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Essay On Good Habits
Writing an essay on the topic of "Good Habits" may seem deceptively simple at first glance, but
as one delves into the task, the complexity becomes apparent. The challenge lies not just in
presenting a list of positive behaviors but in crafting a coherent narrative that engages the reader
and conveys the importance of cultivating good habits.
To begin with, one must navigate the vast realm of habits, selecting those deemed universally
beneficial and relevant to the essay's scope. The challenge here is not just identifying the habits
but also exploring their nuances, origins, and the impact they can have on an individual's life.
This requires thorough research and thoughtful consideration.
The difficulty escalates when it comes to structuring the essay. Balancing the introduction, body,
and conclusion while maintaining a logical flow demands careful planning. Each paragraph needs
to seamlessly connect to the next, guiding the reader through a journey of understanding and
appreciation for the subject matter.
Furthermore, articulating the significance of good habits without sounding didactic or preachy is
another hurdle. Striking the right tone and ensuring that the essay resonates with a diverse
audience adds an additional layer of complexity. The challenge is not only to inform but to
inspire and provoke thought.
Finally, the editing and polishing phase can be equally demanding. Achieving clarity, coherence,
and conciseness requires a keen eye for detail. Striking the right balance between depth and
simplicity is crucial to ensure the essay is accessible and impactful.
In conclusion, while the topic of "Good Habits" may seem straightforward, crafting an essay on
this subject involves a multifaceted process. It demands not only knowledge and research skills
but also the ability to weave a compelling narrative that captivates the reader. Similar essays and
a wealth of academic support can be found on, offering assistance to those
navigating the challenges of essay composition.
Essay On Good Habits Essay On Good Habits
literature Essay examples
A. What fiction is
Fiction (from the Latin fictio, a shaping, a counterfeiting ) is a name for stories not
entirely factual, but at least partially shaped, made up, imagined. It is true that in
some fiction, such as historical novel, a writer draws upon factual information in
presenting scenes, events, and characters. But the factual information in a historical
novel, unlike that in a history book, is of secondary importance.
Fiction as we know it today is considered to be a relatively new genre compared to
poetry and drama. The tradition of fiction started with myth and legend and allegory.
But the fictional characters in these imaginary worlds were mostly one dimensional
abstractions, personified as Love, ... Show more content on ...
Plot is the arrangement of events in a story, or the structure of the action. The action
in a plot is usually progressive because one force acts upon another. Plot begins with
an exposition: the opening portion that sets the scene (if any), introduces the main
characters, tells us what happened before the story opened, and provides any other
background information that we need in order to understand and care about the
events to follow.
D. The short story
In a short story, a form more realistic than the tale and of modern origin, the writer
usually presents the main events in greater fullness. A short story is more than just
a sequence of happenings. Some literary short stories, unlike commercial fiction in
which the main interest is in physical action or conflict, tell of an epiphany: some
moment of insight, discovery, or revelation by which a character s life, or view of
life, is greatly altered. Other short stories tell of a character initiated into experience
or maturity. The fable and the tale are ancient forms; the short story is of more recent
E. Point of view
A critical issue in any short story is its point of view. The importance of point of
view may easily be overlooked, but the choice of the narrator influences the total
structure of the story.
There are basically three points of view:
Arm Processor Project Report Using Rfid
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Under considerations to regional surroundings, laws
and regulations, communication efficiency, interference and transmission cost, this
study proposes a wireless ARM based automatic meter reading and control system
(WAMRCS). The WAMRCS uses sampling circuits and A/D convertor to transfer
analog signal of voltage and current into digital data. The digital data then send to
embedded system to compute power parameters. This embedded system will send
power parameters to regional monitoring and control center of utility company via
wireless module connected with it. This WAMRCS applied on distribution
automation can save personnel expense of hiring reading meter workers and can be
free from human involvement; more... Show more content on ...
CHAPTER 4 89C51 MICROCONTROLLER 4.1 FEATURES: вћў Compatible with
MCS 51 Products вћў 4 Kbytes of In System Reprogrammable Flash Memory.
Endurance 1,000 Write/Erase Cycles вћў Fully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 24 MHz вћў
Three Level Program Memory Lock вћў 128 x 8 Bit Internal RAM вћў 32
Programmable I/O Lines вћў Two 16 Bit Timer/Counters вћў Six Interrupt Sources
вћў Programmable Serial Channel вћў Low Power Idle and Power Down Modes 4.2
DESCRIPTION: The AT89C51 is a low power, high performance CMOS 8 bit
microcomputer with 4 Kbytes of Flash Programmable and Erasable Read Only
Memory (PEROM). The device is manufactured using Atmel s high density
nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry standard MCS
51 instruction set and pin out. The on chip Flash allows the program memory to be
reprogrammed in system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. By
combining a versatile 8 bit CPU with Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel
AT89C51 is a powerful microcomputer which provides a highly flexible and cost
effective solution to many embedded control applications. The AT89C51 provides
the following standard features: 4Kbytes of Flash, 128 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines,
two 16 bit timer/counters, five
Religion Vs English Civil War Essay
One similarity between the English Civil War and The French Wars of Religion was
that both events were trying to incite change to government through politically
ambitious men.The English Civil War was an ongoing conflict between the royalists
and parliamentarians over the setup of the government. Cromwell, a member of the
parliament, defeated and executed the King Charles I with his New Model Army and
created the Commonwealth, a republic that was really run as a military dictatorship
under his power. Cromwell and his supporters attempted to establish a new form of
government, since the monarchy and parliament wasn t solving any of the long
lasting political conflicts. The French Wars of Religion demonstrated that the civil
wars were part of... Show more content on ...
In England, the nobles and commoners had established power through parliament.
The monarchy run by Charles I was bound to fail because the government had no
money, and therefore authority, when he refused to tax because the parliament would
only let the monarch use the tax money if they could have representation in
government. After having a long lasting power struggle that didn t establish a proper
relationship between the king and parliament, England needed a radical change of
government that would stop the cycle. The English government didn t establish a
proper relationship between the king and the parliament, dating back to 1215 when
the Magna Carta was signed: It limited the monarch s power, but didn t establish how
much representation the parliament and king got in government. Parliament realized
that they needed to strengthen their power by doing away with the monarch. In the
French Wars of Religion, the Estates General didn t really meet and didn t have
much representation in government. Unlike the English, the idea of a body ruling
was too radical, and the three aristocratic families sought to increase power by
becoming new monarchs. They tried to gain power by becoming king or hoping that
a weak monarch would allow them to
Transcendentalistic Values In Into The Wild By Chris...
The book Into the Wild highlights the adventures of Chris McCandless, and grants
you a look at the trail that lead McCandless into the woods and why he did not
return. Throughout the book McCandless actions were the embodiment of
transcendentalistic values some 160 years after the the movement came to
prevelence. McCandless embodied the keys of non conformity, self expression, and
reducing dependence on property. These are just a few of the keys that can be found
in his life.
Chris McCandless was the perfect example of marching to the beat of your own
drum, and therefore resembled the transcendentalist key of non conformity. In the
book Into the Wild McCandless is quoted saying, The government which governs
least is best. McCandless did not want the government to interfere with his life
while they are unable to combat some of the fundamental problems of society like
poverty and hungry. McCandless was a believer is doing something your own way,
and if it did not go along with your morals, it must be defied. The essay Civil
Disobedience best resembles McCandless attitude towards the government. Like
Thoreau, McCandless thought that a strong government would interfere with the way
he chose to live his life. Nevertheless, along with not conforming to social
benchmarks, McCandless lived by the principal of reducing his dependence on
property. Throughout all of his journies McCandless was known for travelling with
bare minimum supplies, and reducing his dependence on
Case Study The Revolutionary Idea Of Fluoride
The Revolutionary Idea Of Adding Fluoride To Drinking Water Introduction to Public
Health (HLTB16H3), Summer 2018 Michelle Letchumanan, Ph.D. Candidate Tutorial
2: Thursdays 2:00pm 3:00PM, MW120Thursday, June 7 2018 Tefna Francis
Fluoridation of drinking water addresses the health issue of tooth decay and the
related dental problems associated with it.1 Fluoride is associated with this health
issue since fluoride has been recognized as an important nutrient for healthy teeth.1 ...
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In 1945, Brantford, Ontario, became the first Canadian city to add fluoride to its
water.3 This was the first milestone that was involved in laying the groundwork for
the achievement of adding fluoride to Canadian drinking water. Brantford was paired
with neighbouring Sarnia in an 11 year case study of the effects of water fluoridation
.3 This event was the first key process that contributed to the groundwork of this
revolutionary idea. The rate of community water fluoridation in Canada has grown,
with 45.1% of the total population now having access to fluoridated water.3 The
implementation of this program has impacted a significant part of the Canadian
population in a positive way. The benefit cost ratio indicated that, at an expected
average effectiveness of 30 % caries reduction, one dollar invested in the program
saved $71.05 $82.83 per Quebec s
Analysis Of Homer s Iliad
Ryan Doerhoff
History of Greece
Dr. Kirkland
September 5, 2014
Document Analysis The primary documents that will be focused on in this
analysis come from Homer s Iliad. Homer is venerated today as the greatest of
Greek epic poets, as his works had a colossal impact on the history of literature.
Through his epics, Homer brings us first hand into the culture of the Greek world
in the eighth century B.C. It is important to note that at this time very few had the
privilege of an education, and lacked the skill to read and write. In turn much of
the story telling was done orally and passed down from generation to generation.
Eventually around the seventh century B.C. we being to see written copies of
Homer s poems appear. However because his works were recorded only in memory
there is the chance that like the telephone game, some parts could have been changed
each time it was retold. While he is telling a poetic story, Homer relates much about
the political structure and cultural conditions occurring at this time is history. The
first document to be assessed comes from the first book of the Iliad, in which Achilles
and Agamemnon quarrel. This scene raises questions about the nature of kingship in
early Greek aristocratic society, but most importantly it sets the stage for the rest of
the epic. It is a common outlook that the Iliad is about the Trojan War; however it is
all about the wrath of Achilles. Homer begins his poem with his rage by declaring
Anger, sing it,
Student Loan for Higher Education
1.1 Background of the study. University education is probably one of the most
important investments parents make for their children. If we want to find a decent
job, we will probably require tertiary education. However, tuition fees seem to be
getting higher by the day. Consequently, those from lower or middle class families
face difficulty financing their children s education. To resolve this problem, they
need to find a lender who can help them to pay for their children s tuition fees. We
often hear about personal, home, or car loans, but for the purpose of this research, I
will shift my focus towards education loans. An education loan is basically funding
provided by an entity which typically the government, a bank, or an organization to
help a student pursue their studies by covering things such as their tuition fees, cost
of books, and living expenses. Therefore related to all the basic needs as a student,
they have to borrow the amount that they don t have in the moment of their study. By
getting the borrowing by these entities to further their study, the students
automatically create an event for them to move forward into repayment atmosphere
after they are completion the studies. When it comes to a stage of repay back the loan
to the lender, these students might face the problem where they can t manage to
handle the payment constantly that influences by the factors of the borrower s
attitude, the burden of the debt and the income of the
Space Is The Biggest Mysteries Humans
Space is one of the biggest mysteries humans have ever had the chance to explore.
It is massive, dark, and difficult to get too. Seriously fighting gravity is not an
easy task. For millions of years, we have wondered what exactly is surrounding the
Earth. Galileo and astronomers like him provided us with information about our
surroundings, but could not get us to them. Fast forward to 1969 and we have
come the farthest from Earth we have ever been, at the time. We reached the
moon! Although the moon may not seem that far away it way more than any car
ride any of us have been on. It takes time, force, and tons of fuel. Plus the ride to the
moon involves g force. A force average humans do not experience every day unless
you are in the Air Force or ride roller coasters for a living. After our first successful
landing on the moon, we decided we wanted more information. This is where Carl
Sagan, Voyager, and the Golden Record all come together for an incredible mission.
Carl Sagan was a brilliant Astronomer and more than likely the most recognized
scientists of the 1970s and 1980s. He was born in Brooklyn, New York, on
November 9, 1934. Sagan had always been fascinated by astronomy (Moore). The
older he got, the more his interest grew. He graduated high school at 16 and decided
to further his education at the University of Chicago. He conducted experiments at
the University of Chicago that sparked the idea that alien life forms could be real
(Moore). His life was filled with
What Are The Archetypal Elements Of A Hero s Journey
Henri Gurgenyan
Mr. Falcon
HUM 115
9 February 2017
Essay #4 Since ancient times, heroes were considered to be an important part of
people s everyday lives. While their stories often differed in content and the messages
they carried, most heroic tales followed the same pattern The Hero s Journey. In the
1940s, mythologist and writer Joseph Campbell decided to analyze the mythic and
archetypal principles embedded in the structure of stories. Campbell s Book, The
Hero with a Thousand Faces, identified similar patterns that most myths and stories
would follow. He created a structure to identify the heroes narratives and uncover
their missions. Christopher Vogler, a Hollywood executive producer, came up with
twelve stages of a Hero s Journey. ... Show more content on ...
For most, this would be their greatest fear; it would also include confronting the
forces of the enemies. And here I was a freshman, who has never been to an
American school for longer than three months. I had only one choice suck up all my
fears and be strong in high school. My greatest fear was real and it was growing
right before my eyes... up to a point where it turned into a reality. Bullying became
a huge problem; however, I knew I had to overcome my fears and confront them. If I
did not, my misery would continue on forever, and knowing myself, that was not an
outcome I would be able to live
Arranged Marriage From The Perspective Of All Three
What is an arranged marriage? An arranged marriage by definition is a marriage
planned and agreed to by the families or guardians of the bride and groom. The
amount of input a bride or groom has is based off the type of arranged marriage. In
the traditional arranged marriage the bride and groom have significant input and are
not forced. Arranged marriageis a sensitive topic as it involves the values, beliefs and
core characteristics of many. There are multiple views on arranged marriage, both
positive and negative. Here in the west many have negative opinions on arranged
marriages. Arranged marriage can be researched and analyzed from an
anthropological, psychological and sociological perspective. Through the three
perspectives, many distinctive differences and similarities between arranged marriage
and other types of marriage such as love/choice marriage can be seen. This research
essay will analyze arranged marriage from the perspective of all three social sciences
and show how arranged marriage is just as good if not better than love/choice
marriage from the perspective of all three social sciences.
There are many subtopics within arranged marriage that can be researched and
analyzed from an anthropological perspective. A few of the subtopics include
comparing the different types of arranged marriage, the functions/responsibilities of
marriage, cultural aspects and the development of people in an arranged marriage.
There are many types of arranged marriages; the
Imagery In The Birds By Daphne Du Maurier
War has been a constant throughout all of human history. From small battles to
large world wars and even modern day civil wars Fighting and the death and
destruction that follows is universally recognized. In the short story The Birds ,
Daphne Du Maurier uses imagery and symbolism to show that war will destroy all
hope for humanity. Throughout her short story, Du Maurier uses violent imagery
to show the horrors of war and how humanity falls. Imagery is used by Du Maurier
to show the strength the birds possess and how they will stop at nothing in their
conquest to destroy humanity; He noticed grimly that every window pane was
shattered. Only the boards had kept the birds from breaking in (Du Maurier). The
way Du Maurier describes the birds always makes them appear ruthless like a
wartime enemy; they never stop in their attempts to kill the humans in the story
regardless if it will lead to their own deaths much like soldiers running into a
battlefield. At one point in the story the air force attempts to take out the birds; It
was, he had no doubt, a gamble on the part of the authorities to send out
reconnaissance forces, but they might have known the gamble was suicidal. What
could aircraft do against birds that flung themselves to death against propeller and
fuselage but hurtle to the ground themselves (Du Maurier). This violent imagery and
the use of actual machines of war shows the ruthlessness and brute strength of the
birds. According to David Galens: As the
Database Requirements For Operating System Windows Xp
3.1USER CHARACTERISTICS Admin: Login Show project and Dashboard
Show project and user full detail Manage user Manage category (n level category)
Manage static page Mange project User: Registration Login User settings and
updation. Take a tour of site 3.2 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE
REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION This shows minimum requirements to carry
on to run this system efficiently. 3.2.1Hardware Requirements Minimum
Hardware Requirement: DevicesDescription ProcessorIntel Core Duo 2.0 GHz or
more RAM1 GB or more Hard Disk10 GB or more Table Server side
Hardware Requirement 3.2.2 Software Requirements For whichSoftware Operating
SystemWindows XP/2003/vista/7/8/10,Linux, Mac os x Front EndHTML Back
EndMySQL Database Scripting LanguagePhp , Javascript Table Software
Requirements 3.2.3 client side RequirementsFor whichRequirement BrowserAny
Compatible browser device Table client side Requirements 3.3
CONSTRAINTS 3.3.1Hardware Limitations The major hardware limitations faced
by the system are as follows: If the appropriate hardware is not there like processor,
RAM, Hard Disks the problem in processing requests of client if appropriate storage
is not there our whole database will crash due to less storage because our main
requirement is large storage. 3.3.2Interfacing with other
Alexander Mackenzie s Repair
While the liberals were at force, it wasn t in their intentions to keep fabricating the
route, so they backed off on the creation of the track. During Alexander Mackenzie
s cabinet years he invested majority of his time in planning the best route for the
CPR. Mackenzie s idea in regards to the CPR route involved a less costly plan, or
so he thought: his plan was developed around the thought of building a line that
would cross the nation partly by rail and partly by water20. Luckily this plan wasn t
carried out due to the fact that the CPR s budget wasn t high enough.
In 1871 an individual by the name of Sandford Fleming was delegated to construct a
survey for the Canadian Pacific Railway. These surveys were intended to focus on the
best route
The Alchemist Research Paper
Why are omens so important in people s life? In the book The Alchemist, the author
Paulo Coelho answers this question by telling a story of a young boy, Santiago.
Santiago was a shepherd, he is taught to follow his omens. Santiago did, and finds his
treasures. During SantiagoЕ› journey to Egypt, he encounters lots of people and
experiences, but three of them are important turning point for him. The old king he
met started his journey, the girl he fall in lovewith encourages him continue with his
journey and finally the tribe leader helps him approach to his treasure.
Santiago would be a shepherd forever is he does not meet the old king. Santiago is a
young shepherd who live in a small village. But he is a special shepherd, because he
can read ... Show more content on ...
Santiago meets the real alchemist in the oasis, and Santiago decides to follow him.
On their way to the pyramids, the alchemist teaches Santiago more things about
alchemy. He tells Santiago that the most important thing for him to do is follow his
heart. His heart knows the language of the world and his heart knows
everything.The alchemist says to Santiago: The desert will give you an
understanding of the world; in fact, anything on the face of the earth will do that
(127). Focusing on nature can help him understand the Soul of the Work.But one
day, they are caught by a tribesman. The alchemist tells the soldiers that Santiago has
a special ability which is turning himself into wind. The tribesmen do not believe
him, and give him three days to become wind. Otherwise, he will be killed. Santiago
is frustrated because he knows he cannot do that. But the alchemist trusts him.
Santiago spends the first two days observing the desert. At the third day, when
everyone comes to see the miracle, Santiago stand at the mountain top and speaking
an unknown language. At that point, he reaches the language of the world. Santiago
talks with desert and wind, but they cannot help. He next goes to talk to the sun, the
sun tells him to find the hands that made all these. Santiago reached the soul of the
world, which is also the soul of God. And he becomes wind. The chief sees the glory
How Did St Thomas Aquinas Influence Religion
There are many philosophical influences in religion as well as many religious
influences in many types of philosophies. Many figures in history have shaped both
of these fields and contributed to them in many ways including belief systems
regarding the nature of the world, human existence, and ethics. Many religious
figures focused more on religious endeavors more than philosophical ones. Jesus of
Nazareth and Gautama Buddha are two examples of spiritual figures who have
religious followings even until this day. It should be pointed out that many people
view the Buddha s teachings as more of a philosophyinstead of a religion. One figure
who was influenced by religion and at the same time, contributed many theories and
ideas towards the discipline of philosophy is Saint Thomas Aquinas. Saint Thomas
Aquinas is an example of how a very religious figure/leader could reason
philosophically, generate new ideas and concepts in philosophy, and influence a
religion as whole in more ways than one. He showed that philosophy and religion can
coexist to serve the same purpose, which is understanding ourselves and truth.
Thomas Aquinas was born around 1225 in Lombardy, Italy, to the Countess of Teano.
When Aquinas was five years of age, he was sent to the monastery Montecassino to
study with Benedictine monks. Aquinas spent his time there until he was thirteen
years old. As a result of major political unrest, Montecassino turned into a battle site
and he had no
Paul Ehrlich s The Population Bomb
The Population Bomb is a video created by The New York Times in 2015 to discuss
a recurring issue throughout the world, the balancing of population. In the 1960 s
there was a major fear spread that overpopulation would lead to the demise of Earth
as we know it. Some third world countries, such as India and China, are still
struggling with the threat of overpopulation. Paul Ehrlich was a famous advocate
against populationgrowth wrote a and wrote the book, The Population Bomb, which
stated the mortifying effects of overpopulation and the strict measures needed to be
taken by the government to prevent this. Ehrlich suggested harsh measures such as
creating a black list of people, companies,
Turabian Style
Kate L. Turabian s Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations
presents two basic documentation systems: notes bibliography style (or simply
bibliography style) and author date style (sometimes called reference list style).
These styles are essentially the same as those presented in The Chicago Manual of
Style, sixteenth edition, with slight modifications for the needs of student writers.
Book Okuda, Michael, and Denise Okuda. 1993. Star trek chronology: The history
of the future. New York: Pocket Books. Journal Article Wilcox, Rhonda V. 1991.
Shifting roles and synthetic women in Star trek: The next generation. Studies in
Popular Culture 13 (June): 53 65. Newspaper or... Show more content on ...
Closing cycles, shutting doors, ending chapters whatever name we give it, what
matters is to leave in the past the moments of life that have finished. Did you lose
your job? Has a loving relationship come to an end? Did you leave your parents
house? Gone to live abroad? Has a long lasting friendship ended all of a sudden?
You can spend a long time wondering why this has happened. You can tell yourself
you won t take another step until you find out why certain things that were so
important and so solid in your life have turned into dust, just like that. But such an
attitude will be awfully stressing for everyone involved: your parents, your
husband or wife, your friends, your children, your sister. Everyone is finishing
chapters, turning over new leaves, getting on with life, and they will all feel bad
seeing you at a standstill. Things pass, and the best we can do is to let them really
go away. That is why it is so important (however painful it may be!) to destroy
souvenirs, move, give lots of things away to orphanages, sell or donate the books
you have at home. Everything in this visible world is a manifestation of the
invisible world, of what is going on in our hearts and getting rid of certain memories
also means making some room for other memories to take their place. Let things go.
Release them. Detach yourself from them. Nobody plays this life
Descriptive Essay On The Museum Of Music
On Monday, September 18th, 2017, I visited the Honolulu Museum of Art s Doris
Duke theater which is an intimate, yet charming venue fixed in the heart of
downtown Honolulu. That night, I was in for a unique experience of the traditional
mixed with the contemporary, featuring Dr. Thomas Yee, harpsichord, and a
Tresemble which contained two violins, viola, cello, bass, flute, oboe, and bassoon
performers. Dr. Thomas Yee, who is a professor of music at the University of Hawaii
at Manoa, is usually seen tickling the ivories at a ravishing concert grand piano on an
illustrious stage. However, that night, he brought the theater s elaborate, magnificent,
and special harpsichord to life instead. The harpsichord was commissioned by a
musician named Gertrud KГјnzel Roberts who played it often at concerts. What truly
makes this harpsichord valuable is the artwork on the inner part of its lid which
was painted by Jean Charlot, a family friend of Roberts. The artwork on the lid is
an original mural in a Spanish style and a suite of pieces was actually written for
this particular harpsichord, with each of the pieces being dedicated to a member
of the Charlot family. I did not get to hear any of those pieces that night, but I did
get to hear some very thought provoking, engaging, and majestic music. The first
piece on the program was Trio Sonata No. 3 in B flat Major ZMV 181 for Violin,
Oboe, Bassoon, and Harpsichord. This piece was written around the
Rationing Healthcare
Rationing Healthcare: America s Best Bet John Curry Keller Graduate School
Health Rights/Responsibilities HSM 542 Prof. Michelle Gomillion February 24,
2013 Abstract Rationing Healthcare: America s Best Bet Introduction. Within the
last decade private insurance premiums have doubled, rising four times faster than
wages. Insolvency of the current government assisted healthcare programs,
Medicare and Medicaid, are on track to occur within the next eight years (Singer,
2009, para. 3). Facts such as these lead most experts and scholars such as Peter
Singer, bioethics professor at Princeton University, to believe rationing of healthcare
is not only necessary but highly desired for all stakeholders involved. The fact of the
... Show more content on ...
QALY is a unit designed to enable a comparison of the benefits achieved by
different forms of health care (Singer, 2009, para. 22). Andre and Velasquez state
the morals of such rationing would be unjust and take away constitutional rights to
receive equal care. Proponent s arguement. Many proponents for rationing
healthcare resources feel it is only a matter of time before it becomes necessary.
Healthcare analysts and providers predict a health care crisis because of: * Costs
of Healthcare * Increased number of uninsured individuals * Unknown status of
current healthcare system Factors that are affecting these conclusions consist of: *
Expenses are rising faster than the cost of living. * Medicare and Medicaid
spending (which comprises 26 percent of the federal budget) is expanding faster
than the economic growth rate * Individuals and their families continue to pay a
significant amount out of pocket (Ukleja Center for Ethical Leadership, 2012, Slide
3) While these factors are compelling, the numbers representing US spending costs
ultimately lend credence to the argument for healthcare rationing. In June of 2011,
the National Coalition on Health Care reported healthcare spending reached 18.2%
of US Gross Domestic Product (GDP), up by 5.1% from the prior year (The
National Coalition on Health Care, 2011, p. 1). With a continued climb in spending,
Oswald s Assassination
On November 22, President John F. Kennedy was riding in downtown Dallas when
three shots
rang out, two of which were fatal. After a long interrogation the police arrested Lee
Oswald. Just because he was allegedly seen on the sixth floor of his work building
with a rifle.
The police arrested him some distance from the scene of accident, at a movie theatre.
How could
he have killed President Kennedy if he was at a movie theater? Some body cannot be
in two
places at a time. I do not believe that he killed President Kennedy, where is innocent
proven guilty?
Lee Harvey Oswald was born in New Orleans on the 18th October 1939. His parents
Marguerite and Robert Oswald Sr. who died of a heart attack. His father
Up Until Recently, Hoarding Has Been Classified As A
Up until recently, hoarding has been classified as a subtype of obsessive
compulsive disorder. However, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM 5 )has now included a separate diagnostic entry for hoarding.
Hoarding Disorder affects anywhere from 3 6% of the general population (Allan,
et. al. 2015). Hoarding is defined as the acquisition and inability to let go of a large
number of possessions, resulting in clutter that precludes the use of living spaces
for their intended purposes (Chong, et. al. 2014). In addition to being associated
with obsessive compulsive disorder, hoarding disorder has been linked to all three
dimensions of depression (Allan, et. al. 2015). This disorder has been shown to have
a large impact... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, these individuals may hold a significant sentimental attachment to
numerous objects. This often leads to clutter and disorganization within the hoarders
household. Hoarding is further broken down by four major elements. These key
elements are as follows: excessive acquiring, failure to discard possessions, clutter,
and distress and impairment due to hoarding (Gillam, Tolin, 2010). Hoarders acquire
their possessions in a multitude of ways. These ways include compulsive buying,
attainment of free objects, and in severe cases, stealing. Individuals oftentimes spend
hours looking for objects to bring back home. Those who hoard describe the
procurement of objects as very exciting and even report feeling frugal because of their
finds. Certain hoarding individuals also find enjoyment out of hunting for new
objects to bring back home. In addition, these same individuals also report feeling
discomfort and agitation when trying to refrain from buying objects. Those with
hoarding disorder feel that the attainment of objects brings them positive emotions
similar to those one may experience when they have impulse control disorders like
gambling. Individuals with hoarding disorder have difficulties throwing out things
that the general population would view as garbage or unusable. Similar to the general
population, who hates being wasteful or throwing away objects that may be useful in
the future,
Deng Xiaping Research Paper
Deng Xiaoping was born in 1904 to a family that was well off. His family had
owned much land. As a high schooler Deng had set out to join the Chinese
communist party. In his young years he would travel to Moscow and France. Deng
studied in France for four years and that is where he became an active member in the
Communist movement. He also played a role in Mao Zedongs revolutionary struggle
with the GMD. Deng was one of the many military and political leaders in the
movement. He soon became the leading political and military organizer in the
Jiangxi Soviet. The Jiangxi Soviet was an autonomous communist enclave in south
west China. Mao Zedong established the Jiangxi Soviet in 1931. Deng also survived
the long march in October of 1934 and... Show more content on ...
The Great Leap Forward (i.e the Five Year Plan) was a way for Mao to change
China from a farming country into an industrialized one through collectivisation.
This was when peasants were forced into communes and were forced them to learn
farming methods. This plan was a huge failure on Mao s part and it caused around
forty three million deaths as well as a man made famine. Liu was now the
president of the Chinese Communist Party, but Mao didn t just leave the CCP
after giving up his presidential title. He ended up taking a chair position. Mao
gave responsibility for the economy to President Liu and Deng, who was now CCP
General Secretary. After the responsibility was handed over Mao left the political
scene. Liu and Deng both accepted that Mao s reforms had gone too far in a very
short amount of time. To combat the famine that was occurring Liu and Deng
brought in Chen Yu, who was a Chinese expert in agriculture. Chen recommended
that free markets should be allowed to help the famine. This would allow farmers
to sell their products and make some profits as well as increase production. Land
was also restored to the peasants and this would allow increases of food being
produced. Liu also became deputy chairman as well as president, but in 1966
however, things took a turn for the worst for
Outline For The Truman Show
The Truman Show Director speech ~Ekam Sohal Introduction: Greeting The
purpose of me talking Outline of the main characters Outline of the film Rough
sketch of the paragraph: Good morning/ afternoon everyone, my name is Peter Weir
and today I am here to talk to you about the techniques and the themes that were
used in my movie The Truman Show . The film, The Truman Show, portrays the
experiences connected with the perfect quality, unethical behavior and an utopia
that does not meet the environment of the society that we live in nowadays. Body:
Themes: Unethical behaviour No respect for Truman s privacy An Utopia
Commercialism Everything on the show is for sale. The actor s wardrobe, food
products, to the very homes they live in. (Christof) ; And of course all of it available
in the Truman catalogue. (Interviewer) Rough Sketch of the paragraph of the theme
of The theme of commercialism is shown to the audience in every 20 minutes or so.
In some parts of the movie, such as in the scene where Truman finds out that
something fishy is going on and Meryl Rough Sketch of the paragraph of the theme
of Unethical behaviour:... Show more content on ...
Meryl (Truman s wife), Christof (director/ me) , Sylvia (Truman s real love) and the
viewers of the show. The viewers of The Truman Show are a gathering of individuals
that demonstrate an unusual state of a person who has freedom but don t go out there
and explore. This is for the reason that dominant part of the viewer s understand that
Truman is being influenced contrarily as a consequence of the show and they are
fundamentally centered around their own voyeuristic stimulation, which implies
basically, the groups of onlookers values their own particular diversion over the well
being of
Pros And Cons Of Mitochondria
So basically mitochondria accused us for being a dangerous killer, and sure, we
can malfunction and cause a disease that can seriously mess up your life, and we
know that that s a valid reason not to vote for us, which is fine. But before you
throw your vote away for the other organelles, think of it this way. We really aren t
like the other cells. They all have these really cool purposes and we re just kind the
guy who takes out their trash, which might just be the most important part of a cell
because we all know what s gonna happen if no one is there to pick up after you.
We protect the cell too, and while we can mess up and give you Danon s disease, it
s actually so rare that doctors have trouble diagnosing it because they look at your
symptoms and are like what the heck because this isn t something their medical
school taught them. Dangerous? We re about as dangerous as an ant and of all the
organelles to call us dangerous, mitochondria shouldn t be the one talking with their
cancers and aging and heart failure. Pros of Vacuole (Part 2): The vacuole has many
different jobs but all the same in importance. For example, the vacuole keeps the cell
clean; it holds the trash that the other organelles leave behind. This organelle also is
the reason why plants stand straight. In addition, the vacuole holds water and other
nutrients for plants.... Show more content on ...
Yes, we need everyone. But we are not here to say good things about other
organelles, we are here because we need a leader for this glorious nation of
Celltopia. A great leader who is strong and is able to lead us. And we believe that the
vacuole can do that!! Imagine the beautiful future ladies and gentlemen. The future
that our children are safe from the virus and bacteria. We gonna have big wall, a
giant, beautiful, great wall that gonna protect us from the virus and bacteria. And
guess what, the cell membrane gonna pay for it. Because that s their
University of Phoenix Corporate Finance Syllabus
| Syllabus School of BusinessFIN/571 Version 5Corporate Finance| Copyright 2011,
2010, 2009, 2008 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description
This course applies corporate finance concepts to make management decisions.
Students learn methods to evaluate financial alternatives and create financial plans.
Other topics include cash flows, business valuation, working capital, capital budgets,
and long term financing. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held
responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the
following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student
website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document... Show more
content on ...
3.8 Identify sources and uses of short term financing. 3.9 Evaluate how the business
policies of a firm affect accounts receivable and inventories.| | | Readings| Read Ch.
22 amp; 23 of Corporate Financial Management.| | | Participation| Participate in class
discussion.| Monday| 3| Learning TeamLawrence Sports Simulation| Resource: The
Lawrence Sports Simulation located at
/vendors/tata/sims/finance/finance_simulation1.html Create at least three alternative
working capital policies that reduce future difficulties, and make a recommendation
on which policy Lawrence Sports should follow. Your recommendation must
include:An evaluation of the risk associated with the recommendationContingencies
for the recommendationPerformance measures that are used to evaluate your
recommendation An implementation plan for your recommendationWrite a paper in
no more than 1,750 words discussing your recommendation. Your paper must include
a review of the cash conversion cycle for Lawrence Sports Simulation and its
importance to their working capital management. Develop and explain your
recommendation as fully as possible.Format your paper
Operant conditioning plays a large role in our everyday...
Operant conditioning plays a large role in our everyday life. Throughout the
history of time people has been using this same technique in order to function in
every day society. Some people may use this to their advantage and others as a
disadvantage. This type of conditioning can be used in a positive or negative way.
Some of the early leaders in this field of study where people such as B.F. Skinner
and Edward Thorndike. These two gentleman played a major role in the concept of
operant conditioning, such as preforming experiments of positive and negative
behavior and instrumental behavior. These experiments may involve rats pressing a
button in order to get food. According to (Dragoi and Staddon, 1999, P.4), operant
behavior is... Show more content on ...
(Lancioni, 1980, P.516). They proceeded this process through steps and time. They
would show an object to the baby several times in order to get the baby use the
object and comfortable with the object being in its presence. Eventually they
would show the object to the child and create an action that would scare the young
baby. This object was the same color and anytime the baby would see this color on
a different object it would relate back to being scared and the child in result would
avoid and escape the situation. (Lancioni, 1980, P.516). Today people are more
suspicious and more open with their thoughts and feelings. This study that was
performed on that child back then would be considered unethical in today s society.
The main reason this study would be considered unethical today is because it
involved scaring children. The results of this study could have potentially affected
the child for the rest of their life. Though it might have been unethical today, this
was a big movement in the history of psychology for its time, and broadened studies
for future psychologists as well. Later, psychologists found that a major role in the
study of operant condition was reinforcement. (Lancioni, 1980, P.517). The act of
reinforcement can result in a positive or negative manner. As receiving a gift for
good behavior or getting in trouble for bad behavior. The act of reinforcement was a
determining factor in how the subject
What Are The Arguments Against The Road To
Confederation Dbq
The road to confederation was the making of Canada it was the joining of Canadian
colonies. The British colonies wanted to make one large British North America.
Many people were with the idea and many people were against it this essay will
discuss why people were against it. The threat of american expansion into canada
happened because the Americans were against the confederation of 1867.
Documents 1, 7 will be used as evidence to support the idea of how people were
against the confederation.
The Americans believed in the manifest density, which meant that they were destined
to expand so that all of america was under their rule. The northern and southern states
were fighting against each other during the U.S civil war, and Britain was supporting
... Show more content on ...
There were then Fenian Raids, when a group of Irish Americans led a series of
attacks on the colonies in protest of Britain s rule of Ireland. This scared the
maritimes into uniting with the other colonies. On the west Americans were
threatening to take British Columbia with a rallying cry of 54 40 or fight . It was
clear that the americans were ready to take over all of north america. In document one
William Seward US Secretary of State says I know that God intends that this whole
continent shall be sooner or later, within the magic circle of the United States of
America . You can see that here the main idea was to take all the of North america
under the stars and stripes. In document seven George Etienne Cartier says We have
five colonies and in order to become a great nation, they need only to be brought
together under one central Government. The matter comes down to this, whether we
form a British American confederation or we will be absorbed into the United
States of America. Shall we be content to remain separate colonies, to maintain a
mere provincial existence, whe, by combining together we could become a great
nation It has never before been the good fortune of any group of colonies to secure
Symbols In The Alchemist
In The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, a young shepherd boy named Santiago travels
the world in search of adventure and a new life for himself. During a trip to a village
in the Middle East, he is approached by an old man, Melchizedek, who claims to be
a king. He tells Santiago of a treasure that is hidden in the Pyramids of Egyptand how
it is Santiago s destiny to find it. Santiago chooses to embark on a journey to find
this treasure and encounters many people on his way, including a crystal merchant,
an Englishman, an alchemist, and a girl from a desert oasis. As he searches for his
treasure, he learns about the Soul of the World, which is the language that all of
creation uses to communicate with each other. He also discovers that it is his... Show
more content on ...
During Santiago s time in the desert, he finds himself in the midst of a tribal war.
While the ongoing war is dangerous enough, the book goes on to explain how the
desert setting makes the situation even worse. When speaking to the leader of a
caravan, the man states, The desert is a capricious lady, and sometimes she drives
men crazy (71). The sandy desert heat and strong winds not only make it harder to
travel, but also can disguise incoming tribal soldiers. As Santiago travels through the
sandy war zone with the alchemist, a man who has found his Personal Legend and
has the ability to communicate with the Soul of the World, he encounters hardships
such as sandstorms, being stopped by tribal soldiers, and being captured by horsemen.
Even though this delays him from reaching his destination, Santiago gains the ability
to reach through to the Soul of the World when he is asked to turn himself into the
wind by the chieftain of a military camp. If the desert had not concealed the tribal
men and kept Santiago from reaching the Pyramids longer, he would not have been
able to accomplish this. Therefore, the setting contributes to the idea of the journey
being more important than the destination, by leading Santiago to communicate with
the Soul of the World. In addition, there seems to be no designated timeline in The
Alchemist, only showing that the story
History Of Early Childhood Education
Early Childhood Education (ECE) is also nursery education and is a branch of
education theory which relates to the teaching of young children (formally and
informally) up until the age of about eight. Infant/ toddler education, a subset of early
childhood education, denotes the education of children from birth to age two. The
history of early childhood care and education refers to the development of care and
education of children between zero and eight years old throughout history. Early
childhood education has a global scope, and caring for and educating young children
has always been an integral part of human societies. Arrangements of fulfilling
these societal roles have evolved over time and remain varied across cultures, often
reflecting family and community structures as well as the social and economic
roles of women and men. Historically, such arrangements have largely been
informal, involving family, household and community members. Early childhood
education is a board term used to describe any type of educational program that
serves children in their preschool years, before they are old enough to enter
kindergarten. Early childhood education may consist of any number of activities and
experiences designed to aid in the cognitive and social development of preschoolers
before they enter elementary school. How and where early childhood education is
provided can be very different from one state to the next or even from one school to
the next within the same
Prior To This Class, I Have Never Heard Elizabeth
Prior to this class, I have never heard Elizabeth Bishop s name before or read any
of her poetry. When I read her well noted poem, One Art and discovered her name, I
researched her life to seek what this poem might have meant to her at the time it
was written. After discovering the hardships and tragic losses she has experienced
in her life, the poem suddenly seems to make more sense. Elizabeth Bishop, born
on the 8th of February in 1911, had to accept her father s death early in life before
her first birthday. At the tender age of five, she had to endure the suffering of her
mother being ripped from her life due to a series of nervous collapses, leading her
mother into mental rehabilitation. After reading about the tragic losses... Show more
content on ...
The art of losing isn t hard to master. (4 6) We have all lost our keys at one point
and have wasted an hour of our time that we will never get back. According to the
Bishop, losing these frivolous things isn t hard to master (6). I have also taken
notice that this phrase, the art of losing isn t hard to master , is used to almost
convince and assure oneself that this statement is true. Elizabeth Bishop quickens
up the pace of the poem and takes it a bit further. In the beginning, she discussed
losing trivial objects, such as keys. In the third quatrain, she mentions far more
significant matters, such as places and names. Then practice losing farther, losing
faster: places, and names, and where it was you meant to travel. None of these will
bring disaster. (7 9) We have all come across a time where we fail to remember
names of certain people or even places we have been to in the past. Many of us
have even experienced losing an opportunity due to our hectic schedules. Bishop
contends, none of these will bring disaster (9). It seems as if though Bishop is
attempting to, once again, persuade herself and the readers that despite the
circumstances, these losses should have no control over one s life. Although
everyone is aware that often times, enduring the pain of a loss can be extremely
tragic and difficult to overcome.
The Controversy Over Equity Method
Over the years, there are many controversies over equity method within IAS 28
Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures. The controversies basically lay on the
vagueness of application on equity method; whether it serves as one line
consolidation (consolidation technique), measurement basis or a mixture of both.
This paper divides into 3 parts. First part gives an illustration on this accounting
issue in IAS 28 as well as the explanation, second part compares and contrasts the
financial reports of two assigned entities and the final part discusses the qualitative
characteristics of their financial reports. Part 1 Accounting Issue This issue started to
arise when IASB was developing IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements. The IASB have
decided to remove the option to apply proportionate consolidation to jointly
controlled entities that existed under IAS 31 Interests in Joint Ventures and this has
widened the scope of equity method under IFRS (European Financial Reporting
Advisory Group, 2014). Since then the IASB has been doing research project on
equity method of accounting and considering various requests for guidance through
narrow scope amendments to IAS 28. Hence, Exposure Drafts has been published.
They have addressed the diversity in practice. However, these proposed amendments
are lacked of a clear conceptual basis and they were inconsistent with each other. They
found out that components of consolidation techniques and measurement basis exist
in IAS 28 and there is no
Bluehost Essay
Bluehost is a company that, for the last 12 years, has been providing reliable web
hosting at reasonable prices. This combination of reputation and price is responsible
for a monthly increase in their subscriber base of over 20,000 customers. Along with
Bluehost s reputation for bullet proof reliability, its shared hosting service is very
feature rich, featuring unlimited storage and bandwidth while providing access to
services such as one click installation of Wordpress and automatic, scheduled
backups. Bluehost s technical support team is especially known for going above and
beyond in terms of servicing its customers. Key Bluehost Features From the founding
of Bluehost in 2003, there has been a strong focus on providing a high quality... Show
more content on ...
The most feature laden hosting service is not worth much if it goes down on a
weekly basis. Like many hosting providers, Bluehost claims that it maintains a 99.9%
uptime on their service. Bluehost takes its uptime guarantee very seriously compared
to other providers. Unlike many hosting providers, Bluehost can actually back this up
with numbers an independent test over a 90 day period on a website using a
Bluehost shared hosting plan revealed 30 minutes total downtime, all of it scheduled
as planned maintenance, which is truly impressive. Furthermore, the downtime was
specifically scheduled to take place during off peak to minimize its impact on
business operations. Bluehost Technical Support Bluehost offers three levels of
technical support: the Bluehost Help Center, ticket submission through the Help
Center and, finally, Live Phone Support. The Bluehost Help Center is a knowledge
base of commonly performed tasks and frequently encountered issues. Often,
searching this database is the simplest way to resolve minor issues or to learn how to
perform tasks such as setting up backups or migrating
Risk Management Decisions Made By Officers
Risk management is an important aspect to firefighting to ensure those risking their
lives to save others are not placed in unnecessary danger. Firefighters place trust in
their officers to ensure the best plan of action is being taken. Risk management
decisions made by officers can have positive influence on an outcome, when those
decisions are formulated through experience and complete understanding of the
situation. Firefighters take on dangerous careers and deserve the utmost certainty
from their officers.
According to Everyone Goes Home Fire command must carefully measure and
control risks to save valuable property that can be saved. Every life is valuable
whether that be the victim to be saved or the firefighter there to save. A fireground
must be evaluated properly before rushing in. When a fire becomes out of saving
measures, firefighters should not be put at risk to save a lost cause. If there can be no
good outcome, then there is no need to make the situation worse by sending a team
in on a failed mission. Officers must take into account that every life is valuable, no
matter the person or circumstance. The best outcome will always be that with the
most people alive. Firefighting is a life saving commitment, but risk management
puts into perspective that the firefighters have their own lives to protect as well.
Officers can make better decisions through continuous learning and training to
enhance skills. Though officers hold high command, they must be able to
Peaceful Warrior Conflict
The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing
the capacity to enjoy less . As americans, people believe if we experience more we
are happier. In the film, Peaceful Warrior, Dan shows the audience this is not
entirely true. Most people find happiness not seeking more. But enjoying less or
things they currently have. Happiness is found within. Dan begins to seek
happiness within his self. However, in Peaceful Warrior, Dan s life begins to turns
into self vs. alter ego conflict as he seeks for happiness. An example of self vs.
alter ego conflict is shown at the beginning of the film where you see Dan s
attitude isn t positive. Dan acts conceited. He acts as if he doesn t care about his
other teammates. It s obvious because he starts dating his best friend s girlfriend.
You can live a whole lifetime never being awake (Dan). As he begins to have a little
bit too much fun he looses his friends and meets an old wise man named, Socrates.
Although Dan may seem... Show more content on ...
He is told that he can not participate in the Olympics. As he focuses on his new
beginning, he continues to trains and apologizes to his companions. The journey
is what brings you happiness not the destination (Dan). After showing his coach
what he can do, the coach lets him back on the team. And in summary Dan and the
team wins. By focusing on the positives in life, he gets a positive outcome. In
conclusion, Dan began to be happy and live his life without his negative alter ego.
After learning his lesson and being told he could no longer compete in the
Olympics, he seeks happiness in what he loves most. Letting go of his alter ego
only made him focus on the positives in life and what he could h ave in the future.
He becomes more focused and hard working to get what he wants most, the girl and
the gold medal. By seeking happiness in what he already has, he notices there s a lot
he was missing
Rentire States Examples
Solutions to rentire states
Batool haidar
Rentire states are wealthy mostly, however its not developing nor producing to help
in self sufficient, which created a problem needed to be solved, two suggested
solutions are taxation with some benefits resulted from a previous study between
high tax countries and low tax countries the other solution is diversification and its
effect on economy and socially and two supportive examples
Rentire states is the country that receives its revenues mostly if not all from outside
worlds (rent) on regular basis. Most of the sources of rent paid by those other
countries comes from natural resources like oil and as Beblawi defines a rentier state
as one in which rents are ... Show more content on ...
The bank also has categories regarding the projects:
Small projects KD 0.5 million in total assets.
Uni graduates KD 100,000 KD 3, 000 minimum.
The bank support the projects with 80% of new project
(Kuna, 2006)
2.Taxation: Tax paying would give people more sense of responsibility and an
incentive to work and produce
A study was done low tax countries with high tax countries, which will help us in
the case of retire states comparing them to the lower taxes countries, as it will be
worse of course. In the study the used some indicators to represent the social and
some the economic which is similar to our case (the mentality and economy):
High tax countries have lower poverty percentage than high tax ones
Income is distributed more equally in high taxes countries than lower ones
The workers have more economic security n high taxes than lower taxes countries
In education the high tax countries scored a higher percentages of people completed
The Last Night Of The World Analysis
Ray Bradbury s short story, The Last Night of the World highlights American
citizens fear of the world ending at any given moment during the Cold War.
Although explicitly stated otherwise in the text, Bradbury cleverly addresses these
fears by disguising them as a common dream among the characters in the short story.
In my research, I focused on articles that bridged Bradbury, a well known author of
several famous novels about the Cold War, and sources that highlighted the attitudes
of Americans about the war, itself. As a history buff, the Cold War has always been
an interest of mine, thus leading me to the works of Ray Bradbury. Through research
and inquiry, I was able to manipulate my topic to fit both The Last Night of the
World and my own personal... Show more content on ...
Security against Democracy: The Legacy of the Cold War at Home. Journal of
American History, vol. 97, no. 4, Mar. 2011, pp. 939 957. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1093
As a historian at the University of Minnesota, Elaine Tyler May studies American
values are influenced by taboo areas of life such as gender, sexuality, race, culture,
and politics. May publishes her work in the Journal of American History, which is
published quarterly on behalf of the Organization of American Historians.
May s article is stationed around the idea that democracy and security are dependent
upon each other. She mentions how the Cold War changed American life as we
knew it soon, citizens were believers in freedom of the individual and
entrepreneurship. They treasured their time at home and were apprehensive of
outsiders. May touched on the heightened domestic security and how the media
amplified fears on acts of violence. Accompanying her claims were several charts
and graphics to provide a visual representation for readers. May analyzes different
aspects of attitudes about crime versus violent crime, number of firearms per
household, and private versus public law enforcement agencies
Viva La Vida And The Count Of Monte Cristo
While each piece of literature is completely different, some of them have similar
patterns and ideas. One of these ideas would be human nature. Human nature is
anything that is natural for a human to do and can not be stopped easily. Things
like greed and too much power can change someone greatly. This can be the cause of
many problems and can make someone who is a good person into a bad person. In
Viva La Vidaand The Count of Monte Cristo, the writers use of allusions and
metaphors convey the idea that human nature can be the cause of misfortune.
The story of Viva La Vida, by Coldplay, is about a king who has too much power
and ends up being overthrown from people in his kingdom. Coldplay expresses this
story in metaphors.
I used ... Show more content on ...
This king had the key to the castle, meaning that he knew what the people wanted.
The way Coldplay explains this story makes it seem like the people living in the
king s castle turned on him, hence the reference to the walls closing in on himself.
This king must have been hated for something he did, then again, every human
makes mistakes. Although, this must not have been the first time because he lost
his whole castle just from a mistake. Then he starts to realize why he was wrong.
The downfall of this king could have been from bragging about his power too
much since it is human nature to brag. Or possibly being overwhelmed with too
much power giving his enemies a chance to attack. Another metaphor with the
same meaning can be found in The Count of Monte Cristo. The same thing that
happened to Brutus the night before the Battle of Philippi: I saw a ghost. And that
ghost told me I have lived long enough (Dumas 381). At this moment in the story,
the count is preparing for his duel with Albert. He then tells Maximilien that he
plans on dying during the duel and leaving Maximilien his will. Maximilien is
shocked and asks the count why he would ever do such a thing. The count
responds with the above quote. This quote is a metaphor and shows how it is in a
human s nature to want to forget the people who you don t like. This quote uses the
example of Mercedes since she was the ghost that came to Dantes the night before
the duel and begged him not to kill her son. Dantes responds by saying that he can
not live with the dishonor of backing away from a duel, so he agreed to let Albert
Articles Relating to Capital Structure-Essay
Contents :
Introduction on Capital Structure..........................5
Summary and Evaluation of Articles.....................6
References/Bibliography........................................9 Introduction On Capital Structure :
In the field of finance capital structure means a way an organization or firms finances
their assets by the way of some mix and match of Equity, Debt or Hybrid Securities.
The modern thinking on capital structure is based on the Modigliani Miller theorem
given by Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller. The theorem suggests that in a perfect
market the total value of the company remains the same depending upon how is that
company financed. This theorem proves the importance of capital structuring by the
firms throughout ... Show more content on ...
The optimal capital structure can be obtained by the trade off between tax benefits
and the cost of distress. The present value of the tax shield initially increases as the
firm borrows more. At moderate debt levels the probability of financial distress is
trivial; so the present value of the cost of financial distress is small and tax
advantages (interest expenses deduction) dominates [Modigliani and Miller, 1963;
Miller, 1977] and [DeAngelo and Masulis, 1980]. But later on some point the
profitability of financial distress rises instantly with substantial borrowings and the
cost of distress starts diminishing. If the firm is uncertain of benefits from the
corporate tax advantage then the tax advantage of debt decreases and at last vanishes.
This theoretically reaches the optimum capital structure.
Talking about the capital structure in Europe one of the articles highlight the capital
structure policies used and implemented by firms in Europe and then trying to
compare it to the policies used by different countries around the globe on a survey of
313 CFOs on capital structure choice. An international survey was conducted of
CFOs on capital structure choices and tried to highlight interesting points relating to
how theoretical concepts are being implemented by professionals in UK, The
Netherlands, Germany and France and they have compared their result to previous
findings from US. The articles suggests that
The Effects Of Malicious Attack On The Internet
Other home devices such as baby monitors, coffee makers, DVD players,
refrigerators, thermostats, and similar items can easily get hacked, penetrated with a
worm, and then added to a botnet which could be triggered for a malicious attack at
any time. Also jet engines, industrial micro controllers, and even toys can be
accessed and taken over by a botnet, waiting for instructions from its leader. Most
people don t realize that these devices are unregulated and insecure . Both businesses
and individuals could be coerced by attackers into paying money to the hackers in
order to avoid these botnets taking down their website with too many requests or
controlling their machines or for restoring their resources when something malicious
has... Show more content on ...
As another author says, computers are hackable because the market, millions of
consumers, demand that gadgets (the software) have lots of the latest and greatest
features and to be cheap. In doing so, the companies that sell these items include little,
if any, security and reliability. As more abundant and catastrophic attacks occur,
people will demand that something be done. Most likely this will result in some
government regulations. Now the trend is for everything to get connected to the
internet, controlled remotely for convenience. As the author puts it We no longer have
things with computers embedded in them. We have computers attached to them. He
thinks that we should reverse this trend and think about what is truly needed and safe
to have connected to the internet or otherwise accessible remotely. There are three
parts of this Internet of Things. First are the physical devices or sensors. As noted our
smartphones, medical devices, thermostats, door locks, light bulbs and other
appliances connect us at home. Sensors in roads, traffic lights, GPS locaters and
cameras affect transportation and detect people s every move are everywhere. Energy
grids and even nuclear power plants are connected to the internet. Second are the parts
that figure out what to do with information that these contain, or the brain. This
includes computer processors on devices, software connecting to them, and the
memory that stores information on these
The Heart of Understanding, by Thich Nhat Hanh Essay
In The Heart of Understanding, Thich Nhat Hanh s uses simple but powerful words
and real world examples to illustrate the profound Buddhist philosophy from the
Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra, an important representative of Mahayana Buddhist
literature. The Mahayana school of Buddhist teachings emphasizes the doctrine of
Sunyata emptiness. The doctrine of emptiness, one of the most important Mahayana
innovations, focuses on the relational aspect of existence. Thich Nhat Hanh coins and
introduces a new word interbeing to explain the state of emptiness. This idea of
interbeing not only illustrates emptiness well but also provides understanding of
other fundamental Buddhist ideas such as No Self, impermanence and non duality.
The word... Show more content on ...
Being empty of something should be considered as being full of everything in the
world. One can see the trees, rain, clouds and even the whole universe in a single
sheet of paper though it is empty. Emptiness is the foundation of everything. The
notion of interbing echoes the early Buddhist concept of Anatmen No Self.
According to the early teachings of the Buddha, self is made of the five aggregates:
form, feelings, perceptions, mental formations and consciousness. There is no
permanent substance existing as self. Selfhood is constituted of non self elements
and cannot exist by itself alone. It has to inter be with the five aggregates. None of
the five aggregates is permanent or independent. The five aggregates have to inter
be with each other. Although selfhood is empty of self , it is full of the fiver
aggregates, full of everything and full of life. Interbeing, the changeable nature of
existence, is closely related to the Buddhist idea of impermanence. Just as the moon is
constantly waxing and waning, everything is constantly changing in the world. From
Thich Nhat Hanh s interesting analogy of roses and garbage, one can see the
impermanent nature of things. The beautiful roses have to decay and become
garbage eventually. Regardless how beautiful things are, they will inevitably fade
away one day. Beauty and happiness does not last forever in this world. However,
Thich Nhat Hanh also has an optimistic interpretation on the nature
Surface Area Volume Ratio Experiment
Surface area / Volume ratio Experiment
The surface area to volume ratio in living organisms is very important. Nutrients
and oxygen need to diffuse through the cell membrane and into the cells. Most
cells are no longer than 1mm in diameter because small cells enable nutrients and
oxygen to diffuse into the cell quickly and allow waste to diffuse out of the cell
quickly. If the cells were any bigger than this then it would take too long for the
nutrients and oxygen to diffuse into the cell so the cell would probably not survive.
Single celled organisms can survive as they have a large enough surface area to allow
all the oxygen and nutrients they need to diffuse through. Larger multi celled
organisms need specialist ... Show more content on ...
In all the blocks of gelatin the rate of penetration of the hydrochloric acid from
each side would have been the same but all the blocks take different amounts of
time to clear because they are different sizes. As the blocks get bigger it takes longer
for the hydrochloric acid to diffuse through the entire block and so clear the dye. It
takes longer to reach the centre of the cube even though the rate of diffusion is the
same for all the cubes.
As the volume of the blocks goes up the Surface Area / Volume ratio goes down.
The larger blocks have a smaller proportion of surface area than the smaller blocks.
When the surface area to volume ratio goes down it takes longer for the
hydrochloric acid to diffuse into the cube but if the ratio goes up then the
hydrochloric acid diffuses more quickly into the block of gelatin. Some shapes have
a larger surface area to volume ratio so the shape of the object can have an effect on
the rate of diffusion.
By increasing the surface area the rate of diffusion will go up.
All the
Andrew Jackson And The Whig Party Essay
The Whig Party evoked on a Jeffersonian tradition of compromise, balance in
government, and territorial outreach combined with national solidarity. The Whigs
casted their enemy as King Andrew , they identified themselves as constituents of
modern day opponents of governmental overreaching. They feared that Andrew
Jackson was taking up too much strength and power, it left unchecked, turn himself
into king. A handful of Whigs especially worried that Jackson, as a former military
general, would use the military to centralize his power. The Whigs, as a result, would
continue to infer that the legislature should have the most power in government.
On the other hand, the Democrats adhered to a strong executive. America during the
Jacksonian period ... Show more content on ...
The main idea was further to call workers into action by inviting them to fulfill the
American Revolution:
It was time for America to give evidence to the world of her advancement in
civilization.... She owed it to herself and she owed it to the human race, to exhibit
once more in healthy action, that moral energy she displayed in her revolution, and
which her free institutions should have nurtured and purified, not quelled and
perverted. (Free Enquirer 8 May
Alloy Wheel Protectors Research Paper
Alloy Wheel Protector: The Best Way to Safeguard Your Rims
Wheels enhance the appearance of cars and increase their value. Despite the
benefits, they are easily damaged by routine driving. As wheels become damaged,
their appearance diminishes and can lead to subsequent damage. Additionally, repair
for wheels and rims is expensive and time consuming. The most leading edge and
best solution for safeguarding wheels is an alloy wheel protector.
Protecting Your Investment
Wheels are not cheap even though they can be damaged in a blink of an eye. Minor
damage can quickly lead to erosion and alter the integrity of the wheel. As such,
protecting wheels is essential. Alloy wheel protectors help to cover up preexisting
damage while also preventing more scratches and dents from occurring. The protector
thinly lines the rim, easily covering up ... Show more content on ...
Tires often have to be removed and most repairs require a technician. Wheel
protectors are a nice alternative to expensive repairs.
The protectors do not require a technician and can be applied to all four tires in less
than ten minutes. Additionally, they are much cheaper than getting the rim repaired.
The protectors cover the damage and make it seem as if it was never there, making
wheels look new again without ever having to consult a technician.
Wheels in and of themselves are expensive, keeping them fresh should not be. Wheel
protectors are an inexpensive way to maintain wheels.
Variety of Colors and Options
Wheel protectors come in many different colors, allowing them to be a nice
enhancement to the wheel. In addition to providing protecting, they can add
additional style to the car. For example, for red cars, a red alloy wheel protector may
help to bring out the color. The color choices are endless, creating an opportunity to
further magnify the
Monte Cristo Fact Sheet
Pre Reading:
1. Alexander Dumas believed in social equality and individual rights and used that
in some of his books.The key figure in Count of Monte Cristo is Napoleon Bonaparte
who became famous in the French Revolution. He was loved by the people and set
basic rules. Later, he was exiled to the island of Elba and escaped and secretly sailed
to France and defeated the royal troops. This is where Edmond Dantes is at the
beginning. His second reign is the Hundred Days where France fell back into the
hand of Louis XVIII and Napoleon was exiled and later died. His supporters were
considered as criminals and so was Napoleon and that is why Dantes was suspected.
When Napoleon died, he became a legend to all the people of France.
Literary Terms: ... Show more content on ...
He finds the treasure using a map told by Abbe.
9. Dantes shows him a diamond and learns that his father is dead and Mercedes is
10. The Count of Monte Cristo rich, wealthy, and powerful man based mostly on
Sinbad the Sailor he helped Morrel financially.
AbbГ© Busoni he used to gain the trust of the people to investigate what happened
when he was gone.
Lord Wilmore an eccentric nobleman that does random acts of generosity.
11. Morrel was in a bad financial problem so Dantes gives him a red purse which
would repay his debt in the name of Sinbad The Sailor.
12. Albert de Morcerf is captured by bandits and Monte Cristo frees him and asks to
be introduced into Paris.
13. He meets M. Lucien Debray, M. Beauchamp, M. Maximilian Morrel, and M. de
ChГўteau Renaud.
14. Mercedes was pale and motionless on the threshold of the door and she told
Albert to be careful with your friends.
15. Danglars sells his horses to Monte Cristo, but then his wife demands them back.
16. Haydee is Monte Cristo s slave and the daughter of Ali Pasha. Her father was
betrayed by the Count de Morcerf.
17. Monte Cristo discovers about the benefactor that saved their family in the name
of Sinbad the Sailor and the the red
Swot Analysis Of Budweiser
Company Information
Budweiser dubbed The King of Beer has earned its place as one of the largest
leading brands in the U.S. as well as being the largest brewer and is also, available
in 85 countries. Anheuser Busch known today as AB InBev, headquartered in
Leuven, Belgium was created in 2008 with the mergers of three international
breweries Interbrew from Belgium, AmBev from Brazil, and Anheuser Busch from
the United States. With the recent purchase of SABMiller in October 2016, the
company now owns an estimated thirty percent of the global beer market and is now
the leading beer company in the world. (Petruno, 2016)
Budweiser s market value as of May 2017, is $24.6 billion with over $11 billion in
sales. Share price is ... Show more content on ...
He later invested in his own company producing refrigerated rail cars which helped
with shipment for even further distances and before long, Anheuser Busch was taking
the entire country by storm. (Anheuser Busch, Budweiser, 2017)
The brewery s lowest period began at midnight on Jan. 16, 1920, when the 18th
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution went into effect, National Prohibition
outlawing the sale of alcohol. (Ancestry, n.d.) Anheuser Busch Brewery was shut
down for 13 years. Unemployment rates were on the rise as breweries closed their
doors. Crime rates hit the roof as people began turning their homes into breweries
giving rise to underground bars known as speakeasies during the roaring 20s where
women drinkers were not frowned upon. Some large scale, underground operations
were raided by federal agents. (Ancestry, n.d.) Anheuser Busch Brewery was large
enough to diversify and remained in business by marketing more than 25 different
non alcohol products such as soft drinks, truck bodies, smoked meats, and ice cream.
(Ancestry, n.d.)
The Budweiser Clydesdales made their first ever appearance on April 7, 1933. In
celebration of the repeal of Prohibition August A. Busch,
The United States And The Vietnam War
A Day to Remember
It seems as if the united states are always fighting a battle whether it is overseas or
within its own borders. The citizens were not ready for what the 1970 s was going
to bring, socially, economically, and religiously. Jim Jones was going to bring peace
and relief to these people in the most tragic way possible. With brain washing,
manipulation, and isolation Jones convinced hundreds of people to commit suicide.
The Peoples Temple religious movement was one of the many going on during the
1970 s. During the 1970 s America hit rock bottom. The U.S. had lost the Vietnam
war, there was an oil crisis, and the automobile industry was going out of business
due to the foreign cars. The Vietnam war gave rise to many anti war protests and
questioning of the nation s role in the world. Many believed in pacifism and
opposed of the U.S. involvement in the war. The oil embargo that members of the
Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries proclaimed in 1973 led to oil
shortages. Gas had to be rationed and prices increased drastically. Japan and Germany
were making better cars which caused U.S. automobile industries to go out of
business, many Americans lost their jobs.
The American population grew skeptical; they could not turn to the government
during this time. The Watergate scandal in the 1970s destroyed Americans trust with
the government. They didn t feel safe with their political leaders and did not feel
taken care of. As always, when there is a
The Pros And Cons Of The Scientific Revolution
The discoveries made during the Scientific Revolution were incredible, impactful, and
never even thought about before. However, these new discoveries were constantly
under fire from the church. Even so, the breakthroughs kept coming, and the church
couldn t stop them. Some of these scientific discoveries are still in use today, and
were the building blocks to modern science. The people who made these revelations
were the scientists who first found out that the earth revolved around the sun, or that
the moon was full of holes and craters. There were many conflicts throughout this
period, as the church didn t want their power and ideas to come into question. That
was unacceptable to them.
One of the many people who contributed to the Scientific Revolution was Nicolaus
Copernicus. In 1543 he wrote and published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly
Spheres. This was his proposal of his theory of a sun centered universe, called a
heliocentric. He proposed that the sun was the center of the universe, not the earth,
as it was widely accepted to be at the time. He further said that the earth, along with
all the other planets in the solar system, revolved around the sun. In his predecessor s
theory, Claudius Ptolemy, it showed that the earth was the center of the universe, and
the sun and planets revolved around it. To show this, he made a geocentric model
depicting that theory, and it was widely accepted. Meanwhile, Copernicus made a
heliocentric model for his theory. It, naturally, showed his idea of a sun centered
universe (Document 1). Lots of people, experts, and especially the church, rejected
this revolutionary theory. People simply didn t want to believe, after years and years
of accepting that the center of the universe was themselves, that they, in fact, weren t.
In Europe, all scientific knowledge and religious teaching were heavily based on the
ideas and arguments of classical thinkers. They thought that if Ptolemy s geocentric
theory was wrong, then their entire scientific and worldly understanding might be in
question. However in the late 1500s, another astronomer, Tycho Brahe, found
evidence that supported Copernicus. Brahe constructed an astronomical observatory,
and spent years carefully studying and
The Movie Oliver
Gil, I read through the script this morning and wanted to send you everything and
the kitchen sink with the below. I also wanted to get you these notes sooner rather
than later, so apologies for the short hand for most of them. As always, please take
the below as just considerations while you work on the script. For the most part, I
thought all of your suggestions for fixes were spot on , so I m excited to read
what you come up with. xx OLIVER Lets be sure we re consistent with our
characterization of Oliver. We open the movie with Oliver as a super genius,
science fair loving boy, but for the remainder of the movie he barely does anything
science or tech related. Is Oliver a kid genius, or did he just stumble upon a fluke?
Lets look... Show more content on ...
20 Not sure the line, this is going to be fun, makes sense. What is he referring to?
Doesn t he already know Ellen can t hear him? P. 20 Does it make sense Oliver
would be asking where s dad? Do both of his parents walk him to the bus? Maybe
they re still at home and about to walk to the bus stop when Oliver realizes his dad s
not home to say goodbye to. P. 22 Does this seem believable that he would hug his
dog right in front of the bus? P. 23 Froza 5 is three years old, let s find another
reference. P. 24 Do we need this scene with Bobby and the cars? Does it payoff at
all? There s also no set up for it. P. 28 Typo: When we hit twenty two, girls are going
to... P. 28 29 This dialogue with Oliver and David is good, let s try to look for more
clever exchanges like this between the kids. P. 31 The format of the question in
Jeopardy isn t like this. It should be an answer. Also, Alex Trebeck is spelled wrong.
P. 32 Similar to above, I m not sure we need this scene with Bobby, it doesn t add
anything to our plot. P. 36 Not sure this no fear line works. Isn t the Nike slogan Just
do it ? Also, Henry is afraid of the boxer later on so dogs do have fears. P. 37 Should
we think of another reference than The Matrix? Is it too
Mozart vs. Beethoven Essay
Arts and Culture 2
Mozart vs. Beethoven Paper
Mozart vs. Beethoven In the 18th century, the middle class made a lot more money.
During the Classical Period, the middle class had a tremendous influence on music.
They wanted to hear concertos and symphonies. They wanted their children to learn
great music and play instruments. The composers began writing music that was
geared towards the middle class because they could make a better living if they
enjoyed the music being played. They wrote music that was easier for their students
to understand and play. Serious music changed into comic operas, or popular folk
tunes, and dance music. This was a good thing it shaped dance and music forever.
Mozart and Beethoven were both ... Show more content on ...
At the age of eight, he wrote a symphony and at eleven, he wrote an oratorio. Then,
at the age of twelve he wrote a great opera. Mozart s father was Leopold Mozart,
who happened to be a court musician. Both Mozart and Beethoven had help from
their fathers in many different ways. Mozart s father helped him travel around as a
young musician and he traveled many places and he seen many well known people
and aristocrats. Because of Mozart s early successes many challenges had become
part of his life. He had very high expectations from the community and from his
father. Unlike, Beethoven, Mozart was spoiled as a youth and because of this he
refused to be treated as a servant. He completely relied on his father s help and
refused to work with the archbishop. This would become a problem later when
Mozart did not develop enough initiative. Because of that he could not make
decisions on his own.
Then at age 25, Mozart broke free from Salzburg and became a great freelance
musician in Vienna. This is where Mozart found and started some of his success.
Mozart earned his living giving lessons to people and holding concerts. Mozart
later wrote his piece Don Giovanni and then The marriage of Figaro and these
were great pieces for his time. Eventually, Mozart s popularity disapeared and his
music was found to be very complicated and hard to follow. Mozart s music was
very versatile and his masterpieces had been in many forms. His piano concertos
were and
A P By John Updike
In the story A P by John Updike a young cashier by the name of Sammy learns
about the power of desire and the mystery of others minds when working at an A P
supermarket in a small town north of Boston in the 1960 s, where there was a lot of
social norms and many people didn t step out of them. The young nineteen year old
Sammy wasn t expecting his Thursday shift at A P to go the way it did when income
three young girls but, these are not your socially normal teenagers who come walking
in the door. The moment these girls walk into the A P they attract every male eye in
the store towards them, which clearly shows the kind of power their sexuality grants
them over their opposite sex. In turn, Sammy imagination and interpretation of these
... Show more content on ...
This imagery shows the kind of scandalous clothing that they were wearing giving
them the power to bring attention and desire to Sammy and his coworkers. They
stood no chance to these appealing looks that the girls had with the help of the
bathing suits and the environment that they were in as Sammy describes You know,
it s one thing in to have a girl in a bathing suit down on the beach, where what with
the glare nobody can look at each other much anyway, and another thing in the cool
of the A P, under the fluorescent lights, against all those stacked packages, with her
feet paddling along naked over our checker board green and cream rubber tile floor.
(Updike 165). This also shows that Sammy can not control himself once he unleashes
his descriptive imagination when thinking about Queenie and her friends walking
through the store.
Sammy fellow coworkers also feel the relentless temptations that the girls have on
the male workers in A P. Sammy observes some of his coworker s reactions to
towards the girl s appearance and how the can not resist acting prudish as they gaze
and make lewd remarks to one another as their comments seemed to be derived from
hormones. McMahon the worker who works in the meat department as a butcher who
is an older gentleman, well maybe not gentlemen, but more of a cad that comes in
contact with these three girls and is described to be patting his mouth and looking
after them sizing up their joints. (Updike
Anti Federalists Vs. Federal Republicans Essay
In modern America, many citizens hold to the notion that the Constitution was
adopted unanimously, without debate or disagreement. Not only is this not the case,
the debate and disagreement that took place during the institution of the governing
articles for the newly formed country are ultimately responsible for the system we
have in place today as the concerns and counterpoints raised in the discussion were
more crucial to the successful continuance of stability in the nation than any
unanimous decision. Given the apparent import of such discussion, it is therefore
prudent to examine the original points of contention to determine their merit and to
further ensure that the concerns originally raised have been addressed sufficiently.
These discussions and debates often took place between two specific groups, the
Federalists, and their opponents who they termed the Anti Federalists. However,
these so called Anti Federalists would have referred to themselves as Democratic
Republicans or Federal Republicans, so they will be referenced in this vein. On the
side of the Federalists were men such as James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, George
Washington, Gouverneur Morris, and other proponents of a centralized Federal
government. The opposition to these ideals was led by men like Thomas Jefferson,
Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, and other state governors,
farmers, and craftsmen concerned about the powers being allocated to the proposed
central government. These
Abolitionist Movement
After America was founded in 1776 many people decided to colonize and live in
this unfamiliar land. The land already had their own natives, but most of the travelers
that colonized there did not respect or care about them or their land. The people
wanted to make this land their property and country. To have a strong country people
needed power and one thing that made that power more accessible was enslaving the
natives and making them their property. Enslaving natives later become part of their
culture and it later spread to enslaving African Americans. African Americans were
seen as people that were stronger and more hard working than the Native Americans.
This led to African Americans getting captured and being sent to America to work....
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These sources consisted of documents and information. All the information found
seemed credible and reliable since all of them had the same idea. Some sources like and accessible both had information about William
Lloyd Gairrson but accessible archives talked about his past and helped readers
know what type of person William really was. however had the most
information about the anti slavery societies and it gave backround information about
it, too. Many of the sources used were the same information, but with little pieces of
supplementary information. The fact that people fought to abolish slavery was a
courageous movement, but there were some negative aspects. Many people did not
like the fact that people thought slavery was a horrible concept and it caused huge
conflict. When the number of slaves started to decrease many new problems emerged
such as plantation owners not having enough help to grow crops. As slavery
diminished even more all those problems were gone. This massive accomplishment
helped make America The Land of the
WALL-E the Movie
WALL E is an animated Disney Pixar movie about the future of our planet, Earth.
The opening scene is a futuristic reality of our planet becoming a waste covered
landfill. WALL E is a robot that is designed to clean up the mess and pollution
humans have made throughout the decades. This movie is not only child friendly,
but also is recognized as a critique on today s society. Although the movie strictly
focuses on the robot WALL E and his love interest with the high tech robot Eve, the
audience is still able to understand the true meaning behind the critically acclaimed
movie. The animated film portrays a futuristic reality of the implications of today s
society. In today s modern society, consumerism is an everyday fact of living.
Society is constantly encourage to purchase goods and services to the point where
there is no longer a realization of the influence companies have on people s daily
lives. The movie has left the audience to question how society could lead the planet to
such a state where it is virtually uninhabitable by humans. The film is an exaggerated
extension of our consumer driven lifestyle whereby convenience and complacency
have supplanted personal liberty (Krier, 2008). A consumer driven lifestyle can be
seen in the movie through the use of clever depictions of Buy N Large in the film,
however overconsumption is also a part of many cultures today, including the United
States. The film depicts that humans have made the planet uninhabitable through
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  • 1. Essay On Good Habits Writing an essay on the topic of "Good Habits" may seem deceptively simple at first glance, but as one delves into the task, the complexity becomes apparent. The challenge lies not just in presenting a list of positive behaviors but in crafting a coherent narrative that engages the reader and conveys the importance of cultivating good habits. To begin with, one must navigate the vast realm of habits, selecting those deemed universally beneficial and relevant to the essay's scope. The challenge here is not just identifying the habits but also exploring their nuances, origins, and the impact they can have on an individual's life. This requires thorough research and thoughtful consideration. The difficulty escalates when it comes to structuring the essay. Balancing the introduction, body, and conclusion while maintaining a logical flow demands careful planning. Each paragraph needs to seamlessly connect to the next, guiding the reader through a journey of understanding and appreciation for the subject matter. Furthermore, articulating the significance of good habits without sounding didactic or preachy is another hurdle. Striking the right tone and ensuring that the essay resonates with a diverse audience adds an additional layer of complexity. The challenge is not only to inform but to inspire and provoke thought. Finally, the editing and polishing phase can be equally demanding. Achieving clarity, coherence, and conciseness requires a keen eye for detail. Striking the right balance between depth and simplicity is crucial to ensure the essay is accessible and impactful. In conclusion, while the topic of "Good Habits" may seem straightforward, crafting an essay on this subject involves a multifaceted process. It demands not only knowledge and research skills but also the ability to weave a compelling narrative that captivates the reader. Similar essays and a wealth of academic support can be found on, offering assistance to those navigating the challenges of essay composition. Essay On Good Habits Essay On Good Habits
  • 2. literature Essay examples LITERATURE I. FICTION A. What fiction is Fiction (from the Latin fictio, a shaping, a counterfeiting ) is a name for stories not entirely factual, but at least partially shaped, made up, imagined. It is true that in some fiction, such as historical novel, a writer draws upon factual information in presenting scenes, events, and characters. But the factual information in a historical novel, unlike that in a history book, is of secondary importance. Fiction as we know it today is considered to be a relatively new genre compared to poetry and drama. The tradition of fiction started with myth and legend and allegory. But the fictional characters in these imaginary worlds were mostly one dimensional abstractions, personified as Love, ... Show more content on ... Plot Plot is the arrangement of events in a story, or the structure of the action. The action in a plot is usually progressive because one force acts upon another. Plot begins with an exposition: the opening portion that sets the scene (if any), introduces the main characters, tells us what happened before the story opened, and provides any other background information that we need in order to understand and care about the events to follow. D. The short story In a short story, a form more realistic than the tale and of modern origin, the writer usually presents the main events in greater fullness. A short story is more than just a sequence of happenings. Some literary short stories, unlike commercial fiction in which the main interest is in physical action or conflict, tell of an epiphany: some moment of insight, discovery, or revelation by which a character s life, or view of life, is greatly altered. Other short stories tell of a character initiated into experience or maturity. The fable and the tale are ancient forms; the short story is of more recent origin. E. Point of view A critical issue in any short story is its point of view. The importance of point of view may easily be overlooked, but the choice of the narrator influences the total structure of the story. There are basically three points of view:
  • 3. Arm Processor Project Report Using Rfid CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Under considerations to regional surroundings, laws and regulations, communication efficiency, interference and transmission cost, this study proposes a wireless ARM based automatic meter reading and control system (WAMRCS). The WAMRCS uses sampling circuits and A/D convertor to transfer analog signal of voltage and current into digital data. The digital data then send to embedded system to compute power parameters. This embedded system will send power parameters to regional monitoring and control center of utility company via wireless module connected with it. This WAMRCS applied on distribution automation can save personnel expense of hiring reading meter workers and can be free from human involvement; more... Show more content on ... CHAPTER 4 89C51 MICROCONTROLLER 4.1 FEATURES: вћў Compatible with MCS 51 Products вћў 4 Kbytes of In System Reprogrammable Flash Memory. Endurance 1,000 Write/Erase Cycles вћў Fully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 24 MHz вћў Three Level Program Memory Lock вћў 128 x 8 Bit Internal RAM вћў 32 Programmable I/O Lines вћў Two 16 Bit Timer/Counters вћў Six Interrupt Sources вћў Programmable Serial Channel вћў Low Power Idle and Power Down Modes 4.2 DESCRIPTION: The AT89C51 is a low power, high performance CMOS 8 bit microcomputer with 4 Kbytes of Flash Programmable and Erasable Read Only Memory (PEROM). The device is manufactured using Atmel s high density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry standard MCS 51 instruction set and pin out. The on chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. By combining a versatile 8 bit CPU with Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89C51 is a powerful microcomputer which provides a highly flexible and cost effective solution to many embedded control applications. The AT89C51 provides the following standard features: 4Kbytes of Flash, 128 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, two 16 bit timer/counters, five
  • 4. Religion Vs English Civil War Essay One similarity between the English Civil War and The French Wars of Religion was that both events were trying to incite change to government through politically ambitious men.The English Civil War was an ongoing conflict between the royalists and parliamentarians over the setup of the government. Cromwell, a member of the parliament, defeated and executed the King Charles I with his New Model Army and created the Commonwealth, a republic that was really run as a military dictatorship under his power. Cromwell and his supporters attempted to establish a new form of government, since the monarchy and parliament wasn t solving any of the long lasting political conflicts. The French Wars of Religion demonstrated that the civil wars were part of... Show more content on ... In England, the nobles and commoners had established power through parliament. The monarchy run by Charles I was bound to fail because the government had no money, and therefore authority, when he refused to tax because the parliament would only let the monarch use the tax money if they could have representation in government. After having a long lasting power struggle that didn t establish a proper relationship between the king and parliament, England needed a radical change of government that would stop the cycle. The English government didn t establish a proper relationship between the king and the parliament, dating back to 1215 when the Magna Carta was signed: It limited the monarch s power, but didn t establish how much representation the parliament and king got in government. Parliament realized that they needed to strengthen their power by doing away with the monarch. In the French Wars of Religion, the Estates General didn t really meet and didn t have much representation in government. Unlike the English, the idea of a body ruling was too radical, and the three aristocratic families sought to increase power by becoming new monarchs. They tried to gain power by becoming king or hoping that a weak monarch would allow them to
  • 5. Transcendentalistic Values In Into The Wild By Chris... The book Into the Wild highlights the adventures of Chris McCandless, and grants you a look at the trail that lead McCandless into the woods and why he did not return. Throughout the book McCandless actions were the embodiment of transcendentalistic values some 160 years after the the movement came to prevelence. McCandless embodied the keys of non conformity, self expression, and reducing dependence on property. These are just a few of the keys that can be found in his life. Chris McCandless was the perfect example of marching to the beat of your own drum, and therefore resembled the transcendentalist key of non conformity. In the book Into the Wild McCandless is quoted saying, The government which governs least is best. McCandless did not want the government to interfere with his life while they are unable to combat some of the fundamental problems of society like poverty and hungry. McCandless was a believer is doing something your own way, and if it did not go along with your morals, it must be defied. The essay Civil Disobedience best resembles McCandless attitude towards the government. Like Thoreau, McCandless thought that a strong government would interfere with the way he chose to live his life. Nevertheless, along with not conforming to social benchmarks, McCandless lived by the principal of reducing his dependence on property. Throughout all of his journies McCandless was known for travelling with bare minimum supplies, and reducing his dependence on
  • 6. Case Study The Revolutionary Idea Of Fluoride The Revolutionary Idea Of Adding Fluoride To Drinking Water Introduction to Public Health (HLTB16H3), Summer 2018 Michelle Letchumanan, Ph.D. Candidate Tutorial 2: Thursdays 2:00pm 3:00PM, MW120Thursday, June 7 2018 Tefna Francis 1004254362 Fluoridation of drinking water addresses the health issue of tooth decay and the related dental problems associated with it.1 Fluoride is associated with this health issue since fluoride has been recognized as an important nutrient for healthy teeth.1 ... Show more content on ... In 1945, Brantford, Ontario, became the first Canadian city to add fluoride to its water.3 This was the first milestone that was involved in laying the groundwork for the achievement of adding fluoride to Canadian drinking water. Brantford was paired with neighbouring Sarnia in an 11 year case study of the effects of water fluoridation .3 This event was the first key process that contributed to the groundwork of this revolutionary idea. The rate of community water fluoridation in Canada has grown, with 45.1% of the total population now having access to fluoridated water.3 The implementation of this program has impacted a significant part of the Canadian population in a positive way. The benefit cost ratio indicated that, at an expected average effectiveness of 30 % caries reduction, one dollar invested in the program saved $71.05 $82.83 per Quebec s
  • 7. Analysis Of Homer s Iliad Ryan Doerhoff History of Greece Dr. Kirkland September 5, 2014 Document Analysis The primary documents that will be focused on in this analysis come from Homer s Iliad. Homer is venerated today as the greatest of Greek epic poets, as his works had a colossal impact on the history of literature. Through his epics, Homer brings us first hand into the culture of the Greek world in the eighth century B.C. It is important to note that at this time very few had the privilege of an education, and lacked the skill to read and write. In turn much of the story telling was done orally and passed down from generation to generation. Eventually around the seventh century B.C. we being to see written copies of Homer s poems appear. However because his works were recorded only in memory there is the chance that like the telephone game, some parts could have been changed each time it was retold. While he is telling a poetic story, Homer relates much about the political structure and cultural conditions occurring at this time is history. The first document to be assessed comes from the first book of the Iliad, in which Achilles and Agamemnon quarrel. This scene raises questions about the nature of kingship in early Greek aristocratic society, but most importantly it sets the stage for the rest of the epic. It is a common outlook that the Iliad is about the Trojan War; however it is all about the wrath of Achilles. Homer begins his poem with his rage by declaring Anger, sing it,
  • 8. Student Loan for Higher Education CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study. University education is probably one of the most important investments parents make for their children. If we want to find a decent job, we will probably require tertiary education. However, tuition fees seem to be getting higher by the day. Consequently, those from lower or middle class families face difficulty financing their children s education. To resolve this problem, they need to find a lender who can help them to pay for their children s tuition fees. We often hear about personal, home, or car loans, but for the purpose of this research, I will shift my focus towards education loans. An education loan is basically funding provided by an entity which typically the government, a bank, or an organization to help a student pursue their studies by covering things such as their tuition fees, cost of books, and living expenses. Therefore related to all the basic needs as a student, they have to borrow the amount that they don t have in the moment of their study. By getting the borrowing by these entities to further their study, the students automatically create an event for them to move forward into repayment atmosphere after they are completion the studies. When it comes to a stage of repay back the loan to the lender, these students might face the problem where they can t manage to handle the payment constantly that influences by the factors of the borrower s attitude, the burden of the debt and the income of the
  • 9. Space Is The Biggest Mysteries Humans Space is one of the biggest mysteries humans have ever had the chance to explore. It is massive, dark, and difficult to get too. Seriously fighting gravity is not an easy task. For millions of years, we have wondered what exactly is surrounding the Earth. Galileo and astronomers like him provided us with information about our surroundings, but could not get us to them. Fast forward to 1969 and we have come the farthest from Earth we have ever been, at the time. We reached the moon! Although the moon may not seem that far away it way more than any car ride any of us have been on. It takes time, force, and tons of fuel. Plus the ride to the moon involves g force. A force average humans do not experience every day unless you are in the Air Force or ride roller coasters for a living. After our first successful landing on the moon, we decided we wanted more information. This is where Carl Sagan, Voyager, and the Golden Record all come together for an incredible mission. Carl Sagan was a brilliant Astronomer and more than likely the most recognized scientists of the 1970s and 1980s. He was born in Brooklyn, New York, on November 9, 1934. Sagan had always been fascinated by astronomy (Moore). The older he got, the more his interest grew. He graduated high school at 16 and decided to further his education at the University of Chicago. He conducted experiments at the University of Chicago that sparked the idea that alien life forms could be real (Moore). His life was filled with
  • 10. What Are The Archetypal Elements Of A Hero s Journey Henri Gurgenyan Mr. Falcon HUM 115 9 February 2017 Essay #4 Since ancient times, heroes were considered to be an important part of people s everyday lives. While their stories often differed in content and the messages they carried, most heroic tales followed the same pattern The Hero s Journey. In the 1940s, mythologist and writer Joseph Campbell decided to analyze the mythic and archetypal principles embedded in the structure of stories. Campbell s Book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, identified similar patterns that most myths and stories would follow. He created a structure to identify the heroes narratives and uncover their missions. Christopher Vogler, a Hollywood executive producer, came up with twelve stages of a Hero s Journey. ... Show more content on ... For most, this would be their greatest fear; it would also include confronting the forces of the enemies. And here I was a freshman, who has never been to an American school for longer than three months. I had only one choice suck up all my fears and be strong in high school. My greatest fear was real and it was growing right before my eyes... up to a point where it turned into a reality. Bullying became a huge problem; however, I knew I had to overcome my fears and confront them. If I did not, my misery would continue on forever, and knowing myself, that was not an outcome I would be able to live
  • 11. Arranged Marriage From The Perspective Of All Three Social... What is an arranged marriage? An arranged marriage by definition is a marriage planned and agreed to by the families or guardians of the bride and groom. The amount of input a bride or groom has is based off the type of arranged marriage. In the traditional arranged marriage the bride and groom have significant input and are not forced. Arranged marriageis a sensitive topic as it involves the values, beliefs and core characteristics of many. There are multiple views on arranged marriage, both positive and negative. Here in the west many have negative opinions on arranged marriages. Arranged marriage can be researched and analyzed from an anthropological, psychological and sociological perspective. Through the three perspectives, many distinctive differences and similarities between arranged marriage and other types of marriage such as love/choice marriage can be seen. This research essay will analyze arranged marriage from the perspective of all three social sciences and show how arranged marriage is just as good if not better than love/choice marriage from the perspective of all three social sciences. There are many subtopics within arranged marriage that can be researched and analyzed from an anthropological perspective. A few of the subtopics include comparing the different types of arranged marriage, the functions/responsibilities of marriage, cultural aspects and the development of people in an arranged marriage. There are many types of arranged marriages; the
  • 12. Imagery In The Birds By Daphne Du Maurier War has been a constant throughout all of human history. From small battles to large world wars and even modern day civil wars Fighting and the death and destruction that follows is universally recognized. In the short story The Birds , Daphne Du Maurier uses imagery and symbolism to show that war will destroy all hope for humanity. Throughout her short story, Du Maurier uses violent imagery to show the horrors of war and how humanity falls. Imagery is used by Du Maurier to show the strength the birds possess and how they will stop at nothing in their conquest to destroy humanity; He noticed grimly that every window pane was shattered. Only the boards had kept the birds from breaking in (Du Maurier). The way Du Maurier describes the birds always makes them appear ruthless like a wartime enemy; they never stop in their attempts to kill the humans in the story regardless if it will lead to their own deaths much like soldiers running into a battlefield. At one point in the story the air force attempts to take out the birds; It was, he had no doubt, a gamble on the part of the authorities to send out reconnaissance forces, but they might have known the gamble was suicidal. What could aircraft do against birds that flung themselves to death against propeller and fuselage but hurtle to the ground themselves (Du Maurier). This violent imagery and the use of actual machines of war shows the ruthlessness and brute strength of the birds. According to David Galens: As the
  • 13. Database Requirements For Operating System Windows Xp Essay 3.1USER CHARACTERISTICS Admin: Login Show project and Dashboard Show project and user full detail Manage user Manage category (n level category) Manage static page Mange project User: Registration Login User settings and updation. Take a tour of site 3.2 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION This shows minimum requirements to carry on to run this system efficiently. 3.2.1Hardware Requirements Minimum Hardware Requirement: DevicesDescription ProcessorIntel Core Duo 2.0 GHz or more RAM1 GB or more Hard Disk10 GB or more Table Server side Hardware Requirement 3.2.2 Software Requirements For whichSoftware Operating SystemWindows XP/2003/vista/7/8/10,Linux, Mac os x Front EndHTML Back EndMySQL Database Scripting LanguagePhp , Javascript Table Software Requirements 3.2.3 client side RequirementsFor whichRequirement BrowserAny Compatible browser device Table client side Requirements 3.3 CONSTRAINTS 3.3.1Hardware Limitations The major hardware limitations faced by the system are as follows: If the appropriate hardware is not there like processor, RAM, Hard Disks the problem in processing requests of client if appropriate storage is not there our whole database will crash due to less storage because our main requirement is large storage. 3.3.2Interfacing with other
  • 14. Alexander Mackenzie s Repair While the liberals were at force, it wasn t in their intentions to keep fabricating the route, so they backed off on the creation of the track. During Alexander Mackenzie s cabinet years he invested majority of his time in planning the best route for the CPR. Mackenzie s idea in regards to the CPR route involved a less costly plan, or so he thought: his plan was developed around the thought of building a line that would cross the nation partly by rail and partly by water20. Luckily this plan wasn t carried out due to the fact that the CPR s budget wasn t high enough. In 1871 an individual by the name of Sandford Fleming was delegated to construct a survey for the Canadian Pacific Railway. These surveys were intended to focus on the best route
  • 15. The Alchemist Research Paper Why are omens so important in people s life? In the book The Alchemist, the author Paulo Coelho answers this question by telling a story of a young boy, Santiago. Santiago was a shepherd, he is taught to follow his omens. Santiago did, and finds his treasures. During SantiagoЕ› journey to Egypt, he encounters lots of people and experiences, but three of them are important turning point for him. The old king he met started his journey, the girl he fall in lovewith encourages him continue with his journey and finally the tribe leader helps him approach to his treasure. Santiago would be a shepherd forever is he does not meet the old king. Santiago is a young shepherd who live in a small village. But he is a special shepherd, because he can read ... Show more content on ... Santiago meets the real alchemist in the oasis, and Santiago decides to follow him. On their way to the pyramids, the alchemist teaches Santiago more things about alchemy. He tells Santiago that the most important thing for him to do is follow his heart. His heart knows the language of the world and his heart knows everything.The alchemist says to Santiago: The desert will give you an understanding of the world; in fact, anything on the face of the earth will do that (127). Focusing on nature can help him understand the Soul of the Work.But one day, they are caught by a tribesman. The alchemist tells the soldiers that Santiago has a special ability which is turning himself into wind. The tribesmen do not believe him, and give him three days to become wind. Otherwise, he will be killed. Santiago is frustrated because he knows he cannot do that. But the alchemist trusts him. Santiago spends the first two days observing the desert. At the third day, when everyone comes to see the miracle, Santiago stand at the mountain top and speaking an unknown language. At that point, he reaches the language of the world. Santiago talks with desert and wind, but they cannot help. He next goes to talk to the sun, the sun tells him to find the hands that made all these. Santiago reached the soul of the world, which is also the soul of God. And he becomes wind. The chief sees the glory of
  • 16. How Did St Thomas Aquinas Influence Religion There are many philosophical influences in religion as well as many religious influences in many types of philosophies. Many figures in history have shaped both of these fields and contributed to them in many ways including belief systems regarding the nature of the world, human existence, and ethics. Many religious figures focused more on religious endeavors more than philosophical ones. Jesus of Nazareth and Gautama Buddha are two examples of spiritual figures who have religious followings even until this day. It should be pointed out that many people view the Buddha s teachings as more of a philosophyinstead of a religion. One figure who was influenced by religion and at the same time, contributed many theories and ideas towards the discipline of philosophy is Saint Thomas Aquinas. Saint Thomas Aquinas is an example of how a very religious figure/leader could reason philosophically, generate new ideas and concepts in philosophy, and influence a religion as whole in more ways than one. He showed that philosophy and religion can coexist to serve the same purpose, which is understanding ourselves and truth. Thomas Aquinas was born around 1225 in Lombardy, Italy, to the Countess of Teano. When Aquinas was five years of age, he was sent to the monastery Montecassino to study with Benedictine monks. Aquinas spent his time there until he was thirteen years old. As a result of major political unrest, Montecassino turned into a battle site and he had no
  • 17. Paul Ehrlich s The Population Bomb The Population Bomb is a video created by The New York Times in 2015 to discuss a recurring issue throughout the world, the balancing of population. In the 1960 s there was a major fear spread that overpopulation would lead to the demise of Earth as we know it. Some third world countries, such as India and China, are still struggling with the threat of overpopulation. Paul Ehrlich was a famous advocate against populationgrowth wrote a and wrote the book, The Population Bomb, which stated the mortifying effects of overpopulation and the strict measures needed to be taken by the government to prevent this. Ehrlich suggested harsh measures such as creating a black list of people, companies,
  • 18. Turabian Style Kate L. Turabian s Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations presents two basic documentation systems: notes bibliography style (or simply bibliography style) and author date style (sometimes called reference list style). These styles are essentially the same as those presented in The Chicago Manual of Style, sixteenth edition, with slight modifications for the needs of student writers. Book Okuda, Michael, and Denise Okuda. 1993. Star trek chronology: The history of the future. New York: Pocket Books. Journal Article Wilcox, Rhonda V. 1991. Shifting roles and synthetic women in Star trek: The next generation. Studies in Popular Culture 13 (June): 53 65. Newspaper or... Show more content on ... Closing cycles, shutting doors, ending chapters whatever name we give it, what matters is to leave in the past the moments of life that have finished. Did you lose your job? Has a loving relationship come to an end? Did you leave your parents house? Gone to live abroad? Has a long lasting friendship ended all of a sudden? You can spend a long time wondering why this has happened. You can tell yourself you won t take another step until you find out why certain things that were so important and so solid in your life have turned into dust, just like that. But such an attitude will be awfully stressing for everyone involved: your parents, your husband or wife, your friends, your children, your sister. Everyone is finishing chapters, turning over new leaves, getting on with life, and they will all feel bad seeing you at a standstill. Things pass, and the best we can do is to let them really go away. That is why it is so important (however painful it may be!) to destroy souvenirs, move, give lots of things away to orphanages, sell or donate the books you have at home. Everything in this visible world is a manifestation of the invisible world, of what is going on in our hearts and getting rid of certain memories also means making some room for other memories to take their place. Let things go. Release them. Detach yourself from them. Nobody plays this life
  • 19. Descriptive Essay On The Museum Of Music On Monday, September 18th, 2017, I visited the Honolulu Museum of Art s Doris Duke theater which is an intimate, yet charming venue fixed in the heart of downtown Honolulu. That night, I was in for a unique experience of the traditional mixed with the contemporary, featuring Dr. Thomas Yee, harpsichord, and a Tresemble which contained two violins, viola, cello, bass, flute, oboe, and bassoon performers. Dr. Thomas Yee, who is a professor of music at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, is usually seen tickling the ivories at a ravishing concert grand piano on an illustrious stage. However, that night, he brought the theater s elaborate, magnificent, and special harpsichord to life instead. The harpsichord was commissioned by a musician named Gertrud KГјnzel Roberts who played it often at concerts. What truly makes this harpsichord valuable is the artwork on the inner part of its lid which was painted by Jean Charlot, a family friend of Roberts. The artwork on the lid is an original mural in a Spanish style and a suite of pieces was actually written for this particular harpsichord, with each of the pieces being dedicated to a member of the Charlot family. I did not get to hear any of those pieces that night, but I did get to hear some very thought provoking, engaging, and majestic music. The first piece on the program was Trio Sonata No. 3 in B flat Major ZMV 181 for Violin, Oboe, Bassoon, and Harpsichord. This piece was written around the
  • 20. Rationing Healthcare Rationing Healthcare: America s Best Bet John Curry Keller Graduate School Health Rights/Responsibilities HSM 542 Prof. Michelle Gomillion February 24, 2013 Abstract Rationing Healthcare: America s Best Bet Introduction. Within the last decade private insurance premiums have doubled, rising four times faster than wages. Insolvency of the current government assisted healthcare programs, Medicare and Medicaid, are on track to occur within the next eight years (Singer, 2009, para. 3). Facts such as these lead most experts and scholars such as Peter Singer, bioethics professor at Princeton University, to believe rationing of healthcare is not only necessary but highly desired for all stakeholders involved. The fact of the ... Show more content on ... QALY is a unit designed to enable a comparison of the benefits achieved by different forms of health care (Singer, 2009, para. 22). Andre and Velasquez state the morals of such rationing would be unjust and take away constitutional rights to receive equal care. Proponent s arguement. Many proponents for rationing healthcare resources feel it is only a matter of time before it becomes necessary. Healthcare analysts and providers predict a health care crisis because of: * Costs of Healthcare * Increased number of uninsured individuals * Unknown status of current healthcare system Factors that are affecting these conclusions consist of: * Expenses are rising faster than the cost of living. * Medicare and Medicaid spending (which comprises 26 percent of the federal budget) is expanding faster than the economic growth rate * Individuals and their families continue to pay a significant amount out of pocket (Ukleja Center for Ethical Leadership, 2012, Slide 3) While these factors are compelling, the numbers representing US spending costs ultimately lend credence to the argument for healthcare rationing. In June of 2011, the National Coalition on Health Care reported healthcare spending reached 18.2% of US Gross Domestic Product (GDP), up by 5.1% from the prior year (The National Coalition on Health Care, 2011, p. 1). With a continued climb in spending,
  • 21. Oswald s Assassination On November 22, President John F. Kennedy was riding in downtown Dallas when three shots rang out, two of which were fatal. After a long interrogation the police arrested Lee Harvey Oswald. Just because he was allegedly seen on the sixth floor of his work building with a rifle. The police arrested him some distance from the scene of accident, at a movie theatre. How could he have killed President Kennedy if he was at a movie theater? Some body cannot be in two places at a time. I do not believe that he killed President Kennedy, where is innocent until proven guilty? Lee Harvey Oswald was born in New Orleans on the 18th October 1939. His parents were Marguerite and Robert Oswald Sr. who died of a heart attack. His father
  • 22. Up Until Recently, Hoarding Has Been Classified As A Subtype Up until recently, hoarding has been classified as a subtype of obsessive compulsive disorder. However, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5 )has now included a separate diagnostic entry for hoarding. Hoarding Disorder affects anywhere from 3 6% of the general population (Allan, et. al. 2015). Hoarding is defined as the acquisition and inability to let go of a large number of possessions, resulting in clutter that precludes the use of living spaces for their intended purposes (Chong, et. al. 2014). In addition to being associated with obsessive compulsive disorder, hoarding disorder has been linked to all three dimensions of depression (Allan, et. al. 2015). This disorder has been shown to have a large impact... Show more content on ... Furthermore, these individuals may hold a significant sentimental attachment to numerous objects. This often leads to clutter and disorganization within the hoarders household. Hoarding is further broken down by four major elements. These key elements are as follows: excessive acquiring, failure to discard possessions, clutter, and distress and impairment due to hoarding (Gillam, Tolin, 2010). Hoarders acquire their possessions in a multitude of ways. These ways include compulsive buying, attainment of free objects, and in severe cases, stealing. Individuals oftentimes spend hours looking for objects to bring back home. Those who hoard describe the procurement of objects as very exciting and even report feeling frugal because of their finds. Certain hoarding individuals also find enjoyment out of hunting for new objects to bring back home. In addition, these same individuals also report feeling discomfort and agitation when trying to refrain from buying objects. Those with hoarding disorder feel that the attainment of objects brings them positive emotions similar to those one may experience when they have impulse control disorders like gambling. Individuals with hoarding disorder have difficulties throwing out things that the general population would view as garbage or unusable. Similar to the general population, who hates being wasteful or throwing away objects that may be useful in the future,
  • 23. Deng Xiaping Research Paper Deng Xiaoping was born in 1904 to a family that was well off. His family had owned much land. As a high schooler Deng had set out to join the Chinese communist party. In his young years he would travel to Moscow and France. Deng studied in France for four years and that is where he became an active member in the Communist movement. He also played a role in Mao Zedongs revolutionary struggle with the GMD. Deng was one of the many military and political leaders in the movement. He soon became the leading political and military organizer in the Jiangxi Soviet. The Jiangxi Soviet was an autonomous communist enclave in south west China. Mao Zedong established the Jiangxi Soviet in 1931. Deng also survived the long march in October of 1934 and... Show more content on ... The Great Leap Forward (i.e the Five Year Plan) was a way for Mao to change China from a farming country into an industrialized one through collectivisation. This was when peasants were forced into communes and were forced them to learn farming methods. This plan was a huge failure on Mao s part and it caused around forty three million deaths as well as a man made famine. Liu was now the president of the Chinese Communist Party, but Mao didn t just leave the CCP after giving up his presidential title. He ended up taking a chair position. Mao gave responsibility for the economy to President Liu and Deng, who was now CCP General Secretary. After the responsibility was handed over Mao left the political scene. Liu and Deng both accepted that Mao s reforms had gone too far in a very short amount of time. To combat the famine that was occurring Liu and Deng brought in Chen Yu, who was a Chinese expert in agriculture. Chen recommended that free markets should be allowed to help the famine. This would allow farmers to sell their products and make some profits as well as increase production. Land was also restored to the peasants and this would allow increases of food being produced. Liu also became deputy chairman as well as president, but in 1966 however, things took a turn for the worst for
  • 24. Outline For The Truman Show The Truman Show Director speech ~Ekam Sohal Introduction: Greeting The purpose of me talking Outline of the main characters Outline of the film Rough sketch of the paragraph: Good morning/ afternoon everyone, my name is Peter Weir and today I am here to talk to you about the techniques and the themes that were used in my movie The Truman Show . The film, The Truman Show, portrays the experiences connected with the perfect quality, unethical behavior and an utopia that does not meet the environment of the society that we live in nowadays. Body: Themes: Unethical behaviour No respect for Truman s privacy An Utopia Commercialism Everything on the show is for sale. The actor s wardrobe, food products, to the very homes they live in. (Christof) ; And of course all of it available in the Truman catalogue. (Interviewer) Rough Sketch of the paragraph of the theme of The theme of commercialism is shown to the audience in every 20 minutes or so. In some parts of the movie, such as in the scene where Truman finds out that something fishy is going on and Meryl Rough Sketch of the paragraph of the theme of Unethical behaviour:... Show more content on ... Meryl (Truman s wife), Christof (director/ me) , Sylvia (Truman s real love) and the viewers of the show. The viewers of The Truman Show are a gathering of individuals that demonstrate an unusual state of a person who has freedom but don t go out there and explore. This is for the reason that dominant part of the viewer s understand that Truman is being influenced contrarily as a consequence of the show and they are fundamentally centered around their own voyeuristic stimulation, which implies basically, the groups of onlookers values their own particular diversion over the well being of
  • 25. Pros And Cons Of Mitochondria So basically mitochondria accused us for being a dangerous killer, and sure, we can malfunction and cause a disease that can seriously mess up your life, and we know that that s a valid reason not to vote for us, which is fine. But before you throw your vote away for the other organelles, think of it this way. We really aren t like the other cells. They all have these really cool purposes and we re just kind the guy who takes out their trash, which might just be the most important part of a cell because we all know what s gonna happen if no one is there to pick up after you. We protect the cell too, and while we can mess up and give you Danon s disease, it s actually so rare that doctors have trouble diagnosing it because they look at your symptoms and are like what the heck because this isn t something their medical school taught them. Dangerous? We re about as dangerous as an ant and of all the organelles to call us dangerous, mitochondria shouldn t be the one talking with their cancers and aging and heart failure. Pros of Vacuole (Part 2): The vacuole has many different jobs but all the same in importance. For example, the vacuole keeps the cell clean; it holds the trash that the other organelles leave behind. This organelle also is the reason why plants stand straight. In addition, the vacuole holds water and other nutrients for plants.... Show more content on ... Yes, we need everyone. But we are not here to say good things about other organelles, we are here because we need a leader for this glorious nation of Celltopia. A great leader who is strong and is able to lead us. And we believe that the vacuole can do that!! Imagine the beautiful future ladies and gentlemen. The future that our children are safe from the virus and bacteria. We gonna have big wall, a giant, beautiful, great wall that gonna protect us from the virus and bacteria. And guess what, the cell membrane gonna pay for it. Because that s their
  • 26. University of Phoenix Corporate Finance Syllabus | Syllabus School of BusinessFIN/571 Version 5Corporate Finance| Copyright 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course applies corporate finance concepts to make management decisions. Students learn methods to evaluate financial alternatives and create financial plans. Other topics include cash flows, business valuation, working capital, capital budgets, and long term financing. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document... Show more content on ... 3.8 Identify sources and uses of short term financing. 3.9 Evaluate how the business policies of a firm affect accounts receivable and inventories.| | | Readings| Read Ch. 22 amp; 23 of Corporate Financial Management.| | | Participation| Participate in class discussion.| Monday| 3| Learning TeamLawrence Sports Simulation| Resource: The Lawrence Sports Simulation located at /vendors/tata/sims/finance/finance_simulation1.html Create at least three alternative working capital policies that reduce future difficulties, and make a recommendation on which policy Lawrence Sports should follow. Your recommendation must include:An evaluation of the risk associated with the recommendationContingencies for the recommendationPerformance measures that are used to evaluate your recommendation An implementation plan for your recommendationWrite a paper in no more than 1,750 words discussing your recommendation. Your paper must include a review of the cash conversion cycle for Lawrence Sports Simulation and its importance to their working capital management. Develop and explain your recommendation as fully as possible.Format your paper
  • 27. Operant conditioning plays a large role in our everyday... Operant conditioning plays a large role in our everyday life. Throughout the history of time people has been using this same technique in order to function in every day society. Some people may use this to their advantage and others as a disadvantage. This type of conditioning can be used in a positive or negative way. Some of the early leaders in this field of study where people such as B.F. Skinner and Edward Thorndike. These two gentleman played a major role in the concept of operant conditioning, such as preforming experiments of positive and negative behavior and instrumental behavior. These experiments may involve rats pressing a button in order to get food. According to (Dragoi and Staddon, 1999, P.4), operant behavior is... Show more content on ... (Lancioni, 1980, P.516). They proceeded this process through steps and time. They would show an object to the baby several times in order to get the baby use the object and comfortable with the object being in its presence. Eventually they would show the object to the child and create an action that would scare the young baby. This object was the same color and anytime the baby would see this color on a different object it would relate back to being scared and the child in result would avoid and escape the situation. (Lancioni, 1980, P.516). Today people are more suspicious and more open with their thoughts and feelings. This study that was performed on that child back then would be considered unethical in today s society. The main reason this study would be considered unethical today is because it involved scaring children. The results of this study could have potentially affected the child for the rest of their life. Though it might have been unethical today, this was a big movement in the history of psychology for its time, and broadened studies for future psychologists as well. Later, psychologists found that a major role in the study of operant condition was reinforcement. (Lancioni, 1980, P.517). The act of reinforcement can result in a positive or negative manner. As receiving a gift for good behavior or getting in trouble for bad behavior. The act of reinforcement was a determining factor in how the subject
  • 28. What Are The Arguments Against The Road To Confederation Dbq The road to confederation was the making of Canada it was the joining of Canadian colonies. The British colonies wanted to make one large British North America. Many people were with the idea and many people were against it this essay will discuss why people were against it. The threat of american expansion into canada happened because the Americans were against the confederation of 1867. Documents 1, 7 will be used as evidence to support the idea of how people were against the confederation. The Americans believed in the manifest density, which meant that they were destined to expand so that all of america was under their rule. The northern and southern states were fighting against each other during the U.S civil war, and Britain was supporting ... Show more content on ... There were then Fenian Raids, when a group of Irish Americans led a series of attacks on the colonies in protest of Britain s rule of Ireland. This scared the maritimes into uniting with the other colonies. On the west Americans were threatening to take British Columbia with a rallying cry of 54 40 or fight . It was clear that the americans were ready to take over all of north america. In document one William Seward US Secretary of State says I know that God intends that this whole continent shall be sooner or later, within the magic circle of the United States of America . You can see that here the main idea was to take all the of North america under the stars and stripes. In document seven George Etienne Cartier says We have five colonies and in order to become a great nation, they need only to be brought together under one central Government. The matter comes down to this, whether we form a British American confederation or we will be absorbed into the United States of America. Shall we be content to remain separate colonies, to maintain a mere provincial existence, whe, by combining together we could become a great nation It has never before been the good fortune of any group of colonies to secure
  • 29. Symbols In The Alchemist In The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, a young shepherd boy named Santiago travels the world in search of adventure and a new life for himself. During a trip to a village in the Middle East, he is approached by an old man, Melchizedek, who claims to be a king. He tells Santiago of a treasure that is hidden in the Pyramids of Egyptand how it is Santiago s destiny to find it. Santiago chooses to embark on a journey to find this treasure and encounters many people on his way, including a crystal merchant, an Englishman, an alchemist, and a girl from a desert oasis. As he searches for his treasure, he learns about the Soul of the World, which is the language that all of creation uses to communicate with each other. He also discovers that it is his... Show more content on ... During Santiago s time in the desert, he finds himself in the midst of a tribal war. While the ongoing war is dangerous enough, the book goes on to explain how the desert setting makes the situation even worse. When speaking to the leader of a caravan, the man states, The desert is a capricious lady, and sometimes she drives men crazy (71). The sandy desert heat and strong winds not only make it harder to travel, but also can disguise incoming tribal soldiers. As Santiago travels through the sandy war zone with the alchemist, a man who has found his Personal Legend and has the ability to communicate with the Soul of the World, he encounters hardships such as sandstorms, being stopped by tribal soldiers, and being captured by horsemen. Even though this delays him from reaching his destination, Santiago gains the ability to reach through to the Soul of the World when he is asked to turn himself into the wind by the chieftain of a military camp. If the desert had not concealed the tribal men and kept Santiago from reaching the Pyramids longer, he would not have been able to accomplish this. Therefore, the setting contributes to the idea of the journey being more important than the destination, by leading Santiago to communicate with the Soul of the World. In addition, there seems to be no designated timeline in The Alchemist, only showing that the story
  • 30. History Of Early Childhood Education Introduction Early Childhood Education (ECE) is also nursery education and is a branch of education theory which relates to the teaching of young children (formally and informally) up until the age of about eight. Infant/ toddler education, a subset of early childhood education, denotes the education of children from birth to age two. The history of early childhood care and education refers to the development of care and education of children between zero and eight years old throughout history. Early childhood education has a global scope, and caring for and educating young children has always been an integral part of human societies. Arrangements of fulfilling these societal roles have evolved over time and remain varied across cultures, often reflecting family and community structures as well as the social and economic roles of women and men. Historically, such arrangements have largely been informal, involving family, household and community members. Early childhood education is a board term used to describe any type of educational program that serves children in their preschool years, before they are old enough to enter kindergarten. Early childhood education may consist of any number of activities and experiences designed to aid in the cognitive and social development of preschoolers before they enter elementary school. How and where early childhood education is provided can be very different from one state to the next or even from one school to the next within the same
  • 31. Prior To This Class, I Have Never Heard Elizabeth Bishop’S Prior to this class, I have never heard Elizabeth Bishop s name before or read any of her poetry. When I read her well noted poem, One Art and discovered her name, I researched her life to seek what this poem might have meant to her at the time it was written. After discovering the hardships and tragic losses she has experienced in her life, the poem suddenly seems to make more sense. Elizabeth Bishop, born on the 8th of February in 1911, had to accept her father s death early in life before her first birthday. At the tender age of five, she had to endure the suffering of her mother being ripped from her life due to a series of nervous collapses, leading her mother into mental rehabilitation. After reading about the tragic losses... Show more content on ... The art of losing isn t hard to master. (4 6) We have all lost our keys at one point and have wasted an hour of our time that we will never get back. According to the Bishop, losing these frivolous things isn t hard to master (6). I have also taken notice that this phrase, the art of losing isn t hard to master , is used to almost convince and assure oneself that this statement is true. Elizabeth Bishop quickens up the pace of the poem and takes it a bit further. In the beginning, she discussed losing trivial objects, such as keys. In the third quatrain, she mentions far more significant matters, such as places and names. Then practice losing farther, losing faster: places, and names, and where it was you meant to travel. None of these will bring disaster. (7 9) We have all come across a time where we fail to remember names of certain people or even places we have been to in the past. Many of us have even experienced losing an opportunity due to our hectic schedules. Bishop contends, none of these will bring disaster (9). It seems as if though Bishop is attempting to, once again, persuade herself and the readers that despite the circumstances, these losses should have no control over one s life. Although everyone is aware that often times, enduring the pain of a loss can be extremely tragic and difficult to overcome.
  • 32. The Controversy Over Equity Method Over the years, there are many controversies over equity method within IAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures. The controversies basically lay on the vagueness of application on equity method; whether it serves as one line consolidation (consolidation technique), measurement basis or a mixture of both. This paper divides into 3 parts. First part gives an illustration on this accounting issue in IAS 28 as well as the explanation, second part compares and contrasts the financial reports of two assigned entities and the final part discusses the qualitative characteristics of their financial reports. Part 1 Accounting Issue This issue started to arise when IASB was developing IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements. The IASB have decided to remove the option to apply proportionate consolidation to jointly controlled entities that existed under IAS 31 Interests in Joint Ventures and this has widened the scope of equity method under IFRS (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group, 2014). Since then the IASB has been doing research project on equity method of accounting and considering various requests for guidance through narrow scope amendments to IAS 28. Hence, Exposure Drafts has been published. They have addressed the diversity in practice. However, these proposed amendments are lacked of a clear conceptual basis and they were inconsistent with each other. They found out that components of consolidation techniques and measurement basis exist in IAS 28 and there is no
  • 33. Bluehost Essay Bluehost is a company that, for the last 12 years, has been providing reliable web hosting at reasonable prices. This combination of reputation and price is responsible for a monthly increase in their subscriber base of over 20,000 customers. Along with Bluehost s reputation for bullet proof reliability, its shared hosting service is very feature rich, featuring unlimited storage and bandwidth while providing access to services such as one click installation of Wordpress and automatic, scheduled backups. Bluehost s technical support team is especially known for going above and beyond in terms of servicing its customers. Key Bluehost Features From the founding of Bluehost in 2003, there has been a strong focus on providing a high quality... Show more content on ... The most feature laden hosting service is not worth much if it goes down on a weekly basis. Like many hosting providers, Bluehost claims that it maintains a 99.9% uptime on their service. Bluehost takes its uptime guarantee very seriously compared to other providers. Unlike many hosting providers, Bluehost can actually back this up with numbers an independent test over a 90 day period on a website using a Bluehost shared hosting plan revealed 30 minutes total downtime, all of it scheduled as planned maintenance, which is truly impressive. Furthermore, the downtime was specifically scheduled to take place during off peak to minimize its impact on business operations. Bluehost Technical Support Bluehost offers three levels of technical support: the Bluehost Help Center, ticket submission through the Help Center and, finally, Live Phone Support. The Bluehost Help Center is a knowledge base of commonly performed tasks and frequently encountered issues. Often, searching this database is the simplest way to resolve minor issues or to learn how to perform tasks such as setting up backups or migrating
  • 34. Risk Management Decisions Made By Officers Risk management is an important aspect to firefighting to ensure those risking their lives to save others are not placed in unnecessary danger. Firefighters place trust in their officers to ensure the best plan of action is being taken. Risk management decisions made by officers can have positive influence on an outcome, when those decisions are formulated through experience and complete understanding of the situation. Firefighters take on dangerous careers and deserve the utmost certainty from their officers. According to Everyone Goes Home Fire command must carefully measure and control risks to save valuable property that can be saved. Every life is valuable whether that be the victim to be saved or the firefighter there to save. A fireground must be evaluated properly before rushing in. When a fire becomes out of saving measures, firefighters should not be put at risk to save a lost cause. If there can be no good outcome, then there is no need to make the situation worse by sending a team in on a failed mission. Officers must take into account that every life is valuable, no matter the person or circumstance. The best outcome will always be that with the most people alive. Firefighting is a life saving commitment, but risk management puts into perspective that the firefighters have their own lives to protect as well. Officers can make better decisions through continuous learning and training to enhance skills. Though officers hold high command, they must be able to
  • 35. Peaceful Warrior Conflict The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less . As americans, people believe if we experience more we are happier. In the film, Peaceful Warrior, Dan shows the audience this is not entirely true. Most people find happiness not seeking more. But enjoying less or things they currently have. Happiness is found within. Dan begins to seek happiness within his self. However, in Peaceful Warrior, Dan s life begins to turns into self vs. alter ego conflict as he seeks for happiness. An example of self vs. alter ego conflict is shown at the beginning of the film where you see Dan s attitude isn t positive. Dan acts conceited. He acts as if he doesn t care about his other teammates. It s obvious because he starts dating his best friend s girlfriend. You can live a whole lifetime never being awake (Dan). As he begins to have a little bit too much fun he looses his friends and meets an old wise man named, Socrates. Although Dan may seem... Show more content on ... He is told that he can not participate in the Olympics. As he focuses on his new beginning, he continues to trains and apologizes to his companions. The journey is what brings you happiness not the destination (Dan). After showing his coach what he can do, the coach lets him back on the team. And in summary Dan and the team wins. By focusing on the positives in life, he gets a positive outcome. In conclusion, Dan began to be happy and live his life without his negative alter ego. After learning his lesson and being told he could no longer compete in the Olympics, he seeks happiness in what he loves most. Letting go of his alter ego only made him focus on the positives in life and what he could h ave in the future. He becomes more focused and hard working to get what he wants most, the girl and the gold medal. By seeking happiness in what he already has, he notices there s a lot he was missing
  • 36. Rentire States Examples Solutions to rentire states Batool haidar Abstract Rentire states are wealthy mostly, however its not developing nor producing to help in self sufficient, which created a problem needed to be solved, two suggested solutions are taxation with some benefits resulted from a previous study between high tax countries and low tax countries the other solution is diversification and its effect on economy and socially and two supportive examples Introduction Rentire states is the country that receives its revenues mostly if not all from outside worlds (rent) on regular basis. Most of the sources of rent paid by those other countries comes from natural resources like oil and as Beblawi defines a rentier state as one in which rents are ... Show more content on ... The bank also has categories regarding the projects: Small projects KD 0.5 million in total assets. Uni graduates KD 100,000 KD 3, 000 minimum. The bank support the projects with 80% of new project (Kuna, 2006) 2.Taxation: Tax paying would give people more sense of responsibility and an incentive to work and produce A study was done low tax countries with high tax countries, which will help us in the case of retire states comparing them to the lower taxes countries, as it will be worse of course. In the study the used some indicators to represent the social and some the economic which is similar to our case (the mentality and economy): Socially: High tax countries have lower poverty percentage than high tax ones Income is distributed more equally in high taxes countries than lower ones The workers have more economic security n high taxes than lower taxes countries In education the high tax countries scored a higher percentages of people completed
  • 37. The Last Night Of The World Analysis Ray Bradbury s short story, The Last Night of the World highlights American citizens fear of the world ending at any given moment during the Cold War. Although explicitly stated otherwise in the text, Bradbury cleverly addresses these fears by disguising them as a common dream among the characters in the short story. In my research, I focused on articles that bridged Bradbury, a well known author of several famous novels about the Cold War, and sources that highlighted the attitudes of Americans about the war, itself. As a history buff, the Cold War has always been an interest of mine, thus leading me to the works of Ray Bradbury. Through research and inquiry, I was able to manipulate my topic to fit both The Last Night of the World and my own personal... Show more content on ... Security against Democracy: The Legacy of the Cold War at Home. Journal of American History, vol. 97, no. 4, Mar. 2011, pp. 939 957. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1093 /jahist/jaq026. As a historian at the University of Minnesota, Elaine Tyler May studies American values are influenced by taboo areas of life such as gender, sexuality, race, culture, and politics. May publishes her work in the Journal of American History, which is published quarterly on behalf of the Organization of American Historians. May s article is stationed around the idea that democracy and security are dependent upon each other. She mentions how the Cold War changed American life as we knew it soon, citizens were believers in freedom of the individual and entrepreneurship. They treasured their time at home and were apprehensive of outsiders. May touched on the heightened domestic security and how the media amplified fears on acts of violence. Accompanying her claims were several charts and graphics to provide a visual representation for readers. May analyzes different aspects of attitudes about crime versus violent crime, number of firearms per household, and private versus public law enforcement agencies
  • 38. Viva La Vida And The Count Of Monte Cristo While each piece of literature is completely different, some of them have similar patterns and ideas. One of these ideas would be human nature. Human nature is anything that is natural for a human to do and can not be stopped easily. Things like greed and too much power can change someone greatly. This can be the cause of many problems and can make someone who is a good person into a bad person. In Viva La Vidaand The Count of Monte Cristo, the writers use of allusions and metaphors convey the idea that human nature can be the cause of misfortune. The story of Viva La Vida, by Coldplay, is about a king who has too much power and ends up being overthrown from people in his kingdom. Coldplay expresses this story in metaphors. I used ... Show more content on ... This king had the key to the castle, meaning that he knew what the people wanted. The way Coldplay explains this story makes it seem like the people living in the king s castle turned on him, hence the reference to the walls closing in on himself. This king must have been hated for something he did, then again, every human makes mistakes. Although, this must not have been the first time because he lost his whole castle just from a mistake. Then he starts to realize why he was wrong. The downfall of this king could have been from bragging about his power too much since it is human nature to brag. Or possibly being overwhelmed with too much power giving his enemies a chance to attack. Another metaphor with the same meaning can be found in The Count of Monte Cristo. The same thing that happened to Brutus the night before the Battle of Philippi: I saw a ghost. And that ghost told me I have lived long enough (Dumas 381). At this moment in the story, the count is preparing for his duel with Albert. He then tells Maximilien that he plans on dying during the duel and leaving Maximilien his will. Maximilien is shocked and asks the count why he would ever do such a thing. The count responds with the above quote. This quote is a metaphor and shows how it is in a human s nature to want to forget the people who you don t like. This quote uses the example of Mercedes since she was the ghost that came to Dantes the night before the duel and begged him not to kill her son. Dantes responds by saying that he can not live with the dishonor of backing away from a duel, so he agreed to let Albert
  • 39. Articles Relating to Capital Structure-Essay Contents : Introduction on Capital Structure..........................5 Summary and Evaluation of Articles.....................6 Conclusion.................................................................8 References/Bibliography........................................9 Introduction On Capital Structure : In the field of finance capital structure means a way an organization or firms finances their assets by the way of some mix and match of Equity, Debt or Hybrid Securities. The modern thinking on capital structure is based on the Modigliani Miller theorem given by Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller. The theorem suggests that in a perfect market the total value of the company remains the same depending upon how is that company financed. This theorem proves the importance of capital structuring by the firms throughout ... Show more content on ... The optimal capital structure can be obtained by the trade off between tax benefits and the cost of distress. The present value of the tax shield initially increases as the firm borrows more. At moderate debt levels the probability of financial distress is trivial; so the present value of the cost of financial distress is small and tax advantages (interest expenses deduction) dominates [Modigliani and Miller, 1963; Miller, 1977] and [DeAngelo and Masulis, 1980]. But later on some point the profitability of financial distress rises instantly with substantial borrowings and the cost of distress starts diminishing. If the firm is uncertain of benefits from the corporate tax advantage then the tax advantage of debt decreases and at last vanishes. This theoretically reaches the optimum capital structure. Talking about the capital structure in Europe one of the articles highlight the capital structure policies used and implemented by firms in Europe and then trying to compare it to the policies used by different countries around the globe on a survey of 313 CFOs on capital structure choice. An international survey was conducted of CFOs on capital structure choices and tried to highlight interesting points relating to how theoretical concepts are being implemented by professionals in UK, The Netherlands, Germany and France and they have compared their result to previous findings from US. The articles suggests that
  • 40. The Effects Of Malicious Attack On The Internet Other home devices such as baby monitors, coffee makers, DVD players, refrigerators, thermostats, and similar items can easily get hacked, penetrated with a worm, and then added to a botnet which could be triggered for a malicious attack at any time. Also jet engines, industrial micro controllers, and even toys can be accessed and taken over by a botnet, waiting for instructions from its leader. Most people don t realize that these devices are unregulated and insecure . Both businesses and individuals could be coerced by attackers into paying money to the hackers in order to avoid these botnets taking down their website with too many requests or controlling their machines or for restoring their resources when something malicious has... Show more content on ... As another author says, computers are hackable because the market, millions of consumers, demand that gadgets (the software) have lots of the latest and greatest features and to be cheap. In doing so, the companies that sell these items include little, if any, security and reliability. As more abundant and catastrophic attacks occur, people will demand that something be done. Most likely this will result in some government regulations. Now the trend is for everything to get connected to the internet, controlled remotely for convenience. As the author puts it We no longer have things with computers embedded in them. We have computers attached to them. He thinks that we should reverse this trend and think about what is truly needed and safe to have connected to the internet or otherwise accessible remotely. There are three parts of this Internet of Things. First are the physical devices or sensors. As noted our smartphones, medical devices, thermostats, door locks, light bulbs and other appliances connect us at home. Sensors in roads, traffic lights, GPS locaters and cameras affect transportation and detect people s every move are everywhere. Energy grids and even nuclear power plants are connected to the internet. Second are the parts that figure out what to do with information that these contain, or the brain. This includes computer processors on devices, software connecting to them, and the memory that stores information on these
  • 41. The Heart of Understanding, by Thich Nhat Hanh Essay In The Heart of Understanding, Thich Nhat Hanh s uses simple but powerful words and real world examples to illustrate the profound Buddhist philosophy from the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra, an important representative of Mahayana Buddhist literature. The Mahayana school of Buddhist teachings emphasizes the doctrine of Sunyata emptiness. The doctrine of emptiness, one of the most important Mahayana innovations, focuses on the relational aspect of existence. Thich Nhat Hanh coins and introduces a new word interbeing to explain the state of emptiness. This idea of interbeing not only illustrates emptiness well but also provides understanding of other fundamental Buddhist ideas such as No Self, impermanence and non duality. The word... Show more content on ... Being empty of something should be considered as being full of everything in the world. One can see the trees, rain, clouds and even the whole universe in a single sheet of paper though it is empty. Emptiness is the foundation of everything. The notion of interbing echoes the early Buddhist concept of Anatmen No Self. According to the early teachings of the Buddha, self is made of the five aggregates: form, feelings, perceptions, mental formations and consciousness. There is no permanent substance existing as self. Selfhood is constituted of non self elements and cannot exist by itself alone. It has to inter be with the five aggregates. None of the five aggregates is permanent or independent. The five aggregates have to inter be with each other. Although selfhood is empty of self , it is full of the fiver aggregates, full of everything and full of life. Interbeing, the changeable nature of existence, is closely related to the Buddhist idea of impermanence. Just as the moon is constantly waxing and waning, everything is constantly changing in the world. From Thich Nhat Hanh s interesting analogy of roses and garbage, one can see the impermanent nature of things. The beautiful roses have to decay and become garbage eventually. Regardless how beautiful things are, they will inevitably fade away one day. Beauty and happiness does not last forever in this world. However, Thich Nhat Hanh also has an optimistic interpretation on the nature
  • 42. Surface Area Volume Ratio Experiment Surface area / Volume ratio Experiment Introduction: The surface area to volume ratio in living organisms is very important. Nutrients and oxygen need to diffuse through the cell membrane and into the cells. Most cells are no longer than 1mm in diameter because small cells enable nutrients and oxygen to diffuse into the cell quickly and allow waste to diffuse out of the cell quickly. If the cells were any bigger than this then it would take too long for the nutrients and oxygen to diffuse into the cell so the cell would probably not survive. Single celled organisms can survive as they have a large enough surface area to allow all the oxygen and nutrients they need to diffuse through. Larger multi celled organisms need specialist ... Show more content on ... Interpretation: In all the blocks of gelatin the rate of penetration of the hydrochloric acid from each side would have been the same but all the blocks take different amounts of time to clear because they are different sizes. As the blocks get bigger it takes longer for the hydrochloric acid to diffuse through the entire block and so clear the dye. It takes longer to reach the centre of the cube even though the rate of diffusion is the same for all the cubes. As the volume of the blocks goes up the Surface Area / Volume ratio goes down. The larger blocks have a smaller proportion of surface area than the smaller blocks. When the surface area to volume ratio goes down it takes longer for the hydrochloric acid to diffuse into the cube but if the ratio goes up then the hydrochloric acid diffuses more quickly into the block of gelatin. Some shapes have a larger surface area to volume ratio so the shape of the object can have an effect on the rate of diffusion. By increasing the surface area the rate of diffusion will go up. Precautions: All the
  • 43. Andrew Jackson And The Whig Party Essay The Whig Party evoked on a Jeffersonian tradition of compromise, balance in government, and territorial outreach combined with national solidarity. The Whigs casted their enemy as King Andrew , they identified themselves as constituents of modern day opponents of governmental overreaching. They feared that Andrew Jackson was taking up too much strength and power, it left unchecked, turn himself into king. A handful of Whigs especially worried that Jackson, as a former military general, would use the military to centralize his power. The Whigs, as a result, would continue to infer that the legislature should have the most power in government. On the other hand, the Democrats adhered to a strong executive. America during the Jacksonian period ... Show more content on ... The main idea was further to call workers into action by inviting them to fulfill the American Revolution: It was time for America to give evidence to the world of her advancement in civilization.... She owed it to herself and she owed it to the human race, to exhibit once more in healthy action, that moral energy she displayed in her revolution, and which her free institutions should have nurtured and purified, not quelled and perverted. (Free Enquirer 8 May
  • 44. Alloy Wheel Protectors Research Paper Alloy Wheel Protector: The Best Way to Safeguard Your Rims Wheels enhance the appearance of cars and increase their value. Despite the benefits, they are easily damaged by routine driving. As wheels become damaged, their appearance diminishes and can lead to subsequent damage. Additionally, repair for wheels and rims is expensive and time consuming. The most leading edge and best solution for safeguarding wheels is an alloy wheel protector. Protecting Your Investment Wheels are not cheap even though they can be damaged in a blink of an eye. Minor damage can quickly lead to erosion and alter the integrity of the wheel. As such, protecting wheels is essential. Alloy wheel protectors help to cover up preexisting damage while also preventing more scratches and dents from occurring. The protector thinly lines the rim, easily covering up ... Show more content on ... Tires often have to be removed and most repairs require a technician. Wheel protectors are a nice alternative to expensive repairs. The protectors do not require a technician and can be applied to all four tires in less than ten minutes. Additionally, they are much cheaper than getting the rim repaired. The protectors cover the damage and make it seem as if it was never there, making wheels look new again without ever having to consult a technician. Wheels in and of themselves are expensive, keeping them fresh should not be. Wheel protectors are an inexpensive way to maintain wheels. Variety of Colors and Options Wheel protectors come in many different colors, allowing them to be a nice enhancement to the wheel. In addition to providing protecting, they can add additional style to the car. For example, for red cars, a red alloy wheel protector may help to bring out the color. The color choices are endless, creating an opportunity to further magnify the
  • 45. Monte Cristo Fact Sheet Pre Reading: 1. Alexander Dumas believed in social equality and individual rights and used that in some of his books.The key figure in Count of Monte Cristo is Napoleon Bonaparte who became famous in the French Revolution. He was loved by the people and set basic rules. Later, he was exiled to the island of Elba and escaped and secretly sailed to France and defeated the royal troops. This is where Edmond Dantes is at the beginning. His second reign is the Hundred Days where France fell back into the hand of Louis XVIII and Napoleon was exiled and later died. His supporters were considered as criminals and so was Napoleon and that is why Dantes was suspected. When Napoleon died, he became a legend to all the people of France. Literary Terms: ... Show more content on ... He finds the treasure using a map told by Abbe. 9. Dantes shows him a diamond and learns that his father is dead and Mercedes is married. 10. The Count of Monte Cristo rich, wealthy, and powerful man based mostly on vengeance. Sinbad the Sailor he helped Morrel financially. AbbГ© Busoni he used to gain the trust of the people to investigate what happened when he was gone. Lord Wilmore an eccentric nobleman that does random acts of generosity. 11. Morrel was in a bad financial problem so Dantes gives him a red purse which would repay his debt in the name of Sinbad The Sailor. 12. Albert de Morcerf is captured by bandits and Monte Cristo frees him and asks to be introduced into Paris. 13. He meets M. Lucien Debray, M. Beauchamp, M. Maximilian Morrel, and M. de ChГўteau Renaud. 14. Mercedes was pale and motionless on the threshold of the door and she told Albert to be careful with your friends. 15. Danglars sells his horses to Monte Cristo, but then his wife demands them back. 16. Haydee is Monte Cristo s slave and the daughter of Ali Pasha. Her father was betrayed by the Count de Morcerf.
  • 46. 17. Monte Cristo discovers about the benefactor that saved their family in the name of Sinbad the Sailor and the the red
  • 47. Swot Analysis Of Budweiser Budweiser Company Information Budweiser dubbed The King of Beer has earned its place as one of the largest leading brands in the U.S. as well as being the largest brewer and is also, available in 85 countries. Anheuser Busch known today as AB InBev, headquartered in Leuven, Belgium was created in 2008 with the mergers of three international breweries Interbrew from Belgium, AmBev from Brazil, and Anheuser Busch from the United States. With the recent purchase of SABMiller in October 2016, the company now owns an estimated thirty percent of the global beer market and is now the leading beer company in the world. (Petruno, 2016) Budweiser s market value as of May 2017, is $24.6 billion with over $11 billion in sales. Share price is ... Show more content on ... He later invested in his own company producing refrigerated rail cars which helped with shipment for even further distances and before long, Anheuser Busch was taking the entire country by storm. (Anheuser Busch, Budweiser, 2017) The brewery s lowest period began at midnight on Jan. 16, 1920, when the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution went into effect, National Prohibition outlawing the sale of alcohol. (Ancestry, n.d.) Anheuser Busch Brewery was shut down for 13 years. Unemployment rates were on the rise as breweries closed their doors. Crime rates hit the roof as people began turning their homes into breweries giving rise to underground bars known as speakeasies during the roaring 20s where women drinkers were not frowned upon. Some large scale, underground operations were raided by federal agents. (Ancestry, n.d.) Anheuser Busch Brewery was large enough to diversify and remained in business by marketing more than 25 different non alcohol products such as soft drinks, truck bodies, smoked meats, and ice cream. (Ancestry, n.d.) The Budweiser Clydesdales made their first ever appearance on April 7, 1933. In celebration of the repeal of Prohibition August A. Busch,
  • 48. The United States And The Vietnam War A Day to Remember It seems as if the united states are always fighting a battle whether it is overseas or within its own borders. The citizens were not ready for what the 1970 s was going to bring, socially, economically, and religiously. Jim Jones was going to bring peace and relief to these people in the most tragic way possible. With brain washing, manipulation, and isolation Jones convinced hundreds of people to commit suicide. The Peoples Temple religious movement was one of the many going on during the 1970 s. During the 1970 s America hit rock bottom. The U.S. had lost the Vietnam war, there was an oil crisis, and the automobile industry was going out of business due to the foreign cars. The Vietnam war gave rise to many anti war protests and questioning of the nation s role in the world. Many believed in pacifism and opposed of the U.S. involvement in the war. The oil embargo that members of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries proclaimed in 1973 led to oil shortages. Gas had to be rationed and prices increased drastically. Japan and Germany were making better cars which caused U.S. automobile industries to go out of business, many Americans lost their jobs. The American population grew skeptical; they could not turn to the government during this time. The Watergate scandal in the 1970s destroyed Americans trust with the government. They didn t feel safe with their political leaders and did not feel taken care of. As always, when there is a
  • 49. The Pros And Cons Of The Scientific Revolution The discoveries made during the Scientific Revolution were incredible, impactful, and never even thought about before. However, these new discoveries were constantly under fire from the church. Even so, the breakthroughs kept coming, and the church couldn t stop them. Some of these scientific discoveries are still in use today, and were the building blocks to modern science. The people who made these revelations were the scientists who first found out that the earth revolved around the sun, or that the moon was full of holes and craters. There were many conflicts throughout this period, as the church didn t want their power and ideas to come into question. That was unacceptable to them. One of the many people who contributed to the Scientific Revolution was Nicolaus Copernicus. In 1543 he wrote and published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres. This was his proposal of his theory of a sun centered universe, called a heliocentric. He proposed that the sun was the center of the universe, not the earth, as it was widely accepted to be at the time. He further said that the earth, along with all the other planets in the solar system, revolved around the sun. In his predecessor s theory, Claudius Ptolemy, it showed that the earth was the center of the universe, and the sun and planets revolved around it. To show this, he made a geocentric model depicting that theory, and it was widely accepted. Meanwhile, Copernicus made a heliocentric model for his theory. It, naturally, showed his idea of a sun centered universe (Document 1). Lots of people, experts, and especially the church, rejected this revolutionary theory. People simply didn t want to believe, after years and years of accepting that the center of the universe was themselves, that they, in fact, weren t. In Europe, all scientific knowledge and religious teaching were heavily based on the ideas and arguments of classical thinkers. They thought that if Ptolemy s geocentric theory was wrong, then their entire scientific and worldly understanding might be in question. However in the late 1500s, another astronomer, Tycho Brahe, found evidence that supported Copernicus. Brahe constructed an astronomical observatory, and spent years carefully studying and
  • 50. The Movie Oliver Gil, I read through the script this morning and wanted to send you everything and the kitchen sink with the below. I also wanted to get you these notes sooner rather than later, so apologies for the short hand for most of them. As always, please take the below as just considerations while you work on the script. For the most part, I thought all of your suggestions for fixes were spot on , so I m excited to read what you come up with. xx OLIVER Lets be sure we re consistent with our characterization of Oliver. We open the movie with Oliver as a super genius, science fair loving boy, but for the remainder of the movie he barely does anything science or tech related. Is Oliver a kid genius, or did he just stumble upon a fluke? Lets look... Show more content on ... 20 Not sure the line, this is going to be fun, makes sense. What is he referring to? Doesn t he already know Ellen can t hear him? P. 20 Does it make sense Oliver would be asking where s dad? Do both of his parents walk him to the bus? Maybe they re still at home and about to walk to the bus stop when Oliver realizes his dad s not home to say goodbye to. P. 22 Does this seem believable that he would hug his dog right in front of the bus? P. 23 Froza 5 is three years old, let s find another reference. P. 24 Do we need this scene with Bobby and the cars? Does it payoff at all? There s also no set up for it. P. 28 Typo: When we hit twenty two, girls are going to... P. 28 29 This dialogue with Oliver and David is good, let s try to look for more clever exchanges like this between the kids. P. 31 The format of the question in Jeopardy isn t like this. It should be an answer. Also, Alex Trebeck is spelled wrong. P. 32 Similar to above, I m not sure we need this scene with Bobby, it doesn t add anything to our plot. P. 36 Not sure this no fear line works. Isn t the Nike slogan Just do it ? Also, Henry is afraid of the boxer later on so dogs do have fears. P. 37 Should we think of another reference than The Matrix? Is it too
  • 51. Mozart vs. Beethoven Essay Arts and Culture 2 Mozart vs. Beethoven Paper 3/21/12 Mozart vs. Beethoven In the 18th century, the middle class made a lot more money. During the Classical Period, the middle class had a tremendous influence on music. They wanted to hear concertos and symphonies. They wanted their children to learn great music and play instruments. The composers began writing music that was geared towards the middle class because they could make a better living if they enjoyed the music being played. They wrote music that was easier for their students to understand and play. Serious music changed into comic operas, or popular folk tunes, and dance music. This was a good thing it shaped dance and music forever. Mozart and Beethoven were both ... Show more content on ... At the age of eight, he wrote a symphony and at eleven, he wrote an oratorio. Then, at the age of twelve he wrote a great opera. Mozart s father was Leopold Mozart, who happened to be a court musician. Both Mozart and Beethoven had help from their fathers in many different ways. Mozart s father helped him travel around as a young musician and he traveled many places and he seen many well known people and aristocrats. Because of Mozart s early successes many challenges had become part of his life. He had very high expectations from the community and from his father. Unlike, Beethoven, Mozart was spoiled as a youth and because of this he refused to be treated as a servant. He completely relied on his father s help and refused to work with the archbishop. This would become a problem later when Mozart did not develop enough initiative. Because of that he could not make decisions on his own. Then at age 25, Mozart broke free from Salzburg and became a great freelance musician in Vienna. This is where Mozart found and started some of his success. Mozart earned his living giving lessons to people and holding concerts. Mozart later wrote his piece Don Giovanni and then The marriage of Figaro and these were great pieces for his time. Eventually, Mozart s popularity disapeared and his music was found to be very complicated and hard to follow. Mozart s music was very versatile and his masterpieces had been in many forms. His piano concertos were and
  • 52. A P By John Updike In the story A P by John Updike a young cashier by the name of Sammy learns about the power of desire and the mystery of others minds when working at an A P supermarket in a small town north of Boston in the 1960 s, where there was a lot of social norms and many people didn t step out of them. The young nineteen year old Sammy wasn t expecting his Thursday shift at A P to go the way it did when income three young girls but, these are not your socially normal teenagers who come walking in the door. The moment these girls walk into the A P they attract every male eye in the store towards them, which clearly shows the kind of power their sexuality grants them over their opposite sex. In turn, Sammy imagination and interpretation of these ... Show more content on ... This imagery shows the kind of scandalous clothing that they were wearing giving them the power to bring attention and desire to Sammy and his coworkers. They stood no chance to these appealing looks that the girls had with the help of the bathing suits and the environment that they were in as Sammy describes You know, it s one thing in to have a girl in a bathing suit down on the beach, where what with the glare nobody can look at each other much anyway, and another thing in the cool of the A P, under the fluorescent lights, against all those stacked packages, with her feet paddling along naked over our checker board green and cream rubber tile floor. (Updike 165). This also shows that Sammy can not control himself once he unleashes his descriptive imagination when thinking about Queenie and her friends walking through the store. Sammy fellow coworkers also feel the relentless temptations that the girls have on the male workers in A P. Sammy observes some of his coworker s reactions to towards the girl s appearance and how the can not resist acting prudish as they gaze and make lewd remarks to one another as their comments seemed to be derived from hormones. McMahon the worker who works in the meat department as a butcher who is an older gentleman, well maybe not gentlemen, but more of a cad that comes in contact with these three girls and is described to be patting his mouth and looking after them sizing up their joints. (Updike
  • 53. Anti Federalists Vs. Federal Republicans Essay In modern America, many citizens hold to the notion that the Constitution was adopted unanimously, without debate or disagreement. Not only is this not the case, the debate and disagreement that took place during the institution of the governing articles for the newly formed country are ultimately responsible for the system we have in place today as the concerns and counterpoints raised in the discussion were more crucial to the successful continuance of stability in the nation than any unanimous decision. Given the apparent import of such discussion, it is therefore prudent to examine the original points of contention to determine their merit and to further ensure that the concerns originally raised have been addressed sufficiently. These discussions and debates often took place between two specific groups, the Federalists, and their opponents who they termed the Anti Federalists. However, these so called Anti Federalists would have referred to themselves as Democratic Republicans or Federal Republicans, so they will be referenced in this vein. On the side of the Federalists were men such as James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, George Washington, Gouverneur Morris, and other proponents of a centralized Federal government. The opposition to these ideals was led by men like Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, and other state governors, farmers, and craftsmen concerned about the powers being allocated to the proposed central government. These
  • 54. Abolitionist Movement After America was founded in 1776 many people decided to colonize and live in this unfamiliar land. The land already had their own natives, but most of the travelers that colonized there did not respect or care about them or their land. The people wanted to make this land their property and country. To have a strong country people needed power and one thing that made that power more accessible was enslaving the natives and making them their property. Enslaving natives later become part of their culture and it later spread to enslaving African Americans. African Americans were seen as people that were stronger and more hard working than the Native Americans. This led to African Americans getting captured and being sent to America to work.... Show more content on ... These sources consisted of documents and information. All the information found seemed credible and reliable since all of them had the same idea. Some sources like and accessible both had information about William Lloyd Gairrson but accessible archives talked about his past and helped readers know what type of person William really was. however had the most information about the anti slavery societies and it gave backround information about it, too. Many of the sources used were the same information, but with little pieces of supplementary information. The fact that people fought to abolish slavery was a courageous movement, but there were some negative aspects. Many people did not like the fact that people thought slavery was a horrible concept and it caused huge conflict. When the number of slaves started to decrease many new problems emerged such as plantation owners not having enough help to grow crops. As slavery diminished even more all those problems were gone. This massive accomplishment helped make America The Land of the
  • 55. WALL-E the Movie WALL E is an animated Disney Pixar movie about the future of our planet, Earth. The opening scene is a futuristic reality of our planet becoming a waste covered landfill. WALL E is a robot that is designed to clean up the mess and pollution humans have made throughout the decades. This movie is not only child friendly, but also is recognized as a critique on today s society. Although the movie strictly focuses on the robot WALL E and his love interest with the high tech robot Eve, the audience is still able to understand the true meaning behind the critically acclaimed movie. The animated film portrays a futuristic reality of the implications of today s society. In today s modern society, consumerism is an everyday fact of living. Society is constantly encourage to purchase goods and services to the point where there is no longer a realization of the influence companies have on people s daily lives. The movie has left the audience to question how society could lead the planet to such a state where it is virtually uninhabitable by humans. The film is an exaggerated extension of our consumer driven lifestyle whereby convenience and complacency have supplanted personal liberty (Krier, 2008). A consumer driven lifestyle can be seen in the movie through the use of clever depictions of Buy N Large in the film, however overconsumption is also a part of many cultures today, including the United States. The film depicts that humans have made the planet uninhabitable through