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Essay On First Day Of School
Writing an essay on the topic "First Day of School" can be both challenging and rewarding. On
one hand, it's a universal experience that everyone can relate to, but on the other hand, capturing
the essence of that day in a way that resonates with readers requires thoughtful reflection and
One of the challenges is finding a unique angle or perspective to make the essay stand out. The
first day of school is a common theme, and many people have shared their experiences, so there's
a risk of the essay sounding clichГ© or generic. To overcome this, the writer needs to delve into
personal emotions, details, and anecdotes that make their experience distinct.
Another difficulty is striking a balance between personal narrative and broader reflections. It's
important not to get too caught up in recounting every detail of the day without offering insights
or reflections that connect with a broader audience. Crafting a narrative that is both personal and
relatable to a wider audience requires skillful storytelling.
Additionally, the challenge lies in conveying the emotions and significance of the first day
effectively. Describing the nervous excitement, the unfamiliar surroundings, and the mix of
emotions can be challenging without falling into overly sentimental or melodramatic language.
In conclusion, while writing an essay on the first day of school may present some challenges, it
provides an opportunity for self-reflection and the chance to connect with readers on a shared
experience. It demands a careful balance of personal narrative and broader insights, as well as a
creative approach to make the essay memorable.
For assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, consider exploring, where you can find professional support to enhance your writing and meet
your academic or creative goals.
Essay On First Day Of School Essay On First Day Of School
Jacques-Louis David s Influence On The Enlightenment
In 19th century France, the Neoclassical art style arose, influenced by the classical
artistic style of Greco Roman society. Around this time, France encountered many
political, social and economic changes brought up mostly by the lower class French
citizens. Jacques Louis David was a highly influential Neoclassical artist during this
time. Commissioned by both Nobles and lower class citizens of France, he created
artworks such as the Oath of the Horatii (image 1), the Death of Marat(image 2), and
Napoleon Crossing the Alps (image 3). David s art represented the ideas of thinkers
of that time rather than just the ideals of that time. The purpose of David s art was to
gain the support of French citizens through artistic propaganda in order... Show more
content on ...
Due to the time period in which David created art, some ideals of the
enlightenment may have been depicted, this, however, wasn t the main motive of
David s art. The enlightenment was a radically new synthesis of ideas about
humanity, reason, nature, and God that had arisen during classical Greek and
Roman times and during the Renaissance (Stokstad 898). In Napoleon Crossing the
Alps, the central figure of the painting is Napoleon. He was a war general who
gained popularity through conquest before making himself emperor in 1804. In
the painting, he is the largest and clearest figure depicted. This painting goes
against the ideas of the enlightenment such as separation of powers, where power is
split across three branches equally so that no one person would hold too much
power, which was a widely held ideal during the time (Spielvogel 28). This painting
does, however, serve as propaganda to depict Napoleon as a strong leader because
he is appearing to stay still and calm on a moving horse in order to show that even
through chaos he will remain a good leader for his people. Napoleon Crossing the
Alps conveys that the purpose of David s art wasn t to depict the ideals of the
enlightenment, but to influence the audience and to be used as
Bill Gates Research Outline
Challenging the Status Quo of Technology in Business Outline
Your Name Here
Critical Thinking COLL148
October 3, 2013
Julie Henning
DeVry University
[Technology to shape Office Efficiencies] Outline
I. Introduction
A. Getting in trouble as a teenager, led this innovative mind to reshape technological
advances to better suit Business needs as society sees it today. B. Any Idea can be
great; implementation of that idea takes careful planning and a smooth technological
framework to seamlessly pull it off. C. Choosing to eschew the established ways
most seek out their lives, Bill Gates chose to cultivate his interests, even by getting in
trouble with a corporation at a young age while capitalizing ... Show more content on ...
It would be at this point that Gates would not return to Harvard to finish his degree,
instead he partnered with Paul Allen and named their partnership Micro Soft. The
team would later drop the hyphen, and then three years later moved back home to
Washington and established corporation paperwork in Bellevue, where Microsoft and
Bill Gates would become the leader, and powerhouse of software development.
Wikipedia 2013* 2. As Co Founder, and Chairman of Microsoft, Currently Bill
Gates is regarded as the single most successful business person in the PC industry
for all his contributions to consumer ready personal computer products. Wikipedia
documents that Time Magazine named Gates one of the 100 people who most
influenced the 20th Century, as well as one of the 100 most influential people of
2004, 2005 and 2006 (Wikipedia 2013)* B. Your reasons for selecting this person
1. Bill Gates is a pioneer of technological office products which forever changes how
businesses are able streamline efficient technologies. Bill s quest for knowledge of
how things worked, and how they could be improved started in his formative years
while attending the Lakeside School in Seattle Washington, where he took an interest
in programming the new computer system the school had recently purchased.
Big Geography and the Peopling of the Earth Essay
Midterm Review
1.1Big Geography and the Peopling of the Earth
1.Archeologists believe that the decisive differentiation between humans and apes
occurred from 6 to 8 million years ago.
2.They have interpreted to different DNA analysis of bone fragments to show
bipedalism. From the creature Ardepithecus ramidus, many different species of
humans have developed from there.
3.Humans first appear on Earth in the Paleolithic Age where they inhabited all
continents except for Antarctica. Homo sapiens had forelimbs freed from walking
and opposable thumbs and also the development of the large brain.
4.The tools were created from wood, bone, and stone. They were created by
breaking off the edges of stone cores to cr3eate points or cutting ... Show more
content on ...
There were many domesticated crops such as corn, rice, potatoes, squash and
peppers. As for animals there are animals such as goats, sheep, cows, water buffalo,
chickens, camels, horses and pigs are just some of them.
13.They had to work cooperatively to create space and create water control systems
to grow crops in those empty lands.
14.They impacted environmental diversity and domesticating numerous amounts of
animals on grasslands which lead to erosion.
15.They lead to more reliable and abundant amount of food supplies which helped
increase the population.
16.Social effects that occurred is surpluses of food and other goods led to the
specialization of labor or division of labor, that also included different classes of
artisans and warriors and also the development of the elites.
17.Pottery, plows, woven textiles, metallurgy, wheels and vehicles with wheels are
some technological innovations that helped in the growth of agriculture.
1.3The Development and Interactions of Early Agricultural, Pastoral, and Urban
18.To be a civilization, it need to have generation of reliable surpluses, highly
specialized occupations, clear social class distinctions, growth of cities, complex and
formal governments, long distance trade, and lastly organized writing systems. A
civilization is used to describe the idea of developing an understanding of the
changing nature of early human social organization.
19.They had more of a demand for
Epilogue To Arthur Miller s Play, An Inspector Calls
Hello, I smiled to the secretary. Good afternoon, how may I help you? She didn t
look up from her computer as she typed at an alarming pace. I was hoping you
could tell me where the conference room for the international meeting can be
located? The typing stopped, she peered at me sceptically. Name? I don t think the
reservation is under my name. No, I mean country name. She rolled her eyes and
pulled out a binder that held the calendar. Why, England, of course! I beamed at
her. You certainly don t look like Arthur, I thought some new country came too
early. Who are you? She put the binder away and looked through a contacts of a
small booklet. I am Oliver. Mr. Kirkland is sick so he has sent me in his place. I
gulped... Show more content on ...
You know how much that Brit loves to work, he might finally be feeling the pain
of his labour. Besides, Oliver here wouldn t hurt a fly. Allen tried to pat the
American into a relaxed state, but his actions were doing the exact opposite. I
suppose so, the representative of our former colony exclaimed, not looking
entirely convinced. Now then, Mr. Kirkland s notes state his worries for the future
generations of our world. As you all may know, the overall environment of the
earth is steadily getting worse, I proclaimed. From there, other countries added
commentary about how global warming wasn t real or how these suggested
changes may affect crucial industries. They were mostly more concerned for their
businesses than the environment. The only one who seemed to be listening intently
was Allen. After going through the most important points of Mr. Kirkland s notes I
called for a break, which everyone was more than thankful for. Allen approached
me as I sat for a quick breath. He patted my back and praised my attempt to lead the
conference. I think you did great! Would you like to grab lunch with us, Ollie? My
stomach grumbled at the thought of a proper meal. Allen laughed heartily and
grabbed my hand, leading us to his
United States Dollar and Currency Essay
International Business Issue
Can Bitcoin be a stable currency for international business?
Definition, Application, and Prospection
1)What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is an open source peer to peer payment network and digital currency
introduced in 2009. It is the first decentralized digital currency. It is the digital coin
that you can send through the internet. Compare to other alternatives, Bitcoins have a
number of advantages.
Bitconins are transferred directly from person to person. This means that the fees are
much lower you can use them in every country. Bitcoins are generated all over the
internet by anybody running a free application called a bitcoin miner. Mining
requires certain amount of work for each block of ... Show more content on ...
It is almost 10000%.
The stability of bitcoin as a currency is still controversial. Thus, I would like to say
that though bitcoin has a lot of advantages, it has some definite weaknesses to be a
substitute for currencies. Firstly, there have been lots of different form of virtual
currencies so far. And they all got shrunk. If someone is a good programmer,
anybody can make a new digital currency. If so, the advantage of bitcoin which is
that there is a limit for issuing amount will disappear.
Moreover, existing currencies are based upon each nation s control. Currency
economies cannot exist outside of taxation systems. As most all of the nations are
operated by tax, governments will not permit the free trade of electronic currency
which is operated outside of taxation system. Actually, the China Central Bank
announced that as the bitcoin is not a genuine currency, it cannot have a legal status.
They also said that any financial institution or company cannot put a price of bitcoin
and guarantee products that related to bitcoin.
South Korea government also stated that the bitcoin is a product which cannot be
protected by Korean laws. Because the bitcoin has a possibility to be abused in
many ways. It is against the Korean real name financial system and can be used as a
money laundering.
Obviously, the bitcoin is one of the new flows in international business. However, it
has many limits to be a substitute for real currencies. Economy cannot be detached
Why Do Modern Science-Educated People Still Treat Race
Considering all the physical and genetic facts that tell us that there are no
biologically based races in the human species, why do modern, science educated
people still treat race as if it comes from nature, as if it tells us something important
about an individual? Scientist still treat is as if it comes from nature because the
skin color of a person can offer insights into a person s geographic ancestry.
Whenever we see someone of color we automatically assume that they are of a
certain race, place, etc... Race is misunderstood and we as a society do not fully
comprehend that there is much more to race than the color of the skin.
Select one of the examples of life experiences that illustrates racism (racial profiling,
racial stereotype, racial discrimination) and that you think is perpetuated by some
aspect of the mainstream American culture. Then, explain the connection you see
between culture and racism. The life experience that I chose was On the street .
Racial profiling is done to many people but overall it s done the most to ... Show more
content on ...
I believe that it still exist in our society today because I have witnessed such things
with both children and adults. There are many people that automatically turn to look
at a black person in a weird way because of the reputation they have been given. The
things that never changed in our culture to me are the influence of people that talk
down on others, and the media. Children grow and learn to become these things or
believe it because they witness it first hand and the difference in all aspect that black
people face such as looks and treatment. Sometimes raising a child with respect and
to not see any difference in anyone, unfortunately does not always work because the
people around them and the portrayal in platforms such as television can encourage a
child to believe these
Case Study Of Antisocial Mentality Disorder
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM V) defines
antisocial personality disorder as a mental disorder where an individual has no
concern for the rights of themselves or others. This disorder may be confused with
being out of touch with society due to the fact that that is what being antisocial really
is. This type of antisocial behavior, as stated before, means having no disregard for
the health and safety for others. People of this psychological nature are sometimes
labeled as sociopaths. Given that these patients care little about the well being of
anyone, the symptoms they obtain are very troublesome and mentally unhealthy.
Treatment for this disorder varies from patient to patient.
To be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, and individual has to have
shown signs of at least ... Show more content on ...
Lyle was a troubled man who showed signs of many DSM V symptoms of
antisocial personality disorder. When the sessions fist began, Lyle stated that he
felt no remorse for the death of his father or brother and that he wished his mother
was dead along with them. Lyle had a strange body odor that would not go away
no matter how often he showered. He described it as the smell of fear. According
to Sebern F. Fisher, the patient s therapist, Lyle was unemployed and often had
episodes of rage where he would run cars off the road at very high speeds,
physically assault people, destroy property, and also had a history of abusing
alcohol (Fisher, 2007). These intense episodes of rage fall under just about all of the
symptoms. Provided that only two symptoms have to be present to be diagnosed with
this disorder, Lyle s condition was very serious. Not only did he have symptoms for
this disorder, but also symptoms for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and
anxiety disorder. As stated before, having multiple mental health conditions is not
uncommon for those in this mental
Vandalism Vs Graffiti Research Paper
Graffiti: Art or Vandalism? The word graffiti is derived from the word graffito
which means writing or drawing that has been scribbled, scratched or painted on a
wall or surface that is located within public view. Graffiti has existed since ancient
times and could be found in a variety of locations. Graffitibegan to pick up steam as
an art form in the 1970s and 1980s as can be seen in the film Style Wars and has
continued to be an art form ever since. For more information, please click the
following link: There have been
several famous and influential graffiti artists over the years such as Iz the Wiz, Dondi
and Banksy. In fact Banksy is one of my favorite graffiti artists as I am a fan of
Giotto Di Bondone s Lamentation
Giotto di Bondone s Lamentation: Subject and Symbolism
Giotto Di Bondone s Lamentation depicts the mourning of the crucifixion of Jesus
Christ. The Virgin Mary is pictured holding her son s body, mourning his death.
Saint John the Evangelist is seen with his arms thrown back, dramatizing his grief
(Kleiner 409). Mary Magdalene is seen at his feet, in sorrow, looking at the
wounds of the crucifixion. Four other disciples are seen with the golden halos
above their head, two expressing outward grief, while the remaining two
Surrounding the Virgin Mary, Saint John, and Mary Magdalene are several other
mourners. Their bodies are slouched while their faces express their similar feelings
of despair. Above the mortals mourning on Earth are several angels darting about in
hysterical grief (409). Behind the group is a rocky background, with a barren tree
perched atop the seemingly arid land. The sky, while blue, is still dark and gloomy.
The representation of lamentation expressed both by the angels and humans connects
both the heavens and the Earth with a shared sorrow. The ... Show more content on ...
Giotto makes use of an implied line to direct the viewer s attention from the tree
representing Adam and Eve s original sin to the lifeless body of Jesus Christ. This
diagonal line signals that Jesus Christ is the focal point of the painting. In order to
portray three dimensions in his two dimensional painting, Giotto relies on varying
values of color on the clothing and bodies of the observers and angels, as well as on
the rocky background. Darker shades indicate shadows and lighter shades imply
light, such as the sun. A diagonal balance is seen from the dead tree, down to the
seated mourner in tan, following the line of the rocks in the background. Giotto also
blurs the ends of the robes worn by the angels. This technique he employs suggests
the implied motion, or flight, of the angels over the mourning congregation
Growing Up In Poverty In The United States
Poverty is the condition of being without adequate food or money. American
Psychological Association (MLA): Poverty is not having enough money to have the
basic necessities in life. It is an issue within the United States and the world. There
are many children that grow up in poverty and the effects can last throughout the life.
When growing up in povertythere can be high risk of teen pregnancy, poor heath,
crime, Drug use and a lack of education. (Boyden)
Poverty and poor health worldwide are inseparably related. Poor health is a direct
effect of growing up in poverty; as children living in low economic families may not
have access to adequate medical health coverage. Which means the child will not
have proper immunization and checkup that they need to ensure good health. Studies
show when a child grows up in poverty the child can be underweight (Boyden). Poor
under lined illness may also lead to issues throughout a lifespan. Poverty increases
neglect of health issues. That causes more health problems which ends in death.
Statistics also show that living in poor rule areas, with low quality schools. Even if
the parents are highly educated and employed, the employment ... Show more content
on ...
People who live in low economic and rule areas with less social standings are those
who are considered to be in poverty. Someone who is suffering from poverty may
have to live in cramped, inadequate houses or they could be homeless. Those who
are unemployed or live in low economic areas are more likely to have unstable
family life, broken relationships, with less involvement in their community, and low
aspirations with alcoholism and drug addiction. We assume poverty is unlikely the
cause of high crime in rule areas and for drug and alcohol addiction. But studies show
people that are in poverty find themselves using their circumstance for an excuse to
commit crimes and the use drugs and
Health Benefits Of Eating Red Meat
2.4Symptom find: Health Risks and Benefits of Eating Red Meat (Article)
There are many health Benefits of Red Meat. The first benefit is that it contains
high levels of zinc which boosts one s immune system. Secondly, red meat is a
good source of iron. When one chooses a lean red meat, it can aid one s weight loss
when on a high protein diet. Moreover, red meat is a great source that contains
complete proteins that are vital, not only for your muscles, but organ health. Lastly it
contains high levels of the B vitamins which aids the maintenance of your nerve cells.
On the contrary, many doctors may advise their clients to reduce their amount of red
meat consumed. This is to the potential negative effects including, but not limited to
(i) increased risk of bowel cancer, (ii) higher cholesterol levels resulting in heart
diseases, (iii) high saturated fat content that induces weight gain and (iv) a greater
chance of developing osteoporosis, due to digestive processes effecting ... Show more
content on ...
Similarly, red meat is a factor that Increases the risk of Alzheimer s disease.
2.4.1The validity of the information
This resource is dated in the year 2016. This means that it was written one year ago
which is very recent as the foundation of the information between then and now is
still the same, the research has only gotten more detailed through extended research.
2.4.1The reliability of the information
Ashley Henshaw is a freelance writer editor. She has written for many top profile
company s which includes: The Huffington Post, USA Today, Citysearch and
LIVESTRONG. This site is operated by the IAC Publishing. IAC Publishing collects
the most trusted brands to create and be the biggest and best digital publisher. Thus,
they are credible and recognized, although not in the dietician health field
Anheuser Busch Inbev Persuasive Essay
Anheuser Busch InBev which owns Budweiser presently distributes more than 400
million hectoliters of beer on an annual basis. What is interesting is that Anheuser
Busch distributes roughly 90 percent of the American beer market domestically. This
shows that the general beer consumption around the United States is dominated by
this company as a whole. This should be something that this company can have pride
America s largest brewer has a number of product lines, not just the Budweiser or
Bud light that we would automatically think of. Michelob, Bare Knuckle Stout,
Honey Lager, Busch Ice, and Busch are just a few of the alternative product lines
that Anheuser Busch InBev owns and operates. All in all, there are generally some
200 brands ... Show more content on ...
This is direct competition, but with Anheuser Busch InBev being the largest brewery
in America, they should expect competition and could embrace the idea of smaller
craftsmen and women to create different products. The market for craft beer is
nowhere near as large as the market that Budweiser has niched itself into.
Generally speaking, the Anheuser Busch InBev Company has a strong reputation for
being an American beer company. They use Clydesdale horses and golden retrievers
in their commercials to reiterate that they stand for being American. They have
released several ads speaking to welcome immigrants and that their own founder was
an immigrant.
Another political arena that Anheuser Busch InBev operates in is the drunk driving
landscape. They have released more than a few anti drinking and driving ads. A
very recent one shown during the super bowl (an obvious target audience for
Anheuser Busch InBev) shows a golden retriever and his owner, whom leaves the
dog at home while he goes out to drink with friends and doesn t come back until the
next day. The owner tells the dog that he didn t want to drink home drunk, so he
stayed with his friend. The Budweiser PSA s generally are accepted well within the
community and show the point that the company is trying to
A Day At School Today
A moment later she asked the tall, large man, Are you Mr. Mckutchin? in her small
elfin like voice. A question to which he replied, People have called me that, yes.
Did you have a bad day at school today, and maybe that s why you were crying?
asked Mr. Mckutchin as he looked down upon her with thoughtful eyes. No, Erin
said somberly. Are you going to lock me up in your basement until I m big and fat,
and then eat me, and then feed my bones to your dog? asked Erin in a tone which
almost made her sound like she had already accepted her fate. Heavens, No! Mr.
Mckutchin laughed out boisterously. Is that what all the kids are saying about me?
Well, I guess it s better than being a Nazi on the run who likes... Show more content
on ...
Mckutchin, not sure if she should pull her hand away from his after he revealed
his distaste for children. But, Mr. Mckutchin went on, You see... it s not that I don
t like people or children, Erin. It s just... It s just that my friends and I tend to
partake in what I would call, very special games, games for grownups that is, and a
very special few of them at that. It s not something I would like for people to see,
especially children. And, at times, we can get very loud and rambunctious when
we play our special games, so we try to keep our games hidden, if you can
understand that, Erin. Do you have any special games that you like to keep hidden,
Erin? Erin now pulled her hand away from him, not knowing what to say. Were you
crying because of your dad, Erin? Were you crying because of special games he likes
to play with you?
The next day was Halloween and Erin had found herself excited for its arrival all
day long while she was in school. She had gotten a rare lucky break for once in the
form of her father having come home late from work yesterday, so he hadn t found
out that she d gone to the park after getting off the school bus instead of coming
straight into the house. That meant she didn t have to accept missing out on trick or
treating as a punishment for her transgressions. When Erin had gotten home from
school that afternoon, she at once ran into her house and then to her bedroom to put
on her
Pros And Cons Of Eugenics
Eugenics is a special effort targeted at cultivating the genetic composition of the
human race. In history, eugenicists had promoted selective breeding to accomplish
goals that were set. Nowadays, we have the proper technology that makes it possible
to directly modify the genetic composition of an individual. Nevertheless, people
have different views on how to best use this kind of technology. In 1883, a British
scholar named Sir Francis Galton, who was also the cousin of Charles Darwin, used
the term eugenics, to represent well born. Galton believed that the human racecould
directly help its future by selectively breeding individuals who have certain desired
qualities. This idea was constructed on Galton s study of the upper class in Britain.
After the completion of these studies, Galton established that an elite position in
society was due to those persons having good genetic makeup. Galton idea of
Eugenics was developed due to Charles Darwin s theory of Social Darwinism, which
explains survival of the fittest, the capability to... Show more content on ...
The theory and practice of eugenics shelters the entire spectrum of the slippery
slope, from false contraception to abortion to euthanasia to genocide. Until around
1985, eugenics practice had been inadequate to dictating that it is we the people, not
God, who determines who will be born in this world, through the practice of
abortion. Nowadays, society is at a point where eugenics may determine who will
remain on earth. Eugenics did not die with the Third Reich, because the eugenics
movement thrived long before Hitler had power, and is certainly well and alive
today. Actually, it is stronger now than ever before, and since its supporters have
learned their lesson about the value of secrecy, dishonesty, incrementalism, and
publicity from many experience, it is
Systems Thinking And The Health Care System
Systems thinking was developed during this SMAC by learning to identify the
connections of Information tecnology and the health care system. This SMAC
involved the understand of the health care system and the service they provide and
how they operates. As a result, while systems thinking allows new and useful
methods to improve patient safety, it comes with it its own intangible challenges that,
if not documented and addressed, will both slow improvement and present new harm.
This SMAC allowed us to see the challenges that healthcare system faces and how
they analyzed and apply systems thinking in assessing them. Understanding the
challenges by completion of a SWOT analysis. Which required the development of an
action plan of improvement for patient safety by implementing and maintaining new
processes and practices such has how can the functions of each component be
optimized so that the results of the system are maximized? How can we identify and
monitor for unintended consequences? How can we intervene to prevent harm from
unintended consequences. It required the development of an action plan of
improvement for the future. We have improved our ability to understand how health
care system achieve the organizational goal of safe and excellent patient care by
developing my ability at systems thinking. The contributions to this SMAC display
both the complexity of a systems method to patient safety, and the promise of new
ways in thinking about the systems within
Essay on Prisoners Without Choice
Prisoners without Choice
When people go on a trip to the zoo, it can be assumed that they do not think about
much more than what they can see. Signals that make zoos unfair and sometimes
unbearable for the captive animals are not visible to most spectators. This essay will
explain how zoos are unjust and should not be supported. Animals should not be held
captive due their negative behavioral changes, lack of natural habitat and the zoos
failure to effectively preserve endangered species.
Even though zoos try to imitate the natural habitat of each animal, the area for the zoo
might not be able to support the animals needed environment. When visiting a zoo
many people fail to notice that the animals have living areas ... Show more content on ...
When introduced with stress animals act strangely, and their actions are visible to
zoo visitors, but viewers are not aware of why they are doing these things.
According to PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), when animals
pace from side to side, walk in circles, lick their bars, roll their heads, and rock back
and forth, they are under severe stress. Most captive animals also perform acts of
self mutilation, and eat their own feces. There are even some cases of stillbirths
caused by stressful conditions. Animals who naturally live in large herds should not
be housed alone, and solitary animals should not be kept in groups. These situations
also create unhappiness in captive animals. Zoo animals living under anxiety and
tension also add to the difficulties of conserving species.
Zoos claim to conserve species, but they frequently fall short on this promise. The
zoo industry rationalizes the caging and breeding of animals by claiming that zoos
enhance conservation efforts, but the facts do not back up this claim. According to a
joint report by the World Society for the Protection of Animals and the Born Free
Foundation, with the best will in the world, and even with all their combined
resources, zoos cannot hope to save more than a few of the animal species that are
doomed to become extinct within the next decade (Laws). According to PETA,
reintroductions of individual members of
Loctite Adhesive Essay
Marketing Strategy BUS 37000 Saturday Section Bond A Matic Product Marketing
Plan Partha Srinivasan
I pledge my honor that I have not violated the Chicago GSB Honor Code during the
Preparation of this assignment.
Bond A Matic Marketing Plan
Executive Summary With the introduction of a unique low cost adhesive dispensing
product named as Bond A Matic (BAM), Loctite Inc is seeking to resolve
dispensing issues such as clogging in smaller adhesive bottles. As a leader in
development of high performance adhesives and sealants for industrial and consumer
applications, Loctite has a mission to become the premiere worldwide marketer of
instant adhesives for industrial use by 1985. By increasing product awareness brand
recognition for ... Show more content on ...
The focus should be to advertize BAM as a Product that fits small firm needs instead
of marketing it just as a low cost solution . This strategy would reflect better on the
Loctite brand and would not jeopardize existing equipment (sold to large firms)
sales. 2) Combine BAM advertisements with the Super Bonder adhesive
advertisement. This would help to promote joint sales as well as help reduce
advertisement costs. The selling point for small firms is low cost equipment that
optimizes use of high quality adhesive and reduces total cost. By eliminating
clogging, providing faster application and reducing assembly errors (Exhibit 8),
BAM will be positioned as the product that reduces mess and helps small firms
save on labor and adhesive costs (more under pricing strategy). 3) Include
brochures on Bond A Matic with 1 lb packages of Super Bonder adhesives with 10
packs of 1 oz Super Bonder bottles. Include product information highlighting
benefits such as anti clogging, no mess/waste (and others in Exhibit 8), a response
/ordering card with discount coupons. Sales personnel could follow up any leads
that come from brochure response. 4) Include one year limited warranty (include
warranty registration card) instead of 30 day free trial to reduce return expected
costs. This plan would also go well with the Loctite brand image. 5) Offer bulk
purchase discounts and build proper incentives to sales force to persuade distributors
The Physics Of The Gas Of A Solution And The Amount
Multiple scientific concepts were exemplified in this experiment and one particular
goal of this lab was to learn more about the Beer Lambert Law which establishes a
linear relationship between the concentration of a solution and the amount of light
that the solution absorbs. Moreover, another objective of this experiment was to gain
an understanding about the mechanical components of a spectrophotometer and to
successfully use the device to measure absorbance or transmittance values. Lastly,
another goal of this lab was to understand the concept of calibration curves and the
process of interpolating data. Essentially, this lab utilized all of the processes
mentioned above to determine the percentage of copper in a penny. Standard... Show
more content on ...
Scientific Background Concepts The determination of the amount of copper in a
penny involves multiple scientific concepts that are extremely important. First, the
experiment involves a redox reaction of Copper and Zinc. Copper and zinc are both
components of a penny and the oxidation reaction utilizes nitric acid, a very strong
oxidizing agent, in order to oxidize both copper and zinc. The reaction generates a
highly toxic, brown gas which is nitrogen dioxide (NO2), but more importantly, it
results in the complex ions of copper and zinc. The complex ion generated of
copper is Cu(H2O)42+ and has a dark blue hue while the complex ion generated of
zinc is Zn(H2O)42+ and does not have a distinctive color. Essentially, a complex ion
is formed by having a central metal ion that has formed covalent bonds with multiple
ligands, which are simply anions. Furthermore, the Beer Lambert Law establishes a
relationship between light absorption and solution concentration by claiming that the
concentration of a certain solution is directly proportionate to the total amount of
light energy that the compound present in the solution can absorb (The Beer
Lambert). A spectrophotometer can be utilized to measure how much light energy of
a certain chosen wavelength is absorbed by a particular sample.
There are multiple goals that are to be achieved by
The Effects Of Writing On Feminist Theory
The Effects of Writing on Feminist Theory
Throughout known history, societies that have developed across the globe have
favored men. Men were permitted to be lawyers, doctors, voters, and land owners;
however, one of the most influential, yet underpaid occupations for an individual is
the writer. Men have served for centuries as the mouthpiece for truth regarding all
things, until early feminists pushed for girls to receive education including key
success skills such as reading and writing. Most men were not thrilled about this
revolutionary change. Their efforts to uphold the traditional roles of women are
expressed through the character Gaston in Disney s Beauty and the Beast: It s not
right for a woman to read, ... Show more content on ...
Feminist theory was developed to recognize injustices against women, and proposes
action to change the situation universally (Young 20). The 1960s and 70s brought
second wave feminism, which occurred during the same time as the Civil Rights
movement and protests against the Vietnam War (Rich 7). The second wave of
feminism was said to be a transition focused on individual rights (Freedman 3).
Feminists who belonged to other minority groups received poor recognition from
mainstream feminists (Rich 31). Many issues among feminists themselves can be
seen on a larger scale throughout society itself; however, in order for second wave
feminism to be a success, cultural issues such as homophobia and racism needed to
be ironed out from within the group before feminists could expect any forward
progress. Due to poor recognition from white feminists, Black Feminism, as well as
several other subcategories of feminism, developed during this time (Freedman 4).
Black feminism arose from the civil rights movement and mainstream feminism.
From civil rights activists, black women were treated as second class citizens , and
racism came from their fellow feminist sisters. Black women ran an uphill battle,
fighting racism, classism, and even at times homophobia (Rich 32).
Black women are inherently valuable, and that our liberation is a necessity not as an
adjunct to somebody else s but because of our need as human persons for autonomy
(Rich 31).
Essay on Macbeth
Thesis: Macbeth s changing character over the course of the play can be seen in his
roles a general, husband and a king.
I. General
A. Early in the play he is brave
1. Captain reports
2. Duncan conversation
B. Late in the play he is ineffective
1. Fearful
2. Cornered
II. Husband
A. Initially close to wife
1. Confides in her via letter
2. Has pet name
B. Later becomes distant/cold
1. Tells doctor to cure Lady Macbeth
2. Feels resignation, not anguish at her death
III. King
A. At first is powerful
1. Malcolm and Donaldbain free Scotland
2. He succeeds in killing Banquo
B. At end is powerless
1. Fleance escapes
2. Malcolm conquers Scotland
The story of Macbeth is one of power at the expense of everything. The main
character, Macbeth ... Show more content on ...
He becomes fearful at the sight of Banquo s ghost. He pretends to appear brave by
saying, quot;Thou canst say I did it. Never shake thy gory locks at me, quot; (3.4.61
62) Macbeth is showing paranoia, a truly fearless General would not have fearful
visions of those they have murdered. Macbeth s sinful deeds not only lead him to be
fearful but cornered as well. Siward, Malcolm and Macduff reveal Macbeth s secret
murders. Now that Macbeth s secrets are out and he has no where to hide, he has to
face MacDuff and meet his destiny. (5.8)
Macbeth s changing character is evident not only in his role as a general, but also
in his role as a husband. Macbeth tells his wife everything and confides in her via
letter. (1.5.1 14) He shares his most intimate feelings and secret plans. Macbeth
even calls his wife quot;my dearest partner of greatness quot;. (1.5.11) This proves
the affection and trust he has in Lady Macbeth. When Macbeth really needs
someone to turn to, near the end of the play, he grows distant to his wife. Macbeth
does not continue to go to her for advice. He even tells the doctor to cure her of her
mental illness, and makes no effort himself to help cure her. (5.3.49 55) When Lady
Macbeth dies, Macbeth states, quot; She should have died hereafter. There would
have been time for such a word. quot; He hears the news of his wife s death, and
reacts nonchalant and unemotional.
Finally, Macbeth s changing
What Are The Similarities Between Han China And The
Allison Sawey
Ms. Rodriguez
WHAP 6th
Oct. 30th 2014
DBQ Essay
In the Classical Era, 600 B.C.E to 600 C.E, the Han and Roman empires thrived in
technology. The advancement in technology gave an opportunity for mixed opinions
and attitudes throughout both empires. Although technology was viewed as most
beneficial to the working class and more advanced than in previous eras, the
governments of these societies played a negative role in the advertisement of
Overall, both Han China and the Roman Empire viewed technology as most
beneficial to the working class. As written in History of the Early Han Dynasty in 200
C.E, new inventions, such as the water powered blowing engine for iron agriculture,
were used in the Han Dynasty and ultimately ... Show more content on ...
Huan Guan, Han government offical, wrote Discourses on Salt and Iron in the first
century B.C.E, and explained that since the state government had monopolized the
salt and iron industries, the tools provided by the state, rather than the workers
themselves, were difficult to use and not as good quality as the ones made by
individuals, implying that the governent put a halt to workers utilizing the more
productive tools of the era (Doc. 2). An additional document from a worker from
either the salt or iron industry would be helpful. The worker could voice whether the
state enforced tools had negetively effected their work, thus verifying that the
government s ideology of quantity over quality and lack of support in productive
technology was detrimental to state wide production. In the first century B.C.E
writing, On Duty, Roman leader Cicero expresses that craftsmen take part in vulgur,
nonenlightening occupations, thus negetively advertising the practice of the working
class as well as the technology the working class utilizes (Doc. 5). The author of the
document is negatively advertising the use of new technology because he, as a
Roman leader and a member of high society, is widely listened to and can greatly
affect the attitude of the citizens towards new technology throughout the Roman
Fodo Bagggins Is An Epic Hero Analysis
J. R. R. Tolkien s Lord of the Rings is a classic literature, which depicts the
adventures of Frodo Baggins with his fellow friends. In the book, there are certain
parts of a quest and Frodo being described as an epic hero. A quest is an
adventurous journey undergone by the protagonist in order to get something
valuable. The protagonist usually overcomes many difficulties along the way. The
object of a quest requires the most effort of the protagonist. But before obtaining
the object, there will be a final challenge for the protagonist. An epic hero is the
main character of the book. He is a brave and noble character who has many great
achievements throughout the story. Besides, he often is a man of action and has
encountered temptations and risks. He is willing to accept challenges and battle
monsters. Also, he has to go to the enemy s lair. The epic hero achieves his goal at
the very end. Therefore, I would say that Frodo Bagginsis an epic hero according to
The Fellowship of the Rings, Book One.
Firstly, a characteristic of the ... Show more content on ...
For example, when the hobbits were staying at an inn in Bree, Frodo had a bit too
much to drink and he accidentally slipped the ring on his finger, causing him to
disappear. This had lead to many suspicions and caused Strider to question Frodo
about the ring. The mistakes of Frodo often lead to accepting help from others.
While Frodo does not excel at strength or fighting, he does get a lot of aid in his
journey to overcome difficulties. For instance, at the start of his journey, Farmer
Maggot carries Frodo and his companions to the Brandywine River in a covered
wagon. Then when they were in the Old Forest, Tom Bombadil assists them in
going through the forest. And lastly, Strider helps them to escape the Black Riders.
Since having a guide is also considered as a characteristic, Frodo does fit the
description of an epic
Low Velocity Impact And Impact After Compression Of
Low Velocity Impact and Impact after Compression in Cork Based Composite
Experiments are carried out in the investigation to find out the role of cork as an
ideal core material, which is used as a shield plate in the front of land military
vehicles to verify the energy absorption and damage tolerance. Composite materials
are used in various industries these days due to its high strength to weight ratio
putting them into light weight applications. Vacuum Assisted Resin Infusion Method
is chosen to manufacture the laminate. Specimens are cut according to American
Society for Testing and Materials Standards are used. Low velocity impact is
carried out on the specimens to observe the energy absorption capabilities of the
specimens with two different testing variables i.e., energy level and amount of the
viscoelastic material. Afterwards, Compression after Impact test is carried out to
study the Damage tolerance of the impacted specimen. The study of all the results
from the above tests shows us the energy absorption and damage tolerance with the
presence of cork as a core material. Further studies can be done in different energy
levels, different viscoelastic materials and also different fibres and resins.
Recent years, high modulus and high strength was the main concern of the
development of advance performance of the composite materials. High strength is not
only the objective but also the performance of the material along with ability
Essay on Annie Liebovitz s Women
Annie Liebovitz s Women
After reading a book on various feminist philosophies, I evaluated Annie Liebovitz s
book and collection of photographs entitled Women according to my interpretation of
feminist philosophy, then used this aesthetic impression to evaluate the efficacy of
feminist theories as they apply toward evaluating and understanding art.
A photograph is not an opinion. Or is it? So begins Susan Sontag s introductory essay
to the book Women, a collection of photographs by AnnieLeibovitz. Collected
without a stated intention other than to treat on the subject matter at hand, Leibovitz s
images confront a wide spectrum of issues surrounding women living in America at
the end of the twentieth century. Sontag explains, Any... Show more content on ...
Of particular concern are the women who are celebrated and glamorized as
successful and well educated artists, actresses, and celebrities. We are so familiar
with slick, glossy photographs of women such as Nicole Kidman, Drew Barrymore,
rapper Lil Kim, or young actress Christina Ricci, that at first glance these portraits are
far more celebratory, depicting the women in thoughtful, atmospheric lighting, perfect
makeup and hair, beautiful clothing, and carefully framed shots. It is very clear these
are not tabloid photos, but instead artistic portraits, to be viewed as such. The
complication arises when we consider what statement Leibovitz is making about the
real nature of their careers, however, as seen in a careful evaluation of the postures
and presentations of these powerful and successful women.
Drew Barrymore is wearing a gauzy flesh colored dress, splayed out on a patch of
ultra green filtered grass. Her face is turned away from us, almost unrecognizable,
looking downward and over her shoulder, her arms listlessly at her side and
touching her shoulder. She is flat on the ground with her knees raised and spread
slightly apart, shot from above, with a corpse like pallor and demeanor. Were she
not identified in the caption by name, a viewer would be hard pressed to determine
the identity of this accessible and apparently disposable body. Perhaps this is the
Freeman Lobotomy Essay
Psychosurgery is often called neurosurgery for the mental ill/disordered. It was said
that the surgery could destroy brain tissue and eliminate the symptoms of mental
illness all together. Even though it was first used by Gotttlieb Burckhardt it was not
a popular procedure until American neurologist Walter Freeman. Freeman had a
specific form of psychosurgery and that was lobotomy. Freeman believed that it
could cut certain nerves and eliminate excessiveness of emotions and stabilize a
personality. The first every U.S. lobotomy was on a Kansas housewife in 1936. The
goal and purpose of lobotomy was to help schizophrenia, depressed, bipolar disorder,
and other mental illness patients. The procedure is very freighting sounding. The
surgeon/doctor... Show more content on ...
Freeman s lobotomy procedure at only the age of 12. His stepmother is actually
the person who took him to see Freeman simply because she wanted to do away
with him. She told Freeman that her step son did not react to love or punishment,
does a good deal of day dreaming and when asked says I don t know , and objects
going to bed but sleeps well. She took him to numerous doctors everyone told her
the same thing except Dr. Freeman. Other doctors said he was just a typical young
boy while Freeman said otherwise. Freeman told her that the only way to fix her
stepson was by a lobotomy. She informed the doctor that he had to talk to Dully s
father and convince him the procedure would be beneficial. Surely enough the next
time Dully s step mom took him to see Dr. Freeman, Howard Dully would be
sitting in a chair with what Dully calls ice picks in his eyes. Dully never really
talked about his lobotomy growing up but he definitely felt like something was
missing from his soul. He always wanted to know more about what happened
considering he did not remember the procedure itself. It took Dully until he was 54
(studied for two years, now is 56) to begin to want to figure out exactly what
happened, so he did just that. He went to George Washington University and found
the clues he needed to know he was
Why Is Rhy Mac So Popular
Is there any other way to get famous besides elaborate entanglements, huge amounts
of money, and mountains of cocaine? The band Fleetwood Mac was comprised of
Mick Fleetwood, Stevie Nicks, Lindsey Buckingham, John McVie, and Christine
McVie. The band was formed 1967 in London, England by Peter Green and named
after Mick Fleetwoodand John McVie, the only 2 remaining original members. The
band is famous for its inter relationships and how it stayed together through the
heartbreak. Fleetwood Macis an American Icon that has forever affected rock and
roll. The band is famous for its inter relationships. Fleetwood Mac became an
american rock icon throughout its life and became famous from its emotional
complexity and precarious musical chemistry. Fleetwood mac s emotional
complexity is a huge part of why it s famous. For example, the band seemed to have
to constantly change out their guitarist. The band has had around 9 different
guitarists since its formation. These guitarists left the band because they either had
mental illness, committed suicide, suffered from major drug use, or joined a
religious cult. The album Rumours was a test of the bands bonds, as the band was
notorious for its... Show more content on ...
One couple is Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks, who broke up with each
other through song. Mick Fleetwood Jenny Boyd, a model, they were married 2
times, they first divorced after Jenny cheated on Mick, then for the second time
because of Mick Fleetwood s affair with Stevie Nicks. Fleetwood and Nicks were
in an affair together for 2 years. They mutually decided to end it a short while after
his second divorce. Which leads to the relationship of Mick Fleetwood and Sara
Recor who happened to be Stevie Nick s best friend. Finally there was Christine and
John McVie, they were married but, like the others, divorced during the album
A Formal Written Food Defense Plan
3.001A formal written Food Defense Plan has been developed and implemented
(includes vulnerability assessment and broad and focused mitigations as
appropriate based on risk; vulnerability assessment clearly covers key activity types
such as bulk receiving/storage, mixing, and secondary ingredient handling etc.).
Observation: The current approved Food Defense Plan is approved by Quality and
this process does not include Site Director signoff at this time. The current approved
plan does not cover key activity types/vulnerabilities with matched mitigation
strategies. The site has a drafted Food Defense Plan using the FDA Plan Builder,
currently unapproved. 3.002Areas indicated in the Food Defense Plan as actionable
process steps have... Show more content on ...
Observation: Assessment of process steps to identify actionable process steps or
critical control areas and associated strategies is incomplete, draft. 3.006Bi annual
reviews of the Food Defense Plan are conducted and documented. 3.007The Food
Defense Team conducts monthly audits of the facility (includes review to ensure
regular monitoring has been occurring). Observation: Food Defense monthly audits
are not occurring. 3.008Emergency contact information for local, state and federal
Homeland Security agencies are included in the plan. The list is current. Check and
note date in comments column. Observation: FBI is included Homeland Security is
not included. 3.009A current list of analytical laboratories is included in the plan.
Observation: Current list of analytical laboratories is not included in current plan(s).
3.010Procedures for responding to threats of product tampering are included in the
plan. Observation: Reference is not included in the current plan(s). 3.011Procedures
for responding to actual incidents of product tampering are included in the plan.
Observation: Reference is not included in the current plan(s). 3.012Procedures are
included for notifying government and enforcement agencies of threats or tampering
issues. Observation: Reference is not included in the current plan(s). 3.013A product
Hold system is established to ensure that adulterated
The Pros And Cons Of Nuclear Science And Technology
Nuclear science and technology, what once started in the heart of World War II
have now grown to be used for a variety of purposes. The debate in recent times
have been between the different viewpoints of the technological impacts of nuclear
science. The report wishes to examine if the government and powerful private
organizations should allow this form of science to progress due to all its
technological impacts. The purpose of the report is to analyze the arguments raised
by both sides of the debate and have the readers decide their strengths. The
subtopics the report will cover are as follows: 1.Nuclear technology in energy
production 2.Nuclear Waste: Is it a problem? 3.Radioisotopes in foods and
agriculture 4.The long and short term effects of nuclear waste 5.Nuclear technology
in medical treatments 6.The social, moral and security impacts of the Nuclear Bomb.
The report will examine the severity of the arguments raised by both sides and if the
arguments are free from having interest explanations and other social influences. The
report does not seek the truthfulness behind the viewpoints but rather study them
agnostically. 1.Nuclear technology in energy production 1.1 Nuclear energy as a
replacement for non renewable energy resources. The use of fossil fuels has been
largely criticized by environmentalist due to the carbon emissions. Climate change
has developed from concern of individuals, to nations in recent times. Nuclear energy
is seen as a step
One Man s Journey to Heaven in the Book Leaf by Niggle...
One Man s Journey to Heaven The story Leaf by Niggle by J.R.R. Tolkien is a
story of allegory, and with good use of metaphors shows what our religious journey
on earth to heaven could be. The story used allegory which is metaphors for the
characters and places used in the story. It start with a man named Niggle, who is
going on a trip, but wants to finish his painting before he goes. Once we read the
entire story it becomes clear that it is an allegorical story. The main character in
the story is Niggle. He is a painter; however he is not a successful painter. He is
very nervous and not sure about going on his journey. Niggle is very kind and
feels the need to help others, even when he feels it is annoying at the time. Niggle
lives in a country that has rules about needing to help each others neighbors, so
Niggle is forced by an inspector to help his neighbor Parish, even though he doesn t
care much for him. The metaphors used in Niggle s story of the people he meets
and where he goes, it is easy to see that the story represents a mans life of his path
to purgatory and death. The symbolism seems likely, especially to Catholics and
their belief in purgatory. In his idea of a painting, he sees a large tree with leaves and
mountains. He wants more than anything to paint what he sees; however, he is
continually bothered by his neighbor, a man named Parish. He procrastinated for his
journey by keeping himself very busy with his painting and helping his
Conventions Of Dystopian Fiction
What do we lose in the transition from old to new? This is the question we face in
so many aspects of our lives. Tradition, family, technology, and literature all asks
this question. Is there any value of the untried and possibly untrue elements that
we see in our present day? However, despite the doubt sometimes expressed, we
still see an influx of new and different customs, computers, and books. Books often
reflect the style and society of the time they were written in, creating a clear picture
of the audience targeted. They use specific literary techniques and plot points to
appeal to their audience, often finding new ways from their predecessors. Books
allow us to look at an older society and see their values and problems in a way...
Show more content on ...
Dystopian fiction is one such genre. In fact, it reflects the present perhaps more than
other genres, as it evaluates current times by creating a possible future. The first
documented use of the word dystopian was said in a speech by English politician
John Stuart Mills in opposition of the Utopians in 1868. He said that they would
be better called dys topians as what is commonly called Utopian is something too
good to be practicable; but what they appear to favor is too bad to be practicable.
This set a precedent for all dystopian fiction, in which a fictional society is created
that is in fact too bad to be practicable. 1 Dystopian fiction originally functioned to
critique problems found in the present by looking at an exaggerated picture of
what the world could be like if we continue of the road we are. However, this genre
has not been immune to change. In earlier dystopian fiction we see a protagonist
who becomes aware of the societal faults through the plot of the book, as well as a
seemingly functioning society all while being geared towards teens. Today that has
changed. Within the past few decades, we have seen a shift in the protagonist, and a
shift in the society portrayed. Though these two shifts have certainly changed the
genre, they seem to stem from the shift in the targeted audience. Teens tend to lack a
focus on deeper themes while reading, and books geared towards them often
recognize this. With this is mind can this new, young adult dystopian fiction really
measure up to the older dystopian fiction? To answer this question we must ask
whether dystopian fiction still serves the function set in place by the original period.
Without this purpose, the dystopian novels of today becomes simply science fiction
novels, perhaps with a purpose and relevance to the audience, but no longer
dystopian fiction. However, if they do fulfill this purpose, these books give us
Automobile Industry In The Late 1800 s
The first automobile was made useful in France and Germany in the late 1800 s.
America s industry of automobile started in the early 1990 s. Henry ford had a big
production that was used everywhere and made America s production well known in
the world. Retrieved from
Global Competition in the Industry
America had a global competition as it was not the only country who had the
industry. China, South Korea, Japan and India were also procuring automobiles. In
1995 America and Japan made an agreement on having more outlets in each countries,
to be able to sell their products. This agreement created job opportunity and made
their cars and parts available in both countries. This agreement also invented
computation. Japan was producing good quality and affordable automobile such as
Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi and more. Japan s automobile became well known all
over the world.
The Effect of Emissions on the Environment and Government Reactions
Automobiles create many problems for the environment and the government.
Pollution is created from cars, and people are dying from cancer and heart ... Show
more content on ...
Recently America and the European countries are saying that the automobile industry
is very dangerous for our world, and the likes of china should not produce them as
we have created a lot of pollution already. What the world should be currently
focusing is reducing the pollution, nor creating more cars.
The countries who are interested on producing cares would probably say, why they
should stop when it s their turn to make money. What would happen if had a
different use of the resource and the man power we used to create automobile? I
think we probably would have made a much better world then we have
Empathy Between Empathy And Empathy
The dictionary defines empathy as the feeling that you understand and share another
person s experiences and emotions , but personally I believe it is far more complex
(Merriam Webster). To me, empathy is more than the ability to understand another s
emotions or experiences, it is the ability to see beyond yourself and your world
without being prompted to. I Those who have the greatest amount of empathydo not
need to be told that there are people in the world that struggle and face sadness. It is
in their nature to know that it is this way and they feel for their fellow being, wanting
to help in some way. Throughout this semester I have come to understand that
empathy plays a key role in defining an individual, a community, and how the two
interact with each other. There is a distinct differences between those individuals that
have empathy and those that do not, it shows clearly in their attitude and actions
towards others. It is those individuals that have empathy that make up strong
communities, and empathy is arguably the most important part of a community
because it allows for a sense of understanding and togetherness. How empathic an
individual is is very important as to whether or not they are going to be a positive
contributing members of society. The ability to empathize with others is an
important life skill. People who are empathic are better received by others, they have
strong people skills, and they have a better character overall. Empathy lends itself to
Film Stagecoach Analysis Essay
Stagecoach: The Revolutionary Western
John Ford built a standard that many future directors would follow with his classic
1939 film Stagecoach . Although there were a plethora of western films made before
1939, the film Stagecoach revolutionized the western genre by elevating the genre
from a B film into a more serious genre. The film challenged not only western
stereotypes but also class divisions in society. Utilizing specific aspects of mise en
scГЁne and cinematography, John Ford displays his views of society. The film
consists of many clichГ© western characters. There is a banker, an outlaw, a
prostitute, a doctor, a gambler, and a pregnant woman. These characters are
categorized by social class. The banker, the pregnant ... Show more content on ...
Doc Boone is not taken seriously and considered a fool because he is always
drunk. Dallas is always forgotten and all the attention is given to Mallory. In a
scene where the stagecoach is headed towards Apache Wells in the cold, Hatfield s
facial expressions show that he is worried and concerned whenever he looks at
Lucy Mallory. Hatfield, being a gentleman, offers Lucy Mallory water and serves
water to her in a fancy silver cup but does not bother to ask Dallas. However, Ringo
Kid makes sure Dallas also gets a drink of water. This demonstrates that even
though Hatfield is considered a gentleman, he does not show any concern for
Dallas because she has a lower social status. Once the stagecoach arrives in
Lordsburg, Lucy Mallory is carried out on a stretcher. At first, the camera shot is
wide angled and the street is crowded with soldiers and civilians. Then there is a
close up shot of Mallory on the stretcher as she speaks to Dallas. The shot reveals
Mallory s facial expression of remorse. Mallory looks apologetic and offers any
help to Dallas. This is one of the final scenes in the film and illustrates how Mallory
s view of Dallas completely changed by the resolution of the film. Throughout the
film, Mallory felt uncomfortable being around Dallas. Once Dallas helped take care
of Mallory s baby, Mallory realized that her judgment of Dallas was completely
John Ford challenges society s views of people
For Whom The Bell Tolls
The novel For Whom the Bell Tolls, written by Ernest Hemingway, is a story of
passionate love throughout the brutality of the Spanish Civil War. Hemingway
uses his personal experiences to portray the true meaning and feeling of this book.
Ernest Miller Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in Oak Park, a suburb of
Chicago, Illinois. The neighborhood he grew up in was straight laced and rigidly
Protestant. Hemingway started his literary career publishing his work in his school
magazine. Later on in life, he signed up to join the military in World War II, but was
rejected due to his defective left eye from birth. Instead, he enlisted in the Missouri
National Guard and remained on the lookout for opportunities to progress to the front.
... Show more content on ...
Lastly, Hemingway s inner experience of love, as it is portrayed in his novels, is a
sense of basic trust and object constancy which could allow his hero to retain the
feeling of intense love even after the beloved object is lost. (#6 p.357). The love
between Robert Jordan and Maria is intense and passionate and it parallels the love
that Hemingway experienced. The genius style that Hemingway utilizes in this
novel truly enhances the richness of the superb story. The various themes in this
novel really give the story its depth and meaning. The theme of chaotic and brutal
warfare is by far the leading theme, as it is in many of Hemingway s novels. This
novel s version of this theme is the Spanish Civil War. Robert Jordan s mission of
this war is to demolish a bridge, which in the long run will help the Spanish
Republicans in their goal of defeating the Fascist government. In several of
Hemingway s novels, the protagonist is a character of heroism and honor. These
protagonists are tough, experienced in the hard worlds they inhabit, and not
obviously given to emotional display or sensitive thinking. Robert Jordan is this
type of protagonist and he is a humble, honorable man. There is Some notion of
honor that makes a man a man, and distinguishes him from people who merely
follow their random impulses and who are by consequence messy. (#3 p.40). An
example of this in the novel is
Ronald W. Reagan And The Invasion Of Grenada
In the year of 1981 Ronald W. Reagan just started his term in office as president. He
was president from 1981 1989. He was the 40th president of the United States Of
America. He was also an actor for many years. He was born on February 6,1911 and
died on June 5,2004. In the year of 1983 the Invasion Of Grenada started. The
Invasion of Grenada was an invasion the United Stateshad led on a caribbean island
with the population of about 91,000. This invasion resulted in a victory for the
United States. In 1982 a new T.V. series was made and it was called Knight Rider. It
was originally broadcasted on NBC from 1982 1986. The show stars David
Hasselhoff as Michael Knight , a high tech modern crime fighter assisted by KITT, a
self aware and nearly
Irish Immigrants and Their Struggles Essay
Irish Immigrants and Their Struggles
Shelby Stauble
Twyler Earl
The Irish people left Ireland and immigrated to America to enjoy a better life, get
away from the poverty and starvation that they were faced with in Ireland due to the
potato famine. They face all kinds of discrimination and were forced to take the
worst types of jobs, but they never gave up and kept fighting for their freedom. The
Irish were brave, courageous, and hardworking and made it possible for all Irish to
live happy and free lives in America.
The Irish immigrated to the United States starting in 1820, more came after 1820 due
to the potato famine which started in 1845, rotting of the potato crops ... Show more
content on ...
Putting them on a boat and sending them home would end crime in this country.
(para. 4). Although the Irish were put down by Americans they never gave up and
continued to press on. They were discriminated against but stuck together which
helped them survive in America.
The Irish face all types of discrimination; for example, environmental justice issues,
meaning they were placed in terrible environments, such as the shacks they lived in
and the boats they were brought to America on. They faced redlining, meaning
they were denied certain job position and were forced to pay a large amount of
money for housing. They double jeopardy because they were Irish and catholic,
the Americans saw this as two good reasons to treat the Irish poorly. The Irish
faced institutional discrimination they were not given the same jobs and or
opportunities that the average American was given because the American people
felt as though the Irish were a terrible group of people. The Irish were given the
worst jobs America had to offer and only because those jobs were the only ones
offered to them. They faced class ceiling discrimination because the Irish were
unable to move on to better positions at their place of work. The Irish were given the
most terrible jobs and even though the American people thought the Irish were good
workers they were still unable to move up in
Theme Of Cannery Row
From the stock market crashing almost rock bottom to banks filing for bankruptcy,
the Great Depression was a time of economic hardship for many people. Steinbeck s
Cannery Row depicts a small community of misfits isolated from most of society. The
novel follows the stories of these characters, interrupting itself occasionally with a
snippet of another tale from within the community. Cannery Row explores the theme
of yin yang within a community. Henri, a painter, wants to maintain the image of a
painter instead of actually painting. Dora, the head of a brothel, balances running a
tight ship while taking care of her girls at the same time. Doc, a scientist who lives in
his lab, has a mixture of conflicting personalities. Throughout the novel,... Show more
content on ...
Doc is a popular community member that s there whenever anyone need him. He
is described by the narrator of the novel as half Christ and half satyr (Steinbeck 28).
By describing Doc as half Christ, Steinbeck shows that Doc is very admired within
the community. Many of the young community members like Frankie look up to
him as a god because of his wise knowledge and he is kind to everyone. By
describing Doc as a satyr, it shows of his imperfect human side. Similar to satyrs,
Doc is an alcoholic and a player. Steinbeck s use of juxtaposition by showing both
Doc s strengths and vices highlights the idea that everyone has multiple sides to
their personality. Another example is when Doc recalls a poet s recommendation to
try a beer milkshake because he loved beer so much. He had wondered what a beer
milkshake would taste like. The idea gagged him but he couldn t let it alone
(Steinbeck 103). The beer milkshake is a metaphor for the juxtaposition of his
personality. A milkshake is something that most people like and is very sweet and
innocent. A beer is a form of sin because it is alcohol. By combining the two together,
Steinbeck highlights the contrasting forces of personality within Doc. The fact that
Doc has both strengths and weaknesses and that there are clashing character traits
within Doc demonstrates that everyone
Science Fiction By Ray Douglas Bradbury Essay
Many topics exist in the modern world about the issues of politics, of scientific
standpoints, of religious statuses, and even those of freedom. The topic of life on
other planets has had its fair share of publicity. Stories of personal experiences,
sightings, and encounters have navigated its way into the thoughts of many.
Newsweek, reports in a poll that more than half of Americans believe in the existence
of intelligent aliens. What does this mean for the world? Is the majority wrong once
again or must we investigate the possibilities? Ray Douglas Bradbury, an American
fantasy, science fiction author tapped into the notion of possible life on other planets,
touched on the many mysteries of time, and grazed on the interaction between aliens
and humans in August 2002: Night Meeting. A short story located in his collection
The Martian Chronicles. Are there any answers to the questions presented? Evidence
hasn t shown aliens to exist or has it? Most importantly, does the Bible make anything
clear about such findings? A common excuse for Christians to believe in
extraterrestrial lifeis they believe the universe is much too large to just consist of
only Earth s inhabitants. Having life exists only on Earth would therefore be a
waste of space. Firstly, we will look into the idea of life on other planets, but before
we can look at life on other planets we must look at the composition of life in our
modern world. Google defines life as a characteristic distinguishing physical
Cash In The Trash Bin
Cash in The Trash Bin
My ecology action project will be on recycling water bottles and soda cans and cash
them in for money to give to my school and church. My mom and step dad will be
driving me around town to pick up cans and water bottles. Numerous stores will also
be asked if we will be able to put recycling bins in their stores. All of the bottles and
cans will be put together and cashed in every one to two weeks depending on the
amount. By doing this action the environment will be a little less messy and money
will be given back to our community. This project will be done a little every day.
This ecology project was chosen because of doing this it is going to help my
community and doing a little every day. Also, by doing this, we will learn actually
how much trash is in our community. My ... Show more content on ...
My mom is putting a recycling bin in her office. There will also be a recycling bin
in my church. Also, around some stores, if they allow me to. Some of my classmates
will be asked to contribute to my project.
This project will be done a little every day. It will be done at school also during
class and lunch. It will be done every Wednesday night and Sunday morning through
the afternoon and every Saturday. It will be done it at home with my family
members who drink water bottles and soda. This project will be done as much as
The following project that will be done is done by myself. My mom will be
helping me a little by taking pictures, driving me around, and putting a recycling
bin in her office. My step dad is also going to be helping me with driving me around
and taking me to the recycling center to turn in my items. My family and friends are
providing me with bottles and cans that they drink. Also, my school will be helping
me very little with bottles and cans around the campus. Very excited to get this project
Merlin Entertainment Industry Analysis
Merlin Entertainments Group, entered the industry with multiple LEGOLAND
locations twelve years ago (Hinks, 2014; Diosi and Rose, 2014). The firm is in
charge of 117 locations, consisting mostly of Legoland Discovery Centers, Madame
Tussauds galleries, and Sea Life marine exhibits, with most of their selections being
in the firm s home country the United Kingdom, as well as a sizable presence in
Australia, Germany, and the United States (Merlin Entertainments PLC, 2017, p. 4
11). From these, the firm offers large locations like the British Chessington World of
Adventures Resort, where patrons are entertained by aquatic and land animals, as
well as mechanical coasters. The firm also offers smaller locations like the Madame
Tussauds galleries,... Show more content on ...
There are six Disney sites which all incorporate characters produced by Walt Disney
Studios: Shanghai Disney Resort, Disneyland Paris, Hong Kong Disneyland, Tokyo
Disney Resort, Walt Disney World Resort
, and Disneyland Resort. In addition to
these sites, the firm is also in charge of Adventures by Disney, Aulani (a health
centered getaway), Disney Vacation Club, and Disney Cruise Line (Holcomb, et
al., 2010; Destinations Around ). Among all of Disney s sites, however, Magic
Kingdom at Walt Disney World (which also contains the Hollywood Studios,
Epcot, and Animal Kingdom sites) reigns supreme as it has the highest patronage
(Hetter, 2017; TEA/AECOM 2016, 2017, 10 11, 30 31; Dillinger, 2017; Walt
Disney ). Magic Kingdom has several pleasant options for patrons, such as posing
next to Donald Duck for pictures, eating food shaped like Minnie Mouse, watching
productions near Cinderella Castle, and going on mechanical components like Splash
Mountain ( Magic Kingdom ). Disney s amusement locations have been
extraordinary, attaining 140.4M patrons and $16.9B before accounting for
functioning fees, or $3.3B after fees (Figure C; The Walt, 2017,
Suspense in Steven Spielberg s Movie Jaws Essay
Suspense in Steven Spielberg s Movie Jaws
Steven Spielberg, the creator of Jaws, uses many different techniques to draw in the
suspense of viewers and to capture their imagination. These techniques include special
effects to create tension, different camera angles to show facial expressions and
group shots. The classic Jaws music, known by millions of people, also helps build
up tension, to let us know when the shark is approaching. He uses colours, so that
we can associate signs and symbols to forthcoming events, e.g. the colour red is
associated with danger. We will be using all of the above devices to help analyse
different parts of the film.
As soon as the film starts, from the title sequence, these techniques are ... Show more
content on ...
The waves give off a really eerie effect, the whole scene just seems to bee too calm.
The next scene is off the girl swimming, but there is no music playing at all, and
makes the atmosphere feel eerie. You wonder what is going to happen next. Also the
girl is totally naked at this time, which makes her seem very vulnerable, as there is
nothing between her and the shark, except water. She is also away from the party,
which makes her seem unsafe.
The camera then starts to switch from the girls point of view, to the sharks point of
view. The girl is totally defenceless to the shark s capabilities, but using this effect
allows you to relate to both characters.
Next, you see a shot of the girl kicking her legs, and the camera slowly zooms in.
This shows the view from the shark s point of view, and shows the audience that the
danger is getting closer, which is certainly building the tension up.
The fact that we do not see the shark makes the audience feel quite uneasy, as in a
way we are uncertain of what the danger is. It also builds up a lot of fear, from our
point of view.
There are a lot pauses in the attack, which allows you to see the unconscious boy,
slumped on the beach. To me this shows us that the girl s only chance of survival is
totally oblivious to the current events, and is unaware of her screams. Also when the
camera switches onto the boy, it gives a chance to

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Essay On First Day Of School

  • 1. Essay On First Day Of School Writing an essay on the topic "First Day of School" can be both challenging and rewarding. On one hand, it's a universal experience that everyone can relate to, but on the other hand, capturing the essence of that day in a way that resonates with readers requires thoughtful reflection and creativity. One of the challenges is finding a unique angle or perspective to make the essay stand out. The first day of school is a common theme, and many people have shared their experiences, so there's a risk of the essay sounding clichГ© or generic. To overcome this, the writer needs to delve into personal emotions, details, and anecdotes that make their experience distinct. Another difficulty is striking a balance between personal narrative and broader reflections. It's important not to get too caught up in recounting every detail of the day without offering insights or reflections that connect with a broader audience. Crafting a narrative that is both personal and relatable to a wider audience requires skillful storytelling. Additionally, the challenge lies in conveying the emotions and significance of the first day effectively. Describing the nervous excitement, the unfamiliar surroundings, and the mix of emotions can be challenging without falling into overly sentimental or melodramatic language. In conclusion, while writing an essay on the first day of school may present some challenges, it provides an opportunity for self-reflection and the chance to connect with readers on a shared experience. It demands a careful balance of personal narrative and broader insights, as well as a creative approach to make the essay memorable. For assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, consider exploring, where you can find professional support to enhance your writing and meet your academic or creative goals. Essay On First Day Of School Essay On First Day Of School
  • 2. Jacques-Louis David s Influence On The Enlightenment In 19th century France, the Neoclassical art style arose, influenced by the classical artistic style of Greco Roman society. Around this time, France encountered many political, social and economic changes brought up mostly by the lower class French citizens. Jacques Louis David was a highly influential Neoclassical artist during this time. Commissioned by both Nobles and lower class citizens of France, he created artworks such as the Oath of the Horatii (image 1), the Death of Marat(image 2), and Napoleon Crossing the Alps (image 3). David s art represented the ideas of thinkers of that time rather than just the ideals of that time. The purpose of David s art was to gain the support of French citizens through artistic propaganda in order... Show more content on ... Due to the time period in which David created art, some ideals of the enlightenment may have been depicted, this, however, wasn t the main motive of David s art. The enlightenment was a radically new synthesis of ideas about humanity, reason, nature, and God that had arisen during classical Greek and Roman times and during the Renaissance (Stokstad 898). In Napoleon Crossing the Alps, the central figure of the painting is Napoleon. He was a war general who gained popularity through conquest before making himself emperor in 1804. In the painting, he is the largest and clearest figure depicted. This painting goes against the ideas of the enlightenment such as separation of powers, where power is split across three branches equally so that no one person would hold too much power, which was a widely held ideal during the time (Spielvogel 28). This painting does, however, serve as propaganda to depict Napoleon as a strong leader because he is appearing to stay still and calm on a moving horse in order to show that even through chaos he will remain a good leader for his people. Napoleon Crossing the Alps conveys that the purpose of David s art wasn t to depict the ideals of the enlightenment, but to influence the audience and to be used as
  • 3. Bill Gates Research Outline Challenging the Status Quo of Technology in Business Outline Your Name Here Critical Thinking COLL148 October 3, 2013 Julie Henning DeVry University [Technology to shape Office Efficiencies] Outline I. Introduction A. Getting in trouble as a teenager, led this innovative mind to reshape technological advances to better suit Business needs as society sees it today. B. Any Idea can be great; implementation of that idea takes careful planning and a smooth technological framework to seamlessly pull it off. C. Choosing to eschew the established ways most seek out their lives, Bill Gates chose to cultivate his interests, even by getting in trouble with a corporation at a young age while capitalizing ... Show more content on ... It would be at this point that Gates would not return to Harvard to finish his degree, instead he partnered with Paul Allen and named their partnership Micro Soft. The team would later drop the hyphen, and then three years later moved back home to Washington and established corporation paperwork in Bellevue, where Microsoft and Bill Gates would become the leader, and powerhouse of software development. Wikipedia 2013* 2. As Co Founder, and Chairman of Microsoft, Currently Bill Gates is regarded as the single most successful business person in the PC industry for all his contributions to consumer ready personal computer products. Wikipedia documents that Time Magazine named Gates one of the 100 people who most influenced the 20th Century, as well as one of the 100 most influential people of 2004, 2005 and 2006 (Wikipedia 2013)* B. Your reasons for selecting this person 1. Bill Gates is a pioneer of technological office products which forever changes how businesses are able streamline efficient technologies. Bill s quest for knowledge of how things worked, and how they could be improved started in his formative years while attending the Lakeside School in Seattle Washington, where he took an interest in programming the new computer system the school had recently purchased.
  • 4. Big Geography and the Peopling of the Earth Essay Midterm Review 1.1Big Geography and the Peopling of the Earth 1.Archeologists believe that the decisive differentiation between humans and apes occurred from 6 to 8 million years ago. 2.They have interpreted to different DNA analysis of bone fragments to show bipedalism. From the creature Ardepithecus ramidus, many different species of humans have developed from there. 3.Humans first appear on Earth in the Paleolithic Age where they inhabited all continents except for Antarctica. Homo sapiens had forelimbs freed from walking and opposable thumbs and also the development of the large brain. 4.The tools were created from wood, bone, and stone. They were created by breaking off the edges of stone cores to cr3eate points or cutting ... Show more content on ... There were many domesticated crops such as corn, rice, potatoes, squash and peppers. As for animals there are animals such as goats, sheep, cows, water buffalo, chickens, camels, horses and pigs are just some of them. 13.They had to work cooperatively to create space and create water control systems to grow crops in those empty lands. 14.They impacted environmental diversity and domesticating numerous amounts of animals on grasslands which lead to erosion. 15.They lead to more reliable and abundant amount of food supplies which helped increase the population. 16.Social effects that occurred is surpluses of food and other goods led to the specialization of labor or division of labor, that also included different classes of artisans and warriors and also the development of the elites. 17.Pottery, plows, woven textiles, metallurgy, wheels and vehicles with wheels are some technological innovations that helped in the growth of agriculture. 1.3The Development and Interactions of Early Agricultural, Pastoral, and Urban Societies 18.To be a civilization, it need to have generation of reliable surpluses, highly specialized occupations, clear social class distinctions, growth of cities, complex and formal governments, long distance trade, and lastly organized writing systems. A civilization is used to describe the idea of developing an understanding of the changing nature of early human social organization. 19.They had more of a demand for
  • 5. Epilogue To Arthur Miller s Play, An Inspector Calls Hello, I smiled to the secretary. Good afternoon, how may I help you? She didn t look up from her computer as she typed at an alarming pace. I was hoping you could tell me where the conference room for the international meeting can be located? The typing stopped, she peered at me sceptically. Name? I don t think the reservation is under my name. No, I mean country name. She rolled her eyes and pulled out a binder that held the calendar. Why, England, of course! I beamed at her. You certainly don t look like Arthur, I thought some new country came too early. Who are you? She put the binder away and looked through a contacts of a small booklet. I am Oliver. Mr. Kirkland is sick so he has sent me in his place. I gulped... Show more content on ... You know how much that Brit loves to work, he might finally be feeling the pain of his labour. Besides, Oliver here wouldn t hurt a fly. Allen tried to pat the American into a relaxed state, but his actions were doing the exact opposite. I suppose so, the representative of our former colony exclaimed, not looking entirely convinced. Now then, Mr. Kirkland s notes state his worries for the future generations of our world. As you all may know, the overall environment of the earth is steadily getting worse, I proclaimed. From there, other countries added commentary about how global warming wasn t real or how these suggested changes may affect crucial industries. They were mostly more concerned for their businesses than the environment. The only one who seemed to be listening intently was Allen. After going through the most important points of Mr. Kirkland s notes I called for a break, which everyone was more than thankful for. Allen approached me as I sat for a quick breath. He patted my back and praised my attempt to lead the conference. I think you did great! Would you like to grab lunch with us, Ollie? My stomach grumbled at the thought of a proper meal. Allen laughed heartily and grabbed my hand, leading us to his
  • 6. United States Dollar and Currency Essay 1. International Business Issue Can Bitcoin be a stable currency for international business? Definition, Application, and Prospection 1)What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is an open source peer to peer payment network and digital currency introduced in 2009. It is the first decentralized digital currency. It is the digital coin that you can send through the internet. Compare to other alternatives, Bitcoins have a number of advantages. Bitconins are transferred directly from person to person. This means that the fees are much lower you can use them in every country. Bitcoins are generated all over the internet by anybody running a free application called a bitcoin miner. Mining requires certain amount of work for each block of ... Show more content on ... It is almost 10000%. The stability of bitcoin as a currency is still controversial. Thus, I would like to say that though bitcoin has a lot of advantages, it has some definite weaknesses to be a substitute for currencies. Firstly, there have been lots of different form of virtual currencies so far. And they all got shrunk. If someone is a good programmer, anybody can make a new digital currency. If so, the advantage of bitcoin which is that there is a limit for issuing amount will disappear. Moreover, existing currencies are based upon each nation s control. Currency economies cannot exist outside of taxation systems. As most all of the nations are operated by tax, governments will not permit the free trade of electronic currency which is operated outside of taxation system. Actually, the China Central Bank announced that as the bitcoin is not a genuine currency, it cannot have a legal status. They also said that any financial institution or company cannot put a price of bitcoin and guarantee products that related to bitcoin. South Korea government also stated that the bitcoin is a product which cannot be protected by Korean laws. Because the bitcoin has a possibility to be abused in many ways. It is against the Korean real name financial system and can be used as a money laundering. Obviously, the bitcoin is one of the new flows in international business. However, it has many limits to be a substitute for real currencies. Economy cannot be detached
  • 7. Why Do Modern Science-Educated People Still Treat Race Considering all the physical and genetic facts that tell us that there are no biologically based races in the human species, why do modern, science educated people still treat race as if it comes from nature, as if it tells us something important about an individual? Scientist still treat is as if it comes from nature because the skin color of a person can offer insights into a person s geographic ancestry. Whenever we see someone of color we automatically assume that they are of a certain race, place, etc... Race is misunderstood and we as a society do not fully comprehend that there is much more to race than the color of the skin. Select one of the examples of life experiences that illustrates racism (racial profiling, racial stereotype, racial discrimination) and that you think is perpetuated by some aspect of the mainstream American culture. Then, explain the connection you see between culture and racism. The life experience that I chose was On the street . Racial profiling is done to many people but overall it s done the most to ... Show more content on ... I believe that it still exist in our society today because I have witnessed such things with both children and adults. There are many people that automatically turn to look at a black person in a weird way because of the reputation they have been given. The things that never changed in our culture to me are the influence of people that talk down on others, and the media. Children grow and learn to become these things or believe it because they witness it first hand and the difference in all aspect that black people face such as looks and treatment. Sometimes raising a child with respect and to not see any difference in anyone, unfortunately does not always work because the people around them and the portrayal in platforms such as television can encourage a child to believe these
  • 8. Case Study Of Antisocial Mentality Disorder The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM V) defines antisocial personality disorder as a mental disorder where an individual has no concern for the rights of themselves or others. This disorder may be confused with being out of touch with society due to the fact that that is what being antisocial really is. This type of antisocial behavior, as stated before, means having no disregard for the health and safety for others. People of this psychological nature are sometimes labeled as sociopaths. Given that these patients care little about the well being of anyone, the symptoms they obtain are very troublesome and mentally unhealthy. Treatment for this disorder varies from patient to patient. To be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, and individual has to have shown signs of at least ... Show more content on ... Lyle was a troubled man who showed signs of many DSM V symptoms of antisocial personality disorder. When the sessions fist began, Lyle stated that he felt no remorse for the death of his father or brother and that he wished his mother was dead along with them. Lyle had a strange body odor that would not go away no matter how often he showered. He described it as the smell of fear. According to Sebern F. Fisher, the patient s therapist, Lyle was unemployed and often had episodes of rage where he would run cars off the road at very high speeds, physically assault people, destroy property, and also had a history of abusing alcohol (Fisher, 2007). These intense episodes of rage fall under just about all of the symptoms. Provided that only two symptoms have to be present to be diagnosed with this disorder, Lyle s condition was very serious. Not only did he have symptoms for this disorder, but also symptoms for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and anxiety disorder. As stated before, having multiple mental health conditions is not uncommon for those in this mental
  • 9. Vandalism Vs Graffiti Research Paper Graffiti: Art or Vandalism? The word graffiti is derived from the word graffito which means writing or drawing that has been scribbled, scratched or painted on a wall or surface that is located within public view. Graffiti has existed since ancient times and could be found in a variety of locations. Graffitibegan to pick up steam as an art form in the 1970s and 1980s as can be seen in the film Style Wars and has continued to be an art form ever since. For more information, please click the following link: There have been several famous and influential graffiti artists over the years such as Iz the Wiz, Dondi and Banksy. In fact Banksy is one of my favorite graffiti artists as I am a fan of
  • 10. Giotto Di Bondone s Lamentation Giotto di Bondone s Lamentation: Subject and Symbolism Giotto Di Bondone s Lamentation depicts the mourning of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The Virgin Mary is pictured holding her son s body, mourning his death. Saint John the Evangelist is seen with his arms thrown back, dramatizing his grief (Kleiner 409). Mary Magdalene is seen at his feet, in sorrow, looking at the wounds of the crucifixion. Four other disciples are seen with the golden halos above their head, two expressing outward grief, while the remaining two Surrounding the Virgin Mary, Saint John, and Mary Magdalene are several other mourners. Their bodies are slouched while their faces express their similar feelings of despair. Above the mortals mourning on Earth are several angels darting about in hysterical grief (409). Behind the group is a rocky background, with a barren tree perched atop the seemingly arid land. The sky, while blue, is still dark and gloomy. The representation of lamentation expressed both by the angels and humans connects both the heavens and the Earth with a shared sorrow. The ... Show more content on ... Giotto makes use of an implied line to direct the viewer s attention from the tree representing Adam and Eve s original sin to the lifeless body of Jesus Christ. This diagonal line signals that Jesus Christ is the focal point of the painting. In order to portray three dimensions in his two dimensional painting, Giotto relies on varying values of color on the clothing and bodies of the observers and angels, as well as on the rocky background. Darker shades indicate shadows and lighter shades imply light, such as the sun. A diagonal balance is seen from the dead tree, down to the seated mourner in tan, following the line of the rocks in the background. Giotto also blurs the ends of the robes worn by the angels. This technique he employs suggests the implied motion, or flight, of the angels over the mourning congregation
  • 11. Growing Up In Poverty In The United States Poverty is the condition of being without adequate food or money. American Psychological Association (MLA): Poverty is not having enough money to have the basic necessities in life. It is an issue within the United States and the world. There are many children that grow up in poverty and the effects can last throughout the life. When growing up in povertythere can be high risk of teen pregnancy, poor heath, crime, Drug use and a lack of education. (Boyden) Poverty and poor health worldwide are inseparably related. Poor health is a direct effect of growing up in poverty; as children living in low economic families may not have access to adequate medical health coverage. Which means the child will not have proper immunization and checkup that they need to ensure good health. Studies show when a child grows up in poverty the child can be underweight (Boyden). Poor under lined illness may also lead to issues throughout a lifespan. Poverty increases neglect of health issues. That causes more health problems which ends in death. Statistics also show that living in poor rule areas, with low quality schools. Even if the parents are highly educated and employed, the employment ... Show more content on ... People who live in low economic and rule areas with less social standings are those who are considered to be in poverty. Someone who is suffering from poverty may have to live in cramped, inadequate houses or they could be homeless. Those who are unemployed or live in low economic areas are more likely to have unstable family life, broken relationships, with less involvement in their community, and low aspirations with alcoholism and drug addiction. We assume poverty is unlikely the cause of high crime in rule areas and for drug and alcohol addiction. But studies show people that are in poverty find themselves using their circumstance for an excuse to commit crimes and the use drugs and
  • 12. Health Benefits Of Eating Red Meat 2.4Symptom find: Health Risks and Benefits of Eating Red Meat (Article) There are many health Benefits of Red Meat. The first benefit is that it contains high levels of zinc which boosts one s immune system. Secondly, red meat is a good source of iron. When one chooses a lean red meat, it can aid one s weight loss when on a high protein diet. Moreover, red meat is a great source that contains complete proteins that are vital, not only for your muscles, but organ health. Lastly it contains high levels of the B vitamins which aids the maintenance of your nerve cells. On the contrary, many doctors may advise their clients to reduce their amount of red meat consumed. This is to the potential negative effects including, but not limited to (i) increased risk of bowel cancer, (ii) higher cholesterol levels resulting in heart diseases, (iii) high saturated fat content that induces weight gain and (iv) a greater chance of developing osteoporosis, due to digestive processes effecting ... Show more content on ... Similarly, red meat is a factor that Increases the risk of Alzheimer s disease. 2.4.1The validity of the information This resource is dated in the year 2016. This means that it was written one year ago which is very recent as the foundation of the information between then and now is still the same, the research has only gotten more detailed through extended research. 2.4.1The reliability of the information Ashley Henshaw is a freelance writer editor. She has written for many top profile company s which includes: The Huffington Post, USA Today, Citysearch and LIVESTRONG. This site is operated by the IAC Publishing. IAC Publishing collects the most trusted brands to create and be the biggest and best digital publisher. Thus, they are credible and recognized, although not in the dietician health field
  • 13. Anheuser Busch Inbev Persuasive Essay Anheuser Busch InBev which owns Budweiser presently distributes more than 400 million hectoliters of beer on an annual basis. What is interesting is that Anheuser Busch distributes roughly 90 percent of the American beer market domestically. This shows that the general beer consumption around the United States is dominated by this company as a whole. This should be something that this company can have pride in. America s largest brewer has a number of product lines, not just the Budweiser or Bud light that we would automatically think of. Michelob, Bare Knuckle Stout, Honey Lager, Busch Ice, and Busch are just a few of the alternative product lines that Anheuser Busch InBev owns and operates. All in all, there are generally some 200 brands ... Show more content on ... This is direct competition, but with Anheuser Busch InBev being the largest brewery in America, they should expect competition and could embrace the idea of smaller craftsmen and women to create different products. The market for craft beer is nowhere near as large as the market that Budweiser has niched itself into. Generally speaking, the Anheuser Busch InBev Company has a strong reputation for being an American beer company. They use Clydesdale horses and golden retrievers in their commercials to reiterate that they stand for being American. They have released several ads speaking to welcome immigrants and that their own founder was an immigrant. Another political arena that Anheuser Busch InBev operates in is the drunk driving landscape. They have released more than a few anti drinking and driving ads. A very recent one shown during the super bowl (an obvious target audience for Anheuser Busch InBev) shows a golden retriever and his owner, whom leaves the dog at home while he goes out to drink with friends and doesn t come back until the next day. The owner tells the dog that he didn t want to drink home drunk, so he stayed with his friend. The Budweiser PSA s generally are accepted well within the community and show the point that the company is trying to
  • 14. A Day At School Today A moment later she asked the tall, large man, Are you Mr. Mckutchin? in her small elfin like voice. A question to which he replied, People have called me that, yes. Did you have a bad day at school today, and maybe that s why you were crying? asked Mr. Mckutchin as he looked down upon her with thoughtful eyes. No, Erin said somberly. Are you going to lock me up in your basement until I m big and fat, and then eat me, and then feed my bones to your dog? asked Erin in a tone which almost made her sound like she had already accepted her fate. Heavens, No! Mr. Mckutchin laughed out boisterously. Is that what all the kids are saying about me? Well, I guess it s better than being a Nazi on the run who likes... Show more content on ... Mckutchin, not sure if she should pull her hand away from his after he revealed his distaste for children. But, Mr. Mckutchin went on, You see... it s not that I don t like people or children, Erin. It s just... It s just that my friends and I tend to partake in what I would call, very special games, games for grownups that is, and a very special few of them at that. It s not something I would like for people to see, especially children. And, at times, we can get very loud and rambunctious when we play our special games, so we try to keep our games hidden, if you can understand that, Erin. Do you have any special games that you like to keep hidden, Erin? Erin now pulled her hand away from him, not knowing what to say. Were you crying because of your dad, Erin? Were you crying because of special games he likes to play with you? ***** The next day was Halloween and Erin had found herself excited for its arrival all day long while she was in school. She had gotten a rare lucky break for once in the form of her father having come home late from work yesterday, so he hadn t found out that she d gone to the park after getting off the school bus instead of coming straight into the house. That meant she didn t have to accept missing out on trick or treating as a punishment for her transgressions. When Erin had gotten home from school that afternoon, she at once ran into her house and then to her bedroom to put on her
  • 15. Pros And Cons Of Eugenics Eugenics is a special effort targeted at cultivating the genetic composition of the human race. In history, eugenicists had promoted selective breeding to accomplish goals that were set. Nowadays, we have the proper technology that makes it possible to directly modify the genetic composition of an individual. Nevertheless, people have different views on how to best use this kind of technology. In 1883, a British scholar named Sir Francis Galton, who was also the cousin of Charles Darwin, used the term eugenics, to represent well born. Galton believed that the human racecould directly help its future by selectively breeding individuals who have certain desired qualities. This idea was constructed on Galton s study of the upper class in Britain. After the completion of these studies, Galton established that an elite position in society was due to those persons having good genetic makeup. Galton idea of Eugenics was developed due to Charles Darwin s theory of Social Darwinism, which explains survival of the fittest, the capability to... Show more content on ... The theory and practice of eugenics shelters the entire spectrum of the slippery slope, from false contraception to abortion to euthanasia to genocide. Until around 1985, eugenics practice had been inadequate to dictating that it is we the people, not God, who determines who will be born in this world, through the practice of abortion. Nowadays, society is at a point where eugenics may determine who will remain on earth. Eugenics did not die with the Third Reich, because the eugenics movement thrived long before Hitler had power, and is certainly well and alive today. Actually, it is stronger now than ever before, and since its supporters have learned their lesson about the value of secrecy, dishonesty, incrementalism, and publicity from many experience, it is
  • 16. Systems Thinking And The Health Care System Systems thinking was developed during this SMAC by learning to identify the connections of Information tecnology and the health care system. This SMAC involved the understand of the health care system and the service they provide and how they operates. As a result, while systems thinking allows new and useful methods to improve patient safety, it comes with it its own intangible challenges that, if not documented and addressed, will both slow improvement and present new harm. This SMAC allowed us to see the challenges that healthcare system faces and how they analyzed and apply systems thinking in assessing them. Understanding the challenges by completion of a SWOT analysis. Which required the development of an action plan of improvement for patient safety by implementing and maintaining new processes and practices such has how can the functions of each component be optimized so that the results of the system are maximized? How can we identify and monitor for unintended consequences? How can we intervene to prevent harm from unintended consequences. It required the development of an action plan of improvement for the future. We have improved our ability to understand how health care system achieve the organizational goal of safe and excellent patient care by developing my ability at systems thinking. The contributions to this SMAC display both the complexity of a systems method to patient safety, and the promise of new ways in thinking about the systems within
  • 17. Essay on Prisoners Without Choice Prisoners without Choice When people go on a trip to the zoo, it can be assumed that they do not think about much more than what they can see. Signals that make zoos unfair and sometimes unbearable for the captive animals are not visible to most spectators. This essay will explain how zoos are unjust and should not be supported. Animals should not be held captive due their negative behavioral changes, lack of natural habitat and the zoos failure to effectively preserve endangered species. Even though zoos try to imitate the natural habitat of each animal, the area for the zoo might not be able to support the animals needed environment. When visiting a zoo many people fail to notice that the animals have living areas ... Show more content on ... When introduced with stress animals act strangely, and their actions are visible to zoo visitors, but viewers are not aware of why they are doing these things. According to PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), when animals pace from side to side, walk in circles, lick their bars, roll their heads, and rock back and forth, they are under severe stress. Most captive animals also perform acts of self mutilation, and eat their own feces. There are even some cases of stillbirths caused by stressful conditions. Animals who naturally live in large herds should not be housed alone, and solitary animals should not be kept in groups. These situations also create unhappiness in captive animals. Zoo animals living under anxiety and tension also add to the difficulties of conserving species. Zoos claim to conserve species, but they frequently fall short on this promise. The zoo industry rationalizes the caging and breeding of animals by claiming that zoos enhance conservation efforts, but the facts do not back up this claim. According to a joint report by the World Society for the Protection of Animals and the Born Free Foundation, with the best will in the world, and even with all their combined resources, zoos cannot hope to save more than a few of the animal species that are doomed to become extinct within the next decade (Laws). According to PETA, reintroductions of individual members of
  • 18. Loctite Adhesive Essay Marketing Strategy BUS 37000 Saturday Section Bond A Matic Product Marketing Plan Partha Srinivasan I pledge my honor that I have not violated the Chicago GSB Honor Code during the Preparation of this assignment. Bond A Matic Marketing Plan Executive Summary With the introduction of a unique low cost adhesive dispensing product named as Bond A Matic (BAM), Loctite Inc is seeking to resolve dispensing issues such as clogging in smaller adhesive bottles. As a leader in development of high performance adhesives and sealants for industrial and consumer applications, Loctite has a mission to become the premiere worldwide marketer of instant adhesives for industrial use by 1985. By increasing product awareness brand recognition for ... Show more content on ... The focus should be to advertize BAM as a Product that fits small firm needs instead of marketing it just as a low cost solution . This strategy would reflect better on the Loctite brand and would not jeopardize existing equipment (sold to large firms) sales. 2) Combine BAM advertisements with the Super Bonder adhesive advertisement. This would help to promote joint sales as well as help reduce advertisement costs. The selling point for small firms is low cost equipment that optimizes use of high quality adhesive and reduces total cost. By eliminating clogging, providing faster application and reducing assembly errors (Exhibit 8), BAM will be positioned as the product that reduces mess and helps small firms save on labor and adhesive costs (more under pricing strategy). 3) Include brochures on Bond A Matic with 1 lb packages of Super Bonder adhesives with 10 packs of 1 oz Super Bonder bottles. Include product information highlighting benefits such as anti clogging, no mess/waste (and others in Exhibit 8), a response /ordering card with discount coupons. Sales personnel could follow up any leads that come from brochure response. 4) Include one year limited warranty (include warranty registration card) instead of 30 day free trial to reduce return expected costs. This plan would also go well with the Loctite brand image. 5) Offer bulk purchase discounts and build proper incentives to sales force to persuade distributors and
  • 19. The Physics Of The Gas Of A Solution And The Amount Of... Multiple scientific concepts were exemplified in this experiment and one particular goal of this lab was to learn more about the Beer Lambert Law which establishes a linear relationship between the concentration of a solution and the amount of light that the solution absorbs. Moreover, another objective of this experiment was to gain an understanding about the mechanical components of a spectrophotometer and to successfully use the device to measure absorbance or transmittance values. Lastly, another goal of this lab was to understand the concept of calibration curves and the process of interpolating data. Essentially, this lab utilized all of the processes mentioned above to determine the percentage of copper in a penny. Standard... Show more content on ... Introduction Scientific Background Concepts The determination of the amount of copper in a penny involves multiple scientific concepts that are extremely important. First, the experiment involves a redox reaction of Copper and Zinc. Copper and zinc are both components of a penny and the oxidation reaction utilizes nitric acid, a very strong oxidizing agent, in order to oxidize both copper and zinc. The reaction generates a highly toxic, brown gas which is nitrogen dioxide (NO2), but more importantly, it results in the complex ions of copper and zinc. The complex ion generated of copper is Cu(H2O)42+ and has a dark blue hue while the complex ion generated of zinc is Zn(H2O)42+ and does not have a distinctive color. Essentially, a complex ion is formed by having a central metal ion that has formed covalent bonds with multiple ligands, which are simply anions. Furthermore, the Beer Lambert Law establishes a relationship between light absorption and solution concentration by claiming that the concentration of a certain solution is directly proportionate to the total amount of light energy that the compound present in the solution can absorb (The Beer Lambert). A spectrophotometer can be utilized to measure how much light energy of a certain chosen wavelength is absorbed by a particular sample. Objectives There are multiple goals that are to be achieved by
  • 20. The Effects Of Writing On Feminist Theory The Effects of Writing on Feminist Theory Throughout known history, societies that have developed across the globe have favored men. Men were permitted to be lawyers, doctors, voters, and land owners; however, one of the most influential, yet underpaid occupations for an individual is the writer. Men have served for centuries as the mouthpiece for truth regarding all things, until early feminists pushed for girls to receive education including key success skills such as reading and writing. Most men were not thrilled about this revolutionary change. Their efforts to uphold the traditional roles of women are expressed through the character Gaston in Disney s Beauty and the Beast: It s not right for a woman to read, ... Show more content on ... Feminist theory was developed to recognize injustices against women, and proposes action to change the situation universally (Young 20). The 1960s and 70s brought second wave feminism, which occurred during the same time as the Civil Rights movement and protests against the Vietnam War (Rich 7). The second wave of feminism was said to be a transition focused on individual rights (Freedman 3). Feminists who belonged to other minority groups received poor recognition from mainstream feminists (Rich 31). Many issues among feminists themselves can be seen on a larger scale throughout society itself; however, in order for second wave feminism to be a success, cultural issues such as homophobia and racism needed to be ironed out from within the group before feminists could expect any forward progress. Due to poor recognition from white feminists, Black Feminism, as well as several other subcategories of feminism, developed during this time (Freedman 4). Black feminism arose from the civil rights movement and mainstream feminism. From civil rights activists, black women were treated as second class citizens , and racism came from their fellow feminist sisters. Black women ran an uphill battle, fighting racism, classism, and even at times homophobia (Rich 32). Black women are inherently valuable, and that our liberation is a necessity not as an adjunct to somebody else s but because of our need as human persons for autonomy (Rich 31). Alice
  • 21. Essay on Macbeth Thesis: Macbeth s changing character over the course of the play can be seen in his roles a general, husband and a king. I. General A. Early in the play he is brave 1. Captain reports 2. Duncan conversation B. Late in the play he is ineffective 1. Fearful 2. Cornered II. Husband A. Initially close to wife 1. Confides in her via letter 2. Has pet name B. Later becomes distant/cold 1. Tells doctor to cure Lady Macbeth 2. Feels resignation, not anguish at her death III. King A. At first is powerful 1. Malcolm and Donaldbain free Scotland 2. He succeeds in killing Banquo B. At end is powerless 1. Fleance escapes 2. Malcolm conquers Scotland The story of Macbeth is one of power at the expense of everything. The main character, Macbeth ... Show more content on ... He becomes fearful at the sight of Banquo s ghost. He pretends to appear brave by saying, quot;Thou canst say I did it. Never shake thy gory locks at me, quot; (3.4.61 62) Macbeth is showing paranoia, a truly fearless General would not have fearful visions of those they have murdered. Macbeth s sinful deeds not only lead him to be fearful but cornered as well. Siward, Malcolm and Macduff reveal Macbeth s secret murders. Now that Macbeth s secrets are out and he has no where to hide, he has to face MacDuff and meet his destiny. (5.8) Macbeth s changing character is evident not only in his role as a general, but also in his role as a husband. Macbeth tells his wife everything and confides in her via letter. (1.5.1 14) He shares his most intimate feelings and secret plans. Macbeth even calls his wife quot;my dearest partner of greatness quot;. (1.5.11) This proves the affection and trust he has in Lady Macbeth. When Macbeth really needs someone to turn to, near the end of the play, he grows distant to his wife. Macbeth does not continue to go to her for advice. He even tells the doctor to cure her of her mental illness, and makes no effort himself to help cure her. (5.3.49 55) When Lady Macbeth dies, Macbeth states, quot; She should have died hereafter. There would
  • 22. have been time for such a word. quot; He hears the news of his wife s death, and reacts nonchalant and unemotional. Finally, Macbeth s changing
  • 23. What Are The Similarities Between Han China And The Roman... Allison Sawey Ms. Rodriguez WHAP 6th Oct. 30th 2014 DBQ Essay In the Classical Era, 600 B.C.E to 600 C.E, the Han and Roman empires thrived in technology. The advancement in technology gave an opportunity for mixed opinions and attitudes throughout both empires. Although technology was viewed as most beneficial to the working class and more advanced than in previous eras, the governments of these societies played a negative role in the advertisement of technology. Overall, both Han China and the Roman Empire viewed technology as most beneficial to the working class. As written in History of the Early Han Dynasty in 200 C.E, new inventions, such as the water powered blowing engine for iron agriculture, were used in the Han Dynasty and ultimately ... Show more content on ... Huan Guan, Han government offical, wrote Discourses on Salt and Iron in the first century B.C.E, and explained that since the state government had monopolized the salt and iron industries, the tools provided by the state, rather than the workers themselves, were difficult to use and not as good quality as the ones made by individuals, implying that the governent put a halt to workers utilizing the more productive tools of the era (Doc. 2). An additional document from a worker from either the salt or iron industry would be helpful. The worker could voice whether the state enforced tools had negetively effected their work, thus verifying that the government s ideology of quantity over quality and lack of support in productive technology was detrimental to state wide production. In the first century B.C.E writing, On Duty, Roman leader Cicero expresses that craftsmen take part in vulgur, nonenlightening occupations, thus negetively advertising the practice of the working class as well as the technology the working class utilizes (Doc. 5). The author of the document is negatively advertising the use of new technology because he, as a Roman leader and a member of high society, is widely listened to and can greatly affect the attitude of the citizens towards new technology throughout the Roman
  • 24. Fodo Bagggins Is An Epic Hero Analysis J. R. R. Tolkien s Lord of the Rings is a classic literature, which depicts the adventures of Frodo Baggins with his fellow friends. In the book, there are certain parts of a quest and Frodo being described as an epic hero. A quest is an adventurous journey undergone by the protagonist in order to get something valuable. The protagonist usually overcomes many difficulties along the way. The object of a quest requires the most effort of the protagonist. But before obtaining the object, there will be a final challenge for the protagonist. An epic hero is the main character of the book. He is a brave and noble character who has many great achievements throughout the story. Besides, he often is a man of action and has encountered temptations and risks. He is willing to accept challenges and battle monsters. Also, he has to go to the enemy s lair. The epic hero achieves his goal at the very end. Therefore, I would say that Frodo Bagginsis an epic hero according to The Fellowship of the Rings, Book One. Firstly, a characteristic of the ... Show more content on ... For example, when the hobbits were staying at an inn in Bree, Frodo had a bit too much to drink and he accidentally slipped the ring on his finger, causing him to disappear. This had lead to many suspicions and caused Strider to question Frodo about the ring. The mistakes of Frodo often lead to accepting help from others. While Frodo does not excel at strength or fighting, he does get a lot of aid in his journey to overcome difficulties. For instance, at the start of his journey, Farmer Maggot carries Frodo and his companions to the Brandywine River in a covered wagon. Then when they were in the Old Forest, Tom Bombadil assists them in going through the forest. And lastly, Strider helps them to escape the Black Riders. Since having a guide is also considered as a characteristic, Frodo does fit the description of an epic
  • 25. Low Velocity Impact And Impact After Compression Of Cork... Low Velocity Impact and Impact after Compression in Cork Based Composite material ABSTRACT: Experiments are carried out in the investigation to find out the role of cork as an ideal core material, which is used as a shield plate in the front of land military vehicles to verify the energy absorption and damage tolerance. Composite materials are used in various industries these days due to its high strength to weight ratio putting them into light weight applications. Vacuum Assisted Resin Infusion Method is chosen to manufacture the laminate. Specimens are cut according to American Society for Testing and Materials Standards are used. Low velocity impact is carried out on the specimens to observe the energy absorption capabilities of the specimens with two different testing variables i.e., energy level and amount of the viscoelastic material. Afterwards, Compression after Impact test is carried out to study the Damage tolerance of the impacted specimen. The study of all the results from the above tests shows us the energy absorption and damage tolerance with the presence of cork as a core material. Further studies can be done in different energy levels, different viscoelastic materials and also different fibres and resins. INTRODUCTION: Recent years, high modulus and high strength was the main concern of the development of advance performance of the composite materials. High strength is not only the objective but also the performance of the material along with ability
  • 26. Essay on Annie Liebovitz s Women Annie Liebovitz s Women After reading a book on various feminist philosophies, I evaluated Annie Liebovitz s book and collection of photographs entitled Women according to my interpretation of feminist philosophy, then used this aesthetic impression to evaluate the efficacy of feminist theories as they apply toward evaluating and understanding art. A photograph is not an opinion. Or is it? So begins Susan Sontag s introductory essay to the book Women, a collection of photographs by AnnieLeibovitz. Collected without a stated intention other than to treat on the subject matter at hand, Leibovitz s images confront a wide spectrum of issues surrounding women living in America at the end of the twentieth century. Sontag explains, Any... Show more content on ... Of particular concern are the women who are celebrated and glamorized as successful and well educated artists, actresses, and celebrities. We are so familiar with slick, glossy photographs of women such as Nicole Kidman, Drew Barrymore, rapper Lil Kim, or young actress Christina Ricci, that at first glance these portraits are far more celebratory, depicting the women in thoughtful, atmospheric lighting, perfect makeup and hair, beautiful clothing, and carefully framed shots. It is very clear these are not tabloid photos, but instead artistic portraits, to be viewed as such. The complication arises when we consider what statement Leibovitz is making about the real nature of their careers, however, as seen in a careful evaluation of the postures and presentations of these powerful and successful women. Drew Barrymore is wearing a gauzy flesh colored dress, splayed out on a patch of ultra green filtered grass. Her face is turned away from us, almost unrecognizable, looking downward and over her shoulder, her arms listlessly at her side and touching her shoulder. She is flat on the ground with her knees raised and spread slightly apart, shot from above, with a corpse like pallor and demeanor. Were she not identified in the caption by name, a viewer would be hard pressed to determine the identity of this accessible and apparently disposable body. Perhaps this is the
  • 27. Freeman Lobotomy Essay Psychosurgery is often called neurosurgery for the mental ill/disordered. It was said that the surgery could destroy brain tissue and eliminate the symptoms of mental illness all together. Even though it was first used by Gotttlieb Burckhardt it was not a popular procedure until American neurologist Walter Freeman. Freeman had a specific form of psychosurgery and that was lobotomy. Freeman believed that it could cut certain nerves and eliminate excessiveness of emotions and stabilize a personality. The first every U.S. lobotomy was on a Kansas housewife in 1936. The goal and purpose of lobotomy was to help schizophrenia, depressed, bipolar disorder, and other mental illness patients. The procedure is very freighting sounding. The surgeon/doctor... Show more content on ... Freeman s lobotomy procedure at only the age of 12. His stepmother is actually the person who took him to see Freeman simply because she wanted to do away with him. She told Freeman that her step son did not react to love or punishment, does a good deal of day dreaming and when asked says I don t know , and objects going to bed but sleeps well. She took him to numerous doctors everyone told her the same thing except Dr. Freeman. Other doctors said he was just a typical young boy while Freeman said otherwise. Freeman told her that the only way to fix her stepson was by a lobotomy. She informed the doctor that he had to talk to Dully s father and convince him the procedure would be beneficial. Surely enough the next time Dully s step mom took him to see Dr. Freeman, Howard Dully would be sitting in a chair with what Dully calls ice picks in his eyes. Dully never really talked about his lobotomy growing up but he definitely felt like something was missing from his soul. He always wanted to know more about what happened considering he did not remember the procedure itself. It took Dully until he was 54 (studied for two years, now is 56) to begin to want to figure out exactly what happened, so he did just that. He went to George Washington University and found the clues he needed to know he was
  • 28. Why Is Rhy Mac So Popular Is there any other way to get famous besides elaborate entanglements, huge amounts of money, and mountains of cocaine? The band Fleetwood Mac was comprised of Mick Fleetwood, Stevie Nicks, Lindsey Buckingham, John McVie, and Christine McVie. The band was formed 1967 in London, England by Peter Green and named after Mick Fleetwoodand John McVie, the only 2 remaining original members. The band is famous for its inter relationships and how it stayed together through the heartbreak. Fleetwood Macis an American Icon that has forever affected rock and roll. The band is famous for its inter relationships. Fleetwood Mac became an american rock icon throughout its life and became famous from its emotional complexity and precarious musical chemistry. Fleetwood mac s emotional complexity is a huge part of why it s famous. For example, the band seemed to have to constantly change out their guitarist. The band has had around 9 different guitarists since its formation. These guitarists left the band because they either had mental illness, committed suicide, suffered from major drug use, or joined a religious cult. The album Rumours was a test of the bands bonds, as the band was notorious for its... Show more content on ... One couple is Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks, who broke up with each other through song. Mick Fleetwood Jenny Boyd, a model, they were married 2 times, they first divorced after Jenny cheated on Mick, then for the second time because of Mick Fleetwood s affair with Stevie Nicks. Fleetwood and Nicks were in an affair together for 2 years. They mutually decided to end it a short while after his second divorce. Which leads to the relationship of Mick Fleetwood and Sara Recor who happened to be Stevie Nick s best friend. Finally there was Christine and John McVie, they were married but, like the others, divorced during the album
  • 29. A Formal Written Food Defense Plan 3.001A formal written Food Defense Plan has been developed and implemented (includes vulnerability assessment and broad and focused mitigations as appropriate based on risk; vulnerability assessment clearly covers key activity types such as bulk receiving/storage, mixing, and secondary ingredient handling etc.). Observation: The current approved Food Defense Plan is approved by Quality and this process does not include Site Director signoff at this time. The current approved plan does not cover key activity types/vulnerabilities with matched mitigation strategies. The site has a drafted Food Defense Plan using the FDA Plan Builder, currently unapproved. 3.002Areas indicated in the Food Defense Plan as actionable process steps have... Show more content on ... Observation: Assessment of process steps to identify actionable process steps or critical control areas and associated strategies is incomplete, draft. 3.006Bi annual reviews of the Food Defense Plan are conducted and documented. 3.007The Food Defense Team conducts monthly audits of the facility (includes review to ensure regular monitoring has been occurring). Observation: Food Defense monthly audits are not occurring. 3.008Emergency contact information for local, state and federal Homeland Security agencies are included in the plan. The list is current. Check and note date in comments column. Observation: FBI is included Homeland Security is not included. 3.009A current list of analytical laboratories is included in the plan. Observation: Current list of analytical laboratories is not included in current plan(s). 3.010Procedures for responding to threats of product tampering are included in the plan. Observation: Reference is not included in the current plan(s). 3.011Procedures for responding to actual incidents of product tampering are included in the plan. Observation: Reference is not included in the current plan(s). 3.012Procedures are included for notifying government and enforcement agencies of threats or tampering issues. Observation: Reference is not included in the current plan(s). 3.013A product Hold system is established to ensure that adulterated
  • 30. The Pros And Cons Of Nuclear Science And Technology Nuclear science and technology, what once started in the heart of World War II have now grown to be used for a variety of purposes. The debate in recent times have been between the different viewpoints of the technological impacts of nuclear science. The report wishes to examine if the government and powerful private organizations should allow this form of science to progress due to all its technological impacts. The purpose of the report is to analyze the arguments raised by both sides of the debate and have the readers decide their strengths. The subtopics the report will cover are as follows: 1.Nuclear technology in energy production 2.Nuclear Waste: Is it a problem? 3.Radioisotopes in foods and agriculture 4.The long and short term effects of nuclear waste 5.Nuclear technology in medical treatments 6.The social, moral and security impacts of the Nuclear Bomb. The report will examine the severity of the arguments raised by both sides and if the arguments are free from having interest explanations and other social influences. The report does not seek the truthfulness behind the viewpoints but rather study them agnostically. 1.Nuclear technology in energy production 1.1 Nuclear energy as a replacement for non renewable energy resources. The use of fossil fuels has been largely criticized by environmentalist due to the carbon emissions. Climate change has developed from concern of individuals, to nations in recent times. Nuclear energy is seen as a step
  • 31. One Man s Journey to Heaven in the Book Leaf by Niggle... One Man s Journey to Heaven The story Leaf by Niggle by J.R.R. Tolkien is a story of allegory, and with good use of metaphors shows what our religious journey on earth to heaven could be. The story used allegory which is metaphors for the characters and places used in the story. It start with a man named Niggle, who is going on a trip, but wants to finish his painting before he goes. Once we read the entire story it becomes clear that it is an allegorical story. The main character in the story is Niggle. He is a painter; however he is not a successful painter. He is very nervous and not sure about going on his journey. Niggle is very kind and feels the need to help others, even when he feels it is annoying at the time. Niggle lives in a country that has rules about needing to help each others neighbors, so Niggle is forced by an inspector to help his neighbor Parish, even though he doesn t care much for him. The metaphors used in Niggle s story of the people he meets and where he goes, it is easy to see that the story represents a mans life of his path to purgatory and death. The symbolism seems likely, especially to Catholics and their belief in purgatory. In his idea of a painting, he sees a large tree with leaves and mountains. He wants more than anything to paint what he sees; however, he is continually bothered by his neighbor, a man named Parish. He procrastinated for his journey by keeping himself very busy with his painting and helping his
  • 32. Conventions Of Dystopian Fiction What do we lose in the transition from old to new? This is the question we face in so many aspects of our lives. Tradition, family, technology, and literature all asks this question. Is there any value of the untried and possibly untrue elements that we see in our present day? However, despite the doubt sometimes expressed, we still see an influx of new and different customs, computers, and books. Books often reflect the style and society of the time they were written in, creating a clear picture of the audience targeted. They use specific literary techniques and plot points to appeal to their audience, often finding new ways from their predecessors. Books allow us to look at an older society and see their values and problems in a way... Show more content on ... Dystopian fiction is one such genre. In fact, it reflects the present perhaps more than other genres, as it evaluates current times by creating a possible future. The first documented use of the word dystopian was said in a speech by English politician John Stuart Mills in opposition of the Utopians in 1868. He said that they would be better called dys topians as what is commonly called Utopian is something too good to be practicable; but what they appear to favor is too bad to be practicable. This set a precedent for all dystopian fiction, in which a fictional society is created that is in fact too bad to be practicable. 1 Dystopian fiction originally functioned to critique problems found in the present by looking at an exaggerated picture of what the world could be like if we continue of the road we are. However, this genre has not been immune to change. In earlier dystopian fiction we see a protagonist who becomes aware of the societal faults through the plot of the book, as well as a seemingly functioning society all while being geared towards teens. Today that has changed. Within the past few decades, we have seen a shift in the protagonist, and a shift in the society portrayed. Though these two shifts have certainly changed the genre, they seem to stem from the shift in the targeted audience. Teens tend to lack a focus on deeper themes while reading, and books geared towards them often recognize this. With this is mind can this new, young adult dystopian fiction really measure up to the older dystopian fiction? To answer this question we must ask whether dystopian fiction still serves the function set in place by the original period. Without this purpose, the dystopian novels of today becomes simply science fiction novels, perhaps with a purpose and relevance to the audience, but no longer dystopian fiction. However, if they do fulfill this purpose, these books give us
  • 33. Automobile Industry In The Late 1800 s The first automobile was made useful in France and Germany in the late 1800 s. America s industry of automobile started in the early 1990 s. Henry ford had a big production that was used everywhere and made America s production well known in the world. Retrieved from /Environmental_Challenges_Facing_the_American_Auto_Industry Global Competition in the Industry America had a global competition as it was not the only country who had the industry. China, South Korea, Japan and India were also procuring automobiles. In 1995 America and Japan made an agreement on having more outlets in each countries, to be able to sell their products. This agreement created job opportunity and made their cars and parts available in both countries. This agreement also invented computation. Japan was producing good quality and affordable automobile such as Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi and more. Japan s automobile became well known all over the world. The Effect of Emissions on the Environment and Government Reactions Automobiles create many problems for the environment and the government. Pollution is created from cars, and people are dying from cancer and heart ... Show more content on ... Recently America and the European countries are saying that the automobile industry is very dangerous for our world, and the likes of china should not produce them as we have created a lot of pollution already. What the world should be currently focusing is reducing the pollution, nor creating more cars. The countries who are interested on producing cares would probably say, why they should stop when it s their turn to make money. What would happen if had a different use of the resource and the man power we used to create automobile? I think we probably would have made a much better world then we have
  • 34. Empathy Between Empathy And Empathy The dictionary defines empathy as the feeling that you understand and share another person s experiences and emotions , but personally I believe it is far more complex (Merriam Webster). To me, empathy is more than the ability to understand another s emotions or experiences, it is the ability to see beyond yourself and your world without being prompted to. I Those who have the greatest amount of empathydo not need to be told that there are people in the world that struggle and face sadness. It is in their nature to know that it is this way and they feel for their fellow being, wanting to help in some way. Throughout this semester I have come to understand that empathy plays a key role in defining an individual, a community, and how the two interact with each other. There is a distinct differences between those individuals that have empathy and those that do not, it shows clearly in their attitude and actions towards others. It is those individuals that have empathy that make up strong communities, and empathy is arguably the most important part of a community because it allows for a sense of understanding and togetherness. How empathic an individual is is very important as to whether or not they are going to be a positive contributing members of society. The ability to empathize with others is an important life skill. People who are empathic are better received by others, they have strong people skills, and they have a better character overall. Empathy lends itself to
  • 35. Film Stagecoach Analysis Essay Stagecoach: The Revolutionary Western John Ford built a standard that many future directors would follow with his classic 1939 film Stagecoach . Although there were a plethora of western films made before 1939, the film Stagecoach revolutionized the western genre by elevating the genre from a B film into a more serious genre. The film challenged not only western stereotypes but also class divisions in society. Utilizing specific aspects of mise en scГЁne and cinematography, John Ford displays his views of society. The film consists of many clichГ© western characters. There is a banker, an outlaw, a prostitute, a doctor, a gambler, and a pregnant woman. These characters are categorized by social class. The banker, the pregnant ... Show more content on ... Doc Boone is not taken seriously and considered a fool because he is always drunk. Dallas is always forgotten and all the attention is given to Mallory. In a scene where the stagecoach is headed towards Apache Wells in the cold, Hatfield s facial expressions show that he is worried and concerned whenever he looks at Lucy Mallory. Hatfield, being a gentleman, offers Lucy Mallory water and serves water to her in a fancy silver cup but does not bother to ask Dallas. However, Ringo Kid makes sure Dallas also gets a drink of water. This demonstrates that even though Hatfield is considered a gentleman, he does not show any concern for Dallas because she has a lower social status. Once the stagecoach arrives in Lordsburg, Lucy Mallory is carried out on a stretcher. At first, the camera shot is wide angled and the street is crowded with soldiers and civilians. Then there is a close up shot of Mallory on the stretcher as she speaks to Dallas. The shot reveals Mallory s facial expression of remorse. Mallory looks apologetic and offers any help to Dallas. This is one of the final scenes in the film and illustrates how Mallory s view of Dallas completely changed by the resolution of the film. Throughout the film, Mallory felt uncomfortable being around Dallas. Once Dallas helped take care of Mallory s baby, Mallory realized that her judgment of Dallas was completely wrong. John Ford challenges society s views of people
  • 36. For Whom The Bell Tolls The novel For Whom the Bell Tolls, written by Ernest Hemingway, is a story of passionate love throughout the brutality of the Spanish Civil War. Hemingway uses his personal experiences to portray the true meaning and feeling of this book. Ernest Miller Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in Oak Park, a suburb of Chicago, Illinois. The neighborhood he grew up in was straight laced and rigidly Protestant. Hemingway started his literary career publishing his work in his school magazine. Later on in life, he signed up to join the military in World War II, but was rejected due to his defective left eye from birth. Instead, he enlisted in the Missouri National Guard and remained on the lookout for opportunities to progress to the front. ... Show more content on ... Lastly, Hemingway s inner experience of love, as it is portrayed in his novels, is a sense of basic trust and object constancy which could allow his hero to retain the feeling of intense love even after the beloved object is lost. (#6 p.357). The love between Robert Jordan and Maria is intense and passionate and it parallels the love that Hemingway experienced. The genius style that Hemingway utilizes in this novel truly enhances the richness of the superb story. The various themes in this novel really give the story its depth and meaning. The theme of chaotic and brutal warfare is by far the leading theme, as it is in many of Hemingway s novels. This novel s version of this theme is the Spanish Civil War. Robert Jordan s mission of this war is to demolish a bridge, which in the long run will help the Spanish Republicans in their goal of defeating the Fascist government. In several of Hemingway s novels, the protagonist is a character of heroism and honor. These protagonists are tough, experienced in the hard worlds they inhabit, and not obviously given to emotional display or sensitive thinking. Robert Jordan is this type of protagonist and he is a humble, honorable man. There is Some notion of honor that makes a man a man, and distinguishes him from people who merely follow their random impulses and who are by consequence messy. (#3 p.40). An example of this in the novel is
  • 37. Ronald W. Reagan And The Invasion Of Grenada In the year of 1981 Ronald W. Reagan just started his term in office as president. He was president from 1981 1989. He was the 40th president of the United States Of America. He was also an actor for many years. He was born on February 6,1911 and died on June 5,2004. In the year of 1983 the Invasion Of Grenada started. The Invasion of Grenada was an invasion the United Stateshad led on a caribbean island with the population of about 91,000. This invasion resulted in a victory for the United States. In 1982 a new T.V. series was made and it was called Knight Rider. It was originally broadcasted on NBC from 1982 1986. The show stars David Hasselhoff as Michael Knight , a high tech modern crime fighter assisted by KITT, a self aware and nearly
  • 38. Irish Immigrants and Their Struggles Essay Irish Immigrants and Their Struggles Shelby Stauble ETH/125 3/21/10 Twyler Earl The Irish people left Ireland and immigrated to America to enjoy a better life, get away from the poverty and starvation that they were faced with in Ireland due to the potato famine. They face all kinds of discrimination and were forced to take the worst types of jobs, but they never gave up and kept fighting for their freedom. The Irish were brave, courageous, and hardworking and made it possible for all Irish to live happy and free lives in America. The Irish immigrated to the United States starting in 1820, more came after 1820 due to the potato famine which started in 1845, rotting of the potato crops ... Show more content on ... Putting them on a boat and sending them home would end crime in this country. (para. 4). Although the Irish were put down by Americans they never gave up and continued to press on. They were discriminated against but stuck together which helped them survive in America. The Irish face all types of discrimination; for example, environmental justice issues, meaning they were placed in terrible environments, such as the shacks they lived in and the boats they were brought to America on. They faced redlining, meaning they were denied certain job position and were forced to pay a large amount of money for housing. They double jeopardy because they were Irish and catholic, the Americans saw this as two good reasons to treat the Irish poorly. The Irish faced institutional discrimination they were not given the same jobs and or opportunities that the average American was given because the American people felt as though the Irish were a terrible group of people. The Irish were given the worst jobs America had to offer and only because those jobs were the only ones offered to them. They faced class ceiling discrimination because the Irish were unable to move on to better positions at their place of work. The Irish were given the most terrible jobs and even though the American people thought the Irish were good workers they were still unable to move up in
  • 39. Theme Of Cannery Row From the stock market crashing almost rock bottom to banks filing for bankruptcy, the Great Depression was a time of economic hardship for many people. Steinbeck s Cannery Row depicts a small community of misfits isolated from most of society. The novel follows the stories of these characters, interrupting itself occasionally with a snippet of another tale from within the community. Cannery Row explores the theme of yin yang within a community. Henri, a painter, wants to maintain the image of a painter instead of actually painting. Dora, the head of a brothel, balances running a tight ship while taking care of her girls at the same time. Doc, a scientist who lives in his lab, has a mixture of conflicting personalities. Throughout the novel,... Show more content on ... Doc is a popular community member that s there whenever anyone need him. He is described by the narrator of the novel as half Christ and half satyr (Steinbeck 28). By describing Doc as half Christ, Steinbeck shows that Doc is very admired within the community. Many of the young community members like Frankie look up to him as a god because of his wise knowledge and he is kind to everyone. By describing Doc as a satyr, it shows of his imperfect human side. Similar to satyrs, Doc is an alcoholic and a player. Steinbeck s use of juxtaposition by showing both Doc s strengths and vices highlights the idea that everyone has multiple sides to their personality. Another example is when Doc recalls a poet s recommendation to try a beer milkshake because he loved beer so much. He had wondered what a beer milkshake would taste like. The idea gagged him but he couldn t let it alone (Steinbeck 103). The beer milkshake is a metaphor for the juxtaposition of his personality. A milkshake is something that most people like and is very sweet and innocent. A beer is a form of sin because it is alcohol. By combining the two together, Steinbeck highlights the contrasting forces of personality within Doc. The fact that Doc has both strengths and weaknesses and that there are clashing character traits within Doc demonstrates that everyone
  • 40. Science Fiction By Ray Douglas Bradbury Essay Many topics exist in the modern world about the issues of politics, of scientific standpoints, of religious statuses, and even those of freedom. The topic of life on other planets has had its fair share of publicity. Stories of personal experiences, sightings, and encounters have navigated its way into the thoughts of many. Newsweek, reports in a poll that more than half of Americans believe in the existence of intelligent aliens. What does this mean for the world? Is the majority wrong once again or must we investigate the possibilities? Ray Douglas Bradbury, an American fantasy, science fiction author tapped into the notion of possible life on other planets, touched on the many mysteries of time, and grazed on the interaction between aliens and humans in August 2002: Night Meeting. A short story located in his collection The Martian Chronicles. Are there any answers to the questions presented? Evidence hasn t shown aliens to exist or has it? Most importantly, does the Bible make anything clear about such findings? A common excuse for Christians to believe in extraterrestrial lifeis they believe the universe is much too large to just consist of only Earth s inhabitants. Having life exists only on Earth would therefore be a waste of space. Firstly, we will look into the idea of life on other planets, but before we can look at life on other planets we must look at the composition of life in our modern world. Google defines life as a characteristic distinguishing physical
  • 41. Cash In The Trash Bin Cash in The Trash Bin My ecology action project will be on recycling water bottles and soda cans and cash them in for money to give to my school and church. My mom and step dad will be driving me around town to pick up cans and water bottles. Numerous stores will also be asked if we will be able to put recycling bins in their stores. All of the bottles and cans will be put together and cashed in every one to two weeks depending on the amount. By doing this action the environment will be a little less messy and money will be given back to our community. This project will be done a little every day. This ecology project was chosen because of doing this it is going to help my community and doing a little every day. Also, by doing this, we will learn actually how much trash is in our community. My ... Show more content on ... My mom is putting a recycling bin in her office. There will also be a recycling bin in my church. Also, around some stores, if they allow me to. Some of my classmates will be asked to contribute to my project. This project will be done a little every day. It will be done at school also during class and lunch. It will be done every Wednesday night and Sunday morning through the afternoon and every Saturday. It will be done it at home with my family members who drink water bottles and soda. This project will be done as much as possible. The following project that will be done is done by myself. My mom will be helping me a little by taking pictures, driving me around, and putting a recycling bin in her office. My step dad is also going to be helping me with driving me around and taking me to the recycling center to turn in my items. My family and friends are providing me with bottles and cans that they drink. Also, my school will be helping me very little with bottles and cans around the campus. Very excited to get this project
  • 42. Merlin Entertainment Industry Analysis Merlin Entertainments Group, entered the industry with multiple LEGOLAND locations twelve years ago (Hinks, 2014; Diosi and Rose, 2014). The firm is in charge of 117 locations, consisting mostly of Legoland Discovery Centers, Madame Tussauds galleries, and Sea Life marine exhibits, with most of their selections being in the firm s home country the United Kingdom, as well as a sizable presence in Australia, Germany, and the United States (Merlin Entertainments PLC, 2017, p. 4 11). From these, the firm offers large locations like the British Chessington World of Adventures Resort, where patrons are entertained by aquatic and land animals, as well as mechanical coasters. The firm also offers smaller locations like the Madame Tussauds galleries,... Show more content on ... There are six Disney sites which all incorporate characters produced by Walt Disney Studios: Shanghai Disney Resort, Disneyland Paris, Hong Kong Disneyland, Tokyo Disney Resort, Walt Disney World Resort , and Disneyland Resort. In addition to these sites, the firm is also in charge of Adventures by Disney, Aulani (a health centered getaway), Disney Vacation Club, and Disney Cruise Line (Holcomb, et al., 2010; Destinations Around ). Among all of Disney s sites, however, Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World (which also contains the Hollywood Studios, Epcot, and Animal Kingdom sites) reigns supreme as it has the highest patronage (Hetter, 2017; TEA/AECOM 2016, 2017, 10 11, 30 31; Dillinger, 2017; Walt Disney ). Magic Kingdom has several pleasant options for patrons, such as posing next to Donald Duck for pictures, eating food shaped like Minnie Mouse, watching productions near Cinderella Castle, and going on mechanical components like Splash Mountain ( Magic Kingdom ). Disney s amusement locations have been extraordinary, attaining 140.4M patrons and $16.9B before accounting for functioning fees, or $3.3B after fees (Figure C; The Walt, 2017,
  • 43. Suspense in Steven Spielberg s Movie Jaws Essay Suspense in Steven Spielberg s Movie Jaws Steven Spielberg, the creator of Jaws, uses many different techniques to draw in the suspense of viewers and to capture their imagination. These techniques include special effects to create tension, different camera angles to show facial expressions and group shots. The classic Jaws music, known by millions of people, also helps build up tension, to let us know when the shark is approaching. He uses colours, so that we can associate signs and symbols to forthcoming events, e.g. the colour red is associated with danger. We will be using all of the above devices to help analyse different parts of the film. As soon as the film starts, from the title sequence, these techniques are ... Show more content on ... The waves give off a really eerie effect, the whole scene just seems to bee too calm. The next scene is off the girl swimming, but there is no music playing at all, and makes the atmosphere feel eerie. You wonder what is going to happen next. Also the girl is totally naked at this time, which makes her seem very vulnerable, as there is nothing between her and the shark, except water. She is also away from the party, which makes her seem unsafe. The camera then starts to switch from the girls point of view, to the sharks point of view. The girl is totally defenceless to the shark s capabilities, but using this effect allows you to relate to both characters. Next, you see a shot of the girl kicking her legs, and the camera slowly zooms in. This shows the view from the shark s point of view, and shows the audience that the danger is getting closer, which is certainly building the tension up. The fact that we do not see the shark makes the audience feel quite uneasy, as in a way we are uncertain of what the danger is. It also builds up a lot of fear, from our point of view. There are a lot pauses in the attack, which allows you to see the unconscious boy, slumped on the beach. To me this shows us that the girl s only chance of survival is totally oblivious to the current events, and is unaware of her screams. Also when the camera switches onto the boy, it gives a chance to