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Essay Knowledge
Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Knowledge" poses a unique challenge as it requires
delving into the meta-cognitive realm of essay writing itself. Exploring the intricacies of
conveying knowledge through this medium requires a careful balance of self-awareness and
objectivity. One must navigate the fine line between personal expression and the broader
understanding of what constitutes effective communication of ideas.
The difficulty lies in the self-reflection necessary to articulate the process of acquiring and
disseminating knowledge through the essay format. It demands an examination of one's own
writing style, thought processes, and the ability to synthesize information into a coherent and
engaging narrative. Crafting an insightful essay on this topic necessitates a deep understanding
of the nuances involved in translating thoughts into the written word.
Moreover, the challenge extends to avoiding clichГ©s and generic observations about writing,
aiming instead for a more profound exploration of the relationship between the author, the
content, and the audience. Striking the right balance between personal experience and
universally applicable insights adds another layer of complexity to the task.
Despite the challenges, the process of writing an essay on "Essay Knowledge" can be a
rewarding intellectual exercise. It encourages writers to reflect on their own growth and
development as communicators of knowledge. However, achieving this depth requires time,
effort, and a willingness to critically evaluate one's own writing style and approach.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on the intricacies of "Essay Knowledge" is no small feat. It
demands a high level of self-awareness, analytical thinking, and a commitment to exploring the
multifaceted nature of knowledge transmission through the written word. Yet, for those who
embrace the challenge, the potential for personal and intellectual growth is substantial.
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Essay Knowledge Essay Knowledge
The Development, Implementation, Monitoring and
The Development, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of a Quality
Assurance System Supporting Continuous Improvement of Higher Education in the
Eastern Cape Technikon
1. Introduction
Eastern Cape Technikon (ECT) was established in 1987 as University of Transkei
Technikon, known as UNITRA Technikon. ECT is situated in Butterworth in the old
Transkei region and draws its clients predominantly from the mostly rural Eastern
Cape Province. ECT is characterised as one of the 13 historically disadvantaged
institutions (HDI). Due to expansion and growth, ECT became independent of
UNITRA (University of Transkei) and was renamed Transkei Technikon in 1991. On
20 April 1994 Eastern Cape ... Show more content on ...
The main activities of the Eastern Cape Technikon are concentrated at the
Butterworth main campus. Programmes in the main campus and in satellite
campuses, being Umtata, Queenstown and East London, have been developed in
response to the higher education demands of a given geographical area. Satellite
campuses have also been in response to the higher education needs of the surrounding
The development of three (3) satellite campuses has been a culmination of tireless
and determined attempts to realise the Technikon s objectives outlined above, in that
the Technikon activities would be distributed amongst these satellites for efficient and
effective delivery of services.
Against this background, the Eastern Cape Technikon has committed itself to the
provision of high quality education thus the formulation of the following mission and
Eastern Cape Technikon is a tertiary educational institution with the following
mission: providing appropriate, technological, career oriented education in co
operation with commerce, industry, the government and the community providing
quality teaching, research, development and community services sensitive to needs
and trends producing graduates with an entrepreneurial spirit, good work ethics and
responsible leadership. (Planning Activity 4: National Working
The Adoption Of Islamic Business Practices
The adoption of Islamic business practices by organizations: Why, How and what are
the performance outcomes
Organizations in most industries face increased competitive pressures from other
organizations that aim to satisfy customer demands. One of the most significant
issues that face organizations today is International competition in rapidly changing
environment (Porter, 1986). Competition creates diverse, new capabilities into an
industry and more dynamic and uncertain competitive environment. In industry the
speed of technological developments might have changes due to increased
competition (Wiersema and Bowen, 2008). In most global industry the fast
development of products and process innovations has become very important in order
to achieve competitive advantage (Bettis and Hitt, 1995). The expectations of
customers are increasing, and to meet the needs of the customer, organizations are
competing with each other. They are looking for ways they can get more profits and
market share. There are many factors to this increased competition, as technology and
globalization have shortened distances and consumers are now aware of more
products and services (FrГ©sard and Valta, 2012). The world is changing rapidly
and ways of doing business have also changed. Globalization and technology have
changed the way corporations do work and how they treat their customers and
employees. Globalization has also increased competition. Now standards have
changed, and organizations are
The Lord Of The Rings
Tzvetan Todorov, the author of The Fantastic: A Structural Approach to a Literary
Genre, defined fantasy as the creation of a moment of hesitation between two
worlds (qtd. Kelly, Course Introduction 2). This description of the genre
compliments J.R.R Tolkien s The Lord Of The Rings trilogy due to the author s
use of sub creation to construct his alternate world. Tolkien believed that the way
to create a believable, all encompassing world was to combine fragments of reality,
or the primary world , together to construct a new, seemingly credible secondary
world . Sub creation, if successful, forms an alternate but parallel world to reality,
which your mind can enter. Inside it, what he relates is true : it accords with the laws
of the... Show more content on ...
Here, Tolkien signifies that humans were moulded in the likeness of God, the
ultimate creator; therefore we are able to, and should, create. This quotation
highlights how his Catholic belief deeply influenced his personal philosophy, which
in turn affected his writing of The Lord Of The Rings. Numerous parallels can be
drawn between Christianity and the trilogy, such as that between God and The
Creator Eru, who was the source of all life on Arda. Furthermore, like God, all that
was created by Eru was once good, even Sauron, and it is outside forces such as
power, corruption and greed that twist what is good and make it bad. Tolkien s
creationist philosophy is evident and his embedded Christian messages were his
attempt to reinforce his religious beliefs on a world that he felt had become too
It is widely known that Tolkien detested the allegorical assumptions made about his
work. The author insisted that allegory was restrictive to readers and he preferred
history, whether real or feigned (Tolkien I, 12). As Ursula Le Guin states fantasyis
nothing but the writer s view of the world highlighting that fact that Tolkien s life
experiences heavily influenced his work (qtd Kelly, 27). Tolkien s work reflects and
comments on 20th Century Western society and in doing so, enlightens his readers of
a past time. In fact, this is demonstrated outright by
Electrical Energy, Transmission, And Distribution
The energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but it can be converted from
one form to another. Electrical energy is widely used in day to day life in various
applications. The generation of as electrical energy is nothing but the conversion of
various other forms of energy into electrical energy. This generated energy is
demanded by the consumers. There are three main parts of power system network:
Generation, Transmission and Distribution. Fig. 1.1 Generation, Transmission and
Energy consumption is calculated mainly in kW. Watts, kilowatts, megawatts are the
units for electricity. The smallest unit is watts; if you consider 1000 W then it is 1
kW. 1000 kW = 1 MW. Also, Consumption is a measure of how much energy you
have purchased from your electricity utility. The SI unit of energy is the joule, but this
is a very small quantity, so electricity utilities use kilowatt hours (kWh) instead of
joules. The rate at which you use energy is called power, and is measured in watts
(W). But you are not charged for the rate at which you use energy, only the amount
of energy used. The power of the generating station, and is normally measured in
megawatts (MW).Today accuracy in electrical billing is highly recommended. The
calculation of energy consumption gives real power consumption as well as accurate
billing. It provides real time monitoring of electricity uses. It is less time consuming
and cost effective.
Going After Cacciato by Tim O Brien Essay
Going After Cacciato #65279;It is generally recognized that Tim O Brien s Going
After Cacciato (1978) is most likely the best novel of the Vietnam war, albeit an
unusual one in that it innovatively combines the experiential realism of war with
surrealism, primarily through the overactive imagination of the protagonist, Spec
Four Paul Berlin. The first chapter of this novel is of more than usual importance.
Designed to be a self sufficient story (McCaffery 137) and often anthologized as
one, this chapter is crucial to the novel in that it not only introduces us to the
characters and the situation but also sets the tenor of the novel and reveals its author
s view of this war in relation to which all else in the novel must be... Show more
content on ...
One thing that the book misses, however, is the same suffering, perhaps even worse,
that was imposed upon the Vietnamese people. This is typical of novels from this
time; they all exhibit a bold ethnocentricism (Lomperis 5).
However, the first chapter does contain one very powerful image of destruction from
the Vietnamese viewpoint, which helps to make this somber portrait of the Vietnam
War more complete. We are told that Berlin and his squad are taking refuge inside a
nearly ruined Buddhist pagoda: shadows was the cross legged Buddha,
smiling from its elevated stone perch. The pagoda was cold. Dank from a month
of rain, the place smelled of clays and silicates and dope and old incense. It was a
single square room built like a pillbox with stone walls and a flat ceiling that
forced the men to stoop or kneel. Once it might have been a fine house of worship,
but now it was junk. Sandbags blocked the windows. Bits of broken pottery lay
under chipped pedestals. The buddha s right arm was missing, but the smile was
intact. Head cocked, the statue seemed interested in the lieutenant s long sigh. (O
Brien 4) In this otherwise very American novel, which focuses on the American
soldiers experiences, feelings, and minds (Lomperis 63), and in which Vietnam is
presented primarily as merely a terrain and a climate, this image of the pagoda seems
to be symbolic of the country of Vietnam at this time. Invaded, desecrated, nearly
destroyed, it still endured,
Female Labor Force And Sterilization Practices
I would like to compare and contrast the subject of the Female Labor Force and
Sterilization Practices. As the progressive era began, there are a lot of changes for
the women s labor force with respect to politics. They were stronger because they
stood up for themselves, refusing to be victims any longer and they did so by way
of going on strike and making demands (Dubois Dumenil, 2016). The labor force at
this time was 18.3% of women, which when compared to the 2014 statistic of 57%,
shows a substantial increase over this period of time ( Women in the Labor Force,
n.d.). Wage rates for the women in the early 1900 s continues to be approximately
half of what the men earned, as well as there was a division between occupations
and business sectors between the sexes so women were not given many options in
the labor force. Many single women were limited to working in factories or
domestic labor. However, as time progressed, more opportunities such as clerical
positions, which were once a male dominated field, began to open for women. This
gave them steady wages, clean and safe working conditions but eventually had a
similar setting as factories and some were even paid per piece wages. Eventually, by
the 1920 s, there were even professional fields opening up for the educated female
workforce. This gave women personal independence as they were in positions such
as medicine, law and teaching to name a few. However, these professional women
would begin to have problems as we
Analysis Of The Book Desiree Chrun
Desiree Chrun523 words
9100 St. Charles Rock Road
St. Louis, MO 63114
(314) 493 6100 Creative Title by Desiree Chrun We
re all gathered here today because of the lost of a loved one. He lived a brief live
where many obstacles were faced. He held one very close friend. His dear friend Ms.
Ariana Escobar, who is going to say a few words about him.
The preacher leaves the front of the church and waves her forward. She rubs her
sweaty palms together. She takes two deep breaths, putting her left foot out in front
of her followed by the right. She begins walking towards the lone, dark wood casket.
Her best friend lied beneath the closed doors. She makes her way to the front and
faces the crowd clothed in mourning clothes. She glances around the crowd, noticing
the red eyes and used tissues. We re all here for one reason. Caleb. He was my
absolute best friend. When I was five years old, I lost everything. I became an
orphan and was taken to the Throneroom Orphanage. My first month there, I noticed
Caleb. He kept mostly to himself but everyone noticed him. During that first month
he became my friend and showed me the ropes of how things worked in the home.
He taught me how to protect myself and how to keep myself together. From that
early age until now we ve always been there for one another. We became each others
family. Her voice catches, tears
Analysis Of The Catcher Of The Rye
Two Worlds, Two Choices, Two Boys
In The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, Holden Caulfield struggles to leave the
real world around him which he constantly fails to fit in. He is expelled from three
schools before going to Pencey. He then leaves Pencey for New York before
Christmas. After experiencing the coldness of society in New York, He decides to
hitchhike to the West alone, escaping the society and leaving his family behind.
Instead, he chooses to dream about living in the fantasy world in his mind where all
things he resists do not exist. Among those things he resists in the real world, the
phoniness of adults, the unavoidable loss of children s innocence and his unbreakable
bond with his family are the most significant ones that schedule Holden s canceled
Holden is unwilling to get along with phonies at his schools. When Holden
explains the reason why he leaves Elkton Hills School to Mr. Spencer, he gives an
example: For instance, they had this headmaster, Mr. Haas, that was the phoniest
bastard I ever met in my life (Salinger 17). Holden finally drops out of Elkton Hills
because of the phoniness of his headmaster even though Holden has no direct contact
with him. However, Holden s abhorrence toward phonies is so great and evident that
he cannot even stand watching a phony s action from far away. Holden originally
believes that changing to another school will reduce his interaction with phonies, but
his thought is proved wrong at Pencey. After
Symbolism of Albrecht Durer Essay
Symbolism of Albrecht Durer Albrecht Durer completed the Master Engravings in
the years 1513 and 1514. With these three engravings (Knight, Death, and Devil, St.
Jerome in His Study, and Melencolia I) he reached the high point of his artistic
expression and concentration. each print represents a different philosophical
perspective on the worlds respectively of action, spirit, and intellect. Although Durer
himself evidently did not think of the three as a set, He sometimes sold or gave St.
Jeromeand Melencolia I as a pair.
In the engraving, Knight, Death, and Devil, it appears that the hero (the Knight) is
gaining a moral victory over death. The Knight has often been interpreted as Erasmus
s sturdy Christian soldier who ... Show more content on ...
Death also has snakes encircling his head and neck as he slides up to the Knight and
tries in vain to frighten him by holding up an hourglass while the swine snouted Devil
sneaks up behind him with a pickaxe. Their failed attempt to capture the rider s
attention conveys the idea of unconquerable progress.
The 1514 engraving of St. Jerome in his Study is chronologically approximately in
the middle of the group, but it shows the deepest penetration of the subject. The
Saint has ceased to be a legendary figure and has become the symbol of learned
existence and felicity. St. Jerome is working at the far end of the room, which in
itself gives the impression of remoteness and peace. His little desk is placed on a
large table which otherwise holds nothing but an inkpot and a crucifix. Engrossed in
his writing, he if blissfully alone with his thoughts, with his animals, and with his
God. The cell, which in previous versions was always more or less cave like, cold
and drear, has now become a warm, comfortable, Late Gothic study; the lion is now
really a household pet, blinking peacefully, with a dog asleep at his side. The
landscape element is restricted to the morning sun shining in at the window and
intimated by the great gourd, transformed into a household plant. Even this harmless
gourd has not escaped the attention of the learned seekers after hidden meanings.
Wustmann disinterred the
Art of the Egyptians and Africans
Art of the Egyptians and Africans
Art of the Egyptians and Africans express .............................In art, style is a
characteristic, or a number of characteristics that we can identify as constant,
recurring, or coherent.(Art Terminology 1) Artists express their emotions through
their art making, their finished product will reflect that emotion. They might also
create a piece of art that makes the viewer create an emotional response. Emotion is
any strong agitation of the feelings actuated by experiencing love, hate, fear,
etc.(Dictionary 1)
Ancient Egyptian art is five thousand years old. It emerged and took shape in the
ancient Egypt, the civilization of the Nile Valley. Ancient Egyptian art was shown
with emotion beautifully in painting and sculpture, and was both highly symbolic and
stylized. The exceptional traditions in Egypt is one of the most important things in
the history of art. The tombs and temples of the Egyptians have expressed the
grandeur of the kingdom of the Nile. Egyptian sculptors and painters began to
formulate patterns to represent figures and stories. Egyptians used the art to
represent a continuation of life after death, it was an important part of their culture.
They believed that, in order for the spirit to live on, the dead person s body had to
be preserved, or mummified, and buried along with supplies of food and drink, tools
and utensils, valued possessions. (Scholastic) Egyptian art was becoming more
realistic, which moved away from the ways of
Gary Ridgeway The Green River Killer
Gary Ridgeway, A.K.A, the Green River Killer, was one of the most notorious
serial killers in U.S history. Over the course of two years in the 1980s nearly 50
lives were taken in the Seattle and Tacoma areas of Washington. This case was
given this name because of the location of all of the bodies. Most of the bodies were
dumped either in or around the Green River located in Washington. Upon discovery
of these bodies, the king county sheriff department formed a task force to attempt to
solve these murders. One of the interesting things the task force did was interview
Ted Bundyto gain insight as to what the killer may be planning next. In 1982 and
again in 2001, Gary Ridgeway, was arrested on charges that related to prostitution.
This brought
The Premature Burial Summary
In The Premature Burial by Edgar Allan Poe uses first person narrative,
Congressman s wife, a banker s wife, a soldier, a patient, and himself, to show why
he was obsessed about the fear of being buried alive during the early nineteenth
century. Through this story it tells how five different people are buried alive, the
last one himself. During the early nineteenth century it was common for people to
be buried alive. Doctors did not have the resources that is available today to help
determine whether or not someone was in fact deceased. After going through this
for a long time some people decided to help prevent this. They did this by putting a
pipe from the ground to the coffin. They tied a bell, sometimes a flag to the end of
the pole sticking out of the ground. If the bell rang they knew to come dig up this
person. Although this is not very common now, there have been a few reports that
have said otherwise. Edgar Allan Poewas born in Boston Massachusetts to David
Poe Jr. and Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins Poe on January 19, 1809. Which was during
the Antebellum Period , before the Civil War and after the War of 1812. (http:/
/ period). Poe had one brother, William Henry
Leonard Poe and one sister, Rosalie Poe. Shortly after Rosalie was born David Poe
abandoned his family. This left Elizabeth to care for her children alone. She did this
by acting until her health failed her of tubercoulis and she died. Rosalie was adopted
by another family,
Philosophy of Religion
The Cosmological argument argues for the existence of God a posteriori based on
the apparent order in the universe. For Aristotle, the existence of the universe needs
an explanation, a cause, as it could not have come from nothing. Nothing comes from
nothing so since there is something, there must have been some other thing that is its
cause. Aristotle rules out an infinite progression of causes, so, that led to the
conclusion that there must be a First Cause. Likewise with motion, there must have
been a first cause; Aristotle calls this the Prime Mover . There is a God, says
Aristotle for how else does motion begin? Whilst this argument does generally offer
some support for the existenceof God, it does not prove his existence.
Aquinas ... Show more content on ...
Thus, Hume claimed that it is not possible to prove the existence of a being who is
unknowable and existentially different from all other beings.
A further argument against the cosmological argumentis presented by Anthony
Kenny. According to his analysis, the cause of change must possess a property which
will initiate the change. For example, for something to become hot, the thing that
causes the change must itself possess the property of heat. But modern science rejects
this argument, for instance, microwaves can generate heat without themselves being
hot. Therefore, it is not foolhardy to argue that the universe exists and as a result of
highly finely tuned probabilities, from simple compounds to what we see today. But
still, Descartes reconstruction of the argument seems to postulate that, the cause of
change must possess a property which will initiate the change, which is in direct
conflict with Kenny s point. Yet, Aquinas says Kenny is not giving a straightforward
metaphysical analysis, but an analysis which presumes a standard, and also doubtful
Overall, the cosmological argument, while making a good attempt to prove the
existence of God is largely unsuccessful chiefly because it makes huge empirical
assumptions. Firstly, it assumes that the world does, in fact, exist. And secondly, we
cannot prove that a world exists on the basis of a posteriori premises, therefore
cannot infer from it that it has a cause, and
Tiadaghton History
This old picture of Tiadaghton was taken in 1902.
Photo courtesy of Tom Gamble. This is the only known photo of the town of
Tiadaghton. This picture can also be seen with its labeling description at the Darling
Run train station museum.
In the photo, we can see a New York Central train travelling south. The train is
sitting on the bridge we cross near the green camp. The green camp sits on the site of
the original post office and general store. A blue dot marks the site in the photo.
Just ahead of the train on the Pine Creek side, the long rectangular building is the
train station.
This photo looks to our north back the way we just came. It is taken from the vicinity
of where the modern road approaches the rail trail. Barely in the picture ... Show more
content on ...
The G trail is a north south bike trail that runs through the entire state. The G trail is
in Pink on the map.
Wildlife is often visible at the camp ground and vicinity.
This small buck was quite distressed that I was eating his chestnuts along the trail.
The last time I was here, a juvenile bald eagle was flying above the trail as I arrived.
Once I went to the creek, an adult bald eagle flew just beyond me straight north
along the creek bank. Just south of us were three deer grazing in the stream.
While we are at the campground, sharp eyes may spot on the high ledge to the east
(our left) a tiny wooden lookout building that hangs perilously off the cliff. Gitchell
s Lookout, built in 1938 by the Gitchell family as a private oasis still remains on
sentry overlooking this area. It is best seen from the creek south of the campground.
The tiny Gitchell lookout perches on the cliff.
The original railroad was only a single track from Tiadaghton to Blackwell, so the
accompanying horse trail has disappeared now.
This stone is just south of Tiadaghton. I was told that it is a bore hole for when
dynamite was used along the
The Similarities And Differences Of Panda s Adaptation
Pandas are very unique animals, and they have many adaptations that can help them
survive. These interesting mammals are extinct, so there are only about 1,300 to
2,000 of them left in bamboo forests. Pandas live in the central regions of China.
They live in cool, wet bamboo forests, so it is easier for them to find food. A pandas
latin name is Ailuropoda malenoleuca. Ailuropoda stands for black and white
mammal of BambooForests, and malenoleuca stands for member of the bearfamily.
Pandas are one of the most interesting mammals out there, because of their
outstanding adaptations. Pandas have many structural adaptations. One of their
adaptations is that pandas have six toes instead of five. The pandas sixth toe allows
them to do many things that humans can t. They can hold bamboo and pull roots
from the ground... Show more content on ...
One behavioral adaptation that is very common for a panda to have is making their
way down the mountain closer to winter time. When it s gets closer to the winter
season, pandas start to suffer because it gets really cold. Even though a panda has
fur, the coldness can still makes it way past their fur to their skin. The top of the
mountain during the winter is the coldest place to be during this time. Traveling
down the mountain can make it easier for pandas to survive during this rough time.
Pandas have so many unique adaptations besides their sixth toe, strong jaw
muscles, and how they make their way down the mountain. There is one adaptation
that helps them through their whole life and they wouldn t know what to do
without it. When a panda is a baby, their mother will play aggressively with them to
enhance their survival skills. Without this way of learning a panda may not be able
to survive when in a fight. When a mother plays with a cub, the cub starts to learn
how to think fast, act back, and know exactly what to do when being attacked. This
survival skill allows the panda to live a longer
Immortality Is The Meaning Of Life
Supporters of soul based accounts of meaning of life suggest that only eternal lives
carry meanings, otherwise lives are too short to be meaningful. On the contrary,
opposers like Nussbaum and Lucretius, propose that meaning in life isn t granted
through immortality but rather death. Bruce Lee once spoke about immortality, The
key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering. This quotation is profound
because it indicates that immortality itself isn t meaningful. In this paper, I will rebut
the argument that immorality derives meaning in life through justifying death is
crucial to understanding the meaning of life, and only when life is finite, then the
decisions and choices that we make become meaningful and valuable.
Death Promotes Urgency and Motivates for Achievement
Despite how marvelous eternal life may appear, but it is the nature of death that
makes life precious. This topic reminded me of the movie In Time directed by
Andrew Niccol, where the film portrays a fictional, time oriented world. People are
born with a timer on their arms, and once the timer ticks down to zero then one will
die immediately. In relation to this analysis, suppose that the amount of time for
everyone is unique and fixed. Given this death timer, how do people choose? I would
argue that on average people would choose to not procrastinate and waste time on
insignificant issues and try their bests to convey their meanings over sitting around
and waiting for the time to come. One
How was Life in our World Created
Throughout history, scientists asked questions about the origin of life and wondered
if it was created by God or an explainable natural phenomenona. One of the most
debatable ideas disputes whether the Christian God is true. More specifically, many
wonder if the Bible true. Scientists and philosophers ascertained evidence that proves
the truthfulness of the Bible. True scienceand the Bible do not contradict each other.
Science and archaeology supports the truthfulness of the Bible, confirming the Bible
is true
The Bible is consistent with science; in fact, the Bible contains scientific topics that
have been investigated by scientists. Throughout time, scientists used to believe that
their theories were 100 % accurate in explaining the universe. As technology
advances, scientists discovered that some of these theories are unreliable. Recently,
it has been explored that stars are uncountable as mentioned in the Bible As the host
of heaven cannot be numbered (Deem). Scientists used to theorize that the Universe
has only between 1000 to 1200 stars (Comfort 21). The Bible has accurate,
scientifically proven facts. For example, many years ago, scientists theorized that
Earth is flat; however, years later; they proved that Earth has a round shape. It is he
that sits upon the circle of the earth (Deem). Again, the Bible mentioned the accurate
shape of the earth. As a result of these discoveries, scientists began to study and
investigate various topics in the Bible and have
Interdependence Between the Species
PLANTS AND ANIMALS: Animals are depending upon plants for their food
shelter and also for various things. ANIMALS HELP PLANTS IN DIFFERENT
WAYS 1.Many animals are involved in the pollination in plants. 2.Fruits and seeds of
many plants are dispersed by animals 3.Decomposers convert organic substances into
inorganic substances so that plants can absorb them easily. SPECIES
INTERACTION All types of relationship between organisms can be divided into two
1)Positive interaction which is beneficial to one or both partners. These include a)
commensalism b)proto co operation c) mutualism 2)Negative interaction which is
harmful to one or more of the participants. These include... Show more content on ...
2.Epiphytes and epizoans: Epiphytes are plants that grow perched on other plants
only as support and not for food and water. They are provided with special roots
called velamin roots, which can take up water from the moisture. Epizoans are
plants that grow on the body of animals. Eg the green algae grow on the long,
grooved hairs of the sloth. Sucker fish attaches itself to the body of a shark. A
commensal that lives inside the body of the host is referred to as endocommensal.
1.Some saprophytic fungi and bacteria live within the tissues and cavities of higher
plants and animals. Some microbes are seen in the lower intestines of animals.(Here
they are not taking anything from the host s body) 2.Termite nests provide ecologic
niches for more than a 100 species of other animals such as ants, beetles and
millipeds. 3.A oyster crab, Pinnothers ostreum is found in the mantle cavity of the
oyster. In addition to shelter it also gets food from the host molluscs, oyster without
causing any harm. PROTOCOOPERATION : It is a short step ahead of
commensalism and cooperation. In this relationship, both organisms gain by the
association and are mutually benefited(facultative mutualism) Eg the Red billed
Oxpecker form protocooperation with Black Rhinoceros the bird feed on the parasites
sticking on the skin of the rhinoceros relieving him of the parasites, and inturn
Essay on Renewable Energy
When the new Southeast Polk High School opened they added many new energy
saving products. This included installing geothermal heating under the high school
cutting back on the cost of heating such a large building. Many new windows help
save on energy used to light the building along with automatic lights that turn off
after several minutes without movement. The new high school shows how easy it is
to save money and help the environment. Renewable energyis good for all aspects of
the U.S, providing jobs, economical growth, environmental cleanliness, and new
research for improving energy efficiency. Therefore the United States should use
renewable energy to benefit the economy and environment. The main way the
environment is... Show more content on ...
Some may believe that renewable energy is not beneficial.
In contrast, some believe that renewable energy is a key factor involved in helping
the economy to grow. Many jobs are created in the manufacturing and running of
renewable energy plants. The renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies
created 8.5 million new jobs and $970 billion in revenue in the year 2006
(Langwith, Renewable Energy is Economically ). The American Solar Energy
Society says by 2030 it could generate up to $4.5 trillion in revenue for the U.S and
create 40 million new jobs. This would represent one in every four jobs (Langwith,
Renewable Energy is Economically ). This shows how vital it is to get renewable
energy companies in the U.S. It is important to build a stable economy again and do
it all while helping the environment. The environment is negatively affected be the
burning of fossil fuels. The affects of the gases contribute to global warming, along
with acid rain and polluted air. This pollution cuts short an estimated 30,000
American lives according to the Clean Air Task Force (Rich). The United States must
stop using fossil fuels because the gases produce harm the environment we live
causing harm to come all the citizens. The future of energy production will
Orbital Parameters Of Earth And Mars
Question 5
It is assumed that Earth and Mars are in Circular orbits. The initial relative phase
angle is stated to be 30o. Calculate the transfer orbit of a time of flight (TOF) 120
day. The orbital parameters such as О”Vs must be calculated. In addition, the
propulsion considerations must be evaluated for the case when mission is to be
Evaluate the orbital parameters, О”Vs and propulsion parameters when the mission
is to be executed by a 500 kg spacecraft, which utilizes 450 s specific impulse
Orbits are coplanar. Initial position of earth is taken as reference direction and epoch
of the mission
2The total Time period of Earth = 365 days
1Hence, the time period of Mars = 365 x 1.881 = 686.565 days
3Distance of Earth from Sun = 149.5 x 106 kilometers
4Distance of Mars from Sun = 227.8 x 106 kilometers
5Initial position of planets:7After 120 days position of planets:
8Change in position of Earth = 120/365 = 0.32876 = 32.876% of the complete orbit.
Change in angular position of Earth = 0.32876 x 360o = 118.356o
Final position of Earth with reference direction = 118.356 + 0 = 118.356o
Change in position of Mars = 120/686.56 = 0.17478 = 17.478% 0f the complete orbit.
Change in angular position of Mars = 0.17478 x 360o = 62.9219o
Final position of Mars with reference direction = 62.9219 + 30 = 92.9219o Transfer
Now the transfer ellipse will be such that initial position of Earth will be the point of
launch and perigee of the
Structure, Theme and Convention in Sir Philip Sidney s...
Structure, Theme and Convention in Sir Philip Sidney s Sonnet Sequence
The sixteenth century was a time of scientific, historical, archaeological, religious and
artistic exploration. More attention was being allotted to probing into the depths of
the human psyche and it was up to the artists and poets rather than the priests and
scholars to examine and mirror these internal landscapes. The little world of man [1]
was reflected through various artistic forms, one of which was the sonnet, which was
conventionally used for dedications, moral epigrams and the like. Traditionally most
sonnets dealt with the theme of romantic love and in general the sonneteer dealt with
the over riding concern of the self and the other, the latter of ... Show more content on ...
Incidentally, although not a realistic autobiography, Stella is modelled on Penelope
Devereux, who was supposed to marry Sidney but was then forced to marry Lord
Rich, and phil in Astrophil is indeed an abbreviation of Sidney s first name, Philip .
After finding out about Penelope s marriage, fate had it that Sidney started to truly
have feelings for her although by this time it was too late.
Astrophil s actions seem to be forgiven by some critics because he is after all
driven by love. In fact Sidney s depiction of the male protagonist is one which makes
some critics and readers empathize with him during his lamentations and praise of
Stella. This may be because it is thought that Sidney s aim was to show readers how a
man can let his emotions get the better of him, thereby leading him into eventual
despair. It is through Astrophil s mistakes and negative example that Sidney is able to
inculcate morality. This is also another typical quality of sonneteers, who aim to
morally instruct through their art.
Beneath the witty surface of Astrophil s lamentations, Thomas P. Roche seems to
feel that Sidney is using Astrophil s journey from hope to despair as a fictional
device for the analysis of human desire in Christian terms. [2] Consequently Roche
points out that in witnessing Astrophil s despair the readers reaction is supposed to
make them conscious of his limitations from a
Essay On The Chocolate War
The Chocolate War is a novel about a freshman boy named Jerry Renault going
against the normalcy of school life and deciding not to sell the chocolate bars.
Jerry was given this assignment by a boy named Archie Costello. Archie is a
member of The Vigils, a group that makes assignments for a certain person or group
of people to do based on who they are and how they act. The odd thing about Archie
telling Jerry not to sell the chocolates is that Archie earlier told Brother Leon that The
Vigils would support the chocolate sellingactivity.
Brother Leon and the other students are clearly shocked by this, due to a student
never refusing to do so before. But eventually people realize that it was an
assignment given by The Vigils. At first Brother... Show more content on ...
Archie makes plans to get back at Jerry and get some kind of reward out of all the
help he put into the chocolate sales. He creates an assembly where only students can
participate to raffle off the tickets. The raffle is a special one though which puts
Jerry in a fight against the school thug, Emile Janza. Students who buy raffle
tickets get to write a boxing move on them, which Jerry has to do to Janza, or vice
versa, and where to hit them. During the fight, Jerry and Janza are hitting each
other as the papers say to. Janza is a lot stronger, and his punches have much more
power even though Jerry is able to land a few good hits of his own into the fight. A
member of The Vigils draws a raffle ticket that says for Janza to hit Jerry in the
groin. Jerry, however, blocks the punch, and the fight becomes more violent. Janza
decides not to follow the rules of the fight, and repeatedly punches Jerry. Finally, once
Jerry falls to the ground, the lights in the stadium turn off. Brother Jacques is there to
stop the fight. Brother Leon is there too, and has been watching from the beginning
of the fight until now. He makes sure that Archie is not punished for the
Recruit Training Application Essay
I am a cadet in Phoenix Division and want to be considered for a staff cadet
position at the Arizona 2015/2016 Recruit Training. I am 16 years old and have
been with the United States Naval Sea Cadets for one and a half years. I am a
Cadet Petty Officer Third Class but I know I have the skill necessary of a higher
ranking Cadet Petty Officer This Cadet wants to be considered for the staff
position because I have great knowledge that can be passed to new recruits, I want
to be a part of helping the first national Arizona training succeed, and I am a hard
working cadet. Through the trainings I have been to and the skills I have learned
from my home unit, I have valuable knowledge that can be passed down to recruits at
a Recruit Training.... Show more content on ...
In my whole time in Sea Cadets every time I have had an opportunity to rank up I
have met all the requirements to do so as soon as possible. Many people who
joined close to me have just been promoted to E 2 or have quit the program. In my
whole time I have been in the program I have not questioned one command given
from above me and have done the task without question. My hard working attitude
drives me to try to be perfect at the things I do in the program. This perfection has
made me a target to no one, always knowing what is expected of me at the time. I
like to study and perfect how to do things before I act so I know the teaching and
actions I will preform are perfected and won t cause progress to reverse. Having
skills to teach new recruits, wanting to help with the success of the first national
Arizona training, and being a hard working cadet are a few of the reasons I should
be considered for the Recruit Training Staff Cadet position. Even though I am only
a Cadet Petty Officer Third Class, I think I can overcome my lack of rank in the
program with my skills, knowledge, and hard work to train the first class of recruits
at the Recruit Training in
Mexican Americans And Puerto Ricans Have Been Faced
Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans have been faced with many social injustices
in the past; these include police brutality, racism, discrimination, poor housing
condition and many more. After a time they grew tired and decided to take action
against these injustices. This led many of them to became part of a social movements,
fighting for a change which were successful . A few of these movements included the
ChicanoMovement which involved Mexican Americans; they use boycotting, and
their manifesto, El Plan De Aztlan to fight against social injustice and also to fight
for nationalism and self determination. It was said to be one of the most successful
movement. Another was the Young Lord s Movement which was mainly Puerto
Ricans but also... Show more content on ...
The first step the Young Lords took was cleaning the street of the Puerto Ricans
neighborhoods which had not been swept in weeks. After cleaning the streets the
sanitation workers refused to take up the bags that contained the trash from the street.
This prompted the Young lords to blocked the roads with the trash and also
branching out and blocking other areas. This prevented the buses from moving which
led to the city money for no one could take the bus.
These two scenes from the Chicano movement and the Young lord s movement were
similar in the sense that they use the strategy of prevent business owner and the city
from making money. The Chicanos went about this by boycotting, and also getting
other people in different states and around the world to not purchase Victoria
grapes. The Young Lords on the other hand blocked the streets, because of this bus
companies could not make money since the people could not take the bus. Both
groups knew that money is the paramount of America, so in order to get what they
wanted which was an end to the social unfairness. They had to come up with
political strategies that would prevent business owner and the city to lose
money,once they kept on losing money, they would see that something had to be
done. The difference revolved around what they were fighting against during the
specific scene. During the scene in Cesar Chavez s film, the Mexican Americans
were fighting against the low wages workers were earning and also the
Bantu Migrations Essay
The Bantu migrations had a vast influence on the development of Africa. The Bantu
peoples passed on many concepts to the rest of Sub Saharan Africa. Originating from
Nigeria in the Niger River Valley, the Bantu migrated south and then spread to both
the east and west. The Bantu laid the foundation for Sub Saharan African societies.
They spread agriculture, animal domestication, iron metallurgy, and cultural
development throughout southern Africa. Various forms of government have
developed as a result of the Bantu migrations. They also contributed to the start of
many societies, including the Swahili city states. The adaptations the Bantu people
learned, especially the making of iron, helped them to expand and spread their
discoveries. As... Show more content on ...
Along with iron, bananas helped the Bantu expand into areas not possible before,
allowing for these amazing spreading of the Bantus discoveries. Once iron and
bananas were well established within Bantu tribes, about 1000 CE, their population
sizes grew to about twenty two million!
The Bantu stopped migrating during the first century CE and started to form complex
government for the settled villages they already had. Stateless societies are forms of
government that are not run by a hierarchy, but rather through family or kinship
groups. The start of these family based government systems influenced the
development of villages, districts, city states, and small and large kingdoms. The
Swahili tribe originating off of the eastern cost of Sub Saharan Africa was a prime
example of Bantu government. Being Bantu themselves, the Swahili show how the
Bantu spread not only government, but also societies as a whole. Just as the Bantus
influence on developing Africa, kinship groups, or family based governing systems,
started out small and eventually grew into massive kingdoms ruling and influencing
entire regions. As in many other places throughout the world, kingdoms brought a
need for protection from neighboring regions. The Bantu seeded the beginnings of
African societies, along with starting military development and growth throughout
southern Africa.
One huge aspect of the Bantu tribes migrations was the amount of religion and rituals
they spread throughout Sub Saharan
7 Speedy Activity Benefits Of Yoga
Yoga does not require much effort, yet it comes packed with a lot of benefits. This
practice that combines breathing, poses and meditation has been found by many to
be beneficial in improving overall health, as well as increasing productivity. You will
find that many of the productive achievers in the world practice one form of yogaor
the other.
This has already begun a trend, where organizations encourage their employees to
get involved in yoga in order to increase focus, efficiency and over all productivity.
These 7 speedy productivity benefits of yoga will blow your mind.
Stress is one of the many things that impedes productivity in everyone and it has
become quite common. Stress is inevitable with the deadlines people have ... Show
more content on ...
It also improves posture, releasing the compression on the spine as a result of poor
Yoga has also been found to be beneficial in alleviating cardiovascular conditions and
preventing heart failure. This also is a physical ailment that impacts productivity.
Constant practice of the breathing techniques and some simple poses improves blood
circulation, and alleviates high blood pressure and other heart related diseases. Yoga
does not only treat these conditions, it also keeps a check on them, so that they do not
Yoga improves balance and flexibility, allowing you a movement range that you
would ordinarily not have. For some people, it is very important for work
Individuals in sports, entertainment and military, that require strength, balance and
flexibility, to carry out their work will benefit a lot from yoga. Others who just
want to be more effective at work, by being able to carry out various activities
effortlessly, can also benefit from yoga.
This is in fact an important ability, as one begins to advance in age.
Barack Obama Impact
Barack Obama has positively impacted our country in a variety of ways. He has put
a tremendous amount of effort towards having a better relationship with Muslims
and Russia. In order to accomplish that, he gave a speech to those people wanting a
new relationship and won a Nobel Peace Prize because of his efforts. In 2009, Barack
Obamasigned the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Act. This law says that
they have to have permission from the FDA before releasing any new tobacco
products. The law also improved the amount of warning labels for tobacco products
and got rid of misleading labels on those products. The tax on tobacco was also
raised and the money went towards Children s Health Insurancewhich was a part of
the Children s Health Insurance Authorization Act. During his time of being
president, he decreased the... Show more content on ...
He s proved to all generations that the color of your skin should not impact what
you can or can t do and proved you don t have to look a certain way to work in the
government. Avi Kedia said, it shows that somebody from a different race can rise
up and go against what everyone else says and win.
Barack Obama ordered special forces travel to Abbottabad, Pakistan to find and
capture Osama Bin Laden. This was a very important day to our country because
they had been searching for him for almost 10 years and finally found him on May
second, 2011. He also gave a speech on September 11, 2016, honoring those whose
lives were lost during 9/11. In 2009, Barack Obama passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair
Pay Act. This act gives women the right to sue their employers if they find out they
aren t being paid as much as a man for the same
John Muir s Argument For The Preservation Of The
Fifteen miles south of the world renowned Yosemite Valley sits the Hetch Hetchy
Valley with its water roaring. Hard to believe, the desolate valley was once
recognized as the exact counterpart of the Yosemite Valley for its natural beauty
cascading waterfalls, lofty mountain cliffs, and serene rivers. John Muir, an ardent
advocate for the preservation of the wilderness, described the experience of
visiting Hetch Hetchy to be a sheer pleasure: it [was] a bright day in June; the air
[was] drowsy with flies; the pines [swayed] dreamily, and you [were] sunk, shoulder
deep, in grasses and flowers. He devoted himself into campaigning for its integrity
when the San Francisco city government proposed to dam the valley for municipal
water supply... Show more content on ...
It also threatened the future of other national parks because it set up a precedent for
appropriating protected natural resources to utilitarian uses. Strengthened by his
personal attachment to the Hetch Hetchy Valley, he appealed to the public sentiments
and eloquently criticized the shortsighted exploiters like mayor Phelan in various
forms of writings including books and newspaper articles. In addition, John Muir
took on political actions in this battle, gathering national support for his position.
He traveled to New York and Washington D.C. to give speeches and meet with the
secretary of the interior, Democratic leaders, and speaker of the house. He also
innovated grassroots lobbying , a means to persuade elected officials of his position
by urging individual citizens to express their support of him with letters to
Business Case Study Example
Founder Background Information: CEO/ President: Somer Chambley has a Bachelor
of Science degree in Business Administration and is currently pursuing a Masters of
Business Administration degree with a concentration in Entrepreneurship from
Regent University. Somer is a veteran, wife and mother of three. In June of 2013,
Somer founded a photography co working space, The Studio Hampton Roads where
she, and other photographers like her, could have a brick and mortar location without
having to assume all the upfront costs herself. The Studio is a professional space
where both photographers and their clients feel safe and comfortable. Within six
months of opening, The Studio doubled in revenue and Somer brought on a partner
to help manage its... Show more content on ...
Gale is a coach for individuals and corporations. She has helped multiple clients
develop strategic networking and business development plans.
Gale started her career in the United States Air Force where she traveled the globe,
played sports, and more importantly was a Medical Administrative Specialist. From
there she spent 21 years in the healthcare industry working for multiple private
practices and hospitals.
In the true spirit of givers gain Gale volunteers time and energy with many local non
profit organizations such as Final Salute Inc, Loudoun Abused Women s Shelter,
Loudoun First Responder s Foundation, Bite Me Cancer, Tigerlily Foundation and
many more!
Gale was recently a breakout speaker at the 2013 National Veterans Conference in St.
Louis and the 2012 VirginiaWomen s Business Conference. She was the featured
speaker for the Business Women of Loudoun and was published in I AM Modern
Magazine. She is currently guest lecturing for the MBA students at Johns Hopkins
University, American University, and George Mason University, while guest
lecturing for undergraduate students at Radford University, Virginia Commonwealth
University, George Mason University and University of Maryland. Most recently
Gale was a featured speaker in the TEDxBalchDriveWomen Talk.
Her goal in life is having her children be empowered, strong women that are caring
and involved in the community.
Lawyer: Jeremy
My Memories Of My Early Years
I have very few recollections of my early years and at what exact age I was able to
read and write. Some of my earliest memories are vague on the topic of my literacy.
However, I do remember small memories, such as, learning how to write my name in
cursive, winning prizes for reading, and crying over every assigned high schoolessay.
Over the last twelve years my literacy has grown rapidly with the help of teachers,
large school libraries, my family, and so on. There is always room for my literacy
skills to grow, but my family s help and positive attitude towards my education, the
school systems I have been a part of, and the horrible required essays from high
school helped me obtain the level, skills, habits, and processes that I use as part of
my literacy today. I was raised up in a family that loved to read and write, like my
sister who published a children s book while she was in just middle school; she
also wrote other stories that were loved my her teachers. My parents have
continuously pushed me and my siblings to read above our grade levels, study
writing during the summer, and never listen to when other kids or adult titled us as
stupid . This positive drive really aided me when I was a little and even endures on
The positive push when I was little made me want to be the very best in my class and
a little bit of a show off. My earliest memory of learning to read or write goes all the
way back to when I was around seven years old, and in elementary school on
Steven Soderbergh s Erin Brockovich
Steven Soderbergh s Erin Brockovich is an autobiography of Brockovich and her
involvement in the largest monetary direct case action lawsuit within the United
States. Despite a lack of formal education and law experience, Brockovich proves to
be the key element to winning a plaintiff case against multi billion dollar industry,
Pacific Gas and Energy Company (PG E).
Often, law is recognized as a tool that ultimately provides justice; however, it also
holds the power to silence others. In this film, PG E ultimately have a greater voice
than the plaintiffs despite the mass effect of the actions of the company. The
plaintiffs reside in the quaint Californian community of Hinkley where it is
discovered that PG E are responsible for great amounts of industrial groundwater
contamination. Accordingly, Michael Asimow and Shannon Mader link Erin
Brockovich with the likes of Class Action and A Civil Action citing that the three
films depict the recurring theme of anti business slant .
As Edward Masry states in the film, PG E figures, we ll let the cat out of the bag, tell
the people the water s not ... Show more content on ...
Essentially, this states that the outlaw is predominantly portrayed as a white male
due to the fact there are not any criminal stereotypes which inhibit their heroism. To
illustrate, outlaws are unlikely to recognize with an ethnic minority as racial profiling
and prejudice exist within the legal system. Moreover, the University of Illinois uses
the James Brothers as a relevant example of an outlaw). It states that women cannot
fight the sexism within law without the risk of being recognized as a deviant woman
. Additionally, this behaviour allows men to enhance their masculinity whilst it
reduces the feminine manner of women and downgrading their societal worth; thus,
altering one s image of an
Walter Dean Myers Bad Boy
Walter Dean Myers memoir Bad Boy is about how he traveled back to his past.
This book that he wrote is, funny, and unforgettable. As a boy, Myers had a quick
temper, was physically strong, and was always ready for a fight. He also read
voraciously, as he would check out books from the library and carry them home,
hidden in brown paper bags in order to avoid other boys teasing. He aspired to be a
writer. The central idea of this book is courage because he had the courage to join
the military. According to Myers stepping out of your comfort zone could turn into
one of the best decisions you could ve made (21). I believe he said that because he
too stepped out of his comfort and went into the military to really find himself. It
took courage for him to be able to do that. Myers also said that anyone can do
anything they set their mind to (29). That quote from the book really showed
during his second grade year. Him and his family found out he had a speech
problem, and everyone thought that he wouldn t do good throughout school, but
he did. Another quote that he said was to never give up on what you want in life
(32). That quote goes toward how in the book he got called on to read in front of
the whole class. Even though he didn t say the words as well while reading, he still
did it and stayed positive. After that he stated, you can just sit there or do something
(41). I think that was said to him in the book because he used to never wanna join a
game with other kids
Business and Technical Writing Final exam 050024 Essay
Phoenix Advertising
683 Lawson Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28282
Tel: 704 862 9700
Fax: 704 862 9775
March 24, 2015
Gregory S. Forest
Phoenix Advertising
1695 Chestnut Avenue
Roanoke, VA 24001
Dear Mr. Forest:
Phoenix Advertising as a whole has always put our clients first and is well known
for our excellent work. As you know, the Roanoke branch had been experiencing
difficulties since January of 2015 with regards to overworked and underpaid
employees and a loss of clients. Productivity had declined by 20 percent over the
course of the past few months, and we lost a few key members of our team. In
response to our current crisis, I have developed a proposal in order to return Phoenix
Advertising to the standard of excellence we ... Show more content on ...
This will provide an open line of communication, as well as survey the current
situation and see if there is a need for additional help to any and all team members.
Training: Both managers as well as employees will need to complete a series of
training courses to ensure that everyone is well versed in company policy, as well
as have knowledge of what to do in case of an event such as the current crisis at the
Roanoke branch. One such course would be on the importance of communication
between employees and superiors. All employees will learn when it is necessary
to hire additional help, when they really need to speak up, and that human
resources is here to help and they should not be shy when they need guidance. It is
important for all team members to be knowledgeable about the company and
policy. Employees will be scheduled for two meetings a week on days that best fit
their schedule for four weeks, followed by an evaluation to see if the course material
was thorough. If more training is necessary, it will be rescheduled accordingly.
Manager training:
When to hire additional help; Project Approval: April 6 April 10 Employee training:
Your rights as employees; YOU matter:April 13 April 17 All team members:
Importance of open communication: April 20 April 24
Company policies:April 27 May 1
Kevin O Hara, the director of employment services, has been with the company for 6
years and prior to working with
Themes Of The Sirens Of Titan
The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut , Why It is Great How It Affected My Ideas?
The Sirens of Titan was the third Kurt Vonnegut novel I read.
Books, to me, are meant to serve the purpose of creating an enlightened and timeless
version of ourselves. In this sense, The Sirens of Titan was, undoubtedly, the most
astounding and mesmerizing novel I have ever laid my eyes on. It poses a great
significance for both my personality and thoughts as it changed them drastically;
therefore, I find The Sirens of Titan to be the most influential piece of literature and
the Magnum Opus amongst all of Kurt Vonneguts his works. Kurt Vonnegut
structures an elaborate plot in which he masterfully touches upon the great themes of
free will, luck, religion, and the actual meaning of life, all the while using a sarcastic
yet humanistic tone with an extensive symbolism in The Sirens of Titan. Moreover,
the manipulation of time structure, change of narrations, and premature/delayed
revelations he exposes his readers to, as chapters advance, constitutes the novel s
genuine and idiosyncratical postmodern character. He does all these maintaining his
signature use of simplex syntax, metafiction, and hyperreality, developed and
supported by the interconnected literary universe he created through his writing
career. He is influenced, in my ... Show more content on ...
In short, The Sirens of Titan is a remarkable novel written by a leading writer of black
humored, satiric, and critic science fiction; therefore, it should be read with the
deserved attention and care, parallel to its depth and value. Martin Heidegger stated,
criticizing the wrong path that western philosophy deviated to, that people
understood being only in the superficial sense. The advancements in mathematics and
natural sciences along the millennia always pre assumed that being was a known
phenomenon and never bothered to explore its true nature; bypassing the herculean
task, we never delved into what Ontos really
The Secret War And How It Affected The Hmong People
The Secret War and how it affected the Hmong people.
At the end of my speech, my audience will get a better sense of what the Secret War
was and how it affected the Hmong people.
Just by the name itself, it can already be implied to what the Secret War was. It was
a war that was kept as a secret from the public, and by public, I mean the American
public. Many of you may wonder what exactly is the secret war, and I will explain
that throughout my speech. But before I continue to explain the details of what it
was and when it took place, it is also important to introduce the group of people who
I will be talking about throughout my speech and how they were affected by this
war, and that group of people is the Hmong people.
Although many people may not be aware of the Secret War, it was a war that greatly
affected the Hmong people and changed their lives forever.
Today I will be discussing about what the Secret War was, and how the Hmong
people were involved with it and how it affected them.
[Transition: Before I get into details about how this war affected the Hmong people,
it is important to explain what the Secret War was and who are the Hmong people
that were affected by it.]
I.Information about the Secret War
A.When it began and who were involved.
1.The Secret war was happening during the VietnamWar, which I m assuming
everybody has heard of before, and it took place in Laos.
2.It started in
The Death Of My Life
The mudded earth grasps at my martial boots. Perspiration seeps from my grimy
pores. The humid air slithers across my skin. My palpitating heart aches from the
adrenaline. Our offense under the shadow of the night we made has been
The German roaches fire their weapons, illuminating no man s land with cones of
ugly light revealing the lakes of crimson, the bottomless pits, the wandering limbs,
the grey sleepers all of it.
The contorted screams of my wounded comrades fall past me as I run.
I see a wounded man praying. A futility. The gods are indifferent to our suffering. As
we are the tainted souls their forsaken children sentenced to flaming nights and grey
days that inscribe themselves into the mind. And if ... Show more content on ...
Thus, I do not dare leave the confines of this shell hole.
I no longer hear the steps of my comrades, the gunfire becomes sparse and a relative
placidity takes no man s land. Though I dare not move. As I can feel the roacheseyes
scan across this barren cemetery, looking for any movement, for any signs of
consciousness. The nauseating moans of the dying pervade the stagnant air.
Eventually becoming fewer and fewer with time. begin to feel disoriented,
physically feeble, cold; as if I can see myself in the reflection of death s scythe.
I shiver.
I feel a dreaded moisture on my arm. Where I lay a nightly liquid, tugs at the arm of
my martial coat. It cannot be.
A piercing pain cements itself, and my body convulses in agony. It s gushing from
my stomach I have been wounded. I feel it rising. My mouth becomes a cesspool of
blood; and I struggle not to drown in it.
Vibrant birds sing their elegant melodies. The boughs and branches of the old oak
tree sway to and fro in the spring breeze, and the sun beams through it s vacuous gaps
filling the living room of my father s apartment with oscillating lights and elegant
shades. Below us the hustling of the crowded streets can be heard. The torrent of
consciousness, they walk to and from, each characterised with different memories,
thoughts, and attitudes.
The sugary scent of freshly picked cherry blossoms, and baked sweets permeates the
room. The estate is
Travel Agency Business Plan
Submitted to:
Sir Win Maw Tun
Submitted by:
Lopez, Jennylyn
Bargola, Ronel
Ortcio, Christy Ann
Ascano, Lynette
Silva, Janette
Gaje, Michelle Jade
Executive Summary
One Discovery Travel and Tours (ONDISTRATOU) will begin operations this year
and provide adventure and sport/travel packages to people in the Philippines urban
area, specifically the greater National Capital Region. An opportunity for
ONDISTRATOU s success exists because the national tourismand travel industry is
growing at 4%, and adventure travel at 10% annually. ONDISTRATOU is poised to
take advantage of this growth and lack of competition with an experienced staff,
excellent ... Show more content on ...
In an LLP, one partner is not responsible or liable for another partner s misconduct or
Internal Management Team
General Manager: Jennylyn Lopez, B.S. International Travel and Tourism
Management, Lyceum of the Philippines University Laguna, Shea has 5 years
experience in the travel industry, including three years experience as manager of the
Pan Malayan travel agency. Her background in adventure sports includes two years
on years surfing, and participation in many other adventure and organized sports such
as snowboarding, beach volleyball, and track and field.
Marketing and Advertising Directors: Ronel Bargola Janette Silva
Ronel Bargola, B.S. Marketing, Lyceum of the Philippines University Manila. Ronel
spent five years as an adventure travel and freelance writer and has been a marketing
consultant specializing in adventure sports for the past three years.
Janette Silva, B.S Advertising Management, Polytechnic University of the
Philippines, has been an advertising expert for 6 years in Transworld travel agency.
She also has background in adventure and ecotourism sports, promoting sustainable
tourism in the country.
Accountant: Christy Ann Orticio, B.S. Accounting, De La Salle Lipa. Christy is a
Certified Public Accountant. Christy worked as an auditor for the Philippine
National Bank two years after college and then as an accounting department manager
for a non profit
Ebola Cellular Entry Summary
In the fall of 2014, an outbreak of Ebola virus in West Africa spread to the United
States. Panic overtook regions of the country and led to the search for uncovering the
molecular biology of the disease and for finding a suitable treatment against the virus.
Yasuteru Sakurai and colleagues discussed Ebolas dependence on host calcium
signaling proteins in their scientific journal article, Two pore channels control Ebola
virus host cell entry and are drug targets for disease treatment . In the article, the
authors hypothesized that two pore channels are good drug targets against Ebola
because they help regulate entry into the host cell. They examined the mechanism of
the calcium signals, the calcium channels activated by that mechanism, the effect of
inhibiting those channels, and a drug that could potentially be an effective therapy....
Show more content on ...
While investigating potential calcium channels responsible for entry, Sakurai and
colleagues questioned if blocking L type channels inhibited infection. After
discovering that gabapentin, an inhibitor of a fifth class of L type channels, had no
effect on infectivity, they studied NAADP, an intracellular mobilizing agent that
stimulates calcium channels to release calcium from endosomes. Unlike gabapentin,
other inhibitors in the study decreased infectivity and blocked NAADP stimulated
calcium release. The effect of these other inhibitors, like tetrandrine, on infection and
NAADP activity, the inhibition of NAADP by Ned19, and the subsequent blocking
of viral infection due to Ned19 supported the role of NAADP in Ebola
Essay on Safeguarding and Welfare of Children and Young...
Level 2 Certificate Children and Young People s Workforce.
Unit 007 (Assignment 008 )
Safeguarding the Welfare of Children and Young People.
Samantha Drinkwater.
Outcome 1: Know about the legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for
safeguarding the welfare of children and yound people including e safety.
1. Identify one current and national piece of legislation relevant to safeguarding
children and young people s welfare.
Policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people are
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 which ensure that
children are safe and looked after, children have the right to be protected from all
forms of physical or mental violence, injury or ... Show more content on ...
* Call emergency services.
The emergency services need to be called, and given all the correct information, such
as, if you are with the casualty now, how many people are involved, the patients age
/gender, if they are conscious. Computer software then uses this information to
determine the priority of the call which is then categorised into emergency or non
* Follow instructions from emergency services, and other members of staff.
Emergency services may give instructions over the phone, such as move child into
recovery position, or keep wound elevated, this will also give some reassurance to
the child. And is helpful for the emergency services as they are aware of how the
child/young person is reacting to this.
* Inform parent/guardian.
Every child should have a record with emergency contact details of parents,
grandparents, carers or any other relative. They should be people that are easy to
contact and who can contact parents if necessary.
The person in charge will contact this person as soon as possible and tell that
person what has happened, and where the child is being taken, if the child has to be
taken to hospital before the parents arrive, the parents need to be informed on where
the child is, someone that the child knows well should be at the
A Homemade Education By Malcolm X Analysis
Education is never the brighter part of anyone s day, I know I am one of those
people. An education can be obtained by anyone, anywhere, at any time. However,
when the student has a drive for a better, higher education, it takes great dedication to
obtain it. A Homemade Education by Malcolm X and Learning to Read by Fredrick
Douglass are about two individuals that strive to better themselves with their
education after previous struggles in their lives. A lack of education makes it hard to
get through life regardless your race. Being an African American during black
oppression and striving for a higher education shows great dedication. African
Americans have been oppressed throughout history, but two men strive to show that
no matter your past, an education can be obtained by anyone.Malcolm Xstarted as a
child with a positive outlook on life though his family s life was difficult. As a
child blacks, were discriminated against everywhere even while at home where the
father of Malcolm died after white supremacists set the home ablaze late one night.
Malcolm still tried to maintain a positive outlook with hopes of obtaining the
education to become a lawyer. With a racist school, Malcolm s dreams soon died and
he began to drift into a life of crime.
Malcolm X started to build his education while serving his sentence in Charleston
Prison with nothing more than an old dictionary.
Through a life of crime, he got by with the education equivalent to that of an eighth
Who Is Lenin A Political Genius
Introduction Vladimir Lenin, who became the leader of the Bolshevik in the time
of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP) in 1903, claimed to be a
traditional Marxist. People such as historians debated Lenin was not an orthodox
Marxist but a type of revisionist. However, he did not make any major alterations
to Marx s ideas but instead decided to add his own to fit to benefit him and his
country with modern times and he was the key defender of Marx when his theories
were attacked by revisionists such as Bernstein, Lenin defended Marx s work due to
his respect of his theories. The theories revolving around Lenin changed over time
due to the increase in resources available. The original accounts attack Lenin,
accusing him of... Show more content on ...
Historians such as Neil Harding, however, said do Lenin the justice of treating him
as a serious theoretician and political leader (Hearse) . This led to the development
of impartial and sympathetic views to give Lenin the benefit of the doubt.
Traditional ideas Very few politicians can ever argue against the statement that
Lenin was a political genius. Lenin was a master at manipulation and opportunity
which came when he discovered Marx s work. The division in arguments occurs,
however, when one attempts to define genius due to his careless actions in which
he destroyed the working class . The traditional and generally accepted view of
Lenin is that he had a great ability to grasp the potentialities of a situation and twist
them to his own benefit to be able to maximize his power, which is why the word
genius might be used lightly . Lenin was merciless when it came to being an
instinctive politician and practitioner of revolution he wanted to maintain his
political power and gain more, but was inconsistent, unorthodox and indecisive when
it came to political thought and theories which was why historians do not now how
to picture Lenin. He is seen , not a theorist of revolution, ( Wilson, 390) But sees and
he adapts with no regard for the theoretical positions of others or for his own
theoretical position in the past;
The Presidential Election For The Presidency Of The
Watching the 2016 Republican candidates battle for the presidency of the United
States, one might reach the conclusion that Ronald Reagan never left the campaign
trail. In the second GOP debate alone, the Great Communicator s name was brought
up a total of 23 times, which even exceeds the number of times Donald Trump
mentioned China. One of the comments coming from Jeb Bush was I m on the
Reagan side of this. Additionally, Senator Marco Rubio stated that Reagan and his
approach worked (CITE). The candidates worked hard to evoke memories of and
make comparisons to the beloved former president. The debate even took place in the
Ronald ReaganLibrary in Simi Valley, California. Reagan has been constantly praised
by those on the... Show more content on ...
For more than 30 years before Reagan took office, the United States and its allies had
tried unsuccessfully to rein in communism. Reagan believed that communism in the
Soviet Union was eroding and ready to crumble, expecting its collapse if
competitively challenged by America. An arms race had been ongoing between the
U.S. and Russia for some time. Reagan, however, was determined to put an end to it.
Reagan began the competition with a very costly project known as the Strategic
Defense Initiative, aimed at neutralizing incoming Soviet missiles. This shocked the
Soviet Union, which was economically unable to match this rapid escalation of the
arms race (CITE).
After winning his second term as president, Ronald Reagan established what is now
known as The Reagan Doctrine, which provided support, both financially and
militarily, for anti communist fighters throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America
(CITE). The policy s goal was to eliminate tyrannical governments and promote
individual liberties, freedom, and democracy. The Reagan doctrine became the
centerpiece of the Reagan administration by successfully stopping the Soviet Union
from spreading its communist control over specific regions of the world.
In 1985, a new leader by the name of Mikhail Gorbachev came to the political
forefront of the Soviet Union. Reagan saw this as his final opportunity to completely
destroy the threat of communism once and for all. Reagan and Gorbachev met
The World Of The Toy Store
People scurried like rats through the isles of the toy store, nabbing all gadgets low
tech and high tech until the store shelves were barren surfaces. As the dry and cold
winter night was locked outside, a band of young cashiers face the stampeding last
minute shoppers. An elderly woman stands next in line, clutching a box containing
the latest Captain Something action figure. Upon approaching the counter, she
reaches into her pocket and pulls out a handful of crumpled ones, fives, and coins
that reek of sweat. Her face fills with hot blood as the neatly dressed couple behind
her scoff and comment about poor people wasting everybody s time . The young
faced and overwhelmed clerk shoots an apologetic glance towards the elderly woman
as she... Show more content on ...
He squeals as they plant kisses all over his face. Around the feeble pine tree lay
small presents wrapped in paper with evidence of gnawing rats from the night before.
When the final gift was opened, the parents stared in anticipation.
It s Captain Something! Thank you, mommy and daddy! the boy cheered.
No problem, baby. the mother said, Daddy worked really hard to get that for you.
Make sure you behave and listen, okay?
Yes, mom, he turns to his father and gives him a hug thanks again, dad!
After grabbing his new action figure and racing back to his room, the boy tears apart
the cardboard prison.
Hi. What s your name?
My name is Ty he starts, I never knew that toys could talk! Especially not this kind!
I m a very special friend. And you re special for finding me.
What do you like to play? We can t do much, but um... Ty looks around his room I
have these other toys we can use. But they don t talk or anything.
How about we play a game of war?
While Ty is setting up his other toys in rows and columns, Captain Something sits
motionless, staring intently at the army men, heroes, and villains being placed in
formation, arch enemies working together to some unfathomable end.
Hey, um. Ty trailed off Do you think that you can help set these up?
I think you re smart enough to know that I can t move.
Captain Something was grabbed and made to prance about the plastic ranks, stomping
Cochlear Script
Question 1: Hearing aids and cochlear implants have different functions to help
improve your hearing. You currently have use hearing aids. Hearing aids come in
many forms and offer different features. Hearing aids makes the sounds and voices
around you louder. Here is a picture of hearing aid that you have. Depending on the
hearing aid, the battery and ear piece will vary in size.
You mentioned that you have ptosis. A hearing aid may be difficult to operate
because the buttons are small and the battery doors are small. One of the benefits of
a hearing aid is that you can take them out when every you want and do not need to
have surgery.
To get a cochlear implant you will need to have surgery. The surgeon will cut an
incision in your
The Trichotomy Of Signs
Child highlights within his semiotic studies the unseen messages that carry a
significant amount of cultural, political and historical meanings. Photographs,
numbers, words and colours and how they are positioned in a small scale delivers
valuable messages to the reader . To analyse the stamps, Child discusses Peirce
three part typology The Trichotomy of Signs , Index, Icon and symbol in which all
three can work individually and blend together to deliver a symbolic meaning to the
reader. (Child, 2005 p. 114). Both stamps presented above are unique in delivering
information about Australia; they are also part of a commemorative series of stamps,
which follow the same/similar positioning of index, icon and symbol. Positioned in
the background,
Comparing The Opening Shots in Baz Luhrmann and
Comparing The Opening Shots in Baz Luhrmann and Franco Zeffirelli s Versions
of Romeo and Juliet This essay will compare two versions of Romeo and Juliet
directed by Baz Luhrmann and Franco Zeffirelli. In order for me to comment on
both versions of Romeo and Juliet I will compare the opening shots, the way the
main characters are introduced and the types of music and costumes used in each
version. Baz Luhrmann s film takes place in contemporary America. The latest
version of Romeo and Juliet was filmed in 1997 at Verona Beach, California. The
director chose this area because it is somewhat exotic and because it is seen as a
city state with its importance in America. It s also an area young... Show more content
on ...
The prologue gives the audience helpful information on the latest goings on in
Verona, which helps to fill you in on what is happening. As the prologue continues I
become aware of the original Shakespearian language that is used, The fearful
passage of their death marked love. The use of opposition within the text is effective
in conveying the contrast between Romeo and Juliet and the two families. As well as
this, death and love are opposites that don t normally feature in the same sentence,
causing a strong, instant effect on the audience. Although the Luhrmann film has a
modern setting and opens with a news anchorwoman reading the prologue from the
play, it is read in one go and there is nothing offered to the viewer to make it clearer.
It seems that Luhrmann wants to set up a traditional presentation of the words so that
when his vision appears it is even more explosive. Although Luhrmann works hard at
communicating the text, the American speaking actors prove a difficulty. Dialogue
is certainly not of prime importance in this film. In Luhrmann s film the words
remain Shakespearean whereas the images are very much in the late 20th century.
Using a television and a reporter gives me the feeling the director is trying to
achieve a modern version of the film one

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Essay Knowledge. importance of higher education essay

  • 1. Essay Knowledge Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Knowledge" poses a unique challenge as it requires delving into the meta-cognitive realm of essay writing itself. Exploring the intricacies of conveying knowledge through this medium requires a careful balance of self-awareness and objectivity. One must navigate the fine line between personal expression and the broader understanding of what constitutes effective communication of ideas. The difficulty lies in the self-reflection necessary to articulate the process of acquiring and disseminating knowledge through the essay format. It demands an examination of one's own writing style, thought processes, and the ability to synthesize information into a coherent and engaging narrative. Crafting an insightful essay on this topic necessitates a deep understanding of the nuances involved in translating thoughts into the written word. Moreover, the challenge extends to avoiding clichГ©s and generic observations about writing, aiming instead for a more profound exploration of the relationship between the author, the content, and the audience. Striking the right balance between personal experience and universally applicable insights adds another layer of complexity to the task. Despite the challenges, the process of writing an essay on "Essay Knowledge" can be a rewarding intellectual exercise. It encourages writers to reflect on their own growth and development as communicators of knowledge. However, achieving this depth requires time, effort, and a willingness to critically evaluate one's own writing style and approach. In conclusion, tackling an essay on the intricacies of "Essay Knowledge" is no small feat. It demands a high level of self-awareness, analytical thinking, and a commitment to exploring the multifaceted nature of knowledge transmission through the written word. Yet, for those who embrace the challenge, the potential for personal and intellectual growth is substantial. On a related note, if you find yourself needing assistance with essay writing or wish to explore a variety of topics through expertly crafted essays, you may consider exploring for a range of services and options tailored to your needs. Essay Knowledge Essay Knowledge
  • 2. The Development, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation... The Development, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of a Quality Assurance System Supporting Continuous Improvement of Higher Education in the Eastern Cape Technikon CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION AND STATEMENT OF PROBLEM 1. Introduction Eastern Cape Technikon (ECT) was established in 1987 as University of Transkei Technikon, known as UNITRA Technikon. ECT is situated in Butterworth in the old Transkei region and draws its clients predominantly from the mostly rural Eastern Cape Province. ECT is characterised as one of the 13 historically disadvantaged institutions (HDI). Due to expansion and growth, ECT became independent of UNITRA (University of Transkei) and was renamed Transkei Technikon in 1991. On 20 April 1994 Eastern Cape ... Show more content on ... The main activities of the Eastern Cape Technikon are concentrated at the Butterworth main campus. Programmes in the main campus and in satellite campuses, being Umtata, Queenstown and East London, have been developed in response to the higher education demands of a given geographical area. Satellite campuses have also been in response to the higher education needs of the surrounding communities. The development of three (3) satellite campuses has been a culmination of tireless and determined attempts to realise the Technikon s objectives outlined above, in that the Technikon activities would be distributed amongst these satellites for efficient and effective delivery of services. Against this background, the Eastern Cape Technikon has committed itself to the provision of high quality education thus the formulation of the following mission and vision: MISSION Eastern Cape Technikon is a tertiary educational institution with the following mission: providing appropriate, technological, career oriented education in co operation with commerce, industry, the government and the community providing quality teaching, research, development and community services sensitive to needs and trends producing graduates with an entrepreneurial spirit, good work ethics and responsible leadership. (Planning Activity 4: National Working
  • 3. The Adoption Of Islamic Business Practices The adoption of Islamic business practices by organizations: Why, How and what are the performance outcomes Organizations in most industries face increased competitive pressures from other organizations that aim to satisfy customer demands. One of the most significant issues that face organizations today is International competition in rapidly changing environment (Porter, 1986). Competition creates diverse, new capabilities into an industry and more dynamic and uncertain competitive environment. In industry the speed of technological developments might have changes due to increased competition (Wiersema and Bowen, 2008). In most global industry the fast development of products and process innovations has become very important in order to achieve competitive advantage (Bettis and Hitt, 1995). The expectations of customers are increasing, and to meet the needs of the customer, organizations are competing with each other. They are looking for ways they can get more profits and market share. There are many factors to this increased competition, as technology and globalization have shortened distances and consumers are now aware of more products and services (FrГ©sard and Valta, 2012). The world is changing rapidly and ways of doing business have also changed. Globalization and technology have changed the way corporations do work and how they treat their customers and employees. Globalization has also increased competition. Now standards have changed, and organizations are
  • 4. The Lord Of The Rings Tzvetan Todorov, the author of The Fantastic: A Structural Approach to a Literary Genre, defined fantasy as the creation of a moment of hesitation between two worlds (qtd. Kelly, Course Introduction 2). This description of the genre compliments J.R.R Tolkien s The Lord Of The Rings trilogy due to the author s use of sub creation to construct his alternate world. Tolkien believed that the way to create a believable, all encompassing world was to combine fragments of reality, or the primary world , together to construct a new, seemingly credible secondary world . Sub creation, if successful, forms an alternate but parallel world to reality, which your mind can enter. Inside it, what he relates is true : it accords with the laws of the... Show more content on ... Here, Tolkien signifies that humans were moulded in the likeness of God, the ultimate creator; therefore we are able to, and should, create. This quotation highlights how his Catholic belief deeply influenced his personal philosophy, which in turn affected his writing of The Lord Of The Rings. Numerous parallels can be drawn between Christianity and the trilogy, such as that between God and The Creator Eru, who was the source of all life on Arda. Furthermore, like God, all that was created by Eru was once good, even Sauron, and it is outside forces such as power, corruption and greed that twist what is good and make it bad. Tolkien s creationist philosophy is evident and his embedded Christian messages were his attempt to reinforce his religious beliefs on a world that he felt had become too secular. It is widely known that Tolkien detested the allegorical assumptions made about his work. The author insisted that allegory was restrictive to readers and he preferred history, whether real or feigned (Tolkien I, 12). As Ursula Le Guin states fantasyis nothing but the writer s view of the world highlighting that fact that Tolkien s life experiences heavily influenced his work (qtd Kelly, 27). Tolkien s work reflects and comments on 20th Century Western society and in doing so, enlightens his readers of a past time. In fact, this is demonstrated outright by
  • 5. Electrical Energy, Transmission, And Distribution CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION PROBLEM SUMMARY AND INTRODUCTION The energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but it can be converted from one form to another. Electrical energy is widely used in day to day life in various applications. The generation of as electrical energy is nothing but the conversion of various other forms of energy into electrical energy. This generated energy is demanded by the consumers. There are three main parts of power system network: Generation, Transmission and Distribution. Fig. 1.1 Generation, Transmission and Distribution Energy consumption is calculated mainly in kW. Watts, kilowatts, megawatts are the units for electricity. The smallest unit is watts; if you consider 1000 W then it is 1 kW. 1000 kW = 1 MW. Also, Consumption is a measure of how much energy you have purchased from your electricity utility. The SI unit of energy is the joule, but this is a very small quantity, so electricity utilities use kilowatt hours (kWh) instead of joules. The rate at which you use energy is called power, and is measured in watts (W). But you are not charged for the rate at which you use energy, only the amount of energy used. The power of the generating station, and is normally measured in megawatts (MW).Today accuracy in electrical billing is highly recommended. The calculation of energy consumption gives real power consumption as well as accurate billing. It provides real time monitoring of electricity uses. It is less time consuming and cost effective.
  • 6. Going After Cacciato by Tim O Brien Essay Going After Cacciato #65279;It is generally recognized that Tim O Brien s Going After Cacciato (1978) is most likely the best novel of the Vietnam war, albeit an unusual one in that it innovatively combines the experiential realism of war with surrealism, primarily through the overactive imagination of the protagonist, Spec Four Paul Berlin. The first chapter of this novel is of more than usual importance. Designed to be a self sufficient story (McCaffery 137) and often anthologized as one, this chapter is crucial to the novel in that it not only introduces us to the characters and the situation but also sets the tenor of the novel and reveals its author s view of this war in relation to which all else in the novel must be... Show more content on ... One thing that the book misses, however, is the same suffering, perhaps even worse, that was imposed upon the Vietnamese people. This is typical of novels from this time; they all exhibit a bold ethnocentricism (Lomperis 5). However, the first chapter does contain one very powerful image of destruction from the Vietnamese viewpoint, which helps to make this somber portrait of the Vietnam War more complete. We are told that Berlin and his squad are taking refuge inside a nearly ruined Buddhist pagoda: shadows was the cross legged Buddha, smiling from its elevated stone perch. The pagoda was cold. Dank from a month of rain, the place smelled of clays and silicates and dope and old incense. It was a single square room built like a pillbox with stone walls and a flat ceiling that forced the men to stoop or kneel. Once it might have been a fine house of worship, but now it was junk. Sandbags blocked the windows. Bits of broken pottery lay under chipped pedestals. The buddha s right arm was missing, but the smile was intact. Head cocked, the statue seemed interested in the lieutenant s long sigh. (O Brien 4) In this otherwise very American novel, which focuses on the American soldiers experiences, feelings, and minds (Lomperis 63), and in which Vietnam is presented primarily as merely a terrain and a climate, this image of the pagoda seems to be symbolic of the country of Vietnam at this time. Invaded, desecrated, nearly destroyed, it still endured,
  • 7. Female Labor Force And Sterilization Practices I would like to compare and contrast the subject of the Female Labor Force and Sterilization Practices. As the progressive era began, there are a lot of changes for the women s labor force with respect to politics. They were stronger because they stood up for themselves, refusing to be victims any longer and they did so by way of going on strike and making demands (Dubois Dumenil, 2016). The labor force at this time was 18.3% of women, which when compared to the 2014 statistic of 57%, shows a substantial increase over this period of time ( Women in the Labor Force, n.d.). Wage rates for the women in the early 1900 s continues to be approximately half of what the men earned, as well as there was a division between occupations and business sectors between the sexes so women were not given many options in the labor force. Many single women were limited to working in factories or domestic labor. However, as time progressed, more opportunities such as clerical positions, which were once a male dominated field, began to open for women. This gave them steady wages, clean and safe working conditions but eventually had a similar setting as factories and some were even paid per piece wages. Eventually, by the 1920 s, there were even professional fields opening up for the educated female workforce. This gave women personal independence as they were in positions such as medicine, law and teaching to name a few. However, these professional women would begin to have problems as we
  • 8. Analysis Of The Book Desiree Chrun Desiree Chrun523 words 9100 St. Charles Rock Road St. Louis, MO 63114 (314) 493 6100 Creative Title by Desiree Chrun We re all gathered here today because of the lost of a loved one. He lived a brief live where many obstacles were faced. He held one very close friend. His dear friend Ms. Ariana Escobar, who is going to say a few words about him. The preacher leaves the front of the church and waves her forward. She rubs her sweaty palms together. She takes two deep breaths, putting her left foot out in front of her followed by the right. She begins walking towards the lone, dark wood casket. Her best friend lied beneath the closed doors. She makes her way to the front and faces the crowd clothed in mourning clothes. She glances around the crowd, noticing the red eyes and used tissues. We re all here for one reason. Caleb. He was my absolute best friend. When I was five years old, I lost everything. I became an orphan and was taken to the Throneroom Orphanage. My first month there, I noticed Caleb. He kept mostly to himself but everyone noticed him. During that first month he became my friend and showed me the ropes of how things worked in the home. He taught me how to protect myself and how to keep myself together. From that early age until now we ve always been there for one another. We became each others family. Her voice catches, tears
  • 9. Analysis Of The Catcher Of The Rye Two Worlds, Two Choices, Two Boys In The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, Holden Caulfield struggles to leave the real world around him which he constantly fails to fit in. He is expelled from three schools before going to Pencey. He then leaves Pencey for New York before Christmas. After experiencing the coldness of society in New York, He decides to hitchhike to the West alone, escaping the society and leaving his family behind. Instead, he chooses to dream about living in the fantasy world in his mind where all things he resists do not exist. Among those things he resists in the real world, the phoniness of adults, the unavoidable loss of children s innocence and his unbreakable bond with his family are the most significant ones that schedule Holden s canceled departure. Holden is unwilling to get along with phonies at his schools. When Holden explains the reason why he leaves Elkton Hills School to Mr. Spencer, he gives an example: For instance, they had this headmaster, Mr. Haas, that was the phoniest bastard I ever met in my life (Salinger 17). Holden finally drops out of Elkton Hills because of the phoniness of his headmaster even though Holden has no direct contact with him. However, Holden s abhorrence toward phonies is so great and evident that he cannot even stand watching a phony s action from far away. Holden originally believes that changing to another school will reduce his interaction with phonies, but his thought is proved wrong at Pencey. After
  • 10. Symbolism of Albrecht Durer Essay Symbolism of Albrecht Durer Albrecht Durer completed the Master Engravings in the years 1513 and 1514. With these three engravings (Knight, Death, and Devil, St. Jerome in His Study, and Melencolia I) he reached the high point of his artistic expression and concentration. each print represents a different philosophical perspective on the worlds respectively of action, spirit, and intellect. Although Durer himself evidently did not think of the three as a set, He sometimes sold or gave St. Jeromeand Melencolia I as a pair. In the engraving, Knight, Death, and Devil, it appears that the hero (the Knight) is gaining a moral victory over death. The Knight has often been interpreted as Erasmus s sturdy Christian soldier who ... Show more content on ... Death also has snakes encircling his head and neck as he slides up to the Knight and tries in vain to frighten him by holding up an hourglass while the swine snouted Devil sneaks up behind him with a pickaxe. Their failed attempt to capture the rider s attention conveys the idea of unconquerable progress. The 1514 engraving of St. Jerome in his Study is chronologically approximately in the middle of the group, but it shows the deepest penetration of the subject. The Saint has ceased to be a legendary figure and has become the symbol of learned existence and felicity. St. Jerome is working at the far end of the room, which in itself gives the impression of remoteness and peace. His little desk is placed on a large table which otherwise holds nothing but an inkpot and a crucifix. Engrossed in his writing, he if blissfully alone with his thoughts, with his animals, and with his God. The cell, which in previous versions was always more or less cave like, cold and drear, has now become a warm, comfortable, Late Gothic study; the lion is now really a household pet, blinking peacefully, with a dog asleep at his side. The landscape element is restricted to the morning sun shining in at the window and intimated by the great gourd, transformed into a household plant. Even this harmless gourd has not escaped the attention of the learned seekers after hidden meanings. Wustmann disinterred the
  • 11. Art of the Egyptians and Africans Art of the Egyptians and Africans Art of the Egyptians and Africans express .............................In art, style is a characteristic, or a number of characteristics that we can identify as constant, recurring, or coherent.(Art Terminology 1) Artists express their emotions through their art making, their finished product will reflect that emotion. They might also create a piece of art that makes the viewer create an emotional response. Emotion is any strong agitation of the feelings actuated by experiencing love, hate, fear, etc.(Dictionary 1) Ancient Egyptian art is five thousand years old. It emerged and took shape in the ancient Egypt, the civilization of the Nile Valley. Ancient Egyptian art was shown with emotion beautifully in painting and sculpture, and was both highly symbolic and stylized. The exceptional traditions in Egypt is one of the most important things in the history of art. The tombs and temples of the Egyptians have expressed the grandeur of the kingdom of the Nile. Egyptian sculptors and painters began to formulate patterns to represent figures and stories. Egyptians used the art to represent a continuation of life after death, it was an important part of their culture. They believed that, in order for the spirit to live on, the dead person s body had to be preserved, or mummified, and buried along with supplies of food and drink, tools and utensils, valued possessions. (Scholastic) Egyptian art was becoming more realistic, which moved away from the ways of
  • 12. Gary Ridgeway The Green River Killer Gary Ridgeway, A.K.A, the Green River Killer, was one of the most notorious serial killers in U.S history. Over the course of two years in the 1980s nearly 50 lives were taken in the Seattle and Tacoma areas of Washington. This case was given this name because of the location of all of the bodies. Most of the bodies were dumped either in or around the Green River located in Washington. Upon discovery of these bodies, the king county sheriff department formed a task force to attempt to solve these murders. One of the interesting things the task force did was interview Ted Bundyto gain insight as to what the killer may be planning next. In 1982 and again in 2001, Gary Ridgeway, was arrested on charges that related to prostitution. This brought
  • 13. The Premature Burial Summary In The Premature Burial by Edgar Allan Poe uses first person narrative, Congressman s wife, a banker s wife, a soldier, a patient, and himself, to show why he was obsessed about the fear of being buried alive during the early nineteenth century. Through this story it tells how five different people are buried alive, the last one himself. During the early nineteenth century it was common for people to be buried alive. Doctors did not have the resources that is available today to help determine whether or not someone was in fact deceased. After going through this for a long time some people decided to help prevent this. They did this by putting a pipe from the ground to the coffin. They tied a bell, sometimes a flag to the end of the pole sticking out of the ground. If the bell rang they knew to come dig up this person. Although this is not very common now, there have been a few reports that have said otherwise. Edgar Allan Poewas born in Boston Massachusetts to David Poe Jr. and Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins Poe on January 19, 1809. Which was during the Antebellum Period , before the Civil War and after the War of 1812. (http:/ / period). Poe had one brother, William Henry Leonard Poe and one sister, Rosalie Poe. Shortly after Rosalie was born David Poe abandoned his family. This left Elizabeth to care for her children alone. She did this by acting until her health failed her of tubercoulis and she died. Rosalie was adopted by another family,
  • 14. Philosophy of Religion The Cosmological argument argues for the existence of God a posteriori based on the apparent order in the universe. For Aristotle, the existence of the universe needs an explanation, a cause, as it could not have come from nothing. Nothing comes from nothing so since there is something, there must have been some other thing that is its cause. Aristotle rules out an infinite progression of causes, so, that led to the conclusion that there must be a First Cause. Likewise with motion, there must have been a first cause; Aristotle calls this the Prime Mover . There is a God, says Aristotle for how else does motion begin? Whilst this argument does generally offer some support for the existenceof God, it does not prove his existence. Aquinas ... Show more content on ... Thus, Hume claimed that it is not possible to prove the existence of a being who is unknowable and existentially different from all other beings. A further argument against the cosmological argumentis presented by Anthony Kenny. According to his analysis, the cause of change must possess a property which will initiate the change. For example, for something to become hot, the thing that causes the change must itself possess the property of heat. But modern science rejects this argument, for instance, microwaves can generate heat without themselves being hot. Therefore, it is not foolhardy to argue that the universe exists and as a result of highly finely tuned probabilities, from simple compounds to what we see today. But still, Descartes reconstruction of the argument seems to postulate that, the cause of change must possess a property which will initiate the change, which is in direct conflict with Kenny s point. Yet, Aquinas says Kenny is not giving a straightforward metaphysical analysis, but an analysis which presumes a standard, and also doubtful physics. Overall, the cosmological argument, while making a good attempt to prove the existence of God is largely unsuccessful chiefly because it makes huge empirical assumptions. Firstly, it assumes that the world does, in fact, exist. And secondly, we cannot prove that a world exists on the basis of a posteriori premises, therefore cannot infer from it that it has a cause, and
  • 15. Tiadaghton History This old picture of Tiadaghton was taken in 1902. Photo courtesy of Tom Gamble. This is the only known photo of the town of Tiadaghton. This picture can also be seen with its labeling description at the Darling Run train station museum. In the photo, we can see a New York Central train travelling south. The train is sitting on the bridge we cross near the green camp. The green camp sits on the site of the original post office and general store. A blue dot marks the site in the photo. Just ahead of the train on the Pine Creek side, the long rectangular building is the train station. This photo looks to our north back the way we just came. It is taken from the vicinity of where the modern road approaches the rail trail. Barely in the picture ... Show more content on ... The G trail is a north south bike trail that runs through the entire state. The G trail is in Pink on the map. Wildlife is often visible at the camp ground and vicinity. This small buck was quite distressed that I was eating his chestnuts along the trail. The last time I was here, a juvenile bald eagle was flying above the trail as I arrived. Once I went to the creek, an adult bald eagle flew just beyond me straight north along the creek bank. Just south of us were three deer grazing in the stream. While we are at the campground, sharp eyes may spot on the high ledge to the east (our left) a tiny wooden lookout building that hangs perilously off the cliff. Gitchell s Lookout, built in 1938 by the Gitchell family as a private oasis still remains on sentry overlooking this area. It is best seen from the creek south of the campground. The tiny Gitchell lookout perches on the cliff. The original railroad was only a single track from Tiadaghton to Blackwell, so the accompanying horse trail has disappeared now. This stone is just south of Tiadaghton. I was told that it is a bore hole for when dynamite was used along the
  • 16. The Similarities And Differences Of Panda s Adaptation Pandas are very unique animals, and they have many adaptations that can help them survive. These interesting mammals are extinct, so there are only about 1,300 to 2,000 of them left in bamboo forests. Pandas live in the central regions of China. They live in cool, wet bamboo forests, so it is easier for them to find food. A pandas latin name is Ailuropoda malenoleuca. Ailuropoda stands for black and white mammal of BambooForests, and malenoleuca stands for member of the bearfamily. Pandas are one of the most interesting mammals out there, because of their outstanding adaptations. Pandas have many structural adaptations. One of their adaptations is that pandas have six toes instead of five. The pandas sixth toe allows them to do many things that humans can t. They can hold bamboo and pull roots from the ground... Show more content on ... One behavioral adaptation that is very common for a panda to have is making their way down the mountain closer to winter time. When it s gets closer to the winter season, pandas start to suffer because it gets really cold. Even though a panda has fur, the coldness can still makes it way past their fur to their skin. The top of the mountain during the winter is the coldest place to be during this time. Traveling down the mountain can make it easier for pandas to survive during this rough time. Pandas have so many unique adaptations besides their sixth toe, strong jaw muscles, and how they make their way down the mountain. There is one adaptation that helps them through their whole life and they wouldn t know what to do without it. When a panda is a baby, their mother will play aggressively with them to enhance their survival skills. Without this way of learning a panda may not be able to survive when in a fight. When a mother plays with a cub, the cub starts to learn how to think fast, act back, and know exactly what to do when being attacked. This survival skill allows the panda to live a longer
  • 17. Immortality Is The Meaning Of Life Supporters of soul based accounts of meaning of life suggest that only eternal lives carry meanings, otherwise lives are too short to be meaningful. On the contrary, opposers like Nussbaum and Lucretius, propose that meaning in life isn t granted through immortality but rather death. Bruce Lee once spoke about immortality, The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering. This quotation is profound because it indicates that immortality itself isn t meaningful. In this paper, I will rebut the argument that immorality derives meaning in life through justifying death is crucial to understanding the meaning of life, and only when life is finite, then the decisions and choices that we make become meaningful and valuable. Death Promotes Urgency and Motivates for Achievement Despite how marvelous eternal life may appear, but it is the nature of death that makes life precious. This topic reminded me of the movie In Time directed by Andrew Niccol, where the film portrays a fictional, time oriented world. People are born with a timer on their arms, and once the timer ticks down to zero then one will die immediately. In relation to this analysis, suppose that the amount of time for everyone is unique and fixed. Given this death timer, how do people choose? I would argue that on average people would choose to not procrastinate and waste time on insignificant issues and try their bests to convey their meanings over sitting around and waiting for the time to come. One
  • 18. How was Life in our World Created Throughout history, scientists asked questions about the origin of life and wondered if it was created by God or an explainable natural phenomenona. One of the most debatable ideas disputes whether the Christian God is true. More specifically, many wonder if the Bible true. Scientists and philosophers ascertained evidence that proves the truthfulness of the Bible. True scienceand the Bible do not contradict each other. Science and archaeology supports the truthfulness of the Bible, confirming the Bible is true The Bible is consistent with science; in fact, the Bible contains scientific topics that have been investigated by scientists. Throughout time, scientists used to believe that their theories were 100 % accurate in explaining the universe. As technology advances, scientists discovered that some of these theories are unreliable. Recently, it has been explored that stars are uncountable as mentioned in the Bible As the host of heaven cannot be numbered (Deem). Scientists used to theorize that the Universe has only between 1000 to 1200 stars (Comfort 21). The Bible has accurate, scientifically proven facts. For example, many years ago, scientists theorized that Earth is flat; however, years later; they proved that Earth has a round shape. It is he that sits upon the circle of the earth (Deem). Again, the Bible mentioned the accurate shape of the earth. As a result of these discoveries, scientists began to study and investigate various topics in the Bible and have
  • 19. Interdependence Between the Species INTERDEPENDENCE BETWEEN THE SPECIES INTERACTION BETWEEN PLANTS AND ANIMALS: Animals are depending upon plants for their food shelter and also for various things. ANIMALS HELP PLANTS IN DIFFERENT WAYS 1.Many animals are involved in the pollination in plants. 2.Fruits and seeds of many plants are dispersed by animals 3.Decomposers convert organic substances into inorganic substances so that plants can absorb them easily. SPECIES INTERACTION All types of relationship between organisms can be divided into two 1)Positive interaction which is beneficial to one or both partners. These include a) commensalism b)proto co operation c) mutualism 2)Negative interaction which is harmful to one or more of the participants. These include... Show more content on ... 2.Epiphytes and epizoans: Epiphytes are plants that grow perched on other plants only as support and not for food and water. They are provided with special roots called velamin roots, which can take up water from the moisture. Epizoans are plants that grow on the body of animals. Eg the green algae grow on the long, grooved hairs of the sloth. Sucker fish attaches itself to the body of a shark. A commensal that lives inside the body of the host is referred to as endocommensal. 1.Some saprophytic fungi and bacteria live within the tissues and cavities of higher plants and animals. Some microbes are seen in the lower intestines of animals.(Here they are not taking anything from the host s body) 2.Termite nests provide ecologic niches for more than a 100 species of other animals such as ants, beetles and millipeds. 3.A oyster crab, Pinnothers ostreum is found in the mantle cavity of the oyster. In addition to shelter it also gets food from the host molluscs, oyster without causing any harm. PROTOCOOPERATION : It is a short step ahead of commensalism and cooperation. In this relationship, both organisms gain by the association and are mutually benefited(facultative mutualism) Eg the Red billed Oxpecker form protocooperation with Black Rhinoceros the bird feed on the parasites sticking on the skin of the rhinoceros relieving him of the parasites, and inturn obtaining
  • 20. Essay on Renewable Energy When the new Southeast Polk High School opened they added many new energy saving products. This included installing geothermal heating under the high school cutting back on the cost of heating such a large building. Many new windows help save on energy used to light the building along with automatic lights that turn off after several minutes without movement. The new high school shows how easy it is to save money and help the environment. Renewable energyis good for all aspects of the U.S, providing jobs, economical growth, environmental cleanliness, and new research for improving energy efficiency. Therefore the United States should use renewable energy to benefit the economy and environment. The main way the environment is... Show more content on ... Some may believe that renewable energy is not beneficial. In contrast, some believe that renewable energy is a key factor involved in helping the economy to grow. Many jobs are created in the manufacturing and running of renewable energy plants. The renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies created 8.5 million new jobs and $970 billion in revenue in the year 2006 (Langwith, Renewable Energy is Economically ). The American Solar Energy Society says by 2030 it could generate up to $4.5 trillion in revenue for the U.S and create 40 million new jobs. This would represent one in every four jobs (Langwith, Renewable Energy is Economically ). This shows how vital it is to get renewable energy companies in the U.S. It is important to build a stable economy again and do it all while helping the environment. The environment is negatively affected be the burning of fossil fuels. The affects of the gases contribute to global warming, along with acid rain and polluted air. This pollution cuts short an estimated 30,000 American lives according to the Clean Air Task Force (Rich). The United States must stop using fossil fuels because the gases produce harm the environment we live causing harm to come all the citizens. The future of energy production will
  • 21. Orbital Parameters Of Earth And Mars Question 5 It is assumed that Earth and Mars are in Circular orbits. The initial relative phase angle is stated to be 30o. Calculate the transfer orbit of a time of flight (TOF) 120 day. The orbital parameters such as О”Vs must be calculated. In addition, the propulsion considerations must be evaluated for the case when mission is to be Evaluate the orbital parameters, О”Vs and propulsion parameters when the mission is to be executed by a 500 kg spacecraft, which utilizes 450 s specific impulse propellant. Assumptions: Orbits are coplanar. Initial position of earth is taken as reference direction and epoch of the mission Data: 2The total Time period of Earth = 365 days 1Hence, the time period of Mars = 365 x 1.881 = 686.565 days 3Distance of Earth from Sun = 149.5 x 106 kilometers 4Distance of Mars from Sun = 227.8 x 106 kilometers 5Initial position of planets:7After 120 days position of planets: 8Change in position of Earth = 120/365 = 0.32876 = 32.876% of the complete orbit. Change in angular position of Earth = 0.32876 x 360o = 118.356o Final position of Earth with reference direction = 118.356 + 0 = 118.356o Change in position of Mars = 120/686.56 = 0.17478 = 17.478% 0f the complete orbit. Change in angular position of Mars = 0.17478 x 360o = 62.9219o Final position of Mars with reference direction = 62.9219 + 30 = 92.9219o Transfer ellipse: Now the transfer ellipse will be such that initial position of Earth will be the point of launch and perigee of the
  • 22. Structure, Theme and Convention in Sir Philip Sidney s... Structure, Theme and Convention in Sir Philip Sidney s Sonnet Sequence The sixteenth century was a time of scientific, historical, archaeological, religious and artistic exploration. More attention was being allotted to probing into the depths of the human psyche and it was up to the artists and poets rather than the priests and scholars to examine and mirror these internal landscapes. The little world of man [1] was reflected through various artistic forms, one of which was the sonnet, which was conventionally used for dedications, moral epigrams and the like. Traditionally most sonnets dealt with the theme of romantic love and in general the sonneteer dealt with the over riding concern of the self and the other, the latter of ... Show more content on ... Incidentally, although not a realistic autobiography, Stella is modelled on Penelope Devereux, who was supposed to marry Sidney but was then forced to marry Lord Rich, and phil in Astrophil is indeed an abbreviation of Sidney s first name, Philip . After finding out about Penelope s marriage, fate had it that Sidney started to truly have feelings for her although by this time it was too late. Astrophil s actions seem to be forgiven by some critics because he is after all driven by love. In fact Sidney s depiction of the male protagonist is one which makes some critics and readers empathize with him during his lamentations and praise of Stella. This may be because it is thought that Sidney s aim was to show readers how a man can let his emotions get the better of him, thereby leading him into eventual despair. It is through Astrophil s mistakes and negative example that Sidney is able to inculcate morality. This is also another typical quality of sonneteers, who aim to morally instruct through their art. Beneath the witty surface of Astrophil s lamentations, Thomas P. Roche seems to feel that Sidney is using Astrophil s journey from hope to despair as a fictional device for the analysis of human desire in Christian terms. [2] Consequently Roche points out that in witnessing Astrophil s despair the readers reaction is supposed to make them conscious of his limitations from a
  • 23. Essay On The Chocolate War The Chocolate War is a novel about a freshman boy named Jerry Renault going against the normalcy of school life and deciding not to sell the chocolate bars. Jerry was given this assignment by a boy named Archie Costello. Archie is a member of The Vigils, a group that makes assignments for a certain person or group of people to do based on who they are and how they act. The odd thing about Archie telling Jerry not to sell the chocolates is that Archie earlier told Brother Leon that The Vigils would support the chocolate sellingactivity. Brother Leon and the other students are clearly shocked by this, due to a student never refusing to do so before. But eventually people realize that it was an assignment given by The Vigils. At first Brother... Show more content on ... Archie makes plans to get back at Jerry and get some kind of reward out of all the help he put into the chocolate sales. He creates an assembly where only students can participate to raffle off the tickets. The raffle is a special one though which puts Jerry in a fight against the school thug, Emile Janza. Students who buy raffle tickets get to write a boxing move on them, which Jerry has to do to Janza, or vice versa, and where to hit them. During the fight, Jerry and Janza are hitting each other as the papers say to. Janza is a lot stronger, and his punches have much more power even though Jerry is able to land a few good hits of his own into the fight. A member of The Vigils draws a raffle ticket that says for Janza to hit Jerry in the groin. Jerry, however, blocks the punch, and the fight becomes more violent. Janza decides not to follow the rules of the fight, and repeatedly punches Jerry. Finally, once Jerry falls to the ground, the lights in the stadium turn off. Brother Jacques is there to stop the fight. Brother Leon is there too, and has been watching from the beginning of the fight until now. He makes sure that Archie is not punished for the
  • 24. Recruit Training Application Essay I am a cadet in Phoenix Division and want to be considered for a staff cadet position at the Arizona 2015/2016 Recruit Training. I am 16 years old and have been with the United States Naval Sea Cadets for one and a half years. I am a Cadet Petty Officer Third Class but I know I have the skill necessary of a higher ranking Cadet Petty Officer This Cadet wants to be considered for the staff position because I have great knowledge that can be passed to new recruits, I want to be a part of helping the first national Arizona training succeed, and I am a hard working cadet. Through the trainings I have been to and the skills I have learned from my home unit, I have valuable knowledge that can be passed down to recruits at a Recruit Training.... Show more content on ... In my whole time in Sea Cadets every time I have had an opportunity to rank up I have met all the requirements to do so as soon as possible. Many people who joined close to me have just been promoted to E 2 or have quit the program. In my whole time I have been in the program I have not questioned one command given from above me and have done the task without question. My hard working attitude drives me to try to be perfect at the things I do in the program. This perfection has made me a target to no one, always knowing what is expected of me at the time. I like to study and perfect how to do things before I act so I know the teaching and actions I will preform are perfected and won t cause progress to reverse. Having skills to teach new recruits, wanting to help with the success of the first national Arizona training, and being a hard working cadet are a few of the reasons I should be considered for the Recruit Training Staff Cadet position. Even though I am only a Cadet Petty Officer Third Class, I think I can overcome my lack of rank in the program with my skills, knowledge, and hard work to train the first class of recruits at the Recruit Training in
  • 25. Mexican Americans And Puerto Ricans Have Been Faced With Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans have been faced with many social injustices in the past; these include police brutality, racism, discrimination, poor housing condition and many more. After a time they grew tired and decided to take action against these injustices. This led many of them to became part of a social movements, fighting for a change which were successful . A few of these movements included the ChicanoMovement which involved Mexican Americans; they use boycotting, and their manifesto, El Plan De Aztlan to fight against social injustice and also to fight for nationalism and self determination. It was said to be one of the most successful movement. Another was the Young Lord s Movement which was mainly Puerto Ricans but also... Show more content on ... The first step the Young Lords took was cleaning the street of the Puerto Ricans neighborhoods which had not been swept in weeks. After cleaning the streets the sanitation workers refused to take up the bags that contained the trash from the street. This prompted the Young lords to blocked the roads with the trash and also branching out and blocking other areas. This prevented the buses from moving which led to the city money for no one could take the bus. These two scenes from the Chicano movement and the Young lord s movement were similar in the sense that they use the strategy of prevent business owner and the city from making money. The Chicanos went about this by boycotting, and also getting other people in different states and around the world to not purchase Victoria grapes. The Young Lords on the other hand blocked the streets, because of this bus companies could not make money since the people could not take the bus. Both groups knew that money is the paramount of America, so in order to get what they wanted which was an end to the social unfairness. They had to come up with political strategies that would prevent business owner and the city to lose money,once they kept on losing money, they would see that something had to be done. The difference revolved around what they were fighting against during the specific scene. During the scene in Cesar Chavez s film, the Mexican Americans were fighting against the low wages workers were earning and also the
  • 26. Bantu Migrations Essay The Bantu migrations had a vast influence on the development of Africa. The Bantu peoples passed on many concepts to the rest of Sub Saharan Africa. Originating from Nigeria in the Niger River Valley, the Bantu migrated south and then spread to both the east and west. The Bantu laid the foundation for Sub Saharan African societies. They spread agriculture, animal domestication, iron metallurgy, and cultural development throughout southern Africa. Various forms of government have developed as a result of the Bantu migrations. They also contributed to the start of many societies, including the Swahili city states. The adaptations the Bantu people learned, especially the making of iron, helped them to expand and spread their discoveries. As... Show more content on ... Along with iron, bananas helped the Bantu expand into areas not possible before, allowing for these amazing spreading of the Bantus discoveries. Once iron and bananas were well established within Bantu tribes, about 1000 CE, their population sizes grew to about twenty two million! The Bantu stopped migrating during the first century CE and started to form complex government for the settled villages they already had. Stateless societies are forms of government that are not run by a hierarchy, but rather through family or kinship groups. The start of these family based government systems influenced the development of villages, districts, city states, and small and large kingdoms. The Swahili tribe originating off of the eastern cost of Sub Saharan Africa was a prime example of Bantu government. Being Bantu themselves, the Swahili show how the Bantu spread not only government, but also societies as a whole. Just as the Bantus influence on developing Africa, kinship groups, or family based governing systems, started out small and eventually grew into massive kingdoms ruling and influencing entire regions. As in many other places throughout the world, kingdoms brought a need for protection from neighboring regions. The Bantu seeded the beginnings of African societies, along with starting military development and growth throughout southern Africa. One huge aspect of the Bantu tribes migrations was the amount of religion and rituals they spread throughout Sub Saharan
  • 27. 7 Speedy Activity Benefits Of Yoga Yoga does not require much effort, yet it comes packed with a lot of benefits. This practice that combines breathing, poses and meditation has been found by many to be beneficial in improving overall health, as well as increasing productivity. You will find that many of the productive achievers in the world practice one form of yogaor the other. This has already begun a trend, where organizations encourage their employees to get involved in yoga in order to increase focus, efficiency and over all productivity. These 7 speedy productivity benefits of yoga will blow your mind. YOGA REDUCES STRESS Stress is one of the many things that impedes productivity in everyone and it has become quite common. Stress is inevitable with the deadlines people have ... Show more content on ... It also improves posture, releasing the compression on the spine as a result of poor posture. Yoga has also been found to be beneficial in alleviating cardiovascular conditions and preventing heart failure. This also is a physical ailment that impacts productivity. Constant practice of the breathing techniques and some simple poses improves blood circulation, and alleviates high blood pressure and other heart related diseases. Yoga does not only treat these conditions, it also keeps a check on them, so that they do not resurface. YOGA IMPROVES MOVEMENT Yoga improves balance and flexibility, allowing you a movement range that you would ordinarily not have. For some people, it is very important for work productivity. Individuals in sports, entertainment and military, that require strength, balance and flexibility, to carry out their work will benefit a lot from yoga. Others who just want to be more effective at work, by being able to carry out various activities effortlessly, can also benefit from yoga. This is in fact an important ability, as one begins to advance in age. YOGA INCREASES
  • 28. Barack Obama Impact Barack Obama has positively impacted our country in a variety of ways. He has put a tremendous amount of effort towards having a better relationship with Muslims and Russia. In order to accomplish that, he gave a speech to those people wanting a new relationship and won a Nobel Peace Prize because of his efforts. In 2009, Barack Obamasigned the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Act. This law says that they have to have permission from the FDA before releasing any new tobacco products. The law also improved the amount of warning labels for tobacco products and got rid of misleading labels on those products. The tax on tobacco was also raised and the money went towards Children s Health Insurancewhich was a part of the Children s Health Insurance Authorization Act. During his time of being president, he decreased the... Show more content on ... He s proved to all generations that the color of your skin should not impact what you can or can t do and proved you don t have to look a certain way to work in the government. Avi Kedia said, it shows that somebody from a different race can rise up and go against what everyone else says and win. Barack Obama ordered special forces travel to Abbottabad, Pakistan to find and capture Osama Bin Laden. This was a very important day to our country because they had been searching for him for almost 10 years and finally found him on May second, 2011. He also gave a speech on September 11, 2016, honoring those whose lives were lost during 9/11. In 2009, Barack Obama passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. This act gives women the right to sue their employers if they find out they aren t being paid as much as a man for the same
  • 29. John Muir s Argument For The Preservation Of The Yosemite... Fifteen miles south of the world renowned Yosemite Valley sits the Hetch Hetchy Valley with its water roaring. Hard to believe, the desolate valley was once recognized as the exact counterpart of the Yosemite Valley for its natural beauty cascading waterfalls, lofty mountain cliffs, and serene rivers. John Muir, an ardent advocate for the preservation of the wilderness, described the experience of visiting Hetch Hetchy to be a sheer pleasure: it [was] a bright day in June; the air [was] drowsy with flies; the pines [swayed] dreamily, and you [were] sunk, shoulder deep, in grasses and flowers. He devoted himself into campaigning for its integrity when the San Francisco city government proposed to dam the valley for municipal water supply... Show more content on ... It also threatened the future of other national parks because it set up a precedent for appropriating protected natural resources to utilitarian uses. Strengthened by his personal attachment to the Hetch Hetchy Valley, he appealed to the public sentiments and eloquently criticized the shortsighted exploiters like mayor Phelan in various forms of writings including books and newspaper articles. In addition, John Muir took on political actions in this battle, gathering national support for his position. He traveled to New York and Washington D.C. to give speeches and meet with the secretary of the interior, Democratic leaders, and speaker of the house. He also innovated grassroots lobbying , a means to persuade elected officials of his position by urging individual citizens to express their support of him with letters to
  • 30. Business Case Study Example Founder Background Information: CEO/ President: Somer Chambley has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and is currently pursuing a Masters of Business Administration degree with a concentration in Entrepreneurship from Regent University. Somer is a veteran, wife and mother of three. In June of 2013, Somer founded a photography co working space, The Studio Hampton Roads where she, and other photographers like her, could have a brick and mortar location without having to assume all the upfront costs herself. The Studio is a professional space where both photographers and their clients feel safe and comfortable. Within six months of opening, The Studio doubled in revenue and Somer brought on a partner to help manage its... Show more content on ... Gale is a coach for individuals and corporations. She has helped multiple clients develop strategic networking and business development plans. Gale started her career in the United States Air Force where she traveled the globe, played sports, and more importantly was a Medical Administrative Specialist. From there she spent 21 years in the healthcare industry working for multiple private practices and hospitals. In the true spirit of givers gain Gale volunteers time and energy with many local non profit organizations such as Final Salute Inc, Loudoun Abused Women s Shelter, Loudoun First Responder s Foundation, Bite Me Cancer, Tigerlily Foundation and many more! Gale was recently a breakout speaker at the 2013 National Veterans Conference in St. Louis and the 2012 VirginiaWomen s Business Conference. She was the featured speaker for the Business Women of Loudoun and was published in I AM Modern Magazine. She is currently guest lecturing for the MBA students at Johns Hopkins University, American University, and George Mason University, while guest lecturing for undergraduate students at Radford University, Virginia Commonwealth University, George Mason University and University of Maryland. Most recently Gale was a featured speaker in the TEDxBalchDriveWomen Talk. Her goal in life is having her children be empowered, strong women that are caring and involved in the community. Lawyer: Jeremy
  • 31. My Memories Of My Early Years I have very few recollections of my early years and at what exact age I was able to read and write. Some of my earliest memories are vague on the topic of my literacy. However, I do remember small memories, such as, learning how to write my name in cursive, winning prizes for reading, and crying over every assigned high schoolessay. Over the last twelve years my literacy has grown rapidly with the help of teachers, large school libraries, my family, and so on. There is always room for my literacy skills to grow, but my family s help and positive attitude towards my education, the school systems I have been a part of, and the horrible required essays from high school helped me obtain the level, skills, habits, and processes that I use as part of my literacy today. I was raised up in a family that loved to read and write, like my sister who published a children s book while she was in just middle school; she also wrote other stories that were loved my her teachers. My parents have continuously pushed me and my siblings to read above our grade levels, study writing during the summer, and never listen to when other kids or adult titled us as stupid . This positive drive really aided me when I was a little and even endures on today. The positive push when I was little made me want to be the very best in my class and a little bit of a show off. My earliest memory of learning to read or write goes all the way back to when I was around seven years old, and in elementary school on
  • 32. Steven Soderbergh s Erin Brockovich Steven Soderbergh s Erin Brockovich is an autobiography of Brockovich and her involvement in the largest monetary direct case action lawsuit within the United States. Despite a lack of formal education and law experience, Brockovich proves to be the key element to winning a plaintiff case against multi billion dollar industry, Pacific Gas and Energy Company (PG E). Often, law is recognized as a tool that ultimately provides justice; however, it also holds the power to silence others. In this film, PG E ultimately have a greater voice than the plaintiffs despite the mass effect of the actions of the company. The plaintiffs reside in the quaint Californian community of Hinkley where it is discovered that PG E are responsible for great amounts of industrial groundwater contamination. Accordingly, Michael Asimow and Shannon Mader link Erin Brockovich with the likes of Class Action and A Civil Action citing that the three films depict the recurring theme of anti business slant . As Edward Masry states in the film, PG E figures, we ll let the cat out of the bag, tell the people the water s not ... Show more content on ... Essentially, this states that the outlaw is predominantly portrayed as a white male due to the fact there are not any criminal stereotypes which inhibit their heroism. To illustrate, outlaws are unlikely to recognize with an ethnic minority as racial profiling and prejudice exist within the legal system. Moreover, the University of Illinois uses the James Brothers as a relevant example of an outlaw). It states that women cannot fight the sexism within law without the risk of being recognized as a deviant woman . Additionally, this behaviour allows men to enhance their masculinity whilst it reduces the feminine manner of women and downgrading their societal worth; thus, altering one s image of an
  • 33. Walter Dean Myers Bad Boy Walter Dean Myers memoir Bad Boy is about how he traveled back to his past. This book that he wrote is, funny, and unforgettable. As a boy, Myers had a quick temper, was physically strong, and was always ready for a fight. He also read voraciously, as he would check out books from the library and carry them home, hidden in brown paper bags in order to avoid other boys teasing. He aspired to be a writer. The central idea of this book is courage because he had the courage to join the military. According to Myers stepping out of your comfort zone could turn into one of the best decisions you could ve made (21). I believe he said that because he too stepped out of his comfort and went into the military to really find himself. It took courage for him to be able to do that. Myers also said that anyone can do anything they set their mind to (29). That quote from the book really showed during his second grade year. Him and his family found out he had a speech problem, and everyone thought that he wouldn t do good throughout school, but he did. Another quote that he said was to never give up on what you want in life (32). That quote goes toward how in the book he got called on to read in front of the whole class. Even though he didn t say the words as well while reading, he still did it and stayed positive. After that he stated, you can just sit there or do something (41). I think that was said to him in the book because he used to never wanna join a game with other kids
  • 34. Business and Technical Writing Final exam 050024 Essay Phoenix Advertising 683 Lawson Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28282 Tel: 704 862 9700 Fax: 704 862 9775 March 24, 2015 Gregory S. Forest President Phoenix Advertising 1695 Chestnut Avenue Roanoke, VA 24001 Dear Mr. Forest: Phoenix Advertising as a whole has always put our clients first and is well known for our excellent work. As you know, the Roanoke branch had been experiencing difficulties since January of 2015 with regards to overworked and underpaid employees and a loss of clients. Productivity had declined by 20 percent over the course of the past few months, and we lost a few key members of our team. In response to our current crisis, I have developed a proposal in order to return Phoenix Advertising to the standard of excellence we ... Show more content on ... This will provide an open line of communication, as well as survey the current situation and see if there is a need for additional help to any and all team members. Training: Both managers as well as employees will need to complete a series of training courses to ensure that everyone is well versed in company policy, as well as have knowledge of what to do in case of an event such as the current crisis at the Roanoke branch. One such course would be on the importance of communication between employees and superiors. All employees will learn when it is necessary to hire additional help, when they really need to speak up, and that human resources is here to help and they should not be shy when they need guidance. It is important for all team members to be knowledgeable about the company and policy. Employees will be scheduled for two meetings a week on days that best fit their schedule for four weeks, followed by an evaluation to see if the course material was thorough. If more training is necessary, it will be rescheduled accordingly. Schedule Manager training: When to hire additional help; Project Approval: April 6 April 10 Employee training: Your rights as employees; YOU matter:April 13 April 17 All team members:
  • 35. Importance of open communication: April 20 April 24 Company policies:April 27 May 1 Staffing Kevin O Hara, the director of employment services, has been with the company for 6 years and prior to working with
  • 36. Themes Of The Sirens Of Titan The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut , Why It is Great How It Affected My Ideas? The Sirens of Titan was the third Kurt Vonnegut novel I read. Books, to me, are meant to serve the purpose of creating an enlightened and timeless version of ourselves. In this sense, The Sirens of Titan was, undoubtedly, the most astounding and mesmerizing novel I have ever laid my eyes on. It poses a great significance for both my personality and thoughts as it changed them drastically; therefore, I find The Sirens of Titan to be the most influential piece of literature and the Magnum Opus amongst all of Kurt Vonneguts his works. Kurt Vonnegut structures an elaborate plot in which he masterfully touches upon the great themes of free will, luck, religion, and the actual meaning of life, all the while using a sarcastic yet humanistic tone with an extensive symbolism in The Sirens of Titan. Moreover, the manipulation of time structure, change of narrations, and premature/delayed revelations he exposes his readers to, as chapters advance, constitutes the novel s genuine and idiosyncratical postmodern character. He does all these maintaining his signature use of simplex syntax, metafiction, and hyperreality, developed and supported by the interconnected literary universe he created through his writing career. He is influenced, in my ... Show more content on ... In short, The Sirens of Titan is a remarkable novel written by a leading writer of black humored, satiric, and critic science fiction; therefore, it should be read with the deserved attention and care, parallel to its depth and value. Martin Heidegger stated, criticizing the wrong path that western philosophy deviated to, that people understood being only in the superficial sense. The advancements in mathematics and natural sciences along the millennia always pre assumed that being was a known phenomenon and never bothered to explore its true nature; bypassing the herculean task, we never delved into what Ontos really
  • 37. The Secret War And How It Affected The Hmong People TOPIC: The Secret War and how it affected the Hmong people. SPECIFIC PURPOSE: At the end of my speech, my audience will get a better sense of what the Secret War was and how it affected the Hmong people. INTRODUCTION: Just by the name itself, it can already be implied to what the Secret War was. It was a war that was kept as a secret from the public, and by public, I mean the American public. Many of you may wonder what exactly is the secret war, and I will explain that throughout my speech. But before I continue to explain the details of what it was and when it took place, it is also important to introduce the group of people who I will be talking about throughout my speech and how they were affected by this war, and that group of people is the Hmong people. CENTRAL IDEA: Although many people may not be aware of the Secret War, it was a war that greatly affected the Hmong people and changed their lives forever. PREVIEW: Today I will be discussing about what the Secret War was, and how the Hmong people were involved with it and how it affected them. [Transition: Before I get into details about how this war affected the Hmong people, it is important to explain what the Secret War was and who are the Hmong people that were affected by it.] BODY: I.Information about the Secret War A.When it began and who were involved. 1.The Secret war was happening during the VietnamWar, which I m assuming everybody has heard of before, and it took place in Laos. 2.It started in
  • 38. The Death Of My Life The mudded earth grasps at my martial boots. Perspiration seeps from my grimy pores. The humid air slithers across my skin. My palpitating heart aches from the adrenaline. Our offense under the shadow of the night we made has been counteracted. The German roaches fire their weapons, illuminating no man s land with cones of ugly light revealing the lakes of crimson, the bottomless pits, the wandering limbs, the grey sleepers all of it. The contorted screams of my wounded comrades fall past me as I run. I see a wounded man praying. A futility. The gods are indifferent to our suffering. As we are the tainted souls their forsaken children sentenced to flaming nights and grey days that inscribe themselves into the mind. And if ... Show more content on ... Thus, I do not dare leave the confines of this shell hole. I no longer hear the steps of my comrades, the gunfire becomes sparse and a relative placidity takes no man s land. Though I dare not move. As I can feel the roacheseyes scan across this barren cemetery, looking for any movement, for any signs of consciousness. The nauseating moans of the dying pervade the stagnant air. Eventually becoming fewer and fewer with time. begin to feel disoriented, physically feeble, cold; as if I can see myself in the reflection of death s scythe. I shiver. I feel a dreaded moisture on my arm. Where I lay a nightly liquid, tugs at the arm of my martial coat. It cannot be. A piercing pain cements itself, and my body convulses in agony. It s gushing from my stomach I have been wounded. I feel it rising. My mouth becomes a cesspool of blood; and I struggle not to drown in it. Vibrant birds sing their elegant melodies. The boughs and branches of the old oak tree sway to and fro in the spring breeze, and the sun beams through it s vacuous gaps filling the living room of my father s apartment with oscillating lights and elegant shades. Below us the hustling of the crowded streets can be heard. The torrent of consciousness, they walk to and from, each characterised with different memories, thoughts, and attitudes. The sugary scent of freshly picked cherry blossoms, and baked sweets permeates the room. The estate is
  • 39. Travel Agency Business Plan ONE DISCOVERY TRAVEL TOURS Submitted to: Sir Win Maw Tun Submitted by: Lopez, Jennylyn Bargola, Ronel Ortcio, Christy Ann Ascano, Lynette Silva, Janette Gaje, Michelle Jade BS ITTM 4 1 Executive Summary One Discovery Travel and Tours (ONDISTRATOU) will begin operations this year and provide adventure and sport/travel packages to people in the Philippines urban area, specifically the greater National Capital Region. An opportunity for ONDISTRATOU s success exists because the national tourismand travel industry is growing at 4%, and adventure travel at 10% annually. ONDISTRATOU is poised to take advantage of this growth and lack of competition with an experienced staff, excellent ... Show more content on ... In an LLP, one partner is not responsible or liable for another partner s misconduct or negligence. Internal Management Team General Manager: Jennylyn Lopez, B.S. International Travel and Tourism Management, Lyceum of the Philippines University Laguna, Shea has 5 years experience in the travel industry, including three years experience as manager of the Pan Malayan travel agency. Her background in adventure sports includes two years on years surfing, and participation in many other adventure and organized sports such as snowboarding, beach volleyball, and track and field. Marketing and Advertising Directors: Ronel Bargola Janette Silva Ronel Bargola, B.S. Marketing, Lyceum of the Philippines University Manila. Ronel spent five years as an adventure travel and freelance writer and has been a marketing consultant specializing in adventure sports for the past three years. Janette Silva, B.S Advertising Management, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, has been an advertising expert for 6 years in Transworld travel agency.
  • 40. She also has background in adventure and ecotourism sports, promoting sustainable tourism in the country. Accountant: Christy Ann Orticio, B.S. Accounting, De La Salle Lipa. Christy is a Certified Public Accountant. Christy worked as an auditor for the Philippine National Bank two years after college and then as an accounting department manager for a non profit
  • 41. Ebola Cellular Entry Summary In the fall of 2014, an outbreak of Ebola virus in West Africa spread to the United States. Panic overtook regions of the country and led to the search for uncovering the molecular biology of the disease and for finding a suitable treatment against the virus. Yasuteru Sakurai and colleagues discussed Ebolas dependence on host calcium signaling proteins in their scientific journal article, Two pore channels control Ebola virus host cell entry and are drug targets for disease treatment . In the article, the authors hypothesized that two pore channels are good drug targets against Ebola because they help regulate entry into the host cell. They examined the mechanism of the calcium signals, the calcium channels activated by that mechanism, the effect of inhibiting those channels, and a drug that could potentially be an effective therapy.... Show more content on ... While investigating potential calcium channels responsible for entry, Sakurai and colleagues questioned if blocking L type channels inhibited infection. After discovering that gabapentin, an inhibitor of a fifth class of L type channels, had no effect on infectivity, they studied NAADP, an intracellular mobilizing agent that stimulates calcium channels to release calcium from endosomes. Unlike gabapentin, other inhibitors in the study decreased infectivity and blocked NAADP stimulated calcium release. The effect of these other inhibitors, like tetrandrine, on infection and NAADP activity, the inhibition of NAADP by Ned19, and the subsequent blocking of viral infection due to Ned19 supported the role of NAADP in Ebola
  • 42. Essay on Safeguarding and Welfare of Children and Young... Level 2 Certificate Children and Young People s Workforce. Unit 007 (Assignment 008 ) Safeguarding the Welfare of Children and Young People. Samantha Drinkwater. Outcome 1: Know about the legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of children and yound people including e safety. 1. Identify one current and national piece of legislation relevant to safeguarding children and young people s welfare. Policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people are The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 which ensure that children are safe and looked after, children have the right to be protected from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or ... Show more content on ... * Call emergency services. The emergency services need to be called, and given all the correct information, such as, if you are with the casualty now, how many people are involved, the patients age /gender, if they are conscious. Computer software then uses this information to determine the priority of the call which is then categorised into emergency or non emergency. * Follow instructions from emergency services, and other members of staff. Emergency services may give instructions over the phone, such as move child into recovery position, or keep wound elevated, this will also give some reassurance to the child. And is helpful for the emergency services as they are aware of how the child/young person is reacting to this. * Inform parent/guardian. Every child should have a record with emergency contact details of parents, grandparents, carers or any other relative. They should be people that are easy to contact and who can contact parents if necessary. The person in charge will contact this person as soon as possible and tell that person what has happened, and where the child is being taken, if the child has to be taken to hospital before the parents arrive, the parents need to be informed on where the child is, someone that the child knows well should be at the
  • 43. A Homemade Education By Malcolm X Analysis Education is never the brighter part of anyone s day, I know I am one of those people. An education can be obtained by anyone, anywhere, at any time. However, when the student has a drive for a better, higher education, it takes great dedication to obtain it. A Homemade Education by Malcolm X and Learning to Read by Fredrick Douglass are about two individuals that strive to better themselves with their education after previous struggles in their lives. A lack of education makes it hard to get through life regardless your race. Being an African American during black oppression and striving for a higher education shows great dedication. African Americans have been oppressed throughout history, but two men strive to show that no matter your past, an education can be obtained by anyone.Malcolm Xstarted as a child with a positive outlook on life though his family s life was difficult. As a child blacks, were discriminated against everywhere even while at home where the father of Malcolm died after white supremacists set the home ablaze late one night. Malcolm still tried to maintain a positive outlook with hopes of obtaining the education to become a lawyer. With a racist school, Malcolm s dreams soon died and he began to drift into a life of crime. Malcolm X started to build his education while serving his sentence in Charleston Prison with nothing more than an old dictionary. Through a life of crime, he got by with the education equivalent to that of an eighth grader.
  • 44. Who Is Lenin A Political Genius Introduction Vladimir Lenin, who became the leader of the Bolshevik in the time of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP) in 1903, claimed to be a traditional Marxist. People such as historians debated Lenin was not an orthodox Marxist but a type of revisionist. However, he did not make any major alterations to Marx s ideas but instead decided to add his own to fit to benefit him and his country with modern times and he was the key defender of Marx when his theories were attacked by revisionists such as Bernstein, Lenin defended Marx s work due to his respect of his theories. The theories revolving around Lenin changed over time due to the increase in resources available. The original accounts attack Lenin, accusing him of... Show more content on ... Historians such as Neil Harding, however, said do Lenin the justice of treating him as a serious theoretician and political leader (Hearse) . This led to the development of impartial and sympathetic views to give Lenin the benefit of the doubt. Traditional ideas Very few politicians can ever argue against the statement that Lenin was a political genius. Lenin was a master at manipulation and opportunity which came when he discovered Marx s work. The division in arguments occurs, however, when one attempts to define genius due to his careless actions in which he destroyed the working class . The traditional and generally accepted view of Lenin is that he had a great ability to grasp the potentialities of a situation and twist them to his own benefit to be able to maximize his power, which is why the word genius might be used lightly . Lenin was merciless when it came to being an instinctive politician and practitioner of revolution he wanted to maintain his political power and gain more, but was inconsistent, unorthodox and indecisive when it came to political thought and theories which was why historians do not now how to picture Lenin. He is seen , not a theorist of revolution, ( Wilson, 390) But sees and he adapts with no regard for the theoretical positions of others or for his own theoretical position in the past;
  • 45. The Presidential Election For The Presidency Of The United... Watching the 2016 Republican candidates battle for the presidency of the United States, one might reach the conclusion that Ronald Reagan never left the campaign trail. In the second GOP debate alone, the Great Communicator s name was brought up a total of 23 times, which even exceeds the number of times Donald Trump mentioned China. One of the comments coming from Jeb Bush was I m on the Reagan side of this. Additionally, Senator Marco Rubio stated that Reagan and his approach worked (CITE). The candidates worked hard to evoke memories of and make comparisons to the beloved former president. The debate even took place in the Ronald ReaganLibrary in Simi Valley, California. Reagan has been constantly praised by those on the... Show more content on ... For more than 30 years before Reagan took office, the United States and its allies had tried unsuccessfully to rein in communism. Reagan believed that communism in the Soviet Union was eroding and ready to crumble, expecting its collapse if competitively challenged by America. An arms race had been ongoing between the U.S. and Russia for some time. Reagan, however, was determined to put an end to it. Reagan began the competition with a very costly project known as the Strategic Defense Initiative, aimed at neutralizing incoming Soviet missiles. This shocked the Soviet Union, which was economically unable to match this rapid escalation of the arms race (CITE). After winning his second term as president, Ronald Reagan established what is now known as The Reagan Doctrine, which provided support, both financially and militarily, for anti communist fighters throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America (CITE). The policy s goal was to eliminate tyrannical governments and promote individual liberties, freedom, and democracy. The Reagan doctrine became the centerpiece of the Reagan administration by successfully stopping the Soviet Union from spreading its communist control over specific regions of the world. In 1985, a new leader by the name of Mikhail Gorbachev came to the political forefront of the Soviet Union. Reagan saw this as his final opportunity to completely destroy the threat of communism once and for all. Reagan and Gorbachev met
  • 46. The World Of The Toy Store People scurried like rats through the isles of the toy store, nabbing all gadgets low tech and high tech until the store shelves were barren surfaces. As the dry and cold winter night was locked outside, a band of young cashiers face the stampeding last minute shoppers. An elderly woman stands next in line, clutching a box containing the latest Captain Something action figure. Upon approaching the counter, she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a handful of crumpled ones, fives, and coins that reek of sweat. Her face fills with hot blood as the neatly dressed couple behind her scoff and comment about poor people wasting everybody s time . The young faced and overwhelmed clerk shoots an apologetic glance towards the elderly woman as she... Show more content on ... He squeals as they plant kisses all over his face. Around the feeble pine tree lay small presents wrapped in paper with evidence of gnawing rats from the night before. When the final gift was opened, the parents stared in anticipation. It s Captain Something! Thank you, mommy and daddy! the boy cheered. No problem, baby. the mother said, Daddy worked really hard to get that for you. Make sure you behave and listen, okay? Yes, mom, he turns to his father and gives him a hug thanks again, dad! After grabbing his new action figure and racing back to his room, the boy tears apart the cardboard prison. Hi. What s your name? My name is Ty he starts, I never knew that toys could talk! Especially not this kind! I m a very special friend. And you re special for finding me. What do you like to play? We can t do much, but um... Ty looks around his room I have these other toys we can use. But they don t talk or anything. How about we play a game of war? While Ty is setting up his other toys in rows and columns, Captain Something sits motionless, staring intently at the army men, heroes, and villains being placed in formation, arch enemies working together to some unfathomable end. Hey, um. Ty trailed off Do you think that you can help set these up? I think you re smart enough to know that I can t move. Captain Something was grabbed and made to prance about the plastic ranks, stomping
  • 47. Cochlear Script Script Question 1: Hearing aids and cochlear implants have different functions to help improve your hearing. You currently have use hearing aids. Hearing aids come in many forms and offer different features. Hearing aids makes the sounds and voices around you louder. Here is a picture of hearing aid that you have. Depending on the hearing aid, the battery and ear piece will vary in size. You mentioned that you have ptosis. A hearing aid may be difficult to operate because the buttons are small and the battery doors are small. One of the benefits of a hearing aid is that you can take them out when every you want and do not need to have surgery. To get a cochlear implant you will need to have surgery. The surgeon will cut an incision in your
  • 48. The Trichotomy Of Signs Child highlights within his semiotic studies the unseen messages that carry a significant amount of cultural, political and historical meanings. Photographs, numbers, words and colours and how they are positioned in a small scale delivers valuable messages to the reader . To analyse the stamps, Child discusses Peirce three part typology The Trichotomy of Signs , Index, Icon and symbol in which all three can work individually and blend together to deliver a symbolic meaning to the reader. (Child, 2005 p. 114). Both stamps presented above are unique in delivering information about Australia; they are also part of a commemorative series of stamps, which follow the same/similar positioning of index, icon and symbol. Positioned in the background,
  • 49. Comparing The Opening Shots in Baz Luhrmann and Franco... Comparing The Opening Shots in Baz Luhrmann and Franco Zeffirelli s Versions of Romeo and Juliet This essay will compare two versions of Romeo and Juliet directed by Baz Luhrmann and Franco Zeffirelli. In order for me to comment on both versions of Romeo and Juliet I will compare the opening shots, the way the main characters are introduced and the types of music and costumes used in each version. Baz Luhrmann s film takes place in contemporary America. The latest version of Romeo and Juliet was filmed in 1997 at Verona Beach, California. The director chose this area because it is somewhat exotic and because it is seen as a city state with its importance in America. It s also an area young... Show more content on ... The prologue gives the audience helpful information on the latest goings on in Verona, which helps to fill you in on what is happening. As the prologue continues I become aware of the original Shakespearian language that is used, The fearful passage of their death marked love. The use of opposition within the text is effective in conveying the contrast between Romeo and Juliet and the two families. As well as this, death and love are opposites that don t normally feature in the same sentence, causing a strong, instant effect on the audience. Although the Luhrmann film has a modern setting and opens with a news anchorwoman reading the prologue from the play, it is read in one go and there is nothing offered to the viewer to make it clearer. It seems that Luhrmann wants to set up a traditional presentation of the words so that when his vision appears it is even more explosive. Although Luhrmann works hard at communicating the text, the American speaking actors prove a difficulty. Dialogue is certainly not of prime importance in this film. In Luhrmann s film the words remain Shakespearean whereas the images are very much in the late 20th century. Using a television and a reporter gives me the feeling the director is trying to achieve a modern version of the film one