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Essay About Nursing Profession
Crafting an essay on the subject of the nursing profession presents both challenges and
opportunities for exploration. At first glance, one might assume that the vastness of the topic
provides an abundance of material to work with, but navigating through the myriad aspects of
nursing demands careful consideration. The difficulty lies not in the scarcity of information but
rather in the need to strike a balance between depth and breadth.
The multifaceted nature of the nursing profession requires a nuanced approach. One must delve
into the historical roots of nursing, exploring its evolution and the pivotal figures who shaped its
trajectory. Simultaneously, attention must be paid to contemporary issues, from the challenges
faced by nursing professionals to the ongoing advancements in medical technology.
Moreover, the ethical dimensions of nursing add another layer of complexity. Addressing the
values, principles, and moral dilemmas inherent in the profession demands a thoughtful and
empathetic analysis. Balancing the technical expertise required with the compassionate care that
defines nursing is a delicate task, requiring a nuanced discussion.
The essay must also encompass the diverse roles within the nursing profession, from bedside
nurses to nurse educators and administrators. Each role contributes uniquely to the holistic
healthcare system, and understanding these nuances is crucial for a comprehensive essay.
Additionally, the dynamic nature of healthcare and the constant evolution of medical practices
require staying abreast of current trends and innovations. Keeping the content relevant and up-
to-date adds a layer of challenge to the writing process.
In conclusion, while composing an essay about the nursing profession may seem daunting, it is
equally rewarding. Navigating the intricacies of nursing necessitates a careful blend of historical
insight, contemporary awareness, ethical considerations, and an understanding of the diverse
roles within the profession. As challenging as it may be, the exploration of the nursing profession
is an enriching journey that sheds light on the vital contributions of these healthcare
For those seeking assistance with essays or similar projects, various resources are available,
including online platforms like, where one can find support for a range of
topics and academic endeavors.
Essay About Nursing Profession Essay About Nursing Profession
Print Newspapers Are Becoming A Thing Of The Past
INTRODUCTION In today s world, technology is present in every facet of our
lives. The media is no exception. Print newspapers are becoming a thing of the
past, with new digital, online news taking its place. This change in how we get our
news comes with both advantages and drawbacks. While some may prefer printed
news, there s no denying the news is slower and has less ability to change. And
while digital articles are quicker to publish and allow for user comments they can
sometimes be less accurate when initially printed. However, as society adapts to
this new technology, it s clear that print newspapers are becoming less and less
popular and are being replaced (Grabowicz,). ANALYSIS Speed One of the most
significant changes is how quickly people are able to access new information.
With the internet, people can view new articles as soon as they are written and
posted. This can put some added pressure on journalists to print articles as quickly
as possible, lest their story become old news . It s also making people expect to see
the absolute newest news in their print based news. This is evident in Chris Elliot s
article where he says people expected to see news of the Paris attacks in their
newspapers the next day, even though those papers had already been printed (Elliot,
). The ability to quickly bring people information is also a huge benefit. With the
internet ever present in our lives, people can access the information they need in
seconds. With twitter now a common
The Dual Nature Of Sin In Charles DickensThe Bible
Charles Dickens adapts biblical text to expose the complexities of sin. Through
allusions and imagery of the Old Testament, Dickens mirrors many of his characters
and settings to that of Genesis in The Bible. Dickens adapts select imagery, however,
to expose how the entangling nature of original sin and ultimate forgiveness exist
within a modern human context. For example, Dickens repeatedly references gardens
in allusion to the Garden of Eden, but he alludes to the garden in twisted ways:
paradise is a dilapidated, rotting English garden wrought with sin. Through slight
distortions in his allusions, Dickens exposes the complex, often confusing, nature of
Biblical text and interpretation. Similarly, Dickens distorts the dual nature of sin and
forgiveness through biblical allusion. Though he recognizes the existence of sin,
Dickens specifically highlights how sin is both permanent and forgivable. It is
through acts of basic goodness that sin can be forgiven. In this essay, I will explore
how Dickens exploration of the Genesis stories exposes the convoluted nature of sin
and forgiveness in Christianity.
Dickens initially uses geography of rural England to mirror Genesis 2. Joe s forge
and Miss Havisham s home are both located in Kent: a small, secluded county in
eastern England. Similarly, God ambiguously places the Garden of Eden in the East
in Genesis 2(ESV, Gen. 2.8). For young Pip, Kent acts as a scant, odd kind of Eden:
it is, at once, both a place of simple, implicit
Jetblue Essay
Learning objectives 1. institutional aspects of equity issuance transaction 2. costs and
benefits associated with public share offerings 3. develop a deeper appreciation for
challenges of valuing unseasoned firms and enhance corporate valuation skills
1)What are the advantages and disadvantages of going public?
2)What different approaches can be used to value JetBlue s shares?
3)At what price would you recommend that JetBlue offer their shares?
Potential Questions to be addressed in report submission * What is an Initial Public
Offering and why is it such a big deal? * Is going public, particularly at the time they
did, a good idea for JetBlue? * What do you ... Show more content on
Moreover, according to John Owen, JetBlue had prepared the initial registration
statement with security and exchange commission (SEC) for the IPO on September
11, 2001. However, based on the September 11 attacks, they delayed IPO before it
came into force. In fact, not only the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, but
several events happened negatively affected the global economy during the period of
going public for JetBlue. For example, the contagion of bird flu was quite severe
during taking flights, which definitely influenced the demand of flights. The
increasing oil price also raised the basic cost in any transportation industry. Another
negative condition could be the economic downturn, including crash of the dot com
bubble and financial crisis in Asia. From this point
When Diving Into A Book Or A Piece Of Literature...
When diving into a book or a piece of literature structured like this one must keep
an open mind to the points of view they will encounter. This may not be the
average book, for example it is different than the other literary works that are often
discussed in the classroom. Even though it is not a story like a fairy tale is, this
type of book is still enjoyable and easy to discuss. However, there is a huge amount
of opinions in the text of its pages. Even so, if one sticks to knowing that they are
just opinions and not fact it gives less a reason to get confused and can make this a
more enjoyable read. It is not all about the structure of the book but more of the
main thoughts it s author is trying to convey through it s text. There are a lot of
things someone could point out while reading this book. One of the best ones to
focus on though would be found in the first chapter. It starts out talking about how
serious West Point is when building their leaders. A good thing about the start of this
chapter is after the author makes the point of how serious West Point is about their
leaders he then gives a very interesting phrase to get the whole point across the
readers mind. The phrase or statement is, Leader of character , when this is brought
Archaeology And Relative Dating Analysis
Throughout the past two centuries, archaeology has undergone a series of
evolutionary changes in methodology. Archaeological methods help archaeologists
uncover sites of ancient civilizations and accurately analyze them. Three commonly
used methods are research design, patterning, and dating. These techniques are
particularly known for their application in famous sites of excavation such as
Schliemann s unearthing of ancient Troy, Carter s search for King Tut, and Kenneth
Feder s analyzation of the prehistoric site of Wood Lily. The methods themselves, as
used by these archaeologists, show the chronology of the progress of archaeologyand
its techniques. The preliminary course of action before a survey or excavation can
take place is called... Show more content on ...
There are two types of dating: relative dating and chronometric. Relative dating
places artifacts, features or sites into a sequence determined by analyzing stylistic
changes found in different layers of stata. It is of course, relative, which means there
is no exact dating. Stratigraphy is a relative dating technique that is most helpful
when comparing the age of sites, (to determine which one is older), or artifacts, as
the stylistic changes can help conclude which era they belonged to and possibly even
which culture. The second type of dating, chronometric, is a bit more specific and
can provide exact dates according to a calendar or a range of years for artifacts,
features, sites and/or ecofacts. By far the most accurate chronometric dating
method is dendrochronology, which determines the exact year a tree was cut
down by analyzing patterns of tree rings within a master sequence. Additionally,
within chronometric dating, there are radiometric dating methods such as carbon
dating. It is based on radioactive decay, which occurs at a constant and measurable
rate, making it a great natural clock. Heinrich Schliemann (a merchant, not an
archaeologist) loosely used relative dating in his search for Homer s Troy in the
1870 s. He had enough knowledge of strata to understand that in order to find Troy,
he would have to excavate several layers of strata within the area he deduced to be
the previous location of Troy. He used relative dating, stratigraphy specifically, to
count the layers before he reached Troy, however, his dating was very off, so using
dynamite to get through the layers, he bombed nine levels of history, one of which
today is presumed to be the actual level of Troy. Had he spent more time on
research design or patterning, maybe collected samples of several stratums he would
ve uncovered that Troy was not as low as he had
Climate Change And Ocean Temperature
The real life application that comes out from this experiment relates to the climate
change and the ocean temperature. Ocean holds great capacity of carbon dioxide.
When the temperature in the environment boosts due to global warming, the ability
for the ocean to hold carbon dioxide directly determines the amount of carbon dioxide
released into the atmosphere. Since carbon dioxide itself allows to absorb great
quantity of infrared radiation, so glaciers, ice caps and snow on the top of the
mountain will melt due to greenhouse effect. Progressively in level of water
negatively affect the human life because countries like Jordan, Israel, and Syria
which are all 200 400 metres below the sea level might encounter flooding and results
in death in the society.
Solubility is the ability for solid, liquid or gaseous to dissolve in another solid, liquid
or gaseous. The solubility of a substance mainly depends on the temperature,
pressure, and the pH of the solution. It is measured based on the saturation
concentration. Therefore, by adding one addition amount of solute may cause the
solution to form precipitation on the excess amount of solute. In pressure, the higher
the pressure, the higher the solubility. This is because the pressure applied would
push the solute into the solvent, so that there is more solute trap inside the solvent.
Since the pressure is applied, so the solute would not escape. However, in
temperature, the solubility decreases, as temperature increases. This is
A New Commitment Period For Kyoto Protocol
In the 19th century, an awareness began to dawn that accumulated carbon dioxide in
the Earth s atmosphere could create a greenhouse effect and increase the temperature
of the planet. A perceptible process in that direction had already begun a side effect
of the industrial age and its production of carbon dioxide and other such greenhouse
By the middle of the 20th century, it was becoming clear that human action had
significantly increased the production of these gases, and the process of global
warming was accelerating. Today, nearly all scientists agree that we must stop and
reverse this process now or face a devastating cascade of natural disasters that will
change life on earth as we know it.
UN Climate Change ... Show more content on ...
And in one of many terrain changing developments, 160 square miles of territory
broke away from the Antarctic coast in 2008 its bindings to Antarctica having literally
melted away.
The UN family is in the forefront of the effort to save our planet. In 1992, its Earth
Summit produced the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) as a first step in tackling the problem. In 1998, the World Meteorological
Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) set
up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to provide an objective
source of scientific information. And the Convention s 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which
set emission reduction targets for industrialized countries, has already helped stabilize
and in some cases reduce emissions in several countries.
We must limit global temperature rise to 2 degrees. We are far from there, and even
that is enough to cause dire consequences. If we continue along the current path, we
are close to a 6 degree increase .
Too many leaders seem content to keep climate change at arm s length, and in its
policy silo. Too few grasp the need to bring the threat to the centre of global security,
economic and financial management. It is time to move beyond spending enormous
sums addressing the damage, and to make the investments that will repay themselves
many times over .
UN Secretary General Ban Ki moon
Remarks at the
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BIS 245 Week 1 iLabDevry University
A. Lab # : BSBA BIS245A 1
B. Lab 1 of 7 : Introduction to MS Visio and MS Access
C. Lab Overview Scenario/Summary
1. Given a business situation in which managers require information from a database,
determine, analyze and classify that information so that reports can be designed to
meet the requirements.
2. Given a situation containing entities, business rules, and data requirements, create
the conceptual model ... Show more content on ...
create a new Visio file for database design;
2. using the data requirements and the business rules provided, develop a conceptual
model (ERD), including attribute data types and required field lengths; and
3. create a new MS Access database based on the ERD.
D. Deliverables
Part A StepYourNameLab3.vsd (Visio Diagram)
Part B StepYourNameLab3.accdb (Access Database)
E. Lab Steps
Page1 of 6
DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab
A.Lab# : BSBA BIS245A 4B B.Lab 4 B of 7:Completing Queries C.Lab Overview
Scenario / Summary:
# 6: Given a physical database containing tables and relationships and business
requirements, create the necessary queries.
The lab begins with a simple example of query development using Access; then,
evolves to more complex queries which the student should perform after completing
the first exercise. The student can create a query with the wizard, with query design
view, or with SQL statements. The Northwind database will be used again in this lab.
Upon completing this lab, you should be able to:
Create a query by following lab instruction.
Create a query by using either query designer, or query wizard.
Create a query by using SQL statements.
Interpret the results of queries
Submit the MS Access Database file that contains the
Interview With Karen Sandoval
I interviewed my aunt Karen Sandoval, who s 45 years old and was born on July 23,
1970. Karen belongs to the over 46,000,000 other generation Xers. She was born in
Mexico, but moved over to the United States when she was 6 years old with her
parents and siblings. Karen has 12 siblings and was only able to complete High
School, because there weren t that many opportunities for her to go to collegeat the
time in the area she lived. Her parents struggled to put food on the table and
support all their kids, so at the age of 15, Karen started to work. Her first job was in
sales, working at a jewelry store in Watsonville, California called Latin Jewelers and
shortly after Don Robertos. Shortly after getting her first job, her father was laid off.
... Show more content on ...
One area of conflict that I personally have with the generation Xers is that they tend
to work alone and don t like collaborating with others. Growing up as a Millennial, I
was given a lot of encouragement and have a tendency to voice my opinions.
When trying to work on a project at work with a Generation Xer, I tend to get
offended that they don t want to collaborate and solve a problem together. However,
when they do want to voice their opinion they have a tendency to question
everything. I realized that in order for me to fix this area of conflict, I need to come
to an understanding that not every Generation Xer acts like everyone else. In
addition, not every generation will work well together, but understanding the
strengths of each one will help me handle tasks at work more
The Quality Of Total Quality Management
Total quality management, also known as TQM, which is an umbrella methodology
drawing on knowledge of the principles and practices of the behavioral sciences, the
analysis of quantitative and non quantitative data, economic theories, and process
analysis to continually improve the quality of all processes. Three major contributors
to the quality profession include: Walter A. Shewhart, W. Edwards Demings, and
Joseph M. Juran, who taught the concepts of controlling the quality and managerial
breakthrough. There are several common connections between the three contributors
to the quality profession. Shewhart mentored the latter two. Most of which, they
adopted and reformed much of Shewhart s work to expand and evolve their own
studies. Shewhart s main focus was finding economic ways to reduce costs by
identifying problems sooner in the process variation and by reducing the cost of
inspection. Shewhart also created the process of Plan do check act. Deming adapted
this philosophy into his own work. Deming s philosophy seen quality as the main
force for businesses and society to succeed and reported this philosophy as a chain
reaction. This also matched Shewhart s principle for quality among economics.
Demings and Shewhart s philosophies are similar because both preached the
importance of adapting managementprocesses to create profitable situations for both
businesses and consumers. However, the main difference is that Deming emphasized
the transformation
Germany s Tourism As An American Citizen
Many Americans have common misconceptions about Germany and its people
even before visiting the country or getting to know a German national. Germans
are often perceived to be cold or mean and that they dislike tourists. Many also
believe that the language sounds harsh or is unromantic and all Germans consume
is sauerkraut, sausage, and beer. These views could be largely due to the way
Hollywood paints Germans out to be and American views on holidays such as
Oktoberfest. As a German as well as an American citizen, I have heard many of these
stereotypes and can confidently refute these claims and say that Germanyand its
people are actually very friendly and have a rich and diverse culture.
Germany s tourism is on the rise as described in a report in a marketline industry
profile. It describes that the travel and tourism industry grew in 2015 by 3.3% and
is projected to maintain a similar growth rate... (Travel and Tourism in Germany
8). In fact, every time I visit I meet more and more people who are touring
Germany. A study done in 2013 by Andrew Hare and collegues was aimed to see
how Americans perceived Germans and Germany. It found that almost 60% of
Americans had a positive impression and thought it was modern, forward thinking,
and economically powerful (Hare et. All 3 59). Germany has also adopted many
other cultures customs from words to holidays to music. When my mom was
younger and living in Germany there was no Halloween! Now kids are starting to
catch on and
Human Nature And Development Of Personality
Adlerian Therapy
Liliana Salazar
University of North Texas at Dallas
Adlerian Therapy According to Maniacci and Jonhson Migalski (2013), Individual
psychology mandates that a person must be understood in the holistic,
phenomenological, teleological way (p.179). Adlerians believe heredity and
environment influence but do not determine our behaviors. Moreover, every person
has to strive for power, and humans develop inferiority feelings as a consequence.
Therefore, they need to overcome those feelings (Croake, 1975). This paper explains
how the views of human personality as holistic can explain maladjustment in the
client, Allen, a 34 year old male who experiences episodes of depression. The paper
will explore Allen s personality and the relationship between those past experiences
and maladjustment.
Human Nature and Development of Personality Croake (1975) argued the human
being is a whole, not just parts. Then personality can only be expressed if we take
into consideration all aspects of the human being. Adler (1982) pointed out that
human nature of personality explains how heredity and environment cannot build an
attitude related to life. Instead every person builds on individual experience. He
affirmed that humans couldn t be classified. Edgar (1996) explained the medical
model does not apply to every person because everyone is unique, and when science
tries to explain human mistakes by their genes we are categorizing human beings.
According to Adler (1982), the
Investigating the Relevance of Adopting Balanced
Investigating the relevance of adopting Balanced Scorecard as a strategic tool for
measuring financial performance.
This paper aims to debate, based on a literature review how relevant it is for
companies to adopt the use of balanced scorecard as tool for measuring financial
performance. The findings in literature shows that balanced scored restore the linkage
between financial and non financial measures in the operational and management
control systems of most companies and helps them to achieve long term strategic
objectives. On the other hand, the use and importance of balanced scorecard has been
evidenced through several studies but some companies still find it difficult and
challenging to implement it because it suggests what to do ... Show more content on ...
However about twelve years after, Kaplan and Norton (1992) identified the same gap
as regards the traditional method of performance. For Kaplan and Norton, the
financial measures focus on historic nature and do not alert the company about future
actions. This however gives weight to the relevance of Kaplan and Norton s study.
The different shortcomings of traditional performance measurement have been
discussed extensively in literature. Kaplan and Norton (1992) in their study focused
on how to improve on the traditional performance measurement in organisations.
They claim that the traditional financial measures such as the earnings per share,
return on investment and so on can prevent organisations from achieving continuous
improvement and innovation in today s competitive environment. This indicates that
adequate attention is given to the improvement of financial performance; hence this
study is an important one. Similarly, Kennerley and Neely (2003) found the same
problems with implementing the traditional financial measures by stating that it is no
longer sufficient enough for organisations to compete in the modern market because
of customer s high demands. Kennerley and Neely (2003) also identified in their
work that several research has been indicated by other authors that traditional
financial performance measures provide little information on how performance is
achieved or how it can be improved. Furthermore, Davis and Albert (2003) and Rich
Essay on Othello as a Black Man in a White Society
Othello as a Black Man in a White Society
Shakespeare s play,Othello, explores themes of love and passion, otherness ,
jealousy, revenge and order vs. Chaos, which all revolve mainly around the
protagonist, Othello. Surrounded by Venetians within a white society, Othello begins
to realise his otherness thus his insecurities as an outside and a Moor increase. The
deceptive Iago uses these dangerous blemishes in Othello s personality to manipulate
the moral Othello, using his one fatal flaw, jealousy.
During the 16th Century, the Elizabethan audiences attentiveness and familiarity of
the thin line between order and chaos would have added to the tragic story of
Othello. This was due to the ... Show more content on ...
What he meant by this is that Othello is a foreigner to all, because of his blackness
he can never fit in. However, this is ironic as the people of Venice accepted Othello
as a righteous and valiant general in the army, due to his brave act of protecting the
Venetians from the evil grasp of the Turkish people.
Interestingly enough, these Venetians don t compare Othello to the supposedly
iniquitous Turks because he had defeated them, so they placed him higher up in
the hierarchy of racial and social class. Iago expresses his own opinion that Othello
is an erring barbarian which is very ironic as Othello has the status of a shielding
warrior, a generous being that is a strong part of the army. Roderigo calls him the
lascivious Moor and tends to see Othello s black colour as a sign of dirtiness and
obscenity. The characters in Othello may possible have felt that Othello was a threat
due to his otherness in his appearance, such as his thick lips .
Othello s character is overtly and crudely sexualised, which is also a disadvantage to
Othello as other characters begin to believe that he is aggressive and sadistic. Black
people, during the time of Shakespeare, were mysterious to the white society.
Venetians were not used to seeing and living with people of other races and feared
them because they were not familiar with
Animals Should Not Be Zoos
Imagine being a zoo animal. Wouldn t the animal want to be free, and not in
captivity? There should not be zoos. From outside of a cage it is barely noticeable,
but what is happening to the zoo animals is not right. There should not be zoos
because animals cannot exercise which leads to health issues, they have little to
no space which causes depression, and there are other places that help animals in a
safer and more productive way. The history of zoos is that animals would be in tin
cages, now, they live in fake terrain, so none of these habitats are appropriate for
animals. Zoos say that they are helping endangered animals, but really they are
killing them. Most animals in zoos do not get enough exercise as part of their
daily schedule, and when animals exercise is lacking, health issues are occurring
more frequently. For instance, stressed animals signal depression or psychoses.
When elephants at zoos sway from side to side, the people outside of the cage
believe it is a normal motion for the animal, but it is actually a signal of stress.
Behaviors like these are mainly caused by a lack of privacy, mental stimulation
and physical exercise. To help the animals, some zoos give tranquilizers or
antidepressants to control these kinds of behaviors in animals. Animals do not
deserve this, but still lack exercise. For example, cheetahs in the wild pace 0% to
5% of their day, but at the Milwaukee County Zoo, 64% of their day is spent doing
this. Cheetahs are one of the most endangered animals at the zoo because at zoos
they only live to age 16 or 17, while in the wild they live to be 30 or older. As a
result of this lack of exercise provided by zoos, zoos are not matching the animals
natural exercise behaviors, so the animals become unhealthy. Most animals stuck in
zoos live by themselves even if they are meant to live in herds. While in the wild,
playful african elephants live peacefully and splash each other with their trunks. In
zoos with cages there is not enough space to play and enjoy themselves. The
average size of elephants is 7 feet, and they live in 12 foot enclosed cages, so that
leaves them with only 5 feet to move around. Elephants can not move, nor use their
trunks and this causes them to die
Analysis Of Deborah Fink s The Rural Midwest
Cutting Into the Meatpacking Line: Workers and Change in the Rural Midwest
book, by Deborah Fink, focuses mainly on showing what was happening in the
meatpacking s industry in the rural Midwest of Iowa. It shows that the key factors
in the creation the history of the rural working class depended on the different
experiences that gender, ethnic and racial minorities faced during the working years
in the meatpacking. It shows the painful process of struggling for recognition of the
employees rights that women, ethnic and racial minorities faced when they were
entering into the meatpacking workforce. Fink wrote her book to inform the reader
about what was happening in the meatpacking industry of Iowa the old days, and
how women, ethnic and racial minorities faced a lot of segregation, discrimination,
harassment, and unequal wages. What does Fink mean when she once said The
union, in digging in its heels to preserve the old system, conceded gender to the
manipulation of packing companies, thereby contributing to the deterioration of
conditions for all workers (Fink, P. 112) ? What was the old system look alike?
Moreover, what was the impact of the manipulation of gender? The old system was
supporting the gender division in the workplace. This division had generated
workplace s conflict and inequality between different gender in the workplace of
Iowa. Started by rural working class women before 1940 when the society thought
that women s works were indecent. Even though,
Particle Fever Essay
Particle fever is movie about a single experiment, which lasted 19 long years and
consisted of 10,000 hardworking and dedicated scientist. The whole experiment
was to find a particle called the Higgs Boson. The Higgs Boson was a particle that
most scientist thought held all things of the world together, to prove this theory that
they had made the scientist had to conduct a thorough experiment. For scientist to
begin the experiment they had to collect and test different parts of data using the
LHC which was a machine that produced different elements to see if the Higgs
were even real or not. The LHC was the World s largest and most expensive
machine. The LHC was made up of seven ton electromagnets, and the purpose was
to compare protons to the speed of lighting. There are four points in the LHC which
are LHCB, ATLAS, CHS, and Alice. At each point in the LHC
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on ...
At the conclusion of the meeting, it was stated that the Higgs mass was 125 GEV.
The crowd at the conference and Peter Higgs were the happiest people alive. Since
the Higgs mass was between 115 GEV and 140 GEV the scientist thought that they
could prove that the Higgs was the last piece of data they needed to say that the
Higgs was a God particle and it was the particle that made the world what it is
today. After everything the LHC will be closed and shut off and after two years
goes by will be running at full power instead of half power. Scientists hoped to get
even better results than they did the first time with running the LHC. The
experiment was a huge success. There was a 20,000 prize and a Nobel Prize
awarded to David Kaplan, Peter Higgs, and Mark Levinson at the conclusion of the
filming of the movie, which lasted from 2008 to 2012. The movie was not actually
released until the year 2014. Many scientist today still try to say that their theory of
the Higgs is incorrect but no one has yet to prove
Twelve Angry Men
Twelve Angry Men
Act I
unanimous complete agreement with no one dissenting refugee a person who flees
one country and seeks safety somewhere else el a train of the same design as a
subway train that runs on tracks elevated a few stories above street level. retire to
leave the open court to go to a private room calculus a complicated mathematical
process belligerently in a hostile or angry manner monopoly the exclusive ownership
of a business switch knife more commonly referred to as switchblade, one whose
spring loaded blade is concealed inside the body of the knife proposition a deal;
bargain bickering arguing mugging a physical attack to take money or goods from
another person breeding ground a place ... Show more content on ...
12. Juror Twelve is in advertising, and cannot conceive of people on any level other
than images.
9. What is the cause of Three s anger toward all young men?
His anger toward his own son seems to be why he feels as he does. His son, who
was beaten by his father when he was young, knocked his father down as a teenager.
Then he ran away from home and has not seen his father since.
10. What does Ten s following comment reveal about himself? How can you believe
him, knowing what he is? I lived among em all my life. You can t believe a word
they say.
Clearly he is a very prejudiced person. He distrusts a whole race or class of people
based on very limited exposure.
11. Juror Eight says he had a peculiar feeling about this trial. What does he think was
Eight feels the defense counsel did not conduct a thorough cross examination, and
many questions were left unasked.
12. The foreman asks the guard to bring in the switchblade knife. Why?
Juror Four says he feels that the jurors have a right to see the exhibits in evidence.
13. Juror Four questions the logic of Eight s premise that the boy did lose the knife.
What is his sarcastic question to Eight?
Four wants Eight to explain if he thinks someone else found the knife and stabbed the
boy s father to be amusing.
14. What dramatic climax occurs toward the end of Act I?
Juror Eight jabs a knife into the wall. The knife is identical to the murder weapon.
15. What proposal does Juror Eight make at end of the
Upton Sinclair s Use Of Biblical Allusions In Literature
Allusions distinctly impacts text in numerous ways. Biblical and historical allusions
are often the most recognizable in literature and each have their own significance.
Allusions are very beneficial in the text because they give new meaning to the text
and how it is represented throughout time; allusions in literature can also show new
interpretations of the other works as well. In The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair, Sinclair
uses biblical and historical allusions create an embellishment of imagery,
characterization, and the manifestation of government. An emphasis that can be
placed on allusions is in how imagery is portrayed. Bubbly Creek is described as
being constantly in motion, as if huge fish were feeding in it, or great leviathans
disporting themselves in its depths (pg 94). Sinclair used a biblical allusionto
demonstrate imagery using a leviathan, which is an enormous monster first
mentioned in the latter part of the book of Job in The Bible. The leviathan is
enormous and has an indescribable amount of strength and can penetrate a double
layer of armor. The contents of Bubbly Creek have an equivalence of a leviathan,
which shows how much power Bubbly Creek possesses; as well as how nothing
else could ever equate to it in size and its unrestrained moves. Another biblical
allusion that Sinclair uses is the Egyptian plague of flies in the book of Exodus
and with the hot weather descended upon Packingtown a veritable Egyptian
plague of flies; there could be no describing this the houses would be black with
them (pg 104). Sinclair uses this allusion to exemplify how horrid the conditions
were in Packingtown, the plague of flies in The Bible is described as being so
dense in the Pharaoh s palace and the rest of Egypt was covered and ruined by the
flies. The conditions had to have been so horrible and hot, as well as the potential
of rotting meat in Packingtown to bring about so many flies; it was that awful and
disgusting. Historical allusions also leave an impression on literature. Such as the
historical allusion that Sinclair made to the Bessemer Furnace, where they made
billets of steel a domelike building, the size of a big theater (pg 206). The Bessemer
furnace was an invention created 50 years
The Italian Renaissance s Life And Life Of Filippo...
Filippo Brunelleschi The Italian Renaissance, ranging between the 1400 s 1600 s,
was a time that continued classicism in culture, art, and architecture. Architecture in
particular applied classical vocabulary and forms to contemporary building functions
and types. Many well known individuals helped shape this period of time,
Brunelleschi included. Not much is known about Filippo Brunelleschis early life. He
was born 1377, the second son of Ser Brunellesco Di Lippo Lapi, in Florence, Italy.
While growing up in a political household, due to his father holding a distinct
notary position, expectations were held high for him to follow the same path as his
father. He was even given a formal education fit for that lifestyle. Though going
against expectations, Brunelleschi followed in his brother s footsteps to become a
goldsmith and joined the Silk Merchants guild. It took him a total of six years to be
awarded the title of master. He gained experience not only as a goldsmith but also in
sculpting and mechanics. In 1401, a contested sponsored by the Wool manufacturers
Guild was publicly announced. It called for new bronze panels on the Baptistery
doors. Seven candidates entered the competition but only Filippo Brunelleschi and
Lorenzo Ghiberti succeeded in becoming finalists. Everyone was given the same
material and subject, the Sacrifice of Isaac, but their final piece couldn t have been
any more different. Brunelleschi s design featured a more humanistic approach with
Institutional Review Boards In Bio-Medical Experiments
when completing a task, there are often rules and guidelines that need to be
followed. Institutional Review Boards, also known as IRBs, are put in place to
make sure rules are followed when they approve research done on human subjects
of bio medical and behavioral research. Two of these rules are that risks to subjects
are minimized and risks to subjects are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits.
I believe that IRBs are needed when doing research, but need better understand, and
be more aware about what is happening during the experiments.
Nearly 400 poor black men with syphilis...were enrolled in the study. They were
never told they had syphilis, nor were they ever treated for it. According to case one,
in 1932, the Tuskegee Institute, working with the Public Health Service, an
experiment was ... Show more content on ...
The first question was about the competency of the researcher, if it plays a role in a
project s approval or denial, and if it is fair. The question was answered with
focusing on written errors, board members are looking for signs that researchers are
trustworthy, careful people who aren t going to make a mistake in their studies... I
think an important point is made here. When submitting anything formal, you want to
make sure there are no mistakes, otherwise you look unprofessional, and you lose
some credibility. But, I think the ISB should do more investigating on the researcher
before confirming the denial.
In case four, according to the ISB website, they exist to protect research subjects
from unethical researchers, the kind of researchers who would recreate prison
situations to see how nasty humans could be to total strangers or would tell their
subjects that they had to administer electric shocks to a stranger with heart disease
just to see if they would do it... But as any field researcher that is, the kind of
researcher who actually speaks
Letter A, Page
Gender Roles In The Ramayana
A leader should be a strong representation of the culture s values, but not all hold
the attributes that a respected and wise leader should have. Generally, there are
two different types of kings, one who want to become king to help the greater
good of the people and fights to protect his people, and the other type who fights
and obtains power to benefit themselves. In the epic, The Ramayana, translated by
William Buck, tells the story of an ongoing war between two polar opposite kings,
Ravana of Lanka and Rama of Ayodhya. Ravana is a symbol of evil and ignorance
while Rama represents goodness and the pursuit of Dharma. The entire war is started
by Ravana stealing Rama s wife, Sita, a beautiful and enchanting woman. Considered
to be both... Show more content on ...
When Lakshmana and the royal charioteer of Ayodhya, Sumantra take Sita into the
woods for her retreat, they tell her what Rama has ordered. Even Lakshmana who
has followed and obeyed Rama says This is clearly unjust I cannot understand,
what can we gain by doing wrong to please a fool? (page 394). While Rama s
decision to abandon Sita in the woods could be highly contradictory to his well
rounded respected leader, this could also be another way of his commitment to
pursuing Dharma. Dharma has much to do about fate leading to other worlds and
lives. Sumantra saying to Sita that War, love and separation are all hidden gateways
to other worlds and other times. (394), implies that this is fate bringing Sita to
embark on a new adventure into another world and new life. Considering all of
Rama s actions throughout the book between sending his warriors home because he
values live, wanting to listen to voices coming from the common people, and
pursuing Dharma, he has proven to be a truly well rounded king by holding all the
attributes that a true leader should
Significant Themes in Murmuring Judges by David Hare
The purpose of this essay is to identify the significant themes in Murmuring Judges by
David Hare and to show how these themes have been presented to the audience.
David Hare graduated from Cambridge University in 1968; that same year he co
founded the Portable Theatre Company with his friend Richard Bicat. Ironically he
was to launch his writing career because the Company was left in the lurch by a
playwright just four days before rehearsals were due to start. Hare jumped into the
breach and penned a short satirical piece on the unlikelihood of revolution in Britain.
This rather hasty first attempt at writing turned out to be a resounding success; which
inspired Hare to further writings. ... Show more content on ...
This perception that those people within the Judiciary are out of touch; perhaps even
oblivious to normal life is affirmed in Hare s delivery of the discussion about
fundraising for the Bar between Cuddeford, Sir Peter and Irene.
We started fund raising for a campaign about 4 days ago.
How much have you raised?
One million
That sounds an auspicious start. One million?
David Hare has the ability to elicit extremes of sentiment from his audience; as
succinctly as he alludes to the pomposity of the members of the Judiciary, he
provokes sympathy and empathy in equal measures for Gerard, the would be villain
of the piece. The audience become privy to Gerard s thoughts in a stream of
consciousness as he stands awaiting the verdict of the Jury at his trial. What they see
is a rather scruffy youth with long unkempt hair; however his thoughts are in fact
eloquent and emotive; eliciting from the audience a certain amount of sympathy for
his predicament.
Finally I get it, yes, it is happening, these men, every one of them silver haired,
judicious, informed, they will go home to their wives, to wine in fine glasses and
gossip of the Bar, they will walk the streets and complain about their lives, and
I...And I
Hare shows that despite appearances; here stands a young man who can look around
him and identify the reality of the situation. What is more he is
The Sniper And The Man He Killed
Wars never hurt anybody except for the people who died Salvador Dali, leader of
the Surrealist Movement. In both stories men who are at war are described, both of
these men have killed a man who are known as their foes. Both of the men realize
that the man they killed could ve been a friend, and were someone who really wasn t
the enemy. The relationship between these two stories is that war can tear families
apart. In Liam O Flahertys The Sniper and The Man He Killed by Thomas Hardy
both show similarities and differences in plot, irony, and theme. There are
similarities of plot between both stories, for example, both of the men are soldiers at
war. As an example On a rooftop near O Connell Bridge, a republican sniper lay
watching ... Show more content on ...
The similar theme is that war changes people and tears them apart due to the pain
and suffering of the war. Cursing the war, cursing himself, cursing everybody (O
Flaherty 208). The quote helps show that the war may cause you to curse things
you never would ve before, like, yourself. And from the poem He thought he d list
perhaps/ Off hand like just as I/ Was out of work, had sold his traps/ No other
reason why (Hardy 16 20). This tells how war can force people to make erratic
decisions, it changes your attitude and morals about any situation including joining
the army and going to war. The differencebetween the two stories is that in The
Sniper it turns him against his family and in The Man He Killed it turned the
soldier against his friends. To prove this, Then the sniper turned over the dead
body and looked into his brother s face (O Flaherty, page 208). Again this tells of
the shock the sniper received when he saw it was his brother he had killed. But in
the opposing story Yes, quaint and curious war is!/ You shoot a fellow down/ You
d treat if met where any bar is/ Or help to half a crown (Hardy 17 20). It explains of
how he killed a man that the soldier would have befriended in any other situation. All
in all, you can see both the similarities and differences in both stories
Susan Minot Summary
Having read the story written by Susan Minot we come across a rather complicated
character, to be precise the narrator herself. The girl in the story has been studying
in the boarding school. It is the educational establishment of close type, so the
process of growing proceeds differently. For example if we compare the girls from
public schools and the girls from boarding schools the latest will be more dissolute.
The main reason for this is the closed social environment which fluencies the young
girls minds. So let us look closer at the narrator she was ...good at such things like
math or painting or even sports, but the second a boy put his arm around her, she
forgot about wanting to do anything else... This phrase indicates the author s real
attitude towards men and studying. She loved being in relationships with young
boys. Moreover, while being in the boarding school she had at least 5 or 6 partners.
At the same time the narrator stresses that: Lots of boys, but never two at the same
time. One was plenty to keep you in a state. So for her a man is a tool, which can
keep her in shape. To our way of thinking it is a rather thoughtless attitude towards the
relationship. Furthermore, from the conversation with the headmistress Mrs. Gunther
it becomes obvious that the narrator is astonished having known that she has had
only the one man for her life. But to be honest the headmistress has her own
understanding of the relations between the man and the woman, and it is
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Labour Division
The term labour division, which means separation of work to increase efficiency of
workforce, was introduced by Adam Smith. This paper states that the concept is
very useful and still applicable to modern societies. Although there might be some
disadvantages of its application in practice, the benefits it brings overweight its
downsides. To prove that, first there will be more explanation about Smith s labour
division, then there will be real life example and finally there will be given
disadvantage of labour division as a risk of unemployment.
To illustrate how labour division works in practice Smith provides example with pin.
The process of doing it is divided into different branches: one man draws out the wire;
another straights it; a third cuts it... , so that at the end we get eighteen operations
(Smith 1937).
There are three main pros of labour division promoted by Smith. First, every
worker will be high skilled in his own work: if one makes only nails and not other
metallic things, then after some time his dexterity will rise as well as his productivity.
Second, labour division saves time. If the whole production is done by only one man,
when he switches from one process to another, he cannot ... Show more content on ...
The labour division makes people be specialized in one particular sphere, in other
words, it creates different professions, which is, in turn, the ground for exchange
of the goods. For instance, a person A is highly skilled in production of chairs,
while a person B is good at producing tables. If A wants tables and decides to make
one as well as B produces one chair, the quality of their products will be low and
more time consuming because they are not specialized in those goods. Thus, the best
situation will be if A and B produce chairs and tables respectively and then exchange
them, so they can save some time and not bother themselves by learning how another
good is
Anthrax Synthesis Essay
French microbiologist, Louis Pasteur was the first person to invent a form of a
vaccine for anthrax in the 19th century for individuals who worked with cattle. At
that time, individuals were injected with a very small amount of the bacteria, so as to
not cause them to become sick and therefore they would develop an immunity to the
disease. The vaccineused today which is approved by the FDA was formulated in
the 1960 s and is very controversial. In 1988 U.S. Military personnel received the
vaccine on the onset of the Persian Gulf War. There were many side effects
reported by the military as a result of giving this vaccine. Side effects including
fevers, nausea and vomiting. The vaccine is not commercially available in the US.
Only people who either work in a lab with the anthrax bacteria, workers who import
animal hides and products where anthrax is common and military personnel can
receive the anthrax vaccine. I hope the Center for Disease is taking into account that...
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These letters were targeted at the media. These letters were sent through the US
Postal System. This put the people of the United States on high alert for an anthrax
attack. The FBI and government officials were scrambling trying to figure out if this
attack came from the same terrorist group as the 911 attack (Hasan 47 48).
Erin O Connor, an assistant to NBC s news anchor Tom Brokaw, became the target
of an anthrax attack on September 25, 2001 when a letter contained a fine white
material from Trenton, New Jersey (Hasan 49 50). On October 12th it was
announced that Erin O Connor had developed cutaneous anthrax after a few days of
a rash (Hasan 50). O Connor was not the intended target, but someone was still
harmed. Even if a specific target does not become affected by a plan, it does not rule
out the possibility of other innocent bystanders becoming ill, injured, and/or
Taz Drug Case Studies
Surprisingly, Chaz has little to no systemic risk factors. Answering yes to only two
medical conditions on his health history, high blood pressure and thyroid disease, he
is taking two medications to combat these diseases. The first medication is Micardis.
This is an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) used to treat hypertension. ARBs work
by preventing the hormone, Angiotensin II, from having an effect on our body. When
Angiotensin II is released into the bloodstream it causes vasoconstriction and water
retention, in turn raising blood pressure; if we prevent the effects of Angiotensin II
the result will be vasodilation and less water retention, leading to a lower blood
pressure. (Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) blood pressure medication,... Show
more content on ...
Ammonia inhalants are located in every other unit, taped to the top of the storage
cabinet. The patient should then be brought to a sitting position, vital signs should be
recorded, and an assessment from the dentist should be conducted prior to dismissal.
Contradicting Lexi Comp, Little Falace recommends that any patient suffering from
hypertension should receive the cardiac MRD for epinephrine (Little., Miller.,
Falace., 2013). When epinephrine is introduced into the body it causes a fast influx of
vasoconstriction increasing heart rate, and force of ventricular contraction, resulting in
an increased workload for the heart, ultimately raising blood pressure (Davis, 2010).
Chaz did not require local anesthesia, so this did not influence his treatment plan. The
second medication the patient is taking, Synthroid, did not require modification to the
treatment plan either. According to Lexi Comp Online, Synthroid is a hormone used
to treat hypothyroidism, and has no affects regarding local anesthesia, dental
treatment, or bleeding (Synthroid, 2017). Hypothyroidism results when the body
does not produce enough thyroid stimulating hormones (TSH) causing a decrease in
metabolism and body
The Canadian Progressive Rock Band Rush
Books, movies, paintings, music, and other types of art are connected in various
ways, but one connection seems to stand out. All art mediums are constructed in a
way that disallows a median to be reached regarding one s opinion from another. If a
group of people favors one thing, another group most likely exists that has the
opposite, or conflicting opinion. 2112, read Twenty one twelve, is a 7 part conceptual
album by the Canadian progressive rock band Rush, illustrates this conflict in its
main plot. Regardless of its vivid storytelling and impactful instrumentals that glues
everything together, it is evident that each listener will break apart in terms of their
personal opinions.
2112, much like in Anthem by Ayn Rand, the dystopic idea of equality and how
everyone should cherish their unique identities that they possess. The main character,
named Anonymous, retaliates against the idea by not conforming to what is expected
by the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx , but the factor driving him ultimately was the
will to venture outward and appreciate something that seemingly no one else sees.
The conversation between Anonymous, and the priest during IV. Presentation ,
separates light from dark. Anonymous, after discovering a guitar that the Elder race
of man left, speaks out to share his opinions. I can t believe you re saying / These
things just can t be true / Our world could use this beauty / Just think what we might
do (Rush, IV. Presentation). Anonymous
The House Of Bernarda Alba
Federico Garcia Lorca s The House of Bernarda Alba and Henrik Ibsen s A Doll s
House both protest against the confinement of women of their days. Although the
Houses are set differently in Spain of 20th century and Norway of 19th century
respectively, both the plays relate in illuminating their respective female protagonists,
Adela and Nora, as they eventually develop a sense of individuality and self
expression and emerge as free individuals from repression. The authors attempts allow
the reader audience to gain an insight into the social norms that each protagonist was
pitted against. This heightens the tension as the action develops. Both Adela and
Nora are inherently individualistic, and their innate nature is bared especially... Show
more content on ...
(Lorca 142) Likewise, Nora of Doll s House assumes the mask of her husband
Torvald s pretty little thing (Ibsen 22), a little squirrel (Ibsen 46), and a submissive
dolly wife. (Ibsen 82) She does so because Torvald expects her to accept that he is
right in not indulging her little whims (Ibsen 21) and expects her to see her
dancing and reciting (Ibsen 22) as per his wishes he expects her to be a doll under
his control. So, she finds a way [herself] (Ibsen 21) the way of deception to follow
her own heart. The revelation of the secrets Nora and Adela keep marks the end of
their deception and thus stimulates them to stand up against repression and express
their individual selves, guiding them to seek freedom. Nora s loan and forgery are
kept secret from her husband, because otherwise it would be revealed that Nora did
not submit to his orders and seek his permission before any action behaviour which is
unaccepted by the society. However, when the
Unified Modeling Language ( Uml ) For Database Systems
Unified Modeling Language (UML) for Database Systems and Computer
Applications Abstract This paper shows the ideas of database frameworks and also
the outline of the utilization of Brought together Demonstrating Dialect (UML) as a
standard documentation of true protests in creating item situated configuration
procedure for PC applications. The UML is a device for determining programming
frameworks that incorporate institutionalized charts to characterize outline and
outwardly guide or model a product framework s configuration and structure. UML
graphs incorporate the utilization case outline, class chart, grouping graph, state
diagram graph, movement chart, segment chart, and sending graph. The
incorporation of these graphs to distinctive programming methods has been
examined. Keywords: android, android platform, SQLite database 1. Introduction
The initial phase in building up an article situated outline approach for PC
applications and in addition for database frameworks is the utilization of UML
(Bound together Demonstrating Dialect) as a standard documentation for the
displaying of true questions. Programming frameworks originators and engineers are
given numerous decisions for giving solid, adaptable and effective article constancy
for PC applications and database frameworks. They could pick between Item
Arranged, Object Social cross breeds, unadulterated Social and custom arrangements
taking into account open or exclusive record groups. UML is viewed as an
Kill A Mockingbird, By Harper Lee
1. In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Jean Louise (Scout) Finch the narrator
lives with her brother, Jem, and their widowed lawyer of a father, Atticus, in
Maycomb, Alabama. On one summer, the siblings befriend a boy named Charles
Baker Harris (Dill) (who has visited for the summer), and the three soon begin to
spark a fascination with the Radley Place a cryptic and eerie house which is
inhabited by a man named Arthur, although he is dubbed Boo and begin to test Boo,
even going into the yard, which leads Scout to believe that Boo is inhuman; for
example, during the winter, Boo gives Scout a blanket without her noticing. Later, at
the surprise to Maycomb s racist community, Atticus agrees to defend a black man,
Tom Robinson, who... Show more content on ...
Ewell fatally. Afterwards, Boo carries a slightly wounded Jem back to Atticus
residence, where two differing opinions rise the town sheriff lies to protect Boo,
insisting that Ewell tripped and killed himself; on the contrary, Atticus wants to
bring his son to trial, as he believes that he was the one who killed Ewell. The
sheriff seems to get his way, and after sitting with Scout, who realizes that Boo is
human, Boo returns once again to the Radley house. Following the incident, Scout
has another epiphany she realizes that it is important to practice kindness and
understanding, as treating others with hatred, prejudice, and extreme bias would be
worse than killing a mockingbird: Mockingbirds don t do one thing but make music
for us to enjoy. They don t eat up people s gardens....they don t do one thing but sing
their hearts out....That s why it s a sin to kill a mockingbird (Lee 103).
1. Jean Louise (Scout) Finch: In the beginning of the story, Scout is introduced as
a five year old child who soon begins to show uncommon traits for a girl at the
time: she is mentally years ahead of her peers, having been taught to read before
school; she worries about essential goodness and has no like for hypocrisy; she
always acts on what she believes to be the best; in addition, for her time (deep south,
pre Civil Rights Movement), she is quite a tomboy. Like anyone, however, she does
develop a bias towards Arthur
Quotes From Touching Spirit Bear
Are you okay? After the tree was struck by lighting Cole looked into the darkness
to see if the baby birds were still alive. This is the first sign showing that Cole
Matthews can change. Cole is starting to have compassion, something he didn t
have before. For this reason, Cole should go back to the island and not go to jail. In
order for Cole to heal, he needs to go back to the island and be given a second chance
of redemption. The power to choose was the real power, not the fake power of
making others afraid. Cole made his decision, He wanted to live. Cole wanted to
live and make new choices to make up for his bad choices. He didn t want to die
because he couldn t make any choices. In Touching Spirit BearCole says, In death
there was no control, no anger, no one to blame, no choices, no nothing. Cole kept
showing that he wanted to live and change, even after the mauling. In addition, Cole
shows many more acts of survival, in order to survive.... Show more content on ...
Cole has to find it in himself to trust people and not lie. With his fingertips, he felt
warmth. He felt the bear s heartbeat. And he felt one more thing. He felt trust. Cole
doesn t understand why he feels trust. Cole tried to kill the bear, but yet the bear
has trust toward Cole. Also Cole had, ...hated it with every fiber of his existence.
Even after he touched the bear Cole had a sensation. Cole realized that the world
was beautiful. Cole also realized that his past was another life, another life he didn t
want to recapture. This shows that Cole Matthews can
How Did Nelson Mandela Contribute To Civil Disobedience
Mandela was arrested in a countrywide police swoop on 5 December 1955, which
led to the 1956 Treason Trial (
/biography, website, Accessed 27/6/16). The trial went on for nearly five years
and during this time period led to the militant faction of the ANC to split with the
ANC in 1959 to form the Pan Africanist Congress. However on 21 March 1960,
police killed 69 unarmed people due to a protest in Sharpeville against the racist
laws directed to the black Africans. This protest led to the banning of both the ANC
and the PAC which led to the movement losing much of it militant support. Mandela
and 155 other activists were acquitted in 1961 and led to Mandela believing that
armed struggle was the only way... Show more content on ...
Mandela quoted There are many people who feel that it is useless and futile for us to
continue talking peace and non violence suggesting that non violent protesting will
not attract the government s attention. Mandela undergoes military training in secret
in January 1962 and to raise funds for a possible armed fight. His returned to South
Africa in July 1962 led to his five years of imprisonment with hard labour for
illegally leaving the country. Due to Mandela s involvement in radical, violent
attacks, Mandela and seven other members were sentence to life imprisonment to
Robben Island, narrowly avoiding capital punishment at the Rivonia trail. During
the trials, Mandela quoted in his Rivonia trial speech I have cherished the ideal of
a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and
with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But
if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die. This displays the motives of
Mandela into changing the South African society to be equal for
Nationalism s Role In World War I
Nationalism is the strong belief that the interests of a particular nation state is of
primary importance. It also is the belief that a people who share a common language,
history, and culture should have an independent nation. Nationalism is shown in
many ways throughout World War I, the Interwar Years, and World War II. It is
shown in nationalists groups such as the KMT, through new ideas such as Nazism or
Fascism, and during events that happen during wars and revolutions, such as the Salt
March. Nationalism s role is important in all of these wars and revolutions because
without Nationalism, history would be very different. Nationalism has a big impact
on World War 1, and its impact is shown in many ways throughout the war. At the
beginning... Show more content on ...
During the Interwar years, nationalism effected revolutions and the decisions that
governments or political groups make. The Russians show nationalism by eliminating
anyone who doesn t follow communism. Stalin waged war ... on those designated as
kulaks (Goff 151)because he wanted to unify the people who agreed with his ideas of
communism. This affects the communists rise to power during the Russian
revolution because the communists are trying to unite the Russians under one
government. The Kuomintang, also known as the KMT, were a nationalist party in
China during the interwar years who opposed the CCP, the Chinese Communist
Party. The reason that this group was nationalist is because Sun Yat sen, the leader of
the KMT, wanted to unite the people of China under a republic. Nationalism played a
big role in forming the revolution in China. Nationalism is also shown by the Indian
people during the Salt March. The Indian people decided to have this march to show
their independence. This is an example of nationalism because the Indian people are
uniting to show their independence and get rid of the British. Nationalism effected
the situations in different nations during the interwar years, whether they were to end
or start a
Essay on Hotspur as Tragic Hero of Henry IV
Hotspur as Tragic Hero of Henry IV
In Shakespeare s Henry IV Part One, the characters many different conceptions of
honor govern how they respond to situations. Each character s conception of honor
has a great impact on the character s standing after the play. For instance, Falstaff
survived because he dishonorably faked his own death, and his untrue claim that he
was the one who killed Hotspur may get him a title and land. On the other hand,
Hotspur lies dead after losing a duel for honor. Hotspur, who is in many ways the
ideal man by the standards of his time, is killed by his lust for honor. In creating
Hotspur, Shakespeare has created a variation on the tragic hero of other works: the
stubborn tragic hero, who, dying ... Show more content on ...
In this he is similar to other famous tragic heroes. Oedipus was king at the opening
of the play Oedipus Rex, and Odysseus was returning from a great military
conquest that had been won with an idea that was at least partly his. In addition,
Hotspur experiences the traditional rise and fall sequence of the tragic hero. As
Hotspur s plot against the King unfolds, it appears that he has as allies all the
forces of the men who were earlier named as fighting England s wars, and the King
does not even have his son. Here Hotspur hits his peak, just as Odysseus returning
from victory at Troy was at his peak as he started the journey home. Shakespeare
packs almost all the bad news Hotspur will receive into a single scene, telling us
that many of Hotspur s allies have fallen out of the scene and describing the King s
forces and reinforcements, including Hal s joining Henry. This is in the style of
the fall of the tragic hero, and follows the pattern set by Odysseus sudden
shipwreck and Oedipus sudden understanding of what he is. To complete the
picture, there is what might have been. Just as Oedipus might have turned back
from his quest for knowledge at any point, so Hotspur had several clear
opportunities to turn back, even at advantage. For instance, while the message
carried by Worcester is altered, the message Blunt took back to the King was not
changed, and could have been an offer of peace, on Hotspur s terms. In addition, it is
Hotspur who pushes
Richard Hoover Little Miss Sunshine
Little Miss Sunshine
Little Miss Sunshine directed by Valerie Faris and Jonathon Dayton, is a film about
the dysfunctional Hoover family, who along their journey to California, learn that
supporting their family is more important than personal success. The director s
purpose was to show the audience that people cannot be defined as winners or losers.
Instead it was to demonstrate how family relationships are important for our own
happiness. A character who was used to develop this message was Richard Hoover.
In the beginning of the film, Richard is all about winning and following his 9 step
plan on being a winner . However by the end he realizes that life cannot be defined
by his refuse to lose motivational programme and that sometimes ... Show more
content on ...
Richard wants Olive to be happy, and while watching the other girls go on stage,
dressed in pretty sequined dress with big poofy hair, makes Richard realise that
Olive is not like those girls and she has no chance of winning. This realisation
makes him question his own beliefs. He goes back stage where he and Dwayne tell
Sheryl that they don t want Olive to go on stage. A two shot of Dwayne and
Richard standing together, draws attention to how these two characters, who never
seem to get along, are now working together to protect Olive. This makes the
viewer aware that Richard has changed, as he is more focused on being a father
and protecting Olive than he has been throughout the film. He no longer cares
about Olive winning a beauty pageant. When Olive performs her scandalous dance,
Richard is the first one to go on stage to support and protect her. A shaky, hand held
camera is used when Richard runs onto the stage, emphasizing the spontaneous
decision. This positions the viewer to feel impressed at how Richard is protecting
his daughter. Richard dances on stage in an embarrassing act of failure; he is
willing to be a loser if it means supporting Olive. From Richards act of support the
audience is reminded that family and accepting who you are, is important for our own
Hemp Oil Or Hempseed Oil
Hemp seeds are rich in protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega 6, omega 3 and
insoluble fiber. They are a good source of tocopherols, or Vitamin E antioxidants.
They re packed with minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium, and
phosphorus, plus microelements like strontium, thorium, arsenic and chromium.
Hemp oil is derived from crushing the seeds of the marijuana plant. It has nearly
indistinguishable levels of THC, which means that it does not give users the classic
high sensation. However, it does contain high levels of a compound known as CBD,
Healthy Hemp reported. Studies have shown that CBD may be useful in reducing
anxiety and ... Show more content on ...
Hemp oil has the optimal ratio of these acids.
Hemp Oil Helps Lower Cholesterol: The only vegetable oil to contain omega 3 and
omega 6 fatty acids (3:1), hemp oil can help lower cholesterol levels by accelerating
metabolic processes. With a faster metabolism, fats burn at a quicker rate and are not
deposited on the artery walls.
Hemp Oil Can Be Good For Diabetics: Due to its low carbohydrate and sugar
content, hemp oil is can be a great food additive for diabetics. The nutrients present
in it can help moderate blood sugar levels.
Hemp Oil Can Help Prevent Psoriasis: Psoriasis is caused by a deficiency of omega
6 fatty acids in the body. The fatty acids present in hemp oil help improve skin
oxygenation and hydration.
Hemp Oil Can Boost Your Immunity: Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids also improve
immunity and regulate intestinal flora, thus building a natural barrier against
microbes and increasing the resilience of the body.
Hemp Oil Helps Prevent Demyelination Of Nervous System: Essential fatty acids are
necessary for a healthy cell membrane structure. They also prevent the demyelination,
the destruction of the myelin sheath (a membrane that protects the nerve cells).
Hemp Oil Can Help Prevent Varicose Veins: Like other compounds high in omega
3s, hemp oil can thin your blood, reducing blood clots and varicose veins.
Precautions To Keep In Mind When Trying Hemp Oil For The First Time
Though it has a number of health benefits, hemp oil
The Kyoto Protocol In Canada
On December 15, 2011, the Government of Canada authoritatively told the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that Canada would
practice its legitimate right to formally pull back from the Kyoto Protocol. The
Environment Minister, Peter Kent, was the one who announced this. The Kyoto
Protocolis an international agreement connected to the UNFCCC that sets
internationally binding greenhouse gasreduction targets for each country that is in
the agreement. There are a lot of benefits as to why Canada should stay in the
agreement, but at the same time there are a few complications and setbacks that we
will have to face as well. Canada will reduce the amount of greenhouse gases, save
money and create jobs, and reduce drastic... Show more content on ...
The UNFCCC should implement better ways for all nations to eventually fall
under the 1990 emissions levels. Working slowly towards the goal is a better way
to approach the problem rather than giving the nations targets that are very hard to
achieve in the first place. Canada had the responsibility to fall 6% below the 1990
emissions levels, but instead went 23.4. Which basically means, for example, if a
nation had a target of 10%, but actually increased emissions by 10%, the score
would be 20, if it was 5% and the nation went 15% under, then the score is 10.
Canada went 23.4 which was the worst score out of all the other nations within the
agreement at the time. In any case, it was verifiably a vital initial phase in
worldwide climate diplomacy. The question is whether a more aspiring second step
will follow so as to stay away from unsatisfactory dangers of destroying
Purple Jelly Bean Personality Test
How I Relate to a Purple Jelly Bean In the personality test the purple jelly beans
personality list shows that there are three things that I can relate to. Firstly Purple
have new ideas and are visionaries. I can relate to this, my bedroom wall is full of
many of my different and astonishing drawing ideas, I also have many sketch book
full of different ideas. I get really exultant when I get new ideas to draw or create,
and then be able to move them to my wall or to projects just for myself or for
friends and family. There are many times I have used my creative ideas in class
assignments or just for fun. Another personality the purple jelly bean sates is, they
are highly creative, and highly excitable. This would be me. Just last year I was
Poetry Explication Of Mother To Son
Poetry Explication of Mother to Son by Langston Hughes
Langston Hughes wrote the poem Mother to Son in the form of a monologue. It
likely dramatizes the intergenerational conflict, as mother s passionate words could
be an answer to son s position that contradicted with her own attitude. It is
impossible to say where or when characters are during this monologue; Hughes s
background suggest it was an African American family. The mother feels compelled
to speak as she believes her child is at the parting of the ways and description of her
own example would help him to make right decision.
The poem consists of only twenty lines, but author used plenty of poetic devices in it.
The line 15 shows examples of the alliteration or repetition of consonant ... Show
more content on ...
It is hard to believe the narrator physically presented in conditions totally without
light sources. The phrase is also a metaphor or comparison of two essentially
dissimilar things with common characteristics. It means the narrator had very hard
times. The whole poem is a metaphor as it compares the life with the going up the
ladder. As the poem does not has words like or as it does not have direct
comparison or simile at the first sight. But it likely appears in the line life for me
ain t been no crystal stair (Hughes l. 2) as the narrator compares life with stares and
states they are not the same. Hughes used words to represent both narrators external
and internal conditions (imagery). Lines about a poor room without a carpet (l. 6 7)
created an image of her living conditions, and comments about splinters, tacks and
torn boards highlights the woman s feelings. Last images are also an example of the
onomatopoeia or usage of words that mean like they
Information and Communication Technology (Ict) and
ISSN 2039‐2117 Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 2 (4) September
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Banking Industry
Alawode, Ademola John+ Emmanuel Uche Kaka**
Department of Computer Science, Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ogun State, Nigeria **
First Bank Nigeria PLC, Ahoada Branch, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Abstract Information and Communication Technology, the language of the new age
and its grammar which is Science has become an indispensable and veritable tool for
enhancing effectiveness and efficiency in all other aspects of life. Banking industry
has learnt the grammar and understands the language of the new age and
tremendously transforms ... Show more content on ...
2 (4) September 2011
imperative in the industry. This study evaluates the response of Nigerian banks to
this new trend and examines the extent to which they have adopted innovative
technologies in their operations and the resultant effects. Information and
Communication Technology Information Technology (IT) is the automation of
processes, controls, and information production using computers,
telecommunications, software and ancillary equipment such as automated teller
machine and debit cards. It is a term that generally covers the harnessing of electronic
technology for the information needs of a business at all levels. Communication is
the conveyance or transmission of information from one point to another through a
medium. An example of how ICT has had an impact on the Banking Industry is that
its emergence allows banks to apply credit scoring techniques to consumer credits,
mortgages or credit cards. Hence, products that used to be highly dependent on the
banksВґ evaluation of its customers have now become more standardized. Other
examples of ICT impact on the Banking Industry include the increased process
efficiency, which can reduce costs in banks, and the branch renewal, where focus is
gradually shifting away from traditional brick and mortar banks towards the dual
bank concept
Ewah Research Paper
Growing up in the south we tend to create and use colorful vocabulary. We have y
all, darn tootin, fixin to and among others cattywampus. Cattywampus is a word
that I have grown up hearing in my house. To me it means messy, disorganized, and
to say the least discombobulated. The etymology of a word does not always have
to be symbolic; sometimes there is an actual historical story behind it. My mom
still tells me today that my room, car, or myself are all cattywampus and that I
should fix it. In Cherokee folklore, there is a beast which lurks at night called
Ewah or wampus cat. Ewah was a woman who disguised herself in the skin of a
cougar to spy on the men of the tribe. The men would sit around the campfire with
their wolf brothers , and tell sacred stories on their journeys or hunting trips
(Anderson). While spying on the men, she was discovered. The men took her to the
tribe s medicine man/ shaman; the shaman punished her by transforming her into
what she disguised herself as...half woman, half cat (Conley). Looking out of sorts,
crazy, and chaotic, Ewah was enraged by her curse; she ran into the woods, never to
be seen again. Supposedly Ewah still haunts the forests of East Tennessee and the
edge of Carolina waiting to exact her revenge.... Show more content on ...
One tale concerns a woman who lived alone in the mountains (near the Tennessee
/ Carolina forests). It was said that once her husband died, she never left her shack.
Her whole shack was filled with stray cats; being with them for so many years she
chose to become one. People of the outlying village said, under the shade of night,
the witch of the mountains would turn herself into a wampus cat; she d steal the
villages chickens and pigs (Anderson). From different sources throughout the
villages, some say she would consume them in her feline form, and the rest say that
she used the blood of the animals for her witchcraft spells and curses to bring back her
Polar Bear Vs Polar Bears
Throughout many years, our Earth s climate has changed and fluctuated many times.
As of today, our climate has been increasing dramatically. This has to do with burning
too many fossil fuels and creating more greenhouse gases, which make the Earth
absorb more sunlight from the sun s rays. Although this is hurting humans, no one
has really thought about how it is affecting the arctic animals. It has affected polar
bears and their way of life. Climatechange is also affecting lemmings, and the way
they use the snow to survive. The Arctic Foxhas a new competitor, the Red Fox.
Climate Change is affecting the biodiversity of animals and could cause a major
extinction. Polar Bears have always relied on sea ice for their main activities. They
use the sea ice fro hunting, traveling, and for breeding. Scientists have found that
sea ice has been melting earlier in the spring. They have also found that the time it
takes for ice to form again is also taking a longer time in the fall. The problem with
this is that the Polar Bears spend all their winter and spring on sea ice breeding and
hunting. On the sea ice, polar bears hunt seals, in fact, that is what they mainly eat.
When polar Bears consume the seals,they provide the needed fats and nutrients
needed for the harsh arctic environment. If the ice is melting faster, then that means
that seals won t rest on the sea ice and Polar Bears won t be able to hunt
them.(NASA) In the Arctic, there is a continuous trend that seems to be
Discourse Is A Discourse Community
Discourse Communities are everywhere but we just don t realize them. You re
even part of a few on a daily basis. The definition of a discourse community that was
provided in the Discourse Community, article by Schmidt and Kopple states, it s a
group of people who share a ways to claim, organize, communicate, and evaluate
meanings . Basically it s where two or more people concentrate their attention on the
same issue or idea. For example, a place where you work is a discourse community.
All of the people working there have a similar style of communicating, thinking,
evaluating issues, and lastly the methods they use while they re working. There is
more to a discourse community than just two individuals or more sharing similar
focus. A discourse community can differentiate from each other, as stated, in the
article by Schmidt and Kopple saying, people from different discourse communities
often differ in their fundamental beliefs about reality . Basically they are members of
different discourse communities that have a disparate views on actuality. This can be
influenced by member s education s, views, beliefs, and what they are concerned
about as Schmidt mentioned, different discourse communities also often differ in
what they study and in what they are concerned about . Which can lead to exchange
in ideas between two discourse communities. Another difference that is created, focus
on different aspects of the same object or general phenomenon Schmidt argues.
Soldier s Home
Soldier s Home is a short story written by Earnest Hemingway and published in
1925. One of the most compelling features of the work is its brevity and omission.
Lamb notes, The short story s lack of space leads to prose that relies heavily on
suggestiveness and implication, allowing the reader a greater role in bringing the
narrative to life (Lamb 34). As a former journalist, Hemingway learned to write in a
concise style that put the maximum information into every word, to the point of
omitting information that could be inferred or discovered. In a famous 1954
interview with George Plimpton, later published in 1958, Hemingway said, I always
try to write on the principle of the iceberg. There is seven eighths of it underwater for
every... Show more content on ...
For Hemingway and Krebs they are straightforward unintended pregnancy, shotgun
marriage, illegitimacy, abortion, loss of freedom, possible death, and above all,
great responsibility. Hemingway only gives us the surface of Krebs and we have
to imagine what lies beneath, indeed it s possible that his war experience did not
so much change him as allow him to be released from the confinement of civil
society, allowing something darker to rise to the surface. In a first reading, Krebs
seems to lament over the local girls, and it s only in reading more works by
Hemingway and considering all the possibilities left open that we realize that Krebs
is obsessed with the local girls, even as he dismisses interest in them. Because
Hemingway gives us this, it s not filler, nor is it the real story, it s the superficial
coating the tip of the
Essay On Asm 34 Health And Social Care
ASM 34 Administer medication to individuals, and monitor the effects
There are several legislations relevant to the administration of medication in the care
home. Although not expected that care staffs have detailed knowledge of the
legislations, they do need to be aware of the legal difference between drugs and the
legal framework that allows them to handle medicines on behalf of the service user.
The Medicines Act 1968 being the umbrella and from this several amendments and
legislations have been implemented. The following is a list of legislation that has a
direct impact upon the handling of medication within a social care setting.
The Medicines Act 1968
The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
The Misuse of Drugs (Safe Custody) ... Show more content on ...
A few months ago, client FH refused his medication. His mood had deteriorated
over the past few days and there were signs of him beginning to self harm. A few
grazes on his arm and he had shaved the sides of his hair off. From his Behaviour
Support Plan these were a few of the key signs of him having a relapse. One day
FH appeared to have lost all mental capacity, his language was obscene, verbally
aggressive to everyone and about everyone and he totally refused all medication. I
telephoned his previous placement, a hospital, and spoke with a Mental Health
Nurse who knew him very well. The Nurse agreed with me that FH was in a
downward spiral of no return and it was imperative that he take his medication or he
will need hospitalisation again. The plan was that if FH did not take medication by
the following morning that the assessment team from the hospital would visit and try
to speak with him.
I shared this information with the night staff, left contact numbers and names and the
Nurse was called the following morning.
From that day, FH has not refused his medication. I feel that he would often like to
but instead mutters to himself that he does not want to go back to that hospital. I
console him but smiling and telling him that he is doing very well and the tablets
keep him well and out of the hospital.
During the time of FH s refusal, this was accurately recorded on the
Cancer Research Persuasive Essay
Thank you for all you have done for supporting research, training, and other
activities related to the cancer treatment. With this letter of inquiry, we invite you
to support our related work in cancer research. St. Jude Children s Research
Hospital is a nonprofit medical hospital focused on treatment and research of
children s catastrophic illness founded in 1962. We have treated children from the
whole nation and around the world. We served more than 60,000 patients each year.
Our patient families never receive a bill from us because we believe that the only
thing a family should worry about is helping their child live. Treatment invented in
St. Jude has pushed the overall survival rate for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
which is the major childhood cancer disease increased from 4% in 1962 to 94%
today. With the development of medication, majority of childhood ALL patients
could be cured. However, some of children are cured with serious adverse effects, and
some children could not even be cured with current therapy. Why there is such
variation among ALL patients? One possible mechanism underlying the variability in
childhood ALL patients response to anti leukemia medications involves gene
polymorphisms. Gene polymorphisms partly accounts for the reason why childhood...
Show more content on ...
Therefore we have initiated a project Pharmacogenomic tests for ALL children to
implement array based pharmacogenomic tests into routine clinical practice. We will
evaluate scientific evidence and select the test into patient clinical tests if there is a
strong evidence shows that the test result can help doctor to prescribe drugs for
patients better. This project was designed by members of our board and research
scientists, medical doctors, and our collaborators from Cincinnati Children s Hospital
Medical Center and Massachusetts General
The Egyptian Corporate Responsibility Center
According to ECRC, corporate social responsibility in Egypt is defined as the
adoption of sustainable business models and practices that have positive impacts on
the society. The private sector in Egypt is responsible for creating about 70% of all
employment in the country. However, there is room for the private sector to improve
its social offerings to the society in general through corporate social responsibility.
The Egyptian corporate responsibility center (ECRC) was established in the year
2004 as a joint project between the United Nations development program and the
Egyptian government (Grayson and Jane, 71). The main aim of the ECRC is to
ensure that both private and public companies align their social responsibility
programs for the greatest benefits to the Egyptian citizens. It is important to note that
in Egypt private organizations and NGOs mainly conduct CSR activities.
It is the responsibility of the Egyptian government to provide basic services to the
population. The country aimed to meet the millennium development goals by the
year 2015. It was clear right from the beginning that government and civil
organizations would not be able to meet these goals on their own. The private sector
would have to play an important role in ensuring that these goals were met. In
addition to providing employment to about 70% of the population, the private sector
would also have to shoulder some projects in improving the lives of the population.
The establishment of the ECRC
Coaching and Mentoring
Organizations nowadays are not free of the burden of their employees making costly
mistakes. Should they fall behind schedule on a particular project or if their current
skills are not sufficient enough to compensate for an adjustment that is needed by a
client that the company is servicing, then either the company will waste an
opportunity or it will suffer a loss because their employees were not well equipped to
handle specific situations. And because of this, mentoring and coachinghave become
a very strategic manner in which organizations train and manage their employees. In
such a setting, the atmosphere is more personal as opposed to a seminar and it is
quite helpful as some cases have attested to it. The goal of mentoring is to be... Show
more content on ...
This will address the specificity of the issues that he or she needs to be coached at.
The process of mentoring offers the right venue wherein both worker and manager
are able to offer specific information to one another so that they will be able to
mutually advance on their own. A perfect example for this is that the younger
generation may be able to help baby boomers help out with their marketing strategies
regarding the marketing trend that the newer generation is currently adopting or help
may also come in the form of helping them with technical skills that are needed in
today s fast paced economy.
As a manager or a supervisor, it is imperative that coaching or mentoring becomes
part of a company s policy because it offers the chance of improving the quality of
service that an employee gives, thus improving the quality of service that a company
gives. The end goal of ultimately addressing the bigger picture may come from
successfully mentoring a particular employee but in and of itself, coaching and
mentoring has its rewards already present. The coaching or mentoring that an
individual gets gives rise to a two way benefit that can only come from a successful
mentoring program and a well equipped mentor.
Target s Global Strategy Essay
To support its global operations Target has created an extensive, highly intricate
distribution network consisting of multiple supply chains. The complexity of the
system has led to difficulties in maintaining fully stocked shelves. As a result of
stockouts, Target is losing sales to patrons seeking items not on the shelves, thereby
hindering growth.. Further exacerbating the stockout dilemma is Target s poor
integration amongst its e commerce platform and its brick and mortar stores.
Additionally, Target s over reliance on external distributors and outside wholesalers
further increases the risk of stockout scenarios. In an attempt to further increase sales
and combat the effects of stockouts the following four solutions have been
investigated... Show more content on ...
Target has built its retail brand as a variety store by making its mission to provide
consumers with a wide range of consumer goods while at competitive prices. Target
operates in the market defined by North American Industry Classification System
(NAICS) code 452112, Discount Department Stores (IBIS World, 2018).
According to the 2017 Annual Report, Target generated nearly $72B in revenues
during fiscal year 2017 and net earnings of nearly $3B (2018). Target boasts the
tagline, Expect More, Pay Less. This tagline captures the intended purpose and
core beliefs of the company. Target s company website offers added insight into
this purpose by offering that, Friendly service from team members ready to assist
with your list; fully stocked products and a speedy checkout process; innovative
digital experiences that take your trip to the next level and that s just the start
(Purpose and Beliefs, 2018). Emphasis was intended on the italicised portion of that
quote with good reason. A robust supply chain is needed in order to ensure that
shelves stay fully stocked. Therein lies the major operations battle which Target, like
its competitors, Walmart and Costco, to name a couple, must perfect in order to
achieve a competitive
Militancy in Yemen
The militant groups related to al Qaeda have gained considerable strength in the
southern region of Yemen. These militant groups are reported to be stronger than the
country s military, and this can be seen from the level of the expansion made by the
militancy. During his regime, Ali Abdullah Saleh described Yemen
as an island in a
sea of al Qaeda(Raghavan). In late February of 2012, a regime change happened in
Yemen as Saleh stepped down from the presidency, and Hadi was elected the new
president in a one candidate election. In the midst of the Arab Spring movement to
the transfer of power from Saleh to Hadi and the present situations in Yemen, the
Islamist militantgroups have garnered greater control over some of the state s southern
... Show more content on ...
All this has been handed down by the last president of Yemen, Saleh. There is some
parallelism that exists between the rise of economic problems and the rise of support
for militant groups in several Muslim nations. This is because non affordability,
starvation, and preoccupation about the future, may lead some to join or support the
cause of the militant groups. Since there are a lot of institutional weaknesses in
Yemen, its people can be swayed towards the opinions of these so called Sharia
following groups. For example, aside from the Abyan province, the al Qaeda militant
groups expanded to the neighboring province of Shabwa. Over there, the militant
groups, i.e. Ansar al Sharia, have succeeded in implementing stricter codes of Islamic
law (Raghavan). Their expansion and success in implementing Sharia shows that they
must have established institutions that enforce the Sharia. This is possible in a state
as weak as Yemen, because its state controlled institutions lack effectiveness and
efficiency due to the corruption of the government under Saleh. The militant groups
discovered their opportunistic moment to spread during the Arab Spring movement to
the political transition in Yemen. The protests and international support against Saleh
s corrupt and ineffective regime resulted in his deposition. Despite being granted
immunity, tensions between the loyals of Saleh, the
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Essay About Nursing Profession. How Do You See Yourself Contributing to the Nursing Profession ...

  • 1. Essay About Nursing Profession Crafting an essay on the subject of the nursing profession presents both challenges and opportunities for exploration. At first glance, one might assume that the vastness of the topic provides an abundance of material to work with, but navigating through the myriad aspects of nursing demands careful consideration. The difficulty lies not in the scarcity of information but rather in the need to strike a balance between depth and breadth. The multifaceted nature of the nursing profession requires a nuanced approach. One must delve into the historical roots of nursing, exploring its evolution and the pivotal figures who shaped its trajectory. Simultaneously, attention must be paid to contemporary issues, from the challenges faced by nursing professionals to the ongoing advancements in medical technology. Moreover, the ethical dimensions of nursing add another layer of complexity. Addressing the values, principles, and moral dilemmas inherent in the profession demands a thoughtful and empathetic analysis. Balancing the technical expertise required with the compassionate care that defines nursing is a delicate task, requiring a nuanced discussion. The essay must also encompass the diverse roles within the nursing profession, from bedside nurses to nurse educators and administrators. Each role contributes uniquely to the holistic healthcare system, and understanding these nuances is crucial for a comprehensive essay. Additionally, the dynamic nature of healthcare and the constant evolution of medical practices require staying abreast of current trends and innovations. Keeping the content relevant and up- to-date adds a layer of challenge to the writing process. In conclusion, while composing an essay about the nursing profession may seem daunting, it is equally rewarding. Navigating the intricacies of nursing necessitates a careful blend of historical insight, contemporary awareness, ethical considerations, and an understanding of the diverse roles within the profession. As challenging as it may be, the exploration of the nursing profession is an enriching journey that sheds light on the vital contributions of these healthcare professionals. For those seeking assistance with essays or similar projects, various resources are available, including online platforms like, where one can find support for a range of topics and academic endeavors. Essay About Nursing Profession Essay About Nursing Profession
  • 2. Print Newspapers Are Becoming A Thing Of The Past INTRODUCTION In today s world, technology is present in every facet of our lives. The media is no exception. Print newspapers are becoming a thing of the past, with new digital, online news taking its place. This change in how we get our news comes with both advantages and drawbacks. While some may prefer printed news, there s no denying the news is slower and has less ability to change. And while digital articles are quicker to publish and allow for user comments they can sometimes be less accurate when initially printed. However, as society adapts to this new technology, it s clear that print newspapers are becoming less and less popular and are being replaced (Grabowicz,). ANALYSIS Speed One of the most significant changes is how quickly people are able to access new information. With the internet, people can view new articles as soon as they are written and posted. This can put some added pressure on journalists to print articles as quickly as possible, lest their story become old news . It s also making people expect to see the absolute newest news in their print based news. This is evident in Chris Elliot s article where he says people expected to see news of the Paris attacks in their newspapers the next day, even though those papers had already been printed (Elliot, ). The ability to quickly bring people information is also a huge benefit. With the internet ever present in our lives, people can access the information they need in seconds. With twitter now a common
  • 3. The Dual Nature Of Sin In Charles DickensThe Bible Charles Dickens adapts biblical text to expose the complexities of sin. Through allusions and imagery of the Old Testament, Dickens mirrors many of his characters and settings to that of Genesis in The Bible. Dickens adapts select imagery, however, to expose how the entangling nature of original sin and ultimate forgiveness exist within a modern human context. For example, Dickens repeatedly references gardens in allusion to the Garden of Eden, but he alludes to the garden in twisted ways: paradise is a dilapidated, rotting English garden wrought with sin. Through slight distortions in his allusions, Dickens exposes the complex, often confusing, nature of Biblical text and interpretation. Similarly, Dickens distorts the dual nature of sin and forgiveness through biblical allusion. Though he recognizes the existence of sin, Dickens specifically highlights how sin is both permanent and forgivable. It is through acts of basic goodness that sin can be forgiven. In this essay, I will explore how Dickens exploration of the Genesis stories exposes the convoluted nature of sin and forgiveness in Christianity. Dickens initially uses geography of rural England to mirror Genesis 2. Joe s forge and Miss Havisham s home are both located in Kent: a small, secluded county in eastern England. Similarly, God ambiguously places the Garden of Eden in the East in Genesis 2(ESV, Gen. 2.8). For young Pip, Kent acts as a scant, odd kind of Eden: it is, at once, both a place of simple, implicit
  • 4. Jetblue Essay Learning objectives 1. institutional aspects of equity issuance transaction 2. costs and benefits associated with public share offerings 3. develop a deeper appreciation for challenges of valuing unseasoned firms and enhance corporate valuation skills KEY QUESTIONS FOR CONISDERATION 1)What are the advantages and disadvantages of going public? 2)What different approaches can be used to value JetBlue s shares? 3)At what price would you recommend that JetBlue offer their shares? Potential Questions to be addressed in report submission * What is an Initial Public Offering and why is it such a big deal? * Is going public, particularly at the time they did, a good idea for JetBlue? * What do you ... Show more content on ... Moreover, according to John Owen, JetBlue had prepared the initial registration statement with security and exchange commission (SEC) for the IPO on September 11, 2001. However, based on the September 11 attacks, they delayed IPO before it came into force. In fact, not only the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, but several events happened negatively affected the global economy during the period of going public for JetBlue. For example, the contagion of bird flu was quite severe during taking flights, which definitely influenced the demand of flights. The increasing oil price also raised the basic cost in any transportation industry. Another negative condition could be the economic downturn, including crash of the dot com bubble and financial crisis in Asia. From this point
  • 5. When Diving Into A Book Or A Piece Of Literature... When diving into a book or a piece of literature structured like this one must keep an open mind to the points of view they will encounter. This may not be the average book, for example it is different than the other literary works that are often discussed in the classroom. Even though it is not a story like a fairy tale is, this type of book is still enjoyable and easy to discuss. However, there is a huge amount of opinions in the text of its pages. Even so, if one sticks to knowing that they are just opinions and not fact it gives less a reason to get confused and can make this a more enjoyable read. It is not all about the structure of the book but more of the main thoughts it s author is trying to convey through it s text. There are a lot of things someone could point out while reading this book. One of the best ones to focus on though would be found in the first chapter. It starts out talking about how serious West Point is when building their leaders. A good thing about the start of this chapter is after the author makes the point of how serious West Point is about their leaders he then gives a very interesting phrase to get the whole point across the readers mind. The phrase or statement is, Leader of character , when this is brought
  • 6. Archaeology And Relative Dating Analysis Throughout the past two centuries, archaeology has undergone a series of evolutionary changes in methodology. Archaeological methods help archaeologists uncover sites of ancient civilizations and accurately analyze them. Three commonly used methods are research design, patterning, and dating. These techniques are particularly known for their application in famous sites of excavation such as Schliemann s unearthing of ancient Troy, Carter s search for King Tut, and Kenneth Feder s analyzation of the prehistoric site of Wood Lily. The methods themselves, as used by these archaeologists, show the chronology of the progress of archaeologyand its techniques. The preliminary course of action before a survey or excavation can take place is called... Show more content on ... There are two types of dating: relative dating and chronometric. Relative dating places artifacts, features or sites into a sequence determined by analyzing stylistic changes found in different layers of stata. It is of course, relative, which means there is no exact dating. Stratigraphy is a relative dating technique that is most helpful when comparing the age of sites, (to determine which one is older), or artifacts, as the stylistic changes can help conclude which era they belonged to and possibly even which culture. The second type of dating, chronometric, is a bit more specific and can provide exact dates according to a calendar or a range of years for artifacts, features, sites and/or ecofacts. By far the most accurate chronometric dating method is dendrochronology, which determines the exact year a tree was cut down by analyzing patterns of tree rings within a master sequence. Additionally, within chronometric dating, there are radiometric dating methods such as carbon dating. It is based on radioactive decay, which occurs at a constant and measurable rate, making it a great natural clock. Heinrich Schliemann (a merchant, not an archaeologist) loosely used relative dating in his search for Homer s Troy in the 1870 s. He had enough knowledge of strata to understand that in order to find Troy, he would have to excavate several layers of strata within the area he deduced to be the previous location of Troy. He used relative dating, stratigraphy specifically, to count the layers before he reached Troy, however, his dating was very off, so using dynamite to get through the layers, he bombed nine levels of history, one of which today is presumed to be the actual level of Troy. Had he spent more time on research design or patterning, maybe collected samples of several stratums he would ve uncovered that Troy was not as low as he had
  • 7. Climate Change And Ocean Temperature The real life application that comes out from this experiment relates to the climate change and the ocean temperature. Ocean holds great capacity of carbon dioxide. When the temperature in the environment boosts due to global warming, the ability for the ocean to hold carbon dioxide directly determines the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. Since carbon dioxide itself allows to absorb great quantity of infrared radiation, so glaciers, ice caps and snow on the top of the mountain will melt due to greenhouse effect. Progressively in level of water negatively affect the human life because countries like Jordan, Israel, and Syria which are all 200 400 metres below the sea level might encounter flooding and results in death in the society. Solubility is the ability for solid, liquid or gaseous to dissolve in another solid, liquid or gaseous. The solubility of a substance mainly depends on the temperature, pressure, and the pH of the solution. It is measured based on the saturation concentration. Therefore, by adding one addition amount of solute may cause the solution to form precipitation on the excess amount of solute. In pressure, the higher the pressure, the higher the solubility. This is because the pressure applied would push the solute into the solvent, so that there is more solute trap inside the solvent. Since the pressure is applied, so the solute would not escape. However, in temperature, the solubility decreases, as temperature increases. This is
  • 8. A New Commitment Period For Kyoto Protocol In the 19th century, an awareness began to dawn that accumulated carbon dioxide in the Earth s atmosphere could create a greenhouse effect and increase the temperature of the planet. A perceptible process in that direction had already begun a side effect of the industrial age and its production of carbon dioxide and other such greenhouse gases. By the middle of the 20th century, it was becoming clear that human action had significantly increased the production of these gases, and the process of global warming was accelerating. Today, nearly all scientists agree that we must stop and reverse this process now or face a devastating cascade of natural disasters that will change life on earth as we know it. UN Climate Change ... Show more content on ... And in one of many terrain changing developments, 160 square miles of territory broke away from the Antarctic coast in 2008 its bindings to Antarctica having literally melted away. The UN family is in the forefront of the effort to save our planet. In 1992, its Earth Summit produced the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as a first step in tackling the problem. In 1998, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) set up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to provide an objective source of scientific information. And the Convention s 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which set emission reduction targets for industrialized countries, has already helped stabilize and in some cases reduce emissions in several countries. We must limit global temperature rise to 2 degrees. We are far from there, and even that is enough to cause dire consequences. If we continue along the current path, we are close to a 6 degree increase . Too many leaders seem content to keep climate change at arm s length, and in its policy silo. Too few grasp the need to bring the threat to the centre of global security, economic and financial management. It is time to move beyond spending enormous sums addressing the damage, and to make the investments that will repay themselves many times over . UN Secretary General Ban Ki moon Remarks at the
  • 9. Devry Bis 245 All Ilabs Week 1 DEVry BIS 245 All ILABS Week 1 7 Latest IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work Then Click The Link Below , Instant Download BIS 245 All ILABS Week 1 7 Latest 49449044.htm?categoryId= 1 If You Face Any Problem E Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@Gmail.Com BIS 245 Week 1 iLabDevry University A. Lab # : BSBA BIS245A 1 B. Lab 1 of 7 : Introduction to MS Visio and MS Access C. Lab Overview Scenario/Summary TCOs: 1. Given a business situation in which managers require information from a database, determine, analyze and classify that information so that reports can be designed to meet the requirements. 2. Given a situation containing entities, business rules, and data requirements, create the conceptual model ... Show more content on ... create a new Visio file for database design; 2. using the data requirements and the business rules provided, develop a conceptual model (ERD), including attribute data types and required field lengths; and 3. create a new MS Access database based on the ERD. D. Deliverables SectionDeliverablePoints Part A StepYourNameLab3.vsd (Visio Diagram) 7 Part B StepYourNameLab3.accdb (Access Database) 3 E. Lab Steps Page1 of 6 WEEK 4 DeVry University Student Lab Activity BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab A.Lab# : BSBA BIS245A 4B B.Lab 4 B of 7:Completing Queries C.Lab Overview Scenario / Summary: TCOs: # 6: Given a physical database containing tables and relationships and business requirements, create the necessary queries. Scenario/Summary The lab begins with a simple example of query development using Access; then,
  • 10. evolves to more complex queries which the student should perform after completing the first exercise. The student can create a query with the wizard, with query design view, or with SQL statements. The Northwind database will be used again in this lab. Upon completing this lab, you should be able to: Create a query by following lab instruction. Create a query by using either query designer, or query wizard. Create a query by using SQL statements. Interpret the results of queries D.Deliverables: Submit the MS Access Database file that contains the
  • 11. Interview With Karen Sandoval I interviewed my aunt Karen Sandoval, who s 45 years old and was born on July 23, 1970. Karen belongs to the over 46,000,000 other generation Xers. She was born in Mexico, but moved over to the United States when she was 6 years old with her parents and siblings. Karen has 12 siblings and was only able to complete High School, because there weren t that many opportunities for her to go to collegeat the time in the area she lived. Her parents struggled to put food on the table and support all their kids, so at the age of 15, Karen started to work. Her first job was in sales, working at a jewelry store in Watsonville, California called Latin Jewelers and shortly after Don Robertos. Shortly after getting her first job, her father was laid off. ... Show more content on ... One area of conflict that I personally have with the generation Xers is that they tend to work alone and don t like collaborating with others. Growing up as a Millennial, I was given a lot of encouragement and have a tendency to voice my opinions. When trying to work on a project at work with a Generation Xer, I tend to get offended that they don t want to collaborate and solve a problem together. However, when they do want to voice their opinion they have a tendency to question everything. I realized that in order for me to fix this area of conflict, I need to come to an understanding that not every Generation Xer acts like everyone else. In addition, not every generation will work well together, but understanding the strengths of each one will help me handle tasks at work more
  • 12. The Quality Of Total Quality Management Total quality management, also known as TQM, which is an umbrella methodology drawing on knowledge of the principles and practices of the behavioral sciences, the analysis of quantitative and non quantitative data, economic theories, and process analysis to continually improve the quality of all processes. Three major contributors to the quality profession include: Walter A. Shewhart, W. Edwards Demings, and Joseph M. Juran, who taught the concepts of controlling the quality and managerial breakthrough. There are several common connections between the three contributors to the quality profession. Shewhart mentored the latter two. Most of which, they adopted and reformed much of Shewhart s work to expand and evolve their own studies. Shewhart s main focus was finding economic ways to reduce costs by identifying problems sooner in the process variation and by reducing the cost of inspection. Shewhart also created the process of Plan do check act. Deming adapted this philosophy into his own work. Deming s philosophy seen quality as the main force for businesses and society to succeed and reported this philosophy as a chain reaction. This also matched Shewhart s principle for quality among economics. Demings and Shewhart s philosophies are similar because both preached the importance of adapting managementprocesses to create profitable situations for both businesses and consumers. However, the main difference is that Deming emphasized the transformation
  • 13. Germany s Tourism As An American Citizen Many Americans have common misconceptions about Germany and its people even before visiting the country or getting to know a German national. Germans are often perceived to be cold or mean and that they dislike tourists. Many also believe that the language sounds harsh or is unromantic and all Germans consume is sauerkraut, sausage, and beer. These views could be largely due to the way Hollywood paints Germans out to be and American views on holidays such as Oktoberfest. As a German as well as an American citizen, I have heard many of these stereotypes and can confidently refute these claims and say that Germanyand its people are actually very friendly and have a rich and diverse culture. Germany s tourism is on the rise as described in a report in a marketline industry profile. It describes that the travel and tourism industry grew in 2015 by 3.3% and is projected to maintain a similar growth rate... (Travel and Tourism in Germany 8). In fact, every time I visit I meet more and more people who are touring Germany. A study done in 2013 by Andrew Hare and collegues was aimed to see how Americans perceived Germans and Germany. It found that almost 60% of Americans had a positive impression and thought it was modern, forward thinking, and economically powerful (Hare et. All 3 59). Germany has also adopted many other cultures customs from words to holidays to music. When my mom was younger and living in Germany there was no Halloween! Now kids are starting to catch on and
  • 14. Human Nature And Development Of Personality Adlerian Therapy Liliana Salazar University of North Texas at Dallas Adlerian Therapy According to Maniacci and Jonhson Migalski (2013), Individual psychology mandates that a person must be understood in the holistic, phenomenological, teleological way (p.179). Adlerians believe heredity and environment influence but do not determine our behaviors. Moreover, every person has to strive for power, and humans develop inferiority feelings as a consequence. Therefore, they need to overcome those feelings (Croake, 1975). This paper explains how the views of human personality as holistic can explain maladjustment in the client, Allen, a 34 year old male who experiences episodes of depression. The paper will explore Allen s personality and the relationship between those past experiences and maladjustment. Human Nature and Development of Personality Croake (1975) argued the human being is a whole, not just parts. Then personality can only be expressed if we take into consideration all aspects of the human being. Adler (1982) pointed out that human nature of personality explains how heredity and environment cannot build an attitude related to life. Instead every person builds on individual experience. He affirmed that humans couldn t be classified. Edgar (1996) explained the medical model does not apply to every person because everyone is unique, and when science tries to explain human mistakes by their genes we are categorizing human beings. According to Adler (1982), the
  • 15. Investigating the Relevance of Adopting Balanced Scorecard... Investigating the relevance of adopting Balanced Scorecard as a strategic tool for measuring financial performance. This paper aims to debate, based on a literature review how relevant it is for companies to adopt the use of balanced scorecard as tool for measuring financial performance. The findings in literature shows that balanced scored restore the linkage between financial and non financial measures in the operational and management control systems of most companies and helps them to achieve long term strategic objectives. On the other hand, the use and importance of balanced scorecard has been evidenced through several studies but some companies still find it difficult and challenging to implement it because it suggests what to do ... Show more content on ... However about twelve years after, Kaplan and Norton (1992) identified the same gap as regards the traditional method of performance. For Kaplan and Norton, the financial measures focus on historic nature and do not alert the company about future actions. This however gives weight to the relevance of Kaplan and Norton s study. The different shortcomings of traditional performance measurement have been discussed extensively in literature. Kaplan and Norton (1992) in their study focused on how to improve on the traditional performance measurement in organisations. They claim that the traditional financial measures such as the earnings per share, return on investment and so on can prevent organisations from achieving continuous improvement and innovation in today s competitive environment. This indicates that adequate attention is given to the improvement of financial performance; hence this study is an important one. Similarly, Kennerley and Neely (2003) found the same problems with implementing the traditional financial measures by stating that it is no longer sufficient enough for organisations to compete in the modern market because of customer s high demands. Kennerley and Neely (2003) also identified in their work that several research has been indicated by other authors that traditional financial performance measures provide little information on how performance is achieved or how it can be improved. Furthermore, Davis and Albert (2003) and Rich
  • 16. Essay on Othello as a Black Man in a White Society Othello as a Black Man in a White Society Shakespeare s play,Othello, explores themes of love and passion, otherness , jealousy, revenge and order vs. Chaos, which all revolve mainly around the protagonist, Othello. Surrounded by Venetians within a white society, Othello begins to realise his otherness thus his insecurities as an outside and a Moor increase. The deceptive Iago uses these dangerous blemishes in Othello s personality to manipulate the moral Othello, using his one fatal flaw, jealousy. During the 16th Century, the Elizabethan audiences attentiveness and familiarity of the thin line between order and chaos would have added to the tragic story of Othello. This was due to the ... Show more content on ... What he meant by this is that Othello is a foreigner to all, because of his blackness he can never fit in. However, this is ironic as the people of Venice accepted Othello as a righteous and valiant general in the army, due to his brave act of protecting the Venetians from the evil grasp of the Turkish people. Interestingly enough, these Venetians don t compare Othello to the supposedly iniquitous Turks because he had defeated them, so they placed him higher up in the hierarchy of racial and social class. Iago expresses his own opinion that Othello is an erring barbarian which is very ironic as Othello has the status of a shielding warrior, a generous being that is a strong part of the army. Roderigo calls him the lascivious Moor and tends to see Othello s black colour as a sign of dirtiness and obscenity. The characters in Othello may possible have felt that Othello was a threat due to his otherness in his appearance, such as his thick lips . Othello s character is overtly and crudely sexualised, which is also a disadvantage to Othello as other characters begin to believe that he is aggressive and sadistic. Black people, during the time of Shakespeare, were mysterious to the white society. Venetians were not used to seeing and living with people of other races and feared them because they were not familiar with
  • 17. Animals Should Not Be Zoos Imagine being a zoo animal. Wouldn t the animal want to be free, and not in captivity? There should not be zoos. From outside of a cage it is barely noticeable, but what is happening to the zoo animals is not right. There should not be zoos because animals cannot exercise which leads to health issues, they have little to no space which causes depression, and there are other places that help animals in a safer and more productive way. The history of zoos is that animals would be in tin cages, now, they live in fake terrain, so none of these habitats are appropriate for animals. Zoos say that they are helping endangered animals, but really they are killing them. Most animals in zoos do not get enough exercise as part of their daily schedule, and when animals exercise is lacking, health issues are occurring more frequently. For instance, stressed animals signal depression or psychoses. When elephants at zoos sway from side to side, the people outside of the cage believe it is a normal motion for the animal, but it is actually a signal of stress. Behaviors like these are mainly caused by a lack of privacy, mental stimulation and physical exercise. To help the animals, some zoos give tranquilizers or antidepressants to control these kinds of behaviors in animals. Animals do not deserve this, but still lack exercise. For example, cheetahs in the wild pace 0% to 5% of their day, but at the Milwaukee County Zoo, 64% of their day is spent doing this. Cheetahs are one of the most endangered animals at the zoo because at zoos they only live to age 16 or 17, while in the wild they live to be 30 or older. As a result of this lack of exercise provided by zoos, zoos are not matching the animals natural exercise behaviors, so the animals become unhealthy. Most animals stuck in zoos live by themselves even if they are meant to live in herds. While in the wild, playful african elephants live peacefully and splash each other with their trunks. In zoos with cages there is not enough space to play and enjoy themselves. The average size of elephants is 7 feet, and they live in 12 foot enclosed cages, so that leaves them with only 5 feet to move around. Elephants can not move, nor use their trunks and this causes them to die
  • 18. Analysis Of Deborah Fink s The Rural Midwest Cutting Into the Meatpacking Line: Workers and Change in the Rural Midwest book, by Deborah Fink, focuses mainly on showing what was happening in the meatpacking s industry in the rural Midwest of Iowa. It shows that the key factors in the creation the history of the rural working class depended on the different experiences that gender, ethnic and racial minorities faced during the working years in the meatpacking. It shows the painful process of struggling for recognition of the employees rights that women, ethnic and racial minorities faced when they were entering into the meatpacking workforce. Fink wrote her book to inform the reader about what was happening in the meatpacking industry of Iowa the old days, and how women, ethnic and racial minorities faced a lot of segregation, discrimination, harassment, and unequal wages. What does Fink mean when she once said The union, in digging in its heels to preserve the old system, conceded gender to the manipulation of packing companies, thereby contributing to the deterioration of conditions for all workers (Fink, P. 112) ? What was the old system look alike? Moreover, what was the impact of the manipulation of gender? The old system was supporting the gender division in the workplace. This division had generated workplace s conflict and inequality between different gender in the workplace of Iowa. Started by rural working class women before 1940 when the society thought that women s works were indecent. Even though,
  • 19. Particle Fever Essay Particle fever is movie about a single experiment, which lasted 19 long years and consisted of 10,000 hardworking and dedicated scientist. The whole experiment was to find a particle called the Higgs Boson. The Higgs Boson was a particle that most scientist thought held all things of the world together, to prove this theory that they had made the scientist had to conduct a thorough experiment. For scientist to begin the experiment they had to collect and test different parts of data using the LHC which was a machine that produced different elements to see if the Higgs were even real or not. The LHC was the World s largest and most expensive machine. The LHC was made up of seven ton electromagnets, and the purpose was to compare protons to the speed of lighting. There are four points in the LHC which are LHCB, ATLAS, CHS, and Alice. At each point in the LHC ... Show more content on ... At the conclusion of the meeting, it was stated that the Higgs mass was 125 GEV. The crowd at the conference and Peter Higgs were the happiest people alive. Since the Higgs mass was between 115 GEV and 140 GEV the scientist thought that they could prove that the Higgs was the last piece of data they needed to say that the Higgs was a God particle and it was the particle that made the world what it is today. After everything the LHC will be closed and shut off and after two years goes by will be running at full power instead of half power. Scientists hoped to get even better results than they did the first time with running the LHC. The experiment was a huge success. There was a 20,000 prize and a Nobel Prize awarded to David Kaplan, Peter Higgs, and Mark Levinson at the conclusion of the filming of the movie, which lasted from 2008 to 2012. The movie was not actually released until the year 2014. Many scientist today still try to say that their theory of the Higgs is incorrect but no one has yet to prove
  • 20. Twelve Angry Men Twelve Angry Men Act I Vocabulary unanimous complete agreement with no one dissenting refugee a person who flees one country and seeks safety somewhere else el a train of the same design as a subway train that runs on tracks elevated a few stories above street level. retire to leave the open court to go to a private room calculus a complicated mathematical process belligerently in a hostile or angry manner monopoly the exclusive ownership of a business switch knife more commonly referred to as switchblade, one whose spring loaded blade is concealed inside the body of the knife proposition a deal; bargain bickering arguing mugging a physical attack to take money or goods from another person breeding ground a place ... Show more content on ... 12. Juror Twelve is in advertising, and cannot conceive of people on any level other than images. 9. What is the cause of Three s anger toward all young men? His anger toward his own son seems to be why he feels as he does. His son, who was beaten by his father when he was young, knocked his father down as a teenager. Then he ran away from home and has not seen his father since. 10. What does Ten s following comment reveal about himself? How can you believe him, knowing what he is? I lived among em all my life. You can t believe a word they say. Clearly he is a very prejudiced person. He distrusts a whole race or class of people based on very limited exposure. 11. Juror Eight says he had a peculiar feeling about this trial. What does he think was wrong? Eight feels the defense counsel did not conduct a thorough cross examination, and many questions were left unasked. 12. The foreman asks the guard to bring in the switchblade knife. Why? Juror Four says he feels that the jurors have a right to see the exhibits in evidence. 13. Juror Four questions the logic of Eight s premise that the boy did lose the knife. What is his sarcastic question to Eight? Four wants Eight to explain if he thinks someone else found the knife and stabbed the boy s father to be amusing. 14. What dramatic climax occurs toward the end of Act I? Juror Eight jabs a knife into the wall. The knife is identical to the murder weapon. 15. What proposal does Juror Eight make at end of the
  • 21. Upton Sinclair s Use Of Biblical Allusions In Literature Allusions distinctly impacts text in numerous ways. Biblical and historical allusions are often the most recognizable in literature and each have their own significance. Allusions are very beneficial in the text because they give new meaning to the text and how it is represented throughout time; allusions in literature can also show new interpretations of the other works as well. In The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair, Sinclair uses biblical and historical allusions create an embellishment of imagery, characterization, and the manifestation of government. An emphasis that can be placed on allusions is in how imagery is portrayed. Bubbly Creek is described as being constantly in motion, as if huge fish were feeding in it, or great leviathans disporting themselves in its depths (pg 94). Sinclair used a biblical allusionto demonstrate imagery using a leviathan, which is an enormous monster first mentioned in the latter part of the book of Job in The Bible. The leviathan is enormous and has an indescribable amount of strength and can penetrate a double layer of armor. The contents of Bubbly Creek have an equivalence of a leviathan, which shows how much power Bubbly Creek possesses; as well as how nothing else could ever equate to it in size and its unrestrained moves. Another biblical allusion that Sinclair uses is the Egyptian plague of flies in the book of Exodus and with the hot weather descended upon Packingtown a veritable Egyptian plague of flies; there could be no describing this the houses would be black with them (pg 104). Sinclair uses this allusion to exemplify how horrid the conditions were in Packingtown, the plague of flies in The Bible is described as being so dense in the Pharaoh s palace and the rest of Egypt was covered and ruined by the flies. The conditions had to have been so horrible and hot, as well as the potential of rotting meat in Packingtown to bring about so many flies; it was that awful and disgusting. Historical allusions also leave an impression on literature. Such as the historical allusion that Sinclair made to the Bessemer Furnace, where they made billets of steel a domelike building, the size of a big theater (pg 206). The Bessemer furnace was an invention created 50 years
  • 22. The Italian Renaissance s Life And Life Of Filippo... Filippo Brunelleschi The Italian Renaissance, ranging between the 1400 s 1600 s, was a time that continued classicism in culture, art, and architecture. Architecture in particular applied classical vocabulary and forms to contemporary building functions and types. Many well known individuals helped shape this period of time, Brunelleschi included. Not much is known about Filippo Brunelleschis early life. He was born 1377, the second son of Ser Brunellesco Di Lippo Lapi, in Florence, Italy. While growing up in a political household, due to his father holding a distinct notary position, expectations were held high for him to follow the same path as his father. He was even given a formal education fit for that lifestyle. Though going against expectations, Brunelleschi followed in his brother s footsteps to become a goldsmith and joined the Silk Merchants guild. It took him a total of six years to be awarded the title of master. He gained experience not only as a goldsmith but also in sculpting and mechanics. In 1401, a contested sponsored by the Wool manufacturers Guild was publicly announced. It called for new bronze panels on the Baptistery doors. Seven candidates entered the competition but only Filippo Brunelleschi and Lorenzo Ghiberti succeeded in becoming finalists. Everyone was given the same material and subject, the Sacrifice of Isaac, but their final piece couldn t have been any more different. Brunelleschi s design featured a more humanistic approach with drama
  • 23. Institutional Review Boards In Bio-Medical Experiments when completing a task, there are often rules and guidelines that need to be followed. Institutional Review Boards, also known as IRBs, are put in place to make sure rules are followed when they approve research done on human subjects of bio medical and behavioral research. Two of these rules are that risks to subjects are minimized and risks to subjects are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits. I believe that IRBs are needed when doing research, but need better understand, and be more aware about what is happening during the experiments. Nearly 400 poor black men with syphilis...were enrolled in the study. They were never told they had syphilis, nor were they ever treated for it. According to case one, in 1932, the Tuskegee Institute, working with the Public Health Service, an experiment was ... Show more content on ... The first question was about the competency of the researcher, if it plays a role in a project s approval or denial, and if it is fair. The question was answered with focusing on written errors, board members are looking for signs that researchers are trustworthy, careful people who aren t going to make a mistake in their studies... I think an important point is made here. When submitting anything formal, you want to make sure there are no mistakes, otherwise you look unprofessional, and you lose some credibility. But, I think the ISB should do more investigating on the researcher before confirming the denial. In case four, according to the ISB website, they exist to protect research subjects from unethical researchers, the kind of researchers who would recreate prison situations to see how nasty humans could be to total strangers or would tell their subjects that they had to administer electric shocks to a stranger with heart disease just to see if they would do it... But as any field researcher that is, the kind of researcher who actually speaks Letter A, Page
  • 24. Gender Roles In The Ramayana A leader should be a strong representation of the culture s values, but not all hold the attributes that a respected and wise leader should have. Generally, there are two different types of kings, one who want to become king to help the greater good of the people and fights to protect his people, and the other type who fights and obtains power to benefit themselves. In the epic, The Ramayana, translated by William Buck, tells the story of an ongoing war between two polar opposite kings, Ravana of Lanka and Rama of Ayodhya. Ravana is a symbol of evil and ignorance while Rama represents goodness and the pursuit of Dharma. The entire war is started by Ravana stealing Rama s wife, Sita, a beautiful and enchanting woman. Considered to be both... Show more content on ... When Lakshmana and the royal charioteer of Ayodhya, Sumantra take Sita into the woods for her retreat, they tell her what Rama has ordered. Even Lakshmana who has followed and obeyed Rama says This is clearly unjust I cannot understand, what can we gain by doing wrong to please a fool? (page 394). While Rama s decision to abandon Sita in the woods could be highly contradictory to his well rounded respected leader, this could also be another way of his commitment to pursuing Dharma. Dharma has much to do about fate leading to other worlds and lives. Sumantra saying to Sita that War, love and separation are all hidden gateways to other worlds and other times. (394), implies that this is fate bringing Sita to embark on a new adventure into another world and new life. Considering all of Rama s actions throughout the book between sending his warriors home because he values live, wanting to listen to voices coming from the common people, and pursuing Dharma, he has proven to be a truly well rounded king by holding all the attributes that a true leader should
  • 25. Significant Themes in Murmuring Judges by David Hare Essay The purpose of this essay is to identify the significant themes in Murmuring Judges by David Hare and to show how these themes have been presented to the audience. David Hare graduated from Cambridge University in 1968; that same year he co founded the Portable Theatre Company with his friend Richard Bicat. Ironically he was to launch his writing career because the Company was left in the lurch by a playwright just four days before rehearsals were due to start. Hare jumped into the breach and penned a short satirical piece on the unlikelihood of revolution in Britain. This rather hasty first attempt at writing turned out to be a resounding success; which inspired Hare to further writings. ... Show more content on ... This perception that those people within the Judiciary are out of touch; perhaps even oblivious to normal life is affirmed in Hare s delivery of the discussion about fundraising for the Bar between Cuddeford, Sir Peter and Irene. We started fund raising for a campaign about 4 days ago. How much have you raised? One million That sounds an auspicious start. One million? David Hare has the ability to elicit extremes of sentiment from his audience; as succinctly as he alludes to the pomposity of the members of the Judiciary, he provokes sympathy and empathy in equal measures for Gerard, the would be villain of the piece. The audience become privy to Gerard s thoughts in a stream of consciousness as he stands awaiting the verdict of the Jury at his trial. What they see is a rather scruffy youth with long unkempt hair; however his thoughts are in fact eloquent and emotive; eliciting from the audience a certain amount of sympathy for his predicament. Finally I get it, yes, it is happening, these men, every one of them silver haired, judicious, informed, they will go home to their wives, to wine in fine glasses and gossip of the Bar, they will walk the streets and complain about their lives, and I...And I Hare shows that despite appearances; here stands a young man who can look around him and identify the reality of the situation. What is more he is
  • 26. The Sniper And The Man He Killed Wars never hurt anybody except for the people who died Salvador Dali, leader of the Surrealist Movement. In both stories men who are at war are described, both of these men have killed a man who are known as their foes. Both of the men realize that the man they killed could ve been a friend, and were someone who really wasn t the enemy. The relationship between these two stories is that war can tear families apart. In Liam O Flahertys The Sniper and The Man He Killed by Thomas Hardy both show similarities and differences in plot, irony, and theme. There are similarities of plot between both stories, for example, both of the men are soldiers at war. As an example On a rooftop near O Connell Bridge, a republican sniper lay watching ... Show more content on ... The similar theme is that war changes people and tears them apart due to the pain and suffering of the war. Cursing the war, cursing himself, cursing everybody (O Flaherty 208). The quote helps show that the war may cause you to curse things you never would ve before, like, yourself. And from the poem He thought he d list perhaps/ Off hand like just as I/ Was out of work, had sold his traps/ No other reason why (Hardy 16 20). This tells how war can force people to make erratic decisions, it changes your attitude and morals about any situation including joining the army and going to war. The differencebetween the two stories is that in The Sniper it turns him against his family and in The Man He Killed it turned the soldier against his friends. To prove this, Then the sniper turned over the dead body and looked into his brother s face (O Flaherty, page 208). Again this tells of the shock the sniper received when he saw it was his brother he had killed. But in the opposing story Yes, quaint and curious war is!/ You shoot a fellow down/ You d treat if met where any bar is/ Or help to half a crown (Hardy 17 20). It explains of how he killed a man that the soldier would have befriended in any other situation. All in all, you can see both the similarities and differences in both stories
  • 27. Susan Minot Summary LUST. Having read the story written by Susan Minot we come across a rather complicated character, to be precise the narrator herself. The girl in the story has been studying in the boarding school. It is the educational establishment of close type, so the process of growing proceeds differently. For example if we compare the girls from public schools and the girls from boarding schools the latest will be more dissolute. The main reason for this is the closed social environment which fluencies the young girls minds. So let us look closer at the narrator she was ...good at such things like math or painting or even sports, but the second a boy put his arm around her, she forgot about wanting to do anything else... This phrase indicates the author s real attitude towards men and studying. She loved being in relationships with young boys. Moreover, while being in the boarding school she had at least 5 or 6 partners. At the same time the narrator stresses that: Lots of boys, but never two at the same time. One was plenty to keep you in a state. So for her a man is a tool, which can keep her in shape. To our way of thinking it is a rather thoughtless attitude towards the relationship. Furthermore, from the conversation with the headmistress Mrs. Gunther it becomes obvious that the narrator is astonished having known that she has had only the one man for her life. But to be honest the headmistress has her own understanding of the relations between the man and the woman, and it is
  • 28. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Labour Division The term labour division, which means separation of work to increase efficiency of workforce, was introduced by Adam Smith. This paper states that the concept is very useful and still applicable to modern societies. Although there might be some disadvantages of its application in practice, the benefits it brings overweight its downsides. To prove that, first there will be more explanation about Smith s labour division, then there will be real life example and finally there will be given disadvantage of labour division as a risk of unemployment. To illustrate how labour division works in practice Smith provides example with pin. The process of doing it is divided into different branches: one man draws out the wire; another straights it; a third cuts it... , so that at the end we get eighteen operations (Smith 1937). There are three main pros of labour division promoted by Smith. First, every worker will be high skilled in his own work: if one makes only nails and not other metallic things, then after some time his dexterity will rise as well as his productivity. Second, labour division saves time. If the whole production is done by only one man, when he switches from one process to another, he cannot ... Show more content on ... The labour division makes people be specialized in one particular sphere, in other words, it creates different professions, which is, in turn, the ground for exchange of the goods. For instance, a person A is highly skilled in production of chairs, while a person B is good at producing tables. If A wants tables and decides to make one as well as B produces one chair, the quality of their products will be low and more time consuming because they are not specialized in those goods. Thus, the best situation will be if A and B produce chairs and tables respectively and then exchange them, so they can save some time and not bother themselves by learning how another good is
  • 29. Anthrax Synthesis Essay French microbiologist, Louis Pasteur was the first person to invent a form of a vaccine for anthrax in the 19th century for individuals who worked with cattle. At that time, individuals were injected with a very small amount of the bacteria, so as to not cause them to become sick and therefore they would develop an immunity to the disease. The vaccineused today which is approved by the FDA was formulated in the 1960 s and is very controversial. In 1988 U.S. Military personnel received the vaccine on the onset of the Persian Gulf War. There were many side effects reported by the military as a result of giving this vaccine. Side effects including fevers, nausea and vomiting. The vaccine is not commercially available in the US. Only people who either work in a lab with the anthrax bacteria, workers who import animal hides and products where anthrax is common and military personnel can receive the anthrax vaccine. I hope the Center for Disease is taking into account that... Show more content on ... These letters were targeted at the media. These letters were sent through the US Postal System. This put the people of the United States on high alert for an anthrax attack. The FBI and government officials were scrambling trying to figure out if this attack came from the same terrorist group as the 911 attack (Hasan 47 48). Erin O Connor, an assistant to NBC s news anchor Tom Brokaw, became the target of an anthrax attack on September 25, 2001 when a letter contained a fine white material from Trenton, New Jersey (Hasan 49 50). On October 12th it was announced that Erin O Connor had developed cutaneous anthrax after a few days of a rash (Hasan 50). O Connor was not the intended target, but someone was still harmed. Even if a specific target does not become affected by a plan, it does not rule out the possibility of other innocent bystanders becoming ill, injured, and/or
  • 30. Taz Drug Case Studies Surprisingly, Chaz has little to no systemic risk factors. Answering yes to only two medical conditions on his health history, high blood pressure and thyroid disease, he is taking two medications to combat these diseases. The first medication is Micardis. This is an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) used to treat hypertension. ARBs work by preventing the hormone, Angiotensin II, from having an effect on our body. When Angiotensin II is released into the bloodstream it causes vasoconstriction and water retention, in turn raising blood pressure; if we prevent the effects of Angiotensin II the result will be vasodilation and less water retention, leading to a lower blood pressure. (Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) blood pressure medication,... Show more content on ... Ammonia inhalants are located in every other unit, taped to the top of the storage cabinet. The patient should then be brought to a sitting position, vital signs should be recorded, and an assessment from the dentist should be conducted prior to dismissal. Contradicting Lexi Comp, Little Falace recommends that any patient suffering from hypertension should receive the cardiac MRD for epinephrine (Little., Miller., Falace., 2013). When epinephrine is introduced into the body it causes a fast influx of vasoconstriction increasing heart rate, and force of ventricular contraction, resulting in an increased workload for the heart, ultimately raising blood pressure (Davis, 2010). Chaz did not require local anesthesia, so this did not influence his treatment plan. The second medication the patient is taking, Synthroid, did not require modification to the treatment plan either. According to Lexi Comp Online, Synthroid is a hormone used to treat hypothyroidism, and has no affects regarding local anesthesia, dental treatment, or bleeding (Synthroid, 2017). Hypothyroidism results when the body does not produce enough thyroid stimulating hormones (TSH) causing a decrease in metabolism and body
  • 31. The Canadian Progressive Rock Band Rush Books, movies, paintings, music, and other types of art are connected in various ways, but one connection seems to stand out. All art mediums are constructed in a way that disallows a median to be reached regarding one s opinion from another. If a group of people favors one thing, another group most likely exists that has the opposite, or conflicting opinion. 2112, read Twenty one twelve, is a 7 part conceptual album by the Canadian progressive rock band Rush, illustrates this conflict in its main plot. Regardless of its vivid storytelling and impactful instrumentals that glues everything together, it is evident that each listener will break apart in terms of their personal opinions. 2112, much like in Anthem by Ayn Rand, the dystopic idea of equality and how everyone should cherish their unique identities that they possess. The main character, named Anonymous, retaliates against the idea by not conforming to what is expected by the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx , but the factor driving him ultimately was the will to venture outward and appreciate something that seemingly no one else sees. The conversation between Anonymous, and the priest during IV. Presentation , separates light from dark. Anonymous, after discovering a guitar that the Elder race of man left, speaks out to share his opinions. I can t believe you re saying / These things just can t be true / Our world could use this beauty / Just think what we might do (Rush, IV. Presentation). Anonymous
  • 32. The House Of Bernarda Alba Federico Garcia Lorca s The House of Bernarda Alba and Henrik Ibsen s A Doll s House both protest against the confinement of women of their days. Although the Houses are set differently in Spain of 20th century and Norway of 19th century respectively, both the plays relate in illuminating their respective female protagonists, Adela and Nora, as they eventually develop a sense of individuality and self expression and emerge as free individuals from repression. The authors attempts allow the reader audience to gain an insight into the social norms that each protagonist was pitted against. This heightens the tension as the action develops. Both Adela and Nora are inherently individualistic, and their innate nature is bared especially... Show more content on ... (Lorca 142) Likewise, Nora of Doll s House assumes the mask of her husband Torvald s pretty little thing (Ibsen 22), a little squirrel (Ibsen 46), and a submissive dolly wife. (Ibsen 82) She does so because Torvald expects her to accept that he is right in not indulging her little whims (Ibsen 21) and expects her to see her dancing and reciting (Ibsen 22) as per his wishes he expects her to be a doll under his control. So, she finds a way [herself] (Ibsen 21) the way of deception to follow her own heart. The revelation of the secrets Nora and Adela keep marks the end of their deception and thus stimulates them to stand up against repression and express their individual selves, guiding them to seek freedom. Nora s loan and forgery are kept secret from her husband, because otherwise it would be revealed that Nora did not submit to his orders and seek his permission before any action behaviour which is unaccepted by the society. However, when the
  • 33. Unified Modeling Language ( Uml ) For Database Systems And... Unified Modeling Language (UML) for Database Systems and Computer Applications Abstract This paper shows the ideas of database frameworks and also the outline of the utilization of Brought together Demonstrating Dialect (UML) as a standard documentation of true protests in creating item situated configuration procedure for PC applications. The UML is a device for determining programming frameworks that incorporate institutionalized charts to characterize outline and outwardly guide or model a product framework s configuration and structure. UML graphs incorporate the utilization case outline, class chart, grouping graph, state diagram graph, movement chart, segment chart, and sending graph. The incorporation of these graphs to distinctive programming methods has been examined. Keywords: android, android platform, SQLite database 1. Introduction The initial phase in building up an article situated outline approach for PC applications and in addition for database frameworks is the utilization of UML (Bound together Demonstrating Dialect) as a standard documentation for the displaying of true questions. Programming frameworks originators and engineers are given numerous decisions for giving solid, adaptable and effective article constancy for PC applications and database frameworks. They could pick between Item Arranged, Object Social cross breeds, unadulterated Social and custom arrangements taking into account open or exclusive record groups. UML is viewed as an
  • 34. Kill A Mockingbird, By Harper Lee 1. In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Jean Louise (Scout) Finch the narrator lives with her brother, Jem, and their widowed lawyer of a father, Atticus, in Maycomb, Alabama. On one summer, the siblings befriend a boy named Charles Baker Harris (Dill) (who has visited for the summer), and the three soon begin to spark a fascination with the Radley Place a cryptic and eerie house which is inhabited by a man named Arthur, although he is dubbed Boo and begin to test Boo, even going into the yard, which leads Scout to believe that Boo is inhuman; for example, during the winter, Boo gives Scout a blanket without her noticing. Later, at the surprise to Maycomb s racist community, Atticus agrees to defend a black man, Tom Robinson, who... Show more content on ... Ewell fatally. Afterwards, Boo carries a slightly wounded Jem back to Atticus residence, where two differing opinions rise the town sheriff lies to protect Boo, insisting that Ewell tripped and killed himself; on the contrary, Atticus wants to bring his son to trial, as he believes that he was the one who killed Ewell. The sheriff seems to get his way, and after sitting with Scout, who realizes that Boo is human, Boo returns once again to the Radley house. Following the incident, Scout has another epiphany she realizes that it is important to practice kindness and understanding, as treating others with hatred, prejudice, and extreme bias would be worse than killing a mockingbird: Mockingbirds don t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don t eat up people s gardens....they don t do one thing but sing their hearts out....That s why it s a sin to kill a mockingbird (Lee 103). 1. Jean Louise (Scout) Finch: In the beginning of the story, Scout is introduced as a five year old child who soon begins to show uncommon traits for a girl at the time: she is mentally years ahead of her peers, having been taught to read before school; she worries about essential goodness and has no like for hypocrisy; she always acts on what she believes to be the best; in addition, for her time (deep south, pre Civil Rights Movement), she is quite a tomboy. Like anyone, however, she does develop a bias towards Arthur
  • 35. Quotes From Touching Spirit Bear Are you okay? After the tree was struck by lighting Cole looked into the darkness to see if the baby birds were still alive. This is the first sign showing that Cole Matthews can change. Cole is starting to have compassion, something he didn t have before. For this reason, Cole should go back to the island and not go to jail. In order for Cole to heal, he needs to go back to the island and be given a second chance of redemption. The power to choose was the real power, not the fake power of making others afraid. Cole made his decision, He wanted to live. Cole wanted to live and make new choices to make up for his bad choices. He didn t want to die because he couldn t make any choices. In Touching Spirit BearCole says, In death there was no control, no anger, no one to blame, no choices, no nothing. Cole kept showing that he wanted to live and change, even after the mauling. In addition, Cole shows many more acts of survival, in order to survive.... Show more content on ... Cole has to find it in himself to trust people and not lie. With his fingertips, he felt warmth. He felt the bear s heartbeat. And he felt one more thing. He felt trust. Cole doesn t understand why he feels trust. Cole tried to kill the bear, but yet the bear has trust toward Cole. Also Cole had, ...hated it with every fiber of his existence. Even after he touched the bear Cole had a sensation. Cole realized that the world was beautiful. Cole also realized that his past was another life, another life he didn t want to recapture. This shows that Cole Matthews can
  • 36. How Did Nelson Mandela Contribute To Civil Disobedience Mandela was arrested in a countrywide police swoop on 5 December 1955, which led to the 1956 Treason Trial ( /biography, website, Accessed 27/6/16). The trial went on for nearly five years and during this time period led to the militant faction of the ANC to split with the ANC in 1959 to form the Pan Africanist Congress. However on 21 March 1960, police killed 69 unarmed people due to a protest in Sharpeville against the racist laws directed to the black Africans. This protest led to the banning of both the ANC and the PAC which led to the movement losing much of it militant support. Mandela and 155 other activists were acquitted in 1961 and led to Mandela believing that armed struggle was the only way... Show more content on ... Mandela quoted There are many people who feel that it is useless and futile for us to continue talking peace and non violence suggesting that non violent protesting will not attract the government s attention. Mandela undergoes military training in secret in January 1962 and to raise funds for a possible armed fight. His returned to South Africa in July 1962 led to his five years of imprisonment with hard labour for illegally leaving the country. Due to Mandela s involvement in radical, violent attacks, Mandela and seven other members were sentence to life imprisonment to Robben Island, narrowly avoiding capital punishment at the Rivonia trail. During the trials, Mandela quoted in his Rivonia trial speech I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die. This displays the motives of Mandela into changing the South African society to be equal for
  • 37. Nationalism s Role In World War I Nationalism is the strong belief that the interests of a particular nation state is of primary importance. It also is the belief that a people who share a common language, history, and culture should have an independent nation. Nationalism is shown in many ways throughout World War I, the Interwar Years, and World War II. It is shown in nationalists groups such as the KMT, through new ideas such as Nazism or Fascism, and during events that happen during wars and revolutions, such as the Salt March. Nationalism s role is important in all of these wars and revolutions because without Nationalism, history would be very different. Nationalism has a big impact on World War 1, and its impact is shown in many ways throughout the war. At the beginning... Show more content on ... During the Interwar years, nationalism effected revolutions and the decisions that governments or political groups make. The Russians show nationalism by eliminating anyone who doesn t follow communism. Stalin waged war ... on those designated as kulaks (Goff 151)because he wanted to unify the people who agreed with his ideas of communism. This affects the communists rise to power during the Russian revolution because the communists are trying to unite the Russians under one government. The Kuomintang, also known as the KMT, were a nationalist party in China during the interwar years who opposed the CCP, the Chinese Communist Party. The reason that this group was nationalist is because Sun Yat sen, the leader of the KMT, wanted to unite the people of China under a republic. Nationalism played a big role in forming the revolution in China. Nationalism is also shown by the Indian people during the Salt March. The Indian people decided to have this march to show their independence. This is an example of nationalism because the Indian people are uniting to show their independence and get rid of the British. Nationalism effected the situations in different nations during the interwar years, whether they were to end or start a
  • 38. Essay on Hotspur as Tragic Hero of Henry IV Hotspur as Tragic Hero of Henry IV In Shakespeare s Henry IV Part One, the characters many different conceptions of honor govern how they respond to situations. Each character s conception of honor has a great impact on the character s standing after the play. For instance, Falstaff survived because he dishonorably faked his own death, and his untrue claim that he was the one who killed Hotspur may get him a title and land. On the other hand, Hotspur lies dead after losing a duel for honor. Hotspur, who is in many ways the ideal man by the standards of his time, is killed by his lust for honor. In creating Hotspur, Shakespeare has created a variation on the tragic hero of other works: the stubborn tragic hero, who, dying ... Show more content on ... In this he is similar to other famous tragic heroes. Oedipus was king at the opening of the play Oedipus Rex, and Odysseus was returning from a great military conquest that had been won with an idea that was at least partly his. In addition, Hotspur experiences the traditional rise and fall sequence of the tragic hero. As Hotspur s plot against the King unfolds, it appears that he has as allies all the forces of the men who were earlier named as fighting England s wars, and the King does not even have his son. Here Hotspur hits his peak, just as Odysseus returning from victory at Troy was at his peak as he started the journey home. Shakespeare packs almost all the bad news Hotspur will receive into a single scene, telling us that many of Hotspur s allies have fallen out of the scene and describing the King s forces and reinforcements, including Hal s joining Henry. This is in the style of the fall of the tragic hero, and follows the pattern set by Odysseus sudden shipwreck and Oedipus sudden understanding of what he is. To complete the picture, there is what might have been. Just as Oedipus might have turned back from his quest for knowledge at any point, so Hotspur had several clear opportunities to turn back, even at advantage. For instance, while the message carried by Worcester is altered, the message Blunt took back to the King was not changed, and could have been an offer of peace, on Hotspur s terms. In addition, it is Hotspur who pushes
  • 39. Richard Hoover Little Miss Sunshine Little Miss Sunshine Little Miss Sunshine directed by Valerie Faris and Jonathon Dayton, is a film about the dysfunctional Hoover family, who along their journey to California, learn that supporting their family is more important than personal success. The director s purpose was to show the audience that people cannot be defined as winners or losers. Instead it was to demonstrate how family relationships are important for our own happiness. A character who was used to develop this message was Richard Hoover. In the beginning of the film, Richard is all about winning and following his 9 step plan on being a winner . However by the end he realizes that life cannot be defined by his refuse to lose motivational programme and that sometimes ... Show more content on ... Richard wants Olive to be happy, and while watching the other girls go on stage, dressed in pretty sequined dress with big poofy hair, makes Richard realise that Olive is not like those girls and she has no chance of winning. This realisation makes him question his own beliefs. He goes back stage where he and Dwayne tell Sheryl that they don t want Olive to go on stage. A two shot of Dwayne and Richard standing together, draws attention to how these two characters, who never seem to get along, are now working together to protect Olive. This makes the viewer aware that Richard has changed, as he is more focused on being a father and protecting Olive than he has been throughout the film. He no longer cares about Olive winning a beauty pageant. When Olive performs her scandalous dance, Richard is the first one to go on stage to support and protect her. A shaky, hand held camera is used when Richard runs onto the stage, emphasizing the spontaneous decision. This positions the viewer to feel impressed at how Richard is protecting his daughter. Richard dances on stage in an embarrassing act of failure; he is willing to be a loser if it means supporting Olive. From Richards act of support the audience is reminded that family and accepting who you are, is important for our own
  • 40. Hemp Oil Or Hempseed Oil HEMP OIL OR HEMPSEED OIL A DOCUMENTED DIETARY SUPPLEMENT AND BEAUTY AID. Hemp seeds are rich in protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega 6, omega 3 and insoluble fiber. They are a good source of tocopherols, or Vitamin E antioxidants. They re packed with minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium, and phosphorus, plus microelements like strontium, thorium, arsenic and chromium. Hemp oil is derived from crushing the seeds of the marijuana plant. It has nearly indistinguishable levels of THC, which means that it does not give users the classic high sensation. However, it does contain high levels of a compound known as CBD, Healthy Hemp reported. Studies have shown that CBD may be useful in reducing anxiety and ... Show more content on ... Hemp oil has the optimal ratio of these acids. Hemp Oil Helps Lower Cholesterol: The only vegetable oil to contain omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids (3:1), hemp oil can help lower cholesterol levels by accelerating metabolic processes. With a faster metabolism, fats burn at a quicker rate and are not deposited on the artery walls. Hemp Oil Can Be Good For Diabetics: Due to its low carbohydrate and sugar content, hemp oil is can be a great food additive for diabetics. The nutrients present in it can help moderate blood sugar levels. Hemp Oil Can Help Prevent Psoriasis: Psoriasis is caused by a deficiency of omega 6 fatty acids in the body. The fatty acids present in hemp oil help improve skin oxygenation and hydration. Hemp Oil Can Boost Your Immunity: Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids also improve immunity and regulate intestinal flora, thus building a natural barrier against microbes and increasing the resilience of the body. Hemp Oil Helps Prevent Demyelination Of Nervous System: Essential fatty acids are necessary for a healthy cell membrane structure. They also prevent the demyelination, the destruction of the myelin sheath (a membrane that protects the nerve cells). Hemp Oil Can Help Prevent Varicose Veins: Like other compounds high in omega 3s, hemp oil can thin your blood, reducing blood clots and varicose veins. Precautions To Keep In Mind When Trying Hemp Oil For The First Time Though it has a number of health benefits, hemp oil
  • 41. The Kyoto Protocol In Canada On December 15, 2011, the Government of Canada authoritatively told the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that Canada would practice its legitimate right to formally pull back from the Kyoto Protocol. The Environment Minister, Peter Kent, was the one who announced this. The Kyoto Protocolis an international agreement connected to the UNFCCC that sets internationally binding greenhouse gasreduction targets for each country that is in the agreement. There are a lot of benefits as to why Canada should stay in the agreement, but at the same time there are a few complications and setbacks that we will have to face as well. Canada will reduce the amount of greenhouse gases, save money and create jobs, and reduce drastic... Show more content on ... The UNFCCC should implement better ways for all nations to eventually fall under the 1990 emissions levels. Working slowly towards the goal is a better way to approach the problem rather than giving the nations targets that are very hard to achieve in the first place. Canada had the responsibility to fall 6% below the 1990 emissions levels, but instead went 23.4. Which basically means, for example, if a nation had a target of 10%, but actually increased emissions by 10%, the score would be 20, if it was 5% and the nation went 15% under, then the score is 10. Canada went 23.4 which was the worst score out of all the other nations within the agreement at the time. In any case, it was verifiably a vital initial phase in worldwide climate diplomacy. The question is whether a more aspiring second step will follow so as to stay away from unsatisfactory dangers of destroying environmental
  • 42. Purple Jelly Bean Personality Test How I Relate to a Purple Jelly Bean In the personality test the purple jelly beans personality list shows that there are three things that I can relate to. Firstly Purple have new ideas and are visionaries. I can relate to this, my bedroom wall is full of many of my different and astonishing drawing ideas, I also have many sketch book full of different ideas. I get really exultant when I get new ideas to draw or create, and then be able to move them to my wall or to projects just for myself or for friends and family. There are many times I have used my creative ideas in class assignments or just for fun. Another personality the purple jelly bean sates is, they are highly creative, and highly excitable. This would be me. Just last year I was
  • 43. Poetry Explication Of Mother To Son Poetry Explication of Mother to Son by Langston Hughes Langston Hughes wrote the poem Mother to Son in the form of a monologue. It likely dramatizes the intergenerational conflict, as mother s passionate words could be an answer to son s position that contradicted with her own attitude. It is impossible to say where or when characters are during this monologue; Hughes s background suggest it was an African American family. The mother feels compelled to speak as she believes her child is at the parting of the ways and description of her own example would help him to make right decision. The poem consists of only twenty lines, but author used plenty of poetic devices in it. The line 15 shows examples of the alliteration or repetition of consonant ... Show more content on ... It is hard to believe the narrator physically presented in conditions totally without light sources. The phrase is also a metaphor or comparison of two essentially dissimilar things with common characteristics. It means the narrator had very hard times. The whole poem is a metaphor as it compares the life with the going up the ladder. As the poem does not has words like or as it does not have direct comparison or simile at the first sight. But it likely appears in the line life for me ain t been no crystal stair (Hughes l. 2) as the narrator compares life with stares and states they are not the same. Hughes used words to represent both narrators external and internal conditions (imagery). Lines about a poor room without a carpet (l. 6 7) created an image of her living conditions, and comments about splinters, tacks and torn boards highlights the woman s feelings. Last images are also an example of the onomatopoeia or usage of words that mean like they
  • 44. Information and Communication Technology (Ict) and Banking... ISSN 2039‐2117 Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 2 (4) September 2011 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Banking Industry Alawode, Ademola John+ Emmanuel Uche Kaka** * Department of Computer Science, Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ogun State, Nigeria ** First Bank Nigeria PLC, Ahoada Branch, Rivers State, Nigeria. Abstract Information and Communication Technology, the language of the new age and its grammar which is Science has become an indispensable and veritable tool for enhancing effectiveness and efficiency in all other aspects of life. Banking industry has learnt the grammar and understands the language of the new age and tremendously transforms ... Show more content on ... 2 (4) September 2011 imperative in the industry. This study evaluates the response of Nigerian banks to this new trend and examines the extent to which they have adopted innovative technologies in their operations and the resultant effects. Information and Communication Technology Information Technology (IT) is the automation of processes, controls, and information production using computers, telecommunications, software and ancillary equipment such as automated teller machine and debit cards. It is a term that generally covers the harnessing of electronic technology for the information needs of a business at all levels. Communication is the conveyance or transmission of information from one point to another through a medium. An example of how ICT has had an impact on the Banking Industry is that its emergence allows banks to apply credit scoring techniques to consumer credits, mortgages or credit cards. Hence, products that used to be highly dependent on the banksВґ evaluation of its customers have now become more standardized. Other examples of ICT impact on the Banking Industry include the increased process efficiency, which can reduce costs in banks, and the branch renewal, where focus is gradually shifting away from traditional brick and mortar banks towards the dual bank concept
  • 45. Ewah Research Paper Growing up in the south we tend to create and use colorful vocabulary. We have y all, darn tootin, fixin to and among others cattywampus. Cattywampus is a word that I have grown up hearing in my house. To me it means messy, disorganized, and to say the least discombobulated. The etymology of a word does not always have to be symbolic; sometimes there is an actual historical story behind it. My mom still tells me today that my room, car, or myself are all cattywampus and that I should fix it. In Cherokee folklore, there is a beast which lurks at night called Ewah or wampus cat. Ewah was a woman who disguised herself in the skin of a cougar to spy on the men of the tribe. The men would sit around the campfire with their wolf brothers , and tell sacred stories on their journeys or hunting trips (Anderson). While spying on the men, she was discovered. The men took her to the tribe s medicine man/ shaman; the shaman punished her by transforming her into what she disguised herself as...half woman, half cat (Conley). Looking out of sorts, crazy, and chaotic, Ewah was enraged by her curse; she ran into the woods, never to be seen again. Supposedly Ewah still haunts the forests of East Tennessee and the edge of Carolina waiting to exact her revenge.... Show more content on ... One tale concerns a woman who lived alone in the mountains (near the Tennessee / Carolina forests). It was said that once her husband died, she never left her shack. Her whole shack was filled with stray cats; being with them for so many years she chose to become one. People of the outlying village said, under the shade of night, the witch of the mountains would turn herself into a wampus cat; she d steal the villages chickens and pigs (Anderson). From different sources throughout the villages, some say she would consume them in her feline form, and the rest say that she used the blood of the animals for her witchcraft spells and curses to bring back her
  • 46. Polar Bear Vs Polar Bears Throughout many years, our Earth s climate has changed and fluctuated many times. As of today, our climate has been increasing dramatically. This has to do with burning too many fossil fuels and creating more greenhouse gases, which make the Earth absorb more sunlight from the sun s rays. Although this is hurting humans, no one has really thought about how it is affecting the arctic animals. It has affected polar bears and their way of life. Climatechange is also affecting lemmings, and the way they use the snow to survive. The Arctic Foxhas a new competitor, the Red Fox. Climate Change is affecting the biodiversity of animals and could cause a major extinction. Polar Bears have always relied on sea ice for their main activities. They use the sea ice fro hunting, traveling, and for breeding. Scientists have found that sea ice has been melting earlier in the spring. They have also found that the time it takes for ice to form again is also taking a longer time in the fall. The problem with this is that the Polar Bears spend all their winter and spring on sea ice breeding and hunting. On the sea ice, polar bears hunt seals, in fact, that is what they mainly eat. When polar Bears consume the seals,they provide the needed fats and nutrients needed for the harsh arctic environment. If the ice is melting faster, then that means that seals won t rest on the sea ice and Polar Bears won t be able to hunt them.(NASA) In the Arctic, there is a continuous trend that seems to be
  • 47. Discourse Is A Discourse Community Discourse Communities are everywhere but we just don t realize them. You re even part of a few on a daily basis. The definition of a discourse community that was provided in the Discourse Community, article by Schmidt and Kopple states, it s a group of people who share a ways to claim, organize, communicate, and evaluate meanings . Basically it s where two or more people concentrate their attention on the same issue or idea. For example, a place where you work is a discourse community. All of the people working there have a similar style of communicating, thinking, evaluating issues, and lastly the methods they use while they re working. There is more to a discourse community than just two individuals or more sharing similar focus. A discourse community can differentiate from each other, as stated, in the article by Schmidt and Kopple saying, people from different discourse communities often differ in their fundamental beliefs about reality . Basically they are members of different discourse communities that have a disparate views on actuality. This can be influenced by member s education s, views, beliefs, and what they are concerned about as Schmidt mentioned, different discourse communities also often differ in what they study and in what they are concerned about . Which can lead to exchange in ideas between two discourse communities. Another difference that is created, focus on different aspects of the same object or general phenomenon Schmidt argues.
  • 48. Soldier s Home Soldier s Home is a short story written by Earnest Hemingway and published in 1925. One of the most compelling features of the work is its brevity and omission. Lamb notes, The short story s lack of space leads to prose that relies heavily on suggestiveness and implication, allowing the reader a greater role in bringing the narrative to life (Lamb 34). As a former journalist, Hemingway learned to write in a concise style that put the maximum information into every word, to the point of omitting information that could be inferred or discovered. In a famous 1954 interview with George Plimpton, later published in 1958, Hemingway said, I always try to write on the principle of the iceberg. There is seven eighths of it underwater for every... Show more content on ... For Hemingway and Krebs they are straightforward unintended pregnancy, shotgun marriage, illegitimacy, abortion, loss of freedom, possible death, and above all, great responsibility. Hemingway only gives us the surface of Krebs and we have to imagine what lies beneath, indeed it s possible that his war experience did not so much change him as allow him to be released from the confinement of civil society, allowing something darker to rise to the surface. In a first reading, Krebs seems to lament over the local girls, and it s only in reading more works by Hemingway and considering all the possibilities left open that we realize that Krebs is obsessed with the local girls, even as he dismisses interest in them. Because Hemingway gives us this, it s not filler, nor is it the real story, it s the superficial coating the tip of the
  • 49. Essay On Asm 34 Health And Social Care ASM 34 Administer medication to individuals, and monitor the effects There are several legislations relevant to the administration of medication in the care home. Although not expected that care staffs have detailed knowledge of the legislations, they do need to be aware of the legal difference between drugs and the legal framework that allows them to handle medicines on behalf of the service user. The Medicines Act 1968 being the umbrella and from this several amendments and legislations have been implemented. The following is a list of legislation that has a direct impact upon the handling of medication within a social care setting. The Medicines Act 1968 The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 The Misuse of Drugs (Safe Custody) ... Show more content on ... A few months ago, client FH refused his medication. His mood had deteriorated over the past few days and there were signs of him beginning to self harm. A few grazes on his arm and he had shaved the sides of his hair off. From his Behaviour Support Plan these were a few of the key signs of him having a relapse. One day FH appeared to have lost all mental capacity, his language was obscene, verbally aggressive to everyone and about everyone and he totally refused all medication. I telephoned his previous placement, a hospital, and spoke with a Mental Health Nurse who knew him very well. The Nurse agreed with me that FH was in a downward spiral of no return and it was imperative that he take his medication or he will need hospitalisation again. The plan was that if FH did not take medication by the following morning that the assessment team from the hospital would visit and try to speak with him. I shared this information with the night staff, left contact numbers and names and the Nurse was called the following morning. From that day, FH has not refused his medication. I feel that he would often like to but instead mutters to himself that he does not want to go back to that hospital. I console him but smiling and telling him that he is doing very well and the tablets keep him well and out of the hospital. During the time of FH s refusal, this was accurately recorded on the
  • 50. Cancer Research Persuasive Essay Thank you for all you have done for supporting research, training, and other activities related to the cancer treatment. With this letter of inquiry, we invite you to support our related work in cancer research. St. Jude Children s Research Hospital is a nonprofit medical hospital focused on treatment and research of children s catastrophic illness founded in 1962. We have treated children from the whole nation and around the world. We served more than 60,000 patients each year. Our patient families never receive a bill from us because we believe that the only thing a family should worry about is helping their child live. Treatment invented in St. Jude has pushed the overall survival rate for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) which is the major childhood cancer disease increased from 4% in 1962 to 94% today. With the development of medication, majority of childhood ALL patients could be cured. However, some of children are cured with serious adverse effects, and some children could not even be cured with current therapy. Why there is such variation among ALL patients? One possible mechanism underlying the variability in childhood ALL patients response to anti leukemia medications involves gene polymorphisms. Gene polymorphisms partly accounts for the reason why childhood... Show more content on ... Therefore we have initiated a project Pharmacogenomic tests for ALL children to implement array based pharmacogenomic tests into routine clinical practice. We will evaluate scientific evidence and select the test into patient clinical tests if there is a strong evidence shows that the test result can help doctor to prescribe drugs for patients better. This project was designed by members of our board and research scientists, medical doctors, and our collaborators from Cincinnati Children s Hospital Medical Center and Massachusetts General
  • 51. The Egyptian Corporate Responsibility Center According to ECRC, corporate social responsibility in Egypt is defined as the adoption of sustainable business models and practices that have positive impacts on the society. The private sector in Egypt is responsible for creating about 70% of all employment in the country. However, there is room for the private sector to improve its social offerings to the society in general through corporate social responsibility. The Egyptian corporate responsibility center (ECRC) was established in the year 2004 as a joint project between the United Nations development program and the Egyptian government (Grayson and Jane, 71). The main aim of the ECRC is to ensure that both private and public companies align their social responsibility programs for the greatest benefits to the Egyptian citizens. It is important to note that in Egypt private organizations and NGOs mainly conduct CSR activities. It is the responsibility of the Egyptian government to provide basic services to the population. The country aimed to meet the millennium development goals by the year 2015. It was clear right from the beginning that government and civil organizations would not be able to meet these goals on their own. The private sector would have to play an important role in ensuring that these goals were met. In addition to providing employment to about 70% of the population, the private sector would also have to shoulder some projects in improving the lives of the population. The establishment of the ECRC
  • 52. Coaching and Mentoring Organizations nowadays are not free of the burden of their employees making costly mistakes. Should they fall behind schedule on a particular project or if their current skills are not sufficient enough to compensate for an adjustment that is needed by a client that the company is servicing, then either the company will waste an opportunity or it will suffer a loss because their employees were not well equipped to handle specific situations. And because of this, mentoring and coachinghave become a very strategic manner in which organizations train and manage their employees. In such a setting, the atmosphere is more personal as opposed to a seminar and it is quite helpful as some cases have attested to it. The goal of mentoring is to be... Show more content on ... This will address the specificity of the issues that he or she needs to be coached at. The process of mentoring offers the right venue wherein both worker and manager are able to offer specific information to one another so that they will be able to mutually advance on their own. A perfect example for this is that the younger generation may be able to help baby boomers help out with their marketing strategies regarding the marketing trend that the newer generation is currently adopting or help may also come in the form of helping them with technical skills that are needed in today s fast paced economy. As a manager or a supervisor, it is imperative that coaching or mentoring becomes part of a company s policy because it offers the chance of improving the quality of service that an employee gives, thus improving the quality of service that a company gives. The end goal of ultimately addressing the bigger picture may come from successfully mentoring a particular employee but in and of itself, coaching and mentoring has its rewards already present. The coaching or mentoring that an individual gets gives rise to a two way benefit that can only come from a successful mentoring program and a well equipped mentor. References
  • 53. Target s Global Strategy Essay To support its global operations Target has created an extensive, highly intricate distribution network consisting of multiple supply chains. The complexity of the system has led to difficulties in maintaining fully stocked shelves. As a result of stockouts, Target is losing sales to patrons seeking items not on the shelves, thereby hindering growth.. Further exacerbating the stockout dilemma is Target s poor integration amongst its e commerce platform and its brick and mortar stores. Additionally, Target s over reliance on external distributors and outside wholesalers further increases the risk of stockout scenarios. In an attempt to further increase sales and combat the effects of stockouts the following four solutions have been investigated... Show more content on ... Target has built its retail brand as a variety store by making its mission to provide consumers with a wide range of consumer goods while at competitive prices. Target operates in the market defined by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code 452112, Discount Department Stores (IBIS World, 2018). According to the 2017 Annual Report, Target generated nearly $72B in revenues during fiscal year 2017 and net earnings of nearly $3B (2018). Target boasts the tagline, Expect More, Pay Less. This tagline captures the intended purpose and core beliefs of the company. Target s company website offers added insight into this purpose by offering that, Friendly service from team members ready to assist with your list; fully stocked products and a speedy checkout process; innovative digital experiences that take your trip to the next level and that s just the start (Purpose and Beliefs, 2018). Emphasis was intended on the italicised portion of that quote with good reason. A robust supply chain is needed in order to ensure that shelves stay fully stocked. Therein lies the major operations battle which Target, like its competitors, Walmart and Costco, to name a couple, must perfect in order to achieve a competitive
  • 54. Militancy in Yemen The militant groups related to al Qaeda have gained considerable strength in the southern region of Yemen. These militant groups are reported to be stronger than the country s military, and this can be seen from the level of the expansion made by the militancy. During his regime, Ali Abdullah Saleh described Yemen as an island in a sea of al Qaeda(Raghavan). In late February of 2012, a regime change happened in Yemen as Saleh stepped down from the presidency, and Hadi was elected the new president in a one candidate election. In the midst of the Arab Spring movement to the transfer of power from Saleh to Hadi and the present situations in Yemen, the Islamist militantgroups have garnered greater control over some of the state s southern ... Show more content on ... All this has been handed down by the last president of Yemen, Saleh. There is some parallelism that exists between the rise of economic problems and the rise of support for militant groups in several Muslim nations. This is because non affordability, starvation, and preoccupation about the future, may lead some to join or support the cause of the militant groups. Since there are a lot of institutional weaknesses in Yemen, its people can be swayed towards the opinions of these so called Sharia following groups. For example, aside from the Abyan province, the al Qaeda militant groups expanded to the neighboring province of Shabwa. Over there, the militant groups, i.e. Ansar al Sharia, have succeeded in implementing stricter codes of Islamic law (Raghavan). Their expansion and success in implementing Sharia shows that they must have established institutions that enforce the Sharia. This is possible in a state as weak as Yemen, because its state controlled institutions lack effectiveness and efficiency due to the corruption of the government under Saleh. The militant groups discovered their opportunistic moment to spread during the Arab Spring movement to the political transition in Yemen. The protests and international support against Saleh s corrupt and ineffective regime resulted in his deposition. Despite being granted immunity, tensions between the loyals of Saleh, the