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Essay My Favourite Sport
Writing an essay about my favorite sport may seem like a straightforward task, as it involves
expressing personal preferences and experiences. However, the apparent simplicity of the topic
can be deceptive. The challenge lies in striking the right balance between personal anecdotes,
factual information, and engaging language to captivate the reader's interest.
Choosing a favorite sport is a subjective matter, and conveying the passion and enthusiasm for
that particular sport requires careful consideration of language and tone. The writer must
navigate between being too technical and too casual, finding a sweet spot that communicates
both knowledge and personal connection. It's essential to provide enough background
information about the sport to ensure that readers unfamiliar with it can still follow and
appreciate the essay.
The difficulty increases when attempting to make the essay unique and stand out from others on
the same topic. It's a common theme, and many have likely written about their favorite sport
before. To avoid clichГ©s and predictability, the writer must find a fresh angle or highlight
personal experiences that set their essay apart.
Additionally, the challenge lies in maintaining a coherent structure. The essay should have a clear
introduction, body paragraphs that flow logically, and a conclusion that leaves a lasting
impression. Juggling these elements while staying true to the essence of the favorite sport
demands careful planning and thoughtful organization.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "My Favourite Sport" is more intricate than it may
initially seem. It requires a delicate blend of personal expression, factual information, and
creative flair to engage the reader effectively. Overcoming the challenge involves finding a
unique perspective, avoiding clichГ©s, and ensuring a well-structured narrative. For those
seeking assistance or inspiration, similar essays and more can be explored or ordered through
Essay My Favourite Sport Essay My Favourite Sport
Utopia Vs. Dystopian Society
Have you ever wondered if you lived in a perfect society? A young boy named
Jonas lived in the perfect world. After becoming the next receiver he starts to
realize that his perfect world isn t so perfect after all. The Giver by Lois Lowry,
explains how a Utopian world would really be. The most important differences
between Utopian Society in The Giver and dystopian society are Rituals,
Assignments, and Families.
Jonas s society has many rituals some of them are the telling of feelings and dream
telling. Telling of feeling is when your familyunit sits down at dinner and shares
there feelings about the day and say if anything is bothering them. Dream telling is
when your family unit sits down in the morning and shares if they had any dreams
that night before. In the beginning of the book, Jonas explains It was one of the ...
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In Jonas s society you can t pick a kid, and you can t say I love you to your family.
After being married for a certain amount of time, you are allowed to apply for a
child. In The Giver, it says Two children one male, one female to each family unit.
It was written very clearly in the rules (Lowry 48) This quote explains how you get
a child and how many you are allowed to have. Another difference is how families
show affection to one another you can t say I love you . After dinner, Jonas asks
Father? Mother? Jonas asked tentatively after the evening meal. I have a question I
want to ask you. What is it, Jonas? his father asked... Do you love me? There was
an awkward silence for a moment. Then Father gave a little chuckle. Jonas. You, of
all people. Precision of language, please! ... You could ask, Do you enjoy me? The
answer is Yes, his Or, his father suggested Do you take pride in my
accomplishments? (Lowry 126 127). This quote shows that families in his
community aren t allowed to show affection to one another because it might make
someone else feel less
Howl By William Ginsberg
Howl by Allen Ginsberg: A Reflection on Institutions In the midst of radical changes
in America during the 1950s as a result of the Cold War, the Beat Generation came
into existence. America in the 1950s was an age of conformity, something the Beats
were against. Individuality was thrown out the window. The middle class emerged.
In the suburbs, every house looked the same and everyone wanted to buy what their
neighbor had and keep up with societal norms. Everyone acted the same way and
shared the same beliefs as everyone else. Society in the 1950s, were confined to
institutions in which Allen Ginsbergwrote about in the poem, Howl. In fact, he met
some of his fellow beat poets at his university and a companion whom he dedicates
this poem to at a psychiatric ward. His experiences at these institutions was of great
influence to him as a person and as a poet.... Show more content on ...
They were influenced by jazz, experimented with drugs and wrote obscene poetry to
go against society. The Beats lived in a society where individuality was a negative
thing. In the poem Howl, Ginsberg reflects on a world of madness in which
institutions such as universities, the government, and psychiatric wards created a
conformist society that stifled creativity and individuality. Ginsberg opens the poem
with the line, I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness (1). The
best minds he refers to were not the elites but the outcasts such as poets, musicians,
and the underprivileged. They were against a conformist society that didn t allow
them to express themselves freely. Society rejected them and their attempts to break
free from institutions. They sought many ways to escape this world of
Essay On Group Bullying
Why do we hurt other people? Throughout history there has always been incidences
of violence towards other people. Someone can hurt another person unintentionally
or to get a message across, but the reasons why can become a long list depending on
the situation. From war to bullying, hate crimes, genocide the list of how people can
hurt others goes on. More specifically, group bullyingis a common phenomenon
people are more familiar with, hence there are many movies and books based on
bullying. Additionally, bullying or group bullying is a more day to day reoccurring
problem that individuals partake in, to which there are many possibilities why
individuals join in on group violence with bullying. I believe the reasons I am
going to state are not the only reasons, but are crucial to consider. Individuals join in
on group bullying for typically conforming to peers as gaining power is of interest to
the bullies while there is an issue of bullies not understanding their own behavior.
A factor that leads individuals to connect with others in group bullying is conformity
or the peer pressure to be included with the group bullies, which further induces
violent acts against victims. Conformity is when someone is influenced by another
person, thus the person being influenced changes their behavior to fit in with the
group. From a social psychological perspective, conformity in group bullying can be
explained by normative social influence and social impact theory (Aronson et al. 238).
Importance Of The Internet Of Things Essay
Importance of the Internet of Things The term internet of things (IoT) has been
around for a while. In simple terms, it refers to the connectivity between different
kinds of technology. A good example of this is the Apple Watch, which was launched
in the UK in June 2015. The watch is suited to each wearer, collects information
about them and communicates the data to their iPhone. The idea behind the Apple
Watchis to understand your needs and to send out messages to programmable devices
around you to meet your requirements. This is one way in which technologyis being
adapted to be incorporated into our lifestyle and support our daily routine.
Technology is connected via sensors within the machines. A sensor is not exactly a
machine itself, but it is a very important part of it as a whole. This is the part which
transmits data. Once the data is gathered and transmitted, there must be a way to
store it and analyze it when it reaches its destination. To do this, cloud based
applications are the only way to interpret, transmit and store data coming from other
devices. These applications enable apps to collect data and store it at any time.
The whole idea behind the Internet of Things is to make the world around us more
intelligent and save time by using technology, which is valuable to all businesses.
CCS specialize in providing services to meet all technology and communication needs
for businesses, including cloud based solutions and business broadband services. As
The Classroom That I Completed My Field Experience
The classroom that I completed my field experience in was a self contained ninth
through twelfth grade. The class consists of four male students, a teacher, and two
paraprofessionals. The students in the classroom have severe behaviors that do not
allow them to be successful in a regular classroom. I completed the observation
over a period of four days. The first day that I went to observe was in the morning
from 8:30 to 9:30. When I arrived, the students were leaving the cafeteria from eating
breakfast. Once they got to the classroom, they unpacked their backpacks, putting
their agendas and folders into a basket on that is on the teacher s desk. The students
then sat down at their desk and began working on the morning journal. The journal
topic for the day was What is your favorite subject? Why? One of the students wrote
his journal within ten minutes, while it took the other students about thirty minutes
for them to complete the journal. One of the students in the class kept getting out of
his seat to come and talk to the teacher and paraprofessional. He wanted them to take
a picture of him. They would tell him no and that he needed to return to his seat. He
sat there for the whole thirty minutes and only wrote a few words down on his paper.
Asking to have his picture taken is something that he asked them about ten or more
times a day. At 9:00, the paraprofessional transitioned the students into a Language
Arts lesson. The class uses Unique Learning for
The Impact Of Financial Crisis On The Uk Economy
Executive summary
The financial crisis 2007/08 led to the fact that some large financial institutions
were under threat to collapse and had to be bailed out by the government to avoid a
total meltdown of the financial system. The financial crisis was triggered by a
combination of factors; some of them were the lack of regulations and supervision,
excessive leverage practice, insufficient liquidity provision and a lack of adequate
capital holdings by the banks. This report will focus on two different concepts bank s
capital and liquidity, explaining the importance of both for banks, how they link and
interact with each other, and the risks banks could face in case of any potential
shortfalls in these key areas. A shortfall in one of these... Show more content on ...
The Basel III proposals by Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS)
specified minimum capital and liquidity requirements that should reduce chances of
banking crises in the future. However, meeting these standard requirements can
reduce banks profitability and entail additional costs.
Capital and liquidity
A bank s capital can be defined as shareholder equity, retained earnings and
reserves, or bank s own funds, and together with bank s liabilities, or borrowed
funds they provide funding for bank s assets. This includes financial, tangible and
intangible assets. Due to the nature of business most of bank s assets are secured
and unsecured loans to individuals and businesses and lending in the wholesale
market. Whether it is a secured or unsecured loan, there is always a risk, known as
the credit risk that the borrower will not be able to repay the amount borrowed,
which can cause losses to the bank. The main characteristic of capital is the ability to
Summary Of The Souls Of Black Folk By W. E. B. Dubois
During the 20th century, colored people in America were seen as a problem.
However, there were civil rights activists like William Edward Burghardt Du Bois
who recognized the problem and advocated for reconstruction. In The Souls of Black
Folk, W.E.B. Du Bois analyzes African American history, culture, and social standing.
Unlike Booker T. Washington, Du Bois discussion of African American
culture like
the concept of double consciousness reflects his broader political and scholarly
agenda of promoting political rights and higher education to fight black
oppression. Du Bois begins by explaining how African Americans experience
double consciousness, which describes how one faces the challenge of having
more than one social identity, which in this case is being both African and
American in America. For example, Du Bois recalled that his first experience of
double consciousness occurred when he was just a kid and students at his school
were exchanging cards. He states, The exchange was merry, till one girl, a tall
newcomer, refused my card, refused it peremptorily, with a glance (2). This incident
shows how the white girl looked through the veil and only recognized Du Bois skin
color, and Du Bois in return only saw the negative side of white people. Du Bois
comment is... Show more content on ...
Since whites did not want to teach them, African Americans decided to educate
themselves and succeeded. For instance, Du Bois celebrates the fact that in a single
generation [the missionaries of 68] put thirty thousand black teachers in the South;
they wiped out the illiteracy if the majority of the black people of the land, and they
make Tuskegee possible (60). This quote implies that when given the opportunity to
do so, blacks can succeed educationally just as well as whites. Therefore, another
part of Du Bois scholarly agenda is to educate African
What Are The Similarities Between Debs And Schenck
The critics of World War I, specifically Eugene V. Debs and Charles Schenck, were
American. An American is a person of United States citizenship who upholds the
values, ideas, and traditions upon which America was founded. Debs and Schenck
believed that those who went to war were anti Americans. They themselves must be
Americans if they oppose anti Americans. The Schenck Pamphlet states, war is an
insult to every good and wholesome American tradition. He is up front on his belief
in American tradition. He is arguing that those who encourage war are anti American.
Eugene V. Debs sarcastically states in his speech, These... tyrants, red handed robbers
and murders, [say they re] the patriots. Eugene opposes those who support World War
I, his belief making them anti American. If one opposes those who are against an
entity for the reason that they are against the entity, must believe in the entity
themselves to care about the opposers.... Show more content on ...
Some who cares enough to say I am not a blank, must want to be viewed as a blank,
blank being an American in this scenario. Eugene V. Debs states, the men who
have the courage to stand face to face with them , speak the truth, and fight for
their exploited victims they are [called] the disloyalists and traitors. Schenck s
Pamphlet asks its reader, Are you with the forces of liberty and light or war and
darkness? Those who are the light and speak the truth would be Debs, Schenck, and
others with similar ideas; Those who are darkness would be the supporter of World
War I. They make the supporters the bad guys and anti Americans and the opposers
the good guys and the Americans. The supporters say the inverse and Debs and
Schenck reject this
High Choolesterol Levels
High cholesterol levels can be a strong risk factor for cardiovascular disease,
especially atherosclerosis. Cholesterol accumulates inside your blood vessels
which ends up getting clogged. When these vessels get clogged, plaques form
which cause the atherosclerosis. (Peters Et al, 2016) There are two main forms of
cholesterol, which are low density lipoproteins (LDL) and high density lipoproteins
(HDL). LDL is considered the bad cholesterol because it contributes to the plaque
formation (CDC, 2016). Controlling your levels of bad cholesterol is key. One
important way to control these levels would be maintaining a balanced diet. There are
many food sources that help maintain a healthy level of serum cholesterol, such as
eating a Mediterranean... Show more content on ...
It includes polysaccharides, lignin, and associated plant substances. It exhibits one
or more of either laxation (fecal bulking and softening, increased frequency; and/or
regularity), blood cholesterol attenuation, and blood sugar regulation. A soluble
dietary fiber known as beta glucan helps to lowers your cholesterol levels by
several mechanisms. For starters, the viscous layer reduces the uptake of dietary
cholesterol in the intestines as well as the reabsorption of bile acids. In response,
the body draws upon the circulating cholesterol to produce more bile acid. The
slower uptake of cholesterol in the intestines and the increased bile acid helps
reduce the cholesterol levels circulating in the blood (Gale, 2015). So, the more
fiber in the diet, the more readily your digestive system can remove the cholesterol.
Some foods high in dietary fiber are fruits, vegetables, oats, whole grains and
seaweed (CDC, 2016). These all lower your LDL levels and maintain your HDL
Measuring The Value Of The Parent Class
6.1 Weighted Methods per Class: WMC relates directly to complexity of a thing,
since methods are properties of object classes and complexity is determined by the
cardinality of its set of properties. The number of methods is, therefore, a measure
of class definition as well as being attributes of a class, since attributes correspond
to properties. 6.2 Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT): DIT measures the effect of an
ancestor class over the class for which the metrics is being measured. In DIT, the
deeper the class is in hierarchy, the greater the number of methods it is likely to
inherit and greater the potential reuse of inherited methods. 6.3 Number of
children (NOC): NOC relates to the scope of properties. It measures the number of
subclasses inheriting the methods of the parent class. Greater NOC relates to
more reuse and likelihood of improper abstraction of the parent class. This metrics
also relates that greater NOC could be the case of misuse of sub classing. A class
may require more testing if the NOC is high. 6.4 Coupling between object classes:
CBO defines the number of other classes to which it is coupled. CBO reflects that
if one object acts on another, then they can be coupled. Since objects of the same
class have the same properties, two classes are coupled when methods declared in
one class use methods or instance variables defined by the other class. 6.5 Lack of
Cohesion in Methods: Lack of Cohesion (LCOM) measures the dissimilarity of
Necessity, Bodiless, Collaboration
Usage of Necessity, Bodiless, Collaboration in Steps Towards a Small Theory of
the Visible What does it mean to view something? To experience something
honestly? To experience real art in a world that overloads its audience with
meaningless disconnected images? John Berger intricately develops an opinion
about what is veritable art and how it affects human experience in his essay, Steps
Towards a Small Theory of the Visible. When making note of the language used,
there are specific words that stand out from rest used in the passage. This use of
language in the essay correlates to three ideas that Berger makes special effort to
develop throughout the essay. Necessity is the principle that declares something must
be so. The word bodiless is
Essay on The Effects of Birth Order
Does birth order have an effect on personality? Does being first born make people
more responsible? If someone is the middle born child, are they going to be more
If people are last born are they more likely to be on television? Are first born
children inconsiderate and selfish or reliable and highly motivated?
These, and many other questions are being thoroughly studied by psychologists
(Harrigan, 1992). In 1923, the renowned psychiatrist Dr. Alfred Adler, wrote that a
person s position in the family leaves an undeniable stamp on his or her style of life
(Marzollo, 1990). Research has shown that birth order does indeed affect a child;
however, it does not automatically shape personality.
If it did, life would be ... Show more content on ...
They are the ones that are extremely driven to succeed in high achievement fields
such as science, medicine, or law (Leman, 1985). For example, of the first twenty
three astronauts sent into outer space, twenty one were first born or their close
cousin, the only child, which we w ill discuss later on. In fact, all seven astronauts in
the original Mercury program were first born children
(Leman, 1985). Also, first born children tend to choose careers that involve
leadership. For example, fifty two percent of all U.S. presidents were first borns
(Lanning, 1991). Researchers say that, in general, first born children tend to have
higher IQs than younger siblings. This is not because they start off more intelligent,
but because of the amount of attention new parents give to their first child
(Marzollo, 1990). Experts claim that a first born s will to succeed begins in infancy
(Lanning, 1991). The extraordinary love affair that many new parents have with
their first child leads to the kind of intensity that can probably never be repeated with
a younger child. In the first few weeks, a new parent imitates the baby s gestures in a
playful game. A rhythm is established by mimicry of vocalizations, motions, and
smiles. Think what this cycle of action reaction might mean to an infant:
I m pretty powerful, aren t I? Everything I do is copied by someone who cares about
me . After a couple of weeks of game playing the infant develops a sense of I
Leda And The Swan Yeats Summary
Tegan Zankl
Professor Tyler Forest
English 100
15 February 2018
W. B. Yeats: Leda and the Swan
In the poem Leda and the Swan , William Butler Yeats retells the story of the Greek
god Zeus taking on the body of a swan to rape an innocent mortal, Leda. Yeats was
mesmerized by the unique relationships between mortals and gods in ancient stories;
this is what triggers his urge to write a poem about this tale. Yeats includes many
references to ancient Greek mythology. He expects readers to know the background
on this Greek history when reading through the poem to get a full understanding. He
also uses his words to make a strong impact on the readers minds. The themes in this
poem are very diverse, but the ones of beastiality, wordplay and Greek history are
most effective.
The language in the text creates an intense ... Show more content on
Yeats assumes that the readers know about the Greek myth of Zeus, sky and weather
god, taking the form of a swan to violate Leda, Aetolian princess who later becomes
a famous Spartan Queen. The opening lines start off presumably in Leda s
perspective when he states, A sudden blow (Yeats 1), meaning that the Swan
harshly approaches Leda and knocks her off her feet. We now can assume that the
swan is larger than normal for it to have such extreme power to induce a great deal
of force onto an unexpecting woman. In line 4, He (Yeats 4) is written for the first
time so readers now know that the swan is of male nature; this explains the large
size and strength of the swan. In the following stanza, through the first line Yeats
chooses the word vague (Yeats 5) to describe how Leda is so terrified and disoriented
when being violated by the swan. This can lead the reader to wonder if Leda could
have even prevented the violation? The answer is clear, it would be incredibly
absurd that she could have. When Yeats asks, And how can body (Yeats 7), he is
Reflection Of La Relacion (Erica)
Ms. Cary Hall
American literature G11
11 October 2016
Reflection Essay: La Relacion
Such a cold and freezing winter, people naked and willing to survive... The men
began to regain their senses, their locomotion, and their hope (deVaca 24 25). Do
these quotes remind you something? La Relacion is the representative of historical
narrative (a genre of writings that converts history into a story based form) of the first
European account of adventures with Native American in 15th century written by
Alvar Nunez Cabeza deVaca. The entire story is about building a good relationship
between Spaniards and Native Americans. La Relacion itself emphasizes the
characteristic of historical narrative story not only by stating author s opinion ... Show
more content on ...
First of all, we could see the author is very eager to express his opinions toward what
he had experienced, and describe what he felt emotionally. These detailed arguments
enable the story to be justified as the representative of historical narrative story. From
the beginning, when the author was sailing and facing the worst situation ever (failed
to escape, nothing to eat, nothing to wear), the author showed the strong attachment
between him and their religion Christianity. Nothing but God s great mercy kept us
from going down... (3). According to this statement, the author thanks God that he
has survived from the harsh waves which could have destroyed their barge. Even
though he lost everything what he had before, he still had the belief that God would
do work for him. At this point, one can predict that de Vaca s personal opinion is
based on his religion, which identifies this story as the 15th century Native
American stories. I was also able to find author s personal feeling during the
hardship when he failed from returning (when is the climax of the story which
greater audiences curiosity. What would happen if they finally failed to go back?).
He once again looked for God when he was naked, not able to eat enough, and was
about to die. The Lord willed
Female Sexuality In Maya Angelou s Their Eyes Were...
This book relates to Their Eyes Were Watching God by having both the protagonist
married at a young age and them taking interest in someone else. Like Janie, the
character of Andrea is in a sexual affair with someone who makes them feel new and
different. These people bring light into their lives.
A constant problem in society is the different beliefs of what women should do and
how they should act and how they should look. People want women to have large
chests and butts and a small waist, but these are simply unrealistic. There billions of
women on this earth and not people are the same. A line from one of Maya Angelou
s famous poem Human Family read, I know ten thousand women/called Jane and
Mary Jane,/ but I ve not seen any two/ who ... Show more content on
Katie L. Love writes in her article Black Feminism: An Integrated Review of
Literature, The experiences of African American woman are both complex and
unique, based on similarities in experiences with racism and sexism stereotyping
and in a shared history (Love 11.) Black women s history in feminism has been
infrequent. Their battle is not only with sexism, but also also race and how they are
not seen as equals within white culture because of their skin color even though for
centuries they did nothing but get traded, sold, and taken from their home lands.
Despite this they just wanted be treated as equals, but they are invisible to the white
community. Where did my body end and the crystal and white world begin? (Ellison
238.) Ralph Ellison writes in his novel, Invisible Man. They have had to overcome
the adversity and other matters dealing with their race. Katie Love writes in her
article, Black feminism is a branch of feminism specifically focusing on the unique
experience of having multiple identities (intersectionality), specifically race, class,
and gender (Love 11.) The battle for equality has over stretch the fact that they are
not only women, but also women that despite their class are treated the same. Ralph
Ellison, the author of Invisible Man writes in regard to african americans in society, I
am invisible, understand, simply because people
Kelly Gadol Essay
Almost immediately in her work she addresses Kelly Gadol s argument and its
effects on the conclusions even in the early 2000s. Generally, she argues, the field
of gender history agrees upon four tenets: the lack of a unified experience of early
modern; temporalities and locations honed distinct gender roles; the call for each
question posed for females to be answered for males rather than discussing the history
of man outside of genderand as men ; and, quoting Joan Scott, gender is a primary
way of signifying relationships of power . With these field wide conclusions
established, she explores the three avenues of power surrounding the form to show
students a world of early modern women and the field s state even with few sources
extant.... Show more content on ...
With heavy primary source research and her unique concept of early modern
feminism, she allows for women and their supporters to interact with ideas of equality
on an intellectual level comparable to women living in 2009 when the work
published. Covering the likes of Pizan, Roper, and Mary Basset s educations in
household academies in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. While Italian women
generally wrote earlier than English women, Ross situates comparable situations in
each subchapter to allow easier comparison and contrast. This layout provides an
interesting look at the developmental and philosophical differences in the two
countries and their world
Pyro Pharmacy
The Pyro pharmacy is a big upscale and mail request drug store that offers physician
recommended solution at lower costs than different drug stores. The pharmacy has
the capacity offer at diminished costs through the utilization of working efficiencies
and the end of pointless administrations for clients that self pay their medications.
The Pyro pharmacydoes not acknowledge protection installments which upset the
By having a bigger rate of their business adjusted by their mail request arm, The
Pyro Pharmacy has the capacity pick up economies of scale by offering bigger
amounts of medications with less work obliged per request. As more Americans are
on a consistent remedy to prescription, this pattern will fit fast development as clients
... Show more content on ...
The entire restorative industry (counting specialists, pharmaceutical organizations)
has weight being connected to them from diverse sides to accomplish cost
proficiency and to decline the expense of the different items/administrations. Taking a
gander at drug stores, in the course of the most recent eight years, there has been
broad union, done to a vast degree to accomplish costs proficiency. Currently
insurance agencies are adding weight to abatement costs since they are a primary
gathering in the installment for meds. The Pyro Pharmacy has the capacity coincide
in this union environment by accomplishing expense effectiveness through their
novel plan of action of mail request administration and a reduction in the typical drug
specialist offered
Advantages Of Crypto Currency Exhange
Crypto currency will give the consumer the abillity to save whilst they spend. Create
coinEX coinEX can then be purchased and used to make purchases as an alternative
currency for online, social media and at retail outlets. How do you spend and save?
An increase in coiEnX value creates profit on invesment Consumer uses coinEX as a
payment method for a purchase . Opportunity for consumer to use profit gained on
coinEX as payment and keep exsiting investment to mature again. Further investment
possible? It sure is! Our platform will give coinEX user the option to invest there
gains/savings into our cypto currency exhange, we will then use there investment and
allocate it into the most lucrative coins/ICO`s This will help strenghten the coin even
further as all further invesment transactions will be done using the coinEX coin. Who
are we? What do we do? Esmail Enterprises working in conjunction with Get
Connected is a distribution Company servicing the independent retail sector for...
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The consumer market would now be able to benefit from investing in a
Cryptocurrency market which will give them not only an oppotunity to make profit
from the investment but now have an option to use profit to do daily purcahses by
using a simplyfied paymnet system (as easy as paying by cash). Once coinEX is
established and transactions are a normal way of consumer spending habit, the option
to allow other Crypto currencies to use our platform at a cost (specified at a later
date) would be another opportunity. Strength: Longest standing and have strong
awareness in the market place. Weakness: Only geard to taking payment with a very
small earning for
How Is Holden Caulfield A Predictable Character
Change is difficult to adapt to. That is why many individuals have foreseeable
actions, opinions, and thoughts. In the book The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
and Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld, both Holden and Lee dislike change. In The
Washington Post, during the review of Curtis Sittenfled s Prep, they wrote, Holden
Caulfieldwould love this heroine. Holden would appreciate Lee s predictability in
her actions. In The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, Holden appreciates
predictable people. For example, Holden enjoys going to the museum (16). The
reason is that every time Holden goes to the museum, the placement of the artifacts
will never change. This shows that he values stability. This means that Holden
dislikes change because it... Show more content on ...
For instance, And this was it, the last time: I was retiring from cutting hair (158).
This shows that Lee is retiring from hair cutting because she feels disgust towards
Aspeth and Cross behavior. They are flirting in front of her when she was cutting
Aspeth s nasty, blond hair. Holden would like Lee because she still cuts Aspeth s
hair even though she dislikes her personality and the way she carries herself. Lee
does not speak up and let other people take control of her. Even though some of
Lee s actions contradict Holden s personality, her predictability overrules all of the
irony. The reason is that Holden wishes that some of the people that he adores
(Jane) will never change because if they do, they can hurt his heart and wreck the
love between them. My hair desperately needs cutting (164). This shows that Lee is
predictable because after she vows that she will never cut hair anymore, she cuts
Ms. Moray s hair a few days after Aspeth s. She cuts Ms. Moray s hair so she does
not let her down because she is a person that always fulfills the needs of others
before her own. Holden would like Jane because her actions and thoughts are
predictable. He is a person that appreciates stability because he likes people and
things that do not change over a long period of
The Impossible American Dream Essay
The Impossible American Dream in Anzia Yezierska s America and I, Uncle and
Jayanti from Chitra Divakaruni s Silver Pavements, Golden Roofs, and Leon from
Fae Myenne Ng s Bone. America has always been characterized as the land of dreams
and opportunities. Immigrants entering America took these characterizations to heart.
The dreams and aspirations of stable, wealthy, and happy lives in America became
known as the American Dream . However, the... Show more content on ...
But it is also evident how their lives could have been different if Jay s suggestion is
taken into account. The first example of the negativity of the American Dream is
in the unnamed narrator of Anzia Yezierska s story America and I. The narrator
immigrates from Russia to America full of dreams and desires. She says, America
was a land of living hope, woven of dreams, aflame with longing and desire
(Yezierska 1970). For the narrator, America represents the ideal place to live, where
everyone s dreams can come true. She believes that in America everybody works
for love. Nobody has to worry for a living (Yezierska 1974). The narrator quickly
finds out that life in America is not about working for love. Despite having hope
that the former Russian immigrants that she is working for will treat her well, her
very first job ends with her receiving no wages for her hard work. The narrator s
second job is no better, with endless hours, little rest, and even less money. She is
confused and cannot seem to discover herself and her place in an America that is
so different than her dream. She laments, Who am I? What am I? What do I want
with my life? Where is America? Is there an America? What is this wilderness in
which I m lost? (Yezierska 1972). She yearns for a way to express herself but has no
way to communicate her needs. The narrator s conversation at the vocational center
becomes a sad commentary on the negativity of the
The Tragic Heroes Of The Great Gatsby By F. Scott
Comparative Essay: Exceptional Heroes
Victorious living does not mean perfect living in the sense of living without flaw, but
it does mean adequate living, and that can be consistent with many mistakes (Jones).
Usually a story of one hero whose story is one filled with suffering, calamity and
disaster eventually ends in death. The hero posses a hamartia which leads them to
make fatal mistakes. Both Macbeth and Gatsby are portrayed as tragic heroes in their
respected text. Both characters are similar due to their tragic flaws such as, downfalls
being caused by their over ambition, they both become isolated and finally both
characters suffer and meet their deaths in the bitter end.
Firstly, Gatsby s ambitious tendencies fuel him to pursue his past and now married
lover, Daisy Buchannan. Gatsby is very persistent and hustles to make money
whether legal or illegal in order to live the American Dream and to be viewed by
his peers as a success. For instance, even during his youth, Gatsby had realized his
aspirations and as a result refused to succumb to poverty. As Nick Carraway
provides insight of the information which was forwarded to him, he grasps
knowledge of his new friend, James Gatz s true and humble beginnings. I suppose he
d had the name ready for a long time, even then his parents were shiftless and
unsuccessful farm people his imagination had never really accepted them as his
parents at all (Fitzgerald, 98). Nick explains Gatsby s true, humble beginnings
The Twelve Tables Of The Roman Empire
Ruby Driscoll
Twelve Tables
April 26, 2017
The Twelve Tables Though the Twelve Tables are not widely known, they played a
large role in establishing the early Roman government. Not only were they the first
set of written laws in the Roman empire, the Twelve tables bound the Plebeian and
Patrician empires to the the same set of regulations. The Twelve Tables inspired other
nations at the time to form an organized system and regions around the world still use
the basic fundamentals of the laws.
The Twelve Tables were first introduced to the Roman empirein 455 BC. The
Plebeian and Patrician empires appointed a council of ten men to form a set of rules
that bound their people. The council was called the Decemviri. Together, the... Show
more content on ...
The fifth table says that any woman, whether or not maintained majority, should be
in the custody of a man at all times. If the father and husband are deceased she will
be in custody of her brother until remarried.
The sixth table only contains one law which states when a property owner sells his
land, the sell is binding and the land cannot be taken back by the original seller,
unless repurchased a year after the buyer removes his previous crops. On the same
tablet, table seven is found. Table seven states that if a tree from another land falls
on your land, you are able to take legal action and cut it down, or harvest the fruit
from the side of the tree that is on your property. If the fruit is not on your property,
however, the owner of the tree is able to put you in debt until the fruit is returned or
paid back for. Table seven also says that the roads should be paved by managers of
the city and any unpaved roads are legal to drive on without regulation.
Table eight gives rules on injury. If a man hits another free man and brakes his
bone, he owes the man 300 coins. If the bone of a slave is broken, he owes them 50
coins. If the injury affects the man for the rest of his life, the price doubles. It also
stated that if a man is killed at night while robbing a house, the man who killed him
will not be prosecuted. The third law of the table states that any man who purposely
destroys the food
The Red Cross And Home Fire Prevention Campaign
The Red Cross in Hawaii responds to disasters every four days. More than 90
percent of them are fire related. The American Red Cross home fire prevention
campaign aims to reduce the number of fire deaths and injuries in the U.S. by 25
percent within five years. This is done by educating people about the risk of home
fires and by installing free smokealarmsin their homes.
Since we are responding to fires after they happen, putting a lot of resources to
respond to fires before they happen is a much better use of resources, Preparedness
Manager Disaster Services with the Hawaii State Chapter Carole Kaapu said.
Smoke alarms cut the risk of death from fire in half.
The fatalities are preventable. It s just like why is it important to have seat belts in
your car? Not everybody is going to have an accident, but because they have seat
belts, people s lives are saved. The smoke alarms are probably not gonna save your
house. It s not gonna save the belongings in your house, but it will save the lives of
the people in the house, Kaapu said.
Nationwide the program is for seniors (anyone older than 65), any home with
children younger than 17, anybody who is from a low income area, a targeted area
meaning that there has been fires in that neighborhood and native population.
Those five things are 95 percent of the state of Hawaii. So for us it s easier to say
seniors because they are used to self identifying. It s just an easy way to keep the
inquiries coming in
Wellpoint Incorporated And Now Anthem
WellPoint Incorporated and Now Anthem WellPoint Company is an independent
licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) and the association
of independent health benefit plans. WellPoint is headquartered in Indianapolis,
Indiana and employs 48,200 people (Market Line, 2014). WellPoint s total revenue
was $71,023.5 million in 2013, operating profit was $4,588.2 million and net profit
was $2,489.7 million. According to the Market Line (2014) research analysis,
WellPoint s strength is having a broad membership via affiliate medical plans and
individual subsidiary plans. Through WellPoint s deal making legacy in merger and
acquisitions and has the potential to increase its portfolio and attract new markets.
On November 5, 2014, most of WellPoint s shareholders voted to rebrand Well Point
as Anthem. Due to the 2004 merger between WellPoint Health Networks and Anthem,
most of WellPoint s health plans carry the name Anthem; causing confusions to
consumers (Herman, 2014). By rebranding WellPoint as Anthem, WelPoint is hoping
this will help eliminate consumer confusion and demonstrate value proposition for
everyone (Herman, 2014). Since the merge in 2004 and the name rebranding, Anthem
currently employs approximately 52,000 associates and hold approximately 39.6
million members (Anthem, 2016). Anthem s total revenue as of December 2015
increased to $79.2 million from $73.9 million in 2014 (Anthem, 2016). Anthem s net
profit is $180.9 million (Anthem, 2014).
The Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria
Luis Carrasco
Jess Lerma
English 1A
December 11, 2015
Daesh: A Global Enemy The world is at war. You ask with who? Terrorism, to be
more specific though they are called The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
They have a few other names as well, The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
(ISIL) and Daesh. I will choose to call them Daesh in this piece because these
terrorists find it insulting. The reason for this is that Daesh an acronym for ISIS in
Arabic. This acronym though sounds exactly like the Arabic word dais, which
means something that crushes or tramples. In recent months many Arabs and
Western leaders, including Secretary of State John Kerry, prefer to call it Daesh,
the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State. But Islamic State members hate the term
because in Arabic, the pronunciation is close to a word that can be variously
translated as to crush or bigot who imposes his will on others (Reid, 2). Daesh do
not want this title and have threatened to cut out the tongues of people who use it.
Daesh are a product of instability in the Syrian and Iraq region plus a Syrian civil
war. Unfortunately, America is greatly at fault for the instability in Iraq and helped
fund the Syrian rebels, so you could say the U.S. helped create them. Daesh s goal
is to start a religious war. They want the world to fear Islam and want them to hate it.
They showed us exactly what they were capable of in Paris France. The world needs
to realize that this is just a
Dashwood Vs Elinor
In the novel, Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen and the article, Impulse and Virtue
in Jane Austen: Sense and Sensibility in Two Centuries, by Edward Joseph Shoben
Jr. the contrasting roles of sisters in the nineteenth century are demonstrated as they
face their roles in society. The sisters, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood, differ in many
ways, especially in the way they feel and are effected by their respective emotions
and in their response to societal norms. Elinor demonstrates sense through her
adherence of societal norms whereas Marianne exemplifies sensibility , expressing
her emotions to their fullest extent.
A major way in which Elinor and Marianne Dashwood s personalities differ is in the
way they deal with emotion. Every aspect ... Show more content on ...
For Marianne, morality is an inherent quality of selfhood rather than a process of
judgement based on social rules. Confronted by a world in which pettiness and
egotism appear virtually universally, she rebels by setting the authenticity of her
own impulses above the authority of society (Shoben 532). Marianne celebrates
her admiration and love for Willoughby; she gives him a lock of her hair without
being engaged to him which was unheard of during these times. She also
recognizes their relationship, against the norms of society, when she arrives in
London. Marianne writes Willoughby several letters in the hopes of seeing him
once again. Her extremely public relationship with the mysterious Willoughby
caused others to doubt sometimes ... of their being really engaged, and this doubt
was enough to prevent her [Elinor] making any inquiry of Marianne (Austen 66).
The odd context of the relationship frequently causes Marianne s mother and sister
to worry for her candidness. The two hope and expect an engagement to be
announced several times during the beginning of the novel. Marianne also
demonstrates her rebellion against social norms in regard to Colonel Brandon.
Rather than being charmed by the idea of the eligible bachelor having feelings for
her, she is disgraced. She shares with her family her belief that the Colonel is too old
to even be able to feel
Character Analysis Of Tough Tommy Touhey
In Empire Rising by Thomas Kelly, Tough Tommy Touhey was enjoying wealth that
much of New York City envied during the Great Depression, as he was the biggest
racketeer in the Bronx and longtime friend of Johnny Farrell, an important figure in
Tammany Hall. Touhey was a well known criminal and sympathizer to the Irish
Republican cause, selling the Irish Republican Armyguns and providing their men
with daytime jobs. After many years of prosperity, Touhey s reign hit a patch of
turbulence when an Italian mobster known as the Dago began to move in on his
territory, looking to usurp his title as the most powerful crime lord in the Bronx. To
make matters worse, Touhey s friend and partner Johnny Farrell was beginning to
have doubts about their partnership, wondering if he should support the Dago
instead. Once things heated up between Touhey and the Dago, Touhey faked his
own death and escaped to San Francisco. In Empire Rising, Tough Tommy Touhey
serves as the main vehicle by which the underlying message of the consequences of
the choices we make and the allegiances we keep is conveyed. Tough Tommy
Touhey s main personality traits, such as his propensity for violence, craftiness, and
admiration for loyalty, help reveal the ramifications of his actions and allegiances.
One of Touhey s most defining qualities is his natural inclination toward violence, as
can be seen by Farrell noting that when it came to physical violence Touhey had no
peer. He was the kind of street
Donald Hall Research Paper
There are many different types of authors: poets, short story writers, essay writers,
children s authors and playwrights. Donald hall just happens to be all of them. He
has also had different sections of his life involving different things.One was his early
days including education.Another was his mid life where he did majority of his
writingand family building.The final part of his life is what he is living right now
which is his older time of his life. Through Donald halls eighty eight years of living
eighty nine in September, he has experience many challenges.
Starting off in his early years of life with his childhood included. Donald Hall has
been a new englander since his birth in 1928. On September 20, 1928 Donald Hall
was born in ... Show more content on ...
After his prime years Donald started to create a life for himself other than writings.
He was married twice once to an unknown woman when he was in college but they
were later divorced. Then he was married to Jane Kenyon then she died at the age of
47 to leukemia in 1995. He also had two child a boy and a girl. His daughter s name
is Philippa Hall and and his son s name is Andrew Hall. He also had a job that was
not just writing. He got a teaching job at michigan college for an english professor
where he worked from 18, 1957 to1975. He also lived all over the U.S. He bought
his great grandfather s house which is where he is currently living, which was a
great influence to him. Concluding, Donald Hall has overcome many obstacles in his
Therefore, Donald Hall has lived more in his life that other people wish to do. He
has lived through many deaths in his life but is still an extremely inspiring person.
He has also had many challenges in his writing life but overcame all of them.
Donald Hall, will live on forever with the writings that he will leaves on this earth
when he leaves. Finally Donald hall published more than 50 writings and
Language Development Is A Central Characteristic Of
Literature Review Delays in language development is a central characteristic of
autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Walker and Snell (2013) suggest that children who
demonstrate poor communication skills often times are more likely to engage in
problematic behaviors. The literature provides substantial evidence that functional
communicationtraining (FCT) is an effective intervention to use as a replacement
behaviorto decrease maladaptive behaviors for children with ASD. In a study
conducted by Lambert, Bloom, and Irvin (2012), trial based functional analysis and
functional communication training was researched to determine if FCT could cause
reduction in problem behavior for children with developmental delays in a preschool
setting. The... Show more content on ...
The results of this study further support previous research that students with
communication deficits can be taught to use assistive devices as the alternative
behavior (Durand, 1999). While functional communication training has proven to be
an evidence based procedure to use to decrease maladaptive behaviors, concern arises
for those individuals who have difficulty using conventional speech to communicate
and may benefit more with using augmentative and alternative communication
systems (AAC) (Ganz et al., 2012). Lorah et al. (2013) conducted a study comparing
the effects between a picture exchange and an iPad speech generating device (SGD)
with five preschool aged boys diagnosed with autism to teaching manding. This study
resulted in an increase rate of independent manding using an SGD. Some limitations
included results consistent with previous literature that found that some individuals
prefer other AAC modalities and it is important to conduct an assessment to
determine which the individual would prefer to use to communicate with.
Additionally, Kagohara et al. (2010) found that speech generating devices offer many
advantages as they provide a speech output feature that can be understood by the
communicative partner and produce clear and concise messages to the
communicative partner so that it decreases instances of miscommunication.
Research Question With the
Erica Zeiler s Hello Memory
Most creative endeavors are marathons, not sprints. It s carefully honing a craft
until it truly sparkles. This is both the method and madness for Brooklyn s trio,
Little Daylight. By fashioning memorable and jarring pop melodies with confident
and engrossing live performances, the newcomers are carving out their own little
slice of sunshine with their debut album, Hello Memory. When we first formed,
which was the day we started writing Hello Memory , the three of us each dumped
our mental baggage onto the table, said guitarist Matt Lewkowicz. What followed
was the slow and arduous process of deciding what worked and what didn t,
carefully defining what Little Daylight would be. The way that we work is a lot of
trimming that goes on. What resulted is an bombastic album comprised of
unforgettable rhythm oriented melodies punctuated with smartly arranged layers of
synth and guitar. Grounded by Erica Zeiler s sultry vocals, each song is a carefully
calibrating experiment in atmosphere, and it s determined to take you places. The
album s single Overdose is a humming, thumping, cascading call to arms on the dance
floor.... Show more content on ...
When we listen to music, we try to figure out what s behind it, said Lewkowicz.
Their performances, although offering polished pop tunes, attempt to stay as tactile
and raw as possible, communicating their ideas directly. For a band to create a
passionate fanbase they have to be larger than life and one of the greatest elements of
that is putting on a great live show. If anything transcends in their live sets it is
clearly seeing artists do what they love, that authenticity doesn t take much
Spinach Lab
Introduction: My lab partners and I performed an experiment that involved
placing spinach disks into separate cups of distilled water (dH2O) and 0.2%
sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) solution to examine photosynthesis in leaf tissue
(Department of EEB, 2015). Discovering that the spinach disks quickly floated to
the top of the 0.2% NaHCO3 solution and not in dH2O, we wondered if varied
concentrations of carbonation would affect the rate of photosynthesis (PS). We
tested this by halving the 0.2% NaHCO3 solution (using equal parts dH2O and
0.2% NaHCO3 solution to make 0.1% NaHCO3 solution). I hypothesize that if the
spinach disks are placed in the 0.1% NaHCO3 solution, then they will have a slower
PS compared to the disks placed in 0.2% NaHCO3. CO2... Show more content on ...
In conclusion, the hypothesis is supported by the experiment. Only 2/10 disks
floated to the top of the 0.1% NaHCO3 solution, while all 10 of the disks in the
0.2% NaHCO3 solution floated to the top. A potential follow up experiment could
be to test the affects of increased concentrations of carbonation on PS (Bagley et al.,
2015). There was the possibility of human error and bias having impact on the
experiment. When using syringes, the plunger may have been pulled too harshly and
damaged some of the disks. This could have led to disks not floating to the top in the
experiment. Another form of error could have been the use of disks that were cut
from the veins of the leaf, which has less chloroplasts, meaning less process of
photosynthesis happening, and result in the disks not floating to the
Effects Of Communication On Social Media
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION There are implications when parents fail to
understand some apparent psychological distresses this generation of adolescents are
experiencing due to the communication done on social media. These psychological
distresses that many adolescents are experiencing when they communicate on their
social media sites seem to fall within the criteria for major depression. Since rates of
teen depression are on a rapid rise and social media is their primary source of
communication, this research study wants to explore if the internalizing symptoms
they are experiencing fall in the criteria for major depression. Therefore, the purpose
of this qualitative study is to understand how the constant communication done on
social media impacts adolescent depression in San Antonio, TX. In fact, recent
studies show that when teens spend more time on their electronics and less time on in
person social interactions, they experience and struggle with different internal
symptoms like loneliness (Twenge, 2017). Although, cell phones, tablets, computers,
etc., link adolescents day and night in constant communication through their social
media apps, unfortunately social media exacerbates several internalizing symptoms,
especially the age old teen concern about their fears of being left out (Twenge, 2017).
Today s teens may go to fewer parties and spend less time together in person, but
when they do congregate, they document their hangouts relentlessly on Snapchat,
Media Influence On The Media
Sports have always been a leisurely activity, and a way to escape the reality of the
world. But the actions that certain athletes, teams and fans have taken, changed the
potential that sports now hold. Whether it is athletes that kneel during the national
anthem, athletes that hold a fist in the air before the beginning of the game, or
fans who protest in unity; sports can be used to spread political messages. Even so,
the media has an influence on the way people perceive the message being
displayed, and in a sense, it may be up to the media whether or not they want to
help spread the messages being sent in sports across. For a long time now, there
has only been a handful of athletes that stand up for what they believe in and take
action to express their thoughts to the public. This was seen recently with the
football player, Colin Kaepernick, who kneeled during the national anthem to
raise awareness with the issue of police brutality. This one action taken by the
athlete blew up out of proportion by the media, as a myriad of media sources made
this event their headline. However, in a turn of events, Kaepernick was then forced
to leave on his own the NFL team, San Francisco 49ers, because if he were not to
leave on his own, the team would get rid of him instead. The reason behind the
team wanting to get rid of this player could be seen because of how the media that
may in a sense be trying to help spread the message, instead is seen as a threat by the
football team. Since
Bluefin Tna Research Paper
The Bluefin tuna is the largest tuna that exists in the world, with adults growing 4
metres in length and weighing an average of 130 680 kilograms. They have a life
span of up to 40 years. The Bluefin tuna have versatile bodies which are crafted for
their velocity. The have torpedo shaped bodies which entail retractable pectoral fins,
and eyes which are set flush to their bodies. Their unique body structure results in
less drag as they swim and migrate across oceans. Bluefin tunas at the top of the food
chain and are labelled predators from the moment they hatch, as they seek out schools
of fishsuch as: Herring, Mackerel and Eels. Their sharp vision allows them to hunt by
sight and grants them with the sharpest vision of any bony fish.... Show more content
on ...
The illegal fishing is a major issue as the fisheries have been plagued by lack of
enforcement and control. The illegal fishing and overfishing links to another reason
for endangerment, which is high demand for consumers in high end sushi markets.
With the Blue fin Tuna being a highly sought after fish in Asia and a single Bluefin
Tuna selling for over $1.75 million, the money drives the fisherman or illegal
fisherman to continue to make catches with more refined techniques and as a result
the number of Bluefin Tuna s are decreasing
Roosevelt And Wilson Compare And Contrast
asing off of Roosevelt and Wilson s different points of view, it seems as they are in
disagreement. This conflict did change the U.S. a lot, but at different times. When
Roosevelt was in office, his Corollary went into role. Then, when Wilson took his
place, his annual message affected the nation greatly. These opposing views caused
problems not only in the United States, but in foreign countries also.
Roosevelt s Corollary shows that we could help Latin American countries (Cuba,
Venezuela and Panama) by backing them up and supporting them. No other
countries were allowed to seize their land, or else we could step in. If there was a
conflict between a Latin American country and a European country, again, we had
the right to step in. Whether we stepped in or not was based off of the degree of the
atrocity and upon our power to remedy it, Roosevelt says. ... Show more content on ...
When the Maine, was blown up, we blamed it on Spaniards and took it as a hostile
act. Then, Spain started Reconcentrados and there were food shortages, and many
deaths and outrages. We started to feel sad towards Cuban rebels, and we wanted to
protect them. Therefore, we blamed Spain for blowing up the Maine and we declared
The Spanish American War started, and a lot was going on. Dewey sank warships
at Manila Bay in the Phillippines, Emilio Aguinaldo seized Manila, the U.S. gained
control of the phillipine islands, and we destroyed a spanish fleet in Santiago. After
all of this chaos, 24,000 spanish soldiers surrendered. We signed the Peace Treaty of
Paris, and Cuba gained the independence they wanted. We took Puerto Rico, the
Phillippines, and wake. This calmed everything down.
The Spanish American War took place because we were allowed. Roosevelt s
Corollary allowed us to intervene with Cuban conflict, so we
William Chaucer s The Canterbury Tales
Page 1
Michael Rainone English III
Mr. Dillon Period 03
The Character Description
For the past few English classes, we have been reading The Canterbury Talesby
Geoffrey Chaucer. Chaucer lived from 1342 1400, around the time of the Hundred
Years War.
He fought in this battle, was captured and then ransomed with money contributed by
the English
king, King Edward himself. After his military campaign, Chaucer became a court
official. This
required him to travel to countries such as France, Spain and Italy. In these places he
about each of their cultures. Shortly thereafter he held multiple governmental posts.
While he
worked these positions, he was able to write multiple works. In this time, he wrote
the Book of
the Duchess, the Parliament of Fowls, Troilus and Cressida, the Legend of Good
Women and his
masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales. The Canterbury Tales is so highly regarded
because it
utilizes Middle English, it gives an accurate depiction of 14th century English society
and the fact
that it still entertains people today.
One of these Tales that s widely read throughout the world is the Pardoner s Tale.
people probably looked at the title and wondered what a pardoner was. Basically a
pardoner is a
The Devil And Tom Walker Reflection
The Devil and Tom Walker was my favorite story to read because it was very
interesting and had some good lessons. Tom made a deal with the devil for all the
money in the world and sold his soul to the devil without knowing. Tom becomes
rich and successful but soon regrets his bargain because he is very alone and
unhappy. This was a pleasant read for me just because of the message portrayed
and the way the author made it interesting. The author attempted to convince us
that you can have all the money in the world and still be unhappy and have no one
there for you. I think the message of the story was successful and it really showed
me how money can be the root of all evil. The story showed how many people are in
this world. They are so focused
Kurt Lewin s Theory Of Evolution In The Galapagos Islands
Learning is more effective when it is an active rather than a passive process Kurt
Lewin. Charles Darwin gave birth to his theory of evolution in The Galapagos
Islands. Although these islands do not have very many species, these species do have
a great deal of diversity. According to Tennessee Consortium For International
Studies, The organisms of the GalГЎpagos inspired Charles Darwinwith ideas about
how life of Earth has changed over ti Learning is more effective when it is an active
rather than a passive process said Kurt Lewin. According to Tennessee Consortium for
International Studies, In the Galapagos biological diversity has been preserved with
minimal impact from human colonization (TnCIS). The Galapagos Islands are home
Taking a Look at Aviation Operations
supervisor is an air traffic tower chief or an air traffic tower shift leader overseeing
the operations in the tower. As an air traffic controller on position gets their
weather information from a computer, a supervisor may notice that the weather
report is not consistent with tower visibility and decide to change the weather
being reported by the automated system. Another example of a supervisor is a
pilot flying and aircraft on autopilot. The pilot in command of an aircraft is directly
responsible for, and is the final authority as to, the operation of that aircraft (FAA,
2014). In the event that an error occurs during autopilot, the pilot is required to
take over the controls and fix the problem. Human performance under supervisory
control is often poor because of the limited task load placed on operators under
normal conditions (Endsley, 1995). Due to reduced control involvement of the
pilot, the consequences can be a loss of situational awareness and a decay of direct
control skills, which are critical for any midair recovery. Figure 2 below shows
how automation can affect situational awareness. Figure 2. Situational Awareness
is Reduced (FAA, 2013) Monitors The role of systems monitor is as difficult as the
role of supervisor is for humans. The monitor role involves observing and waiting
for a critical process event. For a copilot, a critical process could be a fluctuation on
the temperature gauge or a spike in pressure. The monitor s duty is to scan
Rhapsody In Blue Analysis
On April 7th, 2017, David Robertson conducted the Saint Louis Symphony in front
of a capacity crowd of 2,683 people at Saint Louis s Powell Hall during a concert
highlighting the works of Milhaud s La Creation du monde (The Creation of the
World), the original jazz band versions of Gershwin s Rhapsody in Blue, Bernstein s
Three Dance Variations from Fancy Free and concluding with Gershwin s Concerto
in F. Guest artist pianist Kirill Gerstein played during both of Gershwin s titles. The
first movement of the night began with Darius Milhaud s La Creation du monde. The
stage was set with a 17 piece orchestrawith the saxophone taking the center presence.
The beginning of the piece started with very dark, slow, and sharp tones that rise and
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Violins on the left, woodwinds in the center, a brass section on the right next to the
strings and percussion in the back all start out in a single conversation with the brass
taking the opening lead of the piece. And fancy free it was as this work immediately
started out as the fast tempo galop movement. The second movement had the
traditional waltz with the third and final movement the Danzon . During the Danzon
movement, I noticed the strings plucking and tapping their bows on their
instruments. I had never heard this piece before and found it very consonant, with a
nice level of fluidity and extremely pleasing to listen to. The final work of the nice
was Gershwin s Concerto in F. This concerto is in three movements; allegro, andante
con moto, and allegro agitato. Once again, the piano takes center stage with guest
pianist Kirill Gerstein at the helm. Immediately starts out in fast tempo and sounds
very similar Rhapsody in Blue. The piano taking a calming role in between the rest
of the orchestra s conversation and wraps up with a dramatic and all in finish with all
instruments striving to make their last notes
Intracranial Sinusitis
Discussion Intracranial infections are rare, but they are a very serious complication
of sinusitis. Diagnosis and treatment of complications of intracranial sinusitis is a
challenge and requires close cooperation between otolaryngology, neurosurgery,
infectious diseases, neurology and rehabilitation. Fortunately, their incidence has
decreased considerably over the last decades due to improved diagnosis and
treatment of paroxysmal sinusitis [1]. Many data suggest that the prognosis is more
favorable in children with rapid diagnosis and aggressive treatment. Typically
hospital stay lasts from 15 to 30 days [3.8 10], while hospitalization of our patient is
47 days. No patient usually has a history of sinusitis or any serious co morbidity.
What is more, sinus symptoms (such as purulent sputum) are usually rare. Both
observations are consistent with other pediatric reports (3,8,10) and our case. When
evaluating an intracranial infection in a child, the possibility of sinusitis should be
considered, even in the absence of history in this direction. For many decades the
most common complications of intracranial sinusitis were subdural and intracerebral
... Show more content on ...
Orbital complications are predominant in most children with intracranial infection
asymptomatic and thus induce patients to seek faster medical care, which in turn
leads to earlier diagnosis of ICS. Similarly, Singh et al. Outpatient complications have
been reported in more than half of patients (59%) with meningitis, 37% of patients
with subcapsular abscess, 26% of patients with intracerebral abscesses and over 80%
of patients with epidural abscesses. When evaluating children with swollen eyelids or
with edema and sinusitis, the physician should consider the possibility of
simultaneous intracranial infection, even in the absence of neurological
A Study Based Interventions Of Children With Autism...
Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences
Department of Occupational Science and Therapy
Paper Name: Evidence Practice
Paper Code: 537333
Assignment Title: Family Centered Play Based Interventions of Children with
Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Student ID: 1383124
Word count: 2748
This assessment has been written by me and represents my own work.
This work has not previously been submitted by myself or anyone else.
All sourced information has been appropriately acknowledged and referenced.
I have maintained and will continue to maintain the confidentiality of any persons
/organisations referred to in this assessment.
I permit this assessment to be copied for academic processes (such as moderation).
I have retained a copy of this assessment electronically.
Signature Olivia Bray Date 27 10 2014
Part A Recommend Best Practice Protocol
Play is an occupation in which all children should engage in to enhance development.
Play should be enjoyable, fun, impulsive and naturally motivating. When children
engage in play, they are able to discover their surrounding environments, experiment
with ideas, and learn from experience (Garvey, 1977; Rubin, Fein Vandenberg, 1983;
Smith Vollstedt, 1985, as cited by Mastrangelo, 2009). Due to social, cognitive and
emotional difficulties, children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are
unable to develop play skills at the same rate as children without
Compare And Contrast The Devil Wears Prada Book And
The job a million girls would die for: Novel vs. Movie
In 2006, David Frankel made a movie version of The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren
Weisberger. The book and the movie are both set in New York and tell the story of
a girl named Andy. In both versions Andy starts working for Miranda Priestly, editor
in chief of Runway, a fashion magazine. Generally the film version of The Devil
Wears Prada, what kind of experiences Andy passes through is similar to what
Andy experiences in Weisberger s novel. However, the movie is different form the
book because some characters have a different appeal and image, Andy s love life
might end up positive, and it ends in a different way.
One difference is the appeal and image of the characters. For example, in the book
Andy has blond hair and lives with her boyfriend named Alex Fineman. Later in the
story, Alex breaks up with Andy. In contrast, Andy has brown hair in the movie. Also
the boyfriend s name is Nate Cooper, instead of Alex Fineman. Another difference in
characters is ... Show more content on ...
Both, for example, are set in New York. In each versions Andy lives with her
boyfriend in a small apartment, where they can hardly manage. Throughout the
storyline, Andy and her boyfriend each have their own lives at work. But they
share a few friends when they have time off. They see each other every week for
dinner. Also yellow cabs, nice looking people from New York are well represented in
both versions.
Another similarity, the main storyline, is that Andy gets to work for Runway in
which Miranda Priestly is editor in chief. Andy got accepted due to an interview
which was different form all other girls. Miranda gives it a shot. In both versions
Miranda was in the beginning very dissatisfied about Andy. There is also a similarity
in Miranda s way of communication. She refuses to share elevators with others and
dismisses everyone with a cold That s
The Word Culture Impacts Each And Every Individual...
The word culture impacts each and every individual differently. For me, my culture
is associated with pride and joy; for others, cultural heritage can remind a person of
pain and suffering. All cultural experiences vary depending on where people grew up
and the amount of value placed on cultural traditions within families.
Most people can easily describe their culture; many simply state, I m Italian and Irish.
However, being a third generation American, I ve truly become a melting pot. I am 1
/16th Scottish, 1/16th British, 1/4th Polish, 1/4th Italian and 3/8th s German. My
grandfather on my mom s side is one hundred percent Italian, while my grandmother
on my mom s side was one hundred percent Polish. This makes my mom fifty percent
Italian and fifty percent Polish, which is pretty typical of a second generation
American. My grandfather on my dad s side was one hundred percent German, while
my grandmother was 1/2 German, 1/4th Scottish, and 1/4th British. Since my
grandmother, who was only a first generation American already had three different
ethnicities, my culture heritage started to become slightly a typical from your
traditional American. My father, who was 3/4th German, 1/8th Scottish and 1/8th
British, lacked any similarities with my mom s heritage. This made me part of five
different cultures. I value and appreciate each of my cultures just as much as the next,
however, the most influential grandparent on my cultural identity has been my Italian
grandfather so
The Problem Of Identity Politics And A Lack Of
The problem of identity politics and a lack of leadership on the left is nothing new.
Since I ve been involved with leftwing political movements, identity politics has been
a driving force on the left. Obama has gotten away with murder, literally, because of
identity politics. Hillary Clinton s electoral loss could be attributed to identity politics.
And many people argue one of the primary limitations of Black Lives Matter is their
adherence to identity politics.
When identities take precedence over ideas, values, principles, political programs,
strategies and tactics, the left can expect to keep losing. Unfortunately, the same is
true at Standing Rock, where tribal leaders wanted to talk about white privilege,
whereas rank and file natives were more interested in talking about strategy and
tactics and how to stop all oil pipelines, not just those running through native lands.
The fact that Wes Clark Jr. and the tribal elders didn t seek input from rank and file
activists isn t unfortunate or a coincidence, it s how power functions when power
is centralized and unwilling to seek advice in a democratic manner from people
who often know better. The fact of the matter is that the tribal leadership at Standing
Rock has virtually no experience organizing political movements, let alone acts of
civil disobedience or direct actions. We were essentially told that if we weren t
native, to keep our opinions and ideas to ourselves. Again, this is not how you
organize a serious

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Essay My Favourite Sport

  • 1. Essay My Favourite Sport Writing an essay about my favorite sport may seem like a straightforward task, as it involves expressing personal preferences and experiences. However, the apparent simplicity of the topic can be deceptive. The challenge lies in striking the right balance between personal anecdotes, factual information, and engaging language to captivate the reader's interest. Choosing a favorite sport is a subjective matter, and conveying the passion and enthusiasm for that particular sport requires careful consideration of language and tone. The writer must navigate between being too technical and too casual, finding a sweet spot that communicates both knowledge and personal connection. It's essential to provide enough background information about the sport to ensure that readers unfamiliar with it can still follow and appreciate the essay. The difficulty increases when attempting to make the essay unique and stand out from others on the same topic. It's a common theme, and many have likely written about their favorite sport before. To avoid clichГ©s and predictability, the writer must find a fresh angle or highlight personal experiences that set their essay apart. Additionally, the challenge lies in maintaining a coherent structure. The essay should have a clear introduction, body paragraphs that flow logically, and a conclusion that leaves a lasting impression. Juggling these elements while staying true to the essence of the favorite sport demands careful planning and thoughtful organization. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "My Favourite Sport" is more intricate than it may initially seem. It requires a delicate blend of personal expression, factual information, and creative flair to engage the reader effectively. Overcoming the challenge involves finding a unique perspective, avoiding clichГ©s, and ensuring a well-structured narrative. For those seeking assistance or inspiration, similar essays and more can be explored or ordered through Essay My Favourite Sport Essay My Favourite Sport
  • 2. Utopia Vs. Dystopian Society Have you ever wondered if you lived in a perfect society? A young boy named Jonas lived in the perfect world. After becoming the next receiver he starts to realize that his perfect world isn t so perfect after all. The Giver by Lois Lowry, explains how a Utopian world would really be. The most important differences between Utopian Society in The Giver and dystopian society are Rituals, Assignments, and Families. Jonas s society has many rituals some of them are the telling of feelings and dream telling. Telling of feeling is when your familyunit sits down at dinner and shares there feelings about the day and say if anything is bothering them. Dream telling is when your family unit sits down in the morning and shares if they had any dreams that night before. In the beginning of the book, Jonas explains It was one of the ... Show more content on ... In Jonas s society you can t pick a kid, and you can t say I love you to your family. After being married for a certain amount of time, you are allowed to apply for a child. In The Giver, it says Two children one male, one female to each family unit. It was written very clearly in the rules (Lowry 48) This quote explains how you get a child and how many you are allowed to have. Another difference is how families show affection to one another you can t say I love you . After dinner, Jonas asks Father? Mother? Jonas asked tentatively after the evening meal. I have a question I want to ask you. What is it, Jonas? his father asked... Do you love me? There was an awkward silence for a moment. Then Father gave a little chuckle. Jonas. You, of all people. Precision of language, please! ... You could ask, Do you enjoy me? The answer is Yes, his Or, his father suggested Do you take pride in my accomplishments? (Lowry 126 127). This quote shows that families in his community aren t allowed to show affection to one another because it might make someone else feel less
  • 3. Howl By William Ginsberg Howl by Allen Ginsberg: A Reflection on Institutions In the midst of radical changes in America during the 1950s as a result of the Cold War, the Beat Generation came into existence. America in the 1950s was an age of conformity, something the Beats were against. Individuality was thrown out the window. The middle class emerged. In the suburbs, every house looked the same and everyone wanted to buy what their neighbor had and keep up with societal norms. Everyone acted the same way and shared the same beliefs as everyone else. Society in the 1950s, were confined to institutions in which Allen Ginsbergwrote about in the poem, Howl. In fact, he met some of his fellow beat poets at his university and a companion whom he dedicates this poem to at a psychiatric ward. His experiences at these institutions was of great influence to him as a person and as a poet.... Show more content on ... They were influenced by jazz, experimented with drugs and wrote obscene poetry to go against society. The Beats lived in a society where individuality was a negative thing. In the poem Howl, Ginsberg reflects on a world of madness in which institutions such as universities, the government, and psychiatric wards created a conformist society that stifled creativity and individuality. Ginsberg opens the poem with the line, I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness (1). The best minds he refers to were not the elites but the outcasts such as poets, musicians, and the underprivileged. They were against a conformist society that didn t allow them to express themselves freely. Society rejected them and their attempts to break free from institutions. They sought many ways to escape this world of
  • 4. Essay On Group Bullying Why do we hurt other people? Throughout history there has always been incidences of violence towards other people. Someone can hurt another person unintentionally or to get a message across, but the reasons why can become a long list depending on the situation. From war to bullying, hate crimes, genocide the list of how people can hurt others goes on. More specifically, group bullyingis a common phenomenon people are more familiar with, hence there are many movies and books based on bullying. Additionally, bullying or group bullying is a more day to day reoccurring problem that individuals partake in, to which there are many possibilities why individuals join in on group violence with bullying. I believe the reasons I am going to state are not the only reasons, but are crucial to consider. Individuals join in on group bullying for typically conforming to peers as gaining power is of interest to the bullies while there is an issue of bullies not understanding their own behavior. A factor that leads individuals to connect with others in group bullying is conformity or the peer pressure to be included with the group bullies, which further induces violent acts against victims. Conformity is when someone is influenced by another person, thus the person being influenced changes their behavior to fit in with the group. From a social psychological perspective, conformity in group bullying can be explained by normative social influence and social impact theory (Aronson et al. 238).
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  • 6. The Classroom That I Completed My Field Experience Essay The classroom that I completed my field experience in was a self contained ninth through twelfth grade. The class consists of four male students, a teacher, and two paraprofessionals. The students in the classroom have severe behaviors that do not allow them to be successful in a regular classroom. I completed the observation over a period of four days. The first day that I went to observe was in the morning from 8:30 to 9:30. When I arrived, the students were leaving the cafeteria from eating breakfast. Once they got to the classroom, they unpacked their backpacks, putting their agendas and folders into a basket on that is on the teacher s desk. The students then sat down at their desk and began working on the morning journal. The journal topic for the day was What is your favorite subject? Why? One of the students wrote his journal within ten minutes, while it took the other students about thirty minutes for them to complete the journal. One of the students in the class kept getting out of his seat to come and talk to the teacher and paraprofessional. He wanted them to take a picture of him. They would tell him no and that he needed to return to his seat. He sat there for the whole thirty minutes and only wrote a few words down on his paper. Asking to have his picture taken is something that he asked them about ten or more times a day. At 9:00, the paraprofessional transitioned the students into a Language Arts lesson. The class uses Unique Learning for
  • 7. The Impact Of Financial Crisis On The Uk Economy Executive summary The financial crisis 2007/08 led to the fact that some large financial institutions were under threat to collapse and had to be bailed out by the government to avoid a total meltdown of the financial system. The financial crisis was triggered by a combination of factors; some of them were the lack of regulations and supervision, excessive leverage practice, insufficient liquidity provision and a lack of adequate capital holdings by the banks. This report will focus on two different concepts bank s capital and liquidity, explaining the importance of both for banks, how they link and interact with each other, and the risks banks could face in case of any potential shortfalls in these key areas. A shortfall in one of these... Show more content on ... The Basel III proposals by Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) specified minimum capital and liquidity requirements that should reduce chances of banking crises in the future. However, meeting these standard requirements can reduce banks profitability and entail additional costs. Capital and liquidity A bank s capital can be defined as shareholder equity, retained earnings and reserves, or bank s own funds, and together with bank s liabilities, or borrowed funds they provide funding for bank s assets. This includes financial, tangible and intangible assets. Due to the nature of business most of bank s assets are secured and unsecured loans to individuals and businesses and lending in the wholesale market. Whether it is a secured or unsecured loan, there is always a risk, known as the credit risk that the borrower will not be able to repay the amount borrowed, which can cause losses to the bank. The main characteristic of capital is the ability to
  • 8. Summary Of The Souls Of Black Folk By W. E. B. Dubois During the 20th century, colored people in America were seen as a problem. However, there were civil rights activists like William Edward Burghardt Du Bois who recognized the problem and advocated for reconstruction. In The Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B. Du Bois analyzes African American history, culture, and social standing. Unlike Booker T. Washington, Du Bois discussion of African American culture like the concept of double consciousness reflects his broader political and scholarly agenda of promoting political rights and higher education to fight black oppression. Du Bois begins by explaining how African Americans experience double consciousness, which describes how one faces the challenge of having more than one social identity, which in this case is being both African and American in America. For example, Du Bois recalled that his first experience of double consciousness occurred when he was just a kid and students at his school were exchanging cards. He states, The exchange was merry, till one girl, a tall newcomer, refused my card, refused it peremptorily, with a glance (2). This incident shows how the white girl looked through the veil and only recognized Du Bois skin color, and Du Bois in return only saw the negative side of white people. Du Bois comment is... Show more content on ... Since whites did not want to teach them, African Americans decided to educate themselves and succeeded. For instance, Du Bois celebrates the fact that in a single generation [the missionaries of 68] put thirty thousand black teachers in the South; they wiped out the illiteracy if the majority of the black people of the land, and they make Tuskegee possible (60). This quote implies that when given the opportunity to do so, blacks can succeed educationally just as well as whites. Therefore, another part of Du Bois scholarly agenda is to educate African
  • 9. What Are The Similarities Between Debs And Schenck The critics of World War I, specifically Eugene V. Debs and Charles Schenck, were American. An American is a person of United States citizenship who upholds the values, ideas, and traditions upon which America was founded. Debs and Schenck believed that those who went to war were anti Americans. They themselves must be Americans if they oppose anti Americans. The Schenck Pamphlet states, war is an insult to every good and wholesome American tradition. He is up front on his belief in American tradition. He is arguing that those who encourage war are anti American. Eugene V. Debs sarcastically states in his speech, These... tyrants, red handed robbers and murders, [say they re] the patriots. Eugene opposes those who support World War I, his belief making them anti American. If one opposes those who are against an entity for the reason that they are against the entity, must believe in the entity themselves to care about the opposers.... Show more content on ... Some who cares enough to say I am not a blank, must want to be viewed as a blank, blank being an American in this scenario. Eugene V. Debs states, the men who have the courage to stand face to face with them , speak the truth, and fight for their exploited victims they are [called] the disloyalists and traitors. Schenck s Pamphlet asks its reader, Are you with the forces of liberty and light or war and darkness? Those who are the light and speak the truth would be Debs, Schenck, and others with similar ideas; Those who are darkness would be the supporter of World War I. They make the supporters the bad guys and anti Americans and the opposers the good guys and the Americans. The supporters say the inverse and Debs and Schenck reject this
  • 10. High Choolesterol Levels High cholesterol levels can be a strong risk factor for cardiovascular disease, especially atherosclerosis. Cholesterol accumulates inside your blood vessels which ends up getting clogged. When these vessels get clogged, plaques form which cause the atherosclerosis. (Peters Et al, 2016) There are two main forms of cholesterol, which are low density lipoproteins (LDL) and high density lipoproteins (HDL). LDL is considered the bad cholesterol because it contributes to the plaque formation (CDC, 2016). Controlling your levels of bad cholesterol is key. One important way to control these levels would be maintaining a balanced diet. There are many food sources that help maintain a healthy level of serum cholesterol, such as eating a Mediterranean... Show more content on ... It includes polysaccharides, lignin, and associated plant substances. It exhibits one or more of either laxation (fecal bulking and softening, increased frequency; and/or regularity), blood cholesterol attenuation, and blood sugar regulation. A soluble dietary fiber known as beta glucan helps to lowers your cholesterol levels by several mechanisms. For starters, the viscous layer reduces the uptake of dietary cholesterol in the intestines as well as the reabsorption of bile acids. In response, the body draws upon the circulating cholesterol to produce more bile acid. The slower uptake of cholesterol in the intestines and the increased bile acid helps reduce the cholesterol levels circulating in the blood (Gale, 2015). So, the more fiber in the diet, the more readily your digestive system can remove the cholesterol. Some foods high in dietary fiber are fruits, vegetables, oats, whole grains and seaweed (CDC, 2016). These all lower your LDL levels and maintain your HDL
  • 11. Measuring The Value Of The Parent Class 6.1 Weighted Methods per Class: WMC relates directly to complexity of a thing, since methods are properties of object classes and complexity is determined by the cardinality of its set of properties. The number of methods is, therefore, a measure of class definition as well as being attributes of a class, since attributes correspond to properties. 6.2 Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT): DIT measures the effect of an ancestor class over the class for which the metrics is being measured. In DIT, the deeper the class is in hierarchy, the greater the number of methods it is likely to inherit and greater the potential reuse of inherited methods. 6.3 Number of children (NOC): NOC relates to the scope of properties. It measures the number of subclasses inheriting the methods of the parent class. Greater NOC relates to more reuse and likelihood of improper abstraction of the parent class. This metrics also relates that greater NOC could be the case of misuse of sub classing. A class may require more testing if the NOC is high. 6.4 Coupling between object classes: CBO defines the number of other classes to which it is coupled. CBO reflects that if one object acts on another, then they can be coupled. Since objects of the same class have the same properties, two classes are coupled when methods declared in one class use methods or instance variables defined by the other class. 6.5 Lack of Cohesion in Methods: Lack of Cohesion (LCOM) measures the dissimilarity of methods
  • 12. Necessity, Bodiless, Collaboration Usage of Necessity, Bodiless, Collaboration in Steps Towards a Small Theory of the Visible What does it mean to view something? To experience something honestly? To experience real art in a world that overloads its audience with meaningless disconnected images? John Berger intricately develops an opinion about what is veritable art and how it affects human experience in his essay, Steps Towards a Small Theory of the Visible. When making note of the language used, there are specific words that stand out from rest used in the passage. This use of language in the essay correlates to three ideas that Berger makes special effort to develop throughout the essay. Necessity is the principle that declares something must be so. The word bodiless is
  • 13. Essay on The Effects of Birth Order Does birth order have an effect on personality? Does being first born make people more responsible? If someone is the middle born child, are they going to be more rebellious? If people are last born are they more likely to be on television? Are first born children inconsiderate and selfish or reliable and highly motivated? These, and many other questions are being thoroughly studied by psychologists (Harrigan, 1992). In 1923, the renowned psychiatrist Dr. Alfred Adler, wrote that a person s position in the family leaves an undeniable stamp on his or her style of life (Marzollo, 1990). Research has shown that birth order does indeed affect a child; however, it does not automatically shape personality. If it did, life would be ... Show more content on ... They are the ones that are extremely driven to succeed in high achievement fields such as science, medicine, or law (Leman, 1985). For example, of the first twenty three astronauts sent into outer space, twenty one were first born or their close cousin, the only child, which we w ill discuss later on. In fact, all seven astronauts in the original Mercury program were first born children (Leman, 1985). Also, first born children tend to choose careers that involve leadership. For example, fifty two percent of all U.S. presidents were first borns (Lanning, 1991). Researchers say that, in general, first born children tend to have higher IQs than younger siblings. This is not because they start off more intelligent, but because of the amount of attention new parents give to their first child (Marzollo, 1990). Experts claim that a first born s will to succeed begins in infancy (Lanning, 1991). The extraordinary love affair that many new parents have with their first child leads to the kind of intensity that can probably never be repeated with a younger child. In the first few weeks, a new parent imitates the baby s gestures in a playful game. A rhythm is established by mimicry of vocalizations, motions, and smiles. Think what this cycle of action reaction might mean to an infant: I m pretty powerful, aren t I? Everything I do is copied by someone who cares about me . After a couple of weeks of game playing the infant develops a sense of I recognize
  • 14. Leda And The Swan Yeats Summary Tegan Zankl Professor Tyler Forest English 100 15 February 2018 W. B. Yeats: Leda and the Swan In the poem Leda and the Swan , William Butler Yeats retells the story of the Greek god Zeus taking on the body of a swan to rape an innocent mortal, Leda. Yeats was mesmerized by the unique relationships between mortals and gods in ancient stories; this is what triggers his urge to write a poem about this tale. Yeats includes many references to ancient Greek mythology. He expects readers to know the background on this Greek history when reading through the poem to get a full understanding. He also uses his words to make a strong impact on the readers minds. The themes in this poem are very diverse, but the ones of beastiality, wordplay and Greek history are most effective. The language in the text creates an intense ... Show more content on ... Yeats assumes that the readers know about the Greek myth of Zeus, sky and weather god, taking the form of a swan to violate Leda, Aetolian princess who later becomes a famous Spartan Queen. The opening lines start off presumably in Leda s perspective when he states, A sudden blow (Yeats 1), meaning that the Swan harshly approaches Leda and knocks her off her feet. We now can assume that the swan is larger than normal for it to have such extreme power to induce a great deal of force onto an unexpecting woman. In line 4, He (Yeats 4) is written for the first time so readers now know that the swan is of male nature; this explains the large size and strength of the swan. In the following stanza, through the first line Yeats chooses the word vague (Yeats 5) to describe how Leda is so terrified and disoriented when being violated by the swan. This can lead the reader to wonder if Leda could have even prevented the violation? The answer is clear, it would be incredibly absurd that she could have. When Yeats asks, And how can body (Yeats 7), he is
  • 15. Reflection Of La Relacion (Erica) Ms. Cary Hall American literature G11 11 October 2016 Reflection Essay: La Relacion Such a cold and freezing winter, people naked and willing to survive... The men began to regain their senses, their locomotion, and their hope (deVaca 24 25). Do these quotes remind you something? La Relacion is the representative of historical narrative (a genre of writings that converts history into a story based form) of the first European account of adventures with Native American in 15th century written by Alvar Nunez Cabeza deVaca. The entire story is about building a good relationship between Spaniards and Native Americans. La Relacion itself emphasizes the characteristic of historical narrative story not only by stating author s opinion ... Show more content on ... First of all, we could see the author is very eager to express his opinions toward what he had experienced, and describe what he felt emotionally. These detailed arguments enable the story to be justified as the representative of historical narrative story. From the beginning, when the author was sailing and facing the worst situation ever (failed to escape, nothing to eat, nothing to wear), the author showed the strong attachment between him and their religion Christianity. Nothing but God s great mercy kept us from going down... (3). According to this statement, the author thanks God that he has survived from the harsh waves which could have destroyed their barge. Even though he lost everything what he had before, he still had the belief that God would do work for him. At this point, one can predict that de Vaca s personal opinion is based on his religion, which identifies this story as the 15th century Native American stories. I was also able to find author s personal feeling during the hardship when he failed from returning (when is the climax of the story which greater audiences curiosity. What would happen if they finally failed to go back?). He once again looked for God when he was naked, not able to eat enough, and was about to die. The Lord willed
  • 16. Female Sexuality In Maya Angelou s Their Eyes Were... This book relates to Their Eyes Were Watching God by having both the protagonist married at a young age and them taking interest in someone else. Like Janie, the character of Andrea is in a sexual affair with someone who makes them feel new and different. These people bring light into their lives. A constant problem in society is the different beliefs of what women should do and how they should act and how they should look. People want women to have large chests and butts and a small waist, but these are simply unrealistic. There billions of women on this earth and not people are the same. A line from one of Maya Angelou s famous poem Human Family read, I know ten thousand women/called Jane and Mary Jane,/ but I ve not seen any two/ who ... Show more content on ... Katie L. Love writes in her article Black Feminism: An Integrated Review of Literature, The experiences of African American woman are both complex and unique, based on similarities in experiences with racism and sexism stereotyping and in a shared history (Love 11.) Black women s history in feminism has been infrequent. Their battle is not only with sexism, but also also race and how they are not seen as equals within white culture because of their skin color even though for centuries they did nothing but get traded, sold, and taken from their home lands. Despite this they just wanted be treated as equals, but they are invisible to the white community. Where did my body end and the crystal and white world begin? (Ellison 238.) Ralph Ellison writes in his novel, Invisible Man. They have had to overcome the adversity and other matters dealing with their race. Katie Love writes in her article, Black feminism is a branch of feminism specifically focusing on the unique experience of having multiple identities (intersectionality), specifically race, class, and gender (Love 11.) The battle for equality has over stretch the fact that they are not only women, but also women that despite their class are treated the same. Ralph Ellison, the author of Invisible Man writes in regard to african americans in society, I am invisible, understand, simply because people
  • 17. Kelly Gadol Essay Almost immediately in her work she addresses Kelly Gadol s argument and its effects on the conclusions even in the early 2000s. Generally, she argues, the field of gender history agrees upon four tenets: the lack of a unified experience of early modern; temporalities and locations honed distinct gender roles; the call for each question posed for females to be answered for males rather than discussing the history of man outside of genderand as men ; and, quoting Joan Scott, gender is a primary way of signifying relationships of power . With these field wide conclusions established, she explores the three avenues of power surrounding the form to show students a world of early modern women and the field s state even with few sources extant.... Show more content on ... With heavy primary source research and her unique concept of early modern feminism, she allows for women and their supporters to interact with ideas of equality on an intellectual level comparable to women living in 2009 when the work published. Covering the likes of Pizan, Roper, and Mary Basset s educations in household academies in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. While Italian women generally wrote earlier than English women, Ross situates comparable situations in each subchapter to allow easier comparison and contrast. This layout provides an interesting look at the developmental and philosophical differences in the two countries and their world
  • 18. Pyro Pharmacy The Pyro pharmacy is a big upscale and mail request drug store that offers physician recommended solution at lower costs than different drug stores. The pharmacy has the capacity offer at diminished costs through the utilization of working efficiencies and the end of pointless administrations for clients that self pay their medications. The Pyro pharmacydoes not acknowledge protection installments which upset the income. By having a bigger rate of their business adjusted by their mail request arm, The Pyro Pharmacy has the capacity pick up economies of scale by offering bigger amounts of medications with less work obliged per request. As more Americans are on a consistent remedy to prescription, this pattern will fit fast development as clients ... Show more content on ... The entire restorative industry (counting specialists, pharmaceutical organizations) has weight being connected to them from diverse sides to accomplish cost proficiency and to decline the expense of the different items/administrations. Taking a gander at drug stores, in the course of the most recent eight years, there has been broad union, done to a vast degree to accomplish costs proficiency. Currently insurance agencies are adding weight to abatement costs since they are a primary gathering in the installment for meds. The Pyro Pharmacy has the capacity coincide in this union environment by accomplishing expense effectiveness through their novel plan of action of mail request administration and a reduction in the typical drug specialist offered
  • 19. Advantages Of Crypto Currency Exhange Crypto currency will give the consumer the abillity to save whilst they spend. Create coinEX coinEX can then be purchased and used to make purchases as an alternative currency for online, social media and at retail outlets. How do you spend and save? An increase in coiEnX value creates profit on invesment Consumer uses coinEX as a payment method for a purchase . Opportunity for consumer to use profit gained on coinEX as payment and keep exsiting investment to mature again. Further investment possible? It sure is! Our platform will give coinEX user the option to invest there gains/savings into our cypto currency exhange, we will then use there investment and allocate it into the most lucrative coins/ICO`s This will help strenghten the coin even further as all further invesment transactions will be done using the coinEX coin. Who are we? What do we do? Esmail Enterprises working in conjunction with Get Connected is a distribution Company servicing the independent retail sector for... Show more content on ... The consumer market would now be able to benefit from investing in a Cryptocurrency market which will give them not only an oppotunity to make profit from the investment but now have an option to use profit to do daily purcahses by using a simplyfied paymnet system (as easy as paying by cash). Once coinEX is established and transactions are a normal way of consumer spending habit, the option to allow other Crypto currencies to use our platform at a cost (specified at a later date) would be another opportunity. Strength: Longest standing and have strong awareness in the market place. Weakness: Only geard to taking payment with a very small earning for
  • 20. How Is Holden Caulfield A Predictable Character Change is difficult to adapt to. That is why many individuals have foreseeable actions, opinions, and thoughts. In the book The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger and Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld, both Holden and Lee dislike change. In The Washington Post, during the review of Curtis Sittenfled s Prep, they wrote, Holden Caulfieldwould love this heroine. Holden would appreciate Lee s predictability in her actions. In The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, Holden appreciates predictable people. For example, Holden enjoys going to the museum (16). The reason is that every time Holden goes to the museum, the placement of the artifacts will never change. This shows that he values stability. This means that Holden dislikes change because it... Show more content on ... For instance, And this was it, the last time: I was retiring from cutting hair (158). This shows that Lee is retiring from hair cutting because she feels disgust towards Aspeth and Cross behavior. They are flirting in front of her when she was cutting Aspeth s nasty, blond hair. Holden would like Lee because she still cuts Aspeth s hair even though she dislikes her personality and the way she carries herself. Lee does not speak up and let other people take control of her. Even though some of Lee s actions contradict Holden s personality, her predictability overrules all of the irony. The reason is that Holden wishes that some of the people that he adores (Jane) will never change because if they do, they can hurt his heart and wreck the love between them. My hair desperately needs cutting (164). This shows that Lee is predictable because after she vows that she will never cut hair anymore, she cuts Ms. Moray s hair a few days after Aspeth s. She cuts Ms. Moray s hair so she does not let her down because she is a person that always fulfills the needs of others before her own. Holden would like Jane because her actions and thoughts are predictable. He is a person that appreciates stability because he likes people and things that do not change over a long period of
  • 21. The Impossible American Dream Essay The Impossible American Dream in Anzia Yezierska s America and I, Uncle and Jayanti from Chitra Divakaruni s Silver Pavements, Golden Roofs, and Leon from Fae Myenne Ng s Bone. America has always been characterized as the land of dreams and opportunities. Immigrants entering America took these characterizations to heart. The dreams and aspirations of stable, wealthy, and happy lives in America became known as the American Dream . However, the... Show more content on ... But it is also evident how their lives could have been different if Jay s suggestion is taken into account. The first example of the negativity of the American Dream is in the unnamed narrator of Anzia Yezierska s story America and I. The narrator immigrates from Russia to America full of dreams and desires. She says, America was a land of living hope, woven of dreams, aflame with longing and desire (Yezierska 1970). For the narrator, America represents the ideal place to live, where everyone s dreams can come true. She believes that in America everybody works for love. Nobody has to worry for a living (Yezierska 1974). The narrator quickly finds out that life in America is not about working for love. Despite having hope that the former Russian immigrants that she is working for will treat her well, her very first job ends with her receiving no wages for her hard work. The narrator s second job is no better, with endless hours, little rest, and even less money. She is confused and cannot seem to discover herself and her place in an America that is so different than her dream. She laments, Who am I? What am I? What do I want with my life? Where is America? Is there an America? What is this wilderness in which I m lost? (Yezierska 1972). She yearns for a way to express herself but has no way to communicate her needs. The narrator s conversation at the vocational center becomes a sad commentary on the negativity of the
  • 22. The Tragic Heroes Of The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald Comparative Essay: Exceptional Heroes Victorious living does not mean perfect living in the sense of living without flaw, but it does mean adequate living, and that can be consistent with many mistakes (Jones). Usually a story of one hero whose story is one filled with suffering, calamity and disaster eventually ends in death. The hero posses a hamartia which leads them to make fatal mistakes. Both Macbeth and Gatsby are portrayed as tragic heroes in their respected text. Both characters are similar due to their tragic flaws such as, downfalls being caused by their over ambition, they both become isolated and finally both characters suffer and meet their deaths in the bitter end. Firstly, Gatsby s ambitious tendencies fuel him to pursue his past and now married lover, Daisy Buchannan. Gatsby is very persistent and hustles to make money whether legal or illegal in order to live the American Dream and to be viewed by his peers as a success. For instance, even during his youth, Gatsby had realized his aspirations and as a result refused to succumb to poverty. As Nick Carraway provides insight of the information which was forwarded to him, he grasps knowledge of his new friend, James Gatz s true and humble beginnings. I suppose he d had the name ready for a long time, even then his parents were shiftless and unsuccessful farm people his imagination had never really accepted them as his parents at all (Fitzgerald, 98). Nick explains Gatsby s true, humble beginnings
  • 23. The Twelve Tables Of The Roman Empire Ruby Driscoll Hickey Twelve Tables April 26, 2017 The Twelve Tables Though the Twelve Tables are not widely known, they played a large role in establishing the early Roman government. Not only were they the first set of written laws in the Roman empire, the Twelve tables bound the Plebeian and Patrician empires to the the same set of regulations. The Twelve Tables inspired other nations at the time to form an organized system and regions around the world still use the basic fundamentals of the laws. The Twelve Tables were first introduced to the Roman empirein 455 BC. The Plebeian and Patrician empires appointed a council of ten men to form a set of rules that bound their people. The council was called the Decemviri. Together, the... Show more content on ... The fifth table says that any woman, whether or not maintained majority, should be in the custody of a man at all times. If the father and husband are deceased she will be in custody of her brother until remarried. The sixth table only contains one law which states when a property owner sells his land, the sell is binding and the land cannot be taken back by the original seller, unless repurchased a year after the buyer removes his previous crops. On the same tablet, table seven is found. Table seven states that if a tree from another land falls on your land, you are able to take legal action and cut it down, or harvest the fruit from the side of the tree that is on your property. If the fruit is not on your property, however, the owner of the tree is able to put you in debt until the fruit is returned or paid back for. Table seven also says that the roads should be paved by managers of the city and any unpaved roads are legal to drive on without regulation. Table eight gives rules on injury. If a man hits another free man and brakes his bone, he owes the man 300 coins. If the bone of a slave is broken, he owes them 50 coins. If the injury affects the man for the rest of his life, the price doubles. It also stated that if a man is killed at night while robbing a house, the man who killed him will not be prosecuted. The third law of the table states that any man who purposely destroys the food
  • 24. The Red Cross And Home Fire Prevention Campaign The Red Cross in Hawaii responds to disasters every four days. More than 90 percent of them are fire related. The American Red Cross home fire prevention campaign aims to reduce the number of fire deaths and injuries in the U.S. by 25 percent within five years. This is done by educating people about the risk of home fires and by installing free smokealarmsin their homes. Since we are responding to fires after they happen, putting a lot of resources to respond to fires before they happen is a much better use of resources, Preparedness Manager Disaster Services with the Hawaii State Chapter Carole Kaapu said. Smoke alarms cut the risk of death from fire in half. The fatalities are preventable. It s just like why is it important to have seat belts in your car? Not everybody is going to have an accident, but because they have seat belts, people s lives are saved. The smoke alarms are probably not gonna save your house. It s not gonna save the belongings in your house, but it will save the lives of the people in the house, Kaapu said. Nationwide the program is for seniors (anyone older than 65), any home with children younger than 17, anybody who is from a low income area, a targeted area meaning that there has been fires in that neighborhood and native population. Those five things are 95 percent of the state of Hawaii. So for us it s easier to say seniors because they are used to self identifying. It s just an easy way to keep the inquiries coming in
  • 25. Wellpoint Incorporated And Now Anthem WellPoint Incorporated and Now Anthem WellPoint Company is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) and the association of independent health benefit plans. WellPoint is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana and employs 48,200 people (Market Line, 2014). WellPoint s total revenue was $71,023.5 million in 2013, operating profit was $4,588.2 million and net profit was $2,489.7 million. According to the Market Line (2014) research analysis, WellPoint s strength is having a broad membership via affiliate medical plans and individual subsidiary plans. Through WellPoint s deal making legacy in merger and acquisitions and has the potential to increase its portfolio and attract new markets. On November 5, 2014, most of WellPoint s shareholders voted to rebrand Well Point as Anthem. Due to the 2004 merger between WellPoint Health Networks and Anthem, most of WellPoint s health plans carry the name Anthem; causing confusions to consumers (Herman, 2014). By rebranding WellPoint as Anthem, WelPoint is hoping this will help eliminate consumer confusion and demonstrate value proposition for everyone (Herman, 2014). Since the merge in 2004 and the name rebranding, Anthem currently employs approximately 52,000 associates and hold approximately 39.6 million members (Anthem, 2016). Anthem s total revenue as of December 2015 increased to $79.2 million from $73.9 million in 2014 (Anthem, 2016). Anthem s net profit is $180.9 million (Anthem, 2014).
  • 26. The Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria Luis Carrasco Jess Lerma English 1A December 11, 2015 Daesh: A Global Enemy The world is at war. You ask with who? Terrorism, to be more specific though they are called The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). They have a few other names as well, The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and Daesh. I will choose to call them Daesh in this piece because these terrorists find it insulting. The reason for this is that Daesh an acronym for ISIS in Arabic. This acronym though sounds exactly like the Arabic word dais, which means something that crushes or tramples. In recent months many Arabs and Western leaders, including Secretary of State John Kerry, prefer to call it Daesh, the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State. But Islamic State members hate the term because in Arabic, the pronunciation is close to a word that can be variously translated as to crush or bigot who imposes his will on others (Reid, 2). Daesh do not want this title and have threatened to cut out the tongues of people who use it. Daesh are a product of instability in the Syrian and Iraq region plus a Syrian civil war. Unfortunately, America is greatly at fault for the instability in Iraq and helped fund the Syrian rebels, so you could say the U.S. helped create them. Daesh s goal is to start a religious war. They want the world to fear Islam and want them to hate it. They showed us exactly what they were capable of in Paris France. The world needs to realize that this is just a
  • 27. Dashwood Vs Elinor In the novel, Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen and the article, Impulse and Virtue in Jane Austen: Sense and Sensibility in Two Centuries, by Edward Joseph Shoben Jr. the contrasting roles of sisters in the nineteenth century are demonstrated as they face their roles in society. The sisters, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood, differ in many ways, especially in the way they feel and are effected by their respective emotions and in their response to societal norms. Elinor demonstrates sense through her adherence of societal norms whereas Marianne exemplifies sensibility , expressing her emotions to their fullest extent. A major way in which Elinor and Marianne Dashwood s personalities differ is in the way they deal with emotion. Every aspect ... Show more content on ... For Marianne, morality is an inherent quality of selfhood rather than a process of judgement based on social rules. Confronted by a world in which pettiness and egotism appear virtually universally, she rebels by setting the authenticity of her own impulses above the authority of society (Shoben 532). Marianne celebrates her admiration and love for Willoughby; she gives him a lock of her hair without being engaged to him which was unheard of during these times. She also recognizes their relationship, against the norms of society, when she arrives in London. Marianne writes Willoughby several letters in the hopes of seeing him once again. Her extremely public relationship with the mysterious Willoughby caused others to doubt sometimes ... of their being really engaged, and this doubt was enough to prevent her [Elinor] making any inquiry of Marianne (Austen 66). The odd context of the relationship frequently causes Marianne s mother and sister to worry for her candidness. The two hope and expect an engagement to be announced several times during the beginning of the novel. Marianne also demonstrates her rebellion against social norms in regard to Colonel Brandon. Rather than being charmed by the idea of the eligible bachelor having feelings for her, she is disgraced. She shares with her family her belief that the Colonel is too old to even be able to feel
  • 28. Character Analysis Of Tough Tommy Touhey In Empire Rising by Thomas Kelly, Tough Tommy Touhey was enjoying wealth that much of New York City envied during the Great Depression, as he was the biggest racketeer in the Bronx and longtime friend of Johnny Farrell, an important figure in Tammany Hall. Touhey was a well known criminal and sympathizer to the Irish Republican cause, selling the Irish Republican Armyguns and providing their men with daytime jobs. After many years of prosperity, Touhey s reign hit a patch of turbulence when an Italian mobster known as the Dago began to move in on his territory, looking to usurp his title as the most powerful crime lord in the Bronx. To make matters worse, Touhey s friend and partner Johnny Farrell was beginning to have doubts about their partnership, wondering if he should support the Dago instead. Once things heated up between Touhey and the Dago, Touhey faked his own death and escaped to San Francisco. In Empire Rising, Tough Tommy Touhey serves as the main vehicle by which the underlying message of the consequences of the choices we make and the allegiances we keep is conveyed. Tough Tommy Touhey s main personality traits, such as his propensity for violence, craftiness, and admiration for loyalty, help reveal the ramifications of his actions and allegiances. One of Touhey s most defining qualities is his natural inclination toward violence, as can be seen by Farrell noting that when it came to physical violence Touhey had no peer. He was the kind of street
  • 29. Donald Hall Research Paper There are many different types of authors: poets, short story writers, essay writers, children s authors and playwrights. Donald hall just happens to be all of them. He has also had different sections of his life involving different things.One was his early days including education.Another was his mid life where he did majority of his writingand family building.The final part of his life is what he is living right now which is his older time of his life. Through Donald halls eighty eight years of living eighty nine in September, he has experience many challenges. Starting off in his early years of life with his childhood included. Donald Hall has been a new englander since his birth in 1928. On September 20, 1928 Donald Hall was born in ... Show more content on ... After his prime years Donald started to create a life for himself other than writings. He was married twice once to an unknown woman when he was in college but they were later divorced. Then he was married to Jane Kenyon then she died at the age of 47 to leukemia in 1995. He also had two child a boy and a girl. His daughter s name is Philippa Hall and and his son s name is Andrew Hall. He also had a job that was not just writing. He got a teaching job at michigan college for an english professor where he worked from 18, 1957 to1975. He also lived all over the U.S. He bought his great grandfather s house which is where he is currently living, which was a great influence to him. Concluding, Donald Hall has overcome many obstacles in his life. Therefore, Donald Hall has lived more in his life that other people wish to do. He has lived through many deaths in his life but is still an extremely inspiring person. He has also had many challenges in his writing life but overcame all of them. Donald Hall, will live on forever with the writings that he will leaves on this earth when he leaves. Finally Donald hall published more than 50 writings and
  • 30. Language Development Is A Central Characteristic Of Autism... Literature Review Delays in language development is a central characteristic of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Walker and Snell (2013) suggest that children who demonstrate poor communication skills often times are more likely to engage in problematic behaviors. The literature provides substantial evidence that functional communicationtraining (FCT) is an effective intervention to use as a replacement behaviorto decrease maladaptive behaviors for children with ASD. In a study conducted by Lambert, Bloom, and Irvin (2012), trial based functional analysis and functional communication training was researched to determine if FCT could cause reduction in problem behavior for children with developmental delays in a preschool setting. The... Show more content on ... The results of this study further support previous research that students with communication deficits can be taught to use assistive devices as the alternative behavior (Durand, 1999). While functional communication training has proven to be an evidence based procedure to use to decrease maladaptive behaviors, concern arises for those individuals who have difficulty using conventional speech to communicate and may benefit more with using augmentative and alternative communication systems (AAC) (Ganz et al., 2012). Lorah et al. (2013) conducted a study comparing the effects between a picture exchange and an iPad speech generating device (SGD) with five preschool aged boys diagnosed with autism to teaching manding. This study resulted in an increase rate of independent manding using an SGD. Some limitations included results consistent with previous literature that found that some individuals prefer other AAC modalities and it is important to conduct an assessment to determine which the individual would prefer to use to communicate with. Additionally, Kagohara et al. (2010) found that speech generating devices offer many advantages as they provide a speech output feature that can be understood by the communicative partner and produce clear and concise messages to the communicative partner so that it decreases instances of miscommunication. Research Question With the
  • 31. Erica Zeiler s Hello Memory Most creative endeavors are marathons, not sprints. It s carefully honing a craft until it truly sparkles. This is both the method and madness for Brooklyn s trio, Little Daylight. By fashioning memorable and jarring pop melodies with confident and engrossing live performances, the newcomers are carving out their own little slice of sunshine with their debut album, Hello Memory. When we first formed, which was the day we started writing Hello Memory , the three of us each dumped our mental baggage onto the table, said guitarist Matt Lewkowicz. What followed was the slow and arduous process of deciding what worked and what didn t, carefully defining what Little Daylight would be. The way that we work is a lot of trimming that goes on. What resulted is an bombastic album comprised of unforgettable rhythm oriented melodies punctuated with smartly arranged layers of synth and guitar. Grounded by Erica Zeiler s sultry vocals, each song is a carefully calibrating experiment in atmosphere, and it s determined to take you places. The album s single Overdose is a humming, thumping, cascading call to arms on the dance floor.... Show more content on ... When we listen to music, we try to figure out what s behind it, said Lewkowicz. Their performances, although offering polished pop tunes, attempt to stay as tactile and raw as possible, communicating their ideas directly. For a band to create a passionate fanbase they have to be larger than life and one of the greatest elements of that is putting on a great live show. If anything transcends in their live sets it is clearly seeing artists do what they love, that authenticity doesn t take much
  • 32. Spinach Lab Introduction: My lab partners and I performed an experiment that involved placing spinach disks into separate cups of distilled water (dH2O) and 0.2% sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) solution to examine photosynthesis in leaf tissue (Department of EEB, 2015). Discovering that the spinach disks quickly floated to the top of the 0.2% NaHCO3 solution and not in dH2O, we wondered if varied concentrations of carbonation would affect the rate of photosynthesis (PS). We tested this by halving the 0.2% NaHCO3 solution (using equal parts dH2O and 0.2% NaHCO3 solution to make 0.1% NaHCO3 solution). I hypothesize that if the spinach disks are placed in the 0.1% NaHCO3 solution, then they will have a slower PS compared to the disks placed in 0.2% NaHCO3. CO2... Show more content on ... In conclusion, the hypothesis is supported by the experiment. Only 2/10 disks floated to the top of the 0.1% NaHCO3 solution, while all 10 of the disks in the 0.2% NaHCO3 solution floated to the top. A potential follow up experiment could be to test the affects of increased concentrations of carbonation on PS (Bagley et al., 2015). There was the possibility of human error and bias having impact on the experiment. When using syringes, the plunger may have been pulled too harshly and damaged some of the disks. This could have led to disks not floating to the top in the experiment. Another form of error could have been the use of disks that were cut from the veins of the leaf, which has less chloroplasts, meaning less process of photosynthesis happening, and result in the disks not floating to the
  • 33. Effects Of Communication On Social Media CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION There are implications when parents fail to understand some apparent psychological distresses this generation of adolescents are experiencing due to the communication done on social media. These psychological distresses that many adolescents are experiencing when they communicate on their social media sites seem to fall within the criteria for major depression. Since rates of teen depression are on a rapid rise and social media is their primary source of communication, this research study wants to explore if the internalizing symptoms they are experiencing fall in the criteria for major depression. Therefore, the purpose of this qualitative study is to understand how the constant communication done on social media impacts adolescent depression in San Antonio, TX. In fact, recent studies show that when teens spend more time on their electronics and less time on in person social interactions, they experience and struggle with different internal symptoms like loneliness (Twenge, 2017). Although, cell phones, tablets, computers, etc., link adolescents day and night in constant communication through their social media apps, unfortunately social media exacerbates several internalizing symptoms, especially the age old teen concern about their fears of being left out (Twenge, 2017). Today s teens may go to fewer parties and spend less time together in person, but when they do congregate, they document their hangouts relentlessly on Snapchat,
  • 34. Media Influence On The Media Sports have always been a leisurely activity, and a way to escape the reality of the world. But the actions that certain athletes, teams and fans have taken, changed the potential that sports now hold. Whether it is athletes that kneel during the national anthem, athletes that hold a fist in the air before the beginning of the game, or fans who protest in unity; sports can be used to spread political messages. Even so, the media has an influence on the way people perceive the message being displayed, and in a sense, it may be up to the media whether or not they want to help spread the messages being sent in sports across. For a long time now, there has only been a handful of athletes that stand up for what they believe in and take action to express their thoughts to the public. This was seen recently with the football player, Colin Kaepernick, who kneeled during the national anthem to raise awareness with the issue of police brutality. This one action taken by the athlete blew up out of proportion by the media, as a myriad of media sources made this event their headline. However, in a turn of events, Kaepernick was then forced to leave on his own the NFL team, San Francisco 49ers, because if he were not to leave on his own, the team would get rid of him instead. The reason behind the team wanting to get rid of this player could be seen because of how the media that may in a sense be trying to help spread the message, instead is seen as a threat by the football team. Since
  • 35. Bluefin Tna Research Paper The Bluefin tuna is the largest tuna that exists in the world, with adults growing 4 metres in length and weighing an average of 130 680 kilograms. They have a life span of up to 40 years. The Bluefin tuna have versatile bodies which are crafted for their velocity. The have torpedo shaped bodies which entail retractable pectoral fins, and eyes which are set flush to their bodies. Their unique body structure results in less drag as they swim and migrate across oceans. Bluefin tunas at the top of the food chain and are labelled predators from the moment they hatch, as they seek out schools of fishsuch as: Herring, Mackerel and Eels. Their sharp vision allows them to hunt by sight and grants them with the sharpest vision of any bony fish.... Show more content on ... The illegal fishing is a major issue as the fisheries have been plagued by lack of enforcement and control. The illegal fishing and overfishing links to another reason for endangerment, which is high demand for consumers in high end sushi markets. With the Blue fin Tuna being a highly sought after fish in Asia and a single Bluefin Tuna selling for over $1.75 million, the money drives the fisherman or illegal fisherman to continue to make catches with more refined techniques and as a result the number of Bluefin Tuna s are decreasing
  • 36. Roosevelt And Wilson Compare And Contrast asing off of Roosevelt and Wilson s different points of view, it seems as they are in disagreement. This conflict did change the U.S. a lot, but at different times. When Roosevelt was in office, his Corollary went into role. Then, when Wilson took his place, his annual message affected the nation greatly. These opposing views caused problems not only in the United States, but in foreign countries also. Roosevelt s Corollary shows that we could help Latin American countries (Cuba, Venezuela and Panama) by backing them up and supporting them. No other countries were allowed to seize their land, or else we could step in. If there was a conflict between a Latin American country and a European country, again, we had the right to step in. Whether we stepped in or not was based off of the degree of the atrocity and upon our power to remedy it, Roosevelt says. ... Show more content on ... When the Maine, was blown up, we blamed it on Spaniards and took it as a hostile act. Then, Spain started Reconcentrados and there were food shortages, and many deaths and outrages. We started to feel sad towards Cuban rebels, and we wanted to protect them. Therefore, we blamed Spain for blowing up the Maine and we declared war. The Spanish American War started, and a lot was going on. Dewey sank warships at Manila Bay in the Phillippines, Emilio Aguinaldo seized Manila, the U.S. gained control of the phillipine islands, and we destroyed a spanish fleet in Santiago. After all of this chaos, 24,000 spanish soldiers surrendered. We signed the Peace Treaty of Paris, and Cuba gained the independence they wanted. We took Puerto Rico, the Phillippines, and wake. This calmed everything down. The Spanish American War took place because we were allowed. Roosevelt s Corollary allowed us to intervene with Cuban conflict, so we
  • 37. William Chaucer s The Canterbury Tales Page 1 Michael Rainone English III Mr. Dillon Period 03 The Character Description For the past few English classes, we have been reading The Canterbury Talesby Geoffrey Chaucer. Chaucer lived from 1342 1400, around the time of the Hundred Years War. He fought in this battle, was captured and then ransomed with money contributed by the English king, King Edward himself. After his military campaign, Chaucer became a court official. This required him to travel to countries such as France, Spain and Italy. In these places he learned about each of their cultures. Shortly thereafter he held multiple governmental posts. While he worked these positions, he was able to write multiple works. In this time, he wrote the Book of the Duchess, the Parliament of Fowls, Troilus and Cressida, the Legend of Good Women and his masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales. The Canterbury Tales is so highly regarded because it utilizes Middle English, it gives an accurate depiction of 14th century English society and the fact that it still entertains people today. One of these Tales that s widely read throughout the world is the Pardoner s Tale. Many people probably looked at the title and wondered what a pardoner was. Basically a pardoner is a
  • 38. The Devil And Tom Walker Reflection The Devil and Tom Walker was my favorite story to read because it was very interesting and had some good lessons. Tom made a deal with the devil for all the money in the world and sold his soul to the devil without knowing. Tom becomes rich and successful but soon regrets his bargain because he is very alone and unhappy. This was a pleasant read for me just because of the message portrayed and the way the author made it interesting. The author attempted to convince us that you can have all the money in the world and still be unhappy and have no one there for you. I think the message of the story was successful and it really showed me how money can be the root of all evil. The story showed how many people are in this world. They are so focused
  • 39. Kurt Lewin s Theory Of Evolution In The Galapagos Islands Learning is more effective when it is an active rather than a passive process Kurt Lewin. Charles Darwin gave birth to his theory of evolution in The Galapagos Islands. Although these islands do not have very many species, these species do have a great deal of diversity. According to Tennessee Consortium For International Studies, The organisms of the GalГЎpagos inspired Charles Darwinwith ideas about how life of Earth has changed over ti Learning is more effective when it is an active rather than a passive process said Kurt Lewin. According to Tennessee Consortium for International Studies, In the Galapagos biological diversity has been preserved with minimal impact from human colonization (TnCIS). The Galapagos Islands are home to
  • 40. Taking a Look at Aviation Operations supervisor is an air traffic tower chief or an air traffic tower shift leader overseeing the operations in the tower. As an air traffic controller on position gets their weather information from a computer, a supervisor may notice that the weather report is not consistent with tower visibility and decide to change the weather being reported by the automated system. Another example of a supervisor is a pilot flying and aircraft on autopilot. The pilot in command of an aircraft is directly responsible for, and is the final authority as to, the operation of that aircraft (FAA, 2014). In the event that an error occurs during autopilot, the pilot is required to take over the controls and fix the problem. Human performance under supervisory control is often poor because of the limited task load placed on operators under normal conditions (Endsley, 1995). Due to reduced control involvement of the pilot, the consequences can be a loss of situational awareness and a decay of direct control skills, which are critical for any midair recovery. Figure 2 below shows how automation can affect situational awareness. Figure 2. Situational Awareness is Reduced (FAA, 2013) Monitors The role of systems monitor is as difficult as the role of supervisor is for humans. The monitor role involves observing and waiting for a critical process event. For a copilot, a critical process could be a fluctuation on the temperature gauge or a spike in pressure. The monitor s duty is to scan
  • 41. Rhapsody In Blue Analysis On April 7th, 2017, David Robertson conducted the Saint Louis Symphony in front of a capacity crowd of 2,683 people at Saint Louis s Powell Hall during a concert highlighting the works of Milhaud s La Creation du monde (The Creation of the World), the original jazz band versions of Gershwin s Rhapsody in Blue, Bernstein s Three Dance Variations from Fancy Free and concluding with Gershwin s Concerto in F. Guest artist pianist Kirill Gerstein played during both of Gershwin s titles. The first movement of the night began with Darius Milhaud s La Creation du monde. The stage was set with a 17 piece orchestrawith the saxophone taking the center presence. The beginning of the piece started with very dark, slow, and sharp tones that rise and ... Show more content on ... Violins on the left, woodwinds in the center, a brass section on the right next to the strings and percussion in the back all start out in a single conversation with the brass taking the opening lead of the piece. And fancy free it was as this work immediately started out as the fast tempo galop movement. The second movement had the traditional waltz with the third and final movement the Danzon . During the Danzon movement, I noticed the strings plucking and tapping their bows on their instruments. I had never heard this piece before and found it very consonant, with a nice level of fluidity and extremely pleasing to listen to. The final work of the nice was Gershwin s Concerto in F. This concerto is in three movements; allegro, andante con moto, and allegro agitato. Once again, the piano takes center stage with guest pianist Kirill Gerstein at the helm. Immediately starts out in fast tempo and sounds very similar Rhapsody in Blue. The piano taking a calming role in between the rest of the orchestra s conversation and wraps up with a dramatic and all in finish with all instruments striving to make their last notes
  • 42. Intracranial Sinusitis Discussion Intracranial infections are rare, but they are a very serious complication of sinusitis. Diagnosis and treatment of complications of intracranial sinusitis is a challenge and requires close cooperation between otolaryngology, neurosurgery, infectious diseases, neurology and rehabilitation. Fortunately, their incidence has decreased considerably over the last decades due to improved diagnosis and treatment of paroxysmal sinusitis [1]. Many data suggest that the prognosis is more favorable in children with rapid diagnosis and aggressive treatment. Typically hospital stay lasts from 15 to 30 days [3.8 10], while hospitalization of our patient is 47 days. No patient usually has a history of sinusitis or any serious co morbidity. What is more, sinus symptoms (such as purulent sputum) are usually rare. Both observations are consistent with other pediatric reports (3,8,10) and our case. When evaluating an intracranial infection in a child, the possibility of sinusitis should be considered, even in the absence of history in this direction. For many decades the most common complications of intracranial sinusitis were subdural and intracerebral ... Show more content on ... Orbital complications are predominant in most children with intracranial infection asymptomatic and thus induce patients to seek faster medical care, which in turn leads to earlier diagnosis of ICS. Similarly, Singh et al. Outpatient complications have been reported in more than half of patients (59%) with meningitis, 37% of patients with subcapsular abscess, 26% of patients with intracerebral abscesses and over 80% of patients with epidural abscesses. When evaluating children with swollen eyelids or with edema and sinusitis, the physician should consider the possibility of simultaneous intracranial infection, even in the absence of neurological
  • 43. A Study Based Interventions Of Children With Autism... Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences Department of Occupational Science and Therapy Paper Name: Evidence Practice Paper Code: 537333 Assignment Title: Family Centered Play Based Interventions of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Student ID: 1383124 Word count: 2748 Declaration This assessment has been written by me and represents my own work. This work has not previously been submitted by myself or anyone else. All sourced information has been appropriately acknowledged and referenced. I have maintained and will continue to maintain the confidentiality of any persons /organisations referred to in this assessment. I permit this assessment to be copied for academic processes (such as moderation). I have retained a copy of this assessment electronically. Signature Olivia Bray Date 27 10 2014 Part A Recommend Best Practice Protocol Background Play is an occupation in which all children should engage in to enhance development. Play should be enjoyable, fun, impulsive and naturally motivating. When children engage in play, they are able to discover their surrounding environments, experiment with ideas, and learn from experience (Garvey, 1977; Rubin, Fein Vandenberg, 1983; Smith Vollstedt, 1985, as cited by Mastrangelo, 2009). Due to social, cognitive and emotional difficulties, children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are unable to develop play skills at the same rate as children without
  • 44. Compare And Contrast The Devil Wears Prada Book And Movie The job a million girls would die for: Novel vs. Movie In 2006, David Frankel made a movie version of The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger. The book and the movie are both set in New York and tell the story of a girl named Andy. In both versions Andy starts working for Miranda Priestly, editor in chief of Runway, a fashion magazine. Generally the film version of The Devil Wears Prada, what kind of experiences Andy passes through is similar to what Andy experiences in Weisberger s novel. However, the movie is different form the book because some characters have a different appeal and image, Andy s love life might end up positive, and it ends in a different way. One difference is the appeal and image of the characters. For example, in the book Andy has blond hair and lives with her boyfriend named Alex Fineman. Later in the story, Alex breaks up with Andy. In contrast, Andy has brown hair in the movie. Also the boyfriend s name is Nate Cooper, instead of Alex Fineman. Another difference in characters is ... Show more content on ... Both, for example, are set in New York. In each versions Andy lives with her boyfriend in a small apartment, where they can hardly manage. Throughout the storyline, Andy and her boyfriend each have their own lives at work. But they share a few friends when they have time off. They see each other every week for dinner. Also yellow cabs, nice looking people from New York are well represented in both versions. Another similarity, the main storyline, is that Andy gets to work for Runway in which Miranda Priestly is editor in chief. Andy got accepted due to an interview which was different form all other girls. Miranda gives it a shot. In both versions Miranda was in the beginning very dissatisfied about Andy. There is also a similarity in Miranda s way of communication. She refuses to share elevators with others and dismisses everyone with a cold That s
  • 45. The Word Culture Impacts Each And Every Individual... The word culture impacts each and every individual differently. For me, my culture is associated with pride and joy; for others, cultural heritage can remind a person of pain and suffering. All cultural experiences vary depending on where people grew up and the amount of value placed on cultural traditions within families. Most people can easily describe their culture; many simply state, I m Italian and Irish. However, being a third generation American, I ve truly become a melting pot. I am 1 /16th Scottish, 1/16th British, 1/4th Polish, 1/4th Italian and 3/8th s German. My grandfather on my mom s side is one hundred percent Italian, while my grandmother on my mom s side was one hundred percent Polish. This makes my mom fifty percent Italian and fifty percent Polish, which is pretty typical of a second generation American. My grandfather on my dad s side was one hundred percent German, while my grandmother was 1/2 German, 1/4th Scottish, and 1/4th British. Since my grandmother, who was only a first generation American already had three different ethnicities, my culture heritage started to become slightly a typical from your traditional American. My father, who was 3/4th German, 1/8th Scottish and 1/8th British, lacked any similarities with my mom s heritage. This made me part of five different cultures. I value and appreciate each of my cultures just as much as the next, however, the most influential grandparent on my cultural identity has been my Italian grandfather so
  • 46. The Problem Of Identity Politics And A Lack Of Leadership... The problem of identity politics and a lack of leadership on the left is nothing new. Since I ve been involved with leftwing political movements, identity politics has been a driving force on the left. Obama has gotten away with murder, literally, because of identity politics. Hillary Clinton s electoral loss could be attributed to identity politics. And many people argue one of the primary limitations of Black Lives Matter is their adherence to identity politics. When identities take precedence over ideas, values, principles, political programs, strategies and tactics, the left can expect to keep losing. Unfortunately, the same is true at Standing Rock, where tribal leaders wanted to talk about white privilege, whereas rank and file natives were more interested in talking about strategy and tactics and how to stop all oil pipelines, not just those running through native lands. The fact that Wes Clark Jr. and the tribal elders didn t seek input from rank and file activists isn t unfortunate or a coincidence, it s how power functions when power is centralized and unwilling to seek advice in a democratic manner from people who often know better. The fact of the matter is that the tribal leadership at Standing Rock has virtually no experience organizing political movements, let alone acts of civil disobedience or direct actions. We were essentially told that if we weren t native, to keep our opinions and ideas to ourselves. Again, this is not how you organize a serious