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Essay For Peace
Writing an essay on the topic of peace can be both daunting and rewarding. At first glance, the
concept of peace may seem straightforward, but delving deeper reveals its complexity. Peace
isn't merely the absence of conflict; it encompasses harmony, justice, and mutual respect among
individuals and nations.
Crafting an essay on peace requires navigating through layers of historical context, philosophical
perspectives, and contemporary challenges. One must consider the root causes of conflicts, the
dynamics of peacemaking and peacekeeping efforts, and the role of various stakeholders,
including governments, international organizations, and grassroots movements.
Moreover, addressing the multifaceted nature of peace demands a nuanced approach that
acknowledges cultural differences, socio-economic disparities, and geopolitical realities.
Balancing idealism with realism becomes essential, as lofty aspirations must be grounded in
practical strategies for fostering peace in a world marked by diversity and complexity.
Additionally, writing an essay on peace necessitates grappling with moral dilemmas and ethical
considerations. Is peace always achievable, or are there situations where conflict is inevitable or
even necessary? How do we reconcile the pursuit of peace with the imperative of defending
human rights and promoting social justice?
Furthermore, conveying the urgency of the peace imperative requires engaging with current
events and global trends, from the rise of authoritarianism to the threats posed by climate change
and technological disruption. It also entails examining the role of education, dialogue, and
empathy in building bridges across divides and fostering a culture of peace.
In conclusion, writing an essay on peace is a challenging yet enriching endeavor that calls for
intellectual rigor, empathy, and vision. It invites reflection on humanity's collective aspirations
and responsibilities in shaping a more peaceful and just world.
[Note: Similar essays and much more can be ordered on]
Essay For Peace Essay For Peace
Argumentative Essay On Catch 22
Imagine seeing more and more comrades dying while flying combat missions,
being caught up in the middle of a corrupt business takeover, not being able to get
discharged from combat due to paradoxical logic, and constantly having to evade a
comrade s rage induced whore who s out to murder. These are common scenes found
in the controversial book of Catch 22. Catch 22 is a mid war dramatic novelwritten by
Joseph Heller. Published in 1961, the story is set in the middle of World War II and
revolves around Captain John Yossarian and his fellow soldiers, commanders, and a
priest. The story revolves heavily around Yossarian s constant attempts to get out of
the war. As a man that has seen many comrades die right before his eyes, he s given a
unique outlook on who the true enemy... Show more content on ...
For example, Dickstein s article points out a multitude of ways in which the
American people refused participation in the war (the Vietnamese War) and linked
it to Yossarian s actions throughout the book, By the late sixties, seeing through
everything became the most convincing way of looking at the world. This morality
of refusal motivated protesters, draft resisters, and deserters alike. (Dickstein)
Dickstein s article also goes on to talk about the impact of Catch 22 on American s
psyche; with the wide spread popularity of the book people saw the darkness of the
war. Death and madness were part of the mental climate as the fifties turned into the
sixties...With such outrageous twists, Heller s book hit home in a new way.
(Dickstein) Also, Dickstein even goes to the extent of comparing Ronald Reagan s
message, when he was trying to ease the tension from the Vietnam War, of self
seeking was the American way as being the personification of Yossarian. Thusly, it is
through these comparisons and attitudes that Catch 22 became the basis for
American s animosity towards war which consequently affected America s society as
The Government And The Central Bank
Canada s GDP is increasing and the unemployment is decreasing. And so, a cursory
glance may suggest the country is performing well. However, in order to
understand how successful the Government and the Central Bank s efforts to
ameliorate the economic situation have been we need to look beyond the narrow
scope of two years set out by the essay title. As the world is more global now than
before and Canada s economy is export based we have to wider our looks outside of
Canada to understand whether their actions are reasonable made. Therefor I will in
this essay compare Canada with other countries which also have large natural
resource reserves, such as Russia and Norway. To understand the acts of the Canadian
government and the... Show more content on ...
Canada is a developed country with large natural resource reserves. Trade statistics
from recent years shows that the value of natural resource exports accounts for
more than half of Canada s merchandise exports. The United States, China and The
United Kingdom are Canada s most important trade partners and where more than
80% of the merchandised exports are destined (, 2015)
However, unlike other nations with large natural resource reserves Canada s
economy is not solely dependent on natural resources. According to the
(, 2013) Government of Canada s calculations the energy sector
directly account for only 7% of the GDP and other important sectors are: Car
industry, Happenings before 2013 In 2007 2008 the world was struck by a
financial crisis which lead the Eurozone into a debt crisis. Tom Worstall (2014) is
reporting on Forbes that the Nobel prize award winner Ben Bernanke has revealed
the financial crisis to have been even worse than the great depression in 1929 (The
Economist, 2014). Many countries are still facing issues like deflation and slow
growth (Knowledge@Wharton 2015). However, Canada got through the financial
crisis less damaged than other countries and has since been able to present GDP
growth and decreasing unemployment. (Haltom, 2015; IHS, 2015) Monetary and
Fiscal Policy Macroeconomic policy in Canada is set out in its monetary and fiscal
policy. Fiscal policy attempts to control the actions the
Designing Products Or Deliver Services Safely And...
Learning Aim: Examine common engineering processes to create products or deliver
services safely and effectively as a team.
Product: Screwdriver
Making the steel bar
Making the Handle
Quality Control
The screwdriver was firstly seen in the 19th century, which came from the flat bladed
bit used in a carpenters brace.
The function of a screwdriver is . A screwdriver has three main parts. A shaft, a tip
and a handle.
The materials mostly used to make the parts is plastic for the handle, steel bar and
chromium (or nickel) for the steel tip of the screwdriver.
For the steel bar, large amounts of green wire is sent to a factory. The wire is drawn
to the correct size diameter by a machine and after the wire is made into a rod. Then
the rod is made to its correct size by being put inside a die. To produce the correct
strength for the wire goes through heating treating. It is heated for around 12 hours
for the best strength. Once this is done, by using a string forge the wire is
straightened and is put in a cold forming press. This makes the wire have its correct
length by cutting it, it also forms the screwdriver tip and the wings for the handle for
it to correctly fit. After this, by the heated wire. Blades are formed for the tip from the
dies. This is done when the screwdriver goes in the press. After all this the tool has
formed wings and it is worn down.
Then the automatic tipping machine makes the point on the bar. After one more
Nursing Philosophy Essay
Module 2 Assignment: Personal Philosophy of Nursing Module 2 Assignment:
Personal Philosophy of Nursing Submit by 2359 (CT) Saturday at the end of
Module 2. NOTE: You will create a new Word document for this Assignment
instead of typing directly into this document. Overview: Personal Philosophy of
Nursing In this module s Assignment, you will draft a formal paper expressing your
personal philosophy of nursing paper. In this paper, you will provide a framework
for your personal practice of nursing and reflect on why you chose nursing as a
profession. Your paper will define how you interact with patients, family members,
other nurses, and other health care professionals. Since this is your first formal paper
for the program, be... Show more content on ...
Rubric Use this rubric and APA: The Easy Way to guide your work on the Module 2
Assignment, Personal Philosophy of Nursing. Contact your Coach if you have
questions. Tasks пѓЄ| Accomplished| Proficient| Needs Improvement| Personal
Philosophy of Nursing PaperFormat (Total 40 points)| Title Page (Use College of
Nursing Title Page) No mistakes in APA format (5 points) Headings and
References Uses APA format for headings and cite 2 references. (25 points) Writing
Conventions Professional grammar, spelling, and punctuation; paragraphs of at
least 3, well written sentences (10 points)| Title Page (Use College of Nursing Title
Page) Errors in APA format (4 points) Headings and References Cites 1 reference
and includes headings in APA format. (20 points) Writing Conventions No more than
3 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors in the entire paper. (8 points) | No Title
Page (0 points)Headings and References Does not cite references and/or include
headings. (0 points) Writing Conventions More than 3 grammar, spelling, and
punctuation errors in the entire paper (5 points) | Tasks пѓЄ| Accomplished|
Proficient| Needs Improvement| Content and Headings (Total 60 points)|
Introduction Writes a comprehensive overview of the paper in 1 2 paragraphs. (5
points)Choice of Nursing Clearly answers question in 2 3
Next Generation Microprocessor Essay
Introduces the next generation of processors Yiming Xiao As the need for micro
architecture performance modeling power level will continue to work with future
workload and performance requirements increase , the designer must make the right
choices in defining the next generation of low power microprocessors. In this article
, I will mainly talk about the next generation of processors and processor used on
smart phones and how they are designed in different situations. next generation
processor Firstly, the design team early in the design cycle, consider limiting the
power consumption and heat dissipation, you can use an intrinsically low power
microarchitecture line. This will more than teams make some advantages. Besides,
power... Show more content on ...
In other words, they may just be interested to minimize the workload for a given
power to run , but not with the performance of the execution time , but it does not
exceed certain limits. MIPS performance measurement and power watts refer to
the average or maximum value, derived from the specifications of the chip. For
example, January 1 gigahertz ( 109 times / sec ) treatment, which can be completed
up to 4 cycles per instruction , the maximum theoretical yield is 4000 MIPS. If the
average completion rate of a combination of workload data per instructions / cycle,
MIPS will be equal to 1000 times the P. average , however, when it comes to work
focused on evaluating and features processor , parameters, often controversial. In
addition to determining a set of reference applications for the account of the
matter, the basic question remains on how the performance is due to the presence
of a single ( average) Evaluation This is a meaningful comparison of a group of
machines. Third, we can use the statistics of resource use by these cycles can be
easily performed from a monitoring driving performance or cellular level simulator
to estimate the activity factor . Each resource model , if the specific energy model
exists in a given cycle, if the access or use of cell i can determine the consumption
of corresponding energy , and adds to the overall use of unit of net energy. Therefore
, when one end of the simulation ,
Essay about Cholera Project
1. Models are analogies that allow us to clarify hypotheses proposed explanation of
relationships between. What roles do models play in testing hypotheses?
Models provide the physical testing and proof of a hypothesis by exploring the extent
to which the two factors relate within the given hypothesis. It puts a theory into
action, to see if the theory is corrected causes and effects.
2. What did the humoral model of disease propose as the cause for cholea?
The humoral model of disease said that disease was caused by an imbalance in one
or more of four humors or fluids in the body: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow
bile. Physicians would decide on a treatment based on what they thought was the
cause of the ... Show more content on ...
2. Why weren t Snows ideas about cholera accepted at this early date? 3. Explain
why cholera outbreaks are more consistent with contamination of water than air. 4.
Given that cholera outbreaks are more consistent with contamination of water that
air, why did the miasma model persist? 5. How did Snow s experimental research on
anesthesia help him design a new model for the cause of cholera? 6. Why would
evidence of cholera in people living side by side, differing only in water supply,
provide critical evidence? 7. When was the germ theory of disease proposed, and on
what basis?
Part three:
1. Why was it useful to be able to verify the source of the water? 2. Why would a
neighborhood served by two different water companies be more useful for testing
Snow s hypothesis than two neighborhoods each with their own source? 3.
Epidemiologists often draw causal webs to illustrate the interrelationships among
biological, social, and environmental variables that contribute to disease outbreak.
Based on what you have learned so far, what variables should be included in a
causal web for cholera? 4. Snow considered his conclusions about cholera to be
inferences from observations whereas the reviewer from the medical journal
considered these to be conjectures. What is the difference between inference and
Part four:
1. The basic questions of epidemiology focus on the
Air-Euro s Relocation Plan
1. Reviewing the Project Scope
It has been decided that relocation of the Head Office must be in the Zaanstad area
which is about 29 kilometers away from the Schiphol Airport. Since building rents
and leasing costs are lower in Zaanstad, it is much more attractive to the company.
The following requirements were outlined in the project scope.
1.1. Project Statement
Relocation of Air Euro Head Office at Zaanstad; Location: At or near Zaanstad
Area; Accommodation for: 300 persons; Number of Square Meters (Floor area): 500;
must be tiled; Car park: For 400 vehicles; Rent: Around US$ 25,000 per month;
Lease period: 5 years (subject to renewal on mutual ... Show more content on ...
It also involves fitting the equipment. However it must be noted that if the moving
task is handled by the office staff, this aspect of the relocation process would not arise.
2. Assessment of Risks
The following diagram shows a generalized risk management cycle. Risk factors that
are inherent in a relocation effort should not be underestimated because
underestimation often leads to aberrant cost escalation.
Figure 2.1: Risk Management Cycle Source:, 2014
2.1. Identification of risks
The following risks have been identified in this project.
2.1.1. Damage Risk
Possible damage to property is the main risk factor that has to be taken into
consideration in moving the office from the current location to a new location. Air
Euro needs to focus attention on the fact that its fax machines, filing cabinets and
computers might be damaged while in transit.
2.1.2. Under or Over budgeting Risk
The risk of under or over budgeting is very common in a project of this nature and
scope. There must be as far as possible a realistic assessment of expenditure in
order to reduce the risk of under budgeting. For example though the office mover is
responsible for the delivery of the equipment at the new address, in between or after
the delivery proper, there can be other expenses involved. On the other hand over
budgeting is also a
The Law Elasticity Of Cold Temperature
Table one (which contain 0 degrees) can clearly prove that our hypothesis was
supported, the law elasticity states that when cold temperature is applied to a
rubber band it will expand meaning the less elastic constant; this worked a bit the
opposite in our case. Take note that human error could have played a large part in
this experiment. 100 g in test 1, 2 and 3 is rather odd as the elasticity of the rubber
band is decreasing in value: it starts at 0.4 and ends up in 0; this should be the
complete opposite. This common problem keeps occurring until 250g for test 1, 2
and 3 where the value is the same for each test; this is rather odd as the value should
increase. T4 (70 degrees) is the hottest temperaturewe tested. This follows a... Show
more content on ...
The smoothest of all our tests was the one with the room temperatures, on this day
one of our group members were absent but we managed to achieve to work
effectively, this is mainly because of its simplicity.
This experiment had many faults in it. It had vary results and the law that when hot
temperature is applied in to rubber bands it will contract did abide with many of our
results, same goes to the law about cold temperature where the rubber band
expands. It can be assumed that human error played a large factor in the results of
this experiment; we did keep it controlled by letting only one person measure the x
value of the rubber band. This way only one judgement will be written down in our
results rather than multiple which will confuse. I also believe we rushed and did
too much one our first go with temperature. There were four members on the group
and we had to manage it so that one person records the results while another does
measuring, which leaves with only two people managing all the temperatures, this
included managing the hot plate, the ice cubes, constantly checking the temperature
for four beaker, which I believe was a too big of a burden to carry which resulted in
odd result. It also needed to be noted that this had to be repeated three times for each
temperature which means it was a total of 12 different experiments in less than 70
minutes with only two people managing all the critical
Examples Of Psychological Resilience
Psychological Resilience
People contend with many difficult and trying times every day. These may be the
loss of a loved one, a serious illness, the loss of a job or source of income, a terrorist
attack, to mention but a few tragic events. More often than not, these events tend to
be life changing, and how people react to them matters. For the most part, most
people react to such incidences with a sense of uncertainty, accompanied by a
flood of strong emotions. In retrospect, people have the tendency to adapt
c0onsidrably to such life changing situations, albeit over time. This process
involves a lot of resilience, which is an ongoing process that necessitates effort,
time, and engagement, with the people going through a series of stages. Of
interest to this discourse, therefore, are some of the coping strategies individuals
employ, to cope with some of these challenging situations. To do this, this essay
uses the example of Frederic Henry in Ernest Hemingway s A Farwell to Arms.
First, we will talk about how Henry has a series of misfortunes from his past, which
he appears to cope with rather well. Second, we will talk about Catherine Barkley,
Frederic s love interest. She has also lost her fiancГ© when she meets ... Show more
content on ...
psychological dysfunction may range from persistent negative moods, or even a
mental illness. This constitutes the mainstream perception of psychological
resilience. In this sense, Neill observes that psychological stressors, also dubbed risk
factors, are those experiences of major chronic or acute stress, such as the death or
someone close, chronic illness, or even the sexual, emotion, or even physical abuse
(par. 2). Other common stress factors include sudden employment, fear, or even
community violence, such as the recent upheaval of terrorist attacks across the
Essay on Conflict Management in Relationships
Managing Conflict in Relationships
Key Concepts
Bracketing Noting that an issue arising in the course of a conflict should be resolved
Contracting Building a solution through negotiation and the acceptance of parts of
Cross Complaining
Exit Response Physically walking out or psychologically withdrawing
Games Highly patterned interactions in which real conflict is hidden or denied
Grace Granting forgiveness or putting aside our own needs when there is no standard
that says we should or must do so
Kitchen Sinking In which everything except th the kitchen sink is thrown into the
Letting Go
Lose Lose Assumes that conflict results in losses for everyone that it is ... Show more
content on ...
Places value on individualism, self assertion, and competition. Not common in
cultures that prioritize cooperation, keep others from failing, finding areas of
C.A win win approach Usually ways to resolve differences so that everyone gains. A
good solution is one that everyone finds satisfactory. People who adopt win win often
discover solutions previously un thought of b//c they are committed to their own
others satisfaction. Sometimes the result of compromises provide confirmation
protect the health of the relationship
IV.Most people have relatively consistent patterns they employ to respond to conflict.
A.We use exit responses when We see conflicts as a win lose situation may exit
phsysically or psychologically if they think the will lose the argument Although
sometimes useful to break from the conflict to cool off, it tends to be destructive. As
a forceful way to avoid conflict, it is active
B.We use neglect responses when we think the escalating disagreement will harm
everyone or the person thinks they will lose if the conflict progresses
C.We use loyalty responses when focusing on what is good desirable about the
relationship minimizing its problems. Loyalty is silent allegiance doesn t actively
address conflict so it is a passive response. Preserves relationship, is constructive in
the short term. Likely to spring from a lose lose orient towards conflict. Believe
Surge Irrigation Essay
Surge Irrigation
Surface irrigation is not new technology, but through research and the incorporation
of some inventive measures, advances in this area have provided the needed
responses to make this type of irrigation increasingly appealing. Not only is water
quality a major concern, but current farmers must now monitor water quality and
provide adequate crop protection measures to insure a good yield. Water availability is
affected by falling water tables, droughts and stressed by the increasing water demand
of growing urban populations (Moody 1993). Likewise, local and federal
governments create strict water utilization laws, limiting chemical concentrations of
particular substances in surface waters throughout the ... Show more content on ...
Although the alternative did not prove to be advantageous under certain
circumstances, if a farmer required high water volumes, the surge, low pressure
center pivot and low energy precision application (LEPA) center pivot types yielded
favorable results at intermediate and high water requirements and dominated all other
technologies in all scenarios (Amosson 1995). Since LEPA and center pivot systems
may be too expensive for a small operation, the surge technique seems to be the only
Surge irrigation actually is not a new idea, but current methods of applying the
water differ from its original conception. A practice known as bumping began in the
Great Plains. During this time, long rows characterized a typical field and falling
water tables prompted the need of water conservation. From necessity, farmers
realized that if they disrupted the stream furrow flow and then restarted it later, they
could advance irrigation water to the end of the field (Belt 1993). Although the
process was very effective, moving pipe was very labor intensive.
The actual term surge irrigation was created by Utah State University s J. Keller and
G.E. Stringham (Belt 1993). Surge flow is the method of applying water in
intermittent surges as opposed to using a continuous flow pattern (Hill 1994). There
are two application phases, the advance stage
Big Jfk Assassination Thesis
The big Kennedy assassination was the assassination of John F. Kennedy who was
the United States President from 1961 to 1963. He was a popular, good looking, and
young President which the people of the United States favored very much. Due to
that, America was very shocked as his assassination was a huge to blow the country.
America then quickly put their trust into his Vice President, Lyndon B. Johnson, and
he ended up winning the election of 1964, but he was unfortunately deemed with the
difficult task of solving the problems of the Vietnam War. The assassination of him
happened in Dallas, Texas while he was in an open limousine. Kennedy and his crew
arrived an hour before he was assassinated, on the Air Force One. The limo
motorcade he... Show more content on ...
Oswald s wife confirms that the rifle the police found was his, but Oswald himself
denies that he did anything. He even went on to say that the police photographs of
him carrying a gun were fake. Near 2:40pm Lyndon B. Johnson is sworn in as
president on JFK s Bible, while in the small cramped Air Force One. When the
plane arrived back in Washington D.C. Mrs. Kennedy begins to make funeral
plans, and she refuses to change out of her bloodstained dress, saying that people
must know what has happened to her husband. Later that night at around 7pm,
Oswald is charged with Tippit s murder, as well as Kennedy s near 11:30pm that
night. Around 2 days later (Nov. 24, 1963), when police were transferring Oswald
to a more secure county jail, he was shot by Jack Ruby who owned several clubs
/dance halls in Dallas. He was immediately detained, and he said that he only did it
because, Oswald had killed Kennedy, but he was still charged with murder, even
though some called him a hero. A day before Oswald was killed (Nov.23, 1963),
Kennedy s casket was placed in the East Room of the White House, and it stayed
under guard for 24 hours. A few days later over 250,000 people, including leaders,
from over 90 countries attended his formal
Female Sexual Offenders And Female Sex Offenders
Just like most crimes, the number of female sexual offenders is much lower than the
number of male sexual offenders. This is especially true about sex offenses. For a
while, most people didn t believe that woman could even commit a sex related crime;
besides prostitution. There is still a stigma around the topic; woman are the victims,
not the offenders. This is not true though. Femalesex offenders have their own
category. This is because their motives and actions are different than a man s. The
research done on female offenders can be bias because it is such a small amount
compared to the malepopulation of sex offenders.
Woman are thought to make up less than 5% of all sexual offences (Harris, 1979).
This is very small compared to the ... Show more content on ...
That is almost half of the offenders with a drug problem and one third of them with
an alcohol problem.
The victims of a female s sex offender are generally younger than a man s victim.
An investigation was held in Arkansas in 1999 and reported that 50% of their
victims were categorized as 11 16 and 24% were in the 4 10 age range (Tewksbury,
2004, p 368). Solis and Benedek mention a study that found 60% of males who
reported sexual abuse had identified a female as the offender (1993). The female
offenders who abuse young boys are suggested that they have a difficult time
associating with adult males and they use the boys as a substitution (Solis and
Benedek, 2012). This could be because of their own trauma as a child, they do not
have healthy relationships with any adult male in their life. So, they go after
children. It is also pointed out that females are more likely to victimize other females.
One thought on why females victimize other females is because they have a male
counterpart, who is attracted to females. According to Tewksbury (2004), the female
offender knew the victim:
In Fromuth and Conn (1997) s study of self reported sexual perpetrators in a
college population, 68% of the victims were identified as family members. Faller
(1995) reported that in the sample of 40 clinically referred perpetrators, 85% were
mothers and 55% abused only their own children, whereas 30% abused both their
own and other s children.
Switching To Year-Round School
One of the most documented reasons for switching to a year round school is what s
known as the summer slide. Students leave spring semester after taking their exams
and don t think about school for almost 12 weeks. These students then come back in
the fall not only failing at subjects they knew three months prior, but in dire need of
having the foundations re taught to them. This forces teachers to spend valuable
class time re teaching lessons, which dips into class time that should be used for
grade appropriate lessons. In her article, O Sulivan theorizes, the less times students
are away from school, the less time teachers will have to spend reviewing material
from the previous year and acclimating students to classroom rules and procedures ....
Show more content on ...
However it can be argued that the more frequent breaks throughout the year will
leave students feeling refreshed and ready to continue learning when they get
back. In the proposition detailed above, students will have a series of breaks
throughout the school year, with the longest being three weeks over the winter
holidays. This gives ample amounts of time for families to vacation and celebrate
together and hopefully leave the students feeling refreshed and ready to learn when
they get back. It was also indicated by administrators that renewed motivation and
continuous injection of new ideas maintained a higher level of enthusiasm than
[students] had experienced in their previous traditional calendar schools and that
they fully believed this was a critical factor in improving student performance
throughout the year (Shields). It should also be noted that the vast majority of jobs
offered globally do not have a summer break, and by shortening summers from 13
weeks to 7, students will be more prepared to enter the work force once out of
school, and should have an easier time transitioning into the year round life as
opposed to students used to taking 10 to 13 weeks off at
Influences on Stephen Crane s The Red Badge of Courage
People tend to be greatly influenced by stories, news, and other contemporary
sources of knowledge, which ultimately affects the impact they have on the world.
Stephen Crane was greatly impacted by the time period in which he lived. One
such influence was the popular literary style of Realism. Realism is the trend in
which literature is based on the true nature of everyday occurrences devoid of any
fantasy or romance. It is the raw depiction of what life and society is actually like.
This literary style can be found in many of Stephen Cranes novels. Religion also had
a significant impact on the way Stephen Crane wrote his novels. He was an atheist
which brought about the idea that humans are just part of nature and must solve their
own problems without the intervention of a higher being. This notion is evident with
the protagonist of The Red Badge of Courage. Henry Fleming, a young union soldier
in the Civil War, must overcome the fear of putting his life at risk to achieve what
he wants most which is honor. Honor comes from actively participating in battle and
sacrificing his life for the cause. Honor is physically represented from a wound noted
as the Red Badge . In the end Henry doesn t consult in a higher being and achieves
what he wants most by overcoming the mental obstacles and ultimately finding the
strength within to realize what courage actually is. Accompanied by the literary
movements and his religion, his time period was heavily influenced by the
Extraordinary Aqounty Aquaculture Analysis
Hi Quoida,
I can certainly understand the struggles that you have. I have to take of a resident
who has lactose allergy and we have to make sure that she does not received dairy
products. Our aquaculture industry has been farming fish in lieu of its wild
counterpart for people s consumption. We can buy farmed tilapia or haddock in one s
local grocery store. Salmon, especially coming from Washington and Alaska, are
labeled wild to distinguished from the farmed counterparts (Grossman, 2016). The
wild salmons have to migrate inland in order to spawn for the new generations.
However, due to man made dams and drought causing some rivers to disappear, some
salmons could not find their birthplace anymore. The AquaBounty AquAdvantge
salmon is the
Australian Open Tennis Tickets Essay
The world of tennis breathed a heavy sigh of discontent, as a Rafael Nadal and
Roger Federer US Open battle once again did not materialize. Nevertheless, don t
worry; tennis enthusiasts should secure their Australian Open tennis tickets early,
because rivals seem to meet down under . However, what was even more impressive
was what happened in the women s bracket in New York. Tennis may be on the verge
of the next American surge, with some resistance from the elder stateswomen.
Australian Open Tennis Tickets to See a New Order in Women s Tennis?
On the women s half the tournament, the United States ladies asserted themselves as
a potentially dominating force heading into the 2018 season. All four semifinal spots
were filled with American ... Show more content on ...
GarbiГ±e Muguruza is now #1 in the world, in spite of losing in the 4th round. Two
more top 10 females were ousted from the US Open adding even more questions for
women heading into next year s first major. The next generation of American women
is building the suspense for Australian Open tennis tickets, the first major of 2018.
Will Australian Open Tennis Tickets See The Resurgence of the Old Guard?
Not to be lost on the American dominance by the US youth movement was the feat
of Kaia Kanepi. Kanepi reached the quarterfinals as qualifier, but may be part of a
resurgence of mature women pros. Venus Williamspushed her own ranking back
within the top 5 heading into 2018, and now sits as possible favorite leading to
speculation she would warrant strong consideration as a favorite heading into this
year s tournament.
Williams will create a huge draw for Australian Open tennis tickets as she tries to
win a major that has eluded her. As recently as 2017, Venus navigated her way to a
finals match against her legendary sister, Serena.
As with their previous Australian Open final, Venus ended up runner up. With Serena
still working her way through new motherhood, Venus will have her eye on the title
that has eluded her. As amazing as the American dominance was at the US Open, one
big reason for grabbing your Australian Open tennis tickets might be the resurgence
of one women s player.
Maria Sharapova rekindled her appeal after more than a
Military Leadership Requirements
Despite all the adversities that you ll face, the path of success is paved with gold.
If you re willing to do whatever it takes and really follow through on your dreams,
you will make it happen. Being in the military for over 12 years, I firmly believe
that there s some requirements of a leader and if you this requirements, you will
be able to do the things that you ve always wanted to do at the highest level and
dominate no matter what. The first tip is to have a strong health. No matter what
others say, you always have to promote your health. You always have it in control,
whether dieting or exercising you have to be intense top shape if you wat to be a
superior leader. In most cases, a reliable leader should be able to lift up a box, touch...
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Sometimes your antics will be totally uncalled for and will cause unnecessary
drama. But you have to be able to keep going and believe in the plan that you
committed to. Sometimes criticism can feel like a dagger in the back and when
they twist it might hurt. But if you re willing to see through it and keep on going,
eventually they ll release the dagger and you ll be set on your way. The next tip is
to live with integrity. What you do when no one is looking really shows up when
someone is watching. So you have to be filled with integrity and believe that
everything is going to work out if you follow your true calling. But you have to be
able to overcome this temptation by thinking of your true core values and believing
in what you set out to do. Someone once said that the difference between honesty
and integrity is that honesty is telling other people the truth but integrity is telling
yourself the truth. Now that is something we all need to do. When you live s life of
integrity, people will admire you, do believe in you, and they ll even secretly be
your fans. Keep living in integrity if you want to be the highest version of
Earplugs At Concerts Research Paper
The Importance of Earplugs at Concerts
Earplugs are not the coolest addition to your outfit, but they are an important, and
often overlooked, asset at concerts. If you are a regular concert goer that opts not to
wear earplugs, you are in serious risk of permanently damaging your hearing. In fact,
the most common cause of hearing loss is noise induced and can occur from just a
single event such as a concert. The good news is that there are fantastic products on
the market that can help avoid any hearing loss brought about by loud concerts.
How Your Hearing Works
Your hearing relies on tiny, delicate hair cells within your inner earthat carries energy
from sounds to your brain. Loud noises blast and tear these hairs which can cause
permanent ... Show more content on ...
After around 85 decibels, you are at serious risk of damaging your hearing
permanently. A motorcycle engine revving sits at around 100 decibels, and at 110
decibels you can experience loss of hearing after only two minutes. A loud concert
can range anywhere from 100 to 120 decibels, with heavy rock band Manowar
claiming the title of loudest concert ever, at a recorded level of 129 decibels.
What Type Of Earplugs To Look For
It is perfectly normal to experience temporary pain or ringing in the ears following a
loud concert. However, if you regularly attend live events it is important that you
protect your hearing sufficiently. More to the point, you also want to hear the music
going on, so make sure you are getting the right type of ear plug. A standard foam
ear plug will make the music softer, which is great for your ears. However, it will
also muffle the sound and dampen your concert experience.
High fidelity earplugs are a perfect balance of protection and quality to make sure you
can enjoy live music and performances, burden free. High fidelity earplugs work by
creating a flat attenuation in the sound, essentially turning down the sound of the
music but not the
Fitness Dydland Executive Summary
Fitness Wonderland
Prepared by: Kara Urland
526 Marion Lane
Brodheadsville, Pennsylvania 18322
570 350 1075
I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Fitness Wonderland is intended to be established as a
corporation at 526 Marion Lane, Brodheadsville, Pennsylvania 18322 with the
expectation of rapid expansion in the fitness center industry. The Company solicits
financial backing in order to be able to introduce its new service (described below).
Fitness Wonderland will be a thriving business person s club but is also one of the
only family focused clubs in the area. One of the keys to success Fitness
Wonderland plans to use is the ability to offer reasonably priced childcare ... Show
more content on ...
There are unique fitness programs, child care, and trained professionals there to help
at an affordable price particularly suited to the geographical area of the community.
Also the strong management team and numerous amenities.
Turnover rate of customers.
Most advanced fitness equipment, and amenities. New software systems. In need for
more advertisements outside of the gym. High number of business in the area,
supermarkets, and stores in the area.
Competition with other fitness clubs (Anytime Fitness). Economic slowdown.
Higher revenue generating companies in the fitness industry. Fewer fitness clubs than
The primary competitors for the business are the following: The main competitor
would be Anytime Fitness. However, we believe that the Company has the following
competitive advantages:
An advantage we have at Fitness Wonderland is the childcare service, and pool.
Anytime Fitness is a chain fitness center, there are hundreds all over the United
States, Fitness Wonderland is going to be one of a kind and we plan to make that
known. At Fitness Wonderland it will be more of a comforting family type feel that
our customers will enjoy more. Fitness Wonderland has character to it that no chain
gym can
Synopsis Of Concert
Brian Kong
Mrs. Kathleen Muka
Concert Choir, Period 7
8 November 2016 Overtones Overtones are a frequency higher than the fundamental
frequency of a sound and harmonizes with the fundamental note as well. To my
surprise, many people do not hear the overtones that I intentionally create which led
me the looking at the roots and basics of overtones and overtones singing. Every
sound in the world has an overtone. Some we can hear, some we can t. When
singing, I never heard overtones until someone else performed it for me for the first
time. After some instructions, I started to notice overtones which was never there
before. Sometimes I even doubt myself that they exist. Overtones is a high whistling
sound that once you hear once, you will not forget it again. One commonly known
type of overtone sing is Polyphonic overtone singing, a technique which produces
two notes in perfect harmony. The lower of the two is generated by the vibrations of
vocal folds in the larynx which is the same process for everyday speech. This sound
wave is a fundamental frequency, as it has the longest wavelength that will fit inside
the resonant cavity formed by the speaker s mouth and throat. Produced alongside
this low note are numerous overtones or harmonics, waves with higher frequencies
that can also fit into the body s cavity a whole number of times. By moving the
tongue, lips and soft palate, the shape of the cavity can then be adjusted so as to
isolate individual overtones at will.
Why Students Learn Different Ways And Usually Take
Students learn in different ways and usually take in information from all of their
senses e.g. haptic, iconic and echoic. However, students have a preference to which
way they prefer to learn (Gilakjani, 2012). For this assessment I have created a
workshop for students consisting of a range of activities. These activities will aim to
support the learning types when retaining new knowledge. This will hopefully
demonstrate to the students how different learning types learn better by doing
different things. These activities are based on the David Kolb s (1984) theory that
students learn in different ways based on their personality type, educational
specialisation, and career choice. I have used mnemonics as an example to
demonstrate the learning theory. I have chosen the topic of mnemonics because they
can help to retain information better, which can also help students.
Mnemonics are anything that help to create better association with topics by
improving the encoding of memory. Mnemonics work so well because they allow
meaningful links to be created whether it s visually, auditorily or kinaesthetically
/tactilely (Rawlings, et al., 2004). Mnemonics are something that we ve been using
since primary school such as I before E except after C. However, some people are
more likely to remember different mnemonics because of their
Adapting Kindred
Metacognition refers to thinking about what you are thinking ; the audiences are the
ones you want to persuade or to educate. In outcome one, the writer needs to form a
metacognition of the use of language in different writing contexts, which requires the
writer has a clear understanding of who the audience is so that various aspects of
writingwill be formed accordingly. Keeping whom the audiences is an important
aspect of writing because it determines how the arguments would be delivered in
each piece of writing. Hence, the writershould consider the audiences needs in the
background information provided, the frequency of terminology used, the tone, the
style, the word choice and the content. More importantly, having a specific audience
... Show more content on ...
For the first component of this paper, I wrote a proposal of adapting Kindred in the
form of book to a form a short film, which would be exhibited on the Reginald F.
Lewis of African American History and culture. The audience would therefore be
the examiners of the short film on behalf of the museum. For instance, transferring
Kindred from the form of book to the form of short film can help pursue of the
missions that Reginald F. Lewis Museum of African American History and culture,
which is to inspire people about the lives of African American Marylanders. Also
Reginald F. Lewis Museum is celebrating the 10th year of African American
History and culture, therefore exhibiting Kindred as a form of short film would be
meaningful for Reginald F. Lewis Museum, since the visitors who come to the
museum are the ones who are willing to experience, and be inspired by the lives of
African American Marylanders Due to the reason that the audience is the examiner
of the exhibition on behalf of the museum, I carefully considered my tone in both
professional and persuasive tones in order to show respect and persuade them to
exhibit the short film. While writing this proposal to the specific audience, I try to
expect what the examiners on behalf of the museum are willing to see in the short
film. As an examiner, one would like to see a short film that could raise people s
awareness and appreciation towards African American history and culture, in addition
by mentioning that the museum could celebrate the 10th year of African American
History and Culture by exhibiting the short film could show me as a proposer
concern about the African American History and Culture personally and
A Brief Note On The Urban Heat Island
An urban heat island is described as metropolitan area or a city that is particularly
hotter than the rural areas that surrounding it because of the activities of the human.
The difference in the temperature always higher during the night than at the day, and
generally when winds are not strong. Urban heat island is generally apparent during
the winter and summer. The modification of land surfaces is the main reason for the
urban heat islandeffect. The second contributor is the losing of heat created by the
usage of the energy. The growth of the population center tends to extend its area and
boost its temperature average. The low utilize term heat island assigns to any area,
whatever it is populated or not, in such a way it is... Show more content on ...
So, built surfaces are possessed from water resistant and a high percentage of non
reflective construction materials. As a result, they ensure the absorption of certain
proportion of the happening radiation, which is emitted as heat. Vegetation restricts
radiation and yield umbrage that also helps in the reduction of the urban heat
release. The fragmentation and reduction of large vegetative zones such as parks,
will decrease these advantages and also will prohibits atmospheric cooling because
of the circulation of horizontal air created by the gradient of the temperature
between urbanization and vegetation areas, which is called the park cool island
effect. On the other hand, the buildings which is arranged in narrow way along the
streets of the cities create urban canyons that block the reflected radiation from the
urban surfaces from escaping to the space. This radiation is eventually imbibed by
the walls of the buildings, thus promote the release of the urban heat. Factors such as
the expulsion of waste heat from refrigeration and air conditioning systems, the
retardation of rural air flows from the built up surfaces by the windward, the
production of waste heat from motorized vehicular traffic and industrial processes,
and the emitted and scattered radiation from the pollutants of the atmosphere to the
urban area, have been established as extra factors causes of
Samuel Hahnemann Research Paper
Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann is more than the name behind one of the best hospitals in
America; he is the man behind why many children wince and cry and absolutely
abhor visits to the doctor s office but more importantly, the reason why they will grow
into strong and healthy bodies that are immune to fatal conditions. He stands as the
founder of homeopathy a well received treatment associated with naturalism and
holistic techniques (JAMA 2006). By challenging procedures of well respected
physicians of the time, Hahnemann created a fundamental medical system that is
prominent in modern medicine, especially through vaccinations as they include very
dilute quantity of virus material into the person s blood.
It all started with Hahnemann ... Show more content on ...
Willmar Schwabe GmbH Co. History of Homeopathy and Biography of Dr. Samuel
Hahnemann. Retrieved May 6, 2018,
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. 2018. Samuel Hahnemann. Retrieved May 6,
2018, Hahnemann.
Georg Thiem Verlag KG, 2016. Hahnemann s Achievements and Modern Medicine.
Retrieved May 6, 2018, www thieme connect
/ejournals/html/10.1055/s 0036 1572514?update=true.
JAMA. 2006;295(13):1587 1592. Mohr JC. Homeopathy. Retrieved May 6,
Motifs In The Green Lantern
The Green Lantern is a good movie to analyze the presence of ancient hero motifs
in modern film. Throughout, The Green Lantern, the protagonist and central hero
of the film Hal Jordan embodies many of the character motifs of ancient heroes
such as opposition, help from others, tokens of recognition, and rewards while also
neglecting some of these classic motifs. Typical of most heroes, Hal Jordan
receives a lot of opposition from the government, the people and guardians of Oa,
and from the main villains Dr. Hammond and Parallax. The government faces a
threat to Hal Jordan because they are searching for him in order to discover his
involvement with Abin Sur, the extraterrestrial Green Lantern whom crashed into
Earth and was able to pass the ring onto Jordan. After receiving the power of the
ring Jordan deals with the criticism and skepticism from fellow core members as
well as the guardians of Oa, who don t listen to Jordan s advice about the power of
fear. The most prevalent opposition is that of Dr. Hammond and Parallax who both
possess the power of fear. Parallax the greater danger of the two is extremely
powerful and tries to devour and feed off of Earth but with the power of will Jordan
is able to defeat Parallax. Even though Jordan is able to overcome many obstacles...
Show more content on ...
by the rings and lanterns. These pieces which contain Jordan s power are also
symbolic of the hero s tokens of recognition on the planet Oa. Another symbol of
recognition is the coat of arms that his suit creates when he is the Green Lantern
which lets others now he is from Earth. With the ring Jordan is able to draw on the
power of willingness which enables him to complete heroic exploits. As the Green
Lantern Jordan embodies the hero role of a savior. Jordan s two main heroic
exploits involved saving a group of people from Dr. Hammond and also destroying
Parallax to save the Earth from being consumed the
Zaire and Rwanda Essay
The refugee massacre that occurred in the years between 1994 and 1996 in Zaire
demonstrates a worst case scenario of refugee camp militarization. It is by no means
a typical case of refugee warriorism, however, it does exemplify an opportunity
structure that fosters an environment conducive for militarization. The massacre of
refugees in Zaire stems from the Rwandan genocideof 1994 which witnessed the
deaths of 200,000 to 1 million ethnic Tutsi and moderate Hutu.2 The conflict ended in
the victory of the ethnic Tutsi Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) and the defeat of the
ethnic Hutu Forces ArmГ©es Rwandaises (FAR). Consequently, 1.72 2.1 million
Hutu refugees fled the country into Burundi, Zaire, Tanzania, and Uganda.3 Dr.
Emizet... Show more content on ...
They forced refugees back in to Rwanda by gun point and cut off access to food.8 By
May 1997, aid workers discovered that the majority of the refugee camps had
completely emptied and finally after the AFDL took Kinshasa, it gave the United
Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) sixty days to repatriate any
remaining (surviving) Hutu refugees.9
Tanzania and Rwanda Like Zaire, Tanzania was severely affected by huge
population influxes stemming from the situation in Rwanda. Prior the major
influx in the 1990s from Rwanda and Burundi, Tanzania had an open door policy
towards refugees and was a haven for asylum seekers.10 President Julius Nyerere
not only encouraged an open door policy, but he also encouraged refugee warrior
movements against colonial regimes. He saw refugees as vital sources of labour
and also as freedom fighters. However, this changed following the end of Nyerere s
reign and refugees were subsequently re categorized from freedom fighters to threats
to Tanzania s insecurity. This policy shift partly results from the scope of the crisis
(Tanzania was hosting 85% more refugees in 1994 than it was the previous year)11,
economic and political restructuring of the government and a revamped security first
attitude from the
Agile Project Management
By Sanjiv Augustine, Bob Payne, Fred Sencindiver, and Susan Woodcock AGILE
management lets software project managers and employees alike adapt to changing
circumstances, rather than try to impose rigid formal controls, as in traditional linear
development methods. Dealing with an increasingly volatile organizational
environment is a serious challenge for managers of any software development project
[11]. Traditional formal software development methodologies can be characterized as
reflecting linear, sequential processes, and the related management approaches can be
effective in developing software with stable, known, consistent requirements. Yet
most real world... Show more content on ...
Allowing members to join and leave the team allows dynamic team composition and
supports adaptability to changing external conditions. The team [10] maintains
optimal internal channels of communication while minimizing the effect of an
interaction penalty. Even when a project requires a larger team of, say, more than 15
members, 86 December 2005/Vol. 48, No. 12 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM
their teams by defining, disseminating, and sustaining a vision that influences the
internal models of individual agents. The Agile Manifesto (
created in 2001 by the proponents of these methodologies articulated a core set of
values useful in steering this vision. Simple rules. In CAS, agents follow simple
rules, but their interactions result in complex behavior that emerges over time. The
standard XP practices represent a set of simple rules for agile development projects.
They re accepted by all members of the team at the outset, though the team can adjust
or add new practices as needed. Throughout a project, the manager identifies practices
that aren t being followed, seeks to understand why they re not, and removes
obstacles to their implementation. XP practices provide simple generative rules
without restricting the autonomy and creativity of team members. Free and open
access to information. In CAS, information about plans, progress, objectives, and
Lack Of Indoor Coverage And Low Data Rates
different approach to the existing problems of lack of indoor coverage and low data
Femtocells are fully featured, short range mobile phone base stations used to
complement mobile phone services from larger macrocell towers. These range
from very compact residential femtocells to larger equipment used inside offices or
public spaces. They offer excellent mobile phone coverage and data speeds at all the
places. Femtocells have been developed for 3G and also the newer 4G/LTE radio
Femtocells, also known as home base stations , are small low power cellular
network access points that connect standard 3GPP devices to a mobile operator s
network using residential Digital Subscriber Line ... Show more content on ...
Although there are certain issues to be handled but still the following major
advantages can be listed: a) compensates for poor cellular coverage inside the
homes or small enterprise. b) Provides plug and play feature thus providing the
user with ease of installation and usage. c) Compact structure, that is the
Femtocell is actually the UTRAN in a box and offers all services through existing
broadband internet connection. d) Voice and data calls takes place through the
secure IP Sec Tunnel thus offering good quality of encryption and helps in
securing the data. e) Helps in offloading the macro traffic and cell phones
automatically switch over to the Femtocell coverage when in range. f) Femtocells
are compatible with all 3GPP handheld devices and help improve the data speed and
coverage in the areas where there are slow speeds and poor coverage. g) Femtocells
can not only work efficiently with the existing network infrastructure by extending
the cellular macro network but also can serve as primary network if sufficient number
of Femtocells are provided in the region thus reducing the number of macrocells
reducing equipment cost and complexity
The lab setup of Small Cell Management System along with its Network Element
(NE) is as shown in Fig 1. SCMS consists of Wireless management system (WMS),
FileServer (FS), Home device manager (HDM) and Network
The Mid-West Region
The Mid West region is about 200 km north of Perth and surrounding by growing
economic regions. The Mid West region is a central point between the Pilbara,
Kimberley. Although traditionally Mid West is well known for agricultural and
fishery products, the Mid West region could able to attract wide range investment for
varied sectors (REMPLAN 2015). However, the mining industry is still becoming an
economic driver of the region.
Figure 1. The City Of Greater Geraldton
(Source : The City of Greater Geraldton Economic profile 2015)
The Greater Geraldton is a super town in the Mid West region, which was formed as
an amalgamation of the City of Geraldton and the Shire of Greenough in 2007 and
then shire of Mullewa in 2011. As a regional ... Show more content on ...
Climate change would increase temperatures and reduce rainfall. It would have a
major impact for the region, especially in the farming, fishing and tourism industries,
which become main employment generators in the region. Another impact of climate
change is rising sea level that would become main issues for the region s ports and
for its coastal towns,Geraldton, The Batavia Regional Organisation of Councils
(BROC), comprising the City of Geraldton Greenough and the Shires of Irwin,
Northampton and Chapman Valley, recognised the need for early climate change
adaptation planning to undertake a climate change risk assessment and develop an
adaptation action plan (Bachar
William Kissinger And American Diplomacy
I hope I came close to what you were looking for, as mentioned before I just started
college after 20 some odd years. I am not familiar with the process or writing styles
like Chicago or any others, and definitely without plagiarizing something,
definitely not my intention. Hoping I caught enough of the citations but again
very new to this system. As mentioned before, I am already registered for the
Developmental Reading and Writing class that starts on the 14th. Looking
forward to reading any ideas and criticism on this paper. This book was very hard
for me to read and comprehend the two chapters to put into writing. My apologies
on the dark blue ink, ran out of black ink on the eleventh hour. Ana Cooper
American History after 1877 Dr Greg Shealy TR 9:25 to 10:40 Henry Kissinger s
Diplomacy This book is based on the views and discussions of Henry Kissinger and
American Diplomacy America throughout the centuries have thought that in a perfect
world if all other nations followed and mimic us in the process of our ideas,
thoughts and laws that we would have peace and all wars would end. But, in reality
it is not a reality for more than two governments to want the same things. They might
similar in ideas but still differ in others. When you
Analysis Of Christmas Bloomington Project
Shiyao LuoDecember 4, 2015
Limor CohenSpea A450
Christmas Bloomington Project
(Limor s written part)
According to many studies, social interaction is consistently proven as correlated with
health. This research has been successful in proving the number of benefits resulting
from these human relationships such as; reduced stress levels, lower blood pressure,
and cognitive health. In order to facilitate these interactions, many place makers aim
to reject the increase of inhospitable environments and rather implement
environments that promote socialization. In his book, Street Reclaiming, David
Engwicht successfully expresses the ways in which we can foster these spontaneous
exchanges ... Show more content on ...
In our minds this included; a red bow, a number of ribbons in the holiday s
traditional colors, and candy canes. Additionally, we purchased spray chalk in order
for those who choose to stop to express their holiday wishes in a fun and playful way.
We intended to incentivize them to stop by offering them a candy caneand allowing
them to express themselves freely with the medium that we choose. The result of
this would not only be the spontaneous communication that we experienced with
them in that moment, but also the potential future interactions it may create as a
result of people wanting to stop because they are intrigued by the product of the
project we created. When decided where to implement this idea, we considered a
number of open spaces. However, we really wanted to choose a space that is
generally viewed as unappealing in order to put our ideas to the test. We were
determined to find a place where people must often pass through but never see a
reason to stop. Finally, we agreed on setting the project up on a muddy, woodchip
path that is a shortcut often used by music students to get from the Musical Art
Center to the Auditorium most efficiently. This area has recently looked especially
off putting in light of the heaving construction adjacent to it. As we had hoped, this
seemed urge people to stop. Many were curious as to what we were doing, and once
Milton Friedman s Capitalism And Freedom Essay
Milton Friedman, in Capitalism and Freedom, investigates the link between
economic and political freedom. While many supporters of democratic socialism
consider that politics and economics are separate and largely unconnected, Friedman
contests that the two are inextricably linked. To prove this assertion, he mentions
that the citizen of the United States who is compelled by law to devote ... ten
percent of his income to the purchase of a particular kind of retirement contact ... is
being deprived ... of his personal freedom, the freedom of choice (8). He believes
economic freedom involves making choices about how to acquire resources and how
to live. This is why it is tied to political freedom. Because Friedman thinks that
economic regulations, totalitarian or otherwise, restrict the freedom of choice for an
individual, he believes a rigid economic system, like that found in totalitarian Russia,
is largely incompatible with democracy (8). Thus, he advocates for a capitalistic
society in the United States. Friedman provides many reasons to support his claim,
but his main is that coercion is the fundamental threat to freedom (15). He holds that
excessive government regulation infringes on the rights of individuals to enter
economically beneficial agreements with others and, thus, reduces the voluntary
coordination among the population. This is of paramount importance as coordination
is needed to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by modern science and
Use Of Language In The Red Badge Of Courage
In The Red Badge of Courage the names aren t commonly mentioned while in
Sister Carrie, which gives the novel its name there is a girl called Carrie and the
action takes place around her. ...Similarly, omission plays a large part in Crane s
work; the names of his protagonists are not commonly used and sometimes they are
not named at all (Wikipedia, 176).
Use of language in The Red Badge of Courage is quite colloquial and Crane is
criticized for that by critics ...Crane was often criticized by early reviewers for his
frequent incorporation of everyday speech into dialogue, mimicking the regional
accents of his characters with colloquial stylization (Wikipedia 177). ...I s pose we
must go reconnoiterin round th kentry jest t keep em ... Show more content on ...
She was pretty, graceful, rich in the timidity born of uncertainty, and with a something
childlike in her large eyes which captured the fancy of this starched and conventional
poser among men (Dreiser 116).
The language used in The Red Badge of Courage is figurative language. He uses
that kind of style to describe war in all aspects. ...THE cold passed reluctantly from
the earth, and the retiring fogs revealed an army stretched out on the hills, resting
(Crane 5).
Crane personifies the army, cold, and fog. They are described like person with needs,
feelings and behavior. The novelist applies personification for the objects in the
combat area ... Whole brigades grinned in unison, and regiments laughed (Crane19).
Stephen Crane uses personification and similes to describe weapons and soldier. ...
Presently he began to feel the effects of the war atmosphere, ...a blistering sweat, a
sensation that his eyeballs were about to crack like hot stones. A burning roar filled
his ears (Crane 40). By doing so Crane describes weapons as living creatures and he
uses many images of color during the
Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Paper
Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Paper The following essay will
be described the organizational behavior terminology and concepts applied in the
organization. The following topics will be presented: Organization culture as internal
and external environment of control. Diversity as of individual differences based on
gender, race and ethnicity, age, disabilities, and sexual orientation. As the last subject
communication as the human skill that helps the organization to work well with
other people, and resolves conflict. The point of view for experiences in my
organization will be included in this paper and conclusion. Organization Culture The
organizational culture is described as the internal environment of an... Show more
content on ...
This promotes a win win situation with employees and employers. Diversity With the
internal environments of each organization, the workforce diversity refers to the
presence of individual differences based on gender, ethnicity, race, disabilities, and
sexual orientation. As the term multiculturalism means pluralism, and promotes the
diversity of each individual difference Robbins, S. Judge, T. (2009). The
demographic trends in my workforce (Real Estate) has a great diversity because
women are working equals to the men, the increment of the Hispanics, African
Americans, and Asians have increased. The most important part to guarantee that the
diversity will be fully valued and respected in the sense of multiculturalism is if
embraces inclusivity. This term refers to the degree to which the culture respects and
values diversity and is open to anyone who can perform a job, regardless of their
diversity attributes Robbins, S. Judge, T. (2009). Communication The term
communication refers to the ability to work well with talk with other people. The
communication as a human skill has the ability to work with other people and
provide leadership. These efforts of spirit trust, enthusiasm, and involvement in
interpersonal relationships. A good communications skills ha a better degree of self
awareness this works to as understanding of feelings of others. In my organization the
people with this type of communication skills are able
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салатом marinated chicken with spices, roasted in tandoor, served with
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соєвому соусі chicken legs prepared with sweet sour sauce, served
with salad Reshmi Kebab Ціна 129,00 150/100/50 118,00 400/100/50 146,00
курячі ніжки,... Show more content on ...
СЋСЂС– deep fried French fry in vegetable oil 250 102,00 200/50/50 60,00 100/25
42,00 150 38,00 Салаты Salads Овочевий Салат Vegetable
Salad асорті із свіжих овочів assorted seasonal
vegetables Прон Салат салат із креветок,
відварних яєць та цибулі,
приправлений майонезом prawn served with
mayonnaise and mashed egg Prawn Salad Авокадо Прон Салат
салат із м якоті авокадо з креветками
Avocado Prawn Salad tropical fruit avocado served with prawn and mayonnaise
Чікен Салат Chicken Salad відварне курине
філе приправлене часником і
майонезом boiled boneless chicken served with mayonnaise 150 76,00 1
/84/50 92,00 200 66,00 СУПРSOUP Томатний Суп Tomato
Soup суп із свіжих томатів fresh tomato soup with spices
Оніон Суп Onion Soup суп із цибулі vegetable soup
with onion flavor Овочевий Суп Vegetable Soup суп із
свіжих овочів bouillon of fresh chopped vegetables with spices
Світ Корн Суп суп із свіжих овочів з
кукурудзою та приправами soup prepared with sweet
corn and vegetables Sweet Corn Soup Хот Енд Сор Суп Hot Sour
Soup Грін Чікен Суп Green Chicken Soup
солодкувато гострий суп з куриним
філе, яйцем, овочaми та соєвим соусом
preparation of chicken, egg, mushroom, vegetable in soya sauce СЃСѓРї С–Р·
їРёРЅР°С‚Сѓ Р· РєСѓСЂРёРЅРёРј філе chicken bouillon with spinach
and spices Чікен Світ Корн Суп суп з
овочами, куриним філе та кукурудзою
Chicken Sweet Corn soup of corn and chicken Soup Чікен Нудлс
Суп суп з куриним філе та
Photographic Essay On Remembrance Day
My goal for this photographic essay is to capture the emotion and historical
significance surrounding Remembrance Day. I intend on attending a number of
events this week, including the Ghost Soliders Platoon, Sappers and Shrapnel Art
Exhibition, Field of Remembrance and the main ceremony featuring the last post.
At these events I will take a large amount of photos from different angles, in an
effort to capture the grave feeling of this event in a single picture. I will use a close
up shot to reveal the details in the face of a soldier, a low angle shot to uncover the
shape of a well known statue and a combination of wide and high angle shots
overlooking the poppies at both the field out the front of Pulteney and North Terrace.
Through a ... Show more content on ...
And just like the cliche, it does truly feel like he was a baby only yesterday. What I
cannot even begin to imagine is his life if he were at war or was directly affected
by it. The title of this piece is called Lost in the woods , and you only need one
glance at the baby camouflage jumpsuit to feel your heart pang. This photo didn t
need any special lighting or filters. And despite the dark meaning hidden in the khaki
bassinet sheet, this image is perfect the way it is, centre third, close medium shot.
Picture (last) We Will Remember Them
Every year, on the 11th day of the 11th Month at 11 am we pay our respects. We do
not mock those who returned with disabilities, we won t turn away from those
suffering now, and we will never, nor will we ever forget those who are gone.
Unlike the previous photos, this image isn t positioned in any particular way or
with any kind of purposeful lighting. It is instead as raw as it gets, a picture of a
shrapnel barrel with 4 very significant words, that provide everything you need to
know about the aftermath of war. With this image I leave you with one thought; We
Will Remember.
Australian War Memorial
Medi Media Conglomeration Case Study defines corporation as an association of individuals, created by law
or under authority of law, having a continuous existence independent of the
existences of its members, and powers and liabilities distinct from those of its
members. A public corporation is owned and operated by a government, established
for the administration of certain public programs. Conglomerate on the other hand is
a corporationconsisting of a number of subsidiary companies or divisions in a variety
of unrelated industries, usually as a result of merger or acquisition (,
2016). General electricis an example of a conglomerate. It started out as an electric
company and later added companies to include radios, refrigerators and turbine
engines. General electric has become a household name since being formed as a
lighting company by Thomas Edisonin 1890 (, 2015)....
Show more content on ...
Time Warner INC is considered one of the biggest conglomerate. Starting out as a
publishing company that now own networks like HBO, AOL, Cartoon Network,
CNN, TBS, etc. This company also owns magazines such as Sports Illustrated,
TIME, and PEOPLE. According to Lutz (2012), 178 million unique users read Time
Warner News every month (Lutz, 2012). Media conglomerates have both advantages
and drawbacks. One of the advantages is that they have a huge power base to push
their agenda with minimal government control but must be ethical in their approach.
One of the drawbacks is most of these conglomerates are more concern with sponsors
than their
Health Benefits Of Salmon Essay
The Health benefits of Salmon
American ideals about diets and body images are constantly changing. It seems as
though we are always searching for a perfect food, one which will keep us slim
while providing the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients necessary for survival. In
recent years, the focus has shifted from concerns about fat and carbohydrates to
overall health and wellbeing. There has been an increasing emphasis placed on
organic foods foods grown without pesticides, chemicals, and inorganic fertilizers.
Cancer has become a huge concern, as it is being linked to many of the chemicals
and pesticides used in food production. The perfect food has become one which is
capable of blocking the growth of cancer ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) have been known to
decrease in children who consume the fish. The risk of asthma in children is
reduced as well. Finally, there is a decreased risk of strokes and stress induced
aggression in people who consume salmon.
In addition to containing high levels of vitamins and minerals, salmon is also low
in fat and cholesterol. An average portion of salmon provides over half of the daily
allowance of protein, and between four and ten grams of fat . Not all varieties offer
the same benefits, however. Farmed salmon, while often easier to obtain, is the less
healthy choice. While they are being raised, farmed salmon are fed a combination
of fish protein, antibiotics, pesticides, vaccines, chemicals, and other drugs. These
present a risk not only to wild salmon living near the farms, but to humans and the
environment as well. Farmed salmon contain more of the bad fats than wild salmon,
and fewer good fats. Wild salmon, while often more difficult to locate than farmed,
are the healthier choice and the one preferred by the majority of chefs and
consumers throughout the country. The flesh is darker in color and firmer, direct
results of an active, migratory lifestyle. Wild salmon are harvested only after their
feeding and spawning cycles have concluded, but despite this fact their species have
become severely endangered.
If faced with
A Brief Look at Shirley Jane Temple
She was only 6 years old when her career began, starred in more than 50 Televison
shows, 14 short films, and over 40 major motion pictures (,
Shirley Jane Temple. Her life is one of the many interesting biographies to tell.
Temple s curly blonde ringlets and her appealing lisp (
brought in fans left and right. Shirley Temple was famous for phenomenal
achievements that I now share with you. Temple and her fascinating acting,
singing, and dancing skills led her to a very successful future. Even though Shirley
Jane Temple was a small celebrity; she made big progress. Temple became a big hit
in 1934. Since she was the biggest box office attraction at such a young age;
Temple learned to rely on herself. Shirley Temple was recognized for her ability to
sing and tap dance ( Gertrude Temple, Temple s mother, put
her into dance classes at the age of 3 ВЅ( In 1934 Bright Eyes earned
her a special academy award for Outstanding Personality of 1934 ( .
During the 1930 s Temple managed to make 25 movies (World Book
Encyclopedia).During the Great Depression; Shirley Temple was a leading child
film actress ( Shirley appeared in several films with Bill Robinson
during her early acting ages (World Book Encyclopedia). Although Temple was so
young, she seemed more mature than other adults around her. Temple received a
Lifetime Achievement Award from the Screen Actors Guild in 2005.
Viacom International V. Grokster Case
Following the matter further, in June 2010, Viacom International, added to its claim
with YouTube, is involved analogous claims of trademark infringement by sales of
counterfeit. Stanton omitted claims of trademark infringement, dilution claims
against the other advertisers and other listed practices. He then ruled, yet again, in
favor of YouTubein the 2nd United States Circuit Court of Appeals in New York
revived Viacom s case that adjourned in April. This ruling, igniting still more venom
with more statements, according to Reuter s, Viacom s plans to appeal, saying in the
following This ruling ignores the opinions of the higher courts and completely
disregards the rights of creative artists. Google s general counsel, Kent Walker, was
delighted... Show more content on ...
I am witnessing people fighting for what they believe is right and paying the cost to
pursue the matter to the end.So, when lawsuit resumed, on April 18, 2013, Viacom,
presented another angle to the table to dispute their case using, The Grokster Case,
Metro Goldwyn Mayer Studios Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd., theypresented a case that
involved peer to peer file sharing networks and violating the safe harbor provisions of
copyright thief violating the (DMCA) Digital Age of the Millennium Act. This
charges were brought red flags to the United States District Court for the Southern
District of New York against YouTube, Inc. and filed by Viacom Int l Inc., on a
remand from the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. However, in light of the tedious
claims of Viacom, the courts, did give the notices to YouTube to remove the material
that violate the DMCA, all monetary relief and
Macbeth Blood Essay
What bloody man is that? in these, the opening words of the play s second scene,
King Duncan asks about a sergeant. The sergeant then tells the story of Macbeth s
heroic victories over Macdonwald and the King of Norway. The sergeant s telling
of the story is in itself heroic, because his loss of blood has made him weak. Thus
his blood and his heroism seem to enhance the picture of Macbethas a hero. As Lady
Macbeth plans to kill King Duncan, she calls upon the spirits of murder to make
thick my blood; stop up the access and passage to remorse. Thin blood was
considered wholesome, and it was thought that poison made blood thick. Lady
Macbeth wants to poison her own soul, so that she can kill without remorse. Macbeth
says this is a... Show more content on ...
Then he calls upon night to come and with thy bloody and invisible hand cancel
and tear to pieces that great bond which keeps me pale! The great bond is Banquo
s lease on life. A man becomes pale with fear or worry because the blood drains
away from his face. Macbeth believes that if Banquo s blood is shed, his own blood
will return, and he won t be pale anymore. After he has become king, Macbeth
gives a banquet for his noblemen. The banquet has barely begun when Macbeth
has to go to the door to speak with first murderer. There s blood on thy face, he says
and the murderer proudly tells him its Banquo s blood, and that he left Banquo in
a ditch with twenty trenched gashes on his head, all deadly. A little later, just as
Macbeth is talking about how much he wishes that Banquo were at the banquet,
Banquo s Ghost appears. Macbeth says to the ghost, thou canst not say I did it;
never shake thy gory locks at me. The ghost s gory locks are the locks of his hair,
covered with clotted blood. After the ghost has gone, Macbeth tells himself that it s
not his fault that the ghost showed up. He says that men have been killing men for a
long time, since before there were even laws against it; blood hath been shed ere
now, I the olden time, ere human statute purged the gentle weal. It s a natural thing to
shed blood; what s not natural is that now the dead rise again, with twenty mortal
murders on their crowns, and push us
The American Dream In Jeannette Walls s The Glass Castle
Comedian George Carlin once stated, That s why they call it the American Dream,
because you have to be asleep to believe it. Financial security, freedom to live how
one chooses, retiring at 65 and living comfortably in old age, owning a home,
knowing that working hard pays off: these are all fundamental beliefs tied to the
American Dream. As newer generations are increasingly finding the dream to be
unrealistic, people are beginning to abandon the concept; however it is still a very
present ideology. While many believe the American Dream is a lively goal that
everyone strives to achieve, it is actually a dying illusion that is unattainable for all
but the wealthiest and used to propagate a classist society, causing a cycle of
ignorance... Show more content on ...
The purpose of the American dream is not to promise success as a reward for hard
work; conversely, it is the idea that individuals should be able to achieve success
despite their socioeconomic status. This belief is intended to inspire and create
equality. Although the American Dream sounds optimistic in concept, it further
propagates inequality in practice.
The American Dream is not a function of ability and achievement, but a dying
illusion. America is not truly the land of the free, but an ignorant classist society.
Gregory Clark, an economics professor at the University of California, Davis, stated
that America has no higher rate of social mobility than medieval England or pre
industrial Sweden ... That s the most difficult part of talking about social mobility it s
shattering people s dreams (qtd. in Evans). The United States has an incredibly
outdated economic system that does not allow disadvantaged citizens opportunities
regardless of how hard they work. People get stuck in their social status and are not
able to stray out of it, which affects their further generations. Additionally, immigrants
coming to America in hopes of prosperity are likely to have even less luck than
immigrants of the pass and widen the gap of social inequality. Clark continues to
state, The truth is that the American Dream was always an illusion. Blindly pursuing
Ghosts And Skeletons By Benito Cereno
Ghostly representations of the other imagine a social evil that has not been put to
rest. These images reoccur in the Western canon, marking the persistence of slavery
long after its abolition. Haunting, ghosts and skeletons in Benito Cereno act as a
vehicle through which the suppressed return to the stage with a message. The ghosts
carry with them all that the imperialists wanted to control, including emotions, and
more precisely, the emotions of the oppressed. I argue that ghosts and skeletons
comprise an area of tension in which the appearance of the other reveals that the
dominant party s control is incomplete. Yet, the presence is merely ghostly due to the
constant policing and lack of respect for the Other. These ghosts also break through
the boundaries of the dominant culture s paradigms and identities (Harpham 17),
signaling potential political crisis. This text signals the fear of the retaliation of the
Other through ghostly representations by projecting on to the other, their own
identities of brutality and irrationality. Benito Cereno by Herman Melville overturns
the racist images of the colonized by relocating evil in the order of slavery. Hauntings
carry the perspectives and powers of the slaves by preserving the dead amidst the
living and the past amidst the present, they muddle up the concept of time and
therefore defy the Western dream of complete control. In Benito Cereno, which was
written by Melville in 1855, New England captain Amasa Delano comes
Retail Possums Research Paper
The use of 1080 poison to control possums within New Zealand has been quite a
big biological issue over the years. The bushtail possums were introduced to New
Zealand in 1837 for the fur trade by Australia. This poison is commonly used in
New Zealand to target the control of the possum population as well as other invasive
rodents, as these pest eat vulnerable native animals such as, birds, lizards and insects,
but this poison is highly toxic for deer, and dogs. Minimizing the number of possums
mean that the agriculture and forestry to will be able to thrive more. Possums
themselves don t have any predators to control their population, as they can live in
any New Zealand condition, which has now caused human involvement to help
control the issue. Biological concepts and processes 1080 is the better known name
for sodium monofluoroacetate, which is a naturally occurring chemical, produced in
at least 40 plant species that grow on high fluoride soils in Western Australia, South
Africa and Brazil. Sodium fluoroacetate is a natural occurring poisonous chemical
within the plants, of which humans have used to their advantage as a pesticide... Show
more content on ...
My family does our part, making a small difference whenever we are there. We
have 3 homemade Timms trap. By using a tough polyethylene plastic, weighing
around 1.25kgs that is bright yellow that attracts the possums. We but a quarter of
a carrot inside so as the possum comes, it sticks its head in and with any sudden
movement the trap goes off, getting the possum around it neck. This is very
effective way and humane way to kill the animal, as well as it not needing to
suffer, dead within seconds The next day we would tae the dead possum down to
the beach, dig a deep whole and bury it. We would set the traps every night while we
are there. There is a possibility that a weka could stick its head in the trap, but we
have never encountered that
Blaise Pascal And RenпїЅ Descartes
My friend and I once had a riveting discussion about whether mashed potatoes
should be eaten with a fork or a spoon. She firmly believes that mashed potatoes
should be eaten with a spoon because reason suggests that soft foods would fall
through the cracks of a fork. I am convinced that mashed potatoes should rightfully be
eaten with a fork because I have complete faith that the solidity of the potatoes will
maintain itself on top of the fork. My friend and I have yet to resolve this conflict; we
just settled on the conclusion that as long as the potatoes can be consumed, our
differences of opinion remain irrelevant. Similar to this argument, the dual
philosophers and mathematicians Blaise Pascal and RenГЁ Descartes share a
difference of opinion about certain elements of the world. Even though both Pascal s
Human Happiness and Descartes Discourse on the Method ultimately land on the
same conclusions, their thoughtprocesses widely differ. In order to understand why
Pascal s and Descartes outlooks conflict with one another, we need to first understand
how each of their personalities shape their thinking. Pascal s approach to
understanding humans demonstrates itself to be slightly more pessimistic than
Descartes method. Pascal states that even though man proves to be nobler than his
slayer, he still remains the weakest in nature similar to a thinking reed (21, 54).
Pascal seems to be saying that just like a reed, humans can be swayed by external
circumstances and
Traveling With Kids Essay
Traveling can be hard, especially if kids are involved. Any parent knows that
traveling with kids can be tricky, challenging and fun all at the same time. As a
matter of fact, the process might seem like an endless amount of things to do, all
for a short time. Like in almost every aspect of life, however, with tons of
preparation and patience anyone, including you, can plan a family trip trouble free.
This article will focus on how you can make traveling with kids easy, exciting and
yes, even relaxing.
Family Travel Tips
Keep track of flight details: It can be stressful and even impossible to schedule your
kids bedtimes during long trips. Let s say, for example, you re traveling across the
globe, from the United States to somewhere in Asia. ... Show more content on ...
All dramatic play is make believe. That being said, it can be quite nerve wracking for
some kids to go through all the personnel, inspections and long lines. As a solution,
inform and educate them in advance on what s expected of them at the airport and
discuss the environment if they re old enough to understand. You can practice by role
playing beforehand so they won t get overwhelmed with all the procedures and pre
boarding requirements. Organize their personal belongings, making sure they aren t
wearing any belts and don t have other metal objects with them that might attract TSA
The Tuskegee Syphilis Research Study Essay
1) Could this type of research be conducted today? Why or why not?
2.) What should the public have done, since they knew about the study?
3.) In your opinion, how should the data be used that is obtained from an unethical
experiment and how can we prevent this from happening again?
4.) Discuss the code of ethics as it relates to this study?
5.) What are your personal thoughts on the ethical standards exhibited through this
The Tuskegee Syphilis Research Study
Any research like the Tuskegee Syphilis Research Study could not be conducted
today. There are many reasons as to why this type of research study cannot be
conducted today. One reason is because people of all races are more aware of
diseases that today s society has ... Show more content on ...
Today there are many more laws and steps to take in order to conduct a study with
human subjects and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study would never be approved in
today s society due to the many violations to human rights that this study would
incur. The study would still violate the Henderson Act as well as the Declaration of
Helsinki and in addition would violate several other newly developed guidelines.
The National Organization for Human Services has created a set of standards that
human service workers should abide by. A human service worker has a
responsibility to treat their clients with respect and dignity as well as looking out for
their safety (NOHS, 2005). A human service worker has an obligation to avoid any
type of treatment or experiment that would put the client in harm s way.
The American Counseling Association has also developed a Code of Ethics that all
counselors are bound to follow to uphold the integrity of the profession. The Code
of Ethics has a specific area devoted solely to research and how procedures should
be handled. First and foremost, researchers should follow all federal, state, and local
laws pertaining to research with human subjects (ACA, 2005). The Code of Ethics
also explains that researchers are responsible for the well being of their subjects and
they should take special precautions to avoid harm in any way, including physical,
For the Period Before 1750, Analyze the Ways in Which...
Topic: For the period before 1750, analyze the ways in which Britain s policy of
Salutary Neglect influenced the development of American society as illustrated in the
following: Legislative assemblies, commerce, religion. Before 1750, the
undocumented British policy of salutary neglect greatly impacted the methods
through which American colonists regulated their daily lives. Through mercantilist
thought processes, Britain created the colonies merely for gain of the mother terrain
itself. Therefore, it did not give them any specific attention and allowed them to
simply rule itself by personal means and this idea makes up salutary neglect. The
colonies used their own assemblies, such as the House of Burgesses, to govern
themselves.... Show more content on ...
Primarily colonial leadership could make this decision, because the gist of the
situation comprised of keeping the slaves from taking advantage of the fact that
England allowed freedom under certain circumstances. Economically, the Crown
did not provide as much assistance as needed to the colonists of the New World.
Trade involved mainly countries other than England, because this way profits
were maximized. England, once again, created its colonies for mercantilist
reasons: profits and only profits. In reaction to these trade schemes, the Navigation
Acts were enforced. Smuggling then grew extremely popular mainly because of
price differences and simple convenience. Agriculturally, the main crops were
indigo, sugarcane, tobacco, cotton, and rice. Due to high demand, several workers
were needed. Through the Triangular trade, raw materials went to England and the
Northern Colonies, slaves came to the plantation dominated areas of the colonies,
and manufactured goods went to the West Indies. Molasses was turned into rum in
New England and traded for more slaves as well. Religious freedom was one of the
main causes for English peoples to move to the New World. They escaped from the
de catholicization of the Church of England in order to believe in what they wanted
to belive in. The government once again did not pay any heed to set an official
religious set of rules in the colonies, therefore allowing the people to
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Essay For Peace

  • 1. Essay For Peace Writing an essay on the topic of peace can be both daunting and rewarding. At first glance, the concept of peace may seem straightforward, but delving deeper reveals its complexity. Peace isn't merely the absence of conflict; it encompasses harmony, justice, and mutual respect among individuals and nations. Crafting an essay on peace requires navigating through layers of historical context, philosophical perspectives, and contemporary challenges. One must consider the root causes of conflicts, the dynamics of peacemaking and peacekeeping efforts, and the role of various stakeholders, including governments, international organizations, and grassroots movements. Moreover, addressing the multifaceted nature of peace demands a nuanced approach that acknowledges cultural differences, socio-economic disparities, and geopolitical realities. Balancing idealism with realism becomes essential, as lofty aspirations must be grounded in practical strategies for fostering peace in a world marked by diversity and complexity. Additionally, writing an essay on peace necessitates grappling with moral dilemmas and ethical considerations. Is peace always achievable, or are there situations where conflict is inevitable or even necessary? How do we reconcile the pursuit of peace with the imperative of defending human rights and promoting social justice? Furthermore, conveying the urgency of the peace imperative requires engaging with current events and global trends, from the rise of authoritarianism to the threats posed by climate change and technological disruption. It also entails examining the role of education, dialogue, and empathy in building bridges across divides and fostering a culture of peace. In conclusion, writing an essay on peace is a challenging yet enriching endeavor that calls for intellectual rigor, empathy, and vision. It invites reflection on humanity's collective aspirations and responsibilities in shaping a more peaceful and just world. [Note: Similar essays and much more can be ordered on] Essay For Peace Essay For Peace
  • 2. Argumentative Essay On Catch 22 Imagine seeing more and more comrades dying while flying combat missions, being caught up in the middle of a corrupt business takeover, not being able to get discharged from combat due to paradoxical logic, and constantly having to evade a comrade s rage induced whore who s out to murder. These are common scenes found in the controversial book of Catch 22. Catch 22 is a mid war dramatic novelwritten by Joseph Heller. Published in 1961, the story is set in the middle of World War II and revolves around Captain John Yossarian and his fellow soldiers, commanders, and a priest. The story revolves heavily around Yossarian s constant attempts to get out of the war. As a man that has seen many comrades die right before his eyes, he s given a unique outlook on who the true enemy... Show more content on ... For example, Dickstein s article points out a multitude of ways in which the American people refused participation in the war (the Vietnamese War) and linked it to Yossarian s actions throughout the book, By the late sixties, seeing through everything became the most convincing way of looking at the world. This morality of refusal motivated protesters, draft resisters, and deserters alike. (Dickstein) Dickstein s article also goes on to talk about the impact of Catch 22 on American s psyche; with the wide spread popularity of the book people saw the darkness of the war. Death and madness were part of the mental climate as the fifties turned into the sixties...With such outrageous twists, Heller s book hit home in a new way. (Dickstein) Also, Dickstein even goes to the extent of comparing Ronald Reagan s message, when he was trying to ease the tension from the Vietnam War, of self seeking was the American way as being the personification of Yossarian. Thusly, it is through these comparisons and attitudes that Catch 22 became the basis for American s animosity towards war which consequently affected America s society as a
  • 3. The Government And The Central Bank Canada s GDP is increasing and the unemployment is decreasing. And so, a cursory glance may suggest the country is performing well. However, in order to understand how successful the Government and the Central Bank s efforts to ameliorate the economic situation have been we need to look beyond the narrow scope of two years set out by the essay title. As the world is more global now than before and Canada s economy is export based we have to wider our looks outside of Canada to understand whether their actions are reasonable made. Therefor I will in this essay compare Canada with other countries which also have large natural resource reserves, such as Russia and Norway. To understand the acts of the Canadian government and the... Show more content on ... Canada is a developed country with large natural resource reserves. Trade statistics from recent years shows that the value of natural resource exports accounts for more than half of Canada s merchandise exports. The United States, China and The United Kingdom are Canada s most important trade partners and where more than 80% of the merchandised exports are destined (, 2015) However, unlike other nations with large natural resource reserves Canada s economy is not solely dependent on natural resources. According to the (, 2013) Government of Canada s calculations the energy sector directly account for only 7% of the GDP and other important sectors are: Car industry, Happenings before 2013 In 2007 2008 the world was struck by a financial crisis which lead the Eurozone into a debt crisis. Tom Worstall (2014) is reporting on Forbes that the Nobel prize award winner Ben Bernanke has revealed the financial crisis to have been even worse than the great depression in 1929 (The Economist, 2014). Many countries are still facing issues like deflation and slow growth (Knowledge@Wharton 2015). However, Canada got through the financial crisis less damaged than other countries and has since been able to present GDP growth and decreasing unemployment. (Haltom, 2015; IHS, 2015) Monetary and Fiscal Policy Macroeconomic policy in Canada is set out in its monetary and fiscal policy. Fiscal policy attempts to control the actions the
  • 4. Designing Products Or Deliver Services Safely And... Learning Aim: Examine common engineering processes to create products or deliver services safely and effectively as a team. Product: Screwdriver PICTURE Processes: Making the steel bar Making the Handle Assembly Quality Control INTRO The screwdriver was firstly seen in the 19th century, which came from the flat bladed bit used in a carpenters brace. The function of a screwdriver is . A screwdriver has three main parts. A shaft, a tip and a handle. P1 The materials mostly used to make the parts is plastic for the handle, steel bar and chromium (or nickel) for the steel tip of the screwdriver. For the steel bar, large amounts of green wire is sent to a factory. The wire is drawn to the correct size diameter by a machine and after the wire is made into a rod. Then the rod is made to its correct size by being put inside a die. To produce the correct strength for the wire goes through heating treating. It is heated for around 12 hours for the best strength. Once this is done, by using a string forge the wire is straightened and is put in a cold forming press. This makes the wire have its correct length by cutting it, it also forms the screwdriver tip and the wings for the handle for it to correctly fit. After this, by the heated wire. Blades are formed for the tip from the dies. This is done when the screwdriver goes in the press. After all this the tool has formed wings and it is worn down. Then the automatic tipping machine makes the point on the bar. After one more
  • 5. Nursing Philosophy Essay Module 2 Assignment: Personal Philosophy of Nursing Module 2 Assignment: Personal Philosophy of Nursing Submit by 2359 (CT) Saturday at the end of Module 2. NOTE: You will create a new Word document for this Assignment instead of typing directly into this document. Overview: Personal Philosophy of Nursing In this module s Assignment, you will draft a formal paper expressing your personal philosophy of nursing paper. In this paper, you will provide a framework for your personal practice of nursing and reflect on why you chose nursing as a profession. Your paper will define how you interact with patients, family members, other nurses, and other health care professionals. Since this is your first formal paper for the program, be... Show more content on ... Rubric Use this rubric and APA: The Easy Way to guide your work on the Module 2 Assignment, Personal Philosophy of Nursing. Contact your Coach if you have questions. Tasks пѓЄ| Accomplished| Proficient| Needs Improvement| Personal Philosophy of Nursing PaperFormat (Total 40 points)| Title Page (Use College of Nursing Title Page) No mistakes in APA format (5 points) Headings and References Uses APA format for headings and cite 2 references. (25 points) Writing Conventions Professional grammar, spelling, and punctuation; paragraphs of at least 3, well written sentences (10 points)| Title Page (Use College of Nursing Title Page) Errors in APA format (4 points) Headings and References Cites 1 reference and includes headings in APA format. (20 points) Writing Conventions No more than 3 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors in the entire paper. (8 points) | No Title Page (0 points)Headings and References Does not cite references and/or include headings. (0 points) Writing Conventions More than 3 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors in the entire paper (5 points) | Tasks пѓЄ| Accomplished| Proficient| Needs Improvement| Content and Headings (Total 60 points)| Introduction Writes a comprehensive overview of the paper in 1 2 paragraphs. (5 points)Choice of Nursing Clearly answers question in 2 3
  • 6. Next Generation Microprocessor Essay Introduces the next generation of processors Yiming Xiao As the need for micro architecture performance modeling power level will continue to work with future workload and performance requirements increase , the designer must make the right choices in defining the next generation of low power microprocessors. In this article , I will mainly talk about the next generation of processors and processor used on smart phones and how they are designed in different situations. next generation processor Firstly, the design team early in the design cycle, consider limiting the power consumption and heat dissipation, you can use an intrinsically low power microarchitecture line. This will more than teams make some advantages. Besides, power... Show more content on ... In other words, they may just be interested to minimize the workload for a given power to run , but not with the performance of the execution time , but it does not exceed certain limits. MIPS performance measurement and power watts refer to the average or maximum value, derived from the specifications of the chip. For example, January 1 gigahertz ( 109 times / sec ) treatment, which can be completed up to 4 cycles per instruction , the maximum theoretical yield is 4000 MIPS. If the average completion rate of a combination of workload data per instructions / cycle, MIPS will be equal to 1000 times the P. average , however, when it comes to work focused on evaluating and features processor , parameters, often controversial. In addition to determining a set of reference applications for the account of the matter, the basic question remains on how the performance is due to the presence of a single ( average) Evaluation This is a meaningful comparison of a group of machines. Third, we can use the statistics of resource use by these cycles can be easily performed from a monitoring driving performance or cellular level simulator to estimate the activity factor . Each resource model , if the specific energy model exists in a given cycle, if the access or use of cell i can determine the consumption of corresponding energy , and adds to the overall use of unit of net energy. Therefore , when one end of the simulation ,
  • 7. Essay about Cholera Project 1. Models are analogies that allow us to clarify hypotheses proposed explanation of relationships between. What roles do models play in testing hypotheses? Models provide the physical testing and proof of a hypothesis by exploring the extent to which the two factors relate within the given hypothesis. It puts a theory into action, to see if the theory is corrected causes and effects. 2. What did the humoral model of disease propose as the cause for cholea? The humoral model of disease said that disease was caused by an imbalance in one or more of four humors or fluids in the body: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. Physicians would decide on a treatment based on what they thought was the cause of the ... Show more content on ... 2. Why weren t Snows ideas about cholera accepted at this early date? 3. Explain why cholera outbreaks are more consistent with contamination of water than air. 4. Given that cholera outbreaks are more consistent with contamination of water that air, why did the miasma model persist? 5. How did Snow s experimental research on anesthesia help him design a new model for the cause of cholera? 6. Why would evidence of cholera in people living side by side, differing only in water supply, provide critical evidence? 7. When was the germ theory of disease proposed, and on what basis? Part three: 1. Why was it useful to be able to verify the source of the water? 2. Why would a neighborhood served by two different water companies be more useful for testing Snow s hypothesis than two neighborhoods each with their own source? 3. Epidemiologists often draw causal webs to illustrate the interrelationships among biological, social, and environmental variables that contribute to disease outbreak. Based on what you have learned so far, what variables should be included in a causal web for cholera? 4. Snow considered his conclusions about cholera to be inferences from observations whereas the reviewer from the medical journal considered these to be conjectures. What is the difference between inference and conjecture? Part four: 1. The basic questions of epidemiology focus on the
  • 8. Air-Euro s Relocation Plan PROEJCT MANAGEMENT AIR EURO RELOCATION OF HEAD OFFICE 1. Reviewing the Project Scope It has been decided that relocation of the Head Office must be in the Zaanstad area which is about 29 kilometers away from the Schiphol Airport. Since building rents and leasing costs are lower in Zaanstad, it is much more attractive to the company. The following requirements were outlined in the project scope. 1.1. Project Statement Relocation of Air Euro Head Office at Zaanstad; Location: At or near Zaanstad Area; Accommodation for: 300 persons; Number of Square Meters (Floor area): 500; must be tiled; Car park: For 400 vehicles; Rent: Around US$ 25,000 per month; Lease period: 5 years (subject to renewal on mutual ... Show more content on ... It also involves fitting the equipment. However it must be noted that if the moving task is handled by the office staff, this aspect of the relocation process would not arise. 2. Assessment of Risks The following diagram shows a generalized risk management cycle. Risk factors that are inherent in a relocation effort should not be underestimated because underestimation often leads to aberrant cost escalation. Figure 2.1: Risk Management Cycle Source:, 2014 2.1. Identification of risks The following risks have been identified in this project. 2.1.1. Damage Risk Possible damage to property is the main risk factor that has to be taken into consideration in moving the office from the current location to a new location. Air Euro needs to focus attention on the fact that its fax machines, filing cabinets and computers might be damaged while in transit. 2.1.2. Under or Over budgeting Risk The risk of under or over budgeting is very common in a project of this nature and scope. There must be as far as possible a realistic assessment of expenditure in order to reduce the risk of under budgeting. For example though the office mover is responsible for the delivery of the equipment at the new address, in between or after the delivery proper, there can be other expenses involved. On the other hand over budgeting is also a
  • 9. The Law Elasticity Of Cold Temperature Table one (which contain 0 degrees) can clearly prove that our hypothesis was supported, the law elasticity states that when cold temperature is applied to a rubber band it will expand meaning the less elastic constant; this worked a bit the opposite in our case. Take note that human error could have played a large part in this experiment. 100 g in test 1, 2 and 3 is rather odd as the elasticity of the rubber band is decreasing in value: it starts at 0.4 and ends up in 0; this should be the complete opposite. This common problem keeps occurring until 250g for test 1, 2 and 3 where the value is the same for each test; this is rather odd as the value should increase. T4 (70 degrees) is the hottest temperaturewe tested. This follows a... Show more content on ... The smoothest of all our tests was the one with the room temperatures, on this day one of our group members were absent but we managed to achieve to work effectively, this is mainly because of its simplicity. This experiment had many faults in it. It had vary results and the law that when hot temperature is applied in to rubber bands it will contract did abide with many of our results, same goes to the law about cold temperature where the rubber band expands. It can be assumed that human error played a large factor in the results of this experiment; we did keep it controlled by letting only one person measure the x value of the rubber band. This way only one judgement will be written down in our results rather than multiple which will confuse. I also believe we rushed and did too much one our first go with temperature. There were four members on the group and we had to manage it so that one person records the results while another does measuring, which leaves with only two people managing all the temperatures, this included managing the hot plate, the ice cubes, constantly checking the temperature for four beaker, which I believe was a too big of a burden to carry which resulted in odd result. It also needed to be noted that this had to be repeated three times for each temperature which means it was a total of 12 different experiments in less than 70 minutes with only two people managing all the critical
  • 10. Examples Of Psychological Resilience Psychological Resilience People contend with many difficult and trying times every day. These may be the loss of a loved one, a serious illness, the loss of a job or source of income, a terrorist attack, to mention but a few tragic events. More often than not, these events tend to be life changing, and how people react to them matters. For the most part, most people react to such incidences with a sense of uncertainty, accompanied by a flood of strong emotions. In retrospect, people have the tendency to adapt c0onsidrably to such life changing situations, albeit over time. This process involves a lot of resilience, which is an ongoing process that necessitates effort, time, and engagement, with the people going through a series of stages. Of interest to this discourse, therefore, are some of the coping strategies individuals employ, to cope with some of these challenging situations. To do this, this essay uses the example of Frederic Henry in Ernest Hemingway s A Farwell to Arms. First, we will talk about how Henry has a series of misfortunes from his past, which he appears to cope with rather well. Second, we will talk about Catherine Barkley, Frederic s love interest. She has also lost her fiancГ© when she meets ... Show more content on ... Such psychological dysfunction may range from persistent negative moods, or even a mental illness. This constitutes the mainstream perception of psychological resilience. In this sense, Neill observes that psychological stressors, also dubbed risk factors, are those experiences of major chronic or acute stress, such as the death or someone close, chronic illness, or even the sexual, emotion, or even physical abuse (par. 2). Other common stress factors include sudden employment, fear, or even community violence, such as the recent upheaval of terrorist attacks across the
  • 11. Essay on Conflict Management in Relationships Managing Conflict in Relationships Key Concepts Bracketing Noting that an issue arising in the course of a conflict should be resolved later Conflict Contracting Building a solution through negotiation and the acceptance of parts of proposals Cross Complaining Exit Response Physically walking out or psychologically withdrawing Games Highly patterned interactions in which real conflict is hidden or denied Grace Granting forgiveness or putting aside our own needs when there is no standard that says we should or must do so Kitchen Sinking In which everything except th the kitchen sink is thrown into the argument Letting Go Lose Lose Assumes that conflict results in losses for everyone that it is ... Show more content on ... Places value on individualism, self assertion, and competition. Not common in cultures that prioritize cooperation, keep others from failing, finding areas of agreement C.A win win approach Usually ways to resolve differences so that everyone gains. A good solution is one that everyone finds satisfactory. People who adopt win win often discover solutions previously un thought of b//c they are committed to their own others satisfaction. Sometimes the result of compromises provide confirmation protect the health of the relationship IV.Most people have relatively consistent patterns they employ to respond to conflict. A.We use exit responses when We see conflicts as a win lose situation may exit phsysically or psychologically if they think the will lose the argument Although sometimes useful to break from the conflict to cool off, it tends to be destructive. As a forceful way to avoid conflict, it is active B.We use neglect responses when we think the escalating disagreement will harm everyone or the person thinks they will lose if the conflict progresses C.We use loyalty responses when focusing on what is good desirable about the relationship minimizing its problems. Loyalty is silent allegiance doesn t actively address conflict so it is a passive response. Preserves relationship, is constructive in the short term. Likely to spring from a lose lose orient towards conflict. Believe disagreement
  • 12. Surge Irrigation Essay Surge Irrigation Surface irrigation is not new technology, but through research and the incorporation of some inventive measures, advances in this area have provided the needed responses to make this type of irrigation increasingly appealing. Not only is water quality a major concern, but current farmers must now monitor water quality and provide adequate crop protection measures to insure a good yield. Water availability is affected by falling water tables, droughts and stressed by the increasing water demand of growing urban populations (Moody 1993). Likewise, local and federal governments create strict water utilization laws, limiting chemical concentrations of particular substances in surface waters throughout the ... Show more content on ... Although the alternative did not prove to be advantageous under certain circumstances, if a farmer required high water volumes, the surge, low pressure center pivot and low energy precision application (LEPA) center pivot types yielded favorable results at intermediate and high water requirements and dominated all other technologies in all scenarios (Amosson 1995). Since LEPA and center pivot systems may be too expensive for a small operation, the surge technique seems to be the only option. Surge irrigation actually is not a new idea, but current methods of applying the water differ from its original conception. A practice known as bumping began in the Great Plains. During this time, long rows characterized a typical field and falling water tables prompted the need of water conservation. From necessity, farmers realized that if they disrupted the stream furrow flow and then restarted it later, they could advance irrigation water to the end of the field (Belt 1993). Although the process was very effective, moving pipe was very labor intensive. The actual term surge irrigation was created by Utah State University s J. Keller and G.E. Stringham (Belt 1993). Surge flow is the method of applying water in intermittent surges as opposed to using a continuous flow pattern (Hill 1994). There are two application phases, the advance stage
  • 13. Big Jfk Assassination Thesis The big Kennedy assassination was the assassination of John F. Kennedy who was the United States President from 1961 to 1963. He was a popular, good looking, and young President which the people of the United States favored very much. Due to that, America was very shocked as his assassination was a huge to blow the country. America then quickly put their trust into his Vice President, Lyndon B. Johnson, and he ended up winning the election of 1964, but he was unfortunately deemed with the difficult task of solving the problems of the Vietnam War. The assassination of him happened in Dallas, Texas while he was in an open limousine. Kennedy and his crew arrived an hour before he was assassinated, on the Air Force One. The limo motorcade he... Show more content on ... Oswald s wife confirms that the rifle the police found was his, but Oswald himself denies that he did anything. He even went on to say that the police photographs of him carrying a gun were fake. Near 2:40pm Lyndon B. Johnson is sworn in as president on JFK s Bible, while in the small cramped Air Force One. When the plane arrived back in Washington D.C. Mrs. Kennedy begins to make funeral plans, and she refuses to change out of her bloodstained dress, saying that people must know what has happened to her husband. Later that night at around 7pm, Oswald is charged with Tippit s murder, as well as Kennedy s near 11:30pm that night. Around 2 days later (Nov. 24, 1963), when police were transferring Oswald to a more secure county jail, he was shot by Jack Ruby who owned several clubs /dance halls in Dallas. He was immediately detained, and he said that he only did it because, Oswald had killed Kennedy, but he was still charged with murder, even though some called him a hero. A day before Oswald was killed (Nov.23, 1963), Kennedy s casket was placed in the East Room of the White House, and it stayed under guard for 24 hours. A few days later over 250,000 people, including leaders, from over 90 countries attended his formal
  • 14. Female Sexual Offenders And Female Sex Offenders Just like most crimes, the number of female sexual offenders is much lower than the number of male sexual offenders. This is especially true about sex offenses. For a while, most people didn t believe that woman could even commit a sex related crime; besides prostitution. There is still a stigma around the topic; woman are the victims, not the offenders. This is not true though. Femalesex offenders have their own category. This is because their motives and actions are different than a man s. The research done on female offenders can be bias because it is such a small amount compared to the malepopulation of sex offenders. Woman are thought to make up less than 5% of all sexual offences (Harris, 1979). This is very small compared to the ... Show more content on ... That is almost half of the offenders with a drug problem and one third of them with an alcohol problem. The victims of a female s sex offender are generally younger than a man s victim. An investigation was held in Arkansas in 1999 and reported that 50% of their victims were categorized as 11 16 and 24% were in the 4 10 age range (Tewksbury, 2004, p 368). Solis and Benedek mention a study that found 60% of males who reported sexual abuse had identified a female as the offender (1993). The female offenders who abuse young boys are suggested that they have a difficult time associating with adult males and they use the boys as a substitution (Solis and Benedek, 2012). This could be because of their own trauma as a child, they do not have healthy relationships with any adult male in their life. So, they go after children. It is also pointed out that females are more likely to victimize other females. One thought on why females victimize other females is because they have a male counterpart, who is attracted to females. According to Tewksbury (2004), the female offender knew the victim: In Fromuth and Conn (1997) s study of self reported sexual perpetrators in a college population, 68% of the victims were identified as family members. Faller (1995) reported that in the sample of 40 clinically referred perpetrators, 85% were mothers and 55% abused only their own children, whereas 30% abused both their own and other s children.
  • 15. Switching To Year-Round School One of the most documented reasons for switching to a year round school is what s known as the summer slide. Students leave spring semester after taking their exams and don t think about school for almost 12 weeks. These students then come back in the fall not only failing at subjects they knew three months prior, but in dire need of having the foundations re taught to them. This forces teachers to spend valuable class time re teaching lessons, which dips into class time that should be used for grade appropriate lessons. In her article, O Sulivan theorizes, the less times students are away from school, the less time teachers will have to spend reviewing material from the previous year and acclimating students to classroom rules and procedures .... Show more content on ... However it can be argued that the more frequent breaks throughout the year will leave students feeling refreshed and ready to continue learning when they get back. In the proposition detailed above, students will have a series of breaks throughout the school year, with the longest being three weeks over the winter holidays. This gives ample amounts of time for families to vacation and celebrate together and hopefully leave the students feeling refreshed and ready to learn when they get back. It was also indicated by administrators that renewed motivation and continuous injection of new ideas maintained a higher level of enthusiasm than [students] had experienced in their previous traditional calendar schools and that they fully believed this was a critical factor in improving student performance throughout the year (Shields). It should also be noted that the vast majority of jobs offered globally do not have a summer break, and by shortening summers from 13 weeks to 7, students will be more prepared to enter the work force once out of school, and should have an easier time transitioning into the year round life as opposed to students used to taking 10 to 13 weeks off at
  • 16. Influences on Stephen Crane s The Red Badge of Courage People tend to be greatly influenced by stories, news, and other contemporary sources of knowledge, which ultimately affects the impact they have on the world. Stephen Crane was greatly impacted by the time period in which he lived. One such influence was the popular literary style of Realism. Realism is the trend in which literature is based on the true nature of everyday occurrences devoid of any fantasy or romance. It is the raw depiction of what life and society is actually like. This literary style can be found in many of Stephen Cranes novels. Religion also had a significant impact on the way Stephen Crane wrote his novels. He was an atheist which brought about the idea that humans are just part of nature and must solve their own problems without the intervention of a higher being. This notion is evident with the protagonist of The Red Badge of Courage. Henry Fleming, a young union soldier in the Civil War, must overcome the fear of putting his life at risk to achieve what he wants most which is honor. Honor comes from actively participating in battle and sacrificing his life for the cause. Honor is physically represented from a wound noted as the Red Badge . In the end Henry doesn t consult in a higher being and achieves what he wants most by overcoming the mental obstacles and ultimately finding the strength within to realize what courage actually is. Accompanied by the literary movements and his religion, his time period was heavily influenced by the
  • 17. Extraordinary Aqounty Aquaculture Analysis Hi Quoida, I can certainly understand the struggles that you have. I have to take of a resident who has lactose allergy and we have to make sure that she does not received dairy products. Our aquaculture industry has been farming fish in lieu of its wild counterpart for people s consumption. We can buy farmed tilapia or haddock in one s local grocery store. Salmon, especially coming from Washington and Alaska, are labeled wild to distinguished from the farmed counterparts (Grossman, 2016). The wild salmons have to migrate inland in order to spawn for the new generations. However, due to man made dams and drought causing some rivers to disappear, some salmons could not find their birthplace anymore. The AquaBounty AquAdvantge salmon is the
  • 18. Australian Open Tennis Tickets Essay The world of tennis breathed a heavy sigh of discontent, as a Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer US Open battle once again did not materialize. Nevertheless, don t worry; tennis enthusiasts should secure their Australian Open tennis tickets early, because rivals seem to meet down under . However, what was even more impressive was what happened in the women s bracket in New York. Tennis may be on the verge of the next American surge, with some resistance from the elder stateswomen. Australian Open Tennis Tickets to See a New Order in Women s Tennis? On the women s half the tournament, the United States ladies asserted themselves as a potentially dominating force heading into the 2018 season. All four semifinal spots were filled with American ... Show more content on ... GarbiГ±e Muguruza is now #1 in the world, in spite of losing in the 4th round. Two more top 10 females were ousted from the US Open adding even more questions for women heading into next year s first major. The next generation of American women is building the suspense for Australian Open tennis tickets, the first major of 2018. Will Australian Open Tennis Tickets See The Resurgence of the Old Guard? Not to be lost on the American dominance by the US youth movement was the feat of Kaia Kanepi. Kanepi reached the quarterfinals as qualifier, but may be part of a resurgence of mature women pros. Venus Williamspushed her own ranking back within the top 5 heading into 2018, and now sits as possible favorite leading to speculation she would warrant strong consideration as a favorite heading into this year s tournament. Williams will create a huge draw for Australian Open tennis tickets as she tries to win a major that has eluded her. As recently as 2017, Venus navigated her way to a finals match against her legendary sister, Serena. As with their previous Australian Open final, Venus ended up runner up. With Serena still working her way through new motherhood, Venus will have her eye on the title that has eluded her. As amazing as the American dominance was at the US Open, one big reason for grabbing your Australian Open tennis tickets might be the resurgence of one women s player. Maria Sharapova rekindled her appeal after more than a
  • 19. Military Leadership Requirements Despite all the adversities that you ll face, the path of success is paved with gold. If you re willing to do whatever it takes and really follow through on your dreams, you will make it happen. Being in the military for over 12 years, I firmly believe that there s some requirements of a leader and if you this requirements, you will be able to do the things that you ve always wanted to do at the highest level and dominate no matter what. The first tip is to have a strong health. No matter what others say, you always have to promote your health. You always have it in control, whether dieting or exercising you have to be intense top shape if you wat to be a superior leader. In most cases, a reliable leader should be able to lift up a box, touch... Show more content on ... Sometimes your antics will be totally uncalled for and will cause unnecessary drama. But you have to be able to keep going and believe in the plan that you committed to. Sometimes criticism can feel like a dagger in the back and when they twist it might hurt. But if you re willing to see through it and keep on going, eventually they ll release the dagger and you ll be set on your way. The next tip is to live with integrity. What you do when no one is looking really shows up when someone is watching. So you have to be filled with integrity and believe that everything is going to work out if you follow your true calling. But you have to be able to overcome this temptation by thinking of your true core values and believing in what you set out to do. Someone once said that the difference between honesty and integrity is that honesty is telling other people the truth but integrity is telling yourself the truth. Now that is something we all need to do. When you live s life of integrity, people will admire you, do believe in you, and they ll even secretly be your fans. Keep living in integrity if you want to be the highest version of
  • 20. Earplugs At Concerts Research Paper The Importance of Earplugs at Concerts Earplugs are not the coolest addition to your outfit, but they are an important, and often overlooked, asset at concerts. If you are a regular concert goer that opts not to wear earplugs, you are in serious risk of permanently damaging your hearing. In fact, the most common cause of hearing loss is noise induced and can occur from just a single event such as a concert. The good news is that there are fantastic products on the market that can help avoid any hearing loss brought about by loud concerts. How Your Hearing Works Your hearing relies on tiny, delicate hair cells within your inner earthat carries energy from sounds to your brain. Loud noises blast and tear these hairs which can cause permanent ... Show more content on ... After around 85 decibels, you are at serious risk of damaging your hearing permanently. A motorcycle engine revving sits at around 100 decibels, and at 110 decibels you can experience loss of hearing after only two minutes. A loud concert can range anywhere from 100 to 120 decibels, with heavy rock band Manowar claiming the title of loudest concert ever, at a recorded level of 129 decibels. What Type Of Earplugs To Look For It is perfectly normal to experience temporary pain or ringing in the ears following a loud concert. However, if you regularly attend live events it is important that you protect your hearing sufficiently. More to the point, you also want to hear the music going on, so make sure you are getting the right type of ear plug. A standard foam ear plug will make the music softer, which is great for your ears. However, it will also muffle the sound and dampen your concert experience. High fidelity earplugs are a perfect balance of protection and quality to make sure you can enjoy live music and performances, burden free. High fidelity earplugs work by creating a flat attenuation in the sound, essentially turning down the sound of the music but not the
  • 21. Fitness Dydland Executive Summary Fitness Wonderland BUSINESS PLAN Prepared by: Kara Urland 526 Marion Lane Brodheadsville, Pennsylvania 18322 570 350 1075 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Fitness Wonderland is intended to be established as a corporation at 526 Marion Lane, Brodheadsville, Pennsylvania 18322 with the expectation of rapid expansion in the fitness center industry. The Company solicits financial backing in order to be able to introduce its new service (described below). Fitness Wonderland will be a thriving business person s club but is also one of the only family focused clubs in the area. One of the keys to success Fitness Wonderland plans to use is the ability to offer reasonably priced childcare ... Show more content on ... There are unique fitness programs, child care, and trained professionals there to help at an affordable price particularly suited to the geographical area of the community. Also the strong management team and numerous amenities. Weaknesses Turnover rate of customers. Opportunities Most advanced fitness equipment, and amenities. New software systems. In need for more advertisements outside of the gym. High number of business in the area, supermarkets, and stores in the area. Threats Competition with other fitness clubs (Anytime Fitness). Economic slowdown. Higher revenue generating companies in the fitness industry. Fewer fitness clubs than competitors. Competition The primary competitors for the business are the following: The main competitor would be Anytime Fitness. However, we believe that the Company has the following competitive advantages: An advantage we have at Fitness Wonderland is the childcare service, and pool. Anytime Fitness is a chain fitness center, there are hundreds all over the United States, Fitness Wonderland is going to be one of a kind and we plan to make that known. At Fitness Wonderland it will be more of a comforting family type feel that our customers will enjoy more. Fitness Wonderland has character to it that no chain
  • 23. Synopsis Of Concert Brian Kong Mrs. Kathleen Muka Concert Choir, Period 7 8 November 2016 Overtones Overtones are a frequency higher than the fundamental frequency of a sound and harmonizes with the fundamental note as well. To my surprise, many people do not hear the overtones that I intentionally create which led me the looking at the roots and basics of overtones and overtones singing. Every sound in the world has an overtone. Some we can hear, some we can t. When singing, I never heard overtones until someone else performed it for me for the first time. After some instructions, I started to notice overtones which was never there before. Sometimes I even doubt myself that they exist. Overtones is a high whistling sound that once you hear once, you will not forget it again. One commonly known type of overtone sing is Polyphonic overtone singing, a technique which produces two notes in perfect harmony. The lower of the two is generated by the vibrations of vocal folds in the larynx which is the same process for everyday speech. This sound wave is a fundamental frequency, as it has the longest wavelength that will fit inside the resonant cavity formed by the speaker s mouth and throat. Produced alongside this low note are numerous overtones or harmonics, waves with higher frequencies that can also fit into the body s cavity a whole number of times. By moving the tongue, lips and soft palate, the shape of the cavity can then be adjusted so as to isolate individual overtones at will.
  • 24. Why Students Learn Different Ways And Usually Take Through... RATIONALE Students learn in different ways and usually take in information from all of their senses e.g. haptic, iconic and echoic. However, students have a preference to which way they prefer to learn (Gilakjani, 2012). For this assessment I have created a workshop for students consisting of a range of activities. These activities will aim to support the learning types when retaining new knowledge. This will hopefully demonstrate to the students how different learning types learn better by doing different things. These activities are based on the David Kolb s (1984) theory that students learn in different ways based on their personality type, educational specialisation, and career choice. I have used mnemonics as an example to demonstrate the learning theory. I have chosen the topic of mnemonics because they can help to retain information better, which can also help students. Mnemonics are anything that help to create better association with topics by improving the encoding of memory. Mnemonics work so well because they allow meaningful links to be created whether it s visually, auditorily or kinaesthetically /tactilely (Rawlings, et al., 2004). Mnemonics are something that we ve been using since primary school such as I before E except after C. However, some people are more likely to remember different mnemonics because of their
  • 25. Adapting Kindred Metacognition refers to thinking about what you are thinking ; the audiences are the ones you want to persuade or to educate. In outcome one, the writer needs to form a metacognition of the use of language in different writing contexts, which requires the writer has a clear understanding of who the audience is so that various aspects of writingwill be formed accordingly. Keeping whom the audiences is an important aspect of writing because it determines how the arguments would be delivered in each piece of writing. Hence, the writershould consider the audiences needs in the background information provided, the frequency of terminology used, the tone, the style, the word choice and the content. More importantly, having a specific audience ... Show more content on ... For the first component of this paper, I wrote a proposal of adapting Kindred in the form of book to a form a short film, which would be exhibited on the Reginald F. Lewis of African American History and culture. The audience would therefore be the examiners of the short film on behalf of the museum. For instance, transferring Kindred from the form of book to the form of short film can help pursue of the missions that Reginald F. Lewis Museum of African American History and culture, which is to inspire people about the lives of African American Marylanders. Also Reginald F. Lewis Museum is celebrating the 10th year of African American History and culture, therefore exhibiting Kindred as a form of short film would be meaningful for Reginald F. Lewis Museum, since the visitors who come to the museum are the ones who are willing to experience, and be inspired by the lives of African American Marylanders Due to the reason that the audience is the examiner of the exhibition on behalf of the museum, I carefully considered my tone in both professional and persuasive tones in order to show respect and persuade them to exhibit the short film. While writing this proposal to the specific audience, I try to expect what the examiners on behalf of the museum are willing to see in the short film. As an examiner, one would like to see a short film that could raise people s awareness and appreciation towards African American history and culture, in addition by mentioning that the museum could celebrate the 10th year of African American History and Culture by exhibiting the short film could show me as a proposer concern about the African American History and Culture personally and
  • 26. A Brief Note On The Urban Heat Island An urban heat island is described as metropolitan area or a city that is particularly hotter than the rural areas that surrounding it because of the activities of the human. The difference in the temperature always higher during the night than at the day, and generally when winds are not strong. Urban heat island is generally apparent during the winter and summer. The modification of land surfaces is the main reason for the urban heat islandeffect. The second contributor is the losing of heat created by the usage of the energy. The growth of the population center tends to extend its area and boost its temperature average. The low utilize term heat island assigns to any area, whatever it is populated or not, in such a way it is... Show more content on ... So, built surfaces are possessed from water resistant and a high percentage of non reflective construction materials. As a result, they ensure the absorption of certain proportion of the happening radiation, which is emitted as heat. Vegetation restricts radiation and yield umbrage that also helps in the reduction of the urban heat release. The fragmentation and reduction of large vegetative zones such as parks, will decrease these advantages and also will prohibits atmospheric cooling because of the circulation of horizontal air created by the gradient of the temperature between urbanization and vegetation areas, which is called the park cool island effect. On the other hand, the buildings which is arranged in narrow way along the streets of the cities create urban canyons that block the reflected radiation from the urban surfaces from escaping to the space. This radiation is eventually imbibed by the walls of the buildings, thus promote the release of the urban heat. Factors such as the expulsion of waste heat from refrigeration and air conditioning systems, the retardation of rural air flows from the built up surfaces by the windward, the production of waste heat from motorized vehicular traffic and industrial processes, and the emitted and scattered radiation from the pollutants of the atmosphere to the urban area, have been established as extra factors causes of
  • 27. Samuel Hahnemann Research Paper Samuel Hahnemann Samuel Hahnemann is more than the name behind one of the best hospitals in America; he is the man behind why many children wince and cry and absolutely abhor visits to the doctor s office but more importantly, the reason why they will grow into strong and healthy bodies that are immune to fatal conditions. He stands as the founder of homeopathy a well received treatment associated with naturalism and holistic techniques (JAMA 2006). By challenging procedures of well respected physicians of the time, Hahnemann created a fundamental medical system that is prominent in modern medicine, especially through vaccinations as they include very dilute quantity of virus material into the person s blood. It all started with Hahnemann ... Show more content on ... Willmar Schwabe GmbH Co. History of Homeopathy and Biography of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Retrieved May 6, 2018, in/about_schwabe_dhu/samuel_hahnemann/index.html. EncyclopГ¦dia Britannica, Inc. 2018. Samuel Hahnemann. Retrieved May 6, 2018, Hahnemann. Georg Thiem Verlag KG, 2016. Hahnemann s Achievements and Modern Medicine. Retrieved May 6, 2018, www thieme connect /ejournals/html/10.1055/s 0036 1572514?update=true. JAMA. 2006;295(13):1587 1592. Mohr JC. Homeopathy. Retrieved May 6,
  • 28. Motifs In The Green Lantern The Green Lantern is a good movie to analyze the presence of ancient hero motifs in modern film. Throughout, The Green Lantern, the protagonist and central hero of the film Hal Jordan embodies many of the character motifs of ancient heroes such as opposition, help from others, tokens of recognition, and rewards while also neglecting some of these classic motifs. Typical of most heroes, Hal Jordan receives a lot of opposition from the government, the people and guardians of Oa, and from the main villains Dr. Hammond and Parallax. The government faces a threat to Hal Jordan because they are searching for him in order to discover his involvement with Abin Sur, the extraterrestrial Green Lantern whom crashed into Earth and was able to pass the ring onto Jordan. After receiving the power of the ring Jordan deals with the criticism and skepticism from fellow core members as well as the guardians of Oa, who don t listen to Jordan s advice about the power of fear. The most prevalent opposition is that of Dr. Hammond and Parallax who both possess the power of fear. Parallax the greater danger of the two is extremely powerful and tries to devour and feed off of Earth but with the power of will Jordan is able to defeat Parallax. Even though Jordan is able to overcome many obstacles... Show more content on ... by the rings and lanterns. These pieces which contain Jordan s power are also symbolic of the hero s tokens of recognition on the planet Oa. Another symbol of recognition is the coat of arms that his suit creates when he is the Green Lantern which lets others now he is from Earth. With the ring Jordan is able to draw on the power of willingness which enables him to complete heroic exploits. As the Green Lantern Jordan embodies the hero role of a savior. Jordan s two main heroic exploits involved saving a group of people from Dr. Hammond and also destroying Parallax to save the Earth from being consumed the
  • 29. Zaire and Rwanda Essay The refugee massacre that occurred in the years between 1994 and 1996 in Zaire demonstrates a worst case scenario of refugee camp militarization. It is by no means a typical case of refugee warriorism, however, it does exemplify an opportunity structure that fosters an environment conducive for militarization. The massacre of refugees in Zaire stems from the Rwandan genocideof 1994 which witnessed the deaths of 200,000 to 1 million ethnic Tutsi and moderate Hutu.2 The conflict ended in the victory of the ethnic Tutsi Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) and the defeat of the ethnic Hutu Forces ArmГ©es Rwandaises (FAR). Consequently, 1.72 2.1 million Hutu refugees fled the country into Burundi, Zaire, Tanzania, and Uganda.3 Dr. Emizet... Show more content on ... They forced refugees back in to Rwanda by gun point and cut off access to food.8 By May 1997, aid workers discovered that the majority of the refugee camps had completely emptied and finally after the AFDL took Kinshasa, it gave the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) sixty days to repatriate any remaining (surviving) Hutu refugees.9 Tanzania and Rwanda Like Zaire, Tanzania was severely affected by huge population influxes stemming from the situation in Rwanda. Prior the major influx in the 1990s from Rwanda and Burundi, Tanzania had an open door policy towards refugees and was a haven for asylum seekers.10 President Julius Nyerere not only encouraged an open door policy, but he also encouraged refugee warrior movements against colonial regimes. He saw refugees as vital sources of labour and also as freedom fighters. However, this changed following the end of Nyerere s reign and refugees were subsequently re categorized from freedom fighters to threats to Tanzania s insecurity. This policy shift partly results from the scope of the crisis (Tanzania was hosting 85% more refugees in 1994 than it was the previous year)11, economic and political restructuring of the government and a revamped security first attitude from the
  • 30. Agile Project Management By Sanjiv Augustine, Bob Payne, Fred Sencindiver, and Susan Woodcock AGILE PROJECT M A N A G E M E N T: STEERING FROM THE EDGES Agile project management lets software project managers and employees alike adapt to changing circumstances, rather than try to impose rigid formal controls, as in traditional linear development methods. Dealing with an increasingly volatile organizational environment is a serious challenge for managers of any software development project [11]. Traditional formal software development methodologies can be characterized as reflecting linear, sequential processes, and the related management approaches can be effective in developing software with stable, known, consistent requirements. Yet most real world... Show more content on ... Allowing members to join and leave the team allows dynamic team composition and supports adaptability to changing external conditions. The team [10] maintains optimal internal channels of communication while minimizing the effect of an interaction penalty. Even when a project requires a larger team of, say, more than 15 members, 86 December 2005/Vol. 48, No. 12 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM their teams by defining, disseminating, and sustaining a vision that influences the internal models of individual agents. The Agile Manifesto ( created in 2001 by the proponents of these methodologies articulated a core set of values useful in steering this vision. Simple rules. In CAS, agents follow simple rules, but their interactions result in complex behavior that emerges over time. The standard XP practices represent a set of simple rules for agile development projects. They re accepted by all members of the team at the outset, though the team can adjust or add new practices as needed. Throughout a project, the manager identifies practices that aren t being followed, seeks to understand why they re not, and removes obstacles to their implementation. XP practices provide simple generative rules without restricting the autonomy and creativity of team members. Free and open access to information. In CAS, information about plans, progress, objectives, and
  • 31. Lack Of Indoor Coverage And Low Data Rates different approach to the existing problems of lack of indoor coverage and low data rates. Femtocells are fully featured, short range mobile phone base stations used to complement mobile phone services from larger macrocell towers. These range from very compact residential femtocells to larger equipment used inside offices or public spaces. They offer excellent mobile phone coverage and data speeds at all the places. Femtocells have been developed for 3G and also the newer 4G/LTE radio technologies. III.DEFINITION OF A FEMTOCELL Femtocells, also known as home base stations , are small low power cellular network access points that connect standard 3GPP devices to a mobile operator s network using residential Digital Subscriber Line ... Show more content on ... Although there are certain issues to be handled but still the following major advantages can be listed: a) compensates for poor cellular coverage inside the homes or small enterprise. b) Provides plug and play feature thus providing the user with ease of installation and usage. c) Compact structure, that is the Femtocell is actually the UTRAN in a box and offers all services through existing broadband internet connection. d) Voice and data calls takes place through the secure IP Sec Tunnel thus offering good quality of encryption and helps in securing the data. e) Helps in offloading the macro traffic and cell phones automatically switch over to the Femtocell coverage when in range. f) Femtocells are compatible with all 3GPP handheld devices and help improve the data speed and coverage in the areas where there are slow speeds and poor coverage. g) Femtocells can not only work efficiently with the existing network infrastructure by extending the cellular macro network but also can serve as primary network if sufficient number of Femtocells are provided in the region thus reducing the number of macrocells reducing equipment cost and complexity IV.SMALL CELL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The lab setup of Small Cell Management System along with its Network Element (NE) is as shown in Fig 1. SCMS consists of Wireless management system (WMS), FileServer (FS), Home device manager (HDM) and Network
  • 32. The Mid-West Region The Mid West region is about 200 km north of Perth and surrounding by growing economic regions. The Mid West region is a central point between the Pilbara, Kimberley. Although traditionally Mid West is well known for agricultural and fishery products, the Mid West region could able to attract wide range investment for varied sectors (REMPLAN 2015). However, the mining industry is still becoming an economic driver of the region. Figure 1. The City Of Greater Geraldton (Source : The City of Greater Geraldton Economic profile 2015) The Greater Geraldton is a super town in the Mid West region, which was formed as an amalgamation of the City of Geraldton and the Shire of Greenough in 2007 and then shire of Mullewa in 2011. As a regional ... Show more content on ... Climate change would increase temperatures and reduce rainfall. It would have a major impact for the region, especially in the farming, fishing and tourism industries, which become main employment generators in the region. Another impact of climate change is rising sea level that would become main issues for the region s ports and for its coastal towns,Geraldton, The Batavia Regional Organisation of Councils (BROC), comprising the City of Geraldton Greenough and the Shires of Irwin, Northampton and Chapman Valley, recognised the need for early climate change adaptation planning to undertake a climate change risk assessment and develop an adaptation action plan (Bachar
  • 33. William Kissinger And American Diplomacy I hope I came close to what you were looking for, as mentioned before I just started college after 20 some odd years. I am not familiar with the process or writing styles like Chicago or any others, and definitely without plagiarizing something, definitely not my intention. Hoping I caught enough of the citations but again very new to this system. As mentioned before, I am already registered for the Developmental Reading and Writing class that starts on the 14th. Looking forward to reading any ideas and criticism on this paper. This book was very hard for me to read and comprehend the two chapters to put into writing. My apologies on the dark blue ink, ran out of black ink on the eleventh hour. Ana Cooper American History after 1877 Dr Greg Shealy TR 9:25 to 10:40 Henry Kissinger s Diplomacy This book is based on the views and discussions of Henry Kissinger and American Diplomacy America throughout the centuries have thought that in a perfect world if all other nations followed and mimic us in the process of our ideas, thoughts and laws that we would have peace and all wars would end. But, in reality it is not a reality for more than two governments to want the same things. They might similar in ideas but still differ in others. When you
  • 34. Analysis Of Christmas Bloomington Project Shiyao LuoDecember 4, 2015 Limor CohenSpea A450 Christmas Bloomington Project (Limor s written part) According to many studies, social interaction is consistently proven as correlated with health. This research has been successful in proving the number of benefits resulting from these human relationships such as; reduced stress levels, lower blood pressure, and cognitive health. In order to facilitate these interactions, many place makers aim to reject the increase of inhospitable environments and rather implement environments that promote socialization. In his book, Street Reclaiming, David Engwicht successfully expresses the ways in which we can foster these spontaneous exchanges ... Show more content on ... In our minds this included; a red bow, a number of ribbons in the holiday s traditional colors, and candy canes. Additionally, we purchased spray chalk in order for those who choose to stop to express their holiday wishes in a fun and playful way. We intended to incentivize them to stop by offering them a candy caneand allowing them to express themselves freely with the medium that we choose. The result of this would not only be the spontaneous communication that we experienced with them in that moment, but also the potential future interactions it may create as a result of people wanting to stop because they are intrigued by the product of the project we created. When decided where to implement this idea, we considered a number of open spaces. However, we really wanted to choose a space that is generally viewed as unappealing in order to put our ideas to the test. We were determined to find a place where people must often pass through but never see a reason to stop. Finally, we agreed on setting the project up on a muddy, woodchip path that is a shortcut often used by music students to get from the Musical Art Center to the Auditorium most efficiently. This area has recently looked especially off putting in light of the heaving construction adjacent to it. As we had hoped, this seemed urge people to stop. Many were curious as to what we were doing, and once we
  • 35. Milton Friedman s Capitalism And Freedom Essay Milton Friedman, in Capitalism and Freedom, investigates the link between economic and political freedom. While many supporters of democratic socialism consider that politics and economics are separate and largely unconnected, Friedman contests that the two are inextricably linked. To prove this assertion, he mentions that the citizen of the United States who is compelled by law to devote ... ten percent of his income to the purchase of a particular kind of retirement contact ... is being deprived ... of his personal freedom, the freedom of choice (8). He believes economic freedom involves making choices about how to acquire resources and how to live. This is why it is tied to political freedom. Because Friedman thinks that economic regulations, totalitarian or otherwise, restrict the freedom of choice for an individual, he believes a rigid economic system, like that found in totalitarian Russia, is largely incompatible with democracy (8). Thus, he advocates for a capitalistic society in the United States. Friedman provides many reasons to support his claim, but his main is that coercion is the fundamental threat to freedom (15). He holds that excessive government regulation infringes on the rights of individuals to enter economically beneficial agreements with others and, thus, reduces the voluntary coordination among the population. This is of paramount importance as coordination is needed to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by modern science and
  • 36. Use Of Language In The Red Badge Of Courage In The Red Badge of Courage the names aren t commonly mentioned while in Sister Carrie, which gives the novel its name there is a girl called Carrie and the action takes place around her. ...Similarly, omission plays a large part in Crane s work; the names of his protagonists are not commonly used and sometimes they are not named at all (Wikipedia, 176). Use of language in The Red Badge of Courage is quite colloquial and Crane is criticized for that by critics ...Crane was often criticized by early reviewers for his frequent incorporation of everyday speech into dialogue, mimicking the regional accents of his characters with colloquial stylization (Wikipedia 177). ...I s pose we must go reconnoiterin round th kentry jest t keep em ... Show more content on ... She was pretty, graceful, rich in the timidity born of uncertainty, and with a something childlike in her large eyes which captured the fancy of this starched and conventional poser among men (Dreiser 116). The language used in The Red Badge of Courage is figurative language. He uses that kind of style to describe war in all aspects. ...THE cold passed reluctantly from the earth, and the retiring fogs revealed an army stretched out on the hills, resting (Crane 5). Crane personifies the army, cold, and fog. They are described like person with needs, feelings and behavior. The novelist applies personification for the objects in the combat area ... Whole brigades grinned in unison, and regiments laughed (Crane19). Stephen Crane uses personification and similes to describe weapons and soldier. ... Presently he began to feel the effects of the war atmosphere, ...a blistering sweat, a sensation that his eyeballs were about to crack like hot stones. A burning roar filled his ears (Crane 40). By doing so Crane describes weapons as living creatures and he uses many images of color during the
  • 37. Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Paper Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Paper The following essay will be described the organizational behavior terminology and concepts applied in the organization. The following topics will be presented: Organization culture as internal and external environment of control. Diversity as of individual differences based on gender, race and ethnicity, age, disabilities, and sexual orientation. As the last subject communication as the human skill that helps the organization to work well with other people, and resolves conflict. The point of view for experiences in my organization will be included in this paper and conclusion. Organization Culture The organizational culture is described as the internal environment of an... Show more content on ... This promotes a win win situation with employees and employers. Diversity With the internal environments of each organization, the workforce diversity refers to the presence of individual differences based on gender, ethnicity, race, disabilities, and sexual orientation. As the term multiculturalism means pluralism, and promotes the diversity of each individual difference Robbins, S. Judge, T. (2009). The demographic trends in my workforce (Real Estate) has a great diversity because women are working equals to the men, the increment of the Hispanics, African Americans, and Asians have increased. The most important part to guarantee that the diversity will be fully valued and respected in the sense of multiculturalism is if embraces inclusivity. This term refers to the degree to which the culture respects and values diversity and is open to anyone who can perform a job, regardless of their diversity attributes Robbins, S. Judge, T. (2009). Communication The term communication refers to the ability to work well with talk with other people. The communication as a human skill has the ability to work with other people and provide leadership. These efforts of spirit trust, enthusiasm, and involvement in interpersonal relationships. A good communications skills ha a better degree of self awareness this works to as understanding of feelings of others. In my organization the people with this type of communication skills are able
  • 38. Dsf Ads Гарячі закуски РњСЏСЃРЅС– страви Meat dishes Кебаб Гімалаї Kebab Himalaya РЁРёРє Кебаб Seek Kebab Тандурі Чікен Tandoori Chicken Тангді Кебаб Tangdi Kebab Чікен Лолипоп Chicken Lollipop Фрайд Чікен Р’С–РЅРіСЃ РєСѓСЂРєР° маринована Р· часником смажена РІ тандурі chicken marinated in garlic paste, roasted in tandoor, served with salad кебаб С–Р· С„Р°СЂС€С ѓ баранини, смажений РІ тандурі Р· салатом mashed lamb roasted in tandoor, served with salad РєСѓСЂРєР° Р· приправами смажена РІ тандурі, Р· салатом marinated chicken with spices, roasted in tandoor, served with salad курячі ніжки смажені РІ томатно соєвому СЃРѕСѓСЃС– chicken legs prepared with sweet sour sauce, served with salad Reshmi Kebab Ціна 129,00 150/100/50 118,00 400/100/50 146,00 курячі ніжки,... Show more content on ... СЋСЂС– deep fried French fry in vegetable oil 250 102,00 200/50/50 60,00 100/25 42,00 150 38,00 Салаты Salads Овочевий Салат Vegetable Salad асорті С–Р· свіжих овочів assorted seasonal vegetables РџСЂРѕРЅ Салат салат С–Р· креветок, відварних яєць та цибулі, приправлений майонезом prawn served with mayonnaise and mashed egg Prawn Salad Авокадо РџСЂРѕРЅ Салат салат С–Р· Рј якоті авокадо Р· креветками Avocado Prawn Salad tropical fruit avocado served with prawn and mayonnaise Чікен Салат Chicken Salad відварне РєСѓСЂРёРЅРµ філе приправлене часником С– майонезом boiled boneless chicken served with mayonnaise 150 76,00 1 /84/50 92,00 200 66,00 РЎРЈРџР SOUP Томатний РЎСѓРї Tomato Soup СЃСѓРї С–Р· свіжих томатів fresh tomato soup with spices РћРЅС–РѕРЅ РЎСѓРї Onion Soup СЃСѓРї С–Р· цибулі vegetable soup with onion flavor Овочевий РЎСѓРї Vegetable Soup СЃСѓРї С–Р· свіжих овочів bouillon of fresh chopped vegetables with spices РЎРІС–С‚ РљРѕСЂРЅ РЎСѓРї СЃСѓРї С–Р· свіжих овочів Р· РєСѓРєСѓСЂСѓРґР·РѕСЋ та приправами soup prepared with sweet corn and vegetables Sweet Corn Soup РҐРѕС‚ Енд РЎРѕСЂ РЎСѓРї Hot Sour Soup Грін Чікен РЎСѓРї Green Chicken Soup солодкувато гострий СЃСѓРї Р· РєСѓСЂРёРЅРёРј філе, яйцем, РѕРІРѕС‡aРјРё та соєвим СЃРѕСѓСЃРѕРј preparation of chicken, egg, mushroom, vegetable in soya sauce СЃСѓРї С–Р· шпинату Р· РєСѓСЂРёРЅРёРј філе chicken bouillon with spinach and spices Чікен РЎРІС–С‚ РљРѕСЂРЅ РЎСѓРї СЃСѓРї Р· овочами, РєСѓСЂРёРЅРёРј філе та РєСѓРєСѓСЂСѓРґР·РѕСЋ Chicken Sweet Corn soup of corn and chicken Soup Чікен Нудлс РЎСѓРї СЃСѓРї Р· РєСѓСЂРёРЅРёРј філе та
  • 39. Photographic Essay On Remembrance Day Outline My goal for this photographic essay is to capture the emotion and historical significance surrounding Remembrance Day. I intend on attending a number of events this week, including the Ghost Soliders Platoon, Sappers and Shrapnel Art Exhibition, Field of Remembrance and the main ceremony featuring the last post. At these events I will take a large amount of photos from different angles, in an effort to capture the grave feeling of this event in a single picture. I will use a close up shot to reveal the details in the face of a soldier, a low angle shot to uncover the shape of a well known statue and a combination of wide and high angle shots overlooking the poppies at both the field out the front of Pulteney and North Terrace. Through a ... Show more content on ... And just like the cliche, it does truly feel like he was a baby only yesterday. What I cannot even begin to imagine is his life if he were at war or was directly affected by it. The title of this piece is called Lost in the woods , and you only need one glance at the baby camouflage jumpsuit to feel your heart pang. This photo didn t need any special lighting or filters. And despite the dark meaning hidden in the khaki bassinet sheet, this image is perfect the way it is, centre third, close medium shot. Picture (last) We Will Remember Them Every year, on the 11th day of the 11th Month at 11 am we pay our respects. We do not mock those who returned with disabilities, we won t turn away from those suffering now, and we will never, nor will we ever forget those who are gone. Unlike the previous photos, this image isn t positioned in any particular way or with any kind of purposeful lighting. It is instead as raw as it gets, a picture of a shrapnel barrel with 4 very significant words, that provide everything you need to know about the aftermath of war. With this image I leave you with one thought; We Will Remember. Australian War Memorial
  • 40. Medi Media Conglomeration Case Study defines corporation as an association of individuals, created by law or under authority of law, having a continuous existence independent of the existences of its members, and powers and liabilities distinct from those of its members. A public corporation is owned and operated by a government, established for the administration of certain public programs. Conglomerate on the other hand is a corporationconsisting of a number of subsidiary companies or divisions in a variety of unrelated industries, usually as a result of merger or acquisition (, 2016). General electricis an example of a conglomerate. It started out as an electric company and later added companies to include radios, refrigerators and turbine engines. General electric has become a household name since being formed as a lighting company by Thomas Edisonin 1890 (, 2015).... Show more content on ... Time Warner INC is considered one of the biggest conglomerate. Starting out as a publishing company that now own networks like HBO, AOL, Cartoon Network, CNN, TBS, etc. This company also owns magazines such as Sports Illustrated, TIME, and PEOPLE. According to Lutz (2012), 178 million unique users read Time Warner News every month (Lutz, 2012). Media conglomerates have both advantages and drawbacks. One of the advantages is that they have a huge power base to push their agenda with minimal government control but must be ethical in their approach. One of the drawbacks is most of these conglomerates are more concern with sponsors than their
  • 41. Health Benefits Of Salmon Essay The Health benefits of Salmon American ideals about diets and body images are constantly changing. It seems as though we are always searching for a perfect food, one which will keep us slim while providing the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients necessary for survival. In recent years, the focus has shifted from concerns about fat and carbohydrates to overall health and wellbeing. There has been an increasing emphasis placed on organic foods foods grown without pesticides, chemicals, and inorganic fertilizers. Cancer has become a huge concern, as it is being linked to many of the chemicals and pesticides used in food production. The perfect food has become one which is capable of blocking the growth of cancer ... Show more content on ... Additionally, symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) have been known to decrease in children who consume the fish. The risk of asthma in children is reduced as well. Finally, there is a decreased risk of strokes and stress induced aggression in people who consume salmon. In addition to containing high levels of vitamins and minerals, salmon is also low in fat and cholesterol. An average portion of salmon provides over half of the daily allowance of protein, and between four and ten grams of fat . Not all varieties offer the same benefits, however. Farmed salmon, while often easier to obtain, is the less healthy choice. While they are being raised, farmed salmon are fed a combination of fish protein, antibiotics, pesticides, vaccines, chemicals, and other drugs. These present a risk not only to wild salmon living near the farms, but to humans and the environment as well. Farmed salmon contain more of the bad fats than wild salmon, and fewer good fats. Wild salmon, while often more difficult to locate than farmed, are the healthier choice and the one preferred by the majority of chefs and consumers throughout the country. The flesh is darker in color and firmer, direct results of an active, migratory lifestyle. Wild salmon are harvested only after their feeding and spawning cycles have concluded, but despite this fact their species have become severely endangered. If faced with
  • 42. A Brief Look at Shirley Jane Temple She was only 6 years old when her career began, starred in more than 50 Televison shows, 14 short films, and over 40 major motion pictures (, Shirley Jane Temple. Her life is one of the many interesting biographies to tell. Temple s curly blonde ringlets and her appealing lisp ( brought in fans left and right. Shirley Temple was famous for phenomenal achievements that I now share with you. Temple and her fascinating acting, singing, and dancing skills led her to a very successful future. Even though Shirley Jane Temple was a small celebrity; she made big progress. Temple became a big hit in 1934. Since she was the biggest box office attraction at such a young age; Temple learned to rely on herself. Shirley Temple was recognized for her ability to sing and tap dance ( Gertrude Temple, Temple s mother, put her into dance classes at the age of 3 ВЅ( In 1934 Bright Eyes earned her a special academy award for Outstanding Personality of 1934 ( . During the 1930 s Temple managed to make 25 movies (World Book Encyclopedia).During the Great Depression; Shirley Temple was a leading child film actress ( Shirley appeared in several films with Bill Robinson during her early acting ages (World Book Encyclopedia). Although Temple was so young, she seemed more mature than other adults around her. Temple received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Screen Actors Guild in 2005.
  • 43. Viacom International V. Grokster Case Following the matter further, in June 2010, Viacom International, added to its claim with YouTube, is involved analogous claims of trademark infringement by sales of counterfeit. Stanton omitted claims of trademark infringement, dilution claims against the other advertisers and other listed practices. He then ruled, yet again, in favor of YouTubein the 2nd United States Circuit Court of Appeals in New York revived Viacom s case that adjourned in April. This ruling, igniting still more venom with more statements, according to Reuter s, Viacom s plans to appeal, saying in the following This ruling ignores the opinions of the higher courts and completely disregards the rights of creative artists. Google s general counsel, Kent Walker, was delighted... Show more content on ... I am witnessing people fighting for what they believe is right and paying the cost to pursue the matter to the end.So, when lawsuit resumed, on April 18, 2013, Viacom, presented another angle to the table to dispute their case using, The Grokster Case, Metro Goldwyn Mayer Studios Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd., theypresented a case that involved peer to peer file sharing networks and violating the safe harbor provisions of copyright thief violating the (DMCA) Digital Age of the Millennium Act. This charges were brought red flags to the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York against YouTube, Inc. and filed by Viacom Int l Inc., on a remand from the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. However, in light of the tedious claims of Viacom, the courts, did give the notices to YouTube to remove the material that violate the DMCA, all monetary relief and
  • 44. Macbeth Blood Essay What bloody man is that? in these, the opening words of the play s second scene, King Duncan asks about a sergeant. The sergeant then tells the story of Macbeth s heroic victories over Macdonwald and the King of Norway. The sergeant s telling of the story is in itself heroic, because his loss of blood has made him weak. Thus his blood and his heroism seem to enhance the picture of Macbethas a hero. As Lady Macbeth plans to kill King Duncan, she calls upon the spirits of murder to make thick my blood; stop up the access and passage to remorse. Thin blood was considered wholesome, and it was thought that poison made blood thick. Lady Macbeth wants to poison her own soul, so that she can kill without remorse. Macbeth says this is a... Show more content on ... Then he calls upon night to come and with thy bloody and invisible hand cancel and tear to pieces that great bond which keeps me pale! The great bond is Banquo s lease on life. A man becomes pale with fear or worry because the blood drains away from his face. Macbeth believes that if Banquo s blood is shed, his own blood will return, and he won t be pale anymore. After he has become king, Macbeth gives a banquet for his noblemen. The banquet has barely begun when Macbeth has to go to the door to speak with first murderer. There s blood on thy face, he says and the murderer proudly tells him its Banquo s blood, and that he left Banquo in a ditch with twenty trenched gashes on his head, all deadly. A little later, just as Macbeth is talking about how much he wishes that Banquo were at the banquet, Banquo s Ghost appears. Macbeth says to the ghost, thou canst not say I did it; never shake thy gory locks at me. The ghost s gory locks are the locks of his hair, covered with clotted blood. After the ghost has gone, Macbeth tells himself that it s not his fault that the ghost showed up. He says that men have been killing men for a long time, since before there were even laws against it; blood hath been shed ere now, I the olden time, ere human statute purged the gentle weal. It s a natural thing to shed blood; what s not natural is that now the dead rise again, with twenty mortal murders on their crowns, and push us
  • 45. The American Dream In Jeannette Walls s The Glass Castle Comedian George Carlin once stated, That s why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it. Financial security, freedom to live how one chooses, retiring at 65 and living comfortably in old age, owning a home, knowing that working hard pays off: these are all fundamental beliefs tied to the American Dream. As newer generations are increasingly finding the dream to be unrealistic, people are beginning to abandon the concept; however it is still a very present ideology. While many believe the American Dream is a lively goal that everyone strives to achieve, it is actually a dying illusion that is unattainable for all but the wealthiest and used to propagate a classist society, causing a cycle of ignorance... Show more content on ... The purpose of the American dream is not to promise success as a reward for hard work; conversely, it is the idea that individuals should be able to achieve success despite their socioeconomic status. This belief is intended to inspire and create equality. Although the American Dream sounds optimistic in concept, it further propagates inequality in practice. The American Dream is not a function of ability and achievement, but a dying illusion. America is not truly the land of the free, but an ignorant classist society. Gregory Clark, an economics professor at the University of California, Davis, stated that America has no higher rate of social mobility than medieval England or pre industrial Sweden ... That s the most difficult part of talking about social mobility it s shattering people s dreams (qtd. in Evans). The United States has an incredibly outdated economic system that does not allow disadvantaged citizens opportunities regardless of how hard they work. People get stuck in their social status and are not able to stray out of it, which affects their further generations. Additionally, immigrants coming to America in hopes of prosperity are likely to have even less luck than immigrants of the pass and widen the gap of social inequality. Clark continues to state, The truth is that the American Dream was always an illusion. Blindly pursuing
  • 46. Ghosts And Skeletons By Benito Cereno Ghostly representations of the other imagine a social evil that has not been put to rest. These images reoccur in the Western canon, marking the persistence of slavery long after its abolition. Haunting, ghosts and skeletons in Benito Cereno act as a vehicle through which the suppressed return to the stage with a message. The ghosts carry with them all that the imperialists wanted to control, including emotions, and more precisely, the emotions of the oppressed. I argue that ghosts and skeletons comprise an area of tension in which the appearance of the other reveals that the dominant party s control is incomplete. Yet, the presence is merely ghostly due to the constant policing and lack of respect for the Other. These ghosts also break through the boundaries of the dominant culture s paradigms and identities (Harpham 17), signaling potential political crisis. This text signals the fear of the retaliation of the Other through ghostly representations by projecting on to the other, their own identities of brutality and irrationality. Benito Cereno by Herman Melville overturns the racist images of the colonized by relocating evil in the order of slavery. Hauntings carry the perspectives and powers of the slaves by preserving the dead amidst the living and the past amidst the present, they muddle up the concept of time and therefore defy the Western dream of complete control. In Benito Cereno, which was written by Melville in 1855, New England captain Amasa Delano comes
  • 47. Retail Possums Research Paper The use of 1080 poison to control possums within New Zealand has been quite a big biological issue over the years. The bushtail possums were introduced to New Zealand in 1837 for the fur trade by Australia. This poison is commonly used in New Zealand to target the control of the possum population as well as other invasive rodents, as these pest eat vulnerable native animals such as, birds, lizards and insects, but this poison is highly toxic for deer, and dogs. Minimizing the number of possums mean that the agriculture and forestry to will be able to thrive more. Possums themselves don t have any predators to control their population, as they can live in any New Zealand condition, which has now caused human involvement to help control the issue. Biological concepts and processes 1080 is the better known name for sodium monofluoroacetate, which is a naturally occurring chemical, produced in at least 40 plant species that grow on high fluoride soils in Western Australia, South Africa and Brazil. Sodium fluoroacetate is a natural occurring poisonous chemical within the plants, of which humans have used to their advantage as a pesticide... Show more content on ... My family does our part, making a small difference whenever we are there. We have 3 homemade Timms trap. By using a tough polyethylene plastic, weighing around 1.25kgs that is bright yellow that attracts the possums. We but a quarter of a carrot inside so as the possum comes, it sticks its head in and with any sudden movement the trap goes off, getting the possum around it neck. This is very effective way and humane way to kill the animal, as well as it not needing to suffer, dead within seconds The next day we would tae the dead possum down to the beach, dig a deep whole and bury it. We would set the traps every night while we are there. There is a possibility that a weka could stick its head in the trap, but we have never encountered that
  • 48. Blaise Pascal And RenпїЅ Descartes My friend and I once had a riveting discussion about whether mashed potatoes should be eaten with a fork or a spoon. She firmly believes that mashed potatoes should be eaten with a spoon because reason suggests that soft foods would fall through the cracks of a fork. I am convinced that mashed potatoes should rightfully be eaten with a fork because I have complete faith that the solidity of the potatoes will maintain itself on top of the fork. My friend and I have yet to resolve this conflict; we just settled on the conclusion that as long as the potatoes can be consumed, our differences of opinion remain irrelevant. Similar to this argument, the dual philosophers and mathematicians Blaise Pascal and RenГЁ Descartes share a difference of opinion about certain elements of the world. Even though both Pascal s Human Happiness and Descartes Discourse on the Method ultimately land on the same conclusions, their thoughtprocesses widely differ. In order to understand why Pascal s and Descartes outlooks conflict with one another, we need to first understand how each of their personalities shape their thinking. Pascal s approach to understanding humans demonstrates itself to be slightly more pessimistic than Descartes method. Pascal states that even though man proves to be nobler than his slayer, he still remains the weakest in nature similar to a thinking reed (21, 54). Pascal seems to be saying that just like a reed, humans can be swayed by external circumstances and
  • 49. Traveling With Kids Essay Traveling can be hard, especially if kids are involved. Any parent knows that traveling with kids can be tricky, challenging and fun all at the same time. As a matter of fact, the process might seem like an endless amount of things to do, all for a short time. Like in almost every aspect of life, however, with tons of preparation and patience anyone, including you, can plan a family trip trouble free. This article will focus on how you can make traveling with kids easy, exciting and yes, even relaxing. Family Travel Tips Keep track of flight details: It can be stressful and even impossible to schedule your kids bedtimes during long trips. Let s say, for example, you re traveling across the globe, from the United States to somewhere in Asia. ... Show more content on ... All dramatic play is make believe. That being said, it can be quite nerve wracking for some kids to go through all the personnel, inspections and long lines. As a solution, inform and educate them in advance on what s expected of them at the airport and discuss the environment if they re old enough to understand. You can practice by role playing beforehand so they won t get overwhelmed with all the procedures and pre boarding requirements. Organize their personal belongings, making sure they aren t wearing any belts and don t have other metal objects with them that might attract TSA s
  • 50. The Tuskegee Syphilis Research Study Essay 1) Could this type of research be conducted today? Why or why not? 2.) What should the public have done, since they knew about the study? 3.) In your opinion, how should the data be used that is obtained from an unethical experiment and how can we prevent this from happening again? 4.) Discuss the code of ethics as it relates to this study? 5.) What are your personal thoughts on the ethical standards exhibited through this study? The Tuskegee Syphilis Research Study Any research like the Tuskegee Syphilis Research Study could not be conducted today. There are many reasons as to why this type of research study cannot be conducted today. One reason is because people of all races are more aware of diseases that today s society has ... Show more content on ... Today there are many more laws and steps to take in order to conduct a study with human subjects and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study would never be approved in today s society due to the many violations to human rights that this study would incur. The study would still violate the Henderson Act as well as the Declaration of Helsinki and in addition would violate several other newly developed guidelines. The National Organization for Human Services has created a set of standards that human service workers should abide by. A human service worker has a responsibility to treat their clients with respect and dignity as well as looking out for their safety (NOHS, 2005). A human service worker has an obligation to avoid any type of treatment or experiment that would put the client in harm s way. The American Counseling Association has also developed a Code of Ethics that all counselors are bound to follow to uphold the integrity of the profession. The Code of Ethics has a specific area devoted solely to research and how procedures should be handled. First and foremost, researchers should follow all federal, state, and local laws pertaining to research with human subjects (ACA, 2005). The Code of Ethics also explains that researchers are responsible for the well being of their subjects and they should take special precautions to avoid harm in any way, including physical,
  • 51. For the Period Before 1750, Analyze the Ways in Which... Topic: For the period before 1750, analyze the ways in which Britain s policy of Salutary Neglect influenced the development of American society as illustrated in the following: Legislative assemblies, commerce, religion. Before 1750, the undocumented British policy of salutary neglect greatly impacted the methods through which American colonists regulated their daily lives. Through mercantilist thought processes, Britain created the colonies merely for gain of the mother terrain itself. Therefore, it did not give them any specific attention and allowed them to simply rule itself by personal means and this idea makes up salutary neglect. The colonies used their own assemblies, such as the House of Burgesses, to govern themselves.... Show more content on ... Primarily colonial leadership could make this decision, because the gist of the situation comprised of keeping the slaves from taking advantage of the fact that England allowed freedom under certain circumstances. Economically, the Crown did not provide as much assistance as needed to the colonists of the New World. Trade involved mainly countries other than England, because this way profits were maximized. England, once again, created its colonies for mercantilist reasons: profits and only profits. In reaction to these trade schemes, the Navigation Acts were enforced. Smuggling then grew extremely popular mainly because of price differences and simple convenience. Agriculturally, the main crops were indigo, sugarcane, tobacco, cotton, and rice. Due to high demand, several workers were needed. Through the Triangular trade, raw materials went to England and the Northern Colonies, slaves came to the plantation dominated areas of the colonies, and manufactured goods went to the West Indies. Molasses was turned into rum in New England and traded for more slaves as well. Religious freedom was one of the main causes for English peoples to move to the New World. They escaped from the de catholicization of the Church of England in order to believe in what they wanted to belive in. The government once again did not pay any heed to set an official religious set of rules in the colonies, therefore allowing the people to