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Essay On Environment Conservation
Crafting an essay on this particular subject is undeniably challenging due to its multifaceted
nature. Environment conservation encompasses a vast array of interconnected topics, ranging
from biodiversity and climate change to sustainable development and environmental policies.
Thus, effectively addressing the complexities and nuances of these issues demands thorough
research, critical analysis, and articulate writing.
Firstly, delving into the intricacies of environmental science and ecology requires a
comprehensive understanding of various concepts such as ecosystems, environmental
degradation, and conservation strategies. This necessitates extensive reading of scholarly
articles, reports, and studies to grasp the current state of environmental affairs and the
underlying scientific principles.
Moreover, discussing the socio-economic and political dimensions of environmental conservation
adds another layer of complexity. Analyzing the impact of human activities, industrialization,
and globalization on the environment entails examining intricate relationships between society,
economy, and ecology. Additionally, evaluating the effectiveness of governmental policies,
international agreements, and grassroots initiatives necessitates a nuanced understanding of
political dynamics and policy frameworks.
Furthermore, addressing the ethical and moral aspects of environmental conservation involves
navigating philosophical debates surrounding humanity's relationship with nature,
intergenerational justice, and environmental ethics. Exploring diverse perspectives, including
anthropocentrism, biocentrism, and ecocentrism, adds depth to the discussion but also requires
careful consideration and critical reflection.
Lastly, synthesizing these diverse perspectives into a coherent and persuasive essay demands
strong analytical skills and effective communication. Developing a clear thesis statement,
structuring arguments logically, and providing evidence-based reasoning are essential
components of crafting a compelling essay on environment conservation.
In conclusion, writing an essay on this topic entails grappling with scientific, socio-economic,
political, and ethical complexities, making it a challenging yet rewarding endeavor for those
passionate about environmental stewardship and sustainability.
For similar essays and much more, comprehensive assistance can be sought from
Essay On Environment Conservation Essay On Environment Conservation
Presidential Campaign Of President Obama
Political campaigns can elevate a candidate s position, or a poorly run campaign can
doom that candidate s chances no matter how good the candidate is. At the end of the
day all that matters is winning. That is the goal of political campaigns in a nutshell.
There have been many tactics implemented when trying to run a campaign. Of the
tactics implemented there are those that are believed to work better than others. Of
those that work better than others are, mobilizing base voters by properly identifying
who they are, having a clear message and spreading that message to voters, debate
performances and fundraising efforts. In this paper the 2008presidential campaign of
current president Barack Obamawill be measured along with the 2004 presidential
campaign of John F. Kerry. In this paper both campaigns will be analyzed on what
tactics they used properly, where they were not as effective and what could have been
One of the most important factors when trying to run a successful political
campaign is properly identifying and mobilizing base voters. According to the
readings in the book Presidential Elections: Strategies and Structures of American
Politics, it gives reasons why people do and do not vote. One of the reasons people
do vote is because voting in some way or another makes the voter feel good.
However when a campaign properly identifies their base voters, they can pretty much
assume that those voters are going to go out and vote, but more importantly
Kate Chopin Mood
Kate Chopin is a nineteenth century writer, born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1850.
Chopin speaks fluent French and English, which plays a role in her stories. Her
father was killed in a railroad accident when she was a young girl. Surrounded by
death, Chopin finds comfort within writing. Chopin later died in 1904 of a cerebral
hemorrhage. Before she dies, she writes the stories The Story of an Hourand The
Storm. In The Story of an Hour, Mrs. Mallard has heart trouble and finds out her
husband has died from a train accident. Later, she finds happiness within his death,
yet dies of shock when her husband comes home. However in the story The Storm,
Calixta is at home while her son and husband is at the store. AlcГ©e shows up at
Calixta s... Show more content on ...
Part one serves as the exposition of the story. It starts by describing the storm as a
threaten roar (1) also proposing a threat in Calixta and BobinГґt s marriage. The story
shows a worried lady in the exposition, then shifts to a happy lady within darkness
of sin and temptation in the climax, and a happy mother and wife in the denouement.
At the end of the story, she doesn t feel guilty for what she has done, yet she is
happy with a smile. Chopin ends the story in one sentence stating the storm was over
and everyone was
Critical Analysis of Anne Sexton s Cinderella Essay
Trusha Agashi
Professor Rebekah Starnes
English 252
January 24,2011
Despondently Ever After... In the familiar more traditional version, Cinderella is a
poor maid girl that, with the help of fairy godmother, gets a chance to meet prince
charming. They fall in love, get married, and live happily ever after, and then what?
What is a happily ever after? Is this even a realistic thought? In the dark comedic
poem Cinderella, Anne Sexton forces the reader to examine this question. Utilizing
literary devices such as tone, imagery, and style, Sexton encourages the reader to
think about how silly and unlikely a fairy tale ending actually is. Sexton s take on the
story Cinderella is not based off of the well renowned Disney version, but rather ...
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The prince has every girl in the kingdom try on the slipper. Once the prince arrived
at Cinderella s house her two stepsisters immediately did whatever they needed to
do to get their feet to fit in the slipper. The first one cut off her toe, and the second
cut off her heel. When Cinderella came out, because it was her slipper, her foot
slipped right in. On the day of the wedding the two stepsisters came and tried to
benefit from Cinderella s good fortune, but pigeons came and pecked their eyes
out, punishing them to be blind for the rest of their lives for the malicious way
they treated Cinderella. We assume that Cinderella and the prince marry, and of
course, lived happily ever after. From the start of the poem Sexton sets a sardonic or
caustic tone saying, You always read about it, implying that as an audience we
always assume this is how it happens. She then continues by listing off rags to riches
stories. She mentions the plumber, nursemaid, milkman, and charwomen, all of
whom, in some unlikely circumstance go from poor to wealthy. Though we know
the chances that these occurrences will actually happen are one in a million,
everyone is still searching for the happy ending. Sexton continues to convey her
cynical ideas when she says Next came the ball, as you all know and That s the way
with stepmothers. In both examples she
Problematize the Exodus-Liberation-Settlement Motif
THE ADIVASI PERSPECTIVE Prepared: Kyrshanborlang Mawlong. Introduction: In
this paper we are trying to discussion the difficulties that the Israelites faced during
staying in Egypt and how God response to their crying by liberated them from the
hand of the Egyptian and also how they enter and settled in Canaan. But, this
liberation of the Israelite by God create an impact on the indigenous people of the
Canaan, we could see there are many problems or difficulties of Canaanite in mix up
with Israeliteseither in culture, religious and social as a whole. We will also see the
situation of Adivasi in India how they are suppressed by the oppressors or non
Adivasis/high caste. The... Show more content on ...
Assured of success, Joshua renewed his plans to conquer Ai. The enemy forces
were lured into the open so that the thirty thousand men who had stationed beyond
the city by night were able to attack Ai from the near and set it afire. The defenders
were annihilated, their king was hanged and the site was reduced to rubble. When
Israel makes its second attack, the people of Ai as well as the inhabitants of Bethel
vacate their cities to pursue the enemy (Josh. 8: 17). Not all of the Canaanites tried
to resist Israel s invasion. One group, the Gibeonites, avoided destruction by
deceiving the Israelites into making a covenant of peace with them (Joshua 9:1).
Alarmed by the defection of the Gibeonites to Israel, a group of southern Canaanite
kings, led by Adoni zedek of Jerusalem, formed a coalition against the invading force.
The kings threatened to attack the Gibeonites, causing Joshua to come to the defense
of his new allies. Because of supernatural intervention, the Israelites were able to
defeat the coalition. Joshua then launched a southern campaign which resulted in the
capture of numerous Canaanite cities (Joshua 10:1). Joshua s third and last military
campaign was in northern Canaan. In that region King Jabin of Hazor formed a
coalition of neighbouring kings to battle with the Israelites. Joshua made a surprise
attack upon them at the waters of Merom, utterly defeating his foe (Joshua 11:1 15).
The invasion of Canaan met with phenomenal success; large
Leadership At Griffith As A Senior Academic
Thank you for agreeing to consider my CV and please feel free to share it with
other leaders at Griffith University. Let me begin by providing a narrative of where
my career is at present in relation to my Research profile, Teaching philosophy, and
Leadership experience to show the depth and breadth of my experience.
I hope you will see how I could add important new but complimentary capability to
leadership at Griffith as a senior academic. Please keep in mind that I have a
particular interest in developing a role that builds leadership capability and research
culture within business school environments.
Research profile
My research program focuses on wisdom (primarily in leadership) and knowledge
economies, and I have created international profiles in both fields. My research
metrics are calculated using Google Citations. The key measures are total citations
(1,795) and h index (23). I have over 180 research outputs, including 18 A* and A
journal publications and 5 books with major academic publishers. High impact
journals I have published in include; The Leadership Quarterly, Academy of
Management Learning and Education, Human Relations, Public Administration
Review, Journal of Business Ethics, Management Learning, and the Journal of Cross
Cultural Psychology.
Qualitative assessments of impacts of my research program are important. I have
been very fortunate that scholars writing in quality journals variously say my work is
authoritative , inspirational ,
Homicide Analysis
Another example is that of Homicide, which is generally accepted as long as it is
executed from outside your own clan, exerting no moral obligation. For this
reason, murder, stealing and the seduction of women is an acceptable course of
action, as long as it is held appropriate within the tribal organization. Thus, as a
human being, they have a variable value and in this case, they fail to separate the
individual from the social context. The consequences of adultery and stealing are
prone to the specifics of those involved, e.g. adultery is only deemed wrong if it is
within a clan and subclan. But again this is not an intrinsic wrong doing, as even if
it goes unnoticed, no moral blame or feeling of guilt is set upon those involved. This
exposes... Show more content on ...
What was considered to be moral is dependent upon the group and the social
context accordingly. In opposition to this is the Christian evaluation of the
objective good of man, and the ultimate difference, is that this is set above the
social medium, in which case moral responsibilities transcend all aspects of the
social context and social ties. Individuality is the acknowledgment of the self as a
spiritual entity, which also envelops our personal integrity and respect for all life.
Due to Gods likeness, we are given an absolute worth, encompassing the duty we
must hold to ourselves and others because of his divine wisdom, and the fulfilment
of an absolute teleological end. Therefore, nothing is morally just because society
conveys it to be, instead we find a natural moral order within the universe, the
eternal good of our infinite being. Hence, murder is always wrong, as it is linked to
our intrinsic worth as human beings, which is not subordinate to a social ranking or
context. With reference to Reads conception of the person in light of Christianity, it is
emphasized how the person is made up of matter (the body) and form (immaterial
element of the soul). Man is a spiritual being, with a rational soul, and this was also
configured by Mauss, where the spirituality of the soul allows for the
Beautiful Boy Summary Sparknotes
Beautiful Boy is a memoir told through the eyes of a father, David Sheff, whose
son, Nic, struggles with a serious drug addiction throughout his late teens and
early twenties. As Nic was growing up he was clearly a very intelligent child. He
won prizes for his writing at school and was involved in sports. Nic was destined
for great things ahead of him until he started smoking pot at the age of eleven. His
father let him off with more or less of a warning because as a teen Sheff himself
has experimented with it as well. His father begins to notice that it may be a bigger
problem than he thought when Nic starts slacking in school. Skipping class,
dropping grades, things that were out of character for Nic. When he was seventeen
his father became aware that he was abusing alcohol as well as much more harmful
drugs such as meth. Sheff, his late wife, Karen, and Nic s mother, Vicki, put
everything on the line to get Nic into various facilities throughout the course of
several years. Sheff and the rest of Nics familybegin to find it increasingly difficult to
deal with Nics addiction. David Sheff informs people the hardships of being the
parent of an addict who struggles to get his life back on track. He explains that not
only is it a financial battle but an emotional battle as well.
David Sheff s purpose is to illustrate what it is like to live the life of a parent who is
not only taking care of is addicted son but who has to learn to take care of himself
and the rest of his
Short Speech On Littering
Littering is one of the biggest environmental issues we face today. Littering affects
us all, from humans to animals and our surroundings. The careless act of littering
from a simple piece of plastic thrown on the ground can clog storm drains or that
piece of plastic may go straight to the ocean and harm wildlife. Littering is a health
hazard which causes harmful bacteria and germs. Removing litterfrom the
environment costs everyone money. Littering is the most important environmental
issue our nation is facing because it is done so easily and carelessly. People do not
realize how much we spend on cleaning litter every year or how it affects us all.
The practice has become second nature, we have avoided to educate ourselves on
how this affects us in the long run. Littering needs to be minimized or if possible,
completely stopped if we could help it because we are doing more harm to the earth.
Carelessness and laziness are two common factors that contribute to littering. We
have a piece of trash in our hands and a trash can is in site, yet we decide to just
throw it on the ground. Littering has become second nature even if it is unintentional.
We assume that the trash we throw will eventually disappear into thin air and it won t
affect our surroundings. Little do we know that every little piece of trash thrown out
the window all adds up. That small piece becomes a pile of trash that ends up
clogging storm drains, contaminating water and endangering wildlife. According to
McWhorter, Sustainability involves conserving resources to prevent their depletion,
protecting ecological processes, and eliminating waste and pollution, so as to ensure
that our society s pratices can continue and our civilization can endure (p. 394).
Everyday items such as bottles and plastic that are carelessly thrown on the streets
eventually end up around wildlife. Litter creates an unhealthy environment towards
wildlife that could put them in danger. A lot of the time animals end up eating the
litter, have a hard time digesting it which puts them in a fragile state where they may
end up dead. The living environment for wildlife is also affected by litter because
their surroundings become trashed. Marine wildlife such as whales,
Attempts to Unite the American Colonies before the...
Since the founding of the Thirteen Colonies, the colonists enjoyed a degree of
autonomy and self sufficiency from the mother country, England. The colonies had
colonial assemblies, which were more democratic than England s and were
independent governments. British mercantilist laws were not strictly enforced due to
the policy commonly referred to as salutary neglect. However, as the British
increasingly ignore the problems the colonies faced, the colonies began to look for a
common government to lead them. This eventually led to three distinct efforts at
intercolonial cooperation and union: The New England Confederation, Penn s Plan of
Union, and The Albany Plan of Union. Therefore, although there were unsuccessful
attempts to unite the... Show more content on ...
However, according to the document, attempts by Massachusetts to dominate the
alliance caused the other members to end their participation. The confederation
continued until 1684, when it was dissolved, after an existence of forty one years.
The New England Confederation was a small first step toward formal cooperation
among the colonies, but attempts by one of the colonies to violate the pact helped
to break the fragile union. Unlike the New England Confederation, Penn s Plan of
Union was never implemented. However, the plan would unify the colonies in
many ways if it were to be executed. According to Penn s Plan of Union, the
colonies would meet at least once a year; there will be a Congress to resolve
issues, and a High Commissioner to govern the Congress of Union. There will also
be a common justice system to link the colonies further. Nevertheless, the plan will
not be utilized due to distrust among colonies, but it did reflect a need for a common
government. One of the last of the colonial plans of union to be considered before the
outbreak of the American Revolution was the Albany Plan of Union. Proposed by
Benjamin Franklin, the plan called for a single executive to be appointed by the
King, who would be responsible for Indian relations, military preparedness, and
execution of laws regulating various trade and financial activities. It called for a
Grand Council to be
Inside Out And Back Again Essay
Charlotte Russell1/6/15
Essayperiod 2 In the novel Inside Out and Back Again by Thanha Lai, the universal
refugee experience is expressed through the title, and Ha s individual experience of
fleeing and finding home. This essay will show the hardships of turning inside out
and how hard it is coming back again. In Inside Out and Back Again an independent,
determined girl named Ha flees her home in Vietnam because of war and poverty. Ha
and her family flee to Alabama to start a better life. In Alabama, Ha faces challenges
such as bullying, and racism that make her stronger to come back again. In Inside
Out and Back Again Ha s life is turned inside out. Ha s father was in the Navy and
was captured. ... Show more content on ...
After Ha is faced with hardships and grief from fleeing home she starts to come
back again. Ha was struggling to learn the English language until Miss. Washington
offered to tutor her. Ha says my vocabulary grows (Page 166)! which is a big
accomplishment for Ha because she didn t know any English when she came
Confessional Poetry Essay
Confessional Poetry
I have done it again. One year in every ten I manage it
A sort of walking miracle, my skin Bright as a Nazi lampshade, My right foot
A paperweight, My face featureless, fine Jew linen.
This excerpt comes from the poem Lady Lazarus by Sylvia Plath, one of the most
famous and infamous poets of the 20th century. Many of Plath s poems, such as this
one, belong to a particular school of poetry known as Confessional Poetry. With a
distinct style all their own, Plath and her fellow Confessional poets will be forever
remembered for their brutal honesty, emotionality, and the personal quality of their
Confessional ... Show more content on ...
Confessional poetry gained its momentum in 1959 with the publication of Robert
Lowell s Life Studies and W.D. Snodgrass s Heart s Needle. Robert Lowell was
born in Boston in 1917, and initially entered the world of poetry by writing formal
poems in the style of the New Critics. Although he received ample praise for his
work, Lowell s personal life wasn t so happy he dealt with marital strife and serious
depression, and was hospitalized on a number of occasions. In his mid fifties, he was
influenced by other Confessional poets to delve deeper into his personal experience,
and consequently attempted more autobiographical and free style poems. His poem
Man and Wife reflects his marital troubles when it concludes:
Now twelve years later you turn your back Sleepless, you hold your pillow to your
hollows like a child, your old fashioned tirade loving, rapid, merciless breaks like the
Atlantic Ocean on my head.
This poem nicely reflects the autobiographical aspect of Confessional poetry, as
anyone aware of Lowell s personal life would realize how true the words ring. Poems
filled with so much genuine emotion help to bring the reader into an empathic
position, and to actually imagine being in the speaker s situation.
W.D. Snodgrass was born in Pennsylvania in 1926. His book Heart s Needle won the
Pulitzer Prize
Defining Nosql Database And Its Classification Essay
The rapid growth in the world of technology has influenced the way we
communicate, shop, learn, and share information. The development of technology
led database analysts and administrators to find more convenient ways to store the
big amount of data. Big data is known as expression in the tech world. It is defined
as a huge collection of data that cannot be managed by relational databases
(Moniruzzaman and Hossain 1). So, developers start to use non relational
databases (NoSQL) to arrange and store the Big data. In order to understand how
developers solve the storing issue of the big amount of data and provide systems
that can sync data between multiple devices, we need to start with a brief
background of NoSQL databases to understand Couchbase system. The purpose of
this paper is to define NoSQL database, compare it with SQL database, define
Couchbase and describe how Couchbase is synchronizing data between multiple
devices, especially Couchbase Mobile.
The outline of this paper consists of the following sections. Section 1 introduces
NoSQL database and its classifications. Section 2 gives a brief comparison between
NoSQL database and SQL database. Section 3 explains document oriented databases.
Section 4 defines Couchbase. Section 5 describes Couchbase Mobile and provides an
example of its use in synchronizing data between multiple mobile devices.
Definition of NoSQL Databases
NoSQL databases are defined as non relational data management systems that is
Theme in John Steinbeck s Of Mice and Men
Every day, people are faced with responsibility. Some thrive under the pressure while
others crumble. Responsibility is a sign of independence. Teenagers with greater
amounts of responsibility feel freedom from their parents. In the same case, too much
responsibility can put more stress on that freedom seeking teen and can have
devastating effects. John Steinbeck shows the theme that in life, responsibility is best
taken in moderationin his novel Of Mice and Men.
In Of Mice and Men, George shows the weight of responsibility on taking care of
Lennie. George knows he could be better off without Lennie. When I think of the
swell time I could have without you, I go nuts, George finally expresses. He even tells
... Show more content on ...
George even uses Lennie s need as leverage to keep him under control. Lennie strives
to hold responsibility. Unfortunately, Lennie tends to hurtthe animals that he does
receive. He is too strong for the animals that she cares for. During their journey from
Weed, Lennie tends to a mouse, only to end up killing the fragile creature. Later on,
George gets Lennie a puppy that Lennie regretfully kills with his power. Lennie s
good intentions fell short in comparison to his power. Lennie was looking for
responsibility in pets but took on too much when the animals would be killed by his
overwhelming strength.
Using the two main characters of the novel Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck
shows that in life, responsibility must be taken in moderation. George takes on the
challenge of caring for Lennie. In doing this, George loses a job in weed and is
often short changed when it comes to food and other amenities. Eventually, George
realizes where he could be without Lennie and kills Lennie to free himself of the
responsibly. Lennie, in a life where he has always been protected by loved ones,
looks for responsibility in dependent pets. Each time he is given a chance with an
animal, he always cares for it with gentile love. Often times, Lennie s strength would
be too much for the animal and they would fall under his powerful hands. In the end,
both men see that they were not capable of conquering the tasks at hand. George
Persuasive Essay On Social Welfare Policy
Social welfare policy is defined as acts, laws, and rules that help improve the lives
of people in the community . Social welfare policy includes social security, justice,
unemployment insurance, living conditions, health care, child protection, and
educational policy. During the English Poor Laws, it provided relief for the poor as
well as work for the able bodied in workhouses. The primary goal for social welfare
policies is to reduce poverty. President Ronald Reagan proposed the Trickle Down
method which was a theory that provided economic benefits to those with upper
level incomes. In the past, these social welfare programs was not enough to
dismiss the issues of inflation and equality within the economic system. Social
Welfare policies have developed over the years but there is still a ongoing issue on
poverty. According to the Census on poverty, In 2016 there were 40.6 million
people in poverty, 2.5 million fewer than in 2015 and 6.0 million fewer than in
2014 (Semega and Kollar 2017). Welfare assistance may result in families being
trapped in poverty. Some may argue that one of the reasons why there is poverty in
America now is due to social welfare programs that give a minimal amount of
money to aid the poor. According to Eternity, facts and figures on the subject of
poverty must be parsed: There are beggars living paycheck to paycheck, a step away
from slipping into poverty. There are beggars mired in deep poverty, handed down
generationally. And there
Samurai s Tale Essay
1.The Samurai s Tale
By: Harutomo Murakami
Houghton Mifflin Company
Copyright @ 1984
215 Park Avenue New York, New York
234 Pages
2. Harutomo Murakami (Taro) The hero of the story, the son of a poor samurai who
died in battle
Lord Akiyama Nobutomo One of Lord Shingen s generals, Taro s master and friend.
Lord Akiyama Nobutora Father of Lord Akiyama Nobutomo
Lord Oda Nobunaga Lord Takeda Shingen s rival and enemy.
Lord Oda Nobutada Son of Lord Oda Nobunaga
Lord Takeda Katsuyori Son of Lord Shingen, also called the Wakatono, the prince
Lord Takeda Shingen The Lord of Kai, a ruthless warlord whose ambition is to rule
all of Japan.
Lord Takeda Yoshinobu Son of Lord Shingen. He revolts against his father and is
killed. ... Show more content on ...
A priest taught Taro how to write, and he practiced Zen Buddhism, as he wanted to
prepare for being a samurai. Bullied by a couple of ronins one day, Taro ran away
and told his master s father, who sent him to Iida castle with a message for his son
(Lord Akiyama). After delivering the message about the disloyal ronins who had
harassed him, Taro became Akiyama s messenger and befriended Yoshitoki, a
young samurai. At age 15, he was sent with Yoshitoki to carry a message to
Tsutsujigasaki Castle. On the way, they escaped from two bandits disguised as
monks. A strange old man invited them into his hut and predicted that neither Lord
Oda Nobunaga nor Lord Takeda Shingen would rule Japan. On their return from
the castle, Yoshitoki and Taro found the hut of the strange man empty and decided
that the man had been a ghost. Lord Akiyama gave Taro back his family name
Murakami and presented him with a sword. Everyone anticipated a huge battle
from which either Lord Takeda Shingen or Oda Nobunaga would emerge as ruler
of Japan. When Murakami was 18, Lord Takeda decided to go to war and
Murakami was disappointed to find himself appointed aide to the officer in charge
of food supplies. When a thief tried to steal some rice, Murakami showed both
firmness and compassion by beating him, but not killing him. Murakami won a
sword fight with a ronin bandit loyal to Lord Obu, but
Undercut Hairstyle Essay
Undercut hairstyle for men
Description: Undercut hairstyle for men has recently gained its popularity. Apply a
new insight into variety of men s undercut hairstyle.
What is an undercut men s hairstyle? It is a hairstyle in which the sides and back are
shaven whilst the hair left must be cut short, medium or even long. The most
interesting thing about undercut hairstyle for men lies in that the crown of the head
can be cut differently. So in consequence, there is a great number of variations of one
and the same hairstyle.
Undercut hairstyle suits those men who have long face and straight or wavy hair.
But don t get upset in case you have any other form or texture. This hairstyle if
styled professionally can suit anybody and even the age does ... Show more content
on ...
It happened due to various top actors who filmed in multiple movies and famous TV
Nowadays it is one of the most popular hairstyles among not only actors but ordinary
Types of undercut hairstyle for men
1.Classic men s undercut hairstyle
It is derived from the chic look of 1940s and displays short shaven hair on the sides
and back with short hair on the top styled straight in a neat way. It is advisable to
keep some length on the crown to be able to style it and to make the most of it the
hair on the top can be worn in a small wave. The classic men s undercut hairstyle is a
rather low maintenance one.
2.Layered men s undercut hairstyle
This version of an undercut hairstyle for men is really eye catching. The hair on the
top of the head is styled in layers. It is not only attractive, but also trendy. Moreover,
it can be designed without much difficulty.
3.Double layer men s undercut hairstyle
As it is clear from the name of the hairstyle it consists of two parts. Except the main
long hair part there is a short trimmed part under it and a shaved part under the
trimmed one. The combination of these parts produces a double layer
Recliner Work Essay
How does a recliner work?
A recliner can be added to any place to give you the desired comfort while sitting
and is a popular seating option. It can be in your living room, office, study, hospital,
nursing home or in clinic. And if you are the one who suffers from back pain quite
often or has a baby at home to breast feed, then recliner is a best bet for you as it
provides the much needed support to your spine to keep it in a good shape and can
be lowered or adjusted manually or automatically to the desired position to give an
immediate relaxation to the back muscles.
A recliner comes with a lot of benefits for its user as it encompasses the right
technology which lends perfect support to your back while sitting and a footrest
beneath ... Show more content on ...
So if there is an annoying sound coming from any part, just lubricate it with
penetrating oil or you can visit many self help videos on the net and follow simple
DIY techniques or may even refer to the owner s manual or website for simple
trouble shooting tips. Check your warranty period and you may even get your
repairs or parts replaced free of cost.
Bottom line
By gaining insight on how does a recliner work, you are surely going to make a
sound purchasing decision as a smart buyer. The recliners are a bit expensive
considering all the comfort they provide while sitting however quality must be
your first priority. As they are large, heavy and immovable furniture pieces, you
can set your recliner in a living room that offers enough room for its extended
footrest. And in case there is a space crunch, look out for a leaner version like the
one with wooden or no arms or the new models of wall savers recliners. With so
much of options available, chose the most comfortable recliner which complements
your needs and start pursuing a painless, fit and healthy
Seizing the Day in Robert Herrick’s poem, “To the...
To what extent may an argument be framed as believable or serious? Persuasion on
seizing the day is a common theme in Robert Herrick s poem, To the Virgins, To
Make Much of Time and Andrew Marvel s To His Coy Mistress . The arguments
within the poems can seem unrealistic, a little hyperbolic, with an underlying intent
to acquire a womanto sleep with them. The concrete position of all the arguments
within the two poems seems to be, getting a woman to sleep with them. The two
poets posses similarities between the two pieces of poetry, however argue the topics
in different ways. Beauty is not forever lasting, coyness put aside, while pleasure
embraced, and time is of the essence; are all points made to intrigue women to be
with them. To focus on those points a little: The beauty of a woman is compared to
aspects of nature. Herrick s poem only looks at the physical qualities of a woman,
unlike Marvel s, which references personality along with physical traits. Sexual
passion embraced, and coyness set aside? The poets, both urge women to act upon
sexual urges while they stay youthful, but if a woman was told they are not going
to be desired when older, would they actually want to be with someone who tells
them that? Time is moving quickly and its made known within the poems. Herrick is
an advocate to relate everything to physical aspects, so of course he says a woman s
beauty diminishes quickly. Marvel does not relate beauty and time together, instead
he would
Personal Narrative-State Sports
One last out, runners only 60 feet away from crushing dreams. A place that is
usually filled cheering fans, coaches calling plays, and girls calling the ball is now
completely silent. Everyone wondering who was going to own the title and the
chance to move on to the state games. As the pitcher got ready to pitch the ball you
could hear everyone s heart start to beat like a drum. As she pushed off the mound
and threw the ball they all held their breaths in hopes of the win. The batter hit the
ball and they made the final out to take their team onto the state games for the first
time in school history. Everyone on the team was so excited to have the chance to
represent their school. Nothing in the world could bring them down from this perfect
... Show more content on ...
Liz was the starting centerfielder, who embraced every opportunity she had to but
herself out there for her team. Liz was a very important piece to the team success
throughout the season. As the team got closer and closer to the state games the
girls worked harder longer days to prepare for the competition ahead. As the
practices got longer she began to feel drained. She had a hard time focusing in
class, always felt tired, and couldn t get rid the every lasting cough. After a week of
being sick she decided it was time to see a doctor before her and her team left for
states. Two days before the team left for Syracuse NY for the state games Liz was
diagnosed with Mono. Liz said I was way too upset to call my coaches at first, but I
knew they had to know as soon as possible. Liz knew her teammates and coaches
would understand and be behind her one hundred percent. She could not help to
feel upset and defeated there was nothing she could do in this situation. The look
of sadness came over her face you could tell how much she wanted to play with her
team. In sports losing a player that contributes so much to the team is hard to
replace. For a young Eden team the loss of a key player two days before leaving is
a situation no one team wants to be in. Liz s team knew the challenge just got
harder. On the day for departure for states Liz knew she still had to go to cheer on
her team. Even if she couldn t play she could still be there to support them in any
way she physically could. The day of the games approached. Liz said It was so
frustrating knowing that I have worked so hard to help my team get this far and now
I can t contribute to the final two
Dorian Gray Symbolism
In The Picture of Dorian Gray Basil Hallward, the painter who made Dorian s
portrait introduces the reader to the idea that art reveals more about people than
about art itself. In both works we are introduced to two very significant artistic
symbols: Dorian Gray s portrait and the painting made by Kurtz. Both are
described as sinister, and they both provide an insight into the characters souls, in
their own unique way. With Dorian we refer to a more literal view into his soul, as
his portrait is a magical symbol that portrays it. This is perhaps the biggest symbol
in Wilde s novel. The portrait allows him to stay young but reflects all of his being
into a single picture. One noteworthy reflection is that of the red spot of blood in his
hand. This represents the blood that is in Dorian s hands after... Show more content on ...
His painting is that of a draped, blindfolded woman carrying a lighted torch in the
darkness. There have been many interpretations to his painting. Some critics argue
that the blindfolded woman represents justice; others say that it represents a blind
Europe trying to bring the light of civilization into the African continent. While I
do not disagree with these ideas, I do have an interpretation of my own. I believe
that the painting represents humanity as a whole. We are surrounded by darkness
but because we carry a light we believe that it is not there, thus we wear a blindfold
either because we don t believe that darkness is there or because we are simply too
afraid to see ourselves surrounded by it. We need to consider that Kurtz painted
this before he went down his dark path, therefore this is a view into his soul before
it was touched by darkness. Perhaps the painting represents how he viewed himself:
surrounded by darkness but unable to see it because he was blindfolded, and that
blindfold was society trying to hide the very concept of darkness and light, or good
and evil, from man in order to
Radio Frequency Identification Proof Is An Innovation
Radio Frequency Identification proof is an innovation where data put away on a
microchip can be perused remotely, without physical contact utilizing vitality as a
part of the RF range. A radio frequency identification framework comprises of a
peruser, or investigative specialist, which discharges an red flag by means of a radio
wire. The microchip gets the vitality by means of a joined receiving wire (named a
radio frequency identification tag) and differs the electromagnetic reaction its radio
wire in a manner that data can be exchanged with the peruser. The term era
mastermind covers every last conceivable system required in the surge of stock from
gathering to the client; including storing up, development, and transportation. Thusly,
stock framework association covers every one of these techniques in the blend with
showcasing choices, client request, in blueprint with over all commercial structure
objectives. Consistently well thought out informational concentrated procedure
association with stock framework can profit fundamentally from the usage of radio
frequency identification headway. radio frequency identification progression has rose
to turn up a dynamic part in the era arrange association. It is not only a swap for
scanner names. Radio frequency identification guarantees that the right things are
accessible at the fortunate place without any anomalies and zero oversights. It makes
the era organize by and large more right and enriches these benefits and
Dance Concert Critique
My overall response to the dance concert is spectacular because each dance piece
was moving, remarkable, and motivational. Each dance had an astounding affect on
me and allowed to me repelled into the performance. These impressions came from
me analyzing the dance pieces, A Brief Study of Recent History and One Heart, Two
Worlds , for the Spring 2016 Studio 115 DanceConcert Series at USM s Dance and
Theatre Building on May 4th. The first performance, A Brief Study of Recent
History was choreographed by Elizabeth Lentz Hill and introduced by the dancers
Jennifer Alafat, Megan Bradberry, Shaquille Hayes, etc. While the second piece, One
Heart, Two Worlds , was choreographed by Dejonelle Gleeton and the performers
were Brittain Allgood,... Show more content on ...
75). Modern dance is all about the concentration on innovation. The dance, One heart,
Two worlds has a huge connection with the choreographers, Doris Humphrey, and
Charles Weidman, a technique of music visualization . When it came to creating
dances, Humphrey was interested in group dynamics. She also had a strong
connection with music, therefore, music visualization is a way to see the music
through the dance, sometimes having the dances follow rhythmic patterns (pg.81).
Also, the choreographer, Isadora Duncan, created dances centered on the emotion
of Mother, depicting a sorrowful and broken figure. This emotion relates to the duo
dance scene, the girl connecting with the world of dreaming and the harsh world of
reality; however, in the end, she appears to be broken when separated from her
dream. Also, Duncan went against the traditional form of ballet by creating dances
in ways that were more natural, like movements of the trees or ocean as well as
being inspired by not restricting movement by providing the dancers with loose
costumes. The dance One Heart, Two Worlds also depicts movements in a more
natural way such as the nature of
Benjamin Engelhart Essay
Patient Name: Benjamin Engelhart
Patient ID: 112592
DOB 10/5/ AGE: 46SEX: Male
Date of Admission 11/14/
Emergency Room Physician: Alex McClure, MD
Admitting Diagnosis: Acute Appendicitis
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: This 46 year old gentleman with past medical
history significant only for degenerative disease of the bilateral hips, secondary to
arthritis presents to the emergency room after having had 3 days of abdominal pain. It
initially started 3 days ago and was a generalized vague abdominal complaint.
Earlier this morning the pain localized and radiated to the right lower quadrant. He
had some nausea without emesis. He was able to tolerate p.o earlier around 6am, but
he now ... Show more content on ...
Date of Procedure: 11/14/
HISTORY: Right lower quadrant pain. No previous studies.
Abdomen: The lipases appeared unremarkable. The liver, spleen, gallbladder adrenals,
kidneys, pancreas and abdominal aorta appeared unremarkable. The bowels seen on
the study appeared thickened. Dilated appendix seemed consistent with acute
appendicitis. All the structures of the abdomen appeared unremarkable. No free air
was seen.
Pelvis: Good quality, non contrasted, actual CT examination of the pelvis with
coronal reconstructions. The prostate seminal vesicles and urinary bladder appeared
WNL. The bowels seen on the study appeared WNL, except for inflammatory changes
of the appendix, and cecum consistent with acute appendicitis. .All the structures of
the pelvis appeared intact with evidence of bilateral hip degenerative changes.
IMPRESSION: 1. Findings consistent with acute appendicitis.
2. Degenerative changes of the hips.
Paula Reddy, MD Radiology
D: 11/14/
PATIENT NAME: Benjamin Engelhart
Patient ID: 112592DOB: 10/5/ AGE: 46SEX: Male
Date of Admission: 11/14/
Date of Procedure: 11/14/
Admitting Physician: Bernard Kester, MD General Surgery
Surgeon: Bernard Kester, MD General Surgery
Assistant: Jason Wagner, PA C Surgical Assistant
Circulating Nurse: Jimmy Dale Jett, RN
Safety Net
The effect of smaller government safety nets on families is drastic. The United States
is one of the few countries left in the world that has yet to understand the importance
of strong supports for the primary building block of our society. By continuing to
balance our competing ideals of individualism against marriageand familywe are
putting the very foundations of our country at risk. Our current federal safety net is
made up of many individual policies and programs. They are generally independent
of each other and attack a single aspect of poverty. Taken as a whole they represent a
challenging matrix for the poor to use and the American taxpayer to understand (
Safety Net Programs Federal Safety Net, n.d.).
In the instance of a family facing the crisis of raising a child with disabilities, this
situation can be both ineffective and confusing. For example, if a family faces the
challenge of raising a child diagnosed with autism life can change instantly.
Immediately decisions ... Show more content on ...
The safety net should have support systems available to aid in the family s ability
to restructure its dynamics and come to terms with a new reality. When this does not
happen for a family, it leaves them unsure of the next steps to take for their child,
emotionally exhausted, and with fewer economic resources. When safety nets are
smaller and less certain, families serve more prominent roles as educators, healthcare
providers, personnel managers, and social workers for their members
(Bogenschneider, 2014, p. 115). As many families in America face caring for their
family members in situations such as autism, aging parents, children with disabilities,
and others who are chronically ill it is time to implement an effective government
safety net to help families restructure and face the challenges as an cohesive family
Ethical Dilemmas In The Workplace Essay
Ethical Dilemmas in the Workplace
As a manager, you are the role model for staff. You set the standards, adhere to
guidelines, and exemplify what you expect staff to model. By doing so, you are
establishing and sustaining an organizational culture of ethics and integrity, which is
the backbone of all successful endeavors. However, even the best structured
organizations face ethical dilemmas in the workplace. It is how management
recognizes and addresses these occurrences that will either set them and their team
up for success or for failure. One of the biggest hurtles management can overcome is
to be aware of their surroundings because when management fails to notice and act, it
is an ethical failure (Bazerman Sezer, 2016, para. 5). ... Show more content on ...
Clark (2017) points out that studies have shown that employees from the baby
boomer generation believe that the younger generations lack good work ethics and are
slackers, thus inhibiting opportunities for collaboration within the team. Management
must be mindfully aware of the potential for conflicts when setting up teams of
diverse ages and delegating responsibilities accordingly to ensure more inclusion and
possibly eliminate conflicts from occurring in the first place (LaMontagne, 2016).
Bullying and other negative behaviors can also cause substantial problems.
Employees can be made to feel inferior to another coworker or even you as the
manager. They may be ridiculed, teased, or withstand having their work continually
criticized, causing them to feel isolated and insignificant (Wilson Nagy, 2017).
According to Wilson and Nagy (2017), employees who are bullied tend to take more
sick leave, may suffer from depression, feel insecure, and can experience long lasting,
negative health effects. To prevent this from occurring, management must
continuously be cognizant of how they communicate internally and externally, as
well as how staff relates with one another. By not doing so, the organization could
lose dedicated, hard working employees, as well as stake holders and clients. In
addition, Clark (2017) suggests that understanding of the relationship between
bullying and personality dynamics enables organizations to integrate these findings
into policies and procedures
Civil War Manifestation
The manifestation of the Civil War stemmed from a steady escalation of events
having had a direct impact on politics, humanity, and the economy.
Things then began to get more complicated when more territories were being
inducted into stated hood. Missouri threatened to upset the balance of the free to
slave state ratio. This did not come to pass because stepped in and became a free
state. Thomas Jefferson had a notion that the institution of slavery would not last and
compared it to holding a wolf by the ear. Many had the fear that the more voting
power a political party had, there was more potential to affect the most change. There
was a stab at civility initially when the constitution was created to ensure that one
particular group was ... Show more content on ...
African Americans were treated as second class citizens since slavery. It is also
important to remember that Jim Crow also applied to those that choose not to
conform. One would think that the abolishment of slavery would have something
better in store. The web that Jim Crow laws cast made it easy to blatantly justify
discrimination against a group of people. Charles Darwin s Survival of the fittest
analogy was used to insinuate that African Americas or anyone down on their luck
was not trying hard enough and that is the reason why they were not in a better
economic status. When Plessy vs Ferguson was overturned racial discrimination
could be justified in a manner of implying separate but equal, employing the use of
legal weapons to oppress a target group of people. Numerous attempts were made to
overthrow Jim Crow; success came with the civil rights movement. Plain and simply
put Jim Crow laws were a form of indirect
Surrealism And Surrealism
Impressionism is an art movement originating in France which ran between the
1860s until the 1890s. Famous artists of the genre include Claude Monet and
Gustave Caillebotte. The movement is typically characterized by its sketch like
techniques and its use of bright vivid colors, giving the painting a bright look.
Impressionism s sketch like appearance allowed artists to paint the world
imperfectly as to demonstrate an impression of what it looks like, which is where
the name comes from. The tendency of impressionist artists was also to paint
shadows with a more colorful appeal by replacing the blacks and greys by colors.
As the form did not represent the reality of a landscape, it allowed artists to also
represent the optical effects of light and diverge from the mainstream norm of the
realism movement. Surrealism is an art movement which ran between the 1920s until
World War 2. Major artists of the movement include AndrГ© Breton, Salvador DalГ
RenГ© Magritte and Sigmund Freud whose work on human psychology has served
as major inspiration for the movement. Surrealism can be recognized by its attempt
to create an extremely fictional world and does not portray ours. Subjects in
surrealist paintings seem very out of place and would not appear in that landscape in
the real world. The practice of this movement draws heavily from Freud s research on
the nature of the human subconscious and attempts to draw a painting of the
surrealistic nature of dreams and human fantasy. The Pop
The, A Path Of Righteousness
In the tumultuous aftermath of the first gambling match, BhД«sma declares, the
way of dharma is the highest; not even noble priests can follow it in this world.
And in this world whatever a powerful man regards as dharma is said by others to
be dharma, even if it falls within the limits of adharma. I cannot judge this question...
with certainty, because of the subtlety, profundity, and seriousness of the issue.
(2.62.15 17) His words speak to a persistent source of conflict within parts of The
MahДЃbhДЃrata where following dharma, a path of righteousness, is not always an
issue of black and white. Many of the epic s recurring characters, including the
virtuous Arjuna, face great challenges maintaining the dharma assigned to
Kб№Јatriyas which... Show more content on ...
Even so, Arjuna, a Kб№Јatriya himself, goes against that principle multiple times
when he sets out to kill JarДЃsaб№ѓdha and eventually Duryodhana. Under some
urging and guidance, Arjuna dons the disguise of a Brahmin and travels to Magadha
with Kṛṣṇa and Bhīma in order to challenge King Jarāsaṃdha.
What ensues is a heated exchange as JarДЃsaб№ѓdha points out the wrong in their
deceitful entrance and the Pāṇḍavas counter him by citing his own
infractions of dharma, in a justification for their reasons to approach him the way
they did: The wrong you have done, son of Bб№›hadratha, should come before us,
for we practise dharma and are strong in dharma s defence. (2.20.10) Even though
Kṛṣṇa claims shortly afterwards that they do not pretend to be Brahmins
(2.20.23) as they also seized garlands to go with their costumes, something that real
Brahmins do not wear, the fact that the three of them did not present their true
identities from the start is a contrast to his statement. Due to the knowledge of
JarДЃsaб№ѓdha s vow that s famous throughout the earth (2.19.31) to always greet
Brahmins honourably, their disguises allowed them to get close enough to the king
in a way that their genuine identities probably would not have allowed. As a result,
they were able to execute their mission successfully. Then, Arjuna encroaches on the
Kб№Јatriya dharma with dishonesty again
Socrates And The Apology Of Socrates
Socrates is quite the unique individual compared to most, if not all, other Greeks at
that time. In the Apology, Socrates gives an analogy of himself being a gadfly and
that his gadfly like actions are favorable for Athens and that the actions are goods
he is providing. From his service he claims to live a more private life than a public
life when discussing virtue. This paper is going to discuss Socratesand his analogy of
a gadfly, approach to others about virtue, his conduct effect on democracy, and a
comparison to a contemporary person that is similar to him. Firstly is Socrates
analogy of himself being a gadfly. He states ... you will not easily find another
who, if I may use a ludicrous comparison, clings to the state as a sort of gadfly to a
horse that is large and well bred but rather sluggish from its size, and needing to be
aroused (Mulvaney 24). Socrates has said before that he absolutely adores Athens.
It is known for being a wise and strong city, and he would not leave Athens. He
wants Athens to remain that way and he tries to provoke people to act that way by
examining them. Socrates wanted people to be their true self and improve their
personality. He talks to people in person or small groups and this is where the
comparison to a gadfly can be valid. A gadfly is small compared to a large bulky
horse, but when the fly stings the horse one part will twitch in turn causing another
part to twitch. Socrates is the gadfly and his actions permeate throughout the
Synopsis Of The Giver
1. As you can see, the book and the movie are similar in a way but very different.
Asher s character is very different by strictness to carefree . In the book it states that
Asher has a carefree personality than in the movie. In the book Jonas is concerned
for Asher s assignment, because he makes a game out of everything . Also in the
bookit says that Asher ran through the standard apology phrase rapidly . So we all
know that in the book Asher was very lazy, carefree and trouble. He didn t care
what he did. Although in the movie when Jonas was showing Fiona an example of
sledding, by sledding on a lunch tray, Asher hesitated. Jonas asked Why are you
chicken and Asher said no and ran away. Looks like he was scared of breaking the
rules. His personality affects the conflict of him ditching his best friend, and makes
sure he doesn t get out of the community boundary. He was helping the chief elder
defeat Jonas. In the book, to escape with Gabriel to go to elsewhere was stressful .
Even in the book it shows that Jonas committed two crimes to retreat from the
community. One is he robbed food from the community of food that he has taken
leftovers and stealing his dad s bike with a baby... Show more content on ...
The book and the movie of the giver have many parts that are identical. At the end
of the movie and book both have the same lines and settings. Which means the
movies does have the same cliffhanger as the book. But to my perspective I think
the movie ends with elsewhere. The book did states and ended with Jonas coming
in and out of consciousness, so it may think that he is dying. But in the movie it s
visualized for you, then it looks like he is definitely out of the community and
some where else. In the movie it showed a little house that is the same house of the
memory the giver game to him. In the middle of a wintry woods. In visuals it looks
like Gabriel and Jonas lived but now found a place to stay with memories, lights and
music. But maybe he thought it was an
College Budgeting In College
Budgeting can be very difficult, nevertheless for college students, so I will be
explaining how to budget in college by making smart decisions. A college
education is probably one of the most expensive purchases a young adult will most
likely ever purchase in their lifetime. College can be very expensive as a
consequence tuition can range anywhere from 10,000 to 70,000 a year. Nearly all
collegestudents pay for college by a college fund, scholarship/grants, out of their own
or parent s pocket or borrowed money. Despite the fact some of those payments aren t
directly coming from the studentit is more than likely that they still don t have a
stable income to provide themselves with basic necessities. Most colleges don t
provide students with basic necessities which means they acquire to go out and
obtain everything needed as far as food, supplies, books, also toiletries. The
average college student spends anywhere from $200 $700 a month on just the
articles they need. While on articles they want they spend anywhere from $20 $200.
More than likely that most college students don t work, notwithstanding first year
students and athletes, which is a large population of the school anyway. Today most
students aren t obtaining a stable cash flow and even the ones who are from
allowances or a job tend to still most likely struggle with budgeting. Budgeting can
be a very difficult task even for adults or people making a substantial amount of
money, but it s not impossible if
Difference Between Variable Costing And Absorption
In this paper we extend the costing approaches and the two different approaches
which include Variable costing and Absorption costing. This paper explains the
difference between variable costing and absorption costing. All successful companies
around the world use a strategic business plan that leads to a tactical plan and an
operation plan which lead to the execution; both of the costing approaches, variable
and absorption costing, to help their business flourish. Variable costing and
absorption costing are not to be substituted for one another since both the approaches
have their own benefits and limitations to any unique situation. In this document we
will discuss the different approaches variable and absorption costing uses, the... Show
more content on ...
Income reporting is one major difference between these two costing approaches.
Using absorption versus variable costing for the finished product will have different
effects on profit margins as reported on the income statement. Absorption costing
does not support CVP analysis because it essentially treats fixed manufacturing
overhear as a variable cost by assigning a per unit amount of the fixed overhead to
each unit production. Treating fixed manufacturing overhear as a variable cost can,
lead to faulty pricing decisions and keep or drop decisions, and produce positive net
operating income even when the number of units sold is less than the breakeven
point. However, under the process described earlier, variable costing reports lower net
income. Companies using the absorption method will not incur lower net revenue
until they sell goods, which move the costs from inventory to cost of goods sold
(Pong). Fixed expenditures are not figured in the cost of goods sold under the
variable method, therefore the inventory is carried at a lesser value than the full
absorption method. Even though a company uses absorption costing for financial
reporting, it is not prevented from reporting internally for management purposes
under a variable costing method. The difference is that variable costing is often
considered to be an enhanced way for management to regulate financial
manufacturing decisions. The variable costing approach would be much more
appropriate for
The Process Cycle Will Involve 4 Steps
The process cycle will involve 4 steps. These steps are In checking, Pulling/ system
Processing, System Moving Labeling, Physical Moving. The average time for this
process cycle from the time that an Item is in checked to when the Items is move
to the Pickup Delivery Bins takes 375 seconds which is 6 Minutes and 15 Seconds.
The estimated Takt time is depending on whether it is a priority item or a general
cargo item. According to policy, priority items must be in the customer s hand
within one hour (3,600 seconds) of receipt by TMO. The takt time will vary
depending on the proximity of the customer to the TMO Warehouse, so location
will affect TMO ability to meet takt time. Therefore if the customer is located 40
minutes away, out takt time for priority times will be 20 minutes, if our customer
is 55 minutes away, out takt time will be 5 minutes. Leadership Policy indicate that
general cargo items must be available to the customer within 72 Hours of Receipt
and seaport items within a 168 hours (a week). Process Cycle StepsProcess Cycle
TasksProcess Cycle Time InCheckingCheck for Damage Check Quantity Check Item
Number/ Part Number Check Item was sent to proper Location Check Shelf Life has
not expired Check for Item classification Assign Temporary Location Walk to office
to process15 secs 20 secs 7 secs 5 secs 15 secs 5 secs 5 secs 25 secs Total: 97 secs
Pulling/ System ProcessingoSearch
Analysis Of The Book The Count Of Monte Cristo For The...
Reading sends a feeling throughout my body and mind that is rather difficult to
explain. The feeling is overwhelming and takes over my entire thought process. It is
as though I want to shut out the world and fall completely into the book so I can
experience the words instead of just reading them, but at the same time I wantto be
able to talk to every person I know about the story and the characters and every little
detail of every major plot twist. That awe inspiring feeling first came when I began
reading The Count of Monte Cristofor the first time.
During my winter break I decided to take advantage of the time away from school by
relaxing and trying to pencil in some me time. The meteorologists on television and in
the Washington ... Show more content on ...
There was something about this book that stood out to me. I don t know if it was the
blue and gold intricate designs covering it, the title, or something else that I couldn t
comprehend right then. Whatever it was, it drew me to that book like a magnet and I
thought this is the one. I need to get this one.
The snow came earlier than expected and by earlier, I mean it came at noon instead
of nine o clock. I came home and immediately started shoveling snow off my
driveway so my mom wouldn t need to do it. My shoveling was constantly
interrupted by my own thoughts, I wonder what it s like to read a book so big. I can
t imagine it will be easy to read. I wonder what it s about. I just want to go in and
start reading.
At long last, the shoveling was done and it was my time. I hurried inside, changed
my clothes to something dry and warm, and went out onto the deck. A patio chair
was left out from one of our summer dinner parties so I brushed it off and set
myself up there. I took a couple chopped logs off the pile to my left and lit the fire
in the fire pit for its inaugural lighting of the season. I pulled my chair as close to
the fire as I could; close enough to get warm, but far enough away that I didn t catch
on fire. With that, I was finally ready, so I curled under my blanket and began reading.
I sat outside reading for hours, paying no attention to the fact that it was only thirty
degrees outside.
Barriers to Effective Pain Management
Barriers to Effective Pain Management
Pain is a fundamental and inevitable form of human suffering, the experience which
is unique to every individual.
Nurses have a unique role in alleviating the pain experienced by their patients. With
their professional knowledge and regular close contacts with patients, they are ideally
placed to listen and respond to any concerns. Taking time to assess the individual will
allow for the development of a thrusting relationship between the nurse and patient.
Accurate assessment and documentation can help to chart the multi dimensional
nature of the pain, aiding decision making and patient care planning (Mcguie 1992).
Adequate control of pain is only achieved in 50% of patients ... Show more content on ...
However, it is imperative that the doctor carriers out a physical examination of the
patient on admission to identify the pathological causes of the patients pain. This is
an imperative part of pain management and is much needed to facilitate the planning
of care.
The more experienced the nurse is the more inclined they are to underestimate severe
pain. The less experienced nurse is more inclined to overestimate an individuals pain.
The doctor s lack of confidence and knowledge may result in him or her avoiding
discussions relating to analgesia and changing the drug or dose of the opoid,
irrespective of the nurse s belief that it for the best interest of the patient. Doctors
that are lacking in knowledge have a tendency to prescribe analgesia below the
therapeutic level of the pain and are often reluctant to act upon the nurse. This is a
serious issue that must be addressed as the nurse is often the person who knows the
most information about the patient as they provide a 24 hour round the clock care to
the patient.
It is clear that these poor practices arise from a number of inter related reasons.
However the lack of knowledge and effective team work seems to be the central
issue. In order to assure effective communication is brought to the clinical practice,
efforts to increase group learning and confidence of health care professions is much
needed. Role play may improve health care professional s
Douglas High School Walkout Analysis
On Wednesday, March 14, 2018 I chose to participate in a school activity. The
activity I chose to participate in was about the Douglas shooting. Seventeen Lives
were lost on February 14,2018. So I did a walkout March 14, 2018 to demonstrate
that I am standing with Douglas high school. The walkout was not a protest, but it
was a demonstration. Everyone who decided to walkout, and I demonstrated that we
are stronger as a whole. We must stay united for the Seventeen innocent lives that
were lost. We also all demonstrated that we want a safe schoolwithout gun violence
or any violence. This is why most people participated in this walkout. One thing that
is really important that I have heard before is, Guns don t kill people, because people
Research Paper On Rosneft Company
Rosneft Oil Company
Introduction: Rosneft is one of the world s largest petroleum companies and it s the
leader of Russia s petroleum business. Rosneft actions contain hydrocarbon
examination and construction, hydrocarbon refining, upstream offshore projects, and
crude oil, gas and product marketing in Russia and many other countries. Rosneft
Company is a leader in the development of extraordinary quality reconstruction and
innovational modifications in the petroleum trade of Russia. Rosneft Company
Petroleum s are all in high quality and its different from the other Petroleum
Rosneft was founded in 1993, owned by the government of Russia, and its business
was oil and gas. The revenue of the company was US$102.0 billion ... Show more
content on ...
Again Rosneft Company receives some license just like 2002 too but this time the
licenses are too develop the Vankor and North Vankor fields in the East of Siberia.
This time an investigation starts on the shelf of the Azov Sea and the Company
acquires Svernaya Neft. In the year of 2004, this time Rosneft Company acquires
Baikalfinancegroup, which is the owner of Yukanskeftegaz. The company starts to
experimental drill at the Sakhalin 5 project and Vankor Field. In the year of 2004
they transported structure appointed using the Belokamaneka fluctuating oil tank and
Privodino support station. And in the year of 2005, the production of oil begins in
Sakhalin 1 and the production within Sakhalin 5 project was well completed by a
high quality that started in the year of 2004. This time the Rosneft Company acquires
Verkhnechonskoye field and a license for the East Sugdinsky. In the year of 2006
many agreements will happen between Rosneft Company and the other companies.
The agreements are that the Rosneft Company agrees with the CNPC to begin a
shared project in Russia. Rosneft Company and BP together they sign a treaty to
together improve the Sakhalin shelf. Rosneft Company entered into an agreement
with the Gazprom too and the agreement was kind of a strategic agreement. The
company of Rosneft acquires a 49.4% prize in the Udmurtneft and
Sociology Prejudice
Prejudice means prejudgement. It is a psychologically and sociologically
unjustifiable, usually negative attitude towards a group and its members, and is
based off of the physical characteristics of an individual rather than what a person
actually believes or does. These prejudices turn into discrimination when the beliefs
against a certain group are acted upon. Types of prejudice found in modern society
include those related to sex, gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, class, religion,
disability and language (McLeod, 2008). Racism is prejudice, discrimination, or
antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one
s own race is superior(Oxford Dictionary, 2016).
Contributing ... Show more content on ...
Groups (e.g. social class, family, football team etc.) which people belonged to were
an important source of pride and self esteem (Tajfel, 1979). This links to social
categorisation which is when people assign others to in groups and out groups. Social
identity theory states that the in group will hold prejudiced views, and discriminate,
against the out group (McLeod, 2008). The in group does this to enhance their own
self image by denigrating the perception of the out groups (Tajfel, 1979). In a school
context social categorisation s negative effects can result in bullying and
discrimination against those who are not part of the in group, e.g. members of the
LGBTIQ community, racial and ethnic minorities, or the self segregation of students
in an attempt to separate the in and out groups, which will often result in racial self
segregation as within Australian schools non white students are the out group.
Another form of social categorisation include stereotypes. A stereotypeis a fixed, over
generalized belief about a particular group or class of people (Cardwell, 1996).
Stereotypes are a way in which we simplify our social world (McLeod, 2015). By
stereotyping we infer that a person has a range of characteristics that we assume all
members of a group possess. Racial stereotypes always seem to favour the race of the
holder and belittle other races (McLeod, 2015).
Cinderella Syndrome Essay
Cinderella Syndrome
I think the time has come for someone to write Cinderella: The Sequel.
How did we get here? In 1697, French writer Charles Perrault updated an age old
fairy tale about a young woman named Cinderella to appeal to his contemporaries,
French nobility and bourgeoisie. So many of the early versions of the tale boasted a
very resourceful young woman who played an active role in her destiny. Perrault,
however wrote his Cinderella as a well mannered, docile, selfless women who would
fit seamlessly with the ideal 17th century upper class society. Historically, fairy tales
have reflected the values of society in which they were written or revised mirroring
its preoccupations, obsessions, ambitions, and shortcomings. What do ... Show more
content on ...
As I imagine it, we d joined by Cinderella and the Handsome Prince shortly after they
returned from their honeymoon. We would see them discover how different their
tastes and priorities were when they go shopping to furnish the palace. We would see
them run up bills and debts by trying to do much too fast, and they d fight about
whose fault their extravagances had been.
Common sense and love would prevail. They d get on a budget and the storm would
pass. A couple of years into the marriage, the Handsome Prince would get involved
with a merger and acquisitions of the neighboring county, and he d be gone a lot on
business trips.
The stress and loneliness of long separations would lead to disagreements, but again
love would prevail. Then a child would be born to Cinderella and the Prince
meaning more stress. The child would be diagnosed with a learning disability and
Cinderella and the Prince would each wonder whether the cause might have been the
other s having parties too hard in their younger days.
Their feelings of guilt and blame would generate into quarrels. A second child would
be born. More changes and more stress. Cinderella s mother in law would sometimes
interfere and criticize their parenting. Bickering would continue and get worse.
Then Cinderella and the Handsome Prince would go to a marriage counselor. They
tried to learn to appreciate each other s different points of view. They also, tried to
Patient Safety Website
After reviewing the National Patient Safety Foundation website and the information
about Lucian Leape, this writer feels that this is a topic that is getting quite a bit of
focus to find ways to improve patient safety and for healthcare leaders to collaborate
to improve healthcare. One thing that Dr. Leape says that this writer agrees with is
that doctors, nurses, and pharmacists among other healthcare workers, need to work
together to focus on patient safety and engage with each other to improve patient
outcomes (Johnson, 2012). The Lucian Leape Institute puts a strong focus on
educating physicians in medical school about patient safety, but also to engage
patients and be transparent in their care and make healthcare a field where physicians
... Show more content on ...
One thing that this website really stresses is the value of teamwork and being
transparent with patient care on different levels. The purpose of an incident reporting
system is to not necessarily focus on errors that occurred by individuals, but rather
look at systems and see if there was a breakdown that occurred and what can be
changed or implemented differently from preventing future errors from happening
and potentially reaching the patient. The website can also be used to look at an
organization as a whole and get healthcare leaders and executives to see the important
role of patient safety and the impact that breakdowns can have not only on patients,
but also the financial impact, which ultimately will impact the bottom line of any
healthcare organization. At the facility where this writer is employed, whenever a
safety event is reported, a team sits down to look at what happened before the event,
during the event, and after the event. This approach is effective because the team
involves individuals from different departments to gather ideas and thoughts about
the incident, which was also discussed in the website about having the proper
stakeholders present and advocating for patient safety (National Patient Safety
Foundation, 2017). Overall, there are many factors that can have an impact on patient
safety, but the National Patient Safety Foundation is a great source to start with when
discussing ways to improve patient safety and utilizing the proper resources to initiate
new practices and promote safer healthcare in the United
Becoming An Art Director
Art directors create nearly every creative aspect of television programs, video
games, motion pictures, and more. They develop specific details for creating
photographs, audio, or graphics used in broadcasting and advertising. Also, they
oversee everyone working around them to make sure the job is done correctly and
exceptionally. Some of their most important tasks include managing budgets,
approving materials, completing storyboards, and selecting and training staff
members. Art directors use both computers and handheld materials to build
incredible sets and designs. Without art directors, there would be very few of the
beautiful works of media seen today (Art Directors). Becoming an art director
requires experience and training in the field of art and communication; I will achieve
my goal of starting a career in art direction in ten... Show more content on ...
This way I could develop experience in the field of art direction that could be used
in my future career. Following the completion of college, I will want to begin
searching for a potential job. At the beginning, I do not want to take too much
responsibility but rather ease myself into being an art director; on the other hand, I
also want to be able to learn the skills of the trade. It is recommended to obtain five
years of experience in the field of art for television or film before starting an official
career (Noronha 64). Although art direction may be a challenging and taxing job,
I believe that I will be a good fit for this career choice because I have a creative,
artistic view of life. I am often pondering designs and layouts for television shows,
movies, advertisements, and more. I also have the communicative skills needed to
become an art director; I find it easy to begin working and collaborating with new
groups of people on projects. This is a career that perfectly fits all of my abilities,
skills, and
The Chemical And Gas Sensors
There has been a rapid growth in the field of biosensing through both ultrasensitive
chemical and gas sensors. The bio sensing protocols that are able to detect specific
biological and chemical species, sensitively and specifically (selectively) can
noticeably influence our daily lives. The issues related to monitoring of industrial
emissions, medical diagnosis and public security are significant application fields of
gas sensing in particular. Nano engineered materials including Carbon Nanotubes and
Graphene are being used to develop miniaturized sensors that can detect very low
concentrations of gases which are biomarkers of certain diseases like lung cancer in
particular. The composition of exhaled breath contains valuable information about
certain volatile and semi volatile compounds which can be used to generate a
chemical fingerprint and thereby screen patients with lung cancer. Graphene and
Carbon Nanotubes have been discussed for the development of chemical sensing
A.Graphene for biosensing:
Graphene is a 2 D form of carbon with planar structure and sp2 bonding. It is a
single layer of graphite with inter planar spacings of 3.35 A0. It has attracted
tremendous interest due to its exceptional and unique properties. Some of its
properties that are relevant to its widespread use in gas sensors have been discussed
1. The high specific surface area of graphene (both suspended and supported on
substrate) provide increased
Women In The Medieval Era
Amitabh Bachchan once said, Because you are women, people will force their
thinking on you, their boundaries on you. They will tell you how to dress, how to
behave, who you can meet and where you can go... . This quote was all too true for
the women in the Medieval Era. In this era, women did not have a lot of power or
control over their life. Women did not get to select who they marry. They could
not choose who they bore children too. Women did not get to decide what kind of
work they wanted. They had to know their place and their place was a child bearer,
house maid, or nun. Although there was an idealization of women in the Medieval
Era, the lives of women were arduous as they had little control of their lives and
were not able to decide who they spent their life with. As aforementioned, women
had no say in where their life would go. Things happened to them and they had no
choice, but to accept their circumstances. As an example, a popular ballad at the
time was The Great Silkie of Shule Skerrie. In this ballad, a woman bore a child
and has no idea who the father of her child is. The father steps up and she simply
says It is not well indeed that a SIlkie should have a child from her (Line 14). She
was not upset at the fact that she bore a child from a man she did not know, but at
the fact that he was a supernatural creature. Another example of this theme is in the
tale of Robin Hood. In Robin Hood , Robin steals from the rich to give back
The Change Model Of An Organization
According to Goodstein and Burke (1988) Lewin s change model consisted of three
steps. The first step is to Unfreeze the present pattern of behavior (Goodstein and
Burk 1998 pp. 10 11). By shaking up the corporate ladder, adding new training and
eliciting feedback the leaders can make their organization more receptive to change.
Removing individuals stuck in the same old ways of thinking, promoting open
minded individuals and training staff will allow change to take root in an
organization. Movement as described by Goodstein and Burk (1998) includes the
actual action and implementation of change. Taking the steps to modify the
organization not in practice, but in reality. This is the most important as well as the
most challenging of the steps. Leaders can talk all day about proposed changes and
new ideas, but change requires action to come to fruition. Leaders must follow
through with their plans and remain steadfast in their adherence to the change. The
last step is refreezing , this is the locking in of the new changes and attitudes to
continue to do business as the changed organization. This could include hiring
likeminded individuals that conform to the new changes and providing incentives to
employees that have accepted and excelled with the changes made.
Kotter (1995) provided eight steps to his organizational change model. After review
they appear to be a clear cut guide to follow to make lasting change. Step one was to
create a sense of urgency.
Strategic Intent
Harvard Business Review Jb revitalize corporate performance, we need a whole new
model of strategy. May funel989 STRATEGIC INTENT by Gary Hamel and C.K.
Prahalad oday managers in many industries are working hard to match the
competitive advantages of their new global rivals. They are moving manufacturing
offshore in search of lower labor costs, rationalizing product lines to capture global
scale economies, instituting quality circles and justin time production, and adopting
Japanese human resource practices. When competitiveness still seems out of reach,
they form strategic alliances often with the very companies that upset the competitive
halance in the first place. Important as these initiatives are, few of them go beyond...
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Think back. In 1970, few Japanese companies possessed the resource base,
manufacturing volume, or technical prowess of U.S. and European industry
leaders. Komatsu was less than 35% as large as Caterpillar (measured by sales),
was scarcely represented outside Japan, and relied on just one product linesmall
bulldozers for most of its revenue. Honda was smaller than American Motors and
had not yet begun to export cars to tbe United States. Canon s first Tbe lesson is
clear: assessing the current tactical advantages of known competitors will not help
you understand the resolution, stamina, and inventiveness of potential competitors.
Sun tzu, a Chinese military strategist, made the point 3,000 years ago: All men can
see the tactics whereby I conquer, he wrote, but what none can see is the strategy
out of which great victory is evolved. y Sy ompanies that have risen to global
leader( ship over the past 20 years invariably began Y with ambitions that were out
of all proporV . ^ . . ^ tion to their resources and capabilities. But they created an
obsession with wirming at all levels of the organization and then sustained that
obsession over the 10 to 20 year quest for global leadership. We term tbis obsession
strategic intent. On the one hand, strategic intent envisions a desired leadership
position and establishes the criterion the organization will use to chart its progress.
Komatsu set out to Encircle Caterpillar. Canon sought to Beat
Discrimination And Prejudice And Discrimination
Discrimination comes in a number of forms. We have age discrimination,
employment or job discrimination, racial discrimination, gender discrimination,
reverse discrimination, sexual discrimination, and others. Prejudice is a negative
attitude toward a socially defined group and toward any person perceived to be a
member of that group (Burgess, 2003). The purpose of her research was to talk about
discriminationand prejudices and the affect they have on our day to day lives. She
also defines prejudiceand discrimination and takes a look at their relationship to
stereotyping and racism. According to Burgess, stereotyping often leads to
prejudice and discrimination, with its definition almost mirroring that of prejudice.
Stereotypes or characterizations are generalizations or assumptions that people
make about the characteristics of all members of a group, based on an image, often
wrong, about what people in that group are like. We are told that it does not allow
for individuals to be different, but names them all as one group (Burgess, 2003).
Much as her research does, I d like to discuss the different types of discrimination
and prejudice and how we might eliminate it. In the text chosen for this course,
Managing Diversity People Skills for a Multicultural Workplace, the author reminds
its readers that America has been a segmented society and that de facto segregation is
still common. Rumor, suspicion, and stereotyping result if a group is competing too
The Turning Point In WWI Warfare
World War I was the turning point in warfare, to this day mil itary s still use some
of the new types of warfare that were introduced back then. War on the water was a
huge tactic that we still use today. Planes are another huge type we use now also,
we have an Air Force. War in the trenches was huge in WWI but died down and is
not used as much. Last is mining warfare and played a big role back then but isn t
used as mush now. Many types of new warfare were introduced into World War I
, and
it did not affect the United States in the beginning because we were not in the war.
Having war on the water is what caused the U.S. to join the first Great War. 1 May
1915 a big voyage boat set sail from New York on towards Britain, this boat was
called... Show more content on ...
World War I was the war that trench warfareexpanded, and a smart way to counter
that was to send people underneath the trenches and set off large explosives.
Miners started joining the war in 1915 and armies looked for the most experienced
people they could find. After months had gone by, mining warfare was being used
in this First World War. This type of warfare could be used ei ther offensively or
defensively. On the offense side of this, armies used this to eliminate strong points
or get better van tage points by scaring troops back. On the defense of this it was to
stop huge army pushes miners would even set a mine bar rage, which was multiple
bombs going off at once (Christie
Poetry Explication Essay
Poetry Explication
Language is a remarkable thing. It can convey every thought, feeling, and emotion
with perfect accuracy. Almost exclusively, language has taken awkward, unfit
animals out of nature and made them rulers over the earth and many of its elements.
When used well, it has the power to change an individual s view of the world, make
someone believe they have seen something they have not, and even more
astonishingly, look inside one s self and see what exists. If language is mixed with
the tempo of music, something new arises; poetry is born. When words and ideas are
set to a beat, they can far more subtly convey concepts that would otherwise need to
be explicitly stated and the poem can be appreciated more as a whole, ... Show more
content on ...
In my poem, I have used the same style, putting the word way as the last word in the
first and last lines. Such an arrangement serves to connect the beginning of the poem
to the end and imparts a sense of cyclical occurrences although Elizabeth can banish
those who hope to dispose her, new enemies will constantly arise. Using this structure
as the framework for my own thoughts, I was able to break away from the original
meaning of the poem and form something quite different.
While composing my poem, I regularly went back to The Doubt of Future Foes to
compare the sensibilities of each line. At times, I found that unknowingly I would
come up with something quite similar to what was written in the original. An
example of this is line 9 of The Doubt of Future Foes. I wanted to express how I,
like many children, strive to instill pride in my parents. When I read line 9, I liked
it so much that I included part of it in my own poem for its meaning, and as a
tribute to Elizabeth s style and careful selection of words. Since the title and first line
are so intertwined, I decided to remain faithful to their original structure, and hence,
my wording is very similar. Although the meaning for the word doubt in the original
poem is quite different from its common usage today, I chose to keep it in the title to
make up
Ageing Athletes
Ageing Athletes Millions of children all over the world are introduced to sports at
a very young age. While sports such as baseball, football, and basketball are the
three most popular in the United states, around the world it is a different story.
Soccer takes the top position globally, followed by cricket, and then field hockey.
As these kids get older, the amount who continue to the next level gradually
decrease. The amount of college players that exist are fewer than high school,
which are fewer than little league or peewee. For those talented and lucky enough to
make it to the professional level, these numbers are even lower. According to the
statistics provided by, the percentage of NCAA players who go on to
play professionally... Show more content on ...
Being elderly already includes them in a group of people who are overlooked by
family and society. Being former athletes, especially those who went professional,
includes them in a completely different conversation. The assumption for former pro
athletes is that they have everything they could possibly need because they have
money. This is never the case, and these people should be treated as individuals with
the love and attention they
Blue Collar Brilliance, By The Belgian Constitutional Court
Blue Collar Brilliance According to Eurofound, In 1993, the Belgian
Constitutional Court ruled that the employment status of blue collar and white
collar workers was discriminatory, due to discrepancies in working conditions and
entitlements. In the twentieth century, a status was created between two kinds of
workers: white collar and blue collar. An individual s level of education doesn t
always determine exactly how smart one truly is. An individual s level of
education does not determine how smart a person is because not every job
requires a college degree and not everyone can perform a blue collar or white
collar job. WHAT DO YOU THINK??? In late 2007, an ongoing financial crisis
occurred with many calling it the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression
in the 1930s. Many people were left unemployed through 2007 to 2009. By late
2009, the market began to look better for many citizens. Mike Rose is an American
education scholar, studied literacy and the struggles of working class America in
2009. Those who still had their job were battling against the recession as well. On
top of the struggle of unemployment, the average income for a year averaged about
$39,423.00 according to The People History. Rose is currently a Research
Professor of Social Research Methodology in the UCLA Graduate School of
Education and Information Studies. Mike Rose, author of Blue Collar Brilliance ,
emphasizes that blue collar jobs should not be viewed as mindless tasks, but
Racism In Freedom Writers
Racism is as relevant an issue today as it ever was. Old wounds have opened, and
the dark side of America is being brought to light. Freedom Writers, a 2007 movie
adaptation of the 1999 book The Freedom Writers Diary (Freedom Writers),
illustrates just how large an issue racism is in society. Freedom Writers was
directed by Richard LaGravenese and stars Hilary Swank, Scott Glenn, Patrick
Dempsey, and Imelda Staunton (Freedom Writers). Set in Long Beach, California,
a first time teacher educates her at first unmotivated students in English while
giving them life lessons and showing them the larger world around them. Those
students live in an area that is a battlefield, many of them embroiled in the ongoing
gang wars. Freedom Writers deals with racism by showing the students that they
are all very similar and deal with the same problems, regardless of their race. The
movie opens with footage of the 1994 Los Angeles riots, then transitions to the
childhood of the narrator of the film, a Mexican American girl named Eva. It shows
how racism and gang violence has shaped her life, with her father being arrested for a
crime he didn t commit and being shot at and beat up among the various examples.
We then meet Erin Gruwell, an enthusiastic young teacher, whose class is comprised
of Eva and other at risk teens. Gruwell has difficulty getting through to her students,
who self segregate into racial groups within the classroom. Many students stop
attending class when she forces them
Argumentative Essay On Greenleaf
OWN s upcoming megachurch series titled Greenleaf will show people the flawed
side of Christians, said actor and producer Oprah Winfrey.
Greenleaf, OWN s first scripted series, will tell the story of how the Greenleaf
family encounters problems as they lead a megachurchi n Memphis. Speaking to
People at the Tribeca Film Festival premiere, Oprah Winfrey said the series is
reflective of how flawed people at the church are.
The series created by playwright Craig Wright is all about the struggles encountered
by the family of a charismatic bishop portrayed by Keith David, who cunning wife
is played by Lynn Whitfield. Their daughter (Merle Dandridge) left the church years
ago to pursue a career as an investigative reporter but comes home after
Essay We Must Have a Right to Privacy
The Information Age has emerged with speed, excitement, and great promise. The
electronic eyes and ears of technology follow us everywhere. There are those
enamored with the rush of technology, who b elieve that the best of worlds is one
in which everyone can peer into everyone else s lives. In fact, we now live in a
world consumed with the ecstacyof communication (Karaim 76). Americans line up
to reveal their darkest secrets of their m ost intimate moments, or just hang out their
dirty laundry on the numerous television talk shows. The more exposure, the better.
So it may be absurd that we should worry that our privacyis being endangered, our
personal life and even our se crets made public. The loss of privacy is on the... Show
more content on ...
One of the most popular devices today, which is used on toll roads, office buildings,
banks, and stores to deter crime is the surveillance camera. But how can a law
abiding citizen protect his privacy when he is constantly being filmed? The
cellular phone, a best seller in the 1990 s, provid es convenience of calling while
on the go. Are the calls a person makes on these phones confidential? No, a call can
be intercepted and people who have police scanners can pick up access numbers.
Perhaps as popular as the convenience of using the cellu lar phone, is the ease of
paying by credit card. But even the cards can be monitored electronically, making
everything that a person purchases known to outsiders (Quittner 32 33). Then, of
course, there is the Information Superhighway, whose users numbe red 30 million in
1996. As citizens perform more social and commercial transactions in cyberspace, it
becomes easier to track down their spending habits, interests, life styles, and beliefs.
A computer expert can take any person s Social Security number and find personal
details abou this or her life and the history on the Internet (Everett Green 158).
What is troubling about the issue of privacy, assaults on that privacy by the
Information Superhighway, surveillance cameras, electronic tolls, and numerous
other high tech devices, is that there is little, if any, debate about whether such
practic es are good for
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Essay On Environment Conservation. Essay on youth participation in environmental conservation. Long and ...

  • 1. Essay On Environment Conservation Crafting an essay on this particular subject is undeniably challenging due to its multifaceted nature. Environment conservation encompasses a vast array of interconnected topics, ranging from biodiversity and climate change to sustainable development and environmental policies. Thus, effectively addressing the complexities and nuances of these issues demands thorough research, critical analysis, and articulate writing. Firstly, delving into the intricacies of environmental science and ecology requires a comprehensive understanding of various concepts such as ecosystems, environmental degradation, and conservation strategies. This necessitates extensive reading of scholarly articles, reports, and studies to grasp the current state of environmental affairs and the underlying scientific principles. Moreover, discussing the socio-economic and political dimensions of environmental conservation adds another layer of complexity. Analyzing the impact of human activities, industrialization, and globalization on the environment entails examining intricate relationships between society, economy, and ecology. Additionally, evaluating the effectiveness of governmental policies, international agreements, and grassroots initiatives necessitates a nuanced understanding of political dynamics and policy frameworks. Furthermore, addressing the ethical and moral aspects of environmental conservation involves navigating philosophical debates surrounding humanity's relationship with nature, intergenerational justice, and environmental ethics. Exploring diverse perspectives, including anthropocentrism, biocentrism, and ecocentrism, adds depth to the discussion but also requires careful consideration and critical reflection. Lastly, synthesizing these diverse perspectives into a coherent and persuasive essay demands strong analytical skills and effective communication. Developing a clear thesis statement, structuring arguments logically, and providing evidence-based reasoning are essential components of crafting a compelling essay on environment conservation. In conclusion, writing an essay on this topic entails grappling with scientific, socio-economic, political, and ethical complexities, making it a challenging yet rewarding endeavor for those passionate about environmental stewardship and sustainability. For similar essays and much more, comprehensive assistance can be sought from Essay On Environment Conservation Essay On Environment Conservation
  • 2. Presidential Campaign Of President Obama Political campaigns can elevate a candidate s position, or a poorly run campaign can doom that candidate s chances no matter how good the candidate is. At the end of the day all that matters is winning. That is the goal of political campaigns in a nutshell. There have been many tactics implemented when trying to run a campaign. Of the tactics implemented there are those that are believed to work better than others. Of those that work better than others are, mobilizing base voters by properly identifying who they are, having a clear message and spreading that message to voters, debate performances and fundraising efforts. In this paper the 2008presidential campaign of current president Barack Obamawill be measured along with the 2004 presidential campaign of John F. Kerry. In this paper both campaigns will be analyzed on what tactics they used properly, where they were not as effective and what could have been differently. One of the most important factors when trying to run a successful political campaign is properly identifying and mobilizing base voters. According to the readings in the book Presidential Elections: Strategies and Structures of American Politics, it gives reasons why people do and do not vote. One of the reasons people do vote is because voting in some way or another makes the voter feel good. However when a campaign properly identifies their base voters, they can pretty much assume that those voters are going to go out and vote, but more importantly
  • 3. Kate Chopin Mood Kate Chopin is a nineteenth century writer, born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1850. Chopin speaks fluent French and English, which plays a role in her stories. Her father was killed in a railroad accident when she was a young girl. Surrounded by death, Chopin finds comfort within writing. Chopin later died in 1904 of a cerebral hemorrhage. Before she dies, she writes the stories The Story of an Hourand The Storm. In The Story of an Hour, Mrs. Mallard has heart trouble and finds out her husband has died from a train accident. Later, she finds happiness within his death, yet dies of shock when her husband comes home. However in the story The Storm, Calixta is at home while her son and husband is at the store. AlcГ©e shows up at Calixta s... Show more content on ... Part one serves as the exposition of the story. It starts by describing the storm as a threaten roar (1) also proposing a threat in Calixta and BobinГґt s marriage. The story shows a worried lady in the exposition, then shifts to a happy lady within darkness of sin and temptation in the climax, and a happy mother and wife in the denouement. At the end of the story, she doesn t feel guilty for what she has done, yet she is happy with a smile. Chopin ends the story in one sentence stating the storm was over and everyone was
  • 4. Critical Analysis of Anne Sexton s Cinderella Essay Trusha Agashi Professor Rebekah Starnes English 252 January 24,2011 Despondently Ever After... In the familiar more traditional version, Cinderella is a poor maid girl that, with the help of fairy godmother, gets a chance to meet prince charming. They fall in love, get married, and live happily ever after, and then what? What is a happily ever after? Is this even a realistic thought? In the dark comedic poem Cinderella, Anne Sexton forces the reader to examine this question. Utilizing literary devices such as tone, imagery, and style, Sexton encourages the reader to think about how silly and unlikely a fairy tale ending actually is. Sexton s take on the story Cinderella is not based off of the well renowned Disney version, but rather ... Show more content on ... The prince has every girl in the kingdom try on the slipper. Once the prince arrived at Cinderella s house her two stepsisters immediately did whatever they needed to do to get their feet to fit in the slipper. The first one cut off her toe, and the second cut off her heel. When Cinderella came out, because it was her slipper, her foot slipped right in. On the day of the wedding the two stepsisters came and tried to benefit from Cinderella s good fortune, but pigeons came and pecked their eyes out, punishing them to be blind for the rest of their lives for the malicious way they treated Cinderella. We assume that Cinderella and the prince marry, and of course, lived happily ever after. From the start of the poem Sexton sets a sardonic or caustic tone saying, You always read about it, implying that as an audience we always assume this is how it happens. She then continues by listing off rags to riches stories. She mentions the plumber, nursemaid, milkman, and charwomen, all of whom, in some unlikely circumstance go from poor to wealthy. Though we know the chances that these occurrences will actually happen are one in a million, everyone is still searching for the happy ending. Sexton continues to convey her cynical ideas when she says Next came the ball, as you all know and That s the way with stepmothers. In both examples she
  • 5. Problematize the Exodus-Liberation-Settlement Motif from... PROBLEMATIZE THE EXODUS LIBERATION SETTLEMENT MOTIF FROM THE ADIVASI PERSPECTIVE Prepared: Kyrshanborlang Mawlong. Introduction: In this paper we are trying to discussion the difficulties that the Israelites faced during staying in Egypt and how God response to their crying by liberated them from the hand of the Egyptian and also how they enter and settled in Canaan. But, this liberation of the Israelite by God create an impact on the indigenous people of the Canaan, we could see there are many problems or difficulties of Canaanite in mix up with Israeliteseither in culture, religious and social as a whole. We will also see the situation of Adivasi in India how they are suppressed by the oppressors or non Adivasis/high caste. The... Show more content on ... Assured of success, Joshua renewed his plans to conquer Ai. The enemy forces were lured into the open so that the thirty thousand men who had stationed beyond the city by night were able to attack Ai from the near and set it afire. The defenders were annihilated, their king was hanged and the site was reduced to rubble. When Israel makes its second attack, the people of Ai as well as the inhabitants of Bethel vacate their cities to pursue the enemy (Josh. 8: 17). Not all of the Canaanites tried to resist Israel s invasion. One group, the Gibeonites, avoided destruction by deceiving the Israelites into making a covenant of peace with them (Joshua 9:1). Alarmed by the defection of the Gibeonites to Israel, a group of southern Canaanite kings, led by Adoni zedek of Jerusalem, formed a coalition against the invading force. The kings threatened to attack the Gibeonites, causing Joshua to come to the defense of his new allies. Because of supernatural intervention, the Israelites were able to defeat the coalition. Joshua then launched a southern campaign which resulted in the capture of numerous Canaanite cities (Joshua 10:1). Joshua s third and last military campaign was in northern Canaan. In that region King Jabin of Hazor formed a coalition of neighbouring kings to battle with the Israelites. Joshua made a surprise attack upon them at the waters of Merom, utterly defeating his foe (Joshua 11:1 15). The invasion of Canaan met with phenomenal success; large
  • 6. Leadership At Griffith As A Senior Academic Thank you for agreeing to consider my CV and please feel free to share it with other leaders at Griffith University. Let me begin by providing a narrative of where my career is at present in relation to my Research profile, Teaching philosophy, and Leadership experience to show the depth and breadth of my experience. I hope you will see how I could add important new but complimentary capability to leadership at Griffith as a senior academic. Please keep in mind that I have a particular interest in developing a role that builds leadership capability and research culture within business school environments. Research profile My research program focuses on wisdom (primarily in leadership) and knowledge economies, and I have created international profiles in both fields. My research metrics are calculated using Google Citations. The key measures are total citations (1,795) and h index (23). I have over 180 research outputs, including 18 A* and A journal publications and 5 books with major academic publishers. High impact journals I have published in include; The Leadership Quarterly, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Human Relations, Public Administration Review, Journal of Business Ethics, Management Learning, and the Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology. Qualitative assessments of impacts of my research program are important. I have been very fortunate that scholars writing in quality journals variously say my work is authoritative , inspirational ,
  • 7. Homicide Analysis Another example is that of Homicide, which is generally accepted as long as it is executed from outside your own clan, exerting no moral obligation. For this reason, murder, stealing and the seduction of women is an acceptable course of action, as long as it is held appropriate within the tribal organization. Thus, as a human being, they have a variable value and in this case, they fail to separate the individual from the social context. The consequences of adultery and stealing are prone to the specifics of those involved, e.g. adultery is only deemed wrong if it is within a clan and subclan. But again this is not an intrinsic wrong doing, as even if it goes unnoticed, no moral blame or feeling of guilt is set upon those involved. This exposes... Show more content on ... What was considered to be moral is dependent upon the group and the social context accordingly. In opposition to this is the Christian evaluation of the objective good of man, and the ultimate difference, is that this is set above the social medium, in which case moral responsibilities transcend all aspects of the social context and social ties. Individuality is the acknowledgment of the self as a spiritual entity, which also envelops our personal integrity and respect for all life. Due to Gods likeness, we are given an absolute worth, encompassing the duty we must hold to ourselves and others because of his divine wisdom, and the fulfilment of an absolute teleological end. Therefore, nothing is morally just because society conveys it to be, instead we find a natural moral order within the universe, the eternal good of our infinite being. Hence, murder is always wrong, as it is linked to our intrinsic worth as human beings, which is not subordinate to a social ranking or context. With reference to Reads conception of the person in light of Christianity, it is emphasized how the person is made up of matter (the body) and form (immaterial element of the soul). Man is a spiritual being, with a rational soul, and this was also configured by Mauss, where the spirituality of the soul allows for the
  • 8. Beautiful Boy Summary Sparknotes Beautiful Boy is a memoir told through the eyes of a father, David Sheff, whose son, Nic, struggles with a serious drug addiction throughout his late teens and early twenties. As Nic was growing up he was clearly a very intelligent child. He won prizes for his writing at school and was involved in sports. Nic was destined for great things ahead of him until he started smoking pot at the age of eleven. His father let him off with more or less of a warning because as a teen Sheff himself has experimented with it as well. His father begins to notice that it may be a bigger problem than he thought when Nic starts slacking in school. Skipping class, dropping grades, things that were out of character for Nic. When he was seventeen his father became aware that he was abusing alcohol as well as much more harmful drugs such as meth. Sheff, his late wife, Karen, and Nic s mother, Vicki, put everything on the line to get Nic into various facilities throughout the course of several years. Sheff and the rest of Nics familybegin to find it increasingly difficult to deal with Nics addiction. David Sheff informs people the hardships of being the parent of an addict who struggles to get his life back on track. He explains that not only is it a financial battle but an emotional battle as well. David Sheff s purpose is to illustrate what it is like to live the life of a parent who is not only taking care of is addicted son but who has to learn to take care of himself and the rest of his
  • 9. Short Speech On Littering Littering is one of the biggest environmental issues we face today. Littering affects us all, from humans to animals and our surroundings. The careless act of littering from a simple piece of plastic thrown on the ground can clog storm drains or that piece of plastic may go straight to the ocean and harm wildlife. Littering is a health hazard which causes harmful bacteria and germs. Removing litterfrom the environment costs everyone money. Littering is the most important environmental issue our nation is facing because it is done so easily and carelessly. People do not realize how much we spend on cleaning litter every year or how it affects us all. The practice has become second nature, we have avoided to educate ourselves on how this affects us in the long run. Littering needs to be minimized or if possible, completely stopped if we could help it because we are doing more harm to the earth. Carelessness and laziness are two common factors that contribute to littering. We have a piece of trash in our hands and a trash can is in site, yet we decide to just throw it on the ground. Littering has become second nature even if it is unintentional. We assume that the trash we throw will eventually disappear into thin air and it won t affect our surroundings. Little do we know that every little piece of trash thrown out the window all adds up. That small piece becomes a pile of trash that ends up clogging storm drains, contaminating water and endangering wildlife. According to McWhorter, Sustainability involves conserving resources to prevent their depletion, protecting ecological processes, and eliminating waste and pollution, so as to ensure that our society s pratices can continue and our civilization can endure (p. 394). Everyday items such as bottles and plastic that are carelessly thrown on the streets eventually end up around wildlife. Litter creates an unhealthy environment towards wildlife that could put them in danger. A lot of the time animals end up eating the litter, have a hard time digesting it which puts them in a fragile state where they may end up dead. The living environment for wildlife is also affected by litter because their surroundings become trashed. Marine wildlife such as whales,
  • 10. Attempts to Unite the American Colonies before the... Since the founding of the Thirteen Colonies, the colonists enjoyed a degree of autonomy and self sufficiency from the mother country, England. The colonies had colonial assemblies, which were more democratic than England s and were independent governments. British mercantilist laws were not strictly enforced due to the policy commonly referred to as salutary neglect. However, as the British increasingly ignore the problems the colonies faced, the colonies began to look for a common government to lead them. This eventually led to three distinct efforts at intercolonial cooperation and union: The New England Confederation, Penn s Plan of Union, and The Albany Plan of Union. Therefore, although there were unsuccessful attempts to unite the... Show more content on ... However, according to the document, attempts by Massachusetts to dominate the alliance caused the other members to end their participation. The confederation continued until 1684, when it was dissolved, after an existence of forty one years. The New England Confederation was a small first step toward formal cooperation among the colonies, but attempts by one of the colonies to violate the pact helped to break the fragile union. Unlike the New England Confederation, Penn s Plan of Union was never implemented. However, the plan would unify the colonies in many ways if it were to be executed. According to Penn s Plan of Union, the colonies would meet at least once a year; there will be a Congress to resolve issues, and a High Commissioner to govern the Congress of Union. There will also be a common justice system to link the colonies further. Nevertheless, the plan will not be utilized due to distrust among colonies, but it did reflect a need for a common government. One of the last of the colonial plans of union to be considered before the outbreak of the American Revolution was the Albany Plan of Union. Proposed by Benjamin Franklin, the plan called for a single executive to be appointed by the King, who would be responsible for Indian relations, military preparedness, and execution of laws regulating various trade and financial activities. It called for a Grand Council to be
  • 11. Inside Out And Back Again Essay Charlotte Russell1/6/15 Essayperiod 2 In the novel Inside Out and Back Again by Thanha Lai, the universal refugee experience is expressed through the title, and Ha s individual experience of fleeing and finding home. This essay will show the hardships of turning inside out and how hard it is coming back again. In Inside Out and Back Again an independent, determined girl named Ha flees her home in Vietnam because of war and poverty. Ha and her family flee to Alabama to start a better life. In Alabama, Ha faces challenges such as bullying, and racism that make her stronger to come back again. In Inside Out and Back Again Ha s life is turned inside out. Ha s father was in the Navy and was captured. ... Show more content on ... After Ha is faced with hardships and grief from fleeing home she starts to come back again. Ha was struggling to learn the English language until Miss. Washington offered to tutor her. Ha says my vocabulary grows (Page 166)! which is a big accomplishment for Ha because she didn t know any English when she came
  • 12. Confessional Poetry Essay Confessional Poetry I have done it again. One year in every ten I manage it A sort of walking miracle, my skin Bright as a Nazi lampshade, My right foot A paperweight, My face featureless, fine Jew linen. This excerpt comes from the poem Lady Lazarus by Sylvia Plath, one of the most famous and infamous poets of the 20th century. Many of Plath s poems, such as this one, belong to a particular school of poetry known as Confessional Poetry. With a distinct style all their own, Plath and her fellow Confessional poets will be forever remembered for their brutal honesty, emotionality, and the personal quality of their poems. Confessional ... Show more content on ... Confessional poetry gained its momentum in 1959 with the publication of Robert Lowell s Life Studies and W.D. Snodgrass s Heart s Needle. Robert Lowell was born in Boston in 1917, and initially entered the world of poetry by writing formal poems in the style of the New Critics. Although he received ample praise for his work, Lowell s personal life wasn t so happy he dealt with marital strife and serious depression, and was hospitalized on a number of occasions. In his mid fifties, he was influenced by other Confessional poets to delve deeper into his personal experience, and consequently attempted more autobiographical and free style poems. His poem Man and Wife reflects his marital troubles when it concludes: Now twelve years later you turn your back Sleepless, you hold your pillow to your hollows like a child, your old fashioned tirade loving, rapid, merciless breaks like the Atlantic Ocean on my head. This poem nicely reflects the autobiographical aspect of Confessional poetry, as anyone aware of Lowell s personal life would realize how true the words ring. Poems filled with so much genuine emotion help to bring the reader into an empathic position, and to actually imagine being in the speaker s situation. W.D. Snodgrass was born in Pennsylvania in 1926. His book Heart s Needle won the Pulitzer Prize
  • 13. Defining Nosql Database And Its Classification Essay Introduction The rapid growth in the world of technology has influenced the way we communicate, shop, learn, and share information. The development of technology led database analysts and administrators to find more convenient ways to store the big amount of data. Big data is known as expression in the tech world. It is defined as a huge collection of data that cannot be managed by relational databases (Moniruzzaman and Hossain 1). So, developers start to use non relational databases (NoSQL) to arrange and store the Big data. In order to understand how developers solve the storing issue of the big amount of data and provide systems that can sync data between multiple devices, we need to start with a brief background of NoSQL databases to understand Couchbase system. The purpose of this paper is to define NoSQL database, compare it with SQL database, define Couchbase and describe how Couchbase is synchronizing data between multiple devices, especially Couchbase Mobile. The outline of this paper consists of the following sections. Section 1 introduces NoSQL database and its classifications. Section 2 gives a brief comparison between NoSQL database and SQL database. Section 3 explains document oriented databases. Section 4 defines Couchbase. Section 5 describes Couchbase Mobile and provides an example of its use in synchronizing data between multiple mobile devices. Definition of NoSQL Databases NoSQL databases are defined as non relational data management systems that is
  • 14. Theme in John Steinbeck s Of Mice and Men Every day, people are faced with responsibility. Some thrive under the pressure while others crumble. Responsibility is a sign of independence. Teenagers with greater amounts of responsibility feel freedom from their parents. In the same case, too much responsibility can put more stress on that freedom seeking teen and can have devastating effects. John Steinbeck shows the theme that in life, responsibility is best taken in moderationin his novel Of Mice and Men. In Of Mice and Men, George shows the weight of responsibility on taking care of Lennie. George knows he could be better off without Lennie. When I think of the swell time I could have without you, I go nuts, George finally expresses. He even tells ... Show more content on ... George even uses Lennie s need as leverage to keep him under control. Lennie strives to hold responsibility. Unfortunately, Lennie tends to hurtthe animals that he does receive. He is too strong for the animals that she cares for. During their journey from Weed, Lennie tends to a mouse, only to end up killing the fragile creature. Later on, George gets Lennie a puppy that Lennie regretfully kills with his power. Lennie s good intentions fell short in comparison to his power. Lennie was looking for responsibility in pets but took on too much when the animals would be killed by his overwhelming strength. Using the two main characters of the novel Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck shows that in life, responsibility must be taken in moderation. George takes on the challenge of caring for Lennie. In doing this, George loses a job in weed and is often short changed when it comes to food and other amenities. Eventually, George realizes where he could be without Lennie and kills Lennie to free himself of the responsibly. Lennie, in a life where he has always been protected by loved ones, looks for responsibility in dependent pets. Each time he is given a chance with an animal, he always cares for it with gentile love. Often times, Lennie s strength would be too much for the animal and they would fall under his powerful hands. In the end, both men see that they were not capable of conquering the tasks at hand. George
  • 15. Persuasive Essay On Social Welfare Policy Social welfare policy is defined as acts, laws, and rules that help improve the lives of people in the community . Social welfare policy includes social security, justice, unemployment insurance, living conditions, health care, child protection, and educational policy. During the English Poor Laws, it provided relief for the poor as well as work for the able bodied in workhouses. The primary goal for social welfare policies is to reduce poverty. President Ronald Reagan proposed the Trickle Down method which was a theory that provided economic benefits to those with upper level incomes. In the past, these social welfare programs was not enough to dismiss the issues of inflation and equality within the economic system. Social Welfare policies have developed over the years but there is still a ongoing issue on poverty. According to the Census on poverty, In 2016 there were 40.6 million people in poverty, 2.5 million fewer than in 2015 and 6.0 million fewer than in 2014 (Semega and Kollar 2017). Welfare assistance may result in families being trapped in poverty. Some may argue that one of the reasons why there is poverty in America now is due to social welfare programs that give a minimal amount of money to aid the poor. According to Eternity, facts and figures on the subject of poverty must be parsed: There are beggars living paycheck to paycheck, a step away from slipping into poverty. There are beggars mired in deep poverty, handed down generationally. And there
  • 16. Samurai s Tale Essay 1.The Samurai s Tale By: Harutomo Murakami Houghton Mifflin Company Copyright @ 1984 215 Park Avenue New York, New York 234 Pages 2. Harutomo Murakami (Taro) The hero of the story, the son of a poor samurai who died in battle Lord Akiyama Nobutomo One of Lord Shingen s generals, Taro s master and friend. Lord Akiyama Nobutora Father of Lord Akiyama Nobutomo Lord Oda Nobunaga Lord Takeda Shingen s rival and enemy. Lord Oda Nobutada Son of Lord Oda Nobunaga Lord Takeda Katsuyori Son of Lord Shingen, also called the Wakatono, the prince Lord Takeda Shingen The Lord of Kai, a ruthless warlord whose ambition is to rule all of Japan. Lord Takeda Yoshinobu Son of Lord Shingen. He revolts against his father and is killed. ... Show more content on ... A priest taught Taro how to write, and he practiced Zen Buddhism, as he wanted to prepare for being a samurai. Bullied by a couple of ronins one day, Taro ran away and told his master s father, who sent him to Iida castle with a message for his son (Lord Akiyama). After delivering the message about the disloyal ronins who had harassed him, Taro became Akiyama s messenger and befriended Yoshitoki, a young samurai. At age 15, he was sent with Yoshitoki to carry a message to Tsutsujigasaki Castle. On the way, they escaped from two bandits disguised as monks. A strange old man invited them into his hut and predicted that neither Lord Oda Nobunaga nor Lord Takeda Shingen would rule Japan. On their return from the castle, Yoshitoki and Taro found the hut of the strange man empty and decided that the man had been a ghost. Lord Akiyama gave Taro back his family name Murakami and presented him with a sword. Everyone anticipated a huge battle from which either Lord Takeda Shingen or Oda Nobunaga would emerge as ruler of Japan. When Murakami was 18, Lord Takeda decided to go to war and Murakami was disappointed to find himself appointed aide to the officer in charge of food supplies. When a thief tried to steal some rice, Murakami showed both firmness and compassion by beating him, but not killing him. Murakami won a sword fight with a ronin bandit loyal to Lord Obu, but
  • 17. Undercut Hairstyle Essay Undercut hairstyle for men Description: Undercut hairstyle for men has recently gained its popularity. Apply a new insight into variety of men s undercut hairstyle. What is an undercut men s hairstyle? It is a hairstyle in which the sides and back are shaven whilst the hair left must be cut short, medium or even long. The most interesting thing about undercut hairstyle for men lies in that the crown of the head can be cut differently. So in consequence, there is a great number of variations of one and the same hairstyle. Undercut hairstyle suits those men who have long face and straight or wavy hair. But don t get upset in case you have any other form or texture. This hairstyle if styled professionally can suit anybody and even the age does ... Show more content on ... It happened due to various top actors who filmed in multiple movies and famous TV shows. Nowadays it is one of the most popular hairstyles among not only actors but ordinary people. Types of undercut hairstyle for men 1.Classic men s undercut hairstyle It is derived from the chic look of 1940s and displays short shaven hair on the sides and back with short hair on the top styled straight in a neat way. It is advisable to keep some length on the crown to be able to style it and to make the most of it the hair on the top can be worn in a small wave. The classic men s undercut hairstyle is a rather low maintenance one. 2.Layered men s undercut hairstyle This version of an undercut hairstyle for men is really eye catching. The hair on the top of the head is styled in layers. It is not only attractive, but also trendy. Moreover, it can be designed without much difficulty. 3.Double layer men s undercut hairstyle As it is clear from the name of the hairstyle it consists of two parts. Except the main long hair part there is a short trimmed part under it and a shaved part under the trimmed one. The combination of these parts produces a double layer
  • 18. Recliner Work Essay How does a recliner work? Introduction A recliner can be added to any place to give you the desired comfort while sitting and is a popular seating option. It can be in your living room, office, study, hospital, nursing home or in clinic. And if you are the one who suffers from back pain quite often or has a baby at home to breast feed, then recliner is a best bet for you as it provides the much needed support to your spine to keep it in a good shape and can be lowered or adjusted manually or automatically to the desired position to give an immediate relaxation to the back muscles. A recliner comes with a lot of benefits for its user as it encompasses the right technology which lends perfect support to your back while sitting and a footrest beneath ... Show more content on ... So if there is an annoying sound coming from any part, just lubricate it with penetrating oil or you can visit many self help videos on the net and follow simple DIY techniques or may even refer to the owner s manual or website for simple trouble shooting tips. Check your warranty period and you may even get your repairs or parts replaced free of cost. Bottom line By gaining insight on how does a recliner work, you are surely going to make a sound purchasing decision as a smart buyer. The recliners are a bit expensive considering all the comfort they provide while sitting however quality must be your first priority. As they are large, heavy and immovable furniture pieces, you can set your recliner in a living room that offers enough room for its extended footrest. And in case there is a space crunch, look out for a leaner version like the one with wooden or no arms or the new models of wall savers recliners. With so much of options available, chose the most comfortable recliner which complements your needs and start pursuing a painless, fit and healthy
  • 19. Seizing the Day in Robert Herrick’s poem, “To the... To what extent may an argument be framed as believable or serious? Persuasion on seizing the day is a common theme in Robert Herrick s poem, To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time and Andrew Marvel s To His Coy Mistress . The arguments within the poems can seem unrealistic, a little hyperbolic, with an underlying intent to acquire a womanto sleep with them. The concrete position of all the arguments within the two poems seems to be, getting a woman to sleep with them. The two poets posses similarities between the two pieces of poetry, however argue the topics in different ways. Beauty is not forever lasting, coyness put aside, while pleasure embraced, and time is of the essence; are all points made to intrigue women to be with them. To focus on those points a little: The beauty of a woman is compared to aspects of nature. Herrick s poem only looks at the physical qualities of a woman, unlike Marvel s, which references personality along with physical traits. Sexual passion embraced, and coyness set aside? The poets, both urge women to act upon sexual urges while they stay youthful, but if a woman was told they are not going to be desired when older, would they actually want to be with someone who tells them that? Time is moving quickly and its made known within the poems. Herrick is an advocate to relate everything to physical aspects, so of course he says a woman s beauty diminishes quickly. Marvel does not relate beauty and time together, instead he would
  • 20. Personal Narrative-State Sports One last out, runners only 60 feet away from crushing dreams. A place that is usually filled cheering fans, coaches calling plays, and girls calling the ball is now completely silent. Everyone wondering who was going to own the title and the chance to move on to the state games. As the pitcher got ready to pitch the ball you could hear everyone s heart start to beat like a drum. As she pushed off the mound and threw the ball they all held their breaths in hopes of the win. The batter hit the ball and they made the final out to take their team onto the state games for the first time in school history. Everyone on the team was so excited to have the chance to represent their school. Nothing in the world could bring them down from this perfect ... Show more content on ... Liz was the starting centerfielder, who embraced every opportunity she had to but herself out there for her team. Liz was a very important piece to the team success throughout the season. As the team got closer and closer to the state games the girls worked harder longer days to prepare for the competition ahead. As the practices got longer she began to feel drained. She had a hard time focusing in class, always felt tired, and couldn t get rid the every lasting cough. After a week of being sick she decided it was time to see a doctor before her and her team left for states. Two days before the team left for Syracuse NY for the state games Liz was diagnosed with Mono. Liz said I was way too upset to call my coaches at first, but I knew they had to know as soon as possible. Liz knew her teammates and coaches would understand and be behind her one hundred percent. She could not help to feel upset and defeated there was nothing she could do in this situation. The look of sadness came over her face you could tell how much she wanted to play with her team. In sports losing a player that contributes so much to the team is hard to replace. For a young Eden team the loss of a key player two days before leaving is a situation no one team wants to be in. Liz s team knew the challenge just got harder. On the day for departure for states Liz knew she still had to go to cheer on her team. Even if she couldn t play she could still be there to support them in any way she physically could. The day of the games approached. Liz said It was so frustrating knowing that I have worked so hard to help my team get this far and now I can t contribute to the final two
  • 21. Dorian Gray Symbolism In The Picture of Dorian Gray Basil Hallward, the painter who made Dorian s portrait introduces the reader to the idea that art reveals more about people than about art itself. In both works we are introduced to two very significant artistic symbols: Dorian Gray s portrait and the painting made by Kurtz. Both are described as sinister, and they both provide an insight into the characters souls, in their own unique way. With Dorian we refer to a more literal view into his soul, as his portrait is a magical symbol that portrays it. This is perhaps the biggest symbol in Wilde s novel. The portrait allows him to stay young but reflects all of his being into a single picture. One noteworthy reflection is that of the red spot of blood in his hand. This represents the blood that is in Dorian s hands after... Show more content on ... His painting is that of a draped, blindfolded woman carrying a lighted torch in the darkness. There have been many interpretations to his painting. Some critics argue that the blindfolded woman represents justice; others say that it represents a blind Europe trying to bring the light of civilization into the African continent. While I do not disagree with these ideas, I do have an interpretation of my own. I believe that the painting represents humanity as a whole. We are surrounded by darkness but because we carry a light we believe that it is not there, thus we wear a blindfold either because we don t believe that darkness is there or because we are simply too afraid to see ourselves surrounded by it. We need to consider that Kurtz painted this before he went down his dark path, therefore this is a view into his soul before it was touched by darkness. Perhaps the painting represents how he viewed himself: surrounded by darkness but unable to see it because he was blindfolded, and that blindfold was society trying to hide the very concept of darkness and light, or good and evil, from man in order to
  • 22. Radio Frequency Identification Proof Is An Innovation Radio Frequency Identification proof is an innovation where data put away on a microchip can be perused remotely, without physical contact utilizing vitality as a part of the RF range. A radio frequency identification framework comprises of a peruser, or investigative specialist, which discharges an red flag by means of a radio wire. The microchip gets the vitality by means of a joined receiving wire (named a radio frequency identification tag) and differs the electromagnetic reaction its radio wire in a manner that data can be exchanged with the peruser. The term era mastermind covers every last conceivable system required in the surge of stock from gathering to the client; including storing up, development, and transportation. Thusly, stock framework association covers every one of these techniques in the blend with showcasing choices, client request, in blueprint with over all commercial structure objectives. Consistently well thought out informational concentrated procedure association with stock framework can profit fundamentally from the usage of radio frequency identification headway. radio frequency identification progression has rose to turn up a dynamic part in the era arrange association. It is not only a swap for scanner names. Radio frequency identification guarantees that the right things are accessible at the fortunate place without any anomalies and zero oversights. It makes the era organize by and large more right and enriches these benefits and
  • 23. Dance Concert Critique My overall response to the dance concert is spectacular because each dance piece was moving, remarkable, and motivational. Each dance had an astounding affect on me and allowed to me repelled into the performance. These impressions came from me analyzing the dance pieces, A Brief Study of Recent History and One Heart, Two Worlds , for the Spring 2016 Studio 115 DanceConcert Series at USM s Dance and Theatre Building on May 4th. The first performance, A Brief Study of Recent History was choreographed by Elizabeth Lentz Hill and introduced by the dancers Jennifer Alafat, Megan Bradberry, Shaquille Hayes, etc. While the second piece, One Heart, Two Worlds , was choreographed by Dejonelle Gleeton and the performers were Brittain Allgood,... Show more content on ... 75). Modern dance is all about the concentration on innovation. The dance, One heart, Two worlds has a huge connection with the choreographers, Doris Humphrey, and Charles Weidman, a technique of music visualization . When it came to creating dances, Humphrey was interested in group dynamics. She also had a strong connection with music, therefore, music visualization is a way to see the music through the dance, sometimes having the dances follow rhythmic patterns (pg.81). Also, the choreographer, Isadora Duncan, created dances centered on the emotion of Mother, depicting a sorrowful and broken figure. This emotion relates to the duo dance scene, the girl connecting with the world of dreaming and the harsh world of reality; however, in the end, she appears to be broken when separated from her dream. Also, Duncan went against the traditional form of ballet by creating dances in ways that were more natural, like movements of the trees or ocean as well as being inspired by not restricting movement by providing the dancers with loose costumes. The dance One Heart, Two Worlds also depicts movements in a more natural way such as the nature of
  • 24. Benjamin Engelhart Essay EMERGENCY SERVICES ADMISSION REPORT Patient Name: Benjamin Engelhart Patient ID: 112592 DOB 10/5/ AGE: 46SEX: Male Date of Admission 11/14/ Emergency Room Physician: Alex McClure, MD Admitting Diagnosis: Acute Appendicitis HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: This 46 year old gentleman with past medical history significant only for degenerative disease of the bilateral hips, secondary to arthritis presents to the emergency room after having had 3 days of abdominal pain. It initially started 3 days ago and was a generalized vague abdominal complaint. Earlier this morning the pain localized and radiated to the right lower quadrant. He had some nausea without emesis. He was able to tolerate p.o earlier around 6am, but he now ... Show more content on ... Date of Procedure: 11/14/ HISTORY: Right lower quadrant pain. No previous studies. Abdomen: The lipases appeared unremarkable. The liver, spleen, gallbladder adrenals, kidneys, pancreas and abdominal aorta appeared unremarkable. The bowels seen on the study appeared thickened. Dilated appendix seemed consistent with acute appendicitis. All the structures of the abdomen appeared unremarkable. No free air was seen. Pelvis: Good quality, non contrasted, actual CT examination of the pelvis with coronal reconstructions. The prostate seminal vesicles and urinary bladder appeared WNL. The bowels seen on the study appeared WNL, except for inflammatory changes of the appendix, and cecum consistent with acute appendicitis. .All the structures of the pelvis appeared intact with evidence of bilateral hip degenerative changes. IMPRESSION: 1. Findings consistent with acute appendicitis. 2. Degenerative changes of the hips. _________________________ Paula Reddy, MD Radiology PR:ld D: 11/14/ T: 11/14/ OPERATIVE REPORT PATIENT NAME: Benjamin Engelhart Patient ID: 112592DOB: 10/5/ AGE: 46SEX: Male Date of Admission: 11/14/ Date of Procedure: 11/14/ Admitting Physician: Bernard Kester, MD General Surgery Surgeon: Bernard Kester, MD General Surgery Assistant: Jason Wagner, PA C Surgical Assistant Circulating Nurse: Jimmy Dale Jett, RN Preoperative
  • 25. Safety Net The effect of smaller government safety nets on families is drastic. The United States is one of the few countries left in the world that has yet to understand the importance of strong supports for the primary building block of our society. By continuing to balance our competing ideals of individualism against marriageand familywe are putting the very foundations of our country at risk. Our current federal safety net is made up of many individual policies and programs. They are generally independent of each other and attack a single aspect of poverty. Taken as a whole they represent a challenging matrix for the poor to use and the American taxpayer to understand ( Safety Net Programs Federal Safety Net, n.d.). In the instance of a family facing the crisis of raising a child with disabilities, this situation can be both ineffective and confusing. For example, if a family faces the challenge of raising a child diagnosed with autism life can change instantly. Immediately decisions ... Show more content on ... The safety net should have support systems available to aid in the family s ability to restructure its dynamics and come to terms with a new reality. When this does not happen for a family, it leaves them unsure of the next steps to take for their child, emotionally exhausted, and with fewer economic resources. When safety nets are smaller and less certain, families serve more prominent roles as educators, healthcare providers, personnel managers, and social workers for their members (Bogenschneider, 2014, p. 115). As many families in America face caring for their family members in situations such as autism, aging parents, children with disabilities, and others who are chronically ill it is time to implement an effective government safety net to help families restructure and face the challenges as an cohesive family
  • 26. Ethical Dilemmas In The Workplace Essay Ethical Dilemmas in the Workplace As a manager, you are the role model for staff. You set the standards, adhere to guidelines, and exemplify what you expect staff to model. By doing so, you are establishing and sustaining an organizational culture of ethics and integrity, which is the backbone of all successful endeavors. However, even the best structured organizations face ethical dilemmas in the workplace. It is how management recognizes and addresses these occurrences that will either set them and their team up for success or for failure. One of the biggest hurtles management can overcome is to be aware of their surroundings because when management fails to notice and act, it is an ethical failure (Bazerman Sezer, 2016, para. 5). ... Show more content on ... Clark (2017) points out that studies have shown that employees from the baby boomer generation believe that the younger generations lack good work ethics and are slackers, thus inhibiting opportunities for collaboration within the team. Management must be mindfully aware of the potential for conflicts when setting up teams of diverse ages and delegating responsibilities accordingly to ensure more inclusion and possibly eliminate conflicts from occurring in the first place (LaMontagne, 2016). Bullying and other negative behaviors can also cause substantial problems. Employees can be made to feel inferior to another coworker or even you as the manager. They may be ridiculed, teased, or withstand having their work continually criticized, causing them to feel isolated and insignificant (Wilson Nagy, 2017). According to Wilson and Nagy (2017), employees who are bullied tend to take more sick leave, may suffer from depression, feel insecure, and can experience long lasting, negative health effects. To prevent this from occurring, management must continuously be cognizant of how they communicate internally and externally, as well as how staff relates with one another. By not doing so, the organization could lose dedicated, hard working employees, as well as stake holders and clients. In addition, Clark (2017) suggests that understanding of the relationship between bullying and personality dynamics enables organizations to integrate these findings into policies and procedures
  • 27. Civil War Manifestation The manifestation of the Civil War stemmed from a steady escalation of events having had a direct impact on politics, humanity, and the economy. Things then began to get more complicated when more territories were being inducted into stated hood. Missouri threatened to upset the balance of the free to slave state ratio. This did not come to pass because stepped in and became a free state. Thomas Jefferson had a notion that the institution of slavery would not last and compared it to holding a wolf by the ear. Many had the fear that the more voting power a political party had, there was more potential to affect the most change. There was a stab at civility initially when the constitution was created to ensure that one particular group was ... Show more content on ... African Americans were treated as second class citizens since slavery. It is also important to remember that Jim Crow also applied to those that choose not to conform. One would think that the abolishment of slavery would have something better in store. The web that Jim Crow laws cast made it easy to blatantly justify discrimination against a group of people. Charles Darwin s Survival of the fittest analogy was used to insinuate that African Americas or anyone down on their luck was not trying hard enough and that is the reason why they were not in a better economic status. When Plessy vs Ferguson was overturned racial discrimination could be justified in a manner of implying separate but equal, employing the use of legal weapons to oppress a target group of people. Numerous attempts were made to overthrow Jim Crow; success came with the civil rights movement. Plain and simply put Jim Crow laws were a form of indirect
  • 28. Surrealism And Surrealism Impressionism is an art movement originating in France which ran between the 1860s until the 1890s. Famous artists of the genre include Claude Monet and Gustave Caillebotte. The movement is typically characterized by its sketch like techniques and its use of bright vivid colors, giving the painting a bright look. Impressionism s sketch like appearance allowed artists to paint the world imperfectly as to demonstrate an impression of what it looks like, which is where the name comes from. The tendency of impressionist artists was also to paint shadows with a more colorful appeal by replacing the blacks and greys by colors. As the form did not represent the reality of a landscape, it allowed artists to also represent the optical effects of light and diverge from the mainstream norm of the realism movement. Surrealism is an art movement which ran between the 1920s until World War 2. Major artists of the movement include AndrГ© Breton, Salvador DalГ , RenГ© Magritte and Sigmund Freud whose work on human psychology has served as major inspiration for the movement. Surrealism can be recognized by its attempt to create an extremely fictional world and does not portray ours. Subjects in surrealist paintings seem very out of place and would not appear in that landscape in the real world. The practice of this movement draws heavily from Freud s research on the nature of the human subconscious and attempts to draw a painting of the surrealistic nature of dreams and human fantasy. The Pop
  • 29. The, A Path Of Righteousness In the tumultuous aftermath of the first gambling match, BhД«sma declares, the way of dharma is the highest; not even noble priests can follow it in this world. And in this world whatever a powerful man regards as dharma is said by others to be dharma, even if it falls within the limits of adharma. I cannot judge this question... with certainty, because of the subtlety, profundity, and seriousness of the issue. (2.62.15 17) His words speak to a persistent source of conflict within parts of The MahДЃbhДЃrata where following dharma, a path of righteousness, is not always an issue of black and white. Many of the epic s recurring characters, including the virtuous Arjuna, face great challenges maintaining the dharma assigned to Kб№Јatriyas which... Show more content on ... Even so, Arjuna, a Kб№Јatriya himself, goes against that principle multiple times when he sets out to kill JarДЃsaб№ѓdha and eventually Duryodhana. Under some urging and guidance, Arjuna dons the disguise of a Brahmin and travels to Magadha with Kṛṣṇa and BhД«ma in order to challenge King JarДЃsaб№ѓdha. What ensues is a heated exchange as JarДЃsaб№ѓdha points out the wrong in their deceitful entrance and the Pāṇḍavas counter him by citing his own infractions of dharma, in a justification for their reasons to approach him the way they did: The wrong you have done, son of Bб№›hadratha, should come before us, for we practise dharma and are strong in dharma s defence. (2.20.10) Even though Kṛṣṇa claims shortly afterwards that they do not pretend to be Brahmins (2.20.23) as they also seized garlands to go with their costumes, something that real Brahmins do not wear, the fact that the three of them did not present their true identities from the start is a contrast to his statement. Due to the knowledge of JarДЃsaб№ѓdha s vow that s famous throughout the earth (2.19.31) to always greet Brahmins honourably, their disguises allowed them to get close enough to the king in a way that their genuine identities probably would not have allowed. As a result, they were able to execute their mission successfully. Then, Arjuna encroaches on the Kб№Јatriya dharma with dishonesty again
  • 30. Socrates And The Apology Of Socrates Socrates is quite the unique individual compared to most, if not all, other Greeks at that time. In the Apology, Socrates gives an analogy of himself being a gadfly and that his gadfly like actions are favorable for Athens and that the actions are goods he is providing. From his service he claims to live a more private life than a public life when discussing virtue. This paper is going to discuss Socratesand his analogy of a gadfly, approach to others about virtue, his conduct effect on democracy, and a comparison to a contemporary person that is similar to him. Firstly is Socrates analogy of himself being a gadfly. He states ... you will not easily find another who, if I may use a ludicrous comparison, clings to the state as a sort of gadfly to a horse that is large and well bred but rather sluggish from its size, and needing to be aroused (Mulvaney 24). Socrates has said before that he absolutely adores Athens. It is known for being a wise and strong city, and he would not leave Athens. He wants Athens to remain that way and he tries to provoke people to act that way by examining them. Socrates wanted people to be their true self and improve their personality. He talks to people in person or small groups and this is where the comparison to a gadfly can be valid. A gadfly is small compared to a large bulky horse, but when the fly stings the horse one part will twitch in turn causing another part to twitch. Socrates is the gadfly and his actions permeate throughout the
  • 31. Synopsis Of The Giver 1. As you can see, the book and the movie are similar in a way but very different. Asher s character is very different by strictness to carefree . In the book it states that Asher has a carefree personality than in the movie. In the book Jonas is concerned for Asher s assignment, because he makes a game out of everything . Also in the bookit says that Asher ran through the standard apology phrase rapidly . So we all know that in the book Asher was very lazy, carefree and trouble. He didn t care what he did. Although in the movie when Jonas was showing Fiona an example of sledding, by sledding on a lunch tray, Asher hesitated. Jonas asked Why are you chicken and Asher said no and ran away. Looks like he was scared of breaking the rules. His personality affects the conflict of him ditching his best friend, and makes sure he doesn t get out of the community boundary. He was helping the chief elder defeat Jonas. In the book, to escape with Gabriel to go to elsewhere was stressful . Even in the book it shows that Jonas committed two crimes to retreat from the community. One is he robbed food from the community of food that he has taken leftovers and stealing his dad s bike with a baby... Show more content on ... The book and the movie of the giver have many parts that are identical. At the end of the movie and book both have the same lines and settings. Which means the movies does have the same cliffhanger as the book. But to my perspective I think the movie ends with elsewhere. The book did states and ended with Jonas coming in and out of consciousness, so it may think that he is dying. But in the movie it s visualized for you, then it looks like he is definitely out of the community and some where else. In the movie it showed a little house that is the same house of the memory the giver game to him. In the middle of a wintry woods. In visuals it looks like Gabriel and Jonas lived but now found a place to stay with memories, lights and music. But maybe he thought it was an
  • 32. College Budgeting In College Budgeting can be very difficult, nevertheless for college students, so I will be explaining how to budget in college by making smart decisions. A college education is probably one of the most expensive purchases a young adult will most likely ever purchase in their lifetime. College can be very expensive as a consequence tuition can range anywhere from 10,000 to 70,000 a year. Nearly all collegestudents pay for college by a college fund, scholarship/grants, out of their own or parent s pocket or borrowed money. Despite the fact some of those payments aren t directly coming from the studentit is more than likely that they still don t have a stable income to provide themselves with basic necessities. Most colleges don t provide students with basic necessities which means they acquire to go out and obtain everything needed as far as food, supplies, books, also toiletries. The average college student spends anywhere from $200 $700 a month on just the articles they need. While on articles they want they spend anywhere from $20 $200. More than likely that most college students don t work, notwithstanding first year students and athletes, which is a large population of the school anyway. Today most students aren t obtaining a stable cash flow and even the ones who are from allowances or a job tend to still most likely struggle with budgeting. Budgeting can be a very difficult task even for adults or people making a substantial amount of money, but it s not impossible if
  • 33. Difference Between Variable Costing And Absorption Costing In this paper we extend the costing approaches and the two different approaches which include Variable costing and Absorption costing. This paper explains the difference between variable costing and absorption costing. All successful companies around the world use a strategic business plan that leads to a tactical plan and an operation plan which lead to the execution; both of the costing approaches, variable and absorption costing, to help their business flourish. Variable costing and absorption costing are not to be substituted for one another since both the approaches have their own benefits and limitations to any unique situation. In this document we will discuss the different approaches variable and absorption costing uses, the... Show more content on ... Income reporting is one major difference between these two costing approaches. Using absorption versus variable costing for the finished product will have different effects on profit margins as reported on the income statement. Absorption costing does not support CVP analysis because it essentially treats fixed manufacturing overhear as a variable cost by assigning a per unit amount of the fixed overhead to each unit production. Treating fixed manufacturing overhear as a variable cost can, lead to faulty pricing decisions and keep or drop decisions, and produce positive net operating income even when the number of units sold is less than the breakeven point. However, under the process described earlier, variable costing reports lower net income. Companies using the absorption method will not incur lower net revenue until they sell goods, which move the costs from inventory to cost of goods sold (Pong). Fixed expenditures are not figured in the cost of goods sold under the variable method, therefore the inventory is carried at a lesser value than the full absorption method. Even though a company uses absorption costing for financial reporting, it is not prevented from reporting internally for management purposes under a variable costing method. The difference is that variable costing is often considered to be an enhanced way for management to regulate financial manufacturing decisions. The variable costing approach would be much more appropriate for
  • 34. The Process Cycle Will Involve 4 Steps The process cycle will involve 4 steps. These steps are In checking, Pulling/ system Processing, System Moving Labeling, Physical Moving. The average time for this process cycle from the time that an Item is in checked to when the Items is move to the Pickup Delivery Bins takes 375 seconds which is 6 Minutes and 15 Seconds. The estimated Takt time is depending on whether it is a priority item or a general cargo item. According to policy, priority items must be in the customer s hand within one hour (3,600 seconds) of receipt by TMO. The takt time will vary depending on the proximity of the customer to the TMO Warehouse, so location will affect TMO ability to meet takt time. Therefore if the customer is located 40 minutes away, out takt time for priority times will be 20 minutes, if our customer is 55 minutes away, out takt time will be 5 minutes. Leadership Policy indicate that general cargo items must be available to the customer within 72 Hours of Receipt and seaport items within a 168 hours (a week). Process Cycle StepsProcess Cycle TasksProcess Cycle Time InCheckingCheck for Damage Check Quantity Check Item Number/ Part Number Check Item was sent to proper Location Check Shelf Life has not expired Check for Item classification Assign Temporary Location Walk to office to process15 secs 20 secs 7 secs 5 secs 15 secs 5 secs 5 secs 25 secs Total: 97 secs Pulling/ System ProcessingoSearch
  • 35. Analysis Of The Book The Count Of Monte Cristo For The... Reading sends a feeling throughout my body and mind that is rather difficult to explain. The feeling is overwhelming and takes over my entire thought process. It is as though I want to shut out the world and fall completely into the book so I can experience the words instead of just reading them, but at the same time I wantto be able to talk to every person I know about the story and the characters and every little detail of every major plot twist. That awe inspiring feeling first came when I began reading The Count of Monte Cristofor the first time. During my winter break I decided to take advantage of the time away from school by relaxing and trying to pencil in some me time. The meteorologists on television and in the Washington ... Show more content on ... There was something about this book that stood out to me. I don t know if it was the blue and gold intricate designs covering it, the title, or something else that I couldn t comprehend right then. Whatever it was, it drew me to that book like a magnet and I thought this is the one. I need to get this one. The snow came earlier than expected and by earlier, I mean it came at noon instead of nine o clock. I came home and immediately started shoveling snow off my driveway so my mom wouldn t need to do it. My shoveling was constantly interrupted by my own thoughts, I wonder what it s like to read a book so big. I can t imagine it will be easy to read. I wonder what it s about. I just want to go in and start reading. At long last, the shoveling was done and it was my time. I hurried inside, changed my clothes to something dry and warm, and went out onto the deck. A patio chair was left out from one of our summer dinner parties so I brushed it off and set myself up there. I took a couple chopped logs off the pile to my left and lit the fire in the fire pit for its inaugural lighting of the season. I pulled my chair as close to the fire as I could; close enough to get warm, but far enough away that I didn t catch on fire. With that, I was finally ready, so I curled under my blanket and began reading. I sat outside reading for hours, paying no attention to the fact that it was only thirty degrees outside.
  • 36. Barriers to Effective Pain Management Barriers to Effective Pain Management Introduction Pain is a fundamental and inevitable form of human suffering, the experience which is unique to every individual. Nurses have a unique role in alleviating the pain experienced by their patients. With their professional knowledge and regular close contacts with patients, they are ideally placed to listen and respond to any concerns. Taking time to assess the individual will allow for the development of a thrusting relationship between the nurse and patient. Accurate assessment and documentation can help to chart the multi dimensional nature of the pain, aiding decision making and patient care planning (Mcguie 1992). Adequate control of pain is only achieved in 50% of patients ... Show more content on ... However, it is imperative that the doctor carriers out a physical examination of the patient on admission to identify the pathological causes of the patients pain. This is an imperative part of pain management and is much needed to facilitate the planning of care. The more experienced the nurse is the more inclined they are to underestimate severe pain. The less experienced nurse is more inclined to overestimate an individuals pain. The doctor s lack of confidence and knowledge may result in him or her avoiding discussions relating to analgesia and changing the drug or dose of the opoid, irrespective of the nurse s belief that it for the best interest of the patient. Doctors that are lacking in knowledge have a tendency to prescribe analgesia below the therapeutic level of the pain and are often reluctant to act upon the nurse. This is a serious issue that must be addressed as the nurse is often the person who knows the most information about the patient as they provide a 24 hour round the clock care to the patient. It is clear that these poor practices arise from a number of inter related reasons. However the lack of knowledge and effective team work seems to be the central issue. In order to assure effective communication is brought to the clinical practice, efforts to increase group learning and confidence of health care professions is much needed. Role play may improve health care professional s
  • 37. Douglas High School Walkout Analysis On Wednesday, March 14, 2018 I chose to participate in a school activity. The activity I chose to participate in was about the Douglas shooting. Seventeen Lives were lost on February 14,2018. So I did a walkout March 14, 2018 to demonstrate that I am standing with Douglas high school. The walkout was not a protest, but it was a demonstration. Everyone who decided to walkout, and I demonstrated that we are stronger as a whole. We must stay united for the Seventeen innocent lives that were lost. We also all demonstrated that we want a safe schoolwithout gun violence or any violence. This is why most people participated in this walkout. One thing that is really important that I have heard before is, Guns don t kill people, because people kill
  • 38. Research Paper On Rosneft Company Rosneft Oil Company Introduction: Rosneft is one of the world s largest petroleum companies and it s the leader of Russia s petroleum business. Rosneft actions contain hydrocarbon examination and construction, hydrocarbon refining, upstream offshore projects, and crude oil, gas and product marketing in Russia and many other countries. Rosneft Company is a leader in the development of extraordinary quality reconstruction and innovational modifications in the petroleum trade of Russia. Rosneft Company Petroleum s are all in high quality and its different from the other Petroleum Companies Rosneft was founded in 1993, owned by the government of Russia, and its business was oil and gas. The revenue of the company was US$102.0 billion ... Show more content on ... Again Rosneft Company receives some license just like 2002 too but this time the licenses are too develop the Vankor and North Vankor fields in the East of Siberia. This time an investigation starts on the shelf of the Azov Sea and the Company acquires Svernaya Neft. In the year of 2004, this time Rosneft Company acquires Baikalfinancegroup, which is the owner of Yukanskeftegaz. The company starts to experimental drill at the Sakhalin 5 project and Vankor Field. In the year of 2004 they transported structure appointed using the Belokamaneka fluctuating oil tank and Privodino support station. And in the year of 2005, the production of oil begins in Sakhalin 1 and the production within Sakhalin 5 project was well completed by a high quality that started in the year of 2004. This time the Rosneft Company acquires Verkhnechonskoye field and a license for the East Sugdinsky. In the year of 2006 many agreements will happen between Rosneft Company and the other companies. The agreements are that the Rosneft Company agrees with the CNPC to begin a shared project in Russia. Rosneft Company and BP together they sign a treaty to together improve the Sakhalin shelf. Rosneft Company entered into an agreement with the Gazprom too and the agreement was kind of a strategic agreement. The company of Rosneft acquires a 49.4% prize in the Udmurtneft and
  • 39. Sociology Prejudice Context Introduction Prejudice means prejudgement. It is a psychologically and sociologically unjustifiable, usually negative attitude towards a group and its members, and is based off of the physical characteristics of an individual rather than what a person actually believes or does. These prejudices turn into discrimination when the beliefs against a certain group are acted upon. Types of prejudice found in modern society include those related to sex, gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, class, religion, disability and language (McLeod, 2008). Racism is prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one s own race is superior(Oxford Dictionary, 2016). Contributing ... Show more content on ... Groups (e.g. social class, family, football team etc.) which people belonged to were an important source of pride and self esteem (Tajfel, 1979). This links to social categorisation which is when people assign others to in groups and out groups. Social identity theory states that the in group will hold prejudiced views, and discriminate, against the out group (McLeod, 2008). The in group does this to enhance their own self image by denigrating the perception of the out groups (Tajfel, 1979). In a school context social categorisation s negative effects can result in bullying and discrimination against those who are not part of the in group, e.g. members of the LGBTIQ community, racial and ethnic minorities, or the self segregation of students in an attempt to separate the in and out groups, which will often result in racial self segregation as within Australian schools non white students are the out group. Another form of social categorisation include stereotypes. A stereotypeis a fixed, over generalized belief about a particular group or class of people (Cardwell, 1996). Stereotypes are a way in which we simplify our social world (McLeod, 2015). By stereotyping we infer that a person has a range of characteristics that we assume all members of a group possess. Racial stereotypes always seem to favour the race of the holder and belittle other races (McLeod, 2015).
  • 40. Cinderella Syndrome Essay Cinderella Syndrome I think the time has come for someone to write Cinderella: The Sequel. How did we get here? In 1697, French writer Charles Perrault updated an age old fairy tale about a young woman named Cinderella to appeal to his contemporaries, French nobility and bourgeoisie. So many of the early versions of the tale boasted a very resourceful young woman who played an active role in her destiny. Perrault, however wrote his Cinderella as a well mannered, docile, selfless women who would fit seamlessly with the ideal 17th century upper class society. Historically, fairy tales have reflected the values of society in which they were written or revised mirroring its preoccupations, obsessions, ambitions, and shortcomings. What do ... Show more content on ... As I imagine it, we d joined by Cinderella and the Handsome Prince shortly after they returned from their honeymoon. We would see them discover how different their tastes and priorities were when they go shopping to furnish the palace. We would see them run up bills and debts by trying to do much too fast, and they d fight about whose fault their extravagances had been. Common sense and love would prevail. They d get on a budget and the storm would pass. A couple of years into the marriage, the Handsome Prince would get involved with a merger and acquisitions of the neighboring county, and he d be gone a lot on business trips. The stress and loneliness of long separations would lead to disagreements, but again love would prevail. Then a child would be born to Cinderella and the Prince meaning more stress. The child would be diagnosed with a learning disability and Cinderella and the Prince would each wonder whether the cause might have been the other s having parties too hard in their younger days. Their feelings of guilt and blame would generate into quarrels. A second child would be born. More changes and more stress. Cinderella s mother in law would sometimes interfere and criticize their parenting. Bickering would continue and get worse. Then Cinderella and the Handsome Prince would go to a marriage counselor. They tried to learn to appreciate each other s different points of view. They also, tried to learn
  • 41. Patient Safety Website After reviewing the National Patient Safety Foundation website and the information about Lucian Leape, this writer feels that this is a topic that is getting quite a bit of focus to find ways to improve patient safety and for healthcare leaders to collaborate to improve healthcare. One thing that Dr. Leape says that this writer agrees with is that doctors, nurses, and pharmacists among other healthcare workers, need to work together to focus on patient safety and engage with each other to improve patient outcomes (Johnson, 2012). The Lucian Leape Institute puts a strong focus on educating physicians in medical school about patient safety, but also to engage patients and be transparent in their care and make healthcare a field where physicians ... Show more content on ... One thing that this website really stresses is the value of teamwork and being transparent with patient care on different levels. The purpose of an incident reporting system is to not necessarily focus on errors that occurred by individuals, but rather look at systems and see if there was a breakdown that occurred and what can be changed or implemented differently from preventing future errors from happening and potentially reaching the patient. The website can also be used to look at an organization as a whole and get healthcare leaders and executives to see the important role of patient safety and the impact that breakdowns can have not only on patients, but also the financial impact, which ultimately will impact the bottom line of any healthcare organization. At the facility where this writer is employed, whenever a safety event is reported, a team sits down to look at what happened before the event, during the event, and after the event. This approach is effective because the team involves individuals from different departments to gather ideas and thoughts about the incident, which was also discussed in the website about having the proper stakeholders present and advocating for patient safety (National Patient Safety Foundation, 2017). Overall, there are many factors that can have an impact on patient safety, but the National Patient Safety Foundation is a great source to start with when discussing ways to improve patient safety and utilizing the proper resources to initiate new practices and promote safer healthcare in the United
  • 42. Becoming An Art Director Art directors create nearly every creative aspect of television programs, video games, motion pictures, and more. They develop specific details for creating photographs, audio, or graphics used in broadcasting and advertising. Also, they oversee everyone working around them to make sure the job is done correctly and exceptionally. Some of their most important tasks include managing budgets, approving materials, completing storyboards, and selecting and training staff members. Art directors use both computers and handheld materials to build incredible sets and designs. Without art directors, there would be very few of the beautiful works of media seen today (Art Directors). Becoming an art director requires experience and training in the field of art and communication; I will achieve my goal of starting a career in art direction in ten... Show more content on ... This way I could develop experience in the field of art direction that could be used in my future career. Following the completion of college, I will want to begin searching for a potential job. At the beginning, I do not want to take too much responsibility but rather ease myself into being an art director; on the other hand, I also want to be able to learn the skills of the trade. It is recommended to obtain five years of experience in the field of art for television or film before starting an official career (Noronha 64). Although art direction may be a challenging and taxing job, I believe that I will be a good fit for this career choice because I have a creative, artistic view of life. I am often pondering designs and layouts for television shows, movies, advertisements, and more. I also have the communicative skills needed to become an art director; I find it easy to begin working and collaborating with new groups of people on projects. This is a career that perfectly fits all of my abilities, skills, and
  • 43. The Chemical And Gas Sensors Introduction: There has been a rapid growth in the field of biosensing through both ultrasensitive chemical and gas sensors. The bio sensing protocols that are able to detect specific biological and chemical species, sensitively and specifically (selectively) can noticeably influence our daily lives. The issues related to monitoring of industrial emissions, medical diagnosis and public security are significant application fields of gas sensing in particular. Nano engineered materials including Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene are being used to develop miniaturized sensors that can detect very low concentrations of gases which are biomarkers of certain diseases like lung cancer in particular. The composition of exhaled breath contains valuable information about certain volatile and semi volatile compounds which can be used to generate a chemical fingerprint and thereby screen patients with lung cancer. Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes have been discussed for the development of chemical sensing platform. A.Graphene for biosensing: Graphene is a 2 D form of carbon with planar structure and sp2 bonding. It is a single layer of graphite with inter planar spacings of 3.35 A0. It has attracted tremendous interest due to its exceptional and unique properties. Some of its properties that are relevant to its widespread use in gas sensors have been discussed below. Properties: 1. The high specific surface area of graphene (both suspended and supported on substrate) provide increased
  • 44. Women In The Medieval Era Amitabh Bachchan once said, Because you are women, people will force their thinking on you, their boundaries on you. They will tell you how to dress, how to behave, who you can meet and where you can go... . This quote was all too true for the women in the Medieval Era. In this era, women did not have a lot of power or control over their life. Women did not get to select who they marry. They could not choose who they bore children too. Women did not get to decide what kind of work they wanted. They had to know their place and their place was a child bearer, house maid, or nun. Although there was an idealization of women in the Medieval Era, the lives of women were arduous as they had little control of their lives and were not able to decide who they spent their life with. As aforementioned, women had no say in where their life would go. Things happened to them and they had no choice, but to accept their circumstances. As an example, a popular ballad at the time was The Great Silkie of Shule Skerrie. In this ballad, a woman bore a child and has no idea who the father of her child is. The father steps up and she simply says It is not well indeed that a SIlkie should have a child from her (Line 14). She was not upset at the fact that she bore a child from a man she did not know, but at the fact that he was a supernatural creature. Another example of this theme is in the tale of Robin Hood. In Robin Hood , Robin steals from the rich to give back
  • 45. The Change Model Of An Organization According to Goodstein and Burke (1988) Lewin s change model consisted of three steps. The first step is to Unfreeze the present pattern of behavior (Goodstein and Burk 1998 pp. 10 11). By shaking up the corporate ladder, adding new training and eliciting feedback the leaders can make their organization more receptive to change. Removing individuals stuck in the same old ways of thinking, promoting open minded individuals and training staff will allow change to take root in an organization. Movement as described by Goodstein and Burk (1998) includes the actual action and implementation of change. Taking the steps to modify the organization not in practice, but in reality. This is the most important as well as the most challenging of the steps. Leaders can talk all day about proposed changes and new ideas, but change requires action to come to fruition. Leaders must follow through with their plans and remain steadfast in their adherence to the change. The last step is refreezing , this is the locking in of the new changes and attitudes to continue to do business as the changed organization. This could include hiring likeminded individuals that conform to the new changes and providing incentives to employees that have accepted and excelled with the changes made. Kotter (1995) provided eight steps to his organizational change model. After review they appear to be a clear cut guide to follow to make lasting change. Step one was to create a sense of urgency.
  • 46. Strategic Intent Harvard Business Review Jb revitalize corporate performance, we need a whole new model of strategy. May funel989 STRATEGIC INTENT by Gary Hamel and C.K. Prahalad oday managers in many industries are working hard to match the competitive advantages of their new global rivals. They are moving manufacturing offshore in search of lower labor costs, rationalizing product lines to capture global scale economies, instituting quality circles and justin time production, and adopting Japanese human resource practices. When competitiveness still seems out of reach, they form strategic alliances often with the very companies that upset the competitive halance in the first place. Important as these initiatives are, few of them go beyond... Show more content on ... Think back. In 1970, few Japanese companies possessed the resource base, manufacturing volume, or technical prowess of U.S. and European industry leaders. Komatsu was less than 35% as large as Caterpillar (measured by sales), was scarcely represented outside Japan, and relied on just one product linesmall bulldozers for most of its revenue. Honda was smaller than American Motors and had not yet begun to export cars to tbe United States. Canon s first Tbe lesson is clear: assessing the current tactical advantages of known competitors will not help you understand the resolution, stamina, and inventiveness of potential competitors. Sun tzu, a Chinese military strategist, made the point 3,000 years ago: All men can see the tactics whereby I conquer, he wrote, but what none can see is the strategy out of which great victory is evolved. y Sy ompanies that have risen to global leader( ship over the past 20 years invariably began Y with ambitions that were out of all proporV . ^ . . ^ tion to their resources and capabilities. But they created an obsession with wirming at all levels of the organization and then sustained that obsession over the 10 to 20 year quest for global leadership. We term tbis obsession strategic intent. On the one hand, strategic intent envisions a desired leadership position and establishes the criterion the organization will use to chart its progress. Komatsu set out to Encircle Caterpillar. Canon sought to Beat
  • 47. Discrimination And Prejudice And Discrimination Discrimination comes in a number of forms. We have age discrimination, employment or job discrimination, racial discrimination, gender discrimination, reverse discrimination, sexual discrimination, and others. Prejudice is a negative attitude toward a socially defined group and toward any person perceived to be a member of that group (Burgess, 2003). The purpose of her research was to talk about discriminationand prejudices and the affect they have on our day to day lives. She also defines prejudiceand discrimination and takes a look at their relationship to stereotyping and racism. According to Burgess, stereotyping often leads to prejudice and discrimination, with its definition almost mirroring that of prejudice. Stereotypes or characterizations are generalizations or assumptions that people make about the characteristics of all members of a group, based on an image, often wrong, about what people in that group are like. We are told that it does not allow for individuals to be different, but names them all as one group (Burgess, 2003). Much as her research does, I d like to discuss the different types of discrimination and prejudice and how we might eliminate it. In the text chosen for this course, Managing Diversity People Skills for a Multicultural Workplace, the author reminds its readers that America has been a segmented society and that de facto segregation is still common. Rumor, suspicion, and stereotyping result if a group is competing too earnestly
  • 48. The Turning Point In WWI Warfare World War I was the turning point in warfare, to this day mil itary s still use some of the new types of warfare that were introduced back then. War on the water was a huge tactic that we still use today. Planes are another huge type we use now also, we have an Air Force. War in the trenches was huge in WWI but died down and is not used as much. Last is mining warfare and played a big role back then but isn t used as mush now. Many types of new warfare were introduced into World War I , and it did not affect the United States in the beginning because we were not in the war. Having war on the water is what caused the U.S. to join the first Great War. 1 May 1915 a big voyage boat set sail from New York on towards Britain, this boat was called... Show more content on ... World War I was the war that trench warfareexpanded, and a smart way to counter that was to send people underneath the trenches and set off large explosives. Miners started joining the war in 1915 and armies looked for the most experienced people they could find. After months had gone by, mining warfare was being used in this First World War. This type of warfare could be used ei ther offensively or defensively. On the offense side of this, armies used this to eliminate strong points or get better van tage points by scaring troops back. On the defense of this it was to stop huge army pushes miners would even set a mine bar rage, which was multiple bombs going off at once (Christie
  • 49. Poetry Explication Essay Poetry Explication Language is a remarkable thing. It can convey every thought, feeling, and emotion with perfect accuracy. Almost exclusively, language has taken awkward, unfit animals out of nature and made them rulers over the earth and many of its elements. When used well, it has the power to change an individual s view of the world, make someone believe they have seen something they have not, and even more astonishingly, look inside one s self and see what exists. If language is mixed with the tempo of music, something new arises; poetry is born. When words and ideas are set to a beat, they can far more subtly convey concepts that would otherwise need to be explicitly stated and the poem can be appreciated more as a whole, ... Show more content on ... In my poem, I have used the same style, putting the word way as the last word in the first and last lines. Such an arrangement serves to connect the beginning of the poem to the end and imparts a sense of cyclical occurrences although Elizabeth can banish those who hope to dispose her, new enemies will constantly arise. Using this structure as the framework for my own thoughts, I was able to break away from the original meaning of the poem and form something quite different. While composing my poem, I regularly went back to The Doubt of Future Foes to compare the sensibilities of each line. At times, I found that unknowingly I would come up with something quite similar to what was written in the original. An example of this is line 9 of The Doubt of Future Foes. I wanted to express how I, like many children, strive to instill pride in my parents. When I read line 9, I liked it so much that I included part of it in my own poem for its meaning, and as a tribute to Elizabeth s style and careful selection of words. Since the title and first line are so intertwined, I decided to remain faithful to their original structure, and hence, my wording is very similar. Although the meaning for the word doubt in the original poem is quite different from its common usage today, I chose to keep it in the title to make up
  • 50. Ageing Athletes Ageing Athletes Millions of children all over the world are introduced to sports at a very young age. While sports such as baseball, football, and basketball are the three most popular in the United states, around the world it is a different story. Soccer takes the top position globally, followed by cricket, and then field hockey. As these kids get older, the amount who continue to the next level gradually decrease. The amount of college players that exist are fewer than high school, which are fewer than little league or peewee. For those talented and lucky enough to make it to the professional level, these numbers are even lower. According to the statistics provided by, the percentage of NCAA players who go on to play professionally... Show more content on ... Being elderly already includes them in a group of people who are overlooked by family and society. Being former athletes, especially those who went professional, includes them in a completely different conversation. The assumption for former pro athletes is that they have everything they could possibly need because they have money. This is never the case, and these people should be treated as individuals with the love and attention they
  • 51. Blue Collar Brilliance, By The Belgian Constitutional Court Blue Collar Brilliance According to Eurofound, In 1993, the Belgian Constitutional Court ruled that the employment status of blue collar and white collar workers was discriminatory, due to discrepancies in working conditions and entitlements. In the twentieth century, a status was created between two kinds of workers: white collar and blue collar. An individual s level of education doesn t always determine exactly how smart one truly is. An individual s level of education does not determine how smart a person is because not every job requires a college degree and not everyone can perform a blue collar or white collar job. WHAT DO YOU THINK??? In late 2007, an ongoing financial crisis occurred with many calling it the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression in the 1930s. Many people were left unemployed through 2007 to 2009. By late 2009, the market began to look better for many citizens. Mike Rose is an American education scholar, studied literacy and the struggles of working class America in 2009. Those who still had their job were battling against the recession as well. On top of the struggle of unemployment, the average income for a year averaged about $39,423.00 according to The People History. Rose is currently a Research Professor of Social Research Methodology in the UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies. Mike Rose, author of Blue Collar Brilliance , emphasizes that blue collar jobs should not be viewed as mindless tasks, but
  • 52. Racism In Freedom Writers Racism is as relevant an issue today as it ever was. Old wounds have opened, and the dark side of America is being brought to light. Freedom Writers, a 2007 movie adaptation of the 1999 book The Freedom Writers Diary (Freedom Writers), illustrates just how large an issue racism is in society. Freedom Writers was directed by Richard LaGravenese and stars Hilary Swank, Scott Glenn, Patrick Dempsey, and Imelda Staunton (Freedom Writers). Set in Long Beach, California, a first time teacher educates her at first unmotivated students in English while giving them life lessons and showing them the larger world around them. Those students live in an area that is a battlefield, many of them embroiled in the ongoing gang wars. Freedom Writers deals with racism by showing the students that they are all very similar and deal with the same problems, regardless of their race. The movie opens with footage of the 1994 Los Angeles riots, then transitions to the childhood of the narrator of the film, a Mexican American girl named Eva. It shows how racism and gang violence has shaped her life, with her father being arrested for a crime he didn t commit and being shot at and beat up among the various examples. We then meet Erin Gruwell, an enthusiastic young teacher, whose class is comprised of Eva and other at risk teens. Gruwell has difficulty getting through to her students, who self segregate into racial groups within the classroom. Many students stop attending class when she forces them
  • 53. Argumentative Essay On Greenleaf OWN s upcoming megachurch series titled Greenleaf will show people the flawed side of Christians, said actor and producer Oprah Winfrey. Greenleaf, OWN s first scripted series, will tell the story of how the Greenleaf family encounters problems as they lead a megachurchi n Memphis. Speaking to People at the Tribeca Film Festival premiere, Oprah Winfrey said the series is reflective of how flawed people at the church are. The series created by playwright Craig Wright is all about the struggles encountered by the family of a charismatic bishop portrayed by Keith David, who cunning wife is played by Lynn Whitfield. Their daughter (Merle Dandridge) left the church years ago to pursue a career as an investigative reporter but comes home after
  • 54. Essay We Must Have a Right to Privacy The Information Age has emerged with speed, excitement, and great promise. The electronic eyes and ears of technology follow us everywhere. There are those enamored with the rush of technology, who b elieve that the best of worlds is one in which everyone can peer into everyone else s lives. In fact, we now live in a world consumed with the ecstacyof communication (Karaim 76). Americans line up to reveal their darkest secrets of their m ost intimate moments, or just hang out their dirty laundry on the numerous television talk shows. The more exposure, the better. So it may be absurd that we should worry that our privacyis being endangered, our personal life and even our se crets made public. The loss of privacy is on the... Show more content on ... One of the most popular devices today, which is used on toll roads, office buildings, banks, and stores to deter crime is the surveillance camera. But how can a law abiding citizen protect his privacy when he is constantly being filmed? The cellular phone, a best seller in the 1990 s, provid es convenience of calling while on the go. Are the calls a person makes on these phones confidential? No, a call can be intercepted and people who have police scanners can pick up access numbers. Perhaps as popular as the convenience of using the cellu lar phone, is the ease of paying by credit card. But even the cards can be monitored electronically, making everything that a person purchases known to outsiders (Quittner 32 33). Then, of course, there is the Information Superhighway, whose users numbe red 30 million in 1996. As citizens perform more social and commercial transactions in cyberspace, it becomes easier to track down their spending habits, interests, life styles, and beliefs. A computer expert can take any person s Social Security number and find personal details abou this or her life and the history on the Internet (Everett Green 158). What is troubling about the issue of privacy, assaults on that privacy by the Information Superhighway, surveillance cameras, electronic tolls, and numerous other high tech devices, is that there is little, if any, debate about whether such practic es are good for