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Essay About Summer
Crafting an essay about summer may initially seem like a breeze, given the seemingly boundless
scope of experiences associated with this season. However, as one delves into the task, the
challenge becomes apparent. The difficulty lies not in the scarcity of material but in navigating
through the plethora of vivid memories, sensory impressions, and diverse perspectives that the
summer season encompasses.
The paradox of abundance can be overwhelming, making it challenging to decide which aspects
to highlight and which to omit. Should the focus be on the warmth of the sun, the coolness of
refreshing swims, or the symphony of nature during long, lazy afternoons? Each avenue of
exploration opens up a multitude of possibilities, making the process akin to selecting the most
vibrant colors from an artist's palette.
Moreover, the challenge extends beyond mere description. Crafting a compelling narrative
requires a delicate balance between personal reflection and relatable universality. It demands the
ability to transform individual summer experiences into a narrative that resonates with a broader
audience. This requires finesse in language, a keen understanding of human emotions, and the
skill to evoke nostalgia or anticipation through words.
The essay's structure also poses its own set of challenges. How does one weave together various
elements of summer – the vacations, the festivals, the leisure, and the adventure – into a
cohesive and engaging narrative? Finding the right sequence and pacing to maintain the reader's
interest throughout the essay becomes a meticulous task.
Additionally, there's the risk of clichГ©s and banalities that often accompany discussions about
summer. Steering clear of overused tropes while still capturing the essence of the season
demands a delicate dance between creativity and originality.
In essence, writing an essay about summer is like embarking on a journey through a lush, varied
landscape with the challenge of encapsulating its richness in a limited space. It requires the
ability to distill a myriad of experiences into a narrative that is not only personal but also
universally relatable.
For those finding this task too daunting, there is assistance available. Similar essays and a
plethora of writing services can be accessed on, providing a helping hand for
those seeking to articulate the beauty and complexity of summer without getting lost in the
abundance of details.
Essay About Summer Essay About Summer
Trophy Hunting
Two months ago, moral panic hit the US when once obscure African lion, Cecil, met
a seemingly illegal slaughter by Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer at Zimbabwe s
Hwange National Park, a short distance of about 8,000 miles from Miami, Florida.
Cecil, an unique and beloved lion with black mane, was illegal murdered when
Palmer, a trophy hunter, reportedly paid Zimbabwean guides for the opportunity to
slaughter the creature inside the park, using a carcass to lure him out (Walters, 2015).
Although lions are typically one of the species that can be legally hunted, outraged
people across the world are wondering when the African government will do
something about the concerns of lions becoming extinct unlike and unimportant to
how 99 percent of currently threatened species are at risk from humanactivities,
primarily those driving habitat loss, introduction of exotic species, and global
warming (The Extinction Crisis),
While Zimbabwe has more pressing issues of poverty with a fragile food and
nutrition security (Overview), the lion stands out the most; ... Show more content on ...
These grotesque acts of trophy hunting can be easily stopped by the citizens of
African countries, but they are too busy with the pervasive corruption that is
prevalent in their country (Duckworth, 2004b) to realize it. It s not as if South
Africa has the largest hunting industry in terms of numbers of operators, visiting
hunters, animals shot and revenues generated (Lindsey et al. 1997 2006), while
Kenya itself lost an estimated $20 40 million a year in lost revenues when trophy
hunting was banned (Elliott and Mwangi, 1998; Hurt and Ravn, 2000). While we
rear our righteous head to this horrid reveal of immorality, we should lead Africa in
our American ways of incorruptibility that is not at all tained by the recent trend of
ag gag bills that makes it impossible for activists to expose industrial animal
operations via media or undercover investigation (Runyon,
Fighting Inequality and Oppression with Non-Violence Is...
An unjust law is itself a species of violence. Arrest for its breach is more so. Now
the law of nonviolence says that violence should be resisted not by counter violence
but by nonviolence. This I do by breaking the law and by peacefully submitting to
arrest and imprisonment. (Mahatma Gandhi) Since Americas independence until
today people try to find different approaches to defeat the inequality and the
oppression. An old traditional thought is that violence can only be treated with
violence, there is no room left for an analysis of the situation and try to approach it
differently. Yet, there are ways like Gandhi quote states if we have to break the law
and accept the consequences to counter violence by non violence might as well
accept this method; either way people suffer the consequences for breaking the law .
On the onther hand, a nonviolencemovement will shift people view on the positive
side rather than the negative side; demonstrating that nonviolence method will
achieve justice in a peaceful way without the consequences of violence. The best
method to advocate justice is by fostering a Non violent character to people and to
stand up against the enemy with intelligence.
Fighting inequality and oppression with violence has being an old school thought
that had been penetrated in the people mid since they were little, and the
consequences of such thought had been showed through the course of history. For
instance in the letter from a Birmingham Jail, Martin
Negative Aspects Of Masculinity
Gone are the days of masculinity being a mountain man or a cutthroat businessman,
society is no longer the 1800s or an episode of MadMen. Currently, some of society s
expectations of masculinity (as defined by experts) are a desire to win, need for
emotional control, dominance (including that over women), violence, sexual
promiscuity, and a pursuit of status. However masculinitycan also be something that
is positive. Like a steady rock to build emotional support upon, a stoic person can be
an excellent resource. This can be like the person that hides their emotion in order to
better others that need a push forward when their emotions get the better of them.
This is where masculine ideals can be a double edged sword because these traits can
be beneficial in some manners but it can also have some detriments that occur
consequently. It is not that men are not masculine; it is that masculinity does not
represent men anymore. Because of the negative side effects of men exhibiting
masculine traits they should no longer be expected to adhere to all of these
traditional ideals.
The traits that are normally associated with masculinity are ones that can be
detrimental to the mental health of the people who have these traits. For example
in an analysis of seventy eight different studies, researchers at the University of
Indiana Bloomington found that men who exhibited masculine traits were more
likely to have mental health issues such as depression. The same men were also
less likely to seek help when it came to their mental health issues. The traits that
were most commonly associated with the negative mental health were being self
reliant, sexual promiscuity, and having dominance or power over women.
Expecting someone to be stoic and only depending on themselves means they will
be less likely to go and seek psychological help as they would feel that they need to
be able to solve their problems themselves. This societal pressure upon men to be
dominating and stoic is not good for their mental health. So the pressure should be
lessened or removed to the point where men are no longer expected to have these
traits as the other option leads to depression that goes untreated. This meta analysis,
headed by Associate
Auschwitz II-Birkenau, And Auschwitz III-Monowitz
After the control of Poland by the Third Reich, Oswiecim, a city in Poland, had its
named changed to Auschwitz by the Germans and became the name of the camp.
Auschwitz had served as a concentration camp through its lifespan and eventually
became the biggest concentration camp at the time. Only Polish people were sent
there at first which were mostly people with high power including scientific, civic,
political figures, etc. After a while people other than the Polish were sent to the
camp. Jews and others who were fit for labor were sent to the camp. 400,000 people
were registered and placed in the camp and the sub camps of Auschwitz. Over time
Auschwitz was expanded into three parts. Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II Birkenau, and
Auschwitz III Monowitz... Show more content on ...
In September of 1941 the first extermination happened. and Auschwitz II became a
major site of Nazi s Final Solution . From the beginning of 1942 until late 1944,
transport trains transported Jewish people from across Europe, where they were
killed with the Zyklon B. Around 1.3 million people were sent to the camp, of
which at least 1 million died. Approximately 1 in 6 Jews killed in in the Holocaust
died at the camp. Many of the people who were not killed in the gas chambers had
died of starvation, forced labor, diseases, executions, and medical experiments.
Under command of United States General Dwight D. Eisenhower more than
100,000 soldiers took part in the largest amphibious invasion in history. On June 6,
1944, which is also known as D Day western Allies stormed the beaches of
Normandy, France. By the end of the month, over 800,000 American, British, and
Canadian soldiers had arrived to join what General Eisenhower called the Great
Crusade . On June 22, 1944, Soviet forces went on the offense and destroyed German
forces defending the center of the eastern front in western Belorussia, pushing to
Eco Friendly And Edible Silverware
Eco Friendly/ Edible Silverware Our environment has a lot of problems with waste
that we create and it is getting more out of hand each year. Waste is harming
wildlife, rivers, plants, and humans. I have come up with a solution to this global
problem and reasons why we need it. My solution is to develop eco friendly/edible
silverware. Biodegradable means to have the capability of being able to
decompose by bacteria and other living organisms. Biodegradable products are
made out of natural plant materials like corn or sugarcane. I believe biodegradable
products is a good way to reduce waste and keep our environment healthy, unlike
plastic, which many products consist of. General everyday plastic is made out of
one of Earth s limited resources, oil. Oil takes up to three hundred million years to
form. Also, oil based products that are not reusable, and end up in one of the world
s many landfills, which takes up to one thousand years to decompose. Oil based
products also end being washed into seas or oceans, and overtime the plastic
products can release poisonous toxins, harming wildlife, or polluting nearby rivers.
Comparing biodegradable products to plastic products you can see that
biodegradable products use up to seventy percent less carbon dioxide to produce
than plastic products. It also only takes twelve weeks for biodegradable products to
decompose. Recycling waste is a simple answer to our problem, but instead the
shortage of waste treatment systems can resort in
The Revolutionary Policies of Henry VIII Essay
The Revolutionary Policies of Henry VIII
Henry was a supreme egotist. He advanced personal desires under the guise of
public policy or moral right, forced his ministers to pay extreme penalties for his own
mistakes, and summarily executed many with little excuse. In his later years he
became grossly fat, paranoid, and unpredictable. Nonetheless he possessed
considerable political insight, and he provided England with a visible and active
national leader.
Although Henry seemed to dominate his Parliaments, the importance of that
institution increased significantly during his reign. Other advances made during his
reign were the institution of an effective navy and the beginnings of social and ...
Show more content on ...
He began life as a second son, destined for the church. It was the dream of Henry
VII for his eldest son, Arthur, to be king and for his second son, Henry, to be the
highest churchman in England. And so, for the first ten years of his life, Henry
was a student of theology. And for the next thirty years of his life, he remained a
dutiful son of the church. It is ironic, then that his most significant historical
achievement was the destruction of the Roman Catholic faith in England. The
most prominent casualty of Henry s break with Rome was Thomas Wolsey.
Wolsey became Archbishop of York in 1514; in 1515 the Pope made him a
Cardinal and Henry appointed him Chancellor, the highest political office in
England. The title of papal legate, granted in 1518, made him the effective head of
the English Church. The son of an Ipswich butcher, Wolsey was the richest and
most powerful man in England after the King. However, he could not impose Henry
s will on the Pope. In retaliation, Henry had him convicted of praemunire overriding
civil law with church law and confiscated his assets. He died in 1530 while facing an
additional charge of treason.
His secretary, the Protestant reformer Thomas Cromwell, succeeded him. Cromwell
reorganised the government, the Church and the map of Wales, replacing the
Principality and the Earldom of March with Standard English counties. His
Soccer Descriptive Speech
The crowd is stomping their feet chanting USA! USA! , trying to make as much
noise as they can despite their gloved hands and frozen feet. The entire stadium is
shaking as the fans show their support for our goalie who just laid out for a
stunning save. As we settle back into our seats, wrapping blankets back around our
shoulders, I hear from behind me, God is helping out between those poles tonight.
Yeah, he must be a U.S. Women s fan too cuz Lord knows the men s team is
terrible. This come from two middle aged women decked out in U.S. Soccer gear
sitting a row behind me. The group of people around them chuckle after hearing
this exchange. It s just a fact around here: the women play better. Just three months
later I walk into Jordan Field, home of the Boston Breakers, a professional women
s soccer team and as we walk towards the stands one of my friends jokes that even
our high school has a better stadium than this. The sun is beating down on me, I
squint up at the stands noticing how empty they are despite the small number of
seats. Once the game starts it s clear that the fans here are just as enthusiastic as
U.S. Women s National Team (USWNT) fans, there just happens to be a lot less of
them. I began to wonder how is it that 26,500 people are willing to stand in the
freezing cold to support the USWNT, but a professional women s soccer league that
runs in the middle of the summer only averages about 6,610 fans per game ( U.S.
WNT vs. England 1, 2017 NWSL
Ntozake Shange Poetry Analysis
Good morning and welcome to this discussion on Poetry and Power at the State
Library of Queensland. Power. In every facet of society, there are those who devote
their lives to gaining and maintaining it, and others who devote theirs to dismantling
it. Today, I d like to introduce you to one of my favourite poets, Ntozake Shange,
who, on the outset, definitely fits the latter category. Born Paulette Williams in 1948,
Shange s teenage years coincided with the rise of the African American Civil Rights
and Women s Liberation Movements, a period of immense socio political upheaval
(AfroPoets, 2011). When she moved to Harlem in her early 20s, Shange was
confronted with the stark realities facing African American women, including
rampant domestic... Show more content on ...
However, despite gender equality movements in the late 1960s (Indiana Coalition
Against Domestic Violence, 2015), mass media producers were still largely male
dominated when Shange was writing her poetry, and hence often sought to maintain
the old ways of stigma and marginalisation, perpetuating the belief that domestic
violence was the woman s fault, and victims who chose to speak up should be
feared (White Ribbon Australia, 2014). Shange detested this notion, using the
power of poetry to highlight the absurdity of this opinion and underline the media
s gross misuse of their power to influence public opinion. In her poem, With No
Immediate Cause, Shange selectively uses so called pleasant words to describe
issues that are far it, serving to confront and disturb readers. The phrase hot water...
/ decorate[s] her body is one such case, the incongruent use of the word decorate
evoking a sense of uneasiness and disgust. In this way, Shange highlights the
illogicality of the media s sanitisation of the issue, reminding us that domestic
violence will never be pretty , no matter how much one tries to sugar coat it. A lack
of punctuation is also used to emphasise this reality, as Shange describes her
response to a recent news article, concerned that domestic violence victims may
start to reciprocate: i spit up i vomit i am screaming . The lack of commas or any
kind of pacing at all demonstrates the immediacy of the issue, prompting us to
reconsider the realities facing women in the 1970s compared to the media s
representation. Her challenge to mass media producers is also evident in her
choreopoem, sorry , in which Shange highlights the reality of victim blaming .
Through repetition of the words on purpose i loved you on purpose / i was open on
purpose Shange s sarcastic conformity to the dominant societal attitude at the time
that the victim should have
Essay about The Critical Perido Hypothesis
The critical period hypothesis has been a long standing topic of debate in first and
second language acquisition. There are many studies that focus on the effects of age
on the attainment of a second language. The Critical Period Hypothesis theorizes, at
its most basic level, that younger learners are more successful than older learners in
language learning. It also theorizes that language learning is difficult after puberty.
Thus, a critical period or age limit exist in language learning. It is generally accepted
that the critical period extends to second language acquisition. However, there are
disagreements on the optimum age range in which second language can be easily
attained. The term critical period is used to describe... Show more content on ...
31). Thus, adults have a harder time learning a second language.
Arguments for and against the Critical Period Hypothesis (CPH) are found in many
studies in second language acquisition. The purpose of this paper is to determine the
acceptance of critical period and to find whether or not there is a support for a cut
off age (set off of critical period) after which adults can no longer attain native like
proficiency in a second language. Also, studies will be reviewed to determine if
adults can attain native like pronunciation post puberty. Finally, studies from 1960
1999 are sufficient to determine the support for or argument against the CPH on
second language acquisition (SLA).
Evidence for a critical period in SLA
The effect of age on second language acquisition is a subject of many studies.
These studies use Lenneberg s CPH as a base in order to explain why adult learners
have a difficult time in mastering a second language. A commonly asked question is
whether or not there is an age limit to attain proficiency in second language
acquisition. And, if there is an age limit, what is the cut off age?
There is research in the body of literature to support the notion of age as a factor in
second language acquisition. There are studies that sought to test the relationship
between age and second language competence. Support for the age factor
The Theory Of The Expectancy Violation Theory
Expectations do not always align with the reality of a situation. Attempting to predict
an individual s response or reaction can be difficult due to the fact that a reaction
takes into account pre existing and external factors. Burgoon s Expectancy Violations
Theory analyses people s reactions to unanticipated violations of social norms or
expectations. This theory discusses many of the different factors that play a role
when individuals form their expectancies such as context, relationship, communicator
characteristics, and nonverbal communication.
This paper analyses the pros and cons of the Expectancy Violation Theory. It argues
why this theory satisfies enough of Griffin s six standards to classify it as a good
objective ... Show more content on ...
Expectancy Violation Theory tries to incorporate all the elements that would
determine a response.
The next large concept of Expectancy Violation Theory is violation valence.
Violation valence is similar to the idea of a scale which determines how greatly the
violation affects you. Weather or not an individual s reaction is positive or negative
is simple part, but putting a value on how positive or how negative is what will
determine the magnitude of the response.
Communicator reward valence is the last main concept of Expectancy Violations
Theory. The idea of a reward valence has to do with sizing another individual up in
terms of what they have to offer you. Determining if the positives outweigh the
negatives in a relationship is an important factor when it comes calculating responses,
especially for unexpected behaviors.
Expectancy Violation Theory also includes behavioral adjustments and adaptation.
Burgoon states that human beings are predisposed to adapt to each other (p.90). As
relationship grow expectancies and reaction change because people learn to adapt.
Theory Worldview
Expectancy Violation Theory is an objective theory that is classified as a socio
psychological tradition on Griffin s map of theory tradition. Socio psychological
tradition emphasizes the scientific perspective looking for cause and effect
relationships that can predict trends and results. This theory
The Fellowship Of The Ring
In the Fellowship of the Ring written by J.R.R. Tolkien and it reveals a new world
of elves, magic, men, dwarves, hobbits, and other unworldly creatures. Middle
Earth is the name of the lands every creature inhabits, and like our world, it is
divided up and has different realms of elves, dwarves, men and so forth. Much to
my surprise I enjoyed the book and found it was very intriguing. While I was
reading further into the book I became more drawn into the plot and main
characters. The Fellowship of the Ring is part of a trilogy and I would enjoy
reading the other two books in the series. The story commences with a narrative
speech spoken by Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit of the Shire, and gives the reader the
background of Middle Earth. Gandalfthe Grey is in the Shire and decides to visit
Bilbo while he is getting ready for his 111th birthday, which commences the same
night. During the birthday party Bilbo decides to play a little trick on his guests with
his special ring and disappears before their very eyes as he slips on his ring. Bilbo
runs to his home and packs up his belongings and departs for a journey, while he s
packing Gandalf arrives to speak to Bilbo. Before Bilbo leaves the Shire, he leaves
the ring and everyone of his belongings to Frodo. Frodo arrives back to Bilbo s home
and sees Bilbo has left, and discovers Bilbo has left the ring for him. As he
examines the ring Gandalf enters the room and speaks to Frodo about the origin of
the ring and the dangers of
NASA Rover Research Paper
Opportunity NASA Rover A robot is a machine capable of carrying out a complex
series of actions automatically, especially one programmable by a computer. When
you think of a robot, do you think of a dishwasher? Probably not. Robots don t
have to be a fancy human or animal shaped machines. It can be something as simple
as your cellphone. Some very common robots are washers, dishwashers, automatic
vacuums, and some voice activated devices. We have these robots to make everyday
tasks easier, to do a better job, or to do something that humans could never do. The
three main components of any given robot are the sensors, the actuators, and a
computation process. The term robot comes from the extravagant playwright by
Karel ДЊapek who introduced the word in his hit play in the 1920 s,... Show more
content on ...
The word itself was drawn from the old Slavonic Church word, robota which
means forced labor , drudgery , or servitude . The Mars Exploration Rover mission
includes the twin rovers, the Opportunity and Spirit rovers which explore outer
space. These rovers are part of NASA s Mars Exploration Program, a long term
effort of robotic exploration of the red planet. The Opportunity is mostly made out
of different types of sensors to take in various kinds of information. The mast
mounted cameras are mounted 1.5 meters(5 feet) high and will provide 360 degree,
stereoscopic, humanlike views of the terrain. The robotic arm is capable of
movement in much the same way as a human arm with an elbow and wrist, and can
place instruments directly up against rock and soil targets of interest. In the
mechanical fist of the arm is a microscopic camera that serves the same purpose as a
geologist s handheld magnifying lens. Some sensors that the Opportunity has is a
Panoramic Camera (Pancam). The Pancam is used for determining minerals, texture,
and the structure of the terrain. The Miniature Thermal Emission Spectrometer (Mini
TES) is used for identifying promising
Foundations And Hedge Fund Funds Essay
concerns and are less concerned with the performance of the hedge fund.
To escape income tax returns these are famous as they are not susceptible to high tax
rates on ordinary income and short term capital gains.
What is a Foundation?
It can be said as a pool of money with a group of employees to invest that money
and also give a part of the pool to organizations with a set of objectives. Donated
money is tax exemplary. To get tax free status at least 5% of the foundation must be
distributed. The returns are taxed only if the returns are from the businesses run by
the foundation.It can be invested in off shore as well.
Foundations as Hedge Fund Investors
Convertible bond strategies and fixed income strategies are the favorable ones which
has a leverage of 6:1 to 40:1 unless it is an off shore. Foundations take help of
consultants for investing in hedge funds. They help in recognizing the portfolio of
investment and the industry to enter into, It is quite often they take the aid of
It is similar to a foundation except that it is concerned with a philanthropic
organization. It is created to fund a portion of the expense in that organization
Endowments as Hedge Fund Investors
These invest more into hedge funds compared to foundations. They have a stronger
bond to hedge funds compared to foundation. Their behavior towards hedge fund is
the same as the foundation. The commitment is longer and firmer
Pillips Foods
In this case, Ron Birch, product manager for the new pasteurized king crab of
Phillips Foods, needs to make a decision for the phase II of launch of king crab. He
planned to continue the magazine strategy used in phase I, but Cherry Stockworth,
vice president of marketing of Phillips Foods, recommended him to use the budget
to support half of cost of International Boston Seafood Show. According to the
information given in this case, I don t think this is an either or choice, and my
recommendation for Ron Birch is to decrease the cost of ads in trade magazines,
change the content of ads in magazines before and after the IBSS, and support the
IBSS in March SWOT Analysis of King Crabof Phillips related to Trade Show Before
analyzing the... Show more content on ...
Opportunity: U.S. seafood market grew rapidly in recent years, and the biggest part
of seafood sales is fresh seafood, which is 54% of all seafood retail sales. The king
crab of Phillips belongs to fresh seafood, which means it has huge market potential.
Customers tend to buy food that is easy cooked and fresh, which is a feature of the
king crab product. The IBSS is a nation wide trade show which could attract a lot of
exhibitors and attendance. Making use of this platform could help Phillips to build its
reputation and promote its products at the same time. Threat: Just because the IBSS
could attract a large amount of exhibitors, the competition during the trade show is
fierce. Though there are so many potential customers would appear at the trade show,
how could Phillips beat the competitors and attracts enough customers to its booth.
Another threat for king crab is the possible rejection of the retailers because they
would feel risky to replace an old product with a new product. Pros and Cons of
Alternative Strategies
Trade advertising strategy
Pros: Trade magazine is one of the most important sources for decision makers and
they will spend relatively long time in reading magazines. This strategy would cost
less than trade show strategy and would reach broader potential customers. Cons:
Effectiveness for brand building and lead generation of ads on magazines are 50.2%
and 47.4%, lower than effectiveness of trade show, which are 60.9%
Banana Reef Bananas Essay
Banana farms along the Johnstone river, sending the reef bananas?
Location and current status
The Johnstone River catchment in far North Queensland is one of many rivers that
is destroying the great barrier reef, it and many other rivers in North Queensland are
the home to banana and sugarcane farms. When the area gets large amounts of
rainfall, sediments run off the farms and into the Jonstone or other rivers it has been
placed next to for irrigation. The sediment contains nutrients, nitrogen and chemicals
meant to rid the farms of pests and increase productivity. These all enter the river
and eventually the sea. To Quote Martin Cunningham The Johnstone river has died
the sediment is causing the animals that usually live in the river to die or leave, the
birdlife is dieing down and it is getting progressively harder to fish in the river. Other
people say that the Johnstone river is not dieing, there is a large crocodile
population. They say that there must be plenty of life in the river for the crocodiles,
if there wasn t the crocodile s would leave.
What are some of ... Show more content on ...
Reef 2050 is a long term plan to manage the reef, return water quality and reef life
to its former glory and the protect it in the period between 2015 to 2050. This plan
was being finalised and sent to the world heritage committee by the end of the year,
when proposed to the committee at which time they said it was a good plan however
the Government would need to be able to take funding seriously as the cost will be
extreme.The Reef 2050 Plan was developed by the Australian and Queensland
governments with input from scientists, communities, Traditional Owners, industry
and non government organisations. Public comment was then invited on the draft
plan for six weeks until October 27,
Analysis Of The Book The Hobbit
The Hobbit takes after the mission of home cherishing hobbit Bilbo Baggins to
win an offer of the fortune watched by Smaug the mythical beast. Bilbo s trip takes
him from cheerful, country surroundings into a viler region. The story is told as a
rambling mission, and most sections present a particular animal or kind of creatures
of Tolkien s topography. Bilbo picks up another level of development, capability,
and intelligence by tolerating the offensive, sentimental, fey, and brave sides of his
temperament and applying his minds and judgment skills. The story achieves its
peak in the Battle of the Five Armies, where a considerable lot of the characters and
animals from prior sections re rise to take part in strife.
Self improvement and ... Show more content on ...
Since the production of The Hobbit in 1937, there were numerous contentions
whether the book is a dream, a children s story, a tale, a sentiment, an epic, or a
novel. Ordering the book is one method for clarifying its qualities and shortcomings
and comprehension the huge bid it has held for a long time. Tolkien himself was
dependably for to characterize this book as quite favoured history whether genuine or
imagined, and not a purposeful allegory.
Despite the fact that the topical significance of hobbits is very begging to be proven
wrong, Tolkien himself recognized that the way of hobbits depended on the country,
white collar class English individuals among whom he lived. This image empowers
Tolkien to investigate the difference amongst antiquated and current perspectives as
the cutting edge minded Bilbo ventures to every part of the old universe of Middle
Tolkien composed The Hobbit with an end goal to incorporate two artistic interests, a
mythology of England and stories for his kids. His scholarly aptitude in old written
works and dialects acclimated him altogether with the old northern myths and stories,
including the Icelandic adventures that is for the most part about old Nordic and
Germanic history, about early Viking voyages, the fights that occurred amid the
voyages, about relocation to Iceland and of quarrels between Icelandic families.
Tolkien started
Cyber Security And Security Of The Users
Vehicular networking technology is no more a futuristic concept it is becoming a
reality with the aim of providing services related to traffic safety, traffic efficiency
and infotainment [1]. When these kinds of services are introduced, they also bring in
the vulnerabilities associated with them, resulting in increased number of security
threats and attacks. Hence, it is very important to ensure that these services do not
compromise the safety and security of the users [2]. This paper aims to provide a
brief overview of cyber security in vehicular networks by analyzing its vulnerabilities,
challenges and solutions.
I. Introduction
Vehicular networks consist of in vehiclenetworks and vehicular ad hoc networks
(VANETs). The in vehicle network consists of several Electronic Control Units
(ECUs) connected to each other using different communication protocols like
Controller Area Network (CAN), Local Interconnect Network (LIN), etc. [3]. The in
vehicle network helps in implementing applications like climate control, engine
management, transmission etc. VANETs include vehicle to vehicle (V2V)
communication and vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) communication; the combination
of which enables in making driving safer and better.
Keeping the safety applications in mind, the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration (NHTSA) announced in 2014 that it will start crafting a new rule
which would require cars to talk to each other [4]. While this is a major step in making
Public Attitudes Toward African Americans With Mental...
This paper examines the inequalities that African Americans with mental disabilities
face in their daily lives. It argues that this constituency receives inadequate medical
access and services, different treatment of their disability, and is highly stigmatized
as compared to Whites. In order to support my argument I examine public attitudes
towards blacks with mental illnesses, their depiction in the media, and contemporary
issues related to the topic. I draw on specific course concepts such as ableism and
use an intersectional approach to show that African Americans are not given the
proper attention they deserve. In the first section of this paper, I examine public
attitudes toward African Americans who have mental disabilities and how this affects
their treatment options. In the second section, I explore the limited portrayal of
blacks with mental disabilities in television and film. In the third and final section, I
discuss recent issues regarding the lack of Black disabilitystudies. By researching this
topic, I hope to bring more awareness and acceptance of African Americans with
mental disabilities. I also want to add more scholarship to the field, which is much
I. Views Towards Blacks with Mental Disorders
Although several years have passed since the civil rights movement, there continues
to be discrimination against people of color. This discrimination is even more
prominent towards people of color who have mental or physical disabilities. More
Joffrey Dance Essay
Joffrey: Mavericks of American Dance, recounts the tale of the revolutionized
American dance by consolidating advanced customary dance to make another brave
work of art. The Joffrey Ballet was an group that effectively went out on a limb that
changed the dance form for eternity. As the title indicates, the film depicts the
organization as a nonconformist the principal American dancecompany to coordinate
current dance moves into its traditional expressive dance base, and one that was so
associated with political and societal occasions of the time. Established in 1956 by
Robert Joffrey and Gerald Arpino, the progressions were little at in the first place,
expanding the significance of male artists in the gathering with and choreographing
less constrained development. At that point when the 1960s hit everything changed.
Strong works like the dull, hostile to war demonstrate The Green Table and the
hallucinogenic hippy freakout Astarte politicized the artistic expression and melded
it with a cutting edge sensibility without losing the traditionally prepared roots.
Acclaim, attention, and Time Magazine covers (back in the blameless days when a
wonder such as this was still viewed as essential) took after, and the free thinker
medicines of the specialty were reflected in... Show more content on
In a couple of years that mantle would move to Europe yet it was Robert Joffrey s
effective little organization that pushed those progressions and open new boondocks
for ballet. American specialists who changed their artistic expression, as well as
found a crowd of people. Joffrey: Mavericks of American Dance, a genuine history of
the Joffrey Ballet, might be a nostalgic love letter to organizers Robert Joffrey and
Gerald Arpino, yet it saturated me with an enthusiasm and motivation any
Barrio Boy Rhetorical Analysis
Trust and Determination Accomplish all Goals Everyone has different thoughts
or ideas on how to undertake and accomplish a mission. The crew of Apollo 13 and
Ernesto Galarza had very different missions and goals. Ernesto had to learn
English to fit in, while Apollo 13 s crew had to survive in space with little time.
Both Ernesto and the Apollo 13 team had to accomplish their goals through trust
and determination. In the non fictional account, Barrio Boy, Ernesto Galarza is a
Mexican that is new to America and especially his new school. In paragraph one,
Ernesto describes that his old school looked a lot different than the American one
did, such as the color of the school and the roof shingles and tiles. In paragraph six
through eight ,he first met the principal, Ms. Hopley. Ms Hopley was fierce and
Ernesto thinks that Ms Hopley is not a giant but a match for a giant. Ernesto is
taken to his class, his teacher, Miss Ryan. After being in her class he decided he
liked her because she helped him accomplish goals like being able to speak basic
English words and feeling protected. Through Ernesto s new challenges he has to
determine whether Mrs. Hopley and Miss Ryan was a friend or a foe. The last
sentence in the account is, ВЁIt was easy for me to feel that becoming a proud
American, as she said we... Show more content on ...
When the Apollo 13Вґs team is about two thirds of the way to the moon their oxygen
tank one explodes with the second one with only little oxygen left in it. The team
has to get home safely with little time and resources. The Apollo 13 team decided to
still go to the moon, or at least go into the atmosphere to slingshot them back to
Earth. The team safely made it back home by splashing into the Pacific next to
Samoa. The Apollo 13 team trusted in each other and successfully made it back to
Health, Infrastructure, And Defense
As citizens of the United States, we are used to the best. The best technology, the
best doctors, and the best healthcare. Unfortunately, we have become so conditioned
to receiving the best, that we expect nothing less, regardless of the cost. This has
resulted in a nation that, in 2013, spent 17.1 percent of its annual GDP on
healthcare, as compared to the Netherlands who spent approximately 12.9 percent on
healthcare (World Health Organization). This is a growing problem that must be
addressed as healthcare is a finite commodity that we must allocate efficiently if we
wish to maximize both lives and dollars saved. After all, every dollar spent on
healthcare is one not spent on education, infrastructure, or defense (Tanner). Several
key healthcare coststhat can be attributed to the large amount of spending include
an over diagnosing of prostate and breast cancer, the desire for the newest, more
expensive technology despite a lack of evidence that it is more effective, and
individuals not properly weighing their costs and benefits. If we can manage to
reduce spending as a result of these issues, our country may be able to drastically
reduce spending on healthcare and get back on par with the rest of the world. The
2012 documentary film Money and Medicine sheds some light on a few of the more
key concerns within the United States healthcare system. According to the film, one
of the easiest ways to cut down on healthcare spending is to reduce the number of
mammogram and
Blindness In Oedipus The King
In many countries around the world, ignorance carries a considerable weight in
politics, households, between friends, and in other vicinities. This ignorance can be
depicted as blindness of the mind. In the Greek philosopher Sophocles play, Oedipus
the King, Oedipus family and friends share their blindness in the fact that they love
Oedipusand don t have a desire to know the truth of his ruined past. They keep things
from Oedipus and end up withholding the actualities of life from themselves in the
process. Sophocles urges the reader that the love people clutch to can cause people to
lose sight of the truth. He then expands on the blindness, demonstrating the idea that
when the truth comes out, it pulls the love a person feels for another into darkness
with it. Love is fragile, and can be easily destroyed by the opening of the eye, causing
families to crumble underneath. In the establishment of the play, Jocastaand Oedipus
seem as though they are a traditional royal husband and wife, with ordinary
children. They love each other, unaware of the truth. Jocasta illustrates what she
did to her son as a consequence of an incestual and sinful prophecy that her son
would someday kill Laius and marry her, as told by an oracle. She reveals that she
and Laius fastened their son s ankles and left him on a mountain to die. She
declares, [...] My baby / no more murdered his father than Laius suffered / his
wildest fear death at his own son s hands (794 796). While both
The Stripes Will Survive, By Jacqueline Adams
Zoo have many creative ways to protect animals. Zookeepers are supposed to protect
the animals and the zoos. People visit zoos for entertainment but, the main focus is
conservation efforts.The role of zoos is to protect animals by giving them living
space and by giving the basic need and preventing them from extinction.Zeekeepers
will do anything to keep the animals in zoos safe.
In the article The Stripes Will Survive by Jacqueline Adams, the author explained
what zoo have done to prevent animals from going extinct.First in the story there are
siberian tigers named Danya and here twin sister Dasha.They wouldn t even been
born if the tiger species weren t so rare.At the Cleveland Metropark Zoo they are
trying to help the siberian from going extinct.Also the zoo is doing everything to
preventing them from going extinct.There doing this because many of tiger species
are going extinct According the article the Caspian, and Javan tigers are all extinct.
So the zoo would do anything to keep the animal safe. ... Show more content on ...
captured by poachers.Zoo atlanta did everything they could to keep Willie B. safe
by putting a tire in his cage and putting a TV in his cage.As he got older he started
to more grouchy according to the article By age 12, Willie had grown into a
magnificent 460 pound,6 foot tall silverback. A mature male with a distinguishing
streak of silver hair on his back. He lived in cage for a long time he grew fat and
lazy.But in 1988 a new resort open and willie became the silverback he always
wanted to
Fiction and Indian Novel
Y.V.R. Prasanna Kumar
Research Scholar (M.Phil.), (Part time), Department of English, S.V. University,
Tirupathi. A. P.INDIA 517502 INTRODUCTION
A great deal of Indian writing in English is in the form of novel. In the course of an
eventful history, Indian novel in English demonstrated the capacity and resilience for
innovations and attained the status of Universal Form. The post independence India
has witnessed a Sea change of Indian fiction in English. The form of Indian novel in
English has become more open, more playful, and more concerned. All the credit
aptly goes to the gifted, stupendous, and extraordinary creative genius, Bankim
Chandra Chatterjee. He, indeed, took ... Show more content on ...
Mantagini, it should be said, is bold creation. She takes upon herself the most
hazardous and perilous midnight adventure to save Madhav, her sister s husband,
unleashing to him of the nefarious plot of robbery in which her own husband
Rajmohan is involved. The girl who is so soft, timid, and gentle, turns heroic all of a
sudden, but without the least touch of unnaturalness.
Her character typifies the rise of individualism and the liberation of the Indian
women from the yoke of age old submissiveness and self annihilation. In this
character we find an early statement about the helplessness and claustrophobia of
women in incompatible marriages that was going to be a recurrent concern of
Indian fiction for many years to come. Mantagini was only a forerunner of many
more women characters of great, independent and revolutionary spirit to follow in
the novels of his successors. The creation of a character like Mantagini in the first
Indian Novel in English was certainly a good beginning for that class of writing to
be followed in India. 3. PLOT He prefers to dramatise instead of just explaining the
story monotonously. His presentation of the story is striking with the perfect
balancing of the characters and plots. The episodes, that make up the plot, have the
oneness and furtherance of the play. Plot is the key of the craft, like a virtuoso he
would deluge up construction for the illustration
How Intifada Affected the Peace Process in the Middle
The First Intifada changed the direction of the peace process and affected every
Palestinians life. The Intifada was a mass movement against the Israeli authority
through boycotts, civil disobedience and general strikes. Israel reacted to the Intifada
by deploying 80,000 troops to stop the uprising by breaking Palestinians bones
[Footnote]. The Oslo Accordswere signed by both Israeland Palestine to end the
Intifada and create a stable peace which gave Palestinians freedom and Israelis
security. The Palestinian Liberation Organisation was recognised by Israel and to
represent the Palestinian people in future summits. The accords failed to give either
country what they desired and were never a final solution to the Middle East Crisis.
Due to the failure of the Oslo accords and subsequent agreements the Palestinian
people marched in protest of worsening conditions. The Second Intifadacame soon
after the failure of the Camp David Summit suggesting the lack of a political
solution results in increased tension and outbursts of violence . The peace process
was hugely aided by the Intifada as the First Oslo Accord was agree to end the
rebellion. The uprising was primarily a reaction to the killing of four Palestinians
but developed into a countrywide demonstration after more were killed at the
funerals by Israeli troops. They demanded an end to Israel s control over occupied
territories . If the Palestinians were granted this it would increase the likelihood of a
The First Ever Mechanical Module Of Television
Today the television is at the heart of many homes. The official TV licensing website
state that approximately 96% of homes have a television set. (Official TV Licensing
website, 2015).
In the late 1800s, Paul Gottlieb Nipkow invented the first ever mechanical module of
television. During 1907, A.A. Campbell Swinton and Boris Rosing, created a new
television system. They done this by using a cathode ray tube in addition to the
mechanical scanner system. After much experimenting they both came up with two
television systems, the mechanical television and electronic television. Around 1923,
Charles Jenkins used Nipkow s disk idea and introduced the first ever empirical
mechanical television system. In 1926, a short time after Jenkins, ... Show more
content on ...
People have access to way more than the original four channels and on sky alone
there is approximately 694 channels available. Cable TV is rarely seen now and the
majority of homes have access to a digital TV.
Television can have a massive impact on the lives of children. Today, children born
into television families regard TV as a permanent fixture in their lives. The TV set
is as familiar as the faces of family members sometimes even more. Unlike human
beings, the TV set is always there to entertain and keep children company.
(Unnikrishnan and Bajpai, 1996, p.35). It is said that children begin viewing TV as
early as two years of age. (Coms tock et al, 1978).
Television is contributing to the current epidemic of obesity worldwide and large
amounts of children are becoming obese and tend to face problems caused by
obesity, leading to a global health burden. (WHO, 2010). Children s eyes are open
to 4400 7600 ads per year for junk food and fast food on television. Seven in ten
parents with children aged four to 16 have been pestered by their children for junk
food after it had been advertised on TV. (British Heart Foundation, 2015). The 9pm
watershed is not having an affect today because children are staying up far later and
being exposed to unhealthy food choices. Children are more likely to consume
unhealthy foods such as more snacks and soft drinks and less fruit and vegetables.
Studies have shown that television viewing can distract children s awareness of
How the Reformation Affected 16th Century Civilization
How the Reformation Affected 16th Century Civilization
When Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of his local monastery in
Wittenberg, Germany on October 31, 1517, Europe was plunged in political and
social turmoil. With only a few notable exceptions, a wave of political unity and
centralization swept across the Western world. Papal power was perhaps not at its
height, yet its corruption and increasingly secular values could be seen from St. Peter
s in Rome to John Tetzel in Germany. Furthermore, in the economically prospering
towns and cities, the middle class was facing an increasing volatile political situation
with the growing national monarchies. All of these factors were to only catalyze the
reactionary ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, with so many taxes going to Rome, along with such practices as the
immunity of the clergy, the nobility held similar views toward the Church. Hence the
Reformation presented an intriguing opportunity to break with the church and to
align against the emergent national rulers particularly in the Holy Roman Empire
with the Catholic Charles V in power. It would not be until the Diet of Augsburg and
the subsequent formation of the Schmalkaldic League that the nobility of the Holy
Roman Empire would formally align against the Catholic emperor. Despite Charles
anti Protestant proclamation at the meeting, with the Peace of Augsburg in 1555, the
division of the Holy Roman Empire was firmly established. These events which
transpired in the first years of the reformation will firmly establish the basis for the
massive religious wars which are to sweep the continent in the coming years.
Furthermore, these new Protestant alliances will come to define international politics
in the next century. The impact of these first years of the Reformation perhaps will
not be fully realized until the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, when the Holy Roman
Emperor will lose nearly all his power as some 300 German states gain their
independence. The Protestant movement will bring much more than scholarly
reforms to the churches of Northern Europe, changing the traditional doctrines and
Monroeville Real Life
A Real Life Maycomb
Harper Lee wrote To Kill a Mockingbird about a little Alabama town called
Maycomb. What is interesting is how Maycomb compares a lot to the town that
Ms. Lee grew up in, Monroeville, Alabama. The history of Monroeville and the
way it was in the 1930s makes a reader wonder if Ms. Lee took her hometown and
made it the famous small town in the novel. By looking back to the history of
Monroeville s founding, the way it was in the 1930s, the way it almost mirrors
Maycomb and the way it is it today, one can see that Ms. Lee s used her experiences
to create one of the most famous towns in literature.
Monroeville, Alabama is located between Montgomery and Mobile. Before it was
developed as a town in 1831, it was called Burnt Corn Springs. During this time, there
was major conflicts between England, Spain, and Native Americans (Monroeville
int). This past showed what Monroeville ... Show more content on ...
Each year in May, the play To Kill a Mockingbirdis performed at the town square. A
local group called the Mockingbird players put it on. Thousands of people come
from all around to see this play (The To Kill A Mockingbird Experience int). The
courthouse that now contains the Monroeville Area Chamber of Commerce and
the Heritage Museum was made famous by the movie is used during the second
act of the play (Monroeville int). The group selects members of the jury for the
famous trial scent from members of the audience. They also have a trail called The
Birdhouse Trail that shows scenes from to kill a mockingbird (The To Kill A
Mockingbird Experience
Essay on Measuring Progress as it Relates to...
Measuring Progress as it Relates to Technological Advances
Take a look around the world we live in today. It is filled with millions of different
technologically intricate devices. We have cell phones that allow us to talk to anyone
anywhere. We can listen to music on the go with CD and MP3 players. We can learn,
interact, communicate and work using personal computers. Cars, public transit and
airplanes can efficiently transport us to our far off destinations. It seems every aspect
of our daily lives is affected by some sort of technological/scientific device.
Advertisements from the makers of the new technologies tell us that all of these new
innovations are good and must be bought to ensure the best life possible. ... Show
more content on ...
The new technologies and its profits fell into the hands of those that created it, thus
growing a huge interest in technological innovation. And in effect, Teich tells us that
as industrialization proceeded, these men became true believers in technological
improvement as the primary basis for universal progress (7). This new idea of
progress said that if one can guarantee the advancement of new scientific
technologies, then the remaining parts of life will be taken care of in turn. This
placed values like freedom, justice, beauty, self fulfillment and harmony to
secondary status (8). In response to this change in values, romantic writers
commented that the new machine power is superficial, object oriented and
egotistical. The new inventions were improved means to unimproved ends (10).
The new powerful machines were considered a form of idolatry like that attacked
by the Old Testament prophets in a disguised, new fashioned form (10). The two
sides have now been brought back to the table in recent years, and Albert Teich
believes that we urgently need a set of political, social, and cultural goals comparable
to those formulated at the beginning... if we are to accurately assess the worth of new
technologies (11).
To go with what Teich has told us, we should consider the ends of the current ICTs
that inhabit our society right now. The Internet is considered a limitless source
A Correlation Between the Corpus Callosum and...
A correlation between the corpus callosum and developmental language disorders
Various types of language disorders affect a considerable amount of children
academically and socially worldwide. This article focuses on developmental language
disorders (DLD) caused by central auditory processing disorders (CAPD). A CAPD is
defined as showing difficulties discriminating, identifying and retaining sounds after
the ears have heard the sounds. Both language and auditory are processed in an
infinite number of nuclei throughout both hemispheres of the brain. Thus it has been
hypothesized that abnormalities of the corpus callosum (CC) are correlated with
deficiencies in auditory and language processes. This article reviews ... Show more
content on ...
I am using the general term language disorder because there is not enough
information on any one particular disorder. Both language and audition are fairly
new areas of research in the world of psychology, in addition to both being very
complex processes. Thus this critic deals with auditory language comprehension of
people with dyslexia, developmental learning disorders, reading disabilities, central
auditory processing disorders, and x linked adrenoleukodystrophy.
Auditory processing of language in a normal brain is thought to encompass the
entire brain and that is a major reason why it so difficult to come to an agreement
on how language is processed (Obler and Gjerlow, 1999). A very popular model
though is the Personal Model proposed in the early 1980 s. This model states that
the central auditory nervous system is made up of many integrating neural systems.
Large myelinated fibers, as well as smaller secondary fibers, interconnect these
neural systems. As information is processed, the further (and higher) it travels into
the brain the more sophisticated and complex information is being processed. (see
figure 1). For example at the cochlear level the pitch, tone, and frequency of the
sound is processed, but as you go into the specific cortices the morphology,
pragmatics, prose, etc. of what is spoken is being processed. And finally sensations
(ex. audition) are not specifically part of the newer
A Misunderstanding Of Gerald Finzi s Music
One misunderstanding of Finzi s style to those reflecting on his music, was that he
refused to use higher dissonant notes, which was a component in twentieth century
music. This is a way that people recognized Finzi s work because he kept his options
open with new possibilities, but restricted himself from specific rules. For example, a
dominant seventh chord in a motet by Byrd is as dissonant in its context as the
opening chord of the finale of Beethoven s ninth symphony. In other words, those
characteristics were prominent in determining pieces by other composers, such that
small notation was recognizable for Finzi s work.
Subsequently, Gerald Finzi s musical compositions gathered much fame, but in a rare
storyline. Throughout his life, only two of Finzi s pieces were physically made. Dies
natalis, and White flowering days are the pieces Finzi composed. Furthermore, he was
not encouraged to record his compositions, he was only interactive in conducting his
own music in concerts and broadcasts. During the 1939 1945 war, his musical talent
was surpassed for the moment being. Finzi continued to develop as he felt more
intentions for his musical skills when observing the new characteristics of his country
during the war. Although he continued to compose, a majority of his music was not
yet recorded until after his death. An example would be a clarinet concerto, Five
Bagatelles, which was written during the war to portray the passing moments during
As The Number Of Non-English-Speaking Children,
As the number of non English speaking children, entering the school system
continues to increases rapidly, teachers have to learn ways to encourage and teach
these kids successfully. Relying on their knowledge of how language is acquired,
teachers can understand the steps and processes children must take while learning
English and help incorporate them into their classroom. Two acronyms that help
explain the two types of languages in the school community are BICS (Basic
Interpersonal CommunicationSkills) and CALP (Cognitive Academic Language
Proficiency). These two acronyms help give teachers perceptive on the way English
learners process the school languages. Furthermore, teachers need to be aware of the
different individual and... Show more content on ...
This developing skill allows them to identify the syllables used to make words and
eventually proceed to making words. Her research reveals the sophisticated learning
capabilities involved in language acquisition and demonstrates how these skills
evolve as an infant matures. (Miller, 2017, para 5).
According to Cooper et al. (2015), your oral language begins the day you are born.
This oral acquisition develops in stages with the first stage starting weeks after birth.
As babies begin developing sounds of language (Phonology) through cooing. They
are learning how to manipulate their mouths, tongues and their breathing. This
manipulation of their mouth is what allows babies to form an abundance of sounds
and eventually words. After a couple of weeks or months, the cooing eventually
turns into sounds such as aaa, ooo, and ahh (Otto, 2010). It is during this stage; the
phonological awareness starts to take root. The phonological system is described as
the system of sound. Phonological awareness is an understanding that words are
composed of sound units, and that sound unit can be combined to form words. It is
during this process that children learn the sounds and dialect of a language.
Additionally, phonological awareness is an auditory based set of skills that allows
children to move from speech to reading. Therefore, when a child is learning to read,
they can break down words into
Essay On Electoral Politics In Alberta
In 1971 when the Conservatives ended the Socred hold on power, the Conservative
Party succeeded by neutralizing ideology and focusing on safe change, that is, a
change of faces but not policies. The 1971 election brought into office the
Progressive Conservative Party under the leadership of Peter Lougheed; Lougheed
than served as premier until 1985, when he was replaced by Don Getty. In 1986
general election, Alberta PC win the election with 61 seats, NDP getting 16 seats,
liberal getting 4 seats in the Legislative Assembly of Alberta and Alberta PC also
win 1989 general election of Alberta. Getty s decision to resign in 1992 ushered in
the leadership election that provides the point of departure. Alberta s electoral history
... Show more content on ...
Even though opposition doing everything they can to topple the power of Alberta
PC, PC wining election until 2012 which is describe as one party system and
finally lose their place at 2015 election. After the Social Credit s tenure in office, as
well as the Lougheed Conservative era, NDP in Alberta ended the Socred hold of
power in 2015 by winning the general election of Alberta with 54 seats, PC getting
10 seats, liberal getting 1 seats, wild rose getting 21 seats and Alberta party getting
1 seats in Legislative Assembly of Alberta. In the western part of Canada, aside from
Alberta, usually, politics showcased NDP or CCF on the left side, while some other
political party on the right side. The current epitome of the BC Liberal Party
accomplishes this role in British Columbia according to BC Politics. This British
Columbia political party is neutral federally and it acquires its associates from the
center going to the center right. The Social Credit Party of BC suffered several
scandals, and plummeted in popularity polls and get replace with NDP. The revival
of the Liberal Party caused a split in the moderate/conservative vote, however, and
led to a ten year period of NDP rule in B.C. from 1991 to 2001. Social Credit Party
era is ended by NDP in 1991 and NDP hold onto power
Narrative Essay Assignment
A Narrative Essay Assignment
Cedric Weatherall
Grace Bible College
A Narrative Essay Assignment Gods plans never fallen, we might not carry them
out his way but he has a purpose for your life. Major of the people on the earth
think and believe that they are here for there on use, but that is not so. Every person
has a reason for living. We as people just haven t found that reason or purpose yet.
Understand that your life matters to God and others as life progressives. Before God
formed you in the womb, you had a reason to be on the planet. He had a reason for
your existence. One summer I had just got off from a hard day of work. I was a
welder at Texana Tank Car. Where I worked with a lot of metal, heat, fabricant tanks
... Show more content on ...
Driving down the interstate, I m noticing the baby eye s going back, so I am
praying in speaking life over this baby. It took about 8 to 12 minutes to make it to
the hospital. While driving mom was crying and screaming in I am speaking life
praying louder than her. By the time we made it to the hospital the baby was back
normal just crying. Doctors and nurses meet us as we pull in grab the baby. Now
we are in this hospital for 30 minutes to an hour waiting because they had to check
this baby out and run test on her. Some of her family was there waiting along with
us until the doctor came out. The doctor came in, she said the child was okay. The
doctor told us that the tests do not show signs of a seizure ever. The mother fell out
because she knew her child had always had seiures since birth. God is good all the
time and he always have good thing for you. All this took place when my daughter,
niece and nephew was about 3 years old. My wife and sister had three kids all
around the same time.
The mom and her children were coming to the church every now and then but no
commitment from her. Then it got to the point were years passed by. In 2013 my
daughter, niece, and nephew was about to graduate from high school. In they had
their prom night in my wife and sisters were taking pictures of them down town at
the train station were most people would take their pictures. My wife was ran into
this lady there, she had
Microorganisms Lab Report
Life on this planet began with microorganisms. Through millions of years
microorganisms have found ways to successfully adapt and survive. These
adaptations have created a wide biodiversity, allowing them to basically populate in
all places. Why are these microbes so important? Because they shape the history of
our world. Some microbes can be deathly to humans while some others are favorable,
for example, bacteria that lives in the gut of both humans and animals and helps
during the process of digestion (Alfred Brown Heidi Smith, 2006). Understanding
these interactions help scientists to find ways to protect humans from potential
deathly pathogens. In order to observe microbes, microscope proficiency and
microorganisms identification are crucial skills in a microbiology lab. During this
laboratory session, samples of environmental and human organisms were inoculated
into two different rich media and incubated to their according temperature. After this,
appropriate use and calibration of the microscope was performed. Lastly,
morphology and size of different species of bacteria, algae, fungi and protozoan were
Materials and Methods
Nutrient Broth and Nutrient Agar were used to inoculate bacteria taken from
different surfaces. Nutrient agar plate was inoculated with a sample taken from skin
surface. A sterile cotton swab was first immersed on sterile water, then, rubbed
against the skin with swirling motion and transferred to an agar plate by rubbing
Life On Death Row Is Not Pleasant Essay
Life on death row is not pleasant so inmates neither is jail. North Carolina s death
row inmates live in 11x7 foot cells and have access to a community room with
stainless steel tables for playing chess, writing, watching a small TV or listening to
music on their see through audio paler. Outside each death rowpod, prisonguards sit
behind dark tinted glass monitoring inmates... Two days a week... they get to spend
one hour in an exercise yard (Life on death row: Am I going to be next? ) They
only get two hours a week to be able to get out of there cell less than most offenders
in maximum security prisons that get an hour a day outside. Although they will be
able to exercise, workout, they can still make some money doing janitor work they
will only get a few cents though. They can also receive one visit a week with a
maximum of two visitors (Life on death row: Am I going to be next? ). Mainly the
only good part about this is they can visit with one or two people a week so not all
their freedoms are taken away even though guards are watching they get to spend
time with their loved ones if anyone decides to visit. I cannot imagine having almost
all my rights taken away. Although these offenders are considered highly dangerous
they are still human, and you can never be sure that one committed a crimeor not.
Nowadays with new technology man people are taken out of jail after spending half
their lives in confinement are set free, but most are set free with nothing but the
The Power Of Wind Turbines
Today society shares enthusiasm about the expansion and increased production of
alternative energy to meet the global energy needs, rather than relying on the
limited supply of fossil fuels. It is estimated, by the end of this century, the fossil
fuels that sustain civilisation will be depleted. So to prepare for the new age of
energy production, development of renewable energy sources such as wind power is
very important.
Wind Wind Turbines
Wind is formed from the heating and cooling of the atmosphere, which causes air and
air layers to rise, fall and move over each other. This movement results in wind
currents. The kinetic energy of wind can be transformed into electrical energy
through the use of wind turbines.
There are two main types of wind turbines, horizontal and vertical axis. Vertical axis
wind turbines (VAWT) have blades which are connected to the vertical shaft. The
horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWT) however all the main components on top of a
tall tower. Since horizontal axis wind turbines are the most common used, the report
will focus on this design.
The Gearbox
As the wind passes over the blades it creates lift which causes the rotor to turn. The
blades turn a low speed shaft inside the nacelle. The gearbox connects the low speed
shaft to the high speed shaft and increases the rotational speeds from 30 60 rotation
per minute (rpm) to around 1000 1800 rpm. This is about the rotational speed
required by most generators to produce
Hester Prynne As A Heroine
The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote The Scarlet Letter that represents the
letter A is what Hester wear.She lives in a native village, in Old England (11).She
had an infant on her arm, and the letter A on her bosom (12).The baby were started
to crying of pain, and she was hurting on (13). Although Hawthorne represents Hester
as a heroine, he uses symbolism to project her as a victim because she is in prisoned,
a single mother and wears the letter A.
Even though Hester were thrown into prison for adultery.Hester Prynne does not want
to go to prison, but she requires to go by the townspeople. The prison guard walks in
the prison each night. The tree trunk is right beside the prison.The summer morning
of the prison is less than two
Carl Jung s Major Accomplishments
The purpose of this paper is to look into the life and accomplishments of a well
known psychoanalyst, Carl Gustav Jung. Jung s work brought forth several new
concepts in psychology. While alive, his work influenced colleagues and continued
to influence the future of psychology after his death. Carl Jung was born in
Kesswil, Switzerland on July 26, 1875 and moved to Laufen shortly after (Jung,
1971; Jung, 1989, p. 6). Jung (1989) discusses a night where his father walked back
and forth with him in his arms, singing, while he had a fever and could not go to
sleep. He found out later that he had eczema and believed that this caused marital
problems between his parents. Jung speculated that his mother s hospitalization, for
many months, was the result of the parent s martial problems. Jung s aunt cared for
him during his mother s hospitalization, but he felt unsettled by her absence. He
discussed the doubts he would have... Show more content on ...
He mentions that someone who is not influenced by either of their work would be
better at distinguishing the differences. Jung (1933) believes that Freud s work,
which focuses heavily on sexuality, comes from what he has noticed in himself. He
goes on to say that Freud s teachings are biased because its validity is stuck in what
he calls the neurotic states of the mind (p. 135). Jung argued that one of Freud s
biggest mistakes was to not include philosophy and its criticism in his work. While
he disagrees with much of Freud s work, he does go on to explain that he agrees
with Freud on ego. He explains that ego does house our fears, but argues that this is
only the case if it does not go back to the father and mother archetypes (p. 132, 134
135, 141). The relationship between Jung and Freud ended in 1913 and it was also at
this time when Jung left the University of ZГјrich (Jung, 1971; Jung Storr,
Cleopatra Informative Speech
Cooper 5
Fate N. Cooper
Mrs. Dellinger
English II
3 May 2017
Cleopatra had a very extraordinary life. She was born into royalty and became a
ruler at a very young age due to her father s death. She was married four times, first
to her two younger brothers, third to Julius Caesar and fourth to Marc Antony. She
had four children with both Julius Caesar and marc Antony. Cleopatra also had 5
siblings. Later on, in life, Cleopatra committed suicide.
Cleopatra was born in 69 BC in Alexandria, Egypt (Cleopatra: The Woman Behind
the Name.) Her parents were Ptolemy Auletes (Cleopatra: The Woman Behind the
Name) and Cleopatra V ( Klimczak.) She had five siblings, two older sisters and a
younger sister, also two brothers, Cleopatra VI, ... Show more content on ...
Cleopatra chose to go back to Egypt. On her way back to Egypt she made a stop in
Cyprus which had been granted to her younger sister Arsinoe and her younger
brother and co ruler Ptolemy XIV, in order to ensure that she was known as their
true ruler. As Cleopatra arrived in Egypt she immediately took steps to consolidate
her rule. A document dated July 26 44 BC, Ptolemy XIV s name appeared, but
after that date he disappeared many say that Cleopatra ordered for him to be
poisoned and it is notable that around this time she dropped the epithet brother
loving from her titles. Cleopatra confirmed her son by Julius Caesar, Caesarion, co
regent. Cleopatra also continued to build the Caesareum in honor of Caesar. In
Dendera, Caesarion was depicted in front of images of Cleopatra, asserting him as
the primary ruler (Ancient Egypt Online.) Cleopatra and Marc Antony spent the
winter of 41 to 40 BC in Alexandria. In the spring of 40 BC, Marc Antony left
Cleopatra to return home. Marc Antony did not see her for four years. Fulvia,
Antony s ex wife had gotten into a movement against his wife Octavian over
veteran s allotments of land. In the meantime Cleopatra had given birth to twins, a
boy and a girl. Their twin children were officially recognized by Antony and were
given names of Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene. Marc Antony gave her
much land which was very essential to Egypt. He gave her Cyprus, the Cilician
coast, Phoenicia, Coele Syria, and Judea and Arabia. In 34 BC, Antony had a
campaign into Armenia which had been successful and financially rewarding.
Antony celebrated his triumph with a parade. He presented himself as the New
Dionysus. Ptolemy XV (Caesarion) was made the co ruler with his mother and was
also called the King of Kings, Cleopatra was called the Queen of Kings, Alexander
was named Great
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Propomposition
2.3 Ingredients Decomposition Oxidizer and binder decomposition play very
significant role during the combustion of composite propellants. Inorganic oxidant
and polymeric binder are the major components of their formulations and AP is the
practical (still in use) oxidizer in the composite propellant formulations [26].
Available information on decomposition of binder in general and AP in particular
have been collected and reviewed from the viewpoint of their application in the
composite propellant. This review may be useful in understanding the complicated
mechanisms of the propellants combustion. When the chemical nature of either
oxidizer or binder is changed then the propellant properties are drastically altered. It
was known that the AP decomposition and deflagration represent very important role
during the propellant combustion and the binder decomposition temperature is
related to the propellant burning rate. Various investigations have shown that the
additives which sensitize or desensitize decomposition of ammonium perchlorate
either sensitize or desensitize its deflagration leading to burning rate increasing or
decreasing. Those examples very clearly exhibit the... Show more content on ...
The subsequent de propagation results in either gaseous products (vapors) or cross
linking with char formation of conjugate double bonds followed by dehydrogenation.
Un catalyzed decomposition of binders when compared to the considerable effort that
has been devoted to understand the AP decomposition, binder decomposition has
received very little attention. This may be due to the fact that the oxidizer which is
presented in large quantity in the propellant may perhaps control its combustion
characteristics. However, with the advancement of the combustion modeling the need
of binder decomposition during the combustion was recognized [34,
Coverage of the Normandy Invasion
British and American historians have covered the Normandy invasion extensively,
and one therefore wonders if there is any need for another treatment of the
campaign. In Normandy: The Landings to the Liberation of Paris, Olivier
Wieviorka demonstrates that there is indeed room for new interpretations of this
much covered subject. Wieviorka, a professor of history at the Г‰cole Normale
SupГ©rieure de Cachan, covers every aspect of the Normandy invasion: politics
and grand strategy, economic production, the formation and training of military
forces, air and naval power, intelligence, logistics, deception, tactical operations,
the French resistance, the impact of the war on soldiers and civilians, and other
topics all come under his penetrating analysis. Well researched from both primary
and secondary sources and exceptionally well written (and translated, one might
add), Normandy belongs on the bookshelves of all serious historians of World War
II. Aside from its appeal to the serious scholar of military history, Wieviorka s
readable prose makes Normandy just as suitable to the general reader interested in
the history of Operation Overlord and the momentous events that transpired in Great
Britain and France in the spring and summer of 1944. The author s main purpose is
to debunk the myths that have grown up around the Normandy invasion, primarily
that it was a crusade against evil that was resolutely supported by politicians,
generals, soldiers, and civilians alike. In this
Essay Wembley Stadium pricing study
Ticket Pricing Strategy for the new Wembley Stadium 1 nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp;Introduction OBJECTIVE nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;To maximise
profits from ticket sales at Wembley Stadium KEY ASSUMPTIONS nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;1. Wembley has a monopoly on certain types of match 2.
Wembley is run by profit maximising managers selling tickets to utility maximising
buyers STRATEGY nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;Set prices for seats as close to
the willingness to pay as possible using price discrimination KEY CHOICES nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;What type of seating to sell and at what price? 2 nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;Scope This strategy is limited to the following football matches:
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;England home... Show more content on
Demand is still high though because of the quality of the games. Wembley can
therefore charge a premium, but not over charge to the extent that alternatives
become dominant: Special treat customers are those who are willing to pay more
because they are buying an experience rather than just wanting to see a match. They
still have a high elasticity because there are alternatives they will be put off if prices
are too high. 4.2 nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;Segment 2 Demand
Donald Trump Persuasive Techniques
n advert attacking Donald Trump arguably the first time anybody s sunk any real
effort or money into such a project has finally surfaced. The two and a half minute
video, paid for by a political action committee called Our Principles PAC, uses
Trump s own words against him. He has never been shy about giving his opinion,
but over the years he s held opposing opinions on almost every issue. Some of the
footage in the ad has already come to light, but taken together it s a bluntly effective
demolition of Trump s commitment to the conservative cause. In a string of clips
from old interviews some of them not even that old Trump comes out in favour of
universal healthcare and higher taxes. He says, I am pro choice in every respect, and:
The Challenges Of The Construction Industry
Some of the challenges the construction industry faces are the lack of skills and
needing to ensure that there are available resources. The skills shortage in
construction ranges from a shortage of bricklayers to a shortage of quantity surveyor.
This shortage isn t just in the numbers available but also a shortage of those are
skilled in their field, meaning that most of the workers lack experiences. This will
reduce the speed in which the industry grows which then may affect the contribution
that the industry has on the UK economy.
The resources available to the industry are depleting, which means that alternative
methods of construction need to be considered. One of the resources that the industry
is exhausting in river ... Show more content on ...
The report will include the different regulations that intermediate floors must meet,
when compared to an intermediate floor in a non domestic setting.
Sound transmission would be a driver for the need to use acoustic insulation on
intermediate floors. There are two types of sound, two sources. Airborne sound and
Impact sound. Airborne sound is vibrations generated from a source, like speech and
loudspeakers, which is then transmitted through the air. These vibrations cannot go
through a floor. However, they do cause vibrations within them, which cause the air
on the other side of the floor to vibrate. It is these vibrations that cause the sound.
The way to reduce these vibrations is to increase the mass of the floor. Therefore,
concrete has a better sound resistance than timber.
Whereas impact sounds are sounds that are caused by something coming into contact
with the floor. Such as footsteps. The vibrations caused by impact sound can also
cause some airborne sounds in objects attached to or resting on the floor.
Sound can transmit through a floor in two way, directly or indirectly. Direct
transmission is when the floor transmits the sound from one side to another. Indirect
transmission is when the sound uses other elements attached to the floor. Concrete is
generally good at limiting both direct and indirect noise.
Holden Caulfield Controversy
In the novel The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger, the theme is based on the
teenage confusion of the main character Holden Caulfield. Salinger introduces
Holden Caulfield, second out of four children coming from an upper middle class
New York family, who tells the story of his youth. The Catcher in the Rye is the
most famous J.D. Salinger s novel and has made a great impact when it came out
due to its controversial nature. Holden is portrayed as a 17 year old who feels lost
in the modern society and finds flaws in almost all of its segments, resulting in
repulsion towards nearly everything he encounters. Holden has developed smoking
and drinking habits at a young age and is prone to depression because of the death of
his younger brother Allie and feels... Show more content on ...
The only person who he confides to and finds entirely flawless is his 10 year old
sister Phoebe who is in any way still uncorrupted by society. Holden also admires
his older brother D.B. who is excellent in writing stories, up until he accepts the
invitation to go to Hollywood to write movie scripts. From that moment on he uses
him as a prime example of phony people he despises and encounters every day. He
is strongly influenced by the advice written on a piece of paper and given to him
by his former teacher Mr. Antolini in which he tells him that the sign of a mature
man is that he is prepared to humbly live for a cause, rather than to nobly die for
one. Holden claims he still has the piece of paper that the advice is written on with
him, from which we can conclude that, in the end he fulfils his dream of
metaphorically becoming a catcher in the rye who saves lost children from falling
off a cliff. Holden finds
Afghanistan War Essay
In 2001 the Twin Towers were destroyed by two planes and also there were two
other planes one was supposed to hit the White House and the other the Pentagon.
This started the war in Afghanistan. It s been eight years since this incident, and the
United States and President Obama still want to keep this war going. Next year
they are going to send 30,000 troops to Afghanistan and Iraq. There are three
reasons why they shouldn t send them: one for their safety; two Afghanistan should
keep their business to themselves; and three it s going to affect the economy big
time. First of all President Obama is going to send 30,000 troops to Afghanistan
next year. My first reason on why he shouldn t is because of their safety, like for
example people... Show more content on ...
See this isn t our problem yet because they are planning but they haven t done it yet.
So the United States military should just get prepared and stop this war. Because is
this all necessary to really to keep this war going, it s been eight years really they
should just don t send the troops. Ok also before the twin towers were destroyed,
Afghanistan had more problems with their neighbor they were going to get in a war
and that s when the United States got involved and tried to stop that war from
happening. Like they shouldn t have gotten involved because probably when they
destroyed the Twins Towers was because they were nosy and got involved on what
was not any of their business. So yea they really shouldn t gotten into that problem
because now we, the United States, are the ones who are suffering from all this.
Many would argue that the story of how 9/11 came about goes back, at least, to 1979
when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, with which it shares a border.
Afghanistan had experienced several problems since 1973, when the Afghanistan
monarchy was overthrown by Daud Khan, who was sympathetic to Soviet overtures.
An unsuspected attack reflected struggles within Afghanistan among factions with
different ideas about how Afghanistan should be governed and whether it should be
communist, and with the problems with the Soviet Union. The Soviets intervened
following the overthrow of a pro communist leader. In late December 1979, after
several months
The Legal Consumption Of Alcohol
During the early 1900 s, people in America were living with the drastic changes that
the Civil War had inevitably brought. Under the United States Constitution, peoples
lives, liberties and all their inclusive rights were protected throughout all of the
Amendments. Included in these rights were the legal consumption of alcohol, as well
as the distribution. With a danger of human life, and the moral of the Country, the
U.S Government passed the Eighteenth Amendment. Prohibition was the Eighteenth
Amendment, this banned the legal use, production, transportation and sale of
alcoholic beverages in the United States. Alcohol had been a rampant issue in the
United States for a long time, the ban on alcohol was a victory for life, liberty, and
growth in America. Prohibition banned alcohol, and all inclusive aspects dealing
with the beverage. Alcohol was viewed as a key issue in the progress of America.
Frank Salamone writes It seems inevitable that people will seek to ban the bad
habits of others. Certainly, there was cause for concern regarding the high
consumption of alcohol in the United States and its effects on individuals and
families. By all accounts, alcoholism was a serious problem in America, and people
sought solutions for it. (Salamone 2) These particular issues stemmed long before the
Civil War, however, the end of the war made this issue a priority for the government.
With America in dire need of change, the government pulled together and insisted on

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Essay About Summer. My Plans for Summer Vacation Essay Essay on My Plans for Summer ...

  • 1. Essay About Summer Crafting an essay about summer may initially seem like a breeze, given the seemingly boundless scope of experiences associated with this season. However, as one delves into the task, the challenge becomes apparent. The difficulty lies not in the scarcity of material but in navigating through the plethora of vivid memories, sensory impressions, and diverse perspectives that the summer season encompasses. The paradox of abundance can be overwhelming, making it challenging to decide which aspects to highlight and which to omit. Should the focus be on the warmth of the sun, the coolness of refreshing swims, or the symphony of nature during long, lazy afternoons? Each avenue of exploration opens up a multitude of possibilities, making the process akin to selecting the most vibrant colors from an artist's palette. Moreover, the challenge extends beyond mere description. Crafting a compelling narrative requires a delicate balance between personal reflection and relatable universality. It demands the ability to transform individual summer experiences into a narrative that resonates with a broader audience. This requires finesse in language, a keen understanding of human emotions, and the skill to evoke nostalgia or anticipation through words. The essay's structure also poses its own set of challenges. How does one weave together various elements of summer – the vacations, the festivals, the leisure, and the adventure – into a cohesive and engaging narrative? Finding the right sequence and pacing to maintain the reader's interest throughout the essay becomes a meticulous task. Additionally, there's the risk of clichГ©s and banalities that often accompany discussions about summer. Steering clear of overused tropes while still capturing the essence of the season demands a delicate dance between creativity and originality. In essence, writing an essay about summer is like embarking on a journey through a lush, varied landscape with the challenge of encapsulating its richness in a limited space. It requires the ability to distill a myriad of experiences into a narrative that is not only personal but also universally relatable. For those finding this task too daunting, there is assistance available. Similar essays and a plethora of writing services can be accessed on, providing a helping hand for those seeking to articulate the beauty and complexity of summer without getting lost in the abundance of details. Essay About Summer Essay About Summer
  • 2. Trophy Hunting Two months ago, moral panic hit the US when once obscure African lion, Cecil, met a seemingly illegal slaughter by Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer at Zimbabwe s Hwange National Park, a short distance of about 8,000 miles from Miami, Florida. Cecil, an unique and beloved lion with black mane, was illegal murdered when Palmer, a trophy hunter, reportedly paid Zimbabwean guides for the opportunity to slaughter the creature inside the park, using a carcass to lure him out (Walters, 2015). Although lions are typically one of the species that can be legally hunted, outraged people across the world are wondering when the African government will do something about the concerns of lions becoming extinct unlike and unimportant to how 99 percent of currently threatened species are at risk from humanactivities, primarily those driving habitat loss, introduction of exotic species, and global warming (The Extinction Crisis), While Zimbabwe has more pressing issues of poverty with a fragile food and nutrition security (Overview), the lion stands out the most; ... Show more content on ... These grotesque acts of trophy hunting can be easily stopped by the citizens of African countries, but they are too busy with the pervasive corruption that is prevalent in their country (Duckworth, 2004b) to realize it. It s not as if South Africa has the largest hunting industry in terms of numbers of operators, visiting hunters, animals shot and revenues generated (Lindsey et al. 1997 2006), while Kenya itself lost an estimated $20 40 million a year in lost revenues when trophy hunting was banned (Elliott and Mwangi, 1998; Hurt and Ravn, 2000). While we rear our righteous head to this horrid reveal of immorality, we should lead Africa in our American ways of incorruptibility that is not at all tained by the recent trend of ag gag bills that makes it impossible for activists to expose industrial animal operations via media or undercover investigation (Runyon,
  • 3. Fighting Inequality and Oppression with Non-Violence Is... An unjust law is itself a species of violence. Arrest for its breach is more so. Now the law of nonviolence says that violence should be resisted not by counter violence but by nonviolence. This I do by breaking the law and by peacefully submitting to arrest and imprisonment. (Mahatma Gandhi) Since Americas independence until today people try to find different approaches to defeat the inequality and the oppression. An old traditional thought is that violence can only be treated with violence, there is no room left for an analysis of the situation and try to approach it differently. Yet, there are ways like Gandhi quote states if we have to break the law and accept the consequences to counter violence by non violence might as well accept this method; either way people suffer the consequences for breaking the law . On the onther hand, a nonviolencemovement will shift people view on the positive side rather than the negative side; demonstrating that nonviolence method will achieve justice in a peaceful way without the consequences of violence. The best method to advocate justice is by fostering a Non violent character to people and to stand up against the enemy with intelligence. Fighting inequality and oppression with violence has being an old school thought that had been penetrated in the people mid since they were little, and the consequences of such thought had been showed through the course of history. For instance in the letter from a Birmingham Jail, Martin
  • 4. Negative Aspects Of Masculinity Gone are the days of masculinity being a mountain man or a cutthroat businessman, society is no longer the 1800s or an episode of MadMen. Currently, some of society s expectations of masculinity (as defined by experts) are a desire to win, need for emotional control, dominance (including that over women), violence, sexual promiscuity, and a pursuit of status. However masculinitycan also be something that is positive. Like a steady rock to build emotional support upon, a stoic person can be an excellent resource. This can be like the person that hides their emotion in order to better others that need a push forward when their emotions get the better of them. This is where masculine ideals can be a double edged sword because these traits can be beneficial in some manners but it can also have some detriments that occur consequently. It is not that men are not masculine; it is that masculinity does not represent men anymore. Because of the negative side effects of men exhibiting masculine traits they should no longer be expected to adhere to all of these traditional ideals. The traits that are normally associated with masculinity are ones that can be detrimental to the mental health of the people who have these traits. For example in an analysis of seventy eight different studies, researchers at the University of Indiana Bloomington found that men who exhibited masculine traits were more likely to have mental health issues such as depression. The same men were also less likely to seek help when it came to their mental health issues. The traits that were most commonly associated with the negative mental health were being self reliant, sexual promiscuity, and having dominance or power over women. Expecting someone to be stoic and only depending on themselves means they will be less likely to go and seek psychological help as they would feel that they need to be able to solve their problems themselves. This societal pressure upon men to be dominating and stoic is not good for their mental health. So the pressure should be lessened or removed to the point where men are no longer expected to have these traits as the other option leads to depression that goes untreated. This meta analysis, headed by Associate
  • 5. Auschwitz II-Birkenau, And Auschwitz III-Monowitz After the control of Poland by the Third Reich, Oswiecim, a city in Poland, had its named changed to Auschwitz by the Germans and became the name of the camp. Auschwitz had served as a concentration camp through its lifespan and eventually became the biggest concentration camp at the time. Only Polish people were sent there at first which were mostly people with high power including scientific, civic, political figures, etc. After a while people other than the Polish were sent to the camp. Jews and others who were fit for labor were sent to the camp. 400,000 people were registered and placed in the camp and the sub camps of Auschwitz. Over time Auschwitz was expanded into three parts. Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II Birkenau, and Auschwitz III Monowitz... Show more content on ... In September of 1941 the first extermination happened. and Auschwitz II became a major site of Nazi s Final Solution . From the beginning of 1942 until late 1944, transport trains transported Jewish people from across Europe, where they were killed with the Zyklon B. Around 1.3 million people were sent to the camp, of which at least 1 million died. Approximately 1 in 6 Jews killed in in the Holocaust died at the camp. Many of the people who were not killed in the gas chambers had died of starvation, forced labor, diseases, executions, and medical experiments. Under command of United States General Dwight D. Eisenhower more than 100,000 soldiers took part in the largest amphibious invasion in history. On June 6, 1944, which is also known as D Day western Allies stormed the beaches of Normandy, France. By the end of the month, over 800,000 American, British, and Canadian soldiers had arrived to join what General Eisenhower called the Great Crusade . On June 22, 1944, Soviet forces went on the offense and destroyed German forces defending the center of the eastern front in western Belorussia, pushing to
  • 6. Eco Friendly And Edible Silverware Eco Friendly/ Edible Silverware Our environment has a lot of problems with waste that we create and it is getting more out of hand each year. Waste is harming wildlife, rivers, plants, and humans. I have come up with a solution to this global problem and reasons why we need it. My solution is to develop eco friendly/edible silverware. Biodegradable means to have the capability of being able to decompose by bacteria and other living organisms. Biodegradable products are made out of natural plant materials like corn or sugarcane. I believe biodegradable products is a good way to reduce waste and keep our environment healthy, unlike plastic, which many products consist of. General everyday plastic is made out of one of Earth s limited resources, oil. Oil takes up to three hundred million years to form. Also, oil based products that are not reusable, and end up in one of the world s many landfills, which takes up to one thousand years to decompose. Oil based products also end being washed into seas or oceans, and overtime the plastic products can release poisonous toxins, harming wildlife, or polluting nearby rivers. Comparing biodegradable products to plastic products you can see that biodegradable products use up to seventy percent less carbon dioxide to produce than plastic products. It also only takes twelve weeks for biodegradable products to decompose. Recycling waste is a simple answer to our problem, but instead the shortage of waste treatment systems can resort in
  • 7. The Revolutionary Policies of Henry VIII Essay The Revolutionary Policies of Henry VIII Henry was a supreme egotist. He advanced personal desires under the guise of public policy or moral right, forced his ministers to pay extreme penalties for his own mistakes, and summarily executed many with little excuse. In his later years he became grossly fat, paranoid, and unpredictable. Nonetheless he possessed considerable political insight, and he provided England with a visible and active national leader. Although Henry seemed to dominate his Parliaments, the importance of that institution increased significantly during his reign. Other advances made during his reign were the institution of an effective navy and the beginnings of social and ... Show more content on ... He began life as a second son, destined for the church. It was the dream of Henry VII for his eldest son, Arthur, to be king and for his second son, Henry, to be the highest churchman in England. And so, for the first ten years of his life, Henry was a student of theology. And for the next thirty years of his life, he remained a dutiful son of the church. It is ironic, then that his most significant historical achievement was the destruction of the Roman Catholic faith in England. The most prominent casualty of Henry s break with Rome was Thomas Wolsey. Wolsey became Archbishop of York in 1514; in 1515 the Pope made him a Cardinal and Henry appointed him Chancellor, the highest political office in England. The title of papal legate, granted in 1518, made him the effective head of the English Church. The son of an Ipswich butcher, Wolsey was the richest and most powerful man in England after the King. However, he could not impose Henry s will on the Pope. In retaliation, Henry had him convicted of praemunire overriding civil law with church law and confiscated his assets. He died in 1530 while facing an additional charge of treason. His secretary, the Protestant reformer Thomas Cromwell, succeeded him. Cromwell reorganised the government, the Church and the map of Wales, replacing the Principality and the Earldom of March with Standard English counties. His
  • 8. Soccer Descriptive Speech The crowd is stomping their feet chanting USA! USA! , trying to make as much noise as they can despite their gloved hands and frozen feet. The entire stadium is shaking as the fans show their support for our goalie who just laid out for a stunning save. As we settle back into our seats, wrapping blankets back around our shoulders, I hear from behind me, God is helping out between those poles tonight. Yeah, he must be a U.S. Women s fan too cuz Lord knows the men s team is terrible. This come from two middle aged women decked out in U.S. Soccer gear sitting a row behind me. The group of people around them chuckle after hearing this exchange. It s just a fact around here: the women play better. Just three months later I walk into Jordan Field, home of the Boston Breakers, a professional women s soccer team and as we walk towards the stands one of my friends jokes that even our high school has a better stadium than this. The sun is beating down on me, I squint up at the stands noticing how empty they are despite the small number of seats. Once the game starts it s clear that the fans here are just as enthusiastic as U.S. Women s National Team (USWNT) fans, there just happens to be a lot less of them. I began to wonder how is it that 26,500 people are willing to stand in the freezing cold to support the USWNT, but a professional women s soccer league that runs in the middle of the summer only averages about 6,610 fans per game ( U.S. WNT vs. England 1, 2017 NWSL
  • 9. Ntozake Shange Poetry Analysis Good morning and welcome to this discussion on Poetry and Power at the State Library of Queensland. Power. In every facet of society, there are those who devote their lives to gaining and maintaining it, and others who devote theirs to dismantling it. Today, I d like to introduce you to one of my favourite poets, Ntozake Shange, who, on the outset, definitely fits the latter category. Born Paulette Williams in 1948, Shange s teenage years coincided with the rise of the African American Civil Rights and Women s Liberation Movements, a period of immense socio political upheaval (AfroPoets, 2011). When she moved to Harlem in her early 20s, Shange was confronted with the stark realities facing African American women, including rampant domestic... Show more content on ... However, despite gender equality movements in the late 1960s (Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 2015), mass media producers were still largely male dominated when Shange was writing her poetry, and hence often sought to maintain the old ways of stigma and marginalisation, perpetuating the belief that domestic violence was the woman s fault, and victims who chose to speak up should be feared (White Ribbon Australia, 2014). Shange detested this notion, using the power of poetry to highlight the absurdity of this opinion and underline the media s gross misuse of their power to influence public opinion. In her poem, With No Immediate Cause, Shange selectively uses so called pleasant words to describe issues that are far it, serving to confront and disturb readers. The phrase hot water... / decorate[s] her body is one such case, the incongruent use of the word decorate evoking a sense of uneasiness and disgust. In this way, Shange highlights the illogicality of the media s sanitisation of the issue, reminding us that domestic violence will never be pretty , no matter how much one tries to sugar coat it. A lack of punctuation is also used to emphasise this reality, as Shange describes her response to a recent news article, concerned that domestic violence victims may start to reciprocate: i spit up i vomit i am screaming . The lack of commas or any kind of pacing at all demonstrates the immediacy of the issue, prompting us to reconsider the realities facing women in the 1970s compared to the media s representation. Her challenge to mass media producers is also evident in her choreopoem, sorry , in which Shange highlights the reality of victim blaming . Through repetition of the words on purpose i loved you on purpose / i was open on purpose Shange s sarcastic conformity to the dominant societal attitude at the time that the victim should have
  • 10. Essay about The Critical Perido Hypothesis The critical period hypothesis has been a long standing topic of debate in first and second language acquisition. There are many studies that focus on the effects of age on the attainment of a second language. The Critical Period Hypothesis theorizes, at its most basic level, that younger learners are more successful than older learners in language learning. It also theorizes that language learning is difficult after puberty. Thus, a critical period or age limit exist in language learning. It is generally accepted that the critical period extends to second language acquisition. However, there are disagreements on the optimum age range in which second language can be easily attained. The term critical period is used to describe... Show more content on ... 31). Thus, adults have a harder time learning a second language. Arguments for and against the Critical Period Hypothesis (CPH) are found in many studies in second language acquisition. The purpose of this paper is to determine the acceptance of critical period and to find whether or not there is a support for a cut off age (set off of critical period) after which adults can no longer attain native like proficiency in a second language. Also, studies will be reviewed to determine if adults can attain native like pronunciation post puberty. Finally, studies from 1960 1999 are sufficient to determine the support for or argument against the CPH on second language acquisition (SLA). Evidence for a critical period in SLA The effect of age on second language acquisition is a subject of many studies. These studies use Lenneberg s CPH as a base in order to explain why adult learners have a difficult time in mastering a second language. A commonly asked question is whether or not there is an age limit to attain proficiency in second language acquisition. And, if there is an age limit, what is the cut off age? There is research in the body of literature to support the notion of age as a factor in second language acquisition. There are studies that sought to test the relationship between age and second language competence. Support for the age factor
  • 11. The Theory Of The Expectancy Violation Theory Introduction Expectations do not always align with the reality of a situation. Attempting to predict an individual s response or reaction can be difficult due to the fact that a reaction takes into account pre existing and external factors. Burgoon s Expectancy Violations Theory analyses people s reactions to unanticipated violations of social norms or expectations. This theory discusses many of the different factors that play a role when individuals form their expectancies such as context, relationship, communicator characteristics, and nonverbal communication. This paper analyses the pros and cons of the Expectancy Violation Theory. It argues why this theory satisfies enough of Griffin s six standards to classify it as a good objective ... Show more content on ... Expectancy Violation Theory tries to incorporate all the elements that would determine a response. The next large concept of Expectancy Violation Theory is violation valence. Violation valence is similar to the idea of a scale which determines how greatly the violation affects you. Weather or not an individual s reaction is positive or negative is simple part, but putting a value on how positive or how negative is what will determine the magnitude of the response. Communicator reward valence is the last main concept of Expectancy Violations Theory. The idea of a reward valence has to do with sizing another individual up in terms of what they have to offer you. Determining if the positives outweigh the negatives in a relationship is an important factor when it comes calculating responses, especially for unexpected behaviors. Expectancy Violation Theory also includes behavioral adjustments and adaptation. Burgoon states that human beings are predisposed to adapt to each other (p.90). As relationship grow expectancies and reaction change because people learn to adapt. Theory Worldview Expectancy Violation Theory is an objective theory that is classified as a socio psychological tradition on Griffin s map of theory tradition. Socio psychological tradition emphasizes the scientific perspective looking for cause and effect relationships that can predict trends and results. This theory
  • 12. The Fellowship Of The Ring In the Fellowship of the Ring written by J.R.R. Tolkien and it reveals a new world of elves, magic, men, dwarves, hobbits, and other unworldly creatures. Middle Earth is the name of the lands every creature inhabits, and like our world, it is divided up and has different realms of elves, dwarves, men and so forth. Much to my surprise I enjoyed the book and found it was very intriguing. While I was reading further into the book I became more drawn into the plot and main characters. The Fellowship of the Ring is part of a trilogy and I would enjoy reading the other two books in the series. The story commences with a narrative speech spoken by Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit of the Shire, and gives the reader the background of Middle Earth. Gandalfthe Grey is in the Shire and decides to visit Bilbo while he is getting ready for his 111th birthday, which commences the same night. During the birthday party Bilbo decides to play a little trick on his guests with his special ring and disappears before their very eyes as he slips on his ring. Bilbo runs to his home and packs up his belongings and departs for a journey, while he s packing Gandalf arrives to speak to Bilbo. Before Bilbo leaves the Shire, he leaves the ring and everyone of his belongings to Frodo. Frodo arrives back to Bilbo s home and sees Bilbo has left, and discovers Bilbo has left the ring for him. As he examines the ring Gandalf enters the room and speaks to Frodo about the origin of the ring and the dangers of
  • 13. NASA Rover Research Paper Opportunity NASA Rover A robot is a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, especially one programmable by a computer. When you think of a robot, do you think of a dishwasher? Probably not. Robots don t have to be a fancy human or animal shaped machines. It can be something as simple as your cellphone. Some very common robots are washers, dishwashers, automatic vacuums, and some voice activated devices. We have these robots to make everyday tasks easier, to do a better job, or to do something that humans could never do. The three main components of any given robot are the sensors, the actuators, and a computation process. The term robot comes from the extravagant playwright by Karel ДЊapek who introduced the word in his hit play in the 1920 s,... Show more content on ... The word itself was drawn from the old Slavonic Church word, robota which means forced labor , drudgery , or servitude . The Mars Exploration Rover mission includes the twin rovers, the Opportunity and Spirit rovers which explore outer space. These rovers are part of NASA s Mars Exploration Program, a long term effort of robotic exploration of the red planet. The Opportunity is mostly made out of different types of sensors to take in various kinds of information. The mast mounted cameras are mounted 1.5 meters(5 feet) high and will provide 360 degree, stereoscopic, humanlike views of the terrain. The robotic arm is capable of movement in much the same way as a human arm with an elbow and wrist, and can place instruments directly up against rock and soil targets of interest. In the mechanical fist of the arm is a microscopic camera that serves the same purpose as a geologist s handheld magnifying lens. Some sensors that the Opportunity has is a Panoramic Camera (Pancam). The Pancam is used for determining minerals, texture, and the structure of the terrain. The Miniature Thermal Emission Spectrometer (Mini TES) is used for identifying promising
  • 14. Foundations And Hedge Fund Funds Essay concerns and are less concerned with the performance of the hedge fund. FOUNDATIONS AND HEDGE FUNDS To escape income tax returns these are famous as they are not susceptible to high tax rates on ordinary income and short term capital gains. What is a Foundation? It can be said as a pool of money with a group of employees to invest that money and also give a part of the pool to organizations with a set of objectives. Donated money is tax exemplary. To get tax free status at least 5% of the foundation must be distributed. The returns are taxed only if the returns are from the businesses run by the foundation.It can be invested in off shore as well. Foundations as Hedge Fund Investors Convertible bond strategies and fixed income strategies are the favorable ones which has a leverage of 6:1 to 40:1 unless it is an off shore. Foundations take help of consultants for investing in hedge funds. They help in recognizing the portfolio of investment and the industry to enter into, It is quite often they take the aid of consultants. ENDOWMENTS AND HEDGE FUNDS It is similar to a foundation except that it is concerned with a philanthropic organization. It is created to fund a portion of the expense in that organization Endowments as Hedge Fund Investors These invest more into hedge funds compared to foundations. They have a stronger bond to hedge funds compared to foundation. Their behavior towards hedge fund is the same as the foundation. The commitment is longer and firmer
  • 15. Pillips Foods In this case, Ron Birch, product manager for the new pasteurized king crab of Phillips Foods, needs to make a decision for the phase II of launch of king crab. He planned to continue the magazine strategy used in phase I, but Cherry Stockworth, vice president of marketing of Phillips Foods, recommended him to use the budget to support half of cost of International Boston Seafood Show. According to the information given in this case, I don t think this is an either or choice, and my recommendation for Ron Birch is to decrease the cost of ads in trade magazines, change the content of ads in magazines before and after the IBSS, and support the IBSS in March SWOT Analysis of King Crabof Phillips related to Trade Show Before analyzing the... Show more content on ... Opportunity: U.S. seafood market grew rapidly in recent years, and the biggest part of seafood sales is fresh seafood, which is 54% of all seafood retail sales. The king crab of Phillips belongs to fresh seafood, which means it has huge market potential. Customers tend to buy food that is easy cooked and fresh, which is a feature of the king crab product. The IBSS is a nation wide trade show which could attract a lot of exhibitors and attendance. Making use of this platform could help Phillips to build its reputation and promote its products at the same time. Threat: Just because the IBSS could attract a large amount of exhibitors, the competition during the trade show is fierce. Though there are so many potential customers would appear at the trade show, how could Phillips beat the competitors and attracts enough customers to its booth. Another threat for king crab is the possible rejection of the retailers because they would feel risky to replace an old product with a new product. Pros and Cons of Alternative Strategies Trade advertising strategy Pros: Trade magazine is one of the most important sources for decision makers and they will spend relatively long time in reading magazines. This strategy would cost less than trade show strategy and would reach broader potential customers. Cons: Effectiveness for brand building and lead generation of ads on magazines are 50.2% and 47.4%, lower than effectiveness of trade show, which are 60.9%
  • 16. Banana Reef Bananas Essay Banana farms along the Johnstone river, sending the reef bananas? Location and current status The Johnstone River catchment in far North Queensland is one of many rivers that is destroying the great barrier reef, it and many other rivers in North Queensland are the home to banana and sugarcane farms. When the area gets large amounts of rainfall, sediments run off the farms and into the Jonstone or other rivers it has been placed next to for irrigation. The sediment contains nutrients, nitrogen and chemicals meant to rid the farms of pests and increase productivity. These all enter the river and eventually the sea. To Quote Martin Cunningham The Johnstone river has died the sediment is causing the animals that usually live in the river to die or leave, the birdlife is dieing down and it is getting progressively harder to fish in the river. Other people say that the Johnstone river is not dieing, there is a large crocodile population. They say that there must be plenty of life in the river for the crocodiles, if there wasn t the crocodile s would leave. What are some of ... Show more content on ... Reef 2050 is a long term plan to manage the reef, return water quality and reef life to its former glory and the protect it in the period between 2015 to 2050. This plan was being finalised and sent to the world heritage committee by the end of the year, when proposed to the committee at which time they said it was a good plan however the Government would need to be able to take funding seriously as the cost will be extreme.The Reef 2050 Plan was developed by the Australian and Queensland governments with input from scientists, communities, Traditional Owners, industry and non government organisations. Public comment was then invited on the draft plan for six weeks until October 27,
  • 17. Analysis Of The Book The Hobbit The Hobbit takes after the mission of home cherishing hobbit Bilbo Baggins to win an offer of the fortune watched by Smaug the mythical beast. Bilbo s trip takes him from cheerful, country surroundings into a viler region. The story is told as a rambling mission, and most sections present a particular animal or kind of creatures of Tolkien s topography. Bilbo picks up another level of development, capability, and intelligence by tolerating the offensive, sentimental, fey, and brave sides of his temperament and applying his minds and judgment skills. The story achieves its peak in the Battle of the Five Armies, where a considerable lot of the characters and animals from prior sections re rise to take part in strife. Self improvement and ... Show more content on ... Since the production of The Hobbit in 1937, there were numerous contentions whether the book is a dream, a children s story, a tale, a sentiment, an epic, or a novel. Ordering the book is one method for clarifying its qualities and shortcomings and comprehension the huge bid it has held for a long time. Tolkien himself was dependably for to characterize this book as quite favoured history whether genuine or imagined, and not a purposeful allegory. Despite the fact that the topical significance of hobbits is very begging to be proven wrong, Tolkien himself recognized that the way of hobbits depended on the country, white collar class English individuals among whom he lived. This image empowers Tolkien to investigate the difference amongst antiquated and current perspectives as the cutting edge minded Bilbo ventures to every part of the old universe of Middle Earth. Tolkien composed The Hobbit with an end goal to incorporate two artistic interests, a mythology of England and stories for his kids. His scholarly aptitude in old written works and dialects acclimated him altogether with the old northern myths and stories, including the Icelandic adventures that is for the most part about old Nordic and Germanic history, about early Viking voyages, the fights that occurred amid the voyages, about relocation to Iceland and of quarrels between Icelandic families. Tolkien started
  • 18. Cyber Security And Security Of The Users Abstract Vehicular networking technology is no more a futuristic concept it is becoming a reality with the aim of providing services related to traffic safety, traffic efficiency and infotainment [1]. When these kinds of services are introduced, they also bring in the vulnerabilities associated with them, resulting in increased number of security threats and attacks. Hence, it is very important to ensure that these services do not compromise the safety and security of the users [2]. This paper aims to provide a brief overview of cyber security in vehicular networks by analyzing its vulnerabilities, challenges and solutions. I. Introduction Vehicular networks consist of in vehiclenetworks and vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). The in vehicle network consists of several Electronic Control Units (ECUs) connected to each other using different communication protocols like Controller Area Network (CAN), Local Interconnect Network (LIN), etc. [3]. The in vehicle network helps in implementing applications like climate control, engine management, transmission etc. VANETs include vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication and vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) communication; the combination of which enables in making driving safer and better. Keeping the safety applications in mind, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced in 2014 that it will start crafting a new rule which would require cars to talk to each other [4]. While this is a major step in making
  • 19. Public Attitudes Toward African Americans With Mental... This paper examines the inequalities that African Americans with mental disabilities face in their daily lives. It argues that this constituency receives inadequate medical access and services, different treatment of their disability, and is highly stigmatized as compared to Whites. In order to support my argument I examine public attitudes towards blacks with mental illnesses, their depiction in the media, and contemporary issues related to the topic. I draw on specific course concepts such as ableism and use an intersectional approach to show that African Americans are not given the proper attention they deserve. In the first section of this paper, I examine public attitudes toward African Americans who have mental disabilities and how this affects their treatment options. In the second section, I explore the limited portrayal of blacks with mental disabilities in television and film. In the third and final section, I discuss recent issues regarding the lack of Black disabilitystudies. By researching this topic, I hope to bring more awareness and acceptance of African Americans with mental disabilities. I also want to add more scholarship to the field, which is much needed. I. Views Towards Blacks with Mental Disorders Although several years have passed since the civil rights movement, there continues to be discrimination against people of color. This discrimination is even more prominent towards people of color who have mental or physical disabilities. More
  • 20. Joffrey Dance Essay Joffrey: Mavericks of American Dance, recounts the tale of the revolutionized American dance by consolidating advanced customary dance to make another brave work of art. The Joffrey Ballet was an group that effectively went out on a limb that changed the dance form for eternity. As the title indicates, the film depicts the organization as a nonconformist the principal American dancecompany to coordinate current dance moves into its traditional expressive dance base, and one that was so associated with political and societal occasions of the time. Established in 1956 by Robert Joffrey and Gerald Arpino, the progressions were little at in the first place, expanding the significance of male artists in the gathering with and choreographing less constrained development. At that point when the 1960s hit everything changed. Strong works like the dull, hostile to war demonstrate The Green Table and the hallucinogenic hippy freakout Astarte politicized the artistic expression and melded it with a cutting edge sensibility without losing the traditionally prepared roots. Acclaim, attention, and Time Magazine covers (back in the blameless days when a wonder such as this was still viewed as essential) took after, and the free thinker medicines of the specialty were reflected in... Show more content on ... In a couple of years that mantle would move to Europe yet it was Robert Joffrey s effective little organization that pushed those progressions and open new boondocks for ballet. American specialists who changed their artistic expression, as well as found a crowd of people. Joffrey: Mavericks of American Dance, a genuine history of the Joffrey Ballet, might be a nostalgic love letter to organizers Robert Joffrey and Gerald Arpino, yet it saturated me with an enthusiasm and motivation any
  • 21. Barrio Boy Rhetorical Analysis Trust and Determination Accomplish all Goals Everyone has different thoughts or ideas on how to undertake and accomplish a mission. The crew of Apollo 13 and Ernesto Galarza had very different missions and goals. Ernesto had to learn English to fit in, while Apollo 13 s crew had to survive in space with little time. Both Ernesto and the Apollo 13 team had to accomplish their goals through trust and determination. In the non fictional account, Barrio Boy, Ernesto Galarza is a Mexican that is new to America and especially his new school. In paragraph one, Ernesto describes that his old school looked a lot different than the American one did, such as the color of the school and the roof shingles and tiles. In paragraph six through eight ,he first met the principal, Ms. Hopley. Ms Hopley was fierce and Ernesto thinks that Ms Hopley is not a giant but a match for a giant. Ernesto is taken to his class, his teacher, Miss Ryan. After being in her class he decided he liked her because she helped him accomplish goals like being able to speak basic English words and feeling protected. Through Ernesto s new challenges he has to determine whether Mrs. Hopley and Miss Ryan was a friend or a foe. The last sentence in the account is, ВЁIt was easy for me to feel that becoming a proud American, as she said we... Show more content on ... When the Apollo 13Вґs team is about two thirds of the way to the moon their oxygen tank one explodes with the second one with only little oxygen left in it. The team has to get home safely with little time and resources. The Apollo 13 team decided to still go to the moon, or at least go into the atmosphere to slingshot them back to Earth. The team safely made it back home by splashing into the Pacific next to Samoa. The Apollo 13 team trusted in each other and successfully made it back to
  • 22. Health, Infrastructure, And Defense As citizens of the United States, we are used to the best. The best technology, the best doctors, and the best healthcare. Unfortunately, we have become so conditioned to receiving the best, that we expect nothing less, regardless of the cost. This has resulted in a nation that, in 2013, spent 17.1 percent of its annual GDP on healthcare, as compared to the Netherlands who spent approximately 12.9 percent on healthcare (World Health Organization). This is a growing problem that must be addressed as healthcare is a finite commodity that we must allocate efficiently if we wish to maximize both lives and dollars saved. After all, every dollar spent on healthcare is one not spent on education, infrastructure, or defense (Tanner). Several key healthcare coststhat can be attributed to the large amount of spending include an over diagnosing of prostate and breast cancer, the desire for the newest, more expensive technology despite a lack of evidence that it is more effective, and individuals not properly weighing their costs and benefits. If we can manage to reduce spending as a result of these issues, our country may be able to drastically reduce spending on healthcare and get back on par with the rest of the world. The 2012 documentary film Money and Medicine sheds some light on a few of the more key concerns within the United States healthcare system. According to the film, one of the easiest ways to cut down on healthcare spending is to reduce the number of mammogram and
  • 23. Blindness In Oedipus The King In many countries around the world, ignorance carries a considerable weight in politics, households, between friends, and in other vicinities. This ignorance can be depicted as blindness of the mind. In the Greek philosopher Sophocles play, Oedipus the King, Oedipus family and friends share their blindness in the fact that they love Oedipusand don t have a desire to know the truth of his ruined past. They keep things from Oedipus and end up withholding the actualities of life from themselves in the process. Sophocles urges the reader that the love people clutch to can cause people to lose sight of the truth. He then expands on the blindness, demonstrating the idea that when the truth comes out, it pulls the love a person feels for another into darkness with it. Love is fragile, and can be easily destroyed by the opening of the eye, causing families to crumble underneath. In the establishment of the play, Jocastaand Oedipus seem as though they are a traditional royal husband and wife, with ordinary children. They love each other, unaware of the truth. Jocasta illustrates what she did to her son as a consequence of an incestual and sinful prophecy that her son would someday kill Laius and marry her, as told by an oracle. She reveals that she and Laius fastened their son s ankles and left him on a mountain to die. She declares, [...] My baby / no more murdered his father than Laius suffered / his wildest fear death at his own son s hands (794 796). While both
  • 24. The Stripes Will Survive, By Jacqueline Adams Zoo have many creative ways to protect animals. Zookeepers are supposed to protect the animals and the zoos. People visit zoos for entertainment but, the main focus is conservation efforts.The role of zoos is to protect animals by giving them living space and by giving the basic need and preventing them from extinction.Zeekeepers will do anything to keep the animals in zoos safe. In the article The Stripes Will Survive by Jacqueline Adams, the author explained what zoo have done to prevent animals from going extinct.First in the story there are siberian tigers named Danya and here twin sister Dasha.They wouldn t even been born if the tiger species weren t so rare.At the Cleveland Metropark Zoo they are trying to help the siberian from going extinct.Also the zoo is doing everything to preventing them from going extinct.There doing this because many of tiger species are going extinct According the article the Caspian, and Javan tigers are all extinct. So the zoo would do anything to keep the animal safe. ... Show more content on ... captured by poachers.Zoo atlanta did everything they could to keep Willie B. safe by putting a tire in his cage and putting a TV in his cage.As he got older he started to more grouchy according to the article By age 12, Willie had grown into a magnificent 460 pound,6 foot tall silverback. A mature male with a distinguishing streak of silver hair on his back. He lived in cage for a long time he grew fat and lazy.But in 1988 a new resort open and willie became the silverback he always wanted to
  • 25. Fiction and Indian Novel BANKIM: THE ORIGINARY* FIGURE OF INDIAN NOVEL IN ENGLISH Y.V.R. Prasanna Kumar Research Scholar (M.Phil.), (Part time), Department of English, S.V. University, Tirupathi. A. P.INDIA 517502 INTRODUCTION A great deal of Indian writing in English is in the form of novel. In the course of an eventful history, Indian novel in English demonstrated the capacity and resilience for innovations and attained the status of Universal Form. The post independence India has witnessed a Sea change of Indian fiction in English. The form of Indian novel in English has become more open, more playful, and more concerned. All the credit aptly goes to the gifted, stupendous, and extraordinary creative genius, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee. He, indeed, took ... Show more content on ... Mantagini, it should be said, is bold creation. She takes upon herself the most hazardous and perilous midnight adventure to save Madhav, her sister s husband, unleashing to him of the nefarious plot of robbery in which her own husband Rajmohan is involved. The girl who is so soft, timid, and gentle, turns heroic all of a sudden, but without the least touch of unnaturalness. Her character typifies the rise of individualism and the liberation of the Indian women from the yoke of age old submissiveness and self annihilation. In this character we find an early statement about the helplessness and claustrophobia of women in incompatible marriages that was going to be a recurrent concern of Indian fiction for many years to come. Mantagini was only a forerunner of many more women characters of great, independent and revolutionary spirit to follow in the novels of his successors. The creation of a character like Mantagini in the first Indian Novel in English was certainly a good beginning for that class of writing to be followed in India. 3. PLOT He prefers to dramatise instead of just explaining the story monotonously. His presentation of the story is striking with the perfect balancing of the characters and plots. The episodes, that make up the plot, have the oneness and furtherance of the play. Plot is the key of the craft, like a virtuoso he would deluge up construction for the illustration
  • 26. How Intifada Affected the Peace Process in the Middle East... The First Intifada changed the direction of the peace process and affected every Palestinians life. The Intifada was a mass movement against the Israeli authority through boycotts, civil disobedience and general strikes. Israel reacted to the Intifada by deploying 80,000 troops to stop the uprising by breaking Palestinians bones [Footnote]. The Oslo Accordswere signed by both Israeland Palestine to end the Intifada and create a stable peace which gave Palestinians freedom and Israelis security. The Palestinian Liberation Organisation was recognised by Israel and to represent the Palestinian people in future summits. The accords failed to give either country what they desired and were never a final solution to the Middle East Crisis. Due to the failure of the Oslo accords and subsequent agreements the Palestinian people marched in protest of worsening conditions. The Second Intifadacame soon after the failure of the Camp David Summit suggesting the lack of a political solution results in increased tension and outbursts of violence . The peace process was hugely aided by the Intifada as the First Oslo Accord was agree to end the rebellion. The uprising was primarily a reaction to the killing of four Palestinians but developed into a countrywide demonstration after more were killed at the funerals by Israeli troops. They demanded an end to Israel s control over occupied territories . If the Palestinians were granted this it would increase the likelihood of a
  • 27. The First Ever Mechanical Module Of Television Today the television is at the heart of many homes. The official TV licensing website state that approximately 96% of homes have a television set. (Official TV Licensing website, 2015). In the late 1800s, Paul Gottlieb Nipkow invented the first ever mechanical module of television. During 1907, A.A. Campbell Swinton and Boris Rosing, created a new television system. They done this by using a cathode ray tube in addition to the mechanical scanner system. After much experimenting they both came up with two television systems, the mechanical television and electronic television. Around 1923, Charles Jenkins used Nipkow s disk idea and introduced the first ever empirical mechanical television system. In 1926, a short time after Jenkins, ... Show more content on ... People have access to way more than the original four channels and on sky alone there is approximately 694 channels available. Cable TV is rarely seen now and the majority of homes have access to a digital TV. Television can have a massive impact on the lives of children. Today, children born into television families regard TV as a permanent fixture in their lives. The TV set is as familiar as the faces of family members sometimes even more. Unlike human beings, the TV set is always there to entertain and keep children company. (Unnikrishnan and Bajpai, 1996, p.35). It is said that children begin viewing TV as early as two years of age. (Coms tock et al, 1978). Television is contributing to the current epidemic of obesity worldwide and large amounts of children are becoming obese and tend to face problems caused by obesity, leading to a global health burden. (WHO, 2010). Children s eyes are open to 4400 7600 ads per year for junk food and fast food on television. Seven in ten parents with children aged four to 16 have been pestered by their children for junk food after it had been advertised on TV. (British Heart Foundation, 2015). The 9pm watershed is not having an affect today because children are staying up far later and being exposed to unhealthy food choices. Children are more likely to consume unhealthy foods such as more snacks and soft drinks and less fruit and vegetables. Studies have shown that television viewing can distract children s awareness of
  • 28. How the Reformation Affected 16th Century Civilization Essay How the Reformation Affected 16th Century Civilization When Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of his local monastery in Wittenberg, Germany on October 31, 1517, Europe was plunged in political and social turmoil. With only a few notable exceptions, a wave of political unity and centralization swept across the Western world. Papal power was perhaps not at its height, yet its corruption and increasingly secular values could be seen from St. Peter s in Rome to John Tetzel in Germany. Furthermore, in the economically prospering towns and cities, the middle class was facing an increasing volatile political situation with the growing national monarchies. All of these factors were to only catalyze the reactionary ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, with so many taxes going to Rome, along with such practices as the immunity of the clergy, the nobility held similar views toward the Church. Hence the Reformation presented an intriguing opportunity to break with the church and to align against the emergent national rulers particularly in the Holy Roman Empire with the Catholic Charles V in power. It would not be until the Diet of Augsburg and the subsequent formation of the Schmalkaldic League that the nobility of the Holy Roman Empire would formally align against the Catholic emperor. Despite Charles anti Protestant proclamation at the meeting, with the Peace of Augsburg in 1555, the division of the Holy Roman Empire was firmly established. These events which transpired in the first years of the reformation will firmly establish the basis for the massive religious wars which are to sweep the continent in the coming years. Furthermore, these new Protestant alliances will come to define international politics in the next century. The impact of these first years of the Reformation perhaps will not be fully realized until the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, when the Holy Roman Emperor will lose nearly all his power as some 300 German states gain their independence. The Protestant movement will bring much more than scholarly reforms to the churches of Northern Europe, changing the traditional doctrines and
  • 29. Monroeville Real Life A Real Life Maycomb Harper Lee wrote To Kill a Mockingbird about a little Alabama town called Maycomb. What is interesting is how Maycomb compares a lot to the town that Ms. Lee grew up in, Monroeville, Alabama. The history of Monroeville and the way it was in the 1930s makes a reader wonder if Ms. Lee took her hometown and made it the famous small town in the novel. By looking back to the history of Monroeville s founding, the way it was in the 1930s, the way it almost mirrors Maycomb and the way it is it today, one can see that Ms. Lee s used her experiences to create one of the most famous towns in literature. Monroeville, Alabama is located between Montgomery and Mobile. Before it was developed as a town in 1831, it was called Burnt Corn Springs. During this time, there was major conflicts between England, Spain, and Native Americans (Monroeville int). This past showed what Monroeville ... Show more content on ... Each year in May, the play To Kill a Mockingbirdis performed at the town square. A local group called the Mockingbird players put it on. Thousands of people come from all around to see this play (The To Kill A Mockingbird Experience int). The courthouse that now contains the Monroeville Area Chamber of Commerce and the Heritage Museum was made famous by the movie is used during the second act of the play (Monroeville int). The group selects members of the jury for the famous trial scent from members of the audience. They also have a trail called The Birdhouse Trail that shows scenes from to kill a mockingbird (The To Kill A Mockingbird Experience
  • 30. Essay on Measuring Progress as it Relates to... Measuring Progress as it Relates to Technological Advances Take a look around the world we live in today. It is filled with millions of different technologically intricate devices. We have cell phones that allow us to talk to anyone anywhere. We can listen to music on the go with CD and MP3 players. We can learn, interact, communicate and work using personal computers. Cars, public transit and airplanes can efficiently transport us to our far off destinations. It seems every aspect of our daily lives is affected by some sort of technological/scientific device. Advertisements from the makers of the new technologies tell us that all of these new innovations are good and must be bought to ensure the best life possible. ... Show more content on ... The new technologies and its profits fell into the hands of those that created it, thus growing a huge interest in technological innovation. And in effect, Teich tells us that as industrialization proceeded, these men became true believers in technological improvement as the primary basis for universal progress (7). This new idea of progress said that if one can guarantee the advancement of new scientific technologies, then the remaining parts of life will be taken care of in turn. This placed values like freedom, justice, beauty, self fulfillment and harmony to secondary status (8). In response to this change in values, romantic writers commented that the new machine power is superficial, object oriented and egotistical. The new inventions were improved means to unimproved ends (10). The new powerful machines were considered a form of idolatry like that attacked by the Old Testament prophets in a disguised, new fashioned form (10). The two sides have now been brought back to the table in recent years, and Albert Teich believes that we urgently need a set of political, social, and cultural goals comparable to those formulated at the beginning... if we are to accurately assess the worth of new technologies (11). To go with what Teich has told us, we should consider the ends of the current ICTs that inhabit our society right now. The Internet is considered a limitless source
  • 31. A Correlation Between the Corpus Callosum and... A correlation between the corpus callosum and developmental language disorders Abstract: Various types of language disorders affect a considerable amount of children academically and socially worldwide. This article focuses on developmental language disorders (DLD) caused by central auditory processing disorders (CAPD). A CAPD is defined as showing difficulties discriminating, identifying and retaining sounds after the ears have heard the sounds. Both language and auditory are processed in an infinite number of nuclei throughout both hemispheres of the brain. Thus it has been hypothesized that abnormalities of the corpus callosum (CC) are correlated with deficiencies in auditory and language processes. This article reviews ... Show more content on ... I am using the general term language disorder because there is not enough information on any one particular disorder. Both language and audition are fairly new areas of research in the world of psychology, in addition to both being very complex processes. Thus this critic deals with auditory language comprehension of people with dyslexia, developmental learning disorders, reading disabilities, central auditory processing disorders, and x linked adrenoleukodystrophy. Auditory processing of language in a normal brain is thought to encompass the entire brain and that is a major reason why it so difficult to come to an agreement on how language is processed (Obler and Gjerlow, 1999). A very popular model though is the Personal Model proposed in the early 1980 s. This model states that the central auditory nervous system is made up of many integrating neural systems. Large myelinated fibers, as well as smaller secondary fibers, interconnect these neural systems. As information is processed, the further (and higher) it travels into the brain the more sophisticated and complex information is being processed. (see figure 1). For example at the cochlear level the pitch, tone, and frequency of the sound is processed, but as you go into the specific cortices the morphology, pragmatics, prose, etc. of what is spoken is being processed. And finally sensations (ex. audition) are not specifically part of the newer
  • 32. A Misunderstanding Of Gerald Finzi s Music One misunderstanding of Finzi s style to those reflecting on his music, was that he refused to use higher dissonant notes, which was a component in twentieth century music. This is a way that people recognized Finzi s work because he kept his options open with new possibilities, but restricted himself from specific rules. For example, a dominant seventh chord in a motet by Byrd is as dissonant in its context as the opening chord of the finale of Beethoven s ninth symphony. In other words, those characteristics were prominent in determining pieces by other composers, such that small notation was recognizable for Finzi s work. Compositions Subsequently, Gerald Finzi s musical compositions gathered much fame, but in a rare storyline. Throughout his life, only two of Finzi s pieces were physically made. Dies natalis, and White flowering days are the pieces Finzi composed. Furthermore, he was not encouraged to record his compositions, he was only interactive in conducting his own music in concerts and broadcasts. During the 1939 1945 war, his musical talent was surpassed for the moment being. Finzi continued to develop as he felt more intentions for his musical skills when observing the new characteristics of his country during the war. Although he continued to compose, a majority of his music was not yet recorded until after his death. An example would be a clarinet concerto, Five Bagatelles, which was written during the war to portray the passing moments during his
  • 33. As The Number Of Non-English-Speaking Children, Entering As the number of non English speaking children, entering the school system continues to increases rapidly, teachers have to learn ways to encourage and teach these kids successfully. Relying on their knowledge of how language is acquired, teachers can understand the steps and processes children must take while learning English and help incorporate them into their classroom. Two acronyms that help explain the two types of languages in the school community are BICS (Basic Interpersonal CommunicationSkills) and CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency). These two acronyms help give teachers perceptive on the way English learners process the school languages. Furthermore, teachers need to be aware of the different individual and... Show more content on ... This developing skill allows them to identify the syllables used to make words and eventually proceed to making words. Her research reveals the sophisticated learning capabilities involved in language acquisition and demonstrates how these skills evolve as an infant matures. (Miller, 2017, para 5). According to Cooper et al. (2015), your oral language begins the day you are born. This oral acquisition develops in stages with the first stage starting weeks after birth. As babies begin developing sounds of language (Phonology) through cooing. They are learning how to manipulate their mouths, tongues and their breathing. This manipulation of their mouth is what allows babies to form an abundance of sounds and eventually words. After a couple of weeks or months, the cooing eventually turns into sounds such as aaa, ooo, and ahh (Otto, 2010). It is during this stage; the phonological awareness starts to take root. The phonological system is described as the system of sound. Phonological awareness is an understanding that words are composed of sound units, and that sound unit can be combined to form words. It is during this process that children learn the sounds and dialect of a language. Additionally, phonological awareness is an auditory based set of skills that allows children to move from speech to reading. Therefore, when a child is learning to read, they can break down words into
  • 34. Essay On Electoral Politics In Alberta In 1971 when the Conservatives ended the Socred hold on power, the Conservative Party succeeded by neutralizing ideology and focusing on safe change, that is, a change of faces but not policies. The 1971 election brought into office the Progressive Conservative Party under the leadership of Peter Lougheed; Lougheed than served as premier until 1985, when he was replaced by Don Getty. In 1986 general election, Alberta PC win the election with 61 seats, NDP getting 16 seats, liberal getting 4 seats in the Legislative Assembly of Alberta and Alberta PC also win 1989 general election of Alberta. Getty s decision to resign in 1992 ushered in the leadership election that provides the point of departure. Alberta s electoral history ... Show more content on ... Even though opposition doing everything they can to topple the power of Alberta PC, PC wining election until 2012 which is describe as one party system and finally lose their place at 2015 election. After the Social Credit s tenure in office, as well as the Lougheed Conservative era, NDP in Alberta ended the Socred hold of power in 2015 by winning the general election of Alberta with 54 seats, PC getting 10 seats, liberal getting 1 seats, wild rose getting 21 seats and Alberta party getting 1 seats in Legislative Assembly of Alberta. In the western part of Canada, aside from Alberta, usually, politics showcased NDP or CCF on the left side, while some other political party on the right side. The current epitome of the BC Liberal Party accomplishes this role in British Columbia according to BC Politics. This British Columbia political party is neutral federally and it acquires its associates from the center going to the center right. The Social Credit Party of BC suffered several scandals, and plummeted in popularity polls and get replace with NDP. The revival of the Liberal Party caused a split in the moderate/conservative vote, however, and led to a ten year period of NDP rule in B.C. from 1991 to 2001. Social Credit Party era is ended by NDP in 1991 and NDP hold onto power
  • 35. Narrative Essay Assignment A Narrative Essay Assignment Cedric Weatherall Grace Bible College A Narrative Essay Assignment Gods plans never fallen, we might not carry them out his way but he has a purpose for your life. Major of the people on the earth think and believe that they are here for there on use, but that is not so. Every person has a reason for living. We as people just haven t found that reason or purpose yet. Understand that your life matters to God and others as life progressives. Before God formed you in the womb, you had a reason to be on the planet. He had a reason for your existence. One summer I had just got off from a hard day of work. I was a welder at Texana Tank Car. Where I worked with a lot of metal, heat, fabricant tanks ... Show more content on ... Driving down the interstate, I m noticing the baby eye s going back, so I am praying in speaking life over this baby. It took about 8 to 12 minutes to make it to the hospital. While driving mom was crying and screaming in I am speaking life praying louder than her. By the time we made it to the hospital the baby was back normal just crying. Doctors and nurses meet us as we pull in grab the baby. Now we are in this hospital for 30 minutes to an hour waiting because they had to check this baby out and run test on her. Some of her family was there waiting along with us until the doctor came out. The doctor came in, she said the child was okay. The doctor told us that the tests do not show signs of a seizure ever. The mother fell out because she knew her child had always had seiures since birth. God is good all the time and he always have good thing for you. All this took place when my daughter, niece and nephew was about 3 years old. My wife and sister had three kids all around the same time. Conclusion The mom and her children were coming to the church every now and then but no commitment from her. Then it got to the point were years passed by. In 2013 my daughter, niece, and nephew was about to graduate from high school. In they had their prom night in my wife and sisters were taking pictures of them down town at the train station were most people would take their pictures. My wife was ran into this lady there, she had
  • 36. Microorganisms Lab Report Introduction Life on this planet began with microorganisms. Through millions of years microorganisms have found ways to successfully adapt and survive. These adaptations have created a wide biodiversity, allowing them to basically populate in all places. Why are these microbes so important? Because they shape the history of our world. Some microbes can be deathly to humans while some others are favorable, for example, bacteria that lives in the gut of both humans and animals and helps during the process of digestion (Alfred Brown Heidi Smith, 2006). Understanding these interactions help scientists to find ways to protect humans from potential deathly pathogens. In order to observe microbes, microscope proficiency and microorganisms identification are crucial skills in a microbiology lab. During this laboratory session, samples of environmental and human organisms were inoculated into two different rich media and incubated to their according temperature. After this, appropriate use and calibration of the microscope was performed. Lastly, morphology and size of different species of bacteria, algae, fungi and protozoan were recorded. Materials and Methods Nutrient Broth and Nutrient Agar were used to inoculate bacteria taken from different surfaces. Nutrient agar plate was inoculated with a sample taken from skin surface. A sterile cotton swab was first immersed on sterile water, then, rubbed against the skin with swirling motion and transferred to an agar plate by rubbing
  • 37. Life On Death Row Is Not Pleasant Essay Life on death row is not pleasant so inmates neither is jail. North Carolina s death row inmates live in 11x7 foot cells and have access to a community room with stainless steel tables for playing chess, writing, watching a small TV or listening to music on their see through audio paler. Outside each death rowpod, prisonguards sit behind dark tinted glass monitoring inmates... Two days a week... they get to spend one hour in an exercise yard (Life on death row: Am I going to be next? ) They only get two hours a week to be able to get out of there cell less than most offenders in maximum security prisons that get an hour a day outside. Although they will be able to exercise, workout, they can still make some money doing janitor work they will only get a few cents though. They can also receive one visit a week with a maximum of two visitors (Life on death row: Am I going to be next? ). Mainly the only good part about this is they can visit with one or two people a week so not all their freedoms are taken away even though guards are watching they get to spend time with their loved ones if anyone decides to visit. I cannot imagine having almost all my rights taken away. Although these offenders are considered highly dangerous they are still human, and you can never be sure that one committed a crimeor not. Nowadays with new technology man people are taken out of jail after spending half their lives in confinement are set free, but most are set free with nothing but the
  • 38. The Power Of Wind Turbines Introduction Today society shares enthusiasm about the expansion and increased production of alternative energy to meet the global energy needs, rather than relying on the limited supply of fossil fuels. It is estimated, by the end of this century, the fossil fuels that sustain civilisation will be depleted. So to prepare for the new age of energy production, development of renewable energy sources such as wind power is very important. Wind Wind Turbines Wind is formed from the heating and cooling of the atmosphere, which causes air and air layers to rise, fall and move over each other. This movement results in wind currents. The kinetic energy of wind can be transformed into electrical energy through the use of wind turbines. There are two main types of wind turbines, horizontal and vertical axis. Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) have blades which are connected to the vertical shaft. The horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWT) however all the main components on top of a tall tower. Since horizontal axis wind turbines are the most common used, the report will focus on this design. The Gearbox As the wind passes over the blades it creates lift which causes the rotor to turn. The blades turn a low speed shaft inside the nacelle. The gearbox connects the low speed shaft to the high speed shaft and increases the rotational speeds from 30 60 rotation per minute (rpm) to around 1000 1800 rpm. This is about the rotational speed required by most generators to produce
  • 39. Hester Prynne As A Heroine The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote The Scarlet Letter that represents the letter A is what Hester wear.She lives in a native village, in Old England (11).She had an infant on her arm, and the letter A on her bosom (12).The baby were started to crying of pain, and she was hurting on (13). Although Hawthorne represents Hester as a heroine, he uses symbolism to project her as a victim because she is in prisoned, a single mother and wears the letter A. Even though Hester were thrown into prison for adultery.Hester Prynne does not want to go to prison, but she requires to go by the townspeople. The prison guard walks in the prison each night. The tree trunk is right beside the prison.The summer morning of the prison is less than two
  • 40. Carl Jung s Major Accomplishments The purpose of this paper is to look into the life and accomplishments of a well known psychoanalyst, Carl Gustav Jung. Jung s work brought forth several new concepts in psychology. While alive, his work influenced colleagues and continued to influence the future of psychology after his death. Carl Jung was born in Kesswil, Switzerland on July 26, 1875 and moved to Laufen shortly after (Jung, 1971; Jung, 1989, p. 6). Jung (1989) discusses a night where his father walked back and forth with him in his arms, singing, while he had a fever and could not go to sleep. He found out later that he had eczema and believed that this caused marital problems between his parents. Jung speculated that his mother s hospitalization, for many months, was the result of the parent s martial problems. Jung s aunt cared for him during his mother s hospitalization, but he felt unsettled by her absence. He discussed the doubts he would have... Show more content on ... He mentions that someone who is not influenced by either of their work would be better at distinguishing the differences. Jung (1933) believes that Freud s work, which focuses heavily on sexuality, comes from what he has noticed in himself. He goes on to say that Freud s teachings are biased because its validity is stuck in what he calls the neurotic states of the mind (p. 135). Jung argued that one of Freud s biggest mistakes was to not include philosophy and its criticism in his work. While he disagrees with much of Freud s work, he does go on to explain that he agrees with Freud on ego. He explains that ego does house our fears, but argues that this is only the case if it does not go back to the father and mother archetypes (p. 132, 134 135, 141). The relationship between Jung and Freud ended in 1913 and it was also at this time when Jung left the University of ZГјrich (Jung, 1971; Jung Storr,
  • 41. Cleopatra Informative Speech Cooper 5 Fate N. Cooper Mrs. Dellinger English II 3 May 2017 Cleopatra Cleopatra had a very extraordinary life. She was born into royalty and became a ruler at a very young age due to her father s death. She was married four times, first to her two younger brothers, third to Julius Caesar and fourth to Marc Antony. She had four children with both Julius Caesar and marc Antony. Cleopatra also had 5 siblings. Later on, in life, Cleopatra committed suicide. Cleopatra was born in 69 BC in Alexandria, Egypt (Cleopatra: The Woman Behind the Name.) Her parents were Ptolemy Auletes (Cleopatra: The Woman Behind the Name) and Cleopatra V ( Klimczak.) She had five siblings, two older sisters and a younger sister, also two brothers, Cleopatra VI, ... Show more content on ... Cleopatra chose to go back to Egypt. On her way back to Egypt she made a stop in Cyprus which had been granted to her younger sister Arsinoe and her younger brother and co ruler Ptolemy XIV, in order to ensure that she was known as their true ruler. As Cleopatra arrived in Egypt she immediately took steps to consolidate her rule. A document dated July 26 44 BC, Ptolemy XIV s name appeared, but after that date he disappeared many say that Cleopatra ordered for him to be poisoned and it is notable that around this time she dropped the epithet brother loving from her titles. Cleopatra confirmed her son by Julius Caesar, Caesarion, co regent. Cleopatra also continued to build the Caesareum in honor of Caesar. In Dendera, Caesarion was depicted in front of images of Cleopatra, asserting him as the primary ruler (Ancient Egypt Online.) Cleopatra and Marc Antony spent the winter of 41 to 40 BC in Alexandria. In the spring of 40 BC, Marc Antony left Cleopatra to return home. Marc Antony did not see her for four years. Fulvia, Antony s ex wife had gotten into a movement against his wife Octavian over veteran s allotments of land. In the meantime Cleopatra had given birth to twins, a boy and a girl. Their twin children were officially recognized by Antony and were given names of Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene. Marc Antony gave her much land which was very essential to Egypt. He gave her Cyprus, the Cilician coast, Phoenicia, Coele Syria, and Judea and Arabia. In 34 BC, Antony had a campaign into Armenia which had been successful and financially rewarding. Antony celebrated his triumph with a parade. He presented himself as the New Dionysus. Ptolemy XV (Caesarion) was made the co ruler with his mother and was also called the King of Kings, Cleopatra was called the Queen of Kings, Alexander was named Great
  • 42. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Propomposition 2.3 Ingredients Decomposition Oxidizer and binder decomposition play very significant role during the combustion of composite propellants. Inorganic oxidant and polymeric binder are the major components of their formulations and AP is the practical (still in use) oxidizer in the composite propellant formulations [26]. Available information on decomposition of binder in general and AP in particular have been collected and reviewed from the viewpoint of their application in the composite propellant. This review may be useful in understanding the complicated mechanisms of the propellants combustion. When the chemical nature of either oxidizer or binder is changed then the propellant properties are drastically altered. It was known that the AP decomposition and deflagration represent very important role during the propellant combustion and the binder decomposition temperature is related to the propellant burning rate. Various investigations have shown that the additives which sensitize or desensitize decomposition of ammonium perchlorate either sensitize or desensitize its deflagration leading to burning rate increasing or decreasing. Those examples very clearly exhibit the... Show more content on ... The subsequent de propagation results in either gaseous products (vapors) or cross linking with char formation of conjugate double bonds followed by dehydrogenation. Un catalyzed decomposition of binders when compared to the considerable effort that has been devoted to understand the AP decomposition, binder decomposition has received very little attention. This may be due to the fact that the oxidizer which is presented in large quantity in the propellant may perhaps control its combustion characteristics. However, with the advancement of the combustion modeling the need of binder decomposition during the combustion was recognized [34,
  • 43. Coverage of the Normandy Invasion British and American historians have covered the Normandy invasion extensively, and one therefore wonders if there is any need for another treatment of the campaign. In Normandy: The Landings to the Liberation of Paris, Olivier Wieviorka demonstrates that there is indeed room for new interpretations of this much covered subject. Wieviorka, a professor of history at the Г‰cole Normale SupГ©rieure de Cachan, covers every aspect of the Normandy invasion: politics and grand strategy, economic production, the formation and training of military forces, air and naval power, intelligence, logistics, deception, tactical operations, the French resistance, the impact of the war on soldiers and civilians, and other topics all come under his penetrating analysis. Well researched from both primary and secondary sources and exceptionally well written (and translated, one might add), Normandy belongs on the bookshelves of all serious historians of World War II. Aside from its appeal to the serious scholar of military history, Wieviorka s readable prose makes Normandy just as suitable to the general reader interested in the history of Operation Overlord and the momentous events that transpired in Great Britain and France in the spring and summer of 1944. The author s main purpose is to debunk the myths that have grown up around the Normandy invasion, primarily that it was a crusade against evil that was resolutely supported by politicians, generals, soldiers, and civilians alike. In this
  • 44. Essay Wembley Stadium pricing study Ticket Pricing Strategy for the new Wembley Stadium 1 nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;Introduction OBJECTIVE nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;To maximise profits from ticket sales at Wembley Stadium KEY ASSUMPTIONS nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;1. Wembley has a monopoly on certain types of match 2. Wembley is run by profit maximising managers selling tickets to utility maximising buyers STRATEGY nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;Set prices for seats as close to the willingness to pay as possible using price discrimination KEY CHOICES nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;What type of seating to sell and at what price? 2 nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;Scope This strategy is limited to the following football matches: nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;England home... Show more content on ... Demand is still high though because of the quality of the games. Wembley can therefore charge a premium, but not over charge to the extent that alternatives become dominant: Special treat customers are those who are willing to pay more because they are buying an experience rather than just wanting to see a match. They still have a high elasticity because there are alternatives they will be put off if prices are too high. 4.2 nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;Segment 2 Demand
  • 45. Donald Trump Persuasive Techniques n advert attacking Donald Trump arguably the first time anybody s sunk any real effort or money into such a project has finally surfaced. The two and a half minute video, paid for by a political action committee called Our Principles PAC, uses Trump s own words against him. He has never been shy about giving his opinion, but over the years he s held opposing opinions on almost every issue. Some of the footage in the ad has already come to light, but taken together it s a bluntly effective demolition of Trump s commitment to the conservative cause. In a string of clips from old interviews some of them not even that old Trump comes out in favour of universal healthcare and higher taxes. He says, I am pro choice in every respect, and:
  • 46. The Challenges Of The Construction Industry INTRODUCTION Some of the challenges the construction industry faces are the lack of skills and needing to ensure that there are available resources. The skills shortage in construction ranges from a shortage of bricklayers to a shortage of quantity surveyor. This shortage isn t just in the numbers available but also a shortage of those are skilled in their field, meaning that most of the workers lack experiences. This will reduce the speed in which the industry grows which then may affect the contribution that the industry has on the UK economy. The resources available to the industry are depleting, which means that alternative methods of construction need to be considered. One of the resources that the industry is exhausting in river ... Show more content on ... The report will include the different regulations that intermediate floors must meet, when compared to an intermediate floor in a non domestic setting. REVIEW MARKET SECTOR AND APPLICATION Sound transmission would be a driver for the need to use acoustic insulation on intermediate floors. There are two types of sound, two sources. Airborne sound and Impact sound. Airborne sound is vibrations generated from a source, like speech and loudspeakers, which is then transmitted through the air. These vibrations cannot go through a floor. However, they do cause vibrations within them, which cause the air on the other side of the floor to vibrate. It is these vibrations that cause the sound. The way to reduce these vibrations is to increase the mass of the floor. Therefore, concrete has a better sound resistance than timber. Whereas impact sounds are sounds that are caused by something coming into contact with the floor. Such as footsteps. The vibrations caused by impact sound can also cause some airborne sounds in objects attached to or resting on the floor. Sound can transmit through a floor in two way, directly or indirectly. Direct transmission is when the floor transmits the sound from one side to another. Indirect transmission is when the sound uses other elements attached to the floor. Concrete is generally good at limiting both direct and indirect noise. Therefore,
  • 47. Holden Caulfield Controversy In the novel The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger, the theme is based on the teenage confusion of the main character Holden Caulfield. Salinger introduces Holden Caulfield, second out of four children coming from an upper middle class New York family, who tells the story of his youth. The Catcher in the Rye is the most famous J.D. Salinger s novel and has made a great impact when it came out due to its controversial nature. Holden is portrayed as a 17 year old who feels lost in the modern society and finds flaws in almost all of its segments, resulting in repulsion towards nearly everything he encounters. Holden has developed smoking and drinking habits at a young age and is prone to depression because of the death of his younger brother Allie and feels... Show more content on ... The only person who he confides to and finds entirely flawless is his 10 year old sister Phoebe who is in any way still uncorrupted by society. Holden also admires his older brother D.B. who is excellent in writing stories, up until he accepts the invitation to go to Hollywood to write movie scripts. From that moment on he uses him as a prime example of phony people he despises and encounters every day. He is strongly influenced by the advice written on a piece of paper and given to him by his former teacher Mr. Antolini in which he tells him that the sign of a mature man is that he is prepared to humbly live for a cause, rather than to nobly die for one. Holden claims he still has the piece of paper that the advice is written on with him, from which we can conclude that, in the end he fulfils his dream of metaphorically becoming a catcher in the rye who saves lost children from falling off a cliff. Holden finds
  • 48. Afghanistan War Essay In 2001 the Twin Towers were destroyed by two planes and also there were two other planes one was supposed to hit the White House and the other the Pentagon. This started the war in Afghanistan. It s been eight years since this incident, and the United States and President Obama still want to keep this war going. Next year they are going to send 30,000 troops to Afghanistan and Iraq. There are three reasons why they shouldn t send them: one for their safety; two Afghanistan should keep their business to themselves; and three it s going to affect the economy big time. First of all President Obama is going to send 30,000 troops to Afghanistan next year. My first reason on why he shouldn t is because of their safety, like for example people... Show more content on ... See this isn t our problem yet because they are planning but they haven t done it yet. So the United States military should just get prepared and stop this war. Because is this all necessary to really to keep this war going, it s been eight years really they should just don t send the troops. Ok also before the twin towers were destroyed, Afghanistan had more problems with their neighbor they were going to get in a war and that s when the United States got involved and tried to stop that war from happening. Like they shouldn t have gotten involved because probably when they destroyed the Twins Towers was because they were nosy and got involved on what was not any of their business. So yea they really shouldn t gotten into that problem because now we, the United States, are the ones who are suffering from all this. Many would argue that the story of how 9/11 came about goes back, at least, to 1979 when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, with which it shares a border. Afghanistan had experienced several problems since 1973, when the Afghanistan monarchy was overthrown by Daud Khan, who was sympathetic to Soviet overtures. An unsuspected attack reflected struggles within Afghanistan among factions with different ideas about how Afghanistan should be governed and whether it should be communist, and with the problems with the Soviet Union. The Soviets intervened following the overthrow of a pro communist leader. In late December 1979, after several months
  • 49. The Legal Consumption Of Alcohol During the early 1900 s, people in America were living with the drastic changes that the Civil War had inevitably brought. Under the United States Constitution, peoples lives, liberties and all their inclusive rights were protected throughout all of the Amendments. Included in these rights were the legal consumption of alcohol, as well as the distribution. With a danger of human life, and the moral of the Country, the U.S Government passed the Eighteenth Amendment. Prohibition was the Eighteenth Amendment, this banned the legal use, production, transportation and sale of alcoholic beverages in the United States. Alcohol had been a rampant issue in the United States for a long time, the ban on alcohol was a victory for life, liberty, and growth in America. Prohibition banned alcohol, and all inclusive aspects dealing with the beverage. Alcohol was viewed as a key issue in the progress of America. Frank Salamone writes It seems inevitable that people will seek to ban the bad habits of others. Certainly, there was cause for concern regarding the high consumption of alcohol in the United States and its effects on individuals and families. By all accounts, alcoholism was a serious problem in America, and people sought solutions for it. (Salamone 2) These particular issues stemmed long before the Civil War, however, the end of the war made this issue a priority for the government. With America in dire need of change, the government pulled together and insisted on