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Essay On Rome
Writing an essay on the topic of Rome can be a daunting task, as the subject matter is vast and
rich with historical, cultural, and architectural nuances. The challenge lies not only in capturing
the essence of a city that spans millennia but also in presenting a cohesive narrative that does
justice to its complexity.
To start, one must delve into the extensive history of Rome, from its legendary founding in 753
BCE to the height of the Roman Empire and its eventual decline. Navigating through the various
periods, events, and influential figures requires meticulous research and a keen understanding of
historical contexts. The abundance of information available poses the risk of information
overload, making it crucial to sift through sources and select the most pertinent details.
Moreover, an essay on Rome should extend beyond historical accounts. It should explore the
city's cultural contributions, including its impact on art, literature, philosophy, and religion.
Understanding the socio-economic dynamics, political structures, and the evolution of Roman
society adds layers of complexity to the task. Crafting a narrative that weaves these elements
together coherently demands both analytical skills and a creative touch.
Additionally, addressing the architectural marvels of Rome, from the Colosseum to the
Pantheon, requires a deep appreciation for the aesthetic and engineering achievements of the
time. Describing these structures effectively involves conveying their historical significance,
architectural innovations, and enduring influence on subsequent civilizations.
In terms of challenges, striking a balance between depth and conciseness is key. The temptation
to include every fascinating detail must be tempered by the need to maintain a clear and focused
essay. The challenge is not only to inform but to engage the reader, fostering an appreciation for
the multifaceted nature of Rome.
In conclusion, writing an essay on Rome demands a comprehensive exploration of its historical,
cultural, and architectural dimensions. The task is formidable, requiring careful research,
analytical skills, and a flair for storytelling. However, the journey through the annals of Rome's
past is a rewarding endeavor for those passionate about unraveling the layers of this iconic city.
For assistance with similar essays and more, you may explore
Essay On Rome Essay On Rome
The Role Of Role Identity And The Second Hypothesis Of...
1. The article is called Role Identity Salience, Purpose and Meaning in Life, and Well
Being Among Volunteers , which is written by Peggy A. Thoits, from Social
Psychology Quarterly, published in 2012, volume 75, starting at page 360. In the
beginning, Thoits s main argument is that holding a social role that is important to
the person leads to a purposeful and meaningful life, thus improving their mental and
physical health. It is later broken down to four hypotheses. The first hypothesis states
that the importance of a role identity influences one s health. The second hypothesis
says that one s purpose and meaning is influenced by the importance of the role
identity. The third hypothesis states that one s mental and physical health... Show
more content on ...
This theory that she describes is also a perspective in social psychology. The social
interactionism perspective stresses the importance of the individual, the role, and
socialization. Society is a product of socialization because meanings and norms are
shared and agreed upon. In this theory s case, people give meaning to and rank
roles, which can also be negotiated and changed. Society agrees on what a high
status role and what a low status role is like. People evaluate themselves based on
categorizations and therefore, find their purpose in their identities. 3. The research
was conducted at Mended Hearts, and volunteers who were once patients were asked
a series of questions that uses the Likert scale. Seventy chapters, which is about 877
volunteers, participated in the experiment. The study is split into two stages. For the
first stage, volunteers were asked about their involvement, quality of life, and physical
and mental health. For the second stage, volunteers were asked about their reasons
for volunteering, the meaning and purpose obtained from volunteering, and types of
support they gave to the victims. Because there was only a 52 percent response rate,
the results could not accurately represent all the Mended Hearts visitors. The
independent variables of this experiment are the volunteers because the role of a
visitor is constant.
French Shooting Research Paper
Two American passengers subdued a gunman on a high speed train from Amsterdam
to Paris after he wounded two people.
Bernard Cazeneuve, the French Interior Minister, stated that the suspect was detained
in Arras in northern France. Cazeneuve stated that one of the Americans was taken to
hospital with serious wounds. No names have been released at time of publishing.
An official with the Alliance Police Union, Philippe Lorthiois, said that the
Americans were soldiers. Officials at the Pentagon in Washington issued a statement
We can only confirm that one U.S. military member was injured in the incident. The
injury is not life threatening.
The White House also issued a statement quoting President Barack Obama. Obama
said, ... Show more content on ...
However, he wounded one man with a handgun and wounded the other with some
sort of blade. This was in contrary to earlier reports of the shooting that stated the
gunman fired an automatic weapon.
The man suspected in the shooting is a 26 year old Moroccan male.
According to the prosecutor s office in Paris, France s special anti terror police force
are now leading the investigation.
Investigators from France s special anti terror police are leading the investigation, a
spokeswoman for the Paris prosecutor s office said. Authorities in France have been
on heightened alert since the Islamic extremist attacks left 20 people dead, including
three attackers, back in January.
Cazeneuve went on to say,
As always where an act that could be terrorist in nature is involved, the greatest care
and the greatest precision will be used.
When speaking about the two Americans, Cazeneuve said,
They were particularly courageous and showed great bravery in very difficult
circumstances and that without their sangfroid we could have been confronted with a
Character Analysis Of Hazel Grace Augustus
The protagonist is Hazel Grace Lancaster. She is a dynamic character. An example
that is the fact that at the beginning of novel she wants to distance herself from
society. Then she meets Augustus Waters. Augustus has the view of that everyone
matters using metaphor to explain it. By the end of the novelshe realizes that it s ok to
let people in and that everyone will die eventually but you have live your life to the
fullest. She s also a is a round characteras we get a lot of insight on her option and life.
The antagonist of the story is not a person but cancer itself. The cancer limits the
activities that Hazel and Augustus can do. People constantly judge hazel for her
oxygen tank just because she s different the reason cancer is the antagonist is because
it prevents all the main characters from what society defines as normal teen lives.
You could also say the antagonist could be Augustus Waters. The rasin for this is the
fact the before hazel meet Augustus she was trying to not impact anyone in her life.
Her main goal was to live without hurting anyone but Augustus get in her way.
Hazel grace Lancaster is one of the main characters in fault in are stars. We watch
her physical grow weaker an example is at the beginning of the book she takes the
stares and at the end she takes the elevator at her support group. The book is really
about her mentally and philosophical grow and understand especially concerning
death. At the beginning as I have stated she is obsessed with what negative effect
she will have on people around her when she dies and refuses to get close to
anyone. Also referring to herself as a grenade multiple times during the novel. A
good word to describe Hazel is a brutally honest person.she knows that cancer doesn t
define her. Unlike a lot of people she has no fluff when she talks about cancer an
example is at the beginning of the novel when she says:Whenever you read a cancer
booklet or website or whatever, they always list depression among the side effects of
cancer. But in fact, depression is not a side effect of cancer. Depression is a side
effect of dying. This honest approach is what keeps her going but also makes her
very lonely. Hazel is also very humorous. I like her
Swine Influenza Virus
Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A
influenza viruses that causes regular outbreaks in pigs. People do not normally get
swine flu, but human infections can and do happen. Swine flu is also known as pig
influenza, swine flu, hog flu and pig flu. This is a viral disease caused by several
type swine flu viruses known as Swine influenzavirus(SIV) or swine origin influenza
virus (S OIV) which is a strain belongs to the influenza family and endemic to pigs.
There are several subtypes of Influenza A virus known as H1N1, H1N2, H2N1,
H3N1, H3N2, and H2N3. CDC has determined that this virus is contagious and is
spreading from human to human. However, at this time, it not known how easily the
virus spreads between
Tomorrow When The War Began Ellie Quotes
Ellie is a hero Todays society usually views heroes as male characters, as they are
the definition of a hero according to is a man of distinguished
courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. So what then is
a female called when she also displays the characteristics of nobility, brave deeds
and courage? In the case of the book Tomorrow when the war began, her name is
Ellie Linton. Ellie does what others would not, in order to save her friends from
the dangers caused by the invaders. Ellie is a hero not just because she is admired
for her brave deeds , she also uses her skill and knowledge to her advantage. This is
seen when they had to transport Lee from the restaurant , as he was too injured to
walk, let alone be stealthy enough not to get caught . Thinking under pressure Ellie
was still able to help her friend,whilst... Show more content on ...
Ellie is also not afraid to tell others her opinions of others heroism Sounds like you
and Robyn, I said. I reckon she should get a medal. Ellie said this to Lee when in
hermits hut when they discovered the citation of the st. George medal. She is
comparing Robyn to the recipient of the medal as the owner of the medal was
rewarded it by risking his own life and showing displaying conspicuous gallantry
for his King. She recognises that Robyn is a hero in, as she says, how brave
Robyn was that night. I don t want medals for her...but I think she was a bloody
hero . Ellie said this when Robyn and Lee explained, how Lee was shot. She
thought Robyn was a hero as she put his safety in front of hers and help the
wounded Lee to safety. This shows that Ellie is able to recognise others actions
,other then hers and that she is a noble person. It also displays that she believes that
heroes don t need to have medals, that they should be heroes because they want to
help, inspire or save another
How Is Kurtz Portrayed In Mother Africa
DevГіn Fox
World Literature
Essay #2
Dr. Claiborne Africa feeds the world, but the world continues to eat without Africa.
This quote, popularized by Dr. E Obiri Ado, accurately describes the relationship
between Africa and the rest of the world. Africa has been known to have been
extorted for its surplus in natural resources such as oil, ivory, gold, spices, and even
people, throughout history. Although Mother Africahas been proven to be the
birthplace of mankind and is home to a lot of the resources the world needs to
properly function how it does today, Africa is not treated as so. There is a stunning
contrast between the Africa s outside appearance and what actually goes on within
the countries, jungles, and villages of Africa. Books, ... Show more content on ...
The documentary details how the Democratic Republic of Congo, renamed Zaire, is
in extreme poverty and largely underreported due to corruption. Zaire also holds a
large portion of the world s supply of a mineral that has been used in the production
of nearly every cell phone and computer on the planet, making it very valuable and
causing a number of violent wars over who would gain control over the mineral.
This documentary correlates to the today s continuing trends of colonization,
globalization, and imperialism in Africa and countries in the Middle East over
resources and minerals. These wars are extremely harsh and often feature children
wielding automatic weapons, but the crimes and death rates from violence, hunger,
and illness is still very underreported. The documentary When We Were Kings is
another more realistic representation of the effects of colonialism in Africa. The
dictator of Zaire, Mobutu Sese Seko, used the 1974 boxing event between
Muhammad Ali and George Foreman s fight as a way to shine a light on the current
state of effects of colonialism in Zaire. The country had been experiencing crisis
from wars in previous years. Muhammad Ali was revered in Zaire, as he was the
great African American boxer who stood up against the American Government. The
people of Zaire liked that he refused
The Marketing Strategy Of Reliance Travel Agency
1.0 Executive Summary
Reliance travel agency was a leading tourism company established since 1969 and
was the first travel company listed on Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange by the year
1993. Reliance travel agency was dedicated to providing travel enthusiasts who love
to have fun, leisure, a holiday around the world with the guarantee of best quality and
experience be provided.
Reliance travel agency upholds the speed, choice, and trust as their core brand value
in exchange for today s brilliant (Reliance Travel, 2017). It developed from a small
travel company to a company where can provide more than 200 destinations in
locally and abroad. Reliance travel agency offered the vast choice of vacation
destination the with great service value such as airline ticketing, hotel reservation as
well as customized the trip itinerary. In term of speed, travellers allowed to have an
instant update on tour packages and reservation systems clothed with complete trip
information. In other respects, with superb relations with airway and tour suppliers
resulted from them able to present from quality service and low pricing that can fulfil
customer satisfaction.
2.0 Market Segmentation
Market segmentation is an essential part of an organization s marketing strategy. It ...
Show more content on ...
From the view of past business model, Reliance travel agency is more towards to
traditionally business as they constructed storefronts and targeted local audience
which results the company s performance can only reach to a certain limit. However,
with the smart application there will be no barriers as business can be reached by
anyone wherever internet available. Even if facing with any problems, they can
simply one click and communicate through live chat function instead of visit to the
store for requiring more information. More convenience could positively affect the
customer s
Conclusion Of A Utopia
Every modern architects is trying to achieve a dream they have never been
perfectly successful society a Utopia. The word utopia first described as fictional
island society in Sir Thomas More s book Utopia in 1516 as perfect community with
a visionary system of political and society cities that function to improve man s daily
lives and free from problems. This imagination citycan never exist. Yet, the concept
of utopiahas influenced to the arts, especially architects. In the early 20th century, the
world was facing the destruction by World War 1. A modernist movement was
beginning by Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, Mies van der Rohe, to name the best
known among them. By bringing in new material such as... Show more content on ...
The most important is everything has to be functional. Thus, modernists planned the
urban according to their function and purpose. Residential and commercial were
always separated by zoning. Mostly these two zone is separated by district or
interlinking road. Most of them are far with each other. Each zone has to be practical
and functional on their own purpose. This is also what a Utopia aim to be. Function
is more important than everything.
Chapter 4.0 Conclusion Utopia was mean to be perfect but no utopia can ever give
satisfaction to everyone. In fact, people are demanding more and the pricier price
will be pay for the satisfaction. This is what will be happen whenever things are
going same to a large number of people and eventually humanity will be drowned.
The evolution of machine might change the quality lifestyle of human but it is
reversing humanity. There are a lot of agree and disagreement about utopia. Some
agree that utopia represented the ideological of the whole society. Eventually some
disagree this statement and said utopia is impossible to success and listing out the
reason of failure of utopia. In my opinion, there is no wrong or right in utopia.
Human have to learn from the wrong and making it right. Adapt the good from utopia
and learn the wrong, yet idea of Utopia has influenced outskirt city suburban area
Search Theory, Linear And Random Walk Moving Target
On The...
Abstract. This paper presents the cooperation between two searchers at the origin to
seek for a random walk moving target on the line. Any information of the target
position is not available to the searchers all the time. Rather than finding the
conditions that make the expected value of the first meeting time between one of the
searchers and the target is finite, we show the existence of the optimal search strategy
which minimizes this first meeting time. The effectiveness of this model is illustrated
using numerical example.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 37A50, 60K30, 90B40.
Keywords: Search theory, Linear search, Random walk. 1.Introduction The prime
focus of searching for a randomly moving particle on the real line is to ... Show more
content on ...
Recently, Mohamed et al. [15] studied this problem when the target moves on one of
n intersected real lines in which any information of the target position is not available
to the searchers all the time. Mohamed et al. formulate a search model and find the
conditions under which the expected value of the first meeting time between one of
the searchers and the target is finite. Furthermore, they showed the existence of the
optimal search plan that minimizes the expected value of the first meeting time
and found it. More recently, El Hadidy [16] considered a search problem for a d
dimensional Brownian target that moves randomly on d space. He found the
conditions that make the expected value of the first meeting time between one of
the searchers and the target is finite. In addition, he showed the existence of the
optimal search plan that minimizes the expected value of this first meeting time. A
comprehensive discussion of many aspects of search problem is found in El
Hadidy et al. [18 30]. Finding a Random walk moving target inside a cylinder has
numerous applications in physics. One of the famous search methods, is the
coordinated linear search method which consider two unit speed searchers starting at
the origin point seek for a random walk target. A target is assumed to move
randomly on a line according to a
Hedge Funds And Its Strategy Classifications
As of 2014, more than 11,000 hedge funds are managing more than $2.6 Trillion in
assets (De Pol, 2015). The statement itself speaks how important these hedge funds
are in the global financial market. They provide investors with opportunities to
achieve gains and manage risks. Hedge funds provide liquidity and make financial
markets more efficient. These funds can be operated with extreme flexibility and
play an important role in financial innovation and reallocation of financial risk
(Rubin et al, 1999). Although it sounds good, hedge funds took a hit during the 2008
crisis. Along with the credit crisis came Madoff fraud, the biggest investment scam in
2008. Investors started looking at these funds as high risk, highly leveraged
investment vehicles that lacked transparency. Since mid 2009 hedge funds have
picked up and strategies are being improved for better risk management, transparency
and gaining confidence of investors.
The article will give a brief overview of Hedge Funds and its strategy classifications.
Then it will particularly describe Event Driven strategy and the market risks
associated with it.
Hedge Funds
A hedge fund can be defined as a pool of investment vehicles that is actively managed
and is open only to a limited group of investors and whose performance is measured
in absolute return units (Connor and Woo, 2003). Hedge funds are private investment
partnerships that require investors to make considerable investments. They are largely
Essay On Octopus Skin
Camouflage sheeting changes color on demand. Construction Week 19 Aug. 2014.
Web. 18 Apr. 2016.
This article is about how engineers have used octopus skin to build a material that
can change colors to match its surroundings; the engineers studied the many layers
of octopus skin to design a three layered material. I can use the engineer s studies in
my essay to give examples on how octopus skin can be helpful.
Einstein, Albert. The octopus: a mysterious delicacy: the most beautiful thing we can
experience is the mysterious. Art Culinaire Spring 2009: 54+. Web. 18 Apr. 2016.
This article has everything on octopuses from hunting tactics to defense mechanisms.
It also explains about the death hug and the fatal ... Show more content on ...
There are good explanations on the different layers of the skin and how they
designed the material. There is also some good information on how camouflage takes
place that I can use in the part of my essay on camouflage.
Octopuses can detect light through their skin: study. News Tonight 23 May 2015.
Web. 18 Apr. 2016.
The article explains how octopuses can detect light and change the colors from their
skin. It also mentions the comparisons of opsins in cuttlefish and octopuses. I am able
to use the analysis of Todd H. Oakley, a biologist at the University of California, as
support and reliable research for chromatophores. I can use Roger T. Hanlon and
Todd H. Oakley s research for my essay on the part of explaining how camouflage
Octopuses focus on key features for successful camouflage. Space Daily 19 June
2012. Web. 18 Apr. 2016. This is an informative article explaining that octopuses
select detailed features of nearby objects instead of using a large landscape. It also
includes a quote by Josef N, Amodio P on his thoughts about effective camouflage. I
can use this article in my essay to help describe the octopus s response to predation in
relation to matching body
Whats Eating Gilbert Grape Research Paper
What s Eating Gilbert Grape
In the film What s Eating Gilbert Grape, the main character Gilbert takes on the
Father Role to support his family economically and financially. The fact Gilbert is
the man of the house causes him to repress his anger. His sorrow begins to strengthen
his rage in a very unhealthy manner. The melancholy that leads to Gilberts weakening
has its roots in his family which is what begins to eat Gilbert alive. All his family
members play important individual roles in finding out what s eating Gilbert Grape.
What s Eating Gilbert Grape is a beautifully shot movie of tenderness, caring and self
awareness that is set amongst the fictional working class one street town Endora.
Centred around the Grape family Ellen and ... Show more content on
The film was nominated for the prestigious Grand Prix of the Belgian Syndicate of
Cinema Critics.
In the film, Amy, being the eldest sibling and daughter of the Grapes, plays the
Mother Role having to take care of the household. My older sister Amy is more
like a mother , explains Gilbert, making him portray the Father Figure ; as he
states, My father built this house, and it s my job to do the repairs. Amy being the
voice of reason tries her best to keep the family together, which causes Gilbert to
repress his feelings the more Amy tells him he has to do better . In the scene when
Gilbert leaves Arnie in the bathtub overnight, causes a fright to the family; which is
when Amy begins to tell him, You gotta do better because without his help the
family will fall apart quickly. This builds up Gilbert s emotion because he knows just
as Amy he has an important role in the family to fill in.
Ellen, the youngest of the siblings, concentrates on appearances, specifically hers.
While the family is eating dinner, Ellen begins to chew with her mouth open
which disgusts Gilbert. He tells Ellen to close her mouth when she is eating, to
which Ellen responds sarcastically, Oh. Okay Dad. Sure thing, Dad. This
aggravates Gilbert because for him it is an insult to be compared to such a man.
Gilbert s job is to support his family financially yet Ellen s character seems to make
Gilbert feel guilty and responsible for all the bad things
One Person By Ralph Ellison Analysis
The author uses the concept of a person having power and once they have it ,they
would rather fall back on their preconceived judgement of someone else in power
than make a new judgement of every individual.The idea is compounded by adding
racism,which shows the imbalances of judgement of those in power and uses raceto
group together an individual
For example, Norton is used in the story to show how people with power will view
others in terms of their own goals rather than individuals. This is seen when
Norton has the narrator promise to write the outcome of his education. Norton is
generalizing all black as in need of aid to be a member of society and sees our
narrator as a member of his group instead of an individual person. Bledsoe is
supposed ... Show more content on ...
At the point when Clifton in the long run battles back the officer shoots him
decisively or regret. Another officer who was close to the shooting goes down his
friend decisively or question, demonstrating that he imagines that the activities of the
main officer were right and that Clifton merited it. The action of the policemen was
clearly caused by racist minds and by going along with it he has only reinforced the
legitimacy and the use a racism to change the mind of people with power
Finally, The impacts of force and the dreamlike illusion in supremacist
corporations are unmistakably found in Ellison s Invisible Man. These themes
seen inside the storyteller s depictions of occasions and characters own words
make it plainly seen that prejudice is a deterrent to independence. Whether it is a
man with force utilizing prejudice to assemble together people and settle on
clearing choices, or the dreamlike rationale and thoughts of sleepers , Ellison s
Invisible Man lives in a world in which the pointlessness of endeavoring to be seen
as an individual can obviously be
Assassin s Creed Essay
While it does not come out until December, Assassin s Creed is one of the most
anticipated films of the year. According to the Director Justin Kurzel, they tried to
film As much as possible in reality. This means less CGI and more real stunts. In the
recently released stunt featurette entitled Assassin s Creed: The Leap of Faith, we get
to see idea first hand.
In the movie, Michael Fassbender s character Callum Lynch / Aguilar is trapped a
must perform a Leap of Faith from 125 feet off the ground. Producer Patrick
Crowley stated that normally this would be done with CGI, but Damien is the best,
so we will do it for real. Says Crowley. The Damien he is referring to is Damien
Walters, who stunt doubles for Fassbender in the film.
In the video below, Walters and the crew discuss and then Damien executes
multiple falls from various heights starting at 70 ft, then 90 ft and finally
performing the tallest at 125 ft. The bag Walters landed in is 10m by 10m or
roughly 32 ft by 32 ft. The free fall is also one of the highest performed by a
stuntman in almost 35 years. What is the highest? 1981 s Sharky s Machine starring
Burt Reynolds holds this honor. Stunt Legend Dar Robinson fell 220 feet from the
Hyatt Regency Hotel in Atlanta. ... Show more content on ...
While there will still be some CGI in the film, showing real stunts not only makes it
more realistic for the audiences, but also employs stuntmen and women to do these
Take a look at the Assassin s Creed: The Leap of Faith stunt featurette below.
Assassin s Creed opens in theatres on December
Analysis Of Fredible By Daisy Greenleaf
A crucial aspect of Molly s leadership is her ability to persuade her followers.. All
of the other great characteristics of Molly s leadership wouldn t matter, if she
wasn t able to convince anyone to follow her. Greenleaf believes that inspiring and
motivating the entire organization is a key component to effective leadership.
Clear communication, powerful words, motivating appeals, inspiring challenges,
these must be the skills of an individual who hopes to be used as a servant leader.
While she succeeds in getting both Daisy and Grace to follow her in her plan to
escape and go home, she fails to keep the whole group together. An Aboriginal
traveller who tells Gracie about her mother and says they can get to Wiluna by train,
causing her to
Jonas Salk Accomplishments
In the medical field, there have been many achievements by both men and women.
Whether it was developing, discovering, or being the first person to do something,
they all shared an impact on the way the medical field is today. I researched Jonas
Salk, the man who developed the Polio vaccine. I selected him because I believe he
has one the of biggest impacts on the medical field today. In my opinion, without
him, the Polio epidemic would still be killing many people, in not only the U.S., but
around the world as well. Jonas Salkwas born on October 28, 1914, in New York.
He grew up with parents who had never finished school. His parents had always
encouraged him to do well in school, and do better than they did. In fact, Jonas was
the first... Show more content on ...
He knew that Polio caused paralysis, and invaded the nervous system. As a result,
he wanted to end the greatest epidemic in America at that time. As he began
researching, the president of the March of Dimes Foundation, Basal O Connor,
wanted to help Salk create the Polio vaccination. His goal was to fund Salk to find a
cure against Paralytic Poliomyelitis, or Polio. Jonas devoted the next 8 years of his
life working to develop the vaccine. He finally was able to create the vaccine, using
formaldehyde, or a chemical compound. Salk used the killed Polio virus to
immunize without being infected, or becoming infected after the injection. Soon
after the vaccine was created, they began to test it on monkeys; and then they
tested it on children who already had Polio at the Watson Institute. After that trial
was done, the testing spread to volunteers who wanted the vaccine; this included
Jonas, his wife, and his family. By 1954, national testing began on children
between the ages of 6 9. On April 12, 1955, they were able to conclude that the
vaccine was safe and effective. Salk became known as a miracle worker, although
he remained selfless. Jonas wanted no major payment, or recognition for the creation
of the vaccine. In fact, he credited that the vaccine creation was accomplished due to
the help of John Enders, a Harvard researcher. Enders was the man
Marquis In A Tale Of Two Cities
The Marquis deserved to be assassinated for not only killing a child but also
committing other heinous crimes. In the book A Tale of Two Cities by Charles
Dickens the most prominent theme found was revenge. Revenge was not taken
lightly, it was more of the slap you in the face as karma hits you or some person
will pay for wronging you. In the beginning, they find out how monsieur of the hot
chocolate won t give any favors to the marquis because he had done so many
wrong things. The marquis speeds away in his carriage not paying attention to what
is to come and kills Gaspard s child. He then tells Gaspard it s his fault for not
watching the child. Later, they find the marquis dead in bed and they go searching
for who could have done this. The... Show more content on ...
For example, Monsieur, it is true I had the honour of being passed on the road,
(Dickens 110). These poor peasants think it s an amazing thing to be passed by
someone with such high power. The text stated, Truely, you did well, said the
marquis felicitously sensible that such vermin were not to ruffle him, (Dickens 111).
He was kind to a servant of his after his servant caught a trespasser on the carriage.
In conclusion, the marquis was a person who seemed very two faced. The marquis
wasn t particularly kind to others and he didn t respect others for who they were.
The marquis killed an innocent child and felt no remorse or had a sign of regret.
The marquis is killed and the bad karma struck back. The marquis considered himself
to be a kind man and some others thought this also. The marquis in his selfish way
not only denied what he had done but he also blamed others and got what was
coming to
Chinese Communist Party Essay
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) concentrated on increasing the peasants
standard of living through raising the equity and equality in China. The CCP did this
through implementing three specific laws; the Marriage Law, the Compulsory
Education Law and the Land Reform Law. When Mao was seeking support from the
people of China he mainly focused on treating the peasants equally and creating a
better life for them. A large way that the Communists obtained this support was how
the Red Army treated the peasants during the Long March compared to how the
nationalists treated them. One major way that the Chinese Communist Party
impacted the equity and equality in China was through establishing the MarriageLaw
of the Peoples Republic of China of 1950 . Mao Zedong established this law on
April 30th, 1950 and was put into action the very next day. This law abolished the
supremacy of man over women, concubines and child marriage. This law also gave
the right for a wifeto divorce a man, but forbade a man to divorce his wife if she had
a child less that a year old. Prior to this law women were regarded as inferior to men,
wives obedient to their husbands, daughters to their fathers and... Show more content
on ...
But This land was confiscated from the previous landlords and then redistributed to
peasant that did not own any land, owners of small plots and the landlords. This
reform law increased the productivity of agriculture and brought about the beginning
of industrialization in China and defined the regulations and methods for taking and
reallocating land. By 1953 the land reform was accomplished with the peasants
achieving liberation. Where for over 2000 years the feudal system of landownership
had control was now completely destroyed, along with the landlord
Marks and Spencer
MARKS SPENCER (Individual Analysis)
Words Count:2064(excluding tables)
Marks and Spencer plc is a UK based company. The business is known best as a
retailer. There are over 622 Marks Spencer stores throughout the UK that sell clothing
, food and household goods. The core of its retailing business is clothing, particularly
women s.
What market segments do the three different product ranges serve? Assume that the
Perfect and Classic ranges serve essentially the same segment.
| |Perfect and Classic ranges |Autograph range |Per Una range |
|Logo |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] ... Show more content on ...
With Per Una been translate into For One show that M S is prepared to offered
this new target group with special and detail style to make it a unique piece of
clothes. Customers in this range wanted a sense of style which is value for their
money and with a reasonable quality which meets the basic quality such as colour
fading or shrinkage after washing. Per Una is targeted at the young and
sophisticated women are not afraid to put colours into their wardrobe. Therefore, the
Per Una is nothing like the Autograph or Classic range as there are more colour
choices in the range. (See Appendix 3)
What are the order winners and qualifiers for these different ranges?
Order winning factors are those things which directly and significantly contribute to
winning business. They are regarded by customers as key reasons for purchasing
the product or service. Raising performance in an order winning factor will either
result in more business or improve the chances of gaining more business. (N Slack, S
Chambers and R Johnston, Operation Management, p.72) These criteria win orders
and they differentiate a product or service from those of the competition by offering
product or service features that are superior to those competition.
As in the M S case, the three different range of clothing line have its own order
winners to make it
The Effect Of The Marshall Plan On Western Europe
What was the effect of the Marshall plan on Western Europe?
Marshall Plan was a Major US aid program which mission was a recovery of
European countries after World War II. The plan was proposed by US Secretary of
State George C. Marshall. During 1948 1951 years, US were offering financial
assistance in the form of grants and loans to various countries in Europe, including
Austria, France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The
replenishment of foreign exchange reserves and the restoration of confidence in
financial stability and their economies working capital, which allowed the
liberalization of production and prices, were considered as the main function of US
Economic policy of European countries had massive changes that were aimed to find
... Show more content on ...
After the end of the 2nd World War, West Germany turned from enemy into a partner
of Western powers. She was given the role of an outpost in the fight against Soviet
communism . Of all the Western European countries, Marshall Plan showed
considerable preference for Germany. Thus, in the first years of the Marshall Plan
(1948 1951) Germany has received from the United States almost as much as Britain
and France combined, and almost 3.5 times more than Italy. Banks in Germany have
traditionally assumed the commercial risk and the main role in providing
industrialization. After the collapse of the financial system as a result of the 2nd
World War the state began to acquire more power to control credit system, but the
current policy was the result of negotiations and cooperation with major financial and
industrial magnates. Obtained by Marshall Plan funds were invested in private and
industrial sector. However, banks have been the basis of the investment process.
Participating in equity firms and buying stakes, banks therefore had an interest in the
future of the industry, and were providing funds for its
Animal Pharmaceuticals And Its Effects On The Abundance
INTRODUCTION Animal pharmaceuticals also known as veterinary pharmaceuticals
are drugs or medicines used to prevent; diagnose and treat diseases, sickness,
infections or injuries of the animal species. (Animal Health Institute, 2016) The uses
of veterinary products allow the animals to gain back their health and sustain their life
spent. The formulation of veterinary pharmaceuticals are develop according to the
techniques and procedures uses in developing human drug dosage formas the
fundamental pharmaceuticals development techniques required is similar. Examples
of such practice include preformulation data package, drug stability assessment and
expiry date, sterility declaration, drug pharmaco kinetics, and manufacturing
processes. Veterinary drug products are also exposed to the same Good
Manufacturing Practice (GMP) by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as the
human drug products. (Gregory E. Hardee, 1998) Regardless, there are challenges in
development the veterinary dosage form due to the abundance of animal species.
Unique veterinary dosage formsare developed based on different species dependent
drug pharmacokinetics, specialized dose administration devices and unique
administration routes. Besides, animals do not have the intelligence to medicate
themselves through voluntary intake of pharmaceutical drugs, the owner or
veterinarian are required to administer the drugs or needed medication into the
animals. Hence, a variety of dosage form is introduced to ease
H M Essay
MGT 220 Term Project H M
Part 1
H M s Mission/Vision Hennes and Mauritz AB is a Swedish retail clothing
company, which has expanded enormously in the past years. H M has grown from
one single store in a small town in Sweden to a multinational ranked as the second
largest global fashion retailer with its 3,600 stores in over 58 countries and $22
billion in annual sales (The World s). This incredible story of success makes us
wonder about their strategies and how they managed to get where they are today.
H M s vision is that all their operations are run economically, socially and
environmentally sustainable. They believe that affordable fashion with high quality
can be produced and sold in a way that is both fair and sustainable to the ... Show
more content on ...
Instead of owning their stores, they lease the store properties, which gives them
the advantage of flexibility in a constantly changing market. This makes it possible
for H M to always have their stores in the most popular areas in all markets. In order
to become even more sustainable H M is constantly working on making existing and
new store more sustainable in the long term, by using more environmentally
responsible and efficient energy and water systems, recycling waste and by
choosing the most environmentally sustainable materials such as recycled materials.
H M s expansion plan incorporates all of the H M Group, including H M, H M Home,
Monki, COS, Weekday, Cheap Monday and Other Stories (Expansion).
I believe that H M s future growth depends a lot on how they will expand online and
their sustainability. H M launched their online store in the US in 2013, but has had
some negative response. They offer free shipping, but the costs for the returns will be
deducted from the credit of the returned merchandise. Costumers believe that returns
should be free or that they should have the possibility to return in stores, which at the
moment is not possible. For H M this is an issue because of the high volume and
costs of returns. To stay true to their sustainable image,
Essay On Cleaner Air
Air Filters | Air Conditioning Service Arlington, TX
No homeowner is going to complain about having cleaner air in their home. This is
especially true after the EPA revealed that the air in many U.S. homes is more
polluted than the outdoor air. Receiving cleaner air doesn t need to be difficult, or
come with an excessive cost. Your HVACsystem s air filter can assist you in
achieving cleaner air, if you use the right type. Your Minuteman Heating AC
technician can assist you in selecting the right air filter for your system. If you
haven t already scheduled annual air conditioning service in Arlington, TX, call
today and talk to your NATE certified technician about an air filter for cleaner air in
your home. You may be wondering what the... Show more content on
Taking care of your pet can reduce it, but those with allergies need a quality air filter.
Dust Mites and Cockroaches
Dust mites and the parts of cockroaches, along with their excrement are a common
source of allergies. Frequent vacuuming and quality air filtration offer the best relief.
While it is helpful to open windows and doors, in order to provide fresh air, keep
them closed during pollen seasons. Pollen is also tracked into the home and enters
through ventilation pipes. Quality air filtration can help to remove indoor pollen.
Contact our NATE certified technicians today for reliable air conditioning service in
Arlington, TX.
Duct System
The duct work in your home is an often overlooked component. It should be
periodically inspected for failed seals, damage, separated joints and the need for
cleaning. If it has been a while since an inspection, ask your technician to inspect the
ducts the next time you call for air conditioning service in Arlington, TX.
How Indoor Air Pollution May Affect You
Indoor air pollution can cause headaches and nausea; and worsen the health of those
with allergies, asthma, and chronic respiratory conditions. The long term
consequences of indoor pollution are frighteningly clear, and may include cancer,
heart disease, chronic respiratory diseases and other illnesses. Minuteman Heating
AC offers professional heating and air conditioning service in Arlington, TX,
including clean air
The Ethics Of Confidentiality From Oklahoma s State...
Abstract For the purpose of briefly highlighting the complex issue of confidentiality
within the confines of this paper two videos have been scrutinized to determine if an
employee demonstrating helpfulness (video 1) and the desire to protect a client
(video 2) have in fact violated or up held client s confidentiality. To demonstrate these
outcomes, the ethics of confidentiality will be examined from Oklahoma s state
regulation (2010) and the ACA Code of Ethics (2014). The various dilemmas and the
awareness of both personal/professional competencies (both lacking and achieving)
are exemplified in these ethical codes and regulations. The subtle/overt nuances of
varying worldviews and cultural applications of confidentiality will be gleaned...
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Wanting to be helpful the receptionist did as many would, and assures the man that
she will give his wife the message (Pearson, 2016). Visibly upset the wife begins to
give reasons why (divorce, child custody battle, his claims of her being unfit) she
didn t want her husband to know, she was receiving counseling when the receptionist
give the wife the message (Pearson, 2016).
The State of Oklahoma article 310:450 3 1(2010), titled Responsibility (2010) is
directed to the LPC, the fact that the wording of services/organizational are used, the
receptionist who is employed by the LPC becomes a part of the representation of the
LPC (Oklahoma State Department of Health, 2010). The LPC is responsible to train
the employees to make sure that they adhere to the same confidentiality standard that
the LPC is held too (Oklahoma State Department of Health, 2010). The Oklahoma
State Department article 310:405 3 3 Client welfare Confidentiality (2010) address
specifically that any information received about the client (such as whether or not
they are receiving counseling or whether or not they are even present in the office)
should be held as confidential and requires a written authorization from the client to
approve any
Property-Led Regeneration Essay
What is meant by property led regeneration? (3 marks) Property led regeneration
involves the regeneration of an inner city area by changing the image of the area,
improving the environment, attracting private investment and improving confidence
for further investment. In many cases it involves a flagship project such as the
redevelopment of the Albert Dock. Urban Development corporations are the main
form of property led regeneration. With reference to property led regeneration, name
one case study, describe its aims and comment on its effectiveness? (8 marks)
Property led regeneration involves the regeneration of an inner city area by changing
the image of the area, improving the environment, attracting private investment and
improving... Show more content on ...
MDC went on to regenerate land on both sides of the Mersey over its 17 year
existence. This had a catalytic effect on other development and its legacy is
evident today in the much improved Mersey Waterfront. The success of the
scheme can be seen through the following statistics: * Redeveloped land 384
hectares * Redeveloped 3544 housing units * Created 23,357 jobs which benefited
many locals and prevented out migration * 1987 2 million visitors a year 2 Albert
Dock today 5 million * There has been continued redevelopment. In 2006 there was
a 3.4 million redevelopment package which again developed the docks. * It gained
the title of Capital of Culture 2008 * Old sites, such as the Garden festival site has
been which had now been derelict for 20 years has been purchased for re re
development. This shows continued investment and development in the area
highlighting the success of the scheme. However there are still different attitudes to
redevelopment, some claim that the scheme was completed with tremendous
optimism and it s believed, The area s beginning to look up, but you do get people
saying we will never get out of this rot, that the area s too run down. And physically,
Biblical Scripture On Christian Faith
Scripture is fundamental to Christian faith, but who gives it authority? What makes it
fundamental. Beyond these questions, you may wonder if it is historical accurate or
if science disproves scripture. If you decide that scripture stands the test of history
and science, you may wonder if the words are literal, contextual, or an allegory. These
are questions that Christians may have to wrestle with throughout their lives. Luckily,
today s Christians are not the first to ponder such questions and can turn to scholars
and other sources of information to help inform their decisions on the issues.
Basis of Scripture
The meaning and authority of scripture can vary depending on who you are. You can
focus on God as ... Show more content on ...
There are many views it comes to scripture and science. You can see scripture as
having science, but being limited to the time period. Others can say scripture is
correct and that you need to believe it (have faith in it), even if modern science
disproves it. The stereotypical worldview is that science explains it all and
religion is outdated. A merging view would try to merge the two together and say
science helps explain how God designed and created the world. Scripture can be
reconciled with Science using the last view. For example, you could say the Big
Bang is the reaction you would expect from God saying let there be light or that God
made us adaptable (evolution) because He knew the world would be changing. When
you view science through the lens of religion, you can come up with many theories
on how the two are not mutually exclusion. The reverse has also happened. The
world, humans, and the brain are very complex. When studying these structures, it
can lead one to believe that they could not happen by accident, but rather by
intelligent design. The limit to intelligent design is it does not point to who the
designer is. Scriptures can help point to the designer.
Interpreting Scipture
It is both good and bad that almost anyone (at least in America) can interpret
scripture. It is good because we each bring unique views, backgrounds, and thoughts
into the reading of scripture and this can
Garrett Hardin Lifeboat Ethics
The Article Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Helping the Poor was written by
Garrett Hardin and published in Psychology Today. Hardin s essay was exactly as
the title suggested, An argument against helping the poor for a variety of well
thought out reasons. Hardin explains why we should not help the poor by using
Lifeboat Ethics, the world that could be overpopulated, and the Tragedy of the
Commonsin order to persuade us in favor of his ideals. While he does have many
good points in this Article, Hardin fails to elaborate on what he means by Quality
immigrants and he does not state the problem to benefiting while helping others even
though he eludes to this moral wrong throughout the Article. Hardin s article is
broken up into... Show more content on ...
For example, Hardin, in the passage of Population Control the Crude Way he talks
about how past United States foreign aid programs have led to mistrust and
antagonism rather than gratitude and at the end of the passage, he cites the book and
the author he got this information from. Another strong point that Hardin makes
against helping the poor is his Tragedy of the Commons where he explains why
helping the poor could end up hurting everyone everywhere. This would happen by
allowing too many people to live thus overtaxing the Earth s natural resources and
slowly killing the population we have
The Political Structure of More’s Utopia Essay
Over the past few centuries the word utopia has developed a variety of meanings: a
perfect state, paradise, heaven on earth, but the original definition of the word
means something quite different. Utopia , coined by Saint Thomas More in his
famous work Utopia, written during the English Renaissance, literally means
nowhere . It is ironic that a word meaning nowhere has become a catchall phrase
for paradise. More s work is popular because of its wit, its use of metaphor, and its
proposals for the perfect state. The work is claimed by Nicholas Paine Gilman in
Socialism and the American Spirit to be:
a masterpiece of wit, written by a man who knew the world, and sent forth this
book, inspired by Colet and Erasmus, not as a sure ... Show more content on ...
Our age and our posterity will regard this exposition as a source of excellent
doctrines and useful ordinances, from which states will construct their institutions
(Kautsky 14). After reading Utopia, these men were ready to go out and change
the world, but did More really want to see his work become a reality or did he plan
his work as a social commentary? There will never be an answer to this question,
but many of the ideas and comments made about Utopia suggest that More
believed in many of the ideas. However, he qualifies his full endorsement of the
Utopian ideal at the end of the end of story, he writes, I cannot agree with all that
he said. But I readily admit that there are very many features in the Utopian
commonwealth which it is easier for me to wish for in our countries than to have
any hope of seeing realized (More 152). While he may not agree with everything
Hythlodaeus says, he also wrote Utopia in Latin which allowed for a very small
circle of readers and allowed for a wider range of expression. By conditioning his
reaction to Utopia s innovations and by writing Utopia in Latin, More conceals his
true beliefs in the garment of satire, which to be sure permitted him greater freedom
in the expression of his opinions (Kautsky 13 14). More s Utopia is meant to be used
as a form of entertainment on
The Idea Of Self-Expression Of Graffiti And Pop Culture
You ve probably seen some type of graffiti art before; most likely in a large city like
New York City. Whether it be on bridges, public transit property, buildings, or
walls, graffiti is an art form that is available at your exposure. It is intended to be
seen by the public eye and this type of art arises curiosity amongst viewers. Graffiti
can be seen as its own subculture. This culture initiated about 30 years ago in New
York City, and the grand appreciation for this art has helped it become a global
phenomenon. The use of graffiti can date all the way back to Ancient Greece, but
modern graffiti didn t originate until 1960 when artists tagged their names on cars. It
wasn t until the 1980s that hip hop became a part of graffiti, which ultimately... Show
more content on ...
The program was founded by Jane Golden in 1984 and the program has almost 4,000
murals in total. The mural arts program is intended to help educate and uplift people,
targeting young kids with hopes of them wanting to become successful in their
futures. In Jane Golden s book, Philadelhphia Murals and the Stories They Tell, she
believes that when the program started, the murals would help, learn about
discipline and responsibility. Many had limited options. We hoped they would
come out of the program with a sense of their own identities and values so they
could go on to live normal lives and not end up dead or in jail (35). Not only are
adults that view the murals targeted, but children are as well, in order for them to
become educated on important topics in the world. One reward of these murals is
to help the community come together and appreciate the stories of the artists and to
educate people on different topics. People can relate to the murals and the
reasoning behind the art. In addition, this program has actually helped with
employment has over 200 paid job positions. Graffiti artists, and even regular people
(doesn t necessarily have to be a well known artist) can sign up to work on the murals
and get paid. It is still a form of graffiti since it is done on walls of buildings and
Minor And Minor Depression
The website is University of Maryland Medical Center. UMMC talks about how
depression can be prevented and how it can be treated. They talk about what it can
do to you and what it can make you start doing. They talk about the two different
kinds of depression major and minor. Major depression is when you don t do
anything and could hurt yourself or others. Minor depressionis when your moods start
to change.
University of Maryland talks about what depression can do or make you start
doing. Depression can make you cause self harm and hurt others. They cover all the
symptoms that you may experienced or what you will first encounter. Some of the
first symptoms is your mood you will start feeling down and you start to sleep more
or less it s different for people. The worse thing is thoughts of suicide. (Depression
Symptoms Types.) Teen Depression feelings of severe despondency and dejection.
When a teen is feeling this way they may not think about there actions and what their
actions can do it really can make you do things that you don t want to do, or you don
t do anything at all. The kids that do something they might regret there are tring to get
help the only way they know how. The kids that don t do anything... Show more
content on ...
There are two kinds of depression major and minor depression. Major depression is
when you want to hurt yourself or someone else and minor depression is when
your moods start to change you don t feel like doing anything you start not to care
about anything. Some symptoms you may start to get or feel is feeling sad,
anxious, or empty thoughts of suicide hurting yourself or others. If you feel like
you may be depressed you need to talk to someone immediately because it could get
worse. How you can get help is online or just talking to a parent or teacher before it s
too late and you get major
Police Brutality Against Young Black Men Essay
Sandra Bland, Mike Brown, and Tamir Rice these are just some of the names of the
unarmed Black people whose lives were taken by police officers in the last year. The
alarming rate at which young Black men and women are being killed is evidence that
their lives are not held with high regard. Police brutality against young Black men
and women has been perpetrated at alarming rates. Yet, we have not seen much, if
any, consequences or responsibility taken by the policemen committing these crimes.
Often times, the families of these young men and women who, because of their race,
have been killed by police officers have not seen any justice, instead the names of
their loved ones go from headlines to outdated hashtags. Not only do young Black
men and women face the chance of being criminalized on the street, but also such
targeting begins at a young age in institutions that are typically regarded as safe
places , such as the classroom. We see evidence of this in the way students are
racially profiled and in the growing number of protests that are currently being held
on college campuses nationwide. While it may seem as though we live in a post
racial society, since overt racism, such as legalized segregation, is a thing of the past,
institutionalized racism, a system that distributes opportunities based on the racial
hierarchy, still remains and is deeply rooted in our education system, which inhibits
any potential academic success by restricting resources and criminalizing
How Business Can Grow Faster Than Normal
When trying to expand ones business it can take a lot of time and effort to grow the
company from its core not to mention how much it will cost to accomplish this goal,
but there are other ways a business can grow much faster than normal. This faster
method is broken up into two different types mergers and acquisitions. A merger is
the combining of two or more companies, this decision is usually mutual between
both firms, and it works usually by offering the stockholders of one company
securities in the acquiring company in exchange for the surrender of their stock. An
acquisition is when a company buys most, if not all, of another company s ownership
stakes so that they assume control of the target company. Acquisitions are often used
as... Show more content on ...
The successful Merger of Exxon Mobil brought back one of the first and largest
monopolies in American history. The merger bring back the two pieces of Standard
Oil Co. the Rockefeller oil titan that was split in 1911 due to a Supreme Court
decision. Industry leaders Exxon announced on November 30th 1999 that they plan
to buy and merger Mobil, the number two company in the field to make Exxon
Mobil. The deal had to be approved by the U.S. government and was only approved
after Exxon Mobil promised to sell more then two thousand four hundred gas stations
across the country. Because Exxon and Mobil are such large and powerful
competitors and because they now compete in several product and geographic
markets in the United States, the commission insisted on extensive restructuring
before accepting a proposed settlement, FTC Chairman Robert Pitofsky said in a
statement referring to the large amount of gas stations that would be sold due to the
merger. This settlement should preserve competition and protect consumers from
inappropriate and anticompetitive price increases, he added. Exxon Mobil is now
the biggest of the three oil superpowers which also incudes Anglo Dutch venture
Royal Dutch/Shell and U.K. based BP Amoco, which is also awaiting regulatory
approval for its purchase of U.S. based Atlantic Richfield.
The motivations for the merger of Exxon Mobil was to unify
The five isolated nuclei measured had lengths of 2.5Вµm, 5Вµm, 3Вµm, 5Вµm,
and 4Вµm, and therefore an average length of 3.9 micrometers. This data reflects an
almost accurate measurement because according to Essential Cell Biology
eukaryotic nuclei have an average length of about 5 micrometers (p.16). The total
number of nuclei isolated was 3,125,000. This number was calculated by multiplying
the amount of nuclei found per mL by five because 5mL was the size of the sample
taken. The amount of nuclei per mL was found by multiplying the average number of
nuclei found on the hemocytometer by the dilution factor and the volume of the
hemocytometer grid. These values respectively are 6.25, 10, and 104, yielding
625,000 nuclei per milliliter. The dilution... Show more content on ...
8.62 x 10 6pg of nucleic acid were detected per nucleus in this sample, which is a
small amount in comparison to the 1.8 pg found in the 1976 experiment. The
spectrophotometer does not accurately estimate the amount of DNA per nucleus
because it does not differentiate between chromatin, DNA, and RNA in its
measurements. The reading therefore does not provide a true answer for the pure
contents of DNA within a cell. Reasons why this experimental findings of DNA
per nucleus differs from Bennett s could be because of human error. Since the
pellet of nucleic acids was especially miniscule during the latter steps of the
experiment, it is possible part of the pellet could have been accidentally poured out
with the supernatant. The buffers and other chemicals used in Bennett s experiment
were also unknown by the scientist; therefore it is possible Bennett used different
chemicals which were not as degrading to the DNA as the ones provided in this
laboratory. Overall, the low yield of DNA per nucleus in this experiment compared
to the DNA per nucleus determined by Bennett s procedure could be because of a
lack of precision and accuracy in the use and transference of
Karen Seapker Cradle
And Most Slow Have I Been is a current exhibition at Lipscomb University by
Karen Seapker. The gallery features a concise body of work; approximately ten to
fifteen pieces in size. Many of her paintings depict bold, vibrant colors contrasted
against dark muted ones. A recurring technique that Seapker utilizes is creating lines
that appear to be executed in one brush stroke. These compositions are often subtly
defined by these dynamic brush strokes. Seapker then creates void like spaces by
filling the remaining negative space with contrasting colors; in comparison to the
brush stroke in the foreground. Another technique used alongside the strong brush
strokes is a simulated gradient effect by applying two or more colors to her canvas
and meticulously... Show more content on ...
Then as I made my way around the gallery I noticed a myriad of her works contained
radically simplified or abstracted figures. Segments of a hand or a pair of legs are
incorporated into the composition delicately like puzzle pieces. Seapker s painting
named Cradle demonstrates these figurative elements. A massive hand like form
dominates the center of the composition. The calligraphic brushstrokes in this form
create a powerful sense of movement. Therefore, I found this painting quite
intriguing. In the bottom left portion of Cradle there appears to be two beige
colored legs. To the right of them, a contrasting turquoise, gray pair of legs support
the beige pair in a similar manner that a chair would hold one s body. Most notably,
the turquoise legs disintegrate into a pastel pink field; on the far right. Bits of gray
paint are splattered in an upward motion on top of the pastel pink area; they are
barely noticeable but enhance the impression of movement nonetheless. The
ambiguity of the figures allows the viewer to gather a more subjective perspective on
the content. Seapker s visual language suggests something unsettling within the
paintings, but I could not draw any
Contra Tempo Critique
On Tuesday, April 19, 2016 I attended a guest artist modern concert performed by
Contra Tempo, held in the Watson Theater at Coker College in Huntsville, South
Carolina. Contra Tempo is an Urban Latin dance theater that is based in Los Angeles.
Contra Tempo is known for creating physical, visual and sonic vocabulary that
collages Salsa, Afro Cuban, hip hop, and contemporary dancewith theater, text and
original musicto bring dynamic multi model experiences to the concert stage (Ana
Maria Alvarez). The company s work have been seen worldwide including countries
such as North America, Central America and South America, as well as being
represented abroad in Europe and Asia. (Ana Maria Alvarez) The company members
intentionally engages with... Show more content on ...
In addition to making columns, two of the dancers brought full buckets of water on
the stage. During this scene, the movement to me felt as if Samad was improvising in
a puddle of water. Watching him I was curious to see what could happen next within
his movement. This movement consisted of rolling around and using the lower level
as he would transition to standing and falling back down. While the other dancers
entered the stage, the movement seemed indirect and used a great amount of
different stage space as most of the movement was an improvisation that incorporated
bringing different individuals styles into the
Chinese Discrimination In America
The presentation in class by Ricky Thao has thought me a lot about Chinese
Americans. Chinese Americans, who are one of the largest minorities in the Asian
community, have a long history, culture and have faced discrimination in America
like many other minorities. The Chinese Americans history began during the colonial
era when many minorities started moving to the U.S. seeking job opportunities and a
better life. Throughout the history they have influenced the country in many ways
and their culture has become a part of the American culture. Also like other
minorities, they have gone through a lot of struggles to make a name for themselves.
And through the presentation and the information I gathered I was able to learn
about the Chinese.
I ... Show more content on ...
Vincent Chin was twenty seven when he got beaten to death by Ronald Edens and
Michael Nitz in 1982. The only reason they did that to him was that they saw him
as a Japanese person when he is Chinese. At the time there were problems with the
Japanese people and their car business. The problem is since the auto companies
were not upgrading their vehicles people were losing their jobs but instead of fixing
the problem they decided to blame the Japanese because they were doing a better job
than them. So in all of this Vincent Chin who was out for a party ended up died in an
unjust way.
Vincent was originally from Guangdong Province, China and adopted by Lily and
David Chin he grew up in Detroit. He went to school for computers and graduated
at Control Data Institute and was a great son to his family. Vincent and his family
were like every other immigrant family work hard and sacrifice for the family, keep
a low profile, don t complain, and perhaps in the next generation, attain the American
dream (Helen Zia
marketing case study about chestnut ridge country...
Chestnut ridge country club has a distinguished reputation as an outstanding country
club in the Elma Tennessee area in too many different aspects. The club is facing a
decline in the number of membership applicants relative to the competing clubs in the
same area. A survey that done by the researchers on the members of the clubs of the
same area shows some weakness in the chestnut ridge country clubwhich may cause
the declination such as the management, food prices, the quality of tennis courts, as I
will explain later. Trying to keep or increase the number of applicants some marketing
and managerial steps need to be taken, like commercial steps, change in the
membership policies, run some promotions, etc.
Chestnut ridge country club ... Show more content on ...
Some of the clubs are rated better than the chestnut ridge in some areas like golf
course maintenance, condition of tennis courts. None of the competitors has a
known marketing plan and the number of subscribers is the major resource for any
of the clubs. The age of the members are not know and not investigated by the
researchers but as I expect most of the members are golf players and males and in the
high twenties and up and attends the golf courses. But some of the members will be
different ages and gender since there is different facilities in the club.
Chestnut ridge country clubs has a good reputation due to the board of directors that
are watching the club and taking the complains , they did good job dealing with
some complains about the food facilities, since they did a survey to check the
members feeling and hired a new manager.
As the problem rise by the decreasing in the number of applicants, the questions rise
is the manager is doing a successful job and does he have a marketing plan to keep
the club going forward. The managerial skills compared to other competing clubs
wasn t in a good rank, they were in
Research Paper On Charlie Sheen
Carlos Irwin EstГ©vez also known as Charlie Sheen is a famous actor known for
his roles in Platoon, Wall Street, Hot Shots, Young Guns, Two and a Half Men, and
Anger Management. He was born on September 3, 1965 in New York City, New
York. Charlie and his three siblings were encouraged to follow in the footsteps of
their veteran actor parents, RamГіn Antonio Gerardo EstГ©vez better known as
Martin Sheenand Janet Estevez better known as Janet Sheen (, 2016).
Charlie Sheenmade his first appearance in film at the early age of nine as an extra. As
a teenager, he was able to direct and produce a low budget film. His parents were
very proud of him and Charlie was happy to gain their approval. He became so
focused on acting and maintaining... Show more content on ...
The field of psychology has made great advancement in the way of treating
disorders. For example, before Pinel s approach in 1745, disorders were perceived
as demonic possession. Pinel and others proposed that mental disorders were not
caused by demonic possession, but environmental factors like stress and inhumane
conditions. Pinel s moral treatment involved improving the environment, replacing
the asylum beatings with patient dances (PSY111: Module 9 Lecture, 2015,
Dietz). Thanks to Pinel, we are able to treat disorders in the most scientific way as
possible. Although there isn t a pill or shot make the disorder go away, we are able
to make the most informed decision regarding treatments that are available to us, in
hopes to one day find a
Adequacy of Organization s Long-term Counter Attack
In Case study number one (Dhillon, 2007), Stellar University(SU), which is public
education institution, had a system breach in its Information Systems(IS). The IS of
SU contained many types of IT such as Mainframe, AS400, Linux, VAX, Unix, AIX,
Windows(3.1 and up to 2003), Apple, RISC boxes Storage Area Networks(SAN),
Network Attached Storage(NAS) and much more. Sadly, SU has had a security
breach on some of its systems. Even though everything was fixed but there are issues
that need to be discussed about this breach. The first issue is adequacy of
organization s long term counter attack actions. The second issue is helpfulness of
immediate counter attack actions. Hopefully, the discussion will be concise and to
the point.
Adequacy of Organization s Long term Counter Attack Actions
Sadly, the measures SU IS staff has taken were not adequate enough. The post
mortem check they conducted to determine the what and why of the breach was not
done in a formal fashion. It was basically, a written summary presented to the
management, along with an analysis of how to avoid such future breaches of similar
type presented to the System Administrators(SAs). It was done in several steps.
First, after viewing monitoring tool logs the SAs decided to put the Anti Virus(AV)
program in the watch list of services so they would be alerted when a hacker for
instance disables the AV. Still, this step will not prevent the intrusion! This is another
proof that the actions were not
The Grandfather Clause (1898-1915)
Before the Civil war took place, African Americans underwent merciless oppression
and many cases about tortured African Americans surfaced during the era. The
Grandfather Clause (1898 1915) was one such cunning step to deprive the African
Americans of voting and other rights. It was enacted by the southern states of
America. This clause was the answer to the Reconstruction law (1865 1877). The
fourteenth amendment provided equal rights to the African Americans. They were
given as much liberty as the white people. After a brief period of implying this
amendment, a new law was framed. It said that the voting rights differed on the basis
of education and economic condition. However, the flaw was the number of white
people that were uneducated.... Show more content on ...
The whites were so adamant to protect their community; they took oppressive
measures to save the fellow mates. This incident stands evidence to ill treatment to
African American people. There existed an unwritten law that the 29th street beach
was for whites and the 25th street beach was for African Americans. On one
summer Sunday, a black teenager, Eugene Williams crossed the border while
swimming with his friends. The reports said that whites threw stones on him, other
said that they injured his head so he got too afraid to come back to the shore. The
final statement said that he drowned. This emerged a racial violence s deadliest
episode of Chicago. The police refused to arrest the white Chicagoans. The riots
were seen between the whites and the blacks for over a week. Several African
Americans attacked and isolated the whites and vice versa. These riots included
deaths of innocent African Americans and stood out to be one of the most disturbing
racial riots to take place in Amercian history. The battle finally ended on August 3,
killing 15 whites and 23 African Americans. Not to forget, many were left homeless.
This event is significant due to the irrational reasons that marked the beginning of
Essay On Mexico City Gag Rule
Having information and access to family planning, abortion services, maternal and
child health (such as knowing what to do after giving birth) and/or preventing and
treating diseases to anyone and everyone should be essential because this type of aid
can help with the rapid population growth. If women were able to control when they
wanted to give birth and how many children they wanted to give birth to, that would
be a game changer in trying to stop hurting the environment. For some time, there
was access to all that information, specifically in poorer countries and third world
countries because NGOs received funding from the government, corporations,
foundations and even individual donations to be able to offer these kinds of services
at little to no cost. These services help... Show more content on ...
This policy, when it is in action, prevents foreign NGOs from earning funding to help
women who are in need of family planning or abortion information, contraceptives,
etc. This policy specifically, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, has
required foreign NGOs to certify that they will not perform or actively promote
abortion as a method of family planning with non U.S. funds as a condition for
receiving U.S. global family planning assistance and, as of Jan. 23, 2017, any other
U.S. global health assistance, including U.S. global HIV (under PEPFAR), maternal
and child health, malaria, nutrition, and other program areas. ( The Mexico City
Policy: An Explainer, 2017). Reinstatement of the Mexico City Policy goes far
beyond just having access to family planning and abortion, this will impact maternal
and child health, including water and sanitation, nutrition, HIV and global health
How Does Soot Affect The Coal Industry
For too long the coal industry has used our atmosphere like a sewer for its airborne
pollution, says a website Coal when burned releases harmful
gases, and humans are being affected by this airborne pollution. In the USA there
are more than 40% of people who live in areas with unhealthy levels of air pollution.
Many doctors say inhaling these harmful gases could possibly lead to death. Many
doctors say that inhaling these gases is like giving your lungs a sunburn. The effects
of inhaling these gases have caused premature death, lung damage, and have even
been connected to cause heart attacks.
As we keep using these hazardous resources, the biggest threat to being affected by
them are the children of the areas ... Show more content on ...
Soot is a black powdery flaky substance, and the soot mixes with the atmosphere
causing many to breathe it in. Soot is very dangerous to breathe, thus causing
schools and companies to close. Soot can be controlled, stronger soot control could
remake more than half of those closed days.
Many species of animals are also being killed from coal pollution. Coal produces
acid rain, Acid rain is a rainfall made acidic. As acid rain hits the earth it spreads to
many different environments and reaching ground water thus making them very
dangerous to those animals. As acid rain mixes with water it causes many aquatic
species to die. Acid rain caused 75 percent of acidic lakes and 50 percent of acidic
The future of our world depends on two things. One is the protection of the children,
as these fossil fuels and non renewable resources are used we will not experience the
consequences but our children will. The second being the protection of the earth.
With this harmful resource, we are just using it as a dumping ground with these killer
chemicals, gases, and much more. As time goes on the earth can only take so much,
and with resources becoming more abundant we better figure something
Ratification Dbq
During the American Revolution, Congress wanted to have a government that was
powerful enough to defeat Great Britain, so they put in place Articles of
Confederation as a guide for the way the country would be run, but there were several
problems with that, one of which was the government having too much control.
On May 14, 1787 The Federal Convention had a meeting in Philadelphia to amend the
Articles of Confederation. They met in secret, and only two of the 13 colonies
showed up for the vote. They decided they would call it The Constitution of the
United States, but still not everyone was satisfied.
Those that wanted the changes were called The Federalists and those that didn t want
the change were called The Anti Federalists . George ... Show more content on ...
The Convention then promised that a bill of rights would be attached to the final
draft. Already there were several amendments that were considered when the first
Congress met in 1789. Then on September 25, 1789, the first Congress of the United
States added the 12 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, and sent them to the states
for ratification. Only ten of these amendments were ratified, and not until 1791.
James Madison wrote those twelve. The first ten make up what is still today known
as the Bill of Rights. They are also the first ten amendments to the Constitution.
The Bill of Rights puts limits on government power. So what the Founders looked at
as the natural right of a person to speak and worship freely was now protected by the
First Amendment s prevention of Congress from making laws about religion or
cutting freedom of speech. Another one was the natural right to be free from
unreasonable government intrusion in a citizen s home. The Fourth Amendment
Trogir Research Paper
Most people who go on sailing tours along the Croatian coast will visit the major
coastal cities like Split and Dubrovnik. Those cities are great to explore, but if you
are looking to experience something different on your sailing vacation, you may want
to try visiting the city of Trogir. Trogir is a medium sized medieval city along the
northern coastof Croatia. Trogir is a popular city for filmmakers, and once you see it
you will understand why. It is a picturesque city with winding streets and old stone
buildings. If you decide to stop at Trogir during your sailing vacation here are some
things you absolutely must do.
Visit Fortress Kamerlengo
Fortress Kamerlengo is a medieval fort that overlooks the city. There is a small entry
fee for
Flare Fragrance Inc Essay
Executive Summary This marketing plan isprepared for the case study of Flare
Fragrance Inc which operates in the U.S women fragrance market, currently its
growth to maturity stage.External analysis has identified political, economical, social,
technological and naturalfactors affecting the fragrance market. Most significant
being declining U.S fragrance market and trend of tradingof luxury brands to mass
alternative, post 2008 financial crisis.Industry analysis identified the U.S fragrance
industryto be low in attractiveness. Critical success factors includes originality and
innovation, prestige image, meaningful consumer experience, good distribution
network and, relationship with retailers. Flare s portfolio consist of fragrances... Show
more content on ...
Thus, not observed as a trend in the life cycle. It can be concluded that market is at
the growth maturity stage. 3.0. Situation Analysis 4.1. External Environment
(External Analysis) 4.2.1. Macro environment (PESTN analysis) POLITICAL
AND LEGAL| * To avoid replication or counterfeit, fragrance formulas remain
known only to the creators and are protected under the intellectual property laws
(IFRA, n.d.).| ECONOMIC| * Economic crisis resulting in overall decline of sales
in the fragrances market. * Slow economic growth rate and reduced purchasing
power of consumers. * Due to economic pressure, consumers seem to be trading
down from luxury brands to mass alternatives. * Exchange rates and fluctuations
(declining US dollar), making it more risky and expensive to expand to the
overseas market. | SOCIAL AND CULTURE| * Increasing preference for lower
priced scented products (body washes, sprays) or skin care products as to fragrances.
* Rising popularity and trend of celebrity and designer fragrances. * Increasing
consumers seeking for environmentally safer or green products. | TECHNOLOGY| *
Improving technical knowledge on identification, purification, and chemical synthesis
of scent, allows natural aromas to be re created. Advantage of synthetic materials is
that purity can be strictly controlled and contaminants free (IFRA, n.d.).| NATURAL|
* Some fragrances today still use
Executive Summary Essay
Executive Summary for Dave Buster s, Inc.
MISM 3310 01
March 3, 2011
Dave Buster s, Inc. utilizes various systems for its day to day functions. Because the
technology in the organization must support restaurants, warehouses, and the
corporate office, several systems must be integrated to work together to support all
the activities of the organization. Dave Buster s restaurants, known as stores, require
detailed point of sale, or POS systems, labor systems, and inventory systems designed
for restaurant use. Warehouses require inventory systems, which also tie into the
financial system. The corporate office requires a financial package that supports
approximately $521 million in revenue per year and inventories of ... Show more
content on ...
Various opportunities exist, which include new technology and software, both for the
stores and the corporate office. Updated software and/or updated versions of existing
software would provide opportunity for greater functionality and efficiency. Threats
to Dave Busters information technology include security threats such as theft of
proprietary information and credit card information by hackers. There also exists the
threat of servers being taken over and used for large scale malicious attacks. Each of
these threats must be answered through comprehensive security software and other
procedural measures. In addition to the SWOT analysis, various systems have been
identified as critical to the survival or growth of the organization. First, the restaurant
point of sale system, Micros, is a powerful system that also includes a Kitchen Display
System. The Micros system provides detailed information about each transaction
occurring in the store and transfers this valuable information to the corporate office
systems each night through batch processing. These transactions include amount of
each item sold, amount of tax calculated on each sale, number of guests per ticket,
time of day of each sale, etc. Its Kitchen Display System, which displays diagrams
and exact ingredients and
James Joyce s Araby And John Updike s A P
James Joyce s Araby and John Updike s A P are two stories which, in spite of their
many differences, share many similarities in their endings. The primary focus of both
of these initiation stories revolves around adolescent protagonists who come into
conflict with their unrealistic expectations of women and their societies. Although the
boys use different approaches in pursuit of their ideal, both narrators face a radical
shift in their attitudes as they transit into adulthood.
The protagonists in both stories are ultimately faced with the harsh and shattering
reality that the girls have no desire for their company. In Araby , the young boyaims
to impress his friend s older sister by going to the bazaar and buying her something.
However, when he visits one of the bazaar s stalls, the owner who is an English
woman seemed to have spoken to [him] out of a sense of duty (45). Realizing that
in the eye of Mangan s sister, he is just the little brother s friend whose chivalrous
actions go unnoticed, he leaves without buying anything. Similarly, Sammy in A P
tries to win the attention of the three girls by saying I quit (92) after the store
manager rebukes the girls for their indecent dress. The girls, however, ignore Sammy
s heroic gesture and leave the store. Failing to win the heart or attention of their
respective love interest despite their best efforts, each character experiences great
despair at the end of the story.
The teenagers also find themselves in

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Essay On Rome

  • 1. Essay On Rome Writing an essay on the topic of Rome can be a daunting task, as the subject matter is vast and rich with historical, cultural, and architectural nuances. The challenge lies not only in capturing the essence of a city that spans millennia but also in presenting a cohesive narrative that does justice to its complexity. To start, one must delve into the extensive history of Rome, from its legendary founding in 753 BCE to the height of the Roman Empire and its eventual decline. Navigating through the various periods, events, and influential figures requires meticulous research and a keen understanding of historical contexts. The abundance of information available poses the risk of information overload, making it crucial to sift through sources and select the most pertinent details. Moreover, an essay on Rome should extend beyond historical accounts. It should explore the city's cultural contributions, including its impact on art, literature, philosophy, and religion. Understanding the socio-economic dynamics, political structures, and the evolution of Roman society adds layers of complexity to the task. Crafting a narrative that weaves these elements together coherently demands both analytical skills and a creative touch. Additionally, addressing the architectural marvels of Rome, from the Colosseum to the Pantheon, requires a deep appreciation for the aesthetic and engineering achievements of the time. Describing these structures effectively involves conveying their historical significance, architectural innovations, and enduring influence on subsequent civilizations. In terms of challenges, striking a balance between depth and conciseness is key. The temptation to include every fascinating detail must be tempered by the need to maintain a clear and focused essay. The challenge is not only to inform but to engage the reader, fostering an appreciation for the multifaceted nature of Rome. In conclusion, writing an essay on Rome demands a comprehensive exploration of its historical, cultural, and architectural dimensions. The task is formidable, requiring careful research, analytical skills, and a flair for storytelling. However, the journey through the annals of Rome's past is a rewarding endeavor for those passionate about unraveling the layers of this iconic city. For assistance with similar essays and more, you may explore Essay On Rome Essay On Rome
  • 2. The Role Of Role Identity And The Second Hypothesis Of... 1. The article is called Role Identity Salience, Purpose and Meaning in Life, and Well Being Among Volunteers , which is written by Peggy A. Thoits, from Social Psychology Quarterly, published in 2012, volume 75, starting at page 360. In the beginning, Thoits s main argument is that holding a social role that is important to the person leads to a purposeful and meaningful life, thus improving their mental and physical health. It is later broken down to four hypotheses. The first hypothesis states that the importance of a role identity influences one s health. The second hypothesis says that one s purpose and meaning is influenced by the importance of the role identity. The third hypothesis states that one s mental and physical health... Show more content on ... This theory that she describes is also a perspective in social psychology. The social interactionism perspective stresses the importance of the individual, the role, and socialization. Society is a product of socialization because meanings and norms are shared and agreed upon. In this theory s case, people give meaning to and rank roles, which can also be negotiated and changed. Society agrees on what a high status role and what a low status role is like. People evaluate themselves based on categorizations and therefore, find their purpose in their identities. 3. The research was conducted at Mended Hearts, and volunteers who were once patients were asked a series of questions that uses the Likert scale. Seventy chapters, which is about 877 volunteers, participated in the experiment. The study is split into two stages. For the first stage, volunteers were asked about their involvement, quality of life, and physical and mental health. For the second stage, volunteers were asked about their reasons for volunteering, the meaning and purpose obtained from volunteering, and types of support they gave to the victims. Because there was only a 52 percent response rate, the results could not accurately represent all the Mended Hearts visitors. The independent variables of this experiment are the volunteers because the role of a visitor is constant.
  • 3. French Shooting Research Paper Two American passengers subdued a gunman on a high speed train from Amsterdam to Paris after he wounded two people. REedmore Bernard Cazeneuve, the French Interior Minister, stated that the suspect was detained in Arras in northern France. Cazeneuve stated that one of the Americans was taken to hospital with serious wounds. No names have been released at time of publishing. An official with the Alliance Police Union, Philippe Lorthiois, said that the Americans were soldiers. Officials at the Pentagon in Washington issued a statement saying, We can only confirm that one U.S. military member was injured in the incident. The injury is not life threatening. The White House also issued a statement quoting President Barack Obama. Obama said, ... Show more content on ... However, he wounded one man with a handgun and wounded the other with some sort of blade. This was in contrary to earlier reports of the shooting that stated the gunman fired an automatic weapon. The man suspected in the shooting is a 26 year old Moroccan male. According to the prosecutor s office in Paris, France s special anti terror police force are now leading the investigation. Investigators from France s special anti terror police are leading the investigation, a spokeswoman for the Paris prosecutor s office said. Authorities in France have been on heightened alert since the Islamic extremist attacks left 20 people dead, including three attackers, back in January. Cazeneuve went on to say, As always where an act that could be terrorist in nature is involved, the greatest care and the greatest precision will be used. When speaking about the two Americans, Cazeneuve said, They were particularly courageous and showed great bravery in very difficult circumstances and that without their sangfroid we could have been confronted with a terrible
  • 4. Character Analysis Of Hazel Grace Augustus The protagonist is Hazel Grace Lancaster. She is a dynamic character. An example that is the fact that at the beginning of novel she wants to distance herself from society. Then she meets Augustus Waters. Augustus has the view of that everyone matters using metaphor to explain it. By the end of the novelshe realizes that it s ok to let people in and that everyone will die eventually but you have live your life to the fullest. She s also a is a round characteras we get a lot of insight on her option and life. The antagonist of the story is not a person but cancer itself. The cancer limits the activities that Hazel and Augustus can do. People constantly judge hazel for her oxygen tank just because she s different the reason cancer is the antagonist is because it prevents all the main characters from what society defines as normal teen lives. You could also say the antagonist could be Augustus Waters. The rasin for this is the fact the before hazel meet Augustus she was trying to not impact anyone in her life. Her main goal was to live without hurting anyone but Augustus get in her way. Hazel grace Lancaster is one of the main characters in fault in are stars. We watch her physical grow weaker an example is at the beginning of the book she takes the stares and at the end she takes the elevator at her support group. The book is really about her mentally and philosophical grow and understand especially concerning death. At the beginning as I have stated she is obsessed with what negative effect she will have on people around her when she dies and refuses to get close to anyone. Also referring to herself as a grenade multiple times during the novel. A good word to describe Hazel is a brutally honest person.she knows that cancer doesn t define her. Unlike a lot of people she has no fluff when she talks about cancer an example is at the beginning of the novel when she says:Whenever you read a cancer booklet or website or whatever, they always list depression among the side effects of cancer. But in fact, depression is not a side effect of cancer. Depression is a side effect of dying. This honest approach is what keeps her going but also makes her very lonely. Hazel is also very humorous. I like her
  • 5. Swine Influenza Virus Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses that causes regular outbreaks in pigs. People do not normally get swine flu, but human infections can and do happen. Swine flu is also known as pig influenza, swine flu, hog flu and pig flu. This is a viral disease caused by several type swine flu viruses known as Swine influenzavirus(SIV) or swine origin influenza virus (S OIV) which is a strain belongs to the influenza family and endemic to pigs. There are several subtypes of Influenza A virus known as H1N1, H1N2, H2N1, H3N1, H3N2, and H2N3. CDC has determined that this virus is contagious and is spreading from human to human. However, at this time, it not known how easily the virus spreads between
  • 6. Tomorrow When The War Began Ellie Quotes Ellie is a hero Todays society usually views heroes as male characters, as they are the definition of a hero according to is a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. So what then is a female called when she also displays the characteristics of nobility, brave deeds and courage? In the case of the book Tomorrow when the war began, her name is Ellie Linton. Ellie does what others would not, in order to save her friends from the dangers caused by the invaders. Ellie is a hero not just because she is admired for her brave deeds , she also uses her skill and knowledge to her advantage. This is seen when they had to transport Lee from the restaurant , as he was too injured to walk, let alone be stealthy enough not to get caught . Thinking under pressure Ellie was still able to help her friend,whilst... Show more content on ... Ellie is also not afraid to tell others her opinions of others heroism Sounds like you and Robyn, I said. I reckon she should get a medal. Ellie said this to Lee when in hermits hut when they discovered the citation of the st. George medal. She is comparing Robyn to the recipient of the medal as the owner of the medal was rewarded it by risking his own life and showing displaying conspicuous gallantry for his King. She recognises that Robyn is a hero in, as she says, how brave Robyn was that night. I don t want medals for her...but I think she was a bloody hero . Ellie said this when Robyn and Lee explained, how Lee was shot. She thought Robyn was a hero as she put his safety in front of hers and help the wounded Lee to safety. This shows that Ellie is able to recognise others actions ,other then hers and that she is a noble person. It also displays that she believes that heroes don t need to have medals, that they should be heroes because they want to help, inspire or save another
  • 7. How Is Kurtz Portrayed In Mother Africa DevГіn Fox World Literature Essay #2 Dr. Claiborne Africa feeds the world, but the world continues to eat without Africa. This quote, popularized by Dr. E Obiri Ado, accurately describes the relationship between Africa and the rest of the world. Africa has been known to have been extorted for its surplus in natural resources such as oil, ivory, gold, spices, and even people, throughout history. Although Mother Africahas been proven to be the birthplace of mankind and is home to a lot of the resources the world needs to properly function how it does today, Africa is not treated as so. There is a stunning contrast between the Africa s outside appearance and what actually goes on within the countries, jungles, and villages of Africa. Books, ... Show more content on ... The documentary details how the Democratic Republic of Congo, renamed Zaire, is in extreme poverty and largely underreported due to corruption. Zaire also holds a large portion of the world s supply of a mineral that has been used in the production of nearly every cell phone and computer on the planet, making it very valuable and causing a number of violent wars over who would gain control over the mineral. This documentary correlates to the today s continuing trends of colonization, globalization, and imperialism in Africa and countries in the Middle East over resources and minerals. These wars are extremely harsh and often feature children wielding automatic weapons, but the crimes and death rates from violence, hunger, and illness is still very underreported. The documentary When We Were Kings is another more realistic representation of the effects of colonialism in Africa. The dictator of Zaire, Mobutu Sese Seko, used the 1974 boxing event between Muhammad Ali and George Foreman s fight as a way to shine a light on the current state of effects of colonialism in Zaire. The country had been experiencing crisis from wars in previous years. Muhammad Ali was revered in Zaire, as he was the great African American boxer who stood up against the American Government. The people of Zaire liked that he refused
  • 8. The Marketing Strategy Of Reliance Travel Agency 1.0 Executive Summary Reliance travel agency was a leading tourism company established since 1969 and was the first travel company listed on Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange by the year 1993. Reliance travel agency was dedicated to providing travel enthusiasts who love to have fun, leisure, a holiday around the world with the guarantee of best quality and experience be provided. Reliance travel agency upholds the speed, choice, and trust as their core brand value in exchange for today s brilliant (Reliance Travel, 2017). It developed from a small travel company to a company where can provide more than 200 destinations in locally and abroad. Reliance travel agency offered the vast choice of vacation destination the with great service value such as airline ticketing, hotel reservation as well as customized the trip itinerary. In term of speed, travellers allowed to have an instant update on tour packages and reservation systems clothed with complete trip information. In other respects, with superb relations with airway and tour suppliers resulted from them able to present from quality service and low pricing that can fulfil customer satisfaction. 2.0 Market Segmentation Market segmentation is an essential part of an organization s marketing strategy. It ... Show more content on ... From the view of past business model, Reliance travel agency is more towards to traditionally business as they constructed storefronts and targeted local audience which results the company s performance can only reach to a certain limit. However, with the smart application there will be no barriers as business can be reached by anyone wherever internet available. Even if facing with any problems, they can simply one click and communicate through live chat function instead of visit to the store for requiring more information. More convenience could positively affect the customer s
  • 9. Conclusion Of A Utopia Every modern architects is trying to achieve a dream they have never been perfectly successful society a Utopia. The word utopia first described as fictional island society in Sir Thomas More s book Utopia in 1516 as perfect community with a visionary system of political and society cities that function to improve man s daily lives and free from problems. This imagination citycan never exist. Yet, the concept of utopiahas influenced to the arts, especially architects. In the early 20th century, the world was facing the destruction by World War 1. A modernist movement was beginning by Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, Mies van der Rohe, to name the best known among them. By bringing in new material such as... Show more content on ... The most important is everything has to be functional. Thus, modernists planned the urban according to their function and purpose. Residential and commercial were always separated by zoning. Mostly these two zone is separated by district or interlinking road. Most of them are far with each other. Each zone has to be practical and functional on their own purpose. This is also what a Utopia aim to be. Function is more important than everything. Chapter 4.0 Conclusion Utopia was mean to be perfect but no utopia can ever give satisfaction to everyone. In fact, people are demanding more and the pricier price will be pay for the satisfaction. This is what will be happen whenever things are going same to a large number of people and eventually humanity will be drowned. The evolution of machine might change the quality lifestyle of human but it is reversing humanity. There are a lot of agree and disagreement about utopia. Some agree that utopia represented the ideological of the whole society. Eventually some disagree this statement and said utopia is impossible to success and listing out the reason of failure of utopia. In my opinion, there is no wrong or right in utopia. Human have to learn from the wrong and making it right. Adapt the good from utopia and learn the wrong, yet idea of Utopia has influenced outskirt city suburban area
  • 10. Search Theory, Linear And Random Walk Moving Target On The... Abstract. This paper presents the cooperation between two searchers at the origin to seek for a random walk moving target on the line. Any information of the target position is not available to the searchers all the time. Rather than finding the conditions that make the expected value of the first meeting time between one of the searchers and the target is finite, we show the existence of the optimal search strategy which minimizes this first meeting time. The effectiveness of this model is illustrated using numerical example. Mathematics Subject Classification: 37A50, 60K30, 90B40. Keywords: Search theory, Linear search, Random walk. 1.Introduction The prime focus of searching for a randomly moving particle on the real line is to ... Show more content on ... Recently, Mohamed et al. [15] studied this problem when the target moves on one of n intersected real lines in which any information of the target position is not available to the searchers all the time. Mohamed et al. formulate a search model and find the conditions under which the expected value of the first meeting time between one of the searchers and the target is finite. Furthermore, they showed the existence of the optimal search plan that minimizes the expected value of the first meeting time and found it. More recently, El Hadidy [16] considered a search problem for a d dimensional Brownian target that moves randomly on d space. He found the conditions that make the expected value of the first meeting time between one of the searchers and the target is finite. In addition, he showed the existence of the optimal search plan that minimizes the expected value of this first meeting time. A comprehensive discussion of many aspects of search problem is found in El Hadidy et al. [18 30]. Finding a Random walk moving target inside a cylinder has numerous applications in physics. One of the famous search methods, is the coordinated linear search method which consider two unit speed searchers starting at the origin point seek for a random walk target. A target is assumed to move randomly on a line according to a
  • 11. Hedge Funds And Its Strategy Classifications Introduction As of 2014, more than 11,000 hedge funds are managing more than $2.6 Trillion in assets (De Pol, 2015). The statement itself speaks how important these hedge funds are in the global financial market. They provide investors with opportunities to achieve gains and manage risks. Hedge funds provide liquidity and make financial markets more efficient. These funds can be operated with extreme flexibility and play an important role in financial innovation and reallocation of financial risk (Rubin et al, 1999). Although it sounds good, hedge funds took a hit during the 2008 crisis. Along with the credit crisis came Madoff fraud, the biggest investment scam in 2008. Investors started looking at these funds as high risk, highly leveraged investment vehicles that lacked transparency. Since mid 2009 hedge funds have picked up and strategies are being improved for better risk management, transparency and gaining confidence of investors. The article will give a brief overview of Hedge Funds and its strategy classifications. Then it will particularly describe Event Driven strategy and the market risks associated with it. Hedge Funds A hedge fund can be defined as a pool of investment vehicles that is actively managed and is open only to a limited group of investors and whose performance is measured in absolute return units (Connor and Woo, 2003). Hedge funds are private investment partnerships that require investors to make considerable investments. They are largely
  • 12. Essay On Octopus Skin Camouflage sheeting changes color on demand. Construction Week 19 Aug. 2014. Web. 18 Apr. 2016. This article is about how engineers have used octopus skin to build a material that can change colors to match its surroundings; the engineers studied the many layers of octopus skin to design a three layered material. I can use the engineer s studies in my essay to give examples on how octopus skin can be helpful. Einstein, Albert. The octopus: a mysterious delicacy: the most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. Art Culinaire Spring 2009: 54+. Web. 18 Apr. 2016. This article has everything on octopuses from hunting tactics to defense mechanisms. It also explains about the death hug and the fatal ... Show more content on ... There are good explanations on the different layers of the skin and how they designed the material. There is also some good information on how camouflage takes place that I can use in the part of my essay on camouflage. Octopuses can detect light through their skin: study. News Tonight 23 May 2015. Web. 18 Apr. 2016. The article explains how octopuses can detect light and change the colors from their skin. It also mentions the comparisons of opsins in cuttlefish and octopuses. I am able to use the analysis of Todd H. Oakley, a biologist at the University of California, as support and reliable research for chromatophores. I can use Roger T. Hanlon and Todd H. Oakley s research for my essay on the part of explaining how camouflage works. Octopuses focus on key features for successful camouflage. Space Daily 19 June 2012. Web. 18 Apr. 2016. This is an informative article explaining that octopuses select detailed features of nearby objects instead of using a large landscape. It also includes a quote by Josef N, Amodio P on his thoughts about effective camouflage. I can use this article in my essay to help describe the octopus s response to predation in relation to matching body
  • 13. Whats Eating Gilbert Grape Research Paper What s Eating Gilbert Grape In the film What s Eating Gilbert Grape, the main character Gilbert takes on the Father Role to support his family economically and financially. The fact Gilbert is the man of the house causes him to repress his anger. His sorrow begins to strengthen his rage in a very unhealthy manner. The melancholy that leads to Gilberts weakening has its roots in his family which is what begins to eat Gilbert alive. All his family members play important individual roles in finding out what s eating Gilbert Grape. What s Eating Gilbert Grape is a beautifully shot movie of tenderness, caring and self awareness that is set amongst the fictional working class one street town Endora. Centred around the Grape family Ellen and ... Show more content on ... The film was nominated for the prestigious Grand Prix of the Belgian Syndicate of Cinema Critics. In the film, Amy, being the eldest sibling and daughter of the Grapes, plays the Mother Role having to take care of the household. My older sister Amy is more like a mother , explains Gilbert, making him portray the Father Figure ; as he states, My father built this house, and it s my job to do the repairs. Amy being the voice of reason tries her best to keep the family together, which causes Gilbert to repress his feelings the more Amy tells him he has to do better . In the scene when Gilbert leaves Arnie in the bathtub overnight, causes a fright to the family; which is when Amy begins to tell him, You gotta do better because without his help the family will fall apart quickly. This builds up Gilbert s emotion because he knows just as Amy he has an important role in the family to fill in. Ellen, the youngest of the siblings, concentrates on appearances, specifically hers. While the family is eating dinner, Ellen begins to chew with her mouth open which disgusts Gilbert. He tells Ellen to close her mouth when she is eating, to which Ellen responds sarcastically, Oh. Okay Dad. Sure thing, Dad. This aggravates Gilbert because for him it is an insult to be compared to such a man. Gilbert s job is to support his family financially yet Ellen s character seems to make Gilbert feel guilty and responsible for all the bad things
  • 14. One Person By Ralph Ellison Analysis The author uses the concept of a person having power and once they have it ,they would rather fall back on their preconceived judgement of someone else in power than make a new judgement of every individual.The idea is compounded by adding racism,which shows the imbalances of judgement of those in power and uses raceto group together an individual For example, Norton is used in the story to show how people with power will view others in terms of their own goals rather than individuals. This is seen when Norton has the narrator promise to write the outcome of his education. Norton is generalizing all black as in need of aid to be a member of society and sees our narrator as a member of his group instead of an individual person. Bledsoe is supposed ... Show more content on ... At the point when Clifton in the long run battles back the officer shoots him decisively or regret. Another officer who was close to the shooting goes down his friend decisively or question, demonstrating that he imagines that the activities of the main officer were right and that Clifton merited it. The action of the policemen was clearly caused by racist minds and by going along with it he has only reinforced the legitimacy and the use a racism to change the mind of people with power Finally, The impacts of force and the dreamlike illusion in supremacist corporations are unmistakably found in Ellison s Invisible Man. These themes seen inside the storyteller s depictions of occasions and characters own words make it plainly seen that prejudice is a deterrent to independence. Whether it is a man with force utilizing prejudice to assemble together people and settle on clearing choices, or the dreamlike rationale and thoughts of sleepers , Ellison s Invisible Man lives in a world in which the pointlessness of endeavoring to be seen as an individual can obviously be
  • 15. Assassin s Creed Essay While it does not come out until December, Assassin s Creed is one of the most anticipated films of the year. According to the Director Justin Kurzel, they tried to film As much as possible in reality. This means less CGI and more real stunts. In the recently released stunt featurette entitled Assassin s Creed: The Leap of Faith, we get to see idea first hand. In the movie, Michael Fassbender s character Callum Lynch / Aguilar is trapped a must perform a Leap of Faith from 125 feet off the ground. Producer Patrick Crowley stated that normally this would be done with CGI, but Damien is the best, so we will do it for real. Says Crowley. The Damien he is referring to is Damien Walters, who stunt doubles for Fassbender in the film. In the video below, Walters and the crew discuss and then Damien executes multiple falls from various heights starting at 70 ft, then 90 ft and finally performing the tallest at 125 ft. The bag Walters landed in is 10m by 10m or roughly 32 ft by 32 ft. The free fall is also one of the highest performed by a stuntman in almost 35 years. What is the highest? 1981 s Sharky s Machine starring Burt Reynolds holds this honor. Stunt Legend Dar Robinson fell 220 feet from the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Atlanta. ... Show more content on ... While there will still be some CGI in the film, showing real stunts not only makes it more realistic for the audiences, but also employs stuntmen and women to do these feats. Take a look at the Assassin s Creed: The Leap of Faith stunt featurette below. Assassin s Creed opens in theatres on December
  • 16. Analysis Of Fredible By Daisy Greenleaf A crucial aspect of Molly s leadership is her ability to persuade her followers.. All of the other great characteristics of Molly s leadership wouldn t matter, if she wasn t able to convince anyone to follow her. Greenleaf believes that inspiring and motivating the entire organization is a key component to effective leadership. Clear communication, powerful words, motivating appeals, inspiring challenges, these must be the skills of an individual who hopes to be used as a servant leader. While she succeeds in getting both Daisy and Grace to follow her in her plan to escape and go home, she fails to keep the whole group together. An Aboriginal traveller who tells Gracie about her mother and says they can get to Wiluna by train, causing her to
  • 17. Jonas Salk Accomplishments In the medical field, there have been many achievements by both men and women. Whether it was developing, discovering, or being the first person to do something, they all shared an impact on the way the medical field is today. I researched Jonas Salk, the man who developed the Polio vaccine. I selected him because I believe he has one the of biggest impacts on the medical field today. In my opinion, without him, the Polio epidemic would still be killing many people, in not only the U.S., but around the world as well. Jonas Salkwas born on October 28, 1914, in New York. He grew up with parents who had never finished school. His parents had always encouraged him to do well in school, and do better than they did. In fact, Jonas was the first... Show more content on ... He knew that Polio caused paralysis, and invaded the nervous system. As a result, he wanted to end the greatest epidemic in America at that time. As he began researching, the president of the March of Dimes Foundation, Basal O Connor, wanted to help Salk create the Polio vaccination. His goal was to fund Salk to find a cure against Paralytic Poliomyelitis, or Polio. Jonas devoted the next 8 years of his life working to develop the vaccine. He finally was able to create the vaccine, using formaldehyde, or a chemical compound. Salk used the killed Polio virus to immunize without being infected, or becoming infected after the injection. Soon after the vaccine was created, they began to test it on monkeys; and then they tested it on children who already had Polio at the Watson Institute. After that trial was done, the testing spread to volunteers who wanted the vaccine; this included Jonas, his wife, and his family. By 1954, national testing began on children between the ages of 6 9. On April 12, 1955, they were able to conclude that the vaccine was safe and effective. Salk became known as a miracle worker, although he remained selfless. Jonas wanted no major payment, or recognition for the creation of the vaccine. In fact, he credited that the vaccine creation was accomplished due to the help of John Enders, a Harvard researcher. Enders was the man
  • 18. Marquis In A Tale Of Two Cities The Marquis deserved to be assassinated for not only killing a child but also committing other heinous crimes. In the book A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens the most prominent theme found was revenge. Revenge was not taken lightly, it was more of the slap you in the face as karma hits you or some person will pay for wronging you. In the beginning, they find out how monsieur of the hot chocolate won t give any favors to the marquis because he had done so many wrong things. The marquis speeds away in his carriage not paying attention to what is to come and kills Gaspard s child. He then tells Gaspard it s his fault for not watching the child. Later, they find the marquis dead in bed and they go searching for who could have done this. The... Show more content on ... For example, Monsieur, it is true I had the honour of being passed on the road, (Dickens 110). These poor peasants think it s an amazing thing to be passed by someone with such high power. The text stated, Truely, you did well, said the marquis felicitously sensible that such vermin were not to ruffle him, (Dickens 111). He was kind to a servant of his after his servant caught a trespasser on the carriage. In conclusion, the marquis was a person who seemed very two faced. The marquis wasn t particularly kind to others and he didn t respect others for who they were. The marquis killed an innocent child and felt no remorse or had a sign of regret. The marquis is killed and the bad karma struck back. The marquis considered himself to be a kind man and some others thought this also. The marquis in his selfish way not only denied what he had done but he also blamed others and got what was coming to
  • 19. Chinese Communist Party Essay The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) concentrated on increasing the peasants standard of living through raising the equity and equality in China. The CCP did this through implementing three specific laws; the Marriage Law, the Compulsory Education Law and the Land Reform Law. When Mao was seeking support from the people of China he mainly focused on treating the peasants equally and creating a better life for them. A large way that the Communists obtained this support was how the Red Army treated the peasants during the Long March compared to how the nationalists treated them. One major way that the Chinese Communist Party impacted the equity and equality in China was through establishing the MarriageLaw of the Peoples Republic of China of 1950 . Mao Zedong established this law on April 30th, 1950 and was put into action the very next day. This law abolished the supremacy of man over women, concubines and child marriage. This law also gave the right for a wifeto divorce a man, but forbade a man to divorce his wife if she had a child less that a year old. Prior to this law women were regarded as inferior to men, wives obedient to their husbands, daughters to their fathers and... Show more content on ... But This land was confiscated from the previous landlords and then redistributed to peasant that did not own any land, owners of small plots and the landlords. This reform law increased the productivity of agriculture and brought about the beginning of industrialization in China and defined the regulations and methods for taking and reallocating land. By 1953 the land reform was accomplished with the peasants achieving liberation. Where for over 2000 years the feudal system of landownership had control was now completely destroyed, along with the landlord
  • 20. Marks and Spencer MARKS SPENCER (Individual Analysis) Words Count:2064(excluding tables) [pic] Introduction: Marks and Spencer plc is a UK based company. The business is known best as a retailer. There are over 622 Marks Spencer stores throughout the UK that sell clothing , food and household goods. The core of its retailing business is clothing, particularly women s. What market segments do the three different product ranges serve? Assume that the Perfect and Classic ranges serve essentially the same segment. | |Perfect and Classic ranges |Autograph range |Per Una range | |Logo |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] ... Show more content on ... With Per Una been translate into For One show that M S is prepared to offered this new target group with special and detail style to make it a unique piece of clothes. Customers in this range wanted a sense of style which is value for their money and with a reasonable quality which meets the basic quality such as colour fading or shrinkage after washing. Per Una is targeted at the young and sophisticated women are not afraid to put colours into their wardrobe. Therefore, the Per Una is nothing like the Autograph or Classic range as there are more colour choices in the range. (See Appendix 3) What are the order winners and qualifiers for these different ranges? Order winning factors are those things which directly and significantly contribute to winning business. They are regarded by customers as key reasons for purchasing the product or service. Raising performance in an order winning factor will either result in more business or improve the chances of gaining more business. (N Slack, S Chambers and R Johnston, Operation Management, p.72) These criteria win orders and they differentiate a product or service from those of the competition by offering product or service features that are superior to those competition. As in the M S case, the three different range of clothing line have its own order winners to make it
  • 21. The Effect Of The Marshall Plan On Western Europe What was the effect of the Marshall plan on Western Europe? Marshall Plan was a Major US aid program which mission was a recovery of European countries after World War II. The plan was proposed by US Secretary of State George C. Marshall. During 1948 1951 years, US were offering financial assistance in the form of grants and loans to various countries in Europe, including Austria, France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The replenishment of foreign exchange reserves and the restoration of confidence in financial stability and their economies working capital, which allowed the liberalization of production and prices, were considered as the main function of US aids. Economic policy of European countries had massive changes that were aimed to find ... Show more content on ... After the end of the 2nd World War, West Germany turned from enemy into a partner of Western powers. She was given the role of an outpost in the fight against Soviet communism . Of all the Western European countries, Marshall Plan showed considerable preference for Germany. Thus, in the first years of the Marshall Plan (1948 1951) Germany has received from the United States almost as much as Britain and France combined, and almost 3.5 times more than Italy. Banks in Germany have traditionally assumed the commercial risk and the main role in providing industrialization. After the collapse of the financial system as a result of the 2nd World War the state began to acquire more power to control credit system, but the current policy was the result of negotiations and cooperation with major financial and industrial magnates. Obtained by Marshall Plan funds were invested in private and industrial sector. However, banks have been the basis of the investment process. Participating in equity firms and buying stakes, banks therefore had an interest in the future of the industry, and were providing funds for its
  • 22. Animal Pharmaceuticals And Its Effects On The Abundance Of... INTRODUCTION Animal pharmaceuticals also known as veterinary pharmaceuticals are drugs or medicines used to prevent; diagnose and treat diseases, sickness, infections or injuries of the animal species. (Animal Health Institute, 2016) The uses of veterinary products allow the animals to gain back their health and sustain their life spent. The formulation of veterinary pharmaceuticals are develop according to the techniques and procedures uses in developing human drug dosage formas the fundamental pharmaceuticals development techniques required is similar. Examples of such practice include preformulation data package, drug stability assessment and expiry date, sterility declaration, drug pharmaco kinetics, and manufacturing processes. Veterinary drug products are also exposed to the same Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as the human drug products. (Gregory E. Hardee, 1998) Regardless, there are challenges in development the veterinary dosage form due to the abundance of animal species. Unique veterinary dosage formsare developed based on different species dependent drug pharmacokinetics, specialized dose administration devices and unique administration routes. Besides, animals do not have the intelligence to medicate themselves through voluntary intake of pharmaceutical drugs, the owner or veterinarian are required to administer the drugs or needed medication into the animals. Hence, a variety of dosage form is introduced to ease
  • 23. H M Essay MGT 220 Term Project H M Part 1 H M s Mission/Vision Hennes and Mauritz AB is a Swedish retail clothing company, which has expanded enormously in the past years. H M has grown from one single store in a small town in Sweden to a multinational ranked as the second largest global fashion retailer with its 3,600 stores in over 58 countries and $22 billion in annual sales (The World s). This incredible story of success makes us wonder about their strategies and how they managed to get where they are today. H M s vision is that all their operations are run economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. They believe that affordable fashion with high quality can be produced and sold in a way that is both fair and sustainable to the ... Show more content on ... Instead of owning their stores, they lease the store properties, which gives them the advantage of flexibility in a constantly changing market. This makes it possible for H M to always have their stores in the most popular areas in all markets. In order to become even more sustainable H M is constantly working on making existing and new store more sustainable in the long term, by using more environmentally responsible and efficient energy and water systems, recycling waste and by choosing the most environmentally sustainable materials such as recycled materials. H M s expansion plan incorporates all of the H M Group, including H M, H M Home, Monki, COS, Weekday, Cheap Monday and Other Stories (Expansion). I believe that H M s future growth depends a lot on how they will expand online and their sustainability. H M launched their online store in the US in 2013, but has had some negative response. They offer free shipping, but the costs for the returns will be deducted from the credit of the returned merchandise. Costumers believe that returns should be free or that they should have the possibility to return in stores, which at the moment is not possible. For H M this is an issue because of the high volume and costs of returns. To stay true to their sustainable image,
  • 24. Essay On Cleaner Air Air Filters | Air Conditioning Service Arlington, TX No homeowner is going to complain about having cleaner air in their home. This is especially true after the EPA revealed that the air in many U.S. homes is more polluted than the outdoor air. Receiving cleaner air doesn t need to be difficult, or come with an excessive cost. Your HVACsystem s air filter can assist you in achieving cleaner air, if you use the right type. Your Minuteman Heating AC technician can assist you in selecting the right air filter for your system. If you haven t already scheduled annual air conditioning service in Arlington, TX, call today and talk to your NATE certified technician about an air filter for cleaner air in your home. You may be wondering what the... Show more content on ... Taking care of your pet can reduce it, but those with allergies need a quality air filter. Dust Mites and Cockroaches Dust mites and the parts of cockroaches, along with their excrement are a common source of allergies. Frequent vacuuming and quality air filtration offer the best relief. Pollen While it is helpful to open windows and doors, in order to provide fresh air, keep them closed during pollen seasons. Pollen is also tracked into the home and enters through ventilation pipes. Quality air filtration can help to remove indoor pollen. Contact our NATE certified technicians today for reliable air conditioning service in Arlington, TX. Duct System The duct work in your home is an often overlooked component. It should be periodically inspected for failed seals, damage, separated joints and the need for cleaning. If it has been a while since an inspection, ask your technician to inspect the ducts the next time you call for air conditioning service in Arlington, TX. How Indoor Air Pollution May Affect You Indoor air pollution can cause headaches and nausea; and worsen the health of those with allergies, asthma, and chronic respiratory conditions. The long term consequences of indoor pollution are frighteningly clear, and may include cancer, heart disease, chronic respiratory diseases and other illnesses. Minuteman Heating AC offers professional heating and air conditioning service in Arlington, TX, including clean air
  • 25. The Ethics Of Confidentiality From Oklahoma s State... Abstract For the purpose of briefly highlighting the complex issue of confidentiality within the confines of this paper two videos have been scrutinized to determine if an employee demonstrating helpfulness (video 1) and the desire to protect a client (video 2) have in fact violated or up held client s confidentiality. To demonstrate these outcomes, the ethics of confidentiality will be examined from Oklahoma s state regulation (2010) and the ACA Code of Ethics (2014). The various dilemmas and the awareness of both personal/professional competencies (both lacking and achieving) are exemplified in these ethical codes and regulations. The subtle/overt nuances of varying worldviews and cultural applications of confidentiality will be gleaned... Show more content on ... Wanting to be helpful the receptionist did as many would, and assures the man that she will give his wife the message (Pearson, 2016). Visibly upset the wife begins to give reasons why (divorce, child custody battle, his claims of her being unfit) she didn t want her husband to know, she was receiving counseling when the receptionist give the wife the message (Pearson, 2016). The State of Oklahoma article 310:450 3 1(2010), titled Responsibility (2010) is directed to the LPC, the fact that the wording of services/organizational are used, the receptionist who is employed by the LPC becomes a part of the representation of the LPC (Oklahoma State Department of Health, 2010). The LPC is responsible to train the employees to make sure that they adhere to the same confidentiality standard that the LPC is held too (Oklahoma State Department of Health, 2010). The Oklahoma State Department article 310:405 3 3 Client welfare Confidentiality (2010) address specifically that any information received about the client (such as whether or not they are receiving counseling or whether or not they are even present in the office) should be held as confidential and requires a written authorization from the client to approve any
  • 26. Property-Led Regeneration Essay What is meant by property led regeneration? (3 marks) Property led regeneration involves the regeneration of an inner city area by changing the image of the area, improving the environment, attracting private investment and improving confidence for further investment. In many cases it involves a flagship project such as the redevelopment of the Albert Dock. Urban Development corporations are the main form of property led regeneration. With reference to property led regeneration, name one case study, describe its aims and comment on its effectiveness? (8 marks) Property led regeneration involves the regeneration of an inner city area by changing the image of the area, improving the environment, attracting private investment and improving... Show more content on ... MDC went on to regenerate land on both sides of the Mersey over its 17 year existence. This had a catalytic effect on other development and its legacy is evident today in the much improved Mersey Waterfront. The success of the scheme can be seen through the following statistics: * Redeveloped land 384 hectares * Redeveloped 3544 housing units * Created 23,357 jobs which benefited many locals and prevented out migration * 1987 2 million visitors a year 2 Albert Dock today 5 million * There has been continued redevelopment. In 2006 there was a 3.4 million redevelopment package which again developed the docks. * It gained the title of Capital of Culture 2008 * Old sites, such as the Garden festival site has been which had now been derelict for 20 years has been purchased for re re development. This shows continued investment and development in the area highlighting the success of the scheme. However there are still different attitudes to redevelopment, some claim that the scheme was completed with tremendous optimism and it s believed, The area s beginning to look up, but you do get people saying we will never get out of this rot, that the area s too run down. And physically,
  • 27. Biblical Scripture On Christian Faith Scripture Introduction Scripture is fundamental to Christian faith, but who gives it authority? What makes it fundamental. Beyond these questions, you may wonder if it is historical accurate or if science disproves scripture. If you decide that scripture stands the test of history and science, you may wonder if the words are literal, contextual, or an allegory. These are questions that Christians may have to wrestle with throughout their lives. Luckily, today s Christians are not the first to ponder such questions and can turn to scholars and other sources of information to help inform their decisions on the issues. Basis of Scripture The meaning and authority of scripture can vary depending on who you are. You can focus on God as ... Show more content on ... There are many views it comes to scripture and science. You can see scripture as having science, but being limited to the time period. Others can say scripture is correct and that you need to believe it (have faith in it), even if modern science disproves it. The stereotypical worldview is that science explains it all and religion is outdated. A merging view would try to merge the two together and say science helps explain how God designed and created the world. Scripture can be reconciled with Science using the last view. For example, you could say the Big Bang is the reaction you would expect from God saying let there be light or that God made us adaptable (evolution) because He knew the world would be changing. When you view science through the lens of religion, you can come up with many theories on how the two are not mutually exclusion. The reverse has also happened. The world, humans, and the brain are very complex. When studying these structures, it can lead one to believe that they could not happen by accident, but rather by intelligent design. The limit to intelligent design is it does not point to who the designer is. Scriptures can help point to the designer. Interpreting Scipture It is both good and bad that almost anyone (at least in America) can interpret scripture. It is good because we each bring unique views, backgrounds, and thoughts into the reading of scripture and this can
  • 28. Garrett Hardin Lifeboat Ethics The Article Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Helping the Poor was written by Garrett Hardin and published in Psychology Today. Hardin s essay was exactly as the title suggested, An argument against helping the poor for a variety of well thought out reasons. Hardin explains why we should not help the poor by using Lifeboat Ethics, the world that could be overpopulated, and the Tragedy of the Commonsin order to persuade us in favor of his ideals. While he does have many good points in this Article, Hardin fails to elaborate on what he means by Quality immigrants and he does not state the problem to benefiting while helping others even though he eludes to this moral wrong throughout the Article. Hardin s article is broken up into... Show more content on ... For example, Hardin, in the passage of Population Control the Crude Way he talks about how past United States foreign aid programs have led to mistrust and antagonism rather than gratitude and at the end of the passage, he cites the book and the author he got this information from. Another strong point that Hardin makes against helping the poor is his Tragedy of the Commons where he explains why helping the poor could end up hurting everyone everywhere. This would happen by allowing too many people to live thus overtaxing the Earth s natural resources and slowly killing the population we have
  • 29. The Political Structure of More’s Utopia Essay Over the past few centuries the word utopia has developed a variety of meanings: a perfect state, paradise, heaven on earth, but the original definition of the word means something quite different. Utopia , coined by Saint Thomas More in his famous work Utopia, written during the English Renaissance, literally means nowhere . It is ironic that a word meaning nowhere has become a catchall phrase for paradise. More s work is popular because of its wit, its use of metaphor, and its proposals for the perfect state. The work is claimed by Nicholas Paine Gilman in Socialism and the American Spirit to be: a masterpiece of wit, written by a man who knew the world, and sent forth this book, inspired by Colet and Erasmus, not as a sure ... Show more content on ... Our age and our posterity will regard this exposition as a source of excellent doctrines and useful ordinances, from which states will construct their institutions (Kautsky 14). After reading Utopia, these men were ready to go out and change the world, but did More really want to see his work become a reality or did he plan his work as a social commentary? There will never be an answer to this question, but many of the ideas and comments made about Utopia suggest that More believed in many of the ideas. However, he qualifies his full endorsement of the Utopian ideal at the end of the end of story, he writes, I cannot agree with all that he said. But I readily admit that there are very many features in the Utopian commonwealth which it is easier for me to wish for in our countries than to have any hope of seeing realized (More 152). While he may not agree with everything Hythlodaeus says, he also wrote Utopia in Latin which allowed for a very small circle of readers and allowed for a wider range of expression. By conditioning his reaction to Utopia s innovations and by writing Utopia in Latin, More conceals his true beliefs in the garment of satire, which to be sure permitted him greater freedom in the expression of his opinions (Kautsky 13 14). More s Utopia is meant to be used as a form of entertainment on
  • 30. The Idea Of Self-Expression Of Graffiti And Pop Culture You ve probably seen some type of graffiti art before; most likely in a large city like New York City. Whether it be on bridges, public transit property, buildings, or walls, graffiti is an art form that is available at your exposure. It is intended to be seen by the public eye and this type of art arises curiosity amongst viewers. Graffiti can be seen as its own subculture. This culture initiated about 30 years ago in New York City, and the grand appreciation for this art has helped it become a global phenomenon. The use of graffiti can date all the way back to Ancient Greece, but modern graffiti didn t originate until 1960 when artists tagged their names on cars. It wasn t until the 1980s that hip hop became a part of graffiti, which ultimately... Show more content on ... The program was founded by Jane Golden in 1984 and the program has almost 4,000 murals in total. The mural arts program is intended to help educate and uplift people, targeting young kids with hopes of them wanting to become successful in their futures. In Jane Golden s book, Philadelhphia Murals and the Stories They Tell, she believes that when the program started, the murals would help, learn about discipline and responsibility. Many had limited options. We hoped they would come out of the program with a sense of their own identities and values so they could go on to live normal lives and not end up dead or in jail (35). Not only are adults that view the murals targeted, but children are as well, in order for them to become educated on important topics in the world. One reward of these murals is to help the community come together and appreciate the stories of the artists and to educate people on different topics. People can relate to the murals and the reasoning behind the art. In addition, this program has actually helped with employment has over 200 paid job positions. Graffiti artists, and even regular people (doesn t necessarily have to be a well known artist) can sign up to work on the murals and get paid. It is still a form of graffiti since it is done on walls of buildings and
  • 31. Minor And Minor Depression The website is University of Maryland Medical Center. UMMC talks about how depression can be prevented and how it can be treated. They talk about what it can do to you and what it can make you start doing. They talk about the two different kinds of depression major and minor. Major depression is when you don t do anything and could hurt yourself or others. Minor depressionis when your moods start to change. University of Maryland talks about what depression can do or make you start doing. Depression can make you cause self harm and hurt others. They cover all the symptoms that you may experienced or what you will first encounter. Some of the first symptoms is your mood you will start feeling down and you start to sleep more or less it s different for people. The worse thing is thoughts of suicide. (Depression Symptoms Types.) Teen Depression feelings of severe despondency and dejection. When a teen is feeling this way they may not think about there actions and what their actions can do it really can make you do things that you don t want to do, or you don t do anything at all. The kids that do something they might regret there are tring to get help the only way they know how. The kids that don t do anything... Show more content on ... There are two kinds of depression major and minor depression. Major depression is when you want to hurt yourself or someone else and minor depression is when your moods start to change you don t feel like doing anything you start not to care about anything. Some symptoms you may start to get or feel is feeling sad, anxious, or empty thoughts of suicide hurting yourself or others. If you feel like you may be depressed you need to talk to someone immediately because it could get worse. How you can get help is online or just talking to a parent or teacher before it s too late and you get major
  • 32. Police Brutality Against Young Black Men Essay Sandra Bland, Mike Brown, and Tamir Rice these are just some of the names of the unarmed Black people whose lives were taken by police officers in the last year. The alarming rate at which young Black men and women are being killed is evidence that their lives are not held with high regard. Police brutality against young Black men and women has been perpetrated at alarming rates. Yet, we have not seen much, if any, consequences or responsibility taken by the policemen committing these crimes. Often times, the families of these young men and women who, because of their race, have been killed by police officers have not seen any justice, instead the names of their loved ones go from headlines to outdated hashtags. Not only do young Black men and women face the chance of being criminalized on the street, but also such targeting begins at a young age in institutions that are typically regarded as safe places , such as the classroom. We see evidence of this in the way students are racially profiled and in the growing number of protests that are currently being held on college campuses nationwide. While it may seem as though we live in a post racial society, since overt racism, such as legalized segregation, is a thing of the past, institutionalized racism, a system that distributes opportunities based on the racial hierarchy, still remains and is deeply rooted in our education system, which inhibits any potential academic success by restricting resources and criminalizing
  • 33. How Business Can Grow Faster Than Normal When trying to expand ones business it can take a lot of time and effort to grow the company from its core not to mention how much it will cost to accomplish this goal, but there are other ways a business can grow much faster than normal. This faster method is broken up into two different types mergers and acquisitions. A merger is the combining of two or more companies, this decision is usually mutual between both firms, and it works usually by offering the stockholders of one company securities in the acquiring company in exchange for the surrender of their stock. An acquisition is when a company buys most, if not all, of another company s ownership stakes so that they assume control of the target company. Acquisitions are often used as... Show more content on ... The successful Merger of Exxon Mobil brought back one of the first and largest monopolies in American history. The merger bring back the two pieces of Standard Oil Co. the Rockefeller oil titan that was split in 1911 due to a Supreme Court decision. Industry leaders Exxon announced on November 30th 1999 that they plan to buy and merger Mobil, the number two company in the field to make Exxon Mobil. The deal had to be approved by the U.S. government and was only approved after Exxon Mobil promised to sell more then two thousand four hundred gas stations across the country. Because Exxon and Mobil are such large and powerful competitors and because they now compete in several product and geographic markets in the United States, the commission insisted on extensive restructuring before accepting a proposed settlement, FTC Chairman Robert Pitofsky said in a statement referring to the large amount of gas stations that would be sold due to the merger. This settlement should preserve competition and protect consumers from inappropriate and anticompetitive price increases, he added. Exxon Mobil is now the biggest of the three oil superpowers which also incudes Anglo Dutch venture Royal Dutch/Shell and U.K. based BP Amoco, which is also awaiting regulatory approval for its purchase of U.S. based Atlantic Richfield. The motivations for the merger of Exxon Mobil was to unify
  • 34. Micrometers The five isolated nuclei measured had lengths of 2.5Вµm, 5Вµm, 3Вµm, 5Вµm, and 4Вµm, and therefore an average length of 3.9 micrometers. This data reflects an almost accurate measurement because according to Essential Cell Biology eukaryotic nuclei have an average length of about 5 micrometers (p.16). The total number of nuclei isolated was 3,125,000. This number was calculated by multiplying the amount of nuclei found per mL by five because 5mL was the size of the sample taken. The amount of nuclei per mL was found by multiplying the average number of nuclei found on the hemocytometer by the dilution factor and the volume of the hemocytometer grid. These values respectively are 6.25, 10, and 104, yielding 625,000 nuclei per milliliter. The dilution... Show more content on ... 8.62 x 10 6pg of nucleic acid were detected per nucleus in this sample, which is a small amount in comparison to the 1.8 pg found in the 1976 experiment. The spectrophotometer does not accurately estimate the amount of DNA per nucleus because it does not differentiate between chromatin, DNA, and RNA in its measurements. The reading therefore does not provide a true answer for the pure contents of DNA within a cell. Reasons why this experimental findings of DNA per nucleus differs from Bennett s could be because of human error. Since the pellet of nucleic acids was especially miniscule during the latter steps of the experiment, it is possible part of the pellet could have been accidentally poured out with the supernatant. The buffers and other chemicals used in Bennett s experiment were also unknown by the scientist; therefore it is possible Bennett used different chemicals which were not as degrading to the DNA as the ones provided in this laboratory. Overall, the low yield of DNA per nucleus in this experiment compared to the DNA per nucleus determined by Bennett s procedure could be because of a lack of precision and accuracy in the use and transference of
  • 35. Karen Seapker Cradle And Most Slow Have I Been is a current exhibition at Lipscomb University by Karen Seapker. The gallery features a concise body of work; approximately ten to fifteen pieces in size. Many of her paintings depict bold, vibrant colors contrasted against dark muted ones. A recurring technique that Seapker utilizes is creating lines that appear to be executed in one brush stroke. These compositions are often subtly defined by these dynamic brush strokes. Seapker then creates void like spaces by filling the remaining negative space with contrasting colors; in comparison to the brush stroke in the foreground. Another technique used alongside the strong brush strokes is a simulated gradient effect by applying two or more colors to her canvas and meticulously... Show more content on ... Then as I made my way around the gallery I noticed a myriad of her works contained radically simplified or abstracted figures. Segments of a hand or a pair of legs are incorporated into the composition delicately like puzzle pieces. Seapker s painting named Cradle demonstrates these figurative elements. A massive hand like form dominates the center of the composition. The calligraphic brushstrokes in this form create a powerful sense of movement. Therefore, I found this painting quite intriguing. In the bottom left portion of Cradle there appears to be two beige colored legs. To the right of them, a contrasting turquoise, gray pair of legs support the beige pair in a similar manner that a chair would hold one s body. Most notably, the turquoise legs disintegrate into a pastel pink field; on the far right. Bits of gray paint are splattered in an upward motion on top of the pastel pink area; they are barely noticeable but enhance the impression of movement nonetheless. The ambiguity of the figures allows the viewer to gather a more subjective perspective on the content. Seapker s visual language suggests something unsettling within the paintings, but I could not draw any
  • 36. Contra Tempo Critique On Tuesday, April 19, 2016 I attended a guest artist modern concert performed by Contra Tempo, held in the Watson Theater at Coker College in Huntsville, South Carolina. Contra Tempo is an Urban Latin dance theater that is based in Los Angeles. Contra Tempo is known for creating physical, visual and sonic vocabulary that collages Salsa, Afro Cuban, hip hop, and contemporary dancewith theater, text and original musicto bring dynamic multi model experiences to the concert stage (Ana Maria Alvarez). The company s work have been seen worldwide including countries such as North America, Central America and South America, as well as being represented abroad in Europe and Asia. (Ana Maria Alvarez) The company members intentionally engages with... Show more content on ... In addition to making columns, two of the dancers brought full buckets of water on the stage. During this scene, the movement to me felt as if Samad was improvising in a puddle of water. Watching him I was curious to see what could happen next within his movement. This movement consisted of rolling around and using the lower level as he would transition to standing and falling back down. While the other dancers entered the stage, the movement seemed indirect and used a great amount of different stage space as most of the movement was an improvisation that incorporated bringing different individuals styles into the
  • 37. Chinese Discrimination In America The presentation in class by Ricky Thao has thought me a lot about Chinese Americans. Chinese Americans, who are one of the largest minorities in the Asian community, have a long history, culture and have faced discrimination in America like many other minorities. The Chinese Americans history began during the colonial era when many minorities started moving to the U.S. seeking job opportunities and a better life. Throughout the history they have influenced the country in many ways and their culture has become a part of the American culture. Also like other minorities, they have gone through a lot of struggles to make a name for themselves. And through the presentation and the information I gathered I was able to learn about the Chinese. I ... Show more content on ... Vincent Chin was twenty seven when he got beaten to death by Ronald Edens and Michael Nitz in 1982. The only reason they did that to him was that they saw him as a Japanese person when he is Chinese. At the time there were problems with the Japanese people and their car business. The problem is since the auto companies were not upgrading their vehicles people were losing their jobs but instead of fixing the problem they decided to blame the Japanese because they were doing a better job than them. So in all of this Vincent Chin who was out for a party ended up died in an unjust way. Vincent was originally from Guangdong Province, China and adopted by Lily and David Chin he grew up in Detroit. He went to school for computers and graduated at Control Data Institute and was a great son to his family. Vincent and his family were like every other immigrant family work hard and sacrifice for the family, keep a low profile, don t complain, and perhaps in the next generation, attain the American dream (Helen Zia
  • 38. marketing case study about chestnut ridge country... Chestnut ridge country club has a distinguished reputation as an outstanding country club in the Elma Tennessee area in too many different aspects. The club is facing a decline in the number of membership applicants relative to the competing clubs in the same area. A survey that done by the researchers on the members of the clubs of the same area shows some weakness in the chestnut ridge country clubwhich may cause the declination such as the management, food prices, the quality of tennis courts, as I will explain later. Trying to keep or increase the number of applicants some marketing and managerial steps need to be taken, like commercial steps, change in the membership policies, run some promotions, etc. Chestnut ridge country club ... Show more content on ... Some of the clubs are rated better than the chestnut ridge in some areas like golf course maintenance, condition of tennis courts. None of the competitors has a known marketing plan and the number of subscribers is the major resource for any of the clubs. The age of the members are not know and not investigated by the researchers but as I expect most of the members are golf players and males and in the high twenties and up and attends the golf courses. But some of the members will be different ages and gender since there is different facilities in the club. Chestnut ridge country clubs has a good reputation due to the board of directors that are watching the club and taking the complains , they did good job dealing with some complains about the food facilities, since they did a survey to check the members feeling and hired a new manager. As the problem rise by the decreasing in the number of applicants, the questions rise is the manager is doing a successful job and does he have a marketing plan to keep the club going forward. The managerial skills compared to other competing clubs wasn t in a good rank, they were in
  • 39. Research Paper On Charlie Sheen Carlos Irwin EstГ©vez also known as Charlie Sheen is a famous actor known for his roles in Platoon, Wall Street, Hot Shots, Young Guns, Two and a Half Men, and Anger Management. He was born on September 3, 1965 in New York City, New York. Charlie and his three siblings were encouraged to follow in the footsteps of their veteran actor parents, RamГіn Antonio Gerardo EstГ©vez better known as Martin Sheenand Janet Estevez better known as Janet Sheen (, 2016). Charlie Sheenmade his first appearance in film at the early age of nine as an extra. As a teenager, he was able to direct and produce a low budget film. His parents were very proud of him and Charlie was happy to gain their approval. He became so focused on acting and maintaining... Show more content on ... The field of psychology has made great advancement in the way of treating disorders. For example, before Pinel s approach in 1745, disorders were perceived as demonic possession. Pinel and others proposed that mental disorders were not caused by demonic possession, but environmental factors like stress and inhumane conditions. Pinel s moral treatment involved improving the environment, replacing the asylum beatings with patient dances (PSY111: Module 9 Lecture, 2015, Dietz). Thanks to Pinel, we are able to treat disorders in the most scientific way as possible. Although there isn t a pill or shot make the disorder go away, we are able to make the most informed decision regarding treatments that are available to us, in hopes to one day find a
  • 40. Adequacy of Organization s Long-term Counter Attack Actions Introduction In Case study number one (Dhillon, 2007), Stellar University(SU), which is public education institution, had a system breach in its Information Systems(IS). The IS of SU contained many types of IT such as Mainframe, AS400, Linux, VAX, Unix, AIX, Windows(3.1 and up to 2003), Apple, RISC boxes Storage Area Networks(SAN), Network Attached Storage(NAS) and much more. Sadly, SU has had a security breach on some of its systems. Even though everything was fixed but there are issues that need to be discussed about this breach. The first issue is adequacy of organization s long term counter attack actions. The second issue is helpfulness of immediate counter attack actions. Hopefully, the discussion will be concise and to the point. Adequacy of Organization s Long term Counter Attack Actions Sadly, the measures SU IS staff has taken were not adequate enough. The post mortem check they conducted to determine the what and why of the breach was not done in a formal fashion. It was basically, a written summary presented to the management, along with an analysis of how to avoid such future breaches of similar type presented to the System Administrators(SAs). It was done in several steps. First, after viewing monitoring tool logs the SAs decided to put the Anti Virus(AV) program in the watch list of services so they would be alerted when a hacker for instance disables the AV. Still, this step will not prevent the intrusion! This is another proof that the actions were not
  • 41. The Grandfather Clause (1898-1915) Before the Civil war took place, African Americans underwent merciless oppression and many cases about tortured African Americans surfaced during the era. The Grandfather Clause (1898 1915) was one such cunning step to deprive the African Americans of voting and other rights. It was enacted by the southern states of America. This clause was the answer to the Reconstruction law (1865 1877). The fourteenth amendment provided equal rights to the African Americans. They were given as much liberty as the white people. After a brief period of implying this amendment, a new law was framed. It said that the voting rights differed on the basis of education and economic condition. However, the flaw was the number of white people that were uneducated.... Show more content on ... The whites were so adamant to protect their community; they took oppressive measures to save the fellow mates. This incident stands evidence to ill treatment to African American people. There existed an unwritten law that the 29th street beach was for whites and the 25th street beach was for African Americans. On one summer Sunday, a black teenager, Eugene Williams crossed the border while swimming with his friends. The reports said that whites threw stones on him, other said that they injured his head so he got too afraid to come back to the shore. The final statement said that he drowned. This emerged a racial violence s deadliest episode of Chicago. The police refused to arrest the white Chicagoans. The riots were seen between the whites and the blacks for over a week. Several African Americans attacked and isolated the whites and vice versa. These riots included deaths of innocent African Americans and stood out to be one of the most disturbing racial riots to take place in Amercian history. The battle finally ended on August 3, killing 15 whites and 23 African Americans. Not to forget, many were left homeless. This event is significant due to the irrational reasons that marked the beginning of these
  • 42. Essay On Mexico City Gag Rule Having information and access to family planning, abortion services, maternal and child health (such as knowing what to do after giving birth) and/or preventing and treating diseases to anyone and everyone should be essential because this type of aid can help with the rapid population growth. If women were able to control when they wanted to give birth and how many children they wanted to give birth to, that would be a game changer in trying to stop hurting the environment. For some time, there was access to all that information, specifically in poorer countries and third world countries because NGOs received funding from the government, corporations, foundations and even individual donations to be able to offer these kinds of services at little to no cost. These services help... Show more content on ... This policy, when it is in action, prevents foreign NGOs from earning funding to help women who are in need of family planning or abortion information, contraceptives, etc. This policy specifically, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, has required foreign NGOs to certify that they will not perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning with non U.S. funds as a condition for receiving U.S. global family planning assistance and, as of Jan. 23, 2017, any other U.S. global health assistance, including U.S. global HIV (under PEPFAR), maternal and child health, malaria, nutrition, and other program areas. ( The Mexico City Policy: An Explainer, 2017). Reinstatement of the Mexico City Policy goes far beyond just having access to family planning and abortion, this will impact maternal and child health, including water and sanitation, nutrition, HIV and global health
  • 43. How Does Soot Affect The Coal Industry For too long the coal industry has used our atmosphere like a sewer for its airborne pollution, says a website Coal when burned releases harmful gases, and humans are being affected by this airborne pollution. In the USA there are more than 40% of people who live in areas with unhealthy levels of air pollution. Many doctors say inhaling these harmful gases could possibly lead to death. Many doctors say that inhaling these gases is like giving your lungs a sunburn. The effects of inhaling these gases have caused premature death, lung damage, and have even been connected to cause heart attacks. As we keep using these hazardous resources, the biggest threat to being affected by them are the children of the areas ... Show more content on ... Soot is a black powdery flaky substance, and the soot mixes with the atmosphere causing many to breathe it in. Soot is very dangerous to breathe, thus causing schools and companies to close. Soot can be controlled, stronger soot control could remake more than half of those closed days. Many species of animals are also being killed from coal pollution. Coal produces acid rain, Acid rain is a rainfall made acidic. As acid rain hits the earth it spreads to many different environments and reaching ground water thus making them very dangerous to those animals. As acid rain mixes with water it causes many aquatic species to die. Acid rain caused 75 percent of acidic lakes and 50 percent of acidic streams. The future of our world depends on two things. One is the protection of the children, as these fossil fuels and non renewable resources are used we will not experience the consequences but our children will. The second being the protection of the earth. With this harmful resource, we are just using it as a dumping ground with these killer chemicals, gases, and much more. As time goes on the earth can only take so much, and with resources becoming more abundant we better figure something
  • 44. Ratification Dbq During the American Revolution, Congress wanted to have a government that was powerful enough to defeat Great Britain, so they put in place Articles of Confederation as a guide for the way the country would be run, but there were several problems with that, one of which was the government having too much control. On May 14, 1787 The Federal Convention had a meeting in Philadelphia to amend the Articles of Confederation. They met in secret, and only two of the 13 colonies showed up for the vote. They decided they would call it The Constitution of the United States, but still not everyone was satisfied. Those that wanted the changes were called The Federalists and those that didn t want the change were called The Anti Federalists . George ... Show more content on ... The Convention then promised that a bill of rights would be attached to the final draft. Already there were several amendments that were considered when the first Congress met in 1789. Then on September 25, 1789, the first Congress of the United States added the 12 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, and sent them to the states for ratification. Only ten of these amendments were ratified, and not until 1791. James Madison wrote those twelve. The first ten make up what is still today known as the Bill of Rights. They are also the first ten amendments to the Constitution. (Encyclopedia) The Bill of Rights puts limits on government power. So what the Founders looked at as the natural right of a person to speak and worship freely was now protected by the First Amendment s prevention of Congress from making laws about religion or cutting freedom of speech. Another one was the natural right to be free from unreasonable government intrusion in a citizen s home. The Fourth Amendment protected
  • 45. Trogir Research Paper Most people who go on sailing tours along the Croatian coast will visit the major coastal cities like Split and Dubrovnik. Those cities are great to explore, but if you are looking to experience something different on your sailing vacation, you may want to try visiting the city of Trogir. Trogir is a medium sized medieval city along the northern coastof Croatia. Trogir is a popular city for filmmakers, and once you see it you will understand why. It is a picturesque city with winding streets and old stone buildings. If you decide to stop at Trogir during your sailing vacation here are some things you absolutely must do. Visit Fortress Kamerlengo Fortress Kamerlengo is a medieval fort that overlooks the city. There is a small entry fee for
  • 46. Flare Fragrance Inc Essay Executive Summary This marketing plan isprepared for the case study of Flare Fragrance Inc which operates in the U.S women fragrance market, currently its growth to maturity stage.External analysis has identified political, economical, social, technological and naturalfactors affecting the fragrance market. Most significant being declining U.S fragrance market and trend of tradingof luxury brands to mass alternative, post 2008 financial crisis.Industry analysis identified the U.S fragrance industryto be low in attractiveness. Critical success factors includes originality and innovation, prestige image, meaningful consumer experience, good distribution network and, relationship with retailers. Flare s portfolio consist of fragrances... Show more content on ... Thus, not observed as a trend in the life cycle. It can be concluded that market is at the growth maturity stage. 3.0. Situation Analysis 4.1. External Environment (External Analysis) 4.2.1. Macro environment (PESTN analysis) POLITICAL AND LEGAL| * To avoid replication or counterfeit, fragrance formulas remain known only to the creators and are protected under the intellectual property laws (IFRA, n.d.).| ECONOMIC| * Economic crisis resulting in overall decline of sales in the fragrances market. * Slow economic growth rate and reduced purchasing power of consumers. * Due to economic pressure, consumers seem to be trading down from luxury brands to mass alternatives. * Exchange rates and fluctuations (declining US dollar), making it more risky and expensive to expand to the overseas market. | SOCIAL AND CULTURE| * Increasing preference for lower priced scented products (body washes, sprays) or skin care products as to fragrances. * Rising popularity and trend of celebrity and designer fragrances. * Increasing consumers seeking for environmentally safer or green products. | TECHNOLOGY| * Improving technical knowledge on identification, purification, and chemical synthesis of scent, allows natural aromas to be re created. Advantage of synthetic materials is that purity can be strictly controlled and contaminants free (IFRA, n.d.).| NATURAL| * Some fragrances today still use
  • 47. Executive Summary Essay Executive Summary for Dave Buster s, Inc. ******** MISM 3310 01 March 3, 2011 Dave Buster s, Inc. utilizes various systems for its day to day functions. Because the technology in the organization must support restaurants, warehouses, and the corporate office, several systems must be integrated to work together to support all the activities of the organization. Dave Buster s restaurants, known as stores, require detailed point of sale, or POS systems, labor systems, and inventory systems designed for restaurant use. Warehouses require inventory systems, which also tie into the financial system. The corporate office requires a financial package that supports approximately $521 million in revenue per year and inventories of ... Show more content on ... Various opportunities exist, which include new technology and software, both for the stores and the corporate office. Updated software and/or updated versions of existing software would provide opportunity for greater functionality and efficiency. Threats to Dave Busters information technology include security threats such as theft of proprietary information and credit card information by hackers. There also exists the threat of servers being taken over and used for large scale malicious attacks. Each of these threats must be answered through comprehensive security software and other procedural measures. In addition to the SWOT analysis, various systems have been identified as critical to the survival or growth of the organization. First, the restaurant point of sale system, Micros, is a powerful system that also includes a Kitchen Display System. The Micros system provides detailed information about each transaction occurring in the store and transfers this valuable information to the corporate office systems each night through batch processing. These transactions include amount of each item sold, amount of tax calculated on each sale, number of guests per ticket, time of day of each sale, etc. Its Kitchen Display System, which displays diagrams and exact ingredients and
  • 48. James Joyce s Araby And John Updike s A P James Joyce s Araby and John Updike s A P are two stories which, in spite of their many differences, share many similarities in their endings. The primary focus of both of these initiation stories revolves around adolescent protagonists who come into conflict with their unrealistic expectations of women and their societies. Although the boys use different approaches in pursuit of their ideal, both narrators face a radical shift in their attitudes as they transit into adulthood. The protagonists in both stories are ultimately faced with the harsh and shattering reality that the girls have no desire for their company. In Araby , the young boyaims to impress his friend s older sister by going to the bazaar and buying her something. However, when he visits one of the bazaar s stalls, the owner who is an English woman seemed to have spoken to [him] out of a sense of duty (45). Realizing that in the eye of Mangan s sister, he is just the little brother s friend whose chivalrous actions go unnoticed, he leaves without buying anything. Similarly, Sammy in A P tries to win the attention of the three girls by saying I quit (92) after the store manager rebukes the girls for their indecent dress. The girls, however, ignore Sammy s heroic gesture and leave the store. Failing to win the heart or attention of their respective love interest despite their best efforts, each character experiences great despair at the end of the story. The teenagers also find themselves in