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Essay On Oprah Winfrey
Crafting an essay on Oprah Winfrey is a challenging yet enriching endeavor. The difficulty arises
not from a lack of information about this iconic figure but rather from the abundance of material
available. Oprah's life is a tapestry woven with threads of success, challenges, and unparalleled
influence. Delving into her journey demands a nuanced approach, balancing admiration for her
achievements with a critical examination of the complexities she has faced.
To encapsulate Oprah's impact on media, philanthropy, and culture in a single essay requires
careful selection of themes and events. Her rise from a challenging childhood to becoming a
media mogul and philanthropist is a narrative that demands thoughtful exploration. However,
condensing her multifaceted personality into a coherent piece poses a formidable task.
Moreover, navigating the plethora of perspectives on Oprah Winfrey adds another layer of
complexity. Balancing admiration and critique, while maintaining objectivity, is a tightrope walk.
The challenge lies in avoiding superficial glorification and delving into the nuances of her
influence on various aspects of society.
Despite these challenges, the process of writing an essay on Oprah Winfrey offers a valuable
opportunity for personal growth and learning. It prompts reflection on themes such as resilience,
leadership, and the power of media in shaping public perception. The difficulty lies not only in
the research and synthesis of information but also in capturing the essence of Oprah's journey in
a way that engages and enlightens the reader.
In conclusion, composing an essay on Oprah Winfrey requires navigating a complex narrative,
selecting key aspects for analysis, and presenting a balanced perspective. It is a task that
demands both research and introspection, making it a rewarding yet challenging endeavor for
any writer.
For assistance with essays on diverse topics, similar to the one mentioned above, and more,
services like can be explored. Professional help can provide support in
tackling complex subjects and crafting compelling narratives.
Essay On Oprah Winfrey Essay On Oprah Winfrey
The Corporate Con Essay
Courtney Newcomer
Professor Poirier
Acct 3040
November 2, 2011
The Corporate Con: The Internal Fraud and The Auditor In the movie the Corporate
Con: The Internal Fraud and the Auditor there were several different people who
seemed like your everyday Joe, but were actually criminals who committed fraud.
Some of the frauds committed in this movie were: Cash Fraud, Accounts Receivable
Fraud, Expense Fraud, purchasing fraud, and corruption. Focusing on two
individuals Pam and John, each of these criminals committed either cash or accounts
receivable fraud. Pam was a graduate from high school who found work soon after
graduation. She felt she wasn t getting paid enough for her work so she started
stealing cash from the ... Show more content on ...
There are several methods used in detecting cash fraud which are usually included in
most cash audits. Some of the methods used are: Bank reconciliations, cutt off
statements, surprise cash counts, customer complaints, altered or missing
documentation, journal entry review, review and analyses of decreases in gross
sales or increases in returns and allowances, and analytical reviews. The method used
in detecting Pam s fraud was a surprise cash count.
Surprise cash counts often bring up situations of employees borrowing money or
floating small loans also called swapping. It is crucial that when doing surprise cash
counts that it be done often but on an irregular and unannounced basis. Also, if
employee checks are included in the cash drawer or register, this may be an indicator
that employees are swapping checks for cash.
In the prevention of cash frauds it is important to have a segregation of duties. Cash
fraud is more likely to happen if one person has control over the entire accounting
transaction. Each of the following duties and responsibilities should be segregated:
cash receipts, bank deposits, bank reconciliations, and cash disbursements. If one
person has the ability to do all of these themselves there is a high risk that fraud can
and will occur.
Surprise cash counts are very useful in fraud prevention if the method is used
correctly. Employees should know that cash will be counted, but that its sporadic and
19th Century Photography Research Paper
Have you ever noticed that in 19th century photography the images captured through
a lense developed black and white images that were mostly distorted and hard to
understand? If people were captured through a lense they were usually not smiling, it
was an odd period for photography. Photography has always been a contentious fine
art used by artists to capture art. Concerns have been raised to whether photography
should be considered an art or a science, since both are incorporated to create art .
Photography was considered more true to reality. Photography has been around for a
while now, and although the concept of the camera has been known in the ancient
past it was not until the nineteenth century when the technology... Show more content
on ...
This allowed more than one copy of an image. Along with this new technology and
his experimenting the calotype photography method was introduced and patented
in 1841. In the past exposure time usually took hours to develop, but the collodion
method that solved the problem of long exposure time to shorter exposure time of
about 3 5 minutes along with clearer photographs. This was possible by adding a
gun cotton substance onto a glass plate. The Collodion method did have his
disadvantages, for one thing the image had to be exposed and developed while the
silver iodine coating was still wet. This was an inconvenience to the photographer
because he/she had to immediately run to the portable darkrooms to develop the
images after they were captured. As technology and advanced so did the need for
more creative photography emerged. For instance, Honore Daumier s pushed the
standards of photography and was able to capture the aerial view upon a hot air
balloon. However, he must have had a difficult time capturing images with the wet
Coca Cola s Organizational Performance And Interaction...
Through this term, our team has researched and analyzed the Coca Cola as to its
organizational performance and interaction based on group behavior. We will now
conclude our research. Our results were based on the Action Model of
organizational and group conditions and determined if the given model is effective
in preventing roadblocks to achieve success. We will also offer recommendations of
our overall analysis in order to determine if improvement is needed and how to
implement change when presented to us. In order to enact this model and to make it
effective there are certain factors that need to be considered. Groups need to exert
enough joint effort in order to accomplish tasks at acceptable levels of performance.
Every member of the group has to offer the adequate skills and knowledge regarding
the subject at hand. Also, consideration to cultural and organizational setting have to
be taken into consideration (Harrison, 2005). Action Model Group Behavior The
Coca Cola Co. is very involved with group level behavior. They not only involve
immediate persons within the physical organization, but stakeholders worldwide. The
company engages with their numerous partner bunches in an assortment of formal
and casual settings over the whole Coca Cola framework. Their engagements range
from gatherings with nearby, provincial, and national gatherings to continuous
exchanges with their bottlers, suppliers, and purchasers across the globe. By
proactively cooperating with outside
Passerine Research Paper
1Passerines are small songbirds that migrate between Africa and Europe every
year to avoid harsh European winters.113Amazing bird migration The passerine is
a family of small songbirds which travel up to 5,000kms every year from Europe
into Africa in order to avoid the cold winter weather. Nightingales, willow warblers
and swallows are all examples of this category. From Europe, these birds fly across
the Mediterannean to Morocco, where they rest and recover for a few weeks before
flying down the Atlantic coast into Africa. Come spring, they make the long journey
back to Europe.
2The longest bridge in Tanzania is the Mkapa bridge over the Rufiji river. The
bridge is nearly one kilometer long.114Tanzania s mighty Mkapa bridge Spanning a
full 970 metres across the great Rufiji ... Show more content on ...
It may look like it slopes upwards, but it doesn t.139Water flows uphill at Kituluni
hill It looks like magic, but it can be explained by science: at Kituluni hill in Kenya,
it appears as if water will flow against gravity and climb up a hill, and a car left with
the hand brake off will roll up a slope. This, however, is an optical illusion called a
gravity hill, and is common in many places all over the world. The specific
landscape features make one think that the hill slopes upwards when in fact it slopes
6Wood carving, mask making and folk music are some of the arts and crafts for
which the West African country of Burkina Fasois famous.134Art and culture in
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso is a landlocked West African country with a population
of over 16 million people. There are over 60 different ethnic groups and each is
known for their individually styled folk music. The country has the largest art and
craft market in Africa, and the Burkinabe (the people from Burkina Faso) are skilled
in mask making and wood carving, with different tribes specialising in different craft
Understanding The Relationship Of Staff And Teachers
Field Placement #5 1.5 hours: 2/22 Wednesday was a whirlwind of acclimating to
office politics and understand the relationship dynamic of staff and teachers. The
day started out normal enough, I was assigned papers and essays to grade. On a
few occasions I ran back and forth between the front office and the classroom to
drop off paperwork. However, the teacher assigned me the task of setting up the
7th grade bulletin board for the month. She informed that I had to go to the front
office and talk to one of the people there to gain access to the storage closet that
held all of the arts and craft material. I nodded, remember the name and objectives I
was set out to do. I was sent back to speak to one of the supporting staff. I explained
the... Show more content on ...
I showed the teacher my findings and she met it with a scowl. That s it? She asked.
She then showed me the massive bulletin board that I was supposed to cover.
Clearly I did not have enough paper to canvas the surface. So once again, I was
sent on a journey for paper from the art department. Thankfully, the teacher was on
break had led me to a bulk of white paper that I knew would have to do for now. I
presented it to the teacher, informing her that at the moment this is all we had
access to. She shrugged, clearly still miffed on the lack of resources she had at
hand. The students, continuing to rise in volume since they watched the scene
unfold, were then met by a frustrated teacher response of, I don t want to have to do
this but I will have the literacy mentor come around to everyone who is talking so
they have a silent lunch. The room became quiet and I was quite please that at that
moment it was time to go. For the most part, this class period had little to do with
any of the themes we had touched on class previously, but I would like to make a
point that I did learn a lot on the how the power system works in a public school.
Also, I will admit that I was uncomfortable that the teacher used me as a guilt/scare
tactic when they got out of hand that day. In my position, I know that I observe and
help out in the classroom but it was odd for me to be used to exact punishments. I
am not there as an authority figure exactly because I am an adult,
Brainwashing In 1984 Research Paper
The society we live in relies heavily on the presence of the media and the influence
of other people. In many situations it would be fairly simple for the government to
brainwash a society into thinking something had or had not happened. This
brainwashing is depicted in the book 1984, where a society has been captured by a
government that decides every move and thought in their daily lives. Both the
world of Oceania and the world we live in now are heavily controlled by the media.
Media plays a major part in the way everyone thinks, talks, and remembers
instances from the past. In some situations the past is able to be changed if there
was someone that took the time to sit down and change every article that ever
came out about the incident. If for instance the government wanted to change a
piece of history form over 100 years ago it would be simple for them. They would
just have to change it in books and videos to say what they want it to say and then
eventually overtime the memory of what had actually happened would die out with
the older generations and they would have successfully removed a part of history.
This form of brainwashing can be used in many ways, to forget something that did
happen or to place a memory in someone s head of something that didn t... Show
more content on ...
They are forced to confess to things they did not do and to say things they know to
be completely untrue. The people have been brainwashed to believe scientific
evidence is false and the only thing that is fact is whatever the government tells
them is true that day. In our society today I do believe that the tools that were used
to torture these people would work well in our society. People are very weak in today
s society I believe they would easily break under these
Matewan Feudalism
Feudalism and Capitalism
Economic processes are those involving the production and distribution of goods and
services. However, they do not alone determine this production and distribution.
There is an interrelationship of economic, cultural, environmental, and political
processes that all help to shape each other. Nothing that we do can be defined as a
single process, for it is the interaction itself that helps to produce the final results that
we observe. To understand this more fully the following basic definitions may be of
use: Cultural Processes are those that involve the creation and transfer of knowledge
the production of meaning. Political processes are those by which we establish and
enforce rules, and they ... Show more content on ...
Films are important and useful tools for the analytical process that needs to take
place when searching for the answers to the questions. Films are understood to be,
among other things, the product of a particular economic theory or set of theories
(which can be contradictory), to teach particular theories (including economic
theories), and to provide an objective for analysis using economic theory. (Professor
Gabriel) It is with this in mind that the films of Matewan and Norma Rae are of
importance to us when analyzing the concepts of feudalism and capitalism, because
they are films that contain in them examples from these two types of economic
systems. While the concept of unions is prevalent in both films, the reasons for their
existence and the results of their existence appear to be quite different, but important
all the same. Thus, the films can also be used to help increase our understanding of
the importance and the role of unions in society.
John Sayles, the writer and director of Matewan, produces for the audience a true
depiction of the West Virginian coal mining community of 1920. At a surface level
viewing and examination of the film, many might be tempted to view the
environment that is created as capitalist. After all, the workers do get paid for their
services. However, upon a much deeper, more in depth inspection one could argue
that there is much evidence to
Different Forms Of Identity Theft
Identity theft is when someone steals or takes your personal information using it
without your permission and can damage your finances, credit history and reputation.
The different forms of identity theft include social security identity theft, financial
identity theft, driver s license identity theft, criminal identity theft, medical identity
theft, insurance identity theft, synthetic identity theft, tax identity theft and child
identity theft. Social security identity theft is one of the most common because the
social security numberis one of the most valuable government based identity asset
and American can possess. When someone steals it, they can sell it to undocumented
workers or use it to steal properties. Using your social security
Fox News And Its Impact On American Culture
Fox News was created by Australian born American media mogul Rupert
Murdoch, who hired Roger Ailes as its founding CEO. The channel was launched
on October 7, 1996 to 17 million cable subscribers (Wikipedia, 2015). Having
experienced success with his Fox Broadcasting Company, Murdoch thought it
would be a good idea to expand his presence in the American television market. Fox
news was created to capture the stories of America and other countries all around
the world. Fox news recently provided a clip on September 3, 2015, explaining a
cultural disappointment that is taking place in the Middle East. In the clip
provided, it shows the sadden human beings that are suffering, due to a hate crime
from ISIS. ISIS stands for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and is a militant group
ruling by Sharia law (Your Dictionary, 1996 2015). This clip provided is as follow;
( pressure mounts for us to open its
borders to syrian refugees some lawmakers/) (Fox News, 2015).... Show more content
on ...
They are trying to flee ISIS in the Middle East due to the all the crimes and war that
is taking place. This has impacted this cultural in an unpropitious way. Europe for
example, has helped welcome refugees, however they are now struggling and might
have made a mistake due to the amount of Syrians arriving. Syrians have traveled
through boats, jumped on trains and have even walked on foot for long periods of
time. I believe this type of culture is suffering and ISIS being the same culture has
gone against their own kind to try and rule a country that does not belong to them.
This is also affecting America because it is raising concerns among Republicans,
intelligence community, due to the policy to bring Syrians refugees to the United
Essay On Aircel
The Aircel group is a joint venture between Maxis Communications Berhad of
Malaysia and Sindya Securities Investments Private Limited, whose current
shareholders are the Reddy family of Apollo Hospitals Group of India, with Maxis
Communications holding a majority stake of 74%. Aircel commenced operations in
1999 and is today the leading mobile operator in Tamil Nadu, Assam, North East and
In October 2010, Aircel completed its Pan India footprint, presence in all 23
telecom circles, with the launch of GSM mobile services in Rajasthan. After
winning the 3G and BWA spectrum, required for high speed data and multimedia
services, in 13 and 8 circles respectively, Aircel became the largest operator in India
with spectrum secured for next ... Show more content on ...
Voice and Data gave Aircel the highest rating for overall customer satisfaction and
network quality in 2006 and Aircel received the same award by IDC in 2007.
Aircel emerged as the top mid size utility company in Businessworld s List of Best
Mid Size Companies in 2007. Further, recognised Aircel as the best regional
operator in 2008. In 2009, CMAI INFOCOM honoured Aircel for excellence in
marketing of new telecom service.
Aircel Business Solutions (ABS) (the Business Unit of Dishnet Wireless Limited)
is the enterprise division of Aircel, which addresses the telecom requirements of
International and Indian markets with an array of industry leading products and
services. As an integrated telecom service provider, ABS leverages its rich pedigree
of best in class solutions, partnerships and domain expertise to address service
providers, enterprises, PSUs, and consumers. Its range of services includes
networking, data centers, managed services, collaboration services, SaaS (Software
as a Service) and mobility solutions.
ABS is the pioneer of data connectivity solutions and it has demonstrated the same by
being the first operator in India to launch WiMAX technology. ABS is also a
registered member of WiMAX forum both in the Indian and International
Compare And Contrast Call Of The Wild Book And Movie
When it comes to the Yukon Gold Rush, many people have had different
experiences. The author of Call of the Wild, Jack London, has been to the Yukon
and has experienced it in real life; the writer and star of the movie The Gold Rush,
Charlie Chaplin, has never been to the Yukon during the gold rush. This causes there
to be a differencebetween the book and movie, though they are fairly similar enough
to accurately represent the Yukon Gold Rush. While any book and movie on such a
broad topic is bound to be very different (and these definitely are), these two forms of
entertainment are also the same in some aspects.
When I first watched The Gold Rush I could tell it was going to be different from
reading Call of the Wild. First there were the obvious reasons. A movie is going to
be different than a book on the same topic, no doubt about it, but it was also different
in other ways too. The authors of the movie and the book, Charlie Chaplin and Jack
London, were very distinctive in their ... Show more content on ...
This might seem childish at first, but Jack London managed to keep The Call of
the Wild almost as mature as it could be, given that it is told by a dog named Buck.
Most of this book was actually quite sad yet still exciting, there were many fights
and the deaths of Curly and Thornton were upsetting. One might in fact, argue that
Charlie Chaplin s The Gold Rush was the more childish of the two. The Gold Rush
included many strange yet funny antics including one of the first scenes when
characters Big Jim McKay, the Lone Prospector, and Black Larsen chase each other
through the house during a snowstorm. Another example is when the Lone
Prospector puts dinner rolls on forks and makes them dance like they are feet. It
turns out that he was imagining whole thing which is crazy! In the end I think it is
safe to say The Gold Rush is more immature and more of a comedy than The Call of
the Wild
A P and Cathedral Comparison Essay
Mallory Russell
Comparison Essay ENG 102 Online
Cathedral by Raymond Carver versus A + P by John Updike
In the short stories Cathedral by Raymond Carver and A + P by John Updike the
protagonists experience an epiphany that change their restricted way of thinking.
The main character, Sammy in John Updike s, A + P is a teenage boy working in
the town grocery store. Sammy experiences an epiphany when he decides to quit
his job at the grocery store. He quit because he believed that it was wrong of his
boss to treat customers poorly due to any pre conceived notion that was determined
by what the customer looks like. Raymond Carver s main character named the
husband in his story Cathedral experiences an epiphany ... Show more content on ...
It is unclear whether or not the husband s dislike for the blind man is fueled by
jealousy or by ignorance. It is clear that the husband s idea of what the company of
a blind man would be like is very stereotypical because he bases his opinion on
what he has seen in the movies, In the movies, the blind moved slowly and never
laughed. (Carver 473). The husband bases his judgment from movies and decides,
A blind man in my house was not something I was looking forward to. (Carver
473). In the story A+P , Sammy is immediately interested in the three females that
enter the grocery store. His interest possibly provoked by the natural tendency of
being a young teenage boy and they being three girls dressed in bathing suites
alone. Once the three girls make their way through the grocery store, Sammy
immediately begins making his own judgment of their character based on the way
they walk and the way they look. Sammy while observing the three girls, names the
middle girl, Queenie simply based on her appearance and the way she walks. He
describes Queenie in a condescending way, She didn t look around, not this queen,
and she just walked straight on slowly, on these long white prima donna legs. She
came down a little harder on her heels... (Updike 259) After watching the girls walk
through the grocery store to find their item he insults their intelligence without having
spoken to them, ...(do you really think it s a mind in there or just a little buzz
Monomer And End Capper Synthesis Lab Report
Monomer and end capper was synthesized according to known literature procedures
[10,11]. The conjugated polymer with two side chain thiol groups was also
synthesized by nickel mediated polymerization method [12,13]. A schematic
representation of the synthesis of monomer, end capper, polymer was shown in
Scheme 2. 2.2.1. 2,7 Dibromo 9H fluorene (1) Fluorine (300.8 mmol, 50.0 g) and
CHCl3 (450 mL) was taken in the 1 liter round bottom flask, wrapped with aluminum
foil. The solution was cooled to 0 в„ѓ and ferric chloride (4.5 mmol, 0.71 g) was
added. Bromine (632 mmol, 32.6 mL) was added slowly over 15 min to the above
prepared reaction mixture and the solution stirred for 3h at room temperature. The
mixture was washed with aqueous hypo solution... Show more content on ...
The surface of MBNs can be modified with the monomer as follows, first 1 mL of
aqueous MBNs solution and 3 mL of 30 mg monomer in THF were mixed, and the
reaction mixture was reacted at room temperature for overnight under constant
stirring. We extracted the upper layer solution of the reaction mixture and extracted
compound named as TF MBNs. The same method was used for the surface
Modification of MBNs with polymer (PTF MBNs). A schematic representation of
Surface modification of hybrid multi block nanorods with thiol terminated monomer
(TF MBNs) and polymer (PTF MBNs) was shown in Scheme
Critical Mass Analysis
Critical Mass Analysis
Unit 2
Deena Rothwell
Kaplan University GM505 Action Research and Consulting Skills
Professor Gunzelman
October 26 ,2010
Critical Mass Analysis In order for a researcher to conduct an action research
analysis several factors must be determined. The specific purpose for the research,
the components, and stakeholders. My action research project is to address a specific
problem my agency has with employee retention within the patrol division during the
past three years. In conducting a critical mass analysis it is important to determine
who has influence and can assist with making suggestions on changes or give
necessary data. Stringer (2007) states, action research is a systematic approach to
investigation ... Show more content on ...
Both lieutenants have worked for the agency more than 10 years and are familiar
with many aspects that can influence employee retention. Detective Sergeant
Jimmy Courtney is supervisor over the criminal investigation division and has
worked for the agency for 10 years in several positions. He has expertise in the
agency workings through working several years as a patrol officer and working
closely with the patrol division. Sgt. Courtney has the ability to influence
decisions but not approve change. As facilitator, I have worked for the agency for
more than 18 years and worked in the criminal investigation division for 10 years,
where I worked closely with the patrol division. The past 8 years I have worked in
the administration division and where I work closely with all the agencies division
and have insider data that can assist with determining what components and factors
have influenced the decrease in employee retention over the past three years.
Reflection on Critical Mass Analysis Phase Simpson (n.d). states, facilitators need
to have several factors to accomplish generating a successful critical mass analysis:
1) knowledge that gives all the necessary data, 2) a desire to achieve a resolution to
the specific problem, 3) stay focused on the specific problem and not get side
tracked, 4) confidence in their ability to assist the organization in succeeding
Sociological Perspective In The Matrix
The Matrix, released in 1999, is a science fiction action film that depicts a
dystopian future. In this reality, what is perceived by humans is only a computer
simulated reality called The Matrix which was created in order to sustain human
delusion while their bodies were used as an energy source by machines. The main
character, computer hacker Neo (played by Keanu Reeves, respectively) is drawn
into rebellion against the machines once he is united with those that have been
freed from the false reality. The characters, suffering from the reality of a broken
illusion, make specific choices and decisions which can be explained or validated by
sociological perspectives discussed by Berger. First off, The Matrixcan be defined as
a social institution with the ability to give those that live within the false reality a
fulfilled existence and exert social control over it s residing victims. Second, the
betrayal of Cypher touches upon the concept of sociological knowledge;
specifically, the reference group ideology. Lastly, Neo s previous feelings of unease
and change of character after he joins Morpheus rebellion shows the importance a
reference group can have on the overall personality and ideology of a person.
Therefore, the Sociological Perspective understands the personalities, actions, and
story of the movie The Matrix in a variety of ways.
First off, the creation of the Matrix functions as an institution through the ability to
give those who reside within the fantasy
A Brief Note On The Khmer Rouge Regime
T By July 1992, the Khmer Rouge regime had taken a stance of non cooperation ,
thus causing no PDK forces to be demobilized. Initially, the regime was on board
for the disarmament process and agreed to allow UN forces to mark minefields
and enter UN vehicles and troops into the area. However, once the process began
and outside forces were to move in, the regime refused to allow the Dutch and
Pakistani forces into the area. The situation was made more stressful by the PDK s
refusal, as demobilization of the other two factions was at a lower rate than
predicted, weakening the mission s success. By 1993, the demobilization mission of
the forces was stopped all together, resulting in the FUNCINPEC and KPNLF forces
to regroup and assemble... Show more content on ...
While the years between 1993 and 1998 lacked any implementation update of
demobilization in the peace agreement, it is evident that much of what was going on
in the country was due to the halt in the demobilization process.
Discrimination and mass murders of Vietnamese in Cambodia continued, and regional
data on the minority in the country illustrates the need for external actors to
intervene. Hostage situations, ethnic murders, large scale drug smuggling, and an
immigration law that targeted Vietnamese in the country are just some of the issues
occurring in these 5 years. In June 1993 the Cambodia Constitution was adopted and
signed, which established Sihanouk as now King and outlined a series of articles that
aimed to address issues across the board. The articles protected free speech, human
rights of the Khmer citizens, sovereignty of the nation, and economic policy among
many other aspects. The anti Vietnamese discrimination was rising in Cambodia,
often expressed through hate speech or propaganda of people who blamed the
Vietnamese for internal problems of the country. Vietnamese made up about 5
percent of the population, and although attacks and killings lasted for years in this
interim period and was a huge issue, the constitution still seemed to lack efficiency in
addressing this issue. By 1998, the process of demobilization began once again, this
time with a more intense, calculated time table. Along with international financial
Ticket Prices
The article Ticket Price Determination in Professional Sports: An Empirical
Analysis of the NBA, NFL, NHL, and Major League Baseball. was researched and
created by two economists named, Patrick Rishe and Michael Mondello. The basis
of this article was to analyze why the prices of tickets tend to vary from city to city
within each league and also to provide the reader with information regarding
whether ticket price increases are tied to changes in team payroll. Rishe and
Mondello created and empirical model to get a more precise measurement than that
of regressions done in the past. With this analysis Rishe and Mondello wanted to
understand the impacts of salary caps on ticket price within a league so they
involved two leagues without a salary... Show more content on ...
Going forward, one of the most notable findings in this regression is the
significance of team payroll and ticket prices for the NHL. One might expect these
two variables to be correlated since there is no salary cap, but in fact in the early
stages of the test period Rishe and Mondello discovered that the NBA, despite
having a salary cap, has a larger payroll dispersion than the NHL. NHL s payroll
dispersion is relatively stable, which could be the reason why this variable is
statically insignificant. Recent success has had more of an impact on the NBA
and the NFL compared to the NHL and MLB. This might be due to the strong
correlation between winning and payrolls in cap free sports. To conclude the
average ticket prices has had a strong upward trend in football and baseball, on the
other hand the NHL and NBA seem stagnate possibly due to consumer preference
in the last six years. The second equation in this trial explains the factors that cause
seasonal price changes within each league. Once again playing in a new facility
for a season opener suggests the size of seasonal price tickets will increase for an
individual team in any league. The second factor in this equation is the team s post
season success, the result showed that for a team in any league that made it to the
playoffs significantly raised ticket prices. Additionally, the ticket prices rose for
only the NHL and NFL if a team reached the championship. Over the period of time
examined NBA and NHL teams displayed a smaller ticket price increase seasonally,
due to the stagnate demand to watch those two
The Lives of Others Essay
Das Leben der Anderen (The Lives of Others) is a striking example of how a
director can convey narrative links within a film by employing various styles and
film techniques. The Lives of Others relies upon these visual means to assist with
the telling of the story as much as it relies upon the script. In this selected sequence
of the film, several narrative links are drawn here to form the conclusion of
Operation Lazlo . These narrative links are further cemented by Donnersmarck s use
of various lighting styles, diegtic and non diegtic sound, revealing camera shots and
intricate mise en scene. In order to analyse this sequence, the narrative links that are
drawn here must be addressed. After Dreyman s long term friend commits... Show
more content on ...
The Stasi offer their insincere apologies and leave, unperturbed by the death
surrounding them. At the beginning of the sequence, Dreyman and his good
friend Hauser are shown walking together towards Dreyman s apartment. Here,
Donnersmarck uses a medium camera shot in order to establish the scene. This
allows the spectator the ability to take in all aspects of the characters and their
surroundings. The main focus is upon the two men, as there are no immediate
points of interest in the background. Aside from rare glimpses of people passing
by; the streets of East Germany are utterly devoid of life. This use of visual
screenplay by Donnersmarck can be interpreted as a reference to the Stasi s vice
like grip on the lives of the people residing in East Germany. Donnersmarck re
emphasises this through out the film. There is no music within this portion of the
sequence, only the diegetic natural sound of leaves blowing in the wind. Dreyman
and Hauser s conversation therefore stands out, and their solemn discussion is
emphasised. The narrative link highlighted here is in regards to the Stasi s search of
Dreyman s apartment the night before. Dreyman s girlfriend, Christa Maria, was
noticeably absent from the apartment and has not been in contact. Dreyman s friends
discuss and fear the worst. They suspect that Christa Maria has revealed to the Stasi
that it was Dreyman who wrote the journal article that created havoc
Ancient Olympics
The Olympics started April 6, 1896, the first games played in the olympics were
boxing, chariot racing, pankration, javelin, jumping, running, wrestling. The
Olympics have been held all over the world. People from all over the world come to
compete in the different olympic games. The Olympic games go all the way to 776
BC and was first taken place in Ancient Greece. The Olympics have an interesting
Beginning along with a few but competitive events that have changed drastically over
The Olympics began in 776 BC and they disappeared and in 1894 Baron Pierre de
Coubertin. The festival and games were held in OLympia. The Greeks would come
to the sanctuary and share their beliefs. The athletes were only men every inch of
Greek. The sanctuary ... Show more content on ...
The 16 days include both summer and winter Olympics. The athletes compete in
over 300 events but only 35 are recognized sports by olympics.The olympics used to
last only 10 days but over time were extended to 16 days.
The Olympic Torch is the most important symbol to the Olympic Games. The flames
represent positive value. The modern Olympics took it away from Ancient Greece.
The Olympic Torch has An Important Role in carrying a flame. The Olympic
Torch was responsible for holding a flame to the special Caudron in the host of the
city. In Ancient Greece , Coroebus entered in the event 192 meter footrace.
Coroebus won and is known as the first person to win the Olympics. Coroebus was
named the Olympic Champion. People cheered the stade (Greek for Stadium ).
This had happened in 776 BC. People in Greece used Doves as a symbol of peace.
They would release the Doves and it was done first before anything. The is officially
part of the opening ceremony. First is the lighting of the cauldron, then they release
the Doves. This was first completed in
Taking a Look at Chinese Culture
Those traditions have passed on to my family and society. According to Jandt
(2003), Confucian philosophy, which believes in harmony in society through
respect to age and social hierarchy, affects Chinese strongly. Confucianism has
various effects on Chinese communication. As a Chinese, we value Filial Piety and
belong to collectivism. I may not say what I really want to mean when I think it
would hurt others. Foreigners such as Americans may feel surprised that
HongKongers pay attention to family so much. If Americans are asked to take a
gap year in which be travelling around and their parents disagree, most of them won
t cancel the trip. For me, I would give up the trip honestly and this may be a main
difference between our values towards family. I like the cultureI grew up in and the
tradition my family has. Respecting elders is what should be appreciated. I would
like my generation to keep the culture too; however, we can learn the advantages of
other cultures. Individualism allows us to fulfill obligations to self and to be
independent. HongKongers can take balance between two cultures and get
improvement for our own.
Chinese is in high context culture and foreigners usually feel confused when I
communicate with them. In communication of Chinese, many things are left unsaid.
We let the culture explain so that few words can communicate a complex message.
Although it is effective to in group, there are difficulties in the communication with
foreigners. During the
A Streetcar Named Desire Compare And Contrast
A Streetcar Named Desire s original drafts were started in the early 1940s by
playwright Tennessee Williams, who prepared and tested numerous titles for the
work. Eventually, the completed play opened on December 3, 1947 in New York
City staring Marlon Brando as Stanley Kowalski and directed by Elia Kazan. This run
of Streetcar lasted 855 performances until 1949 and won Williams a Pulitzer Prize
and the New York Drama Critics Circle Award. Later, in 1951, the film version was
adapted and stared Brando along side Vivien Leighas Blanche with Kazan holding
the seat as director once again. Both the play and film adaptations of A Streetcar
Named Desirehave received critical acclaim and much success, so much so that
Williams work is both... Show more content on ...
She spends most of the first scene talking down to Stella, mentioning that she looks
as if she s put on weight while praising herself for remaining the same size since
they last saw each other. She dresses in rhinestone crowns, fluffy bodices and pearl
necklaces and earrings. Her wardrobe appears to be filled with clothing that s either
white or and pastels, colors that one easily associates with purity.
Yet, she is capable of manipulation and adept at spinning lies as clearly evidenced
by her constant lies about a Mr. Shep Huntleigh, who does not really exist, or her
lies about being on a leave of absence. This is also clear based on her manipulation
of Mitch, played by Karl Malden, into making him fall for her or her emotional
manipulation of Stella. Beneath this façade, Blanche seems to be terrified of
losing control and terrified of reality. She spends a lot of the play and film sneaking
drinks so that she can calm her nerves and one could even argue that her
manipulation is simply her creating a reality that she doesn t have to be so afraid of.
Blanche struggles to maintain her glamorous façade and here in lies her greatest
conflict; keeping up with her lies and not mixing reality and fantasy Blanche fails to
discern between reality and fantasy and gets caught in her lies. She can never quite
get her story straight Blanche struggles to maintain some semblance of control in her
life after she seems to have lost so much of it in the
Electric Texas Blues Music Analysis
Rebecca McKenney
Introduction to Humanities
Mr. Mansur
28 September 2016
Listening Log: Electric Texas Blues and the 1980 s Edition
In the September 14th, 2016 edition of Listening Log, we briefly explored a general
overview of the musical style known as the blues. We discovered that, like rock, the
blues has many subgenres and influential artists. Last time, we highlighted Mamie
Smith (classic blues), Willie Mabon (Chicago blues), and Dr. John (rhythm and
blues). This week, we are traveling back in time to the 1980s to explore the
subgenre of electric Texas blues. According to the book All Blues Guide to the Blues,
the Electric Texas Blues has a country feel (that) is often detectable and it s more
open to outside rhythm and blues influences. ... Show more content on ...
Johnny Winter/Bullseye Management, n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2016. .
Johnny Winter Discography. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 7 Sept. 2016. Web.
28 Sept. 2016. .
Stevie Ray Vaughan. All Music Guide to the Blues. Ed. Vladimir Bogdanov and
Stephen Thomas Erlewine. 3rd ed. San Francisco: Back Beat, 2003. 569. Google
Books. Web. 26 Sept. 2016. .
Stevie Ray Vaughan Memorial. The Official Stevie Ray Vaughan Site. Sony Music
Entertainment, n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2016. .
Stevie Ray Vaughan Discography. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 21 July 2016.
Web. 28 Sept. 2016. .
Sullivan, Mary Lou. Raisin Cain: The Wild and Raucous Story of Johnny Winter.
New York, New York: Back Beat, 2010. Google Books. Web. 27 Sept. 2016. .
Forward by Johnny Winter.
Vaughan, Stevie Ray. Ain t Gone n Give Up on Love. Stevie Ray Vaughan. Stevie
Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble, Richard Mullen, Jim Capfer, 1985. Youtube. Web.
28 Sept. 2016. .
Vaughan, Stevie Ray. Tell Me. Stevie Ray Vaughan. Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double
Trouble, Richard Mullen, 1982. Youtube. Web. 28 Sept. 2016. .
Vaughan, Stevie Ray. The Things (That) I Used to Do. Stevie Ray Vaughan. Stevie
Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble, Richard Mullen, Jim Capfer, 1984. Youtube. Web.
28 Sept. 2016.
Evan s Elves Analysis
Life s most urgent question is: What are you doing for others? Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. My story is quite different than that of many who may apply for this
program. I am a young man who from almost day one has lived in a world where I
believe social class systems could be broken down, that anyone can make
something of themselves with the right mentoring, and that random acts of genuine
kindness will be what bridges the gaps between our social flaws. What I have said
above, may sound rather generic however it is not my goal that is unique yet it is
how it became to be my passion. At a young age my grandfather very unknowingly
planted the seed in my mind that would sculpt my visions and perceptions as to how
I see the world and all the players within in it. At an extremely... Show more content
on ...
Over five years we have adopted 216 families and 38 veterans. My organization,
Evan s Elves and I, have been at the forefront for bringing assistance to families in
Metro Detroit who have been affected by unforeseen circumstance. My volunteers
and I not only provide necessary and material items to these families but in
addition we assist teens and adults with resume writing, interview skills, job
searching, and college placement. I have seen some great things happen to people
who just needed someone to take the time to care about others. The best reward I
will ever be given is knowing the reason a person smiles is because of the
assistance and guidance I was able to give them. With the question that Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. has asked I will never have a final answer as there is always more
that I can be doing to assist others, to better my team, and further develop our
Green Forest Is Easy On The Eye
Green forest is easy on the eye, it breaks the harshness of roads and buildings and
adds interest to farmland and mountain slopes. In its sanctuary birdsong and air
currents play with your auditory senses and aroma s of nectar, decayed logs and
leaves fill the air.
After a long absence from New Zealand, I decided to reacquaint myself with the
types of forests found in the Land of the Long White cloud. In this article, I have
based the forest communities on the categories from The New Zealand Plant
Conservation Network: Beech Forest, Podocarp/broadleaf and Kauri Podocarp
An introduction
New Zealand is in a temperate zone, located between the Antarctic Circle and the
Tropic of Capricorn. It is also in the path of the roaring forties, a strong westerly
wind circling the globe, between the latitudes of forty and fifty degrees. Etched by
fiords, mountain ranges, volcanoes, plains, plateaus and just over 15,000 kilometres
of coastline, it shapes a diverse landscape.
Over time, plants have evolved and adapted to this landscape and climate. Today
there are 2,418 native species of forest plants, which includes ferns and grasses.
Native mosses, liverworts, hornworts and lichens make up approximately another
3,480 plants. Most plants are evergreen with about (still counting) 28 deciduous
Beech Forest
I like how a montane beech forest defines a distinct line across mountain slopes and
the excitement you feel when you emerge into the alpine zone .
Found on hilly
Parenthood Can Bring Stress On The Job Of Raising
Parenthood can bring stress to the job of raising children, but being a single mother
is one of the most difficult things a woman can be. In today s society, being a single
mother is getting to become more common in the United States. Most of the time it
is due to teenagers having unprotected sex at a young age or if you are an older
single mother, it could be because of death, divorce, etc. It can be challenging being
a single mother because you re doing what was designed to be a two person job. I
know this from experience because my mom is a single mother who raised four
children. Most likely single mothers have to get two jobs just to support herself and
her children especially if they do not have a high schoolor college degree. In
addition, single mothers have less alone time because they have to be with their
children at all times. Also being a single mother leads to being overloaded with too
many tasks which leads to feeling overwhelmed. I think single mothers are the most
multi tasked people in the world. It is difficult for a single mother to have one
minimum wagejob and raise a kid because that one job will not be able to pay all the
bills and put food on the table, so single mothers have to get two jobs just to make
ends meet. I remember seeing my mom getting ready for her first job at four in the
morning. I can tell that it took a toll on her body because she would have bags under
her eyes from not getting a complete eight hours of sleep. Sometimes she would
The Realm Of Reproductive Technology Develops At A
As the realm of reproductive technology develops at a rapid rate; with increased use
some particular concerns regarding moral, ethical and social implications of the
practice of pre birth testing also come to the forefront. It is extremely important to
consider these issues as they have the ability to have a profound impact on the way
we value the reproductive process.
What is In Vitro Fertilisation and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis?
There are a number of different techniques used to assist reproduction however the
most common of which is In vitro Fertilisation (IVF). It was originally developed
to treat infertility caused by damaged or blocked fallopian tubes however, it has
since become the starting point for screening embryos for genetic disorders in
typically fertile couples. The IVF process requires the woman to undergo ovarian
stimulation in which fertility drugs are taken to stimulate the maturation of
multiple eggs (6 10 eggs) as opposed to just one. Once the eggs have matured and
ready for collection a needle is inserted through the vagina and with the assistance
of ultrasound the eggs are delicately removed. The next stage is where fertilisation
takes place. Within 6 hours the embryologists prepare the partner s sperms and adds
this to the eggs which are left for a further 14 18 hours to incubate. The following
morning the eggs are examined for signs of fertilisation and the successful ones are
cultured for another 3 5 days. Most laboratories transfer
Comparing Hepzibah And Clifford In The House Of Seven
The comparison in the changes between Hepzibah and Clifford both effects their
lives great in The House Of Seven Gables. The reader may feel that Clifford s
changes effected him more and were brought upon him by society. Clifford was
forced to make changes and had to do it so his past would not repeat himself. He
had to find out a new way of life and how to adjust to the new society he lives in.
Clifford changed more than Hepzibah in this novelfor several reasons.
Clifford changed the most in this novel upon his release from prison for thirty
years. He was framed for murder which he did not commit, which put him in jail
for thirty years. After getting out of jail for that long is a huge shock cause a lot
could change and Clifford needs to figure out how to go back to his old life. He
needs to be able to adjust to the different atmosphere rather than the one he had in
prison. Clifford was influenced by other and had to make a change to get his life
back on track. ... Show more content on ...
She is a great influence on him and brings the best out of Clifford. Their
relationship is just friends but he loves spending time with this lovely girl, her
influence on him forced him to change. A huge flaw of Clifford is that he cannot
stand to be taken care of by an ugly women, which makes him not let Hepzibah take
care of him because of her age. This is where Pheobe fits perfectly into the novel as
that women to take care of him and be there for
The Economic Impact Of Tourism Development In
From the day due to people would have a high demand go out of their house and take
a trip, the government has realized that tourism is one of the most important industry
to develop their economies. Not only in developed countries in the world but also
many developing countries have realized this. The rural communities of some
developing countries have many problem and high unemployment. With this
developmentof tourism, people in the rural can have more job options and boost their
local economies. To develop the economy in rural communities and solve the
difficulties, they have adopted tourism as a new economic developmentstrategy
(Latkova, 2008). However, in some rural communities, the planners would not
balance between the benefits and the drawbacks of tourism development. Therefore,
many negative impacts of tourism like a large number of tourists, environmental
pollution, and ruined legacy outweigh socio cultural, economic and also
environmental advantages. As a result, it is crucial to understand the opinions of
residents regarding future developing before starting any tourism development
program (Latkova, 2008).
Some previous studies about tourism development have demonstrated that it depends
much on the goodwill, participation, and support of residents (Yoon, Gursoy, Chen,
2001). Following the findings of Yoon, Gursoy, and Chen, they suggested that tourism
should be developed base on the needs and desires of residents. The fundamental for
the success and developing
Hickory Dickory Dock Analysis
Hickory Dickory Dock
Nursery rhymes are poems that have an underline meaning. Nursery rhymes were
used in a way to relay a hidden message that spoke out against the British government.
However, guardians and educators communicated the significance of nursery rhymes
to children at a youthful age, asserting that they are critical for them to build up an
urge for dialect, syllables, and rhythm. Individuals would think that nursery rhymes
were sweet and innocent, but in between those lines was a hidden message that was
derogatory. Nursery rhymes originated in Britain roughly around the seventeenth
hundreds. Many nursery rhymes were popular poems like Hickory Dickory Dock.
Be that as it may, does Hickory Dickory Dock have a mischievous significance
behind its snappy tune?
Hickory Dickory Dock is a straightforward nursery rhyme about a mouse and a clock.
However, it presumably alludes to one of Britain s minimum rulers who showed up
on the political scene in the seventeenth century. This nursery rhyme initially
published in 1743; yet, is thought to allude to previous events in the earlier century.
England was a republic between the execution of King Charles I in 1649 and the
reclamation of the government, under King Charles II, in 1660. Richard was given
power because his brother died which led him to take his throne. As a result, Richard
Cromwell went on for nine months as Lord Protector before offering his resignation.
Richard was permitted to leave the nation for
Greek Government Essay
Forms of Government in the Greek City States
The Greek city states had different forms of government systems as we have seen in
Sparta and Athens where one had an oligarchy government and the other a democratic
one respectively. Monarchy, aristocracy, tyranny, oligarchy and democracy are the
forms of government which were found in the city states of Greece.
Democracy is defined as the rule of the people, as stated by Brand (n.d). It was first
developed in Athens by Cleisthenes and it was based on the principle that all
citizens( native born Athenian men) of the city state of Athens had a right to attend
and speak at the assembly excluding women , slaves and metics. The only real
difference between a Greek oligarchy government and a Greek democracy ... Show
more content on ...
Cartwright (2013) states that in the Greek world monarchies were rare and were
often only distinguishable from a tyranny when the hereditary ruler was more
benevolent and ruled in the genuine interest of his people. The common examples of
monarchies were the ones in Macedonia and Epeiros where the ruler shared power
with an assembly. Sparta also was ruled by two kings although it had a citizen
Another form of government is tyranny. Tyranny is a rule by one powerful dictator
who has seized power without legal right. However , Greek tyrants were not
necessarily evil rulers but they simply looked after their own interests. This type of
government existed in many states, particularly in the 6th century BC. Syracuse in
Sicily had a run of famous tyrants such as Dionysios from 405 BCE and his son
Dionysios II, who took over in 367 BCE ( Cartwright, 2013).
During 700 BC, aristocracies ruled the earliest poleis which were later replaced by
oligarchies. An aristocratic government places power in the hands of a small,
privileged ruling class. This is contrasted to a monarchy as it is a rule by an
individual while in an aristocratic government a group of noble people rule the
people. In this government the common citizens had no say in political issues of the
Earth s Only Natural Satellite
Andrew Logan
Dr. Richards
PHY 161
Observing Project
Object 1: The Moon
Next to the Sun, the moon is the most recognizable object in the night sky, and is
Earth s only natural satellite. It has been estimated that the moon formed somewhere
in the region of 4.45 billion years ago, just a measly 30 50 million years after the
origination of the Solar System. While there are many hypotheses that try to account
for the formation of the moon, the one that is backed the greatest is the theory that
the moon was formed when a large mass roughly the size of Mars collided with the
newly formed Earth, this sending out planetary material into the same orbit of the
Earth. This material then underwent the process of accretion and formed what we
now know as the moon. With modern laser altimetry, scientists have been able to
accurately measure the topography of the moon. The most apparent topographic
feature on the moon is located on the southern pole, is referred to as the Aitken
basin, and stretches nearly 1400 miles in diameter. This is the largest crater on the
moon and the largest known crater in the Solar System. Not only is this the widest
crater on the moon, but its floor is also the lowest point on the surface of the moon.
The dark spots that are visible with the naked eye are called maria, and they are
actually hardened pools of ancient basaltic lava. Next to the maria, the most
commonly seen features of the moon are the impact craters that pepper the entire
A Commercial Airing Then At The Super Bowl
What better time to have a commercial airing then at the Super Bowl? About 7 out
of 10 households that were watching TV tuned into the Super Bowl in 2015,
according to Nielsen at the television ratings service. With at least 114.4 million
viewers in 2015 the Super Bowl is the most watched television broadcast in the
United States. In 2015 Toyota made a very impactful and memorable commercial
advertisingtheir new Camry. Toyota uses this opportunity to not only advertise their
new Camry, but to also recognize the impact dads have on their children s lives.
There are no specific standard formats for successful advertisements. Just like the
formula for winning a Super Bowl does not exist. If the game was predictable, people
would not want to watch the game. If all companies used one way to design their
advertisements, the audience would get bored. This advertisement uses emotion and
relatability to connect with their audience. In this advertisement, the father and
daughter relationship is really touching. The images the advertisement conveys
resonate with people s experiences. As a result, the viewer will connect their positive
impression of the dad in the advertisement with the Toyota Camry. This sense of
connection is beneficial for the company to improve their reputation.
As the commercial begins it is nearly impossible to guess what the commercial is
about. It s not till the end of the commercial that it is reveled to the audience that the
commercial is advertising the
The Princess
In a land far away there was a queen and a king called Nicola and Dean she had just
given birth to a beautiful young princess called Chloe. There kingdom was holding a
carnival for the newly born Princess. Everyone had their fanciest clothes to attend the
The King and Queen had gotten Chloe into her new gown and when she got outside
to the carnival they were attacked by ninjas, and they took Chloe. It was later
figured out that the princess had special powers and that they could be used for good
or bad. The Queen went in to a massive panic and the King hid in his bedroom so
he didn t have to face the outside world because he was scared that he would be
taken out by ninjas as well.
The ninjas had taken Chloe to a deserted ... Show more content on ...
When they were all asleep she took all of their keys and went to the closed doors
but when she walked in she found a room that was full of pictures about the royal
family and there was stuff about all the powers that she had and how to work them
but her adopted family said that they didn t know anything about them so she didn t
know how to use them and at the end of the room there was a picture of her and
there was the plan of what happened at the kidnapping.
Chloe had made a plan to escape so when she went outside she ran off with a bag
and she got to the end off the island and found a boat. She didn t know how to drive
a boat but she was going to get off this pathetic island anyway. She had hated I ever
since she started walking, her adopted family had given her everything that she
wanted but all the time she had sent there she had never had any friends or proper
family and she didn t even know if her name was Chloe anymore.
When she had got into the boat into the water she tried to row it but then she found
out it was a fully equipped speed boat that was regularly used but she didn t know
who was using it so when she started the boat she found the ninja outfits and figured
out that they were all ninjas and they still were even since the kidnapping. She
absolutely infuriated with them she trusted them her whole life
Building Relationships Is Not An Easy Task Essay
Building relationships is not an easy task to accomplish, but it is certainly a much
needed one. This is particularly true for educators and anyone working in the public
service sector. I believe that we cannot truly help a student reach her or his ultimate
potential without first knowing the story behind it all. This story, however, will not
magically unfold itself. It takes time, patience and a great deal of dedication to build
relationships. Dr. Patrick Camangian raises this point in his talk at Mills College. He
stresses the importance of these relationships in helping students who have
experienced trauma during their lifetime. Building relationships is one of the skills I
pride myself in, but also have much to learn about.
Currently, as a college advisor I have the honor and privilege of working directly
with students, helping them apply to four year and two year colleges. Although I
do many general classroom presentations, the message is always the same: come
visit me. I encourage teachers to send students over to the college center once they
have completed their daily assignments or before and after school. When students
finally make it to the college center I always greet them with a smile and start with
a simple how s it going? Most students will say good or wave their hand side to side
to convey that things are going so so. No matter what the response, I usually follow
up with another question or two. I ll ask if things are good in class and how they feel
College Essay About Wrestling
An African Proverb states, If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go
together. Throughout my life I have been involved with wrestling, and although
physically I am not involved in the sport, I have been impacted by the coaches and
the wrestlers. Wrestling drives an individual like no other. I believe wrestlinghelps
make a person to be a stronger, not only physically, but mentally.
I believe it takes dedication, hard work and an open mind in order to accomplish
their goals. In practice, the wrestlers are placed in extreme conditions: drilling,
sprinting and lifting. Often times during the week, coaches will make the wrestlers
wrestle for a full thirty minutes without stopping. It s a war between two wrestlers,
exhausting one other, and using all their strength until the time goes out. Then, the
coaches will have the wrestlers do three in sixty, running back and forth in the
wrestling room three times in sixty seconds. If the wrestlers don t achieve the goal,
they have to do it again until they meet the coach s expectation. I think the workouts
the coaches put the wrestlers though, it s not for punishment. Its to prove what each
individual wrestler is capable of doing. ... Show more content on ...
The sport forces a wrestler to go out on the mat and put out their best performance
and show their strength is madly impressive. Coach Evans once said, you can t just
wait for things to come your way, you have to go and take it. In order for a
wrestler to get what they want, they have to put in work and go out and get it.
Dedication is a huge factor in wrestling. Throughout the season, wrestlers have to
cut down weight for at least four to five months and make their weight class two
times a week. Often times, wrestlers will wrestle off season, to help stay in shape, as
well as, improving their
Essay On Prom Day
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen and Dr. Johnson, today I am going to talk
about a special occasion which was on April 11, 2015 and on this special day I turned
eighteen and it was prom day. On that day I was very busy and tired because I ve
been preparing for prom for a week prior. April 11,2015 was a very special day for
me, it was my glow day. April 11th consist of time management, preparation for prom
, and prom. These three things were very important on this day because I had to do
so much in one amazing, stressful day. On April 11, 2015, my mom woke me up
around 7am to sing me happy birthday, and to get me up for my long but exciting
day. I had to wake up early because I had so much to do in one day, which seem
highly impossible, so I had kept track of time because if I... Show more content on ...
As we walked in the Hyatt, regular guest got to see everyone walk pass in their
dressed and tuxedos. We walked into the ballroom and it was beautiful and set up
nicely. We got dinner which was chicken which chicken is my favorite food. After
dinner we wanted to dance, but there was no DJ and within a few minutes they had
a replacement DJ and prom was on. The DJ played everything from music from now
to music our parents know so we stayed on the dance floor. Prom was fun, but when
it was time to leave I was ready. April 11, 2015 was a very special day and very
exciting to me. April 11, 2015 I became 18 and I got my first car and went to my
senior prom all in one day. I had to consider time management in order to make
sure I was on schedule to make grand march and prom. Preparing for prom was
another stressful part, but rewarding because I got to look beautiful for my
birthday, my glow day. Prom was fun and an amazing way to celebrate my turning
18. April 11, 2015 was a special day, but not just because I turned 18 but because I
had something to celebrate. Thank you all for listening and have a good
The Equal Pay Act Essay
One problem that Americans are facing is the inequality between men and women,
whether it is in everyday life or in a professional atmosphere. One step that has been
taken toward equality was introduced with the Equal Pay Act of 1963, signed by
President John F. Kennedy. This law was the first affecting the amount of job
opportunities available for women and allowing them to work in traditionally male
dominated fields. On the outside, this would sound like a solution where nothing
could possibly go wrong, but it is not.
There are nearly as many women as there are men working, yet, as it was discovered
in 2011, on average, a woman will only earn seventy seven cents for every dollar
that a man earns. Women owned businesses make up for over a... Show more content
on ...
Banks, from the 1964 Disney Movie Mary Poppins, who was neglectful toward her
children on her journey for her rights.
Feminism is a living word. There can never truly be a one set definition for the word
as the term has often shifted meanings to correspond to the time period. Feminists
fight for the rights that men have under the United States Constitution and to have the
right to not be discriminated against. Any action against any woman, intentional or
not, goes against the principles that many women and men stand for.
The quest for equal rights is usually put into two different waves: the first wave being
considered women s suffrage and the second being the equal right movement. One big
uprising in feminism happened alongside the abolitionist movement. Many women
started to realize that, as they were fighting to get African Americans out of their
version of perdition at the hands of their slave owners, that they themselves were
slaves to the will of the men in society. Since many women petitioned for antislavery,
the Congress in session at the time put forth the gag rule, which placed many of these
petitions off to the side for consideration.
The feminist movement that is more recognized was started by Betty Friedan. She
was the author of The Feminine Mystique, a book that called for many women to
enrich themselves from the unnamed problem that left
The Main Objectives Of Islamic Accounting
Islam by itself has a different regard to a world and by that the socio economic
activities are affected. Accounting is an institution which helps society in achieving
socio economic objectives. Research on Islamic accounting is a field in which there
is a lot more to explore. Many methodologies are used to develop a theoretical
framework for Islamic accounting. One of the main problems in determining the
objectives of Islamic accounting is diversity of users.
Islamic economy
Islam has provided guidelines for every aspect in our lives. Healthy economy is
base for happy and satisfied society so Islam has set some standards and rules. All
these rules shell prevent injustice and keep satisfaction of all society. Islam does
recognize money as important element in ... Show more content on ...
Without writing (recording) transactions, we cannot count the credit ness and debit
ness, Allah has made writing copulatory, He says: O you who believe, when you
deal with each other in transactions involving future obligations in a fixed period of
time record it in writing (AL Bakarah 282).
(2) Ascertaining justice, and more convenient to prevent doubts. Allah says: Be
not averse to writing down whether it be small or great with the term thereof. That
is more equitable in the sight of Allah, and more sure for testimony and the best
way of avoiding doubt between you . (AL Bakkara 282). (3) Helping in judgment
between dealers. The judgeman depends mainly on which is written down in
records when he makes decisions. As it is mentioned above Allah says... ... more
sure for testimony means it is a good and suitable evidence. (4) Helping in
ascertaining the results of business during a certain period of time, profit or loss,.
(5) Counting up the amount of zakah due at its time, and its distribution, between
Class Differences in the Novel Rebecca Essay
In the book, Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier, there exist a big emphasis on social
class and position during the time of this story. When we are introduced to the main
character of the story, the narrator, we are right away exposed to a society in which
different privileges are bestowed upon various groups. Social place, along with the
ever present factor of power and money are evident throughout the story to show how
lower to middle classgroups were treated and mislead by people on a higher level in
society. When we are introduced to the narrator, we are told that she is traveling
with an old American woman; vulgar, gossipy, and wealthy, Mrs. Van Hopper travels
across Europe, but her travels are lonely and require an employee that gives... Show
more content on ...
When you look at an example like this one, you start to think whether or not these
upper class people believed in their own morals and if they even had any. But one
thing is for sure, such arrogant actions only go a short way until they come back to
haunt you. Because Mrs. Van Hopper was so blinded by her own self and worried
so much about what was going on in other people s lives, she had lost her attention
from her companion friend, which let to a love affair between the narrator and Mr.
Maxim de Winter.
Maxim de Winter was a culture, intelligent old man, and the proud carrier of the de
Winter name and estate of Manderley. He exemplifies all the traits of a rich upper
class gentleman and goes out of his way to take Mrs. Van Hopper s companion out
for a little fun. He sees the crude and vulgar treatment that the narrator is going
through and tries to compensate for her and treat her in a more appropriate
manner. With her modest frame, the narrator accepts such an offer because she
knows that her stay in Monte Carlo was only for someone else s benefits and not
hers. As in all stories, the poor, young beautiful woman, falls for a rich and
sophisticated man who shows her that even though society is segmented into
different classes, love can bind any two people. For this you begin to see the other
side of the rich and aristocratic world. In Maxim de Winter you begin to realize that
to him, all the money and power isn t worth anything when
Yona The Coward Analysis
Yehuda Yaari explores personal motivation in his short story, Yona the Coward . By
analyzing the rising action that culminates in Yona s climactic murder of the Arabs,
Yona s motivations in killing the Arabs are revealed. However, analyzing Yona s
conduct throughout Yona the Coward , reveals a clear contradiction. Rather than
heeding his established nature as a Coward and the human instinct for self
preservation, Yona carried out an suicidal attack on the Arabs. A further examination
of the text reveals two factors that, in conjunction, allowed Yona to overcome his past
cowardice and human instinct for self preservation. Only by believing that his life
had no purpose while also being motivated to act in opposition to his father, could...
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This conduct is shown in the climax of the short story, as text states, He was
looking for something. He himself hardly knew for what. A large bread knife kay
on the shelf in front of him, and then he knew. He seized the knife and slipped out
into darkness... Yona lay a little further on, his fists still clenched, his body riddled
with bullets; beside him lay the bread knife, red with blood. In this passage, Yona
was searching for something without knowing what he was searching for . It was
Yona s true life purpose to act as his father does not that drove Yona, when the text
states, A large knife law on the shelf in front of him, and then he knew. He seized
the knife. As Yona was compelled to embrace violence in order to oppose his
father, Yona knew that it was the knife he was searching for. While Yona s true life
purpose, opposing his father, caused Yona to seize the knife, Yona could only
carry out his attack with the knife due to his belief that his life carried no meaning,
shown through the text s description of Yona; his body riddled with bullets. Since
Yona believed that his body had parted with his soul and carried no life meaning,
body , in this context, represents only Yona s person and not any soul carrying life
purpose. Thus, when Yona was killed in his attack of the Arabs, it was only his
body or meaningless life that was affected. A belief in life purpose did not impede
Yona from killing the arabs as it was only his body not any soul that was
Minimum Limited Drinking Age Law
Minimum limited drinking age law in America was passed more than 30 years
ago. Therefore, it needed to be altered to catch up with today s world. Teenagers
today are no longer the kind of teenager back in the 1980s. Now, they have access
to information on the Internet, they were taught how alcoholic drinks affect to the
body, they were supervised by their parents closely. Moreover, teenagers even have
legal access to voting, driving, owning a car,...and they can be jailed up if they
break the law, sentenced in prison if the crime was serious enough. Therefore,
teenager should be able to control of their life and have access to alcoholas a right
they supposed to have long time ago.
Secondly, by legalize drinking age to eighteen; the government can easily control
alcohol abuse. A study was conducted by the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill to see whether underage people can buy beer and liquor through online
websites. They made 8 people, aged from 18 20, to lie about their age when
ordering via alcoholic drinks selling website. 100 orders were made and then, they
counted the number of successful orders. A shocking result was revealed: 45 of the
orders were successfully made and received. Only 28 were rejected because the
person making the order was found to be underage. The remaining orders did not go
through because of technical glitches or because no one was home when delivery
attempts were made. The result of this experiment has shown the reality of how easy it
Andrew Jackson Thesis
Andrew Jackson s hatred of Indians and other colored races caused him to enact
revenge against minorities through wars and laws as both military and executive
branch commander.
Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States, was born on March
15, 1767 from a Scotch Irish immigrant family. At the age of 13, Jackson lost both
of his brothers. Hugh, the oldest of the brothers, tragically died of heat stroke
shortly following a war. Robert, the second oldest, died after he and Andrew were
both deathly ill. But while Andrew got better, he died. Jackson was left as an
orphan at the young age of 14. His father had died shortly after his birth. His mother
died after becoming a nurse to aid the sick and wounded soldiers. While there, ...
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They fought a British army composed mostly of veterans. After this, Jackson became
a national hero. The people had no idea what Andrew had in store next.
Jackson made many mistakes as governor. They all caused diplomatic storms. Yet,
none of the things he did could make people see behind his glowing reputation.
When Jackson became president, he was known to be very popular and surprisingly
effective. While in office, he withdrew the already standing officeholders and
replaced them with people from his own party. He claimed that he was substituting
commoners for aristocrats.
Jackson also made sure to share his disliking for men of different race while in
office. He refused to interfere when Georgia violated Indian rights on territories
guaranteed by federal treaty. In this, he appeared as the champion of states rights.
Andrew Jackson was a large slave owner. He died owning 150 of them. The party he
was in was the enemy of free blacks and their rights. He also denied antislavery
pamphlets to travel through U.S. mail. Democratic sate representative Stacey
Abrams of Georgia stated, Jackson owned black men and killed red men, and that
makes him an unworthy dead white man . He was also very cruel to Indians. The
illegality of his Indian policy was probably one of the worst things he did. This
policy forcibly removed southern tribes from lands guaranteed them by federal
treaties and U.S. Supreme Court decisions
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is one of the most severe yet common cases of
Muscular Dystrophy that occurs mainly in boys of younger age. Guillaume
Benjamin Amand Duchenne, who was a French neurologist, was the first to discover
this disorder in the 1860s (Emery, 2008, pp. 25). This disease is an X linked disorder
which affects the skeletal system, and causes rapid muscular weakness and heart
muscleproblems. It s stated that 1 out of every 3,600 males will be diagnosed with
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy(Bushby, 2009, pp.1). According to the Muscular
Dystrophy Association, symptoms usually begin to show between the ages of 3 to 5
years old. (pp. 1) Some of the symptoms may include delayed in walking, regularly
falling, learning difficulties,... Show more content on ...
Like what I previously mentioned the symptoms of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
begin to arise in the age range of 5 and may include inability use motor skills for
instance, running or jumping, speaking skills delayed, weakness on the hips and
thighs, and intellectual disability (Haldeman Englert, 2014, pp. 1 2). A physical
characteristic that can be detected from a parent of a child who has Duchenne
Muscular Dystrophy is the enlargement of the calve muscles (Emery, 2008, pp.
27).This is a disease that rapidly affects the person who has it. Using a wheelchair
by the time the patient is an adolescent is very common in this form of Muscular
Dystrophy. Unlike Duchenne, Becker Muscular Dystrophy symptoms are known to
be milder and often are not even diagnosed with it until later on in the person s
childhood. Although when the symptoms do arise they may consist of muscle
cramps, mild skeletal muscle involvement, and cardiac problems. Depending on the
case the patient may need a wheelchair as a way get around while others use canes
(Genetics Home
The Watts Music Festival
In a world of political discourse with racism and hate running rampant, a few great
men and women came together to bring unity and harmony like never before: in the
form of massive music festivals. In the late 1972, the black community came together
for a concert known as Watts Summer Festival. In 1969, the largest musicfestival of
its time was held, and was known as Woodstock. Later that year, the Rolling Stones
put together a massive free concert in San Francisco known as the Altamont Concert.
All of the concerts and music festivals were not aimed at making money or becoming
famous, but about the unity of people through the art of music. On August 20, 1972,
the Watts music festival was held in Los Angelas. This was a festival put together by
the Stax recording company in order to honor the men, women, and children who
were devastated in the riots in Watts, a primarily African Americancommunity.
Performers in this eight hour festival included James Brown, Stevie Wonder, Isaac
Hayes, the late Harmonica Fats, WAR, Richard Pryor, Nancy Wilson, Gil Scott
Heron, Barry White, the Watts Prophets, Charles Wright and the 103rd Street Rhythm
Band and the Staple Singers. The film,... Show more content on ...
On this somewhat rainy weekend, nearly 500,000 people came together for the
largest music festival of its time on a dairy farm in Bethel, New York, and was simply
known as Woodstock. The festival included 32 acts and was widely considered to be
the definitive nexus for the larger counterculture generation . This was a weekend in
which peace and acceptance throughout the country was celebrated and
communicated through love and music, just like during the Watts and Altamont
music festival. The man who owned the dairy farm even mentioned that the near half
million group of young people that came to Woodstock proved to the world that they
can get together for fun and music, nothing but fun and
Art History Research Paper
Imagine pondering into a reconstruction of reality through only the visual sense.
Without tasting, smelling, touching, or hearing, it may be hard to find oneself in an
alternate universe through a piece of art work, which was the artist s intended
purpose. The eyes serve a much higher purpose than to view an object, the
absorptions of electromagnetic waves allows for one to endeavor on a journey and
enter a world of no limitation. During the 15th century, specifically the Early
Renaissance, Flemish altarpieces swept Europe with their strong attention to details.
Works of altarpieces were able to encompass significant details that the audience
may typically only pay a cursory glance. The size of altarpieces was its most obvious
feat but... Show more content on ...
The quality and quantity of details in Adoration of the Mystic Lamb are embodied
by van Eyck s mastery of oil, which suggests that his altarpiece is the greatest
representation of Christianity in a piece of art.
The early life of Jan van Eyck remains partially unknown as records did not reveal
factual information regarding his birth and childhood. An inference states that van
Eyck was born somewhere around 1390 in the village of Maaseyck (Hughes and
Faggin 5). Many years of his life were not documented and kept in records, but the
few years before the creation of the Ghent Altarpiece, or Adoration of the Mystic
Lamb, van Eyck s records points out that he was rather active. Van Eyck was
appointed by Philip the Good and the Duke of Burgundy to relay important missions
that allowed him to live a fortunate lifestyle as a painter. Patronage, during this time,
became more sought after since the influx of new methods and exceeded
expectations grabbed the attentions of patrons. Also, since van Eyck s abilities
seemed unmatched at the time, Philip the Good declared, he would never find a man
so much to his taste, or such a paragon of science and art (Hughes and
Atlanta Research Paper
Have you ever been to Atlanta it is known as A town? Atlanta is very well known
city it is the 4th most visited city in the U.S.A. History The history of Atlanta dates
back 1836 when Georgia decide to build a railroad to the United States Midwest
named line Timinus. In 1839, homes and stores were built. 1845 1254 railroads
arrived in 4 different places. In 1837 all of Atlantawas founded in the intersection of
two railroads / the city had uncovered after all that done happened in the Civil War
the city risen up from ashes. Climate, location Atlanta rotates on all 4 seasons, the
city elevation and relative closeness to the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean
(summer heat) that makes Atlanta very tropical. The area is 132 square miles since
2000 the elevation 1,010 feet above sea level the temperature on January is 40.5,
July 79.1 the average is 64.4 precipitation is 50.77 inches. Atlanta sits on the seat of
Fulton County and a small portion of the city extends eastward into DeKalb County.
... Show more content on ...
The religion of Atlanta is protestant Christianity Korean; Baptist Methodist and
presbyter churches. Over 1,000 places worship many different thing in Atlanta. The
most common language in Atlanta is non English spoken in Atlanta, Ga was Spanish
4.09 overall most people speak native Spanish. Chinese people speak 0.74% and 0.65
GE Case Study
Case Study GE s Two Decade Transformation: Jack Welch s Leadership By For
BUS 463 AE Contents Summary of Background and Facts General Electric
General Electric (GE) occupied the eighth spot on Fortune 500 s list of companies
at the close of 2013. While number eight was a slide from 2012 s number six GE
maintains its position, as one of the world s largest and most influential
corporations. Today, GE s operates in over 160 countries and is led by Jeffery
Immelt. During 2013 GE reported, total revenues approached 147 billion USD and
profits around 13.6 billion USD. (CNNMoney, 2013). GE appears in textbooks from
the third grade through the PhD. Level of the world s best business and engineering...
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Corporate structures remained largely unchanged between the end of World War
II and 1980 but that was all about to change. Competition from Japan, the desktop
PC and the dawn of the information age forced GE to rethink its operational model
and search for a strategy that would enable them to remain competitive as the
century ended. Welch quickly assessed that GE was too big and too slow to
maintain its current market positions much less grow them. The strategic planning
model Welch inherited held nine layers between idea and decision with over 200
personnel involved in the process, hardly lean and agile . John Boyd developed
what he called the OODA Loop to describe winning in air combat maneuvers. The
OODA Loop consists of a cycle of four steps; Observe, Orientate, Decide, Act
(OODA), Boyd argued that when two aircraft are engaged in a dogfight the pilot
who has the fastest OODA Loop cycle will win. The OODA Loop found advocates
not only in the U.S. military, but also in the realms of business and sports anywhere
a competitor seeks and edge. (McIntosh, 2011). Welch recognized that if GE was to
win against the completion he needed to cycle its strategic planning OODA Loop
faster. He responded by eliminating 5 layers of bureaucracy and over 50% of the
planning staff. We used to have department managers, sector managers, subsector
managers, unit managers, and
How Did Hurricane Hugo Affect South Carolina
Hurricane Hugo affected South Carolina and also perturbed the Atlantic Ocean,
devastating the Caribbean Islands of St. Croix and Puerto Rico in September 1989.
This phenomenon was responsible for 86 fatalities around the impacted lands where
people were not educated or prepared enough for this natural disaster. Hugo quickly
strengthened into a category five hurricane with sustained winds of 160 mph.
Eventually it lost it strengthen when passing through the high terrain of Puerto Rico.
Then the unpredictable event happens, when the eye of the hurricane wasn t visible
for about a day. By September 20th the eye was once again visible and the hurricane
was better organized with the help of the warm water of the Western Atlantic Ocean
Five Determinants Of The Porter Diamond Theory Of
Any country should use porter diamond theory of national advantage. It s designed to
help understand the competitive advantage nations. It suggests that the national home
base of any organizations are playing a supportive role in shaping the size or scoop to
which it is likely to achieve advantage on a global scale. This home base provides
basic factors, which support organizations from building advantages in international
competition. Porter classifies four determinants: Factor Condition, Diamond
Condition, Relatives supporting and Structure, strategy Rivalry. Egyptgovernment
acts to catalysts to improve Egypt position in a globally competitive economic
environment. They found that they can create new factors such as skilled labor and
high technology (Porter M., 1990). Porter s diamond model suggests threat there are
inherent reasons why some nations are more competitive than others on an
international market. Another factor that influence in competitive advantages such as
the policies that put by government. One of the most influencer policies is (FDI)
Foreign direct investment... Show more content on ...
These factors can be set into five categories: Physical, HR, Knowledge, Infrastructure
and Capital Resources (Karkkainen V., 2008). There are two types of factors consist
of: basic factors and advanced factors. Basic factors contain labour, basic educational
system, raw material and national resources. Advanced factors contain skilled labour,
modern infrastructure and highly education. Example about how factor condition
influences the global competitiveness of a country; Egypt government develop
infrastructure in the last three years such as transport systems, communication,
payment system, post and system used to transfer money. Egyptian telecom
companies illustrate the diamond. It has a relatively high number of communication
engineers per
Giant Axonal Neuropathy
Yanmin Yang
Liu JJ, Ding J, Wu C, et al. Retrolinkin, a membrane protein, plays an important role
in retrograde axonal transport. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2007;104(7):2223 8.
Yang Y, Allen E, Ding J, Wang W. Giant axonal neuropathy. Cell Mol Life Sci.
2007;64(5):601 9.
These two papers examine the phenomenon of retrograde axonal transport, which is
the focus of Yanmin Yang s lab. The first paper, Giant Axonal Neuropathy, examines
the aforementioned disease, which is a rare autosomal recessive disorder that results
in giant axons with imbalances in cytoskeletal components. This results in
neurodegeneration of the neuronal cytoskeleton which subsequently alters brain
activity and functionality. Within this paper, Yang s lab examines giant axonal...
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Effects of stress on immune function: the good, the bad, and the beautiful. Immunol
Res. 2014;58(2 3):193 210.
Dhabhar FS, Malarkey WB, Neri E, Mcewen BS. Stress induced redistribution of
immune cells from barracks to boulevards to battlefields: a tale of three hormones
Curt Richter Award winner. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2012;37(9):1345 68.
Dhabhar Lab looks particularly into how emotional status can impact a person s
immunological state. The first article looks into short term stress that could be used
clinically to enhance immunoprotection. Dhabhar demonstrates how short term stress
can enhance primary and secondary immune response. Nonetheless, chronic stress
does enhance the risk of cancer by increasing T cell functionality. Effectively, this
paper argues that stress can be used with caution to enhance healing, but shouldn t be
abused to the point where it could result in adverse health effects.
The second article looks into the stress, the hormones released as a result of stress,
and the immunological effects these hormones have. Looking into particularly the
secondary immune defense system, Dhabhar demonstrates how stress hormones can
be used to mobilize particular leukocyte subpopulations to tissue or blood to help with
vaccination, healing, infection resistance, or cancer. Essentially they demonstrate that
hormones can be used to enhance protective immunity and present a model of short
term stress on immune cell populations, functionality, and
Analysis Of Descartes s First Attempt
In his first attempt, Descartes attempts to use the metaphor of weight to explain the
relation, such that we can apply weight in terms relating to the body and other times
relating to the soul, and just as we have the innate notion that an immaterial force
pushes weighted objects towards the earth, so too does the immaterial soul/mindact on
the body . However, this explanation proves unsatisfactory both to the modern reader
and to Elisabeth herself; as this analogy fails to bridge the gap as to how something
immaterial can enter into a causal relationship with something that is distinctly
material. Elizabeth agrees that the senses (and the passions) demonstrate that the soul
can move the body, but that falls far short of determining the mechanism by which
this can happen (without of course sacrificing the integrity of his immaterial/material
substance divide.)
In a second attempt (following Elisabeth s dissatisfaction with the weight analogy)
Descartes provides his most extensive response, explaining the three factors necessary
for causal functioning, and tying them to the specific example of thought and action .
This exposition is problematic for a number of reasons. Firstly, Jonathon Dennett
notes Descartes switches between using soul as the core subject of investigation to
using the word thought which is actually an entirely separate argument; while
thoughts are a necessary part of the soul/mind, they are not sufficient to explain all
the processes. Secondly, in
The Crucible Tone
The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, revolves around the Salem witch trials of the 15th
century. Much of what precedes the play portion of the novel is dedicated to
establishing the background of the novel. This passage, in specific, sets the tone
of the novel as it describes the ideology of the witch hunts, and how they came into
effect. The passage summarizes the fundamental ideas of the witch hunts as a
paradox stating, The witch hunt was a perverse manifestation of the panic which
set among the classes when the balance began to turn toward greater individual
freedom (Miller 11). These words are an important part of the novel because it lays
out a groundwork which the rest of the ideas and concepts that are brought up in the
novel will build themselves upon. Simply put, it sets the tone for the rest of the
novel. It describes the fears that the characters have, and what conflicts they will
undergo. For instance, signs of mob mentality can be gleamed from the passage.
This can be seen when it says, balance has yet to be struck between order and
freedom (Miller 11).

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Essay On Oprah Winfrey

  • 1. Essay On Oprah Winfrey Crafting an essay on Oprah Winfrey is a challenging yet enriching endeavor. The difficulty arises not from a lack of information about this iconic figure but rather from the abundance of material available. Oprah's life is a tapestry woven with threads of success, challenges, and unparalleled influence. Delving into her journey demands a nuanced approach, balancing admiration for her achievements with a critical examination of the complexities she has faced. To encapsulate Oprah's impact on media, philanthropy, and culture in a single essay requires careful selection of themes and events. Her rise from a challenging childhood to becoming a media mogul and philanthropist is a narrative that demands thoughtful exploration. However, condensing her multifaceted personality into a coherent piece poses a formidable task. Moreover, navigating the plethora of perspectives on Oprah Winfrey adds another layer of complexity. Balancing admiration and critique, while maintaining objectivity, is a tightrope walk. The challenge lies in avoiding superficial glorification and delving into the nuances of her influence on various aspects of society. Despite these challenges, the process of writing an essay on Oprah Winfrey offers a valuable opportunity for personal growth and learning. It prompts reflection on themes such as resilience, leadership, and the power of media in shaping public perception. The difficulty lies not only in the research and synthesis of information but also in capturing the essence of Oprah's journey in a way that engages and enlightens the reader. In conclusion, composing an essay on Oprah Winfrey requires navigating a complex narrative, selecting key aspects for analysis, and presenting a balanced perspective. It is a task that demands both research and introspection, making it a rewarding yet challenging endeavor for any writer. For assistance with essays on diverse topics, similar to the one mentioned above, and more, services like can be explored. Professional help can provide support in tackling complex subjects and crafting compelling narratives. Essay On Oprah Winfrey Essay On Oprah Winfrey
  • 2. The Corporate Con Essay Courtney Newcomer Professor Poirier Acct 3040 November 2, 2011 The Corporate Con: The Internal Fraud and The Auditor In the movie the Corporate Con: The Internal Fraud and the Auditor there were several different people who seemed like your everyday Joe, but were actually criminals who committed fraud. Some of the frauds committed in this movie were: Cash Fraud, Accounts Receivable Fraud, Expense Fraud, purchasing fraud, and corruption. Focusing on two individuals Pam and John, each of these criminals committed either cash or accounts receivable fraud. Pam was a graduate from high school who found work soon after graduation. She felt she wasn t getting paid enough for her work so she started stealing cash from the ... Show more content on ... There are several methods used in detecting cash fraud which are usually included in most cash audits. Some of the methods used are: Bank reconciliations, cutt off statements, surprise cash counts, customer complaints, altered or missing documentation, journal entry review, review and analyses of decreases in gross sales or increases in returns and allowances, and analytical reviews. The method used in detecting Pam s fraud was a surprise cash count. Surprise cash counts often bring up situations of employees borrowing money or floating small loans also called swapping. It is crucial that when doing surprise cash counts that it be done often but on an irregular and unannounced basis. Also, if employee checks are included in the cash drawer or register, this may be an indicator that employees are swapping checks for cash. In the prevention of cash frauds it is important to have a segregation of duties. Cash fraud is more likely to happen if one person has control over the entire accounting transaction. Each of the following duties and responsibilities should be segregated: cash receipts, bank deposits, bank reconciliations, and cash disbursements. If one person has the ability to do all of these themselves there is a high risk that fraud can and will occur. Surprise cash counts are very useful in fraud prevention if the method is used correctly. Employees should know that cash will be counted, but that its sporadic and
  • 3. 19th Century Photography Research Paper Have you ever noticed that in 19th century photography the images captured through a lense developed black and white images that were mostly distorted and hard to understand? If people were captured through a lense they were usually not smiling, it was an odd period for photography. Photography has always been a contentious fine art used by artists to capture art. Concerns have been raised to whether photography should be considered an art or a science, since both are incorporated to create art . Photography was considered more true to reality. Photography has been around for a while now, and although the concept of the camera has been known in the ancient past it was not until the nineteenth century when the technology... Show more content on ... This allowed more than one copy of an image. Along with this new technology and his experimenting the calotype photography method was introduced and patented in 1841. In the past exposure time usually took hours to develop, but the collodion method that solved the problem of long exposure time to shorter exposure time of about 3 5 minutes along with clearer photographs. This was possible by adding a gun cotton substance onto a glass plate. The Collodion method did have his disadvantages, for one thing the image had to be exposed and developed while the silver iodine coating was still wet. This was an inconvenience to the photographer because he/she had to immediately run to the portable darkrooms to develop the images after they were captured. As technology and advanced so did the need for more creative photography emerged. For instance, Honore Daumier s pushed the standards of photography and was able to capture the aerial view upon a hot air balloon. However, he must have had a difficult time capturing images with the wet collodion
  • 4. Coca Cola s Organizational Performance And Interaction... Through this term, our team has researched and analyzed the Coca Cola as to its organizational performance and interaction based on group behavior. We will now conclude our research. Our results were based on the Action Model of organizational and group conditions and determined if the given model is effective in preventing roadblocks to achieve success. We will also offer recommendations of our overall analysis in order to determine if improvement is needed and how to implement change when presented to us. In order to enact this model and to make it effective there are certain factors that need to be considered. Groups need to exert enough joint effort in order to accomplish tasks at acceptable levels of performance. Every member of the group has to offer the adequate skills and knowledge regarding the subject at hand. Also, consideration to cultural and organizational setting have to be taken into consideration (Harrison, 2005). Action Model Group Behavior The Coca Cola Co. is very involved with group level behavior. They not only involve immediate persons within the physical organization, but stakeholders worldwide. The company engages with their numerous partner bunches in an assortment of formal and casual settings over the whole Coca Cola framework. Their engagements range from gatherings with nearby, provincial, and national gatherings to continuous exchanges with their bottlers, suppliers, and purchasers across the globe. By proactively cooperating with outside
  • 5. Passerine Research Paper 1Passerines are small songbirds that migrate between Africa and Europe every year to avoid harsh European winters.113Amazing bird migration The passerine is a family of small songbirds which travel up to 5,000kms every year from Europe into Africa in order to avoid the cold winter weather. Nightingales, willow warblers and swallows are all examples of this category. From Europe, these birds fly across the Mediterannean to Morocco, where they rest and recover for a few weeks before flying down the Atlantic coast into Africa. Come spring, they make the long journey back to Europe. 2The longest bridge in Tanzania is the Mkapa bridge over the Rufiji river. The bridge is nearly one kilometer long.114Tanzania s mighty Mkapa bridge Spanning a full 970 metres across the great Rufiji ... Show more content on ... It may look like it slopes upwards, but it doesn t.139Water flows uphill at Kituluni hill It looks like magic, but it can be explained by science: at Kituluni hill in Kenya, it appears as if water will flow against gravity and climb up a hill, and a car left with the hand brake off will roll up a slope. This, however, is an optical illusion called a gravity hill, and is common in many places all over the world. The specific landscape features make one think that the hill slopes upwards when in fact it slopes downhill. 6Wood carving, mask making and folk music are some of the arts and crafts for which the West African country of Burkina Fasois famous.134Art and culture in Burkina Faso Burkina Faso is a landlocked West African country with a population of over 16 million people. There are over 60 different ethnic groups and each is known for their individually styled folk music. The country has the largest art and craft market in Africa, and the Burkinabe (the people from Burkina Faso) are skilled in mask making and wood carving, with different tribes specialising in different craft
  • 6. Understanding The Relationship Of Staff And Teachers Field Placement #5 1.5 hours: 2/22 Wednesday was a whirlwind of acclimating to office politics and understand the relationship dynamic of staff and teachers. The day started out normal enough, I was assigned papers and essays to grade. On a few occasions I ran back and forth between the front office and the classroom to drop off paperwork. However, the teacher assigned me the task of setting up the 7th grade bulletin board for the month. She informed that I had to go to the front office and talk to one of the people there to gain access to the storage closet that held all of the arts and craft material. I nodded, remember the name and objectives I was set out to do. I was sent back to speak to one of the supporting staff. I explained the... Show more content on ... I showed the teacher my findings and she met it with a scowl. That s it? She asked. She then showed me the massive bulletin board that I was supposed to cover. Clearly I did not have enough paper to canvas the surface. So once again, I was sent on a journey for paper from the art department. Thankfully, the teacher was on break had led me to a bulk of white paper that I knew would have to do for now. I presented it to the teacher, informing her that at the moment this is all we had access to. She shrugged, clearly still miffed on the lack of resources she had at hand. The students, continuing to rise in volume since they watched the scene unfold, were then met by a frustrated teacher response of, I don t want to have to do this but I will have the literacy mentor come around to everyone who is talking so they have a silent lunch. The room became quiet and I was quite please that at that moment it was time to go. For the most part, this class period had little to do with any of the themes we had touched on class previously, but I would like to make a point that I did learn a lot on the how the power system works in a public school. Also, I will admit that I was uncomfortable that the teacher used me as a guilt/scare tactic when they got out of hand that day. In my position, I know that I observe and help out in the classroom but it was odd for me to be used to exact punishments. I am not there as an authority figure exactly because I am an adult,
  • 7. Brainwashing In 1984 Research Paper The society we live in relies heavily on the presence of the media and the influence of other people. In many situations it would be fairly simple for the government to brainwash a society into thinking something had or had not happened. This brainwashing is depicted in the book 1984, where a society has been captured by a government that decides every move and thought in their daily lives. Both the world of Oceania and the world we live in now are heavily controlled by the media. Media plays a major part in the way everyone thinks, talks, and remembers instances from the past. In some situations the past is able to be changed if there was someone that took the time to sit down and change every article that ever came out about the incident. If for instance the government wanted to change a piece of history form over 100 years ago it would be simple for them. They would just have to change it in books and videos to say what they want it to say and then eventually overtime the memory of what had actually happened would die out with the older generations and they would have successfully removed a part of history. This form of brainwashing can be used in many ways, to forget something that did happen or to place a memory in someone s head of something that didn t... Show more content on ... They are forced to confess to things they did not do and to say things they know to be completely untrue. The people have been brainwashed to believe scientific evidence is false and the only thing that is fact is whatever the government tells them is true that day. In our society today I do believe that the tools that were used to torture these people would work well in our society. People are very weak in today s society I believe they would easily break under these
  • 8. Matewan Feudalism Feudalism and Capitalism Economic processes are those involving the production and distribution of goods and services. However, they do not alone determine this production and distribution. There is an interrelationship of economic, cultural, environmental, and political processes that all help to shape each other. Nothing that we do can be defined as a single process, for it is the interaction itself that helps to produce the final results that we observe. To understand this more fully the following basic definitions may be of use: Cultural Processes are those that involve the creation and transfer of knowledge the production of meaning. Political processes are those by which we establish and enforce rules, and they ... Show more content on ... Films are important and useful tools for the analytical process that needs to take place when searching for the answers to the questions. Films are understood to be, among other things, the product of a particular economic theory or set of theories (which can be contradictory), to teach particular theories (including economic theories), and to provide an objective for analysis using economic theory. (Professor Gabriel) It is with this in mind that the films of Matewan and Norma Rae are of importance to us when analyzing the concepts of feudalism and capitalism, because they are films that contain in them examples from these two types of economic systems. While the concept of unions is prevalent in both films, the reasons for their existence and the results of their existence appear to be quite different, but important all the same. Thus, the films can also be used to help increase our understanding of the importance and the role of unions in society. John Sayles, the writer and director of Matewan, produces for the audience a true depiction of the West Virginian coal mining community of 1920. At a surface level viewing and examination of the film, many might be tempted to view the environment that is created as capitalist. After all, the workers do get paid for their services. However, upon a much deeper, more in depth inspection one could argue that there is much evidence to
  • 9. Different Forms Of Identity Theft Identity theft is when someone steals or takes your personal information using it without your permission and can damage your finances, credit history and reputation. The different forms of identity theft include social security identity theft, financial identity theft, driver s license identity theft, criminal identity theft, medical identity theft, insurance identity theft, synthetic identity theft, tax identity theft and child identity theft. Social security identity theft is one of the most common because the social security numberis one of the most valuable government based identity asset and American can possess. When someone steals it, they can sell it to undocumented workers or use it to steal properties. Using your social security
  • 10. Fox News And Its Impact On American Culture Fox News was created by Australian born American media mogul Rupert Murdoch, who hired Roger Ailes as its founding CEO. The channel was launched on October 7, 1996 to 17 million cable subscribers (Wikipedia, 2015). Having experienced success with his Fox Broadcasting Company, Murdoch thought it would be a good idea to expand his presence in the American television market. Fox news was created to capture the stories of America and other countries all around the world. Fox news recently provided a clip on September 3, 2015, explaining a cultural disappointment that is taking place in the Middle East. In the clip provided, it shows the sadden human beings that are suffering, due to a hate crime from ISIS. ISIS stands for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and is a militant group ruling by Sharia law (Your Dictionary, 1996 2015). This clip provided is as follow; ( pressure mounts for us to open its borders to syrian refugees some lawmakers/) (Fox News, 2015).... Show more content on ... They are trying to flee ISIS in the Middle East due to the all the crimes and war that is taking place. This has impacted this cultural in an unpropitious way. Europe for example, has helped welcome refugees, however they are now struggling and might have made a mistake due to the amount of Syrians arriving. Syrians have traveled through boats, jumped on trains and have even walked on foot for long periods of time. I believe this type of culture is suffering and ISIS being the same culture has gone against their own kind to try and rule a country that does not belong to them. This is also affecting America because it is raising concerns among Republicans, intelligence community, due to the policy to bring Syrians refugees to the United
  • 11. Essay On Aircel The Aircel group is a joint venture between Maxis Communications Berhad of Malaysia and Sindya Securities Investments Private Limited, whose current shareholders are the Reddy family of Apollo Hospitals Group of India, with Maxis Communications holding a majority stake of 74%. Aircel commenced operations in 1999 and is today the leading mobile operator in Tamil Nadu, Assam, North East and Chennai. In October 2010, Aircel completed its Pan India footprint, presence in all 23 telecom circles, with the launch of GSM mobile services in Rajasthan. After winning the 3G and BWA spectrum, required for high speed data and multimedia services, in 13 and 8 circles respectively, Aircel became the largest operator in India with spectrum secured for next ... Show more content on ... Voice and Data gave Aircel the highest rating for overall customer satisfaction and network quality in 2006 and Aircel received the same award by IDC in 2007. Aircel emerged as the top mid size utility company in Businessworld s List of Best Mid Size Companies in 2007. Further, recognised Aircel as the best regional operator in 2008. In 2009, CMAI INFOCOM honoured Aircel for excellence in marketing of new telecom service. ABOUT AIRCEL BUSINESS SOLUTION Aircel Business Solutions (ABS) (the Business Unit of Dishnet Wireless Limited) is the enterprise division of Aircel, which addresses the telecom requirements of International and Indian markets with an array of industry leading products and services. As an integrated telecom service provider, ABS leverages its rich pedigree of best in class solutions, partnerships and domain expertise to address service providers, enterprises, PSUs, and consumers. Its range of services includes networking, data centers, managed services, collaboration services, SaaS (Software as a Service) and mobility solutions. ABS is the pioneer of data connectivity solutions and it has demonstrated the same by being the first operator in India to launch WiMAX technology. ABS is also a registered member of WiMAX forum both in the Indian and International
  • 12. Compare And Contrast Call Of The Wild Book And Movie When it comes to the Yukon Gold Rush, many people have had different experiences. The author of Call of the Wild, Jack London, has been to the Yukon and has experienced it in real life; the writer and star of the movie The Gold Rush, Charlie Chaplin, has never been to the Yukon during the gold rush. This causes there to be a differencebetween the book and movie, though they are fairly similar enough to accurately represent the Yukon Gold Rush. While any book and movie on such a broad topic is bound to be very different (and these definitely are), these two forms of entertainment are also the same in some aspects. When I first watched The Gold Rush I could tell it was going to be different from reading Call of the Wild. First there were the obvious reasons. A movie is going to be different than a book on the same topic, no doubt about it, but it was also different in other ways too. The authors of the movie and the book, Charlie Chaplin and Jack London, were very distinctive in their ... Show more content on ... This might seem childish at first, but Jack London managed to keep The Call of the Wild almost as mature as it could be, given that it is told by a dog named Buck. Most of this book was actually quite sad yet still exciting, there were many fights and the deaths of Curly and Thornton were upsetting. One might in fact, argue that Charlie Chaplin s The Gold Rush was the more childish of the two. The Gold Rush included many strange yet funny antics including one of the first scenes when characters Big Jim McKay, the Lone Prospector, and Black Larsen chase each other through the house during a snowstorm. Another example is when the Lone Prospector puts dinner rolls on forks and makes them dance like they are feet. It turns out that he was imagining whole thing which is crazy! In the end I think it is safe to say The Gold Rush is more immature and more of a comedy than The Call of the Wild
  • 13. A P and Cathedral Comparison Essay Mallory Russell 06/12/15 Comparison Essay ENG 102 Online Cathedral by Raymond Carver versus A + P by John Updike In the short stories Cathedral by Raymond Carver and A + P by John Updike the protagonists experience an epiphany that change their restricted way of thinking. The main character, Sammy in John Updike s, A + P is a teenage boy working in the town grocery store. Sammy experiences an epiphany when he decides to quit his job at the grocery store. He quit because he believed that it was wrong of his boss to treat customers poorly due to any pre conceived notion that was determined by what the customer looks like. Raymond Carver s main character named the husband in his story Cathedral experiences an epiphany ... Show more content on ... It is unclear whether or not the husband s dislike for the blind man is fueled by jealousy or by ignorance. It is clear that the husband s idea of what the company of a blind man would be like is very stereotypical because he bases his opinion on what he has seen in the movies, In the movies, the blind moved slowly and never laughed. (Carver 473). The husband bases his judgment from movies and decides, A blind man in my house was not something I was looking forward to. (Carver 473). In the story A+P , Sammy is immediately interested in the three females that enter the grocery store. His interest possibly provoked by the natural tendency of being a young teenage boy and they being three girls dressed in bathing suites alone. Once the three girls make their way through the grocery store, Sammy immediately begins making his own judgment of their character based on the way they walk and the way they look. Sammy while observing the three girls, names the middle girl, Queenie simply based on her appearance and the way she walks. He describes Queenie in a condescending way, She didn t look around, not this queen, and she just walked straight on slowly, on these long white prima donna legs. She came down a little harder on her heels... (Updike 259) After watching the girls walk through the grocery store to find their item he insults their intelligence without having spoken to them, ...(do you really think it s a mind in there or just a little buzz
  • 14. Monomer And End Capper Synthesis Lab Report Monomer and end capper was synthesized according to known literature procedures [10,11]. The conjugated polymer with two side chain thiol groups was also synthesized by nickel mediated polymerization method [12,13]. A schematic representation of the synthesis of monomer, end capper, polymer was shown in Scheme 2. 2.2.1. 2,7 Dibromo 9H fluorene (1) Fluorine (300.8 mmol, 50.0 g) and CHCl3 (450 mL) was taken in the 1 liter round bottom flask, wrapped with aluminum foil. The solution was cooled to 0 в„ѓ and ferric chloride (4.5 mmol, 0.71 g) was added. Bromine (632 mmol, 32.6 mL) was added slowly over 15 min to the above prepared reaction mixture and the solution stirred for 3h at room temperature. The mixture was washed with aqueous hypo solution... Show more content on ... The surface of MBNs can be modified with the monomer as follows, first 1 mL of aqueous MBNs solution and 3 mL of 30 mg monomer in THF were mixed, and the reaction mixture was reacted at room temperature for overnight under constant stirring. We extracted the upper layer solution of the reaction mixture and extracted compound named as TF MBNs. The same method was used for the surface Modification of MBNs with polymer (PTF MBNs). A schematic representation of Surface modification of hybrid multi block nanorods with thiol terminated monomer (TF MBNs) and polymer (PTF MBNs) was shown in Scheme
  • 15. Critical Mass Analysis Critical Mass Analysis Unit 2 Deena Rothwell Kaplan University GM505 Action Research and Consulting Skills Professor Gunzelman October 26 ,2010 Critical Mass Analysis In order for a researcher to conduct an action research analysis several factors must be determined. The specific purpose for the research, the components, and stakeholders. My action research project is to address a specific problem my agency has with employee retention within the patrol division during the past three years. In conducting a critical mass analysis it is important to determine who has influence and can assist with making suggestions on changes or give necessary data. Stringer (2007) states, action research is a systematic approach to investigation ... Show more content on ... Both lieutenants have worked for the agency more than 10 years and are familiar with many aspects that can influence employee retention. Detective Sergeant Jimmy Courtney is supervisor over the criminal investigation division and has worked for the agency for 10 years in several positions. He has expertise in the agency workings through working several years as a patrol officer and working closely with the patrol division. Sgt. Courtney has the ability to influence decisions but not approve change. As facilitator, I have worked for the agency for more than 18 years and worked in the criminal investigation division for 10 years, where I worked closely with the patrol division. The past 8 years I have worked in the administration division and where I work closely with all the agencies division and have insider data that can assist with determining what components and factors have influenced the decrease in employee retention over the past three years. Reflection on Critical Mass Analysis Phase Simpson (n.d). states, facilitators need to have several factors to accomplish generating a successful critical mass analysis: 1) knowledge that gives all the necessary data, 2) a desire to achieve a resolution to the specific problem, 3) stay focused on the specific problem and not get side tracked, 4) confidence in their ability to assist the organization in succeeding
  • 16. Sociological Perspective In The Matrix The Matrix, released in 1999, is a science fiction action film that depicts a dystopian future. In this reality, what is perceived by humans is only a computer simulated reality called The Matrix which was created in order to sustain human delusion while their bodies were used as an energy source by machines. The main character, computer hacker Neo (played by Keanu Reeves, respectively) is drawn into rebellion against the machines once he is united with those that have been freed from the false reality. The characters, suffering from the reality of a broken illusion, make specific choices and decisions which can be explained or validated by sociological perspectives discussed by Berger. First off, The Matrixcan be defined as a social institution with the ability to give those that live within the false reality a fulfilled existence and exert social control over it s residing victims. Second, the betrayal of Cypher touches upon the concept of sociological knowledge; specifically, the reference group ideology. Lastly, Neo s previous feelings of unease and change of character after he joins Morpheus rebellion shows the importance a reference group can have on the overall personality and ideology of a person. Therefore, the Sociological Perspective understands the personalities, actions, and story of the movie The Matrix in a variety of ways. First off, the creation of the Matrix functions as an institution through the ability to give those who reside within the fantasy
  • 17. A Brief Note On The Khmer Rouge Regime T By July 1992, the Khmer Rouge regime had taken a stance of non cooperation , thus causing no PDK forces to be demobilized. Initially, the regime was on board for the disarmament process and agreed to allow UN forces to mark minefields and enter UN vehicles and troops into the area. However, once the process began and outside forces were to move in, the regime refused to allow the Dutch and Pakistani forces into the area. The situation was made more stressful by the PDK s refusal, as demobilization of the other two factions was at a lower rate than predicted, weakening the mission s success. By 1993, the demobilization mission of the forces was stopped all together, resulting in the FUNCINPEC and KPNLF forces to regroup and assemble... Show more content on ... While the years between 1993 and 1998 lacked any implementation update of demobilization in the peace agreement, it is evident that much of what was going on in the country was due to the halt in the demobilization process. Discrimination and mass murders of Vietnamese in Cambodia continued, and regional data on the minority in the country illustrates the need for external actors to intervene. Hostage situations, ethnic murders, large scale drug smuggling, and an immigration law that targeted Vietnamese in the country are just some of the issues occurring in these 5 years. In June 1993 the Cambodia Constitution was adopted and signed, which established Sihanouk as now King and outlined a series of articles that aimed to address issues across the board. The articles protected free speech, human rights of the Khmer citizens, sovereignty of the nation, and economic policy among many other aspects. The anti Vietnamese discrimination was rising in Cambodia, often expressed through hate speech or propaganda of people who blamed the Vietnamese for internal problems of the country. Vietnamese made up about 5 percent of the population, and although attacks and killings lasted for years in this interim period and was a huge issue, the constitution still seemed to lack efficiency in addressing this issue. By 1998, the process of demobilization began once again, this time with a more intense, calculated time table. Along with international financial
  • 18. Ticket Prices The article Ticket Price Determination in Professional Sports: An Empirical Analysis of the NBA, NFL, NHL, and Major League Baseball. was researched and created by two economists named, Patrick Rishe and Michael Mondello. The basis of this article was to analyze why the prices of tickets tend to vary from city to city within each league and also to provide the reader with information regarding whether ticket price increases are tied to changes in team payroll. Rishe and Mondello created and empirical model to get a more precise measurement than that of regressions done in the past. With this analysis Rishe and Mondello wanted to understand the impacts of salary caps on ticket price within a league so they involved two leagues without a salary... Show more content on ... Going forward, one of the most notable findings in this regression is the significance of team payroll and ticket prices for the NHL. One might expect these two variables to be correlated since there is no salary cap, but in fact in the early stages of the test period Rishe and Mondello discovered that the NBA, despite having a salary cap, has a larger payroll dispersion than the NHL. NHL s payroll dispersion is relatively stable, which could be the reason why this variable is statically insignificant. Recent success has had more of an impact on the NBA and the NFL compared to the NHL and MLB. This might be due to the strong correlation between winning and payrolls in cap free sports. To conclude the average ticket prices has had a strong upward trend in football and baseball, on the other hand the NHL and NBA seem stagnate possibly due to consumer preference in the last six years. The second equation in this trial explains the factors that cause seasonal price changes within each league. Once again playing in a new facility for a season opener suggests the size of seasonal price tickets will increase for an individual team in any league. The second factor in this equation is the team s post season success, the result showed that for a team in any league that made it to the playoffs significantly raised ticket prices. Additionally, the ticket prices rose for only the NHL and NFL if a team reached the championship. Over the period of time examined NBA and NHL teams displayed a smaller ticket price increase seasonally, due to the stagnate demand to watch those two
  • 19. The Lives of Others Essay Das Leben der Anderen (The Lives of Others) is a striking example of how a director can convey narrative links within a film by employing various styles and film techniques. The Lives of Others relies upon these visual means to assist with the telling of the story as much as it relies upon the script. In this selected sequence of the film, several narrative links are drawn here to form the conclusion of Operation Lazlo . These narrative links are further cemented by Donnersmarck s use of various lighting styles, diegtic and non diegtic sound, revealing camera shots and intricate mise en scene. In order to analyse this sequence, the narrative links that are drawn here must be addressed. After Dreyman s long term friend commits... Show more content on ... The Stasi offer their insincere apologies and leave, unperturbed by the death surrounding them. At the beginning of the sequence, Dreyman and his good friend Hauser are shown walking together towards Dreyman s apartment. Here, Donnersmarck uses a medium camera shot in order to establish the scene. This allows the spectator the ability to take in all aspects of the characters and their surroundings. The main focus is upon the two men, as there are no immediate points of interest in the background. Aside from rare glimpses of people passing by; the streets of East Germany are utterly devoid of life. This use of visual screenplay by Donnersmarck can be interpreted as a reference to the Stasi s vice like grip on the lives of the people residing in East Germany. Donnersmarck re emphasises this through out the film. There is no music within this portion of the sequence, only the diegetic natural sound of leaves blowing in the wind. Dreyman and Hauser s conversation therefore stands out, and their solemn discussion is emphasised. The narrative link highlighted here is in regards to the Stasi s search of Dreyman s apartment the night before. Dreyman s girlfriend, Christa Maria, was noticeably absent from the apartment and has not been in contact. Dreyman s friends discuss and fear the worst. They suspect that Christa Maria has revealed to the Stasi that it was Dreyman who wrote the journal article that created havoc
  • 20. Ancient Olympics The Olympics started April 6, 1896, the first games played in the olympics were boxing, chariot racing, pankration, javelin, jumping, running, wrestling. The Olympics have been held all over the world. People from all over the world come to compete in the different olympic games. The Olympic games go all the way to 776 BC and was first taken place in Ancient Greece. The Olympics have an interesting Beginning along with a few but competitive events that have changed drastically over time. The Olympics began in 776 BC and they disappeared and in 1894 Baron Pierre de Coubertin. The festival and games were held in OLympia. The Greeks would come to the sanctuary and share their beliefs. The athletes were only men every inch of Greek. The sanctuary ... Show more content on ... The 16 days include both summer and winter Olympics. The athletes compete in over 300 events but only 35 are recognized sports by olympics.The olympics used to last only 10 days but over time were extended to 16 days. The Olympic Torch is the most important symbol to the Olympic Games. The flames represent positive value. The modern Olympics took it away from Ancient Greece. The Olympic Torch has An Important Role in carrying a flame. The Olympic Torch was responsible for holding a flame to the special Caudron in the host of the city. In Ancient Greece , Coroebus entered in the event 192 meter footrace. Coroebus won and is known as the first person to win the Olympics. Coroebus was named the Olympic Champion. People cheered the stade (Greek for Stadium ). This had happened in 776 BC. People in Greece used Doves as a symbol of peace. They would release the Doves and it was done first before anything. The is officially part of the opening ceremony. First is the lighting of the cauldron, then they release the Doves. This was first completed in
  • 21. Taking a Look at Chinese Culture Those traditions have passed on to my family and society. According to Jandt (2003), Confucian philosophy, which believes in harmony in society through respect to age and social hierarchy, affects Chinese strongly. Confucianism has various effects on Chinese communication. As a Chinese, we value Filial Piety and belong to collectivism. I may not say what I really want to mean when I think it would hurt others. Foreigners such as Americans may feel surprised that HongKongers pay attention to family so much. If Americans are asked to take a gap year in which be travelling around and their parents disagree, most of them won t cancel the trip. For me, I would give up the trip honestly and this may be a main difference between our values towards family. I like the cultureI grew up in and the tradition my family has. Respecting elders is what should be appreciated. I would like my generation to keep the culture too; however, we can learn the advantages of other cultures. Individualism allows us to fulfill obligations to self and to be independent. HongKongers can take balance between two cultures and get improvement for our own. Chinese is in high context culture and foreigners usually feel confused when I communicate with them. In communication of Chinese, many things are left unsaid. We let the culture explain so that few words can communicate a complex message. Although it is effective to in group, there are difficulties in the communication with foreigners. During the
  • 22. A Streetcar Named Desire Compare And Contrast A Streetcar Named Desire s original drafts were started in the early 1940s by playwright Tennessee Williams, who prepared and tested numerous titles for the work. Eventually, the completed play opened on December 3, 1947 in New York City staring Marlon Brando as Stanley Kowalski and directed by Elia Kazan. This run of Streetcar lasted 855 performances until 1949 and won Williams a Pulitzer Prize and the New York Drama Critics Circle Award. Later, in 1951, the film version was adapted and stared Brando along side Vivien Leighas Blanche with Kazan holding the seat as director once again. Both the play and film adaptations of A Streetcar Named Desirehave received critical acclaim and much success, so much so that Williams work is both... Show more content on ... She spends most of the first scene talking down to Stella, mentioning that she looks as if she s put on weight while praising herself for remaining the same size since they last saw each other. She dresses in rhinestone crowns, fluffy bodices and pearl necklaces and earrings. Her wardrobe appears to be filled with clothing that s either white or and pastels, colors that one easily associates with purity. Yet, she is capable of manipulation and adept at spinning lies as clearly evidenced by her constant lies about a Mr. Shep Huntleigh, who does not really exist, or her lies about being on a leave of absence. This is also clear based on her manipulation of Mitch, played by Karl Malden, into making him fall for her or her emotional manipulation of Stella. Beneath this faГ§ade, Blanche seems to be terrified of losing control and terrified of reality. She spends a lot of the play and film sneaking drinks so that she can calm her nerves and one could even argue that her manipulation is simply her creating a reality that she doesn t have to be so afraid of. Blanche struggles to maintain her glamorous faГ§ade and here in lies her greatest conflict; keeping up with her lies and not mixing reality and fantasy Blanche fails to discern between reality and fantasy and gets caught in her lies. She can never quite get her story straight Blanche struggles to maintain some semblance of control in her life after she seems to have lost so much of it in the
  • 23. Electric Texas Blues Music Analysis Rebecca McKenney Introduction to Humanities Mr. Mansur 28 September 2016 Listening Log: Electric Texas Blues and the 1980 s Edition In the September 14th, 2016 edition of Listening Log, we briefly explored a general overview of the musical style known as the blues. We discovered that, like rock, the blues has many subgenres and influential artists. Last time, we highlighted Mamie Smith (classic blues), Willie Mabon (Chicago blues), and Dr. John (rhythm and blues). This week, we are traveling back in time to the 1980s to explore the subgenre of electric Texas blues. According to the book All Blues Guide to the Blues, the Electric Texas Blues has a country feel (that) is often detectable and it s more open to outside rhythm and blues influences. ... Show more content on ... Johnny Winter/Bullseye Management, n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2016. . Johnny Winter Discography. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 7 Sept. 2016. Web. 28 Sept. 2016. . Stevie Ray Vaughan. All Music Guide to the Blues. Ed. Vladimir Bogdanov and Stephen Thomas Erlewine. 3rd ed. San Francisco: Back Beat, 2003. 569. Google Books. Web. 26 Sept. 2016. . Stevie Ray Vaughan Memorial. The Official Stevie Ray Vaughan Site. Sony Music Entertainment, n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2016. . Stevie Ray Vaughan Discography. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 21 July 2016. Web. 28 Sept. 2016. . Sullivan, Mary Lou. Raisin Cain: The Wild and Raucous Story of Johnny Winter. New York, New York: Back Beat, 2010. Google Books. Web. 27 Sept. 2016. . Forward by Johnny Winter. Vaughan, Stevie Ray. Ain t Gone n Give Up on Love. Stevie Ray Vaughan. Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble, Richard Mullen, Jim Capfer, 1985. Youtube. Web. 28 Sept. 2016. . Vaughan, Stevie Ray. Tell Me. Stevie Ray Vaughan. Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble, Richard Mullen, 1982. Youtube. Web. 28 Sept. 2016. . Vaughan, Stevie Ray. The Things (That) I Used to Do. Stevie Ray Vaughan. Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble, Richard Mullen, Jim Capfer, 1984. Youtube. Web. 28 Sept. 2016.
  • 24. Evan s Elves Analysis Life s most urgent question is: What are you doing for others? Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. My story is quite different than that of many who may apply for this program. I am a young man who from almost day one has lived in a world where I believe social class systems could be broken down, that anyone can make something of themselves with the right mentoring, and that random acts of genuine kindness will be what bridges the gaps between our social flaws. What I have said above, may sound rather generic however it is not my goal that is unique yet it is how it became to be my passion. At a young age my grandfather very unknowingly planted the seed in my mind that would sculpt my visions and perceptions as to how I see the world and all the players within in it. At an extremely... Show more content on ... Over five years we have adopted 216 families and 38 veterans. My organization, Evan s Elves and I, have been at the forefront for bringing assistance to families in Metro Detroit who have been affected by unforeseen circumstance. My volunteers and I not only provide necessary and material items to these families but in addition we assist teens and adults with resume writing, interview skills, job searching, and college placement. I have seen some great things happen to people who just needed someone to take the time to care about others. The best reward I will ever be given is knowing the reason a person smiles is because of the assistance and guidance I was able to give them. With the question that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has asked I will never have a final answer as there is always more that I can be doing to assist others, to better my team, and further develop our
  • 25. Green Forest Is Easy On The Eye Green forest is easy on the eye, it breaks the harshness of roads and buildings and adds interest to farmland and mountain slopes. In its sanctuary birdsong and air currents play with your auditory senses and aroma s of nectar, decayed logs and leaves fill the air. After a long absence from New Zealand, I decided to reacquaint myself with the types of forests found in the Land of the Long White cloud. In this article, I have based the forest communities on the categories from The New Zealand Plant Conservation Network: Beech Forest, Podocarp/broadleaf and Kauri Podocarp /broadleaf. An introduction New Zealand is in a temperate zone, located between the Antarctic Circle and the Tropic of Capricorn. It is also in the path of the roaring forties, a strong westerly wind circling the globe, between the latitudes of forty and fifty degrees. Etched by fiords, mountain ranges, volcanoes, plains, plateaus and just over 15,000 kilometres of coastline, it shapes a diverse landscape. Over time, plants have evolved and adapted to this landscape and climate. Today there are 2,418 native species of forest plants, which includes ferns and grasses. Native mosses, liverworts, hornworts and lichens make up approximately another 3,480 plants. Most plants are evergreen with about (still counting) 28 deciduous species. Beech Forest I like how a montane beech forest defines a distinct line across mountain slopes and the excitement you feel when you emerge into the alpine zone . Found on hilly
  • 26. Parenthood Can Bring Stress On The Job Of Raising Children Parenthood can bring stress to the job of raising children, but being a single mother is one of the most difficult things a woman can be. In today s society, being a single mother is getting to become more common in the United States. Most of the time it is due to teenagers having unprotected sex at a young age or if you are an older single mother, it could be because of death, divorce, etc. It can be challenging being a single mother because you re doing what was designed to be a two person job. I know this from experience because my mom is a single mother who raised four children. Most likely single mothers have to get two jobs just to support herself and her children especially if they do not have a high schoolor college degree. In addition, single mothers have less alone time because they have to be with their children at all times. Also being a single mother leads to being overloaded with too many tasks which leads to feeling overwhelmed. I think single mothers are the most multi tasked people in the world. It is difficult for a single mother to have one minimum wagejob and raise a kid because that one job will not be able to pay all the bills and put food on the table, so single mothers have to get two jobs just to make ends meet. I remember seeing my mom getting ready for her first job at four in the morning. I can tell that it took a toll on her body because she would have bags under her eyes from not getting a complete eight hours of sleep. Sometimes she would
  • 27. The Realm Of Reproductive Technology Develops At A Rapid... As the realm of reproductive technology develops at a rapid rate; with increased use some particular concerns regarding moral, ethical and social implications of the practice of pre birth testing also come to the forefront. It is extremely important to consider these issues as they have the ability to have a profound impact on the way we value the reproductive process. What is In Vitro Fertilisation and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis? There are a number of different techniques used to assist reproduction however the most common of which is In vitro Fertilisation (IVF). It was originally developed to treat infertility caused by damaged or blocked fallopian tubes however, it has since become the starting point for screening embryos for genetic disorders in typically fertile couples. The IVF process requires the woman to undergo ovarian stimulation in which fertility drugs are taken to stimulate the maturation of multiple eggs (6 10 eggs) as opposed to just one. Once the eggs have matured and ready for collection a needle is inserted through the vagina and with the assistance of ultrasound the eggs are delicately removed. The next stage is where fertilisation takes place. Within 6 hours the embryologists prepare the partner s sperms and adds this to the eggs which are left for a further 14 18 hours to incubate. The following morning the eggs are examined for signs of fertilisation and the successful ones are cultured for another 3 5 days. Most laboratories transfer
  • 28. Comparing Hepzibah And Clifford In The House Of Seven Gables The comparison in the changes between Hepzibah and Clifford both effects their lives great in The House Of Seven Gables. The reader may feel that Clifford s changes effected him more and were brought upon him by society. Clifford was forced to make changes and had to do it so his past would not repeat himself. He had to find out a new way of life and how to adjust to the new society he lives in. Clifford changed more than Hepzibah in this novelfor several reasons. Clifford changed the most in this novel upon his release from prison for thirty years. He was framed for murder which he did not commit, which put him in jail for thirty years. After getting out of jail for that long is a huge shock cause a lot could change and Clifford needs to figure out how to go back to his old life. He needs to be able to adjust to the different atmosphere rather than the one he had in prison. Clifford was influenced by other and had to make a change to get his life back on track. ... Show more content on ... She is a great influence on him and brings the best out of Clifford. Their relationship is just friends but he loves spending time with this lovely girl, her influence on him forced him to change. A huge flaw of Clifford is that he cannot stand to be taken care of by an ugly women, which makes him not let Hepzibah take care of him because of her age. This is where Pheobe fits perfectly into the novel as that women to take care of him and be there for
  • 29. The Economic Impact Of Tourism Development In Developing... From the day due to people would have a high demand go out of their house and take a trip, the government has realized that tourism is one of the most important industry to develop their economies. Not only in developed countries in the world but also many developing countries have realized this. The rural communities of some developing countries have many problem and high unemployment. With this developmentof tourism, people in the rural can have more job options and boost their local economies. To develop the economy in rural communities and solve the difficulties, they have adopted tourism as a new economic developmentstrategy (Latkova, 2008). However, in some rural communities, the planners would not balance between the benefits and the drawbacks of tourism development. Therefore, many negative impacts of tourism like a large number of tourists, environmental pollution, and ruined legacy outweigh socio cultural, economic and also environmental advantages. As a result, it is crucial to understand the opinions of residents regarding future developing before starting any tourism development program (Latkova, 2008). Some previous studies about tourism development have demonstrated that it depends much on the goodwill, participation, and support of residents (Yoon, Gursoy, Chen, 2001). Following the findings of Yoon, Gursoy, and Chen, they suggested that tourism should be developed base on the needs and desires of residents. The fundamental for the success and developing
  • 30. Hickory Dickory Dock Analysis Hickory Dickory Dock Nursery rhymes are poems that have an underline meaning. Nursery rhymes were used in a way to relay a hidden message that spoke out against the British government. However, guardians and educators communicated the significance of nursery rhymes to children at a youthful age, asserting that they are critical for them to build up an urge for dialect, syllables, and rhythm. Individuals would think that nursery rhymes were sweet and innocent, but in between those lines was a hidden message that was derogatory. Nursery rhymes originated in Britain roughly around the seventeenth hundreds. Many nursery rhymes were popular poems like Hickory Dickory Dock. Be that as it may, does Hickory Dickory Dock have a mischievous significance behind its snappy tune? Hickory Dickory Dock is a straightforward nursery rhyme about a mouse and a clock. However, it presumably alludes to one of Britain s minimum rulers who showed up on the political scene in the seventeenth century. This nursery rhyme initially published in 1743; yet, is thought to allude to previous events in the earlier century. England was a republic between the execution of King Charles I in 1649 and the reclamation of the government, under King Charles II, in 1660. Richard was given power because his brother died which led him to take his throne. As a result, Richard Cromwell went on for nine months as Lord Protector before offering his resignation. Richard was permitted to leave the nation for
  • 31. Greek Government Essay Forms of Government in the Greek City States The Greek city states had different forms of government systems as we have seen in Sparta and Athens where one had an oligarchy government and the other a democratic one respectively. Monarchy, aristocracy, tyranny, oligarchy and democracy are the forms of government which were found in the city states of Greece. Democracy is defined as the rule of the people, as stated by Brand (n.d). It was first developed in Athens by Cleisthenes and it was based on the principle that all citizens( native born Athenian men) of the city state of Athens had a right to attend and speak at the assembly excluding women , slaves and metics. The only real difference between a Greek oligarchy government and a Greek democracy ... Show more content on ... Cartwright (2013) states that in the Greek world monarchies were rare and were often only distinguishable from a tyranny when the hereditary ruler was more benevolent and ruled in the genuine interest of his people. The common examples of monarchies were the ones in Macedonia and Epeiros where the ruler shared power with an assembly. Sparta also was ruled by two kings although it had a citizen assembly. Another form of government is tyranny. Tyranny is a rule by one powerful dictator who has seized power without legal right. However , Greek tyrants were not necessarily evil rulers but they simply looked after their own interests. This type of government existed in many states, particularly in the 6th century BC. Syracuse in Sicily had a run of famous tyrants such as Dionysios from 405 BCE and his son Dionysios II, who took over in 367 BCE ( Cartwright, 2013). During 700 BC, aristocracies ruled the earliest poleis which were later replaced by oligarchies. An aristocratic government places power in the hands of a small, privileged ruling class. This is contrasted to a monarchy as it is a rule by an individual while in an aristocratic government a group of noble people rule the people. In this government the common citizens had no say in political issues of the
  • 32. Earth s Only Natural Satellite Andrew Logan Dr. Richards PHY 161 5/1/15 Observing Project Object 1: The Moon Next to the Sun, the moon is the most recognizable object in the night sky, and is Earth s only natural satellite. It has been estimated that the moon formed somewhere in the region of 4.45 billion years ago, just a measly 30 50 million years after the origination of the Solar System. While there are many hypotheses that try to account for the formation of the moon, the one that is backed the greatest is the theory that the moon was formed when a large mass roughly the size of Mars collided with the newly formed Earth, this sending out planetary material into the same orbit of the Earth. This material then underwent the process of accretion and formed what we now know as the moon. With modern laser altimetry, scientists have been able to accurately measure the topography of the moon. The most apparent topographic feature on the moon is located on the southern pole, is referred to as the Aitken basin, and stretches nearly 1400 miles in diameter. This is the largest crater on the moon and the largest known crater in the Solar System. Not only is this the widest crater on the moon, but its floor is also the lowest point on the surface of the moon. The dark spots that are visible with the naked eye are called maria, and they are actually hardened pools of ancient basaltic lava. Next to the maria, the most commonly seen features of the moon are the impact craters that pepper the entire surface.
  • 33. A Commercial Airing Then At The Super Bowl What better time to have a commercial airing then at the Super Bowl? About 7 out of 10 households that were watching TV tuned into the Super Bowl in 2015, according to Nielsen at the television ratings service. With at least 114.4 million viewers in 2015 the Super Bowl is the most watched television broadcast in the United States. In 2015 Toyota made a very impactful and memorable commercial advertisingtheir new Camry. Toyota uses this opportunity to not only advertise their new Camry, but to also recognize the impact dads have on their children s lives. There are no specific standard formats for successful advertisements. Just like the formula for winning a Super Bowl does not exist. If the game was predictable, people would not want to watch the game. If all companies used one way to design their advertisements, the audience would get bored. This advertisement uses emotion and relatability to connect with their audience. In this advertisement, the father and daughter relationship is really touching. The images the advertisement conveys resonate with people s experiences. As a result, the viewer will connect their positive impression of the dad in the advertisement with the Toyota Camry. This sense of connection is beneficial for the company to improve their reputation. As the commercial begins it is nearly impossible to guess what the commercial is about. It s not till the end of the commercial that it is reveled to the audience that the commercial is advertising the
  • 34. The Princess In a land far away there was a queen and a king called Nicola and Dean she had just given birth to a beautiful young princess called Chloe. There kingdom was holding a carnival for the newly born Princess. Everyone had their fanciest clothes to attend the carnival. The King and Queen had gotten Chloe into her new gown and when she got outside to the carnival they were attacked by ninjas, and they took Chloe. It was later figured out that the princess had special powers and that they could be used for good or bad. The Queen went in to a massive panic and the King hid in his bedroom so he didn t have to face the outside world because he was scared that he would be taken out by ninjas as well. The ninjas had taken Chloe to a deserted ... Show more content on ... When they were all asleep she took all of their keys and went to the closed doors but when she walked in she found a room that was full of pictures about the royal family and there was stuff about all the powers that she had and how to work them but her adopted family said that they didn t know anything about them so she didn t know how to use them and at the end of the room there was a picture of her and there was the plan of what happened at the kidnapping. Chloe had made a plan to escape so when she went outside she ran off with a bag and she got to the end off the island and found a boat. She didn t know how to drive a boat but she was going to get off this pathetic island anyway. She had hated I ever since she started walking, her adopted family had given her everything that she wanted but all the time she had sent there she had never had any friends or proper family and she didn t even know if her name was Chloe anymore. When she had got into the boat into the water she tried to row it but then she found out it was a fully equipped speed boat that was regularly used but she didn t know who was using it so when she started the boat she found the ninja outfits and figured out that they were all ninjas and they still were even since the kidnapping. She absolutely infuriated with them she trusted them her whole life
  • 35. Building Relationships Is Not An Easy Task Essay Building relationships is not an easy task to accomplish, but it is certainly a much needed one. This is particularly true for educators and anyone working in the public service sector. I believe that we cannot truly help a student reach her or his ultimate potential without first knowing the story behind it all. This story, however, will not magically unfold itself. It takes time, patience and a great deal of dedication to build relationships. Dr. Patrick Camangian raises this point in his talk at Mills College. He stresses the importance of these relationships in helping students who have experienced trauma during their lifetime. Building relationships is one of the skills I pride myself in, but also have much to learn about. Currently, as a college advisor I have the honor and privilege of working directly with students, helping them apply to four year and two year colleges. Although I do many general classroom presentations, the message is always the same: come visit me. I encourage teachers to send students over to the college center once they have completed their daily assignments or before and after school. When students finally make it to the college center I always greet them with a smile and start with a simple how s it going? Most students will say good or wave their hand side to side to convey that things are going so so. No matter what the response, I usually follow up with another question or two. I ll ask if things are good in class and how they feel
  • 36. College Essay About Wrestling An African Proverb states, If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Throughout my life I have been involved with wrestling, and although physically I am not involved in the sport, I have been impacted by the coaches and the wrestlers. Wrestling drives an individual like no other. I believe wrestlinghelps make a person to be a stronger, not only physically, but mentally. I believe it takes dedication, hard work and an open mind in order to accomplish their goals. In practice, the wrestlers are placed in extreme conditions: drilling, sprinting and lifting. Often times during the week, coaches will make the wrestlers wrestle for a full thirty minutes without stopping. It s a war between two wrestlers, exhausting one other, and using all their strength until the time goes out. Then, the coaches will have the wrestlers do three in sixty, running back and forth in the wrestling room three times in sixty seconds. If the wrestlers don t achieve the goal, they have to do it again until they meet the coach s expectation. I think the workouts the coaches put the wrestlers though, it s not for punishment. Its to prove what each individual wrestler is capable of doing. ... Show more content on ... The sport forces a wrestler to go out on the mat and put out their best performance and show their strength is madly impressive. Coach Evans once said, you can t just wait for things to come your way, you have to go and take it. In order for a wrestler to get what they want, they have to put in work and go out and get it. Dedication is a huge factor in wrestling. Throughout the season, wrestlers have to cut down weight for at least four to five months and make their weight class two times a week. Often times, wrestlers will wrestle off season, to help stay in shape, as well as, improving their
  • 37. Essay On Prom Day Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen and Dr. Johnson, today I am going to talk about a special occasion which was on April 11, 2015 and on this special day I turned eighteen and it was prom day. On that day I was very busy and tired because I ve been preparing for prom for a week prior. April 11,2015 was a very special day for me, it was my glow day. April 11th consist of time management, preparation for prom , and prom. These three things were very important on this day because I had to do so much in one amazing, stressful day. On April 11, 2015, my mom woke me up around 7am to sing me happy birthday, and to get me up for my long but exciting day. I had to wake up early because I had so much to do in one day, which seem highly impossible, so I had kept track of time because if I... Show more content on ... As we walked in the Hyatt, regular guest got to see everyone walk pass in their dressed and tuxedos. We walked into the ballroom and it was beautiful and set up nicely. We got dinner which was chicken which chicken is my favorite food. After dinner we wanted to dance, but there was no DJ and within a few minutes they had a replacement DJ and prom was on. The DJ played everything from music from now to music our parents know so we stayed on the dance floor. Prom was fun, but when it was time to leave I was ready. April 11, 2015 was a very special day and very exciting to me. April 11, 2015 I became 18 and I got my first car and went to my senior prom all in one day. I had to consider time management in order to make sure I was on schedule to make grand march and prom. Preparing for prom was another stressful part, but rewarding because I got to look beautiful for my birthday, my glow day. Prom was fun and an amazing way to celebrate my turning 18. April 11, 2015 was a special day, but not just because I turned 18 but because I had something to celebrate. Thank you all for listening and have a good
  • 38. The Equal Pay Act Essay One problem that Americans are facing is the inequality between men and women, whether it is in everyday life or in a professional atmosphere. One step that has been taken toward equality was introduced with the Equal Pay Act of 1963, signed by President John F. Kennedy. This law was the first affecting the amount of job opportunities available for women and allowing them to work in traditionally male dominated fields. On the outside, this would sound like a solution where nothing could possibly go wrong, but it is not. There are nearly as many women as there are men working, yet, as it was discovered in 2011, on average, a woman will only earn seventy seven cents for every dollar that a man earns. Women owned businesses make up for over a... Show more content on ... Banks, from the 1964 Disney Movie Mary Poppins, who was neglectful toward her children on her journey for her rights. Feminism is a living word. There can never truly be a one set definition for the word as the term has often shifted meanings to correspond to the time period. Feminists fight for the rights that men have under the United States Constitution and to have the right to not be discriminated against. Any action against any woman, intentional or not, goes against the principles that many women and men stand for. The quest for equal rights is usually put into two different waves: the first wave being considered women s suffrage and the second being the equal right movement. One big uprising in feminism happened alongside the abolitionist movement. Many women started to realize that, as they were fighting to get African Americans out of their version of perdition at the hands of their slave owners, that they themselves were slaves to the will of the men in society. Since many women petitioned for antislavery, the Congress in session at the time put forth the gag rule, which placed many of these petitions off to the side for consideration. The feminist movement that is more recognized was started by Betty Friedan. She was the author of The Feminine Mystique, a book that called for many women to enrich themselves from the unnamed problem that left
  • 39. The Main Objectives Of Islamic Accounting Islam by itself has a different regard to a world and by that the socio economic activities are affected. Accounting is an institution which helps society in achieving socio economic objectives. Research on Islamic accounting is a field in which there is a lot more to explore. Many methodologies are used to develop a theoretical framework for Islamic accounting. One of the main problems in determining the objectives of Islamic accounting is diversity of users. Islamic economy Islam has provided guidelines for every aspect in our lives. Healthy economy is base for happy and satisfied society so Islam has set some standards and rules. All these rules shell prevent injustice and keep satisfaction of all society. Islam does recognize money as important element in ... Show more content on ... Without writing (recording) transactions, we cannot count the credit ness and debit ness, Allah has made writing copulatory, He says: O you who believe, when you deal with each other in transactions involving future obligations in a fixed period of time record it in writing (AL Bakarah 282). (2) Ascertaining justice, and more convenient to prevent doubts. Allah says: Be not averse to writing down whether it be small or great with the term thereof. That is more equitable in the sight of Allah, and more sure for testimony and the best way of avoiding doubt between you . (AL Bakkara 282). (3) Helping in judgment between dealers. The judgeman depends mainly on which is written down in records when he makes decisions. As it is mentioned above Allah says... ... more sure for testimony means it is a good and suitable evidence. (4) Helping in ascertaining the results of business during a certain period of time, profit or loss,. (5) Counting up the amount of zakah due at its time, and its distribution, between whom
  • 40. Class Differences in the Novel Rebecca Essay In the book, Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier, there exist a big emphasis on social class and position during the time of this story. When we are introduced to the main character of the story, the narrator, we are right away exposed to a society in which different privileges are bestowed upon various groups. Social place, along with the ever present factor of power and money are evident throughout the story to show how lower to middle classgroups were treated and mislead by people on a higher level in society. When we are introduced to the narrator, we are told that she is traveling with an old American woman; vulgar, gossipy, and wealthy, Mrs. Van Hopper travels across Europe, but her travels are lonely and require an employee that gives... Show more content on ... When you look at an example like this one, you start to think whether or not these upper class people believed in their own morals and if they even had any. But one thing is for sure, such arrogant actions only go a short way until they come back to haunt you. Because Mrs. Van Hopper was so blinded by her own self and worried so much about what was going on in other people s lives, she had lost her attention from her companion friend, which let to a love affair between the narrator and Mr. Maxim de Winter. Maxim de Winter was a culture, intelligent old man, and the proud carrier of the de Winter name and estate of Manderley. He exemplifies all the traits of a rich upper class gentleman and goes out of his way to take Mrs. Van Hopper s companion out for a little fun. He sees the crude and vulgar treatment that the narrator is going through and tries to compensate for her and treat her in a more appropriate manner. With her modest frame, the narrator accepts such an offer because she knows that her stay in Monte Carlo was only for someone else s benefits and not hers. As in all stories, the poor, young beautiful woman, falls for a rich and sophisticated man who shows her that even though society is segmented into different classes, love can bind any two people. For this you begin to see the other side of the rich and aristocratic world. In Maxim de Winter you begin to realize that to him, all the money and power isn t worth anything when
  • 41. Yona The Coward Analysis Yehuda Yaari explores personal motivation in his short story, Yona the Coward . By analyzing the rising action that culminates in Yona s climactic murder of the Arabs, Yona s motivations in killing the Arabs are revealed. However, analyzing Yona s conduct throughout Yona the Coward , reveals a clear contradiction. Rather than heeding his established nature as a Coward and the human instinct for self preservation, Yona carried out an suicidal attack on the Arabs. A further examination of the text reveals two factors that, in conjunction, allowed Yona to overcome his past cowardice and human instinct for self preservation. Only by believing that his life had no purpose while also being motivated to act in opposition to his father, could... Show more content on ... This conduct is shown in the climax of the short story, as text states, He was looking for something. He himself hardly knew for what. A large bread knife kay on the shelf in front of him, and then he knew. He seized the knife and slipped out into darkness... Yona lay a little further on, his fists still clenched, his body riddled with bullets; beside him lay the bread knife, red with blood. In this passage, Yona was searching for something without knowing what he was searching for . It was Yona s true life purpose to act as his father does not that drove Yona, when the text states, A large knife law on the shelf in front of him, and then he knew. He seized the knife. As Yona was compelled to embrace violence in order to oppose his father, Yona knew that it was the knife he was searching for. While Yona s true life purpose, opposing his father, caused Yona to seize the knife, Yona could only carry out his attack with the knife due to his belief that his life carried no meaning, shown through the text s description of Yona; his body riddled with bullets. Since Yona believed that his body had parted with his soul and carried no life meaning, body , in this context, represents only Yona s person and not any soul carrying life purpose. Thus, when Yona was killed in his attack of the Arabs, it was only his body or meaningless life that was affected. A belief in life purpose did not impede Yona from killing the arabs as it was only his body not any soul that was
  • 42. Minimum Limited Drinking Age Law Minimum limited drinking age law in America was passed more than 30 years ago. Therefore, it needed to be altered to catch up with today s world. Teenagers today are no longer the kind of teenager back in the 1980s. Now, they have access to information on the Internet, they were taught how alcoholic drinks affect to the body, they were supervised by their parents closely. Moreover, teenagers even have legal access to voting, driving, owning a car,...and they can be jailed up if they break the law, sentenced in prison if the crime was serious enough. Therefore, teenager should be able to control of their life and have access to alcoholas a right they supposed to have long time ago. Secondly, by legalize drinking age to eighteen; the government can easily control alcohol abuse. A study was conducted by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to see whether underage people can buy beer and liquor through online websites. They made 8 people, aged from 18 20, to lie about their age when ordering via alcoholic drinks selling website. 100 orders were made and then, they counted the number of successful orders. A shocking result was revealed: 45 of the orders were successfully made and received. Only 28 were rejected because the person making the order was found to be underage. The remaining orders did not go through because of technical glitches or because no one was home when delivery attempts were made. The result of this experiment has shown the reality of how easy it
  • 43. Andrew Jackson Thesis Andrew Jackson s hatred of Indians and other colored races caused him to enact revenge against minorities through wars and laws as both military and executive branch commander. Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States, was born on March 15, 1767 from a Scotch Irish immigrant family. At the age of 13, Jackson lost both of his brothers. Hugh, the oldest of the brothers, tragically died of heat stroke shortly following a war. Robert, the second oldest, died after he and Andrew were both deathly ill. But while Andrew got better, he died. Jackson was left as an orphan at the young age of 14. His father had died shortly after his birth. His mother died after becoming a nurse to aid the sick and wounded soldiers. While there, ... Show more content on ... They fought a British army composed mostly of veterans. After this, Jackson became a national hero. The people had no idea what Andrew had in store next. Jackson made many mistakes as governor. They all caused diplomatic storms. Yet, none of the things he did could make people see behind his glowing reputation. When Jackson became president, he was known to be very popular and surprisingly effective. While in office, he withdrew the already standing officeholders and replaced them with people from his own party. He claimed that he was substituting commoners for aristocrats. Jackson also made sure to share his disliking for men of different race while in office. He refused to interfere when Georgia violated Indian rights on territories guaranteed by federal treaty. In this, he appeared as the champion of states rights. Andrew Jackson was a large slave owner. He died owning 150 of them. The party he was in was the enemy of free blacks and their rights. He also denied antislavery pamphlets to travel through U.S. mail. Democratic sate representative Stacey Abrams of Georgia stated, Jackson owned black men and killed red men, and that makes him an unworthy dead white man . He was also very cruel to Indians. The illegality of his Indian policy was probably one of the worst things he did. This policy forcibly removed southern tribes from lands guaranteed them by federal treaties and U.S. Supreme Court decisions
  • 44. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is one of the most severe yet common cases of Muscular Dystrophy that occurs mainly in boys of younger age. Guillaume Benjamin Amand Duchenne, who was a French neurologist, was the first to discover this disorder in the 1860s (Emery, 2008, pp. 25). This disease is an X linked disorder which affects the skeletal system, and causes rapid muscular weakness and heart muscleproblems. It s stated that 1 out of every 3,600 males will be diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy(Bushby, 2009, pp.1). According to the Muscular Dystrophy Association, symptoms usually begin to show between the ages of 3 to 5 years old. (pp. 1) Some of the symptoms may include delayed in walking, regularly falling, learning difficulties,... Show more content on ... Like what I previously mentioned the symptoms of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy begin to arise in the age range of 5 and may include inability use motor skills for instance, running or jumping, speaking skills delayed, weakness on the hips and thighs, and intellectual disability (Haldeman Englert, 2014, pp. 1 2). A physical characteristic that can be detected from a parent of a child who has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is the enlargement of the calve muscles (Emery, 2008, pp. 27).This is a disease that rapidly affects the person who has it. Using a wheelchair by the time the patient is an adolescent is very common in this form of Muscular Dystrophy. Unlike Duchenne, Becker Muscular Dystrophy symptoms are known to be milder and often are not even diagnosed with it until later on in the person s childhood. Although when the symptoms do arise they may consist of muscle cramps, mild skeletal muscle involvement, and cardiac problems. Depending on the case the patient may need a wheelchair as a way get around while others use canes (Genetics Home
  • 45. The Watts Music Festival In a world of political discourse with racism and hate running rampant, a few great men and women came together to bring unity and harmony like never before: in the form of massive music festivals. In the late 1972, the black community came together for a concert known as Watts Summer Festival. In 1969, the largest musicfestival of its time was held, and was known as Woodstock. Later that year, the Rolling Stones put together a massive free concert in San Francisco known as the Altamont Concert. All of the concerts and music festivals were not aimed at making money or becoming famous, but about the unity of people through the art of music. On August 20, 1972, the Watts music festival was held in Los Angelas. This was a festival put together by the Stax recording company in order to honor the men, women, and children who were devastated in the riots in Watts, a primarily African Americancommunity. Performers in this eight hour festival included James Brown, Stevie Wonder, Isaac Hayes, the late Harmonica Fats, WAR, Richard Pryor, Nancy Wilson, Gil Scott Heron, Barry White, the Watts Prophets, Charles Wright and the 103rd Street Rhythm Band and the Staple Singers. The film,... Show more content on ... On this somewhat rainy weekend, nearly 500,000 people came together for the largest music festival of its time on a dairy farm in Bethel, New York, and was simply known as Woodstock. The festival included 32 acts and was widely considered to be the definitive nexus for the larger counterculture generation . This was a weekend in which peace and acceptance throughout the country was celebrated and communicated through love and music, just like during the Watts and Altamont music festival. The man who owned the dairy farm even mentioned that the near half million group of young people that came to Woodstock proved to the world that they can get together for fun and music, nothing but fun and
  • 46. Art History Research Paper Imagine pondering into a reconstruction of reality through only the visual sense. Without tasting, smelling, touching, or hearing, it may be hard to find oneself in an alternate universe through a piece of art work, which was the artist s intended purpose. The eyes serve a much higher purpose than to view an object, the absorptions of electromagnetic waves allows for one to endeavor on a journey and enter a world of no limitation. During the 15th century, specifically the Early Renaissance, Flemish altarpieces swept Europe with their strong attention to details. Works of altarpieces were able to encompass significant details that the audience may typically only pay a cursory glance. The size of altarpieces was its most obvious feat but... Show more content on ... The quality and quantity of details in Adoration of the Mystic Lamb are embodied by van Eyck s mastery of oil, which suggests that his altarpiece is the greatest representation of Christianity in a piece of art. The early life of Jan van Eyck remains partially unknown as records did not reveal factual information regarding his birth and childhood. An inference states that van Eyck was born somewhere around 1390 in the village of Maaseyck (Hughes and Faggin 5). Many years of his life were not documented and kept in records, but the few years before the creation of the Ghent Altarpiece, or Adoration of the Mystic Lamb, van Eyck s records points out that he was rather active. Van Eyck was appointed by Philip the Good and the Duke of Burgundy to relay important missions that allowed him to live a fortunate lifestyle as a painter. Patronage, during this time, became more sought after since the influx of new methods and exceeded expectations grabbed the attentions of patrons. Also, since van Eyck s abilities seemed unmatched at the time, Philip the Good declared, he would never find a man so much to his taste, or such a paragon of science and art (Hughes and
  • 47. Atlanta Research Paper Have you ever been to Atlanta it is known as A town? Atlanta is very well known city it is the 4th most visited city in the U.S.A. History The history of Atlanta dates back 1836 when Georgia decide to build a railroad to the United States Midwest named line Timinus. In 1839, homes and stores were built. 1845 1254 railroads arrived in 4 different places. In 1837 all of Atlantawas founded in the intersection of two railroads / the city had uncovered after all that done happened in the Civil War the city risen up from ashes. Climate, location Atlanta rotates on all 4 seasons, the city elevation and relative closeness to the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean (summer heat) that makes Atlanta very tropical. The area is 132 square miles since 2000 the elevation 1,010 feet above sea level the temperature on January is 40.5, July 79.1 the average is 64.4 precipitation is 50.77 inches. Atlanta sits on the seat of Fulton County and a small portion of the city extends eastward into DeKalb County. ... Show more content on ... The religion of Atlanta is protestant Christianity Korean; Baptist Methodist and presbyter churches. Over 1,000 places worship many different thing in Atlanta. The most common language in Atlanta is non English spoken in Atlanta, Ga was Spanish 4.09 overall most people speak native Spanish. Chinese people speak 0.74% and 0.65 speak
  • 48. GE Case Study Case Study GE s Two Decade Transformation: Jack Welch s Leadership By For BUS 463 AE Contents Summary of Background and Facts General Electric General Electric (GE) occupied the eighth spot on Fortune 500 s list of companies at the close of 2013. While number eight was a slide from 2012 s number six GE maintains its position, as one of the world s largest and most influential corporations. Today, GE s operates in over 160 countries and is led by Jeffery Immelt. During 2013 GE reported, total revenues approached 147 billion USD and profits around 13.6 billion USD. (CNNMoney, 2013). GE appears in textbooks from the third grade through the PhD. Level of the world s best business and engineering... Show more content on ... Corporate structures remained largely unchanged between the end of World War II and 1980 but that was all about to change. Competition from Japan, the desktop PC and the dawn of the information age forced GE to rethink its operational model and search for a strategy that would enable them to remain competitive as the century ended. Welch quickly assessed that GE was too big and too slow to maintain its current market positions much less grow them. The strategic planning model Welch inherited held nine layers between idea and decision with over 200 personnel involved in the process, hardly lean and agile . John Boyd developed what he called the OODA Loop to describe winning in air combat maneuvers. The OODA Loop consists of a cycle of four steps; Observe, Orientate, Decide, Act (OODA), Boyd argued that when two aircraft are engaged in a dogfight the pilot who has the fastest OODA Loop cycle will win. The OODA Loop found advocates not only in the U.S. military, but also in the realms of business and sports anywhere a competitor seeks and edge. (McIntosh, 2011). Welch recognized that if GE was to win against the completion he needed to cycle its strategic planning OODA Loop faster. He responded by eliminating 5 layers of bureaucracy and over 50% of the planning staff. We used to have department managers, sector managers, subsector managers, unit managers, and
  • 49. How Did Hurricane Hugo Affect South Carolina Hurricane Hugo affected South Carolina and also perturbed the Atlantic Ocean, devastating the Caribbean Islands of St. Croix and Puerto Rico in September 1989. This phenomenon was responsible for 86 fatalities around the impacted lands where people were not educated or prepared enough for this natural disaster. Hugo quickly strengthened into a category five hurricane with sustained winds of 160 mph. Eventually it lost it strengthen when passing through the high terrain of Puerto Rico. Then the unpredictable event happens, when the eye of the hurricane wasn t visible for about a day. By September 20th the eye was once again visible and the hurricane was better organized with the help of the warm water of the Western Atlantic Ocean between
  • 50. Five Determinants Of The Porter Diamond Theory Of National... Any country should use porter diamond theory of national advantage. It s designed to help understand the competitive advantage nations. It suggests that the national home base of any organizations are playing a supportive role in shaping the size or scoop to which it is likely to achieve advantage on a global scale. This home base provides basic factors, which support organizations from building advantages in international competition. Porter classifies four determinants: Factor Condition, Diamond Condition, Relatives supporting and Structure, strategy Rivalry. Egyptgovernment acts to catalysts to improve Egypt position in a globally competitive economic environment. They found that they can create new factors such as skilled labor and high technology (Porter M., 1990). Porter s diamond model suggests threat there are inherent reasons why some nations are more competitive than others on an international market. Another factor that influence in competitive advantages such as the policies that put by government. One of the most influencer policies is (FDI) Foreign direct investment... Show more content on ... These factors can be set into five categories: Physical, HR, Knowledge, Infrastructure and Capital Resources (Karkkainen V., 2008). There are two types of factors consist of: basic factors and advanced factors. Basic factors contain labour, basic educational system, raw material and national resources. Advanced factors contain skilled labour, modern infrastructure and highly education. Example about how factor condition influences the global competitiveness of a country; Egypt government develop infrastructure in the last three years such as transport systems, communication, payment system, post and system used to transfer money. Egyptian telecom companies illustrate the diamond. It has a relatively high number of communication engineers per
  • 51. Giant Axonal Neuropathy Yanmin Yang Liu JJ, Ding J, Wu C, et al. Retrolinkin, a membrane protein, plays an important role in retrograde axonal transport. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2007;104(7):2223 8. Yang Y, Allen E, Ding J, Wang W. Giant axonal neuropathy. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2007;64(5):601 9. These two papers examine the phenomenon of retrograde axonal transport, which is the focus of Yanmin Yang s lab. The first paper, Giant Axonal Neuropathy, examines the aforementioned disease, which is a rare autosomal recessive disorder that results in giant axons with imbalances in cytoskeletal components. This results in neurodegeneration of the neuronal cytoskeleton which subsequently alters brain activity and functionality. Within this paper, Yang s lab examines giant axonal... Show more content on ... Effects of stress on immune function: the good, the bad, and the beautiful. Immunol Res. 2014;58(2 3):193 210. Dhabhar FS, Malarkey WB, Neri E, Mcewen BS. Stress induced redistribution of immune cells from barracks to boulevards to battlefields: a tale of three hormones Curt Richter Award winner. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2012;37(9):1345 68. Dhabhar Lab looks particularly into how emotional status can impact a person s immunological state. The first article looks into short term stress that could be used clinically to enhance immunoprotection. Dhabhar demonstrates how short term stress can enhance primary and secondary immune response. Nonetheless, chronic stress does enhance the risk of cancer by increasing T cell functionality. Effectively, this paper argues that stress can be used with caution to enhance healing, but shouldn t be abused to the point where it could result in adverse health effects. The second article looks into the stress, the hormones released as a result of stress, and the immunological effects these hormones have. Looking into particularly the secondary immune defense system, Dhabhar demonstrates how stress hormones can be used to mobilize particular leukocyte subpopulations to tissue or blood to help with vaccination, healing, infection resistance, or cancer. Essentially they demonstrate that hormones can be used to enhance protective immunity and present a model of short term stress on immune cell populations, functionality, and
  • 52. Analysis Of Descartes s First Attempt In his first attempt, Descartes attempts to use the metaphor of weight to explain the relation, such that we can apply weight in terms relating to the body and other times relating to the soul, and just as we have the innate notion that an immaterial force pushes weighted objects towards the earth, so too does the immaterial soul/mindact on the body . However, this explanation proves unsatisfactory both to the modern reader and to Elisabeth herself; as this analogy fails to bridge the gap as to how something immaterial can enter into a causal relationship with something that is distinctly material. Elizabeth agrees that the senses (and the passions) demonstrate that the soul can move the body, but that falls far short of determining the mechanism by which this can happen (without of course sacrificing the integrity of his immaterial/material substance divide.) In a second attempt (following Elisabeth s dissatisfaction with the weight analogy) Descartes provides his most extensive response, explaining the three factors necessary for causal functioning, and tying them to the specific example of thought and action . This exposition is problematic for a number of reasons. Firstly, Jonathon Dennett notes Descartes switches between using soul as the core subject of investigation to using the word thought which is actually an entirely separate argument; while thoughts are a necessary part of the soul/mind, they are not sufficient to explain all the processes. Secondly, in
  • 53. The Crucible Tone The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, revolves around the Salem witch trials of the 15th century. Much of what precedes the play portion of the novel is dedicated to establishing the background of the novel. This passage, in specific, sets the tone of the novel as it describes the ideology of the witch hunts, and how they came into effect. The passage summarizes the fundamental ideas of the witch hunts as a paradox stating, The witch hunt was a perverse manifestation of the panic which set among the classes when the balance began to turn toward greater individual freedom (Miller 11). These words are an important part of the novel because it lays out a groundwork which the rest of the ideas and concepts that are brought up in the novel will build themselves upon. Simply put, it sets the tone for the rest of the novel. It describes the fears that the characters have, and what conflicts they will undergo. For instance, signs of mob mentality can be gleamed from the passage. This can be seen when it says, balance has yet to be struck between order and freedom (Miller 11).