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Essay About Education Is Important
Writing an essay on the significance of education might seem like a straightforward task at first
glance, but delving deeper reveals its complexity. The challenge lies not in simply stating that
education is important, but in crafting a compelling argument supported by evidence and critical
Firstly, education is a multifaceted concept encompassing various aspects such as formal
schooling, informal learning, and lifelong learning. Narrowing down the focus of the essay while
still addressing the breadth of this topic requires careful consideration.
Furthermore, one must navigate through a plethora of research studies, scholarly articles, and
statistical data to substantiate the claims made within the essay. This demands both time and
expertise in conducting thorough research and synthesizing information effectively.
Moreover, addressing the importance of education necessitates grappling with societal,
economic, and individual implications. The essay must explore how education influences not
only personal development but also societal progress, economic prosperity, and the cultivation of
critical thinking skills essential for navigating an increasingly complex world.
Crafting a compelling narrative that engages the reader while conveying the significance of
education requires finesse in language and structure. Balancing between being informative and
persuasive without being overly didactic is crucial to maintaining the essay's effectiveness.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the importance of education is a challenging endeavor that
requires meticulous planning, extensive research, critical thinking, and adept writing skills.
However, the reward lies in elucidating a topic that holds profound significance for individuals
and societies alike.
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Essay About Education Is Important Essay About Education Is Important
Rhetorical Analysis On Modern America
Modern America has a problem, which unfortunately consists of American s placing
more value on unimportant issues. This problematic lifestyle is the focus of the
essay. In this essay she addresses her audience of Americans and reminds them that
we should do activities that we have a passion for and never let it go. With an array
of rhetorical devices such as repetition and similes, she effectively persuades the
She uses similes in the essay like this one to help the audience to not give up on
something so easily the man could in no way pry the tiny weasel off, and he had to
walk half a mile to water, the weasel dangling from his palm, and soak him off like a
stubborn label. This simile is effective because it helps form an image
The Portrayal Of The Future In The Twilight Zone By Rod...
The portrayal of the future has always been a common theme in TV shows and is
influenced by various political and social issues during the time each show is
produced. The Twilight Zone was a science fiction TV series created by Rod Serling
in 1960s that depicted the occurrence of paranormal or futuristic events. Before each
episode, Serling describes The Twilight Zoneas a fifth dimension as large as space
with no essence of time. He calls it the middle ground between light and shadow,
between scienceand superstition, lying between man s fears and his own knowledge.
Serling used his TV show to incorporate his views on social and political issues. Rod
Serlingfought against large TV networks that attempted to censor his work that
sometimes... Show more content on ...
Terry Decker landing his WWI bi plane on an American airfield in France . Decker
believes that the date is March 5, 1917, but is surprised when Major Wilson
informs him that it is March 5, 1959. Decker is shocked by how advanced the
American base is, with larger aircraft towering over his small plane. General
Harper and Major Wilson note Decker s clothing and believe that he is part of a
nearby airshow. Decker attempts to convince them he is from 1917 and argues
that he and Captain MacKaye were fighting German pilots when MacKaye was
overwhelmed and Decker was swallowed like a vacuum inside a cloud, but Harper
and Wilson inform him that MacKaye is on his way to the air field. Decker reveals
that he did not live up to his reputation and was a coward on the battlefield. He
reveals that he actually left MacKaye to die and flew into the cloud to run away
from combat; He also confesses that he sometimes considered giving up and
landing behind enemy lines. Decker is unable to comprehend that MacKaye is
still alive and believes that he must go back to 1917 in order to save MacKaye and
allow for the meeting to take place in 1959. While Decker is running to his plane,
viewers are able to catch a glimpse of how advanced the American base is with
departing fighter jets and futuristic helicopters landing in contrast to how primitive
Decker s plane is. The Last Flight was influenced by the race for air superiority
between the Soviet Union and US and the belief that air superiority coincided with
national security. The portrayal of the American airbase as being a superior air force
with advanced technology than that of the British and French also supports the
argument of air superiority being a priority during those times. Decker s stance on
war echoed the growing public anti war sentiment that was prevalent in the United
States during the Vietnam War . This anti Vietnam sentiment grew from a newly
vocal youth culture in the 1960s that
Lab Report On The Bacteria
The primary goal of this lab was to notice the bacteria growth in each tube/plates and
to be able to properly inoculated the media to get a good result.
4 Nutrient Broths
4 Agar Slants
4 Agar Deeps
4 Petri Dish
1 loop and needle
Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus Samples
1.Label all of the tubes and petri dishes with the name of the bacteria and my lab
partner and I initial, but leave one of each media as a control and label it with the
letter C.
2.Sterilize loop or needle
3.Using the loop grab a sample of B.S and streak it onto the first plate. Second plate
and third plate you repeat the same steps, but instead using one for E.C. and the other
one for S.A.
4.For the three nutrient broth you first sterilize the loop and grab a sample of B.S
and inoculated by spinning it in a circular motion inside the tube and then repeat the
same method for the other two bacteria.
5.The next thing is to grab your Agar slant tube, sterilize the loop, take a sample of
B.S and inoculate it inside the tube and gently do a snakelike motion from bottom to
the top. Repeat the steps for the other bacteria.
6.Lastly, for the Agar deep, sterilize the needle, grab a sample of B.S and inoculated
it by simply pushing the needle straight down about three quarters and then slowly
bring the needle out. Repeat the same steps for the other two bacteria.
7.Inoculate the media s in 35oC until the next lab period.
Analysis Of Acid Test By Tom Shroder
Try new things has always been an important saying to me. If you never venture
outside of your comfort zone, you might never realize how much something could
positively impact your life. That being said, I strongly agree with Ralph Waldo
Emerson s statement, Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already
mastered, you will never grow. Emerson s statement relates to modern day science. In
the book Acid Test by Tom Shroder, the author informs the reader on the use of
psychedelic drugs, such as LSD and psilocybin, to treat mental illness. With the
population s intense adversity to the use of these drugs, testing of this theory has been
made incredibly difficult. However, in the tests that have been executed, these drugs
The Influence Of Gender In Elizabeth I s Rule Of England
Power and ascension to a throne always comes with a price as many have opposing
views due to tradition, religion, and values. After Henry VIII s rule of England
came to an end with his death, a struggle of power was imposed, as his three
children would later succeed him as rulers to impact England. Primogeniture
allowed Edward VI to rule, but after his death, older sister Mary I claimed the
throne. Lastly Elizabeth I claimed the throne as the last Tudor monarch and in the
long run, bringing success and a golden age of England with her. With Elizabeth s
rise to the throne, ruling from 1558 1603, came strong influences of gender on her
reign and affected her responses to them. Religious figures and followers saw a
woman political ruler as unholy,... Show more content on ...
Elizabeth would later respond to these influences of gender on her political reign
(that a woman wouldn t and couldn t rule effectively) with showing her power,
right to rule, and devout loyalty to her country. Religious opposition was strong
during Elizabeth s rule as the Church and its followers held close to their religious
values that women were inferior, could never be placed in a head position, let
alone in a clerical position. John Knox, a Scottish religious reformer shows his
opinions in his First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of
Women (doc1). The title directly shows Knox s disapproval of women rulers
calling their rule as monstrous or atrocious. Knox s view could be biased as it was
written in 1558 just as Elizabeth rose to the throne after the rule of her sister, Mary
I, who imposed and brought back Catholicism. Knox was a protestant reformer and
clerical member, who studied under Calvin, most likely saw Mary I as a horrible
ruler (she favored Catholicism unlike Knox), and probably thought Elizabeth would
continue on with forcing Catholicism, like her sister. He
Theme Of Female Autonomy In Beowulf
Does the poet use the female characters in Beowulf to reinforce the limits of female
In regard to female autonomy and Beowulf, it cannot be ignored that many of the
women portrayed in the poem were acting as expected of them in the time period, or
alternatively acting against it. The two main examples of this within Beowulf are the
characters of Wealtheow and Grendel s mother. Both of these women highlight how
this society impacts and limits female autonomy, but both women seemingly went
down different life paths and here I will examine how this relates to how female
autonomy in this world has impacted them. Wealtheow and Grendel s mother are
arguably the two most important female characters in Beowulf, and out of all the
women in ... Show more content on ...
While I only focused on two women in particular, there are many other instances of
women within Beowulf being literally sold off, being pushed to the side and
remaining quiet and letting the men of the society rule. The characters of
Wealtheow and Grendel s mother are two sides of a coin, with one living as a
queen but not really existing or forging her own values, and the other being shunned
for rejecting the patriarchal attitudes and finding her own rules to abide by. But yet,
both of these characters provided enough information on the society to highlight the
gross inequality that women or female figures at this time felt despite having only
minor parts in the life of the hero Beowulf, and to him (and all the other men)
neither of these women were more than a small blip on his radar. This subconscious
disregard of femininity on both Beowulf s and the entire society s part only serves to
limit the autonomy of the females who existed alongside them and to highlight my
points of how it
The Depletion Of The Bee Population
While often only appreciated for their honey, honeybees are responsible for
pollinating about one third of the food that the human population consumes. Bees
provide us with fruits, berries, nuts, vegetables, coffee, and so much more. This is
why the depletion of the bee population beginning in 2006 was, and as it continues,
so concerning. The term Colony Collapse Disorder refers to a phenomenon in which
worker bees vanish from the hive, leaving the queen and larvae unattended, and thus
the bee colony ceases to function and collapses. This is happening throughout the
United States at an alarming rate, and while one distinct cause for CCD has yet to be
found, scientists have narrowed it down to a few possible reasons.
Honeybees are social insects that live in eusocial communities in which the bees
partake in complex activities and live in well organized groups. There are three types
of bees that exist within the hive: the queen, the drone, and the worker. Each colony
has one queen bee, whose primary function is reproduction. She also produces
pheremones which represses the ovarian development in the worker bees which
unifies the colony and maintains her position as queen, until a new one takes over.
Drones are the male bees of the colony, and their sole purpose within the hive is for
reproduction. Worker bees perform all of the duties to maintain the hive, including
building cells, care for and feed the young, care for the queen, handle nectar to
produce honey, and guard the
The Death Of An Apartment Door Essay
The escalating sounds of frenzied footsteps and shrieks had begun to frighten me,
as I was walking to my friend s home. Out of nowhere, my eyes started to burn and
a hysterical cough overwhelmed my entire body. I had lost complete awareness of
my surroundings. The oxygen fleeing my body with every cough left me in a state
of terror. A faded figure wrapped their arm around me and assisted me into the lobby
of an apartmentbuilding. As I partially regained my consciousness, an overlapping
group of voices said, Iyi misin? , Are you okay? in Turkish. I nodded out of habit,
although all I could think about was when my cough was going to cease. Forcing my
eyelids fully open, I saw two distinct figures; a manwith a torn piece of cloth
wrapped around his head, whom I presumed helped get me off the street, and a
concerned young woman awaiting outside an apartment door. A mid aged woman
rushed out of the apartment towards me, with her hands full. She leaned over my
head and gently poured milk over my face, assuring me that I was going to feel
better. I enjoyed the soothing sensation all over my face, though it was brief. Then,
the woman begun squeezing lemon juice onto a white cloth, and told me to breathe
into it. After a short while, my mind had been freed from captivity of the tear gas,
and I came to an inspiring realization. These strangers had helped me without
question. At the time, it did not matter to them who I was, where I was from or what
beliefs I held. They most likely
Elderly Driving Test
Elders are great people, but their driving skill may not be too great. Elders should
take a driving test every year, for one reason there would be a decrease in car
accidents. Many people have been killed by the lack of the elderly peoples driving
skills, also because elders should be reminded how to drive because of their fragile
One reason elderly people should have to take a driving test every year is because
there will be a decrease in car accidents, also because there will be less elder related
car accidents. And the elders will be able to learn how to stop elder related car
accidents. Also people will be able to stop elder related car accidents before they even
occur. And fifty eight percent of car accidents are caused by accidents on the road,
and elders taking a driving test every year will help that percentage. Family of elders
want their family to stay safe and will encourage them to learn how to drive better.
And families of elders can help by encouraging people to make a law saying elders
should be required to take a driving test every year. ... Show more content on ...
One reason people have been accidently killed by elderly people is because elders
get easily distracted by what other drivers are doing. Another reason people have
been killed or injured by elders is that a pedestrian will cross and to think fast the
elder will mistake the gas for the brake. And some elderly people will get too
caught up on what other drivers are doing and pay less attention to what they are
doing. People have also been killed by the elderly because many elders have not
taken a driving test in many years and should be reminded how to drive. Lastly,
driving expectations may have changed from when they have learned how to
Analyzing Climate Change
Climate change has become one of the most important issues on the global political
agenda. This is largely due to the fact that the developments that influence climate
change also impact the way in which life is conducted at local, regional, national, and
global level.
The present paper aims to analyze climate change from a general perspective with due
consideration for aspects that eventually define climate change as an essential
challenge as well as for humanity in its entirety and for the individual as a single
element of society.
The first part of the research provides background information on what climate
change is, what are its most important constituent elements, and what are its
implications. Climate change represents in essence a global challenge that can only
be tackled at the global level. This is why it is important to consider the views and
perspectives of global organizations such as the United Nations, through the United
Nations Environment Program among other organisms under the coordination of the
United Nations. Climate change has been at the center of vivid debates in recent
decades particularly because it affects all strata of human life, from food supplies to
education, health, and sustainable development. Its complex impact on human life
makes climate change an all the more important aspect to be taken into account by
policy makers, world leaders, and decision takers around the world.
The second part of the research focuses on the initiatives
Similarities Between Mormonism And Rastafarians
Religion as a collective is constantly moving, changing, evolving. With the
introduction of New Religious Movements, pluralism, globalization and glocalization,
interfaith initiatives it seems safe to say that religion will forever remain fluid and
changing, as faiths adapt to culture, society, and the needs of their followers they will
not die out. I believe that Mormonism and Rastafarians show this with great
While both Rastafarians and Mormonism share a good amount of similar thoughts,
they also cater to very separate demographics. I realize in writing that statement how
counterintuitive it sounds, thus, first we will explore how Rastafi and Mormons are
similar in their faiths.
Both the Mormon and Rastafarian movements cater to very specific demographics.
Mormonism caters to those who believe that the Christian Church lost it s way after
the death of Christ, and restore what the Mormons consider true Christianity, as
opposed to apostasy (abandonment of principles) which they feel characterizes the
Christian churches. (1) While Rastafari caters to an ethnic group that has
experienced severe oppression at the hands of Babylon , they intend to revive the
Way of the Ancients, their concept of the lost civilization of precolonial Africa, and
to free people of African extraction from subservience. (2) ... Show more content on ...
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Treadmills
People around the world are looking for the best treadmill brands that can be used
for home. Treadmills are devices or work out machines that make the user walk
while staying at the same place. Users can also run on these machines as fast as they
want to. Treadmills are great machines that can improve one s stamina and speed.
Some people also use these machines to train animals such as dogs and horses. The
treadmillwas introduced even before the experts developed the power machine. The
idea of the power machine came from manpower operated mills that used people and
animals to make it run. These mills were operated by animals such as horse,
donkeys, and cow that grinded the grain to make flour out of it.
Now, people are using treadmills as workout machines or exercise machines that
would keep them in shape or increase their power. A treadmill has a platform that is
covered with belt that spins around when the user runs or walks on top of the
machine. There are also treadmills ... Show more content on ...
They give their customers the innovation and quality experience that their customers
need. ProForm is one of the Companies that revolutionize the treadmill industry with
its unique designs and quality. They also manufactured the world s famous fold away
design. All of their products are made fro the advance reliability, cushioning and
electronics that overwhelm the fitness choice of many work out enthusiasts around
the world. But they are not yet satisfied of their treadmills that they produce. They
still want to improve the design and quality of the treadmills that they manufacture.
ProForm treadmills are one of the best brands available around the world. They have
provided many people with their innovated designs that give the customers the work
out experience that they have never had. Their products are also cheap but very
useful. Many people have tested and proven their
Cultural Factors In Canada
Canada is considered one of the greatest countries to live in according to the World
Happiness Report 2015. This is represented through the quality of life of the people,
the economic development, the landforms, and many more factors. Since Canada is
multicultural it has many influences from many countries, mainly America, that it is
difficult to show the distinct culture of Canadaas a country. Americanism not only
affected Canada, but also many other smaller countries since America own most of
the multi national corporations such as McDonald s. Some factors that make Canada
a distinct country are bilingualism, the Aboriginal people, and its symbols that
represents Canada. Multiculturalismaffects Canada s identity to shine and show
Canada s... Show more content on ...
This means Canada accepts many immigrants from different parts of the world. These
people come to Canada with different languages, cultures, motivations, and other
backgrounds. Some even establish their own country s restaurant or something
related to their background. As many people of the same background comes to
Canada, there are many events related to them and Canada shows importance to those
events. For example, Chinese people are one of the largest population. In Canada,
people celebrate the Chinese new year in school, there is Chinatown, people respect
the fact that Chinese are allow to bring traditional food to school, and many more.
This diverse population in Canada makes people interested into different cultures.
Their common knowledge of other country s products, events and many more
information will develop according to their relationship with one another. For
example, most Canadians would recognize Sushi as a japanese food or it contains
seaweed. This is because of the knowledge learned from one another through news,
communication, and the relationship with one another. Multiculturalism excludes
racism and lack of human rights. As more immigrants come to Canada there will be
more cultures which is an advantage and also a disadvantage to Canada because it
overlaps Canada s true culture to the fact that many people in Canada does not know
what is the actual Canadian culture. Most of all, Americanism has affected not only
Canada but many other countries as well. This is due to more business and trade
since America owns most of the multi national corporations. People believe that the
American culture and the Canadian culture has no differences, these people are called
the Continentalists. Canada has many branches of American companies such as
McDonalds , Starbucks, Wendy s, and many more other companies. On the other
hand, the Nationalists thinks that Canada itself has it own distinct culture and
The Man In The Dead Machine Summary
In the poem The Man in the Dead Machine, Donald Hall uses vivid imagery and
alternative scenarios to emphasize the sheer overwhelming specter of death that
loomed over those serving in the greatest conflict known to man. The hook that Hall
uses to initially provoke the readers interest is the mentioning of the Grumman
Hellcat, a fighter plane used by Americans in World War II. Specifying the model of
the fighter plane allows the reader to be knowledgeable about the setting of the poem.
The meaning of this poem focuses on the destructivity wartime causes on the life of
those in service. The main focal point Hall emphasizes throughout his poem is the
uncertainty of life and death. However, other important targets of this poem are
suicide... Show more content on ...
Throughout this poem there are multiple ways Hall connects the poem to its core
meaning. Located within the title, the word dead is used to describe the machine.
Being dead is the ultimate end of a life and that uncertainty of death sparks fear
among many people. The inclusion of this certain word is used to set the tone of
the poem as dark and gloomy and obtain the readers interest. Another method used
by Hall to convey the theme of death was through imagery. The entire second
stanza is a description of the pilot s skeleton strapped within the crashed plane.
Having such a graphic image portrayed, Hall is able to essentially shock his reader
with the gruesomeness that death produces. One of the last things the reader may
decipher from this poem is that life, just like war, is a trap. Within the third stanza,
the pilot is said to be taking a train to work and is held/ by the firm webbing of the
train. The webbing infers that the pilot, although not trapped in his plane, is
trapped in the roles put forth by society. Throughout Halls poem, many different
ideas and topics can be deduced but the uncertainty of life and death stands out as
the main focal point. To emphasize the fragileness of life and death, Hall begins the
poem with a story of death and in the last stanza switches his perspective to the
possible life the pilot could have had if he survived. A topic vaguely brought up in
this poem would be
Japan Cultural Influences
Japan Japan would have to be one of the most pulchritudinous country in Asia.
Japan is 377962 km2 of beauty. The 127 million (as of 2016) people who live there
could tell you one different thing they love about Japan. Whether it be their
culture, language, their yen currency or their four main islands. Cultural
Influences Japan is full of diverse people, music, food, religion, art, languages,
clothing, customs, games and festivals. However, they all come together to make
Japan as we know it. Which has influenced almost every country on Earth to have a
little or a lot of their lifestyle Japanese Every region in Japan has their own
celebrations/festivals but also celebrate the same as other regions. Some of the
biggest are Gion Matsuri (Kyoto), Awa Odori (Tokushima), Kanda Matsuri
(Tokyo, Yuki Matsuri, Snow Festival (Sapporo), Nebuta Matsuri (Aomori). Kyoto,
Tokushima, Sapporo and Aomori are the four main island of Japan. In some
countries, these festivals/celebrations are celebrated as well. Japanese food is one
of the most widely eaten food in the world and is a very large employer in Japan.
Walking down the streets in Japan you can smell the delicious meals cooking from
the many restaurants and the sellers at the fish markets yelling for you to come
and buy. The fish market industry in Japan employs over 65000 people. Fish
Markets don t only sell fish but all types of seafood. From little agricultural land
Japan imports a lot of their food, for example, 90% of Japans beef comes from
Australia. Japan is also known for having the deadliest meal on the planet, nugashi
fuku. Another world wide Japanese delicacy is Sushi. Sushi consists of seaweed,
rice, vegetables and fish. Tea is also a world wide favourite from Japan. Many
forms of music, art and poetry come from ancient and current Japan. Such as
Origami paper folding, Ikebana flower arranging ( very strict rules ), Manga a type
of comic book read by children and adults often made into animated cartoons ( called
anime ), Bunraku ВЅ life sized puppets. One is controlled by 3 puppeteers Haikus a
form of poetry, usually about nature consists of three lines of 5 syllables, 7 syllables
then 5 syllables. Karaoke is a world phenomenon which
Independent Film Industries Reinforce The Global...
Independent Film Industries Reinforce The Global Construction Of The Hybrid Genre
Almost every country has its own film industry. Films are being produced across
the world, from the low budget gangster films of Britain s Lock Stock and Two
Smoking Barrels and Australia s Chopper to the French art cinema of L aventura
and the German action offering of Run Lola Run . This is of course to exclude
America. Hollywood is the center of the global film industry and it can be considered
impossible to gain international superstardom without passing through its coiffured
gates. What is it that separates Hollywood from the rest of the world? Is Hollywood
the culmination of international filmic ... Show more content on ...
This Saussurian[2] idea, that meaning of one thing can change by its surrounding
text, can be identified within the Romantic Comedy genre. In British RomComs
such as Jack and Sarah a grainy filter is used on the camera to add a gritty realism
and lead characters are often faulted and possibly not as beautiful as their
Hollywood counterparts in, say, Jerry Maguire where glossy superstars who are
destined to be together discover their love in expensive settings, such as the recreated
American Football game in Jerry Maguire . These differing conventions from
separate film industries are still considered part of the RomCom genre.
A possible explanation of this could be their different target audiences. British
audiences can relate to clumsy, embarrassed lead characters falling in love in the rain
as this is considered typically British . Such stereotypes reveal the structuralist nature
of society. Balanced narratives and order do not exist in real life. In the same vein,
nationality does not dictate personality. Yet media has developed such indexical
representations i.e. clumsy is a sign of British (Hugh Grant in Four Weddings and a
Funeral and Notting Hill ), and implanted them in film. These intrinsic meanings, as
Bazin[3] articulated, allow for rapid communication of meaning. Equally, the
American audience has an array of TV channels, including the big budget
Should Quebec (or Other Provinces) Separate From
Should Quebec (or other provinces) Separate From Canada In Order To Best Protect
Its Constitutional Rights?
In my opinion, all provinces in Canada, including Quebec should not separate.
Quebec has been one of the provinces of Canada for a long period of time. Most
people in the world view that it is one of the component in Canada.
French Canadian and English Canadian seem to live together peacefully without
conflict, even many people with different cultures and languages come to Canada in
recent years. I thick Quebec has no reason to become independence from a
multicultural nation.
Some people who agree Quebec to separate state that separation can protect their
French culture and language. I think it is an unacceptable reason in a ... Show more
content on ...
Quebec separation is also a morality problem. In fact, it is part of Canada.
People in a nation are like brothers and sisters, they should help and protect each
other. If Quebec separates, it will act like one of the family members leave the
family and no longer maintains his last name. Nobody wishes to have this happens in
his family.
Beside, identity of a nation is very important. It makes difference between country
and country. People in the world know that Canada is mainly formed by
French Canadian and English Canadian, and it has bilingual and muiltcultural culture.
Most French Canadian lives in Quebec. If Canada loses Quebec, the
French Canadian culture will surly be lost. If there is no French Canadian culture,
then the identity of bilingual will no longer need. Multiculturalism will no longer
support by the French culture. Canada will hurt a lot because it loses one of the most
special identities.
Canada, including Quebec belong to every Canadian, not only the Quebecers.
Every Canadian should have the right to determine Quebec should leave or stay.
It is normal in a democratic country and government should respect to what the
citizens say. In Canada, only 22% of people agree that Quebec should separate, as
well as 27% in Alberta. By these percentages, we can see that most people disagree
Quebec to separate. Moreover, 80% people in Alberta oppose letting a separate
Quebec use the Canadian money dollar, and 69% against letting Quebecers
The Pros And Cons Of Analogue Versus Digital
Get a group of recording engineers together, and sooner or later the conversation will
turn to a discussion (probably quickly escalating to an argument) about analogue
warmth and how things sounded so much better BD (Before Digital) and even
engineers and musicians who ve never worked in earnest with all‑analogue
systems (digital having become mainstream as far back as the 1980s) seem keen to
bring this perceived warmth into their productions.
What Is Analogue Warmth?
Not everyone has had first‑hand experience of magnetic tape recording and other
analogue recording technology, of course, but we ve all heard and admired the vast
back catalogue of classic records made using this technology from the 1950s onwards.
There are many factors that combine to create character in recordings, ranging from
instruments, musicians and performances, through the rooms and mics used, to the ...
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A lot of the early digital gear certainly didn t live up to the hype that surrounded it,
but understanding and technology have come on in leaps and bounds since then, and
to my mind digital recording systems can now deliver pretty much all that was once
promised: a near‑perfect recording medium that gives back exactly what was
That s great in some circumstances, but it s not always what we want: in many
cases, the technical limitations and imperfections of analogue systems have become
an integral part of the quality of the recorded sounds that we all grew up with and
the end result is perceived by many people as being more pleasing than we can easily
achieve today with all‑digital recording chains. Further than that, some of the
sounds resulting from abuse of analogue gear have become recognised effects in their
own right (tube overdrive and tape saturation being obvious
Santiago Code Hero
In Santiago, the central character of The old man and The sea, Ernest Hemingway
created a code hero who personified courage. Friendship is the hardest thing in the
world to explain. It s not something you learn in school But if you haven t learned the
meaning of friendship you haven t really learn anything . Muhammed Ali.In the
book, The old man and The seathe author Ernest Hemingwayshows Santiago to be a
strong independent man, kind hearted and friendly. Even though Santiago body is
beaten up he stays up to not let Manolin down and to prove to everyone he can do
it. Santiago strength is being said throughout the whole story.Knowing that he got
back to the store with his body beaten up from left to right and with no fish meat
shows that he has a lot of strength. Santiago unfortunately was unprepared for his
long war. He was suppose to only stay for one day that s it. Throughout this war
Santiago pride and strength stayed up. He never let his pride go or his strength
weaken .Santiago was a man, even in his old age he still showed the same... Show
more content on ...
In Hemingway s The old man and The sea, Santiago was example of friendship when
he shows how Manolin was, stress and sad about the fact that Santiago has not return
back when he went out fishing that morning and didn t come back that day but what
Manolin did when Santiago finally returned showed it all.
It tells us that Manolin and Santiago friendship is so loyal that when Santiago finally
return Manolin was in tears thinking that he had lost him forever. Manolin was there
for him through his recovery, getting him what he needed.Code hero really fits
Santiago character because he truly made a big impact in Manolin life. Being a
friend and teaching him how to fish and being a hero and staying strong through his
hard time in the sea those couples
Laboratory Information Management System ( Lims )
Laboratory information management system (LIMS) is a software system that leads
records and reserves data for laboratories. It sends laboratory test orders to laboratory
materials, tracking its responsible and records the results to a searchable database.
Also LIMS supports the operations of public health organizations such as hospitals
and clinics.
Data tracking support
Customer data
Data exchange
Data exchange interfaces
Electronic documents management
Quality control
Data storage
Barcode handling
LIMS helps improve the workflow which relates to project result criteria and
automatically line samples for inferior screens which forms associated apparatus,
samples and specialist. The users control workloads by the apparatus or specialist for
this procedure and identifying the tests to increase more the workflow.
LIMS uses data exchange to transmit the results for doctors; laboratories; sample
processing to find out the disease. The barcodes are included on the reports or results
which they are tracked. Also uses a logbook perception to be able to enter, renew,
observing samples, test results and maintain notes easier. Automatic devices send
diagnostic data to LIMS, not manually to avoid the entrance of large amounts of data
such as organics, metals that would disrupt the results. The manual data do not use
this procedure due to its characteristics.
I work in a biomedical laboratory and waiting to receive samples from a clinic and
need to send
The Importance Of Security In School Security
Identification and exploration of need
I aim to design a simple system to implement into the schools existing security as at
the moment it is very easy for people to enter and exit the school both in and out of
school hours.Also with incidents involving the school poorly set up security system
makes more of a need for an update the current one.Although it is a bad thing be so
open it also does have the benefit of allowing staff and students to leave when
allowed but also allowing them to leave without permission.Having a stricter system
may slow down the process of people exiting and entering the school legitimately
Areas of investigation
Areas i believe need to be investigated
How often staff or students leave the school with permission within school hours ?
Is it a danger not having it ?
Consideration of design factors
Criteria to evaluate success
The success of this design will be assessed from the function and ergonomics of this
design as it needs to function and solve the problem of the lack of security currently,
yet whilst stricting the security make sure people that are trying to leave and enter
the school properly can do so.Meaning that the system will be deemed successful if
it is aesthetically pleasing and welcoming to students and and the community yet
have a distinct look that will deter unwanted people. Also it will need to perform the
the task of keeping people inside the school safe and the schools property safe as well
Time and action plan
Term 2
The Best Practices Diversity Management And How Do
Olaitan Okusaga HRM 350 Cross Cultural Communication Essay Dec 29, 2014
Topic: What are some of the best practices in diversity management and how do
they improve organizational performance? Introduction As we enter the new phase
of modern labor, diversity in the workforce is rapidly increasing. This wave of
multiculturalism is here to stay and cannot be ignored by the present workers or
students that are preparing to take charge of the future workforce. It is in need of
attention in order to uphold the well being and success of businesses and
organizations all over the world. Diversity The overall globalization of businesses
has changed our world greatly in the last couple of years. One of the very vital
concepts globalization has brought us is diversity in the workplace. Diversity
covers differences in gender, age, language, background, ethnic background, sexual
orientation, and religious believes. It can also be said, that diversity refers to the
other ways in which the members of a community are different (Webster Dictionary).
Managing Diversity Working with people from very different backgrounds can be
very difficult and challenging, especially when one is the manager of a diverse
organization and staff Managing diversity aims at providing employees with
backgrounds, needs, and skill sets that may vary widely with the opportunity to
engage with the company and their co workers in a manner that produces an optimal
work environment and the best
Introduction To Chemistry, A Natural Science, And Social...
The subjects for this study will be undergraduate students enrolled in either
Introduction to Chemistry, a natural science, or General Psychology, a social
science, at the University of Arkansas in Spring 2018. Students will enroll in
courses based on their own academic preferences. These courses are both scheduled
for 50 minute discussion sections that meet two days a week (TTh) from either 9:30
10:20 or 10:30 11: 20. All identifying features of the student (e.g. names or student
ID number) will be replaced with random 7 digit ID numbers that the researchers will
assign to each student on the first day of the course. The condition each identification
number is in will not be revealed until the experiment has concluded and the data is...
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Researchers will also be analyzing if the type of course, natural science or social
science, will alter the note taking technique that has the highest scores. Type of
course will also be a between subjects variable. Materials required will include in
class assignments related to the lecture materials. Each in class assignment will
consist of ten questions that are easy to answer if the student was attending to
what the professor was saying. All students will require a laptop or paper notebook
to take notes on. The classrooms necessary will be smaller rooms with a maximum
of 40 seats per room. This small size is necessary so the research assistants can
ensure each student is using the correct method. Additionally, one experimental
condition will require the use of the app StayFocusd from Transfusion Media
(2010) which allows its users to temporarily block access to user specified apps for
a designated amount of time. This experiment will require the use of four research
assistants. Two of these assistants will be placed in the classroom to ensure students
are using the appropriate method. The remaining two research assistants will be in
the lab processing and configuring the data for the results of the experiment. Different
researchers will be used to compute the data than those who are in the classrooms to
eliminate any chance of experimenter bias. Lastly, the professors will be designing
and distributing the in class assignments. Procedure Students
Essay On Georges Clemenceau
Georges Clemenceau Angelina Natale
Ms. Beck
Honors World Cultures Pd. 8
19 May 2017
Georges Clemenceau also known as the Tiger and Father Victory , served as the
French Prime Minister during World War I. Clemenceau was born September 28,
1841 and died of natural causes on November 29, 1929. Georges Clemenceau played
an important role in World War Ibecause he made very critical decisions at the Paris
Peace Conference, as well as in the Versailles Treaty and overall led France through
harsh times. Georges Benjamin Clemenceau was born in Mouilleron en Pareds,
France. His father, Benjamin, who was a political activist, is responsible for
shaping Georges inclination towards Catholic detest. Benjamin is also responsible
for Georges meeting a group of men who were plotting to overthrow emperor
Napoleon III, as well as Jules Michelet, a historian. In 1861, Georges and Benjamin
went to Paris to study medicine. While in Paris, Georges met a man of the republic
opposition. This man created an association named Agis Comme Tu Penses, which
in English means Act As You Think. After Georges met this man, he founded Le
Travail, which was a journal that made his views on politics very clear. This journal
ended up getting him arrested. After he was released, he went to New York City.
During his time in the United States, he began teaching an all girls school in
Stamford, Connecticut. There he met, Mary Plummer who he later married and had
three children with; after seven years
The Annunciation (Cleveland Museum Of Art, Cleveland
Formal Analysis of The Annuciation
The painting The Annunciation (Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland) was made in
Netherlands, or possibly France, in the 1380s, using tempera and oil with gold on
wood panel. A vertical composition of about 31.43 Г— 40.32 cm, the sacred
iconography depicts the biblical scene of the Archangel Gabriel, sent by God,
announcing to the Virgin that she would soon give birth to Christ. The artist, who
was commissioned to draw this piece, is unknown. The patron probably
commissioned the artwork for devotional use. It might be part of a narrative
polyptych, conveying the biblical story of Christ, expressing the divinity of God and
In the foreground, the two main figures of the scene, the Virgin and the Archangel,
are markedly painted larger than the figures in the background, and thus, they become
the attractive focus of the whole painting. ... Show more content on ...
The excellent employment of chiaroscuro vividly shows the texture of the front of
the drapery, depicting it realistically and three dimensionally. She has a golden halo
with God s messages on it behind her head, showing her divinity. She sits on an
elevated throne with a calm look on her face. However, she holds her hands in front
of her breast, eyes gazing at God s message brought by the Archangel, palms facing
each other, indicating surprise and excitement due to the message. The Virgin s
serene facial expression contradicts her behavior, perhaps because the message not
only tells her the incarnation of Christ but also foreshadows his doomed death.
Therefore, the whole painting can be a polyptych. This piece is the beginning of the
story, and other pieces, such as Crucifixion, may be other parts of the
Human Resources And Human Resource Practices
Regardless of the size of a business or whether it is a multi million dollar software
distributor or a productive trucking company, there is one thing that most all
companies have in common. Every company needs to have efficient human resource
practices. According to Mayhew (n.d.), human resources plays an essential role in
developing a company s strategy as well as handling the employee centered activities
of an organization (para. 1). If the employees are the backbone of an organization then
the human resource department is the brain stem. It can be the glue that holds an
organization together, or the hammer that breaks the organization apart. There are
many issues that companies face when dealing with human resources. Things such as
payroll disputes and disgruntled employees are fairly common, but for the most
part they are easy to overcome. The major issue that companies have to face when
it comes to human resources is a double edged sword. It is both a blessing and a
hindrance at times. This issue is how to handle the ever changing diversity within the
organization. In order to be a successful human resource department of an
organization that treats their diverse workforce in a fair and equal manner, one must
first understand how the workforce demographics are changing, what problems may
arise due to these changes, and how to overcome these problems. It is a delicate
dance that must be done on a daily basis.
As was inferred earlier, diversity
Kindred Literary Analysis
When a reader reads a piece of literature, they might find themselves having events
and feelings in common with a character. When I read Kindred, I realize I
connected with Dana and Kevin in the passage, The Fall part seven. Dana
experiences the familiar symptoms connected to her time traveling, and it is the
feeling of dizziness. Kevin, who is accustomed to these episodes, latches on to
Dana to travel back with her. Kevin and Dana arrive in a forest where they see
Rufus with a broken leg after falling out of a tree. Dana and Kevin quickly asks
Nigel to call for Rufus s father to help transport Rufus home. Rufus convinces his
father to let Dana and Kevin stay at their house. Dana gets sent to the cookhouse by
Margaret Weylin, Rufus s mother,... Show more content on ...
She successfully delivered the ignorance, hardships, and violence that came with
slavery in the 1800 s. Butler did this in a way that made me so eager to turn the
next page. I found it interesting how she combined the topic of slavery and time
travel in one book. Therefore, I thoroughly enjoyed Kindred, as it was an eye opener
of what African Americans had
The Goal By Eliyahu M. A Brief
I chose to read the book, The Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt. The book is about a
plant manager, Alex Rogo, who is trying to save his plant from getting shut down
by using the help of physicist, Jonah, and the Theory of Constraints. I can see the
benefits of this book in different areas, not only in the ability to increase
productivity in any company, but also using the ideas in all other areas of your
life. I personally had a difficult time understanding this book. It took me reading it,
then going back and re reading part of it, to really understand how to apply the
concepts. However, I do finally get it. The two key things that I enjoyed about the
book are dependent events in relation to statistical fluctuations and bottlenecks vs
non bottlenecks. When reading the chapter about dependent events in relation to
statistical fluctuations , Goldratt use the example of a Boy Scouts hiking trip,
where the slowest boy was in the back, and one of the faster boys were in the front.
One would think that this was a great idea and would help them get to their
destination fast, but in reality it did the exact opposite. It made the process much
slower, because the boy in the front set the pace for the rest of the group, but
because the rest of the group had slower paces, they were unable to keep up with
the demand, if you will, which resulted in a gap in the line. These gaps in the line
caused the last person in the line, which happened to be Alex, to have to wait on the
rest of
The Importance Of Religion In Ancient Egyptian Religion
While some civilizations are defined by their religion, ancient Egyptian religion
was defined by the civilization. The people of ancient Egypt (3500 30 BCE) were
greatly influenced by the cyclical nature of their environment and the Nile River,
causing their society to be immensely uniform in their ways. This uniformity is
reflected in Egyptian theology and overall culture; the Egyptian polytheistic gods
and their existence in daily life rarely, if ever, changed and never drastically.
However, for a brief period in the Old Kingdom, a rapid shift in Egyptian religion
took place. Akhenaten, originally known as Amenhotep IV, became pharaoh of
Egypt, and with his rule came the upheaval of practices which had previously been in
place for thousands of years.
With the cyclical nature of Egyptian society blossomed their desire for order and
law. This order in ancient Egyptian civilization was referred to as Ma at. All aspects
of life were based around this concept and their religion could be defined as the
realization of Ma at (Charles 1). Ma at was not only an idea, but a goddess to the
Egyptians. She was associated with balance and harmony on Earth. With the
existence of Ma at came the importance of consistency in Egyptian beliefs and
practices; one of these consistencies was the importance of the afterlife. Ancient
Egyptian people believed in the existence of life after death. They left items with the
dead to go with them as they passed and the people also worked to maintain
The Role of a Setting in The Great Gatsby Essay
In F. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby, the setting of New York in the nineteen
twenties performs an extensive role in the novel. Although the nineteen twenties are
a time of economic prosperity, they appear to be a time of corruption and crime as
well. In New York, particularly, the nineteen twenties are a time of corruption and
moral scarcity. The setting is during the Jazz Ageas well, where popularity, fashion,
and commerce are a primary inclination. The setting of The Great Gatsby
efficaciously portrays the behavior of the characters in The Great Gatsby, as well as
the plot and development. The setting assiduously delineates how themes, motifs, and
symbols can fluctuate in relation to the time or location. The setting of The... Show
more content on ...
This occasion displays how potentially careless and morally corrupt the citizens of
New York in the nineteen twenties can be. It is occasions like these that prominently
portray the depth of moral corruption in relation to the significance of the setting in
The Great Gatsby. The nineteen twenties can be bestowed numerous names, such as
The Roaring Twenties, or The Prosperity Decade. One name, however, is
specifically attached to the nineteen twenties; The Jazz Age. It is during the
nineteen twenties that jazz music becomes emphatically prevailing. With this new
age, however, as with every age, comes a demeanor of fashion, spirit, and custom.
The wealthy class of the Jazz Age, composing of Jay Gatsby, the Buchanans, and
so on, prospers during this time. In chapter three, Nick Carraway proceeds to one
of Jay Gatsby s splendid parties, and scrutinizes the denouement of the
amalgamation of wealth and a Jazz Age party. As Nick Carraway alleges on page
forty, By seven o clock the orchestra has arrived, no thin five piece affair, but a
whole pitful of oboes and trombones and saxophones and viols and cornets and
piccolos, and low and high drums... The bar is in full swing, and floating rounds of
cocktails permeate the garden outside, until the air is alive with chatter and laughter...
From the quote on page forty, one may indubitably visualize how those such as Jay
Gatsby or the Buchanans subsist on an everyday basis. During the Jazz
Using Custom Apps For The Android System
One of the ways that a user can expose himself to malware can be to hack Android
devices in order to get root privileges to install custom apps. This has several risks
as it elevates a user s privileges rerouting the Android system. With root privileges,
an Android user can do many things that the Android manufacturers have disabled
for you as a normal user. This creates security flaws because hazardous apps can be
installed and apps can get root privileges. User installed apps that require root
privileges can be especially dangerous. Illegal means will beget illegal acts. A general
rule of thumb is that if a user must do something that the Androiddesigners don t want
them to do, then it s for good reason. A good saying to follow by is that if you aren
t the consumer, then you are the product. This means that if you get things for free,
then there s almost always a catch. Security may be a beneficial factor for devices,
but ultimately the user is responsible.
The Google Play Store is an app that connects to a server hosted by Google that
stores a large collection of apps made by companies or users. These apps add
functionality to our phone. Developers use Google s software development kit or
SDK to create new apps for the Android platforms. If Developers uphold Security,
then hackers may not be as likely to create malware to reroute apps to the detriment
of the users. Developers may also look at the statistics and comments of the app to
learn what bugs are still in the app
Essay On Multiferroic Materials
With advent of scientific research and technological interest, multiferroic materials
have drawn much attention for foundational physics, technological application in
possible miniaturization and integration for multifunctional devices (e.g. magnetic
field sensors, multiple state memory element, transducers, actuators, broadband
magnetic sensors, non volatile memory elements, oscillators, phase shifters, electric
field controlled ferromagnetic resonance devices, switching devices, modulation of
amplitudes, filters, waveguides, spin wave generation, energy harvesters, magnetic
recording read heads, random access memories, RF resonators, tunable inductors, and
ME antennas) [1 11]. The most intriguing characteristic of multiferroic materials...
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Since the inception of the concept of product property, proposed by Von Van
Suchetelene, [37] multiferroic composites becomes the alterative way to overcome
the limitations of the single phase multiferroic ME materials. In composite systems,
the functional properties are resulted from the constituent phase and their reciprocal
interactions as synergy effects. Ciomaga et al. [38] have identified three types of
synergy effects such as: (i) sum property, which represents the weighted sum of the
components contributions of the constituent phases; (ii) combination property, which
denotes an effect in which the amplitude of the property is higher in the composite
than in the end compounds at given compositions or under specific circumstances,
(iii) product property, which represents the effects present in the composites instead
of the individual phases. The sum and combination properties usually describe the
average or enhancement of effects that have already present in the parent phases and
on the other hand, the product property only ascribes the novel phenomena that have
emerged from the reciprocal interaction among the individual phases. In general, the
functional properties of ME composites are consist of sum property (i.e.
magnetization) and product property (i.e. ME effect). In 1978 Boomgaard and Born
[39] postulated the following concept for obtaining the high magnetoelectric voltage
coefficient for practical device
John Brown Failures
John Brown had an ordinary life before he became embroiled in the antislavery
movement. Brown was born in 1800 and he grew up in Ohio. Due to him working
with his father in a tannery, he later wanted to start one of his own when he was
seventeen. The young man soon master the rural arts of farming, tanning, surveying,
home building, and animal husbandry, but his most conspicuous talent seemed to be
one for profuse and painful failure. (Chowder, 333) When he was twenty, he got
married, but later became a widower due to his wife passing away eleven years after
their marriage. However, he got married again and became the father of twenty
children, in which only eleven were able to make it to adulthood. Brown invested
money for his tannery, but... Show more content on ...
In May 1856, Brown led a group of volunteer abolitionists toward Pottawatomie
Creek, where people who were in favor of slavery lived at. He took a total of eight
people with him to Pottawatomie Creek. Brown wanted to seek revenge on the
proslavery people for the sacking of Lawrence. During their mission, Brown got a
hold of James Doyle and other men of the family. Brown watched as his followers
were attacking them by slicing their heads and arms. Doyle was then shot in the head
by Brown. Brown and the other abolitionists went to other homes and killed more
men before they were finished with their mission. This event came to be known as
the Pottawatomie Massacre and from this event, :John brown, the aged outsider,
became an abolitionist leader. (Chowder, 334) Therefore. Brown started to be more
known for his actions against the people who were in favor of slavery as soon as he
arrived tp
The Meaning Of Basketball Physical Training And...
highlighted in order help fine tune each player scoring, passing, dribbling ability. The
thought has always been that defense wins ball games, therefore; several defensive
conditioning drills will be incorporated in order heighten their ability. Lastly, there
will be a detailed review of the information given and final thoughts on the subject of
basketballphysical training and conditioning.
I was running a famous line in the movie Forrest Gump mad by Tom Hanks, this is
the mindset that the player on your team has to have to accomplish one of the major
aspects of muscular fitness which is muscular endurance. In the game of basketball,
there are four quarters, many time during the fourth, the importance of endurance
training comes to light. A player that is in peak physical condition often run at the
same speed and have the same munverableity that they had in the first quarter. There
are two types of endurance in the area of physical fitness Low Intensity and High
Intensity which both need in the sport of basketball. High Intensity endurance much
greater in the game of basketball due to the fact that it uses high power movement
repetitively when playing the game. While low endurance cardio is often overlooked
when the final seconds of the game is on the line, this attribute is often highlighted.
An area such as the anaerobic threshold and lactate threshold have to both be
increased while training in order to promote maximum performance. When training
for basketball or
Queers Are Like Jews, Aren T They By Janet R. Jakobsen...
Janet R. Jakobsen s essay, Queers Are Like Jews, Aren t They? Analogy and
Alliance Politics, is about carelessness, the misuse of analogies, and the inattention
to racism, fascism, and homophobic generalizations. I chose to discuss the second
paragraph because it ironically generalizes; aka paraphrases the essay in a whole.
However, it provides a reader with no prior knowledge of the subject the information
to comprehend Jakobsen s key points, which are important to understanding the
purpose of the essay. She explains the importance of exploring [the] questions [she
asks in the beginning of her paper] through the specificity and complexity of
historical relation. This statement is crucial to the essay because as human beings, we
The Trafficking Of Women And Children
Project work
This aim of this study is to explore the trafficking of women and children in Europe
for the purpose of commercial sex exploitation(CSE).Women and Children have been
victims of trafficking for the sole purpose of commercial sex and other forms of
exploitation all over the world and in EU in particular, these has made them
vulnerable and also has become a potential threat to them (UNODC, 2010)Human
trafficking involves trading human beings for various forms of exploitation of
with sex is one of the predominate form of children are found all over EU working
as prostitute for money. In some EU countries it has been noticed that some men
do consent for their wife and children to be exploited for commercial sex and other
forms of exploitation. Women and children that falls victims to human trafficking
for the purpose of commercial sex exploitation are regarded as commodity and are
used roughly by the person that has paid for their service. There are so many forms
of exploitation that comes with human trafficking like forced labour, begging and
smuggling. It s not only undeveloped nations that are involved in human trafficking
for exploitation for various forms; some of developed nations are also involved.
Human Trafficking have been recorded and witness in almost all the countries of the
world. (UNODC, 2010).
Human trafficking has been a serious crime and will be a serious crime that many
European countries have been combating today; until something concrete is
Listening Skills In Counseling
Counseling is a process that occurs when client engage a professional counselor to
set time aside expressing problems, thoughts and feelings in a confidential space so
being able to help them deal or overcome issues which cause difficulties and also
helped to improve life in future. Apart from that, a counselor is trained to listen with
empathy whereby with the helpof counselor, clients will slowly feel better (Dryden,
W, 2010).
Listening, attending, empathy, questioning, summarising are all the counseling skills
for a trained counselor. Each skill has the own meaning to it. These counseling skills
can be very effective in a way if a trained counselor knows how and when to apply
them during the session. Basically, listening skill involves ... Show more content on ...
Besides that, I reflect on the limitations and challenges of skills used by me in this
role play.
One of the most important limitations is dealing with anxiety. The moment I am
face to face with clients, I am feeling nervous and out of words. Imagine, being in a
room with someone who is a stranger to me and I should not expect her to start the
conversation instead. Understood that this could be her first time being in a
counseling session but to prevent her from keeping silent, I had to start a
conversation to start the session. Besides that I have to also build a relationship
and trust with clients so in days ahead, she will feel comfortable conversing with
me. Time is a crucial thing for me. Basically, I have a habit of looking at the time
for every five minutes although counseling session took up only an hour, but to me,
it seems to be long. Apart from that, she might think that I am bored listening to her
issue but as a act of trained counselor, I steal a glance on my watch when she grab a
drink or wipe her mucus. Although it is hard to maintain by not looking at the watch
each time, but to me it is a way of respect towards our
The First Era Of Industrialization
In the 1760s, the United States began its first major period of rapid industrialization.
Everyday there was a new factory built, a new machine created, a new industry
expanded. The effect of industrialization was so massive that even songs were
written about this period. One song depicted a man who could hatch eggs by
thousands; all by steam .[1] With more factories and more efficient means of
production, more commodities became available to the public for consumption. The
first era of the industrial revolution drastically changed the way America functions as
a consumer society. The second period of industrialization altered how America
functions as a capitalistic society. After the Civil War, the next era of industrialization
began in... Show more content on ...
Through offers made in cash or Standard Oil stock, Rockefeller was able to persuade
other oil refineries to sell their business to him. Those who refused were specifically
targeted by Rockefeller and put out of business through various means.[3] [4]
Andrew Carnegie, a man who made his fortune in the steel industry, used a method
similar to Rockefeller s vertical integration. Vertical integration is the domination
of an industry in which all steps of the process of a product are bought out.
Carnegie did this, buying every stage for steel production, from iron mines to
rolling mills. By owning every aspect of the steelmaking process, Carnegie was
able to supply his product at a cost less than that of his competitors , thus running
them out of business. Carnegie s ability to produce more goods at a cheaper cost is
known as the economy of scale.[5] [6] Political corruption was another common and
favorable tactic amongst business owners. To prevent business harming laws from
being legalized or to pass beneficial laws, businessmen often bribed politicians at the
local, state, and national level .[7] Politicians were given company stock, funds for
elections, and free or reduced materials. Today historians most commonly associate
the railroad industry with political corruption. To gain their business favor, railroad
companies would offer free passage to
Sonny s Blues in Harlem
Everyone is born in different times with different opportunities. Some of us have to
struggle to make ends meet and others are born with money at their feet already.
Sonny s Blues opens up in Harlem with the narrator on a bus reading a newspaper
learning that his brother, Sonny, has been arrested for selling heroin. Sonny s brother
takes him in after he is released from jail. However, his brother is scared if he lets
him back into his home he will fall into his old ways. Sonny s true passion in life is
to become a Jazzmusician but his family doesn t believe in what he wants to do.
Sonny want s his brother to go with him to a jazz club to see how he actually is and
not just seeing him as a dope selling drug addict. At the end of Sonny s set, he
realizes that Jazz has helped Sonny to stay free and express himself. Through
Marxist criticism Baldwin highlights the power struggle of the main characters and
the world in which they live. First off, the two main characters that go through a
power struggle are Sonny and his brother whom is unnamed. Sonny is an up and
coming Jazz musician and his brother, seven years older, is a high school math
teacher. Sonny is different than his brother because Sonny knows what he wants and
he wants to give meaning in whatever he does. As Joseph Flibbert states in his article,
When Sonny begins to play the piano, initially with enthusiasm, eventually with
consuming passion. He takes no lessons. He plays from the soul. The improvisational
Peoples Temple Essay
Peoples Temple
On November 18, 1978 more than nine hundred people died in one of the largest
mass murder/suicides in history. The man that implemented and carried out that
atrocity was James Warren Jones, otherwise known as Jim Jones, a self proclaimed
Second Coming (God). His exposure to an intensely emotional Pentecostal church
service influenced and shaped his future beliefs and actions. In 1960, despite his lack
of theological training, Jim Jones became an ordained minister. He made racial
equality one of goals. Jim Jones also used fear arousal to recruit his followers by
Genocide and thermonuclear war. His ability to persuade was more successful with
him becoming an ordained minister. He used his charisma to persuade ... Show more
content on ...
The people yielded to real or imagined social pressure. There were loyalty tests to
prove their loyalty to Jim Jones. One of these tests was to do a practice suicide of
drinking the Kool Aid. They were told the drink was poisoned, but it really wasn t.
The people thought it was though and drank it anyways. Some of the people were
just compliant. They yielded to social pressure in their public behavior, even
though their private beliefs had not changed. I believe these people to be the ones
who ended up wanting to leave the cult. Some of these people were killed for
trying to leave. There were still others who conformed to the social norms for fear
of negative social consequences which they called catharsis. Their example of
catharsis was, for example, if a teenager was accused of being rude to a senior
citizen , the congregation would hear the evidence and vote on the teenagers
innocence or guilt. The punishment could be a severe spanking administered by
Jones. Adults who transgressed were punished by being placed in a ring and
forced to box with bigger, stronger Temple members. Transgressions subject to
catharsis ranged from selfishness, sexism, discourtesy to drug and alcohol abuse,
and petty crimes for which members could be arrested and convicted by public
authorities. So, as far as this relating to the chapter, it did in many ways. I have
always wondered what the Jim Jones story was all about. I was six years old
Acne Skin Care Research Paper
Acne skin care for some is easy, while others with severe acne breakouts struggle on
a regular basis to keep there pimples under control. Others fall somewhere in
between the two extremes, they suffer only from occasional outbreaks. No matter
which class you fall into, an acne outbreak is not enjoyable and finding the one way
to treat acne that works can be a complicated and exasperating process.
The crucial process of acne skin care is to keep pores from getting clogged,
unclogging infected pores, and attack the bacteria that causes the infection. Quality
make up can reduce the occasional redness associated with minor acne breakouts.
There are preventative measures that you can follow to reduce the chance of having
an acne breakout in the first place. Lightly washing your face with soap and water a
few times a ... Show more content on ...
Exfoliates not only remove the dead skin cells from the surface, they are also offer
the benefits of antibacterial and anti inflammatory products. Both of these
ingredients can help to treat the existing acne and reduce the redness and swelling
that often accompanies a breakout. Another common ingredient is azelaic acid. One
ingredient used on the face is salicylic acid, if you choose to use salicylic acid you
need to apply it with caution. While this ingredient can help to prevent the pores from
clogging, it can be too irritating to sensitive facial skin.
People with severe acne will need to consult a dermatologist or physician for help
with their acne control. A dermatologist might suggest a cleansing regime, use lights
or lasers to treat and prevent future breakouts, they may also prescribe medication.
If prescribe medication, you should always ask about and be wary of the side
effects. Most acne medication is extremely harsh some are even toxic. Some side
effects may only be discomforting, while others are permanent. Acne prescriptions
have even been linked with depression, with a few resulting in
Developing A Healthy Attachment For Children
Steven was born in Russia from an alcoholic mother and father. His parents left him
at an orphanage located in Moscow, Russia. The orphanage was not equipped with
enough staff and were unable to meet the needs of all the children. He spent most of
his time restrained inside of a crib, along with other children. Even though children
were around him, they were restricted of any interaction. He did not learn how to
speak until he was illegally trafficked into the United States at the age of seven, and
that was very limited. The purpose of this case study is to determine the factors
during infancy and early childhood that prevented him in developing a healthy
attachment. According to Joan Greg Cook (2007), attachment can be defined by, An...
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Without an animate or inanimate attachment figure or object, he believed when a
monkey tried to seek closeness and showed distress without comfort, the monkey
would develop poor attachment. This research relates to human infants, such as
Steven because he rejected any comfort due to never having a secure base of
emotional comfort. Instead, he displayed severe signs of aggression and distrust.
According to Mary Ainsworth s research on attachment, Steven may fall into the
insecure disorganized attachment. According to Joan Greg Cook, this category of
attachment is defined by, Unhealthy type of attachment indicated when infants seem
confused or dazed or show contradictory behaviors (p. 184). This attachment style
has recently been added by more current researchers, expanding Mary Ainsworth s
findings. Steven displayed this attachment style by maintaining a dissociative state
when around others, or acting violent out of nowhere. As a toddler, he would
respond negatively to any staff that would occasionally bring him food by throwing
the food back at the staff and on the floor, and even overindulging to the extent of
regurgitating. It is important to note, Steven was restrained in his crib before acts of
violence were displayed, therefore this constant restriction was a factor as he became
older in forming a healthy attachment. Steven s caregivers did
Why Tayo Is Captive To The Ceremony
In the book Ceremony writen by Leslie Silko, the main character Tayo is being
held captive to the ceremony. Tayo was in the Vietnam war and witnessed his best
friend die. This took a major toll him because he promised that he would keep his
best friend safe. The only way Tayo can heal from this is by doing the ceremoy.
That is why Tayo is captive to the Ceremony. Around page Tayo is trying to get
help from an old medecine man named Betonie. This is Tayo s first ceremony.
Betonie and shush are chanting as they cut Tayo s scalp. After the ceremony Tayo
is given some tea to help him calm down. That night Tayo sleeps good and dreams
about Josiah s cattle. This shows how Tayo is captive to the Ceremony. Tayo has not
been able to sleep well for a... Show more content on ...
Ku ooh tells tayo that he is not sure if the ceremony will work for Tayo. He told
him that there are other people that did the same Ceremony and were not able to
be healed. Though Tayo was able to sleep well for one night, he is not fully healed.
This shows that Tayo is captive to the ceremony because he is forced to continue
on with it even though he feels it might not work. Tayo wants to do anything he
can to get rid of the bad dreams he is having so he knows he must complete the
ceremony just to have a chance. Tayo is also told that if he doesn t complete the
ceremony his dreams are going to be haunted. This is because the ceremony is
meant to help people who have killed someone. Tayo has not ever killed anyone, so
if he does not finish the ceremony he is going to be cursed. This shows another
way tayo is captive to the ceremony, not only does he need to finish because it
might help him heal but now he must finish it so he is not cursed. At the end of the
book Tayo finally completes the ceremony. Tayo goes through his last ceremony
with the elders and at the end they say Every evil which entangled him was cut to
pieces. This tells us that the ceremony worked for him and he is free from his
nightmares. I
Safety Data Sheet Analysis
Megann Schmidt
Assignment 2
The primary purpose of a Safety Data Sheet is to be able to find information about
the properties, handling, and hazards of a chemical all in one place. As a chemistry
student at UNI, these sheets are best used when read in full before handling a
chemical to ensure that you are aware of the hazards and proper protective equipment
for that particular chemical. They provide many different sections of information
about the chemical, its hazards, first aid measures to take if there is an incident with
that chemical, and more. Therefore, they aren t only used by chemistry students; they
are also used by lab workers, doctors, EMTs, firefighters, and anyone else who
needs to know about a chemical substance. These sheets should be readily available
anywhere the chemical is stored or used, and they should also be readily available to
doctors and emergency responders in the case they need to respond to some form of
chemical injury or emergency.... Show more content on ...
It is also a major responsibility of leaders and workers in labs to ensure their Safety
Data Sheets are kept up to date and accurate in order to ensure they have accurate
information about the chemicals being used. The potential inaccuracy of these
sheets greatly surprised me while reading this chapter. It seems crazy to me that
companies and people are legally required to have Safety Data Sheets, but there are
no laws regarding the accuracy of these sheets. Therefore, one of my big takeaways
from this chapter is to look for reliable Safety Data Sheets instead of always just
using the first one I can find
The Impact Of Social Media On American Elections
The Impact of Social Media on American Elections and the importance of 21st
century media outlets
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media websites have affected
American elections in many forms. Candidates are now turning their attention to the
people on social networks Murse (2015). They re trying to draw more people like
Millennials because they use more technology. These applicants are trying to step up
and make a huge difference from the election of 2008. While in the running, the usage
of social media is being used to announce what he or she is doing for the presidential
campaign. For this reason, candidates, controversy, public opinion, social media and
its 21st century media outlets have become the center of the 2016 election (CIO,
2015). The US presidential election will be on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, and a
new president and vice president will be elected through the electoral college
(Wikipedia, United States presidential election, 2015). The popular runners are
Hillary Clinton, who is a democrat and Donald Trump, who is a republican. Other
popular rising candidates are Ben Carson and Bernie Sanders and more beyond
them (The New York Times, 2015). Since they re in a fight to become president,
there has become a controversy between the candidates. The GOP, known as the
Grand Old Party truly believes that Donald trump has a chance in the election. Due
to the fact that he has a great deal of support from the people and other political
parties (The
Similarities Between China And America
The United States of America and China have a rough relationship, but it is clear to
anyone that they are the two biggest superpowers in the world. These two countries
have the highest GDP (gross domestic product) out of any other country, and they are
both very influential over other countries, making them the two largest powers in the
world. Being two major powerhouses, the two countries have many similarities, and
after taking a closer look at the geography, people, and history of the two countries, it
becomes evident that there are many differences as well. The geography of the
United Statesvaries in many ways. Being the third largest country in the world, at
3,717,727 square miles, the U.S. has lots of space for different types of land.... Show
more content on ...
China has a population more than four times the size of the U.S., and is the most
populated country in the world with a staggering 1,403,500,365 people. That is
almost one seventh of the entire population of the world. China has had to
implement laws that make it so families get taxed more on every child that they have
after their first, to try and get their population down. The population may be much
higher than the U.S., however, the median house income is much lower at just over
$10,000. About half of the population works in manufacturing, and the other half
works in the service industry. The majority of people are some Chinese, although
there are many ethnic groups that would all be considered Chinese, the most
common being Han. The next most common race is Mongol, followed by Korean,
Russian, and Uzbek. Unlike the United States, there are two official languages in
China, Mandarin Chinese and Standard Mandarin. Mandarin Chinese is mostly
spoken in the north and southwest parts of the country and Standard Mandarin is
mainly spoken everywhere else. The two most followed religions in China are
Buddhism and Taoism. There is also a very large amount of unaffiliated people in
China. China is one of the last remaining communist countries, which plays a big role
as to the reason that China has a poor relationship with the United States. China also
has a legislative, executive, and judicial branch, however they have one
El tГ©rmino Responsabilidad Social en Colombia
El tГ©rmino Responsabilidad Social en Colombia ha tenido diversas connotaciones
desde su apariciГіn en el contexto empresarial. Las administraciones que asocian el
tГ©rmino a un mecanismo de exhibiciГіn gerencial materializado en donaciones y
eventos aislados en momentos de conveniencia; Las que lo utilizan con propГіsitos
de comercializaciГіn usando la expresiГіn dentro de sus campaГ±as de mercadeo sin
un fundamento interno que lo soporte; Las que ejercen parcialmente el concepto
solo con el fin de utilizar los activos concedidos con objetivos fiscales y tributarios;
Y aquellas que dan cumplimiento a algunos requerimientos exigidos por sus clientes,
son algunos ejemplos caracterГsticos de la vagas pero comunes percepciones que se
encuentran del concepto Responsabilidad Social Empresarial . ВїCuГЎl es entonces
el verdadero sentido de la expresiГіn de moda que actualmente un nГєmero creciente
de compaГ±Гas tan pomposamente se atribuye? El cuestionamiento referente al
ejercicio de la Responsabilidad Social, se aborda en Г©ste texto desde el
entendimiento de un aspecto circunstancial involucrado globalmente en el entorno
empresarial, el comportamiento de los individuos. La manera en la que una persona
actГєa es, a menudo, el reflejo mismo del nivel de formaciГіn de dicho sujeto y el
resultado de todas sus acciones, ejecutadas a tГtulo personal o dentro de una
organizaciГіn, tienen incidencia directa, buena o mala, sobre la sociedad. Sin
embargo, incurrir en un anГЎlisis sobre el comportamiento
Essay about The Battle of Ole Miss
James Meredith s successful campaign to gain admission to the Univeristy of
Mississippi, Ole Miss , and desegregate education in the state most resistant to
integration of educational institutions, has become a crucial episode in civil rights
history. Ole Miss transformed Mississippi politics and contributed to a cultural shift
in the region, as well as invigorated local civil rights activists and those in
neighboring states 1. The historic showdown between James Meredith and the ...
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because his views were aligned with that of most whites, and Clyde Kennard, who
hoped that school officials would be moved by his service in the military, proved to
Meredith that to hope that white Mississippians would voluntarily desegregate their
schools...was wishful thinking . In 1956 Meredith read about Eisenhower s decision
to send federal troops to Little Rock Arkansas to enforce the Brown decision. This
news made him confident in his existing belief that if he wanted to be admitted to
Ole Miss he would need backing from the federal government.6
The backing of Meredith by the Kennedy Administration adds an interesting
dimension to the narrative of Ole Miss. Involvement of federal politics in black
issues has historically been dependent on whether it is in the interest of the federal
government. During Reconstruction, for example, progressive reforms initiated by
the Republican Party were motivated by the necessity of having a politically loyal
contingent of voters in Southern, democrat dominated states.7 With the start of the
Cold War Washington D.C. s interest in the lives and desires of African Americans is
renewed as it struggles to overcome its racist image in recently liberated former
colonies overseas in Africa and Asia8. Although it is irrelevant to the discussion of
the events that transpired at the university and to race relations in Mississippi, the
foreign policy responsible for the involvement of the federal government
Inclusive Education
A paragraph from Desiderata says, You are a child of the universe no less than the
trees and the stars, you have a right to be here. The paragraph is in consonance with
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization s (UNESCO) 1994
Salamanca Statement which calls for the accommodation of all children, regardless
of their physical, intellectual, emotional state in an ordinary school. The Framework
for Action stipulates that children with special educational needs, namely: the gifted,
the mentally retarded, the visually impaired, the hearing impaired, the orthopedically
handicapped, the learning disabled, the speech defectives, the children with behavior
problems, the autistic children and those with health ... Show more content on ...
Mouton and Marais say its time to reconceptualize the classroom and not
automatically think bad behavior is the students problem and something that needs to
be controlled. (Mouton, J. Marais, H.C., 1990)
He suggested several ideas to ensure that classroom setting will adapt to inclusive
One, classrooms need one main rule respect one another. After this, if students and
teachers create interesting curriculum with materials that matter in the students lives,
then students will be interested, involved and focused on what they have designed.
Two, teachers need excellent observational skills to determine what caused a
behavioral problem. Three, structure the environment so students are actively
engaged and motivated. That will be good teaching for all students. This will involve
collaboration and networking. It also means the teacher is not always in control, but
is a member of the team of problem solvers including the parents, the students and the
other teachers. Lastly, common strategies
Descriptive Essay On My Family
A mid forty year old with the soul of a twenty one year old, my aunt Kelly is a
complex individual. Whenever she announces her visits, my cousins lock their
doors and shut off their phones. Someone signals the rest of our family that Kelly
is in the area. Living an hour away in Trenton, she checks in a few times a year. It s
not that my family hates her; she is the life of the party. However, Kelly is an
outspoken woman with headstrong opinions and somewhat threatening
mannerisms under the influence of alcohol. She is a handful to deal with. Within
my sixteen years, I visited Kelly s house once. She s the one who visits us, not the
other way around. She invited my mother and me to her house in the summer of
2012. This surprised us considering she rarely asked people to come over and kept
her home as a place to herself. Kelly lives alone and inherited her two story house
from her great aunt. The suburban home with overgrown grass and chipped
aluminum siding looked unpleasant from the outside. In terms of size, it was
similar to a mid sized family residence. The front yard consisted of a failed garden
and unwanted newspapers. Opening the door, the living room was the first room in
sight. Her living room was small and lacked a television. Kelly believed in a
conspiracy against cable companies and therefore refused to watch any type of TV.
There was a burgundy loveseat couch and an oak colored rocking chair in the corner.
Coupons, Republican magazines, Yankee Candles, and
Development Of Early Childhood Development
Early childhood development is such an intriguing aspect to research because this
is really a point in life where children act without reasoning and logic skills. The
actions and thinking patterns for two to six year olds is not wrong, it is just
illogical and children these ages cannot perform while thinking about a larger
perspective other than themselves; which also makes this so fascinating. In my
research and observations, I focused on how children during this developmental
stage act and not so much about the cognition and processing a child does to make
them behave in these certain ways.The theories and ideas are steadily researched, but
less rarely show examples ,that are representative of the population of children in
early childhoodthat support the theories. Instead of exploring phenomena more
deeply to reiterate and validate these theories of brain functioning and processing,
such as Piaget s preoperational thought theory, I will instead explore a few
phenomena and theories to demonstrate what they are and how they apply to early
childhood development using applicable personal experience including observations
done myself and the observations of previously conducted research and face to face
interviews to support these ideas. Throughout early childhood development, children
experience many things that they do not really know how to interpret and rationalize.
Isn t this just the most adorable stage of development? Children s language skills and
word use increase a
Literary Analysis OfBullet In The Brain, By Tobias Wolff
Do not laugh at the man with the gun, you will get a bullet in the brain
The short story, Bullet in the brain, by Tobias Wolff, Is told through third person
narration, the narrator has unlimited omniscience. The protagonist is Ander s, He is
suffering from ennui and alienation. Ander s seems to have distanced himself from
others and created his own reality in his head instead of the world around him;
causing the world around him to become like a story. Which he despises because of
his line of work, a book critic. While doing so he constantly criticizes the world
around him as if it is a story and ends up getting killed in the process. Through tone,
setting, and style the author, Tobias Wolff, created a wonderful short story that
compares to no other.
The tone of the story is annoyed, the author, Tobias Wolff, makes the atmosphere
while you read seem as if you are disgusted with the other characters in the story. It
is as if the tone of the short story is making fun of all the other characters involved. It
made the author of this analysis feel like laughing in a condescending manner. The
protagonist, Ander s is a book critic in the short story, and it is as he has
disconnected from reality, or has created his own in his mind. That the real reality
is only a poorly written book that he must criticize as such. While doing so, he
plays with death, making fun of the robber for his poor and clichГ© choice of
words instead of fearing for his life when the robber has a gun to his head
threatening his life. A good example of Ander s mockery is, Anders burst out
laughing. He covered his mouth with both hands and said, I m sorry, I m sorry, then
snorted helplessly through his fingers and said, Capiche oh, God, capiche, (Wolff,
The obvious antagonists in the story is the robbers whom take Ander s life. Really
it was only the robber with a sawed off shot gun, the other robber is a flat character
and is only used as filler. Having only one line and no description what so ever. The
only character in the entire short story that has many lines, and a little back story is
Ander s and its only after he is dead that the reader learns anything more about him
than that he is a book critic. It was not until he had a
The Importance Of Advertising In Advertising
Advertising and advertisement(s) are defined as any message, the content of which
message is controlled directly or indirectly by the advertiser expressed in any
language and communicated in any medium to Canadians with the intent to influence
their choice, opinion or behavior (Ad Standards, 2017). Puffery is used in many
outlets of advertising; it is the practice of making exaggerated, fanciful, or highly
suggestive claims about a product or service. Usually the exaggeration is obvious
and concerns subjective feelings or non material associations (Arrington, Lutz
p.83, 1991, p.469). An example of this would be the Molson Canadian beer ad
described the product as cold, clean and crisp . Any beer is cold if you put it in the
fridge, and warm if you don t. You would hope that every beer is clean, that no
poisonous chemicals or rodent droppings got into it at the factory. Carrot sticks are
crisp, potatoes chips are crisp, but beer is wet not crunchy (Beam, 2008, 8.3.1).
However, the words cold, clean and crisp are effective puffery. It s supposed to lead
you to believe this beer is better than others. This classic justification for advertising
contends that ads simply give us information, which allows us to purchase what we
want(Arrington, 1991, p.472).
The most basic ethical concerns raised by advertising is sending consumers false
information about a product or service as well as promoting a materialistic lifestyle
that engages people, especially teens or young
Breaking The Barrier Case Summary
Paolo Santoro, the leader of the 5. Januar Gesellschaft (5th of January Club), raised
his questions to the girl. And how exactly are we going to do just that, Ma am?
Frankly, I can see ourselves allowing it to occur in the northern parts of the Plaid
Curtain, but for the ones on the southern counterpart, I have reasons to doubt. It goes
without saying that, as a unified movement, we barely have any control over our own
affairs south of Plaid Curtain, with both the Underground and the FYC busily
hacking away at what influence we may have over there. Your concerns, Mr. Santoro,
are quite understandable. Don t get me wrong, though, said BrГјnnhilde, I can of
course sympathize with your concerns. However, such is the whole point of the case.
For this plan to become a reality, the RGA... Show more content on ...
When the time came to construct the initial plans, I and the three Ryanites from
the South, while we were still defining the parameters of this case, we all had
reached a certain conclusion that must be emphasized: this case cannot be
completed alone. By alone , I am referring to only one crew of RGA members
devoted to one specific specialty. Should either you or your compatriots were to
undergo this case with only one crew, I am afraid that your progress will not yield
ideal results, Mr. O Hara. For this reason, the four of us suggested that if this case
is ever going to be success in the long run, there needs to be several different crews
pooling together manpower and resources for the sake of what needs to be done. She
continued, Together, the RGA can achieve greatly, indirectly assisting the Greater
American Catholic School System a fact that, to my displeasure, the RGA has not
done at all in its name, since its very formation almost years ago. And what do these
plans have to do with me and Chandler? pondered Action
Dalyn Rugs Research Paper
/tones Dalyn Rugs Cover Your Floor with warmth, beauty
Founded in 1979 by Bill and Judy Adams, Dalyn Rugs has 39 different collections
that range from traditional styles to fun styles for children and rugs for the game room
. For instance, tones is a collection of great rugs made with 100 % wool pile, plush,
loop, and over twist assembly, and they come in 20 different colors and styles.
Some of these include flowers, bordered classical designs, geometric designs,
abstract ones, and of course basic solid colors. Whichever one of the Tones
collection you pick, then you will get a fantastic, quality made rug at the best
possible price that will last for many years
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Mais de Danielle Torres

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Danielle Torres
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Danielle Torres
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Danielle Torres

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Essay About Education Is Important. Short Essay on Importance of Education 150 Words - Study-Phi

  • 1. Essay About Education Is Important Writing an essay on the significance of education might seem like a straightforward task at first glance, but delving deeper reveals its complexity. The challenge lies not in simply stating that education is important, but in crafting a compelling argument supported by evidence and critical analysis. Firstly, education is a multifaceted concept encompassing various aspects such as formal schooling, informal learning, and lifelong learning. Narrowing down the focus of the essay while still addressing the breadth of this topic requires careful consideration. Furthermore, one must navigate through a plethora of research studies, scholarly articles, and statistical data to substantiate the claims made within the essay. This demands both time and expertise in conducting thorough research and synthesizing information effectively. Moreover, addressing the importance of education necessitates grappling with societal, economic, and individual implications. The essay must explore how education influences not only personal development but also societal progress, economic prosperity, and the cultivation of critical thinking skills essential for navigating an increasingly complex world. Crafting a compelling narrative that engages the reader while conveying the significance of education requires finesse in language and structure. Balancing between being informative and persuasive without being overly didactic is crucial to maintaining the essay's effectiveness. In conclusion, writing an essay on the importance of education is a challenging endeavor that requires meticulous planning, extensive research, critical thinking, and adept writing skills. However, the reward lies in elucidating a topic that holds profound significance for individuals and societies alike. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Essay About Education Is Important Essay About Education Is Important
  • 2. Rhetorical Analysis On Modern America Modern America has a problem, which unfortunately consists of American s placing more value on unimportant issues. This problematic lifestyle is the focus of the essay. In this essay she addresses her audience of Americans and reminds them that we should do activities that we have a passion for and never let it go. With an array of rhetorical devices such as repetition and similes, she effectively persuades the audience. She uses similes in the essay like this one to help the audience to not give up on something so easily the man could in no way pry the tiny weasel off, and he had to walk half a mile to water, the weasel dangling from his palm, and soak him off like a stubborn label. This simile is effective because it helps form an image
  • 3. The Portrayal Of The Future In The Twilight Zone By Rod... The portrayal of the future has always been a common theme in TV shows and is influenced by various political and social issues during the time each show is produced. The Twilight Zone was a science fiction TV series created by Rod Serling in 1960s that depicted the occurrence of paranormal or futuristic events. Before each episode, Serling describes The Twilight Zoneas a fifth dimension as large as space with no essence of time. He calls it the middle ground between light and shadow, between scienceand superstition, lying between man s fears and his own knowledge. Serling used his TV show to incorporate his views on social and political issues. Rod Serlingfought against large TV networks that attempted to censor his work that sometimes... Show more content on ... Terry Decker landing his WWI bi plane on an American airfield in France . Decker believes that the date is March 5, 1917, but is surprised when Major Wilson informs him that it is March 5, 1959. Decker is shocked by how advanced the American base is, with larger aircraft towering over his small plane. General Harper and Major Wilson note Decker s clothing and believe that he is part of a nearby airshow. Decker attempts to convince them he is from 1917 and argues that he and Captain MacKaye were fighting German pilots when MacKaye was overwhelmed and Decker was swallowed like a vacuum inside a cloud, but Harper and Wilson inform him that MacKaye is on his way to the air field. Decker reveals that he did not live up to his reputation and was a coward on the battlefield. He reveals that he actually left MacKaye to die and flew into the cloud to run away from combat; He also confesses that he sometimes considered giving up and landing behind enemy lines. Decker is unable to comprehend that MacKaye is still alive and believes that he must go back to 1917 in order to save MacKaye and allow for the meeting to take place in 1959. While Decker is running to his plane, viewers are able to catch a glimpse of how advanced the American base is with departing fighter jets and futuristic helicopters landing in contrast to how primitive Decker s plane is. The Last Flight was influenced by the race for air superiority between the Soviet Union and US and the belief that air superiority coincided with national security. The portrayal of the American airbase as being a superior air force with advanced technology than that of the British and French also supports the argument of air superiority being a priority during those times. Decker s stance on war echoed the growing public anti war sentiment that was prevalent in the United States during the Vietnam War . This anti Vietnam sentiment grew from a newly vocal youth culture in the 1960s that
  • 4. Lab Report On The Bacteria Introduction The primary goal of this lab was to notice the bacteria growth in each tube/plates and to be able to properly inoculated the media to get a good result. Materials 4 Nutrient Broths 4 Agar Slants 4 Agar Deeps 4 Petri Dish 1 loop and needle Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus Samples Procedures 1.Label all of the tubes and petri dishes with the name of the bacteria and my lab partner and I initial, but leave one of each media as a control and label it with the letter C. 2.Sterilize loop or needle 3.Using the loop grab a sample of B.S and streak it onto the first plate. Second plate and third plate you repeat the same steps, but instead using one for E.C. and the other one for S.A. 4.For the three nutrient broth you first sterilize the loop and grab a sample of B.S and inoculated by spinning it in a circular motion inside the tube and then repeat the same method for the other two bacteria. 5.The next thing is to grab your Agar slant tube, sterilize the loop, take a sample of B.S and inoculate it inside the tube and gently do a snakelike motion from bottom to the top. Repeat the steps for the other bacteria. 6.Lastly, for the Agar deep, sterilize the needle, grab a sample of B.S and inoculated it by simply pushing the needle straight down about three quarters and then slowly bring the needle out. Repeat the same steps for the other two bacteria. 7.Inoculate the media s in 35oC until the next lab period.
  • 5. Analysis Of Acid Test By Tom Shroder Try new things has always been an important saying to me. If you never venture outside of your comfort zone, you might never realize how much something could positively impact your life. That being said, I strongly agree with Ralph Waldo Emerson s statement, Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow. Emerson s statement relates to modern day science. In the book Acid Test by Tom Shroder, the author informs the reader on the use of psychedelic drugs, such as LSD and psilocybin, to treat mental illness. With the population s intense adversity to the use of these drugs, testing of this theory has been made incredibly difficult. However, in the tests that have been executed, these drugs
  • 6. The Influence Of Gender In Elizabeth I s Rule Of England Power and ascension to a throne always comes with a price as many have opposing views due to tradition, religion, and values. After Henry VIII s rule of England came to an end with his death, a struggle of power was imposed, as his three children would later succeed him as rulers to impact England. Primogeniture allowed Edward VI to rule, but after his death, older sister Mary I claimed the throne. Lastly Elizabeth I claimed the throne as the last Tudor monarch and in the long run, bringing success and a golden age of England with her. With Elizabeth s rise to the throne, ruling from 1558 1603, came strong influences of gender on her reign and affected her responses to them. Religious figures and followers saw a woman political ruler as unholy,... Show more content on ... Elizabeth would later respond to these influences of gender on her political reign (that a woman wouldn t and couldn t rule effectively) with showing her power, right to rule, and devout loyalty to her country. Religious opposition was strong during Elizabeth s rule as the Church and its followers held close to their religious values that women were inferior, could never be placed in a head position, let alone in a clerical position. John Knox, a Scottish religious reformer shows his opinions in his First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women (doc1). The title directly shows Knox s disapproval of women rulers calling their rule as monstrous or atrocious. Knox s view could be biased as it was written in 1558 just as Elizabeth rose to the throne after the rule of her sister, Mary I, who imposed and brought back Catholicism. Knox was a protestant reformer and clerical member, who studied under Calvin, most likely saw Mary I as a horrible ruler (she favored Catholicism unlike Knox), and probably thought Elizabeth would continue on with forcing Catholicism, like her sister. He
  • 7. Theme Of Female Autonomy In Beowulf Does the poet use the female characters in Beowulf to reinforce the limits of female autonomy? In regard to female autonomy and Beowulf, it cannot be ignored that many of the women portrayed in the poem were acting as expected of them in the time period, or alternatively acting against it. The two main examples of this within Beowulf are the characters of Wealtheow and Grendel s mother. Both of these women highlight how this society impacts and limits female autonomy, but both women seemingly went down different life paths and here I will examine how this relates to how female autonomy in this world has impacted them. Wealtheow and Grendel s mother are arguably the two most important female characters in Beowulf, and out of all the women in ... Show more content on ... While I only focused on two women in particular, there are many other instances of women within Beowulf being literally sold off, being pushed to the side and remaining quiet and letting the men of the society rule. The characters of Wealtheow and Grendel s mother are two sides of a coin, with one living as a queen but not really existing or forging her own values, and the other being shunned for rejecting the patriarchal attitudes and finding her own rules to abide by. But yet, both of these characters provided enough information on the society to highlight the gross inequality that women or female figures at this time felt despite having only minor parts in the life of the hero Beowulf, and to him (and all the other men) neither of these women were more than a small blip on his radar. This subconscious disregard of femininity on both Beowulf s and the entire society s part only serves to limit the autonomy of the females who existed alongside them and to highlight my points of how it
  • 8. The Depletion Of The Bee Population While often only appreciated for their honey, honeybees are responsible for pollinating about one third of the food that the human population consumes. Bees provide us with fruits, berries, nuts, vegetables, coffee, and so much more. This is why the depletion of the bee population beginning in 2006 was, and as it continues, so concerning. The term Colony Collapse Disorder refers to a phenomenon in which worker bees vanish from the hive, leaving the queen and larvae unattended, and thus the bee colony ceases to function and collapses. This is happening throughout the United States at an alarming rate, and while one distinct cause for CCD has yet to be found, scientists have narrowed it down to a few possible reasons. Honeybees are social insects that live in eusocial communities in which the bees partake in complex activities and live in well organized groups. There are three types of bees that exist within the hive: the queen, the drone, and the worker. Each colony has one queen bee, whose primary function is reproduction. She also produces pheremones which represses the ovarian development in the worker bees which unifies the colony and maintains her position as queen, until a new one takes over. Drones are the male bees of the colony, and their sole purpose within the hive is for reproduction. Worker bees perform all of the duties to maintain the hive, including building cells, care for and feed the young, care for the queen, handle nectar to produce honey, and guard the
  • 9. The Death Of An Apartment Door Essay The escalating sounds of frenzied footsteps and shrieks had begun to frighten me, as I was walking to my friend s home. Out of nowhere, my eyes started to burn and a hysterical cough overwhelmed my entire body. I had lost complete awareness of my surroundings. The oxygen fleeing my body with every cough left me in a state of terror. A faded figure wrapped their arm around me and assisted me into the lobby of an apartmentbuilding. As I partially regained my consciousness, an overlapping group of voices said, Iyi misin? , Are you okay? in Turkish. I nodded out of habit, although all I could think about was when my cough was going to cease. Forcing my eyelids fully open, I saw two distinct figures; a manwith a torn piece of cloth wrapped around his head, whom I presumed helped get me off the street, and a concerned young woman awaiting outside an apartment door. A mid aged woman rushed out of the apartment towards me, with her hands full. She leaned over my head and gently poured milk over my face, assuring me that I was going to feel better. I enjoyed the soothing sensation all over my face, though it was brief. Then, the woman begun squeezing lemon juice onto a white cloth, and told me to breathe into it. After a short while, my mind had been freed from captivity of the tear gas, and I came to an inspiring realization. These strangers had helped me without question. At the time, it did not matter to them who I was, where I was from or what beliefs I held. They most likely
  • 10. Elderly Driving Test SHOULD ELDERS HAVE TO TAKE A DRIVING TEST EVERY YEAR? Elders are great people, but their driving skill may not be too great. Elders should take a driving test every year, for one reason there would be a decrease in car accidents. Many people have been killed by the lack of the elderly peoples driving skills, also because elders should be reminded how to drive because of their fragile health. One reason elderly people should have to take a driving test every year is because there will be a decrease in car accidents, also because there will be less elder related car accidents. And the elders will be able to learn how to stop elder related car accidents. Also people will be able to stop elder related car accidents before they even occur. And fifty eight percent of car accidents are caused by accidents on the road, and elders taking a driving test every year will help that percentage. Family of elders want their family to stay safe and will encourage them to learn how to drive better. And families of elders can help by encouraging people to make a law saying elders should be required to take a driving test every year. ... Show more content on ... One reason people have been accidently killed by elderly people is because elders get easily distracted by what other drivers are doing. Another reason people have been killed or injured by elders is that a pedestrian will cross and to think fast the elder will mistake the gas for the brake. And some elderly people will get too caught up on what other drivers are doing and pay less attention to what they are doing. People have also been killed by the elderly because many elders have not taken a driving test in many years and should be reminded how to drive. Lastly, driving expectations may have changed from when they have learned how to
  • 11. Analyzing Climate Change Climate change has become one of the most important issues on the global political agenda. This is largely due to the fact that the developments that influence climate change also impact the way in which life is conducted at local, regional, national, and global level. The present paper aims to analyze climate change from a general perspective with due consideration for aspects that eventually define climate change as an essential challenge as well as for humanity in its entirety and for the individual as a single element of society. The first part of the research provides background information on what climate change is, what are its most important constituent elements, and what are its implications. Climate change represents in essence a global challenge that can only be tackled at the global level. This is why it is important to consider the views and perspectives of global organizations such as the United Nations, through the United Nations Environment Program among other organisms under the coordination of the United Nations. Climate change has been at the center of vivid debates in recent decades particularly because it affects all strata of human life, from food supplies to education, health, and sustainable development. Its complex impact on human life makes climate change an all the more important aspect to be taken into account by policy makers, world leaders, and decision takers around the world. The second part of the research focuses on the initiatives
  • 12. Similarities Between Mormonism And Rastafarians Religion as a collective is constantly moving, changing, evolving. With the introduction of New Religious Movements, pluralism, globalization and glocalization, interfaith initiatives it seems safe to say that religion will forever remain fluid and changing, as faiths adapt to culture, society, and the needs of their followers they will not die out. I believe that Mormonism and Rastafarians show this with great abundance. While both Rastafarians and Mormonism share a good amount of similar thoughts, they also cater to very separate demographics. I realize in writing that statement how counterintuitive it sounds, thus, first we will explore how Rastafi and Mormons are similar in their faiths. Both the Mormon and Rastafarian movements cater to very specific demographics. Mormonism caters to those who believe that the Christian Church lost it s way after the death of Christ, and restore what the Mormons consider true Christianity, as opposed to apostasy (abandonment of principles) which they feel characterizes the Christian churches. (1) While Rastafari caters to an ethnic group that has experienced severe oppression at the hands of Babylon , they intend to revive the Way of the Ancients, their concept of the lost civilization of precolonial Africa, and to free people of African extraction from subservience. (2) ... Show more content on ... (1)
  • 13. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Treadmills People around the world are looking for the best treadmill brands that can be used for home. Treadmills are devices or work out machines that make the user walk while staying at the same place. Users can also run on these machines as fast as they want to. Treadmills are great machines that can improve one s stamina and speed. Some people also use these machines to train animals such as dogs and horses. The treadmillwas introduced even before the experts developed the power machine. The idea of the power machine came from manpower operated mills that used people and animals to make it run. These mills were operated by animals such as horse, donkeys, and cow that grinded the grain to make flour out of it. Now, people are using treadmills as workout machines or exercise machines that would keep them in shape or increase their power. A treadmill has a platform that is covered with belt that spins around when the user runs or walks on top of the machine. There are also treadmills ... Show more content on ... They give their customers the innovation and quality experience that their customers need. ProForm is one of the Companies that revolutionize the treadmill industry with its unique designs and quality. They also manufactured the world s famous fold away design. All of their products are made fro the advance reliability, cushioning and electronics that overwhelm the fitness choice of many work out enthusiasts around the world. But they are not yet satisfied of their treadmills that they produce. They still want to improve the design and quality of the treadmills that they manufacture. ProForm treadmills are one of the best brands available around the world. They have provided many people with their innovated designs that give the customers the work out experience that they have never had. Their products are also cheap but very useful. Many people have tested and proven their
  • 14. Cultural Factors In Canada Canada is considered one of the greatest countries to live in according to the World Happiness Report 2015. This is represented through the quality of life of the people, the economic development, the landforms, and many more factors. Since Canada is multicultural it has many influences from many countries, mainly America, that it is difficult to show the distinct culture of Canadaas a country. Americanism not only affected Canada, but also many other smaller countries since America own most of the multi national corporations such as McDonald s. Some factors that make Canada a distinct country are bilingualism, the Aboriginal people, and its symbols that represents Canada. Multiculturalismaffects Canada s identity to shine and show Canada s... Show more content on ... This means Canada accepts many immigrants from different parts of the world. These people come to Canada with different languages, cultures, motivations, and other backgrounds. Some even establish their own country s restaurant or something related to their background. As many people of the same background comes to Canada, there are many events related to them and Canada shows importance to those events. For example, Chinese people are one of the largest population. In Canada, people celebrate the Chinese new year in school, there is Chinatown, people respect the fact that Chinese are allow to bring traditional food to school, and many more. This diverse population in Canada makes people interested into different cultures. Their common knowledge of other country s products, events and many more information will develop according to their relationship with one another. For example, most Canadians would recognize Sushi as a japanese food or it contains seaweed. This is because of the knowledge learned from one another through news, communication, and the relationship with one another. Multiculturalism excludes racism and lack of human rights. As more immigrants come to Canada there will be more cultures which is an advantage and also a disadvantage to Canada because it overlaps Canada s true culture to the fact that many people in Canada does not know what is the actual Canadian culture. Most of all, Americanism has affected not only Canada but many other countries as well. This is due to more business and trade since America owns most of the multi national corporations. People believe that the American culture and the Canadian culture has no differences, these people are called the Continentalists. Canada has many branches of American companies such as McDonalds , Starbucks, Wendy s, and many more other companies. On the other hand, the Nationalists thinks that Canada itself has it own distinct culture and
  • 15. The Man In The Dead Machine Summary In the poem The Man in the Dead Machine, Donald Hall uses vivid imagery and alternative scenarios to emphasize the sheer overwhelming specter of death that loomed over those serving in the greatest conflict known to man. The hook that Hall uses to initially provoke the readers interest is the mentioning of the Grumman Hellcat, a fighter plane used by Americans in World War II. Specifying the model of the fighter plane allows the reader to be knowledgeable about the setting of the poem. The meaning of this poem focuses on the destructivity wartime causes on the life of those in service. The main focal point Hall emphasizes throughout his poem is the uncertainty of life and death. However, other important targets of this poem are suicide... Show more content on ... Throughout this poem there are multiple ways Hall connects the poem to its core meaning. Located within the title, the word dead is used to describe the machine. Being dead is the ultimate end of a life and that uncertainty of death sparks fear among many people. The inclusion of this certain word is used to set the tone of the poem as dark and gloomy and obtain the readers interest. Another method used by Hall to convey the theme of death was through imagery. The entire second stanza is a description of the pilot s skeleton strapped within the crashed plane. Having such a graphic image portrayed, Hall is able to essentially shock his reader with the gruesomeness that death produces. One of the last things the reader may decipher from this poem is that life, just like war, is a trap. Within the third stanza, the pilot is said to be taking a train to work and is held/ by the firm webbing of the train. The webbing infers that the pilot, although not trapped in his plane, is trapped in the roles put forth by society. Throughout Halls poem, many different ideas and topics can be deduced but the uncertainty of life and death stands out as the main focal point. To emphasize the fragileness of life and death, Hall begins the poem with a story of death and in the last stanza switches his perspective to the possible life the pilot could have had if he survived. A topic vaguely brought up in this poem would be
  • 16. Japan Cultural Influences Japan Japan would have to be one of the most pulchritudinous country in Asia. Japan is 377962 km2 of beauty. The 127 million (as of 2016) people who live there could tell you one different thing they love about Japan. Whether it be their culture, language, their yen currency or their four main islands. Cultural Influences Japan is full of diverse people, music, food, religion, art, languages, clothing, customs, games and festivals. However, they all come together to make Japan as we know it. Which has influenced almost every country on Earth to have a little or a lot of their lifestyle Japanese Every region in Japan has their own celebrations/festivals but also celebrate the same as other regions. Some of the biggest are Gion Matsuri (Kyoto), Awa Odori (Tokushima), Kanda Matsuri (Tokyo, Yuki Matsuri, Snow Festival (Sapporo), Nebuta Matsuri (Aomori). Kyoto, Tokushima, Sapporo and Aomori are the four main island of Japan. In some countries, these festivals/celebrations are celebrated as well. Japanese food is one of the most widely eaten food in the world and is a very large employer in Japan. Walking down the streets in Japan you can smell the delicious meals cooking from the many restaurants and the sellers at the fish markets yelling for you to come and buy. The fish market industry in Japan employs over 65000 people. Fish Markets don t only sell fish but all types of seafood. From little agricultural land Japan imports a lot of their food, for example, 90% of Japans beef comes from Australia. Japan is also known for having the deadliest meal on the planet, nugashi fuku. Another world wide Japanese delicacy is Sushi. Sushi consists of seaweed, rice, vegetables and fish. Tea is also a world wide favourite from Japan. Many forms of music, art and poetry come from ancient and current Japan. Such as Origami paper folding, Ikebana flower arranging ( very strict rules ), Manga a type of comic book read by children and adults often made into animated cartoons ( called anime ), Bunraku ВЅ life sized puppets. One is controlled by 3 puppeteers Haikus a form of poetry, usually about nature consists of three lines of 5 syllables, 7 syllables then 5 syllables. Karaoke is a world phenomenon which
  • 17. Independent Film Industries Reinforce The Global... Independent Film Industries Reinforce The Global Construction Of The Hybrid Genre Almost every country has its own film industry. Films are being produced across the world, from the low budget gangster films of Britain s Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Australia s Chopper to the French art cinema of L aventura and the German action offering of Run Lola Run . This is of course to exclude America. Hollywood is the center of the global film industry and it can be considered impossible to gain international superstardom without passing through its coiffured gates. What is it that separates Hollywood from the rest of the world? Is Hollywood the culmination of international filmic ... Show more content on ... This Saussurian[2] idea, that meaning of one thing can change by its surrounding text, can be identified within the Romantic Comedy genre. In British RomComs such as Jack and Sarah a grainy filter is used on the camera to add a gritty realism and lead characters are often faulted and possibly not as beautiful as their Hollywood counterparts in, say, Jerry Maguire where glossy superstars who are destined to be together discover their love in expensive settings, such as the recreated American Football game in Jerry Maguire . These differing conventions from separate film industries are still considered part of the RomCom genre. A possible explanation of this could be their different target audiences. British audiences can relate to clumsy, embarrassed lead characters falling in love in the rain as this is considered typically British . Such stereotypes reveal the structuralist nature of society. Balanced narratives and order do not exist in real life. In the same vein, nationality does not dictate personality. Yet media has developed such indexical representations i.e. clumsy is a sign of British (Hugh Grant in Four Weddings and a Funeral and Notting Hill ), and implanted them in film. These intrinsic meanings, as Bazin[3] articulated, allow for rapid communication of meaning. Equally, the American audience has an array of TV channels, including the big budget
  • 18. Should Quebec (or Other Provinces) Separate From Canada... Should Quebec (or other provinces) Separate From Canada In Order To Best Protect Its Constitutional Rights? In my opinion, all provinces in Canada, including Quebec should not separate. Quebec has been one of the provinces of Canada for a long period of time. Most people in the world view that it is one of the component in Canada. French Canadian and English Canadian seem to live together peacefully without conflict, even many people with different cultures and languages come to Canada in recent years. I thick Quebec has no reason to become independence from a multicultural nation. Some people who agree Quebec to separate state that separation can protect their French culture and language. I think it is an unacceptable reason in a ... Show more content on ... Quebec separation is also a morality problem. In fact, it is part of Canada. People in a nation are like brothers and sisters, they should help and protect each other. If Quebec separates, it will act like one of the family members leave the family and no longer maintains his last name. Nobody wishes to have this happens in his family. Beside, identity of a nation is very important. It makes difference between country and country. People in the world know that Canada is mainly formed by French Canadian and English Canadian, and it has bilingual and muiltcultural culture. Most French Canadian lives in Quebec. If Canada loses Quebec, the French Canadian culture will surly be lost. If there is no French Canadian culture, then the identity of bilingual will no longer need. Multiculturalism will no longer support by the French culture. Canada will hurt a lot because it loses one of the most special identities. Canada, including Quebec belong to every Canadian, not only the Quebecers. Every Canadian should have the right to determine Quebec should leave or stay. It is normal in a democratic country and government should respect to what the citizens say. In Canada, only 22% of people agree that Quebec should separate, as well as 27% in Alberta. By these percentages, we can see that most people disagree Quebec to separate. Moreover, 80% people in Alberta oppose letting a separate Quebec use the Canadian money dollar, and 69% against letting Quebecers
  • 19. The Pros And Cons Of Analogue Versus Digital Get a group of recording engineers together, and sooner or later the conversation will turn to a discussion (probably quickly escalating to an argument) about analogue warmth and how things sounded so much better BD (Before Digital) and even engineers and musicians who ve never worked in earnest with all‑analogue systems (digital having become mainstream as far back as the 1980s) seem keen to bring this perceived warmth into their productions. What Is Analogue Warmth? Not everyone has had first‑hand experience of magnetic tape recording and other analogue recording technology, of course, but we ve all heard and admired the vast back catalogue of classic records made using this technology from the 1950s onwards. There are many factors that combine to create character in recordings, ranging from instruments, musicians and performances, through the rooms and mics used, to the ... Show more content on ... A lot of the early digital gear certainly didn t live up to the hype that surrounded it, but understanding and technology have come on in leaps and bounds since then, and to my mind digital recording systems can now deliver pretty much all that was once promised: a near‑perfect recording medium that gives back exactly what was recorded. That s great in some circumstances, but it s not always what we want: in many cases, the technical limitations and imperfections of analogue systems have become an integral part of the quality of the recorded sounds that we all grew up with and the end result is perceived by many people as being more pleasing than we can easily achieve today with all‑digital recording chains. Further than that, some of the sounds resulting from abuse of analogue gear have become recognised effects in their own right (tube overdrive and tape saturation being obvious
  • 20. Santiago Code Hero In Santiago, the central character of The old man and The sea, Ernest Hemingway created a code hero who personified courage. Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It s not something you learn in school But if you haven t learned the meaning of friendship you haven t really learn anything . Muhammed Ali.In the book, The old man and The seathe author Ernest Hemingwayshows Santiago to be a strong independent man, kind hearted and friendly. Even though Santiago body is beaten up he stays up to not let Manolin down and to prove to everyone he can do it. Santiago strength is being said throughout the whole story.Knowing that he got back to the store with his body beaten up from left to right and with no fish meat shows that he has a lot of strength. Santiago unfortunately was unprepared for his long war. He was suppose to only stay for one day that s it. Throughout this war Santiago pride and strength stayed up. He never let his pride go or his strength weaken .Santiago was a man, even in his old age he still showed the same... Show more content on ... In Hemingway s The old man and The sea, Santiago was example of friendship when he shows how Manolin was, stress and sad about the fact that Santiago has not return back when he went out fishing that morning and didn t come back that day but what Manolin did when Santiago finally returned showed it all. It tells us that Manolin and Santiago friendship is so loyal that when Santiago finally return Manolin was in tears thinking that he had lost him forever. Manolin was there for him through his recovery, getting him what he needed.Code hero really fits Santiago character because he truly made a big impact in Manolin life. Being a friend and teaching him how to fish and being a hero and staying strong through his hard time in the sea those couples
  • 21. Laboratory Information Management System ( Lims ) Laboratory information management system (LIMS) is a software system that leads records and reserves data for laboratories. It sends laboratory test orders to laboratory materials, tracking its responsible and records the results to a searchable database. Also LIMS supports the operations of public health organizations such as hospitals and clinics. Workflow Data tracking support Customer data Data exchange Data exchange interfaces Electronic documents management Quality control Data storage Barcode handling LIMS helps improve the workflow which relates to project result criteria and automatically line samples for inferior screens which forms associated apparatus, samples and specialist. The users control workloads by the apparatus or specialist for this procedure and identifying the tests to increase more the workflow. LIMS uses data exchange to transmit the results for doctors; laboratories; sample processing to find out the disease. The barcodes are included on the reports or results which they are tracked. Also uses a logbook perception to be able to enter, renew, observing samples, test results and maintain notes easier. Automatic devices send diagnostic data to LIMS, not manually to avoid the entrance of large amounts of data such as organics, metals that would disrupt the results. The manual data do not use this procedure due to its characteristics. I work in a biomedical laboratory and waiting to receive samples from a clinic and need to send
  • 22. The Importance Of Security In School Security Identification and exploration of need I aim to design a simple system to implement into the schools existing security as at the moment it is very easy for people to enter and exit the school both in and out of school hours.Also with incidents involving the school poorly set up security system makes more of a need for an update the current one.Although it is a bad thing be so open it also does have the benefit of allowing staff and students to leave when allowed but also allowing them to leave without permission.Having a stricter system may slow down the process of people exiting and entering the school legitimately Areas of investigation Areas i believe need to be investigated How often staff or students leave the school with permission within school hours ? Is it a danger not having it ? Consideration of design factors Criteria to evaluate success The success of this design will be assessed from the function and ergonomics of this design as it needs to function and solve the problem of the lack of security currently, yet whilst stricting the security make sure people that are trying to leave and enter the school properly can do so.Meaning that the system will be deemed successful if it is aesthetically pleasing and welcoming to students and and the community yet have a distinct look that will deter unwanted people. Also it will need to perform the the task of keeping people inside the school safe and the schools property safe as well Time and action plan Term 2
  • 23. The Best Practices Diversity Management And How Do They... Olaitan Okusaga HRM 350 Cross Cultural Communication Essay Dec 29, 2014 Topic: What are some of the best practices in diversity management and how do they improve organizational performance? Introduction As we enter the new phase of modern labor, diversity in the workforce is rapidly increasing. This wave of multiculturalism is here to stay and cannot be ignored by the present workers or students that are preparing to take charge of the future workforce. It is in need of attention in order to uphold the well being and success of businesses and organizations all over the world. Diversity The overall globalization of businesses has changed our world greatly in the last couple of years. One of the very vital concepts globalization has brought us is diversity in the workplace. Diversity covers differences in gender, age, language, background, ethnic background, sexual orientation, and religious believes. It can also be said, that diversity refers to the other ways in which the members of a community are different (Webster Dictionary). Managing Diversity Working with people from very different backgrounds can be very difficult and challenging, especially when one is the manager of a diverse organization and staff Managing diversity aims at providing employees with backgrounds, needs, and skill sets that may vary widely with the opportunity to engage with the company and their co workers in a manner that produces an optimal work environment and the best
  • 24. Introduction To Chemistry, A Natural Science, And Social... The subjects for this study will be undergraduate students enrolled in either Introduction to Chemistry, a natural science, or General Psychology, a social science, at the University of Arkansas in Spring 2018. Students will enroll in courses based on their own academic preferences. These courses are both scheduled for 50 minute discussion sections that meet two days a week (TTh) from either 9:30 10:20 or 10:30 11: 20. All identifying features of the student (e.g. names or student ID number) will be replaced with random 7 digit ID numbers that the researchers will assign to each student on the first day of the course. The condition each identification number is in will not be revealed until the experiment has concluded and the data is... Show more content on ... Researchers will also be analyzing if the type of course, natural science or social science, will alter the note taking technique that has the highest scores. Type of course will also be a between subjects variable. Materials required will include in class assignments related to the lecture materials. Each in class assignment will consist of ten questions that are easy to answer if the student was attending to what the professor was saying. All students will require a laptop or paper notebook to take notes on. The classrooms necessary will be smaller rooms with a maximum of 40 seats per room. This small size is necessary so the research assistants can ensure each student is using the correct method. Additionally, one experimental condition will require the use of the app StayFocusd from Transfusion Media (2010) which allows its users to temporarily block access to user specified apps for a designated amount of time. This experiment will require the use of four research assistants. Two of these assistants will be placed in the classroom to ensure students are using the appropriate method. The remaining two research assistants will be in the lab processing and configuring the data for the results of the experiment. Different researchers will be used to compute the data than those who are in the classrooms to eliminate any chance of experimenter bias. Lastly, the professors will be designing and distributing the in class assignments. Procedure Students
  • 25. Essay On Georges Clemenceau Georges Clemenceau Angelina Natale Ms. Beck Honors World Cultures Pd. 8 19 May 2017 Georges Clemenceau also known as the Tiger and Father Victory , served as the French Prime Minister during World War I. Clemenceau was born September 28, 1841 and died of natural causes on November 29, 1929. Georges Clemenceau played an important role in World War Ibecause he made very critical decisions at the Paris Peace Conference, as well as in the Versailles Treaty and overall led France through harsh times. Georges Benjamin Clemenceau was born in Mouilleron en Pareds, France. His father, Benjamin, who was a political activist, is responsible for shaping Georges inclination towards Catholic detest. Benjamin is also responsible for Georges meeting a group of men who were plotting to overthrow emperor Napoleon III, as well as Jules Michelet, a historian. In 1861, Georges and Benjamin went to Paris to study medicine. While in Paris, Georges met a man of the republic opposition. This man created an association named Agis Comme Tu Penses, which in English means Act As You Think. After Georges met this man, he founded Le Travail, which was a journal that made his views on politics very clear. This journal ended up getting him arrested. After he was released, he went to New York City. During his time in the United States, he began teaching an all girls school in Stamford, Connecticut. There he met, Mary Plummer who he later married and had three children with; after seven years
  • 26. The Annunciation (Cleveland Museum Of Art, Cleveland Formal Analysis of The Annuciation The painting The Annunciation (Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland) was made in Netherlands, or possibly France, in the 1380s, using tempera and oil with gold on wood panel. A vertical composition of about 31.43 Г— 40.32 cm, the sacred iconography depicts the biblical scene of the Archangel Gabriel, sent by God, announcing to the Virgin that she would soon give birth to Christ. The artist, who was commissioned to draw this piece, is unknown. The patron probably commissioned the artwork for devotional use. It might be part of a narrative polyptych, conveying the biblical story of Christ, expressing the divinity of God and Christianity. In the foreground, the two main figures of the scene, the Virgin and the Archangel, are markedly painted larger than the figures in the background, and thus, they become the attractive focus of the whole painting. ... Show more content on ... The excellent employment of chiaroscuro vividly shows the texture of the front of the drapery, depicting it realistically and three dimensionally. She has a golden halo with God s messages on it behind her head, showing her divinity. She sits on an elevated throne with a calm look on her face. However, she holds her hands in front of her breast, eyes gazing at God s message brought by the Archangel, palms facing each other, indicating surprise and excitement due to the message. The Virgin s serene facial expression contradicts her behavior, perhaps because the message not only tells her the incarnation of Christ but also foreshadows his doomed death. Therefore, the whole painting can be a polyptych. This piece is the beginning of the story, and other pieces, such as Crucifixion, may be other parts of the
  • 27. Human Resources And Human Resource Practices Regardless of the size of a business or whether it is a multi million dollar software distributor or a productive trucking company, there is one thing that most all companies have in common. Every company needs to have efficient human resource practices. According to Mayhew (n.d.), human resources plays an essential role in developing a company s strategy as well as handling the employee centered activities of an organization (para. 1). If the employees are the backbone of an organization then the human resource department is the brain stem. It can be the glue that holds an organization together, or the hammer that breaks the organization apart. There are many issues that companies face when dealing with human resources. Things such as payroll disputes and disgruntled employees are fairly common, but for the most part they are easy to overcome. The major issue that companies have to face when it comes to human resources is a double edged sword. It is both a blessing and a hindrance at times. This issue is how to handle the ever changing diversity within the organization. In order to be a successful human resource department of an organization that treats their diverse workforce in a fair and equal manner, one must first understand how the workforce demographics are changing, what problems may arise due to these changes, and how to overcome these problems. It is a delicate dance that must be done on a daily basis. Description As was inferred earlier, diversity
  • 28. Kindred Literary Analysis When a reader reads a piece of literature, they might find themselves having events and feelings in common with a character. When I read Kindred, I realize I connected with Dana and Kevin in the passage, The Fall part seven. Dana experiences the familiar symptoms connected to her time traveling, and it is the feeling of dizziness. Kevin, who is accustomed to these episodes, latches on to Dana to travel back with her. Kevin and Dana arrive in a forest where they see Rufus with a broken leg after falling out of a tree. Dana and Kevin quickly asks Nigel to call for Rufus s father to help transport Rufus home. Rufus convinces his father to let Dana and Kevin stay at their house. Dana gets sent to the cookhouse by Margaret Weylin, Rufus s mother,... Show more content on ... She successfully delivered the ignorance, hardships, and violence that came with slavery in the 1800 s. Butler did this in a way that made me so eager to turn the next page. I found it interesting how she combined the topic of slavery and time travel in one book. Therefore, I thoroughly enjoyed Kindred, as it was an eye opener of what African Americans had
  • 29. The Goal By Eliyahu M. A Brief I chose to read the book, The Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt. The book is about a plant manager, Alex Rogo, who is trying to save his plant from getting shut down by using the help of physicist, Jonah, and the Theory of Constraints. I can see the benefits of this book in different areas, not only in the ability to increase productivity in any company, but also using the ideas in all other areas of your life. I personally had a difficult time understanding this book. It took me reading it, then going back and re reading part of it, to really understand how to apply the concepts. However, I do finally get it. The two key things that I enjoyed about the book are dependent events in relation to statistical fluctuations and bottlenecks vs non bottlenecks. When reading the chapter about dependent events in relation to statistical fluctuations , Goldratt use the example of a Boy Scouts hiking trip, where the slowest boy was in the back, and one of the faster boys were in the front. One would think that this was a great idea and would help them get to their destination fast, but in reality it did the exact opposite. It made the process much slower, because the boy in the front set the pace for the rest of the group, but because the rest of the group had slower paces, they were unable to keep up with the demand, if you will, which resulted in a gap in the line. These gaps in the line caused the last person in the line, which happened to be Alex, to have to wait on the rest of
  • 30. The Importance Of Religion In Ancient Egyptian Religion While some civilizations are defined by their religion, ancient Egyptian religion was defined by the civilization. The people of ancient Egypt (3500 30 BCE) were greatly influenced by the cyclical nature of their environment and the Nile River, causing their society to be immensely uniform in their ways. This uniformity is reflected in Egyptian theology and overall culture; the Egyptian polytheistic gods and their existence in daily life rarely, if ever, changed and never drastically. However, for a brief period in the Old Kingdom, a rapid shift in Egyptian religion took place. Akhenaten, originally known as Amenhotep IV, became pharaoh of Egypt, and with his rule came the upheaval of practices which had previously been in place for thousands of years. With the cyclical nature of Egyptian society blossomed their desire for order and law. This order in ancient Egyptian civilization was referred to as Ma at. All aspects of life were based around this concept and their religion could be defined as the realization of Ma at (Charles 1). Ma at was not only an idea, but a goddess to the Egyptians. She was associated with balance and harmony on Earth. With the existence of Ma at came the importance of consistency in Egyptian beliefs and practices; one of these consistencies was the importance of the afterlife. Ancient Egyptian people believed in the existence of life after death. They left items with the dead to go with them as they passed and the people also worked to maintain
  • 31. The Role of a Setting in The Great Gatsby Essay In F. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby, the setting of New York in the nineteen twenties performs an extensive role in the novel. Although the nineteen twenties are a time of economic prosperity, they appear to be a time of corruption and crime as well. In New York, particularly, the nineteen twenties are a time of corruption and moral scarcity. The setting is during the Jazz Ageas well, where popularity, fashion, and commerce are a primary inclination. The setting of The Great Gatsby efficaciously portrays the behavior of the characters in The Great Gatsby, as well as the plot and development. The setting assiduously delineates how themes, motifs, and symbols can fluctuate in relation to the time or location. The setting of The... Show more content on ... This occasion displays how potentially careless and morally corrupt the citizens of New York in the nineteen twenties can be. It is occasions like these that prominently portray the depth of moral corruption in relation to the significance of the setting in The Great Gatsby. The nineteen twenties can be bestowed numerous names, such as The Roaring Twenties, or The Prosperity Decade. One name, however, is specifically attached to the nineteen twenties; The Jazz Age. It is during the nineteen twenties that jazz music becomes emphatically prevailing. With this new age, however, as with every age, comes a demeanor of fashion, spirit, and custom. The wealthy class of the Jazz Age, composing of Jay Gatsby, the Buchanans, and so on, prospers during this time. In chapter three, Nick Carraway proceeds to one of Jay Gatsby s splendid parties, and scrutinizes the denouement of the amalgamation of wealth and a Jazz Age party. As Nick Carraway alleges on page forty, By seven o clock the orchestra has arrived, no thin five piece affair, but a whole pitful of oboes and trombones and saxophones and viols and cornets and piccolos, and low and high drums... The bar is in full swing, and floating rounds of cocktails permeate the garden outside, until the air is alive with chatter and laughter... From the quote on page forty, one may indubitably visualize how those such as Jay Gatsby or the Buchanans subsist on an everyday basis. During the Jazz
  • 32. Using Custom Apps For The Android System One of the ways that a user can expose himself to malware can be to hack Android devices in order to get root privileges to install custom apps. This has several risks as it elevates a user s privileges rerouting the Android system. With root privileges, an Android user can do many things that the Android manufacturers have disabled for you as a normal user. This creates security flaws because hazardous apps can be installed and apps can get root privileges. User installed apps that require root privileges can be especially dangerous. Illegal means will beget illegal acts. A general rule of thumb is that if a user must do something that the Androiddesigners don t want them to do, then it s for good reason. A good saying to follow by is that if you aren t the consumer, then you are the product. This means that if you get things for free, then there s almost always a catch. Security may be a beneficial factor for devices, but ultimately the user is responsible. The Google Play Store is an app that connects to a server hosted by Google that stores a large collection of apps made by companies or users. These apps add functionality to our phone. Developers use Google s software development kit or SDK to create new apps for the Android platforms. If Developers uphold Security, then hackers may not be as likely to create malware to reroute apps to the detriment of the users. Developers may also look at the statistics and comments of the app to learn what bugs are still in the app
  • 33. Essay On Multiferroic Materials With advent of scientific research and technological interest, multiferroic materials have drawn much attention for foundational physics, technological application in possible miniaturization and integration for multifunctional devices (e.g. magnetic field sensors, multiple state memory element, transducers, actuators, broadband magnetic sensors, non volatile memory elements, oscillators, phase shifters, electric field controlled ferromagnetic resonance devices, switching devices, modulation of amplitudes, filters, waveguides, spin wave generation, energy harvesters, magnetic recording read heads, random access memories, RF resonators, tunable inductors, and ME antennas) [1 11]. The most intriguing characteristic of multiferroic materials... Show more content on ... Since the inception of the concept of product property, proposed by Von Van Suchetelene, [37] multiferroic composites becomes the alterative way to overcome the limitations of the single phase multiferroic ME materials. In composite systems, the functional properties are resulted from the constituent phase and their reciprocal interactions as synergy effects. Ciomaga et al. [38] have identified three types of synergy effects such as: (i) sum property, which represents the weighted sum of the components contributions of the constituent phases; (ii) combination property, which denotes an effect in which the amplitude of the property is higher in the composite than in the end compounds at given compositions or under specific circumstances, (iii) product property, which represents the effects present in the composites instead of the individual phases. The sum and combination properties usually describe the average or enhancement of effects that have already present in the parent phases and on the other hand, the product property only ascribes the novel phenomena that have emerged from the reciprocal interaction among the individual phases. In general, the functional properties of ME composites are consist of sum property (i.e. magnetization) and product property (i.e. ME effect). In 1978 Boomgaard and Born [39] postulated the following concept for obtaining the high magnetoelectric voltage coefficient for practical device
  • 34. John Brown Failures John Brown had an ordinary life before he became embroiled in the antislavery movement. Brown was born in 1800 and he grew up in Ohio. Due to him working with his father in a tannery, he later wanted to start one of his own when he was seventeen. The young man soon master the rural arts of farming, tanning, surveying, home building, and animal husbandry, but his most conspicuous talent seemed to be one for profuse and painful failure. (Chowder, 333) When he was twenty, he got married, but later became a widower due to his wife passing away eleven years after their marriage. However, he got married again and became the father of twenty children, in which only eleven were able to make it to adulthood. Brown invested money for his tannery, but... Show more content on ... In May 1856, Brown led a group of volunteer abolitionists toward Pottawatomie Creek, where people who were in favor of slavery lived at. He took a total of eight people with him to Pottawatomie Creek. Brown wanted to seek revenge on the proslavery people for the sacking of Lawrence. During their mission, Brown got a hold of James Doyle and other men of the family. Brown watched as his followers were attacking them by slicing their heads and arms. Doyle was then shot in the head by Brown. Brown and the other abolitionists went to other homes and killed more men before they were finished with their mission. This event came to be known as the Pottawatomie Massacre and from this event, :John brown, the aged outsider, became an abolitionist leader. (Chowder, 334) Therefore. Brown started to be more known for his actions against the people who were in favor of slavery as soon as he arrived tp
  • 35. The Meaning Of Basketball Physical Training And... highlighted in order help fine tune each player scoring, passing, dribbling ability. The thought has always been that defense wins ball games, therefore; several defensive conditioning drills will be incorporated in order heighten their ability. Lastly, there will be a detailed review of the information given and final thoughts on the subject of basketballphysical training and conditioning. I was running a famous line in the movie Forrest Gump mad by Tom Hanks, this is the mindset that the player on your team has to have to accomplish one of the major aspects of muscular fitness which is muscular endurance. In the game of basketball, there are four quarters, many time during the fourth, the importance of endurance training comes to light. A player that is in peak physical condition often run at the same speed and have the same munverableity that they had in the first quarter. There are two types of endurance in the area of physical fitness Low Intensity and High Intensity which both need in the sport of basketball. High Intensity endurance much greater in the game of basketball due to the fact that it uses high power movement repetitively when playing the game. While low endurance cardio is often overlooked when the final seconds of the game is on the line, this attribute is often highlighted. An area such as the anaerobic threshold and lactate threshold have to both be increased while training in order to promote maximum performance. When training for basketball or
  • 36. Queers Are Like Jews, Aren T They By Janet R. Jakobsen... Janet R. Jakobsen s essay, Queers Are Like Jews, Aren t They? Analogy and Alliance Politics, is about carelessness, the misuse of analogies, and the inattention to racism, fascism, and homophobic generalizations. I chose to discuss the second paragraph because it ironically generalizes; aka paraphrases the essay in a whole. However, it provides a reader with no prior knowledge of the subject the information to comprehend Jakobsen s key points, which are important to understanding the purpose of the essay. She explains the importance of exploring [the] questions [she asks in the beginning of her paper] through the specificity and complexity of historical relation. This statement is crucial to the essay because as human beings, we tend
  • 37. The Trafficking Of Women And Children Project work This aim of this study is to explore the trafficking of women and children in Europe for the purpose of commercial sex exploitation(CSE).Women and Children have been victims of trafficking for the sole purpose of commercial sex and other forms of exploitation all over the world and in EU in particular, these has made them vulnerable and also has become a potential threat to them (UNODC, 2010)Human trafficking involves trading human beings for various forms of exploitation of with sex is one of the predominate form of children are found all over EU working as prostitute for money. In some EU countries it has been noticed that some men do consent for their wife and children to be exploited for commercial sex and other forms of exploitation. Women and children that falls victims to human trafficking for the purpose of commercial sex exploitation are regarded as commodity and are used roughly by the person that has paid for their service. There are so many forms of exploitation that comes with human trafficking like forced labour, begging and smuggling. It s not only undeveloped nations that are involved in human trafficking for exploitation for various forms; some of developed nations are also involved. Human Trafficking have been recorded and witness in almost all the countries of the world. (UNODC, 2010). Human trafficking has been a serious crime and will be a serious crime that many European countries have been combating today; until something concrete is
  • 38. Listening Skills In Counseling Counseling is a process that occurs when client engage a professional counselor to set time aside expressing problems, thoughts and feelings in a confidential space so being able to help them deal or overcome issues which cause difficulties and also helped to improve life in future. Apart from that, a counselor is trained to listen with empathy whereby with the helpof counselor, clients will slowly feel better (Dryden, W, 2010). Listening, attending, empathy, questioning, summarising are all the counseling skills for a trained counselor. Each skill has the own meaning to it. These counseling skills can be very effective in a way if a trained counselor knows how and when to apply them during the session. Basically, listening skill involves ... Show more content on ... Besides that, I reflect on the limitations and challenges of skills used by me in this role play. One of the most important limitations is dealing with anxiety. The moment I am face to face with clients, I am feeling nervous and out of words. Imagine, being in a room with someone who is a stranger to me and I should not expect her to start the conversation instead. Understood that this could be her first time being in a counseling session but to prevent her from keeping silent, I had to start a conversation to start the session. Besides that I have to also build a relationship and trust with clients so in days ahead, she will feel comfortable conversing with me. Time is a crucial thing for me. Basically, I have a habit of looking at the time for every five minutes although counseling session took up only an hour, but to me, it seems to be long. Apart from that, she might think that I am bored listening to her issue but as a act of trained counselor, I steal a glance on my watch when she grab a drink or wipe her mucus. Although it is hard to maintain by not looking at the watch each time, but to me it is a way of respect towards our
  • 39. The First Era Of Industrialization In the 1760s, the United States began its first major period of rapid industrialization. Everyday there was a new factory built, a new machine created, a new industry expanded. The effect of industrialization was so massive that even songs were written about this period. One song depicted a man who could hatch eggs by thousands; all by steam .[1] With more factories and more efficient means of production, more commodities became available to the public for consumption. The first era of the industrial revolution drastically changed the way America functions as a consumer society. The second period of industrialization altered how America functions as a capitalistic society. After the Civil War, the next era of industrialization began in... Show more content on ... Through offers made in cash or Standard Oil stock, Rockefeller was able to persuade other oil refineries to sell their business to him. Those who refused were specifically targeted by Rockefeller and put out of business through various means.[3] [4] Andrew Carnegie, a man who made his fortune in the steel industry, used a method similar to Rockefeller s vertical integration. Vertical integration is the domination of an industry in which all steps of the process of a product are bought out. Carnegie did this, buying every stage for steel production, from iron mines to rolling mills. By owning every aspect of the steelmaking process, Carnegie was able to supply his product at a cost less than that of his competitors , thus running them out of business. Carnegie s ability to produce more goods at a cheaper cost is known as the economy of scale.[5] [6] Political corruption was another common and favorable tactic amongst business owners. To prevent business harming laws from being legalized or to pass beneficial laws, businessmen often bribed politicians at the local, state, and national level .[7] Politicians were given company stock, funds for elections, and free or reduced materials. Today historians most commonly associate the railroad industry with political corruption. To gain their business favor, railroad companies would offer free passage to
  • 40. Sonny s Blues in Harlem Everyone is born in different times with different opportunities. Some of us have to struggle to make ends meet and others are born with money at their feet already. Sonny s Blues opens up in Harlem with the narrator on a bus reading a newspaper learning that his brother, Sonny, has been arrested for selling heroin. Sonny s brother takes him in after he is released from jail. However, his brother is scared if he lets him back into his home he will fall into his old ways. Sonny s true passion in life is to become a Jazzmusician but his family doesn t believe in what he wants to do. Sonny want s his brother to go with him to a jazz club to see how he actually is and not just seeing him as a dope selling drug addict. At the end of Sonny s set, he realizes that Jazz has helped Sonny to stay free and express himself. Through Marxist criticism Baldwin highlights the power struggle of the main characters and the world in which they live. First off, the two main characters that go through a power struggle are Sonny and his brother whom is unnamed. Sonny is an up and coming Jazz musician and his brother, seven years older, is a high school math teacher. Sonny is different than his brother because Sonny knows what he wants and he wants to give meaning in whatever he does. As Joseph Flibbert states in his article, When Sonny begins to play the piano, initially with enthusiasm, eventually with consuming passion. He takes no lessons. He plays from the soul. The improvisational
  • 41. Peoples Temple Essay Peoples Temple On November 18, 1978 more than nine hundred people died in one of the largest mass murder/suicides in history. The man that implemented and carried out that atrocity was James Warren Jones, otherwise known as Jim Jones, a self proclaimed Second Coming (God). His exposure to an intensely emotional Pentecostal church service influenced and shaped his future beliefs and actions. In 1960, despite his lack of theological training, Jim Jones became an ordained minister. He made racial equality one of goals. Jim Jones also used fear arousal to recruit his followers by Genocide and thermonuclear war. His ability to persuade was more successful with him becoming an ordained minister. He used his charisma to persuade ... Show more content on ... The people yielded to real or imagined social pressure. There were loyalty tests to prove their loyalty to Jim Jones. One of these tests was to do a practice suicide of drinking the Kool Aid. They were told the drink was poisoned, but it really wasn t. The people thought it was though and drank it anyways. Some of the people were just compliant. They yielded to social pressure in their public behavior, even though their private beliefs had not changed. I believe these people to be the ones who ended up wanting to leave the cult. Some of these people were killed for trying to leave. There were still others who conformed to the social norms for fear of negative social consequences which they called catharsis. Their example of catharsis was, for example, if a teenager was accused of being rude to a senior citizen , the congregation would hear the evidence and vote on the teenagers innocence or guilt. The punishment could be a severe spanking administered by Jones. Adults who transgressed were punished by being placed in a ring and forced to box with bigger, stronger Temple members. Transgressions subject to catharsis ranged from selfishness, sexism, discourtesy to drug and alcohol abuse, and petty crimes for which members could be arrested and convicted by public authorities. So, as far as this relating to the chapter, it did in many ways. I have always wondered what the Jim Jones story was all about. I was six years old
  • 42. Acne Skin Care Research Paper Acne skin care for some is easy, while others with severe acne breakouts struggle on a regular basis to keep there pimples under control. Others fall somewhere in between the two extremes, they suffer only from occasional outbreaks. No matter which class you fall into, an acne outbreak is not enjoyable and finding the one way to treat acne that works can be a complicated and exasperating process. The crucial process of acne skin care is to keep pores from getting clogged, unclogging infected pores, and attack the bacteria that causes the infection. Quality make up can reduce the occasional redness associated with minor acne breakouts. There are preventative measures that you can follow to reduce the chance of having an acne breakout in the first place. Lightly washing your face with soap and water a few times a ... Show more content on ... Exfoliates not only remove the dead skin cells from the surface, they are also offer the benefits of antibacterial and anti inflammatory products. Both of these ingredients can help to treat the existing acne and reduce the redness and swelling that often accompanies a breakout. Another common ingredient is azelaic acid. One ingredient used on the face is salicylic acid, if you choose to use salicylic acid you need to apply it with caution. While this ingredient can help to prevent the pores from clogging, it can be too irritating to sensitive facial skin. People with severe acne will need to consult a dermatologist or physician for help with their acne control. A dermatologist might suggest a cleansing regime, use lights or lasers to treat and prevent future breakouts, they may also prescribe medication. If prescribe medication, you should always ask about and be wary of the side effects. Most acne medication is extremely harsh some are even toxic. Some side effects may only be discomforting, while others are permanent. Acne prescriptions have even been linked with depression, with a few resulting in
  • 43. Developing A Healthy Attachment For Children Steven was born in Russia from an alcoholic mother and father. His parents left him at an orphanage located in Moscow, Russia. The orphanage was not equipped with enough staff and were unable to meet the needs of all the children. He spent most of his time restrained inside of a crib, along with other children. Even though children were around him, they were restricted of any interaction. He did not learn how to speak until he was illegally trafficked into the United States at the age of seven, and that was very limited. The purpose of this case study is to determine the factors during infancy and early childhood that prevented him in developing a healthy attachment. According to Joan Greg Cook (2007), attachment can be defined by, An... Show more content on ... Without an animate or inanimate attachment figure or object, he believed when a monkey tried to seek closeness and showed distress without comfort, the monkey would develop poor attachment. This research relates to human infants, such as Steven because he rejected any comfort due to never having a secure base of emotional comfort. Instead, he displayed severe signs of aggression and distrust. According to Mary Ainsworth s research on attachment, Steven may fall into the insecure disorganized attachment. According to Joan Greg Cook, this category of attachment is defined by, Unhealthy type of attachment indicated when infants seem confused or dazed or show contradictory behaviors (p. 184). This attachment style has recently been added by more current researchers, expanding Mary Ainsworth s findings. Steven displayed this attachment style by maintaining a dissociative state when around others, or acting violent out of nowhere. As a toddler, he would respond negatively to any staff that would occasionally bring him food by throwing the food back at the staff and on the floor, and even overindulging to the extent of regurgitating. It is important to note, Steven was restrained in his crib before acts of violence were displayed, therefore this constant restriction was a factor as he became older in forming a healthy attachment. Steven s caregivers did
  • 44. Why Tayo Is Captive To The Ceremony In the book Ceremony writen by Leslie Silko, the main character Tayo is being held captive to the ceremony. Tayo was in the Vietnam war and witnessed his best friend die. This took a major toll him because he promised that he would keep his best friend safe. The only way Tayo can heal from this is by doing the ceremoy. That is why Tayo is captive to the Ceremony. Around page Tayo is trying to get help from an old medecine man named Betonie. This is Tayo s first ceremony. Betonie and shush are chanting as they cut Tayo s scalp. After the ceremony Tayo is given some tea to help him calm down. That night Tayo sleeps good and dreams about Josiah s cattle. This shows how Tayo is captive to the Ceremony. Tayo has not been able to sleep well for a... Show more content on ... Ku ooh tells tayo that he is not sure if the ceremony will work for Tayo. He told him that there are other people that did the same Ceremony and were not able to be healed. Though Tayo was able to sleep well for one night, he is not fully healed. This shows that Tayo is captive to the ceremony because he is forced to continue on with it even though he feels it might not work. Tayo wants to do anything he can to get rid of the bad dreams he is having so he knows he must complete the ceremony just to have a chance. Tayo is also told that if he doesn t complete the ceremony his dreams are going to be haunted. This is because the ceremony is meant to help people who have killed someone. Tayo has not ever killed anyone, so if he does not finish the ceremony he is going to be cursed. This shows another way tayo is captive to the ceremony, not only does he need to finish because it might help him heal but now he must finish it so he is not cursed. At the end of the book Tayo finally completes the ceremony. Tayo goes through his last ceremony with the elders and at the end they say Every evil which entangled him was cut to pieces. This tells us that the ceremony worked for him and he is free from his nightmares. I
  • 45. Safety Data Sheet Analysis Megann Schmidt Assignment 2 The primary purpose of a Safety Data Sheet is to be able to find information about the properties, handling, and hazards of a chemical all in one place. As a chemistry student at UNI, these sheets are best used when read in full before handling a chemical to ensure that you are aware of the hazards and proper protective equipment for that particular chemical. They provide many different sections of information about the chemical, its hazards, first aid measures to take if there is an incident with that chemical, and more. Therefore, they aren t only used by chemistry students; they are also used by lab workers, doctors, EMTs, firefighters, and anyone else who needs to know about a chemical substance. These sheets should be readily available anywhere the chemical is stored or used, and they should also be readily available to doctors and emergency responders in the case they need to respond to some form of chemical injury or emergency.... Show more content on ... It is also a major responsibility of leaders and workers in labs to ensure their Safety Data Sheets are kept up to date and accurate in order to ensure they have accurate information about the chemicals being used. The potential inaccuracy of these sheets greatly surprised me while reading this chapter. It seems crazy to me that companies and people are legally required to have Safety Data Sheets, but there are no laws regarding the accuracy of these sheets. Therefore, one of my big takeaways from this chapter is to look for reliable Safety Data Sheets instead of always just using the first one I can find
  • 46. The Impact Of Social Media On American Elections The Impact of Social Media on American Elections and the importance of 21st century media outlets Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media websites have affected American elections in many forms. Candidates are now turning their attention to the people on social networks Murse (2015). They re trying to draw more people like Millennials because they use more technology. These applicants are trying to step up and make a huge difference from the election of 2008. While in the running, the usage of social media is being used to announce what he or she is doing for the presidential campaign. For this reason, candidates, controversy, public opinion, social media and its 21st century media outlets have become the center of the 2016 election (CIO, 2015). The US presidential election will be on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, and a new president and vice president will be elected through the electoral college (Wikipedia, United States presidential election, 2015). The popular runners are Hillary Clinton, who is a democrat and Donald Trump, who is a republican. Other popular rising candidates are Ben Carson and Bernie Sanders and more beyond them (The New York Times, 2015). Since they re in a fight to become president, there has become a controversy between the candidates. The GOP, known as the Grand Old Party truly believes that Donald trump has a chance in the election. Due to the fact that he has a great deal of support from the people and other political parties (The
  • 47. Similarities Between China And America The United States of America and China have a rough relationship, but it is clear to anyone that they are the two biggest superpowers in the world. These two countries have the highest GDP (gross domestic product) out of any other country, and they are both very influential over other countries, making them the two largest powers in the world. Being two major powerhouses, the two countries have many similarities, and after taking a closer look at the geography, people, and history of the two countries, it becomes evident that there are many differences as well. The geography of the United Statesvaries in many ways. Being the third largest country in the world, at 3,717,727 square miles, the U.S. has lots of space for different types of land.... Show more content on ... China has a population more than four times the size of the U.S., and is the most populated country in the world with a staggering 1,403,500,365 people. That is almost one seventh of the entire population of the world. China has had to implement laws that make it so families get taxed more on every child that they have after their first, to try and get their population down. The population may be much higher than the U.S., however, the median house income is much lower at just over $10,000. About half of the population works in manufacturing, and the other half works in the service industry. The majority of people are some Chinese, although there are many ethnic groups that would all be considered Chinese, the most common being Han. The next most common race is Mongol, followed by Korean, Russian, and Uzbek. Unlike the United States, there are two official languages in China, Mandarin Chinese and Standard Mandarin. Mandarin Chinese is mostly spoken in the north and southwest parts of the country and Standard Mandarin is mainly spoken everywhere else. The two most followed religions in China are Buddhism and Taoism. There is also a very large amount of unaffiliated people in China. China is one of the last remaining communist countries, which plays a big role as to the reason that China has a poor relationship with the United States. China also has a legislative, executive, and judicial branch, however they have one
  • 48. El tГ©rmino Responsabilidad Social en Colombia El tГ©rmino Responsabilidad Social en Colombia ha tenido diversas connotaciones desde su apariciГіn en el contexto empresarial. Las administraciones que asocian el tГ©rmino a un mecanismo de exhibiciГіn gerencial materializado en donaciones y eventos aislados en momentos de conveniencia; Las que lo utilizan con propГіsitos de comercializaciГіn usando la expresiГіn dentro de sus campaГ±as de mercadeo sin un fundamento interno que lo soporte; Las que ejercen parcialmente el concepto solo con el fin de utilizar los activos concedidos con objetivos fiscales y tributarios; Y aquellas que dan cumplimiento a algunos requerimientos exigidos por sus clientes, son algunos ejemplos caracterГsticos de la vagas pero comunes percepciones que se encuentran del concepto Responsabilidad Social Empresarial . ВїCuГЎl es entonces el verdadero sentido de la expresiГіn de moda que actualmente un nГєmero creciente de compaГ±Гas tan pomposamente se atribuye? El cuestionamiento referente al ejercicio de la Responsabilidad Social, se aborda en Г©ste texto desde el entendimiento de un aspecto circunstancial involucrado globalmente en el entorno empresarial, el comportamiento de los individuos. La manera en la que una persona actГєa es, a menudo, el reflejo mismo del nivel de formaciГіn de dicho sujeto y el resultado de todas sus acciones, ejecutadas a tГtulo personal o dentro de una organizaciГіn, tienen incidencia directa, buena o mala, sobre la sociedad. Sin embargo, incurrir en un anГЎlisis sobre el comportamiento
  • 49. Essay about The Battle of Ole Miss SACRAMENTO CITY COLLEGE THE BATTLE OF OLE MISS AS IT RELATES TO THE AFRICAN AMERICAN EXPERIENCE AND AMERICAN HISTORY A TERM PAPER SUBMITTED TO PROFESSOR K.R.V. HENINGBURG DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY BY MONA SALIMI SACRAMENTO, CA 19 APRIL 2010 James Meredith s successful campaign to gain admission to the Univeristy of Mississippi, Ole Miss , and desegregate education in the state most resistant to integration of educational institutions, has become a crucial episode in civil rights history. Ole Miss transformed Mississippi politics and contributed to a cultural shift in the region, as well as invigorated local civil rights activists and those in neighboring states 1. The historic showdown between James Meredith and the ... Show more content on ... because his views were aligned with that of most whites, and Clyde Kennard, who hoped that school officials would be moved by his service in the military, proved to Meredith that to hope that white Mississippians would voluntarily desegregate their schools...was wishful thinking . In 1956 Meredith read about Eisenhower s decision to send federal troops to Little Rock Arkansas to enforce the Brown decision. This news made him confident in his existing belief that if he wanted to be admitted to Ole Miss he would need backing from the federal government.6 The backing of Meredith by the Kennedy Administration adds an interesting dimension to the narrative of Ole Miss. Involvement of federal politics in black issues has historically been dependent on whether it is in the interest of the federal government. During Reconstruction, for example, progressive reforms initiated by the Republican Party were motivated by the necessity of having a politically loyal contingent of voters in Southern, democrat dominated states.7 With the start of the Cold War Washington D.C. s interest in the lives and desires of African Americans is renewed as it struggles to overcome its racist image in recently liberated former colonies overseas in Africa and Asia8. Although it is irrelevant to the discussion of the events that transpired at the university and to race relations in Mississippi, the foreign policy responsible for the involvement of the federal government
  • 50. Inclusive Education Abstract A paragraph from Desiderata says, You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars, you have a right to be here. The paragraph is in consonance with United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization s (UNESCO) 1994 Salamanca Statement which calls for the accommodation of all children, regardless of their physical, intellectual, emotional state in an ordinary school. The Framework for Action stipulates that children with special educational needs, namely: the gifted, the mentally retarded, the visually impaired, the hearing impaired, the orthopedically handicapped, the learning disabled, the speech defectives, the children with behavior problems, the autistic children and those with health ... Show more content on ... Mouton and Marais say its time to reconceptualize the classroom and not automatically think bad behavior is the students problem and something that needs to be controlled. (Mouton, J. Marais, H.C., 1990) He suggested several ideas to ensure that classroom setting will adapt to inclusive education. One, classrooms need one main rule respect one another. After this, if students and teachers create interesting curriculum with materials that matter in the students lives, then students will be interested, involved and focused on what they have designed. Two, teachers need excellent observational skills to determine what caused a behavioral problem. Three, structure the environment so students are actively engaged and motivated. That will be good teaching for all students. This will involve collaboration and networking. It also means the teacher is not always in control, but is a member of the team of problem solvers including the parents, the students and the other teachers. Lastly, common strategies
  • 51. Descriptive Essay On My Family A mid forty year old with the soul of a twenty one year old, my aunt Kelly is a complex individual. Whenever she announces her visits, my cousins lock their doors and shut off their phones. Someone signals the rest of our family that Kelly is in the area. Living an hour away in Trenton, she checks in a few times a year. It s not that my family hates her; she is the life of the party. However, Kelly is an outspoken woman with headstrong opinions and somewhat threatening mannerisms under the influence of alcohol. She is a handful to deal with. Within my sixteen years, I visited Kelly s house once. She s the one who visits us, not the other way around. She invited my mother and me to her house in the summer of 2012. This surprised us considering she rarely asked people to come over and kept her home as a place to herself. Kelly lives alone and inherited her two story house from her great aunt. The suburban home with overgrown grass and chipped aluminum siding looked unpleasant from the outside. In terms of size, it was similar to a mid sized family residence. The front yard consisted of a failed garden and unwanted newspapers. Opening the door, the living room was the first room in sight. Her living room was small and lacked a television. Kelly believed in a conspiracy against cable companies and therefore refused to watch any type of TV. There was a burgundy loveseat couch and an oak colored rocking chair in the corner. Coupons, Republican magazines, Yankee Candles, and
  • 52. Development Of Early Childhood Development Early childhood development is such an intriguing aspect to research because this is really a point in life where children act without reasoning and logic skills. The actions and thinking patterns for two to six year olds is not wrong, it is just illogical and children these ages cannot perform while thinking about a larger perspective other than themselves; which also makes this so fascinating. In my research and observations, I focused on how children during this developmental stage act and not so much about the cognition and processing a child does to make them behave in these certain ways.The theories and ideas are steadily researched, but less rarely show examples ,that are representative of the population of children in early childhoodthat support the theories. Instead of exploring phenomena more deeply to reiterate and validate these theories of brain functioning and processing, such as Piaget s preoperational thought theory, I will instead explore a few phenomena and theories to demonstrate what they are and how they apply to early childhood development using applicable personal experience including observations done myself and the observations of previously conducted research and face to face interviews to support these ideas. Throughout early childhood development, children experience many things that they do not really know how to interpret and rationalize. Isn t this just the most adorable stage of development? Children s language skills and word use increase a
  • 53. Literary Analysis OfBullet In The Brain, By Tobias Wolff Do not laugh at the man with the gun, you will get a bullet in the brain The short story, Bullet in the brain, by Tobias Wolff, Is told through third person narration, the narrator has unlimited omniscience. The protagonist is Ander s, He is suffering from ennui and alienation. Ander s seems to have distanced himself from others and created his own reality in his head instead of the world around him; causing the world around him to become like a story. Which he despises because of his line of work, a book critic. While doing so he constantly criticizes the world around him as if it is a story and ends up getting killed in the process. Through tone, setting, and style the author, Tobias Wolff, created a wonderful short story that compares to no other. The tone of the story is annoyed, the author, Tobias Wolff, makes the atmosphere while you read seem as if you are disgusted with the other characters in the story. It is as if the tone of the short story is making fun of all the other characters involved. It made the author of this analysis feel like laughing in a condescending manner. The protagonist, Ander s is a book critic in the short story, and it is as he has disconnected from reality, or has created his own in his mind. That the real reality is only a poorly written book that he must criticize as such. While doing so, he plays with death, making fun of the robber for his poor and clichГ© choice of words instead of fearing for his life when the robber has a gun to his head threatening his life. A good example of Ander s mockery is, Anders burst out laughing. He covered his mouth with both hands and said, I m sorry, I m sorry, then snorted helplessly through his fingers and said, Capiche oh, God, capiche, (Wolff, 247) The obvious antagonists in the story is the robbers whom take Ander s life. Really it was only the robber with a sawed off shot gun, the other robber is a flat character and is only used as filler. Having only one line and no description what so ever. The only character in the entire short story that has many lines, and a little back story is Ander s and its only after he is dead that the reader learns anything more about him than that he is a book critic. It was not until he had a
  • 54. The Importance Of Advertising In Advertising Advertising and advertisement(s) are defined as any message, the content of which message is controlled directly or indirectly by the advertiser expressed in any language and communicated in any medium to Canadians with the intent to influence their choice, opinion or behavior (Ad Standards, 2017). Puffery is used in many outlets of advertising; it is the practice of making exaggerated, fanciful, or highly suggestive claims about a product or service. Usually the exaggeration is obvious and concerns subjective feelings or non material associations (Arrington, Lutz p.83, 1991, p.469). An example of this would be the Molson Canadian beer ad described the product as cold, clean and crisp . Any beer is cold if you put it in the fridge, and warm if you don t. You would hope that every beer is clean, that no poisonous chemicals or rodent droppings got into it at the factory. Carrot sticks are crisp, potatoes chips are crisp, but beer is wet not crunchy (Beam, 2008, 8.3.1). However, the words cold, clean and crisp are effective puffery. It s supposed to lead you to believe this beer is better than others. This classic justification for advertising contends that ads simply give us information, which allows us to purchase what we want(Arrington, 1991, p.472). The most basic ethical concerns raised by advertising is sending consumers false information about a product or service as well as promoting a materialistic lifestyle that engages people, especially teens or young
  • 55. Breaking The Barrier Case Summary Paolo Santoro, the leader of the 5. Januar Gesellschaft (5th of January Club), raised his questions to the girl. And how exactly are we going to do just that, Ma am? Frankly, I can see ourselves allowing it to occur in the northern parts of the Plaid Curtain, but for the ones on the southern counterpart, I have reasons to doubt. It goes without saying that, as a unified movement, we barely have any control over our own affairs south of Plaid Curtain, with both the Underground and the FYC busily hacking away at what influence we may have over there. Your concerns, Mr. Santoro, are quite understandable. Don t get me wrong, though, said BrГјnnhilde, I can of course sympathize with your concerns. However, such is the whole point of the case. For this plan to become a reality, the RGA... Show more content on ... When the time came to construct the initial plans, I and the three Ryanites from the South, while we were still defining the parameters of this case, we all had reached a certain conclusion that must be emphasized: this case cannot be completed alone. By alone , I am referring to only one crew of RGA members devoted to one specific specialty. Should either you or your compatriots were to undergo this case with only one crew, I am afraid that your progress will not yield ideal results, Mr. O Hara. For this reason, the four of us suggested that if this case is ever going to be success in the long run, there needs to be several different crews pooling together manpower and resources for the sake of what needs to be done. She continued, Together, the RGA can achieve greatly, indirectly assisting the Greater American Catholic School System a fact that, to my displeasure, the RGA has not done at all in its name, since its very formation almost years ago. And what do these plans have to do with me and Chandler? pondered Action
  • 56. Dalyn Rugs Research Paper /tones Dalyn Rugs Cover Your Floor with warmth, beauty Founded in 1979 by Bill and Judy Adams, Dalyn Rugs has 39 different collections that range from traditional styles to fun styles for children and rugs for the game room . For instance, tones is a collection of great rugs made with 100 % wool pile, plush, loop, and over twist assembly, and they come in 20 different colors and styles. Some of these include flowers, bordered classical designs, geometric designs, abstract ones, and of course basic solid colors. Whichever one of the Tones collection you pick, then you will get a fantastic, quality made rug at the best possible price that will last for many years