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The Bronfenbrenner Theory Essay
The composition of Urie Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory cultivate a framework to study the
numerous connections between the developing child from mother and father relationships to the
environment, community settings, cultural influences and financial factors. The four levels of
environmental stimuli the micro– , meso– , exo– and macrosystems, each intermingled within one
another representing degrees of personal connections. Change and constancy are mediated by the
passage of time. The chronosystem is exemplified through connections within the ecological model.
The ecological model designed by Bronfenbrenner was a response to what the higher power
described as ``the science of the strange behavior of children in strange more
This preposition has been borne out, as consistently high levels of mother–child interaction has
resulted in lower incidences of problem behavior in lower–class families (Bronfenbrenner, 1994).
Certainly higher achievement outcomes have been seen in higher–class more stable environments.
However, I was raised in a middle–class neighborhood, and as an only child, I was the epicenter of
the family. The family was headed by my stay at home grandmother, without the influence of an
adult male figure or role model. She was a strong woman who ruled her family with an iron fist.
However, she was uneducated. Her innocent illiteracy resulted in my limited exposure to books
and reading material during my early developmental years. As a result my reading skills fell short
of the expected skills of a child entering elementary school. This resulted in my teachers spending
extra time with me. Once I began to read, I began to enjoy learning and soon developed an
enduring sense of curiosity. Based on Lewin's field theory (Vander Zanden 2007, p .54,) the
ecological model is designed as a series of nested structures, with the child always at the center. The
innermost, the micro system is essentially comprised of the face to face interactions between the
child and his environment. These connections are stretched out and difficult. Being the only child
and requiring additional
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Environmental Science Essay
Environmental Fundamentals
Laura Jackson
April 8, 2013
Environmental Fundamentals
Environmental science is defined as the study of the environment and the interconnecting systems it
contains, furthermore, the way people interact with their natural surroundings and use natural
resources (wise geek, 2013). Scientist in this field is highly interdisciplinary and extremely diverse,
for example, a scientist might study volcanoes or climate change. This essay will cover the
following; the definition of environmental science, the relationship between science and technology
and how it affects environmental problems; the concept of environmental sustainability and why it
should be studied; how more content...
Environmental Sustainability
Environmental sustainability is the process of making sure current processes of interaction with the
environment are pursued with the idea of keeping the environment as pristine as naturally possible
based on ideal–seeking behavior (Wikipedia, 2010). What makes environmental sustainability so
important is that it demands that society designs activities to meet human needs while indefinitely
preserving the life support systems of the planet (Wikipedia, 2010). Human consumption can only
use the nature's resources at a rate that can be replenished naturally.
Human Values affecting Society
The most devastating environmental change of all is the loss of biodiversity. The rate of species
extinction has remained at one species per million per year, furthermore, the accelerating destruction
of habitats throughout the world leads to projections of the loss of two–thirds of all species on earth
by the end of this century, and millions of years to recover from the Cretaceous period
(, 2013). As individuals, we obtain our food, directly or indirectly from plants, for
example, plant our primary use of medicines. Biodiversity also determines the properties of
communities and ecosystems, which capture energy from the sun. The world is less resilient, more
homogeneous, less interesting, and with fewer opportunities for our descendants and ourselves:
where the process reaches
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Ecology And Architecture Case Study
List of figures
Chapter 1 – Introduction to ecology and architecture
1.1 – A brief on ecology and architecture
1.2 – Research Questions
1.3 – Aims and Objectives
1.4 – Outline of the study
1.5 – Focus and challenges
1.6 – Methodology
Chapter 2 – Ecotecture towards sustainability
2.1 – Ecology and architecture
2.2 – Ecotecture – Less bad approach
Chapter 3 – Paolo Soleri – early 20th century principle
3.1 – Brief of Paolo Soleri
3.2 – Understanding the principle – Arcology
3.3 – Case study 3.3.1 – Cosanti in scottsdale 3.3.2 – Arcosanti 3.3.3 – Lean linear city
3.4 – Design for the city of future
Chapter 4 – Ken Yeang– later 20th century principle
4.1 – Brief of Ken Yeang
4.2 – Understanding the principle – eco architecture
4.3 – Practice of Ken more content...
Since ancient times "designers" looked to nature for "solutions" to their common problems; they saw
nature as the perfect model to follow. Ecotecture is the art and science of designing human systems
that are integrated, functionally and aesthetically, with natural ecosystems. The word "ecotecture" is
a combination of the words "ecology," meaning pattern of relations between living organisms and
their environment, interactive with
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Population Ecology
" The growth of a large business is merely the survival of the fittest : it is merely the working out of
a law of nature" John D Rockefeller
Population ecology is a perspective that seeks to explain the factors that affect the life cycles of
organizations. It also suggests why some organizations survive for longer than the others. Earlier
theories such a the such as the strategic choice theory argued that organizations try to adapt to
changing environments and the ones that do it successfully survive. The population ecology
perspective states that it is the environment that selects organizations that will survive over time and
organizations have no say in this more content...
The concept of species identification is one of the central problems in this complex model.
c> Niche Width Theory One of the strong points of the population ecology perspective is that it
analyzes populations of organizations rather than individual organizations. All organizations within a
particular population tend to draw from the same resource pool. Hence competition must exist within
the same population when they fight for survival. This is the basis for the niche width theory.
Simply put, a niche may be defined as a domain of unique environmental resources to support an
organization. Populations of organizations are said to occupy the same niche to the extent that they
depend on identical environmental resources. Based on the width of the niche, there may be two
types of populations that exist: specialists and generalists.
Generalists tend to have a wide niche (in other words, a broad range of products/markets). They thus
maximize exploration although they increase their risks at the same time. This kind of strategy is
not suited to any single situation. Specialists have a narrow niche (or a narrow range of products
/markets). They thus maximize exploitation and security. This kind of strategy is suited to particular
According to the perspective, depending upon the В‘distance' between two states in the environment,
variations may be divided into fine–grained (short–term
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The Importance Of Environmental Consciousness
In recent days, certainly, the term environmental consciousness is one of the most utilized in various
degrees in our society. It being in a conference of international leaders or a local neighborhood
meeting, the matter of being environmentally and ecologically conscient became a mandatory
measure. In a general sense, being conscious towards environmental issues is described as the ability
to comprehend the environment one habits in, the actions and relationships among it, and the impacts
the caused by a short or long term. Such consciousness is only felt as complete once the perception
that such actions are much greater than a local, it impacts the planet and the environment in question.
In order to diminish the human environmental impact, we need to rethink our actions and its
possible consequences.
Additionally, another aspect of acquiring such consciousness is the search for information. After all,
awareness and knowledge are subjects profoundly interrelated. For instance, in recent days it is
brought to the fact that cars are released pollutant gases, as industries.Yet that the most developed
and consumerist countries are the ones that release most pollutant gases that contribute to the
greenhouse effect. The understanding that the amount of waste produced is also a major issue and it
produces affects the environmental balance.
However, being aware of such knowledge does not mean being environmentally conscious. Such can
have minimal utility when not transformed
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Ecology And Evolution Reflection Paper
Personal Reflection after Ecology and Evolution Being raised as an Evangelical Free Christian,
evolution was considered somewhat of a dirty word. This being said, I knew that there were parts of
evolution that were undeniably true. I also thought that science usually pointed towards evidence of
there being a God. I was never really a Young Earth Creationist. However, I still thought that Young
Earth Creationists could be right because in my opinion, God is omnipotent, and the flood could
have happened further back in history than estimated. The flood then could answer why the
continents look the way they do today compared to pangea, and it could also answer some other
geological problems with Young EarthCreationism. Although I thought it was still possible, I
thought it extremely unlikely. Instead, I thought that the Earth was created much longer ago, but
that God still created creatures in their own "kinds", and that these "kinds" diverged into even more
species by natural selection. I knew evolution could change a species a little bit at a time to the
point where there would be two different species, but I wasn't sold on the whole idea that Evolution
could cause a fish to become a human. However, there were two major things that started to change
my mind. The first was the Harvard study with the petri dish that contained different levels of
antibacterial properties. This study showed that mutations can cause a significant change in a
species, and led to me thinking it
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The air we breathe, the water we drink, the ground where we grow our food, is polluted with harmful
things. Pollution is the introduction of harmful or poisonous effects of a substance into the
environment. It disrupts the balance of people's lifestyle when they are contaminate. Pollution
balance in the environment and ecosystem. The environment is in the process of becoming unsafe or
unsuitable to use. Pollution can come in many different form, such as air, water, soil can have
pollutant that can wreak havoc on the environment. Pollution can be a form of anything and cause
so much harm. It can take the form of chemical substances or energy. When chemicals are released
by spill or underground leakage, the soil can become contaminated, which is soil pollution. The
release of chemicals and particulates into the atmosphere, is the product of air pollution. The
industrial wastes dumped into the rivers and other cause an imbalance in the water leading to its
severe contamination and death of aquatic species.
The most dangerous form of pollution is air pollution, there are many cause for it. The depletion of
the ozone is due to air pollution, which is a threat to human health. In the article, " pollution : Causes
and Effect", on the website, http://www.conserve–energy–, it was said that, "Smoke from
chimneys, factories, vehicles or burning of wood basically occurs due to coal burning; this releases
sulphur dioxide into the air making it toxic. The effects of
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Essay about Deep Ecology
Deep Ecology/Ecosophy The ideas behind deep ecology have major implications today. They allow
people to think more profoundly about the environment and possibly come to a better understanding
of their own meaning. People are intensely concerned about the world’s technological
adolescence, massive consumerism, and overpopulation. A man named Arne Naess, former head of
the philosophy department at the University of Oslo founded an idea that can direct
people’s anxiety away from their "shallow" notion of the problem to one that is much
"deeper." "Deep ecology goes beyond the limited piecemeal shallow approach to environmental
problems and attempts to articulate a comprehensive religious and philosophical worldview." (EE more content...
Governments need to make even greater efforts and more drastic goals for the future. One key point
they argue is that most effort should go into lowering population growth in developed industrial
societies. Obviously, these people’s lifestyles have far more negative influence on the
environment. This ties into the principle that human interference with the non–human world is out of
control and getting worse. Naess and Sessions concede humans do and can modify ecosystems,
just as other species do the same. Just how far we go with that ability remains the concern.
Preservation, is the key, specifically ‘large wilderness’ areas because they allow
and promote speciation of plants and animals. It is important to note that these deep ecologists do
not specifically address pollution problems. They do this because they feel it falls in the context of
shallow ecology. They think that worrying about pollution face value is really just a Band–Aid
solution. Naess gives an example that show how anti–pollution implements could increase "evils of
the other kinds," (EE p.135) by somehow increasing the price of vital needs, resulting in greater
class differences. This is somewhat abstract, but it allows for new and interesting perspective. The
next principle demands a major change in the policies that effect economic, technological, and
ideological norms. They
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Ecological Restoration Essay
There have been many ongoing debates over the definition of ecological restoration. While there are
still many definitions that people use to define this term, ecological restoration is generally defined
as "the process of returning, as nearly as possible, a biotic community to a condition of biological
integrity" (Callicott, 577). This term, however, means different things to different people. It not only
encompasses the environmental aspects, but the cultural, social, historical, political aspects as well.
Considering how these aspects are different to different regions, it becomes difficult to develop a
term that everyone can agree on unanimously. The campus lagoon, 94 acres in total, is "surrounded
on the north, east and west by more content...
The expanded wetlands have also significantly increased the number of birds, animals, reptiles and
amphibians. Much of Campus Point is covered with an ice plant, Carpobrotus edulis. These plants
grow year round and individual plants compete with native plants by forming mats up to 40 cm thick
and 8–10 m in diameter. Examination shows that this ice plant has a very dense tough root system
concentrated in the upper 50 cm of the soil, and that new roots form at each node as the plant
spreads outward (D'Antonio, 886). In 2006, CCBER planted 2,000 acorns along Campus Point
with hopes that in 15 to 20 years a small oak woodland habitat will be reestablished (CCBER). The
eastern edge of the Lagoon, near San Nicolas Hall and Parking Lot 5, is dominated by Kikuyu grass,
a rhizomatous plant with matted roots. Data from 2009 illustrate that even at that time, the site was
completely covered in non–native Kikuyu grass (San Nicolas Slope Restoration Monitoring).
Kikuyu grass favors moist areas and therefore it occurs in hydric soils. A Mediterranean climate, the
site records rainfall averaging 16–20 inches per year. A myriad of different birds also inhabit the
riparian and coastal sage scrub habitats as seen on wildlife surveys done monthly of the site due to
the Lagoon Survey requirement (San Nicolas Habitat Restoration Plan). If Manzanita Village does
not undergo restoration, the confined underground pipe systems
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Essay on Ecology
Ecology An organism has several ways to avoid being prated upon. One way to avoid this is to
practice crptis. Crypis is the action of organisms avoiding predation by blending in with their
backgrounds and matching the color pattern of a bark, twigs or leaves. Palatable animals often
utilize this strategy as well. Another type of defense is aposematism or warning coloratio. Organisms
that produce noxious chemicals or accumalate them from food plants, advertise the fact that they are
harmful with conspicous color patterns. Mimicry is the resemblence of an organism toward some
other organism or an object inthe enviroment, evolved to decieve predators or prey into confuding
the organism with that which it mimics. The prey involved more content...
These hypothesis are based on the assumption that the birds realized that the red larvae are more
tasteful , while the blue and lime larvae were often distasteful. The focus of this experiment is to
find out whether or not mimicry developed and whether the birds either learnt from the effects of
mimicry or caught on to the color pattern.
Materials and Methods
The procedure that was utilize from this experiment was very time consuming and involved an
assortment of small procedures. The first step was to decide upon the different colors of the food,
and which speculate on whch colors would be most efficient for the experiment. In our case we
choose red,which represented a kind of dangerous color, blue which was still dangerous but a
little more attractive than red and lime which seemed like a nice friendly color. After than the
ratios between the models were agreed upon based upon what we thought the colors would
represent toward the birds. The pattern that was used is pattern A. The red color had 100%
mimicry, (palatable) and 0% for models (unpalatable). The blue color had 75% mimicry (palatable)
and 25% for models (unpalatable). The lime had 25% mimicry and 75% for models (unpalatable).
After that decision making the class broke up into different groups to facilitate the larvae making
process. The class divided into mixers, cutters,those that
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The Importance Of Human Ecology
Human ecology is an interdisciplinary field, and it includes the interactions among humans and their
natural, social, and built environments. In order to understand fields such as sociology,
anthropology, psychology, home economics, etc., one must understand the different facets of human
ecology. Eco–psychiatry, for example, attempts to integrate ecology and psychiatry and explores the
effects of one's environment on mental health. The environment can be biological, social, or cultural
in nature. Several facets of human ecology can be linked to mental health including microbial,
social, and urban ecology. The diversity of microbiota is important for mental well–being in that
microbes directly influence aspects of mental health such as anxiety and stress, and the social
environment is important in that adequate and quality resources are necessary for the physical and
mental health of an individual. Research has shown that microbial ecology has a direct influence on
the mental health of individuals. Macro–biodiversity in the external environment has been shown to
influence mental well–being, and microbial diversity as a byproduct of this external biodiversity can
have effects on immune function and mood. Microbes have made many genetic contributions to the
human body including but not limited to protection against pathogens, nutrient absorption, and
manufacture of chemicals necessary for survival. Lack of microbial diversity and dysbiosis, or
microbial imbalance, due to
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Essay On Ecological Imperialism
Ecological Imperialism and the New World Starting from the times that countries started travelling
overseas and conquering other lands, they used this newfound power to supply their own greedy
desires through ecological imperialism. This process altered this new landscape and homogenized
it into the ways Europeans wanted it with the natives taking all or most of the side effects, while
all the benefits went to the colonizers. Using various sources from authors such as Crosby, Piper,
Sandlos, Lewis, and Maslin, this paper will explore the actors, problems, limits in some areas, and
the significance of ecological imperialism and how it has affected the world.
Actors and Problems Firstly, we must understand what imperialism more content...
Firstly, the impacts of ecological imperialism on the indigenous communities are that it changed their
way of living and the conditions that they had to live with. The slow transition of the demographics
and biota caused a complete change in the environment, one that they may have not have been
familiar with, thus resulting in an alien species that systematically destroyed their long–honoured
traditions over time. In addition, the change in biota could have had impacts on the diet and health
of the indigenous peoples as they would have to find new food sources as their died off. This, along
with the demographics, would create changes in the social and physical environment that forever
changed the indigenous way for life that some may have not been able to adapt to.
Significance of Ecological Imperialism So how is ecological imperialism significant to both North
American and world history? Ecological imperialism is significant because it has changed the way
nature is seen in the eyes of humans and affected how we treat it. This is particularly in the North
American history, because the indigenous peoples have respected and preserved the environment for
thousands of years. However, the arrive of the European settlers was the beginning of a change, as
they had a focus on resource extraction and intensive land use. Arguably, the settlers did this through
forceful means and often bended people
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Ecology And The Climate Change
Ecology is a branch of environment or natural science that has to do with how living things interact
with each other in the nature and to be specific in the same environment. Ecology dates back since
Aristotle and Hippocrates, it also content some of the observations of Earth science, genetics and
biology. Ecologists can apply their skills to the following fields such as forestry, urban renewal,
health science, and agriculture as well as climate change. Climate change relates to changes in the
world 's temperature, as you know it global warming is an example of climate change, and in addition,
the effect of climate related events, for example, heat waves, hurricanes, droughts, rainfalls,
earthquakes, and tornadoes. This essay is about ecology and the climate, and the relationship
between the two, within the context of sustainability, which is the capacity of the planet to keep up
itself despite the natural occurring changes within the Indian Society and the rest of the world.
(Smith, T.M., Smith, R.L. (2012)).
Ecology, in the Indian society, is especially rich in vertebrate fauna. This is a consequence of its one
of a kind biogeography, and, transformative and social histories. It contains faunal components from
different civilization such as the Afro–tropical, Indo–Malayan, and palearctic areas. For instance,
There are 226 extant carnivore species on the planet, 52 species – going from lions, hyenas, tigers,
wolves, snow panthers, panthers and 3 types of bears –
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Themes Of Ecocriticism In Literature
Eco–criticism is a branch of literature that examines the connection between ecology and it's
relationship between the literary texts . By the words of Cheryll Glotfelty defines eco–criticism as
'Simply defined, eco–criticism is the study of the relationship between literature and the physical
environment.' Eco–criticism is the term that examines the green studies in various literary texts.
Eco–criticism examines a particular piece of literary work from an ecological perspective than the
author's point of view. Literature not only deals with human life but also it has a vast ground for
nature and green studies. Eco–critical studies isn't a cake walk, it must have a more
Eco–critical studies probe into the relationship between the writer's texts and nature. Eco–criticism is
an ecological approach towards literary studies. The word Eco is the short form of ecology.
Ecological studies probe into the attitude of humans towards nature. It ventures to traverse the
different aspects of the environment in literary texts and conceptual discourse. In Indian fictions
some authors use ecological concept as the centre and some takes it as secondary. 'Ecocritical
readings of canonical texts, the, begin by adding a different perspective, and are not limited to
works self–evidently about nature'(Barry 250). In Indian fiction there are not many novels that deal
with the theme of ecocriticism. So in that concern, the dissertation concentrates on Amitav Ghosh's
novel The Hungry Tide in an eco–critical perspective. The story has been developed by the
Sundarbans region in India that acts as a backbone of the story. The novel brings how the connection
between human and nature is not just interdependent but
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How Ecology Is Being Affected by Climate Change
In the world today their has been a surge of scientific, political and economical forces hurdling to
prove and disprove the existence of global climate change. I assert that the "symptoms" that our
planet is suffering are the truest indications to justify worrying about our collective future on this
land; which I will present in terms of how the ecology is being effected by global climate change. In
an article reporting the findings of a study conducted in Israel by Tarryn Schuldiner–Harpaz and
Moshe Coll entitled "Effects of Global Warming on Predatory Bugs Supported by Data Across
Geographic and Seasonal Climatic Gradients" the authors state, "[The] average global surface
temperature... has risen by approximately 0.75 [degrees Celsius] during the past 100 years
(1906–2005)... average temperatures rose by approximately 0.13 [degrees Celsius] per decade..."
And indicated that the majority of the change had occurred between 1956 through 2005
(Schuldiner–Harpaz and Coll). The study measured the effects of climate change on various species
of insects in the area of and surrounding Israel. After collecting records of the climate gradients,
annual temperature records, insect species samples of the region and comparing it to samples of
current species morphology (the study of an organisms structure and form) how continuous change
in climate effects said insects, and multiple region's annual temperatures records, they found that
while some species were able to adapt to the
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Ecology Personal Statement
My decision to pursue graduate study and research in the field of ecology comes from my
aspiration to become a leading researcher. I feel that the knowledge what I have gained in this field
is little. Therefore, to help me acquire a better understanding of this multi–faceted field of ecology, I
would like to pursue my doctoral degree major in ecology.
During my undergraduate level, I have been fascinated with the field of biotechnology. It is why I
choose this field as my MS thesis research. However, after deliberate thought and careful study, I
changed my mind and have decided to build my career as an ecologist. My aspiration to pursue a
research–based career in the field of ecology, and climate change, comes from my visits of the
world' more content...
I was among the top performers in these courses in my class. After completion of my undergraduate
level, I started my steps towards research by joining the plant breeding and biotechnology lab where,
I completed my thesis entitled "Agrobacterium–mediated genetic transformation of potato (Solanum
tuberosum L.) for the development of fungus resistance variety" under the supervision of Professor
Dr. Rakha Hari Sarker. During my undergraduate and graduate studies, I have been involved with
several field studies. These studies included the flora of the world's largest mangrove forest
(Sundarban), ethnobotany of medicinal plants used by native and tribal people, inventory of the
plant diversity (herb, shrub, climber and tree) in an area adjacent to the University of Dhaka and
on Saint Martin Island. In addition, as part of my course requirement I have studied the flora of
Lawachara rainforest, Dulahazra Safari park and Remakelanga wildlife sanctuary. I have also
presented a seminar presentation on the effects of tannery wastes on the ecosystems of the river of
"Buriganga". Field experiences provided me with the opportunity to explore real examples and to be
involved, physically, in a real world setting, which further reinforced my desire to explore the natural
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Ecological Systems Theory Essay
From the time a person first enters this world until they taketheir final breath, they go through many
changes that will shape their character and determine how they handle situations in their life. Many
different psychologists have studied human behavior and why it is that we react a certain way in
different circumstances, and ultimately why we behave in the way that we do. Urie Bronfenbrenner
developed a model called the "Ecological Systems Theory" that attempts to explain what factors
influence a person's behavior and which ones have the most impact. The model is broken down into
five systems: the "Microsystem", "Mesosystem", "Exosystem", "Macrosystem", and
"Chronosystem". The "Microsystem" is considered the most intimate or more content...
I tried to compare her influences, concerns, and experiences with mine and found that we are
similar in many ways I was not aware of, but also very different in others. There were many factors
in my aunt's life that influenced where she is today in her life. When she was twenty–one, in the
"Microsystem" level, three people that truly influenced her life at the time were my grandparents,
Mimi and Papa, and my great grandmother, Mamette. My aunt was extremely close to Mamette, and
confided in her in many ways. Since all three were members of her close family, they would be
considered part of this system and very crucial to her development at the time. My aunt told me
after she graduated from college all she wanted to do was party and not find a job, and I found
that these factors and this mindset were part of the "Mesosystem". The fact that she was partying
all the time, or her social life, was hindering her from finding a job and moving on from her
college days. Since the "Mesosystem" is essentially factors that influence other factors or
circumstances, the fact that she had recently graduated from college made her feel like she had
the right to party and not find a job. Another factor in her lack of diligence toward finding a job
was that her parents did not put a lot of pressure on her to do so. Along with factors in the
"Microsystem" and "Mesosystem", the "Exosystem" in her life consisted of many
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Essay on Environmental Ethics
Ethics is the study of what is right and wrong in human conduct. Environmental ethics studies the
effects of human's moral relationships on the environment and everything within it (Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2008). The ethical principles that govern those relations determine
human duties, obligations, and responsibilities with regard to the Earth's natural environment and all
of the animals and plants that inhabit it (Taylor, 1989). The purpose of this paper is to reveal
environmental issues that are threatening the existence of life on Earth, and discus our social
obligations to refrain from further damaging our environment, health and life for future generations.
I will discus the need for appropriate actions and the more content...
These perspectives are anthropocentric or human centered and view all non–human life as less
important than humans themselves. Environmental ethics challenges these beliefs by questioning
the assumed moral superiority of human beings to members of other species on earth (SEP, 2008).
Preservation of the environment is essential to the preservation of the human race. Global Warming
is the number one concern threatening the very existence of humans and everything within the
environment today. The human race is to blame for the destruction of the natural world. The
environmental issues that are threatening all human and non–human life today, started in the
industrial revolution and the discovery of oil The need to improve the quality of life resulted in the
construction of factories to mass produce products for consumers. These factories were powered by
fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas. The combustion of these fossil fuels emitted great quantities of
pollutants that remain in the Earths atmosphere to this day and is the number one cause of global
warming. However, in ethics one cannot evaluate just one thing. In ethics, as in nature, everything is
connected to everything else (Partridge, 1998). Deforestation for agricultural purposes and the
expansion of human habitats is happening around the world. This
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Essay On Ecology

  • 1. The Bronfenbrenner Theory Essay The composition of Urie Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory cultivate a framework to study the numerous connections between the developing child from mother and father relationships to the environment, community settings, cultural influences and financial factors. The four levels of environmental stimuli the micro– , meso– , exo– and macrosystems, each intermingled within one another representing degrees of personal connections. Change and constancy are mediated by the passage of time. The chronosystem is exemplified through connections within the ecological model. The ecological model designed by Bronfenbrenner was a response to what the higher power described as ``the science of the strange behavior of children in strange more content... This preposition has been borne out, as consistently high levels of mother–child interaction has resulted in lower incidences of problem behavior in lower–class families (Bronfenbrenner, 1994). Certainly higher achievement outcomes have been seen in higher–class more stable environments. However, I was raised in a middle–class neighborhood, and as an only child, I was the epicenter of the family. The family was headed by my stay at home grandmother, without the influence of an adult male figure or role model. She was a strong woman who ruled her family with an iron fist. However, she was uneducated. Her innocent illiteracy resulted in my limited exposure to books and reading material during my early developmental years. As a result my reading skills fell short of the expected skills of a child entering elementary school. This resulted in my teachers spending extra time with me. Once I began to read, I began to enjoy learning and soon developed an enduring sense of curiosity. Based on Lewin's field theory (Vander Zanden 2007, p .54,) the ecological model is designed as a series of nested structures, with the child always at the center. The innermost, the micro system is essentially comprised of the face to face interactions between the child and his environment. These connections are stretched out and difficult. Being the only child and requiring additional Get more content on
  • 2. Environmental Science Essay Environmental Fundamentals Laura Jackson Env/100 April 8, 2013 JOHN ENSWORTH Environmental Fundamentals Introduction Environmental science is defined as the study of the environment and the interconnecting systems it contains, furthermore, the way people interact with their natural surroundings and use natural resources (wise geek, 2013). Scientist in this field is highly interdisciplinary and extremely diverse, for example, a scientist might study volcanoes or climate change. This essay will cover the following; the definition of environmental science, the relationship between science and technology and how it affects environmental problems; the concept of environmental sustainability and why it should be studied; how more content... Environmental Sustainability Environmental sustainability is the process of making sure current processes of interaction with the environment are pursued with the idea of keeping the environment as pristine as naturally possible based on ideal–seeking behavior (Wikipedia, 2010). What makes environmental sustainability so important is that it demands that society designs activities to meet human needs while indefinitely preserving the life support systems of the planet (Wikipedia, 2010). Human consumption can only use the nature's resources at a rate that can be replenished naturally. Human Values affecting Society The most devastating environmental change of all is the loss of biodiversity. The rate of species extinction has remained at one species per million per year, furthermore, the accelerating destruction of habitats throughout the world leads to projections of the loss of two–thirds of all species on earth by the end of this century, and millions of years to recover from the Cretaceous period (, 2013). As individuals, we obtain our food, directly or indirectly from plants, for example, plant our primary use of medicines. Biodiversity also determines the properties of communities and ecosystems, which capture energy from the sun. The world is less resilient, more homogeneous, less interesting, and with fewer opportunities for our descendants and ourselves: where the process reaches Get more content on
  • 3. Ecology And Architecture Case Study TABLE OF CONTENT Abstract Acknowledgment List of figures Chapter 1 – Introduction to ecology and architecture 1.1 – A brief on ecology and architecture 1.2 – Research Questions 1.3 – Aims and Objectives 1.4 – Outline of the study 1.5 – Focus and challenges 1.6 – Methodology Chapter 2 – Ecotecture towards sustainability 2.1 – Ecology and architecture 2.2 – Ecotecture – Less bad approach Chapter 3 – Paolo Soleri – early 20th century principle 3.1 – Brief of Paolo Soleri 3.2 – Understanding the principle – Arcology 3.3 – Case study 3.3.1 – Cosanti in scottsdale 3.3.2 – Arcosanti 3.3.3 – Lean linear city 3.4 – Design for the city of future Chapter 4 – Ken Yeang– later 20th century principle 4.1 – Brief of Ken Yeang 4.2 – Understanding the principle – eco architecture 4.3 – Practice of Ken more content... Since ancient times "designers" looked to nature for "solutions" to their common problems; they saw nature as the perfect model to follow. Ecotecture is the art and science of designing human systems that are integrated, functionally and aesthetically, with natural ecosystems. The word "ecotecture" is a combination of the words "ecology," meaning pattern of relations between living organisms and their environment, interactive with Get more content on
  • 4. Population Ecology INTRODUCTION " The growth of a large business is merely the survival of the fittest : it is merely the working out of a law of nature" John D Rockefeller Population ecology is a perspective that seeks to explain the factors that affect the life cycles of organizations. It also suggests why some organizations survive for longer than the others. Earlier theories such a the such as the strategic choice theory argued that organizations try to adapt to changing environments and the ones that do it successfully survive. The population ecology perspective states that it is the environment that selects organizations that will survive over time and organizations have no say in this more content... The concept of species identification is one of the central problems in this complex model. c> Niche Width Theory One of the strong points of the population ecology perspective is that it analyzes populations of organizations rather than individual organizations. All organizations within a particular population tend to draw from the same resource pool. Hence competition must exist within the same population when they fight for survival. This is the basis for the niche width theory. Simply put, a niche may be defined as a domain of unique environmental resources to support an organization. Populations of organizations are said to occupy the same niche to the extent that they depend on identical environmental resources. Based on the width of the niche, there may be two types of populations that exist: specialists and generalists. Generalists tend to have a wide niche (in other words, a broad range of products/markets). They thus maximize exploration although they increase their risks at the same time. This kind of strategy is not suited to any single situation. Specialists have a narrow niche (or a narrow range of products /markets). They thus maximize exploitation and security. This kind of strategy is suited to particular situations. According to the perspective, depending upon the В‘distance' between two states in the environment, variations may be divided into fine–grained (short–term Get more content on
  • 5. The Importance Of Environmental Consciousness In recent days, certainly, the term environmental consciousness is one of the most utilized in various degrees in our society. It being in a conference of international leaders or a local neighborhood meeting, the matter of being environmentally and ecologically conscient became a mandatory measure. In a general sense, being conscious towards environmental issues is described as the ability to comprehend the environment one habits in, the actions and relationships among it, and the impacts the caused by a short or long term. Such consciousness is only felt as complete once the perception that such actions are much greater than a local, it impacts the planet and the environment in question. In order to diminish the human environmental impact, we need to rethink our actions and its possible consequences. Additionally, another aspect of acquiring such consciousness is the search for information. After all, awareness and knowledge are subjects profoundly interrelated. For instance, in recent days it is brought to the fact that cars are released pollutant gases, as industries.Yet that the most developed and consumerist countries are the ones that release most pollutant gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect. The understanding that the amount of waste produced is also a major issue and it produces affects the environmental balance. However, being aware of such knowledge does not mean being environmentally conscious. Such can have minimal utility when not transformed Get more content on
  • 6. Ecology And Evolution Reflection Paper Personal Reflection after Ecology and Evolution Being raised as an Evangelical Free Christian, evolution was considered somewhat of a dirty word. This being said, I knew that there were parts of evolution that were undeniably true. I also thought that science usually pointed towards evidence of there being a God. I was never really a Young Earth Creationist. However, I still thought that Young Earth Creationists could be right because in my opinion, God is omnipotent, and the flood could have happened further back in history than estimated. The flood then could answer why the continents look the way they do today compared to pangea, and it could also answer some other geological problems with Young EarthCreationism. Although I thought it was still possible, I thought it extremely unlikely. Instead, I thought that the Earth was created much longer ago, but that God still created creatures in their own "kinds", and that these "kinds" diverged into even more species by natural selection. I knew evolution could change a species a little bit at a time to the point where there would be two different species, but I wasn't sold on the whole idea that Evolution could cause a fish to become a human. However, there were two major things that started to change my mind. The first was the Harvard study with the petri dish that contained different levels of antibacterial properties. This study showed that mutations can cause a significant change in a species, and led to me thinking it Get more content on
  • 7. Pollution The air we breathe, the water we drink, the ground where we grow our food, is polluted with harmful things. Pollution is the introduction of harmful or poisonous effects of a substance into the environment. It disrupts the balance of people's lifestyle when they are contaminate. Pollution balance in the environment and ecosystem. The environment is in the process of becoming unsafe or unsuitable to use. Pollution can come in many different form, such as air, water, soil can have pollutant that can wreak havoc on the environment. Pollution can be a form of anything and cause so much harm. It can take the form of chemical substances or energy. When chemicals are released by spill or underground leakage, the soil can become contaminated, which is soil pollution. The release of chemicals and particulates into the atmosphere, is the product of air pollution. The industrial wastes dumped into the rivers and other cause an imbalance in the water leading to its severe contamination and death of aquatic species. The most dangerous form of pollution is air pollution, there are many cause for it. The depletion of the ozone is due to air pollution, which is a threat to human health. In the article, " pollution : Causes and Effect", on the website, http://www.conserve–energy–, it was said that, "Smoke from chimneys, factories, vehicles or burning of wood basically occurs due to coal burning; this releases sulphur dioxide into the air making it toxic. The effects of Get more content on
  • 8. Essay about Deep Ecology Deep Ecology/Ecosophy The ideas behind deep ecology have major implications today. They allow people to think more profoundly about the environment and possibly come to a better understanding of their own meaning. People are intensely concerned about the world’s technological adolescence, massive consumerism, and overpopulation. A man named Arne Naess, former head of the philosophy department at the University of Oslo founded an idea that can direct people’s anxiety away from their "shallow" notion of the problem to one that is much "deeper." "Deep ecology goes beyond the limited piecemeal shallow approach to environmental problems and attempts to articulate a comprehensive religious and philosophical worldview." (EE more content... Governments need to make even greater efforts and more drastic goals for the future. One key point they argue is that most effort should go into lowering population growth in developed industrial societies. Obviously, these people’s lifestyles have far more negative influence on the environment. This ties into the principle that human interference with the non–human world is out of control and getting worse. Naess and Sessions concede humans do and can modify ecosystems, just as other species do the same. Just how far we go with that ability remains the concern. Preservation, is the key, specifically ‘large wilderness’ areas because they allow and promote speciation of plants and animals. It is important to note that these deep ecologists do not specifically address pollution problems. They do this because they feel it falls in the context of shallow ecology. They think that worrying about pollution face value is really just a Band–Aid solution. Naess gives an example that show how anti–pollution implements could increase "evils of the other kinds," (EE p.135) by somehow increasing the price of vital needs, resulting in greater class differences. This is somewhat abstract, but it allows for new and interesting perspective. The next principle demands a major change in the policies that effect economic, technological, and ideological norms. They Get more content on
  • 9. Ecological Restoration Essay There have been many ongoing debates over the definition of ecological restoration. While there are still many definitions that people use to define this term, ecological restoration is generally defined as "the process of returning, as nearly as possible, a biotic community to a condition of biological integrity" (Callicott, 577). This term, however, means different things to different people. It not only encompasses the environmental aspects, but the cultural, social, historical, political aspects as well. Considering how these aspects are different to different regions, it becomes difficult to develop a term that everyone can agree on unanimously. The campus lagoon, 94 acres in total, is "surrounded on the north, east and west by more content... The expanded wetlands have also significantly increased the number of birds, animals, reptiles and amphibians. Much of Campus Point is covered with an ice plant, Carpobrotus edulis. These plants grow year round and individual plants compete with native plants by forming mats up to 40 cm thick and 8–10 m in diameter. Examination shows that this ice plant has a very dense tough root system concentrated in the upper 50 cm of the soil, and that new roots form at each node as the plant spreads outward (D'Antonio, 886). In 2006, CCBER planted 2,000 acorns along Campus Point with hopes that in 15 to 20 years a small oak woodland habitat will be reestablished (CCBER). The eastern edge of the Lagoon, near San Nicolas Hall and Parking Lot 5, is dominated by Kikuyu grass, a rhizomatous plant with matted roots. Data from 2009 illustrate that even at that time, the site was completely covered in non–native Kikuyu grass (San Nicolas Slope Restoration Monitoring). Kikuyu grass favors moist areas and therefore it occurs in hydric soils. A Mediterranean climate, the site records rainfall averaging 16–20 inches per year. A myriad of different birds also inhabit the riparian and coastal sage scrub habitats as seen on wildlife surveys done monthly of the site due to the Lagoon Survey requirement (San Nicolas Habitat Restoration Plan). If Manzanita Village does not undergo restoration, the confined underground pipe systems Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Ecology Ecology An organism has several ways to avoid being prated upon. One way to avoid this is to practice crptis. Crypis is the action of organisms avoiding predation by blending in with their backgrounds and matching the color pattern of a bark, twigs or leaves. Palatable animals often utilize this strategy as well. Another type of defense is aposematism or warning coloratio. Organisms that produce noxious chemicals or accumalate them from food plants, advertise the fact that they are harmful with conspicous color patterns. Mimicry is the resemblence of an organism toward some other organism or an object inthe enviroment, evolved to decieve predators or prey into confuding the organism with that which it mimics. The prey involved more content... These hypothesis are based on the assumption that the birds realized that the red larvae are more tasteful , while the blue and lime larvae were often distasteful. The focus of this experiment is to find out whether or not mimicry developed and whether the birds either learnt from the effects of mimicry or caught on to the color pattern. Materials and Methods The procedure that was utilize from this experiment was very time consuming and involved an assortment of small procedures. The first step was to decide upon the different colors of the food, and which speculate on whch colors would be most efficient for the experiment. In our case we choose red,which represented a kind of dangerous color, blue which was still dangerous but a little more attractive than red and lime which seemed like a nice friendly color. After than the ratios between the models were agreed upon based upon what we thought the colors would represent toward the birds. The pattern that was used is pattern A. The red color had 100% mimicry, (palatable) and 0% for models (unpalatable). The blue color had 75% mimicry (palatable) and 25% for models (unpalatable). The lime had 25% mimicry and 75% for models (unpalatable). After that decision making the class broke up into different groups to facilitate the larvae making process. The class divided into mixers, cutters,those that Get more content on
  • 11. The Importance Of Human Ecology Human ecology is an interdisciplinary field, and it includes the interactions among humans and their natural, social, and built environments. In order to understand fields such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, home economics, etc., one must understand the different facets of human ecology. Eco–psychiatry, for example, attempts to integrate ecology and psychiatry and explores the effects of one's environment on mental health. The environment can be biological, social, or cultural in nature. Several facets of human ecology can be linked to mental health including microbial, social, and urban ecology. The diversity of microbiota is important for mental well–being in that microbes directly influence aspects of mental health such as anxiety and stress, and the social environment is important in that adequate and quality resources are necessary for the physical and mental health of an individual. Research has shown that microbial ecology has a direct influence on the mental health of individuals. Macro–biodiversity in the external environment has been shown to influence mental well–being, and microbial diversity as a byproduct of this external biodiversity can have effects on immune function and mood. Microbes have made many genetic contributions to the human body including but not limited to protection against pathogens, nutrient absorption, and manufacture of chemicals necessary for survival. Lack of microbial diversity and dysbiosis, or microbial imbalance, due to Get more content on
  • 12. Essay On Ecological Imperialism Ecological Imperialism and the New World Starting from the times that countries started travelling overseas and conquering other lands, they used this newfound power to supply their own greedy desires through ecological imperialism. This process altered this new landscape and homogenized it into the ways Europeans wanted it with the natives taking all or most of the side effects, while all the benefits went to the colonizers. Using various sources from authors such as Crosby, Piper, Sandlos, Lewis, and Maslin, this paper will explore the actors, problems, limits in some areas, and the significance of ecological imperialism and how it has affected the world. Actors and Problems Firstly, we must understand what imperialism more content... Firstly, the impacts of ecological imperialism on the indigenous communities are that it changed their way of living and the conditions that they had to live with. The slow transition of the demographics and biota caused a complete change in the environment, one that they may have not have been familiar with, thus resulting in an alien species that systematically destroyed their long–honoured traditions over time. In addition, the change in biota could have had impacts on the diet and health of the indigenous peoples as they would have to find new food sources as their died off. This, along with the demographics, would create changes in the social and physical environment that forever changed the indigenous way for life that some may have not been able to adapt to. Significance of Ecological Imperialism So how is ecological imperialism significant to both North American and world history? Ecological imperialism is significant because it has changed the way nature is seen in the eyes of humans and affected how we treat it. This is particularly in the North American history, because the indigenous peoples have respected and preserved the environment for thousands of years. However, the arrive of the European settlers was the beginning of a change, as they had a focus on resource extraction and intensive land use. Arguably, the settlers did this through forceful means and often bended people Get more content on
  • 13. Ecology And The Climate Change Ecology is a branch of environment or natural science that has to do with how living things interact with each other in the nature and to be specific in the same environment. Ecology dates back since Aristotle and Hippocrates, it also content some of the observations of Earth science, genetics and biology. Ecologists can apply their skills to the following fields such as forestry, urban renewal, health science, and agriculture as well as climate change. Climate change relates to changes in the world 's temperature, as you know it global warming is an example of climate change, and in addition, the effect of climate related events, for example, heat waves, hurricanes, droughts, rainfalls, earthquakes, and tornadoes. This essay is about ecology and the climate, and the relationship between the two, within the context of sustainability, which is the capacity of the planet to keep up itself despite the natural occurring changes within the Indian Society and the rest of the world. (Smith, T.M., Smith, R.L. (2012)). Ecology Ecology, in the Indian society, is especially rich in vertebrate fauna. This is a consequence of its one of a kind biogeography, and, transformative and social histories. It contains faunal components from different civilization such as the Afro–tropical, Indo–Malayan, and palearctic areas. For instance, There are 226 extant carnivore species on the planet, 52 species – going from lions, hyenas, tigers, wolves, snow panthers, panthers and 3 types of bears – Get more content on
  • 14. Themes Of Ecocriticism In Literature Eco–criticism is a branch of literature that examines the connection between ecology and it's relationship between the literary texts . By the words of Cheryll Glotfelty defines eco–criticism as 'Simply defined, eco–criticism is the study of the relationship between literature and the physical environment.' Eco–criticism is the term that examines the green studies in various literary texts. Eco–criticism examines a particular piece of literary work from an ecological perspective than the author's point of view. Literature not only deals with human life but also it has a vast ground for nature and green studies. Eco–critical studies isn't a cake walk, it must have a more content... Eco–critical studies probe into the relationship between the writer's texts and nature. Eco–criticism is an ecological approach towards literary studies. The word Eco is the short form of ecology. Ecological studies probe into the attitude of humans towards nature. It ventures to traverse the different aspects of the environment in literary texts and conceptual discourse. In Indian fictions some authors use ecological concept as the centre and some takes it as secondary. 'Ecocritical readings of canonical texts, the, begin by adding a different perspective, and are not limited to works self–evidently about nature'(Barry 250). In Indian fiction there are not many novels that deal with the theme of ecocriticism. So in that concern, the dissertation concentrates on Amitav Ghosh's novel The Hungry Tide in an eco–critical perspective. The story has been developed by the Sundarbans region in India that acts as a backbone of the story. The novel brings how the connection between human and nature is not just interdependent but Get more content on
  • 15. How Ecology Is Being Affected by Climate Change In the world today their has been a surge of scientific, political and economical forces hurdling to prove and disprove the existence of global climate change. I assert that the "symptoms" that our planet is suffering are the truest indications to justify worrying about our collective future on this land; which I will present in terms of how the ecology is being effected by global climate change. In an article reporting the findings of a study conducted in Israel by Tarryn Schuldiner–Harpaz and Moshe Coll entitled "Effects of Global Warming on Predatory Bugs Supported by Data Across Geographic and Seasonal Climatic Gradients" the authors state, "[The] average global surface temperature... has risen by approximately 0.75 [degrees Celsius] during the past 100 years (1906–2005)... average temperatures rose by approximately 0.13 [degrees Celsius] per decade..." And indicated that the majority of the change had occurred between 1956 through 2005 (Schuldiner–Harpaz and Coll). The study measured the effects of climate change on various species of insects in the area of and surrounding Israel. After collecting records of the climate gradients, annual temperature records, insect species samples of the region and comparing it to samples of current species morphology (the study of an organisms structure and form) how continuous change in climate effects said insects, and multiple region's annual temperatures records, they found that while some species were able to adapt to the Get more content on
  • 16. Ecology Personal Statement My decision to pursue graduate study and research in the field of ecology comes from my aspiration to become a leading researcher. I feel that the knowledge what I have gained in this field is little. Therefore, to help me acquire a better understanding of this multi–faceted field of ecology, I would like to pursue my doctoral degree major in ecology. During my undergraduate level, I have been fascinated with the field of biotechnology. It is why I choose this field as my MS thesis research. However, after deliberate thought and careful study, I changed my mind and have decided to build my career as an ecologist. My aspiration to pursue a research–based career in the field of ecology, and climate change, comes from my visits of the world' more content... I was among the top performers in these courses in my class. After completion of my undergraduate level, I started my steps towards research by joining the plant breeding and biotechnology lab where, I completed my thesis entitled "Agrobacterium–mediated genetic transformation of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) for the development of fungus resistance variety" under the supervision of Professor Dr. Rakha Hari Sarker. During my undergraduate and graduate studies, I have been involved with several field studies. These studies included the flora of the world's largest mangrove forest (Sundarban), ethnobotany of medicinal plants used by native and tribal people, inventory of the plant diversity (herb, shrub, climber and tree) in an area adjacent to the University of Dhaka and on Saint Martin Island. In addition, as part of my course requirement I have studied the flora of Lawachara rainforest, Dulahazra Safari park and Remakelanga wildlife sanctuary. I have also presented a seminar presentation on the effects of tannery wastes on the ecosystems of the river of "Buriganga". Field experiences provided me with the opportunity to explore real examples and to be involved, physically, in a real world setting, which further reinforced my desire to explore the natural Get more content on
  • 17. Ecological Systems Theory Essay From the time a person first enters this world until they taketheir final breath, they go through many changes that will shape their character and determine how they handle situations in their life. Many different psychologists have studied human behavior and why it is that we react a certain way in different circumstances, and ultimately why we behave in the way that we do. Urie Bronfenbrenner developed a model called the "Ecological Systems Theory" that attempts to explain what factors influence a person's behavior and which ones have the most impact. The model is broken down into five systems: the "Microsystem", "Mesosystem", "Exosystem", "Macrosystem", and "Chronosystem". The "Microsystem" is considered the most intimate or more content... I tried to compare her influences, concerns, and experiences with mine and found that we are similar in many ways I was not aware of, but also very different in others. There were many factors in my aunt's life that influenced where she is today in her life. When she was twenty–one, in the "Microsystem" level, three people that truly influenced her life at the time were my grandparents, Mimi and Papa, and my great grandmother, Mamette. My aunt was extremely close to Mamette, and confided in her in many ways. Since all three were members of her close family, they would be considered part of this system and very crucial to her development at the time. My aunt told me after she graduated from college all she wanted to do was party and not find a job, and I found that these factors and this mindset were part of the "Mesosystem". The fact that she was partying all the time, or her social life, was hindering her from finding a job and moving on from her college days. Since the "Mesosystem" is essentially factors that influence other factors or circumstances, the fact that she had recently graduated from college made her feel like she had the right to party and not find a job. Another factor in her lack of diligence toward finding a job was that her parents did not put a lot of pressure on her to do so. Along with factors in the "Microsystem" and "Mesosystem", the "Exosystem" in her life consisted of many Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on Environmental Ethics Ethics is the study of what is right and wrong in human conduct. Environmental ethics studies the effects of human's moral relationships on the environment and everything within it (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2008). The ethical principles that govern those relations determine human duties, obligations, and responsibilities with regard to the Earth's natural environment and all of the animals and plants that inhabit it (Taylor, 1989). The purpose of this paper is to reveal environmental issues that are threatening the existence of life on Earth, and discus our social obligations to refrain from further damaging our environment, health and life for future generations. I will discus the need for appropriate actions and the more content... These perspectives are anthropocentric or human centered and view all non–human life as less important than humans themselves. Environmental ethics challenges these beliefs by questioning the assumed moral superiority of human beings to members of other species on earth (SEP, 2008). Preservation of the environment is essential to the preservation of the human race. Global Warming is the number one concern threatening the very existence of humans and everything within the environment today. The human race is to blame for the destruction of the natural world. The environmental issues that are threatening all human and non–human life today, started in the industrial revolution and the discovery of oil The need to improve the quality of life resulted in the construction of factories to mass produce products for consumers. These factories were powered by fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas. The combustion of these fossil fuels emitted great quantities of pollutants that remain in the Earths atmosphere to this day and is the number one cause of global warming. However, in ethics one cannot evaluate just one thing. In ethics, as in nature, everything is connected to everything else (Partridge, 1998). Deforestation for agricultural purposes and the expansion of human habitats is happening around the world. This Get more content on