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Essay Buy
Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Buy" can be a challenging task that requires a delicate
balance between providing objective information and expressing personal opinions. The
difficulty lies in navigating the thin line between promoting the idea of purchasing essays and
maintaining ethical standards in academic writing.
On one hand, you might need to delve into the reasons why individuals choose to buy essays,
exploring factors such as time constraints, academic pressure, or the desire for a shortcut to
success. This involves careful research and analysis of various perspectives, including the
potential consequences of resorting to essay-buying services.
However, the challenge intensifies when you must address the ethical implications associated
with such practices. Balancing the need for academic assistance with the importance of
originality and personal growth can be intricate. Exploring the impact on academic integrity and
the educational system adds another layer of complexity to the essay.
Moreover, you may find it challenging to present a nuanced argument without appearing
judgmental or dismissive. Acknowledging the diverse reasons behind the decision to buy essays
while emphasizing the importance of personal responsibility in academic pursuits requires finesse
in language and argumentation.
Ultimately, crafting an essay on the topic of "Essay Buy" demands a thoughtful and well-
reasoned approach. It necessitates the ability to navigate through ethical considerations,
academic standards, and the reasons individuals may opt for such services. Striking the right
balance to present an unbiased yet critical perspective poses a formidable challenge.
In conclusion, it's important to recognize that essays on a variety of topics, including nuanced
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Essay Buy Essay Buy
Fire Wire Advantages And Disadvantages
Fire Wire is a standard high performance cable, used to connect multiple devices
together or to a computer. Fire Wire is also capable of very high speed
communications and quick real time data transfer. It is also called the IEEE 1394 .
The number of pins on a Fire Wire cable can vary, it can either have 4,6 or 9 pins.
The maximum voltage it can carry is 30 volts. The data exchange rates on a standard
Fire Wire 400, also called the IEEE 1394a , can go as high as 400 mbps. However the
new Fire Wire 800, also called the IEEE 1395b , has data transfer rates of up to 800
mbps. In the future the data exchange rates can go up to 1600 mbps and 3200+
mbps. A Fire Wire cable is very easy to use. It is a plug and play environment which
means that the wire can be used as soon as it is plugged in, no need for system
configuration. Using Fire Wire cable is as easy as plugging or unplugging a your
computers power cord. There are quite a few benefits of Fire Wire. Fire Wire has
faster data exchange rates (100 Mb/s) in comparison to USB 2.0(60 Mb/s). A Fire
Wire port can easily be found on most laptops and computers. However there are
som down sides to this. The data exchange rates are very slow in comparison to
newer, more widely available connections like USB 3.0 ( 625 Mb/s) or
Thunderbolt (1.25 Gb/s). The use of Fire Wire is becoming very limited, most new
computers don t even feature them anymore like Mac s ( even though Apple made
them). USB USB is the abbreviation for Universal
Essay on Medieval Battle Tactics
Medieval Battle Tactics
Medieval tactics were essential for an attack or siege of a castle. Many tactics and
strategies helped develop much improved version of an attacking artifact, like
weapons and sieging machinery. The knights of Medieval England which were the
cavalry, improved as the years went by, but never actually had any tactics or
strategies. The usual knight would just go out there and fight. The knights were the
counter offensive against a small siege, but they were ineffective against a large siege
of a castle. A siege was very essential for medieval warfare. Siege was like the most
important part of an attack; that is if you re attacking a castle.
As you know no one inhabited New England back then in the ... Show more content
on ...
Pavises or Mantlets were shields that bowmen or archers took around. The purpose
of these shields was to deflect crossbow bolts and arrows, so that the archer could
have total protection to fire. These shields; were constructed out of wood, and had a
slit through the middle allowing the archer to shoot through the slit and begin
picking off the enemy. These were used in the battlefield or upon sieging a castle.
They were most effectively used in the battlefield, because they can find a good spot
and start shooting at soldiers.
The Siege of a Castle was a guarantied victory, but it took a long time of patience.
Patience was the key to victory with this strategy, however it was scarce in the
battlefield, because of the angry, impatient soldiers waiting to get home to their
families. The city walls were suppose to be fortifying a position that could not be
easily overrun, and that it could be strong enough to enable the defense to maintain
that position for a long period of time. Siege of a fort, castle, or city walls had four
basic concepts. The Sieging technique was directly directed towards these four. In
order for the attackers to get inside they would have to go over the wall, tear a
passage through the wall, dig a tunnel underneath it, or just wait until the defenders
Going over the wall meant constructing a tower that was moved with the help of
wheels, this
African American Women Exposed In Hurston s Sweat
In the Hurston s short story Sweat , it represents how African American women are
being marginalized by Men, Society and even at work. Hurston s short story is
about a African American women named Delia who is being tormented by her
husband named Sykes. Throughout the short story shows how Delia survives to
carry her work on her shoulders and dealing with her husband, how Sykes ruthless
treats her. Second there is also how society marginalizes her appearances and her
situation with her husband who would not do anything to cease the problem with
the abuse. Last but not least, Delia deals with her work and how she does not have
limits when it comes to her work yet she is expected to work out to her fullest.
African Americanwomen are being downgraded, treated insufficiently unlike men
who are not as excluded. In the short story Sweat by Hurston, an African American
women named Delia is being marginalized by her husband named Sykes who is also
the main reason why Delia is being downgraded with verbal abuse, disrupting her
work, and disrespecting her with name calling. Yet... Show more content on ...
Many examples are shown where women have limited abilities in their life. For
example, Delia works hard as a wash women to get by with her life and paying the
house while her husband Sykes does not work to pay the bills. Mah sweat is done
paid for this house and ah reckon ah kin keep on sweatin it. (2) This also shows
how women cannot own a house even when women wasted their own money on
paying the house. Society shows how women are used for pleasure only later to be
forgotten, when dey s satisfied dat dey is wrung dry,dey treat em jes lak dey do a
cane chew. Women shown in Zora s story, in society are never to be appreciated for
their work or is seen as what they heard than who women really are in
The Role Of Non State Armed Actors
Encounters with non state armed actors form the backdrop of my research agenda.
As a peacekeeper in Kosovo, I witnessed seemingly random acts of violence spark
hate filled reprisals. This behavior made visible the networks of grievances and
feuds within villages and peoples minds. My soldiers and I understood little about
our adversaries who hid among an acquiescent population and whose identities and
loyalties seemed to continuously shift. We were almost powerless to stop this kind
of violence because of our legal mandate, and because it appeared to be enabled by
our presence. Subsequent experiences during counterinsurgency efforts in Iraq and
Afghanistan immersed me in similar moral hazards. Once again, I faced the turmoil
created by... Show more content on ...
I wondered: how can governments make credible commitments to security and
governance when the landscape of violence remains fragmented? What I saw on the
ground rarely corroborated with the broader narratives I read in newspapers, the
military s anodyne policy briefs, or academic literature on conflict. Those sources
held ideas that made sense to me as applicable to wars between states, but not to the
kinds of conflict that we now seemed to face. From my ground level perspective, it
puzzled me to see how some non state armed actors implemented strategies that
appeared counterproductive to their short and long term objectives. Again I
wondered: did it appear that way because they knew something we did not, or was it
because we truly understand so little?
The United States withdrew its troops from Iraq and Afghanistan based upon the
appearance of security. That security was short lived due to dysfunctional governance
and factionalized violence. Other countries, such as Yemen and Somalia, exhibit
similar degenerative processes. Within these fragmented states, governance
institutions crumble amidst the competition between proliferating non state armed
groups. Most individuals in this context experience radical increases in insecurity
with a corresponding decrease in their capacity to undertake positive political action,
thereby hastening state decline. These observations led me to question how the
fragmentation of state
Mgt 311 Week 4 Dead Load Analysis
Week 4 Dead load refers to the load of the structure itself while live load refers to
the maximum load that can be applied to the bridge before it stops being static.
When taking in to account the information gained in week 3 regarding the distance
between applied forces and their reaction it is made apparent that taking the live
load of a structure into account becomes more complex. For example a group of
hikers walking across a bridge spaced out from each other will cause a significantly
different reaction when compared to the same group of hikers gathering together on
a single section of the bridge to take a photo. Week 6 If a structure is in static
equilibrium, then any portion or segment of it must also be in static equilibrium. With
Socrates s Theory Of Justice
In Plato s Republic, Socrates argues for the importance of living a just life.
However, Glaucon asks why any person favors the just life over an unjust one.
Glaucon would like an answer regarding this type of justice, and if it is good only
for its results or good in itself. Socrates argues that justice in the individual is the
balance between sprit, reason, and desire (scc. 435a). Socrates account of justice,
displays a life in which a justice provides benefits not only for the individual, but
also society. In this case, Socrates account of justice, does not provide a sufficient
reason to be just. Socrates parallel of justice and health cannot answer Glaucon s
request fully. Therefore, without sufficiently proving the inherent good of justice his
claim falls apart.
Socrates account of justice stems from Glaucon s arrangement of the three categories
of goods: inherently good, pleasurable, or both. Glaucon asks if there is any value in
simply being a just person, he comes to find that if a person can be unjust and get
away with it then the unjust life is better. The first of its three categories is meant
for the things that are a kind of good we like for its own sake (scc.357c) . The
second category is for what s good as a result of their consequences such as exercise
for fitness and sex for pleasure and children. The highest category is for things that
are both good in themselves and because of their consequences. Continuing the
challenge and reinforcing his second
How Did William I Win The Norman Conquest
The Norman Conquest of England started in 1066, when William the Conqueror
(Duke of Normandy) led the invasion. His success at the Battle of Hastings, against
Harold II (the last Anglo Saxon King of England), allowed the Normans to rule over
England (although it took until 1071 for the country to be fully subdued because of
numerous rebellions). William I was finally crowned and became King of Englandon
Christmas day 1066, after he had forced the submission of the Witan and other
opposition leaders. But he still faced much resistance from the locals for many years,
particularly Northern England, so he had them restrained.
While William s repressive measures were taking place, there were needs for
fortification. Motte and Bailey castles were ... Show more content on
He also made sure he controlled elections and had royal presence at Church councils.
England s Church soon became disconnected to Rome and papal influence was
excluded. As for the Church s staff members, William first got rid of Stigand
(Archbishop of Canterbury) as he was excommunicated, along with other bishops and
abbots. Again he continued to fill vacancies with Normans. In 1075, thirteen out of
twenty five abbots were English but in contrast, in 1087 only three were English.
William went on to appoint Lanfranc as Archbishop of Canterbury (who was also his
personal abbot of St Stephen s at Caen) who contributed hugely to the English
Church. He also instated Thomas as Archbishop of York, but this subsequently led to
quarrels over Thomas s independent power, which made William determined to
dispose of separatism entirely. Rules and guidelines surrounding priests became
stricter and they were encouraged with better clerical morals. This, together with
other criteria like the restructuring of dioceses, created a better organization and
increased the status of the church. These changes secured William s divine control by
bolstering his royal authority, through the spread of his influence and a supporting
partnership with the church. Combined with the feudal system the boundaries of the
kingdom were strengthened, as was William s hold of
Morris Dees
Great strides have been made in the history of civil rights, but the march of justice
still has a long way to go. Morris Dees, a native South Alabamian and graduate
from the University of Alabama law school addressed the issues that continue to
divide our country while speaking to Troy University journalism students. Dees
said that his upbringing in the South influenced him to fight for justice. He was the
son of a cotton farmer and a justice of the peace, and saw the treatment of blacks in
his community. At the age of 12 the words one nation with liberty and justice for all
from the Pledge of Allegiance began to resonate with Dees. He said one of his
teachers, Mrs. Johnson, told him don t forget this the nation was set up for the benefit
... Show more content on ...
One case was particularly victorious in more ways than one. The SPLC won a $7
million judgment against the Ku Klux Klan on behalf of the mother of a black
man who was lynched in Mobile. The even bigger victory was in the courtroom
where the man who murdered her son admitted his wrongs and asked for
forgiveness. Mrs. Donald, the mother who had her son taken from her out of pure
hate, found it in her heart to forgive and reconcile. Dees message keeps playing in
my mind. I agree that hate and intolerance to differences can be overcome with
reconciliation and forgiveness. I really enjoyed listening to Dees and learning
about what the Southern Poverty Law Center does. I agreed with Dees when he
said that as journalism students we have a big piece of the pie, the First
Amendment. As journalists we are given freedom of the press and can use our
freedom for the betterment of all people. I agree that journalists can play a role in
shedding light on major issues. In my opinion, Dees was right about many of the
major issues facing our country today. I was pleased to learn that the SPLC
monitors hate groups and develops legal strategies for protecting all people. I am
thankful our country has courageous people like Dees to stand up for people who
can t always stand up for themselves. Despite receiving threats, Dees has never
ceased to live out his passion for helping
How to Lie with Statistics by Darrel Huff
I just finished reading really interesting book, How to lie with Statistics by Darrel
Huff. This books is all about a good cheat sheet to cheat with numbers. The moment
someone mentions Statistics, the most often seen reaction is a big yawn or a sigh
of disbelief. This is because people come across all kinds of statistical
interpretations all the time such as in advertisement or marketing journals. This
sense of disbelief is because the reader can not verify the truthfulness behind
presented numbers. The assumption always is that the person talking about the
number or statistics knows what he or she is talking about because it is proven
fact by statistical studies. Even if that is not the case, it is very easy to be lost
among the number, when they are represented as an averages, percentages, year on
year growth, or percentage points which can make the person talking about these
seem either very good or very bad. And this does not seem to have changed from
1954, when the book was first published. The book is about helping readers see
throughout these marketing tricks. Also, to be able to ask the right questions and
when to dismiss a statistics as faulty. It is a field manual to beat the cheaters in
their worn game. This is a delightful book with just 150 pages and 10 chapters each
with a specific theme. The book starts with the origin of the statistics problems, the
sample. Any statistics based on some samples always going to have some sorts of
bias, even if the person
Western Way Of War Essay
Support or refute the argument that the prolonged and bloody stalemate of World War
I stemmed from a slavish adherence to the theories proposed by Clausewitz
Major Marc C. Jeter
H100: Rise of the Western Way of War
10 June 2015
The stalemate of World War I s Western Front resulted from a situation where leaders
experienced and educated in 19th Century tactics and strategy could not reconcile this
predisposition with the changes to war brought on by technological advances and not
due to a mindless adherence to time honored theories of military thinkers such as
Clausewitz. The irony is that the tactical and strategic impasse aside, the various
elements of World War Isuch as economy, political, and nationalism more closely
reflected Clausewitz s supposition of war ( clash of interests ) than the pre war
operational plans penned the generals.
Despite significant munitions advancements over the final quarter of the 19th
Century and first decade of the Twentieth Century, simultaneous progression in tactics
and more importantly strategy, was absent. Certainly, generals such as Alfred von
Schlieffen expanded upon the time honored belief in the supremacy of the offense
(Schlieffen Plan) via a grand envelopment that in theory ... Show more content on ...
That these weapons by being relatively immobile would be default provide soldiers
and armies in a defensive posture with a tremendous advantage, as occurred in
Manchuria between the Russians and Japanese, did not seem to deter Europe s
strategists from their predisposed affinity for the offense. It did in fact appear to
strengthen further their belief in what was believed to be the ultimate deciding factor,
that being an unconquerable warrior
Should Parents Spy On Their By Judith Woods Analysis
Should parents sneak on their children s or no? This is the question that the author
Judith woods trying to find an answer for in her article Should parents spy on their?
In this article Judith woods is discussing the fact that most of the teens and the
children make a bad use of the internet. And because of that, many parents spy on
their children s texts and messages to make sure that they are safe, and to protect
them from any harm they can be exposed too in the online life like sexting, bullying
and many other things she has stated in her article. She also discussed how the online
life like twitter, face book, snap chat could affect the child s behavior. Moreover, she
stated the fact that children will create a separate online life if they caught you while
you are spying on them, between you and your child. In spite of the fact that the
author throughout her article has stated many trustworthy and convincing point and
information about her argumentwhether parents should sneak o, some of her
arguments wer groundless and had some logical fallacies , false assumptions and
other weak evidence.
Judith woods in her article have stated many great and impressive points. firstly, when
she said that the trust between the parents and the children and then the children will
be afraid to tell them anything and will find a way to ... Show more content on ...
The author also stated another logical fallacy when she wrote the words of the author
Oliver james when he said that Another logical fallacy is when she said that As this is
slippery slope because she was talking about maintaining communication and then
jumped to another subject which is totally different than the first
Political Themes In The Metamorphosis By Steven Berkoff
This year we have been studying The Metamorphosis by playwright Steven
Berkoff; an adaptation of the novel by Franz Kafka. The play follows the story of
Gregor, a working class man who goes to sleep one evening and wakes up having
transformed into a cockroach like insect. The scene from the play that we have used
as a stimulus was the scene in which Gregor actually transforms from a respected
and depended upon son to being an alienated insect who is a burden to his family. In
support of these themes, we have created a performance based on the 2008 recession
, where thousands of people were affected and economically stable and dependent
first world countries fell and transformed into countries where hundreds of thousands
of people were... Show more content on ...
Brecht s political theatre stems from his political views towards communism and
the upper class society. Theatre that comments on political issues within society.
Brecht began to have a dislike for the capitalist society he was brought up in and
wanted more of an equal approach to the world and the people around him. With
epic theatre, Brecht wanted it to be both didactic (able to teach others) and
dialectic (able to create discussions and ideas). The audience at no time during an
epic play can be seen to be in a trance or take what they see on stage for granted.
Our performance is reflective of Brecht and his Epic and Political theatre as we
address many political topics such as Marxism and the divides between classes
and the corruption of the government. We have props such as protest signs and
banners to communicate Brecht s political theatre to the audience. In the first
episode, Brown s Boys, there is a scene where MPs choke and die after ignoring the
recession and protesters emerge into the audience chanting that politics is dead and
they don t really care about us while holding banners saying, politics is dead and
Gordon Clown . This was done as it represented politics and the fact the seriousness
of the situation was ignored; showing how quickly the issues with the recession
spiralled out of control and became something that even the higher up in society were
American History X Detailed Summary
Detailed Summary
The story begins with a black and white flashback of the moment when Derek
commits the murder of the two young Afro American s. Danny wakes up to see
one of the men standing by the front door but can t see whether he is armed or not.
He goes to tell his brother Derek who is in bed with Stacy, his girlfriend. Derek
takes a semi automatic pistol and sees two blacks and one in the car ready for a
getaway. Derek plunges out of the front door and shoots the first Afro American
several times and spots the other trying to run away. He takes aim and fires again
mortally wounding the second. The car driver speeds off with Derek firing several
shots at the car, emptying the magazine. In slow motion he goes back to the wounded
man to ... Show more content on ...
Danny looks over the same basketball park now and sees that the blacks are back on
it with Little Henry the black gang member that confronted Danny earlier on.
Derek didn t allow his family to visit or write to him for the three years while he
was in prison. Now he is released and Danny comes home to meet him after school.
They lost their original home after Derek had lost his job and Doris Vineyard.
Their mother is also unwell, coughing and lying on the couch suffering probably
from lung cancer. When Danny gets home, Derek notices the tattoo on Danny s
arm with the letters DOC underneath the logo. Danny tells Derek that it was
Cameron that had persuaded Danny to have it done. Derek is not impressed but
doesn t say anything. Seth arrives with his video camera to welcome back Derek.
Derek, meanwhile, is on the phone to Dr Sweeney who tells him about Danny s
assignment and Derek agrees to help Danny in his own way. Seth videotapes Danny
reciting right wing and skinhead ideology about hating that it is cool to be black and
the hip hop influence on the suburbs. Derek finishes his phone call and is listening to
Danny s views while shaking his head.
Derek assembles the family in the room while Seth is left outside waiting to get
something to eat. He tells them that he is planning to move them out of the area so
they can make a new start. Derek
The Status Of Eorls During The Anglo-Centuries
Eorls / gesiths were a kings companion. They stood at the top of the social scale.
Thegns were royal servants
Ceorl s were freemen. They were liable for military service in the army, until the 8th
Century when kings preferred to have noblemen because they were better trained and
During the Anglo Saxon period, the status of a ceorl gradually declined. In the 9th
and 10th Centuries, most of them began to work on their lords lands.
The lowest rank in the social class is a slave. They had minimal rights, one being the
possibility of earning money to buy their freedom. Slaves were generally given a
small amount of land to support himself and family.Freed slaves were still under
there lord s control, but were no longer his responsibility.
Causes of Child Obesity Essay
In the United States, children around the country are becoming extremely
overweight. Statistics shows that 1 out of every 3 children is either overweight or
obese. This number is staggering and scary. Being overweight is associated with
many health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and many more. More
children in our society are becoming plagued with diseases that are associated with
weight everyday. Our children are the future! And I know that may sound corny, but
it s true. We need to keep our kids active, healthy and strong, so they can live long
and prosperous lives.
The primary reasons why our children are overweight.
The reasons are children are becoming overweight, is primarily contributed to having
access to video ... Show more content on ...
This is becoming a big factor as to why our children are becoming overweight.
Another reason why our children are gaining weight at a record pace is from lack
of exercise. In this day in age, with the many advancements of video gaming
systems, computer games, portable DVD players and handheld games, it s more
easier for a child to watch a DVD or play a game rather than play outside.
Unfortunately, most children our choosing to play their video game, aside from
playing hide and seek outside. Who could blame them? If you had something fun to
do that did not require you to move, many people would do that, because it s
convenient. Conveniences are taking over our society! Moreover, because of this, we
as parents have to step up and say enough is enough.
How we can help our children?
The first way we can help our children is by reducing the amount of time spent in
front of the television, video game or computer. Allow your child to explore the
outside more often without the need of taking their hand held game with them. If
you live in a poverty stricken area or an area that you would not want to send your
child outside to play in, which is very common in this day and age. You; the parent
need to arrange time to take them to the park. Give your child a chance to run
around in the sun or play in the sprinklers on a hot summer day.
In addition, we as parent can also change the simplest things that our
Essay About Calligraphy
When I was in second grade, my Chinese teacher would raise my papers up to the
class, beaming with pride. She thought my handwriting was excellent, and a
deserving of admiration from my peers. My teacher s supportive encouragement was
the initial reason I became interested in calligraphy.
My handwriting teacher, Mr. Gu, thought that my handwriting was good enough for
me to begin learning the art of Chinese Calligraphy. It was a special honor, as many
classmates desired to learn calligraphy as well, but they were not noted as outstanding
students in handwriting, and so were not given the opportunity. My continued
success in the art of calligraphy became something special and unique I could share,
during a time when so many students were still figuring out who they were and where
their talents lay. This increased my enthusiasm and motivation to learn the
calligraphy at the highest level.
Upon beginning to learn Chinese calligraphy, Mr. Gu gave every student a different
style of copybook. My copybook was Ouyang style. I ... Show more content on ...
The coherence of handwriting and the power of the handwriting overtook me.
During this time, one other thing also stood out: My cousin s handwriting was not
very good; however, although she knew this, she still felt happy every time she
would practice. This called up memories about my own passion for calligraphy,
which I had given up. I felt like I was still interested in calligraphy, and sad that I
had left it just because I didn t feel confident in the quality of my work. After
reading my cousin s copybook, I decided to pick my passion back up. I started by
trying my hand at some cursive calligraphy, because I always wrote in big size
(whereas the size of Lanting Xu, the type I used to write, was very small). I found a
new teacher and got help perfecting my art. After two months, I found that my
practice was paying off I learned to write very
The World Of Social Media Essay
Welcome to the marvelous world of social media where today youth live in a
creative identity to an audience who have also promoted a different personality.
Were young peoples are living and growing up with a global society s culture
changing what they do and who they are. Adolescence are learning to construct their
ideal self. These devices compel teenager to a whole new world state of the self,
devices and apps becoming part of young people lives. A generation were checking in
and posting the location of their next citation, taking pictures of their meal, or most
common snapping a selfie, is most important that the moment. These devices are
shaping and expressing the revision of teenager identityand where they stand in the
society global culture. The device one carries around promotion and presentation a
person differently. Who we are is often different than who we really are on the
internet. Teenager are creating the ideal self, what they believe is appropriate
according to the societal standpoint. Promoting our self what we want others to
see. I believe who we are on the Internet is not a true showing of who we are
actually are as a person added Greg Cistulli. When a person promotes their self
ideally their bragging who they are and what they want others to be jealous of.
Tending to promote their self creates a representation of who they want to be.
Creating a sense of belonging to the social media world. Their adapting
Swot Analysis Of L. L Bean
Introduction: L.L. Bean Inc. or simply L.L. Bean is a retail company that
specializes in outdoor recreational equipment. Product selections ranges from tents,
sleeping bags, camping packs, hiking gear and outdoor apparel. Founded in 1912
by Leon Leonwood Bean, L.L. Bean remains a privately owned retail company.
Leon Bean was an avid outdoors man and enjoyed hunting and fishing. When he
initially set up shot L.L. Bean only sold one product the duck boot. This boot was
designed to be lightweight and waterproof intended for hunters. Later on Leon Bean
started to branch out by selling other outdoors gear such as backpacks and tents and
would eventually produce their own clothing line. L.L. Bean has since become a
global company but remains... Show more content on ...
Competitive Analysis L.L. Bean is currently in a market where there are few
stores that dominate. They face competition from companies such as Columbia,
North Face, REI Timberland. In some cases these companies may offer a wider
range of products, more appealing design and higher quality. Where L.L. Bean
stands out is there in country manufacturing and Discovery School classes. Not
only are they selling outdoor gear they are offering outdoor classes as well. The
way I look at it is, they offer a product and a way to test it out at the same time so
you know whether you are buying a good quality product. But this however may
still not be enough to succeed. Below I have included a list of L.L. Bean s
competitors. Columbia Columbia Sportswear may not be one of L.L. Beans
strongest competitors as they do not offer equipment but they do have a strong
presence in apparel and offer a good quality product. Based on the west coast in
Washington County Oregon. Similar to L.L. Bean Columbia is family owned but
traded on public stock exchange. Columbia Sportswear takes pride in manufacturing
there products and has taken a stance to be environmentally friendly. Since Columbia
does not
The Production Of Production Activities
Production Activities This section is an overview of the demands and tests
associated with the integrity of well during production from and injection to a
reservoir. The process begins after the well construction/well intervention
organization has handed the well over to the production organization and concludes
with a handover back to drilling and well organization for intervention, work over or
abandonment. Well integrity during this phase is used to keep hydrocarbons from
the pay zone inside the well and by protecting it from leaking off to contaminating
groundwater for environmental purposes. Well barriers are an envelope of one or
several dependent barrier elements preventing fluids or gases from flowing
unintentionally from the formation to the surface and are designed and used to
prevent leakages and reduce the risk associated with drilling, production and
intervention activities. The main functions of a well barrier are to prevent any major
hydrocarbon leakage(s) from the well to the external environment during normal
production or well operations and to shut in the well on direct command during an
emergency shutdown situation and thereby prevent hydrocarbons from flowing from
the well out. During production, a perfectly reliable well barrier element(s) is
paramount to containing the hydrocarbons inside the well. Well barrier elements are
several objects that prevent formation fluids from flowing inside the well. They could
be anything from packers or tubing or
The History of the Bra Essay
For the last 4,505 years, women have tried to enhance their figures by squeezing
themselves into restricting, and uncomfortable garments. Waists have been reduced
and bust lines have been increased, decreased, flattened, lifted or spread out,
depending on what was fashionable at the time. The modern brassiereand its
predecessors have not only been known for their functionality, but have also been
linked with statements of fashion and politics.
The concept of covering or restraining the breasts dates back to 2500 BC when
Minoan women from the island of Crete wore garments which lifted the bare breasts
out of their clothing. This eventually evolved into a binding that was worn by Greek
women while they exercised. However, such garments ... Show more content on ...
She used two silk handkerchiefs and a pink ribbon to create a light weight and soft
garment which separated the breasts naturally. The undergarment complimented the
fashions of the time, and orders for her design poured in from friends and family.
However, Jacobs found that running a business was not enjoyable so she sold her
patent to the Warner Brothers Corset Company in Bridgeport, Connecticut for
$1,500.00. (Over the next 30 years, Warner made more than $15,000,000.00 off of
Jacobs s patent.)
As the 1900 s progressed, women were presented with new inventions which
slowly took the place of traditional corsets. With the start of World War I, women
began to enter the work force and many of these women worked as laborers in
factories, making daily corset wear a problem. In 1917 the U.S. War Industries board
even requested that women stop buying corsets to reduce consumption of metal.
Some sources say that up to 28,000 tons of metal was conserved through this effort.
As the 1920 s rolled around, popular dress changed and the boyish figure trend
began to emerge in women s fashions. The style downplayed a woman s natural
curves as large breasts were considered a detriment to social standings. Well
endowed women tried breast binding, and from this the bandeaux bra was created.
The bandeaux bra was
Essay On A Bad Day
Instead of having a bad day, be thankful because you have the day during our
lifetime each of us has probably seen this phrase or at least some variations of it,
whether shared by friend on Facebook or while reading one of those inspirational
articles. However, this overused phrase turned out to be true and recently I found
out why. My very bad, awful and horrible day began really early. I got up at seven
to get ready for the exam I was having in two hours. After hitting the snooze button on
my alarm clockfor the third time, it took me quite long to force myself to wake up
and get ready after a sleepless night of studying. What made it even worsewas the fact
that I had a high temperature and a severe migraine. Finally I made myself... Show
more content on ...
It was one of those days when nothing seemed to go right. Throughout the day I
kept complaining and whining how this was the worst day of my life. What did I
learn, one may wonder? That scorpions are as frightening in real life as I have
imagined? Maybe. That a house after robbery looks exactly as they show in the
movies? Perhaps even worse. That no matter how hard you have studied, if there
is one topic you have skipped, it will definitely appear on the exam? Warmer, but
still no. I learned that when something bad happens to you, getting mad and angry
is not the best reaction. Thinking back, there are things far more serious than a
bad exam grade, and I was lucky enough to get off with nothing more than a fright
after interacting with a scorpion, and no one else got hurt .Sometimes the
obstacles life throws at us are not the worst and there are people who are dreaming
of having such problems . All of us have hard times, but instead of focusing on
negative, we should point out the good in them. After all, bad days are there to help
us get stronger and appreciate what we have. I indeed had a bad day, but I have been
gifted with another day and it is all that
Archetypes In The Epic Of Gilgamesh
An archetype is defined as an image, story pattern, character, setting, symbol, or
situation that recurs frequently in literature and in life. It demonstrates universal
human experiences and associates strongly with readers through a subconscious
understanding. In the Epic of Gilgamesh the main character, Gilgamesh, is an
example of a superheroic archetypal hero. He took on an epic quest for everlasting
life by following the archetypal steps of a hero s journey. Through suffering due to
tragedy, realizing the nature of his quest, seeking help from a mentor, experiencing
failure, and returning home with a companion, Gilgamesh s story followed the
situational archetype of a hero s journey. A hero is characterized by bravery, strength,
... Show more content on ...
11). By announcing this, Gilgamesh realized that he too one day would be dead
like Enkidu. In refusal to accept such a future, Gilgamesh began his quest for
eternal life. To achieve it, he journeyed to find Utnapishtim. Utnapishtim and his
family were the only survivors of a great flood wrought by the gods to destroy
humanity. As a reward for their survival, the gods gave the family eternal life and
sent them to live a remote island paradise beyond the waters of death (p. 12).
Utnapishtim s island corresponds to the situational archetype of a garden where
death does not exist. In such a garden, beauty and innocence are unspoiled. When
Gilgamesh finally met Utnapishtim, Utnapishtim told Gilgamesh the story of the
great flood, and then he revealed to him the secret of eternal life by saying, is a
mystery of the gods that I am telling you. There is a plant which grows under the
water... which restores... lost youth to a man (p. 14). In telling Gilgamesh this
information vital to his quest for everlasting life, Utnapishtim became a mentor. He
also became a secondary form of divine help to Gilgamesh because Utnapishtim
received his knowledge from the gods.
Once Gilgamesh learned of the flower, he dove into the water to obtain it. Diving
into water represented Gilgamesh s rebirth to a new life, and because of the flower s
effects, his
Social Contract Research
Pacing steadily up to the cashier, the masked man presses the pistol against the
cashiers head. He demands for all the cash, and the employee stares blankly
forward. Sweat trickles down the worker s face but she stands there, paralysed. He
pushes the muzzle harder into her temple and her trembling hand reaches forward.
In a matter of seconds he starts to yell and all of a sudden the girl is lying on the
floor lifeless. In the matter of two minutes, a life was exchanged for a few hundred
dollars and a candy bar. It is hard to rationalize a scenario such as this, but in reality, it
is a rather common occurrence. Sadly, Humans can be brutal and destructive
creatures. Is it instinct or our society to blame? The great theorists of the
enlightenment... Show more content on ...
Rationality is highly subjective and it could be argued that those inclined to have
aggressive and anti social behaviour are not rational beings. With aggressive
behaviour , violent inclination, and detached nature, those with the warrior gene may
not be able to make rational decisions (Powledge, 2016). With this conclusion, the
rationality of those with the warrior gene is questionable and therefore unfit to accept
the conditions of the social contract. The social contract wholly depends on the
compliance of the people. Not to mention, the study found that those imprisoned
were highly linked to the gene while non criminal controls were not (Thomas, 2016).
The fact that those with the gene are disobeying the law anyways proves that the
system at work currently is not stopping individuals from acting on their aggressive
inclinations. Their lack of acceptance of the social contract makes gene
discrimination more appealing for those who do give consent. Chaos manifests as the
incentive to follow the social contract collapses as more people refuse the social
contract. If treatment for those with the gene would mean more compliance to the
law, it may be the ethical decision. However, again, the social contract is dependent
on the rationality of beings and with the question of what is rational or not being up
in the air, it is impossible to determine whether genetically combatant humans should
be under the same jurisdiction as everyone
Cannibal Tours
Cannibal Tours
In Cannibalizing, Commodifying , or Creating Culture? Power and Art in Sepik
River Tourism, Silverman makes several critiques of O Rourke s Cannibal Tours.
Silverman argues that O Rourke constructed a limited view of the New Guinea tribes.
Silverman attributes the eroding authenticity to the tourists pursuit for entertainment
in exchange for money. For instance, O Rourke s interviews mostly covered reactions
from tourists and how they gawked over the natives, arrogantly depicting their
primitive lives. Silverman argues that the film portrays tourism as a process that only
disempowers local people and erodes from their lives all genuine, meaningful
dimensions of their culture (Silverman 1996). Tourism is much more ... Show more
content on ...
Anthropologists and filmmakers differ greatly from the tourists in this situation. The
filmmaker is sort of the in between of the tourists and anthropologist. For example,
O Rourke himself is not portrayed in the same manner that the other tourist are, but
in the eyes of the local people, he is as much of a tourist as anyone for the simple
fact that he is white. However O Rourke differs from the tourists because he is on
their land with a goal in mind of creating a film. Lastly, the anthropologists are
different from the latter because they go to primitive cultures with a broader view to
understand cross cultural perspective. Meaning, that they have the job of studying
and understanding one culture, but it is equally as important to compare those
finding with customs of another
Kelvin And Rhyea Sparknotes
Kelvin and Rhyea s relationship on the station are simply a regret of Kelvins past
that the ocean discovered in his dreams. Rhyea is the embodiment of an
unrelenting memory of his failures, a reminder of his personal faults and their
effects on the love of his enraged life. Now the life of the ocean is acting as a god
to Kelvin, making him question his own loyalties, ideologies of science, and
perspectives and faith in religious systems. Stanislaw Lem created this story in
order to project the cognitive and physical process of loss, this being a main reason
we get a majoritily one sided view of Kelvins interaction with his visitor . Kelvin then
begins to have an external and internal conflict about what he really thinks about his
science, and the universes god.... Show more content on ...
He begins at first with no change in his views and opinions but as Kelvin
progresses through the story (meeting the crew) he eventually becomes more open
to the unknown. Because of this war with the ocean and the occurrences of
Solarian life for the present crew evidently Kelvin ends up becoming as mentally
confused as the rest of the group before him. He eventually loses to his inner
conflicts and allows for everything around him to collapse. Kelvins Kris is a
character that resembles air, you see it, feel it, know it is there, but overall it s
forgettable as if it doesn t exists. Because we don t know much about Kelvins past it
hard for us to understand his previous views other than as a scientist. Because of the
events that happen on Solaris the only thing that Kelvin has to define him (other than
air) is taken away. Even his fake wife from the dead Rhyea understands that he
changes throughout the story. The irony of this is as a psychologist Kelvin should
have a better hold of his emotions and keep a linear way of thinking in strenuous
What Is My Life Reflection Essay
During the 16 weeks that I ve participated in this yoga class, I ve learned the
importance of belly breathing and meditating. I decided to take this course this
semester, because my psychiatrist actually suggested I take yoga as a way of coping
with my stress and anxiety. I initially did not think that it would work, but we my
psychiatrist and I noticed my stress and anxiety slowing diminishing. This semester I
took Chemistry 32A, Human Anatomy, and Hatha Yoga
, while playing for the school
s women s basketball team. I feel that me playing basketball bought structure to my
life, because it made me organize my priorities. When we traveled, our coach
enforced study hall and I was given time to study and do homework. One stressor I
have from playing on the school team is that I m the team captain and I m expected
from coach to lead. It can be stressful leading a group of girls who don t respect my
opinion or voice. However, it s even more stressful when my coaches press me to be a
better leader when it s not entirely my fault. I also work at Olive Garden as a server.
The stressors of working as a server is the high expectations my managers have for
us. One of the expectations is that our server score be 100% every time we work. But
it s difficult to get a perfect score, because it is rated out of 5 and anything below a 5
is actually considered a 0. It s common that not everyone receives a perfect score
every time they work, but it s not easy having a higher up yell at you when
A Study On Cancer And Cancer
Cancer is defined as diseases that have abnormal growth of cells, and they can invade
to other tissues and affect other part of the body (
/factsheets/fs297/en/). The genes in a cancer cell that are used to regulate cell growth
and differentiation have been mutated, and lead to uncontrollable cell growth. After a
period of growth, the proliferation of those abnormal cells form a tumor (http:/
/ WHO2014 1).
Currently, over one hundred difference cancers exist (
cancer/understanding/what is cancer#types of cancer). A majority of them are caused
by environmental factors, while small number of them is cause by inherited genetics.
Typical environmental factors are tobacco smoking, diet and obesity, infection,
radiation, etc. ( cancer/understanding/what is
cancer#types of cancer).
People have been working for years to find new ways and modify traditional
methods of curing cancer. Although people have been making great progress
during these years, there are still great barriers that make cancer one of the top
killers in the U.S. One out of four deaths in the United States is cause by cancer.
Today, there are 1.6 million cancer cases in the United States and it is expected to
increase 45% by 2030 (CNN).
Currently there are several ways such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, etc.
The interest of this study is under the category of
Border Arte By Gloria AnzaldГєa
It s inevitable for somebody to find themselves in the middle of an important
transition in their lives. Humans will grow and age as time goes on and with time,
they will begin to discover who they are as individuals. Whether they re moving to a
new home, publically announcing their sexual orientation, or embracing a new
identity, transitions and changes are bound to occur. Gloria AnzaldГєa recognizes
this concept in her essay Border Arte: Nepantla, el Lugar de la Frontera by stating
Nepantla is the Hahuatl word for an in between state, that uncertain terrain one
crosses when moving from one place to another, when changing from one class, race,
or sexual position to another, when traveling from the present identity into a new
identity. (AnzaldГєa 180) This state of nepantla is the middle of the crossroads in
moments in our lives. It identifies the middle section in between two locations or
destinations as its very own. For example, a person could be in a situation that calls
for them to go from Point 1 to Point 2 in any kind of situation. Nepantla would be
seen as Point 1 ВЅ. It s this middle ground that is dealt with in various kinds of ways.
A method of assessing this grey area is mentioned by AnzaldГєa in her essay. She
introduces the idea of border arte as a medium to channel the state of Nepantla. It s
very subjective from one individual from the next on what could be considered
border art. I believe that border arte is certainly something that is captured and
The Faerie Queene
Una, the True Church
The Faerie Queene is an important romantic epic that more than being just poetry,
represents the protestant imagery in terms of kinds of individual virtue , the forces
of temptation and human weaknesses to which the greatest of persons can succumb
and, of course, the humanist ideals of its time. His author, Edmund Spenser, makes
use of biblical and classic allegories to tell his story, that more than have been a
religious writing, the poem s purpose was to educate, to turn young men into
gentlemen and to make a declaration of faith in England. However, the more
important purpose of the Faerie Queene is its allegory, the meaning behind its
characters and events. The story s setting is a fanciful faerie land, that ... Show more
content on ...
The turning point in the poem occurs during his time at the House of Holiness;
when the Redcrosse Knight is in despair, he nearly gives up on his quest, and on
himself. It is important to notice that it is Una who has to persuade him out of his
misery, it is her who must save him many times throughout the story. The Redcrosse
Knight has to face his inner self, he is able to transform, and this is partly what
grants his success at the end. Every time, Spenser is trying to get readers to realize
the incredible difference between Protestantism and Catholicism; to show them that
England needs the true religion to receive the gifts of God s power. Throughout The
Faerie Queene, there are female representations, the most prominent female
characters are Una and Duessa. These female characters show a certain form of
power; Una has the heavenly power of truth in contrast to Duessa s power of
falsehood and black magic. Although they have individual power, both share a
common feminine power over men. Spenser uses the female characters to represent
the path of good and the path of evil respectively, by pairing these characters with
the Redcrosse Knight, he illustrates the power, whether good or evil that women
possess to compel men to action. When Archimago gives the knight erotic dreams of
Una, the false image of her, drives him to leave the real Una; he is a representation
of the
How We Broke The Sound Barrier
How We Broke the Sound Barrier
Submitted by
Joshua Reichler
In partial fulfillment of the requirements of AES2050 Aerospace History
Instructor: William C. Hoffman
Metro State University Denver
25th of September, 2016 Instructor Comments: Abstract
For humans to go faster than they have ever gone before they had to research
many different things spend both money and time to finally reach this goal and
this paper will take you through that process of research done for that goal to be
reached. With the possibility of faster flight people will always want to see how
fast they can push the aircraft they design. The development and research that went
into the aircrafts that helped break the sound barrier, took a long time and many
people co operation. But after many years of research and testing with several
different types of aircrafts they were able to succeed in producing an aircraft that
could surpass the sound barrier and bring us into a new era of flight. The ideas on
how to get an aircraft up to the speed and the designs of many researcher had to
come together in order for this feat to be accomplished. From the engineering stages
of the project to the research on how the air around the aircraft will react to an
object moving through it to at such high speeds and the equipment that needed to be
made that can used during the flight all had to be crated for this to work (John D.
Anderson, Jr. (2001, 1) Research in Supersonic Flight and the Breaking of the Sound
Acute Flares 177 Case Study
8.1. Management of acute flares 177 Acute flares are best handled by 1)
identifying the most immediate trigger factors (eg. fleas, specific 178 foods) and
2) using a treatment that can provide immediate relief decreasing inflammation and
pruritus. 179 The persistence of inflammation and the skin damage caused by self
trauma can have rapidly negative 180 effects not only on the comfort level of the
animals but also to the development of the secondary infections, 181 which can
further complicate and increase the severity of the clinical signs. While
glucocorticoids have been 182 used for a long time and are well known treatment
with its pros and cons, the use of a JAK inhibitor like 183 oclacitinib, is still
relatively new. Oclacitinib has... Show more content on ...
197 For patients either cannot take oclacitinib or other therapies, another option is
the recently released 198 biologic. This is a subcutaneous injection of the caninized
anti cIL 31 monoclonal antibody and is aimed 199 at blocking IL 31, which is a
mediator of pruritus in dogs [43]. Whether IL 31 is a main cytokine in canine 200
AD is still under investigation. One study had failed to detect IL 31 in the skin of
atopic dogs altogether 201 and another study detected IL 31 in the serum of only
57% of atopic dogs. Thus, although IL 31 injection 202 can induce pruritus in
dogs, it is not clear yet that this is a critical cytokine in canine AD. IL 31
monoclonal 203 antibody provides approximately 60% reduction in pruritus
according to owners and up to 50% decrease 204 of CADESI in most atopic
patients [44]. Benefit typically lasts one month although great variability is seen
205 in clinical settings. This therapy appears to be well tolerated with minimal
propensity for triggering 206 immunity [45]. 207 As part of the acute flare
management, it is important to use topical therapy as adjunctive strategy to 208
decrease pruritus and sooth the skin. Topical glucocorticoids can also be used to
provide fast relief, 209 particularly in patients with localized disease. If infections
are present, they need to be addressed to 210 decrease pruritus and allow maximum
benefit of
Gpr And Email Marketing Case Study
GDPR and Email Marketing: Update 1017 The EU s new General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) comes into force on 25 May 2018, and has the UK s
businesses in a frenzy however despite the promise of fines of up to 4% of global
turnover for non compliance, research shows that still in September 2017 a huge
97% of companies have no plan in place to ready themselves for this new
legislation with only 9% expecting to GDPR ready. What is the GDPR? If you are
not already familiar with the GDPR it affects anyone controlling or processing
personal data relating to EU citizens. UK businesses still need to comply, even in
light of Brexit, yet according to the 2016 Email Marketing Census, 53% of companies
have not yet applied an adjustment to their... Show more content on ...
For data analytics to work to its full potential, clean data is essential. Databases as
they have previously existed will have to be discarded, creating the necessity to
refresh double opt in consent by contacting customers and potential customers. This
brings us a great chance to learn more about your client base, to discover their real
buying potential and purchasing triggers, also during that process, to sell or make
offers directly to them. Email Marketing Record Management One of the biggest
changes that come with the GDPR is keeping data storage reviewed regularly and
letting customers know the purpose for which you will use their data, and how long
you will keep that data. This cumbersome task can be viewed as a huge marketing
plus point when you realise that without this aspect of data cleansing, systems
quickly become blocked up with old, incorrect, completely useless data. Much like
when it s needed but never pleasant to clean out your garage, methodical record
management will prevent your email marketing from turning stagnant, and customer
interactions will make your campaigns more effective. Consumer Trust In 2015,
research firm Mintel found that only 36% of customers trust large consumer brands,
with transparency being one of the major factors in winning customer confidence.
Taking GDPR seriously within your brand and in your interactions with customers
will help to establish trust, this vital aspect of
The Association Of Southeast Asian Nation
The Road to Full Integration
Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN), a 10 member organization
established in August 1967, moves toward a deeper integration through creating a
unified community in political, economic, and socio cultural aspects of the region. It
is a region of great diversity but most countries have achieved rapid economic
development for the most of the past 25 years. Its diplomacy and cooperation are
characterized by caution, pragmatism, and consensus based decision making the
ASEAN Way (Ponciano Intal, et al., 2014). Taking steps to achieve their goal and
embracing its motto, One Vision. One Identity. One Community. the organization
established the ASEAN Economic Cooperation (AEC) in 2015. This aims to
promote an all inclusive cooperation across the region, gearing towards making
South East Asia a globally competitive single market and production base
characterized by: free flow of goods, services, investments, skills, and capitals.
Moreover, it intends to form a region of equitable economic development integrated
into the global economy (The ASEAN Secretariat, 200)
Creating a single market with about 600 million people is an enormous step for
ASEAN (The ASEAN Secretariat, 2015). Nine years after AEC was declared, the
organization has achieved a lot if the Four Pillars shall be considered as the assessing
Pillar 1: Single Market and Production Base. With continuous effort to achieve a
single market and production base, about 96% of
Columbine Shooting Essay
On April 20, 1999, two troubled teenagers fatally shot twelve students, one teacher
and wounded twenty four others at Columbine High School. When asked to name a
victim of the Columbine massacre, most people cannot produce a name but can
name the shooters: Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Too often do Americans and
citizens of the world remember the perpetrators of tragedies rather than the victims
themselves. In an article published by Newsweek written by Max Kutner named
Mass Shootings and News Media: A Connection? , Anderson Cooper stated in an on
air interview following the 2012 movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, before
we go any further, I just want to say that I am only going to mention the alleged
shooter s name a few... Show more content on ...
The following students died in the library: Cassie Bernall (17, also known as the
girl who said, yes ), Steven Curnow (14), Corey DePooter (17), Kelly Fleming (18),
Matthew Kechter (16), Daniel Mauser (15), Isaiah Shoels (18), John Tomlin (16),
Lauren Townsend (18) and Kyle Velasquez (16). Out of the fifty six people in the
library, thirty four escape injury. The two shooters continued wandering around the
corridors of the schools, aimlessly shooting lockers, ceiling tiles and any other part
of the building in their sight. At 12:08 PM, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold fatally shot
themselves in the library where they killed seventy seven percent of their victims.
On what became known as the deadliest mass shooting in United States history at
the time spurred numerous copycat killers. Most come to the conclusion these
copycat killers are mentally ill, however, in an article by Max Fisher and Josh
Keller, What Explains U.S. Mass Shootings? , a 2015 study estimated that only 4
percent of American gun deaths could be attributed to mental health issues .
Additionally, 30 percent of mass killings and 22 percent of school shootings
appeared to have been inspired by previous events (Kutner). The manor the media
used to report the Columbine High School massacre and other mass shootings has
influenced copycat shootings and plans. Since April 20, 1999, there have been nine
mass school shootings
Islamic Militia And A Saudi Led Government Offensive
Yemen is located in the Middle East situated towards the southern end of the Arabian
Peninsula. Yemen shares its borders with Saudi Arabia, The Red Sea, Arabian Sea,
Gulf of Aden and Oman. Yemen is a developing country currently succumbing to civil
unrest as well as suffering from severe economic stagnation. Yemenhas been in
serious conflict since 2015. Armed militia and a Saudi led government offensive have
been warring throughout the country causing tremendous humanitarian need.
Current Events Yemen has been suffering from tremendous civil unrest since 2015.
Nine countries forming an Arab coalition, to include Saudi Arabia began operations
in order to bring the government back into power. An Arab coalition of nine countries
led by ... Show more content on ...
Severe Economic breakdown will cause an inability for the government to facilitate
humanitarian needs for the populace. However, as the civilian death toll continues to
climb and the humanitarian situation devolves, some observers assert that the
political costs of the Saudi led coalition s military campaign are becoming too high
(The World Bank, 2016). Yemen will continue to become a further impoverished state
and inadvertently ostracize themselves from the region due to an inability to provide
stability within the country.
In October of 2016, Yemen ships fired missiles at naval ships off the coast of
Yemen. In October 2016, Houthi Saleh forces reportedly launched anti ship
missiles at U.S. Navy vessels on patrol off the coast of Yemen. While no U.S.
warship was damaged, a similar attack earlier in October damaged a U.S. transport
ship leased by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) (The World Bank, 2016). In
retaliation U.S. Naval ships fired missiles against Houthi Saleh radar installations.
Given the tension building between Yemen and the United States, if attacks continue
and the U.S./Yemen relationship begins to become anymore hostile, the U.S can
provide a stronger naval presence within the Bab al Mandab region. Once a stronger
U.S. Naval presence is emplaced, this will cause even more kinetic activity between
the two nations as well as developing a hindrance to imports into Yemen. Yemen
desperately needs
The Farming Of Bones And The Brief Wondrous Life Of
Oscar Wao
Past history reveals the various tragedies of many lives lost while under the rule of
the dictator, Trujillo. The Farming of Bones and The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar
Wao were two different stories of innocent characters who lived and were affected
during Trujillo s reign. These stories targeted the central problems that the characters
went through and the amount of impact it caused them through this cruel leadership.
During that time, many were oppressed and were forced to cope with the life style
that Trujillo created. Oppression played a significant role in the characters because
it led to a loss of identity; however, the two stories shared the various characters
power of hope, belief, and silence as a means of reconstructing... Show more content
on ...
Not only just for these two characters, other minor characters were able to cope
with their loss of identity through different mechanisms. Hope is a reassuring
feeling reflected in both Amabelle and Oscar. Regardless of how oppressed and
different they were, they were able to have hope, knowing that it would be a strong
foundation to live on. Amabelle rebuilt her identity through hope by remembering
her past. Her memories acted as a resistance against oppression and remained
strong and faithful. She stated, for so long, this had been my life, but it was all the
past. Now we all had to try and find the future (Danticat, 184). Even though she was
going through so much, she remained optimistic. She shifted her attention towards
water, a tangible object and remembrance of her past, which to her, represented
Heaven my heaven is the veil of water that stands between my parents and me. To
step across it, and then come out is what makes me feel alive (Danticat, 264).
Rather than seeing water as a destructive force that took away her parents,
Amabelle was able to acknowledge and embrace it. Throughout the novel,
Amabelle was able to divert from sulking in oppression and be hopeful for the
future in order for her to fully accept and move on. Oscar s hope was more evident
towards the end of the novel. Oscar was able to finally develop some sort of
romantic relationship with a girl named Ybon. Although he was beaten and warned
Regular Debt Vs Student Debt
Many students have argued that they will just take the extreme debt and file for
bankruptcy later on in life. The main problem with that argument is that they assume
a student loan is similar to other loans. For example in order to get out of a car loan
debt you need to prove undue hardship. With student loandebts the taxpayers want to
ensure that there is no way for you to just walk away from a student loan debt.
According to a Harvard Journal Article the difference between regular debt and
student loan debt is, The Bankruptcy Code s treatment of educationdebt may reflect
the view that a loan from the government qualitatively differs from a loan from a
commercial lender. Since they are not given the same background check that
What Role Does Mowgli Play In Welsg Book
There are many characters involved in The Jungle Books, by Rudyard Kipling,
but Mowgli, the man cub, holds a special role throughout all of the stories. As we
start out reading, he is described as a naked brown baby who could just walk. . .
(Kipling, Mowgli s Brothers 38). Therefore, he has room to grow and change as we
read on. Over the course of three significant stories, we find Mowglinot only growing
up but also learning the Laws of the Jungle from Baloo, changing his mind about who
he truly is, and making a life changing decision. In Kaas Hunting the Laws of the
Jungle become very beneficial for Mowgli and he realizes that Baloo is someone he
needs to listen to. Mowgli is only seven years old (Kipling, Kaa s Hunting 77), but...
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. . (Kipling, The Spring Running 323). Even Mowgli noticed that there was
something different about him. He had a feeling of pure unhappiness. . . (Kipling,
The Spring Running 327). During this story, Mowgli goes on a running. It s
almost like he is running away so that he doesn t have to face the fact that he will
be leaving the jungle. He visits Messua again and she describes him as beautiful
beyond all men (Kipling, The Spring Running 336). Eventually, Mowgli realizes
that he has to leave and he has to make his announcement to the rest if the pack. He
does so by saying I know not what I know, I would not go, but I am drawn by both
feet (Kipling, The Spring Running 341). Mowgli never thought he would leave his
pack and the jungle for good until this moment. His mind is constantly changing,
along with his body, but now he has made his final decision to
The Accounting And Reporting Standards
US GAAP is the term used to indicate the body of authoritative literature that
comprises accounting and reporting standards in the US. Rules and interpretative
releases of the SEC under authority of federal securities laws are also sources of
authoritative GAAP for SEC registrants.
Authoritative US GAAP is primarily developed and maintained by the FASB and the
Emerging Issues Task Force.
Unlike IFRS, US GAAP is designed for use by both profit oriented and not for profit
entities, with additional Codification topics that apply specifically to not for profit
Like IFRS, any entity claiming compliance with US GAAP complies with all
applicable sections of the Codification, including disclosure requirements. However,
unlike IFRS, a statement of explicit and unreserved compliance with US GAAP is
not required.
Unlike IFRS, the objective of financial statements is fair presentation in accordance
with US GAAP.Similarities and Differences of GAAP and IFRS
Haotian Guo
In 2014, a study from PricewaterhouseCoopers pointed that American investors are
looking over seas capital market for investment opportunities, and foreign investors
are also looking for investing opportunities in America. According to the research
from PricewaterhouseCoopers in 2014, an estimates shows that there are around
seven trillion US dollars are invested in foreign stock markets, and American markets
are open to non US firms too. Many of the foreign companies use IFRS rule without
Fractures Club Case Study
Fractures spots are characterized at this very moment funding which should be
possible ere the companies are ‎forced for offer new obligation also value funds.
When company achieves those fractures spots, ‎if they have decide in enhancing
extra funds so WACC will raise.‎ Towards instance, those recipe because of held
income fractures spots beneath ‎demonstrates where through ascertain for time
when the association s expense in value ‎financing going to increment on the
grounds that so they have to offer fresh basic shares. (Hint: The ‎formula because
of BP from obligation even favored shares are essentially several, with swapping
‎retaiBPRE = preserve income Weight of equity Example: Vitality
Administrations hopes to have complete
Essay on Growing Up During the Egyptian Revolution
I grew up in my home country Egypt, in a time some may say I was lucky to have
experienced and been a part of. I took part in helping a nation overthrow its dictator
who reigned with tyranny longer than I had been alive. I am an Egyptian youth, who
fought for my people s stolen prosperity and withheld freedom against the famous
thirty year old Mubarak regime. The Egyptianrevolution was televised and kept under
the global eye throughout each of its progressions, from start to end yet not holistic in
Stories of glory and success seem to be the only ones shared from this era, however
there exists a much more historical story. The extraordinary story of the boys of an
entire nation rapidly and innately transforming into honorable ... Show more content
on ...
Each night seemed like an entire season, full of constant suspense and fear of your
neighborhood being attacked and the potential harming of the women and children
locked inside the guarded homes. Some neighborhoods were luckier than others in
that they were avoided by the uncontrolled militias, while others had to pray they
were prepared enough for attacks. Attackers that were contained were not shown
remorse, and likewise had your luck handed you or yours into their hands. Needless
to say this was a very mentally demanding, testing, and above all changing
experience for all those who took part.
As a boy brought in the modern world, like most others in my situation, I was
unprepared for such an experience. The situation s build up was too quick and
spontaneous to prepare for and forced me to mentally adjust to it as it happened
without any rational linkage. You knew what was at stake and innately acted
accordingly to protect it. You wished to feel fear, for the assertion that what you
were living through was actually happening. All that was actually felt was pure
alertness as soon as the sun started to set. There was no time to think like a boy,
primal instincts prevailed and along with it honorable doings through grounded
choices. The long nights acted as catalysts as each boy adapted to a primal man
without choice a rather honorable and beautiful phenomenon not considering
How Did Potato Affect The Potato
1.The potato greatly affected diets, agriculture, public health, and ecology in Europe
and the Americas. Potatoes produced in the wild contain dangerous toxins such as
solanine and tomatine. (Mann) In some locations, wild llamas would lick clay before
eating a poisonous plant. (Mann) The poisons would adhere to the clay allowing
animals to consume these plants without being harmed. (Mann) Humans began doing
this too. The Andean Indians began preparing potatoes different ways. For example,
they were boiled, mashed, chopped, peeled and baked. (Mann) The potatoalso
expanded the aspect of agriculture. Potatoes taste different based on the type planted.
Many villages grew different types of potatoes for a variety of tastes. (Mann) Hunger
was very common in Europein the 17th and 18th century. (Mann) Since the potato
crop could be grow in abundance, it was a great solution hunger. The potato was
such an important asset many regions that citizens tried harder to get the potato to
succeed. This caused the development of new agricultural advances. For example,
they began spreading Guano, the dried remains of birds semisolid urine over the
plants to provide them with nitrogen. The guano was considered a great plant
fertilizer. (Mann) In addition, the potato also led to the creation of plant pesticides.
In the 1940 s and 1950 s, was the Green Revolution. (Mann) This was all because of
the potato. Potatoes had begun to fall ill when the Colorado potato beetle, attacked
farmer s
Blaiming the Paparazzi
In 1997, Princess Diana died in a car crash in Paris, which was blamed on the
paparazzi that were chasing her. Because the accident happened in France, no British
charges can be laid against the photographers. However, nine were charged with
manslaughter in France, but the charges were thrown out in 2002. Three
photographers Jacques Langevin, Christian Martinez and Fabrice Chassery were
convicted of invasion of privacyfor taking pictures of Princess Diana and were each
fined one euro in 2006. Of course it is obvious that the public is intensely curious to
know more about celebrities, but don t you think celebrities have the right to be
First of all, let us define who the paparazzi are and what they do for a living. A
paparazzo is a photographer who takes pictures of athletes, actors, celebrities,
politicians etc... on a daily basis. As a matter of fact, paparazzi s tend to chase
celebrities wherever they go. Whether it was to the Academy Awards, shopping at
a mall, or even going to the gym. Nowadays the paparazzi are going way beyond
the limits and are becoming more likely bizarre. They are competing against each
other and are trying to have the best exposed pictures of celebrities they could get at
any cost. They don t care if they hurt or stress celebrities. They simply want to be the
California s first civil anti paparazzi law was signed on January 1st, 1999. This law
protects celebrities from physical invasions and trespassing. This law wasn t enough,
so on
My Design Of Sighting A Gun
I.The purpose for my design is to speed up the process of sighting a gun in, the
scope to take into compensate the parabolic launch of a bullet, and to hit to target
bulls eye. Sighting in a gun requires a long trial and error process that any hunter,
marine, or police sniper would agree upon. As a bullet is fired from a rifle it rises a
few inches for about one hundred yards or more where it descends below the axis
of the barrel. The scope looks like any other scope but will account for the parabolic
launch and relocate its self to the correct position for the most accurate shot. Nikon is
a company that produces quality scopes and would be a good contestant for the idea.
They support their products being brighter, clearer, precise, and rugged, but these are
just a few of the attributes knowledgeable hunters commonly use to describe Nikon
riflescopes. Nikon is determined to bring hunters, shooters, and sportsmen a wide
selection of the best huntingoptics money can buy while at the same time pushing
the envelope to create revolutionary capabilities for the serious hunter (Nikon). The
design would also need an electrical engineer to design the wiring and microchips
/sensors, but a mechanical engineer from Power Electrics would also be needed to fit
the motor for the positioning of the scope. I would like to arrange a meeting for all of
us to discuss and perfect the idea. II.The scope, Buck Slayer by Slade Mills and
Nikon, will be about the same size as any other
Legalization Of Marijuana For Medical Use
Legalizing Medical Marijuana
Elizabeth Vogt
ENC 1101
Professor Ruppert
Keiser University
October 23, 2014
Many people have different opinions on the delicate topic of the legalization of
marijuana for medical use. Although it could help those who suffer from
chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (CINV), cachexia, spasticity, pain and
rheumatoid arthritis, it also has a lot of negative side effects that many doctors and
physicians are trying to inform the public. Some of these negative side effects include
marijuana being very dangerous when it is smoked, although that s the most effective
way to ingest the substance, it dangerously raises the heart rate, can cause mental
illness, or even make current mental illness worse, and it is also considered to be
very addictive with withdrawal symptoms including irritability, sleeplessness,
decreased appetite, and drug cravings.
Legalizing Medical Marijuana
Popularly known on the streets as pot, grass, Mary Jane, or hemp, marijuana has
become a recent topic of discussion in the medical field. Between some of the pubic
not wanting the drug to be legalized because of its reputation, doctors wanting it to
be legalized to help reduce multiple different symptoms and other physicians saying
that it s too harmful to legalize, marijuana has made its way to the ballots for the
public to have their say about the topic.
Cannabis originated from the dried out leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds of the Indian
hemp plant Cannabis sativa.
The Heaviness Of Internet On The Internet
Thus, communication is the single largest purpose of internet access followed by
entertainment and information search. Communication is also one of the triggers
which bring users on the Internet. 57% of the users started using the internet for
sending and receiving e mails. Of late, social networking websites have also been
instrumental in getting users to use the internetregularly. 30% of the users started their
internet journey with social networking websites.Figure 1.10 5. Frequency of Internet
Access in Urban
Internet usage has seen a steep growth over last year with 54% of the active internet
users accessing Internet daily. This is indeed an encouraging trend and shows that
the Internet has seeped in the lives of many in a big way.
Figure 1.11 This growth can be attributed mainly to the increased accessibility of rich
content on the mobile phones and other handheld devices. Now, one can stay
connected to the Internet 24/7 and perform more activities online than hitherto
possible. Of the 17 Mn users who access the internet daily, 34% access it several
times a day. With internet literally coming within the reach of the common man, we
can expect to have 100% of the users accessing the in the internet daily.
Figure 1.12 6. Heaviness of Internet access
With the
The Creation Of A Life
The Creation Of A Life I don t know my name. I don t know my birthday. I don t
have a family. These are just a few of the things in my life that I created. I remember
waking up to the light. The brightest of lights was shining down on me. Looking
around, I began to question my existence. I couldn t remember anything. Actually,
that s not true I remember dying; or at least I thought that is what happened. The
sensation of drowning was the only thing that remained clear in my mind. But, as it
turns out, I was wrong. I survived. I survived the hurricane that otherwise took
everything from me. I woke with a loud cough followed by a deep breath. Looking
back, that breath was the beginning of it all. Although it wasn t my first breath, it...
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Bruised and battered. Similar to the neighborhood that enveloped me. A
neighborhood I couldn t remember. In a time of naivety, I tried to reach for him.
The smallest of movement caused an unbearable, inordinate amount of pain. I
screamed. He reached down and scooped me up. Must be broken, he reckoned.
Where am I? I questioned. Nothing seemed to strike my memory. Not a person
around. Not a scent. Not a scene. Well darlin you re in the suburbs of New Orleans.
Or rather, what s left of it. He seemed relatively calm considering our surroundings.
Left from what? How did this all happen? Why am I here? It was baffling. The
town looked dead at least the nonliving parts of it. He stopped walking suddenly, as
if I d done something wrong. You don t remember...? He spoke clearly like he
wanted my absolute full attention. I... No. Should I? Yes. I would assume I cut
him off, Way to be blatantly honest. He took a step around a large tree that had
fallen down completely and crushed a small home. What is your name? Looking
down at myself, I didn t know. In fact I couldn t remember anything about myself at
all. I... I don t know. Well then, I s pose I should give you a name then, just until
you remember. I smiled. He didn t need to do anything for me yet, it seems like he
keeps doing more and more. How do you feel about Estrella? Where I come from it
means the star, like the kind in the sky. To me, it seems as though
The Plagues And Profits Of Polarization
The Plagues and Profits of Polarization In 1796, in his Farewell Address, George
Washington warned against the party passions that weaken public administration,
afflict the community, promote animosity between different sectors, and as a result,
render the American nation vulnerable to foreign invasion. Political polarization is
most simply defined as the divide between Liberals and Conservatives or between
Republicans and Democrats. According to measurements from DW NOMINATE, a
system that gives politicians a score based on how liberal or conservative they are,
polarization has been rising steadily for the past four decades. The general consensus
among scholars is that the United States has not heeded the first president s warning;
... Show more content on ...
His collected data show that Obama has seen much polarization throughout his two
terms, but his predecessor, George W. Bush, also received a similar amount. This
shows that the divide between voters has been increasing for at least over a decade .
At times, rising polarization gives the impression that the American nation has
disintegrated, but many political scientists argue that although our nation has its
flaws, polarization is not the problem. Political scientist, Alan I. Abramowitz, is
especially adamant about the manners in which polarization profits American
democracy. He admits that polarization can lead to immature mudslinging, but
presents this as a small downside to the important and essential benefits it provides.
In his opinion, polarization can be a solution to legislative gridlock in congress.
Polarization between different parties leads to party discipline within a party because
it moves the moderates in a party further left or further right. Abramowitz claims that
this can overcome procedures, such as the filibuster, that actually inhibit the law
making processes. Additionally he believes that polarization manifests party lines,
making it less complicated for American citizens to associate with a specific side,
which as a consequence, encourages them to vote and discuss their political views
with others. Shaun Theriault adopts a similar view. He decries the name calling and
Duty Of Care For Negligent Act
Background to the answer:
The area of law is Negligence and the issue is Adams (Plaintiff) injuries and his
chances of success in any legal action he might take in negligence against Simon
(Defendant). The question to be taken into consideration is that;
Could the defendant be found to have caused the damages?
Rule and Application
This aspect will address Duty of care for negligent act, standard of care and causation.
1st essential DoC: Did the defendant owe a Duty of Care to Plaintiff?
Historical approach from Donoghue v Stevenson
(I)Reasonable foreseeability
In tort law, foreseeability has been defined as the notion that a particular action
viewed under particular circumstances would lead to an anticipated result. This
means that there was a foreseeable injury, and a person has a chance of taking
precautions and refrain from the behaviour that could likely lead to the harm
(Birmingham Brennan, 2012).
In saying this Simons damage to Adam was that of a foreseeable type even though
he had to throw his helmet that bounced on the ground and striked Adam through
frustration. In the case of The Wagon Mound No2 [1967]1AC617, The defendant s
vessel, The Wagon Mound, leaked furnace oil at a Wharf in Sydney Harbour due
to the failure to close a valve. Some cotton debris became embroiled in the oil and
sparks from some welding works ignited the oil. The fire spread rapidly causing
destruction of some boats and the wharf. It was held that the defendants
The Performance Of The Houston Astros Essay
The Houston Astros have been making deals to improve their team, and avoid
another collapse like the one they had last season. Their bullpen could not finish the
year strong after being one of the best in baseball throughout the season. The bullpen,
also, collapsed in game four of the ALCS against the eventual champions. The Royals
could not hit Lance McCullers, but once he was removed with one out in the seventh
inning, Kansas City s offense got it going.
1. Astros big trade
The biggest move the Astros have made is acquiring the young closer of the
Philadelphia Phillies, Ken Giles.
Oct 4, 2015; Philadelphia, PA, USA; Philadelphia Phillies relief pitcher Ken Giles
(53) throws a pitch during the ninth inning against the Miami Marlins at Citizens
Bank Park. The Phillies defeated the Marlins, 7 2. Mandatory Credit: Eric Hartline
Oct 4, 2015; Philadelphia, PA, USA; Philadelphia Phillies relief pitcher Ken Giles
(53) throws a pitch during the ninth inning against the Miami Marlins at Citizens
Bank Park. The Phillies defeated the Marlins, 7 2. Mandatory Credit: Eric Hartline
The trade included SS Jonathan Arauz to Houston for LHP Brett Oberholtzer, and
RHPs Mark Appel, Harold Arauz, Thomas Eshelman, and Vincent Velasquez.
Giles, 25 years old, has been with the Phillies for two season and pitched 115.2
innings in 113 games over the two years. He has an ERA of 1.56, a 11.7 SO/9, a 1.03
WHIP and has 16 career saves, 15 of which came last
On The Move Reflection
On the Move My family and I depended on my father for a paycheck every month
to pay for bills and groceries, but one month the paycheck never came. My father
had lost his job from Caterpillar in Decatur, Illinois. When it happened, I was in
third grade, and I had no worries, didn t care about how I looked, and made sure
that I was doing well in school. My younger brothers were in kindergarten and
preschool at the time, were six and three years old, and only cared about the toys
they wanted from the store. My mother was a stay at home mother, and tended to the
house and all of our needs at home when it occurred. My father had lost his job, my
familylost the paycheck that paid for everything.
I had no idea my father lost his job until I got home from school that day. When I
walked in, I saw my father sitting upon his chair, in the family room, with
bloodshot eyes. I was amazed I never saw my father cry before. I always thought
that he was this extremely tall man who could care less about what other people
thought of him, who could do almost anything, who loved my mother, my brothers,
and I so dearly. I asked him what was the matter, but all he did was tell me to go to
my room and do my homework. Then, I went and asked my mother why my father
was acting the way he was, all she said was, Your father and I will tell you and your
brothers later. It wasn t until dinner when my mother and father told my younger
brothers and I what had happened. My brothers did not seem to
Bacillus Thuringiensis Bacterium
Bacillus thuringiensis is a spore forming bacterium that produces crystals protein
which are toxic to many species of insects. Therefore it is used a natural pesticide. It
is naturally occurring throughout the world and its usage is very common. There are
thousands of different Bt strains. The kurstaki strain being the most common kills
only leaf and needle feeding caterpillars. In the last ten years, Bt strains have been
mostly used to control the abundance of flies, mosquitoes, black flies, amongst
others. When it comes to Bt strains, the target is very specific. The strains for
mosquitoes will only target them and not affect other insects. Even though Bt is used
in aerial spraying programs and transgenic crops its main usage in organic farming.
In 1901 while performing research on Sudden Collapse Disease on silk worms,
Japanese biologist Shigetane Ishiwatari discovered Bacillus thuringiensis or Bt
originally called Bacillus sotto. It was then rediscovered in 1911 by Ernst Berliner
who was researching the cause of death of the moths in Thuringia, Germany, where
the name thuringiensis comes from. Berliner s research overruled Ishiwatari s
research and Bacillus thuringiensis became the bacterias name. It was not until 1920
where Bt was reportedly used by farmers who began to spray it in their fields. Later
on in 1938, France brought it into the market as a flour moth killer called Sporine. Bt
products started off struggling because a vast amount of insects were immune
Powdery Mildew Research Paper
Powdery mildew is cause by a biotrophic, obligate fungus Uncinula necator now
known as Erysiphe necator (Schw.) Burr (Sall, M. A. 1980). It is the most
devastating and widespread disease of grapevine in the world and causes the
significant loss to grape yield and quality (Gadoury et al. 2012). This is the major
grapevine disease causing significant yield reduction each year in California, which
is the top grape producing state in the United States (Gubler et al. 1999). This disease
infect all the commercially grown grape species, but the susceptibility differs with
This disease first produces a chlorotic spot on the upper surface of leaf and the
chorotic spot produces whitish gray powdery fungal growth on the upper surface of
the leaf and other infected plant parts. The white webby mycelium also produced on
subsequent lower surface. This pathogen affects all the green tissue such as leaf,
branch, and fruits. The young fruits ... Show more content on ...
Ascospores can be produced with the help of 0.1 inch of rainfall and temperature of
about 500 F. Ascospores are dispersed with the help of wind and primary infection
takes place on the host. Secondary infection occurs through conidia, which are
produced on infected plant parts (lesion) and dusty powdery growth appears on the
surface with whitish mycelial growth. Conidia cause the secondary infection
throughout the growing season. Infection can takes place in the temperatures from
590 F to 900 F, but the temperature from 680 to 770 F are optimum temperature for
infection. Fungus can overwinter as mycelia inside the dormant bud, which produced
disease shoot after breading bud. High relative humidity is conducive for conidia
production, but rainfall is not good for infection that reduces the infection by this
pathogen (Carrol et al.

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  • 2. Fire Wire Advantages And Disadvantages Fire Wire is a standard high performance cable, used to connect multiple devices together or to a computer. Fire Wire is also capable of very high speed communications and quick real time data transfer. It is also called the IEEE 1394 . The number of pins on a Fire Wire cable can vary, it can either have 4,6 or 9 pins. The maximum voltage it can carry is 30 volts. The data exchange rates on a standard Fire Wire 400, also called the IEEE 1394a , can go as high as 400 mbps. However the new Fire Wire 800, also called the IEEE 1395b , has data transfer rates of up to 800 mbps. In the future the data exchange rates can go up to 1600 mbps and 3200+ mbps. A Fire Wire cable is very easy to use. It is a plug and play environment which means that the wire can be used as soon as it is plugged in, no need for system configuration. Using Fire Wire cable is as easy as plugging or unplugging a your computers power cord. There are quite a few benefits of Fire Wire. Fire Wire has faster data exchange rates (100 Mb/s) in comparison to USB 2.0(60 Mb/s). A Fire Wire port can easily be found on most laptops and computers. However there are som down sides to this. The data exchange rates are very slow in comparison to newer, more widely available connections like USB 3.0 ( 625 Mb/s) or Thunderbolt (1.25 Gb/s). The use of Fire Wire is becoming very limited, most new computers don t even feature them anymore like Mac s ( even though Apple made them). USB USB is the abbreviation for Universal
  • 3. Essay on Medieval Battle Tactics Medieval Battle Tactics Medieval tactics were essential for an attack or siege of a castle. Many tactics and strategies helped develop much improved version of an attacking artifact, like weapons and sieging machinery. The knights of Medieval England which were the cavalry, improved as the years went by, but never actually had any tactics or strategies. The usual knight would just go out there and fight. The knights were the counter offensive against a small siege, but they were ineffective against a large siege of a castle. A siege was very essential for medieval warfare. Siege was like the most important part of an attack; that is if you re attacking a castle. As you know no one inhabited New England back then in the ... Show more content on ... Pavises or Mantlets were shields that bowmen or archers took around. The purpose of these shields was to deflect crossbow bolts and arrows, so that the archer could have total protection to fire. These shields; were constructed out of wood, and had a slit through the middle allowing the archer to shoot through the slit and begin picking off the enemy. These were used in the battlefield or upon sieging a castle. They were most effectively used in the battlefield, because they can find a good spot and start shooting at soldiers. The Siege of a Castle was a guarantied victory, but it took a long time of patience. Patience was the key to victory with this strategy, however it was scarce in the battlefield, because of the angry, impatient soldiers waiting to get home to their families. The city walls were suppose to be fortifying a position that could not be easily overrun, and that it could be strong enough to enable the defense to maintain that position for a long period of time. Siege of a fort, castle, or city walls had four basic concepts. The Sieging technique was directly directed towards these four. In order for the attackers to get inside they would have to go over the wall, tear a passage through the wall, dig a tunnel underneath it, or just wait until the defenders surrendered. Going over the wall meant constructing a tower that was moved with the help of wheels, this
  • 4. African American Women Exposed In Hurston s Sweat In the Hurston s short story Sweat , it represents how African American women are being marginalized by Men, Society and even at work. Hurston s short story is about a African American women named Delia who is being tormented by her husband named Sykes. Throughout the short story shows how Delia survives to carry her work on her shoulders and dealing with her husband, how Sykes ruthless treats her. Second there is also how society marginalizes her appearances and her situation with her husband who would not do anything to cease the problem with the abuse. Last but not least, Delia deals with her work and how she does not have limits when it comes to her work yet she is expected to work out to her fullest. African Americanwomen are being downgraded, treated insufficiently unlike men who are not as excluded. In the short story Sweat by Hurston, an African American women named Delia is being marginalized by her husband named Sykes who is also the main reason why Delia is being downgraded with verbal abuse, disrupting her work, and disrespecting her with name calling. Yet... Show more content on ... Many examples are shown where women have limited abilities in their life. For example, Delia works hard as a wash women to get by with her life and paying the house while her husband Sykes does not work to pay the bills. Mah sweat is done paid for this house and ah reckon ah kin keep on sweatin it. (2) This also shows how women cannot own a house even when women wasted their own money on paying the house. Society shows how women are used for pleasure only later to be forgotten, when dey s satisfied dat dey is wrung dry,dey treat em jes lak dey do a cane chew. Women shown in Zora s story, in society are never to be appreciated for their work or is seen as what they heard than who women really are in
  • 5. The Role Of Non State Armed Actors Encounters with non state armed actors form the backdrop of my research agenda. As a peacekeeper in Kosovo, I witnessed seemingly random acts of violence spark hate filled reprisals. This behavior made visible the networks of grievances and feuds within villages and peoples minds. My soldiers and I understood little about our adversaries who hid among an acquiescent population and whose identities and loyalties seemed to continuously shift. We were almost powerless to stop this kind of violence because of our legal mandate, and because it appeared to be enabled by our presence. Subsequent experiences during counterinsurgency efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan immersed me in similar moral hazards. Once again, I faced the turmoil created by... Show more content on ... I wondered: how can governments make credible commitments to security and governance when the landscape of violence remains fragmented? What I saw on the ground rarely corroborated with the broader narratives I read in newspapers, the military s anodyne policy briefs, or academic literature on conflict. Those sources held ideas that made sense to me as applicable to wars between states, but not to the kinds of conflict that we now seemed to face. From my ground level perspective, it puzzled me to see how some non state armed actors implemented strategies that appeared counterproductive to their short and long term objectives. Again I wondered: did it appear that way because they knew something we did not, or was it because we truly understand so little? The United States withdrew its troops from Iraq and Afghanistan based upon the appearance of security. That security was short lived due to dysfunctional governance and factionalized violence. Other countries, such as Yemen and Somalia, exhibit similar degenerative processes. Within these fragmented states, governance institutions crumble amidst the competition between proliferating non state armed groups. Most individuals in this context experience radical increases in insecurity with a corresponding decrease in their capacity to undertake positive political action, thereby hastening state decline. These observations led me to question how the fragmentation of state
  • 6. Mgt 311 Week 4 Dead Load Analysis Week 4 Dead load refers to the load of the structure itself while live load refers to the maximum load that can be applied to the bridge before it stops being static. When taking in to account the information gained in week 3 regarding the distance between applied forces and their reaction it is made apparent that taking the live load of a structure into account becomes more complex. For example a group of hikers walking across a bridge spaced out from each other will cause a significantly different reaction when compared to the same group of hikers gathering together on a single section of the bridge to take a photo. Week 6 If a structure is in static equilibrium, then any portion or segment of it must also be in static equilibrium. With this
  • 7. Socrates s Theory Of Justice In Plato s Republic, Socrates argues for the importance of living a just life. However, Glaucon asks why any person favors the just life over an unjust one. Glaucon would like an answer regarding this type of justice, and if it is good only for its results or good in itself. Socrates argues that justice in the individual is the balance between sprit, reason, and desire (scc. 435a). Socrates account of justice, displays a life in which a justice provides benefits not only for the individual, but also society. In this case, Socrates account of justice, does not provide a sufficient reason to be just. Socrates parallel of justice and health cannot answer Glaucon s request fully. Therefore, without sufficiently proving the inherent good of justice his claim falls apart. Socrates account of justice stems from Glaucon s arrangement of the three categories of goods: inherently good, pleasurable, or both. Glaucon asks if there is any value in simply being a just person, he comes to find that if a person can be unjust and get away with it then the unjust life is better. The first of its three categories is meant for the things that are a kind of good we like for its own sake (scc.357c) . The second category is for what s good as a result of their consequences such as exercise for fitness and sex for pleasure and children. The highest category is for things that are both good in themselves and because of their consequences. Continuing the challenge and reinforcing his second
  • 8. How Did William I Win The Norman Conquest The Norman Conquest of England started in 1066, when William the Conqueror (Duke of Normandy) led the invasion. His success at the Battle of Hastings, against Harold II (the last Anglo Saxon King of England), allowed the Normans to rule over England (although it took until 1071 for the country to be fully subdued because of numerous rebellions). William I was finally crowned and became King of Englandon Christmas day 1066, after he had forced the submission of the Witan and other opposition leaders. But he still faced much resistance from the locals for many years, particularly Northern England, so he had them restrained. While William s repressive measures were taking place, there were needs for fortification. Motte and Bailey castles were ... Show more content on ... He also made sure he controlled elections and had royal presence at Church councils. England s Church soon became disconnected to Rome and papal influence was excluded. As for the Church s staff members, William first got rid of Stigand (Archbishop of Canterbury) as he was excommunicated, along with other bishops and abbots. Again he continued to fill vacancies with Normans. In 1075, thirteen out of twenty five abbots were English but in contrast, in 1087 only three were English. William went on to appoint Lanfranc as Archbishop of Canterbury (who was also his personal abbot of St Stephen s at Caen) who contributed hugely to the English Church. He also instated Thomas as Archbishop of York, but this subsequently led to quarrels over Thomas s independent power, which made William determined to dispose of separatism entirely. Rules and guidelines surrounding priests became stricter and they were encouraged with better clerical morals. This, together with other criteria like the restructuring of dioceses, created a better organization and increased the status of the church. These changes secured William s divine control by bolstering his royal authority, through the spread of his influence and a supporting partnership with the church. Combined with the feudal system the boundaries of the kingdom were strengthened, as was William s hold of
  • 9. Morris Dees Great strides have been made in the history of civil rights, but the march of justice still has a long way to go. Morris Dees, a native South Alabamian and graduate from the University of Alabama law school addressed the issues that continue to divide our country while speaking to Troy University journalism students. Dees said that his upbringing in the South influenced him to fight for justice. He was the son of a cotton farmer and a justice of the peace, and saw the treatment of blacks in his community. At the age of 12 the words one nation with liberty and justice for all from the Pledge of Allegiance began to resonate with Dees. He said one of his teachers, Mrs. Johnson, told him don t forget this the nation was set up for the benefit ... Show more content on ... One case was particularly victorious in more ways than one. The SPLC won a $7 million judgment against the Ku Klux Klan on behalf of the mother of a black man who was lynched in Mobile. The even bigger victory was in the courtroom where the man who murdered her son admitted his wrongs and asked for forgiveness. Mrs. Donald, the mother who had her son taken from her out of pure hate, found it in her heart to forgive and reconcile. Dees message keeps playing in my mind. I agree that hate and intolerance to differences can be overcome with reconciliation and forgiveness. I really enjoyed listening to Dees and learning about what the Southern Poverty Law Center does. I agreed with Dees when he said that as journalism students we have a big piece of the pie, the First Amendment. As journalists we are given freedom of the press and can use our freedom for the betterment of all people. I agree that journalists can play a role in shedding light on major issues. In my opinion, Dees was right about many of the major issues facing our country today. I was pleased to learn that the SPLC monitors hate groups and develops legal strategies for protecting all people. I am thankful our country has courageous people like Dees to stand up for people who can t always stand up for themselves. Despite receiving threats, Dees has never ceased to live out his passion for helping
  • 10. How to Lie with Statistics by Darrel Huff I just finished reading really interesting book, How to lie with Statistics by Darrel Huff. This books is all about a good cheat sheet to cheat with numbers. The moment someone mentions Statistics, the most often seen reaction is a big yawn or a sigh of disbelief. This is because people come across all kinds of statistical interpretations all the time such as in advertisement or marketing journals. This sense of disbelief is because the reader can not verify the truthfulness behind presented numbers. The assumption always is that the person talking about the number or statistics knows what he or she is talking about because it is proven fact by statistical studies. Even if that is not the case, it is very easy to be lost among the number, when they are represented as an averages, percentages, year on year growth, or percentage points which can make the person talking about these seem either very good or very bad. And this does not seem to have changed from 1954, when the book was first published. The book is about helping readers see throughout these marketing tricks. Also, to be able to ask the right questions and when to dismiss a statistics as faulty. It is a field manual to beat the cheaters in their worn game. This is a delightful book with just 150 pages and 10 chapters each with a specific theme. The book starts with the origin of the statistics problems, the sample. Any statistics based on some samples always going to have some sorts of bias, even if the person
  • 11. Western Way Of War Essay Support or refute the argument that the prolonged and bloody stalemate of World War I stemmed from a slavish adherence to the theories proposed by Clausewitz Major Marc C. Jeter H100: Rise of the Western Way of War 10 June 2015 The stalemate of World War I s Western Front resulted from a situation where leaders experienced and educated in 19th Century tactics and strategy could not reconcile this predisposition with the changes to war brought on by technological advances and not due to a mindless adherence to time honored theories of military thinkers such as Clausewitz. The irony is that the tactical and strategic impasse aside, the various elements of World War Isuch as economy, political, and nationalism more closely reflected Clausewitz s supposition of war ( clash of interests ) than the pre war operational plans penned the generals. Despite significant munitions advancements over the final quarter of the 19th Century and first decade of the Twentieth Century, simultaneous progression in tactics and more importantly strategy, was absent. Certainly, generals such as Alfred von Schlieffen expanded upon the time honored belief in the supremacy of the offense (Schlieffen Plan) via a grand envelopment that in theory ... Show more content on ... That these weapons by being relatively immobile would be default provide soldiers and armies in a defensive posture with a tremendous advantage, as occurred in Manchuria between the Russians and Japanese, did not seem to deter Europe s strategists from their predisposed affinity for the offense. It did in fact appear to strengthen further their belief in what was believed to be the ultimate deciding factor, that being an unconquerable warrior
  • 12. Should Parents Spy On Their By Judith Woods Analysis Should parents sneak on their children s or no? This is the question that the author Judith woods trying to find an answer for in her article Should parents spy on their? In this article Judith woods is discussing the fact that most of the teens and the children make a bad use of the internet. And because of that, many parents spy on their children s texts and messages to make sure that they are safe, and to protect them from any harm they can be exposed too in the online life like sexting, bullying and many other things she has stated in her article. She also discussed how the online life like twitter, face book, snap chat could affect the child s behavior. Moreover, she stated the fact that children will create a separate online life if they caught you while you are spying on them, between you and your child. In spite of the fact that the author throughout her article has stated many trustworthy and convincing point and information about her argumentwhether parents should sneak o, some of her arguments wer groundless and had some logical fallacies , false assumptions and other weak evidence. Judith woods in her article have stated many great and impressive points. firstly, when she said that the trust between the parents and the children and then the children will be afraid to tell them anything and will find a way to ... Show more content on ... The author also stated another logical fallacy when she wrote the words of the author Oliver james when he said that Another logical fallacy is when she said that As this is slippery slope because she was talking about maintaining communication and then jumped to another subject which is totally different than the first
  • 13. Political Themes In The Metamorphosis By Steven Berkoff This year we have been studying The Metamorphosis by playwright Steven Berkoff; an adaptation of the novel by Franz Kafka. The play follows the story of Gregor, a working class man who goes to sleep one evening and wakes up having transformed into a cockroach like insect. The scene from the play that we have used as a stimulus was the scene in which Gregor actually transforms from a respected and depended upon son to being an alienated insect who is a burden to his family. In support of these themes, we have created a performance based on the 2008 recession , where thousands of people were affected and economically stable and dependent first world countries fell and transformed into countries where hundreds of thousands of people were... Show more content on ... Brecht s political theatre stems from his political views towards communism and the upper class society. Theatre that comments on political issues within society. Brecht began to have a dislike for the capitalist society he was brought up in and wanted more of an equal approach to the world and the people around him. With epic theatre, Brecht wanted it to be both didactic (able to teach others) and dialectic (able to create discussions and ideas). The audience at no time during an epic play can be seen to be in a trance or take what they see on stage for granted. Our performance is reflective of Brecht and his Epic and Political theatre as we address many political topics such as Marxism and the divides between classes and the corruption of the government. We have props such as protest signs and banners to communicate Brecht s political theatre to the audience. In the first episode, Brown s Boys, there is a scene where MPs choke and die after ignoring the recession and protesters emerge into the audience chanting that politics is dead and they don t really care about us while holding banners saying, politics is dead and Gordon Clown . This was done as it represented politics and the fact the seriousness of the situation was ignored; showing how quickly the issues with the recession spiralled out of control and became something that even the higher up in society were unable
  • 14. American History X Detailed Summary Detailed Summary The story begins with a black and white flashback of the moment when Derek commits the murder of the two young Afro American s. Danny wakes up to see one of the men standing by the front door but can t see whether he is armed or not. He goes to tell his brother Derek who is in bed with Stacy, his girlfriend. Derek takes a semi automatic pistol and sees two blacks and one in the car ready for a getaway. Derek plunges out of the front door and shoots the first Afro American several times and spots the other trying to run away. He takes aim and fires again mortally wounding the second. The car driver speeds off with Derek firing several shots at the car, emptying the magazine. In slow motion he goes back to the wounded man to ... Show more content on ... Danny looks over the same basketball park now and sees that the blacks are back on it with Little Henry the black gang member that confronted Danny earlier on. Derek didn t allow his family to visit or write to him for the three years while he was in prison. Now he is released and Danny comes home to meet him after school. They lost their original home after Derek had lost his job and Doris Vineyard. Their mother is also unwell, coughing and lying on the couch suffering probably from lung cancer. When Danny gets home, Derek notices the tattoo on Danny s arm with the letters DOC underneath the logo. Danny tells Derek that it was Cameron that had persuaded Danny to have it done. Derek is not impressed but doesn t say anything. Seth arrives with his video camera to welcome back Derek. Derek, meanwhile, is on the phone to Dr Sweeney who tells him about Danny s assignment and Derek agrees to help Danny in his own way. Seth videotapes Danny reciting right wing and skinhead ideology about hating that it is cool to be black and the hip hop influence on the suburbs. Derek finishes his phone call and is listening to Danny s views while shaking his head. Derek assembles the family in the room while Seth is left outside waiting to get something to eat. He tells them that he is planning to move them out of the area so they can make a new start. Derek
  • 15. The Status Of Eorls During The Anglo-Centuries Eorls / gesiths were a kings companion. They stood at the top of the social scale. Thegns were royal servants Ceorl s were freemen. They were liable for military service in the army, until the 8th Century when kings preferred to have noblemen because they were better trained and equipped During the Anglo Saxon period, the status of a ceorl gradually declined. In the 9th and 10th Centuries, most of them began to work on their lords lands. The lowest rank in the social class is a slave. They had minimal rights, one being the possibility of earning money to buy their freedom. Slaves were generally given a small amount of land to support himself and family.Freed slaves were still under there lord s control, but were no longer his responsibility.
  • 16. Causes of Child Obesity Essay In the United States, children around the country are becoming extremely overweight. Statistics shows that 1 out of every 3 children is either overweight or obese. This number is staggering and scary. Being overweight is associated with many health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and many more. More children in our society are becoming plagued with diseases that are associated with weight everyday. Our children are the future! And I know that may sound corny, but it s true. We need to keep our kids active, healthy and strong, so they can live long and prosperous lives. The primary reasons why our children are overweight. The reasons are children are becoming overweight, is primarily contributed to having access to video ... Show more content on ... This is becoming a big factor as to why our children are becoming overweight. Another reason why our children are gaining weight at a record pace is from lack of exercise. In this day in age, with the many advancements of video gaming systems, computer games, portable DVD players and handheld games, it s more easier for a child to watch a DVD or play a game rather than play outside. Unfortunately, most children our choosing to play their video game, aside from playing hide and seek outside. Who could blame them? If you had something fun to do that did not require you to move, many people would do that, because it s convenient. Conveniences are taking over our society! Moreover, because of this, we as parents have to step up and say enough is enough. How we can help our children? The first way we can help our children is by reducing the amount of time spent in front of the television, video game or computer. Allow your child to explore the outside more often without the need of taking their hand held game with them. If you live in a poverty stricken area or an area that you would not want to send your child outside to play in, which is very common in this day and age. You; the parent need to arrange time to take them to the park. Give your child a chance to run around in the sun or play in the sprinklers on a hot summer day. In addition, we as parent can also change the simplest things that our
  • 17. Essay About Calligraphy When I was in second grade, my Chinese teacher would raise my papers up to the class, beaming with pride. She thought my handwriting was excellent, and a deserving of admiration from my peers. My teacher s supportive encouragement was the initial reason I became interested in calligraphy. My handwriting teacher, Mr. Gu, thought that my handwriting was good enough for me to begin learning the art of Chinese Calligraphy. It was a special honor, as many classmates desired to learn calligraphy as well, but they were not noted as outstanding students in handwriting, and so were not given the opportunity. My continued success in the art of calligraphy became something special and unique I could share, during a time when so many students were still figuring out who they were and where their talents lay. This increased my enthusiasm and motivation to learn the calligraphy at the highest level. Upon beginning to learn Chinese calligraphy, Mr. Gu gave every student a different style of copybook. My copybook was Ouyang style. I ... Show more content on ... The coherence of handwriting and the power of the handwriting overtook me. During this time, one other thing also stood out: My cousin s handwriting was not very good; however, although she knew this, she still felt happy every time she would practice. This called up memories about my own passion for calligraphy, which I had given up. I felt like I was still interested in calligraphy, and sad that I had left it just because I didn t feel confident in the quality of my work. After reading my cousin s copybook, I decided to pick my passion back up. I started by trying my hand at some cursive calligraphy, because I always wrote in big size (whereas the size of Lanting Xu, the type I used to write, was very small). I found a new teacher and got help perfecting my art. After two months, I found that my practice was paying off I learned to write very
  • 18. The World Of Social Media Essay Welcome to the marvelous world of social media where today youth live in a creative identity to an audience who have also promoted a different personality. Were young peoples are living and growing up with a global society s culture changing what they do and who they are. Adolescence are learning to construct their ideal self. These devices compel teenager to a whole new world state of the self, devices and apps becoming part of young people lives. A generation were checking in and posting the location of their next citation, taking pictures of their meal, or most common snapping a selfie, is most important that the moment. These devices are shaping and expressing the revision of teenager identityand where they stand in the society global culture. The device one carries around promotion and presentation a person differently. Who we are is often different than who we really are on the internet. Teenager are creating the ideal self, what they believe is appropriate according to the societal standpoint. Promoting our self what we want others to see. I believe who we are on the Internet is not a true showing of who we are actually are as a person added Greg Cistulli. When a person promotes their self ideally their bragging who they are and what they want others to be jealous of. Tending to promote their self creates a representation of who they want to be. Creating a sense of belonging to the social media world. Their adapting
  • 19. Swot Analysis Of L. L Bean Introduction: L.L. Bean Inc. or simply L.L. Bean is a retail company that specializes in outdoor recreational equipment. Product selections ranges from tents, sleeping bags, camping packs, hiking gear and outdoor apparel. Founded in 1912 by Leon Leonwood Bean, L.L. Bean remains a privately owned retail company. Leon Bean was an avid outdoors man and enjoyed hunting and fishing. When he initially set up shot L.L. Bean only sold one product the duck boot. This boot was designed to be lightweight and waterproof intended for hunters. Later on Leon Bean started to branch out by selling other outdoors gear such as backpacks and tents and would eventually produce their own clothing line. L.L. Bean has since become a global company but remains... Show more content on ... Competitive Analysis L.L. Bean is currently in a market where there are few stores that dominate. They face competition from companies such as Columbia, North Face, REI Timberland. In some cases these companies may offer a wider range of products, more appealing design and higher quality. Where L.L. Bean stands out is there in country manufacturing and Discovery School classes. Not only are they selling outdoor gear they are offering outdoor classes as well. The way I look at it is, they offer a product and a way to test it out at the same time so you know whether you are buying a good quality product. But this however may still not be enough to succeed. Below I have included a list of L.L. Bean s competitors. Columbia Columbia Sportswear may not be one of L.L. Beans strongest competitors as they do not offer equipment but they do have a strong presence in apparel and offer a good quality product. Based on the west coast in Washington County Oregon. Similar to L.L. Bean Columbia is family owned but traded on public stock exchange. Columbia Sportswear takes pride in manufacturing there products and has taken a stance to be environmentally friendly. Since Columbia does not
  • 20. The Production Of Production Activities Production Activities This section is an overview of the demands and tests associated with the integrity of well during production from and injection to a reservoir. The process begins after the well construction/well intervention organization has handed the well over to the production organization and concludes with a handover back to drilling and well organization for intervention, work over or abandonment. Well integrity during this phase is used to keep hydrocarbons from the pay zone inside the well and by protecting it from leaking off to contaminating groundwater for environmental purposes. Well barriers are an envelope of one or several dependent barrier elements preventing fluids or gases from flowing unintentionally from the formation to the surface and are designed and used to prevent leakages and reduce the risk associated with drilling, production and intervention activities. The main functions of a well barrier are to prevent any major hydrocarbon leakage(s) from the well to the external environment during normal production or well operations and to shut in the well on direct command during an emergency shutdown situation and thereby prevent hydrocarbons from flowing from the well out. During production, a perfectly reliable well barrier element(s) is paramount to containing the hydrocarbons inside the well. Well barrier elements are several objects that prevent formation fluids from flowing inside the well. They could be anything from packers or tubing or
  • 21. The History of the Bra Essay For the last 4,505 years, women have tried to enhance their figures by squeezing themselves into restricting, and uncomfortable garments. Waists have been reduced and bust lines have been increased, decreased, flattened, lifted or spread out, depending on what was fashionable at the time. The modern brassiereand its predecessors have not only been known for their functionality, but have also been linked with statements of fashion and politics. The concept of covering or restraining the breasts dates back to 2500 BC when Minoan women from the island of Crete wore garments which lifted the bare breasts out of their clothing. This eventually evolved into a binding that was worn by Greek women while they exercised. However, such garments ... Show more content on ... She used two silk handkerchiefs and a pink ribbon to create a light weight and soft garment which separated the breasts naturally. The undergarment complimented the fashions of the time, and orders for her design poured in from friends and family. However, Jacobs found that running a business was not enjoyable so she sold her patent to the Warner Brothers Corset Company in Bridgeport, Connecticut for $1,500.00. (Over the next 30 years, Warner made more than $15,000,000.00 off of Jacobs s patent.) As the 1900 s progressed, women were presented with new inventions which slowly took the place of traditional corsets. With the start of World War I, women began to enter the work force and many of these women worked as laborers in factories, making daily corset wear a problem. In 1917 the U.S. War Industries board even requested that women stop buying corsets to reduce consumption of metal. Some sources say that up to 28,000 tons of metal was conserved through this effort. As the 1920 s rolled around, popular dress changed and the boyish figure trend began to emerge in women s fashions. The style downplayed a woman s natural curves as large breasts were considered a detriment to social standings. Well endowed women tried breast binding, and from this the bandeaux bra was created. The bandeaux bra was
  • 22. Essay On A Bad Day Instead of having a bad day, be thankful because you have the day during our lifetime each of us has probably seen this phrase or at least some variations of it, whether shared by friend on Facebook or while reading one of those inspirational articles. However, this overused phrase turned out to be true and recently I found out why. My very bad, awful and horrible day began really early. I got up at seven to get ready for the exam I was having in two hours. After hitting the snooze button on my alarm clockfor the third time, it took me quite long to force myself to wake up and get ready after a sleepless night of studying. What made it even worsewas the fact that I had a high temperature and a severe migraine. Finally I made myself... Show more content on ... It was one of those days when nothing seemed to go right. Throughout the day I kept complaining and whining how this was the worst day of my life. What did I learn, one may wonder? That scorpions are as frightening in real life as I have imagined? Maybe. That a house after robbery looks exactly as they show in the movies? Perhaps even worse. That no matter how hard you have studied, if there is one topic you have skipped, it will definitely appear on the exam? Warmer, but still no. I learned that when something bad happens to you, getting mad and angry is not the best reaction. Thinking back, there are things far more serious than a bad exam grade, and I was lucky enough to get off with nothing more than a fright after interacting with a scorpion, and no one else got hurt .Sometimes the obstacles life throws at us are not the worst and there are people who are dreaming of having such problems . All of us have hard times, but instead of focusing on negative, we should point out the good in them. After all, bad days are there to help us get stronger and appreciate what we have. I indeed had a bad day, but I have been gifted with another day and it is all that
  • 23. Archetypes In The Epic Of Gilgamesh An archetype is defined as an image, story pattern, character, setting, symbol, or situation that recurs frequently in literature and in life. It demonstrates universal human experiences and associates strongly with readers through a subconscious understanding. In the Epic of Gilgamesh the main character, Gilgamesh, is an example of a superheroic archetypal hero. He took on an epic quest for everlasting life by following the archetypal steps of a hero s journey. Through suffering due to tragedy, realizing the nature of his quest, seeking help from a mentor, experiencing failure, and returning home with a companion, Gilgamesh s story followed the situational archetype of a hero s journey. A hero is characterized by bravery, strength, ... Show more content on ... 11). By announcing this, Gilgamesh realized that he too one day would be dead like Enkidu. In refusal to accept such a future, Gilgamesh began his quest for eternal life. To achieve it, he journeyed to find Utnapishtim. Utnapishtim and his family were the only survivors of a great flood wrought by the gods to destroy humanity. As a reward for their survival, the gods gave the family eternal life and sent them to live a remote island paradise beyond the waters of death (p. 12). Utnapishtim s island corresponds to the situational archetype of a garden where death does not exist. In such a garden, beauty and innocence are unspoiled. When Gilgamesh finally met Utnapishtim, Utnapishtim told Gilgamesh the story of the great flood, and then he revealed to him the secret of eternal life by saying, is a mystery of the gods that I am telling you. There is a plant which grows under the water... which restores... lost youth to a man (p. 14). In telling Gilgamesh this information vital to his quest for everlasting life, Utnapishtim became a mentor. He also became a secondary form of divine help to Gilgamesh because Utnapishtim received his knowledge from the gods. Once Gilgamesh learned of the flower, he dove into the water to obtain it. Diving into water represented Gilgamesh s rebirth to a new life, and because of the flower s effects, his
  • 24. Social Contract Research Pacing steadily up to the cashier, the masked man presses the pistol against the cashiers head. He demands for all the cash, and the employee stares blankly forward. Sweat trickles down the worker s face but she stands there, paralysed. He pushes the muzzle harder into her temple and her trembling hand reaches forward. In a matter of seconds he starts to yell and all of a sudden the girl is lying on the floor lifeless. In the matter of two minutes, a life was exchanged for a few hundred dollars and a candy bar. It is hard to rationalize a scenario such as this, but in reality, it is a rather common occurrence. Sadly, Humans can be brutal and destructive creatures. Is it instinct or our society to blame? The great theorists of the enlightenment... Show more content on ... Rationality is highly subjective and it could be argued that those inclined to have aggressive and anti social behaviour are not rational beings. With aggressive behaviour , violent inclination, and detached nature, those with the warrior gene may not be able to make rational decisions (Powledge, 2016). With this conclusion, the rationality of those with the warrior gene is questionable and therefore unfit to accept the conditions of the social contract. The social contract wholly depends on the compliance of the people. Not to mention, the study found that those imprisoned were highly linked to the gene while non criminal controls were not (Thomas, 2016). The fact that those with the gene are disobeying the law anyways proves that the system at work currently is not stopping individuals from acting on their aggressive inclinations. Their lack of acceptance of the social contract makes gene discrimination more appealing for those who do give consent. Chaos manifests as the incentive to follow the social contract collapses as more people refuse the social contract. If treatment for those with the gene would mean more compliance to the law, it may be the ethical decision. However, again, the social contract is dependent on the rationality of beings and with the question of what is rational or not being up in the air, it is impossible to determine whether genetically combatant humans should be under the same jurisdiction as everyone
  • 25. Cannibal Tours Cannibal Tours In Cannibalizing, Commodifying , or Creating Culture? Power and Art in Sepik River Tourism, Silverman makes several critiques of O Rourke s Cannibal Tours. Silverman argues that O Rourke constructed a limited view of the New Guinea tribes. Silverman attributes the eroding authenticity to the tourists pursuit for entertainment in exchange for money. For instance, O Rourke s interviews mostly covered reactions from tourists and how they gawked over the natives, arrogantly depicting their primitive lives. Silverman argues that the film portrays tourism as a process that only disempowers local people and erodes from their lives all genuine, meaningful dimensions of their culture (Silverman 1996). Tourism is much more ... Show more content on ... Anthropologists and filmmakers differ greatly from the tourists in this situation. The filmmaker is sort of the in between of the tourists and anthropologist. For example, O Rourke himself is not portrayed in the same manner that the other tourist are, but in the eyes of the local people, he is as much of a tourist as anyone for the simple fact that he is white. However O Rourke differs from the tourists because he is on their land with a goal in mind of creating a film. Lastly, the anthropologists are different from the latter because they go to primitive cultures with a broader view to understand cross cultural perspective. Meaning, that they have the job of studying and understanding one culture, but it is equally as important to compare those finding with customs of another
  • 26. Kelvin And Rhyea Sparknotes Kelvin and Rhyea s relationship on the station are simply a regret of Kelvins past that the ocean discovered in his dreams. Rhyea is the embodiment of an unrelenting memory of his failures, a reminder of his personal faults and their effects on the love of his enraged life. Now the life of the ocean is acting as a god to Kelvin, making him question his own loyalties, ideologies of science, and perspectives and faith in religious systems. Stanislaw Lem created this story in order to project the cognitive and physical process of loss, this being a main reason we get a majoritily one sided view of Kelvins interaction with his visitor . Kelvin then begins to have an external and internal conflict about what he really thinks about his science, and the universes god.... Show more content on ... He begins at first with no change in his views and opinions but as Kelvin progresses through the story (meeting the crew) he eventually becomes more open to the unknown. Because of this war with the ocean and the occurrences of Solarian life for the present crew evidently Kelvin ends up becoming as mentally confused as the rest of the group before him. He eventually loses to his inner conflicts and allows for everything around him to collapse. Kelvins Kris is a character that resembles air, you see it, feel it, know it is there, but overall it s forgettable as if it doesn t exists. Because we don t know much about Kelvins past it hard for us to understand his previous views other than as a scientist. Because of the events that happen on Solaris the only thing that Kelvin has to define him (other than air) is taken away. Even his fake wife from the dead Rhyea understands that he changes throughout the story. The irony of this is as a psychologist Kelvin should have a better hold of his emotions and keep a linear way of thinking in strenuous
  • 27. What Is My Life Reflection Essay During the 16 weeks that I ve participated in this yoga class, I ve learned the importance of belly breathing and meditating. I decided to take this course this semester, because my psychiatrist actually suggested I take yoga as a way of coping with my stress and anxiety. I initially did not think that it would work, but we my psychiatrist and I noticed my stress and anxiety slowing diminishing. This semester I took Chemistry 32A, Human Anatomy, and Hatha Yoga , while playing for the school s women s basketball team. I feel that me playing basketball bought structure to my life, because it made me organize my priorities. When we traveled, our coach enforced study hall and I was given time to study and do homework. One stressor I have from playing on the school team is that I m the team captain and I m expected from coach to lead. It can be stressful leading a group of girls who don t respect my opinion or voice. However, it s even more stressful when my coaches press me to be a better leader when it s not entirely my fault. I also work at Olive Garden as a server. The stressors of working as a server is the high expectations my managers have for us. One of the expectations is that our server score be 100% every time we work. But it s difficult to get a perfect score, because it is rated out of 5 and anything below a 5 is actually considered a 0. It s common that not everyone receives a perfect score every time they work, but it s not easy having a higher up yell at you when
  • 28. A Study On Cancer And Cancer Introduction Cancer is defined as diseases that have abnormal growth of cells, and they can invade to other tissues and affect other part of the body ( /factsheets/fs297/en/). The genes in a cancer cell that are used to regulate cell growth and differentiation have been mutated, and lead to uncontrollable cell growth. After a period of growth, the proliferation of those abnormal cells form a tumor (http:/ / WHO2014 1). Currently, over one hundred difference cancers exist ( cancer/understanding/what is cancer#types of cancer). A majority of them are caused by environmental factors, while small number of them is cause by inherited genetics. Typical environmental factors are tobacco smoking, diet and obesity, infection, radiation, etc. ( cancer/understanding/what is cancer#types of cancer). People have been working for years to find new ways and modify traditional methods of curing cancer. Although people have been making great progress during these years, there are still great barriers that make cancer one of the top killers in the U.S. One out of four deaths in the United States is cause by cancer. Today, there are 1.6 million cancer cases in the United States and it is expected to increase 45% by 2030 (CNN). Currently there are several ways such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, etc. The interest of this study is under the category of
  • 29. Border Arte By Gloria AnzaldГєa It s inevitable for somebody to find themselves in the middle of an important transition in their lives. Humans will grow and age as time goes on and with time, they will begin to discover who they are as individuals. Whether they re moving to a new home, publically announcing their sexual orientation, or embracing a new identity, transitions and changes are bound to occur. Gloria AnzaldГєa recognizes this concept in her essay Border Arte: Nepantla, el Lugar de la Frontera by stating Nepantla is the Hahuatl word for an in between state, that uncertain terrain one crosses when moving from one place to another, when changing from one class, race, or sexual position to another, when traveling from the present identity into a new identity. (AnzaldГєa 180) This state of nepantla is the middle of the crossroads in moments in our lives. It identifies the middle section in between two locations or destinations as its very own. For example, a person could be in a situation that calls for them to go from Point 1 to Point 2 in any kind of situation. Nepantla would be seen as Point 1 ВЅ. It s this middle ground that is dealt with in various kinds of ways. A method of assessing this grey area is mentioned by AnzaldГєa in her essay. She introduces the idea of border arte as a medium to channel the state of Nepantla. It s very subjective from one individual from the next on what could be considered border art. I believe that border arte is certainly something that is captured and
  • 30. The Faerie Queene Una, the True Church The Faerie Queene is an important romantic epic that more than being just poetry, represents the protestant imagery in terms of kinds of individual virtue , the forces of temptation and human weaknesses to which the greatest of persons can succumb and, of course, the humanist ideals of its time. His author, Edmund Spenser, makes use of biblical and classic allegories to tell his story, that more than have been a religious writing, the poem s purpose was to educate, to turn young men into gentlemen and to make a declaration of faith in England. However, the more important purpose of the Faerie Queene is its allegory, the meaning behind its characters and events. The story s setting is a fanciful faerie land, that ... Show more content on ... The turning point in the poem occurs during his time at the House of Holiness; when the Redcrosse Knight is in despair, he nearly gives up on his quest, and on himself. It is important to notice that it is Una who has to persuade him out of his misery, it is her who must save him many times throughout the story. The Redcrosse Knight has to face his inner self, he is able to transform, and this is partly what grants his success at the end. Every time, Spenser is trying to get readers to realize the incredible difference between Protestantism and Catholicism; to show them that England needs the true religion to receive the gifts of God s power. Throughout The Faerie Queene, there are female representations, the most prominent female characters are Una and Duessa. These female characters show a certain form of power; Una has the heavenly power of truth in contrast to Duessa s power of falsehood and black magic. Although they have individual power, both share a common feminine power over men. Spenser uses the female characters to represent the path of good and the path of evil respectively, by pairing these characters with the Redcrosse Knight, he illustrates the power, whether good or evil that women possess to compel men to action. When Archimago gives the knight erotic dreams of Una, the false image of her, drives him to leave the real Una; he is a representation of the
  • 31. How We Broke The Sound Barrier How We Broke the Sound Barrier Submitted by Joshua Reichler In partial fulfillment of the requirements of AES2050 Aerospace History To Instructor: William C. Hoffman Metro State University Denver On 25th of September, 2016 Instructor Comments: Abstract For humans to go faster than they have ever gone before they had to research many different things spend both money and time to finally reach this goal and this paper will take you through that process of research done for that goal to be reached. With the possibility of faster flight people will always want to see how fast they can push the aircraft they design. The development and research that went into the aircrafts that helped break the sound barrier, took a long time and many people co operation. But after many years of research and testing with several different types of aircrafts they were able to succeed in producing an aircraft that could surpass the sound barrier and bring us into a new era of flight. The ideas on how to get an aircraft up to the speed and the designs of many researcher had to come together in order for this feat to be accomplished. From the engineering stages of the project to the research on how the air around the aircraft will react to an object moving through it to at such high speeds and the equipment that needed to be made that can used during the flight all had to be crated for this to work (John D. Anderson, Jr. (2001, 1) Research in Supersonic Flight and the Breaking of the Sound
  • 32. Acute Flares 177 Case Study 8.1. Management of acute flares 177 Acute flares are best handled by 1) identifying the most immediate trigger factors (eg. fleas, specific 178 foods) and 2) using a treatment that can provide immediate relief decreasing inflammation and pruritus. 179 The persistence of inflammation and the skin damage caused by self trauma can have rapidly negative 180 effects not only on the comfort level of the animals but also to the development of the secondary infections, 181 which can further complicate and increase the severity of the clinical signs. While glucocorticoids have been 182 used for a long time and are well known treatment with its pros and cons, the use of a JAK inhibitor like 183 oclacitinib, is still relatively new. Oclacitinib has... Show more content on ... 197 For patients either cannot take oclacitinib or other therapies, another option is the recently released 198 biologic. This is a subcutaneous injection of the caninized anti cIL 31 monoclonal antibody and is aimed 199 at blocking IL 31, which is a mediator of pruritus in dogs [43]. Whether IL 31 is a main cytokine in canine 200 AD is still under investigation. One study had failed to detect IL 31 in the skin of atopic dogs altogether 201 and another study detected IL 31 in the serum of only 57% of atopic dogs. Thus, although IL 31 injection 202 can induce pruritus in dogs, it is not clear yet that this is a critical cytokine in canine AD. IL 31 monoclonal 203 antibody provides approximately 60% reduction in pruritus according to owners and up to 50% decrease 204 of CADESI in most atopic patients [44]. Benefit typically lasts one month although great variability is seen 205 in clinical settings. This therapy appears to be well tolerated with minimal propensity for triggering 206 immunity [45]. 207 As part of the acute flare management, it is important to use topical therapy as adjunctive strategy to 208 decrease pruritus and sooth the skin. Topical glucocorticoids can also be used to provide fast relief, 209 particularly in patients with localized disease. If infections are present, they need to be addressed to 210 decrease pruritus and allow maximum benefit of
  • 33. Gpr And Email Marketing Case Study GDPR and Email Marketing: Update 1017 The EU s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force on 25 May 2018, and has the UK s businesses in a frenzy however despite the promise of fines of up to 4% of global turnover for non compliance, research shows that still in September 2017 a huge 97% of companies have no plan in place to ready themselves for this new legislation with only 9% expecting to GDPR ready. What is the GDPR? If you are not already familiar with the GDPR it affects anyone controlling or processing personal data relating to EU citizens. UK businesses still need to comply, even in light of Brexit, yet according to the 2016 Email Marketing Census, 53% of companies have not yet applied an adjustment to their... Show more content on ... For data analytics to work to its full potential, clean data is essential. Databases as they have previously existed will have to be discarded, creating the necessity to refresh double opt in consent by contacting customers and potential customers. This brings us a great chance to learn more about your client base, to discover their real buying potential and purchasing triggers, also during that process, to sell or make offers directly to them. Email Marketing Record Management One of the biggest changes that come with the GDPR is keeping data storage reviewed regularly and letting customers know the purpose for which you will use their data, and how long you will keep that data. This cumbersome task can be viewed as a huge marketing plus point when you realise that without this aspect of data cleansing, systems quickly become blocked up with old, incorrect, completely useless data. Much like when it s needed but never pleasant to clean out your garage, methodical record management will prevent your email marketing from turning stagnant, and customer interactions will make your campaigns more effective. Consumer Trust In 2015, research firm Mintel found that only 36% of customers trust large consumer brands, with transparency being one of the major factors in winning customer confidence. Taking GDPR seriously within your brand and in your interactions with customers will help to establish trust, this vital aspect of
  • 34. The Association Of Southeast Asian Nation The Road to Full Integration Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN), a 10 member organization established in August 1967, moves toward a deeper integration through creating a unified community in political, economic, and socio cultural aspects of the region. It is a region of great diversity but most countries have achieved rapid economic development for the most of the past 25 years. Its diplomacy and cooperation are characterized by caution, pragmatism, and consensus based decision making the ASEAN Way (Ponciano Intal, et al., 2014). Taking steps to achieve their goal and embracing its motto, One Vision. One Identity. One Community. the organization established the ASEAN Economic Cooperation (AEC) in 2015. This aims to promote an all inclusive cooperation across the region, gearing towards making South East Asia a globally competitive single market and production base characterized by: free flow of goods, services, investments, skills, and capitals. Moreover, it intends to form a region of equitable economic development integrated into the global economy (The ASEAN Secretariat, 200) Creating a single market with about 600 million people is an enormous step for ASEAN (The ASEAN Secretariat, 2015). Nine years after AEC was declared, the organization has achieved a lot if the Four Pillars shall be considered as the assessing factors. Pillar 1: Single Market and Production Base. With continuous effort to achieve a single market and production base, about 96% of
  • 35. Columbine Shooting Essay On April 20, 1999, two troubled teenagers fatally shot twelve students, one teacher and wounded twenty four others at Columbine High School. When asked to name a victim of the Columbine massacre, most people cannot produce a name but can name the shooters: Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Too often do Americans and citizens of the world remember the perpetrators of tragedies rather than the victims themselves. In an article published by Newsweek written by Max Kutner named Mass Shootings and News Media: A Connection? , Anderson Cooper stated in an on air interview following the 2012 movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, before we go any further, I just want to say that I am only going to mention the alleged shooter s name a few... Show more content on ... The following students died in the library: Cassie Bernall (17, also known as the girl who said, yes ), Steven Curnow (14), Corey DePooter (17), Kelly Fleming (18), Matthew Kechter (16), Daniel Mauser (15), Isaiah Shoels (18), John Tomlin (16), Lauren Townsend (18) and Kyle Velasquez (16). Out of the fifty six people in the library, thirty four escape injury. The two shooters continued wandering around the corridors of the schools, aimlessly shooting lockers, ceiling tiles and any other part of the building in their sight. At 12:08 PM, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold fatally shot themselves in the library where they killed seventy seven percent of their victims. On what became known as the deadliest mass shooting in United States history at the time spurred numerous copycat killers. Most come to the conclusion these copycat killers are mentally ill, however, in an article by Max Fisher and Josh Keller, What Explains U.S. Mass Shootings? , a 2015 study estimated that only 4 percent of American gun deaths could be attributed to mental health issues . Additionally, 30 percent of mass killings and 22 percent of school shootings appeared to have been inspired by previous events (Kutner). The manor the media used to report the Columbine High School massacre and other mass shootings has influenced copycat shootings and plans. Since April 20, 1999, there have been nine mass school shootings
  • 36. Islamic Militia And A Saudi Led Government Offensive Yemen is located in the Middle East situated towards the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula. Yemen shares its borders with Saudi Arabia, The Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden and Oman. Yemen is a developing country currently succumbing to civil unrest as well as suffering from severe economic stagnation. Yemenhas been in serious conflict since 2015. Armed militia and a Saudi led government offensive have been warring throughout the country causing tremendous humanitarian need. Current Events Yemen has been suffering from tremendous civil unrest since 2015. Nine countries forming an Arab coalition, to include Saudi Arabia began operations in order to bring the government back into power. An Arab coalition of nine countries led by ... Show more content on ... Severe Economic breakdown will cause an inability for the government to facilitate humanitarian needs for the populace. However, as the civilian death toll continues to climb and the humanitarian situation devolves, some observers assert that the political costs of the Saudi led coalition s military campaign are becoming too high (The World Bank, 2016). Yemen will continue to become a further impoverished state and inadvertently ostracize themselves from the region due to an inability to provide stability within the country. In October of 2016, Yemen ships fired missiles at naval ships off the coast of Yemen. In October 2016, Houthi Saleh forces reportedly launched anti ship missiles at U.S. Navy vessels on patrol off the coast of Yemen. While no U.S. warship was damaged, a similar attack earlier in October damaged a U.S. transport ship leased by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) (The World Bank, 2016). In retaliation U.S. Naval ships fired missiles against Houthi Saleh radar installations. Given the tension building between Yemen and the United States, if attacks continue and the U.S./Yemen relationship begins to become anymore hostile, the U.S can provide a stronger naval presence within the Bab al Mandab region. Once a stronger U.S. Naval presence is emplaced, this will cause even more kinetic activity between the two nations as well as developing a hindrance to imports into Yemen. Yemen desperately needs
  • 37. The Farming Of Bones And The Brief Wondrous Life Of Oscar Wao Past history reveals the various tragedies of many lives lost while under the rule of the dictator, Trujillo. The Farming of Bones and The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao were two different stories of innocent characters who lived and were affected during Trujillo s reign. These stories targeted the central problems that the characters went through and the amount of impact it caused them through this cruel leadership. During that time, many were oppressed and were forced to cope with the life style that Trujillo created. Oppression played a significant role in the characters because it led to a loss of identity; however, the two stories shared the various characters power of hope, belief, and silence as a means of reconstructing... Show more content on ... Not only just for these two characters, other minor characters were able to cope with their loss of identity through different mechanisms. Hope is a reassuring feeling reflected in both Amabelle and Oscar. Regardless of how oppressed and different they were, they were able to have hope, knowing that it would be a strong foundation to live on. Amabelle rebuilt her identity through hope by remembering her past. Her memories acted as a resistance against oppression and remained strong and faithful. She stated, for so long, this had been my life, but it was all the past. Now we all had to try and find the future (Danticat, 184). Even though she was going through so much, she remained optimistic. She shifted her attention towards water, a tangible object and remembrance of her past, which to her, represented Heaven my heaven is the veil of water that stands between my parents and me. To step across it, and then come out is what makes me feel alive (Danticat, 264). Rather than seeing water as a destructive force that took away her parents, Amabelle was able to acknowledge and embrace it. Throughout the novel, Amabelle was able to divert from sulking in oppression and be hopeful for the future in order for her to fully accept and move on. Oscar s hope was more evident towards the end of the novel. Oscar was able to finally develop some sort of romantic relationship with a girl named Ybon. Although he was beaten and warned
  • 38. Regular Debt Vs Student Debt Many students have argued that they will just take the extreme debt and file for bankruptcy later on in life. The main problem with that argument is that they assume a student loan is similar to other loans. For example in order to get out of a car loan debt you need to prove undue hardship. With student loandebts the taxpayers want to ensure that there is no way for you to just walk away from a student loan debt. According to a Harvard Journal Article the difference between regular debt and student loan debt is, The Bankruptcy Code s treatment of educationdebt may reflect the view that a loan from the government qualitatively differs from a loan from a commercial lender. Since they are not given the same background check that commercial
  • 39. What Role Does Mowgli Play In Welsg Book There are many characters involved in The Jungle Books, by Rudyard Kipling, but Mowgli, the man cub, holds a special role throughout all of the stories. As we start out reading, he is described as a naked brown baby who could just walk. . . (Kipling, Mowgli s Brothers 38). Therefore, he has room to grow and change as we read on. Over the course of three significant stories, we find Mowglinot only growing up but also learning the Laws of the Jungle from Baloo, changing his mind about who he truly is, and making a life changing decision. In Kaas Hunting the Laws of the Jungle become very beneficial for Mowgli and he realizes that Baloo is someone he needs to listen to. Mowgli is only seven years old (Kipling, Kaa s Hunting 77), but... Show more content on ... . . (Kipling, The Spring Running 323). Even Mowgli noticed that there was something different about him. He had a feeling of pure unhappiness. . . (Kipling, The Spring Running 327). During this story, Mowgli goes on a running. It s almost like he is running away so that he doesn t have to face the fact that he will be leaving the jungle. He visits Messua again and she describes him as beautiful beyond all men (Kipling, The Spring Running 336). Eventually, Mowgli realizes that he has to leave and he has to make his announcement to the rest if the pack. He does so by saying I know not what I know, I would not go, but I am drawn by both feet (Kipling, The Spring Running 341). Mowgli never thought he would leave his pack and the jungle for good until this moment. His mind is constantly changing, along with his body, but now he has made his final decision to
  • 40. The Accounting And Reporting Standards US GAAP is the term used to indicate the body of authoritative literature that comprises accounting and reporting standards in the US. Rules and interpretative releases of the SEC under authority of federal securities laws are also sources of authoritative GAAP for SEC registrants. Authoritative US GAAP is primarily developed and maintained by the FASB and the Emerging Issues Task Force. Unlike IFRS, US GAAP is designed for use by both profit oriented and not for profit entities, with additional Codification topics that apply specifically to not for profit entities. Like IFRS, any entity claiming compliance with US GAAP complies with all applicable sections of the Codification, including disclosure requirements. However, unlike IFRS, a statement of explicit and unreserved compliance with US GAAP is not required. Unlike IFRS, the objective of financial statements is fair presentation in accordance with US GAAP.Similarities and Differences of GAAP and IFRS Haotian Guo In 2014, a study from PricewaterhouseCoopers pointed that American investors are looking over seas capital market for investment opportunities, and foreign investors are also looking for investing opportunities in America. According to the research from PricewaterhouseCoopers in 2014, an estimates shows that there are around seven trillion US dollars are invested in foreign stock markets, and American markets are open to non US firms too. Many of the foreign companies use IFRS rule without
  • 41. Fractures Club Case Study Fractures spots are characterized at this very moment funding which should be possible ere the companies are ‎forced for offer new obligation also value funds. When company achieves those fractures spots, ‎if they have decide in enhancing extra funds so WACC will raise.‎ Towards instance, those recipe because of held income fractures spots beneath ‎demonstrates where through ascertain for time when the association s expense in value ‎financing going to increment on the grounds that so they have to offer fresh basic shares. (Hint: The ‎formula because of BP from obligation even favored shares are essentially several, with swapping ‎retaiBPRE = preserve income Weight of equity Example: Vitality Administrations hopes to have complete
  • 42. Essay on Growing Up During the Egyptian Revolution I grew up in my home country Egypt, in a time some may say I was lucky to have experienced and been a part of. I took part in helping a nation overthrow its dictator who reigned with tyranny longer than I had been alive. I am an Egyptian youth, who fought for my people s stolen prosperity and withheld freedom against the famous thirty year old Mubarak regime. The Egyptianrevolution was televised and kept under the global eye throughout each of its progressions, from start to end yet not holistic in merit. Stories of glory and success seem to be the only ones shared from this era, however there exists a much more historical story. The extraordinary story of the boys of an entire nation rapidly and innately transforming into honorable ... Show more content on ... Each night seemed like an entire season, full of constant suspense and fear of your neighborhood being attacked and the potential harming of the women and children locked inside the guarded homes. Some neighborhoods were luckier than others in that they were avoided by the uncontrolled militias, while others had to pray they were prepared enough for attacks. Attackers that were contained were not shown remorse, and likewise had your luck handed you or yours into their hands. Needless to say this was a very mentally demanding, testing, and above all changing experience for all those who took part. As a boy brought in the modern world, like most others in my situation, I was unprepared for such an experience. The situation s build up was too quick and spontaneous to prepare for and forced me to mentally adjust to it as it happened without any rational linkage. You knew what was at stake and innately acted accordingly to protect it. You wished to feel fear, for the assertion that what you were living through was actually happening. All that was actually felt was pure alertness as soon as the sun started to set. There was no time to think like a boy, primal instincts prevailed and along with it honorable doings through grounded choices. The long nights acted as catalysts as each boy adapted to a primal man without choice a rather honorable and beautiful phenomenon not considering
  • 43. How Did Potato Affect The Potato 1.The potato greatly affected diets, agriculture, public health, and ecology in Europe and the Americas. Potatoes produced in the wild contain dangerous toxins such as solanine and tomatine. (Mann) In some locations, wild llamas would lick clay before eating a poisonous plant. (Mann) The poisons would adhere to the clay allowing animals to consume these plants without being harmed. (Mann) Humans began doing this too. The Andean Indians began preparing potatoes different ways. For example, they were boiled, mashed, chopped, peeled and baked. (Mann) The potatoalso expanded the aspect of agriculture. Potatoes taste different based on the type planted. Many villages grew different types of potatoes for a variety of tastes. (Mann) Hunger was very common in Europein the 17th and 18th century. (Mann) Since the potato crop could be grow in abundance, it was a great solution hunger. The potato was such an important asset many regions that citizens tried harder to get the potato to succeed. This caused the development of new agricultural advances. For example, they began spreading Guano, the dried remains of birds semisolid urine over the plants to provide them with nitrogen. The guano was considered a great plant fertilizer. (Mann) In addition, the potato also led to the creation of plant pesticides. In the 1940 s and 1950 s, was the Green Revolution. (Mann) This was all because of the potato. Potatoes had begun to fall ill when the Colorado potato beetle, attacked farmer s
  • 44. Blaiming the Paparazzi In 1997, Princess Diana died in a car crash in Paris, which was blamed on the paparazzi that were chasing her. Because the accident happened in France, no British charges can be laid against the photographers. However, nine were charged with manslaughter in France, but the charges were thrown out in 2002. Three photographers Jacques Langevin, Christian Martinez and Fabrice Chassery were convicted of invasion of privacyfor taking pictures of Princess Diana and were each fined one euro in 2006. Of course it is obvious that the public is intensely curious to know more about celebrities, but don t you think celebrities have the right to be private? First of all, let us define who the paparazzi are and what they do for a living. A paparazzo is a photographer who takes pictures of athletes, actors, celebrities, politicians etc... on a daily basis. As a matter of fact, paparazzi s tend to chase celebrities wherever they go. Whether it was to the Academy Awards, shopping at a mall, or even going to the gym. Nowadays the paparazzi are going way beyond the limits and are becoming more likely bizarre. They are competing against each other and are trying to have the best exposed pictures of celebrities they could get at any cost. They don t care if they hurt or stress celebrities. They simply want to be the best. California s first civil anti paparazzi law was signed on January 1st, 1999. This law protects celebrities from physical invasions and trespassing. This law wasn t enough, so on
  • 45. My Design Of Sighting A Gun I.The purpose for my design is to speed up the process of sighting a gun in, the scope to take into compensate the parabolic launch of a bullet, and to hit to target bulls eye. Sighting in a gun requires a long trial and error process that any hunter, marine, or police sniper would agree upon. As a bullet is fired from a rifle it rises a few inches for about one hundred yards or more where it descends below the axis of the barrel. The scope looks like any other scope but will account for the parabolic launch and relocate its self to the correct position for the most accurate shot. Nikon is a company that produces quality scopes and would be a good contestant for the idea. They support their products being brighter, clearer, precise, and rugged, but these are just a few of the attributes knowledgeable hunters commonly use to describe Nikon riflescopes. Nikon is determined to bring hunters, shooters, and sportsmen a wide selection of the best huntingoptics money can buy while at the same time pushing the envelope to create revolutionary capabilities for the serious hunter (Nikon). The design would also need an electrical engineer to design the wiring and microchips /sensors, but a mechanical engineer from Power Electrics would also be needed to fit the motor for the positioning of the scope. I would like to arrange a meeting for all of us to discuss and perfect the idea. II.The scope, Buck Slayer by Slade Mills and Nikon, will be about the same size as any other
  • 46. Legalization Of Marijuana For Medical Use Legalizing Medical Marijuana Elizabeth Vogt ENC 1101 Professor Ruppert Keiser University October 23, 2014 Abstract Many people have different opinions on the delicate topic of the legalization of marijuana for medical use. Although it could help those who suffer from chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (CINV), cachexia, spasticity, pain and rheumatoid arthritis, it also has a lot of negative side effects that many doctors and physicians are trying to inform the public. Some of these negative side effects include marijuana being very dangerous when it is smoked, although that s the most effective way to ingest the substance, it dangerously raises the heart rate, can cause mental illness, or even make current mental illness worse, and it is also considered to be very addictive with withdrawal symptoms including irritability, sleeplessness, decreased appetite, and drug cravings. Legalizing Medical Marijuana Popularly known on the streets as pot, grass, Mary Jane, or hemp, marijuana has become a recent topic of discussion in the medical field. Between some of the pubic not wanting the drug to be legalized because of its reputation, doctors wanting it to be legalized to help reduce multiple different symptoms and other physicians saying that it s too harmful to legalize, marijuana has made its way to the ballots for the public to have their say about the topic. Cannabis originated from the dried out leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds of the Indian hemp plant Cannabis sativa.
  • 47. The Heaviness Of Internet On The Internet Thus, communication is the single largest purpose of internet access followed by entertainment and information search. Communication is also one of the triggers which bring users on the Internet. 57% of the users started using the internet for sending and receiving e mails. Of late, social networking websites have also been instrumental in getting users to use the internetregularly. 30% of the users started their internet journey with social networking websites.Figure 1.10 5. Frequency of Internet Access in Urban Internet usage has seen a steep growth over last year with 54% of the active internet users accessing Internet daily. This is indeed an encouraging trend and shows that the Internet has seeped in the lives of many in a big way. Figure 1.11 This growth can be attributed mainly to the increased accessibility of rich content on the mobile phones and other handheld devices. Now, one can stay connected to the Internet 24/7 and perform more activities online than hitherto possible. Of the 17 Mn users who access the internet daily, 34% access it several times a day. With internet literally coming within the reach of the common man, we can expect to have 100% of the users accessing the in the internet daily. Figure 1.12 6. Heaviness of Internet access With the
  • 48. The Creation Of A Life The Creation Of A Life I don t know my name. I don t know my birthday. I don t have a family. These are just a few of the things in my life that I created. I remember waking up to the light. The brightest of lights was shining down on me. Looking around, I began to question my existence. I couldn t remember anything. Actually, that s not true I remember dying; or at least I thought that is what happened. The sensation of drowning was the only thing that remained clear in my mind. But, as it turns out, I was wrong. I survived. I survived the hurricane that otherwise took everything from me. I woke with a loud cough followed by a deep breath. Looking back, that breath was the beginning of it all. Although it wasn t my first breath, it... Show more content on ... Bruised and battered. Similar to the neighborhood that enveloped me. A neighborhood I couldn t remember. In a time of naivety, I tried to reach for him. The smallest of movement caused an unbearable, inordinate amount of pain. I screamed. He reached down and scooped me up. Must be broken, he reckoned. Where am I? I questioned. Nothing seemed to strike my memory. Not a person around. Not a scent. Not a scene. Well darlin you re in the suburbs of New Orleans. Or rather, what s left of it. He seemed relatively calm considering our surroundings. Left from what? How did this all happen? Why am I here? It was baffling. The town looked dead at least the nonliving parts of it. He stopped walking suddenly, as if I d done something wrong. You don t remember...? He spoke clearly like he wanted my absolute full attention. I... No. Should I? Yes. I would assume I cut him off, Way to be blatantly honest. He took a step around a large tree that had fallen down completely and crushed a small home. What is your name? Looking down at myself, I didn t know. In fact I couldn t remember anything about myself at all. I... I don t know. Well then, I s pose I should give you a name then, just until you remember. I smiled. He didn t need to do anything for me yet, it seems like he keeps doing more and more. How do you feel about Estrella? Where I come from it means the star, like the kind in the sky. To me, it seems as though
  • 49. The Plagues And Profits Of Polarization The Plagues and Profits of Polarization In 1796, in his Farewell Address, George Washington warned against the party passions that weaken public administration, afflict the community, promote animosity between different sectors, and as a result, render the American nation vulnerable to foreign invasion. Political polarization is most simply defined as the divide between Liberals and Conservatives or between Republicans and Democrats. According to measurements from DW NOMINATE, a system that gives politicians a score based on how liberal or conservative they are, polarization has been rising steadily for the past four decades. The general consensus among scholars is that the United States has not heeded the first president s warning; ... Show more content on ... His collected data show that Obama has seen much polarization throughout his two terms, but his predecessor, George W. Bush, also received a similar amount. This shows that the divide between voters has been increasing for at least over a decade . At times, rising polarization gives the impression that the American nation has disintegrated, but many political scientists argue that although our nation has its flaws, polarization is not the problem. Political scientist, Alan I. Abramowitz, is especially adamant about the manners in which polarization profits American democracy. He admits that polarization can lead to immature mudslinging, but presents this as a small downside to the important and essential benefits it provides. In his opinion, polarization can be a solution to legislative gridlock in congress. Polarization between different parties leads to party discipline within a party because it moves the moderates in a party further left or further right. Abramowitz claims that this can overcome procedures, such as the filibuster, that actually inhibit the law making processes. Additionally he believes that polarization manifests party lines, making it less complicated for American citizens to associate with a specific side, which as a consequence, encourages them to vote and discuss their political views with others. Shaun Theriault adopts a similar view. He decries the name calling and
  • 50. Duty Of Care For Negligent Act Introduction Background to the answer: ISSUE: The area of law is Negligence and the issue is Adams (Plaintiff) injuries and his chances of success in any legal action he might take in negligence against Simon (Defendant). The question to be taken into consideration is that; Could the defendant be found to have caused the damages? Rule and Application This aspect will address Duty of care for negligent act, standard of care and causation. 1st essential DoC: Did the defendant owe a Duty of Care to Plaintiff? Historical approach from Donoghue v Stevenson (I)Reasonable foreseeability In tort law, foreseeability has been defined as the notion that a particular action viewed under particular circumstances would lead to an anticipated result. This means that there was a foreseeable injury, and a person has a chance of taking precautions and refrain from the behaviour that could likely lead to the harm (Birmingham Brennan, 2012). In saying this Simons damage to Adam was that of a foreseeable type even though he had to throw his helmet that bounced on the ground and striked Adam through frustration. In the case of The Wagon Mound No2 [1967]1AC617, The defendant s vessel, The Wagon Mound, leaked furnace oil at a Wharf in Sydney Harbour due to the failure to close a valve. Some cotton debris became embroiled in the oil and sparks from some welding works ignited the oil. The fire spread rapidly causing destruction of some boats and the wharf. It was held that the defendants
  • 51. The Performance Of The Houston Astros Essay The Houston Astros have been making deals to improve their team, and avoid another collapse like the one they had last season. Their bullpen could not finish the year strong after being one of the best in baseball throughout the season. The bullpen, also, collapsed in game four of the ALCS against the eventual champions. The Royals could not hit Lance McCullers, but once he was removed with one out in the seventh inning, Kansas City s offense got it going. 1. Astros big trade The biggest move the Astros have made is acquiring the young closer of the Philadelphia Phillies, Ken Giles. Oct 4, 2015; Philadelphia, PA, USA; Philadelphia Phillies relief pitcher Ken Giles (53) throws a pitch during the ninth inning against the Miami Marlins at Citizens Bank Park. The Phillies defeated the Marlins, 7 2. Mandatory Credit: Eric Hartline USA TODAY Sports Oct 4, 2015; Philadelphia, PA, USA; Philadelphia Phillies relief pitcher Ken Giles (53) throws a pitch during the ninth inning against the Miami Marlins at Citizens Bank Park. The Phillies defeated the Marlins, 7 2. Mandatory Credit: Eric Hartline USA TODAY Sports The trade included SS Jonathan Arauz to Houston for LHP Brett Oberholtzer, and RHPs Mark Appel, Harold Arauz, Thomas Eshelman, and Vincent Velasquez. Giles, 25 years old, has been with the Phillies for two season and pitched 115.2 innings in 113 games over the two years. He has an ERA of 1.56, a 11.7 SO/9, a 1.03 WHIP and has 16 career saves, 15 of which came last
  • 52. On The Move Reflection On the Move My family and I depended on my father for a paycheck every month to pay for bills and groceries, but one month the paycheck never came. My father had lost his job from Caterpillar in Decatur, Illinois. When it happened, I was in third grade, and I had no worries, didn t care about how I looked, and made sure that I was doing well in school. My younger brothers were in kindergarten and preschool at the time, were six and three years old, and only cared about the toys they wanted from the store. My mother was a stay at home mother, and tended to the house and all of our needs at home when it occurred. My father had lost his job, my familylost the paycheck that paid for everything. I had no idea my father lost his job until I got home from school that day. When I walked in, I saw my father sitting upon his chair, in the family room, with bloodshot eyes. I was amazed I never saw my father cry before. I always thought that he was this extremely tall man who could care less about what other people thought of him, who could do almost anything, who loved my mother, my brothers, and I so dearly. I asked him what was the matter, but all he did was tell me to go to my room and do my homework. Then, I went and asked my mother why my father was acting the way he was, all she said was, Your father and I will tell you and your brothers later. It wasn t until dinner when my mother and father told my younger brothers and I what had happened. My brothers did not seem to
  • 53. Bacillus Thuringiensis Bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis is a spore forming bacterium that produces crystals protein which are toxic to many species of insects. Therefore it is used a natural pesticide. It is naturally occurring throughout the world and its usage is very common. There are thousands of different Bt strains. The kurstaki strain being the most common kills only leaf and needle feeding caterpillars. In the last ten years, Bt strains have been mostly used to control the abundance of flies, mosquitoes, black flies, amongst others. When it comes to Bt strains, the target is very specific. The strains for mosquitoes will only target them and not affect other insects. Even though Bt is used in aerial spraying programs and transgenic crops its main usage in organic farming. In 1901 while performing research on Sudden Collapse Disease on silk worms, Japanese biologist Shigetane Ishiwatari discovered Bacillus thuringiensis or Bt originally called Bacillus sotto. It was then rediscovered in 1911 by Ernst Berliner who was researching the cause of death of the moths in Thuringia, Germany, where the name thuringiensis comes from. Berliner s research overruled Ishiwatari s research and Bacillus thuringiensis became the bacterias name. It was not until 1920 where Bt was reportedly used by farmers who began to spray it in their fields. Later on in 1938, France brought it into the market as a flour moth killer called Sporine. Bt products started off struggling because a vast amount of insects were immune
  • 54. Powdery Mildew Research Paper Powdery mildew is cause by a biotrophic, obligate fungus Uncinula necator now known as Erysiphe necator (Schw.) Burr (Sall, M. A. 1980). It is the most devastating and widespread disease of grapevine in the world and causes the significant loss to grape yield and quality (Gadoury et al. 2012). This is the major grapevine disease causing significant yield reduction each year in California, which is the top grape producing state in the United States (Gubler et al. 1999). This disease infect all the commercially grown grape species, but the susceptibility differs with cultivars. This disease first produces a chlorotic spot on the upper surface of leaf and the chorotic spot produces whitish gray powdery fungal growth on the upper surface of the leaf and other infected plant parts. The white webby mycelium also produced on subsequent lower surface. This pathogen affects all the green tissue such as leaf, branch, and fruits. The young fruits ... Show more content on ... Ascospores can be produced with the help of 0.1 inch of rainfall and temperature of about 500 F. Ascospores are dispersed with the help of wind and primary infection takes place on the host. Secondary infection occurs through conidia, which are produced on infected plant parts (lesion) and dusty powdery growth appears on the surface with whitish mycelial growth. Conidia cause the secondary infection throughout the growing season. Infection can takes place in the temperatures from 590 F to 900 F, but the temperature from 680 to 770 F are optimum temperature for infection. Fungus can overwinter as mycelia inside the dormant bud, which produced disease shoot after breading bud. High relative humidity is conducive for conidia production, but rainfall is not good for infection that reduces the infection by this pathogen (Carrol et al.