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Essay On Conservation Of Natural Resources
Crafting an essay on the conservation of natural resources is undoubtedly a challenging
endeavor. It requires a comprehensive understanding of environmental science, sustainability
principles, and the intricate balance that exists within ecosystems. Delving into the topic
necessitates extensive research to grasp the current state of natural resources, the threats they
face, and the various conservation efforts in place.
One must navigate through a sea of data, studies, and scientific literature to gather relevant and
up-to-date information. Synthesizing this information into a coherent and engaging narrative
demands both analytical skills and creativity. Addressing the complexities of human impact on
the environment, exploring the consequences of resource depletion, and proposing viable
conservation strategies require a nuanced and well-thought-out approach.
Furthermore, a successful essay on this topic demands the ability to communicate complex ideas
in a manner that is accessible to a broad audience. Striking the right balance between scientific
accuracy and readability is a delicate task. Additionally, incorporating a variety of perspectives
– be they economic, social, or cultural – adds layers of complexity to the writing process.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on the conservation of natural resources is not for the faint of
heart. It requires a blend of research skills, critical thinking, and effective communication.
However, by rising to the challenge, one has the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the
discourse surrounding environmental conservation.
If you find yourself overwhelmed with such a task or need assistance with similar essays, a
resource like can provide the support you need. Professional writers can help
you navigate the complexities of environmental topics and produce well-crafted essays tailored
to your specific requirements.
Essay On Conservation Of Natural Resources Essay On Conservation Of Natural Resources
Mary Queen Of Scots
Mary Stuart is a play based off of the reign of Queen Elizabeth and her actions
towards Mary Queen of Scots. Mary was attempting to overthrow Queen Elizabeth.
Elizabeth was reluctant to have Mary executed because she knew that there were still
supporters of Mary who may rebel. Eventually, the Queen has Mary executed to
ensure her security but in the end she ended up alone after banishing many of her
closest members of her inner circle. There were many moments throughout the play
that I felt connected to the character of Mary Queen of Scots. A moment when I
connected with Mary was when she was freed to meet Elizabeth. I connected with the
scene because of the genuine joy and emotion that the actor portrayed. While there
were many scenes
Congress Rule 1937
Government of India Act, 1935:
The Government of India Act, 1935 was formulated after long deliberations but was
not fully promulgated but the only provincial part was introduced in the country, the
central part was not introduced. The British govt deliberated on it and then the British
parliament passed this law and then the king signed this law and this became the govt
of India Act of 1935, under which the elections of 1937 would be held elections
were held. The Muslim League criticized this law for a number of reasons and the
same was the case with the Congress party but agreed to contest provincial elections
to make advantage of the opportunities being provided under the govt of India Act.
The 1937 Elections:
Provincial elections were ... Show more content on ...
The Congress won 18 seats and the Akali Dal, 10.[8] In Bengal, though the
Congress was the largest party (with 52 seats), The Krishak Praja Party of A. K.
Fazlul Huq(with 36 seats) was able to form a coalition government.
[edit]The Muslim League
The election results were a blow to the League. After the election,Muhammad Ali
Jinnah of the League offered to form coalitions with the Congress. The League
insisted that the Congress should not nominate any Muslims to the ministries, as it
(the League) claimed to be the exclusive representative of Indian Muslims. This was
not acceptable to the Congress, and it declined the League s offer.
Projection of Congress:
The Congress projected itself as an all India force representing all religions and
factions of the society. The Muslim League contested for the Muslim seats. The ML
focused only on the Muslims because it claimed to be the sole representative of the
Muslims. There was a tough competition from the other Muslim organizations in
different provinces which were also claiming to be the representatives of the
Muslims. In this way the ML was not only competing with the Congress only but
with a number of other Muslim groups and political parties at the provincial level.
The elections were completed in February 1937. And if we look at the results of
these elections we
Walden By Henry David Thoreau
Walden by Henry David Thoreau
The book Walden by Henry David Thoreau was published in 1854. The book is a
detailed critique of how modern man is living his life. This life is not fulfilling as
people are too busy chasing material items that really do not add value to their
lives. The main theme in this excerpt is simplicity. When you live a simple life you
get to have the opportunity and the time to enjoy life s precious pleasures. Life
becomes more fulfilling if it is lived in this manner. Henry David Thoreau wrote the
book while living in isolation in a cabin near Walden Pond. The author has been
described as being one of the greatest transcendentalists to ever live.
He chose to live in the woods in isolation because he wanted to live
A Brief Note On Unemployment And Its Effects On The
Unemployment Deferment 12 months per Request (interest accrues monthly)
maximum number allowed: up to 36 months/life of the loan. The Borrower has to
submit evidence of receiving unemployment benefits/verify employment agency
enrollment/show proof of previously granted Unemployment Deferment through
another servicer.
Economic Hardship Deferment 12 months per Request (interest does not accrue)
maximum number of months allowed: up to 36 months/life of the loan. The Borrower
has to submit evidence of receiving state/federal assistance (SNAP, SSI, Medicaid
/Medicare, TANF), working full time and under 150% of the PovertyLine, monthly
Federal loan payments cause Hardship , proof of Economic Hardship with another
servicer, volunteer in the Peace Corps.
Mandatory Forbearance 6 months per Request (interest accrues monthly) maximum
number of months allowed: up to 36 month/life of the loan. The Borrower has to
submit proof of taxable income/total monthly income/total amount of monthly
payments on each Title IV loans through statements, tax returns, check stubs, etc.
Forbearance can be back dated if the account is past due, but cannot be applied if the
account has $0.00 in principal due.
General Forbearance 6 months per Request (interest accrues monthly) maximum
number of months allowed: up to 36 months/life of the loan. The Borrower has to
submit a reason for the forbearance request, example; financial difficulties/change in
employment/medical expenses/other
A Report On The Resin Based Adhesives
Summary The Aracuo mill in Sault Ste Marie manufactures a range of medium
density fibreboard (MDF) composite panels as well as a wide selection of thermally
fused laminates (Arauco, 2016). The resin based adhesives used in the manufacturing
process of these materials create a source for airborne formaldehyde in the workplace.
This presents a substantial health concern for workers in the Sault Ste. Marie Facility.
Subsequently, routine air sampling is conducted to ensure safe working conditions.
At present the Arauco Sault Ste. Marie facility maintains an air sampling program
using the NIOSH 2016, Issue 2 method. While the current program is cost effective it
has numerous limitations, such as limited sampling locations and infrequent
collection of data. It is recommended that the Arauco Sault Ste. Marie facility
consider implementing a more comprehensive air sampling program. While this
would likely increase program costs, changes to the air sampling approach would
remove sampler error, greatly increase the quantity of data collected, and extend
sampling locations throughout the facility. Implementation of some or all of these
recommendations would greatly increase the comprehensiveness of the air sampling
program. 1.0 Introduction Arauco manufactures a range of sustainable wood products
including the industry s most comprehensive selection of composite panels, premium
plywood, millwork, lumber, and wood pulp (Arauco, 2016). Founded in 1971,
Arauco has grown from a pulp
The Application Of Nuclear Technology
Narek Stepanian
Ms. Klock
English 2H
9 May2016
The Application of Nuclear Technology
Nuclear technology has been around for approximately a century and has provided a
multitude of benefits that continuously make the world a better place. Nuclear power
plants, for one, are a relatively safe and clean alternative to today s most commonly
used coal and gas plants. Other applications of Nuclear technology in pesticides and
fertilizer could theoretically multiply agricultural production by inconceivable
numbers. Nuclear technology could also be used in medicine to treat and diagnose
illnesses such as cancer. Despite its positive implications, nuclear technology could
potentially cause harm to ecosystems in the form of radiation. Regardless of this
trivial danger, nuclear technology is truly great and has always been so since the day
it was first discovered.
The capacity for nuclear technology was first discovered in the year 1939 by
scientists Hahn and Strassmann. They found that when a radioactive element
decayed in the form of fission it released tremendous amounts of energy ( Outline
History of... 1). Fission is the term used to refer to the splitting of an atom into two
smaller atoms. To be exact, Hahn and Strassman deduced that twelve kilograms of
Uranium which is a radioactive element had the same capacity as eighteen hundred
tons of TNT ( Brief History of Nuclear... 1). This magnitude of power was used
predominantly in weapons manufacturing during WWII and the
Belongings In Storage Unit Essay
If you plan on putting some belongings in storage this summer, the last thing you
want are bugs and rodents getting into your things. If you take the three
precautionary steps listed below, you should be able to keep your belongings safe
and your storage unit bug and rodent free.
Tip #1: Clean Out Your StorageUnit
Before you start to move your belongings into your storage unit, take an hour or so
and clean it out. If your storage unit is located outside, see if you can use a pressure
washer to remove any dirt, dust and debris that is inside of the unit.
If you cannot use a pressure washer, then use a vacuum to clean out your storage
unit. Make sure you use an attachment to clean the walls, and make sure you get into
the corners of your unit as well. You may want to use a broom to... Show more
content on ...
Tip #2: Clean All Of Your Belongings
Bugs and rodents are generally attracted to storage units when people store items that
are dirty inside of their unit. Even a tiny grease stain could attract a little critter that is
If you are storing clothes in your unit, wash and dry everything before you box it
up. If you are storing shoes, use a wet rag to wipe them down and remove any dirt
from the sides and bottom of your shoes.
If you are storing furniture or appliances, use a vacuum to clean them off. Then use
the appropriate cleaning products to wipe them down.
If you don t have to, try to avoid storing food in your storage unit. Even when you
take every precaution with food, something could explode or spill without your
knowledge. Spilled food is the easiest way to invite critters into your storage unit.
Tip #3: Set Out Traps
To really protect your belongings, you should set up some traps. Even if you clean
out your storage unit and clean all of your belongings before you put them in storage,
something could slip by, which is where traps come in
Factors That Regulate Expression Of Stress Responsive...
Science I Term Paper
The research paper that this term paper is based on is Interactions Among Plant
Transcription Factors Regulating Expression of Stress responsive Genes, Sony
Malhotra and R. Sowdhamini, National Center for Biological Sciences, June 2014,
Bioinformatics and Biology Insights.
Plants are known to respond to abiotic stress by up or down regulating their genes.
This is done by activating transcription factors. It is known that these transcription
factors, though they have DNA binding domains, interact amongst each other for the
regulation of gene production. In order to find out which transcription factors interact
and how, the research uses genetic and molecular structure information available in
databases and computationally analyses the data. The factors that lead to the
conclusion of interaction between transcription factors includes spatial proximity and
possible interaction poses. Molecular docking is used to predict the interaction poses
and DockScore is a scoring system used to rank the interaction poses.
Plants are immobile and therefore need mechanisms to counteract stresses that they
face from their environment. Cold, high light, drought, salinity, abscisic acid,
rehydration and combination of stresses like cold drought salt stress are common
abiotic stresses that plants encounter. In order to deal with these stresses, plants either
up regulate or down regulate their genes; that is, they increase the production of
Engl 105 Essay
Planning Log Colonnade Hotel and Resort
Communication Problem:
As the Director of Franchise Properties, this communication needs to advise Penny
Hyatt, the CEO of Colonnade Hotel and Resort, and the corporatate level, on how to
revise the overbooking policy and some suggestions on how to address the negative
attitude toward Colonnade properties in general . Discussing the matter in person
with Penny would be the best way to convey this information, but since that is not
possible, I must write her a memo that documents the problem and provides possible
suggestions for solving the problem.
Reader Analysis:
Who is my primary reader(s)? Penny Hyatt
Who is my secondary reader(s)? The secondary readers will be the people ... Show
more content on ...
Am I trying to inform the reader? If so, what information do I want the reader to
have? I am trying to inform her how serious the situation is and let her take any
actions as soon as she can in order to boost their reputation.
Am I trying to persuade the reader? If so, what do I want the reader to think or do?
I also have to persuade Penny that the situation is serious and that she needs to
address the problem as soon as possible. In addition, I have to convince her to read
the memo in the first place.
Am I trying to make a recommendation? Yes, I will recommend various solutions
regarding their overbooking policy and suggestions to address the negative attitude.
With your purpose(s) and reader(s) firmly in mind, respond to the following:
Statement of Point
In a brief statement, what is the most important piece of information in this document.
The company needs to contact Kevin Ward right away and apologize to his family.
Description of Content
What are the key points that need to be emphasized in this document?
Which points are major ones and which are minor?
Major points:
must contact Mr. Ward right away and apologize for the incident.
suggestions on how to revise the overooking policy.
recommendations on how to address the negatice attitude toward Colonnade
Minor points:
having a meeting with the
The Worm in the Apple
The worm in the apple John Cheever is an American novelist, who gained his
popularity as a short story writer, for which he was awarded with Pulitzer prize for
fiction. His work mostly deal with the duality oh human nature corroborated by
cultural and psychological background. And his short story titled The worm in the
apple is not an exclusion. The story unfolds very smoothly and evenly in spite of of
the stirring and at the same time troubling subject of the matter. We get acquainted
with the main characters The Crutchman family so very very happy and so temperate
in all their habits and so pleased with everything that came their way , due to the
anaphoric repetition the author creates intensification, that states the problem ... Show
more content on ...
For everybody the Crutchman s family apple is perfect, but inside, it is repellent.
With the help of the atmosphere the author shows his own discourse about the
problem for him this family s way of life is ridiculous and absurd. He dwells upon it
with tongue in cheek. It seems that characters are everywhere but not in their family
just because they know and understand the despair and ruefulness of their little
family theater. One more theme is relationships between parents and children. And
one more time we see the worm: the mother who loves one child more than the other
one, the mother who is jealous of her own daughter. And that of course cannot but
contributes to Rachel s and Tom s future lives. Having condemned her own life,
Helen does the same about their children s ones. Speaking about the language, it
contributes to the whole effect of the story. It opens with the sentence that sounds
like a contradiction the Crutchmans are so happy that everyone necessarily believed
that they are not. It is impossible not to notice the irony of Cheever they are so so
so very happy. This usage of numerous adjectives makes the story emotional and
intense. Cheever creates the increase of tension by long sentences (he was at the
communion rail, the fifty yard line). Many of them are 4 5 lines. But for slatting the
problem the author uses simple short rhetorical questions. There aren t many
stylistics devices in the text and the title of the story is maybe, the main
The Evolution of Commercials, Toyota Prius
In today s advertisements many different techniques are used to grab the attention of
the audience. Ads in the newspaper and in magazines may seem bland to some
readers. Large corporate tycoons tend to adhere to the use of television as the ideal
form of communication. Psychologically, bright colors, motion, and sounds help to
catch your attention and keep you alert on the product. Whether positive or negative,
the commercial most likely has an impact on your view of the product. Marketing in
commercials always targets a specific audience to purchase that service or product.
Automobile advertisements have had some of the most creative and unique cinematic
graphics. In one of the first ever hybrid vehiclecommercials in 2004, the Toyota...
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This gives the introduction of the car a heightened sense of suspense. People may be
asking what could this engineering feat possibly be? The narrator introduces the car
very straight forward and includes the most important details only: fuel efficiency,
and performance. The tone of the man speaking is very businessman like using
intelligent words and a calm yet attention demanding voice. He ends off the
commercial with a twist on a famous quote, One small step on the accelerator, one
giant step for mankind, A quote that makes the car seem like a milestone as great as
landing on the moon. Without a doubt, the commercials both convey a completely
different feeling yet they both have the ability to include the same general aspects of
the automobile.
The images provided throughout the Toyota s commercials are what, I think,
captivates the audience most. The 2004 commercial on one hand has a play on
words that is imbedded in the motion picture. The narrator says that in our society
we have been moving, just not forward. This shows in the commercial because
every mode of transportation shown (a train, walking, driving, etc.) is literally
moving in place. The people are moving their legs but not moving distance, likewise
the cars wheels are turning, yet the car has no forward motion. Cleverly, the
commercial catches the eye of the audience and tries to invoke an epiphany: Why am
I driving
Personal Values In The Medical Field
Choose five character or personal values that you feel are the most important and
write a one page document. Explain why each one is important and make at least
two strong points for each. Our Character and personal valves comes from our
moral valves, which we learn from our family, friends, religion and influential
groups. Integrity is defined by our honest and trustworthy actions. It is our values,
expectations, strong moral principles and outcomes that we should use in daily. It is
a concept that we should include in our professional as well as our private lives.
Policy and procedures are set up to protect the Physician, employee and the patients.
Ignoring these policies or taking short cuts can lead to mistakes, causing
noncompliance issues. An employer expects his/her employee to work... Show more
content on ...
We should all use respect as a building block when building relationships with our
peers, physicians and patients. To have a positive direction in life you need a
foundation of self respect. If we have a strong sense of self respect, we can develop
healthy relationships. Respecting the privacy of patient s medical record should
be our priority as a health care provider. When you are out of the office do not talk
about patients, because someone could hear you. By achieving your certification
and keeping up with continuous education shows respect for their profession.
Commitment is defined as having dedication to be your best self every day. We
should be committed, which obligates us to be our best for patients, physicians and
our peers. Because a commitment obligates you, before making a commitment, you
should think about the possible outcome of your decision. Don t tell a patient that
you can get their insurance to pay a claim when you have no power over what the
insurance company pays for. When you were asked to cover a shift and you agreed,
then was a no show, is a way to show your employer that you are not
Feminist Student Culture And The Issues Of
The purpose of this literature review is to synthesize and discuss feminist student
culture and the issues in postsecondary education. First, the paper reviews the various
definitions and movements surrounding feminism. In addition, the paper analyzes the
perspectives of women and men and whether they support or are against feminist
student culture. Lastly, the paper discusses recommendations and future research for
student affairs professions to maintain feminist student culture in higher education.
Understanding feminism
Feminism in the United States is often separated into three waves (Vaccaro, 2009,
Vernet Butera, 2005). The first wave began during the late 1800s to early 20th
century, women began fighting for gender equality, emancipation, and economic
rights, which lasted through the woman suffrage movement (Breen Karpinski, 2008;
Vaccaro, 2009; Vernet Butera, 2005). Dissatisfied with women s status, women
fought for social, economical, and political equality by ratifying the 19th
Amendment. However, anti feminists viewed gender equality as a minor issue and
compared women to uncivilized populations (Vernet Butera, 2005). After ratifying
the 19th Amendment, the second wave peeked during 1960s to 1970 s social
movement. Women wanted control of their bodies, freely chosen maternity, end
domestic violence, and equality in a male society (Vernet Butera, 2005). The gap
between the first and second wave was separated by a long hiatus period but inspired
The Importance Of A Residential Center For Abused
Introduction Living in fear is something no one should experience, many women
have dealt with this for a very long time. An abusive relationship can lead to
various outcomes, from physical to mental damage. There are many opportunities
created for people living in those conditions to speak up. A residential center is a
place to help women who have been a part of an abusive environment. This
research report briefly outlines the basics of a residential centers for abused
women, it focuses on key concepts such as the facilities provided for the
individuals, what causes a person to get into the shelter, the process of change and
acceptance for those who have been through traumatic experiences and many
more. The subject of a residential center (for abused women) has been seen as a
strong educating factor for society, not everyone is aware of abusive relationships
and how to stop them. This report does not just address basic facts, but it provides
detailed information on methods in helping those who have been a part of a
domestic relationship. It also shares the basic outline and features of many
institutions and facilities, provided for those who need assistance. Overall this report
gathers a large amount of knowledge regarding the subject of residential centers (for
abused women). Major Features The expression shelter is utilized extensively for
many facilities including residential centers for abused women. There are several
types of shelters around Canada. From
Analysis Of The Song Born This Way
No matter gay, straight, or bi, I was born to survive . In the words of lady GaGa
herself it doesn t matter who you marry, what your gender is or what s you race
you just need to accept others and yourself. Lady GaGa s song Born this Way
informs others about self acceptance in her new album Born this way . This song is
about people abusing others and reflecting badly on them self because of their race,
gender and choice in who they marry. Lady GaGaexpresses her thoughts about
people s issues to say it doesn t matter who you are because you were born that way.
The context of this song develops a strong social, historical and cultural
environment of this song and background of what was going for people to
understand and appreciate about what Lady GaGa is trying to inform others about.
The social environment of the song is that people keep rejecting and bulling others
for their gender or sexuality as well as the historical environment of the song is that
people s colour or religion has been used against them and they have been put into
slavery and low positions in the world. Finally the cultural environment of the song
is people and colours, marriage and gender. The background of the song is people
have rejected people though out time who want to marry the same gender as them
and slavery cause by people colour which was what happened to cause Born This
Way to be written. This message is still relevant at the moment as people are still
being effect by it but people are
German Culture Vs American Culture Essay
Coming from a German culture, my family stays traditional in the way we celebrate
holidays and eat food. The differences between German and American culture are
very evident in their holiday traditions and meals, but there are also some similarities,
such as language, that are often overlooked. When I think of the differences between
German and American culture, one of the first things that comes to mind is how
Christmasis celebrated. In Germany, it is always celebrated on Christmas Eve. Instead
of Santa, children are told that if they behave well, Kris Kringle or Christkindl ,
meaning Christ Child, will leave presents for them under the tree. While waiting for
the presents to come, the familywill gather around the table to eat dinner
University of Phoenix Corporate Finance Syllabus
| Syllabus School of BusinessFIN/571 Version 5Corporate Finance| Copyright 2011,
2010, 2009, 2008 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description
This course applies corporate finance concepts to make management decisions.
Students learn methods to evaluate financial alternatives and create financial plans.
Other topics include cash flows, business valuation, working capital, capital budgets,
and long term financing. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held
responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the
following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student
website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document... Show more
content on ...
3.8 Identify sources and uses of short term financing. 3.9 Evaluate how the business
policies of a firm affect accounts receivable and inventories.| | | Readings| Read Ch.
22 amp; 23 of Corporate Financial Management.| | | Participation| Participate in class
discussion.| Monday| 3| Learning TeamLawrence Sports Simulation| Resource: The
Lawrence Sports Simulation located at
/vendors/tata/sims/finance/finance_simulation1.html Create at least three alternative
working capital policies that reduce future difficulties, and make a recommendation
on which policy Lawrence Sports should follow. Your recommendation must
include:An evaluation of the risk associated with the recommendationContingencies
for the recommendationPerformance measures that are used to evaluate your
recommendation An implementation plan for your recommendationWrite a paper in
no more than 1,750 words discussing your recommendation. Your paper must include
a review of the cash conversion cycle for Lawrence Sports Simulation and its
importance to their working capital management. Develop and explain your
recommendation as fully as possible.Format your paper
Current Issues In Health Care
One of the main issues government workers face for the next decade is the aging
workforce due to retirement in crucial administration positions. The public health
workforce significantly lack experienced leaders to fill the gaps of certain
employment positions. Employees who are within management positions are not
certain when they will retire due to indefinite economic situations from the previous
years. Additionally, the aging workforce issue is more dominant in pubic
organizations than private administrations because public organizations have to
compete with private firms that provide temporary attractive opportunities. As a
result, management is confronted with challenges to promote younger workers for
advancement and recruit and retain... Show more content on ...
Therefore, understanding the workforce needs and expectations, organizations can
respond by applying policies to address the issue. Individuals within the public health
workforce have noted factors such as competitive benefits, job insecurity,
opportunities for advancement, training, low job satisfaction, noncompetitive wage
and inflexible schedules to be personal factors that influence their decision to leave
(Beck Boulton, 2016; Leider et al., 2016; Yeager et al.,
Consequences Of Imperialism In Africa
The Industrial Revolution made many new inventions that had many sources of
energy and materials needed to make them. For the nations with this technology,
Imperialism was a way for them to further Industrialize and generate economy.
Imperialism is the act of one country expanding its power to other territory in order
to colonize and gain resources, economy, knowledge, and control. European
countries with strong militaries used Imperialism in order to achieve these goals
but caused consequences in the long term. Africa, China, And India were
imperialized by European countries due to the cheap labor, raw resources,
research opportunities, and consumers available but this was greeted with many
rebellions, many deaths, unfair treaties, and spreading of technology and
knowledge from one country to the next. European powers wanted to colonize in
Africa due to cheap labor and raw resources available which led to many enslaved
people brutally dieing and territory being dispersed between other countries.The
resources found in Africa were diamonds, jewels, and copper which were being
mined out by the native enslaved people. Ivory and hides of animals were popular
for colonists to have. Normal citizens of tribes were dieing due to forced labor and
native animals were dying due to hunting. Colonists didn t even see imperialism as a
bad thing to the native people of Africa, seen in the poem A White Man s Burden.
Scientists saw Africa as an opportunity to expand knowledge in the
An Unwanted Change Of Weather
An unwanted change in weather can change a life in a matter of hours. A
hurricane is a tropical storm that occurs near oceans and on coasts. Hurricanes in
Florida happen often and the citizens in the affected area will need to be prepared
for these storms. This will be how to be ready for and handle a level one to a level
three hurricane. In a level three hurricane extensive damage to buildings and
flooding along the coast occur. Following these steps will not guarantee safety
from a hurricane. The materials needed will be a three day supply of
nonperishable food and bottled water (three gallons of water per person, per day),
toiletries such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, and shampoo, a bucket to use for
the restroom, sleeping bags and pillows, flashlights, plastic bags, a basic first aid
kit, boards of plywood that has a size that is dependent on the size of the home s
windows, corrosion resistant screws at least two inches in length (amount varying in
amount and size of windows, read below for instructions and then with the
measurements of the windows get the proper amount of screws), a drill, a television,
and a radio. Firstly, before the stormoccurs, proper preparations must be taken. The
level of the storm must be determined to know which action to take. To find this out
examine the local weather reports, news, and/or radio. Once determining the
category, if it is a category three or lower then follow these steps; if it is a four or
higher then consider
Prelude To The Battle Of Command Essay
Prelude to the Battle When the German Wehrmacht finished mopping up the
remnants of the French and British forces at Dunkirk in early 1940 sealing the fate
of France for the next four years, one could only imagine the overjoy among the
heads of the German high command. Poland was the first to fall, then northern
Europe, and finally, France. The operations went so smoothly, it took Adolf Hitler
his generals less than a year to swipe across Europe from the border with Russia to
the east to the French beaches littered with rotting machines on the English Channel
in the west. Germany s redemption from her humiliation at the end of the Great War
would almost be complete but for the one enemy that was still standing Great Britain.
Hitler... Show more content on ...
In fact the Fighter Command ended the battle with more aircraft in its inventory than
it did at the start of the battle due to the ingenuity and determination of the British
aircraft industry. However on the eve of the battle, the Fighter Command had a
critical shortage of fighter aircraft. During the earlier campaign in France, the British
Expeditionary Force (BEF) sent to help the French against an invading German army,
mounted fierce but futile resistance. The air component of the BEF lost a great
number of aircraft, including half of its Hawker Hurricane fighters, which would
make vital contributions in the victory in the Battle of Britain. Air Chief Marshall
Hugh Dowding, the commander of the RAF Fighter Command, resisted the call for
sending more aircraft into a hopeless battle in France and pulled the remaining
RAF fighters back home to protect Britain. His decision later proved to be a key
factor in the narrow margin by which the RAF won the Battle of Britain. But for
now, Dowding had only thirty six of the fifty three fighter squadrons, which needed
to protect Britain from a Nazi air invasion (Hough Richards,
Summary Of Ghosts Of Ole Miss
Quint Swanberg
Professor McCarthy
Business Ethics
16 October 2015
Ghosts of Ole Miss Every higher institution of learning has their own set of myths and
history. Some of them may be vaguely true and some may be highly influential. The
history of the institution may have a negative effect on those who look to apply or be
a part of the institution. The history of a place sets the epitome of future enrollees.
Some of the ghosts that haunt any college may have an extremely negative impact on
how they are viewed today. This negative perception of the university can lead to
strong economic deficits. Throughout trying to combat negative concepts that are
thrust upon an institution, they have resolved issues of ethics, violence and, to most
importantly, boost cohesion and moral. Throughout this essay, I will be examining
the effects of one of the most controversial university enrollments. James Meredith
paved the way for African American acceptance into a historically all White
University. No matter how much adversity Meredith would encounter, he would not
give up or give in to institutional racism. The want to keep Ole Miss segregated by
those there did not hinder his success. In an attempt to end racial segregation, the
Supreme Court ordered the admittance of James Meredith to the campus. This action
was a clear defiance of racial segregation. This resulted in an abundant amount of not
only riots but also casualties. Meredith paved the way for other African Americans
Richard III Conscience Essay
Human beings behave with a conscience, an innate feeling of right and wrong. The
conscience prevents most people from committing horrific acts, and those who
commit such acts bear a guilty conscience. Richard starts out as the perfect
Machiavellian, but as Shakespeare s historical drama Richard III unfolds, he
becomes fallible due to his conscience. Richard s Machiavellian techniques allow
him to rise to the throne; the same tactics cause Richard s demise. Shakespeare
explicitly uses Richard s failure to demonstrate that Machiavelli s philosophy does
not work. According to Shakespeare the most important reason for the downfall of
Richard is his conscience, and Machiavelli s philosophy does not account for this
quality of human nature. In... Show more content on ...
His guilty conscience causes his once quick and witty mind that always knows the
next step in his master plan to spiral into a slow and unsure mind. Richard s guilt
causes him to use unnecessary and exorbitant force. For example, he sends Anne
[his] wife [to] bid the world good night (4.3 43), a death that has no political
necessity. The conscience consumes Richard as he dreams about a parade of the
ghosts of those he murdered. The dream sequence fulfills queen Margaret s
prophecy that the worm of conscience still begnaw [Richard s] soul . (1.3 233) The
eerie dream sequence sends Richard into a dialogue with himself exclaiming, O
coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me! (5.3 191) This shows how Richard s
guilt consumes his mind, which leads Richard to lose the battle against Norfolk.
Machiavelli s teachings do not account for when the prince goes mad. Not once in
Machiavelli s The Prince does he use the word conscience . Shakespeare uses
Richard III to comment on the inhumane nature of Machiavelli s philosophy.
Shakespeare argues that the Machiavellian actions Richard took to claim the throne
of England do not lead to success, but rather end in disaster. Richard explicitly
follows Machiavelli s philosophy, yet the drama ends in his death. No human being
would be able to follow Machiavelli s guidelines without his conscience either
preventing him, or driving him
Burj Khalifa
Prepared for:
Prof. Sylvia M. Basilio
Prepared by:
Aranda, Gilbert
Austria, John Mark
De Ocampo, Gerald
Garcia, Jason
Gomez, Philip
Meer, Sarah Jane R.
Ponio, Kyle David
Regacho, Keith
Torrente, Gerwin
Burj Khalifa Definition Claiming as the Tallest Structure in the World Breaking other
World s Record Location and its Environment Part of Downtown Dubai Downtown
Evolution, Timeline and Construction Progress Construction Timeline Architecture
and Design Construction Highlights Structure and Features Project Costs and Pricing
People behind the Shadow of Burj Khalifa
BURJ KHALIFA: ... Show more content on ...
This includes antennae, flagpoles, signage and other functional technical equipment.
1.2 Burj Khalifa: Breaking Other World Records Burj Khalifa is not just the tallest
structure of the world but it also holds the title on numerous records that is jaw
dropping to know about.
As we all know, it is the tallest skyscraper ,(to top of spire): 829.84 m (2,723 ft)
(previously Taipei 101 509.2 m/1,671 ft) (to top of antenna): 829.84 m (2,723 ft)
(previously the Willis Tower527 m/1,729 ft), it is the tallest extant structure: 829.84
m (2,723 ft) (previously KVLY TV mast 628.8 m/2,063 ft), it is the tallest
freestanding structure: 829.84 m (2,723 ft) (previously CN Tower 553.3 m/1,815
ft), it is the building with most floors: 160 (previously Willis Tower 108), it is the
building with world s highest occupied floor, the world s highest elevator
installation (situated inside a rod at the very top of the building) ,the world s
fastest elevators: 64 km/h (40 mph) or 18 m/s (59 ft/s) (previously Taipei 101
16.83 m/s), the highest vertical concrete pumping (for a building): 606 m (1,988 ft)
(previously Taipei 101 449.2 m/1,474 ft), First world s tallest structure in history to
include residential space., the world s highest outdoor observation deck: 124th floor
at 452 m (1,483 ft) ,world s highest installation of an aluminum and glass facade: 512
m (1,680 ft) ,the world s highest mosque: 158th
Julian’s Racist Mother in O’Connor’s
Everything That...
Julian s Racist Mother in O Connor s Everything That Rises Must Converge
She lifted the hat one more time and set it down slowly on her head. Two wings of
gray hair protruded on either side of her florid face, but her eyes, sky blue, were as
innocent as they must have been when she was ten. Where it not that she was a widow
who had struggled fiercely to feed and clothe and put him through school and who
was supporting him still, until he got on his feet, she might have been a little girl that
he had to take to town.
This passage was taken from Everything That Rises Must Converge and describes
Julian s mother, who remains nameless in the story. It particularly describes her face
and hair, which make her sound, ironically, like an... Show more content on ...
She helps her son financially, and therefore does not try to be more accepting, even
though he asks her to be. She tries to give the black child a penny, and thus thinks that
she is indeed acting more accommodating to race, but succeeds only in drawing
attention to her antiquated notions of gentility. Thus the angelic description of her
physical features is very ironic. Heavenly, and Christian images are seen throughout
this short story, such as Julian being described as St. Sebastian, and Julian s mother
reminding him that Julian s grandmother was a Godhigh. Perhaps the images
foreshadow the upcoming death of Julian s mother, and her belief that she
absolutely deserves to go to heaven when she dies, though she does not know she
will die by the end of the story. Julian s mother believes she has done everything
right in her life, and though she is a very earnest and selfless woman, she is hardly
an angel.
The passage also alludes to Julian s mother being a child, or a ten year old, which
may have been the age when she knew Caroline, her darky nurse. At the end of the
story, she calls out for Caroline, probably because Caroline was the one who
would have helped her when she was a child and in trouble, but it is poignant that
she is described as being young, and in the last seconds of her life, she reverts back
to the childhood that she still resembles, even after all her years and troubles. The
passage also says that if
An Integration Center Of The Reflex Arc
An integration center in the reflex arc is a neuropathway that creates a reflex action
to activating neurons to skip the spinal cord and protect your brain. The nerve cells
can be categorized by their connections, structure, and neurotransmitters. The
structural classification is depending on shape and size of the cell body, its dendritic
tree, axonlength, and the nature of the connections it makes. The neurons with one,
two, or more than two neurites, are unipolar, bipolar, and multipolar respectively.
Most of neurons in vertebrate nervous systems are multipolar, but there are
significant exceptions. For illustration, bipolar neurons in the retina synapse with
sensory neurons, and photoreceptors in the dorsal root ganglion are explained as
pseudo unipolar as they begin life as bipolar cells but their two neurites fuse. The
unipolar neurons dominate in invertebrates. Collaterals a small side branch, as of a
blood vessel or nerve. A neuronal pool is a group of interconnected neurons with
specific functions. A pool may be diffuse, involving neurons in several regions of the
brain, or localized, with neurons restricted to one specific location in the brain or
spinal cord. However, the proper function of the circuit of the stretch reflex also relies
on convergence and divergence. A single sensory has multiple branches that diverge
and make synaptic connections with many individual motor neurons. Therefore,
when the muscle contracts as a result of the neurologist s tapper, it
The Death Of Trotsky
I was walking again. I do that a lot, because walking relaxes me. Sometimes it just
feels nice to stretch your legs, and get some fresh air. The Moscow air is so fresh that
it burns your face a bit, but I know that a little hypothermia is good for the soul. God,
I sound like air supply. Anyway, it was cold again. I mean it s always cold in
Moscow, but today it was different, because this walk wasn t for nothing. I was
intent on my purpose, so I moved at a brisk pace. I sped up, but made sure not to go
too fast so that the ice pick didn t dig into my thigh. I was walking to Leon s house
to killhim. As I stated earlier, I intend on killing Trotsky. I knew what would come if
I was victorious, but I felt pangs of guiltstrike my heart. I became unsure on whether
or not I could kill him. After all, he wasn t an enemy of the party, but a comrade.
He may have views that I despise, but he was pure at heart. Maybe, he rejected his
perfect life for a better one. There was just a chance that he was one of us, that he
sympathized with the workers, and wanted Russia to have the bright future of
communist red. I mentally scolded myself. I was intent on killing this man, and some
weak remorse cannot stop me. Remorse is an emotionthat plays into empathy, and
empathy is my enemy. Empathy is something that people who cry feel. It is a tool
of the upper class to make the lower class stay low, but I can t stop it. When I was a
child, I learned how feeling is wrong. I learned that caring
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cetane
3.6.2. Advantages of DTBP:
The, use of DTBP asa cetane enhancer substantially reduces the four gaseous toxic
emissions of 1, 3 butadiene, benzene, formaldehyde, and acetaldehyde. Typical
reductions in these tour gaseous toxic emissions achievable by increasing the cetane
number of a fuel by ten numbers. It is Soluble Organic Fraction of Particulate Matter
particulate matter. These reductions in the soluble organic fraction of the particulate
matter are expected in turn to reduce the emissions of both poly aromatic
hydrocarbons and nitrated poly aromatic hydrocarbons. Thermal and Oxidative
Stability A cetane improvement additive that is thermally or oxidative unstable under
actual conditions impacts on the fuel quality and could lead to poor ... Show more
content on ...
Thus, it is for commercial acceptance the peroxide. The use of DTBP produces
substantial reductions in the soluble organic fraction of the based cetane
improvement additives must be stable, thermally and oxidative, at actual use
temperatures. The thermal stability of DTBP was demonstrated by determining the
effects of heating on the treated fuels and also by measurement of the decomposition
rates in a low sulfur diesel fuel! A fuel treated with DTBP showed no statistically
significant loss in cetane number after heating for 100 hours at 92В°C. The half life
for DTBP at 70В°C in diesel fuel is in excess of 10,000 hours, with greater than
97% of the additive remaining after nearly 700 hours. Even at lOOnC, the half life
of DTBP in diesel fuel is over 300 hours. Even though the rate of thermal
decomposition of the peroxide is five to ten times faster than the nitrate, the peroxide
additive is very stable under typical fuel system temperatures. Stability of DTBP was
demonstrated by the standard ASTM methods. Both the accelerated oxidative
stability test (D274)12 and the long term storage stability test (D4625)13 did not
show any gum formation in most of the diesel fuels tested. In some, inherently
Lay Le Freine
hereas a variety of Canterbury Tales tales are inclined to make the nobility aware of
the capability of ordinary people and how beauty presents itself in their lives, other
medieval popular romances strive to provide a sense of wish fulfillment for a
different audience; the powerless. Thomas Chestre s Sir Launfalin particular appeals
to someone who wishes to escape profound social inequality and injustice. Thomas
Chestrespeaks to his audienceby rewriting a better version of the difficult life of a
commoner as a fairytale that idealises familiar views of the peasant; Her faces wer
whit as snow on downe (l. 251). Radulescu s statement that anonymous audiences
should be acknowledged for embracing the incendiary nature of these medieval
popular... Show more content on ...
Lay le Freine explores themes of patience being rewarded, of the oppressed turning
out to be noble, and of identity establishment. Le Freine and her mother form a
central conflict within the moral structure of the tale that condemns envy and
rewards kindness. The mother is so envious of the birth of her neighbour s twins
that she spreads a rumour that a woman only gives birth to twins if they belong to
two different men. Through this subplot, Lay le Freine includes reference to the
extensive superstition about whether or not a woman is virtuous if she gives birth
to twins. The presence of this superstition may reflect the court s strictness about
reproduction levels, particularly to do with the poor, during the medieval times
during which this was written. Pressure from the court, the church, as well as
embarrassment within society could have often lead to the abandonment of a
child; such as le Freine. In her story, le Freine manages to flourish even though she
has been exposed, proving that her difficulties have not damaged, but improved
her character; And damisel Freyn, so hende of mouth, / Her semblaunt and her
gentrise, / Her lovesum eighen, her rode so bright (ll. 265, 268, 269). In this way,
this story is incendiary in nature since it ignites a feeling of confidence in the
audience who would enjoy hearing about a mistreated character like themselves,
who rises from the ashes despite their limitations to prove themselves noble, and
despite having nothing to their name. As much as this story would likely ignite
feelings of hope amongst the audience, they are also able to relate to the voice of le
Freine, which is not directly spoken to them until line 379, just before the end. In
acquiring a voice only once
Yanek Book Reports
Intro: This book is about a Jewish boy named Yanek. This gives an inside look of
what happened to Jewish people in the 1940s. He had a very hard life in the 6 year
time duration he spent in the ghetto and concentration camps.
Setting: The book starts off in Krakow, Poland. It takes place in a 6 year time span
which started in 1939 and ended in 1945. In those 6 years he went on two death
marches and went to eight concentration camps. Although the story took place in
several locations one word describe almost all of them. That word is filthy. I will
explain why that word is fitting later on.
Characters: Their isn t many characters in the book because they all get killed off
except one. That person is Yanek. He is a very kind kid but desperate... Show more
content on ...
After the shower he got a tattoo that said B 3087. B stood for Birkenau and 3087
was his prisoner name. While he was there he learned why he shouldn t escape
because someone tried to escape and he was shot until the SS officers machine gun
ran out of bullets. Then he was sent off to the most infamous camp called
Auschwitz. Yanek was at Auschwitz until 1945. At the gates Yanek was greeted
by a guard that said you enter through the gates and exit through the chimney.
While at the camp he met a kid named Fred. Fred got very sick and couldn t work.
So the Nazi s hung him in front of all the other prisoners and said this will happen
to you if you don t.Then he went on a death march which lasted about 11 days.
Yanek carried a sick boy because he couldn t walk and when they rested for the
night Yanek noticed he had bread. Yanek was so hungry he hoped he would die so
he could have his bread. Yanek then tried to steal it but failed. Then Yanek went to
the camp called Sachsenhausen. He mainly worked in a rock quarry. One day he
Modernism and Postmodernism in Shakespeare s Othello
Othello teaches us much about our current postmodern culture. The play connects to
our ideas of sexism, male bonding, racism and capitalism. Shakespeare uses these
universal and timeless flaws in humanity along with our use of language and truth to
tell his tale. Iago, over a period of about three days, uses these facetsof humanity to
turn Othelloagainst his wife Desdemona and his friend Cassio. Othello reveals both
the struggle of the British peopleof the early 1600 s and Americans in the late 1900 s
with sexism, capitalism and racism.
In Othello men see women as objects to control, first by their father, and then by their
husband. When Iago yells to Brabantio, telling him his daughter has gone off to
marry Othello, he yells ... Show more content on ...
Othello believes Iago to be Full of love and honesty (Othello III.iii.118), because
they have bonded. Othello has also bonded with Cassio. He tells Cassio that I love
thee (Othello II.iii.248). Iago uses their bonding to his advantage. I humbly do
beseech you of your pardon / For too much loving you. (Othello III.iii.212 213) he
uses his feigned love for Othello to build a bond of trust between them. Othello has
also bonded with Cassio. He tells Cassio that I love thee (Othello II.iii.248). Male
bonding is the foundation of all male male relationships in Othello. The bonding
supercedes all other relationships in Othello, representing the importance of male
bonding in England during the 1600 s.
Othello also reflects the disdain the British had toward foreigners. Iago calls
Cassio A Florentine (Othello I.ii.20), making an issue out of his foreign
background and attributing the traits that the stereotype brings. When Iago is
getting Cassio drunk, he refers to the drinking habits of several other ethnic groups
and the superiority of the English in out drinking all of them. Iago claims It is
true, or else I am a Turk (Othello II.i.114), he associates dishonesty, a negative trait
he possesses, to a foreign race. Shakespeare depicts the institutionalized and
widespread racism of this time. It is so pervasive that it enters every facet of life, and
people do not even feel ashamed to use it;
Medieval Religious Iconography
Approximately two centuries after the death of Jesus Christ religious iconography
began. During the Medieval period art iconography related to the texts found in the
Bible. This paper will analyze two arts containing Christian iconography that
illustrate the return of naturalism. This paper will analyze the iconography of two
medieval works from the early medieval period (500 1200) and one from the late
medieval period (1200 1400). Both works of art depict the crucifixion of JesusChrist
(John 19:17 37). According to the Bible, Jesus was loathed by the Jewish leaders
because he preached of God and people listened, believed, and followed him. For this
reason the Jewish leaders ordered him to be killed. Jesus was taken to Pilate and
placed... Show more content on ...
This artwork is a Bohemian design painting. The artist shows the impact of
naturalism through visual art by painting human figures and expressing a dramatic
event . The painting shows Jesus hanging on the cross, with the two thieves on both
sides. Above Jesus and the two thieves are two angels hovering. Below Jesus stands
Roman captain Longinus rendering orderings for Jesus to be stabbed to death with
daggers or spears. On the other side of him is the good captain bearing out that
Christ is the Son of God. Accompanying him is John and Mary, and Mary Magdalene.
In the front shows henchmen competing for the ownership of Jesus robe. Examining
the Christian iconography (symbolism) in this artwork I discovered several Christian
images. The first Christian symbol is the cross. In the Christian belief the cross
signifies Christianity. The second Christian symbol is Jesus body hanging on the
cross. This represents the crucifixion, sacrifice, death of Jesus Christ. The third
Christian symbol is the marks on Jesus body. This religious symbolism is called
stigmata. According to the Macmillan Dictionary stigmata is defined as the marks
on Jesus Christ body where he was attached to the cross, or marks on the skin of
some religious people that are similar to these injuries. The fourth Christian symbol
was the angels, which refers to the Holy Trinity
Analysis Of Mad Shadows
Does every family treat each other with love and respect? Are all families in a
healthy relationship with one another? In the book Mad Shadows, the answer to
these questions are clearly displayed. Mad shadows, is a fictional novel written by
Marie Claire Blair. It tells the story of an unusual family who have been in a prolong
feud with one another, which is the by product of their illusions. The character,
Louise, is the mother of the familyin this story. Her superficial view and denial of
truth is the root cause of the dysfunction, misery, and jealousy in her family,
consequently fueling her own death and destruction by the end of her tragic life. All
of Louise s illusions had a beginning stage when they in entered her life. One of these
delusions is the fact that she views the world in a superficial manner, connection self
worth only to beauty. An example of this could be seen when she is given the
symbolic representation of a prostitute, seducing her husband by using her beauty and
charm. This provides background information about her illusion, stating it has been a
part of her life from the beginning. This twisted view also feeds into her other
misconception which is that her son, Patrice, must be intelligent because of his
beautifully sculpted face and body, but nonetheless is dumb. In the quote Louise did
not question the intelligence of her ten year old Adonis. He spoke very little, but she
attributed this speechlessness, like the silence of the gods, to
Sentences By Bonaventure
When one believes in God he naturally revealed to them through the goodness in his
creation. By looking at the surrounding world one can see God s fingerprints. In his
work, Sentences, Bonaventure modestly defines creation as as the loving outflow of
a loving God whose infinite dynamic goodness is shared in a limited dynamic way.
Creation is Gods other. God doesn t have to create since God is infinitely bountiful
and self communicative within Himself. Creation flows out of the infinite fountain
of divine self diffusive goodness because God is creative and loving. The Father
freely desires to create because God is love, and perfect love can never be self
contained it must be shared. Bonaventure indicates that the world exists by virtue of
the free creative power of divine love. Creation is a free act of divine goodness
spilling forth from the infinite divine community of love. Bonaventure uses the term
emanation to describe the expression of creation from the loving community of a
triune God. Emanation used in the Christian sense means that creation flows out of
the infinite, transcendent one. Bonaventure metaphorically writes, Creation is like a
river, which flows from a spring, spreads throughout the land to purify and fructify it,
and eventually flows back to its point of origin. This image speaks to the intimate
connection between creation and the triune God as well as creation s cyclical nature.
Bonaventure writes that creation can find its origin in a single
A Semiotic Analysis of the Battle Fo Algiers
A Semiotic Analysis of The Battle of Algiers
The Battle of Algiers, which was produced in 1966 and directed by Gillo
Pontecorvo, is a film which explores the Algerian struggle for independence between
1954 and 1962. The film is constructed using a documentary style and was filmed on
the actual locations where events unfolded. The Battle of Algiers is an example of
neorealist filmmaking which purports to give an objective, realistic account of the
battles waged between the FLN (National Liberation Front) rebels and the French
military. The formal elements of style which create the narrative can be examined
using semiotic theory in order to better understand how the viewer can be
interpellated into particular ideological positions. ... Show more content on ...
Mathieu is the most developed character in the film and this can be read as being
metaphoric of the French culture s supposed sophistication. The mise en scГЁne
when Mathieu is parading down a large street along the seafront after being
recruited to command the offensive against the FLN rebels is significant. Matheiu, a
tall, sturdy, middle aged man looks resplendent in full military uniform amidst
cheering French locals and is presented as the messiah like character. Tellingly
though, it is the dark sunglasses, rolled up sleeves and unbuttoned shirt which give
him an authentic and individual appearance; he appears to be a man of action and
experience. The viewer is immediately positioned to sense that Mathieu s arrival will
coincide with a significant change in events in Algiers. As the viewers expectations
are played out they are positioned to sympathise with Mathieu s point of view.
When Mathieu first arrives in Algiers, he sets about systematically dismantling the
resistance, however, he points out to his colleagues that not all of the Arabs are
terrorists and that most do not present a threat at all (Odeh, 2002). This is signified
by Mathieu saying:
There are four hundred thousand Arabs in Algeria; are they all enemies? We know
they are not. But a small minority hold sway by means of terror and violence
(Pontecorvo, 1966).
He describes the organisational structure of the FLN,
Cord Blood Research Papers
Trash to Treasure
The Pinterest world has changed the way we view trash. Things once tossed in the
garbage now hang on walls and adorn porches. Old milk cans, wooden pallets and
chipped mason jars now have a hundred new uses. These recycling trends that have
been born this century don t end at making living rooms more stylish, but extend to
improving and saving lives. Technology is emerging to harvest once discarded after
birth and preserving it for research and treatment. Cord blood banking is not only
more ethical, but more efficient than its competitors and is therefore the future of
stem cell research.
Shortly after an egg is fertilized stem cells begin to form. These cells are programmed
to form every organ and tissue in the body as the baby develops. ... Show more
content on ...
A limited amount of stem cells can be extracted from after birth, but these few cells
can mean a longer or improved life for someone (Bergman). In addition, people
believe that harvesting cord blood cells steals the cells from the child. The umbilical
cord is cut and clamped just like a typical delivery (CariCord). Delayed clamping,
in which the cord is left attached to drain the blood back into the baby, still allows
the afterbirth to be donated. The science behind cord blood banking is still
developing because these treatments have only been performed for a little over ten
years and the only way to overcome that is to move forward with research (Stem
Cell). Cord blood cells hold the potential of becoming brain and heart cells and
combatting serious neurological diseases. The science is young, but one out of
every three hundred kids are plagued with cerebral palsy and one of every sixty
eight children battle autism (What It Is). The chance of helping people throughout
the world live a better life fuels the need for an increase of support in this budding
Kant s Categorical Imperative For The Practice Of
Hamza Rafique
15 June 2014
Should Kant s categorical imperative be supported in the practice of modern
Immanuel Kant saw the importance of autonomy long before the field of medicine
was as advanced as it is now through the second formulation of his categorical
imperative: Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or
in the person of any other, never merely as a means to an end, but always at the same
time as an end . Kant recognises that it is autonomy that allows for self actualisation
and the manifestation of one s identity through having the capacity to make self
governed choices. Therefore autonomy factor that gives humans the duty to treat each
other as ends and to violate the ... Show more content on ...
Kant provides us with these ethical guidelines however there are cases in medicine
which illustrate that a physician s expertise allows him to see that following a
patient s autonomous decision may lead to further suffering causing the health
professional to take a paternalistic course of action. This ethical problem has lead
me to investigate whether medical practice should uphold Kant s categorical
imperative, and if not where should we search for a way forward? I intend to analyse
Kant s ethics to see where its strengths and weaknesses lie when applied to the
medical field before exploring other ethical theories in an attempt to find the most
suitable means of decision making in medicine. I will use case studies to illustrate
the point that Kant s ethics, although perfect for an ideal world, does not work in the
medical field, nor does a utilitarian approach. This leads us toward an intuitionist
stance in order to keep the benefits of the categorical imperative offers us while
maintaining applicability to medicine.
How could the categorical imperative work in medicine?
The categorical imperative does have strength in its principled and high minded
nature that can be condensed down into the following three formulations:
Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it
should become a universal law without contradiction.
Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in
Skagit Valley Reflection
This program was my first introduction to political economy and activism. I chose it
because I had extremely limited exposure to both topics. In addition, the class
featured an environmental and native studies aspect; both are core to my academic
goals. I gained experience in the above topics through class discussions, workshops,
lectures, and the class field trip.
The field trip to Skagit Valley is what really ignited my learningin the class. Until
week five, my bank of knowledge was rapidly growing while my comprehension of
class concepts was stagnant. Visiting Skagit Valley made me more comfortable in the
class, and relieved me from depressing lectures about white supremacy, the patriarchy,
and capitalism. I achieved growth in every aspect
Importance Of The 1st Amendment
In total, America has 27 Amendments all together but which one is the most
important you may ask, well that s was this is about. I believe that the 1st
Amendment is the most important out of them all . The 1st Amendment is freedom
of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition. Freedom of religion and speech
are one of the best things a country can have and also something everyone believes
they should have. Everyone should be able to say or do anything they want without
fear. Also freedom of press is the right to publish newspapers, magazines, and other
printed matter without governmental restriction and subject only to the laws of libel,
obscenity, sedition, etc. ( . Freedom of Assembly is The right to
hold public meetings and form associations without interference by the government.
Freedom of peaceful assembly is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the
Last but not least is Freedom of Petition According to ( The Free Dictionary ,
2017) a formal written request to a court for an order of the court. It is
distinguished from a complaint in a lawsuit which asks for damages and/or
performance by the opposing party. Petitions include demands for writs, orders to
show cause, modifications of prior orders, continuances, dismissal of a case,
reduction of bail in criminal cases, a decree of distribution of an estate, appointment
of a guardian, and a host of other matters arising in legal actions.
The 1st Amendment allows
The Physician Movie Evaluation
Evaluation on the movie The Physician The movie, The Physician, is a fascinating
tale that captivates you after only a few minutes of watching the film. Philipp Stolzl,
the director of the film, really outdid himself to bring this story to life. It is definitely
a movie that may interest people that love medicineand the medical field. This is my
personal opinion, therefore, I am sure that many people would disagree with me
because not everybody has the same tastes in movies. But from my perspective the
film, The Physician, was very well done and did not have a bland story. So to me, this
film was a great movie.
The story begins in 14th century England with young Rob Cole, a little boy working
in mines to provide his small family with bread. ... Show more content on ...
It does not bother me to see surgeries or things of the sort. However, movies always
seem to depict these kind of things in a gruesome, cringe worthy kind of way. This
movie, only showed two scenes of actual surgical procedures and these were not to
graphic yet, it was still clear what was going on. One of the scenes was even
humorous. On a personal level, I am not a huge fan of gory, bloody scenes, so while
watching this film, I was glad that I did not have to avert my eyes or fast forward any
scenes for being too graphic.
Finally, the last aspect that caught my attention was, the story in general. The movie,
The Physician, is based on the novel by Noah Gordon, The Physician. I had never
heard of such a book, however, after watching the film, my curiosity for the book was
awakened. The idea of medical practices during the 14th century, when there was no
anesthetic or modern medical
Irish Americans Essay
Irish American Immigrants
America s bounty the abundance of the fields, the beauty of the landscape, the
richness of our opportunities has always attracted people who are in search of a
better life for themselves and their children. Our democracy owes its success in great
part to the countless immigrants who have made their way to our shores and to the
tremendous diversity this Nation has been blessed with since its beginnings. In
March, when communities all across the country celebrate St. Patrick s Day, our
nation honors the rich heritage of the millions of Americans who trace their lineage to
Ireland. (Clinton 2003) This was, in part, a proclamation given by our former
President William J. Clinton, on February 23, 1995. ... Show more content on ...
People were left with nothing to eat and no way to make money to support
themselves. Many wandered the countryside, begging for food or work. Others ate
grass and weeds to survive. Those who could afford it or those peasants, whose
landlords paid the way, left the country in search of a better life. Many Irish set sail
to the United States. Boston, Massachusetts seemed to be the Irish port of choice.
Although it seemed that life for the Irish could not get any worse, the journey to
Boston was yet another horror the Irish had to endure. Ship owners often crowded
hundreds of desperate Irish onto rickety vessels labeled coffin ships. In many cases,
these ships reached port only after losing a third of their passengers to disease,
hunger, and other causes (Virginia 2003). Because so many hungry Irish died on their
disgusting crossing to Boston, the Atlantic Ocean became known as the Bowl of
As if that had not been bad enough, as they stepped off the ships they realized that
although they had left Ireland to flee from misery, they were faced with a new set of
trails. Hundreds of runners, usually large greedy men, swarmed aboard the ships
grabbing immigrants and their bags trying to force them to their favorite tenement
house and then exact an outrageous fee for their services. As the poor immigrant had
no means of moving on, they settled in the port of
The Thousand Splendid Suns Political Power
Karan Patel Arleanne Marquard English III September 8th,2015 Influence of
Politics and Control on the Individual Since the middle ages the influence of
political powers had a great affection in the major parts of the world. Political
power is the power given to an authority in order to maintain and control the
behavior of individuals by several ways. Political powers could be either rule by
legitimate authority or under the political influence of corruptive force. In today s
world, countries with low economy have a higher risk of giving birth to corruptive
civlization. Since, there s low economy countries like Afghanistan are likely to face
war as the corrupted force rules over them. Thus, the novel The Thousand Splendid
Suns by Khaled Hosseini gives a detail explanation about how politics and control
had a great influence on peoples life,... Show more content on ...
As the animosity grew more between the groups, people of Afghanistan gets
separated from each other. The novel The Thousand Splendid Suns explains how one
group rules over others created destruction in peoples relationship. For example, in a
quote from Babi There were plenty of different ethnic groups in Afghanistan which
create plenty of tension between them. In this quote Babi states that a person should
not be determine by their background since they all are humans means they must be
treated equally. No matter what cast or ethnicity you belongs to if you represent the
same nation that means you are united. During the time one of the Muhjahideen force
Taliban ruled over certain parts of the Afghanistan. In the novel of The Thousand
Splendid Suns Taliban commanders forced out the government out of the Kabul and
takes control over the city. In a quote from Rasheed. This quote states that when
Mujahideens commanders takes over their city they were grounded with corruption .
Many people lost their life and belongings due to
Art From Baroque Period Through The Postmodern Era
Art from Baroque Period through the Postmodern Era
Renaissance art history began as civic history; it was an expression of civic pride.
The first such history was Filippo Villani s De origine civitatis Florentiae et eiusdem
famosis civibus, written about 1381 82. Florentine artists revived an art that was
almost dead, Villani asserts, just as Dante had restored poetry after its decline in the
Middle Ages. The revival was begun by Cimabue and completed by Giotto, who
equalled the ancient painters in fame and even surpassed them in skill and talent.
After Giotto came his followers, Stefano, Taddeo Gaddi, and Maso, uomini illustri all,
who, together with notable jurists, poets, musicians, theologians, physicians, orators,
and others, made ... Show more content on ...
These texts are among the handful that treat art in the early Florentine Renaissance
and are, therefore, precious testimony from the early years of Renaissance art
history. While rare for being texts on art, they are of a type, however, that was
common in Renaissance literature. They belong to a genre or category in which are
found some of the most characteristic texts of Renaissance humanism. Other of the
books in this category are by such writers as Bruni, Salutati, and Manetti, books with
which all students of the Renaissance are familiar. They treat broad moral and
philosophical issues, but, as in the accounts of visual art, only insofar as they concern
the city of Florence. And scholars reasonably have asked why there was such a
preoccupation with Florence at this time. One of those who did so was Hans Baron
and his answer has been at the center of discussions of this question since the 1950s.
Baron linked the focus on Florence during the years around 1400 to a struggle over
Florentine independence that began in 1390 with a declaration of war by Milan and
ended only in 1454, when Milan accepted the independent status of the Florentine
Republic. These events, he proposed, explain the direction taken by Florentine
political speculation at this time, particularly the stress on republican ideals of liberty
and civic involvement; they gave rise to a
Reflection On Classwork
My lesson began as class usually does, with students completing the Do Now up on
the board: having notebooks and pencils ready, picking up the warm up sheet from
the back, and writing the homework in their planner. Since there was no homework
from the previous day, we were able to go right into the warm up. I walked around
the classroom to make sure students had the warm up and were beginning to work.
Students were unusually quiet, probably due to the camera and Keith s presence, so I
reminded them that they were allowed to discuss the warm up. I stopped to help one
student get started finding the missing side lengths of two similar triangles and
helped another remember how to divide fractions for the last question. After the
students had about 5 minutes to work on the warm up, I displayed a blank warm up
using the document camera and asked for students to share their answers. I asked an
additional question about what the scale factor was for the triangles and modeled
using the scale factor to find the missing side lengths. pointed out to students that all
the fraction questions related to a pair of corresponding side lengths in the triangles
from the first question, recalling that we could use fractions to represent or find
corresponding sides in similar shapes.
Next, I introduced that we will be exploring proportional relationships on a graph
and that we would be trying a new style of group work. I explained the structure to
the students, that they would be in groups of
Case Study Six-Sigma Methodology
Sokovic et al. (2005) applied basic approach Six Sigma methodology which
includes Process feasibility study, Process planning, Process preparation, Trial
production run and Process quantification. Using this basic approach a new
process design was developed for compressor housing machining process. During
the process panning phase the Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) method is
widely used. Due to large number of Key process input variables (KPIV) it
becomes difficult to use FMEA method. To overcome this problem tools like
Process mapping and Cause and effect matrix were applied to reduce number of
KPIV to minimum. With this methodology a new process was developed using new
approach. Comparison of old and modified process flow map had shown that time
spent in developing modified... Show more content on ...
Six Sigma methodology was applied to single assembly line in order to achieve Six
Sigma levels of quality by trimming down defect level those are crucial to
customers. Implementation of Six Sigma methodology helps to improve levels of
overall customers satisfaction through improvements made to the working
environment. Discussing the case of implementation the authors in the end
concluded that to implement such projects in SMEs, the top management must
designate dedicated trained personnel as team members who further provide
trainings to workers included in the project in a hierarchical manner. This type of
program can be named as Internal Training Methodology (ITM), it also helps
SMEs in saving monetary which in case to be paid to consultancies for massive
training programs. This type of approach helps organizations to develop new Six
Sigma projects step by step. This type of program helps in render savings and
upgrade staff for higher belt levels and then increase the pace of implementation in a
Digital Design Theories, Practices, And Technologies
The primary objective of this paper is to identify two of the various theories,
practices, and technologies that are closely associated with the Digital Design
specialization. This paper will describe each chosen theory, practice, and technology
as well show the relation to how it will specifically impact digital design. It will go
into depth about the theories Graphic Designand Gestalt Theory, the practices Works
Every Time Layout and Thumbnail Sketches, and the technologies Adobe InDesign
and Adobe Photoshop.
Keywords: theories, practices, technologies, digital design, adobe, gestalt theory,
thumbnail sketches, works every time layout, specialization
Digital Design Theories, Practices, and Technologies
Learning the fundamentals of Digital Media is essential to laying a solid
foundation to allow for a sturdy backing in digital design. Digital design theories,
practices, and technologies can provide designers a stable of skills to build core
competencies and over time wisdom. Mastering digital design fundamentals will
provide opportunity for career growth. Depending on the industry, an entry level
designer can rise from senior designer, to art director, and then creative director. As
digital media continues to mature, categorical design disciplines will continue to
evolve, shape, and style the visual culture. From magazines to web pages, the
spectrum of visual design will continue to move people everywhere on an emotional
Theories of Digital Design The
Changes In The Ottoman Empire
There have been a series of reforms within the Ottoman Empire initiated with the first
decree Hatt i Sharif of Gulhane in 1839. This has the beginning of the Tanzimat Era.
The reforms have been influenced by European ideas. Changing the Ottoman
theocratic government into a modern state. With the implement of freeing imprisoned
non Muslims and easing up the tensions of the conquered subjects of the Ottoman
Empireto prevent nationalistic uprisings, such as with the Greeks in 1821. The
Ottoman government has become more secular state for the non muslims
communities. This degree eliminated taxations of farming into a regular system of
assessing taxes, guaranteeing property to the subjects, reforming their military
structure to be more western
My Reflective Web Media Creation
My Reflective Web Media Creation (RWMC) project was nearly exactly as I
envisioned it in the pitch with only a few changes. In the pitch I discussed how the
lead character (Matt Murdoch) would be explain to the Jury why Fair Dealing is
not stealing and he would be the Punishers lawyer. However, I changed it in the
final video making him the plaintiff, a company lawyer saying the defendant (
Punisher ) stole their content and he is not protected by Fair Dealing . I changed it
to this as I believed it would make the video more narratively engaging, making the
Punishers outburst more provoked and meaningful. I also removed the self
referential element where the Punisher was going to comment on how the video
was flipped and colour graded so it would not come up on YouTube copyright
detection system. I changed this element as I believed it would make my RWMC
more focused and comedic in a serious way. The elements I changed after I
presented my RWMC piece were both things the markers and classmates
commented on. They said some of the subtitles in the first half went by too fast, so
they struggled to read everything being said before the subtitle changed. To remedy
this I changed the subtitles from the first half of the video to make it more concise
and easier to read, removing words and rewording/rephrasing the subtitles. I did this
as it was the main criticism that both my classmates and markers told me. I also
fixed the spelling and grammatical errors that were
The Main Causes Of Child Soldiers In Uganda
In our lives as children we need love, care, peace and safety to help us bloomsome
into a great and respectable person, but not everyone has that. Not everyone is as
lucky as us in our first countries to have these things help them grow and develop,
sometimes childrens are surrounded by the terrors of war as they grow up, just like
the child soldiers of Uganda.
To understand this problem this problem in Uganda the history, the problems
created by it and main cause to it must all be examined. The main cause of use of
child soldiers in Uganda can really be traced back to a military coup in the year 1986
where a new force was created by a man named Joseph Kony using child soldiers that
make up 90% of the army, called the LRA (Lord s Resistance Army). The job of the
LRA was to protect the Northern Ugandans from the military coup by the People s
National Resistance Army. The LRA did this through the abduction and use of
children as child soldiers, and this caused many problems for the country of Uganda (
Uganda: Child soldiers at centre of mounting humanitarian crisis. United Nations,
United Nations,
Throughout history of Uganda the use of child soldiers has caused a lot of problems
in the country of Uganda and throughout the world like the loss a younger generation
because of death of war therefore resulting in an older population unable to work or
give birth and a large amount of other mentally unstable adults who grew
The Effect Of Stress On The Brain
Review 3: Text
CPR Learning Essay
In our entire life or even a day, our brain goes through more and multiple processes
than us. There are things it is capable of doing and something it can t even handle
doing. The brain is probably the second most important organ in our body,
following the heart, and it is responsible for the things we do and how do those
things. It controls the way we walk, talk, the language we speak, the pain we feel,
and most importantly, gives us the ability to learn new information and keep the
memories that we want to keep. The stressing things we do to ourselves also stress
out our brain which keeps us under the influence of pressure. But if we take
advantage of the powerful ability of our brain, we can learn, memorize, ... Show more
content on ...
For example, there is a network between two parts of the brain, the hippocampus and
the nucleus accumbens. Have you ever gotten the feeling that if you do something
longer, such as working, will give you a greater reward? That is what goes on
between those two brain parts. These two parts interplay with each other to make
critical decisions about time, the hippocampus takes charge of memory and planning
while the nucleus accumbens takes charge of the feeling of pleasure. These two
parts have a network that gives you the thought of having a greater reward if you
work a little more. The same thing happens when you learn, but using the other two
types of memory, short term and long term. Short term memory is used when you
need to accomplish something you have to do (i.e. A chess player s turn) or when
you need to make up something shortly after someone else says to reply (i.e. A
debate or phone call). In our brain, the most active part when using the short term
memory process is the prefrontal lobe. This prefrontal lobe is more developed in
humans than in any other mammal such as monkeys. Initially when you receive and
read newer information, it is stored as short term memory, but when you better
understand it and get interested into it, it is transferred to long term memory through
the hippocampus. Our hippocampus actually strengthens the sensation or connection
whenever we repeat it until it no longer needs to. Specifically stated in The Brain:
How Memory Works , The cortex will have learned to associate the various
properties itself to reconstruct what we call a memory . To better facilitate the
learning process and our memory, we go through a process that everyone knows as
Columbine High School Shooting Analysis
In April 20, 1999, was when the Columbine High School Massacre occurred in
Littleton, Colorado. Michael Moore leads us to the events that lead up to the massacre.
At the beginning of the video, Michael Moore showed us that if you opened up an
account at this particular bank, you would get a gun. One of the lady s that worked
there said that they have over 500 firearms in their vault at the bank. It was crazy
that a bank would do that, and give away guns if they signed up for an account there.
As long as their background check came back clear, they were able to take that gun
home with them.
As I was watching the events unfold the day of the shooting at the High School, it was
very heartbreaking to see the footage they got from the cameras that were ... Show
more content on ...
Even though I was not there, it made it real by watching what happened that day
inside the school and what these children went through. It was hard to hear the
people on the phone who were there that day, but it was even harder to see the two
shooters on that film. The two gunmen killed 12 students and one teacher and
wounded many others. Then, the two boys turned the gun on themselves. After the
shooting was done and over with, it was sad to see the victims talk about what
they saw and heard. Students were getting shot right beside them, and they had to
watch that student die. One girl said that she had to watch a black boy die because
he was black. There was racism going on in this massacre because they killed a
student because he was black. This footage was unbearable to watch because of all
the violence that was going on. So many families who lost a loved one will forever
remember this sad day where they lost their child because of two students getting
revenge on bullies. Now, many people are blaming the NRA for allowing children to
get their hands on guns. They said that the boys got their guns from gun shows, etc.
Because of all the violent acts that have
Mozart Symphony 552
The first piece of music is Mozart s Symphony
NO.41 Jupiter (K
551); it was
Mozart s last symphony before his death. It is conducted by Hartmut Haenchen, with
a reduced ensemble of the Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Chamber Orchestra. It is an
orchestral piece which is performed at the Konzerthaus Berlin. The second piece of
musicis Brahms Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 77; it was Brahms only violin
concerto. It was performed at the Teatro Massimo in Palermo in 2002, and was
conducted by Claudio Abbado. It was performed by the Berlin Philharmonic, with
soloist Gil Shaham. Both pieces were of medium length, although Brahms was
slightly longer at 41 minutes.
The first piece is Symphony No. 41 in C major, K. 551 Jupiter , conducted by Hartmut
Haenchen, and is separated into four movements. The opening of the piece starts with
the entire orchestra starting strong, with contrasting motifs, which then follows into a
slower pace. The first movement of this piece follows the Sonata allegro form quite
closely. The exposition and the recapitulation are about the same in length. The
development is shorter than those two sections, but it is broken up, and put together
with pieces of the themes introduced in the exposition. At the 7:40 mark a heavy use
of strings is prominent; ... Show more content on ...
77, conducted by Claudio Abbado, and separated into three movements. This piece
follows a quick slow quick pattern, which is common in most concerto pieces. The
first movement begins softly and slowly with the brass and woodwinds featured
prominently. The violinist then begins to play the piece s first solo, at about the 2:35
mark, of the first movement, playing in a minor key. At the 2:57 mark, of the first
movement, the violin begins to blend smoothly with the oboe, which is then replaced
by the bassoon and clarinet. These instruments continue to play together, gradually
building towards a dramatic point towards the middle of the
America Is The World s Best Country
The America I believe in is the world s best country. It lets us have our freedoms,
and it lets us learn to our best abilities. It also has the best and bravest soldiers and
veterans in the world. Our country is the best in which to live and grow. Our
freedoms are the most important to me. They come at a great expense of people s
lives to save somebody they have never even met. Our freedoms are what separates
us from other countries. We have the ability to bear arms and let our heads invent
wonderful inventions. As proclaimed in a favorite song, Home of the free because
of the brave. Veterans of all wars and battles have and experienced events that nobody
else could possibly dream of, other than in nightmares. Therefore, we should honor
The Influence Of Nationalism In Canada
Each nation state controls its own governing policies; even so, nationalism is a
concept that cannot be severed from politics. To be concise, nationalism is
described as the feelings people have when identifying with their nation. It has the
ability to impact a country s social, political, and economic conditions. Incidentally,
nationalism should be perceived as a negative force due to the amount of tragedies
it has generated throughout the course of history. It s remarkable influence has left
many collective groups feeling isolated or mistreated. Nationalism first emerged in
the 18th century, during the early days of the French Revolution. Prior to this,
France was under the reign of an absolute monarch known as King Louis XVI. The
king had no respect for his subjects, and believed that he alone constructed France s
identity. However, civilians disagreed; fed up with the feudal system which only
benefited the noble class and the clergy, the middle class whispered ideas of change.
These progressive ideas were not welcomed in medieval times, as plotting against
your monarch was viewed as treason. Nationalism only seemed to encourage this
thought process, as soon Louis... Show more content on ...
While Canadian residents may be racially and culturally diverse, we pride ourselves
on acceptance and understanding of multiculturalism. This is a concept promoted
throughout Canada, as we believe co existing with different cultures is fundamental
in a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected due to globalization. In
Canada, you have the power to construct your own identity, not nationalism. The
negative aspect of a concept such as nationalism is that it only represents the
prevalent traits that emerge within a given population, ignoring many minority
groups and often leading to discrimination. That is why we believe that you define
who you are, not the
Impact of Alcohol in Sports
The investigators of this study for this article are: Bosko Rowland, Falicity Allen, and
John Toumbourou. The aim of the these three authors study was to highlight the
factors and impacts that alcohol plays in Australian sports. Furthermore, the aim of
the authors study was to also explain to the audience the Good Sports program that
was designed to reduce the amount of harmful alcohol consumed in Australian
community sports clubs. The method of this study was indiscriminate but was based
off different clubs in Australia. Therefore, the authors used a method, in which they
conducted a postintervention adoption study to determine whether or not the
community sports club, partnered through the Good Sports Program was associated
with low rates of alcohol consumption. About 4.5 million Australians are involved in
community sports clubs. Which brings upon the fact that Behavioral ecology argues
that the environment influences alcohol related behaviors in sports clubs. The
authors of this article used the Good Sports Program database and organized
information from Victoria, Tasmania, and South Australia. There were only two
sports used for this study, the Australian Football League, and the Cricket club were
invited because of their contribution to the program. Within the AFL, there are a total
of Forty Seven clubs. Among the Cricket club, there are a total of eighteen clubs.
There were thirty surveys given to each sport with random instructions on how to
return the surveys.
Managerial Accounting Essays
PROBLEM 2 21B Predetermined Overhead Rate; Disposition of Underapplied or
Overapplied Overhead (LO1, LO7)
(2) Underapplied: $68,600
Adriana Company is highly automated and uses computers to control manufacturing
operations. The company uses a job order costing system and applies manufacturing
overhead cost to products on the basis of computer hours. The following estimates
were used in preparing the predetermined overhead rate at the beginning of the year:
Computer hours
Fixed manufacturing overhead cost
Variable manufacturing overhead per computer hour
During the year, a severe economic recession resulted in cutting back production and
a buildup of inventory in the company s ... Show more content on ...
7.Was manufacturing overhead underapplied or overapplied? By how much?
8.Compute the ending balance in the Work in Process inventory account. Assume that
this balance consists entirely of goods started during the year. If $32,200 of this
balance is direct materials cost, how much of it is direct labor cost? Manufacturing
overhead cost?
PROBLEM 2 24B Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured; Overhead Analysis
(LO1, LO2, LO3, LO6, LO7)
(2) Cost of goods manufactured: $354,800
(5) Direct materials: $15,990
The Ilarion Manufacturing Company operates a job order costing system and
applies overhead cost to jobs on the basis of direct labor cost. Its predetermined
overhead rate was based on a cost formula that estimated $117,000 of manufacturing
overhead for an estimated allocation base of $90,000 direct labor dollars. The
company has provided the following data in the form of an Excel worksheet:
Raw Materials
Work in Process
Finished Goods
The following actual costs were incurred during the year:
Purchase of raw materials (all direct)
Direct labor cost
Manufacturing overhead costs:
Insurance, factory
Depreciation of equipment
Indirect labor
Property taxes
Rent, building
1.a.Compute the predetermined overhead rate
Essay On Conservation Of Natural Resources
Essay On Conservation Of Natural Resources

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Essay On Conservation Of Natural Resources

  • 1. Essay On Conservation Of Natural Resources Crafting an essay on the conservation of natural resources is undoubtedly a challenging endeavor. It requires a comprehensive understanding of environmental science, sustainability principles, and the intricate balance that exists within ecosystems. Delving into the topic necessitates extensive research to grasp the current state of natural resources, the threats they face, and the various conservation efforts in place. One must navigate through a sea of data, studies, and scientific literature to gather relevant and up-to-date information. Synthesizing this information into a coherent and engaging narrative demands both analytical skills and creativity. Addressing the complexities of human impact on the environment, exploring the consequences of resource depletion, and proposing viable conservation strategies require a nuanced and well-thought-out approach. Furthermore, a successful essay on this topic demands the ability to communicate complex ideas in a manner that is accessible to a broad audience. Striking the right balance between scientific accuracy and readability is a delicate task. Additionally, incorporating a variety of perspectives – be they economic, social, or cultural – adds layers of complexity to the writing process. In conclusion, tackling an essay on the conservation of natural resources is not for the faint of heart. It requires a blend of research skills, critical thinking, and effective communication. However, by rising to the challenge, one has the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the discourse surrounding environmental conservation. If you find yourself overwhelmed with such a task or need assistance with similar essays, a resource like can provide the support you need. Professional writers can help you navigate the complexities of environmental topics and produce well-crafted essays tailored to your specific requirements. Essay On Conservation Of Natural Resources Essay On Conservation Of Natural Resources
  • 2. Mary Queen Of Scots Mary Stuart is a play based off of the reign of Queen Elizabeth and her actions towards Mary Queen of Scots. Mary was attempting to overthrow Queen Elizabeth. Elizabeth was reluctant to have Mary executed because she knew that there were still supporters of Mary who may rebel. Eventually, the Queen has Mary executed to ensure her security but in the end she ended up alone after banishing many of her closest members of her inner circle. There were many moments throughout the play that I felt connected to the character of Mary Queen of Scots. A moment when I connected with Mary was when she was freed to meet Elizabeth. I connected with the scene because of the genuine joy and emotion that the actor portrayed. While there were many scenes
  • 3. Congress Rule 1937 Government of India Act, 1935: The Government of India Act, 1935 was formulated after long deliberations but was not fully promulgated but the only provincial part was introduced in the country, the central part was not introduced. The British govt deliberated on it and then the British parliament passed this law and then the king signed this law and this became the govt of India Act of 1935, under which the elections of 1937 would be held elections were held. The Muslim League criticized this law for a number of reasons and the same was the case with the Congress party but agreed to contest provincial elections to make advantage of the opportunities being provided under the govt of India Act. The 1937 Elections: Provincial elections were ... Show more content on ... The Congress won 18 seats and the Akali Dal, 10.[8] In Bengal, though the Congress was the largest party (with 52 seats), The Krishak Praja Party of A. K. Fazlul Huq(with 36 seats) was able to form a coalition government. [edit]The Muslim League The election results were a blow to the League. After the election,Muhammad Ali Jinnah of the League offered to form coalitions with the Congress. The League insisted that the Congress should not nominate any Muslims to the ministries, as it (the League) claimed to be the exclusive representative of Indian Muslims. This was not acceptable to the Congress, and it declined the League s offer. Projection of Congress: The Congress projected itself as an all India force representing all religions and factions of the society. The Muslim League contested for the Muslim seats. The ML focused only on the Muslims because it claimed to be the sole representative of the Muslims. There was a tough competition from the other Muslim organizations in different provinces which were also claiming to be the representatives of the Muslims. In this way the ML was not only competing with the Congress only but with a number of other Muslim groups and political parties at the provincial level. The elections were completed in February 1937. And if we look at the results of these elections we
  • 4. Walden By Henry David Thoreau Walden by Henry David Thoreau The book Walden by Henry David Thoreau was published in 1854. The book is a detailed critique of how modern man is living his life. This life is not fulfilling as people are too busy chasing material items that really do not add value to their lives. The main theme in this excerpt is simplicity. When you live a simple life you get to have the opportunity and the time to enjoy life s precious pleasures. Life becomes more fulfilling if it is lived in this manner. Henry David Thoreau wrote the book while living in isolation in a cabin near Walden Pond. The author has been described as being one of the greatest transcendentalists to ever live. He chose to live in the woods in isolation because he wanted to live
  • 5. A Brief Note On Unemployment And Its Effects On The United... Unemployment Deferment 12 months per Request (interest accrues monthly) maximum number allowed: up to 36 months/life of the loan. The Borrower has to submit evidence of receiving unemployment benefits/verify employment agency enrollment/show proof of previously granted Unemployment Deferment through another servicer. Economic Hardship Deferment 12 months per Request (interest does not accrue) maximum number of months allowed: up to 36 months/life of the loan. The Borrower has to submit evidence of receiving state/federal assistance (SNAP, SSI, Medicaid /Medicare, TANF), working full time and under 150% of the PovertyLine, monthly Federal loan payments cause Hardship , proof of Economic Hardship with another servicer, volunteer in the Peace Corps. Mandatory Forbearance 6 months per Request (interest accrues monthly) maximum number of months allowed: up to 36 month/life of the loan. The Borrower has to submit proof of taxable income/total monthly income/total amount of monthly payments on each Title IV loans through statements, tax returns, check stubs, etc. Forbearance can be back dated if the account is past due, but cannot be applied if the account has $0.00 in principal due. General Forbearance 6 months per Request (interest accrues monthly) maximum number of months allowed: up to 36 months/life of the loan. The Borrower has to submit a reason for the forbearance request, example; financial difficulties/change in employment/medical expenses/other
  • 6. A Report On The Resin Based Adhesives Summary The Aracuo mill in Sault Ste Marie manufactures a range of medium density fibreboard (MDF) composite panels as well as a wide selection of thermally fused laminates (Arauco, 2016). The resin based adhesives used in the manufacturing process of these materials create a source for airborne formaldehyde in the workplace. This presents a substantial health concern for workers in the Sault Ste. Marie Facility. Subsequently, routine air sampling is conducted to ensure safe working conditions. At present the Arauco Sault Ste. Marie facility maintains an air sampling program using the NIOSH 2016, Issue 2 method. While the current program is cost effective it has numerous limitations, such as limited sampling locations and infrequent collection of data. It is recommended that the Arauco Sault Ste. Marie facility consider implementing a more comprehensive air sampling program. While this would likely increase program costs, changes to the air sampling approach would remove sampler error, greatly increase the quantity of data collected, and extend sampling locations throughout the facility. Implementation of some or all of these recommendations would greatly increase the comprehensiveness of the air sampling program. 1.0 Introduction Arauco manufactures a range of sustainable wood products including the industry s most comprehensive selection of composite panels, premium plywood, millwork, lumber, and wood pulp (Arauco, 2016). Founded in 1971, Arauco has grown from a pulp
  • 7. The Application Of Nuclear Technology Narek Stepanian Ms. Klock English 2H 9 May2016 The Application of Nuclear Technology Nuclear technology has been around for approximately a century and has provided a multitude of benefits that continuously make the world a better place. Nuclear power plants, for one, are a relatively safe and clean alternative to today s most commonly used coal and gas plants. Other applications of Nuclear technology in pesticides and fertilizer could theoretically multiply agricultural production by inconceivable numbers. Nuclear technology could also be used in medicine to treat and diagnose illnesses such as cancer. Despite its positive implications, nuclear technology could potentially cause harm to ecosystems in the form of radiation. Regardless of this trivial danger, nuclear technology is truly great and has always been so since the day it was first discovered. The capacity for nuclear technology was first discovered in the year 1939 by scientists Hahn and Strassmann. They found that when a radioactive element decayed in the form of fission it released tremendous amounts of energy ( Outline History of... 1). Fission is the term used to refer to the splitting of an atom into two smaller atoms. To be exact, Hahn and Strassman deduced that twelve kilograms of Uranium which is a radioactive element had the same capacity as eighteen hundred tons of TNT ( Brief History of Nuclear... 1). This magnitude of power was used predominantly in weapons manufacturing during WWII and the
  • 8. Belongings In Storage Unit Essay If you plan on putting some belongings in storage this summer, the last thing you want are bugs and rodents getting into your things. If you take the three precautionary steps listed below, you should be able to keep your belongings safe and your storage unit bug and rodent free. Tip #1: Clean Out Your StorageUnit Before you start to move your belongings into your storage unit, take an hour or so and clean it out. If your storage unit is located outside, see if you can use a pressure washer to remove any dirt, dust and debris that is inside of the unit. If you cannot use a pressure washer, then use a vacuum to clean out your storage unit. Make sure you use an attachment to clean the walls, and make sure you get into the corners of your unit as well. You may want to use a broom to... Show more content on ... Tip #2: Clean All Of Your Belongings Bugs and rodents are generally attracted to storage units when people store items that are dirty inside of their unit. Even a tiny grease stain could attract a little critter that is hungry. If you are storing clothes in your unit, wash and dry everything before you box it up. If you are storing shoes, use a wet rag to wipe them down and remove any dirt from the sides and bottom of your shoes. If you are storing furniture or appliances, use a vacuum to clean them off. Then use the appropriate cleaning products to wipe them down. If you don t have to, try to avoid storing food in your storage unit. Even when you take every precaution with food, something could explode or spill without your knowledge. Spilled food is the easiest way to invite critters into your storage unit. Tip #3: Set Out Traps To really protect your belongings, you should set up some traps. Even if you clean out your storage unit and clean all of your belongings before you put them in storage, something could slip by, which is where traps come in
  • 9. Factors That Regulate Expression Of Stress Responsive... Science I Term Paper The research paper that this term paper is based on is Interactions Among Plant Transcription Factors Regulating Expression of Stress responsive Genes, Sony Malhotra and R. Sowdhamini, National Center for Biological Sciences, June 2014, Bioinformatics and Biology Insights. Abstract: Plants are known to respond to abiotic stress by up or down regulating their genes. This is done by activating transcription factors. It is known that these transcription factors, though they have DNA binding domains, interact amongst each other for the regulation of gene production. In order to find out which transcription factors interact and how, the research uses genetic and molecular structure information available in databases and computationally analyses the data. The factors that lead to the conclusion of interaction between transcription factors includes spatial proximity and possible interaction poses. Molecular docking is used to predict the interaction poses and DockScore is a scoring system used to rank the interaction poses. Introduction: Plants are immobile and therefore need mechanisms to counteract stresses that they face from their environment. Cold, high light, drought, salinity, abscisic acid, rehydration and combination of stresses like cold drought salt stress are common abiotic stresses that plants encounter. In order to deal with these stresses, plants either up regulate or down regulate their genes; that is, they increase the production of
  • 10. Engl 105 Essay Planning Log Colonnade Hotel and Resort Communication Problem: As the Director of Franchise Properties, this communication needs to advise Penny Hyatt, the CEO of Colonnade Hotel and Resort, and the corporatate level, on how to revise the overbooking policy and some suggestions on how to address the negative attitude toward Colonnade properties in general . Discussing the matter in person with Penny would be the best way to convey this information, but since that is not possible, I must write her a memo that documents the problem and provides possible suggestions for solving the problem. Good! Reader Analysis: Who is my primary reader(s)? Penny Hyatt Who is my secondary reader(s)? The secondary readers will be the people ... Show more content on ... Am I trying to inform the reader? If so, what information do I want the reader to have? I am trying to inform her how serious the situation is and let her take any actions as soon as she can in order to boost their reputation. Am I trying to persuade the reader? If so, what do I want the reader to think or do? I also have to persuade Penny that the situation is serious and that she needs to address the problem as soon as possible. In addition, I have to convince her to read the memo in the first place. Am I trying to make a recommendation? Yes, I will recommend various solutions regarding their overbooking policy and suggestions to address the negative attitude. With your purpose(s) and reader(s) firmly in mind, respond to the following: Statement of Point In a brief statement, what is the most important piece of information in this document. The company needs to contact Kevin Ward right away and apologize to his family. Description of Content What are the key points that need to be emphasized in this document? Which points are major ones and which are minor? Major points: must contact Mr. Ward right away and apologize for the incident. suggestions on how to revise the overooking policy. recommendations on how to address the negatice attitude toward Colonnade
  • 12. The Worm in the Apple The worm in the apple John Cheever is an American novelist, who gained his popularity as a short story writer, for which he was awarded with Pulitzer prize for fiction. His work mostly deal with the duality oh human nature corroborated by cultural and psychological background. And his short story titled The worm in the apple is not an exclusion. The story unfolds very smoothly and evenly in spite of of the stirring and at the same time troubling subject of the matter. We get acquainted with the main characters The Crutchman family so very very happy and so temperate in all their habits and so pleased with everything that came their way , due to the anaphoric repetition the author creates intensification, that states the problem ... Show more content on ... For everybody the Crutchman s family apple is perfect, but inside, it is repellent. With the help of the atmosphere the author shows his own discourse about the problem for him this family s way of life is ridiculous and absurd. He dwells upon it with tongue in cheek. It seems that characters are everywhere but not in their family just because they know and understand the despair and ruefulness of their little family theater. One more theme is relationships between parents and children. And one more time we see the worm: the mother who loves one child more than the other one, the mother who is jealous of her own daughter. And that of course cannot but contributes to Rachel s and Tom s future lives. Having condemned her own life, Helen does the same about their children s ones. Speaking about the language, it contributes to the whole effect of the story. It opens with the sentence that sounds like a contradiction the Crutchmans are so happy that everyone necessarily believed that they are not. It is impossible not to notice the irony of Cheever they are so so so very happy. This usage of numerous adjectives makes the story emotional and intense. Cheever creates the increase of tension by long sentences (he was at the communion rail, the fifty yard line). Many of them are 4 5 lines. But for slatting the problem the author uses simple short rhetorical questions. There aren t many stylistics devices in the text and the title of the story is maybe, the main
  • 13. The Evolution of Commercials, Toyota Prius In today s advertisements many different techniques are used to grab the attention of the audience. Ads in the newspaper and in magazines may seem bland to some readers. Large corporate tycoons tend to adhere to the use of television as the ideal form of communication. Psychologically, bright colors, motion, and sounds help to catch your attention and keep you alert on the product. Whether positive or negative, the commercial most likely has an impact on your view of the product. Marketing in commercials always targets a specific audience to purchase that service or product. Automobile advertisements have had some of the most creative and unique cinematic graphics. In one of the first ever hybrid vehiclecommercials in 2004, the Toyota... Show more content on ... This gives the introduction of the car a heightened sense of suspense. People may be asking what could this engineering feat possibly be? The narrator introduces the car very straight forward and includes the most important details only: fuel efficiency, and performance. The tone of the man speaking is very businessman like using intelligent words and a calm yet attention demanding voice. He ends off the commercial with a twist on a famous quote, One small step on the accelerator, one giant step for mankind, A quote that makes the car seem like a milestone as great as landing on the moon. Without a doubt, the commercials both convey a completely different feeling yet they both have the ability to include the same general aspects of the automobile. The images provided throughout the Toyota s commercials are what, I think, captivates the audience most. The 2004 commercial on one hand has a play on words that is imbedded in the motion picture. The narrator says that in our society we have been moving, just not forward. This shows in the commercial because every mode of transportation shown (a train, walking, driving, etc.) is literally moving in place. The people are moving their legs but not moving distance, likewise the cars wheels are turning, yet the car has no forward motion. Cleverly, the commercial catches the eye of the audience and tries to invoke an epiphany: Why am I driving
  • 14. Personal Values In The Medical Field Choose five character or personal values that you feel are the most important and write a one page document. Explain why each one is important and make at least two strong points for each. Our Character and personal valves comes from our moral valves, which we learn from our family, friends, religion and influential groups. Integrity is defined by our honest and trustworthy actions. It is our values, expectations, strong moral principles and outcomes that we should use in daily. It is a concept that we should include in our professional as well as our private lives. Policy and procedures are set up to protect the Physician, employee and the patients. Ignoring these policies or taking short cuts can lead to mistakes, causing noncompliance issues. An employer expects his/her employee to work... Show more content on ... We should all use respect as a building block when building relationships with our peers, physicians and patients. To have a positive direction in life you need a foundation of self respect. If we have a strong sense of self respect, we can develop healthy relationships. Respecting the privacy of patient s medical record should be our priority as a health care provider. When you are out of the office do not talk about patients, because someone could hear you. By achieving your certification and keeping up with continuous education shows respect for their profession. Commitment is defined as having dedication to be your best self every day. We should be committed, which obligates us to be our best for patients, physicians and our peers. Because a commitment obligates you, before making a commitment, you should think about the possible outcome of your decision. Don t tell a patient that you can get their insurance to pay a claim when you have no power over what the insurance company pays for. When you were asked to cover a shift and you agreed, then was a no show, is a way to show your employer that you are not
  • 15. Feminist Student Culture And The Issues Of Postsecondary... The purpose of this literature review is to synthesize and discuss feminist student culture and the issues in postsecondary education. First, the paper reviews the various definitions and movements surrounding feminism. In addition, the paper analyzes the perspectives of women and men and whether they support or are against feminist student culture. Lastly, the paper discusses recommendations and future research for student affairs professions to maintain feminist student culture in higher education. Understanding feminism Feminism in the United States is often separated into three waves (Vaccaro, 2009, Vernet Butera, 2005). The first wave began during the late 1800s to early 20th century, women began fighting for gender equality, emancipation, and economic rights, which lasted through the woman suffrage movement (Breen Karpinski, 2008; Vaccaro, 2009; Vernet Butera, 2005). Dissatisfied with women s status, women fought for social, economical, and political equality by ratifying the 19th Amendment. However, anti feminists viewed gender equality as a minor issue and compared women to uncivilized populations (Vernet Butera, 2005). After ratifying the 19th Amendment, the second wave peeked during 1960s to 1970 s social movement. Women wanted control of their bodies, freely chosen maternity, end domestic violence, and equality in a male society (Vernet Butera, 2005). The gap between the first and second wave was separated by a long hiatus period but inspired campus
  • 16. The Importance Of A Residential Center For Abused Women Introduction Living in fear is something no one should experience, many women have dealt with this for a very long time. An abusive relationship can lead to various outcomes, from physical to mental damage. There are many opportunities created for people living in those conditions to speak up. A residential center is a place to help women who have been a part of an abusive environment. This research report briefly outlines the basics of a residential centers for abused women, it focuses on key concepts such as the facilities provided for the individuals, what causes a person to get into the shelter, the process of change and acceptance for those who have been through traumatic experiences and many more. The subject of a residential center (for abused women) has been seen as a strong educating factor for society, not everyone is aware of abusive relationships and how to stop them. This report does not just address basic facts, but it provides detailed information on methods in helping those who have been a part of a domestic relationship. It also shares the basic outline and features of many institutions and facilities, provided for those who need assistance. Overall this report gathers a large amount of knowledge regarding the subject of residential centers (for abused women). Major Features The expression shelter is utilized extensively for many facilities including residential centers for abused women. There are several types of shelters around Canada. From
  • 17. Analysis Of The Song Born This Way No matter gay, straight, or bi, I was born to survive . In the words of lady GaGa herself it doesn t matter who you marry, what your gender is or what s you race you just need to accept others and yourself. Lady GaGa s song Born this Way informs others about self acceptance in her new album Born this way . This song is about people abusing others and reflecting badly on them self because of their race, gender and choice in who they marry. Lady GaGaexpresses her thoughts about people s issues to say it doesn t matter who you are because you were born that way. The context of this song develops a strong social, historical and cultural environment of this song and background of what was going for people to understand and appreciate about what Lady GaGa is trying to inform others about. The social environment of the song is that people keep rejecting and bulling others for their gender or sexuality as well as the historical environment of the song is that people s colour or religion has been used against them and they have been put into slavery and low positions in the world. Finally the cultural environment of the song is people and colours, marriage and gender. The background of the song is people have rejected people though out time who want to marry the same gender as them and slavery cause by people colour which was what happened to cause Born This Way to be written. This message is still relevant at the moment as people are still being effect by it but people are
  • 18. German Culture Vs American Culture Essay Coming from a German culture, my family stays traditional in the way we celebrate holidays and eat food. The differences between German and American culture are very evident in their holiday traditions and meals, but there are also some similarities, such as language, that are often overlooked. When I think of the differences between German and American culture, one of the first things that comes to mind is how Christmasis celebrated. In Germany, it is always celebrated on Christmas Eve. Instead of Santa, children are told that if they behave well, Kris Kringle or Christkindl , meaning Christ Child, will leave presents for them under the tree. While waiting for the presents to come, the familywill gather around the table to eat dinner
  • 19. University of Phoenix Corporate Finance Syllabus | Syllabus School of BusinessFIN/571 Version 5Corporate Finance| Copyright 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course applies corporate finance concepts to make management decisions. Students learn methods to evaluate financial alternatives and create financial plans. Other topics include cash flows, business valuation, working capital, capital budgets, and long term financing. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document... Show more content on ... 3.8 Identify sources and uses of short term financing. 3.9 Evaluate how the business policies of a firm affect accounts receivable and inventories.| | | Readings| Read Ch. 22 amp; 23 of Corporate Financial Management.| | | Participation| Participate in class discussion.| Monday| 3| Learning TeamLawrence Sports Simulation| Resource: The Lawrence Sports Simulation located at /vendors/tata/sims/finance/finance_simulation1.html Create at least three alternative working capital policies that reduce future difficulties, and make a recommendation on which policy Lawrence Sports should follow. Your recommendation must include:An evaluation of the risk associated with the recommendationContingencies for the recommendationPerformance measures that are used to evaluate your recommendation An implementation plan for your recommendationWrite a paper in no more than 1,750 words discussing your recommendation. Your paper must include a review of the cash conversion cycle for Lawrence Sports Simulation and its importance to their working capital management. Develop and explain your recommendation as fully as possible.Format your paper
  • 20. Current Issues In Health Care One of the main issues government workers face for the next decade is the aging workforce due to retirement in crucial administration positions. The public health workforce significantly lack experienced leaders to fill the gaps of certain employment positions. Employees who are within management positions are not certain when they will retire due to indefinite economic situations from the previous years. Additionally, the aging workforce issue is more dominant in pubic organizations than private administrations because public organizations have to compete with private firms that provide temporary attractive opportunities. As a result, management is confronted with challenges to promote younger workers for advancement and recruit and retain... Show more content on ... Therefore, understanding the workforce needs and expectations, organizations can respond by applying policies to address the issue. Individuals within the public health workforce have noted factors such as competitive benefits, job insecurity, opportunities for advancement, training, low job satisfaction, noncompetitive wage and inflexible schedules to be personal factors that influence their decision to leave (Beck Boulton, 2016; Leider et al., 2016; Yeager et al.,
  • 21. Consequences Of Imperialism In Africa The Industrial Revolution made many new inventions that had many sources of energy and materials needed to make them. For the nations with this technology, Imperialism was a way for them to further Industrialize and generate economy. Imperialism is the act of one country expanding its power to other territory in order to colonize and gain resources, economy, knowledge, and control. European countries with strong militaries used Imperialism in order to achieve these goals but caused consequences in the long term. Africa, China, And India were imperialized by European countries due to the cheap labor, raw resources, research opportunities, and consumers available but this was greeted with many rebellions, many deaths, unfair treaties, and spreading of technology and knowledge from one country to the next. European powers wanted to colonize in Africa due to cheap labor and raw resources available which led to many enslaved people brutally dieing and territory being dispersed between other countries.The resources found in Africa were diamonds, jewels, and copper which were being mined out by the native enslaved people. Ivory and hides of animals were popular for colonists to have. Normal citizens of tribes were dieing due to forced labor and native animals were dying due to hunting. Colonists didn t even see imperialism as a bad thing to the native people of Africa, seen in the poem A White Man s Burden. Scientists saw Africa as an opportunity to expand knowledge in the
  • 22. An Unwanted Change Of Weather An unwanted change in weather can change a life in a matter of hours. A hurricane is a tropical storm that occurs near oceans and on coasts. Hurricanes in Florida happen often and the citizens in the affected area will need to be prepared for these storms. This will be how to be ready for and handle a level one to a level three hurricane. In a level three hurricane extensive damage to buildings and flooding along the coast occur. Following these steps will not guarantee safety from a hurricane. The materials needed will be a three day supply of nonperishable food and bottled water (three gallons of water per person, per day), toiletries such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, and shampoo, a bucket to use for the restroom, sleeping bags and pillows, flashlights, plastic bags, a basic first aid kit, boards of plywood that has a size that is dependent on the size of the home s windows, corrosion resistant screws at least two inches in length (amount varying in amount and size of windows, read below for instructions and then with the measurements of the windows get the proper amount of screws), a drill, a television, and a radio. Firstly, before the stormoccurs, proper preparations must be taken. The level of the storm must be determined to know which action to take. To find this out examine the local weather reports, news, and/or radio. Once determining the category, if it is a category three or lower then follow these steps; if it is a four or higher then consider
  • 23. Prelude To The Battle Of Command Essay Prelude to the Battle When the German Wehrmacht finished mopping up the remnants of the French and British forces at Dunkirk in early 1940 sealing the fate of France for the next four years, one could only imagine the overjoy among the heads of the German high command. Poland was the first to fall, then northern Europe, and finally, France. The operations went so smoothly, it took Adolf Hitler and his generals less than a year to swipe across Europe from the border with Russia to the east to the French beaches littered with rotting machines on the English Channel in the west. Germany s redemption from her humiliation at the end of the Great War would almost be complete but for the one enemy that was still standing Great Britain. Hitler... Show more content on ... In fact the Fighter Command ended the battle with more aircraft in its inventory than it did at the start of the battle due to the ingenuity and determination of the British aircraft industry. However on the eve of the battle, the Fighter Command had a critical shortage of fighter aircraft. During the earlier campaign in France, the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) sent to help the French against an invading German army, mounted fierce but futile resistance. The air component of the BEF lost a great number of aircraft, including half of its Hawker Hurricane fighters, which would make vital contributions in the victory in the Battle of Britain. Air Chief Marshall Hugh Dowding, the commander of the RAF Fighter Command, resisted the call for sending more aircraft into a hopeless battle in France and pulled the remaining RAF fighters back home to protect Britain. His decision later proved to be a key factor in the narrow margin by which the RAF won the Battle of Britain. But for now, Dowding had only thirty six of the fifty three fighter squadrons, which needed to protect Britain from a Nazi air invasion (Hough Richards,
  • 24. Summary Of Ghosts Of Ole Miss Quint Swanberg Professor McCarthy Business Ethics 16 October 2015 Ghosts of Ole Miss Every higher institution of learning has their own set of myths and history. Some of them may be vaguely true and some may be highly influential. The history of the institution may have a negative effect on those who look to apply or be a part of the institution. The history of a place sets the epitome of future enrollees. Some of the ghosts that haunt any college may have an extremely negative impact on how they are viewed today. This negative perception of the university can lead to strong economic deficits. Throughout trying to combat negative concepts that are thrust upon an institution, they have resolved issues of ethics, violence and, to most importantly, boost cohesion and moral. Throughout this essay, I will be examining the effects of one of the most controversial university enrollments. James Meredith paved the way for African American acceptance into a historically all White University. No matter how much adversity Meredith would encounter, he would not give up or give in to institutional racism. The want to keep Ole Miss segregated by those there did not hinder his success. In an attempt to end racial segregation, the Supreme Court ordered the admittance of James Meredith to the campus. This action was a clear defiance of racial segregation. This resulted in an abundant amount of not only riots but also casualties. Meredith paved the way for other African Americans
  • 25. Richard III Conscience Essay Human beings behave with a conscience, an innate feeling of right and wrong. The conscience prevents most people from committing horrific acts, and those who commit such acts bear a guilty conscience. Richard starts out as the perfect Machiavellian, but as Shakespeare s historical drama Richard III unfolds, he becomes fallible due to his conscience. Richard s Machiavellian techniques allow him to rise to the throne; the same tactics cause Richard s demise. Shakespeare explicitly uses Richard s failure to demonstrate that Machiavelli s philosophy does not work. According to Shakespeare the most important reason for the downfall of Richard is his conscience, and Machiavelli s philosophy does not account for this quality of human nature. In... Show more content on ... His guilty conscience causes his once quick and witty mind that always knows the next step in his master plan to spiral into a slow and unsure mind. Richard s guilt causes him to use unnecessary and exorbitant force. For example, he sends Anne [his] wife [to] bid the world good night (4.3 43), a death that has no political necessity. The conscience consumes Richard as he dreams about a parade of the ghosts of those he murdered. The dream sequence fulfills queen Margaret s prophecy that the worm of conscience still begnaw [Richard s] soul . (1.3 233) The eerie dream sequence sends Richard into a dialogue with himself exclaiming, O coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me! (5.3 191) This shows how Richard s guilt consumes his mind, which leads Richard to lose the battle against Norfolk. Machiavelli s teachings do not account for when the prince goes mad. Not once in Machiavelli s The Prince does he use the word conscience . Shakespeare uses Richard III to comment on the inhumane nature of Machiavelli s philosophy. Shakespeare argues that the Machiavellian actions Richard took to claim the throne of England do not lead to success, but rather end in disaster. Richard explicitly follows Machiavelli s philosophy, yet the drama ends in his death. No human being would be able to follow Machiavelli s guidelines without his conscience either preventing him, or driving him
  • 26. Burj Khalifa BURJ KHALIFA: THE WORLD S TALLEST BUILDING Prepared for: Prof. Sylvia M. Basilio Prepared by: Aranda, Gilbert Austria, John Mark De Ocampo, Gerald Garcia, Jason Gomez, Philip Meer, Sarah Jane R. Ponio, Kyle David Regacho, Keith Torrente, Gerwin TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract Introduction Burj Khalifa Definition Claiming as the Tallest Structure in the World Breaking other World s Record Location and its Environment Part of Downtown Dubai Downtown Dubai Evolution, Timeline and Construction Progress Construction Timeline Architecture and Design Construction Highlights Structure and Features Project Costs and Pricing People behind the Shadow of Burj Khalifa Conclusion Recommendation Bibliography ABSTRACT BURJ KHALIFA: ... Show more content on ... This includes antennae, flagpoles, signage and other functional technical equipment. 1.2 Burj Khalifa: Breaking Other World Records Burj Khalifa is not just the tallest structure of the world but it also holds the title on numerous records that is jaw dropping to know about. As we all know, it is the tallest skyscraper ,(to top of spire): 829.84 m (2,723 ft) (previously Taipei 101 509.2 m/1,671 ft) (to top of antenna): 829.84 m (2,723 ft) (previously the Willis Tower527 m/1,729 ft), it is the tallest extant structure: 829.84 m (2,723 ft) (previously KVLY TV mast 628.8 m/2,063 ft), it is the tallest freestanding structure: 829.84 m (2,723 ft) (previously CN Tower 553.3 m/1,815 ft), it is the building with most floors: 160 (previously Willis Tower 108), it is the
  • 27. building with world s highest occupied floor, the world s highest elevator installation (situated inside a rod at the very top of the building) ,the world s fastest elevators: 64 km/h (40 mph) or 18 m/s (59 ft/s) (previously Taipei 101 16.83 m/s), the highest vertical concrete pumping (for a building): 606 m (1,988 ft) (previously Taipei 101 449.2 m/1,474 ft), First world s tallest structure in history to include residential space., the world s highest outdoor observation deck: 124th floor at 452 m (1,483 ft) ,world s highest installation of an aluminum and glass facade: 512 m (1,680 ft) ,the world s highest mosque: 158th
  • 28. Julian’s Racist Mother in O’Connor’s Everything That... Julian s Racist Mother in O Connor s Everything That Rises Must Converge She lifted the hat one more time and set it down slowly on her head. Two wings of gray hair protruded on either side of her florid face, but her eyes, sky blue, were as innocent as they must have been when she was ten. Where it not that she was a widow who had struggled fiercely to feed and clothe and put him through school and who was supporting him still, until he got on his feet, she might have been a little girl that he had to take to town. This passage was taken from Everything That Rises Must Converge and describes Julian s mother, who remains nameless in the story. It particularly describes her face and hair, which make her sound, ironically, like an... Show more content on ... She helps her son financially, and therefore does not try to be more accepting, even though he asks her to be. She tries to give the black child a penny, and thus thinks that she is indeed acting more accommodating to race, but succeeds only in drawing attention to her antiquated notions of gentility. Thus the angelic description of her physical features is very ironic. Heavenly, and Christian images are seen throughout this short story, such as Julian being described as St. Sebastian, and Julian s mother reminding him that Julian s grandmother was a Godhigh. Perhaps the images foreshadow the upcoming death of Julian s mother, and her belief that she absolutely deserves to go to heaven when she dies, though she does not know she will die by the end of the story. Julian s mother believes she has done everything right in her life, and though she is a very earnest and selfless woman, she is hardly an angel. The passage also alludes to Julian s mother being a child, or a ten year old, which may have been the age when she knew Caroline, her darky nurse. At the end of the story, she calls out for Caroline, probably because Caroline was the one who would have helped her when she was a child and in trouble, but it is poignant that she is described as being young, and in the last seconds of her life, she reverts back to the childhood that she still resembles, even after all her years and troubles. The passage also says that if
  • 29. An Integration Center Of The Reflex Arc An integration center in the reflex arc is a neuropathway that creates a reflex action to activating neurons to skip the spinal cord and protect your brain. The nerve cells can be categorized by their connections, structure, and neurotransmitters. The structural classification is depending on shape and size of the cell body, its dendritic tree, axonlength, and the nature of the connections it makes. The neurons with one, two, or more than two neurites, are unipolar, bipolar, and multipolar respectively. Most of neurons in vertebrate nervous systems are multipolar, but there are significant exceptions. For illustration, bipolar neurons in the retina synapse with sensory neurons, and photoreceptors in the dorsal root ganglion are explained as pseudo unipolar as they begin life as bipolar cells but their two neurites fuse. The unipolar neurons dominate in invertebrates. Collaterals a small side branch, as of a blood vessel or nerve. A neuronal pool is a group of interconnected neurons with specific functions. A pool may be diffuse, involving neurons in several regions of the brain, or localized, with neurons restricted to one specific location in the brain or spinal cord. However, the proper function of the circuit of the stretch reflex also relies on convergence and divergence. A single sensory has multiple branches that diverge and make synaptic connections with many individual motor neurons. Therefore, when the muscle contracts as a result of the neurologist s tapper, it
  • 30. The Death Of Trotsky I was walking again. I do that a lot, because walking relaxes me. Sometimes it just feels nice to stretch your legs, and get some fresh air. The Moscow air is so fresh that it burns your face a bit, but I know that a little hypothermia is good for the soul. God, I sound like air supply. Anyway, it was cold again. I mean it s always cold in Moscow, but today it was different, because this walk wasn t for nothing. I was intent on my purpose, so I moved at a brisk pace. I sped up, but made sure not to go too fast so that the ice pick didn t dig into my thigh. I was walking to Leon s house to killhim. As I stated earlier, I intend on killing Trotsky. I knew what would come if I was victorious, but I felt pangs of guiltstrike my heart. I became unsure on whether or not I could kill him. After all, he wasn t an enemy of the party, but a comrade. He may have views that I despise, but he was pure at heart. Maybe, he rejected his perfect life for a better one. There was just a chance that he was one of us, that he sympathized with the workers, and wanted Russia to have the bright future of communist red. I mentally scolded myself. I was intent on killing this man, and some weak remorse cannot stop me. Remorse is an emotionthat plays into empathy, and empathy is my enemy. Empathy is something that people who cry feel. It is a tool of the upper class to make the lower class stay low, but I can t stop it. When I was a child, I learned how feeling is wrong. I learned that caring
  • 31. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cetane 3.6.2. Advantages of DTBP: The, use of DTBP asa cetane enhancer substantially reduces the four gaseous toxic emissions of 1, 3 butadiene, benzene, formaldehyde, and acetaldehyde. Typical reductions in these tour gaseous toxic emissions achievable by increasing the cetane number of a fuel by ten numbers. It is Soluble Organic Fraction of Particulate Matter particulate matter. These reductions in the soluble organic fraction of the particulate matter are expected in turn to reduce the emissions of both poly aromatic hydrocarbons and nitrated poly aromatic hydrocarbons. Thermal and Oxidative Stability A cetane improvement additive that is thermally or oxidative unstable under actual conditions impacts on the fuel quality and could lead to poor ... Show more content on ... Thus, it is for commercial acceptance the peroxide. The use of DTBP produces substantial reductions in the soluble organic fraction of the based cetane improvement additives must be stable, thermally and oxidative, at actual use temperatures. The thermal stability of DTBP was demonstrated by determining the effects of heating on the treated fuels and also by measurement of the decomposition rates in a low sulfur diesel fuel! A fuel treated with DTBP showed no statistically significant loss in cetane number after heating for 100 hours at 92В°C. The half life for DTBP at 70В°C in diesel fuel is in excess of 10,000 hours, with greater than 97% of the additive remaining after nearly 700 hours. Even at lOOnC, the half life of DTBP in diesel fuel is over 300 hours. Even though the rate of thermal decomposition of the peroxide is five to ten times faster than the nitrate, the peroxide additive is very stable under typical fuel system temperatures. Stability of DTBP was demonstrated by the standard ASTM methods. Both the accelerated oxidative stability test (D274)12 and the long term storage stability test (D4625)13 did not show any gum formation in most of the diesel fuels tested. In some, inherently unstable
  • 32. Lay Le Freine hereas a variety of Canterbury Tales tales are inclined to make the nobility aware of the capability of ordinary people and how beauty presents itself in their lives, other medieval popular romances strive to provide a sense of wish fulfillment for a different audience; the powerless. Thomas Chestre s Sir Launfalin particular appeals to someone who wishes to escape profound social inequality and injustice. Thomas Chestrespeaks to his audienceby rewriting a better version of the difficult life of a commoner as a fairytale that idealises familiar views of the peasant; Her faces wer whit as snow on downe (l. 251). Radulescu s statement that anonymous audiences should be acknowledged for embracing the incendiary nature of these medieval popular... Show more content on ... Lay le Freine explores themes of patience being rewarded, of the oppressed turning out to be noble, and of identity establishment. Le Freine and her mother form a central conflict within the moral structure of the tale that condemns envy and rewards kindness. The mother is so envious of the birth of her neighbour s twins that she spreads a rumour that a woman only gives birth to twins if they belong to two different men. Through this subplot, Lay le Freine includes reference to the extensive superstition about whether or not a woman is virtuous if she gives birth to twins. The presence of this superstition may reflect the court s strictness about reproduction levels, particularly to do with the poor, during the medieval times during which this was written. Pressure from the court, the church, as well as embarrassment within society could have often lead to the abandonment of a child; such as le Freine. In her story, le Freine manages to flourish even though she has been exposed, proving that her difficulties have not damaged, but improved her character; And damisel Freyn, so hende of mouth, / Her semblaunt and her gentrise, / Her lovesum eighen, her rode so bright (ll. 265, 268, 269). In this way, this story is incendiary in nature since it ignites a feeling of confidence in the audience who would enjoy hearing about a mistreated character like themselves, who rises from the ashes despite their limitations to prove themselves noble, and despite having nothing to their name. As much as this story would likely ignite feelings of hope amongst the audience, they are also able to relate to the voice of le Freine, which is not directly spoken to them until line 379, just before the end. In acquiring a voice only once
  • 33. Yanek Book Reports Intro: This book is about a Jewish boy named Yanek. This gives an inside look of what happened to Jewish people in the 1940s. He had a very hard life in the 6 year time duration he spent in the ghetto and concentration camps. Setting: The book starts off in Krakow, Poland. It takes place in a 6 year time span which started in 1939 and ended in 1945. In those 6 years he went on two death marches and went to eight concentration camps. Although the story took place in several locations one word describe almost all of them. That word is filthy. I will explain why that word is fitting later on. Characters: Their isn t many characters in the book because they all get killed off except one. That person is Yanek. He is a very kind kid but desperate... Show more content on ... After the shower he got a tattoo that said B 3087. B stood for Birkenau and 3087 was his prisoner name. While he was there he learned why he shouldn t escape because someone tried to escape and he was shot until the SS officers machine gun ran out of bullets. Then he was sent off to the most infamous camp called Auschwitz. Yanek was at Auschwitz until 1945. At the gates Yanek was greeted by a guard that said you enter through the gates and exit through the chimney. While at the camp he met a kid named Fred. Fred got very sick and couldn t work. So the Nazi s hung him in front of all the other prisoners and said this will happen to you if you don t.Then he went on a death march which lasted about 11 days. Yanek carried a sick boy because he couldn t walk and when they rested for the night Yanek noticed he had bread. Yanek was so hungry he hoped he would die so he could have his bread. Yanek then tried to steal it but failed. Then Yanek went to the camp called Sachsenhausen. He mainly worked in a rock quarry. One day he
  • 34. Modernism and Postmodernism in Shakespeare s Othello Essay Othello teaches us much about our current postmodern culture. The play connects to our ideas of sexism, male bonding, racism and capitalism. Shakespeare uses these universal and timeless flaws in humanity along with our use of language and truth to tell his tale. Iago, over a period of about three days, uses these facetsof humanity to turn Othelloagainst his wife Desdemona and his friend Cassio. Othello reveals both the struggle of the British peopleof the early 1600 s and Americans in the late 1900 s with sexism, capitalism and racism. In Othello men see women as objects to control, first by their father, and then by their husband. When Iago yells to Brabantio, telling him his daughter has gone off to marry Othello, he yells ... Show more content on ... Othello believes Iago to be Full of love and honesty (Othello III.iii.118), because they have bonded. Othello has also bonded with Cassio. He tells Cassio that I love thee (Othello II.iii.248). Iago uses their bonding to his advantage. I humbly do beseech you of your pardon / For too much loving you. (Othello III.iii.212 213) he uses his feigned love for Othello to build a bond of trust between them. Othello has also bonded with Cassio. He tells Cassio that I love thee (Othello II.iii.248). Male bonding is the foundation of all male male relationships in Othello. The bonding supercedes all other relationships in Othello, representing the importance of male bonding in England during the 1600 s. Othello also reflects the disdain the British had toward foreigners. Iago calls Cassio A Florentine (Othello I.ii.20), making an issue out of his foreign background and attributing the traits that the stereotype brings. When Iago is getting Cassio drunk, he refers to the drinking habits of several other ethnic groups and the superiority of the English in out drinking all of them. Iago claims It is true, or else I am a Turk (Othello II.i.114), he associates dishonesty, a negative trait he possesses, to a foreign race. Shakespeare depicts the institutionalized and widespread racism of this time. It is so pervasive that it enters every facet of life, and people do not even feel ashamed to use it;
  • 35. Medieval Religious Iconography Approximately two centuries after the death of Jesus Christ religious iconography began. During the Medieval period art iconography related to the texts found in the Bible. This paper will analyze two arts containing Christian iconography that illustrate the return of naturalism. This paper will analyze the iconography of two medieval works from the early medieval period (500 1200) and one from the late medieval period (1200 1400). Both works of art depict the crucifixion of JesusChrist (John 19:17 37). According to the Bible, Jesus was loathed by the Jewish leaders because he preached of God and people listened, believed, and followed him. For this reason the Jewish leaders ordered him to be killed. Jesus was taken to Pilate and placed... Show more content on ... This artwork is a Bohemian design painting. The artist shows the impact of naturalism through visual art by painting human figures and expressing a dramatic event . The painting shows Jesus hanging on the cross, with the two thieves on both sides. Above Jesus and the two thieves are two angels hovering. Below Jesus stands Roman captain Longinus rendering orderings for Jesus to be stabbed to death with daggers or spears. On the other side of him is the good captain bearing out that Christ is the Son of God. Accompanying him is John and Mary, and Mary Magdalene. In the front shows henchmen competing for the ownership of Jesus robe. Examining the Christian iconography (symbolism) in this artwork I discovered several Christian images. The first Christian symbol is the cross. In the Christian belief the cross signifies Christianity. The second Christian symbol is Jesus body hanging on the cross. This represents the crucifixion, sacrifice, death of Jesus Christ. The third Christian symbol is the marks on Jesus body. This religious symbolism is called stigmata. According to the Macmillan Dictionary stigmata is defined as the marks on Jesus Christ body where he was attached to the cross, or marks on the skin of some religious people that are similar to these injuries. The fourth Christian symbol was the angels, which refers to the Holy Trinity
  • 36. Analysis Of Mad Shadows Does every family treat each other with love and respect? Are all families in a healthy relationship with one another? In the book Mad Shadows, the answer to these questions are clearly displayed. Mad shadows, is a fictional novel written by Marie Claire Blair. It tells the story of an unusual family who have been in a prolong feud with one another, which is the by product of their illusions. The character, Louise, is the mother of the familyin this story. Her superficial view and denial of truth is the root cause of the dysfunction, misery, and jealousy in her family, consequently fueling her own death and destruction by the end of her tragic life. All of Louise s illusions had a beginning stage when they in entered her life. One of these delusions is the fact that she views the world in a superficial manner, connection self worth only to beauty. An example of this could be seen when she is given the symbolic representation of a prostitute, seducing her husband by using her beauty and charm. This provides background information about her illusion, stating it has been a part of her life from the beginning. This twisted view also feeds into her other misconception which is that her son, Patrice, must be intelligent because of his beautifully sculpted face and body, but nonetheless is dumb. In the quote Louise did not question the intelligence of her ten year old Adonis. He spoke very little, but she attributed this speechlessness, like the silence of the gods, to
  • 37. Sentences By Bonaventure When one believes in God he naturally revealed to them through the goodness in his creation. By looking at the surrounding world one can see God s fingerprints. In his work, Sentences, Bonaventure modestly defines creation as as the loving outflow of a loving God whose infinite dynamic goodness is shared in a limited dynamic way. Creation is Gods other. God doesn t have to create since God is infinitely bountiful and self communicative within Himself. Creation flows out of the infinite fountain of divine self diffusive goodness because God is creative and loving. The Father freely desires to create because God is love, and perfect love can never be self contained it must be shared. Bonaventure indicates that the world exists by virtue of the free creative power of divine love. Creation is a free act of divine goodness spilling forth from the infinite divine community of love. Bonaventure uses the term emanation to describe the expression of creation from the loving community of a triune God. Emanation used in the Christian sense means that creation flows out of the infinite, transcendent one. Bonaventure metaphorically writes, Creation is like a river, which flows from a spring, spreads throughout the land to purify and fructify it, and eventually flows back to its point of origin. This image speaks to the intimate connection between creation and the triune God as well as creation s cyclical nature. Bonaventure writes that creation can find its origin in a single
  • 38. A Semiotic Analysis of the Battle Fo Algiers A Semiotic Analysis of The Battle of Algiers The Battle of Algiers, which was produced in 1966 and directed by Gillo Pontecorvo, is a film which explores the Algerian struggle for independence between 1954 and 1962. The film is constructed using a documentary style and was filmed on the actual locations where events unfolded. The Battle of Algiers is an example of neorealist filmmaking which purports to give an objective, realistic account of the battles waged between the FLN (National Liberation Front) rebels and the French military. The formal elements of style which create the narrative can be examined using semiotic theory in order to better understand how the viewer can be interpellated into particular ideological positions. ... Show more content on ... Mathieu is the most developed character in the film and this can be read as being metaphoric of the French culture s supposed sophistication. The mise en scГЁne when Mathieu is parading down a large street along the seafront after being recruited to command the offensive against the FLN rebels is significant. Matheiu, a tall, sturdy, middle aged man looks resplendent in full military uniform amidst cheering French locals and is presented as the messiah like character. Tellingly though, it is the dark sunglasses, rolled up sleeves and unbuttoned shirt which give him an authentic and individual appearance; he appears to be a man of action and experience. The viewer is immediately positioned to sense that Mathieu s arrival will coincide with a significant change in events in Algiers. As the viewers expectations are played out they are positioned to sympathise with Mathieu s point of view. When Mathieu first arrives in Algiers, he sets about systematically dismantling the resistance, however, he points out to his colleagues that not all of the Arabs are terrorists and that most do not present a threat at all (Odeh, 2002). This is signified by Mathieu saying: There are four hundred thousand Arabs in Algeria; are they all enemies? We know they are not. But a small minority hold sway by means of terror and violence (Pontecorvo, 1966). He describes the organisational structure of the FLN,
  • 39. Cord Blood Research Papers Trash to Treasure The Pinterest world has changed the way we view trash. Things once tossed in the garbage now hang on walls and adorn porches. Old milk cans, wooden pallets and chipped mason jars now have a hundred new uses. These recycling trends that have been born this century don t end at making living rooms more stylish, but extend to improving and saving lives. Technology is emerging to harvest once discarded after birth and preserving it for research and treatment. Cord blood banking is not only more ethical, but more efficient than its competitors and is therefore the future of stem cell research. Shortly after an egg is fertilized stem cells begin to form. These cells are programmed to form every organ and tissue in the body as the baby develops. ... Show more content on ... A limited amount of stem cells can be extracted from after birth, but these few cells can mean a longer or improved life for someone (Bergman). In addition, people believe that harvesting cord blood cells steals the cells from the child. The umbilical cord is cut and clamped just like a typical delivery (CariCord). Delayed clamping, in which the cord is left attached to drain the blood back into the baby, still allows the afterbirth to be donated. The science behind cord blood banking is still developing because these treatments have only been performed for a little over ten years and the only way to overcome that is to move forward with research (Stem Cell). Cord blood cells hold the potential of becoming brain and heart cells and combatting serious neurological diseases. The science is young, but one out of every three hundred kids are plagued with cerebral palsy and one of every sixty eight children battle autism (What It Is). The chance of helping people throughout the world live a better life fuels the need for an increase of support in this budding
  • 40. Kant s Categorical Imperative For The Practice Of Modern... Hamza Rafique 15 June 2014 Should Kant s categorical imperative be supported in the practice of modern medicine? Introduction Immanuel Kant saw the importance of autonomy long before the field of medicine was as advanced as it is now through the second formulation of his categorical imperative: Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never merely as a means to an end, but always at the same time as an end . Kant recognises that it is autonomy that allows for self actualisation and the manifestation of one s identity through having the capacity to make self governed choices. Therefore autonomy factor that gives humans the duty to treat each other as ends and to violate the ... Show more content on ... Kant provides us with these ethical guidelines however there are cases in medicine which illustrate that a physician s expertise allows him to see that following a patient s autonomous decision may lead to further suffering causing the health professional to take a paternalistic course of action. This ethical problem has lead me to investigate whether medical practice should uphold Kant s categorical imperative, and if not where should we search for a way forward? I intend to analyse Kant s ethics to see where its strengths and weaknesses lie when applied to the medical field before exploring other ethical theories in an attempt to find the most suitable means of decision making in medicine. I will use case studies to illustrate the point that Kant s ethics, although perfect for an ideal world, does not work in the medical field, nor does a utilitarian approach. This leads us toward an intuitionist stance in order to keep the benefits of the categorical imperative offers us while maintaining applicability to medicine. How could the categorical imperative work in medicine? The categorical imperative does have strength in its principled and high minded nature that can be condensed down into the following three formulations: Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law without contradiction. Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in
  • 41. Skagit Valley Reflection This program was my first introduction to political economy and activism. I chose it because I had extremely limited exposure to both topics. In addition, the class featured an environmental and native studies aspect; both are core to my academic goals. I gained experience in the above topics through class discussions, workshops, lectures, and the class field trip. The field trip to Skagit Valley is what really ignited my learningin the class. Until week five, my bank of knowledge was rapidly growing while my comprehension of class concepts was stagnant. Visiting Skagit Valley made me more comfortable in the class, and relieved me from depressing lectures about white supremacy, the patriarchy, and capitalism. I achieved growth in every aspect
  • 42. Importance Of The 1st Amendment In total, America has 27 Amendments all together but which one is the most important you may ask, well that s was this is about. I believe that the 1st Amendment is the most important out of them all . The 1st Amendment is freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition. Freedom of religion and speech are one of the best things a country can have and also something everyone believes they should have. Everyone should be able to say or do anything they want without fear. Also freedom of press is the right to publish newspapers, magazines, and other printed matter without governmental restriction and subject only to the laws of libel, obscenity, sedition, etc. ( . Freedom of Assembly is The right to hold public meetings and form associations without interference by the government. Freedom of peaceful assembly is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution. Last but not least is Freedom of Petition According to ( The Free Dictionary , 2017) a formal written request to a court for an order of the court. It is distinguished from a complaint in a lawsuit which asks for damages and/or performance by the opposing party. Petitions include demands for writs, orders to show cause, modifications of prior orders, continuances, dismissal of a case, reduction of bail in criminal cases, a decree of distribution of an estate, appointment of a guardian, and a host of other matters arising in legal actions. The 1st Amendment allows
  • 43. The Physician Movie Evaluation Evaluation on the movie The Physician The movie, The Physician, is a fascinating tale that captivates you after only a few minutes of watching the film. Philipp Stolzl, the director of the film, really outdid himself to bring this story to life. It is definitely a movie that may interest people that love medicineand the medical field. This is my personal opinion, therefore, I am sure that many people would disagree with me because not everybody has the same tastes in movies. But from my perspective the film, The Physician, was very well done and did not have a bland story. So to me, this film was a great movie. The story begins in 14th century England with young Rob Cole, a little boy working in mines to provide his small family with bread. ... Show more content on ... It does not bother me to see surgeries or things of the sort. However, movies always seem to depict these kind of things in a gruesome, cringe worthy kind of way. This movie, only showed two scenes of actual surgical procedures and these were not to graphic yet, it was still clear what was going on. One of the scenes was even humorous. On a personal level, I am not a huge fan of gory, bloody scenes, so while watching this film, I was glad that I did not have to avert my eyes or fast forward any scenes for being too graphic. Finally, the last aspect that caught my attention was, the story in general. The movie, The Physician, is based on the novel by Noah Gordon, The Physician. I had never heard of such a book, however, after watching the film, my curiosity for the book was awakened. The idea of medical practices during the 14th century, when there was no anesthetic or modern medical
  • 44. Irish Americans Essay Irish American Immigrants America s bounty the abundance of the fields, the beauty of the landscape, the richness of our opportunities has always attracted people who are in search of a better life for themselves and their children. Our democracy owes its success in great part to the countless immigrants who have made their way to our shores and to the tremendous diversity this Nation has been blessed with since its beginnings. In March, when communities all across the country celebrate St. Patrick s Day, our nation honors the rich heritage of the millions of Americans who trace their lineage to Ireland. (Clinton 2003) This was, in part, a proclamation given by our former President William J. Clinton, on February 23, 1995. ... Show more content on ... People were left with nothing to eat and no way to make money to support themselves. Many wandered the countryside, begging for food or work. Others ate grass and weeds to survive. Those who could afford it or those peasants, whose landlords paid the way, left the country in search of a better life. Many Irish set sail to the United States. Boston, Massachusetts seemed to be the Irish port of choice. Although it seemed that life for the Irish could not get any worse, the journey to Boston was yet another horror the Irish had to endure. Ship owners often crowded hundreds of desperate Irish onto rickety vessels labeled coffin ships. In many cases, these ships reached port only after losing a third of their passengers to disease, hunger, and other causes (Virginia 2003). Because so many hungry Irish died on their disgusting crossing to Boston, the Atlantic Ocean became known as the Bowl of Tears. As if that had not been bad enough, as they stepped off the ships they realized that although they had left Ireland to flee from misery, they were faced with a new set of trails. Hundreds of runners, usually large greedy men, swarmed aboard the ships grabbing immigrants and their bags trying to force them to their favorite tenement house and then exact an outrageous fee for their services. As the poor immigrant had no means of moving on, they settled in the port of
  • 45. The Thousand Splendid Suns Political Power Karan Patel Arleanne Marquard English III September 8th,2015 Influence of Politics and Control on the Individual Since the middle ages the influence of political powers had a great affection in the major parts of the world. Political power is the power given to an authority in order to maintain and control the behavior of individuals by several ways. Political powers could be either rule by legitimate authority or under the political influence of corruptive force. In today s world, countries with low economy have a higher risk of giving birth to corruptive civlization. Since, there s low economy countries like Afghanistan are likely to face war as the corrupted force rules over them. Thus, the novel The Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini gives a detail explanation about how politics and control had a great influence on peoples life,... Show more content on ... As the animosity grew more between the groups, people of Afghanistan gets separated from each other. The novel The Thousand Splendid Suns explains how one group rules over others created destruction in peoples relationship. For example, in a quote from Babi There were plenty of different ethnic groups in Afghanistan which create plenty of tension between them. In this quote Babi states that a person should not be determine by their background since they all are humans means they must be treated equally. No matter what cast or ethnicity you belongs to if you represent the same nation that means you are united. During the time one of the Muhjahideen force Taliban ruled over certain parts of the Afghanistan. In the novel of The Thousand Splendid Suns Taliban commanders forced out the government out of the Kabul and takes control over the city. In a quote from Rasheed. This quote states that when Mujahideens commanders takes over their city they were grounded with corruption . Many people lost their life and belongings due to
  • 46. Art From Baroque Period Through The Postmodern Era Essay Art from Baroque Period through the Postmodern Era Renaissance art history began as civic history; it was an expression of civic pride. The first such history was Filippo Villani s De origine civitatis Florentiae et eiusdem famosis civibus, written about 1381 82. Florentine artists revived an art that was almost dead, Villani asserts, just as Dante had restored poetry after its decline in the Middle Ages. The revival was begun by Cimabue and completed by Giotto, who equalled the ancient painters in fame and even surpassed them in skill and talent. After Giotto came his followers, Stefano, Taddeo Gaddi, and Maso, uomini illustri all, who, together with notable jurists, poets, musicians, theologians, physicians, orators, and others, made ... Show more content on ... These texts are among the handful that treat art in the early Florentine Renaissance and are, therefore, precious testimony from the early years of Renaissance art history. While rare for being texts on art, they are of a type, however, that was common in Renaissance literature. They belong to a genre or category in which are found some of the most characteristic texts of Renaissance humanism. Other of the books in this category are by such writers as Bruni, Salutati, and Manetti, books with which all students of the Renaissance are familiar. They treat broad moral and philosophical issues, but, as in the accounts of visual art, only insofar as they concern the city of Florence. And scholars reasonably have asked why there was such a preoccupation with Florence at this time. One of those who did so was Hans Baron and his answer has been at the center of discussions of this question since the 1950s. Baron linked the focus on Florence during the years around 1400 to a struggle over Florentine independence that began in 1390 with a declaration of war by Milan and ended only in 1454, when Milan accepted the independent status of the Florentine Republic. These events, he proposed, explain the direction taken by Florentine political speculation at this time, particularly the stress on republican ideals of liberty and civic involvement; they gave rise to a
  • 47. Reflection On Classwork My lesson began as class usually does, with students completing the Do Now up on the board: having notebooks and pencils ready, picking up the warm up sheet from the back, and writing the homework in their planner. Since there was no homework from the previous day, we were able to go right into the warm up. I walked around the classroom to make sure students had the warm up and were beginning to work. Students were unusually quiet, probably due to the camera and Keith s presence, so I reminded them that they were allowed to discuss the warm up. I stopped to help one student get started finding the missing side lengths of two similar triangles and helped another remember how to divide fractions for the last question. After the students had about 5 minutes to work on the warm up, I displayed a blank warm up using the document camera and asked for students to share their answers. I asked an additional question about what the scale factor was for the triangles and modeled using the scale factor to find the missing side lengths. pointed out to students that all the fraction questions related to a pair of corresponding side lengths in the triangles from the first question, recalling that we could use fractions to represent or find corresponding sides in similar shapes. Next, I introduced that we will be exploring proportional relationships on a graph and that we would be trying a new style of group work. I explained the structure to the students, that they would be in groups of
  • 48. Case Study Six-Sigma Methodology Sokovic et al. (2005) applied basic approach Six Sigma methodology which includes Process feasibility study, Process planning, Process preparation, Trial production run and Process quantification. Using this basic approach a new process design was developed for compressor housing machining process. During the process panning phase the Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) method is widely used. Due to large number of Key process input variables (KPIV) it becomes difficult to use FMEA method. To overcome this problem tools like Process mapping and Cause and effect matrix were applied to reduce number of KPIV to minimum. With this methodology a new process was developed using new approach. Comparison of old and modified process flow map had shown that time spent in developing modified... Show more content on ... Six Sigma methodology was applied to single assembly line in order to achieve Six Sigma levels of quality by trimming down defect level those are crucial to customers. Implementation of Six Sigma methodology helps to improve levels of overall customers satisfaction through improvements made to the working environment. Discussing the case of implementation the authors in the end concluded that to implement such projects in SMEs, the top management must designate dedicated trained personnel as team members who further provide trainings to workers included in the project in a hierarchical manner. This type of program can be named as Internal Training Methodology (ITM), it also helps SMEs in saving monetary which in case to be paid to consultancies for massive training programs. This type of approach helps organizations to develop new Six Sigma projects step by step. This type of program helps in render savings and upgrade staff for higher belt levels and then increase the pace of implementation in a phased
  • 49. Digital Design Theories, Practices, And Technologies The primary objective of this paper is to identify two of the various theories, practices, and technologies that are closely associated with the Digital Design specialization. This paper will describe each chosen theory, practice, and technology as well show the relation to how it will specifically impact digital design. It will go into depth about the theories Graphic Designand Gestalt Theory, the practices Works Every Time Layout and Thumbnail Sketches, and the technologies Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop. Keywords: theories, practices, technologies, digital design, adobe, gestalt theory, thumbnail sketches, works every time layout, specialization Digital Design Theories, Practices, and Technologies Learning the fundamentals of Digital Media is essential to laying a solid foundation to allow for a sturdy backing in digital design. Digital design theories, practices, and technologies can provide designers a stable of skills to build core competencies and over time wisdom. Mastering digital design fundamentals will provide opportunity for career growth. Depending on the industry, an entry level designer can rise from senior designer, to art director, and then creative director. As digital media continues to mature, categorical design disciplines will continue to evolve, shape, and style the visual culture. From magazines to web pages, the spectrum of visual design will continue to move people everywhere on an emotional level. Theories of Digital Design The
  • 50. Changes In The Ottoman Empire There have been a series of reforms within the Ottoman Empire initiated with the first decree Hatt i Sharif of Gulhane in 1839. This has the beginning of the Tanzimat Era. The reforms have been influenced by European ideas. Changing the Ottoman theocratic government into a modern state. With the implement of freeing imprisoned non Muslims and easing up the tensions of the conquered subjects of the Ottoman Empireto prevent nationalistic uprisings, such as with the Greeks in 1821. The Ottoman government has become more secular state for the non muslims communities. This degree eliminated taxations of farming into a regular system of assessing taxes, guaranteeing property to the subjects, reforming their military structure to be more western
  • 51. My Reflective Web Media Creation My Reflective Web Media Creation (RWMC) project was nearly exactly as I envisioned it in the pitch with only a few changes. In the pitch I discussed how the lead character (Matt Murdoch) would be explain to the Jury why Fair Dealing is not stealing and he would be the Punishers lawyer. However, I changed it in the final video making him the plaintiff, a company lawyer saying the defendant ( Punisher ) stole their content and he is not protected by Fair Dealing . I changed it to this as I believed it would make the video more narratively engaging, making the Punishers outburst more provoked and meaningful. I also removed the self referential element where the Punisher was going to comment on how the video was flipped and colour graded so it would not come up on YouTube copyright detection system. I changed this element as I believed it would make my RWMC more focused and comedic in a serious way. The elements I changed after I presented my RWMC piece were both things the markers and classmates commented on. They said some of the subtitles in the first half went by too fast, so they struggled to read everything being said before the subtitle changed. To remedy this I changed the subtitles from the first half of the video to make it more concise and easier to read, removing words and rewording/rephrasing the subtitles. I did this as it was the main criticism that both my classmates and markers told me. I also fixed the spelling and grammatical errors that were
  • 52. The Main Causes Of Child Soldiers In Uganda In our lives as children we need love, care, peace and safety to help us bloomsome into a great and respectable person, but not everyone has that. Not everyone is as lucky as us in our first countries to have these things help them grow and develop, sometimes childrens are surrounded by the terrors of war as they grow up, just like the child soldiers of Uganda. To understand this problem this problem in Uganda the history, the problems created by it and main cause to it must all be examined. The main cause of use of child soldiers in Uganda can really be traced back to a military coup in the year 1986 where a new force was created by a man named Joseph Kony using child soldiers that make up 90% of the army, called the LRA (Lord s Resistance Army). The job of the LRA was to protect the Northern Ugandans from the military coup by the People s National Resistance Army. The LRA did this through the abduction and use of children as child soldiers, and this caused many problems for the country of Uganda ( Uganda: Child soldiers at centre of mounting humanitarian crisis. United Nations, United Nations, Throughout history of Uganda the use of child soldiers has caused a lot of problems in the country of Uganda and throughout the world like the loss a younger generation because of death of war therefore resulting in an older population unable to work or give birth and a large amount of other mentally unstable adults who grew
  • 53. The Effect Of Stress On The Brain Review 3: Text CPR Learning Essay In our entire life or even a day, our brain goes through more and multiple processes than us. There are things it is capable of doing and something it can t even handle doing. The brain is probably the second most important organ in our body, following the heart, and it is responsible for the things we do and how do those things. It controls the way we walk, talk, the language we speak, the pain we feel, and most importantly, gives us the ability to learn new information and keep the memories that we want to keep. The stressing things we do to ourselves also stress out our brain which keeps us under the influence of pressure. But if we take advantage of the powerful ability of our brain, we can learn, memorize, ... Show more content on ... For example, there is a network between two parts of the brain, the hippocampus and the nucleus accumbens. Have you ever gotten the feeling that if you do something longer, such as working, will give you a greater reward? That is what goes on between those two brain parts. These two parts interplay with each other to make critical decisions about time, the hippocampus takes charge of memory and planning while the nucleus accumbens takes charge of the feeling of pleasure. These two parts have a network that gives you the thought of having a greater reward if you work a little more. The same thing happens when you learn, but using the other two types of memory, short term and long term. Short term memory is used when you need to accomplish something you have to do (i.e. A chess player s turn) or when you need to make up something shortly after someone else says to reply (i.e. A debate or phone call). In our brain, the most active part when using the short term memory process is the prefrontal lobe. This prefrontal lobe is more developed in humans than in any other mammal such as monkeys. Initially when you receive and read newer information, it is stored as short term memory, but when you better understand it and get interested into it, it is transferred to long term memory through the hippocampus. Our hippocampus actually strengthens the sensation or connection whenever we repeat it until it no longer needs to. Specifically stated in The Brain: How Memory Works , The cortex will have learned to associate the various properties itself to reconstruct what we call a memory . To better facilitate the learning process and our memory, we go through a process that everyone knows as
  • 54. Columbine High School Shooting Analysis In April 20, 1999, was when the Columbine High School Massacre occurred in Littleton, Colorado. Michael Moore leads us to the events that lead up to the massacre. At the beginning of the video, Michael Moore showed us that if you opened up an account at this particular bank, you would get a gun. One of the lady s that worked there said that they have over 500 firearms in their vault at the bank. It was crazy that a bank would do that, and give away guns if they signed up for an account there. As long as their background check came back clear, they were able to take that gun home with them. As I was watching the events unfold the day of the shooting at the High School, it was very heartbreaking to see the footage they got from the cameras that were ... Show more content on ... Even though I was not there, it made it real by watching what happened that day inside the school and what these children went through. It was hard to hear the people on the phone who were there that day, but it was even harder to see the two shooters on that film. The two gunmen killed 12 students and one teacher and wounded many others. Then, the two boys turned the gun on themselves. After the shooting was done and over with, it was sad to see the victims talk about what they saw and heard. Students were getting shot right beside them, and they had to watch that student die. One girl said that she had to watch a black boy die because he was black. There was racism going on in this massacre because they killed a student because he was black. This footage was unbearable to watch because of all the violence that was going on. So many families who lost a loved one will forever remember this sad day where they lost their child because of two students getting revenge on bullies. Now, many people are blaming the NRA for allowing children to get their hands on guns. They said that the boys got their guns from gun shows, etc. Because of all the violent acts that have
  • 55. Mozart Symphony 552 The first piece of music is Mozart s Symphony
NO.41 Jupiter (K
551); it was Mozart s last symphony before his death. It is conducted by Hartmut Haenchen, with a reduced ensemble of the Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Chamber Orchestra. It is an orchestral piece which is performed at the Konzerthaus Berlin. The second piece of musicis Brahms Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 77; it was Brahms only violin concerto. It was performed at the Teatro Massimo in Palermo in 2002, and was conducted by Claudio Abbado. It was performed by the Berlin Philharmonic, with soloist Gil Shaham. Both pieces were of medium length, although Brahms was slightly longer at 41 minutes. The first piece is Symphony No. 41 in C major, K. 551 Jupiter , conducted by Hartmut Haenchen, and is separated into four movements. The opening of the piece starts with the entire orchestra starting strong, with contrasting motifs, which then follows into a slower pace. The first movement of this piece follows the Sonata allegro form quite closely. The exposition and the recapitulation are about the same in length. The development is shorter than those two sections, but it is broken up, and put together with pieces of the themes introduced in the exposition. At the 7:40 mark a heavy use of strings is prominent; ... Show more content on ... 77, conducted by Claudio Abbado, and separated into three movements. This piece follows a quick slow quick pattern, which is common in most concerto pieces. The first movement begins softly and slowly with the brass and woodwinds featured prominently. The violinist then begins to play the piece s first solo, at about the 2:35 mark, of the first movement, playing in a minor key. At the 2:57 mark, of the first movement, the violin begins to blend smoothly with the oboe, which is then replaced by the bassoon and clarinet. These instruments continue to play together, gradually building towards a dramatic point towards the middle of the
  • 56. America Is The World s Best Country The America I believe in is the world s best country. It lets us have our freedoms, and it lets us learn to our best abilities. It also has the best and bravest soldiers and veterans in the world. Our country is the best in which to live and grow. Our freedoms are the most important to me. They come at a great expense of people s lives to save somebody they have never even met. Our freedoms are what separates us from other countries. We have the ability to bear arms and let our heads invent wonderful inventions. As proclaimed in a favorite song, Home of the free because of the brave. Veterans of all wars and battles have and experienced events that nobody else could possibly dream of, other than in nightmares. Therefore, we should honor
  • 57. The Influence Of Nationalism In Canada Each nation state controls its own governing policies; even so, nationalism is a concept that cannot be severed from politics. To be concise, nationalism is described as the feelings people have when identifying with their nation. It has the ability to impact a country s social, political, and economic conditions. Incidentally, nationalism should be perceived as a negative force due to the amount of tragedies it has generated throughout the course of history. It s remarkable influence has left many collective groups feeling isolated or mistreated. Nationalism first emerged in the 18th century, during the early days of the French Revolution. Prior to this, France was under the reign of an absolute monarch known as King Louis XVI. The king had no respect for his subjects, and believed that he alone constructed France s identity. However, civilians disagreed; fed up with the feudal system which only benefited the noble class and the clergy, the middle class whispered ideas of change. These progressive ideas were not welcomed in medieval times, as plotting against your monarch was viewed as treason. Nationalism only seemed to encourage this thought process, as soon Louis... Show more content on ... While Canadian residents may be racially and culturally diverse, we pride ourselves on acceptance and understanding of multiculturalism. This is a concept promoted throughout Canada, as we believe co existing with different cultures is fundamental in a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected due to globalization. In Canada, you have the power to construct your own identity, not nationalism. The negative aspect of a concept such as nationalism is that it only represents the prevalent traits that emerge within a given population, ignoring many minority groups and often leading to discrimination. That is why we believe that you define who you are, not the
  • 58. Impact of Alcohol in Sports The investigators of this study for this article are: Bosko Rowland, Falicity Allen, and John Toumbourou. The aim of the these three authors study was to highlight the factors and impacts that alcohol plays in Australian sports. Furthermore, the aim of the authors study was to also explain to the audience the Good Sports program that was designed to reduce the amount of harmful alcohol consumed in Australian community sports clubs. The method of this study was indiscriminate but was based off different clubs in Australia. Therefore, the authors used a method, in which they conducted a postintervention adoption study to determine whether or not the community sports club, partnered through the Good Sports Program was associated with low rates of alcohol consumption. About 4.5 million Australians are involved in community sports clubs. Which brings upon the fact that Behavioral ecology argues that the environment influences alcohol related behaviors in sports clubs. The authors of this article used the Good Sports Program database and organized information from Victoria, Tasmania, and South Australia. There were only two sports used for this study, the Australian Football League, and the Cricket club were invited because of their contribution to the program. Within the AFL, there are a total of Forty Seven clubs. Among the Cricket club, there are a total of eighteen clubs. There were thirty surveys given to each sport with random instructions on how to return the surveys.
  • 59. Managerial Accounting Essays PROBLEM 2 21B Predetermined Overhead Rate; Disposition of Underapplied or Overapplied Overhead (LO1, LO7) CHECK FIGURE (2) Underapplied: $68,600 Adriana Company is highly automated and uses computers to control manufacturing operations. The company uses a job order costing system and applies manufacturing overhead cost to products on the basis of computer hours. The following estimates were used in preparing the predetermined overhead rate at the beginning of the year: Computer hours 82,000 Fixed manufacturing overhead cost $1,278,000 Variable manufacturing overhead per computer hour $3.40 During the year, a severe economic recession resulted in cutting back production and a buildup of inventory in the company s ... Show more content on ... 7.Was manufacturing overhead underapplied or overapplied? By how much? 8.Compute the ending balance in the Work in Process inventory account. Assume that this balance consists entirely of goods started during the year. If $32,200 of this balance is direct materials cost, how much of it is direct labor cost? Manufacturing overhead cost? PROBLEM 2 24B Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured; Overhead Analysis (LO1, LO2, LO3, LO6, LO7) CHECK FIGURE (2) Cost of goods manufactured: $354,800 (5) Direct materials: $15,990 The Ilarion Manufacturing Company operates a job order costing system and applies overhead cost to jobs on the basis of direct labor cost. Its predetermined overhead rate was based on a cost formula that estimated $117,000 of manufacturing overhead for an estimated allocation base of $90,000 direct labor dollars. The company has provided the following data in the form of an Excel worksheet: Beginning Ending Raw Materials $29,000 $11,000 Work in Process 45,000
  • 60. 36,000 Finished Goods 71,000 61,000 The following actual costs were incurred during the year: Purchase of raw materials (all direct) $130,000 Direct labor cost $86,000 Manufacturing overhead costs: Insurance, factory $8,800 Depreciation of equipment $17,000 Indirect labor $32,700 Property taxes $8,500 Maintenance $13,000 Rent, building $36,000 Required: 1.a.Compute the predetermined overhead rate