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Essay Conclusion Layout
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Essay Conclusion Layout Essay Conclusion Layout
Analysis Of When Worlds Collide By Christopher Columbus
The actions of competing European nations for colonies around the world following the exploits
of Christopher Columbus according to the video When Worlds Collide from PBS include
enslaving, torturing, killing, and plundering the riches of the indigenous people of the New
World. According to When Worlds Collide, before King Charles V s even began his reign, there
had been 32 tons of gold that had been plundered by the Spaniards from the Native Americans. To
add insult to injury, he used Africans and Native Americans as slaves in mines to get him even
more gold only a few years after coming into power. In the same video, it is mentioned that under
the rule of another king, King Philip, Native Americans were used again as slaves in mines
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Industrial Revolution Changes
The industrial revolution was a period in time where there were a lot of major changes happening in
agriculture, manufacturing, and transportation that affected living conditions. People were able to
transport faster and more easily, but so could ideas. Around the world new ideas were being shared
which created a competitive environment on who could come up with what first. These changes
were the causes that generated the industrial revolution. The kick off to the industrial revolution
started with Richard Arkwright who is credited with the development of the mechanized cotton
mill. With the new development of factories they become more popular throughout cities. The
increase in factories caused workers to spend more time away from their... Show more content on ...
The Bessemer process for making steel was one of these inventions. The Bessemer process
improved the strength of iron. Henry Bessemer developed this process. He made it possible to
convert pig iron to steel by removing impurities rather than adding carbon. This process took a
lot less time than other processes and was cheaper. The Bessemer process made steel framed
buildings more popular and allowed buildings to rise as high as nine or ten stories. George A.
Fuller was an inventor of the skyscraper and constructed the Tacoma Building in 1889 in Chicago
using the Bessemer steel beams. It was also the first structure to use internal supports so that the
exterior walls wouldn t carry any extra weight (Ireland). Another great invention that impacted
architecture during the industrial revolution was the elevator break. During the mid 19th century
Elisha Graves Otis invented the new breaking system. This new breaking system was for the
platform that would prevent the cab from falling if the cables were severed. The same process is
still used today. Without the breaking system buildings were limited to about six stories however,
elevators then made skyscrapers feasible
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A Comparison Of Wonder Woman And The Flash
The Justice League has always been a great team oh super heroes that saved those who couldn t
defend themselves. Although they were powerful they weren t unstoppable and this was proven
when Wonder Woman and the Flash were held captive. A team of super villains called the Black
Stain developed a toxin that temporarily takes away anyone s power. They used this toxin during a
bank heist and that s when Wonder Woman and The Flash lost their powers and were captured.
Both heroes were taken to a secret cave in the mountains were they wouldn t be traced by their
Justice Leaguefriends. Wonder Woman and The Flash have worked as a team for years, but they
always considered themselves as friends and nothing more. Meanwhile in the cave, Wonder Woman
and The Flash felt helpless without their powers. Chained... Show more content on
Spark couldn t only be invisible occasionally as it drained his strength, he could also jump high
and run fast than most humans. He wasn t all that super, but that didn t stop him! One day as the
Justice League was on a mission and he was all alone he went looking for trouble because he
wanted to prove to his parents that he was special enough to defeat evil! He used his limited
powers to save and rescue civilians in a city called Kronos. After saving a few lives he felt the
need to challenge himself even more so he decided to go back to that cave where his parents
first fell in love to get revenge on the evil team who temporarily took away his parents powers
and tortured them. As soon as he got there he Spark went crazy without a plan he just started
fighting everyone he saw. All the evil villains in the cave were startled but instantly they all went
up against Spark and overpowered him. Spark was now chained on the wall where his parents first
fell in love. He chuckled in the moment and found the whole pretty
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Bullying Is An Emotional And Emotionally Draining Issue
Bullying is an emotional and physically draining issue that is prominent throughout the world
today. School bullying has been recognized as a major problem in many countries, and almost
anyone you come across has a story they can tell about it. Bullying can conceive a hard lifestyle
for someone who is victimized and can threaten a person s opportunities in life in the near future.
The social climate of a school is a replica of the world outside. All fifty states have passed school
anti bullyinglegislation, but each state addresses bullying differently. It is equally important that
where people advance a large portion of their mortality, their understanding how the world works
and how their sense of responsibility goes towards the society they live in. There is more to
bullying than you can comprehend, there is a cycle, challenges in preventing it and long term
affects that come from it.
The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look
on and do nothing. That quote stated by Albert Einstein is similar to the bullying cycle that was
created by an American nurse. There are five steps in the bullying cycle and each plays its own
specific role. The first step in the bullying cycle is the bully. The bully is the primary aggressor
and is typically influenced in looking for capability or authority over another human being. Also,
the bully is either looking for attention or possess a strong self esteem towards themselves or others.
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Our Needs And Wants Essay
Our Needs and Wants: effects on our inner peace
Life, in general, has not changed over the years; it is only the surroundings and circumstances that
have changed. The way we choose to react to those changes, determines the direct effect on the
quality of our life. We need to focus on the need of distinguishing, between the ever increasing
responsibilities on our shoulders and other insignificant matters that consume our precious time.
Our needs and wants are two distinct entities. We needto separate our needs from our wants in
order to achieve satisfaction. It is definitely not a simple matter. The dilemma is that we all want
everything, but we don t need everything we want. When we can quiet the unnecessary, we can
give an opportunity to ... Show more content on ...
We need to find an opportunity to coach somewhere, in fact anywhere. Find a young person, a
young team, jump in and impart training, like we would if we were coaching at the highest level.
Such initiative and experience, will give us sufficient boost to reach our goals, and actually
become a sport coach one day.
We should not be afraid to take small steps. There s something powerful about
matter how little. Many times, the impossible is simply the untried. When we are immobilised
with fear, when each task ahead appears to be a huge one, when we are unable to lift ourselves to
face it at those moments we can break the dilemma by using two simple words: Do something! By
taking some small steps, the required momentum will begin to come into our life.
Most people don t succeed because they are too afraid to even try. As incredible as it sounds,
they decide in advance that they are going to fail. Many times, our final goal seems so distant
unachievable that we don t even make an effort. But, once we have made our decision and actually
start, it s like we are halfway
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Arthropods are the Major Component in Animal Diversity
Introduction Arthropods appeared in early Cambriand and since the burst, the Cambrian
radiation, the species have been the major component of animal diversity in the past of 520
million years (Edgecombe, 2010). They are probably the most diverse animals on earth, know
species reach almost one and two hundred milion, accounting for over 80% of animal living
species (Thanukos, 2008). Ranging sizes from less than 1mm and more thand 4m, arthropods vary
from herbivores and carnivores, parasitic and free living, social and solitary, being extreme
ubiquitous they can be found everywhere on the planet, to deepest oceans and highest mountains
(Wheeler et al, 2004). Arthropods possesses a wide range of taxonomic and structural diversity,
ancient fossil record and a prefered model system to study morphogenisis, therefore it could awnser
many questions regarding evolutionary biology (Regier Shultz, 1997). To awnser those questions is
required a a phylogenetic framework. Unfortunally evolutionary relationships among the majorority
of arthropods groups are still controversial (Regier Shultz, 1997). One of the problems of
phylogenetic reconstruction of arthropods is the choice of a outgroup (Giribet Ribera, 1997).
Acording to Giribet Ribera (1997) an outgrup must be historically related to the members of the
ingroup. Other problem is about polyphyly and monophyly and relationships in subphyla
Chelicerata, Atelocerata and Crustacea (Regier Shultz, 1997). With advancements in
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China Earthquake
Sichuan Earthquake Analysis
The earthquake happened in May 2008 in Sichuan Area of Republic of China, and it had a Ritcher
scale of 7.9. The tragedy resulted in the death of 69,227 people, 374, 176 had fatal, and minor
injuries and more than 18,000 people went missing. The impact of the earthquake was felt so many
miles away, and it left more than 4.8 million individuals homeless. The tragedy is termed as one
of the most lethal in the history of China (Liu, 1). This natural disaster, like other big disasters,
was covered widely by the media all over the world. The news of Sichuan earthquake hit the
headlines of many newspapers globally. The domestic media was not left behind in analyzing the
disaster having 24 hours reports on the events surrounding the earthquake. The America reporters
made a comprehensive coverage of the events. This is because the foreign news reporters were
permitted to visit the site of the quake (Seo et al., 17).
Although both the country s reporters made the coverage, they used different media frame to
manipulate the audience s understanding of the ... Show more content on ...
The media usually frame the story for the public to understand all these events. Through framing,
they highlight some of the issues to capture the attention of the audience in an individual
occurrence (Liu, 8). The theory describes framing in two ways, the media frame, and the audience
frame. According to Gitlin media frame helps the journalist in recognition, interpretation, and
dissemination of the information. On the other hand, the audience frames are the patterns of
cognition and description of events and idea that news anchors develop in the mind of the
spectators. Frame theory argues that media frames impact the way of thinking in the audience by
emphasizing on some areas of events. They either amplify or shrink the episodes in an
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Facilitate Continuous Improvement
Facilitate Continuous Improvement BSBMGT516C BY CALLAN FORGAN January 2015
Assessment Activity 1 1. You work for an organisation that does not actively encourage its
employees to participate in decision making processes, and to assume responsibility and exercise
initiative as appropriate. What would you say to convince the organisation s management that they
should actively encourage employees to assume responsibility and initiative? Write a transcript of
what you would say. Although not encouraged, recently I decided to let our ICT Support Specialist
head up the roll out of our new Antivirus solution. I presented him with the project and advised that
he will be managing it and will need to source the resources... Show more content on ...
This can effect a number of areas within the organisation, including reputation to their clients
/customers, general publics views/opinions, employees and even the companies finances. In an
office environment such as Status Industries. The main concerns are overuse of paper and
printing products, lighting usage and power consumption. These can all be addressed. See table
on next page how Status Industries has engaged these issues with policies. Environmental Issue
Impact Resolution Result Over Usage of Paper in printing Environment, Cost of Paper, Paper
Wastage Double Sided Printing forced on all Xerox devices within organisation Dramatic
reduction in paper usage. Cost of paper saved. Colour Printing Usage in office High usage of
colour toners where not needed, cost impact as colour prints more expensive than black and
white. Force default Black and White printing. Requiring staff to have to select colour printing if
they require it. All Staff email sent explaining cost of colour printing over black and white Black
and White printing increased. Less colour toner usage. Cost savings. Lighting Lighting currently
on 24 hours a day. Expensive power bills and waste of electricity Timers installed on lights to
switch off at 8pm every night and to be off over weekend periods Dramatic cost saving and less
usage of power. Cost saving on replacing globes. Electricity Wasting Computers
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Revenge In J. Budziszewski s Prince Hamlet
Revenge is a thing that seems to always be in style. It is constantly being seen in real life,
hollywood, and literature. People are constantly on edge plotting their revenge or debating if they
should even do it. Some people s conscience is formed too pure to take revenge, but in time it can
be turned erroneous due to events and newfound subconscious desires, as in Prince Hamlets case.
From the moment humans come out of the womb, their conscience begins to form. As John Locke
describe with tabula rasa, the mind is a blank slate and experience fills it in. This means that when
someone is born their conscience is neither good nor bad, but from that moment on, outside factors
are influencing it. Depending on one s upbringing or environment, they are being taught either good
morals or bad ... Show more content on ...
Budziszewski writes, Once a wrong is done, the next wrong comes more easily. On this view
conscience is mainly a restraint, a resistance, a passive barrier. It doesn t so much drive us on as
hold us back, and when persistently attacked, the restraining wall gets thinner and thinner and
finally disappears. Often this explanation is combined with another: that conscience comes from
culture, that it is built up in us from outside. Many others agree with his view that with time the
barrier that shields from the bad can be broken down if wrongs are constantly being done either
by the person or involving the person. In Hamlet s situation, when his father was murdered he
wanted to take revenge on Claudius, but he could not carry through with it at first due to his
conscience being too pure. However, as time went on the devil in his conscience started taking
over the angel in it by all the little details that happened (the mouse trap, sending off to England,
etc.). These events built up to turn his conscience erroneous enough to allow him to carry through
with his need for revenge. Events can take a toll on you psychologically and socially, but your
biology will always remain the
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Essay on The Pros and Cons of Ozone
Here is an environmental question worth asking, Is ozone good or bad? Need more context?
Okay. Has ozone been beneficial or detrimental to humans over the course of the past century?
Unsure? Well read the following and decide. If you re not motivated to do so, consider that if
ozone weren t part of the Earth, neither would we be, and, more immediately, if ozone levels aren t
kept within certain narrow ranges in the future, the biospherewill suffer greatly.
What is ozone? Ozone is the gas in our atmosphere which has the chemical formula, O3, meaning
that each of its molecules consists of three oxygen atoms. Although seemingly similar to the much
more common diatomic oxygen, O2, which we require consumption of in every breath, ozone ...
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Let s start in the upper atmosphere and work our way down to the surface. The stratosphere (that
part of the atmosphere above the wispy clouds extending nearly 30 miles above the surface)
contains ~97 percent of the ozone on the planet. This ozone is considered extremely beneficial
and is, in fact, essential for life as we know it. Ozone has the very special property of absorbing
the highly energetic ultraviolet (UV) rays that come from the sun. This partial absorption of UV
light protects life from the complications that result when life forms are exposed to elevated
levels of it. In humans, UV light might be desirous to someone attempting to get a tan, but it is
very damaging to our eyes (via cataracts), contributes in the creation of cancerous skin cells,
produces age spots, and stimulates wrinkles. (Despite the fact that our culture tends to admire
tanned skin, the process of tanning is actually a sign of skin damage.) Many plants also show
signs of reduced productivity when exposed to higher UV levels. Thus, stratospheric ozone is a
blessing to all of life because of its ability to absorb (and therefore block) much of the UV light
from reaching the earth s surface.
In the lower atmosphere, particularly near the surface, ozone isn t so beneficial. Often a primary
ingredient in smog, ozone causes damage in lung when inhaled. The American Lung Association s
website (http:/ contains many
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Malpractice And Malpractice Of A Healthcare Organization
This paper will be discussing tort as it relates to negligence and malpractice in a healthcare
organization. It will try explain how negligence and malpractice drive up the cost of healthcare and
how there has been a clamor tort reform, what would be the content of the reform and the expected
outcome. Lastly the essay would prove to us that there is no indication since tort reform has been
implemented, that points to a reduction in the cost of healthcare and the cost of running a
healthcare organization in relation to paying high malpractice insurance.
Tort is a civil wrong for which a court of law provides remedy for a civil wrong that has been
committed against an individual, Remedy could be sought for a personal loss, financial loss, and
personal injury (Smith, 1993). A tort is simply the Norman word for a wrong but torts have
typically been distinguished from crimes and from wrongs identified with contractual relations. Tort
law, then, is concerned with civil wrongs not arising from contracts (White, 2003,
p.xxiii).During the very early years of tort been introduced in to legal discourse and proceeding, tort
was considered as a wrong that came by way or forceful damage or hurt. It was widely regarded
both as a civil wrong and a criminal during those early years, civil wrongs can be classified as a
wrong that involves no violence and also a wrong that involves an element of force and violence
(Street, 1906).
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Australian Business Media Reported That The Board Of...
I.Introduction In the August 2015, most of the Australian business media reported that the
board of Federation Centre ( FDC ) sacked Steven Sewell as a Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
and then replaced him with Angus McNaughton as a new CEO. This removal subsequently
surprised investors and markets because it occurred just two months after the completion of the
merger between FDC and Novion Property Group ( Novion ). Moreover, there is no further
explanation from the board of FDC about the reason of removal Steven Sewell. Consequently,
the shares of the FDC declined 6% since the replacement. The removal of a director by the board
in the FDC case creates legal and ethical issues, which ultimately led to the onset of commercial
issues. Despite the legal, ethical and commercial issues, this case is strongly indicated that there
are some problems in the mechanism of removal directors stipulated in the Corporations Act
2001 (Cth) ( Corporations Act ) S 203D and S 203E. This indication is underpinned by some
cases in the Australian court in which directors are removed also by the board. Therefore, this
paper will analyse the legal, ethical and commercial issues regarding with the removal of FDC s
director, discuss the problem in the procedure of removal directors stipulated in the legislation, and
compare other regulations in the common law and civil law countries. Finally, drafts of new
mechanism of dismissal directors will be provided in this research to reform Section 203D
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Odysseus Or Gilgamesh
Odysseus or Gilgamesh Will the real Epic Hero please stand up?
Gilgamesh went to the entrance into the mountain and entered the darkness alone, without a
companion. By the time he reached the end of the first league the darkness was total, nothing
behind or before. He made his way, companionless, to the end (Book 9 p. 51, The Epic of
Gilgamesh). In The Epic of Gilgamesh, an epic poem translated by N.K. Sanders, Gilgamesh is a
character who is by all accounts an epic hero. As a person of nobility, he becomes tyrannical and
overpowering in his strength, until the gods present him with a challenge an equal counterpart to
Gilgamesh s fortitude. Gilgamesh battles with this new encountered foe, named Enkidu, yet
because of their equivalent vitality, they end up cancelling each other out, and through a twist of
events, Gilgamesh befriends Enkidu. This friendship is everlasting, through thick and thin. After
Enkidu s death and traveling in search for an answer to life s cruelty and abandonment, Gilgamesh
finds a new perspective on life and returns home to his rightful place on the throne. The Epic of
Gilgamesh entails the hardships and retribution that the main character, Gilgamesh, в…” god and
в…“ human and King of Uruk, endures. Comparatively, Gilgamesh is more of an epic hero than
Odysseus from The Odyssey by Homer, whose story also follows the structure of the Epic Hero
Cycle. This is because Gilgamesh embarks on multiple epic journeys, and on the way, grows and
learns from his
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Analysis Of The Book The Looking At Irene
Louise Erdrich s Shadow Tag is about a dysfunctional marriage. However, it features characters
that were both hurt and helped by the recording and, to some degree the commodification of
American Indian history. American Indian history both helps and hurts the characters in
Shadow Tag. There are some factors that make the difference between helping and hurting each
character. In addition, some characters benefit more from their past compared to others. In
contrast, some characters hurt more from their pass send some of their counterparts. Irene, Gil
and Riel are the three main characters that are mainly affected by American and Indian history.
Nevertheless, each and every character is impacted by his or her past and heritage in some way
or other. In the looking at Irene, one of the most important characters in the book, we can see
how American Indian history has impacted her life experience. She grew up reading primarily
critically acclaimed classic novels. From these works, she discovered a certain way of looking
at the world. In addition, the book says she read sparked her fascination with history. This led
her to pursue a degree in history. However, she was never able to finish her degree. Her main job
is being a stay at home mom, which is when she is not posing for one of Gil s paintings. Due to
the stress that comes along with working with the family member, Irene spends the majority of her
waking day with an elegant wine glass in her hand. Some would consider her a
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An Excited Loud Echoes Through Ford Field
An excited shout echoes through Ford Field: ELCA, are you ready for tonight? Around me, I
hear the roar of 30,000 Lutherans cheering in response. The noise is deafening, and being a part
of it both gives me goose bumps and makes my heart race. I stand there in Ford Field, in awe of
the sheer number of Lutherans surrounding me. As part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (ELCA) National Youth Gathering in Detroit, each person in the crowd is my age and
shares the same religious beliefs as I do. The energetic and unified atmosphere already has me
smiling, and I can t wait for the rest of my week in Detroit.
Of all the days following that night, Friday was the most amazing; at times, however, it seemed to
be just the opposite. ... Show more content on ...
The speakers in Ford Field had all served so many people in their lives, from fighting poverty and
world hunger to promoting gender and racial justice. For me, I knew I wouldn t be changing the
world in one day, but at least I had a chance to help change Detroit. I guess that s why the service
project was so incredibly important to me, and why I was crushed when the DJ made an
announcement later that day.
It came around 2:30 P.M.; we had been talking, dancing, and waiting together for 5 hours, and our
bus still hadn t come. Anyone could tell how exhausted we were by the looks on our faces. Just
as I had convinced myself that our bus was next, a message came over the speakers: Buses 91
100 will not be leaving today. Due to traffic delays, the buses are now needed to go pick up
volunteers from this morning. All remaining participants: follow your leader to the Cobo Center. In
one moment, my struggling smile faded and I was on the verge of tears. Thoughts flooded my
mind: How could this happen? Didn t they know they needed a few more buses? I waited all this
time for nothing? How could I miss this, it s what I came here for! Deep down I knew God had
much more in store for me, but at the time I felt cheated out of an essential part of the trip. Our
tiny circle of six sat in silence for a while, dejected and a little angry. We were given our lunch and
began to eat together, but the almost tangible silence remained hanging in the air. After we had
eaten, our
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Phaseolus Vulgaris Plant
White Beans or Cannellini Beans scientific name Phaseolus vulgaris L. is a popular central and
southern Italy, but were first develop in Argentina and is the most important edible legume for
direct consumption in the world. They are larger than navy beans, related to the kidney bean and,
like the kidney bean, has higher levels of the toxic lectin phytohaemagglutinin. It is a toxic plant
protein, which has important medical applications, especially in immunology, because it can induce
mitosis and causes red blood cells to clump together. The common bean (Pheseolus vulgaris L.) is
rich in nutrients and has significant amounts of protein calories, unsaturated fatty acid (linoleic
acid), and dietary fiber, particularly soluble fiber. Among the... Show more content on ...
(2016), beans have been highlighted that have great importance in counteracting malnutrition
problems owing to their nutritive value, i.e. high contents of protein and easily digestible starch. In
recent years, more attention has been devoted to potential health benefits of beans stemming
from the presence of bioactive constituents. In addition to nutritional components, some common
beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are rich in several phytochemicals such as phenolic compounds
especially including phenolic acids, flavonoids and tannins. In another study, the consumption
of beans have received increased attention because of their beneficial physiological effects in the
prevention and control of broad range of chronic and degenerative diseases such as obesity,
cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer. The inclusion of half a cup (130g) of beans and
other legumes in the diet several times in a week is recommended good for health, by the Dietary
Guidelines for Americans (2005), the total recommendation per week being 3ВЅ cup. (Hayat, et al.,
2013). Also, according to Mattei et al. (2011) substituting one serving of beans for one serving
of white rice was associated with a 35% (95% CI: 15%, 50%) lower risk of the metabolic
syndrome. Although obesity and diabetes are on the increase worldwide, based on the research
developments discussed, the common bean (P. vulgaris) a amylase inhibitor (a AI1) has potential
to serve as a widely used remedy against these conditions while there is need for research on its
probable anti colorectal cancer effect. (Obiro et al.,
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Cinder Cone Research Paper
There are many different types of volcanos on Earth. All of these volcanoes have differing
characteristics and features. Three types of volcanoes are Cinder Cone, Shield and Composite.
One type of volcano that is quite common around the world is the Cinder Cone volcano. Cinder
cone volcanoes are in the shape of a cone, hence their name. It is made of piles of lava and not ash.
During cinder cone volcano eruptions blobs of lava ( cinders ) are blown into the air and around
this time break into small fragments. These then fall around the opening of the volcano. This pile
of debris, then forms an oval shaped cone. These can also be known as scoria cones. Some type of
cinder cone volcanoes found around the world are Mt.
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The Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics
The Egyptian hieroglyphs were a prescribed writing system by the ancient Egyptians to represent
their language, it was a combined system with logographic and alphabetic elements. Logographic
systems were the earliest form of writing system, which were used in Africa, China and Central
America (History world, 2015). Egyptians used hieroglyphs for religious literature on papyrus and
wood. The early hieroglyphs dates back to 3,300 BCE and was still used up until the end of the
fourth century CE. This was when the non Christian temples were closed and their monumental
was no longer needed. Many other important Greeks believed that the Egyptian hieroglyphs were
sacred, so they referred to them as holy writing . The word hieroglyphs comes from the Greek
(hiero meaning holy and glypho means writing). The Ancient Egyptians believed that their writing
was an invention of the gods, that is why the hieroglyphs were called medu netjer ; the gods
words . The hieroglyphics script were composed of three types of signs: logograms, representing
words; phonograms, which represent sounds and the determinatives, placed at the end of a word to
clarify its meaning (Scoville, P. 2015). This essay will outline the historical aspects of ancient Egypt
, the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and how the writing system was developed. It will also talk
about the decipherment of the hieroglyphs, the discovery of the Rosetta stone and how Jean
Francais Champollion was the first modern person
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Difference Between Rsa And Mvp Classification Analysis And...
1.1 What is representational similarity analysis?
Representational similarity analysis (RSA) is an analysis framework builds on a rich
psychological and mathematical literature, in which multi channel measures of neural activity
are quantitatively related to each other and to computational theory and behavior by comparing
RDMs. RDM is the representational dissimilarity matrix, which contains a cell for each pair of
experimental conditions. Each cell is a number reflecting the dissimilarity between the activity
patterns associated with the two conditions. The core of the of RSA is to use RDM as a signature
of the representations in brain regions and computational models (Kriegeskorte, Mur,
Bandettini, 2008).
1.2 The differences between RSA and MVP classification analysis and the new information
that can be obtained from representational similarity analysis that is not revealed by MVP
classification or univariate analysis.
RSA is a particular versatile version of MVPA. It goes beyond testing of information in
regional response patterns and enables researchers to handle condition rich experiments without
predefined stimulus categories, to test conceptual and computational models, and to relate
representations between humans and monkeys, and even to related across different types of brain
activity measurements.
1.2.1 Major differences:
1) MVP classification analysis focus on the representations of the brain associated with
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Standardized Testing Has Made A Huge Impact Not Only On...
Standardized testing has made a huge impact not only on our educational system, it has also had a
negative impact on certain groups of students. One of the groups of students that have been
affected by standardized testing the most are English Language Learners (ELL). ELL s are
expected to take and pass a testthat they are not able to read and understand. It is not fair to make
students take a test in a language that they are still learning and will not be able to comprehend.
Although there are modified tests for ELL s to take hardly any of them can qualify for it. They
are left taking a test they are not able to understand. Different accommodations should be made to
help the ELL s who do not qualify for the modified test, but are also not qualified to take the
regular test. The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) was implemented in an effort to help students
learn and meet their full potential academically. The NCLB was put into place by the government
to have more of an input in the standards that schools must meet. The Common Core initiative was
implemented to make schools in every state equal and have the same curriculum. Texas is one of
the states that has decided not to adhere to the Common Core initiative. Texas s standards are based
on Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Standardized testsare the formal assessments
schools use to make sure students are meeting the required state standards. The standardized test
that Texas uses for assessment is called the
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Sociological Concepts In Disney Movie Pocahontas
Concepts in Sociology
There are five sociological concepts I am going to explain. And I will be using scenes from the
Disney movie Pocahontas as examples. The five are: norms, role conflict, values, ethnocentrism and
cultural relativism.
The first concept I would like to talk about is norms. Norms are different rules, whether they are
spoken or assumed, about which kinds of behaviors are acceptable in a culture and which ones aren
t acceptable. As an example I would like to use the Disney movie Pocahontas. A clear example of a
norm from this movie is the scene where Pocahontas has disobeyed her father by talking to the
white man (aka John Smith). Disobedience was something you did not do in her village. The
father was in charge of the family and the rest of the family was expected to listen. Another norm
for her culture was to take care of the village and everyone in it. Their culture wasn t all about
fun and adventure. They made sure their top priority was the life and ease of everyone in the
village. Norms can also change. There is a scene where the chief, Powhatan, tells the village that no
one is allowed ... Show more content on ...
Values are beliefs that certain things are good and important which a group of people share.
Another way of saying this is a group s values are what the group thinks are important. For the
Indians in Pocahontas, the important things are the villages and the families. So they value
friendship and their homes. They also valued the land. The Indians believed in the land and
learned about it, not just used it. For them the important things were to take care of their families.
While the Governor of Virginia valued gold and power. The important thing for him was to get
lots of money so he could go back to England and be rich and powerful. It s the same thing in the
scene where Smith shows Pocahontas the piece of gold. She doesn t know what it is and doesn t
think that it is important. But for him, that is a very important part of
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The Tragebility Of Othello In Act 1 Scene III
Othello s nobility is undisputable within the first few acts. In Act 1 Scene I Shakespeare
characterizes Othello indirectly through others opinions; Iago refers to Othello as an old black
ram , a Barbary horse and a devil , Roderigo similarly uses debasing imagery and language to
describe Othello: thicklips . The only information the audience has about Othelloat this time is the
vulgar description of a barbaric outsider from Roderigo and Iago; this is in sharp contrast to the
noble character we meet just one scene later. Othello in Act 1 Scene II is noble, calm and both
confident and humble. When he learns that Desdemona s father, Brabantio, is coming for revenge
his response is calm and confident:
Let him do his spite;
My services, which I have done the signiory,
Shall out tongue his complaints .
Iago urges Othello to leave as Brabantio approaches them; Othello refuses and stands his ground,
highlighting his confidence and his nobility:
Not I, I must be found. My parts, my title and my perfect soul
Shall manifest me rightly
When violence is brewing between the characters in Act 1 Scene II Othello becomes the
peacemaker and shows his calm, rational side, appealing to Brabantio to cease the violence.
Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them.
Good signior, you shall more command ... Show more content on ...
He makes rash decisions which he regrets afterwards when he does stop to think about it. He
dismisses Cassio after a drunken brawl without hearing the full story; only what Iago had to say
about it. This leads onto his next flaw, his preoccupation with reputation and his excessive pride;
when he makes a mistake, he is too proud to make amends. In my opinion I feel that his hamartia is
neither pride nor hot headedness; it is his insecurity. His insecurity is the key to Iago s manipulation
of him and ultimately results in the death of Desdemona, Emilia and Othello
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Should Students Be Allowed To Wear Hats In School Research
We should wear hats Have you ever woke up and just decided that you don t wanna get ready or
do your hair for school? Wouldn t it just be easier to throw on a hat and go. The main reason that
they don t let us wear hats already in school is because of the kids being immature while wearing
hats. That observation is based off the one day per year that they encourage us to wear crazy hats
and then it gets out of hand. Now if they would allow us to wear normal ballcaps any day of the
week, it would more than likely be fine. Although hats can be distracting, students should be
allowed to wear hats in school because they allow you to express yourself, saves you time getting
ready, and it protects your hair from the weather. First the schools
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Evolution Of The Baseball Bat
The evolution of the baseball bat dates back to when baseball was a growing sport. The first
wood bats cannot be compared with today s wood bats, and the BESR bats of the past cannot be
compared with the modern BBCOR bats. The first wood baseball bats were considered sticks
because they did not have a lot of pop, which is how hard the ball bounces off of the bat. As the
wood bat progressed, the ball began to fly farther and travel faster. This change in wood baseball
bats can be related to the change in metal bats. When metal bats were first introduced, they were
considered inferior to wood bats until the new and improved BESR bats were introduced. These
bats had more pop than ever before, and were considered dangerous. Because of this danger, the
BBCOR bats had to be introduced in 2011. Because of the major advances in technology, bat
manufacturers are able to tune the bats to the BBCOR certifiable level. The introduction of
BBCOR bats into college and high school baseball has moved the game in a positive direction by
making baseball more realistic, creating a safer game, and making it easier to project a player s
First of all, baseball bats come in many different shapes and sizes for all levels of play. The youth
baseball bats have a different level of pop than the adult version of the baseball bats. For instance,
the youth baseball bats have a pop level of 1.15, and the adult versions of the bats have a pop level
of .50. When a ball hits the barrel of any bat, it
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Cs 2401 Unit 1
model of software engineering This is The 4+ 1 Model of a systems architecture in year 1995
the person name called Philippe question developed a model that lets architects break down and
look at a system according to five different views and this called the 4 +1 model. When you re
trying to look at something a large and complex as an entire system architecture it s useful to be
able to break down the hole in two sets of related parts you can use the 4+1 model to understand
the role that each kind of UML diagram plays in the model that you re creating as a whole as follow
Here the model depicts five use the logical view, the process view, the physical view, development
view and use case view. These views of the system are concurrent and each offers its own... Show
more content on ...
So you could say that logical view describes the system s object model. *Uml diagram that show
the logical view include these class diagrams and class diagrams by the way are by far the most
common kind of uml diagrams. you ll be seeing and working with these a lot also state diagrams,
object object diagrams, sequence diagrams, and communication diagrams. Each type of diagram
has its own set of function statement definition. Process view this describes a system s processes, it
shows any communication between those processes, explores what needs to happen inside the
system. Particularly helpful when your system will have a number of simultaneous threads or
processes. And uml activity diagrams represent the process view. Physical View this models the
system execution environment, maps software artifacts onto the hardware that hosts them. *Uml
deployment diagrams are used to model the physical view of a
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The Power of Superstition Essays
The Power of Superstition
A superstition is the belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic
or chance, or a false conception of causation. Superstition is also an irrational abject attitude of
mind toward the supernatural, nature, or God or a notion maintained despite evidence to the
contrary (Merriam Webster). Superstitions are the most common relic of the past handed down
from the ages. When where did superstition come from? There is an abundance of superstitions to
Basic superstitions can be broken down into three broad categories: Predictive, Causative and
Conversion. Predictive superstitions are when people believe that a particular superstition will
predict an oncoming event. ... Show more content on ...
The history of superstition states that the ladder and ground forms a triangle representing a holy
symbol from Egyptian times or a holy trinity from Christianity, therefore, by walking through the
triangle is denoted as bad luck (Origin).
Throwing salt over your left shoulder is the most known conversion superstition. Throwing salt
over your left shoulder diverts the bad luck; you received when you spilt the salt. This superstition
started in 1881, it states you have spilt salt on the table, and then thrown over your left shoulder the
bad luck is averted (Opie, Tatem 343).
Another common superstition is Friday the 13th. Many reasons exist for why Friday the 13th was
deemed to be unlucky. It is believed to have started at the expelling of Adam Eve from Garden of
Eden. People believe that they were sent from paradise on Friday.
It is also believe that the Noah s flood started and Jesus was crucified on a Friday. It is also known
that there were 13 at the Last Supper when Judas betrayed Jesus. Judas was the thirteenth guest at
the table for the Last Supper (Origin).
Friday is regarded to be the most superstitious day compared to all of the other days of the week.
There is no 13th floor on the elevator in majority of the buildings that have more than thirteen
floors. Needless to say, there is a 13th floor in the building but it is unused by occupants do to the
belief that business would not do
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My View On Public Speaking From Bob s Anthem
During your lifetime, you would be thrown many bricks. Many of them you would be able to
build a castle to show your success, but some of them can destroy your hard work. Unfortunately
for me, I thought that COMM 101 was going to destroy my life. I hated the thought of presenting
in front people. In many circumstances, I wish this class was not required. However, since the
first day of class, I began to have a feelingthis class was not going to be like the rest. Bob, my
professor, did not want us to address him by his last name. He had also given all of us Burger
King Crown, and to this date I still wonder where he got a large amount of them. If you are
willing to get past your fears, you will be able to succeed in a communicationclass. In all honesty,
there were three main components that made me change my view on public speaking from Bob s
anthem, My Personal Belief , to the informal presentations, and the formal presentations. I have
never had a class where a professor had made an anthem for their students. Anthems can be used
as a celebration or it can act as empowerment for the people. Bob s anthem went like this, I believe
in myself. I can do anything I put my mindto. I have a personal power that guides me to create
EVERYTHING that is good. My inner voice is my best GPS. It guides me and I trust it. The only
thing I have to do is spread my wing and soar. I AM DESTINED FOR GREATNESS! It was a
class necessity to say My Personal Belief in the beginning
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The Power Of Dance
The Power of Dance
Dance has been a natural movement form since the beginning of time. The origin of dance is
unknown, just as the knowledge of the benefits of dance are unknown to many in our society. Many
people do not enjoy dancing and also do not fully understand the positive benefits that come from
dancing. Researchers such as Edwards, Duberg, and many more have found countless mental and
emotional benefits of dance that originate from movement patterns, brain connections, and even
expressions of emotion. Many are aware of the physical benefits of dance, but beyond the physical
benefits of dance, there are also emotional and mental benefits that come from dance as well.
This paper explores my main question, how does movement through dance affect the mental and
emotional dimensions of wellness? I will explore the many unknown benefits that come from
dance as well as share expressions of my personal thoughts on the subject. I will also share my
personal experiences as well as others experiences with dance. In the research portion of my
paper, I will cite studies supporting both the mental and emotional benefits of dance. This paper
will also explore the perspective of a professor of dance, as well as the lived experiences of actual
dance students. My interview will support my paper as it reinforces the findings in literature. I will
discuss my future plans on the subject of mental and emotional dance; stressing the need for
individuals to dance as the benefits can be
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Adolescence As A Young Age Essay
Adolescence is considered to be the years between 13 and 19. It is known as the transitional
period from childhood to adulthood. Adolescence experiences a good deal of physical and
psychological changes. These changes can appear as early as pre teen ages and last until adulthood.
During Adolescent stage, Adolescenceis discovering their independence and self identity. They face
making though peer choices and decision in regards to drugs, alcohol, social life, and school work.
Teens show a high focus on peer groups, romantic interests, and external appearances. While
searching for their independence Adolescent find themselves participating or engaging in risky
behaviors. According to World Health Organizations, many adolescents face pressure to use
alcohol, cigarettes, or other drugs and to initiate sexual relationships, sexual relationships, at earlier
ages, and putting themselves at high risk for intentional and unintentional injuries . Adolescent are
very much different from adults and some are not capable of making adult decisions. Being under
the influence at such a young age can result in these teens making life altering decisions.
Specifically, adolescents are not fully capable of understanding complex concepts, or the
relationship between behavior and consequences, or the degree of control they have or can have
over health decision making including that related to sexual behavior (WHO, 2016). According to
Windle (2003), alcohol use during adolescence and
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Machiavelli Allusion
Historical Allusion
We are all bits and pieces of history and literature and international law. Byron, Tom Paine,
Machiavelli, or Christ, it s here. (Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury page 152)
NiccolГІ di Bernardo dei Machiavelli was an Italian diplomat, a government official, a philosopher,
a humanist and an author during the Renaissances. Today, Machiavelli is known as the father of
modern political theory and these such theories are most conspicuous in his short book, The Prince .
The main objective as to why Machiavelli composed The Prince, was that he wanted a position
within the government, so he needed to win the support of Lorenzo de Medici who at this time was
the governor of Florence. Therefore, he dedicated this book which was a guideline for future
rulers about how an individual can acquire and maintain political power, to Medici thinking it
would give him the position of an advisor. However, when Medici read the book he perceived it
differently, so word got around that Machiavelli s book, The Prince was unethical and fiendish.
For the remaining fourteen years of his life he was criticized for his obscure ideas and died in
ignominy, but not once did he let societies teachings affect his beliefs. ... Show more content on ...
Machiavelli s the Prince: Still Relevant after All These Years |BU Today| Boston University. BU
Today, CAS History Department, 26 Feb. 2013,
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The Relationship Between Occident And Orient
To begin, may be a bit abruptly, I would like to quote from Edward Said s Orientalism :: The
relationship between Occident and Orient is a relationship of power , of domination , of varying
degrees of a complex hegemony... And he mentions Flaubert s impression of an Egyptian
courtesan ..that she was ever silent and never represented her emotions, presence, or history.
Flaubert as the male, superior, occidental has all the right to present her as typically Oriental she
is denied her own voice . My idea is that GENDERformed one of the pillars on which EMPIRE was
constructed and the binaries namely male/superior and female/inferior contributed to the structure of
Imperialism. It is again an empire/colonizer and nation/colonized binary system.
Surprisingly enough ... Show more content on ...
Lying is not a mother s attribute and though she is vexed with the mother s talking habit,for Maxine
the mother tells the truth. ...I too had been in the presence of great power, my mother talking
story...she taught me the song of the warrior woman, Fa Mu Lan.I would have to grow up a warrior
woman. But Maxine s fantasy about the warrior wearing the male guise consigns her to the
master s tools . Maxine attests to the tenacity of patriarchal norms. Maxine as warrior becomes a
tormentor to herself and in a harrowing scene tortures a mute Chinese girl her alter ego who
refuses to speak . However when her throat finally bursts open she vocalizes her preference for
American ways of life and this rejection of one s ethnic culture is not uncommon, if we can
remember Gloria Anzaldua s words: When we, the objects, become the subjects and look at and
analyse our own experiences ,a danger arises that we may look through the master s gaze, speak
through his tongue, use his
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My Group Consumer Marketing Is The Most Inventive Or...
Writeup By Sharanjeet Kaur
. What is the most inventive or innovative thing you ve done? It doesn t have to be something that s
patented. It could be a process change, product idea, a new metric or customer facing interface
something that was your idea. It cannot be anything your current or previous employer would deem
confidential information. Please provide us with context to understand the invention/innovation.
What problem were you seeking to solve? Why was it important? What was the result? Why or
how did it make a difference and change things? Time Inc. Retail henceforth referred as TWR is
Time Inc. s central retail organization, providing integrated sales, distribution and marketing
solutions in support of Time Inc. ... Show more content on ...
To achieve the report level security, we developed a Java EE portal that rendered list of reports
based on the profile of logged in user. Java EE web app interfaced to multi reporting tools to
execute reports developed in Oracle Discoverer, Oracle Reporter, Cognos, Splus etc. technology
stack, nevertheless BI platform architecture was not robust enough to meet security requirements.
In order to comply with the regulations and guidelines set by data vendors and to provide
restricted data access to clients for their respective brands, developers had to replicate set of
reports for each client and queries within the reports were altered to filter the data for brands
owned by the client. Evidently, current process was inefficient and led to maintenance overhead to
support the redundant code. Second, a consortium of wholesalers named Magnet, was a key driver
in providing sales and marketing data for the publishing industry, and therefore was a key driver for
BI platform, made business model changes with the commencement of paid subscription model that
offered clients to subscribe to the sales data for any competing brands. A critical requirement
stemmed to architect robust and secured BI platform to comply with Magnet business model which
was apparently going to benefit not only Magnet but TWR and its clients.
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Thampso Thompson Abortion
Abortion is highly controversial and there is quite the debate over the ethics of abortion. The
question is does the fetus have the same rights as an adult, so that it has the same right to not be
killed. There are many debates on whether or not a fetus is human. Those who believe that there is
no life related to a fetusthen they believe that it has no rights. On the flip side, others may argue
that abortionis the killing of an innocent human life. The question, When does life begin? appears
over and over again throughout these debates and within cultures.Thompson believes that the
question of whether a fetus have the same rights as a human being is irrelevant. Even if the fetus
had all the rights of an adult human being, it would still be permissible to abort it.... Show more
content on ...
The dying violist scenario of finding yourself attached to a violinist. The violinist had to be
connected to your circulatory systems to live and taking him off would kill him. You must be
connected to him for the next 9 months. The debate begins that attaching the violinist is
unauthorized and there is then the right to go against this unauthorized connection. So realistically
it is believed that when contraception fails, this is an unauthorized human being attached for 9
months. Rape could be put in this scenario, as well. In the example of the people seeds, people
seeds take on the characteristics of pollen. The people seeds may float in through a window onto
the carpets. So when this happens, you would put up the finest mesh screens. In an highly
uncommon scenario, the mesh was defected and a people seed implants itself in the home. So this
brings up the question whether or not a person plant can now develop and have the right to use the
home its in. This answer is clearly no. This is compared to how a failed contraception situation may
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The United States Marine Corps Osprey Scandal
To: Prof. Palermo
From: Christopher Hackett
Date: December 8, 2016
Subject: The U.S.M.C. Osprey scandal The United States Marine Corps Osprey scandal took
place from July, 2000 to January 2001. It resulted in the falsification of Osprey readiness reports
and the prosecution of several Marine Corps officers (Rubel, 2009). The scandal originates with the
United States Marine Corps intent to increase production of the Osprey helicopter. The Marines
found this type of aircraft to be ideal due to its unique abilities and wished to push for full
development. In order to reach their goal, the Marines had to prove the Osprey was a reliable
vehicle worth the extra funding to increase production. A requirement set forth to prove this was
to have at least 80% readiness of the entire fleet of Ospreys at all times. (Flaherty Ricks, A
Troubled Osprey Wounds the Corps; Pressures to Build a New Plane Led To Deception and
Deadly Shortcuts , 2001).
This requirement may sound realistic for any aircraft, but not for the Osprey. The Osprey had a
history with three crashes that resulted in deaths of twenty six Marines and four civilians up until
the time of the scandal (Flaherty Ricks, Osprey Probe Reaches Pentagon s Top Ranks , 2001). Maj.
Gen. Dennis T. Krupp s command included the only Osprey Squadron in the Marines at the time.
Krupp stressed the importance of meeting that 80% to Col. James Schleining, who commanded Lt.
Col. Odin F. Leberman Jr, who was the commander of the
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Examples Of Foolishness In The Odyssey
In Homer s epic poem The Odyssey, the protagonist Odysseus is a mixture of twists and turns.
Undoubtedly, he displays tremendous cleverness. In fact, his unmatched shrewdness often results in
an unwise or foolish outcome. The poem encourages the reader to give up black and white
conclusions about the protagonist. In fact, categorizing acts of courage and foolishness is a
difficult task in The Odyssey. Odysseusadventures reveal a multifaceted character comprised of
wisdom and foolishness.
At the beginning of the poem, the goddess Athena encourages Zeus, the king of the gods, to
offer Odysseus special treatment. Zeus is more than amenable to reward Odysseus cleverness
and commitment. After all, Odysseus did design the Trojan horse plan that led to the Greeks
victory. The triumph was the precursor to all of the happenings of The Odyssey and a clear
example of unconventional intelligence. Another illustration of his resourcefulness is his strategy
to pierce Polyphemus eye while he is sleeping. Upon arousal the one eyed monster asks who
stabbed him and Odysseus replies cunningly that it is he or Nobody that did the evil deed.
Polyphemus beseeches his friends to help him, Nobody, friends. Nobody s killing me now by fraud
and not by force. (BOOK9) This creates much confusion and little resolution for Polyphemus. ...
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Their singing was so mesmerizing that it often tempted sailors to smash onto the rocks. Odysseus
solution was to fill the ears of his sailors with wax to avoid temptation. However, he enjoyed the
music while being tightly bound to the ship s mast. His inventiveness allowed him to experience
the melodious music while his men sailed securely past the
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Ramayana Essay
Ramayana and some of the Hindu virtues derived from it The poetic author, Valmiki, does not
calls Rama the perfect man in his well known tale of Ramayana for no reason. For this story has
been a legendary epic that many generations of the Hindu culture have been modeling their society
after, for over two thousand years. It has been an influential teaching for children and scholars of
all ages because of its simplicity and exemplary concepts and virtues of the Hindu people. From
childhood most Indians learn the characters and incidents of this epic and they furnish the morals,
ideals and wisdom of common life. This epic helps to bind ... Show more content on
He handles the situation with remarkably patient and wise attitude and says to his stepmother, I
gladly obey father s command ...Why, I would go even if you ordered it. . By doing this, he
shows characteristics of great piety to his parents and the lack of desire to be a powerful and
authoritative rich ruler, all while knowing that he is giving up his righteous turn to rule the
kingdom since he is the oldest of the four sons of the king. Instead, he willingly goes off into
exile forest infested with evil spirits whom he battles with the power of good and defeats. As in
most of the Eastern world, this example of respect being paid to elders, parents, authorities (no
matter what one is commanded to do) is very important in one s faith ; and the fact that one
successfully wards off evil, gives him/her the title of a cultural model hero, just as seen in Rama s
case. Rama s casual attitude about going off into the forest for fourteen years also shows his
asceticism the will to give up his material, emotional and physical attachments. His peaceful and
patient attitude towards his life is vivid due to his enduring wisdom. For he goes beyond the
material and physical world
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International Management Essay
The Last Rajah: Ratan Tata and Tata s Global Expansion
Except where I have indicated, the work I am submitting in this assignment is my own work and
has not been submitted for assessment in another course.
Executive Summary4
2.Source Problems6
3.Secondary Problems6
3.1Long term6
3.1.1Diversification of investments and businesses6
3.1.2The continuation of operation of Corus mills6
3.1.3Sustainability of its business versus sustainability of its corporate social responsibility during
economy slow down7
3.1.4Management control in Tata Group7
4. ... Show more content on ...
Another challenge is to formulate strategies for over 100 companies in more than 80 countries.
Besides this, another problem of Tata Group is the high involvement of Ratan Tata, who is the
chief steward of the group of nine senior executives sitting on the boards of the Tata companies, in
both the negotiations of major deals and the details of his auto making, telecom or steel businesses
(Luthans and Doh 2009). The next challenge for Tata is on how to absorb the struggling Corus
mills. Other challenges for the future include deciding on which businesses to spin off and which
to pursue, what will happen to the conglomerate during an economy slow down. The most
challenge issue for Tata Group perhaps would be to fill the void left behind by the energetic and
visionary Mr Ratan Tata Chairman of the Tata Group, when he retire (Koontz and Weihrich 2010).
3. Secondary Problems
3.1 Long term
3.1.1 Diversification of investments and businesses
From the case study, it is evident that a major problem for Tata Group is its diversification of its
investments and businesses over so many different countries. The group is subjected inevitably to
the different market situations and the culture of each individual market.
3.1.2 The continuation of operation of Corus mills
Another long term problem for Tata Group is whether they should continue operating the struggling
Corus mills. As
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What Is A Personal Example Of Positive Stress
First Assignment
Personal Examples of Positive Stress Experiences.
1.Having my son being bought into the world.
2.Making a decision to go to College.
3.Making a life decision to give my life to GOD.
Insights about Positive Stress.
1.Being a father for the very first time brought joy and excitement to my life that a never had.
Being a life into the world was the best feeling I had ever experienced.
2.Making a decision to go to college was a life changing event for me. I was always think that I
could make it college. I guess I had low self esteem, but I am enjoying every now that I am in
3.Another life changing and the best move I had ever made in the day I would let GOD in my
life. Since that day I realize that I can be all that ... Show more content on ...
This is why I don t get anger.
Proof When I was in a car accident I didn t get mad. I try talking to the person to keep it out of the
hands of the insurance company.
Mental I try not to let anyone get into my head, because I quick to anger.
Proof If someone would tell me that the sky is brown, I would say ok.
Emotional I try not to let my emotion come into play, by showing no emotions.
Proof I never show my emotions to anyone.
Social I enjoy being around people that are positive.
Proof I have many friends in church staying around positive people all of the time.
Spiritual Being spiritual is awareness of who you are.
Proof I am in touch with who I am.
Summarize the concept of this aid in managing my stress.
It has been a process for me getting to the place where I am at today stress free.
How will adopting this new concept aid in managing my stress?
My keeping people at a distant not letting them get close enough to that will hurt me in any way.
What skills or specific knowledge do I need to understand and practice in order to utilize this
The faith that I practice gives me the knowledge to always be the person that God attended to
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Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis regard as a polymicrobial syndrome characterized and induced by an imbalance
of the ordinary vaginal microflora which include a shift in the composition of the vaginal
microbiota from a Lactobacillus dominated community to a polymicrobial community, dominated
by anaerobes (Spiegel 1991, Giraldo et al., 2007; Schwebke, 2009) bacterial vaginosisnow found to
be to predispose to various gynaecological and obstetric problems (Stephen, 2006 ).
Bacterial vaginosis, historically known as nonspecific vaginitis , has undergone several name
changes since mid 1950s. In 1955, when Gardner and Dukes proposed Gardnerella vaginalis (then
known as Haemophilis vaginalis) as the etiologic agent of nonspecific vaginitis, the name for non
specific vaginitis was changed to Haemophilis vaginalis vaginitis (Gardner and Dukes 1955), with
the detection that there is no inflammation present in the ... Show more content on
Bacterial vaginosis is also regard the most common infection for which women seek medical
attention and an estimated 300 million women worldwide are thought to be have bacterial
vaginosis each year (Powell 2013).
Generally, bacterial vaginosis is characterized by a shift in the normal microbiome of the vagina
from the predominant Lactobacillus species to an overgrowth of a mixed community dominated by
Gardnerella vaginalis and anaerobic bacterial species.(teenus, 2015)
Any change in the resident flora including reduction of lactobacilli allows for different anaerobic
bacteria to multiply. (Ling et al., 2010; Redondo et al., 1990) . Nevertheless the process of
replacement the normal lactobacilli flora by opportunistic pathogens in vaginal ecosystem and the
role of intrinsic host factors still remains unclear, requiring more research and studies to be
conducted. (Turovskiy et al.,
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Anarchist Wave Research Paper
An anarchist is seen as someone whose aim is to overturn any form of government or law
system conversely creating a system free state (1). Although their main aim was to create a
heaven on earth (2) , whereby each individual lives based on their morals of life, violence was
commonly used to abolish government authority. Anarchist had a strong belief, that all humans
wanted to live in a state of harmony and peace, where law and government was not forced upon
them (3). In order to initiate this a movement referred to as a wave was used. A wave is a series
of movement within a time period which occurs in various countries, where all participants are all
involved in similar activities in order to achieve a common goal (3). This form of terror... Show
more content on ...
Terrorism was the main approach used in the first wave, thus led to the assassination of monarchs,
prime minister and presidents. These actions were generally justified through the use of newspapers
and transportation. Any death for the sake of anarchism was seen as commendable especially when
one took responsibility.,. (2015). the definition of anarchism. Retrieved 14 March 2015, from http:/
2.Gray, J. (2010, Mar 22). A world without rulers. New Statesman, 139, 50 51. Retrieved from http:/
/ 3.Rapport, D. The Four Waves of
Modern Terrorism, 46 52.
4.Fleming, M. (1979). The Anarchist way to Socialism (pp. 204 219). United States: Rowman and
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Native American Cultural Beliefs
To understand why they celebrate, you have to look into their past to see who they are, where
they ve been. To see what it s like dancing in moccasins. Each nation has a different story, but you
might find that collectively, they celebrate the preservation of a way of life as much as life
itself. To make sense of that, Channel Nine, Harmony Alliance, KCP L, the Anti Defamation
League, McDonald s, and IBM went to the Kickapoo Reservation to talk to Paul Guiseppe, a
tribal elder who is well respected because he has seen a lot. Stated, at one time, this whole
continent, the United States, was our country. It was taken away from us. We was forced to go on.
Like my people, they had come from round the Great Lakes. And when we were one nation, one
tongue... Show more content on ...
And they say there s one other thing that keeps it going. The most important person is observing
us and looking at us, and that s Almighty God. And if the dancing and singing in good spirit, he s
going to smile. He says that smile kept the Indian people alive in the past, and it helps them
presently. And as long as it remains, there will be Indian people, people of tradition, people
dancing in moccasins. The connection I can make between the film and the Medicine PPT, is
on slide 22. Where it talks about The Green Corn Festival had been revitalized by Emma Baker
and was the annual focus of tribal activity in Gladys s youth (52). At that celebration, those who
held a special place in the tribal community pounded yokeag. They connected each generation of
Mohegans with ancestors who had done the same act for that same reason for thousands of years
(52). The festival of corn requires a full four seasons of preparation. Yokeag is dried, while
Mohegans sew piles of ribbons, feathers, fringe, and beads into regalia (54). I make these two
connections because Green Corn Festival can be related to the Moccasins dancing. Because of their
tradition and
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Engineering Honor Program Admission Essay Sample
I m a good fit for the Engineering Honors Program at CU because of my commitment to academic
rigor, because I thrive when I m surrounded by other motivated and intellectually curious peers,
and because I take advantage of every opportunity that I am offered to get outside my comfort zone
and grow as a person.
Perhaps the most important factor in my desire to join the Engineering Honors Community is my
drive for academic excellence. I ve taken the hardest courses available to me since my freshman
year of high school, including the most advanced math class offered in my district (Higher Level
Mathematics), and I ve worked hard to make myself successful in those classes. My motivation in
choosing my challenging path was never competitive in nature: more than anything, I wanted the
personal challenge and the chance to explore my curiosity (hence my decision to take extra
International Baccalaureate classes beyond the ... Show more content on ...
Through all four years of high school, I ve been part of the International Baccalaureate program at
my high school, which is very similar to the Honors Program both are small programs for
motivated, highly involved students within a larger student body. My experiences as part of the IB
community have been instrumental in my development as a student and as a person. Being
surrounded by brilliant, curious peers had made me question my own opinions, work harder, and
achieve more than I would have otherwise, and I want to be part of the Engineering Honors
Program so that I can continue that intellectual growth in college. From my experiences in high
school, I know that I would thrive in the environment offered by the Honors Program, perhaps to
an even greater extent than I did in the IB program (since the Honors Program is a residential
program as well as an academic
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We Were Soldiers Once And Young Summary
We Were Soldiers Once...And Young: Ia Drang The Battle That Changed The War In Vietnam,
by Lt. Gen. Harold G. Moore (Ret.) and Joseph Galloway, published 20 October 1992. This book
is the account of the fighting in the Ia Drang Valley in November of 1965, focusing on the First
and Second Battalions of the 7th Cavalry Regiment. This book is not only an account of war
through the eyes of those in the field, but an account of then Lt. Col. Moore s leadership leading
up to and during combat. I chose this book because the story is not only a gripping recollection
of American war history, but an account of the love for your comrade that inspires leadership at
all levels. This book as I stated before is a wrenching view into the lives of the men involved and
the battles they fought in Vietnam. The love Moore had for his men and the job they were
tasked to do resounds through his actions leading up to and during combat. His main concept of
leadership can be boiled down to the concept that a true leader must lead by example and not by
commands, he must be with those he wishes to lead in the good times and the bad, and he must
do everything in his power to ensure they are taken care of. With those ideals of leadership you
can inspire greatness from your force regardless of the situation. I believe it is best summed up by
the following excerpt from the... Show more content on ...
There were sound reasons for this. If you are riding and your soldiers are marching, how can you
judge how tired
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The Pros And Cons Of Kerosene And Gasoline
Kerosene and Gasoline are energy sourcing fuels that are distilled from crude oil. Crude oil is
raw material consisting of many hydrocarbons, particularly 84 87% of carbon, 12 14% of
hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur (1 2%) (Simanzhenkov, 2003 ) Page 4. It s formed from
fossil remains obtained from reservoir s thousands of feet below the ground. There are 3 main
groups of hydrocarbons; paraffinic, naphthenic and aromatic hydrocarbons. The paraffinic series of
hydrocarbons have the general formula CnH(2n+2) and can be either be straight chains or branched
chains of carbonatoms. Naphthenic hydrocarbons have the formula CnH2n, with all bonds from
carbon to hydrogen being saturated. Naphthenic hydrocarbons are moderately stable compounds.
Aromatic hydrocarbons are cyclic compounds, that react readily since they have carbon atoms that
are deficient in hydrogen. All aromatic hydrocarbons have at least one benzene ring as part of their
molecular structure. (Simanzhenkov, 2003 ) Page 4,5,6. For Crude oil to be useful, these
hydrocarbons must be split into simpler compounds that can be used for energy source and fuel, the
oil refining process primarily involves distillation. The distillation process being used in this
procedure is simple distillation, this technique is generally used to separate substances in a mixture,
whose boiling points differ largely. It is generally used in the separation of volatile components of
the mixture from the other non volatile components with
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Evil Disney, Research Response to Henry Giroux
Evil Mickey There are plenty of hotbed issues on how the Disney corporation s sociological and
socio political ideologies are embedded into their products and how they affect children, but very
few ask why Disney would place hidden ideologies in their movies/shows. What reasons would
Disney have to program children with outdated morals while trying desperately to uphold a model
image of innocence? What practices has the disney corporation practiced that some would consider
immoral or even illegal? To answer these questions the following issues must be explored in more
depth: The history and actions of Disney from its inceptions to the present,Walt s strict moral code
along with the legacy he left behind, the policies of Disneyland... Show more content on ...
The second setback was the strike of 1941. Which was instigated by the firing of former head of
the Federation of Screen Cartoonists and later leader of the Screen Cartoonists Guild, Art Babbitt
on May 28, which caused 200 animators to go on strike almost immediately.(Sito babbit) Walt
early on had discovered that propaganda and public image were key to selling media, which is
why he was so studious about keeping the interior of the workplace Christian . Walt had created the
Federation of Screen artists to better control his workers, which was a union that regularly met with
him on issues such as wage increases, better hours, less footage quotas, and better work
environments.(Sito) Since Walt was notorious for being a bit cruel and demanding in the
office.(rasmussen) Though as soon as Art learned this he created the Screen Cartoonists Guild
whose recruiting patterns were not the nicest methods possible but it did get them all to join There
were these tough union guys who said we couldn t enter the door
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The Godfather Book Vs Movie
Leave the gun, take the cannoli is one of the most iconic lines from the Francis Ford Coppola
film The Godfather. Most people probably have no idea that this line wasn t part of the novel the
film was based on. In fact, the average person is most likely unaware of the novel s existence.
Nevertheless, in 1969 Mario Puzo released what would become an international bestseller and the
inspiration for the seminal film. It s worth mentioning that both the film and book have much to
offer with their compelling characters, magnificent ambience and prolonged legacy. It isn t often
that the transition from book to film results in a product equal to the written word. To say that the
Godfatherfilm is better than its source material would be an accurate statement.... Show more
content on ...
The novel introduces us to a vast network of characters in or connected to the Corleone crime
family. It would take days to attempt to break down each of them individually. Firstly, the
character Luca Brasi gives the reader a proper example of a trusted solider in the family s crime
syndicate. He was the epitome of loyalty, ruthlessness and brute force. Whatever his leader, Vito
Corleone wanted him to do, he did it, without question. Even the murder of his own illegitimate
son was committed without hesitation or regret. He shows no redeeming qualities. The Dons
eldest child, Sonny was a hot headed and irrational individual. The book doesn t exactly gives us
any particular reason for his temperament or provide an extensive depiction of his background.
Therefore, the reader is left feeling a little cold and emotionless when he s gunned down later in the
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A Religious View on Same-sex Marriage Essay
A Religious View on Same sex Marriage
The United States is a country built on a number of ideals and institutions. The moral structure of
many Americans today was developed by our ancestors and the founders of this nation through the
institutions that were a part of their lives. Family, religion, marriage, equality, and justice are just a
few examples of the important components that provide a moral basis for our country. If any of
these elements were to become too mutated, the effects on society could be devastating. Right now
in the United States, one of these building blocks of society is being threatened by the possibility of
a negative transformation. The building block of marriage as the sacred ... Show more content on ...
According to a Pew Poll, most religious communities believe same sex marriage and even
homosexuality in general are morally wrong and do not follow their religious beliefs (Waldman,
2003). There is no major religion in the world that has ever altered the definition of marriage to
include same sex couples (Barlow, 2003). In general, it can be said that many religious people have
strong views on same sex marriage, declaring it wrong because of their religious beliefs.
There are two main reasons why many religious groups are against same sex marriage. The first
argument is that people who are gay are not able to procreate. They do not have the correct
corresponding body parts to make children (Waldman, 2003). Anyone who has taken sex
education knows that humans can not reproduce without a male s sperm and a female s egg.
Roman Catholics believe God created marriage as a lifetime union between one woman and one
man with the purpose of having a loving relationship and for procreating, caring for, and teaching
children (Charron Skylstad, 1996). Sex that does not occur with the intent of procreation is not
approved by many faiths. In Judaism, for example, there is an important Bible passage that
supports this idea. The story of Onan is about Onan sleeping with his dead brother s wife. In order
to prevent having children, Onan does not ejaculate inside of his brother s wife. Instead he
ejaculated on the ground. Because
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Factors Causing Gender Inequity
The gender gap has been a concern for decades, it used to be that females lagged behind males
when it came to academic achievement. Females now outperform males academically and are
more likely to obtain college degrees and enroll in graduate school despite the gender inequalities
that remain in American society. The underachievement of females has diminished if not vanished
due to the focus of the United States for the past 30 years to close the genderachievement gap. Yet,
the concern in the most recent years has been both the lower performance of girls in mathematics
and science and now males underperformance in most academic areas (Del Rio Strasser, 2012).
Why is it that despite that females and males attend the same educational environment, males are
having a hard time keeping up and females continue to be less likely to take advanced math or
science classes or enroll in science and math related careers?
There are several factors that cause gender inequity and have caused the gender achievement gap
to grow. Factors such as society, culture, and students beliefs and attitudes about learning. As
members of a society we value certain rules, customs, and values and we learn to follow our
society s rules, customs and values. This is called socialization and part of this socialization
includes gender roles. As a society we have learned that males and females have different roles and
we expect them to act differently depending on their gender. Children learn at a
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The Report On Etihad Airline
Etihad Airline was very popular of the flag hauler in the UAE in September 2005 through Royal
Decree delivered by Sheikh Khalifa. It is basically on paid amount of $ 600 million. The
provided to service of drove by the flight to Al Ain on 6 December 2004. In during December
2004, Etihad airline was launching basic set ups by the launch of facilities to Beirut capital of
Lebanon. It is a formulation of Etihad airways, Gulf Air was the first invention at Abu Dhabi
Airport. It is co owner of Airways in Bahrain. Etihad air is one of the second largest airways
among their UAE flights. One of the best numbers of name is Emirates Airline. It is main office
located in khalifah a city of Abu Dhabi. This office beside international airport of an Emirate. The
Etihad airway was originated by Prince of Abu Dhabi, Etihad airline was begun on September 2003
by the Abu Dhabi monarch.
Airways strategy was approved the basic process of contacting in the market of Etihad airline.
Service to customer or passengers provided by air transportation of Etihad. Air transport gain there
a number of costless benefit through Etihad, airways were improved their products and services
terms of their strategy as well as air transport systems to the Abu Dhabi. The machinery of
introduced to their companies draw to included Etihad First class, Economy Class, Etihad Cargo
and Etihad Holidays among other products and services constituents (Milne, 2009).
The company all over command of the Etihad airways
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Chapter 5 Workfile/Study Sheet 1.What type of organisms contain biomembranes? All living
organisms contain biomembranes. 2.Describe the nature of cellular membranes. Cellular
membranes are fluid by nature. 3.What is the major lipid found in membranes? Phospholipids
4.What component of the cell membrane might contribute to maintaining the fluidity of the plasma
membranes? Chlosterol 5.Describe globular proteins found in the membrane. They are compacted
and folded Amino acids. 6.What percentage of all genes encode membrane proteins? 25% 7.Give
some of the common functions of cellular membranes. To protect the integrity of the interior of the
cell by allowing certain substances into the cell, while keeping other... Show more content on ...
A type of transporter that binds two or more ions Or molecules and transports them in the same
Direction across a membrane. 25.The transport of Ca2+ from the cytosol (low Ca2+ concentration)
into the endoplasmic reticulum (high Ca2+ concentration) describes what kind of transport? Active
transport 26.Acetylcholine binds this membrane protein, which subsequently opens to allow
sodium to enter the cell. Acetylcholine exerts its effect on what type of transport protein? Ligand
gated channel 27.Sodium concentrations are higher outside and glucose concentrations are higher
inside the cell. Using the same membrane protein for Na+ and glucose transport, what is it called
when a Na+ electrochemical gradient is used to drive glucose transport into the cell against its
concentration gradient? Secondary active transport 28.Define antiporters. A type of transporter
that binds two or more ions Or molecules and transports them in opposite Directions across a
membrane. 29.Describe the sodium potassium pump. As 3 sodium ions leave the cell, 2 potassium
Ions enter. 1 ATP is used in this constant Exchange. 30.Define exocytosis. A process in which
material inside a cell is Packaged into vesicles and excreted into the Extracellular medium.
31.Define receptor mediated endocytosis. A common form of endocytosis in which A receptor is
specific for a given
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Environmental Issues Affecting The Exploitation Of...
1 INTRODUCTION There is an increasing energy demands worldwide towards the exploitation
of renewable resources from agricultural and forest remnant. The major components of these
remains are cellulose, lignin and pectin. These materials have paid more interest as an
alternative feedstock and energy source, since they are abundantly obtainable. Large quantities
of wastes are produced every year from the industrial treatment of agricultural raw materials.
Most of these wastes are used as animal feed or burned as alternative for removal. However, such
wastes usually have a composition rich in sugars, minerals and proteins, and therefore, they
should not be considered wastes but raw materials for other industrial processes(Mussatto et al.,
2012) (2). Using of residues from agro industrial sources in bio processes has aroused the interest
of the scientific community lately. Ecological issues and concerns aimed to reducing pollution
have boosted the search for clean Technologies to be used in the production of commodities of
importance to chemical, energy and food industries. This idea makes use of alternative materials,
requires less energy, and minimizes pollutants in industrial effluents, as well as being more
economically useful due to its reduced costs (Martins et al., 2011) (1). Agro industrial wastes are at
most composed of complex polysaccharides that might serve as nutrients for microbial growth and
production of enzymes, several microorganisms are capable of using
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Russian Revolution Dbq Analysis
The Russian Revolution was caused by many things. Some of the reasons are poverty, hunger, and
hard labor. Some reasons may look more important than others, but I believe these reasons are just
as important as any other reason. Poverty, hunger, and hard labor are big reasons why there was
Russian Revolution. Poverty was a big part of the Russian Revolution. According to Document 1, ...
peasants do not have enough allotment land, and cannot during the year feed themselves, clothe
themselves, heat their homes ... . Also according to Document 10, Goods have gone up to ruinous
rates. . Peasants are poor, they can t afford much. They could end up stealing goods because they
have no money. Hunger was also a big part of the Russian Revolution.
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Relationship Between Religion and Art in Medieval,...
In a brightly lit corner of St Peter s Basilica, sitting behind a clear panel of glass, is Michelangelo s
PietГ . A marble white sculpture of the Mother Mary, her eyes downcast, gazes at her Son who
lies dead across her lap. She seems both devastated and deep in thought. She is young and
beautiful, in line with the old belief that a perfect soul meant a perfect outward appearance (Smart
122). She is famous and celebrated, and is visited by Christians from every nation.
In another part of the world, The Holy Virgin Mary by Chris Ofili resides in the Brooklyn Art
Museum. It is a painting of Mary atop a pile of elephant feces, the Virgin herself made with the
same substance, while surrounded by cutouts from pornographic magazines. The work ... Show
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The Church became less of a holy symbol of God s presence on earth, and more of a machine to
help ambitious men up the ladder of political power and influence (Murray Michelangelo 7). The
Age of Enlightenment changed the medieval time s thirst for God to a thirst for knowledge and
science (Gardner 396).
In present times, the influence of the Church continues to decline. The 21st century is seeing the
most intense attacks on belief in God in general and the Roman Catholic Church in particular.
(Tiglao A13)This is not at all helped by the countless scandals endured by the Vatican today. Well
known examples include their opposition to stem cell research (zu Eltz et al. 211) and sex abuse
cases involving priests. The controversy of sexually abusive priests has proven so outrageous that
many have demanded the dismissal of countless Church officials and even Pope Benedict XVI
himself ( Pope undeterred by abuse scandal, reform calls 8).
Religion has endured a rocky road over the course of history, and so has art. Indeed it has evolved
from the solemn themes of medieval art, to the romantic, whimsical mood of Renaissance art, to the
shock value of contemporary art.
The Medieval times has its share of famous art styles, two of the most significant being Byzantine
and Gothic. The Byzantine era of art was one of the Western world s longest and most unique. It
was best
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Child Soldiers In A Long Way Gone
Ishmael Beah and Grace Akallo Like hundreds if not thousands of other child soldiers, Ishmael
Beah suffered the devastation of war and conflict in an African country. This country in
particular is Sierra Leone, a former British colony that was left with no concrete government.
The history of Sierra Leone and how the 10 year war in the country started is rarely mentioned in
A Long Way Gone. Whether the historical and political aspect of the war is purposely omitted
from the memoir or never explored by Ishmael Beah is never mentioned in the story. Nevertheless,
it is more likely that Ishmael had very little idea in the political background behind the war he was
fighting in. From a broad point of view, the war was both influenced by external... Show more
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Historically, there have been child soldiers even in the United States. Bugler John Cook, served
in the U.S. Army at the age of 15 and received the Medal of Honor for his acts during the
American Civil War ( Child Soldiers Are Unfortunately Nothing New ). However, the use of
child soldiers has dramatically declined in western civilization during the 20th century.
Surprisingly, the recent use of child soldiers in Africa is still seen in media today. Grace Akallo, a
girl who formerly served under warlord Joseph Kony, suffered a similar account as Ishmael. As part
of her initiation into the army, she was forced to kill another girl. In A Long Way Gone, a rebel
soldier attempts to initiate Ishmael and others by yellong, We are going to initiate all of you by
killing these people in front of you. We have to do this to show you blood and make you strong.
You ll never see any of these people again, unless you believe in life after death (A Long Way
Gone, 90) In Akallo s book, she describes how she was trained with an AK 47, just like Ishmael
Beah. Unlike Ishmael, who was a boy, she was forced as a sex slave and raped at several occasions
(Akallo, 121). The topic of human trafficking is also explored in her book as she reports hundreds
of other boys and girls used for illegal
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Italian Unification Essay
During the 18th century, intellectual changes began to dismantle traditional values and institutions.
Liberal ideas from France and Britain spread rapidly, and from 1789 the French Revolution
became the genesis of liberal Italians . A series of political and military events resulted in a unified
kingdom of Italyin 1861. The settlements reached in 1815 at the Vienna Congress had restored
Austrian domination over the Italian peninsula but had left Italy completely fragmented . The
Congress had divided the territory among a number of European nations and the victors of the
Napoleonic Wars. The Kingdom of Sardinia recovered Piedmont (Piemonte), Nice, and Savoy and
acquired Genoa.
There were three major obstacles to unity at the time the ... Show more content on
The wars of unification were an important stage in the development of Europe. The modern world
was shaped back then by the revolutionaries of this time period. The strong leaders; Bismarck,
Guiseppe Garibaldi, and Camillo Cavour led their countries to a great thing, unification.
Giuseppe Mazzini, an Italian patriot spearheaded a national revolutionary movement. Mazzini s
ideology of an independent integrated republic spread quickly among large segments of the Italian
people. Revolutionary cells formed throughout the Italian peninsula.
Massive reforms that took place during the 1840s in the Papal States, Lucca, Tuscany, and the
Kingdom of Sardinia were intended to slow the revolutionary movements, instead these reforms
(1846 and 1847) only intensified the resolve of the revolutionary cells culminating in the
Revolutions of 1848, that spread to Germany, the Austrian Empire, France, and parts of northern
The first revolution on the Italian peninsula took place in the Kingdom of Sicily, which resulted in
a constitution for the whole kingdom. An insurrection in 1848 caused pope Pius IX to flee Rome
and a republic was proclaimed. King Charles Albert of Sardinia mobilized his army and marched
to the assistance of Lombardy and joined in the war to drive the Austrians from Italian soil.
While it initially looked as if the independence and unity of Italy was a realistic possibility, the
Austrians defeated the Piedmontese and Charles Albert had to abdicate.
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Essay Conclusion Layout

  • 1. Essay Conclusion Layout 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay Conclusion Layout Essay Conclusion Layout
  • 2. Analysis Of When Worlds Collide By Christopher Columbus The actions of competing European nations for colonies around the world following the exploits of Christopher Columbus according to the video When Worlds Collide from PBS include enslaving, torturing, killing, and plundering the riches of the indigenous people of the New World. According to When Worlds Collide, before King Charles V s even began his reign, there had been 32 tons of gold that had been plundered by the Spaniards from the Native Americans. To add insult to injury, he used Africans and Native Americans as slaves in mines to get him even more gold only a few years after coming into power. In the same video, it is mentioned that under the rule of another king, King Philip, Native Americans were used again as slaves in mines ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Industrial Revolution Changes The industrial revolution was a period in time where there were a lot of major changes happening in agriculture, manufacturing, and transportation that affected living conditions. People were able to transport faster and more easily, but so could ideas. Around the world new ideas were being shared which created a competitive environment on who could come up with what first. These changes were the causes that generated the industrial revolution. The kick off to the industrial revolution started with Richard Arkwright who is credited with the development of the mechanized cotton mill. With the new development of factories they become more popular throughout cities. The increase in factories caused workers to spend more time away from their... Show more content on ... The Bessemer process for making steel was one of these inventions. The Bessemer process improved the strength of iron. Henry Bessemer developed this process. He made it possible to convert pig iron to steel by removing impurities rather than adding carbon. This process took a lot less time than other processes and was cheaper. The Bessemer process made steel framed buildings more popular and allowed buildings to rise as high as nine or ten stories. George A. Fuller was an inventor of the skyscraper and constructed the Tacoma Building in 1889 in Chicago using the Bessemer steel beams. It was also the first structure to use internal supports so that the exterior walls wouldn t carry any extra weight (Ireland). Another great invention that impacted architecture during the industrial revolution was the elevator break. During the mid 19th century Elisha Graves Otis invented the new breaking system. This new breaking system was for the platform that would prevent the cab from falling if the cables were severed. The same process is still used today. Without the breaking system buildings were limited to about six stories however, elevators then made skyscrapers feasible ... Get more on ...
  • 4. A Comparison Of Wonder Woman And The Flash The Justice League has always been a great team oh super heroes that saved those who couldn t defend themselves. Although they were powerful they weren t unstoppable and this was proven when Wonder Woman and the Flash were held captive. A team of super villains called the Black Stain developed a toxin that temporarily takes away anyone s power. They used this toxin during a bank heist and that s when Wonder Woman and The Flash lost their powers and were captured. Both heroes were taken to a secret cave in the mountains were they wouldn t be traced by their Justice Leaguefriends. Wonder Woman and The Flash have worked as a team for years, but they always considered themselves as friends and nothing more. Meanwhile in the cave, Wonder Woman and The Flash felt helpless without their powers. Chained... Show more content on ... Spark couldn t only be invisible occasionally as it drained his strength, he could also jump high and run fast than most humans. He wasn t all that super, but that didn t stop him! One day as the Justice League was on a mission and he was all alone he went looking for trouble because he wanted to prove to his parents that he was special enough to defeat evil! He used his limited powers to save and rescue civilians in a city called Kronos. After saving a few lives he felt the need to challenge himself even more so he decided to go back to that cave where his parents first fell in love to get revenge on the evil team who temporarily took away his parents powers and tortured them. As soon as he got there he Spark went crazy without a plan he just started fighting everyone he saw. All the evil villains in the cave were startled but instantly they all went up against Spark and overpowered him. Spark was now chained on the wall where his parents first fell in love. He chuckled in the moment and found the whole pretty ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Bullying Is An Emotional And Emotionally Draining Issue Bullying is an emotional and physically draining issue that is prominent throughout the world today. School bullying has been recognized as a major problem in many countries, and almost anyone you come across has a story they can tell about it. Bullying can conceive a hard lifestyle for someone who is victimized and can threaten a person s opportunities in life in the near future. The social climate of a school is a replica of the world outside. All fifty states have passed school anti bullyinglegislation, but each state addresses bullying differently. It is equally important that where people advance a large portion of their mortality, their understanding how the world works and how their sense of responsibility goes towards the society they live in. There is more to bullying than you can comprehend, there is a cycle, challenges in preventing it and long term affects that come from it. The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. That quote stated by Albert Einstein is similar to the bullying cycle that was created by an American nurse. There are five steps in the bullying cycle and each plays its own specific role. The first step in the bullying cycle is the bully. The bully is the primary aggressor and is typically influenced in looking for capability or authority over another human being. Also, the bully is either looking for attention or possess a strong self esteem towards themselves or others. ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Our Needs And Wants Essay Our Needs and Wants: effects on our inner peace Life, in general, has not changed over the years; it is only the surroundings and circumstances that have changed. The way we choose to react to those changes, determines the direct effect on the quality of our life. We need to focus on the need of distinguishing, between the ever increasing responsibilities on our shoulders and other insignificant matters that consume our precious time. Our needs and wants are two distinct entities. We needto separate our needs from our wants in order to achieve satisfaction. It is definitely not a simple matter. The dilemma is that we all want everything, but we don t need everything we want. When we can quiet the unnecessary, we can give an opportunity to ... Show more content on ... We need to find an opportunity to coach somewhere, in fact anywhere. Find a young person, a young team, jump in and impart training, like we would if we were coaching at the highest level. Such initiative and experience, will give us sufficient boost to reach our goals, and actually become a sport coach one day. We should not be afraid to take small steps. There s something powerful about matter how little. Many times, the impossible is simply the untried. When we are immobilised with fear, when each task ahead appears to be a huge one, when we are unable to lift ourselves to face it at those moments we can break the dilemma by using two simple words: Do something! By taking some small steps, the required momentum will begin to come into our life. Most people don t succeed because they are too afraid to even try. As incredible as it sounds, they decide in advance that they are going to fail. Many times, our final goal seems so distant unachievable that we don t even make an effort. But, once we have made our decision and actually start, it s like we are halfway ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Arthropods are the Major Component in Animal Diversity Introduction Arthropods appeared in early Cambriand and since the burst, the Cambrian radiation, the species have been the major component of animal diversity in the past of 520 million years (Edgecombe, 2010). They are probably the most diverse animals on earth, know species reach almost one and two hundred milion, accounting for over 80% of animal living species (Thanukos, 2008). Ranging sizes from less than 1mm and more thand 4m, arthropods vary from herbivores and carnivores, parasitic and free living, social and solitary, being extreme ubiquitous they can be found everywhere on the planet, to deepest oceans and highest mountains (Wheeler et al, 2004). Arthropods possesses a wide range of taxonomic and structural diversity, ancient fossil record and a prefered model system to study morphogenisis, therefore it could awnser many questions regarding evolutionary biology (Regier Shultz, 1997). To awnser those questions is required a a phylogenetic framework. Unfortunally evolutionary relationships among the majorority of arthropods groups are still controversial (Regier Shultz, 1997). One of the problems of phylogenetic reconstruction of arthropods is the choice of a outgroup (Giribet Ribera, 1997). Acording to Giribet Ribera (1997) an outgrup must be historically related to the members of the ingroup. Other problem is about polyphyly and monophyly and relationships in subphyla Chelicerata, Atelocerata and Crustacea (Regier Shultz, 1997). With advancements in ... Get more on ...
  • 8. China Earthquake Sichuan Earthquake Analysis Introduction The earthquake happened in May 2008 in Sichuan Area of Republic of China, and it had a Ritcher scale of 7.9. The tragedy resulted in the death of 69,227 people, 374, 176 had fatal, and minor injuries and more than 18,000 people went missing. The impact of the earthquake was felt so many miles away, and it left more than 4.8 million individuals homeless. The tragedy is termed as one of the most lethal in the history of China (Liu, 1). This natural disaster, like other big disasters, was covered widely by the media all over the world. The news of Sichuan earthquake hit the headlines of many newspapers globally. The domestic media was not left behind in analyzing the disaster having 24 hours reports on the events surrounding the earthquake. The America reporters made a comprehensive coverage of the events. This is because the foreign news reporters were permitted to visit the site of the quake (Seo et al., 17). Although both the country s reporters made the coverage, they used different media frame to manipulate the audience s understanding of the ... Show more content on ... The media usually frame the story for the public to understand all these events. Through framing, they highlight some of the issues to capture the attention of the audience in an individual occurrence (Liu, 8). The theory describes framing in two ways, the media frame, and the audience frame. According to Gitlin media frame helps the journalist in recognition, interpretation, and dissemination of the information. On the other hand, the audience frames are the patterns of cognition and description of events and idea that news anchors develop in the mind of the spectators. Frame theory argues that media frames impact the way of thinking in the audience by emphasizing on some areas of events. They either amplify or shrink the episodes in an ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Facilitate Continuous Improvement Facilitate Continuous Improvement BSBMGT516C BY CALLAN FORGAN January 2015 Assessment Activity 1 1. You work for an organisation that does not actively encourage its employees to participate in decision making processes, and to assume responsibility and exercise initiative as appropriate. What would you say to convince the organisation s management that they should actively encourage employees to assume responsibility and initiative? Write a transcript of what you would say. Although not encouraged, recently I decided to let our ICT Support Specialist head up the roll out of our new Antivirus solution. I presented him with the project and advised that he will be managing it and will need to source the resources... Show more content on ... This can effect a number of areas within the organisation, including reputation to their clients /customers, general publics views/opinions, employees and even the companies finances. In an office environment such as Status Industries. The main concerns are overuse of paper and printing products, lighting usage and power consumption. These can all be addressed. See table on next page how Status Industries has engaged these issues with policies. Environmental Issue Impact Resolution Result Over Usage of Paper in printing Environment, Cost of Paper, Paper Wastage Double Sided Printing forced on all Xerox devices within organisation Dramatic reduction in paper usage. Cost of paper saved. Colour Printing Usage in office High usage of colour toners where not needed, cost impact as colour prints more expensive than black and white. Force default Black and White printing. Requiring staff to have to select colour printing if they require it. All Staff email sent explaining cost of colour printing over black and white Black and White printing increased. Less colour toner usage. Cost savings. Lighting Lighting currently on 24 hours a day. Expensive power bills and waste of electricity Timers installed on lights to switch off at 8pm every night and to be off over weekend periods Dramatic cost saving and less usage of power. Cost saving on replacing globes. Electricity Wasting Computers ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Revenge In J. Budziszewski s Prince Hamlet Revenge is a thing that seems to always be in style. It is constantly being seen in real life, hollywood, and literature. People are constantly on edge plotting their revenge or debating if they should even do it. Some people s conscience is formed too pure to take revenge, but in time it can be turned erroneous due to events and newfound subconscious desires, as in Prince Hamlets case. From the moment humans come out of the womb, their conscience begins to form. As John Locke describe with tabula rasa, the mind is a blank slate and experience fills it in. This means that when someone is born their conscience is neither good nor bad, but from that moment on, outside factors are influencing it. Depending on one s upbringing or environment, they are being taught either good morals or bad ... Show more content on ... Budziszewski writes, Once a wrong is done, the next wrong comes more easily. On this view conscience is mainly a restraint, a resistance, a passive barrier. It doesn t so much drive us on as hold us back, and when persistently attacked, the restraining wall gets thinner and thinner and finally disappears. Often this explanation is combined with another: that conscience comes from culture, that it is built up in us from outside. Many others agree with his view that with time the barrier that shields from the bad can be broken down if wrongs are constantly being done either by the person or involving the person. In Hamlet s situation, when his father was murdered he wanted to take revenge on Claudius, but he could not carry through with it at first due to his conscience being too pure. However, as time went on the devil in his conscience started taking over the angel in it by all the little details that happened (the mouse trap, sending off to England, etc.). These events built up to turn his conscience erroneous enough to allow him to carry through with his need for revenge. Events can take a toll on you psychologically and socially, but your biology will always remain the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Essay on The Pros and Cons of Ozone Here is an environmental question worth asking, Is ozone good or bad? Need more context? Okay. Has ozone been beneficial or detrimental to humans over the course of the past century? Unsure? Well read the following and decide. If you re not motivated to do so, consider that if ozone weren t part of the Earth, neither would we be, and, more immediately, if ozone levels aren t kept within certain narrow ranges in the future, the biospherewill suffer greatly. What is ozone? Ozone is the gas in our atmosphere which has the chemical formula, O3, meaning that each of its molecules consists of three oxygen atoms. Although seemingly similar to the much more common diatomic oxygen, O2, which we require consumption of in every breath, ozone ... Show more content on ... Let s start in the upper atmosphere and work our way down to the surface. The stratosphere (that part of the atmosphere above the wispy clouds extending nearly 30 miles above the surface) contains ~97 percent of the ozone on the planet. This ozone is considered extremely beneficial and is, in fact, essential for life as we know it. Ozone has the very special property of absorbing the highly energetic ultraviolet (UV) rays that come from the sun. This partial absorption of UV light protects life from the complications that result when life forms are exposed to elevated levels of it. In humans, UV light might be desirous to someone attempting to get a tan, but it is very damaging to our eyes (via cataracts), contributes in the creation of cancerous skin cells, produces age spots, and stimulates wrinkles. (Despite the fact that our culture tends to admire tanned skin, the process of tanning is actually a sign of skin damage.) Many plants also show signs of reduced productivity when exposed to higher UV levels. Thus, stratospheric ozone is a blessing to all of life because of its ability to absorb (and therefore block) much of the UV light from reaching the earth s surface. In the lower atmosphere, particularly near the surface, ozone isn t so beneficial. Often a primary ingredient in smog, ozone causes damage in lung when inhaled. The American Lung Association s website (http:/ contains many ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Malpractice And Malpractice Of A Healthcare Organization EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This paper will be discussing tort as it relates to negligence and malpractice in a healthcare organization. It will try explain how negligence and malpractice drive up the cost of healthcare and how there has been a clamor tort reform, what would be the content of the reform and the expected outcome. Lastly the essay would prove to us that there is no indication since tort reform has been implemented, that points to a reduction in the cost of healthcare and the cost of running a healthcare organization in relation to paying high malpractice insurance. TORT Tort is a civil wrong for which a court of law provides remedy for a civil wrong that has been committed against an individual, Remedy could be sought for a personal loss, financial loss, and personal injury (Smith, 1993). A tort is simply the Norman word for a wrong but torts have typically been distinguished from crimes and from wrongs identified with contractual relations. Tort law, then, is concerned with civil wrongs not arising from contracts (White, 2003, p.xxiii).During the very early years of tort been introduced in to legal discourse and proceeding, tort was considered as a wrong that came by way or forceful damage or hurt. It was widely regarded both as a civil wrong and a criminal during those early years, civil wrongs can be classified as a wrong that involves no violence and also a wrong that involves an element of force and violence (Street, 1906). HISTORY OF MEDICAL MALPRACTICE ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Australian Business Media Reported That The Board Of... I.Introduction In the August 2015, most of the Australian business media reported that the board of Federation Centre ( FDC ) sacked Steven Sewell as a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and then replaced him with Angus McNaughton as a new CEO. This removal subsequently surprised investors and markets because it occurred just two months after the completion of the merger between FDC and Novion Property Group ( Novion ). Moreover, there is no further explanation from the board of FDC about the reason of removal Steven Sewell. Consequently, the shares of the FDC declined 6% since the replacement. The removal of a director by the board in the FDC case creates legal and ethical issues, which ultimately led to the onset of commercial issues. Despite the legal, ethical and commercial issues, this case is strongly indicated that there are some problems in the mechanism of removal directors stipulated in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) ( Corporations Act ) S 203D and S 203E. This indication is underpinned by some cases in the Australian court in which directors are removed also by the board. Therefore, this paper will analyse the legal, ethical and commercial issues regarding with the removal of FDC s director, discuss the problem in the procedure of removal directors stipulated in the legislation, and compare other regulations in the common law and civil law countries. Finally, drafts of new mechanism of dismissal directors will be provided in this research to reform Section 203D ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Odysseus Or Gilgamesh Odysseus or Gilgamesh Will the real Epic Hero please stand up? Gilgamesh went to the entrance into the mountain and entered the darkness alone, without a companion. By the time he reached the end of the first league the darkness was total, nothing behind or before. He made his way, companionless, to the end (Book 9 p. 51, The Epic of Gilgamesh). In The Epic of Gilgamesh, an epic poem translated by N.K. Sanders, Gilgamesh is a character who is by all accounts an epic hero. As a person of nobility, he becomes tyrannical and overpowering in his strength, until the gods present him with a challenge an equal counterpart to Gilgamesh s fortitude. Gilgamesh battles with this new encountered foe, named Enkidu, yet because of their equivalent vitality, they end up cancelling each other out, and through a twist of events, Gilgamesh befriends Enkidu. This friendship is everlasting, through thick and thin. After Enkidu s death and traveling in search for an answer to life s cruelty and abandonment, Gilgamesh finds a new perspective on life and returns home to his rightful place on the throne. The Epic of Gilgamesh entails the hardships and retribution that the main character, Gilgamesh, в…” god and в…“ human and King of Uruk, endures. Comparatively, Gilgamesh is more of an epic hero than Odysseus from The Odyssey by Homer, whose story also follows the structure of the Epic Hero Cycle. This is because Gilgamesh embarks on multiple epic journeys, and on the way, grows and learns from his ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Analysis Of The Book The Looking At Irene Louise Erdrich s Shadow Tag is about a dysfunctional marriage. However, it features characters that were both hurt and helped by the recording and, to some degree the commodification of American Indian history. American Indian history both helps and hurts the characters in Shadow Tag. There are some factors that make the difference between helping and hurting each character. In addition, some characters benefit more from their past compared to others. In contrast, some characters hurt more from their pass send some of their counterparts. Irene, Gil and Riel are the three main characters that are mainly affected by American and Indian history. Nevertheless, each and every character is impacted by his or her past and heritage in some way or other. In the looking at Irene, one of the most important characters in the book, we can see how American Indian history has impacted her life experience. She grew up reading primarily critically acclaimed classic novels. From these works, she discovered a certain way of looking at the world. In addition, the book says she read sparked her fascination with history. This led her to pursue a degree in history. However, she was never able to finish her degree. Her main job is being a stay at home mom, which is when she is not posing for one of Gil s paintings. Due to the stress that comes along with working with the family member, Irene spends the majority of her waking day with an elegant wine glass in her hand. Some would consider her a ... Get more on ...
  • 16. An Excited Loud Echoes Through Ford Field An excited shout echoes through Ford Field: ELCA, are you ready for tonight? Around me, I hear the roar of 30,000 Lutherans cheering in response. The noise is deafening, and being a part of it both gives me goose bumps and makes my heart race. I stand there in Ford Field, in awe of the sheer number of Lutherans surrounding me. As part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) National Youth Gathering in Detroit, each person in the crowd is my age and shares the same religious beliefs as I do. The energetic and unified atmosphere already has me smiling, and I can t wait for the rest of my week in Detroit. Of all the days following that night, Friday was the most amazing; at times, however, it seemed to be just the opposite. ... Show more content on ... The speakers in Ford Field had all served so many people in their lives, from fighting poverty and world hunger to promoting gender and racial justice. For me, I knew I wouldn t be changing the world in one day, but at least I had a chance to help change Detroit. I guess that s why the service project was so incredibly important to me, and why I was crushed when the DJ made an announcement later that day. It came around 2:30 P.M.; we had been talking, dancing, and waiting together for 5 hours, and our bus still hadn t come. Anyone could tell how exhausted we were by the looks on our faces. Just as I had convinced myself that our bus was next, a message came over the speakers: Buses 91 100 will not be leaving today. Due to traffic delays, the buses are now needed to go pick up volunteers from this morning. All remaining participants: follow your leader to the Cobo Center. In one moment, my struggling smile faded and I was on the verge of tears. Thoughts flooded my mind: How could this happen? Didn t they know they needed a few more buses? I waited all this time for nothing? How could I miss this, it s what I came here for! Deep down I knew God had much more in store for me, but at the time I felt cheated out of an essential part of the trip. Our tiny circle of six sat in silence for a while, dejected and a little angry. We were given our lunch and began to eat together, but the almost tangible silence remained hanging in the air. After we had eaten, our ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Phaseolus Vulgaris Plant White Beans or Cannellini Beans scientific name Phaseolus vulgaris L. is a popular central and southern Italy, but were first develop in Argentina and is the most important edible legume for direct consumption in the world. They are larger than navy beans, related to the kidney bean and, like the kidney bean, has higher levels of the toxic lectin phytohaemagglutinin. It is a toxic plant protein, which has important medical applications, especially in immunology, because it can induce mitosis and causes red blood cells to clump together. The common bean (Pheseolus vulgaris L.) is rich in nutrients and has significant amounts of protein calories, unsaturated fatty acid (linoleic acid), and dietary fiber, particularly soluble fiber. Among the... Show more content on ... (2016), beans have been highlighted that have great importance in counteracting malnutrition problems owing to their nutritive value, i.e. high contents of protein and easily digestible starch. In recent years, more attention has been devoted to potential health beneп¬Ѓts of beans stemming from the presence of bioactive constituents. In addition to nutritional components, some common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are rich in several phytochemicals such as phenolic compounds especially including phenolic acids, flavonoids and tannins. In another study, the consumption of beans have received increased attention because of their beneficial physiological effects in the prevention and control of broad range of chronic and degenerative diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer. The inclusion of half a cup (130g) of beans and other legumes in the diet several times in a week is recommended good for health, by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (2005), the total recommendation per week being 3ВЅ cup. (Hayat, et al., 2013). Also, according to Mattei et al. (2011) substituting one serving of beans for one serving of white rice was associated with a 35% (95% CI: 15%, 50%) lower risk of the metabolic syndrome. Although obesity and diabetes are on the increase worldwide, based on the research developments discussed, the common bean (P. vulgaris) a amylase inhibitor (a AI1) has potential to serve as a widely used remedy against these conditions while there is need for research on its probable anti colorectal cancer effect. (Obiro et al., ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Cinder Cone Research Paper Explanation/Essay There are many different types of volcanos on Earth. All of these volcanoes have differing characteristics and features. Three types of volcanoes are Cinder Cone, Shield and Composite. One type of volcano that is quite common around the world is the Cinder Cone volcano. Cinder cone volcanoes are in the shape of a cone, hence their name. It is made of piles of lava and not ash. During cinder cone volcano eruptions blobs of lava ( cinders ) are blown into the air and around this time break into small fragments. These then fall around the opening of the volcano. This pile of debris, then forms an oval shaped cone. These can also be known as scoria cones. Some type of cinder cone volcanoes found around the world are Mt. ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics Introduction The Egyptian hieroglyphs were a prescribed writing system by the ancient Egyptians to represent their language, it was a combined system with logographic and alphabetic elements. Logographic systems were the earliest form of writing system, which were used in Africa, China and Central America (History world, 2015). Egyptians used hieroglyphs for religious literature on papyrus and wood. The early hieroglyphs dates back to 3,300 BCE and was still used up until the end of the fourth century CE. This was when the non Christian temples were closed and their monumental was no longer needed. Many other important Greeks believed that the Egyptian hieroglyphs were sacred, so they referred to them as holy writing . The word hieroglyphs comes from the Greek (hiero meaning holy and glypho means writing). The Ancient Egyptians believed that their writing was an invention of the gods, that is why the hieroglyphs were called medu netjer ; the gods words . The hieroglyphics script were composed of three types of signs: logograms, representing words; phonograms, which represent sounds and the determinatives, placed at the end of a word to clarify its meaning (Scoville, P. 2015). This essay will outline the historical aspects of ancient Egypt , the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and how the writing system was developed. It will also talk about the decipherment of the hieroglyphs, the discovery of the Rosetta stone and how Jean Francais Champollion was the first modern person ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Difference Between Rsa And Mvp Classification Analysis And... 1.1 What is representational similarity analysis? Representational similarity analysis (RSA) is an analysis framework builds on a rich psychological and mathematical literature, in which multi channel measures of neural activity are quantitatively related to each other and to computational theory and behavior by comparing RDMs. RDM is the representational dissimilarity matrix, which contains a cell for each pair of experimental conditions. Each cell is a number reflecting the dissimilarity between the activity patterns associated with the two conditions. The core of the of RSA is to use RDM as a signature of the representations in brain regions and computational models (Kriegeskorte, Mur, Bandettini, 2008). 1.2 The differences between RSA and MVP classification analysis and the new information that can be obtained from representational similarity analysis that is not revealed by MVP classification or univariate analysis. RSA is a particular versatile version of MVPA. It goes beyond testing of information in regional response patterns and enables researchers to handle condition rich experiments without predefined stimulus categories, to test conceptual and computational models, and to relate representations between humans and monkeys, and even to related across different types of brain activity measurements. 1.2.1 Major differences: 1) MVP classification analysis focus on the representations of the brain associated with experimental
  • 21. ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Standardized Testing Has Made A Huge Impact Not Only On... Standardized testing has made a huge impact not only on our educational system, it has also had a negative impact on certain groups of students. One of the groups of students that have been affected by standardized testing the most are English Language Learners (ELL). ELL s are expected to take and pass a testthat they are not able to read and understand. It is not fair to make students take a test in a language that they are still learning and will not be able to comprehend. Although there are modified tests for ELL s to take hardly any of them can qualify for it. They are left taking a test they are not able to understand. Different accommodations should be made to help the ELL s who do not qualify for the modified test, but are also not qualified to take the regular test. The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) was implemented in an effort to help students learn and meet their full potential academically. The NCLB was put into place by the government to have more of an input in the standards that schools must meet. The Common Core initiative was implemented to make schools in every state equal and have the same curriculum. Texas is one of the states that has decided not to adhere to the Common Core initiative. Texas s standards are based on Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Standardized testsare the formal assessments schools use to make sure students are meeting the required state standards. The standardized test that Texas uses for assessment is called the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Sociological Concepts In Disney Movie Pocahontas Concepts in Sociology There are five sociological concepts I am going to explain. And I will be using scenes from the Disney movie Pocahontas as examples. The five are: norms, role conflict, values, ethnocentrism and cultural relativism. The first concept I would like to talk about is norms. Norms are different rules, whether they are spoken or assumed, about which kinds of behaviors are acceptable in a culture and which ones aren t acceptable. As an example I would like to use the Disney movie Pocahontas. A clear example of a norm from this movie is the scene where Pocahontas has disobeyed her father by talking to the white man (aka John Smith). Disobedience was something you did not do in her village. The father was in charge of the family and the rest of the family was expected to listen. Another norm for her culture was to take care of the village and everyone in it. Their culture wasn t all about fun and adventure. They made sure their top priority was the life and ease of everyone in the village. Norms can also change. There is a scene where the chief, Powhatan, tells the village that no one is allowed ... Show more content on ... Values are beliefs that certain things are good and important which a group of people share. Another way of saying this is a group s values are what the group thinks are important. For the Indians in Pocahontas, the important things are the villages and the families. So they value friendship and their homes. They also valued the land. The Indians believed in the land and learned about it, not just used it. For them the important things were to take care of their families. While the Governor of Virginia valued gold and power. The important thing for him was to get lots of money so he could go back to England and be rich and powerful. It s the same thing in the scene where Smith shows Pocahontas the piece of gold. She doesn t know what it is and doesn t think that it is important. But for him, that is a very important part of ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Tragebility Of Othello In Act 1 Scene III Othello s nobility is undisputable within the first few acts. In Act 1 Scene I Shakespeare characterizes Othello indirectly through others opinions; Iago refers to Othello as an old black ram , a Barbary horse and a devil , Roderigo similarly uses debasing imagery and language to describe Othello: thicklips . The only information the audience has about Othelloat this time is the vulgar description of a barbaric outsider from Roderigo and Iago; this is in sharp contrast to the noble character we meet just one scene later. Othello in Act 1 Scene II is noble, calm and both confident and humble. When he learns that Desdemona s father, Brabantio, is coming for revenge his response is calm and confident: Let him do his spite; My services, which I have done the signiory, Shall out tongue his complaints . Iago urges Othello to leave as Brabantio approaches them; Othello refuses and stands his ground, highlighting his confidence and his nobility: Not I, I must be found. My parts, my title and my perfect soul Shall manifest me rightly When violence is brewing between the characters in Act 1 Scene II Othello becomes the peacemaker and shows his calm, rational side, appealing to Brabantio to cease the violence. Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them. Good signior, you shall more command ... Show more content on ... He makes rash decisions which he regrets afterwards when he does stop to think about it. He dismisses Cassio after a drunken brawl without hearing the full story; only what Iago had to say about it. This leads onto his next flaw, his preoccupation with reputation and his excessive pride; when he makes a mistake, he is too proud to make amends. In my opinion I feel that his hamartia is neither pride nor hot headedness; it is his insecurity. His insecurity is the key to Iago s manipulation of him and ultimately results in the death of Desdemona, Emilia and Othello ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Should Students Be Allowed To Wear Hats In School Research We should wear hats Have you ever woke up and just decided that you don t wanna get ready or do your hair for school? Wouldn t it just be easier to throw on a hat and go. The main reason that they don t let us wear hats already in school is because of the kids being immature while wearing hats. That observation is based off the one day per year that they encourage us to wear crazy hats and then it gets out of hand. Now if they would allow us to wear normal ballcaps any day of the week, it would more than likely be fine. Although hats can be distracting, students should be allowed to wear hats in school because they allow you to express yourself, saves you time getting ready, and it protects your hair from the weather. First the schools ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Evolution Of The Baseball Bat The evolution of the baseball bat dates back to when baseball was a growing sport. The first wood bats cannot be compared with today s wood bats, and the BESR bats of the past cannot be compared with the modern BBCOR bats. The first wood baseball bats were considered sticks because they did not have a lot of pop, which is how hard the ball bounces off of the bat. As the wood bat progressed, the ball began to fly farther and travel faster. This change in wood baseball bats can be related to the change in metal bats. When metal bats were first introduced, they were considered inferior to wood bats until the new and improved BESR bats were introduced. These bats had more pop than ever before, and were considered dangerous. Because of this danger, the BBCOR bats had to be introduced in 2011. Because of the major advances in technology, bat manufacturers are able to tune the bats to the BBCOR certifiable level. The introduction of BBCOR bats into college and high school baseball has moved the game in a positive direction by making baseball more realistic, creating a safer game, and making it easier to project a player s future. First of all, baseball bats come in many different shapes and sizes for all levels of play. The youth baseball bats have a different level of pop than the adult version of the baseball bats. For instance, the youth baseball bats have a pop level of 1.15, and the adult versions of the bats have a pop level of .50. When a ball hits the barrel of any bat, it ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Cs 2401 Unit 1 CS 2401: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 1 UNIT 4 DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT Discuss the 4+1 model of software engineering This is The 4+ 1 Model of a systems architecture in year 1995 the person name called Philippe question developed a model that lets architects break down and look at a system according to five different views and this called the 4 +1 model. When you re trying to look at something a large and complex as an entire system architecture it s useful to be able to break down the hole in two sets of related parts you can use the 4+1 model to understand the role that each kind of UML diagram plays in the model that you re creating as a whole as follow Here the model depicts five use the logical view, the process view, the physical view, development view and use case view. These views of the system are concurrent and each offers its own... Show more content on ... So you could say that logical view describes the system s object model. *Uml diagram that show the logical view include these class diagrams and class diagrams by the way are by far the most common kind of uml diagrams. you ll be seeing and working with these a lot also state diagrams, object object diagrams, sequence diagrams, and communication diagrams. Each type of diagram has its own set of function statement definition. Process view this describes a system s processes, it shows any communication between those processes, explores what needs to happen inside the system. Particularly helpful when your system will have a number of simultaneous threads or processes. And uml activity diagrams represent the process view. Physical View this models the system execution environment, maps software artifacts onto the hardware that hosts them. *Uml deployment diagrams are used to model the physical view of a ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Power of Superstition Essays The Power of Superstition A superstition is the belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation. Superstition is also an irrational abject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or God or a notion maintained despite evidence to the contrary (Merriam Webster). Superstitions are the most common relic of the past handed down from the ages. When where did superstition come from? There is an abundance of superstitions to date. Basic superstitions can be broken down into three broad categories: Predictive, Causative and Conversion. Predictive superstitions are when people believe that a particular superstition will predict an oncoming event. ... Show more content on ... The history of superstition states that the ladder and ground forms a triangle representing a holy symbol from Egyptian times or a holy trinity from Christianity, therefore, by walking through the triangle is denoted as bad luck (Origin). Throwing salt over your left shoulder is the most known conversion superstition. Throwing salt over your left shoulder diverts the bad luck; you received when you spilt the salt. This superstition started in 1881, it states you have spilt salt on the table, and then thrown over your left shoulder the bad luck is averted (Opie, Tatem 343). Another common superstition is Friday the 13th. Many reasons exist for why Friday the 13th was deemed to be unlucky. It is believed to have started at the expelling of Adam Eve from Garden of Eden. People believe that they were sent from paradise on Friday. It is also believe that the Noah s flood started and Jesus was crucified on a Friday. It is also known that there were 13 at the Last Supper when Judas betrayed Jesus. Judas was the thirteenth guest at the table for the Last Supper (Origin). Friday is regarded to be the most superstitious day compared to all of the other days of the week. There is no 13th floor on the elevator in majority of the buildings that have more than thirteen floors. Needless to say, there is a 13th floor in the building but it is unused by occupants do to the belief that business would not do ... Get more on ...
  • 29. My View On Public Speaking From Bob s Anthem During your lifetime, you would be thrown many bricks. Many of them you would be able to build a castle to show your success, but some of them can destroy your hard work. Unfortunately for me, I thought that COMM 101 was going to destroy my life. I hated the thought of presenting in front people. In many circumstances, I wish this class was not required. However, since the first day of class, I began to have a feelingthis class was not going to be like the rest. Bob, my professor, did not want us to address him by his last name. He had also given all of us Burger King Crown, and to this date I still wonder where he got a large amount of them. If you are willing to get past your fears, you will be able to succeed in a communicationclass. In all honesty, there were three main components that made me change my view on public speaking from Bob s anthem, My Personal Belief , to the informal presentations, and the formal presentations. I have never had a class where a professor had made an anthem for their students. Anthems can be used as a celebration or it can act as empowerment for the people. Bob s anthem went like this, I believe in myself. I can do anything I put my mindto. I have a personal power that guides me to create EVERYTHING that is good. My inner voice is my best GPS. It guides me and I trust it. The only thing I have to do is spread my wing and soar. I AM DESTINED FOR GREATNESS! It was a class necessity to say My Personal Belief in the beginning ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Power Of Dance The Power of Dance Dance has been a natural movement form since the beginning of time. The origin of dance is unknown, just as the knowledge of the benefits of dance are unknown to many in our society. Many people do not enjoy dancing and also do not fully understand the positive benefits that come from dancing. Researchers such as Edwards, Duberg, and many more have found countless mental and emotional benefits of dance that originate from movement patterns, brain connections, and even expressions of emotion. Many are aware of the physical benefits of dance, but beyond the physical benefits of dance, there are also emotional and mental benefits that come from dance as well. This paper explores my main question, how does movement through dance affect the mental and emotional dimensions of wellness? I will explore the many unknown benefits that come from dance as well as share expressions of my personal thoughts on the subject. I will also share my personal experiences as well as others experiences with dance. In the research portion of my paper, I will cite studies supporting both the mental and emotional benefits of dance. This paper will also explore the perspective of a professor of dance, as well as the lived experiences of actual dance students. My interview will support my paper as it reinforces the findings in literature. I will discuss my future plans on the subject of mental and emotional dance; stressing the need for individuals to dance as the benefits can be ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Adolescence As A Young Age Essay Adolescence is considered to be the years between 13 and 19. It is known as the transitional period from childhood to adulthood. Adolescence experiences a good deal of physical and psychological changes. These changes can appear as early as pre teen ages and last until adulthood. During Adolescent stage, Adolescenceis discovering their independence and self identity. They face making though peer choices and decision in regards to drugs, alcohol, social life, and school work. Teens show a high focus on peer groups, romantic interests, and external appearances. While searching for their independence Adolescent find themselves participating or engaging in risky behaviors. According to World Health Organizations, many adolescents face pressure to use alcohol, cigarettes, or other drugs and to initiate sexual relationships, sexual relationships, at earlier ages, and putting themselves at high risk for intentional and unintentional injuries . Adolescent are very much different from adults and some are not capable of making adult decisions. Being under the influence at such a young age can result in these teens making life altering decisions. Specifically, adolescents are not fully capable of understanding complex concepts, or the relationship between behavior and consequences, or the degree of control they have or can have over health decision making including that related to sexual behavior (WHO, 2016). According to Windle (2003), alcohol use during adolescence and ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Machiavelli Allusion Machiavelli Historical Allusion We are all bits and pieces of history and literature and international law. Byron, Tom Paine, Machiavelli, or Christ, it s here. (Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury page 152) NiccolГІ di Bernardo dei Machiavelli was an Italian diplomat, a government official, a philosopher, a humanist and an author during the Renaissances. Today, Machiavelli is known as the father of modern political theory and these such theories are most conspicuous in his short book, The Prince . The main objective as to why Machiavelli composed The Prince, was that he wanted a position within the government, so he needed to win the support of Lorenzo de Medici who at this time was the governor of Florence. Therefore, he dedicated this book which was a guideline for future rulers about how an individual can acquire and maintain political power, to Medici thinking it would give him the position of an advisor. However, when Medici read the book he perceived it differently, so word got around that Machiavelli s book, The Prince was unethical and fiendish. For the remaining fourteen years of his life he was criticized for his obscure ideas and died in ignominy, but not once did he let societies teachings affect his beliefs. ... Show more content on ... Machiavelli s the Prince: Still Relevant after All These Years |BU Today| Boston University. BU Today, CAS History Department, 26 Feb. 2013, ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Relationship Between Occident And Orient To begin, may be a bit abruptly, I would like to quote from Edward Said s Orientalism :: The relationship between Occident and Orient is a relationship of power , of domination , of varying degrees of a complex hegemony... And he mentions Flaubert s impression of an Egyptian courtesan ..that she was ever silent and never represented her emotions, presence, or history. Flaubert as the male, superior, occidental has all the right to present her as typically Oriental she is denied her own voice . My idea is that GENDERformed one of the pillars on which EMPIRE was constructed and the binaries namely male/superior and female/inferior contributed to the structure of Imperialism. It is again an empire/colonizer and nation/colonized binary system. Surprisingly enough ... Show more content on ... Lying is not a mother s attribute and though she is vexed with the mother s talking habit,for Maxine the mother tells the truth. ...I too had been in the presence of great power, my mother talking story...she taught me the song of the warrior woman, Fa Mu Lan.I would have to grow up a warrior woman. But Maxine s fantasy about the warrior wearing the male guise consigns her to the master s tools . Maxine attests to the tenacity of patriarchal norms. Maxine as warrior becomes a tormentor to herself and in a harrowing scene tortures a mute Chinese girl her alter ego who refuses to speak . However when her throat finally bursts open she vocalizes her preference for American ways of life and this rejection of one s ethnic culture is not uncommon, if we can remember Gloria Anzaldua s words: When we, the objects, become the subjects and look at and analyse our own experiences ,a danger arises that we may look through the master s gaze, speak through his tongue, use his ... Get more on ...
  • 34. My Group Consumer Marketing Is The Most Inventive Or... Writeup By Sharanjeet Kaur . What is the most inventive or innovative thing you ve done? It doesn t have to be something that s patented. It could be a process change, product idea, a new metric or customer facing interface something that was your idea. It cannot be anything your current or previous employer would deem confidential information. Please provide us with context to understand the invention/innovation. What problem were you seeking to solve? Why was it important? What was the result? Why or how did it make a difference and change things? Time Inc. Retail henceforth referred as TWR is Time Inc. s central retail organization, providing integrated sales, distribution and marketing solutions in support of Time Inc. ... Show more content on ... To achieve the report level security, we developed a Java EE portal that rendered list of reports based on the profile of logged in user. Java EE web app interfaced to multi reporting tools to execute reports developed in Oracle Discoverer, Oracle Reporter, Cognos, Splus etc. technology stack, nevertheless BI platform architecture was not robust enough to meet security requirements. In order to comply with the regulations and guidelines set by data vendors and to provide restricted data access to clients for their respective brands, developers had to replicate set of reports for each client and queries within the reports were altered to filter the data for brands owned by the client. Evidently, current process was inefficient and led to maintenance overhead to support the redundant code. Second, a consortium of wholesalers named Magnet, was a key driver in providing sales and marketing data for the publishing industry, and therefore was a key driver for BI platform, made business model changes with the commencement of paid subscription model that offered clients to subscribe to the sales data for any competing brands. A critical requirement stemmed to architect robust and secured BI platform to comply with Magnet business model which was apparently going to benefit not only Magnet but TWR and its clients. ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Thampso Thompson Abortion Abortion is highly controversial and there is quite the debate over the ethics of abortion. The question is does the fetus have the same rights as an adult, so that it has the same right to not be killed. There are many debates on whether or not a fetus is human. Those who believe that there is no life related to a fetusthen they believe that it has no rights. On the flip side, others may argue that abortionis the killing of an innocent human life. The question, When does life begin? appears over and over again throughout these debates and within cultures.Thompson believes that the question of whether a fetus have the same rights as a human being is irrelevant. Even if the fetus had all the rights of an adult human being, it would still be permissible to abort it.... Show more content on ... The dying violist scenario of finding yourself attached to a violinist. The violinist had to be connected to your circulatory systems to live and taking him off would kill him. You must be connected to him for the next 9 months. The debate begins that attaching the violinist is unauthorized and there is then the right to go against this unauthorized connection. So realistically it is believed that when contraception fails, this is an unauthorized human being attached for 9 months. Rape could be put in this scenario, as well. In the example of the people seeds, people seeds take on the characteristics of pollen. The people seeds may float in through a window onto the carpets. So when this happens, you would put up the finest mesh screens. In an highly uncommon scenario, the mesh was defected and a people seed implants itself in the home. So this brings up the question whether or not a person plant can now develop and have the right to use the home its in. This answer is clearly no. This is compared to how a failed contraception situation may ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The United States Marine Corps Osprey Scandal To: Prof. Palermo From: Christopher Hackett Date: December 8, 2016 Subject: The U.S.M.C. Osprey scandal The United States Marine Corps Osprey scandal took place from July, 2000 to January 2001. It resulted in the falsification of Osprey readiness reports and the prosecution of several Marine Corps officers (Rubel, 2009). The scandal originates with the United States Marine Corps intent to increase production of the Osprey helicopter. The Marines found this type of aircraft to be ideal due to its unique abilities and wished to push for full development. In order to reach their goal, the Marines had to prove the Osprey was a reliable vehicle worth the extra funding to increase production. A requirement set forth to prove this was to have at least 80% readiness of the entire fleet of Ospreys at all times. (Flaherty Ricks, A Troubled Osprey Wounds the Corps; Pressures to Build a New Plane Led To Deception and Deadly Shortcuts , 2001). This requirement may sound realistic for any aircraft, but not for the Osprey. The Osprey had a history with three crashes that resulted in deaths of twenty six Marines and four civilians up until the time of the scandal (Flaherty Ricks, Osprey Probe Reaches Pentagon s Top Ranks , 2001). Maj. Gen. Dennis T. Krupp s command included the only Osprey Squadron in the Marines at the time. Krupp stressed the importance of meeting that 80% to Col. James Schleining, who commanded Lt. Col. Odin F. Leberman Jr, who was the commander of the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Examples Of Foolishness In The Odyssey In Homer s epic poem The Odyssey, the protagonist Odysseus is a mixture of twists and turns. Undoubtedly, he displays tremendous cleverness. In fact, his unmatched shrewdness often results in an unwise or foolish outcome. The poem encourages the reader to give up black and white conclusions about the protagonist. In fact, categorizing acts of courage and foolishness is a difficult task in The Odyssey. Odysseusadventures reveal a multifaceted character comprised of wisdom and foolishness. At the beginning of the poem, the goddess Athena encourages Zeus, the king of the gods, to offer Odysseus special treatment. Zeus is more than amenable to reward Odysseus cleverness and commitment. After all, Odysseus did design the Trojan horse plan that led to the Greeks victory. The triumph was the precursor to all of the happenings of The Odyssey and a clear example of unconventional intelligence. Another illustration of his resourcefulness is his strategy to pierce Polyphemus eye while he is sleeping. Upon arousal the one eyed monster asks who stabbed him and Odysseus replies cunningly that it is he or Nobody that did the evil deed. Polyphemus beseeches his friends to help him, Nobody, friends. Nobody s killing me now by fraud and not by force. (BOOK9) This creates much confusion and little resolution for Polyphemus. ... Show more content on ... Their singing was so mesmerizing that it often tempted sailors to smash onto the rocks. Odysseus solution was to fill the ears of his sailors with wax to avoid temptation. However, he enjoyed the music while being tightly bound to the ship s mast. His inventiveness allowed him to experience the melodious music while his men sailed securely past the ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Ramayana Essay Ramayana Ramayana and some of the Hindu virtues derived from it The poetic author, Valmiki, does not calls Rama the perfect man in his well known tale of Ramayana for no reason. For this story has been a legendary epic that many generations of the Hindu culture have been modeling their society after, for over two thousand years. It has been an influential teaching for children and scholars of all ages because of its simplicity and exemplary concepts and virtues of the Hindu people. From childhood most Indians learn the characters and incidents of this epic and they furnish the morals, ideals and wisdom of common life. This epic helps to bind ... Show more content on ... He handles the situation with remarkably patient and wise attitude and says to his stepmother, I gladly obey father s command ...Why, I would go even if you ordered it. . By doing this, he shows characteristics of great piety to his parents and the lack of desire to be a powerful and authoritative rich ruler, all while knowing that he is giving up his righteous turn to rule the kingdom since he is the oldest of the four sons of the king. Instead, he willingly goes off into exile forest infested with evil spirits whom he battles with the power of good and defeats. As in most of the Eastern world, this example of respect being paid to elders, parents, authorities (no matter what one is commanded to do) is very important in one s faith ; and the fact that one successfully wards off evil, gives him/her the title of a cultural model hero, just as seen in Rama s case. Rama s casual attitude about going off into the forest for fourteen years also shows his asceticism the will to give up his material, emotional and physical attachments. His peaceful and patient attitude towards his life is vivid due to his enduring wisdom. For he goes beyond the material and physical world ... Get more on ...
  • 39. International Management Essay BACHELOR OF COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT WRITTEN CASE ANALYSIS REPORT: The Last Rajah: Ratan Tata and Tata s Global Expansion Declaration: Except where I have indicated, the work I am submitting in this assignment is my own work and has not been submitted for assessment in another course. CONTENTS Page Executive Summary4 1.Introduction5 2.Source Problems6 3.Secondary Problems6 3.1Long term6 3.1.1Diversification of investments and businesses6 3.1.2The continuation of operation of Corus mills6 3.1.3Sustainability of its business versus sustainability of its corporate social responsibility during economy slow down7 3.1.4Management control in Tata Group7 4. ... Show more content on ... Another challenge is to formulate strategies for over 100 companies in more than 80 countries. Besides this, another problem of Tata Group is the high involvement of Ratan Tata, who is the chief steward of the group of nine senior executives sitting on the boards of the Tata companies, in both the negotiations of major deals and the details of his auto making, telecom or steel businesses (Luthans and Doh 2009). The next challenge for Tata is on how to absorb the struggling Corus mills. Other challenges for the future include deciding on which businesses to spin off and which to pursue, what will happen to the conglomerate during an economy slow down. The most challenge issue for Tata Group perhaps would be to fill the void left behind by the energetic and visionary Mr Ratan Tata Chairman of the Tata Group, when he retire (Koontz and Weihrich 2010). 3. Secondary Problems 3.1 Long term 3.1.1 Diversification of investments and businesses From the case study, it is evident that a major problem for Tata Group is its diversification of its investments and businesses over so many different countries. The group is subjected inevitably to the different market situations and the culture of each individual market.
  • 40. 3.1.2 The continuation of operation of Corus mills Another long term problem for Tata Group is whether they should continue operating the struggling Corus mills. As ... Get more on ...
  • 41. What Is A Personal Example Of Positive Stress First Assignment Personal Examples of Positive Stress Experiences. 1.Having my son being bought into the world. 2.Making a decision to go to College. 3.Making a life decision to give my life to GOD. Insights about Positive Stress. 1.Being a father for the very first time brought joy and excitement to my life that a never had. Being a life into the world was the best feeling I had ever experienced. 2.Making a decision to go to college was a life changing event for me. I was always think that I could make it college. I guess I had low self esteem, but I am enjoying every now that I am in college. 3.Another life changing and the best move I had ever made in the day I would let GOD in my life. Since that day I realize that I can be all that ... Show more content on ... This is why I don t get anger. Proof When I was in a car accident I didn t get mad. I try talking to the person to keep it out of the hands of the insurance company. Mental I try not to let anyone get into my head, because I quick to anger. Proof If someone would tell me that the sky is brown, I would say ok. Emotional I try not to let my emotion come into play, by showing no emotions. Proof I never show my emotions to anyone. Social I enjoy being around people that are positive. Proof I have many friends in church staying around positive people all of the time. Spiritual Being spiritual is awareness of who you are. Proof I am in touch with who I am. Summarize the concept of this aid in managing my stress. It has been a process for me getting to the place where I am at today stress free. How will adopting this new concept aid in managing my stress? My keeping people at a distant not letting them get close enough to that will hurt me in any way. What skills or specific knowledge do I need to understand and practice in order to utilize this concept? The faith that I practice gives me the knowledge to always be the person that God attended to ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Bacterial Vaginosis Bacterial vaginosis regard as a polymicrobial syndrome characterized and induced by an imbalance of the ordinary vaginal microflora which include a shift in the composition of the vaginal microbiota from a Lactobacillus dominated community to a polymicrobial community, dominated by anaerobes (Spiegel 1991, Giraldo et al., 2007; Schwebke, 2009) bacterial vaginosisnow found to be to predispose to various gynaecological and obstetric problems (Stephen, 2006 ). Bacterial vaginosis, historically known as nonspecific vaginitis , has undergone several name changes since mid 1950s. In 1955, when Gardner and Dukes proposed Gardnerella vaginalis (then known as Haemophilis vaginalis) as the etiologic agent of nonspecific vaginitis, the name for non specific vaginitis was changed to Haemophilis vaginalis vaginitis (Gardner and Dukes 1955), with the detection that there is no inflammation present in the ... Show more content on ... Bacterial vaginosis is also regard the most common infection for which women seek medical attention and an estimated 300 million women worldwide are thought to be have bacterial vaginosis each year (Powell 2013). Generally, bacterial vaginosis is characterized by a shift in the normal microbiome of the vagina from the predominant Lactobacillus species to an overgrowth of a mixed community dominated by Gardnerella vaginalis and anaerobic bacterial species.(teenus, 2015) Any change in the resident flora including reduction of lactobacilli allows for different anaerobic bacteria to multiply. (Ling et al., 2010; Redondo et al., 1990) . Nevertheless the process of replacement the normal lactobacilli flora by opportunistic pathogens in vaginal ecosystem and the role of intrinsic host factors still remains unclear, requiring more research and studies to be conducted. (Turovskiy et al., ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Anarchist Wave Research Paper An anarchist is seen as someone whose aim is to overturn any form of government or law system conversely creating a system free state (1). Although their main aim was to create a heaven on earth (2) , whereby each individual lives based on their morals of life, violence was commonly used to abolish government authority. Anarchist had a strong belief, that all humans wanted to live in a state of harmony and peace, where law and government was not forced upon them (3). In order to initiate this a movement referred to as a wave was used. A wave is a series of movement within a time period which occurs in various countries, where all participants are all involved in similar activities in order to achieve a common goal (3). This form of terror... Show more content on ... Terrorism was the main approach used in the first wave, thus led to the assassination of monarchs, prime minister and presidents. These actions were generally justified through the use of newspapers and transportation. Any death for the sake of anarchism was seen as commendable especially when one took responsibility.,. (2015). the definition of anarchism. Retrieved 14 March 2015, from http:/ / 2.Gray, J. (2010, Mar 22). A world without rulers. New Statesman, 139, 50 51. Retrieved from http:/ / 3.Rapport, D. The Four Waves of Modern Terrorism, 46 52. 4.Fleming, M. (1979). The Anarchist way to Socialism (pp. 204 219). United States: Rowman and ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Native American Cultural Beliefs To understand why they celebrate, you have to look into their past to see who they are, where they ve been. To see what it s like dancing in moccasins. Each nation has a different story, but you might find that collectively, they celebrate the preservation of a way of life as much as life itself. To make sense of that, Channel Nine, Harmony Alliance, KCP L, the Anti Defamation League, McDonald s, and IBM went to the Kickapoo Reservation to talk to Paul Guiseppe, a tribal elder who is well respected because he has seen a lot. Stated, at one time, this whole continent, the United States, was our country. It was taken away from us. We was forced to go on. Like my people, they had come from round the Great Lakes. And when we were one nation, one tongue... Show more content on ... And they say there s one other thing that keeps it going. The most important person is observing us and looking at us, and that s Almighty God. And if the dancing and singing in good spirit, he s going to smile. He says that smile kept the Indian people alive in the past, and it helps them presently. And as long as it remains, there will be Indian people, people of tradition, people dancing in moccasins. The connection I can make between the film and the Medicine PPT, is on slide 22. Where it talks about The Green Corn Festival had been revitalized by Emma Baker and was the annual focus of tribal activity in Gladys s youth (52). At that celebration, those who held a special place in the tribal community pounded yokeag. They connected each generation of Mohegans with ancestors who had done the same act for that same reason for thousands of years (52). The festival of corn requires a full four seasons of preparation. Yokeag is dried, while Mohegans sew piles of ribbons, feathers, fringe, and beads into regalia (54). I make these two connections because Green Corn Festival can be related to the Moccasins dancing. Because of their tradition and ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Engineering Honor Program Admission Essay Sample I m a good fit for the Engineering Honors Program at CU because of my commitment to academic rigor, because I thrive when I m surrounded by other motivated and intellectually curious peers, and because I take advantage of every opportunity that I am offered to get outside my comfort zone and grow as a person. Perhaps the most important factor in my desire to join the Engineering Honors Community is my drive for academic excellence. I ve taken the hardest courses available to me since my freshman year of high school, including the most advanced math class offered in my district (Higher Level Mathematics), and I ve worked hard to make myself successful in those classes. My motivation in choosing my challenging path was never competitive in nature: more than anything, I wanted the personal challenge and the chance to explore my curiosity (hence my decision to take extra International Baccalaureate classes beyond the ... Show more content on ... Through all four years of high school, I ve been part of the International Baccalaureate program at my high school, which is very similar to the Honors Program both are small programs for motivated, highly involved students within a larger student body. My experiences as part of the IB community have been instrumental in my development as a student and as a person. Being surrounded by brilliant, curious peers had made me question my own opinions, work harder, and achieve more than I would have otherwise, and I want to be part of the Engineering Honors Program so that I can continue that intellectual growth in college. From my experiences in high school, I know that I would thrive in the environment offered by the Honors Program, perhaps to an even greater extent than I did in the IB program (since the Honors Program is a residential program as well as an academic ... Get more on ...
  • 46. We Were Soldiers Once And Young Summary We Were Soldiers Once...And Young: Ia Drang The Battle That Changed The War In Vietnam, by Lt. Gen. Harold G. Moore (Ret.) and Joseph Galloway, published 20 October 1992. This book is the account of the fighting in the Ia Drang Valley in November of 1965, focusing on the First and Second Battalions of the 7th Cavalry Regiment. This book is not only an account of war through the eyes of those in the field, but an account of then Lt. Col. Moore s leadership leading up to and during combat. I chose this book because the story is not only a gripping recollection of American war history, but an account of the love for your comrade that inspires leadership at all levels. This book as I stated before is a wrenching view into the lives of the men involved and the battles they fought in Vietnam. The love Moore had for his men and the job they were tasked to do resounds through his actions leading up to and during combat. His main concept of leadership can be boiled down to the concept that a true leader must lead by example and not by commands, he must be with those he wishes to lead in the good times and the bad, and he must do everything in his power to ensure they are taken care of. With those ideals of leadership you can inspire greatness from your force regardless of the situation. I believe it is best summed up by the following excerpt from the... Show more content on ... There were sound reasons for this. If you are riding and your soldiers are marching, how can you judge how tired ... Get more on ...
  • 47. The Pros And Cons Of Kerosene And Gasoline Kerosene and Gasoline are energy sourcing fuels that are distilled from crude oil. Crude oil is raw material consisting of many hydrocarbons, particularly 84 87% of carbon, 12 14% of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur (1 2%) (Simanzhenkov, 2003 ) Page 4. It s formed from fossil remains obtained from reservoir s thousands of feet below the ground. There are 3 main groups of hydrocarbons; paraffinic, naphthenic and aromatic hydrocarbons. The paraffinic series of hydrocarbons have the general formula CnH(2n+2) and can be either be straight chains or branched chains of carbonatoms. Naphthenic hydrocarbons have the formula CnH2n, with all bonds from carbon to hydrogen being saturated. Naphthenic hydrocarbons are moderately stable compounds. Aromatic hydrocarbons are cyclic compounds, that react readily since they have carbon atoms that are deficient in hydrogen. All aromatic hydrocarbons have at least one benzene ring as part of their molecular structure. (Simanzhenkov, 2003 ) Page 4,5,6. For Crude oil to be useful, these hydrocarbons must be split into simpler compounds that can be used for energy source and fuel, the oil refining process primarily involves distillation. The distillation process being used in this procedure is simple distillation, this technique is generally used to separate substances in a mixture, whose boiling points differ largely. It is generally used in the separation of volatile components of the mixture from the other non volatile components with ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Evil Disney, Research Response to Henry Giroux Evil Mickey There are plenty of hotbed issues on how the Disney corporation s sociological and socio political ideologies are embedded into their products and how they affect children, but very few ask why Disney would place hidden ideologies in their movies/shows. What reasons would Disney have to program children with outdated morals while trying desperately to uphold a model image of innocence? What practices has the disney corporation practiced that some would consider immoral or even illegal? To answer these questions the following issues must be explored in more depth: The history and actions of Disney from its inceptions to the present,Walt s strict moral code along with the legacy he left behind, the policies of Disneyland... Show more content on ... The second setback was the strike of 1941. Which was instigated by the firing of former head of the Federation of Screen Cartoonists and later leader of the Screen Cartoonists Guild, Art Babbitt on May 28, which caused 200 animators to go on strike almost immediately.(Sito babbit) Walt early on had discovered that propaganda and public image were key to selling media, which is why he was so studious about keeping the interior of the workplace Christian . Walt had created the Federation of Screen artists to better control his workers, which was a union that regularly met with him on issues such as wage increases, better hours, less footage quotas, and better work environments.(Sito) Since Walt was notorious for being a bit cruel and demanding in the office.(rasmussen) Though as soon as Art learned this he created the Screen Cartoonists Guild whose recruiting patterns were not the nicest methods possible but it did get them all to join There were these tough union guys who said we couldn t enter the door ... Get more on ...
  • 49. The Godfather Book Vs Movie Leave the gun, take the cannoli is one of the most iconic lines from the Francis Ford Coppola film The Godfather. Most people probably have no idea that this line wasn t part of the novel the film was based on. In fact, the average person is most likely unaware of the novel s existence. Nevertheless, in 1969 Mario Puzo released what would become an international bestseller and the inspiration for the seminal film. It s worth mentioning that both the film and book have much to offer with their compelling characters, magnificent ambience and prolonged legacy. It isn t often that the transition from book to film results in a product equal to the written word. To say that the Godfatherfilm is better than its source material would be an accurate statement.... Show more content on ... The novel introduces us to a vast network of characters in or connected to the Corleone crime family. It would take days to attempt to break down each of them individually. Firstly, the character Luca Brasi gives the reader a proper example of a trusted solider in the family s crime syndicate. He was the epitome of loyalty, ruthlessness and brute force. Whatever his leader, Vito Corleone wanted him to do, he did it, without question. Even the murder of his own illegitimate son was committed without hesitation or regret. He shows no redeeming qualities. The Dons eldest child, Sonny was a hot headed and irrational individual. The book doesn t exactly gives us any particular reason for his temperament or provide an extensive depiction of his background. Therefore, the reader is left feeling a little cold and emotionless when he s gunned down later in the ... Get more on ...
  • 50. A Religious View on Same-sex Marriage Essay A Religious View on Same sex Marriage The United States is a country built on a number of ideals and institutions. The moral structure of many Americans today was developed by our ancestors and the founders of this nation through the institutions that were a part of their lives. Family, religion, marriage, equality, and justice are just a few examples of the important components that provide a moral basis for our country. If any of these elements were to become too mutated, the effects on society could be devastating. Right now in the United States, one of these building blocks of society is being threatened by the possibility of a negative transformation. The building block of marriage as the sacred ... Show more content on ... According to a Pew Poll, most religious communities believe same sex marriage and even homosexuality in general are morally wrong and do not follow their religious beliefs (Waldman, 2003). There is no major religion in the world that has ever altered the definition of marriage to include same sex couples (Barlow, 2003). In general, it can be said that many religious people have strong views on same sex marriage, declaring it wrong because of their religious beliefs. There are two main reasons why many religious groups are against same sex marriage. The first argument is that people who are gay are not able to procreate. They do not have the correct corresponding body parts to make children (Waldman, 2003). Anyone who has taken sex education knows that humans can not reproduce without a male s sperm and a female s egg. Roman Catholics believe God created marriage as a lifetime union between one woman and one man with the purpose of having a loving relationship and for procreating, caring for, and teaching children (Charron Skylstad, 1996). Sex that does not occur with the intent of procreation is not approved by many faiths. In Judaism, for example, there is an important Bible passage that supports this idea. The story of Onan is about Onan sleeping with his dead brother s wife. In order to prevent having children, Onan does not ejaculate inside of his brother s wife. Instead he ejaculated on the ground. Because ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Factors Causing Gender Inequity The gender gap has been a concern for decades, it used to be that females lagged behind males when it came to academic achievement. Females now outperform males academically and are more likely to obtain college degrees and enroll in graduate school despite the gender inequalities that remain in American society. The underachievement of females has diminished if not vanished due to the focus of the United States for the past 30 years to close the genderachievement gap. Yet, the concern in the most recent years has been both the lower performance of girls in mathematics and science and now males underperformance in most academic areas (Del Rio Strasser, 2012). Why is it that despite that females and males attend the same educational environment, males are having a hard time keeping up and females continue to be less likely to take advanced math or science classes or enroll in science and math related careers? There are several factors that cause gender inequity and have caused the gender achievement gap to grow. Factors such as society, culture, and students beliefs and attitudes about learning. As members of a society we value certain rules, customs, and values and we learn to follow our society s rules, customs and values. This is called socialization and part of this socialization includes gender roles. As a society we have learned that males and females have different roles and we expect them to act differently depending on their gender. Children learn at a ... Get more on ...
  • 52. The Report On Etihad Airline Etihad Airline was very popular of the flag hauler in the UAE in September 2005 through Royal Decree delivered by Sheikh Khalifa. It is basically on paid amount of $ 600 million. The provided to service of drove by the flight to Al Ain on 6 December 2004. In during December 2004, Etihad airline was launching basic set ups by the launch of facilities to Beirut capital of Lebanon. It is a formulation of Etihad airways, Gulf Air was the first invention at Abu Dhabi Airport. It is co owner of Airways in Bahrain. Etihad air is one of the second largest airways among their UAE flights. One of the best numbers of name is Emirates Airline. It is main office located in khalifah a city of Abu Dhabi. This office beside international airport of an Emirate. The Etihad airway was originated by Prince of Abu Dhabi, Etihad airline was begun on September 2003 by the Abu Dhabi monarch. Airways strategy was approved the basic process of contacting in the market of Etihad airline. Service to customer or passengers provided by air transportation of Etihad. Air transport gain there a number of costless benefit through Etihad, airways were improved their products and services terms of their strategy as well as air transport systems to the Abu Dhabi. The machinery of introduced to their companies draw to included Etihad First class, Economy Class, Etihad Cargo and Etihad Holidays among other products and services constituents (Milne, 2009). The company all over command of the Etihad airways ... Get more on ...
  • 53. workfile Chapter 5 Workfile/Study Sheet 1.What type of organisms contain biomembranes? All living organisms contain biomembranes. 2.Describe the nature of cellular membranes. Cellular membranes are fluid by nature. 3.What is the major lipid found in membranes? Phospholipids 4.What component of the cell membrane might contribute to maintaining the fluidity of the plasma membranes? Chlosterol 5.Describe globular proteins found in the membrane. They are compacted and folded Amino acids. 6.What percentage of all genes encode membrane proteins? 25% 7.Give some of the common functions of cellular membranes. To protect the integrity of the interior of the cell by allowing certain substances into the cell, while keeping other... Show more content on ... A type of transporter that binds two or more ions Or molecules and transports them in the same Direction across a membrane. 25.The transport of Ca2+ from the cytosol (low Ca2+ concentration) into the endoplasmic reticulum (high Ca2+ concentration) describes what kind of transport? Active transport 26.Acetylcholine binds this membrane protein, which subsequently opens to allow sodium to enter the cell. Acetylcholine exerts its effect on what type of transport protein? Ligand gated channel 27.Sodium concentrations are higher outside and glucose concentrations are higher inside the cell. Using the same membrane protein for Na+ and glucose transport, what is it called when a Na+ electrochemical gradient is used to drive glucose transport into the cell against its concentration gradient? Secondary active transport 28.Define antiporters. A type of transporter that binds two or more ions Or molecules and transports them in opposite Directions across a membrane. 29.Describe the sodium potassium pump. As 3 sodium ions leave the cell, 2 potassium Ions enter. 1 ATP is used in this constant Exchange. 30.Define exocytosis. A process in which material inside a cell is Packaged into vesicles and excreted into the Extracellular medium. 31.Define receptor mediated endocytosis. A common form of endocytosis in which A receptor is specific for a given ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Environmental Issues Affecting The Exploitation Of... 1 INTRODUCTION There is an increasing energy demands worldwide towards the exploitation of renewable resources from agricultural and forest remnant. The major components of these remains are cellulose, lignin and pectin. These materials have paid more interest as an alternative feedstock and energy source, since they are abundantly obtainable. Large quantities of wastes are produced every year from the industrial treatment of agricultural raw materials. Most of these wastes are used as animal feed or burned as alternative for removal. However, such wastes usually have a composition rich in sugars, minerals and proteins, and therefore, they should not be considered wastes but raw materials for other industrial processes(Mussatto et al., 2012) (2). Using of residues from agro industrial sources in bio processes has aroused the interest of the scientific community lately. Ecological issues and concerns aimed to reducing pollution have boosted the search for clean Technologies to be used in the production of commodities of importance to chemical, energy and food industries. This idea makes use of alternative materials, requires less energy, and minimizes pollutants in industrial effluents, as well as being more economically useful due to its reduced costs (Martins et al., 2011) (1). Agro industrial wastes are at most composed of complex polysaccharides that might serve as nutrients for microbial growth and production of enzymes, several microorganisms are capable of using ... Get more on ...
  • 55. Russian Revolution Dbq Analysis The Russian Revolution was caused by many things. Some of the reasons are poverty, hunger, and hard labor. Some reasons may look more important than others, but I believe these reasons are just as important as any other reason. Poverty, hunger, and hard labor are big reasons why there was Russian Revolution. Poverty was a big part of the Russian Revolution. According to Document 1, ... peasants do not have enough allotment land, and cannot during the year feed themselves, clothe themselves, heat their homes ... . Also according to Document 10, Goods have gone up to ruinous rates. . Peasants are poor, they can t afford much. They could end up stealing goods because they have no money. Hunger was also a big part of the Russian Revolution. ... Get more on ...
  • 56. Relationship Between Religion and Art in Medieval,... In a brightly lit corner of St Peter s Basilica, sitting behind a clear panel of glass, is Michelangelo s PietГ . A marble white sculpture of the Mother Mary, her eyes downcast, gazes at her Son who lies dead across her lap. She seems both devastated and deep in thought. She is young and beautiful, in line with the old belief that a perfect soul meant a perfect outward appearance (Smart 122). She is famous and celebrated, and is visited by Christians from every nation. In another part of the world, The Holy Virgin Mary by Chris Ofili resides in the Brooklyn Art Museum. It is a painting of Mary atop a pile of elephant feces, the Virgin herself made with the same substance, while surrounded by cutouts from pornographic magazines. The work ... Show more content on ... The Church became less of a holy symbol of God s presence on earth, and more of a machine to help ambitious men up the ladder of political power and influence (Murray Michelangelo 7). The Age of Enlightenment changed the medieval time s thirst for God to a thirst for knowledge and science (Gardner 396). In present times, the influence of the Church continues to decline. The 21st century is seeing the most intense attacks on belief in God in general and the Roman Catholic Church in particular. (Tiglao A13)This is not at all helped by the countless scandals endured by the Vatican today. Well known examples include their opposition to stem cell research (zu Eltz et al. 211) and sex abuse cases involving priests. The controversy of sexually abusive priests has proven so outrageous that many have demanded the dismissal of countless Church officials and even Pope Benedict XVI himself ( Pope undeterred by abuse scandal, reform calls 8). Religion has endured a rocky road over the course of history, and so has art. Indeed it has evolved from the solemn themes of medieval art, to the romantic, whimsical mood of Renaissance art, to the shock value of contemporary art. The Medieval times has its share of famous art styles, two of the most significant being Byzantine and Gothic. The Byzantine era of art was one of the Western world s longest and most unique. It was best ... Get more on ...
  • 57. Child Soldiers In A Long Way Gone Ishmael Beah and Grace Akallo Like hundreds if not thousands of other child soldiers, Ishmael Beah suffered the devastation of war and conflict in an African country. This country in particular is Sierra Leone, a former British colony that was left with no concrete government. The history of Sierra Leone and how the 10 year war in the country started is rarely mentioned in A Long Way Gone. Whether the historical and political aspect of the war is purposely omitted from the memoir or never explored by Ishmael Beah is never mentioned in the story. Nevertheless, it is more likely that Ishmael had very little idea in the political background behind the war he was fighting in. From a broad point of view, the war was both influenced by external... Show more content on ... Historically, there have been child soldiers even in the United States. Bugler John Cook, served in the U.S. Army at the age of 15 and received the Medal of Honor for his acts during the American Civil War ( Child Soldiers Are Unfortunately Nothing New ). However, the use of child soldiers has dramatically declined in western civilization during the 20th century. Surprisingly, the recent use of child soldiers in Africa is still seen in media today. Grace Akallo, a girl who formerly served under warlord Joseph Kony, suffered a similar account as Ishmael. As part of her initiation into the army, she was forced to kill another girl. In A Long Way Gone, a rebel soldier attempts to initiate Ishmael and others by yellong, We are going to initiate all of you by killing these people in front of you. We have to do this to show you blood and make you strong. You ll never see any of these people again, unless you believe in life after death (A Long Way Gone, 90) In Akallo s book, she describes how she was trained with an AK 47, just like Ishmael Beah. Unlike Ishmael, who was a boy, she was forced as a sex slave and raped at several occasions (Akallo, 121). The topic of human trafficking is also explored in her book as she reports hundreds of other boys and girls used for illegal ... Get more on ...
  • 58. Italian Unification Essay During the 18th century, intellectual changes began to dismantle traditional values and institutions. Liberal ideas from France and Britain spread rapidly, and from 1789 the French Revolution became the genesis of liberal Italians . A series of political and military events resulted in a unified kingdom of Italyin 1861. The settlements reached in 1815 at the Vienna Congress had restored Austrian domination over the Italian peninsula but had left Italy completely fragmented . The Congress had divided the territory among a number of European nations and the victors of the Napoleonic Wars. The Kingdom of Sardinia recovered Piedmont (Piemonte), Nice, and Savoy and acquired Genoa. There were three major obstacles to unity at the time the ... Show more content on ... The wars of unification were an important stage in the development of Europe. The modern world was shaped back then by the revolutionaries of this time period. The strong leaders; Bismarck, Guiseppe Garibaldi, and Camillo Cavour led their countries to a great thing, unification. Giuseppe Mazzini, an Italian patriot spearheaded a national revolutionary movement. Mazzini s ideology of an independent integrated republic spread quickly among large segments of the Italian people. Revolutionary cells formed throughout the Italian peninsula. Massive reforms that took place during the 1840s in the Papal States, Lucca, Tuscany, and the Kingdom of Sardinia were intended to slow the revolutionary movements, instead these reforms (1846 and 1847) only intensified the resolve of the revolutionary cells culminating in the Revolutions of 1848, that spread to Germany, the Austrian Empire, France, and parts of northern Italy. The first revolution on the Italian peninsula took place in the Kingdom of Sicily, which resulted in a constitution for the whole kingdom. An insurrection in 1848 caused pope Pius IX to flee Rome and a republic was proclaimed. King Charles Albert of Sardinia mobilized his army and marched to the assistance of Lombardy and joined in the war to drive the Austrians from Italian soil. While it initially looked as if the independence and unity of Italy was a realistic possibility, the Austrians defeated the Piedmontese and Charles Albert had to abdicate. ... Get more on ...