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Essay On Childlabour
Crafting an essay on the subject of child labor is undoubtedly a challenging endeavor. This topic
demands a delicate balance between presenting the harsh realities of child exploitation and
advocating for change. Addressing the ethical, social, and economic dimensions of child labor
requires extensive research to grasp the global scope of the issue. It involves navigating through
sensitive and often distressing details, which can be emotionally taxing.
Moreover, a comprehensive essay on child labor demands a nuanced approach that delves into
the historical roots, cultural contexts, and legislative frameworks surrounding the problem.
Analyzing the impact on the physical and mental well-being of the affected children further
complicates the task. It necessitates a careful exploration of the root causes and potential
solutions, demanding both critical thinking and empathy.
Creating an essay on such a profound issue also requires the writer to handle statistical data and
case studies accurately. Balancing facts with a compelling narrative is crucial to keep the reader
engaged while highlighting the severity of the problem. Additionally, incorporating the
perspectives of various stakeholders, including government agencies, non-profit organizations,
and the affected communities, adds complexity to the task.
Despite the difficulty, addressing child labor in an essay provides an opportunity to raise
awareness and advocate for positive change. It requires a commitment to fostering empathy and
understanding among readers. Crafting a compelling and impactful essay on child labor involves
not only presenting the problem but also inspiring a call to action.
In conclusion, tackling the essay on child labor is a formidable challenge that demands a
meticulous blend of research, empathy, and advocacy. It requires the writer to navigate through
sensitive content, analyze complex factors, and present a comprehensive view of the issue.
However, by rising to this challenge, one can contribute to shedding light on an important global
concern and fostering a collective effort towards eradicating child labor.
For assistance with similar essays or more topics, consider exploring resources available at
Essay On Childlabour Essay On Childlabour
Marie Antoinette s Influence On France
Throughout history, there has been a country that has been thought of as a romantic,
tourist s place to visit. Some people would say that this country has the ability to
influence fashion. With that being said, some of the most famous designers,
including Chanel, Dior, and Givenchy, are associated with this country. In the past,
they have also been known for their art, wines, and cheeses. As for myself, being a
hopeless romantic, I have had dreams of being swept off my feet at the foot of the
Eifel Tower. Therefore, my country report is on France. To begin a report on anything,
it s important to have some background on the topic of discussion. For instance, like
most European Countries, France was involved in both World Wars during most of...
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In 2015 in Paris, France, the air pollution index hit one hundred twenty five, which
is above the harmful level for people breathing in the air (Malkyhin, 2015). This
poses a problem for the people living in France. The pollution will lead to sickness,
health problems, and potentially even cancer (Malkyhin, 2015). One potential
solution to solving the issue of pollution would be to reduce the carbon emissions put
off by the vehicles in France. For instance, a solution would be to increase public
transportation; this would encourage carpooling. Another way to decrease pollution
would be to put stricter regulations on the corporations that give off extensive
amounts of carbon emissions. Hence, even though France has had issues, France can
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Discourse
Jean Jacques Rousseau was one of the most influential thinkers during the
Enlightenment in eighteenth century Europe. His first major philosophical work, A
Discourse on the Sciences and Arts, was the winning response to an essay contest
conducted by the Academy of Dijon in 1750. When Rousseau wrote this he made
an argument about the progression of certain sciences. He explained that virtue and
morality was brought by theses sciences. These works brought on extraordinary
contention in France and were quickly prohibited by Paris specialists. Rousseau fled
France and settled in Switzerland, however he kept on discovering challenges with
experts and squabble with companions. The finish of Rousseau s life was set apart in
expansive part by his developing... Show more content on ...
The Origin of Inequality is much different from the first discourse for many and
particular reasons. What I noticed about this discourse is that Rousseau made it into
four different parts, a first part, a second part, a section specifically dedicated to the
republic of Geneva, and a prophase. The extent of Rousseau s venture is not
essentially unique in relation to that of Hobbes in the Leviathan or Locke in the
Second Treatise on Government. Like them, Rousseau comprehends society to be an
innovation, and he endeavors to clarify the way of people by stripping them of the
greater part of the inadvertent qualities achieved by socialization. In this way,
understanding human instinct adds up to understanding what people resemble in an
immaculate condition of nature. This unmistakable difference a glaring difference to
the established view, most remarkably that of Aristotle, which guarantees that the
condition of common society is the regular human state. Like Hobbes and Locke it is
dubious that Rousseau implied his pursuers to comprehend the unadulterated
condition of nature that he depicts in the Second Discourse as a strict verifiable
record. In its opening, he says that it must be denied that men were ever in the
immaculate condition of nature, referring to disclosure as a source which reveals to
us that God straightforwardly enriched the principal man with comprehension (a limit
Native American Prehistoric Occupation
Summary Despite the intense efforts to uncover information on the prehistoric Native
Americans occupying the Washington Coast, very little archaeological evidence has
been uncovered to suggest prehistoric occupation (Cole,, 1996). A finding that
fiercely contrasts with the early historic record, which projects a population total of
6,000, and as such, should demonstrate heavy if not consistent findings within the
region (Cole,, 1996). However, this is not the case for the Washington State
coastline. Despite the extent of research that has been conducted from 1976 1994, the
archeological findings along the Southern Washington Coastline are nonexistent, less
for what has been found upon the surface. Cole and associates attempted to find the
missing link between as to where the evidence may have gone. In 1990 two geologist
accidentally uncovered prehistoric fishing camps in the interdial zone, covered by
mud from an earthquakethat occurred 300 years ago (Cole,, 1996). By studying
the geophysical qualities of Southern Washington (1700 AD), Cole and associates,
discover that seismic activity at the Cascadia subduction zone caused not only an
earthquake, but a substantial Tsunami, which worked to bury the... Show more content
on ...
Next, he offers information on the geologic setting, along with his associated methods
and site information for the Copalis River and Nawiakum River. This information is
then supported by a detailed discussion of their findings of charcoal, bones, shell and
broken cobbles within their results section. Finally, Cole and associates conclude their
research, assessing the implications of their findings and suggestions for future
research. A list of references is attached to support the research cited throughout the
Thomas Jefferson Analysis
Thomas Jefferson. A E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2015.
In the article Thomas Jefferson , Thomas Jefferson (1743 1826) was the 3rd
President of the United States, the founder of the Democratic Republican US
(Democratic Republican Party: Republican), and is one of the advocates of self
greatest zeal by modern times. He was born April 13, 1743 at Shadwell, Virginia, then
a desolate border region, in a family of small Anh. When he was young, he studied
at home. Then he studied at the College of William Mary (1760 1762). At 23, he
became a lawyer. Seven years later, he quit practicing with a decent property and
with a deep antipathy for lawyers, and live the life of a rural nobleman independent.
However, interest in ... Show more content on ...
He contributed to the United States a lot. He was popularly appointed to be one of five
people committee in Congress to discuss about the possibility and format of
independence declaration. That committee assigned young man from Virginia to
produce a draft document that particularly stated these colonies had the right to rebel
against the British government and become independent without the Great Britain
Royal s control. Thomas Jefferson idealized and wrote out the Declaration of
Independence in 1776. In 17 days, he wrote the first draft of the document. That draft
was considered to be predecessors of the final document. The committee passed the
draft and submitted to the Continental Congress June 28, 1776. Besides, he also
wrote the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom in 1777, which inspired the
formation for the First Amendment of US Constitution. With the presence at the birth
of a new country, Thomas Jefferson was considered as one of the nation Founding
Fathers. In addition, when he has sworn into the office to become the third president,
he reduced the national debt by a third and improved state of the economy. He sent an
army to fight the Barbary pirates who were harassing American merchants and
commerce in the
Li Bo Tang
The knowledge and experience I had concerning poetry never revealed to me the
difficulties poets had to face in the past. I had no idea that poets struggled a lot for
recognition which they mostly failed to achieve in their lifetime. The background
information and activities of poets Li Bo and Du Fu of Tang dynasty exposed
crucial facts to me. Li Bo and Du Fu of Tang dynasty are the most popular poets who
followed different paths to get emperor s attention. In one way or another, each of
them had a way of getting to the emperor directly, but they choose to find their paths.
Li Bo who shared kinship relations with the imperial family got to the court bureau
through friendship that he shared with Daoist adept. Du Fu, on the other hand, was...
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Poems by Du Fu were more recognized than those of Li Bo because he wrote much
detail about himself and his family giving his readers the joy of gaining ideas from
their own. His poems like Poet Sage and Poet Historian contained much
information about the ideals of Confucian especially the inability of the
government to stabilize again after the rebellion of general An Lushan in 755. Li
Bo must have avoided direct and critical writing on the political and social
situation in China because he shared a kinship with the imperial family. He hence
preferred to appear as a stranger and focused on playful fantasy as portrayed in his
poem Drinking Alone with the Moon. He also imitated folk songs and ordinary
conversations as portrayed in The Road to Shu is Hard. This did not mean that he
had no problems with the government. His dissatisfaction was revealed when he
joined a minor revolt that made the emperor mistrust him. I realized that the
difference is a level of recognition of works by these poets depended on the style of
writing. The majority of Li Bo s poems followed the older trend where poets had
freedom of expression. Du Fu s works, on the contrary, were based on the newer
style which had restrictions. Du Fu s works were, therefore, more preferred by the
later generations especially those he wrote in the last decades which further included
arguably and indirect
Water-Personal Narrative
Just then, a shrill wind blew past us, raising the hairs on my arms. I tightened my
grip on the flashlight. My heart began to hammer in my chest. Something felt
different now. We were walking out further than last time. The flames should ve
come by now. I was starting to feel the familiar sinking feeling. What if we were
walking into a trap? And it was my fault having forced Gemma. In the distance, I
suddenly caught a glimpse of a faint blue light.
There, do you see that? I said, pointing. See what? Gemma said, getting a good look
over my shoulder.
The blue light, that s a good sign, right?
I suppose, she said timidly.
We moved faster. I just hoped whatever we were speeding towards would not come
as an unpleasant surprise. I kept my ... Show more content on ...
Its crystal clarity was no longer apparent as its once shallowness had become a
plunging depth, a darkish blue in color, almost black. I studied our distance away
from the bank. We were a little ways farther than I expected. We were moving fast.
The ride was surprisingly smooth, pleasant, though the atmosphere was becoming
increasingly dark. I looked up at the ceiling and saw giant, treacherous looking
stalactites hanging overhead. It resembled a chandelier of spear heads ready to
savagely drop at a moment s notice. My eyes flickered down at Gemma, who seemed
completely unbothered by this. Instead, she sat neatly, gazing at the walls of the cave
with an appearance of quiet intrigue.
The boat sped up, and swiftly it drifted toward a dark, narrow tunnel. A nervous
twitch ran through my body. I felt more comfortable being out in the wide open
expanse, but in the tunnel, I couldn t anticipate what would lie ahead. I gripped the
flashlight and shined it out in front of us as we immersed in the darkness. My
breathing turned heavy. It was just as dark as the tunnel we had come through, only
now I felt more vulnerable, having no control over the water s current.
Jared, do you hear that? Gemma said, her face indistinguishable in the blackness.
Hear what? I Jared, looking around.
That noise, she
Doryphoros Essay
Doryphoros by Polykleitos was originally a Greek bronze made around 450 40B.C.
The only way we can see it today is through the Roman marble copies (which is
common of many Greek statues.) Some supports had to be added for the change in
material, resulting in the addition of the form resembling a tree trunk, the support
on the left foot, and the small bar bridging the gap between his right wrist and hip.
Doryphoros was originally holding a spear in his left hand; appropriate, given that
his name means, literally, spear bearer. The sculpture is a well known and early
example of classical Greek contrapposto (the shifting of weight onto one leg and off
axis shoulders and arms.) One leg nearly appears to be lifting off the ground, giving
the... Show more content on ...
Plato felt that artists knew nothing worth mentioning because all they do is imitate,
and so their work was worthless. Additionally, Plato believed that we, as humans
not of the metaphysical realm, can not know what true beauty is because we have
not experienced the true, beautiful form of anything. Plato would say that
Doryphoros was worthless for those very reasons. It is an imitation of a perfect
form, and therefore cannot be beautiful. Although Doryphoros is anatomically and
proportionally realistic, Plato would not be appreciative of it as art and would not see
it as an object of beauty. He would likely scorn Polykleitos for even bothering to
sculpt it in the first place. To examine the thoughts of another Greek philosopher,
Aristotle would have a much different perspective on Doryphoros. Aristotle felt that
imitation was natural for us as humans. He felt that we could learn from imagery that
is realistic because it may influence us to examine it more closely. He felt that the
creative individual could express the universal, fundamental qualities of human
nature, and did not see their work as worthless as Plato did. Polykleitos sculpted
athletic nudes such as Doryphoros in ordinance to his mathematical canon, a
Food And Drink Industries Companies
As we all know, taste and smell are a must have for food and drink industries and one
can easily imagine that these characteristics can be a clear differentiating factor on
the the more the better axis in the pharmaceutical, packaging or environmental
Many companies usually use human taste panels to measure taste and smell.
However, human nose is very sensitive and experts can control panels. Accordingly,
this approach can carry a lot of variation over time. Moreover, this process is time
consuming, costly and limited by the number of samples that can be tested. It
requires involving people from outside of the company so it is needed to deal with
issues like confidentiality, safety and public image. Based on any ... Show more
content on ...
The results that are related to human data can make this measurement as absolute as
In the measure phase, the advantage of E noses and E tongues is that they could
reduce cycle times for each measurement as much as 80 or 90 percent, improve
repeatability and reproducibility across data collection and acquire the data with
lower price. Also, in the improving and control phase, E noses and E tongues can
help to design and implement experiments for given objects to find optimal process
conditions. It is also worth mentioning that the new measurement system can handle
changes and sustain the profitable performance in a long term perspective. This
project was focused on illustrating how E noses and E tongues help companies to
improve their CTQs. So, although DMAIC team did not have a specific plan and
timeline for any specific company, the project can still get a medium grade for the
first criteria since they completed their primary goal which consisted in analyzing the
benefits of using E noses and E tongues to help companies improve their product
Application of Six Sigma Tools One of the most important segments is to use the
tools and techniques in a correct and proper way within the Six Sigma application. In
the project s beginning, a Kano model was used to indicate how the Soft attributes
such as Tastes as a differentiating factor can
The Symbols And Similarities Of Captain America And
Throughout human history, heroes have served as symbols of hope, sacrifice, and
inspiration. Modern superheroes and ancient Greek heroes inspire societies with their
impressive and heroic feats. Theseus and Captain America are no exception, they are
legendary heroes of major significance. Captain America and Theseus symbolize a
heros importance through their similarities and differences. They both sacrifice their
lives for others safety, are symbols and champions of their people, and teach different
life lessons in their stories.
A similarity Captain America and Theseus share is how they sacrifice their lives for
other people s safety. In the movie Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain
America must crash a bomber plane to prevent ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, Captain America s actions and choices turned him into a heroic symbol
for his people. In the book Mythology, Theseus was praised as a champion by the
people of Athens, because he rid of the bandits, Greece rang with the praises of the
young man who had cleared the land... he was acknowledged as a hero (150). Like
Captain America, Theseus has become the champion of his world. He was
recognized as a hero for his brave deeds, and becomes a symbol of hope. Captain
America and Theseus each are champions of their world and symbols of strength,
another important factor of the hero. They also teach different lessons of life through
their story.
The story of Captain America teaches about the need for courage, while Theseus
story teaches to not jump to conclusions. In the film Captain America: The First
Avenger, Steve bravely decides to sneak behind enemy lines to rescue hundreds of
American soldiers, You saved nearly 400 men...Your a hero (Captain America: The
First Avenger). Steve bravely sneaked behind German lines to release hundreds of
men, including his best friend. No other soldier beside Steve would have the
courage to perform such a task. Captain America s story elaborates on the need for
courage to perform any dangerous tasks. In the novel Mythology, Theseus father kills
himself in desperation after seeing black flags of death on Theseus ship, It was to
him the
Pachucos Research Paper
There are many characteristics of Pachucos. Write down three characteristics found in
the chapter. Vigil states that the Pachucos characteristics involved dress, manners,
and social attitudes, and Pachucos took much pride in their creations (220). Further,
the zoot suit (a suit that the hip urban crowd wore in the 1940s) became the Pachuco,
with male and female versions (Vigil 220). Consequently, I think that is interesting
that the Pachucos had a suit that represents them characteristic wise. Moreover, I can
only think of a few clothing characteristics that represent Americans, but not a special
suit. Furthermore, the second characteristic is The Pachuco dialect, for example,
although it included Hispanicized English, Anglicized Spanish, and invented words
in Nahuatl and Archaic Spanish, was mainly made up of Calo Spanish gypsy slang,
supposedly popularized by bullfighters (221). Furthermore, I think it is interesting
that the Pachucos had a Spanish gypsy slang because I have never heard of Spanish
gypsy slang before. Lastly, the third characteristic is Many of the Pachuco generation
escaped the worst effects of marginality and, as a result, became... Show more content
on ...
Write down some examples of this concept. Notable, some examples of this could
include the words like Ay te watcho, which means I ll be watching you, chante,
meaning shanty, daime means dime, brecas means breaks, bote means jail, and
ganga means gang (Vigil 220). Furthermore, In Texas there evolved a Tex Mex
argot, often created by adding a Spanish sound at the beginning or end of an English
word (cookiar, watchiar, parkiar, marketa, and so on) (Vigil 220). Indeed, that is
extremely interesting that the languages were combined, I feel like sometimes in
America people will try to imitate another language by combining it with the English
language. For example, people in America will try to imitate the way Asians speak
through writing
What Is The Theme Of Paul s Case By Willa Cather
From the time of the Industrial Revolution to now, people have been on the hunt for
wealth. Those that are poor wish for riches, those that are rich only want more.
Willa Cather wrote Paul s Case back in 1905 with this same idea in mind. The
question has been asked since even before then, does money bring happiness? To
those that have little would think that getting money will solve all their problems but
those with much can attest to having other types of problems money cannot fix. In
Paul s Case , Willa Catherdemonstrates that having monetary wealth does not always
lead to a better life.
Paul s Case is about a young man that decides to steal money and run away from his
unsophisticated life to New York but trouble still follows him.... Show more content
on ...
These men spent money extravagantly and were one of the reasons Paul was so
obsessed with getting money as well. People in Paul s neighborhood wished for
more money and dreamed of living life like Carnegie and Rockefeller, they told
stories on their stoops on Sundays, [Paul] rather liked to hear these legends of the
iron kings that were told and retold on Sundays and holidays; these stories of
palaces in Venice, yachts on the Mediterranean, and high play at Monte Carlo .
Pittsburgh throughout the story is portrayed as a dreary place, causing more of Paul
s dissatisfaction. During that time New York was seen as the place to be, where the
rich went to get richer, which was one of the reasons Paul wished to go to
Lockheed Martin Case Summary
Overall, Lockheed Martin is a highly successful corporation. The organization is a
leader in the aerospace and security industry and is enjoying large financial gains.
However, given market volatility the corporation there are a few modifications the
organization may want to consider. A brief summary of the organization s situation
and, when appropriate, recommendations follows. An organization s mission, vision,
values, and goals drive organizational decisions and, when effective, positively impact
employee and business performance. Lockheed Martins mission, vision, values, and
goals are a perfect fit for the organization. The corporation has effectively
communicated them to the workforce, they are well understood, and successfully
achieved. The organization should continue to analyze the market, its workforce and
competitors, along with its mission, vision,... Show more content on
In Lockheed Martin s case, the organization has developed a strategy to expand
international sales, meet or exceed customer needs and reduce costs, and innovation
that will enable the corporation to continue to succeed in the marketplace. The
corporation should consider leveraging its current portfolio to move into more
commercial markets to help reduce the dependency on the United States government.
Lockheed Martin already has several sources of competitive advantage that it uses
effectively to gain leverage in the market place. However, given that the budget of its
main customer is highly volatile the corporation should look to other sources of
competitive advantage. It would be advantageous of the corporation to use its
innovate workforce and emerging technology to develop green aircraft that use less
fuel and emit less harmful emission. This would be a win for the environment, the
customer, and the corporation and clearly position the corporation as an industry
Serpentine War Research Paper
The Serpentine are former villains, but now they re pretty neutral characters. The
snake like creatures are always ready to fight. They re favorite pastime is the Slither
Pit, where they fight one another. They also use the Slither Pit to fight for
advancement in their tribe. All the generals have long tails instead of legs. The five
warring tribes (Hypnobrai, Fangpyre, Venomari, Constrictai, and Anacondrai) were
separated and locked underground long before the pilot episodes, because of what
happened during the Serpentine War. Each tribe has its own unique power: the
Hypnobrai hypnotize their victims, the Fangpyre can turn anything into a snake, the
Venomari can make you see things when they spit their venom in your eyes, the
Constrictai can crush you to death, and the Anacondrai can... Show more content on ...
After his supposed death, Skales, voiced by Ian James Corlett, took over as leader
of the Serpentine until Garmadon used his Megaweapon to persuade the
Serpentine to join his side. When Skales had had enough, he got rid of Garmadon
and again assumed control. His first order got them locked underground again.
While in the tomb of the Stone Army, they changed their ways and became more
pacifistic and useless. Skales is still in charge of all the Serpentine, and he will
occasionally decide to help the ninja, but mostly they just keep to themselves.
Pythor does not have any connection with the rest of the Serpentine anymore. He
was in prison for a while, but was taken by Chen, since he was the last true
Anacondrai. After Garmadon s sacrifice, Pythor allied with the ninja because he
hated the Anacondrai Cultists more for disgracing his kind. After the battle, he went
on his way, but returned in Day of the Departed because he was still mad at Lloyd.
They fought, but he was defeated and he hasn t been seen
How Is Henry Clerval A Foil In Frankenstein
In a literary work, a minor character, often known as a foil, possesses traits that
emphasize, by contrast or comparison, the distinctive characteristics and qualities of
the main character. In Frankenstein by Mary Shelley specifically, Victor
Frankenstein s role in the book is emphasized and exemplified best when his best
friend, Henry Clerval, plays a foil to him. Both characters are in many ways
divergent, and it is in fact these traits that reveal the most about the plight of
Henry Clerval and Victor Frankenstein possess numerous traits that are contrasting,
and at times, clashing and conflicting with each other. These clashing traits bring out
the role of
Clerval as a foil to his best friend. Frankenstein begins the book ... Show more content
on ...
As a result, his entire family is murdered one by one, each death piercing another
metaphorical dagger into Frankenstein s heart. His life soon turns out of his
control; every ounce of energy is poured into finding and destroying the monster, a
task never really completed. By this time when Frankenstein takes a look at his
friend Clerval, he sees a reflection into his past self: an ambitious individual eager to
explore the dangers of the world, take strides to study his favorite subject, and put it
into practice. Frankenstein realizes the horrible outcomes the acquisition of
knowledge can have, but Clerval is unaware of this fact.
Victor Frankenstein begins as a man of ambition, but ends in a tragic downfall. He
turns into a deranged creature, thought by many to be mentally ill, but in truth,
destroyed by his own creation. Henry Clerval becomes his foil: a joyous, curious, yet
ambitious individual poised to venture on an scholarly adventure analogous to
Frankenstein s. These differing personalities reveal a subtle disconnect in their
friendship, but more importantly emphasize the tragic downfall Frankenstein goes
through after he creates
Criminal Theories On White Collar Crime
In this assignment, you will examine the various criminal theories that were
discussed in the reading. In a page or two, explain which theories best explain white
collar crime.
The Strain Theory does a suitable but not a great job of explaining white collar crime.
Therefore, in the Strain Theory it talks about the contextual anomie/ strain theory.
while examining this theory, I discovered it to be the most compelling in our
constant battle with white collar and corporate crimes. Ever, since the beginning of
recorded history man/woman has tried to achieve a better life, but not much has
change in today s standards it also can be said it is even more so now than ever.
From television, radio, and franchises we see the American dream of home
ownership, the ability to fit into the society with the latest gadgets. At the same time
trying to farther their education has its roots in the American dream of more pay, a
better job, and the ability to retire all these things is associated with the American
dream of more money. While reading this theory I took a closer look into what fuels
the human mind in our society, white collar crime in most cases, according to the
Strain Theory and my own beliefs is what fuel the human desire to be successful.
Greed has always and always will be a driving force in our society, I see no relief in
sight unless we as a society find some way that money is no longer the means to an
end, but how would we survive without money. Will there ever be a
The Elements Of Screenwriting
Film scriptwriting, also known as screenwriting, is a unique process or technique of
presenting each detail including the visuals of the scenes or any other related
elements by compiling them into a written form. To write a particular film script, the
scriptwriters have to take account of the elements in screenwriting to produce a good
fulfilled script. Even though writing a film script depends on the genre chosen, the
elements in it will not change. Each element in the structures plays an important role
in order for the scriptwriters to produce as well as to sell their script to the filmmakers.
Blacker (1986) listed that, Plot The ordering and selection of scenes to tell a story
and affect an audience. Character The particulars ... Show more content on ...
Blacker (1986) wrote, A character in a film is a representation of a person exhibiting
certain personality traits selected for a dramatic purpose. (The Elements of
Screenwriting, p. 35). In a film, the characters exist to drive the story forward, to
build tension within the story as they are about to bring the viewers into it. The
scriptwriter will establish the characters which fit in the story, and the most vital
characters are the protagonist and the antagonist. The central character or the
protagonist who is decorated with special strong points has to endure and
overcome such obstacles, or has a goal they want to reach in their life which will
become the storyline the scriptwriter wanting to express. Opposite to the protagonist
is the antagonist who is associated with malevolent behaviours or plans to create
misery, to wreck or to mess up with the protagonist s life. It is important for the
scriptwriter to introduce each character in their film script without making the
description too broad or too specific. For an example, in 1969 s film, Butch Cassidy
and the Sundance Kid, William Goldman had smoothly introduced a girl moving up
behind Butch; its simple line of She is reasonably pretty, a little used. is enough to
create an immediate impression of the
Feral Cats Annotated Bibliography
Brendan Bray/325 3950
Annotated Bibliography
Dickman, C. R., Australian Nature Conservation Agency, University of Sydney,
Invasive Species Program (Australia). (1996). Overview of the impacts of feral cats
on Australian native fauna. Canberra, ACT: Australian Nature Conservation Agency.
Content Summary
In this book the authors review impact of feral cats. Feral cats have major or minor
impacts on the Australian native wildlife some of which are competitive, amensal,
and predatory. The Competitive impact caused by cats is on large predatory
species by loss of prey. Amensal impact is most likely cause by transmission of
diseases. And predatory impact on native wildlife has been identified by historical
evidence. Many conclusions can be made from this evidence. Mammals make up a
large part of a feral cats diet. They target mammals weighing up to 2kg, and birds up
to 1kg. But they prefer prey weighing less then approximately 200grams in Mainland
Australia. ... Show more content on ...
Australia has the worlds worst record for extinct mammals, 28 species and sub
species mostly marsupials since European explorers and settlers arrived. Most of
these extinctions have been linked to feral cats and other introduced species. Cats
have developed there skills over millions of years and they a fast and silent killers.
The US Fish and Wildlife Service has revealed that feral and domestic cats kill an
estimated 2.4 billion birds and 12.3 billion mammals each year most of which are
native. No such large studies have been performed in Australia. However The
Australian Wildlife Conservancy released a report, which estimated the impact of 5
to 18 million feral cats on native Australian species, such as the numbat or bilby. Each
cat can potentially take from 5 to 30 animals a night. The extinction of 9 species of
bird and the critical state of 33 others has been directly linked to Feral and domestic
Leading Change Simulation
Organizational Leadership and Change Management LDR/515 Leading Change
Angela Cassidy, Carl V. Gibson, Angela Hairston,
Trey LaRoe, and Troy Neumann
Mentor: Mr. Bruce W. Webb
University of Phoenix
Date: June 4, 2007
Week Four Leading Change
Leading Change Simulation Exercise
Run the Leading Change simulation found on your rEsourceSM course page as an
individual before meeting with your Learning Team. Then, as a team, complete the
following assignment.
Cultural barriers to change can cause the most well planned change management
process to fail. This 1,250 1,500 word paper will focus on recommending what
management strategies are necessary to identify and overcome commitment barriers.
You will ... Show more content on ...
Hiring a consultant to determine which departments have the greatest resistance to
change will allow for CrysTel s leadership to address specific behavioral indicators in
order to successfully implement organizational change as needed.
In Workplace Change: Managing Workplace Change, Becker, Tennessen, and Dahl
state that some implications to organizational change are:
В…addressing concerns about job security and the workplace, increasing change
acceptance, identifying the benefits of the change and create incentives for
acceptance, perceive management commitment for satisfaction and commitment to
the new workplace strategy, broadcast information through interactive dialogue,
explain broad goals, and discuss personal implications (1997).
These implications can result in both positive and negative effects within an
organization depending on the way change is handled in an organization. Becker et
al, also state that the most common question employees will have, when it comes to
change, will be, How does this affect me? (Workplace Change: Managing Workplace
Change, 1997). In order for employees to feel as if management has considered the
implications of organizational change on employees, leaders and managers should
avoid the following common mistakes when managing workplace change:
В…do not rely on formal presentations and written materials; do not assume that
since you ve told them already, you don t need to tell them again; don t assume that
Difference Between Voluntary And Voluntary Resignation
Voluntary versus forced resignation of directors Voluntary resignation of directors
A termination of employment initiated by the employee or by mutual agreement
with the employer in which a letter of resignation is submitted. In most cases of
voluntary termination, employees will provide notice of their intent to resign to
allow for a more orderly transition of responsibilities. Forced resignation of directors
A forced resignation is when an employee is required to depart from their position
due to some issue caused by their continued employment. A forced resignation may
be due to the employer s wishes to dismiss the employee, but the employer may be
offering a softened firing. In a high profile position the employee may want to
leave before the press learns more negative information about one s controversial
nature. Differences between voluntary and forced resignation Agency One of the
biggest difference between voluntary and forced resignation is who gives the
resignation of employment. Both voluntary and forced resignation signify that the
employment will end, but when someone is forced to resign it means that the
employer has decided to sever the employment. The employer can sever
employment for any reason, so long as it is not based on issues of race, religion or
the sex of the employee. The employee can be cut for various reasons such as a new
employment opportunity. Notice Whether or not the employer of employee gives
notice to the other party regarding the
Rogerian Argument
High School to NBA: Good or Bad?
Mel Plantenga
College Composition P.4/5
March 6, 2013
Some of the greatest stars in the NBA were drafted straight out of high school.
Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, and Dwight Howard are just a few examples. Even
though, as of 2006, the NBA eligibility rule states that a player entering the NBA
draft must be at least nineteen years old and a year removed from high school, it is
still a huge debate in the sports world of whether or not this rule is the right choice.
Before the rule was set in place, NBA commissioner David Stern said, We have the
right to set an age limit in the collective bargaining agreement. I believe we can work
together to come up with something that is legally correct and will ... Show more
content on ...
If the rule were to be changed to require two years of college, the players would be
much more experienced and would create a stronger group of rookies each year
for the NBA. Imagine a young man, straight out of high school, with dreams of
playing in the NBA. What if he was one of the four players who, between 1975 and
2001, declared for the draft straight out of high school never made it to the NBA
(Should high school players be eligible). What are his options after that? Sure, he
could always go to college, but what if he never applied to one? Another option is
to play in a European league, but how is an eighteen or nineteen year old expected
to live on his own in a whole new country? This is just one downfall to being able
to enter the draft straight out of high school. While many are successful, the young
men who are not may be forced to give up their dream and must make serious life
decisions to move forward. For this reason alone, the rule should stay the same to
allow players to mature before they are able to enter the draft. The year of college
basketball played is monumental in the maturation of young players directly out of
high school. High school basketball is clearly a much different game than what is
played in the NBA; the pace is slower and the plays are far less complex. With this
said, only few players are able to adapt to the fast pace of the NBA straight out of
high school. For the majority of the players unable to do so, their
Essay on Gossip and Deceit in Much Ado About Nothing
Gossip and Deceit in Much Ado About Nothing Much Ado About Nothing is
primarily a play about gossip. Indeed, the title means a big fuss about a trifle, and by
the end, this is exactly what happens. All accusations will come to nothing, causing
the play to end the same way as if they never occurred at all. Shakespeare brilliantly
plays on the meanings of nothing throughout this play. The word nothing would
actually have been pronounced noting in his time. It can mean worthless, a person of
little worth, or also mean everything, in the sense that much ado is made about
everything (Smith). Much of the plot is moved along by characters eavesdropping on
a conversation and either misunderstanding what they overhear or being deceived by
... Show more content on ...
When the prince congratulates Claudio upon Hero s father s approval to marry
him he begins to be confused. In fact, it was the Prince wooing Hero for Claudio at
the masked ball. Don John lied to Claudio to create a disturbance at the ball. Don
John s malevolent plan to ruin Claudio and Hero s wedding was to take effect the
night before they were to wed. The malicious Don John constructed, or rather
misconstructed, the scheme that insinuated Claudio s belief in Hero s faithlessness.
It is Don John who reports to Claudio and Don Pedro that Hero is having an affair,
and he who stage manages an elaborate charade featuring his own henchman
Borachio and an unwitting stand in for Hero to lend credence to this fiction. Perhaps
the most significant thing to be noted in connection with this deception is that the
spectator does not witness the crucial scene in which Claudio overhears the
counterfeit exchanges between Margaret and Borachio that persuade him of Hero s
guilt. We learn of this episode only at second hand, when Borachio boasts of his
exploit (Lucking). The spectator of the play watches the Watchman watching
Borachio while the latter narrates what he calls his tale relating how Claudio was
inveigled into watching an artificial scene enacting Don John s fiction. Once again,
what lies at the heart of this convoluted recursive machinery is a nothing (a nocturnal
tryst between Hero and
Cultural Landscapes
Cultural landscapes provide a sense of place and identity. They map our
relationship with the land over time. An American geographer by the name Carl
Sauer wrote an article which explained how cultural landscapes are made up.
Religion can shape cultural landscape in various forms, such as sacred site, burial
practices, and architecture. A sacred site is a place that is considered to be holy to a
certain religion. Religions can shape the cultural landscape differently because of the
many type of sacred sitings. Mecca is a sacred site to Muslims. Thisis because it is
the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad.It is also the direction in which all Muslims
offer their prayers. Burial practices are acts or ceremonies in which the dead are
Elias To South Preu Analysis
The adventures of Elias to south Preu provides an example of his trial to spread
Christianity in that area. While reading his journey account from the beginning, one
may notice he uses many religious excerpts for supporting his view of the
Christianity. Thus, he sets out from Baghdad to visit to tomb of Jesusin Jerusalem,
moving and acting as a priest of Chaldean church who is blessed by the power of
Jesus I fortified myself in God and drew strength from his blessed mother, the virgin
Mary (15). There is no doubt that the religious and secular discourse was an evident
factor that shaped such journey from the beginning till the end. Analytically
speaking, he uses many repetitions of words like silver, gold during the places he
visited. Moreover,
Analysis Of Disney s Disney Essay
Disney theme park is world most recognized place to visit in the world as big
brand. Hong Kong Disneyland is globally known in the world and has grown
rapidly. This theme park is mostly Chinese market oriented as much Chinese
entertainment and media spending in this business to grow their market in Asia. The
first Disneyland was opened in July 17, 1955 in Los Angeles and the most recent in
2005 in Hong Kong.
The issue rise when Tokyo Disneyland was launched in Japan as they bring down the
American theme park and reproduced in Tokyo. When they launched new project in
Euro they saw the culture issue over there in Paris as there was complex culture
The issue was than solved by Mr.Stephn Burke as there was vast difference between
two cultures he focused on marketing strategies which attracts the customers.
пѓ Focused on hiring talented staff who are friendly and outgoing with Disney cast
пѓ Given more training
пѓ Placed more cast in Disney that attracts the culture
пѓ They remove alcohol ban in theme park
пѓ More relaxing for Disney s hierarchical management structure
пѓ Reduced managerial staff by almost 1000 in order to flatten the management and
empower the employees with more duties and authorities. (technology, 2015)
In recent years Disney launches three theme parks international markets where they
provide different facilities to their visitors.
Location, structure, food and FENG SHUI numerology
They have provided airport pick up facility and subway
Ada Solution Manual
This п¬Ѓle contains the exercises, hints, and solutions for Chapter 1 of the book
Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 2nd edition, by A. Levitin.
The problems that might be challenging for at least some students are marked by ;
those that might be difficult for a majority of students are marked by .
Exercises 1.1
1. Do some research on al Khorezmi (also al Khwarizmi), the man from whose name
the word algorithm is derived. In particular, you should learn what the origins of the
words algorithm and algebra have in common. 2. Given that the official purpose of
the U.S. patent system is the promotion of the useful arts, do you think algorithms are
patentable in this country? Should they be? 3. a. Write down driving ... Show more
content on ...
6. Prove that if d divides both m and n (i.e., m = sd and n = td for some positive
integers s and t), then it also divides both n and r = m mod n and vice versa. Use the
formula m = qn + r (0 ≤ r n) and the fact that if d divides two integers u and v, it
also divides u + v and u в€’ v. (Why?) 7. Perform one iteration of the algorithm for
two arbitrarily chosen integers m n. 9. a. Use the equality gcd(m, n) = gcd(m в€’ n,
n) for m ≥ n 0. b. The key is to figure out the total number of distinct numbers
that can be written on the board, starting with an initial pair m, n where m n ≥ 1.
You should exploit a connection of this question to the question of part (a).
Considering small examples, especially those with n = 1 and n = 2, should help, too.
10. Of course, for some coefficients, the equation will have no solutions. 11.
Tracing the algorithm by hand for, say, n = 10 and studying its outcome should help
answering both questions.
Solutions to Exercises 1.1
1. Al Khwarizmi (9th century C.E.) was a great Arabic scholar, most famous for
his algebra textbook. In fact, the word algebra is derived from the Arabic title of
this book while the word algorithm is derived from a translation of Al Khwarizmi s
last name (see, e.g., [KnuI], pp. 1 2, [Knu96], pp. 88 92, 114). 2. This legal issue
has yet to be settled. The current legal state of affairs distinguishes mathematical
algorithms, which are not
The Issue Of Gun Ownership
As time has progressed, the issue of gun ownership has become more and more of a
debate. With the development of new technology that can lead to devastating
destruction, it is extremely difficult to overlook the harm that this weaponry could
ensue on the safety of our nation. As stated in the second amendment of the
constitution of the United States, The right of the people to keep and bear Arms,
shall not be infringed. ( The Constitution of the United States: A Transcription ) The
framers, however, could never have known the potential for destruction that our
present weaponry can cause. So, the question to this day has been, to what degree
should the infringement of our right to bear arms be prevented? There are many
different possible answers to this question, however, to me, only one answer seems
to stand above the rest. The government of the United States, in order to uphold the
rights for the general good of the majority of United States citizens, should infringe
on this right to the degree necessary in order to provide the utmost amount of safety
for their people while continuing to recognize the original intentions of the framers.
This theory, although broad, I believe is necessary in order to get the greatest
amount of satisfaction for the population as a whole. In the present day, many
people believe that automatic weapons should be outlawed, as they have no greater
use than for mass killings of people. This is a reasonable opinion, as it is true that
The Ethical Theory Of Consequentialism
Consequentialism is one of the three main normative ethical theories alongside virtue
theory and deontology. In general, consequentialism holds that the right thing to do in
any situation is determined completely by its consequences. This includes everything
that will happen in the world as a result of the action.
There are a multitude of variations branching from this which may differ in what part
of the consequences they value; and as such have different value theories, but all will
agree on the notion that the ends justify the means. Leaving open how moral
goodness is determined, we will look at act consequentialism as the most basic form
of the consequentialist theory. Consequentialism as a whole faces a lot of criticism,
this essay will look into the demandingness objection to act consequentialism and
analyse whether the theory can defend itself through the introduction of rule
Act Consequentialism
Act consequentialism claims the permissibility of an action is based on how good its
consequences are compared with those of its feasible alternatives.
An act is morally right if and only if that act maximizes the good, that is, an act is
to be evaluated on the basis of whether it produces the best possible state of affairs,
impartially considered. If it does produce the best possible state of affairs, then the
act is counted as morally required (or morally permissible if the act is one of many
possible acts that produce a state of affairs
The Comparison Of Dorothy And The Scarecrow
Dorothy s last name is Gale, gale means a strong wind that can blow a vessel or a
person off course. Dorothy s last name is an obvious metaphor that demonstrates her
ability to abruptly transform someone s life. The comparison of the Scarecrow
before meeting and after meeting Dorothy is quite large. Upon meeting Dorothy, the
Scarecrow agrees to continue with Dorothy to Emerald City where he hopes the
wizard would grant him a brain. The impact Dorothy has on the Scarecrow instantly
is enough to motivate him to step outside his comfort zone and seek a new future.
Notwithstanding, Dorothy also is able to influence the Tin Man she meets along the
way to seek a new commodity. When Dorothy and the Scarecrow stumble upon the
rusted Tin Man and oil
Satire In The Handmaid s Tale
Margaret Atwood in The Handmaid s Tale Margaret Atwood illustrates how a
dystopian society ruled by the commanders of Gilead has completely removed
every aspect of independence from society. The Handmaid s Tale has become
increasingly significant in the 21st century because of the similarities between the
way women are being oppressed now as well as the gradual incline towards the
removal of many of our freedoms such as the right to have an abortion. Atwoods
representation of oppression are becoming more noticeable in 2017 through the
media and the rise in peaceful protesting for our basic freedoms and women s rights
which are being removed slowly but surely through new unjust laws. Margaret
Atwoods use of satire in her dystopian novel, The... Show more content on ...
In Gilead they have what is called a theocracy which is where state and religion is
not divided. This leads to society speaking using religious terminology and biblical
references because it is an easy way to say that their rules were created by God. An
example of this can be seen when the handmaid s greet each other with terms such
as Under His Eye and Blessed be the Fruit which originates from the bible and are
used as a form of speech in between the people of Gilead. Atwood makes sure to
include religion throughout the novel to represent the way that we sometimes blindly
follow religion and allow for it to guide us completely without truly understanding the
meaning behind
History Of The Siege Of Richmond
The Siege of Richmond
The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon
as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on. Ulysses S. Grant
This quote states that war is quick and easy but the Siege of Richmond lasted over
nine months (June 9, 1864 to March 25, 1865). In the book Ashes of Glory by
Ernest B. Ferguson, he wrote that on May 20, 1861 the Confederate Congress
voted to move the government to Richmond, Virginia. This step made Richmond a
target and the ultimate prize in a bloody war. Richmond was the capital of the
Confederacy and one of the four largest cities in the south and was often referred to
as the Jewel of the Confederacy. This was an appropriate name considering this city
had the largest weapons and bullet production factory as well as a strong work
force. Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant planned this siege so that the
Confederacy would be weakened without their leading weapons producer and capital
city. This was a costly battle with an estimated casualty count of over 70,000 with the
Union losing double what the Confederates lost (Union: 42,000; Confederate:
28,000). The attack method formulated by the Union was an offensive strike on north
and south of the city, some battles falling on either side of the James River.... Show
more content on ...
Eventually, Union troops began to break through Confederate defenses and General
Robert E. Lee contacted Confederate President Jefferson Davis. General Lee
informed Jefferson Davis of the defense breach and that the city of Richmond should
be evacuated immediately. Upon hearing this, President Davis went to his mansion
and burned all important Confederate documents and destroyed his mansion to
protect Confederate secrets. At this point, Jefferson Davis had given the order for the
evacuation of
Frank Jackson and Physicalism Essay
Frank Jackson and Physicalism
Frank Jackson begins his article by writing about what he feels to be a fatal flaw in
physicalism. He writes a story about a girl named Mary who is raised in a black
and white room. In this room Mary was taught everything there is to know about the
physical world. The only catch is she learned only from media, which was black and
white, so she knows nothing of the colors outside this room. After learning everything
about the physical world, she is then given the chance to see color. She will then learn
what color is in the world. For this reason Jackson believes physicalism to be false.
Jackson contends that if physicalism were true, Mary would know what a color looks
like before she would ever ... Show more content on ...
The problem with this for physicalism is that fact Mary would realize how mistaken
her knowledge of other s conceptions has been. Even though Mary would have
known all of the neurological processes in a person s mind, she would not have
known the person s actual experience involved in the process. There would also be
facts she did not know about objects, but she would know all physical facts about
them. For this reason it is not any experience the object may have, but a fact about
the object itself. In the article the main point seems to be the fact that, for example,
Mary would see red for the first time she would be learning something. However,
physicalism is not threatened merely by the fact Mary learns something. The
factor disproving physicalism is the fact Mary learns something new about the
object that is red. For example she can see a tomato is now read. Her teachings
showed her all physical attributes to the tomato and she would know everything
about it. The problem is that she had no idea what red was until she saw red,
therefore she did not know everything physical about the tomato. If physicalism
were true, Mary would have known exactly what the red tomato looked like before
she saw it, including the redness it displayed. After reading the Jackson article I have
concluded that I agree with the points being made against physicalism. The example
that I believe disproves physicalism is trying to
The Established Rules For The Doric And Corinthian
In Book 4, Vitruvius writes on the established rules for the Doric and Corinthian
orders, and explains the differences and peculiarities.
Chapter I: The Origins of the Three Orders, and the Proportions of the Corinthian
In chapter 1, Vitruvius writes of the proportions of the Ionic, Doric, and Corinthian
columns and the similarities and differences. The three architectural order by its
capital are Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. Corinthian columns, apart from in their
capitals that has the same proportions as in the Ionic order, but the height of the
capitals taller than the Ionic capitals that give it a slimmer appearance. In Corinthian
style two thirds are added capitals, that gives a slender appearance to the length of the
columns. Corinthian columns are composed either of the Doric proportions or uses
the Ionic, and the Corinthian order does not have any peculiar arrangement for its
cornices or other ornaments. The Corinthian order may be arranged with a frieze
decorated with sculptures that is accompanied with dentils and coronae. The
Corinthian order may include mutules in the coronae and guttae with the architraves
as the triglyph system of the Doric style or as the Ionic style.
Doric was the first to have rules for their symmetry to tolerate large sums of weight,
and also to a satisfactory appearance of beauty. They measured a man s foot and
compared this with his height, finding that the foot was one sixth of the height, and
they applied the same principle
Shameful Effects Of The Civil War
Shameful Civil Wars
Civil wars are just a sign that even people who are closely related by society,
culture, history, and geography, can have deep and disruptive differences. Civil war
has also been connected with in many example, and for many people, it is
considered the most shameful kind of war, All wars are civil wars, because all men
are brothers.
Bosnian War from 1992 1995. The Bosnian War was a cruel, complex, and ugly
clash that followed the fall of communism in Europe. In 1991, Bosnia and
Herzegovina joined several republics of the former Yugoslavia and declared
independence, which cause a civil war that lasted for four years. Bosnia s
population was a multicultural mix of Muslim Bosniaks, Orthodox Serbs, and
Catholic Croats. The Bosnian Serbs, well armed and support by neighbor Serbia,
laid siege to the city of Sarajevo in early April, 1992. They targeted mainly the
Muslim population, but killed many other Bosnian Serbs and Croats with rocket,
mortar, and sniper attacks that went on for nearly three and a half years.
As shells fell on the Bosnian capital, nationalist Croat and Serb forces carried out
brutal ethnic cleansing attacks throughout the countryside. Finally, in ... Show more
content on ...
The Nigerian Civil War, also known as Nigerian Biafran War, was the effect of
financial, racial, cultural, and religious tensions among the various peoples of
Nigeria. Like many other African nations. The civil war began on July 6, 1967,
when Nigerian centralized troops advanced in two columns into Biafra. Nigeria,
which won independence from Britain in 1960, had at that time a population of
sixty million people consisting of nearly three hundred different racial and cultural
groups. The war cost Nigeria a great deal in terms of lives, money, and its standing
in the world. It has been estimated that up to three million people may have died due
to the conflict mostly from hunger and disease. It was one of the bloodiest civil wars
of the last few
School Core Competencies
Introduction The core competencies that the schools have implemented have been
developed by the central office, by the school themselves and by teachers within the
school. I will be identifying three core competencies that I have worked with in the
past year and evaluate their relevance in the school setting. I will also be looking at
how the rest the school uses these competencies, along with ways that we might be
able to improve upon them.
Core Competencies of the School There are many core competencies that have been
identified, developed and put into place in my school. There are different levels that
could develop the competency, all of them are important when looking at the mission
of the school. The mission for South High is to provide ... Show more content on ...
I believe that determining how the competency is going to improve the school is
the most important part in the design. If the competency is not going to improve
the school, then it must be changed so it does improve an aspect of the school.
Then the school needs to look at what students will be affected by the new initiative.
Since the students are the driving force of the school, their level of success drives
the direction of the school. The school needs to ensure that the competency will help
the students to meet the mission and vision of the school. Finally, which educator is
going to take the lead and roll out the new competency, working with and leading the
faculty and students so they may succeed with this new competency. There are many
steps and it is a long process to develop a new competency and implement it in the
Discussion Essay of Societal Impacts on Natural Disasters
Natural disasters are a devastating, but undeniably inevitable part of life and society.
Because of this fact, many of us tend to believe that they happen as an act of nature,
purely out of the human control. We need to start realizing that this is far from the
truth and it this attitude that is stopping us from learning from our mistakes. The
contemporary world inaccurately labels various disasters as natural when in fact,
when looked at more closely; there is an enormous correlation between nature and
society . There are many flaws in the human preparation for natural disasters that have
equated in death and injury where it could have been minimized. Although the
occurrence of a disaster can happen at any time, it is vital that we... Show more
content on ...
This shows that if the earthquake was the only disaster that Japan had to deal with,
they would have been able to cope with it far more successfully and the tsunami was
the reason for the country s failure (Zare Afrouz, 2012).
They were left in a situation where they were facing several difficulties: The
application of a response, the management of a large number of residents that had
been displaced by the disaster, and lack of experience in the management of medical
resources for displaced populations. In addition to this, the people of Tohoku were
only notified of the event one minute before the occurrance, leaving residents in a
state of shock and unpreparedness (Norio, 2011).
However, despite the devastating elements that the Japanese people were exposed
to, they still managed to remain somewhat calm and dealt with the situation at hand
with discipline. The public had confidence in officials that were part of relief
teams and lined up in a civilized manner for food and drink, as opposed to
demonstrating chaotic behavior, which would be very common in similar situations,
especially in rural or developing countries. This would be a prime example of
successfully educating the public on crisis behavior, especially in regions that are
prone to disaster.
The 2004 Tsunami, or otherwise known
Description Of The First Time I At The School Week
IGN (Include Previous Names Also): My current username is TextMessage. Any
previous name that I have had can be found here. Don t judge them to much. . Age:
I am currently 14. Timezone: My timezone is CST (Central Standard Time).
Location: I live in Texas, United States. I do not plan on moving anytime soon.
Gender: Male How many hours can you play each day?: This all varies during the
school week unless I do not have homework that I have due. If I have nothing
planned, I can play around 4 hours a day during the week, and 7 hours a day on
weekends. Have you had any past experience?: The first time I was ever a staff
member was back in November of 2015. I had just got accepted on a server known
as OxPvP. It was fairly challenging considering this was the first time I had ever
been accepted and interviewed for a decently sized server at the time. There were
certain rules that myself and the other staff member had to follow, and they
seemed simple at first until I actually got into them. I had to learn how to properly
screen share someone in order to find any client that they may have had; if they did
have one that is. It was difficult at first, but I was taught by several moderators what
was necessary to check, and what to look for when searching the player s computer
for cheats. Time went on and I got more familiar with the commands. I was then
promoted to moderator soon after. I was then introduced to several new commands.
They were used on both the KitMap and the
Military Mistakes Dbq
Do you know the primary Reasons for the Fall of Rome? Rome was very powerful
throughout their time. Then how did they fall? Rome had good farm and pasture
land. They had protection from hills and mountains. They were the wealthiest and
largest empire in the whole world. Critics argue that decay in economic and civic life
helped bring about the Fall of Rome, however, military mistakes was the primary
reason behind the decline of the empire. Over time, the Romans started to get lazy
and negative changes happened in the Roman Military Recruiting.
First and foremost the Romans started to get lazy and it seemed like they gave up.
According to the excerpt by Vegetius on Document B it shows that the Romans
stopped wearing their breastplates and helmets for protection. When the Romans didn
t wear breastplates and helmets they got hurt. It was a bad idea to set aside them
because then they will have no protection. If they are to heavy for them they should
train in the and get stronger. As shown in the excerpt by Vegetius in Document B it
shows that the ... Show more content on ...
According to the passage by Peter Stearns in Document F it shows that Rome had to
hire soldiers to protect them. That showed that they were scared and wanted other
people to do the work for them. It was unnecessary for them to do that because they
were very powerful and other empires were scared of them. Now the Roman Empire
is scared of other empires. As seen in the excerpt by Michael Grant in Document B
it shows that Rome forced other soldiers to fight for them because they were
scared and didn t want, too. That wasn t a very good decision Rome made. If they
make other soldiers do their job, they are not real and good soldiers. It was also
wrong of Rome to force them to fight for them even if Rome can do it perfectly
fine. They had to leave their loved ones to go fight in a battle where they were most
likely going to die
The Monitor s Consent Case Study
When a mentally ill patient becomes too incapacitated to properly give consent for a
research experiment, should the experiment team stop and allow the procedure to
continue? In the case study, The Monitor s Consent , a researcher apart of the
Department of Psychiatry questions the ethics of this situation. The nurse providing
care for the impaired schizophrenic patient tries to persuade the researcher that both
the subject and his monitor agreed to the operation before, however, they are now
becoming increasingly symptomatic to his own illnessand sedatives. Even though
they did give consent prior to the medication, the researcher is concerned that they
were too incapacitated due to their own disease to give consent. The patient, Mr.
Young, did not sign an advance directive beforehand to allow... Show more content on ...
In general, they are almost always beneficial especially when the subject
unconscious and is unable to oversee their own well being. Conversely, the
disadvantage of a monitor/representation in almost all these situations is they may
not have the exact same thoughts, ideas, or reactions as the subject to specific
situations the subject will be put in. They also may have alternative motives than
the subject, like in the case study, when the father wanted the procedure to continue
so other people in the future may be in a better position; while Mr. Young may not
have wanted to proceed. Limits should be placed on the power of a monitor to
enroll their patients into studies because they do not have a legal right to, they only
represent and assist the patient when they need it. When a compromised patient and
monitor disagree about how to proceed in a particular course of action, all progress
should be paused and allow the patient time to recover to receive an unbiased
message of consent or
The United Nations Convention Of Combat Desertification
The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) was ratified in
1996. It is a multilateral agreement which was made to address desertification.
Desertification is defined as the land degradation in arid, semi arid and dry sub
humid areas, generally known as drylands . Many African states believed their
sustainable development was being obstructed due to issues such as poverty, and food
insecurity and were not being given necessary attention by the international political
community .
The need for an international convention was based on the argument that although the
effects of desertification are often felt locally, it could not be ignored that globally
contributed changes such as climate change and changes in soil and ... Show more
content on ...
The goals are quantifiable; however, the degree to which they produce measurability
is still weak. Land desertification could be analyzed against other factors such as
geology, and human action . In addition the use of GIC and various soil indicators
and food production can be used to quantify the improvement of desertification. The
use of GDP as well as the Human Development Index can be used to measure the
improvements of poverty and education.
Identification and Description of Challenges
One of the greatest difficulties that arises when dealing with an environmental issue
such as desertification on an international scale is the fact that its affects are not
geographically universal. For instance, regions of Africa and Asia are highly
susceptible to land degradation and its affects are often only apparent at the local
level. As such, during early debates concerning desertification there was much
reluctance coming from developed countries to recognize it as a global concern.
Many developed countries, especially within Europe, argued that land degradation
was a local problem that results from the cumulative
Alternative medicine has been becoming more and more...
Alternative medicine has been becoming more and more popular in Western culture
in the recent years. Alternative medicine includes practices that are not generally
accepted in the medical profession. Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine
that originated from Chinese culture around 200 BCE, came into western culture
around 1970, and has been rapidly growing sense (Ehrlich, 2011). The purpose of
paper is to give an overview of acupunctureand its relation to osteoarthritis. This
paper will cover how acupuncture is performed, what it is used to heal, the efficacy
over all, and how acupuncture is related to nursing. The limitation of this paper is
that this is a secondary analysis and no studies or participants were actually performed
... Show more content on ...
Depending on the type of the acupuncture, the needles may be prepared differently or
different aromatherapies may be used while the needles are in place.
Acupuncture is used to treat a variety of health care problems including osteoarthritis,
chronic pain, post operative pain, dental procedures, fibromyalgia, nausea, acute
cerebral infarction, anesthesia, angina pectoris, anxiety, depression, hypertension,
insomnia, rhinitis, skin disorders, weight loss, smoking cessation and many more
(natural standard). The purpose of acupuncture depends on the reason it is being
sought out to be used, but in general it is given to help relieve stress, pain, improve
ones mood, and re balance ones chi energy throughout their body. Osteoarthritis is one
of the most common forms of arthritis; it is sometimes referred to as wear and tear
arthritis. Osteoarthritis is when the cartilage that protects ones bones from hitting one
another, breaks down. There has been no cure found yet for osteoarthritis, and it is
known to get worse over time. Treatments such as acupuncture have evidence that
acupuncture may be useful to ease the pain of osteoarthritis (Davis 2012).
The outcomes of acupuncture vary with the cause and type of the illness it is being
used for, in general for dental pain, postoperative nausea and vomiting and
chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting... acupuncture is effective (Birch, 2004).
Most studies done with acupuncture and osteoarthritis are done on
Essay on Market for Coors in South Delaware
Q1). Currently, there is an opportunity for owning a Coors Distributorship in the
southern Delaware counties of Sussex and Kent. Coors is a well known brand
name nationally, and retailers in the targeted area are willing to carry the product,
which is an indication of pre existing brand awareness and demand for Coors. It was
necessary to obtain a feasibility study to project a possible profit or loss and
$800,000 dollars will be needed for the initial investment. We believe the following
decision criteria should be embraced by Larry to make his decision.
Market Share Since Coors will enter this market area for the first time, it is believed
that market ... Show more content on ...
Offering has a unique patented formula.
Offering has a strong brand name.
Offering is a high quality and high price product that captures a particular taste
Offering has defined/proven market share.
Owner lacks experience in running a business.
Owner has limited capital: $15,000 for feasibility study; and $500,000 of trust money
that will be made available for investment.
Offering has at least seven well known domestic competitors many with lower price
points and products with various taste differentiation.
Offering has no presence in the State of Delaware.
Offering is a well known brand that is being made available to a new market.
Since retailers are willing to carry the product, there is evidence of pre existing brand
Company promotes environmental issues by installing aluminum can recycling
The brand has a select market audience due to taste preference.
More liquor and Beer Licenses are being issued every year to retailers.
88.7% of retailers in the target market would carry Coors in their stores.
In 1990, the United States was experiencing a recession, which would influence
higher alcoholic beverage consumption.
Coors brewery has negative image with those consumers who support the union and
minority issues.
Industry is very competitive.
Recession could force consumers to purchase less expensive products.
Consumer taste may change from beer
Antibiotic Resistance Is A Growing Problem Throughout
Antibiotic resistance is a growing problem throughout the globe. Besides using
antibiotics for medical use, they are being used in the agriculture industry. In animals,
antibiotics are being used to treat diseases, but also to prevent diseases from
occurring and to increase the growth of animals (Mehndiratta, 2014, p.340). In recent
years, the evidence of farmers using antibiotics for non traditional ways has sparked
major controversy. In agriculture 90% of antibiotics are used for growth promoting
and prophylactic agents with the other 10% being used to treat diseases
(Khachatourians, 1998, p.2). To understand why this occurs, we first must understand
the genetic basis for antibiotic resistanceand the occurrence of antibiotic resistance in
selected organisms. By farmers doing this an increase in the number and types of
microorganisms resistant to drugs, has increased public health problems. Finally,
management options for reducing antibiotics in the environment have to occur. If
farmers continue to use antibiotics for non traditional uses, as humans we can be
affected greatly not just by food supply, but by water runoff, the air, and even the
soil. Also, more public health problems will occur.
However, to completely understand the effects of antibiotic resistance, we need to
understand the genetic component of how bacteria becomes resistant. An antibiotic
can operate at different sites within the bacterial cell, some infect the cell wall or the
membranes, making it
British Columbia’s Carbon Tax and its Impact on
In June of 2008, British Columbia became the first and only Canadian province to
introduce a carbon tax, and has been praised and scone by environmentalists,
economists, and politicians alike, arguing whether the tax is efficient or destructive
method of controlling greenhouse gas emissions. The liberal premier Gordon
Campbell introduced the carbon tax; its main purpose would be to enforce a carbon
tax to increase the price of consumption of fossil fuels within the province, the
philosophy behind the tax was to make taxes higher on the deemed environmentally
detrimental purchases and lessen the tax on the others. The carbon tax promised to
achieve this in a carbon neutral way, which meant that the revenue received from the
tax would be... Show more content on ...
Stewart Elgie, a University of Ottawa law and economics professor and chair of the
green economy think tank Sustainable Prosperity suggests that British Columbia s
per capita fuel usage had fallen more than 4 per cent compared with the rest of
Canada and its economy (Ebner, McCarthy, 2011) Evidently it is reducing the
amount of green house gasses emitted by fossil fuel use. However this is not the
concern many had with the introduction of the tax, but the concerns were focused
upon the externalities caused by this and the effects it would have on the economy.
Three years since the carbon tax introduction and the Provincial level of GDP has
remained approximately the same, (Greenery in Canada: We have a winner) With
the provincial level of GDP remaining around the same, this suggests that at the very
worst the carbon tax has had no negative effects to the provincial economy.
Furthermore the tax also promised to remain carbon neutral and promised to cut
corporate and private income tax. British Columbia has become the province with
the lowest income tax regime and the lowest corporate tax regime (Greenery in
Canada: We have a winner). Although the carbon tax is being praised by many, it still
faces concerns as many still argue the ineffectiveness of the tax and what that means
for the province.
One major objection many economists have to the question of carbon tax
effectiveness is whether the taxes on carbon are high enough to create any change in
The Rise Of Mass Attendance
Muhammad Ali once said Religions all have different names, but they all contain the
same truths... I think people of our religion should be tolerant and understand people
believe different things. This quote explains the tolerance and acceptance of another
religion, which clearly demonstrates the concept of pluralism. Even though the
Catholic Churchprovides a welcoming feeling to all new and existing members, the
decline of massattendance will further result in a decrease of catholic followers.
Secularism and pluralism are major factors in the change of attendance, which will be
further discussed. Margaret and Leo Laarhoven are members from Our Lady of
Sorrows Catholic Church in Kyogle, NSW. Their commitment towards the Catholic
Church... Show more content on ...
It s also the main source of your spiritual life, and if you took time to reflect on who
you are, and how much you should give back to god, the attendance in mass would
increase rapidly. A commandment from the Catholic church is to attend mass on
Sundays and holy days, this is one of its six commandments, which at the moment is
only being filled by 37% of Catholics, at the most (Shaw, 2014). It also helps
Catholics live by the ten commandments.
Community is a key factor in forming parishes around Australia, as mass brings
together the community. Leo and Margaret reinforced this statement The local
church is always the nicest to attend because you feel you are part of the
community, whereas when one attends elsewhere on an irregular basis you are
never one of them Margaret also caters for the church and she expressed her
reasons for why she does it. She stated Jesus did say love thy neighbour and this is
one way we can demonstrate that. Also my mum was involved with a Catholic
Women s Organisation which catered for church events such as weddings, funerals,
parties etc. now we have three groups which consist 8 10 ladies and each group
takes turns in catering It s also a great opportunity to catch up with people, who I don
t regularly see. The two prime reasons were that it brought together the community,
and she was also following her
New Year Eve
1. About how to tell the restaurant not to serve the food or to change the cooking
standard at the late hour .
B . Its an issue because of they have to take in to consideration the effect of what
their decision will bring to the new company because they don t want to loose there
C. This issue concerns some areas on ethical concepts because ...Mike was thinking
about the larger number not just himself(utilitarianism), also the consumer safety is
important ,fairness and dignity is important.
2. The first facts of the case is that the seafood stuffed pasta shells has been shipped to
the biggest customer and they were tainted with salmonella.
Another fact is that it s ... Show more content on ...
Irrespective of an outbreak or not, not informing the client would affect Mike s effort
to bring Michael s Homestyle Pasta s culture into Southern Pasta Company. It would
send a signal to people that Mike isn t different from the previous employer.
Mike would never get the same appreciation from Southern Pasta Company s
employees as he gets from the Michael Homestyle Pasta s and thus will find it
difficult to develop a similar healthy working culture.
Call the clients
Allowing clients to know about the contamination gives them a chance to be sure
that they cook the food base on the required norms. Although the restaurants may
decide to not use the contaminated batch which may lead them in demanding for a
refund. There is also possibility of them taking the pasta out of their menu. They
may also start looking for another supplier, but since they did not switch from
Southern Pasta Company after the first recall time, we can assumed that they have
no other potential suppliers. Also they would be willing to give Mike a chance
based on his record. there wont be any legal implications in this alternatives. the
FDA will have limited intervention since is a business to business dealings. Still
there is possibility for press releases to express the situation of things and their stand
towards the issue.
It will set a good example for everyone at
Google s Invasion Of Privacy Is Dead On The Internet
Alyssa Andrew
Organizational Communication
Privacy is dead on the internet and unfortunately, a large part of that is due to the fact
that many companies make unethical decisions. Many companies today miss the fact
that ethics in business is needed, such as the company Google. Although a large
majority of Americans use Google almost every day, most do not realize how
unethical many of the company s decisions actually are. Google is one of the
companies towards the top of the list of companies that do not think about the impact
of their developments and how it affects the users. These practices have been known
about for years and have been publicized, but unfortunately only a small amount of
people seem to question the issue of ethics. ... Show more content on
This service originally disregarded copyright, due to the fact that they were trying
to open access to knowledge for everyone. Many thought that Google was doing
this to be nice and to provide a service to people who use their search engine, even
though they were doing it to be the end all source of information (Cargill). What
Google did not think about though were the restrictions that they were not honoring
by giving out text from hundreds of thousands of books that were protected by
copyright. This is ethically wrong due to the fact that Google did not respect or
recognize the authors and publishers copyrights and tried to monopolize all access to
information, even though it was not theirs to do
Queen Elizabeth I Essays
Queen Elizabeth I was by all rights England s most praised monarch. Her success in
her reign, viewed in later centuries, cannot adequately encompass all that she did or
how she maintained her power. In part, her endurance stems from the way in which
she learned early in life to fight with forces that were not physical, those of her mind,
her intellect, and her own spirit. She used her intellect to create an empire. Her
education and early training of mind together with her basic understanding of
humanity, both of her own and that of her subjects, kept her at the helm for more
than forty years. Analysis of her writings, which include speeches, poems, letters, and
documents to Parliament, will help readers understand that Elizabeth... Show more
content on ...
Queen Elizabeth I was actually born Elizabeth Tudor, the daughter of Henry VIII and
his second wife (after England s split from the Catholic Church), Anne Boleyn. She
was crowned Queen of England on January14, 1559 and reined for the next 44
years. She is remembered by such names as the Virgin Queen and Good Queen Bess.
Her childhood was a rather tumultuous one, with her father paying very little or no
attention to her. Her governess had to write to him saying that Elizabeth needed
some clothes because all of the ones that she had were too small. Her mother was
executed when she was 2 years old after being accused of adultery, incest etc. After
her father s death, the throne went to her Catholic half sister Mary. Mary s policies of
burning Protestants at the stake and an unsuccessful war with France, wherein she
lost Callais, the last of England s strongholds on the continent, made her less than
When Elizabeth was sixteen rumors were spread she had plotted with Thomas
Seymour to put him in line for the throne. In addition, the rumor that she was having
a love affair with him and was pregnant with his child surfaced. These rumors called
into question the value of honor and honesty of the young Lady Elizabeth.
In this situation, Elizabeth shows one of her first examples of building her leadership
image through her writings. Elizabeth wrote a letter
Tibia Essay
Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA) is an othopaedic procedure to repair rupture
of cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) in dogs. It has also been applied in cats. The
canine CCL is a band of tough fibrous tissue that attaches the femur to the tibia. It is
attached to the interdylar notch of the tibia at one end and the caudomedial part of
the lateral femoral condyle at the other end. It keeps the tibia from sliding cranially
beneath the femur when the limb bears weight. It also limits medial rotation of the
tibia when the stifle is flexed [1]. These help to prevent the stifle joint from over
extending or rotating.
The rupture of this ligament in dog is not suddenly broken due to excessive trauma,
but usually degenerates slowly over ... Show more content on ...
After the model was imported into Abaqus, the mechanical properties earned from
the prior process were assigned to the model. In addition, as the model is assumed
as a homogenous structure, then the highest values of all mechanical properties
were used as a representative of all structure. These properties are density of 1813 kg
/m3, young modulus of 4993 MPa and Poisson coefficient of 0.3 (see figure 4).
This part is the most important of the analysis because fissure and fracture cannot be
observed without given fracture mechanics. Therefore, the crack propagation of
this study can be studied using XFEM method. This method will define the model
as a crack domain, but the crack cannot be propagated without crack initiation. A
crack tip was placed at the location where the highest stress was concentrated on. In
our study, the highest stress was located at cylindrical wall of maquet hole at
approximately 225п‚° from X+ axis when determined in XY plane as shown in
figure 7. The crack tip is a very thin surface placed on the model associated with the
centre of the maquet hole in XY plane. This tip has 0.5 mm. overlap into the
cylindrical wall of maquet hole as shown in figure
Sustainable Practices And Issues Of Boost Juice
Sustainable Practices and Issues of BOOST Juice:
At Boost we understand the environment necessities and its scarcity, so we always try
to reduce impact still providing the best quality juices and smoothies. (The Food
Institute Report, July 21, 2003)
Towards the technology Allis always says that whenever she saw some new
technology, she always thinks how that technology affects her business without
affecting environment.
We also try to use technology by giving knowledge about health to our customers
through email and other technologies available.
In Boost Juice we always try to minimize packaging and use renewable resources,
and in 2012 we introduced and started using paper cups and it s add value to
environment ... Show more content on ...
Boost Human Resource Team as well works very sustainably, as retail jobs are very
challenging and changing environment, because retail jobs relates to customers
service and customers demands are always changing, so we are pretty much focused
on that and our HR Team works on it on daily basis with such a fast changing
environment. They also keep employees aware about the same. (Wren, Dee
Hospitality, Sept 1, 2005)
The juice bar concept was pretty new in Australia, and the way boost furnish this
concept is also very new in the retailing industry. Boost is not about only
appreciable taste and healthy juice or smoothie but this brand is all about overall
experience for the customers when each time customers comes in their store and we
are talking about experience includes tasty products, best service and lively
employees who are there only for their customers and always smile when you enter
the store, call you by your first name with their polite tone. (Grocer, May 3, 2008,
Vol.231(7853), p.42)
This innovative idea of Boost put them ahead from other competitors and their brand
s distinct campaign builds a relation with customers.
In this retail food industry Boost made their mark with introducing and focusing on
niche market. Products range of Boost considerably liked by young consumers. And
Janine name this niche market as their Wellness category in which they fulfill the
demands of customers with healthy
Annotated Bibliography
Topic Proposal and Annotated Bibliography
Alexander Hynes
Creighton University
Topic Proposal
In my research paper, I will attempt to determine how the perception of light in
phytochromes plays a role in the development of plants. Specifically, I will look at
how phytochromes play a role in the growth and development of Arabidopsis
thaliana. The paper will also look at how light perception plays a role in phototropism
and the immune systems of a plant. Finally, my paper will explore how changing light
conditions impact perception in phytochromes.
Annotated Bibliography
Arana, M. V., SГЎnchez Lamas, M., Strasser, B., Ibarra, S. E., CerdГЎn, P. D.,
Botto, J. F., SГЎnchez, R. A. (2014). Functional diversity of phytochrome family in
the control ... Show more content on ...
Specifically, the authors looked at the effect that the red to far red light ratio had on
branching in Arabidopsis. The authors ultimately found that the effect that
phytochromes had on branching varied significantly depending on the environment
that the plant was in. Through the observations of the authors, this primary literature
will be useful in helping me assess the effects that phytochromes have in the
development of branches in
Scalp Massage Heaven
Scalp Massage Heaven
Having all comes at a price, so one will have to sacrifice sleep and sometimes even
self care to get work done. A person could multi task or wake up early in the
morning, but will they really be taking care of themselves the way they should. So,
how does one maintain luminous and strong hair while doing paperwork or reading
50 pages a night? The Scalp Massager might just be the answer. This paper will be
discussing the ways this improved invention benefits the body, one way the
machinery functions, and another way that could contribute to giving someone the
sense of a real massage.
Triana Francois, a hairstylist at Haven Spa in New York, says, Scalp massages
increase the production of serotonin, ... Show more content on ...
By including a roller screw into the design, one can now get a shifting movement
that allows for variation in activity. The writer of a SKF article on roller screws
says, They [roller screws] are well suited for ... high rotational speed , higher linear
speed . The idea is to have one end of the electric wire circuit attached to the screw to
make a spinning up and down motion around the screw. Thus creating the notion that
hands are being lifted up and down during a massage. The author says, Recirculating
roller screws can simplify a complete transmission and improve its rigidity . By this,
the author means that the mechanism by which power is transmitted from one place
to another is minimized and made in a much simpler way. Then the author goes on to
say, Their great mechanical advantage minimizes input torqueand increases
application resolution and performance . Meaning that the input twisting force that
causes rotation is reduced and the sustained effort and execution that the screw carries
out is maximized. In closing, the roller screw will contribute to the fabrication of the
innovation by creating a perpendicular motion resulting in up and down movement
that contributes to the sensation of a real
A Study On A Peek Into Retirement
A Peek into Retirement The purpose of this paper is to provide an opportunity to
explore the social, cultural, health and economic issues pertaining to the older adult,
specifically the older adults interviewed for this paper, and this includes their
preparation for, subsequent adjustment to, and special needs and concerns of
retirement. The information that follows in this paper, is taken directly from the
two interviewees, a male and a female who differ greatly in age, and two nursing
journal articles that relate to a common issue they both express in there interviews.
The two individuals interviewed for this paper are, I.W and D.D. I.W. is an eighty
five year old woman who lives with her daughter, her son in law, and granddaughter.
... Show more content on ...
He is a supportive husband, and enjoys being able to be there for her, as well as
going fishing, working around his house, and spending time with family, including
his wife. Contrary to I.W., we conducted his interviewover the phone, since he lives
in North Carolina, and he happens to be a new friend s grandfather. His attitude
towards retirement is a very positive one, and he seems to be enjoying his current
retired life. This paper explores the answers the interviewees provide when questioned
about their retirement, some similarities and differences between the two, and the
common issue of finances, along with two nursing journals about finances that relate
to both I.W. and D.D.
Interview Summary Two: I.W. First, we take a look at I.W., and her interview
answers. Between the ages of sixty to sixty five, she considers that she was retired,
and she never really started planning for it. She has been in the hospital numerous
times, some of which were recent, and has drawn up a Will and powers of attorney
to help her transition into retirement. She is not recently retired, has been for
almost twenty years, and really did not make any other plans, because the only
reason she retired is due to her husband passing away. Her life differs most now that
she is retired in that she has more free time, but she is unhappy that she is unable to
drive herself around anymore and cannot travel as much as she did when she first
retired. When she began
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Essay On Childlabour

  • 1. Essay On Childlabour Crafting an essay on the subject of child labor is undoubtedly a challenging endeavor. This topic demands a delicate balance between presenting the harsh realities of child exploitation and advocating for change. Addressing the ethical, social, and economic dimensions of child labor requires extensive research to grasp the global scope of the issue. It involves navigating through sensitive and often distressing details, which can be emotionally taxing. Moreover, a comprehensive essay on child labor demands a nuanced approach that delves into the historical roots, cultural contexts, and legislative frameworks surrounding the problem. Analyzing the impact on the physical and mental well-being of the affected children further complicates the task. It necessitates a careful exploration of the root causes and potential solutions, demanding both critical thinking and empathy. Creating an essay on such a profound issue also requires the writer to handle statistical data and case studies accurately. Balancing facts with a compelling narrative is crucial to keep the reader engaged while highlighting the severity of the problem. Additionally, incorporating the perspectives of various stakeholders, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, and the affected communities, adds complexity to the task. Despite the difficulty, addressing child labor in an essay provides an opportunity to raise awareness and advocate for positive change. It requires a commitment to fostering empathy and understanding among readers. Crafting a compelling and impactful essay on child labor involves not only presenting the problem but also inspiring a call to action. In conclusion, tackling the essay on child labor is a formidable challenge that demands a meticulous blend of research, empathy, and advocacy. It requires the writer to navigate through sensitive content, analyze complex factors, and present a comprehensive view of the issue. However, by rising to this challenge, one can contribute to shedding light on an important global concern and fostering a collective effort towards eradicating child labor. For assistance with similar essays or more topics, consider exploring resources available at Essay On Childlabour Essay On Childlabour
  • 2. Marie Antoinette s Influence On France Throughout history, there has been a country that has been thought of as a romantic, tourist s place to visit. Some people would say that this country has the ability to influence fashion. With that being said, some of the most famous designers, including Chanel, Dior, and Givenchy, are associated with this country. In the past, they have also been known for their art, wines, and cheeses. As for myself, being a hopeless romantic, I have had dreams of being swept off my feet at the foot of the Eifel Tower. Therefore, my country report is on France. To begin a report on anything, it s important to have some background on the topic of discussion. For instance, like most European Countries, France was involved in both World Wars during most of... Show more content on ... In 2015 in Paris, France, the air pollution index hit one hundred twenty five, which is above the harmful level for people breathing in the air (Malkyhin, 2015). This poses a problem for the people living in France. The pollution will lead to sickness, health problems, and potentially even cancer (Malkyhin, 2015). One potential solution to solving the issue of pollution would be to reduce the carbon emissions put off by the vehicles in France. For instance, a solution would be to increase public transportation; this would encourage carpooling. Another way to decrease pollution would be to put stricter regulations on the corporations that give off extensive amounts of carbon emissions. Hence, even though France has had issues, France can
  • 3. Jean-Jacques Rousseau Discourse Jean Jacques Rousseau was one of the most influential thinkers during the Enlightenment in eighteenth century Europe. His first major philosophical work, A Discourse on the Sciences and Arts, was the winning response to an essay contest conducted by the Academy of Dijon in 1750. When Rousseau wrote this he made an argument about the progression of certain sciences. He explained that virtue and morality was brought by theses sciences. These works brought on extraordinary contention in France and were quickly prohibited by Paris specialists. Rousseau fled France and settled in Switzerland, however he kept on discovering challenges with experts and squabble with companions. The finish of Rousseau s life was set apart in expansive part by his developing... Show more content on ... The Origin of Inequality is much different from the first discourse for many and particular reasons. What I noticed about this discourse is that Rousseau made it into four different parts, a first part, a second part, a section specifically dedicated to the republic of Geneva, and a prophase. The extent of Rousseau s venture is not essentially unique in relation to that of Hobbes in the Leviathan or Locke in the Second Treatise on Government. Like them, Rousseau comprehends society to be an innovation, and he endeavors to clarify the way of people by stripping them of the greater part of the inadvertent qualities achieved by socialization. In this way, understanding human instinct adds up to understanding what people resemble in an immaculate condition of nature. This unmistakable difference a glaring difference to the established view, most remarkably that of Aristotle, which guarantees that the condition of common society is the regular human state. Like Hobbes and Locke it is dubious that Rousseau implied his pursuers to comprehend the unadulterated condition of nature that he depicts in the Second Discourse as a strict verifiable record. In its opening, he says that it must be denied that men were ever in the immaculate condition of nature, referring to disclosure as a source which reveals to us that God straightforwardly enriched the principal man with comprehension (a limit
  • 4. Native American Prehistoric Occupation Summary Despite the intense efforts to uncover information on the prehistoric Native Americans occupying the Washington Coast, very little archaeological evidence has been uncovered to suggest prehistoric occupation (Cole,, 1996). A finding that fiercely contrasts with the early historic record, which projects a population total of 6,000, and as such, should demonstrate heavy if not consistent findings within the region (Cole,, 1996). However, this is not the case for the Washington State coastline. Despite the extent of research that has been conducted from 1976 1994, the archeological findings along the Southern Washington Coastline are nonexistent, less for what has been found upon the surface. Cole and associates attempted to find the missing link between as to where the evidence may have gone. In 1990 two geologist accidentally uncovered prehistoric fishing camps in the interdial zone, covered by mud from an earthquakethat occurred 300 years ago (Cole,, 1996). By studying the geophysical qualities of Southern Washington (1700 AD), Cole and associates, discover that seismic activity at the Cascadia subduction zone caused not only an earthquake, but a substantial Tsunami, which worked to bury the... Show more content on ... Next, he offers information on the geologic setting, along with his associated methods and site information for the Copalis River and Nawiakum River. This information is then supported by a detailed discussion of their findings of charcoal, bones, shell and broken cobbles within their results section. Finally, Cole and associates conclude their research, assessing the implications of their findings and suggestions for future research. A list of references is attached to support the research cited throughout the
  • 5. Thomas Jefferson Analysis Thomas Jefferson. A E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2015. In the article Thomas Jefferson , Thomas Jefferson (1743 1826) was the 3rd President of the United States, the founder of the Democratic Republican US (Democratic Republican Party: Republican), and is one of the advocates of self greatest zeal by modern times. He was born April 13, 1743 at Shadwell, Virginia, then a desolate border region, in a family of small Anh. When he was young, he studied at home. Then he studied at the College of William Mary (1760 1762). At 23, he became a lawyer. Seven years later, he quit practicing with a decent property and with a deep antipathy for lawyers, and live the life of a rural nobleman independent. However, interest in ... Show more content on ... He contributed to the United States a lot. He was popularly appointed to be one of five people committee in Congress to discuss about the possibility and format of independence declaration. That committee assigned young man from Virginia to produce a draft document that particularly stated these colonies had the right to rebel against the British government and become independent without the Great Britain Royal s control. Thomas Jefferson idealized and wrote out the Declaration of Independence in 1776. In 17 days, he wrote the first draft of the document. That draft was considered to be predecessors of the final document. The committee passed the draft and submitted to the Continental Congress June 28, 1776. Besides, he also wrote the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom in 1777, which inspired the formation for the First Amendment of US Constitution. With the presence at the birth of a new country, Thomas Jefferson was considered as one of the nation Founding Fathers. In addition, when he has sworn into the office to become the third president, he reduced the national debt by a third and improved state of the economy. He sent an army to fight the Barbary pirates who were harassing American merchants and commerce in the
  • 6. Li Bo Tang The knowledge and experience I had concerning poetry never revealed to me the difficulties poets had to face in the past. I had no idea that poets struggled a lot for recognition which they mostly failed to achieve in their lifetime. The background information and activities of poets Li Bo and Du Fu of Tang dynasty exposed crucial facts to me. Li Bo and Du Fu of Tang dynasty are the most popular poets who followed different paths to get emperor s attention. In one way or another, each of them had a way of getting to the emperor directly, but they choose to find their paths. Li Bo who shared kinship relations with the imperial family got to the court bureau through friendship that he shared with Daoist adept. Du Fu, on the other hand, was... Show more content on ... Poems by Du Fu were more recognized than those of Li Bo because he wrote much detail about himself and his family giving his readers the joy of gaining ideas from their own. His poems like Poet Sage and Poet Historian contained much information about the ideals of Confucian especially the inability of the government to stabilize again after the rebellion of general An Lushan in 755. Li Bo must have avoided direct and critical writing on the political and social situation in China because he shared a kinship with the imperial family. He hence preferred to appear as a stranger and focused on playful fantasy as portrayed in his poem Drinking Alone with the Moon. He also imitated folk songs and ordinary conversations as portrayed in The Road to Shu is Hard. This did not mean that he had no problems with the government. His dissatisfaction was revealed when he joined a minor revolt that made the emperor mistrust him. I realized that the difference is a level of recognition of works by these poets depended on the style of writing. The majority of Li Bo s poems followed the older trend where poets had freedom of expression. Du Fu s works, on the contrary, were based on the newer style which had restrictions. Du Fu s works were, therefore, more preferred by the later generations especially those he wrote in the last decades which further included arguably and indirect
  • 7. Water-Personal Narrative Just then, a shrill wind blew past us, raising the hairs on my arms. I tightened my grip on the flashlight. My heart began to hammer in my chest. Something felt different now. We were walking out further than last time. The flames should ve come by now. I was starting to feel the familiar sinking feeling. What if we were walking into a trap? And it was my fault having forced Gemma. In the distance, I suddenly caught a glimpse of a faint blue light. There, do you see that? I said, pointing. See what? Gemma said, getting a good look over my shoulder. The blue light, that s a good sign, right? I suppose, she said timidly. We moved faster. I just hoped whatever we were speeding towards would not come as an unpleasant surprise. I kept my ... Show more content on ... Its crystal clarity was no longer apparent as its once shallowness had become a plunging depth, a darkish blue in color, almost black. I studied our distance away from the bank. We were a little ways farther than I expected. We were moving fast. The ride was surprisingly smooth, pleasant, though the atmosphere was becoming increasingly dark. I looked up at the ceiling and saw giant, treacherous looking stalactites hanging overhead. It resembled a chandelier of spear heads ready to savagely drop at a moment s notice. My eyes flickered down at Gemma, who seemed completely unbothered by this. Instead, she sat neatly, gazing at the walls of the cave with an appearance of quiet intrigue. The boat sped up, and swiftly it drifted toward a dark, narrow tunnel. A nervous twitch ran through my body. I felt more comfortable being out in the wide open expanse, but in the tunnel, I couldn t anticipate what would lie ahead. I gripped the flashlight and shined it out in front of us as we immersed in the darkness. My breathing turned heavy. It was just as dark as the tunnel we had come through, only now I felt more vulnerable, having no control over the water s current. Jared, do you hear that? Gemma said, her face indistinguishable in the blackness. Hear what? I Jared, looking around. That noise, she
  • 8. Doryphoros Essay Doryphoros by Polykleitos was originally a Greek bronze made around 450 40B.C. The only way we can see it today is through the Roman marble copies (which is common of many Greek statues.) Some supports had to be added for the change in material, resulting in the addition of the form resembling a tree trunk, the support on the left foot, and the small bar bridging the gap between his right wrist and hip. Doryphoros was originally holding a spear in his left hand; appropriate, given that his name means, literally, spear bearer. The sculpture is a well known and early example of classical Greek contrapposto (the shifting of weight onto one leg and off axis shoulders and arms.) One leg nearly appears to be lifting off the ground, giving the... Show more content on ... Plato felt that artists knew nothing worth mentioning because all they do is imitate, and so their work was worthless. Additionally, Plato believed that we, as humans not of the metaphysical realm, can not know what true beauty is because we have not experienced the true, beautiful form of anything. Plato would say that Doryphoros was worthless for those very reasons. It is an imitation of a perfect form, and therefore cannot be beautiful. Although Doryphoros is anatomically and proportionally realistic, Plato would not be appreciative of it as art and would not see it as an object of beauty. He would likely scorn Polykleitos for even bothering to sculpt it in the first place. To examine the thoughts of another Greek philosopher, Aristotle would have a much different perspective on Doryphoros. Aristotle felt that imitation was natural for us as humans. He felt that we could learn from imagery that is realistic because it may influence us to examine it more closely. He felt that the creative individual could express the universal, fundamental qualities of human nature, and did not see their work as worthless as Plato did. Polykleitos sculpted athletic nudes such as Doryphoros in ordinance to his mathematical canon, a
  • 9. Food And Drink Industries Companies Introduction As we all know, taste and smell are a must have for food and drink industries and one can easily imagine that these characteristics can be a clear differentiating factor on the the more the better axis in the pharmaceutical, packaging or environmental sectors. Many companies usually use human taste panels to measure taste and smell. However, human nose is very sensitive and experts can control panels. Accordingly, this approach can carry a lot of variation over time. Moreover, this process is time consuming, costly and limited by the number of samples that can be tested. It requires involving people from outside of the company so it is needed to deal with issues like confidentiality, safety and public image. Based on any ... Show more content on ... The results that are related to human data can make this measurement as absolute as possible. In the measure phase, the advantage of E noses and E tongues is that they could reduce cycle times for each measurement as much as 80 or 90 percent, improve repeatability and reproducibility across data collection and acquire the data with lower price. Also, in the improving and control phase, E noses and E tongues can help to design and implement experiments for given objects to find optimal process conditions. It is also worth mentioning that the new measurement system can handle changes and sustain the profitable performance in a long term perspective. This project was focused on illustrating how E noses and E tongues help companies to improve their CTQs. So, although DMAIC team did not have a specific plan and timeline for any specific company, the project can still get a medium grade for the first criteria since they completed their primary goal which consisted in analyzing the benefits of using E noses and E tongues to help companies improve their product performance. Application of Six Sigma Tools One of the most important segments is to use the tools and techniques in a correct and proper way within the Six Sigma application. In the project s beginning, a Kano model was used to indicate how the Soft attributes such as Tastes as a differentiating factor can
  • 10. The Symbols And Similarities Of Captain America And Theseus Throughout human history, heroes have served as symbols of hope, sacrifice, and inspiration. Modern superheroes and ancient Greek heroes inspire societies with their impressive and heroic feats. Theseus and Captain America are no exception, they are legendary heroes of major significance. Captain America and Theseus symbolize a heros importance through their similarities and differences. They both sacrifice their lives for others safety, are symbols and champions of their people, and teach different life lessons in their stories. A similarity Captain America and Theseus share is how they sacrifice their lives for other people s safety. In the movie Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain America must crash a bomber plane to prevent ... Show more content on ... Therefore, Captain America s actions and choices turned him into a heroic symbol for his people. In the book Mythology, Theseus was praised as a champion by the people of Athens, because he rid of the bandits, Greece rang with the praises of the young man who had cleared the land... he was acknowledged as a hero (150). Like Captain America, Theseus has become the champion of his world. He was recognized as a hero for his brave deeds, and becomes a symbol of hope. Captain America and Theseus each are champions of their world and symbols of strength, another important factor of the hero. They also teach different lessons of life through their story. The story of Captain America teaches about the need for courage, while Theseus story teaches to not jump to conclusions. In the film Captain America: The First Avenger, Steve bravely decides to sneak behind enemy lines to rescue hundreds of American soldiers, You saved nearly 400 men...Your a hero (Captain America: The First Avenger). Steve bravely sneaked behind German lines to release hundreds of men, including his best friend. No other soldier beside Steve would have the courage to perform such a task. Captain America s story elaborates on the need for courage to perform any dangerous tasks. In the novel Mythology, Theseus father kills himself in desperation after seeing black flags of death on Theseus ship, It was to him the
  • 11. Pachucos Research Paper There are many characteristics of Pachucos. Write down three characteristics found in the chapter. Vigil states that the Pachucos characteristics involved dress, manners, and social attitudes, and Pachucos took much pride in their creations (220). Further, the zoot suit (a suit that the hip urban crowd wore in the 1940s) became the Pachuco, with male and female versions (Vigil 220). Consequently, I think that is interesting that the Pachucos had a suit that represents them characteristic wise. Moreover, I can only think of a few clothing characteristics that represent Americans, but not a special suit. Furthermore, the second characteristic is The Pachuco dialect, for example, although it included Hispanicized English, Anglicized Spanish, and invented words in Nahuatl and Archaic Spanish, was mainly made up of Calo Spanish gypsy slang, supposedly popularized by bullfighters (221). Furthermore, I think it is interesting that the Pachucos had a Spanish gypsy slang because I have never heard of Spanish gypsy slang before. Lastly, the third characteristic is Many of the Pachuco generation escaped the worst effects of marginality and, as a result, became... Show more content on ... Write down some examples of this concept. Notable, some examples of this could include the words like Ay te watcho, which means I ll be watching you, chante, meaning shanty, daime means dime, brecas means breaks, bote means jail, and ganga means gang (Vigil 220). Furthermore, In Texas there evolved a Tex Mex argot, often created by adding a Spanish sound at the beginning or end of an English word (cookiar, watchiar, parkiar, marketa, and so on) (Vigil 220). Indeed, that is extremely interesting that the languages were combined, I feel like sometimes in America people will try to imitate another language by combining it with the English language. For example, people in America will try to imitate the way Asians speak through writing
  • 12. What Is The Theme Of Paul s Case By Willa Cather From the time of the Industrial Revolution to now, people have been on the hunt for wealth. Those that are poor wish for riches, those that are rich only want more. Willa Cather wrote Paul s Case back in 1905 with this same idea in mind. The question has been asked since even before then, does money bring happiness? To those that have little would think that getting money will solve all their problems but those with much can attest to having other types of problems money cannot fix. In Paul s Case , Willa Catherdemonstrates that having monetary wealth does not always lead to a better life. Paul s Case is about a young man that decides to steal money and run away from his unsophisticated life to New York but trouble still follows him.... Show more content on ... These men spent money extravagantly and were one of the reasons Paul was so obsessed with getting money as well. People in Paul s neighborhood wished for more money and dreamed of living life like Carnegie and Rockefeller, they told stories on their stoops on Sundays, [Paul] rather liked to hear these legends of the iron kings that were told and retold on Sundays and holidays; these stories of palaces in Venice, yachts on the Mediterranean, and high play at Monte Carlo . Pittsburgh throughout the story is portrayed as a dreary place, causing more of Paul s dissatisfaction. During that time New York was seen as the place to be, where the rich went to get richer, which was one of the reasons Paul wished to go to
  • 13. Lockheed Martin Case Summary Overall, Lockheed Martin is a highly successful corporation. The organization is a leader in the aerospace and security industry and is enjoying large financial gains. However, given market volatility the corporation there are a few modifications the organization may want to consider. A brief summary of the organization s situation and, when appropriate, recommendations follows. An organization s mission, vision, values, and goals drive organizational decisions and, when effective, positively impact employee and business performance. Lockheed Martins mission, vision, values, and goals are a perfect fit for the organization. The corporation has effectively communicated them to the workforce, they are well understood, and successfully achieved. The organization should continue to analyze the market, its workforce and competitors, along with its mission, vision,... Show more content on ... In Lockheed Martin s case, the organization has developed a strategy to expand international sales, meet or exceed customer needs and reduce costs, and innovation that will enable the corporation to continue to succeed in the marketplace. The corporation should consider leveraging its current portfolio to move into more commercial markets to help reduce the dependency on the United States government. Lockheed Martin already has several sources of competitive advantage that it uses effectively to gain leverage in the market place. However, given that the budget of its main customer is highly volatile the corporation should look to other sources of competitive advantage. It would be advantageous of the corporation to use its innovate workforce and emerging technology to develop green aircraft that use less fuel and emit less harmful emission. This would be a win for the environment, the customer, and the corporation and clearly position the corporation as an industry
  • 14. Serpentine War Research Paper The Serpentine are former villains, but now they re pretty neutral characters. The snake like creatures are always ready to fight. They re favorite pastime is the Slither Pit, where they fight one another. They also use the Slither Pit to fight for advancement in their tribe. All the generals have long tails instead of legs. The five warring tribes (Hypnobrai, Fangpyre, Venomari, Constrictai, and Anacondrai) were separated and locked underground long before the pilot episodes, because of what happened during the Serpentine War. Each tribe has its own unique power: the Hypnobrai hypnotize their victims, the Fangpyre can turn anything into a snake, the Venomari can make you see things when they spit their venom in your eyes, the Constrictai can crush you to death, and the Anacondrai can... Show more content on ... After his supposed death, Skales, voiced by Ian James Corlett, took over as leader of the Serpentine until Garmadon used his Megaweapon to persuade the Serpentine to join his side. When Skales had had enough, he got rid of Garmadon and again assumed control. His first order got them locked underground again. While in the tomb of the Stone Army, they changed their ways and became more pacifistic and useless. Skales is still in charge of all the Serpentine, and he will occasionally decide to help the ninja, but mostly they just keep to themselves. Pythor does not have any connection with the rest of the Serpentine anymore. He was in prison for a while, but was taken by Chen, since he was the last true Anacondrai. After Garmadon s sacrifice, Pythor allied with the ninja because he hated the Anacondrai Cultists more for disgracing his kind. After the battle, he went on his way, but returned in Day of the Departed because he was still mad at Lloyd. They fought, but he was defeated and he hasn t been seen
  • 15. How Is Henry Clerval A Foil In Frankenstein In a literary work, a minor character, often known as a foil, possesses traits that emphasize, by contrast or comparison, the distinctive characteristics and qualities of the main character. In Frankenstein by Mary Shelley specifically, Victor Frankenstein s role in the book is emphasized and exemplified best when his best friend, Henry Clerval, plays a foil to him. Both characters are in many ways divergent, and it is in fact these traits that reveal the most about the plight of Frankenstein. Henry Clerval and Victor Frankenstein possess numerous traits that are contrasting, and at times, clashing and conflicting with each other. These clashing traits bring out the role of Clerval as a foil to his best friend. Frankenstein begins the book ... Show more content on ... As a result, his entire family is murdered one by one, each death piercing another metaphorical dagger into Frankenstein s heart. His life soon turns out of his control; every ounce of energy is poured into finding and destroying the monster, a task never really completed. By this time when Frankenstein takes a look at his friend Clerval, he sees a reflection into his past self: an ambitious individual eager to explore the dangers of the world, take strides to study his favorite subject, and put it into practice. Frankenstein realizes the horrible outcomes the acquisition of knowledge can have, but Clerval is unaware of this fact. Victor Frankenstein begins as a man of ambition, but ends in a tragic downfall. He turns into a deranged creature, thought by many to be mentally ill, but in truth, destroyed by his own creation. Henry Clerval becomes his foil: a joyous, curious, yet ambitious individual poised to venture on an scholarly adventure analogous to Frankenstein s. These differing personalities reveal a subtle disconnect in their friendship, but more importantly emphasize the tragic downfall Frankenstein goes through after he creates
  • 16. Criminal Theories On White Collar Crime In this assignment, you will examine the various criminal theories that were discussed in the reading. In a page or two, explain which theories best explain white collar crime. The Strain Theory does a suitable but not a great job of explaining white collar crime. Therefore, in the Strain Theory it talks about the contextual anomie/ strain theory. while examining this theory, I discovered it to be the most compelling in our constant battle with white collar and corporate crimes. Ever, since the beginning of recorded history man/woman has tried to achieve a better life, but not much has change in today s standards it also can be said it is even more so now than ever. From television, radio, and franchises we see the American dream of home ownership, the ability to fit into the society with the latest gadgets. At the same time trying to farther their education has its roots in the American dream of more pay, a better job, and the ability to retire all these things is associated with the American dream of more money. While reading this theory I took a closer look into what fuels the human mind in our society, white collar crime in most cases, according to the Strain Theory and my own beliefs is what fuel the human desire to be successful. Greed has always and always will be a driving force in our society, I see no relief in sight unless we as a society find some way that money is no longer the means to an end, but how would we survive without money. Will there ever be a
  • 17. The Elements Of Screenwriting INTRODUCTION: Film scriptwriting, also known as screenwriting, is a unique process or technique of presenting each detail including the visuals of the scenes or any other related elements by compiling them into a written form. To write a particular film script, the scriptwriters have to take account of the elements in screenwriting to produce a good fulfilled script. Even though writing a film script depends on the genre chosen, the elements in it will not change. Each element in the structures plays an important role in order for the scriptwriters to produce as well as to sell their script to the filmmakers. Blacker (1986) listed that, Plot The ordering and selection of scenes to tell a story and affect an audience. Character The particulars ... Show more content on ... Blacker (1986) wrote, A character in a film is a representation of a person exhibiting certain personality traits selected for a dramatic purpose. (The Elements of Screenwriting, p. 35). In a film, the characters exist to drive the story forward, to build tension within the story as they are about to bring the viewers into it. The scriptwriter will establish the characters which fit in the story, and the most vital characters are the protagonist and the antagonist. The central character or the protagonist who is decorated with special strong points has to endure and overcome such obstacles, or has a goal they want to reach in their life which will become the storyline the scriptwriter wanting to express. Opposite to the protagonist is the antagonist who is associated with malevolent behaviours or plans to create misery, to wreck or to mess up with the protagonist s life. It is important for the scriptwriter to introduce each character in their film script without making the description too broad or too specific. For an example, in 1969 s film, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, William Goldman had smoothly introduced a girl moving up behind Butch; its simple line of She is reasonably pretty, a little used. is enough to create an immediate impression of the
  • 18. Feral Cats Annotated Bibliography Brendan Bray/325 3950 Annotated Bibliography Citation Dickman, C. R., Australian Nature Conservation Agency, University of Sydney, Invasive Species Program (Australia). (1996). Overview of the impacts of feral cats on Australian native fauna. Canberra, ACT: Australian Nature Conservation Agency. Content Summary In this book the authors review impact of feral cats. Feral cats have major or minor impacts on the Australian native wildlife some of which are competitive, amensal, and predatory. The Competitive impact caused by cats is on large predatory species by loss of prey. Amensal impact is most likely cause by transmission of diseases. And predatory impact on native wildlife has been identified by historical evidence. Many conclusions can be made from this evidence. Mammals make up a large part of a feral cats diet. They target mammals weighing up to 2kg, and birds up to 1kg. But they prefer prey weighing less then approximately 200grams in Mainland Australia. ... Show more content on ... Australia has the worlds worst record for extinct mammals, 28 species and sub species mostly marsupials since European explorers and settlers arrived. Most of these extinctions have been linked to feral cats and other introduced species. Cats have developed there skills over millions of years and they a fast and silent killers. The US Fish and Wildlife Service has revealed that feral and domestic cats kill an estimated 2.4 billion birds and 12.3 billion mammals each year most of which are native. No such large studies have been performed in Australia. However The Australian Wildlife Conservancy released a report, which estimated the impact of 5 to 18 million feral cats on native Australian species, such as the numbat or bilby. Each cat can potentially take from 5 to 30 animals a night. The extinction of 9 species of bird and the critical state of 33 others has been directly linked to Feral and domestic
  • 19. Leading Change Simulation Organizational Leadership and Change Management LDR/515 Leading Change Simulation By: Angela Cassidy, Carl V. Gibson, Angela Hairston, Trey LaRoe, and Troy Neumann Mentor: Mr. Bruce W. Webb University of Phoenix Date: June 4, 2007 Week Four Leading Change Leading Change Simulation Exercise Run the Leading Change simulation found on your rEsourceSM course page as an individual before meeting with your Learning Team. Then, as a team, complete the following assignment. Cultural barriers to change can cause the most well planned change management process to fail. This 1,250 1,500 word paper will focus on recommending what management strategies are necessary to identify and overcome commitment barriers. You will ... Show more content on ... Hiring a consultant to determine which departments have the greatest resistance to change will allow for CrysTel s leadership to address specific behavioral indicators in order to successfully implement organizational change as needed. In Workplace Change: Managing Workplace Change, Becker, Tennessen, and Dahl state that some implications to organizational change are: В…addressing concerns about job security and the workplace, increasing change acceptance, identifying the benefits of the change and create incentives for acceptance, perceive management commitment for satisfaction and commitment to the new workplace strategy, broadcast information through interactive dialogue, explain broad goals, and discuss personal implications (1997). These implications can result in both positive and negative effects within an organization depending on the way change is handled in an organization. Becker et al, also state that the most common question employees will have, when it comes to change, will be, How does this affect me? (Workplace Change: Managing Workplace Change, 1997). In order for employees to feel as if management has considered the implications of organizational change on employees, leaders and managers should avoid the following common mistakes when managing workplace change: В…do not rely on formal presentations and written materials; do not assume that since you ve told them already, you don t need to tell them again; don t assume that change
  • 20. Difference Between Voluntary And Voluntary Resignation Of... Voluntary versus forced resignation of directors Voluntary resignation of directors A termination of employment initiated by the employee or by mutual agreement with the employer in which a letter of resignation is submitted. In most cases of voluntary termination, employees will provide notice of their intent to resign to allow for a more orderly transition of responsibilities. Forced resignation of directors A forced resignation is when an employee is required to depart from their position due to some issue caused by their continued employment. A forced resignation may be due to the employer s wishes to dismiss the employee, but the employer may be offering a softened firing. In a high profile position the employee may want to leave before the press learns more negative information about one s controversial nature. Differences between voluntary and forced resignation Agency One of the biggest difference between voluntary and forced resignation is who gives the resignation of employment. Both voluntary and forced resignation signify that the employment will end, but when someone is forced to resign it means that the employer has decided to sever the employment. The employer can sever employment for any reason, so long as it is not based on issues of race, religion or the sex of the employee. The employee can be cut for various reasons such as a new employment opportunity. Notice Whether or not the employer of employee gives notice to the other party regarding the
  • 21. Rogerian Argument High School to NBA: Good or Bad? Mel Plantenga College Composition P.4/5 March 6, 2013 Some of the greatest stars in the NBA were drafted straight out of high school. Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, and Dwight Howard are just a few examples. Even though, as of 2006, the NBA eligibility rule states that a player entering the NBA draft must be at least nineteen years old and a year removed from high school, it is still a huge debate in the sports world of whether or not this rule is the right choice. Before the rule was set in place, NBA commissioner David Stern said, We have the right to set an age limit in the collective bargaining agreement. I believe we can work together to come up with something that is legally correct and will ... Show more content on ... If the rule were to be changed to require two years of college, the players would be much more experienced and would create a stronger group of rookies each year for the NBA. Imagine a young man, straight out of high school, with dreams of playing in the NBA. What if he was one of the four players who, between 1975 and 2001, declared for the draft straight out of high school never made it to the NBA (Should high school players be eligible). What are his options after that? Sure, he could always go to college, but what if he never applied to one? Another option is to play in a European league, but how is an eighteen or nineteen year old expected to live on his own in a whole new country? This is just one downfall to being able to enter the draft straight out of high school. While many are successful, the young men who are not may be forced to give up their dream and must make serious life decisions to move forward. For this reason alone, the rule should stay the same to allow players to mature before they are able to enter the draft. The year of college basketball played is monumental in the maturation of young players directly out of high school. High school basketball is clearly a much different game than what is played in the NBA; the pace is slower and the plays are far less complex. With this said, only few players are able to adapt to the fast pace of the NBA straight out of high school. For the majority of the players unable to do so, their
  • 22. Essay on Gossip and Deceit in Much Ado About Nothing Gossip and Deceit in Much Ado About Nothing Much Ado About Nothing is primarily a play about gossip. Indeed, the title means a big fuss about a trifle, and by the end, this is exactly what happens. All accusations will come to nothing, causing the play to end the same way as if they never occurred at all. Shakespeare brilliantly plays on the meanings of nothing throughout this play. The word nothing would actually have been pronounced noting in his time. It can mean worthless, a person of little worth, or also mean everything, in the sense that much ado is made about everything (Smith). Much of the plot is moved along by characters eavesdropping on a conversation and either misunderstanding what they overhear or being deceived by ... Show more content on ... When the prince congratulates Claudio upon Hero s father s approval to marry him he begins to be confused. In fact, it was the Prince wooing Hero for Claudio at the masked ball. Don John lied to Claudio to create a disturbance at the ball. Don John s malevolent plan to ruin Claudio and Hero s wedding was to take effect the night before they were to wed. The malicious Don John constructed, or rather misconstructed, the scheme that insinuated Claudio s belief in Hero s faithlessness. It is Don John who reports to Claudio and Don Pedro that Hero is having an affair, and he who stage manages an elaborate charade featuring his own henchman Borachio and an unwitting stand in for Hero to lend credence to this fiction. Perhaps the most significant thing to be noted in connection with this deception is that the spectator does not witness the crucial scene in which Claudio overhears the counterfeit exchanges between Margaret and Borachio that persuade him of Hero s guilt. We learn of this episode only at second hand, when Borachio boasts of his exploit (Lucking). The spectator of the play watches the Watchman watching Borachio while the latter narrates what he calls his tale relating how Claudio was inveigled into watching an artificial scene enacting Don John s fiction. Once again, what lies at the heart of this convoluted recursive machinery is a nothing (a nocturnal tryst between Hero and
  • 23. Cultural Landscapes Cultural landscapes provide a sense of place and identity. They map our relationship with the land over time. An American geographer by the name Carl Sauer wrote an article which explained how cultural landscapes are made up. Religion can shape cultural landscape in various forms, such as sacred site, burial practices, and architecture. A sacred site is a place that is considered to be holy to a certain religion. Religions can shape the cultural landscape differently because of the many type of sacred sitings. Mecca is a sacred site to Muslims. Thisis because it is the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad.It is also the direction in which all Muslims offer their prayers. Burial practices are acts or ceremonies in which the dead are
  • 24. Elias To South Preu Analysis The adventures of Elias to south Preu provides an example of his trial to spread Christianity in that area. While reading his journey account from the beginning, one may notice he uses many religious excerpts for supporting his view of the Christianity. Thus, he sets out from Baghdad to visit to tomb of Jesusin Jerusalem, moving and acting as a priest of Chaldean church who is blessed by the power of Jesus I fortified myself in God and drew strength from his blessed mother, the virgin Mary (15). There is no doubt that the religious and secular discourse was an evident factor that shaped such journey from the beginning till the end. Analytically speaking, he uses many repetitions of words like silver, gold during the places he visited. Moreover,
  • 25. Analysis Of Disney s Disney Essay PART A Q.1 Disney theme park is world most recognized place to visit in the world as big brand. Hong Kong Disneyland is globally known in the world and has grown rapidly. This theme park is mostly Chinese market oriented as much Chinese entertainment and media spending in this business to grow their market in Asia. The first Disneyland was opened in July 17, 1955 in Los Angeles and the most recent in 2005 in Hong Kong. The issue rise when Tokyo Disneyland was launched in Japan as they bring down the American theme park and reproduced in Tokyo. When they launched new project in Euro they saw the culture issue over there in Paris as there was complex culture difference. The issue was than solved by Mr.Stephn Burke as there was vast difference between two cultures he focused on marketing strategies which attracts the customers. пѓ Focused on hiring talented staff who are friendly and outgoing with Disney cast пѓ Given more training пѓ Placed more cast in Disney that attracts the culture пѓ They remove alcohol ban in theme park пѓ More relaxing for Disney s hierarchical management structure пѓ Reduced managerial staff by almost 1000 in order to flatten the management and empower the employees with more duties and authorities. (technology, 2015) In recent years Disney launches three theme parks international markets where they provide different facilities to their visitors. Location, structure, food and FENG SHUI numerology They have provided airport pick up facility and subway
  • 26. Ada Solution Manual This п¬Ѓle contains the exercises, hints, and solutions for Chapter 1 of the book Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 2nd edition, by A. Levitin. The problems that might be challenging for at least some students are marked by ; those that might be diп¬ѓcult for a majority of students are marked by . Exercises 1.1 1. Do some research on al Khorezmi (also al Khwarizmi), the man from whose name the word algorithm is derived. In particular, you should learn what the origins of the words algorithm and algebra have in common. 2. Given that the ofп¬Ѓcial purpose of the U.S. patent system is the promotion of the useful arts, do you think algorithms are patentable in this country? Should they be? 3. a. Write down driving ... Show more content on ... 6. Prove that if d divides both m and n (i.e., m = sd and n = td for some positive integers s and t), then it also divides both n and r = m mod n and vice versa. Use the formula m = qn + r (0 ≤ r n) and the fact that if d divides two integers u and v, it also divides u + v and u в€’ v. (Why?) 7. Perform one iteration of the algorithm for two arbitrarily chosen integers m n. 9. a. Use the equality gcd(m, n) = gcd(m в€’ n, n) for m ≥ n 0. b. The key is to п¬Ѓgure out the total number of distinct numbers that can be written on the board, starting with an initial pair m, n where m n ≥ 1. You should exploit a connection of this question to the question of part (a). Considering small examples, especially those with n = 1 and n = 2, should help, too. 10. Of course, for some coefп¬Ѓcients, the equation will have no solutions. 11. Tracing the algorithm by hand for, say, n = 10 and studying its outcome should help answering both questions. 3 Solutions to Exercises 1.1 1. Al Khwarizmi (9th century C.E.) was a great Arabic scholar, most famous for his algebra textbook. In fact, the word algebra is derived from the Arabic title of this book while the word algorithm is derived from a translation of Al Khwarizmi s last name (see, e.g., [KnuI], pp. 1 2, [Knu96], pp. 88 92, 114). 2. This legal issue has yet to be settled. The current legal state of aп¬Ђairs distinguishes mathematical algorithms, which are not
  • 27. The Issue Of Gun Ownership As time has progressed, the issue of gun ownership has become more and more of a debate. With the development of new technology that can lead to devastating destruction, it is extremely difficult to overlook the harm that this weaponry could ensue on the safety of our nation. As stated in the second amendment of the constitution of the United States, The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. ( The Constitution of the United States: A Transcription ) The framers, however, could never have known the potential for destruction that our present weaponry can cause. So, the question to this day has been, to what degree should the infringement of our right to bear arms be prevented? There are many different possible answers to this question, however, to me, only one answer seems to stand above the rest. The government of the United States, in order to uphold the rights for the general good of the majority of United States citizens, should infringe on this right to the degree necessary in order to provide the utmost amount of safety for their people while continuing to recognize the original intentions of the framers. This theory, although broad, I believe is necessary in order to get the greatest amount of satisfaction for the population as a whole. In the present day, many people believe that automatic weapons should be outlawed, as they have no greater use than for mass killings of people. This is a reasonable opinion, as it is true that
  • 28. The Ethical Theory Of Consequentialism Introduction Consequentialism is one of the three main normative ethical theories alongside virtue theory and deontology. In general, consequentialism holds that the right thing to do in any situation is determined completely by its consequences. This includes everything that will happen in the world as a result of the action. There are a multitude of variations branching from this which may differ in what part of the consequences they value; and as such have different value theories, but all will agree on the notion that the ends justify the means. Leaving open how moral goodness is determined, we will look at act consequentialism as the most basic form of the consequentialist theory. Consequentialism as a whole faces a lot of criticism, this essay will look into the demandingness objection to act consequentialism and analyse whether the theory can defend itself through the introduction of rule consequentialism. Act Consequentialism Act consequentialism claims the permissibility of an action is based on how good its consequences are compared with those of its feasible alternatives. An act is morally right if and only if that act maximizes the good, that is, an act is to be evaluated on the basis of whether it produces the best possible state of affairs, impartially considered. If it does produce the best possible state of affairs, then the act is counted as morally required (or morally permissible if the act is one of many possible acts that produce a state of affairs
  • 29. The Comparison Of Dorothy And The Scarecrow Dorothy s last name is Gale, gale means a strong wind that can blow a vessel or a person off course. Dorothy s last name is an obvious metaphor that demonstrates her ability to abruptly transform someone s life. The comparison of the Scarecrow before meeting and after meeting Dorothy is quite large. Upon meeting Dorothy, the Scarecrow agrees to continue with Dorothy to Emerald City where he hopes the wizard would grant him a brain. The impact Dorothy has on the Scarecrow instantly is enough to motivate him to step outside his comfort zone and seek a new future. Notwithstanding, Dorothy also is able to influence the Tin Man she meets along the way to seek a new commodity. When Dorothy and the Scarecrow stumble upon the rusted Tin Man and oil
  • 30. Satire In The Handmaid s Tale Margaret Atwood in The Handmaid s Tale Margaret Atwood illustrates how a dystopian society ruled by the commanders of Gilead has completely removed every aspect of independence from society. The Handmaid s Tale has become increasingly significant in the 21st century because of the similarities between the way women are being oppressed now as well as the gradual incline towards the removal of many of our freedoms such as the right to have an abortion. Atwoods representation of oppression are becoming more noticeable in 2017 through the media and the rise in peaceful protesting for our basic freedoms and women s rights which are being removed slowly but surely through new unjust laws. Margaret Atwoods use of satire in her dystopian novel, The... Show more content on ... In Gilead they have what is called a theocracy which is where state and religion is not divided. This leads to society speaking using religious terminology and biblical references because it is an easy way to say that their rules were created by God. An example of this can be seen when the handmaid s greet each other with terms such as Under His Eye and Blessed be the Fruit which originates from the bible and are used as a form of speech in between the people of Gilead. Atwood makes sure to include religion throughout the novel to represent the way that we sometimes blindly follow religion and allow for it to guide us completely without truly understanding the meaning behind
  • 31. History Of The Siege Of Richmond The Siege of Richmond The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on. Ulysses S. Grant This quote states that war is quick and easy but the Siege of Richmond lasted over nine months (June 9, 1864 to March 25, 1865). In the book Ashes of Glory by Ernest B. Ferguson, he wrote that on May 20, 1861 the Confederate Congress voted to move the government to Richmond, Virginia. This step made Richmond a target and the ultimate prize in a bloody war. Richmond was the capital of the Confederacy and one of the four largest cities in the south and was often referred to as the Jewel of the Confederacy. This was an appropriate name considering this city had the largest weapons and bullet production factory as well as a strong work force. Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant planned this siege so that the Confederacy would be weakened without their leading weapons producer and capital city. This was a costly battle with an estimated casualty count of over 70,000 with the Union losing double what the Confederates lost (Union: 42,000; Confederate: 28,000). The attack method formulated by the Union was an offensive strike on north and south of the city, some battles falling on either side of the James River.... Show more content on ... Eventually, Union troops began to break through Confederate defenses and General Robert E. Lee contacted Confederate President Jefferson Davis. General Lee informed Jefferson Davis of the defense breach and that the city of Richmond should be evacuated immediately. Upon hearing this, President Davis went to his mansion and burned all important Confederate documents and destroyed his mansion to protect Confederate secrets. At this point, Jefferson Davis had given the order for the evacuation of
  • 32. Frank Jackson and Physicalism Essay Frank Jackson and Physicalism Frank Jackson begins his article by writing about what he feels to be a fatal flaw in physicalism. He writes a story about a girl named Mary who is raised in a black and white room. In this room Mary was taught everything there is to know about the physical world. The only catch is she learned only from media, which was black and white, so she knows nothing of the colors outside this room. After learning everything about the physical world, she is then given the chance to see color. She will then learn what color is in the world. For this reason Jackson believes physicalism to be false. Jackson contends that if physicalism were true, Mary would know what a color looks like before she would ever ... Show more content on ... The problem with this for physicalism is that fact Mary would realize how mistaken her knowledge of other s conceptions has been. Even though Mary would have known all of the neurological processes in a person s mind, she would not have known the person s actual experience involved in the process. There would also be facts she did not know about objects, but she would know all physical facts about them. For this reason it is not any experience the object may have, but a fact about the object itself. In the article the main point seems to be the fact that, for example, Mary would see red for the first time she would be learning something. However, physicalism is not threatened merely by the fact Mary learns something. The factor disproving physicalism is the fact Mary learns something new about the object that is red. For example she can see a tomato is now read. Her teachings showed her all physical attributes to the tomato and she would know everything about it. The problem is that she had no idea what red was until she saw red, therefore she did not know everything physical about the tomato. If physicalism were true, Mary would have known exactly what the red tomato looked like before she saw it, including the redness it displayed. After reading the Jackson article I have concluded that I agree with the points being made against physicalism. The example that I believe disproves physicalism is trying to
  • 33. The Established Rules For The Doric And Corinthian Orders... In Book 4, Vitruvius writes on the established rules for the Doric and Corinthian orders, and explains the differences and peculiarities. Chapter I: The Origins of the Three Orders, and the Proportions of the Corinthian Capital In chapter 1, Vitruvius writes of the proportions of the Ionic, Doric, and Corinthian columns and the similarities and differences. The three architectural order by its capital are Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. Corinthian columns, apart from in their capitals that has the same proportions as in the Ionic order, but the height of the capitals taller than the Ionic capitals that give it a slimmer appearance. In Corinthian style two thirds are added capitals, that gives a slender appearance to the length of the columns. Corinthian columns are composed either of the Doric proportions or uses the Ionic, and the Corinthian order does not have any peculiar arrangement for its cornices or other ornaments. The Corinthian order may be arranged with a frieze decorated with sculptures that is accompanied with dentils and coronae. The Corinthian order may include mutules in the coronae and guttae with the architraves as the triglyph system of the Doric style or as the Ionic style. Doric was the first to have rules for their symmetry to tolerate large sums of weight, and also to a satisfactory appearance of beauty. They measured a man s foot and compared this with his height, finding that the foot was one sixth of the height, and they applied the same principle
  • 34. Shameful Effects Of The Civil War Shameful Civil Wars Civil wars are just a sign that even people who are closely related by society, culture, history, and geography, can have deep and disruptive differences. Civil war has also been connected with in many example, and for many people, it is considered the most shameful kind of war, All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers. Bosnian War from 1992 1995. The Bosnian War was a cruel, complex, and ugly clash that followed the fall of communism in Europe. In 1991, Bosnia and Herzegovina joined several republics of the former Yugoslavia and declared independence, which cause a civil war that lasted for four years. Bosnia s population was a multicultural mix of Muslim Bosniaks, Orthodox Serbs, and Catholic Croats. The Bosnian Serbs, well armed and support by neighbor Serbia, laid siege to the city of Sarajevo in early April, 1992. They targeted mainly the Muslim population, but killed many other Bosnian Serbs and Croats with rocket, mortar, and sniper attacks that went on for nearly three and a half years. As shells fell on the Bosnian capital, nationalist Croat and Serb forces carried out brutal ethnic cleansing attacks throughout the countryside. Finally, in ... Show more content on ... The Nigerian Civil War, also known as Nigerian Biafran War, was the effect of financial, racial, cultural, and religious tensions among the various peoples of Nigeria. Like many other African nations. The civil war began on July 6, 1967, when Nigerian centralized troops advanced in two columns into Biafra. Nigeria, which won independence from Britain in 1960, had at that time a population of sixty million people consisting of nearly three hundred different racial and cultural groups. The war cost Nigeria a great deal in terms of lives, money, and its standing in the world. It has been estimated that up to three million people may have died due to the conflict mostly from hunger and disease. It was one of the bloodiest civil wars of the last few
  • 35. School Core Competencies Introduction The core competencies that the schools have implemented have been developed by the central office, by the school themselves and by teachers within the school. I will be identifying three core competencies that I have worked with in the past year and evaluate their relevance in the school setting. I will also be looking at how the rest the school uses these competencies, along with ways that we might be able to improve upon them. Core Competencies of the School There are many core competencies that have been identified, developed and put into place in my school. There are different levels that could develop the competency, all of them are important when looking at the mission of the school. The mission for South High is to provide ... Show more content on ... I believe that determining how the competency is going to improve the school is the most important part in the design. If the competency is not going to improve the school, then it must be changed so it does improve an aspect of the school. Then the school needs to look at what students will be affected by the new initiative. Since the students are the driving force of the school, their level of success drives the direction of the school. The school needs to ensure that the competency will help the students to meet the mission and vision of the school. Finally, which educator is going to take the lead and roll out the new competency, working with and leading the faculty and students so they may succeed with this new competency. There are many steps and it is a long process to develop a new competency and implement it in the school
  • 36. Discussion Essay of Societal Impacts on Natural Disasters Natural disasters are a devastating, but undeniably inevitable part of life and society. Because of this fact, many of us tend to believe that they happen as an act of nature, purely out of the human control. We need to start realizing that this is far from the truth and it this attitude that is stopping us from learning from our mistakes. The contemporary world inaccurately labels various disasters as natural when in fact, when looked at more closely; there is an enormous correlation between nature and society . There are many flaws in the human preparation for natural disasters that have equated in death and injury where it could have been minimized. Although the occurrence of a disaster can happen at any time, it is vital that we... Show more content on ... This shows that if the earthquake was the only disaster that Japan had to deal with, they would have been able to cope with it far more successfully and the tsunami was the reason for the country s failure (Zare Afrouz, 2012). They were left in a situation where they were facing several difficulties: The application of a response, the management of a large number of residents that had been displaced by the disaster, and lack of experience in the management of medical resources for displaced populations. In addition to this, the people of Tohoku were only notified of the event one minute before the occurrance, leaving residents in a state of shock and unpreparedness (Norio, 2011). However, despite the devastating elements that the Japanese people were exposed to, they still managed to remain somewhat calm and dealt with the situation at hand with discipline. The public had confidence in officials that were part of relief teams and lined up in a civilized manner for food and drink, as opposed to demonstrating chaotic behavior, which would be very common in similar situations, especially in rural or developing countries. This would be a prime example of successfully educating the public on crisis behavior, especially in regions that are prone to disaster. The 2004 Tsunami, or otherwise known
  • 37. Description Of The First Time I At The School Week IGN (Include Previous Names Also): My current username is TextMessage. Any previous name that I have had can be found here. Don t judge them to much. . Age: I am currently 14. Timezone: My timezone is CST (Central Standard Time). Location: I live in Texas, United States. I do not plan on moving anytime soon. Gender: Male How many hours can you play each day?: This all varies during the school week unless I do not have homework that I have due. If I have nothing planned, I can play around 4 hours a day during the week, and 7 hours a day on weekends. Have you had any past experience?: The first time I was ever a staff member was back in November of 2015. I had just got accepted on a server known as OxPvP. It was fairly challenging considering this was the first time I had ever been accepted and interviewed for a decently sized server at the time. There were certain rules that myself and the other staff member had to follow, and they seemed simple at first until I actually got into them. I had to learn how to properly screen share someone in order to find any client that they may have had; if they did have one that is. It was difficult at first, but I was taught by several moderators what was necessary to check, and what to look for when searching the player s computer for cheats. Time went on and I got more familiar with the commands. I was then promoted to moderator soon after. I was then introduced to several new commands. They were used on both the KitMap and the
  • 38. Military Mistakes Dbq Do you know the primary Reasons for the Fall of Rome? Rome was very powerful throughout their time. Then how did they fall? Rome had good farm and pasture land. They had protection from hills and mountains. They were the wealthiest and largest empire in the whole world. Critics argue that decay in economic and civic life helped bring about the Fall of Rome, however, military mistakes was the primary reason behind the decline of the empire. Over time, the Romans started to get lazy and negative changes happened in the Roman Military Recruiting. First and foremost the Romans started to get lazy and it seemed like they gave up. According to the excerpt by Vegetius on Document B it shows that the Romans stopped wearing their breastplates and helmets for protection. When the Romans didn t wear breastplates and helmets they got hurt. It was a bad idea to set aside them because then they will have no protection. If they are to heavy for them they should train in the and get stronger. As shown in the excerpt by Vegetius in Document B it shows that the ... Show more content on ... According to the passage by Peter Stearns in Document F it shows that Rome had to hire soldiers to protect them. That showed that they were scared and wanted other people to do the work for them. It was unnecessary for them to do that because they were very powerful and other empires were scared of them. Now the Roman Empire is scared of other empires. As seen in the excerpt by Michael Grant in Document B it shows that Rome forced other soldiers to fight for them because they were scared and didn t want, too. That wasn t a very good decision Rome made. If they make other soldiers do their job, they are not real and good soldiers. It was also wrong of Rome to force them to fight for them even if Rome can do it perfectly fine. They had to leave their loved ones to go fight in a battle where they were most likely going to die
  • 39. The Monitor s Consent Case Study When a mentally ill patient becomes too incapacitated to properly give consent for a research experiment, should the experiment team stop and allow the procedure to continue? In the case study, The Monitor s Consent , a researcher apart of the Department of Psychiatry questions the ethics of this situation. The nurse providing care for the impaired schizophrenic patient tries to persuade the researcher that both the subject and his monitor agreed to the operation before, however, they are now becoming increasingly symptomatic to his own illnessand sedatives. Even though they did give consent prior to the medication, the researcher is concerned that they were too incapacitated due to their own disease to give consent. The patient, Mr. Young, did not sign an advance directive beforehand to allow... Show more content on ... In general, they are almost always beneficial especially when the subject unconscious and is unable to oversee their own well being. Conversely, the disadvantage of a monitor/representation in almost all these situations is they may not have the exact same thoughts, ideas, or reactions as the subject to specific situations the subject will be put in. They also may have alternative motives than the subject, like in the case study, when the father wanted the procedure to continue so other people in the future may be in a better position; while Mr. Young may not have wanted to proceed. Limits should be placed on the power of a monitor to enroll their patients into studies because they do not have a legal right to, they only represent and assist the patient when they need it. When a compromised patient and monitor disagree about how to proceed in a particular course of action, all progress should be paused and allow the patient time to recover to receive an unbiased message of consent or
  • 40. The United Nations Convention Of Combat Desertification The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) was ratified in 1996. It is a multilateral agreement which was made to address desertification. Desertification is defined as the land degradation in arid, semi arid and dry sub humid areas, generally known as drylands . Many African states believed their sustainable development was being obstructed due to issues such as poverty, and food insecurity and were not being given necessary attention by the international political community . The need for an international convention was based on the argument that although the effects of desertification are often felt locally, it could not be ignored that globally contributed changes such as climate change and changes in soil and ... Show more content on ... The goals are quantifiable; however, the degree to which they produce measurability is still weak. Land desertification could be analyzed against other factors such as geology, and human action . In addition the use of GIC and various soil indicators and food production can be used to quantify the improvement of desertification. The use of GDP as well as the Human Development Index can be used to measure the improvements of poverty and education. Identification and Description of Challenges One of the greatest difficulties that arises when dealing with an environmental issue such as desertification on an international scale is the fact that its affects are not geographically universal. For instance, regions of Africa and Asia are highly susceptible to land degradation and its affects are often only apparent at the local level. As such, during early debates concerning desertification there was much reluctance coming from developed countries to recognize it as a global concern. Many developed countries, especially within Europe, argued that land degradation was a local problem that results from the cumulative
  • 41. Alternative medicine has been becoming more and more... Alternative medicine has been becoming more and more popular in Western culture in the recent years. Alternative medicine includes practices that are not generally accepted in the medical profession. Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine that originated from Chinese culture around 200 BCE, came into western culture around 1970, and has been rapidly growing sense (Ehrlich, 2011). The purpose of paper is to give an overview of acupunctureand its relation to osteoarthritis. This paper will cover how acupuncture is performed, what it is used to heal, the efficacy over all, and how acupuncture is related to nursing. The limitation of this paper is that this is a secondary analysis and no studies or participants were actually performed ... Show more content on ... Depending on the type of the acupuncture, the needles may be prepared differently or different aromatherapies may be used while the needles are in place. Acupuncture is used to treat a variety of health care problems including osteoarthritis, chronic pain, post operative pain, dental procedures, fibromyalgia, nausea, acute cerebral infarction, anesthesia, angina pectoris, anxiety, depression, hypertension, insomnia, rhinitis, skin disorders, weight loss, smoking cessation and many more (natural standard). The purpose of acupuncture depends on the reason it is being sought out to be used, but in general it is given to help relieve stress, pain, improve ones mood, and re balance ones chi energy throughout their body. Osteoarthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis; it is sometimes referred to as wear and tear arthritis. Osteoarthritis is when the cartilage that protects ones bones from hitting one another, breaks down. There has been no cure found yet for osteoarthritis, and it is known to get worse over time. Treatments such as acupuncture have evidence that acupuncture may be useful to ease the pain of osteoarthritis (Davis 2012). The outcomes of acupuncture vary with the cause and type of the illness it is being used for, in general for dental pain, postoperative nausea and vomiting and chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting... acupuncture is effective (Birch, 2004). Most studies done with acupuncture and osteoarthritis are done on
  • 42. Essay on Market for Coors in South Delaware Q1). Currently, there is an opportunity for owning a Coors Distributorship in the southern Delaware counties of Sussex and Kent. Coors is a well known brand name nationally, and retailers in the targeted area are willing to carry the product, which is an indication of pre existing brand awareness and demand for Coors. It was necessary to obtain a feasibility study to project a possible profit or loss and $800,000 dollars will be needed for the initial investment. We believe the following decision criteria should be embraced by Larry to make his decision. Market Share Since Coors will enter this market area for the first time, it is believed that market ... Show more content on ... Offering has a unique patented formula. Offering has a strong brand name. Offering is a high quality and high price product that captures a particular taste preference. Offering has defined/proven market share. Weaknesses Owner lacks experience in running a business. Owner has limited capital: $15,000 for feasibility study; and $500,000 of trust money that will be made available for investment. Offering has at least seven well known domestic competitors many with lower price points and products with various taste differentiation. Offering has no presence in the State of Delaware. Opportunities Offering is a well known brand that is being made available to a new market. Since retailers are willing to carry the product, there is evidence of pre existing brand awareness. Company promotes environmental issues by installing aluminum can recycling equipment. The brand has a select market audience due to taste preference. More liquor and Beer Licenses are being issued every year to retailers. 88.7% of retailers in the target market would carry Coors in their stores. In 1990, the United States was experiencing a recession, which would influence higher alcoholic beverage consumption. Threats Coors brewery has negative image with those consumers who support the union and minority issues. Industry is very competitive. Recession could force consumers to purchase less expensive products. Consumer taste may change from beer
  • 43. Antibiotic Resistance Is A Growing Problem Throughout The... Antibiotic resistance is a growing problem throughout the globe. Besides using antibiotics for medical use, they are being used in the agriculture industry. In animals, antibiotics are being used to treat diseases, but also to prevent diseases from occurring and to increase the growth of animals (Mehndiratta, 2014, p.340). In recent years, the evidence of farmers using antibiotics for non traditional ways has sparked major controversy. In agriculture 90% of antibiotics are used for growth promoting and prophylactic agents with the other 10% being used to treat diseases (Khachatourians, 1998, p.2). To understand why this occurs, we first must understand the genetic basis for antibiotic resistanceand the occurrence of antibiotic resistance in selected organisms. By farmers doing this an increase in the number and types of microorganisms resistant to drugs, has increased public health problems. Finally, management options for reducing antibiotics in the environment have to occur. If farmers continue to use antibiotics for non traditional uses, as humans we can be affected greatly not just by food supply, but by water runoff, the air, and even the soil. Also, more public health problems will occur. However, to completely understand the effects of antibiotic resistance, we need to understand the genetic component of how bacteria becomes resistant. An antibiotic can operate at different sites within the bacterial cell, some infect the cell wall or the membranes, making it
  • 44. British Columbia’s Carbon Tax and its Impact on Greenhouse... In June of 2008, British Columbia became the first and only Canadian province to introduce a carbon tax, and has been praised and scone by environmentalists, economists, and politicians alike, arguing whether the tax is efficient or destructive method of controlling greenhouse gas emissions. The liberal premier Gordon Campbell introduced the carbon tax; its main purpose would be to enforce a carbon tax to increase the price of consumption of fossil fuels within the province, the philosophy behind the tax was to make taxes higher on the deemed environmentally detrimental purchases and lessen the tax on the others. The carbon tax promised to achieve this in a carbon neutral way, which meant that the revenue received from the tax would be... Show more content on ... Stewart Elgie, a University of Ottawa law and economics professor and chair of the green economy think tank Sustainable Prosperity suggests that British Columbia s per capita fuel usage had fallen more than 4 per cent compared with the rest of Canada and its economy (Ebner, McCarthy, 2011) Evidently it is reducing the amount of green house gasses emitted by fossil fuel use. However this is not the concern many had with the introduction of the tax, but the concerns were focused upon the externalities caused by this and the effects it would have on the economy. Three years since the carbon tax introduction and the Provincial level of GDP has remained approximately the same, (Greenery in Canada: We have a winner) With the provincial level of GDP remaining around the same, this suggests that at the very worst the carbon tax has had no negative effects to the provincial economy. Furthermore the tax also promised to remain carbon neutral and promised to cut corporate and private income tax. British Columbia has become the province with the lowest income tax regime and the lowest corporate tax regime (Greenery in Canada: We have a winner). Although the carbon tax is being praised by many, it still faces concerns as many still argue the ineffectiveness of the tax and what that means for the province. One major objection many economists have to the question of carbon tax effectiveness is whether the taxes on carbon are high enough to create any change in
  • 45. The Rise Of Mass Attendance Muhammad Ali once said Religions all have different names, but they all contain the same truths... I think people of our religion should be tolerant and understand people believe different things. This quote explains the tolerance and acceptance of another religion, which clearly demonstrates the concept of pluralism. Even though the Catholic Churchprovides a welcoming feeling to all new and existing members, the decline of massattendance will further result in a decrease of catholic followers. Secularism and pluralism are major factors in the change of attendance, which will be further discussed. Margaret and Leo Laarhoven are members from Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church in Kyogle, NSW. Their commitment towards the Catholic Church... Show more content on ... It s also the main source of your spiritual life, and if you took time to reflect on who you are, and how much you should give back to god, the attendance in mass would increase rapidly. A commandment from the Catholic church is to attend mass on Sundays and holy days, this is one of its six commandments, which at the moment is only being filled by 37% of Catholics, at the most (Shaw, 2014). It also helps Catholics live by the ten commandments. Community: Community is a key factor in forming parishes around Australia, as mass brings together the community. Leo and Margaret reinforced this statement The local church is always the nicest to attend because you feel you are part of the community, whereas when one attends elsewhere on an irregular basis you are never one of them Margaret also caters for the church and she expressed her reasons for why she does it. She stated Jesus did say love thy neighbour and this is one way we can demonstrate that. Also my mum was involved with a Catholic Women s Organisation which catered for church events such as weddings, funerals, parties etc. now we have three groups which consist 8 10 ladies and each group takes turns in catering It s also a great opportunity to catch up with people, who I don t regularly see. The two prime reasons were that it brought together the community, and she was also following her
  • 46. New Year Eve Case Analysis: THE NEW YEAR S EVE CRISIS . 1. About how to tell the restaurant not to serve the food or to change the cooking standard at the late hour . B . Its an issue because of they have to take in to consideration the effect of what their decision will bring to the new company because they don t want to loose there customers. C. This issue concerns some areas on ethical concepts because ...Mike was thinking about the larger number not just himself(utilitarianism), also the consumer safety is important ,fairness and dignity is important. 2. The first facts of the case is that the seafood stuffed pasta shells has been shipped to the biggest customer and they were tainted with salmonella. Another fact is that it s ... Show more content on ... Irrespective of an outbreak or not, not informing the client would affect Mike s effort to bring Michael s Homestyle Pasta s culture into Southern Pasta Company. It would send a signal to people that Mike isn t different from the previous employer. Mike would never get the same appreciation from Southern Pasta Company s employees as he gets from the Michael Homestyle Pasta s and thus will find it difficult to develop a similar healthy working culture. Call the clients Allowing clients to know about the contamination gives them a chance to be sure that they cook the food base on the required norms. Although the restaurants may decide to not use the contaminated batch which may lead them in demanding for a refund. There is also possibility of them taking the pasta out of their menu. They may also start looking for another supplier, but since they did not switch from Southern Pasta Company after the first recall time, we can assumed that they have no other potential suppliers. Also they would be willing to give Mike a chance based on his record. there wont be any legal implications in this alternatives. the FDA will have limited intervention since is a business to business dealings. Still there is possibility for press releases to express the situation of things and their stand towards the issue. It will set a good example for everyone at
  • 47. Google s Invasion Of Privacy Is Dead On The Internet Alyssa Andrew Organizational Communication Google Privacy is dead on the internet and unfortunately, a large part of that is due to the fact that many companies make unethical decisions. Many companies today miss the fact that ethics in business is needed, such as the company Google. Although a large majority of Americans use Google almost every day, most do not realize how unethical many of the company s decisions actually are. Google is one of the companies towards the top of the list of companies that do not think about the impact of their developments and how it affects the users. These practices have been known about for years and have been publicized, but unfortunately only a small amount of people seem to question the issue of ethics. ... Show more content on ... This service originally disregarded copyright, due to the fact that they were trying to open access to knowledge for everyone. Many thought that Google was doing this to be nice and to provide a service to people who use their search engine, even though they were doing it to be the end all source of information (Cargill). What Google did not think about though were the restrictions that they were not honoring by giving out text from hundreds of thousands of books that were protected by copyright. This is ethically wrong due to the fact that Google did not respect or recognize the authors and publishers copyrights and tried to monopolize all access to information, even though it was not theirs to do
  • 48. Queen Elizabeth I Essays Queen Elizabeth I was by all rights England s most praised monarch. Her success in her reign, viewed in later centuries, cannot adequately encompass all that she did or how she maintained her power. In part, her endurance stems from the way in which she learned early in life to fight with forces that were not physical, those of her mind, her intellect, and her own spirit. She used her intellect to create an empire. Her education and early training of mind together with her basic understanding of humanity, both of her own and that of her subjects, kept her at the helm for more than forty years. Analysis of her writings, which include speeches, poems, letters, and documents to Parliament, will help readers understand that Elizabeth... Show more content on ... Queen Elizabeth I was actually born Elizabeth Tudor, the daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife (after England s split from the Catholic Church), Anne Boleyn. She was crowned Queen of England on January14, 1559 and reined for the next 44 years. She is remembered by such names as the Virgin Queen and Good Queen Bess. Her childhood was a rather tumultuous one, with her father paying very little or no attention to her. Her governess had to write to him saying that Elizabeth needed some clothes because all of the ones that she had were too small. Her mother was executed when she was 2 years old after being accused of adultery, incest etc. After her father s death, the throne went to her Catholic half sister Mary. Mary s policies of burning Protestants at the stake and an unsuccessful war with France, wherein she lost Callais, the last of England s strongholds on the continent, made her less than popular. When Elizabeth was sixteen rumors were spread she had plotted with Thomas Seymour to put him in line for the throne. In addition, the rumor that she was having a love affair with him and was pregnant with his child surfaced. These rumors called into question the value of honor and honesty of the young Lady Elizabeth. In this situation, Elizabeth shows one of her first examples of building her leadership image through her writings. Elizabeth wrote a letter
  • 49. Tibia Essay Background Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA) is an othopaedic procedure to repair rupture of cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) in dogs. It has also been applied in cats. The canine CCL is a band of tough fibrous tissue that attaches the femur to the tibia. It is attached to the interdylar notch of the tibia at one end and the caudomedial part of the lateral femoral condyle at the other end. It keeps the tibia from sliding cranially beneath the femur when the limb bears weight. It also limits medial rotation of the tibia when the stifle is flexed [1]. These help to prevent the stifle joint from over extending or rotating. The rupture of this ligament in dog is not suddenly broken due to excessive trauma, but usually degenerates slowly over ... Show more content on ... Material After the model was imported into Abaqus, the mechanical properties earned from the prior process were assigned to the model. In addition, as the model is assumed as a homogenous structure, then the highest values of all mechanical properties were used as a representative of all structure. These properties are density of 1813 kg /m3, young modulus of 4993 MPa and Poisson coefficient of 0.3 (see figure 4). Interaction This part is the most important of the analysis because fissure and fracture cannot be observed without given fracture mechanics. Therefore, the crack propagation of this study can be studied using XFEM method. This method will define the model as a crack domain, but the crack cannot be propagated without crack initiation. A crack tip was placed at the location where the highest stress was concentrated on. In our study, the highest stress was located at cylindrical wall of maquet hole at approximately 225п‚° from X+ axis when determined in XY plane as shown in figure 7. The crack tip is a very thin surface placed on the model associated with the centre of the maquet hole in XY plane. This tip has 0.5 mm. overlap into the cylindrical wall of maquet hole as shown in figure
  • 50. Sustainable Practices And Issues Of Boost Juice Sustainable Practices and Issues of BOOST Juice: At Boost we understand the environment necessities and its scarcity, so we always try to reduce impact still providing the best quality juices and smoothies. (The Food Institute Report, July 21, 2003) Towards the technology Allis always says that whenever she saw some new technology, she always thinks how that technology affects her business without affecting environment. We also try to use technology by giving knowledge about health to our customers through email and other technologies available. In Boost Juice we always try to minimize packaging and use renewable resources, and in 2012 we introduced and started using paper cups and it s add value to environment ... Show more content on ... Boost Human Resource Team as well works very sustainably, as retail jobs are very challenging and changing environment, because retail jobs relates to customers service and customers demands are always changing, so we are pretty much focused on that and our HR Team works on it on daily basis with such a fast changing environment. They also keep employees aware about the same. (Wren, Dee Hospitality, Sept 1, 2005) INNOVATIVE IDEA BOOST JUICE The juice bar concept was pretty new in Australia, and the way boost furnish this concept is also very new in the retailing industry. Boost is not about only appreciable taste and healthy juice or smoothie but this brand is all about overall experience for the customers when each time customers comes in their store and we are talking about experience includes tasty products, best service and lively employees who are there only for their customers and always smile when you enter the store, call you by your first name with their polite tone. (Grocer, May 3, 2008, Vol.231(7853), p.42) This innovative idea of Boost put them ahead from other competitors and their brand s distinct campaign builds a relation with customers. In this retail food industry Boost made their mark with introducing and focusing on niche market. Products range of Boost considerably liked by young consumers. And Janine name this niche market as their Wellness category in which they fulfill the demands of customers with healthy
  • 51. Annotated Bibliography Topic Proposal and Annotated Bibliography Alexander Hynes Creighton University Topic Proposal In my research paper, I will attempt to determine how the perception of light in phytochromes plays a role in the development of plants. Specifically, I will look at how phytochromes play a role in the growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana. The paper will also look at how light perception plays a role in phototropism and the immune systems of a plant. Finally, my paper will explore how changing light conditions impact perception in phytochromes. Annotated Bibliography Arana, M. V., SГЎnchez Lamas, M., Strasser, B., Ibarra, S. E., CerdГЎn, P. D., Botto, J. F., SГЎnchez, R. A. (2014). Functional diversity of phytochrome family in the control ... Show more content on ... Specifically, the authors looked at the effect that the red to far red light ratio had on branching in Arabidopsis. The authors ultimately found that the effect that phytochromes had on branching varied significantly depending on the environment that the plant was in. Through the observations of the authors, this primary literature will be useful in helping me assess the effects that phytochromes have in the development of branches in
  • 52. Scalp Massage Heaven Scalp Massage Heaven Having all comes at a price, so one will have to sacrifice sleep and sometimes even self care to get work done. A person could multi task or wake up early in the morning, but will they really be taking care of themselves the way they should. So, how does one maintain luminous and strong hair while doing paperwork or reading 50 pages a night? The Scalp Massager might just be the answer. This paper will be discussing the ways this improved invention benefits the body, one way the machinery functions, and another way that could contribute to giving someone the sense of a real massage. BENEFITS OF THE SCALP MASSAGER Triana Francois, a hairstylist at Haven Spa in New York, says, Scalp massages increase the production of serotonin, ... Show more content on ... By including a roller screw into the design, one can now get a shifting movement that allows for variation in activity. The writer of a SKF article on roller screws says, They [roller screws] are well suited for ... high rotational speed , higher linear speed . The idea is to have one end of the electric wire circuit attached to the screw to make a spinning up and down motion around the screw. Thus creating the notion that hands are being lifted up and down during a massage. The author says, Recirculating roller screws can simplify a complete transmission and improve its rigidity . By this, the author means that the mechanism by which power is transmitted from one place to another is minimized and made in a much simpler way. Then the author goes on to say, Their great mechanical advantage minimizes input torqueand increases application resolution and performance . Meaning that the input twisting force that causes rotation is reduced and the sustained effort and execution that the screw carries out is maximized. In closing, the roller screw will contribute to the fabrication of the innovation by creating a perpendicular motion resulting in up and down movement that contributes to the sensation of a real
  • 53. A Study On A Peek Into Retirement A Peek into Retirement The purpose of this paper is to provide an opportunity to explore the social, cultural, health and economic issues pertaining to the older adult, specifically the older adults interviewed for this paper, and this includes their preparation for, subsequent adjustment to, and special needs and concerns of retirement. The information that follows in this paper, is taken directly from the two interviewees, a male and a female who differ greatly in age, and two nursing journal articles that relate to a common issue they both express in there interviews. The two individuals interviewed for this paper are, I.W and D.D. I.W. is an eighty five year old woman who lives with her daughter, her son in law, and granddaughter. ... Show more content on ... He is a supportive husband, and enjoys being able to be there for her, as well as going fishing, working around his house, and spending time with family, including his wife. Contrary to I.W., we conducted his interviewover the phone, since he lives in North Carolina, and he happens to be a new friend s grandfather. His attitude towards retirement is a very positive one, and he seems to be enjoying his current retired life. This paper explores the answers the interviewees provide when questioned about their retirement, some similarities and differences between the two, and the common issue of finances, along with two nursing journals about finances that relate to both I.W. and D.D. Interview Summary Two: I.W. First, we take a look at I.W., and her interview answers. Between the ages of sixty to sixty five, she considers that she was retired, and she never really started planning for it. She has been in the hospital numerous times, some of which were recent, and has drawn up a Will and powers of attorney to help her transition into retirement. She is not recently retired, has been for almost twenty years, and really did not make any other plans, because the only reason she retired is due to her husband passing away. Her life differs most now that she is retired in that she has more free time, but she is unhappy that she is unable to drive herself around anymore and cannot travel as much as she did when she first retired. When she began