a single unit where their lives are largely controlled by those in charge; the organization controls the totality of one s life. (Goffman, 1961) Examples of them ... Show more content on ... A tech bangs on your door just as you have started to drift off into a sweet sleep again and informs you that you must be up for breakfast in thirty minutes. 7:15 am: You drag your exhausted body out of bed and grab a cup of the weakest, wateriest coffee you have ever ingested from the nurses station. You line up against the wall and prepare to be paraded down to the cafeteria. 8:30 am: Community group. You discuss at length the rules and regulations of the hospital (only use the phone for 10 minutes at a time, bath buckets are under no circumstances to be kept in your room, no towels or food in your rooms, no physical contact with other patients.) Most people are there for depression, some for anxiety, many for suicide attempts. One or two are there for insomnia, a few for manic episodes and one boy about your age is there for homicidal ideation. You yourself are there for a suicide attempt (flashback to overdosing on 3000 milligrams of Seroquel, sleeping for 36 hours and then slitting your wrists, slicing each artery, spewing blood all over the walls of your college dormitory.) 9:47 am: Code one! A 90 pound schizophrenic girl screams and punches the walls (she hears voices and sees monsters that aren t there) and a code team is called to sedate and restrain her. Incidents like this are uncommon on your unit but not unheard of. They take her away, kicking and screaming. 10:00 am: You and
  • 18. Courtesy Of The Red White And Blue Analysis In the history of the world, there has been music on the home front to depict the feelings that are going on at this time. The music on the home front can be inspirational, disheartening, supportive or even in contradiction of the events. Looking at the music that is going on during a conflict can help understand the feeling of the writer and even the whole nation. Looking at the two songs 99 Red Balloons by Nena and Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue by Toby Keith, one can see that there are many similarities and differences about these two songs, but they both show the different emotions that are happening at the time of their conflict. On the morning of August 13, 1961, Berlinwas woken by the sound of machinery and soviet troops marching around the city of Berlin. On this morning the freedom to pass from east to west Berlinwas ended and the tension grew between the Soviet east side of Berlin and the Allied west side (Berlin Is Divided). When the wall was built, the tension of the two sides grew and the thought of another war was on everyone s mind. As said by The Berlin Wall was one... Show more content on ... The country was outraged by the attacks and president Bush started military actions immediately. The song is about people who serve in the military and their families. One of the most memorable lines from the song is you ll be sorry that you messed with the US of A,...cause we ll put a boot in your ass, it s the American way . This verse is definitely talking about al Qaeda and the revenge that was soon to happen. In the music video, they show Toby Keith playing this song live in front of the troops and when he sang that verse you can hear the cheers and excitement in the audience. This is a patriotic song that can bring the country and troops together during the war and even though it is a country song it gives the listener an upbeat patriotic
  • 19. Description Of My Favorite Places To Go As A Child One of my favorite places to go as a child was in the reservoir with my family. We would start packing a few days before we left, first my brother s and I would go to school on a Friday afterward we would go camping. Every time I would hurry home because I was ready to go camping. When I was little I felt that my familyand I went camping every day even though it wasn t. I have many memories of camping. I love to go camping because you can smell the lake, or you can start a fire which smells amazing. Waking up in the morning unzipping the tentand getting out to be able to see the forests are wonderful. Sometimes my brother and I will sit in the woods watch boats and jet skis go by. While you are falling asleep, you hear animals such as coyotes or if someone had dogs you will hear them. When I wake up in the morning to the birds chirping is amazing. Waking up in the morning when my mom was in the middle of cooking potatoes, eggs, and sausage for breakfast you could smell it, it was the best smell to wake up to. She would make hot cocoa which made it ten times better. Some days my family and I would go fishing in the daytime, every day at night we would go fishing till 3:00 sometimes earlier. If my brother and I were bored we would go into a forest and play a game such as hide and go seek, or tag. I know I few times my brother and I would build forts out of trees and sticks. Once we went camping while it was raining, therefore, we put this canopy up and we played board games
  • 20. The Birth Of A Newborn Child To see the birth of a newborn child is breathless. However, assisting on the soon to be a new mom through the birth of her newborn child is satisfaction. As stated in Labor and Delivery Nursing Women really appreciate what we do for them during the birth of their children. They remember us. I ve had people come up to me years later in the grocery store or at community events and say. You were my labor nurse. Thank you (Nursing) The appreciation is received and able to see the creation of a family. Labor and delivery nurse represent my dream and interest. Furthermore, currently working as an OB/GYN licensed practical nurse at a doctor s office has given me the interest of furthering my career and becoming a labor and delivery nurse. . Being a labor and delivery nurse requires to be open minded, assertive, and most of all a strong connector. Being a labor and delivery nurse calls for an open mind that every individual has a different story on how they become a mother. Whether it is a teen mother on the bed crying for help because she is in so much pain or the mother getting ready to deliver and having to give her baby for adoption. You have to care for every individual for whatever the circumstance is or becomes and show empathy to all. Working with a doctor setting as an obstetric nurse has assisted me to the road of an open once I become a labor and delivery nurse. Such is when a twelve year old girl came to the doctor office to start her prenatal care with her
  • 21. To Kill A Mockingbird Quotes Integration Quote Integration Using quotes from the text is an important way to support your ideas. In most papers, I would expect at least 3 4 really strong quotations used to prove your topic. The important word in the last sentence is prove. You do NOT use quotations to establish facts from the story. You use quotations to PROVE something. For example I don t need a quotation from the book to tell me that Tom Robinson is found guilty. I have read To Kill a Mockingbird and I know that he is found guilty. Be sure you are using quotations not to pad your paper, but to strengthen it. There are a few different ways to integrate quotations from the text into your writing. Without them, it simply looks like you are just talking off... Show more content on ... Colons are used when the sentence is already complete (you could end it with a period); a colon indicates that what comes after the colon is directly connected to what preceded it. Here is an example: Scout is constantly complaining about being left behind by Jem and Dill. She expresses her feelings to Jem as he and Dill are sneaking out to see Boo Radley: You never let me go anywhere. If you don t let me go this time I m gonna tell Atticus on the both of you. She says this to Jem intending to get him to bring her along. Notice in the previous example that the sentence with the colon is actually a complete sentence (the colon could be replaced by a period), but putting the colon there indicates that the quote connects to what was said before the colon (in this case, Scout expressing herself). MORE ON THE BACK If you have a quote from a text that is going to take up more than four lines, or if you are quoting multiple lines of dialogue from a text, set the text off by indenting it and NOT using quotation marks (it should remain double spaced). Scout is constantly complaining about being left behind by Jem and Dill. She expresses her feelings as Jem and Dill are sneaking out to see Boo Radley: Jem had never snuck out for anything before and I was worried. I was also very upset that he wouldn t take me along with him. It is one thing to be left behind during all of the other adventures, but this was a
  • 22. IAS 18 Revenue Recognition Introduction This assignment features the recognition and measurement of revenue depending on the source of revenue in accordance with the provisions of International Accounting Standards (IAS) 18 Revenue. I researched the topic and defined the special purposes of the assignment: first of all, it is important to know the main concepts of IAS 18, also to learn the rules by using this particular regulatory framework, and to get knowledge about writing the report at all. The Report To: Managing Director From: Student A Regarding: IAS 18 Date: 3/11/2011 Introduction to the Report The Conference on International Accounting Standard (IAS) 18 Revenue was ... Show more content on ... Rendering of services When the outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services can be reliably estimated, revenue from the sale of services is based on the level of completion of the transaction at the balance sheet date. The outcome of a transaction can be measured reliably when: * The amount of the transaction can be reliably assessed; * There will be probability to get economic benefits for the enterprise as a result of this operation; * Level of completion of the transaction at the balance sheet date can be assessed; * Costs that should be suffered relating to a transaction can be measured reliably. Revenue from the provision of goods and all services is only recognized when the amounts to be recognized are fixed or determinable, and collectability is reasonably assured (Elliot B., Elliot J., 2007) Interest, royalties and dividends IAS 18 considers the accounting procedure of potential components of revenue organization primarily from transactions involving the sale of goods, rendering of services, as well as through other organizations or individuals property of the reporting organization, giving interest, dividends or royalties. If the probability of the economic
  • 23. The Physical And Emotional Development outdoor play area is also paramount to augment the indoor area. The physical and emotional development is no less important as cognitive development. Children enjoy playing outside; therefore, confining a child to a hospital bed for the duration of his or her recovery would stifle the recovery progress and make a traumatic experience an emotional nightmare. A child that is surrounded by medical equipment in his or her hospital room may develop anxiety and fear that can slow recovery (Arkansas Children s Hospital, 2016). It must be conveyed to the stakeholders that a natural playareamay improve the recovery time of a child suffering from injuries. Children involved in serious injuries may have a sibling that visits him or her in the hospital. The hospital may be just as frightening for the sibling as it is for the injured child. A hospital that has a common outdoor playarea could alleviate the emotional stress for the siblings visiting loved ones in the hospital. In fact, stress can be a definitive barrier to wellness and recuperating (Feldman, 2016). A hospital that has an outdoor play area could use this area for young siblings to meet, instead of in a room full of medical equipment. An outside play area for a hospital would have to be planned meticulously for safety concerns. It should not be open to the general public and should only be accessed through the hospital. The play area, weather covered or not, would be sensitive to bad weather and daylight hours;
  • 24. Problems Of Using Big Data Help Us Understand What... What are the problems in using big data to help us understand what customers want? Introduction Big data, defined as a popular term used to describe the exponential growth and availability of data (What is Big Data? , n. d. ), has attracted considerable interest in many fields as it promises to offer a level of analytic detail that has not been reached so far. Whilst it is often promoted as the solution to many marketing problems, it has some significant disadvantages. Cost, personnel, problems relating to the interpretation of the data and difficulties deciding how to apply the new knowledge to existing products and product design are all important problems. Situation There is a line chart above from Google Trends which ... Show more content on ... Velocity. Massive data should be dealt with in time otherwise the quality of data will lose. Probably, Big Data can be the future of marketing. However, there are some problems in using Big Data because of these characteristics. If we don t know how to address problems, the investment will be wasted but enterprises still search around in the haystack for the needle. Therefore, I will illustrate the problems and find out some solutions for Big Data. Problems Firstly, the main problem is deciding which data should be selected. The data, explaining customers desire and need, is important to be collected while most of the businesses are confusing what data they should concentrate on. A recent Gartner report (2014) stresses that 64% of firms raced to plan or launch a Big Data project, though they didn t have enough professional knowledge yet. To understand what customers need through Big Data possibly turns into the core of companies target. The large data volumes and different varieties of data lead to complexity. Secondly, the result predicted by Big Data probably isn t true at last. (MARCUS, DAVIS. 2014).This phenomenon doesn t happen by accident in many companies. Take Google Flu Trends as an example, they predicted that the Disease Control and Protection Center wasn t able to control the flu spread quickly and effectively as time went on. Later, this conclusion was proved wrong. Hence, it means that future prediction contains inconsistencies
  • 25. The Sun Is A Star The Sun is a star that is located at the centre of our solar system composed primarily of hydrogen and helium with smaller quantities of oxygen, carbon, neon, and iron. The sun keeps our planets in orbit due to its large gravitational forces and provides our planet with heat. There are many different ways in which stars can be classified, and The Sunis listed as a G type Main Sequence starand is also known as a yellow dwarf. It is currently in a phase called the main sequence in which 4 hydrogen atoms are fused together to form 1 helium atom as well as energy (4.3x10 12 joules worth). Our sun is approximately half way through its main sequence phase, and in approximately 5 billion years it will enter it s post main sequence. Once all of the hydrogen in the core of the sun is depleted, the sun begins its post main sequence by ascending the red giant branch, starting with a phenomenon known as shell burning. Once the hydrogen core is depleted, outward radiation pressure stops and inward gravitational attraction causes the helium core to contract, converting gravitational potential energy into thermal energy (http:/ / /stellarevolution_postmain.html). This thermal energy causes an increase in temperature which heats up the hydrogen shell surrounding its core, and once a certain temperature is reached, hydrogen fusion occurs which produces more energy than when it was on the main sequence. Due to this increase in
  • 26. Compare And Contrast Nova Scotia And Acadians The Acadians lived in Nova Scotia, part of the French dominion in North America. However, France was not as interested on the territory where the Acadians lives, as they were in the mainland territory of New France (present day Quebec). On the other hand, from an early date the British showed interest on the territory where the Acadians were located. The territory of Nova Scotiais located in a strategic geographic locations that is the entrance to New France. The British attempted, unsuccessfully, three times to capture Acadia. However, on their fourth attempt they were able to capture the territory. In The Treaty of Utrecht of 1713, the French succeeded Acadia to the British. For the most part, the Acadians were allowed to continue with their
  • 27. Alibaba Article 2 Draft 1 Can the Dragon be tamed by ethics? : Alibaba listing on NYSE Alibaba also known as the behemoth of Chinese internet and for some the Chinese Amazon has been in news these days for all good reasons. The e commerce giant has introduced its IPO in NYSE with an offer price of $68.00 per share. The prices increased initially by 30% on the first day of trading taking the market value of the company to $230 billion. Based on the offering price the stocks of Alibaba sold at about 25 times higher than the estimated 2015 underwriter projection. After the first day s raise the company will have to put its focus on the year on year growth. To meet the expectation of investors and analysts the company need to increase revenue by... Show more content on ... CEO and Director Jack Ma hold the maximum shares of this vehicle, however it is believed that a conflict may occur due to his dual role in the company. One of the major challenge that can affect the prospect shareholder decision is that the shareholders will buy the share in US but will have to coordinate with the authorities in China. Which means taxes will apply on dividends or benefits if the company is deemed as resident enterprise in China. Some of the other challenges like government s strict control over Chinese Internet infrastructure, regulatory challenges on Alipay, anti monopoly law in China and Chinese economic slowdown. These challenges can impact the decision making of the shareholders who are willing to put their money in Alibaba. Even after many challenges the company had a good opening at the IPO launch. A huge amount of expectation now lies on the company to fulfil, keeping in mind the challenges that might spoil the game. And if we look at the financial track records of the company look positive. Being a seasoned player where it has in large part built the status quo for online retailing in China and has been benefiting largely from the market. The change that can impact the company s performance might be a sudden technology change or change in the way Chinese customer uses online shopping. With government support and lower tax slabs
  • 28. How Micro Transactions Can Use For Play And Paid Games Are... Micro transactions Background The use of micro transactions in free to play and paid games are the norm nowadays. The different types of micro transactions in games can range from simple color changes, buffs, buying items, and account transfers. The concept behind micro transactions is to let the consumer choose what they want, and it lets the developer earn extra money on the side. The problem with using micro transaction in games is that the developers will stop making good games, and instead make games revolve around the necessity of using micro transactions (Rybicki, 2006). Revenue The amount of money a free to play game earns will shock most people. According to SuperData, a marketing intelligence firm, Riot Games in 2013 earned $624 million from League of Legends (Jarvey, 2014). League of Legends is a free to play game that has micro transaction. The appeal of generating money through micro transactions in gaming are stronger than ever with profits reported by the likes of Riot Games. The following chart shows the top ten online free to play game revenues for 2013. Figure 1: Top 10 Online Games, Based on Free to Play (Tassi, 2014) Price of gaming History The age of playing on the video game console was thought to end in recent years, but strong need for console gaming is still in demand. The Sony Playstation 4 has sold over 20 million, while Microsoft and Nintendo have sold half that amount. Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo are projected to earn over $15
  • 29. New High School Graduation Requirements Introduction In 2007 the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) adopted new high school graduation requirements. In addition to completing the state s credit requirements and demonstrating proficiency on state standardized assessments, students must meet three personalized learning requirements (PLRs): 1) completion of an education plan and profile; 2) participation in career related learning experiences; and 3) extended application of personalized learning knowledge and skills in activities relevant to postsecondary and career goals. This process is intended to begin in grade 7 and continue through a student s senior year. See appendix A for more details on Oregon s requirements. ODE and the Oregon Education Investment Board (OEIB) view the PLRs as critical to Oregon students postsecondary readiness and success. The two agencies are partnering with REL Northwest and the Oregon College and Career Readiness Research Alliance (OR CCR) to develop recommendations for increasing and improving PLR implementation at public schools across the state. This report provides a review of research on personalized learning and promising practices occurring across the country. In this brief, we use personalized learning to refer to the entire process of completing PLRs. The process is often documented in and/or referred to as a personalized learning plan and includes participation in a variety of learning activities and experiences. This brief is intended for policymakers and
  • 30. Excellence Starts with Governance Excellence Starts with Governance The IT control environment is shaped by top management attitudes, abilities, awareness, and actions and includes integrity, ethical values, philosophy, and operating style (Robinson, 2005). Corporate governance and IT governance are both important for enterprise risk management (ERM). IT governance enables regulatory and legal compliance, operational excellence, and optimal risk management. With corporate governance and IT governance working together, the business objectives, transparency, internal control, and accountability meet the business objectives in an effective manner and stay compliant with regulations that govern the business industry. The Sarbanes Oxley Act mandates transparency, clear accountability, and rigorous internal control, which requires corporate governance and IT governance to work together. Top executives are held accountable under the Sarbanes Oxley Act for internal controls and transparency of the organizations. Without corporate governance and IT governance working together, the organization would not be in compliance with this regulation. IT governance defines the IT structure, measures, and monitoring framework and should include business value created and delivered in a cost effective and efficient manner, risks identified and controlled, and assurance of effective oversight. The organization s missions and strategic directions must meet business needs for IT solutions, which requires corporate
  • 31. Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl Harriet Jacobs work, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl is a powerful piece. In the slave narrative, she is battling to become a freed person which makes it didactic because Jacobs wants slavery to end. There is elements of gothic writings because it was something that truly happens. Slavery was a challenging and uncomfortable life for the slaves such as Jacobs. Her mistress watched over her when she was sleeping trying to provoke Jacobs into accuse herself of attempting to seduce the mistress s husband. Slave narratives have gothic elements to it because Jacobs was fearful of her life and her mistress watched over her when Jacobs was variable from being asleep. Jacobs describes how she was in her grandmother s attic for seven years and
  • 32. Dreams And Its Effects On Our Lives Dreams are one hell of a thing, while we rest our brains are all over the place with thoughts and ideas that we would never dare express with anyone. Everything we think about could be recycled into our dreams. Dreams in a way are rather magical; it is everything we want played in a short film for our entertainment while our body recovers from the day. The braincan be funny sometimes and pull pranks on you with nightmares to keep you on your toes. Dreams sometimes make us dwell on things that happened throughout the day. People claim that you can control your dreams by doing a variety of little things before you fall asleep what people are trying to achieve is called lucid dreaming. People believe that dreams are foreshadowing an event that will occur in the near future this is referred commonly to DГ©jГ vu. Do not worry we will go over everything much more extensively. I will cover the pros and cons of each topic. You are walking through the safari jungle and out of nowhere an alien that goes by Ronaldo lands in front of you and is telling you to hop into his intergalactic spaceship and flight co pilot with your math teacher from 3rd grade, so you obviously hop in and fly off into the distant sky... Just before things are about to get interesting, your alarm/parents will like always ruin it and wakes you up. At this point, you are too upset that you have to go to school that the memory of that kick ass dream was just whisked away and to never be fully remembered despite your
  • 33. Civil War Weaponry Ketchum Grenades In August of 1861, William F. Ketchum patented the Ketchum Hand Grenade. Shortly after, in the years of 1863 and 1864, the grenade was implemented in the American Civil War. With a lemon shaped piece of iron and a tail made of paper or cardboard, the handheld explosive greatly resembled a dart. On the front of the grenade s body was a plunger, which held a percussion cap filled with explosive material.When the the grenade fell onto its nose and applied pressure to the plunger, an explosion was triggered, only to be met by more gunpowder inside. Although the resulting explosion caused a great deal of mayhem and shrapnel, it was not very reliable because its detonation depended on the grenade falling directly onto its nose. Because of its temperamental behavior, the grenade got a reputation for not being very accurate. During its use by the Union army, the weapon was still in its earliest stages. Although the Confederate army did not adopt this specific weapon, they had similar ideas such as the Raines grenade, which was similar in appearance, but completely inadequate for battle. Instead of cardboard fins for a stable flight, the Raines grenade had a cloth streamer. Ketchums were used in several important battles such as the battle of Vicksburg and the siege of Petersburg. Union soldiers threw the grenades at the Confederate troops and stood back for the explosion. They were faced with an unpleasant surprise when the Confederates found a way to avoid any
  • 34. Connotations of Marriage and Social Morals in Alexander... Connotations of marriage and social mores in Alexander s Pope poem The Rape of the Lock In the early eighteenth century England witnessed the peak of the tumultuous changes that is presently known as the Age of Enlightenment. Trapped deep within the chaotic changes of politics, religion, art and social mores, Alexander Pope proved a master at exploiting these changes circumstances in order to become an admired poet. (page 558, Wilson) Visible affected by the superficiality of the humankind, Alexander Pope made fun of the real life situations, and commented on the vanity and trivialness of high society during his time. According to Butt John, Pope suggests that society has no concept of priority, in that they treat the ... Show more content on ... Although Pope wrote The Rape of the Lock with the aim to reconcile the two families, he does not hesitate to stress the idea that people should not focus on trivial things and they rather should contemplate to the important matters. To convey its message Pope intentionally used the heroic epic ton which itself takes a trivial incident too seriously, and uses disproportionately impressive language to describe a pathetic subject. But since, alas! frail beauty must decay, Curled or uncurled, since locks will turn to grey, Since painted or unpainted, all shall fade, And she who scorns a man must die a maid; What then remains, but well our pow r to use, And keep good humor still whate er we lose? And trust me, dear! good humor can prevail, When airs, and flights, and screams, and scolding fail. (V. 25 32, Pope) The poem reveals the superficiality and immorality of mankind making judgements in favor of appearances rather that morality. Belinda s idea of honour is seen to mean little more than reputation . The sexual truth is finally admitted when Belinda wishes the Baron had been content to seize/ Hairs less in sight, or any hairs but these (IV.175 76, Pope). This sort of innuendo was remarkably popular, reflecting no doubt of a powerful taboo.
  • 35. Health and Wellness In The Workplace Essay Health and Wellness Health and wellness in the work place is a vital part to a company s success. Employees who are healthier and more productive are less likely to call out from sickness. There are not many companies that have affordable health care coverage for employees. More companies should make healthcare affordable for their employees and their family. Research has been done on how effective healthand wellness programs can be in the workplace. Throughout the reading these points will be discussed. The effectiveness of health and wellness in the workplace will also be spoken of. Health and wellness activities in the workplace will be a positive move for companies and employees. Companies have started to focus more on the... Show more content on ... In the vending machines all sorts of dried nuts and fruits can be found. For those employees who would like to lose weight, the company offers to pay the membership fee for the gym. With these type of helpful gestures employees will certainly stay healthy. Companies are expected to spend an estimated $7,720 per employee this estimate is up from the $7,211 a few years ago according to NBGH. With health care costs expected to continue to rise and cash strapped employees less able to shoulder more premium increases, employers face a dilemma. (Marshall P.53) Wellness in the workplace needs to be taken seriously by all employers, and employees. There has been evidence that making sure employees eat healthier leads to lower call out rates and more savings on health plans. In an article in Employee Benefits magazine it states that Wellness management does not need to be complicated, or costly. A few simple steps could help to mitigate long term problems, such as introducing early intervention activities that red flag cases identified via an absence reporting mechanism, the proactive management of musculo skeletal conditions and stress, introducing a smoking cessation program or running regular health wellbeing days. Workplace wellness as a concept has been used extensively in recent years by management in business and industry, health professionals, fitness experts, and others. This is a policy that should be implanted in all jobs. Wellness may not
  • 36. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Internet Marketing 1.1 Web Marketing Web Marketing is also known as Internet Marketing, Online Marketing or E Marketing. Web Marketing is the process of advertising which is generally done though online to evolve in front of customers. Internet world has brought new competition among organization which leads them to meet increasing competition, expanding market and rising customer expectation on web. To deal with the competition and to maintain long term relationship with the online customers companies must adopt and practice web marketing with the help of different strategies of Internet marketing. Marketing is done to acquire a large number of customers at one time with the help of advertising strategies and it is important no matter whether companies are ... Show more content on ... Also it offers better returns than in other media along with the huge database through which advertiser could easily maintain Electronic Relationship Management with the Consumer (ECRM) and other side consumer also get whole detail about the products and services from their own convenience place and get the product delver at their doorstep which also helps them to reduce transportation cost, hassle free services, easily availability, different options available etc to the
  • 37. Three Types Of Cost When Quality Considerations Are Made TO: John Smith, Supervisor FROM: SUBJECT: Three types of cost when quality considerations are made Given the highly competitive nature of today s markets we as a company must provide high quality products to survive. Quality itself has become a major competitive factor and in many ways is a contributing factor in success or failure. The intent of this memo is to identify, explain and evaluate the three types of cost associated with quality. The three types of cost of quality are Prevention costs, Appraisal costs and Failure cost (Both internal and External) (Stevenson, 2009 pg. 421) The first type of cost is Prevention costs. Prevention refers to all costs associated with preventing the failure or non conforming product or service ... Show more content on ... However, if the cost of perfection is so expensive that the company cannot be profitable, it is not realistic to spend too much on a zero defect mindset. Instead the company must first identify what an acceptable percentage of defects is and where the defect could have been prevented. Then the company can further quantify which cost of quality is presenting the greatest risk and put procedures and policies in place in an attempt to minimize defects. Since prevention costs many times are considered the least expensive and can have the biggest affect on non conforming products most companies will focus its initial and largest efforts into prevention. The next initiative would be appraisal and last would be identifying
  • 38. Negotiations In 12 Angry Men Mahmoud Abdallah Instructor: Dr. Wael Zaraket Negotiation Conflict resolution April 21, 2017 12 Angry Men illustrates how successful negotiations necessitates careful observation and analysis of different, conflicting arguments presented by the various parties involved, such that emotions and positions are effectively separated from the more deeply entrenched and often concealed interests. These actions were performed by Juror 8, who proceeded to question the other jurors motivations behind their assertion of a guilty verdict (position). This movie illustrates how specific positions were of little significance in determining the ... Show more content on ... Eventually, the audience and jurors do not know if the boy truly committed the murder or not (only reasonable doubt was established, based on the testimonial evidence presented); the boy s true innocence or guilt had no bearing on the jury s final agreement; the agreement was derived by systemically questioning and addressing the assumptions and motivations (interests) backing the jurors decisions. While all twelve jurors essentially desired justice to be served (according to their personal definitions and interpretations) in the case, which is all parties fundamental interest, Juror 8 adopted a different position from the other jurors, due to his compassion and desire to see the teenager get a fairly deliberated verdict. Juror 3 opted for guilty , making the mistake of attempting to solve the wrong problem by having a
  • 39. Frederick Engels View Of Historical Materialism Throughout the excerpt entitled II. THEORETICAL from the book Anti DГјhring published 1877, the author and philosopher Frederick Engels takes a historical materialistic approach; which is the methodological approach to the study of human societies and their development with time, also known as the materialistic conception of history. Engels also presents his argument against the capitalist system that dominates at a globalized level. He shows that the capitalist mode of production is fundamentally contradicting, which will eventually lead to its own demise. Engels also indicates that many issues surface due to the fundamental contradictions of capitalism; one of which, is between the organization of production in the individual factory and the anarchy of production in society as a whole (Engels, p. 299) and another is The mode of production rebels against the mode of exchange; the productive forces rebel against the mode of production, which they have outgrown (Engels, p. 302). Due to the fundamental contradictions of the capitalist mode of production, an unavoidable chain of social and economic conflict arises. As mentioned above, historical materialism also known as the materialistic conception of history is the methodological approach to the study of human societies and their development with time. Engels states that historical materialism begins with the principle of production, and with production the exchange of its product, is the basis of every social order;
  • 40. Cleopatra Informative Speech Cooper 5 Fate N. Cooper Mrs. Dellinger English II 3 May 2017 Cleopatra Cleopatra had a very extraordinary life. She was born into royalty and became a ruler at a very young age due to her father s death. She was married four times, first to her two younger brothers, third to Julius Caesar and fourth to Marc Antony. She had four children with both Julius Caesar and marc Antony. Cleopatra also had 5 siblings. Later on, in life, Cleopatra committed suicide. Cleopatra was born in 69 BC in Alexandria, Egypt (Cleopatra: The Woman Behind the Name.) Her parents were Ptolemy Auletes (Cleopatra: The Woman Behind the Name) and Cleopatra V ( Klimczak.) She had five siblings, two older sisters and a younger sister, also two brothers, Cleopatra VI, ... Show more content on ... Cleopatra chose to go back to Egypt. On her way back to Egypt she made a stop in Cyprus which had been granted to her younger sister Arsinoe and her younger brother and co ruler Ptolemy XIV, in order to ensure that she was known as their true ruler. As Cleopatra arrived in Egypt she immediately took steps to consolidate her rule. A document dated July 26 44 BC, Ptolemy XIV s name appeared, but after that date he disappeared many say that Cleopatra ordered for him to be poisoned and it is notable that around this time she dropped the epithet brother loving from her titles. Cleopatra confirmed her son by Julius Caesar, Caesarion, co regent. Cleopatra also continued to build the Caesareum in honor of Caesar. In Dendera, Caesarion was depicted in front of images of Cleopatra, asserting him as the primary ruler (Ancient Egypt Online.) Cleopatra and Marc Antony spent the winter of 41 to 40 BC in Alexandria. In the spring of 40 BC, Marc Antony left Cleopatra to return home. Marc Antony did not see her for four years. Fulvia, Antony s ex wife had gotten into a movement against his wife Octavian over veteran s allotments of land. In the meantime Cleopatra had given birth to twins, a boy and a girl. Their twin children were officially recognized by Antony and were given names of Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene. Marc Antony gave her much land which was very essential to Egypt. He gave her Cyprus, the Cilician coast, Phoenicia, Coele Syria, and Judea and Arabia. In 34 BC, Antony had a campaign into Armenia which had been successful and financially rewarding. Antony celebrated his triumph with a parade. He presented himself as the New Dionysus. Ptolemy XV (Caesarion) was made the co ruler with his mother and was also called the King of Kings, Cleopatra was called the Queen of Kings, Alexander was named Great
  • 41. Examples Of Market Segmentation Of Dove Dove Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning The adventure of becoming a successful brand with the launch of Cream Bar in the United States begins in 1957. Dove is Unilever s fastest growing and momentum as time goes on after this launch is one of the brands. World launch of Dove is started in 1991. The brand went to meet with consumers in 55 countries in total by the end of 1994. Thus, the Dove family kept expanding. Successive face and body cleansing products, skin care, deodorant and hair care products with the launch of Dove continued to grow rapidly. Today, Dove, and the difference in quality that will redefine the standards of the category that enters through any personal care, personal hygiene brand to the world s expert. ... Show more content on ... Company conducted a survey in order to determine the segmentation of people who would like to prefer fragrance and moisturizing cream in the skin care products they use. Market Analysis: The analysis shows the preference of people which products they would like to use. 40% of people prefer moisturizing features and fragrance 40% of people prefer fragrance free and moisturizing features 20% of people prefer to use products that matching their skin type Demographic Segmentation: Brand s demographic segmentation includes women and men whom are older than 18 years. People that who conscious and awake about their skin care People that who belongs to upper middle class Women who use beauty products People that who has high purchasing power and want to use quality products on their skin. Psychographic Segmentation Dove uses psychographic segmentation in order to create psychology in women where beauty incorporates all ages, body shapes and sizes. Dove gives the message You are beautiful to way you are to all women to show that they are valuable. Also company tries to make women encouraged in order to believe what they say in their
  • 42. African American Culture in a Modern American Dominant... African American Culture in a Modern American Dominant Sociology Intro to Sociology September 3, 2010 Janice Caparro African American culture in the United States refers to the cultural contributions of Americans African descent to the culture of the United States, either as part of or distinct from American culture. The distinct identity of African Americanculture is rooted in the historical experience of the African American people. The culture is both distinct and enormously influential to American culture as a whole. African American culture is rooted in Africa. It is a blend of chiefly sub Saharan African and Sahelean cultures. Although slavery greatly restricted the ability of Americans of African descent to practice their ... Show more content on ... The folktales provided African Americans the opportunity to inspire and educate one another. Examples of African American folktales include trickster tales of Br er Rabbit and heroic tales such as that of John Henry. The Uncle Remus stories by Joel Chandler Harris helped to bring African American folk tales into mainstream adoption. Harris did not appreciate the complexity of the stories nor their potential for a lasting impact on society. The legacy of the African American oral tradition manifests in diverse forms. African American preachers tend to perform rather than simply speak. The emotion of the subject is carried through the speaker s tone, volume, and movement, which tend to mirror the rising action, climax, and descending action of the sermon. Often song, dance, verse, and structured pauses are placed throughout the sermon. Call and response is another pervasive element of the African American oral tradition. It manifests in worship in what is commonly referred to as the amen corner. In direct contrast to recent tradition in other American and Western cultures, it is an acceptable and common audience reaction to interrupt and affirm the speaker. This pattern of interaction is also in evidence in music, particularly in blues and jazz forms. Hyperbolic and provocative, even incendiary, rhetoric is another aspect of African American oral tradition often evident in the pulpit in a tradition
  • 43. Waste Trafficking Through Illegal Transnational Business Waste trafficking refers to the traffic of hazardous wastes through illegal transnational business that involves a variety of criminal groups such as private entities, corrupt government officials, and organized crime groups (Liddick 134). According to environment professor Don Liddick, By the late twentieth century transnational organized criminals, corporate polluters, and corrupt public officials have discovered the means to profit from the traffic in household garbage, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and even radioactive wasteillicit industries that rival the international drug trade in scope and profitability (Liddick 134). Waste is considered hazardous if it is explosive, reactive, flammable, irritable, harmful, toxic, or corrosive. Hazardous wasteincludes oily substances, batteries, medical waste,... Show more content on ... In order to have a better understanding of waste trafficking it is important to examine what facilitates it, the links it has to organized crime groups, and what steps have been taken to counter it. There are four factors that increase the likelihood of waste trafficking. The first factor is strict international regulations. As regulations are implemented, new markets start to emerge. In 1991, for example, the Bamako Convention imposed a ban on the import of hazardous waste into African, Pacific, and Caribbean countries, but traffickers found alternative routes and destinations to Europe and China. The second
  • 44. Social Media in India SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY INDIA July, the 26th, 2013 INDEX SOCIAL MEDIA IN INDIA: SOME FACTS NUMBERS SOCIAL MEDIA AND ECOMMERCE IN INDIA TOP ECOMMERCE WEBSITES IN INDIA TOP ECOMMERCE WEBSITES IN INDIA SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY PROPOSAL Limbara Srl / All rights reserved / 2013 SOCIAL MEDIA IN INDIA More than 76 million people in India will use social networking sites at least monthly this year, up 51.7% from last year s total. Doubledigit growth in users will mean that by 2014, 83% of internet users in the country will regularly access social networks Social network users and penetration in India, 2010 2014: 2010: 33.1 million (+38.8% change / 52.3% of internet users / 2.8% of population) 2011: 50.2 million (+51.5% / 60.3%... Show more content on ... The younger segments, which is anybody below the age of 35, interact more with the site and post reviews about products, engage with these companies on social media and such. There is also an increase in visitor loyalty the Indian ecommerce user makes six visits a month to an ecommerce site. Over 95% of ecommerce come from social media portals. The second largest source for ecommerce users is search. Other popular sources among ecommerce users include entertainment sites, news sites, e mail and jobs sites Sources: ComScore India Limbara Srl / All rights reserved / 2013 TOP E COMMERCE WEBISTES IN INDIA On the basis of unique visitors Jabong, Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra and Indiatimes shopping are the Top 5 ecommerce sites in India. Each record over 5 million unique visitors per month, with Jabong leading the pack at 11.6 million followed by Flipkart and Amazon with 10.7 million each. Collectively, these five e tailers cater to 26 million online shoppers, more than a half of total number of online ecommerce visitors in India alone. Limbara Srl / All rights reserved / 2013 TOP E COMMERCE WEBISTES IN INDIA Footwear brand Nike works only with online retailers such as Jabong and Myntra. Myntra accounts for over 10% of annual sales for Nike (and for brand Puma, too) Limbara Srl / All rights reserved / 2013 TOP E COMMERCE WEBISTES IN INDIA SOCIAL MEDIA TWITTER IS THE NUMBER ONE MEDIUM FOR PEOPLE TO SHARE OPINIONS AND THOUGHTS ABOUT THEIR
  • 45. Physical Health Problems The physical health problems caused by the computers for children Introduction The invention of the electronic tools e.g. computers make people lead an efficient and convenient life. The efficiency, convenience and practicability of the electronic tools e.g. computers attract both adults and children, and make them use these tools in their daily life (ThomГ©e, 2015). As has been seen, the use of computers and in adults work is becoming more frequent and majority of children use these tools in their daily life as well. However, the long time use of computers may caused some problems, and one of the problems is the physical health problem. When using a computer, no matter a laptop or a desktop, the user do not need to move. These behavior would normally be defined as sedentary behavior, which may make the user to do less physical exercise, fit less physically and suffer more risk of health problems. The problem may be solved by three solutions, the first seems to make children use computer in a right posture, the second may be some physical exercises and another solution seems to decrease children s time spent on computers. Physical health problem caused by computers According to Kimmerly (2009), over 90% of children aged 3 18 in the US used computers, and with children aged, more children started to use computer related activities. However, the long time of uses of these electronic tools may lead to physical health problems to children. For example visual strain, lack life
  • 46. How Did Industrialists Become Successful Industrialists at the time did what they could to become successful. Each one knowing that how they become successful may not be approved by everyone but at the time, they saw the need in the United States and created their industry. All of the industries created were in some relation to the railroad system, which had become America s first big business. The industries created included Carnegie Steel Company, Standard Oil Company, and what had become of Carnegie Steel Company, United StatesSteel. These industries were all created and were continued through processes such as Vertical and Horizontal integration, the trust, and a community of interest. After Jay Gould, Carnegie had become one of America s heroes. Carnegie was a Scottish immigrant who came to the U.S. in 1848 at the age of twelve cleaning bobbins in a textile factory. Eventually he had picked up on the skills of telegraph operator noticed by Tom Scott, the superintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad who would eventually hire Carnegie. Carnegie received a promotion later on and was lent money from Scott that would help him start his business. In 1872, Carnegie built the world s largest most up to date steel mill ... Show more content on ... Rockefeller was Andrew Carnegie s only rival at the time. By the age of twenty five, he controlled the largest oil refinery in Cleveland. By 1870, he founded his oil business, Standard Oil Company. After years of demanding illegal rebates from the railroads in exchange for his steady business, Rockefeller created a new form of corporate structure known as trust. This coordinated the industry to ensure profits to the participating corporations and to curb competition. By the end of the century, the Standard Oil Company valued at more than $70 million and ruled more than 90 percent of the oil business. When Ida M. Tarbell s articles in McClure s Magazine, exposing Rockefeller s illegal methods used to take over the oil industry, Rockefeller had become a symbol of heartless
  • 47. 8th Amendment Cruel And Unusual Punishments The Eighth Amendment and what does it stand for? The suffering, pain, or humiliation, of a person is considered cruel and unusual punishments and is not acceptable by the Eighth Amendment which states the prohibiting the federal government from imposing excessive bail, excessive fines, or cruel and unusual punishments. With this amendment you have the rights of; protection from physical brutality, rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment, your rights to decent conditions in prison, also your rights to medical care. The Eighth Amendment states, the prohibition the federal government from imposing excessive bail, excessive fines, or cruel and unusual punishment. This amendment was authorized in 1791. The Cruel and Unusual Punishments division restricts the severity of the punishments that the state and ... Show more content on ... The legal definition of excessive bail is the amount of bail ordered by an accused defendant when too much is too much to the point it s unnecessary or excessive. Excessive fines prohibits the imposition of excessive fines to a person for a crime thus had committed, this limits the payments of money to and from a person, the principle of proportionality. Cruel and unusual punishments prohibits the method and amount of the punishments, the method of the punishment such as burning at the stake, crucifixion, or breaking on the wheel, in the U.S. supreme court said that the use of excessive physical force against a person may constitute to be cruel and unusual even if the subject person down not suffer serious injuries. The courts held that the eighth amendment does not permit the imposition of the death penalty upon a defendant who does a felony during which the murder is committed by someone else, if in which the defendant does not kill or attempt to kill, which is saying the eighth amendment is not applied of you or known subject is defending
  • 48. Mommy Makeover Research Paper A woman s body undergoes some tremendous changes during pregnancy and childbirth. The unwanted effects of childbearing and breastfeeding, especially weight gain and sagging skin, often remain long after childbirth. If pregnancy has wrecked havoc on your body and you are a bit sad about your postpartum body, don t despair. You can get your pre baby body back with the help of a surgical intervention, called Mommy Makeover. What is Mommy Makeover? Mommy makeover is a combination of multiple body contouring procedures, including breast surgery, body sculpting with liposuction, and abdominoplasty (also known as a tummy tuck). These procedures can reverse the changes associated with pregnancy and childbirth, and dramatically improve how you look ... Show more content on ... After the baby arrives, the abdominal muscles and skin shrink back down, leaving the mother with stretch marks, loose skin and lax muscles. The excess fat and loose skin can be removed from the abdominal region via an abdominoplasty. Removal of Fat Deposition Weight gain is inevitable during pregnancy. It s normal, healthy and also necessary, albeit in reasonable measures. Putting on too much weight is not a good sign. The unwanted fat deposits in the neck, arms, back and knees that do not go away after pregnancy can be addressed through liposuction. Laser Technology to Rejuvenate Your Skin New mommies often go for laser therapy to enhance the texture, tone and quality of your skin. There are a variety of laser treatments that can give you a smoother, firmer, more vibrant looking complexion by removing fine lines, wrinkles and folds from your face. Today, laser technology is widely used to correct loose or sagging skin, erase signs of sun damage and remove unwanted hair on the face or body. Cellulite Therapy There are many cellulite treatments, including massages or cellulite creams, that can improve the appearance of the dimpled skin on the thighs, hips, buttocks and abdomen. When to Get Mommy
  • 49. Advantages Of Nursing-Care Robots Introduction The Japanese population is rapidly aging and the number of elderly people will account for a large part of it. Some care problems will be heavy burden on young people. For example, it is possible that the young generation has to leave their companies in order to devote time to their older family member s care. Furthermore, the shortage of young workers leads other problems such as the decline of business and the pension plan. Elderly people taking care of elderly people has also become an important issue today. Therefore, Japan has to find alternatives for making up for the caregiver shortages and improving the situation in aging society. Some kind of alternatives (e.g. introduction of foreign care workers) can be listed, but this... Show more content on ... In addition, it does not contain the current situation of any other countries. Therefore, with the comparison between nursing care robots and other ideas, the best solution to the problems needs to be discussed in a near future. Significance and Conclusion In aging society with fewer children, Japan should adopt nursing care robots in order to make up for the caregiver shortages and avoid economic recession which causes from a drain of young people. If the nursing care robots are introduced into our life in aging society, they can relieve the heavy burden from the young generation. Robots will also have a major influence on lifestyle. Hopefully, this research can be helpful for your better understanding about nursing care robots and a chance to think about the attitude towards them. Robots will play an important role in our future. References Kanagawa welfare service association. (2010). Nursing care robot promotion project. Retrieved from
  • 50. Aasw Code Of Ethics In Social Work Values are societies own guides to life. They identify what is wrong and what is right, however it is up to the people to decide whether or not to follow them. But what are values? Values can be defined as principles or standards of behaviour; one s judgement of what is important in life (Oxford Dictionaries, 2015). Furthermore, values are important and lasting beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or bad and desirable or undesirable (Business Dictionary, 2015). Values hold high importance in the lives of people as they have major influence on behaviour and attitude, as well as serving as broad guidelines in many situations. All human experiences, interactions and conversations have the potential to shift... Show more content on ... Personal values are developed from surrounding circumstances, influencing them to change over time. Personal values are not universal in that each individual holds different beliefs and values. Values have been shaped by family, nation, generation and historical events. Social workers must not impose their own values and beliefs on their clients. Services should be sensitive and non judgmental (Pamela Wilshere, 1997, p. 1), rather than providing options based on what feels right according to the practitioner s values and beliefs. A capable practitioner demonstrates confidentiality, person centred practice, professional accountability, the legal context of practice and demonstrates effective partnerships (McGregor, 2011), as well as a thorough understanding and application of the ethics and values of the organisation while being capable of managing their own values (McGregor, 2011). As mentioned before, the AASW Code of Ethics (2010) guides social workers to respect the intrinsic dignity and worth of clients and to treat each person in a caring and respectful manner (Comartin Gonzalez Prendes, 2011). In practice, the AASW standard indicates that practitioners of social work and human services must respect the intrinsic worth and dignity of their clients by showing unconditional acceptance of their clients values and beliefs. Regardless of
  • 51. Intro to Philosophy Introduction to Philosophy Essay There are many reasons one should study philosophy. The study of philosophy can ultimately change the way a person lives and unlock some deep questions about the meaning of their life. Questions you ask yourself such as why you are doing the things you are doing or where your life is heading or what you want to become in life can be answered throughout the study of a philosophy course. Understanding philosophy is the key in motivating us as individuals to explore life s most challenging issues. Moreover, learning to understand philosophy will help you to become more open minded, thoughtful, attuned to life in general, more of a critical thinker, and less accepting of simplistic answers. Philosophy can ... Show more content on ... Children may ask questions such as, Why did God create life? or Why are bad people bad? The best way to approach these questions is to follow the facts and be blatantly honest. Knowledge is never gained by exaggerations and false pretenses. Philosophy is the pursuit of wisdom, reflecting passion, commitment, and intellectual ambition. Wisdom does not merely mean having knowledge in certain areas of life, a wise, person knows how to use that knowledge and apply it to the issues of life. Wise people are usually humble and do not think they have all the answers in life; rather they approach the world with a childlike eagerness to learn. Viewing philosophy as the pursuit of wisdom was given eloquent expression by the female philosopher Perictione, Humanity came into being and exists in order to contemplate the principle of the nature of the whole. The function of wisdom is to gain possession of this very thing, and to contemplate the purpose of the things that are. (Chaffee Ch1 p. 7) Philosophy is the science that considers the truth. Aristotle. What we know to be true and false is very detrimental in life. Truth and reality can sometimes change our lives for the better or the worse depending on how we approach the situation. Philosophy is committed to the truth rather than popular opinion, norms, and conventional wisdom. Finally, philosophy is a dynamic process which probes the dynamic nature of philosophical thinking. The process of
  • 52. Pericles Pride in his Athenian City Pride is an emotion in each human being possesses. The Athenian s and American people s prides plays a powerful part in their country for we are proud of the country that we live in. An individual is patriotic to its country for it is the place where we are born, raised, and hopefully be the place where we can make a difference before we die. It is the country our ancestors built and we value it in our history. A country s history can represent many different aspects of their culture and civilization. The Athenian, Pericles thought precisely just that. Pericles states the military might of the Athenian navy, the adaptability of the Athenian people, the Athenian government and the roles of its individual citizens, art appreciation, and how they are compared to their neighboring countries. His views that bias Athens was profound and in depth which put the city and its people on a pedestal. Pericles s speech first gave praise to the ancestors, for which they are the people who built the city from the ground up and fought for democracy. He speaks of the ancestors with great honor and valor and that it was them who gave birth to Athens. He perceives Athens as a city with virtue, modesty, and modernization. It is a city who doesn t isolate itself from other governing states. Pericles announce that they aren t afraid to show their culture to the world and any foreigners may come and learn or observe from them. He suggests Athens is a country that welcomes foreigners and they
  • 53. Case Study Of BLOM Bank Overview of the company 1)Profile: BLOM bank is a leading Lebanese bank which business operations are based on universal banking model including: commercial banking, corporate banking, private banking, investment banking, asset management, retail banking, Islamic banking, and insurance products and services. Its efficient work helps it maintain in 2014 the lowest cost to income ratio among its competitors, which help it in raising its profit $365.37 million the highest in the Lebanese banking sector. BLOM bank in now present in 13 countries: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, UAE, France, UK, Switzerland, Romania, Cyprus, Egypt, Qatar, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. 2) Mission and Core Values: BLOM BANK s goal is to be the leading regional financial institution providing exceptional value and peace of mind to all our stakeholders . BLOM bank core values are: 1.Prudence: providing peace of mind to their customers and stakeholders through giving them safe and sustainable services. 2.Professionalism: ... Show more content on ... Mohamad Sidani showed us the practical side of what we learnt in the course regarding decision making. For example, while studying, we learn the concepts in a general manner. However, the challenge is in applying them to each circumstance we face. As he explained, the process of taking a decision follows the same concept we have learnt, however; not word by word. It is more spontaneous and to him it s very important to take his time, when possible, to study the different alternatives and their possible outcomes. In addition, he weighs the possible benefits against the risk of each option. After making up his mind, he keeps the decision to himself and makes sure it s the best solution before announcing and implementing it. He admits that intuition is one of the factors he bases his decisions on and sum up to 20%. However, it s not enough if it s not backed up by something
  • 54. Critical Analysis Of Charles DickensOliver Twist Critical Analysis Just like anyone else who reads a book, opinions are going to form, and not all of them are going to be on the same page. Readers form different opinions and views based on how they interpret the meaning of the novel. Many critics have analyzed Charles Dickens Oliver Twist. Albert Borowitz and Kelly Winters are two well known writers who wrote long critiques that analyzed the work of Charles Dickens. Crime writer Albert Borowitz believes that Charles Dickens uses the narrative of Oliver s fall to serve his reformist purposes of attacking England s harsh, poor laws and illustrating [in] the thesis that city slums could breed crime even in the most innocent people (Borowitz). I absolutely agree with Borowitz. In the beginning, the reader just assumes the Oliver just has terrible luck and that all of these terrible events are happening to him out of misfortune. Oliver is portrayed as a poor and innocent boy who is just being used by other people who have selfish intentions. Later on, the bystanders realize that he was really the hardened little wretch he was described to be by people (Dickens). Comparing the beginning of the novel to the end of the novel, Oliver has transformed from an innocent and young boy into a criminal in which he only speaks lies. Dickens has managed to attack England s laws and changed Oliver s character from an innocent orphan into a criminal. Jhaveri 4 Later on in the article, Borowitz also states that Dickens has
  • 55. Personality Theory Research Paper Another part of creating a personality theory is the debate between uniqueness versus commonality which I have briefly discussed. I believe that every person is unique because no two people have gone through identical life experiences, nor have they been influenced in the exact same way by their environments and people around them. With that being said, I also believe that human beings have many things in common like how they deal with and react to certain situations. We are also alike in our need for a place in the world and acceptance from others. Because I believe that humans are both unique and common, I believe that both idiographic and nomothetic research are important in learning how humans behave and who they will become. A lot of... Show more content on ... Another theory that is very reminiscent of behaviorism is the mechanistic theory in which humans do not engage in cognition, but rather respond automatically to stimuli in their environment. The animalistic theory also does not give humans enough credit, which would be the exact opposite of humanistic psychology. It states that we as humans act in the same ways as animals, namely primates, and while we do share some behaviors and some amount of intelligence, I do not think that there are enough commonalities to completely say that we are the same. Another theory of human nature is the evolutionary psychological theory which states that we have inherent behaviors that have been passed down through the generations since the inception of humankind. I think that the theory of evolutionary psychology does have some grounds because humans as a species have adapted and we are born with certain knowledge and gut instincts about the world, but I do not think that this theory can completely encapsulate human nature. I do not agree with the humanistic theory of human nature because I do not believe that humans are born good, but instead mostly neutral and that we engage in whatever practices or behaviors that we have decided to engage
  • 56. Proteomics Essay 4.2 Combination of proteomics and interactomics The study of PPI is fundamental to define the molecular networks that contribute to homeostasis of living organisms. Disruptions in protein interaction networks have been shown to cause diseases in both human and animals. For instance, PPI disturbances have been shown to be involved in cancer caused by p53 mutations [47], neurodegenerative diseases resulting from protein aggregates accumulation [48], and virus host interactions [49]. Therefore, the monitoring and study of PPIs can provide innovative options for identifying diagnostic and therapeutic targets that have potential for broader clinical applicability. Technological advances in genomics and proteomics have spawned a large number of ... Show more content on ... Shorter routes to the clinic are also possible because in vitro and in vivo screening, chemical optimization, toxicology, bulk manufacturing, formulation development and even early clinical development may have already been completed and can therefore be bypassed. Collectively, these factors enable several years, and substantial risks and costs, to be removed from the pathway to the market [51]. By submitting the hub bottleneck proteins identified through network analysis, we identified potential drug repositioning candidates. Phosphoaminophosphonic acid adenylate ester [52], is a small molecule, classified as a purine ribonucleotide that targets HSP90AA1. It is currently experimental and has not been evaluated in clinical trials, but is predicted to cross the blood brain barrier. It may be a promising candidate for treating MPS VII for its anti oxidant effects. Quercetin, a small molecule antioxidant targeting ATP5A1, and a naturally occurring molecule, is also a promising candidate for antioxidant therapy. It is being evaluated in several clinical trials, including trials evaluating its use for cancer prevention, cancer treatment, and treatment of polyneuropathies. Rifabutin, which has been shown to also be able to inhibit activation of inflammatory cells and has demonstrated ability to target HSP90AA1, emerges as another potential drug candidate. Rifabutin is FDA approved as an