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Essay On Afghanistan Beyond
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Essay On Afghanistan Beyond 2014 Essay On Afghanistan Beyond 2014
Wayne State Essay
Introduction Arriving to campus on time has usually been an issue for commuting Canadian
students. This is not only a problem for them, but Wayne State is also affected in the process. With
students arriving late, there would be missed lectures and barely any work done. In turn, Wayne
State s reputation as a school is affected negatively as these commuters would start considering
switching to other schools. In fact, some high school graduates from Canada would not even think
about attending classes at Wayne State due to its lack of an uncomplicated transportation system.
The main purpose of this report is to help Wayne State figure out a way to implement an alternative
means of transportation to the current one these students are using, which is using two buses.
Currently, using the tunnel and city buses causes unnecessary delays for the students and makes
them arrive to class either really late or the minute it starts. By making transportation easier for
them, it would. However, Wayne State must decide on the method of transportation they could use
in order to help their Canadian students. The proposed solutions in this document was developed
from information obtained via research, such as, but not limited to, student surveying. Research
Methods In order to compile this report, I... Show more content on ...
For instance, creating a travel agency might seem like a good idea; however, it is highly
unlikely that Wayne State would be able to implement this system because buses are usually run
by the city. That leaves the other two ideas. Creating an app like Uber might be possible because
unlike buses, cars are not run by the city. As for creating an online carpooling system, it is also
very likely that Wayne State could do this because other good schools have done it, such as
Oklahoma State University and the University of
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Euripedes Hippolytus
Euripides Hippolytus
Artemis informative speech to Hippolytus not only displays the dramatic irony present throughout
the play, but also solidifies many predominant themes present during the play. This passage
summarizes the entire play as Artemis describes the plans of the characters, going on to blame
Phaedra, the Nurse, Aphrodite, and Theseus. (Halleran, 276) Through Artemis passage (Euripides,
1283 1312), the truth about Phaedra and Hippolytus, unknown and misunderstood by Theseus,
finally surfaces. As Artemis reveals the plot to Theseus in the passage, the themes of honour and
relationship between man and god are evident. Hippolytus relationship with the goddesses Artemis
and Aphrodite, along with his honour and pride, are ... Show more content on ...
Artemis recognizes Phaedra s nobility and honour, telling Theseus she came also for, ...[his] wife s
frenzied lust, or in a way, / nobility. (Euripides, 1300 1301) Artemis recognizes Phaedra s concern
to maintain her reputation, as well as her struggle to fight off the emotional attachment to
Hippolytus instilled in her by the goddess Aphrodite. Relationships between gods and mortals are
vital to Greek culture. Hippolytus, as strongly devoted as he is to the goddess Artemis, fails to
show respect to the goddess of sexuality, Aphrodite. Aphrodite initially describes Hippolytus as, an
arrogant young man who should be punished for his contempt for [Aphrodite s] world. (Halleran,
274) His constant disrespect of the goddess results in Aphrodite s scheme to ultimately get
Hippolytus killed. Although Hippolytus has the support of the goddess Artemis, Aphrodite s
scheme to have Hippolytus killed ultimately triumphs, relating the play to Greek culture, implying
the gods ultimately decide all mortals fate. Another god who impacts the life of Hippolytus is
Poseidon, father of Theseus. Poseidon grants Theseus three wishes, and does Theseus well by
fulfilling the curse Theseus wishes for his son; the curse of death. Evidently, Poseidon, although
knowing Theseus may be making a decision he will regret, grants Theseus his wish, representing
the strong relationship between Theseus and Poseidon. The relationships
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Social Media s Effects On Body Image
Social Media s Effects on Body Image Throughout the recent decades, people have been
obsessing more and more over their bodies and physical appearances. In the mainstream media,
people described as attractive are the ones with thin figures, long hair, and perfect complexions
(Media s Influence on Beauty). If one is pleasing to the eye, one is accepted in society. However,
the standards that social media is placing on body image today is becoming a big controversy.
The media is responsible for creating the epitome of beauty and the perfect body image. Images
portrayed by the media tend to make people strive to be someone else s idea of perfect while
subconsciously ignoring their own goals (The Media and Body Image). People are suffering... Show
more content on ...
People have become so unhappy about their bodies that they have turned to the only possible
quick solution, which is plastic surgery. The AAFPRS survey found a 31% increase over the
previous year in the number of requests motivated by prospective patients concerns about how
they appear on social media (Sass). Sometimes it s not even that people want to change their
bodies because of an ideal mental image they have of themselves, but because they want to
change to look more like someone else. Images of celebrities are influencing people to want to
change their bodies because they want to have features that are more similar to theirs. In the
New York Times article Looking Good on Facebook: Social media Leads to Spikes in Plastic
Surgery Requests it is mentioned that plastic surgeons say women want arms like Michelle
Obama, and Kate Middleton s nose is the most requested facial features among plastic surgeries
in the U.K (Sifferlin). There has also been an increase in teenagers undergoing cosmetic
procedures. Dr. Richard Ellenbogen, CEO of Beverly Hill Body, tells People website that the
increase in teen plastic surgeries is directly related to the surgery of the stars of their reality
shows, and the acceptance of cosmetic procedures on social media (Olay). Plastic surgery is
becoming more popular because it is the only
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Shaffer Chimere Smith Biography
Even though there are many Famous Arkansans, I choose a person that was one of the most
successful songwriters and artists of the 2000s. He released three albums, all which went
platinum in the United States. He sings R B. He can sing really good. His name is Shaffer
Chimere Smith ( Ne Yo ). He was born October 18. 1982, in Camden, Arkansas. His parents are
Lorraine and Shaffer Smith. Shaffer was an only child. He wrote his first song at age five. His
parents split apart, and he relocated to Las Vegas, Nevada, with his mother. He went to Rancho
High School in North Las Vegas, Nevada. He entered the scene as one part of an R B group
called Envy but the band parted in 2000 (Mihalka). Shaffer recorded a full length album for
Columbia Records under the performing name of Shaffer, but it was never released. The nickname
Ne Yo was given to him by producer Deon Evans. He felt that Smith saw music the same way that
the character Neo saw the intricacies... Show more content on ...
He is married to Crystal Renay. He has three kids. Two with his ex fiancee, Monyetta Shaw. They
are Mason Evan, his four year old son, and Madilyn Grace, his five year old daughter. He is an R B
singer. He is married to Crystal Renay and has a son named Shaffer Chimere Smith Jr., he is just a
few months old. He won the Soul Train Music Award for Best New Artist 2007, BET Award for
Best Male R B/Pop Artist in 2007 and again in 2009, Grammy Award for Best Contemporary R B
Album in 2008, Grammy Award for Best Male R B Vocal Performance and Soul Train Music
Award for Best Collaboration both in 2009, and Billboard Music Award for Top Radio Song in
2012. Shaffer was also in a few movies. (Mihalka). Shaffer is still alive today. He takes care of
his children and his wife. He sings with a lot of singers from this age in time. Shaffer Chimere
Smith is an R B singer from the 2000 s, he has three kids, one wife, and went platinum in the United
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Prosecution Intimidation And Witness Intimidation
There are many reasons victims do no want to testify in court. Legal cynicism and witness
intimidation are a couple of the top reasons. One reason I feel is overlooked is witness
intimidation. Witness Intimidation is when threats are made by defendants to discourage victims or
witnesses of a crime from reporting or testifying. (Connick and Davis 439) If a victimfeels
threatened, they often become hesitant to testify sometimes even to report the crime. With the right
incentives, victims and witnesses would be more likely to participate in the process of testifying
against a defendant.
Witness intimidation happens in many forms, such as: looks, threats of violence, physical violence,
property damage, etc. If you commit a crime, you will ... Show more content on ...
These programs are still new in the eyes of the justice system. Victims and witnesses receiving help
were more likely to appear when summoned than those who had not been aided. (Neubauer and
Fradella 236) Victims who are testifying against a defendant are authorized to receive protection,
whether inside or outside of court.
There are services provided to protect the victims or witnesses. When waiting in the courtroom,
they are entitled to a special waiting room, away and out of sight from the defendant and the
defendant s friends and family. By separating the defendant from the victims and witnesses, it
lessens the change of intimidation within the courtroom. Even victims and witnesses that are
incarcerated have the option and availability to be separated from others to keep them safe. By
separating from certain groups, gangs are not able to finish hits on a victim or witness.
Another way to keep a victim or witness in testifying is ensuring that everyone coming in and out of
the courthouse will be on video surveillance. By taping everyone coming into the courthouse,
hopefully it would discourage any intimidation within the courthouse. Also by having surveillance,
it would give the victims and witnesses a sense of security, knowing that anybody coming near
them in the courthouse is on camera.
One program to motivate victims to participate in testifying helps with compensating the victims or
witnesses. During the process of the trial and even before when
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Taxation Law
Is Andy a resident of Australia for the purpose of income tax?
S6 (1) ITAA 36 definition of resident
There are four alternative tests helping to decide whether a person is a resident of Australia or not.
An individual needs to satisfy at least one test to prove residency.
(1) Common Law test; (2) Domicile test; (3) 183 day test; (4) Superannuation test
(1) Common Law test
According to ordinary concepts of resident , an individual should satisfy the Common Law test . In
this particular case, Andy spends the last three years working in Thailand, having signed a contract
with a Canadian company in Australia, which doesn t fulfill ... Show more content on ...
(3) 183 day test
The 183 day test is satisfied when a person who has actually been in Australia, continuously or
intermittently, during more than one half of the year of income.
In the given case, Andy spent most of the year working in Thailand and he only got back to meet
his family in Australia one month every three months. Therefore, he does not satisfy this test.
(4) Superannuation test
As there is no sufficient information regarding Andy s superannuation, the test is not applicable
As can be concluded by the above test and analysis, Andy satisfies the Common Law test and
Domicile test. Even though the 183 day test is not satisfied and the superannuation test is not
applicable, we can still be sure that Andy can be considered as a resident for the purpose of income
tax assessment.
How should Andy s salary and investment income be taxed?
S6 5 (2) if you are an Australian resident, your assessable income includes the ordinary income you
derived directly or indirectly from all sources, whether in or out of Australia, during the income
S6 10 (4) if you are an Australian resident, your assessable income includes your statutory income
from all sources, whether in or out of Australia.
S4 1 and S4 10 ITAA97:
Income tax = (taxable income * rate) tax offset
Where taxable income = assessable income deductions
Both the income of
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Describe The Role Of Economic Sanctions In The United States
This paper focuses on economic sanctions target selection. It specifically examines which factors
include United States decision to impose economic sanctions. Sanctions are penalties levied against
another country, or individuals within a country. They are an instrument of national foreign policy
designed to apply economic pressure against their target in order to changes the target state s
behaviors or polices. Sanctions represent a wide variety of policy tools available for use as part of a
carrot and stick approach to international relations. As a distinct foreign policy tool, sanctions exist
within multiple categories. The number of countries imposing a sanction defines one category.
Unilateral sanctions are those imposed by a single country against a target. Multilateral sanctions
are those imposed by a group of countries, either in concert or represented by an international
institution, against another country. Sanctions imposed by the United Statesagainst another country
represent the former, while United Nations sanctions illustrate the latter category. Although
multilateral sanctions pose less risk for the implementing countries or body since no... Show more
content on ...
Export sanctions block goods from entering into a targeted country, and import sanctions block
goods from leaving. Export sanction generally have less impact than import sanctions against a
country. Five primary forms of economic sanctions fit within these two types: tariffs, quotas,
embargoes, non tariff barriers, and asset seizure. Tariffs represent taxes on imported goods from the
targeted county, and quotes limited the quantity of imported or exported goods from a that country.
Embargoes restrict or prevent trade between countries, and non tariff barriers are import restrictions
that raises costs without being a specific tax. Finally, asset seizures prevent country or individual
assets from transfer or
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Parodies of Victorian Lifestyle Essay
Parodies of Victorian Lifestyle in Adventures in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass and What
Alice Found
It is no accident that the grotesque style in literature tends to be prevalent in eras marked by
radical change and stress. Such was the Victorian period, within which a whirl of social,
economic, and religious change took place . . . (Chang par. 2). This distorted writing can be
unquestionably seen in the works of Lewis Carroll, namely his world famous pieces, Alice s
Adventures in Wonderlandand Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There
(commonly known as Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass ). In several instances
throughout the Alice books, Carroll mocks Victorian lifestyle. These... Show more content on ...
Accepted norms now seem foreign to Alice, and in many ways she becomes an outcast (Polisner
par. 3). Carroll is mocking the Victorians because with every new thing that Alice learns, they seem
to cancel out her past lessons.
Since Victorians were so concerned with learning more about themselves and the world around
them, they came to be great inventors; they were the first to invent to create solutions to
problems and better themselves. Alice realizes the fruitlessness of the White Knight s
inventions upon discovering the mousetrap on his horse s back. In response to this, she remarks,
it isn t very likely there would be any mice on a horse s back Not very likely, perhaps, said the
Knight; but if they do come, I don t choose to have them running all about (Through the Looking
Glass ch. 8). Instead of making like simpler, the solutions to the Knight s problems create more
problems. I see you re admiring my little box, the Knight said in a friendly tone. It s my own
invention to keep clothes and sandwiches in. You see I carry it upside down, so that the rain ca n
t get in. But the things can get out, Alice gently remarked. Do you know the lid s open? (Through
the Looking Glass ch. 8). The title of the chapter, It s My Own Invention , suggests that Lewis
Carroll is making a mockery of Victorian inventions. This also holds true because of the repetitive
use of the
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Rene Descartes Dreaming Argument Essay
Dreaming Argument
Dreaming is something we all are subject to. Every night when we lay down in our beds we
dream, now whether or not we can remember our dreams is a different story. Dreams can be very
realistic and they have been speculated and researched but we know little about our dreams, what
they mean, and the sensations or feelings they provide for us. As far as we know dreaming is our
unconscious mind acting out desires, possibly because we cannot do them or experience those
events in our waking life. Since dreaming is so under researched and we know little about it, it
has been speculated by many people. Rene Descartes go in depth on this subject and his ideas
on what dreaming is arguing that we cannot distinguish the difference between being awake and
being asleep. That is a very bold statement and put in a seemingly simplistic way, recorded in his
first meditations. What Descartes does is challenge our preconceived notions of dreaming and
puts us in the frame of mind to answer for ourselves if we are dreaming right now or are we
actually experiencing reality. Descartes makes us come face to face with the reality that we
actually don t know if we are dreaming. His claims that we may be dreaming is a well known
philosophical argument in the Western world and I hope to discover the truth behind his argument
and shed light on how I perceive his philosophy on the dreaming world. I will shed light on this
dream argument by interpreting what Descartes says, other
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Sara Lee Corporation Essay
Sara Lee Corporation (Case study)
1. Executive Summary
This case study provides an evaluation of Sara Lee Corporation and particularly its operations of
product lines available through the Wal Mart stores. To begin with, an effective SWOT analysis of
the company was conducted where strengths and opportunities are identified while addressing
possible threats and improving its weaknesses to avoid giving the competition an aggressive
advantage. Marketing requires effective identification of issues as a key factor in devising the best
methods of addressing them. Therefore, Kirk Nelson identifies the BasicHipster style to be a major
problem in the market because it was not doing well. Effective establishment of the best ... Show
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Notably, Sara Lee had one key threat to its operation in its Wal Mart Account, the Fruit of the
Loom brand. Global competition was fast emerging in regions such as Eastern Europe, South East
Asia and the Middle East powered by technology and cheap labor. Due to this global atmosphere,
Fruit of the Loom rose as the main competition in the underwear category (Case 426).
4. Case Analysis
Sara Lee Wal Mart account division analysis was the most effective at marketing as it provided a
crosscutting evaluation of the product s performance. Kirk Nelson was deeply involved in
generating the most recent information before meeting his boss (Case p.425). As a result, it acted
as a critical organization in promoting sales at the stores at low prices and sustainable supplies
(Case 427). As a result, this relationship promoted the internal sales at Wal Mart while creating the
needed impression in other external Sara Lee branches. In addition to that, the corporation had an
effective supply from its widespread supply chain by maintaining distribution centers for its
products (Case 427).
To ensure that the products, promotion, and pricing were perfect, the analysts recommendations
were subjected to extra scrutiny and further refinement. This reduced possible cannibalization and
provided more effective recommendations on aspects such as replacements of less performing
products. Even after analyzing the
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Analysis Of Judith Ortiz Cofer s First Love
People change and grow through their experiences and conflicts. For example, just 2 years ago I
was a sixth grader. There was a lot more homework than I ever had in my non accelerated
/ magnet elementary school. I had to work harder and for longer hours, but as a result, I was
much more mature and knowledgeable. I improved my work habits and increased my
concentration. In Judith Ortiz Cofer s First Love , a 14 year old girl is in love with a high
school senior. She does everything she can to try to see him more often. At the end, she thinks
she learns the true meaning of love. In Richard Wright s The Street , a boy has to go shopping
for food, but he is constantly stopped by a gang who beats him up. At the end, he beats up the
gang with a stick his mother gave him because he had to to return home. In both The Street by
Richard Wright and First Love by Judith Ortiz Cofer, the characters start out as shy and naive,
but end up as aware and wiser as a result of their respective conflicts. For example, in First Love ,
the main character (the author) was very naive. She didn t know much about love, and was
lovesick. This is shown in the second paragraph, where she states, I fell in love, or my hormones
awakened from their long slumber in my body, and suddenly the goal of my days was focused
on one thing: to catch a glimpse of my secret love. This shows she was lovesick because her only
goal changed from school to love. She is naive due to the fact that her priorities are
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Values Of Interpretive Communities
Interpretive communities have lasting effects on the lives of the people within them, changing the
way they think about situations that they may face. Many people go through multiple interpretive
communities during the day, for example, a student goes through the student body, to multiple
classes, to extracurricular activities, and finally they reach their families. All of the different
interpretive communities someone is a part of will help shape their personalities as they grow up. I
have been a part of many different communities as I have grown up, but the one that has influenced
my life the most has been the junior bowling program that I have been a part of for about fifteen
years. The values that this group shares, shines through the children... Show more content on ...
Personal experiences can help shape the bowler or coach in the community, giving them different
personalities and bowling styles. When asked, Boudreau states that, Failure itself pushes you
back at the time, but allows you to grow and become better in the long run. Her failures are a
push for her, she strives to become a better bowler and a better person after she is forced to pick
herself up from a failed attempt. When Boudreau is faced with a failure she spends the next
week or so working on a specific technique so she knows how to use it again in the future.
Failures bring a different meaning to Strehle, my failures don t bother me too much, but if I
failed because I missed a ten pin, then I will practice a few more ten pins the next day . Failure
brings them both to practicing and making themselves better, but each person goes about doing
so in different ways. My past coaches and teammates, both good and bad have taught me what it
means to be a bowler (Strehle). Both coaches and players alike influence his game and make him
stronger as both a coach and a bowler himself. I learn from the good and take from the not so
good (Strehle). Strehle explains that as a coach in particular, he has learned from many different
people, his father, for example, an amazing coach, inducted into multiple coaching hall of fames,
has shown Strehle the person he strives to become. On the other note, Strehle also says he has
encountered coaches in his career that have shown him exactly who he does not want to be, and
traits he does not want to have. You can learn just as much from a bad coach as you can a good
one both coaches will teach you skills that will help you better yourself (Strehle). A hands on,
more aggressive coach may have me more willing to try new things, whereas a laid back coach
may make me
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Environmental And Environmental Challenges In The...
The aquaculture industry has been plagued issues such as water pollution, fish disease outbreaks,
destruction of coastal habitat and escapes that have tarnished its reputation and stimulated
significant backlash against the industry. In response, the industry turned to placing marine farming
systems miles offshore, in deeper waters with large currents to reduce the environmental risks
associated with conventional aquaculture. Studies have shown when cited properly with adequate
flushing rates, offshore aquaculture operations left a neutral nutrient impact on the water column
and had diminished water and benthic pollution. By producing fishin less polluted marine
environments, offshore operations can improve the quality of the product, improve market access,
and increase profit. However, offshore aquaculture still faces a number of sustainability challenges
that jeopardizes the ecological and economical integrity of the sector.
Fish Escapes
Although offshore systems are designed to prevent any escape events, it cannot be guaranteed that
escape will never occur as the sector expands to commercial and industrial scales, even with the
risk of massive escape events caused by extreme weather events are mitigated as submersible cages
are able to withstand and avoid storms. Escapes can occur from human error during cage
maintenance and harvesting, from collision of ships, and vandalism. Escaped fish can cause
potential harm to the marine ecosystem and native species by
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The Ritual Of Fast Food Analysis
Liliana Ramos
January 25, 2017
Mr. Coley
ENG 112 013L
Critical Reading
The Ritual of Fast Food / American Idol Worship / Why Vampires Never Die
Critical Reading ComponentThe Ritual of Fast Food American Idol Worship Why Vampires Never
Why were the essays written?
What was hoped readers gain?
The essay was written to show how ordinary people have become because they rather go to the
same destination that has become more of a second home than elsewhere. The customers rather be
satisfied with convenience than with health.The essay was written to inform the reader why
American Idol gets so much attention. It was written to show the beginning of future heroes and to
connect across the states many who identify with ... Show more content on ...
However, it is all just an image the public either ignores or is oblivion to. By saying home away
from home it shows how the public has become so dependent even in times at home with the
family. There are commercials on TV or phones that only anticipate the next visit. The author
shows how these chains have love for children and provides a safe and clean environment.The
whole essay is written an in informal manner to apply to a younger audience. A young audience
that craves attention overall and does not worry much about the economic or political aspect that
usually ties with the word revolution. He also went back and forth to first, second and third person
throughout this essay. It adds to the purpose because he is connecting in a personal level while also
painting a bigger picture. The authors do an excellent job in showing how vampires are much like
the human. They adapt as the human evolves through the scientific evolution. The vampire is as
flexible and polyvalent as ever It shows how the vampire arose from imagination yet without it, it
would be difficult to remind oneself that there are other things in the world unexplainable and
unknown to the human
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The United States President Should Not Be Limited
Thesis: Should the United States President be Limited to the Terms of Service in Office? In this
paper, I will argue that the United States president should not be limited to two terms in office. The
rational for two terms has been to prevent abuse of power. My argument is based on the benefits of
unlimited presidential terms and the hindrance of limited terms on the United States economy. An
important element to consider is the role democracy plays on presidential terms and elections. The
respect of human rights is a significant attribute in a democratic environment and economy.
Democracy allows the rights of citizens to be respected, such as an individual s speech, religion or
ethnicity. In a democratic economy every citizen has the... Show more content on ...
In 1947 Senator Claude argued I think our people are to be safely trusted with their own destiny.
This is exactly what democracy gives the people of United States, a sense of security that the
power to select their leader is in their hands. If the people are limited in how many terms the can
elect a president, does that not defeat the purpose of democracy? Or if anything conflicts with the
sole aim of democracy giving power to the people. Senator Claude also said We do not need to
protect the American people with a prohibition against a president whom they do not wish to elect;
and if they wanted to elect him, have we the right to deny them the power? The answer to that
statement should be no, because a democratic government should not reflect any characteristics of a
totalitarian government whatsoever. And denying the people their wish who they wish to elect
only reflects that. Why prevent a presidential administration from reelection if the rate of
effectiveness is high and beneficial to the economy? When elected in to office each president
brings for an agenda, which is a list of adequacies to improve the country. Some Presidents
successfully accomplished their intended goal at the end of their presidential term, some appear to
be completely unsuccessful. And others leave the presidential office with a completely effective
plan that appears to die because they cannot recomplete for the presidential sit and the newly
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The Synthesis And Fabrication Of Conductive Polymers Essay
Conductive polymers have promising applications in the field of tissue engineering as tissue
scaffolds. Many tissue types respond favorably to electrical stimulation, because of this conductive
polymers can be used for the regeneration of damaged tissue. This review will focus on the
synthesis and fabrication of conductive polymers as well as their applications in tissue engineering.
All cells exhibit some form of electrical excitability, from voltage gated ion channels to muscle
contractions and heart beats electromagnetic fields are critical to the basic functions of life. Galvani
famously showed in 1794 that a frog leg will contract when touched with the cut sciatic nerve of the
other leg.This scientific breakthrough led to extensive research of electromagnetism within
organisms. Electromagnetic fields have been found to affect a variety of biological processes
including angiogenesis, cell division, cell signaling, nerve sprouting, prenatal development, and
wound healing [1]. Only in recent decades with the development of molecular and cellular
technology has the link between cell biology and bioelectricity been discovered [2]. This growth in
understanding has led to the development of a variety of electrically conductive devices for uses in
biomedical engineering. Devices that use electrical stimulation that have already been approved by
the FDA include the pacemaker, deep brain stimulators and vagal nerve stimulators [1].
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Things They Carried Theme
The Things They Carried Theme
In The Things They Carried, the reader will learn a lot about the thoughts and emotions of the
soldiers. The author will discuss what they think and do to not look weak or scared. They
carried their reputations. They carried the soldier s greatest fear, which was the fear of blushing.
Men killed, and died, because they were too embarrassed not to (O Brien,21).The soldiers fear
being seen as weak or dishonorable by their fellow soldiers and families.
Soldiers fear the feeling of embarrassing other soldiers and their families. Most of the soldiers in
this book did not want to go to war, they were drafted. Many soldiers wanted to flee, but the thought
of running away from this problem scared them more than
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Lincoln and the Republicans
The Civil War was a war that was fought over the civil and humane treatment of every person,
regardless of their outward appearances. It left a scathing scar on the nation After the atrocities that
were suffered in the Civil war, the nation need a way to heal it s wounds and unite again. Lincoln
had a battle of his own to fight within the congress for the Reconstruction of the nation, While
Lincoln believed that the south had suffered enough and had a long road to recovery, the radical
republicans wanted to punish the south. They believed that the act of secession by the southern
states was treason and the penalties should be strict. Lincoln s plan was amiable and compassionate.
He wanted to unite the states swiftly with little... Show more content on ...
Lastly, according to Johnson, any finances that had been borrowed for the cause of fighting could
not be repaid. Both of the positions on Reconstruction are not without merit. Each one wanted a
pledge of unity from the Confederacy to ensure that secession would not happen. The country
would not survive another separation. The republican also had a respectable view in that the
country was formed as the United States of America. Yet, the south seceded when they felt
threatened. Their proposals were harsh with good reasoning to back it as if the majority of a state
agrees then there is less chance of the state seceding or not keeping the oaths that were made.
Lincoln just wanted the country to get the country going again quickly because it had practically
ground to a halt because of the war. Little did Lincoln know that the battle for the freedmen would
continue for generations.
Works Cited
Chapter 22: The Ordeal of Reconstruction. (n.d.). AP Studynotes. Retrieved November 17, 2010,
from history/topics/presidential and congressional reconstruction plans/
Chapter 22: The Ordeal of Reconstruction | (n.d.). :: US History Notes,
Guides, Practice Tests. Retrieved November 20, 2010, from
Ironclad oath Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved
November 20, 2010, from
... Get more on ...
What Is A New Unknown Place Essay
Life in a new, unknown place can seem scary. It might be somewhere you have dreamt about
going to for quite some time... Or it might be somewhere you have suddenly found yourself due to
unavoidable circumstances. No matter where you are or what journey you re on, you want to feel
comfortable and accepted by the people you have never met and don t yet know anything about.
For me, I was nervous about how I might mesh in this little country of Belize. But I quickly found
this country s perfect icebreaker. It s simple and doesn t cost a dime. It s just a smile. You may
want to add a good morning, good afternoon, or good evening. But, the most important part is the
smile. If you ever find yourself in Belize, try it. I know it sounds silly, but it really does work. I
guarantee you will get one right back in return (if you re not treated to one first). I have come to
learn ... Show more content on ...
A year later I returned to Belize on my own heading to an area I knew nothing about. I had been
invited to relocate to Punta Gorda on the southern coast of Belize on the Caribbean Sea. Again, I
was in a new, unknown place, looking to feel comfortable among new people from many
cultures. Many of the residents of this town are of Garifuna and Ketchi Mayan origins, Chinese or
East Indian populations run most stores, plus, there are Mennonites and expats from all over the
world in every little corner of Belize. Even in this great contrast of cultures it didn t take long at all
for me to feel at home.
Within a day of my arrival I was walking to town, greeted with smiles and a pleasant, Good
morning, mummy, from each child I passed. One young man offered to help me navigate the
rocky road I was exploring. Storekeepers bid me a good morning as I entered their shops
sincerely, not just paying lip service as most store keeps do back home. The townspeople,
recognizing that I was a stranger, came up, introduced themselves, and asked if I needed help to
find anything or any
... Get more on ...
Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs) Essay
Prion diseases or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are a family of rare progressive
neurodegenerative disorders that affect both humans and animals. They are distinguished by long
incubation periods, characteristic spongiform changes associated with neuronal loss, and a failure
to induce inflammatory response. The proteinaceous infectious particles, prionwas identified by an
American neurologist Stanley B. Prusiner and colleagues in 1982derived from the words proteinand
infection (Stanley B. Prusiner Autobiography). Prions are known to Creutzfeldt Jakob disease
(CJD), Gerstmann Sträussler Scheinker syndrome and Fatal Familiar Insomnia in humans. In
mammals they cause mad cow disease in cattle. Prion diseases affect... Show more content on ...
Moreover, different anti PrP antibodies or their antigen binding fragments that disrupt the PrP AОІ
interaction were able to block the AОІ mediated disruption of synaptic plasticity. These findings
were deemed exciting because they suggest the involvement of PrPC in Alzheimer s disease (AD)
pathogenesis. However, others found that the absence of PrPC did not prevent deficits in
hippocampal dependent behavioral tests upon intracerebral AОІ injection (Krull Nunnally, 2004).
PrPSc is identified as a surrogate marker and potential TSE agent. PrPSc formation was first
detected in the murine neuroblastoma cell line N2a when exposed to mouse adapted scrapie
(Abbott, 2010).Subsequent infection experiments demonstrated susceptibility of N2a cells to
several different mouse adapted scrapie strains. Since then, several cell lines of neuronal and non
neuronal origin have been identified to be susceptible to a stable infection with prions. Once
prions have successfully infected a cell line, they can replicate persistently over multiple cell
passages, with very few exceptions, without any overt cytopathic effect (Shorter J, Lindquist S
(June 2005). Cell lines that have been successfully infected include microglial cells as well as
epithelial cells, fibroblasts and myoblasts, which have all been demonstrated to persistently
replicate an array of prion strains in vitro. Curiously, a
... Get more on ...
Presidential Election Winner
Presidential Election Winner
The 2016 presidential election was one of the most controversial elections to have ever faced the
American people. Both major political parties ran on completely opposite platforms which caused
the American people to be divided more than ever on policies and beliefs. In fact, the outcome of
the election took the media, the American people and the world by surprise. This only divided the
American people even further. The Democrats were certain that their candidate, Hillary Clinton,
was to be the winner over Donald Trump. History though proved everyone otherwise with the loss
of Hillary Clinton. Many analysts claim that the Democrats loss of the presidency was due to FBI
director, James Comey s letter, the media s ... Show more content on ...
However, from the very first day, Post ABC polling found that a majority of respondents didn t
think Trump was qualified to be president. (Bump). The problem is, that didn t keep people from
voting for him. In national exit polling conducted after the election, 6 in 10 voters said they didn
t think Trump was qualified to be president. And yet one fifth of those voters voted for him
anyway. This only reinforces the fact that Clinton was not able to connect with the typical
Democratic constituents. If nearly 1 in 5 voters accepted Clinton s core argument about Trump
but voted for him anyway then Clinton s campaign was in deep trouble before Comey did
anything. Whether or not Comey s letters was the deciding factor of the election isn t clear. What s
clear is that Comey provides an easy excuse, deservedly or not
... Get more on ...
Description Of The Red Kangaroo
Describing Movement The Red Kangaroo
The Red Kangaroo Macropus rufus is the largest of the marsupial family residing across the
deserts and grasslands of Australia (SDZG, 2011). The Red Kangaroo is a herbivorous species with
an unusual method of locomotion, hopping, also known as saltatory locomotion; hopping is unique
to members of the kangaroo and wallaby family (Dawson, 1995). A red kangaroo is capable of
hopping at speeds of 30mph using its muscular hind legs to propel and tail as counterbalance and
support (Marshall Cavendish Corporation, 2010). The kangaroo s body and musculoskeletal
structure of large hindlimbs and short forelimbs has evolved to adapt to its hopping gait. Ancestors
of the species were quadrupedal, the only exception to this evolutionary change is the smaller
Musky Rat Kangaroo Hypsiprymnodon moschatus which still uses a quadrupedal plantigrade gait
(Richardson, 2012).
Why Hopping?
It is commonly known that Australia is a large country, and with a total of 7,692,024 km2, it is
the sixth largest country in the world (GA, 2014). Considering most of the land is arid, there is a
limited amount of resources readily available for the grazing kangaroo, so it is necessary for it to
be able to travel far distances efficiently to reach water before dehydrating. Kangaroos are prey
animals, with the main predator being the Dingo with additional predation coming from
commercial shooting for human consumption (Dawson, 1995), the Red Kangaroo has
... Get more on ...
Food Safety And Food Security
Food Safety
Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. It is usually of plant or
animal origin, and contains essential nutrients, such as fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. The
substance is ingested and passed by organism s cells to provide energy, maintain life, or stimulate
growth. Historically, people secured food through two methods: hunting and gathering and
agriculture. Today, the majority of the food energy required by the ever increasing population of
the world is supplied by the food industry. Food safety and food security are monitored by agencies
like the International Association for Food Protection, World Resources Institute, World Food
Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization, and ... Show more content on ...
Fungi are used in the preparation of fermented and pickled foods like alcoholic drinks, cheese,
pickles, and yogurt. Food products produced by animals include milk produced by mammary
glands, which in many cultures is drunk or processed into dairy products . In addition, birds and
other animals lay eggs, which are often eaten, and bees produce honey, a reduced nectar from
flowers, which is a popular sweetener in many cultures. Some cultures and people do not consume
meat or animal food products for cultural, dietary, health, ethical, or ideological reasons.
Vegetarians choose to forgo food from animal sources to varying degrees. Vegans do not consume
any foods that are or contain ingredients from an animal source. Production Most food has always
been obtained through agriculture. With increasing concern over both the methods and products of
modern industrial agriculture, there has been a growing trend toward sustainable agricultural
practices. In popular culture, the mass production of food, specifically meats such as chicken and
beef, has come under fire from various documentaries, most recently Food, Inc, documenting the
mass slaughter and poor treatment of animals, often for easier revenues from large corporations.
Several organisations have begun calling for a new kind of agriculture in which agroecosystems
provide food but also support vital ecosystem services so that
... Get more on ...
Biofuels And Alternative Sources Of Energy
Introduction Biofuels, derived from living organisms rather than petroleum laden rock, are the
focus of current energy research. The need for biofuels and alternative sources of energy will be
necessary as the earth s resources begin to diminish. In cohesion with this concern, the current uses
of fossil fuels are a concern as the environment pays an incredible toll for our overuse of this
resource. Many have attempted to replace petroleum fuel with the first generation biofuels would
require diverting farmland and crops for biofuelproduction, causing economic and ethical
problems and competing with world food supply (Zhang et. al., 2011). The production of these
biofuels have a negative effect on the environment, as a backdrop of rising crude oil prices,
depletion of resources, and political instability in producing countries, only biomass has the
potential to replace the supply of an energy hungry civilization (Antoni et. al., 2007). This is proof
that it is crucial to begin to create biofuels that have a lesser negative impact that can sustain the
energy demands that we have today. Currently, as seen in the table, microbes have been proven to
produce ethanol, biodiesel and hydrogen, which are all sources that can be used for producing
renewable fuels. Due to their limited demands on the environment they prove to be an excellent
candidate for a successful biofuel.
Many of the biofuels produced from microbes are done so by varying organic pathways in order to
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Northrop Grumman ( A Company
Northrop Grumman (A Company to Invest In)
Barry Worrell
National University
FIN 609A
April 30, 2016
Purpose of Analysis:
The purpose of this document is to provide our Client an in depth analysis, (including
recommendation) as to whether they should or should not invest in Northrop Grumman Company.
Background and Brief History:
Northrop Grumman s rich heritage includes almost two dozen legacy companies which pioneered
dramatic advances in technology that has changed the world. Some of their most notable highlights
included transporting Charles Lindbergh across the Atlantic, landing astronauts on the moon,
creating advanced electronic systems and information networks, and building stealthy flying wings.
On a more recent ... Show more content on ...
Financial Analysis:
Operating Performance Assessment
Northrop Grumman manage and assess our business based on their performance under contracts
and programs (typically two or more closely related contracts). Sales from their portfolio of long
term contracts are primarily recognized using the cost to cost method of percentage of completion
accounting, but in some cases the units of delivery method of percentage of completion accounting
is utilized. As a result, sales tend to fluctuate in concert with costs incurred across our large
portfolio of contracts. Due to Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) rules that govern our U.S
Government business and related Cost Accounting Standards (CAS), most types of costs are
allocable to U.S. Government contracts, and we do not focus on individual cost groupings (such as
manufacturing, engineering and design labor costs, subcontractor costs, material costs, overhead
costs and general and administrative costs), as much as we do on total contract cost, which is the
key driver of our sales and operating income.
In evaluating their operating performance, you will need to look primarily at changes in sales and
operating income, including the effects of meaningful changes in operating income as a result of
changes in contract estimates. Where applicable, significant fluctuations in operating performance
attributable to
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The Westward Spread of Inca and Egyptian Culture Essay
The Westward Spread of Inca and Egyptian Culture The second half of the twentieth century has
seen many changes in theories concerning the mode of colonization of the islands of Micronesia,
and the rise of the Inca Empire, with it s striking similarities to Egypt. In the past, it has been
suggested that Asians had worked their way through the Pacific, over a period of thousands of
years. It was believed that each island group had formed independently, and that the residents,
while they were of the same race, had totally different cultures. Since the 1940 s, however, these
views have been changing. It is now accepted by many scholars that early Egyptians sailed as far
west as South America, in their huge... Show more content on ...
appearing to the local Indians who at the time were ignorant of sun worship, architecture, and
agriculture (Ra 30). These reed boats were the same size and specification of the boats used by
Egyptians, and the people who crewed them began, among other things, building pyramids and
statues, many of which still stand throughout Central and South America (Ra 3). In fact, the
most concrete piece of evidence linking the Egyptians and early Americans is a small stone
statue, discovered in Mexico, bearing features that are decidedly similar to those of Egyptian
sculpture. The statue was carbon dated 800 BC (Begley, et al 28), long before Europeans were
said to have contacted Central and South Americans. The Aztecs and Mayas of Central America
also provide evidence of Egyptian contact. The starting date of the Maya calendar is 12, 3113 BC.
This is in the middle of the first dynasty of the Pharaohs. If these Indians had already been in the
Western Hemisphere for 15,000 years, why was it only after the Egyptians started using calendars
that they did, and used such similar methods. Mayan and Aztec texts also state that they became
civilized only after a man, claiming descent from the sun arrived from the Gulf of Mexico, with a
complement of astronomers, architects and priests. The Aztecs called the man/god Quetzalcoatl,
and the Mayans called him Kukulkan. Both names translate as
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The Townshend Act Dbq
Arrogance and greed often blind the human eye. In the case of Britain, it blinded the king s eyes,
causing chaos within the incipient American colonies and driving the colonists into furor. Prior to
that, the colonies had enjoyed a certain level of self government ever since the Parliament passed
the salutary neglect. However, the king derailed the system of equality and made the American
people pay most of Britain s debt from the Seven Year War. Soon, the colonies revolted and the king
took back his excessive taxations such as the Stamp Act. Nonetheless, the king once again tested the
patience of his subjects and issued another act, the Townshend Act. This led to outrage among the
colonists. These events led to innocent deaths and the meeting... Show more content on ...
Each side, one being the Loyalists and the other being the Patriots had irreconcilable differences.
After the Boston Massacre, surveillance and tightened security ensued. To preserve the spirits of the
colonist and regain hope, members of the Sons of Liberty, including Samuel Adams himself, raided
the ships attired as Mohawk Indians, dumped a number of 342 chests of tea into the Boston
Harbour. Because the king renege on asserting laws that bind the colonies in whatsoever, the
colonies had a legitimate reason to revolt against Britain. ( Declaratory Act Document 7) Britain has
not fulfilled their duty in providing the colonies with life, liberty, and property, and in contrast the
government was starting to conform into an absolute one. ( John Locke s Social Contract Document
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1930s Migrant Worker
A migrant worker is a casual and unskilled worker who moves about...from one region to another
offering their services on a temporary...basis . (Migrant Labour) In the 1930s a variety of events
led to hundreds of thousands of people becoming migrant workers. The sudden influx of people
couldn t be properly accommodated which led to the degradation of this group of people. The
life of a migrant worker was one filled with hardships and obstacles. The 1930s was a time of
negativity for many types of people. The country s economy was at a disparagingly low state due
to the crash of the stock market. Banks went into bankruptcy, businesses recorded all time lows,
and people had massive amounts of debt. Companies couldn t afford to have many... Show more
content on ...
You would then go to work at a farm that was run by a corporation and spend the day doing the
appointed tasks for crops that were foreign to you. When you get a lunch break, you might find
that the area where the migrants place their possessions has been raided. The act was carried out
by unwelcoming locals who also, beat up migrants, accusing them of being Communists, and
burned their shacks to the ground (Mass Exodus) You head back to work where you continue
performing simple, repeated tasks. At the end of the day, you collect your pay which can be
anywhere from 75Вў to $1.25. After buying the necessities for living, you won t have much pay
leftover due to the high cost of living. You head back home after a grueling day to rest and start
the whole process over
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Essay about Personal Responsibility and College Success
Even though main argumentations against personal responsibility include the fact that many
people are just naturally unable to take responsibility, there are too many arguments for personal
responsibility that they just outweigh it. ( What Are The Main Arguments Against Personal
Responsibility? , n.d.). Personal responsibilityis a choice that you have to make. Taking personal
responsibility for something gives you something to measure up to. Personal responsibility is the
key to college success, (Houston, 2011) but most students find themselves falling short of what lies
between these two. (Houston, 2011) If you want to be successful in college, your personal
responsibility goals should include a preliminary plan that you will... Show more content on ...
You don t feel sorry for wrong things, nor do you promise that you ll never do it again. You just
admit a wrong when fault occurs. (Thieme Jr., 1995) Every day should include some sort study
from a teacher that will make you into a better person. Some people use the bible while others
learn from self help gurus. If you want to become a straight A student, you need to set a goal and
write it down. This will help you do well in school. If you don t do well in college, it will affect
you. Several bad things can happen to you. They include you won t get a good paying job, or
you won t advance in your career. It all comes down to this; being responsible and doing well in
school will make you happy. College success is impossible without personal responsibility.
(Fichtner, 2012)
Here are some suggestions to help you become successful in college. Start off with goals and a
preliminary plan that you can put into practice with your education. If you want to become a
STAR, write down these important words: specific, time, areas and reflect. Here is what these
words mean. Write down specific goals. Write goals in several time frames. Write your goals in
several areas of your life. Last, reflect on your goals. (Ellis, 2010, pg. 67 68) You can use several
tools to help you accomplish your goals. You can use your calendar or write a to do list. (Ellis,
2010, pg. 63, 71 86) Take your time, brainstorm and evaluate what you have written down.
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Pain And Nociception Research Paper
Pain is an adaptive mechanism which helps us learn to avoid dangers, it used to be believed that
pain was an emotional state caused by intense stimuli and for 300 years people operated on
Descartes single wire theory, that pain is a disturbance passed along nerve fibres to the brain,
however, recent research into pain has come up with a more complex theory of nociception and
pain. Nociception is a sensory process that provides the signals that trigger pain, whereas pain is
the feeling of something unpleasant or an unbearable sensation arising from a part of the body. it is
possible to have pain without nociception and nociception without pain, for example, back pain
with no tissue damage is pain with no nociception and finding ... Show more content on ...
The first stage of nociception is transduction, this is the perception of a noxious (damaging)
stimulus, which activates high threshold nociceptors through multiple mechanisms, such as,
thermal (heat), mechanical (ligaments being stretched) and chemical. With chemical activation,
infection creates inflammation around the wound to promote healing, some chemicals produced
trigger nociceptors (sometimes constantly) and some lower threshold of activation for other
nociceptors (Basbaument et al 2009) meaning a person can often feel more pain. The second stage
of nociception is transmission; this is where the information detected is sent to brain by specialised
nerve pathways. AОґ fibres are fast and specific, due to them being myelinated and unimodal
(they respond to a specific type of pain per fibre) and C fibres conduct slow sensation as they are
unmyelinated and polymodal (responding to multiple types of pain per fibre). The final stage of
nociception is interpretation, this is where the brain processes painful stimuli and decides if it
should be acted on (if there is a danger). It is only at this point that pain can be felt. Nociceptors do
not send a pain signal but instead alert the brain to
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Why Is Children Advertising Wrong
I Personally believe that Children Advertising is wrong. When children see ad s on Television
they think that it is okay to be unhealty. They Think it is okay to be obese and to always continue
to eat unhealthy. I honestly would ban Children Advertising. I belive Children Adevertising
should be Ban. I think it should be ban because it can cause the child become a serious Impulse
buyer. Also i do think that advertisment to children is wrong because it does show children that
happiness can be bought. Now the Ad on Televison that just showed a group of kids at
mcdonalds eatting a Big Mac aswell as a Twenty Peice order of Chicken Nuggets. That is happiness
to children aswell as being able to play in the playing area. I also belive that Advertisers
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The Native Americans And The Europeans
When the Europeans conquered the Native Americans; both groups had little understanding of each
other, especially their cultures. The Native Americans had a rich through history that allowed them
to be almost as developed as the Europeans. However, the Europeans overlooked this because the
Native Americans had not established the same man made medical and agricultural developments
as the Europeans. Conversely, the Native Americans thought that the Europeans were too
concerned with dead objects, and took their land for granted. There are many controversial
debates over who was worse: the Native Americans or the Europeans, yet, it s evident that warfare,
ritual torture, and cruelty were apparent in both societies. The Europeans had not known what the
Native Americans had achieved, and the struggles they d overcome. The history of the Native
Americans began in Siberia. Many scholars hypothesize that the first Americans came from
Siberia and traveled into Alaska. The colder climate of the Ice Age made an ice bridge across what
is now the Bering Strait. Unfortunately, the bridge started to melt without warning, causing the
people in Alaska to become trapped. A group of Native Americans known as today s Navajo and
Apache came to the rescue when their construction of boats advanced and allowed them to be
durable enough to travel across the strait. These Athabascan speaking people traveled from Canada
and later reached the American southwest. The Paleo Indians were next to create
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Minoan Civilization Research Paper
The Minoan Civilization and Its Disappearance
Minoans were the first Europeans to have a written language which is known as Linear A. The
Minoans date back to around 2000 B.C.E until around the year 1400B.C.E. There was, if fact,
never a people who called themselves the Minoans . The civilization of Ancient Crete was given
this name by the 19th century British archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans, who, when he began
excavating at Knossos in 1900, thought he had discovered the palace of the legendary king Minos,
who appears in several Greek myths.(TimeMaps) I believe the Minoan civilization disappeared due
to three main factors, tsunami, foreign invaders, and volcanic eruption, based on evidence of deep
sea fossils being found on Minoan soil, ... Show more content on ...
Now Thera s eruption wasn t the end of the Minoan civilization, it merely marked the start to a
fifty year decline and ultimate destruction of Minos. The Minoans had built their prosperous city
on one of the most dangerous islands on earth, next to the volcano Thera. The Theran eruption
was one of largest in human history blasting more than 10 million tons of ash, gas, and rock 25
miles into the atmosphere. Incredibly, despite Crete s close proximity to the volcano, the debris
from Thera largely missed the major Minoan towns.(The Fall of the Minoans) Small algae
fossils were found high on the cliffs of Thera. This algae was only observed to be found in
shallow waters. This lead scientist to believe that Thera held a small sea within the crater. Had
there been a sea within Thera the shape of the volcano would be much different than previously
expected. With this different shape in mind the volcano could produce far more smoke than ever
predicted before. The eruption caused plumes of deadly and dense clouds of volcanic ash. These
clouds spread over a vast region, causing poor harvests, climate changes, and souring political
relations for years to come The eruption seemed to also cause the tsunami that would later hit the
Island of Crete. Carbon dating of a cow bone that was found in a layer of sea sediment was
deposited there the same time Thera
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Ethanol Essay
Ethanol, an alcohol, is the product of the fermentation of a biomass resources or sugar rich crops
such as corn. Ethanol is an alternative fuel used over a century till to this very day however it has
not been a profound source of fuel. It has not been until the last few decades that ethanol has gone
through resurgence from going from a secondary to primary option in fuel consumption. Here in
Queensland the revival is boosted due to the availability of an already grown biomass; sugar canes,
a product already growing in large quantities throughout Queensland that can be utilised for the
mass production of ethanol fuel. Utilizing sugarcanes for the production of ethanol in Queensland
would be beneficial to the economy, the ... Show more content on ...
Ethanol in Engines
Ethanol at the moment is present as a blended fuel with petrol. As it is blended with petrol, this
increases efficiency for the ethanol but decreases the petrol s very own efficiency. Although
ethanol is a better fuel to run through an engine avoid or alleviate knocking and pre ignition.
Although the efficiency of petrol may be brought down, by having the ethanol, this increases the
overall octane number of petrol thus allowing for a greater compression. So what is the
importance of the compression ratio in a car? Recently, cars such the Mazda 3 with the SkyActiv
engine can get as far as 17.9 kilometres on one litre of fuel due to the engines high compression
ratio. The compression ratio is the volume of the combustion chamber when the piston is at the
bottom, and the volume of the combustion chamber when the piston is at the top (Deaton, 2011).
Ethanol has a compression ratio of 14.5 16.1:1 whereas petrol has a ratio of 10:1 or lower as a
higher compression could potentially lead to knocking in petrol engines. By having the ethanol
blend with petrol, this then allows for increased fuel efficiency for ethanol but decreased efficiency
for petrol.
The energy that comes from the combustion from either ethanol or petrol comes from burning these
hydrocarbons in order for the oxygen from the air to combine and combust (See Ethanol and the
Environment for more). Energy is produced when the hydrocarbon bonds between the carbon and
the hydrogen and
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Analysis Of Tally Youngblood In The Uglies By Scott...
In the fiction novel The Uglies, Tally Youngblood is a fifteen year old girl with a rebellious
spirit who lives life on the edge of insanity. In The Uglies, Scott Westerfield uses conflict to
reveal how Tally s perspective of the Smoke and New Pretty Town has changed over the course
of the story. This story gives its reader a strong insight into some of life s adventures and the
drama that comes along with growing up, as well as the operation you get when you turn 16
years old. You can see Tally change when she firsts starts traveling to the Smoke in search of her
friend Shay. She changes a lot from the life and death stuff that she goes through on her way to
the Smoke. Tally almost falls off the cliff when she is hover boarding, and you can tell it
changes her from going fast and not reading between the lines, so she starts to slow down and
think before she acts. You can really see Tally change when the Rangers save her from the fire that
they started to get rid of the white tiger orchid flower. The white tiger orchid is a flower that acts
like a weed, and it is spreading all over the world. The only way to get rid of it is by fire, and that is
the Rangers job ... Show more content on ...
While Tally is in the Smoke , she finds out about magazines and what they really are. Also while
Tally is in the Smoke, she meets David s parents Maddy and Az, who were doctors that did the
operation when you turn 16. Maddy and Az tell her all these secrets about the operation and about
these things called lesions and how they are like cancer you don t remember anything before the
operation. Toward the end of Section 2 Tally throws the heart pendant that Dr.Cable gave her in the
fire, thinking the fire would destroy the pendant. It activates, and Tally does not realize that she
activated the heart pendant and the Specials could now find out where the Smoke
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Elizabeth Cady Argumentative Analysis
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a suffragist, an abolitionist, an activist, and a leader in the women s
rights movement (Biography 2). During the Civil War, Elizabeth strived to end slavery, but after
the war, she concentrated on women s rights, especially the women s right to vote. She was an
excellent writer, and she used this skill to write the Declaration of Sentiments, which proposed
giving women the right to vote (Elizabeth 2). Stanton was the president of the National Woman
Suffrage Association for several years with the help of her fellow colleague, Susan B. Anthony.
(Elizabeth 2) This essay will present information on the life of Elizabeth Cady Stantonand the many
achievements she has made to give women equal rights.
Stanton was ... Show more content on ...
Stanton did not just influence women; she also influenced men. Some men that were influenced
by Elizabeth Cady Stanton were: Frederick Douglass, Sarah Moore Grimke, William Lloyd
Garrison, and Theodore Parker. She was one of the first abolitionist for women s rights and wrote
a couple books to prove her position. The two main books she wrote were called, The Women s
Bible, and the History of Women s Suffrage. (Elizabeth 2) Without Elizabeth Cady Stanton, women
wouldn t have as many rights today. She is considered one of the most important figures to gain
women s rights in the United States (Elizabeth 1). It is because of her persistence and influence
that women are now allowed to vote in the United States. Although I am not a woman, I have
also been influenced by Elizabeth Cady Stanton. She has led the way for many women to hold
positions that only men held, such as the scientists that create vaccines that I have had to prevent
diphtheria and polio. She helped women to be able to have a voice in their life. Without her
fight, my mother would not be able to vote, own property, choose her own occupation, or even be
an athlete. All of these things have made my mother who she is today and she has helped to mold
me into a person who enjoys sports and respects women in all areas. These are a few ways that
Elizabeth Cady Stanton has influenced my
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An Assessment of the Impact of Corporate Social...
Universal Journal of Marketing and Business Research Vol. 1(1) pp. 017 043, May, 2012 Available
online Copyright 2012 Transnational Research
Full Length Research Paper
An assessment of the impact of corporate social responsibility on Nigerian society: The examples of
banking and communication industries
Adeyanju, Olanrewaju David
Department of Financial Studies Redeemer s University, km 46, Lagos Ibadan Expressway Mowe,
Ogun State E mail:, Tel No.: 07037794073
Accepted 30 January, 2012
In the Nigerian society, Corporate Social Responsibilities [CSR] has been a highly cotemporary and
contextual issue to all stakeholders including the government, the ... Show more content on ...
It is therefore very essential for all to realize that public outcry for increased social responsibility
will not disappear if business organizations fail to respond to the challenges these had posed for
the society. In view of the perceived information gap, it is therefore worthwhile collating and
aggregating in a more organized manner, the contributions of Nigerian corporations [using banking
and communications industries as a focus] to the well being of the society. This is necessary if
only to show, in a graphic and mathematical ways that the industries seriously identify with the
aspirations of the communities and the general public. In the early years of this century, two
Americans independently and without knowing of each other were among the first businessmen in
the world s history to initiate major community reforms. Andrews Carnegie preached and financed
the free public library. Julius Rosenwald fathered the country farm agent system and adopted the
infant 4 H CLUBS. Carnegie was already retired from business and one of the world s richest men.
Rosenwald who had recently bought a near bankrupt mail order firm called Sear Roebuck and
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Alzheimer s Poem
In Kelly Cherry s Alzheimer s , she uses tone, imagery and theme to express the speaker s
feelings towards the old man in the poem. In the speaker s point of view, the poem focuses on an
elderly man from the beginning to the end. As the poem progresses, it is evident that the speaker
has a very close relationship with the old man, but he does not recognize his wife or her due to his
disease. In the first line of the poem, it is apparent that the speakerhas bitterness towards the old
man by the way she describes him. He stands at the door, crazy old man. (1) The speaker knows
that the man is suffering from Alzheimer s, but seems to be annoyed that he cannot remember
anything. The fact that the speaker used the word crazy displays that she is not too fond of him in
the beginning. Her insensitivity soon turns into sadness as she realizes he cannot remember the
lady standing in front of him. For example in lines 25 29, the speaker says, The first /Thing he
must do, now that he is home, is decide who/ This woman is, this old, white haired woman
/ Standing here in the doorway/ Welcoming him in. The lady is his wife, but the only thing he
seems to... Show more content on ...
The theme revolves around losing someone they love to mental illness without the individual
being dead. In contrary to the speaker being frustrated with the memory loss of the senior,
sadness appears in the last few lines of the poem. The shift of emotion correlates with the theme
because it demonstrates the feeling of loss. The speaker loses someone who she was once close
to emotionally, while the older male loses the memories from his life. Alzheimer s is a disease
that attacks not only the person who has the illness but the individuals in his or her life.
Accordingly, the theme reflects the sense of loss from the speaker as she describes what is
happening around her, and the man who is oblivious to what is his
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Blessed Are The Merciful, For They Shall Receive Mercy
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. Introduction: You may be familiar with
the story of Corrie Ten Boom who was sent to a concentration camp along with her father and
sister for hiding Jews. Her father and sister died in the camps, but Corrie Ten Boom was released
due to a clerical error. After the war she spent time going to churches to speak about God s
forgiveness. It is amazing because she witnessed women in the concentration camps brutally
tortured and killed. But she believed that her God was a God of mercy, grace, and forgiveness.
After the war, she returned to Germany to speak and write about the mercy, grace, and
forgiveness of God. She taught that lack of mercy and forgiveness was a sin against God
because we have no reason not to forgive anyone since Christ is the one who has forgiven us of
our sin. How could we hold it back from anyone else? After the war she returned to Germany and
this is what she wrote in her book, The Hiding Place, speaking about one of the most difficult
times she was faced with granting forgiveness. She was asked to go and speak to a church on
forgiveness. She spent her time talking about how God forgives and that was a message the
Germans needed to hear as the war had just ended. She said when God forgives us it is as if our
sins were cast into the deepest part of the ocean, gone forever. After she was done speaking, one of
the guards, who she describes as one of the most wicked and cruel guards in the
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The Importance Of Desegregation In Public Schools
Have you ever thought about how much history has changed since the dark days? The civil rights
act of 1964 finally ended segregation in public places. The civil rights was first proposed by
president John F. Kennedy, despite all the oppression from southern council members. Swann v.
Charlotte Mecklenburg board of education. Presented to the Supreme Court in 1971 this case was
to determine wether the respondents idea of the desegregation plan was an effective and reasonable
attempt. The constitutional mandate to desegregate public schools did not require all schools in a
district to reflect the judgement of the district s racial composition, but the existence of all black or
all white schools must not be shown to be the result of segregation... Show more content on ...
During the year 1968 until 1969 more than 84,000 pupils were served in the school system.
Approximately two thirds of the Negro children attended schools which were entirely Negro or
more than 99% Negro. Guarantee to an order of a federal district court, the school board adopted a
desegregation plan for elementary schools... Brown v. Board of education was a milestone for the
Supreme Court. This case decided that racial segregation in schools was unconstitutional. This case
signaled the end of legalized
Futch 2 segregation in the schools of the United States. This case overruled the separate but equal
principle set fourth from the Plessy v. Ferguson case. May 17th, 1954 the Supreme Court
immediately decided that the case of Brown v. Board of education was a violation of the 14th
amendment, making it unconstitutional. Arguments were to be heard during the next term to
determine just how the ruling would be imposed. Just over one year later, on May 31, 1955, Warren
read the Court s unanimous decision, now referred to as Brown II, instructing the states to begin
desegregation plans with all deliberate speed. Although there were two unanimous votes against this
ruling along with all the resistance against the supreme courts ruling
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Instructional Setting And Content Area Essay
Instructional Setting and Content Area The instructional setting for this unit is an elementary
school. All lessons will be taught to a fourth grade glass, consisting of 24 students. The lessons will
take place during the assigned math block (an 80 minute portion of the day). These lessons will be
a scaffolded focus on problem solving, specifically multiplication and division word problems.
Instructional Problem The vast majority of incoming and current 4th grade students in this school
haven t yet mastered the state standard for problem solving (Standard 4.OA.A.3). Specific
standards are set by the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and adopted by Washington State
(Common Core State Standards Initiative, (n.d.)), and require students to be able to solve multi
step word problems in all four operations. Incoming fourth grade students struggle with solving
these word problems accurately. These students need to pass the state mandated Smarter Balanced
Assessment (SBA) which requires completion of a problem solving performance task. Their score
on this assessment will determine their placement in grade 5 at the district s middle school.
Students have difficulty with word problems mostly based on lack of strategies and poor language
interpretation. While fact fluency may be present, the ability to interpret vocabulary to guide
computation leaves many students unable to construct mathematical models to interpret or solve
problems. Students have difficulty in analyzing
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The World Of Sports Arenas
In the world of sports arenas there is one that stands as a pivotal high point above almost all other
stadiums. The University of Southern California s mammoth of a stadium, the Los Angeles
Memorial Coliseum is one of the biggest sports stadiums in college football, and has been a
standard by which others are judge. Being declared a land mark by the state of California after
nearly 80 years of use, this structure has had many different uses other than its current purpose of
housing one of the most dominate teams in college football, the Trojans. Since its opening day the
stadium has set world record in attendance and then beaten the same records hosting some of the
most famous people in the world. (Coliseum History) Throughout the 92 years of the stadiums
existences many changes have taken place and the facility has had to adapt to the new century.
Advances in construction and design have allowed the Trojans to stay current and competitive with
the new stadiums. One thing remains, and that is the fact that USC Trojan fans love the unique feel
and history that has been made throughout the walls of the stadium.
History of facility Erected in 1923 the Trojans did not waste time until the first footballs game
was played. On October 6th the team faced off against Pomona College finding their first home
victory in the new stadium. In the first opening game the Trojans played in front of a 12,836
people which was a relatively small number of people considering they
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The Basic Achievements Of The Human Race
The language is one of the fundamental achievements of the human race. Its role in the
appropriation of culture and incorporation of the individual to society, is a key instrument of the
educational process. Its essence is to express ideas, needs, experiences and feelings through the
written and spoken word, gestures, attitudes and behaviors. It is precisely through languagethat the
child is inserted in the world and they are different from it. As in development go by an individual
and affective function to fulfil an eminently social and cognitive function. Through both oral and
written language, the children can express their feelings and explain their reactions to others, know
different points of view and learn values and norms. They can also direct and reorganize their
thoughts, control their behavior. Thus, favoring an increasingly conscious learning.
If we stop to observe young children, we will realize that their behavior is guided by curiosity. They
want to discover everything that surrounds them. Children are like sponges that absorbing all the
information that they receive and will accompany them for the rest of their life. As teachers, a
strategy that can be used to promote the skills that will help them to build a good foundation for the
communication and language, is to be aware of items that capture their curiosity, attention, and to
syntonize with them (Promote the language according to the interests of the child). Both parents
and teachers can take advantage
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Koch Snowflake Investigation Angus Dally
Koch Snowflake Investigation Angus Dally
In 1904, Helge von Koch identified a fractal that appeared to model the snowflake. The fractal was
built by starting with an equilateral triangle and removing the inner third of each side, building
another equilateral triangle where the side was removed, and then repeating the process
indefinitely. The process is pictured below, showing the original triangleat stage zero, and the
resulting figures after one, two and three iterations.
Let Nn=the number of sides, Ln=the length of a single side, Pn= the length of the perimeter and
An= the area of the snowflake, all for the nth stage. Using an initial side length of 1, create a table
that shows the exact values of N_n,гЂ– ... Show more content on ...
Consequently, the area of each of these triangle is 1/9 of the original triangles.
Therefore the total area added is:
Area added=3Г—1/9
Therefore, to find the area of snowflake n=1, these two area ratios must be multiplied by the area
of the original triangle at n=0.
љ3/4 (1+1/3)
For snowflake n=2, twelve additional triangles are added onto the initial triangle, with side lengths
of 1/9. Consequently, the area of each of these triangle is 1/81 of the original triangles.
Therefore the total area added is:
Area added=12Г—1/81
Therefore, to find the area of snowflake n=2, this area ratio, as well as the previous two, must be
multiplied by the area of the original triangle at n=0.
љ3/4 (1+1/3+4/27)
At n=3, following the previous pattern:
48 triangles with side length 1/81, and area 1/729 are added.
Area added=48Г—1/729
Therefore, to find the area of snowflake n=3, this area ratio, as well as the previous three, must be
multiplied by the area of the original triangle at n=0.
љ3/4 (1+1/3+4/27+16/243)
A_n Data Table
IterationAn n=0 в€
љ3/4 n=1 в€
љ3/3 n=2 (10в€
љ3)/27 n=3 (94в€
The area ratios being added in each iteration yields a pattern:
1/3,4/27,16/243...= 4^((1) 1)/3^(2(1) 1)
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Defining American Culture
Defining American and American Culture
After reading passages, short stories, a novel, and listening to class lectures, I have learned that
American really means whatever we truly want it to mean, in terms of how we want to define
ourselves as people and a country. Personally, I feel as though American can be defined as having
the right to speaking, writing, and acting in a way that we wish without being hindered, of course
within reason. Our country is based on freedom and how we have rights as Americans. Another
interesting term that ties in with American is the term American culture. Within this short essay, I
will define American culture; discuss an important point and example of how Emerson influenced
Whitman; and finally, a point about how the culture of Native Americans and the diversity of the
tribes can tie in with American culture.
To begin, I think that the question must be asked What is American culture? Is there one absolute
definition to American culture? Personally, I connect this definition to my definition of American. I
believe American culture is what we want it to be. Our country is built on diversity and
immigration, this is our foundation. The country began with Native ... Show more content on ...
While Walt Whitman was trying to start a writing career, he attended a lecture held by Emerson;
Emerson s lecture was about how we as Americans need to start our own ways of writing because
we focus too much on European style (Permenter). Take a look at Whitman and everything that he
accomplished. Although he was not the first American poet, he was one of the first famous
American poets. His Leaves of Grass represented a revolutionary departure in American literature
(2992), meaning that the poem and its ideas were new to the Americans. He also opened the field of
American and ultimately of modern poetry (2992). Whitman s actions are truly what American and
American culture stands
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Essay On Remy s Marxist Ladder Of Social Hierarchy
Remy s Marxist Ladder of Social Hierarchy The original Pixar film Ratatouille, entails a marxist
centered motif in which maps out Remy s desire and passion for climbing the social ladder; in
order to reach the success of being a chef in the most popular restaurant and become apart of the
higher social classwhere the humans thrive. Remy s family is a mischief of rats who are depicted
as the lower class. The sewer, being a perfect place to depict the slums is where the rats live and
as the lower class (stereotypically) steals in order to make ends meet. Remy was born with the gift
of acute smelling that automatically put on a pedestal over everyone in the colony and is given the
most important job in the which is to check the foodfor poison.... Show more content on ...
This can be exemplified during a conversation between Remy and his Father Don t you feel
better Remy? You ve helped a noble cause! Noble? We re thieves Dad. Remy s family does not
believe in his passion of cooking, though Remy s immense smelling capabilities give him the
advantage of being a spectacular cook. Because his family does not believe in him, he leads
danger to his colony causing a mass exodus of his colony. Because he is then given the
opportunity to be on his own, Remy gathers a cookbook and heads on his own way. Adventuring
through the tunnels where he endured the more dangerous of obstacles and facing near
starvation. Upon exit of the tunnel, Remy stumbles upon a ladder (the ladder to the surface). The
ladder represents the economic ladder of progress and Remy s advancement from the lower class
to the middle class (the middle class being the world above the sewers and the people living
above) just by taking the first steps toward his goals. Further proving and concluding that marxism
is relevant throughout Ratatouille comes from the critic of the restaurant Anton Ego. Ego, is
represented as the upper class in the social economic ladder in the movie. Ego is rather violent and
critical, as
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Essay Comparing Beowulf And Obama
What Characteristics do you think about when you describe a hero? Usually people think about
selflessness, Bravery, and Confidence. A person doesn t have to have superpowers, super strength,
or the ability to fly to be a hero. One Modern day hero is President Barack Obama the 44th
President of America and also the first African American President. Like President Obama, Beowulf
Leader of the Geat warriors he is headsmart and a strong leader. Although The two heros Live in
two different time periods and only on is a warrior. Beowulf and President Obama are both
Courageous. Both Beowulf and President Obama are heros of their eras. The birth of Beowulf s
epic after the fall of the western Roman Empire to Germanic tribes in the 5th century AD ,
Europe entered a chaotic period.[page.31] During this time period Europe needed a strong
warrior, and Beowulf rose to the Occasion. Before President Obama was elected as President in
2008 America was in a lot of dept and the unemployment rate was high.... Show more content on ...
Both Beowulf and President Obama are courageous in many ways. Beowulf deplays countless acts
of being courageous throughout the whole poem. His first act of courage was when he travel to
Harot to fight Grendel and his mother. He leaped into the lake, would not wait for anyone s
answer.[450] He didn t have to do that he could have not helped or ran away when attacked like
a coward like his soldiers. Much like Beowulf President Obama showed countless acts of courage
throughout his presidency. He didn t have to go against the odds and run for president but he
did. He also didn t have to openly support gay marriage and Remove the don t ask don t tell act in
the Military. Beowulf showed more acts of courage when he fought a dragon at 70 years old. I ve
never known fear, as a youth I fought in endless battles. I am old now but I will still fight again.[7
9] Even though he was killed because of it he showed no
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Essay Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a condition that affects thousands of people each year. An estimated
764,000 children and adults are afflicted with one or more symptoms of CP. Around 8,000
infants and babies are diagnosed each year and 1,200 1,500 preschool age children are recognized
with symptoms of CP ( This condition is caused by abnormal development of areas
of the brain that control movement and posture ( It can also be caused by damage to
the brain (usually because of head injury during the birthing process) or diseases/infections the
mother has during pregnancy such as German measles, rubella, bacterial meningitis, or viral
encephalitis. Other risk factors may be the loss of too much oxygen during birth... Show more
content on ...
It can be quite difficult for the patient to use the muscles needed for speech; this is called
dysarthria ( A lesser known type of CP that affects 5 10% of patients is called
ataxic CP ( This form affects the patients sense of balance leaving them with poor
coordination. It is difficult for them to move quickly or make specific movements. Writing and
buttoning their own shirt can be a difficult task for people with ataxic CP. A tremor in the body
part they are attempting to use can be present as well. CP can also be present as a mixed form.
This means the patient can have a combination of each of the previous forms. There are many
challenges that come with being diagnosed with any type of cerebral palsy. Children with CP may
have a problem controlling the muscles in their mouth. Things we take for granted such as eating
and talking can be very difficult for children with CP. They may need assistance eating and may
use other forms of communication. Problems with breathing can also affect the child s ability to
speak. Some children with CP also have seizures or convulsions. This can be a result of abnormal
brain activity. These seizures can completely interrupt their activity. They can stare off in space or
lose complete control of their body. Medication is prescribed to those that need it. Children with
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The American Jim Crow Laws And South African Apartheid
As a result of racial segregation in both the United States and South Africa, the coloured people s
resistance escalated. In truth, this time of division strengthened nationalism their weapon that
[transformed their] common suffering into hope for the future (Mandela, Notes to the Future 2012,
84). Moreover, the American Jim Crow Laws and South African apartheid led to discrimination,
activism, reform and most importantly reconciliation.
In both America and South Africa, the schism between Africans and their government worsened.
Even though both nations gained independence from Britain, the colonial mindset was persistent
and continued to victimize other races. Despite the Emancipation Proclamation ending slavery, the
United States Congress passed the Jim Crow Laws. In other words, these laws ensured that blacks
. . . had more in common with African American slaves . . . than with the [Caucasian
businessmen] (Bausum 2012, 19). Similarly, South Africa s National Party in 1948 legalized
apartheid South Africa s brand of segregation. More specifically, these laws isolated races into
separate buildings and enforced racial purity. To make matters worse, segregation ensnared
coloured people in poverty by depriving them of quality government services. For instance, in both
countries intermarriage was a crime. Also, the African American garbage men received insufficient
salaries that [were] based on their garbage routes rather than an hourly wage (Bausum 2012, 14). In
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Research Paper On Osteopathy
who we treat adults
Uk osteopaths provide over 8 million consultations a year for problems like those opposite. Our
patients come from all walks of life and all age groups, the most numerous are those in sedentary
occupations and light to heavy manual work.
It is estimated that 1 in 3 people will experience low back pain at some time in their life, thats
more than 80% of the adult population. It is one of the most common reasons why people take
time off work, it is often debilitating, distressing and frustrating as ones quality of life suffers.
Most cases are classified as simple back pain where serious underlying pathology is unlikely and
will improve over 6 weeks. Many people don t don t need to see a doctor, and may instead seek
help from an osteopath or manual therapist. In the UK some 60 % of osteopathic treatments are for
low back pain ... Show more content on ...
As the first complimentary medicine to obtain government recognition, osteopaths are governed
and regulated by the General Osteopathic Council.
Osteopathy is the diagnosis and treatment of the body which encompasses all muscles, ligaments
and joints. Osteopathic treatment is safe and effective, treatment is usually gentle and often quick
to help, we aim to treat the symptoms, help find out what is causing the problem and give advice to
prevent it recurring in the future.
Osteopaths treat the person rather than specific conditions,
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Oppression Of Gender Roles In Wonder Woman By Christian Stoic
Like I previously mentioned, the genre of action and adventure is so diverse, and there are so
many heroines and female characters, it is hard to argue that women in action roles strictly have a
negative impact on female viewers. Also, it would be completely inappropriate to argue that
women in lead action roles have no positive impacts on femaleviewers. As society continues to
advance, female heroines are also evolving and moving further away from the traditionally
hypersexualized characters. Instead, these heroines are easier for women to identify with, they are
extremely strong and independent female leads, and they are dressed more practically
/appropriately. A few examples of these new age action heroines include Jessica Jones, Alicia
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I believe that there is still a lot of work that needs to be done when it comes to female heroines,
and I hope that in time (sooner rather than later) these women heroines will serve strictly to
empower and inspire women of all ages. One reason that these heroines are sexualized and
dumbed down more often than not might be due to the lack of equality in terms of male and
female directors. In an article written by Yohana Desta, it states that There are about 23.8 male
directors for every female director (Desta 2017), and also that Women were more likely to direct
dramas, and less likely to direct science fiction or action films which are, imperatively, often the
most successful and lucrative genres in the business (Desta 2017). Since these lead female roles
are written and created mainly by men and not women, they are more aimed at a male audience.
This is most likely why these women s bodies are focused on more than making these characters
into well rounded heroines that could serve to inspire women. I believe that in order to transition
from these heroines negatively impacting females, to these heroines serving to empower women,
there first needs to be an increase in the number of female directors in Hollywood. I also feel that
male directors should use women such as Jessica Jones or the
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Essay On Afghanistan Beyond 2014. Online assignment writing service.
Essay On Afghanistan Beyond 2014. Online assignment writing service.
Essay On Afghanistan Beyond 2014. Online assignment writing service.
Essay On Afghanistan Beyond 2014. Online assignment writing service.
Essay On Afghanistan Beyond 2014. Online assignment writing service.

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  • 1. Essay On Afghanistan Beyond 2014 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay On Afghanistan Beyond 2014 Essay On Afghanistan Beyond 2014
  • 2. Wayne State Essay Introduction Arriving to campus on time has usually been an issue for commuting Canadian students. This is not only a problem for them, but Wayne State is also affected in the process. With students arriving late, there would be missed lectures and barely any work done. In turn, Wayne State s reputation as a school is affected negatively as these commuters would start considering switching to other schools. In fact, some high school graduates from Canada would not even think about attending classes at Wayne State due to its lack of an uncomplicated transportation system. The main purpose of this report is to help Wayne State figure out a way to implement an alternative means of transportation to the current one these students are using, which is using two buses. Currently, using the tunnel and city buses causes unnecessary delays for the students and makes them arrive to class either really late or the minute it starts. By making transportation easier for them, it would. However, Wayne State must decide on the method of transportation they could use in order to help their Canadian students. The proposed solutions in this document was developed from information obtained via research, such as, but not limited to, student surveying. Research Methods In order to compile this report, I... Show more content on ... For instance, creating a travel agency might seem like a good idea; however, it is highly unlikely that Wayne State would be able to implement this system because buses are usually run by the city. That leaves the other two ideas. Creating an app like Uber might be possible because unlike buses, cars are not run by the city. As for creating an online carpooling system, it is also very likely that Wayne State could do this because other good schools have done it, such as Oklahoma State University and the University of ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Euripedes Hippolytus Euripides Hippolytus Artemis informative speech to Hippolytus not only displays the dramatic irony present throughout the play, but also solidifies many predominant themes present during the play. This passage summarizes the entire play as Artemis describes the plans of the characters, going on to blame Phaedra, the Nurse, Aphrodite, and Theseus. (Halleran, 276) Through Artemis passage (Euripides, 1283 1312), the truth about Phaedra and Hippolytus, unknown and misunderstood by Theseus, finally surfaces. As Artemis reveals the plot to Theseus in the passage, the themes of honour and relationship between man and god are evident. Hippolytus relationship with the goddesses Artemis and Aphrodite, along with his honour and pride, are ... Show more content on ... Artemis recognizes Phaedra s nobility and honour, telling Theseus she came also for, ...[his] wife s frenzied lust, or in a way, / nobility. (Euripides, 1300 1301) Artemis recognizes Phaedra s concern to maintain her reputation, as well as her struggle to fight off the emotional attachment to Hippolytus instilled in her by the goddess Aphrodite. Relationships between gods and mortals are vital to Greek culture. Hippolytus, as strongly devoted as he is to the goddess Artemis, fails to show respect to the goddess of sexuality, Aphrodite. Aphrodite initially describes Hippolytus as, an arrogant young man who should be punished for his contempt for [Aphrodite s] world. (Halleran, 274) His constant disrespect of the goddess results in Aphrodite s scheme to ultimately get Hippolytus killed. Although Hippolytus has the support of the goddess Artemis, Aphrodite s scheme to have Hippolytus killed ultimately triumphs, relating the play to Greek culture, implying the gods ultimately decide all mortals fate. Another god who impacts the life of Hippolytus is Poseidon, father of Theseus. Poseidon grants Theseus three wishes, and does Theseus well by fulfilling the curse Theseus wishes for his son; the curse of death. Evidently, Poseidon, although knowing Theseus may be making a decision he will regret, grants Theseus his wish, representing the strong relationship between Theseus and Poseidon. The relationships ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Social Media s Effects On Body Image Social Media s Effects on Body Image Throughout the recent decades, people have been obsessing more and more over their bodies and physical appearances. In the mainstream media, people described as attractive are the ones with thin figures, long hair, and perfect complexions (Media s Influence on Beauty). If one is pleasing to the eye, one is accepted in society. However, the standards that social media is placing on body image today is becoming a big controversy. The media is responsible for creating the epitome of beauty and the perfect body image. Images portrayed by the media tend to make people strive to be someone else s idea of perfect while subconsciously ignoring their own goals (The Media and Body Image). People are suffering... Show more content on ... People have become so unhappy about their bodies that they have turned to the only possible quick solution, which is plastic surgery. The AAFPRS survey found a 31% increase over the previous year in the number of requests motivated by prospective patients concerns about how they appear on social media (Sass). Sometimes it s not even that people want to change their bodies because of an ideal mental image they have of themselves, but because they want to change to look more like someone else. Images of celebrities are influencing people to want to change their bodies because they want to have features that are more similar to theirs. In the New York Times article Looking Good on Facebook: Social media Leads to Spikes in Plastic Surgery Requests it is mentioned that plastic surgeons say women want arms like Michelle Obama, and Kate Middleton s nose is the most requested facial features among plastic surgeries in the U.K (Sifferlin). There has also been an increase in teenagers undergoing cosmetic procedures. Dr. Richard Ellenbogen, CEO of Beverly Hill Body, tells People website that the increase in teen plastic surgeries is directly related to the surgery of the stars of their reality shows, and the acceptance of cosmetic procedures on social media (Olay). Plastic surgery is becoming more popular because it is the only ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Shaffer Chimere Smith Biography Even though there are many Famous Arkansans, I choose a person that was one of the most successful songwriters and artists of the 2000s. He released three albums, all which went platinum in the United States. He sings R B. He can sing really good. His name is Shaffer Chimere Smith ( Ne Yo ). He was born October 18. 1982, in Camden, Arkansas. His parents are Lorraine and Shaffer Smith. Shaffer was an only child. He wrote his first song at age five. His parents split apart, and he relocated to Las Vegas, Nevada, with his mother. He went to Rancho High School in North Las Vegas, Nevada. He entered the scene as one part of an R B group called Envy but the band parted in 2000 (Mihalka). Shaffer recorded a full length album for Columbia Records under the performing name of Shaffer, but it was never released. The nickname Ne Yo was given to him by producer Deon Evans. He felt that Smith saw music the same way that the character Neo saw the intricacies... Show more content on ... He is married to Crystal Renay. He has three kids. Two with his ex fiancee, Monyetta Shaw. They are Mason Evan, his four year old son, and Madilyn Grace, his five year old daughter. He is an R B singer. He is married to Crystal Renay and has a son named Shaffer Chimere Smith Jr., he is just a few months old. He won the Soul Train Music Award for Best New Artist 2007, BET Award for Best Male R B/Pop Artist in 2007 and again in 2009, Grammy Award for Best Contemporary R B Album in 2008, Grammy Award for Best Male R B Vocal Performance and Soul Train Music Award for Best Collaboration both in 2009, and Billboard Music Award for Top Radio Song in 2012. Shaffer was also in a few movies. (Mihalka). Shaffer is still alive today. He takes care of his children and his wife. He sings with a lot of singers from this age in time. Shaffer Chimere Smith is an R B singer from the 2000 s, he has three kids, one wife, and went platinum in the United ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Prosecution Intimidation And Witness Intimidation There are many reasons victims do no want to testify in court. Legal cynicism and witness intimidation are a couple of the top reasons. One reason I feel is overlooked is witness intimidation. Witness Intimidation is when threats are made by defendants to discourage victims or witnesses of a crime from reporting or testifying. (Connick and Davis 439) If a victimfeels threatened, they often become hesitant to testify sometimes even to report the crime. With the right incentives, victims and witnesses would be more likely to participate in the process of testifying against a defendant. Witness intimidation happens in many forms, such as: looks, threats of violence, physical violence, property damage, etc. If you commit a crime, you will ... Show more content on ... These programs are still new in the eyes of the justice system. Victims and witnesses receiving help were more likely to appear when summoned than those who had not been aided. (Neubauer and Fradella 236) Victims who are testifying against a defendant are authorized to receive protection, whether inside or outside of court. There are services provided to protect the victims or witnesses. When waiting in the courtroom, they are entitled to a special waiting room, away and out of sight from the defendant and the defendant s friends and family. By separating the defendant from the victims and witnesses, it lessens the change of intimidation within the courtroom. Even victims and witnesses that are incarcerated have the option and availability to be separated from others to keep them safe. By separating from certain groups, gangs are not able to finish hits on a victim or witness. Another way to keep a victim or witness in testifying is ensuring that everyone coming in and out of the courthouse will be on video surveillance. By taping everyone coming into the courthouse, hopefully it would discourage any intimidation within the courthouse. Also by having surveillance, it would give the victims and witnesses a sense of security, knowing that anybody coming near them in the courthouse is on camera. One program to motivate victims to participate in testifying helps with compensating the victims or witnesses. During the process of the trial and even before when ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Taxation Law TAXATION LAW WRITTEN GROUP ASSIGNMENT PART A ISSUE 1: Is Andy a resident of Australia for the purpose of income tax? RULE: S6 (1) ITAA 36 definition of resident There are four alternative tests helping to decide whether a person is a resident of Australia or not. An individual needs to satisfy at least one test to prove residency. (1) Common Law test; (2) Domicile test; (3) 183 day test; (4) Superannuation test APPLICATION: (1) Common Law test According to ordinary concepts of resident , an individual should satisfy the Common Law test . In this particular case, Andy spends the last three years working in Thailand, having signed a contract with a Canadian company in Australia, which doesn t fulfill ... Show more content on ... (3) 183 day test The 183 day test is satisfied when a person who has actually been in Australia, continuously or intermittently, during more than one half of the year of income. In the given case, Andy spent most of the year working in Thailand and he only got back to meet his family in Australia one month every three months. Therefore, he does not satisfy this test. (4) Superannuation test As there is no sufficient information regarding Andy s superannuation, the test is not applicable here. CONCLUSION:
  • 8. As can be concluded by the above test and analysis, Andy satisfies the Common Law test and Domicile test. Even though the 183 day test is not satisfied and the superannuation test is not applicable, we can still be sure that Andy can be considered as a resident for the purpose of income tax assessment. ISSUE 2: How should Andy s salary and investment income be taxed? RULE: S6 5 (2) if you are an Australian resident, your assessable income includes the ordinary income you derived directly or indirectly from all sources, whether in or out of Australia, during the income year. S6 10 (4) if you are an Australian resident, your assessable income includes your statutory income from all sources, whether in or out of Australia. S4 1 and S4 10 ITAA97: Income tax = (taxable income * rate) tax offset Where taxable income = assessable income deductions APPLICATION: Both the income of ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Describe The Role Of Economic Sanctions In The United States This paper focuses on economic sanctions target selection. It specifically examines which factors include United States decision to impose economic sanctions. Sanctions are penalties levied against another country, or individuals within a country. They are an instrument of national foreign policy designed to apply economic pressure against their target in order to changes the target state s behaviors or polices. Sanctions represent a wide variety of policy tools available for use as part of a carrot and stick approach to international relations. As a distinct foreign policy tool, sanctions exist within multiple categories. The number of countries imposing a sanction defines one category. Unilateral sanctions are those imposed by a single country against a target. Multilateral sanctions are those imposed by a group of countries, either in concert or represented by an international institution, against another country. Sanctions imposed by the United Statesagainst another country represent the former, while United Nations sanctions illustrate the latter category. Although multilateral sanctions pose less risk for the implementing countries or body since no... Show more content on ... Export sanctions block goods from entering into a targeted country, and import sanctions block goods from leaving. Export sanction generally have less impact than import sanctions against a country. Five primary forms of economic sanctions fit within these two types: tariffs, quotas, embargoes, non tariff barriers, and asset seizure. Tariffs represent taxes on imported goods from the targeted county, and quotes limited the quantity of imported or exported goods from a that country. Embargoes restrict or prevent trade between countries, and non tariff barriers are import restrictions that raises costs without being a specific tax. Finally, asset seizures prevent country or individual assets from transfer or ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Parodies of Victorian Lifestyle Essay Parodies of Victorian Lifestyle in Adventures in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found It is no accident that the grotesque style in literature tends to be prevalent in eras marked by radical change and stress. Such was the Victorian period, within which a whirl of social, economic, and religious change took place . . . (Chang par. 2). This distorted writing can be unquestionably seen in the works of Lewis Carroll, namely his world famous pieces, Alice s Adventures in Wonderlandand Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There (commonly known as Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass ). In several instances throughout the Alice books, Carroll mocks Victorian lifestyle. These... Show more content on ... Accepted norms now seem foreign to Alice, and in many ways she becomes an outcast (Polisner par. 3). Carroll is mocking the Victorians because with every new thing that Alice learns, they seem to cancel out her past lessons. Since Victorians were so concerned with learning more about themselves and the world around them, they came to be great inventors; they were the first to invent to create solutions to problems and better themselves. Alice realizes the fruitlessness of the White Knight s inventions upon discovering the mousetrap on his horse s back. In response to this, she remarks, it isn t very likely there would be any mice on a horse s back Not very likely, perhaps, said the Knight; but if they do come, I don t choose to have them running all about (Through the Looking Glass ch. 8). Instead of making like simpler, the solutions to the Knight s problems create more problems. I see you re admiring my little box, the Knight said in a friendly tone. It s my own invention to keep clothes and sandwiches in. You see I carry it upside down, so that the rain ca n t get in. But the things can get out, Alice gently remarked. Do you know the lid s open? (Through the Looking Glass ch. 8). The title of the chapter, It s My Own Invention , suggests that Lewis Carroll is making a mockery of Victorian inventions. This also holds true because of the repetitive use of the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Rene Descartes Dreaming Argument Essay Dreaming Argument Dreaming is something we all are subject to. Every night when we lay down in our beds we dream, now whether or not we can remember our dreams is a different story. Dreams can be very realistic and they have been speculated and researched but we know little about our dreams, what they mean, and the sensations or feelings they provide for us. As far as we know dreaming is our unconscious mind acting out desires, possibly because we cannot do them or experience those events in our waking life. Since dreaming is so under researched and we know little about it, it has been speculated by many people. Rene Descartes go in depth on this subject and his ideas on what dreaming is arguing that we cannot distinguish the difference between being awake and being asleep. That is a very bold statement and put in a seemingly simplistic way, recorded in his first meditations. What Descartes does is challenge our preconceived notions of dreaming and puts us in the frame of mind to answer for ourselves if we are dreaming right now or are we actually experiencing reality. Descartes makes us come face to face with the reality that we actually don t know if we are dreaming. His claims that we may be dreaming is a well known philosophical argument in the Western world and I hope to discover the truth behind his argument and shed light on how I perceive his philosophy on the dreaming world. I will shed light on this dream argument by interpreting what Descartes says, other ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Sara Lee Corporation Essay Sara Lee Corporation (Case study) 1. Executive Summary This case study provides an evaluation of Sara Lee Corporation and particularly its operations of product lines available through the Wal Mart stores. To begin with, an effective SWOT analysis of the company was conducted where strengths and opportunities are identified while addressing possible threats and improving its weaknesses to avoid giving the competition an aggressive advantage. Marketing requires effective identification of issues as a key factor in devising the best methods of addressing them. Therefore, Kirk Nelson identifies the BasicHipster style to be a major problem in the market because it was not doing well. Effective establishment of the best ... Show more content on ... Threats Notably, Sara Lee had one key threat to its operation in its Wal Mart Account, the Fruit of the Loom brand. Global competition was fast emerging in regions such as Eastern Europe, South East Asia and the Middle East powered by technology and cheap labor. Due to this global atmosphere, Fruit of the Loom rose as the main competition in the underwear category (Case 426). 4. Case Analysis Sara Lee Wal Mart account division analysis was the most effective at marketing as it provided a crosscutting evaluation of the product s performance. Kirk Nelson was deeply involved in generating the most recent information before meeting his boss (Case p.425). As a result, it acted as a critical organization in promoting sales at the stores at low prices and sustainable supplies (Case 427). As a result, this relationship promoted the internal sales at Wal Mart while creating the needed impression in other external Sara Lee branches. In addition to that, the corporation had an effective supply from its widespread supply chain by maintaining distribution centers for its products (Case 427). To ensure that the products, promotion, and pricing were perfect, the analysts recommendations were subjected to extra scrutiny and further refinement. This reduced possible cannibalization and provided more effective recommendations on aspects such as replacements of less performing products. Even after analyzing the ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Analysis Of Judith Ortiz Cofer s First Love People change and grow through their experiences and conflicts. For example, just 2 years ago I was a sixth grader. There was a lot more homework than I ever had in my non accelerated / magnet elementary school. I had to work harder and for longer hours, but as a result, I was much more mature and knowledgeable. I improved my work habits and increased my concentration. In Judith Ortiz Cofer s First Love , a 14 year old girl is in love with a high school senior. She does everything she can to try to see him more often. At the end, she thinks she learns the true meaning of love. In Richard Wright s The Street , a boy has to go shopping for food, but he is constantly stopped by a gang who beats him up. At the end, he beats up the gang with a stick his mother gave him because he had to to return home. In both The Street by Richard Wright and First Love by Judith Ortiz Cofer, the characters start out as shy and naive, but end up as aware and wiser as a result of their respective conflicts. For example, in First Love , the main character (the author) was very naive. She didn t know much about love, and was lovesick. This is shown in the second paragraph, where she states, I fell in love, or my hormones awakened from their long slumber in my body, and suddenly the goal of my days was focused on one thing: to catch a glimpse of my secret love. This shows she was lovesick because her only goal changed from school to love. She is naive due to the fact that her priorities are ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Values Of Interpretive Communities Interpretive communities have lasting effects on the lives of the people within them, changing the way they think about situations that they may face. Many people go through multiple interpretive communities during the day, for example, a student goes through the student body, to multiple classes, to extracurricular activities, and finally they reach their families. All of the different interpretive communities someone is a part of will help shape their personalities as they grow up. I have been a part of many different communities as I have grown up, but the one that has influenced my life the most has been the junior bowling program that I have been a part of for about fifteen years. The values that this group shares, shines through the children... Show more content on ... Personal experiences can help shape the bowler or coach in the community, giving them different personalities and bowling styles. When asked, Boudreau states that, Failure itself pushes you back at the time, but allows you to grow and become better in the long run. Her failures are a push for her, she strives to become a better bowler and a better person after she is forced to pick herself up from a failed attempt. When Boudreau is faced with a failure she spends the next week or so working on a specific technique so she knows how to use it again in the future. Failures bring a different meaning to Strehle, my failures don t bother me too much, but if I failed because I missed a ten pin, then I will practice a few more ten pins the next day . Failure brings them both to practicing and making themselves better, but each person goes about doing so in different ways. My past coaches and teammates, both good and bad have taught me what it means to be a bowler (Strehle). Both coaches and players alike influence his game and make him stronger as both a coach and a bowler himself. I learn from the good and take from the not so good (Strehle). Strehle explains that as a coach in particular, he has learned from many different people, his father, for example, an amazing coach, inducted into multiple coaching hall of fames, has shown Strehle the person he strives to become. On the other note, Strehle also says he has encountered coaches in his career that have shown him exactly who he does not want to be, and traits he does not want to have. You can learn just as much from a bad coach as you can a good one both coaches will teach you skills that will help you better yourself (Strehle). A hands on, more aggressive coach may have me more willing to try new things, whereas a laid back coach may make me ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Environmental And Environmental Challenges In The... The aquaculture industry has been plagued issues such as water pollution, fish disease outbreaks, destruction of coastal habitat and escapes that have tarnished its reputation and stimulated significant backlash against the industry. In response, the industry turned to placing marine farming systems miles offshore, in deeper waters with large currents to reduce the environmental risks associated with conventional aquaculture. Studies have shown when cited properly with adequate flushing rates, offshore aquaculture operations left a neutral nutrient impact on the water column and had diminished water and benthic pollution. By producing fishin less polluted marine environments, offshore operations can improve the quality of the product, improve market access, and increase profit. However, offshore aquaculture still faces a number of sustainability challenges that jeopardizes the ecological and economical integrity of the sector. Fish Escapes Although offshore systems are designed to prevent any escape events, it cannot be guaranteed that escape will never occur as the sector expands to commercial and industrial scales, even with the risk of massive escape events caused by extreme weather events are mitigated as submersible cages are able to withstand and avoid storms. Escapes can occur from human error during cage maintenance and harvesting, from collision of ships, and vandalism. Escaped fish can cause potential harm to the marine ecosystem and native species by ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Ritual Of Fast Food Analysis Liliana Ramos January 25, 2017 Mr. Coley ENG 112 013L Critical Reading The Ritual of Fast Food / American Idol Worship / Why Vampires Never Die Critical Reading ComponentThe Ritual of Fast Food American Idol Worship Why Vampires Never Die Purpose Why were the essays written? What was hoped readers gain? The essay was written to show how ordinary people have become because they rather go to the same destination that has become more of a second home than elsewhere. The customers rather be satisfied with convenience than with health.The essay was written to inform the reader why American Idol gets so much attention. It was written to show the beginning of future heroes and to connect across the states many who identify with ... Show more content on ... However, it is all just an image the public either ignores or is oblivion to. By saying home away from home it shows how the public has become so dependent even in times at home with the family. There are commercials on TV or phones that only anticipate the next visit. The author shows how these chains have love for children and provides a safe and clean environment.The whole essay is written an in informal manner to apply to a younger audience. A young audience that craves attention overall and does not worry much about the economic or political aspect that usually ties with the word revolution. He also went back and forth to first, second and third person throughout this essay. It adds to the purpose because he is connecting in a personal level while also painting a bigger picture. The authors do an excellent job in showing how vampires are much like the human. They adapt as the human evolves through the scientific evolution. The vampire is as flexible and polyvalent as ever It shows how the vampire arose from imagination yet without it, it would be difficult to remind oneself that there are other things in the world unexplainable and unknown to the human ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The United States President Should Not Be Limited Thesis: Should the United States President be Limited to the Terms of Service in Office? In this paper, I will argue that the United States president should not be limited to two terms in office. The rational for two terms has been to prevent abuse of power. My argument is based on the benefits of unlimited presidential terms and the hindrance of limited terms on the United States economy. An important element to consider is the role democracy plays on presidential terms and elections. The respect of human rights is a significant attribute in a democratic environment and economy. Democracy allows the rights of citizens to be respected, such as an individual s speech, religion or ethnicity. In a democratic economy every citizen has the... Show more content on ... In 1947 Senator Claude argued I think our people are to be safely trusted with their own destiny. This is exactly what democracy gives the people of United States, a sense of security that the power to select their leader is in their hands. If the people are limited in how many terms the can elect a president, does that not defeat the purpose of democracy? Or if anything conflicts with the sole aim of democracy giving power to the people. Senator Claude also said We do not need to protect the American people with a prohibition against a president whom they do not wish to elect; and if they wanted to elect him, have we the right to deny them the power? The answer to that statement should be no, because a democratic government should not reflect any characteristics of a totalitarian government whatsoever. And denying the people their wish who they wish to elect only reflects that. Why prevent a presidential administration from reelection if the rate of effectiveness is high and beneficial to the economy? When elected in to office each president brings for an agenda, which is a list of adequacies to improve the country. Some Presidents successfully accomplished their intended goal at the end of their presidential term, some appear to be completely unsuccessful. And others leave the presidential office with a completely effective plan that appears to die because they cannot recomplete for the presidential sit and the newly ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Synthesis And Fabrication Of Conductive Polymers Essay Abstract Conductive polymers have promising applications in the field of tissue engineering as tissue scaffolds. Many tissue types respond favorably to electrical stimulation, because of this conductive polymers can be used for the regeneration of damaged tissue. This review will focus on the synthesis and fabrication of conductive polymers as well as their applications in tissue engineering. Introduction All cells exhibit some form of electrical excitability, from voltage gated ion channels to muscle contractions and heart beats electromagnetic fields are critical to the basic functions of life. Galvani famously showed in 1794 that a frog leg will contract when touched with the cut sciatic nerve of the other leg.This scientific breakthrough led to extensive research of electromagnetism within organisms. Electromagnetic fields have been found to affect a variety of biological processes including angiogenesis, cell division, cell signaling, nerve sprouting, prenatal development, and wound healing [1]. Only in recent decades with the development of molecular and cellular technology has the link between cell biology and bioelectricity been discovered [2]. This growth in understanding has led to the development of a variety of electrically conductive devices for uses in biomedical engineering. Devices that use electrical stimulation that have already been approved by the FDA include the pacemaker, deep brain stimulators and vagal nerve stimulators [1]. Conductive ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Things They Carried Theme The Things They Carried Theme In The Things They Carried, the reader will learn a lot about the thoughts and emotions of the soldiers. The author will discuss what they think and do to not look weak or scared. They carried their reputations. They carried the soldier s greatest fear, which was the fear of blushing. Men killed, and died, because they were too embarrassed not to (O Brien,21).The soldiers fear being seen as weak or dishonorable by their fellow soldiers and families. Soldiers fear the feeling of embarrassing other soldiers and their families. Most of the soldiers in this book did not want to go to war, they were drafted. Many soldiers wanted to flee, but the thought of running away from this problem scared them more than ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Lincoln and the Republicans The Civil War was a war that was fought over the civil and humane treatment of every person, regardless of their outward appearances. It left a scathing scar on the nation After the atrocities that were suffered in the Civil war, the nation need a way to heal it s wounds and unite again. Lincoln had a battle of his own to fight within the congress for the Reconstruction of the nation, While Lincoln believed that the south had suffered enough and had a long road to recovery, the radical republicans wanted to punish the south. They believed that the act of secession by the southern states was treason and the penalties should be strict. Lincoln s plan was amiable and compassionate. He wanted to unite the states swiftly with little... Show more content on ... Lastly, according to Johnson, any finances that had been borrowed for the cause of fighting could not be repaid. Both of the positions on Reconstruction are not without merit. Each one wanted a pledge of unity from the Confederacy to ensure that secession would not happen. The country would not survive another separation. The republican also had a respectable view in that the country was formed as the United States of America. Yet, the south seceded when they felt threatened. Their proposals were harsh with good reasoning to back it as if the majority of a state agrees then there is less chance of the state seceding or not keeping the oaths that were made. Lincoln just wanted the country to get the country going again quickly because it had practically ground to a halt because of the war. Little did Lincoln know that the battle for the freedmen would continue for generations. Works Cited Chapter 22: The Ordeal of Reconstruction. (n.d.). AP Studynotes. Retrieved November 17, 2010, from history/topics/presidential and congressional reconstruction plans/ Chapter 22: The Ordeal of Reconstruction | (n.d.). :: US History Notes, Guides, Practice Tests. Retrieved November 20, 2010, from Ironclad oath Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved November 20, 2010, from ... Get more on ...
  • 21. What Is A New Unknown Place Essay Life in a new, unknown place can seem scary. It might be somewhere you have dreamt about going to for quite some time... Or it might be somewhere you have suddenly found yourself due to unavoidable circumstances. No matter where you are or what journey you re on, you want to feel comfortable and accepted by the people you have never met and don t yet know anything about. For me, I was nervous about how I might mesh in this little country of Belize. But I quickly found this country s perfect icebreaker. It s simple and doesn t cost a dime. It s just a smile. You may want to add a good morning, good afternoon, or good evening. But, the most important part is the smile. If you ever find yourself in Belize, try it. I know it sounds silly, but it really does work. I guarantee you will get one right back in return (if you re not treated to one first). I have come to learn ... Show more content on ... A year later I returned to Belize on my own heading to an area I knew nothing about. I had been invited to relocate to Punta Gorda on the southern coast of Belize on the Caribbean Sea. Again, I was in a new, unknown place, looking to feel comfortable among new people from many cultures. Many of the residents of this town are of Garifuna and Ketchi Mayan origins, Chinese or East Indian populations run most stores, plus, there are Mennonites and expats from all over the world in every little corner of Belize. Even in this great contrast of cultures it didn t take long at all for me to feel at home. Within a day of my arrival I was walking to town, greeted with smiles and a pleasant, Good morning, mummy, from each child I passed. One young man offered to help me navigate the rocky road I was exploring. Storekeepers bid me a good morning as I entered their shops sincerely, not just paying lip service as most store keeps do back home. The townspeople, recognizing that I was a stranger, came up, introduced themselves, and asked if I needed help to find anything or any ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs) Essay Prion diseases or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are a family of rare progressive neurodegenerative disorders that affect both humans and animals. They are distinguished by long incubation periods, characteristic spongiform changes associated with neuronal loss, and a failure to induce inflammatory response. The proteinaceous infectious particles, prionwas identified by an American neurologist Stanley B. Prusiner and colleagues in 1982derived from the words proteinand infection (Stanley B. Prusiner Autobiography). Prions are known to Creutzfeldt Jakob disease (CJD), Gerstmann StrГ¤ussler Scheinker syndrome and Fatal Familiar Insomnia in humans. In mammals they cause mad cow disease in cattle. Prion diseases affect... Show more content on ... Moreover, different anti PrP antibodies or their antigen binding fragments that disrupt the PrP AОІ interaction were able to block the AОІ mediated disruption of synaptic plasticity. These findings were deemed exciting because they suggest the involvement of PrPC in Alzheimer s disease (AD) pathogenesis. However, others found that the absence of PrPC did not prevent deficits in hippocampal dependent behavioral tests upon intracerebral AОІ injection (Krull Nunnally, 2004). PrPSc is identified as a surrogate marker and potential TSE agent. PrPSc formation was first detected in the murine neuroblastoma cell line N2a when exposed to mouse adapted scrapie (Abbott, 2010).Subsequent infection experiments demonstrated susceptibility of N2a cells to several different mouse adapted scrapie strains. Since then, several cell lines of neuronal and non neuronal origin have been identified to be susceptible to a stable infection with prions. Once prions have successfully infected a cell line, they can replicate persistently over multiple cell passages, with very few exceptions, without any overt cytopathic effect (Shorter J, Lindquist S (June 2005). Cell lines that have been successfully infected include microglial cells as well as epithelial cells, fibroblasts and myoblasts, which have all been demonstrated to persistently replicate an array of prion strains in vitro. Curiously, a ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Presidential Election Winner Presidential Election Winner The 2016 presidential election was one of the most controversial elections to have ever faced the American people. Both major political parties ran on completely opposite platforms which caused the American people to be divided more than ever on policies and beliefs. In fact, the outcome of the election took the media, the American people and the world by surprise. This only divided the American people even further. The Democrats were certain that their candidate, Hillary Clinton, was to be the winner over Donald Trump. History though proved everyone otherwise with the loss of Hillary Clinton. Many analysts claim that the Democrats loss of the presidency was due to FBI director, James Comey s letter, the media s ... Show more content on ... However, from the very first day, Post ABC polling found that a majority of respondents didn t think Trump was qualified to be president. (Bump). The problem is, that didn t keep people from voting for him. In national exit polling conducted after the election, 6 in 10 voters said they didn t think Trump was qualified to be president. And yet one fifth of those voters voted for him anyway. This only reinforces the fact that Clinton was not able to connect with the typical Democratic constituents. If nearly 1 in 5 voters accepted Clinton s core argument about Trump but voted for him anyway then Clinton s campaign was in deep trouble before Comey did anything. Whether or not Comey s letters was the deciding factor of the election isn t clear. What s clear is that Comey provides an easy excuse, deservedly or not ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Description Of The Red Kangaroo Describing Movement The Red Kangaroo Introduction The Red Kangaroo Macropus rufus is the largest of the marsupial family residing across the deserts and grasslands of Australia (SDZG, 2011). The Red Kangaroo is a herbivorous species with an unusual method of locomotion, hopping, also known as saltatory locomotion; hopping is unique to members of the kangaroo and wallaby family (Dawson, 1995). A red kangaroo is capable of hopping at speeds of 30mph using its muscular hind legs to propel and tail as counterbalance and support (Marshall Cavendish Corporation, 2010). The kangaroo s body and musculoskeletal structure of large hindlimbs and short forelimbs has evolved to adapt to its hopping gait. Ancestors of the species were quadrupedal, the only exception to this evolutionary change is the smaller Musky Rat Kangaroo Hypsiprymnodon moschatus which still uses a quadrupedal plantigrade gait (Richardson, 2012). Why Hopping? It is commonly known that Australia is a large country, and with a total of 7,692,024 km2, it is the sixth largest country in the world (GA, 2014). Considering most of the land is arid, there is a limited amount of resources readily available for the grazing kangaroo, so it is necessary for it to be able to travel far distances efficiently to reach water before dehydrating. Kangaroos are prey animals, with the main predator being the Dingo with additional predation coming from commercial shooting for human consumption (Dawson, 1995), the Red Kangaroo has ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Food Safety And Food Security Food Safety Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. It is usually of plant or animal origin, and contains essential nutrients, such as fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. The substance is ingested and passed by organism s cells to provide energy, maintain life, or stimulate growth. Historically, people secured food through two methods: hunting and gathering and agriculture. Today, the majority of the food energy required by the ever increasing population of the world is supplied by the food industry. Food safety and food security are monitored by agencies like the International Association for Food Protection, World Resources Institute, World Food Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization, and ... Show more content on ... Fungi are used in the preparation of fermented and pickled foods like alcoholic drinks, cheese, pickles, and yogurt. Food products produced by animals include milk produced by mammary glands, which in many cultures is drunk or processed into dairy products . In addition, birds and other animals lay eggs, which are often eaten, and bees produce honey, a reduced nectar from flowers, which is a popular sweetener in many cultures. Some cultures and people do not consume meat or animal food products for cultural, dietary, health, ethical, or ideological reasons. Vegetarians choose to forgo food from animal sources to varying degrees. Vegans do not consume any foods that are or contain ingredients from an animal source. Production Most food has always been obtained through agriculture. With increasing concern over both the methods and products of modern industrial agriculture, there has been a growing trend toward sustainable agricultural practices. In popular culture, the mass production of food, specifically meats such as chicken and beef, has come under fire from various documentaries, most recently Food, Inc, documenting the mass slaughter and poor treatment of animals, often for easier revenues from large corporations. Several organisations have begun calling for a new kind of agriculture in which agroecosystems provide food but also support vital ecosystem services so that ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Biofuels And Alternative Sources Of Energy Introduction Biofuels, derived from living organisms rather than petroleum laden rock, are the focus of current energy research. The need for biofuels and alternative sources of energy will be necessary as the earth s resources begin to diminish. In cohesion with this concern, the current uses of fossil fuels are a concern as the environment pays an incredible toll for our overuse of this resource. Many have attempted to replace petroleum fuel with the first generation biofuels would require diverting farmland and crops for biofuelproduction, causing economic and ethical problems and competing with world food supply (Zhang et. al., 2011). The production of these biofuels have a negative effect on the environment, as a backdrop of rising crude oil prices, depletion of resources, and political instability in producing countries, only biomass has the potential to replace the supply of an energy hungry civilization (Antoni et. al., 2007). This is proof that it is crucial to begin to create biofuels that have a lesser negative impact that can sustain the energy demands that we have today. Currently, as seen in the table, microbes have been proven to produce ethanol, biodiesel and hydrogen, which are all sources that can be used for producing renewable fuels. Due to their limited demands on the environment they prove to be an excellent candidate for a successful biofuel. Many of the biofuels produced from microbes are done so by varying organic pathways in order to ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Northrop Grumman ( A Company Northrop Grumman (A Company to Invest In) Barry Worrell National University FIN 609A April 30, 2016 Purpose of Analysis: The purpose of this document is to provide our Client an in depth analysis, (including recommendation) as to whether they should or should not invest in Northrop Grumman Company. Background and Brief History: Northrop Grumman s rich heritage includes almost two dozen legacy companies which pioneered dramatic advances in technology that has changed the world. Some of their most notable highlights included transporting Charles Lindbergh across the Atlantic, landing astronauts on the moon, creating advanced electronic systems and information networks, and building stealthy flying wings. On a more recent ... Show more content on ... Financial Analysis: Operating Performance Assessment Northrop Grumman manage and assess our business based on their performance under contracts and programs (typically two or more closely related contracts). Sales from their portfolio of long term contracts are primarily recognized using the cost to cost method of percentage of completion accounting, but in some cases the units of delivery method of percentage of completion accounting is utilized. As a result, sales tend to fluctuate in concert with costs incurred across our large portfolio of contracts. Due to Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) rules that govern our U.S Government business and related Cost Accounting Standards (CAS), most types of costs are allocable to U.S. Government contracts, and we do not focus on individual cost groupings (such as manufacturing, engineering and design labor costs, subcontractor costs, material costs, overhead costs and general and administrative costs), as much as we do on total contract cost, which is the key driver of our sales and operating income. In evaluating their operating performance, you will need to look primarily at changes in sales and operating income, including the effects of meaningful changes in operating income as a result of changes in contract estimates. Where applicable, significant fluctuations in operating performance attributable to ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Westward Spread of Inca and Egyptian Culture Essay The Westward Spread of Inca and Egyptian Culture The second half of the twentieth century has seen many changes in theories concerning the mode of colonization of the islands of Micronesia, and the rise of the Inca Empire, with it s striking similarities to Egypt. In the past, it has been suggested that Asians had worked their way through the Pacific, over a period of thousands of years. It was believed that each island group had formed independently, and that the residents, while they were of the same race, had totally different cultures. Since the 1940 s, however, these views have been changing. It is now accepted by many scholars that early Egyptians sailed as far west as South America, in their huge... Show more content on ... appearing to the local Indians who at the time were ignorant of sun worship, architecture, and agriculture (Ra 30). These reed boats were the same size and specification of the boats used by Egyptians, and the people who crewed them began, among other things, building pyramids and statues, many of which still stand throughout Central and South America (Ra 3). In fact, the most concrete piece of evidence linking the Egyptians and early Americans is a small stone statue, discovered in Mexico, bearing features that are decidedly similar to those of Egyptian sculpture. The statue was carbon dated 800 BC (Begley, et al 28), long before Europeans were said to have contacted Central and South Americans. The Aztecs and Mayas of Central America also provide evidence of Egyptian contact. The starting date of the Maya calendar is 12, 3113 BC. This is in the middle of the first dynasty of the Pharaohs. If these Indians had already been in the Western Hemisphere for 15,000 years, why was it only after the Egyptians started using calendars that they did, and used such similar methods. Mayan and Aztec texts also state that they became civilized only after a man, claiming descent from the sun arrived from the Gulf of Mexico, with a complement of astronomers, architects and priests. The Aztecs called the man/god Quetzalcoatl, and the Mayans called him Kukulkan. Both names translate as ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Townshend Act Dbq Arrogance and greed often blind the human eye. In the case of Britain, it blinded the king s eyes, causing chaos within the incipient American colonies and driving the colonists into furor. Prior to that, the colonies had enjoyed a certain level of self government ever since the Parliament passed the salutary neglect. However, the king derailed the system of equality and made the American people pay most of Britain s debt from the Seven Year War. Soon, the colonies revolted and the king took back his excessive taxations such as the Stamp Act. Nonetheless, the king once again tested the patience of his subjects and issued another act, the Townshend Act. This led to outrage among the colonists. These events led to innocent deaths and the meeting... Show more content on ... Each side, one being the Loyalists and the other being the Patriots had irreconcilable differences. After the Boston Massacre, surveillance and tightened security ensued. To preserve the spirits of the colonist and regain hope, members of the Sons of Liberty, including Samuel Adams himself, raided the ships attired as Mohawk Indians, dumped a number of 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbour. Because the king renege on asserting laws that bind the colonies in whatsoever, the colonies had a legitimate reason to revolt against Britain. ( Declaratory Act Document 7) Britain has not fulfilled their duty in providing the colonies with life, liberty, and property, and in contrast the government was starting to conform into an absolute one. ( John Locke s Social Contract Document ... Get more on ...
  • 30. 1930s Migrant Worker A migrant worker is a casual and unskilled worker who moves about...from one region to another offering their services on a temporary...basis . (Migrant Labour) In the 1930s a variety of events led to hundreds of thousands of people becoming migrant workers. The sudden influx of people couldn t be properly accommodated which led to the degradation of this group of people. The life of a migrant worker was one filled with hardships and obstacles. The 1930s was a time of negativity for many types of people. The country s economy was at a disparagingly low state due to the crash of the stock market. Banks went into bankruptcy, businesses recorded all time lows, and people had massive amounts of debt. Companies couldn t afford to have many... Show more content on ... You would then go to work at a farm that was run by a corporation and spend the day doing the appointed tasks for crops that were foreign to you. When you get a lunch break, you might find that the area where the migrants place their possessions has been raided. The act was carried out by unwelcoming locals who also, beat up migrants, accusing them of being Communists, and burned their shacks to the ground (Mass Exodus) You head back to work where you continue performing simple, repeated tasks. At the end of the day, you collect your pay which can be anywhere from 75Вў to $1.25. After buying the necessities for living, you won t have much pay leftover due to the high cost of living. You head back home after a grueling day to rest and start the whole process over ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Essay about Personal Responsibility and College Success Even though main argumentations against personal responsibility include the fact that many people are just naturally unable to take responsibility, there are too many arguments for personal responsibility that they just outweigh it. ( What Are The Main Arguments Against Personal Responsibility? , n.d.). Personal responsibilityis a choice that you have to make. Taking personal responsibility for something gives you something to measure up to. Personal responsibility is the key to college success, (Houston, 2011) but most students find themselves falling short of what lies between these two. (Houston, 2011) If you want to be successful in college, your personal responsibility goals should include a preliminary plan that you will... Show more content on ... You don t feel sorry for wrong things, nor do you promise that you ll never do it again. You just admit a wrong when fault occurs. (Thieme Jr., 1995) Every day should include some sort study from a teacher that will make you into a better person. Some people use the bible while others learn from self help gurus. If you want to become a straight A student, you need to set a goal and write it down. This will help you do well in school. If you don t do well in college, it will affect you. Several bad things can happen to you. They include you won t get a good paying job, or you won t advance in your career. It all comes down to this; being responsible and doing well in school will make you happy. College success is impossible without personal responsibility. (Fichtner, 2012) Here are some suggestions to help you become successful in college. Start off with goals and a preliminary plan that you can put into practice with your education. If you want to become a STAR, write down these important words: specific, time, areas and reflect. Here is what these words mean. Write down specific goals. Write goals in several time frames. Write your goals in several areas of your life. Last, reflect on your goals. (Ellis, 2010, pg. 67 68) You can use several tools to help you accomplish your goals. You can use your calendar or write a to do list. (Ellis, 2010, pg. 63, 71 86) Take your time, brainstorm and evaluate what you have written down. ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Pain And Nociception Research Paper Introduction Pain is an adaptive mechanism which helps us learn to avoid dangers, it used to be believed that pain was an emotional state caused by intense stimuli and for 300 years people operated on Descartes single wire theory, that pain is a disturbance passed along nerve fibres to the brain, however, recent research into pain has come up with a more complex theory of nociception and pain. Nociception is a sensory process that provides the signals that trigger pain, whereas pain is the feeling of something unpleasant or an unbearable sensation arising from a part of the body. it is possible to have pain without nociception and nociception without pain, for example, back pain with no tissue damage is pain with no nociception and finding ... Show more content on ... The first stage of nociception is transduction, this is the perception of a noxious (damaging) stimulus, which activates high threshold nociceptors through multiple mechanisms, such as, thermal (heat), mechanical (ligaments being stretched) and chemical. With chemical activation, infection creates inflammation around the wound to promote healing, some chemicals produced trigger nociceptors (sometimes constantly) and some lower threshold of activation for other nociceptors (Basbaument et al 2009) meaning a person can often feel more pain. The second stage of nociception is transmission; this is where the information detected is sent to brain by specialised nerve pathways. AОґ fibres are fast and specific, due to them being myelinated and unimodal (they respond to a specific type of pain per fibre) and C fibres conduct slow sensation as they are unmyelinated and polymodal (responding to multiple types of pain per fibre). The final stage of nociception is interpretation, this is where the brain processes painful stimuli and decides if it should be acted on (if there is a danger). It is only at this point that pain can be felt. Nociceptors do not send a pain signal but instead alert the brain to ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Why Is Children Advertising Wrong I Personally believe that Children Advertising is wrong. When children see ad s on Television they think that it is okay to be unhealty. They Think it is okay to be obese and to always continue to eat unhealthy. I honestly would ban Children Advertising. I belive Children Adevertising should be Ban. I think it should be ban because it can cause the child become a serious Impulse buyer. Also i do think that advertisment to children is wrong because it does show children that happiness can be bought. Now the Ad on Televison that just showed a group of kids at mcdonalds eatting a Big Mac aswell as a Twenty Peice order of Chicken Nuggets. That is happiness to children aswell as being able to play in the playing area. I also belive that Advertisers ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Native Americans And The Europeans When the Europeans conquered the Native Americans; both groups had little understanding of each other, especially their cultures. The Native Americans had a rich through history that allowed them to be almost as developed as the Europeans. However, the Europeans overlooked this because the Native Americans had not established the same man made medical and agricultural developments as the Europeans. Conversely, the Native Americans thought that the Europeans were too concerned with dead objects, and took their land for granted. There are many controversial debates over who was worse: the Native Americans or the Europeans, yet, it s evident that warfare, ritual torture, and cruelty were apparent in both societies. The Europeans had not known what the Native Americans had achieved, and the struggles they d overcome. The history of the Native Americans began in Siberia. Many scholars hypothesize that the first Americans came from Siberia and traveled into Alaska. The colder climate of the Ice Age made an ice bridge across what is now the Bering Strait. Unfortunately, the bridge started to melt without warning, causing the people in Alaska to become trapped. A group of Native Americans known as today s Navajo and Apache came to the rescue when their construction of boats advanced and allowed them to be durable enough to travel across the strait. These Athabascan speaking people traveled from Canada and later reached the American southwest. The Paleo Indians were next to create ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Minoan Civilization Research Paper The Minoan Civilization and Its Disappearance Minoans were the first Europeans to have a written language which is known as Linear A. The Minoans date back to around 2000 B.C.E until around the year 1400B.C.E. There was, if fact, never a people who called themselves the Minoans . The civilization of Ancient Crete was given this name by the 19th century British archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans, who, when he began excavating at Knossos in 1900, thought he had discovered the palace of the legendary king Minos, who appears in several Greek myths.(TimeMaps) I believe the Minoan civilization disappeared due to three main factors, tsunami, foreign invaders, and volcanic eruption, based on evidence of deep sea fossils being found on Minoan soil, ... Show more content on ... Now Thera s eruption wasn t the end of the Minoan civilization, it merely marked the start to a fifty year decline and ultimate destruction of Minos. The Minoans had built their prosperous city on one of the most dangerous islands on earth, next to the volcano Thera. The Theran eruption was one of largest in human history blasting more than 10 million tons of ash, gas, and rock 25 miles into the atmosphere. Incredibly, despite Crete s close proximity to the volcano, the debris from Thera largely missed the major Minoan towns.(The Fall of the Minoans) Small algae fossils were found high on the cliffs of Thera. This algae was only observed to be found in shallow waters. This lead scientist to believe that Thera held a small sea within the crater. Had there been a sea within Thera the shape of the volcano would be much different than previously expected. With this different shape in mind the volcano could produce far more smoke than ever predicted before. The eruption caused plumes of deadly and dense clouds of volcanic ash. These clouds spread over a vast region, causing poor harvests, climate changes, and souring political relations for years to come The eruption seemed to also cause the tsunami that would later hit the Island of Crete. Carbon dating of a cow bone that was found in a layer of sea sediment was deposited there the same time Thera ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Ethanol Essay Ethanol Ethanol, an alcohol, is the product of the fermentation of a biomass resources or sugar rich crops such as corn. Ethanol is an alternative fuel used over a century till to this very day however it has not been a profound source of fuel. It has not been until the last few decades that ethanol has gone through resurgence from going from a secondary to primary option in fuel consumption. Here in Queensland the revival is boosted due to the availability of an already grown biomass; sugar canes, a product already growing in large quantities throughout Queensland that can be utilised for the mass production of ethanol fuel. Utilizing sugarcanes for the production of ethanol in Queensland would be beneficial to the economy, the ... Show more content on ... Ethanol in Engines Ethanol at the moment is present as a blended fuel with petrol. As it is blended with petrol, this increases efficiency for the ethanol but decreases the petrol s very own efficiency. Although ethanol is a better fuel to run through an engine avoid or alleviate knocking and pre ignition. Although the efficiency of petrol may be brought down, by having the ethanol, this increases the overall octane number of petrol thus allowing for a greater compression. So what is the importance of the compression ratio in a car? Recently, cars such the Mazda 3 with the SkyActiv engine can get as far as 17.9 kilometres on one litre of fuel due to the engines high compression ratio. The compression ratio is the volume of the combustion chamber when the piston is at the bottom, and the volume of the combustion chamber when the piston is at the top (Deaton, 2011). Ethanol has a compression ratio of 14.5 16.1:1 whereas petrol has a ratio of 10:1 or lower as a higher compression could potentially lead to knocking in petrol engines. By having the ethanol blend with petrol, this then allows for increased fuel efficiency for ethanol but decreased efficiency for petrol. The energy that comes from the combustion from either ethanol or petrol comes from burning these hydrocarbons in order for the oxygen from the air to combine and combust (See Ethanol and the Environment for more). Energy is produced when the hydrocarbon bonds between the carbon and the hydrogen and ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Analysis Of Tally Youngblood In The Uglies By Scott... In the fiction novel The Uglies, Tally Youngblood is a fifteen year old girl with a rebellious spirit who lives life on the edge of insanity. In The Uglies, Scott Westerfield uses conflict to reveal how Tally s perspective of the Smoke and New Pretty Town has changed over the course of the story. This story gives its reader a strong insight into some of life s adventures and the drama that comes along with growing up, as well as the operation you get when you turn 16 years old. You can see Tally change when she firsts starts traveling to the Smoke in search of her friend Shay. She changes a lot from the life and death stuff that she goes through on her way to the Smoke. Tally almost falls off the cliff when she is hover boarding, and you can tell it changes her from going fast and not reading between the lines, so she starts to slow down and think before she acts. You can really see Tally change when the Rangers save her from the fire that they started to get rid of the white tiger orchid flower. The white tiger orchid is a flower that acts like a weed, and it is spreading all over the world. The only way to get rid of it is by fire, and that is the Rangers job ... Show more content on ... While Tally is in the Smoke , she finds out about magazines and what they really are. Also while Tally is in the Smoke, she meets David s parents Maddy and Az, who were doctors that did the operation when you turn 16. Maddy and Az tell her all these secrets about the operation and about these things called lesions and how they are like cancer you don t remember anything before the operation. Toward the end of Section 2 Tally throws the heart pendant that Dr.Cable gave her in the fire, thinking the fire would destroy the pendant. It activates, and Tally does not realize that she activated the heart pendant and the Specials could now find out where the Smoke ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Elizabeth Cady Argumentative Analysis Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a suffragist, an abolitionist, an activist, and a leader in the women s rights movement (Biography 2). During the Civil War, Elizabeth strived to end slavery, but after the war, she concentrated on women s rights, especially the women s right to vote. She was an excellent writer, and she used this skill to write the Declaration of Sentiments, which proposed giving women the right to vote (Elizabeth 2). Stanton was the president of the National Woman Suffrage Association for several years with the help of her fellow colleague, Susan B. Anthony. (Elizabeth 2) This essay will present information on the life of Elizabeth Cady Stantonand the many achievements she has made to give women equal rights. Stanton was ... Show more content on ... Stanton did not just influence women; she also influenced men. Some men that were influenced by Elizabeth Cady Stanton were: Frederick Douglass, Sarah Moore Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison, and Theodore Parker. She was one of the first abolitionist for women s rights and wrote a couple books to prove her position. The two main books she wrote were called, The Women s Bible, and the History of Women s Suffrage. (Elizabeth 2) Without Elizabeth Cady Stanton, women wouldn t have as many rights today. She is considered one of the most important figures to gain women s rights in the United States (Elizabeth 1). It is because of her persistence and influence that women are now allowed to vote in the United States. Although I am not a woman, I have also been influenced by Elizabeth Cady Stanton. She has led the way for many women to hold positions that only men held, such as the scientists that create vaccines that I have had to prevent diphtheria and polio. She helped women to be able to have a voice in their life. Without her fight, my mother would not be able to vote, own property, choose her own occupation, or even be an athlete. All of these things have made my mother who she is today and she has helped to mold me into a person who enjoys sports and respects women in all areas. These are a few ways that Elizabeth Cady Stanton has influenced my ... Get more on ...
  • 39. An Assessment of the Impact of Corporate Social... Universal Journal of Marketing and Business Research Vol. 1(1) pp. 017 043, May, 2012 Available online Copyright 2012 Transnational Research Journals Full Length Research Paper An assessment of the impact of corporate social responsibility on Nigerian society: The examples of banking and communication industries Adeyanju, Olanrewaju David Department of Financial Studies Redeemer s University, km 46, Lagos Ibadan Expressway Mowe, Ogun State E mail:, Tel No.: 07037794073 Accepted 30 January, 2012 In the Nigerian society, Corporate Social Responsibilities [CSR] has been a highly cotemporary and contextual issue to all stakeholders including the government, the ... Show more content on ... It is therefore very essential for all to realize that public outcry for increased social responsibility will not disappear if business organizations fail to respond to the challenges these had posed for the society. In view of the perceived information gap, it is therefore worthwhile collating and aggregating in a more organized manner, the contributions of Nigerian corporations [using banking and communications industries as a focus] to the well being of the society. This is necessary if only to show, in a graphic and mathematical ways that the industries seriously identify with the aspirations of the communities and the general public. In the early years of this century, two Americans independently and without knowing of each other were among the first businessmen in the world s history to initiate major community reforms. Andrews Carnegie preached and financed the free public library. Julius Rosenwald fathered the country farm agent system and adopted the infant 4 H CLUBS. Carnegie was already retired from business and one of the world s richest men. Rosenwald who had recently bought a near bankrupt mail order firm called Sear Roebuck and Company, ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Alzheimer s Poem In Kelly Cherry s Alzheimer s , she uses tone, imagery and theme to express the speaker s feelings towards the old man in the poem. In the speaker s point of view, the poem focuses on an elderly man from the beginning to the end. As the poem progresses, it is evident that the speaker has a very close relationship with the old man, but he does not recognize his wife or her due to his disease. In the first line of the poem, it is apparent that the speakerhas bitterness towards the old man by the way she describes him. He stands at the door, crazy old man. (1) The speaker knows that the man is suffering from Alzheimer s, but seems to be annoyed that he cannot remember anything. The fact that the speaker used the word crazy displays that she is not too fond of him in the beginning. Her insensitivity soon turns into sadness as she realizes he cannot remember the lady standing in front of him. For example in lines 25 29, the speaker says, The first /Thing he must do, now that he is home, is decide who/ This woman is, this old, white haired woman / Standing here in the doorway/ Welcoming him in. The lady is his wife, but the only thing he seems to... Show more content on ... The theme revolves around losing someone they love to mental illness without the individual being dead. In contrary to the speaker being frustrated with the memory loss of the senior, sadness appears in the last few lines of the poem. The shift of emotion correlates with the theme because it demonstrates the feeling of loss. The speaker loses someone who she was once close to emotionally, while the older male loses the memories from his life. Alzheimer s is a disease that attacks not only the person who has the illness but the individuals in his or her life. Accordingly, the theme reflects the sense of loss from the speaker as she describes what is happening around her, and the man who is oblivious to what is his ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Blessed Are The Merciful, For They Shall Receive Mercy Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. Introduction: You may be familiar with the story of Corrie Ten Boom who was sent to a concentration camp along with her father and sister for hiding Jews. Her father and sister died in the camps, but Corrie Ten Boom was released due to a clerical error. After the war she spent time going to churches to speak about God s forgiveness. It is amazing because she witnessed women in the concentration camps brutally tortured and killed. But she believed that her God was a God of mercy, grace, and forgiveness. After the war, she returned to Germany to speak and write about the mercy, grace, and forgiveness of God. She taught that lack of mercy and forgiveness was a sin against God because we have no reason not to forgive anyone since Christ is the one who has forgiven us of our sin. How could we hold it back from anyone else? After the war she returned to Germany and this is what she wrote in her book, The Hiding Place, speaking about one of the most difficult times she was faced with granting forgiveness. She was asked to go and speak to a church on forgiveness. She spent her time talking about how God forgives and that was a message the Germans needed to hear as the war had just ended. She said when God forgives us it is as if our sins were cast into the deepest part of the ocean, gone forever. After she was done speaking, one of the guards, who she describes as one of the most wicked and cruel guards in the ... Get more on ...
  • 42. The Importance Of Desegregation In Public Schools Have you ever thought about how much history has changed since the dark days? The civil rights act of 1964 finally ended segregation in public places. The civil rights was first proposed by president John F. Kennedy, despite all the oppression from southern council members. Swann v. Charlotte Mecklenburg board of education. Presented to the Supreme Court in 1971 this case was to determine wether the respondents idea of the desegregation plan was an effective and reasonable attempt. The constitutional mandate to desegregate public schools did not require all schools in a district to reflect the judgement of the district s racial composition, but the existence of all black or all white schools must not be shown to be the result of segregation... Show more content on ... During the year 1968 until 1969 more than 84,000 pupils were served in the school system. Approximately two thirds of the Negro children attended schools which were entirely Negro or more than 99% Negro. Guarantee to an order of a federal district court, the school board adopted a desegregation plan for elementary schools... Brown v. Board of education was a milestone for the Supreme Court. This case decided that racial segregation in schools was unconstitutional. This case signaled the end of legalized Futch 2 segregation in the schools of the United States. This case overruled the separate but equal principle set fourth from the Plessy v. Ferguson case. May 17th, 1954 the Supreme Court immediately decided that the case of Brown v. Board of education was a violation of the 14th amendment, making it unconstitutional. Arguments were to be heard during the next term to determine just how the ruling would be imposed. Just over one year later, on May 31, 1955, Warren read the Court s unanimous decision, now referred to as Brown II, instructing the states to begin desegregation plans with all deliberate speed. Although there were two unanimous votes against this ruling along with all the resistance against the supreme courts ruling ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Instructional Setting And Content Area Essay Instructional Setting and Content Area The instructional setting for this unit is an elementary school. All lessons will be taught to a fourth grade glass, consisting of 24 students. The lessons will take place during the assigned math block (an 80 minute portion of the day). These lessons will be a scaffolded focus on problem solving, specifically multiplication and division word problems. Instructional Problem The vast majority of incoming and current 4th grade students in this school haven t yet mastered the state standard for problem solving (Standard 4.OA.A.3). Specific standards are set by the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and adopted by Washington State (Common Core State Standards Initiative, (n.d.)), and require students to be able to solve multi step word problems in all four operations. Incoming fourth grade students struggle with solving these word problems accurately. These students need to pass the state mandated Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) which requires completion of a problem solving performance task. Their score on this assessment will determine their placement in grade 5 at the district s middle school. Students have difficulty with word problems mostly based on lack of strategies and poor language interpretation. While fact fluency may be present, the ability to interpret vocabulary to guide computation leaves many students unable to construct mathematical models to interpret or solve problems. Students have difficulty in analyzing ... Get more on ...
  • 44. The World Of Sports Arenas Introduction In the world of sports arenas there is one that stands as a pivotal high point above almost all other stadiums. The University of Southern California s mammoth of a stadium, the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum is one of the biggest sports stadiums in college football, and has been a standard by which others are judge. Being declared a land mark by the state of California after nearly 80 years of use, this structure has had many different uses other than its current purpose of housing one of the most dominate teams in college football, the Trojans. Since its opening day the stadium has set world record in attendance and then beaten the same records hosting some of the most famous people in the world. (Coliseum History) Throughout the 92 years of the stadiums existences many changes have taken place and the facility has had to adapt to the new century. Advances in construction and design have allowed the Trojans to stay current and competitive with the new stadiums. One thing remains, and that is the fact that USC Trojan fans love the unique feel and history that has been made throughout the walls of the stadium. History of facility Erected in 1923 the Trojans did not waste time until the first footballs game was played. On October 6th the team faced off against Pomona College finding their first home victory in the new stadium. In the first opening game the Trojans played in front of a 12,836 people which was a relatively small number of people considering they ... Get more on ...
  • 45. The Basic Achievements Of The Human Race The language is one of the fundamental achievements of the human race. Its role in the appropriation of culture and incorporation of the individual to society, is a key instrument of the educational process. Its essence is to express ideas, needs, experiences and feelings through the written and spoken word, gestures, attitudes and behaviors. It is precisely through languagethat the child is inserted in the world and they are different from it. As in development go by an individual and affective function to fulfil an eminently social and cognitive function. Through both oral and written language, the children can express their feelings and explain their reactions to others, know different points of view and learn values and norms. They can also direct and reorganize their thoughts, control their behavior. Thus, favoring an increasingly conscious learning. If we stop to observe young children, we will realize that their behavior is guided by curiosity. They want to discover everything that surrounds them. Children are like sponges that absorbing all the information that they receive and will accompany them for the rest of their life. As teachers, a strategy that can be used to promote the skills that will help them to build a good foundation for the communication and language, is to be aware of items that capture their curiosity, attention, and to syntonize with them (Promote the language according to the interests of the child). Both parents and teachers can take advantage ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Koch Snowflake Investigation Angus Dally Koch Snowflake Investigation Angus Dally Background: In 1904, Helge von Koch identified a fractal that appeared to model the snowflake. The fractal was built by starting with an equilateral triangle and removing the inner third of each side, building another equilateral triangle where the side was removed, and then repeating the process indefinitely. The process is pictured below, showing the original triangleat stage zero, and the resulting figures after one, two and three iterations. Method: Let Nn=the number of sides, Ln=the length of a single side, Pn= the length of the perimeter and An= the area of the snowflake, all for the nth stage. Using an initial side length of 1, create a table that shows the exact values of N_n,гЂ– ... Show more content on ... Consequently, the area of each of these triangle is 1/9 of the original triangles. Therefore the total area added is: Area added=3Г—1/9 =1/3 Therefore, to find the area of snowflake n=1, these two area ratios must be multiplied by the area of the original triangle at n=0. A_1=в€ љ3/4 (1+1/3) A_1=в€ љ3/3 For snowflake n=2, twelve additional triangles are added onto the initial triangle, with side lengths of 1/9. Consequently, the area of each of these triangle is 1/81 of the original triangles. Therefore the total area added is: Area added=12Г—1/81 =12/81 =4/27 Therefore, to find the area of snowflake n=2, this area ratio, as well as the previous two, must be multiplied by the area of the original triangle at n=0. A_2=в€ љ3/4 (1+1/3+4/27) A_2=(10в€ љ3)/27 At n=3, following the previous pattern: 48 triangles with side length 1/81, and area 1/729 are added. Area added=48Г—1/729 =16/243 Therefore, to find the area of snowflake n=3, this area ratio, as well as the previous three, must be multiplied by the area of the original triangle at n=0. A_3=в€ љ3/4 (1+1/3+4/27+16/243) A_3=(94в€ љ3)/243 A_n Data Table IterationAn n=0 в€ љ3/4 n=1 в€ љ3/3 n=2 (10в€ љ3)/27 n=3 (94в€ љ3)/243
  • 47. The area ratios being added in each iteration yields a pattern: 1/3,4/27,16/243...= 4^((1) 1)/3^(2(1) 1) ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Defining American Culture Defining American and American Culture After reading passages, short stories, a novel, and listening to class lectures, I have learned that American really means whatever we truly want it to mean, in terms of how we want to define ourselves as people and a country. Personally, I feel as though American can be defined as having the right to speaking, writing, and acting in a way that we wish without being hindered, of course within reason. Our country is based on freedom and how we have rights as Americans. Another interesting term that ties in with American is the term American culture. Within this short essay, I will define American culture; discuss an important point and example of how Emerson influenced Whitman; and finally, a point about how the culture of Native Americans and the diversity of the tribes can tie in with American culture. To begin, I think that the question must be asked What is American culture? Is there one absolute definition to American culture? Personally, I connect this definition to my definition of American. I believe American culture is what we want it to be. Our country is built on diversity and immigration, this is our foundation. The country began with Native ... Show more content on ... While Walt Whitman was trying to start a writing career, he attended a lecture held by Emerson; Emerson s lecture was about how we as Americans need to start our own ways of writing because we focus too much on European style (Permenter). Take a look at Whitman and everything that he accomplished. Although he was not the first American poet, he was one of the first famous American poets. His Leaves of Grass represented a revolutionary departure in American literature (2992), meaning that the poem and its ideas were new to the Americans. He also opened the field of American and ultimately of modern poetry (2992). Whitman s actions are truly what American and American culture stands ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Essay On Remy s Marxist Ladder Of Social Hierarchy Remy s Marxist Ladder of Social Hierarchy The original Pixar film Ratatouille, entails a marxist centered motif in which maps out Remy s desire and passion for climbing the social ladder; in order to reach the success of being a chef in the most popular restaurant and become apart of the higher social classwhere the humans thrive. Remy s family is a mischief of rats who are depicted as the lower class. The sewer, being a perfect place to depict the slums is where the rats live and as the lower class (stereotypically) steals in order to make ends meet. Remy was born with the gift of acute smelling that automatically put on a pedestal over everyone in the colony and is given the most important job in the which is to check the foodfor poison.... Show more content on ... This can be exemplified during a conversation between Remy and his Father Don t you feel better Remy? You ve helped a noble cause! Noble? We re thieves Dad. Remy s family does not believe in his passion of cooking, though Remy s immense smelling capabilities give him the advantage of being a spectacular cook. Because his family does not believe in him, he leads danger to his colony causing a mass exodus of his colony. Because he is then given the opportunity to be on his own, Remy gathers a cookbook and heads on his own way. Adventuring through the tunnels where he endured the more dangerous of obstacles and facing near starvation. Upon exit of the tunnel, Remy stumbles upon a ladder (the ladder to the surface). The ladder represents the economic ladder of progress and Remy s advancement from the lower class to the middle class (the middle class being the world above the sewers and the people living above) just by taking the first steps toward his goals. Further proving and concluding that marxism is relevant throughout Ratatouille comes from the critic of the restaurant Anton Ego. Ego, is represented as the upper class in the social economic ladder in the movie. Ego is rather violent and critical, as ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Essay Comparing Beowulf And Obama What Characteristics do you think about when you describe a hero? Usually people think about selflessness, Bravery, and Confidence. A person doesn t have to have superpowers, super strength, or the ability to fly to be a hero. One Modern day hero is President Barack Obama the 44th President of America and also the first African American President. Like President Obama, Beowulf Leader of the Geat warriors he is headsmart and a strong leader. Although The two heros Live in two different time periods and only on is a warrior. Beowulf and President Obama are both Courageous. Both Beowulf and President Obama are heros of their eras. The birth of Beowulf s epic after the fall of the western Roman Empire to Germanic tribes in the 5th century AD , Europe entered a chaotic period.[page.31] During this time period Europe needed a strong warrior, and Beowulf rose to the Occasion. Before President Obama was elected as President in 2008 America was in a lot of dept and the unemployment rate was high.... Show more content on ... Both Beowulf and President Obama are courageous in many ways. Beowulf deplays countless acts of being courageous throughout the whole poem. His first act of courage was when he travel to Harot to fight Grendel and his mother. He leaped into the lake, would not wait for anyone s answer.[450] He didn t have to do that he could have not helped or ran away when attacked like a coward like his soldiers. Much like Beowulf President Obama showed countless acts of courage throughout his presidency. He didn t have to go against the odds and run for president but he did. He also didn t have to openly support gay marriage and Remove the don t ask don t tell act in the Military. Beowulf showed more acts of courage when he fought a dragon at 70 years old. I ve never known fear, as a youth I fought in endless battles. I am old now but I will still fight again.[7 9] Even though he was killed because of it he showed no ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Essay Cerebral Palsy Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a condition that affects thousands of people each year. An estimated 764,000 children and adults are afflicted with one or more symptoms of CP. Around 8,000 infants and babies are diagnosed each year and 1,200 1,500 preschool age children are recognized with symptoms of CP ( This condition is caused by abnormal development of areas of the brain that control movement and posture ( It can also be caused by damage to the brain (usually because of head injury during the birthing process) or diseases/infections the mother has during pregnancy such as German measles, rubella, bacterial meningitis, or viral encephalitis. Other risk factors may be the loss of too much oxygen during birth... Show more content on ... It can be quite difficult for the patient to use the muscles needed for speech; this is called dysarthria ( A lesser known type of CP that affects 5 10% of patients is called ataxic CP ( This form affects the patients sense of balance leaving them with poor coordination. It is difficult for them to move quickly or make specific movements. Writing and buttoning their own shirt can be a difficult task for people with ataxic CP. A tremor in the body part they are attempting to use can be present as well. CP can also be present as a mixed form. This means the patient can have a combination of each of the previous forms. There are many challenges that come with being diagnosed with any type of cerebral palsy. Children with CP may have a problem controlling the muscles in their mouth. Things we take for granted such as eating and talking can be very difficult for children with CP. They may need assistance eating and may use other forms of communication. Problems with breathing can also affect the child s ability to speak. Some children with CP also have seizures or convulsions. This can be a result of abnormal brain activity. These seizures can completely interrupt their activity. They can stare off in space or lose complete control of their body. Medication is prescribed to those that need it. Children with ... Get more on ...
  • 52. The American Jim Crow Laws And South African Apartheid As a result of racial segregation in both the United States and South Africa, the coloured people s resistance escalated. In truth, this time of division strengthened nationalism their weapon that [transformed their] common suffering into hope for the future (Mandela, Notes to the Future 2012, 84). Moreover, the American Jim Crow Laws and South African apartheid led to discrimination, activism, reform and most importantly reconciliation. In both America and South Africa, the schism between Africans and their government worsened. Even though both nations gained independence from Britain, the colonial mindset was persistent and continued to victimize other races. Despite the Emancipation Proclamation ending slavery, the United States Congress passed the Jim Crow Laws. In other words, these laws ensured that blacks . . . had more in common with African American slaves . . . than with the [Caucasian businessmen] (Bausum 2012, 19). Similarly, South Africa s National Party in 1948 legalized apartheid South Africa s brand of segregation. More specifically, these laws isolated races into separate buildings and enforced racial purity. To make matters worse, segregation ensnared coloured people in poverty by depriving them of quality government services. For instance, in both countries intermarriage was a crime. Also, the African American garbage men received insufficient salaries that [were] based on their garbage routes rather than an hourly wage (Bausum 2012, 14). In ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Research Paper On Osteopathy who we treat adults Uk osteopaths provide over 8 million consultations a year for problems like those opposite. Our patients come from all walks of life and all age groups, the most numerous are those in sedentary occupations and light to heavy manual work. It is estimated that 1 in 3 people will experience low back pain at some time in their life, thats more than 80% of the adult population. It is one of the most common reasons why people take time off work, it is often debilitating, distressing and frustrating as ones quality of life suffers. Most cases are classified as simple back pain where serious underlying pathology is unlikely and will improve over 6 weeks. Many people don t don t need to see a doctor, and may instead seek help from an osteopath or manual therapist. In the UK some 60 % of osteopathic treatments are for low back pain ... Show more content on ... As the first complimentary medicine to obtain government recognition, osteopaths are governed and regulated by the General Osteopathic Council. Osteopathy is the diagnosis and treatment of the body which encompasses all muscles, ligaments and joints. Osteopathic treatment is safe and effective, treatment is usually gentle and often quick to help, we aim to treat the symptoms, help find out what is causing the problem and give advice to prevent it recurring in the future. Osteopaths treat the person rather than specific conditions, ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Oppression Of Gender Roles In Wonder Woman By Christian Stoic Like I previously mentioned, the genre of action and adventure is so diverse, and there are so many heroines and female characters, it is hard to argue that women in action roles strictly have a negative impact on female viewers. Also, it would be completely inappropriate to argue that women in lead action roles have no positive impacts on femaleviewers. As society continues to advance, female heroines are also evolving and moving further away from the traditionally hypersexualized characters. Instead, these heroines are easier for women to identify with, they are extremely strong and independent female leads, and they are dressed more practically /appropriately. A few examples of these new age action heroines include Jessica Jones, Alicia ... Show more content on ... I believe that there is still a lot of work that needs to be done when it comes to female heroines, and I hope that in time (sooner rather than later) these women heroines will serve strictly to empower and inspire women of all ages. One reason that these heroines are sexualized and dumbed down more often than not might be due to the lack of equality in terms of male and female directors. In an article written by Yohana Desta, it states that There are about 23.8 male directors for every female director (Desta 2017), and also that Women were more likely to direct dramas, and less likely to direct science fiction or action films which are, imperatively, often the most successful and lucrative genres in the business (Desta 2017). Since these lead female roles are written and created mainly by men and not women, they are more aimed at a male audience. This is most likely why these women s bodies are focused on more than making these characters into well rounded heroines that could serve to inspire women. I believe that in order to transition from these heroines negatively impacting females, to these heroines serving to empower women, there first needs to be an increase in the number of female directors in Hollywood. I also feel that male directors should use women such as Jessica Jones or the ... Get more on ...