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Essay On Forgiveness
Crafting an essay on the theme of forgiveness can be a profound and challenging endeavor. The
complexity arises from the multifaceted nature of forgiveness itself – a concept woven with
emotional, psychological, and philosophical threads. As the writer, one must navigate the
intricate landscape of human emotions, delve into the psychological intricacies of letting go, and
grapple with the ethical and moral dimensions of forgiveness.
The challenge lies in capturing the essence of forgiveness, exploring its transformative power,
and addressing the nuances of extending or receiving it. Writing about forgiveness requires a
delicate balance between personal reflection and broader societal implications. To convey the
depth of the topic, the essay must incorporate real-life examples, psychological insights, and
perhaps even touch on cultural or religious perspectives that shape our understanding of
Furthermore, the difficulty intensifies when attempting to strike a chord with readers, making
them empathize with the struggles and triumphs associated with forgiveness. The writer must not
only articulate their thoughts eloquently but also evoke an emotional response, encouraging
readers to ponder their own experiences with forgiveness.
In essence, an essay on forgiveness demands a careful dance between vulnerability and
intellectual rigor. It is an exploration of the human condition, navigating the rocky terrain of
hurt, resentment, and ultimately, the liberating power of letting go. As the author, one must
grapple with the challenge of conveying the profundity of forgiveness in a way that resonates
And now, for those seeking assistance in unraveling the complexities of various essay topics, or
delving into the intricacies of themes like forgiveness, consider exploring the resources available
at There, you can find a wealth of essays, insights, and expertly crafted
pieces to guide and inspire your own writing journey.
Essay On Forgiveness Essay On Forgiveness
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Ratios
Current ratios of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters
Current ratio= Current Assets/current liabilities
Current ratio in 2011= $1131527/471374=2.40
Current ratio in 2010=$495269/238055=2.08
Current ratio in 2009= $417,233/ 106,456=3.9
There was a reduction in the current ratio of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters from
2009 to 2010 from in 3.9 in 2009 2.4 in 2010 and 2.08 in 2010.this shows that the
liquidity of the firm is has dropped and then improved over the three years. The firm
can able to pay its short term obligations as they fall due since the current ratio
exceed 1and therefore quite stable.
Working capital
Working capital = Current assets Current liabilities
Working capital in 2011 = $ 1131527 471374=$660153
Working capital in2010 = $ 495269 238055=$257214 ... Show more content on ...
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters is more efficient than other firms in the industry as
it has stable ratios that have an upward trend.
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters is efficient in utilizing its assets to generate sales
as shown by the increase from $0.92 in 2009 to $1.93 in 2010.
I would consider investing in Green Mountain Coffee Roasters. This is because
based on the ratio analysis the firm is not insolvent since it can meet its debts
obligations as they fall due. Also the trend in the financial statements indicate a
general increase in the value of assets hence a favorable investment. Also the
working capital has increased over the three years. The current assets have continued
to be more than the current liabilities over the three years. Therefore the increase in
working capital reflects that the firm has improved its ability to pay its current
liabilities over the three years making it an ideal company to invest
Fajitas Marinade Research Paper
Good chicken fajitas marinade can be hard to come by on the supermarket shelves,
so I always make my own. Making your own marinade is extremely easy and gives
you control over the spices and ingredients you eat. My two fundamental rules for
producing a good chicken fajitas marinade are: 1) always use fresh ingredients,
and 2) the longer you marinate the better. Give this recipe a try and I guarantee
you ll never want to buy a chicken fajitas marinade again. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Ingredients: 1 1/2 lb skinless, boneless chicken breasts 1/4 cup roasted tomato taco
sauce 3 tablespoons tequila 3 tablespoons lime juice 2 jalapeno peppers, seeded
and minced 2 garlic cloves, minced 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1/2 teaspoon
coarsely ground black pepper 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 12 flour or
corn tortillas Accompaniments: salsa, guacamole, shredded lettuce, sour cream,
diced tomatoes Rinse chicken breasts and pat dry. Trim fat. In a large glass bowl,
marinate chicken breasts in taco sauce, lime juice, tequila, jalapenos, garlic, oregano,
pepper, salt, and cumin for 2 hours at room temperature or 12 hours in the
refrigerator. Set the chicken on a hot oiled grill 4 6 inches from heat. Grill, turning
and basting with... Show more content on ...
A great recipe for chicken fajitas marinade that you can concoct with ease. Don t
get sucked in to buying store marinade when you can make this for less money and
with better flavor. I used to buy chicken fajitas marinade at the store until my grand
mother bestowed this delicious recipe upon me. Not only is it a healthier
alternative to what you get at the store, but it just plain tastes better. I d venture to
say that after perfecting this marinade, you will never want to purchase another
marinade from the store again. Who knows what is being put in our processed foods,
and to be honest, I like to stay away from store bought any chance I have. Please let
me know know if this recipe is as good for you as it has been for
Haroun and the Sea of Stories
Haroun and the Sea of Stories
Novel, 1990. Summary.
In this story we encounter storytelling as a means of saving your identity, your
relationship with your family, and perhaps even your life which means that, in a
sense, you are saving a world. The British Indian author Salman Rushdie (b. 1947)
had to go underground after the publication of his novel The Satanic Versesin 1988.
The book was considered blasphemous to Islam by the fundamentalist government
of Iran, which issued a death warrant against him. He says that he reached a point
where he was so distressed he wasn t able to think of any stories to tell. But he
worked himself out of his depression, and Haroun and the Sea of Stories, a book for
children and other ... Show more content on ...
So now the moment for wishing has passed, and he must try something else. But
the Water Genie is now distracted, because a problem has come up: Someone is
polluting the Sea of Stories, and he suspects the leader of the Land of Chup, a land
in perpetual darkness on the other side of the moon. The leader s name is Khattam
Shud. Going with the Genie to Gup City, Haroun finds, to his surprise, that his
father is already there he has made use of a home brew to travel to faraway places
and is now being accused of being a spy for the Chupwalas. Rashid is able to
explain the situation because he landed in the Twilite area and heard interesting
things, and now they learn about the evil intent of Khattam Shud: Not only is he
opposed to stories and fantasies, he also wants to do away with speech altogether
and has enforced strict Silence Laws. Haroun and a few helpers from Gup now
travel into the twilight and on to the dark land of Chup, where shadows have
acquired a life of their own, and through many dangers and adventures they reach
the heart of the Chup empire, a Factory Ship that makes poison to spill into the Sea
of Stories. Khattam Shud s plan is to block the very source of stories with a plug
and spread silence and darkness. Finally they see Khattam Shud himself, and Haroun
is rather surprised: He is a scrawny, skinny, weasly type, and he looks a lot like Mr.
Sengupta, who stole his mother away. And when he
How Osteogenesis Imperfecta Is A Disease That Effects...
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, also known as Brittle Bone Disease, is a disease that
effects bones and joints. Osteogenesis Imperfecta is a disease that effects child, and
most often children are born with this disease. In some cases the disease may take a
couple years to show symptoms, but more often than not the disease is recognized
when the child is born. Osteogenesis Imperfectais caused by a defect in the gene
which produces collagen 1, an important building block of bone(Osteogenesis). The
bones are very fragile, and often times break when touched or moved. The severity
of the disease depends on which portion of the gene is affected. If a child is lucky,
the disease may only affect a small portion of the gene, which would make the...
Show more content on ...
While a cure has not yet been found for Osteogenesis Imperfecta, many treatments
have been discovered. Therapy is always a great option because it can help the
child strengthen his or her bones and help stretch any sore joints. Doing exercises
that are not so demanding on the body, such as swimming, is a great idea as well.
Bisphosphonates are drugs that increase strength and density of bones and reduce
pain and fracture rate (Osteogenesis). Bisphosphonates have been known to be very
effective and greatly improve the disease, making the life of one with
Osteogenesis Imperfecta much better. Metal rods have also been used to help
support the bones. Surgery may also be necessary to repair any deformities to
allow the person to be able to function better and with less pain. These types of
treatments can be very successful for one with a not so severe case of
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, however someone with a more severe case may find it
difficult to treat the disease. According to Medline Plus, Type I Osteogenesis
Imperfecta is the mildest type and it is easiest to live with (Osteogenesis).
Treatments such as physical therapy and bisphosphonates will help treat this type,
and one with this type will have a normal life expectancy. Type II is the most
severe case. With Type II Osteogenesis Imperfecta a child will most likely die
within the first year of being born (Osteogenesis). Type III is more severe than Type
I, many fractures
Ratification Of Slavery
What is slavery? Slavery is defined as having to sell, your hard labor for very little
and or for others it was restricted freedom. slavery has been going around for many
years. For the most part it began based color. The people back then thought that the
lighter the skin color was the more superior people would see you as. In the other
hand, the darker the skin color was, people were seen as worse than animals, as if
they weren t even humans. For the most part slaverywent away when England made it
illegal throughout the British Empire and when the United Statesratify the 13th
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In the 19 century in the unites states slavery
was an issue that will be discussed in this essay to demonstrate whether it was
justified... Show more content on ...
I do agree additionally that slavery was justified in the 19th century for the reason that
without the united states having slaves in the 19th century our history would be
different and we wouldn t be here today. In addition, I also feel that citizens back
then didn t know any better. In those times America was growing like a child and it
was innocent, it did not know any better. America had to create mistake so they
could be able to learn from them and to comprehend why not to recreate those
mistakes again. Because we had slavery, Americans had many important events to
follow the abolishment of slavery. Because of slavery the cotton gin was invented,
which needed more slaves to operate the machines. This machine was so popular in
many states, owners needed more plantations and slaves. The machine was also what
started the industrial revolution, and later the civil war, ultimately ending slavery.
With this said the reader can have an idea why the writer believes that slavery was
justified in the 19th
What Do If Someone You Love Has Neuropathy
What to Do If Someone You Love Has Neuropathy
If someone you love has neuropathy and suffers from chronic, often debilitating
pain, you probably know all too well how seriously it can wear a person down
physically, emotionally, spiritually and affect their overall quality of life.
Sometimes though, it s hard to know exactly what to do for someone who is
chronically ill, especially when you are also feeling the effects of your loved ones
illness. While you can t solve all of their problems, you can certainly be there to
support them and help manage their discomfort.
Understand their pain
The unique and complicated factors that surround neuropathy often make it difficult
for someone to communicate what they re going through. Particularly ... Show more
content on ...
On the other hand, the nerves may not send a pain signal even if something is
injuring them.
Fighting pain can take everything a person has just to get through the day. Sometimes
the person may struggle so hard to cope with the constant onslaught of pain that they
can t see the stress they are inflicting on others. Don t take things personally and try
to put yourself in their shoes. Questioning his or her pain is hurtful to the person
experiencing it and can erode the relationship between you and your loved one.
How to help specifically with neuropathy
One of the most common complications of diabetes is diabetic neuropathy. In fact,
between 60 to 70 percent of people with diabetes have some form of neuropathy
according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
If someone you love has neuropathic diabetes they may be experiencing pain,
tingling, or numbness (loss of feeling) in the hands, arms, feet and legs. And they
could even have nerve problems in every organ system, including the digestive tract,
heart and sex organs. The type of pain he or she feels depends on the type of
neuropathy they have. There are four classifications of diabetic neuropathy peripheral
neuropathy, autonomic neuropathy, proximal neuropathy and focal neuropathy and
each affects different parts of the body in a different way.
Clearly, the pain your loved one is experiencing is real, and because of the chronic
pain they may prefer to withdraw and
Monsanto s Lawsuits Analysis
Do you think it s fair that one farmer had to settle (say he was guilty) because that
was cheaper than trying to fight Monsanto s lawsuits? Why or why not? The fact
that the farmer had to settle because he couldn t afford fighting the lawsuit is
extremely unfair. However, I don t think it is a good decision. Even thought
defeating Mansanto in court is almost impossible, settling and saying that I m
guilty is not an alternative if I were in his place. Not because I believe in justice,
but because I believe that our fight against this kind of big companies will not be
easy, and if we give up so easily from the beginning of the road we couldn t see the
end of this dark tunnel soon. When we give up, we are giving a sign to those
companies to... Show more content on ...
The film mentioned that Group Danone bought Stonyfiels, Colgate bought Tom s of
main etc.... Big companies can do anything that give them more money and less
costs; and buying their new youth concurrent is undoubtly profitable. In one hand
their getting ride of a new concurrent in the market. In the other hand they are ..... of
their part in market, their consumers and even their workers and their new
innovations. Companies like Danone,Kellog, and Clorox wants to attract the kind
of consumer that is able to pay more money to buy healthier and cleaner products. I
think that is to still putting the name of the small companies in products made by
new companies. In addition I think if the consumer knows about that, they will
probably change to other brand because big companies are not trustable in
consumers minds. The consumer knows very well that big companies will not think
twice about cheating in the product quality to make more profit. Author Michael
Pollan points out in the film that to eat well in this country costs more than to eat
badly. It will take more money and some people simply don t have it. And that s one
of the reasons that we need changes at the policy level so that the carrots are a better
deal than the chips. If healthful, environmentally sustainable food were to cost less
than other food, do you think people would eat more of it? Why do you think
The Infant Mortality Rate Is Very High And The Death Rate
There are concerns about the death rate in Zimbabwe. The infant mortality rate is
very high and the death rate is generally high compared to other developing nations
within the African continent. There are serious issues about the high death rate in the
country. This has a lot to do with the actualization of individual rights to health and
medical attention by their government. The concern also extends to the safety of the
medical environment and facilities such as hospitals and research and treatment
centers. Indeed, there is a major problem concerning the availability of resources to
achieve all these as well as the intention to do so as well (Ndlovu, 2011). It is critical
that at all times, there be a situation of guaranteed standards in such institutions. The
health of the community is indeed affected by the policy decisions made by the
government. While it may be difficult to completely rule out external factors that lead
to such issues in death rates and infant mortality rates; the government ought to make
steps to end such a trend.
Location and Geography of Zimbabwe Zimbabwe is located on the Southern part of
Africa; landlocked between Zambia, South Africa, Botswana and Mozambique. The
country is approximately 150,871 square miles and ranks among the largest countries
in the world as number sixty out of the one hundred and ninety six globally
recognized countries. It is thus a fairly large country but quite average in size among
African nations. The country
Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA)
What is YCJA? The YCJA stands for (Youth Criminal Justice Act) which is a law
for young people who commit crime. The YCJA helps young offenders get to
rehabilitate to a normal life in a society. The YCJA act will prevent young offenders
having a criminal record if you are between 12 17 if older you a charged as an adult.
In the YCJA you can be charged as an adult due to a violent crimewhen you are
between 14 17. The YouthCriminal Justice Act (YCJA) since then replaced Young
Offenders Act(YOA) as of April 1, 2003 young offenders have been helped by
rehabilitating and reintegrating . The YCJA is known for all the great laws but there
is room for improvement. Youth can be charged as an adult from 14. I propose a
change in the age range to... Show more content on ...
If the youth s family has a drinking problem or involved with selling or using drugs
or alcohol. The cause of violence in young youth is from violent hostile families,
violent friends, this will change the perception and attitude of the youth s life. The
problem with these families is that it is hard to get out of a situation like that. when
you were raised like in a hostile environment you adapted to doing these things and
you think it is right but in reality it is
The Beslan Terrorist Attack
The morning of September 1, 2004, a terrorist group encompassed children, parents,
and faculty on the first day of the new school year at School Number One in Beslan,
a Russian town in the republic of North Ossetia, and took them captive. This was just
the beginning of the three horrific days that were experienced by more than one
thousand people held hostage. Chechen separatists stormed the school on Wednesday
morning. The standoff lasted until Friday when Russian Special Forces took back
the school following a firefight. After the three days of psychological and physical
torture, the total carnage left 331 people dead and over 700 people injured. This
terrorist attack had left Russia in shambles with the same devastating impact that the
9/11... Show more content on ...
First, as a result of World War II, the Ingush and Chechens were deported from their
ancestral lands and majority of Ingushetia s territory was put into North Ossetia s
control. Second, two instances of ethnic cleansing occurred that are found to be
relevant to the Beslan attack. One instance involved Ossetian authorities forcing
over 30,000 Ingush people from their land. Another was a war between the Russian
and the Chechen that resulted in 80,00 100,000 murdered. Third, Vladimir Putin
allowed the use of aerial bombing during the second Chechen war. By doing so,
approximately 20,000 Chechen and Ingush people were killed and over 300,000
Chechens were driven out of their territory. Overall, the citizens of Chechnya and
Ingushetia experienced a number of years filled with trauma and death. The reasons
of the Beslan attack are best summarized by two demands given by the terrorists after
capturing the hostages. Both demands involved the Ingush and Chechen. In the first
demand, the rebel fighters that were captured during the raid in Narzan, led by
Basaev, were to be released. The second demand was for President Putin to
completely remove Russian troops from Chechnya. The terrorist group placed the
blame for Beslan directly onto President Putin and the
Tuesdays With Morrie
Tuesdays with Morrie , by Mitch Albom, is a nonfiction retelling of a student s
meetings with his former mentor. Mitch, now a corporate lapdog, revisits one of
his old college professors after he hears that he has contracted ALS, a terminal
disease with no known cure. Mitch and his old professor, Morrie, discuss Morrie s
life every tuesday, and these talks continuously make Mitch a better person than who
he was. Throughout this book many different themes are touched upon. One of
these such theme is the theme, and also Morrie s saying, Love or Perish .
Throughout the book Morrie regularly hammers in the point that to live without
love, is to not live at all. Morrie is able to explain to Mitch that the essence of love is
the reason which... Show more content on ...
Even in Morrie s dying state, the slightest brush of skin to skin contact with Mitch
is enough to make Morrie happy. Morrie relays that without his wife, without his
nurses, and most importantly without Mitch, he would not have been able to last
as long as he did with his ALS. Another theme throughout the book is that Morrie
teaches Mitch to live life his own way. Morrie is disgusted by america s lust for
greed, fakeness, and violence, and teaches to establish your own way of thinking.
While the O.J. Simpson case was going on, Morrie completely shut himself off from
the case, and instead focused on his family and friends. Morrie built his life on the
foundation of love and forgiving, two things that are shunned in America, in Morrie s
eyes. Morrie teaches Mitch that creating his own values and beliefs leads to a much
more enjoyable life than accepting mainstream America. One more theme evident in
Tuesdays with Morrie is the theme that life is full of choices. Morrie says early on
in the book that he had two choices when he got sick, feel sorry for himself or do
something to try and help the world. Morrie choose the second
Tonalin Cla Research Paper
To understand the true benefits of Tonalin CLA, we must also unlock the
mysteries behind CLA itself. To do this, we have gathered below some of the most
common questions asked about using Tonalin CLA as a CLA supplement. 1.
What is CLA? CLA stands for conjugated linoleic acid . It is a fatty acid known for
promoting good health. This was first identified by Dr. Michael Pariza in 1978
while he was studying beef extract as a cancer prevention. What he found instead
provoked a surge of research and scientific studies into the benefits of CLA as a fat
reducer. After looking at decades of research scientists have found that CLA may in
fact help the body to deposit less fat, build more muscle and may even help prevent
fat cells from refilling.... Show more content on ...
It is actually found in some of the foods we eat. Dairy and beef products are one of
the biggest natural sources of CLA. However, diets have changed over the years
and on the whole, we are naturally consuming much less CLA than we used to.
Because of this, many are looking to CLA supplement their diets. This is easy to
do now that scientists have developed a proprietary process which can convert the
linoleic acid of pure safflower oil into CLA. This makes it easy to add a CLA
supplement into your diet by taking the recommended daily dose either in capsule or
liquid form. 4. What is Tonalin CLA? Tonalin CLA has been clinically tested and is
said to be the most researched, highest quality CLA supplement as well as the most
effective for both health and dietary benefits. It does not contain any natural or
artificial stimulants. Nor does it contain any natural or artificial ephedra. These
factors and more have made Tonalin CLA an ever increasingly popular CLA
supplement within the weight loss industry. As with any dietary supplement however,
including Tonalin CLA, you should always consult your physician first and follow
the manufacturer s instructions for taking the recommended daily dose. 5. Are there
any side effects of Tonalin
Name| Han Jet| ID| 150103| E Mail|| Lecturer| Mrs.Stephy|
List of Articles| 3| R emote workers appear to finally be getting some respect from
their in office peers, new research finds. While there has long been a perception
that employees who work from home don t work as hard as those in an office,
perceptions are shifting, according to a study from Dell and Intel. More than half
of employees globally now believe that their peers who work from home are just as
productive, or more productive, than those in the office. Remote employees also feel
like they get more done from the comfort of their own home. Of those who spend any
time working from home, half believe they are more productive there than... Show
more content on ...
The research shows that the average employee spends at least some time each
week working from home. While employees spend an average of 32 hours each
week working from their office, they also spend an average of 5 hours working
from home each week. Distractions are just as much of a problem for office
workers as they are for at home employees. While more than three quarters of
office based employees said they feel they work best in an office at their desk, 48
percent indicated that they are frequently interrupted by colleagues. The study also
showed that the office doesn t seem to aid in increasing interpersonal
communications either, with 51 percent of employees still frequently instant
messaging or emailing colleagues who are located physically near them, rather
than talking with them directly. Besides those who work from home during the
day, the majority of employees are also spending some time after hours working
from home. Nearly 65 percent of employees globally conduct at least some
business at home after business hours. Genevieve Bell, U.S. director of user
experience for Intel Corp., said there is far more blurring of the lines between
working in an office and at home than ever before. If you re in the knowledge work
business, you work in the tech field or in the creative and arts field, I think it s safe
to say that there s been a great more blurring of work, Bell said. It no longer just
happens in the office it
History of British Airways
Company History:
British Airways PLC is the largest international airline in the world. It is based at
Heathrow Airport in London, the busiest international airport in the world, and has a
global flight network through such partners as USAir in the United States, Qantas in
Australia, and TAT European Airlines in France. Via its own operations and those of
its alliance partners, British Airways serves 95 million passengers a year using 441
airports in 86 countries and more than 1,000 planes.
British Airways earliest predecessor was Aircraft Transport Travel, Ltd., founded in
1916. On August 25, 1919 this company inaugurated the world s first scheduled
international air service, with a converted de Havilland 4A day bomber leaving ...
Show more content on ...
Britain s primary supplier of flying boats, the Short Company, developed a new
model, designated the C class, with 24 seats and weighing 18 tons. Since it had an
increased range and flew 145 miles per hour, it was able to simply bypass
politically difficult areas. The Short C class went into service in October 1936. A
year later Imperial Airways made its first trans Atlantic crossing with a flying boat
equipped with extra fuel tanks. However, it was Pan Am, with more sophisticated and
updated Boeing airplanes, which was first to schedule a regular trans Atlantic service.
Imperial Airways was formed with the intention of being Britain s chosen instrument
for overseas air service. On its European services, however, Imperial was competing
with the British Continental airlines and an aggressive newcomer called British
Airways. British Airways was created in October 1935 by the merger of three
smaller airline companies. Three months later the company acquired a fleet of
Lockheed 10 Electras which were the fastest airplanes yet available. The competition
from British Airways threatened the chosen instrument so much that in November
1937 a Parliamentary committee proposed the nationalization and merger of Imperial
and British Airways. When the reorganization was completed on November 24,
1939, the British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) was formed.
The creation of BOAC was overshadowed
Richard Graff s Hidden Intellectualism, By Gerald Graff
To be book smart or street smart, or is it possible to be both? In the reading,
Hidden Intellectualism, by Gerald Graff, a professor at the University of Illinois
Chicago, he touches on the subject of being street smart but not doing too hot in
school. He argues that if students could be as interested in school, and as book smart
as they were street smart, then they would have the opportunity to thrive and excel in
school all while enjoying it, he even goes on to use himself as an example of taking
an anti intellectual and becoming a great intellectual.
Graff goes on the introduce the idea of taking non intellectual topics or objects and
seeing them through academic eyes which would allow students to become engaged
in the learning ... Show more content on ...
He believes this is to blame for the harsh separation between street smart and book
smart, because although they should both tie in with each other like the way they
function in the real world, they are frowned upon instead of being encouraged in
today s academic setting. Diverse topics, topics that students find that their
interested in, not only limited to bland stereotypical subjects should most
definitely be allowed and highly encouraged in today s academic realm, because
truth be told, not everyone wakes up and says, I am so excited to read Macbeth by
WIlliam Shakespeare and write about it like there s no tomorrow, it s just
uncommon. There are more than 2.1 million students on 114 campuses, in
community colleges in California alone according to the California Community
College Chancellor s Office, and we are all different, but expected to learn the same
way. How does that make any sense? What one students might find interesting, the
other might detest. For example, I enjoyed reading Of Mice and Men by John
Steinbeck whereas my peers despised it. This ties back to what Graff had stated
about students being allowed to write and read texts or subjects which are of their
interest as long as they are viewed through academic eyes. I agree with the idea that
street smarts are more intellectual than book smarts, and that students individual
interests can be more effective than typical learning material. In the text, Graff uses
Essay on journalism
When journalism is chosen as a career, society tends to have a stereotypical image of
a group of photographers chasing celebrities. If not, then an image of an anonymous
person writing biased comments about current affairs, trying to manipulate the truth.
However, their real work earns them every cent they deserve unlike the heartless
lawyers who earns millions for defending criminals. The work of journalism, on the
hand, consists of interviewing and attending events in all conditions in order to gather
news and information for public interest. This is followed by further research into the
background information then assessing suitability of reports and articles for public.
The process is much more difficult than expected, especially with... Show more
content on ...
Some other requirements may be learnt in further education after senior high school,
such as understanding laws of defamation, contempt and copyright.
To find a career in journalism, two options are provided but both require a pass in
the year 12 HSC with preferably good results in English. The first option would be
to study a degree at university for three years followed by a one year graduate
cadetship, which is on the job training by professional journalists. The other
alternative is undertaking a three year cadetship to gain experience and training under
supervision of senior journalists. Although this is more common than study at
university, there is a large competition for cadetships.
One of the reasons for competition of cadetships may be due to the income being the
biggest attraction of journalism. Although most enters the career due to passion or
natural talents, there is no doubt that the income would be an incentive. This is only
reasonable as journalism can be seen as a risky job, especially during the research of
information. If there was any danger, income would be the main compensation. As
common sense, money is essential for survival and the average income of journalism
is adequate. According to the Bureau of Statistics a rational amount of journalists
may earn the same or more income than doctors and lawyers under different
circumstances. Even though the income for journalist is appealing,
Analysis Of The Book Outliers By Malcom Gladwell
I have recently finished reading *Outliers* by Malcom Gladwell and I personally
consider the book to be a piece of idiosyncratic brilliance. As I read chapter after
chapter I have put some thought into the idea of intelligence and what it is that
makes some more successful than others. Though I will have to say that success is
subjective, not only measured by the amount of dollars in a bank account, the
number of assets, or degrees, yet these are measures generally use as indicators of
success given the correlation among them. Gladwell s explanation of what makes an
individual an outlier is sensible to those of us who inquire a comprehensive
explanation of the aforementioned topic of discussion.
*Outliers* begins by discussing the importance of IQ and the concept of
accumulated advantage. What has been found is that IQ is not necessarily a
predictor of success, but surely one must posses a high enough IQ to be successful,
and no this is not a contradiction. This might sound like a paradox but let us dissect
and get to the facts. Studies have shown that IQ is a good predictor of analytical
intelligence and that this kind of intelligence is in part genetic (must experts agree
that heritability dictates about 50% of our analytical intelligence). Gladwell points
that all successful people have a high IQ in common but not all who posses a high
IQ end up being successful (for an example see the study of The Termites of Stanford
University psychologist Lewis Terman). In
Impact of Financial Crisis on Gulf Area Essay
Background The global financial crisis that was experienced in 2007/2008 affected
many nations of the world. Some countries such as America and most European
countries were hard hit since they were directly affected by the crisis. Other
countries especially those in Asia and Africa were not adversely affected as they
were not directly hit by the crisis. This crisis started in the United States after the
housing bubble busted. Although the bursting of the housing bubble was the main
cause of the crisis, there were a series of events that preceded it. One event that
indirectly contributed to this crisis was the Russian debt crisis as well as the Asian
financial crisisthat took place in 1997/1998. These two events made many investors to
... Show more content on ...
This foreclosure negatively affected both the financial institutions as well as
individual borrowers. For the borrowers, their wealth was drained and their
purchasing power eroded (Martin, 2009). For the financial institutions, their
strength as banking institutions was greatly affected. Their liquidity had greatly
reduced and most of the banks were struggling to carry out their daily monetary
activities. The total losses that were recorded during this crisis were estimated to
be trillions of dollars globally. The Federal Reserve as well contributed to this
crisis through some of the policies that it instituted. Between the year 2003 and
2004, this institution lowered the rate of the federal funds from the initial 6.5 per
cent to just 1.0 per cent (Jane, 2011). This move was aimed at addressing the
effects that were associated with the terrorist attacks that took place in September
of 2001. These measures were also meant to soften the negative effects that were
occasioned by the collapsed dot com bubble. At this time also, there was a perceived
risk that the United States could suffer from deflation. These measures were
therefore aimed to combat this risk of deflation. These measures increased credit
uptake but the expected results were not realized. To address the said problems, it
was expected that the money borrowed would be invested in business.
Difference Between Digestive System And Digestive System
What the digestive system does
The digestive system is when the body does to break down food. Firstly, it enters
the mouth and is broken down by the teeth of the animal and saliva. Then it travels
along the oesophagus to the stomach. Then in the stomach for further breaking
down, it is broken down by hydrochloric acid and enzymes. The acid breaks down
bacteria and the food material into smaller molecules. Once this is complete it then
moves onto the small intestine. Enzymes are secreted from the pancreas into here
and bile from the liver which emulsifies fats. Nutrients from the food are absorbed
into the bloodstream. Then it moves onto the large intestines where water is
absorbed to produce faeces waste. Then it is moved to the rectum to be released
from the anus. This is the basic digestive process of a monogastric animal, other
animals are more complex and different processes happen.
Comparing ruminants and non ruminants
A ruminant is an animal such as a cow which is a foregut fermenter and has four
chambers for their digestion. They also regurgitate their food unlike non ruminants.
Ruminants chew their food briefly before swallowing it first time. The first part of
their digestion is the rumen which has specialised bacteria to digest cellulose. They
then regurgitate and re chew the food, it is called cud and the cud returns to the
rumen. They chew this cud for 6 8 hours per day whilst resting. This is an advantage
compared to the horse because it means that the fibre is
Adventure Based Learning For Teaching
Adventure Based Learning Active Teaching Method Used In Teaching Subjects in
Tourism In the article Adventure Based Learning Active Teaching Method Used In
Teaching Subjects in Tourism, the authors briefly defined adventure learning and the
integrated teaching approach. Stefan, Orboi, Banes, and Martin (2015) mentioned
that adventure learningcalled for an active and interactive or collective cooperation of
students in teaching; it also encouraged teamwork and competition amid students; (p.
143). Additionally, they revealed that integrated teaching encompassed a definitive
technique of formulating and planning which generated connections between what
students learned and life happenings (Stefan, Orboi, Banes, and Martin, 2015, p.143).
According to the authors, teachers offered students the chance to express themselves
freely and creatively, creating a stimulating environment and diversified their
personality development when operating in integrated teaching (Stefan, Orboi, Banes,
and Martin, 2015, p.143). The concentration of the integrated method was to cultivate
preparatory skills, transferable transverse principles beneficial for communal, and the
individual advancement of students. These methods were conducted with the
intention of examining not only individuals but also combined collection of groups
on paramount local and global public issues to learn and develop: personal, social,
cognitive, and cultural abilities (Stefan, Orboi, Banes and Martin, 2015, p. 143).
Examples Of Mcdonaldization Of Society
McDonaldization of Society
McDonaldization involves a process of rationalization described by George Ritzer
that is utilized by sociologists (Ritzer 292). Ritzer elaborates the aspect of
McDonaldization of society is manifested in situations, for example, where a society
adopts the features of a fast food joints. Worth a note, fast foods are growing very
popular because they highly fits with most individual contemporary lifestyle.
How Often I use Fast Food Restaurants, and how
Notably, with technology advances, everything has become so easy and fast such
that we all want every other aspect of our lives to assume a similar concept, and
fortunately, the fast food restaurants provide a suitable means of satisfying our
hungry stomachs as fast and easy as possible. Surprisingly, most people have
adapted a lifestyle that incorporates fast food chains as an important element. For
instance, instead of making coffee at home in the morning, I buy coffee on my way
to college, for lunch, I buy a sandwich or hamburger from a food truck, and in the
evening after a tiring exhaustive day, I order pizza for supper from Pizza Hut.
Arguably, food take outs are part my daily routine, which serves the purpose
efficiently but barely sufficiently.
The Elements of the Changing Society
While examining the association between McDonaldization and communal change in
the American society, Ritzer points out four components of the shifting society that
greatly influenced the future of McDonaldization.
Jazz Influence On African American Culture Essay
Jazz music helped define the culture of America in the 20th Century. Big cities such
as Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles strengthened and shaped the music of the
period. These three cities contained numerous black communities and supported
diverse jazz communities. They also served as a prominent location of mass
communication (Morrow). The rapid developments in recording technology, the
growing popularity of radio, and the film industry transformed jazzfrom a local,
generally African Americanmusic, to a widely accepted cultural form identified as a
uniquely American culture. Jazz emerged as a particular form of black folk music
from the rural South. Black migration out of the South resulted in an increase in
urbanization, innovation in... Show more content on ...
The transition to the modern society made many Americans embrace jazz as a
symbol of a new age. The years roughly between the Gilded Age and the beginning
of the Great Depression, represent a crucial period of change in American culture. A
number of developments such as increased urbanization and rapid industrialization
changed the way Americans perceived life such as how the standard of living rose
and the middle class expanded which promoted more materialistic values in American
Creoles corresponded with Europeans and their multicultural lifestyle and African
Americans correlated more to their prior slave culture, Mississippi, and to
sometimes, the continent of Africa itself. These differences affected the creation of
jazz music as black culture and Creole culture merged. As jazz entered the popular
American culture, jazz grew into a more familiarized art form with different groups
of people. Fear and aggression fueled much of this debate as many Americans reacted
negatively to this new society of technological innovation, the birth of a new standard
of morality and feminism, and the emphasis on black culture. Criticism of the music
increased dramatically. An American classical composer, Arthur Foote, once said:
When jazz
An Efficient Way Transmit Codes
Throughout time the need for an efficient way transmit codes were essential to
success, after World War I and into the start of World War II American forces was
running out of ideas for codes. The USA had always used the white s soldiers for
the code talkers because there were easy to train, and a abundance of them to
choose making them the practice choose for code talkers. Until Philip Johnston, he
was an initiator that worked for a Marine Corps program. As a kid and into his
teens he grew up on a Navajo reservation and his dad was a missionary. Whit all the
time that Johnston spent of the reservation he became familiar with the people and
their language. With the use of the Navajos it grained equality for Native
Americans which was not found in the late 1800 s, and soon it gained them a
greater respect by the whites into today s age. In the late 1800 s Indians were seen
through the eyes of the settlers as pests, people who occupy the land that rightfully
belonged to the whites. They were thought of as savages. However this was not
true, the Navajo Indians and many other tribes were only willing to fight for their
land, families and the property that they have inhabited for hundreds of years
(Robert A. Roessel, 1). In this time of lack of control, Navajos were overpowered
by Americans who were in position of authority and control. This is because
Americans lacked the understanding of the Navajo way, leading to be fatal for many
as they were being transferred, resigned,
They Must Find Their Own Wings
They Must Find Their Own Wings
Three Messages from The Writer
Authors are very clever with their words. They are brilliant and humorous, or even
dark and depressing. They spin tales of wonder and horror and delight, and they tell
you of things that are true. They can show you of the way that things have to be. As
such is life and there is no way we can change that. You cannot stand by and watch as
time leaves you as nothing but dust. You cannot try to change everything for your
power only goes so far. Richard Wilbur threw some rather interesting things into his
poem, The Writer , and it just goes to show that even in the simplest of things, there is
a limit to the affect you have on the situation.
Even though some people of this world ... Show more content on ...
In The Writer , R. Wilbur stated, I wishher a lucky passage...of life or death, as I had
forgotten. I wish what I wished you before, but harder. You can t stand idly by and
watch life tumble away and do nothing but close your eyes and wish. If you want
something to be, you must take action and make everything you can of this short
time and help all those in need. You may try as hard as you might, but there is only
so much you can do for the ones you attempt to help. When you rise up from your
place to try to help somebody, you cannot do all of the work. They re the ones who
have to learn and they need help themselves. You can open the window to help the
bird, but it is the one who has to fly out. You can give a child everything they need
to succeed in life, but they have to be the ones to do something with all of that. As
said in The Writer , ...For a helpless hour, we watched the sleek...iridescent creature
batter against the brilliance, drop like a glove to the hard floor... Even though you
try to help the people who are panicking and trying to escape, you can only do so
much. If it has to be, then escape or redemption is not possible, due to the one in
peril. In many poems, clever authors hide messages in the plot and in all of the
words and similes. They tie things together with certain words that work together
brilliantly. They show the world through their work the realities and hardships of life.
They bring us to the knowledge that try as we might, there are
I Have Chosen The Learning
I have chosen the metacognition vignette. The prompts asks me to think of what type
of lesson I would plan for students that are in the beginning stages of developing
metacognition. But first, it is important to understand what metacognition is and
what it does. The term metacognition was coined by psychologist John Flavell.
Metacognition is defined as the understanding and self awareness of one s own
thinking or thought processes.The idea of metacognition is connected with Jean Piaget
s theory of development. This all correlates to have a better idea as to how we as
educators can improve a child s understanding of a subject through direct influence on
the development of metacognition.
In order to understand the theories completely it is ... Show more content on ...
Metacognition is said to develop at or around the age of 12, a time when the
formal operation stage starts as well. Piaget s stages of development serves as a
basic outline of how people develop from infancy through adulthood. The first step
is sensorimotor which begins around the ages of 18 24 months. This is when
infants are only aware of what is right in front of them. It is for this reason that
babies get surprised when you play peek a boo with them. The idea that a person
exists even though they are not in plain sight is foreign to them. The next stage is the
Preoperational stage, and is seen to begin from the ages of 18 24 months all the way
until the age of 7. This stage consists of the symbolic meaning of thinking. Language
is more defined and imagination is further developed, thus allowing them to
understand the differences between past, present, and the future. The next step is the
Concrete Operational stage which spans the ages of 7 12. During this time frame
children begin becoming less egocentric, and are capable of focusing more about
their surroundings as well as different perspectives. This is where they begin to
understand that their thoughts are not always going to be similar to the other people
around them, making them unique. Lastly, there is the Operational stage which
includes the ages from 12 and all through adulthood. Here, adolescents
The Way of The Warrior in The Tale of The Heike Essay
The Way of The Warrior in The Tale of The Heike
Heike Monogatari, with its multitude of battles and skirmishes, provides a wonderful
chance to analyze the way of the warrior in ancient Japan. There aren t a great
number of surviving works from this period that show in such great detail both the
brute and the compassion of the Japanese warriors. They followed carefully a distinct
set of principles which made up the well rounded warrior. Loyalty to one s master,
bravery and glory in any situation, strength, martial skills, compassion, and interest in
the arts were all held with the highest esteem. Few warriors could become well
known without possessing each of these skills. Religious beliefs shaped a warrior s
behavior tremendously. ... Show more content on ...
Thus, the bow and arrow held special significance performing such rituals, and
serving as serving the warrior as a powerful weapon. During one battle at Katsuura,
the Genji warrior Yoichi Munetaka was chosen to hit a fan that was placed on bow
of a Taira warship, beconing any archer to show his worth by shooting it down.
Munetaka, unsure, says, I am not sure I can hit it. It would be an eternal disgrace
to our side if I missed it.(p.367) Ordered by Yoshitsune to fire on the fan and
affraid to refuse, Munetaka closed his eyes in silent prayer. Hail, Great
Bodhisattva Hachiman and ye gods of my province at Nikko, Utsu no miya and
Nasu Yuzen! Vouchsafe that I may hit the center of that fan. If I miss, I will smash
my bow and kill myself; I will never show my face to others again. If it is your will
that I return home, keep my arrow from straying. When he opened his eyes, the wind
seemed somewhat gentler, and the fan looked easier to hit. (p.368) Warriors often
conducted such prayers to bring them good luck and safety on the battlefield.
Once the battle commenced, it was proper for skilled warriors to battle opposing
warriors of the same rank one on one. He would step forward and make a
proclamation such as this, You must have heard of me long ago. See me now with
your own eyes! Everyone at Miidera knows me! I am the worker monk Jomyo Meishu
Online Education And Its Impact On College Students
Throughout the past decade, technology has advanced swiftly and significantly. The
effects of such advancements can be seen from the way that people keep in touch
through social media, to the way that people check out their groceries through self
checkout lanes. It is only natural that the spread of technology would eventually
reach the educational level. To keep up with the changing times, online schooling
institutions have entered the educational arena. These institutions have produced
many bright students and college graduates; however, there is an abundance of critics
who do not see the validity of such schools. Contrary to the critics thoughts, online
school is a valuable, legitimate option that prepares students for success while
remaining flexible. As online educationrises in popularity, the amount of educated
individuals will also grow.
Online education fits in with college students ever changing lives. College students
are amongst some of the busiest people; therefore, it can be a challenge to create a
school schedule that fits in with other responsibilities. A flexible schedule is essential
for these students academic success. Online education provides the flexible schedule
that is necessary for students to learn at a time that works for them, when they are
most productive. Having the ability to learn and complete coursework at any time of
the day enhances the educational experience. Furthermore, online schooling is a great
option for students who move often,
Examples Of Utilitarianism
Utilitarian View Managers with a utilitarian viewpoint on ethical behavior establish
decisions that are contingent upon providing the greatest good to the greatest number
of people. Under the utilitarian view, actions are ethically permissible when the right
expected principles promote happiness for the greatest number of individuals, while
actions that cause pain to the greatest number of individuals are not honorable. The
view takes into consideration what is valuable, except, individuals are diverse and do
not place the same value on items that bring value to life. Additionally, managers
cannot know the exact outcome of decisions; therefore, performing the correct action
does not guarantee the greatest number of people will achieve the greatest good.
Choosing actions based on the utilitarian view can lead to making an ethically correct
action that causes the minority to suffer at a greater rate than a little inconvenience
suffered by the majority. Pay inequality is good for corporations to have positive
returns; nevertheless, women suffer from not making as much as men and
corporations are able to profit share with stockholders. In the aforementioned instance,
management has an obligation to provide happiness to the... Show more content on ...
citizens the basic rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Through the
years, Congress and state general assemblies enacted additional laws giving
individuals certain rights that did not always give everyone the same rights, such as,
laws dealing with slavery and segregation. Corporations then based operations on the
laws that disenfranchised minorities and women, leading Congress to enact addition
laws and create agencies to enforce laws (Hersch Shinall, 2015). While corporations
operated under the rights afforded by the government, a greater number of individuals
in society suffered, as the laws did not protect all individuals until Congress officially
Pros And Cons Of The CHUMS GSA
Goals of the CHUMS GSA Club What is GSA? GSA stands for Gay Straight
Alliance and it is a club here at Cardinal Heights, and in GSA, we focus on helping
the community with have many goals to move us forward into making our
community safer and more comfortable to everyone. GSA is important because it
educates and raises awareness to everyone around us about many different things.
Some of these things include, gender fairness, tolerance of different sexuality, and
building community. One of our goals this year was to get gender neutral
bathrooms for any of the students that may be feeling confused with their sexuality,
unsafe, or feel that they don t belong in their designated bathroom. It gives them
their option as well and makes it comfortable for everyone. Some of the pros we
came up with include the safety and comfort of the students. We want them to feel
safe and not feel that they will not be bullied by other kids while in their designated
bathroom. Also, this is good for trans, confuse, asexual, and others so it is in the good
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Though that is want we want, we do go over cons as well. Some of these cons are
that the school doesn t have much space and the decision was that there would be
one toilet, no stalls which led the group to think that, the bathrooms right now do
not get locked so there is easy access. Well, if this is a one person bathroom, there
will need to be a lock but anybody could have access to the bathroom and then lock
the door which can lead to dangerous things. This could be drug use, or something as
simple as skipping class. Another con was location. As of right now, the bathrooms
that are going to become gender neutral are the former teacher bathrooms and for
both the teachers and the gender neutral students, the bathrooms might be a little
further. This could cause taec her wondering why the students take so long in the
bathroom or maybe being late to
The Truth Behind Puritanism Belief System
The Truth Behind Puritanism The Puritanism belief system is much more
complex than it appears to be. Whenever Puritanism comes to mind, we probably
think of purity and cleanliness. However, the Puritan s have a very interesting way
of achieving purity. The Puritans believe that God has predestined the salvation of
certain souls and one can do nothing to change this. They also believe there is zero
credit for good works and that people by nature are wholly sinful and can only
achieve goodness by severe discipline, but living a godly life is the result of being
chosen as one of God s elect. The elect are said to be saved from hell by
predestination, and at some point during their life, they will be blessed with an inner
assurance of... Show more content on ...
Repentance would allow God to forgive them and, in turn, motivate them towards
living a lifestyle that would glorify God. The punishments that would often evoke
repentance included tongue piercing with a hot awl and execution by hanging or
burning at the stake. God s Word was respected more than anything and if anyone
blasphemed against the religion their tongue was to be pierced with a hot awl. Also,
if you were caught lying, bearing false witness, or withholding the truth from a court
/judge/jury you were eligible to have your tongue bored through. This type of
punishment ensured you would remember the importance of respecting God s Word;
a punishment that would be a reminder to anyone else who saw your tongue that
blasphemy would not be tolerated. The next form of punishment could be considered
the most lenient punishment compared to other demeaning punishments. You could
be hung or burned at the stake if you were found guilty of murder, adultery, or
fornications. One historical example can be found in the year of 1637, during the
Fall in Boston. A young lady named Mary Latham was found to have an implied
affair with a man named James Britton. Latham was married to an elderly man at the
time but spent a certain amount of time partying with younger men and after a night
of partying she fell into a corrupt engagement with James Britton. Both were found
Essay on The Market Revolution
American History I
The Market Revolution During the late 1700 s, the United States was no longer a
possession of Britain, instead it was a market for industrial goods and the world s
major source for tobacco, cotton, and other agricultural products. A labor revolution
started to occur in the United States throughout the early 1800 s. There was a shift
from an agricultural economy to an industrial market system. After the War of 1812,
the domestic marketplace changed due to the strong pressure of social and economic
forces. Major innovations in transportation allowed the movement of information,
people, and merchandise. Textile mills and factories became an important base for
jobs, especially for women. There was also widespread ... Show more content on ...
They would connect cities, such as the Erie Canal, which covered the area between
Albany and Buffalo and connecting New York Cityto the area of the Great Lakes
(Roark, 261). Railroads also came into the picture with the first railroad, the
Baltimore and Ohio in 1829 (Roark, 262). There was an abundance of natural
resources during this time period. The forests provided the wood needed to heat
the rising growth of the factories and to supply paper for the increase of books and
newspapers. The transportation growth provided people with a way tp receive
literature in distant areas. Sawmills had to use the waterwheel for power. The
steamboats pummeled a pathway through the rivers, but also deforested the land in
their pathway. This brought about America s first issue with air pollution. Textile
mills grew because of new inventions that would make the product and people
willing to work for a living. In the 1790 s, Samuel Slater built the first factory in
Rhode Island, which had a machine that could spin thread and yarn. This allowed an
increase in the New England area of spinning mills. In Lowell, Massachusetts,
factories were created on the Merrimack River combining all parts of cloth
production, such as combing, spinning, shrinking, weaving, and dyeing (Roark, 262).
This also brought the change in the workforce by using girls as employees. These
young women would work at the mill until they got married, and replacements were
5 crazy technologies that could be available by 2025 ( removed HTML )
Over the past couple of decades technology has grown in leaps and bounds. We ve
gone from clunky computers and dial up internet to a computer the size of a phone
and 3G internet. We ve made incredible medical advances, and we re finally also
starting to use our technology to better help our planet, but there s still so much to
create, discover, and learn about. Here are some crazy technologies that could be
available by 2025.
1. Widespread use of solar panels
Alternative energy is a huge area of contention for a lot of people. The world
currently relies so heavily on fossil fuels that switching to other forms of energy
means that many people will lose jobs. ... Show more content on ...
That will change in the coming years as more people buy electric cars and pressure
is put on cities to create more spots for charging. On top of electric cars, however,
we will also have 3D printed ones. Audi has already created their own 3D printed
mini car, but Local Motors is taking orders for their full sized 3D printed car. There
are two different versions of the car that you can get. One is called the Reload
Swim (which is the more regular looking car) and the other is the Reload Sport
(which is the sports car version). These cars will also be electric. Imagine a future
where your car doesn t harm the environment or create air pollution. It could be a
whole new world.
( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML )
3. Everything connected to the internet
If you think that everything is connected to the internet already, just wait until 2025.
By 2025, estimates are that there will be over a trillion different sensors connected
to the internet. This will take the form of clothes and other wearable tech for
instance. Approximately about 10% of people by 2022 will be wearing clothing that
connects to the internet. Other things like your home will go online. You can already
view your security cameras and change your thermostat using different apps, but with
voice technology like Alexa from Amazon you ll do all that and so much more
Rip Van Winkle
Rip Van Winkle is the most widely read story in Irving s The Sketchbook of
Geoffrey Crayon. The short story, Rip Van Winkle, is more than just a fairy tale
written for children. It is, in fact, a metaphorically historical account of the early
beginnings of the United States political and individual freedoms from Great Britain,
both before, during, and after the American Revolution, yet it is based off an old tale
originating in Germany. To fully understand the context of Rip Van Winkle
, one must
understand the period in which the story was written, as well as the author
himself.Washington Irvingwas born in 1783 at the end of the American Revolution to
British parents in Manhattan, New York. At this time, the idea of being an American ,
... Show more content on ...
He is also notes the absence of the huge tree that once stood beside the inn is now
gone and has been replaced by a pole with a strange flag rippling in the wind. The
differences in the inn and the presence of the flag symbolizes the new changes in
American political society and that English rule in the colonies has crumbled
away. Rip also learns that the men he used to gossip with at the inn now have
completely different professions or are deceased. His friend Nicholas Vedder has
been dead for eighteen years. Vedder is symbolic for the time Americans just
conversed about politics rather than actively engage in political freedom. He
learns his friend, Brom Dutcher, had joined the army and was missing in action,
although he is baffled and completely ignorant of the fact that a revolution had
occurred. When he asks of the schoolteacher, Van Brummel, he finds that he also
served in this army as a general and was now an important member in an
organization called Congress. The shift of how the society of his village went
from being submissive under the rule of King George the III to entering into its
own form of governance and independence represents America discovering its own
unique identity. The people now have a voice in how they will be governed rather
than be controlled by English laws in the colonies. The changes in the daily habits of
the village also elude Rip. Before he headed
How Do Interest Groups Influence Public Policy
Interest Group Influence in Public Policy
Rebecca Zborowski
Anna Maria College
MPA 603
Dr. Steve Morreale, Professor
November 13, 2016
Interest groups and advocacy groups have an undeniably strong influence in
Washington, and while the results of lobbying efforts are not often touted, they sway
policy in areas like energy, housing, public finance, education, gun control and many
more. These interest groups may represent parochial interests, but there is surely an
area of policy that matches most splintered off factions. While they ve been portrayed
as shadowy forces in lawmaking, Interest Group Influence on US Policy Change: An
Assessment Based on Policy History by Matt Grossmann attempts to quantify and ...
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Says Grossmann on page 3, interest groups often play a central role in setting the
government agenda...[and] are often found to have a substantial impact on policy
outcomes. Many political candidates from both sides of the partisan aisle have run on
a platform of neutralizing the force of special interests in Washington, and this
illuminates why that s an important issue. Special interests lobby because they have
something to gain from the result of the policy, or those they represent do. It s not
always a nefarious intention, but the parochial nature of special interests is in conflict
with policy that affects the American public at large, and those interests often win out
because they wield power over lawmakers at the national, state and local
Cisco s Role On Internet Development
Cisco is an abbreviation of San Francisco and founded in 1984. The founder is
Leonard Bosack along with his wife Sandy. Its symbol illustrates us that it is built for
human network. Its mission and goal is to shape the future of the Internet and create
unprecedented value for customers, employees, investors, and ecosystem. Its vision
is to change the way we work, live, play and learn. CISCO played more significant
role on Internet development and provide infrastructure of the Internet. It provides
broadest range of the solutions of Internet connectivity and offers tools to manage the
Internet sites. It develops and sells networking products and related communications
technology based on the Internet Protocol. It provides ... Show more content on ...
Technical services means that they support the trouble shooting and maintenance by
relying on the service center all around the world. Others technical service is like
getting the components or software licenses. The professional service intends to
utilize Smart services software to design and build network for corporations and
service providers to promote the networking service to more efficient. By 2013,
compared with 40% 60% big mature tech company, our main revenue is come from
the selling products and provides service by Cisco channel. For the service part, it
still insufficiency with only 20% although services increase still grow three times
faster than product sales.
Cisco business success is based on the partnerships with innovative hardware,
software, and firmware. They cooperated with dimension Data or presidio as their
network integrators and they simply help to install their equipment at the end of a
LAN link. The second way is that cisco would teach its partners new skills and
abilities and their partners provide equipment installations and service. They utilize
the technology such as Unified Communication and TelePresence. Both ways has
shortcomings. It creates an obstacle for low cost manufacturers to get enough
margins to keep competition capability, and it is very possible for low cost
manufacturers to lose their enterprises status because of their low appropriable
content of the main business. So it will lead benefit
The History and Production of Yummy Jelly Beans Essay
Jelly Beans
Around the world small, sweet, sugar filled candies bring enjoyment to those who
consume them. What are these tiny, pleasure inducing sweets? The answer is jelly
beans. Jelly beans are produced in numerous varieties and flavors; therefore, their
story is just as diverse and colorful as they are.
The History of Jelly Beans Initially, the first jelly bean was created in the early
1800s by an unknown American candy maker. However, one can trace back the
beginnings of their production process to 17th century France. The French made
Jordan Almonds, sugar glazed almonds, by a process called panning, which is now
used to make the hard sugar coating on jelly beans. Panning is the rocking of a
desired item in a container filled with ... Show more content on ...
Then the trays are coated with a light layer of cornstarch, which is then left to dry
overnight. The next day, the cornstarch layer is removed, the middles are put
through a moisture steam bath, and are finally sprayed with sugar and left to sit
for another twenty four to forty eight hours. Next, is the panning process where the
centers of the bean are set in a rotating drum, called an engrossing pan. While the
center is rotating, sugar is added gradually to build the hard outer shell. During this
time, colors and flavors are also added to get the unique look and taste of the bean.
Once finished, confectioner s glaze is added to give the beans a shiny, smooth,
and silky appearance. After the beans have been polished (a process that can take
two to four days) they are ready to be shipped to companies and stores. Overall, the
whole process can take between seven to twenty one days depending on the
manufacturer. Consumers can find jelly beans in most candy shops, mini marts, and
grocery stores. If interested in specifically buying Jelly Belly brand, consumers can
go to the Jelly Belly website to make their specialized orders.
Flavors To begin with, there were only a few flavors of jelly beans; however, today
there are many brands all with their own unique renditions on numerous flavors. The
Jelly Belly Company is known for its wide and unusual range of flavors. Their most
popular has changed throughout the years, but Very Cherry
Sara Josephine Baker Research Paper
Historical figures as agents of social change Sara Josephine Baker and Clara Barton
Mildred de la Rosa de Bautista
Walden University
Perspectives on Health and the Developing Professional
Sharlene Gozalians
The Advances in public health have been possible due to the contributions of people
with ideals of change who decided to make a difference in their communities through
the creation of innovative ideas capable of changing the lifestyle of a community.
Public health is about helping people to stay healthy, and protecting them from that
psychosocial factor that may affect their life and that is why the public health worker
must have a passion for a change and for a better quality of life for their community.
In the beginnings of public health there were two people who acted as agents of
social change and they were Sara Josephine Baker and Clara Barton.
Describe the innovative, health related activities that the two historical figures were
involved with during their lifetime.
Sarah Josephine Baker Sara Josephine Baker (1873 1945) was a physician working ...
Show more content on ...
In a time when women should not occupy positions of men, and despite numerous
attempts to remove her from her position. Her career set a precedent and made her
acquire public favor and even marched to prevent her from being destitute but it
was not the only thing she had to face. Her students also discriminated her for
being a woman and a teacher, and then they tried to silence her by applauding
while she made a reading only to keep her in silent. One of Josephine Baker s most
famous professional tasks was tracking down Mary Mallon who was the first person
in the United States identified as an asymptomatic carrier of the pathogen associated
with typhoid fever. Biography, 2018 stated She was presumed to have infected 51
people, three of whom died. Par.
Hindi essay
Hygiene, eating habits and oral health among children in three Nepalese Public High
Schools Kerstin Westbacke Master of Public Health MPH 2006:18 Nordic School of
Public Health Hygiene, eating habits and oral health among children in three
Nepalese Public High Schools. Nordic School of Public Health ISSN 1104 5701
ISBN 91 7997 151 2 MPH 2006:18 Dnr U12/02:142 Master of Public Health Essay
Title and subtitle of the essay HYGIENE, EATING HABITS AND ORAL
SCHOOLS Author Kerstin Westbacke Author s position and address District dentist,
Public Dental Clinic, Långgatan 13, SE 460 10 Lödöse, Sweden Phone: +46
(0)520 660077, Fax: +46 (0)520 660838, E mail: Show
more content on ...
Frågorna rörde sanitära förhållanden, hälsostöd från hemmet, personlig
hygien, tandrengörings och matvanor. Resultat: Under skoldagen åt hälften av
barnen ingenting alls. Allmän personlig hygien var associerad med tandrengörings
frekvens. Av alla barn, som användande sin egen tandborste, borstade fyra av fem,
en gång om dagen eller mer. Äldre barn och flickor rengjorde tänderna oftare och
hade ett lägre plackindex. Mer plack fanns på erupterande molarers occlusalytor
jämfört med molarer i full ocklusion. De flesta barnen hade en låg frekvens
manifest karies i primära och permanenta bettet. Dock hade en femtedel av 5 7
åringarna tre eller fler manifesta kariesangrepp i primära bettet. Ocklusal karies
på molarerna utgjorde nästan all registrerad karies i båda dentitionerna. Slutsats:
Låg frekvens av manifest karies, men en låg grad av förebyggande aktiviteter,
kan medföra en ökad kariesfrekvens liknande den i andra utvecklingsländer. Den
förmodande risken måste bemötas med behovsinriktade och systematiska
hälsobefrämjande och preventiva åtgärder. Nyckelord Nepal, matvanor,
personlig hygien, tandrengörings frekvens, eruptionsstadier, dentalt plack, ocklusal
karies Nordiska högskolan för folkhälsovetenskap Box 12133, SE 402 42
Göteborg Tel: +46 (0)31 693900, Fax: +46 (0)31 691777, E post: 2 CONTENTS Definition of
Animal Experimentation at New York University Essay
Animal Experimentation at New York University
Using animals for medical experimentation and education is a controversial subject
that often leads to a heated debate. The issues are complex, but the suffering and
waste involved in animal experimentation are painfully obvious. Vivisection, the act
of cutting into a live animal, has led the nation down countless scientific dead ends,
while detracting funds and attention from more applicable scientific research. The
practice of animal experimentation at NYU continues, not because it has been proven
to be an accurate and reliable means of research (which it has not) but rather, because
of tradition and promotion from those with strong vested interests (i.e. Lynne
Kiorpes). These values have ... Show more content on ...
The vision of infant monkeys, ranging from ten days to two months old, is surgically
damaged and altered. As Lauren Gazzola, writer for the Washington Square News,
stated, Lynne Kiorpes strabismus experiments are a prime example of the
unnecessary, cruel experiments being conducted on 50,000 animals in hidden
laboratories every year at NYU. (Animal rights and the University 1). The federal
government for over a decade has in part, funded the research project. Lynne Kiorpes
has spent over $1.5 million on her experiments, paving the way for weak claims and
insignificant research. Edward Taub, director of the Natural Sciencedepartment at
New York University, acquired his advanced degree from NYU and now conducts
studies at the Laboratory for Experimental Research and
Surgery in Primates (Guillermo 38). Taub began experimentation on monkeys before
they were born. The pregnant monkeys were anesthetized and the infants were cut
from the uterus. The nerves were cut out, a plastic prosthesis was inserted to replace
removed vertebrae, and they were placed back into the womb. Eighty percent of the
infants died (37). The experiments conducted in New York University s research
laboratories are cruel and the details are horrendously graphic. Researchers
intentionally mutilate the eyes of the baby Macaque monkeys,
Glow Sticks History
Glow sticks and LED light sticks are commonly seen in popular society at concerts
and festivals. However, glow sticks have several other uses and were originally
invented for use in the military. In the 1960s, scientists were interested in the light
fireflies produced in nature. They discovered that this lightcould be produced without
energy or heat using a chemical compound called luciferin. A Brooklyn born
chemistry specialist named Edwin A. Chandross accidentally identified the chemical
mixes needed to create the glow of a glow stick when experimenting with luminol.
The first light products using this mixture were created and patented by Michael M.
Rauhut of American Cyanamid. The first official glow stick type mechanism was
granted to
Golden Girl Short Story
The short story, Golden Girl , by Gillian Chan, follows the story of a girl named
Donna, and her rough friendship with Anna. The reason for this rough friendship
is because of Donna s lack of good character, which is evident in her actions
throughout the story. At the beginning she proves to be selfish, then later she
shows no regard for Anna s problems, and at the end she acts on jealousy. Donna
proves to be selfish at the beginning when she talks about why she is friends with
Anna, I worked hard to be Anna s friend. Don t get me wrong it was worth it ... Her
dad s loaded, and nothing s too good for Princess . (78) This quotation infers that
Donna is only friends with Anna for her money and popularity. This is further
proven when she says, I used to hope some of whatever she has would rub off on
me. (78 79), indicating her hopes to be somehow rewarded for being friends with
Anna. It is evident that Donna doesn t support Anna s decisions, doesn t tell her if
she s making a mistake, and laughs at her behind her back:... Show more content on ...
So I suggested she write him a note. I was with her when she wrote it, but she
wouldn t listen to any of my suggestions ... she didn t see him read the note, make a
face, and then crumple it up and throw it in the garbage ... After they left, I got the
note from the garbage, smoothed it out and put it carefully in my bag. At least Anna
hadn t dotted all the i s with little hearts, but the friendship that has developed
between us who was she kidding?
The End Of The Cold War
The end of the Cold War marks more than just the end of the arms race, between the
Soviet Union and the United States, it also marks the weakening of communism.
Communism, the greatest enemy to the west during the Cold War had to be put down
at any cost, this meant supporting militaristic dictatorships that were against
communism. The weakening of communism, however, ignited Global Democratic
Revolutions in which the people sought to gain the power back from the government.
These revolutions were mostly centered on the year 1989, and demonstrated the will
of the people to stop the oppression of these dictators or communist parties. The
Philippines were no different, independent organizations such as JAJA and
NAMFREL rallied against the militaristic dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos.
Additionally, the intervention of the church proved to be a powerful uniting tool for
the revolution, in a catholic predominant society. Women played no small role,
Corazon Aquinochallenged Marcos politically, and many were involved in public
rallies. As a result, the Philippines peacefully defeated the oppressive rule of Marcos
and entered a state of Democratic stability. To bring about the revolution, it took the
combines effort of the Aquino family, individual organizations, the church, and
individual citizens. In 1983 an exiled senator Benigno Aquinoreturned to the
Philippines in order to oppose Marcos. Sadly, Padriac Kenney wrote that Aquino was
assassinated as he stepped off his plane
Western Carolina University Case Study
Western Carolina University provides different resources on campus to allow on to
be successful throughout their four or more years on campus. The Academic
Advising website and center will guide a study to stay on course with classes while
on campus. Western Carolina University also teaches student how to become a
responsible adult and fault take fault in one s actions. Western Carolina provides
many opportunities for a student to become a successful adult.
Before every semester everyone meets with their academic advisor. The advisor will
help confirm the class one is taking for the next year. Before meeting with your
advisor, you should have a list of the class you want to register for. Create a list of
goals and know the questions you ... Show more content on ...
No matter what your major is they can find you a country to go to. Going to a new
country can have many benefits. It is fun, increases self confidence, helps with
communication skills, and allows you to explore other cultures. You can only study
abroad if you have a 2.75 GPA or higher. Needto have at least 30 credit hours. No
freshmen can study abroad but can do so any other year. You have to schedule a
meet with the Study Abroad Office to make an appointment to start the process to
become a study abroad student. You can go abroad for a summer, a semester or
even a year it s up to you. To find out more information about go to WCU Study
Abroad online.
When going to college everyone is a broke college kid. Making sure to create a
budget and manage your budget is an important thing in college. You can find a
job by look around town of on the Career and Professional Development website that
will lead you to a link called catjobs where you can see jobs offered on campus.
Financial Aid is given if you fill out your FAFSA form and submit it to admirations
where you can be approved to received finical aid.
Being healthy emotionally and physically is important while on campus. Our
Counseling and Psychological Services also known as CAPS is where you can
make appointment if you just need to talk to someone. They are in the Bird building.
You can make and appointment online of in office. Being involved in campus
recreational actives is a great way
Essay On African American Slave Trade
Moreover, there are a few more countries which have involved in the slave trade
like Africa, Britain, Portugal and Spain. As for Britain, they were one of the major
player in doing trading. British had many ships who were mainly carried 2,6000 000
slaves from the African s in the 18th century to the Caribbeansea and America s in
order for them to trade those goods in a different parts of their cities in the country.
For example, one of their cities like London who owned those slaves ports back in
the 17th century transports their goods to Manchester and Birmingham. The main
reason was because they intended to combine those three ports in order to fit all of
the goods and exported them using those ships. For example, they manufactured
some goods such as guns, metal cotton and tobacco. At the same time, they decided
to do a business trade by getting a permission from the royal king and signed a
contract with a company... Show more content on ...
Portugal have been exploiting 32000 number of slaves from Africa before they
started to do the slave trade. It s started when Prince Henry the navigator ruler who
sent an expedition to Africa in order to know more about the continent in the year
of 1441. In the year of 1444, they sent the cargo which consist of 235 Africans
slaves and brought into Lagos. Besides that, they used those slaves to work on their
sugar plantations in Madeira. By following year 1460 the Portuguese decided to
built the first slave fort on the coast of Ghana West coast of Africa and The Elimina
Castle, which are the headquarters of Portuguese was mainly in charged of dealing
with those slaves for their business. At the same time, they managed to transport
some goods such as wine, ceramic and herbs to other countries like Britain. They
traded those items by using their own currency which can be found in the Floating
Harbour, just across the ocean while trading goods with Athens Bristol
Emperor Claudius Essay
Tiberius Claudius Nero Germanicus (b. 10 BC, d. 54 A.D.; emperor, 41 54 A.D.)
was the third emperor of the Julio Claudian dynasty. His reign represents a turning
point in the history of the Principate for a number of reasons, not the least for the
manner of his accession and the implications it carried for the nature of the office.
During his reign he promoted administrators who did not belong to the senatorial or
equestrian classes, and was later vilified by authors who did. He followed Caesar in
carrying Roman arms across the English Channel into Britain but, unlike his
predecessor, he initiated the full scale annexation of Britain as a province, which
remains today the most closely studied corner of the Roman Empire. His ... Show
more content on ...
Nevertheless, Claudius spent his entire childhood and youth in almost complete
seclusion. The normal tasks of an imperial prince came and went without official
notice, and Claudius received no summons to public office or orders to command
troops on the frontiers
How he spent the voluminous free time of his youth is revealed by his later
character: he read voraciously. He became a scholar of considerable ability and
composed works on all subjects in the liberal arts, especially history; he was the last
person known of who could read Etruscan. These skills, and the knowledge of
governmental institutions he acquired from studying history, were to stand him in
good stead when he came to power.
His father died on campaign when Claudius was only one year old, and his brother,
Germanicus, succumbed under suspicious circumstances in AD 19. His only other
sibling to reach adulthood, Livilla, became involved with Sejanus and fell from grace
in AD 31. Through all this turmoil Claudius survived, primarily through being
ignored as an embarrassment and an idiot.
Claudius s fortunes changed somewhat when his unstable nephew, Gaius
(Caligula), came to power in the spring of 37 A.D. Gaius, it seems, liked to use his
bookish, frail uncle as the butt of cruel jokes and, in keeping with this pattern of
behavior, promoted him to a consulship on 1 July 37 A.D. At 46 years of age, it was
Claudius s first public office. Despite this sortie into public life, he seemed
Historical Perspectives Of The Treatment Of Cardiac...
The contraction and relaxation of the heart is represented in the form of electrical
signals in electrocardiogram. Normally the depolarisation of SA node present in the
right atrium of the heart is helpful in determining the heart rate of a person. SA node
i.e. the sino atrial node is called the natural pacemaker of the heart. The electrical
signal produced by the SA node starts the first beat, it causes the atria to contract and
then these signals arrive AV node which allows ventricles to contract causing the
blood to flow throughout the body. The normal rate at which heart beats is 60 to 100
beats per minute. Any changes in this rhythm cause cardiac ... Show more content on ...
Tilt Table Test: The heart rate and blood pressure is measured while lying on the table
and then the table is tilted and doctor monitors the heart activity.
Electrophysiological testing and mapping: Electrodes are placed in the heart and
mapping of the electrical signals within the heart is done. (Scott C. Litin, October 6
For bradycardia generally an artificial pacemaker is used which implanted near your
heart so when the heart slows down or stops pacemaker generates impulses in order to
stimulate the heart.
For tachycardia generally a pacemaker is used which emits impulses for the normal
functioning of the heart. In this condition implantable cardioverter defibrillator is
also used.
It is recommended only when the patient is at high risk. When there occurs sudden
cardiac arrest then this implantable device sends low or high impulses to reset the
heart so as to beat in normal rhythm. Many surgical procedures like maze procedure
in which doctors make an incision in the cardiac tissues and thus they does not
conduct electricity and which results in lowering down of the heart rate, another
surgical procedure involved is cardiac bypass surgery, this is performed when there
are many other coronary artery problems other than arrhythmia. Minor tachycardia
can also be controlled by medication. (Scott C. Litin,
Beauty Is Beauty Meaning
Beauty can be seen in every shape, form, or size. Despite the difference in its
existence, it cannot be treated different. Beauty is beauty. Here Claude McKay, Ben
Jonson, and Paul Dunbar allow us to see beauty in different forms, however all
meaning the same thing. From beauty in simplicity, beauty in showing one s true
emotions, and beauty in equality. The White City , Still To Be Neat, Still To Be
Dressed , and We Wear The Mask, reveal the definition of beauty in deviating
embodiments. The juxtaposition, repetition, and antithesis in the poems helps clarify
the author s purpose.
In Claude McKay s The White City, the beauty he perceives in the city is
juxtaposed with the reality that dwells in it. From a distance, McKay views the city
of his dreams, he describes it having towers as high they touch the clouds, though,
the city s environment fills him with hatred it is the only thing keeping him alive .
Although, he describes it as heaven in the white world s hell (Arp, 892). The strong
opposing connotation McKay notes, symbolizes the atmosphere in the city he so
desires. His heaven would be what the people in the city would consider hell . Since
the poem was written during the 1920s, a moment when racism and segregation was
highly concentrated. McKay describes heaven to be a place where blacks can be
mixed with the whites, which for the white city it would be hell. Likewise, for the
white city heaven would be McKay s hell, and conversely. The contrast helps to
Specific Connectivity And Its Effect On A Growing Network
Specific connectivity is used to prioritize the molecule to add to a growing network.
As the network grows, IPA evaluates how much a new gene s neighborhood overlaps
the current network and selects the molecule that overlaps the most. Overlap is the
number of molecules that are similar compared to the total number of molecules.
Specific connectivity is computed by dividing the number of molecules found in the
intersection of the neighborhood and the network by the number of molecules in
their union If specific connectivity (SC) = (number of genes in intersection of the
neighborhood and network) / (number of genes in union of the neighborhood and
network) Then:
SC for the red molecule = 3/16 = 0.1875
SC for the green molecule = ... Show more content on ...
They can aid in identifying biological pathways affected by mutated genes. By
projecting lists consisting of deleted, amplified and mutated genes onto biological
pathways, a statistical improbable subset of unrelated genes would turn out to be
closely clustered in reaction space . Pathway analysis can therefore reveal valuable
insight into the underling biological causes of a disease. [Wu, Feng and Stein, 2010]
Different mutations found in different genes can cause the same Mendelian disease.
[Gilissen et al., 2011] For example, in Fanconi anemia, a condition that causes renal,
cardiac and limb malformations, mutations in many genes leads to one phenotype.
[Neveling et al., 2009] On the other hand, different mutations in the same gene can
lead to different phenotypes as is observed in tumor protein p63. Different mutations
lead to a number of monogenic malformation syndromes [Brunner, Hamel and
Bokhoven, 2002] suggesting that the mutations affect different biological pathways.
[Gilissen et al., 2011] In patients with dilated cardiomyopathy Norton et al. 2011
identified missense and truncated mutations in Bcl2 associated athanogene 3
(BAG3). A missense mutation in the BAG3 gene was also found to cause a different
condition, myofibrillar myopathy. [Norton et al., 2011]
Thus, our rationale is that identifying and understanding how genes (variants) interact
and in what biological pathways putative mutations occupy will reveal a more
Greek Art And Greek Architecture
Greece No matter where you are, chances are you have witness an inspiring piece
of Greece art and Greece architecture. Whether it s a building, furniture, or pottery,
you have seen ideas that started from Greek. Even houses have resemblance to
some of the most famous buildings we seen throughout history. The architecture of
ancient Greece is defined by the temples built to glorify their gods and goddesses
and express pride in their cities. Though in today s world we may not glorify gods
and goddesses when we began to design a home, but we do know how to turn once
traditional into a more contemporary feel. Modern Greek architecture is generally
constructed with wood, unbaked bricks, limestone and marble, and terracotta and
metals. Contractors today still use the methods, and of all the architectural designs
used by ancient Greeks throughout history, three major systems have withstood the
test of time and are still used today. Doric, Ionic and Corinthian styles have their own
characteristics, but, however they can look very similar.
The Doric (sturdiest) was based on the proportions of a man. It was the first order
and arguably the most famous Greek system used in today s world. It seemed to have
known base and has the simplest capital atop the fluted shaft. The Parthenon
communicated the ideals of the order and harmony for what Greek architecture is
known for.
As for the Ionic it was lighter in character to reflect the portions of women. Unlike the
Doric originating
Although only 5 % of Sula’s wine brands are exported,
Although only 5 % of Sula s wine brands are exported, Sula has been venturing into
newer markets across the globe. Over the last 6 years, Sula s Global Brand
Ambassador led Sula s introduction into new markets such as Canada, Belgium and
the Middle East and emerging markets like China are in pipeline this year.
Realizing that the global wine market is competitive and brand sensitive, Sula has
used a wherein it partners with international distributors. For instance, the company
has recently launched the Nasika range with UK s Laithwaite s. The range will also
be available shortly in US, Australia, Hong Kong, Switzerland and Germany. Other
countries where Sula is currently distributed are Belgium, Bhutan, Canada, China,
Finland, Italy, ... Show more content on ...
Finally, this strategy we believe is a stepping stone till Sula increases its awareness in
the global market via the distributors and starts making independent forays.
Sula has been relying on and in many instances touting it s nasik roots to project
itself as the finest wines available from the best wine region in India. This is also
reflected in the branding adopted with their range available through Laithwaithe s.
However, Nasik is not the only wine growing region in India and with the recent
acceptance and uptake of wine in India as well as abroad, a slew of new players
have emerged, some even predating Sula. Established wine makers, much like Sula
have developed several regions pan India and have imported, harvested and crushed
grapes in these regions.Some examples of the same are, Grover Vineyards in Nandi
Hills, The Port wines of Goa such as Vinicola, Chateau D Ori with its presence in
Dindori, Four Seasons in Baramati and Chateau Indage Narayangaon.
Each of these regions can lay claim to unique branding opportunities and
representation on International tables and wine lists. Furthermore, greater the
acceptance and adoption of Sula across the world, greater the chance that distributors
would eventually add other brands to their selections. The Nasik valley itself has
seen a proliferation of several world class vineyards, including the much lauded
Reveilo, which has
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Essay On Forgiveness
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Essay On Forgiveness

  • 1. Essay On Forgiveness Crafting an essay on the theme of forgiveness can be a profound and challenging endeavor. The complexity arises from the multifaceted nature of forgiveness itself – a concept woven with emotional, psychological, and philosophical threads. As the writer, one must navigate the intricate landscape of human emotions, delve into the psychological intricacies of letting go, and grapple with the ethical and moral dimensions of forgiveness. The challenge lies in capturing the essence of forgiveness, exploring its transformative power, and addressing the nuances of extending or receiving it. Writing about forgiveness requires a delicate balance between personal reflection and broader societal implications. To convey the depth of the topic, the essay must incorporate real-life examples, psychological insights, and perhaps even touch on cultural or religious perspectives that shape our understanding of forgiveness. Furthermore, the difficulty intensifies when attempting to strike a chord with readers, making them empathize with the struggles and triumphs associated with forgiveness. The writer must not only articulate their thoughts eloquently but also evoke an emotional response, encouraging readers to ponder their own experiences with forgiveness. In essence, an essay on forgiveness demands a careful dance between vulnerability and intellectual rigor. It is an exploration of the human condition, navigating the rocky terrain of hurt, resentment, and ultimately, the liberating power of letting go. As the author, one must grapple with the challenge of conveying the profundity of forgiveness in a way that resonates universally. And now, for those seeking assistance in unraveling the complexities of various essay topics, or delving into the intricacies of themes like forgiveness, consider exploring the resources available at There, you can find a wealth of essays, insights, and expertly crafted pieces to guide and inspire your own writing journey. Essay On Forgiveness Essay On Forgiveness
  • 2. Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Ratios Name: Course: Instructor: Current ratios of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Current ratio= Current Assets/current liabilities Current ratio in 2011= $1131527/471374=2.40 Current ratio in 2010=$495269/238055=2.08 Current ratio in 2009= $417,233/ 106,456=3.9 There was a reduction in the current ratio of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters from 2009 to 2010 from in 3.9 in 2009 2.4 in 2010 and 2.08 in 2010.this shows that the liquidity of the firm is has dropped and then improved over the three years. The firm can able to pay its short term obligations as they fall due since the current ratio exceed 1and therefore quite stable. Working capital Working capital = Current assets Current liabilities Working capital in 2011 = $ 1131527 471374=$660153 Working capital in2010 = $ 495269 238055=$257214 ... Show more content on ... Green Mountain Coffee Roasters is more efficient than other firms in the industry as it has stable ratios that have an upward trend. Green Mountain Coffee Roasters is efficient in utilizing its assets to generate sales as shown by the increase from $0.92 in 2009 to $1.93 in 2010. I would consider investing in Green Mountain Coffee Roasters. This is because based on the ratio analysis the firm is not insolvent since it can meet its debts obligations as they fall due. Also the trend in the financial statements indicate a general increase in the value of assets hence a favorable investment. Also the working capital has increased over the three years. The current assets have continued to be more than the current liabilities over the three years. Therefore the increase in working capital reflects that the firm has improved its ability to pay its current liabilities over the three years making it an ideal company to invest
  • 3. Fajitas Marinade Research Paper Good chicken fajitas marinade can be hard to come by on the supermarket shelves, so I always make my own. Making your own marinade is extremely easy and gives you control over the spices and ingredients you eat. My two fundamental rules for producing a good chicken fajitas marinade are: 1) always use fresh ingredients, and 2) the longer you marinate the better. Give this recipe a try and I guarantee you ll never want to buy a chicken fajitas marinade again. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ingredients: 1 1/2 lb skinless, boneless chicken breasts 1/4 cup roasted tomato taco sauce 3 tablespoons tequila 3 tablespoons lime juice 2 jalapeno peppers, seeded and minced 2 garlic cloves, minced 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1/2 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 12 flour or corn tortillas Accompaniments: salsa, guacamole, shredded lettuce, sour cream, diced tomatoes Rinse chicken breasts and pat dry. Trim fat. In a large glass bowl, marinate chicken breasts in taco sauce, lime juice, tequila, jalapenos, garlic, oregano, pepper, salt, and cumin for 2 hours at room temperature or 12 hours in the refrigerator. Set the chicken on a hot oiled grill 4 6 inches from heat. Grill, turning and basting with... Show more content on ... A great recipe for chicken fajitas marinade that you can concoct with ease. Don t get sucked in to buying store marinade when you can make this for less money and with better flavor. I used to buy chicken fajitas marinade at the store until my grand mother bestowed this delicious recipe upon me. Not only is it a healthier alternative to what you get at the store, but it just plain tastes better. I d venture to say that after perfecting this marinade, you will never want to purchase another marinade from the store again. Who knows what is being put in our processed foods, and to be honest, I like to stay away from store bought any chance I have. Please let me know know if this recipe is as good for you as it has been for
  • 4. Haroun and the Sea of Stories Haroun and the Sea of Stories SALMAN RUSHDIE Novel, 1990. Summary. In this story we encounter storytelling as a means of saving your identity, your relationship with your family, and perhaps even your life which means that, in a sense, you are saving a world. The British Indian author Salman Rushdie (b. 1947) had to go underground after the publication of his novel The Satanic Versesin 1988. The book was considered blasphemous to Islam by the fundamentalist government of Iran, which issued a death warrant against him. He says that he reached a point where he was so distressed he wasn t able to think of any stories to tell. But he worked himself out of his depression, and Haroun and the Sea of Stories, a book for children and other ... Show more content on ... So now the moment for wishing has passed, and he must try something else. But the Water Genie is now distracted, because a problem has come up: Someone is polluting the Sea of Stories, and he suspects the leader of the Land of Chup, a land in perpetual darkness on the other side of the moon. The leader s name is Khattam Shud. Going with the Genie to Gup City, Haroun finds, to his surprise, that his father is already there he has made use of a home brew to travel to faraway places and is now being accused of being a spy for the Chupwalas. Rashid is able to explain the situation because he landed in the Twilite area and heard interesting things, and now they learn about the evil intent of Khattam Shud: Not only is he opposed to stories and fantasies, he also wants to do away with speech altogether and has enforced strict Silence Laws. Haroun and a few helpers from Gup now travel into the twilight and on to the dark land of Chup, where shadows have acquired a life of their own, and through many dangers and adventures they reach the heart of the Chup empire, a Factory Ship that makes poison to spill into the Sea of Stories. Khattam Shud s plan is to block the very source of stories with a plug and spread silence and darkness. Finally they see Khattam Shud himself, and Haroun is rather surprised: He is a scrawny, skinny, weasly type, and he looks a lot like Mr. Sengupta, who stole his mother away. And when he
  • 5. How Osteogenesis Imperfecta Is A Disease That Effects... Osteogenesis Imperfecta, also known as Brittle Bone Disease, is a disease that effects bones and joints. Osteogenesis Imperfecta is a disease that effects child, and most often children are born with this disease. In some cases the disease may take a couple years to show symptoms, but more often than not the disease is recognized when the child is born. Osteogenesis Imperfectais caused by a defect in the gene which produces collagen 1, an important building block of bone(Osteogenesis). The bones are very fragile, and often times break when touched or moved. The severity of the disease depends on which portion of the gene is affected. If a child is lucky, the disease may only affect a small portion of the gene, which would make the... Show more content on ... While a cure has not yet been found for Osteogenesis Imperfecta, many treatments have been discovered. Therapy is always a great option because it can help the child strengthen his or her bones and help stretch any sore joints. Doing exercises that are not so demanding on the body, such as swimming, is a great idea as well. Bisphosphonates are drugs that increase strength and density of bones and reduce pain and fracture rate (Osteogenesis). Bisphosphonates have been known to be very effective and greatly improve the disease, making the life of one with Osteogenesis Imperfecta much better. Metal rods have also been used to help support the bones. Surgery may also be necessary to repair any deformities to allow the person to be able to function better and with less pain. These types of treatments can be very successful for one with a not so severe case of Osteogenesis Imperfecta, however someone with a more severe case may find it difficult to treat the disease. According to Medline Plus, Type I Osteogenesis Imperfecta is the mildest type and it is easiest to live with (Osteogenesis). Treatments such as physical therapy and bisphosphonates will help treat this type, and one with this type will have a normal life expectancy. Type II is the most severe case. With Type II Osteogenesis Imperfecta a child will most likely die within the first year of being born (Osteogenesis). Type III is more severe than Type I, many fractures
  • 6. Ratification Of Slavery What is slavery? Slavery is defined as having to sell, your hard labor for very little and or for others it was restricted freedom. slavery has been going around for many years. For the most part it began based color. The people back then thought that the lighter the skin color was the more superior people would see you as. In the other hand, the darker the skin color was, people were seen as worse than animals, as if they weren t even humans. For the most part slaverywent away when England made it illegal throughout the British Empire and when the United Statesratify the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In the 19 century in the unites states slavery was an issue that will be discussed in this essay to demonstrate whether it was justified... Show more content on ... I do agree additionally that slavery was justified in the 19th century for the reason that without the united states having slaves in the 19th century our history would be different and we wouldn t be here today. In addition, I also feel that citizens back then didn t know any better. In those times America was growing like a child and it was innocent, it did not know any better. America had to create mistake so they could be able to learn from them and to comprehend why not to recreate those mistakes again. Because we had slavery, Americans had many important events to follow the abolishment of slavery. Because of slavery the cotton gin was invented, which needed more slaves to operate the machines. This machine was so popular in many states, owners needed more plantations and slaves. The machine was also what started the industrial revolution, and later the civil war, ultimately ending slavery. With this said the reader can have an idea why the writer believes that slavery was justified in the 19th
  • 7. What Do If Someone You Love Has Neuropathy What to Do If Someone You Love Has Neuropathy If someone you love has neuropathy and suffers from chronic, often debilitating pain, you probably know all too well how seriously it can wear a person down physically, emotionally, spiritually and affect their overall quality of life. Sometimes though, it s hard to know exactly what to do for someone who is chronically ill, especially when you are also feeling the effects of your loved ones illness. While you can t solve all of their problems, you can certainly be there to support them and help manage their discomfort. Understand their pain The unique and complicated factors that surround neuropathy often make it difficult for someone to communicate what they re going through. Particularly ... Show more content on ... On the other hand, the nerves may not send a pain signal even if something is injuring them. Fighting pain can take everything a person has just to get through the day. Sometimes the person may struggle so hard to cope with the constant onslaught of pain that they can t see the stress they are inflicting on others. Don t take things personally and try to put yourself in their shoes. Questioning his or her pain is hurtful to the person experiencing it and can erode the relationship between you and your loved one. How to help specifically with neuropathy One of the most common complications of diabetes is diabetic neuropathy. In fact, between 60 to 70 percent of people with diabetes have some form of neuropathy according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. If someone you love has neuropathic diabetes they may be experiencing pain, tingling, or numbness (loss of feeling) in the hands, arms, feet and legs. And they could even have nerve problems in every organ system, including the digestive tract, heart and sex organs. The type of pain he or she feels depends on the type of neuropathy they have. There are four classifications of diabetic neuropathy peripheral neuropathy, autonomic neuropathy, proximal neuropathy and focal neuropathy and each affects different parts of the body in a different way. Clearly, the pain your loved one is experiencing is real, and because of the chronic pain they may prefer to withdraw and
  • 8. Monsanto s Lawsuits Analysis Do you think it s fair that one farmer had to settle (say he was guilty) because that was cheaper than trying to fight Monsanto s lawsuits? Why or why not? The fact that the farmer had to settle because he couldn t afford fighting the lawsuit is extremely unfair. However, I don t think it is a good decision. Even thought defeating Mansanto in court is almost impossible, settling and saying that I m guilty is not an alternative if I were in his place. Not because I believe in justice, but because I believe that our fight against this kind of big companies will not be easy, and if we give up so easily from the beginning of the road we couldn t see the end of this dark tunnel soon. When we give up, we are giving a sign to those companies to... Show more content on ... The film mentioned that Group Danone bought Stonyfiels, Colgate bought Tom s of main etc.... Big companies can do anything that give them more money and less costs; and buying their new youth concurrent is undoubtly profitable. In one hand their getting ride of a new concurrent in the market. In the other hand they are ..... of their part in market, their consumers and even their workers and their new innovations. Companies like Danone,Kellog, and Clorox wants to attract the kind of consumer that is able to pay more money to buy healthier and cleaner products. I think that is to still putting the name of the small companies in products made by new companies. In addition I think if the consumer knows about that, they will probably change to other brand because big companies are not trustable in consumers minds. The consumer knows very well that big companies will not think twice about cheating in the product quality to make more profit. Author Michael Pollan points out in the film that to eat well in this country costs more than to eat badly. It will take more money and some people simply don t have it. And that s one of the reasons that we need changes at the policy level so that the carrots are a better deal than the chips. If healthful, environmentally sustainable food were to cost less than other food, do you think people would eat more of it? Why do you think
  • 9. The Infant Mortality Rate Is Very High And The Death Rate oduction There are concerns about the death rate in Zimbabwe. The infant mortality rate is very high and the death rate is generally high compared to other developing nations within the African continent. There are serious issues about the high death rate in the country. This has a lot to do with the actualization of individual rights to health and medical attention by their government. The concern also extends to the safety of the medical environment and facilities such as hospitals and research and treatment centers. Indeed, there is a major problem concerning the availability of resources to achieve all these as well as the intention to do so as well (Ndlovu, 2011). It is critical that at all times, there be a situation of guaranteed standards in such institutions. The health of the community is indeed affected by the policy decisions made by the government. While it may be difficult to completely rule out external factors that lead to such issues in death rates and infant mortality rates; the government ought to make steps to end such a trend. Location and Geography of Zimbabwe Zimbabwe is located on the Southern part of Africa; landlocked between Zambia, South Africa, Botswana and Mozambique. The country is approximately 150,871 square miles and ranks among the largest countries in the world as number sixty out of the one hundred and ninety six globally recognized countries. It is thus a fairly large country but quite average in size among African nations. The country
  • 10. Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) What is YCJA? The YCJA stands for (Youth Criminal Justice Act) which is a law for young people who commit crime. The YCJA helps young offenders get to rehabilitate to a normal life in a society. The YCJA act will prevent young offenders having a criminal record if you are between 12 17 if older you a charged as an adult. In the YCJA you can be charged as an adult due to a violent crimewhen you are between 14 17. The YouthCriminal Justice Act (YCJA) since then replaced Young Offenders Act(YOA) as of April 1, 2003 young offenders have been helped by rehabilitating and reintegrating . The YCJA is known for all the great laws but there is room for improvement. Youth can be charged as an adult from 14. I propose a change in the age range to... Show more content on ... If the youth s family has a drinking problem or involved with selling or using drugs or alcohol. The cause of violence in young youth is from violent hostile families, violent friends, this will change the perception and attitude of the youth s life. The problem with these families is that it is hard to get out of a situation like that. when you were raised like in a hostile environment you adapted to doing these things and you think it is right but in reality it is
  • 11. The Beslan Terrorist Attack The morning of September 1, 2004, a terrorist group encompassed children, parents, and faculty on the first day of the new school year at School Number One in Beslan, a Russian town in the republic of North Ossetia, and took them captive. This was just the beginning of the three horrific days that were experienced by more than one thousand people held hostage. Chechen separatists stormed the school on Wednesday morning. The standoff lasted until Friday when Russian Special Forces took back the school following a firefight. After the three days of psychological and physical torture, the total carnage left 331 people dead and over 700 people injured. This terrorist attack had left Russia in shambles with the same devastating impact that the 9/11... Show more content on ... First, as a result of World War II, the Ingush and Chechens were deported from their ancestral lands and majority of Ingushetia s territory was put into North Ossetia s control. Second, two instances of ethnic cleansing occurred that are found to be relevant to the Beslan attack. One instance involved Ossetian authorities forcing over 30,000 Ingush people from their land. Another was a war between the Russian and the Chechen that resulted in 80,00 100,000 murdered. Third, Vladimir Putin allowed the use of aerial bombing during the second Chechen war. By doing so, approximately 20,000 Chechen and Ingush people were killed and over 300,000 Chechens were driven out of their territory. Overall, the citizens of Chechnya and Ingushetia experienced a number of years filled with trauma and death. The reasons of the Beslan attack are best summarized by two demands given by the terrorists after capturing the hostages. Both demands involved the Ingush and Chechen. In the first demand, the rebel fighters that were captured during the raid in Narzan, led by Basaev, were to be released. The second demand was for President Putin to completely remove Russian troops from Chechnya. The terrorist group placed the blame for Beslan directly onto President Putin and the
  • 12. Tuesdays With Morrie Tuesdays with Morrie , by Mitch Albom, is a nonfiction retelling of a student s meetings with his former mentor. Mitch, now a corporate lapdog, revisits one of his old college professors after he hears that he has contracted ALS, a terminal disease with no known cure. Mitch and his old professor, Morrie, discuss Morrie s life every tuesday, and these talks continuously make Mitch a better person than who he was. Throughout this book many different themes are touched upon. One of these such theme is the theme, and also Morrie s saying, Love or Perish . Throughout the book Morrie regularly hammers in the point that to live without love, is to not live at all. Morrie is able to explain to Mitch that the essence of love is the reason which... Show more content on ... Even in Morrie s dying state, the slightest brush of skin to skin contact with Mitch is enough to make Morrie happy. Morrie relays that without his wife, without his nurses, and most importantly without Mitch, he would not have been able to last as long as he did with his ALS. Another theme throughout the book is that Morrie teaches Mitch to live life his own way. Morrie is disgusted by america s lust for greed, fakeness, and violence, and teaches to establish your own way of thinking. While the O.J. Simpson case was going on, Morrie completely shut himself off from the case, and instead focused on his family and friends. Morrie built his life on the foundation of love and forgiving, two things that are shunned in America, in Morrie s eyes. Morrie teaches Mitch that creating his own values and beliefs leads to a much more enjoyable life than accepting mainstream America. One more theme evident in Tuesdays with Morrie is the theme that life is full of choices. Morrie says early on in the book that he had two choices when he got sick, feel sorry for himself or do something to try and help the world. Morrie choose the second
  • 13. Tonalin Cla Research Paper To understand the true benefits of Tonalin CLA, we must also unlock the mysteries behind CLA itself. To do this, we have gathered below some of the most common questions asked about using Tonalin CLA as a CLA supplement. 1. What is CLA? CLA stands for conjugated linoleic acid . It is a fatty acid known for promoting good health. This was first identified by Dr. Michael Pariza in 1978 while he was studying beef extract as a cancer prevention. What he found instead provoked a surge of research and scientific studies into the benefits of CLA as a fat reducer. After looking at decades of research scientists have found that CLA may in fact help the body to deposit less fat, build more muscle and may even help prevent fat cells from refilling.... Show more content on ... It is actually found in some of the foods we eat. Dairy and beef products are one of the biggest natural sources of CLA. However, diets have changed over the years and on the whole, we are naturally consuming much less CLA than we used to. Because of this, many are looking to CLA supplement their diets. This is easy to do now that scientists have developed a proprietary process which can convert the linoleic acid of pure safflower oil into CLA. This makes it easy to add a CLA supplement into your diet by taking the recommended daily dose either in capsule or liquid form. 4. What is Tonalin CLA? Tonalin CLA has been clinically tested and is said to be the most researched, highest quality CLA supplement as well as the most effective for both health and dietary benefits. It does not contain any natural or artificial stimulants. Nor does it contain any natural or artificial ephedra. These factors and more have made Tonalin CLA an ever increasingly popular CLA supplement within the weight loss industry. As with any dietary supplement however, including Tonalin CLA, you should always consult your physician first and follow the manufacturer s instructions for taking the recommended daily dose. 5. Are there any side effects of Tonalin
  • 14. Time Name| Han Jet| ID| 150103| E Mail|| Lecturer| Mrs.Stephy| List of Articles| 3| R emote workers appear to finally be getting some respect from their in office peers, new research finds. While there has long been a perception that employees who work from home don t work as hard as those in an office, perceptions are shifting, according to a study from Dell and Intel. More than half of employees globally now believe that their peers who work from home are just as productive, or more productive, than those in the office. Remote employees also feel like they get more done from the comfort of their own home. Of those who spend any time working from home, half believe they are more productive there than... Show more content on ... The research shows that the average employee spends at least some time each week working from home. While employees spend an average of 32 hours each week working from their office, they also spend an average of 5 hours working from home each week. Distractions are just as much of a problem for office workers as they are for at home employees. While more than three quarters of office based employees said they feel they work best in an office at their desk, 48 percent indicated that they are frequently interrupted by colleagues. The study also showed that the office doesn t seem to aid in increasing interpersonal communications either, with 51 percent of employees still frequently instant messaging or emailing colleagues who are located physically near them, rather than talking with them directly. Besides those who work from home during the day, the majority of employees are also spending some time after hours working from home. Nearly 65 percent of employees globally conduct at least some business at home after business hours. Genevieve Bell, U.S. director of user experience for Intel Corp., said there is far more blurring of the lines between working in an office and at home than ever before. If you re in the knowledge work business, you work in the tech field or in the creative and arts field, I think it s safe to say that there s been a great more blurring of work, Bell said. It no longer just happens in the office it
  • 15. History of British Airways Company History: British Airways PLC is the largest international airline in the world. It is based at Heathrow Airport in London, the busiest international airport in the world, and has a global flight network through such partners as USAir in the United States, Qantas in Australia, and TAT European Airlines in France. Via its own operations and those of its alliance partners, British Airways serves 95 million passengers a year using 441 airports in 86 countries and more than 1,000 planes. British Airways earliest predecessor was Aircraft Transport Travel, Ltd., founded in 1916. On August 25, 1919 this company inaugurated the world s first scheduled international air service, with a converted de Havilland 4A day bomber leaving ... Show more content on ... Britain s primary supplier of flying boats, the Short Company, developed a new model, designated the C class, with 24 seats and weighing 18 tons. Since it had an increased range and flew 145 miles per hour, it was able to simply bypass politically difficult areas. The Short C class went into service in October 1936. A year later Imperial Airways made its first trans Atlantic crossing with a flying boat equipped with extra fuel tanks. However, it was Pan Am, with more sophisticated and updated Boeing airplanes, which was first to schedule a regular trans Atlantic service. Imperial Airways was formed with the intention of being Britain s chosen instrument for overseas air service. On its European services, however, Imperial was competing with the British Continental airlines and an aggressive newcomer called British Airways. British Airways was created in October 1935 by the merger of three smaller airline companies. Three months later the company acquired a fleet of Lockheed 10 Electras which were the fastest airplanes yet available. The competition from British Airways threatened the chosen instrument so much that in November 1937 a Parliamentary committee proposed the nationalization and merger of Imperial and British Airways. When the reorganization was completed on November 24, 1939, the British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) was formed. The creation of BOAC was overshadowed
  • 16. Richard Graff s Hidden Intellectualism, By Gerald Graff To be book smart or street smart, or is it possible to be both? In the reading, Hidden Intellectualism, by Gerald Graff, a professor at the University of Illinois Chicago, he touches on the subject of being street smart but not doing too hot in school. He argues that if students could be as interested in school, and as book smart as they were street smart, then they would have the opportunity to thrive and excel in school all while enjoying it, he even goes on to use himself as an example of taking an anti intellectual and becoming a great intellectual. Graff goes on the introduce the idea of taking non intellectual topics or objects and seeing them through academic eyes which would allow students to become engaged in the learning ... Show more content on ... He believes this is to blame for the harsh separation between street smart and book smart, because although they should both tie in with each other like the way they function in the real world, they are frowned upon instead of being encouraged in today s academic setting. Diverse topics, topics that students find that their interested in, not only limited to bland stereotypical subjects should most definitely be allowed and highly encouraged in today s academic realm, because truth be told, not everyone wakes up and says, I am so excited to read Macbeth by WIlliam Shakespeare and write about it like there s no tomorrow, it s just uncommon. There are more than 2.1 million students on 114 campuses, in community colleges in California alone according to the California Community College Chancellor s Office, and we are all different, but expected to learn the same way. How does that make any sense? What one students might find interesting, the other might detest. For example, I enjoyed reading Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck whereas my peers despised it. This ties back to what Graff had stated about students being allowed to write and read texts or subjects which are of their interest as long as they are viewed through academic eyes. I agree with the idea that street smarts are more intellectual than book smarts, and that students individual interests can be more effective than typical learning material. In the text, Graff uses the
  • 17. Essay on journalism When journalism is chosen as a career, society tends to have a stereotypical image of a group of photographers chasing celebrities. If not, then an image of an anonymous person writing biased comments about current affairs, trying to manipulate the truth. However, their real work earns them every cent they deserve unlike the heartless lawyers who earns millions for defending criminals. The work of journalism, on the hand, consists of interviewing and attending events in all conditions in order to gather news and information for public interest. This is followed by further research into the background information then assessing suitability of reports and articles for public. The process is much more difficult than expected, especially with... Show more content on ... Some other requirements may be learnt in further education after senior high school, such as understanding laws of defamation, contempt and copyright. To find a career in journalism, two options are provided but both require a pass in the year 12 HSC with preferably good results in English. The first option would be to study a degree at university for three years followed by a one year graduate cadetship, which is on the job training by professional journalists. The other alternative is undertaking a three year cadetship to gain experience and training under supervision of senior journalists. Although this is more common than study at university, there is a large competition for cadetships. One of the reasons for competition of cadetships may be due to the income being the biggest attraction of journalism. Although most enters the career due to passion or natural talents, there is no doubt that the income would be an incentive. This is only reasonable as journalism can be seen as a risky job, especially during the research of information. If there was any danger, income would be the main compensation. As common sense, money is essential for survival and the average income of journalism is adequate. According to the Bureau of Statistics a rational amount of journalists may earn the same or more income than doctors and lawyers under different circumstances. Even though the income for journalist is appealing,
  • 18. Analysis Of The Book Outliers By Malcom Gladwell I have recently finished reading *Outliers* by Malcom Gladwell and I personally consider the book to be a piece of idiosyncratic brilliance. As I read chapter after chapter I have put some thought into the idea of intelligence and what it is that makes some more successful than others. Though I will have to say that success is subjective, not only measured by the amount of dollars in a bank account, the number of assets, or degrees, yet these are measures generally use as indicators of success given the correlation among them. Gladwell s explanation of what makes an individual an outlier is sensible to those of us who inquire a comprehensive explanation of the aforementioned topic of discussion. *Outliers* begins by discussing the importance of IQ and the concept of accumulated advantage. What has been found is that IQ is not necessarily a predictor of success, but surely one must posses a high enough IQ to be successful, and no this is not a contradiction. This might sound like a paradox but let us dissect and get to the facts. Studies have shown that IQ is a good predictor of analytical intelligence and that this kind of intelligence is in part genetic (must experts agree that heritability dictates about 50% of our analytical intelligence). Gladwell points that all successful people have a high IQ in common but not all who posses a high IQ end up being successful (for an example see the study of The Termites of Stanford University psychologist Lewis Terman). In
  • 19. Impact of Financial Crisis on Gulf Area Essay Background The global financial crisis that was experienced in 2007/2008 affected many nations of the world. Some countries such as America and most European countries were hard hit since they were directly affected by the crisis. Other countries especially those in Asia and Africa were not adversely affected as they were not directly hit by the crisis. This crisis started in the United States after the housing bubble busted. Although the bursting of the housing bubble was the main cause of the crisis, there were a series of events that preceded it. One event that indirectly contributed to this crisis was the Russian debt crisis as well as the Asian financial crisisthat took place in 1997/1998. These two events made many investors to ... Show more content on ... This foreclosure negatively affected both the financial institutions as well as individual borrowers. For the borrowers, their wealth was drained and their purchasing power eroded (Martin, 2009). For the financial institutions, their strength as banking institutions was greatly affected. Their liquidity had greatly reduced and most of the banks were struggling to carry out their daily monetary activities. The total losses that were recorded during this crisis were estimated to be trillions of dollars globally. The Federal Reserve as well contributed to this crisis through some of the policies that it instituted. Between the year 2003 and 2004, this institution lowered the rate of the federal funds from the initial 6.5 per cent to just 1.0 per cent (Jane, 2011). This move was aimed at addressing the effects that were associated with the terrorist attacks that took place in September of 2001. These measures were also meant to soften the negative effects that were occasioned by the collapsed dot com bubble. At this time also, there was a perceived risk that the United States could suffer from deflation. These measures were therefore aimed to combat this risk of deflation. These measures increased credit uptake but the expected results were not realized. To address the said problems, it was expected that the money borrowed would be invested in business.
  • 20. Difference Between Digestive System And Digestive System What the digestive system does The digestive system is when the body does to break down food. Firstly, it enters the mouth and is broken down by the teeth of the animal and saliva. Then it travels along the oesophagus to the stomach. Then in the stomach for further breaking down, it is broken down by hydrochloric acid and enzymes. The acid breaks down bacteria and the food material into smaller molecules. Once this is complete it then moves onto the small intestine. Enzymes are secreted from the pancreas into here and bile from the liver which emulsifies fats. Nutrients from the food are absorbed into the bloodstream. Then it moves onto the large intestines where water is absorbed to produce faeces waste. Then it is moved to the rectum to be released from the anus. This is the basic digestive process of a monogastric animal, other animals are more complex and different processes happen. Comparing ruminants and non ruminants A ruminant is an animal such as a cow which is a foregut fermenter and has four chambers for their digestion. They also regurgitate their food unlike non ruminants. Ruminants chew their food briefly before swallowing it first time. The first part of their digestion is the rumen which has specialised bacteria to digest cellulose. They then regurgitate and re chew the food, it is called cud and the cud returns to the rumen. They chew this cud for 6 8 hours per day whilst resting. This is an advantage compared to the horse because it means that the fibre is
  • 21. Adventure Based Learning For Teaching Adventure Based Learning Active Teaching Method Used In Teaching Subjects in Tourism In the article Adventure Based Learning Active Teaching Method Used In Teaching Subjects in Tourism, the authors briefly defined adventure learning and the integrated teaching approach. Stefan, Orboi, Banes, and Martin (2015) mentioned that adventure learningcalled for an active and interactive or collective cooperation of students in teaching; it also encouraged teamwork and competition amid students; (p. 143). Additionally, they revealed that integrated teaching encompassed a definitive technique of formulating and planning which generated connections between what students learned and life happenings (Stefan, Orboi, Banes, and Martin, 2015, p.143). According to the authors, teachers offered students the chance to express themselves freely and creatively, creating a stimulating environment and diversified their personality development when operating in integrated teaching (Stefan, Orboi, Banes, and Martin, 2015, p.143). The concentration of the integrated method was to cultivate preparatory skills, transferable transverse principles beneficial for communal, and the individual advancement of students. These methods were conducted with the intention of examining not only individuals but also combined collection of groups on paramount local and global public issues to learn and develop: personal, social, cognitive, and cultural abilities (Stefan, Orboi, Banes and Martin, 2015, p. 143).
  • 22. Examples Of Mcdonaldization Of Society McDonaldization of Society McDonaldization involves a process of rationalization described by George Ritzer that is utilized by sociologists (Ritzer 292). Ritzer elaborates the aspect of McDonaldization of society is manifested in situations, for example, where a society adopts the features of a fast food joints. Worth a note, fast foods are growing very popular because they highly fits with most individual contemporary lifestyle. How Often I use Fast Food Restaurants, and how Notably, with technology advances, everything has become so easy and fast such that we all want every other aspect of our lives to assume a similar concept, and fortunately, the fast food restaurants provide a suitable means of satisfying our hungry stomachs as fast and easy as possible. Surprisingly, most people have adapted a lifestyle that incorporates fast food chains as an important element. For instance, instead of making coffee at home in the morning, I buy coffee on my way to college, for lunch, I buy a sandwich or hamburger from a food truck, and in the evening after a tiring exhaustive day, I order pizza for supper from Pizza Hut. Arguably, food take outs are part my daily routine, which serves the purpose efficiently but barely sufficiently. The Elements of the Changing Society While examining the association between McDonaldization and communal change in the American society, Ritzer points out four components of the shifting society that greatly influenced the future of McDonaldization.
  • 23. Jazz Influence On African American Culture Essay Jazz music helped define the culture of America in the 20th Century. Big cities such as Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles strengthened and shaped the music of the period. These three cities contained numerous black communities and supported diverse jazz communities. They also served as a prominent location of mass communication (Morrow). The rapid developments in recording technology, the growing popularity of radio, and the film industry transformed jazzfrom a local, generally African Americanmusic, to a widely accepted cultural form identified as a uniquely American culture. Jazz emerged as a particular form of black folk music from the rural South. Black migration out of the South resulted in an increase in urbanization, innovation in... Show more content on ... The transition to the modern society made many Americans embrace jazz as a symbol of a new age. The years roughly between the Gilded Age and the beginning of the Great Depression, represent a crucial period of change in American culture. A number of developments such as increased urbanization and rapid industrialization changed the way Americans perceived life such as how the standard of living rose and the middle class expanded which promoted more materialistic values in American (Demory). Creoles corresponded with Europeans and their multicultural lifestyle and African Americans correlated more to their prior slave culture, Mississippi, and to sometimes, the continent of Africa itself. These differences affected the creation of jazz music as black culture and Creole culture merged. As jazz entered the popular American culture, jazz grew into a more familiarized art form with different groups of people. Fear and aggression fueled much of this debate as many Americans reacted negatively to this new society of technological innovation, the birth of a new standard of morality and feminism, and the emphasis on black culture. Criticism of the music increased dramatically. An American classical composer, Arthur Foote, once said: When jazz
  • 24. An Efficient Way Transmit Codes Throughout time the need for an efficient way transmit codes were essential to success, after World War I and into the start of World War II American forces was running out of ideas for codes. The USA had always used the white s soldiers for the code talkers because there were easy to train, and a abundance of them to choose making them the practice choose for code talkers. Until Philip Johnston, he was an initiator that worked for a Marine Corps program. As a kid and into his teens he grew up on a Navajo reservation and his dad was a missionary. Whit all the time that Johnston spent of the reservation he became familiar with the people and their language. With the use of the Navajos it grained equality for Native Americans which was not found in the late 1800 s, and soon it gained them a greater respect by the whites into today s age. In the late 1800 s Indians were seen through the eyes of the settlers as pests, people who occupy the land that rightfully belonged to the whites. They were thought of as savages. However this was not true, the Navajo Indians and many other tribes were only willing to fight for their land, families and the property that they have inhabited for hundreds of years (Robert A. Roessel, 1). In this time of lack of control, Navajos were overpowered by Americans who were in position of authority and control. This is because Americans lacked the understanding of the Navajo way, leading to be fatal for many as they were being transferred, resigned,
  • 25. They Must Find Their Own Wings They Must Find Their Own Wings Three Messages from The Writer Authors are very clever with their words. They are brilliant and humorous, or even dark and depressing. They spin tales of wonder and horror and delight, and they tell you of things that are true. They can show you of the way that things have to be. As such is life and there is no way we can change that. You cannot stand by and watch as time leaves you as nothing but dust. You cannot try to change everything for your power only goes so far. Richard Wilbur threw some rather interesting things into his poem, The Writer , and it just goes to show that even in the simplest of things, there is a limit to the affect you have on the situation. Even though some people of this world ... Show more content on ... In The Writer , R. Wilbur stated, I wishher a lucky passage...of life or death, as I had forgotten. I wish what I wished you before, but harder. You can t stand idly by and watch life tumble away and do nothing but close your eyes and wish. If you want something to be, you must take action and make everything you can of this short time and help all those in need. You may try as hard as you might, but there is only so much you can do for the ones you attempt to help. When you rise up from your place to try to help somebody, you cannot do all of the work. They re the ones who have to learn and they need help themselves. You can open the window to help the bird, but it is the one who has to fly out. You can give a child everything they need to succeed in life, but they have to be the ones to do something with all of that. As said in The Writer , ...For a helpless hour, we watched the sleek...iridescent creature batter against the brilliance, drop like a glove to the hard floor... Even though you try to help the people who are panicking and trying to escape, you can only do so much. If it has to be, then escape or redemption is not possible, due to the one in peril. In many poems, clever authors hide messages in the plot and in all of the words and similes. They tie things together with certain words that work together brilliantly. They show the world through their work the realities and hardships of life. They bring us to the knowledge that try as we might, there are
  • 26. I Have Chosen The Learning I have chosen the metacognition vignette. The prompts asks me to think of what type of lesson I would plan for students that are in the beginning stages of developing metacognition. But first, it is important to understand what metacognition is and what it does. The term metacognition was coined by psychologist John Flavell. Metacognition is defined as the understanding and self awareness of one s own thinking or thought processes.The idea of metacognition is connected with Jean Piaget s theory of development. This all correlates to have a better idea as to how we as educators can improve a child s understanding of a subject through direct influence on the development of metacognition. In order to understand the theories completely it is ... Show more content on ... Metacognition is said to develop at or around the age of 12, a time when the formal operation stage starts as well. Piaget s stages of development serves as a basic outline of how people develop from infancy through adulthood. The first step is sensorimotor which begins around the ages of 18 24 months. This is when infants are only aware of what is right in front of them. It is for this reason that babies get surprised when you play peek a boo with them. The idea that a person exists even though they are not in plain sight is foreign to them. The next stage is the Preoperational stage, and is seen to begin from the ages of 18 24 months all the way until the age of 7. This stage consists of the symbolic meaning of thinking. Language is more defined and imagination is further developed, thus allowing them to understand the differences between past, present, and the future. The next step is the Concrete Operational stage which spans the ages of 7 12. During this time frame children begin becoming less egocentric, and are capable of focusing more about their surroundings as well as different perspectives. This is where they begin to understand that their thoughts are not always going to be similar to the other people around them, making them unique. Lastly, there is the Operational stage which includes the ages from 12 and all through adulthood. Here, adolescents
  • 27. The Way of The Warrior in The Tale of The Heike Essay The Way of The Warrior in The Tale of The Heike Heike Monogatari, with its multitude of battles and skirmishes, provides a wonderful chance to analyze the way of the warrior in ancient Japan. There aren t a great number of surviving works from this period that show in such great detail both the brute and the compassion of the Japanese warriors. They followed carefully a distinct set of principles which made up the well rounded warrior. Loyalty to one s master, bravery and glory in any situation, strength, martial skills, compassion, and interest in the arts were all held with the highest esteem. Few warriors could become well known without possessing each of these skills. Religious beliefs shaped a warrior s behavior tremendously. ... Show more content on ... Thus, the bow and arrow held special significance performing such rituals, and serving as serving the warrior as a powerful weapon. During one battle at Katsuura, the Genji warrior Yoichi Munetaka was chosen to hit a fan that was placed on bow of a Taira warship, beconing any archer to show his worth by shooting it down. Munetaka, unsure, says, I am not sure I can hit it. It would be an eternal disgrace to our side if I missed it.(p.367) Ordered by Yoshitsune to fire on the fan and affraid to refuse, Munetaka closed his eyes in silent prayer. Hail, Great Bodhisattva Hachiman and ye gods of my province at Nikko, Utsu no miya and Nasu Yuzen! Vouchsafe that I may hit the center of that fan. If I miss, I will smash my bow and kill myself; I will never show my face to others again. If it is your will that I return home, keep my arrow from straying. When he opened his eyes, the wind seemed somewhat gentler, and the fan looked easier to hit. (p.368) Warriors often conducted such prayers to bring them good luck and safety on the battlefield. Once the battle commenced, it was proper for skilled warriors to battle opposing warriors of the same rank one on one. He would step forward and make a proclamation such as this, You must have heard of me long ago. See me now with your own eyes! Everyone at Miidera knows me! I am the worker monk Jomyo Meishu
  • 28. Online Education And Its Impact On College Students Throughout the past decade, technology has advanced swiftly and significantly. The effects of such advancements can be seen from the way that people keep in touch through social media, to the way that people check out their groceries through self checkout lanes. It is only natural that the spread of technology would eventually reach the educational level. To keep up with the changing times, online schooling institutions have entered the educational arena. These institutions have produced many bright students and college graduates; however, there is an abundance of critics who do not see the validity of such schools. Contrary to the critics thoughts, online school is a valuable, legitimate option that prepares students for success while remaining flexible. As online educationrises in popularity, the amount of educated individuals will also grow. Online education fits in with college students ever changing lives. College students are amongst some of the busiest people; therefore, it can be a challenge to create a school schedule that fits in with other responsibilities. A flexible schedule is essential for these students academic success. Online education provides the flexible schedule that is necessary for students to learn at a time that works for them, when they are most productive. Having the ability to learn and complete coursework at any time of the day enhances the educational experience. Furthermore, online schooling is a great option for students who move often,
  • 29. Examples Of Utilitarianism Utilitarian View Managers with a utilitarian viewpoint on ethical behavior establish decisions that are contingent upon providing the greatest good to the greatest number of people. Under the utilitarian view, actions are ethically permissible when the right expected principles promote happiness for the greatest number of individuals, while actions that cause pain to the greatest number of individuals are not honorable. The view takes into consideration what is valuable, except, individuals are diverse and do not place the same value on items that bring value to life. Additionally, managers cannot know the exact outcome of decisions; therefore, performing the correct action does not guarantee the greatest number of people will achieve the greatest good. Choosing actions based on the utilitarian view can lead to making an ethically correct action that causes the minority to suffer at a greater rate than a little inconvenience suffered by the majority. Pay inequality is good for corporations to have positive returns; nevertheless, women suffer from not making as much as men and corporations are able to profit share with stockholders. In the aforementioned instance, management has an obligation to provide happiness to the... Show more content on ... citizens the basic rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Through the years, Congress and state general assemblies enacted additional laws giving individuals certain rights that did not always give everyone the same rights, such as, laws dealing with slavery and segregation. Corporations then based operations on the laws that disenfranchised minorities and women, leading Congress to enact addition laws and create agencies to enforce laws (Hersch Shinall, 2015). While corporations operated under the rights afforded by the government, a greater number of individuals in society suffered, as the laws did not protect all individuals until Congress officially outlawed
  • 30. Pros And Cons Of The CHUMS GSA Goals of the CHUMS GSA Club What is GSA? GSA stands for Gay Straight Alliance and it is a club here at Cardinal Heights, and in GSA, we focus on helping the community with have many goals to move us forward into making our community safer and more comfortable to everyone. GSA is important because it educates and raises awareness to everyone around us about many different things. Some of these things include, gender fairness, tolerance of different sexuality, and building community. One of our goals this year was to get gender neutral bathrooms for any of the students that may be feeling confused with their sexuality, unsafe, or feel that they don t belong in their designated bathroom. It gives them their option as well and makes it comfortable for everyone. Some of the pros we came up with include the safety and comfort of the students. We want them to feel safe and not feel that they will not be bullied by other kids while in their designated bathroom. Also, this is good for trans, confuse, asexual, and others so it is in the good ... Show more content on ... Though that is want we want, we do go over cons as well. Some of these cons are that the school doesn t have much space and the decision was that there would be one toilet, no stalls which led the group to think that, the bathrooms right now do not get locked so there is easy access. Well, if this is a one person bathroom, there will need to be a lock but anybody could have access to the bathroom and then lock the door which can lead to dangerous things. This could be drug use, or something as simple as skipping class. Another con was location. As of right now, the bathrooms that are going to become gender neutral are the former teacher bathrooms and for both the teachers and the gender neutral students, the bathrooms might be a little further. This could cause taec her wondering why the students take so long in the bathroom or maybe being late to
  • 31. The Truth Behind Puritanism Belief System The Truth Behind Puritanism The Puritanism belief system is much more complex than it appears to be. Whenever Puritanism comes to mind, we probably think of purity and cleanliness. However, the Puritan s have a very interesting way of achieving purity. The Puritans believe that God has predestined the salvation of certain souls and one can do nothing to change this. They also believe there is zero credit for good works and that people by nature are wholly sinful and can only achieve goodness by severe discipline, but living a godly life is the result of being chosen as one of God s elect. The elect are said to be saved from hell by predestination, and at some point during their life, they will be blessed with an inner assurance of... Show more content on ... Repentance would allow God to forgive them and, in turn, motivate them towards living a lifestyle that would glorify God. The punishments that would often evoke repentance included tongue piercing with a hot awl and execution by hanging or burning at the stake. God s Word was respected more than anything and if anyone blasphemed against the religion their tongue was to be pierced with a hot awl. Also, if you were caught lying, bearing false witness, or withholding the truth from a court /judge/jury you were eligible to have your tongue bored through. This type of punishment ensured you would remember the importance of respecting God s Word; a punishment that would be a reminder to anyone else who saw your tongue that blasphemy would not be tolerated. The next form of punishment could be considered the most lenient punishment compared to other demeaning punishments. You could be hung or burned at the stake if you were found guilty of murder, adultery, or fornications. One historical example can be found in the year of 1637, during the Fall in Boston. A young lady named Mary Latham was found to have an implied affair with a man named James Britton. Latham was married to an elderly man at the time but spent a certain amount of time partying with younger men and after a night of partying she fell into a corrupt engagement with James Britton. Both were found
  • 32. Essay on The Market Revolution American History I The Market Revolution During the late 1700 s, the United States was no longer a possession of Britain, instead it was a market for industrial goods and the world s major source for tobacco, cotton, and other agricultural products. A labor revolution started to occur in the United States throughout the early 1800 s. There was a shift from an agricultural economy to an industrial market system. After the War of 1812, the domestic marketplace changed due to the strong pressure of social and economic forces. Major innovations in transportation allowed the movement of information, people, and merchandise. Textile mills and factories became an important base for jobs, especially for women. There was also widespread ... Show more content on ... They would connect cities, such as the Erie Canal, which covered the area between Albany and Buffalo and connecting New York Cityto the area of the Great Lakes (Roark, 261). Railroads also came into the picture with the first railroad, the Baltimore and Ohio in 1829 (Roark, 262). There was an abundance of natural resources during this time period. The forests provided the wood needed to heat the rising growth of the factories and to supply paper for the increase of books and newspapers. The transportation growth provided people with a way tp receive literature in distant areas. Sawmills had to use the waterwheel for power. The steamboats pummeled a pathway through the rivers, but also deforested the land in their pathway. This brought about America s first issue with air pollution. Textile mills grew because of new inventions that would make the product and people willing to work for a living. In the 1790 s, Samuel Slater built the first factory in Rhode Island, which had a machine that could spin thread and yarn. This allowed an increase in the New England area of spinning mills. In Lowell, Massachusetts, factories were created on the Merrimack River combining all parts of cloth production, such as combing, spinning, shrinking, weaving, and dyeing (Roark, 262). This also brought the change in the workforce by using girls as employees. These young women would work at the mill until they got married, and replacements were always
  • 33. Technology 5 crazy technologies that could be available by 2025 ( removed HTML ) Over the past couple of decades technology has grown in leaps and bounds. We ve gone from clunky computers and dial up internet to a computer the size of a phone and 3G internet. We ve made incredible medical advances, and we re finally also starting to use our technology to better help our planet, but there s still so much to create, discover, and learn about. Here are some crazy technologies that could be available by 2025. 1. Widespread use of solar panels Alternative energy is a huge area of contention for a lot of people. The world currently relies so heavily on fossil fuels that switching to other forms of energy means that many people will lose jobs. ... Show more content on ... That will change in the coming years as more people buy electric cars and pressure is put on cities to create more spots for charging. On top of electric cars, however, we will also have 3D printed ones. Audi has already created their own 3D printed mini car, but Local Motors is taking orders for their full sized 3D printed car. There are two different versions of the car that you can get. One is called the Reload Swim (which is the more regular looking car) and the other is the Reload Sport (which is the sports car version). These cars will also be electric. Imagine a future where your car doesn t harm the environment or create air pollution. It could be a whole new world. ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 3. Everything connected to the internet If you think that everything is connected to the internet already, just wait until 2025. By 2025, estimates are that there will be over a trillion different sensors connected to the internet. This will take the form of clothes and other wearable tech for instance. Approximately about 10% of people by 2022 will be wearing clothing that connects to the internet. Other things like your home will go online. You can already view your security cameras and change your thermostat using different apps, but with voice technology like Alexa from Amazon you ll do all that and so much more
  • 34. Rip Van Winkle Rip Van Winkle is the most widely read story in Irving s The Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon. The short story, Rip Van Winkle, is more than just a fairy tale written for children. It is, in fact, a metaphorically historical account of the early beginnings of the United States political and individual freedoms from Great Britain, both before, during, and after the American Revolution, yet it is based off an old tale originating in Germany. To fully understand the context of Rip Van Winkle , one must understand the period in which the story was written, as well as the author himself.Washington Irvingwas born in 1783 at the end of the American Revolution to British parents in Manhattan, New York. At this time, the idea of being an American , ... Show more content on ... He is also notes the absence of the huge tree that once stood beside the inn is now gone and has been replaced by a pole with a strange flag rippling in the wind. The differences in the inn and the presence of the flag symbolizes the new changes in American political society and that English rule in the colonies has crumbled away. Rip also learns that the men he used to gossip with at the inn now have completely different professions or are deceased. His friend Nicholas Vedder has been dead for eighteen years. Vedder is symbolic for the time Americans just conversed about politics rather than actively engage in political freedom. He learns his friend, Brom Dutcher, had joined the army and was missing in action, although he is baffled and completely ignorant of the fact that a revolution had occurred. When he asks of the schoolteacher, Van Brummel, he finds that he also served in this army as a general and was now an important member in an organization called Congress. The shift of how the society of his village went from being submissive under the rule of King George the III to entering into its own form of governance and independence represents America discovering its own unique identity. The people now have a voice in how they will be governed rather than be controlled by English laws in the colonies. The changes in the daily habits of the village also elude Rip. Before he headed
  • 35. How Do Interest Groups Influence Public Policy Interest Group Influence in Public Policy Rebecca Zborowski Anna Maria College MPA 603 Dr. Steve Morreale, Professor November 13, 2016 Interest groups and advocacy groups have an undeniably strong influence in Washington, and while the results of lobbying efforts are not often touted, they sway policy in areas like energy, housing, public finance, education, gun control and many more. These interest groups may represent parochial interests, but there is surely an area of policy that matches most splintered off factions. While they ve been portrayed as shadowy forces in lawmaking, Interest Group Influence on US Policy Change: An Assessment Based on Policy History by Matt Grossmann attempts to quantify and ... Show more content on ... Says Grossmann on page 3, interest groups often play a central role in setting the government agenda...[and] are often found to have a substantial impact on policy outcomes. Many political candidates from both sides of the partisan aisle have run on a platform of neutralizing the force of special interests in Washington, and this illuminates why that s an important issue. Special interests lobby because they have something to gain from the result of the policy, or those they represent do. It s not always a nefarious intention, but the parochial nature of special interests is in conflict with policy that affects the American public at large, and those interests often win out because they wield power over lawmakers at the national, state and local
  • 36. Cisco s Role On Internet Development Background Cisco is an abbreviation of San Francisco and founded in 1984. The founder is Leonard Bosack along with his wife Sandy. Its symbol illustrates us that it is built for human network. Its mission and goal is to shape the future of the Internet and create unprecedented value for customers, employees, investors, and ecosystem. Its vision is to change the way we work, live, play and learn. CISCO played more significant role on Internet development and provide infrastructure of the Internet. It provides broadest range of the solutions of Internet connectivity and offers tools to manage the Internet sites. It develops and sells networking products and related communications technology based on the Internet Protocol. It provides ... Show more content on ... Technical services means that they support the trouble shooting and maintenance by relying on the service center all around the world. Others technical service is like getting the components or software licenses. The professional service intends to utilize Smart services software to design and build network for corporations and service providers to promote the networking service to more efficient. By 2013, compared with 40% 60% big mature tech company, our main revenue is come from the selling products and provides service by Cisco channel. For the service part, it still insufficiency with only 20% although services increase still grow three times faster than product sales. Partnership Cisco business success is based on the partnerships with innovative hardware, software, and firmware. They cooperated with dimension Data or presidio as their network integrators and they simply help to install their equipment at the end of a LAN link. The second way is that cisco would teach its partners new skills and abilities and their partners provide equipment installations and service. They utilize the technology such as Unified Communication and TelePresence. Both ways has shortcomings. It creates an obstacle for low cost manufacturers to get enough margins to keep competition capability, and it is very possible for low cost manufacturers to lose their enterprises status because of their low appropriable content of the main business. So it will lead benefit
  • 37. The History and Production of Yummy Jelly Beans Essay Jelly Beans Around the world small, sweet, sugar filled candies bring enjoyment to those who consume them. What are these tiny, pleasure inducing sweets? The answer is jelly beans. Jelly beans are produced in numerous varieties and flavors; therefore, their story is just as diverse and colorful as they are. The History of Jelly Beans Initially, the first jelly bean was created in the early 1800s by an unknown American candy maker. However, one can trace back the beginnings of their production process to 17th century France. The French made Jordan Almonds, sugar glazed almonds, by a process called panning, which is now used to make the hard sugar coating on jelly beans. Panning is the rocking of a desired item in a container filled with ... Show more content on ... Then the trays are coated with a light layer of cornstarch, which is then left to dry overnight. The next day, the cornstarch layer is removed, the middles are put through a moisture steam bath, and are finally sprayed with sugar and left to sit for another twenty four to forty eight hours. Next, is the panning process where the centers of the bean are set in a rotating drum, called an engrossing pan. While the center is rotating, sugar is added gradually to build the hard outer shell. During this time, colors and flavors are also added to get the unique look and taste of the bean. Once finished, confectioner s glaze is added to give the beans a shiny, smooth, and silky appearance. After the beans have been polished (a process that can take two to four days) they are ready to be shipped to companies and stores. Overall, the whole process can take between seven to twenty one days depending on the manufacturer. Consumers can find jelly beans in most candy shops, mini marts, and grocery stores. If interested in specifically buying Jelly Belly brand, consumers can go to the Jelly Belly website to make their specialized orders. Flavors To begin with, there were only a few flavors of jelly beans; however, today there are many brands all with their own unique renditions on numerous flavors. The Jelly Belly Company is known for its wide and unusual range of flavors. Their most popular has changed throughout the years, but Very Cherry
  • 38. Sara Josephine Baker Research Paper Historical figures as agents of social change Sara Josephine Baker and Clara Barton Mildred de la Rosa de Bautista Walden University Perspectives on Health and the Developing Professional Sharlene Gozalians The Advances in public health have been possible due to the contributions of people with ideals of change who decided to make a difference in their communities through the creation of innovative ideas capable of changing the lifestyle of a community. Public health is about helping people to stay healthy, and protecting them from that psychosocial factor that may affect their life and that is why the public health worker must have a passion for a change and for a better quality of life for their community. In the beginnings of public health there were two people who acted as agents of social change and they were Sara Josephine Baker and Clara Barton. Describe the innovative, health related activities that the two historical figures were involved with during their lifetime. Sarah Josephine Baker Sara Josephine Baker (1873 1945) was a physician working ... Show more content on ... In a time when women should not occupy positions of men, and despite numerous attempts to remove her from her position. Her career set a precedent and made her acquire public favor and even marched to prevent her from being destitute but it was not the only thing she had to face. Her students also discriminated her for being a woman and a teacher, and then they tried to silence her by applauding while she made a reading only to keep her in silent. One of Josephine Baker s most famous professional tasks was tracking down Mary Mallon who was the first person in the United States identified as an asymptomatic carrier of the pathogen associated with typhoid fever. Biography, 2018 stated She was presumed to have infected 51 people, three of whom died. Par.
  • 39. Hindi essay Hygiene, eating habits and oral health among children in three Nepalese Public High Schools Kerstin Westbacke Master of Public Health MPH 2006:18 Nordic School of Public Health Hygiene, eating habits and oral health among children in three Nepalese Public High Schools. Nordic School of Public Health ISSN 1104 5701 ISBN 91 7997 151 2 MPH 2006:18 Dnr U12/02:142 Master of Public Health Essay Title and subtitle of the essay HYGIENE, EATING HABITS AND ORAL HEALTH AMONG CHILDREN IN THREE NEPALESE PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOLS Author Kerstin Westbacke Author s position and address District dentist, Public Dental Clinic, LГҐnggatan 13, SE 460 10 LГ¶dГ¶se, Sweden Phone: +46 (0)520 660077, Fax: +46 (0)520 660838, E mail: Show more content on ... FrГҐgorna rГ¶rde sanitГ¤ra fГ¶rhГҐllanden, hГ¤lsostГ¶d frГҐn hemmet, personlig hygien, tandrengГ¶rings och matvanor. Resultat: Under skoldagen ГҐt hГ¤lften av barnen ingenting alls. AllmГ¤n personlig hygien var associerad med tandrengГ¶rings frekvens. Av alla barn, som anvГ¤ndande sin egen tandborste, borstade fyra av fem, en gГҐng om dagen eller mer. Г„ldre barn och flickor rengjorde tГ¤nderna oftare och hade ett lГ¤gre plackindex. Mer plack fanns pГҐ erupterande molarers occlusalytor jГ¤mfГ¶rt med molarer i full ocklusion. De flesta barnen hade en lГҐg frekvens manifest karies i primГ¤ra och permanenta bettet. Dock hade en femtedel av 5 7 ГҐringarna tre eller fler manifesta kariesangrepp i primГ¤ra bettet. Ocklusal karies pГҐ molarerna utgjorde nГ¤stan all registrerad karies i bГҐda dentitionerna. Slutsats: LГҐg frekvens av manifest karies, men en lГҐg grad av fГ¶rebyggande aktiviteter, kan medfГ¶ra en Г¶kad kariesfrekvens liknande den i andra utvecklingslГ¤nder. Den fГ¶rmodande risken mГҐste bemГ¶tas med behovsinriktade och systematiska hГ¤lsobefrГ¤mjande och preventiva ГҐtgГ¤rder. Nyckelord Nepal, matvanor, personlig hygien, tandrengГ¶rings frekvens, eruptionsstadier, dentalt plack, ocklusal karies Nordiska hГ¶gskolan fГ¶r folkhГ¤lsovetenskap Box 12133, SE 402 42 GГ¶teborg Tel: +46 (0)31 693900, Fax: +46 (0)31 691777, E post: 2 CONTENTS Definition of
  • 40. Animal Experimentation at New York University Essay example Animal Experimentation at New York University Using animals for medical experimentation and education is a controversial subject that often leads to a heated debate. The issues are complex, but the suffering and waste involved in animal experimentation are painfully obvious. Vivisection, the act of cutting into a live animal, has led the nation down countless scientific dead ends, while detracting funds and attention from more applicable scientific research. The practice of animal experimentation at NYU continues, not because it has been proven to be an accurate and reliable means of research (which it has not) but rather, because of tradition and promotion from those with strong vested interests (i.e. Lynne Kiorpes). These values have ... Show more content on ... The vision of infant monkeys, ranging from ten days to two months old, is surgically damaged and altered. As Lauren Gazzola, writer for the Washington Square News, stated, Lynne Kiorpes strabismus experiments are a prime example of the unnecessary, cruel experiments being conducted on 50,000 animals in hidden laboratories every year at NYU. (Animal rights and the University 1). The federal government for over a decade has in part, funded the research project. Lynne Kiorpes has spent over $1.5 million on her experiments, paving the way for weak claims and insignificant research. Edward Taub, director of the Natural Sciencedepartment at New York University, acquired his advanced degree from NYU and now conducts studies at the Laboratory for Experimental Research and Surgery in Primates (Guillermo 38). Taub began experimentation on monkeys before they were born. The pregnant monkeys were anesthetized and the infants were cut from the uterus. The nerves were cut out, a plastic prosthesis was inserted to replace removed vertebrae, and they were placed back into the womb. Eighty percent of the infants died (37). The experiments conducted in New York University s research laboratories are cruel and the details are horrendously graphic. Researchers intentionally mutilate the eyes of the baby Macaque monkeys,
  • 41. Glow Sticks History Glow sticks and LED light sticks are commonly seen in popular society at concerts and festivals. However, glow sticks have several other uses and were originally invented for use in the military. In the 1960s, scientists were interested in the light fireflies produced in nature. They discovered that this lightcould be produced without energy or heat using a chemical compound called luciferin. A Brooklyn born chemistry specialist named Edwin A. Chandross accidentally identified the chemical mixes needed to create the glow of a glow stick when experimenting with luminol. The first light products using this mixture were created and patented by Michael M. Rauhut of American Cyanamid. The first official glow stick type mechanism was granted to
  • 42. Golden Girl Short Story The short story, Golden Girl , by Gillian Chan, follows the story of a girl named Donna, and her rough friendship with Anna. The reason for this rough friendship is because of Donna s lack of good character, which is evident in her actions throughout the story. At the beginning she proves to be selfish, then later she shows no regard for Anna s problems, and at the end she acts on jealousy. Donna proves to be selfish at the beginning when she talks about why she is friends with Anna, I worked hard to be Anna s friend. Don t get me wrong it was worth it ... Her dad s loaded, and nothing s too good for Princess . (78) This quotation infers that Donna is only friends with Anna for her money and popularity. This is further proven when she says, I used to hope some of whatever she has would rub off on me. (78 79), indicating her hopes to be somehow rewarded for being friends with Anna. It is evident that Donna doesn t support Anna s decisions, doesn t tell her if she s making a mistake, and laughs at her behind her back:... Show more content on ... So I suggested she write him a note. I was with her when she wrote it, but she wouldn t listen to any of my suggestions ... she didn t see him read the note, make a face, and then crumple it up and throw it in the garbage ... After they left, I got the note from the garbage, smoothed it out and put it carefully in my bag. At least Anna hadn t dotted all the i s with little hearts, but the friendship that has developed between us who was she kidding?
  • 43. The End Of The Cold War The end of the Cold War marks more than just the end of the arms race, between the Soviet Union and the United States, it also marks the weakening of communism. Communism, the greatest enemy to the west during the Cold War had to be put down at any cost, this meant supporting militaristic dictatorships that were against communism. The weakening of communism, however, ignited Global Democratic Revolutions in which the people sought to gain the power back from the government. These revolutions were mostly centered on the year 1989, and demonstrated the will of the people to stop the oppression of these dictators or communist parties. The Philippines were no different, independent organizations such as JAJA and NAMFREL rallied against the militaristic dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos. Additionally, the intervention of the church proved to be a powerful uniting tool for the revolution, in a catholic predominant society. Women played no small role, Corazon Aquinochallenged Marcos politically, and many were involved in public rallies. As a result, the Philippines peacefully defeated the oppressive rule of Marcos and entered a state of Democratic stability. To bring about the revolution, it took the combines effort of the Aquino family, individual organizations, the church, and individual citizens. In 1983 an exiled senator Benigno Aquinoreturned to the Philippines in order to oppose Marcos. Sadly, Padriac Kenney wrote that Aquino was assassinated as he stepped off his plane
  • 44. Western Carolina University Case Study Western Carolina University provides different resources on campus to allow on to be successful throughout their four or more years on campus. The Academic Advising website and center will guide a study to stay on course with classes while on campus. Western Carolina University also teaches student how to become a responsible adult and fault take fault in one s actions. Western Carolina provides many opportunities for a student to become a successful adult. Before every semester everyone meets with their academic advisor. The advisor will help confirm the class one is taking for the next year. Before meeting with your advisor, you should have a list of the class you want to register for. Create a list of goals and know the questions you ... Show more content on ... No matter what your major is they can find you a country to go to. Going to a new country can have many benefits. It is fun, increases self confidence, helps with communication skills, and allows you to explore other cultures. You can only study abroad if you have a 2.75 GPA or higher. Needto have at least 30 credit hours. No freshmen can study abroad but can do so any other year. You have to schedule a meet with the Study Abroad Office to make an appointment to start the process to become a study abroad student. You can go abroad for a summer, a semester or even a year it s up to you. To find out more information about go to WCU Study Abroad online. When going to college everyone is a broke college kid. Making sure to create a budget and manage your budget is an important thing in college. You can find a job by look around town of on the Career and Professional Development website that will lead you to a link called catjobs where you can see jobs offered on campus. Financial Aid is given if you fill out your FAFSA form and submit it to admirations where you can be approved to received finical aid. Being healthy emotionally and physically is important while on campus. Our Counseling and Psychological Services also known as CAPS is where you can make appointment if you just need to talk to someone. They are in the Bird building. You can make and appointment online of in office. Being involved in campus recreational actives is a great way
  • 45. Essay On African American Slave Trade Moreover, there are a few more countries which have involved in the slave trade like Africa, Britain, Portugal and Spain. As for Britain, they were one of the major player in doing trading. British had many ships who were mainly carried 2,6000 000 slaves from the African s in the 18th century to the Caribbeansea and America s in order for them to trade those goods in a different parts of their cities in the country. For example, one of their cities like London who owned those slaves ports back in the 17th century transports their goods to Manchester and Birmingham. The main reason was because they intended to combine those three ports in order to fit all of the goods and exported them using those ships. For example, they manufactured some goods such as guns, metal cotton and tobacco. At the same time, they decided to do a business trade by getting a permission from the royal king and signed a contract with a company... Show more content on ... Portugal have been exploiting 32000 number of slaves from Africa before they started to do the slave trade. It s started when Prince Henry the navigator ruler who sent an expedition to Africa in order to know more about the continent in the year of 1441. In the year of 1444, they sent the cargo which consist of 235 Africans slaves and brought into Lagos. Besides that, they used those slaves to work on their sugar plantations in Madeira. By following year 1460 the Portuguese decided to built the first slave fort on the coast of Ghana West coast of Africa and The Elimina Castle, which are the headquarters of Portuguese was mainly in charged of dealing with those slaves for their business. At the same time, they managed to transport some goods such as wine, ceramic and herbs to other countries like Britain. They traded those items by using their own currency which can be found in the Floating Harbour, just across the ocean while trading goods with Athens Bristol
  • 46. Emperor Claudius Essay Introduction Tiberius Claudius Nero Germanicus (b. 10 BC, d. 54 A.D.; emperor, 41 54 A.D.) was the third emperor of the Julio Claudian dynasty. His reign represents a turning point in the history of the Principate for a number of reasons, not the least for the manner of his accession and the implications it carried for the nature of the office. During his reign he promoted administrators who did not belong to the senatorial or equestrian classes, and was later vilified by authors who did. He followed Caesar in carrying Roman arms across the English Channel into Britain but, unlike his predecessor, he initiated the full scale annexation of Britain as a province, which remains today the most closely studied corner of the Roman Empire. His ... Show more content on ... Nevertheless, Claudius spent his entire childhood and youth in almost complete seclusion. The normal tasks of an imperial prince came and went without official notice, and Claudius received no summons to public office or orders to command troops on the frontiers How he spent the voluminous free time of his youth is revealed by his later character: he read voraciously. He became a scholar of considerable ability and composed works on all subjects in the liberal arts, especially history; he was the last person known of who could read Etruscan. These skills, and the knowledge of governmental institutions he acquired from studying history, were to stand him in good stead when he came to power. His father died on campaign when Claudius was only one year old, and his brother, Germanicus, succumbed under suspicious circumstances in AD 19. His only other sibling to reach adulthood, Livilla, became involved with Sejanus and fell from grace in AD 31. Through all this turmoil Claudius survived, primarily through being ignored as an embarrassment and an idiot. Claudius s fortunes changed somewhat when his unstable nephew, Gaius (Caligula), came to power in the spring of 37 A.D. Gaius, it seems, liked to use his bookish, frail uncle as the butt of cruel jokes and, in keeping with this pattern of behavior, promoted him to a consulship on 1 July 37 A.D. At 46 years of age, it was Claudius s first public office. Despite this sortie into public life, he seemed
  • 47. Historical Perspectives Of The Treatment Of Cardiac... HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES OF THE TREATMENT OF CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIA INTRODUCTION: The contraction and relaxation of the heart is represented in the form of electrical signals in electrocardiogram. Normally the depolarisation of SA node present in the right atrium of the heart is helpful in determining the heart rate of a person. SA node i.e. the sino atrial node is called the natural pacemaker of the heart. The electrical signal produced by the SA node starts the first beat, it causes the atria to contract and then these signals arrive AV node which allows ventricles to contract causing the blood to flow throughout the body. The normal rate at which heart beats is 60 to 100 beats per minute. Any changes in this rhythm cause cardiac ... Show more content on ... Tilt Table Test: The heart rate and blood pressure is measured while lying on the table and then the table is tilted and doctor monitors the heart activity. Electrophysiological testing and mapping: Electrodes are placed in the heart and mapping of the electrical signals within the heart is done. (Scott C. Litin, October 6 2009) TREATMENT: For bradycardia generally an artificial pacemaker is used which implanted near your heart so when the heart slows down or stops pacemaker generates impulses in order to stimulate the heart. For tachycardia generally a pacemaker is used which emits impulses for the normal functioning of the heart. In this condition implantable cardioverter defibrillator is also used. It is recommended only when the patient is at high risk. When there occurs sudden cardiac arrest then this implantable device sends low or high impulses to reset the heart so as to beat in normal rhythm. Many surgical procedures like maze procedure in which doctors make an incision in the cardiac tissues and thus they does not conduct electricity and which results in lowering down of the heart rate, another surgical procedure involved is cardiac bypass surgery, this is performed when there are many other coronary artery problems other than arrhythmia. Minor tachycardia can also be controlled by medication. (Scott C. Litin,
  • 48. Beauty Is Beauty Meaning Beauty can be seen in every shape, form, or size. Despite the difference in its existence, it cannot be treated different. Beauty is beauty. Here Claude McKay, Ben Jonson, and Paul Dunbar allow us to see beauty in different forms, however all meaning the same thing. From beauty in simplicity, beauty in showing one s true emotions, and beauty in equality. The White City , Still To Be Neat, Still To Be Dressed , and We Wear The Mask, reveal the definition of beauty in deviating embodiments. The juxtaposition, repetition, and antithesis in the poems helps clarify the author s purpose. In Claude McKay s The White City, the beauty he perceives in the city is juxtaposed with the reality that dwells in it. From a distance, McKay views the city of his dreams, he describes it having towers as high they touch the clouds, though, the city s environment fills him with hatred it is the only thing keeping him alive . Although, he describes it as heaven in the white world s hell (Arp, 892). The strong opposing connotation McKay notes, symbolizes the atmosphere in the city he so desires. His heaven would be what the people in the city would consider hell . Since the poem was written during the 1920s, a moment when racism and segregation was highly concentrated. McKay describes heaven to be a place where blacks can be mixed with the whites, which for the white city it would be hell. Likewise, for the white city heaven would be McKay s hell, and conversely. The contrast helps to
  • 49. Specific Connectivity And Its Effect On A Growing Network Specific connectivity is used to prioritize the molecule to add to a growing network. As the network grows, IPA evaluates how much a new gene s neighborhood overlaps the current network and selects the molecule that overlaps the most. Overlap is the number of molecules that are similar compared to the total number of molecules. Specific connectivity is computed by dividing the number of molecules found in the intersection of the neighborhood and the network by the number of molecules in their union If specific connectivity (SC) = (number of genes in intersection of the neighborhood and network) / (number of genes in union of the neighborhood and network) Then: SC for the red molecule = 3/16 = 0.1875 SC for the green molecule = ... Show more content on ... They can aid in identifying biological pathways affected by mutated genes. By projecting lists consisting of deleted, amplified and mutated genes onto biological pathways, a statistical improbable subset of unrelated genes would turn out to be closely clustered in reaction space . Pathway analysis can therefore reveal valuable insight into the underling biological causes of a disease. [Wu, Feng and Stein, 2010] Different mutations found in different genes can cause the same Mendelian disease. [Gilissen et al., 2011] For example, in Fanconi anemia, a condition that causes renal, cardiac and limb malformations, mutations in many genes leads to one phenotype. [Neveling et al., 2009] On the other hand, different mutations in the same gene can lead to different phenotypes as is observed in tumor protein p63. Different mutations lead to a number of monogenic malformation syndromes [Brunner, Hamel and Bokhoven, 2002] suggesting that the mutations affect different biological pathways. [Gilissen et al., 2011] In patients with dilated cardiomyopathy Norton et al. 2011 identified missense and truncated mutations in Bcl2 associated athanogene 3 (BAG3). A missense mutation in the BAG3 gene was also found to cause a different condition, myofibrillar myopathy. [Norton et al., 2011] Thus, our rationale is that identifying and understanding how genes (variants) interact and in what biological pathways putative mutations occupy will reveal a more
  • 50. Greek Art And Greek Architecture Greece No matter where you are, chances are you have witness an inspiring piece of Greece art and Greece architecture. Whether it s a building, furniture, or pottery, you have seen ideas that started from Greek. Even houses have resemblance to some of the most famous buildings we seen throughout history. The architecture of ancient Greece is defined by the temples built to glorify their gods and goddesses and express pride in their cities. Though in today s world we may not glorify gods and goddesses when we began to design a home, but we do know how to turn once traditional into a more contemporary feel. Modern Greek architecture is generally constructed with wood, unbaked bricks, limestone and marble, and terracotta and metals. Contractors today still use the methods, and of all the architectural designs used by ancient Greeks throughout history, three major systems have withstood the test of time and are still used today. Doric, Ionic and Corinthian styles have their own characteristics, but, however they can look very similar. The Doric (sturdiest) was based on the proportions of a man. It was the first order and arguably the most famous Greek system used in today s world. It seemed to have known base and has the simplest capital atop the fluted shaft. The Parthenon communicated the ideals of the order and harmony for what Greek architecture is known for. As for the Ionic it was lighter in character to reflect the portions of women. Unlike the Doric originating
  • 51. Although only 5 % of Sula’s wine brands are exported, Sula... Although only 5 % of Sula s wine brands are exported, Sula has been venturing into newer markets across the globe. Over the last 6 years, Sula s Global Brand Ambassador led Sula s introduction into new markets such as Canada, Belgium and the Middle East and emerging markets like China are in pipeline this year. Realizing that the global wine market is competitive and brand sensitive, Sula has used a wherein it partners with international distributors. For instance, the company has recently launched the Nasika range with UK s Laithwaite s. The range will also be available shortly in US, Australia, Hong Kong, Switzerland and Germany. Other countries where Sula is currently distributed are Belgium, Bhutan, Canada, China, Finland, Italy, ... Show more content on ... Finally, this strategy we believe is a stepping stone till Sula increases its awareness in the global market via the distributors and starts making independent forays. Sula has been relying on and in many instances touting it s nasik roots to project itself as the finest wines available from the best wine region in India. This is also reflected in the branding adopted with their range available through Laithwaithe s. However, Nasik is not the only wine growing region in India and with the recent acceptance and uptake of wine in India as well as abroad, a slew of new players have emerged, some even predating Sula. Established wine makers, much like Sula have developed several regions pan India and have imported, harvested and crushed grapes in these regions.Some examples of the same are, Grover Vineyards in Nandi Hills, The Port wines of Goa such as Vinicola, Chateau D Ori with its presence in Dindori, Four Seasons in Baramati and Chateau Indage Narayangaon. Each of these regions can lay claim to unique branding opportunities and representation on International tables and wine lists. Furthermore, greater the acceptance and adoption of Sula across the world, greater the chance that distributors would eventually add other brands to their selections. The Nasik valley itself has seen a proliferation of several world class vineyards, including the much lauded Reveilo, which has