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Essay Community Service
Writing an essay on the topic of community service presents both challenges and opportunities
for personal growth. The difficulty lies not only in the task of expressing one's thoughts
coherently but also in navigating the delicate balance between showcasing individual experiences
and highlighting the broader impact on the community.
The initial hurdle often involves brainstorming and selecting meaningful instances of community
service. This requires introspection to identify experiences that truly made a difference, fostering
a sense of connection to a cause beyond the act itself. Additionally, finding a unique angle or
perspective within the vast realm of community service can be a daunting task. It's essential to
avoid clichГ©s and offer a fresh viewpoint that captures the reader's attention.
Crafting a compelling narrative is another challenge. The essay must strike a balance between
personal anecdotes and a broader reflection on the significance of community service. One must
skillfully weave together the details of specific experiences with a thoughtful analysis of the
lessons learned, emphasizing personal growth and the transformative power of giving back.
Maintaining a cohesive structure is crucial. The essay should have a clear introduction, a well-
organized body that chronicles experiences, and a conclusion that ties everything together.
Transitions between paragraphs must be seamless to ensure a smooth flow of ideas, creating a
compelling narrative arc.
Moreover, the writer needs to be mindful of the tone, ensuring it is sincere and reflective. It's
easy to fall into the trap of appearing boastful or insincere when discussing acts of service.
Striking the right balance between humility and confidence is essential to convey authenticity.
Researching and incorporating relevant facts and statistics about the impact of community
service adds depth to the essay. This not only supports the writer's claims but also demonstrates
a broader understanding of the societal issues at play.
In conclusion, writing an essay on community service demands a combination of self-reflection,
storytelling prowess, and the ability to connect personal experiences to broader societal themes.
It's a journey that requires time, effort, and a genuine commitment to conveying the
transformative power of service. For those seeking assistance in navigating this intricate process,
similar essays and more can be ordered on
Essay Community ServiceEssay Community Service
Ordovician Life
For a long period, up till now, I loved the early life of earth. Kimberella,
Dickinsonia, and, later in time, Hylonomus were some of the creatures I studied.
To find out, I went online to look around. The first question I looked at, to me at
least, was the diversity of life in the early periods of life, specifically the
Ordovician. To find out the answer, we must go back in time, at the beginning of the
Ordovician in fact, to find out the answer. I started my research on this topic by
surfing the internet and looking at various websites until I found the perfect one. I
finally found an entire article on how the Ordovician period s life branched out. Next,
I wanted to find out information on the missing link between fish and early
amphibians.... Show more content on ...
During this period there were volcanoes dotting the landscape of early Earth. Seems
inhospitable right? You are correct in a way, but there is life here, microscopic life,
but life nonetheless. Deep in the ocean, in the crushing depths, there are black
smokers, early versions of them, wafting out large amounts of heat and food. This is
where early life began, absorbing nutrients from the water. ( Proterozoic: Eukaryotes
and the First Multicellular Life Forms. Proterozoic: Eukaryotes and the First
Multicellular Life Forms. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar.
Satire In The Miller s Tale Essay
The Miller s Tale is, in my opinion, the most humorous of the tales that Chaucer
wrote, primarily because of the plot line. The crazy antics of the four characters
Alison, John, Nicholas and Absalom create a sort of timeless humor, a basic comedy
that brings laughter to everyone. Chaucer also uses satire and irony throughout the
tale to portray the ridiculousness of the men and woman. Often times in the story, the
audience knows more than the characters do so lots of anticipation is built for the
funny moments. Chaucer s plot, writing style, and literary elements he uses create a
comical tale. One of the major elements that Chaucer uses in The Miller s Tale is
satire. He uses satire against both John and Absalom. John is a carpenter who has...
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Nicholas and Alison deceive John and tell him that there is a flood coming, so
John sets up a crazy contraption with tubs on the roof in order to protect him and
his wife. Knowing that there is no flood and that John is acting so paranoid for
nothing makes the story even funnier, and Chaucer uses this element of dramatic
irony again when Absalom is taking measures to get his revenge. His revenge is
supposed to be brought upon Alison, but despite his intentions, it is Nicholas who
feels the burn of revenge figuratively and literally. Absalom burns Nicholas s
behind when it is stuck out of the window with the expectation of having it kissed.
Absalom had come to Alison s window to ask for a kiss, and Nicholas and her
decided that it would be hilarious to stick Alison s bottom out instead. So, Absalom
kissed Alison s butt and after realizing that it was not her lips, was furious. His
description of the kiss and realization is hilarious! He mentions a beard and a third
eye is referred to, so you can imagine the gross but amusing situation. He came back
again later with a hot iron, and Nicholas decided to stick out his butt this time.
Dramatic irony is present again because we know that Absalom has the hot
Biblical Models of Servant Leadership
There are basic attitudes which we see in the lives of those whom God called to
servant leadership in the Bible. These include a serving attitude where the leader
sees his[1] primary responsibility to those whom he leads as to serve and develop
them to fulfill their God given mandate. The leader serves by putting on a redeeming
attitude, like Moses and Joshua. In other words he takes responsibility for those he
leads, recognizing needs and reaching out to meet those needs rather than positioning
himself for power and prestige. We see these virtues demonstrated by Jesus. His life
was completely lived to serve the course of the Father ... Show more content on ...
God prepared Moses through a process and over time and so Moses had to learn to
wait. Usually it is while the leader waits that his mind and perspective is broadened,
his life matures in relation to knowing the One who enlists him, he is empowered to
withstand the storms of leadership, and is humbled to be able to submit to serve.
Moses had to submit to God s way of preparing him for the task of pioneering a
leadership for a people that had gone through decades of pain and misery. Charles
R. Swindoll particularly referred to Moses desert experience as a means for his
preparation for the long lonely way of leadership that was ahead of him. He adds:
some of the world s greatest leaders have been people who lived lonely lives. In
Moses long career as a leader he would be questioned, attacked, accused, hated, and
betrayed. Through it all, he would stand alone. [6] It took the desert experience of
preparation for him to stand alone. In the course of Moses preparation to
leadership he had to learn that God appoints and directs leaders as He wills, and
that the leader has little to say in all that. Swindoll again adds: Moses learned that
lesson from failure ... more often than not, God s leadership candidates are aghast at
their selection. They look with chagrin at the assignment before them. They can
hardly believe their ears when God says, You are the man ; or you are the woman. [7]
This came out clearly in
War on the home front
War on the home front was not a shaped many Canadian negatively in WWI. The
Wartime Elections Act had an effect on Canadians politically. The great influenza
affected Canada socially. Lastly, propaganda and victory bonds caused Canada to fall
economically. Canada s home front during WWI had a negative impact on the
Canadian people politically, socially and economically.
The Wartime Elections Act proposed by Robert Borden weakened Canada
politically as a country. This act that was passed in 1917 took the vote away from
citizens who had emigrated from enemy countries. In addition, the act only gave
army nurses and close relatives of soldiers the right to vote. In 1918, women living in
Canada were given the right to vote, but they could ... Show more content on ...
It killed 1000 Canadians a day and 50 000 overall. Sick people were isolated in
schools, churches, hospitals, and theatres. The Spanish Influenza came in three waves
and the second wave was the deadliest of them all. During the first wave, people
were bleeding from their ears, eyes and nose and there was no one to help them
because everyone was infected with this flu: Power is a way how society
functions within it. John Barry is talking about how the Spanish flu came with a
lot of power and killed lots of people. This infection decreased the population and it
caused a lot of havoc in the cities. Clearly, the Spanish influenza was a dangerous
infection that killed many people and affected Canada socially. Propaganda was a
negative way of convincing people to change their opinions. Propaganda was
designed to make people believe in certain viewpoints and to think in a certain
way. Propaganda posters were created with bright colours and different pictures so
that it would catch people s attention and it would persuade men to join the army.
Most of the posters stated that If we all get together or if a country gets together,
we can win. This was the most common phrase used on propaganda posters. This
was also known as the herd effect because everyone was doing it together. The war
was becoming very expensive, so the government started selling war bonds to help
pay for the war. After the war, Canadians could cash in their war bonds with
Linkage Analysis Essay
As molecular genetic data became available, studies used them to understand human
behaviors. Below I briefly summarize the structure of human genome and introduce
the genome wide association studies (GWAS). In humans, 23 pairs of chromosome
constitutes the human genome. For each chromosome, the nucleotides on the
opposite strands connected together to form tens of thousands of base pairs.
Normally, the bonds are either adenine thymine (A T) or guanine cytosine (C G).
These construct the double helix DNAstructure. A chunk of a chromosome that
relates to certain functions is a gene. The lengths of genes (i.e., a region of DNA)
differ. Mutations of genetic variants in genes can lead to diseases or variations in
phenotypes. Genetic variants... Show more content on ...
Also, the analyzed segments for association studies are at least ten times smaller than
the ones used in linkage analysis (10~100 kb vs. 1000 kb). Therefore, although both
association studies and linkage studies use the similar method, by scanning a large
scale of the known human genetic variants, and finding the significant SNPs that
relate to the outcomes, association studies have the larger statistical power and are
more popular nowadays. The genome wide association studies apply the association
studies to a large portion of the known common human genetic variants. For humans,
there are about 8 to 10 million common SNPs for whom at least one percent of the
population has the minor allele. The minor allele is the rarely observed genetic
variants in the reference population. Mostly, laboratories genotype only about a
million of these tag SNPs and impute others. Both the linkage studies and association
studies are hypothesis free approach which does not require the a priori knowledge of
the biological pathways underlying the study (Belsky and Israel 2014, Manuck and
McCaffery 2014). GWAS features of including many genetic variants and being
hypothesis free provide researchers with an unbiased and comprehensive method.
Only a theoretical assumption is assumed for these association studies: the common
disease common variant assumption. This holds that multiple SNPs contribute to a
single disease
Journal Report On Journal ( Trip ) ( 2011-2012 Item No. 1
Journal (Trip to France) 2011 2012Item No. 1
The first item in my portfolio is a journal from when my family took a trip to
France. Since my dad was granted a sabbatical, our family travelled to the south of
France for a year to learn French and gain cultural experience. We took this trip
during the time I was in Grade 6; however, we had to take school in French instead,
which was probably more difficult. I chose to add this journal because it is an
accurate summary of many of the things my family did in France, and it shows my
progress throughout the year learning French.
In order to be able to communicate while my family was in France, all of us had to
learn to speak and write in French. This was a challenge, but we took lessons ... Show
more content on ...
However, I would make sure to keep a more detailed account of what I was doing. I
would need to keep a better journal so that I could remember all the things I did.
There are so many things to do and see that it is nearly impossible not to forget
In France, I learned the value of heightened social and interpersonal skills and
awareness. I found that when speaking in French, I was much more confident than
when I spoke in English, and this led to me being less introverted. By writing a
journal, I also learned how to summarize facts concisely, and how to communicate
This journal demonstrates that I have effective communication skills, especially in
writing. It also shows how I am always working to improve my general skill set. You
can see this throughout the journal, as my French gets better and better!
Rock (Asteroids Game) July 2013Item No. 2
As the second item in my portfolio, I chose to add a rock. Although a rock is
something very ordinary, to me it represents something very special: the time when I
created a clone of the arcade game Asteroids. This was significant because it was
the first time I had created a video game that actually looked professional; it was
also the first video game for which I developed a fully functional computerized
opponent. I chose a rock to represent part of me in my portfolio, because it is a
Alien Abductions Essay
The Psychology Behind Alien Abductions
Alien abductions are no longer things of science fiction novel and movies. In the late
1940s, UFO and alien sightings became a nation wide phenomenon. With the reported
sightings and abductions, came mass media, but also heavy criticism. If nothing else,
these descriptions illustrate that the AAE is a dynamic, elaborate, and involved
experience, rich in contextual detail, with considerable perceptual, psychological,
cognitive, and physical concomitants (p. 255). Over the course of seventy years,
scientists have delved into the mindset of these victims and uncovered the underlying
causes of the reported experiences. Extensive research has been conducted to
determine the psychological aspects of ... Show more content on ...
Donald Spence believes that this may be the case in his article Abduction Tales as
Metaphors . The alien narrative is a substitute for the cultural crisis Robert Thoreau
describes as a less empowered, more alienated, and less predictable citizens (Spence
177). Most abductions have the similar traits of powerlessness and uncertainty, while
powerful beings degrade their bodies and leave them traumatized (177). When
contrasting modern day abductions and mid twentieth century ones, Spence found
that the narratives are also reflective of our times. Early aliens were generally
characterized as a jovial creatures, while modern day extraterrestrials are described as
malevolent creatures. The stark contrast is a subliminal metaphor for the cultural
atmosphere of the time. The early Kennedy and Eisenhower years marker great
progress within the American society and stability. As the political and cultural
climates have changed, the tales of little gray men turn into an ominous fight for
Deciphering the actual cause of reports alien abductions may never be solved, but
many psychologists have theories. While Spence believes the alien abduction
phenomenon is a metaphor for our society, psychologist Roy Baumeister believes
reports are made by masochists. A person who is sexually gratified by pain,
degradation, etc., that is self imposed or imposed by others. Dr. Baumeister believes
the reports stem
The Protagonists In Game Changers
The protagonists of Game Changers were Ben, Lily,Sam, and Coop. They were
the protagonists because they were the most positive and Lilly, Sam, and coop
were all Ben s friends. The antagonist was Shawn O Brien because he was a rival
with Ben to start at QB. He was also very negative every time he made a mistake
instead of trying to get better. The other antagonists were all of the football teams that
played the Rams because they were going against the Rams, the team that Ben played
on. Coach O Brien was an antagonistat first, but then he started Ben at QB so he
wasn t putting Ben at WR anymore since he wanted to be QB so badly. The story
took place sometime in the 2000s. The whole story mainly took place on the football
field. The rising
Long Term Effects Of Mental Health
mental health can prevent someone from living an enriching life. There is growing
evidence that is showing emotional abilities are associated with prosocial behaviours
such as stress management and physical health.
It is also concluded in their research that people who lack emotional expression are
inclined to anti social behaviours. These behaviours are a direct reflection of their
mental health. Self destructive acts may take place to suppress emotions. Some of
these acts include alcohol and drug abuse, physical fights or vandalism,
physiological well being or an absence of a mental disorder from the perspective of
positive psychology or holism , mental health may include an individuals ability to
enjoy life, and create a balance between life activities and efforts to achieve
psychological resilience. Mental health can also be defined as and expression of
emotions, and as signifying a successful adoption to a range of demands. ... Show
more content on ...
This is result in further unhappiness and anxiety and this could bring on a bad episode.
All of the above can lead to social exclusion and this can have long lasting effects on
some individuals who are suffering from mental health issues. Unfortunately this can
lead to downward trend into poor health, unemployment, and debt and family
The Articles Of Association ( Aoa ) Forms The Constitution...
The Articles of Association (AOA) forms the constitution of the Company. It
regulates the internal affairs of the company by defining the responsibilities of
directors, the type of business and the means by which the shareholders exert
control over the Board of Directors . This essay will illustrate the similarities and
differences of the AOA to a contract and how it is special in nature. Based on
Section 14 of the Companies Act 1985 , AOAs are on the same level and to the
same extent as if the company and shareholders had signed a contract. This is
illustrated by Sterling J s statement in Wood v Odessa Waterworks Company which
reads: The articles of association constitutes a contract not merely between
shareholders and the company but also between the individual shareholders and
every other . The equivalence of AOA to a contract is conclusive in New British
Iron Co per Wright J s judgment whereby it completely replaces or stands in lieu of
the missing employment contract. This highlights the fact that AOA possesses
contractual value and is contractual by nature. In simple terms, it is from its
conception considered as an enforceable agreement and hence it is legally binding.
As such, it is evident that AOAs serves all purposes of a regular contract. AOAs
however is a special legal document as it possesses distinct features that differentiates
it from being an ordinary contract . An ordinary contract has permanent signatories or
perpetual parties while the
The The Souls Of White Folks
India was under imperialistic rule by the British Empire or the Bristish Raj from
1858 to 1947.The region under British control commonly called India in the
British period included areas directly administered by the United Kingdom as well
as the princely states ruled by individual rulers under the paramount of the British
throne. In my recent visit to London precious jewels and Indian made goods are
displaced in Windsor castle under high security. Most of the goods accumulated
from India were under Queen Victoria s reign; the other monarchs who were
reigning during this imperialistic time were Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII,
and George VI. W.E.B Dubois writes in the Souls of White Folks, We see Europe s
greatest sin precisely where we found Africa s and Asia s, in human hatred, the
despising of men; with this difference, however: Europe has the awful lesson of the
past before her, has the splendid results of widened areas of tolerance, sympathy, and
love among men, and she faces a greater, an infinitely greater, world of men than any
preceding civilization ever faced. England took advantage of its darker counterparts
by showing superiority through color, religion, and technological advances. In the
Photograph Album of Cashmere Ladakh,1886, H.W.B depicts the age of imperialism
through his photography of the 1st Batallion East Surrey Regiment of Great Britain.
The photos allow one to make observations without any biased inputs such as
writings. Using one s own
God Grew Tired Of Us
A refugee is a person who was forced to leave their country. Whether it be from
warfare or natural disaster, their homes are no longer safe to live in, so they need to
relocate elsewhere. Once someone sets foot on the journey of becoming a refugee,
they become vulnerable and dependent with no sense of what the future will bring. In
an attempt to accommodate them, first world countries with the resources necessary
to assist these refugees, are struggling to determine whether or not they should step in
and help. Some argue that taking them in could come with excessive consequences,
while others believe they could be assets. Although there may be a few consequences,
they are outweighed by the benefits and undeniable severity of the situation.... Show
more content on ...
When relocating to a new country, a refugee must get used to a new culture while
suppressing their own. Not to mention, they have to live knowing that they left
their family and friends behind in a dangerous environment. They are stuck with
the burden of not knowing whether or not their relatives are still alive. Having to
live day after day with these weights on your shoulder would be a detriment to
anyone s emotional health. In the documentary, God Grew Tired of Us, John Dau,
a Syrian refugee came to America where he was able to live in an apartment, get a
job, and receive an education. He went from living outdoors with no idea of what
tomorrow will bring, to living in an air conditioned apartment with a chance to
build a future, yet Dau still wasn t happy. He found himself missing his homeland
and the friends and family he had left behind. Refugees face a multitude of
emotional stress when starting their new lives, everything has changed for them and
sometimes it can be too much to handle. Knowing they left vulnerable loved ones
behind, while they get to start anew can make it hard to enjoy their chance at
happiness. Along with the distress that comes with being on your own, the different
customs and societal values can be difficult on a refugee. They may need to
abandon old traditions or even hide a part of their identity that wouldn t be seen as
normal in their new location. A constant sense of loneliness along with living in a
new area where you don t quite fit in can be emotionally stressful for
Lil Wayne s Rhetorical Techniques Used In Advertising
2016 was the year that Samsung introduced one of their latest smartphones to their
lineup of products, the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. Samsung was most proud of the
water resistance ability of their new flagship phone, and what better way to
showcase that ability, than too have one of the most popular living rappers, Lil
Wayne, to appear in a commercial to prove it. Samsung s Galaxy S7 commercial not
only aired on TV, but also went viral on social media sites, such as; YouTube,
Facebook, etc. Michelle Castillo, wrote in her article on the CNBC website that, Marc
Mathieu, Samsung s chief marketingofficer, mentioned that Samsung s ad agency,
Wieden+Kennedy, came up with the idea for the new ad campaign with Lil Wayne in
mind as the spokesperson,... Show more content on ...
This method can either stir up positive or negative emotions in the reader, but
either way its intent is to sell an idea, belief, a product, or to convince the reader to
pick a side. This commercial uses pathos in a couple different ways. Humor is the
most obvious way pathos is being used, it is the setting of the entire commercial.
When Wayne, Max, and his friend on the phone, Kenny, are saying, Whaaaaaat! , it
is meant to be silly and fun. It is even funny just watching them pour champagne on
their smartphones. Humor promotes laughter, and laughter releases endorphins in
our brain that trigger the happy feels, and puts us in a good mood. It is well
known, that if you can get the customer to laugh, then you are more likely to sell to
that customer because laughter helps them drop whatever guard they are putting
up. Another way this ad uses pathos, is by appealing to the fear of dropping our
phone in water and damaging it. We all can relate to this type of accident, and we
are always trying to prevent it, so we don t have to worry about forking out the big
bucks to repair or replace our beloved smartphone. In the commercial, Max pouring
champagne on his phone and it shorting out, is a perfect example of pathos, by
showing us that if you get your phone wet, it will damage it, unless you get the new
Galaxy S7
Difference Between Chinese Culture and Western Culture
Intercultural Communication and the Conflicts between Chinese Culture and
Western Culture
There are many matters of cultural conflicts in intercultural communication of
Chinese culture and western culture, and it seriously affects the course of
communication. So, it is necessary for us to find the in depth reason and make some
plans on how to improve the ability of intercultural communication. This is the right
way to avoid the cultural conflicts. There are several culture conflicts: the conflicts on
privacy, the conflicts on the sense of time, the conflicts on traditional cultures, the
conflicts on table custom. The reasons are: the difference in the mode of thinking, the
difference in behavior, the difference in the concept of ... Show more content on ...
B. The conflicts on the sense of time
The sense of time of western people is closely related with money. The idea that
Time is money has formed in their thought. So, they set a high value on their time.
In the daily time, western people have a meticulous plan about their time and they
have a good habit of coming to date on time. In western countries, if you want to
call on someone, you must inform them or date with them before you come and
you should tell them your coming purpose, the time and the place. After both of
you discuss about it, you can make it out. But, Chinese people use their time at
their pleasure. Usually, Chinese people will not do things as the western people,
and western people usually feel unsuitable on this course. Most western people
spend their time in working and studying, they seldom spend a lot time in eating or
doing something else. But Chinese people spend much time on other things. For
example, when western people come to KFC to have a meal, they eat their food as
soon as possible, but, the Chinese people in KFC show another situation. They eat
their food slowly and chat with each other. They do not think this is a way to waste
C. The conflicts on traditional cultures
Chinese people pay special attention to modesty. When they communicate with others,
they often respect others but look down upon themselves. They think this is a virtue
and this is a polite phenomenon with Chinese characteristics. When others praise
Ceramic Presentation Essay
Absence of Deformity4
Range of Motion5
Materials considerations are for the stem, femoral head, and acetabular components.
( 3 main materials used in hip replacements are ceramics,
(highly) cross linked polyethylene, and metal.
( Ceramic on polyethylene(CoP) is the second commonest hip
implant type accounting for 26.1% of bearing types in total hip replacements in
England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the Isle of man. (
/FSfzVW)Ceramic is the material most often used for young patients with an active
lifestyle. ( Studies have shown that Ceramic implants are best
for active patients that are expected to place more load cycles on the prosthesis more
frequently due to the low corrosion level of ceramics. ( Early
ceramics were known to fracture easily, this has been improved since using better
manufacturing methods. ( ceramic on ceramic
implants have been found to squeak in 2.7% of patients. Possible factors include
malpositioning, however no definitive answers have been found. The production of a
CoP can be very expensive as both materials have multiple ... Show more content on ...
Femoral heads under 46mm result in unacceptable success rates. Women are less
likely to be good candidates for hip resurfacing; MoM hip resurfacing is not
considered if they would like to have children in the future. Men over 65 and
women over 55 as well as those with renal insufficiency and metal allergies are
advised against hip resurfacing. Women who would still like to have children and
those with metal allergies are advised against MoM hip resurfacing as it has been
found to increase metal levels in a persons blood. The group most commonly given
hip resurfacing are young active male patients with good bone
Weight Of Identification Essay
The Weight of Identification What is light weight to the touch of a hand, but those
who bear it around their neck feel the ultimate mass and value carried behind it? It
is made up of a ball bearing chain that connects to another smaller chain holding a
pair of two inch by 1 and 1/8 inch engraved metal plates. They make a very
distinctive metal sound over the heart when the human body is in motion. Engraved
upon these metal plates is someones name, followed by their bloodtype, social
security number and religion. This is no ordinary necklace, this combination of
chain and nickel copper alloy, is a pair of dog tags. Dog tags are given to recruits
during the first few days of basic training. They are the initial attribute of initiation for
... Show more content on ...
It solidifies the idea that the ones that have been lost in war, will live on forever
and their duty is not just a mere statistic of casualties on the battlefield. The metal
plates have been through it all, created by nickel and copper yet truly forged in
blood sweat and tears. They have endured hardship though mud, sand and water,
but if they are examined closely, the ordinary eye would notice that they are not
completely damaged or disrupted.Dog tags represent hardship, and determination to
never be broken or bent. They are often kept around the necks of veterans after
their enlistment, in order to retain the memory of the family they were once
adopted by; to keep the friends and the bonds created close to the heart. A veteran
never forgets his or her fellow comrades, nor the drill sergeant from basic training
that supplied each tag from the very beginning. Dog tags can symbolize the
beginning of a new path for someone, but also the end. During the ceremony of a
fallen service member, the tags are hung from the lower receiver of an M4 carbine.
The helmet worn by that soldier rests peacefully atop of the stock of the weapon as
the funeral detail renders a 21 gun solute, this is called the battlefield cross. Dog
tags can be hung from rear view mirrors, around picture frames or worn by family
members as well. In the National Veterans Museum in Chicago,
Informative Essay On John Deere Tractors
I m going to be telling about how people found out about John Deere Tractors.
Everyone that has a yard to mow or ever drove past a farm knows what a John
Deere tractor looks like. You don t have to be a farmer to recognize the green
tractor with the yellow lettering as a John Deere. These tractors are so well built
and designed that television commercials say Nothing runs like a Deere . However,
few of us may know the life story behind the man John Deere who invented the
design of the simple farm plow and in doing so started a company that would create
farm products used and recognized throughout the globe.
I m going to be telling how John Deere Lived.
John Deere was born on February 4, 1804 in Vermont. His parents William and
Sarah Deere. They were tailors that had immigrated to Vermont from England. Life
was hard for the Deere family when their blacksmith business slowed in 1808. John
s dad took a trip back to his home country in hopes of finding a better life for his
family. Unfortunately, Mr. Deere did not return from England and no one ever found
out what happened to him. John was only four years old . As a young boy, John
spent a lot of time outside a blacksmith shop in his hometown dreaming that he would
one day become a blacksmith. At the age ... Show more content on ...
Farmers across the Midwest raved about John s new plow. His plow helped farmers
throughout the Midwest be successful at farming. In 1838, John sent word his
business had grown so much that he had to relocate the John Deere Company to
Moline, Illinois. As usual, John s curious mind made him experiment with other farm
tools such as the steam plow, cultivators, planters, and a grain drill. (Just like his re
designed steel plow these additional tools became important to farmers.) On each of
the tools, the name John Deere stood out boldly. Through hard work and imagination,
the company being the name John Deere became a leading manufacturer of
equipment used by
Tutorial Time Essay
There are moments when a student stays up extremely late working on their
homework, a project, or studying for a test. They are consistently wishing for
additional time to complete their tasks and assignments. Schools, over the course
of the years, have developed a schedule and has added an extra period called
Tutorial. Tutorial is usually used in a block schedule. Instead of having six periods,
students are now having seven altogether, but depending on a school policy the
conditions of Tutorial may vary. The time for each class is deducted by a few
minutes and this is used to construct a tutorial period. Tutorial is a period where
students get to spend their time working on their homework. It is a period which lasts
about a total of one hour. Tutorial allows students the ability to go to a class of their
choice, especially a class they need help in. Teachers are also allowed send or
request students to a class to makeup a test or missing work. During a tutorial period,
students are allowed to work on their homework, study for an upcoming test, or ask a
teacher for help. Tutorial is not a period where students get to only work on their
homework, but they also get to communicate with their teachers, classmates, and
friend for help with school work. Students in tutorial also talk with... Show more
content on ...
Without help from a teacher, students are most likely to become confused and end
up sleeping late trying to finish homework or study for a test from a previous
lesson they didn t quite understand. Staying up late in order to do homework can
lead to a more dangerous factor in health.When staying up late students become
sleep deprived, less energized, and would not be able to completely focus the
following day of school leading to an issue in their academic
The Mystery of the Lost Colony
For centuries the disappearance of the Roanoke colonists has been one of the great
mysteries in the historical community. Within the span of three years, 120 colonists
disappeared from an English colony on Roanoke Island, a small piece of land off
the coast of North Carolina. The evidence left behind barely gives us a clue as to
what could have happened to the entire colony. With the testimony of John White, the
leader of the colony that left the settlement to get more supplies, and what little
evidence there is, there have been many theories as to what actually caused the
disappearance. When trying to make a logical conclusion about the disappearance of
the 120 inhabitants of the colony at Roanoke, there are many factors to consider....
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The purpose of this overtly hostile action was to obtain information from the chief
about the defensive capabilities of the surrounding Indian nations. This action only
served to alienate the tribe and force the settlers to depend on the fruits of their own
labors... within months the first Roanoke colony was in disarray and the settlers were
near starving (Croatoan).
The colony barely lasted until Sir Francis Drake s fleet sailed by in 1586 when
Drake offered supplies or a trip back to their homeland. The settlers, starving and
homesick, quickly accept the offer and return to England. Not even a week later a
relief ship arrives with supplies to discover the settlement abandoned. The supply
ship left fifteen men with a reasonable amount of food before departing (The
Settlement). Raleigh s first colony was an instructive test run for a second, more
planned effort. He determined that if the colony was relocated 80 miles north in the
Chesapeake Bay shipping would be essentially easier. He also decided to reconfigure
the core of the colony by allowing seventeen women, nine children, and two ex
convicts under their new leader. John White was the expeditionary artist during Lane
s colony and
The Average Patriarchal Society In Shakespeare s
Women in the 16th century, the Shakespearen Era, didn t have too many
expectations placed upon them. Because they were considered the weaker sex,
housewives and mothers was the extent of what was expected of them. The only
education they had access to were private tutors inside their homes. They also were
not allowed to become lawyers, doctors, or the like. Only maids, cooks or other
around the house jobs. This is a summary of the average Patriarchal society. In the
play, Merchant of Venice written by Shakespeare, the women defy these
stereotypes of a Patriachal society in multiple scenerios. Firstly, there was a Jew
named Jessica that lived with her father. Despite the norm, she fell in love with a
Christian and dressed up as a boy so she could run away with him. I m glad it s
night time and you can t see me. I m ashamed of my clothes. But love is blind and
lovers can t see the little follies they commit. If they could, Cupid would blush to
see me changed into a boy (Marchant 2.6.38 40.) Jessica had decided to run away
with her love, Lorenzo, and in order to do so, she needed to dress up as a boy to in
sure that no one would recognize her. It is fairly apparent that a daughter running
away from her father isn t the norm in a Patriarchal society. The exact opposite.
Another way that this is abnormal would be how Loernzo is a Christian and Jessica
is a Jew. These two shouldn t even be conversating, let alone spending enough time
together to fall in love.
Social Issues In Dracula
Dracula by Bram Stoker, is the original vampire book, the one that started it all.
From it derived the now so beloved and famous teen romance vampire genre, with
novels like Twilight. However, Dracula is not remotely like the sparkle in the
sunlight, falling in love with mortals vampire any more than Harry Potter is like the
Wicked Witch of the West. Dracula
is a gothic horror novel set in Transylvania and
England during the Victorian Era. The story is told in letters, diary entries, and
newspaper clippings from the viewpoint of several characters, allowing for a wide
variety of viewpoints that highlight happenings in Draculaas well as present the social
issues pertained within. While it contains action, suspense, horror, and romance, it
also displays the corruption within the everyday society. The way the women are
presented, interacted with, and how Count Dracula affects them brings forth the
issues within the Victorian society, especially the men s treatment of women and the
different social and gender roles, which Stoker uses to highlight the situational irony
found within the novel. The reader s first real introduction to the Victorian society
and the women within is through Lucy Westenra and Mina Murray s letters to each
other. Within the letters, both of their characters are revealed and in their diary
entries, the way the men act towards them. (This reveals the society s view of
women, often thinking of them as being below men, silly and childlike.) When Lucy
Compare And Differences Of Military Law And Criminal
Compare and Contrast Military personnel have a more restricted life because they
have to abide by two sets of laws. The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)
and the laws that everyday United States citizens have to follow. The military law
and the criminal justice program has a lot of similarities and differences. The
military has a different court systems and they sentences are harsher than our
justice system. Even prison life is different. In this paper, I will take a look at
military law and civilian law and examine how they are similar and how they are
different. To begin, military personnel has to follow the laws under the UCMJ
which are laws that everyday civilians do not have to follow. There are some laws
under the UCMJ that are similar to civilian laws and yet there are laws completely
different than what civilians are used to. People in the military have to follow the
normal civilian laws and the UCMJ. Articles 77 through 134 of the UCMJ are
known as the punitive articles. If any of these laws are violated, it can result in
punishment by court martial. For example, some laws that fall under the punitive
articles are aiding the enemies, spies, espionage, AWOL ( absent without leave),
missing movement, burglary, and many more. Many will also likely have civilian
court cases as well if other local laws were broken too such as drunk driving to
murder. To continue, a court martial is a military court. The
Who Is Adolf Hitler A Tyrant
Long ago a wise man once stated This inspirational quote analyzes the world we
live in. A Tyrant is a ruler of a cruel and oppressive character; someone who is
remembered, but has no power and is dismissed by many. On the other hand, a
Martyr is the one who makes great sacrifices or suffers much in order to further a
belief. This clearly depicts that when a Tyrant reaches his death, he will only be
known for the moment, whereas a Martyr who will be missed and remembered for
decades for his positive characteristics. In life, your character will be judged for
your legacy, therefore, those who give a positive message to the world, and those
who fight for what s right and those who sacrificetheir life for others are the ones
that will never be forgotten throughout history. This quote plays an important role
to our history. Back in the late 1919 s, Adolf Hitler came into power. Hitler was a
man of cruel character; he was unsympathetic and racist to mankind. As a brutal
dictator, he put Jewish people, Black people, anyone that didn t match his
perfection in concentration camps. There he put them through unbearable torture
as each one was forced to work until they nearly passed out with little or no food.
As a result of his actions, more than million lives were lost. In this case, Adolf
Hitler is known to be the Tyrant. In the early 1960 s Martin Luther King Jr gave a
speech; a speech of what he believed in and what he fought for most of his life. As a
result of his phenomenal
Personification In Thanatopsis
Does one fear death? Is it that dark abyss? All the deeds laid bare, all the sins
punished? ( Inspiration about Life and Death ) more often than not the thought of
death is considered feared and an undesired event in someone s life. In Thanatopsis
William Cullen Bryant takes a more subtle view. Through the work of literary
devices, Bryant used personification and metaphors to convey that deathis more
pleasant and calming. With a fascinating biography and a successful writing career,
Bryant managed to live a long profound life with a career in law and having a loving
family. During the Romantics time period, William Cullen Bryantgrew up with a
cultured childhood and a love of nature then created Thanatopsis; a poem that shows
death is a natural occurrence... Show more content on ...
William Cullen Bryant became a famous poet due to the place he was raised.
Bryant was born in early November in a log cabin near Cumminton,
Massachusetts. From a very young age, his father influenced him to start writing
poetry and translating Latin hymns from the Unitarian Church. The Poetry
Foundation says that as his writing developed, Bryant favored Alexander Pope and
other Neo Classic British writing styles ( William Cullen Bryant ) giving his
pieces a very definite characteristic. In his adolescent years, his father submitted
some of his poetry gaining publicity not only for how advanced, but for his young
age as well. Aside from his hobby of writing poetry, Bryant studied law. After just
two years at Williams College, he was admitted to the bar in 1815. He then began
practicing law in Plainfield, Massachusetts, walking seven miles from his home in
Cummington everyday. Bryant s long walk to work gave
Stephen Hacker Zombies In The Workplace Summary
While reading the article, Zombies in the Workplace by Stephen Hacker, it has
come to my attention that I may be an infected zombie. I think it developed in the
workplace after some of the employees left with zombie like features. The previous
employees did not give much positive feedback to the new employees and that they
have told me that there isn t much advancement in the workplace. All the employees
were friends, but once they started to slowly go for a different job, the others started
to become lifeless.
They didn t care about what they were doing anymore. They started to cause friction
in the kitchen. Soon, the employees that started the zombie like featured were gone,
but the virus was still lingering in the air. Not all the employees are like this though.
It s a part time job, so of course there will be some zombies forming here and there
until they move on to get a better job that fits their ... Show more content on ...
Everyone seems to be immune to the virus because they try to make it fun in the
kitchen when the going gets tough. During the holidays for example, my boss
creates this thanksgiving pizza for everyone in the kitchen. Another example is
the gift exchange party they have. Everyone pulls a card out of the hat and gets
them the gift. When it s a really good day, there s a lot of goofing off in the kitchen.
Hacker s story and Nelson Quick s theories are related due to an emotional and
behavioral affect in the workplace. With Hacker s key steps to awakening the
zombie infected coworkers, it s like the moods and emotions from chapter 4 in
Organizational Behavior. The theory of emotional contagion is similar to the disease
that can spread throughout an organization. Since someone in the workplace can
spread their negative emotions to others, it can cause the organization to feel down.
As long as a positive emotion, mood, or spirit is around, there should be some sort of
pulse in the zombie
Catholic Church Sex Abuse Scandal
An Introduction to the Issue Throughout the 20th Century, thousands of reports about
Catholic priests and bishops sexually abusing children have been and are continuing
to surface into the media. These reports have been dealt with internally by the church
rather than civil authorities. In addition, the church has also been covering up many
of the reports, paying over two billion dollars to prevent the scandal from being
leaked into the public. A letter from the Vatican written in 1997 expressed serious
reservations about reporting priests that were suspected of sexual abuse. The church
has been hiding reports and avoiding suspicion by not acting guilty. Instead of
bringing the issue public they have instead launched a three year investigation of
U.S. women religious congregations which cost over three million. The Vatican
leadership also ordered a doctrinal evaluation of the U.S. women religious
leadership s central network, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious.
Furthermore, bishops have issued press releases as well as reports and studies. The
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops published two reports on February
27, 2004. The first report written by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice
included the data and statistics of the sexual abuse reports while the second report
written by the National Review Board talks about the cause and effect of the
problem. In addition the USCCB has also enacted the Charter for the Protection of
Children and Young
The Biography Of Wi Fi Signals
In the world of IT, there are many pioneers that helped contribute to the way we use
technology today, from early ideas of what a computer could be way before one
was actually made, to the inventor of Wi Fi signals. In this report I will be
discussing 6 of them and evaluating which is the top pioneer . Firstly, Augusta Ada
King Noel, known as the Countess of Lovelace was an English Mathematician and
writer during the 19th century. Born in London on the 10th December 1815, she
was the only true child of the poet Lord Byron and Anne Isabella Milbanke (his
wife) as all of his other children were born to other women who were not married
to Byron. Lord Byron left England shortly after Ada s birth and eventually died in
the Greek war of Independence 8 years later. Due to her late husband s actions Ada
s mother decided to promote mathematics and writing to Ada to help prevent her
getting the insanity Anne believed Lord Byron had suffered from. Later, in 1835
Ada married William King, who three years later became Earl of Lovelace, giving
Ada her title of Countess of Lovelace . After furthering her education with scientists
such as: Andrew Crosse and Sir David Brewster, as well as author Charles Dickens
to become an Analyst, she met fellow British mathematician Charles Babbage
through her private tutor. They developed an ongoing friendship and working
relationship while famously working together on Babbage s work on the Analytical
Engine. An example of her work on this
Maagdalena And Mary Magdalene
This reference to Mary Magdalene is implicitly referencing the individual painting
however, it can also be seen as an explicit reference when you see the physical
painting of Penitent Magdalene. He also addresses her as Magdalene which adds to
the strength of the reference. This reference is a strong biblical reference that can
have a variety of interpretations although it can be argued that Caravaggio loved her
so much because he wishes that he could repent for his sins. He had a troubled life
when he was younger and there were a lot of mistakes that he made when he was
younger that he is not proud of. He is also a presumed homosexual and although
homosexuality was very prominent in nobility and among patrons who took
advantage of Caravaggio, homosexuality was deemed unnatural and therefore must
remain hidden. A significant difference between the historical Mary Magdaleneand
Lena is the difference in their life before repentance and their life after. Mary
Magdalene was a repentant prostitute who was asking for forgiveness for her choice
of lifestyle and her sins. She was claimed to have found a new life in the way of
christ and leave behind a life of luxury and sinin order to cleanse herself in the way of
the savior JesusChrist. Lena s reasoning for repentance is different, she is moving
away from her life of sin and prostitution in order to raise her baby with a wealthy
man and live a life of grandeur. This idea is interesting because it presents the
question of why
Police Discretionary Powers
Discretion is used in many different ways in the criminal justice system. It is used to
balance the rights of victims, offenders and society. Discretion allows law enforcers,
attorneys, judges, correction officers and probation officers the opportunity to make
some decisions based on their own opinion whilst still acting within the law. There
are many areas in the law that use discretion, for example policediscretion in the
investigation process, the judges discretion when sentencing and the decisions on
whether or not to set bail. Discretion is very useful in ensuring that everyone s rights
are balanced but it can sometimes cause some issues which mean the rights are left
One of the groups of people within the legal system that have discretionary powers
are the police force. The discretionary powers that they have can be found in the Law
Enforcement (powers and responsibilities) act 2002 (NSW) also known as (LEPRA).
They can use their discretion in various areas one of which is during the investigation
process. They have the discretion to decide whether or not to proceed with
investigations. The only situation that they have to investigate is anything relating to
domestic violence. In these situations, police can t use their discretionary ... Show
more content on ...
Under the Bail Act 2013, police can use their discretion to grant or refuse bail. This
helps to keep the offenders right of innocent until proven guilty. This helps in
upholding the rights of society. In the R v Gallaher case 2012, the accused was let
off on bail as a result of the judge s discretion even though he had murdered
someone, it was thought that he wouldn t put society at risk. When the Bail Act
was reformed it was added that an unacceptable risk test must be passed before
anyone can be released. This means that society s rights are balanced as well as the
victims as the accused won t be released if they could cause any
Exposed Skin Care Research Paper
Everybody wants clear and smooth skin that boasts of a youthful glow and healthy
luster but trying to find a product that grants those wishes can be a daunting process.
It is hard to sort through all the claims amongst the multitude of products available.
This Exposed skin care review will break the item down and tell you all the
information you really want to know.
What is Exposed Skin Care?
Exposed skin care is a line of products available to combat acne and improve the
complexion of the skin. They offer twelve products to assist you in the fight for clear
Facial Cleanser The facial cleanser is a gentle face wash free from soap and other
drying agents, it is hypo allergenic and non comedogenic, meaning it will not clog
your pores ... Show more content on ...
It helps to prevent white and blackheads as well as acne pimples from forming. It
is recommended to use 1 2 times a week. It contains sulfur and resorcinol to kill
bacteria associated with acne pimples, active charcoal to absorb excess oil and
bentonite which is renowned for ridding the skin of impurities and toxins.
Microderm Scrub This luscious scrub uses micro sized crystals to gently exfoliate
your skin of dead skin cells which leaves you with healthy and radiant skin. It also
helps improve your overall complexion and appearance of your skin.
Probiotic Cleanse This cleanse allows you to fight acne with a two pronged approach.
The scrubs, cleaners, masks and tonics fights acne on the skin surface while the
probiotic cleanse fights from the inside out. The natural probiotic is designed to
promote healthy bacteria, restore optimal intestinal functioning and achieve a healthy
immune system.
Body Wash Unfortunately, the face is not the only place acne can strike. Many
people suffer from unwanted body acne as well and this wash was designed to fight
acne in places other than your face, It was specially formulated to gently wash the
body to fight
Donald Trump Visual Analysis
Like, baby, baby, baby, oh I thought a Mexican wall would be fine, fine. As
presidential elections rapidly approaching, media s coverage of the political
candidates has multiplied in the television news, radio, and magazines. Comically,
Media s craze over Donald Trump is portrayed in many illustrations and cartoons to
visually see the political disturbances between the media and the republican party.
Daryl Cagle, a political cartoonist, argues in his visual address, Trump The Media and
Republicans , on the nonstopping attention surrounding Donald Trumpand the lack of
attention to the urgent needs. Daryl Cagle published this political cartoon on Cagle
Post, a website that covers current political issues in a comical way, on August 8,
2015,... Show more content on ...
The fuming elephant in a black suit behind the media is a political representation of
the republican party and their growing frustration for unfair treatment as far as
garnering media attention. The placement of Donald Trump directly oppose to the
republican party reveals that Trump is not an acceptable Republican candidate as
symbolized by him being on the opposite side of the elephant. Furthermore, in the
cartoon, the color choice also convey a symbolic message to the viewers. For
instance, the color light violet represents inferiority and insignificance (Colour
Affect). the elephant is illustrated light violet as almost as he is bruised to show how
he is unable to captivate the media s attention. The color yellow like the taxicab
dominates the picture to grab the attention of the viewers and to reveal the center of
the issue, which in this case is the media. Symbols are used to questions the media s
ethical stand and Donald Trump s political approach. Why is the media focused too
much on Trump s sensational tenets instead of questioning his economic plans and
policies? The elephant s displeasure and the media s excessive coverages unrelated to
politics symbolize the political tension and the media s ethical downfall. Rather than
inquiring Trump about his future plans, the mass media is more interested in Donald
Trump disrespectful and misogynistic remarks. The media s improper actions
represent their loss of moral integrity and their crave for more controversial
statements. In Hindu culture, the sun symbolizes knowledge, truth, influence, and
stability (Hinduwebsite). With this in mind, the yellow curved text bubble around the
mass media resembles the sun, which implies that the media is a huge influence on
the American people and that they provide
Vegetable Waste Disposal and Management in Cebu City...
A Research Proposal
Presented to the Faculty of the School of Business and Economics
University of San Carlos
Cebu City, Philippines
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the course
Business Research BA109N
January 21, 2013
Chapter 1
Organic vegetables and fruits are considered important food sources. They are
generally inexpensive and though naturally low in fat and calories, they are
stillpacked with important nutrients. However, their tendency to spoil easily in their
fresh and unpreserved stateresults in organic waste. ... Show more content on ...
Applying efficient and effective vegetable waste management methods would
produce a positive impact not only on the incomes of Cebu City public market
vendors but also on the Cebuanosociety as a whole and the community in which it
Statement of the Problem
The researchers conduct this study to describe the methods for disposal and
management of vegetable wastes in the public markets of Cebu City. Specifically, the
study attempted to answer the following questions: a. How much vegetable wastes
are currently being disposed of in the public markets in Cebu City? b. What method
for disposal and management of vegetable wastes are currently implemented by the
authorities that are responsible for the public markets? c. How do public market
vendors respond to these implemented disposal and management methods? What are
their attitudes and behaviors towards these methods? d. What are effective alternative
methods of disposing and managing vegetable wastes in the public markets of Cebu
Statement of Assumptions
It is assumed that the disposal of spoiled vegetables in the proper and most
advantageous manner presents problems to public market vegetable vendors, and
that these vegetable vendors have their own strategies in disposing of spoiled
vegetables which differ from market to market. It is also assumed that the public
market area is a factor that affects the
Plot Summary Of The Miller s Tale
The Miller s Tale tells a story of Allison, her husband John, her mister Nicholas and
her admirer Absolon. The story begins by introducing John as a rich, mean
spirited, jealous carpenter. (80 81) Next, Nicholas is introduced as a poor student
of astrology who was courteous, handy, sly and knew about secret love and
pleasure. (91 93) Allison is then described as an eighteen year old, gentle, beautiful
and sexually desired young wife. Absolon is described as a prudish, musical, happy
assistant to the parish priest. These descriptions set the pace for the story to unfold.
The story focuses around Allison, the wife of the carpenter who indulges in
adulterous acts outside of her marriage. I believe Chaucer honed in on her beauty and
sexually desirable appearance to pave the way for her to become the butt of the
humor in the story. Rather than showcasing her beauty as a positive, he s trying to
show the negative aspect of her beauty that was used to attract another suitor and
become the adulterous young woman that is made fun of at the end of the story. ...
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This negative description was justified due to the outcome of the story and how
the affair unfolded between his wife and Nicholas but, I believe it may have also
been Chaucer s way of showing that there was reason for Allison to stray from her
marriage. John was depicted as a jealous and controlling man and was in turn hurt
because of it but, in the end he came out on top with his business booming after the
branding of his wife s
The Challenges Of Co-Locating Of Intercompute And
SUMMARY This paper broadly talks about co locating of compute and storage
nodes in HPC architecture to overcome the I/O challenges in scientific applications.
In a conventional HPC architecture compute nodes and storage nodes are located far
apart and are interconnected via shared network. The bottleneck of the system is the
gap between compute node and I/O which continues to widen up with increasing
storage. The idea of co locating distributed storage nodes with compute nodes seems
to be an eye catcher, as it allows the applications to perform their computation or
manipulate their intermediate results and checkpoints, the data only needed to be
transferred over the network for archival purpose only. This paper also discusses the...
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Two of the building blocks of the FusionSim are ROSS and CODES. ROSS is a
discrete event simulation system uses the time warp algorithm and features
reverse computation for optimistic simulation whereas CODES is a simulation
system built on ROSS used for investigating and co designing of exascale systems.
With these two techniques in mind FusionSim is developed to simulate FusionFS
behavior on exascale systems. How is this work different than the related work
Major distributed file systems like NFS, PVFS, HDFS, GFS have compute and
storage node located at a distance apart interconnected via shared link to perform I
/O operations. Even though the network bandwidth is high enough to provide fast
data transfer but when the day comes for the exascale systems it would not be
adequate for data intensive applications. Cost of the hardware and overall efficiency
of the systems are the two major factors in deciding the future of the HPC systems.
With the ever increasing data in cluster computing the cost of the storage and
hardware for radical performance is increasing exponentially. N number of hardwares
running m number of process or threads to get extremely high parallelism,
concurrency and resilience out of HPC systems is a real deal. The conventional file
systems already implemented still struggling to improve the metadata performance
and overall
Rodeo And Animal Abuse
Fans have argued that rodeo is abuse the the animals and others have argued that it s
not abuse to them. There are a lot of people who absolutely love the rodeo and come
to watch and support it. Then on the other hand, there are those people that hate it and
are totally against it because they believe it is abusive to the animals. Without the
animals, rodeos would not be possible; therefore, the care of the animals is of the
utmost importance to all participants and staff. A writer for Beef says,
Rodeos put animalhealth and welfare in front of fans. How rodeo has used
veterinary information to prepare for and respond to a range of questions can be an
example for the beef industry. (Ryan, 2013). This proves that during the rodeos
E. Coli ( Coli )
Breaking news, 107 persons contacted Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacterial infection
after visiting a petting zoo at a North Carolina County fair . . . a 2 year old boy
died.В№ E. coli bacterial infection is a growing concern for public health officials
in the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services and other local
health departments. This is the most recent condition on E. coli outbreaks in North
Carolina. In 2004, E. coli O157:H7 infection was responsible for making 108
visitors to the North Carolina State fair s petting zoo ill.В№ This condition posed a
serious health risk to the unsuspecting petting zoos patrons. Kids are more susceptible
to these kinds of infections, because they are more prone to touching animals on
display; then touching their mouths, noses, and eyes, which can lead to autoinfection.
Most people are unaware of the infectious danger that lurks in the innocent coats of
these cute furry creatures. The above condition is a great platform for applying the
epidemiology triangle. This will show the correlation of how this infection can
become an epidemic if intervention is not swift. In addition, the supporting data from
credible websites will be an invaluable asset in determining the causation of the
condition. For this case, I shall conduct an investigation of the E. coli outbreak at the
Cleveland County Fair in North Carolina.
E. coli Snapshot The E. coli bacteria are a native flora of humans and animals
intestinal track, and it is
Death Of A Shaman Documentary Analysis
The documentary, Death of a Shaman, centers around a Mien woman, Fahm Fong,
and her family s story of immigrating to the United States from Thailand. The Mien
people had originally lived in the hills of Laos, and due to the aid they gave the U.S.
during the Vietnam war, they were forced to leave Laos and settle in Thailand. Fahm
Fong s familyimmigrated to the United Statesin 1980 when she was still very young.
Her father was a notable figure in Thailand as he was his community s shaman, but
once they arrived in the United States he lost his identity and started a downward
spiral. As Fahm was growing up she was not very close to her father, but after he
had asked her to help him make a documentary she agreed. Sadly, Fahm s father
died soon after, but she felt it was her destiny to finish what he had started and return
to her family in Thailand. She eventually reconnected with her family in Thailand
and discovered more secrets about her family s past. She learned the culture of the
Mien people and finally found a sense of belonging, and through this finally felt like
she had fulfilled her father s wishes to reconnect with his identity.... Show more
content on ...
Even though Fahm s family did assimilate into the American lifestyle, her parents
suffered from losing almost everything they had in their Mien lifestyle. As an
American, I thought that because we are the land of opportunity and are mostly
accepting of all cultures that it would be difficult to suffer so much after immigrating
here, but Fahm s father s story exemplified the reality that not all people thrive after
Revlon V. Mcandrews And Forbes
Revlon v. McAndrews Forbes: Less than a year later, the Delaware Supreme Court
circumscribed directors freedom of action by holding in this case that, once a sale is
in progress, the director s duty switches from protection or maintenance of the
corporate enterprise to obtaining the highest price for the benefit of the shareholders.
In other words, once directors understand that the takeoverwill be successful, their
duty is simply to obtain the best price for the shareholders.
The first precedents of the Delaware Supreme Court show that the standards were
reluctant to the permissiveness in adopting defensive measures. Rather, the courts
preferred the passivity of the board. However, 4 years later the standards changed
when the Court relaxed the reins that had been tightened in Unocal and Revlon.
Paramount Inc. v. Time Inc.: The court gave more leeway to directors in deciding on
defensive measures, even after it was inevitable that the target would be sold. The
court held that directors of target could consider factors other than money values of
the offers, including the amount of information available to shareholders, the
conditions attached to the offers, and the timing. These factors might justify
defensive measures. These defenses were called just say no defenses . They refer to
the ability of directors to simply reject takeovers for the purpose of protecting the
constituencies of the company.
Unitrin v. American General: The Supreme Court of Delaware expanded
Lady Liberty Research Paper
The Statue of Liberty, also known as Lady Liberty, for me is the most intriguing
part of New York City. It is a symbol of hope, freedom, and a better life in the
United States. It is widely known that Lady Liberty was the first thing immigrants
saw when they came to America, this architectural structure was a symbol of hope
and freedom. What intrigues me the most is, Why would France just give us a an
expensive copper statue? I never understood this until right now, everyone knows
what she symbolizes, she is the Statue of Liberty. The word liberty is related to the
word liberated , which means to free. For example, U.S. soldiers helped liberate
Jews from the concentration camps in Germany after World War 2. The statue was
given to us to represent freedom, the concept on which our great country was born
on. Not just any freedom, a true freedom, a freedom in which we are not
subservient to a king. In a sense, we are being liberated from being servants to the
kingdom. It is our country and we want to protect and defend it because we are
fighting for a cause, not just some person who wears a crown because of the family
he was born in to.... Show more content on ...
To understand this you need to go back in history to the 1790 s when France was
fighting there Revolutionary War. They followed the ways of the United Statesby
starting the French Revolution in the kingdom of France. The bourgeois or middle
class believed the citizens should have a part in the politics of their country and
should not be run by a few aristocrats. France wanted true freedom like the U.S.A.,
they wanted to be liberated from there kings like us. The Statue of Liberty represents
that freedom. The U.S. was the first major country to become independent
successfully and re imagine politics, this led the French to do the same, which led to
a long friendship with
Racism and Anti-Semitism in the United States Today
Racism and Anti Semitism in the United States Today
Racism and anti Semitism are both still serious issues in the United States today.
There are many people who would choose to disagree with this idea, however. They
would argue that legislation to protect people has removed any kind of race related
tensions, but it does not appear that this is actually the case. In order to address the
issue thoroughly and comprehensively, it is important to discuss the researcher s
reasons for believing that racism and anti Semitism are both still causing difficulties
for many people in the US during the present day. Until clear knowledge of the
issue is gained, it is not possible to adequately combat the problem and take steps to
improve relations. The first reason that racism and anti Semitism are still being
seen today is from ignorance. The beliefs of people based on their religions and
how they were raised are often very focused on what they were taught when they
were young. As they age, they do not choose to move forward and attempt to learn
more about others and the world around them (McVeigh, 2004). Because they are not
interested in seeing other people as equals, or because they do not want to expand
upon what they have learned and see how others may feel differently than they do,
they simply avoid focusing on anything that is not what they have already been
taught or shown. Until individuals can receive better education on race relations from
an early age, and until they are
The Dual Nature Of Baba Yaga
Spanning across cultures and history, the figure of Baba Yaga is seen in Russian
and Lithuanian folklore as the goddess of birth and death. Baba Yaga appears as
both a kind grandmother figure as well as a wicked witch. The power of Baba Yaga
rests in her ability to grant adulthood and numerous other gifts as well as her power
to take away life and cause death. The multifaceted nature of Baba Yagais first hinted
at by the duality of her name itself. The first part of her name Baba means wise old
woman or grandmother , while Yaga (also seen as Jaga ) means evil woman , witch
, horror and wrath, (Alkman, 2006). The dual nature of Baba Yaga is what makes her
a monstrous figure. Her ambiguity prevents those around her from being able to
predict her actions. Baba Yaga is a cross cultural and temporal phenomenon that is
both a monstrous figure and a monstrous archetype due to the ambiguity and various
dual natures of herself as a character and the elements associated with her.... Show
more content on ...
She is ambiguous, marginal and unpredictable. She is sometimes frightening,
sometimes kind, always ancient, always cunning, and she always dwells deep in
the woods where children become lost, (Rima, 2010). The old woman figure is
particularly scary because the most powerful person in a child s life is the mother
(Blair, 2015). The old woman does not serve a straightforward purpose in the
society in which she lives. She is no longer able to produce or care for children and
is often a burden on society as they have to care for her. Due to her marginal place
in society, Baba Yaga is a feared as her actions, like her role in society, are
undetermined and ambiguous. In some circumstances, Baba Yaga is cannibalistic,
aggressive, threatening, and at other times she intervenes to make sure that there is a
happily ever after, (Blair, 2015)
Permanency In The Time Machine
Scientific research often emphasizes a common goal of creating perfection within
humanity; the wish to manipulate nature to gain superiority technologically is a
theme Wells touches upon in The Time Machine: ...[the] perfect state lack[s] one
thing even for mechanical perfection absolute permanency... however it [is] affected,
[it] become[s] disjointed (120). During the Victorian Era technology was just starting
to become mechanized, this Industrial Revolution sought the perfection of machinery
to perfect and create ease of work ( Victorian Britain ). Wells quote stays relevant as
the industrial revolution s technology has gotten more precise, and more perfect to
this day; it shows that perfection of an era is neither permanent nor achievable....
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During the Industrial Revolution extravagance was on the rise especially when
looked at by the Crystal Palace, built in England during this era ( Victorian Britain
). The Crystal Palace was the hallmark of England s industrial successes, as each
new invention was exhibited for the enjoyment of the people who had the time to
enjoy such leisure rather than work where minimal labor laws were set in place (
Victorian Britain ). The Time Machine has its very own Crystal Palace too: the tall
pinnacles of the Palace of Green Porcelain and the polished gleam of its walls
came back to memory (Wells 54). In The Time Machine, the Eloi flex their
technological might: (Wells 64). The Morlocks work underground, they are the
workers with no protection, who later retaliate the oppression of the Eloi by taking
them for meals instilling fear into the upper world dwellers; (Wells 100). The fact
that Eloi who and rely on the Morlock s to power the many machines they rely on to
live, adds commentary on where Wells sees society heading due to the rise of
materialism and consumerism. The Pixar film, Wall E, alludes to this reliance on
technology in the description of the overweight people sitting in
Examples Of Class Differences In The Great Gatsby
What does the novel show about society and class differences? Well in the Roaring
Twenties, many people from all of the social classes became aware of the class
differences. The classes was obviously divided by location, amount of material
possessions and the way one person acts. For a American novel class is an unusual
theme, it is more common to find it in European and British novels. Most of the
societies are divided between the rich and the older modern way. Fitzgerald reflects
social status through many geographical locations in American, and explains them
by their traits, lifestyles, and mentalities. Fitzgerald illustrates the class differences
in the 1920 s for example, he started with introducing you to the characters of
different social classes and describes them in a way they act belonging to one of the
class. The Buchanans, Gatsby and the Wilson s was all great examples of how... Show
more content on ...
East Egg reflects the high class society for example, they inherit the money also
known as old money . Then you have the West Egg, that are Ivy League educated
and contempt toward the new money , the West Egg are wealthy but have only
become rich recently. Jay Gatsby and Nick are part of the West Egg. Jay Gatsby
illustrates the way wealth affects social status in the novel. However Jay doesn t
come from a wealthy background, but he is self taught in business and becomes a
wealthy man, so therefore he is able to mingle with people of the higher class.
Even though he doesn t fit into East Egg his love Daisy will not attend any of
Gatsby s parties, but he is still accepted in a level of society who never would have
accepted him in his poorer days. For the old money people, the fact that Gatsby (and
countless other people like him
What Is The Purpose Of Dante s Inferno
In my reading of the Divine Comedy, it seems to be a guidebook for spiritual
salvation. The text itself depicts a man taking a journey throughout the stages of life.
His expedition references both pagan and Christian religions. Dante travels through
heaven, purgatory, and hell as a way to show readers what to expect and how to get
there. Through the help of a guide, Dante makes his way throughout the stages of
life. The tone of the writings depicts a guide. To represent transhumanise in words
impossible were; the example, then, suffice him for whom Grace the experience
reserves, (Divine ComedyParadiso I). Here there is an attempt at explaining what is
seen. Fiction novels have descriptions; one can read it and visualize what is being
described. This line is different though, when words fail Dante, he... Show more
content on ...
It is necessary for him to share what he is seeing in hopes to prepare his readers for
the same experience. The Divine Comedy is full of detailed descriptions. And he
who with his hair a stairway made us still fixed remaineth as he was before. Upon
this side he fell down out of heaven, (Divine Comedy Inferno XXXIV). The afterlife
is a scary topic due to the threat of hell. For those ascending to hell, knowing what to
expect would be a great benefit. As a religious text, this is not supporting the
option of hell, but rather using it as deterrence. Some would read this as motivation
never to go there. Others would read it as a learning experience. Either way the
details are crucial to the parties reading these cantos. Another way that readers are
prepared through this text is by being told what mistakes Dante made and what not
to do. But if a Lady of Heaven do move and rule thee, as thou dost
The Role Of Clothing In The Elizabethan Era
In the Elizabethan period, the law on what clothing people wore was so strict that
people could have penalties such as fines, the loss of property, and even life
(www.elizabethan! Clothing was very important to people in the
Elizabethan period, and regardless of what social class people where in, what they
wore mattered a lot to them and defined them. This applies to younger girls and
younger boys, who spent a lot of time dressing nice.
Young girls spent their morning putting on their many layers of clothing. Young girls
dressed similar to adults ( Martin). Undergarments worn by young
girls were the same regardless of what social class they were born into
( Martin). First, girls would dress in a chemise,
Bodybuilding Nutrition And Nutrition
Bodybuilding Nutrition
Bodybuilding is a sport where men and women s goal is to achieve a symmetrical
and muscular physique with low body fat percentages, usually in order to win a
competition. Many factors go into reaching these goals such as resistant training,
genetics, mental will power and nutrition. While all of these factors are important to a
bodybuilder, nutrition seems to be one of the most important, most researched and
most tested and manipulated branch of the bodybuilders lifestyle. Specifically, the
effects of protein on a bodybuilder, the ideal macronutrient ratios (carbs, fat, and
protein) for fat loss and muscle maintenance. and nutrition s effect on resistance
training recovery have been studies to further optimize a bodybuilders physique.
The important yet controversial topic of optional protein intake has been a hot
topic for years in many areas such as the needs for sedentary induvial, sports
athletes, Olympic athletes and bodybuilders. However it is generally agreed upon
that while the RDA standard of .75 .80 g/kg of body weight a day is enough to
keep those with physical activities in there day to day life in a positive nitrogen
balance, this is not the case for bodybuilders due to their goals of increasing muscle
mass and intense training. (Masedu, Ziruolo, Valenti, Di Giulio, 2012) A more
beneficial protein intake for bodybuilders should sit around 1.7 2.2 g/kg of body
weight a day if the induvial wants to see optimal results with regards to
Stump-Watchers In Han Feiizi s
Han Feizi does not like the way of the former kings, he thinks that it is an old thing
to do. Han Feizi also says, Those who think they can take the ways of the ancient
kings and use them to govern the people of today all belong in the category of
stump watchers (Pg. 98)! This category that he is putting them in, I think is almost
like the lowest of the low. Stump watchers are people who think something that
happened one time will happen repeatedly. He just wants to put a modern way of
thinking on the old. The way that he is going about it though I think is completely
wrong because it is hard to uproot people s lives, and tell them that they are all
wrong. Instead, he could just have tried to bend the rules and modernize them. We see
... Show more content on ...
Doubt would come in the form of showing ambition to gain the throne. I think this
is apparent when Han Feizi says, The beast called the dragon can be tamed and
trained to the point where you may ride on its back. But on the underside of his
throat, it has scaled a foot in diameter that curls back from the body, and anyone
who chances to brush against them is sure to die (Pg. 79). I think this quote is
talking about ambition and how it can get you killed if you do not follow the law.
The law must be clear so that subordinates do not try to become the king. Becoming
the king in the sense that they are not following the rituals assigned to them and
they are following the rituals of the king. To finish off the quote and how it is
relevant to this chapter Han Feizi say, The ruler of men too has as his bristling
scales. Only if a speaker can avoid brushing against them will he have any hope for
success (Pg. 78). This is saying for someone to come into office or ministry that
they should not butt heads with the king. They should abide by the laws and then
not go outside of them. For when they go outside of the laws then they will be
punished for the laws are only beneficial for the king. Someone who is going to try
and take over with their thoughts is probably going to die because it is not they re
right according to the
Access Code Research Paper
problem with the access code and text book
Students have number of problems when they are going to college. One of the
biggest problem students are facing is buying the textbooks or access code for
their classes such as math, science, English, etc. Those students who are freshman
they do not realize how much they will be spending for the books and they think
they will be only spending $200 but in reality it cost more than $500. Students
always seems very confuse, mad and shock after spending this much money on the
textbooks. Beginning of semester most of the new students have same question,
such as is there any way we can save money from spending so much for these books?
is there any website that we can get books for half price? Yes, there... Show more
content on ...
Other students will tell you to buy used books rather than new. Buying used books
from eBay, amazon or from different companies can also help you to save money.
However, there are no other way you can save money from buying access codes. If
you buy it from university textbooks or you buy it from online, both of them cost
the same amount of money. Also if you do not want to spend money from buying
textbooks then you can buy an E textbook and that can save up to 60%. There are
many ways to save money, however price for the books increasing every year and it
makes harder and harder for students to go for college. Some students decide not to
attend college because they cannot afford living, tuitions, and books expanse. Some
students are failing classes because they cannot afford buying the books for their
Connections To World History Explanation
Connections to World History Explanation
Archaeology helps us understand world history by showing us how the ancient
groups of people lived before us. They do this by reviewing artifacts left behind by
the people of the past. This special branch of study helps us grasp a vast majority of
the events that happened before us. Remains left behind are evaluted and preserved
to be showcased for future refrences and to give us a look in on who they were.
Geography helps us understand world history by teaching us about the Earth and all of
its many wonders. This science includes how the earth is divided into continents and
countries, the climate, animal and plant life, people s resources, industries and
products these topics go
Examples Of If He Run In The Maze
When haw realize that they just not moved forward he laugh. Then hem ask him
why he laugh. Then haw prepared to run in to the maze again. He is much alive
and full of courage to find new cheese. He just stays in cheese station C and keeps
asking who moved my cheese. But before haw live the station he wrote a serious
thought for hem to think and lighten up and go after the new cheese. The quote in
the wall said If you do Not Change, You become Extinct . Then he run in the maze.
As he run he wondered about hem and laugh at it because he knew that hem is
keep asking who moved my cheese. Then as he run he right in the wall a signage s
and quotes. He keeps run and run in the maze and then he find small pieces of
cheese as he goes by but isn t enough for long time. He gets some from hem, for
hem to have the courage to come out the station C and look for cheese in the maze.
Things had change since the last time haw run in the maze. As he run he became
hopeless he wondered if it realistic for him to expect to find new cheese.... Show
more content on ...
Then as he looked back on the things he realized that the cheese in cheese station C
had not just gone overnight. As he remembered the amount of the cheese is getting
smaller and the remaining cheese is didn t taste good. Haw realized the change
most likely would not have taken him by surprise if only he watch what is
happening in the cheese. And then he realize that s sniff and scurry do. He
decided he would be more aware if he found new cheese. Then he stop for a rest
and wrote again in the wall of the maze it says Smell the Cheese often so you know
When It is Getting Old . Sometime later after not saw any cheese for what seemed
like a long time. Then haw saw a huge cheese station, which looked promising. Then
when he gets inside he became disappointed because there s nothing inside the
station. Haw became physically weak. He became afraid and losing hope to find new
The Theory Of Child Development
Art educators that consider theories of child development when creating lesson plans,
are more effective. As art educators, we understand that it is our responsibility to
educate ourselves on the latest research of art development in order to better serve
our educational institutions through providing a quality art education for the future
generations of innovators in America. Piaget s stages of cognitive development
stages thoroughly explain the biological transition that occurs in elementary school
learning and laid down the groundwork for the study Drawing Development in
Children by Viktor Lowenfeld and Betty Edwards. Utilizing what we understand to be
age appropriate development, we can determine art history lessons that correspond...
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However, they may need assistance figuring out a design to create this form. From
this example, we can see how cognitive and physical development at different stages
through art is essential to building on skills necessary in other aspects of life. When
developing a lesson plan, art teachers often think about what art history lesson they
want to teach, mediums they want to cover, the student s previous history in that art
form, and what steps in the process would have to be included in that instruction. It s
crucial to note the developmental age group in accordance to the background history
in art education, so that we can fully understand how to build upon skills that have
been previously established. Many theorists agree that development does occur in
stages. A similar idea to child develop within stages is Piaget s Stages of Cognitive
Development: The first stage is sensorimotor where intelligence is shown through
motor activity based on physical interactions and experiences. Mobility or physical
development allow for the development of new intellectual abilities. The
preoperational stage is when intelligence is demonstrated through the use of symbols.
As language matures, memory and imagination develop. Thinking is not logical,
irreversible and

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Essay Community Service. Community Essay Service - Building character

  • 1. Essay Community Service Writing an essay on the topic of community service presents both challenges and opportunities for personal growth. The difficulty lies not only in the task of expressing one's thoughts coherently but also in navigating the delicate balance between showcasing individual experiences and highlighting the broader impact on the community. The initial hurdle often involves brainstorming and selecting meaningful instances of community service. This requires introspection to identify experiences that truly made a difference, fostering a sense of connection to a cause beyond the act itself. Additionally, finding a unique angle or perspective within the vast realm of community service can be a daunting task. It's essential to avoid clichГ©s and offer a fresh viewpoint that captures the reader's attention. Crafting a compelling narrative is another challenge. The essay must strike a balance between personal anecdotes and a broader reflection on the significance of community service. One must skillfully weave together the details of specific experiences with a thoughtful analysis of the lessons learned, emphasizing personal growth and the transformative power of giving back. Maintaining a cohesive structure is crucial. The essay should have a clear introduction, a well- organized body that chronicles experiences, and a conclusion that ties everything together. Transitions between paragraphs must be seamless to ensure a smooth flow of ideas, creating a compelling narrative arc. Moreover, the writer needs to be mindful of the tone, ensuring it is sincere and reflective. It's easy to fall into the trap of appearing boastful or insincere when discussing acts of service. Striking the right balance between humility and confidence is essential to convey authenticity. Researching and incorporating relevant facts and statistics about the impact of community service adds depth to the essay. This not only supports the writer's claims but also demonstrates a broader understanding of the societal issues at play. In conclusion, writing an essay on community service demands a combination of self-reflection, storytelling prowess, and the ability to connect personal experiences to broader societal themes. It's a journey that requires time, effort, and a genuine commitment to conveying the transformative power of service. For those seeking assistance in navigating this intricate process, similar essays and more can be ordered on Essay Community ServiceEssay Community Service
  • 2. Ordovician Life For a long period, up till now, I loved the early life of earth. Kimberella, Dickinsonia, and, later in time, Hylonomus were some of the creatures I studied. To find out, I went online to look around. The first question I looked at, to me at least, was the diversity of life in the early periods of life, specifically the Ordovician. To find out the answer, we must go back in time, at the beginning of the Ordovician in fact, to find out the answer. I started my research on this topic by surfing the internet and looking at various websites until I found the perfect one. I finally found an entire article on how the Ordovician period s life branched out. Next, I wanted to find out information on the missing link between fish and early amphibians.... Show more content on ... During this period there were volcanoes dotting the landscape of early Earth. Seems inhospitable right? You are correct in a way, but there is life here, microscopic life, but life nonetheless. Deep in the ocean, in the crushing depths, there are black smokers, early versions of them, wafting out large amounts of heat and food. This is where early life began, absorbing nutrients from the water. ( Proterozoic: Eukaryotes and the First Multicellular Life Forms. Proterozoic: Eukaryotes and the First Multicellular Life Forms. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar.
  • 3. Satire In The Miller s Tale Essay The Miller s Tale is, in my opinion, the most humorous of the tales that Chaucer wrote, primarily because of the plot line. The crazy antics of the four characters Alison, John, Nicholas and Absalom create a sort of timeless humor, a basic comedy that brings laughter to everyone. Chaucer also uses satire and irony throughout the tale to portray the ridiculousness of the men and woman. Often times in the story, the audience knows more than the characters do so lots of anticipation is built for the funny moments. Chaucer s plot, writing style, and literary elements he uses create a comical tale. One of the major elements that Chaucer uses in The Miller s Tale is satire. He uses satire against both John and Absalom. John is a carpenter who has... Show more content on ... Nicholas and Alison deceive John and tell him that there is a flood coming, so John sets up a crazy contraption with tubs on the roof in order to protect him and his wife. Knowing that there is no flood and that John is acting so paranoid for nothing makes the story even funnier, and Chaucer uses this element of dramatic irony again when Absalom is taking measures to get his revenge. His revenge is supposed to be brought upon Alison, but despite his intentions, it is Nicholas who feels the burn of revenge figuratively and literally. Absalom burns Nicholas s behind when it is stuck out of the window with the expectation of having it kissed. Absalom had come to Alison s window to ask for a kiss, and Nicholas and her decided that it would be hilarious to stick Alison s bottom out instead. So, Absalom kissed Alison s butt and after realizing that it was not her lips, was furious. His description of the kiss and realization is hilarious! He mentions a beard and a third eye is referred to, so you can imagine the gross but amusing situation. He came back again later with a hot iron, and Nicholas decided to stick out his butt this time. Dramatic irony is present again because we know that Absalom has the hot
  • 4. Biblical Models of Servant Leadership CHAPTER TWO THE NEED: BIBILICAL MODELS OF SERVANT LEADERSHIP Introduction There are basic attitudes which we see in the lives of those whom God called to servant leadership in the Bible. These include a serving attitude where the leader sees his[1] primary responsibility to those whom he leads as to serve and develop them to fulfill their God given mandate. The leader serves by putting on a redeeming attitude, like Moses and Joshua. In other words he takes responsibility for those he leads, recognizing needs and reaching out to meet those needs rather than positioning himself for power and prestige. We see these virtues demonstrated by Jesus. His life was completely lived to serve the course of the Father ... Show more content on ... God prepared Moses through a process and over time and so Moses had to learn to wait. Usually it is while the leader waits that his mind and perspective is broadened, his life matures in relation to knowing the One who enlists him, he is empowered to withstand the storms of leadership, and is humbled to be able to submit to serve. Moses had to submit to God s way of preparing him for the task of pioneering a leadership for a people that had gone through decades of pain and misery. Charles R. Swindoll particularly referred to Moses desert experience as a means for his preparation for the long lonely way of leadership that was ahead of him. He adds: some of the world s greatest leaders have been people who lived lonely lives. In Moses long career as a leader he would be questioned, attacked, accused, hated, and betrayed. Through it all, he would stand alone. [6] It took the desert experience of preparation for him to stand alone. In the course of Moses preparation to leadership he had to learn that God appoints and directs leaders as He wills, and that the leader has little to say in all that. Swindoll again adds: Moses learned that lesson from failure ... more often than not, God s leadership candidates are aghast at their selection. They look with chagrin at the assignment before them. They can hardly believe their ears when God says, You are the man ; or you are the woman. [7] This came out clearly in
  • 5. War on the home front War on the home front was not a shaped many Canadian negatively in WWI. The Wartime Elections Act had an effect on Canadians politically. The great influenza affected Canada socially. Lastly, propaganda and victory bonds caused Canada to fall economically. Canada s home front during WWI had a negative impact on the Canadian people politically, socially and economically. The Wartime Elections Act proposed by Robert Borden weakened Canada politically as a country. This act that was passed in 1917 took the vote away from citizens who had emigrated from enemy countries. In addition, the act only gave army nurses and close relatives of soldiers the right to vote. In 1918, women living in Canada were given the right to vote, but they could ... Show more content on ... It killed 1000 Canadians a day and 50 000 overall. Sick people were isolated in schools, churches, hospitals, and theatres. The Spanish Influenza came in three waves and the second wave was the deadliest of them all. During the first wave, people were bleeding from their ears, eyes and nose and there was no one to help them because everyone was infected with this flu: Power is a way how society functions within it. John Barry is talking about how the Spanish flu came with a lot of power and killed lots of people. This infection decreased the population and it caused a lot of havoc in the cities. Clearly, the Spanish influenza was a dangerous infection that killed many people and affected Canada socially. Propaganda was a negative way of convincing people to change their opinions. Propaganda was designed to make people believe in certain viewpoints and to think in a certain way. Propaganda posters were created with bright colours and different pictures so that it would catch people s attention and it would persuade men to join the army. Most of the posters stated that If we all get together or if a country gets together, we can win. This was the most common phrase used on propaganda posters. This was also known as the herd effect because everyone was doing it together. The war was becoming very expensive, so the government started selling war bonds to help pay for the war. After the war, Canadians could cash in their war bonds with
  • 6. Linkage Analysis Essay As molecular genetic data became available, studies used them to understand human behaviors. Below I briefly summarize the structure of human genome and introduce the genome wide association studies (GWAS). In humans, 23 pairs of chromosome constitutes the human genome. For each chromosome, the nucleotides on the opposite strands connected together to form tens of thousands of base pairs. Normally, the bonds are either adenine thymine (A T) or guanine cytosine (C G). These construct the double helix DNAstructure. A chunk of a chromosome that relates to certain functions is a gene. The lengths of genes (i.e., a region of DNA) differ. Mutations of genetic variants in genes can lead to diseases or variations in phenotypes. Genetic variants... Show more content on ... Also, the analyzed segments for association studies are at least ten times smaller than the ones used in linkage analysis (10~100 kb vs. 1000 kb). Therefore, although both association studies and linkage studies use the similar method, by scanning a large scale of the known human genetic variants, and finding the significant SNPs that relate to the outcomes, association studies have the larger statistical power and are more popular nowadays. The genome wide association studies apply the association studies to a large portion of the known common human genetic variants. For humans, there are about 8 to 10 million common SNPs for whom at least one percent of the population has the minor allele. The minor allele is the rarely observed genetic variants in the reference population. Mostly, laboratories genotype only about a million of these tag SNPs and impute others. Both the linkage studies and association studies are hypothesis free approach which does not require the a priori knowledge of the biological pathways underlying the study (Belsky and Israel 2014, Manuck and McCaffery 2014). GWAS features of including many genetic variants and being hypothesis free provide researchers with an unbiased and comprehensive method. Only a theoretical assumption is assumed for these association studies: the common disease common variant assumption. This holds that multiple SNPs contribute to a single disease
  • 7. Journal Report On Journal ( Trip ) ( 2011-2012 Item No. 1 Journal (Trip to France) 2011 2012Item No. 1 The first item in my portfolio is a journal from when my family took a trip to France. Since my dad was granted a sabbatical, our family travelled to the south of France for a year to learn French and gain cultural experience. We took this trip during the time I was in Grade 6; however, we had to take school in French instead, which was probably more difficult. I chose to add this journal because it is an accurate summary of many of the things my family did in France, and it shows my progress throughout the year learning French. In order to be able to communicate while my family was in France, all of us had to learn to speak and write in French. This was a challenge, but we took lessons ... Show more content on ... However, I would make sure to keep a more detailed account of what I was doing. I would need to keep a better journal so that I could remember all the things I did. There are so many things to do and see that it is nearly impossible not to forget something! In France, I learned the value of heightened social and interpersonal skills and awareness. I found that when speaking in French, I was much more confident than when I spoke in English, and this led to me being less introverted. By writing a journal, I also learned how to summarize facts concisely, and how to communicate effectively. This journal demonstrates that I have effective communication skills, especially in writing. It also shows how I am always working to improve my general skill set. You can see this throughout the journal, as my French gets better and better! Rock (Asteroids Game) July 2013Item No. 2 As the second item in my portfolio, I chose to add a rock. Although a rock is something very ordinary, to me it represents something very special: the time when I created a clone of the arcade game Asteroids. This was significant because it was the first time I had created a video game that actually looked professional; it was also the first video game for which I developed a fully functional computerized opponent. I chose a rock to represent part of me in my portfolio, because it is a
  • 8. Alien Abductions Essay The Psychology Behind Alien Abductions Alien abductions are no longer things of science fiction novel and movies. In the late 1940s, UFO and alien sightings became a nation wide phenomenon. With the reported sightings and abductions, came mass media, but also heavy criticism. If nothing else, these descriptions illustrate that the AAE is a dynamic, elaborate, and involved experience, rich in contextual detail, with considerable perceptual, psychological, cognitive, and physical concomitants (p. 255). Over the course of seventy years, scientists have delved into the mindset of these victims and uncovered the underlying causes of the reported experiences. Extensive research has been conducted to determine the psychological aspects of ... Show more content on ... Donald Spence believes that this may be the case in his article Abduction Tales as Metaphors . The alien narrative is a substitute for the cultural crisis Robert Thoreau describes as a less empowered, more alienated, and less predictable citizens (Spence 177). Most abductions have the similar traits of powerlessness and uncertainty, while powerful beings degrade their bodies and leave them traumatized (177). When contrasting modern day abductions and mid twentieth century ones, Spence found that the narratives are also reflective of our times. Early aliens were generally characterized as a jovial creatures, while modern day extraterrestrials are described as malevolent creatures. The stark contrast is a subliminal metaphor for the cultural atmosphere of the time. The early Kennedy and Eisenhower years marker great progress within the American society and stability. As the political and cultural climates have changed, the tales of little gray men turn into an ominous fight for freedom. Deciphering the actual cause of reports alien abductions may never be solved, but many psychologists have theories. While Spence believes the alien abduction phenomenon is a metaphor for our society, psychologist Roy Baumeister believes reports are made by masochists. A person who is sexually gratified by pain, degradation, etc., that is self imposed or imposed by others. Dr. Baumeister believes the reports stem
  • 9. The Protagonists In Game Changers The protagonists of Game Changers were Ben, Lily,Sam, and Coop. They were the protagonists because they were the most positive and Lilly, Sam, and coop were all Ben s friends. The antagonist was Shawn O Brien because he was a rival with Ben to start at QB. He was also very negative every time he made a mistake instead of trying to get better. The other antagonists were all of the football teams that played the Rams because they were going against the Rams, the team that Ben played on. Coach O Brien was an antagonistat first, but then he started Ben at QB so he wasn t putting Ben at WR anymore since he wanted to be QB so badly. The story took place sometime in the 2000s. The whole story mainly took place on the football field. The rising
  • 10. Long Term Effects Of Mental Health mental health can prevent someone from living an enriching life. There is growing evidence that is showing emotional abilities are associated with prosocial behaviours such as stress management and physical health. It is also concluded in their research that people who lack emotional expression are inclined to anti social behaviours. These behaviours are a direct reflection of their mental health. Self destructive acts may take place to suppress emotions. Some of these acts include alcohol and drug abuse, physical fights or vandalism, physiological well being or an absence of a mental disorder from the perspective of positive psychology or holism , mental health may include an individuals ability to enjoy life, and create a balance between life activities and efforts to achieve psychological resilience. Mental health can also be defined as and expression of emotions, and as signifying a successful adoption to a range of demands. ... Show more content on ... This is result in further unhappiness and anxiety and this could bring on a bad episode. All of the above can lead to social exclusion and this can have long lasting effects on some individuals who are suffering from mental health issues. Unfortunately this can lead to downward trend into poor health, unemployment, and debt and family
  • 11. The Articles Of Association ( Aoa ) Forms The Constitution... The Articles of Association (AOA) forms the constitution of the Company. It regulates the internal affairs of the company by defining the responsibilities of directors, the type of business and the means by which the shareholders exert control over the Board of Directors . This essay will illustrate the similarities and differences of the AOA to a contract and how it is special in nature. Based on Section 14 of the Companies Act 1985 , AOAs are on the same level and to the same extent as if the company and shareholders had signed a contract. This is illustrated by Sterling J s statement in Wood v Odessa Waterworks Company which reads: The articles of association constitutes a contract not merely between shareholders and the company but also between the individual shareholders and every other . The equivalence of AOA to a contract is conclusive in New British Iron Co per Wright J s judgment whereby it completely replaces or stands in lieu of the missing employment contract. This highlights the fact that AOA possesses contractual value and is contractual by nature. In simple terms, it is from its conception considered as an enforceable agreement and hence it is legally binding. As such, it is evident that AOAs serves all purposes of a regular contract. AOAs however is a special legal document as it possesses distinct features that differentiates it from being an ordinary contract . An ordinary contract has permanent signatories or perpetual parties while the
  • 12. The The Souls Of White Folks India was under imperialistic rule by the British Empire or the Bristish Raj from 1858 to 1947.The region under British control commonly called India in the British period included areas directly administered by the United Kingdom as well as the princely states ruled by individual rulers under the paramount of the British throne. In my recent visit to London precious jewels and Indian made goods are displaced in Windsor castle under high security. Most of the goods accumulated from India were under Queen Victoria s reign; the other monarchs who were reigning during this imperialistic time were Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII, and George VI. W.E.B Dubois writes in the Souls of White Folks, We see Europe s greatest sin precisely where we found Africa s and Asia s, in human hatred, the despising of men; with this difference, however: Europe has the awful lesson of the past before her, has the splendid results of widened areas of tolerance, sympathy, and love among men, and she faces a greater, an infinitely greater, world of men than any preceding civilization ever faced. England took advantage of its darker counterparts by showing superiority through color, religion, and technological advances. In the Photograph Album of Cashmere Ladakh,1886, H.W.B depicts the age of imperialism through his photography of the 1st Batallion East Surrey Regiment of Great Britain. The photos allow one to make observations without any biased inputs such as writings. Using one s own
  • 13. God Grew Tired Of Us A refugee is a person who was forced to leave their country. Whether it be from warfare or natural disaster, their homes are no longer safe to live in, so they need to relocate elsewhere. Once someone sets foot on the journey of becoming a refugee, they become vulnerable and dependent with no sense of what the future will bring. In an attempt to accommodate them, first world countries with the resources necessary to assist these refugees, are struggling to determine whether or not they should step in and help. Some argue that taking them in could come with excessive consequences, while others believe they could be assets. Although there may be a few consequences, they are outweighed by the benefits and undeniable severity of the situation.... Show more content on ... When relocating to a new country, a refugee must get used to a new culture while suppressing their own. Not to mention, they have to live knowing that they left their family and friends behind in a dangerous environment. They are stuck with the burden of not knowing whether or not their relatives are still alive. Having to live day after day with these weights on your shoulder would be a detriment to anyone s emotional health. In the documentary, God Grew Tired of Us, John Dau, a Syrian refugee came to America where he was able to live in an apartment, get a job, and receive an education. He went from living outdoors with no idea of what tomorrow will bring, to living in an air conditioned apartment with a chance to build a future, yet Dau still wasn t happy. He found himself missing his homeland and the friends and family he had left behind. Refugees face a multitude of emotional stress when starting their new lives, everything has changed for them and sometimes it can be too much to handle. Knowing they left vulnerable loved ones behind, while they get to start anew can make it hard to enjoy their chance at happiness. Along with the distress that comes with being on your own, the different customs and societal values can be difficult on a refugee. They may need to abandon old traditions or even hide a part of their identity that wouldn t be seen as normal in their new location. A constant sense of loneliness along with living in a new area where you don t quite fit in can be emotionally stressful for
  • 14. Lil Wayne s Rhetorical Techniques Used In Advertising 2016 was the year that Samsung introduced one of their latest smartphones to their lineup of products, the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. Samsung was most proud of the water resistance ability of their new flagship phone, and what better way to showcase that ability, than too have one of the most popular living rappers, Lil Wayne, to appear in a commercial to prove it. Samsung s Galaxy S7 commercial not only aired on TV, but also went viral on social media sites, such as; YouTube, Facebook, etc. Michelle Castillo, wrote in her article on the CNBC website that, Marc Mathieu, Samsung s chief marketingofficer, mentioned that Samsung s ad agency, Wieden+Kennedy, came up with the idea for the new ad campaign with Lil Wayne in mind as the spokesperson,... Show more content on ... This method can either stir up positive or negative emotions in the reader, but either way its intent is to sell an idea, belief, a product, or to convince the reader to pick a side. This commercial uses pathos in a couple different ways. Humor is the most obvious way pathos is being used, it is the setting of the entire commercial. When Wayne, Max, and his friend on the phone, Kenny, are saying, Whaaaaaat! , it is meant to be silly and fun. It is even funny just watching them pour champagne on their smartphones. Humor promotes laughter, and laughter releases endorphins in our brain that trigger the happy feels, and puts us in a good mood. It is well known, that if you can get the customer to laugh, then you are more likely to sell to that customer because laughter helps them drop whatever guard they are putting up. Another way this ad uses pathos, is by appealing to the fear of dropping our phone in water and damaging it. We all can relate to this type of accident, and we are always trying to prevent it, so we don t have to worry about forking out the big bucks to repair or replace our beloved smartphone. In the commercial, Max pouring champagne on his phone and it shorting out, is a perfect example of pathos, by showing us that if you get your phone wet, it will damage it, unless you get the new Galaxy S7
  • 15. Difference Between Chinese Culture and Western Culture Intercultural Communication and the Conflicts between Chinese Culture and Western Culture Abstract There are many matters of cultural conflicts in intercultural communication of Chinese culture and western culture, and it seriously affects the course of communication. So, it is necessary for us to find the in depth reason and make some plans on how to improve the ability of intercultural communication. This is the right way to avoid the cultural conflicts. There are several culture conflicts: the conflicts on privacy, the conflicts on the sense of time, the conflicts on traditional cultures, the conflicts on table custom. The reasons are: the difference in the mode of thinking, the difference in behavior, the difference in the concept of ... Show more content on ... B. The conflicts on the sense of time The sense of time of western people is closely related with money. The idea that Time is money has formed in their thought. So, they set a high value on their time. In the daily time, western people have a meticulous plan about their time and they have a good habit of coming to date on time. In western countries, if you want to call on someone, you must inform them or date with them before you come and you should tell them your coming purpose, the time and the place. After both of you discuss about it, you can make it out. But, Chinese people use their time at their pleasure. Usually, Chinese people will not do things as the western people, and western people usually feel unsuitable on this course. Most western people spend their time in working and studying, they seldom spend a lot time in eating or doing something else. But Chinese people spend much time on other things. For example, when western people come to KFC to have a meal, they eat their food as soon as possible, but, the Chinese people in KFC show another situation. They eat their food slowly and chat with each other. They do not think this is a way to waste time. C. The conflicts on traditional cultures Chinese people pay special attention to modesty. When they communicate with others, they often respect others but look down upon themselves. They think this is a virtue and this is a polite phenomenon with Chinese characteristics. When others praise
  • 16. Ceramic Presentation Essay CriteriaValue(points) Pain44 Function47 Absence of Deformity4 Range of Motion5 Materials: Materials considerations are for the stem, femoral head, and acetabular components. ( 3 main materials used in hip replacements are ceramics, (highly) cross linked polyethylene, and metal. ( Ceramic on polyethylene(CoP) is the second commonest hip implant type accounting for 26.1% of bearing types in total hip replacements in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the Isle of man. ( /FSfzVW)Ceramic is the material most often used for young patients with an active lifestyle. ( Studies have shown that Ceramic implants are best for active patients that are expected to place more load cycles on the prosthesis more frequently due to the low corrosion level of ceramics. ( Early ceramics were known to fracture easily, this has been improved since using better manufacturing methods. ( ceramic on ceramic implants have been found to squeak in 2.7% of patients. Possible factors include malpositioning, however no definitive answers have been found. The production of a CoP can be very expensive as both materials have multiple ... Show more content on ... Femoral heads under 46mm result in unacceptable success rates. Women are less likely to be good candidates for hip resurfacing; MoM hip resurfacing is not considered if they would like to have children in the future. Men over 65 and women over 55 as well as those with renal insufficiency and metal allergies are advised against hip resurfacing. Women who would still like to have children and those with metal allergies are advised against MoM hip resurfacing as it has been found to increase metal levels in a persons blood. The group most commonly given hip resurfacing are young active male patients with good bone
  • 17. Weight Of Identification Essay The Weight of Identification What is light weight to the touch of a hand, but those who bear it around their neck feel the ultimate mass and value carried behind it? It is made up of a ball bearing chain that connects to another smaller chain holding a pair of two inch by 1 and 1/8 inch engraved metal plates. They make a very distinctive metal sound over the heart when the human body is in motion. Engraved upon these metal plates is someones name, followed by their bloodtype, social security number and religion. This is no ordinary necklace, this combination of chain and nickel copper alloy, is a pair of dog tags. Dog tags are given to recruits during the first few days of basic training. They are the initial attribute of initiation for ... Show more content on ... It solidifies the idea that the ones that have been lost in war, will live on forever and their duty is not just a mere statistic of casualties on the battlefield. The metal plates have been through it all, created by nickel and copper yet truly forged in blood sweat and tears. They have endured hardship though mud, sand and water, but if they are examined closely, the ordinary eye would notice that they are not completely damaged or disrupted.Dog tags represent hardship, and determination to never be broken or bent. They are often kept around the necks of veterans after their enlistment, in order to retain the memory of the family they were once adopted by; to keep the friends and the bonds created close to the heart. A veteran never forgets his or her fellow comrades, nor the drill sergeant from basic training that supplied each tag from the very beginning. Dog tags can symbolize the beginning of a new path for someone, but also the end. During the ceremony of a fallen service member, the tags are hung from the lower receiver of an M4 carbine. The helmet worn by that soldier rests peacefully atop of the stock of the weapon as the funeral detail renders a 21 gun solute, this is called the battlefield cross. Dog tags can be hung from rear view mirrors, around picture frames or worn by family members as well. In the National Veterans Museum in Chicago,
  • 18. Informative Essay On John Deere Tractors I m going to be telling about how people found out about John Deere Tractors. Everyone that has a yard to mow or ever drove past a farm knows what a John Deere tractor looks like. You don t have to be a farmer to recognize the green tractor with the yellow lettering as a John Deere. These tractors are so well built and designed that television commercials say Nothing runs like a Deere . However, few of us may know the life story behind the man John Deere who invented the design of the simple farm plow and in doing so started a company that would create farm products used and recognized throughout the globe. I m going to be telling how John Deere Lived. John Deere was born on February 4, 1804 in Vermont. His parents William and Sarah Deere. They were tailors that had immigrated to Vermont from England. Life was hard for the Deere family when their blacksmith business slowed in 1808. John s dad took a trip back to his home country in hopes of finding a better life for his family. Unfortunately, Mr. Deere did not return from England and no one ever found out what happened to him. John was only four years old . As a young boy, John spent a lot of time outside a blacksmith shop in his hometown dreaming that he would one day become a blacksmith. At the age ... Show more content on ... Farmers across the Midwest raved about John s new plow. His plow helped farmers throughout the Midwest be successful at farming. In 1838, John sent word his business had grown so much that he had to relocate the John Deere Company to Moline, Illinois. As usual, John s curious mind made him experiment with other farm tools such as the steam plow, cultivators, planters, and a grain drill. (Just like his re designed steel plow these additional tools became important to farmers.) On each of the tools, the name John Deere stood out boldly. Through hard work and imagination, the company being the name John Deere became a leading manufacturer of equipment used by
  • 19. Tutorial Time Essay There are moments when a student stays up extremely late working on their homework, a project, or studying for a test. They are consistently wishing for additional time to complete their tasks and assignments. Schools, over the course of the years, have developed a schedule and has added an extra period called Tutorial. Tutorial is usually used in a block schedule. Instead of having six periods, students are now having seven altogether, but depending on a school policy the conditions of Tutorial may vary. The time for each class is deducted by a few minutes and this is used to construct a tutorial period. Tutorial is a period where students get to spend their time working on their homework. It is a period which lasts about a total of one hour. Tutorial allows students the ability to go to a class of their choice, especially a class they need help in. Teachers are also allowed send or request students to a class to makeup a test or missing work. During a tutorial period, students are allowed to work on their homework, study for an upcoming test, or ask a teacher for help. Tutorial is not a period where students get to only work on their homework, but they also get to communicate with their teachers, classmates, and friend for help with school work. Students in tutorial also talk with... Show more content on ... Without help from a teacher, students are most likely to become confused and end up sleeping late trying to finish homework or study for a test from a previous lesson they didn t quite understand. Staying up late in order to do homework can lead to a more dangerous factor in health.When staying up late students become sleep deprived, less energized, and would not be able to completely focus the following day of school leading to an issue in their academic
  • 20. The Mystery of the Lost Colony For centuries the disappearance of the Roanoke colonists has been one of the great mysteries in the historical community. Within the span of three years, 120 colonists disappeared from an English colony on Roanoke Island, a small piece of land off the coast of North Carolina. The evidence left behind barely gives us a clue as to what could have happened to the entire colony. With the testimony of John White, the leader of the colony that left the settlement to get more supplies, and what little evidence there is, there have been many theories as to what actually caused the disappearance. When trying to make a logical conclusion about the disappearance of the 120 inhabitants of the colony at Roanoke, there are many factors to consider.... Show more content on ... The purpose of this overtly hostile action was to obtain information from the chief about the defensive capabilities of the surrounding Indian nations. This action only served to alienate the tribe and force the settlers to depend on the fruits of their own labors... within months the first Roanoke colony was in disarray and the settlers were near starving (Croatoan). The colony barely lasted until Sir Francis Drake s fleet sailed by in 1586 when Drake offered supplies or a trip back to their homeland. The settlers, starving and homesick, quickly accept the offer and return to England. Not even a week later a relief ship arrives with supplies to discover the settlement abandoned. The supply ship left fifteen men with a reasonable amount of food before departing (The Settlement). Raleigh s first colony was an instructive test run for a second, more planned effort. He determined that if the colony was relocated 80 miles north in the Chesapeake Bay shipping would be essentially easier. He also decided to reconfigure the core of the colony by allowing seventeen women, nine children, and two ex convicts under their new leader. John White was the expeditionary artist during Lane s colony and
  • 21. The Average Patriarchal Society In Shakespeare s Merchant... Women in the 16th century, the Shakespearen Era, didn t have too many expectations placed upon them. Because they were considered the weaker sex, housewives and mothers was the extent of what was expected of them. The only education they had access to were private tutors inside their homes. They also were not allowed to become lawyers, doctors, or the like. Only maids, cooks or other around the house jobs. This is a summary of the average Patriarchal society. In the play, Merchant of Venice written by Shakespeare, the women defy these stereotypes of a Patriachal society in multiple scenerios. Firstly, there was a Jew named Jessica that lived with her father. Despite the norm, she fell in love with a Christian and dressed up as a boy so she could run away with him. I m glad it s night time and you can t see me. I m ashamed of my clothes. But love is blind and lovers can t see the little follies they commit. If they could, Cupid would blush to see me changed into a boy (Marchant 2.6.38 40.) Jessica had decided to run away with her love, Lorenzo, and in order to do so, she needed to dress up as a boy to in sure that no one would recognize her. It is fairly apparent that a daughter running away from her father isn t the norm in a Patriarchal society. The exact opposite. Another way that this is abnormal would be how Loernzo is a Christian and Jessica is a Jew. These two shouldn t even be conversating, let alone spending enough time together to fall in love.
  • 22. Social Issues In Dracula Dracula by Bram Stoker, is the original vampire book, the one that started it all. From it derived the now so beloved and famous teen romance vampire genre, with novels like Twilight. However, Dracula is not remotely like the sparkle in the sunlight, falling in love with mortals vampire any more than Harry Potter is like the Wicked Witch of the West. Dracula is a gothic horror novel set in Transylvania and England during the Victorian Era. The story is told in letters, diary entries, and newspaper clippings from the viewpoint of several characters, allowing for a wide variety of viewpoints that highlight happenings in Draculaas well as present the social issues pertained within. While it contains action, suspense, horror, and romance, it also displays the corruption within the everyday society. The way the women are presented, interacted with, and how Count Dracula affects them brings forth the issues within the Victorian society, especially the men s treatment of women and the different social and gender roles, which Stoker uses to highlight the situational irony found within the novel. The reader s first real introduction to the Victorian society and the women within is through Lucy Westenra and Mina Murray s letters to each other. Within the letters, both of their characters are revealed and in their diary entries, the way the men act towards them. (This reveals the society s view of women, often thinking of them as being below men, silly and childlike.) When Lucy is
  • 23. Compare And Differences Of Military Law And Criminal Justice Compare and Contrast Military personnel have a more restricted life because they have to abide by two sets of laws. The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and the laws that everyday United States citizens have to follow. The military law and the criminal justice program has a lot of similarities and differences. The military has a different court systems and they sentences are harsher than our justice system. Even prison life is different. In this paper, I will take a look at military law and civilian law and examine how they are similar and how they are different. To begin, military personnel has to follow the laws under the UCMJ which are laws that everyday civilians do not have to follow. There are some laws under the UCMJ that are similar to civilian laws and yet there are laws completely different than what civilians are used to. People in the military have to follow the normal civilian laws and the UCMJ. Articles 77 through 134 of the UCMJ are known as the punitive articles. If any of these laws are violated, it can result in punishment by court martial. For example, some laws that fall under the punitive articles are aiding the enemies, spies, espionage, AWOL ( absent without leave), missing movement, burglary, and many more. Many will also likely have civilian court cases as well if other local laws were broken too such as drunk driving to murder. To continue, a court martial is a military court. The
  • 24. Who Is Adolf Hitler A Tyrant Long ago a wise man once stated This inspirational quote analyzes the world we live in. A Tyrant is a ruler of a cruel and oppressive character; someone who is remembered, but has no power and is dismissed by many. On the other hand, a Martyr is the one who makes great sacrifices or suffers much in order to further a belief. This clearly depicts that when a Tyrant reaches his death, he will only be known for the moment, whereas a Martyr who will be missed and remembered for decades for his positive characteristics. In life, your character will be judged for your legacy, therefore, those who give a positive message to the world, and those who fight for what s right and those who sacrificetheir life for others are the ones that will never be forgotten throughout history. This quote plays an important role to our history. Back in the late 1919 s, Adolf Hitler came into power. Hitler was a man of cruel character; he was unsympathetic and racist to mankind. As a brutal dictator, he put Jewish people, Black people, anyone that didn t match his perfection in concentration camps. There he put them through unbearable torture as each one was forced to work until they nearly passed out with little or no food. As a result of his actions, more than million lives were lost. In this case, Adolf Hitler is known to be the Tyrant. In the early 1960 s Martin Luther King Jr gave a speech; a speech of what he believed in and what he fought for most of his life. As a result of his phenomenal
  • 25. Personification In Thanatopsis Does one fear death? Is it that dark abyss? All the deeds laid bare, all the sins punished? ( Inspiration about Life and Death ) more often than not the thought of death is considered feared and an undesired event in someone s life. In Thanatopsis William Cullen Bryant takes a more subtle view. Through the work of literary devices, Bryant used personification and metaphors to convey that deathis more pleasant and calming. With a fascinating biography and a successful writing career, Bryant managed to live a long profound life with a career in law and having a loving family. During the Romantics time period, William Cullen Bryantgrew up with a cultured childhood and a love of nature then created Thanatopsis; a poem that shows death is a natural occurrence... Show more content on ... William Cullen Bryant became a famous poet due to the place he was raised. Bryant was born in early November in a log cabin near Cumminton, Massachusetts. From a very young age, his father influenced him to start writing poetry and translating Latin hymns from the Unitarian Church. The Poetry Foundation says that as his writing developed, Bryant favored Alexander Pope and other Neo Classic British writing styles ( William Cullen Bryant ) giving his pieces a very definite characteristic. In his adolescent years, his father submitted some of his poetry gaining publicity not only for how advanced, but for his young age as well. Aside from his hobby of writing poetry, Bryant studied law. After just two years at Williams College, he was admitted to the bar in 1815. He then began practicing law in Plainfield, Massachusetts, walking seven miles from his home in Cummington everyday. Bryant s long walk to work gave
  • 26. Stephen Hacker Zombies In The Workplace Summary While reading the article, Zombies in the Workplace by Stephen Hacker, it has come to my attention that I may be an infected zombie. I think it developed in the workplace after some of the employees left with zombie like features. The previous employees did not give much positive feedback to the new employees and that they have told me that there isn t much advancement in the workplace. All the employees were friends, but once they started to slowly go for a different job, the others started to become lifeless. They didn t care about what they were doing anymore. They started to cause friction in the kitchen. Soon, the employees that started the zombie like featured were gone, but the virus was still lingering in the air. Not all the employees are like this though. It s a part time job, so of course there will be some zombies forming here and there until they move on to get a better job that fits their ... Show more content on ... Everyone seems to be immune to the virus because they try to make it fun in the kitchen when the going gets tough. During the holidays for example, my boss creates this thanksgiving pizza for everyone in the kitchen. Another example is the gift exchange party they have. Everyone pulls a card out of the hat and gets them the gift. When it s a really good day, there s a lot of goofing off in the kitchen. Hacker s story and Nelson Quick s theories are related due to an emotional and behavioral affect in the workplace. With Hacker s key steps to awakening the zombie infected coworkers, it s like the moods and emotions from chapter 4 in Organizational Behavior. The theory of emotional contagion is similar to the disease that can spread throughout an organization. Since someone in the workplace can spread their negative emotions to others, it can cause the organization to feel down. As long as a positive emotion, mood, or spirit is around, there should be some sort of pulse in the zombie
  • 27. Catholic Church Sex Abuse Scandal An Introduction to the Issue Throughout the 20th Century, thousands of reports about Catholic priests and bishops sexually abusing children have been and are continuing to surface into the media. These reports have been dealt with internally by the church rather than civil authorities. In addition, the church has also been covering up many of the reports, paying over two billion dollars to prevent the scandal from being leaked into the public. A letter from the Vatican written in 1997 expressed serious reservations about reporting priests that were suspected of sexual abuse. The church has been hiding reports and avoiding suspicion by not acting guilty. Instead of bringing the issue public they have instead launched a three year investigation of U.S. women religious congregations which cost over three million. The Vatican leadership also ordered a doctrinal evaluation of the U.S. women religious leadership s central network, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. Furthermore, bishops have issued press releases as well as reports and studies. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops published two reports on February 27, 2004. The first report written by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice included the data and statistics of the sexual abuse reports while the second report written by the National Review Board talks about the cause and effect of the problem. In addition the USCCB has also enacted the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young
  • 28. The Biography Of Wi Fi Signals In the world of IT, there are many pioneers that helped contribute to the way we use technology today, from early ideas of what a computer could be way before one was actually made, to the inventor of Wi Fi signals. In this report I will be discussing 6 of them and evaluating which is the top pioneer . Firstly, Augusta Ada King Noel, known as the Countess of Lovelace was an English Mathematician and writer during the 19th century. Born in London on the 10th December 1815, she was the only true child of the poet Lord Byron and Anne Isabella Milbanke (his wife) as all of his other children were born to other women who were not married to Byron. Lord Byron left England shortly after Ada s birth and eventually died in the Greek war of Independence 8 years later. Due to her late husband s actions Ada s mother decided to promote mathematics and writing to Ada to help prevent her getting the insanity Anne believed Lord Byron had suffered from. Later, in 1835 Ada married William King, who three years later became Earl of Lovelace, giving Ada her title of Countess of Lovelace . After furthering her education with scientists such as: Andrew Crosse and Sir David Brewster, as well as author Charles Dickens to become an Analyst, she met fellow British mathematician Charles Babbage through her private tutor. They developed an ongoing friendship and working relationship while famously working together on Babbage s work on the Analytical Engine. An example of her work on this
  • 29. Maagdalena And Mary Magdalene This reference to Mary Magdalene is implicitly referencing the individual painting however, it can also be seen as an explicit reference when you see the physical painting of Penitent Magdalene. He also addresses her as Magdalene which adds to the strength of the reference. This reference is a strong biblical reference that can have a variety of interpretations although it can be argued that Caravaggio loved her so much because he wishes that he could repent for his sins. He had a troubled life when he was younger and there were a lot of mistakes that he made when he was younger that he is not proud of. He is also a presumed homosexual and although homosexuality was very prominent in nobility and among patrons who took advantage of Caravaggio, homosexuality was deemed unnatural and therefore must remain hidden. A significant difference between the historical Mary Magdaleneand Lena is the difference in their life before repentance and their life after. Mary Magdalene was a repentant prostitute who was asking for forgiveness for her choice of lifestyle and her sins. She was claimed to have found a new life in the way of christ and leave behind a life of luxury and sinin order to cleanse herself in the way of the savior JesusChrist. Lena s reasoning for repentance is different, she is moving away from her life of sin and prostitution in order to raise her baby with a wealthy man and live a life of grandeur. This idea is interesting because it presents the question of why
  • 30. Police Discretionary Powers Discretion is used in many different ways in the criminal justice system. It is used to balance the rights of victims, offenders and society. Discretion allows law enforcers, attorneys, judges, correction officers and probation officers the opportunity to make some decisions based on their own opinion whilst still acting within the law. There are many areas in the law that use discretion, for example policediscretion in the investigation process, the judges discretion when sentencing and the decisions on whether or not to set bail. Discretion is very useful in ensuring that everyone s rights are balanced but it can sometimes cause some issues which mean the rights are left unbalanced. One of the groups of people within the legal system that have discretionary powers are the police force. The discretionary powers that they have can be found in the Law Enforcement (powers and responsibilities) act 2002 (NSW) also known as (LEPRA). They can use their discretion in various areas one of which is during the investigation process. They have the discretion to decide whether or not to proceed with investigations. The only situation that they have to investigate is anything relating to domestic violence. In these situations, police can t use their discretionary ... Show more content on ... Under the Bail Act 2013, police can use their discretion to grant or refuse bail. This helps to keep the offenders right of innocent until proven guilty. This helps in upholding the rights of society. In the R v Gallaher case 2012, the accused was let off on bail as a result of the judge s discretion even though he had murdered someone, it was thought that he wouldn t put society at risk. When the Bail Act was reformed it was added that an unacceptable risk test must be passed before anyone can be released. This means that society s rights are balanced as well as the victims as the accused won t be released if they could cause any
  • 31. Exposed Skin Care Research Paper Everybody wants clear and smooth skin that boasts of a youthful glow and healthy luster but trying to find a product that grants those wishes can be a daunting process. It is hard to sort through all the claims amongst the multitude of products available. This Exposed skin care review will break the item down and tell you all the information you really want to know. What is Exposed Skin Care? Exposed skin care is a line of products available to combat acne and improve the complexion of the skin. They offer twelve products to assist you in the fight for clear skin. Facial Cleanser The facial cleanser is a gentle face wash free from soap and other drying agents, it is hypo allergenic and non comedogenic, meaning it will not clog your pores ... Show more content on ... It helps to prevent white and blackheads as well as acne pimples from forming. It is recommended to use 1 2 times a week. It contains sulfur and resorcinol to kill bacteria associated with acne pimples, active charcoal to absorb excess oil and bentonite which is renowned for ridding the skin of impurities and toxins. Microderm Scrub This luscious scrub uses micro sized crystals to gently exfoliate your skin of dead skin cells which leaves you with healthy and radiant skin. It also helps improve your overall complexion and appearance of your skin. Probiotic Cleanse This cleanse allows you to fight acne with a two pronged approach. The scrubs, cleaners, masks and tonics fights acne on the skin surface while the probiotic cleanse fights from the inside out. The natural probiotic is designed to promote healthy bacteria, restore optimal intestinal functioning and achieve a healthy immune system. Body Wash Unfortunately, the face is not the only place acne can strike. Many people suffer from unwanted body acne as well and this wash was designed to fight acne in places other than your face, It was specially formulated to gently wash the body to fight
  • 32. Donald Trump Visual Analysis Like, baby, baby, baby, oh I thought a Mexican wall would be fine, fine. As presidential elections rapidly approaching, media s coverage of the political candidates has multiplied in the television news, radio, and magazines. Comically, Media s craze over Donald Trump is portrayed in many illustrations and cartoons to visually see the political disturbances between the media and the republican party. Daryl Cagle, a political cartoonist, argues in his visual address, Trump The Media and Republicans , on the nonstopping attention surrounding Donald Trumpand the lack of attention to the urgent needs. Daryl Cagle published this political cartoon on Cagle Post, a website that covers current political issues in a comical way, on August 8, 2015,... Show more content on ... The fuming elephant in a black suit behind the media is a political representation of the republican party and their growing frustration for unfair treatment as far as garnering media attention. The placement of Donald Trump directly oppose to the republican party reveals that Trump is not an acceptable Republican candidate as symbolized by him being on the opposite side of the elephant. Furthermore, in the cartoon, the color choice also convey a symbolic message to the viewers. For instance, the color light violet represents inferiority and insignificance (Colour Affect). the elephant is illustrated light violet as almost as he is bruised to show how he is unable to captivate the media s attention. The color yellow like the taxicab dominates the picture to grab the attention of the viewers and to reveal the center of the issue, which in this case is the media. Symbols are used to questions the media s ethical stand and Donald Trump s political approach. Why is the media focused too much on Trump s sensational tenets instead of questioning his economic plans and policies? The elephant s displeasure and the media s excessive coverages unrelated to politics symbolize the political tension and the media s ethical downfall. Rather than inquiring Trump about his future plans, the mass media is more interested in Donald Trump disrespectful and misogynistic remarks. The media s improper actions represent their loss of moral integrity and their crave for more controversial statements. In Hindu culture, the sun symbolizes knowledge, truth, influence, and stability (Hinduwebsite). With this in mind, the yellow curved text bubble around the mass media resembles the sun, which implies that the media is a huge influence on the American people and that they provide
  • 33. Vegetable Waste Disposal and Management in Cebu City... VEGETABLE WASTE DISPOSAL AND MANAGEMENT IN CEBU CITY PUBLIC MARKETS A Research Proposal Presented to the Faculty of the School of Business and Economics University of San Carlos Cebu City, Philippines In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the course Business Research BA109N By BOCO, MELISSA ANNE DELA TORRE, NYMPHA ROSE OZARAGA, MA.REBECCA QUIJADA, MA.GABRIELLEN SAN PEDRO, MA.LOURDES January 21, 2013 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Rationale Organic vegetables and fruits are considered important food sources. They are generally inexpensive and though naturally low in fat and calories, they are stillpacked with important nutrients. However, their tendency to spoil easily in their fresh and unpreserved stateresults in organic waste. ... Show more content on ... Applying efficient and effective vegetable waste management methods would produce a positive impact not only on the incomes of Cebu City public market vendors but also on the Cebuanosociety as a whole and the community in which it lives. Statement of the Problem The researchers conduct this study to describe the methods for disposal and management of vegetable wastes in the public markets of Cebu City. Specifically, the study attempted to answer the following questions: a. How much vegetable wastes are currently being disposed of in the public markets in Cebu City? b. What method for disposal and management of vegetable wastes are currently implemented by the authorities that are responsible for the public markets? c. How do public market vendors respond to these implemented disposal and management methods? What are their attitudes and behaviors towards these methods? d. What are effective alternative methods of disposing and managing vegetable wastes in the public markets of Cebu
  • 34. City? Statement of Assumptions It is assumed that the disposal of spoiled vegetables in the proper and most advantageous manner presents problems to public market vegetable vendors, and that these vegetable vendors have their own strategies in disposing of spoiled vegetables which differ from market to market. It is also assumed that the public market area is a factor that affects the
  • 35. Plot Summary Of The Miller s Tale The Miller s Tale tells a story of Allison, her husband John, her mister Nicholas and her admirer Absolon. The story begins by introducing John as a rich, mean spirited, jealous carpenter. (80 81) Next, Nicholas is introduced as a poor student of astrology who was courteous, handy, sly and knew about secret love and pleasure. (91 93) Allison is then described as an eighteen year old, gentle, beautiful and sexually desired young wife. Absolon is described as a prudish, musical, happy assistant to the parish priest. These descriptions set the pace for the story to unfold. The story focuses around Allison, the wife of the carpenter who indulges in adulterous acts outside of her marriage. I believe Chaucer honed in on her beauty and sexually desirable appearance to pave the way for her to become the butt of the humor in the story. Rather than showcasing her beauty as a positive, he s trying to show the negative aspect of her beauty that was used to attract another suitor and become the adulterous young woman that is made fun of at the end of the story. ... Show more content on ... This negative description was justified due to the outcome of the story and how the affair unfolded between his wife and Nicholas but, I believe it may have also been Chaucer s way of showing that there was reason for Allison to stray from her marriage. John was depicted as a jealous and controlling man and was in turn hurt because of it but, in the end he came out on top with his business booming after the branding of his wife s
  • 36. The Challenges Of Co-Locating Of Intercompute And Storage... SUMMARY This paper broadly talks about co locating of compute and storage nodes in HPC architecture to overcome the I/O challenges in scientific applications. In a conventional HPC architecture compute nodes and storage nodes are located far apart and are interconnected via shared network. The bottleneck of the system is the gap between compute node and I/O which continues to widen up with increasing storage. The idea of co locating distributed storage nodes with compute nodes seems to be an eye catcher, as it allows the applications to perform their computation or manipulate their intermediate results and checkpoints, the data only needed to be transferred over the network for archival purpose only. This paper also discusses the... Show more content on ... Two of the building blocks of the FusionSim are ROSS and CODES. ROSS is a discrete event simulation system uses the time warp algorithm and features reverse computation for optimistic simulation whereas CODES is a simulation system built on ROSS used for investigating and co designing of exascale systems. With these two techniques in mind FusionSim is developed to simulate FusionFS behavior on exascale systems. How is this work different than the related work Major distributed file systems like NFS, PVFS, HDFS, GFS have compute and storage node located at a distance apart interconnected via shared link to perform I /O operations. Even though the network bandwidth is high enough to provide fast data transfer but when the day comes for the exascale systems it would not be adequate for data intensive applications. Cost of the hardware and overall efficiency of the systems are the two major factors in deciding the future of the HPC systems. With the ever increasing data in cluster computing the cost of the storage and hardware for radical performance is increasing exponentially. N number of hardwares running m number of process or threads to get extremely high parallelism, concurrency and resilience out of HPC systems is a real deal. The conventional file systems already implemented still struggling to improve the metadata performance and overall
  • 37. Rodeo And Animal Abuse Fans have argued that rodeo is abuse the the animals and others have argued that it s not abuse to them. There are a lot of people who absolutely love the rodeo and come to watch and support it. Then on the other hand, there are those people that hate it and are totally against it because they believe it is abusive to the animals. Without the animals, rodeos would not be possible; therefore, the care of the animals is of the utmost importance to all participants and staff. A writer for Beef says, Rodeos put animalhealth and welfare in front of fans. How rodeo has used veterinary information to prepare for and respond to a range of questions can be an example for the beef industry. (Ryan, 2013). This proves that during the rodeos
  • 38. E. Coli ( Coli ) Breaking news, 107 persons contacted Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacterial infection after visiting a petting zoo at a North Carolina County fair . . . a 2 year old boy died.В№ E. coli bacterial infection is a growing concern for public health officials in the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services and other local health departments. This is the most recent condition on E. coli outbreaks in North Carolina. In 2004, E. coli O157:H7 infection was responsible for making 108 visitors to the North Carolina State fair s petting zoo ill.В№ This condition posed a serious health risk to the unsuspecting petting zoos patrons. Kids are more susceptible to these kinds of infections, because they are more prone to touching animals on display; then touching their mouths, noses, and eyes, which can lead to autoinfection. Most people are unaware of the infectious danger that lurks in the innocent coats of these cute furry creatures. The above condition is a great platform for applying the epidemiology triangle. This will show the correlation of how this infection can become an epidemic if intervention is not swift. In addition, the supporting data from credible websites will be an invaluable asset in determining the causation of the condition. For this case, I shall conduct an investigation of the E. coli outbreak at the Cleveland County Fair in North Carolina. E. coli Snapshot The E. coli bacteria are a native flora of humans and animals intestinal track, and it is
  • 39. Death Of A Shaman Documentary Analysis The documentary, Death of a Shaman, centers around a Mien woman, Fahm Fong, and her family s story of immigrating to the United States from Thailand. The Mien people had originally lived in the hills of Laos, and due to the aid they gave the U.S. during the Vietnam war, they were forced to leave Laos and settle in Thailand. Fahm Fong s familyimmigrated to the United Statesin 1980 when she was still very young. Her father was a notable figure in Thailand as he was his community s shaman, but once they arrived in the United States he lost his identity and started a downward spiral. As Fahm was growing up she was not very close to her father, but after he had asked her to help him make a documentary she agreed. Sadly, Fahm s father died soon after, but she felt it was her destiny to finish what he had started and return to her family in Thailand. She eventually reconnected with her family in Thailand and discovered more secrets about her family s past. She learned the culture of the Mien people and finally found a sense of belonging, and through this finally felt like she had fulfilled her father s wishes to reconnect with his identity.... Show more content on ... Even though Fahm s family did assimilate into the American lifestyle, her parents suffered from losing almost everything they had in their Mien lifestyle. As an American, I thought that because we are the land of opportunity and are mostly accepting of all cultures that it would be difficult to suffer so much after immigrating here, but Fahm s father s story exemplified the reality that not all people thrive after coming
  • 40. Revlon V. Mcandrews And Forbes Revlon v. McAndrews Forbes: Less than a year later, the Delaware Supreme Court circumscribed directors freedom of action by holding in this case that, once a sale is in progress, the director s duty switches from protection or maintenance of the corporate enterprise to obtaining the highest price for the benefit of the shareholders. In other words, once directors understand that the takeoverwill be successful, their duty is simply to obtain the best price for the shareholders. The first precedents of the Delaware Supreme Court show that the standards were reluctant to the permissiveness in adopting defensive measures. Rather, the courts preferred the passivity of the board. However, 4 years later the standards changed when the Court relaxed the reins that had been tightened in Unocal and Revlon. Paramount Inc. v. Time Inc.: The court gave more leeway to directors in deciding on defensive measures, even after it was inevitable that the target would be sold. The court held that directors of target could consider factors other than money values of the offers, including the amount of information available to shareholders, the conditions attached to the offers, and the timing. These factors might justify defensive measures. These defenses were called just say no defenses . They refer to the ability of directors to simply reject takeovers for the purpose of protecting the constituencies of the company. Unitrin v. American General: The Supreme Court of Delaware expanded
  • 41. Lady Liberty Research Paper The Statue of Liberty, also known as Lady Liberty, for me is the most intriguing part of New York City. It is a symbol of hope, freedom, and a better life in the United States. It is widely known that Lady Liberty was the first thing immigrants saw when they came to America, this architectural structure was a symbol of hope and freedom. What intrigues me the most is, Why would France just give us a an expensive copper statue? I never understood this until right now, everyone knows what she symbolizes, she is the Statue of Liberty. The word liberty is related to the word liberated , which means to free. For example, U.S. soldiers helped liberate Jews from the concentration camps in Germany after World War 2. The statue was given to us to represent freedom, the concept on which our great country was born on. Not just any freedom, a true freedom, a freedom in which we are not subservient to a king. In a sense, we are being liberated from being servants to the kingdom. It is our country and we want to protect and defend it because we are fighting for a cause, not just some person who wears a crown because of the family he was born in to.... Show more content on ... To understand this you need to go back in history to the 1790 s when France was fighting there Revolutionary War. They followed the ways of the United Statesby starting the French Revolution in the kingdom of France. The bourgeois or middle class believed the citizens should have a part in the politics of their country and should not be run by a few aristocrats. France wanted true freedom like the U.S.A., they wanted to be liberated from there kings like us. The Statue of Liberty represents that freedom. The U.S. was the first major country to become independent successfully and re imagine politics, this led the French to do the same, which led to a long friendship with
  • 42. Racism and Anti-Semitism in the United States Today Racism and Anti Semitism in the United States Today Racism and anti Semitism are both still serious issues in the United States today. There are many people who would choose to disagree with this idea, however. They would argue that legislation to protect people has removed any kind of race related tensions, but it does not appear that this is actually the case. In order to address the issue thoroughly and comprehensively, it is important to discuss the researcher s reasons for believing that racism and anti Semitism are both still causing difficulties for many people in the US during the present day. Until clear knowledge of the issue is gained, it is not possible to adequately combat the problem and take steps to improve relations. The first reason that racism and anti Semitism are still being seen today is from ignorance. The beliefs of people based on their religions and how they were raised are often very focused on what they were taught when they were young. As they age, they do not choose to move forward and attempt to learn more about others and the world around them (McVeigh, 2004). Because they are not interested in seeing other people as equals, or because they do not want to expand upon what they have learned and see how others may feel differently than they do, they simply avoid focusing on anything that is not what they have already been taught or shown. Until individuals can receive better education on race relations from an early age, and until they are
  • 43. The Dual Nature Of Baba Yaga Spanning across cultures and history, the figure of Baba Yaga is seen in Russian and Lithuanian folklore as the goddess of birth and death. Baba Yaga appears as both a kind grandmother figure as well as a wicked witch. The power of Baba Yaga rests in her ability to grant adulthood and numerous other gifts as well as her power to take away life and cause death. The multifaceted nature of Baba Yagais first hinted at by the duality of her name itself. The first part of her name Baba means wise old woman or grandmother , while Yaga (also seen as Jaga ) means evil woman , witch , horror and wrath, (Alkman, 2006). The dual nature of Baba Yaga is what makes her a monstrous figure. Her ambiguity prevents those around her from being able to predict her actions. Baba Yaga is a cross cultural and temporal phenomenon that is both a monstrous figure and a monstrous archetype due to the ambiguity and various dual natures of herself as a character and the elements associated with her.... Show more content on ... She is ambiguous, marginal and unpredictable. She is sometimes frightening, sometimes kind, always ancient, always cunning, and she always dwells deep in the woods where children become lost, (Rima, 2010). The old woman figure is particularly scary because the most powerful person in a child s life is the mother (Blair, 2015). The old woman does not serve a straightforward purpose in the society in which she lives. She is no longer able to produce or care for children and is often a burden on society as they have to care for her. Due to her marginal place in society, Baba Yaga is a feared as her actions, like her role in society, are undetermined and ambiguous. In some circumstances, Baba Yaga is cannibalistic, aggressive, threatening, and at other times she intervenes to make sure that there is a happily ever after, (Blair, 2015)
  • 44. Permanency In The Time Machine Scientific research often emphasizes a common goal of creating perfection within humanity; the wish to manipulate nature to gain superiority technologically is a theme Wells touches upon in The Time Machine: ...[the] perfect state lack[s] one thing even for mechanical perfection absolute permanency... however it [is] affected, [it] become[s] disjointed (120). During the Victorian Era technology was just starting to become mechanized, this Industrial Revolution sought the perfection of machinery to perfect and create ease of work ( Victorian Britain ). Wells quote stays relevant as the industrial revolution s technology has gotten more precise, and more perfect to this day; it shows that perfection of an era is neither permanent nor achievable.... Show more content on ... During the Industrial Revolution extravagance was on the rise especially when looked at by the Crystal Palace, built in England during this era ( Victorian Britain ). The Crystal Palace was the hallmark of England s industrial successes, as each new invention was exhibited for the enjoyment of the people who had the time to enjoy such leisure rather than work where minimal labor laws were set in place ( Victorian Britain ). The Time Machine has its very own Crystal Palace too: the tall pinnacles of the Palace of Green Porcelain and the polished gleam of its walls came back to memory (Wells 54). In The Time Machine, the Eloi flex their technological might: (Wells 64). The Morlocks work underground, they are the workers with no protection, who later retaliate the oppression of the Eloi by taking them for meals instilling fear into the upper world dwellers; (Wells 100). The fact that Eloi who and rely on the Morlock s to power the many machines they rely on to live, adds commentary on where Wells sees society heading due to the rise of materialism and consumerism. The Pixar film, Wall E, alludes to this reliance on technology in the description of the overweight people sitting in
  • 45. Examples Of Class Differences In The Great Gatsby What does the novel show about society and class differences? Well in the Roaring Twenties, many people from all of the social classes became aware of the class differences. The classes was obviously divided by location, amount of material possessions and the way one person acts. For a American novel class is an unusual theme, it is more common to find it in European and British novels. Most of the societies are divided between the rich and the older modern way. Fitzgerald reflects social status through many geographical locations in American, and explains them by their traits, lifestyles, and mentalities. Fitzgerald illustrates the class differences in the 1920 s for example, he started with introducing you to the characters of different social classes and describes them in a way they act belonging to one of the class. The Buchanans, Gatsby and the Wilson s was all great examples of how... Show more content on ... East Egg reflects the high class society for example, they inherit the money also known as old money . Then you have the West Egg, that are Ivy League educated and contempt toward the new money , the West Egg are wealthy but have only become rich recently. Jay Gatsby and Nick are part of the West Egg. Jay Gatsby illustrates the way wealth affects social status in the novel. However Jay doesn t come from a wealthy background, but he is self taught in business and becomes a wealthy man, so therefore he is able to mingle with people of the higher class. Even though he doesn t fit into East Egg his love Daisy will not attend any of Gatsby s parties, but he is still accepted in a level of society who never would have accepted him in his poorer days. For the old money people, the fact that Gatsby (and countless other people like him
  • 46. What Is The Purpose Of Dante s Inferno In my reading of the Divine Comedy, it seems to be a guidebook for spiritual salvation. The text itself depicts a man taking a journey throughout the stages of life. His expedition references both pagan and Christian religions. Dante travels through heaven, purgatory, and hell as a way to show readers what to expect and how to get there. Through the help of a guide, Dante makes his way throughout the stages of life. The tone of the writings depicts a guide. To represent transhumanise in words impossible were; the example, then, suffice him for whom Grace the experience reserves, (Divine ComedyParadiso I). Here there is an attempt at explaining what is seen. Fiction novels have descriptions; one can read it and visualize what is being described. This line is different though, when words fail Dante, he... Show more content on ... It is necessary for him to share what he is seeing in hopes to prepare his readers for the same experience. The Divine Comedy is full of detailed descriptions. And he who with his hair a stairway made us still fixed remaineth as he was before. Upon this side he fell down out of heaven, (Divine Comedy Inferno XXXIV). The afterlife is a scary topic due to the threat of hell. For those ascending to hell, knowing what to expect would be a great benefit. As a religious text, this is not supporting the option of hell, but rather using it as deterrence. Some would read this as motivation never to go there. Others would read it as a learning experience. Either way the details are crucial to the parties reading these cantos. Another way that readers are prepared through this text is by being told what mistakes Dante made and what not to do. But if a Lady of Heaven do move and rule thee, as thou dost
  • 47. The Role Of Clothing In The Elizabethan Era In the Elizabethan period, the law on what clothing people wore was so strict that people could have penalties such as fines, the loss of property, and even life (www.elizabethan! Clothing was very important to people in the Elizabethan period, and regardless of what social class people where in, what they wore mattered a lot to them and defined them. This applies to younger girls and younger boys, who spent a lot of time dressing nice. Young girls spent their morning putting on their many layers of clothing. Young girls dressed similar to adults ( Martin). Undergarments worn by young girls were the same regardless of what social class they were born into ( Martin). First, girls would dress in a chemise,
  • 48. Bodybuilding Nutrition And Nutrition Bodybuilding Nutrition Bodybuilding is a sport where men and women s goal is to achieve a symmetrical and muscular physique with low body fat percentages, usually in order to win a competition. Many factors go into reaching these goals such as resistant training, genetics, mental will power and nutrition. While all of these factors are important to a bodybuilder, nutrition seems to be one of the most important, most researched and most tested and manipulated branch of the bodybuilders lifestyle. Specifically, the effects of protein on a bodybuilder, the ideal macronutrient ratios (carbs, fat, and protein) for fat loss and muscle maintenance. and nutrition s effect on resistance training recovery have been studies to further optimize a bodybuilders physique. The important yet controversial topic of optional protein intake has been a hot topic for years in many areas such as the needs for sedentary induvial, sports athletes, Olympic athletes and bodybuilders. However it is generally agreed upon that while the RDA standard of .75 .80 g/kg of body weight a day is enough to keep those with physical activities in there day to day life in a positive nitrogen balance, this is not the case for bodybuilders due to their goals of increasing muscle mass and intense training. (Masedu, Ziruolo, Valenti, Di Giulio, 2012) A more beneficial protein intake for bodybuilders should sit around 1.7 2.2 g/kg of body weight a day if the induvial wants to see optimal results with regards to
  • 49. Stump-Watchers In Han Feiizi s Han Feizi does not like the way of the former kings, he thinks that it is an old thing to do. Han Feizi also says, Those who think they can take the ways of the ancient kings and use them to govern the people of today all belong in the category of stump watchers (Pg. 98)! This category that he is putting them in, I think is almost like the lowest of the low. Stump watchers are people who think something that happened one time will happen repeatedly. He just wants to put a modern way of thinking on the old. The way that he is going about it though I think is completely wrong because it is hard to uproot people s lives, and tell them that they are all wrong. Instead, he could just have tried to bend the rules and modernize them. We see ... Show more content on ... Doubt would come in the form of showing ambition to gain the throne. I think this is apparent when Han Feizi says, The beast called the dragon can be tamed and trained to the point where you may ride on its back. But on the underside of his throat, it has scaled a foot in diameter that curls back from the body, and anyone who chances to brush against them is sure to die (Pg. 79). I think this quote is talking about ambition and how it can get you killed if you do not follow the law. The law must be clear so that subordinates do not try to become the king. Becoming the king in the sense that they are not following the rituals assigned to them and they are following the rituals of the king. To finish off the quote and how it is relevant to this chapter Han Feizi say, The ruler of men too has as his bristling scales. Only if a speaker can avoid brushing against them will he have any hope for success (Pg. 78). This is saying for someone to come into office or ministry that they should not butt heads with the king. They should abide by the laws and then not go outside of them. For when they go outside of the laws then they will be punished for the laws are only beneficial for the king. Someone who is going to try and take over with their thoughts is probably going to die because it is not they re right according to the
  • 50. Access Code Research Paper problem with the access code and text book Students have number of problems when they are going to college. One of the biggest problem students are facing is buying the textbooks or access code for their classes such as math, science, English, etc. Those students who are freshman they do not realize how much they will be spending for the books and they think they will be only spending $200 but in reality it cost more than $500. Students always seems very confuse, mad and shock after spending this much money on the textbooks. Beginning of semester most of the new students have same question, such as is there any way we can save money from spending so much for these books? is there any website that we can get books for half price? Yes, there... Show more content on ... Other students will tell you to buy used books rather than new. Buying used books from eBay, amazon or from different companies can also help you to save money. However, there are no other way you can save money from buying access codes. If you buy it from university textbooks or you buy it from online, both of them cost the same amount of money. Also if you do not want to spend money from buying textbooks then you can buy an E textbook and that can save up to 60%. There are many ways to save money, however price for the books increasing every year and it makes harder and harder for students to go for college. Some students decide not to attend college because they cannot afford living, tuitions, and books expanse. Some students are failing classes because they cannot afford buying the books for their required
  • 51. Connections To World History Explanation Connections to World History Explanation Archaeology Archaeology helps us understand world history by showing us how the ancient groups of people lived before us. They do this by reviewing artifacts left behind by the people of the past. This special branch of study helps us grasp a vast majority of the events that happened before us. Remains left behind are evaluted and preserved to be showcased for future refrences and to give us a look in on who they were. Geography Geography helps us understand world history by teaching us about the Earth and all of its many wonders. This science includes how the earth is divided into continents and countries, the climate, animal and plant life, people s resources, industries and products these topics go
  • 52. Examples Of If He Run In The Maze When haw realize that they just not moved forward he laugh. Then hem ask him why he laugh. Then haw prepared to run in to the maze again. He is much alive and full of courage to find new cheese. He just stays in cheese station C and keeps asking who moved my cheese. But before haw live the station he wrote a serious thought for hem to think and lighten up and go after the new cheese. The quote in the wall said If you do Not Change, You become Extinct . Then he run in the maze. As he run he wondered about hem and laugh at it because he knew that hem is keep asking who moved my cheese. Then as he run he right in the wall a signage s and quotes. He keeps run and run in the maze and then he find small pieces of cheese as he goes by but isn t enough for long time. He gets some from hem, for hem to have the courage to come out the station C and look for cheese in the maze. Things had change since the last time haw run in the maze. As he run he became hopeless he wondered if it realistic for him to expect to find new cheese.... Show more content on ... Then as he looked back on the things he realized that the cheese in cheese station C had not just gone overnight. As he remembered the amount of the cheese is getting smaller and the remaining cheese is didn t taste good. Haw realized the change most likely would not have taken him by surprise if only he watch what is happening in the cheese. And then he realize that s sniff and scurry do. He decided he would be more aware if he found new cheese. Then he stop for a rest and wrote again in the wall of the maze it says Smell the Cheese often so you know When It is Getting Old . Sometime later after not saw any cheese for what seemed like a long time. Then haw saw a huge cheese station, which looked promising. Then when he gets inside he became disappointed because there s nothing inside the station. Haw became physically weak. He became afraid and losing hope to find new
  • 53. The Theory Of Child Development Art educators that consider theories of child development when creating lesson plans, are more effective. As art educators, we understand that it is our responsibility to educate ourselves on the latest research of art development in order to better serve our educational institutions through providing a quality art education for the future generations of innovators in America. Piaget s stages of cognitive development stages thoroughly explain the biological transition that occurs in elementary school learning and laid down the groundwork for the study Drawing Development in Children by Viktor Lowenfeld and Betty Edwards. Utilizing what we understand to be age appropriate development, we can determine art history lessons that correspond... Show more content on ... However, they may need assistance figuring out a design to create this form. From this example, we can see how cognitive and physical development at different stages through art is essential to building on skills necessary in other aspects of life. When developing a lesson plan, art teachers often think about what art history lesson they want to teach, mediums they want to cover, the student s previous history in that art form, and what steps in the process would have to be included in that instruction. It s crucial to note the developmental age group in accordance to the background history in art education, so that we can fully understand how to build upon skills that have been previously established. Many theorists agree that development does occur in stages. A similar idea to child develop within stages is Piaget s Stages of Cognitive Development: The first stage is sensorimotor where intelligence is shown through motor activity based on physical interactions and experiences. Mobility or physical development allow for the development of new intellectual abilities. The preoperational stage is when intelligence is demonstrated through the use of symbols. As language matures, memory and imagination develop. Thinking is not logical, irreversible and