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Essay On Importance Of Trees
Writing an essay on the importance of trees may seem deceptively simple, given the seemingly
straightforward nature of the topic. However, delving into the intricacies of the subject reveals
the challenges that one might face. The difficulty lies not in the scarcity of information but in
crafting a compelling narrative that goes beyond mere enumeration of facts.
To begin with, the writer must strike a delicate balance between providing factual information
about the significance of trees and engaging the reader with a persuasive argument. It requires a
nuanced approach to transition seamlessly between the ecological, economic, and social aspects
of the topic. The challenge is to avoid the pitfall of turning the essay into a dry recitation of
benefits, instead, infusing it with a sense of urgency and relevance.
Another obstacle is the potential for clichГ©s and generic statements. The topic is one that many
have explored, and the danger of recycling common ideas looms large. Crafting a unique
perspective that captivates the reader's attention becomes paramount, necessitating extensive
research to uncover lesser-known facts or angles.
Furthermore, the writer must contend with the emotional dimension of the subject. The
connection between trees and our well-being is not just scientific; it evokes emotions and
sentiments. Expressing this emotional bond without descending into sentimentality requires a deft
touch, making sure that the essay resonates with readers on a personal level.
Additionally, maintaining a coherent structure throughout the essay can be challenging. The
interconnectedness of various aspects of the importance of trees demands a clear organizational
framework to avoid a disjointed narrative. Transitioning smoothly between the environmental,
economic, and societal aspects without losing the reader's interest is no small feat.
In conclusion, while the importance of trees is undeniably vast, encapsulating its essence in a
well-crafted essay poses a substantial challenge. The difficulty lies not in the availability of
information but in the artful synthesis of facts, emotions, and perspectives to create a compelling
narrative that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.
For assistance with similar essays and more, consider exploring the services offered by
Essay On Importance Of Trees Essay On Importance Of Trees
A Comparison of Vistor Frankenstein and Henry Jekyll
A Comparison of Vistor Frankenstein and Henry Jekyll
Mary Shelley s Frankenstein and Robert Louis Stevenson s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
are two horrific tales of science gone terribly wrong. Shelley?s novel eloquently tells
the story of a scientist, Victor Frankenstein, who creates a living monster out of
decomposed body parts, while Stevenson?s novel describes the account of one, Henry
Jekyll, who creates a potion to bring out the pure evil side to himself. Although the
two scientists differ in their initial response and action to their creations, there are
strong similarities between their raging curiosity to surpass human limitation, as well
as their lack of responsibility concerning their actions. These similarities raise an ...
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(Stevenson 107). Here, Henry Jekyll displays his awe and wonder of his new
discovery. He feels a sense of power and overwhelming wickedness. From the
quotation, it seems appropriate to conjecture that Dr. Jekyll was enthusiastic about
testing out his ?new creation,? as if he were a child and it a toy.
Here, is another difference between the two doctors. Dr. Frankenstein(after realizing
what he has done) halts all of his experiments and does away with his laboratory
anything to get his mind of his terrible creation. He travels around, always
watching his back expecting his creature to be there. Dr. Frankenstein has many
qualities of the classic Byronic hero; a character that shows romanticized sorrow
and pity for himself. ? . . . I am a blasted tree,? he says, ?the bolt has entered my
soul; and I felt then that I should survive to exhibit what I shall soon cease to be a
miserable spectacle of wrecked humanity, pitiable to others and intolerable to
myself? (Shelley 153). In this quotation, he shows romanticized self pity and
remorse for what he has created. Victor calls himself a ?miserable spectacle of
wrecked humanity.? By this he feels his life is over; he can no long face the world a
decent man.
Dr. Jekyll, on the other hand, like a child, is thrilled with his new discovery and
wishes to tamper and
How Is Nora Controlled By Henrik Ibsen
In the play A Doll s House, Henrik Ibsen focuses on Nora s role in her marriage
with her husband, Helmer. Nora s character symbolizes the oppression of the woman
in the Victorian Era because of the lack to control she has as a woman during that
time period. Throughout the play, Ibsen portrays her character as being controlled by
Helmer physically, emotionally, and sexually. Even so, Nora still continue to strive to
achieve this one perfect womanthat her husbandexpects her to be. However, along
the way she comes to a realization about her marriageand that allowed her to break
free from Helmer s control. Although his expectations has hold her back from doing
what she wants, she has also learned to be a independent woman from his control. Her
... Show more content on ...
Even though Helmer controls her a lot, there are times where she seem to not be
bothered by his control. Not only is she submissive but she is also very
manipulative. Nora uses her sexuality to get what she wants from Helmer because
she knows it s the only thing that she has to gain power over Helmer s ego. She
would flirt, lie and touch Helmer to get him to approve on things that she wants.
When Helmer asked what Nora would like to have, she fumbled his coat button
and said hurriedly You could give me money, Torvald. No more than you think you
can spare; then one of these days I ll buy something with it. (45). This shows how
Nora acts toward Helmer when she wanted something from him. With Helmer, she
is forced to show sexual appeal toward him because she is a woman because that s
the only thing that she can do in order to get a reaction out of him. Another scene
where this happens is when Nora was leaning on his chair, stroking the nape of his
neck in order to get him to give back Krogstad position to him so he wouldn t reveal
the secret of her borrowing money. She knows the position that she stand when it
comes to Helmer. Even if her beauty is something that can manipulate him, it won t
last forever like the control that Helmer has over her. Helmer s reputation and him
being a man isn t something that can easily be destroyed unlike her physical
The Relationship Between Bilingual Education And...
Bilingual education involves the practice of teaching non English speaking learners
in their native language, while they are learning English. The academic content is
taught in both the native language and a secondary language. Program models for
bilingual education determine the varying allotted time for each language. It is often
a complex array of school programs with different goals and objectives for varying
student populations (Bybee Henderson, 2014).
Multiculturalism, on the other hand, is the diversity of cultures; racial and religious,
that exist in society and the acceptance of customary behaviors, ways of thinking and
ways of communicating (Burdick Will Gomez, 2006). Multiculturalism is often
contrasted with the concept of assimilation and has been described as a melting pot .
This paper will examine the history and current political trends of both bilingual
education and multiculturalism. The distinct aspects of, and the relationship between
bilingual education and multiculturalism will be discussed and conclude with modern
day trends.
Bilingual education in the United States public school system has a long standing
social and political history that has been plagued by debates about its goals and
effectiveness. The policies have typically been informed by theory aimed at
identifying the best methods to provide
English instruction to English Language Learners (ELLs), and research on bilingual
education program effectiveness. However, perceptions about
Students Increased Test Scores
1.Students increased test scores are linked to increased academic time.
2.The diocese would be promoting excellence in education .
3.Increased academic time allows for more minutes to be focused upon curriculums
and standards.
4.The diocese would increase their Terra Nova scores.
5.Teachers would have more time to spiral their instruction and give students a better
opportunity to solidly grasp concepts.
6.Families that use after or before care for their students may save on that cost.CON
1.Families may pull their students from the Catholic schools affecting enrollment.
2.Father only listened to one opinion to make a decision affecting many.
3.The increased financial burden would fall on the individual schools.
4.Students would not have as much down time.
5.Only most types of learners would benefit from the extended day.
6.There are no guarantees that the test scores of students would increase with the
increased school day.
7.All faith community members deserve consideration in the change since it affects
As Father Belleview, one of my most pressing concerns is the students and families
that will be impacted by my decision. A partnership with parents is key to the
success of the Diocese of Sheridan and I would need to involve them as quick as
possible, letting them know what the plan is for the near future. The families are
essential to keeping the school doors open and they need to be kept informed and
feeling that this decision is in the best
Milton Friedman Approach To Ethics In The Gulf Oil Spill
The Gulf Oil Spill was and still is a issues for BP that require both its legal team
and media relations department to work quick and together to both address the
issues and protect the image of the company. In times of scandal or crisis
companies have a plan of action to help resolve the issues and reduce how much of
media frenzy it becomes. From who speaks at interviews, gives public statements,
legal advising, and executing a solution. For BP this meant work with wildlife
rescues groups, the Natural Resource Damage Assessment, and environmentalist. For
BP getting the waters clean was important not only to them but for the environment
and those who depended on the waters for survival in term of the sea life. So the
concepts of social responsibilityby Milton Friedman would play a part of BP
ensuring the companies further survival. According to Friedman, if this statement is
not pure rhetoric, it must mean that he is to act in some way that is not in the interest
of his employers. For example, that he is to refrain from increasing... Show more
content on ...
A different approach to ethics assumes that people are deeply connected to one
another in webs of relationships, and that ethical decisions cannot be made outside
the context of those relationships. This alternative view holds that ethics is
essentially a matter of nurturing and reinforcing the ties we have with one another.
This has become known as the ethic of care, as it is based on caring for others
(Halbert, Ingulli; Law, Ethic, Business, pg. 18; 2008). This framework of ethics
would make put the force and resolving the issue by respecting the view of
environmentalist, wildlife rescue group, and the survival of the ecosystem. BP would
need to make sure that those individual and groups feel that the both were concerned
with ensuring the survival of the water and aquatic life not just the image and profits
of the
Effective Communication
Effective communication
Communication is primarily an exchange of information, ideas, or thoughts. This
paper will focus on the process of verbal and nonverbal communication as well as the
components of each. It outline the formal and informal channels of criminal channels.
This paper will also list the different barriers to effective communication within a
criminal justice organization. Finally it will cover strategies that can be implemented
to overcome communication barriers within criminal justice organizations.
Verbal and nonverbal communication
Wallace and Roberson (2009) stated that communication is a process involving
several steps, among two or more persons, for the primary purpose of exchanging
information (p.15 ). ... Show more content on ...
Both formal and informal means of communication help facilitate the transfer of
important information within a law enforcement organization.
Barriers to effective communication
There are four basic barriers that hinder effective communication, emotional barriers,
physical barriers, semantic barriers, and ineffective listening. All of these barriers
separately or combined can contribute to a lack of effective communication.
To communicate successfully one must express thoughts and emotions clearly.
Sometimes the emotional barriers can hinder one s ability to effectively
communicate. Physical barriers are the facets of the surroundings that obstruct the
flow of information. This could be radios which are not working correctly and prevent
the officer from transmitting his communications. Anything that prevents or slows
down the progress of the giving or receiving of information is considered a physical
barrier. Semantics is another form of communication barrier, which results in the
inability to communicate clearly. Semantic problems occur when there is a failure to
agree on the connotation of certain expressions (Wallace Roberson, 2009). The
meaning of certain terms may not be interpreted the same by different people.
Ineffective listening is the final barrier to effective communications. This can be
described as not receiving what the other person is relaying. The person on the
receiving end of a
Drug Abuse in Hk
The Causes of Drug Abuse in Hong Kong
Prepared by:
Table of Contents
Introduction P .4
Causes of abusing substances by young people P.5 6
Causes of Abuse and Difficulties of Giving Up P.7 8
Motivations hindered behind for risking lives P.9 10
Hong Kong Youth Caught in Wave of KetamineAddiction P.11 12
Insights into the motivations of the drug user in Hong KongP.13 14
Conclusion P.15
Works Cited P.16
Appendix A An Examination of the Relationship between Stress and Substance Abuse
in Young People in Hong Kong
Appendix B Cough Syrup Abuse among Young... Show more content on ...
Also, most teenagers are students. They are probably facing a lot of pressure for
their academic performance. These ideas could explain that most teenage drug
abusers came from inharmonic families or performed badly in school. Perhaps, they
are just trying to have a moment of peace. If we want to tackle the problem of
teenage drug abuse, we have to deal with the base of the problem, the inharmonic
families or the high pressure from school work.
Causes of Abuse and Difficulties of Giving Up The causes of teenage drug abuse
are mainly the inquisitiveness, desire of high feeling, peer effect and negative
emotions of the abusers according to the article. The intentions of several
respondents using cough syrup A K are being found out through interviews and
thorough study of their cases. For many of those interviewees, they start taking
drugs because they are interested in the feeling of taking drugs. Usually, they will
get a high feeling when they take drugs. This feeling is a main reason for the
teenage drug abuse. Many teenagers have an emotion of sadness from their parents,
schools and friends. They want to release the bad feeling through these means. The
high feeling from the drugs make the teenagers get addicted. Moreover, the peer
influence is another major reason. They don t want to be teased as weak and
cowardly. Even though they know that it is wrong, they will still try it. Most of the
The Dark Side Of Drugs
Drugs have been consumed by humans over thousands of years; whether it was a
Native American eating peyote for a spiritual experience, or a more modern day
liberal smoking a joint to relax after a day at work. As more types off mass media
began to emerge throughout the twentieth century, society was exposed to
polarizing views on drug use. For the sake of this paper, I will be focusing on a
comedy that gets most of its humor out of the various side effects of this widely
debated drug. Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle is a film about two friends in
their mid 20s who, at the beginning of the movie, don t seem to be going anywhere
with their lives. The two aren t necessarily burnouts per say, but neither one of
them are taking full advantage of their previous educations or the resources around
them. After a particularly stressful day at work, the guys are watching television
while smoking a new strain of marijuana that Kumar had gotten his hands on. As
they were staring at the TV, getting high, a commercial for White Castle came on
which had them drooling. Throughout the rest of the movie we watch as the two of
them go on an adventure in search of the cheap sliders. In Drugs and Society, we
have discussed how addiction and the use of drugs can have an effect on more
people than the user alone. Kumar s marijuana habits have factored into his lazy
lifestyle, which upsets his family. While on their journey to White Castle, Harold
gets bit by a raccoon and goes to the
Evaluating The Reading Process Is Essential Because One...
When children learn to read, the process can appear to be straightforward. We tend
to view reading as a typical learning process that all children learn and can do with
ease since it appears that everyone learns to read in elementary school. However,
when evaluating the reading process, it becomes complex with specific skills that
must be learned in a systematic organized method. The systematic part is essential
because one skill set builds upon the other. These systematic organized parts of
readingare divided into what is known as the Big 5. Reutzel and Cooter educates the
reader that, ?the following aspects of literacy have been documented as an
instructional essentials in the aforementioned federal research reports by the
National Early Literacy panel, 2008, [where is the list of the big five can be found
are]: Phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension?(p.16).
When trying to decide on instruction for literacy in elementary school, there are a lot
of reading programs and materials available, however they should contain Phonemic
awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension as key components. At
the elementary level, three observations were observed through the concepts of
phonemic awareness, phonics and comprehension to determine how this instruction
is provided to the students. In addition, an interview was conducted with a veteran
teacher in Kindergarten to gather her insight into the beginning stages of the reading
process. All
Current Research On Bipolar Disorder II
Current Research on Bipolar Disorder II Shannon J. Oliveira American School of
Professional Psychology Psychopathology Fall 2014 Current Research on Bipolar
Disorder II The following is a review of recent peer reviewed research articles in
the field of psychology contributing to new information on the diagnosis, treatment,
and outcome measures for Bipolar Disorder II (BDII). First, you will find a
description of the diagnostic presentation of BDII, followed by the corresponding
results of the research, and ending with an explanation of how the following
research will influence our work as mental health practitioners. Bipolar II
Description The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth
Edition (DSM 5) describes BDII as an instability of mood categorized by the
lifetime prevalence of at least one major depressive episode and at least one
hypomanic episode (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Generally speaking,
a major depressive episode consists of a depressed or consistent low mood for a
period of at least two weeks. A hypomanic episode on the other hand, consists of a
period of elevated, expansive, or irritable mood lasting at least 4 consecutive days.
Both episodes generally cause serious implications on the individual s daily living
in regards to social, academic, and work environments. For a diagnosis to be made
by the DSM 5, a list of particular criteria must be met, and specific information such
as what the individuals current or most recent
How Is Twelfth Night Deceiving
Twelfth Night Danial Naseem Society today is full of examples of people who are
deceiving each other by appearing as someone they are not. William Shakespeare s
play Twelfth Night, conveys many acts where characters are deceiving others. He
illustrates how disguises impact others emotionally causing one to feel downed.
Shakespeare has shown how disguises are very easy to fool people and that from
this it could ruin one s life. One example of a negative consequence in Twelfth Night
is when the main character Viola, dresses up as a man and names herself Cesario
which lead to Countess Olivia s deception. Thou shalt present me as a eunuch to
him, is what Viola said, and it means that she will dress as a male and go work as a
messenger. Viola s appearance had gotten the best of Olivia and it caused Olivia to
fall in love with her. This put Viola in big trouble considering how she could not
reveal herself as a girl. She tried to let Olivia down easy many times, but because of
Olivia s desperation, she kept chasing Viola s heart. Here Shakespeare... Show more
content on ...
Wear yellow stockings, cross gartered, and put a smile on your face, is part of what
Maria wrote in the letter to prank Malvolio. This was to make Malvolio look like a
fool in front of his lady Olivia, and so that she could get a good laugh along with
her friends who were also in on the prank. When Malvolio showed up to Olivia
wearing the ridiculous clothing she put him into a cell thinking he was insanely
mad. Here Shakespeare emits how it is not necessary for someone to deceive
someone from acting as a person, one can also deceive one by just a piece of
writing. From this act he illustrated how deceiving someone from writing is worse
than deceiving someone if you are wearing a
The Three Estates and Grievances Essay
Before the French Revolution, there were three estates, or classes: the nobility, the
clergy and the commoners. The nobility and the clergy had many more privileges
than the third estate and that is what caused the French Revolution. The Third estate
was composed of the peasants, the workers and the bourgeoisie; unlike the other
segments of the Third Estate, the bourgeoisie was able to communicate its grievances
to the public during the period after the French Revolution: 1789 1799.
The peasants in the French Revolution had many un communicated complaints. The
peasants felt they were being taxed too heavily. This was true because the
government could not tax the clergy or the nobility, and they needed money. As a
result, they raised ... Show more content on ...
They were not represented, however. The monarch and the army was able to repress
the outbursts from the urban working class and they did not have any success.
The Bourgeoisie was different from the other two groups in their success. They
understood the excessive taxation was only for the third estate and the other two did
not get taxed at al.. They also knew they did not have fair representation in the
government. Even though they were richer than the rest of the Third Estate, they
wanted to have equal representation. The monarch gave them double representation
but that was also unfair and ineffective. In the end, they overthrew the government
and came up with their own government. Initially, they received representation
through the Estates General. However, this was not enough for them either because
the monarch had control over their meetings. They then formed the National
Constituents Assembly and formed the Tennis Court Oath. This eventually led them
to making the Declaration of the Rights of Man. They finally gained the equality
they had been striving for and they could not be suppressed. They eventually led to
the Directory and they had all of the issues they were concerned with addressed. They
received the most exposure because they were the most intelligent of the Third Estate
and they were able to take control of the government.
During the French revolution, all three groups had grievances that remained
unaddressed and ignored by the rest
The Causes Of Coral Reef Bleaching
Coral Reef Bleaching: When water is too warm, coral expels the algae
(zooxanthellae) living in their tissues causing it to turn white. Not all bleaching is
caused by warm water stress. Cold stress is also believed to cause bleaching.
Endosymbiotic algae have a crucial role in coral survival. They provide an energy
source in photosynthate.
Endosymbiotic: Symbiotic relationship where one of the organisms live inside the
Photosynthate: A substance made by photosynthesis.
Bleaching is the paling of zooxanthellate invertebrates.
Caused by various human activities and variations in the reefs environment such as
temperature of the water, solar irradiance, sedimentation, etc.
Coral Reef bleaching events have increased in the past 20 years in frequency and
extent worldwide.
It is thought that worldwide climate change could play a role in the increased amount
in coral reefs bleaching.
Climate change could also cause major reef tracts destruction
Climate change can lead to the extinction of many coral species
Where are they found? found in shallow circumtropical waters along the shore of
The reef substrate is primarily made up of calcium carbonate from both living and
dead scleractinian corals.
Many other invertebrates, vertebrates, and plants live in close association to the
scleractinian corals.
Recycling allows coral reefs to have an extremely high productivity and biodiversity,
they are referred to as the Tropical Rainforests of the Oceans .
Corals live
The Impact on People of Animal Abuse
Brenda Spencer fired forty shots at San Diego school children, fatally wounding two
and injuring nine others, neighbors later informed police that Spencer had
repeatedly abused dogs and cats often setting their tails on fire (Finch 1). The
situation of Spencer of abuse at a young age and carried on through her adult life.
Domestic abuse is directed toward the powerless, animal abuse and child abuseoften
go hand in hand. Parents who neglect an animal s need for proper care or abuse
animals may also abuse or neglect their own children. Some abusive adults who
know better than to abuse a child in public have no such qualms about abusing an
animal publicly (PETA). At an early age children are effected throughout their lives
by images and... Show more content on ...
Children that use abuse in their daily lives and are not told if the situation is right
or wrong, can damage their life forever. The images of right and wrong will stay
with them throughout their adult life, if the parents instill the morals at a young
age. If children abuse the animals at such a young age, they will grow up abusing
other humans, and animals. The cycle of abuse is very harsh, and strong if the
cycle isn t broken by parents and it will lead the children to abusing animals and
then killing, and hurting people in the later years of their life. The law that has
been passed to help prevent the harsh situations of abuse was in 1993, California
became the first state to pass a law requiring animal control officers to report child
abuse. Voluntary abuse reporting measures are also on the books in Ohio,
Connecticut, and Washington, D.C., and similar legislation has been introduced in
Florida. The research shows that pet abuse is a warning sign of abuse to the two
legged members of the family, says the bill s sponsor, Representative Steve Effman.
We can t afford to ignore the connection any longer. (Arkow 23). There are many
steps that are being put into action to help the spread of abuse in the families, and
furthering on in the future.
The laws and regulations for child abuse are extremely supportive for helping out the
youth, and parents. Setting laws for the youth, and parents of the
Allele Variation Of The Gene
Many researchers have studied the short allele variation of the gene. Though most of
have different views of how the serotonin transporter gene is related to emotions,
most agree that the gene has some factor in emotion regulation. Some focus on the
gene being a factor in the amount of depression, anxiety, and stress. (insert citation)
Others explore the gene determining the amount of satisfaction within a person s
life. (insert citation) Some also explore the possible solutions or affects that could
change the negative impact the short allele gene has on the way we think. (insert
citation) The results of these experiments play a role in the discovery and evidence
of the gene having a link to our emotions. In one of the academic peer... Show more
content on ...
The scale measures the fear and avoidance in social and performance situations.
They then gathered DNA from the volunteers from leukocytes. The results from
these methods of research showed that lower expressing serotonin polymorphism
genotypes were associated with decreased reappraisal and increase social anxiety.
But, not only did they state this information, they gave a possible solution for
increasing or bettering reappraisal. Through cognitive behavioral psychotherapy
low expressing genotypes can improve. Since serotonin plays a big role in how we
process and regulate emotions the researchers (insert citation) wanted to see how
the fear stimuli affects the serotonin polymorphism region. The main thing they
were focusing on was selective attention differences based on the different
variation of the serotonin transporter gene. In their experiment the tested fifty
healthy female students of European descent. They were genotyped by polymerase
reaction and gel electrophoresis before the procedure of the experiment was done.
The procedure was done by a dot probe task. Twenty pictures of spiders and 40
pictures of chairs were displayed in pairs, side by side on a computer screen. The
participants were required to differentiate the target by pressing the button
corresponding it. The picture pairs were shown at different speeds, which included
500 ms, 1,250 ms, and 2000 ms. Conditions of
Tender Offer Play
In the short play, Tender Offer by Wendy Wasserstein, is a drama play about a
father and daughter s relationship. Paul is a 35 year old businessman, who puts
work before anyone and isn t around much for his daughter Lisa. Lisa is a nine year
old girl who is all alone in the dance studio after her father missed her dancerecital.
Lisa and Paul don t spend enough familytime together since he is always too busy
with work. This leads to Lisa not wanting to spend time with him since she feels as
though he neglected her. In the beginning of the playthere is tension right away when
Lisa s father Paul finally shows up after missing her dance recital. He tries to tell
Lisa that he was sorry he was late (pg. 816), tries to joke around with her and be
friendly since he missed her dance recital. Even though he is trying to make Lisa
feel better, she just isn t falling for it. She feels though that he neglected her. She is
answering him back in short quick one word or two... Show more content on ...
He thought that he could just apologize to her and then everything would be okay.
Well boy was he wrong! At first, he doesn t really realize how much by him
missing the dance recital effected Lisa. As the play goes on though, he comes to
realize that it really hurt Lisa and had an effect on her. He thought he could just
apologize to her and that everything would work out, but when that didn t work he
tried something else. He tried to be more friendly with her and joke around but
that still wasn t doing the trick. He ends up making Lisa a tender offer which leads
to him asking Lisa, if she d show him her dance recital (pg. 821). He ends up
dancing the other parts in her dance recital and in the end was able to lighten the
mood up before they went back home. Paul was finally able to realize that he needed
to spend more time with his daughter Lisa, so that they could have a better
relationship than what they had
The Rules of Records Management
Why is records management important? Many people who are not pretty familiar
with records might think too seriously about records management. However, people
who are in business or the people who have their own business have to know about
records management procedures enforced by governments around the world. For
example, in the book Intensive Records Managementby , we can learned about the
rules of records management and the legal procedures that apply to it. Records
management is important because of its ten most important reasons: to control the
creation and increase of files or records, to reduce working costs, to improve the
competence and productivity, to assimilate new records management technology, to
make sure regulatory... Show more content on ...
Another important filing method is Subject Filing. For subject filing we have to take
in consideration six rules. Inspecting, indexing, coding, cross referencing, sorting, and
filing and retrieval. Finally, I am going to talk about Geographic filing. Geographic
filing also has six filing methods. Inspecting, indexing, coding, cross referencing,
sorting, and filing and retrieval.
For example, (Century 21 Autos Augusta, ME*) when filing Maine is the key unit,
Augusta is second unit, Century is the third unit, 21 is the fourth unit, autos is the
fifth unit or last unit. Therefore, when you file, it becomes (Maine Augusta Century
21 Autos). This is how the rules for filing methods work.
Then, I am going to discuss the use of computer technology in Records management,
reasons to restrict access to documents to authorize users only, explain the need for
vital records protection and disaster recovery planning, and discuss the reasons to
appraise records periodically in relation to their period of usefulness.
Another great factor of the life cycle in records management is the reducing of
operating costs. Recordkeeping requires the administrative part of the financial affairs
of a business for filing equipment, space in offices, and staffing to maintain an
organized filing system or to search for lost records when there is no organized
system. For example, it costs about $20 less per linear foot of records to store
inactive records in
Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines
History The history of depressants stretches back thousands of years. Alcohol, the
prototypical depressant, was consumed by humans as early as 10,000 B.C., as
established by the discovery of beer jugs from the late Stone Age. Other natural
depressants such as opium also have ancient origins. Historically, barbiturates in
particular have been used as truth serums because people under the influence of these
drugs often speak without thinking Classifications Depressants can be divided into
three main groups: barbiturates, benzodiazepines and sleep medications. Barbiturates
are used to treat seizure disorders and surgical procedures. Benzodiazepines are used
to treat acute stress reactions, panic attacks, convulsions and sleep disorders. Sleep...
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Depressants could be used with other drugs to add other drugs high or to deal with
their side effects. Often abusers take higher doses than people taking the drugs under
a doctor s supervision for therapeutic purposes. Depressants like GHB and Rohypnol
are also misused to facilitate sexual
Elmira Knitting Factory Fire Research Paper
ELMIRA HEIGHTS (WENY) Fire crews were on scene for nearly 24 hours spraying
water at a warehouse on Prescott Avenue. The fire at 250 Presscott Avenue broke out
Sunday night around 8 P.M. and needed at least ten different departments to battle the
Elmira Heights Police arrested two 16 year old boys and charged them with arson.
Officer Stephen Cook of the Elmira Heights Police Department tells WENY News the
teens became persons of interest around around midnight. Around 3 A.M. the teens
were arrested and brought before a judge. Authorities haven t released how the teens
allegedly caused the fire. Police says the teenagers will be charged as adults but their
names wont be released because they re eligible as youthful offenders. ... Show more
content on ...
The Elmira Knitting Mill made undershirts and underwear during World War II. They
made a lot military undershirts and underwear and actually received a commendation
from the United States Marine Corps, explains Dworkin.
According to Tom Witzel, the owner of Hesselsons, who currently owns the
building, says after the knitting mill went out of business in the 1960 s it was
home to Burruss Storage company. Prior to Hesselsons s owning it, it had been a
moving and storage company that went out of business in 92 so it sat vacant for a
few years. Every year different towns and municipalities would place it up for
auction so Tom Hesselson actually bought it, says Witzel.
For the past twenty years Hesselsons has been using the warehouse to store
inventory. Fortunately, just a few weeks ago Hesselsons moved a majority of its
stuff into a new warehouse closer to their business. So a lot of the stuff had been
moved out which is obviously good for us. If this had happened a month ago, who
knows what would have happened. We had still had some hot tub and pool stuff over
there, a lot of shelving and racking and hot tub parts over there and some generators,
Essay On Roald Dahl
Throughout the 20th century, there have been many wonderful authors. But there is
one author that has written many great books that lots of people still read today.
His name is Roald Dahl. Roald Dahl is a famous children s book author. He has
written many fantastic children s books such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,
James and the Giant Peach, and Matilda. I believe that Roald Dahlis one of the best
children s book authors because he has lots of creativity and inspiration for his stories.
Roald Dahl was born on September 13, 1916, in Llandaff, South Wales. His parents
were Norwegian. His father had immigrated from Norway to England. He took a trip
back to Norway in hopes of finding a new wife to help him raise his son and ... Show
more content on ...
One of Roald s hobbies was reading. Some of his favorite authors were Rudyard
Kipling, Captain Marryat, H. Rider Haggarrd, and G.A. Henty. He loved the
emphasized feelings of masculinity and heroism in their books that would influence
his writings and his life.
When Roald was thirteen, his family moved back to Kent, England. Roald then
attended the famous Repton Public School while his sisters attended Roedean in
Sussex. Roald thought that Repton was worse than St. Peter s. His account of it in
Boy includes fagging (younger boys, fags , were basically personal slaves to the
older prefects, called boazers ), beatings, the torture of new boys, and other
miseries common to many, although not all, boys boarding schools of the time.
(Howard) In Boy, Roald describes harsh beatings from the former headmaster,
Geoffrey Fisher, who had eventually become the Archbishop of Canterbury.
According to Dahl, the vicious beatings that this man would deliver, combined
with the fact that twenty years later he crowned Queen Elizabeth II in Westminster
Abbey, made Dahl doubt the existence of God. (Howard) However, in Jeremy
Treglown s biography about Roald, he discovered that Roald had gotten his dates
mixed up. The beatings he was referring to happened in 1933, a year after Fisher
had left Repton. Mr. Treglown believed that it was Fisher s successor, J. T. Christie.
Luckily, not all of
Functionalist Perspective On Suicide
The topic of suicide can easily become uncomfortable when discussing. Thoughts
of family or friends using a permanent solution to a temporary problem is hard to
grasp. Why would an individual choose to do this? Did it stem from personal reasons
or was it fueled by a number of out siding factors. Using Sociologywe can decipher
human behavior and gain an insight into a global issue .
By applying the functionalist perspective to the issue of suicide, we will highlight the
importance of shared social morals and bonds. When rapid social change or other
disruptive conditions occur, moral values may erode, and people may become more
uncertain about how to act and about whether or not their life has meaning (Kendall ,
2014) . Suicide falls under
Research Proposal For Cargill Cocoa And Chocolate North...
Project Proposal for MIS 600 Information System used in Cargill Cocoa and
Chocolate North America Merlin Mathew 9 11 2017 Target of study The business
being studied, is that of Cargill Cocoa and Chocolate North America (CCCNA). It
is part of Cargill, Inc. an International producer and marketer of food, agricultural,
financial and industrial products and services. Cargill is the largest privately
owned company in the world based in Minnetonka, Minnesota. CCCNA partners
with Cocoa farmers around the globe to procure, ship, and transform their produce
to a wide range of cocoa and chocolate products and applications. After the
consolidation of the sector in 1990 s, CCCNA has emerged as the largest
manufacturer of Chocolate in USA and owns several brands, apart from supplying
products for other well known brands like Hershey s, Mars, Nestle etc. and retail
giants like Target and Costco. Cargill Leadership Gregory R. Page; Dave
MacLennan CCCNA Business Unit Leader Bryan Wurscher Revenue US$109.6
billion (2017) Net income US$2.835 billion (2017) Total assets US$55.8 billion
(2017) OwnerCargill family (90%) Number of employees 150,000 as per 2016;
approximately 700 for CCCNA Founded byWilliam Wallace Cargill on 1865; 152
years ago Industry Sector Agricultural Manufacturing and Commodity Trading
Competitors: OLAM ADM Barry Callebaut The sector, which grinds cocoa beans
into butter, powder and liquor used to make chocolate and
To Kill A Mockingbird Theme Analysis
Throughout the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the theme loss of
innocence is explored heavily. This theme is being explored through the main
character Scout, as she evolves and changes along the 3 year course of the novel.
Losing innocence was described as a sin by Atticus Finch and looked down upon for
unjustifiable reasons. This was demonstrated by using the metaphor of killing a
mockingbird to describe it s cruelty. Consequently, we see through the character
Scout, when she fights Cecil Jacobs only to back down, when she starts to question
gender roles when she used to not care, and through walking home her biggest fear
Boo Radley, that losing your innocence is not an awful,on the other hand, a
commendable thing to do. By Scout killing her mockingbird, she becomes more in
touch with the world and less ignorant. This makes her a more mature, kind hearted,
and understanding person. Firstly, when Scout was about to begin fighting Cecil
Jacobs for calling her father a negro lover, which was clearly an insult towards
Atticus Finch. She was on the verge of fighting Cecil, however Atticus s words
echoed and made her change her decision. Even so, Scout wasn t fully grown up
and strong enough to resist fighting Francis when he said vile things about her
father. Scout doesn t have much temper control and so she was very close to
fighting Cecil Jacobs. She drew a bead on remembering what Atticus said, then had
dropped (her) fist and walked away... It was the
The Digital Music
From the early days of the internet, Napster first introduced the globe to digital music
with easy accessibility, and has been morphing and developing with time. With hefty
copyright lawsuits underway, a number of successors have reattempted to design
music sharing platforms that acquiesce to consumer demands, while also limiting the
damage to artists and the music industryas a whole. With a number of well
recognizable investors and supporters, Spotify emerged in 2008 and had arguably
grown into the most formidable entity in the realms of digital music.
Company Profile:
Name: Spotify A combination of spot and identify.
Established: 2006 by Daniel Ek and Martin Lorentzon
Locations: Established in Europe, with parent commerce in Luxemburg, UK and R D
in Stockholm
Objective: To help people to listen to whatever music they want, whenever they want,
wherever they want.
Number of employees: 250
The service: An online, accessible music service offering music streaming on
demand. Spotify is promoted both as a premium monthly subscription service, and a
version which is free for consumers to use, but sustained by streamed advertising.
Consumers will also have the option to purchase a day pass that gives access to
Spotify without advertising.
Beginning its development in 2006 in Sweden, Spotify was founded by its owners
Daniel Ek, and Martin Lorentzon, former co founders of Stardoll and TradeDoubler,
with the intent to curtail illegal file sharing which was destroying the
Oats In Canada
This article discusses the price movement of oats in Canada due to a shortage in
supply. Two major concepts present in the article is the law of supply and law of
demand. The law of supply states that there s a positive relationship between the
price and quantity supplied of a good ceteris paribus; as price increases, quantity
supplied increases. The law of demand, states that there s a negative relationship
between the price and quantity demanded of a good ceteris paribus; as price
increases, quantity demanded decreases. Both laws involve ceteris paribus; all
variables besides the ones being studied are constant. The main reason for the rising
price of oats is due to non price determinants of supply; any variables other than price
that causes... Show more content on ...
The change in supply results from a nonprice determinant; the rain and snow.
Because of this, the oat harvest has been delayed and farmers are unable to harvest
as much as they were capable of in previous years. Because oats are a primary
commodity; a product produced in the primary sector, they have a fairly inelastic
demand because they are a necessity without many substitutes. The change in
prices will cause a drop in profits for farmers and producers.The poor weather
conditions also affects the quality of the oats as a result, more oats end up as food
for the livestock instead of being sent to producers who manufacture oat products.
The supply curve shifts leftwards and leads to an increase in price from P1 to P2 and
a decrease in quantity supplied from Q1 to Q2.
Figure B: Supply and Demand for Producers of Oat Products Figure B shows a
leftward shift in the supply curve from S1 to S2 for producers who require oats for
production. Due to the non price determinant that caused farmers to acquire less
supply, this in turn results in a smaller supply for the producers. Furthermore, a
smaller supply means the prices of oats will rise and the producers will require
more money for production. This results in an increase in price from P1 to P2 and a
decrease in quantity supplied from Q1 to Q2.
Figure C: Consumer s Demand for Products with
The Sound And The Fury By William Faulkner
In William Faulkner s The Sound and the Fury themes such as culture and names are
displayed through the perspective of the formerly respectable Compson family. Led
by Mr. and Mrs. Compson. Faulkner uses this novel to criticize the importance of
reputations to southern families and to criticize the culture of Post Bellum society.
Criticizing society was something relatively new at this time, resulting in this novel
becoming a leader in the movement, ushering in a new style of writing. Protagonists:
Benjamin, Caddy, and Quentin all feel the effects of the issues of reputation and
ideologies of society that culture in the south attempts to force them to uphold. The
beginning of the Novel places the reader in the mind of Benjamin Compson.... Show
more content on ...
Another example is Benjy s castration. Benjy has a special connection to his sister
Caddy. Caddy goes against the grain of society and treats Benjy as her brother, not
as a burden or an ill judgment from God like the rest of her family. I thought that
Benjamin was punishment enough for any sins I have committed I thought he
was my punishment for putting aside my pride and marrying a man who held
himself above me I don t complain I loved him above all of them because of it
because my duty (Faulkner) When Caddy ran away he grieved by the fence,
watching the school girls return to their homes, hoping that Caddy would return to
hers. Benjamin attempts to grab one of the girls resulting in him being labeled as a
threat. Benjy s assault was not intended to be sexual. However, it was still seen as
a threat. Not only a threat to the families of the girls, but also a threat to the
Compsons. If Benjy reproduced it would plague them with another child, most
likely suffering from the same disabilities as its father. Another direct example of
Benjy being viewed as inferior. Faulkner uses Benjy to display the flaws of the
ideology towards disabled peoples in Post Bellum culture. The theme of names is
also present with Benjy. Faulkner uses Benjy to criticize the importance of ones
reputation in the south. It can be inferred several times from close examination of
Mrs. Compsons dialogue that she often worries about how Benjamin
The Separate Lives Analysis
Distancing oneself from culture allows for new roles or new dynamics to take
place. In Middlesex, the first place the siblings give way to their feelings are when
the Greek are retreating, a symbol of their culture departing, ultimately allowing
Lefty and Desdemona to have a more intimate relationship. They both put on a
show for the other passengers since their arrival onto the ship, acting like they met
for the first time, they had fabricated memory, improvised fate (Eugenides 68).
They were married not long after, but even in light of this, the star crossed lovers
could feel the wrongness of what they were doing and how it was easier to pretend
in the dark that they were sleeping with a stranger (70). The phrase star crossed lovers
... Show more content on ...
With that in mind, it is said that Milton and Tessie carry one mutation apiece (125).
Despite being second cousins, there is an attraction between the two. Milton
serenaded her from afar , only to be thwarted by Desdemona s matchmaking (177).
After a broken engagement and Milton going off to the war, Tessie chose Milton and
got married; seemingly unaware of the past intermarriage. Smuggling is mentioned
and much like incest it is a social and cultural taboo, it also is something that is done
in secret, underground for decades only to reappear when everyone has forgotten
about it , meaning that with each successive generation its potential negative effects
are left in the dust (71). All of this ultimately leads up to Cal, who is a hermaphrodite,
a sexual hybrid, and an ethnic hybrid too. We see Cal in a constant battle with self
doubt at every turn due to his parents and grandparents choices, who care too late
about the consequences of their actions. Bhugra and Becker in Migration, Cultural
Bereavement, and Cultural Identity , focus on the mental and emotional effects of
assimilation. Specifically, loss of culture which leads to self esteem issues, which
can cause isolation as we can see in Middlesex. The family does not venture too far
from each other, socially, which is a factor of the intermarrying and lack of their
culture. Also, alienation is shown through Cal s social life. Negative effects occur
The United States Marine Corps Osprey Scandal
To: Prof. Palermo
From: Christopher Hackett
Date: December 8, 2016
Subject: The U.S.M.C. Osprey scandal The United States Marine Corps Osprey
scandal took place from July, 2000 to January 2001. It resulted in the falsification of
Osprey readiness reports and the prosecution of several Marine Corps officers
(Rubel, 2009). The scandal originates with the United States Marine Corps intent to
increase production of the Osprey helicopter. The Marines found this type of
aircraft to be ideal due to its unique abilities and wished to push for full
development. In order to reach their goal, the Marines had to prove the Osprey was
a reliable vehicle worth the extra funding to increase production. A requirement set
forth to prove this was to have at least 80% readiness of the entire fleet of Ospreys
at all times. (Flaherty Ricks, A Troubled Osprey Wounds the Corps; Pressures to
Build a New Plane Led To Deception and Deadly Shortcuts , 2001).
This requirement may sound realistic for any aircraft, but not for the Osprey. The
Osprey had a history with three crashes that resulted in deaths of twenty six Marines
and four civilians up until the time of the scandal (Flaherty Ricks, Osprey Probe
Reaches Pentagon s Top Ranks , 2001). Maj. Gen. Dennis T. Krupp s command
included the only Osprey Squadron in the Marines at the time. Krupp stressed the
importance of meeting that 80% to Col. James Schleining, who commanded Lt. Col.
Odin F. Leberman Jr, who was the commander of the
Merlin s Character In The Legend Of Geoffrey Merlin
Merlin is considered one of the most strongest sorcerer that lives Camelot. He is
Arthur s adviser, as well as a prophet and sorcerer. Merlin s powers were so powerful
that other wizards and sorcerers looked up to him as a leader. His role in the
Arthurian legend is to protect and serve the lands of Camelot. The Life of Merlingave
him the qualities of an humble man, who took pleasure in loneliness. The source
provided descriptive details of Merlin s actions and how they affected others in
relations to his selfishness. In the narrative, Monmouth wrote Merlin to be a man
who wanted nothing to do with anyone, except for himself. After the 1900 s,
author of The Daughter of Merlin took a different perspective and gave the
character a child that shared the same qualities. Gaster gave new meaning to
Merlin s character that will be put in texts of the Arthurian Legend. In the
narratives, The Life of Merlin by Geoffrey Monmouth and The Daughter of Merlin
by Madison J Cawein, Merlin s character changes as different authors rewrite his
character. He changes from a sorcerer living on his own to a sorcerer who has a
daughter with his same abilities, because over a certain time period the authors
wanted to evolve Merlin into more caring, passionate character. For example,
Monmouth provides Merlin s character with the sense of self serving attitude. The
author incorporates a battle, which Merlin s leads and succeeds with the victory of
the battle. In return of the victorious battle, the
Similarities Between Animal Farm And The Truman Show
How can achieve the good life? How can we make make a utopia? These are some
of the questions when a human gets enough power and control! Within both of the
stories, Animal Farm (written by George Orwell) and The Truman Show (directed
by Peter Weir). Both author and director explore these three themes . The good
life, a utopia and power are some of the keys to living a full and grateful life. To have
a utopia you must have a good life and to have a good life you must have power
within your life.
In the movie The Truman Show Peter Weirshows that power is to control another
person s life in one way or another. Whereas in animal farm to have power is to
The main point can be shown within christof who is the director of the show who
controls where truman worked, where he lived and even who he marries. Christof
has ultimate power over truman and whatever he does until Truman finds his own
freedom within the set, this was shown in one of the end scenes when Christof
makes the weather horrible so truman couldn t escape from the dome. This shows
that Christof had the most power because he could control another person s life
and what they did. Similarly in animal farm power is shown in control and that to
have power you have to control over a group, this is shown at the start when farmer
jones is in control of all of the animals on the farm and then when the pigs take over
to controll all of the other animals. These were shown when the pigs had to have a
farm vote to
Comparison Between Angular2 And Java Programming
In the current Society and Web Development Industry, Web developers are using well
known frameworks such as Angular2 and Java programming when it comes to
building Web Applications. Angular2 is a JavaScript framework for building client
side Applications using HTML, CSS and a programming language such as JavaScript.
On the other end, Java is a platform as well as a programming language which can
be used in back end of Web Applications. Angular2 and java are so very popular in
web development and are mostly used for their modern, improved and latest
standards features. This essay deals with the differences and similarities presented by
both Angular2 and Java programming frameworks, the features they include in terms
of handling and reporting error as well as their relevance in current industry projects.
Difference and similarities between Angular2 Java programming
Angular2 And Java programming are frameworks that present some differences.
Angular2 is built for speed, has faster initial loads faster change detection and
improved rendering time. it is modern and includes features provided in the latest
JavaScript standards and beyond such Classes, modules and decorators. It
comprises a super set of JavaScript called Typescript which is compiled to
JavaScript to be used by web apps. As opposed to Angular2, Java programming is a
language designed for use in the distributed internet environment. It is used for
creating applications that can run on a single
Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual Awakening Through Our Bodies: Oppression Liberation Within Zenju s
The Way of Tenderness she speaks to a reengagement with how spiritual awakening
is understood within Buddhist discourse. In particular Zenju challenges the gap
distancing spiritual awakening from our everyday experiences. Instead, Zenju
argues to inextricably link spiritual awakening and everyday experiences:
awakening does not come in a blind, euphoric, or empty world (2015, 7). Further,
Zenju s engagement with spiritual awakening creates space in which to critique
Buddhist discourses that serve to oppress bodies, as well as to recover Buddhist
discourses that serve to liberate bodies. The same Buddhist discourse can be used to
both liberate and oppress people,... Show more content on ...
Zenju argues for a different interpretation of Heart Sutra s emptiness. Liberatory
emptiness for Zenju is that which allows for our hearts to hold no ideas regarding
others or the world in which we live (2015, 105). The emptiness of hearts will
allow for one to view and treat others, as well as ourselves, with compassion. The
illusions and distortions spoken of by the Buddha can be viewed as false from a
heart of emptiness. Rather, our hearts will be empty of these illusions freeing us
from the suffering caused by the internalization of inferiority and superiority (2015,
106). When our hearts are filled with these illusions we not only cause harm and
suffering to ourselves, but we reproduce and reinforce the harm and suffering of
Zol-Pidem Tartrate Research Paper
Zol pidem is the generic name and the active ingredient of the drug called Ambien.
Ambien (Zol pidem Tartrate) is a GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) agonist
affecting the benzodiazepine receptor site, it belongs to the class of imida zo
pyridine and the drug dosage availability is in both 5 mg and 10 mg strength
tablets (immediate and extended release tablet forms) that are favorable for the
oral route of administration. It is also available in a sub lingual form by the names
of Edluar and Intermezzo and an oral spray form. According to Holm Goa (2010), it
was first introduced in the 1990 s by the Searle Company.
Chemical Composition:
Ambien (Zol pidem Tartrate) is chemically expressed as: N,N,6 trimethyl 2 p
tolylimidazo[1,2 a] pyridine 3 acetamide ... Show more content on ...
2. Uses of Ambien (Zol pidem Tartrate):
Zol pidem has the capability to alter the chemicals that are released in the brain,
and is used to balance these chemicals in patients who have trouble sleeping
(insomnia) in adults or any other sleeping problems like waking up in the middle of
the night frequently. It is used before bed. According to Holm Goa (2010), the
treatment lasts for 1 2 weeks and is considered as a short therapeutic treatment. It is
also used as an anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant to prevent seizures. The failure of
Zol pidem as a therapeutic agent in a patient indicates symptoms of mental illness.
3 Abuse Potential
Ambien is considered a recreational drug that is mainly used in an illegal or abusive
purpose to create enhanced sedative and euphoric effects because of its capability
to cause the alteration of chemicals in the mind that are responsible for mood
sensations and coordination. According to Wilkinson (2009), this was illegally
used as the Date Rape Drug in order to have sexual contact with individuals when
they are unconscious after taking a higher than normal dose. This drug is also used
to create a high or cause hallucinations in an individual if they stay awake after the
intake of medication. It has a high potential to be lethal and cause memory loss and
poor co ordination, usually when taken with other drugs or alcohol. It is illegal if also
distributed among friends or used without
The Beginning Of Colonial Life
The beginning of colonial life started off with great living conditions. There was a
lack of disease and good amount of clean drinking. These new conditions for the
colonist added a few years to the life expectancies. Because of the new great life
spans of the colonist, the growth of New England was at an all time high. Even
though there was a great start in New England, Chesapeake was far from growing at
the time. It was full of disease; almost all of the men and women were widowers. And
their children became orphans. Even though there were countless deaths, disease
captured mostly European women. The men then began to have relations with
African and Native American women. This then became known as miscegenation.
Native Americans and... Show more content on ...
The Native Americans then proceeded to take tactics from the Europeans. This
then would help and give them an advantage in fight. Both sides of the Native
American groups fought on this conflict. Washington then gave up and soon the
Colonial militia was taken over by General Braddock, all because the French
advanced in their proceedings of Fort Necessity. In 1755 the French were
victorious until 1758 when the British won a series of battles. The British captured
the French city of Quebec in 1759 while in 1760 the French signed a peace treaty
with the British. In this treaty Canada will no longer be controlled by France. All
the while the British allowed religious freedom to also take place here, which still
was not present in the other thirteen colonies. The end of the war was official with
the Treaty of Paris. Then there was the Treaty of Paris. This is when France
surrendered Canada to Britain with Louisiana under Spanish Control. These wars
doubled the debt for the English in its colonies and England. Since there was an
extensive amount of British troops, taxes were increased and this caused the
American Revolution that was an anti British movement. Furthermore the Colonial
period first had a great growth while others such as Chesapeake had numerous deaths.
Britain and France had ongoing conflicts over control, the Native Americans and
Africans then became involved while the militias were taken
Proto Pump Inhibitors Essay
Description/Synopsis: Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are used for the treatment of
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) due
to their potential to inhibit gastric acid production. Unfortunately, high doses of PPIs
are associated with adverse health outcomes. The use of PPIs has been shown to
affect the absorption of minerals and vitamin like calcium, iron and vitamin B12. Not
only the risk of other severe conditions like hyperparathyroidism, diarrhea and
pneumonia increases upon the long term use of PPIs but the negative effects also
extend to coronary heart disease and atherosclerotic diseases. PPIs reduce the efficacy
of the drug clopidogrel which inhibits platelet activation thereby contributing to
coronary heart disease and myocardial... Show more content on ...
It is further reported to induce atrophic gastritis which can ultimately lead to
gastric carcinoma. Results of study: PPIs are generally considered safe, but initial
studies reported that the short term use of this drug (8 months) was associated
with adverse effects like vomiting/nausea, dizziness, headache, and
hypersensitivity reaction. On the basis of these observations, thereafter, several
studies unraveled potential long term effects of PPI therapy. The studies reveal
that upon intake of PPIs calcium absorption efficiency decreases by 41% in elderly
women. It is shown that odds ratio for hip fracture increase with the intake of PPIs
over subsequent years from 1.22 at one year, 1.41 at two years, 1.54 at three years
to 1.59 at four years. A significant difference in the value was seen between men
and women and the odds ratio was analyzed to be 1.78 vs 1.36, respectively. A study
further showed the increment in the odds ratio to 1.62 and 1.92 respectively upon the
use of PPIs for 5 and 7 years, respectively. The OR for Vitamin B12 deficiency
associated with the use of PPIs for above a year was
Themes In Inheritance Of Loss
Inheritance of loss, is a moving novel by Indian writer Kiran Desai, whereby we see
the effect of colonialism and post colonialism and the consequence that comes with
it. Many critical themes are explored, Leach lists them as colonialism, a revolution,
multi ethnic nationhood and illegal immigration in the US, where political
allegiance impacts on love affairs, and where the reality of life in a grubby New
York basement reshapes the American Dream (2007). Desai mentions many of these
historical events in her novel that give us and insight view as to what was happening
in the inside, within the people of India, as opposed to only seeing the surface and
elections going on. Desai looks at the younger generation as being mainly affected
by losing their identity to the suppression of the Europeanized world. The novel is
set in primarily in the 1980 s, but makes mention of earlier times when the Congress
Party was sparking up as well. These were crucial times... Show more content on ...
The Judge has a flashback whereby he got rid of his wife for having mistakenly
attended a political rally which was in favor of Nehru. He was later informed that
his wife had partaken of scrambled eggs and toast with top members of the Congress
Party (Desai, 310), even though it wasn t entirely the way it happened but the fact
was that she was there, and the embarrassment which it would have brought upon the
commissioner was enough for the Judge to have lost his career at the time.
Consequently, he lost his temper and abused his wife for this unintentional action. It
is quite ironic that Desai has the Judge, Jemubhai Patel, ruling for the opposition,
since in the history of India, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, was an important figure in
history, bring about unity and hope for the country, working alongside with Mahatma
Gandhi. In 1931 he was presided over the 46th session of the Indian National
Congress (Indian National
Sonic Monologue
Scourage s POV I mind as well stay in this damn jail for the rest of my days. Things
just aren t the same anymore. So what if I lost my temper and was about to go ape
shit on the rest of my crew? All s I wanted to was get back at sonic and those damn
freedom fighters and now here I am, barely feeling like myself let alone an anti
sonic in jail without any of my other team mates. this straight up sucks! I said
punching my hand into the wall. When I did get here it was to look for sonic, but
instead I found shadow. I didn t mind picking a fight with that dude, I d figure I d
give him a run for his money, but even in my super form I lost, and it felt like it
didn t take much either. at least I don t get bullied around here... I said to myself,...
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Knuckles! What are you doing up? eggman said to knuckles. I couldn t get any
sleep, and now, I m going to destroy you re robots and be known as a village hero.
Knuckles said with a pose and fireworks going off in the background. seriously?
fireworks? No one gives my entrance fireworks! Knuckles continued to battle the
robots, but eggman refused to give up. luckily, I have other robots, that have
already made it to your friends house. oh no you don t! said knuckles. He quickly
headed to the homes of his friends. They were begin carried out by the robots.
Knuckles picked them up and put them down somewhere else and destroyed the
robots. He then went inside to do the same, only to find them watching tv. all right,
this is my favorite show! Pass the popcorn! he then sat down with them and watched
some tv. One show later Knuckles destroyed the robots and sent eggman flying,
literally. seriously, one does not simply get a giant slingshot and he flew off.
The And, The, And The Element Of A Person s
The term fetish and the element around it can be taken as far back and before the
18th century, the Portuguese, predominantly West African natives, referred to certain
objects that were used in religious cults and their workings during worship. These
religious objects and artefacts described were mainly used in voodoo and witch craft
and were believed to be incredibly supernatural items.
From this, the concept evolved from an item or object that is seen to have magical
and enchanting powers in a more primitive situation to something closer to what we
know now.
Attention turned away from the people s relationship with a higher being to
relationship with material objects which in comparison would not seem to hold such
power as the ... Show more content on ...
Austrian neurologist and psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud was one of the first people to
address the subject of sexual fetishism and wrote an essay on the matter. After his
investigation he d come to believe that the purpose and meaning behind an individual
s fetish would always be one and the same;
The fetish is a substitute for the penis...for a particular and quite special penis that
had been extremely important in early childhood but had later been lost......It remains
a token of triumph over the threat of castration and a protection against it.
Sigmund Freud, FETISHISM (1927)
According to Freud, a person s fetish, whether it may be a material object, act or
some sort of obsessive compulsive conduct, then that person is substituting the
connection to the penis that they had emotionally lost at childhood and finding
support in that object or action. The word FETISH in fact originated from Portugal,
the word feitiço which means spell . This suggests a representation of power or
power over something, in this case power over an individual and one s extreme
attachment to an object, body part or specific situation.
Carrying on from Freud s conclusions, which were made after studying and analysing
a number of men, he decided that the determination
Business Planning
ECV Turning up the Heat in the North East
The profitability of a beef suckler herd is directly related to the number of calves
reared per cow annually. Commercial suckler herds should aim for a tighter calving
period with cows producing a viable calf every 365 days.
The average calving period for lowland suckler herd is 21 weeks, compared to the 12
week target and reducing the calving period from 21 weeks to 12 weeks can
increase revenue from extra weaning weight by more than ВЈ2000 for a 50 cow herd.
Tighter calving periods will increase profitability. If the weaning date on the farm
stays constant then a calf born in the first 3 weeks of calving will on average have a
weaning age of 230 days weighing 309kg. A calf born in the 18th... Show more
content on ...
This data is then collected, interpreted and analysed to deliver an accurate indication
of breeding potential. This data can also be used to give health and nutritional
insights for the farmer in a user friendly format.
SCR Heatime works by monitoring the cow s activity with a unique motion sensor
tag which records cow activity in 2 hour blocks, providing detailed data on the cow s
activity levels and their intensity.
The data is collected each time the cow passes under the ID unit, the data is
transferred from the tag to the Heatime control box using infra red communication.
This allows the base unit to be sited close to water troughs and other well used
routes so the animal s activity data will be picked up regularly.
The activity data is analysed by the system and separates the cow s day to day
activity from oestrus related activities. The screen shows obvious peaks when the
cow is in heat and indicates the optimum time for inseminating the cow.
In addition, SCR Heatime will highlight cows with low activity levels which can act
as an early indication that an animal requires attention. The home screen will flash
up as a health alert giving the farmer early warning to possible ailments in the cow.
The system also detects non cycling cows, allowing them to be investigated so that
less fertile cows can be removed from the herd, thereby decreasing costs.
The first SCR Heatime system has been installed through East Coast Viner s Animal
Changes In Europe During The 14th Century
Europe was able to recover after the 14th Century due to a various amount of internal
and external factors. Even though, Europe s main reason for recovery was an
assorted amount of internal factors such as the Renaissance.
During the 15th Century in Europe, a lot of changes were happening, causing a lot
of unforeseen events. One of those events was the freedom of serfs who served in
manors at the time. If a Serf was able to escape their manor and lived in a town for a
year, they were considered free men. After the Black Plague, the remaining wealthy
helped raise scholars, which led to new ideas, changing the economy and culture.
Also, the number of Universities increased rapidly from 1300 to 1500. Even though
the Renaissance only helped a few
Narrative Structure of Pulp Fiction
Quentin Tarantino
United States Of America 1994
John Travolta, Samel L. Jackson, Uma Thurman, Bruce Willis
Quentin Tarantino s American crime film Pulp Fiction is organized through three
separate but interrelated storylines. There is one story that constructed by three
distinct stories. At the beginning of the sequences, titles are shown on the black
screen which provides a recognizable source for narration.The first story Vincent
Vega and Marsellus Wallace s wife is about Vincent Vega (John Travolta
) who is
responsible for spending time with his boss Marsellus Wallace s wife, Mia (Uma
Thurman). The second story The Gold Watch is about the espace of prizefighter
Butch (Bruce Willis) from Marsellus Wallace (Ving Rhames).... Show more content
on ...
This serves to the complicating action. With complicating action, action shifts and
some obstacles occurs in order to make it more compelling for protagonist to
achieve his/her goal. This next scene shifts the action to Vincent s relationship with
his boss wife Mia Wallace. We see Butch during his confrontation with Marsellus
Wallace at the very beginning of the first part. As he takes the money from
Marsellus and agrees to take a dive in his next match, Vincent and Jules enter with a
briefcase, dressed as they just came from a pool party. The tension between Vince
and Butch pave the way for them to confront in a hostile way, in the second story.
The narrative, in this scene, establishes a connection with the upcoming story. In the
next scene, Vincent and Mia have dinner at Jack Rabbit Slim s and participate in a
twist contest. Before Mia and Vincent met, Mia snorts cocaine which gives a hint to
the audience that the obliged date will be a little rugged which leads to complicating
action. Mia overdoses and Vincent takes her Lance s home where he purchases heroin
and races against time to save Mia. At the end of the first story, Vincent saves Mia
and they promise each other for keeping this action as a secret. These action scenes
are used in the film to strengthen the continuity. Also, the relationship that is
constructed between Mia and Vincent , share similarity with the relationship between
Butch and Marsellus that will be constructed at the end of the second
Wollstonecraft 2065 Summary
Wollstonecraft 2065 Summary
If you ve never been to Wollstonecraft NSW, you are missing out on one of the best
suburbs in Sydney. It s a beautiful, nice and quiet suburb located next to the busier
suburb of Crow s Nest, but not so close to get caught up in that hectic lifestyle.
Wollstonecraft has several properties that offer magnificent water views and the train
and bus transport systems run on a frequent and convenient schedule. Unlike some
North Sydney suburbs, this one offers ample parking. The combination of amenities
and the lifestyle make Wollstonecraft high in demand, which makes it a bit more
expensive than some of its surrounding suburbs. The locals who live here like it just
the way it is.
Wollstonecraft 2065 Profile
Wollstonecraft is a quiet harbourside lower North Shore suburb of Sydney. Not a lot
happens her, but that s why the locals love this suburb. They enjoy keeping their little
waterfront suburb to themselves. That doesn t mean there isn t room for more people
who share the desire to live in a safe, peaceful community.
Lifestyle ... Show more content on ...
They relish in their private spot tucked away in one of the most sought after water
frontage suburbs in Sydney. The proximity to the CBD and to Crow s Nest gives
them ample opportunities to go join the excitement of the city.
Instead of worrying about life, work, and the stress of living in the city,
Wollstonecraft residents get to revel in their foreshore community amidst the walking
trails that connect the parks and their harbour scenery.
Censorship in North Korea
Delving deep into the history of how new media has the ability to cause the
autocratic ways of governments to run into a stone wall, the infamous incident of
how university students of Indonesia leveraged on the power of e mail to overthrow
the then corrupt President Suharto presents itself as an excellent illustration.
Through examining more recent cases where the citizens of Tunisia and Egypt have
tapped on the power of social media to help upend the existing political order, the
potency of new media becomes apparent. Amidst volatile and rapidly evolving
preferences and uses for different forms of new media, North Korea remains
entrenched in the situation where all types of media are state owned; where the
Internet is ... Show more content on ...
However, it is essential to note that the climate of fear could paralyse the citizens
such that they remain nonchalant about their lack of freedom, assuming the
government is able to satisfy their basic needs. From another point of view, this
assumption could prove problematic on its own. Although North Korea could rank
low on the Power Distance Index due to the communist emphasis on equality and
minimizing status differences (Birnbaum More, Wong and Olve, 1995), it is notable
that the Power Distance Index is malleable and can shift in the face of ideological
pressures (McGrath, MacMillan, Yang, Tsai, 1992) i.e. the communist regime in
North Korea. Hence the people are reluctant to question authority and the fear to
disagree is substantial (Birnbaum More et al., 1995). Therefore, the citizens of North
Korea could be less particular about their restricted status of freedom because they
accept the commands of the government dutifully .
To limit the scope of discussion, it would now be appropriate to define the term
influence . The influence of the influx of new media on the North Korean
government would allude to the extent to which the dictatorship nature of the

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Essay On Importance Of Trees. Essay on Importance of Trees In English

  • 1. Essay On Importance Of Trees Writing an essay on the importance of trees may seem deceptively simple, given the seemingly straightforward nature of the topic. However, delving into the intricacies of the subject reveals the challenges that one might face. The difficulty lies not in the scarcity of information but in crafting a compelling narrative that goes beyond mere enumeration of facts. To begin with, the writer must strike a delicate balance between providing factual information about the significance of trees and engaging the reader with a persuasive argument. It requires a nuanced approach to transition seamlessly between the ecological, economic, and social aspects of the topic. The challenge is to avoid the pitfall of turning the essay into a dry recitation of benefits, instead, infusing it with a sense of urgency and relevance. Another obstacle is the potential for clichГ©s and generic statements. The topic is one that many have explored, and the danger of recycling common ideas looms large. Crafting a unique perspective that captivates the reader's attention becomes paramount, necessitating extensive research to uncover lesser-known facts or angles. Furthermore, the writer must contend with the emotional dimension of the subject. The connection between trees and our well-being is not just scientific; it evokes emotions and sentiments. Expressing this emotional bond without descending into sentimentality requires a deft touch, making sure that the essay resonates with readers on a personal level. Additionally, maintaining a coherent structure throughout the essay can be challenging. The interconnectedness of various aspects of the importance of trees demands a clear organizational framework to avoid a disjointed narrative. Transitioning smoothly between the environmental, economic, and societal aspects without losing the reader's interest is no small feat. In conclusion, while the importance of trees is undeniably vast, encapsulating its essence in a well-crafted essay poses a substantial challenge. The difficulty lies not in the availability of information but in the artful synthesis of facts, emotions, and perspectives to create a compelling narrative that leaves a lasting impression on the reader. For assistance with similar essays and more, consider exploring the services offered by Essay On Importance Of Trees Essay On Importance Of Trees
  • 2. A Comparison of Vistor Frankenstein and Henry Jekyll Essay A Comparison of Vistor Frankenstein and Henry Jekyll Mary Shelley s Frankenstein and Robert Louis Stevenson s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are two horrific tales of science gone terribly wrong. Shelley?s novel eloquently tells the story of a scientist, Victor Frankenstein, who creates a living monster out of decomposed body parts, while Stevenson?s novel describes the account of one, Henry Jekyll, who creates a potion to bring out the pure evil side to himself. Although the two scientists differ in their initial response and action to their creations, there are strong similarities between their raging curiosity to surpass human limitation, as well as their lack of responsibility concerning their actions. These similarities raise an ... Show more content on ... (Stevenson 107). Here, Henry Jekyll displays his awe and wonder of his new discovery. He feels a sense of power and overwhelming wickedness. From the quotation, it seems appropriate to conjecture that Dr. Jekyll was enthusiastic about testing out his ?new creation,? as if he were a child and it a toy. Here, is another difference between the two doctors. Dr. Frankenstein(after realizing what he has done) halts all of his experiments and does away with his laboratory anything to get his mind of his terrible creation. He travels around, always watching his back expecting his creature to be there. Dr. Frankenstein has many qualities of the classic Byronic hero; a character that shows romanticized sorrow and pity for himself. ? . . . I am a blasted tree,? he says, ?the bolt has entered my soul; and I felt then that I should survive to exhibit what I shall soon cease to be a miserable spectacle of wrecked humanity, pitiable to others and intolerable to myself? (Shelley 153). In this quotation, he shows romanticized self pity and remorse for what he has created. Victor calls himself a ?miserable spectacle of wrecked humanity.? By this he feels his life is over; he can no long face the world a decent man. Dr. Jekyll, on the other hand, like a child, is thrilled with his new discovery and wishes to tamper and
  • 3. How Is Nora Controlled By Henrik Ibsen In the play A Doll s House, Henrik Ibsen focuses on Nora s role in her marriage with her husband, Helmer. Nora s character symbolizes the oppression of the woman in the Victorian Era because of the lack to control she has as a woman during that time period. Throughout the play, Ibsen portrays her character as being controlled by Helmer physically, emotionally, and sexually. Even so, Nora still continue to strive to achieve this one perfect womanthat her husbandexpects her to be. However, along the way she comes to a realization about her marriageand that allowed her to break free from Helmer s control. Although his expectations has hold her back from doing what she wants, she has also learned to be a independent woman from his control. Her ... Show more content on ... Even though Helmer controls her a lot, there are times where she seem to not be bothered by his control. Not only is she submissive but she is also very manipulative. Nora uses her sexuality to get what she wants from Helmer because she knows it s the only thing that she has to gain power over Helmer s ego. She would flirt, lie and touch Helmer to get him to approve on things that she wants. When Helmer asked what Nora would like to have, she fumbled his coat button and said hurriedly You could give me money, Torvald. No more than you think you can spare; then one of these days I ll buy something with it. (45). This shows how Nora acts toward Helmer when she wanted something from him. With Helmer, she is forced to show sexual appeal toward him because she is a woman because that s the only thing that she can do in order to get a reaction out of him. Another scene where this happens is when Nora was leaning on his chair, stroking the nape of his neck in order to get him to give back Krogstad position to him so he wouldn t reveal the secret of her borrowing money. She knows the position that she stand when it comes to Helmer. Even if her beauty is something that can manipulate him, it won t last forever like the control that Helmer has over her. Helmer s reputation and him being a man isn t something that can easily be destroyed unlike her physical
  • 4. The Relationship Between Bilingual Education And... Bilingual education involves the practice of teaching non English speaking learners in their native language, while they are learning English. The academic content is taught in both the native language and a secondary language. Program models for bilingual education determine the varying allotted time for each language. It is often a complex array of school programs with different goals and objectives for varying student populations (Bybee Henderson, 2014). Multiculturalism, on the other hand, is the diversity of cultures; racial and religious, that exist in society and the acceptance of customary behaviors, ways of thinking and ways of communicating (Burdick Will Gomez, 2006). Multiculturalism is often contrasted with the concept of assimilation and has been described as a melting pot . This paper will examine the history and current political trends of both bilingual education and multiculturalism. The distinct aspects of, and the relationship between bilingual education and multiculturalism will be discussed and conclude with modern day trends. Bilingual education in the United States public school system has a long standing social and political history that has been plagued by debates about its goals and effectiveness. The policies have typically been informed by theory aimed at identifying the best methods to provide English instruction to English Language Learners (ELLs), and research on bilingual education program effectiveness. However, perceptions about
  • 5. Students Increased Test Scores PRO 1.Students increased test scores are linked to increased academic time. 2.The diocese would be promoting excellence in education . 3.Increased academic time allows for more minutes to be focused upon curriculums and standards. 4.The diocese would increase their Terra Nova scores. 5.Teachers would have more time to spiral their instruction and give students a better opportunity to solidly grasp concepts. 6.Families that use after or before care for their students may save on that cost.CON 1.Families may pull their students from the Catholic schools affecting enrollment. 2.Father only listened to one opinion to make a decision affecting many. 3.The increased financial burden would fall on the individual schools. 4.Students would not have as much down time. 5.Only most types of learners would benefit from the extended day. 6.There are no guarantees that the test scores of students would increase with the increased school day. 7.All faith community members deserve consideration in the change since it affects them. As Father Belleview, one of my most pressing concerns is the students and families that will be impacted by my decision. A partnership with parents is key to the success of the Diocese of Sheridan and I would need to involve them as quick as possible, letting them know what the plan is for the near future. The families are essential to keeping the school doors open and they need to be kept informed and feeling that this decision is in the best
  • 6. Milton Friedman Approach To Ethics In The Gulf Oil Spill The Gulf Oil Spill was and still is a issues for BP that require both its legal team and media relations department to work quick and together to both address the issues and protect the image of the company. In times of scandal or crisis companies have a plan of action to help resolve the issues and reduce how much of media frenzy it becomes. From who speaks at interviews, gives public statements, legal advising, and executing a solution. For BP this meant work with wildlife rescues groups, the Natural Resource Damage Assessment, and environmentalist. For BP getting the waters clean was important not only to them but for the environment and those who depended on the waters for survival in term of the sea life. So the concepts of social responsibilityby Milton Friedman would play a part of BP ensuring the companies further survival. According to Friedman, if this statement is not pure rhetoric, it must mean that he is to act in some way that is not in the interest of his employers. For example, that he is to refrain from increasing... Show more content on ... A different approach to ethics assumes that people are deeply connected to one another in webs of relationships, and that ethical decisions cannot be made outside the context of those relationships. This alternative view holds that ethics is essentially a matter of nurturing and reinforcing the ties we have with one another. This has become known as the ethic of care, as it is based on caring for others (Halbert, Ingulli; Law, Ethic, Business, pg. 18; 2008). This framework of ethics would make put the force and resolving the issue by respecting the view of environmentalist, wildlife rescue group, and the survival of the ecosystem. BP would need to make sure that those individual and groups feel that the both were concerned with ensuring the survival of the water and aquatic life not just the image and profits of the
  • 7. Effective Communication Effective communication Communication is primarily an exchange of information, ideas, or thoughts. This paper will focus on the process of verbal and nonverbal communication as well as the components of each. It outline the formal and informal channels of criminal channels. This paper will also list the different barriers to effective communication within a criminal justice organization. Finally it will cover strategies that can be implemented to overcome communication barriers within criminal justice organizations. Verbal and nonverbal communication Wallace and Roberson (2009) stated that communication is a process involving several steps, among two or more persons, for the primary purpose of exchanging information (p.15 ). ... Show more content on ... Both formal and informal means of communication help facilitate the transfer of important information within a law enforcement organization. Barriers to effective communication There are four basic barriers that hinder effective communication, emotional barriers, physical barriers, semantic barriers, and ineffective listening. All of these barriers separately or combined can contribute to a lack of effective communication. To communicate successfully one must express thoughts and emotions clearly. Sometimes the emotional barriers can hinder one s ability to effectively communicate. Physical barriers are the facets of the surroundings that obstruct the flow of information. This could be radios which are not working correctly and prevent the officer from transmitting his communications. Anything that prevents or slows down the progress of the giving or receiving of information is considered a physical barrier. Semantics is another form of communication barrier, which results in the inability to communicate clearly. Semantic problems occur when there is a failure to agree on the connotation of certain expressions (Wallace Roberson, 2009). The meaning of certain terms may not be interpreted the same by different people. Ineffective listening is the final barrier to effective communications. This can be described as not receiving what the other person is relaying. The person on the receiving end of a
  • 8. Drug Abuse in Hk The Causes of Drug Abuse in Hong Kong Prepared by: Table of Contents Introduction P .4 Causes of abusing substances by young people P.5 6 Causes of Abuse and Difficulties of Giving Up P.7 8 Motivations hindered behind for risking lives P.9 10 Hong Kong Youth Caught in Wave of KetamineAddiction P.11 12 Insights into the motivations of the drug user in Hong KongP.13 14 Conclusion P.15 Works Cited P.16 Appendix A An Examination of the Relationship between Stress and Substance Abuse in Young People in Hong Kong Appendix B Cough Syrup Abuse among Young... Show more content on ... Also, most teenagers are students. They are probably facing a lot of pressure for their academic performance. These ideas could explain that most teenage drug abusers came from inharmonic families or performed badly in school. Perhaps, they are just trying to have a moment of peace. If we want to tackle the problem of teenage drug abuse, we have to deal with the base of the problem, the inharmonic families or the high pressure from school work. Causes of Abuse and Difficulties of Giving Up The causes of teenage drug abuse are mainly the inquisitiveness, desire of high feeling, peer effect and negative emotions of the abusers according to the article. The intentions of several respondents using cough syrup A K are being found out through interviews and thorough study of their cases. For many of those interviewees, they start taking drugs because they are interested in the feeling of taking drugs. Usually, they will get a high feeling when they take drugs. This feeling is a main reason for the teenage drug abuse. Many teenagers have an emotion of sadness from their parents, schools and friends. They want to release the bad feeling through these means. The high feeling from the drugs make the teenagers get addicted. Moreover, the peer influence is another major reason. They don t want to be teased as weak and cowardly. Even though they know that it is wrong, they will still try it. Most of the time,
  • 9. The Dark Side Of Drugs Drugs have been consumed by humans over thousands of years; whether it was a Native American eating peyote for a spiritual experience, or a more modern day liberal smoking a joint to relax after a day at work. As more types off mass media began to emerge throughout the twentieth century, society was exposed to polarizing views on drug use. For the sake of this paper, I will be focusing on a comedy that gets most of its humor out of the various side effects of this widely debated drug. Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle is a film about two friends in their mid 20s who, at the beginning of the movie, don t seem to be going anywhere with their lives. The two aren t necessarily burnouts per say, but neither one of them are taking full advantage of their previous educations or the resources around them. After a particularly stressful day at work, the guys are watching television while smoking a new strain of marijuana that Kumar had gotten his hands on. As they were staring at the TV, getting high, a commercial for White Castle came on which had them drooling. Throughout the rest of the movie we watch as the two of them go on an adventure in search of the cheap sliders. In Drugs and Society, we have discussed how addiction and the use of drugs can have an effect on more people than the user alone. Kumar s marijuana habits have factored into his lazy lifestyle, which upsets his family. While on their journey to White Castle, Harold gets bit by a raccoon and goes to the
  • 10. Evaluating The Reading Process Is Essential Because One... When children learn to read, the process can appear to be straightforward. We tend to view reading as a typical learning process that all children learn and can do with ease since it appears that everyone learns to read in elementary school. However, when evaluating the reading process, it becomes complex with specific skills that must be learned in a systematic organized method. The systematic part is essential because one skill set builds upon the other. These systematic organized parts of readingare divided into what is known as the Big 5. Reutzel and Cooter educates the reader that, ?the following aspects of literacy have been documented as an instructional essentials in the aforementioned federal research reports by the National Early Literacy panel, 2008, [where is the list of the big five can be found are]: Phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension?(p.16). When trying to decide on instruction for literacy in elementary school, there are a lot of reading programs and materials available, however they should contain Phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension as key components. At the elementary level, three observations were observed through the concepts of phonemic awareness, phonics and comprehension to determine how this instruction is provided to the students. In addition, an interview was conducted with a veteran teacher in Kindergarten to gather her insight into the beginning stages of the reading process. All
  • 11. Current Research On Bipolar Disorder II Current Research on Bipolar Disorder II Shannon J. Oliveira American School of Professional Psychology Psychopathology Fall 2014 Current Research on Bipolar Disorder II The following is a review of recent peer reviewed research articles in the field of psychology contributing to new information on the diagnosis, treatment, and outcome measures for Bipolar Disorder II (BDII). First, you will find a description of the diagnostic presentation of BDII, followed by the corresponding results of the research, and ending with an explanation of how the following research will influence our work as mental health practitioners. Bipolar II Description The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM 5) describes BDII as an instability of mood categorized by the lifetime prevalence of at least one major depressive episode and at least one hypomanic episode (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Generally speaking, a major depressive episode consists of a depressed or consistent low mood for a period of at least two weeks. A hypomanic episode on the other hand, consists of a period of elevated, expansive, or irritable mood lasting at least 4 consecutive days. Both episodes generally cause serious implications on the individual s daily living in regards to social, academic, and work environments. For a diagnosis to be made by the DSM 5, a list of particular criteria must be met, and specific information such as what the individuals current or most recent
  • 12. How Is Twelfth Night Deceiving Twelfth Night Danial Naseem Society today is full of examples of people who are deceiving each other by appearing as someone they are not. William Shakespeare s play Twelfth Night, conveys many acts where characters are deceiving others. He illustrates how disguises impact others emotionally causing one to feel downed. Shakespeare has shown how disguises are very easy to fool people and that from this it could ruin one s life. One example of a negative consequence in Twelfth Night is when the main character Viola, dresses up as a man and names herself Cesario which lead to Countess Olivia s deception. Thou shalt present me as a eunuch to him, is what Viola said, and it means that she will dress as a male and go work as a messenger. Viola s appearance had gotten the best of Olivia and it caused Olivia to fall in love with her. This put Viola in big trouble considering how she could not reveal herself as a girl. She tried to let Olivia down easy many times, but because of Olivia s desperation, she kept chasing Viola s heart. Here Shakespeare... Show more content on ... Wear yellow stockings, cross gartered, and put a smile on your face, is part of what Maria wrote in the letter to prank Malvolio. This was to make Malvolio look like a fool in front of his lady Olivia, and so that she could get a good laugh along with her friends who were also in on the prank. When Malvolio showed up to Olivia wearing the ridiculous clothing she put him into a cell thinking he was insanely mad. Here Shakespeare emits how it is not necessary for someone to deceive someone from acting as a person, one can also deceive one by just a piece of writing. From this act he illustrated how deceiving someone from writing is worse than deceiving someone if you are wearing a
  • 13. The Three Estates and Grievances Essay Before the French Revolution, there were three estates, or classes: the nobility, the clergy and the commoners. The nobility and the clergy had many more privileges than the third estate and that is what caused the French Revolution. The Third estate was composed of the peasants, the workers and the bourgeoisie; unlike the other segments of the Third Estate, the bourgeoisie was able to communicate its grievances to the public during the period after the French Revolution: 1789 1799. The peasants in the French Revolution had many un communicated complaints. The peasants felt they were being taxed too heavily. This was true because the government could not tax the clergy or the nobility, and they needed money. As a result, they raised ... Show more content on ... They were not represented, however. The monarch and the army was able to repress the outbursts from the urban working class and they did not have any success. The Bourgeoisie was different from the other two groups in their success. They understood the excessive taxation was only for the third estate and the other two did not get taxed at al.. They also knew they did not have fair representation in the government. Even though they were richer than the rest of the Third Estate, they wanted to have equal representation. The monarch gave them double representation but that was also unfair and ineffective. In the end, they overthrew the government and came up with their own government. Initially, they received representation through the Estates General. However, this was not enough for them either because the monarch had control over their meetings. They then formed the National Constituents Assembly and formed the Tennis Court Oath. This eventually led them to making the Declaration of the Rights of Man. They finally gained the equality they had been striving for and they could not be suppressed. They eventually led to the Directory and they had all of the issues they were concerned with addressed. They received the most exposure because they were the most intelligent of the Third Estate and they were able to take control of the government. During the French revolution, all three groups had grievances that remained unaddressed and ignored by the rest
  • 14. The Causes Of Coral Reef Bleaching Coral Reef Bleaching: When water is too warm, coral expels the algae (zooxanthellae) living in their tissues causing it to turn white. Not all bleaching is caused by warm water stress. Cold stress is also believed to cause bleaching. Endosymbiotic algae have a crucial role in coral survival. They provide an energy source in photosynthate. Endosymbiotic: Symbiotic relationship where one of the organisms live inside the other. Photosynthate: A substance made by photosynthesis. Bleaching is the paling of zooxanthellate invertebrates. Caused by various human activities and variations in the reefs environment such as temperature of the water, solar irradiance, sedimentation, etc. Coral Reef bleaching events have increased in the past 20 years in frequency and extent worldwide. It is thought that worldwide climate change could play a role in the increased amount in coral reefs bleaching. Climate change could also cause major reef tracts destruction Climate change can lead to the extinction of many coral species Where are they found? found in shallow circumtropical waters along the shore of continents. The reef substrate is primarily made up of calcium carbonate from both living and dead scleractinian corals. Many other invertebrates, vertebrates, and plants live in close association to the scleractinian corals. Recycling allows coral reefs to have an extremely high productivity and biodiversity, they are referred to as the Tropical Rainforests of the Oceans . Corals live
  • 15. The Impact on People of Animal Abuse Brenda Spencer fired forty shots at San Diego school children, fatally wounding two and injuring nine others, neighbors later informed police that Spencer had repeatedly abused dogs and cats often setting their tails on fire (Finch 1). The situation of Spencer of abuse at a young age and carried on through her adult life. Domestic abuse is directed toward the powerless, animal abuse and child abuseoften go hand in hand. Parents who neglect an animal s need for proper care or abuse animals may also abuse or neglect their own children. Some abusive adults who know better than to abuse a child in public have no such qualms about abusing an animal publicly (PETA). At an early age children are effected throughout their lives by images and... Show more content on ... Children that use abuse in their daily lives and are not told if the situation is right or wrong, can damage their life forever. The images of right and wrong will stay with them throughout their adult life, if the parents instill the morals at a young age. If children abuse the animals at such a young age, they will grow up abusing other humans, and animals. The cycle of abuse is very harsh, and strong if the cycle isn t broken by parents and it will lead the children to abusing animals and then killing, and hurting people in the later years of their life. The law that has been passed to help prevent the harsh situations of abuse was in 1993, California became the first state to pass a law requiring animal control officers to report child abuse. Voluntary abuse reporting measures are also on the books in Ohio, Connecticut, and Washington, D.C., and similar legislation has been introduced in Florida. The research shows that pet abuse is a warning sign of abuse to the two legged members of the family, says the bill s sponsor, Representative Steve Effman. We can t afford to ignore the connection any longer. (Arkow 23). There are many steps that are being put into action to help the spread of abuse in the families, and furthering on in the future. The laws and regulations for child abuse are extremely supportive for helping out the youth, and parents. Setting laws for the youth, and parents of the
  • 16. Allele Variation Of The Gene Many researchers have studied the short allele variation of the gene. Though most of have different views of how the serotonin transporter gene is related to emotions, most agree that the gene has some factor in emotion regulation. Some focus on the gene being a factor in the amount of depression, anxiety, and stress. (insert citation) Others explore the gene determining the amount of satisfaction within a person s life. (insert citation) Some also explore the possible solutions or affects that could change the negative impact the short allele gene has on the way we think. (insert citation) The results of these experiments play a role in the discovery and evidence of the gene having a link to our emotions. In one of the academic peer... Show more content on ... The scale measures the fear and avoidance in social and performance situations. They then gathered DNA from the volunteers from leukocytes. The results from these methods of research showed that lower expressing serotonin polymorphism genotypes were associated with decreased reappraisal and increase social anxiety. But, not only did they state this information, they gave a possible solution for increasing or bettering reappraisal. Through cognitive behavioral psychotherapy low expressing genotypes can improve. Since serotonin plays a big role in how we process and regulate emotions the researchers (insert citation) wanted to see how the fear stimuli affects the serotonin polymorphism region. The main thing they were focusing on was selective attention differences based on the different variation of the serotonin transporter gene. In their experiment the tested fifty healthy female students of European descent. They were genotyped by polymerase reaction and gel electrophoresis before the procedure of the experiment was done. The procedure was done by a dot probe task. Twenty pictures of spiders and 40 pictures of chairs were displayed in pairs, side by side on a computer screen. The participants were required to differentiate the target by pressing the button corresponding it. The picture pairs were shown at different speeds, which included 500 ms, 1,250 ms, and 2000 ms. Conditions of
  • 17. Tender Offer Play In the short play, Tender Offer by Wendy Wasserstein, is a drama play about a father and daughter s relationship. Paul is a 35 year old businessman, who puts work before anyone and isn t around much for his daughter Lisa. Lisa is a nine year old girl who is all alone in the dance studio after her father missed her dancerecital. Lisa and Paul don t spend enough familytime together since he is always too busy with work. This leads to Lisa not wanting to spend time with him since she feels as though he neglected her. In the beginning of the playthere is tension right away when Lisa s father Paul finally shows up after missing her dance recital. He tries to tell Lisa that he was sorry he was late (pg. 816), tries to joke around with her and be friendly since he missed her dance recital. Even though he is trying to make Lisa feel better, she just isn t falling for it. She feels though that he neglected her. She is answering him back in short quick one word or two... Show more content on ... He thought that he could just apologize to her and then everything would be okay. Well boy was he wrong! At first, he doesn t really realize how much by him missing the dance recital effected Lisa. As the play goes on though, he comes to realize that it really hurt Lisa and had an effect on her. He thought he could just apologize to her and that everything would work out, but when that didn t work he tried something else. He tried to be more friendly with her and joke around but that still wasn t doing the trick. He ends up making Lisa a tender offer which leads to him asking Lisa, if she d show him her dance recital (pg. 821). He ends up dancing the other parts in her dance recital and in the end was able to lighten the mood up before they went back home. Paul was finally able to realize that he needed to spend more time with his daughter Lisa, so that they could have a better relationship than what they had
  • 18. The Rules of Records Management Why is records management important? Many people who are not pretty familiar with records might think too seriously about records management. However, people who are in business or the people who have their own business have to know about records management procedures enforced by governments around the world. For example, in the book Intensive Records Managementby , we can learned about the rules of records management and the legal procedures that apply to it. Records management is important because of its ten most important reasons: to control the creation and increase of files or records, to reduce working costs, to improve the competence and productivity, to assimilate new records management technology, to make sure regulatory... Show more content on ... Another important filing method is Subject Filing. For subject filing we have to take in consideration six rules. Inspecting, indexing, coding, cross referencing, sorting, and filing and retrieval. Finally, I am going to talk about Geographic filing. Geographic filing also has six filing methods. Inspecting, indexing, coding, cross referencing, sorting, and filing and retrieval. For example, (Century 21 Autos Augusta, ME*) when filing Maine is the key unit, Augusta is second unit, Century is the third unit, 21 is the fourth unit, autos is the fifth unit or last unit. Therefore, when you file, it becomes (Maine Augusta Century 21 Autos). This is how the rules for filing methods work. Then, I am going to discuss the use of computer technology in Records management, reasons to restrict access to documents to authorize users only, explain the need for vital records protection and disaster recovery planning, and discuss the reasons to appraise records periodically in relation to their period of usefulness. Another great factor of the life cycle in records management is the reducing of operating costs. Recordkeeping requires the administrative part of the financial affairs of a business for filing equipment, space in offices, and staffing to maintain an organized filing system or to search for lost records when there is no organized system. For example, it costs about $20 less per linear foot of records to store inactive records in
  • 19. Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines History The history of depressants stretches back thousands of years. Alcohol, the prototypical depressant, was consumed by humans as early as 10,000 B.C., as established by the discovery of beer jugs from the late Stone Age. Other natural depressants such as opium also have ancient origins. Historically, barbiturates in particular have been used as truth serums because people under the influence of these drugs often speak without thinking Classifications Depressants can be divided into three main groups: barbiturates, benzodiazepines and sleep medications. Barbiturates are used to treat seizure disorders and surgical procedures. Benzodiazepines are used to treat acute stress reactions, panic attacks, convulsions and sleep disorders. Sleep... Show more content on ... Depressants could be used with other drugs to add other drugs high or to deal with their side effects. Often abusers take higher doses than people taking the drugs under a doctor s supervision for therapeutic purposes. Depressants like GHB and Rohypnol are also misused to facilitate sexual
  • 20. Elmira Knitting Factory Fire Research Paper ELMIRA HEIGHTS (WENY) Fire crews were on scene for nearly 24 hours spraying water at a warehouse on Prescott Avenue. The fire at 250 Presscott Avenue broke out Sunday night around 8 P.M. and needed at least ten different departments to battle the flames. Elmira Heights Police arrested two 16 year old boys and charged them with arson. Officer Stephen Cook of the Elmira Heights Police Department tells WENY News the teens became persons of interest around around midnight. Around 3 A.M. the teens were arrested and brought before a judge. Authorities haven t released how the teens allegedly caused the fire. Police says the teenagers will be charged as adults but their names wont be released because they re eligible as youthful offenders. ... Show more content on ... The Elmira Knitting Mill made undershirts and underwear during World War II. They made a lot military undershirts and underwear and actually received a commendation from the United States Marine Corps, explains Dworkin. According to Tom Witzel, the owner of Hesselsons, who currently owns the building, says after the knitting mill went out of business in the 1960 s it was home to Burruss Storage company. Prior to Hesselsons s owning it, it had been a moving and storage company that went out of business in 92 so it sat vacant for a few years. Every year different towns and municipalities would place it up for auction so Tom Hesselson actually bought it, says Witzel. For the past twenty years Hesselsons has been using the warehouse to store inventory. Fortunately, just a few weeks ago Hesselsons moved a majority of its stuff into a new warehouse closer to their business. So a lot of the stuff had been moved out which is obviously good for us. If this had happened a month ago, who knows what would have happened. We had still had some hot tub and pool stuff over there, a lot of shelving and racking and hot tub parts over there and some generators, says
  • 21. Essay On Roald Dahl Throughout the 20th century, there have been many wonderful authors. But there is one author that has written many great books that lots of people still read today. His name is Roald Dahl. Roald Dahl is a famous children s book author. He has written many fantastic children s books such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, and Matilda. I believe that Roald Dahlis one of the best children s book authors because he has lots of creativity and inspiration for his stories. Roald Dahl was born on September 13, 1916, in Llandaff, South Wales. His parents were Norwegian. His father had immigrated from Norway to England. He took a trip back to Norway in hopes of finding a new wife to help him raise his son and ... Show more content on ... One of Roald s hobbies was reading. Some of his favorite authors were Rudyard Kipling, Captain Marryat, H. Rider Haggarrd, and G.A. Henty. He loved the emphasized feelings of masculinity and heroism in their books that would influence his writings and his life. When Roald was thirteen, his family moved back to Kent, England. Roald then attended the famous Repton Public School while his sisters attended Roedean in Sussex. Roald thought that Repton was worse than St. Peter s. His account of it in Boy includes fagging (younger boys, fags , were basically personal slaves to the older prefects, called boazers ), beatings, the torture of new boys, and other miseries common to many, although not all, boys boarding schools of the time. (Howard) In Boy, Roald describes harsh beatings from the former headmaster, Geoffrey Fisher, who had eventually become the Archbishop of Canterbury. According to Dahl, the vicious beatings that this man would deliver, combined with the fact that twenty years later he crowned Queen Elizabeth II in Westminster Abbey, made Dahl doubt the existence of God. (Howard) However, in Jeremy Treglown s biography about Roald, he discovered that Roald had gotten his dates mixed up. The beatings he was referring to happened in 1933, a year after Fisher had left Repton. Mr. Treglown believed that it was Fisher s successor, J. T. Christie. Luckily, not all of
  • 22. Functionalist Perspective On Suicide The topic of suicide can easily become uncomfortable when discussing. Thoughts of family or friends using a permanent solution to a temporary problem is hard to grasp. Why would an individual choose to do this? Did it stem from personal reasons or was it fueled by a number of out siding factors. Using Sociologywe can decipher human behavior and gain an insight into a global issue . By applying the functionalist perspective to the issue of suicide, we will highlight the importance of shared social morals and bonds. When rapid social change or other disruptive conditions occur, moral values may erode, and people may become more uncertain about how to act and about whether or not their life has meaning (Kendall , 2014) . Suicide falls under
  • 23. Research Proposal For Cargill Cocoa And Chocolate North... Project Proposal for MIS 600 Information System used in Cargill Cocoa and Chocolate North America Merlin Mathew 9 11 2017 Target of study The business being studied, is that of Cargill Cocoa and Chocolate North America (CCCNA). It is part of Cargill, Inc. an International producer and marketer of food, agricultural, financial and industrial products and services. Cargill is the largest privately owned company in the world based in Minnetonka, Minnesota. CCCNA partners with Cocoa farmers around the globe to procure, ship, and transform their produce to a wide range of cocoa and chocolate products and applications. After the consolidation of the sector in 1990 s, CCCNA has emerged as the largest manufacturer of Chocolate in USA and owns several brands, apart from supplying products for other well known brands like Hershey s, Mars, Nestle etc. and retail giants like Target and Costco. Cargill Leadership Gregory R. Page; Dave MacLennan CCCNA Business Unit Leader Bryan Wurscher Revenue US$109.6 billion (2017) Net income US$2.835 billion (2017) Total assets US$55.8 billion (2017) OwnerCargill family (90%) Number of employees 150,000 as per 2016; approximately 700 for CCCNA Founded byWilliam Wallace Cargill on 1865; 152 years ago Industry Sector Agricultural Manufacturing and Commodity Trading Competitors: OLAM ADM Barry Callebaut The sector, which grinds cocoa beans into butter, powder and liquor used to make chocolate and
  • 24. To Kill A Mockingbird Theme Analysis Throughout the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the theme loss of innocence is explored heavily. This theme is being explored through the main character Scout, as she evolves and changes along the 3 year course of the novel. Losing innocence was described as a sin by Atticus Finch and looked down upon for unjustifiable reasons. This was demonstrated by using the metaphor of killing a mockingbird to describe it s cruelty. Consequently, we see through the character Scout, when she fights Cecil Jacobs only to back down, when she starts to question gender roles when she used to not care, and through walking home her biggest fear Boo Radley, that losing your innocence is not an awful,on the other hand, a commendable thing to do. By Scout killing her mockingbird, she becomes more in touch with the world and less ignorant. This makes her a more mature, kind hearted, and understanding person. Firstly, when Scout was about to begin fighting Cecil Jacobs for calling her father a negro lover, which was clearly an insult towards Atticus Finch. She was on the verge of fighting Cecil, however Atticus s words echoed and made her change her decision. Even so, Scout wasn t fully grown up and strong enough to resist fighting Francis when he said vile things about her father. Scout doesn t have much temper control and so she was very close to fighting Cecil Jacobs. She drew a bead on remembering what Atticus said, then had dropped (her) fist and walked away... It was the
  • 25. The Digital Music From the early days of the internet, Napster first introduced the globe to digital music with easy accessibility, and has been morphing and developing with time. With hefty copyright lawsuits underway, a number of successors have reattempted to design music sharing platforms that acquiesce to consumer demands, while also limiting the damage to artists and the music industryas a whole. With a number of well recognizable investors and supporters, Spotify emerged in 2008 and had arguably grown into the most formidable entity in the realms of digital music. Company Profile: Name: Spotify A combination of spot and identify. Established: 2006 by Daniel Ek and Martin Lorentzon Locations: Established in Europe, with parent commerce in Luxemburg, UK and R D in Stockholm Objective: To help people to listen to whatever music they want, whenever they want, wherever they want. Number of employees: 250 The service: An online, accessible music service offering music streaming on demand. Spotify is promoted both as a premium monthly subscription service, and a version which is free for consumers to use, but sustained by streamed advertising. Consumers will also have the option to purchase a day pass that gives access to Spotify without advertising. Beginning its development in 2006 in Sweden, Spotify was founded by its owners Daniel Ek, and Martin Lorentzon, former co founders of Stardoll and TradeDoubler, with the intent to curtail illegal file sharing which was destroying the
  • 26. Oats In Canada This article discusses the price movement of oats in Canada due to a shortage in supply. Two major concepts present in the article is the law of supply and law of demand. The law of supply states that there s a positive relationship between the price and quantity supplied of a good ceteris paribus; as price increases, quantity supplied increases. The law of demand, states that there s a negative relationship between the price and quantity demanded of a good ceteris paribus; as price increases, quantity demanded decreases. Both laws involve ceteris paribus; all variables besides the ones being studied are constant. The main reason for the rising price of oats is due to non price determinants of supply; any variables other than price that causes... Show more content on ... The change in supply results from a nonprice determinant; the rain and snow. Because of this, the oat harvest has been delayed and farmers are unable to harvest as much as they were capable of in previous years. Because oats are a primary commodity; a product produced in the primary sector, they have a fairly inelastic demand because they are a necessity without many substitutes. The change in prices will cause a drop in profits for farmers and producers.The poor weather conditions also affects the quality of the oats as a result, more oats end up as food for the livestock instead of being sent to producers who manufacture oat products. The supply curve shifts leftwards and leads to an increase in price from P1 to P2 and a decrease in quantity supplied from Q1 to Q2. Figure B: Supply and Demand for Producers of Oat Products Figure B shows a leftward shift in the supply curve from S1 to S2 for producers who require oats for production. Due to the non price determinant that caused farmers to acquire less supply, this in turn results in a smaller supply for the producers. Furthermore, a smaller supply means the prices of oats will rise and the producers will require more money for production. This results in an increase in price from P1 to P2 and a decrease in quantity supplied from Q1 to Q2. Figure C: Consumer s Demand for Products with
  • 27. The Sound And The Fury By William Faulkner In William Faulkner s The Sound and the Fury themes such as culture and names are displayed through the perspective of the formerly respectable Compson family. Led by Mr. and Mrs. Compson. Faulkner uses this novel to criticize the importance of reputations to southern families and to criticize the culture of Post Bellum society. Criticizing society was something relatively new at this time, resulting in this novel becoming a leader in the movement, ushering in a new style of writing. Protagonists: Benjamin, Caddy, and Quentin all feel the effects of the issues of reputation and ideologies of society that culture in the south attempts to force them to uphold. The beginning of the Novel places the reader in the mind of Benjamin Compson.... Show more content on ... Another example is Benjy s castration. Benjy has a special connection to his sister Caddy. Caddy goes against the grain of society and treats Benjy as her brother, not as a burden or an ill judgment from God like the rest of her family. I thought that Benjamin was punishment enough for any sins I have committed I thought he was my punishment for putting aside my pride and marrying a man who held himself above me I don t complain I loved him above all of them because of it because my duty (Faulkner) When Caddy ran away he grieved by the fence, watching the school girls return to their homes, hoping that Caddy would return to hers. Benjamin attempts to grab one of the girls resulting in him being labeled as a threat. Benjy s assault was not intended to be sexual. However, it was still seen as a threat. Not only a threat to the families of the girls, but also a threat to the Compsons. If Benjy reproduced it would plague them with another child, most likely suffering from the same disabilities as its father. Another direct example of Benjy being viewed as inferior. Faulkner uses Benjy to display the flaws of the ideology towards disabled peoples in Post Bellum culture. The theme of names is also present with Benjy. Faulkner uses Benjy to criticize the importance of ones reputation in the south. It can be inferred several times from close examination of Mrs. Compsons dialogue that she often worries about how Benjamin
  • 28. The Separate Lives Analysis Distancing oneself from culture allows for new roles or new dynamics to take place. In Middlesex, the first place the siblings give way to their feelings are when the Greek are retreating, a symbol of their culture departing, ultimately allowing Lefty and Desdemona to have a more intimate relationship. They both put on a show for the other passengers since their arrival onto the ship, acting like they met for the first time, they had fabricated memory, improvised fate (Eugenides 68). They were married not long after, but even in light of this, the star crossed lovers could feel the wrongness of what they were doing and how it was easier to pretend in the dark that they were sleeping with a stranger (70). The phrase star crossed lovers ... Show more content on ... With that in mind, it is said that Milton and Tessie carry one mutation apiece (125). Despite being second cousins, there is an attraction between the two. Milton serenaded her from afar , only to be thwarted by Desdemona s matchmaking (177). After a broken engagement and Milton going off to the war, Tessie chose Milton and got married; seemingly unaware of the past intermarriage. Smuggling is mentioned and much like incest it is a social and cultural taboo, it also is something that is done in secret, underground for decades only to reappear when everyone has forgotten about it , meaning that with each successive generation its potential negative effects are left in the dust (71). All of this ultimately leads up to Cal, who is a hermaphrodite, a sexual hybrid, and an ethnic hybrid too. We see Cal in a constant battle with self doubt at every turn due to his parents and grandparents choices, who care too late about the consequences of their actions. Bhugra and Becker in Migration, Cultural Bereavement, and Cultural Identity , focus on the mental and emotional effects of assimilation. Specifically, loss of culture which leads to self esteem issues, which can cause isolation as we can see in Middlesex. The family does not venture too far from each other, socially, which is a factor of the intermarrying and lack of their culture. Also, alienation is shown through Cal s social life. Negative effects occur
  • 29. The United States Marine Corps Osprey Scandal To: Prof. Palermo From: Christopher Hackett Date: December 8, 2016 Subject: The U.S.M.C. Osprey scandal The United States Marine Corps Osprey scandal took place from July, 2000 to January 2001. It resulted in the falsification of Osprey readiness reports and the prosecution of several Marine Corps officers (Rubel, 2009). The scandal originates with the United States Marine Corps intent to increase production of the Osprey helicopter. The Marines found this type of aircraft to be ideal due to its unique abilities and wished to push for full development. In order to reach their goal, the Marines had to prove the Osprey was a reliable vehicle worth the extra funding to increase production. A requirement set forth to prove this was to have at least 80% readiness of the entire fleet of Ospreys at all times. (Flaherty Ricks, A Troubled Osprey Wounds the Corps; Pressures to Build a New Plane Led To Deception and Deadly Shortcuts , 2001). This requirement may sound realistic for any aircraft, but not for the Osprey. The Osprey had a history with three crashes that resulted in deaths of twenty six Marines and four civilians up until the time of the scandal (Flaherty Ricks, Osprey Probe Reaches Pentagon s Top Ranks , 2001). Maj. Gen. Dennis T. Krupp s command included the only Osprey Squadron in the Marines at the time. Krupp stressed the importance of meeting that 80% to Col. James Schleining, who commanded Lt. Col. Odin F. Leberman Jr, who was the commander of the
  • 30. Merlin s Character In The Legend Of Geoffrey Merlin And... Merlin is considered one of the most strongest sorcerer that lives Camelot. He is Arthur s adviser, as well as a prophet and sorcerer. Merlin s powers were so powerful that other wizards and sorcerers looked up to him as a leader. His role in the Arthurian legend is to protect and serve the lands of Camelot. The Life of Merlingave him the qualities of an humble man, who took pleasure in loneliness. The source provided descriptive details of Merlin s actions and how they affected others in relations to his selfishness. In the narrative, Monmouth wrote Merlin to be a man who wanted nothing to do with anyone, except for himself. After the 1900 s, author of The Daughter of Merlin took a different perspective and gave the character a child that shared the same qualities. Gaster gave new meaning to Merlin s character that will be put in texts of the Arthurian Legend. In the narratives, The Life of Merlin by Geoffrey Monmouth and The Daughter of Merlin by Madison J Cawein, Merlin s character changes as different authors rewrite his character. He changes from a sorcerer living on his own to a sorcerer who has a daughter with his same abilities, because over a certain time period the authors wanted to evolve Merlin into more caring, passionate character. For example, Monmouth provides Merlin s character with the sense of self serving attitude. The author incorporates a battle, which Merlin s leads and succeeds with the victory of the battle. In return of the victorious battle, the
  • 31. Similarities Between Animal Farm And The Truman Show How can achieve the good life? How can we make make a utopia? These are some of the questions when a human gets enough power and control! Within both of the stories, Animal Farm (written by George Orwell) and The Truman Show (directed by Peter Weir). Both author and director explore these three themes . The good life, a utopia and power are some of the keys to living a full and grateful life. To have a utopia you must have a good life and to have a good life you must have power within your life. In the movie The Truman Show Peter Weirshows that power is to control another person s life in one way or another. Whereas in animal farm to have power is to control. The main point can be shown within christof who is the director of the show who controls where truman worked, where he lived and even who he marries. Christof has ultimate power over truman and whatever he does until Truman finds his own freedom within the set, this was shown in one of the end scenes when Christof makes the weather horrible so truman couldn t escape from the dome. This shows that Christof had the most power because he could control another person s life and what they did. Similarly in animal farm power is shown in control and that to have power you have to control over a group, this is shown at the start when farmer jones is in control of all of the animals on the farm and then when the pigs take over to controll all of the other animals. These were shown when the pigs had to have a farm vote to
  • 32. Comparison Between Angular2 And Java Programming Frameworks Introduction In the current Society and Web Development Industry, Web developers are using well known frameworks such as Angular2 and Java programming when it comes to building Web Applications. Angular2 is a JavaScript framework for building client side Applications using HTML, CSS and a programming language such as JavaScript. On the other end, Java is a platform as well as a programming language which can be used in back end of Web Applications. Angular2 and java are so very popular in web development and are mostly used for their modern, improved and latest standards features. This essay deals with the differences and similarities presented by both Angular2 and Java programming frameworks, the features they include in terms of handling and reporting error as well as their relevance in current industry projects. Difference and similarities between Angular2 Java programming Angular2 And Java programming are frameworks that present some differences. Angular2 is built for speed, has faster initial loads faster change detection and improved rendering time. it is modern and includes features provided in the latest JavaScript standards and beyond such Classes, modules and decorators. It comprises a super set of JavaScript called Typescript which is compiled to JavaScript to be used by web apps. As opposed to Angular2, Java programming is a language designed for use in the distributed internet environment. It is used for creating applications that can run on a single
  • 33. Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Awakening Through Our Bodies: Oppression Liberation Within Zenju s The Way of Tenderness she speaks to a reengagement with how spiritual awakening is understood within Buddhist discourse. In particular Zenju challenges the gap distancing spiritual awakening from our everyday experiences. Instead, Zenju argues to inextricably link spiritual awakening and everyday experiences: awakening does not come in a blind, euphoric, or empty world (2015, 7). Further, Zenju s engagement with spiritual awakening creates space in which to critique Buddhist discourses that serve to oppress bodies, as well as to recover Buddhist discourses that serve to liberate bodies. The same Buddhist discourse can be used to both liberate and oppress people,... Show more content on ... Zenju argues for a different interpretation of Heart Sutra s emptiness. Liberatory emptiness for Zenju is that which allows for our hearts to hold no ideas regarding others or the world in which we live (2015, 105). The emptiness of hearts will allow for one to view and treat others, as well as ourselves, with compassion. The illusions and distortions spoken of by the Buddha can be viewed as false from a heart of emptiness. Rather, our hearts will be empty of these illusions freeing us from the suffering caused by the internalization of inferiority and superiority (2015, 106). When our hearts are filled with these illusions we not only cause harm and suffering to ourselves, but we reproduce and reinforce the harm and suffering of
  • 34. Zol-Pidem Tartrate Research Paper Zol pidem is the generic name and the active ingredient of the drug called Ambien. Ambien (Zol pidem Tartrate) is a GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) agonist affecting the benzodiazepine receptor site, it belongs to the class of imida zo pyridine and the drug dosage availability is in both 5 mg and 10 mg strength tablets (immediate and extended release tablet forms) that are favorable for the oral route of administration. It is also available in a sub lingual form by the names of Edluar and Intermezzo and an oral spray form. According to Holm Goa (2010), it was first introduced in the 1990 s by the Searle Company. Chemical Composition: Ambien (Zol pidem Tartrate) is chemically expressed as: N,N,6 trimethyl 2 p tolylimidazo[1,2 a] pyridine 3 acetamide ... Show more content on ... 2. Uses of Ambien (Zol pidem Tartrate): Zol pidem has the capability to alter the chemicals that are released in the brain, and is used to balance these chemicals in patients who have trouble sleeping (insomnia) in adults or any other sleeping problems like waking up in the middle of the night frequently. It is used before bed. According to Holm Goa (2010), the treatment lasts for 1 2 weeks and is considered as a short therapeutic treatment. It is also used as an anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant to prevent seizures. The failure of Zol pidem as a therapeutic agent in a patient indicates symptoms of mental illness. 3 Abuse Potential Ambien is considered a recreational drug that is mainly used in an illegal or abusive purpose to create enhanced sedative and euphoric effects because of its capability to cause the alteration of chemicals in the mind that are responsible for mood sensations and coordination. According to Wilkinson (2009), this was illegally used as the Date Rape Drug in order to have sexual contact with individuals when they are unconscious after taking a higher than normal dose. This drug is also used to create a high or cause hallucinations in an individual if they stay awake after the intake of medication. It has a high potential to be lethal and cause memory loss and poor co ordination, usually when taken with other drugs or alcohol. It is illegal if also distributed among friends or used without
  • 35. The Beginning Of Colonial Life The beginning of colonial life started off with great living conditions. There was a lack of disease and good amount of clean drinking. These new conditions for the colonist added a few years to the life expectancies. Because of the new great life spans of the colonist, the growth of New England was at an all time high. Even though there was a great start in New England, Chesapeake was far from growing at the time. It was full of disease; almost all of the men and women were widowers. And their children became orphans. Even though there were countless deaths, disease captured mostly European women. The men then began to have relations with African and Native American women. This then became known as miscegenation. Native Americans and... Show more content on ... The Native Americans then proceeded to take tactics from the Europeans. This then would help and give them an advantage in fight. Both sides of the Native American groups fought on this conflict. Washington then gave up and soon the Colonial militia was taken over by General Braddock, all because the French advanced in their proceedings of Fort Necessity. In 1755 the French were victorious until 1758 when the British won a series of battles. The British captured the French city of Quebec in 1759 while in 1760 the French signed a peace treaty with the British. In this treaty Canada will no longer be controlled by France. All the while the British allowed religious freedom to also take place here, which still was not present in the other thirteen colonies. The end of the war was official with the Treaty of Paris. Then there was the Treaty of Paris. This is when France surrendered Canada to Britain with Louisiana under Spanish Control. These wars doubled the debt for the English in its colonies and England. Since there was an extensive amount of British troops, taxes were increased and this caused the American Revolution that was an anti British movement. Furthermore the Colonial period first had a great growth while others such as Chesapeake had numerous deaths. Britain and France had ongoing conflicts over control, the Native Americans and Africans then became involved while the militias were taken
  • 36. Proto Pump Inhibitors Essay Description/Synopsis: Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are used for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) due to their potential to inhibit gastric acid production. Unfortunately, high doses of PPIs are associated with adverse health outcomes. The use of PPIs has been shown to affect the absorption of minerals and vitamin like calcium, iron and vitamin B12. Not only the risk of other severe conditions like hyperparathyroidism, diarrhea and pneumonia increases upon the long term use of PPIs but the negative effects also extend to coronary heart disease and atherosclerotic diseases. PPIs reduce the efficacy of the drug clopidogrel which inhibits platelet activation thereby contributing to coronary heart disease and myocardial... Show more content on ... It is further reported to induce atrophic gastritis which can ultimately lead to gastric carcinoma. Results of study: PPIs are generally considered safe, but initial studies reported that the short term use of this drug (8 months) was associated with adverse effects like vomiting/nausea, dizziness, headache, and hypersensitivity reaction. On the basis of these observations, thereafter, several studies unraveled potential long term effects of PPI therapy. The studies reveal that upon intake of PPIs calcium absorption efficiency decreases by 41% in elderly women. It is shown that odds ratio for hip fracture increase with the intake of PPIs over subsequent years from 1.22 at one year, 1.41 at two years, 1.54 at three years to 1.59 at four years. A significant difference in the value was seen between men and women and the odds ratio was analyzed to be 1.78 vs 1.36, respectively. A study further showed the increment in the odds ratio to 1.62 and 1.92 respectively upon the use of PPIs for 5 and 7 years, respectively. The OR for Vitamin B12 deficiency associated with the use of PPIs for above a year was
  • 37. Themes In Inheritance Of Loss Inheritance of loss, is a moving novel by Indian writer Kiran Desai, whereby we see the effect of colonialism and post colonialism and the consequence that comes with it. Many critical themes are explored, Leach lists them as colonialism, a revolution, multi ethnic nationhood and illegal immigration in the US, where political allegiance impacts on love affairs, and where the reality of life in a grubby New York basement reshapes the American Dream (2007). Desai mentions many of these historical events in her novel that give us and insight view as to what was happening in the inside, within the people of India, as opposed to only seeing the surface and elections going on. Desai looks at the younger generation as being mainly affected by losing their identity to the suppression of the Europeanized world. The novel is set in primarily in the 1980 s, but makes mention of earlier times when the Congress Party was sparking up as well. These were crucial times... Show more content on ... The Judge has a flashback whereby he got rid of his wife for having mistakenly attended a political rally which was in favor of Nehru. He was later informed that his wife had partaken of scrambled eggs and toast with top members of the Congress Party (Desai, 310), even though it wasn t entirely the way it happened but the fact was that she was there, and the embarrassment which it would have brought upon the commissioner was enough for the Judge to have lost his career at the time. Consequently, he lost his temper and abused his wife for this unintentional action. It is quite ironic that Desai has the Judge, Jemubhai Patel, ruling for the opposition, since in the history of India, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, was an important figure in history, bring about unity and hope for the country, working alongside with Mahatma Gandhi. In 1931 he was presided over the 46th session of the Indian National Congress (Indian National
  • 38. Sonic Monologue Scourage s POV I mind as well stay in this damn jail for the rest of my days. Things just aren t the same anymore. So what if I lost my temper and was about to go ape shit on the rest of my crew? All s I wanted to was get back at sonic and those damn freedom fighters and now here I am, barely feeling like myself let alone an anti sonic in jail without any of my other team mates. this straight up sucks! I said punching my hand into the wall. When I did get here it was to look for sonic, but instead I found shadow. I didn t mind picking a fight with that dude, I d figure I d give him a run for his money, but even in my super form I lost, and it felt like it didn t take much either. at least I don t get bullied around here... I said to myself,... Show more content on ... Knuckles! What are you doing up? eggman said to knuckles. I couldn t get any sleep, and now, I m going to destroy you re robots and be known as a village hero. Knuckles said with a pose and fireworks going off in the background. seriously? fireworks? No one gives my entrance fireworks! Knuckles continued to battle the robots, but eggman refused to give up. luckily, I have other robots, that have already made it to your friends house. oh no you don t! said knuckles. He quickly headed to the homes of his friends. They were begin carried out by the robots. Knuckles picked them up and put them down somewhere else and destroyed the robots. He then went inside to do the same, only to find them watching tv. all right, this is my favorite show! Pass the popcorn! he then sat down with them and watched some tv. One show later Knuckles destroyed the robots and sent eggman flying, literally. seriously, one does not simply get a giant slingshot and he flew off. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo he
  • 39. The And, The, And The Element Of A Person s Psychological... The term fetish and the element around it can be taken as far back and before the 18th century, the Portuguese, predominantly West African natives, referred to certain objects that were used in religious cults and their workings during worship. These religious objects and artefacts described were mainly used in voodoo and witch craft and were believed to be incredibly supernatural items. From this, the concept evolved from an item or object that is seen to have magical and enchanting powers in a more primitive situation to something closer to what we know now. Attention turned away from the people s relationship with a higher being to relationship with material objects which in comparison would not seem to hold such power as the ... Show more content on ... Austrian neurologist and psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud was one of the first people to address the subject of sexual fetishism and wrote an essay on the matter. After his investigation he d come to believe that the purpose and meaning behind an individual s fetish would always be one and the same; The fetish is a substitute for the penis...for a particular and quite special penis that had been extremely important in early childhood but had later been lost......It remains a token of triumph over the threat of castration and a protection against it. Sigmund Freud, FETISHISM (1927) According to Freud, a person s fetish, whether it may be a material object, act or some sort of obsessive compulsive conduct, then that person is substituting the connection to the penis that they had emotionally lost at childhood and finding support in that object or action. The word FETISH in fact originated from Portugal, the word feitiГ§o which means spell . This suggests a representation of power or power over something, in this case power over an individual and one s extreme attachment to an object, body part or specific situation. Carrying on from Freud s conclusions, which were made after studying and analysing a number of men, he decided that the determination
  • 40. Business Planning ECV Turning up the Heat in the North East The profitability of a beef suckler herd is directly related to the number of calves reared per cow annually. Commercial suckler herds should aim for a tighter calving period with cows producing a viable calf every 365 days. The average calving period for lowland suckler herd is 21 weeks, compared to the 12 week target and reducing the calving period from 21 weeks to 12 weeks can increase revenue from extra weaning weight by more than ВЈ2000 for a 50 cow herd. Tighter calving periods will increase profitability. If the weaning date on the farm stays constant then a calf born in the first 3 weeks of calving will on average have a weaning age of 230 days weighing 309kg. A calf born in the 18th... Show more content on ... This data is then collected, interpreted and analysed to deliver an accurate indication of breeding potential. This data can also be used to give health and nutritional insights for the farmer in a user friendly format. SCR Heatime works by monitoring the cow s activity with a unique motion sensor tag which records cow activity in 2 hour blocks, providing detailed data on the cow s activity levels and their intensity. The data is collected each time the cow passes under the ID unit, the data is transferred from the tag to the Heatime control box using infra red communication. This allows the base unit to be sited close to water troughs and other well used routes so the animal s activity data will be picked up regularly. The activity data is analysed by the system and separates the cow s day to day activity from oestrus related activities. The screen shows obvious peaks when the cow is in heat and indicates the optimum time for inseminating the cow. In addition, SCR Heatime will highlight cows with low activity levels which can act as an early indication that an animal requires attention. The home screen will flash up as a health alert giving the farmer early warning to possible ailments in the cow. The system also detects non cycling cows, allowing them to be investigated so that less fertile cows can be removed from the herd, thereby decreasing costs. The first SCR Heatime system has been installed through East Coast Viner s Animal
  • 41. Changes In Europe During The 14th Century Europe was able to recover after the 14th Century due to a various amount of internal and external factors. Even though, Europe s main reason for recovery was an assorted amount of internal factors such as the Renaissance. During the 15th Century in Europe, a lot of changes were happening, causing a lot of unforeseen events. One of those events was the freedom of serfs who served in manors at the time. If a Serf was able to escape their manor and lived in a town for a year, they were considered free men. After the Black Plague, the remaining wealthy helped raise scholars, which led to new ideas, changing the economy and culture. Also, the number of Universities increased rapidly from 1300 to 1500. Even though the Renaissance only helped a few
  • 42. Narrative Structure of Pulp Fiction Quentin Tarantino United States Of America 1994 John Travolta, Samel L. Jackson, Uma Thurman, Bruce Willis Quentin Tarantino s American crime film Pulp Fiction is organized through three separate but interrelated storylines. There is one story that constructed by three distinct stories. At the beginning of the sequences, titles are shown on the black screen which provides a recognizable source for narration.The first story Vincent Vega and Marsellus Wallace s wife is about Vincent Vega (John Travolta ) who is responsible for spending time with his boss Marsellus Wallace s wife, Mia (Uma Thurman). The second story The Gold Watch is about the espace of prizefighter Butch (Bruce Willis) from Marsellus Wallace (Ving Rhames).... Show more content on ... This serves to the complicating action. With complicating action, action shifts and some obstacles occurs in order to make it more compelling for protagonist to achieve his/her goal. This next scene shifts the action to Vincent s relationship with his boss wife Mia Wallace. We see Butch during his confrontation with Marsellus Wallace at the very beginning of the first part. As he takes the money from Marsellus and agrees to take a dive in his next match, Vincent and Jules enter with a briefcase, dressed as they just came from a pool party. The tension between Vince and Butch pave the way for them to confront in a hostile way, in the second story. The narrative, in this scene, establishes a connection with the upcoming story. In the next scene, Vincent and Mia have dinner at Jack Rabbit Slim s and participate in a twist contest. Before Mia and Vincent met, Mia snorts cocaine which gives a hint to the audience that the obliged date will be a little rugged which leads to complicating action. Mia overdoses and Vincent takes her Lance s home where he purchases heroin and races against time to save Mia. At the end of the first story, Vincent saves Mia and they promise each other for keeping this action as a secret. These action scenes are used in the film to strengthen the continuity. Also, the relationship that is constructed between Mia and Vincent , share similarity with the relationship between Butch and Marsellus that will be constructed at the end of the second
  • 43. Wollstonecraft 2065 Summary Wollstonecraft 2065 Summary If you ve never been to Wollstonecraft NSW, you are missing out on one of the best suburbs in Sydney. It s a beautiful, nice and quiet suburb located next to the busier suburb of Crow s Nest, but not so close to get caught up in that hectic lifestyle. Wollstonecraft has several properties that offer magnificent water views and the train and bus transport systems run on a frequent and convenient schedule. Unlike some North Sydney suburbs, this one offers ample parking. The combination of amenities and the lifestyle make Wollstonecraft high in demand, which makes it a bit more expensive than some of its surrounding suburbs. The locals who live here like it just the way it is. Wollstonecraft 2065 Profile Wollstonecraft is a quiet harbourside lower North Shore suburb of Sydney. Not a lot happens her, but that s why the locals love this suburb. They enjoy keeping their little waterfront suburb to themselves. That doesn t mean there isn t room for more people who share the desire to live in a safe, peaceful community. Lifestyle ... Show more content on ... They relish in their private spot tucked away in one of the most sought after water frontage suburbs in Sydney. The proximity to the CBD and to Crow s Nest gives them ample opportunities to go join the excitement of the city. Instead of worrying about life, work, and the stress of living in the city, Wollstonecraft residents get to revel in their foreshore community amidst the walking trails that connect the parks and their harbour scenery.
  • 44. Censorship in North Korea Introduction Delving deep into the history of how new media has the ability to cause the autocratic ways of governments to run into a stone wall, the infamous incident of how university students of Indonesia leveraged on the power of e mail to overthrow the then corrupt President Suharto presents itself as an excellent illustration. Through examining more recent cases where the citizens of Tunisia and Egypt have tapped on the power of social media to help upend the existing political order, the potency of new media becomes apparent. Amidst volatile and rapidly evolving preferences and uses for different forms of new media, North Korea remains entrenched in the situation where all types of media are state owned; where the Internet is ... Show more content on ... However, it is essential to note that the climate of fear could paralyse the citizens such that they remain nonchalant about their lack of freedom, assuming the government is able to satisfy their basic needs. From another point of view, this assumption could prove problematic on its own. Although North Korea could rank low on the Power Distance Index due to the communist emphasis on equality and minimizing status differences (Birnbaum More, Wong and Olve, 1995), it is notable that the Power Distance Index is malleable and can shift in the face of ideological pressures (McGrath, MacMillan, Yang, Tsai, 1992) i.e. the communist regime in North Korea. Hence the people are reluctant to question authority and the fear to disagree is substantial (Birnbaum More et al., 1995). Therefore, the citizens of North Korea could be less particular about their restricted status of freedom because they accept the commands of the government dutifully . To limit the scope of discussion, it would now be appropriate to define the term influence . The influence of the influx of new media on the North Korean government would allude to the extent to which the dictatorship nature of the