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Essay Forums
Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Forums" can be both challenging and rewarding. The
difficulty lies in navigating the vast landscape of online discussion platforms, understanding
their dynamics, and effectively conveying the significance of these forums in the context of
written discourse.
Firstly, researching the diverse range of essay forums poses a challenge, as these platforms vary
widely in their objectives, user demographics, and thematic focuses. Delving into the intricacies
of each forum requires time and effort to comprehend the unique culture and norms governing
Moreover, the ever-evolving nature of online discourse means that staying current with the latest
trends, emerging platforms, and shifting perspectives is essential. It demands constant monitoring
of the dynamic landscape of essay forums to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis.
Crafting a coherent and insightful essay also involves critically examining the role of essay
forums in fostering intellectual exchange, collaborative learning, and the development of writing
skills. Balancing the exploration of positive aspects with a nuanced discussion of potential
pitfalls, such as misinformation or echo chambers, adds another layer of complexity.
The challenge extends to presenting a well-structured and compelling narrative that captures the
essence of essay forums without becoming too broad or overly detailed. Striking the right
balance requires a keen understanding of the target audience and the ability to communicate
complex ideas in a clear and concise manner.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Forums" demands a thorough exploration
of these online platforms, a nuanced understanding of their impact on writing culture, and the
ability to present these findings in a cohesive and engaging manner. While challenging, the
process can be immensely rewarding as it fosters a deeper appreciation for the diverse ways in
which individuals engage in written communication within digital spaces.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing challenges, various
resources are available. Platforms like provide a range of services to support
students and writers in their academic endeavors. Whether it's guidance on essay topics or help
with crafting well-researched and eloquent essays, these services can be valuable tools in the
pursuit of academic success.
Essay Forums Essay Forums
The Effects Of Optimism On Cancer Survival Rate
The previous section has shown that previous study had yielded contradictory results.
To account for the inconsistent findings, we have to first understand the inner
mechanisms of the effects of optimism on cancer survival rate. Salovey (2000) has
proposed various potential casual pathways from dispositional optimism to cancer
survival outcomes. One of the potential mediators of optimism and survival outcome
might be immune system. In other words, optimism tends to enhance the immune
system which in turn enhance cancer survival rate. Indeed, Ah (2007) examines the
intimate connections among social support, optimism, and immune response. Ah
hypothesized that optimism plays a mediating role for immune response and cancer
outcome. 54 cancer patients participated in the study. They completed questionnaires
regarding stress level, optimism, and satisfaction social support. Participants blood
was assessed to measure the immune system (ex., white blood cell such as natural
killer cell. The results showed that only optimism is associated with immune response
and cancer prognosis, while perceived satisfaction of social support was not
associated immune response.
Given that immunology mediate the relationship between optimism and cancer
survival rate, it is possible that the inconsistent results of the previous studies might
be accounted by mechanisms related to immunology.
One possible explanation might be that previous studies looked at different types of
cancer, while some type
A Rose For Emily Narrator Essay
Narration can be used to manipulate a story. The author chooses who and how a
story is told. It can manipulate the reader s views of characters and situations in
the story. The point of view that A Rose for Emily was written in was third person.
It served as a collective town voice and let the reader in on the thoughts and
opinions the townspeople had on Miss Emily. This type of narration can be used to
detach a reader from the story or characters, but in Faulkner s case he wrote it in a
way that the narratoris slowly pushing us to feel empathy for Miss Emily. The
narrator is an unidentified voice that seems to work as a collective voice for the
townspeople. The narrator is unbiased and gives out the town gossip with no side
note on his/her thoughts. The reader can then take the information and do with it
what they please. The unbiased thoughts can bring us closer to Miss Emily. They
let us hear her story from an outsider s view and we as readers are making up our
own thoughts and opinions on Miss Emily as we read through the flashbacks of the
story. The narrator conveys his/her disgust in the way they look at Miss Emily
through the opening line of the story. The men through a sort of respectful affection
for a fallen... Show more content on ...
The narrator uses he said, she said type of voice when talking about the town
gossip about Miss Emily. In A Rose for Emily Faulkner writes, So the next day we
all said, She will kill herself. We had said, She will marry him. Then we said, She
will persuade him yet. . [35] I see that the way the narrator presents the information
he or she does not side with the gossip all the time. Seeing that can make us as
readers feel empathy for Miss Emily. Having rumors and gossip sent around about
yourself could be quite upsetting, and for that we feel compassion for Miss Emily,
just like the Narrator
A Story About Moving Away Essay
Moving had defined Mary her entire life. From her early childhood in the
Philippines, spent on a Navy base chasing after her brothers John and Peter to her
teenage years in Westfield, New Jersey, moving always brought about a change. So
it was no surprise that her move to Pennsylvania to attend Chestnut Hill College
when she was eighteen would be part of the force that brought her to her future
husband. That, and Jerome had just broken up with her. After dating of course
only in the proper, Catholic manner for almost a year, he had told her that they
were both destined for other people . Ha. As if. She sat at her desk, pushing off the
work for her classes by reading a childhood favorite, Peter Rabbit. Tap Tap. Mary
looked up to see her... Show more content on ...
His father had apparently reacted badly to his choosing to court a Catholic girl,
spewing nonsense about how they were the reason this family ended up in America at
all and those of the Catholic faith represent all the moral ineptitudes of society, the
drunks, the violent men in the streets and best of all, the Catholics will bring about
the apocalypse with their being the reincarnation of the whore of Babylon . He had
also threatened to quit his position with the Masons if Joe continued this, though how
that was a threat to anyone but himself the pair did not
Outline Of Nelson Mandela s Legacy
Nelson Mandela 2
Nelson Mandela
Hallmark Assessment Task:
Nelson Mandela
Jackie D. McDowell
University of Louisville
Dr. Carpenter, Bradley
ELFH 490 91
May 15, 2015
Hallmark Assessment Task: Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela is one of the most iconic leaders of the 20th century. In 1948 the
National Party gained control in South Africa and implemented a system of
apartheid (Campbell, 1990, p 147 150). Apartheid laws are designed to keep the
members of South Africa?s many racial groups separate and they were also crafted
to keep the country?s white minority in a position of power and privilege (Campbell,
1990, p 147 150). Nelson Mandela worked with the African National Congress
(ANC) to oppose South Africa?s apartheid laws using none violent peaceful protest
(Mandela, 1994, 175 200). Nelson Mandela became disillusioned with the
effectiveness of none violent protest to bring about a change in South Africa?s
apartheid laws (Mandela, 1994, 175 200). ?In 1961, Nelson Mandela co founded and
became the first leader of Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation), also known as
MK, a new armed wing of the ANC? (Glad, 1997, p 569). Under Mandela?s
leadership, MK launched a sabotage campaign against the South African government
(Glad, 1997, p 569 572). Nelson Mandela was eventually capture and found quality
of treason against the government. He was sentenced to life in prison, also the ANC
was banned in South Africa. (Glad, 1997, p 569 572) Nelson
Politics in Sports
The Olympic Games are a worldwide competition that brings people of different
cultures and backgrounds into one united area where they compete in their
specialized sports. These events, however, are not purely entertainment like they
should have been. Today s societies are more dependent on politics and therefore so
are sports and the athletes competing, sometimes even without their own will. In
various occasions across the world politics was the main reason for athletes to
withdraw from athletic events such as the world cup, Olympics, and any other
worldwide or region wide competitions. On the other hand politics sometimes are the
reason that some teams re establish themselves and get back into the world scene in
sports. This two sided... Show more content on ...
The Mexico City Olympics in 1968 was a different yet similar incident where
racism, closely related to anti Semitism in the way society views the rights of people
of all races and kinds. United States athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos, African
American males, competed in the 200 meter race and won first and third place
respectively. When they went on the podium the men didn t wear their shoes
revealing black socks, they wore black track uniforms and when were given their
medals they revealed black gloves on their hands while putting their fists in the air as
an act of representing the Black Power movement. Later on the two athletes were
banned from the Olympic village because of their unfit political statement to the
apolitical athletic forum the Olympics are supposed to be. This statement created
controversy that again stirred the athletic event away from its task of entertainment
into a worldwide argument. Politics again have been a disruption to the long awaited
athletic event. The Olympic committee had done the right thing by making an
example of these athletes and the committees long run efforts to exclude politics from
worldwide events; however, it never acted on the Nazi salutes that the Germans used
in the Berlin Olympics. Some may argue that it was their country s national salute,
but we all know today that it had a political background behind it that shouldn t have
been ignored. This incident had every sign of discrimination against the African
Essay on The ReMotion Prosthetic Knee
The ReMotion Prosthetic Knee
ReMotion is a project created by D Rev (Design Revolution), a not for profit
organization working in third world countries, which creates and supplies prosthetic
knees to amputees living on under $4 a day (Krista Donaldson, 2013). One of the
company s major constraints when designing the knee revolved around creating a
product that performed at a standard equivalent to the high end prosthetic knees, but
at a cost that was affordable and allowed for mass production. The project has been
running since 2009 (Krista Donaldson, 2013) and over five and a half thousand
amputees have since been fitted with the ReMotion knee, with the third version being
made publicly available mid 2014 ( A Cheap Prosthetic Knee For... Show more
content on ...
It can also involve making sketches of a product, recording data, computing that data
to ensure it matches with specifications, analyzing results and writing reports.
Designing products is additional part of the specific engineering discipline. This
however is likely to a small component compared to the testing and eliminating of
production problems aspect.
Major decisions would have to be decided on and resolved throughout the process
of designing and implementing the knee. Part of D Rev s design ideal revolved
around creating a high end prosthetic knee that could be produced at a lower cost.
Previous cheap alternatives for prosthetic joints and limbs greatly traded efficiency
for a lower cost. While D Rev would have aimed to avoid this trade off between
quality and cost, it is likely to remain imbalanced. Of course, the quality could have
been lifted to a higher standard, but the cost would have been raised too, thus
defeating their purpose of making a quality and cheap product.
Another major decision revolved around maintaining quality with a simplistic design.
By keeping everything straightforward, it allows for easy fitting and repairing of the
joints without extensive training. While this may decrease the quality, it increases the
practically as it takes lower qualifications to fit the product to the amputee and can
easily occur in their home country. The
Communication Across Generations Essay
Communication across Generations
Supervising staff and volunteers from ages fourteen to ninety can be a challenging
task. These age groups make up the four different generations: Traditionalist, Baby
Boomers, Generation X ers, and Generation Y ers. Traditionalist, (born 1925 1946)
may need a little prodding to communicate their needs and they prefer written
communication plans. Baby Boomers, (born 1946 1964) are aware of technology but
still prefer to communicate by telephone and they call themselves the age of the
memo. Generation X ers, (born 1965 1982) commonly prefer short concise
communication. Generation Y ers, (born 1983 2000) prefer short, quick e mails,
texting and mobile phone applications to communicate. The hospital ... Show more
content on ...
Her name kept appearing on a list, indicating she needed to complete this task. I
emailed her three times with the step by step directions about how to complete the
declination form. She never responded to me or completed this task. My director
instructed her to complete this task and walked her through the process. As a member
of the Traditionalist Generation, she respects authority, not wanting to disappoint my
director. I should have paid closer attention to her nonverbal communication and
gone to her for task completion. Being a member of this generation, I may fail to
listen actively to those Baby Boomer and Traditionalists that I interact with daily.
This incident also raises another issue. POH employees depend on e mail and the
intranet for our as our main sources of communication, but we still have employees
who are unsure of their computer literacy. All employees should receive mandatory
training on e mailing and the intranet to be competent in these areas. The ability to
provide our patients with a remarkable patient experience is the number one
responsibility of our staff. Each generation has their own communication style, these
styles allows them to provide a remarkable patient experience for all our patients.
Without communication tools, each generation is unable to communicate to the
I have a patient advocate who reports to me. She is a member of the Baby Boomer
Generation. Her communication style
The s Candide And The Old Woman Arrive Of Cadiz, And
Voltaire s Candide, or Optimism is widely regarded as a work of the enlightenment
period and offers a satire on philosophy, religion and current events (of the time).
This essay aims to provide an analysis of Chapter 10: In what distress Candide,
CunГ©gonde and the old woman arrive in Cadiz, and of their embarkation. Firstly
considering terms of context this essay will look at the way knowledge of philosophy
and attitudes towards women illuminate the readers understanding of the passage.
Secondly examining how narrative technique is used this essay will look at speech
and the presentation of the narrator. Finally this essay will reflect on distinctive
features of language and how Voltaires characterisation contributes to the meaning of
the passage.
To effectively analyse Candide it is important to consider its context, particularly in
a philosophical setting. Knowing the entire work is a critique of the Leibnizian
views on optimism aids in understanding this passage. The character of Pangloss
represents opinions held by followers of Leibniz and Candide quotes his former
tutor a number of times in the passage. Candide attempts to convince CunГ©gonde
and the old woman that the new world is the best of all possible worlds . Voltaire
uses the repetition of this statement to mock supporters of Leibniz, as by repeating it
in regards to a number of horrific scenarios renders it an almost banal and inane
comment. In this passage Candide truly believes that the next place they arrive
Charlie Gordon Theme
Charlie: The Forgetful Lotus The Flaw of a Genius Charlie Gordon is constantly
ridiculed because of his intellectual disability. Pulling a Charlie Gordon is a term
that Charlie Gordon, laughs at and enjoys hearing, before his advancement. Charlie s
mistakes and clumsiness entertained his co workers at the bakery. This is a
recurring theme within the story, as those who are mentally disabled are constantly
mocked. Due to his lack of understanding, Charlie is blind to the abuse and mockery
from the people who he thinks are his friends. Cammie McGovern, an author, who in
fact has a child with autism, adds that disabilities are present in many of the youth at
the time; there is a constant level of mockery towards those who were disabled.
Although... Show more content on ...
Near the end of the presentation, Professor Nemur shows videos of Charlie s
progression. After the professor makes jokes of the way Charlie once was, the
audience begins to laugh. Charlie is deeply offended by this because he believed
that the crowd is making fun of him. In anger, he releases Algernon, the mouse that
the professors tested the drug on before they used it on him, into the crowd.
Finally, near the end of his progression, Charlie Gordon visited a restaurant for
dinner. Right before his eyes, a bus boy is picking up the plates and cups left on
the tables. At first, the boy is clumsy which leads to a few giggles from Charlie and
the family at the restaurant. Then the boy falls and drops all the plates, breaking
them. The family bursts into laughter and Charlie does too until he realizes that the
bus boy is mentally ill. The boss comes and yells at the boy to pick up the plates and
utensils, and after he leaves, Charlie is enraged. Infuriated, Charlie yells at the family,
telling them that it is not the boy s fault that he ended up mentally disabled. Charlie
let out all of the anger he had stored up, and it is clear, at that moment, that the
Causality Of The Ph. D Program
When students join a Ph.D. program they soon become members of a discourse
community, which is a group of members that share the same values, goals, and lexis.
Especially in the science disciplines the students become immersed in their group by
exploring various research projects and conducting experiments that will hopefully
propel their scientific curiosity exponentially before they graduate. The students are
also not alone in this journey as they are under the tutelage and mentorship of an
academic advisor. However, the relationship that exists between the two communities
is one that is often embedded with feelings of tension and turmoil. Often this tension
frequently results in many students leaving the lab before they graduate and... Show
more content on ...
Additionally, they indicated that the feelings of discontent they held for the lab
stemmed from their PI (Mays). The students explained that they function daily in a
community of approximately 10 12 members, and they all collectively report to the
PI of the lab. Furthermore, grad student Smith explained that the PI presents himself
as having great power over the students as he stated, I think he wants us to believe he
is this omnipotent figure. Grad student Mays explained that when new students are
accepted into the program they enter into a group of their peers that range in
experience levels from apprentice to more advanced by the time they are reaching the
end of the academic tenure. However, as each new student joins the group every fall
they are not formally admitted into their lifestyle, but are instead unfortunately left to
their own devices to interpret and understand the functions and guidelines of the lab
(Smith). It is a process author Susan Gardner a researcher who studied the
socialization process of grad students explained that this period can be categorized
into the [i]nformal which the novice learns of the informal role
expectations transmitted by interactions with others who are current incumbents
(728). Furthermore, she adds that it is through socialization that can afford each
student the ability to be successful in
Language As A Form Of Communication Essay
There are many species of life that are more than able to communicate, but humans
have a unique form of communication. We are the only species capable of using
language as a form of communication. Think about the first people and how difficult
it would have been for them to communicate without language. From never having
a single word to over hundreds of thousands of words in modern times, all the
words that were created in order for people to communicate are a part of a complex
system. It is a difficult concept to understand because we ve been using language
for most of our lives and all of these words have been in place for thousands of
years. Language is something that is constantly changing, it s not an every day
change, but it is gradually evolving. For the most part, language is passed down
through generations so parents and children are able to communicate with one
another. Changes in language have occurred throughout centuries over a short
period of time and have evolved through different degrees of English such as old
English, middle English, and modern English. However, old English wasn t the first
form of English created, but it s the foundation of our modern day English. It has
come down from many variations of other languages but it s roots came from the
West Germanic language. The old English language had many variations occur from
the fifth century to the mid twelfth century. This was due to all the wars in Europe
over land and the struggle for power.
Disadvantages Of Shinhan Bank
Shinhan Bank America is a non member bank with a headquarters in New York. A
non member bank is a state chartered commercial bank, but not a member of the
Federal Reserve System ( All Institution Types Defined ). It is spread out in five
different states with 16 domestic branches, with total assets of $1,308,996,000. The
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) regulates Shinhan BankAmerica with
the purpose of preserving and promoting public confidence in the U.S. financial
system by insuring deposits in banks and thrift institutions for at least $250,000; by
identifying, monitoring and addressing risks to the deposit insurance funds; and by
limiting the effect on the economy and the financial system when a bank or thrift
institution fails ( Who is the FDIC ).
Shinhan Bank America specializes in commercial lending. Commercial loan enables
a business entity to activate and subsequently obtain a finance stream, to help
companies fund short term expenditures or pay for capital equipment ( Commercial
Lending ). Basic operational needs of businesses such as funding employee payroll as
well as manufacturing and production costs are important that gives way to loan
extensions. Shinhan also offers other business banking services aside from loans,
including business checking/savings accounts, deposits, credit cards, atm and online
banking. Personal banking are also offered by Shinhan Bank America with similar
services as to their business banking services. Shinhan excel in
Essay on John D. Rockefeller
Jessica M. Hintermeister
American History
Louisa Garry
Due: Thursday, March 15, 2001 The Rockefellers feared the temptations of wealth,
yet a visitor once described their estate as the kind of place God would have built if
only he d had the money. They amassed a fortune that outraged a Democratic nation,
then gave it all away reshaping America. They were the closest thing the country had
to a royal family, but the Rockefellers shunned the public eye. For decades, the
Rockefeller name was despised in America, associated with John D. Rockefeller Sr. s
feared monopoly, Standard Oil. By the end of his life, Rockefeller had given away
half of his fortune. But even his vast philanthropy could not erase the memory of his
predatory ... Show more content on ...
Oil was being used to grease the wheels of America s infant industries, to fuel the
expansion of growth. Rockefeller lamented that so many wells were flowing that the
price of oil kept falling yet everyone went right on drilling. He saw an industry
plagued from overproduction and his own success was being threatened by ruinness
cut throat competition. John D. was shrewd enough and he was analytical enough
that he realized that in order to figure out a way to save his own firm and his own
newly won fortune, that he had to figure out a solution for the entire industry. It was
at that point that John D. began to conceive of the oil industry as one big interrelated
mechanism. And you couldn t just change one component, you had to control the
entire machine.
In a move that would transform the American economy, Rockefeller set out to
replace a world of independent oilmen with a giant company controlled by him. In
l870, begging bankers for more loans, he formed Standard Oil of Ohio. The next
year, he quietly put what he called our plan his campaign to dominate the volatile oil
industry into devastating effect. Rockefeller knew that the refiner with the lowest
transportation cost could bring rivals to their knees. He entered into a secret alliance
with the railroads called the South Improvement Company. In exchange for large,
regular shipments, Rockefeller and his allies secured transport rates far
Rhetoric In Optimus Prime
Who am I? and Why am I here? Optimus Prime s final words are used by Michale
Bay to reflect the human curiosity, which often leaves us searching answers beyond
our existence. He also uses these biblical rhetorics to give the Autobots, who are
equivalent to protagonists in the transformers serious, a higher purpose in the movie,
which is to act as a shield from the Decepticons, ie. the antagonists, and prevent
mankind from extinction. The centrally aligned juxtaposed visual of Optimus Prime
the Autobot hero, riding the robotic dinosaur, represents the enduring nature of the
story, repressing both the past and the future, while the robotic heroes and machines
seen in the poster foreshadow far in to the possible future, the visual of the... Show
more content on ...
The designer uses this posture to convey the superiority of this character, and those
of his kind in the movie, who protect the mankind from extinction. The use of bright
red and blue colors for this character in contact with the darker colors used for the
deceptions, are used to show the forces of light, which are the autobots in this case,
standing against the forces of darkness, the decepticons. The visual hierarchy used by
the designer also introduces a theme of good vs. evil, which is seen throughout the
movie; the good character is placed on top of the bad character, which conveys the
dominance of good over evil. The audience is then immediately draws to the three
central characters below, who are seen to be running hand in hand from the
obliteration. The gesture of the human characters holding hands also supports one of
the most important phrases in the movie; Stand together of face extinction , and
brings out the unity of mankind that prevails throughout the film. Furthermore, the
contrasting sizes used for the humans and the machines is also used to convey their
importance in the movie, which isn t so significant as compared the main heroes, the
Jack Ma Leadership Analysis
The objective of this paper is to apply the knowledge learned in class by studying the
leadership characteristics and styles of a leader and what contributed to his/her
successes and failures.
In my case I have chosen Jack Ma, founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group
. He has become one of the most influential businessmen and is a global example of
leadership. However, his road to success was not easy. He had to overcome failure in
several occasions and work hard to build his own company and become an influential
and powerful global leader.
The first thing that will be covered in this paper is his biography. This will help to
understand what kind of person he is, how he was able to arrive to a position of
power and give an idea of his traits and behaviors. Next, an in depth leadership
analysis will follow. This analysis will be based on the theories seen in class.
Jack Ma was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. He started studying
English at an early age and practiced English every day talking with English
speakers at the Hangzhou International Hotel, 70 minutes by bicycle from home. He
made free tours of the city to improve his English for nine years. He became a pen
pal with one of those foreigners, who nicknamed him Jack because he found it
difficult to pronounce his Chinese name.
Later in his youth, Ma had trouble attending college. The Chinese entrance exams
take place only once a year and Ma took four years to pass
INT 1 Task 1
Part One
Changes in DNA
Understanding a
Continuing Process
INT Task 1
Understanding Genetics a
Timeline of DNA Science
1700 s it is believed that all traits are acquired.
Example a giraffe has a long neck due to stretching to reach the leaves in the taller
1800 s Carl Linnaeus classified by visible traits.
1866 Gregor Mendel, through pea plant breeding and research; discovered that traits
are inherited not acquired before anyone knew or understood anything about genes .
He published what he discovered as the principles of inheritance however, his ideas
were not recognized for over 30 years.
1900 s Mendel s experiments are rediscovered, confirmed by three researchers and
his paper s are ... Show more content on ...
Helens. The Forest Service scientists and collaborators were on the edges of the
volcano within 2 weeks of the eruption collecting information and making
observations of the volcano and the areas ecology learning about things science has
not had the chance to learn about until this time. Listed below are a few of the things
that the eruption of Mount
St. Helens has taught taught scientists:
в—Џ This was the first time this type of volcano eruption was actually witnessed and
documented in history. In 1956, there was a similar landslide and blast at
Bezymianny volcano in Kamchatka, Russia however, there were no witnesses to
document the actual blast. It wasn t until Mt. St. Helens that it was recognized that
the two blasts were the same style of eruption.
в—Џ These sector collapse (the name of this type of eruption) have now been
identified at over 200 volcanoes around the world. The detailed studies of the sector
collapse, the lateral blast, and the large mudflow of this eruption have led to the
reassessment of volcano hazards at other sites around the world. This has given these
communities a way to become better prepared for future eruptions.
в—Џ Studies of Mount St. Helens has also demonstrated that volcanic eruptions can
be accurately predicted.
Lessons Learned After the
Eruption of Mount St. Helens
Mt. St. Helens has created the ideal natural laboratory for science observations over
the years the growth of a lava dome in the
Table of contentsPage
1 Situation analysis / Problem statement2
2 Introduction Flare Fragrance (Company Background)2
3 SWOT Analysis3
4 Objectives and Financial Analysis5
5 Marketing MIX7
6 Recommendations and Implementation9
7 Conclusion11
8 References12
1. Situation analysis / Problem statement
Flare Fragrance is facing in declining of growth rate in 2008 where the CFO
estimated year end numbers projected only 2% growth in 2008. Compare to 2007,
sales had risen 12% which was much better than in 2008. An analysis of 2009
strategic initiatives had launched by the CEO, Joely Patterson with determination to
make 2009 better ... Show more content on ...
2. Target customer being 18 34 aged group women, for whom the name would ne
definitely catchy.
3. If attached with Loveliest. There could be more benefits.
4. There are fair chances of the sales growth.
5. Customers loyal to the brand Loveliest will be drawn towards Savvy too.
1. Launching a new product has risk factors attached to it.
2. Cannibalization of current sales will also include certain risk in it.
3. Price is at a higher side.
4. Focus has to be put completely on it as the promotions and advertising would take
a lot of efforts.
1. Target a new customer segment that id young and always ready to try something
new and exciting.
2. Being in the Prestige category, there is a chance to be accepted by the Innovators,
Achievers, Thinkers and Believers, as per the VALS framework.
3. After success in the Prestige category, other VAL s zone and also can come up
with other varieties to suit different age groups.
4. Apart from welcoming an innovated product, this can also build good relationships
with the department store.
5. Stagnation of the product is also prevented.
1. Dulcet Brand could give a tough competition.
2. There is already a pool of competitors in the market.
3. The financial state of Flare is also at a poor situation. The need to carefully plan
the ad and promo part for launching a new product.
4. There has been a declination in the sales, It a challenge for Savvy.
5. Failure could prove to be an
Controlling Demand Through Pricing
Controlling Demand through Pricing: A report on the quantitative analysis of the
ChocoMint bar
ChocoMint is a bar of chocolate under ChocoHeaven, which is a distributor of
organic chocolate. In recent years, the business of ChocoMint bar encountered
some problems. Since the ChocoMint bar is manufactured overseas, the supply
chain could be unreliable. Besides, as ChocoMint is stored at special storage
locations in the UK, the storage capacity for this kind of product in the UK is
limited. Therefore, in order to prevent the storage from exceeding the company s
storage capacity limits, as well as reduce the risk from supply chain (relying less on
the overseas supply chain), sales department of ChocoHeaven has been trying to ...
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It is not a suitable model for the data that beyond its specific range of domain.
Usually, the valid range of domain of a linear equation is quite narrow when it is
applied to practical problem. Finally, linear models are typically based on a set of
assumptions such as the requirement of simplification of the data. They are not really
suitable models for those data with complex context.
4.2 A more appropriate model
In the case of ChocoMint bar, the hyperbolic model might be more appropriate.
Figure4.2 hyperbolic relationship between monthly demand for ChocoMint and
relative prices
y = 836.78x 0.854 RВІ = 0.8488 R = 0.9213
4.3 Justification of the hyperbolic model s higher suitability
Firstly, compared with the linear model, the value of correlation R of this hyperbolic
model is closer to 1. Thus, it indicates that the hyperbolic model represents the
relationship between the price and monthly demand much better.
Secondly, in the linear model, it shows that when the price decreases to 0 (which
means the ChocoMint bar is free), there is a limited demand for ChocoMint bar.
However, the demand for free goods are usually infinite in practice, which is exactly
demonstrated by the hyperbolic model. As the hyperbolic graph above indicates,
when the price is approaching zero, the graph does not intercept the y axis. On the
contrast, it is infinitely close to y axis with increasing values of monthly demand,
How Oceanography Is An Study Of The Oceans Through
Oceanography is defined as the study of the oceans through mapping, exploring,
charting, and discovery and its birth is congruent with the birth of boats and voyages.
Originally, sailors and explorers would go on expeditions for mercantile purposes.
However, it evolved into mapping and exploring unknown sea routes. Oceanography
is a science in the essence of studying the ocean in its entirety, which is more than
mapping and knowing sea routes. Oceanography contributes to the scientific
community with its new discoveries and developing information, including
knowledge of: currents; above water and underwater; wind patterns; chemistry of the
ocean; chemistry of ecosystems; aquatic ecosystems, and how different animals
interact in them;... Show more content on ...
After the world has been pretty much mapped out Ferdinand Magellan decided to
sail across state and in his voyage he was known as the first captain cruise ship
made it across the world and invented the term circumnavigating. Ferdinand
Magellan never lived to see his legacy or to complete his voyage but his crew that
Ferdinand Magellan set for the standard when it came to charting the new sea.
Even Charles Darwin contributed to early oceanography he did so in his mapping
of the Caribbean back when he was on the voyage of the HMS Beagle and in
mapping the Caribbean he created the theory of evolution which is known about
today and used understanding of modern biology. there is a vast difference between
Oh surely oceanography and modern oceanography however Early oceanographers
we re more concerned with exploration and adopted the whole Columbian Way of
exploring descriptive oceanography was all about Exploring and mapping. However,
today in modern oceanography they do more than just exploring and mapping: they
keep track of ecosystems; they check on climate semicolon there is water in
meteorology thanks to Oceanography semicolon and naturally they explore the
depths of the ocean, which is something earlier oceanographer
Body Image In The Media
The issue of distorting body image in the media and its effects on people is not a
new concept to modern time. There is a long history of body image s powerful
place in society because of people s impressions of each other based on body image.
Research has been done on the effects and outcomes of this issue. Recently,
consumers have fought with the media to try and achieve a safer way to spread
information and let these media outlets be successful without having severe impacts
on adolescents especially, among other age groups. The general ethical principle that
the stakeholders use in this fight is similar to utilitarianism, because each stakeholder
believes they are bringing the greatest good to the greatest number of people. The
stakeholders... Show more content on ...
The media group that retouches images skews the normal body image of people
through many of its outlets, including models in advertising and magazines, and
actors in TV and movie productions. The average model portrayed in the media is
approximately 5 11 and 120 pounds. By contrast, the average American woman is 5
4 and 140 pounds (Holmstrom, 2004). This statistic shows how the media
manipulates consumers into believing that because they are not what the average
model looks like, they are not living up to a certain standard which implies that they
need to look like that to be beautiful. Another research fact that shows a similar
concept is that, In the United States, 94% of female characters in television programs
are thinner than the average American woman, with whom the media frequently
associate happiness, desirability, and success in life (Yamamiya et al., 2005). This
association of female thinness and happiness, desirability and success makes
consumers believe they must achieve this unrealistic thinness to achieve more
ultimate goals and fulfillment in life. The media also explicitly instruct how to attain
thin bodies by dieting, exercising, and body contouring surgery, encouraging female
consumers to believe that they can and should be thin (Yamamiya et al., 2005). This
idealization of thinness in the media is seen so much, and is extremely harmful to
women s self confidence and is often associated with body image dissatisfaction,
which can be a precursor to social anxiety, depression, eating disturbances, and poor
self esteem (Yamamiya et al.,
Naval Career Progression
During my high school career, and continuing into my naval career, I have always
had a desire to succeed. In high school, I applied myself to become valedictorian,
and in the Navy, I have worked hard to become my A school honorman. This desire
to succeed is what initially attracted me to the Naval Academy. Those who enter
are regarded as the Navy s finest, and because of the high standards that such a
training demands, I hope to be shaped into a sailor that will bring pride to his
branch and his country. These same high standards will additionally enable me to
reach my long term goals. The first American that reached space, Alan Shepard,
was a graduate from the Naval Academy, and I plan to follow in his footsteps just
as countless other graduates have done. The number of Academy graduates that
have become astronauts is clearly due to the rigorous training, and this training is
what I will use to carry me to space. After my career of naval service, I plan to enter
the field of engineering, where I will work on the technologies that will propel the...
Show more content on ...
While I was in my division, I was in charge of the cleanliness and presentation of a
section of my compartment; it was my job to ensure that everyone s clothes were
immaculately folded, and their sheets were tightly made. In this experience, I
learned the importance of leading by example in order guarantee that those under
me were well presented, I had to ensure my rack was equally well made. During
these two months, accountability was also driven into my head. My Recruit
Division Commanders made it clear that one must accept their mistakes if they re to
earn respect. So as a recruit and as a sailor instead of making excuses for myself, I
dedicate my energy toward correcting any deficiencies in my character to constantly
Pontiac Small Displacement V-8 Crop
The Pontiac 326 Cubic Inch V8 This Pontiac Small Displacement V 8 Packed a lot
of Punch If you pop the hood on a [new Buick Regal GS], you ll see a 2.0L
turbocharged engine. This 4cyl is also found cross platform in Cadillac and
Chevrolet models. It wasn t always this way. Back in the 60s and 70s the individual
divisions took great pride in manufacturing their own unique engines. With that said,
it s widely believed that GM had a few ground rules. One popular belief is that GM
wanted the Chevrolet Corvette to have the most powerful engine. At times this
created a problem for [the Pontiac Motor Division]. This meant they had to make a
few negative gain adjustments, so there engines would fall in line behind the Chevy
products. In the early 1960s,... Show more content on ...
However, it s even more common to see them in the midsize [Pontiac Tempest and
Lemans models]. The small displacement eight cylinder engine came with a two
barrel carburetor standard and the four barrel carburetor as optional equipment.
The bigger cars like [the flagship Bonneville] and the [Pontiac Catalina] are often
found with the larger displacement 389 V8. Pontiac offered these engines in a
wide variety of horsepower ratings. Not only did the engine carry a two or four
barrel carburetor, but they also offered compression ratios of up to 10:5.1. If you
re really lucky, maybe your classic Pontiac has the 368 HP [Tri power option Super
Duty 389] cubic inch Trophy Motor. Versions and Specifications for the 326 CID
When they first started to drop this small displacement V 8 into cars in 1963, you
could only get a two barrel carburetor version. The Engine provided excellent fuel
economy at nearly 20 miles per gallon on the highway. Despite the lack of fuel the
horsepower numbers remained respectable. In the inaugural year the 326 produced
Power Imbalance In The Harness
Power imbalance is faced in every relationship because power is never shared
equally. Many devices can be created when a person is able to control another. In
Of Mice and Men, the battle for authority is a never ending war. While in The
Harness, influence is mainly carried by one character, but for the greater good of
the other. Steinbeck elicits a similar theme of power imbalance to both The Harness
and Of Mice and Men. For instance, in The Harness Emma controls how her
husband Peter acts. Emma forces Peter to wear a harness, leaving him unable to
show his true self and restraining his real feelings. Peter restrains his stomach with a
harness, his shoulders being held back as though they were braced ( The Harness 77).
The harness... Show more content on ...
When Emma dies he loses control and bec[omes] hysterical immediately ( The
Harness 80). The shock of losing his wife and the loss of power imbalance takes
him over instantly. Peter was so out of control, so stunned, that the morphine was
ineffective and didn t put [him] to sleep ( The Harness 80). He no longer knows
how to act after his wife is gone because there is no one to direct him and he is lost
wailing like a crazy man ( The Harness 80). There is nothing to hold him back now.
After Emma s death, Peter feels like something had snapped inside ( The Harness
82) making him broken and vulnerable. He thinks of the break he experiences as a
suspender strap ( The Harness 82) that came apart which, like the harness, holds
him back, but is now destroyed. Peter unhook[s] the harness ( The Harness 82)
with an unrestrained glee at his newfound freedom. When he removes the harness
after her death, he does so both physically and emotionally. Glad to be rid of this
burden he carries, his eyes shine ( The Harness 84) with anticipation. Impatient for
the future and to have power over his own life again. Peter want[s] everything (
The Harness 85) after his wife is dead. He finally sees a hopeful future ahead of
him. He will be able to plant peas and not wear a harness. Peter experiences a
change ( The Harness 86) and quickly gets to planting sweet peas in his fields.
While Peter is happy at his freedom, he can still feel the weight of responsibility
crushing on him. There was no dirt on the floor ( The Harness 87) like he told Ed
there would be because he still cares. While she might not be there physically
watching over him, Peter can still feel the weight of her presence judging and
trapping him. The sweet peas make worry lines about his eyes ( The Harness 89),
she never approved of him growing sweet peas, and he feels stressed out
New England Colonies Similarities And Differences
The New England and Southern colonial regions have many similarities and
differences in their geography. The New England colonial region has mountains
formed by glaciers during the Ice Age. This caused the soil to very rocky and
difficult for farming. On the other hand, the Southern region had plains and rich,
fertile soil. This allowed the South to create large plantations (doc 6). Even though
they had differences, they similarly had a long Atlantic coastline. As a reso create
large plantation , the geography of the colonial regions impacted the economy and
culture of the Thirteen Colonies. The New Englandand Southern colonial regions
have many similarities and differences in their economy. The Southern colonist grew
crops on plantation
Gun Shootings
Carrying Guns on College Campus: Destruction or Protection? Should colleges
allow guns to be on campus? Would allowing guns to be carried on campus at all
time be safe, or is it putting to many guns in one place? The students would be more
scared of a gun going off rather than learning in their class. How would the police
know if they heard gunshots, who is the bad guy or who is just there at the wrong
time? Would there be a lot more school shootings if there were more guns on campus?
The students should not have to worry about all the guns around them, while they are
working on furthering their education. With the presence of guns there would be an
increase in gun violates on college campuses. While walking to class, a student walks
pass people that are just carrying guns. Should the student think nothing of it? If a
student makes another student mad or bullies the other student then with a gun on
them that thought of shooting that person will cross their minds. There would be an
increase of college shootings because a lot of the students are not mature enough not
to think about killing another student after one altercation with them. Eric Stirgus and
Kristina Torres shared this report from Johns Hopkins, National studies, including
one released by the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health concluded the presence
of guns would lead to more shootings, killings and suicides on campus, especially
among students. There would be a lot more room for accidents
Essay about Ebay analysis
The name eBay ( is synonymous with online auctions .
Founded in September 1995, the company qualifies as a genuine cultural and
economic phenomenon (Bunnell, 2000, p.vii). The site can be credited with creating
and defining an entire industry and has remained the dominant force in the online
auctionworld, with anywhere from 70 to 90 percent of the person to person online
auction market. eBay is also the 15th most visited site (
on the web. In the face of large competitors such as eBay, internet powerhouse,
Amazon.comAuctions (, is battling for online
auction dominance over eBay. Amazon is not just a bookseller but also a genuine e
commerce platform for... Show more content on ...
This is evident in the searches conducted, where eBay returned greater results and
more bidding activity (see above). When registering as a buyer on eBay, users are
required to accept the terms on which eBay offers you access to their services as
described in the User Agreement (please find enclosed both sites user agreements). At, no such process exists, and if users of the service wish to view such
agreements, they must go in search for it themselves, which can be tedious and time
consuming, as it is buried in the help section of the website (Help gt; Using Your
Account gt; Marketplace, Auctions amp; zShops gt; Participation Agreement).
Both sites have appropriate security measures, featuring secure server s,
usernames, passwords and verification services. When signing in, users are given
the choice of logging in using a secure or standard server. In both cases, the secure
server takes longer, but means that personal information is kept safe 100% of the
time. Once logged in, users are able to view the auction sites privacy agreement,
detailing the privacy practices with customer information. If buyers are cautious in
any way, both sites enable you to instantly check the reputation or business practices
of anyone. The feedback forum is a place where users leave comments about each
other s buying and selling experiences. If you re a bidder, check
Chem 1211K Lab Report Essay
Chemistry 1211K Lab Report
Briana Limage
Drawer #D20
Tuesday December 2, 2014
Lab Day and Time: Tuesday 2 5
Unknown # 4224034 DF14
The purpose of this semester long experiment was to determine an unknown organic
acid. An organic acid is an organic compound with acidic properties. A base reacts
with acids to form salts. Titrations are used to determine the concentration of
unknown substances. The purpose of the KHP experiment was to determine the
molarity of NaOH. HCl titrations are mainly to check technique and used to verify
the molarity of NaOH solution. The hypothesis is that this acid is C4H3OCOOH.
Procedure for melting point:
The identification of the melting point of the organic acid was ... Show more content
on ...
pH was recorded every time 1.00 mL of NaOH was added to beaker. When the
amount of NaOH added to the beaker was about 5.00 mL away from the expected
end point, NaOH was added very slowly. Approximately 0.20 mL of NaOH was
added until the pH made a jump. The pH was recorded until it reached ~12. This
was repeated two more times. The pKa of each trial are determined using the graphs
made on excel.
Results and Discussion
Melting Point:
Starting (В°C)
Final (В°C)
Rough Melting Point
Melting Point
Standard Melting Point
No correction had to be made to the melting points because the standard melted in the
range labeled on the bottle. The melted point observed is the correct melting point.
Table 1
Mass KHP (g)
Mol KHP / mol NaOH
Initial Volume (mL)
Final Volume (mL)
Total Volume (mL)
Table 2
Mol NaOH (mol)
Corrected Vol. (L)
Molarity NaOH (M)
Average Molarity (M)
Molarity Deviation (M)
Average Deviation (M)
Percent deviation= (Average deviation/average molarity) X 100
Percent deviation= (0.0003/0.08943) X 100 = 0.38%
Calculations for the molarity of NaOH were:
The results showed the molarity of the NaOH solution. This experiment was
completed twice and a new average molarity
Evaluation Of The Montessori Program Model
There are mainly six program models used in North America. These program models
were mainly developed in 1960s and 1970s.These Program models are very
important as they have profound influence on children and their development (Essa
Young, 2003). Strength and weaknesses of these program models are examined
Montessori Program Model (Strength):1. Montessori believe is that children should
be respected who learn and absorb anything in their most sensitive period (3 6 years),
providing the favorable environment created by adults. The environment is very
positive, safe and attractive in this program. 2. There is small class size and
abundance of freedom is given to the children to choose their activities and learn in
their own pace (Essa Young, 2003).
Weakness: 1.There is no encouragement for the children for their work. Not enough
group activities are done (just once or twice in a week). 2. Parents involvement is
neglected in Montessori program model. 3. Only children from the wealthy families
can pursue this program and low income family cannot afford this program. 4.
Teacher s role is very limited.5. As children learn in their own pace, there is less
social interaction and adjustment problem may arise in future if they go in different
atmosphere (Essa Young, 2003).
Open Education: Strength: 1. This is a child centered and play based program where
children learn from exploring the environment. 2. Children in this program are
gradually introduced with the school
Cathal Brugha s Uprising In Ireland
Other members of the GAA in Dublin were also badly wounded during the Rising
and were shown a leniency of sorts by the British Authorities in Ireland. Frank
Henderson later claimed Cathal Brugha had been so severely wounded during the
fighting in the South Dublin Union that the British authorities had released him
believing him to be physically incapable of further activities. 24 While those
involved in the Rising were interned at camps such as Frongoch or imprisoned at
places such as Dartmoor, the GAA in Dublin, like the national organisation, faced a
ban on the playing of Gaelic Games. Many of the 3500 rebels interned had been
involved in Nationalist activity with groups such as Na Fianna Eireann and the
Gaelic League. However, others who
Strategic Direction And Global Security Essay
The general capabilities required by the Joint Force in 2025 will be a global
surveillance and strike (GSS) network, increased naval and air investments and
ensuring cyber technology outpaces adversaries. Based on the current U.S. strategic
direction and global security environment these capabilities are necessary. Satellites
and cyber technology will be part of the design of the GSS system. The U.S. military
will be able to strike quickly and remain engaged for increased periods while
additional forces move to the area of concern using the GSS system. Increased
Navy and Air investments in submarines, ships, aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAV s) and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV s) is critical. The Navy and Air
Force allows us to project power to areas of the world far from our base of
operations. Air power also enables us to provide support for ground forces while
providing deterrence and denial of enemy forces. Cyber investments and securityare
critical because cyber technology will increasingly be the engine that runs our future
military and allows us to attack adversary s cyber networks and infrastructure. The
U.S. Army will see a reduction in tactical armor units while the U.S. Marine Corps
remains at the current level of equipment and personnel. After each capability are
associated Risk.
The GSS network will be a vital piece for rebalancing the force in 2025. It is a
network tracking and control system designed to help deploy and control unmanned
The Tragic Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire...
Tennessee Williams has become one of the best known literary figures on the
American Scene and also one of the most controversial. A Streetcar Named Desire is
a 1947 play opened on Broadway on December 3,1947, and closed on December 17,
1949, in the
Ethel Barrymore Theatre. While recognizing his compassion for frustrated and
sensitive persons trapped in a highly competitive, commercial world, question
whether he has not sacrificed his talent for popular success (Mood 43). He [Williams]
continued this study with Blanche Dubois of A Streetcar Named Desire(1947).
Stanley Kowalski in A Streetcar Named Desire is epitome of full bodied male
pulchritude and Williams most radiant symbol of virility. In A Streetcar Named
Desire the Southern ... Show more content on ...
This play eventually became one of Williams s most effective blends of lyrical
vision and dramatic irony in the agony of Blanche s cry against Stanley to Stella
Kowalski, his wife and her sister (Mood 53). Blanche Dubois cannot live with what
Williams and most men of our time unhappily regard as reality (Mood 57). Blanche
Dubois is an aging Southern Belle and an insecure, dislocated individual who
panics about her fading beauty and constantly attempts to hide from reality.
Blanche pretends to be a woman who has never known indignity. Lying to herself
as well as others allows Blanche Dubois to make life appear as it should be rather
than as it is. Blanche Dubois refuses to tell anyone her true age. Throughout A
Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche Dubois constantly bathes herself (Qurine 260).
Blanche Dubois feels as if these baths calms her nerves. Blanche Dubois is a
loquacious and fragile woman around the age of thirty. She s a fading, though still
attractive, Southern Belle who pretensions to virtue and culture only thinly mask
her alcoholism and delusions of grandeur (Qurine 262). Blanche Dubois is Stella
Kowalski s older sister who once was a high school English teacher in Laurel,
Mississippi until she was forced to leave her post. Blanche Dubois is driven by
guilt over the very indulgences that give her brother in law Stanley Kowalski life a
vital intensity (Qurine 263). By the way of a Freudian
Colossians 3
Colossians 3 is saying that we have to become someone new in Christ. In Colossians
verse 1, it said that we should seek heavenly things not the things that are on the
Earth. Colossians, 3:1 said ВЁIf then you have been raised with Christ, seek the
things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Another thing
that I observed was in verse 10, we have to put on a new self, which is being renewed
in knowledge after the image of the creator. In Colossians 3:10, it said ВЁand have
put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its
creator. The third thing that I observed was we have to let God s word dwell in us
teaching and guiding us. In verse 16 of Colossians 3, it said ВЁ Let the word of Christ
... Show more content on ...
In Colossians 3:22, it said Bondservants, obey in everything those who are you
earthly master, not by way of eye services, as people pleasers, but with sincerity of
heart, fearing the Lord. In Matthew 19:19, it said that we should love our neighbor
as ourself. I think this relates to one another because in both of the passages, it said
that we should love one another. In Colossians 3:22, it said Bondservants, obey in
everything those who are you earthly master, not by way of eye services, as people
pleasers, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord. . The word Bondservant is
another word for slaves. In the Greek, the word bondservant in not used but the
word slave is. In Ephesians 6:5, it talks about how bondservant to obey your
master. Ephesians 6:5 said Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear,
and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. It relates because they
both talk about how slaves should obey their masters and it also talks about the
heart. The last word is heart. The definition for heart is inner life. In Matthew
13:19, it said that the evil one snatches the heart. They relate because they both talk
about the heart and how we have to be sincere to God and fear him. If we don t, the
evil one will snatch our hearts away and we will fall astray from
Vpn Exists For Virtual Private Network
Introduction VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. It provides a private network
across the public network (Internet). This allows the user to transmit and receive
data to the private network across Internet, like it is being directly connected to it.
VPN has the characteristics of point to point and private link. To resemble a point
to point link, the data is sent along with the routing information necessary to reach
the destination through the public network. Data is encrypted and only the users in
the network can access the resources in it, which resembles the characteristics of a
private connection. Data sent through the VPN is very secure, as it cannot be
deciphered without the encrypted keys. In VPN, tunnel is the part of the
connection where data is encapsulated and VPN connection is the part of the
connection where the data is encrypted. Figure 1: VPN Connectivity Overview
VPN helps users working remotely to connect to the company infrastructure
securely. Although it establishes the connection across the public network, user is
not aware of it as it looks like data is being sent over a dedicated link. VPN
connection is like a Wide Area Network (WAN) between two areas. VPN is
commonly used in the following modes, в—ЏRemote Access across public network
This allows the users to connect to the private network from anywhere. Using this
solution more employees can telecommute. The client connects to the public network
first and initiates a connection with the VPN
What The Two Basic Types Of Feedback Loops Are
1.Explain what the two basic types of feedback loops are and how they work, please
give an example for each.
The two basic types of feedback loops are positive feedback and negative feedback.
Positive feedback is a loop that perpetuates itself; that is, the product of the loop
drives the process on. An example of this is the relationship between rising global
temperatures and arctic methane release. Large pockets of methane gas are embedded
in the permafrost of the Arctic region and global warming has caused accelerated
melting of the ice there, resulting in the release of the stored methane. Methane is a
strong greenhouse gas and, upon entering the atmosphere, contributes to global
warming itself and further contributes to the melting ... Show more content on ...
The classic example of this model is the story of the Indian rice story. A king
challenged a traveler to a game of chess and, if the traveler won, he could ask for
any reward he would like. The traveler asked to be paid in rice, starting with one
grain on the first day and doubling in amount each subsequent day for the rest of
his life. Thinking this was a small request, the king agreed and lost. However, what
he did not realize is by the twentieth day, the king would be paying the traveler one
million grains of rice. This demonstrates the powerful effect of exponential growth
on a population size. Doubling time is the length of time it takes for a population
to double in size. Earth s human population has seen decreasing double times over
the last millennium as a result of human exponential growth. Starting from the year
1171, it took 544 years to double our population from 375 million to 750 million.
Afterward, it took 166 years to double our population to 1.5 billion people. Next, it
took 79 years to double to 3 billion and then only 39 years to double once more to 6
billion people on Earth by 1999.В№ The onset of the Industrial Revolution and
advances in agriculture and medicine have all made profound contributions to the
human exponential population growth by reducing the environmental and resource
limitations that previously kept our population growth in check.
The War Of 1812 Was Terrible For Americans
1)Introduction a)The War of 1812 was terrible for Americans because of disunity
and there was no angry spirit like the Chesapeake incident, but nationalism
emerged 2)On to Canada over Land and Lakes a)The soldiers in the War of 1812
were ill trained and were not prepared for war. b)The strategy used for attacking
Canada was poorly planned because instead of attacking Montreal, the center of
population, the plan was spilt into 3 invasions of Detroit, Niagara, and Lake
Champlain c)The British and Canadians had captured the American fort at
Michilimackinac that had controlled the Great Lakes and the Indian area in the
south and west, which was commanded by Isaac Brock i)The control of Great
Lakes was important, in which Oliver Hazard Perry built ships on Lake Eerie and
captured the British fleet ii) While the British were leaving Detroit and Fort
Malden, they were attacked by General Harrison s army at Battle of Thames
d)There were some improvements, such as the American navy having more success
than the army and there were better gunners e)Americans protected their own
country against the conquering British. Napoleon was exiled to Elba later and
America was alone to face the war while more red coats went to Canada f)The
British tried to attack NYC, but was stopped by Thomas Macdonough and was
almost impossible to stop until he turned the ship with cables, brining a victory home
3)Washington Burned and New Orleans Defended a)British troops landed in
Social Stratification Has Good Consequences For Society
1. What is the Davis Moore thesis? The Davis Moore thesis states that social
stratification has good consequences for society. They argue societies may have
different occupations or tasks that these jobs differ in their importance to society.
They believed this encourages people to work harder and be more efficient in their
jobs, ultimately benefiting society.
2. List and define three different systems of stratification in society. The three
different systems of social stratification in society are slavery, castes, and social
classes. Slavery is the most extreme form of social inequality, where enslaved
people are treated a property that can be bought, sold, and used however the owner
wants. A caste system is one where social... Show more content on ...
Lastly, horizontal mobility occurs when an individual takes another job that keeps
him in the same social class.
5. Compare and contrast the upper uppers and the upper lowers in the United States.
The upper upper class are those who come from old money, which is inherited
from previous generations.This class compose less than 1% of the population, but
possess a great deal of power, and influence society. The upper lowers are those
who come from new money. Most of these people a famous stars and are sometimes
referred to as the working rich because they work for the money they earn. Although
the upper lowers may possess more money than the upper uppers, they often find it
difficult to be apart of the upper society.
Critical Thinking Questions
1. The Davis Moore thesis argues that social inequality is beneficial to society. Do
you agree or disagree with this thesis? Why or why not? I agree with Davis Moore
s thesis that social inequality is beneficial to society. Without social inequality
everyone would be equal, earning the same amount of money and working at the
same jobs. One of the major benefits of social inequality is that individuals have
different occupations that differ in their importance in society. While there are some
jobs anyone could do, like working at Taco Bell. Other jobs require a lot of skill,
patience, and knowledge, like
Mary s Submissive Attitude Towards Her Husband
Tension can be an everyday occurrence in the lives of those who are married. This
tension can occur through multiple means and can be detrimental to a relationship.
For example, tension in marriage can come from money problems, infidelity, and
unexpected circumstances. However, in some relationships the tension is caused
because of a partners personality being overbearing or selfish. This paper will look
at Mary from Steinbeck s The Winter of Our Discontent , and how her lofty and
submissive attitude causes tension in her marriagewith Ethan. Mary s loftiness
concerning money causes marital tension because of her unwillingness to admit
mistakes. In the book Mary and Ethan have a conversation about money, and Mary
reveals her lofty nature in... Show more content on ...
In the scene where Ethan asks Mary for money to give to Danny, she tells Ethan that
she is still not interested in business, and then she willingly give Ethan a thousand
dollars from her own money to him to use (122). Mary in this scene is very
submissive to the judgement of Ethan. However, we must understand that this
submissive attitude by Mary is because she doesn t care for her husband or his moral
health. We can understand this because Ethan first asks her if she doesn t care about
the business. This is important to not because Ethan is trying to suggest to Mary that
the business he has planned could be considered suspicious. However, Mary clearly
explains that she doesn t want to know, and that she is apathetic towards her husband
s dealings. This is important because this apathetic attitude towards business reveals
marital tension in that she is indifferent towards her husband s actions. Indifference
in a marriage can lead to many problems in life. For example, if a wife didn t care
where her husband was going at night, and later found he was committing adultery,
this could lead to a big fight or a divorce. Furthermore, Mary s attitude of
submissiveness towards her money shows further her indifference towards her
husband and his dealings. She willingly grants a thousand dollars with no questions
asked to him. A thousand dollars back then was a lot of money, and she clearly
doesn t care what her husband will do with the money. Furthermore, we understand
that this money was for Danny, so that he could use it to kill himself. This is a
serious breach in moral conduct, but Mary doesn t care at all. She is revealing that,
whether or not, Ethan commits a immoral act, she is more than willing to let him
commit that act, and understanding from the previous paragraph she even
encourages his immoral
Transhumanism In Eugenics
In Francis Galton s Eugenics: Its Definition, Scope, and Aims the purpose of
eugenics is to improve the human race. Eugenicists view the undesirable qualities in
a population as aspects of humanity that can be improved upon and developed
through the careful regulation of breeding within a society. If the breeding of
specific traits were to be controlled, the best possible offspring would be produced.
The desire to improve the humanraceis a theme also found in Nick Bostrom s
Transhumanist Values and The Transhumanist FAQ. The purpose of transhumanism
is to enhance humans through the use of technology and other means.
Transhumanists want to evolve the human race into a posthuman form that has
greater capacities than humans currently obtain.... Show more content on ...
This is accomplished through the sterilization of those who are considered inferior. If
only superior humans breed, the rising generations of people will continue to
improve, resulting in the improvement of the society as a whole. The determination
of an individual s worth leaves too much room for opinion, resulting in an increased
risk that eugenics will be abused by those with racials biases. Transhumanists view
the purpose of transhumanism as being the enhancement of the human race
through highly regulated research/clinical trials and equal opportunity for all
races and classes of people to have access to the technology being used. The careful
control of technological advances and the focus on all classes and types of people
leaves very little room for the ideology to be abused by those with any kind of
racial biases. Both eugenics and transhumanism want to improve the human race in
one way or another, but they vary in the execution of their ideals. Eugenicists
scarcely acknowledged that their ideology could be misused and did not provide
safeguards in case it were to be misused. Transhumanists fully acknowledge the
risks involved with their ideology and carefully designed their ideology so as to have
preventive measures in place in case it were to
The Origin Of The Dragon
Jacob Rey
Professor Ellen Oliveira
7 October 2014
Dragons Transformed
Dragon have been predominant in many cultures for centuries. Its function may differ
culture to culture but its identity has become a universal symbol; we all have the
dragon in common. Dragons are everywhere and appear to be the most documented
creature in all of ancient history, second to that of the human being (Isaacs 19). These
magnificent creatures like any other monster have an origin. Scholars, however,
debate the origin of the dragon pointing to several aspects; diffusion and conception
from other biological organisms. Is there a definite origin of the dragon? This debate
has sparked another simply because it appears that the dragon s identity ... Show more
content on ...
The origin of dragons is a well debated topic and there seems to be numerous origins
however, because the dragon appears in many cultures and because the dragon belief
shares so many similarities, Smith argues the dragon must have a common origin
(Blust 519). This then raises the question as to how this could be possible especially
when there exists a diverse plethora of cultures throughout the world and many
geographical locations. This has baffled many including psychologist C. G. Jung,
which suggests that dragons are archetypes, or symbols acquired in the past and
genetically transmitted for ages as an innate property of the human mind (519). This
is an interesting approach, however, there still remains others that must also be
discussed; the diffusion of the idea of the dragon and the inspiration by biological
Diffusion is the common explanation to explain the extent to which cultures come to
the general consensus on the identity of the dragon. Smith explains that the dragon
was a creation of the Egyptian priesthood and from Egypt spread to the Near East,
Europe, India, China and Mesoamerica (521). This process of diffusion did not
occur at a rapid pace but rather a slow one that took many centuries through contact
made during trade. There is evidence to support this claim made by Smith, as the first
The Champagne Fairs
The first of the three themes stated by Abu Lughod is the European Subsystem and
how it plays a roll in the world system. Three topics emerge from this theme: Cities of
the Champagne Fairs (51), Bruges and Ghent (commercial and industrial cities of
Flanders) (78), and the merchant mariners of Genoa and Venice (102). First,
Champagne fairs. Champagne fairs were an annual cycle of trading fairs held in
towns within the Champagne region. Unfortunately the Champagne region does not
involve champagne. The Champagne region is northeast of France, lying between the
boundaries of Belgium and Paris, not excluding contemporary North Africa.
Champagne fairs were crucial in rekindling medieval Europes economy. They served
as a primary market for selling and trading, textiles, fur, leather, and other cultural
products. There were a series of six fairs all located in prime trading spots
(Locations: Lagny sure marne, Bar sur Aube, Provins, Troyes). Over time each fair
became subtly more advanced, ultimately reaching a point of organization and
development that was beyond its time. Merchants, as rapacious as they were, began
to establish means of credit, contracts, and business partnerships for trade. Traders
that came from over seas reasoned the creation of systems that made for flexible and
efficient arrivals and departures. These traders even had delegated agents to receive
payments for them. Word of who had what spread quickly as communication and
transportation began to integrate.
King s Speech Flaws
The King s Speech is a film that portrays the King to have a flaw. The film focuses
on the fact that no one is perfect, even the likes of Royalty. The main character is
Albert also known as Bertie , the Duke of York, who has had a speech disorder
since he was very young. His wife, Elizabeth, constantly tries to find a cure for her
husband. She then found a man named Lionel, a child speech therapist. On their
first meeting together, Lionel does all he can to prove that Bertie s speech disorder
is not permanent. Throughout the movie we realise that Bertie has not had an easy
life. As a child, his nanny rarely fed him, resulting in stomach issues, and we
constantly find that h is always mocked for his speech. His brother David, would be
next... Show more content on ...
How do the sets contribute to the mood the filmmakers are trying to establish? The
sets are very dark in order to gain a very serious mood amongst the characters and
to create a very dull atmosphere for the audience. The lack of light helps you to
gain a connection with the King as he is going through a very difficult time of his
life. This difficult time could be described as a very dark part of his life 4. How do
the costumes contribute to the image the filmmakers are trying to convey? The
costumes were selected accordingly to the time the movie was set in. It has a
significant role as people had clothing which served the purpose as a divider of the
different classes to symbolize wealth. 5.The extreme close up shot is used for
dramatic effect, to make the viewer think about the detail of the image. In this
example, from close up of Bertie, what are you as the director trying to achieve?
The entire shot is to portray Bertie as being very vulnerable as he is shown squashed
into the corner of each shot. 6.How did the editing of the film advance the story that
the filmmakers were trying to
Hashimoto Case Summary
Question: What is the appropriate therapy for treating hashimotos induced
Background: An 83 year old female is taking her levothyroxine medication to help
treat her thyroid disorder induced by Hashimoto. She has been taking this medication
for thirty years. While always being adherent to taking her medication, she has never
really understood what Hashimoto thyroiditis actually is, or why levothyroxine is the
best choice of therapy for treating her hypothyroidism caused by the disease. She is
also positive for hypertension, GERD, and insomnia.
Response: Hashimoto s thyroiditis is characterized as a type of immune disorder and
is the leading cause of hypothyroidism in America.1 The gradual failure of the thyroid
is due to an autoimmune disorder that is causing glandular destruction.2 Thyroxine
(T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) are two hormones ... Show more content on ...
According to one study found, this disease is seen more often in people between
the ages of 45 to 65 years old.2 Another epidemiologic study also showed a female
predominance of 10:1 to 20:1, and that the disease is more commonly seen in
women rather than men.2, 5 During this study, 102 families were chosen to be
observed and were made up of 540 individuals to determine if there is a significant
genetic component to Hashimoto thyroiditis.5 While a high percentage of adults who
had an autoimmune disorder such as trisomy 21 or Turner syndrome showed greater
risk for having Hashimoto thyroiditis, a small group of about 20 percent had an
indistinguishable clinical hypothyroidism much different from Hashimoto
thyroiditis.5 Finally, an analyses of genome linkage in families with Hashimoto
thyroiditis showed evidence that some loci, like chromosomes 6p and 12q, could be
harboring genes that are already linked to this
My Strengths Of My Writing
Strengths One of my strengths this year was in my persuasive digital photo essay.
I excelled in leaving out the crud in my 630 word paper except for 20 of those words.
I used there once, their four times, six it s and nine words that ended with ly
(persuasive essay 1). Displaying the incorrect parts of my essayis not a strength,
although avoiding words like it s and words that end with ly is a strength that I will
remember the rest of my writingcareer. Nevertheless, by rearranging my sentences
and researching synonyms that are more attention grabbing than this , always , and
thing I enhanced my writing. Therefore creating a story/paper that is far more
interesting and exciting to read. The second strength I developed... Show more
content on ...
When I sit down and write a paper it never fails me to have an outline or a couple
sentences for each paragraph to guide me on the right path, most importantly for a
timed writing. My midterm essay was a timed writing over a book we finished
reading in class. We had the prompt for the writing a couple days before it took
place. I put the paper aside in my binder and did not look over it other than to pick
which prompt I was going to chose. One out of a many sentence structure mistakes
was my thesis and claim, One s true genuine self will prevail with time passing;
even if it s too late. (Midterm essay). I placed my thesis as the topic sentence for
my second paragraph instead of the last sentence of the first paragraph. In the
future to avoid this problem, I can write an outline and be positive that I will have
all my claims and topic sentences in the correct place. After the timed writing was
over and graded, I received a seventy percent. Receiving a low grade I knew that
there was a process in my writing that needed to be changed. Therefore, I decided
that with each writing I produce it shall have an outline that it was formed from. Pre
writing my papers will allow it to be more structured and neatly written. Prewriting
will also enable me to make sure that I do not leave any important information
Taking a Look at the Romantic Movement
The Romantic Movement was one of the shortest periods in British literary history,
starting in 1785 and ending in 1832, but it was also one of the most complex and
diverse of literary times due to social and cultural changes that were taking place.
Many political events provided the framework for this era, such as the major reform
of the British Parliament, America declaring their independence from Great Britain,
and the democratic revolution in France (Greenblatt 1412). Although politics played
a large role in shaping the Romantic Era, it was also largely about the recovery from
obscurity of the medieval romances, previously ignored by literary historians more
concerned with classical influences (Greenblatt 1412). Romantics wrote stories of
imagination, love, chivalry, nature, and adventure. A couple poets who greatly
influenced this literary movement were William Blake and Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
Blake and Coleridge s ideas and writing techniques were different from one another,
but both rejected the neoclassical style before them; they were advocates of a new
writing style in which they wrote about their similar political views, love of nature,
and mythological tales. Both romantics used nature in many of their works, but they
each viewed it in contrasting ways and used it differently throughout their writing.
Blake loved nature, but he thought of it only as a helper to the imagination. He
believed nature was meaningless without the imagination to humanize it. Most of
Differences Among Clinical And Counseling Psychology...
Differences Among Clinical and Counseling Psychology Programs The article that I
reviewed called Clinical and Counseling Psychology: Can Differences Be Gleaned
From Printed Recruiting Materials? Was written by Robert D. Morgan and Lee M.
Cohen from Texas Tech University. The purpose of the article was to answer the
question whether there were differences between Clinical and Counseling Psychology
Doctoral programs that was advertised by the recruitment materials provided by the
programs. In short, they wanted to see whether the programs advertised themselves
differently. Robert D. Morgan and Lee. M Cohen focused three specialties: Clinical
PhD., Clinical PsyD, and Counseling Psychology programs. In order to find out what
the differences and similarities are, an eight page coding instrument was used to
investigate the program characteristics, faculty characteristics, training requirements
and opportunities, and admission requirements and opportunities the recruitment and
application materials provided. Recruitment and application materials were taken
from 61 counseling psychology programs, and 171 from clinical psychology
programs. This was a total of 230 programs reviews obtained. Each topic investigated
was broken down and evaluated to examine and explain the key differences and
similarities. The study hypothesized that there were very few differences between the
specialties, the program characteristics, student and faculty demographics, and
training requirements.
Perfect Three Point Basketball Shot
In looking at what would produce the perfect three point basketball shot, there were
three areas that were explored. Using some advanced technology, this study examined
the release time, entry angle and rotation of the ball. All of these techniques are
essential to shooting success. Dobovicnik L., et al., stated (2015) In modern day
basketballit is important to deliver a quick and efficient shot. Besides the length of
the throw, the shooting time also depends on speed (p. 5). The playerswere put
through a series of three point shots. Using a ball that had internal monitors, data was
monitored from the ball to a computer where the final statistics were tabulated. The
data that collected was release time in seconds, entry angle
Soccer Cleat
EXT In the woods close to a small house.
GOLDILOCKS is walking through the woods. She becomes tired and needs
somewhere to stop and rest. She comes upon a little house and goes up to knock on
the door.
(Knocks on the door)
(Pauses and waits for a response.)
Is anyone home?
(Waits impatiently)
No one answers, but she is still tired so she walks on in.
EXT In the house.
After GOLDILOCKS walks into the house, she seems a little hungry so she walks
into the kitchen. When she gets to the kitchen, she sees three bowls of porridge on
the kitchen table. She goes over to taste them.
(Sits down at the table. Tries the ... Show more content on ...
He picks up his glasses and puts them on. After he puts them on,he sees his,
MOMMA s and BABY BEAR s pens. He decides to get a piece of paper out of the
paper tray and check to see if they were still working or if they needed more ink.
When he opened up the paper tray, he saw some paper had been taken out. He felt a
suspicion but obviously keep on track with checking the pens. PAPA BEAR checked
all three pens on the paper then noticed something wasn t right.
(In a stern tone.)
Somebody s been using our pens and the grip is messed up and the ink is low.
He started throwing a fit, couldn t believe things were off. MOMMA BEAR heard
him and rushed in there to comfort him.
(Finally makes it into the office.)
PAPA BEAR, what are you doing?
PAPA explains.
(Rubbing PAPA s back.)
It ll be ok PAPA. Why don t you go relax in the living room. Me and BABY BEAR
will go with you.
PAPA BEAR listens to MOMMA and walks into the living room.
Once PAPA BEAR and MOMMA BEAR got into the living room with BABY
BEAR, they went to go to relax. Before they went to sit down in their chairs, they all
went to the coffee table to pick up their phones. They all picked up their phones and
turned them on.
(Holding his phone in his hand.)
Somebody s been using my
The Federal Level of Government Essay
The money that lies within the federal level of government is not only what the
federal level of government revolves around, but also at the state and local
community levels as well. It ultimately takes this American ideal, like Barack Obama
talks about in his Democratic Convention speech, that America gives you the ability
to make yourself whoever you want to be, and completely distorts it. Money turns
the reality of America into being that you can only be whoever you want to be if you
born into wealthand were one of the lucky ones in society. The problem with this
idea is that those who were born into this unlucky realm; this really poor and
unfortunate realm everyday have to face those lucky ones who claim that they are
only poor... Show more content on ...
What he is saying is that at the federal level there is this upper class accent and
corporate dominance that is scared of change; scared of alternatives that they feel
would go astray from their elitist point and maybe even fear that they would be
turned into the minority within the society. On the other end of the spectrum there
are those that want change because they feel like they are being oppressed and are
being put in a minority situation constantly. They are open minded and feel like by
accepting all of the alternatives out there society could have a well rounded
perspective. Being a conservative Republican myself sometimes I feel scared of the
alternatives and where society might go if the fortunate people were to change, but I
have always believed in well roundedness is the best option in most situations. West
also states that organized interests have grown more numerous, more active
politically, and more representative of the entire society (1999: 20). It is frustrating
to look at the way interest groups and corporations set the ideals, have the money to
do so, and the rest of the losers in society that have no influence have to make those
same ideals internal within themselves as well. That is why it makes so much sense
that by the federal level surrounding themselves with
Why Canada Should Fund The Military
The society one lives in today is controlled by the flow of money. The use of wealth
dictates the entire world, and as a result, power, success, and improvement come with
the logical and thoughtful control of money. So why does Canada strive for success
if the government can t cut funds towards useless motions? The Canadian
government should fund the military less. As of 2016, the Canadian government
spent $19 billion, roughly 1.35% of Canadas total GDP funding the military. Recent
political debate has run into this topic: is spending $19 billion on the Canadian
military logical? The disposition of this argument held in this essay believes it is not,
and subsequently believes significant cuts in the military s budget need to be made.
The reason... Show more content on ...
Higher priority motions than the military need funding. A first example of a motion
that has a higher priority need for funding than the military is the economic stability
of the Canadian government. As shown in the previous paragraph, Canadian
economy is struggling and extremely vulnerable. To ensure a stable life for Canadian
citizens, the government should take the responsibility to take care of its citizens,
hence, funding the Canadian military less. A second motion that would use military
funds more efficiently is the funding of environmental preservation. Due to the large
quantities of CO2 being released into the atmosphere at an exponential, and thus,
alarming rate, the average global temperature is rising. Scientists say that if the
current release of carbon keeps up, dramatic effects such as more droughts and heat
waves, a massive rise in sea levels and more intense hurricanes are impossible to
avoid. The Canadian government cannot ignore the fact that the country s current
path is headed for disaster, and money needs to be directed towards this motion
before it s too late. A final example of a motion that is far more urgent than the
funding of the Canadian military is funding the poor. Regardless of efforts Canada
has tried to minimize poverty rates, huge amounts of people are still stuck with low
income. 4.9 million people are categorized as poor in Canada, 3 million of which are
children. It is irresponsible of the Canadian government to use money ineffectively
when so many people are barely hanging onto their prosperity. In summary, motions
such as ensuring economic stability, ensuring environmental preservation and funding
the poor, which are far more urgent than that the military, need
Essay On Residential Care
Residential Care promotes positive behavior and attitudes to the CICL. Residential
care gives out activities through the houseparents, visitors, and volunteers. These
activities are given out daily, the children are preoccupied most of time, which leads
them to momentarily disregard the opportunity to commit deviant acts again. The
activities conducted by the facilitators involves cooking, cleaning, washing,
recreational activities, spiritual activities, and educational activities. Moreover, these
activities improve the children s capacities and capabilities. These activities guide the
children to change their behaviors. The activities given also improves the children s
Residential care prevents the children from committing deviant ... Show more content
on ...
Since household chores is the most common activity given in the residential care
by the facilitators, the effect of this activity is massive. As mentioned by Moore
(2013), Housework may not be glamorous, but it s necessary, and knowing how to
do it efficiently and effectively is a life skill. Based on the survey results, 69% of
the respondents claim that they never did the activities given in the residential care,
such as cooking, cleaning, and washing among others, while the remaining 31% did
the said activities before being admitted in the residential care. The results imply that
the activities improve their skills, especially their life skills. In residential care, the
children are taught how to cook, clean and wash their clothes. These activities were
not usually performed by the majority before being admitted in the residential care.
On the other hand, the skills of the minority are enhanced since they are expected to
perform these activities daily. Overall, the activities provided by the residential care
promotes positive behavior and attitudes to the children in conflict with law. These
activities are performed by the children daily. Furthermore, these activities help the
children from committing deviant acts again. The said activities improves the
children s
Metropolis Terrorism Incident Preparedness Strategy
Metropolis Terrorism Incident Preparedness Strategy
The constantly changing nature of terrorism mandates that Metropolis continues to
press forward to develop a vision and strategy that defines their terrorism
preparedness objectives. Employing insight and identifying eight risk areas,
Metropolis has developed this terrorism incident preparedness plan. The intent of
this document is to provide Metropolis guidance and cohesion to support agencies
during a terrorist event using reactionary and resiliency planning. Moreover, the
plan will consist of three parts. Part I will discuss four reactionary and four resiliency
areas, Part II identifies impacted segments of the areas discussed in Part I, and Part
III will provide detailed step by step ... Show more content on ...
The four potential risk areas associated with reactionary planning include tourist
facilities and special events, college research institutions, government facilities, and
telecommunications and radio stations.
The City of Metropolis offers a wide assortment of cultural opportunities with
attractive locations for tourists seeking a vacation, and local citizens and retirees
looking for year round recreational opportunities. Oceanside features various tourist
attractions with 25 miles of beach that provide residents and tourist with a major
theme park, watersports, other recreational activities, movie theaters, restaurants, and
shops. Year round programs and special events include concerts and performances
that attract large crowds, college and professional sport leagues that attract
attendance between 20,000 and 70,000 fans, golf tournaments, and jazz festivals and
concerts. This level of activity, combined with the size and scope of tourist facilities
and events is an area of concern for tourist facilities and special events because they
have several soft targets, and have the potential to influence terrorist attacks. Because
the city s population is culturally diverse, Metropolis tourist facilities and special
events are attractive to domestic and international terrorists and terrorist groups;
therefore, it is an essential part of the reactionary plan for the
J. T. R. Tolkien s Fellowship Of The Ring
(1)Tolkien s Fellowship of the Ring from the Lord of the Rings trilogy is about a
young Hobbit named Frodo, whose duty is to destroy the One Ring, the only thing
keeping the Dark Lord from taking over Middle Earth, where this story takes place.
(2)The book opens with Frodo, the main character inheriting all of his uncles
treasures from his past adventures after he leaves his home permanently, including
a ring he was told not to wear. (3)Gandalf, an old friend of Frodo s arrives with
urgent news, warning Frodo to leave Hobbiton (the town he lives in) immediately
because the Ring he bears is a threat to the entirety of Middle Earth, the place where
this story takes place. (4)Frodo realizes that the ring is the only thing keeping the
Dark Lord
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  • 2. The Effects Of Optimism On Cancer Survival Rate The previous section has shown that previous study had yielded contradictory results. To account for the inconsistent findings, we have to first understand the inner mechanisms of the effects of optimism on cancer survival rate. Salovey (2000) has proposed various potential casual pathways from dispositional optimism to cancer survival outcomes. One of the potential mediators of optimism and survival outcome might be immune system. In other words, optimism tends to enhance the immune system which in turn enhance cancer survival rate. Indeed, Ah (2007) examines the intimate connections among social support, optimism, and immune response. Ah hypothesized that optimism plays a mediating role for immune response and cancer outcome. 54 cancer patients participated in the study. They completed questionnaires regarding stress level, optimism, and satisfaction social support. Participants blood was assessed to measure the immune system (ex., white blood cell such as natural killer cell. The results showed that only optimism is associated with immune response and cancer prognosis, while perceived satisfaction of social support was not associated immune response. Given that immunology mediate the relationship between optimism and cancer survival rate, it is possible that the inconsistent results of the previous studies might be accounted by mechanisms related to immunology. One possible explanation might be that previous studies looked at different types of cancer, while some type
  • 3. A Rose For Emily Narrator Essay Narration can be used to manipulate a story. The author chooses who and how a story is told. It can manipulate the reader s views of characters and situations in the story. The point of view that A Rose for Emily was written in was third person. It served as a collective town voice and let the reader in on the thoughts and opinions the townspeople had on Miss Emily. This type of narration can be used to detach a reader from the story or characters, but in Faulkner s case he wrote it in a way that the narratoris slowly pushing us to feel empathy for Miss Emily. The narrator is an unidentified voice that seems to work as a collective voice for the townspeople. The narrator is unbiased and gives out the town gossip with no side note on his/her thoughts. The reader can then take the information and do with it what they please. The unbiased thoughts can bring us closer to Miss Emily. They let us hear her story from an outsider s view and we as readers are making up our own thoughts and opinions on Miss Emily as we read through the flashbacks of the story. The narrator conveys his/her disgust in the way they look at Miss Emily through the opening line of the story. The men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen... Show more content on ... The narrator uses he said, she said type of voice when talking about the town gossip about Miss Emily. In A Rose for Emily Faulkner writes, So the next day we all said, She will kill herself. We had said, She will marry him. Then we said, She will persuade him yet. . [35] I see that the way the narrator presents the information he or she does not side with the gossip all the time. Seeing that can make us as readers feel empathy for Miss Emily. Having rumors and gossip sent around about yourself could be quite upsetting, and for that we feel compassion for Miss Emily, just like the Narrator
  • 4. A Story About Moving Away Essay Moving had defined Mary her entire life. From her early childhood in the Philippines, spent on a Navy base chasing after her brothers John and Peter to her teenage years in Westfield, New Jersey, moving always brought about a change. So it was no surprise that her move to Pennsylvania to attend Chestnut Hill College when she was eighteen would be part of the force that brought her to her future husband. That, and Jerome had just broken up with her. After dating of course only in the proper, Catholic manner for almost a year, he had told her that they were both destined for other people . Ha. As if. She sat at her desk, pushing off the work for her classes by reading a childhood favorite, Peter Rabbit. Tap Tap. Mary looked up to see her... Show more content on ... His father had apparently reacted badly to his choosing to court a Catholic girl, spewing nonsense about how they were the reason this family ended up in America at all and those of the Catholic faith represent all the moral ineptitudes of society, the drunks, the violent men in the streets and best of all, the Catholics will bring about the apocalypse with their being the reincarnation of the whore of Babylon . He had also threatened to quit his position with the Masons if Joe continued this, though how that was a threat to anyone but himself the pair did not
  • 5. Outline Of Nelson Mandela s Legacy Nelson Mandela 2 2 Nelson Mandela Hallmark Assessment Task: Nelson Mandela Jackie D. McDowell University of Louisville Dr. Carpenter, Bradley ELFH 490 91 May 15, 2015 Hallmark Assessment Task: Nelson Mandela Introduction Nelson Mandela is one of the most iconic leaders of the 20th century. In 1948 the National Party gained control in South Africa and implemented a system of apartheid (Campbell, 1990, p 147 150). Apartheid laws are designed to keep the members of South Africa?s many racial groups separate and they were also crafted to keep the country?s white minority in a position of power and privilege (Campbell, 1990, p 147 150). Nelson Mandela worked with the African National Congress (ANC) to oppose South Africa?s apartheid laws using none violent peaceful protest (Mandela, 1994, 175 200). Nelson Mandela became disillusioned with the effectiveness of none violent protest to bring about a change in South Africa?s apartheid laws (Mandela, 1994, 175 200). ?In 1961, Nelson Mandela co founded and became the first leader of Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation), also known as MK, a new armed wing of the ANC? (Glad, 1997, p 569). Under Mandela?s leadership, MK launched a sabotage campaign against the South African government (Glad, 1997, p 569 572). Nelson Mandela was eventually capture and found quality of treason against the government. He was sentenced to life in prison, also the ANC was banned in South Africa. (Glad, 1997, p 569 572) Nelson
  • 6. Politics in Sports The Olympic Games are a worldwide competition that brings people of different cultures and backgrounds into one united area where they compete in their specialized sports. These events, however, are not purely entertainment like they should have been. Today s societies are more dependent on politics and therefore so are sports and the athletes competing, sometimes even without their own will. In various occasions across the world politics was the main reason for athletes to withdraw from athletic events such as the world cup, Olympics, and any other worldwide or region wide competitions. On the other hand politics sometimes are the reason that some teams re establish themselves and get back into the world scene in sports. This two sided... Show more content on ... The Mexico City Olympics in 1968 was a different yet similar incident where racism, closely related to anti Semitism in the way society views the rights of people of all races and kinds. United States athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos, African American males, competed in the 200 meter race and won first and third place respectively. When they went on the podium the men didn t wear their shoes revealing black socks, they wore black track uniforms and when were given their medals they revealed black gloves on their hands while putting their fists in the air as an act of representing the Black Power movement. Later on the two athletes were banned from the Olympic village because of their unfit political statement to the apolitical athletic forum the Olympics are supposed to be. This statement created controversy that again stirred the athletic event away from its task of entertainment into a worldwide argument. Politics again have been a disruption to the long awaited athletic event. The Olympic committee had done the right thing by making an example of these athletes and the committees long run efforts to exclude politics from worldwide events; however, it never acted on the Nazi salutes that the Germans used in the Berlin Olympics. Some may argue that it was their country s national salute, but we all know today that it had a political background behind it that shouldn t have been ignored. This incident had every sign of discrimination against the African
  • 7. Essay on The ReMotion Prosthetic Knee The ReMotion Prosthetic Knee ReMotion is a project created by D Rev (Design Revolution), a not for profit organization working in third world countries, which creates and supplies prosthetic knees to amputees living on under $4 a day (Krista Donaldson, 2013). One of the company s major constraints when designing the knee revolved around creating a product that performed at a standard equivalent to the high end prosthetic knees, but at a cost that was affordable and allowed for mass production. The project has been running since 2009 (Krista Donaldson, 2013) and over five and a half thousand amputees have since been fitted with the ReMotion knee, with the third version being made publicly available mid 2014 ( A Cheap Prosthetic Knee For... Show more content on ... It can also involve making sketches of a product, recording data, computing that data to ensure it matches with specifications, analyzing results and writing reports. Designing products is additional part of the specific engineering discipline. This however is likely to a small component compared to the testing and eliminating of production problems aspect. Major decisions would have to be decided on and resolved throughout the process of designing and implementing the knee. Part of D Rev s design ideal revolved around creating a high end prosthetic knee that could be produced at a lower cost. Previous cheap alternatives for prosthetic joints and limbs greatly traded efficiency for a lower cost. While D Rev would have aimed to avoid this trade off between quality and cost, it is likely to remain imbalanced. Of course, the quality could have been lifted to a higher standard, but the cost would have been raised too, thus defeating their purpose of making a quality and cheap product. Another major decision revolved around maintaining quality with a simplistic design. By keeping everything straightforward, it allows for easy fitting and repairing of the joints without extensive training. While this may decrease the quality, it increases the practically as it takes lower qualifications to fit the product to the amputee and can easily occur in their home country. The
  • 8. Communication Across Generations Essay Communication across Generations Supervising staff and volunteers from ages fourteen to ninety can be a challenging task. These age groups make up the four different generations: Traditionalist, Baby Boomers, Generation X ers, and Generation Y ers. Traditionalist, (born 1925 1946) may need a little prodding to communicate their needs and they prefer written communication plans. Baby Boomers, (born 1946 1964) are aware of technology but still prefer to communicate by telephone and they call themselves the age of the memo. Generation X ers, (born 1965 1982) commonly prefer short concise communication. Generation Y ers, (born 1983 2000) prefer short, quick e mails, texting and mobile phone applications to communicate. The hospital ... Show more content on ... Her name kept appearing on a list, indicating she needed to complete this task. I emailed her three times with the step by step directions about how to complete the declination form. She never responded to me or completed this task. My director instructed her to complete this task and walked her through the process. As a member of the Traditionalist Generation, she respects authority, not wanting to disappoint my director. I should have paid closer attention to her nonverbal communication and gone to her for task completion. Being a member of this generation, I may fail to listen actively to those Baby Boomer and Traditionalists that I interact with daily. This incident also raises another issue. POH employees depend on e mail and the intranet for our as our main sources of communication, but we still have employees who are unsure of their computer literacy. All employees should receive mandatory training on e mailing and the intranet to be competent in these areas. The ability to provide our patients with a remarkable patient experience is the number one responsibility of our staff. Each generation has their own communication style, these styles allows them to provide a remarkable patient experience for all our patients. Without communication tools, each generation is unable to communicate to the patient. I have a patient advocate who reports to me. She is a member of the Baby Boomer Generation. Her communication style
  • 9. The s Candide And The Old Woman Arrive Of Cadiz, And Of... Voltaire s Candide, or Optimism is widely regarded as a work of the enlightenment period and offers a satire on philosophy, religion and current events (of the time). This essay aims to provide an analysis of Chapter 10: In what distress Candide, CunГ©gonde and the old woman arrive in Cadiz, and of their embarkation. Firstly considering terms of context this essay will look at the way knowledge of philosophy and attitudes towards women illuminate the readers understanding of the passage. Secondly examining how narrative technique is used this essay will look at speech and the presentation of the narrator. Finally this essay will reflect on distinctive features of language and how Voltaires characterisation contributes to the meaning of the passage. To effectively analyse Candide it is important to consider its context, particularly in a philosophical setting. Knowing the entire work is a critique of the Leibnizian views on optimism aids in understanding this passage. The character of Pangloss represents opinions held by followers of Leibniz and Candide quotes his former tutor a number of times in the passage. Candide attempts to convince CunГ©gonde and the old woman that the new world is the best of all possible worlds . Voltaire uses the repetition of this statement to mock supporters of Leibniz, as by repeating it in regards to a number of horrific scenarios renders it an almost banal and inane comment. In this passage Candide truly believes that the next place they arrive
  • 10. Charlie Gordon Theme Charlie: The Forgetful Lotus The Flaw of a Genius Charlie Gordon is constantly ridiculed because of his intellectual disability. Pulling a Charlie Gordon is a term that Charlie Gordon, laughs at and enjoys hearing, before his advancement. Charlie s mistakes and clumsiness entertained his co workers at the bakery. This is a recurring theme within the story, as those who are mentally disabled are constantly mocked. Due to his lack of understanding, Charlie is blind to the abuse and mockery from the people who he thinks are his friends. Cammie McGovern, an author, who in fact has a child with autism, adds that disabilities are present in many of the youth at the time; there is a constant level of mockery towards those who were disabled. Although... Show more content on ... Near the end of the presentation, Professor Nemur shows videos of Charlie s progression. After the professor makes jokes of the way Charlie once was, the audience begins to laugh. Charlie is deeply offended by this because he believed that the crowd is making fun of him. In anger, he releases Algernon, the mouse that the professors tested the drug on before they used it on him, into the crowd. Finally, near the end of his progression, Charlie Gordon visited a restaurant for dinner. Right before his eyes, a bus boy is picking up the plates and cups left on the tables. At first, the boy is clumsy which leads to a few giggles from Charlie and the family at the restaurant. Then the boy falls and drops all the plates, breaking them. The family bursts into laughter and Charlie does too until he realizes that the bus boy is mentally ill. The boss comes and yells at the boy to pick up the plates and utensils, and after he leaves, Charlie is enraged. Infuriated, Charlie yells at the family, telling them that it is not the boy s fault that he ended up mentally disabled. Charlie let out all of the anger he had stored up, and it is clear, at that moment, that the unfairness
  • 11. Causality Of The Ph. D Program When students join a Ph.D. program they soon become members of a discourse community, which is a group of members that share the same values, goals, and lexis. Especially in the science disciplines the students become immersed in their group by exploring various research projects and conducting experiments that will hopefully propel their scientific curiosity exponentially before they graduate. The students are also not alone in this journey as they are under the tutelage and mentorship of an academic advisor. However, the relationship that exists between the two communities is one that is often embedded with feelings of tension and turmoil. Often this tension frequently results in many students leaving the lab before they graduate and... Show more content on ... Additionally, they indicated that the feelings of discontent they held for the lab stemmed from their PI (Mays). The students explained that they function daily in a community of approximately 10 12 members, and they all collectively report to the PI of the lab. Furthermore, grad student Smith explained that the PI presents himself as having great power over the students as he stated, I think he wants us to believe he is this omnipotent figure. Grad student Mays explained that when new students are accepted into the program they enter into a group of their peers that range in experience levels from apprentice to more advanced by the time they are reaching the end of the academic tenure. However, as each new student joins the group every fall they are not formally admitted into their lifestyle, but are instead unfortunately left to their own devices to interpret and understand the functions and guidelines of the lab (Smith). It is a process author Susan Gardner a researcher who studied the socialization process of grad students explained that this period can be categorized into the [i]nformal which the novice learns of the informal role expectations transmitted by interactions with others who are current incumbents (728). Furthermore, she adds that it is through socialization that can afford each student the ability to be successful in
  • 12. Language As A Form Of Communication Essay There are many species of life that are more than able to communicate, but humans have a unique form of communication. We are the only species capable of using language as a form of communication. Think about the first people and how difficult it would have been for them to communicate without language. From never having a single word to over hundreds of thousands of words in modern times, all the words that were created in order for people to communicate are a part of a complex system. It is a difficult concept to understand because we ve been using language for most of our lives and all of these words have been in place for thousands of years. Language is something that is constantly changing, it s not an every day change, but it is gradually evolving. For the most part, language is passed down through generations so parents and children are able to communicate with one another. Changes in language have occurred throughout centuries over a short period of time and have evolved through different degrees of English such as old English, middle English, and modern English. However, old English wasn t the first form of English created, but it s the foundation of our modern day English. It has come down from many variations of other languages but it s roots came from the West Germanic language. The old English language had many variations occur from the fifth century to the mid twelfth century. This was due to all the wars in Europe over land and the struggle for power.
  • 13. Disadvantages Of Shinhan Bank Shinhan Bank America is a non member bank with a headquarters in New York. A non member bank is a state chartered commercial bank, but not a member of the Federal Reserve System ( All Institution Types Defined ). It is spread out in five different states with 16 domestic branches, with total assets of $1,308,996,000. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) regulates Shinhan BankAmerica with the purpose of preserving and promoting public confidence in the U.S. financial system by insuring deposits in banks and thrift institutions for at least $250,000; by identifying, monitoring and addressing risks to the deposit insurance funds; and by limiting the effect on the economy and the financial system when a bank or thrift institution fails ( Who is the FDIC ). Shinhan Bank America specializes in commercial lending. Commercial loan enables a business entity to activate and subsequently obtain a finance stream, to help companies fund short term expenditures or pay for capital equipment ( Commercial Lending ). Basic operational needs of businesses such as funding employee payroll as well as manufacturing and production costs are important that gives way to loan extensions. Shinhan also offers other business banking services aside from loans, including business checking/savings accounts, deposits, credit cards, atm and online banking. Personal banking are also offered by Shinhan Bank America with similar services as to their business banking services. Shinhan excel in
  • 14. Essay on John D. Rockefeller Jessica M. Hintermeister American History Louisa Garry Due: Thursday, March 15, 2001 The Rockefellers feared the temptations of wealth, yet a visitor once described their estate as the kind of place God would have built if only he d had the money. They amassed a fortune that outraged a Democratic nation, then gave it all away reshaping America. They were the closest thing the country had to a royal family, but the Rockefellers shunned the public eye. For decades, the Rockefeller name was despised in America, associated with John D. Rockefeller Sr. s feared monopoly, Standard Oil. By the end of his life, Rockefeller had given away half of his fortune. But even his vast philanthropy could not erase the memory of his predatory ... Show more content on ... Oil was being used to grease the wheels of America s infant industries, to fuel the expansion of growth. Rockefeller lamented that so many wells were flowing that the price of oil kept falling yet everyone went right on drilling. He saw an industry plagued from overproduction and his own success was being threatened by ruinness cut throat competition. John D. was shrewd enough and he was analytical enough that he realized that in order to figure out a way to save his own firm and his own newly won fortune, that he had to figure out a solution for the entire industry. It was at that point that John D. began to conceive of the oil industry as one big interrelated mechanism. And you couldn t just change one component, you had to control the entire machine. In a move that would transform the American economy, Rockefeller set out to replace a world of independent oilmen with a giant company controlled by him. In l870, begging bankers for more loans, he formed Standard Oil of Ohio. The next year, he quietly put what he called our plan his campaign to dominate the volatile oil industry into devastating effect. Rockefeller knew that the refiner with the lowest transportation cost could bring rivals to their knees. He entered into a secret alliance with the railroads called the South Improvement Company. In exchange for large, regular shipments, Rockefeller and his allies secured transport rates far
  • 15. Rhetoric In Optimus Prime Who am I? and Why am I here? Optimus Prime s final words are used by Michale Bay to reflect the human curiosity, which often leaves us searching answers beyond our existence. He also uses these biblical rhetorics to give the Autobots, who are equivalent to protagonists in the transformers serious, a higher purpose in the movie, which is to act as a shield from the Decepticons, ie. the antagonists, and prevent mankind from extinction. The centrally aligned juxtaposed visual of Optimus Prime the Autobot hero, riding the robotic dinosaur, represents the enduring nature of the story, repressing both the past and the future, while the robotic heroes and machines seen in the poster foreshadow far in to the possible future, the visual of the... Show more content on ... The designer uses this posture to convey the superiority of this character, and those of his kind in the movie, who protect the mankind from extinction. The use of bright red and blue colors for this character in contact with the darker colors used for the deceptions, are used to show the forces of light, which are the autobots in this case, standing against the forces of darkness, the decepticons. The visual hierarchy used by the designer also introduces a theme of good vs. evil, which is seen throughout the movie; the good character is placed on top of the bad character, which conveys the dominance of good over evil. The audience is then immediately draws to the three central characters below, who are seen to be running hand in hand from the obliteration. The gesture of the human characters holding hands also supports one of the most important phrases in the movie; Stand together of face extinction , and brings out the unity of mankind that prevails throughout the film. Furthermore, the contrasting sizes used for the humans and the machines is also used to convey their importance in the movie, which isn t so significant as compared the main heroes, the
  • 16. Jack Ma Leadership Analysis INTRODUCTION The objective of this paper is to apply the knowledge learned in class by studying the leadership characteristics and styles of a leader and what contributed to his/her successes and failures. In my case I have chosen Jack Ma, founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group . He has become one of the most influential businessmen and is a global example of leadership. However, his road to success was not easy. He had to overcome failure in several occasions and work hard to build his own company and become an influential and powerful global leader. The first thing that will be covered in this paper is his biography. This will help to understand what kind of person he is, how he was able to arrive to a position of power and give an idea of his traits and behaviors. Next, an in depth leadership analysis will follow. This analysis will be based on the theories seen in class. BIOGRAPHY Jack Ma was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. He started studying English at an early age and practiced English every day talking with English speakers at the Hangzhou International Hotel, 70 minutes by bicycle from home. He made free tours of the city to improve his English for nine years. He became a pen pal with one of those foreigners, who nicknamed him Jack because he found it difficult to pronounce his Chinese name. Later in his youth, Ma had trouble attending college. The Chinese entrance exams take place only once a year and Ma took four years to pass
  • 17. INT 1 Task 1 Part One Changes in DNA Understanding a Continuing Process INT Task 1 Understanding Genetics a Timeline of DNA Science в—Џ в—Џ в—Џ в—Џ в—Џ в—Џ 1700 s it is believed that all traits are acquired. Example a giraffe has a long neck due to stretching to reach the leaves in the taller trees. 1800 s Carl Linnaeus classified by visible traits. 1866 Gregor Mendel, through pea plant breeding and research; discovered that traits are inherited not acquired before anyone knew or understood anything about genes . He published what he discovered as the principles of inheritance however, his ideas were not recognized for over 30 years. 1900 s Mendel s experiments are rediscovered, confirmed by three researchers and his paper s are ... Show more content on ... Helens. The Forest Service scientists and collaborators were on the edges of the volcano within 2 weeks of the eruption collecting information and making observations of the volcano and the areas ecology learning about things science has not had the chance to learn about until this time. Listed below are a few of the things that the eruption of Mount St. Helens has taught taught scientists: в—Џ This was the first time this type of volcano eruption was actually witnessed and documented in history. In 1956, there was a similar landslide and blast at Bezymianny volcano in Kamchatka, Russia however, there were no witnesses to document the actual blast. It wasn t until Mt. St. Helens that it was recognized that the two blasts were the same style of eruption. в—Џ These sector collapse (the name of this type of eruption) have now been identified at over 200 volcanoes around the world. The detailed studies of the sector collapse, the lateral blast, and the large mudflow of this eruption have led to the reassessment of volcano hazards at other sites around the world. This has given these communities a way to become better prepared for future eruptions.
  • 18. в—Џ Studies of Mount St. Helens has also demonstrated that volcanic eruptions can be accurately predicted. Lessons Learned After the Eruption of Mount St. Helens в—Џ в—Џ в—Џ в—Џ в—Џ Mt. St. Helens has created the ideal natural laboratory for science observations over the years the growth of a lava dome in the
  • 19. Case Study FLARE FRAGRANCE Table of contentsPage 1 Situation analysis / Problem statement2 2 Introduction Flare Fragrance (Company Background)2 3 SWOT Analysis3 4 Objectives and Financial Analysis5 5 Marketing MIX7 6 Recommendations and Implementation9 7 Conclusion11 8 References12 1. Situation analysis / Problem statement Flare Fragrance is facing in declining of growth rate in 2008 where the CFO estimated year end numbers projected only 2% growth in 2008. Compare to 2007, sales had risen 12% which was much better than in 2008. An analysis of 2009 strategic initiatives had launched by the CEO, Joely Patterson with determination to make 2009 better ... Show more content on ... 2. Target customer being 18 34 aged group women, for whom the name would ne definitely catchy. 3. If attached with Loveliest. There could be more benefits. 4. There are fair chances of the sales growth. 5. Customers loyal to the brand Loveliest will be drawn towards Savvy too. WEAKNESS 1. Launching a new product has risk factors attached to it. 2. Cannibalization of current sales will also include certain risk in it. 3. Price is at a higher side. 4. Focus has to be put completely on it as the promotions and advertising would take a lot of efforts. OPPORTUNITY 1. Target a new customer segment that id young and always ready to try something new and exciting. 2. Being in the Prestige category, there is a chance to be accepted by the Innovators, Achievers, Thinkers and Believers, as per the VALS framework. 3. After success in the Prestige category, other VAL s zone and also can come up with other varieties to suit different age groups. 4. Apart from welcoming an innovated product, this can also build good relationships with the department store. 5. Stagnation of the product is also prevented. THREAT 1. Dulcet Brand could give a tough competition.
  • 20. 2. There is already a pool of competitors in the market. 3. The financial state of Flare is also at a poor situation. The need to carefully plan the ad and promo part for launching a new product. 4. There has been a declination in the sales, It a challenge for Savvy. 5. Failure could prove to be an
  • 21. Controlling Demand Through Pricing Controlling Demand through Pricing: A report on the quantitative analysis of the ChocoMint bar Introduction ChocoMint is a bar of chocolate under ChocoHeaven, which is a distributor of organic chocolate. In recent years, the business of ChocoMint bar encountered some problems. Since the ChocoMint bar is manufactured overseas, the supply chain could be unreliable. Besides, as ChocoMint is stored at special storage locations in the UK, the storage capacity for this kind of product in the UK is limited. Therefore, in order to prevent the storage from exceeding the company s storage capacity limits, as well as reduce the risk from supply chain (relying less on the overseas supply chain), sales department of ChocoHeaven has been trying to ... Show more content on ... It is not a suitable model for the data that beyond its specific range of domain. Usually, the valid range of domain of a linear equation is quite narrow when it is applied to practical problem. Finally, linear models are typically based on a set of assumptions such as the requirement of simplification of the data. They are not really suitable models for those data with complex context. 4.2 A more appropriate model In the case of ChocoMint bar, the hyperbolic model might be more appropriate. Figure4.2 hyperbolic relationship between monthly demand for ChocoMint and relative prices y = 836.78x 0.854 RВІ = 0.8488 R = 0.9213 4.3 Justification of the hyperbolic model s higher suitability Firstly, compared with the linear model, the value of correlation R of this hyperbolic model is closer to 1. Thus, it indicates that the hyperbolic model represents the relationship between the price and monthly demand much better. Secondly, in the linear model, it shows that when the price decreases to 0 (which means the ChocoMint bar is free), there is a limited demand for ChocoMint bar. However, the demand for free goods are usually infinite in practice, which is exactly demonstrated by the hyperbolic model. As the hyperbolic graph above indicates, when the price is approaching zero, the graph does not intercept the y axis. On the contrast, it is infinitely close to y axis with increasing values of monthly demand, which
  • 22. How Oceanography Is An Study Of The Oceans Through Mapping... Oceanography is defined as the study of the oceans through mapping, exploring, charting, and discovery and its birth is congruent with the birth of boats and voyages. Originally, sailors and explorers would go on expeditions for mercantile purposes. However, it evolved into mapping and exploring unknown sea routes. Oceanography is a science in the essence of studying the ocean in its entirety, which is more than mapping and knowing sea routes. Oceanography contributes to the scientific community with its new discoveries and developing information, including knowledge of: currents; above water and underwater; wind patterns; chemistry of the ocean; chemistry of ecosystems; aquatic ecosystems, and how different animals interact in them;... Show more content on ... After the world has been pretty much mapped out Ferdinand Magellan decided to sail across state and in his voyage he was known as the first captain cruise ship made it across the world and invented the term circumnavigating. Ferdinand Magellan never lived to see his legacy or to complete his voyage but his crew that Ferdinand Magellan set for the standard when it came to charting the new sea. Even Charles Darwin contributed to early oceanography he did so in his mapping of the Caribbean back when he was on the voyage of the HMS Beagle and in mapping the Caribbean he created the theory of evolution which is known about today and used understanding of modern biology. there is a vast difference between Oh surely oceanography and modern oceanography however Early oceanographers we re more concerned with exploration and adopted the whole Columbian Way of exploring descriptive oceanography was all about Exploring and mapping. However, today in modern oceanography they do more than just exploring and mapping: they keep track of ecosystems; they check on climate semicolon there is water in meteorology thanks to Oceanography semicolon and naturally they explore the depths of the ocean, which is something earlier oceanographer
  • 23. Body Image In The Media The issue of distorting body image in the media and its effects on people is not a new concept to modern time. There is a long history of body image s powerful place in society because of people s impressions of each other based on body image. Research has been done on the effects and outcomes of this issue. Recently, consumers have fought with the media to try and achieve a safer way to spread information and let these media outlets be successful without having severe impacts on adolescents especially, among other age groups. The general ethical principle that the stakeholders use in this fight is similar to utilitarianism, because each stakeholder believes they are bringing the greatest good to the greatest number of people. The stakeholders... Show more content on ... The media group that retouches images skews the normal body image of people through many of its outlets, including models in advertising and magazines, and actors in TV and movie productions. The average model portrayed in the media is approximately 5 11 and 120 pounds. By contrast, the average American woman is 5 4 and 140 pounds (Holmstrom, 2004). This statistic shows how the media manipulates consumers into believing that because they are not what the average model looks like, they are not living up to a certain standard which implies that they need to look like that to be beautiful. Another research fact that shows a similar concept is that, In the United States, 94% of female characters in television programs are thinner than the average American woman, with whom the media frequently associate happiness, desirability, and success in life (Yamamiya et al., 2005). This association of female thinness and happiness, desirability and success makes consumers believe they must achieve this unrealistic thinness to achieve more ultimate goals and fulfillment in life. The media also explicitly instruct how to attain thin bodies by dieting, exercising, and body contouring surgery, encouraging female consumers to believe that they can and should be thin (Yamamiya et al., 2005). This idealization of thinness in the media is seen so much, and is extremely harmful to women s self confidence and is often associated with body image dissatisfaction, which can be a precursor to social anxiety, depression, eating disturbances, and poor self esteem (Yamamiya et al.,
  • 24. Naval Career Progression During my high school career, and continuing into my naval career, I have always had a desire to succeed. In high school, I applied myself to become valedictorian, and in the Navy, I have worked hard to become my A school honorman. This desire to succeed is what initially attracted me to the Naval Academy. Those who enter are regarded as the Navy s finest, and because of the high standards that such a training demands, I hope to be shaped into a sailor that will bring pride to his branch and his country. These same high standards will additionally enable me to reach my long term goals. The first American that reached space, Alan Shepard, was a graduate from the Naval Academy, and I plan to follow in his footsteps just as countless other graduates have done. The number of Academy graduates that have become astronauts is clearly due to the rigorous training, and this training is what I will use to carry me to space. After my career of naval service, I plan to enter the field of engineering, where I will work on the technologies that will propel the... Show more content on ... While I was in my division, I was in charge of the cleanliness and presentation of a section of my compartment; it was my job to ensure that everyone s clothes were immaculately folded, and their sheets were tightly made. In this experience, I learned the importance of leading by example in order guarantee that those under me were well presented, I had to ensure my rack was equally well made. During these two months, accountability was also driven into my head. My Recruit Division Commanders made it clear that one must accept their mistakes if they re to earn respect. So as a recruit and as a sailor instead of making excuses for myself, I dedicate my energy toward correcting any deficiencies in my character to constantly improve
  • 25. Pontiac Small Displacement V-8 Crop The Pontiac 326 Cubic Inch V8 This Pontiac Small Displacement V 8 Packed a lot of Punch If you pop the hood on a [new Buick Regal GS], you ll see a 2.0L turbocharged engine. This 4cyl is also found cross platform in Cadillac and Chevrolet models. It wasn t always this way. Back in the 60s and 70s the individual divisions took great pride in manufacturing their own unique engines. With that said, it s widely believed that GM had a few ground rules. One popular belief is that GM wanted the Chevrolet Corvette to have the most powerful engine. At times this created a problem for [the Pontiac Motor Division]. This meant they had to make a few negative gain adjustments, so there engines would fall in line behind the Chevy products. In the early 1960s,... Show more content on ... However, it s even more common to see them in the midsize [Pontiac Tempest and Lemans models]. The small displacement eight cylinder engine came with a two barrel carburetor standard and the four barrel carburetor as optional equipment. The bigger cars like [the flagship Bonneville] and the [Pontiac Catalina] are often found with the larger displacement 389 V8. Pontiac offered these engines in a wide variety of horsepower ratings. Not only did the engine carry a two or four barrel carburetor, but they also offered compression ratios of up to 10:5.1. If you re really lucky, maybe your classic Pontiac has the 368 HP [Tri power option Super Duty 389] cubic inch Trophy Motor. Versions and Specifications for the 326 CID When they first started to drop this small displacement V 8 into cars in 1963, you could only get a two barrel carburetor version. The Engine provided excellent fuel economy at nearly 20 miles per gallon on the highway. Despite the lack of fuel the horsepower numbers remained respectable. In the inaugural year the 326 produced 260
  • 26. Power Imbalance In The Harness Power imbalance is faced in every relationship because power is never shared equally. Many devices can be created when a person is able to control another. In Of Mice and Men, the battle for authority is a never ending war. While in The Harness, influence is mainly carried by one character, but for the greater good of the other. Steinbeck elicits a similar theme of power imbalance to both The Harness and Of Mice and Men. For instance, in The Harness Emma controls how her husband Peter acts. Emma forces Peter to wear a harness, leaving him unable to show his true self and restraining his real feelings. Peter restrains his stomach with a harness, his shoulders being held back as though they were braced ( The Harness 77). The harness... Show more content on ... When Emma dies he loses control and bec[omes] hysterical immediately ( The Harness 80). The shock of losing his wife and the loss of power imbalance takes him over instantly. Peter was so out of control, so stunned, that the morphine was ineffective and didn t put [him] to sleep ( The Harness 80). He no longer knows how to act after his wife is gone because there is no one to direct him and he is lost wailing like a crazy man ( The Harness 80). There is nothing to hold him back now. After Emma s death, Peter feels like something had snapped inside ( The Harness 82) making him broken and vulnerable. He thinks of the break he experiences as a suspender strap ( The Harness 82) that came apart which, like the harness, holds him back, but is now destroyed. Peter unhook[s] the harness ( The Harness 82) with an unrestrained glee at his newfound freedom. When he removes the harness after her death, he does so both physically and emotionally. Glad to be rid of this burden he carries, his eyes shine ( The Harness 84) with anticipation. Impatient for the future and to have power over his own life again. Peter want[s] everything ( The Harness 85) after his wife is dead. He finally sees a hopeful future ahead of him. He will be able to plant peas and not wear a harness. Peter experiences a change ( The Harness 86) and quickly gets to planting sweet peas in his fields. While Peter is happy at his freedom, he can still feel the weight of responsibility crushing on him. There was no dirt on the floor ( The Harness 87) like he told Ed there would be because he still cares. While she might not be there physically watching over him, Peter can still feel the weight of her presence judging and trapping him. The sweet peas make worry lines about his eyes ( The Harness 89), she never approved of him growing sweet peas, and he feels stressed out
  • 27. New England Colonies Similarities And Differences The New England and Southern colonial regions have many similarities and differences in their geography. The New England colonial region has mountains formed by glaciers during the Ice Age. This caused the soil to very rocky and difficult for farming. On the other hand, the Southern region had plains and rich, fertile soil. This allowed the South to create large plantations (doc 6). Even though they had differences, they similarly had a long Atlantic coastline. As a reso create large plantation , the geography of the colonial regions impacted the economy and culture of the Thirteen Colonies. The New Englandand Southern colonial regions have many similarities and differences in their economy. The Southern colonist grew crops on plantation
  • 28. Gun Shootings Carrying Guns on College Campus: Destruction or Protection? Should colleges allow guns to be on campus? Would allowing guns to be carried on campus at all time be safe, or is it putting to many guns in one place? The students would be more scared of a gun going off rather than learning in their class. How would the police know if they heard gunshots, who is the bad guy or who is just there at the wrong time? Would there be a lot more school shootings if there were more guns on campus? The students should not have to worry about all the guns around them, while they are working on furthering their education. With the presence of guns there would be an increase in gun violates on college campuses. While walking to class, a student walks pass people that are just carrying guns. Should the student think nothing of it? If a student makes another student mad or bullies the other student then with a gun on them that thought of shooting that person will cross their minds. There would be an increase of college shootings because a lot of the students are not mature enough not to think about killing another student after one altercation with them. Eric Stirgus and Kristina Torres shared this report from Johns Hopkins, National studies, including one released by the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health concluded the presence of guns would lead to more shootings, killings and suicides on campus, especially among students. There would be a lot more room for accidents
  • 29. Essay about Ebay analysis The name eBay ( is synonymous with online auctions . Founded in September 1995, the company qualifies as a genuine cultural and economic phenomenon (Bunnell, 2000, p.vii). The site can be credited with creating and defining an entire industry and has remained the dominant force in the online auctionworld, with anywhere from 70 to 90 percent of the person to person online auction market. eBay is also the 15th most visited site ( on the web. In the face of large competitors such as eBay, internet powerhouse, Amazon.comAuctions (, is battling for online auction dominance over eBay. Amazon is not just a bookseller but also a genuine e commerce platform for... Show more content on ... This is evident in the searches conducted, where eBay returned greater results and more bidding activity (see above). When registering as a buyer on eBay, users are required to accept the terms on which eBay offers you access to their services as described in the User Agreement (please find enclosed both sites user agreements). At, no such process exists, and if users of the service wish to view such agreements, they must go in search for it themselves, which can be tedious and time consuming, as it is buried in the help section of the website (Help gt; Using Your Account gt; Marketplace, Auctions amp; zShops gt; Participation Agreement). Both sites have appropriate security measures, featuring secure server s, usernames, passwords and verification services. When signing in, users are given the choice of logging in using a secure or standard server. In both cases, the secure server takes longer, but means that personal information is kept safe 100% of the time. Once logged in, users are able to view the auction sites privacy agreement, detailing the privacy practices with customer information. If buyers are cautious in any way, both sites enable you to instantly check the reputation or business practices of anyone. The feedback forum is a place where users leave comments about each other s buying and selling experiences. If you re a bidder, check
  • 30. Chem 1211K Lab Report Essay Chemistry 1211K Lab Report Briana Limage Drawer #D20 Tuesday December 2, 2014 Lab Day and Time: Tuesday 2 5 Unknown # 4224034 DF14 Introduction The purpose of this semester long experiment was to determine an unknown organic acid. An organic acid is an organic compound with acidic properties. A base reacts with acids to form salts. Titrations are used to determine the concentration of unknown substances. The purpose of the KHP experiment was to determine the molarity of NaOH. HCl titrations are mainly to check technique and used to verify the molarity of NaOH solution. The hypothesis is that this acid is C4H3OCOOH. Experimental Procedure for melting point: The identification of the melting point of the organic acid was ... Show more content on ... pH was recorded every time 1.00 mL of NaOH was added to beaker. When the amount of NaOH added to the beaker was about 5.00 mL away from the expected end point, NaOH was added very slowly. Approximately 0.20 mL of NaOH was added until the pH made a jump. The pH was recorded until it reached ~12. This was repeated two more times. The pKa of each trial are determined using the graphs made on excel. Results and Discussion Melting Point: Starting (В°C) Final (В°C) Rough Melting Point 139 159 Melting Point 131 133 Standard Melting Point 138 140 No correction had to be made to the melting points because the standard melted in the range labeled on the bottle. The melted point observed is the correct melting point. KHP: Table 1
  • 31. Trial Mass KHP (g) Mol KHP / mol NaOH Initial Volume (mL) Final Volume (mL) Total Volume (mL) 1 0.3113 0.001524 5.62 22.70 17.08 2 0.3017 0.001477 9.98 26.40 16.42 3 0.3178 0.001556 14.39 31.85 17.46 Table 2 Trial Mol NaOH (mol) Corrected Vol. (L) Molarity NaOH (M) Average Molarity (M) Molarity Deviation (M) Average Deviation (M) 1 0.001524 0.01708 0.08923 0.08943 0.0002 0.0003 2 0.001477 0.01642 0.08995 0.08943 0.00052
  • 32. 0.0003 3 0.001556 0.01746 0.08912 0.08943 0.00031 0.0003 Percent deviation= (Average deviation/average molarity) X 100 Percent deviation= (0.0003/0.08943) X 100 = 0.38% Calculations for the molarity of NaOH were: The results showed the molarity of the NaOH solution. This experiment was completed twice and a new average molarity
  • 33. Evaluation Of The Montessori Program Model There are mainly six program models used in North America. These program models were mainly developed in 1960s and 1970s.These Program models are very important as they have profound influence on children and their development (Essa Young, 2003). Strength and weaknesses of these program models are examined below: Montessori Program Model (Strength):1. Montessori believe is that children should be respected who learn and absorb anything in their most sensitive period (3 6 years), providing the favorable environment created by adults. The environment is very positive, safe and attractive in this program. 2. There is small class size and abundance of freedom is given to the children to choose their activities and learn in their own pace (Essa Young, 2003). Weakness: 1.There is no encouragement for the children for their work. Not enough group activities are done (just once or twice in a week). 2. Parents involvement is neglected in Montessori program model. 3. Only children from the wealthy families can pursue this program and low income family cannot afford this program. 4. Teacher s role is very limited.5. As children learn in their own pace, there is less social interaction and adjustment problem may arise in future if they go in different atmosphere (Essa Young, 2003). Open Education: Strength: 1. This is a child centered and play based program where children learn from exploring the environment. 2. Children in this program are gradually introduced with the school
  • 34. Cathal Brugha s Uprising In Ireland Other members of the GAA in Dublin were also badly wounded during the Rising and were shown a leniency of sorts by the British Authorities in Ireland. Frank Henderson later claimed Cathal Brugha had been so severely wounded during the fighting in the South Dublin Union that the British authorities had released him believing him to be physically incapable of further activities. 24 While those involved in the Rising were interned at camps such as Frongoch or imprisoned at places such as Dartmoor, the GAA in Dublin, like the national organisation, faced a ban on the playing of Gaelic Games. Many of the 3500 rebels interned had been involved in Nationalist activity with groups such as Na Fianna Eireann and the Gaelic League. However, others who
  • 35. Strategic Direction And Global Security Essay The general capabilities required by the Joint Force in 2025 will be a global surveillance and strike (GSS) network, increased naval and air investments and ensuring cyber technology outpaces adversaries. Based on the current U.S. strategic direction and global security environment these capabilities are necessary. Satellites and cyber technology will be part of the design of the GSS system. The U.S. military will be able to strike quickly and remain engaged for increased periods while additional forces move to the area of concern using the GSS system. Increased Navy and Air investments in submarines, ships, aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV s) and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV s) is critical. The Navy and Air Force allows us to project power to areas of the world far from our base of operations. Air power also enables us to provide support for ground forces while providing deterrence and denial of enemy forces. Cyber investments and securityare critical because cyber technology will increasingly be the engine that runs our future military and allows us to attack adversary s cyber networks and infrastructure. The U.S. Army will see a reduction in tactical armor units while the U.S. Marine Corps remains at the current level of equipment and personnel. After each capability are associated Risk. The GSS network will be a vital piece for rebalancing the force in 2025. It is a network tracking and control system designed to help deploy and control unmanned
  • 36. The Tragic Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire... Tennessee Williams has become one of the best known literary figures on the American Scene and also one of the most controversial. A Streetcar Named Desire is a 1947 play opened on Broadway on December 3,1947, and closed on December 17, 1949, in the Ethel Barrymore Theatre. While recognizing his compassion for frustrated and sensitive persons trapped in a highly competitive, commercial world, question whether he has not sacrificed his talent for popular success (Mood 43). He [Williams] continued this study with Blanche Dubois of A Streetcar Named Desire(1947). Stanley Kowalski in A Streetcar Named Desire is epitome of full bodied male pulchritude and Williams most radiant symbol of virility. In A Streetcar Named Desire the Southern ... Show more content on ... This play eventually became one of Williams s most effective blends of lyrical vision and dramatic irony in the agony of Blanche s cry against Stanley to Stella Kowalski, his wife and her sister (Mood 53). Blanche Dubois cannot live with what Williams and most men of our time unhappily regard as reality (Mood 57). Blanche Dubois is an aging Southern Belle and an insecure, dislocated individual who panics about her fading beauty and constantly attempts to hide from reality. Blanche pretends to be a woman who has never known indignity. Lying to herself as well as others allows Blanche Dubois to make life appear as it should be rather than as it is. Blanche Dubois refuses to tell anyone her true age. Throughout A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche Dubois constantly bathes herself (Qurine 260). Blanche Dubois feels as if these baths calms her nerves. Blanche Dubois is a loquacious and fragile woman around the age of thirty. She s a fading, though still attractive, Southern Belle who pretensions to virtue and culture only thinly mask her alcoholism and delusions of grandeur (Qurine 262). Blanche Dubois is Stella Kowalski s older sister who once was a high school English teacher in Laurel, Mississippi until she was forced to leave her post. Blanche Dubois is driven by guilt over the very indulgences that give her brother in law Stanley Kowalski life a vital intensity (Qurine 263). By the way of a Freudian
  • 37. Colossians 3 Colossians 3 is saying that we have to become someone new in Christ. In Colossians verse 1, it said that we should seek heavenly things not the things that are on the Earth. Colossians, 3:1 said ВЁIf then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Another thing that I observed was in verse 10, we have to put on a new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of the creator. In Colossians 3:10, it said ВЁand have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. The third thing that I observed was we have to let God s word dwell in us teaching and guiding us. In verse 16 of Colossians 3, it said ВЁ Let the word of Christ ... Show more content on ... In Colossians 3:22, it said Bondservants, obey in everything those who are you earthly master, not by way of eye services, as people pleasers, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord. In Matthew 19:19, it said that we should love our neighbor as ourself. I think this relates to one another because in both of the passages, it said that we should love one another. In Colossians 3:22, it said Bondservants, obey in everything those who are you earthly master, not by way of eye services, as people pleasers, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord. . The word Bondservant is another word for slaves. In the Greek, the word bondservant in not used but the word slave is. In Ephesians 6:5, it talks about how bondservant to obey your master. Ephesians 6:5 said Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. It relates because they both talk about how slaves should obey their masters and it also talks about the heart. The last word is heart. The definition for heart is inner life. In Matthew 13:19, it said that the evil one snatches the heart. They relate because they both talk about the heart and how we have to be sincere to God and fear him. If we don t, the evil one will snatch our hearts away and we will fall astray from
  • 38. Vpn Exists For Virtual Private Network Introduction VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. It provides a private network across the public network (Internet). This allows the user to transmit and receive data to the private network across Internet, like it is being directly connected to it. VPN has the characteristics of point to point and private link. To resemble a point to point link, the data is sent along with the routing information necessary to reach the destination through the public network. Data is encrypted and only the users in the network can access the resources in it, which resembles the characteristics of a private connection. Data sent through the VPN is very secure, as it cannot be deciphered without the encrypted keys. In VPN, tunnel is the part of the connection where data is encapsulated and VPN connection is the part of the connection where the data is encrypted. Figure 1: VPN Connectivity Overview VPN helps users working remotely to connect to the company infrastructure securely. Although it establishes the connection across the public network, user is not aware of it as it looks like data is being sent over a dedicated link. VPN connection is like a Wide Area Network (WAN) between two areas. VPN is commonly used in the following modes, в—ЏRemote Access across public network This allows the users to connect to the private network from anywhere. Using this solution more employees can telecommute. The client connects to the public network first and initiates a connection with the VPN
  • 39. What The Two Basic Types Of Feedback Loops Are Positive... 1.Explain what the two basic types of feedback loops are and how they work, please give an example for each. The two basic types of feedback loops are positive feedback and negative feedback. Positive feedback is a loop that perpetuates itself; that is, the product of the loop drives the process on. An example of this is the relationship between rising global temperatures and arctic methane release. Large pockets of methane gas are embedded in the permafrost of the Arctic region and global warming has caused accelerated melting of the ice there, resulting in the release of the stored methane. Methane is a strong greenhouse gas and, upon entering the atmosphere, contributes to global warming itself and further contributes to the melting ... Show more content on ... The classic example of this model is the story of the Indian rice story. A king challenged a traveler to a game of chess and, if the traveler won, he could ask for any reward he would like. The traveler asked to be paid in rice, starting with one grain on the first day and doubling in amount each subsequent day for the rest of his life. Thinking this was a small request, the king agreed and lost. However, what he did not realize is by the twentieth day, the king would be paying the traveler one million grains of rice. This demonstrates the powerful effect of exponential growth on a population size. Doubling time is the length of time it takes for a population to double in size. Earth s human population has seen decreasing double times over the last millennium as a result of human exponential growth. Starting from the year 1171, it took 544 years to double our population from 375 million to 750 million. Afterward, it took 166 years to double our population to 1.5 billion people. Next, it took 79 years to double to 3 billion and then only 39 years to double once more to 6 billion people on Earth by 1999.В№ The onset of the Industrial Revolution and advances in agriculture and medicine have all made profound contributions to the human exponential population growth by reducing the environmental and resource limitations that previously kept our population growth in check.
  • 40. The War Of 1812 Was Terrible For Americans 1)Introduction a)The War of 1812 was terrible for Americans because of disunity and there was no angry spirit like the Chesapeake incident, but nationalism emerged 2)On to Canada over Land and Lakes a)The soldiers in the War of 1812 were ill trained and were not prepared for war. b)The strategy used for attacking Canada was poorly planned because instead of attacking Montreal, the center of population, the plan was spilt into 3 invasions of Detroit, Niagara, and Lake Champlain c)The British and Canadians had captured the American fort at Michilimackinac that had controlled the Great Lakes and the Indian area in the south and west, which was commanded by Isaac Brock i)The control of Great Lakes was important, in which Oliver Hazard Perry built ships on Lake Eerie and captured the British fleet ii) While the British were leaving Detroit and Fort Malden, they were attacked by General Harrison s army at Battle of Thames d)There were some improvements, such as the American navy having more success than the army and there were better gunners e)Americans protected their own country against the conquering British. Napoleon was exiled to Elba later and America was alone to face the war while more red coats went to Canada f)The British tried to attack NYC, but was stopped by Thomas Macdonough and was almost impossible to stop until he turned the ship with cables, brining a victory home 3)Washington Burned and New Orleans Defended a)British troops landed in
  • 41. Social Stratification Has Good Consequences For Society 1. What is the Davis Moore thesis? The Davis Moore thesis states that social stratification has good consequences for society. They argue societies may have different occupations or tasks that these jobs differ in their importance to society. They believed this encourages people to work harder and be more efficient in their jobs, ultimately benefiting society. 2. List and define three different systems of stratification in society. The three different systems of social stratification in society are slavery, castes, and social classes. Slavery is the most extreme form of social inequality, where enslaved people are treated a property that can be bought, sold, and used however the owner wants. A caste system is one where social... Show more content on ... Lastly, horizontal mobility occurs when an individual takes another job that keeps him in the same social class. 5. Compare and contrast the upper uppers and the upper lowers in the United States. The upper upper class are those who come from old money, which is inherited from previous generations.This class compose less than 1% of the population, but possess a great deal of power, and influence society. The upper lowers are those who come from new money. Most of these people a famous stars and are sometimes referred to as the working rich because they work for the money they earn. Although the upper lowers may possess more money than the upper uppers, they often find it difficult to be apart of the upper society. Critical Thinking Questions 1. The Davis Moore thesis argues that social inequality is beneficial to society. Do you agree or disagree with this thesis? Why or why not? I agree with Davis Moore s thesis that social inequality is beneficial to society. Without social inequality everyone would be equal, earning the same amount of money and working at the same jobs. One of the major benefits of social inequality is that individuals have different occupations that differ in their importance in society. While there are some jobs anyone could do, like working at Taco Bell. Other jobs require a lot of skill, patience, and knowledge, like
  • 42. Mary s Submissive Attitude Towards Her Husband Tension can be an everyday occurrence in the lives of those who are married. This tension can occur through multiple means and can be detrimental to a relationship. For example, tension in marriage can come from money problems, infidelity, and unexpected circumstances. However, in some relationships the tension is caused because of a partners personality being overbearing or selfish. This paper will look at Mary from Steinbeck s The Winter of Our Discontent , and how her lofty and submissive attitude causes tension in her marriagewith Ethan. Mary s loftiness concerning money causes marital tension because of her unwillingness to admit mistakes. In the book Mary and Ethan have a conversation about money, and Mary reveals her lofty nature in... Show more content on ... In the scene where Ethan asks Mary for money to give to Danny, she tells Ethan that she is still not interested in business, and then she willingly give Ethan a thousand dollars from her own money to him to use (122). Mary in this scene is very submissive to the judgement of Ethan. However, we must understand that this submissive attitude by Mary is because she doesn t care for her husband or his moral health. We can understand this because Ethan first asks her if she doesn t care about the business. This is important to not because Ethan is trying to suggest to Mary that the business he has planned could be considered suspicious. However, Mary clearly explains that she doesn t want to know, and that she is apathetic towards her husband s dealings. This is important because this apathetic attitude towards business reveals marital tension in that she is indifferent towards her husband s actions. Indifference in a marriage can lead to many problems in life. For example, if a wife didn t care where her husband was going at night, and later found he was committing adultery, this could lead to a big fight or a divorce. Furthermore, Mary s attitude of submissiveness towards her money shows further her indifference towards her husband and his dealings. She willingly grants a thousand dollars with no questions asked to him. A thousand dollars back then was a lot of money, and she clearly doesn t care what her husband will do with the money. Furthermore, we understand that this money was for Danny, so that he could use it to kill himself. This is a serious breach in moral conduct, but Mary doesn t care at all. She is revealing that, whether or not, Ethan commits a immoral act, she is more than willing to let him commit that act, and understanding from the previous paragraph she even encourages his immoral
  • 43. Transhumanism In Eugenics In Francis Galton s Eugenics: Its Definition, Scope, and Aims the purpose of eugenics is to improve the human race. Eugenicists view the undesirable qualities in a population as aspects of humanity that can be improved upon and developed through the careful regulation of breeding within a society. If the breeding of specific traits were to be controlled, the best possible offspring would be produced. The desire to improve the humanraceis a theme also found in Nick Bostrom s Transhumanist Values and The Transhumanist FAQ. The purpose of transhumanism is to enhance humans through the use of technology and other means. Transhumanists want to evolve the human race into a posthuman form that has greater capacities than humans currently obtain.... Show more content on ... This is accomplished through the sterilization of those who are considered inferior. If only superior humans breed, the rising generations of people will continue to improve, resulting in the improvement of the society as a whole. The determination of an individual s worth leaves too much room for opinion, resulting in an increased risk that eugenics will be abused by those with racials biases. Transhumanists view the purpose of transhumanism as being the enhancement of the human race through highly regulated research/clinical trials and equal opportunity for all races and classes of people to have access to the technology being used. The careful control of technological advances and the focus on all classes and types of people leaves very little room for the ideology to be abused by those with any kind of racial biases. Both eugenics and transhumanism want to improve the human race in one way or another, but they vary in the execution of their ideals. Eugenicists scarcely acknowledged that their ideology could be misused and did not provide safeguards in case it were to be misused. Transhumanists fully acknowledge the risks involved with their ideology and carefully designed their ideology so as to have preventive measures in place in case it were to
  • 44. The Origin Of The Dragon Jacob Rey Professor Ellen Oliveira ARLT 100G 7 October 2014 Dragons Transformed Dragon have been predominant in many cultures for centuries. Its function may differ culture to culture but its identity has become a universal symbol; we all have the dragon in common. Dragons are everywhere and appear to be the most documented creature in all of ancient history, second to that of the human being (Isaacs 19). These magnificent creatures like any other monster have an origin. Scholars, however, debate the origin of the dragon pointing to several aspects; diffusion and conception from other biological organisms. Is there a definite origin of the dragon? This debate has sparked another simply because it appears that the dragon s identity ... Show more content on ... The origin of dragons is a well debated topic and there seems to be numerous origins however, because the dragon appears in many cultures and because the dragon belief shares so many similarities, Smith argues the dragon must have a common origin (Blust 519). This then raises the question as to how this could be possible especially when there exists a diverse plethora of cultures throughout the world and many geographical locations. This has baffled many including psychologist C. G. Jung, which suggests that dragons are archetypes, or symbols acquired in the past and genetically transmitted for ages as an innate property of the human mind (519). This is an interesting approach, however, there still remains others that must also be discussed; the diffusion of the idea of the dragon and the inspiration by biological organisms. Diffusion is the common explanation to explain the extent to which cultures come to the general consensus on the identity of the dragon. Smith explains that the dragon was a creation of the Egyptian priesthood and from Egypt spread to the Near East, Europe, India, China and Mesoamerica (521). This process of diffusion did not occur at a rapid pace but rather a slow one that took many centuries through contact made during trade. There is evidence to support this claim made by Smith, as the first basic
  • 45. The Champagne Fairs The first of the three themes stated by Abu Lughod is the European Subsystem and how it plays a roll in the world system. Three topics emerge from this theme: Cities of the Champagne Fairs (51), Bruges and Ghent (commercial and industrial cities of Flanders) (78), and the merchant mariners of Genoa and Venice (102). First, Champagne fairs. Champagne fairs were an annual cycle of trading fairs held in towns within the Champagne region. Unfortunately the Champagne region does not involve champagne. The Champagne region is northeast of France, lying between the boundaries of Belgium and Paris, not excluding contemporary North Africa. Champagne fairs were crucial in rekindling medieval Europes economy. They served as a primary market for selling and trading, textiles, fur, leather, and other cultural products. There were a series of six fairs all located in prime trading spots (Locations: Lagny sure marne, Bar sur Aube, Provins, Troyes). Over time each fair became subtly more advanced, ultimately reaching a point of organization and development that was beyond its time. Merchants, as rapacious as they were, began to establish means of credit, contracts, and business partnerships for trade. Traders that came from over seas reasoned the creation of systems that made for flexible and efficient arrivals and departures. These traders even had delegated agents to receive payments for them. Word of who had what spread quickly as communication and transportation began to integrate.
  • 46. King s Speech Flaws The King s Speech is a film that portrays the King to have a flaw. The film focuses on the fact that no one is perfect, even the likes of Royalty. The main character is Albert also known as Bertie , the Duke of York, who has had a speech disorder since he was very young. His wife, Elizabeth, constantly tries to find a cure for her husband. She then found a man named Lionel, a child speech therapist. On their first meeting together, Lionel does all he can to prove that Bertie s speech disorder is not permanent. Throughout the movie we realise that Bertie has not had an easy life. As a child, his nanny rarely fed him, resulting in stomach issues, and we constantly find that h is always mocked for his speech. His brother David, would be next... Show more content on ... How do the sets contribute to the mood the filmmakers are trying to establish? The sets are very dark in order to gain a very serious mood amongst the characters and to create a very dull atmosphere for the audience. The lack of light helps you to gain a connection with the King as he is going through a very difficult time of his life. This difficult time could be described as a very dark part of his life 4. How do the costumes contribute to the image the filmmakers are trying to convey? The costumes were selected accordingly to the time the movie was set in. It has a significant role as people had clothing which served the purpose as a divider of the different classes to symbolize wealth. 5.The extreme close up shot is used for dramatic effect, to make the viewer think about the detail of the image. In this example, from close up of Bertie, what are you as the director trying to achieve? The entire shot is to portray Bertie as being very vulnerable as he is shown squashed into the corner of each shot. 6.How did the editing of the film advance the story that the filmmakers were trying to
  • 47. Hashimoto Case Summary Question: What is the appropriate therapy for treating hashimotos induced hypothyroidism? Background: An 83 year old female is taking her levothyroxine medication to help treat her thyroid disorder induced by Hashimoto. She has been taking this medication for thirty years. While always being adherent to taking her medication, she has never really understood what Hashimoto thyroiditis actually is, or why levothyroxine is the best choice of therapy for treating her hypothyroidism caused by the disease. She is also positive for hypertension, GERD, and insomnia. Response: Hashimoto s thyroiditis is characterized as a type of immune disorder and is the leading cause of hypothyroidism in America.1 The gradual failure of the thyroid is due to an autoimmune disorder that is causing glandular destruction.2 Thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) are two hormones ... Show more content on ... According to one study found, this disease is seen more often in people between the ages of 45 to 65 years old.2 Another epidemiologic study also showed a female predominance of 10:1 to 20:1, and that the disease is more commonly seen in women rather than men.2, 5 During this study, 102 families were chosen to be observed and were made up of 540 individuals to determine if there is a significant genetic component to Hashimoto thyroiditis.5 While a high percentage of adults who had an autoimmune disorder such as trisomy 21 or Turner syndrome showed greater risk for having Hashimoto thyroiditis, a small group of about 20 percent had an indistinguishable clinical hypothyroidism much different from Hashimoto thyroiditis.5 Finally, an analyses of genome linkage in families with Hashimoto thyroiditis showed evidence that some loci, like chromosomes 6p and 12q, could be harboring genes that are already linked to this
  • 48. My Strengths Of My Writing Strengths One of my strengths this year was in my persuasive digital photo essay. I excelled in leaving out the crud in my 630 word paper except for 20 of those words. I used there once, their four times, six it s and nine words that ended with ly (persuasive essay 1). Displaying the incorrect parts of my essayis not a strength, although avoiding words like it s and words that end with ly is a strength that I will remember the rest of my writingcareer. Nevertheless, by rearranging my sentences and researching synonyms that are more attention grabbing than this , always , and thing I enhanced my writing. Therefore creating a story/paper that is far more interesting and exciting to read. The second strength I developed... Show more content on ... When I sit down and write a paper it never fails me to have an outline or a couple sentences for each paragraph to guide me on the right path, most importantly for a timed writing. My midterm essay was a timed writing over a book we finished reading in class. We had the prompt for the writing a couple days before it took place. I put the paper aside in my binder and did not look over it other than to pick which prompt I was going to chose. One out of a many sentence structure mistakes was my thesis and claim, One s true genuine self will prevail with time passing; even if it s too late. (Midterm essay). I placed my thesis as the topic sentence for my second paragraph instead of the last sentence of the first paragraph. In the future to avoid this problem, I can write an outline and be positive that I will have all my claims and topic sentences in the correct place. After the timed writing was over and graded, I received a seventy percent. Receiving a low grade I knew that there was a process in my writing that needed to be changed. Therefore, I decided that with each writing I produce it shall have an outline that it was formed from. Pre writing my papers will allow it to be more structured and neatly written. Prewriting will also enable me to make sure that I do not leave any important information
  • 49. Taking a Look at the Romantic Movement The Romantic Movement was one of the shortest periods in British literary history, starting in 1785 and ending in 1832, but it was also one of the most complex and diverse of literary times due to social and cultural changes that were taking place. Many political events provided the framework for this era, such as the major reform of the British Parliament, America declaring their independence from Great Britain, and the democratic revolution in France (Greenblatt 1412). Although politics played a large role in shaping the Romantic Era, it was also largely about the recovery from obscurity of the medieval romances, previously ignored by literary historians more concerned with classical influences (Greenblatt 1412). Romantics wrote stories of imagination, love, chivalry, nature, and adventure. A couple poets who greatly influenced this literary movement were William Blake and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Blake and Coleridge s ideas and writing techniques were different from one another, but both rejected the neoclassical style before them; they were advocates of a new writing style in which they wrote about their similar political views, love of nature, and mythological tales. Both romantics used nature in many of their works, but they each viewed it in contrasting ways and used it differently throughout their writing. Blake loved nature, but he thought of it only as a helper to the imagination. He believed nature was meaningless without the imagination to humanize it. Most of
  • 50. Differences Among Clinical And Counseling Psychology... Differences Among Clinical and Counseling Psychology Programs The article that I reviewed called Clinical and Counseling Psychology: Can Differences Be Gleaned From Printed Recruiting Materials? Was written by Robert D. Morgan and Lee M. Cohen from Texas Tech University. The purpose of the article was to answer the question whether there were differences between Clinical and Counseling Psychology Doctoral programs that was advertised by the recruitment materials provided by the programs. In short, they wanted to see whether the programs advertised themselves differently. Robert D. Morgan and Lee. M Cohen focused three specialties: Clinical PhD., Clinical PsyD, and Counseling Psychology programs. In order to find out what the differences and similarities are, an eight page coding instrument was used to investigate the program characteristics, faculty characteristics, training requirements and opportunities, and admission requirements and opportunities the recruitment and application materials provided. Recruitment and application materials were taken from 61 counseling psychology programs, and 171 from clinical psychology programs. This was a total of 230 programs reviews obtained. Each topic investigated was broken down and evaluated to examine and explain the key differences and similarities. The study hypothesized that there were very few differences between the specialties, the program characteristics, student and faculty demographics, and training requirements.
  • 51. Perfect Three Point Basketball Shot In looking at what would produce the perfect three point basketball shot, there were three areas that were explored. Using some advanced technology, this study examined the release time, entry angle and rotation of the ball. All of these techniques are essential to shooting success. Dobovicnik L., et al., stated (2015) In modern day basketballit is important to deliver a quick and efficient shot. Besides the length of the throw, the shooting time also depends on speed (p. 5). The playerswere put through a series of three point shots. Using a ball that had internal monitors, data was monitored from the ball to a computer where the final statistics were tabulated. The data that collected was release time in seconds, entry angle
  • 52. Soccer Cleat FADE IN EXT In the woods close to a small house. GOLDILOCKS is walking through the woods. She becomes tired and needs somewhere to stop and rest. She comes upon a little house and goes up to knock on the door. GOLDILOCKS (Knocks on the door) Hello? GOLDILOCKS (CONT D) (Pauses and waits for a response.) Is anyone home? GOLDILOCKS (CONT D) (Waits impatiently) Hello? No one answers, but she is still tired so she walks on in. FADE OUT SCENE 1 FADE IN EXT In the house. After GOLDILOCKS walks into the house, she seems a little hungry so she walks into the kitchen. When she gets to the kitchen, she sees three bowls of porridge on the kitchen table. She goes over to taste them. GOLDILOCKS (Sits down at the table. Tries the ... Show more content on ... He picks up his glasses and puts them on. After he puts them on,he sees his, MOMMA s and BABY BEAR s pens. He decides to get a piece of paper out of the paper tray and check to see if they were still working or if they needed more ink. When he opened up the paper tray, he saw some paper had been taken out. He felt a suspicion but obviously keep on track with checking the pens. PAPA BEAR checked all three pens on the paper then noticed something wasn t right. PAPA BEAR (In a stern tone.) Somebody s been using our pens and the grip is messed up and the ink is low.
  • 53. He started throwing a fit, couldn t believe things were off. MOMMA BEAR heard him and rushed in there to comfort him. MOMMA BEAR (Finally makes it into the office.) PAPA BEAR, what are you doing? PAPA explains. MOMMA BEAR(CONT D) (Rubbing PAPA s back.) It ll be ok PAPA. Why don t you go relax in the living room. Me and BABY BEAR will go with you. PAPA BEAR listens to MOMMA and walks into the living room. FADE OUT SCENE 12 FADE IN Once PAPA BEAR and MOMMA BEAR got into the living room with BABY BEAR, they went to go to relax. Before they went to sit down in their chairs, they all went to the coffee table to pick up their phones. They all picked up their phones and turned them on. PAPA BEAR (Holding his phone in his hand.) Somebody s been using my
  • 54. The Federal Level of Government Essay The money that lies within the federal level of government is not only what the federal level of government revolves around, but also at the state and local community levels as well. It ultimately takes this American ideal, like Barack Obama talks about in his Democratic Convention speech, that America gives you the ability to make yourself whoever you want to be, and completely distorts it. Money turns the reality of America into being that you can only be whoever you want to be if you born into wealthand were one of the lucky ones in society. The problem with this idea is that those who were born into this unlucky realm; this really poor and unfortunate realm everyday have to face those lucky ones who claim that they are only poor... Show more content on ... What he is saying is that at the federal level there is this upper class accent and corporate dominance that is scared of change; scared of alternatives that they feel would go astray from their elitist point and maybe even fear that they would be turned into the minority within the society. On the other end of the spectrum there are those that want change because they feel like they are being oppressed and are being put in a minority situation constantly. They are open minded and feel like by accepting all of the alternatives out there society could have a well rounded perspective. Being a conservative Republican myself sometimes I feel scared of the alternatives and where society might go if the fortunate people were to change, but I have always believed in well roundedness is the best option in most situations. West also states that organized interests have grown more numerous, more active politically, and more representative of the entire society (1999: 20). It is frustrating to look at the way interest groups and corporations set the ideals, have the money to do so, and the rest of the losers in society that have no influence have to make those same ideals internal within themselves as well. That is why it makes so much sense that by the federal level surrounding themselves with
  • 55. Why Canada Should Fund The Military The society one lives in today is controlled by the flow of money. The use of wealth dictates the entire world, and as a result, power, success, and improvement come with the logical and thoughtful control of money. So why does Canada strive for success if the government can t cut funds towards useless motions? The Canadian government should fund the military less. As of 2016, the Canadian government spent $19 billion, roughly 1.35% of Canadas total GDP funding the military. Recent political debate has run into this topic: is spending $19 billion on the Canadian military logical? The disposition of this argument held in this essay believes it is not, and subsequently believes significant cuts in the military s budget need to be made. The reason... Show more content on ... Higher priority motions than the military need funding. A first example of a motion that has a higher priority need for funding than the military is the economic stability of the Canadian government. As shown in the previous paragraph, Canadian economy is struggling and extremely vulnerable. To ensure a stable life for Canadian citizens, the government should take the responsibility to take care of its citizens, hence, funding the Canadian military less. A second motion that would use military funds more efficiently is the funding of environmental preservation. Due to the large quantities of CO2 being released into the atmosphere at an exponential, and thus, alarming rate, the average global temperature is rising. Scientists say that if the current release of carbon keeps up, dramatic effects such as more droughts and heat waves, a massive rise in sea levels and more intense hurricanes are impossible to avoid. The Canadian government cannot ignore the fact that the country s current path is headed for disaster, and money needs to be directed towards this motion before it s too late. A final example of a motion that is far more urgent than the funding of the Canadian military is funding the poor. Regardless of efforts Canada has tried to minimize poverty rates, huge amounts of people are still stuck with low income. 4.9 million people are categorized as poor in Canada, 3 million of which are children. It is irresponsible of the Canadian government to use money ineffectively when so many people are barely hanging onto their prosperity. In summary, motions such as ensuring economic stability, ensuring environmental preservation and funding the poor, which are far more urgent than that the military, need
  • 56. Essay On Residential Care Residential Care promotes positive behavior and attitudes to the CICL. Residential care gives out activities through the houseparents, visitors, and volunteers. These activities are given out daily, the children are preoccupied most of time, which leads them to momentarily disregard the opportunity to commit deviant acts again. The activities conducted by the facilitators involves cooking, cleaning, washing, recreational activities, spiritual activities, and educational activities. Moreover, these activities improve the children s capacities and capabilities. These activities guide the children to change their behaviors. The activities given also improves the children s skills. Residential care prevents the children from committing deviant ... Show more content on ... Since household chores is the most common activity given in the residential care by the facilitators, the effect of this activity is massive. As mentioned by Moore (2013), Housework may not be glamorous, but it s necessary, and knowing how to do it efficiently and effectively is a life skill. Based on the survey results, 69% of the respondents claim that they never did the activities given in the residential care, such as cooking, cleaning, and washing among others, while the remaining 31% did the said activities before being admitted in the residential care. The results imply that the activities improve their skills, especially their life skills. In residential care, the children are taught how to cook, clean and wash their clothes. These activities were not usually performed by the majority before being admitted in the residential care. On the other hand, the skills of the minority are enhanced since they are expected to perform these activities daily. Overall, the activities provided by the residential care promotes positive behavior and attitudes to the children in conflict with law. These activities are performed by the children daily. Furthermore, these activities help the children from committing deviant acts again. The said activities improves the children s
  • 57. Metropolis Terrorism Incident Preparedness Strategy Metropolis Terrorism Incident Preparedness Strategy The constantly changing nature of terrorism mandates that Metropolis continues to press forward to develop a vision and strategy that defines their terrorism preparedness objectives. Employing insight and identifying eight risk areas, Metropolis has developed this terrorism incident preparedness plan. The intent of this document is to provide Metropolis guidance and cohesion to support agencies during a terrorist event using reactionary and resiliency planning. Moreover, the plan will consist of three parts. Part I will discuss four reactionary and four resiliency areas, Part II identifies impacted segments of the areas discussed in Part I, and Part III will provide detailed step by step ... Show more content on ... The four potential risk areas associated with reactionary planning include tourist facilities and special events, college research institutions, government facilities, and telecommunications and radio stations. The City of Metropolis offers a wide assortment of cultural opportunities with attractive locations for tourists seeking a vacation, and local citizens and retirees looking for year round recreational opportunities. Oceanside features various tourist attractions with 25 miles of beach that provide residents and tourist with a major theme park, watersports, other recreational activities, movie theaters, restaurants, and shops. Year round programs and special events include concerts and performances that attract large crowds, college and professional sport leagues that attract attendance between 20,000 and 70,000 fans, golf tournaments, and jazz festivals and concerts. This level of activity, combined with the size and scope of tourist facilities and events is an area of concern for tourist facilities and special events because they have several soft targets, and have the potential to influence terrorist attacks. Because the city s population is culturally diverse, Metropolis tourist facilities and special events are attractive to domestic and international terrorists and terrorist groups; therefore, it is an essential part of the reactionary plan for the
  • 58. J. T. R. Tolkien s Fellowship Of The Ring (1)Tolkien s Fellowship of the Ring from the Lord of the Rings trilogy is about a young Hobbit named Frodo, whose duty is to destroy the One Ring, the only thing keeping the Dark Lord from taking over Middle Earth, where this story takes place. (2)The book opens with Frodo, the main character inheriting all of his uncles treasures from his past adventures after he leaves his home permanently, including a ring he was told not to wear. (3)Gandalf, an old friend of Frodo s arrives with urgent news, warning Frodo to leave Hobbiton (the town he lives in) immediately because the Ring he bears is a threat to the entirety of Middle Earth, the place where this story takes place. (4)Frodo realizes that the ring is the only thing keeping the Dark Lord