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Essay Boston Tea Party
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Essay Boston Tea Party Essay Boston Tea Party
“All good things must come to an end”, said Tara, those...
All good things must come to an end , said Tara, those were the last words of the book she just
finished reading. This book was some adventure fiction novel about hero s trip to Egypt and his
mysterious adventures in the Great Pyramid of Giza, on the banks of Nile River. Tara was just
about to close the book and go to bed, for it was almost midnight, but at the very moment when the
girl touched the cover of the book the most unpredictable thing happened. Weird, greenish mist
appeared, seems, out of thin air. It was surrounding Tara, getting denser and denser with every
passing second. Finally, the mist enveloped Tara and became that dense that the girl could see
nothing but the solid green mass of something around her. Tara didn t know... Show more content on ...
But... her eyes must be mistaken then, for that they were seeing a wide chamber with a high
ceiling, torches illuminating orange light, yellow walls, hieroglyphs painted on them depicting
their own story, pictures of gods on the front wall, and a tall figure, covered in bandages from
head to feet hovering over Tara. A mummy , Tara murmured as silently as possible, but that s
impossible to happen . But the thing was it was possible. She was just staring at the four
thousand years old dead body of a pharaoh, the representer of God on earth. Then, the mummy
started to outstretch its arms, trying to grab her. Tara did not scream, nor she stepped aside she
was as if in a kind of a trance. And suddenly, Awake you, silly girl! Do whatever is possible to
save your life! Do it right away! Don t you hesitate! that was her own voice thundering inside her
own head. Without wasting her time, Tara ran to the object she saw when she was looking over
the chamber the only object that was in here a slightly rust old Egyptian sword. At first she
wondered why the mummy didn t run after her, but dragged inch by inch to reach her, but then
she realised that when you re a pharaoh dead for four thousand years it s difficult to keep fit. And
she reached a sword; she grabbed it, feeling its cold handle and big weight. And
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Issues in Information Technology
Brent C. Dugan IT101 AT6
Ethical issues in Information Technology
Information Technology And Resource Use
As of Autumn 2003, leadership of the Network for E (N4E) is being taken over by Professor
Scott Matthews of Carnegie Mellon, one of its founding members. Jon Koomey began a leave of
absence from LBNL beginning in August 2003 (his LBL email and phone will still reach him
while he s on leave).
Koomey et al., Sorry, wrong number: The use and misuse of numerical facts in analysis and media
reporting of energy issues. , which contains the most complete summary of the controversy over
electricity used by office equipment, was published in the 2002 issue of Annual Review of Energy
and Environment (also LBNL 50499). vol. 27,. ... Show more content on ...
Uniquely Cheap
Because computers can perform millions of computations each second, the cost of an individual
calculation approaches zero. This unique property of computers leads to interesting consequences
in ethics.
Uniquely Discrete
In a stimulating paper On the Cruelty of Really Teaching ComputerScience, Edsger Dijkstra
examines the implications of one central, controlling assumption: that computers are radically
novel in the history of the world. Given this assumption, it follows that programming these unique
machines will be radically different from other practical intellectual activities. This, Dijkstra
believes, is because the assumption of continuity we make about the behavior of most materials
and artifacts does not hold for computer systems. For most things, small changes lead to small
effects, larger changes to proportionately larger effects. If I nudge the accelerator pedal a little
closer to the floor, the vehicle moves a little faster. If I press the pedal hard to the floor, it moves a
lot faster. As machines go, computers are very different.
Uniquely Coded
Computers operate by constructing codes upon codes upon codes cylinders on top of tracks,
tracks on top of sectors, sectors on top of records, records on top of fields, fields on top of
characters, characters on top of bytes, and bytes on top of primitive binary digits. Computer
protocols like TCP/IP are comprised of layer upon layer of obscure code conventions that tell
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How Greed Affects The Lives Of People
It is hard to believe how greed affects the lives of people. Often people do not realize that money
and power are not everything in life. During the Industrial Revolution many people let their lives be
heavily manipulated by their material wants rather than their needs. As a result they were often
unhappy with the lives they had while others were in abundance of happiness. Charles Dickens
lived during the Industrial Revolution and knew what life was like during those times ( BBC
Primary History Famous People Charles Dickens ). In Hard Times, Dickens portrays the lives of a
group of people who were directly affected by the Industrial Revolution. Thomas Gradgrind,
Louisa Gradgrind, and Josiah Bounderby are three characters that are deeply affected by the
Industrial Revolution in the novel. The novel begins by giving us an overview of Thomas
Gradgrind beliefs. This man who is the first character to be introduced to the readers in Hard
Times is portrayed as a monotone, mechanized man who relies solely on facts and nothing more.
In the novel he is described as, A man who proceeds upon the principle that two and two are four,
and nothing over, and who is not to be talked into allowing for anything over (Dickens, Book the
First, CH II). He also owns a school where children do not seem to have an individual personality
as they are reduced to mere number on a list, as he refers to a girl not by her name but as girl
number twenty . Additionally, his philosophy of not
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Outsiders In The Story Of Tommy Kelsaket s Slash
The story of Tommy Kelsaket, also known as Slash in the book, is about his struggles with growing
up as an indigenous man who went through a lot as the Canadian government s plan was to remove
the culture from the country. Although Tommy was never placed in a residential school where
students would be separated from their family for months, severely punished for speaking their
language or doing anything that followed their culturelike at home. Tommy went to a town school
where he was picked on by teachers and other students to the point where he was forced to change
in order to fit in.
Looking at the theory of outsider within initially introduced to me in the reading of Hill Collin s
journal, speaking about the concept of the black women being the outsiders within the white
houses. In that case she explained how the black women were still treated as slaves in those
years, but some were allowed into the households to take care of the family s chores such as
taking care of the children, cleaning and cooking meals. Taking this concept into the reading of
Slash, knowing I would have to find an advantage to this once horrible concept, was strange to
me. However, this theory can also be looked at as an advantage in some instances. Tommy was
one of the indigenous children who chose to continue their education past the grade 6 level, with
this he was forced to go to the town school where he took on the role of what I see as being an
outsider within. Him and the others who came
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King Asok Not More Than A Myth Essay
For a long time, King Asoka was thought to be nothing more than a myth. With several writings
concerning him, they all relayed too fantastical an image to be convincing as truthful, keeping
him in a legendary status. This all changed in 1837, well over a thousand years after his death,
when a scholar James Prinsep managed to translate writings on a stone pillar in Delhi. After
several other scholars raced to translate similar writings all over the Indian landscape, it was
revealed that this King Piyadasi was the same as King Asoka. Even with his history pieced
together, Asoka s history is still legendary. He started as a lowly person shunned by his own
father and grew to be a ruler of a kingdom that had never seen complete unity. But indeed, despite
the face of caring compassion he attempted to convey to the Indian people, and despite the reforms
he made to various sectors of his kingdom, it is clear Asoka was only using Buddhismas a way to
unite the people and, more importantly, keep them under his control. It is rumored that Asoka s
grandmother was a Greek princess, with his lineage being traced back to the Seleucus kingship,
and that his Asoka s grandmother would have told him stories of Alexander the Great and other
Greek warriors, inspiring Asoka and gearing him towards being the warrior he would become in
the Kalinga Wars. Asoka s mother is supposed to be the daughter of a Brahman, a Hindu priest. She
eventually married the King of India, one of the first of the
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Psychological Factors Affecting Eyewitness Memory
Whenever a crime takes place, eyewitnesses who are present on the scene can help the police or
authorities when the crime is being investigated. However, eyewitness memory can be affected by
a series of factors.
One of the factors that can affect eyewitness memory is stress. Whenever a person witnesses a
violent crime, his response is almost always one that generates a stressful response to the stressor
imposed by the crime. This stressful response is the defensive response which is heavily studied by
psychophysiologists (e.g., Klorman, Wiesenfeld Weissberg, 1977). This defensive reaction is the
physiological response (increased blood pressure, muscle tone and acceleration in heart rate)
resulting when attention control is highly dominant (Tucker and Williamson, 1984). The activation
mode, which is one of the two neural control systems that regulates a ... Show more content on ...
These are: (1) a bias against stimulus change, (2) a tonic readiness for action, and (3) processing
under tight attention controls. Some of the tasks that elicit the dominance of activation mode
include activities which increase cognitive and/or somatic anxiety such as vigilance, escape,
avoidance or pressure tasks (Deffenbacher, 1994). When assessing the effectiveness of a condition
of heightened stress, it should be compared with another condition that is demonstrably lower in
stress (or even free from stress), where the arousal mode of attention control is predominant
(Tucker and Williamson, 1984). When the activation mode is dominant, there is a notable
deceleration of heart rate and lowered blood pressure (Lacey and Laceym 1974). Deffenbacher
(1994) concluded that if a task elicits the arousal mode of attention control, the memory will be
enhanced for the most important and informative aspect of the
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An Integral Theory Of Consciousness Essay
An Integral Theory of Consciousness and RR Ken Wilber (1997) reviewed various dimensions of
the theories of consciousness in existing literature and proposes an integral theory that will
incorporate most of the prominent existing theories. The theory Wilber proposes is an Integral
Theory of Consciousness . Specifically, he reviews the cognitive science outlooks: introspectionism;
neuropsychology; individual psychotherapy; social psychology; clinical psychiatry; developmental
psychology; problematic medicine views, nonordinary states of consciousnessview; eastern and
contemplative tradition; quantum consciousness; subtle energies point of views on the
consciousness state and functions.
After the review, Wilber comes to the conclusion that, The interior dimensions of the human being
seem to be composed of a spectrum of consciousness (p. 10). The spectrum, in this instance, defines
conditions or values that vary infinitely within a continuum. In other words, there is a kind of
indefinite transformation, in terms of quality and volume of information between the initial state
and the goal state within the domain of consciousness. This conclusion by Wilbur has implication
on the complexity of the RR processes, as described by Vervaeke (2012). Furthermore, Vervaeke
even described the initial and the goal state as sometimes unknown within the system (Vervaeke,
2016). The important finding here is that the discovery of the Wilber agrees with the complexity
feature of the
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Ethos In Joe Clark
Joe Clark uses the appeal of credibility of character, also known as ethos, to encourage his
students and teachers at Eastside High to work hard and improve. One example of how Mr. Clark
showed ethos is at the beginning of the movie when he first came in and kicked out all of the bad
students from the stage. These students were the worst of the worst, they had been selling and
using drugs and not doing anything to improve in school. By coming right in and laying the
hammer down on the students, this showed the students that there is now authority in the school
and they cannot keep messing around. The school had not seen any type of real leaders in the
school in a while, and that is why it got so bad there. With Joe Clark arriving, things will surely
change. Another example of ethosin this movie is how Mr. Clark ensured that each one of the
students lives were doing okay and they had a place to stay. He would always ask people how
they were doing in the hallway and that made the students look up to him as a person who really
did care for them. Joe took the time and personally went to Kaneesha s house and made sure she
had a safe place to permanently stay and convinced her mom to keep letting her live there. This
put Kaneesha s trust in Mr. Clark as a person she can really rely on and look up to. A final
example of when Joe Clark used ethos is when he said that everyone could succeed on the test
and in life if they are really willing to put the work in for it. He said he truly believed in them
that they will pass if they become motivated. Joe saying that he believed in the students put
encouragement in them that they had possibly never seen. Another way that Joe Clark
motivated the students and staff of Eastside to work harder is by using the appeal of Logos, or
statistics and logic. A powerful example of when Mr. Clark used logos is when he had a meeting
with all of the staff and made 70% of them put their hands up to signify the 70% of students who
failed the exam. This really made the staff really think that they can make a big difference in these
kids lives. Another example of when Joe Clark used logos to get the students motivated is when he
made a speech before they took the exam. He made the
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Facts About Colombia
Where can you find the biggest carnival in the world? Only in Colombia. Colombia is located in the
northern part of South America and has tons of things to experience and contains important history
for Folk songs. Three things that make Colombia a exotic and exciting place are it s attractions,
Geography and music. Columbian geography is very diverse containing big mountains, sandy
beaches and tons of coffee plantations. For example The Andes mountains run right through
Columbia making it a very mountainous and rocky place. Also Colombiaalso contains the third
largest coral reef system on Earth. So it s beaches are exotic and beautiful. Finally The coffee in
Columbia is some of the freshest in the world. So since they grow it in Columbia
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Managing Conflict in Relationships Essay
Managing and Resolving Conflicts in a relationship
Sonia Pabon
Kaplan Institute
Interpersonal Communication
Mr. Muliken
November 26, 2012
The topic that I have chosen to discuss throughout this paper is Managing and Resolving
Conflicts in a Relationship. This topic is very important to me simply because, I personally see a
lot of relationships failing, including some of mines due to lack of resolving and managing
conflicts correctly. By the end of this paper I hope that I have helped the reader understand and
eliminate any conflicts that confront their everyday lives. Many relationships and about fifty five
percent of marriages end because of unresolved conflicts. Most of the time these relationships fail
because people forget ... Show more content on ...
Conflict need not be catastrophic or personal conflicts are simply part of being human. Deal
with issues as they arise, avoiding conflict makes situations worse. Time does not resolve
matters instead it decreases the chance of a positive outcome. Attempt to understand the other
person s point of view because dismissing the other s views, assigning blame, and exclusive focus
on your own perspective are all counterproductive. Do not judge emotions, no one s feelings are
more or less right than the other. Emotions reflect a valid perspective of an individual even if
you don t understand it; acknowledge the other person s reaction as important. Focus on the
behavior, situation or problem area without attacking the person involved. Do not assume your
values or beliefs are right , they reflect a view of the world from your unique perspective.
Respecting another s viewpoint as equally valuable opens an opportunity for learning and growth
(Lifetips moving up in life, 2000). Handling conflict is a skill which can be learned. It requires
practice, discipline and self control. In the midst of conflict, most people forget the overall goal in
addressing the conflict: Having your partner understand your feelings and resolving the
disagreement. The more a couple can keep this goal in mind the less likely either will engage in
criticism, yelling or name calling. These behaviors only fuel the conflict (Managing Conflict in
Your Relationship,
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Edward Taylor Research Paper
The Puritans were a group of people that emigrated from England and settled in North America.
They were a highly religious group of people with a variety of literary works. The Puritans had no
single voice that represented them, but instead a variety of voices that represent their group. The
Puritans and their literary works were the prominent between 1620 to 1783. The purpose of Puritan
literature was to apprise both his neighbor and his fellow Englishman across the sea of recent
events taking place in the colonies (Warner, 588). Edward Taylor was an incredibly prominent Poet
during this time period, writing many different poems and sermons. He was an orthodox,
reactionary, New England Puritan Minister, ably caring for his congregation and vigorously
defending the American Federal Theology. The poetic works of Edward Taylor conform to the
same style... Show more content on ...
Many prominent poets from the Puritan era would use biblical themes and biblical language.
Examples of poets who used biblical language were Anne Bradstreet and Roger Williams who
would merge the language of the Bible, the Old World, and the New World (Johnston, 126).
Edward Taylor followed suit with this idea and often The voice of Edward a sensuous
voice (Johnston, 126) .This is well demonstrated in his poem I am the Living Bread. Taylor
described God and the heavens as luxurious in the lines , In this sad state, Gods Tender Bowells
run  Out streams of Grace: and he to end all strife  The purest Wheate in Heaven (Taylor, 19
21). In these lines Taylor uses vivid imagery to describe the biblical figure of God. The words
purest , tender , and Grace have highly extravagant connotations that create a mood of luxury. This
characterizes God as a magnificent and divine being. Taylor is focusing on the theme of god and is
describing him in a sensuous
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King Lear Nature Essay
Throughout King Lear nature is holds different meanings that have major significance to the theme
of the play. Characters speak to it as though it s a personified entity; they refer to the celestial
objects in the heavens above and even to that of animals of the Earth. When the characters speak to
nature, they do it as a means of justifying their intentions or previous actions, and also as a means
of invoking it in some form. Nature is also used to describe the disposition of a character and the
physical world with no spiritual bearing. We see that nature tends to hold many ambiguous
meanings during the play; however they are centered mostly between nature that embodies the laws
of the universeor that of a man. One instance of the... Show more content on ...
He does so in the first scene of Act 1 where he asks for his daughters to profess their love for him
in order to take a share of the kingdom. When he is met by Cordelia s explanation of how she
only loves him according to her bond, no more he enters a fit of rage and casts her out while also
including nature in his speech. The sacred radiance of the sun, the mysteries of Hecate and the
night by all the operations of the orbs and I hereby disclaim all my paternal care, propinquity and
property of blood is a clear example of how he attempts to invoke the stars above as a power
against his once beloved daughter. Lear repudiates nature when he casts out Cordelia, his very own
natural daughter, and yet attempts still to call upon it even though he contradicts it. Now although
Lear and Edmund both share this view of the stars, they don t perceive the natural in the same
ways. Lear resembles the divine king or the master of nature as the early monarchs of those
times saw themselves as did the people in the lower portions of the hierarchy. When Lear is cast
out by his daughter Goneril for his behavior along with his servants, he exclaims Hear Nature,
hear! Dear goddess, hear! and proceeds to order nature to make Goneril sterile and have no babe
to honour her . When doing so he says that if it shall be born it will be of spleen and disnatured
meaning non filial and obstinate. Lear then shows a belief that his children he has created from the
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Changing the Momentum of a Ball
What is predicted to happen in this experiment is when an angle of elevation of a ramp is
changed on one side this will affect the amount of momentum a ball possess before collision and
after collision. The ball that travels down a ramp with a steeper angle, will have a greater velocity
therefore produce more momentum because it has a greater velocity compared to the ball travelling
down a ramp not as steep. This will then affect the amount of kinetic energya ball possess after
collision. The ball that is travelling down the ramp with a slightly higher angle, will possess more
kinetic energybefore collision but after collision it will posses less kinetic energy because of it
being an elastic collision where energy is conserved and transfers some energy to the ball
travelling down the less steep ramp with less momentum. Therefore the ball travelling down the
ramp that is not as steep will possess more kinetic energy after collision.
In the experiment the ball that travelled down the ramp with a less steep angle of elevation
rebounded further than the ball that travelled down the ramp with a slightly higher angle of
elevation. This occurred because the ball did not possess as much momentum as the ball travelling
down the ramp with a higher angle of elevation. Momentum is the product of an objects mass and
velocity. The reason why the ball travelling down the ramp with a higher of elevation had more
momentum, causing the ball to not rebound as far, was because the
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Banco International, Inc V. Goody s Family Clothing Essay
LaToya Smith
UCC and Business Organizations
Robert Miller
Midterm Assignment October 11, 2012
Banco International, Inc. v. Goody s Family Clothing
United States District Court, Northern Division 54 F.2d 765
In the case of Banco v. Goody s, the courts ruled that Goody s was not wrong for canceling the
contract due to the finding of justified in reasonably concluding that Banco could not deliver the
product by the date set in the first purchase order between the parties and the failure to deliver the
goods by that date would have substantially impaired the value of those goods to Goody s. Goody
s entered into a contract with Banco to purchase wind suits. On or about July 13, 1994, Goody s
agreed to change ... Show more content on ...
The contract was for a total of 62,748 jogging suits that would be custom made for girls and boys.
The total contract price was for $ 749,103.60 that included the shipping of the merchandise, which
would be shipped within six purchase orders. On or about August 29, 1994 they (Goody s)
terminated their contract in writing, which validates a right to cancel. The parties agreed to amend
the first shipment date, Goody s deny that all other shipment dates were to be amended as well.
Goody s feel that there was any wrongful, unlawful, or without good cause or justification eras on
their behalf. Was there a retraction of any Anticipatory Repudiationwhen Banco gave Goody s
assurance shortly after Goody s cancelled the contract? Did Goody s have a justifiable reason to
cancel the entire contract with Banco? The UCC permits the breaching party (subject to some
limitations) to retract his or her repudiation. This can be done by any method that clearly indicates
the party s intent to perform. Once retraction is made, the rights of the repudiating party under the
contract are reinstated. The breaching party cannot retract the repudiation. However, if since the
time of the repudiation the other party has canceled or materially changed position or otherwise
indicated that the repudiation is final. [UCC 2 611, 2A 403] According to the UCC §§ 2
609(2) and 2 609(4) Between merchants the reasonableness of grounds for insecurity and the
adequacy of any assurance offered
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Robert Levenson Essay
For Dr. John Gottmann his successful research and discoveries began 35 years ago with the help
of his friend Robert Levenson. They began the research by building a laboratory where couples
would attend and speak with each other after a long workday deprived from each other. While the
couples spoke their heart rate, their blood velocity, the amount of sweat produced on the palm of
their hands, and even the movement they produced while being seated were being measured. The
conversations the couples had consisted of a subject that caused unceasing conflict between them
and then a positive subject, after their conversations their videotapes would be shown to the couple
and were asked about particular moments in the conversation and what they felt... Show more
content on ...
For example, the recipients of repair are those who intend to repair or resolve the issue. The
repair can only work between the couple depending on the amount of intimacy and friendship that
already exists in the relationship. These two factors are then be used to build the first stage of
what they call a love map. One of the fundamental characteristics of the friendship between two
individuals is the intimate open ended questions asked by this person and the memorization of the
answers. Another characteristic witnessed in the laboratory was the attention given to the partner
speaking, for example results showed that those partners who paid more attention to their partner
while he was trying to communicate or make a joke were those who continued to be married for
a longer period of time. Overall it can all be summarized in seven steps that will allow a
relationship to flourish, and those are: enhance your love map, nurture fondness and admiration,
this means that it is imperative to be able to remind yourself about the worthiness your partner
possesses. The third step is turning toward each other, by giving your partner the attention they
crave you are acknowledging their presence and making them feel how important they are to you.
The fourth step is to let your partner influence you, by giving each other the respect in decision
making for a happy marriage, it
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Salt Concentration Experiment
This experiment is a planned intervention, which will analyze the effects of the defined variable,
salt. During the course of this experiment, tests are conducted regarding the effects of changing salt
concentration on the regeneration of brain cells in Alzheimer s patients. During the course of this
experiment, variables are considered. First, the independent variable, in this case, the level of salt
content within the capacity of the brain, is exposed to conditions that are altered. After its
exposure, the experimenter will document the changes. In addition, the dependent variable, in this
case, the rate that the Alzheimer s disease regenerates its cells, is modified because of the changes
within the independent variable. Consequently, the dependent variable will reveal the results of the
experiment because it isolates the effects of a single condition.... Show more content on ...
Within this experiment, the controls are the conditions that include everything except the salt
level. Conditions include environmental conditions such as the room temperature, light exposure,
water, the items used to measure of the store the substances during testing, and any other
elements or otherwise materials added to the variables including, but not limited to other added
fluids. Moreover, the control area will include an area in which the brain cells are removed and
/or tested. In Alzheimer s disease (AD), neurofib tangles and amyloid plaques, are found in the
smell organ in the nose, olfactory bulb, and in the medial temporal lobe of the brain (Devere,
n.d.). Therefore, because the temporal lobe is the primary auditory perception, it receives the
information from the ears. In addition, the underside of the temporal lobe plays a crucial role in
both receiving and forming memories (Temporal Lobe, n.d). Finally, other parts of this lobe seem
to sensations and memories, all of which is associated with the AD (Temporal Lobe,
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Analysis Of William Shakespeare s Henry Iv
Shakespeare is one of the most widely known playwrights of history, and has been hailed for his
plot structure and character development. An example of this being one of his most noticed and
widely regarded characters in Henry IV Part 1, Falstaff. His character immediately gets the
attention of the audience through his variance in personality from most others of his day and
life style. Falstaff is an old, fat, disgraced knight and Hal s partner in crime. He is always looking
for a good time while he eats, drinks, and pisses away all he can get his hands on. A more modern
parallel would be the fiction character Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean. Both
abuse any power or authority thrust upon them. While Jack Sparrow is... Show more content on ...
So feasibly Falstaff and Jack Sparrow were included in their individual stories so the audience
would get hooked on the story line and feel envious of these characters and their lifestyle.
Falstaff may have been put into the story of Henry IV Part 1 because he comes off as more of an
actual person than other characters, making the play more real to the audience. This is
supported by how Falstaff takes advantage of his position given to him by Prince Hal for the
war. Instead of gathering the bravest fighters he can so he can give his all to the cause, he finds
the lowest of the low and takes bribes for letting certain people stay out of the war. Albert
Tolman covers the idea of how real Falstaff is in an article he wrote, Why Did Shakespeare
Create Falstaff? Tolman asserts: Of the characters of the great Dramatist [Shakespeare] Hamlet,
Cleopatra, Iago, and Falstaff are among the most marvelous. They are portrayed with such
fullness and intensity that they seem to outrun the very laws of their being. They escape from
the world of fiction and are. Historical characters are less real than they. This is supported by
Falstaff s take on the honor of death in battle. Well, tis no matter; honour pricks me on. Yea, but
how if honour prick me off when I come on? How then? Can honour set to a leg? No. Or an arm?
No. Or take away the grief of a wound? No. Honour hath no skill in surgery, then? No. What is
honour? A word. What is in that word honour ? What is
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Pro Forma Statement
Using Budgets and Pro Forma Statements to Plan Funding:
The pro forma statements and budgets were instrumental in determining what additional
measures needed to be taken to ensure progress within the company. By reviewing the pro forma
statements I was able to determine that I needed to raise the price of my product due to the fact
that the target markets had indicated what they would pay for such product and the cost of
production was over whelming the income received from sales. After the first quarter I was able
to decide that changes needed to be made to not only the price of each product but additional
products needed to be added to meet the needs of specific target areas. I was also able to determine
by analyzing the budget ... Show more content on ...
Lean operations emphasizes the understanding of the customer by producing units only as they are
needed. As individual units are manufactured this reduces inventory drastically. This also would
reduce any waste of products created and not sold. Both of these processes would have been a
benefit to my company as there were several units of certain brands that were not desirable or
meeting customer needs. This caused a loss of revenue by having units that were produced but not
sold. The lean operations and Just In Time methods would eliminate this problem from the
manufacturing side of my company.
Work Cells Vs. Traditional Straight Line Method:
By utilizing work cells in my manufacturing facility I would have been able to reduce travel
distance in production due to the fact that all equipment in work cells is modular. This allows
the work cells to be easily arranged or moved as needed. The implementation of work cells
versus straight line manufacturing would have been beneficial also because it provides an
organized workplace and reduced space for inventory or production materials. Also by using the
work cell method of production defects would be easily detected early, this is because with work
cells products are tested at the end of each production cycle making it easier to detect and fix any
defects that may arise.
Inventory Management:
During the simulation my inventory
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Double Standard Of Masculinity In Gender Role...
Masculinity is a topic that has been debated in our society extensively, through research as well as
in informal settings. Many wonder what it means to be masculine, and if we can really assign a
definition to such a subjective term. After all, shouldn t one s own perception be the determinant of
what constitutes masculinity? This self construction would be the ideal in our society, but
unfortunately, it represents a false belief. Masculinity has certain characteristics assigned to it by
our culture.
In this paper I will explore the many facets of masculinity and demonstrate how certain beliefs
pertaining to it are perpetuated in our society. I will also uncover many of the contradictions
between society s assigned definition of ... Show more content on ...
The violence boy s witness on television further legitimates this belief.
Katz explains that advertising imagery equates masculinity with violence. For boys this means
aggression is instrumental in that it enables them to establish their masculinity (Katz 1995). Lee
Bowker researched the influence advertisements have on youth. He asserts that toy advertisements
featuring only boys depict aggressive behavior. Strangely, the aggressive behavior generally results
in positive consequences more often than negative. Bowker also looked at commercials with boys
that contain references to domination.
The results of all the commercials indicate that 68.6% of the commercials positioned toward boys
contain incidents of verbal and physical aggression. There was no cross amp;#64979;gender
display of aggressive behavior. Interestingly, not one single sex commercial featuring girls shows
any act of aggression (Bowker 1998). This research helps explain that it is not just the
reinforcement of close caretakers to the child that legitimate masculinity but society as a whole
(using the television as a symbol of society and it s desires).Another example of how this can be
reinforced even by women who may or may not be trying to promulgate such a belief is with an
experience I had growing up:When I would get a cut or a bruise, I would muster up all the
strength I had to not cry. I feared that if I
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The Issue Of Reproductive Rights
The topic of reproductive rights surrounding women in Texas has been a hot buttoned issue since
the closing of many reproductive centers across the state. Recently damaging abortion restrictions
were passed and therefor encroach on women s reproductive rights even more by decreasing
access to abortion care. Texas 84th Legislature, both passed HB 3994 as a law and had it
Governor Abbott make it effective with his signature on July 8, or this year. This law complicates
access to abortionservices for mistreated and neglected minors and for those who do not possess
specific identification cards in Texas.
Specifically HB 3994 has four requirements of the bill that would explicitly hinder Latina minors.
The first provision it that the bill will make it harder for a minor to demonstrate that she needs a
judge to approve her for an abortion because the level of evidence that the minor must acquire is
much more encompassing. Secondly, it revises the requirement that a judges rule must be made
immediately, expanding the decision time from two days to five and prolonging the process. The
third provision withdrawals the requirement that in the case the judge cannot make an immediate
rule, then the minor s case was automatically granted. This third provision along with the extension
of the ruling time, could lead to a number of rules not being made and to the possibility of the
minor s application being denied. Fourthly, the new bill brings limits on who can have their appeals
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Crook, John s Letter To Quakers
Quakers Writing. N.p., 25 Dec. 1698. Web. 12 Sept. 2016.
Crook, feeling like he needs to save the world, writes this letter to warn his friends that not
following God could result in negative consequences. In this letter his audience, his friends,
Crook purpose is to persuade them to follow God. The Catalysts of this letter is to persuade his
friends to follow God using a first person religious letter. The genre of this letter can be defined as
a religious letter. The context in which the letter will be presented in is the general public, or
religious figures. This letter does not appeal to ethos, however, It does have logos and pathos. One
example of logos is when the ... Show more content on ...
He got this piece of land because Charles I owed his father a debt. William immediately knew
what he wanted to do with this land. He noticed that the Quakers suffered through serious
persecutions and beatings. So, Williams set out to create a safe colony they could go to and
prosper. Although the Quakers were harshly treated, They did not do common English
courtesies. They believed all mean were equal, so they did not believe in bowing to officials.
They also did not pay money like taxes, if they believe it went to violent causes like war. The
Quakers were well known for their opinion in equality and religious freedom. They allowed
everybody to participate in their meetings. This colony thrived and spread to places like
Pennsylvania. The catalysis in this article is to inform (purpose) the audience, or the general
public, about the Quakers suffering and their quest to build a religious refuge. Like most of my
other citations, This article can be included in the genre of religious articles. The context of this
article is general public, or people wanting to know more about the Quakers. This article appeals to
many rhetorical strategies and appeals. It appeals mostly to pathos, but it does have logos, division,
and comparison and contrast. This article appears to pathos when The author had stated that,
William Penn was a dreamer , and when he compared(comparison/contrast) the Puritans and the
Quakers. He
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Sam Journey
The Adventures of Sam
Once upon a time there was a salmon named Sam. Sam and his family lived in the Pacific Ocean.
Sam was about to embark on a very tough journey. He was about to make his way from the Pacific
Ocean into the rivers that would lead him further into the United States. He was planning on
making his way to the Snake River located in Oregon and Idaho. Sam was making this journey
because he was going to spawn. Spawning is when a female salmon leaves her eggs in gravel beds
located in rivers so that a male salmon will come and fertilize the eggs. The reason why this is
such a hard journey is because the Sam and the other salmon are going to be swimming upstream.
The salmon having to flip their bodies up and against the forceful downward ... Show more content
on ...
By the time he was in the river, he was having a hard time already swimming. So many other fish
were surrounding him that it made it difficult to swim through the water.
The first few days of the trip were started getting tougher. Although Sam is a fast and strong
swimmer, he started to get really tired on the 5th day of his trip. When Sam was in high school,
he was on the swim team. Sam was not only the fastest swimmer, but he was able to swim for
forever and not get tired. However, Sam had to swim upstream which meant he was swimming
against strong waters which made him really tired. He had already seen many other salmon die
from exhaustion. Sam was getting closer and closer to his destination. At the pace he was going
at he would arrive at the Snake RIver in a day or two. Sam was minding his own business just
swimming along until one of the other salmon swimming beside him started to start a
conversation with Sam. Hey you should be careful, up here is where we re going to swim
through Richland Falls. Sam replied Why do I need to be careful? What s so dangerous about
Richland Falls? The salmon yelled back to Sam I can t believe you don t know about Richland
Falls. To get to Snake River where I assume you re going you have to pass through
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Tokyo Research Paper
Tokyo Tokyo is the capital of Japan with one of the most greatest population in the world. Tokyo
today is considered a megacity. However, Tokyo didn t start out as such a massive city. Back in
1639, Tokyo was known as the city of Edo. The city of Edo was a humble fishing village,which
grew into a city with a population with more than a million people by the mid eighteenth
century. Edo was one of the largest cities in the world at that time. As Edo grew and grew, it
became the capital of Japan and later was renamed to Tokyo. The reason of Tokyo becoming the
capital of Japan are due to a combination of political, economical, and cultural factors. Japan s has
a unique geography from its banana shaped arc of islands. Japan has over 6,852 islands... Show
more content on ...
Tokyo started from a small fishing village to one of the greatest and largest cities of the world
today and throughout their history, the Japanese have respected nature. Japan is home to a variety
of animals such as bears, wild boar, foxes, deer, antelope, hares, monkeys, and raccoon dogs. One
of the animals that is an important figures in Japanese mythology and folktales is the Japanese
macaque. Japanese macaques are large, shaggy haired monkeys with pink faces and short furry
tails. The national bird of Japan is Tancho or red crowned crane and the national flower is a
chrysanthemum. Another Japanese symbol is their very own flag that is a rectangle with a large
red circle in the center, which represents the sun. Japan is known as the Land of the Rising Sun.
Throughout ancient Japanese history Samurai carried the symbol of the Rising Sun in the twelfth
century during the feud between the Taira and Minamoto clans. Another part of Japanese prideful
culture is its very own anthem, the Kimigayo. The Kimigayo is one of the world s oldest anthems
that come from a tanka that was written in the tenth century. There are also many ancient traditions
in Japan like: calligraphy, which is artistic writing; ikebana, flowering arranging; tea ceremonies,
and haikus popular poetic form in Japan till today. Japanese religion would be Shintoism. Shintoism
has shrines around the
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How The Olympic Games Have A Better Place By Encouraging...
Olympic Games
This paper is going to evaluate the extent on how the Olympic Games have lived up to the ideas
and goals of olympisim. The paper will also evaluate key factors that have affected the Olympic
Games and how it has affected the games. The paper will include on how racism have affected the
Olympic Games.
The idea of Olympism was set up more than 120 years ago by Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the
modern Olympic Movement. He did this because he wanted to make the world a better place. He
believed that this can be done though sport. He believed sport could help bring communities
together, stop wars and promote healthy competition free from cheating and discrimination.
Ultimately Coubertin wanted to show how sport can ... Show more content on ...
Olympism tells us that sport is a universal human right and we all should be free to practice it.
Olympism is a great way to show how everyone in the world can better themselves. Pierre de
Coubertin said; Olympism is not a system it is a state of mind. It can permeate a wide variety of
modes of expression and no single race or era can claim to have the monopoly of it . (http:/
/ )
Olympism was formalised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC. The IOC established on
23rd June 1894 and it continues to promote Olympism around the world. (
/olympism/). The WOA, honours the Olympic spirit by helping the 142 NOAs around the world
run projects and events that support Olympians and that promote Olympism in the community.
Olympic ideas and goals
Goals of the Olympics is to break down barriers that could raise from, political, gender, race, or
social background though sport. This allows everyone to be able to live together happy and to
make a more free world for everyone. They will do this by educating youth through sport without
discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires an mutual understanding with
the spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.
Idea that they Olympics have wanted to achieve, was that men and woman are equal and are able to
compete. This was finally achieved in London 2012. Where the same number of men and woman
competing, first time that this has happened been mainly
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Vacation in Jamaica
Once in a lifetime vacation in Jamaica. Since my husband and I got married in May of 2010, we
did not have a honeymoon or a vacation. So my husband Ryan and I came to a decision that we
are going to take this opportunity and spend lavishes on a combo vacation. This trip was once in
a lifetime vacation in Jamaica, and we were very excited, I felt like a little kid waiting for my
very first candy. Ryan and I went ahead and book our vacation at Sandals, in Montego Bay,
Jamaica. There was so much to do in just 14 days, I taught we would have lots of time for sight
seeing and enjoyed the package we choose, but in real time that was not the case. Once we arrived,
and meet with our personal concierge to discuss our trip and it result in... Show more content on ...
We finally made it to the top; I was so relieve of fear. Nevertheless, when I taught this adventure
was over think again, it was the most pleasant scenery, I taught I die and gone to heaven. This
scene is astonishing, just imaging standing on the highest mountain overseeing the river with
the blues sky and the water color was a bluish to an emerald green with the sun light glistens in
the river, a nice cool breeze is blowing, it a place I would recommend, it is a remarkable place to
visit. Finally, a few days of calm and relaxing, a nice day at the beach just enjoying the sea
breeze as it calms me while watching the wave dancing and the sound is soothing to my ears. As
I was surrounded by this delightful evening as the night sets in. The scene on the beach was
invigorating. Every evening there is a party, these parties normally last anywhere between 12 to
24 hours and you have a choice of at least 3 5 different place to party all within the same facility.
The most memorably evening party was the one right on the beach. There were different shows
throughout the night, there were live music played by a band and everyone dance and had a good
time. Then the second part of the show involved with a man doing stunts, this man weighs about
230 pounds standing on a board with nails pointed up, that s got to hurt, but he was not hurt, he said
it was a specially technique he used. As the evening continued with the moon light shining upon
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Fahrenheit 451 Title Analysis
Relations to section names and the plot of Fahrenheit 451
The title of the novel is the temperature at which paper burns, which ties into a plot about burning
of books. Fahrenheit 451, written by Ray Bradbury, is set in a dystopian society. In this
dystopian world, Guy Montag, the protagonist, is a fireman. Montag meets free thinking
Clarisse, who asks him if he his happy. After pondering this he realizes that he is not happy. On
the job, he goes to a woman s house. She refuses to leave her books and dies with them. Montag
is shaken and he steals a book from the scene. Back home, he reveals to Mildred that he has a
hidden stash of books. Montag hopes that books can somehow help him overcome the numbness
he feels. He seeks help from Faber, a ... Show more content on ...
When thinking of a flame most people think of a campfire. When starting a fire it starts with a
spark, but very dull. As it continues to grow it gains a brighter light, the novel is just like this. The
rebellion in Montag s heart is very dull, but by the end, it is a bright bonfire. Most of the kindling
is collected and put onto the fire at this part. When he has to burn down his own house it makes
it so he has nothing to lose, it shows that he is like a phoenix. The novel says that he felt like his
old life was buried under the debris (Bradbury 118). He is reborn as not the old Montag that
society wanted, but the true Montag that has been hiding inside of him, waiting to burst free. The
true Montag gains a brighter fire while talking to the book people. They nurture him in the short
time the novel shows them together. They bring about his fire, but it is not them that brings the
brightest point of Montage, it is the bombing of the city. The bombing causes it so Montag can
remember what he has read, and that is the highest point of his fire (Bradburry 165). He has a
purpose, a better one than book burning, and he knows
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Pop Culture In Jane Austen s Clueless
The culture of popular girls, a fascinating concept to those willing to escape into an all too real
world. This, which has been somewhat of a cult classic starting as far back as the 1800s, with
Jane Austen s Emma. Emma Churchill was a twenty one year old with the most trivial problems,
which, to her, seemed the world. Those of not getting a boy, or getting someone else s boy were
the most troubling to Ms. Churchill, as she is known to her help. Typical of any story such as this,
she had an accomplice in her daily shenanigans, Harriet Smith. Her slightly naive best friend was
there to help her through all of her earth shatteringly important problems. Emmanever did have a
mother figure, so conclusively that is why she never learned that there are bigger things in life
than boys and primping. Despite this, she was never interested in the idea of marrying for
herself, but setting her friends up with their perfect match. However, she does end up finding
love in the end, even if it is with a family member, extended family of course. This twisted story
of love and the troubles of a rich girl is more commonly known in pop culture by the name of
Clueless . Clueless tells the story of a girl named Cher, navigating high school with her best friend
Ty.... Show more content on ...
Her father s ex wife s son, Josh (John Knightley in Emma) began the story as more of a pest, but by
the end he was passed around between the girls so many times as a possible love interest one
begins to lose
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Sergeant First Class Position Report
I am applying for a promotion for the position of Sergeant First Class. I have been in the Harker
Heights High School JROTC program for a consecutive three years. Ever since I first joined the
program in 2014, I have been working towards my goal of transitioning into a leadership role. I
feel that I am qualified for this position for several reasons. First of all, I have a complete
understanding of the exponentially growing responsibilities that come with each position. I have
studied this specific position, moreover am confident that I have what it takes to excel and
afterwards, help others succeed in the program as well. The position of Sergeant First Class
required someone with extraordinary time managementskills, and I believe I have
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A Thousand Splendid Suns
In a nation brimming with discrimination, violence and fear, a multitudinous number of hearts will
become malevolent and unemotional. However, people will rebel. In the eye opening novel, A
Thousand Splendid Suns written by Khaled Hosseini, the country of Afghanistan is exposed to
possess cruel, treacherous and sexist law and people. The women are classified as something lower
than human, and men have the jurisdiction over the women. At the same time, the most horrible
treatment can bring out some of the best traits in victims, such as consideration, boldness, and
protectiveness. Although, living in an inconsiderate world, women can still carry aspiration and
benevolence. Mariam and Laila (the main characters of A Thousand Splendid Suns)... Show more
content on ...
Some weeks, if the wallet was light, she took only a five afghani bill, or nothing at all, for the
fear that he would notice. When the wallet was plump, she helped herself to a ten or a twenty,
once even risking two twenties. She hid the money in a pouch she d sewn in the lining of her
checkered winter coat. (247) Laila s boldness is shown as she makes a courageous decision to
steal from Rasheed, risking his acrimony if he were to discover her theft. However, Laila is
stealing for a very good cause, which would benefit both herself, and Aziza. Similarly, Mariam
exhibits her attribute of being bold as well, when she strikes Rasheed with a shovel in order to
save both Laila and herself: If she let him walk now, how long before he fetched the key from his
pocket and went for that gun of his upstairs in the room where he d locked Zalmai? Had Miriam
been certain that he would be satisfied with shooting only her, that there would be a chance he
would spare Laila, she might have dropped the shovel. But in Rasheed s eyes she saw murder for
them both. And so Mariam raised the shovel high, raised it as high as she could, arching it so it
touched the small of her back. She turned it so the sharp edge was vertical, and, as she did, it
occurred to her that this was the first time that she was deciding the course of her own life. And,
with that, Mariam brought down the shovel.
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The ICD-10 System
The ICD 10 system is not a perfect one. While it seems like a marked upgrade from the previous
system in terms of accuracy and efficiency, it also can be excessively complicated and heavily
affected insurance reimbursements, potential costing the patient more money. Because the ICD 10
uses a 3 7 alphanumerical system, versus the ICD 9 s 3 5 characters, codes can be far more
accurate and detailed. This makes it easier to collect and convey important data quickly, enhancing
patient care. The improved data collection will help providers and physicians improve procedures
and structure for the betterment of the patient. And because the ICD 10 emphasizes accuracy, it
makes it significantly more difficult for fraud to occur. However, because of
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The Challenges In Sports And The Socialization Of Sports...
In North America, sports are an important for socialization. The definition of socialization from
the book Sports in Society by Jay Coakley is a process of learning and social development, which
occurs as we interact with one another and become familiar with the social worlds. Sports is an
easy way for socializationbut it is also other thing that can do the same as sports. I believe that
sports is important for socialization from my own experience but it is not necessary for
everyone. Sports are essential in American Society. It s practically everywhere in people s lives.
If everyone was asked about what their favorite sport is, they could answer quickly. Sports is a
microcosm in the U.S. It makes up a big portion of American culture. Some people have been in
sports as a young kid by the parents so their kids can learn how to socialize. Kids learn how to be
normal with coaches, officials, parents, and other children. The question is, should we put our
kids in sports to socialize? I say yes, but the behavior of the child should be monitored. If the
child is not doing well, then he/she should be taken out and put in something else. From my
experience, I played football at the age of 7. I can t remember too many things about me
socializing too much. I feel like I was a loner with others but at home I was comfortable and
social. For children in Middle, I believe that sports or some form of extracurricular activity is
important for socialization. That is the age where
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President Franklin D. Roosevelt And The Great Depression...
In the beginning of the United States, government pioneers generally abstained from managing
business. As the twentieth century drew closer, in any case, the union of U.S. industry into
progressively intense enterprises prodded government intercession to ensure little organizations and
purchasers. In 1890, Congress authorized the Sherman Antitrust Act, a law intended to reestablish
rivalry and free endeavor by separating imposing business models. In 1906, it passed laws to
guarantee that sustenance and medications were effectively named and that meat was investigated
before being sold. In 1913, the administration set up another government managing an account
framework, the Federal Reserve, to direct the country s cash supply and to place a few controls on
saving money exercises.
The biggest changes in the administration s part happened amid the New Deal, President Franklin
D. Roosevelt s reaction to the Great Depression. Amid this period in the 1930s, the United States
persevered through the most noticeably awful business emergency and the most noteworthy rate of
unemployment in its history. Numerous Americans presumed that free private enterprise had
fizzled. So they looked to government to straightforwardness hardships and lessen what had all the
earmarks of being self dangerous rivalry. Roosevelt and the Congress instituted a large group of
new laws that gave government the ability to mediate in the economy. In addition to other things,
these laws managed offers of
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Antwone Fisher Case Study
IDENTIFYING INFORMATION: Antwone Fisher is a young single male who was born in August
3rd in Ohio. Antwone Fisher ethnicity is African American that speaks English and also speak a
second language fluently in Japanese.
CHIEF COMPLAINT: Antwone fisher violate Article 12A for the assault on a supreme command
mission officer. Antwone Fisher pleads guilty with the statement, I attacked the officer Berkeley
was provoked by a racial serve.
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: The client was referred to go a psychiatric treatment by his
commanding officer. Due to this Antwone Fisher aggressively attacked one of his associate sailor
and was fined him guilty for 200 dollars, restrict to the boundaries from the ship for 45 days and
complete extra duty. The client is also ... Show more content on ...
FAMILY/ SOCIAL HISTORY: Antwone Fisher was born and raised at Ohio. When he was two
months he was placed to the state in a orphan until the mother got out of prison. Throughout his
childhood he grew up in cleveland with a religious family who adopted him by Mrs. and Ms. Tate.
He lived in a household with his cousin Zane who is half white and half black, foster brother name
keith, and another family member from Tate name Nadine. Although Antwone Fisher was the
middle child out of four, he was living in a situation where Ms. Tate would show favoritism and
wasn t getting enough love in the family.
FAMILY HISTORY OF MENTAL ILLNESS: The client reports that when he was two months, his
father named was Edward. The father got into an accident that he went to his ex girlfriend house
that lead into an argument and the ex girlfriend end up murdering the father. Meanwhile, the mother
was at prison when this happen and the mother never went to claim Antwone Fisher once she was
done with
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Angela Vicario
This book was a storyline about, the betrayal of a new wife with her new husband. This was
something that when I was reading I didn t expect at all. When I started reading the first chapter
I was completely sure that he had done something wrong, for the first chapter to start off ON
THE DAY THEY WERE GOING TO KILL HIM (Chpt.1 pg.1). Angela Vicario was on of the
main characters of the book, she was the new wife and Bayardo San Roman was her new husband.
The book starts with suspense and it just makes readers want to keep finishing until the end. It gets
complicated that I sometimes end each chapter puzzled because I m just like what? it s absolutely
amazing and intriguing. Angela Vicario is the type of person that helpless air and a poverty... Show
more content on ...
And I also wouldn t have believed that the most innocent woman from the story would be the
one to create the cause of the problem. Realizing the roles of the women in the book expresses
what role they would play with men. Most of the women in the book were referred to as whores
or women with honor, so they each had their position. Angela never was in a category, until
someone took her virginity, because even the ending still leaves the readers confused because we
don t know weather it was Santiago Nasar or someone else, but she keeps saying it was Santiago.
So Angela will take the truth to her death, and never admit if it was actually
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Impression Management By Tobias Wolff
When Lombardi instituted the rule that players could not drink standing at a bar he was
implementing the effect of impression management. The book describes impression management
as a set of behaviors that people use to protect their self image or change the way they are seen by
others. The book also teaches us the two main goals of impression managementwhich is to
minimize bad and to maximize good. Minimize bad by avoiding blame for poor performances or
ask for forgiveness. Maximizing good by generating respect and liking from other people.
Although not all players were drinking alcohol or frequenting bars, the ones that were had to keep
a good image for the team. For the Townsfolks who were frequenting the bars that the parkers were
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Case 49
Descriptive Statistics for Crimes
Variable N N* Mean SE Mean StDev Minimum Median Maximum Range Mode
CRIMES 50 0 4559 174 1232 2107 4366 7820 5713 5705.7
N for
Variable Mode
One Sample Z
The assumed standard deviation = 1232
N Mean SE Mean 95% CI
50 4559 174 (4218, 4900)
One Sample T
N Mean StDev SE Mean 95% CI
50 4559 1232 174 (4209, 4909)
Regression Analysis: CRIMES versus URBAN
The regression equation is
CRIMES = 737.0 + 57.18 URBAN
S = 917.074 R Sq = 45.7% R Sq(adj) = 44.6%
Analysis of Variance
Source DF ... Show more content on ...
Regression Analysis: CRIMES versus UNEMPLOY
The regression equation is
CRIMES = 4364 + 35.5 UNEMPLOY
Predictor Coef SE Coef T P
Constant 4364.2 539.8 8.08 0.000
UNEMPLOY 35.55 93.00 0.38 0.704
S = 1242.82 R Sq = 0.3% R Sq(adj) = 0.0%
Analysis of Variance
Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 1 225660 225660 0.15 0.704
Residual Error 48 74140739 1544599
Total 49 74366399
Unusual Observations
Obs UNEMPLOY CRIMES Fit SE Fit Residual St Resid 9 5.0 7820 4542 182 3278 2.67R 18 10.9
5043 4752 533 292 0.26 X 43 7.3 7365 4624 243 2741 2.25R 48 9.9 2107 4716 446 2609 2.25RX
R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual.
X denotes an observation whose X value gives it large
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Tao Te Ching Sparknotes
Tao Te Ching is one of the most well known Chinese philosophical scripture believed to be penned
between 6th and 4th Century BC and authored by Lao Tzu. It has been a bedrock for the ancient
spiritual and religious tradition of Taoism. Tao Te Ching includes two books of poetic verses
explaining principle aspects of Taoism such as the metaphysical concept of Tao roughly translated
as the Way or the path, the consequences of action and inaction, virtueand the juxtaposed behavior
of nature. The first book discusses the manifestation of the Way and how it directs us in
harmonizing with our own qualities, morals and virtue which eventually help us in harmonizing
with the working of the nature. The second book deals with the difficulties of governing... Show
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Everyone who has an inclination towards spirituality will gain enough from this book to keep
them searching for the more mysterious and unanswered questions of life and the working of the
nature. Although the book can be extremely difficult to understand at times with few concepts that
might be outright inconceivable for some, the simple wisdom imparted by the book in the form
of morals and virtue lessons using real life and practically achievable examples is the reason I
recommend this book to be read. For such is the time in which we live that we could use some
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Metaphors And Figurative Language
Literature Review
Nowadays, metaphor is considered as influential in our everyday life and its traces are not only
evident in the language but also in thought and action. The function of metaphor in language,
culture, and thought has been viewed by various disciplines (Tendahl and Gibbs, 2008). In the
discipline of linguistics, in particular, metaphor and figurative language have long been the subject
of studies from many different perspectives. From a cognitive linguistic perspective, metaphor is a
mental mapping (p. 1825) in the cognitive processes of thinking and reasoning of people in their
everyday life (Tendahl and Gibbs, 2008). As noted by Tendahl and Gibbs (2008), the last century
ended up with its revolutionary studies on metaphor, most significantly in the realm of cognitive
science. They discuss a ... Show more content on ...
We can find several theories in the discipline of Linguistics including relevance theory. Relevance
theory, originally proposed by Sperber and Wilson (1986 1987), is discussed in detail by Tendahl
and Gibbs (2008). According to Tendahl and Gibbs, relevance theory complements cognitive
linguistics in defining metaphor and its functioning. As they point out, in a cognitive linguistic
perspective, people use metaphors in their language because they think metaphorically and different
language configurations are viewed as conceptual processing mechanisms (p. 1825) where an
operation of mapping the concepts in the mind of speakers occurs (Tendahl and Gibbs, 2008). In
their view, relevance theory, both by its encoding and decoding pattern of thoughtcommunication
and by its view at the intended meaning in a certain context of communication, also has a cognitive
look at language and mind, or more specifically at communication and thought. We can clearly see
such cognitive perspective in relevance theory as suggested by Sperber and Wilson
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Mark Twain Research Paper
Mark Twain is an American author who has shaped the American literature world in a way no
other author has. Twain grew up in Hannibal Missouri, he used his childhood memories to write
his novels (Pfluger 6). Twain s writing was based off of events that happened to him throughout his
boyhood, using friends and family as models for his characters (Pfluger 6). His writing has
influenced young adult fiction and is used as a template to modern young adult novels (Greebblatt).
In recent years his novels have been seen as controversial and banned from many school settings
because of the controversial content. His most controversial novel and also must successful, The
Adventures of Huckleberry Finnhas been deemed inappropriate for young readers.... Show more
content on ...
His childhood are filled with events typical to any white youth growing up in Missouri during
the pre Civil War years (Hacht 69). Because his writing is based of his childhood it makes it very
relatable and entertaining to read which is why it remains a classic to American Literature. His
novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is what has made his impact on writing so prominent, it
is the most taught novel in American Schools up until recent years (Fishkin). It has sold in excess
of twenty million copies worldwide (Hacht 67). His writing styles has changed the writing world.
He sparked an interest in human behavior and conversation with other American authors (Vallin
26). He has influenced generations of American writers All modern American Literature comes
from one book by Mark Twain, called Huckleberry Finn (Greenblatt). He freed up literature by his
use of lasting humor that lasts generations (Greenblatt). He changed the face of fiction in America
and his novels served as a Declaration of Independence from the genteel English novel tradition
which allowed a different kind of writing to happen (Fishkin). Lastly, his novels and speeches are
used as staples among speech makers (Greenblatt). His writing changed the literature world forever
and continues to impact
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Porter s Five Forces Of Oakley
4. Competitive Environment analysis In order to improve and design a good strategy it is
important to have a deep understanding of the main competitors that are fighting with Oakley
trying to get a part of the market share. Furthermore, the company has to be always aware of the
new start ups and potential competitors that may enter the market that can change the dynamic
of a whole industry and could be a potential threat for the already established companies such
Oakley. 4.1 Porter s Five Forces This is a useful tool developed by Michael Porter that allows
analysing the competitive environment of a brand, company or product as well as gives feedback
about the level of profitability of that industry. Porter s forces are divided into five different
variables that should be... Show more content on ...
(2008)). Threat of New Entrants This variable refers to the easiness to enter the industry, in this
case the eyewear and sportswear industry. First of all, the required amount of capital to enter the
Spanish market in case you want to establish a new brand in the country is not enormous, however
it is necessary to develop a good distribution plan or to outsource one from another company in
order to have presence in the market. In addition, depending on the kind of company that wants to
start selling in Spain, maybe it would be necessary to make extra investments in HHRR, physical
assets, marketing campaigns, etcetera. Although it could seem that establishing a new brand and
succeeding in this industry could be difficult there some
... Get more on ...
Comparing Death And It Was Not Death, For I Stood Up
Write a critical commentary comparing and contrasting the two poems Death and It was not Death,
for I stood up
Indeed. in their respective poems it is evident that the poets George Herbert and Emily Dickinson
are writing in two different centuries. Both differ in terms of style, language and the different way
in which they approach the concept of death. However, despite their differences, both Death and It
was not Death, for I stood up signify the fundamental features of death in the poems which
reiterates death as biological despite some poems viewing death as an abstract being . In Death ,
Herbert explores an abstract interpretation of death and compares it to the literal features of
death. In the first line death is referred to as an [U]ncouth hideous thing, (line 1), the word
uncouth personifies death as a being as death is being described as lacking good manners. Death
as being mannerless highlights the conventional image of death as a being that takes lives rather
than being a natural thing. This image of death as a physical being can be argued as a
conventional medieval ideology about death. Yet this fictitious interpretation of death is
juxtaposed with the literal image of death as Nothing but bones (line 2). The biological decay to
bones as a result of death contradicts this idea of death as an evil coarse being taking lives.
However despite that abstract death being contradicted by biological features of death, abstract
interpretation of death
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Essay about A Bronx Tale
A Bronx Tale It s the sixties. Racism is running hot through the streets of New York. One
neighborhood in particular, where one group of boys makes the choice that will change their
lives and everyone s around them forever. These boys are young, full of talent and smart. These
boys choose to take all of what they had and throw it away. What happens to these boys next is
something that you would not want to wish on anybody. Here these young talented boys cram into
a car and ride to the African American neighborhood. The boys toss burning bottle of alcohol
through a glass window into a store. With burning bottles shattering left and right there is one that
doesn t break. This one bottle was tossed back into these boys car and there is... Show more content
on ...
Now about the boys in the car. Those boys were Calogero s friends. They were boys he grew up
with his whole life. That night Calogero was in the car but knew something was wrong. Just
before he was about to throw away everything he had all the talent he possessed, Sonny pulled
him out. At the time Calogero was angry but knew something was going to happen if he had
stayed in that car. Sonny had saved his life. Calogero was horrified he had lost his friends but
happy that he could live another day. Every day after that night Calogero used his talent and did
great things for being a boy from the Bronx. A Bronx Taleis one of the best movies I have ever
seen with one of greatest messages that everyone should remember. It is true that, The saddest
thing in life is wasted talent. It is proven all over the world through terrorist, criminals and so
many other people throughout the world. What will you do with what you have? Find what you
are good at and remember that you could have all the talent in the world but if you don t do good
with it you will have
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Use Of Stereotypes In Michael Blake s Dances With Wolves
Throughout history people of different races and ethnic backgrounds have struggled to get along
and accept each other. In Michael Blake s novel, Dances With Wolves, Lieutenant John Dunbar s
life changes after he becomes involved with the Comanche Indians. After a short period of time,
both Dunbar and the Indians learn to trust each other. Through literary terms such as
foreshadowing, symbolism, and similes, Blake proves the idea that love, friendship, belonging, and
connection can be found between people of different backgrounds and races.
Foreshadowing is effectively used in order to prove that a strong relationship can be formed
between people of different backgrounds. Blake foreshadows the love and marriage of Stands With
A Fist and Dances ... Show more content on ...
He chooses to use these similes so readers can understand the relationship between Dunbar and
the Indians. For example, the author utilizes a simile to describe Dunbar s relation with Wind In
His Hair and Stone Calf. They were as smug as schoolboys (Blake 275). Blake compares the
relationship between the Indian warriors and Dunbar to schoolboys. By doing this, Blake implies
that the men are comfortable together and and accepting of each other. Also, at this point in the
book, Wind In His Hair and Stone Calf joke around with Dunbar about his love for Stands With A
Fist. This proves how far the men have come in their relationship. At the beginning of the novel, the
Indians would have been against any romantic relationship between an Indian woman and a white
man. However, by the end of the book, they do not pay attention to the race of Dunbar; rather, they
care about his kind personality and the other favorable qualities he possesses. To continue, Blake
uses many other quotes to demonstrate the strong relationship between the Indians and Dunbar.
Then it jumped into his eyes, and like the only boy in class who knows the answer, he smiled at
his teacher (Blake 209). This quote tells the readers many details about Dunbar. By mentioning that
he smiles, the quote proves is happy and excited to be with the Indians. Also, by comparing Dunbar
to the only boy in class who know the answer, it tells readers that Dunbar is wise. He is smart not
only for guessing correctly what the Indians are trying to communicate to him, but he is also smart
for building this relationship with the Indians. Like the first example, this quote refers to a school
setting. Dunbar smiling shows that he has a good relationship with his teacher Stands With A Fist.
In addition, the quote references the theme because teachers teach people from all different
backgrounds. It shows the strong connection between the student and the teacher in this case Dunbar
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The Essence Of All Art
The essence of all art is to have pleasure in giving pleasure (Baryshnikov). Music and dance,
whether solo or coupled have the ability to mindfully catapult one through a porthole; where the
practitioner or admirer is adrift and present. Meanwhile, in its performance, granting both ad lib and
formulated with variations. Subsequently, it has been portrayed in visual manifest or its tangible,
wherein concrete expressive vessels in antiquity. Enthrallingly, as more discoveries immerge, one
occurrence is certain; most civilizations have shared the practice of musicand dance amongst other
complimentary art forms. Humanly relatable, though other cultures were advanced in these forms
of arts or have expounded vividly above others. The mainstream belief of the evolution of
instrument crafting and playing, or folk dance had relied on the recorded information and
archeological findings, which suggest Mesopotamian cultures to have developed instruments along
with the art of dancing. Man made, rustic and harmonic artistic deliverance boomed between 3500
to 500 B.C. (Koopman). However, the reference of where it rooted may be re examined with a
Paleolithic tootle that designates otherwise. Regardless, where the art of music had flourished, The
Fluteof Hohle Fels, [A] thin bird bone flute carved some 35,000 years ago and unearthed in a
German cave is the oldest handcrafted musical instrumentyet discovered (University of Tuebingen,
Conard, and Johnson). Which suggests humankind had
... Get more on ...
Kate Spade s Trans Politics
Spade has described the critical Trans politics as a strategy that demands the inclusion and legal
recognition aimed at finding a possible transformation of current civil society, social equality and
logics of the state. He has considered it necessary to apply the different norms that are affecting the
human nature in the different institution. As indicated in the book, trans politics will arise from the
feminists, anti resist politics, leftists, gay, and lesbians. Social movements frequently engage in
some formal resistance operations thereby creating a different image from the normal running of
the United States. Education systems that are available in the textbooks and elementary schools
give some few lies about the US politics and laws. According to the basic background of the United
States, it was known to be the sexiest and racist in the world but in the present days, they have
entirely changed due to the changing of different laws. Spade has described the use of racial
projects to show the transformation that was experienced in the United States. Therefore, the social
movement has enabled the categorization of people through their gender, national origin, indignity,
and race. According to Spade, Resistance to the political theories has helped in the fight against the
state violence that could create central harms especially to women, people with disabilities,
immigrants and native people. The rise in the editorial sectors towards updating the available
textbooks has
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Influence Of Transformational Leadership And Job Burnout...
Critical Analysis Paper
Mindy Rudell
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Rittschof, K. R., Fortunato, V. J. (2016). The Influence
of Transformational Leadership and Job Burnout on Child Protective Services Case Managers
Commitment and Intent to Quit. Journal Of Social Service Research, 42(3), 372 385. doi 10.1080
According to Rittschof and Fortunato (2016), there has been little research conducted about the
correlation between child protective service worker burnout rates and supportive supervisors and
leadership personnel. The objective of this quantitative scholarly article is to inform the reader of
the high turnover and burnout rate among child protective service workers. This article also
includes information about the areas of growth that need to be improved upon in this department of
social services. According to Rittschof and Fortunato (2016), leadership, management, and
supervision are huge factors in the success and retention rate of child protective service workers.
This article specifically pinpoints, through data analysis, the correlation between effective and
positive transformational leadership and its impact on child protective service worker performance
(Rittschof and Fortuno, 2016).
Purpose/Intention 1,090 child protective service case managers were invited to participate in the
study of organizational commitment, job burnout, and intent to quit based on transformational
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Types Of Reorganization Of A Company Essay
Reorganization is the process of extending the life of a company that is facing liquidation by
restructuring it in order to carry out activities which minimizes reoccurrence of past situations.
Type A reorganization involves consolidation and merging and it gives greater flexibility since
there is no restrictions of voting stock. Nontaxable status is not affected by removal of
unnecessary assets. Additionally, this type of reorganization saves on time as approval from
shareholders, which often brings complexity can be avoided. In a type B, assets and contracts
which cannot be transferred are not lost, there is no substantially all requisite and liabilities of
target s corporationare isolated in a subsidiary.
In a type C reorganization, the acquiring corporation can be selective while choosing the liabilities
it assumes. A taxresponsibility may arise if consideration other than stock is used in the possession
of the resources. Type D reorganization enables the selling corporation to be exempted from paying
tax immediately because assets transfer is followed by absolute liquidation of the acquired
corporation. I would recommend type D as the most beneficial to the client because the shareholders
quits operations once the corporation is bought by the acquiring company Furthermore, transfer of
titles contracts and leases may not be necessary.
In reference to the ABC Corporation, the client should use type C reorganization because it will
enable him/ her to become the sole
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Comparing Satire In The Hunger Games And Brave New World
A.Satirical Writing
Satire is the use of humor, irony, or ridicule to show foolishness in humans and expose people s
It becomes effective when it takes whatever it is criticizing to a point where the reader can change
their mind about issues by learning about it from a comedic perspective.
TV shows/ Movies that use satire
в—¦South Park
в—¦The Office
в—¦Mean Girls
в—¦Napoleon Dynamite
The difference between satire and sarcasm is that satire is usually prepared and lengthy, while
sarcasm is off the cuff and short. Sarcasm is a rhetorical device and satire is a form of genre.
B. Dystopian Writing
It is writing about a society characterized by human misery.
The writing style can be inspired by ideas of the future from movies or tv shows.
blank ... Show more content on ...
This is because not all writing is the same when it comes to this category.
The relevance of dystopian writing can help some people escape from reality and to appreciate the
things that we have.
In my own experience with dystopian literature I have read The Hunger Games, Divergent, and
many other books like those.
How The Hunger Games and Brave New World are the same:
в—¦They are both in the future
в—¦They have a superior group of people
в—¦Their society is separated into groups depending on their skill level
How The Hunger Games and Brave New World are different:
в—¦The people in Brave New World all live in the same area
в—¦In The Hunger Games there is a fight to the death
в—¦In Brave New World intercourse is normal
C. Biography
He was born in the UK
His family was into science
Huxley s mother died
в—¦This could represent the death of Linda
в—¦The reason that the society is not affected by death
He became nearly blind
в—¦There are no illnesses or problems in the BNW society
His brother killed
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Essay about Features of Post Modern Fictions
Some of the dominant features of postmodern fictions include temporal disorder, the erosion of
the sense of time, a foregrounding of words as fragmenting material signs, a pervasive and
pointless use of pastiche, loose association of ideas, paranoia and the creation of vicious circles or
a loss of destination between separate levels of discourse, which are all symptoms of the language
disorders of postmodernist fictions. The postmodern novelmay be summed up as:
Late modernism.
Anti modernism.
Not avant garde tendency (may be avant garde within a literary period).
Emphasizes plot than character.
Characters are fragmented/multiple.
Denigration of female writers.
Matter of packaging.
... Show more content on ...
Choudhary states:
The major feature of this kind of fiction lies in the subversion of the assumptions and generic traits
and function of fiction, including modernist novel. Generically postmodernist fiction is self
questioning in nature, skeptical about its possibilities, rules and principles. Its function is
disillusionary; it dives into the underside of fiction and explodes its fallacies...Postmodernist text
directs itself to the suspension of meaning by using disruptive narrative, polyphony, multiple ending
and the like thereby frustrating intelligibility. It is devoid of teleology and causality (12). Some
critics are of the view that postmodern fictions do not convey any moral values and imparts untrue
elements. In a postmodern word, literature is just another text. You can forget all that stuff about
truth and value and other alienating lies perpetual by a deliberately selective version of history
controlled by crazy power freaks and their lackey dupes. Truth is only what circulates as such:
hence the importance of technology and the media to an understanding of our world today. Values
are only effects of cultural traditions; hence the importance of becoming cynical today, in order not
to be suppressed under the suffocating of culture and tradition (Lucy viii). A.S.D. Pillai states that:
The contemporary cultural situation, the postmodern text reveals in its construction a world of
valueless vaudeville. But, as has been repeatedly pointed out, black
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Cognitive Disabilities In The Boys Next Door By Tom Griffin
How many people do you think are diagnosed with a cognitive disabilities? About one and three
percent of the global population. The play The Boys Next Door by Tom Griffin is about four
men with cognitive disabilities who live together in a home funded by the government. Lucien
and Barry, two of the main characters, have the strongest relationship because Lucien was
comforting Barry when he was sad, and Lucien brought Barry a quarter when he was in the
institution, and finally, Lucien and Barry never talk bad about each other. Lucien is very caring,
and he s there for Barry when he needs him. Barry was talking to Lucien about how worried he was
that his dad was coming to visit and Barry says, I think I ll go inside and get ready for bed. That s
what I think I ll do. I ll go inside and get ready for bed. Lucien then realizes that Barry is sad and
says Dads, they be scary sometimes. (Griffin 31). This shows how close they are because Lucien
isn t very self aware, but somehow he manages to realize that Barry is sad. Throughout the play
Lucien doesn t... Show more content on ...
When he finds out Jack is going to see Barry in the institution, he asks Jack to give barry a
quarter for a golf lesson when he gets out of the institution. Barry is Lucien s only real friend, so
when he finds out Jack is going to visit Barry he was excited enough to give him a quarter for a
golf lesson. This is shown when Jack says Lucien wanted me to give you this. It s a quarter. He
says when you get out he wants you to give him a golf lesson (Griffin 57). Lucien felt bad
because in the play he gave Barry two pennies for a golf lesson, so he decided to give him a
quarter this time. This shows how strong their relationship is because Lucien actually feels bad for
only giving Barry two pennies instead of a quarter. It shows the audience that Lucien cares about
Barry, and he cares what Barry thinks of
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Billy Elliot Film Analysis
Individuals venturing into new transitions could confront obstacles but may also gain significant
rewards. Barriers often obstruct the achievement of goals which bring about growth and change
within oneself and their surroundings. Billy Elliot is a film set in an English town of Evirngton,
England during the 1985 mining strikes. The film depicts a young boy facing the challenge of
overcoming traditional gender stereotypes to pursue his love for ballet. Billy faces extreme
adversity from his family and community that hold traditional values and beliefs. The process of
transitioning into a new phase of life may be confronting but ultimately lead to new understandings
of self and others. Stephen Aldry s Billy Elliot film epitomizes this idea as Billy tries to pursue his
passion for dancing in 1980 s England. The obstacles he faces throughout his transition shape his
journey throughout the text. Similarly, Clint Eastwoods novel American sniper explores how
transitions can shape an individual and their relationships with others around them, Where Kyle
returns from his first deployment and reunites with Taya Kyle. Taya immediately notices that her
husband has changed, war has made him moodier and angrier. Yet this transition is yet to be
Billy challenges society s expectations based on gender during this era, as he conflicts against
male stereotypes on gender roles and follows his passion for dance. Billy s transition is
represented through a series of visual and
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Get Converse Sporting Shoes
Get converse sporting goods
This is a store that has sporting shoes which get manufactured in it. It was the early times in
Malden Massachusetts where in 1908 when it all started off with this company getting a boost and
there being a new start that converse shoes gave as a product that will shine all over the US with
purpose of making an impact on people of the country.
These shoes got worn by different people who were interested in the chuck fashion that is more
prominent in US since the basketball star Chuck Taylor signed his pair of shoes which he had
used in 1912 Olympic Games in basketball that he played with true fervor. It is just a shoe that
makes an impact as its appearance is not just comfortable but looks like a useful way to solve ...
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It is the chuck fashion which has lasted for a 100 years now. Used as a sporting shoe it is more
adhered to with crowds turning out to purchase them as a necessity they feel for their personal
There is availability of these converse shoes through online methods used by those who apply
online on these websites and have confidence of working with easier access they get in different
situations where there are computers or smart phones usually used. It is with full conviction you
can make your purchases on this online store through converse on a regular basis.
Also discount coupons are also there for use obtained from online discount websites which are
meant to get you discounts you plan to avail with purchase from the converse website. You can
access the discounts with Converse discount codes that will avail you proper deals available for you.
What strikes most with Converse?
It is the sporting needs that have increased in quantity which are getting used in different situations
in the US for playing sports and with masses preferring this shoe, it is the main reason for its use.
People have changed their brand from Nike, Reebok to Converse as an answer to all their problems.
Converse has evolved in to a new market since
... Get more on ...
Essay on Restructuring the Marketing Function for Greater...
Restructuring the Marketing Function for Greater Efficiency
Word count: 5,910
Table of Contents Table of Contents2 Executive Summary4 Task 15 Identify the key challenges and
issues that changes in the marketing environment pose for both the relationships within the
marketing department and those with other departments.5 Evaluate the effect of these relationships
on marketing performance and so identify the implications for the current marketing team structure5
Economic instability and increase of demand5 Changes in technological knowledge within the
market6 Supplier price changes7 London Olympics 20127 Task 29 Critically analyse the
differences between management and leadership in relation to the ... Show more content on ...
Also recent the announcement of the price increase from the main supplier is discussed and the
situation the Marketing Managers are presented with.
The differences of management and leadership will be analysed, pinpointing certain examples
within Company X and how the style of management leadership has changed within the marketing
function, affecting productivity and priorities.
A recommended restructure is outlined, with supporting organisation charts. This highlights the
need for added data management skills to assist with the marketing function and a more dedicated
events resource that is based outside of London to be able to support the reduced marketing team.
The Marketing Support Executive will move into the Marketing Department and IT to provide part
time and adhoc support for data requests, management and segmentation to help establish effective
campaigning and customer communication.
This is supported with a Talent Management Programme and Budget that outlines the actions
needed to establish a brand forum, improve the communicate between departments and understand
the upcoming priorities and requirements from the reduced Marketing Team. Several ideas for
establishing strong relationships and smooth communications between different teams are
discussed, taking into mind the difference roles played within teams and projects. This involves
engaging any staff affecting by the
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  • 2. “All good things must come to an end”, said Tara, those... All good things must come to an end , said Tara, those were the last words of the book she just finished reading. This book was some adventure fiction novel about hero s trip to Egypt and his mysterious adventures in the Great Pyramid of Giza, on the banks of Nile River. Tara was just about to close the book and go to bed, for it was almost midnight, but at the very moment when the girl touched the cover of the book the most unpredictable thing happened. Weird, greenish mist appeared, seems, out of thin air. It was surrounding Tara, getting denser and denser with every passing second. Finally, the mist enveloped Tara and became that dense that the girl could see nothing but the solid green mass of something around her. Tara didn t know... Show more content on ... But... her eyes must be mistaken then, for that they were seeing a wide chamber with a high ceiling, torches illuminating orange light, yellow walls, hieroglyphs painted on them depicting their own story, pictures of gods on the front wall, and a tall figure, covered in bandages from head to feet hovering over Tara. A mummy , Tara murmured as silently as possible, but that s impossible to happen . But the thing was it was possible. She was just staring at the four thousand years old dead body of a pharaoh, the representer of God on earth. Then, the mummy started to outstretch its arms, trying to grab her. Tara did not scream, nor she stepped aside she was as if in a kind of a trance. And suddenly, Awake you, silly girl! Do whatever is possible to save your life! Do it right away! Don t you hesitate! that was her own voice thundering inside her own head. Without wasting her time, Tara ran to the object she saw when she was looking over the chamber the only object that was in here a slightly rust old Egyptian sword. At first she wondered why the mummy didn t run after her, but dragged inch by inch to reach her, but then she realised that when you re a pharaoh dead for four thousand years it s difficult to keep fit. And she reached a sword; she grabbed it, feeling its cold handle and big weight. And ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Issues in Information Technology Brent C. Dugan IT101 AT6 Ethical issues in Information Technology Information Technology And Resource Use As of Autumn 2003, leadership of the Network for E (N4E) is being taken over by Professor Scott Matthews of Carnegie Mellon, one of its founding members. Jon Koomey began a leave of absence from LBNL beginning in August 2003 (his LBL email and phone will still reach him while he s on leave). Koomey et al., Sorry, wrong number: The use and misuse of numerical facts in analysis and media reporting of energy issues. , which contains the most complete summary of the controversy over electricity used by office equipment, was published in the 2002 issue of Annual Review of Energy and Environment (also LBNL 50499). vol. 27,. ... Show more content on ... Uniquely Cheap Because computers can perform millions of computations each second, the cost of an individual calculation approaches zero. This unique property of computers leads to interesting consequences in ethics. Uniquely Discrete In a stimulating paper On the Cruelty of Really Teaching ComputerScience, Edsger Dijkstra examines the implications of one central, controlling assumption: that computers are radically novel in the history of the world. Given this assumption, it follows that programming these unique machines will be radically different from other practical intellectual activities. This, Dijkstra believes, is because the assumption of continuity we make about the behavior of most materials and artifacts does not hold for computer systems. For most things, small changes lead to small effects, larger changes to proportionately larger effects. If I nudge the accelerator pedal a little closer to the floor, the vehicle moves a little faster. If I press the pedal hard to the floor, it moves a lot faster. As machines go, computers are very different. Uniquely Coded Computers operate by constructing codes upon codes upon codes cylinders on top of tracks, tracks on top of sectors, sectors on top of records, records on top of fields, fields on top of characters, characters on top of bytes, and bytes on top of primitive binary digits. Computer protocols like TCP/IP are comprised of layer upon layer of obscure code conventions that tell ... Get more on ...
  • 4. How Greed Affects The Lives Of People It is hard to believe how greed affects the lives of people. Often people do not realize that money and power are not everything in life. During the Industrial Revolution many people let their lives be heavily manipulated by their material wants rather than their needs. As a result they were often unhappy with the lives they had while others were in abundance of happiness. Charles Dickens lived during the Industrial Revolution and knew what life was like during those times ( BBC Primary History Famous People Charles Dickens ). In Hard Times, Dickens portrays the lives of a group of people who were directly affected by the Industrial Revolution. Thomas Gradgrind, Louisa Gradgrind, and Josiah Bounderby are three characters that are deeply affected by the Industrial Revolution in the novel. The novel begins by giving us an overview of Thomas Gradgrind beliefs. This man who is the first character to be introduced to the readers in Hard Times is portrayed as a monotone, mechanized man who relies solely on facts and nothing more. In the novel he is described as, A man who proceeds upon the principle that two and two are four, and nothing over, and who is not to be talked into allowing for anything over (Dickens, Book the First, CH II). He also owns a school where children do not seem to have an individual personality as they are reduced to mere number on a list, as he refers to a girl not by her name but as girl number twenty . Additionally, his philosophy of not ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Outsiders In The Story Of Tommy Kelsaket s Slash The story of Tommy Kelsaket, also known as Slash in the book, is about his struggles with growing up as an indigenous man who went through a lot as the Canadian government s plan was to remove the culture from the country. Although Tommy was never placed in a residential school where students would be separated from their family for months, severely punished for speaking their language or doing anything that followed their culturelike at home. Tommy went to a town school where he was picked on by teachers and other students to the point where he was forced to change in order to fit in. Looking at the theory of outsider within initially introduced to me in the reading of Hill Collin s journal, speaking about the concept of the black women being the outsiders within the white houses. In that case she explained how the black women were still treated as slaves in those years, but some were allowed into the households to take care of the family s chores such as taking care of the children, cleaning and cooking meals. Taking this concept into the reading of Slash, knowing I would have to find an advantage to this once horrible concept, was strange to me. However, this theory can also be looked at as an advantage in some instances. Tommy was one of the indigenous children who chose to continue their education past the grade 6 level, with this he was forced to go to the town school where he took on the role of what I see as being an outsider within. Him and the others who came ... Get more on ...
  • 6. King Asok Not More Than A Myth Essay For a long time, King Asoka was thought to be nothing more than a myth. With several writings concerning him, they all relayed too fantastical an image to be convincing as truthful, keeping him in a legendary status. This all changed in 1837, well over a thousand years after his death, when a scholar James Prinsep managed to translate writings on a stone pillar in Delhi. After several other scholars raced to translate similar writings all over the Indian landscape, it was revealed that this King Piyadasi was the same as King Asoka. Even with his history pieced together, Asoka s history is still legendary. He started as a lowly person shunned by his own father and grew to be a ruler of a kingdom that had never seen complete unity. But indeed, despite the face of caring compassion he attempted to convey to the Indian people, and despite the reforms he made to various sectors of his kingdom, it is clear Asoka was only using Buddhismas a way to unite the people and, more importantly, keep them under his control. It is rumored that Asoka s grandmother was a Greek princess, with his lineage being traced back to the Seleucus kingship, and that his Asoka s grandmother would have told him stories of Alexander the Great and other Greek warriors, inspiring Asoka and gearing him towards being the warrior he would become in the Kalinga Wars. Asoka s mother is supposed to be the daughter of a Brahman, a Hindu priest. She eventually married the King of India, one of the first of the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Psychological Factors Affecting Eyewitness Memory Whenever a crime takes place, eyewitnesses who are present on the scene can help the police or authorities when the crime is being investigated. However, eyewitness memory can be affected by a series of factors. One of the factors that can affect eyewitness memory is stress. Whenever a person witnesses a violent crime, his response is almost always one that generates a stressful response to the stressor imposed by the crime. This stressful response is the defensive response which is heavily studied by psychophysiologists (e.g., Klorman, Wiesenfeld Weissberg, 1977). This defensive reaction is the physiological response (increased blood pressure, muscle tone and acceleration in heart rate) resulting when attention control is highly dominant (Tucker and Williamson, 1984). The activation mode, which is one of the two neural control systems that regulates a ... Show more content on ... These are: (1) a bias against stimulus change, (2) a tonic readiness for action, and (3) processing under tight attention controls. Some of the tasks that elicit the dominance of activation mode include activities which increase cognitive and/or somatic anxiety such as vigilance, escape, avoidance or pressure tasks (Deffenbacher, 1994). When assessing the effectiveness of a condition of heightened stress, it should be compared with another condition that is demonstrably lower in stress (or even free from stress), where the arousal mode of attention control is predominant (Tucker and Williamson, 1984). When the activation mode is dominant, there is a notable deceleration of heart rate and lowered blood pressure (Lacey and Laceym 1974). Deffenbacher (1994) concluded that if a task elicits the arousal mode of attention control, the memory will be enhanced for the most important and informative aspect of the ... Get more on ...
  • 8. An Integral Theory Of Consciousness Essay An Integral Theory of Consciousness and RR Ken Wilber (1997) reviewed various dimensions of the theories of consciousness in existing literature and proposes an integral theory that will incorporate most of the prominent existing theories. The theory Wilber proposes is an Integral Theory of Consciousness . Specifically, he reviews the cognitive science outlooks: introspectionism; neuropsychology; individual psychotherapy; social psychology; clinical psychiatry; developmental psychology; problematic medicine views, nonordinary states of consciousnessview; eastern and contemplative tradition; quantum consciousness; subtle energies point of views on the consciousness state and functions. After the review, Wilber comes to the conclusion that, The interior dimensions of the human being seem to be composed of a spectrum of consciousness (p. 10). The spectrum, in this instance, defines conditions or values that vary infinitely within a continuum. In other words, there is a kind of indefinite transformation, in terms of quality and volume of information between the initial state and the goal state within the domain of consciousness. This conclusion by Wilbur has implication on the complexity of the RR processes, as described by Vervaeke (2012). Furthermore, Vervaeke even described the initial and the goal state as sometimes unknown within the system (Vervaeke, 2016). The important finding here is that the discovery of the Wilber agrees with the complexity feature of the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Ethos In Joe Clark Joe Clark uses the appeal of credibility of character, also known as ethos, to encourage his students and teachers at Eastside High to work hard and improve. One example of how Mr. Clark showed ethos is at the beginning of the movie when he first came in and kicked out all of the bad students from the stage. These students were the worst of the worst, they had been selling and using drugs and not doing anything to improve in school. By coming right in and laying the hammer down on the students, this showed the students that there is now authority in the school and they cannot keep messing around. The school had not seen any type of real leaders in the school in a while, and that is why it got so bad there. With Joe Clark arriving, things will surely change. Another example of ethosin this movie is how Mr. Clark ensured that each one of the students lives were doing okay and they had a place to stay. He would always ask people how they were doing in the hallway and that made the students look up to him as a person who really did care for them. Joe took the time and personally went to Kaneesha s house and made sure she had a safe place to permanently stay and convinced her mom to keep letting her live there. This put Kaneesha s trust in Mr. Clark as a person she can really rely on and look up to. A final example of when Joe Clark used ethos is when he said that everyone could succeed on the test and in life if they are really willing to put the work in for it. He said he truly believed in them that they will pass if they become motivated. Joe saying that he believed in the students put encouragement in them that they had possibly never seen. Another way that Joe Clark motivated the students and staff of Eastside to work harder is by using the appeal of Logos, or statistics and logic. A powerful example of when Mr. Clark used logos is when he had a meeting with all of the staff and made 70% of them put their hands up to signify the 70% of students who failed the exam. This really made the staff really think that they can make a big difference in these kids lives. Another example of when Joe Clark used logos to get the students motivated is when he made a speech before they took the exam. He made the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Facts About Colombia Where can you find the biggest carnival in the world? Only in Colombia. Colombia is located in the northern part of South America and has tons of things to experience and contains important history for Folk songs. Three things that make Colombia a exotic and exciting place are it s attractions, Geography and music. Columbian geography is very diverse containing big mountains, sandy beaches and tons of coffee plantations. For example The Andes mountains run right through Columbia making it a very mountainous and rocky place. Also Colombiaalso contains the third largest coral reef system on Earth. So it s beaches are exotic and beautiful. Finally The coffee in Columbia is some of the freshest in the world. So since they grow it in Columbia ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Managing Conflict in Relationships Essay Managing and Resolving Conflicts in a relationship Sonia Pabon Kaplan Institute Interpersonal Communication Mr. Muliken November 26, 2012 The topic that I have chosen to discuss throughout this paper is Managing and Resolving Conflicts in a Relationship. This topic is very important to me simply because, I personally see a lot of relationships failing, including some of mines due to lack of resolving and managing conflicts correctly. By the end of this paper I hope that I have helped the reader understand and eliminate any conflicts that confront their everyday lives. Many relationships and about fifty five percent of marriages end because of unresolved conflicts. Most of the time these relationships fail because people forget ... Show more content on ... Conflict need not be catastrophic or personal conflicts are simply part of being human. Deal with issues as they arise, avoiding conflict makes situations worse. Time does not resolve matters instead it decreases the chance of a positive outcome. Attempt to understand the other person s point of view because dismissing the other s views, assigning blame, and exclusive focus on your own perspective are all counterproductive. Do not judge emotions, no one s feelings are more or less right than the other. Emotions reflect a valid perspective of an individual even if you don t understand it; acknowledge the other person s reaction as important. Focus on the behavior, situation or problem area without attacking the person involved. Do not assume your values or beliefs are right , they reflect a view of the world from your unique perspective. Respecting another s viewpoint as equally valuable opens an opportunity for learning and growth (Lifetips moving up in life, 2000). Handling conflict is a skill which can be learned. It requires practice, discipline and self control. In the midst of conflict, most people forget the overall goal in addressing the conflict: Having your partner understand your feelings and resolving the disagreement. The more a couple can keep this goal in mind the less likely either will engage in criticism, yelling or name calling. These behaviors only fuel the conflict (Managing Conflict in Your Relationship, ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Edward Taylor Research Paper The Puritans were a group of people that emigrated from England and settled in North America. They were a highly religious group of people with a variety of literary works. The Puritans had no single voice that represented them, but instead a variety of voices that represent their group. The Puritans and their literary works were the prominent between 1620 to 1783. The purpose of Puritan literature was to apprise both his neighbor and his fellow Englishman across the sea of recent events taking place in the colonies (Warner, 588). Edward Taylor was an incredibly prominent Poet during this time period, writing many different poems and sermons. He was an orthodox, reactionary, New England Puritan Minister, ably caring for his congregation and vigorously defending the American Federal Theology. The poetic works of Edward Taylor conform to the same style... Show more content on ... Many prominent poets from the Puritan era would use biblical themes and biblical language. Examples of poets who used biblical language were Anne Bradstreet and Roger Williams who would merge the language of the Bible, the Old World, and the New World (Johnston, 126). Edward Taylor followed suit with this idea and often The voice of Edward a sensuous voice (Johnston, 126) .This is well demonstrated in his poem I am the Living Bread. Taylor described God and the heavens as luxurious in the lines , In this sad state, Gods Tender Bowells run Out streams of Grace: and he to end all strife The purest Wheate in Heaven (Taylor, 19 21). In these lines Taylor uses vivid imagery to describe the biblical figure of God. The words purest , tender , and Grace have highly extravagant connotations that create a mood of luxury. This characterizes God as a magnificent and divine being. Taylor is focusing on the theme of god and is describing him in a sensuous ... Get more on ...
  • 13. King Lear Nature Essay Throughout King Lear nature is holds different meanings that have major significance to the theme of the play. Characters speak to it as though it s a personified entity; they refer to the celestial objects in the heavens above and even to that of animals of the Earth. When the characters speak to nature, they do it as a means of justifying their intentions or previous actions, and also as a means of invoking it in some form. Nature is also used to describe the disposition of a character and the physical world with no spiritual bearing. We see that nature tends to hold many ambiguous meanings during the play; however they are centered mostly between nature that embodies the laws of the universeor that of a man. One instance of the... Show more content on ... He does so in the first scene of Act 1 where he asks for his daughters to profess their love for him in order to take a share of the kingdom. When he is met by Cordelia s explanation of how she only loves him according to her bond, no more he enters a fit of rage and casts her out while also including nature in his speech. The sacred radiance of the sun, the mysteries of Hecate and the night by all the operations of the orbs and I hereby disclaim all my paternal care, propinquity and property of blood is a clear example of how he attempts to invoke the stars above as a power against his once beloved daughter. Lear repudiates nature when he casts out Cordelia, his very own natural daughter, and yet attempts still to call upon it even though he contradicts it. Now although Lear and Edmund both share this view of the stars, they don t perceive the natural in the same ways. Lear resembles the divine king or the master of nature as the early monarchs of those times saw themselves as did the people in the lower portions of the hierarchy. When Lear is cast out by his daughter Goneril for his behavior along with his servants, he exclaims Hear Nature, hear! Dear goddess, hear! and proceeds to order nature to make Goneril sterile and have no babe to honour her . When doing so he says that if it shall be born it will be of spleen and disnatured meaning non filial and obstinate. Lear then shows a belief that his children he has created from the ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Changing the Momentum of a Ball What is predicted to happen in this experiment is when an angle of elevation of a ramp is changed on one side this will affect the amount of momentum a ball possess before collision and after collision. The ball that travels down a ramp with a steeper angle, will have a greater velocity therefore produce more momentum because it has a greater velocity compared to the ball travelling down a ramp not as steep. This will then affect the amount of kinetic energya ball possess after collision. The ball that is travelling down the ramp with a slightly higher angle, will possess more kinetic energybefore collision but after collision it will posses less kinetic energy because of it being an elastic collision where energy is conserved and transfers some energy to the ball travelling down the less steep ramp with less momentum. Therefore the ball travelling down the ramp that is not as steep will possess more kinetic energy after collision. In the experiment the ball that travelled down the ramp with a less steep angle of elevation rebounded further than the ball that travelled down the ramp with a slightly higher angle of elevation. This occurred because the ball did not possess as much momentum as the ball travelling down the ramp with a higher angle of elevation. Momentum is the product of an objects mass and velocity. The reason why the ball travelling down the ramp with a higher of elevation had more momentum, causing the ball to not rebound as far, was because the ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Banco International, Inc V. Goody s Family Clothing Essay LaToya Smith UCC and Business Organizations Robert Miller Midterm Assignment October 11, 2012 Banco International, Inc. v. Goody s Family Clothing United States District Court, Northern Division 54 F.2d 765 In the case of Banco v. Goody s, the courts ruled that Goody s was not wrong for canceling the contract due to the finding of justified in reasonably concluding that Banco could not deliver the product by the date set in the first purchase order between the parties and the failure to deliver the goods by that date would have substantially impaired the value of those goods to Goody s. Goody s entered into a contract with Banco to purchase wind suits. On or about July 13, 1994, Goody s agreed to change ... Show more content on ... The contract was for a total of 62,748 jogging suits that would be custom made for girls and boys. The total contract price was for $ 749,103.60 that included the shipping of the merchandise, which would be shipped within six purchase orders. On or about August 29, 1994 they (Goody s) terminated their contract in writing, which validates a right to cancel. The parties agreed to amend the first shipment date, Goody s deny that all other shipment dates were to be amended as well. Goody s feel that there was any wrongful, unlawful, or without good cause or justification eras on their behalf. Was there a retraction of any Anticipatory Repudiationwhen Banco gave Goody s assurance shortly after Goody s cancelled the contract? Did Goody s have a justifiable reason to cancel the entire contract with Banco? The UCC permits the breaching party (subject to some limitations) to retract his or her repudiation. This can be done by any method that clearly indicates the party s intent to perform. Once retraction is made, the rights of the repudiating party under the contract are reinstated. The breaching party cannot retract the repudiation. However, if since the time of the repudiation the other party has canceled or materially changed position or otherwise indicated that the repudiation is final. [UCC 2 611, 2A 403] According to the UCC §§ 2 609(2) and 2 609(4) Between merchants the reasonableness of grounds for insecurity and the adequacy of any assurance offered ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Robert Levenson Essay For Dr. John Gottmann his successful research and discoveries began 35 years ago with the help of his friend Robert Levenson. They began the research by building a laboratory where couples would attend and speak with each other after a long workday deprived from each other. While the couples spoke their heart rate, their blood velocity, the amount of sweat produced on the palm of their hands, and even the movement they produced while being seated were being measured. The conversations the couples had consisted of a subject that caused unceasing conflict between them and then a positive subject, after their conversations their videotapes would be shown to the couple and were asked about particular moments in the conversation and what they felt... Show more content on ... For example, the recipients of repair are those who intend to repair or resolve the issue. The repair can only work between the couple depending on the amount of intimacy and friendship that already exists in the relationship. These two factors are then be used to build the first stage of what they call a love map. One of the fundamental characteristics of the friendship between two individuals is the intimate open ended questions asked by this person and the memorization of the answers. Another characteristic witnessed in the laboratory was the attention given to the partner speaking, for example results showed that those partners who paid more attention to their partner while he was trying to communicate or make a joke were those who continued to be married for a longer period of time. Overall it can all be summarized in seven steps that will allow a relationship to flourish, and those are: enhance your love map, nurture fondness and admiration, this means that it is imperative to be able to remind yourself about the worthiness your partner possesses. The third step is turning toward each other, by giving your partner the attention they crave you are acknowledging their presence and making them feel how important they are to you. The fourth step is to let your partner influence you, by giving each other the respect in decision making for a happy marriage, it ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Salt Concentration Experiment This experiment is a planned intervention, which will analyze the effects of the defined variable, salt. During the course of this experiment, tests are conducted regarding the effects of changing salt concentration on the regeneration of brain cells in Alzheimer s patients. During the course of this experiment, variables are considered. First, the independent variable, in this case, the level of salt content within the capacity of the brain, is exposed to conditions that are altered. After its exposure, the experimenter will document the changes. In addition, the dependent variable, in this case, the rate that the Alzheimer s disease regenerates its cells, is modified because of the changes within the independent variable. Consequently, the dependent variable will reveal the results of the experiment because it isolates the effects of a single condition.... Show more content on ... Within this experiment, the controls are the conditions that include everything except the salt level. Conditions include environmental conditions such as the room temperature, light exposure, water, the items used to measure of the store the substances during testing, and any other elements or otherwise materials added to the variables including, but not limited to other added fluids. Moreover, the control area will include an area in which the brain cells are removed and /or tested. In Alzheimer s disease (AD), neurofib tangles and amyloid plaques, are found in the smell organ in the nose, olfactory bulb, and in the medial temporal lobe of the brain (Devere, n.d.). Therefore, because the temporal lobe is the primary auditory perception, it receives the information from the ears. In addition, the underside of the temporal lobe plays a crucial role in both receiving and forming memories (Temporal Lobe, n.d). Finally, other parts of this lobe seem to sensations and memories, all of which is associated with the AD (Temporal Lobe, ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Analysis Of William Shakespeare s Henry Iv Shakespeare is one of the most widely known playwrights of history, and has been hailed for his plot structure and character development. An example of this being one of his most noticed and widely regarded characters in Henry IV Part 1, Falstaff. His character immediately gets the attention of the audience through his variance in personality from most others of his day and life style. Falstaff is an old, fat, disgraced knight and Hal s partner in crime. He is always looking for a good time while he eats, drinks, and pisses away all he can get his hands on. A more modern parallel would be the fiction character Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean. Both abuse any power or authority thrust upon them. While Jack Sparrow is... Show more content on ... So feasibly Falstaff and Jack Sparrow were included in their individual stories so the audience would get hooked on the story line and feel envious of these characters and their lifestyle. Falstaff may have been put into the story of Henry IV Part 1 because he comes off as more of an actual person than other characters, making the play more real to the audience. This is supported by how Falstaff takes advantage of his position given to him by Prince Hal for the war. Instead of gathering the bravest fighters he can so he can give his all to the cause, he finds the lowest of the low and takes bribes for letting certain people stay out of the war. Albert Tolman covers the idea of how real Falstaff is in an article he wrote, Why Did Shakespeare Create Falstaff? Tolman asserts: Of the characters of the great Dramatist [Shakespeare] Hamlet, Cleopatra, Iago, and Falstaff are among the most marvelous. They are portrayed with such fullness and intensity that they seem to outrun the very laws of their being. They escape from the world of fiction and are. Historical characters are less real than they. This is supported by Falstaff s take on the honor of death in battle. Well, tis no matter; honour pricks me on. Yea, but how if honour prick me off when I come on? How then? Can honour set to a leg? No. Or an arm? No. Or take away the grief of a wound? No. Honour hath no skill in surgery, then? No. What is honour? A word. What is in that word honour ? What is ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Pro Forma Statement Using Budgets and Pro Forma Statements to Plan Funding: The pro forma statements and budgets were instrumental in determining what additional measures needed to be taken to ensure progress within the company. By reviewing the pro forma statements I was able to determine that I needed to raise the price of my product due to the fact that the target markets had indicated what they would pay for such product and the cost of production was over whelming the income received from sales. After the first quarter I was able to decide that changes needed to be made to not only the price of each product but additional products needed to be added to meet the needs of specific target areas. I was also able to determine by analyzing the budget ... Show more content on ... Lean operations emphasizes the understanding of the customer by producing units only as they are needed. As individual units are manufactured this reduces inventory drastically. This also would reduce any waste of products created and not sold. Both of these processes would have been a benefit to my company as there were several units of certain brands that were not desirable or meeting customer needs. This caused a loss of revenue by having units that were produced but not sold. The lean operations and Just In Time methods would eliminate this problem from the manufacturing side of my company. Work Cells Vs. Traditional Straight Line Method: By utilizing work cells in my manufacturing facility I would have been able to reduce travel distance in production due to the fact that all equipment in work cells is modular. This allows the work cells to be easily arranged or moved as needed. The implementation of work cells versus straight line manufacturing would have been beneficial also because it provides an organized workplace and reduced space for inventory or production materials. Also by using the work cell method of production defects would be easily detected early, this is because with work cells products are tested at the end of each production cycle making it easier to detect and fix any defects that may arise. Inventory Management: During the simulation my inventory ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Double Standard Of Masculinity In Gender Role... Masculinity is a topic that has been debated in our society extensively, through research as well as in informal settings. Many wonder what it means to be masculine, and if we can really assign a definition to such a subjective term. After all, shouldn t one s own perception be the determinant of what constitutes masculinity? This self construction would be the ideal in our society, but unfortunately, it represents a false belief. Masculinity has certain characteristics assigned to it by our culture. In this paper I will explore the many facets of masculinity and demonstrate how certain beliefs pertaining to it are perpetuated in our society. I will also uncover many of the contradictions between society s assigned definition of ... Show more content on ... The violence boy s witness on television further legitimates this belief. Katz explains that advertising imagery equates masculinity with violence. For boys this means aggression is instrumental in that it enables them to establish their masculinity (Katz 1995). Lee Bowker researched the influence advertisements have on youth. He asserts that toy advertisements featuring only boys depict aggressive behavior. Strangely, the aggressive behavior generally results in positive consequences more often than negative. Bowker also looked at commercials with boys that contain references to domination. The results of all the commercials indicate that 68.6% of the commercials positioned toward boys contain incidents of verbal and physical aggression. There was no cross amp;#64979;gender display of aggressive behavior. Interestingly, not one single sex commercial featuring girls shows any act of aggression (Bowker 1998). This research helps explain that it is not just the reinforcement of close caretakers to the child that legitimate masculinity but society as a whole (using the television as a symbol of society and it s desires).Another example of how this can be reinforced even by women who may or may not be trying to promulgate such a belief is with an experience I had growing up:When I would get a cut or a bruise, I would muster up all the strength I had to not cry. I feared that if I ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Issue Of Reproductive Rights The topic of reproductive rights surrounding women in Texas has been a hot buttoned issue since the closing of many reproductive centers across the state. Recently damaging abortion restrictions were passed and therefor encroach on women s reproductive rights even more by decreasing access to abortion care. Texas 84th Legislature, both passed HB 3994 as a law and had it Governor Abbott make it effective with his signature on July 8, or this year. This law complicates access to abortionservices for mistreated and neglected minors and for those who do not possess specific identification cards in Texas. Specifically HB 3994 has four requirements of the bill that would explicitly hinder Latina minors. The first provision it that the bill will make it harder for a minor to demonstrate that she needs a judge to approve her for an abortion because the level of evidence that the minor must acquire is much more encompassing. Secondly, it revises the requirement that a judges rule must be made immediately, expanding the decision time from two days to five and prolonging the process. The third provision withdrawals the requirement that in the case the judge cannot make an immediate rule, then the minor s case was automatically granted. This third provision along with the extension of the ruling time, could lead to a number of rules not being made and to the possibility of the minor s application being denied. Fourthly, the new bill brings limits on who can have their appeals heard ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Crook, John s Letter To Quakers Crook, John. AN EPISTLE TO FRIENDS, BELONGING TO HERTFORD MEETING. Quakers Writing. N.p., 25 Dec. 1698. Web. 12 Sept. 2016. Crook, feeling like he needs to save the world, writes this letter to warn his friends that not following God could result in negative consequences. In this letter his audience, his friends, Crook purpose is to persuade them to follow God. The Catalysts of this letter is to persuade his friends to follow God using a first person religious letter. The genre of this letter can be defined as a religious letter. The context in which the letter will be presented in is the general public, or religious figures. This letter does not appeal to ethos, however, It does have logos and pathos. One example of logos is when the ... Show more content on ... He got this piece of land because Charles I owed his father a debt. William immediately knew what he wanted to do with this land. He noticed that the Quakers suffered through serious persecutions and beatings. So, Williams set out to create a safe colony they could go to and prosper. Although the Quakers were harshly treated, They did not do common English courtesies. They believed all mean were equal, so they did not believe in bowing to officials. They also did not pay money like taxes, if they believe it went to violent causes like war. The Quakers were well known for their opinion in equality and religious freedom. They allowed everybody to participate in their meetings. This colony thrived and spread to places like Pennsylvania. The catalysis in this article is to inform (purpose) the audience, or the general public, about the Quakers suffering and their quest to build a religious refuge. Like most of my other citations, This article can be included in the genre of religious articles. The context of this article is general public, or people wanting to know more about the Quakers. This article appeals to many rhetorical strategies and appeals. It appeals mostly to pathos, but it does have logos, division, and comparison and contrast. This article appears to pathos when The author had stated that, William Penn was a dreamer , and when he compared(comparison/contrast) the Puritans and the Quakers. He ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Sam Journey The Adventures of Sam Once upon a time there was a salmon named Sam. Sam and his family lived in the Pacific Ocean. Sam was about to embark on a very tough journey. He was about to make his way from the Pacific Ocean into the rivers that would lead him further into the United States. He was planning on making his way to the Snake River located in Oregon and Idaho. Sam was making this journey because he was going to spawn. Spawning is when a female salmon leaves her eggs in gravel beds located in rivers so that a male salmon will come and fertilize the eggs. The reason why this is such a hard journey is because the Sam and the other salmon are going to be swimming upstream. The salmon having to flip their bodies up and against the forceful downward ... Show more content on ... By the time he was in the river, he was having a hard time already swimming. So many other fish were surrounding him that it made it difficult to swim through the water. The first few days of the trip were started getting tougher. Although Sam is a fast and strong swimmer, he started to get really tired on the 5th day of his trip. When Sam was in high school, he was on the swim team. Sam was not only the fastest swimmer, but he was able to swim for forever and not get tired. However, Sam had to swim upstream which meant he was swimming against strong waters which made him really tired. He had already seen many other salmon die from exhaustion. Sam was getting closer and closer to his destination. At the pace he was going at he would arrive at the Snake RIver in a day or two. Sam was minding his own business just swimming along until one of the other salmon swimming beside him started to start a conversation with Sam. Hey you should be careful, up here is where we re going to swim through Richland Falls. Sam replied Why do I need to be careful? What s so dangerous about Richland Falls? The salmon yelled back to Sam I can t believe you don t know about Richland Falls. To get to Snake River where I assume you re going you have to pass through ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Tokyo Research Paper Tokyo Tokyo is the capital of Japan with one of the most greatest population in the world. Tokyo today is considered a megacity. However, Tokyo didn t start out as such a massive city. Back in 1639, Tokyo was known as the city of Edo. The city of Edo was a humble fishing village,which grew into a city with a population with more than a million people by the mid eighteenth century. Edo was one of the largest cities in the world at that time. As Edo grew and grew, it became the capital of Japan and later was renamed to Tokyo. The reason of Tokyo becoming the capital of Japan are due to a combination of political, economical, and cultural factors. Japan s has a unique geography from its banana shaped arc of islands. Japan has over 6,852 islands... Show more content on ... Tokyo started from a small fishing village to one of the greatest and largest cities of the world today and throughout their history, the Japanese have respected nature. Japan is home to a variety of animals such as bears, wild boar, foxes, deer, antelope, hares, monkeys, and raccoon dogs. One of the animals that is an important figures in Japanese mythology and folktales is the Japanese macaque. Japanese macaques are large, shaggy haired monkeys with pink faces and short furry tails. The national bird of Japan is Tancho or red crowned crane and the national flower is a chrysanthemum. Another Japanese symbol is their very own flag that is a rectangle with a large red circle in the center, which represents the sun. Japan is known as the Land of the Rising Sun. Throughout ancient Japanese history Samurai carried the symbol of the Rising Sun in the twelfth century during the feud between the Taira and Minamoto clans. Another part of Japanese prideful culture is its very own anthem, the Kimigayo. The Kimigayo is one of the world s oldest anthems that come from a tanka that was written in the tenth century. There are also many ancient traditions in Japan like: calligraphy, which is artistic writing; ikebana, flowering arranging; tea ceremonies, and haikus popular poetic form in Japan till today. Japanese religion would be Shintoism. Shintoism has shrines around the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. How The Olympic Games Have A Better Place By Encouraging... Olympic Games This paper is going to evaluate the extent on how the Olympic Games have lived up to the ideas and goals of olympisim. The paper will also evaluate key factors that have affected the Olympic Games and how it has affected the games. The paper will include on how racism have affected the Olympic Games. Olympisim The idea of Olympism was set up more than 120 years ago by Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Movement. He did this because he wanted to make the world a better place. He believed that this can be done though sport. He believed sport could help bring communities together, stop wars and promote healthy competition free from cheating and discrimination. Ultimately Coubertin wanted to show how sport can ... Show more content on ... Olympism tells us that sport is a universal human right and we all should be free to practice it. Olympism is a great way to show how everyone in the world can better themselves. Pierre de Coubertin said; Olympism is not a system it is a state of mind. It can permeate a wide variety of modes of expression and no single race or era can claim to have the monopoly of it . (http:/ / ) Olympism was formalised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC. The IOC established on 23rd June 1894 and it continues to promote Olympism around the world. ( /olympism/). The WOA, honours the Olympic spirit by helping the 142 NOAs around the world run projects and events that support Olympians and that promote Olympism in the community. Olympic ideas and goals Goals of the Olympics is to break down barriers that could raise from, political, gender, race, or social background though sport. This allows everyone to be able to live together happy and to make a more free world for everyone. They will do this by educating youth through sport without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires an mutual understanding with the spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play. Idea that they Olympics have wanted to achieve, was that men and woman are equal and are able to compete. This was finally achieved in London 2012. Where the same number of men and woman competing, first time that this has happened been mainly ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Vacation in Jamaica Once in a lifetime vacation in Jamaica. Since my husband and I got married in May of 2010, we did not have a honeymoon or a vacation. So my husband Ryan and I came to a decision that we are going to take this opportunity and spend lavishes on a combo vacation. This trip was once in a lifetime vacation in Jamaica, and we were very excited, I felt like a little kid waiting for my very first candy. Ryan and I went ahead and book our vacation at Sandals, in Montego Bay, Jamaica. There was so much to do in just 14 days, I taught we would have lots of time for sight seeing and enjoyed the package we choose, but in real time that was not the case. Once we arrived, and meet with our personal concierge to discuss our trip and it result in... Show more content on ... We finally made it to the top; I was so relieve of fear. Nevertheless, when I taught this adventure was over think again, it was the most pleasant scenery, I taught I die and gone to heaven. This scene is astonishing, just imaging standing on the highest mountain overseeing the river with the blues sky and the water color was a bluish to an emerald green with the sun light glistens in the river, a nice cool breeze is blowing, it a place I would recommend, it is a remarkable place to visit. Finally, a few days of calm and relaxing, a nice day at the beach just enjoying the sea breeze as it calms me while watching the wave dancing and the sound is soothing to my ears. As I was surrounded by this delightful evening as the night sets in. The scene on the beach was invigorating. Every evening there is a party, these parties normally last anywhere between 12 to 24 hours and you have a choice of at least 3 5 different place to party all within the same facility. The most memorably evening party was the one right on the beach. There were different shows throughout the night, there were live music played by a band and everyone dance and had a good time. Then the second part of the show involved with a man doing stunts, this man weighs about 230 pounds standing on a board with nails pointed up, that s got to hurt, but he was not hurt, he said it was a specially technique he used. As the evening continued with the moon light shining upon ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Fahrenheit 451 Title Analysis Relations to section names and the plot of Fahrenheit 451 The title of the novel is the temperature at which paper burns, which ties into a plot about burning of books. Fahrenheit 451, written by Ray Bradbury, is set in a dystopian society. In this dystopian world, Guy Montag, the protagonist, is a fireman. Montag meets free thinking Clarisse, who asks him if he his happy. After pondering this he realizes that he is not happy. On the job, he goes to a woman s house. She refuses to leave her books and dies with them. Montag is shaken and he steals a book from the scene. Back home, he reveals to Mildred that he has a hidden stash of books. Montag hopes that books can somehow help him overcome the numbness he feels. He seeks help from Faber, a ... Show more content on ... When thinking of a flame most people think of a campfire. When starting a fire it starts with a spark, but very dull. As it continues to grow it gains a brighter light, the novel is just like this. The rebellion in Montag s heart is very dull, but by the end, it is a bright bonfire. Most of the kindling is collected and put onto the fire at this part. When he has to burn down his own house it makes it so he has nothing to lose, it shows that he is like a phoenix. The novel says that he felt like his old life was buried under the debris (Bradbury 118). He is reborn as not the old Montag that society wanted, but the true Montag that has been hiding inside of him, waiting to burst free. The true Montag gains a brighter fire while talking to the book people. They nurture him in the short time the novel shows them together. They bring about his fire, but it is not them that brings the brightest point of Montage, it is the bombing of the city. The bombing causes it so Montag can remember what he has read, and that is the highest point of his fire (Bradburry 165). He has a purpose, a better one than book burning, and he knows ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Pop Culture In Jane Austen s Clueless The culture of popular girls, a fascinating concept to those willing to escape into an all too real world. This, which has been somewhat of a cult classic starting as far back as the 1800s, with Jane Austen s Emma. Emma Churchill was a twenty one year old with the most trivial problems, which, to her, seemed the world. Those of not getting a boy, or getting someone else s boy were the most troubling to Ms. Churchill, as she is known to her help. Typical of any story such as this, she had an accomplice in her daily shenanigans, Harriet Smith. Her slightly naive best friend was there to help her through all of her earth shatteringly important problems. Emmanever did have a mother figure, so conclusively that is why she never learned that there are bigger things in life than boys and primping. Despite this, she was never interested in the idea of marrying for herself, but setting her friends up with their perfect match. However, she does end up finding love in the end, even if it is with a family member, extended family of course. This twisted story of love and the troubles of a rich girl is more commonly known in pop culture by the name of Clueless . Clueless tells the story of a girl named Cher, navigating high school with her best friend Ty.... Show more content on ... Her father s ex wife s son, Josh (John Knightley in Emma) began the story as more of a pest, but by the end he was passed around between the girls so many times as a possible love interest one begins to lose ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Sergeant First Class Position Report I am applying for a promotion for the position of Sergeant First Class. I have been in the Harker Heights High School JROTC program for a consecutive three years. Ever since I first joined the program in 2014, I have been working towards my goal of transitioning into a leadership role. I feel that I am qualified for this position for several reasons. First of all, I have a complete understanding of the exponentially growing responsibilities that come with each position. I have studied this specific position, moreover am confident that I have what it takes to excel and afterwards, help others succeed in the program as well. The position of Sergeant First Class required someone with extraordinary time managementskills, and I believe I have ... Get more on ...
  • 30. A Thousand Splendid Suns In a nation brimming with discrimination, violence and fear, a multitudinous number of hearts will become malevolent and unemotional. However, people will rebel. In the eye opening novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns written by Khaled Hosseini, the country of Afghanistan is exposed to possess cruel, treacherous and sexist law and people. The women are classified as something lower than human, and men have the jurisdiction over the women. At the same time, the most horrible treatment can bring out some of the best traits in victims, such as consideration, boldness, and protectiveness. Although, living in an inconsiderate world, women can still carry aspiration and benevolence. Mariam and Laila (the main characters of A Thousand Splendid Suns)... Show more content on ... Some weeks, if the wallet was light, she took only a five afghani bill, or nothing at all, for the fear that he would notice. When the wallet was plump, she helped herself to a ten or a twenty, once even risking two twenties. She hid the money in a pouch she d sewn in the lining of her checkered winter coat. (247) Laila s boldness is shown as she makes a courageous decision to steal from Rasheed, risking his acrimony if he were to discover her theft. However, Laila is stealing for a very good cause, which would benefit both herself, and Aziza. Similarly, Mariam exhibits her attribute of being bold as well, when she strikes Rasheed with a shovel in order to save both Laila and herself: If she let him walk now, how long before he fetched the key from his pocket and went for that gun of his upstairs in the room where he d locked Zalmai? Had Miriam been certain that he would be satisfied with shooting only her, that there would be a chance he would spare Laila, she might have dropped the shovel. But in Rasheed s eyes she saw murder for them both. And so Mariam raised the shovel high, raised it as high as she could, arching it so it touched the small of her back. She turned it so the sharp edge was vertical, and, as she did, it occurred to her that this was the first time that she was deciding the course of her own life. And, with that, Mariam brought down the shovel. ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The ICD-10 System The ICD 10 system is not a perfect one. While it seems like a marked upgrade from the previous system in terms of accuracy and efficiency, it also can be excessively complicated and heavily affected insurance reimbursements, potential costing the patient more money. Because the ICD 10 uses a 3 7 alphanumerical system, versus the ICD 9 s 3 5 characters, codes can be far more accurate and detailed. This makes it easier to collect and convey important data quickly, enhancing patient care. The improved data collection will help providers and physicians improve procedures and structure for the betterment of the patient. And because the ICD 10 emphasizes accuracy, it makes it significantly more difficult for fraud to occur. However, because of ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Challenges In Sports And The Socialization Of Sports... In North America, sports are an important for socialization. The definition of socialization from the book Sports in Society by Jay Coakley is a process of learning and social development, which occurs as we interact with one another and become familiar with the social worlds. Sports is an easy way for socializationbut it is also other thing that can do the same as sports. I believe that sports is important for socialization from my own experience but it is not necessary for everyone. Sports are essential in American Society. It s practically everywhere in people s lives. If everyone was asked about what their favorite sport is, they could answer quickly. Sports is a microcosm in the U.S. It makes up a big portion of American culture. Some people have been in sports as a young kid by the parents so their kids can learn how to socialize. Kids learn how to be normal with coaches, officials, parents, and other children. The question is, should we put our kids in sports to socialize? I say yes, but the behavior of the child should be monitored. If the child is not doing well, then he/she should be taken out and put in something else. From my experience, I played football at the age of 7. I can t remember too many things about me socializing too much. I feel like I was a loner with others but at home I was comfortable and social. For children in Middle, I believe that sports or some form of extracurricular activity is important for socialization. That is the age where ... Get more on ...
  • 33. President Franklin D. Roosevelt And The Great Depression... In the beginning of the United States, government pioneers generally abstained from managing business. As the twentieth century drew closer, in any case, the union of U.S. industry into progressively intense enterprises prodded government intercession to ensure little organizations and purchasers. In 1890, Congress authorized the Sherman Antitrust Act, a law intended to reestablish rivalry and free endeavor by separating imposing business models. In 1906, it passed laws to guarantee that sustenance and medications were effectively named and that meat was investigated before being sold. In 1913, the administration set up another government managing an account framework, the Federal Reserve, to direct the country s cash supply and to place a few controls on saving money exercises. The biggest changes in the administration s part happened amid the New Deal, President Franklin D. Roosevelt s reaction to the Great Depression. Amid this period in the 1930s, the United States persevered through the most noticeably awful business emergency and the most noteworthy rate of unemployment in its history. Numerous Americans presumed that free private enterprise had fizzled. So they looked to government to straightforwardness hardships and lessen what had all the earmarks of being self dangerous rivalry. Roosevelt and the Congress instituted a large group of new laws that gave government the ability to mediate in the economy. In addition to other things, these laws managed offers of ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Antwone Fisher Case Study IDENTIFYING INFORMATION: Antwone Fisher is a young single male who was born in August 3rd in Ohio. Antwone Fisher ethnicity is African American that speaks English and also speak a second language fluently in Japanese. CHIEF COMPLAINT: Antwone fisher violate Article 12A for the assault on a supreme command mission officer. Antwone Fisher pleads guilty with the statement, I attacked the officer Berkeley was provoked by a racial serve. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: The client was referred to go a psychiatric treatment by his commanding officer. Due to this Antwone Fisher aggressively attacked one of his associate sailor and was fined him guilty for 200 dollars, restrict to the boundaries from the ship for 45 days and complete extra duty. The client is also ... Show more content on ... FAMILY/ SOCIAL HISTORY: Antwone Fisher was born and raised at Ohio. When he was two months he was placed to the state in a orphan until the mother got out of prison. Throughout his childhood he grew up in cleveland with a religious family who adopted him by Mrs. and Ms. Tate. He lived in a household with his cousin Zane who is half white and half black, foster brother name keith, and another family member from Tate name Nadine. Although Antwone Fisher was the middle child out of four, he was living in a situation where Ms. Tate would show favoritism and wasn t getting enough love in the family. FAMILY HISTORY OF MENTAL ILLNESS: The client reports that when he was two months, his father named was Edward. The father got into an accident that he went to his ex girlfriend house that lead into an argument and the ex girlfriend end up murdering the father. Meanwhile, the mother was at prison when this happen and the mother never went to claim Antwone Fisher once she was done with ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Angela Vicario This book was a storyline about, the betrayal of a new wife with her new husband. This was something that when I was reading I didn t expect at all. When I started reading the first chapter I was completely sure that he had done something wrong, for the first chapter to start off ON THE DAY THEY WERE GOING TO KILL HIM (Chpt.1 pg.1). Angela Vicario was on of the main characters of the book, she was the new wife and Bayardo San Roman was her new husband. The book starts with suspense and it just makes readers want to keep finishing until the end. It gets complicated that I sometimes end each chapter puzzled because I m just like what? it s absolutely amazing and intriguing. Angela Vicario is the type of person that helpless air and a poverty... Show more content on ... And I also wouldn t have believed that the most innocent woman from the story would be the one to create the cause of the problem. Realizing the roles of the women in the book expresses what role they would play with men. Most of the women in the book were referred to as whores or women with honor, so they each had their position. Angela never was in a category, until someone took her virginity, because even the ending still leaves the readers confused because we don t know weather it was Santiago Nasar or someone else, but she keeps saying it was Santiago. So Angela will take the truth to her death, and never admit if it was actually ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Impression Management By Tobias Wolff When Lombardi instituted the rule that players could not drink standing at a bar he was implementing the effect of impression management. The book describes impression management as a set of behaviors that people use to protect their self image or change the way they are seen by others. The book also teaches us the two main goals of impression managementwhich is to minimize bad and to maximize good. Minimize bad by avoiding blame for poor performances or ask for forgiveness. Maximizing good by generating respect and liking from other people. Although not all players were drinking alcohol or frequenting bars, the ones that were had to keep a good image for the team. For the Townsfolks who were frequenting the bars that the parkers were frequenting, ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Case 49 Descriptive Statistics for Crimes Variable N N* Mean SE Mean StDev Minimum Median Maximum Range Mode CRIMES 50 0 4559 174 1232 2107 4366 7820 5713 5705.7 N for Variable Mode CRIMES 2 [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] One Sample Z The assumed standard deviation = 1232 N Mean SE Mean 95% CI 50 4559 174 (4218, 4900) One Sample T N Mean StDev SE Mean 95% CI 50 4559 1232 174 (4209, 4909) [pic] [pic] Regression Analysis: CRIMES versus URBAN
  • 38. The regression equation is CRIMES = 737.0 + 57.18 URBAN S = 917.074 R Sq = 45.7% R Sq(adj) = 44.6% Analysis of Variance Source DF ... Show more content on ... Regression Analysis: CRIMES versus UNEMPLOY The regression equation is CRIMES = 4364 + 35.5 UNEMPLOY Predictor Coef SE Coef T P Constant 4364.2 539.8 8.08 0.000 UNEMPLOY 35.55 93.00 0.38 0.704 S = 1242.82 R Sq = 0.3% R Sq(adj) = 0.0% Analysis of Variance Source DF SS MS F P Regression 1 225660 225660 0.15 0.704 Residual Error 48 74140739 1544599 Total 49 74366399 Unusual Observations Obs UNEMPLOY CRIMES Fit SE Fit Residual St Resid 9 5.0 7820 4542 182 3278 2.67R 18 10.9 5043 4752 533 292 0.26 X 43 7.3 7365 4624 243 2741 2.25R 48 9.9 2107 4716 446 2609 2.25RX R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual. X denotes an observation whose X value gives it large ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Tao Te Ching Sparknotes Tao Te Ching is one of the most well known Chinese philosophical scripture believed to be penned between 6th and 4th Century BC and authored by Lao Tzu. It has been a bedrock for the ancient spiritual and religious tradition of Taoism. Tao Te Ching includes two books of poetic verses explaining principle aspects of Taoism such as the metaphysical concept of Tao roughly translated as the Way or the path, the consequences of action and inaction, virtueand the juxtaposed behavior of nature. The first book discusses the manifestation of the Way and how it directs us in harmonizing with our own qualities, morals and virtue which eventually help us in harmonizing with the working of the nature. The second book deals with the difficulties of governing... Show more content on ... Everyone who has an inclination towards spirituality will gain enough from this book to keep them searching for the more mysterious and unanswered questions of life and the working of the nature. Although the book can be extremely difficult to understand at times with few concepts that might be outright inconceivable for some, the simple wisdom imparted by the book in the form of morals and virtue lessons using real life and practically achievable examples is the reason I recommend this book to be read. For such is the time in which we live that we could use some concrete ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Metaphors And Figurative Language Literature Review Nowadays, metaphor is considered as influential in our everyday life and its traces are not only evident in the language but also in thought and action. The function of metaphor in language, culture, and thought has been viewed by various disciplines (Tendahl and Gibbs, 2008). In the discipline of linguistics, in particular, metaphor and figurative language have long been the subject of studies from many different perspectives. From a cognitive linguistic perspective, metaphor is a mental mapping (p. 1825) in the cognitive processes of thinking and reasoning of people in their everyday life (Tendahl and Gibbs, 2008). As noted by Tendahl and Gibbs (2008), the last century ended up with its revolutionary studies on metaphor, most significantly in the realm of cognitive science. They discuss a ... Show more content on ... We can find several theories in the discipline of Linguistics including relevance theory. Relevance theory, originally proposed by Sperber and Wilson (1986 1987), is discussed in detail by Tendahl and Gibbs (2008). According to Tendahl and Gibbs, relevance theory complements cognitive linguistics in defining metaphor and its functioning. As they point out, in a cognitive linguistic perspective, people use metaphors in their language because they think metaphorically and different language configurations are viewed as conceptual processing mechanisms (p. 1825) where an operation of mapping the concepts in the mind of speakers occurs (Tendahl and Gibbs, 2008). In their view, relevance theory, both by its encoding and decoding pattern of thoughtcommunication and by its view at the intended meaning in a certain context of communication, also has a cognitive look at language and mind, or more specifically at communication and thought. We can clearly see such cognitive perspective in relevance theory as suggested by Sperber and Wilson ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Mark Twain Research Paper Mark Twain is an American author who has shaped the American literature world in a way no other author has. Twain grew up in Hannibal Missouri, he used his childhood memories to write his novels (Pfluger 6). Twain s writing was based off of events that happened to him throughout his boyhood, using friends and family as models for his characters (Pfluger 6). His writing has influenced young adult fiction and is used as a template to modern young adult novels (Greebblatt). In recent years his novels have been seen as controversial and banned from many school settings because of the controversial content. His most controversial novel and also must successful, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finnhas been deemed inappropriate for young readers.... Show more content on ... His childhood are filled with events typical to any white youth growing up in Missouri during the pre Civil War years (Hacht 69). Because his writing is based of his childhood it makes it very relatable and entertaining to read which is why it remains a classic to American Literature. His novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is what has made his impact on writing so prominent, it is the most taught novel in American Schools up until recent years (Fishkin). It has sold in excess of twenty million copies worldwide (Hacht 67). His writing styles has changed the writing world. He sparked an interest in human behavior and conversation with other American authors (Vallin 26). He has influenced generations of American writers All modern American Literature comes from one book by Mark Twain, called Huckleberry Finn (Greenblatt). He freed up literature by his use of lasting humor that lasts generations (Greenblatt). He changed the face of fiction in America and his novels served as a Declaration of Independence from the genteel English novel tradition which allowed a different kind of writing to happen (Fishkin). Lastly, his novels and speeches are used as staples among speech makers (Greenblatt). His writing changed the literature world forever and continues to impact ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Porter s Five Forces Of Oakley 4. Competitive Environment analysis In order to improve and design a good strategy it is important to have a deep understanding of the main competitors that are fighting with Oakley trying to get a part of the market share. Furthermore, the company has to be always aware of the new start ups and potential competitors that may enter the market that can change the dynamic of a whole industry and could be a potential threat for the already established companies such Oakley. 4.1 Porter s Five Forces This is a useful tool developed by Michael Porter that allows analysing the competitive environment of a brand, company or product as well as gives feedback about the level of profitability of that industry. Porter s forces are divided into five different variables that should be... Show more content on ... (2008)). Threat of New Entrants This variable refers to the easiness to enter the industry, in this case the eyewear and sportswear industry. First of all, the required amount of capital to enter the Spanish market in case you want to establish a new brand in the country is not enormous, however it is necessary to develop a good distribution plan or to outsource one from another company in order to have presence in the market. In addition, depending on the kind of company that wants to start selling in Spain, maybe it would be necessary to make extra investments in HHRR, physical assets, marketing campaigns, etcetera. Although it could seem that establishing a new brand and succeeding in this industry could be difficult there some ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Comparing Death And It Was Not Death, For I Stood Up Write a critical commentary comparing and contrasting the two poems Death and It was not Death, for I stood up Indeed. in their respective poems it is evident that the poets George Herbert and Emily Dickinson are writing in two different centuries. Both differ in terms of style, language and the different way in which they approach the concept of death. However, despite their differences, both Death and It was not Death, for I stood up signify the fundamental features of death in the poems which reiterates death as biological despite some poems viewing death as an abstract being . In Death , Herbert explores an abstract interpretation of death and compares it to the literal features of death. In the first line death is referred to as an [U]ncouth hideous thing, (line 1), the word uncouth personifies death as a being as death is being described as lacking good manners. Death as being mannerless highlights the conventional image of death as a being that takes lives rather than being a natural thing. This image of death as a physical being can be argued as a conventional medieval ideology about death. Yet this fictitious interpretation of death is juxtaposed with the literal image of death as Nothing but bones (line 2). The biological decay to bones as a result of death contradicts this idea of death as an evil coarse being taking lives. However despite that abstract death being contradicted by biological features of death, abstract interpretation of death ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Essay about A Bronx Tale A Bronx Tale It s the sixties. Racism is running hot through the streets of New York. One neighborhood in particular, where one group of boys makes the choice that will change their lives and everyone s around them forever. These boys are young, full of talent and smart. These boys choose to take all of what they had and throw it away. What happens to these boys next is something that you would not want to wish on anybody. Here these young talented boys cram into a car and ride to the African American neighborhood. The boys toss burning bottle of alcohol through a glass window into a store. With burning bottles shattering left and right there is one that doesn t break. This one bottle was tossed back into these boys car and there is... Show more content on ... Now about the boys in the car. Those boys were Calogero s friends. They were boys he grew up with his whole life. That night Calogero was in the car but knew something was wrong. Just before he was about to throw away everything he had all the talent he possessed, Sonny pulled him out. At the time Calogero was angry but knew something was going to happen if he had stayed in that car. Sonny had saved his life. Calogero was horrified he had lost his friends but happy that he could live another day. Every day after that night Calogero used his talent and did great things for being a boy from the Bronx. A Bronx Taleis one of the best movies I have ever seen with one of greatest messages that everyone should remember. It is true that, The saddest thing in life is wasted talent. It is proven all over the world through terrorist, criminals and so many other people throughout the world. What will you do with what you have? Find what you are good at and remember that you could have all the talent in the world but if you don t do good with it you will have ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Use Of Stereotypes In Michael Blake s Dances With Wolves Throughout history people of different races and ethnic backgrounds have struggled to get along and accept each other. In Michael Blake s novel, Dances With Wolves, Lieutenant John Dunbar s life changes after he becomes involved with the Comanche Indians. After a short period of time, both Dunbar and the Indians learn to trust each other. Through literary terms such as foreshadowing, symbolism, and similes, Blake proves the idea that love, friendship, belonging, and connection can be found between people of different backgrounds and races. Foreshadowing is effectively used in order to prove that a strong relationship can be formed between people of different backgrounds. Blake foreshadows the love and marriage of Stands With A Fist and Dances ... Show more content on ... He chooses to use these similes so readers can understand the relationship between Dunbar and the Indians. For example, the author utilizes a simile to describe Dunbar s relation with Wind In His Hair and Stone Calf. They were as smug as schoolboys (Blake 275). Blake compares the relationship between the Indian warriors and Dunbar to schoolboys. By doing this, Blake implies that the men are comfortable together and and accepting of each other. Also, at this point in the book, Wind In His Hair and Stone Calf joke around with Dunbar about his love for Stands With A Fist. This proves how far the men have come in their relationship. At the beginning of the novel, the Indians would have been against any romantic relationship between an Indian woman and a white man. However, by the end of the book, they do not pay attention to the race of Dunbar; rather, they care about his kind personality and the other favorable qualities he possesses. To continue, Blake uses many other quotes to demonstrate the strong relationship between the Indians and Dunbar. Then it jumped into his eyes, and like the only boy in class who knows the answer, he smiled at his teacher (Blake 209). This quote tells the readers many details about Dunbar. By mentioning that he smiles, the quote proves is happy and excited to be with the Indians. Also, by comparing Dunbar to the only boy in class who know the answer, it tells readers that Dunbar is wise. He is smart not only for guessing correctly what the Indians are trying to communicate to him, but he is also smart for building this relationship with the Indians. Like the first example, this quote refers to a school setting. Dunbar smiling shows that he has a good relationship with his teacher Stands With A Fist. In addition, the quote references the theme because teachers teach people from all different backgrounds. It shows the strong connection between the student and the teacher in this case Dunbar ... Get more on ...
  • 46. The Essence Of All Art The essence of all art is to have pleasure in giving pleasure (Baryshnikov). Music and dance, whether solo or coupled have the ability to mindfully catapult one through a porthole; where the practitioner or admirer is adrift and present. Meanwhile, in its performance, granting both ad lib and formulated with variations. Subsequently, it has been portrayed in visual manifest or its tangible, wherein concrete expressive vessels in antiquity. Enthrallingly, as more discoveries immerge, one occurrence is certain; most civilizations have shared the practice of musicand dance amongst other complimentary art forms. Humanly relatable, though other cultures were advanced in these forms of arts or have expounded vividly above others. The mainstream belief of the evolution of instrument crafting and playing, or folk dance had relied on the recorded information and archeological findings, which suggest Mesopotamian cultures to have developed instruments along with the art of dancing. Man made, rustic and harmonic artistic deliverance boomed between 3500 to 500 B.C. (Koopman). However, the reference of where it rooted may be re examined with a Paleolithic tootle that designates otherwise. Regardless, where the art of music had flourished, The Fluteof Hohle Fels, [A] thin bird bone flute carved some 35,000 years ago and unearthed in a German cave is the oldest handcrafted musical instrumentyet discovered (University of Tuebingen, Conard, and Johnson). Which suggests humankind had ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Kate Spade s Trans Politics Spade has described the critical Trans politics as a strategy that demands the inclusion and legal recognition aimed at finding a possible transformation of current civil society, social equality and logics of the state. He has considered it necessary to apply the different norms that are affecting the human nature in the different institution. As indicated in the book, trans politics will arise from the feminists, anti resist politics, leftists, gay, and lesbians. Social movements frequently engage in some formal resistance operations thereby creating a different image from the normal running of the United States. Education systems that are available in the textbooks and elementary schools give some few lies about the US politics and laws. According to the basic background of the United States, it was known to be the sexiest and racist in the world but in the present days, they have entirely changed due to the changing of different laws. Spade has described the use of racial projects to show the transformation that was experienced in the United States. Therefore, the social movement has enabled the categorization of people through their gender, national origin, indignity, and race. According to Spade, Resistance to the political theories has helped in the fight against the state violence that could create central harms especially to women, people with disabilities, immigrants and native people. The rise in the editorial sectors towards updating the available textbooks has ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Influence Of Transformational Leadership And Job Burnout... Critical Analysis Paper Mindy Rudell The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Rittschof, K. R., Fortunato, V. J. (2016). The Influence of Transformational Leadership and Job Burnout on Child Protective Services Case Managers Commitment and Intent to Quit. Journal Of Social Service Research, 42(3), 372 385. doi 10.1080 /01488376.2015.1101047 Introduction According to Rittschof and Fortunato (2016), there has been little research conducted about the correlation between child protective service worker burnout rates and supportive supervisors and leadership personnel. The objective of this quantitative scholarly article is to inform the reader of the high turnover and burnout rate among child protective service workers. This article also includes information about the areas of growth that need to be improved upon in this department of social services. According to Rittschof and Fortunato (2016), leadership, management, and supervision are huge factors in the success and retention rate of child protective service workers. This article specifically pinpoints, through data analysis, the correlation between effective and positive transformational leadership and its impact on child protective service worker performance (Rittschof and Fortuno, 2016). Summary Purpose/Intention 1,090 child protective service case managers were invited to participate in the study of organizational commitment, job burnout, and intent to quit based on transformational leadership ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Types Of Reorganization Of A Company Essay Reorganization is the process of extending the life of a company that is facing liquidation by restructuring it in order to carry out activities which minimizes reoccurrence of past situations. Type A reorganization involves consolidation and merging and it gives greater flexibility since there is no restrictions of voting stock. Nontaxable status is not affected by removal of unnecessary assets. Additionally, this type of reorganization saves on time as approval from shareholders, which often brings complexity can be avoided. In a type B, assets and contracts which cannot be transferred are not lost, there is no substantially all requisite and liabilities of target s corporationare isolated in a subsidiary. In a type C reorganization, the acquiring corporation can be selective while choosing the liabilities it assumes. A taxresponsibility may arise if consideration other than stock is used in the possession of the resources. Type D reorganization enables the selling corporation to be exempted from paying tax immediately because assets transfer is followed by absolute liquidation of the acquired corporation. I would recommend type D as the most beneficial to the client because the shareholders quits operations once the corporation is bought by the acquiring company Furthermore, transfer of titles contracts and leases may not be necessary. In reference to the ABC Corporation, the client should use type C reorganization because it will enable him/ her to become the sole ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Comparing Satire In The Hunger Games And Brave New World A.Satirical Writing Satire is the use of humor, irony, or ridicule to show foolishness in humans and expose people s stupidity. It becomes effective when it takes whatever it is criticizing to a point where the reader can change their mind about issues by learning about it from a comedic perspective. TV shows/ Movies that use satire в—¦South Park в—¦The Office в—¦SNL в—¦Seinfeld в—¦Mean Girls в—¦Napoleon Dynamite blank The difference between satire and sarcasm is that satire is usually prepared and lengthy, while sarcasm is off the cuff and short. Sarcasm is a rhetorical device and satire is a form of genre. B. Dystopian Writing It is writing about a society characterized by human misery. The writing style can be inspired by ideas of the future from movies or tv shows. blank ... Show more content on ... This is because not all writing is the same when it comes to this category. The relevance of dystopian writing can help some people escape from reality and to appreciate the things that we have. In my own experience with dystopian literature I have read The Hunger Games, Divergent, and many other books like those.
  • 51. How The Hunger Games and Brave New World are the same: в—¦They are both in the future в—¦They have a superior group of people в—¦Their society is separated into groups depending on their skill level How The Hunger Games and Brave New World are different: в—¦The people in Brave New World all live in the same area в—¦In The Hunger Games there is a fight to the death в—¦In Brave New World intercourse is normal C. Biography He was born in the UK His family was into science Huxley s mother died в—¦This could represent the death of Linda в—¦The reason that the society is not affected by death He became nearly blind в—¦There are no illnesses or problems in the BNW society His brother killed ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Essay about Features of Post Modern Fictions Some of the dominant features of postmodern fictions include temporal disorder, the erosion of the sense of time, a foregrounding of words as fragmenting material signs, a pervasive and pointless use of pastiche, loose association of ideas, paranoia and the creation of vicious circles or a loss of destination between separate levels of discourse, which are all symptoms of the language disorders of postmodernist fictions. The postmodern novelmay be summed up as: Late modernism. Anti modernism. Not avant garde tendency (may be avant garde within a literary period). Emphasizes plot than character. Characters are fragmented/multiple. Experimental. Misogynist. Denigration of female writers. Matter of packaging. ... Show more content on ... Choudhary states: The major feature of this kind of fiction lies in the subversion of the assumptions and generic traits and function of fiction, including modernist novel. Generically postmodernist fiction is self questioning in nature, skeptical about its possibilities, rules and principles. Its function is disillusionary; it dives into the underside of fiction and explodes its fallacies...Postmodernist text directs itself to the suspension of meaning by using disruptive narrative, polyphony, multiple ending and the like thereby frustrating intelligibility. It is devoid of teleology and causality (12). Some critics are of the view that postmodern fictions do not convey any moral values and imparts untrue elements. In a postmodern word, literature is just another text. You can forget all that stuff about truth and value and other alienating lies perpetual by a deliberately selective version of history controlled by crazy power freaks and their lackey dupes. Truth is only what circulates as such: hence the importance of technology and the media to an understanding of our world today. Values are only effects of cultural traditions; hence the importance of becoming cynical today, in order not to be suppressed under the suffocating of culture and tradition (Lucy viii). A.S.D. Pillai states that: The contemporary cultural situation, the postmodern text reveals in its construction a world of valueless vaudeville. But, as has been repeatedly pointed out, black ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Cognitive Disabilities In The Boys Next Door By Tom Griffin How many people do you think are diagnosed with a cognitive disabilities? About one and three percent of the global population. The play The Boys Next Door by Tom Griffin is about four men with cognitive disabilities who live together in a home funded by the government. Lucien and Barry, two of the main characters, have the strongest relationship because Lucien was comforting Barry when he was sad, and Lucien brought Barry a quarter when he was in the institution, and finally, Lucien and Barry never talk bad about each other. Lucien is very caring, and he s there for Barry when he needs him. Barry was talking to Lucien about how worried he was that his dad was coming to visit and Barry says, I think I ll go inside and get ready for bed. That s what I think I ll do. I ll go inside and get ready for bed. Lucien then realizes that Barry is sad and says Dads, they be scary sometimes. (Griffin 31). This shows how close they are because Lucien isn t very self aware, but somehow he manages to realize that Barry is sad. Throughout the play Lucien doesn t... Show more content on ... When he finds out Jack is going to see Barry in the institution, he asks Jack to give barry a quarter for a golf lesson when he gets out of the institution. Barry is Lucien s only real friend, so when he finds out Jack is going to visit Barry he was excited enough to give him a quarter for a golf lesson. This is shown when Jack says Lucien wanted me to give you this. It s a quarter. He says when you get out he wants you to give him a golf lesson (Griffin 57). Lucien felt bad because in the play he gave Barry two pennies for a golf lesson, so he decided to give him a quarter this time. This shows how strong their relationship is because Lucien actually feels bad for only giving Barry two pennies instead of a quarter. It shows the audience that Lucien cares about Barry, and he cares what Barry thinks of ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Billy Elliot Film Analysis Individuals venturing into new transitions could confront obstacles but may also gain significant rewards. Barriers often obstruct the achievement of goals which bring about growth and change within oneself and their surroundings. Billy Elliot is a film set in an English town of Evirngton, England during the 1985 mining strikes. The film depicts a young boy facing the challenge of overcoming traditional gender stereotypes to pursue his love for ballet. Billy faces extreme adversity from his family and community that hold traditional values and beliefs. The process of transitioning into a new phase of life may be confronting but ultimately lead to new understandings of self and others. Stephen Aldry s Billy Elliot film epitomizes this idea as Billy tries to pursue his passion for dancing in 1980 s England. The obstacles he faces throughout his transition shape his journey throughout the text. Similarly, Clint Eastwoods novel American sniper explores how transitions can shape an individual and their relationships with others around them, Where Kyle returns from his first deployment and reunites with Taya Kyle. Taya immediately notices that her husband has changed, war has made him moodier and angrier. Yet this transition is yet to be complete. Billy challenges society s expectations based on gender during this era, as he conflicts against male stereotypes on gender roles and follows his passion for dance. Billy s transition is represented through a series of visual and ... Get more on ...
  • 55. Get Converse Sporting Shoes Get converse sporting goods This is a store that has sporting shoes which get manufactured in it. It was the early times in Malden Massachusetts where in 1908 when it all started off with this company getting a boost and there being a new start that converse shoes gave as a product that will shine all over the US with purpose of making an impact on people of the country. These shoes got worn by different people who were interested in the chuck fashion that is more prominent in US since the basketball star Chuck Taylor signed his pair of shoes which he had used in 1912 Olympic Games in basketball that he played with true fervor. It is just a shoe that makes an impact as its appearance is not just comfortable but looks like a useful way to solve ... Show more content on ... It is the chuck fashion which has lasted for a 100 years now. Used as a sporting shoe it is more adhered to with crowds turning out to purchase them as a necessity they feel for their personal purposes. There is availability of these converse shoes through online methods used by those who apply online on these websites and have confidence of working with easier access they get in different situations where there are computers or smart phones usually used. It is with full conviction you can make your purchases on this online store through converse on a regular basis. Also discount coupons are also there for use obtained from online discount websites which are meant to get you discounts you plan to avail with purchase from the converse website. You can access the discounts with Converse discount codes that will avail you proper deals available for you. What strikes most with Converse? It is the sporting needs that have increased in quantity which are getting used in different situations in the US for playing sports and with masses preferring this shoe, it is the main reason for its use. People have changed their brand from Nike, Reebok to Converse as an answer to all their problems. Converse has evolved in to a new market since ... Get more on ...
  • 56. Essay on Restructuring the Marketing Function for Greater... Restructuring the Marketing Function for Greater Efficiency Word count: 5,910 Table of Contents Table of Contents2 Executive Summary4 Task 15 Identify the key challenges and issues that changes in the marketing environment pose for both the relationships within the marketing department and those with other departments.5 Evaluate the effect of these relationships on marketing performance and so identify the implications for the current marketing team structure5 Economic instability and increase of demand5 Changes in technological knowledge within the market6 Supplier price changes7 London Olympics 20127 Task 29 Critically analyse the differences between management and leadership in relation to the ... Show more content on ... Also recent the announcement of the price increase from the main supplier is discussed and the situation the Marketing Managers are presented with. The differences of management and leadership will be analysed, pinpointing certain examples within Company X and how the style of management leadership has changed within the marketing function, affecting productivity and priorities. A recommended restructure is outlined, with supporting organisation charts. This highlights the need for added data management skills to assist with the marketing function and a more dedicated events resource that is based outside of London to be able to support the reduced marketing team. The Marketing Support Executive will move into the Marketing Department and IT to provide part time and adhoc support for data requests, management and segmentation to help establish effective campaigning and customer communication. This is supported with a Talent Management Programme and Budget that outlines the actions needed to establish a brand forum, improve the communicate between departments and understand the upcoming priorities and requirements from the reduced Marketing Team. Several ideas for establishing strong relationships and smooth communications between different teams are discussed, taking into mind the difference roles played within teams and projects. This involves engaging any staff affecting by the ... Get more on ...