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The Socio-Cultural Analysis Of India
The Socio–Cultural Analysis of India Culture is defined as "The arts, beliefs, customs,
institutions, and other products of human work and thought considered as a unit, especially with
regard to a particular time or social group" by American Heritage Dictionary of the English
Language (2011). Also, the Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (2005) defines culture
as "A feature of the terrain that has been constructed by man. Included are such items as roads,
buildings, and canals; boundary lines; and, in a broad sense, all names and legends on a map". In
a nutshell, culture is everything that makes up the basic ways of life. Culture is comprised of five
basic characteristics. Culture is learned, shared, symbolic, integrated, and dynamic (Bueno, 2012).
This means that aspects of culture are spread by social interactions such as trade, language and
other communication technologies. Some of the more common forms of communication
technologies and language are movies, television shows, literature, arts, and local history.
Symbolism is similar to the learned and shared aspects in many ways. Language, literature, and
the arts are all major ways in which the symbolism of a specific culture is spread. The integration
of culture is based on pattern. The specific dimensions of social life create social norms that are
followed. The economy and politics are two of the more prevalent forms of social life that lead to
the patterns of integration. Lastly, there is a
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Ancient India Essay
1.A monsoon is a recurrent wind in the South and Southeast Asia. Crops prospered and easy sea
travel was increased during the monsoon season.
2.Vedas were the most ancient Hindu texts, containing songs, philosophy, and ritual practices of the
priests in the Vedic religion. They are also a main source of information about the Vedic period.
3.There were four classes in the Indian society, all going under the category called varna. There four
major classes were called Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra. There were also the
Untouchables, which were people who dealt with dead animals and humans.
4.Many regional groups within each class of varna are named jati. Members of each jati could eat,
marry, and interact with others only in their jati.
5.One's karma in their past life more content...
Southern Asia was inhabited by Dravidian–speaking kingdoms called the Tamil kingdoms. The three
kingdoms of Cholas, Pandyas, and Cheras existed in one way or another for two thousand years.
16.The Gupta Empire was largely based off of the Mauryan Empire, such as having similar tax rates
and a founder who modeled himself after the first Mauryan king.
17.A theater–state is a political state that gains power on the performance of drama and ritual.
18.In Southeast Asia, one early complex society was named Funan. This society flourished with a
rich rice–growing region and control over the passageway of trade in the Malaysian isthmus.
19.Jainism is a religion in which followers practiced extremely strict nonviolence. This included
wearing a mask in order to not swallow bugs, not participating in agriculture, and only eating what
was offered to them.
20.Large clay mounts representing life were called stupas. They also signified the relics of the
21.The ritual of sati was when a woman was to burn herself on her husband's funeral pyre after his
death. This kept women from remarrying and kept them "pure".
22.The Deccan is a dry, rocky plateau located in Northern
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Cultural Diversity In India
Cultures change and cultural diversity is created, maintained and lost over time. Social learning and
choosing, acquiring and assimilating and rejecting information and knowledge is a necessary aspect
of the formation of cultural repertoire.
Human culture is the inevitable result of the way our species acquires its behaviour. Expertise in
exploiting our environment, values about what matters in life are, among other things, what
constitute culture.
We are very adept at transmitting cultural information to others, sometimes through frank teaching
but also through the constant social interaction characteristic of human life.
Cultural diversity inevitably develops in the course of cultural transmission. This happens when
members of the same culture and sub–culture share a large proportion of their information
The diversity in India is unique. Being a large country with large population. India presents endless
varieties of physical features and cultural patterns. It is the land of many languages it is only in
India people professes all the major religions of the world. In short, India is "the epitome of the
world". The vast population is composed of people having diverse creeds, customs and colours.
Some of the important forms of diversity in India are:–
1. Diversity of Physical Features:
The unique feature about India is the extreme largest mountains covered with snow throughout the
year. The Himalayas or the adobe of snow is the source of the mighty
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India 's Development And Growth Essay
Background: India is one of the most popular countries in the world. Geographically, India is
located at the south of the Asian continent. India's development and growth has been one of the
most significant accomplishments in recent times. India neighboring countries include Pakistan,
Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Bhutan. The size of the population in India is
1,266,883,598 and the Territorial size of the country is 3, 287, 263 sq. km (The World Factbook,
2016). The prime minister of India is known as Narendra Modi who is the leader of the majority
party in Lok Sabha and is currently the head of the Council of ministers in India. India's political
party that is in power right now is Bharatiya Janata Party. The Bharatiya Janata Party, was first
founded by Shyama Mukherjee in 1953 with the main purpose of safeguarding the Hindu interests
in India (The World Factbook, 2016). India is becoming more of an open market economy. While
most emerging nations were have struggled mightily against the strong U.S. dollar and falling
commodity prices, India continues to lead. The view for India's long–term growth is positive due to
the staggering young population and corresponding low dependency ratio (World Factbook, 2016).
For example healthy savings, investment rates, and increasing integration play a role in the global
economy. India being the 4th largest economy in the world, India has bought about a landmark
agricultural revolution that has changed the country
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Essay on Indian Music
Indian Music
The music of India is one of the oldest unspoken musical traditions in the world. The basis of for
Indian music is "sangeet." Sangeet is a combination of three art forms: vocal music, instrumental
music (Indian music). Indian music is base upon seven modes (scales). It is probably no coincidence
that Greek music is also base upon seven modes. Furthermore, the Indian scales follow the same
process of modulation (murchana) that was found in ancient Greek music. Since Greece is also
Indo–European, this is another piece of evidence for the Indo–European connection (Dance and
music of India).
The vocal tradition is especially strong in Indian music. It is understood that the song is probably the
most ancient form more content...
It is linked to the Sanskrit word "ranj" which means, "to colour" (Indian music). Therefore, rag may
be thought of as an acoustic method of colouring the mind of the listener with an emotion. It is not a
tune, melody, scale, mode, or any concept for which an English word exists. It is instead a
combination of different characteristics. It is these characteristics, which define the rag. There must
be the notes of the rag. They are called the swar (Indian music). There must also be a modal
structure. This is called that in North Indian music and mela in carnatic music (Carnatic music).
There is also the jati. Jati is the number of notes used in the rag. There must also be the ascending
and descending structure. This is called arohana/avarohana. Another characteristic is that the various
notes do not have the same level of significance. Some are important and others less so. The
important notes are called vadi and samavadi (Indian music). There are often characteristic
movements to the rag. This is called either pakad (Indian music).
The Indian rhythm is known as tal. Tal means "clap". The tabla (Indian drum instrument) has
replaced the clap in the performance, but the term still reflects the origin. The basic concepts of tal
are tali, Khali,vibhag, matra, bol, theka, lay, sam, and avartan.
Tali are a pattern of clapping. In addition to the claps, there are also a number of
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Cultural Impact of Hinduism in India Essay
Cultural Impact of Hinduism in India
Huge population, pollution, peace, snakes, saris, dance, curry, and religion are probably the most
popular words that come up when we think about India. India is a well–known country. Although it
is a relatively poor country, it has a rich and diverse culture. India is populated by approximately 953
million people. It has been a home for many religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism,
Jainism, Islam and Christianity. The first four mentioned above originated in India (Finegan 151).
Seventy percent of the populations are Hindus. In fact, Hinduism is the oldest and third largest
religion in the world. Hinduism has deeply influenced Indian society, for several reasons: it has a
long history more content...
Hindus believe that one's kharma can determine how one's next life will be. Kharma literally means
labor. It means the sum of what one does in life, both the good deeds and bad deeds.
Hinduism has been in India forever. Nobody knows exactly how this religion started. P.N. Chopra
notes in his Religions and Communities of India that India is a hallowed and sacred land for
Hindus (17). It has been in India for thousands of years. It started somewhere between 4000 and
2200 BCE, in the civilization of the Indus Valley. In one of the places where the civilization of the
world started, the Mahenjo–Daro and Harappa, which was laid along the Indus valley gave so many
evidences about the existence of this religion. The archeologists have found the three–faced god on
the Indus seal is similar to the god Siva that is very foremost in Hinduism until today (Finegan 49).
They also found some metal sculptures from the pre–Harappa era that show their worship to gods
and goddess. Hinduism is an old religion and nobody is sure about when it exactly started, and it
does not hold one specific person to be its founder. The long history of Hinduism in India makes it
really rooted in India. Even Sharma states that if Hinduism is look like natural and very old, it is
because of the age that may be older than civilization (36). The long history of Hinduism in India has
been effecting its strength. Although there were
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Indian Culture And Its Impact On Society
India is country known all over the world for its culture and tradition. It is a land with various
cultures and traditions which are as vast as the subcontinent upon which they are located. This essay
will focus on the Indian culture and highlight the different beliefs that Indians have on life processes.
The essay will show the different methods Indians use to stay healthy and how the Indian culture can
determine how healthcare services are provided to the people.
India is a nation of many different individuals, each with their own beliefs and way of life. The
different beliefs that are held by these people and the traditions they follow can have a significant
impact on how they view modern healthcare. The beliefs and moral values which are a part of
human nature can have positive impacts on an individual, but can also bind them and cause negative
impacts on mental and physical health (Worthington & Gogne, 2011). It is necessary for health
professionals to be aware of the cultural beliefs and influences so that they can effectively provide
healthcare services. A lack of cultural competence in care leads to poor patient outcomes, low
compliance, and higher disparities regardless of the services and systems available ("Diversity &
Cultural Competency in Health Care Settings").
Depending on an individual's culture, the way in which one perceives life processes differs greatly.
For Indians their culture plays a large role in how they perceive these things. Being a nation with
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Essay on Geography of India
I would like to present to you the country of India. A country one–third the area of the United States
(total land mass is 2,973,190 sq. kilometers) borders China on the northeast, Pakistan on the west,
Nepal and Blutan to the north, and Burma and Bangladesh to the east. It is divided into three
categorical geographic regions: the Gangetic Plain, the plateau region in the south, the Himalayan
region in the north, which contains some of the highest mountains in the world and a central part.
India has a population of 1,027,015,247 than speaks a whopping seventeen different languages. India
has several religions but six major religions are Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhism,
and more content...
An estimated 750 million people live on the areas around the Himalaya rivers, which includes
Bangladesh. Vegetation across the range varies with climate and altitude. The lower regions show a
forest that contains shrubery, plants, and trees that tend to fall off due to winter seasons. In the
higher region of the Himalaya's lies a vegetation area that consisted of temperate forests, conifers,
and tundra. The Himalaya's are topped off with the snow–line in which whatever lies above is
covered in snow year round. Also on the eastern side evergreen rainforests can be sighted. The
Himalaya's have a profound impact on the climate especially to the Tibetan plateau and Indian
subcontinent. It prevents "frigid, dry Arctic winds from blowing south into the subcontinent, which
keeps South Asia much warmer than corresponding temperate regions in the other continents. It also
forms a barrier for the monsoon winds, keeping them from traveling northwards, and causing heavy
rainfall in the Terai region"(Himalaya). An example of the impact the mountain range gives to the
population is that is a natural barrier to the movement of people for a long time. It has prevented
people from China and Mongolia to meet those from the Indian subcontinent and "caused a
significant difference in languages and customs between these regions. The Himalaya has also
hindered trade routes and prevented military expeditions across its expanse"(Himalaya).
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Culture And Heritage Of Indian Food
Culture and heritage plays a role in my eating habits because the food that comes from my culture
and heritage is what I have grown up eating and enjoying at the same time. Indian food is the first
food I was introduced to and I really cherish the food that my culture and heritage carries. I come
from an Indian background so the popular foods that are associated with my culture are not
known to be very healthy for a human being trying to maintain a certain diet. Indian food contains
a lot of oil and ingredients of that nature and foods such as biryani,nihari and chicken tikka masala
contain a lot of clarified butter, which is pure fat, so Indian dishes are usually very fatty but there
are many recipes that are much healthier versions of Indian dishes which are not very popular.
Indian foods that are good for you are sambar dal, spinach curry, and raita. My parent's place of
birth which is Hyderabad,India also plays a role in my eating choices because the food they grew
up eating is what they passed on to me which is not very healthy but if you choose to change up
your dishes than it can be healthy. My parents also grew up in the sixty's and seventy's generation
which is when they ate these certain foods as well. The religion I choose to follow does not play
a role in my eating habits because I am a catholic Christian with strong beliefs in Jesus Christ and
there are not strict rules as to what a person eats in my religion except on easter when the people of
my religion do
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Hofstede Dimensions on India
Geert Hofstedeв„ў Cultural Dimensions * Average Hofstede Dimensions of all counties surveyed
Power Distance Index (PDI) that is the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations
and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. This
represents inequality (more versus less), but defined from below, not from above. It suggests that
a society 's level of inequality is endorsed by the followers as much as by the leaders. Power and
inequality, of course, are extremely fundamental facts of any society and anybody with some
international experience will be aware that 'all societies are unequal, but some are more unequal than
others '. Individualism (IDV) on the one side versus more content...
Geert Hofstedeв„ў Cultural Dimensions of India & its analysis with respect to today's business
Power Distance Index (PDI) –
Power Distance Index PDI (India 77 vs. World Average 56.5) India has Power Distance (PDI) as the
highest Hofstede Dimension for the culture, with a ranking of 77 compared to a world average of
56.5. This Power Distance score for India indicates a high level of inequality of power and wealth
within the society. This condition is not necessarily subverted upon the population, but rather
accepted by the population as a cultural norm.
The Hofstede analysis for India suggests a large power distance society and all other measures are
relatively moderate. This would be indicative of the fact that India is in the midst of change. The
traditional caste systems has been outlawed, however the large power distance score indicates that
the attitudes still remain
This Power Distance score for India indicates a high level of inequality of power and wealth
within the society. This condition is not necessarily subverted upon the population, but rather
accepted by the population as a cultural norm. In India, social hierarchies are very much in place
and even at work it is not easy to be friendly with one's boss in most organizations. Calling one's
boss by his first name is rare in India. In fact abuse by seniors is
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Mass Media And Its Impact On Indian Culture
Mass media is immensely significant in the current age. These days people are reliant more on
media for the even the basic needs of their life. Individuals have rolled the world into their tiny
pockets in the form of an ambulatory media like cell phones. With the origin of globalization, our
tradition has got a huge bump, and this has led to great insecurity in our self esteem and dignity.
The concept of mass communication was coined in the early 20th century in response to the rise of
mass media of press, film, radio, and television. It linked features of social structure and change,
including the political system, to the core features of media systems. A principal place was allocated
to an expectation that mass media in this predominant form would exert great political and social
power as instruments or on their own account. Decades of communication research have been
devoted to these issues, latterly to the idea that the "demassification" of public communication media
based on new online technology have altered the relations between media and society, generally for
the better. The question remains open, and the concept reduced in scope and relevance, redefined but
not eliminated. (John Wiley and Sons, 2015)
Impact of media on Indian Culture
Let us discuss the various fields of Indian culture that has got an impact due to the media:
Family and Marriage values
The ancestors and wedding have lost their value. The youngsters are more into the world of mass
media. They are
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How Did Hinduism Impact Indian Culture
Hinduism is almost like a lifestyle in India. Hinduism has had a great societal impact on Indian
culture. One of the more interesting impacts Hinduism had on society was the position of women.
They ultimately were given a slightly higher position in society than they previously had. Hinduism
has also impacted India through the caste system. The caste system was originally created to form
a society where all people took on important roles based on their abilities. However, in later years
they became assigned based on status. Buddhism made a unique impact on India because it practiced
complete equality and rejected the caste system.
The philosophy that is the most significant in shaping China is Confucianism. Confucianism is an
important keystone
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According to Eugene M. Makar, "Traditional Indian culture is defined by relatively strict social
hierarchy." He also mentions that from an early age, children are reminded of their roles and
places in society. In my culture, family is given the first importance. This leads to limited freedom
in career choices and no independence, particularly for women. Career choices and independence
should be the first priority for any individual. In my culture, the choices made by a family member
are mostly guided by the rules and goals of the culture, irrespective of how old they are. Children in
my culture are not given freedom of choice nor are their views considered unless they start earning. I
strongly disagree with this ideology of my more content...
Since parents of a girl child have to go through all this, especially providing the dowry, female
infanticide rate is very high. Only when people of my culture come out of the loop holes of
traditions and stop blindly following them, giving importance to family makes sense.
Married women are expected to have children as soon as possible irrespective of their careers and
interests. When a woman argues for having children at right time, elders of the family, especially
mother–in–laws, don't
accept her decision. This is another issue where woman has no right to decide. Carries Friedman
in her article says, "Becoming apparent was your decision, and I am thrilled for you. All I'm asking
is that you let me make that choice in my own time. And keep your hands off my belly" (363).
Women should have the right to decide important life choices like education, choosing a life partner,
having children and careers.
Giving importance to family helps children. When the decisions taken by the parents are guided by
giving importance to family, children are given extra care. This is good to some extent. If children
are pestered often to grow up to the cultural expectations then its gets frustrating.
Children should be taught to respect their culture and should be encouraged to develop good moral
values. But if culture is used to influence their life decisions, it can have negative consequences on
children, especially teens. For example, Brahmins, one of the castes in
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The Indian Culture Essay
The Indian Culture
The Indian Culture is a very interesting culture they have a lot of different ways of living, family
relationships, foods, dress, and entertainment.
One of the great themes pervading Indian life is social interdependence. People are born into
groups–families, clans, subcastes, castes, and religious communities–and live with a constant sense
of being part of and inseparable from these groups. Social interaction is regarded as being of the
highest priority in Indian families, and social bonds are expected to be long lasting. All social
interaction involves constant attention to hierarchy, respect, honor, the feelings of others, rights and
obligations, hospitality, and gifts of food, clothing, and more content...
Loyalty to family is a deeply held ideal for almost everyone. Large families tend to be flexible and
well– suited to modern Indian life, especially for the 67 percent of Indians who are farmers or
agricultural workers or work in related activities.
Joint family is also common in cities, where kinship ties can be crucial to obtaining scarce jobs or
financial assistance. Not infrequently, clusters of relatives live very near each other, easily available
to respond to the give and take kinship obligations. Even when relatives cannot actually live in close
proximity, they typically maintain strong bonds of kinship and attempt to provide each other with
economic help, emotional support, and other benefits. Indian marriages are deemed almost necessary
in the Indian society. Arranging a marriage is the responsibility of Indian parents and other relatives
of both bride and groom. In India there is no greater event in a family than a wedding. Some parents
begin marriage arrangements on the birth of a child, but most wait until later. The brides family
usually hosts most of the ceremonies and pays for all the arrangements for large numbers of guests
for several days, including accommodation, feasting, decorations, and gifts for the groom's party.
These arrangements are often extremely elaborate and expensive and are intended to enhance the
status of the
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Ancient Indian Civilization
In the 1920s, a huge discovery in South Asia proved that Egypt and Mesopotamia were not the
only "early civilizations." In the vast Indus River plains (located in what is today Pakistan and
western India), under layers of land and mounds of dirt, archaeologists discovered the remains of a
4,600 year–old city. A thriving, urban civilization had existed at the same time as Egyptian and
Mesopotamian states – in an area twice each of their sizes. The Indian civilization is one of the most
ancient civilizations of the world. It is known as the Sindhu civilization or the Indus Valley
civilization or the Aryan civilization. Sometimes it is also referred to as the Vedic civilization.
The more content...
Climate was an ingredient in early Indian civilizations for several reasons. Monsoons, winds that
mark the seasons, are one of the most immediate. The first monsoon of the season blows from North
to Northeast periodically during November through March. Little rain is present during this
monsoon, however what precipitation does fall, it falls on the Northern slope of the Himilayas.
During mid–June through October a second monsoon indicates the 'Wet Season' – a.k.a. – the
southwest monsoon. Following the southwest monsoon, heavy rains fall in its wake (however
sparse rainfall falls on the Western Ghats, the heaviest rainfull occours over the Ganges Valley and
the Eastern Himilayan Mountains). The timing of these winds is critical; too little or too late
rainfall results in an unsuccessful harvest, yet too much or an extended period of rainfall causes
flooding along the country side. Temperatures also play a significant role in how Indian's settled the
land in anchient times. The ideal area – the Deccan plateau – had mild temperatures in the summer
opposed to the blistering heat of the Western Ghats and valleys which could climb up to
one–hundred twenty degrees farenheit.
The annual rainfall in the Indus region varies between 5 and 20 inches (125 to 500 millimeters).
Except for the mountainous section of Pakistan, the Indus valley lies in the driest part of the
subcontinent. Northwestern winds
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Essay On Indian English Literature
Introduction to Indian writing in English, inclusive of fiction: Indian English Literature is defined as
the contribution of Indian writers to the Literature in English. With the consolidation of the British
power in India, English, the language of rulers also began to exercise its influence on the
intellectuals of the country. To the educated people, English language is a gateway to western
knowledge. English provided a window for the Indian intellectuals to have a look at the wide world.
Indian English Literature is a literature which is a combination of Indian literature and Indian
literature written in English. Indian writings in English are a product of the historical encounter
between the two cultures – Indian and the western– more content...
The first book with a title Travels of Dean Mahornet was written in English by Sake Dean Mahomet.
It was published in 1793 in England. After publication of this book the English Parliament felt to
rectify and equalize some of the materialistic of the East India Com servants. The England
Parliament had approved the Charter Act. It made England responsible for the educational
betterment of the natives. The English Education Act was prompted by Thomas Babington
Macaulay's ill–famed "minute" on Indian education. It made English the medium of Indian
education system and English literature a disciplinary subject in Indian educational institutions.
Indian English Literature has matured from a sapling to a firmly rooted tree that blooms with its
entirety still awaiting its yet–to–come metamorphosis. Indians took countless events and spotlight
notable personalities to bring Indian writing in English to its contemporary fame. Indian literature in
English and its transformation had happened in company with the consolidation of British
imperialism in India. The critics come to the agreement that Indian English literature dates back to at
least the early 19th century. In its early stages, the narration was influenced by the Western art form
of the "novel". Early Indian writers made English by Indian words to communicate an experience
and understanding which was fundamentally and in essence of Indian. In the beginning acceptance
of English language and literature by upper–class Indians. First, there were the educational reforms
called forth by both the Charter Act of 1813 and the 1835 English Education Act of William
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India, Religion, Culture, And Religions In India
Culture normally revolves around knowledge of a particular group of people while encompassing
language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. India houses said people from several
thousand ethnic groups, tribes, castes, and religions that provide a rich diversity of varying cultures.
India's history dates back several centuries and can even extend into millenniums. The vast
differences in cultural diversity reflect much about India as a country as well as the people who live
there. India retains a plethora amount of religious, geographical, cultural, social, and military history
that shapes its inhabitants as well as various travelers around the globe.
Religion has been an important part of the country's culture and formation as people who settled
there have discovered various practices that became renowned today. India established four major
religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. However, Islam remains prevalent
in India since it is currently the second largest religion in the world. The most dominant religion
of India is Hinduism, which to this day is the oldest religion in the world. Roughly, 84 per cent of
India's population (total population: ~1.267 billion people) is devoted to Hinduism. India has a
known history of religious violence against Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, and Christians due to a large
number of riots stemming from as far back as 1832. One of the largest riots that occurred caused
over 8000 deaths and an unknown
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Cultural Diversity India
Cultural Diversity of India
Inherited ideas, ways of people's living, beliefs, rituals, values, habits, care, gentleness, knowledge
etc. constitutes of culture in India. India is one of the oldest civilization of the world old culture of
humanity and care is still followed by people. Culture shows the way we behave to others, how
softly we react to things, our understanding towards values, ethics, principles, and beliefs.
People of old generations pass their cultures to the coming new generation. Culture can be seen here
in everything like dance, fashion, artistry, music, behaviour, social norms, food, architecture,
dressing sense, etc. India is a big melting pot having various beliefs and behaviours which gave birth
to wide different cultures here.
"Sanskriti Mahotsava"'is a cultural diversity of India which comes under one roof for 10 days. It
is organised by Ministry of Culture to encourage youngsters to experience India, from different
parts of country the event will have around 150 cultural performances by around 400 artists. The
dances are performed for many different purposes relating to rituals, festivals and also people who
do martial arts. There are also some rare thrilling performances including aerial acts where a Delhi
girl goes as high as 25 feet.
There are fringe–folk art performances such as Behroopiyas, Kacchi Ghori and Baazigars which is
a sight to see. There are also street plays(nukkad nataks) played in total 10 which projects
social–cultural messages.
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The strength of Indian culture lies in its infinite power of assimilation, unification and expansion.
Since the inception it is growing through an over–widening process of contiguity and interchange. It
has tremendous capacity of holding diverse forms and ideologies as a single force. The axiological
nature of Indian culture maps it all– enveloping and all–encompassing. It has evolved through the
great ideals of spirituality which has become its backbone. The edifice of our culture is erected on
the strong pillars of experience, realization and inner– conversion. Here the culture is not mere outer
but comprises all the internal realizations about the mysteries of life and its blend with regular
routine which is in form of scripture is preserved and in to say in psychological terms it is being
transferred more content...
No one is greater or lesser, superior or inferior to anyone in any context. This leads Indian masses to
establish the atmosphere of religious harmony among several religious sects and faiths without
intruding anyone's line of rights and sentiments. This homogeneity of Indian civilization has tied its
people in thread of unity, despite the existence of the diversity of cast, creed, religion and traditions.
Indian scriptures announce this ambiance on global level as the concept of 'Vasudhaiv
kutumbkam' and have accepted the whole world as a one big family. Indian culture's canvas is not
limited to Indian geographical region but it has enlarged itself and embraced the entire humanity
through its principles of universal acceptance and appliance. This is the practical form of the
concept "Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam" of Maha Upnishad where it is encrypted that "it is mine and this
belongs to other; such views are kept only by the people having narrow mind and small heart,
however to the one who are kind, gentle and have a enlarged worldview, the whole earth is like
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The Indian Culture Essay examples
A culture where guests are treated as gods, family members live under the same household until
death, and have the belief that gods and spirits play the significant role in determining their life all
refer to the same topic, the Indian culture; a rich and diverse culture which is very unique in many
ways. This culture includes the qualities of various other cultures and it results into a modern and
acceptable tradition. Respecting elders, honouring heroes, cherishing love, and following traditions
make up the major components of the Indian culture and its followers. Many people believe that this
particular culture has a great impact on their everyday lives and are proud to be included in the
significant customs. In the novel, Clear more content...
When her parents died, they left her with a burden of responsibilities that involved raising the
children and taking on the role of a mother. Bim is left to take care of her smallest and mentally
challenged brother, Baba. When Baba was younger, the parents would constantly go to clubs and out
for drinks, leaving the responsibility of raising the unfortunate child to Bim. The two siblings
established a special bond with each other and trusted each other more and more each day. When
the second oldest child, Raja fell ill because of tuberculosis, Bim was accountable of helping him
regain back his normal health. Upon these responsibilities was a very important one, Bim had to
earn money for the family and she knew that it involved educating herself to become a teacher, a job
that was seemed appropriate for women.
"For all father cared, I could have grown up illiterate and cooked for my living, or swept. So I had to
teach myself history, and teach myself to teach." (155)
Since men of the house are the providers to the family, their death can have a huge impact on the
family. This terrible incident challenged Bim and the rest of the family members to live their life
without coming to a point of bankruptcy. Bim's responsibility increased when her sister, Tara
married and moved out of the house, leaving Bim with the burden of taking care of her brothers'
needs, daily chores, and paying for the rents and groceries. Responsibility can affect us and our lives
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Essay On Culture Of India

  • 1. The Socio-Cultural Analysis Of India The Socio–Cultural Analysis of India Culture is defined as "The arts, beliefs, customs, institutions, and other products of human work and thought considered as a unit, especially with regard to a particular time or social group" by American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (2011). Also, the Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (2005) defines culture as "A feature of the terrain that has been constructed by man. Included are such items as roads, buildings, and canals; boundary lines; and, in a broad sense, all names and legends on a map". In a nutshell, culture is everything that makes up the basic ways of life. Culture is comprised of five basic characteristics. Culture is learned, shared, symbolic, integrated, and dynamic (Bueno, 2012). This means that aspects of culture are spread by social interactions such as trade, language and other communication technologies. Some of the more common forms of communication technologies and language are movies, television shows, literature, arts, and local history. Symbolism is similar to the learned and shared aspects in many ways. Language, literature, and the arts are all major ways in which the symbolism of a specific culture is spread. The integration of culture is based on pattern. The specific dimensions of social life create social norms that are followed. The economy and politics are two of the more prevalent forms of social life that lead to the patterns of integration. Lastly, there is a Get more content on
  • 2. Ancient India Essay 1.A monsoon is a recurrent wind in the South and Southeast Asia. Crops prospered and easy sea travel was increased during the monsoon season. 2.Vedas were the most ancient Hindu texts, containing songs, philosophy, and ritual practices of the priests in the Vedic religion. They are also a main source of information about the Vedic period. 3.There were four classes in the Indian society, all going under the category called varna. There four major classes were called Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra. There were also the Untouchables, which were people who dealt with dead animals and humans. 4.Many regional groups within each class of varna are named jati. Members of each jati could eat, marry, and interact with others only in their jati. 5.One's karma in their past life more content... Southern Asia was inhabited by Dravidian–speaking kingdoms called the Tamil kingdoms. The three kingdoms of Cholas, Pandyas, and Cheras existed in one way or another for two thousand years. 16.The Gupta Empire was largely based off of the Mauryan Empire, such as having similar tax rates and a founder who modeled himself after the first Mauryan king. 17.A theater–state is a political state that gains power on the performance of drama and ritual. 18.In Southeast Asia, one early complex society was named Funan. This society flourished with a rich rice–growing region and control over the passageway of trade in the Malaysian isthmus. 19.Jainism is a religion in which followers practiced extremely strict nonviolence. This included wearing a mask in order to not swallow bugs, not participating in agriculture, and only eating what was offered to them. 20.Large clay mounts representing life were called stupas. They also signified the relics of the Buddha. 21.The ritual of sati was when a woman was to burn herself on her husband's funeral pyre after his death. This kept women from remarrying and kept them "pure". 22.The Deccan is a dry, rocky plateau located in Northern Get more content on
  • 3. Cultural Diversity In India CULTURAL DIVERSITY Cultures change and cultural diversity is created, maintained and lost over time. Social learning and choosing, acquiring and assimilating and rejecting information and knowledge is a necessary aspect of the formation of cultural repertoire. Human culture is the inevitable result of the way our species acquires its behaviour. Expertise in exploiting our environment, values about what matters in life are, among other things, what constitute culture. We are very adept at transmitting cultural information to others, sometimes through frank teaching but also through the constant social interaction characteristic of human life. Cultural diversity inevitably develops in the course of cultural transmission. This happens when members of the same culture and sub–culture share a large proportion of their information The diversity in India is unique. Being a large country with large population. India presents endless varieties of physical features and cultural patterns. It is the land of many languages it is only in India people professes all the major religions of the world. In short, India is "the epitome of the world". The vast population is composed of people having diverse creeds, customs and colours. Some of the important forms of diversity in India are:– 1. Diversity of Physical Features: The unique feature about India is the extreme largest mountains covered with snow throughout the year. The Himalayas or the adobe of snow is the source of the mighty Get more content on
  • 4. India 's Development And Growth Essay Background: India is one of the most popular countries in the world. Geographically, India is located at the south of the Asian continent. India's development and growth has been one of the most significant accomplishments in recent times. India neighboring countries include Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Bhutan. The size of the population in India is 1,266,883,598 and the Territorial size of the country is 3, 287, 263 sq. km (The World Factbook, 2016). The prime minister of India is known as Narendra Modi who is the leader of the majority party in Lok Sabha and is currently the head of the Council of ministers in India. India's political party that is in power right now is Bharatiya Janata Party. The Bharatiya Janata Party, was first founded by Shyama Mukherjee in 1953 with the main purpose of safeguarding the Hindu interests in India (The World Factbook, 2016). India is becoming more of an open market economy. While most emerging nations were have struggled mightily against the strong U.S. dollar and falling commodity prices, India continues to lead. The view for India's long–term growth is positive due to the staggering young population and corresponding low dependency ratio (World Factbook, 2016). For example healthy savings, investment rates, and increasing integration play a role in the global economy. India being the 4th largest economy in the world, India has bought about a landmark agricultural revolution that has changed the country Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Indian Music Indian Music The music of India is one of the oldest unspoken musical traditions in the world. The basis of for Indian music is "sangeet." Sangeet is a combination of three art forms: vocal music, instrumental music (Indian music). Indian music is base upon seven modes (scales). It is probably no coincidence that Greek music is also base upon seven modes. Furthermore, the Indian scales follow the same process of modulation (murchana) that was found in ancient Greek music. Since Greece is also Indo–European, this is another piece of evidence for the Indo–European connection (Dance and music of India). The vocal tradition is especially strong in Indian music. It is understood that the song is probably the most ancient form more content... It is linked to the Sanskrit word "ranj" which means, "to colour" (Indian music). Therefore, rag may be thought of as an acoustic method of colouring the mind of the listener with an emotion. It is not a tune, melody, scale, mode, or any concept for which an English word exists. It is instead a combination of different characteristics. It is these characteristics, which define the rag. There must be the notes of the rag. They are called the swar (Indian music). There must also be a modal structure. This is called that in North Indian music and mela in carnatic music (Carnatic music). There is also the jati. Jati is the number of notes used in the rag. There must also be the ascending and descending structure. This is called arohana/avarohana. Another characteristic is that the various notes do not have the same level of significance. Some are important and others less so. The important notes are called vadi and samavadi (Indian music). There are often characteristic movements to the rag. This is called either pakad (Indian music). The Indian rhythm is known as tal. Tal means "clap". The tabla (Indian drum instrument) has replaced the clap in the performance, but the term still reflects the origin. The basic concepts of tal are tali, Khali,vibhag, matra, bol, theka, lay, sam, and avartan. Tali are a pattern of clapping. In addition to the claps, there are also a number of Get more content on
  • 6. Cultural Impact of Hinduism in India Essay Cultural Impact of Hinduism in India Huge population, pollution, peace, snakes, saris, dance, curry, and religion are probably the most popular words that come up when we think about India. India is a well–known country. Although it is a relatively poor country, it has a rich and diverse culture. India is populated by approximately 953 million people. It has been a home for many religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Islam and Christianity. The first four mentioned above originated in India (Finegan 151). Seventy percent of the populations are Hindus. In fact, Hinduism is the oldest and third largest religion in the world. Hinduism has deeply influenced Indian society, for several reasons: it has a long history more content... Hindus believe that one's kharma can determine how one's next life will be. Kharma literally means labor. It means the sum of what one does in life, both the good deeds and bad deeds. Hinduism has been in India forever. Nobody knows exactly how this religion started. P.N. Chopra notes in his Religions and Communities of India that India is a hallowed and sacred land for Hindus (17). It has been in India for thousands of years. It started somewhere between 4000 and 2200 BCE, in the civilization of the Indus Valley. In one of the places where the civilization of the world started, the Mahenjo–Daro and Harappa, which was laid along the Indus valley gave so many evidences about the existence of this religion. The archeologists have found the three–faced god on the Indus seal is similar to the god Siva that is very foremost in Hinduism until today (Finegan 49). They also found some metal sculptures from the pre–Harappa era that show their worship to gods and goddess. Hinduism is an old religion and nobody is sure about when it exactly started, and it does not hold one specific person to be its founder. The long history of Hinduism in India makes it really rooted in India. Even Sharma states that if Hinduism is look like natural and very old, it is because of the age that may be older than civilization (36). The long history of Hinduism in India has been effecting its strength. Although there were Get more content on
  • 7. Indian Culture And Its Impact On Society India is country known all over the world for its culture and tradition. It is a land with various cultures and traditions which are as vast as the subcontinent upon which they are located. This essay will focus on the Indian culture and highlight the different beliefs that Indians have on life processes. The essay will show the different methods Indians use to stay healthy and how the Indian culture can determine how healthcare services are provided to the people. India is a nation of many different individuals, each with their own beliefs and way of life. The different beliefs that are held by these people and the traditions they follow can have a significant impact on how they view modern healthcare. The beliefs and moral values which are a part of human nature can have positive impacts on an individual, but can also bind them and cause negative impacts on mental and physical health (Worthington & Gogne, 2011). It is necessary for health professionals to be aware of the cultural beliefs and influences so that they can effectively provide healthcare services. A lack of cultural competence in care leads to poor patient outcomes, low compliance, and higher disparities regardless of the services and systems available ("Diversity & Cultural Competency in Health Care Settings"). Depending on an individual's culture, the way in which one perceives life processes differs greatly. For Indians their culture plays a large role in how they perceive these things. Being a nation with Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Geography of India I would like to present to you the country of India. A country one–third the area of the United States (total land mass is 2,973,190 sq. kilometers) borders China on the northeast, Pakistan on the west, Nepal and Blutan to the north, and Burma and Bangladesh to the east. It is divided into three categorical geographic regions: the Gangetic Plain, the plateau region in the south, the Himalayan region in the north, which contains some of the highest mountains in the world and a central part. India has a population of 1,027,015,247 than speaks a whopping seventeen different languages. India has several religions but six major religions are Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhism, and more content... An estimated 750 million people live on the areas around the Himalaya rivers, which includes Bangladesh. Vegetation across the range varies with climate and altitude. The lower regions show a forest that contains shrubery, plants, and trees that tend to fall off due to winter seasons. In the higher region of the Himalaya's lies a vegetation area that consisted of temperate forests, conifers, and tundra. The Himalaya's are topped off with the snow–line in which whatever lies above is covered in snow year round. Also on the eastern side evergreen rainforests can be sighted. The Himalaya's have a profound impact on the climate especially to the Tibetan plateau and Indian subcontinent. It prevents "frigid, dry Arctic winds from blowing south into the subcontinent, which keeps South Asia much warmer than corresponding temperate regions in the other continents. It also forms a barrier for the monsoon winds, keeping them from traveling northwards, and causing heavy rainfall in the Terai region"(Himalaya). An example of the impact the mountain range gives to the population is that is a natural barrier to the movement of people for a long time. It has prevented people from China and Mongolia to meet those from the Indian subcontinent and "caused a significant difference in languages and customs between these regions. The Himalaya has also hindered trade routes and prevented military expeditions across its expanse"(Himalaya). Get more content on
  • 9. Culture And Heritage Of Indian Food Culture and heritage plays a role in my eating habits because the food that comes from my culture and heritage is what I have grown up eating and enjoying at the same time. Indian food is the first food I was introduced to and I really cherish the food that my culture and heritage carries. I come from an Indian background so the popular foods that are associated with my culture are not known to be very healthy for a human being trying to maintain a certain diet. Indian food contains a lot of oil and ingredients of that nature and foods such as biryani,nihari and chicken tikka masala contain a lot of clarified butter, which is pure fat, so Indian dishes are usually very fatty but there are many recipes that are much healthier versions of Indian dishes which are not very popular. Indian foods that are good for you are sambar dal, spinach curry, and raita. My parent's place of birth which is Hyderabad,India also plays a role in my eating choices because the food they grew up eating is what they passed on to me which is not very healthy but if you choose to change up your dishes than it can be healthy. My parents also grew up in the sixty's and seventy's generation which is when they ate these certain foods as well. The religion I choose to follow does not play a role in my eating habits because I am a catholic Christian with strong beliefs in Jesus Christ and there are not strict rules as to what a person eats in my religion except on easter when the people of my religion do Get more content on
  • 10. Hofstede Dimensions on India Geert Hofstedeв„ў Cultural Dimensions * Average Hofstede Dimensions of all counties surveyed Power Distance Index (PDI) that is the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. This represents inequality (more versus less), but defined from below, not from above. It suggests that a society 's level of inequality is endorsed by the followers as much as by the leaders. Power and inequality, of course, are extremely fundamental facts of any society and anybody with some international experience will be aware that 'all societies are unequal, but some are more unequal than others '. Individualism (IDV) on the one side versus more content... Geert Hofstedeв„ў Cultural Dimensions of India & its analysis with respect to today's business environment Power Distance Index (PDI) – Power Distance Index PDI (India 77 vs. World Average 56.5) India has Power Distance (PDI) as the highest Hofstede Dimension for the culture, with a ranking of 77 compared to a world average of 56.5. This Power Distance score for India indicates a high level of inequality of power and wealth within the society. This condition is not necessarily subverted upon the population, but rather accepted by the population as a cultural norm. The Hofstede analysis for India suggests a large power distance society and all other measures are relatively moderate. This would be indicative of the fact that India is in the midst of change. The traditional caste systems has been outlawed, however the large power distance score indicates that the attitudes still remain This Power Distance score for India indicates a high level of inequality of power and wealth within the society. This condition is not necessarily subverted upon the population, but rather accepted by the population as a cultural norm. In India, social hierarchies are very much in place and even at work it is not easy to be friendly with one's boss in most organizations. Calling one's boss by his first name is rare in India. In fact abuse by seniors is Get more content on
  • 11. Mass Media And Its Impact On Indian Culture Mass media is immensely significant in the current age. These days people are reliant more on media for the even the basic needs of their life. Individuals have rolled the world into their tiny pockets in the form of an ambulatory media like cell phones. With the origin of globalization, our tradition has got a huge bump, and this has led to great insecurity in our self esteem and dignity. The concept of mass communication was coined in the early 20th century in response to the rise of mass media of press, film, radio, and television. It linked features of social structure and change, including the political system, to the core features of media systems. A principal place was allocated to an expectation that mass media in this predominant form would exert great political and social power as instruments or on their own account. Decades of communication research have been devoted to these issues, latterly to the idea that the "demassification" of public communication media based on new online technology have altered the relations between media and society, generally for the better. The question remains open, and the concept reduced in scope and relevance, redefined but not eliminated. (John Wiley and Sons, 2015) Impact of media on Indian Culture Let us discuss the various fields of Indian culture that has got an impact due to the media: Family and Marriage values The ancestors and wedding have lost their value. The youngsters are more into the world of mass media. They are Get more content on
  • 12. How Did Hinduism Impact Indian Culture Hinduism is almost like a lifestyle in India. Hinduism has had a great societal impact on Indian culture. One of the more interesting impacts Hinduism had on society was the position of women. They ultimately were given a slightly higher position in society than they previously had. Hinduism has also impacted India through the caste system. The caste system was originally created to form a society where all people took on important roles based on their abilities. However, in later years they became assigned based on status. Buddhism made a unique impact on India because it practiced complete equality and rejected the caste system. The philosophy that is the most significant in shaping China is Confucianism. Confucianism is an important keystone Get more content on
  • 13. According to Eugene M. Makar, "Traditional Indian culture is defined by relatively strict social hierarchy." He also mentions that from an early age, children are reminded of their roles and places in society. In my culture, family is given the first importance. This leads to limited freedom in career choices and no independence, particularly for women. Career choices and independence should be the first priority for any individual. In my culture, the choices made by a family member are mostly guided by the rules and goals of the culture, irrespective of how old they are. Children in my culture are not given freedom of choice nor are their views considered unless they start earning. I strongly disagree with this ideology of my more content... Since parents of a girl child have to go through all this, especially providing the dowry, female infanticide rate is very high. Only when people of my culture come out of the loop holes of traditions and stop blindly following them, giving importance to family makes sense. Married women are expected to have children as soon as possible irrespective of their careers and interests. When a woman argues for having children at right time, elders of the family, especially mother–in–laws, don't accept her decision. This is another issue where woman has no right to decide. Carries Friedman in her article says, "Becoming apparent was your decision, and I am thrilled for you. All I'm asking is that you let me make that choice in my own time. And keep your hands off my belly" (363). Women should have the right to decide important life choices like education, choosing a life partner, having children and careers. Giving importance to family helps children. When the decisions taken by the parents are guided by giving importance to family, children are given extra care. This is good to some extent. If children are pestered often to grow up to the cultural expectations then its gets frustrating. Children should be taught to respect their culture and should be encouraged to develop good moral values. But if culture is used to influence their life decisions, it can have negative consequences on children, especially teens. For example, Brahmins, one of the castes in Get more content on
  • 14. The Indian Culture Essay The Indian Culture The Indian Culture is a very interesting culture they have a lot of different ways of living, family relationships, foods, dress, and entertainment. One of the great themes pervading Indian life is social interdependence. People are born into groups–families, clans, subcastes, castes, and religious communities–and live with a constant sense of being part of and inseparable from these groups. Social interaction is regarded as being of the highest priority in Indian families, and social bonds are expected to be long lasting. All social interaction involves constant attention to hierarchy, respect, honor, the feelings of others, rights and obligations, hospitality, and gifts of food, clothing, and more content... Loyalty to family is a deeply held ideal for almost everyone. Large families tend to be flexible and well– suited to modern Indian life, especially for the 67 percent of Indians who are farmers or agricultural workers or work in related activities. Joint family is also common in cities, where kinship ties can be crucial to obtaining scarce jobs or financial assistance. Not infrequently, clusters of relatives live very near each other, easily available to respond to the give and take kinship obligations. Even when relatives cannot actually live in close proximity, they typically maintain strong bonds of kinship and attempt to provide each other with economic help, emotional support, and other benefits. Indian marriages are deemed almost necessary in the Indian society. Arranging a marriage is the responsibility of Indian parents and other relatives of both bride and groom. In India there is no greater event in a family than a wedding. Some parents begin marriage arrangements on the birth of a child, but most wait until later. The brides family usually hosts most of the ceremonies and pays for all the arrangements for large numbers of guests for several days, including accommodation, feasting, decorations, and gifts for the groom's party. These arrangements are often extremely elaborate and expensive and are intended to enhance the status of the Get more content on
  • 15. Ancient Indian Civilization ANCIENT INDIAN CIVILIZATION INTRODUCTION In the 1920s, a huge discovery in South Asia proved that Egypt and Mesopotamia were not the only "early civilizations." In the vast Indus River plains (located in what is today Pakistan and western India), under layers of land and mounds of dirt, archaeologists discovered the remains of a 4,600 year–old city. A thriving, urban civilization had existed at the same time as Egyptian and Mesopotamian states – in an area twice each of their sizes. The Indian civilization is one of the most ancient civilizations of the world. It is known as the Sindhu civilization or the Indus Valley civilization or the Aryan civilization. Sometimes it is also referred to as the Vedic civilization. The more content... CLIMATE Climate was an ingredient in early Indian civilizations for several reasons. Monsoons, winds that mark the seasons, are one of the most immediate. The first monsoon of the season blows from North to Northeast periodically during November through March. Little rain is present during this monsoon, however what precipitation does fall, it falls on the Northern slope of the Himilayas. During mid–June through October a second monsoon indicates the 'Wet Season' – a.k.a. – the southwest monsoon. Following the southwest monsoon, heavy rains fall in its wake (however sparse rainfall falls on the Western Ghats, the heaviest rainfull occours over the Ganges Valley and the Eastern Himilayan Mountains). The timing of these winds is critical; too little or too late rainfall results in an unsuccessful harvest, yet too much or an extended period of rainfall causes flooding along the country side. Temperatures also play a significant role in how Indian's settled the land in anchient times. The ideal area – the Deccan plateau – had mild temperatures in the summer opposed to the blistering heat of the Western Ghats and valleys which could climb up to one–hundred twenty degrees farenheit. The annual rainfall in the Indus region varies between 5 and 20 inches (125 to 500 millimeters). Except for the mountainous section of Pakistan, the Indus valley lies in the driest part of the subcontinent. Northwestern winds Get more content on
  • 16. Essay On Indian English Literature Introduction to Indian writing in English, inclusive of fiction: Indian English Literature is defined as the contribution of Indian writers to the Literature in English. With the consolidation of the British power in India, English, the language of rulers also began to exercise its influence on the intellectuals of the country. To the educated people, English language is a gateway to western knowledge. English provided a window for the Indian intellectuals to have a look at the wide world. Indian English Literature is a literature which is a combination of Indian literature and Indian literature written in English. Indian writings in English are a product of the historical encounter between the two cultures – Indian and the western– more content... The first book with a title Travels of Dean Mahornet was written in English by Sake Dean Mahomet. It was published in 1793 in England. After publication of this book the English Parliament felt to rectify and equalize some of the materialistic of the East India Com servants. The England Parliament had approved the Charter Act. It made England responsible for the educational betterment of the natives. The English Education Act was prompted by Thomas Babington Macaulay's ill–famed "minute" on Indian education. It made English the medium of Indian education system and English literature a disciplinary subject in Indian educational institutions. Indian English Literature has matured from a sapling to a firmly rooted tree that blooms with its entirety still awaiting its yet–to–come metamorphosis. Indians took countless events and spotlight notable personalities to bring Indian writing in English to its contemporary fame. Indian literature in English and its transformation had happened in company with the consolidation of British imperialism in India. The critics come to the agreement that Indian English literature dates back to at least the early 19th century. In its early stages, the narration was influenced by the Western art form of the "novel". Early Indian writers made English by Indian words to communicate an experience and understanding which was fundamentally and in essence of Indian. In the beginning acceptance of English language and literature by upper–class Indians. First, there were the educational reforms called forth by both the Charter Act of 1813 and the 1835 English Education Act of William Get more content on
  • 17. India, Religion, Culture, And Religions In India Culture normally revolves around knowledge of a particular group of people while encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. India houses said people from several thousand ethnic groups, tribes, castes, and religions that provide a rich diversity of varying cultures. India's history dates back several centuries and can even extend into millenniums. The vast differences in cultural diversity reflect much about India as a country as well as the people who live there. India retains a plethora amount of religious, geographical, cultural, social, and military history that shapes its inhabitants as well as various travelers around the globe. Religion has been an important part of the country's culture and formation as people who settled there have discovered various practices that became renowned today. India established four major religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. However, Islam remains prevalent in India since it is currently the second largest religion in the world. The most dominant religion of India is Hinduism, which to this day is the oldest religion in the world. Roughly, 84 per cent of India's population (total population: ~1.267 billion people) is devoted to Hinduism. India has a known history of religious violence against Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, and Christians due to a large number of riots stemming from as far back as 1832. One of the largest riots that occurred caused over 8000 deaths and an unknown Get more content on
  • 18. Cultural Diversity India Cultural Diversity of India Inherited ideas, ways of people's living, beliefs, rituals, values, habits, care, gentleness, knowledge etc. constitutes of culture in India. India is one of the oldest civilization of the world old culture of humanity and care is still followed by people. Culture shows the way we behave to others, how softly we react to things, our understanding towards values, ethics, principles, and beliefs. People of old generations pass their cultures to the coming new generation. Culture can be seen here in everything like dance, fashion, artistry, music, behaviour, social norms, food, architecture, dressing sense, etc. India is a big melting pot having various beliefs and behaviours which gave birth to wide different cultures here. "Sanskriti Mahotsava"'is a cultural diversity of India which comes under one roof for 10 days. It is organised by Ministry of Culture to encourage youngsters to experience India, from different parts of country the event will have around 150 cultural performances by around 400 artists. The dances are performed for many different purposes relating to rituals, festivals and also people who do martial arts. There are also some rare thrilling performances including aerial acts where a Delhi girl goes as high as 25 feet. There are fringe–folk art performances such as Behroopiyas, Kacchi Ghori and Baazigars which is a sight to see. There are also street plays(nukkad nataks) played in total 10 which projects social–cultural messages. Get more content on
  • 19. The strength of Indian culture lies in its infinite power of assimilation, unification and expansion. Since the inception it is growing through an over–widening process of contiguity and interchange. It has tremendous capacity of holding diverse forms and ideologies as a single force. The axiological nature of Indian culture maps it all– enveloping and all–encompassing. It has evolved through the great ideals of spirituality which has become its backbone. The edifice of our culture is erected on the strong pillars of experience, realization and inner– conversion. Here the culture is not mere outer but comprises all the internal realizations about the mysteries of life and its blend with regular routine which is in form of scripture is preserved and in to say in psychological terms it is being transferred more content... No one is greater or lesser, superior or inferior to anyone in any context. This leads Indian masses to establish the atmosphere of religious harmony among several religious sects and faiths without intruding anyone's line of rights and sentiments. This homogeneity of Indian civilization has tied its people in thread of unity, despite the existence of the diversity of cast, creed, religion and traditions. Indian scriptures announce this ambiance on global level as the concept of 'Vasudhaiv kutumbkam' and have accepted the whole world as a one big family. Indian culture's canvas is not limited to Indian geographical region but it has enlarged itself and embraced the entire humanity through its principles of universal acceptance and appliance. This is the practical form of the concept "Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam" of Maha Upnishad where it is encrypted that "it is mine and this belongs to other; such views are kept only by the people having narrow mind and small heart, however to the one who are kind, gentle and have a enlarged worldview, the whole earth is like family". Get more content on
  • 20. The Indian Culture Essay examples A culture where guests are treated as gods, family members live under the same household until death, and have the belief that gods and spirits play the significant role in determining their life all refer to the same topic, the Indian culture; a rich and diverse culture which is very unique in many ways. This culture includes the qualities of various other cultures and it results into a modern and acceptable tradition. Respecting elders, honouring heroes, cherishing love, and following traditions make up the major components of the Indian culture and its followers. Many people believe that this particular culture has a great impact on their everyday lives and are proud to be included in the significant customs. In the novel, Clear more content... When her parents died, they left her with a burden of responsibilities that involved raising the children and taking on the role of a mother. Bim is left to take care of her smallest and mentally challenged brother, Baba. When Baba was younger, the parents would constantly go to clubs and out for drinks, leaving the responsibility of raising the unfortunate child to Bim. The two siblings established a special bond with each other and trusted each other more and more each day. When the second oldest child, Raja fell ill because of tuberculosis, Bim was accountable of helping him regain back his normal health. Upon these responsibilities was a very important one, Bim had to earn money for the family and she knew that it involved educating herself to become a teacher, a job that was seemed appropriate for women. "For all father cared, I could have grown up illiterate and cooked for my living, or swept. So I had to teach myself history, and teach myself to teach." (155) Since men of the house are the providers to the family, their death can have a huge impact on the family. This terrible incident challenged Bim and the rest of the family members to live their life without coming to a point of bankruptcy. Bim's responsibility increased when her sister, Tara married and moved out of the house, leaving Bim with the burden of taking care of her brothers' needs, daily chores, and paying for the rents and groceries. Responsibility can affect us and our lives Get more content on