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Essay On Speech Writing And
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Essay On Speech Writing And Presentation Essay On Speech Writing And Presentation
Gunpowder Revolutionized Medieval Europe And The End Of...
The introduction of gunpowder revolutionized medieval Europe and hastened the decline of the knight
and the end of the medieval style of warfare. Prior to this, all medieval weapons depended on the
strength of the user to operate; from the largest most complex torsion and gravity driven siege
machines to a poor farmer s dirk, all weapons used human strength. While siege weapons would be
dependent on leverage and a ratcheting mechanism to draw a rope to prime a ballista or ready a
mangonel, other weapons like a traditional war bow would be dependent on raw brute strength.
As opponents and fortifications became better protected, the performance of traditional weapons
diminished due to the physical limitations of the technology. By the mid ... Show more content on ...
Peasants were essentially treated as cannon fodder marching into battles in hordes armed with farming
implements and small knives. Other weapons were expensive and limited by monarchies. Knights in
contrast were treated with the utmost respect and wore protective steel mail and plates. Due to the
expectation that knights would furnish all of their own equipment, training and horses, the knightly
class became almost exclusively filled with rich nobles and aristocrats. Archers proved to be highly
effective but the skill took a lifetime to master and arrows needed to be shot at close range to be
capable of penetrating knight s armor. Furthermore, archers were vulnerable to charge while they
Despite later results, gunpowder did not immediately revolutionize European armies, rather it took
time for the technology to advance to the point that it could surpass traditional technologies. Overtime
gunpowder granular size, production method and ingredient proportions changed as medieval era
scientists experimentally determined what specific methods produced the best quality cannon and
handgun powder. It wasn t just the gunpowder that needed refinement, the weapons using also needed
Initial gunpowder weapons were poorly designed and highly ineffective killing instruments. In the
beginning, they offered no performance improvement over a traditional crossbow which limited their
utilization by militaries.
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Harbor Island Case Study
Site background and history The Harbor Island site covers about 400 acres and is an industrial area in
Seattle, Washington, at the mouth of the Duwamish River, close to Elliott Bay (see Figure 1). The
island was created around 1905 from sediments coming from the Duwamish River. Since 1912, the
island has been used for commercial and industrial activities, including secondary lead smelting,
shipbuilding and repair, bulk petroleum fuel storage, metal fabrication, and containerized cargo
shipping. There are no people live on Harbor Island, but approximately 10,000 people live within one
mile of the site. However, fishermen use the waters around Harbor Island for shellfishing, crabbing,
and fishing. So the contaminants in the Harbor Island can ... Show more content on ...
There are several hundred of these compounds, but not all occur in any one sample. Chemicals that
occur in TPH include hexane, benzene, toluene, xylenes, naphthalene, and fluorine, etc. The
compounds in different TPH fractions affect the body in different ways. Some of the TPH compounds,
particularly the smaller compounds such as benzene, toluene, and xylene (which are present in
gasoline), can affect the human central nervous system. If exposures are high enough, death can occur.
Breathing toluene at concentrations greater than 100 ppm for more than several hours can cause
fatigue, headache, nausea, and drowsiness. When exposure is stopped, the symptoms will go away.
However, if someone is exposed for a long time, permanent damage to the central nervous system can
occur. One TPH compound (n hexane) can affect the central nervous system in a different way,
causing a nerve disorder called peripheral neuropathy characterized by numbness in the feet and legs
and, in severe cases, paralysis. Swallowing some petroleum products such as gasoline and kerosene
causes irritation of the throat and stomach, central nervous system depression, difficulty breathing,
and pneumonia from breathing liquid into the lungs. The compounds in some TPH fractions can also
affect the blood, immune system, liver, spleen, kidneys, developing fetus, and lungs. Certain TPH
compounds can be irritating to the skin
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Charlie Gordon s Characterization In Daniel Keyes Flowers...
The physician should not treat the disease but the patient who is suffering from it (Maimonides).
Determined and motivated. These words describe the power of a dangerous thing. Daniel Keyes writes
about Charlie Gordon, a disabled man with low intelligence who tries to become the most intelligent
man that he can be by getting surgery to enhance his capability of learning. In the novel, Flower for
Algernon, Charlie gets an operation to increase his intelligence, which has negative effects. Overall,
the operation was unethical because he isn t able to get the operation without someone is his family s
approval, he didn t fully understand the negative consequences, the scientist didn t wait long enough
time to see how Algernon turned out before ... Show more content on ...
The Professor and the Doctor had to ask someone in his family for the approval, so they asked Norma,
Charlie s sister. When Norma said that he can get the surgery, he was so happy. In the book, Charlie
said, They found my sister Norma who lives with my mother in Brooklin and she gave me permissen
for the operashun (Keyes 9). This quote develops that Charlie is allowed to get the operation now
since his sister said that he can get it. But, the worst thing is, that Charlie didn t know what the
operation could do to him. Norma really does not like Charlie and he is worried she approved it for the
wrong reasons. On page 218, Charlie figured everything out when he says, But you realize we had to
get permission from someone in your immediate family. You were incompetent to agree to this
yourself (Keyes). When Charlie was talking to the doctors, he finally was figuring everything out.
Charlie was saying to the doctors, You re talking about my sister Norma, I read about it in the paper.
From what I remember of her, I imagine she d have given your approval for my execution (Keyes
218). Overall, Charlie understands what is happening to him and how everything is
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How Tobacco Use Teaching Methods
Tobacco Use Teaching Methods
Choosing the correct teaching method is important to help the learner retain and learn information in
an effective and efficient way. Tobacco use is a health related topic that needs further education and
intervention from a nurse. Group discussion and demonstration, and return demonstration are two
teaching methods of interest to me, which I believe will be beneficial to use when educating a small
group of five people about this health related topic are. Group discussion involves the deliverance of
medical information or education to a small group of individuals which may include their family so
information, opinions can be exchanged with the nurse. This is simple way to deliver information to
more than one person at one time if time management is a concern, and the nurse is able to build trust
and rapport with the group as a whole. Demonstration and return demonstration works more
effectively in a small group and involves education or teaching with the nurse and learner(s). This
method also allows time for feedback from both parties. The nurse gives the learner a demonstration
of a task to perform and the learner has to attempt to carry out the task back showing competence, and
the nurse is on standby to give cues as needed.
Group discussions Group discussions are beneficial as this teaching method is useful as it allows the
learners to share information about their personal experiences and is both economically and time
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Yeats on Change and Stability, and How They...
The world is a place that is ever changing, yet somehow it always stays the same. There is a saying,
the more things change, the more they stay the same. Another goes like this: history has a way of
repeating itself. So does that mean that people can t learn from the mistakes of the past? Certainly not.
There are brilliant minds in this world that can visualize in what ways events have gone wrong in
history. They are able to learn the faults and strengths of other, older civilizations, and build on those.
Unfortunately, these minds are few and far between, and the rest of us are left to fend for ourselves.
There comes a time in every country/civilization s existence that a bad leader takes the reins and
things go south in a hurry. This is when declension of state is put into effect, as Plato would have it.
This rise and fall of civilization is something William Butler Yeats was very familiar with. His love of
history and the sciences were combined with a philosophy all his own. His philosophy was that in all
of the fields of history, art, personality, and society, there are conflicting forces at work: change and
stability. In each society, these two forces are at work, and that can sometimes make things chaotic in
the lives of the people in the society. These forces don t even have to be a part of society; stability and
change can be a part of everyday life. Five poems of Yeats that portray the change in the world, and
the stability too, are When You Are Old, The Lake Isle
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The Case Involving Bmw And Dollar General
I have already talked about the case involving BMW and Dollar General, presenting Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission s revised guidance regarding usage of conviction records in
hiring decisions. And this shed some light on discussed issues, but in order to attain wide, broad
standpoint, other cases should be examined.
In their article Callier, Huss and Juengst present this controversial case revolving around the problem
of criminal records and hiring. Recently, University of Akron enacted the policy that would require
blanket criminal background checks for all prospective UA employees, excluding student employees.
The mere fact that this policy was set should already interest and alert a thoughtful reader; however,
this is not the ... Show more content on ...
I believe there two main interconnected problems: the issue of ethicality and legality. It is acceptable
to collect genetic DNA samples. To put it bluntly, is it okay to do so? The answer is no. Here is the
explanation why.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOP) insists that when it comes to issue of getting
genetic information, aim to discriminate is insignificant and it does not matter whether or not one
intended to discriminate. I agree that such practice is not right, especially from an ethical standpoint.
But it seems wrong even from legal viewpoint. The commission argues An employer who asks for
information and then acquires genetic information as a result of that request, runs in violation of GINA
. Therefore, it is unlawful thing to do. This is legal issue. What about ethical side?
Although I grant that there is no obligation that an employer receives an information to discriminate or
there is no such a rule that the employer obtains information to have genetic information, I still
maintain that this is not right thing to do, because it may entail amplification of discrimination. EEOP
supports my disagreement: the fact that they re acquiring genetic information to begin with violates
the rule itself . Again, it is confirmed that University s policy go against GINA and now ethical aspect
is present. The problem here is that by collecting DNA samples, University of Akron creates basis for
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Wall Steet Movie Review
The definition of business ethics is described as a company s attitude and conduct towards its
stakeholders employees, customers, stockholders, and so forth; ethical behavior requires fair and
honest treatment of all parties. The word ethics is defined as standards of conduct or moral behavior.
The movie Wall Street, was the exact opposite of these definitions. The movie shows examples of
hostile takeovers, insider trading, greed and unethical behaviors in the attempt to build fortune on the
all mighty dollar. The movie focuses on the stock market and the way inside information is used to
make decisions to build cash and profits at the costs of others. It portrays the decisions one may make
when faced with the temptation of green ... Show more content on ...
The movie is based off the uncertainties of the stock market. People are investing money in hopes of
turning profits but just as it is uncertain losses are also realized. But the more risk you are willing to
take, the higher the reward or pay out can be in the end. This does not only apply to money but to your
actions. In the movie Buddy Fox and Gordon Gekko were willing to risk fines and jail time in order to
gain information to make their returns on investment close to certain.
This movie also taught the lesson that you should always know what you are doing with your money
and if you do your research and homework, you will know what you re investing in and it can bring
higher success. You should never jump into an investment without knowing what you re actually
getting into. You should know what you re investing, the beta tied to the investment and the reward
you are looking to gain. Researching and finding these answers can definitely lead to smarter
investments. Jumping into investments blind and uneducated can lead to loses in money.
Wall Street had a high focus on stocks and bonds. It had some obvious correlations to business finance
as well as subtle lessons. These lessons was a great way to take the words of the text book, Essentials
of Managerial Finance and put them in front of your eyes to see exactly how these aspects in the book
can be applied to reality. This was my first time watching this movie and the
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Essay about The Persecution of the Hollywood Ten
Hollywood Ten For my arcival project I chose to research the Hollywood Ten, I chose this because I
am fascinated by the events of that occurred around this time and group. The Hollywood Ten was a
group of writers, directors, and other artists who bravely refused to answer questions in front of the
House of Un American Activities and were therefore sentenced to jail time and banned from working
in Hollywood. The actions of that the House of Un American Activities and the resistance of the
Hollywood Ten raised attention and a debate across the country about the actions that the government
was taking against Hollywood artists. The House of Un American Activities Committee was a
government committee which set out to investigate alleged ... Show more content on
I find it interesting that so many people were swayed by what they were being told by the government.
I have the impression that American are very gullible and naïve. There had to be more to what they
were doing to convince Americans that Hollywood was friendly with Communists and poisoning them
with their movies. When I think of Americans today, many of them raise an eyebrow to what the
government is telling them. They will also often times do the exact opposite of what the government is
asking them to do. When Mike Bloomberg suggested making it illegal for restaurants to sell extra
large sodas, many people that I know went crazy and would deliberately get extra large sodas. These
people didn t necessarily like soda or need one of that size and most definitely knew that it was not
good for them; however they didn t like the fact that someone from the government was telling them
what they could and could not drink. These people felt that their rights were being violated. This is
how I view most Americans today, they are stubborn and are very protective of their rights. Which is
why I find it hard to believe that people actually bought into the idea that Hollywood was poisoning
them with Communist ideas and were in cahoots with Russia? My first experience at the New York
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The Run By Wanda Coleman Analysis
To begin, Wanda Coleman shows us when a young boy s mom calls him hard to look at. We hear this
through dialogue between his mother and aunt. While the main character, Buzz, and his cousin were in
California, they were playing a game and overheard some disturbing words by Buzz s mother. Buzz
previously had great respect for his mother and was a happy, fun kid. A turn of events changed his
point of view and made him see his mother in a mean, cold view. We start to see some prejudice when
Buzz s mom said He s my favorite of the boys. He s so light skinned and look at that good straight
hair. But as the conversation is progressing, so is the hurtfulness of his mother s words. The final
breaking point for Buzz is when his mom says I m so glad this baby didn t turn out black and ugly like
Buzz As we could see through the dialogue, Buzz faced prejudice from no one but his own mother. We
can infer from BUzz s later actions of personality change and crying in the bathroom. We can see how
close prejudice can hit home, and even be at home. ... Show more content on ...
To illustrate the power of dialogue, Coleman writes I m so glad the other boys didn t turn out as dark
The reader can see that what they are saying, the dialogue, has a lot of power and can really affect
others. The interaction between characters shows that Buzz s mother had a set view on life and wouldn
t change it even for her own
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The Amendment Of A Home
In the world of which The Constitution and its Amendments must be followed, there has been great
debate on whether a dog that is trained to sniff out certain smells such as narcotics, is considered a
search prohibited by the Fourth Amendment, but what could be said if the place a dog sniff is done, is
the outside of a home. A home, is a place that a person believes they have the most protection because
that is where a person resides, but the question of whether the outside of a home holds the same
protection can be debated back and forth. It is of great importance though, in the case of future
discussion, to know if the outside of a home is protected under the fourth amendment from a dog sniff
or whether it isn t. To answer the question at ... Show more content on ...
A person to be secure in their home would be of little practical value if the State s agents could stand
in a home s porch or side garden and trawl for evidence with impunity; the right to retreat would be
significantly diminished if the police could enter a man s property to observe his repose from just
outside the front window (Flordia v. Jardines, 2013). In other words what would be the point of the
inside of a home holding fourth amendment protections if the outside of a home held no protections
and an officer could just lurk around and look inside a home in efforts to find evidence without a
warrant; with this being said, it is safe to assume that the immediate areas surrounding a home holds
fourth amendment protection and is secure against a dog sniff because a sniffer dog is a dog trained to
use its sense of smell to detect substances such as explosives, illegal drugs, wildlife scat, or blood
(Wikipedia, n.d.) that can be hidden inside the home. When an officer brings a companion, in this case
a dog, for the purpose of finding evidence, to the outside of person s home, a fourth Amendment
violation has occurred. The problem isn t the dog sniff itself, the problem is when an officer trespasses
into a person s property, in which society feels they have fourth amendment protection, with a trained
dog in efforts to find evidence. A dog sniff itself can be used in public places or borders for public
safety, but it is
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Deaf Culture Discrimination
When terms such as discrimination and prejudice are heard; commonly, the example is racism.
However, discrimination and prejudice are similarly defined as: a preconceived negative judgment of
a group and its individual members. (Myers, Social Psychology, 2013, p. 336) Our minds, being
influenced by our environment and memories, tend to overlook other peer groups; specifically Deaf
culture. This paper will discuss: my personal experience, discrimination, and Deaf culture. In late
2016, I was granted the opportunity to attend an American Sign Language class, at my local
community college. Prior to this, I had only one experience meeting a deaf person. I was seventeen at
the time, working my first job. I felt like a deer caught in headlights, ... Show more content on ...
They consider it a lifestyle; separated from the hearing world. They have different beliefs, and social
behaviors. They value American Sign Language, and view it as an art form. An expressive language
used as their primary source of communication. Some believe that Deaf people should only marry
within their culture, some believe that using their voices is disrespectful. They have beliefs that deaf
should be capitalized when referring to people, but lowercase when referring to the diagnoses. They
have different terms for things such as: Audism. Audism is defined as: The notion that one is superior
based on one s ability to hear or to behave in the manner of one who hears. (Oberholtzer, Humphries
Audism Tags: deaf, faq, research guide , Doctoral dissertation, p.12. 1977, 2009) Most have respect
for the hearing world, and will treat hearing people with respect if the respect is returned.
Discrimination is a very prevalent problem in our society. Despite having a changed personal view of
Deaf culture, there are still battles being fought for the rights of humans. Humans that are just like
everyone else, but cannot hear. It is with hope that society will continue to educate about Deaf culture
in order to grow awareness, and provide a deeper, and more sympathetic
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How Cinema and Theater Convey Pleasure in the Acts of...
How Cinema and Theater Convey Pleasure in the Acts of Search and Lust
In her essay, Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema , British film maker Laura Mulvey attempts to
demystify how pleasure can be fulfilled in film. Contending that a pleasure in looking (scopohilia) and
a pleasure in possessing the female as what to be looked at (voyeurism) fufills the audience s desires,
Mulvey suggests how filmmakers use this knowledge to create film that panders to our innate desires.
In Meshes of the Afternoon by Maya Deren and Vertigo by Alfred Hitchcock, it is seen that Mulvey s
argument the desire to look, the hunting, seeking, and watching, and harnessing of the female form is
natural human desire. Deren and Hitchcock will use ... Show more content on ...
Important first is understanding what Mulvey is suggesting what it actually means to derive pleasure
from a work as she sees it. She divides pleasure into two categories voyeurism and scopophilia that for
her represent the complete fulfillment of human desires in a work. The question as to whether they can
coexist harmoniously is the critical component of Hitchcock and Deren. The difference between these
two artists and others, as it will soon be seen, is their uncanny ability to play toward both the need to
look and the need to objectify women as the image of that look and do so in such a seamless manner
that it can escape the audience s attention. How, artistically, do you implement Mulvey s suggestion
that there is some desire to be gained by the idea of looking and seeking in art? There is a mirroring
duality to much of this voyeurism we enjoy in cinema. The extreme contrast between the darkness of
the auditorium (which also isolates spectators from one another) and the active search playing out on
screen allow the individual audience members to feel voyeuristic as they watch in on someone else s
narrative (Mulvey, 2184). It is dark and secretive, and they can watch in as Scottie, for example,
attempts to figure out the enigmatic woman of his fantasy. As he watches, so does the audience, and it
is within this complex stacking of pleasure that the audience own desires are fully realized.
Mainstream film , where Mulvey places Vertigo
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Norman Rockwell Research Paper
Freedom From Want, Freedom From Fear, Freedom Of Speech and Freedom Of Religion. The four
freedoms, some of his most famous art didn t become famous overnight. Norman Rockwell s dream of
art started at age 14, when he decided to study at the New York School Of Art but he later dropped out
and enrolled at the National Academy Of Design where he continued his dream of art. After
graduation, he started on his first day of his career, as an illustrator for the Boys Life magazine. At age
22, he began the 47 year long work for the Saturday Evening Post , in which he would make 320 more
covers. Although his career seemed set, he had a long way to go till he became the artist we know
today. Inspired by a speech given by Theodore Rosevelt,
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St. Paul Sustainable Ecosystem
Sustainability is whether or not an ecosystem can survive for long periods of time. Throughout this
chapter I will be talking about whether the forest in the backyard of St. Paul is a sustainable ecosystem
and what factors keep the balance.
First of all an ecosystem is all the biotic things that live in one area and the chemical and physical
environment that surrounds them. Usually in a sustainable ecosystem there is everything that the
ecosystem needs already provided within it. So what does an ecosystem need? Well first of all there
needs to be an abundance of lots of biodiversity, which means that there are multiple different types of
plants and animals as well as various different species. Because there is so much different flora and
fauna ... Show more content on ...
The carbon cycle is also a very important part of the ecosystem. The carbon cycle is how the carbon
gets transferred from the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. The carbon cycle starts
with plants using the CO2 in photosynthesis. During photosynthesis plants use water, energy from the
sun and carbon to make a compound called glucose as well as releasing oxygen. Then as the plants get
eaten by consumers the glucose (which includes carbon) moves up the food chain. Along the way
animals use that glucose for energy, as well as breathing out the carbon in the form of carbon dioxide.
Animals and humans harness this energy by our cells that break down the glucose. This is a process
called cellular respiration. We then release the carbon in the form of carbon dioxide back into the air
by exhaling or eliminating waste.
If along the chain a producer or consumer dies without being eaten the carbon will decompose and
will get buried under everything else. After many years the carbon that was in it will turn into fossil
fuels ready to be burned by us and release more of the already abundant carbon dioxide into the
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Amylase Production In Bacillus Subtilis Lab Report
Effect of Temperature on Amylase Production in Bacillus subtilis Grace Ann Nader Background
Amylase is an enzyme, produced by plants, animals, and microorganisms, that is used to break down
starches into smaller monomers, that can then be transferred through the cell wall and metabolized by
organisms. Amylase plays a huge role in the food and textile industry as well. Amylase hydrolyzes
starch molecules into polymers composed of glucose units, which are used to create glucose, fructose
syrups, modified starches, and maltodextrin. Amylase also is used in the body to digest carbohydrates,
which are the primary energy source for the human body. Amylase is of particular interest to me
because it can be used to treat type 2 diabetes, which both of ... Show more content on
Turn the starch agar plates upside down and draw two lines with the sharpie on each, dividing each
petri dish into four separate sections. Label the sections 1A, 1B, 1C, and 1D on the first petri dish, 2A,
2B, 2C, and 2D on the second, and so on. 2. Pass forceps through the Bunsen burner flame; let them
cool for a little bit, then use them to pick up one of the paper discs. Open the culture of Bacillus
subtilis, flame the neck of the bottle, and dip the disc in the broth. Re flame the neck of the bottle and
place the top on. Place the disc on section 1A of the agar plate. 3. Repeat step 2 for the rest of the petri
dishes (1B, 1C, and so on) 4. Place the petri dish 1 in the incubator at a temperature of 50 degrees
Celsius, and leave for 24 hours exactly. 5. After taking out the first petri dish, drop some iodine
solution over the samples. Measure the diameter of the circle formed around the sample and record. 6.
Repeat steps 4 5 for the rest of the petri dishes, changing the temperature to 55 degrees, 60 degrees, 65
degrees, and 70
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The Prisoner Of War Camps
Many citizens of the United States immediately after the Civil War knew very little of the atrocities of
that occurred in the prisoner of war camps. News that their family member was in a prisoner of war
camp was usually dreaded by the family of the captured soldiers. While being dead was much worse
the families never truly knew what was going on inside the camps. For the Confederacy, many feared
Rock Island, but there was a just as deadly camp just north of Rock Island in Chicago. Once the war
had ended the atrocities of what occurred inside the prisoner of war camps became apparent. Suddenly
multiple fingers were pointed at what was the culprit for such deplorable conditions. The pictures,
descriptions, and accounts of what happened inside the prisoner of war camps became a part of not
only history but the media as well. Multiple books were written about the prisoner of war camps,
several works of fiction reference the prisoner of war camps. Andersonville is almost unanimously
regarded as the worst camp for a Union soldier to get sent to. Rock Island seems to be the place that
many agree as the worst camp that a Confederate soldier could get sent to. Rock Island is even
mentioned in several works of fiction, including Gone With The Wind. In Gone With The Wind the
main character Scarlett O Hara s sister in law, Melanie Wilkes received a letter telling her that her
husband Ashley Wilkes had been captured and taken to a horrible place called Rock Island. However,
while Rock
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How A Membrane Affect An Element Rate Of Diffusion And...
The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate how the composition of a membrane will affect an elements
rate of diffusion and which elements can or cannot penetrate through the membrane.
First, it is hypothesized that methylene blue will not travel as far as potassium permanganate in the gel
solution because the particle size and rate of diffusion is inversely related. Second, it is also
hypothesized that the water tube placed into the beaker filled with sucrose will decrease in volume and
the sucrose tube placed into the beaker filled with water will increase in volume because a cell placed
into a hypertonic solution will shrink and a cell placed in a hypotonic solution will swell. Third, it is
hypothesized that the starch filled tube will experience a color change, whereas the water and iodine
solution will remain the same color because starch is not permeable to the membrane and iodine can
freely pass through the membrane.
A cell membrane functions as a selective barrier between the cytoplasm and the extracellular fluid.
This allows the cell to monitor what is permitted into and out of the cell because some molecules are
permeable and others are not. The membrane is composed of phospholipid molecules that are
characterized by their amphipathic nature, which means there is a polar and nonpolar end of the
molecule. The head is water loving or hydrophilic and the tail is lipid loving or lipophilic. The
difference in
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Stanford University Research Paper
Stanford University, situated between San Francisco and San Jose in the heart of California s Silicon
Valley, is one of the world s driving educating and research colleges. Since its opening in 1891,
Stanford has been devoted to discovering answers for enormous difficulties and to planning
understudies for authority in a mind boggling world.
Stanford invites more than 150,000 guests to grounds yearly. Whether you live in the area or are
originating from far away, we anticipate seeing you here on the Farm.
Guest Information offers a few interactive media voyages through Stanford, including recordings,
slideshows and an independently directed podcast visit.
The college is driven by President John Hennessy and Provost John Etchemendy, represented ... Show
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The expectation of a New York daily paper that Stanford teachers would address in marble corridors to
discharge seats was immediately negated. The main understudy body comprised of 555 men and
ladies, and the first personnel of 15 was extended to 49 for the second year. The college s first
president was David Starr Jordan, an alum of Cornell, who left his post as president of Indiana
University to join the enterprise out West.
The Stanfords drew in Frederick Law Olmsted, the extremely popular scene planner who made New
York s Central Park, to outline the physical arrangement for the college. The joint effort was petulant,
yet at long last brought about an association of quadrangles on an east west pivot. Today, as Stanford
keeps on growing, the college s modelers endeavor to regard those unique college
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Serious Crimes in the Uniform Crime Report
The Uniform Crime Report (UCR) is consisted of two parts, part one and part two. Part one crimes are
the eight most serious offenses, which is murder, rape, assault, robbery, burglary, arson, larceny, and
motor vehicle theft. Part two crimes are all other crimes except the ones in part one. They also include
drug offenses, sex crimes, and vandalism. The UCR is a large database that stores all the information
of the crimes that are reported and arrests made each year in the USA. The method used to get the
information to the FBI is complex. Each month a law enforcement agencies report the count of part
one crimes. The advantage of UCR is that people can see what kinds of crimes happen in a specific
area. The disadvantage of UCR is that many of the serious crimes are not reported because the victims
think that the crime is unimportant, they don t trust the police, or involved in something illegal during
the time of the crime.
The National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) is also consisted of two parts but includes
offenses such as runaways, vagrancy, embezzlement, drug offenses and bribery. The NIBRS gives you
a brief account of each incident and arrests; it includes the incident, victim, and the offender s
information. The advantage of NIBRS is that it has a broader development on crimes and is more
accurate then the UCR. The disadvantage is that only twenty states have this crime report system that
s less then half of the US.
The Survey Research is a survey that asks
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William Shakespeare s Vampire Bat
Final Assignment Part 2 by Brandy Mearnic
Vampire Bat
The vampire bat also comes from a Subfamily called desmodontinae. There are three different types of
bat species: The common vampire bat, hairy legged vampire bat and white winged vampire bat. These
three different species are mostly native to the New World, but can be found in parts of Mexico and
Brazil, Chile and Argentina.
Their main source of food is blood. Instead of sucking the blood to feed on they make a small cut with
their teeth and then lick up the blood from the fresh wound. While feeding, they can feed for up to 30
minutes without waking the animal they are feeding on up.
They have a short muzzle and instead of a nose leaf, they have exposed (or naked) pads with u shaped
grooves at the tip of the nose. The common vampire bat has thermoreceptors that help the bat to locate
areas where the blood flows close in it s prey. Vampire bats have small ears and very short tail. The
front teeth of a vampire bat are designed for cutting and the back teeth are smaller than other bats. A
bat s brain processes sound and can detect breathing sounds of other animals sleeping. This part of the
brain is called the inferior colliculus. Mostly all bats have lost the ability to walk on the ground, but
there are some that still run while on the ground. Their wings are much more powerful than their legs,
Bats live in colonies is complete, dark places such as caves, wells, trees and some buildings. The
number of
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What Are The Similarities Between Kanye West And Hype...
Kanye West and Hype Williams have been accused by the film director Gaspar Noé for ripping off his
fantasy movie Enter the Void for the All of the Lights music video. The similarities between the two
videos were criticized by fans and critics in 2011, but Noé remained silent about it until now. In an
interview, the film director finally addressed the controversy and has spoken about it. He revealed he
was never consulted by the rapper during the making of the music video. Instead he was surprised
when he saw Kanye s video and couldn t help but notice the similarities of it. He said he was totally in
shock after he noticed William s name was added to the content, using his typography. The director
(Hype Williams) was someone else who
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Budget Deficit
Budget Deficit
For many decades, there has been a concern for the deficit within the United States. Many politicians,
authors, newscasters, and citizens have expressed their distress in order to resolve or control the issue.
Keynesian economic theory states that running a budget deficit is okay, as long as the deficit is not
exorbitantly large and is not carried for a long period of time. Even though many experts agree with
this notion, having a deficit at all is important to the present and future economic stability of a country.
For the most part, the uncontrolled increases in spending and reckless tax cuts in the past have
damaged the federal budget, which the White House and Congress have allowed to occur. President
Bush has ... Show more content on ...
However, after the economy has recovered, the deficit becomes a problem. In the event that the
current deficit is not handled properly, the country will begin to see the weakening of the production
of goods and services, in turn forcing wages to decrease. Interest rates will rise, which will make it
harder for households and businesses to acquire loans. These factors will increase the strain on the
American public and unfortunately lower the ability of the government to intervene, due to the already
high deficit. In addition, interest obligations of the federal government are slated to grow from $155
billion in 2004 to $514 billion in 2014, or by $359 billion. These extra costs are the result of both
rising interest rates and increased borrowing by the federal government. In order to sustain the
economic power and prosperity that the United States has created, major change must be implemented
by government leaders, not by career politicians. When a budget is in deficit there are only two ways,
other than faster growth in the economy, to bring it into balance. Spending must be cut or revenue
increased. Obviously, cutting spending to many of the current governmental programs is difficult
because they have already been implemented and deemed necessary. Increasing taxes is also a difficult
issue for politicians to handle and for the public to accept. There needs to be a healthy mix of these
two options that keeps the economy powerful, while
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Somali Pirates and the Response of The United States Essay
To begin, pirates have been prowling the seas as far back as ancient times, such as the Phoenicians and
Greeks in the Mediterranean. As well Muslim piracy as Jihad has existed since the 17th Century along
the Barbary Coast of North Africa.2 These pirates were known as Barbary corsairs, and they would
attack ships from Christian countries, seizing their ships and, and selling the sailors into slavery.
Today, Somali pirates are seizing ships and taking hostages for ransom along the waters off the coast
of Somali and the Gulf of Aden.
The root of the Somali pirates was established then put into motion after the Somali Civil War and the
fall of the Barre regime in 1991, the last functioning government.4 Along with the government, also ...
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Because of the poverty, lack of employment, environmental hardship, pitifully low incomes, reduction
of pastoralist and maritime resources due to drought and illegal fishing and a volatile security and
political situation all contribute to the rise and continuance of piracy in Somalia. 6 For one thing the
pirate trade is easy to do; there is no real fear of their targeted victims shooting at them, because by
International agreement, civilian vessels cannot have guns.7 The money a pirate earns is great, and has
made the pirates the country s most eligible bachelors, pirating has become Somalia s biggest industry.
7 In 2008, Sugule Ali, a pirate who was part of the seizing of MV Faina, a Ukrainian freighter packed
with Soviet made tanks, grenade launchers ...etc. demanded $25 million for its release told a reporter,
We only want the money.
As far as any indications of state(s) sponsorship officials have found no direct ties among the Somali
pirates and regional or international terror groups such as Al Shabaab, radical Islamist, or al Qaeda at
present, and the pirates show no
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The Cia ( Central Intelligence Agency
Summary of company (or government agency, etc)
The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is an independent federal agency, it is responsible for
advancing national security intelligence to the United States policymakers. The Intelligence the CIA
acquires is used to provide strategic and tactical advantages to take action in order to prevent threats
and to advance the United States National security goals. The CIA organizes covert activities and
objective analysis that seeks to provide the outcome of keeping our Nation safe.
Founded during World War II President Roosevelt appointed William Donovan the first coordinator of
the CIA. After the War ended, President Truman recognized the need for a Central Intelligence
Agency this led him to Sign the National Security Act of 1947. The most recent change came after
9/11 when President Bush signed the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act which
creamed a director over the Central Intelligence and National Intelligence. Both directors are
accountable for Counterterrorism and the Intelligence Community. The director of the CIA is
responsible for the budget, operations and personnel, of the CIA, is chosen by the President and
confirmed by the Senate. The CIA works as advisors regarding foreign intelligence to the president
and policy maker
Summary of company diversity plan
The CIA understands that to run an Intelligence agency nationally it is necessary to have very broad
perspectives which come from diversity of thought,
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Recurrent UTI
Recurrent UTI is defined as a UTI (proven by culture) with episodes of uncomplicated UTI for more
than three times a year or more than two episodes in 6 months. The incidence of rUTI was high in
primary care setting, ranging from 36% in younger women to 53% in women above 55 years.6 Other
study showed that at least one rUTI occurred in 27% of young college age women who experienced
their first UTI.7 There are several factors which may affect the occurence of rUTI, those risk factors
are varied between premenopausal and postmenopausal women. In premenopausal women, sexual
intercourse (recent intercourse/new sexual partners), use of spermicide and diaphragm are the most
common risk factors, followed by maternal history, previous case of UTI before 15 years of age,
genetics, pelvic anatomy and distance between urethra and anus. On the other hand, postmenopausal
women are tend to experience rUTI due to estrogen deficiency, cystocoele, history of urogenital
surgery, high post void volume, previous UTI, and alteration of normal vaginal flora. In ... Show more
content on ...
Some study said that rUTIs are not life threatening, however, lowered quality of life and increased
health care costs are inevitable in these diseases.7 Patients with rUTI may experience anxiety of
sudden acute episodes and psychological burden.8 In other studies, urinary tract infection may lead to
various complications, starting from increased length of stay in hospital until higher mortality rate.
Based on a study by Mitchell et al, out of 1.73% of admitted patients who had UTI, there were 3.5
days extra length of stay compared to those without UTI. People with infection also had 2.3 times
more chance to die during their admission.9 Moreover, in The United States, annual cost of UTI are
$3.5 billion, whereas in Italy the cost of UTI and rUTI was around 240 and 140 euro per episodes
respectively.5,10 Thus, preventive measures should be done to solve this
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Council Of Fifty Essay
THE COUNCIL OF FIFTY Like many in the mid 19th century, the Mormons believed that the second
coming of Jesus was imminent, and would be attended by great destruction. After this destruction
occurred, some structure would be necessary to politically organize the survivors. Joseph Smith said
he received a revelation on April 7, 1842 calling for the establishment of an organization called the
Living Constitution, or later the Council of Fifty. This would serve as the foundation for the
establishment of Christ s Millennial government. The organization was formally established by Joseph
Smith in Nauvoo, Illinois on March 11, 1844. The clerk of the Kingdom , William Clayton, recorded
that exactly one month later, Joseph Smith was chosen as our ... Show more content on ...
He was a friend of Joseph Smith, Jr., founder of the LDS Church. He was the adopted son of Brigham
Young under the early church doctrine the Law of Adoption. In 1839, Lee served a Mormon mission
with his boyhood friend, Levi Stewart. Together they preached in Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, and
Tennessee. During this period Lee converted and baptized Wild Bill Hickman. Lee practiced plural
marriage (called polygamy by non Mormons) and had nineteen wives (at least eleven of whom
eventually left him) along with sixty seven children. He was allegedly a member of the Danites
vigilante group, although this claim has been disputed. Lee was an official scribe for the Council of
50, a group of men who, in the days of Joseph Smith, Jr. and Brigham Young, worked together to
provide guidance in practical matters to the church, specifically concerning the move westward out of
the United States of America to the Rocky
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What A Flag Means To Me
What the United States flag means to me is freedom. Freedom of rights. Freedom of speech. But that s
not what it all really means. It means fortitude for those who lose their lives in battle. I respect the
flag. What the flag means to me is that I know that there are people out there, Seals, Police force,
Army, Marines, and all others fighting to keep us safe here in the U.S. The flag to me symbolises our
freedom. And i respect that. How I think of the flag is the way I think of a baby. You must care for it.
And also NEVER drop it. Our flag is something that should be respected more, and cared for. People
should look at the flag whenever they see it, and think of the people who are in Iran and Iraq, and all
over the world fighting.
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The Invention Of The First Industrial Revolution
The First Industrial Revolution
Envision living in a society dominated by factories that just recently transformed from arable land and
farms. Imagine constantly hearing about brand new inventions and ideas that were deemed impossible
only a few years ago. Visualize working long hours in cramped factories, in exchange for low pay and
contagious diseases. For some people that lived during the age of industrialization, this was their
reality of life. During the 18th and 19th century, the world was exponentially industrializing. After the
first industrial revolution in Great Britain, other countries were influenced, such as the United States,
and rapid industrialization occurred. Advanced innovations and ideas developed, along with the
creation of a factory system, leading to the creation of a modern, industrialized world. The cultural
diffusion of ideas and inventions from the British Industrial Revolution to America, aided in the
jumpstart of the First Industrial Revolution.
To understand the causes and lasting effects of the First Industrial Revolution in America, one must
recall the definition of a industrial revolution . defines it as ...changes in
manufacturing and transportation that began with fewer things being made by hand but instead made
using machines in larger scale factories ( industrial ). However, during the 19th century, it wasn t
merely just a transition period from an agricultural to industrial society, but rather when when farming
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Ssg Miller
SSG Miller enlisted into the United States Army on April 20, 2006. He became a Patriot Fire Control
Enhanced Operator/Maintainer. Upon completion of Advanced Individual Training he then deployed
less than 1 month as a Force OPS Crew Member with C 3/43 ADA. He then certified on the AMG
basic and intermediate gunnery certification. He then was able to complete advance gunnery tables in
Qatar on the AMG. SSG Miller returned to the states and then PCS d to HQ/A 3 6 ADA. SSG Miller
then served with 3 6 ADA as a PCOFT/POMT/RT3 Operator from 2008 2011. SSG Miller received
numerous awards for soldier of the quarter and soldier of the year. He also participated in the Fort
Bliss Post Softball Championship where 3 6 took 1st place. SSG Miller went to Okinawa, Japan and
was stationed on Kadena Air Force Base. During his time he qualified on the AMG, EPP, RADAR,
ECS, BCP and also served as Alpha 1 1 ADA BMC NCOIC. ... Show more content on
He took on the responsibility of 2 Patriot Radars and played a vital role to Alpha Battery success in
intercepting SRBM s in Kwajalein Atoll. This mission was one of the largest, most complex missile
defense flight test ever attempted. SSG Miller as a Tactical Control Assistant was able to validate 96
missiles with zero safety incidents. SSG Miller was selected to be the Headquarters Platoon Sergeant.
SSG Miller still held the responsibilities of evaluating sister batteries due to his experience and
outstanding knowledge of the Patriot System and Gunnery
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The Death Of A Star
Palacios 1
Kimberly Palacios
English 1A 60
Professor Kathleen Gurnett
29 October 2015 Just Like Humans
If a person was to be asked to describe our life stages, they would probably say something like people
are born, they live, and then they die. Of course, they aren t wrong, but we humans go through
beautiful stages before reaching death. We go through stages such as infancy, childhood, adolescence,
and adulthood. In many ways, Stars are just like humans. They also go through astonishing stages, all
leading up to its death. The death of a star will probably be one of the most beautiful and terrifying
moments we wont get to witness. But our sun being such a key factor in our everyday life, is reason
enough to know the importance of its life cycle and the process it will undertake as it begins to perish.
But in order to understand how and why a star dies we first must ask ourselves: what exactly makes up
a star?
We might look at the sun and think Hmm, well it just looks like a big ball of fire to me. Good! The sun
is a big ball of fire, but it doesn t burn exactly like fire, it s more a burning glow. This glowing heat,
which is about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, is not produced by burning like in a chemical reaction but
rather by fusion like in a nuclear reaction. Now, to understand how the sun enters the final stage of its
life cycle, it is important we fully understand how the sun was created. For humans, one of the earliest
stages of life is birth. A human is
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Communication Plan For Fortescue Metals Group
. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This communication plan for Fortescue Metals Group (FMG) is
specifically devised to support FMG in engaging with their internal stakeholders. All stakeholders take
part in an important role in the corporation; however by using a strategic approach to internal
communication, a proactive strategy for long term business success with internal employees will be
created. This will ensure a reinforcement of benefits, highlight key elements, and present specific
issues that need to be taken into consideration. Furthermore the process of planning and measurement
of the internal communication strategy will take place. Communicating effectively with stakeholders
is critical to refining productivity within a corporation and generally occurs once the stakeholders
understand the intended message that FMG has specifically constructed tailored to their needs, wants,
facts, etc. This internal communication strategy will deliver a concentrated plan to communicate FMG
s vision; it s mission, values, and goals and clearly communicates why stakeholders are such a huge
mechanism that drives the business. Gaining understanding from FMG s employees will be
communicated most efficiently via formal two way internal communication methods that support
FMGs strategies as well as the consistent messages being conveyed externally. 1.1 The benefits The
objective of this strategy is to promote and nurture a strong interaction within the corporation by
creating a two way
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Descroption of the Kiwi Fruit
For the following assignment I have chosen kiwi fruit as my source of concentration and focus. As I
started to explore this object, first I have decided to focus on the outer appearance. Just by looking at
the kiwi fruit, the shape that I noticed is oval or cylindrical, kind of egg shaped fruit, a little similar to
lemon size, with the two ends on each side. It is also pretty clean and uniform in shape, meaning that it
s not wrinkled or shriveled as I look at it. Skin of the fruit is covered with the thin, short, and fuzzy
little hair, almost like it s wrapped with moss that is of brown color with the dark green layer
underneath of it that is evidently flat and plain. The overall color of kiwi is a mixture of brown with
dark green. As I ... Show more content on ...
Comparing the two separate parts that I tasted, I noticed that the white center inside the kiwi was
harder in composition than the green pulp which was much squishy. I also came to conclusion that the
pulp itself had its characteristic taste of luscious and delectable taste, whereas the white center was
pretty sweet but tasteless at the same time, meaning that it didn t distinguish from any particular flavor
that I could compare to. As I worked on this assignment, I observed that as I tried to concentrate more
on the object, I became more frustrated and angry since I tried to get as much details as I could. When
I was describing the external appearance of the fruit, I didn t have any major problems because I relied
on my senses such touch, hear, smell, but as I was exploring the internal appearance in which I mostly
relied on my taste, it was pretty hard for me to focus and describe it in details. Fortunately, with each
detail that I found, I got more involved in this and the flow of new thoughts and ideas came to my
head. The more I was concentrating, the bigger commitment I put into this assignment. I really tried to
put an effort in this task and be as much enthusiastic as I could to make this assignment pleasing,
instead of just playing with it and doing it in a half hearted
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Explaining the Idea of Ahimsa
To explain how Gandhi applied the idea of ahimsa to modern times, I will first define ahimsa and then
explore ahimsa in the Jain religion more extensively. I will then discuss how Gandhi practiced this
concept in life. Ahimsa is a Sanskrit term equivalent to a not or without hiṁsā injury, which when
translated means the principle of non injury to living beings . The supreme principle in Jainism is non violence
(ahimsa). It also plays an important role in Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, and other
religions, but Jainism is unique in this principle because it demonstrates it to all living beings. Jains
believe that everything has the ability to suffer, even non living things such as rocks, fire, and oil.
Therefore ahimsa must include everything on earth. This view of reality, called hylozoism (Greek:
matter alive ) may be quite ancient (Malloy 186). Karma is also an important concept in Jainism being
closely connected to reincarnation, liberation (moksha), and ahimsa. Reincarnation is sometimes
called transmigration of the soul, believing that the soul experiences rebirths of different kinds of lives
human, animal or even supernatural until it reaches its final destination. religions karma.html. Karma is what determines the course of reincarnation. The
level of rebirth is determined automatically according to one s state of karma at the time of death of
the current
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Nt1330 Unit 2 Data Collection Paper
Question 1 (ULO1) a. Sequential access: Sequential file organizations access data sequentially from
the beginning [1], i.e. to reach file 27, the 26 preceding files must be accessed first. They are much
slower to access compared to random access [1]. Sequential files are stored on a sequential access
device [2]. The records contained in sequential files are stored in a predetermined order [2], according
to the value of a search key [1], and are stored one after the other [2] as they are inserted into the file.
Records can only be accessed (read from and written to) sequentially (i.e. in the same order that they
were entered) [3]. Sequential files are designed for efficient processing [1]). Records stored in
sequential files cannot be deleted, ... Show more content on ...
Business Rules: In the entity relationship data models, business rules must take into account all
relationship models: one to many (1:M), one to one (1:1) and many to many (M:N). For a database on
a school library, a restriction of having a student only allowed to borrow one book would need a 1:1
relationship. b. Normalisation: The following information applies to the relational data model. 1NF
(First Normal Form): The relation has no repeating groups; all attributes are dependent on the primary
key. [12] 2NF (Second Normal Form): The relation should not have any partial dependencies; part of
the primary key should not identify a subset of attributes in the same table. The relation must be in
1NF before it can be in 2NF [12] 3NF (Third Normal Form): The relation has no transitive
dependencies. The relation must be in 2NF before it can be in 3NF. [12] Normalization for entity
relationship modelling works as it does for other modelling systems, with some alterations. [13] The
difference when using the entity relationship data model is [14]: 1. Attributes become entity types. 2.
Compound attributes must be split into smaller attributes. 3. Entity types must be expanded into two
entity types and a
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Siddhartha, the handsome and respected son of a Brahmin, lives with his father in ancient India.
Everyone in the village expects Siddhartha to be a successful Brahmin like his father. Siddhartha
enjoys a near idyllic existence with his best friend, Govinda, but he is secretly dissatisfied. He
performs all the rituals of religion, and he does what religion says should bring him happiness and
peace. Nonetheless, he feels something is missing. His father and the other elders have still not
achieved enlightenment, and he feels that staying with them will not settle the questions he has about
the nature of his existence. Siddhartha believes his father has already passed on all the wisdom their
community has to offer, but he longs for something more. ... Show more content on ...
They are starved and almost naked and have come to beg for food. They believe enlightenment can be
reached through asceticism, a rejection of the body and physical desire. The path the Samanas preach
is quite different from the one Siddhartha has been taught, and he believes it may provide some of the
answers he is looking for. He decides to follow this new path. Siddhartha s father does not want him to
join the Samanas, but he cannot dissuade Siddhartha. Govinda also wants to find a path to
enlightenment, and he joins Siddhartha in this new life. Siddhartha adjusts quickly to the ways of the
Samanas because of the patience and discipline he learned in the Brahmin tradition. He learns how to
free himself from the traditional trappings of life, and so loses his desire for property, clothing,
sexuality, and all sustenance except that required to live. His goal is to find enlightenment by
eliminating his Self, and he successfully renounces the pleasures of the
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Difference Between America s Best And Worst Claims
America s Best and Worst Claims
Between the years of 1845 and 1848 America was on a mission to expand farther west. This was
mission was not something that was completed over night, but instead too many years to reach the
goal. There were multiple disagreements and even some wars erected from this operation. In this
paper I am going to discuss the how the Oregon Territory was one of the best claims we have owned
and how the California and Texas Territory was one of the worst claims we have owned.
The Oregon territory was originally occupied for many years by the Native Americans. During the
19th century the British and American citizens started moving into the territory and settling on the
land. American citizen predominantly settled in the fertile valleys because most of them were farmers.
As years passed by many people started migrating to the Oregon territory and the territory started to
become crowed. With the territory being crowed this would soon lead to conflict. James Polk the
master mind behind the manifest destiny campaign believed that the American people had the right to
expand to the entire continent North America.
James Polk was able to get a lot of people on his side to the point where rally s would begin. Polk s
original proposal for the border was at ... Show more content on ...
This situation was completely different from obtaining the Oregon territory. Mexico mainly refused to
accept and recognize Texas as independent was the root of the conflict. After being declared as
independent the United States declined to add it to the union. Texas did not agree with the idea that it
would be a slave state and refused to corporate. This was soon brought to an end with the Treaty of
Guadalupe Hidalgo that established the Rio Grande as the United States Mexican border. This
agreement also caused Mexico to the sell California and any land above the Rio
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  • 2. Gunpowder Revolutionized Medieval Europe And The End Of... The introduction of gunpowder revolutionized medieval Europe and hastened the decline of the knight and the end of the medieval style of warfare. Prior to this, all medieval weapons depended on the strength of the user to operate; from the largest most complex torsion and gravity driven siege machines to a poor farmer s dirk, all weapons used human strength. While siege weapons would be dependent on leverage and a ratcheting mechanism to draw a rope to prime a ballista or ready a mangonel, other weapons like a traditional war bow would be dependent on raw brute strength. As opponents and fortifications became better protected, the performance of traditional weapons diminished due to the physical limitations of the technology. By the mid ... Show more content on ... Peasants were essentially treated as cannon fodder marching into battles in hordes armed with farming implements and small knives. Other weapons were expensive and limited by monarchies. Knights in contrast were treated with the utmost respect and wore protective steel mail and plates. Due to the expectation that knights would furnish all of their own equipment, training and horses, the knightly class became almost exclusively filled with rich nobles and aristocrats. Archers proved to be highly effective but the skill took a lifetime to master and arrows needed to be shot at close range to be capable of penetrating knight s armor. Furthermore, archers were vulnerable to charge while they reloaded. Despite later results, gunpowder did not immediately revolutionize European armies, rather it took time for the technology to advance to the point that it could surpass traditional technologies. Overtime gunpowder granular size, production method and ingredient proportions changed as medieval era scientists experimentally determined what specific methods produced the best quality cannon and handgun powder. It wasn t just the gunpowder that needed refinement, the weapons using also needed change. Initial gunpowder weapons were poorly designed and highly ineffective killing instruments. In the beginning, they offered no performance improvement over a traditional crossbow which limited their utilization by militaries. ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Harbor Island Case Study Site background and history The Harbor Island site covers about 400 acres and is an industrial area in Seattle, Washington, at the mouth of the Duwamish River, close to Elliott Bay (see Figure 1). The island was created around 1905 from sediments coming from the Duwamish River. Since 1912, the island has been used for commercial and industrial activities, including secondary lead smelting, shipbuilding and repair, bulk petroleum fuel storage, metal fabrication, and containerized cargo shipping. There are no people live on Harbor Island, but approximately 10,000 people live within one mile of the site. However, fishermen use the waters around Harbor Island for shellfishing, crabbing, and fishing. So the contaminants in the Harbor Island can ... Show more content on ... There are several hundred of these compounds, but not all occur in any one sample. Chemicals that occur in TPH include hexane, benzene, toluene, xylenes, naphthalene, and fluorine, etc. The compounds in different TPH fractions affect the body in different ways. Some of the TPH compounds, particularly the smaller compounds such as benzene, toluene, and xylene (which are present in gasoline), can affect the human central nervous system. If exposures are high enough, death can occur. Breathing toluene at concentrations greater than 100 ppm for more than several hours can cause fatigue, headache, nausea, and drowsiness. When exposure is stopped, the symptoms will go away. However, if someone is exposed for a long time, permanent damage to the central nervous system can occur. One TPH compound (n hexane) can affect the central nervous system in a different way, causing a nerve disorder called peripheral neuropathy characterized by numbness in the feet and legs and, in severe cases, paralysis. Swallowing some petroleum products such as gasoline and kerosene causes irritation of the throat and stomach, central nervous system depression, difficulty breathing, and pneumonia from breathing liquid into the lungs. The compounds in some TPH fractions can also affect the blood, immune system, liver, spleen, kidneys, developing fetus, and lungs. Certain TPH compounds can be irritating to the skin ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Charlie Gordon s Characterization In Daniel Keyes Flowers... The physician should not treat the disease but the patient who is suffering from it (Maimonides). Determined and motivated. These words describe the power of a dangerous thing. Daniel Keyes writes about Charlie Gordon, a disabled man with low intelligence who tries to become the most intelligent man that he can be by getting surgery to enhance his capability of learning. In the novel, Flower for Algernon, Charlie gets an operation to increase his intelligence, which has negative effects. Overall, the operation was unethical because he isn t able to get the operation without someone is his family s approval, he didn t fully understand the negative consequences, the scientist didn t wait long enough time to see how Algernon turned out before ... Show more content on ... The Professor and the Doctor had to ask someone in his family for the approval, so they asked Norma, Charlie s sister. When Norma said that he can get the surgery, he was so happy. In the book, Charlie said, They found my sister Norma who lives with my mother in Brooklin and she gave me permissen for the operashun (Keyes 9). This quote develops that Charlie is allowed to get the operation now since his sister said that he can get it. But, the worst thing is, that Charlie didn t know what the operation could do to him. Norma really does not like Charlie and he is worried she approved it for the wrong reasons. On page 218, Charlie figured everything out when he says, But you realize we had to get permission from someone in your immediate family. You were incompetent to agree to this yourself (Keyes). When Charlie was talking to the doctors, he finally was figuring everything out. Charlie was saying to the doctors, You re talking about my sister Norma, I read about it in the paper. From what I remember of her, I imagine she d have given your approval for my execution (Keyes 218). Overall, Charlie understands what is happening to him and how everything is ... Get more on ...
  • 5. How Tobacco Use Teaching Methods Tobacco Use Teaching Methods Introduction Choosing the correct teaching method is important to help the learner retain and learn information in an effective and efficient way. Tobacco use is a health related topic that needs further education and intervention from a nurse. Group discussion and demonstration, and return demonstration are two teaching methods of interest to me, which I believe will be beneficial to use when educating a small group of five people about this health related topic are. Group discussion involves the deliverance of medical information or education to a small group of individuals which may include their family so information, opinions can be exchanged with the nurse. This is simple way to deliver information to more than one person at one time if time management is a concern, and the nurse is able to build trust and rapport with the group as a whole. Demonstration and return demonstration works more effectively in a small group and involves education or teaching with the nurse and learner(s). This method also allows time for feedback from both parties. The nurse gives the learner a demonstration of a task to perform and the learner has to attempt to carry out the task back showing competence, and the nurse is on standby to give cues as needed. Group discussions Group discussions are beneficial as this teaching method is useful as it allows the learners to share information about their personal experiences and is both economically and time ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Yeats on Change and Stability, and How They... The world is a place that is ever changing, yet somehow it always stays the same. There is a saying, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Another goes like this: history has a way of repeating itself. So does that mean that people can t learn from the mistakes of the past? Certainly not. There are brilliant minds in this world that can visualize in what ways events have gone wrong in history. They are able to learn the faults and strengths of other, older civilizations, and build on those. Unfortunately, these minds are few and far between, and the rest of us are left to fend for ourselves. There comes a time in every country/civilization s existence that a bad leader takes the reins and things go south in a hurry. This is when declension of state is put into effect, as Plato would have it. This rise and fall of civilization is something William Butler Yeats was very familiar with. His love of history and the sciences were combined with a philosophy all his own. His philosophy was that in all of the fields of history, art, personality, and society, there are conflicting forces at work: change and stability. In each society, these two forces are at work, and that can sometimes make things chaotic in the lives of the people in the society. These forces don t even have to be a part of society; stability and change can be a part of everyday life. Five poems of Yeats that portray the change in the world, and the stability too, are When You Are Old, The Lake Isle ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Case Involving Bmw And Dollar General I have already talked about the case involving BMW and Dollar General, presenting Equal Employment Opportunity Commission s revised guidance regarding usage of conviction records in hiring decisions. And this shed some light on discussed issues, but in order to attain wide, broad standpoint, other cases should be examined. In their article Callier, Huss and Juengst present this controversial case revolving around the problem of criminal records and hiring. Recently, University of Akron enacted the policy that would require blanket criminal background checks for all prospective UA employees, excluding student employees. The mere fact that this policy was set should already interest and alert a thoughtful reader; however, this is not the ... Show more content on ... I believe there two main interconnected problems: the issue of ethicality and legality. It is acceptable to collect genetic DNA samples. To put it bluntly, is it okay to do so? The answer is no. Here is the explanation why. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOP) insists that when it comes to issue of getting genetic information, aim to discriminate is insignificant and it does not matter whether or not one intended to discriminate. I agree that such practice is not right, especially from an ethical standpoint. But it seems wrong even from legal viewpoint. The commission argues An employer who asks for information and then acquires genetic information as a result of that request, runs in violation of GINA . Therefore, it is unlawful thing to do. This is legal issue. What about ethical side? Although I grant that there is no obligation that an employer receives an information to discriminate or there is no such a rule that the employer obtains information to have genetic information, I still maintain that this is not right thing to do, because it may entail amplification of discrimination. EEOP supports my disagreement: the fact that they re acquiring genetic information to begin with violates the rule itself . Again, it is confirmed that University s policy go against GINA and now ethical aspect is present. The problem here is that by collecting DNA samples, University of Akron creates basis for ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Wall Steet Movie Review The definition of business ethics is described as a company s attitude and conduct towards its stakeholders employees, customers, stockholders, and so forth; ethical behavior requires fair and honest treatment of all parties. The word ethics is defined as standards of conduct or moral behavior. The movie Wall Street, was the exact opposite of these definitions. The movie shows examples of hostile takeovers, insider trading, greed and unethical behaviors in the attempt to build fortune on the all mighty dollar. The movie focuses on the stock market and the way inside information is used to make decisions to build cash and profits at the costs of others. It portrays the decisions one may make when faced with the temptation of green ... Show more content on ... The movie is based off the uncertainties of the stock market. People are investing money in hopes of turning profits but just as it is uncertain losses are also realized. But the more risk you are willing to take, the higher the reward or pay out can be in the end. This does not only apply to money but to your actions. In the movie Buddy Fox and Gordon Gekko were willing to risk fines and jail time in order to gain information to make their returns on investment close to certain. This movie also taught the lesson that you should always know what you are doing with your money and if you do your research and homework, you will know what you re investing in and it can bring higher success. You should never jump into an investment without knowing what you re actually getting into. You should know what you re investing, the beta tied to the investment and the reward you are looking to gain. Researching and finding these answers can definitely lead to smarter investments. Jumping into investments blind and uneducated can lead to loses in money. Wall Street had a high focus on stocks and bonds. It had some obvious correlations to business finance as well as subtle lessons. These lessons was a great way to take the words of the text book, Essentials of Managerial Finance and put them in front of your eyes to see exactly how these aspects in the book can be applied to reality. This was my first time watching this movie and the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Essay about The Persecution of the Hollywood Ten Hollywood Ten For my arcival project I chose to research the Hollywood Ten, I chose this because I am fascinated by the events of that occurred around this time and group. The Hollywood Ten was a group of writers, directors, and other artists who bravely refused to answer questions in front of the House of Un American Activities and were therefore sentenced to jail time and banned from working in Hollywood. The actions of that the House of Un American Activities and the resistance of the Hollywood Ten raised attention and a debate across the country about the actions that the government was taking against Hollywood artists. The House of Un American Activities Committee was a government committee which set out to investigate alleged ... Show more content on ... I find it interesting that so many people were swayed by what they were being told by the government. I have the impression that American are very gullible and naïve. There had to be more to what they were doing to convince Americans that Hollywood was friendly with Communists and poisoning them with their movies. When I think of Americans today, many of them raise an eyebrow to what the government is telling them. They will also often times do the exact opposite of what the government is asking them to do. When Mike Bloomberg suggested making it illegal for restaurants to sell extra large sodas, many people that I know went crazy and would deliberately get extra large sodas. These people didn t necessarily like soda or need one of that size and most definitely knew that it was not good for them; however they didn t like the fact that someone from the government was telling them what they could and could not drink. These people felt that their rights were being violated. This is how I view most Americans today, they are stubborn and are very protective of their rights. Which is why I find it hard to believe that people actually bought into the idea that Hollywood was poisoning them with Communist ideas and were in cahoots with Russia? My first experience at the New York ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Run By Wanda Coleman Analysis To begin, Wanda Coleman shows us when a young boy s mom calls him hard to look at. We hear this through dialogue between his mother and aunt. While the main character, Buzz, and his cousin were in California, they were playing a game and overheard some disturbing words by Buzz s mother. Buzz previously had great respect for his mother and was a happy, fun kid. A turn of events changed his point of view and made him see his mother in a mean, cold view. We start to see some prejudice when Buzz s mom said He s my favorite of the boys. He s so light skinned and look at that good straight hair. But as the conversation is progressing, so is the hurtfulness of his mother s words. The final breaking point for Buzz is when his mom says I m so glad this baby didn t turn out black and ugly like Buzz As we could see through the dialogue, Buzz faced prejudice from no one but his own mother. We can infer from BUzz s later actions of personality change and crying in the bathroom. We can see how close prejudice can hit home, and even be at home. ... Show more content on ... To illustrate the power of dialogue, Coleman writes I m so glad the other boys didn t turn out as dark The reader can see that what they are saying, the dialogue, has a lot of power and can really affect others. The interaction between characters shows that Buzz s mother had a set view on life and wouldn t change it even for her own ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Amendment Of A Home In the world of which The Constitution and its Amendments must be followed, there has been great debate on whether a dog that is trained to sniff out certain smells such as narcotics, is considered a search prohibited by the Fourth Amendment, but what could be said if the place a dog sniff is done, is the outside of a home. A home, is a place that a person believes they have the most protection because that is where a person resides, but the question of whether the outside of a home holds the same protection can be debated back and forth. It is of great importance though, in the case of future discussion, to know if the outside of a home is protected under the fourth amendment from a dog sniff or whether it isn t. To answer the question at ... Show more content on ... A person to be secure in their home would be of little practical value if the State s agents could stand in a home s porch or side garden and trawl for evidence with impunity; the right to retreat would be significantly diminished if the police could enter a man s property to observe his repose from just outside the front window (Flordia v. Jardines, 2013). In other words what would be the point of the inside of a home holding fourth amendment protections if the outside of a home held no protections and an officer could just lurk around and look inside a home in efforts to find evidence without a warrant; with this being said, it is safe to assume that the immediate areas surrounding a home holds fourth amendment protection and is secure against a dog sniff because a sniffer dog is a dog trained to use its sense of smell to detect substances such as explosives, illegal drugs, wildlife scat, or blood (Wikipedia, n.d.) that can be hidden inside the home. When an officer brings a companion, in this case a dog, for the purpose of finding evidence, to the outside of person s home, a fourth Amendment violation has occurred. The problem isn t the dog sniff itself, the problem is when an officer trespasses into a person s property, in which society feels they have fourth amendment protection, with a trained dog in efforts to find evidence. A dog sniff itself can be used in public places or borders for public safety, but it is ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Deaf Culture Discrimination When terms such as discrimination and prejudice are heard; commonly, the example is racism. However, discrimination and prejudice are similarly defined as: a preconceived negative judgment of a group and its individual members. (Myers, Social Psychology, 2013, p. 336) Our minds, being influenced by our environment and memories, tend to overlook other peer groups; specifically Deaf culture. This paper will discuss: my personal experience, discrimination, and Deaf culture. In late 2016, I was granted the opportunity to attend an American Sign Language class, at my local community college. Prior to this, I had only one experience meeting a deaf person. I was seventeen at the time, working my first job. I felt like a deer caught in headlights, ... Show more content on ... They consider it a lifestyle; separated from the hearing world. They have different beliefs, and social behaviors. They value American Sign Language, and view it as an art form. An expressive language used as their primary source of communication. Some believe that Deaf people should only marry within their culture, some believe that using their voices is disrespectful. They have beliefs that deaf should be capitalized when referring to people, but lowercase when referring to the diagnoses. They have different terms for things such as: Audism. Audism is defined as: The notion that one is superior based on one s ability to hear or to behave in the manner of one who hears. (Oberholtzer, Humphries Audism Tags: deaf, faq, research guide , Doctoral dissertation, p.12. 1977, 2009) Most have respect for the hearing world, and will treat hearing people with respect if the respect is returned. Discrimination is a very prevalent problem in our society. Despite having a changed personal view of Deaf culture, there are still battles being fought for the rights of humans. Humans that are just like everyone else, but cannot hear. It is with hope that society will continue to educate about Deaf culture in order to grow awareness, and provide a deeper, and more sympathetic ... Get more on ...
  • 13. How Cinema and Theater Convey Pleasure in the Acts of... How Cinema and Theater Convey Pleasure in the Acts of Search and Lust In her essay, Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema , British film maker Laura Mulvey attempts to demystify how pleasure can be fulfilled in film. Contending that a pleasure in looking (scopohilia) and a pleasure in possessing the female as what to be looked at (voyeurism) fufills the audience s desires, Mulvey suggests how filmmakers use this knowledge to create film that panders to our innate desires. In Meshes of the Afternoon by Maya Deren and Vertigo by Alfred Hitchcock, it is seen that Mulvey s argument the desire to look, the hunting, seeking, and watching, and harnessing of the female form is natural human desire. Deren and Hitchcock will use ... Show more content on ... Important first is understanding what Mulvey is suggesting what it actually means to derive pleasure from a work as she sees it. She divides pleasure into two categories voyeurism and scopophilia that for her represent the complete fulfillment of human desires in a work. The question as to whether they can coexist harmoniously is the critical component of Hitchcock and Deren. The difference between these two artists and others, as it will soon be seen, is their uncanny ability to play toward both the need to look and the need to objectify women as the image of that look and do so in such a seamless manner that it can escape the audience s attention. How, artistically, do you implement Mulvey s suggestion that there is some desire to be gained by the idea of looking and seeking in art? There is a mirroring duality to much of this voyeurism we enjoy in cinema. The extreme contrast between the darkness of the auditorium (which also isolates spectators from one another) and the active search playing out on screen allow the individual audience members to feel voyeuristic as they watch in on someone else s narrative (Mulvey, 2184). It is dark and secretive, and they can watch in as Scottie, for example, attempts to figure out the enigmatic woman of his fantasy. As he watches, so does the audience, and it is within this complex stacking of pleasure that the audience own desires are fully realized. Mainstream film , where Mulvey places Vertigo ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Norman Rockwell Research Paper Freedom From Want, Freedom From Fear, Freedom Of Speech and Freedom Of Religion. The four freedoms, some of his most famous art didn t become famous overnight. Norman Rockwell s dream of art started at age 14, when he decided to study at the New York School Of Art but he later dropped out and enrolled at the National Academy Of Design where he continued his dream of art. After graduation, he started on his first day of his career, as an illustrator for the Boys Life magazine. At age 22, he began the 47 year long work for the Saturday Evening Post , in which he would make 320 more covers. Although his career seemed set, he had a long way to go till he became the artist we know today. Inspired by a speech given by Theodore Rosevelt, ... Get more on ...
  • 15. St. Paul Sustainable Ecosystem Sustainability is whether or not an ecosystem can survive for long periods of time. Throughout this chapter I will be talking about whether the forest in the backyard of St. Paul is a sustainable ecosystem and what factors keep the balance. First of all an ecosystem is all the biotic things that live in one area and the chemical and physical environment that surrounds them. Usually in a sustainable ecosystem there is everything that the ecosystem needs already provided within it. So what does an ecosystem need? Well first of all there needs to be an abundance of lots of biodiversity, which means that there are multiple different types of plants and animals as well as various different species. Because there is so much different flora and fauna ... Show more content on ... The carbon cycle is also a very important part of the ecosystem. The carbon cycle is how the carbon gets transferred from the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. The carbon cycle starts with plants using the CO2 in photosynthesis. During photosynthesis plants use water, energy from the sun and carbon to make a compound called glucose as well as releasing oxygen. Then as the plants get eaten by consumers the glucose (which includes carbon) moves up the food chain. Along the way animals use that glucose for energy, as well as breathing out the carbon in the form of carbon dioxide. Animals and humans harness this energy by our cells that break down the glucose. This is a process called cellular respiration. We then release the carbon in the form of carbon dioxide back into the air by exhaling or eliminating waste. If along the chain a producer or consumer dies without being eaten the carbon will decompose and will get buried under everything else. After many years the carbon that was in it will turn into fossil fuels ready to be burned by us and release more of the already abundant carbon dioxide into the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Amylase Production In Bacillus Subtilis Lab Report Effect of Temperature on Amylase Production in Bacillus subtilis Grace Ann Nader Background Amylase is an enzyme, produced by plants, animals, and microorganisms, that is used to break down starches into smaller monomers, that can then be transferred through the cell wall and metabolized by organisms. Amylase plays a huge role in the food and textile industry as well. Amylase hydrolyzes starch molecules into polymers composed of glucose units, which are used to create glucose, fructose syrups, modified starches, and maltodextrin. Amylase also is used in the body to digest carbohydrates, which are the primary energy source for the human body. Amylase is of particular interest to me because it can be used to treat type 2 diabetes, which both of ... Show more content on ... Turn the starch agar plates upside down and draw two lines with the sharpie on each, dividing each petri dish into four separate sections. Label the sections 1A, 1B, 1C, and 1D on the first petri dish, 2A, 2B, 2C, and 2D on the second, and so on. 2. Pass forceps through the Bunsen burner flame; let them cool for a little bit, then use them to pick up one of the paper discs. Open the culture of Bacillus subtilis, flame the neck of the bottle, and dip the disc in the broth. Re flame the neck of the bottle and place the top on. Place the disc on section 1A of the agar plate. 3. Repeat step 2 for the rest of the petri dishes (1B, 1C, and so on) 4. Place the petri dish 1 in the incubator at a temperature of 50 degrees Celsius, and leave for 24 hours exactly. 5. After taking out the first petri dish, drop some iodine solution over the samples. Measure the diameter of the circle formed around the sample and record. 6. Repeat steps 4 5 for the rest of the petri dishes, changing the temperature to 55 degrees, 60 degrees, 65 degrees, and 70 ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Prisoner Of War Camps Many citizens of the United States immediately after the Civil War knew very little of the atrocities of that occurred in the prisoner of war camps. News that their family member was in a prisoner of war camp was usually dreaded by the family of the captured soldiers. While being dead was much worse the families never truly knew what was going on inside the camps. For the Confederacy, many feared Rock Island, but there was a just as deadly camp just north of Rock Island in Chicago. Once the war had ended the atrocities of what occurred inside the prisoner of war camps became apparent. Suddenly multiple fingers were pointed at what was the culprit for such deplorable conditions. The pictures, descriptions, and accounts of what happened inside the prisoner of war camps became a part of not only history but the media as well. Multiple books were written about the prisoner of war camps, several works of fiction reference the prisoner of war camps. Andersonville is almost unanimously regarded as the worst camp for a Union soldier to get sent to. Rock Island seems to be the place that many agree as the worst camp that a Confederate soldier could get sent to. Rock Island is even mentioned in several works of fiction, including Gone With The Wind. In Gone With The Wind the main character Scarlett O Hara s sister in law, Melanie Wilkes received a letter telling her that her husband Ashley Wilkes had been captured and taken to a horrible place called Rock Island. However, while Rock ... Get more on ...
  • 18. How A Membrane Affect An Element Rate Of Diffusion And... Objective: The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate how the composition of a membrane will affect an elements rate of diffusion and which elements can or cannot penetrate through the membrane. Hypothesis: First, it is hypothesized that methylene blue will not travel as far as potassium permanganate in the gel solution because the particle size and rate of diffusion is inversely related. Second, it is also hypothesized that the water tube placed into the beaker filled with sucrose will decrease in volume and the sucrose tube placed into the beaker filled with water will increase in volume because a cell placed into a hypertonic solution will shrink and a cell placed in a hypotonic solution will swell. Third, it is hypothesized that the starch filled tube will experience a color change, whereas the water and iodine solution will remain the same color because starch is not permeable to the membrane and iodine can freely pass through the membrane. Introduction/Background: A cell membrane functions as a selective barrier between the cytoplasm and the extracellular fluid. This allows the cell to monitor what is permitted into and out of the cell because some molecules are permeable and others are not. The membrane is composed of phospholipid molecules that are characterized by their amphipathic nature, which means there is a polar and nonpolar end of the molecule. The head is water loving or hydrophilic and the tail is lipid loving or lipophilic. The difference in ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Stanford University Research Paper Stanford University, situated between San Francisco and San Jose in the heart of California s Silicon Valley, is one of the world s driving educating and research colleges. Since its opening in 1891, Stanford has been devoted to discovering answers for enormous difficulties and to planning understudies for authority in a mind boggling world. Stanford invites more than 150,000 guests to grounds yearly. Whether you live in the area or are originating from far away, we anticipate seeing you here on the Farm. Guest Information offers a few interactive media voyages through Stanford, including recordings, slideshows and an independently directed podcast visit. The college is driven by President John Hennessy and Provost John Etchemendy, represented ... Show more content on ... The expectation of a New York daily paper that Stanford teachers would address in marble corridors to discharge seats was immediately negated. The main understudy body comprised of 555 men and ladies, and the first personnel of 15 was extended to 49 for the second year. The college s first president was David Starr Jordan, an alum of Cornell, who left his post as president of Indiana University to join the enterprise out West. The Stanfords drew in Frederick Law Olmsted, the extremely popular scene planner who made New York s Central Park, to outline the physical arrangement for the college. The joint effort was petulant, yet at long last brought about an association of quadrangles on an east west pivot. Today, as Stanford keeps on growing, the college s modelers endeavor to regard those unique college ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Serious Crimes in the Uniform Crime Report The Uniform Crime Report (UCR) is consisted of two parts, part one and part two. Part one crimes are the eight most serious offenses, which is murder, rape, assault, robbery, burglary, arson, larceny, and motor vehicle theft. Part two crimes are all other crimes except the ones in part one. They also include drug offenses, sex crimes, and vandalism. The UCR is a large database that stores all the information of the crimes that are reported and arrests made each year in the USA. The method used to get the information to the FBI is complex. Each month a law enforcement agencies report the count of part one crimes. The advantage of UCR is that people can see what kinds of crimes happen in a specific area. The disadvantage of UCR is that many of the serious crimes are not reported because the victims think that the crime is unimportant, they don t trust the police, or involved in something illegal during the time of the crime. The National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) is also consisted of two parts but includes offenses such as runaways, vagrancy, embezzlement, drug offenses and bribery. The NIBRS gives you a brief account of each incident and arrests; it includes the incident, victim, and the offender s information. The advantage of NIBRS is that it has a broader development on crimes and is more accurate then the UCR. The disadvantage is that only twenty states have this crime report system that s less then half of the US. The Survey Research is a survey that asks ... Get more on ...
  • 21. William Shakespeare s Vampire Bat Final Assignment Part 2 by Brandy Mearnic Vampire Bat The vampire bat also comes from a Subfamily called desmodontinae. There are three different types of bat species: The common vampire bat, hairy legged vampire bat and white winged vampire bat. These three different species are mostly native to the New World, but can be found in parts of Mexico and Brazil, Chile and Argentina. Their main source of food is blood. Instead of sucking the blood to feed on they make a small cut with their teeth and then lick up the blood from the fresh wound. While feeding, they can feed for up to 30 minutes without waking the animal they are feeding on up. They have a short muzzle and instead of a nose leaf, they have exposed (or naked) pads with u shaped grooves at the tip of the nose. The common vampire bat has thermoreceptors that help the bat to locate areas where the blood flows close in it s prey. Vampire bats have small ears and very short tail. The front teeth of a vampire bat are designed for cutting and the back teeth are smaller than other bats. A bat s brain processes sound and can detect breathing sounds of other animals sleeping. This part of the brain is called the inferior colliculus. Mostly all bats have lost the ability to walk on the ground, but there are some that still run while on the ground. Their wings are much more powerful than their legs, though. Bats live in colonies is complete, dark places such as caves, wells, trees and some buildings. The number of ... Get more on ...
  • 22. What Are The Similarities Between Kanye West And Hype... Kanye West and Hype Williams have been accused by the film director Gaspar Noé for ripping off his fantasy movie Enter the Void for the All of the Lights music video. The similarities between the two videos were criticized by fans and critics in 2011, but Noé remained silent about it until now. In an interview, the film director finally addressed the controversy and has spoken about it. He revealed he was never consulted by the rapper during the making of the music video. Instead he was surprised when he saw Kanye s video and couldn t help but notice the similarities of it. He said he was totally in shock after he noticed William s name was added to the content, using his typography. The director (Hype Williams) was someone else who ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Budget Deficit Budget Deficit For many decades, there has been a concern for the deficit within the United States. Many politicians, authors, newscasters, and citizens have expressed their distress in order to resolve or control the issue. Keynesian economic theory states that running a budget deficit is okay, as long as the deficit is not exorbitantly large and is not carried for a long period of time. Even though many experts agree with this notion, having a deficit at all is important to the present and future economic stability of a country. For the most part, the uncontrolled increases in spending and reckless tax cuts in the past have damaged the federal budget, which the White House and Congress have allowed to occur. President Bush has ... Show more content on ... However, after the economy has recovered, the deficit becomes a problem. In the event that the current deficit is not handled properly, the country will begin to see the weakening of the production of goods and services, in turn forcing wages to decrease. Interest rates will rise, which will make it harder for households and businesses to acquire loans. These factors will increase the strain on the American public and unfortunately lower the ability of the government to intervene, due to the already high deficit. In addition, interest obligations of the federal government are slated to grow from $155 billion in 2004 to $514 billion in 2014, or by $359 billion. These extra costs are the result of both rising interest rates and increased borrowing by the federal government. In order to sustain the economic power and prosperity that the United States has created, major change must be implemented by government leaders, not by career politicians. When a budget is in deficit there are only two ways, other than faster growth in the economy, to bring it into balance. Spending must be cut or revenue increased. Obviously, cutting spending to many of the current governmental programs is difficult because they have already been implemented and deemed necessary. Increasing taxes is also a difficult issue for politicians to handle and for the public to accept. There needs to be a healthy mix of these two options that keeps the economy powerful, while ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Somali Pirates and the Response of The United States Essay To begin, pirates have been prowling the seas as far back as ancient times, such as the Phoenicians and Greeks in the Mediterranean. As well Muslim piracy as Jihad has existed since the 17th Century along the Barbary Coast of North Africa.2 These pirates were known as Barbary corsairs, and they would attack ships from Christian countries, seizing their ships and, and selling the sailors into slavery. Today, Somali pirates are seizing ships and taking hostages for ransom along the waters off the coast of Somali and the Gulf of Aden. The root of the Somali pirates was established then put into motion after the Somali Civil War and the fall of the Barre regime in 1991, the last functioning government.4 Along with the government, also ... Show more content on ... Because of the poverty, lack of employment, environmental hardship, pitifully low incomes, reduction of pastoralist and maritime resources due to drought and illegal fishing and a volatile security and political situation all contribute to the rise and continuance of piracy in Somalia. 6 For one thing the pirate trade is easy to do; there is no real fear of their targeted victims shooting at them, because by International agreement, civilian vessels cannot have guns.7 The money a pirate earns is great, and has made the pirates the country s most eligible bachelors, pirating has become Somalia s biggest industry. 7 In 2008, Sugule Ali, a pirate who was part of the seizing of MV Faina, a Ukrainian freighter packed with Soviet made tanks, grenade launchers ...etc. demanded $25 million for its release told a reporter, We only want the money. As far as any indications of state(s) sponsorship officials have found no direct ties among the Somali pirates and regional or international terror groups such as Al Shabaab, radical Islamist, or al Qaeda at present, and the pirates show no ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Cia ( Central Intelligence Agency Summary of company (or government agency, etc) The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is an independent federal agency, it is responsible for advancing national security intelligence to the United States policymakers. The Intelligence the CIA acquires is used to provide strategic and tactical advantages to take action in order to prevent threats and to advance the United States National security goals. The CIA organizes covert activities and objective analysis that seeks to provide the outcome of keeping our Nation safe. Founded during World War II President Roosevelt appointed William Donovan the first coordinator of the CIA. After the War ended, President Truman recognized the need for a Central Intelligence Agency this led him to Sign the National Security Act of 1947. The most recent change came after 9/11 when President Bush signed the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act which creamed a director over the Central Intelligence and National Intelligence. Both directors are accountable for Counterterrorism and the Intelligence Community. The director of the CIA is responsible for the budget, operations and personnel, of the CIA, is chosen by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The CIA works as advisors regarding foreign intelligence to the president and policy maker Summary of company diversity plan The CIA understands that to run an Intelligence agency nationally it is necessary to have very broad perspectives which come from diversity of thought, ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Recurrent UTI Recurrent UTI is defined as a UTI (proven by culture) with episodes of uncomplicated UTI for more than three times a year or more than two episodes in 6 months. The incidence of rUTI was high in primary care setting, ranging from 36% in younger women to 53% in women above 55 years.6 Other study showed that at least one rUTI occurred in 27% of young college age women who experienced their first UTI.7 There are several factors which may affect the occurence of rUTI, those risk factors are varied between premenopausal and postmenopausal women. In premenopausal women, sexual intercourse (recent intercourse/new sexual partners), use of spermicide and diaphragm are the most common risk factors, followed by maternal history, previous case of UTI before 15 years of age, genetics, pelvic anatomy and distance between urethra and anus. On the other hand, postmenopausal women are tend to experience rUTI due to estrogen deficiency, cystocoele, history of urogenital surgery, high post void volume, previous UTI, and alteration of normal vaginal flora. In ... Show more content on ... Some study said that rUTIs are not life threatening, however, lowered quality of life and increased health care costs are inevitable in these diseases.7 Patients with rUTI may experience anxiety of sudden acute episodes and psychological burden.8 In other studies, urinary tract infection may lead to various complications, starting from increased length of stay in hospital until higher mortality rate. Based on a study by Mitchell et al, out of 1.73% of admitted patients who had UTI, there were 3.5 days extra length of stay compared to those without UTI. People with infection also had 2.3 times more chance to die during their admission.9 Moreover, in The United States, annual cost of UTI are $3.5 billion, whereas in Italy the cost of UTI and rUTI was around 240 and 140 euro per episodes respectively.5,10 Thus, preventive measures should be done to solve this ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Council Of Fifty Essay THE COUNCIL OF FIFTY Like many in the mid 19th century, the Mormons believed that the second coming of Jesus was imminent, and would be attended by great destruction. After this destruction occurred, some structure would be necessary to politically organize the survivors. Joseph Smith said he received a revelation on April 7, 1842 calling for the establishment of an organization called the Living Constitution, or later the Council of Fifty. This would serve as the foundation for the establishment of Christ s Millennial government. The organization was formally established by Joseph Smith in Nauvoo, Illinois on March 11, 1844. The clerk of the Kingdom , William Clayton, recorded that exactly one month later, Joseph Smith was chosen as our ... Show more content on ... He was a friend of Joseph Smith, Jr., founder of the LDS Church. He was the adopted son of Brigham Young under the early church doctrine the Law of Adoption. In 1839, Lee served a Mormon mission with his boyhood friend, Levi Stewart. Together they preached in Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee. During this period Lee converted and baptized Wild Bill Hickman. Lee practiced plural marriage (called polygamy by non Mormons) and had nineteen wives (at least eleven of whom eventually left him) along with sixty seven children. He was allegedly a member of the Danites vigilante group, although this claim has been disputed. Lee was an official scribe for the Council of 50, a group of men who, in the days of Joseph Smith, Jr. and Brigham Young, worked together to provide guidance in practical matters to the church, specifically concerning the move westward out of the United States of America to the Rocky ... Get more on ...
  • 28. What A Flag Means To Me What the United States flag means to me is freedom. Freedom of rights. Freedom of speech. But that s not what it all really means. It means fortitude for those who lose their lives in battle. I respect the flag. What the flag means to me is that I know that there are people out there, Seals, Police force, Army, Marines, and all others fighting to keep us safe here in the U.S. The flag to me symbolises our freedom. And i respect that. How I think of the flag is the way I think of a baby. You must care for it. And also NEVER drop it. Our flag is something that should be respected more, and cared for. People should look at the flag whenever they see it, and think of the people who are in Iran and Iraq, and all over the world fighting. ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Invention Of The First Industrial Revolution The First Industrial Revolution Envision living in a society dominated by factories that just recently transformed from arable land and farms. Imagine constantly hearing about brand new inventions and ideas that were deemed impossible only a few years ago. Visualize working long hours in cramped factories, in exchange for low pay and contagious diseases. For some people that lived during the age of industrialization, this was their reality of life. During the 18th and 19th century, the world was exponentially industrializing. After the first industrial revolution in Great Britain, other countries were influenced, such as the United States, and rapid industrialization occurred. Advanced innovations and ideas developed, along with the creation of a factory system, leading to the creation of a modern, industrialized world. The cultural diffusion of ideas and inventions from the British Industrial Revolution to America, aided in the jumpstart of the First Industrial Revolution. To understand the causes and lasting effects of the First Industrial Revolution in America, one must recall the definition of a industrial revolution . defines it as ...changes in manufacturing and transportation that began with fewer things being made by hand but instead made using machines in larger scale factories ( industrial ). However, during the 19th century, it wasn t merely just a transition period from an agricultural to industrial society, but rather when when farming ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Ssg Miller SSG Miller enlisted into the United States Army on April 20, 2006. He became a Patriot Fire Control Enhanced Operator/Maintainer. Upon completion of Advanced Individual Training he then deployed less than 1 month as a Force OPS Crew Member with C 3/43 ADA. He then certified on the AMG basic and intermediate gunnery certification. He then was able to complete advance gunnery tables in Qatar on the AMG. SSG Miller returned to the states and then PCS d to HQ/A 3 6 ADA. SSG Miller then served with 3 6 ADA as a PCOFT/POMT/RT3 Operator from 2008 2011. SSG Miller received numerous awards for soldier of the quarter and soldier of the year. He also participated in the Fort Bliss Post Softball Championship where 3 6 took 1st place. SSG Miller went to Okinawa, Japan and was stationed on Kadena Air Force Base. During his time he qualified on the AMG, EPP, RADAR, ECS, BCP and also served as Alpha 1 1 ADA BMC NCOIC. ... Show more content on ... He took on the responsibility of 2 Patriot Radars and played a vital role to Alpha Battery success in intercepting SRBM s in Kwajalein Atoll. This mission was one of the largest, most complex missile defense flight test ever attempted. SSG Miller as a Tactical Control Assistant was able to validate 96 missiles with zero safety incidents. SSG Miller was selected to be the Headquarters Platoon Sergeant. SSG Miller still held the responsibilities of evaluating sister batteries due to his experience and outstanding knowledge of the Patriot System and Gunnery ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Death Of A Star Palacios 1 Kimberly Palacios English 1A 60 Professor Kathleen Gurnett 29 October 2015 Just Like Humans If a person was to be asked to describe our life stages, they would probably say something like people are born, they live, and then they die. Of course, they aren t wrong, but we humans go through beautiful stages before reaching death. We go through stages such as infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. In many ways, Stars are just like humans. They also go through astonishing stages, all leading up to its death. The death of a star will probably be one of the most beautiful and terrifying moments we wont get to witness. But our sun being such a key factor in our everyday life, is reason enough to know the importance of its life cycle and the process it will undertake as it begins to perish. But in order to understand how and why a star dies we first must ask ourselves: what exactly makes up a star? We might look at the sun and think Hmm, well it just looks like a big ball of fire to me. Good! The sun is a big ball of fire, but it doesn t burn exactly like fire, it s more a burning glow. This glowing heat, which is about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, is not produced by burning like in a chemical reaction but rather by fusion like in a nuclear reaction. Now, to understand how the sun enters the final stage of its life cycle, it is important we fully understand how the sun was created. For humans, one of the earliest stages of life is birth. A human is ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Communication Plan For Fortescue Metals Group . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This communication plan for Fortescue Metals Group (FMG) is specifically devised to support FMG in engaging with their internal stakeholders. All stakeholders take part in an important role in the corporation; however by using a strategic approach to internal communication, a proactive strategy for long term business success with internal employees will be created. This will ensure a reinforcement of benefits, highlight key elements, and present specific issues that need to be taken into consideration. Furthermore the process of planning and measurement of the internal communication strategy will take place. Communicating effectively with stakeholders is critical to refining productivity within a corporation and generally occurs once the stakeholders understand the intended message that FMG has specifically constructed tailored to their needs, wants, facts, etc. This internal communication strategy will deliver a concentrated plan to communicate FMG s vision; it s mission, values, and goals and clearly communicates why stakeholders are such a huge mechanism that drives the business. Gaining understanding from FMG s employees will be communicated most efficiently via formal two way internal communication methods that support FMGs strategies as well as the consistent messages being conveyed externally. 1.1 The benefits The objective of this strategy is to promote and nurture a strong interaction within the corporation by creating a two way ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Descroption of the Kiwi Fruit For the following assignment I have chosen kiwi fruit as my source of concentration and focus. As I started to explore this object, first I have decided to focus on the outer appearance. Just by looking at the kiwi fruit, the shape that I noticed is oval or cylindrical, kind of egg shaped fruit, a little similar to lemon size, with the two ends on each side. It is also pretty clean and uniform in shape, meaning that it s not wrinkled or shriveled as I look at it. Skin of the fruit is covered with the thin, short, and fuzzy little hair, almost like it s wrapped with moss that is of brown color with the dark green layer underneath of it that is evidently flat and plain. The overall color of kiwi is a mixture of brown with dark green. As I ... Show more content on ... Comparing the two separate parts that I tasted, I noticed that the white center inside the kiwi was harder in composition than the green pulp which was much squishy. I also came to conclusion that the pulp itself had its characteristic taste of luscious and delectable taste, whereas the white center was pretty sweet but tasteless at the same time, meaning that it didn t distinguish from any particular flavor that I could compare to. As I worked on this assignment, I observed that as I tried to concentrate more on the object, I became more frustrated and angry since I tried to get as much details as I could. When I was describing the external appearance of the fruit, I didn t have any major problems because I relied on my senses such touch, hear, smell, but as I was exploring the internal appearance in which I mostly relied on my taste, it was pretty hard for me to focus and describe it in details. Fortunately, with each detail that I found, I got more involved in this and the flow of new thoughts and ideas came to my head. The more I was concentrating, the bigger commitment I put into this assignment. I really tried to put an effort in this task and be as much enthusiastic as I could to make this assignment pleasing, instead of just playing with it and doing it in a half hearted ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Explaining the Idea of Ahimsa To explain how Gandhi applied the idea of ahimsa to modern times, I will first define ahimsa and then explore ahimsa in the Jain religion more extensively. I will then discuss how Gandhi practiced this concept in life. Ahimsa is a Sanskrit term equivalent to a not or without hiṁsā injury, which when translated means the principle of non injury to living beings . The supreme principle in Jainism is non violence (ahimsa). It also plays an important role in Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, and other religions, but Jainism is unique in this principle because it demonstrates it to all living beings. Jains believe that everything has the ability to suffer, even non living things such as rocks, fire, and oil. Therefore ahimsa must include everything on earth. This view of reality, called hylozoism (Greek: matter alive ) may be quite ancient (Malloy 186). Karma is also an important concept in Jainism being closely connected to reincarnation, liberation (moksha), and ahimsa. Reincarnation is sometimes called transmigration of the soul, believing that the soul experiences rebirths of different kinds of lives human, animal or even supernatural until it reaches its final destination. religions karma.html. Karma is what determines the course of reincarnation. The level of rebirth is determined automatically according to one s state of karma at the time of death of the current ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Nt1330 Unit 2 Data Collection Paper Question 1 (ULO1) a. Sequential access: Sequential file organizations access data sequentially from the beginning [1], i.e. to reach file 27, the 26 preceding files must be accessed first. They are much slower to access compared to random access [1]. Sequential files are stored on a sequential access device [2]. The records contained in sequential files are stored in a predetermined order [2], according to the value of a search key [1], and are stored one after the other [2] as they are inserted into the file. Records can only be accessed (read from and written to) sequentially (i.e. in the same order that they were entered) [3]. Sequential files are designed for efficient processing [1]). Records stored in sequential files cannot be deleted, ... Show more content on ... Business Rules: In the entity relationship data models, business rules must take into account all relationship models: one to many (1:M), one to one (1:1) and many to many (M:N). For a database on a school library, a restriction of having a student only allowed to borrow one book would need a 1:1 relationship. b. Normalisation: The following information applies to the relational data model. 1NF (First Normal Form): The relation has no repeating groups; all attributes are dependent on the primary key. [12] 2NF (Second Normal Form): The relation should not have any partial dependencies; part of the primary key should not identify a subset of attributes in the same table. The relation must be in 1NF before it can be in 2NF [12] 3NF (Third Normal Form): The relation has no transitive dependencies. The relation must be in 2NF before it can be in 3NF. [12] Normalization for entity relationship modelling works as it does for other modelling systems, with some alterations. [13] The difference when using the entity relationship data model is [14]: 1. Attributes become entity types. 2. Compound attributes must be split into smaller attributes. 3. Entity types must be expanded into two entity types and a ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Siddhartha Siddhartha, the handsome and respected son of a Brahmin, lives with his father in ancient India. Everyone in the village expects Siddhartha to be a successful Brahmin like his father. Siddhartha enjoys a near idyllic existence with his best friend, Govinda, but he is secretly dissatisfied. He performs all the rituals of religion, and he does what religion says should bring him happiness and peace. Nonetheless, he feels something is missing. His father and the other elders have still not achieved enlightenment, and he feels that staying with them will not settle the questions he has about the nature of his existence. Siddhartha believes his father has already passed on all the wisdom their community has to offer, but he longs for something more. ... Show more content on ... They are starved and almost naked and have come to beg for food. They believe enlightenment can be reached through asceticism, a rejection of the body and physical desire. The path the Samanas preach is quite different from the one Siddhartha has been taught, and he believes it may provide some of the answers he is looking for. He decides to follow this new path. Siddhartha s father does not want him to join the Samanas, but he cannot dissuade Siddhartha. Govinda also wants to find a path to enlightenment, and he joins Siddhartha in this new life. Siddhartha adjusts quickly to the ways of the Samanas because of the patience and discipline he learned in the Brahmin tradition. He learns how to free himself from the traditional trappings of life, and so loses his desire for property, clothing, sexuality, and all sustenance except that required to live. His goal is to find enlightenment by eliminating his Self, and he successfully renounces the pleasures of the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Difference Between America s Best And Worst Claims America s Best and Worst Claims Between the years of 1845 and 1848 America was on a mission to expand farther west. This was mission was not something that was completed over night, but instead too many years to reach the goal. There were multiple disagreements and even some wars erected from this operation. In this paper I am going to discuss the how the Oregon Territory was one of the best claims we have owned and how the California and Texas Territory was one of the worst claims we have owned. The Oregon territory was originally occupied for many years by the Native Americans. During the 19th century the British and American citizens started moving into the territory and settling on the land. American citizen predominantly settled in the fertile valleys because most of them were farmers. As years passed by many people started migrating to the Oregon territory and the territory started to become crowed. With the territory being crowed this would soon lead to conflict. James Polk the master mind behind the manifest destiny campaign believed that the American people had the right to expand to the entire continent North America. James Polk was able to get a lot of people on his side to the point where rally s would begin. Polk s original proposal for the border was at ... Show more content on ... This situation was completely different from obtaining the Oregon territory. Mexico mainly refused to accept and recognize Texas as independent was the root of the conflict. After being declared as independent the United States declined to add it to the union. Texas did not agree with the idea that it would be a slave state and refused to corporate. This was soon brought to an end with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that established the Rio Grande as the United States Mexican border. This agreement also caused Mexico to the sell California and any land above the Rio ... Get more on ...