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Essay Compare And Contrast Two Cities
Writing an essay comparing and contrasting two cities can be quite challenging due to the
extensive research and analysis required. First and foremost, gathering relevant information
about both cities is essential. This involves delving into historical backgrounds, geographical
features, cultural aspects, economic factors, and social dynamics of each city.
The challenge intensifies as you navigate through the vast amount of data to select the most
pertinent details for your essay. Ensuring a balanced comparison is crucial, as bias towards one
city can compromise the integrity of your analysis. Moreover, organizing the information in a
coherent and logical manner is essential for the reader to follow and comprehend the points
being made.
Crafting a compelling thesis statement that encapsulates the main points of comparison and
contrast is another hurdle. This requires a deep understanding of the unique aspects of each city
and the ability to distill those complexities into a concise and impactful statement.
Maintaining a consistent tone and style throughout the essay while addressing both similarities
and differences can be demanding. Striking the right balance between objectivity and personal
perspective is essential for a well-rounded and persuasive piece.
Additionally, the essay should not merely present facts but should also engage the reader with
insightful analysis and commentary. This demands critical thinking skills and the ability to draw
meaningful conclusions from the information presented.
In conclusion, writing an essay comparing and contrasting two cities requires extensive research,
careful organization, a nuanced understanding of the subject matter, and the ability to
communicate effectively. Despite the challenges, a well-executed essay on this topic can provide
valuable insights into the unique characteristics of each city.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, various
resources are available. One option is to explore, where you can find
professional writing services to guide you through the process of creating high-quality essays on
a variety of topics.
Essay Compare And Contrast Two CitiesEssay Compare And Contrast Two Cities
Essay on Descartes
In the Meditations, Rene Descartes attempts to doubt everything that is possible to
doubt. His uncertainty of things that existence ranges from God to himself. Then he
goes on to start proving that things do exist by first proving that he exists. After he
establishes himself he can go on to establish everything else in the world. Next he
goes to prove that the mindis separate then the body. In order to do this he must first
prove he has a mind, and then prove that bodily things exist. I do agree with
Descartes that the mind is separate from the body. These are the arguments that I
agree with Descartes. In his six Meditations, only four contain his argument about
corporeal things and establishing himself as a thinking thing.... Show more content on ...
Say one imagines x, imagining x equals understanding x plus being aware of x by
his judgement. Descartes says that a triangle can be imagined, but a chiliagon
(thousand sided figure) can only be understood. A peculiar sort of effort is
required to imagine, beyond what is required to understand. Now he attacks the
notion of bodies existing. He says, The way of thinking that I call В‘sense give us
a reason to think bodies exist? Descartes attacks this the answer of this question in
three ways: to repeat what was formerly believed and the grounds for them, to
consider why they were brought into doubt, and to determine what must now be
believed. Regarding the first point, a long list of beliefs is given: my body,
pleasurable effects, appetites, primary and secondary qualities, and different bodies.
He then goes on to say that since it seemed impossible that they came from himself,
it remains that they came from other things, and the only kind that to his mind are
those which resemble the ideas themselves. He also says the one s own body seems
in a privileged position, in that one can never separate one s self from it, and it is the
seat of appetites, feelings, pleasure and pain. There is no evident connection between
feelings of hunger and the nourishment of bread. He
Booster Seat Essay
7 Important Facts You Must Know About A Booster Seat
Your kid needs a booster seat that is correctly fixed in order to stay safe in your car as
well as prevent serious injuries in the event of an accident.
Now, even if a booster seat itself meets the safety and government s standards, it can
still present safety problems if it is installed or used incorrectly. The safest Booster
Seat therefore, is the one that best fits your child, your car and is easiest for you to
4 Questions That Needs Your Urgent Answer Before Using A Booster Seat
1.What is the meaning of a booster seat?
Belt positioning booster seats, designed for children over 40 pounds in weight who
have outgrown child safety seats with harnesses, are positioning devices that help ...
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At what age can a child switch from a booster seat to the main seat?
Apart from the safety laws, children are not ready to make the switch from a
booster seat to seat belts until they are at least 4 feet 9 inches tall and can pass the
five step test, typically meant for children of ages between 8 and 10.
7 Facts You Need To Know About A Booster Seat
Research findings have shown the following facts to be helpful in using a booster
1.Booster seats that come with and without backs provided similar risk for injury.
2.Head injuries accounted for 65% of injuries and are popular among all hurt children
no matter the restraint type system employed.
3.Children in belt positioning booster seats were 45% less likely to sustain injuries
than same age kids in standard vehicle seats.
4.Pediatricians should continue to recommend belt positioning booster seats for
younger children who have outgrown a harness based child seat restraint until they
are at least 8 years old, or 4 feet 9 inches tall.
5.Face injury at 9% and lower extremity injury at 8% respectively were the next
most common of kids in booster seats. For injured children in seat belts, abdominal
injuries at 12% and face injury at 9% were the next most common
Essay about The Importance Of The Human Genome
The Importance Of The Human Genome Project
This is the outstanding achievement not only of our lifetime, but of human history. I
say this, because the Human Genome Project has the potential to impact the life of
every person on this planet. It is a giant resource that will change mankind, much like
the printing press did.
The famous words of Dr. James Watsonresonated as a victory bell, signaling the
successful completion of what many deemed the boldest undertaking in the history of
biology: The Human Genome Project (2003). On the fiftieth anniversary of the day
that forever changed science the day Watson and his colleague Francis Crick
unraveled the secret of life, the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid the world was
presented ... Show more content on ...
The Human Genome Project s first flaw, Marks believes, is its image of being the
sole panacea for society s problems. It is important to note that Marks does not
condemn the Project as a whole, nor does he advocate a complete abandonment of
its future efforts which would, according to biologist Svante Paabo, lead to
ignorance and spur prejudice, oppression, and racism (2001, paragraph 8); rather,
he promotes a more moderate view of both the Project s prospective benefits and
the significance of our genes. He does, however, condemn the extreme deterministic
and reductionist outlook that many currently hold regarding these topics. The
Human Genome Project has fostered support for the erroneous conviction that we
possess, within our grasp, the weapon to eradicate the evils that plague society a
complete blueprint of our genome: We are assured that if we could find the genes
that underlie alcoholism or the genes that have gone awry when we get cancer, then
our problems will be over (Lewontin, 1991, p. 46). R.C. Lewontin, leading geneticist
and professor of zoology at Harvard University, expressed it best when he stated that
our main problem lies in the belief that our bad genes are the lone culprits for such
problems as alcoholism, criminality, drug
August Wilson Fences Symbolism
In Fences, August Wilson, explores the life of segregation for African Americans and
the impacts it could have on family and friends. Additionally, how betrayal and
deception affects relationships. By portraying the life of Troy Maxon, an average
African American Citizen, Wilson is able to provide the detrimental effects that
segregation and deception had on Troy s life, ultimately affecting the ones he loved
most including himself. Gabriel, Troy s brother, was one of the characters affected
who throughout had his own symbolic meaning to the plays overall theme. Gabriel s
role impacted the story in multiple ways. Wilson illustrates Gabriel s symbolic
meaning through African Americanveterans not getting proper treatment, greed
among family, and salvation as a messenger of God.
Wilson establishes Gabriel as a disabled war veteran who has recently returned
home. While overseas, Gabriel suffered brain damage and now has a metal plate in
his head. One can infer that Wilson is making a social statement about war through ...
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When Gabriel is living with Troy he is able to receive some of his money from the
Government. Unfortunately for Troy, Gabriel moves out and he is no longer
receiving any money. Eventually, Troy realizes he needs the money and betrays
Gabriel by having him sent away to a mental hospital for his brain damage affects
that have caused him to act in absurd manners (Act II Scene II). It s not directly
stated that Troy did for the money but seems to be the only reason why he would
do such a thing to his brother. Since in the beginning Troy stated, he would never
send his brother to a mental hospital (Act I Scene II). Overall, because Troy wanted
half the money that Gabriel received he got his brother sent away. Ruining his
relationship with him. Wilson used Gabriel in this scene to symbolize people will
give up on family just for their own
A Clockwork Orange Analysis
On the surface a Clockwork Orange written in 1962 by Anthony Burgess appears
to be a protest novel criticising a totalitarian government s prohibition of free will
and censoring free speech. The Government in A Clockwork Orange appears
extremely socialistic and it extends complete control over all its citizens, Burgess
appears to abhors the lack of freedom in government controlled societies and as a
result despite Alex s violent crimes Burgess paints the removal of free will through
the Ludovico technique as immoral. However, the novel does not seem to protest or
in fact raise an argument against the powerless of women. Women are powerless
often voiceless secondary characters. Whilst the society Burgess creates has capitalist
elements the... Show more content on ...
Alex seems to be caught in a cycle of crime and poverty. The state in a Marxists
sense describes the institutions by which class rule is maintained. In the dystopian
society Alex lives in the the ruling class does not represent the interests of the
whole population, and a minority maintains its power and privileges by exploiting
the majority in this case the working class. The state largely ignores crime in order
to enlimantate the political threat which could undermine the government s power.
F. Alexander who was a threat to the government was called a menace and was put
away for his own protection . In reality this is far from the truth the Government
does not put F. Alexander away for being a menace or for his own protection, but
rather for being a political dissident, a menace to the Government s power. No
totalitarian power would ever tolerate an ideological opponent. The government is
brutal and determined to maintain their power. One way they do this is through
Statefilm which is Government produced cinema. The Government uses mass media
as propaganda and to sedate the populace, and Burgess draws analogies between
mass media and Ludovico s Technique. Both exercise a form of mind control over
their helpless victims. During in the Ludovico technique Alex is tortured so he will
be physically unable to commit acts of violence without physical reappreciations.
(quote from book ). It
The Pacific Turning Point
War in the Pacific Turning the Tide
The turning point during the Pacific War of World War II (WWII) can be attributed
to not just one single event but a gradual turning of the tide in which the strategic
initiative switched from the Japanese to the Allied powers. This gradual shift can be
defined by the three major battles of the Coral Sea, Battle of Midway and the
Campaign in Guadalcanal. These battles spanned from 3rd May 1942 to 9th February
1943 and highlighting the entry of the United States (US) and their subsequent
successes. Ultimately the turning point of the War in the Pacific is when Japan lost
the strategic initiative however given the intricacies and unpredictable nature of
warfare there are many factors that give reasons as ... Show more content on ...
The ...integral economic unit[s]... relied heavily on the territories Japan had recently
conquered which was working effectively until Japan received strong military
retaliation from the US Navy which put a significant strain on Japan s ability to
continue to having access to critical resources and materials. It is from this angle that
differences in fighting a home front war becomes pertinent, as the US had time on its
side to develop and increase its capabilities, maintain strength and eventually
overwhelm and bleed the Japanese military like the Soviets bled the Germans in the
European theatre. The Japanese were ready to take an Empire but were unversed in
how to maintain
Business Information Project
Business Information Project MGMT 301 Spring 2014
Company Industry Research/Analysis Project
Pall Corporation
Currently Ranked #728 in the Fortune 1000
Company Overview:
Pall Corporation is the leading global supplier of filtration, separation and purification
products. It is divided into two businesses: Life Sciences and Industrial, and is
headquartered in Port Washington, New York
Hoover s
Hoover s, Inc. (2014). Pall Corporation. [company profile]. Retrieved April 10,
2014, from Hoover s database. answer1Pall Corporation (Pall) is a B2B company that
is vertically integrated in the filtration industry. It also deals with filtration
complements, namely separation and purification. The company develops,
manufactures, and sells ... Show more content on ...
However, a non top competitor, Merck KGaA has 56 times the gross revenue as
compared to Pall. (Merck became a competitor in 1998, when Pall acquired Germany
based, Rochem).
Answer 6 As of 2013, Pall has 9800 employees in all it s global locations
Answer 7 Pall operates in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada,
China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan,
Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, the Philippines, Portugal, Russia, San
Marino, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, the UK, the US, and
Standard Poor s NetAdvantage
Standard Poor lists Pall in the, Industrial Machinery , industry. Industrial Machinery
companies have been taking advantage of the economic recovery and have been
growing with year end improvements following the 2007 to 2009 economic
recession. The growth, though, has been slowed down due to increasing concerns
about global economic health and rising commodity prices. However, the low growth
environment may prove advantageous for this industry in the next 12 to 18 months as
consumer confidence increases and there are improvements in orders.This is
indicated by the fact that the Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) (from the Institute
for Supply Management), which shows the economic health of the manufacturing
Essay on Satire of Mike Tyson s Biting the Ear of Evander...
When we think of boxing, we usually think of the gloves, the mouthpiece, the ring.
When we think of past boxers, we can think of boxers like Muhammad Ali or
George Foreman. There are present boxers like Bite Tyson and his colleague
Evander Holyears . Boxing has been considered by many as a brutal sport, a sport
for beasts, as many non boxing fans would say. Mike Tyson has given credit to all
this talk by boxing with his mouth and not with his hands. With Mike Tyson s
cannibalism and his boxing license being in jeopardy, his next opponent can be an
alligator or a paranГЎ fish. Mike Tyson s style of boxing can well be described as
cannibalistic. Many would say that in his previous life he was a cannibal. This hidden
... Show more content on ...
Others said that his favorite candy bar is Snickers and that he lives up to their catch
phrase, Hungry, why wait? Video game programmers were probably in doubt
whether they should include such a move in boxing video games. Nobody really
knows if Mike
Tyson is a cannibal or not, but future opponents are sure to keep closer to his hands
than his face. Mike Tyson was about to have his boxing license taken away. My teeth
were the ones at fault, he was heard saying. The judge was going to have to decide
if his boxing license was taken away or his teeth. His lawyers had said that the
reason for all this was because of his taste for victory, and that he felt the knockout
punch coming, but that his mouth is always getting him into trouble. The judges
could not have placed him in prison because he would bite his way out and escape.
He kept his boxing license and was fined just a few thousand dollars. With such
boxing moves, Mike Tyson can possibly face any kind of opponent. His opponents
can be alligators or even paranГЎ fishes. With those sharp teeth of his, such creatures
will not stand a chance against him. If his boxing career ends at some point, he will
not need to worry; a zoo or a circus will be glad to hire him. His human opponents
will be afraid to step into the ring with Mike. Those who are brave enough, will
surely wear some kind of ear guards or even nose guards. Boxing has always been a
sport of
Carbon-14 Dating
The key principle behind radiocarbon 14 dating is plants and animals exchange
carbon with their surroundings and thus contain the same ratio of carbon 12 to
carbon 14 once an organism dies it no longer exchanges carbon with its
surroundings. The carbon 14 will slowly decay at a known rate decreasing the ratio
of carbon12 to carbon 14. Since the decay rate and original ratio of carbon 12 to
carbon 14 is known we can determine how old a sample is by the amount of carbon
14 remaining. There are two ways to measure the carbon 12 to carbon 14 ratio. The
first being beta counting. Beta counting was the first method used to measure carbon
14 levels in a sample. Two different type of beta counting were primarily used. The
first of those being liquid... Show more content on ...
This then tells us the atmospheric carbon 14 to carbon 12 ratio in the year that tree
ring grew in. Other atmospheric variations include coal
Tuesdays With Morrie Critical Analysis
The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to
die any time, said Mark Twain. When people live their life fully, nothing will be
fear of not getting, there would be no regrets, and death won t be what people fear.
Morrie Schwartz, a professor who have ALS. ALS is a disease that weekend the
muscle and it impact the physical function. Morrie is a men who love dancing,
smiling, he loved food, he love listen to people problem concern, then help them feel
better. Tuesdays with Morrieby Mitch Albom, this was about Morrie and the couple
of months that he have left to live. Morries have ALS, at the time when he have the
disease there were no cure to it. Mitch is one of his student, Mitch come to have
lesson every Tuesday with Morrie during those couple of months. During those
couple of months, Morrie teach Mitch when you are dead, you learn to live. Morrie
learn many things, that he never learn when he was younger. The theme of the book
Tuesdays with Morrie is, was learning to live because Morrie teach Mitch many life
lesson, death is not fear, and Morrie show how to let go and forgive.
The first reason that the theme was learning to live because Morrie teach Mitch
many life lesson. According to page 125, the author Mitch Albom wrote Money is
not a substitute for tenderness, and power is not a substitute for tenderness. I can tell
you, as I m sitting here dying, when you most need it, neither money nor power will
give you the feeling
Where Is It Written By Adam Schwartz Essay
Where Is It Written , by Adam Schwartz, is a story about Sam who s thirteen that
lives with his mother Sandra. First Sam visits his father for two weeks in late
August. Then he wrote his mother Sandra a letter regarding his decision on staying
with his father. Finally, his mother Sandra received his letter and called his father
house to speak to Sam about him wanting to live with his father and to reject him to
live with his father. Coming of ageis an important theme in which they take up for
their actions. Sam came of age because he realize his motherSandra isn t who he
thought she was. To begin, this story takes place in New Jersey. The author
introduces Sam who is dealing with his mother Sandra. His solution to this problem
is to persuade his father to sue. The author explains that he wanted to move with his
father. The author also introduces us to Phyllis who is Sam s father wife, which is
now sam s stepmother. The author mostly focuses on Sam and his mother Sandra the
relationship between the two. Such as the shouting, smoking, bringing in different
boyfriends every week. Also about the letter that Sam wrote his mother regards of his
decision. Everything!The cooking, the cleaning,the shouting . Everything! [Schwartz
pg. 87]. This quote refers back to the article about his mother Sandra. The most
important detail provided by the author in the beginning of the story are important
because they demonstrate that Sam persuades his father to sue his mother so
The Effects Of Radiation Exposure On Medical Radiation
Why is this a problem
About 15% of the ionizing radiation exposure to the people comes from man made
sources and almost all of these exposures are due to medical radiation, which is
vastly from diagnostic and therapeutic sources(9). Out of 3 mSv annual global per
caput effective dose (2000), 2.4 mSv is from natural background and 0.4 mSv from
diagnostic medical exams(5,9). and since then many new therapeutic and diagnostic
methods have been implemented making the exposure dose due to medical radiation
to go up. The problem with this increase is that elevated risk of radiation related
cancers such as of the thyroid, salivary gland, central nervous system, skin, and
breast as well as leukemia.(1,6) because of these observed risks the use ... Show more
content on ...
Although there are recommendations and guidelines they are modified by criteria
where the patient is at high risk for dental caries(9).
How to minimize dose
Dental X rays accounts for about 2.5 percent of the effective dose from all forms
of medical radiographs (75). As previously discussed, dental radiation exposure is
low; but, it is the dentists responsibility to follow the guidelines such as ALARA
(As Low as Reasonably Achievable) and ALADA (As Low as Diagnostically
Acceptable) principles(3). Some of the ways that can that be helpful in minimizing
dosage are use of the fastest image receptor compatible with the diagnostic task (F
speed film or digital)(1), proper film exposure and processing techniques, collimation
of the beam to the size of the receptor, use of protective aprons and thyroid collars, (8)
and limiting the number of images obtained to the minimum necessary to obtain
essential diagnostic information.
Frequency of exams
As previously mentioned Dental professionals need to carefully examine the patient
health history, oral clinical observation and caries risk assessment to determine if
radiographs are necessary and keep the exposure ALARA (As Low as Reasonably
Achievable). When it comes to determining caries, a (child/adolescent) patient with
clinical caries and increased risk will need Posterior bitewing exam at 6 12 month
Similarities Between Secular And Secular Music
Secular music and music intended for mass both played important roles in medieval
culture. For a while, the only music was made for worship. There were certain themes
and purposes that shaped church music to be the way that it was and the same with
non religious music, each had a purpose. There are characteristics of each that
separate them from each other and then some characteristics that make them one. One
would not be the same today without the other. These styles of musicserved as a
source of inspiration for later music to come.
Some basic similarities between the two types of music were that both secular and
religious music was monophonic, which is when a single melody is sung by a
single person or by a choir in which each member sings the same part. Secular and
religious music were intended for communicating feelings and gave a way to
express emotions in a way like never before and both originated from oral cultures
and passed down from memory until religious composers became more literate.
Monks and members of the church choir were the main performers of religious
music intended for mass and the troubadors, trouveres, and joungleurs were the
performers of secular music. Unlike secular music, music intended for mass was
taken from or inspired by the Bible for worship and was seen as a musical prayer.
Singing about the scripture was another and a more intimate way to experience the
Holy Spirit rather than just reading from scripture. Secular music was intended for
parties and dancing mainly about love and used to entertain people. Some ... Show
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Instruments used during mass were looked down upon because it was said that they
caused a distraction between the people and God. Instruments used for non religious
music such as dances and festivals were the vielle, harp, psaltery, flute, shawm,
bagpipe, and
A Truly Beautiful Soul in The Idiot, by Fyodor
The Russian novelist Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky stands at the very summit of
Russian literature. No 19th century writer had greater psychological insight or
philosophical depth. None speaks more immediately and passionately to the mood
and tone of the present century. This essay will discuss how Dostoyevskys intent to
portray a truly beautiful soulmanifests itself in the novel The Idiot, and access
Dostoyevsky s success or failure in achieving his intention.
Dostoyevsky confesses in his letter to Maikov dated January 12, 1868 that his
desperate situation compelled him to resort to the fascinating and tempting, but
nonetheless difficult and premature thought of portraying a wholly beautiful
individual. As a ... Show more content on ...
This would suggest that Myshkin could not possibly embody beauty since he is
ineffectual and destructive and ultimately inadvertently assists a murder of a
physically beautiful woman. I will try to show in my essay though that although this
is a deliberately pessimistic and truthful hypothesis, Dostoyevsky does portray a truly
beautiful soul .
The proposal of The Idiot is to expose the contradiction between worldly and
heavenly values: a saint , like Prince Myshkin, is considered an idiot . He doesn t
see what everybody sees, because he has got his eyes set not in other people s
faces, but in their souls. Just like the author, he is a psychologist: and a psychologist
not only with a complete understanding of every individual s minds, but also full of
compassion for each one of their failures. Once again, we see the triad compassion
/forgiveness/love as the main message of the book.
Prince Myshkin is Dostoyevsky s positive character. He is an ideal Christian and
lives by the virtue of such ideals. He is compassionate, benevolent, patient and
forgiving. He arrives in Russia at the age of twenty six having spent four years in
Switzerland treating his epilepsy and mental illness. He refers to himself as an idiot
because of this illness. The reason for his arrival to St. Petersburg is to start a new
life with the help of his distant relative Elizaveta Prokofievna Yepanchin. At their
family home he is attracted to Aglaya as a new hope. He
Child Soldier Satire
Picture this: You were in a war and fighting with all your guts. Fear was crawling
upon you and you tried to hold back all your tears, red covering your face like a
blanket. But you might be thinking why you only are crying as their are other men
also fighting? But that s because you are a child soldier who had just committed a
murder. Across the nation worldwide, there are several thousands of children who
aren t close to home but are in the warzone. Among those many childsoldiers, there
are a handful of them who have committed acts of murder. But should they be
forgiven of their crimes, bad deeds or actions? Child soldiers should be given
amnesty because they have very little say in their decisions, they are drugged with
many drugs and are... Show more content on ...
In Child Soldiers: Victims or Perpetrators , it quotes, Rehabilitation programs are
comprehensive and have proven successful. Take the case of the former Sierra
Leone child soldier Ishmael Beah. After being caught in the center of a vicious civil
war in Sierra Leone, Ishmael was forced to become a child soldier. Years later he
was taken to a rehabilitation center and has gone to become a semi famous
musician. Rehabilitation still teaches child soldiers their wrong doings but don t
prosecute them, because they are just kids who also make mistakes. They are still
shown the right ways and given second chances to child soldiers as well.
Rehabilitation allows them to reevaluate themselves and see what they want to to
do next in their life, which is the best way to still be punished for wrongdoing but
still be given amnesty. According to the article, Should child soldiers be
prosecuted for their crimes? , by Irin News, it states, Prosecution of a child should
always be regarded as a measure of last resort and the purpose of any sentence
should be to rehabilitate and reintegrate the child into society. In this piece of text, it
states how prosecution should never be the first thing done when a child soldier has
committed a murder but should be allow the child to learn for their wrongs and go
into the path of right and be taught how to live in a society rather than being
Francis Bok Summary
Francis could not understand their language, the murahaliin took Francis among all
the children he had kidnapped, Francis was confused because he was separated
from the others, so the murahaliin took him to his home with his family and
introduced him to his wife and his children Francis did not understand what that
they were saying but apparently the man s wife did not seem at all pleasant the boy
Dinka, however the children of the Arab beat him while they laughed and sang a
song which repeated the word abeed Francis tried to understand what the word
abeed meant, but he could not find the meaning of that word that those children with
pleasure repeated while hitting it again and again. Francis was the charge of care
cattle of man Arab, everyday that was his work to be taking care of cattle, while the
son of murahaliin called Hamid had to watch... Show more content on
For ten years that little kid was a slave. When he was 17, he finally escaped and
went to U.S.A to begin a new life. His mission was to end slavery in Sudan. With
his help and the work of others, the result was Sudan Peace Act. The passage of the
Sudan Peace Act and Talisman s withdrawal from Sudan has proven how powerful
such grassroots human rights activism can be. Francis Bok is a person who fought
for his freedom. While he was growing up he made decisions about his life, he went
to the Highline Elementary School in Aurora, Colorado until he graduated from the
college to prepared himself and become a great person. Also he was in many parts
of. United States. Many journalists have interviewed him and written about slavery in
Sudan. Many people listened his story and they helped him to rescue all Sudanes
Personal Narrative Plague
Plague Narrative Sam walked down the corpse ridden street. The smell would have
been unbearad past an old abandoned tavern as a horse drawn cart hobbled by full
of reeking bodies. The Plague had started 37 years ago when the gallys had arrived
at Italy s port. When the Plague hit, great panic almost spread as fast as the Plague
itself. People adopted insane Ideas of how this happened and what to do. Even
though Sam lived at a small town he had heard rumors of a exceptionally psychotic
group called the flagellation. Sam had ran away to this small country village trying
to escape from the Plague. But it seemed just as bad out here. Sam was 22 and was
born into the Plague. He lost his mother to it and his father had left him at the age of
9. Luckily Sam had been able to dodge its corruption. Sam continued walking down
the street in eerie silence. A cartdriver turned the corner with his withered horse. He
stopped and looked down at Sam. He had a blue coat on and had brown hair, he
looked around the age of 30. Do you have any body s sir? Asked the driver... Show
more content on ...
The cart driver hobbled away as the smell of rotting corpses wafted through the
streets. Sam began to turn back and resume his walk but a horrible yell came from
a boarded up house. Sam trotted over to the dilapidated house. The house was painted
blue but it was chipped. Some of the roof was caved in and the door had splintered
boards nailed across the broken door frame. He easily pulled off a splintery board and
Age Specific Reproduction
The effects of age specific breeding and matriarch presence on elephant reproduction
Although Robinson et al. was not able to determine the overall the long term effects
of early life reproduction, they provided results that show the immediate effects of
age specific reproduction. The impact of reproduction on younger females is an
important part of elephant survival, however, it is the impact of reproduction over
time that provides understanding of the future of elephant populations. In order to
show the later life effects of reproduction, Hayward et al. studied the survival of
calves and annual breeding success of elephants throughout their lives and into their
older age.
Elephant populations in the wild are declining ... Show more content on ...
produced a study that examined the later life consequences of breeding on a
population, particularly breeding early in life. Hayward et al. also used the
Myanmar timber camp Elephas maximus to perform the research, looking at the
records of 416 reproductive captive born mothers and their offspring. The elephants
used were from 8 regions of the Myanmar timber camps with the youngest breeding
being 5 years of age and the oldest being 53. The mean age at the first birth of
offspring was 19.48 years with the maximum number of lifetime calves being 10
calves. Hayward et al. discovered that individuals who didn t produce calves
before the age of 19 had lower calf survival than those who produced one or more
calves before the age of 19. Although beginning reproduction earlier in life is
correlated with a shorter lifespan, the cost is outweighed with higher annual
breeding success as well as increased calf survival (Hayward et al). The investment
of energy and resources into breeding at an early age increases the chance of calf
survival but also results in shorter lifespans compared to those who begin
reproduction later in life (Hayward et al.). Based on the findings, the costs of early
life reproduction are offset by higher lifetime breeding success in younger elephants.
The breeding success of younger elephants can be attributed not only to early
reproduction, but also to older females in a herd. While Hayward et al. observes the
effects of young
The Controversy Over Mark Twain s The Adventures of...
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is a controversial book that
has raised heated debates across America for the past century. It was ranked fifth
most challenging books out of one hundred in the 1990s (Chadwick 2). Although
this book is a hot topic, it should remain on shelves, and still be taught in schools.
While Huck Finn seems to be only a book of satire, most want this book banned
because it is seen as highly racial. The reading of Huck Finn is humiliating to back
students. It contributes to low self esteem. Only the insensitive and often unwittingly
racist teachers respond This book is a classic (Washington post 6). The use of the
word niggerupsets many black students and instigates the other students to use...
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The book is so comical, and lively all the way through. What makes this book so
controversial is the fact that the word nigger is used more than 200 times in the
book, but Twain simply used the term as they would back then. Can you say
anyone dislikes Jim? No, we grow fond of him, perhaps love him. The n word is
not demining (Jones 154). Shelly Fisher Fishkin quotes, Huck Finn is the greatest
anti racist novel by an American writer today. This is proven in chapter XXXIV of
Huck Finn when Huck knew helping Jim may get them killed, but he chooses to
try to make him a free man. The book possesses good qualities, and morals. Huck
could have turned Jim in; but kept him a secret and stayed afloat the river of
freedom. We can also learn that our society is not what is seems. Although
everyone is of Christian faith, they still own slaves, and are morally bad people.
The novel presents a new perspective on today s society and how it is still very
much like Twain s time. The need to ban this book from shelves and schools should
stop. People need to start to embrace this book with meaning and the humor it
possesses. The Banned Books Week Club celebrates the First Amendment and the
freedom to read by posting a list of banned books that society should read, Huck
Finn being 6th on the list (Adler7). In schools teachers need to learn how to explain
Twain instead of banning his works of literature.
William Shakespeare s Othello
What is this book? Why would you read this? Why did you bother to pick this up?
Well I have no clue why you are reading this. So If you are bored continue reading.
You probably would read this book because it is about a girl that has Aspergers and
has a tough time after her brother died. I was forced to read this book back in fifth
grade because of a book report. So we looked for a book that I could read at the time.
We found Mockingbird. At the time I had no clue if it was going to be good or not. I
liked the book surprisingly. if I have to read a book for a class I read it, but this book
I just wanted to continue reading. I made a lot of connections at the time because I
felt people at school where being absolute jerks to me ... Show more content on ...
These are all ways a person with asperger s would do. The information found from is asperger syndrome.
Dads Perspective Dad is the father of Caitlin and was working on this chest with
his son Devan, but at school one day devan was shot.(chapter 1 2). From that day
on dad never finished the chest. Catlin tried to convince dad that by finishing the
chest they would be brought together again. Dad goes to the store to buy supplies
for the chest Catlin and dad are now building. But dad still has trouble building the
chest because it was a project meant for his son and him.(chapter 1 page 2) It takes
awhile for him to realize that if he builds it, he would have less stress and be more
free. He was stressed because he would never finish the project with his son. The last
few chapters of the story dad finally finished the chest, he felt happy finishing it with
caitlin. When reading this I thought the piece of the puzzle was found and put in. the
last chapter dad and caitlin feel better that they now know that the killer was brought
to justice.
This book shows how 1 person can impact a lot in someone s life. That person can be
anyone. They can have major impacts. My grandfather died and he was a big role
model to me because he showed me a lot of things I could do in life. Back in 1995
Jerry Garcia died, he was the lead singer for the grateful dead. That impacted their
community a lot because the band was not whole
Liesel Mueller s What The Dog Perhaps Hears
Liesel Mueller s What the Dog Perhaps Hears is a poem about change. Mueller
uses figurative language appealing to a person s sense of hearing. With this imagery,
Mueller conveys that change is silent and often goes by unnoticed. The narrator asks
the dog if he can hear the asparagus heaving headfirst or the roots mining the earth.
Because dogs have a more acute sense of hearing than humans do, the narrator is, in
a way, asking if perhaps the dog can hear the change oncoming, because humans
cannot. This is especially prominent in the last stanza, which states that For us there
was no birth cry...and we heard nothing when the world changed. With other images
such as the continuous whir because the child in the house keeps growing and the
sound of spiders breathing, the narrator sets a tranquil scene where silence is not out
of the ordinary. But in turn, the narrator questions if the silence is not silence at all,
but the sounds of change that are above the shut off level of our simple ears. ... Show
more content on ...
Upon arriving, her family settled in the Midwest, amongst urban and suburban areas.
In 1953, Mueller s mother died, spurning a very prolific period for Mueller in the
world of poetry. It isn t until the 1960 s, when she married Pauel Mueller and moved
into a house he built in Lake Forest, Illinois, that Mueller becomes familiar with
nature and the aspects of a rural lifestyle. This time in her life offers many
inspirations for her, as many of her poems speak of domestic and semi rural life.
Currently, Mueller lives in
The Difference Between Sex and Gender
In today s society sex and gender seem to have two separate connotative meanings.
Sex is a more scientific term that explains physical traits and sexual preferences.
Gender carries a more social tone. Meaning that it refers to the different clothing,
activities, career choices, and positions people hold in society. A person s social
status helps separate or classify the two sexes. br br Sex is the total sum of physical
characteristics that distinguish males and females from each other. The most
distinctive difference in characteristics is that man and women have different
reproductive organs. This is pretty obvious and so are other traits like facial hair,
deep voices, and muscular builds. It is not often that you see a six foot five... Show
more content on ...
With the rapid changes in gender equality it is not as easy to separate sex by what a
person does for a living. What position they hold in society or a household is not a
good indication either. Years ago I could have said that if a person is a police
officer, a soldier, a fireman, a politician, a lawyer, a doctor or any type of highly
paid professional than that person must be a man. Back then this would have been a
pretty good hypothesis. The father was the man of the house. The minister was
always male and there was no such thing as women in sports. br br I could have
probably also said that if a person was a secretary, a grade school teacher, a
receptionist, a nurse, a maid, or a homemaker then that person must be a woman.
People in the female group or gender worked lower paying less demanding jobs
because It was believed that a woman could not handle the pressures that a man s
job required. br br With the absence of the father figure in many American homes
women have taken over as head of the house. They juggle home life and work to
keep their families together so that they can properly raise their children. br br
Women have broken the gender barrier in almost every sport except for football and
hockey. Some women s sports are pretty interesting to watch. I like to look at women
s track, basketball, and boxing every now
Westward Migration
Ongoing attention to the Colorado River emphasizes its crucial role as the lifeblood
that sustains millions of Americans across dozens of cities and countless farms in the
American West. For the seven states that comprise the Colorado River Basin
Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming the
Colorado River has stimulated growth and opportunity for generations. Today it is as
important as ever for leaders, residents and visitors to this beautiful and dynamic
region of the country.
Westward migration in the early 20th century made the challenge of gaining
beneficial use from the Colorado River s unpredictable and often destructive flows
more urgent. The basin s seven states struck a historic agreement in 1922 and ... Show
more content on ...
Balancing the vital need for water and related resources with an obligation to protect
environmental and ecological health poses an increasingly complex challenge. The
Bureau of Reclamation manages CRSP and other Colorado River projects to develop
and protect water and related resources in an environmentally and economically
sound manner for the American public. It works actively with federal, tribal, state,
local and non governmental partners to adaptively manage the river system with an
eye toward greater societal awareness and the importance of healthy ecosystems
particularly downstream of the dam through Glen and Grand
Corporate Social Responsibility And Human Rights
Nicholas S Jones
ACED 4050
Valdosta State University
March 20, 2016
Today, the world faces numerous challenges ranging from dreadful environmental
conditions through poverty and human rights, to energy and resource supply issues.
Social responsibility policy focuses on using the capabilities of a business to improve
lives and sustain our planet through contributions to local communities and society at
large. In other words, a business should fully realize it s potential as an organization
to make a better world through corporate self regulation assimilated into a business
CSR and Human Rights The global community expects companies to operate with
due admiration for human rights. Beyond meeting regulatory requirements and social
expectations in areas in which they operate, by proactively presenting more rigorous
international standards such as the United Nations Global Compact, companies will
reinforce their commitment to human rights. In 1998 the Secretary General of the
UN, declared that he was building a more solid relationship with the business
community. Thriving markets and human security goes hand in hand: without one
we will not have the other (Annan,
1998, p. 1820). Afterwards, a World Economic Forum was held in 1999. At the forum,
Kofi Annan introduced what is known the Global Compact . This is the ten principles
agreement between the
A Brief Note On The And Its Effects On The Wastewater...
Executive Summary Severodvinsk has its economy based on industry, mainly in
shipbuilding yards, civilian vessels construction and repair, manufacture of marine
tools and the most important submarine, nuclear submarines and military equipment.
Severodvinsk is situated on the shore of two different water sources: White Sea and
Northen Dvine River. There are around five months with relative high temperatures
when the snow will melt, raising the volume of river and sewage. Saying that
separate system is useful to guarantee a low variation of flow into the sewage. The
unit will be based on a preliminary, primary, secondary and tertiary treatments as for
this project the pre treatment for industrial wastes will not be considered, even though
... Show more content on ...
Saying that, some assumption must be taken. The design is supposed to meet the
demand of whole year with low variation of efficacy. Waste water treatment plants
consists on a series of processes and units to produce a specific effluent of known
composition and flow rate. These treatments are essential to deal with domestic,
industrial and agricultural contaminations and pollutants mainly considering solids
of organic nature. The main focus on this design will be organic compounds in the
domestic waste water BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) and TSS (Total
Suspended Solids). Based on the Royal Commission for UK and Ireland the
concentrations of effluents to be disposed on receiving water are 20mg/L for BOD5
and 30mg/L for TSS as theses parameters apparently would not cause any harm and
will not be favourable for other process such as eutrophication. Considering that
Severodvinsk is situated close to the Dvina River and White Sea these concentrations
does not need to be highly restricted once that there is plenty of water available for
further dilutions. Is important to have in mind that low parameters involves high
investments in processes and equipments. Before start designing the processes itself
is essential to understand the flows and concentrations of BOD5 and TSS that are
running into the units. Some
A Country Measure Ourselves Using Poverty
We as a country measure ourselves using poverty, which is one of the key social
indicators. The less fortunate persons in the United States are too disparate to be
categorized along any one dimension. This paper illustrates the poverty measures
that vary by selected features that consist of poverty measures, income of the people,
the depth of poverty, and poverty relief. The Current Population Survey Annual
Social and Economic Supplements (CPS ASEC) directed by the U.S. Census Bureau
conducted statistics on poverty in the United States was done in the year 2014. The
research shows that real median household income in 2013 was not statistically
different from the 2012 median income. The approved poverty rate reduced between
2012 and 2013... Show more content on ...
The new measure creates a multipart statistical picture integrating supplementary
items such as tax outflows and work outlays in its family reserve assessments.
Inceptions used in the new portion are derivative from Consumer Expenditure
Survey expenditure statistics on necessities, that is, food, shelter, clothing, and
utilities. These are accustomed for environmental alterations in the cost of
housing. The new inceptions are not envisioned to assess suitability for
government programs. The Census Bureau published preliminary poverty
assessments using the new approach in November 2011, November 2012, and
November 2013 (Iceland, 2013). Poverty tolls were lower for youngsters,
sophisticated for those aged 18 to 64 and 65 years, and older than under the
sanctioned poverty ration. The proportion of all 25 54 year olds who hold jobs
(i.e., prime age employment ) was nearly five percent lower in November 2013,
that is, six years after the start of Great Recession, than it was in December 2007,
both for men and women equivalent. The ratio for men, currently at 82.7, is the 10th
worst ratio over the last thirteen years. The ratio for women is currently at 69.2, is
the twelfth worst ratio over the last thirteen years. The long term joblessness ratio for
men and women equally is near the all time extraordinary for the period since 2000.
Even though the Great Recession ended
How Does Steinbeck Present Crooks Discrimination
John Steinbeck explores the theme of discrimination in the novel Of Mice and
Men illustrating the insignificance of some of the characters for being
characterized as different. Discrimination is portrayed throughout the novel trough
three simple ways: racism, sexism and disability. Racism is a major discrimination
throughout the novel for Crooks as he is black. Curley s wife points out how
insignificant crooks is as she says I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain
t even funny. Curley s wife is threatening to lynch Crooks while talking to him.
This illustrates how trivial a black man can be compared to a white woman despite
living in the 1930s when there is a great deal of sexism towards women. Crooks is
also treated less by the rest of the ranchmen as he is isolated. They let the nigger
come in that night. Crooks was allowed into the bunkhouse on Christmas day. This
demonstrates how Crooks is physically separated, like the animals, from he white
workers. They also just refer to Crooks as the nigger this shows the lack of respect
directed at him through the use of vulgar words.... Show more content on ...
Curley s wife is referred to as a tramp with unsporting evidence of actually ever
being unfaithful. The men do not like to see her out of her home as they probably
have a stereotypical mindset that women are suppose to stay at home. The men are
misogynistic and describe Curley s wife as a bitch . This meaning that the men hate
her flirtatious ways but she is also seen as a danger. This is because she is forced to
recognize that her sexuality is the only weapon she has, and the only thing that gets
her noticed as she is Curley s property therefore he tries to control
Social Class And Social Work Essay
The purpose of this assignment is to Examine the extent to which social class
determines life chances in contemporary Britain, and explore the relevance of the
issue for students on a social work degree. Within this document I will identify and
explore key concepts and approaches in the sociological analysis of social
differentiation in modern society. I will then use these concepts and apply them to
contemporary britain in order to explain how social classinfluences an individual s
life chances. I will also discuss and examine the value of these theories to students on
a social work course.
Sociology is fluid in the way in which theories become less central to sociological
thinking as time progresses. The theory of social class in particular was very
prominent throughout the 1950 s 1970 s where social class divisions were seen as
central to understanding differences in opportunity and life chances. Social class
has been defined as a division of a society based on social and economic status. (1)
These theories of social class were developed and studied by the likes of Marx,
Weber and Durkheim. The theory of class has been subject to some criticism however
since it fails to explain other forms of inequality such as race, gender and sexuality.
Although there have been many attempts to link these inequalities to social class, no
such connection has been found and other theoretical approaches have been needed
from the likes of Andrew Pilkington, Kathwood Woodward and
Why U Shouldnt Use Drugs
Why you shouldn t use drugs
Drug use is a growing rapidly in the United States, especially among teens and
even younger kids. whether its marijuana, cocaine, or anything else considered illegal.
The misuse of drugs can lead to negative consequences in ones life. There are many in
depth reasons for not leading a path of illegal drug abuse.
The first major reason being your physical health. Inhaling drugs like marijuana
clearly is dangerous. If done enough, it can have the same effects that smoking
can cause. Marijuana has five times as much tar as the amount of tobacco. Injecting
with needles, such as heroine, can be fatal in a shorter time. Consider that every time
addict ... Show more content on ...
However, even friends will leave
the addict to his own choices, and may decide to stop socializing with them. The
already losing his or her family, will have lost all social friends too.
The next reason is depression. Depression can turn anyone towards drugs. Many
drugs such as pills, marijuana and cocaine offer an escape from the sadness. If the
addicted continues to use drugs, loses friends and family, he will inevitably have
with depression, which will create for a sad lonely miserable life for the user.
Also one other main reason can be Mental Illness. Even worse than depression,
which people experience every day, is the fact that the chances for mental illness are
higher for the addicted person than for the non addict. It could also be said the
addicts are
already acting in an insane way by choosing something like cocaine, heroine, or meth
over family and friends.
Another major reason is Money, and getting money for the drug. Where will
addicts go once they lose their job? Often, money is the major concern of addicts.
will take to selling drugs just to get by. Either way, the user will spend most of the
they earn on more drugs. They are often willing to steal and borrow to continue using
drugs. This is a result in them having no money left and being willing to do many
to get their next drug.
One other good reason is school, and
Satire In Mean Girls
Mean Girls is a critically acclaimed movie known for its benevolent satire that
circulates around the reality and cruelty of high school life featuring social status,
class, gender and race in today s society.
The beginning of the movie starts out with the main character Cady Heron, venturing
to her first day of being at an actual American high school after being home schooled
in Africa all her life. She experiences a severe culture shock just on her first day
once she realizes everyone isn t as friendly and open as they may have been in
Africa. Cady takes goes about her first day taking mental notes on everything she runs
into, the un fair, untrusting high school teachers and rude, cruel student body.
However, Cady does eventually meet some ... Show more content on
Regina feels as if because she has a lot of money and the freedom to do whatever
she wants, that she can take advantage of other people who she feels are less than
her because of their social status as a nerd or unpopular . During this scene, a
critical part in the movie is brought to attention. The Burn Book which is a book
that the plastics have put together that features pictures of all the people at their
school that they don t like and/or want to get revenge on. Next to their pictures are
nasty comments about them, which later backfires after Regina is excluded from
the plastics and decides to take Karen, Gretchen, Cady socially down with her by
turning The Burn Book into the principal s office. Once she speaks to the
principal, she explain how she had nothing to do with The Burn Book and how
Karen, Cady, and Gretchen are the sole creators of the book because they re the
only ones who aren t in it. Regina then copies all of the pages in The Burn Book ,
handing out the papers around school so everyone can see the lies and rumors spread
about them. This creates chaos throughout the social classes in the school, everyone
ends up fighting (mostly the girls) and that s when everyone realizes that their
mental representations of other people are just as shallow as the lies and rumors
being spread about
`` Howl `` By Allen Ginsberg
Howl by Allen Ginsberg can be labeled as a prose poem, but it does not seem to fit
any one category in literature. One could argue that Howl can not be confined by
categorization because of how different in style and form that it is. This version of
the poem was published in 1956 and has three parts. It can be viewed as a stream
of consciousness with many random comma placements and few chances to take a
breath while reading it. The poem is constantly building upon itself giving the
reader little time to pause. The long stretched out lines help add to this effect of,
what Ginsberg called, a big long clanky statement (492). By stretching out the
sentences Ginsberg adds to the overall lengthy feeling that the poem has. The
beginning of the poem has a dedication to Carl Solomon, a friend Ginsberg met in
the Columbia Psychiatric Institute. He drew inspiration from Solomon s work in
Howl and thought highly of him as an intellectual person. The first line of the
poem reads, I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving
hysterical naked, and the speaker continues on from there (492). Right away
readers are thrown into the speaker s view and what he has seen in his life. The
first misplaced comma is one of many, but symbolizes the chaos that he is describing
all around him. In our class discussion we talked about how the speaker alienates an
older generation in this quote because he is speaking about the younger generation
that he is part of. This
Essay Shouldice Hospital Case
1Model Shouldice Hospital as a processing operation with products, attributes and
2What are its competitive priorities?
3What kind of market has it chosen to focus on?
Shouldice Hospital follows the business model of focus on a single standardized
service for a narrow target of consumers, rather than to provide customized solution
(as in a general clinic or hospital). It focuses on providing quick, convenient, and
reliable cure for external types of abdominal hernias. The Hospital uses its own
technique, called the Shouldice Method and claims to provide relatively short post
operative recovery period.
Shouldice Hospital focus on hernia repair surgery which is mostly performed on
males. Shouldice operation strategy ... Show more content on ...
4How does its operations strategy support its business strategy?
Shouldice Hospital had an excellent well developed, focused service delivery system.
The business strategy was to not only provide its patients with a quick, quality and
low cost surgery but also providing an unforgettable experience and comfortable
environment in the facility.
Operations Keys for successful business strategy:
Warm and friendly environment
1)Hospital is carpeted to get rid of the feel and helps in reduce disinfecting smell. The
objective is to have friendly environment that will help patient recuperate faster.
2)Patients are given rooms that they share with a roommate generally from a similar
professional background or shares similar hobbies. This encourages building of
partnerships and sharing of medical notes.
3)Patients are encouraged to enjoy their meals in the common cafeteria, so that they
get a chance to interact not only with other patients but also with other doctors.
Appropriate market segment to keep cost low.
1)Healthy people who are perceived to heal and recover faster are admitted to
hospital to keep the duration of the patient stays down. New patients are admitted
with a higher frequency rate.
2)Hospital is a non profit organization; cutting down on patient stays reduces costs
3)If patient is healthy enough to walk around the place, his linen need not be washed
regularly (after he leaves) and he does not need bed
Hvac Technician Research Paper
Some Tools and Equipment needed in the HVAC Industry and Troubleshooting It
is important when working in the HVAC field that you have the proper tools to get
the job done. An HVAC technician needs to be equipped with the special, proper
tools in order to construct, troubleshoot, and repair anything necessary to his job.
When working in the field the HVAC technician must work with electricity.
Usually to fix equipment that has already been wired and needs to be either fixed
or rewired. The technician needs to the tools necessary to work with electricity
safely. Pliers and Clippers come in a number of sizes and shapes designed for special
applications. We always prefer pliers with insulated handles when working near
Hot wires. Long nose pliers are used for close work in panels or boxes. Slip Joint, or
gas, Pliers are used to tighten locknuts or small nuts. Wire cutter are used to cut
wire to size. A good option to go would be to buy a set of fuse pullers. This takes
away the danger of pulling fuses out by hand.... Show more content on ...
Screwdrivers are preferably equipped with insulated handles for working on various
electrical jobs. As for wrenches there are three types of wrenches used in the Air
Conditioning field; the adjustable open end wrench, pipe wrenches which are
commonly used for conduit work, and a monkey wrench which are used on
hexagonal and square fittings. Electric Meters are extremely important to the
technician for troubleshooting electric related problems. There are several different
types of meters needed in order to work on an Air Condition unit. Three most
important meters are the Voltmeter, the Ammeter, and the Ohmmeter. Luckily for us
we can find all three of these features on just one electric meter. A Voltmeter you will
use to determine what the system voltage is running, an Ammeter you will use to
check the current moving through out your wires, and the Ohmmeter you will use to
Women s Unequal Pay
Women s Unequal Pay
Equality. The definition of equality in the Declaration of Independence states that, all
men are created equal. According to this constitution that we live in correlation with,
it suggest and says that we are the same, no one is greater than anyone, whether it be
a woman or man. In response to the statement, why should women be paid less than
men? Woman should and deserve the right be paid equally for the same jobs they
possess in comparison to men.
Women have always been seen inferior to men, and in a result has impacted us in a
negative way that affects us by being paid lower. In Obama s State Address, he
mentioned that for every dollar a man earns a woman earns seventy seven cents
(Obama). Women nowadays take place and are in an environment where their jobs
are equal or even higher than men, yet they still get paid less. Personally I believe
that it is unfair for this situation to take place because women have transformed
from the past. In the past, women have been perceived as only the mother and that
they should stay home and take care of the children, and to have the food ready for
their husband, to be the typical wife. Back then women were not forced nor allowed
to take place in the working environment; this was the husband s job. Times have
changed and so have women, now that there are more advancements in our modern
time, such as technology, we have taken charge and made an impact in learning,
working, and wanting to pursue
Analysis Of The Poisonwood Bible
The Poisonwood Bible: Journal #1 In The Poisonwood Bible, the novel opens with
a narrative instruction, and it has an effect on the reader in one main way. The
directive is meant to make the reader put him/herself in the setting of the story, and
read it as if you are in the novel. In the opening paragraph, it tells us, I want you to
be its conscience, the eyes in the trees, which is telling the reader to read the novel
as if you are there (Kingsolver 5). This suggests about the novel that the Price
family is going to do missionary work in Africa, and there are going to be events
that occur to show what happens when they go to Africa. When Orleanna
continues her narration, the you that she is speaking to appears to be the God that
she believes in. Orleanna states, Your bright eyes bear down on me without cease,
which shows that she is talking to someone from above (Kingsolver 7). The great
disasters that Orleanna alludes is when her and her family do missionary work in
Africa. The reason why she is telling the story looking back on Africa and the girls
tell it as if it is happening is because they both have different perspectives on the
whole situation. Orleanna is talking about something that she has experienced
while she was in Africa, and the girls talk about stuff that happens in their everyday
lives. Orleanna is talking about the whole trip at one time, while the girls take it
step by step. In the novel Kingsolver uses voice to characterize each sister by giving
them their own way how they describe events, and they use different languages.
Leah is the twin of Adah, and she loves her father very much. She follows in his
footsteps, and tries to act like him. Ruth May is the youngest of all the sisters, and
she is very innocent. She goes along with everything that happens, and tries to
make the best of it. Rachel is the oldest of the sisters, and she always compares her
life in Africa to hers in Georgia. She is very privileged, and she complains a lot.
The last of the sisters is Adah, and she is Leah s twin sister. Adah is not like her
family at all, and she always talks about how she doesn t believe in God, and that she
is not interested in her family s missionary work. I think that the voice that
An Islamic State Of Iraq And The Levant
ISIS is known as the Isalamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Its goal is to create an
Islamic state across Sunni areas of Iraq and in Syria. ISIS is notoriously known for
holding public executions and committing large scale attacks to capture and maintain
conquered territory. The leader is Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, but little is known about
him. However, it is known that before he joined Al Qaeda in Iraq, he had formed a
militant group in Salaheddin and Diyala provinces north of the Iraq capital. Al
Baghdadi wanted to gain more power and expand his group s operations on a
wider scale. On April 8, 2013, Al Baghdadi stated that his group, formerly known as
ISI, would be known as ISIS. Al Baghdadi believes that all Muslims should live by
sharia law under a single Islamic state. Based on its forced violence, ISIS presents
itself as the alternative to Al Qaeda within the jihadi community.
Since the establishment of the group s new name, ISIS has been becoming a rising
threat to all countries. As of 2014, ISIS has been gaining control of many
territories, and has shown constant refusal to acknowledge state borders. ISIS
gained the public media s attention when they posted a YouTube video of the
decapitation of James Foley, and threatened to kill other U.S. citizens. In less than a
month later, the same group revealed a video of the beheading of Steven Sotloff.
The third circulated public execution is of David Haines, a British aid worker. ISIS s
first two posted killings were American
Ginger Rogers Research Paper
The summer of 1911 Hollywood star, Ginger Rogers, was born in Independence,
Missouri. Ginger, a young and talented girl, grew up to be a famous and one of the
highest paid stars in Hollywood, America s most famous city for acting. Ginger
grew up to be a very successful actress due to the support and help of family and
friends. On July sixteenth of 1911, Lela McMath gave birth to Virginia Katherine
McMath. Virginia was born in a front room in a two room house on Moore Street in
Independence, Missouri (Ginger Rogers2010). Virginia changed her name to Ginger
because of her younger cousin, Helen, who mispronounced her name as Ginja (Bio.
2016). Shortly after Virginia was born, Lela divorced her husband, William McMath,
and left her daughter with her parents, Walter and Saphrona Ball Owens, as she went
off to Hollywood to begin writing movies (Ginger Rogers 2010).
Those who knew Ginger as a little girl said that she could dance before she walked.
Ginger Rogers once said My mother told me I was dancing before I was born. She
could feel my toes tapping wildly inside her for months (Bio. 2016). Ginger grew up
having a passion and love for dancing and performing,
At the age of 9, Ginger s mother got married to John Rogers ... Show more content on ...
2016). This represents her hard work and determination for what she wanted. She
never wanted to be given anything because then she couldn t enjoy it. Another
quote she said was When two people are in love, they don t look at each other: they
look in the same direction (Bio. 2016). This represents how she didn t take all the
credit for all the success she had with her career. How her and her mother looked in
the same direction, went after it, and succeeded. It is said that Ginger credited most
of her success to her mom (Ginger Rogers 2016). That Ginger would have never
been able to do what she did without the help and support of her
Comparison Of Modernism In A Streetcar Named Desire
And A...
The word modernism in literature means something new and untraditional that
reevaluates the accepted principles of our world. Modernism is a style of writing
that became popular in the early 1900 s. This style was developed in the period of
WWI, a time of many important social changes. A Streetcar Named Desire and A
Long Day s Journey Into Night are two plays that exemplify the style of modernism.
Journey is a modernist novel with a tragic storyline about the Tyrone family. The
main conflict in Streetcar is modernist because of the traditional, fundamentalist
thinking. Each of these plays contains a character who represents a very important
aspect of modernist literature: the burden of the past. This device is used distinctively
in each of these two plays. While some similarities between Blanche Duboisand Mary
Tyrone are evident, their differences are notable.
Blanche Dubois, from A Streetcar Named Desire, carries the heavy burden of her
past. Blanche was in love with a young man. She discovered her husband in bed with
an older man, someone whom she had believed was just his friend. When confronted
about the incident, he took his own life by shooting himself in the head.
Compounding the sorrow of her husband s violent suicide, Blanche becomes
increasingly fragile with the loss of the DuBois family home, Belle Reve. After the
death of her parents, she goes through many financial and personal struggles. Blanche
has always been burdened by her tormenting past, the loss of
White Noise Sociology
White Noise is a supernatural thriller movie released year 2005. The film directed
by Geoffrey Sax, starring Michael Keaton as Jonathan Rivers, a man haunted by
the mysterious disappearance and death of his wife Anna, and trying to contact him
from another dimension. Chandra West as Anna Rivers, a best selling author and
wife of Jonathan Rivers. Nicholas Elia as Mike Rivers, Jonathan son to his first
wife. Ian McNeice as Raymond Price, his doing paranormal that helps Rivers comes
in contact with his wife through the phenomenon of Electronic Voice Phenomenon
(EVP). Deborah Kara Unger as Sarah Tate, who also came to Raymond for his EVP
work because she lost her fiancГ© and befriends Jonathan. Sarah Strange as Jane (Ex
The film started one ... Show more content on ...
Jonathan was so happy that day even his working colleague notice it. He bought
flowers for Anna and he want to celebrate that night. He waited and mysteriously, in
the middle of the night the clock on the wall stops and suddenly all the electronic
appliances in the house makes sound and Anna didn t arrive. The police found her
car beside the river and not her body saying that she fell while changing a flat tire.
One day, Jonathan is contacted by Raymond Price, who claims that his own son
had also died. He says he has recorded messages from Anna through EVP. He later
learns about his wife s tragic drowning. And he begins to believe that the recorded
voice is from his wife. Jonathan becomes obsessed trying to contact Anna by
himself after the death of Raymond Price. Jonathan found him dead in his house.
Jonathan begins to be followed by three shadows of demons attracted by his
obsession with EVP, and found that some of the messages he received are from
people who are not yet dead, but may soon be. His getting messages what will
happen in the future and usually tragedies. He hears a woman cries asking to save
her baby and so on and so forth. The news of a missing women being
Fresh Prince Show Failures
How the Fresh Prince Became Not So Fresh We all remember those famous
beginning lines from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, this show became a national
icon in the 90 s for families and teenagers across America... but what happened to
it? From 1990 to 1996 Fresh Prince was a main show to watch for viewers across
the country at night, they touched on so many subjects including: racism, family,
sexism, gun violence, etc. How could such a great show that touches on all the
views and challenges that society was going through come to an end in the sixth
season? The show failed due to three reasons; it was starting to become out dated, it
was running out of material, and the show could not keep up with the turn of the
times. Overall it was a great six seasons and taught a lot of people what it was like to
... Show more content on ...
Even though the show has been considered as failed it has been more successful
due to the legacy that has been left for all the people watched it and have introduced
other people to it. The sad fact is, is that the show failed due to the change of times
and was destined to only be a show that was during the time of the 90 s. Many people
followed this show and looked up too many of the characters as if they were
people that they knew, or for that matter didn t know and they wanted to know.
One of the ways the show knew it was doomed was it knew that it was becoming
outdated and showed no sign of any change soon, which would have led to a
catastrophe. The show also started running out of material due to the change of the
times as they knew that things would not be the same as they used to be during
their golden era. They knew that once the change came that they would not be
lasting much longer so they decided to pull the plug while they were still on top
which was an idea that proved more so beneficial to the show for the
Block Schedule Benefits
Why Block Schedules Are Beneficial to High School Students
I currently attend a class at Northwest Vista College, which is two days of the week
and is and seventy five minutes long. This class is more difficult than any other
class I have, yet I have higher success in this class than my others. I am more
successful because I have more time to study for such class, and because I am
exposed to more interaction with my teacher. Not only is there more study time, my
teacher equally has time to prepare more effective lessons, and activities. As opposed
to my normal high school schedule consisting of seven classes, around forty five
minutes each, five days a week. In which I struggle more with those classes as each
day there is a new lesson taught, ... Show more content on ...
Why One Massachusetts Elementary School Is Banning Homework. The Christian
Science Monitor. The Christian Science Monitor, 06 Sept. 2016. Web. 24 Mar. 2017.
Board, The Editorial. Long Summer Break Leaves Kids behind Portland Press
Herald. Press Herald. N.p., 12 July 2014. Web. 24 Mar. 2017.
Khadaroo, Stacy Teicher. Do Longer Hours Equal More Learning? The Christian
Science Monitor. The Christian Science Monitor, 14 June 2007. Web. 24 Mar. 2017.
Sommerfeld, Meg. More and More Schools Putting Block Scheduling to Test of
Time. Education Week. N.p., 02 May 2016. Web. 24 Mar.
Pig Tale And The Pig Tales
The three novels Marie Darrieussecq s Pig Tales, Larissa Lai s Salt Fish Girl, and
Barbara Gowdy s The White Bone are very interesting. Pig tales is the story of the
young woman. In this book the author tells about the narrator that how she enjoyed
her life before transforming into a pig, how she was changed into a four legged beast
in the outcome of unethical lifestyle and how the narrator become more beast than
human. The narration in this novel is in third person. As in the whole novel the
author Marie Darrieussecq tells the story of the other woman. The White Bone is the
novel written from panorama of the animalthat is the elephant. In this novel there
various characters and most of the characters belonged to the femalegender. In this
novel author tells about the survival of the endangered animal and at the same point
this novel also indicates the importance of the families. In this novel also, the
narration is in third person. The Salt Fish Girlis the novel which tells the story of the
one girl in two different types. In both the cases the girl is suffering for the survival.
In this story the girl have to suffer very much for the survival. She has to migrate
from one place to another, to new countries, to new eras, and leaving own homeland.
Let Down Song Analysis
There are many different ways for a song to be effective. For many people, it s a
catchy melody and relatable lyrics. For others, it s complex instrumentation and
clever songwriting. Still others prefer deep lyrics they can dig into and analyze. On
all of these fronts, Let Down passes with flying colors. But what makes Let Down
such an effective song for me is how well it can put feelings into words and sounds,
and its ability to completely accept the meaninglessness of life, while at the same
time proclaiming the joy of living life. The song accomplishes this through its use of
intricate rhythm, beautiful melody and instrumentation, and thoughtful lyrics.
The song opens with a beautiful, melancholic guitar melody, setting the tone for ...
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In the end, Let Down truly shines because of its intricate rhythm, melody, and
amazing instrumentation and lyrics.
The harmony is simple yet effective, acting as a canvas for the melody,
instrumentation, and lyrics to flourish from. It starts on its key center, A major, a
common and comfortable place for a song to start on. It then moves to E major, a
chord that feels unsettled for songs in the key of A major, and is commonly used to
set up a feeling of tension in songs. Then it moves to F# minor, giving the song a
somewhat somber, yet still fundamentally happy feeling. Afterwards, it moves back
to the unresolved E major, to then resolve back to the tonic (the song s key center),
A major. An unresolved chord doesn t feel quite at place in a song, and wants to
find closure by pivoting back to the song s key center. This progression isn t anything
special, but it does offer a strong building block for the other elements of the song to
be built on. This pattern repeats through the verses.
Instrumentally, the song takes inspiration from Phil Spector s Wall of Sound
technique.1 Through this dense, multi layered arrangement and production, the
electric piano, drums, bass, acoustic guitar, and electric guitar all work together to
create one thick, powerful sound. This helps the song gain a sense of resolve in the
face of its poignant lyrics.
Cloud Contingency Plan
Contingency Plans Aviato has experienced steady growth in recent years, which
has forced us to make several changes to ensure our company s long term
scalability. Our next big move will be switching our cloud provider from Amazon
Web Services to the Google Cloud Platform. Although this transition is exciting, it
is likely that we will experience problems along the way. To efficiently handle
these issues when they arise, we have outlined major risks and developed some
contingency plans. One possible risk is that our user base could grow to a size
where our current number of servers would no longer be sufficient. Overburdened
servers are problematic because it could negatively affect our customers who may
disconnect and experience slow... Show more content on ...
2. We may have misjudged what services we need and how much they would cost,
so the Google Cloud Platform is costing more than expected. 3. Once we get
firsthand experience with the Google Cloud Platform we may become
unimpressed with the range of services or the customer support. To prepare for
discontentedness with the Google Cloud Platform we have decided to move a
single microservice over to the Google Cloud Platform before we move the whole
infrastructure over. This will give us the ability to test it, and allow us to easily
back out should we experience any glaring issues. As an extra precaution we have
also decided to keep our old infrastructure in place for 6 months after the transition
in case we have to fallback. In the future we have decided to continually re evaluate
the different cloud services in case a different cloud provider becomes more
appealing than the Google Cloud Platform. This re evaluation will include the
Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services, as well as other major cloud
providers like Microsoft Azure and IBM Cloud. Although the outlook of Aviato
currently looks optimistic, the future of our startup is unpredictable, and
bankruptcy is certainly a risk we have to consider. If we experience irreparable
financial difficulties, we may decide to cut our losses and dissolve our business. In
such a scenario, we have decided to immediately notify our users, and cancel
American Red Cross Training Research Paper
Red Cross Training
Learning and having the Red Cross training has completely been of a great
advantage to me. This experience has persuaded me to accomplish a new set of goals
in my life, like helping others in need. It also has augmented my knowledge about this
important organization. According to what I learned, Clara Barton was the founder of
the Red Cross, and the mission of this foundation is to prevent and alleviate human
suffering in the face of emergencies. This is a worldwide organization that has come
to be known internationally, by their basic principles, which are: humanity,
impartiality, and neutrality. The Red Cross is partnered with the government, and it
offers many different types of services to people. It offers, blood, international,
health, disaster, and safety services. The American Red Crossalso uses psychology
resources and skills to solve some issues. In my Psychology class, I have studied
various terms ... Show more content on ...
This service is offered to the public and it helps individuals who suffered from
traumatic or disastrous events, some of them are still in shock, and the RC helps
reviewing their mental health. The Red Cross volunteers sit and talk with these
people, and try to help them recuperate from this shock and hard circumstances of
life. Mental and health volunteers have a big job in the Red Cross because many
people suffer daily from difficult situations, and it is the mission of them to help
those in need. As I studied in my Psychology classroom, mental stability is very
important in order to enjoy a healthy life. Some of the many catastrophes that occur
daily, are natural disasters. In some cases families are separated, but the Red Cross
takes an action in this types of occasions, they help families reunite again. Thinking
about this, it also helps families gain emotional health, so Psychology skills are a big
factor in the American Red
A Brief Note On The Global Nursing Shortage Essay
Nurses occupy a central role in the delivery of health care in all countries though
countries have different health care systems and methods of payment options.
Unfortunately research on the nursing experience carried out in some countries has
indicated high levels of job dissatisfaction, burnout and intention to leave the
profession. Many countries are facing nursing shortages, worsened by the fact that
richer nations are luring nurses away from poorer ones, and that the nursing
profession has lost popularity among younger women and men as a career option
(Burke et al., 2012). The global nursing shortageis resulting in the need to find
multiple solutions to providing adequate numbers of nursing personnel. The shortage
is exacerbated by nurses leaving the profession and their current positions. Globally,
nursing turnover rates range from 10 21% per year, with countries such as the USA
and Australia reporting turnover rates of over 20% per year. Retaining nurses in their
current positions will reduce the magnitude of consequences associated with the
nursing shortage (Cowden and Cummings, 2012).
Definition Turnover is defined as job movement within and across organizational
boundaries, as well as by a variety of cognitive activities that preceded leaving.
Turnover intention refers to employees thoughts of quitting their present job.
Employees may choose to withdraw either physically or psychologically. One
physical form of withdrawal is to quit
Blondie Research Paper
Blondie[edit] Main article: Blondie (band) With her distinctive photogenic features
and two tone bleached blonde hair, Harry quickly became a punk icon.[22] Her
look was further popularized by the band s early presence in the music video
revolution of the era. She was a regular at Studio 54. In June 1979, Blondie was
featured on the cover of Rolling Stone. Harry s persona, combining cool sexuality
with streetwise style, became so closely associated with the group s name that
many came to believe Blondie was the singer s name. The difference between the
individual Harry and the band Blondie was famously highlighted with a Blondie is
a group button campaign by the band in 1979.[23] In 1981, Harry issued a press
release to clarify that her name was not Debbie Blondie or Debbie Harry , but
Deborah Harry, though Harry later described her character in the band as being
named Blondie , as in this... Show more content on ...
You know, when I woke up this morning I had a realization about myself. I was
always Blondie. People always called me Blondie, ever since I was a little kid.
What I realized is that at some point I became Dirty Harry. I couldn t be Blondie
anymore, so I became Dirty Harry.[24] Blondie released their first album in 1976,
though it was not a success. Their second album, Plastic Letters, garnered some
success outside the United States, but their third album, Parallel Lines (1978) was
a worldwide smash and shot the group to international success. It included the
global hit single Heart of Glass . Riding the crest of disco s domination, the
infectious track hit No.1 in the US and sold nearly two million copies. It also
reached No.1 in the UK and was the second highest selling single of 1979. The
band s success continued with the release of the platinum selling Eat to the Beat
album (UK No.1, US No.17) in 1979 and Autoamerican (UK No.3, US No.7) in 1980.
Blondie had further No.1 hits with Call Me , The Tide Is High , Atomic (UK #1)
and Rapture (US
Disadvantages Of High-Stakes Testing
In spite of critics, educational reform in Texas continued to rely on testing in an effort
to meet accountability required at the state level. Calls for accountability seem to
usually rise from the political community. When the political community demands
that tests serve high stakes accountability functions, professional testing standards can
be easily compromised. In accountability contexts, testresults decide which students
are retained in grade, held back from graduation, and assigned to tracks or special
classifications...high stakes testing produces teaching and testing practices that lead
to inflated test scores and further disadvantage already disadvantaged students,
(Smith and Fey, 2000, p. 334). To call for... Show more content on ...
Associations to which test specialists belong agree that the validity standard depends
on the test s context and it s used. A test may be validated for some uses and not
others (Smith et al., 2000). McDonnell (1997) found that the political community
believed the benefits of the assessment policy would outweigh any harm that might
be caused by less than reliable or invalid tests. Some may wonder why teaching to the
test is not a good practice and a healthy basic skills emphasis. They may even suggest
that teaching to the test results is basic instruction even in the least advantaged
educational situations. Research indicates that there is little evidence to indicate that
high stakes accountability testing and reform have had much impact on overall school
performance beyond increased scores on the individual test that was the instrument
of the state policy (Mehrens, 1998). Theory validity of TAAS fell short of
professional standards in other ways: While Texas scores on the math part of the
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) have risen dramatically the
results, perhaps, of all that drill and test practice Texas students made only small
gains in the NAEP reading test between 1992 and 1998, no gain what so ever
between 1993 and 1996 on nationally normed achievement tests in reading, and not
much gain in other subjects...They have not made much gain on the SAT, either
(Schrag, 2000).Since 1999, Texas has begun to administer the Texas Assessment of
Knowledge and Skills exam and has continued to follow the high stakes
consequences for failing the tests at the 3, 6 and 10th grades. This current test battery
has been said to be more difficult than the earlier basic skills exams. One result of the
wide use of exams to measure student achievement has been the growth of alternative
education. The website for the Texas
The Crusade For Reconstruction ( Jihad )
The organization was to take charge of the assets of the Pahlavi Foundation and to
use the proceeds to assist low income groups. The new foundation in time came to be
one of the largest conglomerates in the country, controlling hundreds of confiscated
and nationalized factories, trading firms, farms, and apartment and office buildings,
as well as two large newspaper chains. The Crusade for Reconstruction (Jihad),
established in June, recruited young people for construction of clinics, local roads,
schools, and similar facilities in villages and rural areas. The organization also grew
rapidly, assuming functions in rural areas that had previously been handled by the
Planning and Budget Organization (which replaced the Plan Organization in... Show
more content on ...
Because Arab states, including Iraq, had in the past laid claim to Khuzestan as part of
the Arab homeland, the government was bound to regard an indigenous movement
among the Arabic speaking population with suspicion. The government also
suspected that scattered instances of sabotage in the oil fields were occurring with
Iraqi connivance. In May 1979, government forces responded to these disturbances by
firing on Arab demonstrators in Khorramshahr.
Several demonstrators were killed; others were shot on orders of the local
revolutionary court. The government subsequently quietly transferred the religious
leader of the Khuzestan Arabs, Ayatollah Mohammad Taher Shubayr al Khaqani, to
Qom, where he was kept under house arrest. These measures ended further protests.
The Kurdish uprising proved more deep rooted, serious, and durable. The Kurdish
leaders were disappointed that the Revolution had not brought them the local
autonomy they had long desired. Scattered fighting began in March 1979 between
government and Kurdish forces and continued after a brief cease fire; attempts at
negotiation proved abortive. One faction, led by Ahmad Muftizadeh, the Friday
prayer leader in Sanandaj, the capital of Kurdish culture, was ready to accept the
limited concessions offered by the government.
The Kurdish Democratic Party, a more radical group issued demands that the
authorities in Tehran did not feel they could accept.
These included the enlargement of the
Uses Of In Operating Systems
Uses of Virtualisation in Operating Systems
Virtualisation in operating systems is a wide ranging subject relating to many topics
within operating systems. Waldspurger and Rosenblum define virtualisation in their
article I/O virtualization as decoupling the logical from the physical, introducing a
level of indirection between the abstract and the concrete. [1] In this essay I will
briefly outline some of the many types of Virtualisation as well as talk about benefits
and limitations virtualisation in general.
Due to the term virtualisation referring to so many different areas within operating
system, talking about the History of this topic is very hard. In Modern Operating
Systems, Andrew Tanenbaum states visualization, which is more than 40 years old
[6]. This book was published in 2009, implying that virtualisation started roughly in
the 1969. However, spooling which is an example of I/O virtualisation existed in
IBMs SPOOL system. IBM copyrighted the SPOOL system in 1960 suggesting
Virtualisation started on or before the 1960s [7]. From the context of Tanenbaum s
book, it is clear that he is speaking of virtual machine technology which for the
confines of this essay will be considered a subset of virtualisation. Throughout the
history of computers more virtualisation techniques have been invented from
spooling to virtualised I/O to virtual machines and other things like RAID. When
talking about virtualisation in operating systems, virtual memory is perhaps the
Christian Non-Violence
Christian Non Violence Christian non violence finds its roots in the early church.
Origen (184 253 CE) said that Christ, no where teaches that it is right for his own
disciples to offer violence to anyone, however wicked. For he did not deem it in
keeping with the laws such as His to allow killing of any individual whatever.
Origen was not alone, but joined a chorus of early Church fathers including Tertullian
and Cyprian among others, in condemning every sort of killing both the guilty and
the innocent on the principle that killing is never permissible. These views were
motivated by the radical non violent life of JesusChrist who proclaimed peace even
through death on a violent cross.
Christian non violence has continued to be debated as Christians wrestle with how to
respond in the face of evil in the world. Jesus instructed, You have heard that is was
said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your
enemies and pray for those who persecute you. For many Christians it was one thing
to remain non violent in the face of violence towards oneself, but entirely another
thing to neglect defending another. The question then becomes to what extent then
can a Christian participate in a government and its use of force. Christian pacifists,
finding their roots in the Anabaptist tradition, traditional answer this question through
a doctrine of two kingdoms or vocations: the earthly or political vocation and the
heavenly or spiritual
Experiment 2a Adsorption Chromatography ( Tlc )
NAME: ____Amy Hua_______________________
Experiment 4a Adsorption Chromatography (TLC)
Summary of Points for Experiment 4a:
ItemPossible PointsActual Points
Pre Lab2Notebook:N/AN/A
Purpose/Table of Reagents2
Blank Spaces2
TLC data (4 in notebook)8
Conclusions (absent here)1
Sub Total =21multiply Sub Total x 2=42Report:N/AN/A
Data and Calculations8
Less Points Missing DataN/AN/A
Unknown Identity10
Data Analysis / Conclusions5TOTAL67minus any page overage0minus for late
reports0minus for TA points0
In this experiment, the technique of thin layer chromatography is used to identify the
identity of unknown. To aid in seeing the spots from the thin layer chromatography,
UV light and iodine adsorption is used.
Below are two depictions of the developed TLC s for 2 and 4 hydroxy
acetophenone. The first was visualized under UV light and the second by iodine
Below are two depictions of the developed TLCs for an unknown analgesic versus
known standards. Both TLC s were visualized by UV light.
UNKNOWN ID (10 points):
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Essay Compare And Contrast Two Cities
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Essay Compare And Contrast Two Cities

  • 1. Essay Compare And Contrast Two Cities Writing an essay comparing and contrasting two cities can be quite challenging due to the extensive research and analysis required. First and foremost, gathering relevant information about both cities is essential. This involves delving into historical backgrounds, geographical features, cultural aspects, economic factors, and social dynamics of each city. The challenge intensifies as you navigate through the vast amount of data to select the most pertinent details for your essay. Ensuring a balanced comparison is crucial, as bias towards one city can compromise the integrity of your analysis. Moreover, organizing the information in a coherent and logical manner is essential for the reader to follow and comprehend the points being made. Crafting a compelling thesis statement that encapsulates the main points of comparison and contrast is another hurdle. This requires a deep understanding of the unique aspects of each city and the ability to distill those complexities into a concise and impactful statement. Maintaining a consistent tone and style throughout the essay while addressing both similarities and differences can be demanding. Striking the right balance between objectivity and personal perspective is essential for a well-rounded and persuasive piece. Additionally, the essay should not merely present facts but should also engage the reader with insightful analysis and commentary. This demands critical thinking skills and the ability to draw meaningful conclusions from the information presented. In conclusion, writing an essay comparing and contrasting two cities requires extensive research, careful organization, a nuanced understanding of the subject matter, and the ability to communicate effectively. Despite the challenges, a well-executed essay on this topic can provide valuable insights into the unique characteristics of each city. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, various resources are available. One option is to explore, where you can find professional writing services to guide you through the process of creating high-quality essays on a variety of topics. Essay Compare And Contrast Two CitiesEssay Compare And Contrast Two Cities
  • 2. Essay on Descartes In the Meditations, Rene Descartes attempts to doubt everything that is possible to doubt. His uncertainty of things that existence ranges from God to himself. Then he goes on to start proving that things do exist by first proving that he exists. After he establishes himself he can go on to establish everything else in the world. Next he goes to prove that the mindis separate then the body. In order to do this he must first prove he has a mind, and then prove that bodily things exist. I do agree with Descartes that the mind is separate from the body. These are the arguments that I agree with Descartes. In his six Meditations, only four contain his argument about corporeal things and establishing himself as a thinking thing.... Show more content on ... Say one imagines x, imagining x equals understanding x plus being aware of x by his judgement. Descartes says that a triangle can be imagined, but a chiliagon (thousand sided figure) can only be understood. A peculiar sort of effort is required to imagine, beyond what is required to understand. Now he attacks the notion of bodies existing. He says, The way of thinking that I call В‘sense give us a reason to think bodies exist? Descartes attacks this the answer of this question in three ways: to repeat what was formerly believed and the grounds for them, to consider why they were brought into doubt, and to determine what must now be believed. Regarding the first point, a long list of beliefs is given: my body, pleasurable effects, appetites, primary and secondary qualities, and different bodies. He then goes on to say that since it seemed impossible that they came from himself, it remains that they came from other things, and the only kind that to his mind are those which resemble the ideas themselves. He also says the one s own body seems in a privileged position, in that one can never separate one s self from it, and it is the seat of appetites, feelings, pleasure and pain. There is no evident connection between feelings of hunger and the nourishment of bread. He
  • 3. Booster Seat Essay 7 Important Facts You Must Know About A Booster Seat Your kid needs a booster seat that is correctly fixed in order to stay safe in your car as well as prevent serious injuries in the event of an accident. Now, even if a booster seat itself meets the safety and government s standards, it can still present safety problems if it is installed or used incorrectly. The safest Booster Seat therefore, is the one that best fits your child, your car and is easiest for you to use. 4 Questions That Needs Your Urgent Answer Before Using A Booster Seat 1.What is the meaning of a booster seat? Belt positioning booster seats, designed for children over 40 pounds in weight who have outgrown child safety seats with harnesses, are positioning devices that help ... Show more content on ... At what age can a child switch from a booster seat to the main seat? Apart from the safety laws, children are not ready to make the switch from a booster seat to seat belts until they are at least 4 feet 9 inches tall and can pass the five step test, typically meant for children of ages between 8 and 10. 7 Facts You Need To Know About A Booster Seat Research findings have shown the following facts to be helpful in using a booster seat! 1.Booster seats that come with and without backs provided similar risk for injury. 2.Head injuries accounted for 65% of injuries and are popular among all hurt children no matter the restraint type system employed. 3.Children in belt positioning booster seats were 45% less likely to sustain injuries than same age kids in standard vehicle seats. 4.Pediatricians should continue to recommend belt positioning booster seats for younger children who have outgrown a harness based child seat restraint until they are at least 8 years old, or 4 feet 9 inches tall. 5.Face injury at 9% and lower extremity injury at 8% respectively were the next most common of kids in booster seats. For injured children in seat belts, abdominal injuries at 12% and face injury at 9% were the next most common
  • 4. Essay about The Importance Of The Human Genome Project The Importance Of The Human Genome Project This is the outstanding achievement not only of our lifetime, but of human history. I say this, because the Human Genome Project has the potential to impact the life of every person on this planet. It is a giant resource that will change mankind, much like the printing press did. The famous words of Dr. James Watsonresonated as a victory bell, signaling the successful completion of what many deemed the boldest undertaking in the history of biology: The Human Genome Project (2003). On the fiftieth anniversary of the day that forever changed science the day Watson and his colleague Francis Crick unraveled the secret of life, the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid the world was presented ... Show more content on ... The Human Genome Project s first flaw, Marks believes, is its image of being the sole panacea for society s problems. It is important to note that Marks does not condemn the Project as a whole, nor does he advocate a complete abandonment of its future efforts which would, according to biologist Svante Paabo, lead to ignorance and spur prejudice, oppression, and racism (2001, paragraph 8); rather, he promotes a more moderate view of both the Project s prospective benefits and the significance of our genes. He does, however, condemn the extreme deterministic and reductionist outlook that many currently hold regarding these topics. The Human Genome Project has fostered support for the erroneous conviction that we possess, within our grasp, the weapon to eradicate the evils that plague society a complete blueprint of our genome: We are assured that if we could find the genes that underlie alcoholism or the genes that have gone awry when we get cancer, then our problems will be over (Lewontin, 1991, p. 46). R.C. Lewontin, leading geneticist and professor of zoology at Harvard University, expressed it best when he stated that our main problem lies in the belief that our bad genes are the lone culprits for such problems as alcoholism, criminality, drug
  • 5. August Wilson Fences Symbolism In Fences, August Wilson, explores the life of segregation for African Americans and the impacts it could have on family and friends. Additionally, how betrayal and deception affects relationships. By portraying the life of Troy Maxon, an average African American Citizen, Wilson is able to provide the detrimental effects that segregation and deception had on Troy s life, ultimately affecting the ones he loved most including himself. Gabriel, Troy s brother, was one of the characters affected who throughout had his own symbolic meaning to the plays overall theme. Gabriel s role impacted the story in multiple ways. Wilson illustrates Gabriel s symbolic meaning through African Americanveterans not getting proper treatment, greed among family, and salvation as a messenger of God. Wilson establishes Gabriel as a disabled war veteran who has recently returned home. While overseas, Gabriel suffered brain damage and now has a metal plate in his head. One can infer that Wilson is making a social statement about war through ... Show more content on ... When Gabriel is living with Troy he is able to receive some of his money from the Government. Unfortunately for Troy, Gabriel moves out and he is no longer receiving any money. Eventually, Troy realizes he needs the money and betrays Gabriel by having him sent away to a mental hospital for his brain damage affects that have caused him to act in absurd manners (Act II Scene II). It s not directly stated that Troy did for the money but seems to be the only reason why he would do such a thing to his brother. Since in the beginning Troy stated, he would never send his brother to a mental hospital (Act I Scene II). Overall, because Troy wanted half the money that Gabriel received he got his brother sent away. Ruining his relationship with him. Wilson used Gabriel in this scene to symbolize people will give up on family just for their own
  • 6. A Clockwork Orange Analysis On the surface a Clockwork Orange written in 1962 by Anthony Burgess appears to be a protest novel criticising a totalitarian government s prohibition of free will and censoring free speech. The Government in A Clockwork Orange appears extremely socialistic and it extends complete control over all its citizens, Burgess appears to abhors the lack of freedom in government controlled societies and as a result despite Alex s violent crimes Burgess paints the removal of free will through the Ludovico technique as immoral. However, the novel does not seem to protest or in fact raise an argument against the powerless of women. Women are powerless often voiceless secondary characters. Whilst the society Burgess creates has capitalist elements the... Show more content on ... Alex seems to be caught in a cycle of crime and poverty. The state in a Marxists sense describes the institutions by which class rule is maintained. In the dystopian society Alex lives in the the ruling class does not represent the interests of the whole population, and a minority maintains its power and privileges by exploiting the majority in this case the working class. The state largely ignores crime in order to enlimantate the political threat which could undermine the government s power. F. Alexander who was a threat to the government was called a menace and was put away for his own protection . In reality this is far from the truth the Government does not put F. Alexander away for being a menace or for his own protection, but rather for being a political dissident, a menace to the Government s power. No totalitarian power would ever tolerate an ideological opponent. The government is brutal and determined to maintain their power. One way they do this is through Statefilm which is Government produced cinema. The Government uses mass media as propaganda and to sedate the populace, and Burgess draws analogies between mass media and Ludovico s Technique. Both exercise a form of mind control over their helpless victims. During in the Ludovico technique Alex is tortured so he will be physically unable to commit acts of violence without physical reappreciations. (quote from book ). It
  • 7. The Pacific Turning Point War in the Pacific Turning the Tide The turning point during the Pacific War of World War II (WWII) can be attributed to not just one single event but a gradual turning of the tide in which the strategic initiative switched from the Japanese to the Allied powers. This gradual shift can be defined by the three major battles of the Coral Sea, Battle of Midway and the Campaign in Guadalcanal. These battles spanned from 3rd May 1942 to 9th February 1943 and highlighting the entry of the United States (US) and their subsequent successes. Ultimately the turning point of the War in the Pacific is when Japan lost the strategic initiative however given the intricacies and unpredictable nature of warfare there are many factors that give reasons as ... Show more content on ... The ...integral economic unit[s]... relied heavily on the territories Japan had recently conquered which was working effectively until Japan received strong military retaliation from the US Navy which put a significant strain on Japan s ability to continue to having access to critical resources and materials. It is from this angle that differences in fighting a home front war becomes pertinent, as the US had time on its side to develop and increase its capabilities, maintain strength and eventually overwhelm and bleed the Japanese military like the Soviets bled the Germans in the European theatre. The Japanese were ready to take an Empire but were unversed in how to maintain
  • 8. Business Information Project Business Information Project MGMT 301 Spring 2014 Company Industry Research/Analysis Project Pall Corporation Currently Ranked #728 in the Fortune 1000 Company Overview: Pall Corporation is the leading global supplier of filtration, separation and purification products. It is divided into two businesses: Life Sciences and Industrial, and is headquartered in Port Washington, New York Hoover s Hoover s, Inc. (2014). Pall Corporation. [company profile]. Retrieved April 10, 2014, from Hoover s database. answer1Pall Corporation (Pall) is a B2B company that is vertically integrated in the filtration industry. It also deals with filtration complements, namely separation and purification. The company develops, manufactures, and sells ... Show more content on ... However, a non top competitor, Merck KGaA has 56 times the gross revenue as compared to Pall. (Merck became a competitor in 1998, when Pall acquired Germany based, Rochem). Answer 6 As of 2013, Pall has 9800 employees in all it s global locations Answer 7 Pall operates in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, the Philippines, Portugal, Russia, San Marino, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, the UK, the US, and Vietnam. Standard Poor s NetAdvantage Standard Poor lists Pall in the, Industrial Machinery , industry. Industrial Machinery companies have been taking advantage of the economic recovery and have been growing with year end improvements following the 2007 to 2009 economic recession. The growth, though, has been slowed down due to increasing concerns about global economic health and rising commodity prices. However, the low growth environment may prove advantageous for this industry in the next 12 to 18 months as consumer confidence increases and there are improvements in orders.This is indicated by the fact that the Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) (from the Institute for Supply Management), which shows the economic health of the manufacturing
  • 9. Essay on Satire of Mike Tyson s Biting the Ear of Evander... SATIRE When we think of boxing, we usually think of the gloves, the mouthpiece, the ring. When we think of past boxers, we can think of boxers like Muhammad Ali or George Foreman. There are present boxers like Bite Tyson and his colleague Evander Holyears . Boxing has been considered by many as a brutal sport, a sport for beasts, as many non boxing fans would say. Mike Tyson has given credit to all this talk by boxing with his mouth and not with his hands. With Mike Tyson s cannibalism and his boxing license being in jeopardy, his next opponent can be an alligator or a paranГЎ fish. Mike Tyson s style of boxing can well be described as cannibalistic. Many would say that in his previous life he was a cannibal. This hidden ... Show more content on ... Others said that his favorite candy bar is Snickers and that he lives up to their catch phrase, Hungry, why wait? Video game programmers were probably in doubt whether they should include such a move in boxing video games. Nobody really knows if Mike 2 Tyson is a cannibal or not, but future opponents are sure to keep closer to his hands than his face. Mike Tyson was about to have his boxing license taken away. My teeth were the ones at fault, he was heard saying. The judge was going to have to decide if his boxing license was taken away or his teeth. His lawyers had said that the reason for all this was because of his taste for victory, and that he felt the knockout punch coming, but that his mouth is always getting him into trouble. The judges could not have placed him in prison because he would bite his way out and escape. He kept his boxing license and was fined just a few thousand dollars. With such boxing moves, Mike Tyson can possibly face any kind of opponent. His opponents can be alligators or even paranГЎ fishes. With those sharp teeth of his, such creatures will not stand a chance against him. If his boxing career ends at some point, he will not need to worry; a zoo or a circus will be glad to hire him. His human opponents will be afraid to step into the ring with Mike. Those who are brave enough, will surely wear some kind of ear guards or even nose guards. Boxing has always been a sport of
  • 10. Carbon-14 Dating The key principle behind radiocarbon 14 dating is plants and animals exchange carbon with their surroundings and thus contain the same ratio of carbon 12 to carbon 14 once an organism dies it no longer exchanges carbon with its surroundings. The carbon 14 will slowly decay at a known rate decreasing the ratio of carbon12 to carbon 14. Since the decay rate and original ratio of carbon 12 to carbon 14 is known we can determine how old a sample is by the amount of carbon 14 remaining. There are two ways to measure the carbon 12 to carbon 14 ratio. The first being beta counting. Beta counting was the first method used to measure carbon 14 levels in a sample. Two different type of beta counting were primarily used. The first of those being liquid... Show more content on ... This then tells us the atmospheric carbon 14 to carbon 12 ratio in the year that tree ring grew in. Other atmospheric variations include coal
  • 11. Tuesdays With Morrie Critical Analysis The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die any time, said Mark Twain. When people live their life fully, nothing will be fear of not getting, there would be no regrets, and death won t be what people fear. Morrie Schwartz, a professor who have ALS. ALS is a disease that weekend the muscle and it impact the physical function. Morrie is a men who love dancing, smiling, he loved food, he love listen to people problem concern, then help them feel better. Tuesdays with Morrieby Mitch Albom, this was about Morrie and the couple of months that he have left to live. Morries have ALS, at the time when he have the disease there were no cure to it. Mitch is one of his student, Mitch come to have lesson every Tuesday with Morrie during those couple of months. During those couple of months, Morrie teach Mitch when you are dead, you learn to live. Morrie learn many things, that he never learn when he was younger. The theme of the book Tuesdays with Morrie is, was learning to live because Morrie teach Mitch many life lesson, death is not fear, and Morrie show how to let go and forgive. The first reason that the theme was learning to live because Morrie teach Mitch many life lesson. According to page 125, the author Mitch Albom wrote Money is not a substitute for tenderness, and power is not a substitute for tenderness. I can tell you, as I m sitting here dying, when you most need it, neither money nor power will give you the feeling
  • 12. Where Is It Written By Adam Schwartz Essay Where Is It Written , by Adam Schwartz, is a story about Sam who s thirteen that lives with his mother Sandra. First Sam visits his father for two weeks in late August. Then he wrote his mother Sandra a letter regarding his decision on staying with his father. Finally, his mother Sandra received his letter and called his father house to speak to Sam about him wanting to live with his father and to reject him to live with his father. Coming of ageis an important theme in which they take up for their actions. Sam came of age because he realize his motherSandra isn t who he thought she was. To begin, this story takes place in New Jersey. The author introduces Sam who is dealing with his mother Sandra. His solution to this problem is to persuade his father to sue. The author explains that he wanted to move with his father. The author also introduces us to Phyllis who is Sam s father wife, which is now sam s stepmother. The author mostly focuses on Sam and his mother Sandra the relationship between the two. Such as the shouting, smoking, bringing in different boyfriends every week. Also about the letter that Sam wrote his mother regards of his decision. Everything!The cooking, the cleaning,the shouting . Everything! [Schwartz pg. 87]. This quote refers back to the article about his mother Sandra. The most important detail provided by the author in the beginning of the story are important because they demonstrate that Sam persuades his father to sue his mother so
  • 13. The Effects Of Radiation Exposure On Medical Radiation Why is this a problem About 15% of the ionizing radiation exposure to the people comes from man made sources and almost all of these exposures are due to medical radiation, which is vastly from diagnostic and therapeutic sources(9). Out of 3 mSv annual global per caput effective dose (2000), 2.4 mSv is from natural background and 0.4 mSv from diagnostic medical exams(5,9). and since then many new therapeutic and diagnostic methods have been implemented making the exposure dose due to medical radiation to go up. The problem with this increase is that elevated risk of radiation related cancers such as of the thyroid, salivary gland, central nervous system, skin, and breast as well as leukemia.(1,6) because of these observed risks the use ... Show more content on ... Although there are recommendations and guidelines they are modified by criteria where the patient is at high risk for dental caries(9). How to minimize dose Dental X rays accounts for about 2.5 percent of the effective dose from all forms of medical radiographs (75). As previously discussed, dental radiation exposure is low; but, it is the dentists responsibility to follow the guidelines such as ALARA (As Low as Reasonably Achievable) and ALADA (As Low as Diagnostically Acceptable) principles(3). Some of the ways that can that be helpful in minimizing dosage are use of the fastest image receptor compatible with the diagnostic task (F speed film or digital)(1), proper film exposure and processing techniques, collimation of the beam to the size of the receptor, use of protective aprons and thyroid collars, (8) and limiting the number of images obtained to the minimum necessary to obtain essential diagnostic information. Frequency of exams As previously mentioned Dental professionals need to carefully examine the patient health history, oral clinical observation and caries risk assessment to determine if radiographs are necessary and keep the exposure ALARA (As Low as Reasonably Achievable). When it comes to determining caries, a (child/adolescent) patient with clinical caries and increased risk will need Posterior bitewing exam at 6 12 month
  • 14. Similarities Between Secular And Secular Music Secular music and music intended for mass both played important roles in medieval culture. For a while, the only music was made for worship. There were certain themes and purposes that shaped church music to be the way that it was and the same with non religious music, each had a purpose. There are characteristics of each that separate them from each other and then some characteristics that make them one. One would not be the same today without the other. These styles of musicserved as a source of inspiration for later music to come. Some basic similarities between the two types of music were that both secular and religious music was monophonic, which is when a single melody is sung by a single person or by a choir in which each member sings the same part. Secular and religious music were intended for communicating feelings and gave a way to express emotions in a way like never before and both originated from oral cultures and passed down from memory until religious composers became more literate. Monks and members of the church choir were the main performers of religious music intended for mass and the troubadors, trouveres, and joungleurs were the performers of secular music. Unlike secular music, music intended for mass was taken from or inspired by the Bible for worship and was seen as a musical prayer. Singing about the scripture was another and a more intimate way to experience the Holy Spirit rather than just reading from scripture. Secular music was intended for parties and dancing mainly about love and used to entertain people. Some ... Show more content on ... Instruments used during mass were looked down upon because it was said that they caused a distraction between the people and God. Instruments used for non religious music such as dances and festivals were the vielle, harp, psaltery, flute, shawm, bagpipe, and
  • 15. A Truly Beautiful Soul in The Idiot, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky... The Russian novelist Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky stands at the very summit of Russian literature. No 19th century writer had greater psychological insight or philosophical depth. None speaks more immediately and passionately to the mood and tone of the present century. This essay will discuss how Dostoyevskys intent to portray a truly beautiful soulmanifests itself in the novel The Idiot, and access Dostoyevsky s success or failure in achieving his intention. Dostoyevsky confesses in his letter to Maikov dated January 12, 1868 that his desperate situation compelled him to resort to the fascinating and tempting, but nonetheless difficult and premature thought of portraying a wholly beautiful individual. As a ... Show more content on ... This would suggest that Myshkin could not possibly embody beauty since he is ineffectual and destructive and ultimately inadvertently assists a murder of a physically beautiful woman. I will try to show in my essay though that although this is a deliberately pessimistic and truthful hypothesis, Dostoyevsky does portray a truly beautiful soul . The proposal of The Idiot is to expose the contradiction between worldly and heavenly values: a saint , like Prince Myshkin, is considered an idiot . He doesn t see what everybody sees, because he has got his eyes set not in other people s faces, but in their souls. Just like the author, he is a psychologist: and a psychologist not only with a complete understanding of every individual s minds, but also full of compassion for each one of their failures. Once again, we see the triad compassion /forgiveness/love as the main message of the book. Prince Myshkin is Dostoyevsky s positive character. He is an ideal Christian and lives by the virtue of such ideals. He is compassionate, benevolent, patient and forgiving. He arrives in Russia at the age of twenty six having spent four years in Switzerland treating his epilepsy and mental illness. He refers to himself as an idiot because of this illness. The reason for his arrival to St. Petersburg is to start a new life with the help of his distant relative Elizaveta Prokofievna Yepanchin. At their family home he is attracted to Aglaya as a new hope. He
  • 16. Child Soldier Satire Picture this: You were in a war and fighting with all your guts. Fear was crawling upon you and you tried to hold back all your tears, red covering your face like a blanket. But you might be thinking why you only are crying as their are other men also fighting? But that s because you are a child soldier who had just committed a murder. Across the nation worldwide, there are several thousands of children who aren t close to home but are in the warzone. Among those many childsoldiers, there are a handful of them who have committed acts of murder. But should they be forgiven of their crimes, bad deeds or actions? Child soldiers should be given amnesty because they have very little say in their decisions, they are drugged with many drugs and are... Show more content on ... In Child Soldiers: Victims or Perpetrators , it quotes, Rehabilitation programs are comprehensive and have proven successful. Take the case of the former Sierra Leone child soldier Ishmael Beah. After being caught in the center of a vicious civil war in Sierra Leone, Ishmael was forced to become a child soldier. Years later he was taken to a rehabilitation center and has gone to become a semi famous musician. Rehabilitation still teaches child soldiers their wrong doings but don t prosecute them, because they are just kids who also make mistakes. They are still shown the right ways and given second chances to child soldiers as well. Rehabilitation allows them to reevaluate themselves and see what they want to to do next in their life, which is the best way to still be punished for wrongdoing but still be given amnesty. According to the article, Should child soldiers be prosecuted for their crimes? , by Irin News, it states, Prosecution of a child should always be regarded as a measure of last resort and the purpose of any sentence should be to rehabilitate and reintegrate the child into society. In this piece of text, it states how prosecution should never be the first thing done when a child soldier has committed a murder but should be allow the child to learn for their wrongs and go into the path of right and be taught how to live in a society rather than being
  • 17. Francis Bok Summary Francis could not understand their language, the murahaliin took Francis among all the children he had kidnapped, Francis was confused because he was separated from the others, so the murahaliin took him to his home with his family and introduced him to his wife and his children Francis did not understand what that they were saying but apparently the man s wife did not seem at all pleasant the boy Dinka, however the children of the Arab beat him while they laughed and sang a song which repeated the word abeed Francis tried to understand what the word abeed meant, but he could not find the meaning of that word that those children with pleasure repeated while hitting it again and again. Francis was the charge of care cattle of man Arab, everyday that was his work to be taking care of cattle, while the son of murahaliin called Hamid had to watch... Show more content on ... For ten years that little kid was a slave. When he was 17, he finally escaped and went to U.S.A to begin a new life. His mission was to end slavery in Sudan. With his help and the work of others, the result was Sudan Peace Act. The passage of the Sudan Peace Act and Talisman s withdrawal from Sudan has proven how powerful such grassroots human rights activism can be. Francis Bok is a person who fought for his freedom. While he was growing up he made decisions about his life, he went to the Highline Elementary School in Aurora, Colorado until he graduated from the college to prepared himself and become a great person. Also he was in many parts of. United States. Many journalists have interviewed him and written about slavery in Sudan. Many people listened his story and they helped him to rescue all Sudanes
  • 18. Personal Narrative Plague Plague Narrative Sam walked down the corpse ridden street. The smell would have been unbearad past an old abandoned tavern as a horse drawn cart hobbled by full of reeking bodies. The Plague had started 37 years ago when the gallys had arrived at Italy s port. When the Plague hit, great panic almost spread as fast as the Plague itself. People adopted insane Ideas of how this happened and what to do. Even though Sam lived at a small town he had heard rumors of a exceptionally psychotic group called the flagellation. Sam had ran away to this small country village trying to escape from the Plague. But it seemed just as bad out here. Sam was 22 and was born into the Plague. He lost his mother to it and his father had left him at the age of 9. Luckily Sam had been able to dodge its corruption. Sam continued walking down the street in eerie silence. A cartdriver turned the corner with his withered horse. He stopped and looked down at Sam. He had a blue coat on and had brown hair, he looked around the age of 30. Do you have any body s sir? Asked the driver... Show more content on ... The cart driver hobbled away as the smell of rotting corpses wafted through the streets. Sam began to turn back and resume his walk but a horrible yell came from a boarded up house. Sam trotted over to the dilapidated house. The house was painted blue but it was chipped. Some of the roof was caved in and the door had splintered boards nailed across the broken door frame. He easily pulled off a splintery board and crawled
  • 19. Age Specific Reproduction The effects of age specific breeding and matriarch presence on elephant reproduction Introduction Although Robinson et al. was not able to determine the overall the long term effects of early life reproduction, they provided results that show the immediate effects of age specific reproduction. The impact of reproduction on younger females is an important part of elephant survival, however, it is the impact of reproduction over time that provides understanding of the future of elephant populations. In order to show the later life effects of reproduction, Hayward et al. studied the survival of calves and annual breeding success of elephants throughout their lives and into their older age. Background Elephant populations in the wild are declining ... Show more content on ... produced a study that examined the later life consequences of breeding on a population, particularly breeding early in life. Hayward et al. also used the Myanmar timber camp Elephas maximus to perform the research, looking at the records of 416 reproductive captive born mothers and their offspring. The elephants used were from 8 regions of the Myanmar timber camps with the youngest breeding being 5 years of age and the oldest being 53. The mean age at the first birth of offspring was 19.48 years with the maximum number of lifetime calves being 10 calves. Hayward et al. discovered that individuals who didn t produce calves before the age of 19 had lower calf survival than those who produced one or more calves before the age of 19. Although beginning reproduction earlier in life is correlated with a shorter lifespan, the cost is outweighed with higher annual breeding success as well as increased calf survival (Hayward et al). The investment of energy and resources into breeding at an early age increases the chance of calf survival but also results in shorter lifespans compared to those who begin reproduction later in life (Hayward et al.). Based on the findings, the costs of early life reproduction are offset by higher lifetime breeding success in younger elephants. The breeding success of younger elephants can be attributed not only to early reproduction, but also to older females in a herd. While Hayward et al. observes the effects of young
  • 20. The Controversy Over Mark Twain s The Adventures of... The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is a controversial book that has raised heated debates across America for the past century. It was ranked fifth most challenging books out of one hundred in the 1990s (Chadwick 2). Although this book is a hot topic, it should remain on shelves, and still be taught in schools. While Huck Finn seems to be only a book of satire, most want this book banned because it is seen as highly racial. The reading of Huck Finn is humiliating to back students. It contributes to low self esteem. Only the insensitive and often unwittingly racist teachers respond This book is a classic (Washington post 6). The use of the word niggerupsets many black students and instigates the other students to use... Show more content on ... The book is so comical, and lively all the way through. What makes this book so controversial is the fact that the word nigger is used more than 200 times in the book, but Twain simply used the term as they would back then. Can you say anyone dislikes Jim? No, we grow fond of him, perhaps love him. The n word is not demining (Jones 154). Shelly Fisher Fishkin quotes, Huck Finn is the greatest anti racist novel by an American writer today. This is proven in chapter XXXIV of Huck Finn when Huck knew helping Jim may get them killed, but he chooses to try to make him a free man. The book possesses good qualities, and morals. Huck could have turned Jim in; but kept him a secret and stayed afloat the river of freedom. We can also learn that our society is not what is seems. Although everyone is of Christian faith, they still own slaves, and are morally bad people. The novel presents a new perspective on today s society and how it is still very much like Twain s time. The need to ban this book from shelves and schools should stop. People need to start to embrace this book with meaning and the humor it possesses. The Banned Books Week Club celebrates the First Amendment and the freedom to read by posting a list of banned books that society should read, Huck Finn being 6th on the list (Adler7). In schools teachers need to learn how to explain Twain instead of banning his works of literature.
  • 21. William Shakespeare s Othello Intro What is this book? Why would you read this? Why did you bother to pick this up? Well I have no clue why you are reading this. So If you are bored continue reading. You probably would read this book because it is about a girl that has Aspergers and has a tough time after her brother died. I was forced to read this book back in fifth grade because of a book report. So we looked for a book that I could read at the time. We found Mockingbird. At the time I had no clue if it was going to be good or not. I liked the book surprisingly. if I have to read a book for a class I read it, but this book I just wanted to continue reading. I made a lot of connections at the time because I felt people at school where being absolute jerks to me ... Show more content on ... These are all ways a person with asperger s would do. The information found from is asperger syndrome. Dads Perspective Dad is the father of Caitlin and was working on this chest with his son Devan, but at school one day devan was shot.(chapter 1 2). From that day on dad never finished the chest. Catlin tried to convince dad that by finishing the chest they would be brought together again. Dad goes to the store to buy supplies for the chest Catlin and dad are now building. But dad still has trouble building the chest because it was a project meant for his son and him.(chapter 1 page 2) It takes awhile for him to realize that if he builds it, he would have less stress and be more free. He was stressed because he would never finish the project with his son. The last few chapters of the story dad finally finished the chest, he felt happy finishing it with caitlin. When reading this I thought the piece of the puzzle was found and put in. the last chapter dad and caitlin feel better that they now know that the killer was brought to justice. Connections This book shows how 1 person can impact a lot in someone s life. That person can be anyone. They can have major impacts. My grandfather died and he was a big role model to me because he showed me a lot of things I could do in life. Back in 1995 Jerry Garcia died, he was the lead singer for the grateful dead. That impacted their community a lot because the band was not whole
  • 22. Liesel Mueller s What The Dog Perhaps Hears Liesel Mueller s What the Dog Perhaps Hears is a poem about change. Mueller uses figurative language appealing to a person s sense of hearing. With this imagery, Mueller conveys that change is silent and often goes by unnoticed. The narrator asks the dog if he can hear the asparagus heaving headfirst or the roots mining the earth. Because dogs have a more acute sense of hearing than humans do, the narrator is, in a way, asking if perhaps the dog can hear the change oncoming, because humans cannot. This is especially prominent in the last stanza, which states that For us there was no birth cry...and we heard nothing when the world changed. With other images such as the continuous whir because the child in the house keeps growing and the sound of spiders breathing, the narrator sets a tranquil scene where silence is not out of the ordinary. But in turn, the narrator questions if the silence is not silence at all, but the sounds of change that are above the shut off level of our simple ears. ... Show more content on ... Upon arriving, her family settled in the Midwest, amongst urban and suburban areas. In 1953, Mueller s mother died, spurning a very prolific period for Mueller in the world of poetry. It isn t until the 1960 s, when she married Pauel Mueller and moved into a house he built in Lake Forest, Illinois, that Mueller becomes familiar with nature and the aspects of a rural lifestyle. This time in her life offers many inspirations for her, as many of her poems speak of domestic and semi rural life. Currently, Mueller lives in
  • 23. The Difference Between Sex and Gender In today s society sex and gender seem to have two separate connotative meanings. Sex is a more scientific term that explains physical traits and sexual preferences. Gender carries a more social tone. Meaning that it refers to the different clothing, activities, career choices, and positions people hold in society. A person s social status helps separate or classify the two sexes. br br Sex is the total sum of physical characteristics that distinguish males and females from each other. The most distinctive difference in characteristics is that man and women have different reproductive organs. This is pretty obvious and so are other traits like facial hair, deep voices, and muscular builds. It is not often that you see a six foot five... Show more content on ... With the rapid changes in gender equality it is not as easy to separate sex by what a person does for a living. What position they hold in society or a household is not a good indication either. Years ago I could have said that if a person is a police officer, a soldier, a fireman, a politician, a lawyer, a doctor or any type of highly paid professional than that person must be a man. Back then this would have been a pretty good hypothesis. The father was the man of the house. The minister was always male and there was no such thing as women in sports. br br I could have probably also said that if a person was a secretary, a grade school teacher, a receptionist, a nurse, a maid, or a homemaker then that person must be a woman. People in the female group or gender worked lower paying less demanding jobs because It was believed that a woman could not handle the pressures that a man s job required. br br With the absence of the father figure in many American homes women have taken over as head of the house. They juggle home life and work to keep their families together so that they can properly raise their children. br br Women have broken the gender barrier in almost every sport except for football and hockey. Some women s sports are pretty interesting to watch. I like to look at women s track, basketball, and boxing every now
  • 24. Westward Migration Ongoing attention to the Colorado River emphasizes its crucial role as the lifeblood that sustains millions of Americans across dozens of cities and countless farms in the American West. For the seven states that comprise the Colorado River Basin Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming the Colorado River has stimulated growth and opportunity for generations. Today it is as important as ever for leaders, residents and visitors to this beautiful and dynamic region of the country. Westward migration in the early 20th century made the challenge of gaining beneficial use from the Colorado River s unpredictable and often destructive flows more urgent. The basin s seven states struck a historic agreement in 1922 and ... Show more content on ... Balancing the vital need for water and related resources with an obligation to protect environmental and ecological health poses an increasingly complex challenge. The Bureau of Reclamation manages CRSP and other Colorado River projects to develop and protect water and related resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner for the American public. It works actively with federal, tribal, state, local and non governmental partners to adaptively manage the river system with an eye toward greater societal awareness and the importance of healthy ecosystems particularly downstream of the dam through Glen and Grand
  • 25. Corporate Social Responsibility And Human Rights CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBLITY Nicholas S Jones ACED 4050 Valdosta State University March 20, 2016 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESRPONSIBILITY (CSR) Introduction Today, the world faces numerous challenges ranging from dreadful environmental conditions through poverty and human rights, to energy and resource supply issues. Social responsibility policy focuses on using the capabilities of a business to improve lives and sustain our planet through contributions to local communities and society at large. In other words, a business should fully realize it s potential as an organization to make a better world through corporate self regulation assimilated into a business module. CSR and Human Rights The global community expects companies to operate with due admiration for human rights. Beyond meeting regulatory requirements and social expectations in areas in which they operate, by proactively presenting more rigorous international standards such as the United Nations Global Compact, companies will reinforce their commitment to human rights. In 1998 the Secretary General of the UN, declared that he was building a more solid relationship with the business community. Thriving markets and human security goes hand in hand: without one we will not have the other (Annan, 1998, p. 1820). Afterwards, a World Economic Forum was held in 1999. At the forum, Kofi Annan introduced what is known the Global Compact . This is the ten principles agreement between the
  • 26. A Brief Note On The And Its Effects On The Wastewater... Executive Summary Severodvinsk has its economy based on industry, mainly in shipbuilding yards, civilian vessels construction and repair, manufacture of marine tools and the most important submarine, nuclear submarines and military equipment. Severodvinsk is situated on the shore of two different water sources: White Sea and Northen Dvine River. There are around five months with relative high temperatures when the snow will melt, raising the volume of river and sewage. Saying that separate system is useful to guarantee a low variation of flow into the sewage. The unit will be based on a preliminary, primary, secondary and tertiary treatments as for this project the pre treatment for industrial wastes will not be considered, even though ... Show more content on ... Saying that, some assumption must be taken. The design is supposed to meet the demand of whole year with low variation of efficacy. Waste water treatment plants consists on a series of processes and units to produce a specific effluent of known composition and flow rate. These treatments are essential to deal with domestic, industrial and agricultural contaminations and pollutants mainly considering solids of organic nature. The main focus on this design will be organic compounds in the domestic waste water BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) and TSS (Total Suspended Solids). Based on the Royal Commission for UK and Ireland the concentrations of effluents to be disposed on receiving water are 20mg/L for BOD5 and 30mg/L for TSS as theses parameters apparently would not cause any harm and will not be favourable for other process such as eutrophication. Considering that Severodvinsk is situated close to the Dvina River and White Sea these concentrations does not need to be highly restricted once that there is plenty of water available for further dilutions. Is important to have in mind that low parameters involves high investments in processes and equipments. Before start designing the processes itself is essential to understand the flows and concentrations of BOD5 and TSS that are running into the units. Some
  • 27. A Country Measure Ourselves Using Poverty We as a country measure ourselves using poverty, which is one of the key social indicators. The less fortunate persons in the United States are too disparate to be categorized along any one dimension. This paper illustrates the poverty measures that vary by selected features that consist of poverty measures, income of the people, the depth of poverty, and poverty relief. The Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplements (CPS ASEC) directed by the U.S. Census Bureau conducted statistics on poverty in the United States was done in the year 2014. The research shows that real median household income in 2013 was not statistically different from the 2012 median income. The approved poverty rate reduced between 2012 and 2013... Show more content on ... The new measure creates a multipart statistical picture integrating supplementary items such as tax outflows and work outlays in its family reserve assessments. Inceptions used in the new portion are derivative from Consumer Expenditure Survey expenditure statistics on necessities, that is, food, shelter, clothing, and utilities. These are accustomed for environmental alterations in the cost of housing. The new inceptions are not envisioned to assess suitability for government programs. The Census Bureau published preliminary poverty assessments using the new approach in November 2011, November 2012, and November 2013 (Iceland, 2013). Poverty tolls were lower for youngsters, sophisticated for those aged 18 to 64 and 65 years, and older than under the sanctioned poverty ration. The proportion of all 25 54 year olds who hold jobs (i.e., prime age employment ) was nearly five percent lower in November 2013, that is, six years after the start of Great Recession, than it was in December 2007, both for men and women equivalent. The ratio for men, currently at 82.7, is the 10th worst ratio over the last thirteen years. The ratio for women is currently at 69.2, is the twelfth worst ratio over the last thirteen years. The long term joblessness ratio for men and women equally is near the all time extraordinary for the period since 2000. Even though the Great Recession ended
  • 28. How Does Steinbeck Present Crooks Discrimination John Steinbeck explores the theme of discrimination in the novel Of Mice and Men illustrating the insignificance of some of the characters for being characterized as different. Discrimination is portrayed throughout the novel trough three simple ways: racism, sexism and disability. Racism is a major discrimination throughout the novel for Crooks as he is black. Curley s wife points out how insignificant crooks is as she says I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain t even funny. Curley s wife is threatening to lynch Crooks while talking to him. This illustrates how trivial a black man can be compared to a white woman despite living in the 1930s when there is a great deal of sexism towards women. Crooks is also treated less by the rest of the ranchmen as he is isolated. They let the nigger come in that night. Crooks was allowed into the bunkhouse on Christmas day. This demonstrates how Crooks is physically separated, like the animals, from he white workers. They also just refer to Crooks as the nigger this shows the lack of respect directed at him through the use of vulgar words.... Show more content on ... Curley s wife is referred to as a tramp with unsporting evidence of actually ever being unfaithful. The men do not like to see her out of her home as they probably have a stereotypical mindset that women are suppose to stay at home. The men are misogynistic and describe Curley s wife as a bitch . This meaning that the men hate her flirtatious ways but she is also seen as a danger. This is because she is forced to recognize that her sexuality is the only weapon she has, and the only thing that gets her noticed as she is Curley s property therefore he tries to control
  • 29. Social Class And Social Work Essay The purpose of this assignment is to Examine the extent to which social class determines life chances in contemporary Britain, and explore the relevance of the issue for students on a social work degree. Within this document I will identify and explore key concepts and approaches in the sociological analysis of social differentiation in modern society. I will then use these concepts and apply them to contemporary britain in order to explain how social classinfluences an individual s life chances. I will also discuss and examine the value of these theories to students on a social work course. Sociology is fluid in the way in which theories become less central to sociological thinking as time progresses. The theory of social class in particular was very prominent throughout the 1950 s 1970 s where social class divisions were seen as central to understanding differences in opportunity and life chances. Social class has been defined as a division of a society based on social and economic status. (1) These theories of social class were developed and studied by the likes of Marx, Weber and Durkheim. The theory of class has been subject to some criticism however since it fails to explain other forms of inequality such as race, gender and sexuality. Although there have been many attempts to link these inequalities to social class, no such connection has been found and other theoretical approaches have been needed from the likes of Andrew Pilkington, Kathwood Woodward and
  • 30. Why U Shouldnt Use Drugs Why you shouldn t use drugs Drug use is a growing rapidly in the United States, especially among teens and even younger kids. whether its marijuana, cocaine, or anything else considered illegal. The misuse of drugs can lead to negative consequences in ones life. There are many in depth reasons for not leading a path of illegal drug abuse. The first major reason being your physical health. Inhaling drugs like marijuana clearly is dangerous. If done enough, it can have the same effects that smoking cigarettes can cause. Marijuana has five times as much tar as the amount of tobacco. Injecting drugs with needles, such as heroine, can be fatal in a shorter time. Consider that every time the addict ... Show more content on ... However, even friends will leave the addict to his own choices, and may decide to stop socializing with them. The addict, already losing his or her family, will have lost all social friends too. The next reason is depression. Depression can turn anyone towards drugs. Many drugs such as pills, marijuana and cocaine offer an escape from the sadness. If the addicted continues to use drugs, loses friends and family, he will inevitably have troubles with depression, which will create for a sad lonely miserable life for the user. Also one other main reason can be Mental Illness. Even worse than depression, which people experience every day, is the fact that the chances for mental illness are higher for the addicted person than for the non addict. It could also be said the addicts are
  • 31. already acting in an insane way by choosing something like cocaine, heroine, or meth over family and friends. Another major reason is Money, and getting money for the drug. Where will addicts go once they lose their job? Often, money is the major concern of addicts. Some will take to selling drugs just to get by. Either way, the user will spend most of the money they earn on more drugs. They are often willing to steal and borrow to continue using drugs. This is a result in them having no money left and being willing to do many things to get their next drug. One other good reason is school, and
  • 32. Satire In Mean Girls Mean Girls is a critically acclaimed movie known for its benevolent satire that circulates around the reality and cruelty of high school life featuring social status, class, gender and race in today s society. The beginning of the movie starts out with the main character Cady Heron, venturing to her first day of being at an actual American high school after being home schooled in Africa all her life. She experiences a severe culture shock just on her first day once she realizes everyone isn t as friendly and open as they may have been in Africa. Cady takes goes about her first day taking mental notes on everything she runs into, the un fair, untrusting high school teachers and rude, cruel student body. However, Cady does eventually meet some ... Show more content on ... Regina feels as if because she has a lot of money and the freedom to do whatever she wants, that she can take advantage of other people who she feels are less than her because of their social status as a nerd or unpopular . During this scene, a critical part in the movie is brought to attention. The Burn Book which is a book that the plastics have put together that features pictures of all the people at their school that they don t like and/or want to get revenge on. Next to their pictures are nasty comments about them, which later backfires after Regina is excluded from the plastics and decides to take Karen, Gretchen, Cady socially down with her by turning The Burn Book into the principal s office. Once she speaks to the principal, she explain how she had nothing to do with The Burn Book and how Karen, Cady, and Gretchen are the sole creators of the book because they re the only ones who aren t in it. Regina then copies all of the pages in The Burn Book , handing out the papers around school so everyone can see the lies and rumors spread about them. This creates chaos throughout the social classes in the school, everyone ends up fighting (mostly the girls) and that s when everyone realizes that their mental representations of other people are just as shallow as the lies and rumors being spread about
  • 33. `` Howl `` By Allen Ginsberg Howl by Allen Ginsberg can be labeled as a prose poem, but it does not seem to fit any one category in literature. One could argue that Howl can not be confined by categorization because of how different in style and form that it is. This version of the poem was published in 1956 and has three parts. It can be viewed as a stream of consciousness with many random comma placements and few chances to take a breath while reading it. The poem is constantly building upon itself giving the reader little time to pause. The long stretched out lines help add to this effect of, what Ginsberg called, a big long clanky statement (492). By stretching out the sentences Ginsberg adds to the overall lengthy feeling that the poem has. The beginning of the poem has a dedication to Carl Solomon, a friend Ginsberg met in the Columbia Psychiatric Institute. He drew inspiration from Solomon s work in Howl and thought highly of him as an intellectual person. The first line of the poem reads, I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, and the speaker continues on from there (492). Right away readers are thrown into the speaker s view and what he has seen in his life. The first misplaced comma is one of many, but symbolizes the chaos that he is describing all around him. In our class discussion we talked about how the speaker alienates an older generation in this quote because he is speaking about the younger generation that he is part of. This
  • 34. Essay Shouldice Hospital Case 1Model Shouldice Hospital as a processing operation with products, attributes and resources. 2What are its competitive priorities? 3What kind of market has it chosen to focus on? Shouldice Hospital follows the business model of focus on a single standardized service for a narrow target of consumers, rather than to provide customized solution (as in a general clinic or hospital). It focuses on providing quick, convenient, and reliable cure for external types of abdominal hernias. The Hospital uses its own technique, called the Shouldice Method and claims to provide relatively short post operative recovery period. Shouldice Hospital focus on hernia repair surgery which is mostly performed on males. Shouldice operation strategy ... Show more content on ... 4How does its operations strategy support its business strategy? Shouldice Hospital had an excellent well developed, focused service delivery system. The business strategy was to not only provide its patients with a quick, quality and low cost surgery but also providing an unforgettable experience and comfortable environment in the facility. Operations Keys for successful business strategy: Warm and friendly environment 1)Hospital is carpeted to get rid of the feel and helps in reduce disinfecting smell. The objective is to have friendly environment that will help patient recuperate faster. 2)Patients are given rooms that they share with a roommate generally from a similar professional background or shares similar hobbies. This encourages building of partnerships and sharing of medical notes. 3)Patients are encouraged to enjoy their meals in the common cafeteria, so that they get a chance to interact not only with other patients but also with other doctors. Appropriate market segment to keep cost low. 1)Healthy people who are perceived to heal and recover faster are admitted to hospital to keep the duration of the patient stays down. New patients are admitted with a higher frequency rate. 2)Hospital is a non profit organization; cutting down on patient stays reduces costs substantially. 3)If patient is healthy enough to walk around the place, his linen need not be washed regularly (after he leaves) and he does not need bed
  • 35. Hvac Technician Research Paper Some Tools and Equipment needed in the HVAC Industry and Troubleshooting It is important when working in the HVAC field that you have the proper tools to get the job done. An HVAC technician needs to be equipped with the special, proper tools in order to construct, troubleshoot, and repair anything necessary to his job. When working in the field the HVAC technician must work with electricity. Usually to fix equipment that has already been wired and needs to be either fixed or rewired. The technician needs to the tools necessary to work with electricity safely. Pliers and Clippers come in a number of sizes and shapes designed for special applications. We always prefer pliers with insulated handles when working near Hot wires. Long nose pliers are used for close work in panels or boxes. Slip Joint, or gas, Pliers are used to tighten locknuts or small nuts. Wire cutter are used to cut wire to size. A good option to go would be to buy a set of fuse pullers. This takes away the danger of pulling fuses out by hand.... Show more content on ... Screwdrivers are preferably equipped with insulated handles for working on various electrical jobs. As for wrenches there are three types of wrenches used in the Air Conditioning field; the adjustable open end wrench, pipe wrenches which are commonly used for conduit work, and a monkey wrench which are used on hexagonal and square fittings. Electric Meters are extremely important to the technician for troubleshooting electric related problems. There are several different types of meters needed in order to work on an Air Condition unit. Three most important meters are the Voltmeter, the Ammeter, and the Ohmmeter. Luckily for us we can find all three of these features on just one electric meter. A Voltmeter you will use to determine what the system voltage is running, an Ammeter you will use to check the current moving through out your wires, and the Ohmmeter you will use to check
  • 36. Women s Unequal Pay Women s Unequal Pay Equality. The definition of equality in the Declaration of Independence states that, all men are created equal. According to this constitution that we live in correlation with, it suggest and says that we are the same, no one is greater than anyone, whether it be a woman or man. In response to the statement, why should women be paid less than men? Woman should and deserve the right be paid equally for the same jobs they possess in comparison to men. Women have always been seen inferior to men, and in a result has impacted us in a negative way that affects us by being paid lower. In Obama s State Address, he mentioned that for every dollar a man earns a woman earns seventy seven cents (Obama). Women nowadays take place and are in an environment where their jobs are equal or even higher than men, yet they still get paid less. Personally I believe that it is unfair for this situation to take place because women have transformed from the past. In the past, women have been perceived as only the mother and that they should stay home and take care of the children, and to have the food ready for their husband, to be the typical wife. Back then women were not forced nor allowed to take place in the working environment; this was the husband s job. Times have changed and so have women, now that there are more advancements in our modern time, such as technology, we have taken charge and made an impact in learning, working, and wanting to pursue
  • 37. Analysis Of The Poisonwood Bible The Poisonwood Bible: Journal #1 In The Poisonwood Bible, the novel opens with a narrative instruction, and it has an effect on the reader in one main way. The directive is meant to make the reader put him/herself in the setting of the story, and read it as if you are in the novel. In the opening paragraph, it tells us, I want you to be its conscience, the eyes in the trees, which is telling the reader to read the novel as if you are there (Kingsolver 5). This suggests about the novel that the Price family is going to do missionary work in Africa, and there are going to be events that occur to show what happens when they go to Africa. When Orleanna continues her narration, the you that she is speaking to appears to be the God that she believes in. Orleanna states, Your bright eyes bear down on me without cease, which shows that she is talking to someone from above (Kingsolver 7). The great disasters that Orleanna alludes is when her and her family do missionary work in Africa. The reason why she is telling the story looking back on Africa and the girls tell it as if it is happening is because they both have different perspectives on the whole situation. Orleanna is talking about something that she has experienced while she was in Africa, and the girls talk about stuff that happens in their everyday lives. Orleanna is talking about the whole trip at one time, while the girls take it step by step. In the novel Kingsolver uses voice to characterize each sister by giving them their own way how they describe events, and they use different languages. Leah is the twin of Adah, and she loves her father very much. She follows in his footsteps, and tries to act like him. Ruth May is the youngest of all the sisters, and she is very innocent. She goes along with everything that happens, and tries to make the best of it. Rachel is the oldest of the sisters, and she always compares her life in Africa to hers in Georgia. She is very privileged, and she complains a lot. The last of the sisters is Adah, and she is Leah s twin sister. Adah is not like her family at all, and she always talks about how she doesn t believe in God, and that she is not interested in her family s missionary work. I think that the voice that
  • 38. An Islamic State Of Iraq And The Levant ISIS is known as the Isalamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Its goal is to create an Islamic state across Sunni areas of Iraq and in Syria. ISIS is notoriously known for holding public executions and committing large scale attacks to capture and maintain conquered territory. The leader is Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, but little is known about him. However, it is known that before he joined Al Qaeda in Iraq, he had formed a militant group in Salaheddin and Diyala provinces north of the Iraq capital. Al Baghdadi wanted to gain more power and expand his group s operations on a wider scale. On April 8, 2013, Al Baghdadi stated that his group, formerly known as ISI, would be known as ISIS. Al Baghdadi believes that all Muslims should live by sharia law under a single Islamic state. Based on its forced violence, ISIS presents itself as the alternative to Al Qaeda within the jihadi community. Since the establishment of the group s new name, ISIS has been becoming a rising threat to all countries. As of 2014, ISIS has been gaining control of many territories, and has shown constant refusal to acknowledge state borders. ISIS gained the public media s attention when they posted a YouTube video of the decapitation of James Foley, and threatened to kill other U.S. citizens. In less than a month later, the same group revealed a video of the beheading of Steven Sotloff. The third circulated public execution is of David Haines, a British aid worker. ISIS s first two posted killings were American
  • 39. Ginger Rogers Research Paper The summer of 1911 Hollywood star, Ginger Rogers, was born in Independence, Missouri. Ginger, a young and talented girl, grew up to be a famous and one of the highest paid stars in Hollywood, America s most famous city for acting. Ginger grew up to be a very successful actress due to the support and help of family and friends. On July sixteenth of 1911, Lela McMath gave birth to Virginia Katherine McMath. Virginia was born in a front room in a two room house on Moore Street in Independence, Missouri (Ginger Rogers2010). Virginia changed her name to Ginger because of her younger cousin, Helen, who mispronounced her name as Ginja (Bio. 2016). Shortly after Virginia was born, Lela divorced her husband, William McMath, and left her daughter with her parents, Walter and Saphrona Ball Owens, as she went off to Hollywood to begin writing movies (Ginger Rogers 2010). Those who knew Ginger as a little girl said that she could dance before she walked. Ginger Rogers once said My mother told me I was dancing before I was born. She could feel my toes tapping wildly inside her for months (Bio. 2016). Ginger grew up having a passion and love for dancing and performing, At the age of 9, Ginger s mother got married to John Rogers ... Show more content on ... 2016). This represents her hard work and determination for what she wanted. She never wanted to be given anything because then she couldn t enjoy it. Another quote she said was When two people are in love, they don t look at each other: they look in the same direction (Bio. 2016). This represents how she didn t take all the credit for all the success she had with her career. How her and her mother looked in the same direction, went after it, and succeeded. It is said that Ginger credited most of her success to her mom (Ginger Rogers 2016). That Ginger would have never been able to do what she did without the help and support of her
  • 40. Comparison Of Modernism In A Streetcar Named Desire And A... The word modernism in literature means something new and untraditional that reevaluates the accepted principles of our world. Modernism is a style of writing that became popular in the early 1900 s. This style was developed in the period of WWI, a time of many important social changes. A Streetcar Named Desire and A Long Day s Journey Into Night are two plays that exemplify the style of modernism. Journey is a modernist novel with a tragic storyline about the Tyrone family. The main conflict in Streetcar is modernist because of the traditional, fundamentalist thinking. Each of these plays contains a character who represents a very important aspect of modernist literature: the burden of the past. This device is used distinctively in each of these two plays. While some similarities between Blanche Duboisand Mary Tyrone are evident, their differences are notable. Blanche Dubois, from A Streetcar Named Desire, carries the heavy burden of her past. Blanche was in love with a young man. She discovered her husband in bed with an older man, someone whom she had believed was just his friend. When confronted about the incident, he took his own life by shooting himself in the head. Compounding the sorrow of her husband s violent suicide, Blanche becomes increasingly fragile with the loss of the DuBois family home, Belle Reve. After the death of her parents, she goes through many financial and personal struggles. Blanche has always been burdened by her tormenting past, the loss of
  • 41. White Noise Sociology White Noise is a supernatural thriller movie released year 2005. The film directed by Geoffrey Sax, starring Michael Keaton as Jonathan Rivers, a man haunted by the mysterious disappearance and death of his wife Anna, and trying to contact him from another dimension. Chandra West as Anna Rivers, a best selling author and wife of Jonathan Rivers. Nicholas Elia as Mike Rivers, Jonathan son to his first wife. Ian McNeice as Raymond Price, his doing paranormal that helps Rivers comes in contact with his wife through the phenomenon of Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP). Deborah Kara Unger as Sarah Tate, who also came to Raymond for his EVP work because she lost her fiancГ© and befriends Jonathan. Sarah Strange as Jane (Ex wife) The film started one ... Show more content on ... Jonathan was so happy that day even his working colleague notice it. He bought flowers for Anna and he want to celebrate that night. He waited and mysteriously, in the middle of the night the clock on the wall stops and suddenly all the electronic appliances in the house makes sound and Anna didn t arrive. The police found her car beside the river and not her body saying that she fell while changing a flat tire. One day, Jonathan is contacted by Raymond Price, who claims that his own son had also died. He says he has recorded messages from Anna through EVP. He later learns about his wife s tragic drowning. And he begins to believe that the recorded voice is from his wife. Jonathan becomes obsessed trying to contact Anna by himself after the death of Raymond Price. Jonathan found him dead in his house. Jonathan begins to be followed by three shadows of demons attracted by his obsession with EVP, and found that some of the messages he received are from people who are not yet dead, but may soon be. His getting messages what will happen in the future and usually tragedies. He hears a woman cries asking to save her baby and so on and so forth. The news of a missing women being
  • 42. Fresh Prince Show Failures How the Fresh Prince Became Not So Fresh We all remember those famous beginning lines from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, this show became a national icon in the 90 s for families and teenagers across America... but what happened to it? From 1990 to 1996 Fresh Prince was a main show to watch for viewers across the country at night, they touched on so many subjects including: racism, family, sexism, gun violence, etc. How could such a great show that touches on all the views and challenges that society was going through come to an end in the sixth season? The show failed due to three reasons; it was starting to become out dated, it was running out of material, and the show could not keep up with the turn of the times. Overall it was a great six seasons and taught a lot of people what it was like to ... Show more content on ... Even though the show has been considered as failed it has been more successful due to the legacy that has been left for all the people watched it and have introduced other people to it. The sad fact is, is that the show failed due to the change of times and was destined to only be a show that was during the time of the 90 s. Many people followed this show and looked up too many of the characters as if they were people that they knew, or for that matter didn t know and they wanted to know. One of the ways the show knew it was doomed was it knew that it was becoming outdated and showed no sign of any change soon, which would have led to a catastrophe. The show also started running out of material due to the change of the times as they knew that things would not be the same as they used to be during their golden era. They knew that once the change came that they would not be lasting much longer so they decided to pull the plug while they were still on top which was an idea that proved more so beneficial to the show for the
  • 43. Block Schedule Benefits Why Block Schedules Are Beneficial to High School Students I currently attend a class at Northwest Vista College, which is two days of the week and is and seventy five minutes long. This class is more difficult than any other class I have, yet I have higher success in this class than my others. I am more successful because I have more time to study for such class, and because I am exposed to more interaction with my teacher. Not only is there more study time, my teacher equally has time to prepare more effective lessons, and activities. As opposed to my normal high school schedule consisting of seven classes, around forty five minutes each, five days a week. In which I struggle more with those classes as each day there is a new lesson taught, ... Show more content on ... Why One Massachusetts Elementary School Is Banning Homework. The Christian Science Monitor. The Christian Science Monitor, 06 Sept. 2016. Web. 24 Mar. 2017. Board, The Editorial. Long Summer Break Leaves Kids behind Portland Press Herald. Press Herald. N.p., 12 July 2014. Web. 24 Mar. 2017. Khadaroo, Stacy Teicher. Do Longer Hours Equal More Learning? The Christian Science Monitor. The Christian Science Monitor, 14 June 2007. Web. 24 Mar. 2017. Sommerfeld, Meg. More and More Schools Putting Block Scheduling to Test of Time. Education Week. N.p., 02 May 2016. Web. 24 Mar.
  • 44. Pig Tale And The Pig Tales The three novels Marie Darrieussecq s Pig Tales, Larissa Lai s Salt Fish Girl, and Barbara Gowdy s The White Bone are very interesting. Pig tales is the story of the young woman. In this book the author tells about the narrator that how she enjoyed her life before transforming into a pig, how she was changed into a four legged beast in the outcome of unethical lifestyle and how the narrator become more beast than human. The narration in this novel is in third person. As in the whole novel the author Marie Darrieussecq tells the story of the other woman. The White Bone is the novel written from panorama of the animalthat is the elephant. In this novel there various characters and most of the characters belonged to the femalegender. In this novel author tells about the survival of the endangered animal and at the same point this novel also indicates the importance of the families. In this novel also, the narration is in third person. The Salt Fish Girlis the novel which tells the story of the one girl in two different types. In both the cases the girl is suffering for the survival. In this story the girl have to suffer very much for the survival. She has to migrate from one place to another, to new countries, to new eras, and leaving own homeland.
  • 45. Let Down Song Analysis There are many different ways for a song to be effective. For many people, it s a catchy melody and relatable lyrics. For others, it s complex instrumentation and clever songwriting. Still others prefer deep lyrics they can dig into and analyze. On all of these fronts, Let Down passes with flying colors. But what makes Let Down such an effective song for me is how well it can put feelings into words and sounds, and its ability to completely accept the meaninglessness of life, while at the same time proclaiming the joy of living life. The song accomplishes this through its use of intricate rhythm, beautiful melody and instrumentation, and thoughtful lyrics. The song opens with a beautiful, melancholic guitar melody, setting the tone for ... Show more content on ... In the end, Let Down truly shines because of its intricate rhythm, melody, and amazing instrumentation and lyrics. The harmony is simple yet effective, acting as a canvas for the melody, instrumentation, and lyrics to flourish from. It starts on its key center, A major, a common and comfortable place for a song to start on. It then moves to E major, a chord that feels unsettled for songs in the key of A major, and is commonly used to set up a feeling of tension in songs. Then it moves to F# minor, giving the song a somewhat somber, yet still fundamentally happy feeling. Afterwards, it moves back to the unresolved E major, to then resolve back to the tonic (the song s key center), A major. An unresolved chord doesn t feel quite at place in a song, and wants to find closure by pivoting back to the song s key center. This progression isn t anything special, but it does offer a strong building block for the other elements of the song to be built on. This pattern repeats through the verses. Instrumentally, the song takes inspiration from Phil Spector s Wall of Sound technique.1 Through this dense, multi layered arrangement and production, the electric piano, drums, bass, acoustic guitar, and electric guitar all work together to create one thick, powerful sound. This helps the song gain a sense of resolve in the face of its poignant lyrics. The
  • 46. Cloud Contingency Plan Contingency Plans Aviato has experienced steady growth in recent years, which has forced us to make several changes to ensure our company s long term scalability. Our next big move will be switching our cloud provider from Amazon Web Services to the Google Cloud Platform. Although this transition is exciting, it is likely that we will experience problems along the way. To efficiently handle these issues when they arise, we have outlined major risks and developed some contingency plans. One possible risk is that our user base could grow to a size where our current number of servers would no longer be sufficient. Overburdened servers are problematic because it could negatively affect our customers who may disconnect and experience slow... Show more content on ... 2. We may have misjudged what services we need and how much they would cost, so the Google Cloud Platform is costing more than expected. 3. Once we get firsthand experience with the Google Cloud Platform we may become unimpressed with the range of services or the customer support. To prepare for discontentedness with the Google Cloud Platform we have decided to move a single microservice over to the Google Cloud Platform before we move the whole infrastructure over. This will give us the ability to test it, and allow us to easily back out should we experience any glaring issues. As an extra precaution we have also decided to keep our old infrastructure in place for 6 months after the transition in case we have to fallback. In the future we have decided to continually re evaluate the different cloud services in case a different cloud provider becomes more appealing than the Google Cloud Platform. This re evaluation will include the Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services, as well as other major cloud providers like Microsoft Azure and IBM Cloud. Although the outlook of Aviato currently looks optimistic, the future of our startup is unpredictable, and bankruptcy is certainly a risk we have to consider. If we experience irreparable financial difficulties, we may decide to cut our losses and dissolve our business. In such a scenario, we have decided to immediately notify our users, and cancel
  • 47. American Red Cross Training Research Paper Red Cross Training Learning and having the Red Cross training has completely been of a great advantage to me. This experience has persuaded me to accomplish a new set of goals in my life, like helping others in need. It also has augmented my knowledge about this important organization. According to what I learned, Clara Barton was the founder of the Red Cross, and the mission of this foundation is to prevent and alleviate human suffering in the face of emergencies. This is a worldwide organization that has come to be known internationally, by their basic principles, which are: humanity, impartiality, and neutrality. The Red Cross is partnered with the government, and it offers many different types of services to people. It offers, blood, international, health, disaster, and safety services. The American Red Crossalso uses psychology resources and skills to solve some issues. In my Psychology class, I have studied various terms ... Show more content on ... This service is offered to the public and it helps individuals who suffered from traumatic or disastrous events, some of them are still in shock, and the RC helps reviewing their mental health. The Red Cross volunteers sit and talk with these people, and try to help them recuperate from this shock and hard circumstances of life. Mental and health volunteers have a big job in the Red Cross because many people suffer daily from difficult situations, and it is the mission of them to help those in need. As I studied in my Psychology classroom, mental stability is very important in order to enjoy a healthy life. Some of the many catastrophes that occur daily, are natural disasters. In some cases families are separated, but the Red Cross takes an action in this types of occasions, they help families reunite again. Thinking about this, it also helps families gain emotional health, so Psychology skills are a big factor in the American Red
  • 48. A Brief Note On The Global Nursing Shortage Essay Nurses occupy a central role in the delivery of health care in all countries though countries have different health care systems and methods of payment options. Unfortunately research on the nursing experience carried out in some countries has indicated high levels of job dissatisfaction, burnout and intention to leave the profession. Many countries are facing nursing shortages, worsened by the fact that richer nations are luring nurses away from poorer ones, and that the nursing profession has lost popularity among younger women and men as a career option (Burke et al., 2012). The global nursing shortageis resulting in the need to find multiple solutions to providing adequate numbers of nursing personnel. The shortage is exacerbated by nurses leaving the profession and their current positions. Globally, nursing turnover rates range from 10 21% per year, with countries such as the USA and Australia reporting turnover rates of over 20% per year. Retaining nurses in their current positions will reduce the magnitude of consequences associated with the nursing shortage (Cowden and Cummings, 2012). Definition Turnover is defined as job movement within and across organizational boundaries, as well as by a variety of cognitive activities that preceded leaving. Turnover intention refers to employees thoughts of quitting their present job. Employees may choose to withdraw either physically or psychologically. One physical form of withdrawal is to quit
  • 49. Blondie Research Paper Blondie[edit] Main article: Blondie (band) With her distinctive photogenic features and two tone bleached blonde hair, Harry quickly became a punk icon.[22] Her look was further popularized by the band s early presence in the music video revolution of the era. She was a regular at Studio 54. In June 1979, Blondie was featured on the cover of Rolling Stone. Harry s persona, combining cool sexuality with streetwise style, became so closely associated with the group s name that many came to believe Blondie was the singer s name. The difference between the individual Harry and the band Blondie was famously highlighted with a Blondie is a group button campaign by the band in 1979.[23] In 1981, Harry issued a press release to clarify that her name was not Debbie Blondie or Debbie Harry , but Deborah Harry, though Harry later described her character in the band as being named Blondie , as in this... Show more content on ... You know, when I woke up this morning I had a realization about myself. I was always Blondie. People always called me Blondie, ever since I was a little kid. What I realized is that at some point I became Dirty Harry. I couldn t be Blondie anymore, so I became Dirty Harry.[24] Blondie released their first album in 1976, though it was not a success. Their second album, Plastic Letters, garnered some success outside the United States, but their third album, Parallel Lines (1978) was a worldwide smash and shot the group to international success. It included the global hit single Heart of Glass . Riding the crest of disco s domination, the infectious track hit No.1 in the US and sold nearly two million copies. It also reached No.1 in the UK and was the second highest selling single of 1979. The band s success continued with the release of the platinum selling Eat to the Beat album (UK No.1, US No.17) in 1979 and Autoamerican (UK No.3, US No.7) in 1980. Blondie had further No.1 hits with Call Me , The Tide Is High , Atomic (UK #1) and Rapture (US
  • 50. Disadvantages Of High-Stakes Testing In spite of critics, educational reform in Texas continued to rely on testing in an effort to meet accountability required at the state level. Calls for accountability seem to usually rise from the political community. When the political community demands that tests serve high stakes accountability functions, professional testing standards can be easily compromised. In accountability contexts, testresults decide which students are retained in grade, held back from graduation, and assigned to tracks or special classifications...high stakes testing produces teaching and testing practices that lead to inflated test scores and further disadvantage already disadvantaged students, (Smith and Fey, 2000, p. 334). To call for... Show more content on ... Associations to which test specialists belong agree that the validity standard depends on the test s context and it s used. A test may be validated for some uses and not others (Smith et al., 2000). McDonnell (1997) found that the political community believed the benefits of the assessment policy would outweigh any harm that might be caused by less than reliable or invalid tests. Some may wonder why teaching to the test is not a good practice and a healthy basic skills emphasis. They may even suggest that teaching to the test results is basic instruction even in the least advantaged educational situations. Research indicates that there is little evidence to indicate that high stakes accountability testing and reform have had much impact on overall school performance beyond increased scores on the individual test that was the instrument of the state policy (Mehrens, 1998). Theory validity of TAAS fell short of professional standards in other ways: While Texas scores on the math part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) have risen dramatically the results, perhaps, of all that drill and test practice Texas students made only small gains in the NAEP reading test between 1992 and 1998, no gain what so ever between 1993 and 1996 on nationally normed achievement tests in reading, and not much gain in other subjects...They have not made much gain on the SAT, either (Schrag, 2000).Since 1999, Texas has begun to administer the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills exam and has continued to follow the high stakes consequences for failing the tests at the 3, 6 and 10th grades. This current test battery has been said to be more difficult than the earlier basic skills exams. One result of the wide use of exams to measure student achievement has been the growth of alternative education. The website for the Texas
  • 51. The Crusade For Reconstruction ( Jihad ) The organization was to take charge of the assets of the Pahlavi Foundation and to use the proceeds to assist low income groups. The new foundation in time came to be one of the largest conglomerates in the country, controlling hundreds of confiscated and nationalized factories, trading firms, farms, and apartment and office buildings, as well as two large newspaper chains. The Crusade for Reconstruction (Jihad), established in June, recruited young people for construction of clinics, local roads, schools, and similar facilities in villages and rural areas. The organization also grew rapidly, assuming functions in rural areas that had previously been handled by the Planning and Budget Organization (which replaced the Plan Organization in... Show more content on ... Because Arab states, including Iraq, had in the past laid claim to Khuzestan as part of the Arab homeland, the government was bound to regard an indigenous movement among the Arabic speaking population with suspicion. The government also suspected that scattered instances of sabotage in the oil fields were occurring with Iraqi connivance. In May 1979, government forces responded to these disturbances by firing on Arab demonstrators in Khorramshahr. Several demonstrators were killed; others were shot on orders of the local revolutionary court. The government subsequently quietly transferred the religious leader of the Khuzestan Arabs, Ayatollah Mohammad Taher Shubayr al Khaqani, to Qom, where he was kept under house arrest. These measures ended further protests. The Kurdish uprising proved more deep rooted, serious, and durable. The Kurdish leaders were disappointed that the Revolution had not brought them the local autonomy they had long desired. Scattered fighting began in March 1979 between government and Kurdish forces and continued after a brief cease fire; attempts at negotiation proved abortive. One faction, led by Ahmad Muftizadeh, the Friday prayer leader in Sanandaj, the capital of Kurdish culture, was ready to accept the limited concessions offered by the government. The Kurdish Democratic Party, a more radical group issued demands that the authorities in Tehran did not feel they could accept. These included the enlargement of the
  • 52. Uses Of In Operating Systems Uses of Virtualisation in Operating Systems Virtualisation in operating systems is a wide ranging subject relating to many topics within operating systems. Waldspurger and Rosenblum define virtualisation in their article I/O virtualization as decoupling the logical from the physical, introducing a level of indirection between the abstract and the concrete. [1] In this essay I will briefly outline some of the many types of Virtualisation as well as talk about benefits and limitations virtualisation in general. Due to the term virtualisation referring to so many different areas within operating system, talking about the History of this topic is very hard. In Modern Operating Systems, Andrew Tanenbaum states visualization, which is more than 40 years old [6]. This book was published in 2009, implying that virtualisation started roughly in the 1969. However, spooling which is an example of I/O virtualisation existed in IBMs SPOOL system. IBM copyrighted the SPOOL system in 1960 suggesting Virtualisation started on or before the 1960s [7]. From the context of Tanenbaum s book, it is clear that he is speaking of virtual machine technology which for the confines of this essay will be considered a subset of virtualisation. Throughout the history of computers more virtualisation techniques have been invented from spooling to virtualised I/O to virtual machines and other things like RAID. When talking about virtualisation in operating systems, virtual memory is perhaps the
  • 53. Christian Non-Violence Christian Non Violence Christian non violence finds its roots in the early church. Origen (184 253 CE) said that Christ, no where teaches that it is right for his own disciples to offer violence to anyone, however wicked. For he did not deem it in keeping with the laws such as His to allow killing of any individual whatever. Origen was not alone, but joined a chorus of early Church fathers including Tertullian and Cyprian among others, in condemning every sort of killing both the guilty and the innocent on the principle that killing is never permissible. These views were motivated by the radical non violent life of JesusChrist who proclaimed peace even through death on a violent cross. Christian non violence has continued to be debated as Christians wrestle with how to respond in the face of evil in the world. Jesus instructed, You have heard that is was said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. For many Christians it was one thing to remain non violent in the face of violence towards oneself, but entirely another thing to neglect defending another. The question then becomes to what extent then can a Christian participate in a government and its use of force. Christian pacifists, finding their roots in the Anabaptist tradition, traditional answer this question through a doctrine of two kingdoms or vocations: the earthly or political vocation and the heavenly or spiritual
  • 54. Experiment 2a Adsorption Chromatography ( Tlc ) NAME: ____Amy Hua_______________________ Experiment 4a Adsorption Chromatography (TLC) Summary of Points for Experiment 4a: ItemPossible PointsActual Points Pre Lab2Notebook:N/AN/A Purpose/Table of Reagents2 Corrections2 Blank Spaces2 Signatures2 TLC data (4 in notebook)8 Coherent2 Conclusions (absent here)1 Sub Total =21multiply Sub Total x 2=42Report:N/AN/A Introduction2 Data and Calculations8 Less Points Missing DataN/AN/A Unknown Identity10 Data Analysis / Conclusions5TOTAL67minus any page overage0minus for late reports0minus for TA points0 FINAL TOTAL POINTS67 INTRODUCTION In this experiment, the technique of thin layer chromatography is used to identify the identity of unknown. To aid in seeing the spots from the thin layer chromatography, UV light and iodine adsorption is used. DATA AND CALCULATIONS PART I: Below are two depictions of the developed TLC s for 2 and 4 hydroxy acetophenone. The first was visualized under UV light and the second by iodine adsorption. PART II: Below are two depictions of the developed TLCs for an unknown analgesic versus known standards. Both TLC s were visualized by UV light. UNKNOWN ID (10 points):