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Environmental Science Essays
Crafting an essay on the subject of environmental science can be both challenging and
rewarding. The complexity arises from the vast and interconnected nature of environmental
issues. This field encompasses a wide range of topics, including climate change, pollution,
conservation, biodiversity, and sustainable development. Navigating through the multitude of
data, research findings, and varying perspectives can be daunting.
One of the difficulties lies in the need for a deep understanding of scientific concepts and their
practical applications. It requires not only the ability to interpret complex scientific studies but
also to communicate these findings effectively to a diverse audience. Striking the right balance
between scientific rigor and accessibility for readers with varying levels of expertise is a delicate
Moreover, staying abreast of the latest research developments and policy changes in the dynamic
field of environmental science is crucial. The constant evolution of our understanding of
environmental issues adds a layer of challenge to keeping the essay content relevant and up-to-
Additionally, addressing the urgency of environmental problems and proposing viable solutions
requires a thoughtful and informed approach. Environmental science essays often demand a call
to action or advocacy for sustainable practices, necessitating a careful blend of scientific
evidence and persuasive communication.
Despite these challenges, writing on environmental science offers the opportunity to contribute
to the ongoing dialogue on crucial global issues. It allows the writer to engage with current
debates, raise awareness, and potentially influence attitudes and behaviors towards a more
sustainable future.
For those facing difficulties or time constraints, there are resources available to assist in the essay
writing process. Websites like provide a platform where individuals can order
essays on various topics, including those related to environmental science. Such services can
offer support in research, structuring, and articulating ideas, providing a valuable option for
those seeking assistance in navigating the complexities of environmental science essays.
Environmental Science EssaysEnvironmental Science Essays
The Jungle And Fast Food Nation Rhetorical Analysis
Relevant literature usually addresses real life situations, bringing light to serious
issues. Most of the time, an author will write in hopes to influence others to believe a
certain way. Authors must strategize to master the art of persuasion. There are
multiple appeals a writer may use in order to get their point across to the audience.
The Jungleand Fast Food Nation use ethos, pathos, and logos in efforts to gain
support towards their purpose of improving the work conditions and quality of life
for immigrants. In order to convince an audience through an ethical appeal, a writer
would use ethos. Ethos places an emphasis on the credibility of the source. In The
Jungle Upton Sinclairwrites, In the beginning he had been fresh and strong, and he
had gotten a job the first day, but now he was second hand, a damaged article...
(Sinclair 90). Jurgis, Sinclair s character, goes from adoring capitalism to despising
it. Since he proves to be open minded, his feelings seem less biased. Once the reader
observes the vicious cycle Jurgis endures, it becomes difficult to make an argument
against him. In Fast Food Nation Schlosser states, We are human beings, more than
one person told me, but they treat us like animals (Schlosser 169). Instead of just
using a single source, Schlosser uses numerous. The fact that the author is collecting
stories from several different people makes the account more believable. When an
author is pulling at the heartstrings of the
The Information Age
Growing up in the information age, everybody in my generation is influenced by
computers. Not merely regarding computers as a toy or tool in my childhood, I
was curious about the computer itself how it works and what it can do for me. The
first time I used programming was in primary school. Not printing Hello, world like
others, I was able to draw pictures and even create games using Logo programming
language. The charm of programming is very attractive to me. While in high school
I participated in the National Olympiad in Informatics in Provinces (NOIP) and
trained every day solving over 300 questions in total. Through unrelenting efforts, I
was awarded first prize three times. Because of this experience I laid a solid
foundation for my algorithmskills and it has taught me to always solve problems in a
comprehensive way. Eventually, I was recommended for admission to the University
of Science and Technology of China (USTC) because of my specialty in
programming and superior academic skills.
My undergraduate education at USTC has provided me with a strong and
comprehensive background in Computer Science. The curriculum included all the
basic courses in Computer Science such as Data Structures, Algorithms, Operating
System, Compiler and so forth. These courses improved my skills in reading and
writing programs and promoted my understanding of computer systems. For
instance, I implemented a C/0 (a simplified C) complier in two ways: writing a
recursive descent parser
Gold Rush Narrative
Gold Rush Slavery, Gold Rush, what s next?! Mom, dad, and I have never known
what freedom is. We have been sent from slavery to the Gold Rush, my family has
never been treated well. When we were slaves we worked for nine whole years,
then we got sent to were the miners worked... It s November 27, 1861, and the cold
weather has already been really bad for everyone, especially miners. Our owner is
one of the meanest ones there are. If he sees you take a one minute break then he
will yell at you with his very disruptive voice. He gives us the supplies we need to
find gold but it s still super rough. The miners all have to work 24/7. My mom is the
most curious about what s going to happen... Show more content on ...
Hear that? Dad hit something with his shovel. There was a big loud noise were
Dad hit the dirt with his shovel. We all looked at each other and started digging, it
felt like a hour before we were able to dig the thing out. When we looked at what
we dug out, it was like we were looking at a treasure chest full of a million dollars.
We had dug out a huge gold nugget! We knew we had to show our owner, he
would be so happy. But we wouldn t feel any better about it. After we had showed
the gold nugget to our owner we went right back to work, but the owner was very
proud of what he got. I told him that it weighted exactly nine whole pounds! When
we got out of the owners lodge back into the bitter cold snow I thought to myself,
Shouldn t we get a reward for that? The next day when I woke up I saw a pile of
thing layed out in the mine, gold specks, change of clothes, first, and one more
thing, a map. I asked Dad what the stuff was for. Dad answered, It s the things we
need to escape. I argued Last time we tried to escape, we got caught. Then, Mom
chimed in, But the guards aren t
The Trouble With Geniuses Analysis
Success. It is one of the top life ambitions for many. It is the reason people go to
college, strive to get good marks and work hard at their jobs as an attempt to leave
a mark on the world and be known as someone who has achieved. Today, it is mostly
held that in order to be successful, one must have some initial talent or intelligence
and then work, work and work in order to succeed. This concept is brought up in
Gladwell s Outliersas the 10000 hour rule. However, we see that Gladwell brings up
again and again the notion that opportunities are a key element to success. In
Chapters 3 and 4, Gladwell shows that this also applies to those who, by sheer talent
and intelligence, are already outliers: geniuses.
Gladwell s purpose in writing The Trouble with Geniuses is to further explain that
success does not come completely by a person s own merits. He does this by
showing that this idea does not affect only the ordinary or the mildly talented but
also the outlier in its purest and most distilled form the genius (Gladwell 76). There
are two parts to his argument; in the first part, Gladwell shows that there is a limit, a
threshold , to how much IQ affects success. Just like a basketball player s height, he
argues, once you are tall ... Show more content on ...
However, I do not believe that it is a law followed in every situation. Yes, the
children from rich backgrounds may have had this sense of entitlement handed to
them on a silver platter, and will probably have an easier time on their road to
success. However, if someone from a poor home becomes self aware of the tools
they are lacking and does not simply blame the institutions and authority for
whatever it is that goes wrong (in the way Chris Langan did), he or she can work
on oneself in order to acquire those tools. It might not be as simple, but with self
awareness and a bit of confidence, one can go a long
The Dehumanization Of The Natives In Colonial America
For centuries, the English and European colonizers wanted a piece of the new world.
Many of these colonists were very curious of what was at this new world and wanted
to create opportunities for themselves by extracting resources through the labor of the
indigenous people and imported slaves. Though they needed the laborers for their
resources, the indigenous people and imported slaves that worked for them were
dehumanized and mistreated for the colonist s greed. The Spanish and Portuguese
treated the Natives and Slaves inhumanely, while the French treated the Natives fair
and just, but the slaves just the same as the Spanish and Portuguese. One of the major
Native cultures in Central America was the Andean civilization. The Andean
civilizations... Show more content on ...
They just did what they were told, while some revolted. They joined the Bacon s
rebellion because they felt like they had a greater stake since they had to work for
life. Compared to the Native s response, the African slaves did not rebel as much as
the Natives did. The Natives had many violent wars with the Americans. The Anglo
Americans treated the Native Americans with dishonor. The Anglo Americans
treated the Native Americans as if they were the first people to live in America.
The Americans did not count them in their federal census for the purposes of
representation . The Anglo Americans treated the Five Civilized Tribes with no
remorse. They forcedly relocated the tribes along the Missouri River with the help
of president Thomas Jefferson. He established a US sovereignty that would push
them away even though they had no word against it. The Native Americans living
on the plains were treated with no respect. The Anglo Americans took over and
disrespected the land these Natives have lived on for decades with the railroad. To
get this job done, they Americans had to get rid of the Natives and to do that they
must either assimilate or be exterminated. This impacted the Natives spiritually as
they believed their precious land was dying from the works of the
M4 CaseStudy Essay
Case Study: Measurement of Variables Operational Definitions
Chapter 11: The Standard Asian Merchant Bank
The Standard Asian Merchant Bank is a Malaysian merchant bank headquartered in
Kuala Lumpur. The bank provides financial services in asset management, corporate
finance, and securities broking. Clients of The Standard Asian Merchant Bank are
among others institutional investors, foundations, (semi) public institutions,
companies, and high net worth individual clients. Segments in which The Standard
Asian Merchant Bank operates are small and medium sized listed companies, real
estate, and biotech firms.
Syafiq Aimi is a Business student from the National University of Malaysia which is
located in ... Show more content on ...
Information quality
System quality
Satisfaction with the Website
System design quality
Syafiq now wants to collect quantitative data to be able to test this model with
multivariate regression analysis. In order to collect these quantitative data, Syafiq is
currently busy with designing a survey which he wants to post online. He has
developed the following table that should help him to operationalize the constructs in
his conceptual model.
Table 1: Overview of the Constructs/variables in my Model, Subconstructs , and
Information quality
Survey questions
Information content
Refers to the content of the information provided by the website (Hernandez et al.
The range of information is high.
The information is applicable to the website s activities (zie relevance).
The information is detailed (zie accuracy).
The main goal of the information on the website is clear.
The website provides in depth information.
The information on the website is informative to your usage. The information on the
website is valuable to your usage. The information on the website is of the
appropriate detail. The content on the website supports its intended purpose.
Refers to the degree to which the information meets the needs of the website user
(Muylle et al. 2004).
The website provides information that exactly fits your needs.
The information is applicable to
Compare And Contrast Traveling Through The Dark By
Dark Days are the Worst Days When reading poems, one is sure to notice the
similarities between the topics that the authors choose to write about. Thinking about
this makes sense because we are all human and the day to day challenges we face
are all similar. Some topics one might be familiar with include, love, and death, two
things that almost everyone can relate to in life. Two authors that focus on the topic
of death are, William Stafford a male poet born in 1914, and Mary Oliver a female
poet born in 1935.
Stafford wrote the poem Traveling Through the Dark , which is a short poem (first
person) that talks about a man that is driving on a road and he came across a deer
that was blocking a road. The man hopped out of his car to move the deer when he
noticed that it had been pregnant with a baby fawn. Not only was the deer
pregnant, but the fawn was still living. The poet writes her side was warm; her
fawn lay there waiting, alive, still, never to be born (Stafford 10 11). Before pushing
the deer off of a cliff into a ... Show more content on ...
This poem s tone is very dark and sad, something that almost everyone can relate to
when death is spoken about or brought up. Oliver s choice of tone also makes the
reader feel remorseful because the snake s life was brought to an end, without
doing anything to deserve the penalty. The author writes and the words make the
reader feel sorrow toward the snake that was ran over, which is the overall goal of
the poem. Oliver, the author of The Black Snake , portrays how the death of the
snake affected the person enduring the issue I leave him under the leaves, and drive
on thinking about death: its suddenness, its terrible weight (Oliver 13 16). Using the
words makes it clear that the author feels bad about that happened to the snake and
he wished it did not have to
Trident University International
ACC501: Introduction to Financial Accounting
Module 1 Case Assignment
For investors to objectively analyze and rate companies they need to have access to
certain financial information in order to make informed business decisions. Key
financial figures such as Statement of Income, Balance Sheet Statements, and Cash
Flow Statements are used to make these comparisons. To ensure that companies are
reporting the same financial information several accounting and auditing standards
have been created and must be followed. In the follow paper two companies,
Abercrombie and Fitch and Hennes amp; Mauritz, will be evaluated based on their
financial statements in a goal to determine which company is more ... Show more
content on ...
A amp;F on the other hand was strictly financial based and to the point with a total
of only seven pages. The accounting and auditing standards used to generate the
reports also differed. H amp;M used International Financial Reporting Standard
(IFRS) as adopted by the European Union (EU) and was prepared in accordance with
IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as well as the Swedish Annual Accounts Act (H
amp;M, 2012). A amp;F utilized the United States Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles (GAAP) along with non GAAP financial measures and audited with
Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS).
Explaining the Difference in Profitability between the Two Companies Based on
the 2011 annual financial report from H amp;M, it indicates there are 2,472 stores
in 32 different countries compared to AF which only has 1045, of which 946 of
them are in the United States. In terms of profitability H amp;M is able to stay
more profitable because it is operating stores in several different markets and is
able to perform better during economic financial downturn in certain countries by
bolster sales in markets which aren t being impacted as badly. A amp;F on the
other hand essentially has all its eggs in one basket with a majority of its stores in
the United States, so if the economy is doing poor or tax laws change it can
severely impact the company s profitability. The following section will explore the
financial formulas used to determine why I believe H amp;M
Netted Elon Research Paper
At the age of 14 he decided it was his life s quest to save humanity. Born in South
Africa to Maye and Errol Musk was a boy they called Elon. As a child of 8 years
old Elon read for as much as 10 hours per day consuming so many books that he
eventually ran out of books at the library to read including the entire Encyclopedia
Britannica. At age 9 his parents divorced and he lived with the father in South
Africa. A troubled but ingenious child he continued his avid reading and faced
ravenous bullying to the point of being hospitalized at one point. When Elon was
12 he studied a 6 month course in the coding language BASIC and finished it in 3
days. With his newfound knowledge of coding he developed a game he called Blastar
which he sold for... Show more content on ...
With his own money, he starts an online financial company and soon
merges with PayPal. Which was bought by eBay for 1.5 billion dollars which
netted Elon (the largest shareholder at the time) 165 million dollars. Obsessed with
changing the world he spends hours upon hours researching and learning how to
build rockets. In 2002 Elon founded Space Exploration Technologies aka SpaceX.
At the same time, he was growing his new company SpaceX he was becoming
interested in designing electric cars after meeting with other people who were
equally driven toward electric cars he met with the founders of a company called
Tesla immediately Elon invests in the company and the founders and Elon work
together designing their car. In march of 2008 the first SpaceX rocket was
launched only to explode shortly after liftoff after two more rocket failures the
fourth launch of the SpaceX rocket is successful in 2008. Earlier that year the first
Tesla Motors vehicles were built and received well by consumers. Since 2008 both
Tesla Motors and SpaceX have become massive companies leading innovative and
impressive legacies. SpaceX received billions of dollars from NASA to continue
research and development
History Of Central Banks Of America
Abel Shiferaw Econ 201 Prof Emma Cummings 05/01/2015 History of Central
banks in America Even though central banks can improve a nation s economy and
are beneficial to governments, the central banks of America had a very
controversial history. Even before the establishment of the Federal Reserve, banks
were used by the public just as we use them today. Bank notes were in use during
this time and they were backed up by the guarantee that they can be traded for
either gold or silver on demand. The history of central banking in America dates
back to 1781 when the first bank of North America was chartered by the state of
Pennsylvania with the help of Robert Morris. It was the first ban k in America s
history to receive deposits and issue its own banknotes. Four years later, two more
banks were created that also issued their own bank notes: the bank of New York
and the Massachusetts bank. ( Some were not very supportive of
the formation of a central baking system because of England s efforts to place the
colonies under the control of the bank of England while others were strongly in
favor of it. As stated in the articles of confederation, congress was given the power
to print bills of credit and to establish a national bank similar to the bank of England
but objections rose of alarming foreign influence and fictitious credit (
that hindered its ability to accomplish its intended role. On February 25 1791,
following the bank of North America, the
The Rev. Charles Richard
The Rev. Charles Richard became the third pastor of the parish in 1895, coming to
Sacred Heart from Gibson, Louisiana. He was a familiar figure riding on horseback
on one of his three horses, Fanny, Dolly and Charley, as he traveled through the
parish. The French Canadian Richard offered all the services in French, although
he did present some of the homilies in English beginning in 1906 . On March 23,
1896, the Francois Viguerie property was transferred to Sacred Heart of Jesus
Church. The property was one arpent (608.46) linear feet wide to the point of the
survey which was interpreted to be the 40 arpent line. The recorded deed is in the
Terrebonne ParishConveyances book as Deed 455. A second piece of property was
received from Albert R. Viguerie on December 17, 1897. [insert picture of Prompt
Succor] On December 17, 1897, on behalf of Sacred Heart, Rev. Richard received a
donation from Joseph Oleus Duplantis, Joseph Bussy Duplantis, Israel Duplantis,
Theophile Duplantis, Meleo Duplantis, and Joseph Augustine Duplantis (the heirs
of Marie Susanne Duplantis Jolet for a tract of land on Upper Little Caillou (RR
Folio 276, Donation Book, A folio, 149) , and built a chapel dedicated to Our Lady
of Prompt Succor. The property was bounded above by the property of Alexis
Duplantis. The Prompt Succor bell was cast in 1901 by the Buckeye Bell Foundry,
The E.W. Vanduzen Co of Cincinnati, Ohio. The bell, named Angelus was placed in
the steeple of the church, but in
Conflict And Social Behavior Perspective
Introduction This paper will show how conflict and social behavior perspective
play an important role in Dasani s life (Hutchinson, 2015). The reader will have a
better understanding of the perspective through examples in Dasani s life. This paper
will conclude with a reflection of the writer s future profession in the social work
Conflict Perspective Defined Conflict perspective is seen through the lens of
someone who has power and seeks to oppress people with less power, sometime
through discrimination or control (Hutchinson, 2015). Individuals who are not in the
social work field would automatically assume that the conflict involves a dispute
between two individuals. An issue with conflict perspective is that it has the ... Show
more content on ...
Within this perspective, there are three theories that describe different ways in which
learning occurs; classical conditioning theory, operant conditioning theory, and
cognitive social learning theory (Hutchinson, 2015). Classical conditioning is often
associated with physiologist Ivan Pavlov s experiment with the salivating dog
(Hutchinson, 2015). This experiment focused on conditioning the dog to associate
food with the bell while salivating, and eventually salivates when the bell is rung
even without the presence of food. Operant conditioning theory is changed behavior
as the result of a reinforcement (Hutchinson, 2015). In our society, we associate
positive reinforcements with compliments, smiles, high fives in order to encourage a
behavior more. Negative reinforcement involves jail, detention, and grounding, and
this is to stop a behavior from continuing. A cognitive social learning theory states
that behavior can be learned through observations, beliefs, expectations, and imitation
of others (Hutchinson, 2015). A major difference between cognitive social learning
theory and the others, is a lack of manipulation to encourage the individual to follow
through with a behavior. Rather, cognitive social learning theories suggest that a
change in thinking can ultimately result in a change in behavior (Hutchinson, 2015).
Dasani s conflict Perspective A reoccurring conflict throughout this case assessment is
the mayor s ignorance to the policies that he is
Essay about Personal Narrative
Personal Narrative Mother and Daughter Relationship
I am rummaging through a cardboard box full of pictures, looking for the perfect
one to put in one of those sentimental Mother and Daughter word frames from
Hallmark. Finally, a photo falls from the box, and I pick it up, knowing I have found
what I am looking for.
It is a picture taken from spring of the year I was four. My mother is sitting on the
couch in our living room and I am standing in front of her. The fabric of our couch is
a beige and dark brown flowered print. The wall behind the sofa is covered with
dark wood paneling. Mom, wearing a brown patterned dress, seems to blend into her
surroundings. I am standing in front of her, radiant in the dress she has picked out ...
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Mom s hand is resting on my right arm, as if she is holding me in the picture s
frame. The rest of her features seem to blend into the drab background, but her right
hand shows up clearly as it holds me in place.
My mother hasn t changed since the picture was taken almost sixteen years ago.
Her hair style and figure have matured with age, but everything else has remained
constant. She still stands behind me when we go to take a family photograph. She
never sees it as trying to hide herself from the critical eye of the camera, but insists
that I step out in front because I am the smaller one, the thinner one, the prettier one.
Throughout my entire life, she has lived by the same philosophy. She always works
to push me to the front of the group because she honestly and simply believes that I
belong there. She guides and pokes and prods with the same right hand to ensure that
I am not wandering off or wasting my time and energy where it is not needed.
Looking at the picture, I again notice how clearly her hand shows up on my elbow.
The picture doesn t show how tense her hand is as it fights to keep me in the
picture. It doesn t show how tightly her fingers grip my arm as she struggles to
keep me where I should be. It also fails to show that she will let me go if I protest
loud enough and pull away with enough force. The furniture, the fashions, and even
the walls in the living room have changed, but her hand remains at my elbow. It
Puritan Ideology In Early America
Puritan ideology had a profound effect upon early America. Though they came to the
New World mainly for religious freedom after attempting to purify the Church of
England, they left an impact beyond just the spiritual as many men of the Puritan
faith helped shape the young country. This obviously led to the Puritans having a
dramatic effect on the literature The whole life of a Puritan was dedicated to God,
as He was the only one who could offer salvation from eternal damnation. They
believed that humans are sinners incapable of earning God s merit on their own,
and for that reason they observed strict moral codes in order to ensure that they may
receive God s grace. This central idea, God s long withstanding mercy, a central idea
reflected in many of the early writings of America... Show more content on ...
One of his sermons, A Model of Christian Charity espouses central Puritan ideals.
As stated before the Puritans believed in a strict moral code in order to gain God s
grace. One means of living up to this code was helping those who were less
fortunate. Winthrop not only recommended charity towards others but stated it was
a Christian duty saying, When there is no other means by whereby our Christian
brother may be relieved in his distress, we must help him beyond our ability (208).
In other words, he believed that as Christians the people should go through drastic
measures in order to help his common man. This lends itself to Puritan ideals, as he
personally believed this was a way of completing one s covenant with God and later
suggested that if all Christians can strive to practice the morals expressed in the Bible
that they could perhaps create a utopian community as a safe haven for all including
the Native Americans. This in particular was important at the time as the writings of
Winthrop can perhaps be attributed to improving relationships between the colonist
and their neighbors in the new
Game Theory Introduction
Strategies and Games Strategies and Games Theory and Practice prajit k. dutta The
MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts . London, England 1999 Massachusetts
Institute of Technology All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including
photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in
writing from the publisher. This book was set in Melior and MetaPlus by Windfall
Software using ZzTEX and was printed and bound in the United States of America.
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Dutta, Prajit K. Strategies and
games : theory and practice / Prajit K. Dutta. p. cm. Includes bibliographical
references and... Show more content on ...
7.2 A Simple Model 7.3 Social Optimality 7.4 The Problem Worsens in a Large
Population 7.5 91 91 93 95 96 case studies and the Internet Buffalo, Global Warming,
97 98 99 100 7.6 Averting a Tragedy Summary Exercises C H A P T E R 8 Mixed
Strategies 8.1 Definition and Examples 8.1.1 What Is a Mixed Strategy? 8.1.2 Yet
More Examples 8.2 An Implication 8.3 Mixed Strategies Can Dominate Some Pure
Strategies 8.3.1 Implications for Dominant Strategy Solution and IEDS 8.4 Mixed
Strategies Are Good for Bluffing 8.5 Mixed Strategies and Nash Equilibrium 8.5.1
Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibria in an Example 8.6 103 103 103 106 107 108 109 110
111 113 114 115 116 case study Summary Exercises Random Drug Testing xii
Contents C H A P T E R 9 Two Applications: Natural Monopoly and Bankruptcy Law
9.1 Chicken, Symmetric Games, and Symmetric Equilibria 9.1.1 Chicken 9.1.2
Symmetric Games and Symmetric Equilibria 9.2
East-Midland English
A project in theoretical phonetics of English
Shcherbakova Natalia, group 01
1.Introduction 2.English in East Midlands 1.Vowels 2.Consonants 3.Word Stress
4.Sentence rhythm and intonation 3.Conclusion 4.List of references
Introduction East Midlands, general facts
The East Midlands, in its broadest sense, is the eastern part of central England (and
therefore part of the United Kingdom as well).
The East Midlands covers three major landscape areas: The relatively flat coastal
plain of Lincolnshire, the river valley of the Trent, the third largest (and longest) river
in England, and the southern end of the Pennine range of hills in Derbyshire.
The second of these contains several large cities: Nottingham, ... Show more content
on ...
Lincolnshire also has a marked north south split in terms of accent. The north shares
many features with Yorkshire, such as the open a sound in car and park or the
replacement of take and make with tek and mek. The south of Lincolnshire is close to
Received Pronunciation, although it still has a short Northern a in words such as
bath. In Northamptonshire, crossed by the North South isogloss, residents of the
north of the county have an accent similar to that of Leicestershire and those in the
south an accent similar to rural Oxfordshire. The town of Corby in northern
Northamptonshire has an accent with some originally Scottish features, apparently
due to immigration of Scottish steelworkers. It is common in Corby for the GOAT
set of words to be pronounced with . This pronunciation is used across Scotland and
most of Northern England, but Corby is alone in the Midlands in using it
East Midlands accents are generally non rhotic, instead drawing out their vowels,
resulting in the Midlands Drawl, which can to non natives be mistaken for dry
sarcasm. Old and cold may be pronounced as owd and cowd (rhyming with loud in
the West Midlands and ode in the East Midlands), and in the northern Midlands home
can become wom . The West Midlands accent is often described as having a
Empowerment Of Water In Annie John, By Jamaica
Kincaid Water
Oceans cover most of the Earth. They are essential for our environment since they
produce more than half of the oxygen in the atmosphere. Without our vast sea,
humankind would not be able to survive. In Annie John, written by Jamaica Kincaid
water is demonstrated as a motif in literature showing the coming of age story of a
young girl growing up in the Caribbean. The protagonist, Annie, grows learning how
to properly balance the values of the colonized world and the native Caribbean culture
, Obeah. Kincaid uses the motif of water as an empowerment to Annie s growth by
curing, nurturing, and transforming her. Annie s safe haven as a young child
consists of baths to help heal her from bodily aches. In the Obeah culture it is
believed that water can cure someone from any body aches. Annie informs the reader
of her childhood when she went to bathe in the sea after church, It was at a time
when I was thought to have weak kidneys and a bathe in the sea had been
recommended as a strengthening remedy (Kincaid 42). Bathingin the water is a
remedy for Annie s body. The sea demonstrates a higher power since three quarters
cover the earth s surface. Oceans are a natural force no mankind can replicate;
therefore, they hold an influential component to heal Annie s weak kidneys. The
Obeah culture is woven into Annie s lifestyle even through the colonized world; both
cultures are simultaneously respected in her childhood. Thus, allowing water to heal
Annie from any bodily aches
Comparing The Phenomenon Of Killings At Lake Nyos,
At 9:30 p.m. on August 21, 1986, a devastating phenomenon took place at Lake
Nyos, Cameroon. On that night the locals were sleeping in their beds, unaware of
the danger that was surrounding them. Over 1,700 people and thousands of cattle
and other wildlife were killed by a seemingly non existent force. Although the locals
thought the killings were the work a spirit woman s wrath, scientists were perplexed
as to what could ve killed all the people without leaving a trace. Upon further
inspection, scientists found that the victims suffocated, most of them in their sleep.
Scientists came to the conclusion that they were suffocated by carbon dioxide, which
leaves no real distinct smell and is virtually invisible. The noxious mist had risen from
Greg Ousley Character Analysis
Scott Anderson exhibits the fact that Greg Ousley is a dynamic character by telling
that Greg greatly matures in prison, becomes educated, and wants to work with
young people upon being released. The change in Greg that first appears is his
growth to maturity in prison. This is portrayed when the author states, he
occasionally turned to prison dope and moonshine for brief relief, but Greg says, I
work across the hall from the superintendent. Greg now working across from the
superintendent exemplifies the fact that he has grown in maturity since the days of
prison dope and moonshine because of the trust that the prison officials have in him.
Greg becomes further dynamic by becoming an educated person. Greg pursues an
advanced educationas
Similarities Between Judicial Activism And Strict...
The Supreme Court is made up of many justices that believe in two different
judicial philosophies. These two philosophies are that of judicial activism and strict
constructionism. These philosophies differ quite a bit from one another, but they
both work toward the same main goal. Both philosophies play a part in court cases
when it comes to deciding on a final ruling. Judicial activism is a judicial philosophy
that states that a court has the right to, and should go beyond what is stated in the
Constitution about an issue that is being brought up and look towards broader
suggestions of the impending decision on said issue. Basically, the court strikes
down a law and then makes a statement that [may] change a law or policy in a
significant... Show more content on ...
In this case the Supreme Court determined that Texas law criminalizing, or
essentially trying to outlaw abortion was unconstitutional. Strict Constructionism,
on the other hand, is a distinct legal philosophy that limits or controls some judicial
interpretation. A judge who uses strict constructionism, may reject the use of
legislative history when constructing law because whatever a particular legislator
may have said while on the floor of congress does not necessarily reflect what was
put into law (Stankiewicz) . Justice Antonin Scalia of the Supreme Court is
probably one of the most we ll know users of strict constructionism. In essence, he
believes that the Constitution should only ever be interpreted the way it was
written never any different. Scalia also believes that the Constitution should not be
susceptible to any form of updating by any court. In 2015 the Supreme Court ruled
on a case about same sex marriage, Obergfell v. Hodges. The final ruling (holding)
of the case, stated by SCOTUSBlog, the fourteenth amendment requires a state to
license a marriage between two people of the same sex and also to recognize a
marriage between two people of the same sex when their marriage was lawfully
licensed and performed
Diversity In College Education
Increasing diversity in college enrollment has been a top task for universities for
over fifty years. Despite the targets for diversification, a wide margin exists between
the number of affluent white students and minority students enrolled in universities.
One of the criteria for admission to many colleges is a standardized admission test.
Those of higher socioeconomic background tend to score higher on standardized tests
of various categories: namely, SAT (referred to as Scholastic Aptitude Test or
Scholastic Assessment Test ) and ACT (originally American College
Testing ) for the
purpose of college admission than those from a lower socioeconomic status (SES). It
is sometimes evident that it is concentrated to racial groups: white and... Show more
content on ...
Variations in SES factors explained similar percentages of variations across school
districts [on] the proportion of seniors who completed the SAT and attended a four
year college or university (Toutkoushian and Curtis 265, 269).
Applying standardized tests to determine educational quality has been compared, as
W. James Popham remarked in the journal Educational Leadership, like measuring
temperature with a tablespoon (Popham 10). If ascertaining educational quality has
proven difficult, judging an individual students knowledge aptitude is even more
challenging. It could also be said of using those means to evaluate ability to learn:
that it is an ineffective metric. At best, it is ineffective for that purpose; at worst it is
problematic, and further open to scrutiny as
Pros And Cons Of World Bank
Andi Nadya Amanda
AE1A Fall 2016
World Bank
World Bank is a private institution which provide development assistance as the world
s largest source of fund for its client countries. The main focus is helping the poorest
countries and its client countries to develop by investing in human resources,
particularly through basic education and health, infrastructure, environment
protection and also maintain global financial stability. Despite of its good
investment, it was criticized for carry out environmentally unfriendly projects and
other error on the target of the fund. These two concepts are at the vital over the pros
and cons of World Bankand many arguments from both positive and negative sides
are still debated (Bretton Woods Project,2005). This essay will discuss the positive
and negative impacts from the World Bank s aid, as information provided before pull
up the conclusion that World Bank does either harm or good.
One good point of World Bank is it supports economic growth in developing
countries. World Bank has helped many developing countries on their economic
growth. It supports economic growth by providing fund in the form of loan to build
infrastructure that could boost the economic activities. An example from Tanzania,
home for 51.8 million people whom 73% of people still live in the rural area where
there is no electricity yet. In this mission, ... Show more content on ...
Despite of many positive projects that had been funded by World Bank, many of
them were failures. The bank s 1987 annual review of the project performance,
published by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) stated that 75% percent
of World Bank African Agriculture projects were fail. Another failed project was in
Indonesia where the government borrowed USD600 million to reduce the density
population of Java Island. Among all those failed projects, the debt is still ongoing
which could make a big loss for the country
Foreign Policy Of Pakist Political Science Essay
Foreign Policy Of Pakistan
Thought Paper :Political Science
BPA 2K14
Since Pakistan emerged on the map of the world sixty seven years ago in 1947, its
existence have been marked by many ups and downs that includes initial problems
faced at its emergence, cold relations with India over border disputes and Kashmir
Issue. Moreover wars fought with India in 1965 and 1971 which led to partition of
East and West Pakistan. Administration was weak as Prime Ministers and Presidents
were changing very frequently without any significant progress and policy makers
were having hard time in making decisions. In this scenario our international
relations also played a pivotal role in policy making. Pakistan location had an
important role in determining its fate, as positioned next to India proved to be
distressing for Pakistan due to their distrusting relationship. Secondly being a
neighbor to Afghanistan led to problems later on when Pakistan was used by USA to
fight USSR in Afghanistan which led to cold relations with USSR. However China
was friendly towards Pakistan from beginning and their relationship became stronger
by focusing on trade and investment. Pakistan became a member of United Nations
on 30 Sept 1947 and became nuclear power in government of Z.A Bhutto when he
encouraged people to make an atom bomb that saved Pakistan from an Indian or any
external invasion throughout its years and due to this strong power we are still
Independent and safe from
The Study of History
The Study of History History is, in essence, the study of ourselves. Although we
look back and examine the actions and behaviors of other people in another time
and place, we are really looking back at our own history, almost as though we are
looking at an old family photo album. Everything that has come before us has led up
to the current time of our lives. It is all built upon the base that others prepared for us.
So, in that context, it is imperative that we understand, as much as humanly possible,
why things in the past happened the way they did. Just as importantly, we must be
able to understand the actions of those placed in that particular moment in history.
Often it is difficult to understand, why they have behaved the way they have. For
instance, why would so many people, who presumably were decent people in every
other way, actively participate or turn a blind eye to the injustice of slavery? How
could so many people in Nazi Germany have silently allowed the Holocaust to
continue? Or even how could the Supreme Court of the United States have ruled, in
the Dred Scott case, that blacks could never be considered United States citizens,
even if they were free (Finkelman, 1997, p.2)? To understand questions such as this,
it is important to put the actions of historical figures in the context of their time. It is
impossible to understand actions in isolation, so the societal norms of the period
must be studied as well. In the case of slavery, it had long been held as
Columbine High School Essay
COlumbine High School
On the morning of April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold approach
Columbine High School, in Jefferson County, Colorado. Armed with one 10 shot Hi
Point model 995 carbine rifle, one Intratec AB 10 (TEC 9) pistol, two Savage 12
gauge shotguns, and as many as ninety five explosive devices, Harris and Klebold
enter the school near the cafeteria. Upon doing so, they are met with the words that
God commanded unto Moses on Mount Sinai: Thou Shall Not Kill. Harris and
Klebold tremble in fear and shame for what they have come to accomplish. Dropping
their weapons, the boys fall to their knees, bow their heads in penance, and pray to
God for forgiveness.
Instead of that scenario the boys fired off an estimated 900 ... Show more content on ...
The logical assumption to make is that having God in school (in the form of the Ten
Commandments) would have prevented Columbine. That is quite a substantial claim,
but it only shows the magnitude of faith that some Christians place in the Word.
In 1999, an attempt to pass a law mandating the display of the Ten Commandments in
public schools (not coincidentally attached to a gun control bill) failed for reasons
stated by People for the American Way on their website:
First, posting the Ten Commandments is a solution in search of a non existent
problem. Religious Right rhetoric notwithstanding, religion and prayer have not been
banned from public schools; in fact the First Amendment protects students rights to
pray, discuss religious views and read religious texts in school. Second, posting the
Ten Commandments would violate the First Amendment by requiring schools to
favor one religion over another; the Supreme Court ruled so in 1980.
What is at stake here is not a student s right to practice religion in school that right is
already guaranteed; rather, the Christian Right wants to be seen as doing something
about school violence. The Ten Commandments as touted by Tom DeLay become a
symbol of spirituality, a means to gauge both the morality of a school population and
the pro activeness of the Christian Right in combating school violence.
Not all in the Christian Right are so naГѓВЇve as to think that the displaying of the
Ten Commandments is a panacea for
A Study On Becoming A Librarian
There is more than one type of librarian and they play many roles this day and age.
They were once thought of as being the keeper of knowledge and were the go to
persons for any and everything. Some specialize in areas of interest such as
cataloging, allocation, archives, and even special collections. While others,
depending on what type of library they work in conduct all of the above job
functions and more. With the advancement of technology and its forever growing
spear, librarians are being expected to know how no matter the size of the duty or
request. Applying for employment in the field is limited and can be a rough job in
itself. Either way, it depends on personal interest or whether a career is being sought
versus ... Show more content on ...
263). How much technology should a librarian be able to understand and implement
in their daily duties? Is learning the basics of technology enough or should
librarians have extensive training and knowledge in the advancement of technology
as well as becoming involved with its ever increasing span? These are just a few of
the examples of what is being sought after from librarians when being considered for
positions. A librarian should have a holistic approach to working within the field and
become forever students of learning the newest technology. This, in fact, will allow
them to become more marketable when seeking employment in various venues of the
library world.
Training and Education
Whether it is a public librarian, academic librarian, a law librarian, a librarian
working in the business field, or a medical librarian, it is the norm for librarians to
understand the dynamics of technology. Not only are librarians required to have
knowledge of the newest technology, they are also being required to be able to use
it. Sometimes there is a gap in what is being taught to future librarians in their school
programs and what is being required of them within the job sector. In order to sustain
as a competitor within the workforce, librarians need to be prepared to reach beyond
the classroom guidance along with teaching and seek outside resources for further
Impact of Big Business on Politics and the Economy Essay
After the Civil war, large businesses ruled America. Prior to the industrial revolution,
the government upheld a hands off approach towards business. Under the laissez
faire principle, free, unregulated markets led to competition, yet this system suffered
under the wrath of growing corporations. The impact of big business on the economy
and politics was immense during 1870 to 1899. Corporations were growing
significantly in number and size, which had a domineering affect on American
economy and defined American life. The growing corporations in America dominated
most of the economy, creating a large gap between the rich and the poor. During this
time period food, lightening, and fuel prices declined significantly, and the cost of
living... Show more content on ...
This illustrates that the Senate is controlled by big business, and how easily
wealthy people had power over the government. Moreover, the railroad presidents
were seen as kings, they could delay lawsuits, control the government and the
people, corrupt communities, and control the press (DOC B). Important railroad
companies dictated government policies because the legal system favored railroad
interests. Further, trying to better the political system, the Populist Party made
themselves known. Their platform demanded that the government be restored to
the hands of the plain people. They wanted to end oppression, injustice, and
poverty (DOC F). Evidently, they were dedicated to political and social reform,
and urged that the government be strengthened and take responsibility of the
people. The harsh working conditions resulting from industrialization drove
laborers to organize into unions. Economist David A. Wells compares working in
a factory to working in the military because workers are taught to perform one
single task. Moreover, manufacturing has largely taken away workers pride in their
work (DOC C). Mass production techniques led to specialization of labor, which
subsequently decreased workers pride in their craft, as well as left workers largely
unskilled. Further Samuel Gompers, founder of the AF to L, addressed the
International Labor Congress in Chicago and stated that people should not be
considered property. He advocated that labor
Summary Of The House Of The Rising Sun Brothel
MARIANNE LESOLEIL LEVANT (30 s) wins a brothel in a card game against
ruthless WADE BUCHANNAN the former whorehouse owner. To win, Marianne
uses voodoo. Wade vows revenge.
Years later, Marianne runs the House of the Rising Sun Brothel and does her best
to protect her girls, like CORA. When Wade suddenly reappears, Marianne seeks
help again from MARIE LEVEAU, voodoo Priestess and the Queen of New Orleans.
However, Marie wants help from Marianne to spy on officials to help abolish
slavery. Marianne agrees. A doll is made and Marianne uses it to inflict pain on Wade.
Wade has his own agenda for revenge and he threatens prostitute PRUDENCE with
harm if she doesn t help him get his revenge on Marianne. He wants Prudence to kill
Marianne. ... Show more content on ...
The card game intercut with the flashback of the hex doll works. It sets the tone and
establishes the world. While some tightening of dialogue is suggested, it s a good
start. Moreover, the teaser hooks the audience; both Marie Laveau and Marianne
fascinate the audience.
As the pilot continues, there are some good plotlines, but there s simply not enough
anticipation, suspense, tension, and/or romance. The pilot relies a bit too much on
First, the pilot offers a plot to abolish slavery. Marie wants Marianne s help. It s a
plotline that s smart, but vague. Marie talks a lot in the scene about what she wants
Marianne to do, but her dialogue, in this scene, can just be clearer. She talks in a
round about way.
She simply needs to say that she has information that Marianne will be approached to
have meetings held at her establishment and that she wants Marianne to agree to the
meetings and to spy on the men for information. Be specific.
For example, maybe they are expecting the Confederates to attack a fort, or
something like this, and she needs Marianne to get information about this attack. This
gives this storyline more focus. Moreover, showing Marianne spying will enhance
the tension. Maybe she s almost caught. Maybe she checks out the pockets of one of
the their clients looking for information. This also makes Marianne more proactive as
a character.
Also, to elevate this
Pc Specification Table
ABSTRACT Rita s successful business requires an update in order to continue
providing the services that her employees and clients have become accustomed to.
Rita has expressed concerns about the recent decrease in download speeds, storage
capacity, and general efficiency of the computers that she uses to produce the CDs
and DVDs that she distributes to the health clubs and instructors that she serves. This
client has requested recommendations for a system that will allow her to: 1. search
for and download various media files online to edit, store, and share, 2. create
documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and calendars, 3. print documents and high
quality CD labels, 4. utilize online services like banking, email, and calendars, and 5.
... Show more content on ...
| Other Peripheral Devices| MP3 player| These devices are dependent upon client
need and budget. Not all devices may be used, and those that are should be carefully
chosen to meet the specific needs of the client.| MIDI keyboard| | Digital Audio
Workstation (DAW)| |
1 The client s personal preferences will determine which type of device is chosen.
2 The services offered in the client s area will determine which type of broadband
modem (DSL or Cable) should be used.
System Unit Features| Feature| Details| Need Met| Processor| Intel Core i5| Mid
range pricing with increased speed for streaming video and audio| RAM| 8GB|
Greater RAM means more speed and the ability to run more applications at the same
time; perfect for creating, editing, and sharing videos online and across a network|
Adaptor Cards: Graphics| Radeon HD 6450| Entry level graphics card fits basic needs
without requiring that the client buy more hardware than necessary| Adaptor Cards:
Network| 1. Built in 10/100Base T Ethernet LAN2. Built in 802.11b/g/n wireless
LAN| Allows the client to connect multiple PCs to a network for file sharing and
internet access via Ethernet cables or wireless connection| Ports (Rear)| HDMI
The Defense Cooperation Of The United States
The defense cooperation of the United States in Croatia started formally in
November of 1994. It was the time of the Croatian Homeland War, and the United
States were the only country that had offered and initiated some of the defense
cooperation programs with Croatia before the end of hostilities in the region.
Throughout the cooperation, different terms were used, like Train, Advise, and
Equip foreign armed forces, or the terms Building Partner Capacity (BPC) and
Security Force Assistance (SFA) rather than Security Assistance (SA). According to
the Presidential Policy Directive (PPD 23), those defense cooperation programs are
being part of the Security Sector Assistance (SSA). In the beginning, cooperation
relied mostly on the... Show more content on ...
Through the direct bilateral defense cooperation with the United States, Croatia
received approximately more than $300 million, of which more than $200 million is
the value of MRAPs, Kiowa Warriors helicopters, and other military equipment. The
U.S. SSA can be divided in three main parts: (1) humanitarian and development
programs, (2) miscellaneous support with unrecorded value programs, and (3) special
and structural cooperation programs. If we take a look at the humanitarian and
developmental programs, Croatia got approximately $4,45 million from 2008.
Through Humanitarian Assistance program (HA),US Govt invested in local
communities in Croatia almost $0,9 million, including reconstructions of schools and
kindergartens, hospitals, building water pipeline, bridges, donating special equipment
(incubators), etc. Through the Exercise related Construction program (ERC), US
Govt invested to the military training area in Slunj approximately $400.000 for urban
warfare training ground, and $400.000 to the training area in Udbina for the new
command building. The third part covers the other developmental programs to the
local communities, like the reconstruction of high school building in Vukovar,
furnishing the hospital in Knin, building bridge over the river Vuka, reconstruction of
1920s Fashion Research Paper
The revolutionary clothing of women s fashion in the 1920s not only shows itself in
our modern era, but is a historical adjustment which changed the way that we view
females today.
In the 1920s, breathtaking changes in women s fashion made its role into history. The
clothing designers created a unique and elegant style that gave ladies a greater
freedom of expression. With the new and colourful fabrics echoing, fashion designers
vintage clothing became more and more popular and paved the way for what fashion
has become today.
After World war one, the dresses became lighter, brighter and whole lot shorter!
Designers made new colours, textures, and patterns to make the perfect new well
designed dresses of the decade. Everything worn in the 1920s had a specific time of
day and people changed more than the average teenager of today. (What did women
wear in the 1920s, Par 1). Day wear was very different from evening wear.... Show
more content on ...
The cloche is a hat that was snug fitting, warn tilted up usually covered the
forehead and Often the flapper clothing and the cloche hat were worn together,
(1920 s Fashions and Accessories including Prices, Par 1). Ladies of this time span
would cut their hair short and keep it flat to fit under this hat. The flapper dress
was a historical adjustment on its own. The flapper dress was a chiffon dress with
a straight. The dress had different hem lines starting at the calf length making its
way to knee length. Wrap over coats were the perfect addition to the flapper look.
The inside of the coat was normally designed to match the dress patterns or fabric
(Women s Dress Fashion and Style, Par 10). Evening shoes varied from bar shoes and
T Bar shoes. They had a strap and were easy to dance in which made them very
Ethnic Identity Development
Ethnic Identity Development Ethnic identity development of ethnic minorities in the
United States has attracted an increasing attention in the adolescent development and
college transition literature. A review of literature related to ethnic identity
development highlights two major lines of research: 1) identity processes from a
developmental perspective and 2) the content and meaning of ethnic identity
(Phinney, 1989; Seller et al., 1997; Yip, 2014). Some scholars have specifically
examined the developmental progression that individuals go through as they come to
understand their ethnic identity and make a commitment (Phinney, 1993). Other
scholars have focused on exploring the content, significance, and meaning of ethnic
identity within... Show more content on ...
Hoping to address the limitations of the MEIM, Umana Taylor, Yazedjian Bamaca
Gomez (2004) created the Ethnic Identity Scale (EIS), which is primarily based on
Erikson s and Tajfel s theories. The EIS consists of 46 assessing three distinct
components of ethnic identity: exploration, resolution, and affirmation. The
exploration subscale assesses the extent to which individuals have explored their
ethnic identity; resolution subscale assesses the extent to which individuals have
resolved issues related to their ethnic identity, and affirmation refers to the feelings
(positive or negative) individuals associated with their ethnic identity. Using the three
subscales while being consistent with Marcia s (1980) identity statuses, Umana
Taylor et al. (2004) proposed a new categorization scheme which classifies individuals
into 8 ethnic identity statuses: diffuse positive, diffuse negative, foreclosed positive,
foreclosed negative, moratorium positive, moratorium negative, achieved positive,
and achieved negative. For example, diffuse positive characterizes individuals who
scored low on both exploration and resolution subscales, but with high affirmation.
Unlike the MEIM, the EIS allows researchers to take a dimensional approach to
understanding ethnic identity. The score of the subscales are continuous variables, so
researchers can examine the relationship among the three with other variables of
Violated In The Chrysalids
There really is no true or perfect human image yet society these days expects
people to look and act a certain way and people can be very cruel if a person does
not meet these expectations. In the novel The Chrysalids written by John
Wyndham and in reality presently, many human rights are violated and these rights
will continue to be violated as long as humans exist and people continue to be
cruel. In the town of Waknuk, certain people do not follow the human rights but
instead they violate them. Throughout the novel, many characters rights are being
violated such as the abuse and torture David faces, the intolerance towards woman
like Sophie and Petra for being different. Throughout the novel, David, the
protagonist is abused and tortured several times by his very own father, Joseph
Strorm and his recently discovered Uncle, Gordon. David s father is a strict
believer in his religion and is unyielding on the subject of mutations and blasphemy
s. If anyone neglects to follow his beliefs and rules, he has serious consequences for
them, like with David, once Joseph found out that David knows a blasphemy, he
immediately subjected to abusing him for answers. David s father continues to beat
him until he receives the information he demands. David has been abused more than
once by his father and this is evident when David says, I knew well enough what that
meant, but I knew well too, that with my father in his present mood, it would
happened whether I told or not. I set my jaw,
Making Up People Analysis
The Making and Unmaking of People Imagine that you have only seen deer, elk,
caribou, and moose in your life. One day a horse comes along. What would you
call this thing? It kind of looks like an elk or moose, but not exactly because of the
lack of antlers. Without having a defined category to put the horse in, it makes it
hard for you to understand it. You would understand that it physically exists when
you saw it, but you might just call it a really weird antlerless elk. This is the
concept Ian Hacking explains in his article, Making Up People . He tackles the
question of how did things get categorized the way they are today, and what were
things like before they got put in this categorical order. This theory can be applied to
many subjects... Show more content on ...
The specific subculture I want to use as an example is from the reading In Our
Angelhood: Rave as Counterculture and Spiritual Revolution by Simon Reynolds.
Reynolds talks about the roots of the rave culture that started in the UK underground
clubs in the 1990 s. Although they still had to run and try to outsmart the police, it
actually gave the rowdy teenagers who were causing trouble something to do besides
causing havoc at other public events like soccer matches. (Reynolds). But what once
started out at as a football alternative and unification of the working class in the UK
has now changed. Instead of being a subculture, rave culture is beginning to spill into
mainstream and blur the lines between popular culture and rave culture. One example
I can think of is right here at the University of Oregon. Nearly every student/young
adult I know in Eugene has been to some type of concert/event that would classify
as a rave. I think this trend is partially due to the drug culture that surrounds raves
and raving. It is no secret that many young adults in college towns use alcohol and
drugs, usually at whatever party or get together that are going to that weekend.
This makes raves, a place full of music, dancing, and drugs/alcohol, an appealing
idea. What really pushes this into the popular culture is the commercial side of it.
Instead of having secret warehouse raves, many venues and bars are promoting the
idea of a live DJs or a rave type settings because that s what brings the people in (and
the people bring in the revenue). The more money that can be made off something,
the more public and mainstream it goes. So while it doesn t surprise me that raving is
becoming more mainstream, it is interesting to see new contrasting opinions on raves.
Another example of a changing subculture is from the reading Elements of Vogue by
Marcos Becquer
History Of Vanilloids
What is the drug ? Transient receptor potential cation better known as the capsaicin
receptor and vanilloid receptor.It is a protein that is in humans which is encoded by
the gene.This type of protein is a member of TRPV.It was the first member of the
transient receptor potential and vailliod receptor.Aslo they are compounds which
process through a vanillyl group.This drug is responable for the pungency of
capsicums.Also for the burning sensation experienced after eatting spicy
peppers.What is the history? Perspectives opened from cloning capsaicin
receptor.They are outlines ,long lasting functional ,ultrastructural and nerve terminal
effects.It affects the transient receptor potential vanilloid.Which invloves in sensing
heart, warmth and most... Show more content on ...
It was the first determined by E.K Nelson in 1919.From Chili peppers by the
Japanese who named it capsaicinoids.Vanilloids is the main capsaicinoid in chili
peppers.What is good about this drug ?The only thing that is good about this drug
is that, it is a good appetite.Some members from the transient receptor potential
vanilloid ion channel family are expressed in a wide variety cells and sometimes
function as sensors of mechanical stress.Capsaicin works by when we eat, and the
molecule binds to a type of vanilliod receptor in our mouth.But some receptors aren
t meant to be detect spiciness.The main thing that is great about this medication is
that, it is a decent appetite.Some individuals from the transient receptor potential
vanilloid particle divert family are communicated in a wide assortment cells and
now and again work as sensors of mechanical stress.Capsaicin works by when we
eat, and the atom ties to a sort of vanilloid receptor in our mouth.But a few
receptors aren t intended to be recognize heat.What is bad about the drug ?The drug
may rise your high blood pressure .May also cause inflammation can burning
sensation.Transient receptor potential cation also called the capsaicin receptor and
vanilloid receptor.It is a protein that is in people which is encoded by the gene.This
sort of protein is an individual from TRPV.It was the main individual from the
transient receptor potential and vailliod receptor.Aslo they are mixes which prepare
through a vanillyl group.This medication is responable for the sharpness of
capsicums.The medication may ascend your hypertension .May likewise bring about
irritation can smoldering sensation.Transient receptor potential cation additionally
called the capsaicin receptor and vanilloid receptor.It is a protein that is in
individuals which is encoded by the gene.This kind of protein is a person from
TRPV.It was the principle individual from the transient receptor potential and vailliod
receptor.Aslo they are
Who Is Crazy In A Midsummer Night s Dream
In William Shakespeare s play, A Midsummer Night s Dream there is
Makeups,Breakups and Love. The characters go through a roller coaster of emotions
throughout the play. Many emotions of the characters are made confusing by the
king of fairies Oberon and his servant Puck/Robin. The drama throughout the play
creates many problems for the characters. One of those characters is Helena, she
shows that loveis crazy when she talks to Hermia, gives Demetrius permission to
beat her and when she talks to Demetrius in the woods. In the beginning of the play
Helena is introduced with being in love with Demetrius. The audience knows from
the text that Demetrius is in love with Hermia. While talking with Hermia, Helena
says, The more I love, the more he hateth me (Shakespeare 199). Helena is talking
about Demetrius in this instance. She is saying that the more she loves him the more
he hates her. This is the first introduction of the theme that love is crazy. Love is
making... Show more content on ...
This is where Oberon sends Puck to put the love potion on Demetrius s eyes. Oberon
gives Puck a very vague description of who he is supposed to put the love potion
on. Puck ends up putting the love potion on Demetrius s and Lysander s eyes. The
love potion works where whoever the person sees first they will fall in love with.
Lysander and Demetrius both happen to see Helena first when they wake up, so
they both fall in love with her. Helena thinks they are playing a joke on her and
doesn t believe what they are saying. Hermia comes into the mix and Helena thinks
she is joking with her too. While talking to Hermia, Helena says, Wherefore speaks
he this, To her he hates? (Shakespeare 230 231). In this line Helena is saying, Why
would he speak to me like this if he hates me? She is referring to when Demetrius
was calling her beautiful and a goddess. This shows how love is crazy, because it
started with Demetrius hating her to now being in love with
How Did Dix s Life Changed
Dix s life changed in 1841, when she began teaching Sunday school at the East
Cambridge Jail, a women s prison. She discovered the alarming treatment of the
prisoners, specifically those with mental illnesses, whose place of residence had no
heat. She immediately went to court and ensured an order to provide heat for the
prisoners, along with other advancements. She began traveling around the state to
research the conditions in prisons, and ultimately arranged a document that was
presented to the Massachusetts Legislature, which enlarged the budget to expand the
Mental Hospital at Worcester. Dix was not content with reforms in Massachusetts.
She toured the country documenting the conditions and treatment of patients,
campaigning to authorize
The Treaty Of Versailles Ended World War
Introduction The Treaty of Versailles ended World War I on 28 June 1919. Part of
the treaty required Germany to recognize the independence of Poland. However, the
treaty did not do enough to prevent Germany from gaining power again. The treaty
broke up the Austria Hungary regime and pushed Russia back to the east. Germany
was now the only dominant power in Eastern Europe.
The German s did not react well to the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. Most notably,
they were upset about the War Guilt Clause, which morally blamed them for the
entirety of the war. In addition, their Navy began dismantling and only allowed to
retain 36 total ships with no more than 1500 officers. The German Army would be
limited to an all volunteer force of no more than 100,000 and banned from tanks,
aircraft, and artillery. They began payments of reparations, which severely disrupted
their economy. From 1919 1923 the Germans endured a period of instability and
They managed to recover beginning in 1924. Germany entered back into the
international community via the Locarno Treaties (1925) and entry into the League
of Nations (1926). Furthermore, via the Dawes (1924) and Young (1929) Plans
reparations made more manageable and reduced. Not everyone in Germany was
happy with the pace of change but aspects of the Versailles Treaty were diminishing.
In 1933, the President of Germany named Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of Germany
and Hitler quickly moved to take full
Samuel Osborne Barber Research Paper
Born on March, 9 1910, Samuel Osborne Barber II was already considered a child
prodigy. He was of middle class, with in a educate distinguished American Family.
Barber came from a musical background. While his father took to being a physician;
his mother was a pianist. In the mist of his juvenile 8 year old period, He composed
his first work which was a solo pianopiece in C minor named Sadness. Two years
later, Barber wrote his first opera, The Rose Tree. Two more years later, He was
recruited as an organist at a local church.At the age of 14, Barber was admitted into
the Curtis Institute of Music, which is located in Philadelphia. He later developed an
interest in not only piano and composing, but also in singing and conducting. His
The Beginning and End of HealthSouth Corporation
HealthSouth Corporation was incorporated in January 1984 in Birmingham, Alabma
by the founder Richard M. Scrushy. HealthSouth Corporation is the leading provider
of medical rehabilitation health care and outpatient surgery services in the United
States. Richard M. Scrushy was the former CEO Founder of HealthSouth
Corporation, and there were 5 CFO which were Aaron Beam, Weston, Smith, Bill
Owens, Michael Martin and Tadd Mcvay.
Richard M. Scrushy is one the founder of HealthSouth in 1984. And he also is the
CEO of HealthSouth. At the beginning with his friend in Amcare Company, he use a
million dollars investment by Citicorp Venture Capital to founded HealthSouth. Two
years later, Richard made HealthSouth become a listed company. In 1987 HealthSouth
has expanded to two new areas, which is worker s compensation and sports medicine.
Thus it makes HealthSouth earned a hundred million dollars. By 1988, HealthSouth
has operated a network of 21 outpatient facilities, 11 inpatient facilities, and seven
rehabilitation equipment centers in 15 states, it has became the leader of
rehabilitation industry in the U.S(James Press, 2000).
HealthSouth got rapid growth through acquisitions in the early 1990s. In early 1990s
HealthSouth has been financing over a hundred and eighty one million dollars over
50 states in United States. By the mid 1990s, HealthSouth has operated 14 inpatient
and 31 freestanding outpatient rehabilitation centers in 21 states. And it continued to
add new
The Management Of Human Resource Management
People are usually considered to be the critical resource in the new approach that is
Human Resource Management. The management of people within every
organization, therefore, is very vital as it deals with their acquisition, attaining
motivation for higher levels of attainments, skills development as well as ensuring
that the level of commitment of every individual is maintained. Much effort,
therefore, must be made considering events that aim at improving personal
development, attaining employees satisfaction and to comply with employment
related laws that accommodate their rights within working environment. Various
authors have different definitions for HRM. HRM, therefore, entails planning,
implementing, conducting recruitment and... Show more content on ...
The recent findings indicate human resource management is greatly influenced by the
federal employment legislation that purposely designed to protect workers from the
abuse by their employers. The majority of the organizations have adopted the trend of
revolutionary that aim at accelerating product as well as the technological and
demographic changes to meet the global competition in the market. However, every
organization, therefore, must implement service trends that merge the information
age society (Kane 2000, p. 27). Surprisingly, business organizations have experienced
tremendous changes in the business environment especially with the concern to
retain employees who are considered to be the key human capital resource to the
survival of any business enterprise.
As Porter (2001, p. 44) notes that organizations do compete for the talented
employees to enhance their productivity. One of the new systems that organizations
do consider the business management is the element of motivation to the employees
and to retain those with high talents to aid in restructuring organizations, reorganize,
consolidate, downsize as well as to re engineer individual initiatives needed for the
growth of organizations in the recent global market trend (Clarke 2001, p. 36).
Before the end of the Second World War, employees were imposed to hard labor
duties and denied their labor rights as opposed to the current legislative measures that
the Federal States have
Tiffany Case
Question 1a:
Tiffany should go public since an IPO would be able to bring in fresh equity to fund
growth, and to establish a relatively liquid and efficient market for the company s
Tiffany has a strong brand and would be able to attract investors during the IPO
process. Tiffany option of IPO was favorable since it had positive operating results for
the past months.
Since the terms of renegotiating the terms of the GECC revolving credit were not
encouraging , management of Tiffany consideration of getting funding via the IPO
route made sense.
IPO would help the management of Tiffany to repay GECC completely and free the
company to make alternative borrowing arrangements.
Since the operating cash flows where not steady, ... Show more content on ...
Most term loans require a 10 20% down payment.
Personal Credit. Leases do not show up on Amazon Mines s personal credit report.
Bank loans will show up on its credit report and may keep it from getting further
credit .
Improved Cash Forecasting. The lessee knows the amount and number of lease
payments so they can accurately forecast the cash requirements for equipment.
Upgraded technology. If the nature of Amazon Mines industry demands that they
have the latest technology, a short term operating lease can help it get the equipment
and keep their cash. Amazon Mines risk of getting caught with obsolete equipment
is lower because it can upgrade or add equipment to meet its ever changing needs.. A
lease provides the use of equipment for specific periods of time at fixed payments.
The lessor assumes and manages the risk of equipment ownership.
Flexibility. As Amazon Mines business grows and it needs change, it can add or
upgrade at any point during the lease term through add on or master leases.
Question 3:
A young firm NCI Corporation builds wind power driven energy systems. It is
considering raising $400 million in debt capital for an expansion project and can issue
bank debt at 16% or junk bonds at a yield of 14%.
(a) Explain why bank debt is more expensive than public debt
(b) Discuss the major pros and cons of each alternative for NCI.
Bank debt vs Public Debt:
Private debt comprises bank loan type
Emily Dickinson Hope
In the poem Hope Is The Thing With Feathers by Emily Dickinson establish a
metaphors of hope through a bird. Hope is thinking for the author as a bird that
continues to grow inside her. Even though she expresses her dark times, hope gives
her some motivations to face it. In this poem Dickinson symbolizes bird as hope, in
which she describes hope as something anybody can touch. The author uses iambic
trimeter rhythm with and extra syllable in the first and third lines of each stanza and
also repetitions. Dickinson realizes hope as a something that never stop growing
within humanity no matter what going on. She describes the concept of hope to a
feathered bird that constantly is in the heart of every human. She talks about how to
react to hardship as human beings.She also shows the storms of potential effects on
the bird. She suggests that Hope is a constantly grow that human create after or
during hardship. In the last line of the poem the personal pronoun... Show more
content on ...
Dickinson gives hope some wings to keep it alive in human hearts and minds. She
describes how bird has difficult times for example when is winter, bird needs to
create nest to be warm. But nevertheless people create hope when they have a
problem. She explains that a bird has wings and flies but no one can take away its
ability to fly. Likewise, humans have the hope that no one can destroy or remove
it. The bird s characteristics stated in this poem is intended to symbolize the hope
of a better life. The other symbols are Gale and Storm . They symbolize the
hardship we go through in life. This hardship repress hope but hope continues to fly
and never ends. In the third stanza, Dickinson continues to use symbols as in the
chilliest land and the strangest Sea . Those symbolize the difficult condition of life
in where the hope is perpetual. The last symbol used is a crumb . It symbolizes a
return that the hope never asked
Teaching Is An Integral Part Of My Personality
Teaching is an integral part of my personality, it is not just a job that takes a few
hours of my day, nor is it a means to earn a living, rather it is a way of life. Since
the early days of my youth, I used to imagine myself as a teacher, and to discuss
with myself what I have learned, directing questions and trying to extract answers.
Such a way proved to be very fruitful, not only in explaining the targeted topics, but
also in raising new ideas in my mind. Afterwards it became clear to me; I know that
I understand something when I can explain it to others. This has become my way of
dealing with any subject. When the topic is difficult, I consider myself in front of a
personal challenge, and do my best to simplify it into its easiest possible level. This
has become my basic contribution in teaching, to dismantle any complex topic to its
simplest elements, so that students do not face any problem in dealing with it; that is
in discussing, analysing, and understanding it. The conversion of complex ideas into
simpler equivalents is such an arduous task that requires time and effort, but I chose
this it as my method in teaching, because I believe that it is the students right to get
clear ideas, not a confused set of thoughts. Apart from my personal inclinations, my
teaching experience has provided me with a good opportunity to deal with students
from diverse backgrounds, and to explore different teaching methods with them. As a
lecturer at Cairo University, I have gained
Birthmark Essay
Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote a time of great change in America. In the mid nineteenth
century, Americans began to experience a shift in focus from the once stringent
religious outlook to a more scientific view of the world and its natural wonders.
Americans, however, did look at these new scientific discoveries with much
hesitation, questioning their long term effectson society as a whole. Hawthorne s
work, The Birth Mark echoes these sentimentsand combine natural faith with a
confidence in science to make a very interesting tale. This tale and its morality
convey a message to the reader that there is a price for tampering with the natural
orderof things.
This story opens by explaining how educated and knowledgeable Aylmer is, and the
... Show more content on ...
The fact the whole story is about removing a physical flaw from Georgiana s face
when she is already obviously beautiful demonstrates the degree to which Aylmer has
allowed this pursuit of knowledge and culture to destroy his ability to perceive nature
s beauty. In this text, Georgiana and her birthmark represent nature, and culture is
represented by Aylmer. Culture has taught men to question the flaws of women that
they once found intriguing, therefore Aylmer is challenging nature when he tries to
remove it. Aylmer is so wrapped up in this culture that he treats Georgiana as property.
Her opinion about the removal of the birthmark was of little concern to him.
Therefore, culture asserts that it is not only a separate entity from nature but that it
has superior qualities.
Because of Aylmer s belief that culture is superior to nature, the Creator of nature
and culture alike chose to punish him. The punishment was not in an effort to be
vengeful, but to show him what should have been important to him was not the
birthmark on Georgiana s face, but the beauty that she possessed both inside and out
that made him desire to spend the rest of his days with her. ...he failed to look
beyond the shadowy scope of Time, and living once and for all in Eternity, to find the
perfect Future in the present (Birthmark, 1273); therefore, he was
Positive Work Ethic
was raised by my parents to never lose sight of my goals and to always have a
positive work ethic. My parents were born in India and they moved to Canada in
hopes that their children could have a better life. They work hard everyday so that
my siblings and I do not have to quit school like they did. My greatest eye opening
experience was when I started working with my mother as a general factory worker
in grade ten. The working conditions were very tough in which we stood for long
hours and we had to be constantly working quickly. I met many great women and
men who were new immigrants and heard their struggles in their birth country.
However, despite all of the pressure they were thankful for their job and to be living
in Canada. At the young... Show more content on ...
Through SUJAC, I was the first year representative of the social science committee. I
attended the meetings and I gave my opinion on issues and proposals set by the
Chairs of each faculty at John Abbott. I assisted in proposing a more organized
math department student tutoring center as I realized the lines were too long with
only one teacher helping at one time and my proposal was a success. Through the
investment club, I attended stock simulations and represented John Abbott. My
first year I volunteered at the John Molson Stock Exchange, which is a stock
market simulation which attracts hundreds of business students from across
Canada and the United States. During my second year I participated and I came in
a decent position overall. I really enjoy presenting and I am always up to new
challenges. I joined John Abbott s Business Administration case competition team
and I prepared for business case competitions which occurred at McGill University,
John Molson School of Business and Dawson College. I really enjoy competing in
business case competitions because it enables me to analyze a company which is
struggling and suggest solutions to the problem with a clear plan of how to tackle
their challenges. Furthermore, I enjoy public speaking and business case
competitions allow me to present and improve on this skill. Also, at business case
competitions I am able to meet
Benefits Of A Zombie Apocalypse
In many cases, there comes the need of science, math, and geography. These
subjects are used to prepare kids for their future, but not only is needed for that
there are a lot of things you could benefit from them. But in this case i ll be talking
how could you benefit from them in a zombie apocalypse. For example, science is
needed to create an anti virus. Or to investigate the zombievirus better. Also you
could make some awesome diys to make fuel for the truck you are driving, like i
heard that you could make fuel by using poop or something but it only works with
certain trucks not all of them. Anyways geography can be useful for planning an
escape route, like if the zombiesare invading your house. How are you going to escape
Life of Pi Symbolism Essay
Dhami 1
Karanvir Dhami Ms. Yu ENG3U March 7, 2011 Symbolism in Life of Pi In Life of
Pi there are many literary devices used to present the different themes in the novel.
The main literary device used in Life of Pi is symbolism. Symbolism is often used
to represent an object to something else, either by association or by resemblance.
Most of the names of animals, objects and even humans in this novel have a symbolic
meaning. In Yann Martels Life of Pi, symbolism such as pi s name, the colour orange
and the algae island, are used throughout the novel to provide Pi with protection to
help him either survive or overcome his emotional pain. The mathematical pi is
undefined, infinite and unable to be understood, just like Piscine Patel. ... Show more
content on ...
The island can be compared to the Garden of Eden. Pi discovers the black fruit on
the twisted branches of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil and his illusion of
a perfect island is destroyed. There is a heaven and hell type scenario with the
passing of each day and entering of each night. At day the meerkats eat without
having to kill and show no fear not even towards Richard Parker. At night however,
the ecosystem of the island feeds on itself. Pi then realizes, *he+ preferred to set
off and perish in search of my own kind than to live a lonely half life of physical
comfort and spiritual death on the murderous island (Martel, ). The algae island
provided Pi with a protection from the struggle he had to survive on his journey
across the Pacific. The island provided Pi with food such as the algae and the
meerkats which he did not have while he was on the boat. It also provided Pi with
shelter against storms; he also did not have that in the boat. Yet Pi still left the
island because he realized to live in this island he would surely die without ever
meeting another human being again. Pi left this lifestyle and chose to go with
Richard Parker back into the voyage across the Pacific. The last object of
symbolism is the colour orange. The colour orange is shown to be associated with
survival. However, Pi has been exposed to the colour orange before through
Hinduism. In Hinduism the colour orange is used to symbolize fire, when the religious
Seminole Clothing In South Florida
The intent of this paper is to illustrate the significance of Seminole clothing and social
practices in South Florida by concentrating on the different patterns for both men and
women and celebrations they used. Using an ethnographic approach and perspective
based on the facts displayed at the History of Miami Museum I can further go into
detail about the meaning of the clothingand social practices.
The Seminoles prospered in Florida between the years of 1816 1818 and created a
less formal society than the creeks. Both the Seminoles and the Creeks had very
similar clothing, social and political practices. William Bartram, visited the
Seminoles, stated they enjoy a super abundance of the necessities and conveniences
of life... The hides of ... Show more content on ...
Another way was by the pelts and hides from hunting trips. Men s clothing
included shirts that fell to the knees, sleeves were buttoned at the wrist and several
handkerchiefs were tied around the neck. A pouch that hung from the belted
waist, leggings and moccasins were also part of the men s clothing but were
normally worn when visiting the white settlements. The women s clothing
consisted of long sleeved pull over blouses and full skirts gathered at the waist.
Before the 20 s patchwork appeared in the style of checkerboard or sawtooth
designs. By the early 1920 s Seminole clothing was made up of horizontal stripes
and patchwork designs. By the 50 s the diagonal designs were illustrated by small
bars of color crammed with larger bars. James Henshall described the Seminole
turban as some two feet in diameter and six inches thick or high, with a hole in the
venter to fit the head. It formed of bright colored shawls, the outside layer being
sometimes a bright red cotton or bandana handkerchief; its shape is exactly that of a
flat cheese or grindstone. Just as clothing plays a certain role in society so does the
unique social
The Major Development Of The Persian Empire
The Persian Empire originated as a result of the great king known as Cyrus who
united the Mediterranean and Asia Minor into one United Kingdom. Many of Cyrus
qualities as a leader led to the Persians unspoken success in expanding their
civilization into the largest and most powerful empire the world had ever seen. His
campaign inspired the Persians to develop their nation by making expeditions through
Media, Babylonia, Lydia, and Egypt. These four provinces had a major affect on
Cyrus vision of creating an unstoppable empire. Therefore this opened a lot of
possibilities for Cyrus and his army as they planned to conquer these regions of
Asia Minor. There were many reasons as to why Cyrus was so successful and the
main reason was his ability to be so humble and welcoming to his enemies.
Through his strength in military command, imperial administration, and respect
for his people he forged an Empire that became one of the strongest powers in Asia
Minor. Media was one of the four provinces that were crucial for the major
development of the Persian Empire. Cyrus believed that with the unification of the
four major provinces into a satrapy that he could create a strong standing
civilization. Cyrus was known for his behavior and ability to inspire and lead as a
strong military commander as described by Cook when he says, at the age of ten his
fearless behavior brought him to the notice of Astyages, who recognized him as his
own grandson (Cook, 25). This demonstrated that
Massachusetts And Virginia Essay
The concept of freedom in Massachusetts and Virginia
During the 1600s when England began colonizing in the New World, different
colonies had their own concept of freedom backed by their beliefs and/ or motives
for settling in America. Massachusetts and Virginia were settled for very different
reasons therefore life in their settlements differed greatly. The political, economic,
social and of course physical aspects of the colonies were not at all the same, yet
they both resulted in their colonies prospering and successfully settling the land. The
settlers of each colony had searched for a place to express two contrasting beliefs of
what freedom meant to them. Massachusetts and Virginiaare two prime examples of
how freedom can mean something ... Show more content on ...
With religious reforms causing controversy in England came the Puritans, known
for their simplicity in their way of life. They wore basic clothing and were against
consumption of alcohol and sex (unless married). With the disagreements of the
religious conflicts happening in England, the puritans wanted to purify the Church
of England from within. The sole reason the idea sparked to settle a colony in
America was in search of a Puritan lifestyle and the freedom to do so. On March 4,
1629 King Charles gave the Massachusetts Bay Company a charter while not
knowing the true nature of what this colony was to become and for the reasons
behind it. Still, the Puritans left for America in March 1630. In contrast to the type
of people who immigrated to Virginia, the Massachusetts population was mostly
nuclear families, meaning husband, wife, and kids. Also differing from the
colonists in Virginia, the settlers in Massachusetts Bay worked together for the
common good of the colony. Along with their lives and beliefs, their government
and politics were religiously based as well and soon they decided upon a
Congregationalism form of church government. Their churches were a matter of
choice but in order to become a member they had a strict regulation In order to join
one (a church) a man or woman had to provide testimony a confession of faith
before neighbors who already had been admitted as full members. Because religion
was the bases behind Massachusetts being colonization crimes and religious
disagreements called for serious
The Effect of Eu Integration on the Business Environment...
Introduction Considered to be one of the most advanced forms of regional
economic integration, the European Union (EU) is an assemblage of 27 countries
that share a common goal of mutual prosperity, cooperation and peace. There is no
other such union in the world, although it in many ways serves as a model of
integration that has so far has not been successfully replicated. Being part of the EU
has many advantages and disadvantages for countries. The advantages include access
to SEM; funds that aid in infrastructure building; and world representation by a larger
entity that has more power than a small country alone. Among the disadvantages
however, is having to give up a degree of sovereignty that sometimes impedes a
country from... Show more content on ...
The EU has the world s second longest coastline, after Canada. The combined
member states share land borders with 21 non member states for a total of 12
million miles, the fifth longest border in the world (Pascal, Europe in 12 Lessons).
Evidently, the EU is an entity that warrants careful observation, due to its
enormous size, population, and economy, as well as its role in international
relations. History of the EU In order to understand the current business
environment of the EU, it is critical to examine its origins and schools of thought
that shaped its history. The EU is not just a twentieth century concept; it is a
unified Europe whose purpose is to maintain peace and create a common European
culture that can be traced throughout history, and is rooted in classical
philosophical thinking. In the early 1300s, Pierre Dubois, a French lawyer and
pamphleteer during the reign of Phillip IV, advocated a unified and stronger
Europe to fight papal corruption and win a Crusade. Victor Hugo, a French poet,
imagined a more federal type of Europe, as a unity of nations and people, during
the 1800s. However, the progression of wars between mainly Germany and France
between 1870 and 1945 resulted in massive loss of life and economic deterioration,
making the need for peace integral to the survival of Europe (Pascal). The EU s
evolution is based on different theories of
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Environmental Science Essays. Essay about environmental studies

  • 1. Environmental Science Essays Crafting an essay on the subject of environmental science can be both challenging and rewarding. The complexity arises from the vast and interconnected nature of environmental issues. This field encompasses a wide range of topics, including climate change, pollution, conservation, biodiversity, and sustainable development. Navigating through the multitude of data, research findings, and varying perspectives can be daunting. One of the difficulties lies in the need for a deep understanding of scientific concepts and their practical applications. It requires not only the ability to interpret complex scientific studies but also to communicate these findings effectively to a diverse audience. Striking the right balance between scientific rigor and accessibility for readers with varying levels of expertise is a delicate task. Moreover, staying abreast of the latest research developments and policy changes in the dynamic field of environmental science is crucial. The constant evolution of our understanding of environmental issues adds a layer of challenge to keeping the essay content relevant and up-to- date. Additionally, addressing the urgency of environmental problems and proposing viable solutions requires a thoughtful and informed approach. Environmental science essays often demand a call to action or advocacy for sustainable practices, necessitating a careful blend of scientific evidence and persuasive communication. Despite these challenges, writing on environmental science offers the opportunity to contribute to the ongoing dialogue on crucial global issues. It allows the writer to engage with current debates, raise awareness, and potentially influence attitudes and behaviors towards a more sustainable future. For those facing difficulties or time constraints, there are resources available to assist in the essay writing process. Websites like provide a platform where individuals can order essays on various topics, including those related to environmental science. Such services can offer support in research, structuring, and articulating ideas, providing a valuable option for those seeking assistance in navigating the complexities of environmental science essays. Environmental Science EssaysEnvironmental Science Essays
  • 2. The Jungle And Fast Food Nation Rhetorical Analysis Relevant literature usually addresses real life situations, bringing light to serious issues. Most of the time, an author will write in hopes to influence others to believe a certain way. Authors must strategize to master the art of persuasion. There are multiple appeals a writer may use in order to get their point across to the audience. The Jungleand Fast Food Nation use ethos, pathos, and logos in efforts to gain support towards their purpose of improving the work conditions and quality of life for immigrants. In order to convince an audience through an ethical appeal, a writer would use ethos. Ethos places an emphasis on the credibility of the source. In The Jungle Upton Sinclairwrites, In the beginning he had been fresh and strong, and he had gotten a job the first day, but now he was second hand, a damaged article... (Sinclair 90). Jurgis, Sinclair s character, goes from adoring capitalism to despising it. Since he proves to be open minded, his feelings seem less biased. Once the reader observes the vicious cycle Jurgis endures, it becomes difficult to make an argument against him. In Fast Food Nation Schlosser states, We are human beings, more than one person told me, but they treat us like animals (Schlosser 169). Instead of just using a single source, Schlosser uses numerous. The fact that the author is collecting stories from several different people makes the account more believable. When an author is pulling at the heartstrings of the
  • 3. The Information Age Growing up in the information age, everybody in my generation is influenced by computers. Not merely regarding computers as a toy or tool in my childhood, I was curious about the computer itself how it works and what it can do for me. The first time I used programming was in primary school. Not printing Hello, world like others, I was able to draw pictures and even create games using Logo programming language. The charm of programming is very attractive to me. While in high school I participated in the National Olympiad in Informatics in Provinces (NOIP) and trained every day solving over 300 questions in total. Through unrelenting efforts, I was awarded first prize three times. Because of this experience I laid a solid foundation for my algorithmskills and it has taught me to always solve problems in a comprehensive way. Eventually, I was recommended for admission to the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) because of my specialty in programming and superior academic skills. My undergraduate education at USTC has provided me with a strong and comprehensive background in Computer Science. The curriculum included all the basic courses in Computer Science such as Data Structures, Algorithms, Operating System, Compiler and so forth. These courses improved my skills in reading and writing programs and promoted my understanding of computer systems. For instance, I implemented a C/0 (a simplified C) complier in two ways: writing a recursive descent parser
  • 4. Gold Rush Narrative Gold Rush Slavery, Gold Rush, what s next?! Mom, dad, and I have never known what freedom is. We have been sent from slavery to the Gold Rush, my family has never been treated well. When we were slaves we worked for nine whole years, then we got sent to were the miners worked... It s November 27, 1861, and the cold weather has already been really bad for everyone, especially miners. Our owner is one of the meanest ones there are. If he sees you take a one minute break then he will yell at you with his very disruptive voice. He gives us the supplies we need to find gold but it s still super rough. The miners all have to work 24/7. My mom is the most curious about what s going to happen... Show more content on ... Hear that? Dad hit something with his shovel. There was a big loud noise were Dad hit the dirt with his shovel. We all looked at each other and started digging, it felt like a hour before we were able to dig the thing out. When we looked at what we dug out, it was like we were looking at a treasure chest full of a million dollars. We had dug out a huge gold nugget! We knew we had to show our owner, he would be so happy. But we wouldn t feel any better about it. After we had showed the gold nugget to our owner we went right back to work, but the owner was very proud of what he got. I told him that it weighted exactly nine whole pounds! When we got out of the owners lodge back into the bitter cold snow I thought to myself, Shouldn t we get a reward for that? The next day when I woke up I saw a pile of thing layed out in the mine, gold specks, change of clothes, first, and one more thing, a map. I asked Dad what the stuff was for. Dad answered, It s the things we need to escape. I argued Last time we tried to escape, we got caught. Then, Mom chimed in, But the guards aren t
  • 5. The Trouble With Geniuses Analysis Success. It is one of the top life ambitions for many. It is the reason people go to college, strive to get good marks and work hard at their jobs as an attempt to leave a mark on the world and be known as someone who has achieved. Today, it is mostly held that in order to be successful, one must have some initial talent or intelligence and then work, work and work in order to succeed. This concept is brought up in Gladwell s Outliersas the 10000 hour rule. However, we see that Gladwell brings up again and again the notion that opportunities are a key element to success. In Chapters 3 and 4, Gladwell shows that this also applies to those who, by sheer talent and intelligence, are already outliers: geniuses. Gladwell s purpose in writing The Trouble with Geniuses is to further explain that success does not come completely by a person s own merits. He does this by showing that this idea does not affect only the ordinary or the mildly talented but also the outlier in its purest and most distilled form the genius (Gladwell 76). There are two parts to his argument; in the first part, Gladwell shows that there is a limit, a threshold , to how much IQ affects success. Just like a basketball player s height, he argues, once you are tall ... Show more content on ... However, I do not believe that it is a law followed in every situation. Yes, the children from rich backgrounds may have had this sense of entitlement handed to them on a silver platter, and will probably have an easier time on their road to success. However, if someone from a poor home becomes self aware of the tools they are lacking and does not simply blame the institutions and authority for whatever it is that goes wrong (in the way Chris Langan did), he or she can work on oneself in order to acquire those tools. It might not be as simple, but with self awareness and a bit of confidence, one can go a long
  • 6. The Dehumanization Of The Natives In Colonial America For centuries, the English and European colonizers wanted a piece of the new world. Many of these colonists were very curious of what was at this new world and wanted to create opportunities for themselves by extracting resources through the labor of the indigenous people and imported slaves. Though they needed the laborers for their resources, the indigenous people and imported slaves that worked for them were dehumanized and mistreated for the colonist s greed. The Spanish and Portuguese treated the Natives and Slaves inhumanely, while the French treated the Natives fair and just, but the slaves just the same as the Spanish and Portuguese. One of the major Native cultures in Central America was the Andean civilization. The Andean civilizations... Show more content on ... They just did what they were told, while some revolted. They joined the Bacon s rebellion because they felt like they had a greater stake since they had to work for life. Compared to the Native s response, the African slaves did not rebel as much as the Natives did. The Natives had many violent wars with the Americans. The Anglo Americans treated the Native Americans with dishonor. The Anglo Americans treated the Native Americans as if they were the first people to live in America. The Americans did not count them in their federal census for the purposes of representation . The Anglo Americans treated the Five Civilized Tribes with no remorse. They forcedly relocated the tribes along the Missouri River with the help of president Thomas Jefferson. He established a US sovereignty that would push them away even though they had no word against it. The Native Americans living on the plains were treated with no respect. The Anglo Americans took over and disrespected the land these Natives have lived on for decades with the railroad. To get this job done, they Americans had to get rid of the Natives and to do that they must either assimilate or be exterminated. This impacted the Natives spiritually as they believed their precious land was dying from the works of the
  • 7. M4 CaseStudy Essay Case Study: Measurement of Variables Operational Definitions Chapter 11: The Standard Asian Merchant Bank The Standard Asian Merchant Bank is a Malaysian merchant bank headquartered in Kuala Lumpur. The bank provides financial services in asset management, corporate finance, and securities broking. Clients of The Standard Asian Merchant Bank are among others institutional investors, foundations, (semi) public institutions, companies, and high net worth individual clients. Segments in which The Standard Asian Merchant Bank operates are small and medium sized listed companies, real estate, and biotech firms. Syafiq Aimi is a Business student from the National University of Malaysia which is located in ... Show more content on ... Information quality System quality Interactivity Satisfaction with the Website System design quality Syafiq now wants to collect quantitative data to be able to test this model with multivariate regression analysis. In order to collect these quantitative data, Syafiq is currently busy with designing a survey which he wants to post online. He has developed the following table that should help him to operationalize the constructs in his conceptual model. Table 1: Overview of the Constructs/variables in my Model, Subconstructs , and Survey Questions Information quality Variable Definition Survey questions Information content Refers to the content of the information provided by the website (Hernandez et al. 2009) The range of information is high. The information is applicable to the website s activities (zie relevance). The information is detailed (zie accuracy). The main goal of the information on the website is clear.
  • 8. The website provides in depth information. The information on the website is informative to your usage. The information on the website is valuable to your usage. The information on the website is of the appropriate detail. The content on the website supports its intended purpose. Relevance Refers to the degree to which the information meets the needs of the website user (Muylle et al. 2004). The website provides information that exactly fits your needs. The information is applicable to
  • 9. Compare And Contrast Traveling Through The Dark By Mary... Dark Days are the Worst Days When reading poems, one is sure to notice the similarities between the topics that the authors choose to write about. Thinking about this makes sense because we are all human and the day to day challenges we face are all similar. Some topics one might be familiar with include, love, and death, two things that almost everyone can relate to in life. Two authors that focus on the topic of death are, William Stafford a male poet born in 1914, and Mary Oliver a female poet born in 1935. Stafford wrote the poem Traveling Through the Dark , which is a short poem (first person) that talks about a man that is driving on a road and he came across a deer that was blocking a road. The man hopped out of his car to move the deer when he noticed that it had been pregnant with a baby fawn. Not only was the deer pregnant, but the fawn was still living. The poet writes her side was warm; her fawn lay there waiting, alive, still, never to be born (Stafford 10 11). Before pushing the deer off of a cliff into a ... Show more content on ... This poem s tone is very dark and sad, something that almost everyone can relate to when death is spoken about or brought up. Oliver s choice of tone also makes the reader feel remorseful because the snake s life was brought to an end, without doing anything to deserve the penalty. The author writes and the words make the reader feel sorrow toward the snake that was ran over, which is the overall goal of the poem. Oliver, the author of The Black Snake , portrays how the death of the snake affected the person enduring the issue I leave him under the leaves, and drive on thinking about death: its suddenness, its terrible weight (Oliver 13 16). Using the words makes it clear that the author feels bad about that happened to the snake and he wished it did not have to
  • 10. Acc501 Trident University International ACC501: Introduction to Financial Accounting Module 1 Case Assignment For investors to objectively analyze and rate companies they need to have access to certain financial information in order to make informed business decisions. Key financial figures such as Statement of Income, Balance Sheet Statements, and Cash Flow Statements are used to make these comparisons. To ensure that companies are reporting the same financial information several accounting and auditing standards have been created and must be followed. In the follow paper two companies, Abercrombie and Fitch and Hennes amp; Mauritz, will be evaluated based on their financial statements in a goal to determine which company is more ... Show more content on ... A amp;F on the other hand was strictly financial based and to the point with a total of only seven pages. The accounting and auditing standards used to generate the reports also differed. H amp;M used International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union (EU) and was prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as well as the Swedish Annual Accounts Act (H amp;M, 2012). A amp;F utilized the United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) along with non GAAP financial measures and audited with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS). Explaining the Difference in Profitability between the Two Companies Based on the 2011 annual financial report from H amp;M, it indicates there are 2,472 stores in 32 different countries compared to AF which only has 1045, of which 946 of them are in the United States. In terms of profitability H amp;M is able to stay more profitable because it is operating stores in several different markets and is able to perform better during economic financial downturn in certain countries by bolster sales in markets which aren t being impacted as badly. A amp;F on the other hand essentially has all its eggs in one basket with a majority of its stores in the United States, so if the economy is doing poor or tax laws change it can severely impact the company s profitability. The following section will explore the financial formulas used to determine why I believe H amp;M
  • 11. Netted Elon Research Paper At the age of 14 he decided it was his life s quest to save humanity. Born in South Africa to Maye and Errol Musk was a boy they called Elon. As a child of 8 years old Elon read for as much as 10 hours per day consuming so many books that he eventually ran out of books at the library to read including the entire Encyclopedia Britannica. At age 9 his parents divorced and he lived with the father in South Africa. A troubled but ingenious child he continued his avid reading and faced ravenous bullying to the point of being hospitalized at one point. When Elon was 12 he studied a 6 month course in the coding language BASIC and finished it in 3 days. With his newfound knowledge of coding he developed a game he called Blastar which he sold for... Show more content on ... With his own money, he starts an online financial company and soon merges with PayPal. Which was bought by eBay for 1.5 billion dollars which netted Elon (the largest shareholder at the time) 165 million dollars. Obsessed with changing the world he spends hours upon hours researching and learning how to build rockets. In 2002 Elon founded Space Exploration Technologies aka SpaceX. At the same time, he was growing his new company SpaceX he was becoming interested in designing electric cars after meeting with other people who were equally driven toward electric cars he met with the founders of a company called Tesla immediately Elon invests in the company and the founders and Elon work together designing their car. In march of 2008 the first SpaceX rocket was launched only to explode shortly after liftoff after two more rocket failures the fourth launch of the SpaceX rocket is successful in 2008. Earlier that year the first Tesla Motors vehicles were built and received well by consumers. Since 2008 both Tesla Motors and SpaceX have become massive companies leading innovative and impressive legacies. SpaceX received billions of dollars from NASA to continue research and development
  • 12. History Of Central Banks Of America Abel Shiferaw Econ 201 Prof Emma Cummings 05/01/2015 History of Central banks in America Even though central banks can improve a nation s economy and are beneficial to governments, the central banks of America had a very controversial history. Even before the establishment of the Federal Reserve, banks were used by the public just as we use them today. Bank notes were in use during this time and they were backed up by the guarantee that they can be traded for either gold or silver on demand. The history of central banking in America dates back to 1781 when the first bank of North America was chartered by the state of Pennsylvania with the help of Robert Morris. It was the first ban k in America s history to receive deposits and issue its own banknotes. Four years later, two more banks were created that also issued their own bank notes: the bank of New York and the Massachusetts bank. ( Some were not very supportive of the formation of a central baking system because of England s efforts to place the colonies under the control of the bank of England while others were strongly in favor of it. As stated in the articles of confederation, congress was given the power to print bills of credit and to establish a national bank similar to the bank of England but objections rose of alarming foreign influence and fictitious credit ( that hindered its ability to accomplish its intended role. On February 25 1791, following the bank of North America, the
  • 13. The Rev. Charles Richard The Rev. Charles Richard became the third pastor of the parish in 1895, coming to Sacred Heart from Gibson, Louisiana. He was a familiar figure riding on horseback on one of his three horses, Fanny, Dolly and Charley, as he traveled through the parish. The French Canadian Richard offered all the services in French, although he did present some of the homilies in English beginning in 1906 . On March 23, 1896, the Francois Viguerie property was transferred to Sacred Heart of Jesus Church. The property was one arpent (608.46) linear feet wide to the point of the survey which was interpreted to be the 40 arpent line. The recorded deed is in the Terrebonne ParishConveyances book as Deed 455. A second piece of property was received from Albert R. Viguerie on December 17, 1897. [insert picture of Prompt Succor] On December 17, 1897, on behalf of Sacred Heart, Rev. Richard received a donation from Joseph Oleus Duplantis, Joseph Bussy Duplantis, Israel Duplantis, Theophile Duplantis, Meleo Duplantis, and Joseph Augustine Duplantis (the heirs of Marie Susanne Duplantis Jolet for a tract of land on Upper Little Caillou (RR Folio 276, Donation Book, A folio, 149) , and built a chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Prompt Succor. The property was bounded above by the property of Alexis Duplantis. The Prompt Succor bell was cast in 1901 by the Buckeye Bell Foundry, The E.W. Vanduzen Co of Cincinnati, Ohio. The bell, named Angelus was placed in the steeple of the church, but in
  • 14. Conflict And Social Behavior Perspective Introduction This paper will show how conflict and social behavior perspective play an important role in Dasani s life (Hutchinson, 2015). The reader will have a better understanding of the perspective through examples in Dasani s life. This paper will conclude with a reflection of the writer s future profession in the social work field. Conflict Perspective Defined Conflict perspective is seen through the lens of someone who has power and seeks to oppress people with less power, sometime through discrimination or control (Hutchinson, 2015). Individuals who are not in the social work field would automatically assume that the conflict involves a dispute between two individuals. An issue with conflict perspective is that it has the ... Show more content on ... Within this perspective, there are three theories that describe different ways in which learning occurs; classical conditioning theory, operant conditioning theory, and cognitive social learning theory (Hutchinson, 2015). Classical conditioning is often associated with physiologist Ivan Pavlov s experiment with the salivating dog (Hutchinson, 2015). This experiment focused on conditioning the dog to associate food with the bell while salivating, and eventually salivates when the bell is rung even without the presence of food. Operant conditioning theory is changed behavior as the result of a reinforcement (Hutchinson, 2015). In our society, we associate positive reinforcements with compliments, smiles, high fives in order to encourage a behavior more. Negative reinforcement involves jail, detention, and grounding, and this is to stop a behavior from continuing. A cognitive social learning theory states that behavior can be learned through observations, beliefs, expectations, and imitation of others (Hutchinson, 2015). A major difference between cognitive social learning theory and the others, is a lack of manipulation to encourage the individual to follow through with a behavior. Rather, cognitive social learning theories suggest that a change in thinking can ultimately result in a change in behavior (Hutchinson, 2015). Dasani s conflict Perspective A reoccurring conflict throughout this case assessment is the mayor s ignorance to the policies that he is
  • 15. Essay about Personal Narrative Personal Narrative Mother and Daughter Relationship I am rummaging through a cardboard box full of pictures, looking for the perfect one to put in one of those sentimental Mother and Daughter word frames from Hallmark. Finally, a photo falls from the box, and I pick it up, knowing I have found what I am looking for. It is a picture taken from spring of the year I was four. My mother is sitting on the couch in our living room and I am standing in front of her. The fabric of our couch is a beige and dark brown flowered print. The wall behind the sofa is covered with dark wood paneling. Mom, wearing a brown patterned dress, seems to blend into her surroundings. I am standing in front of her, radiant in the dress she has picked out ... Show more content on ... Mom s hand is resting on my right arm, as if she is holding me in the picture s frame. The rest of her features seem to blend into the drab background, but her right hand shows up clearly as it holds me in place. My mother hasn t changed since the picture was taken almost sixteen years ago. Her hair style and figure have matured with age, but everything else has remained constant. She still stands behind me when we go to take a family photograph. She never sees it as trying to hide herself from the critical eye of the camera, but insists that I step out in front because I am the smaller one, the thinner one, the prettier one. Throughout my entire life, she has lived by the same philosophy. She always works to push me to the front of the group because she honestly and simply believes that I belong there. She guides and pokes and prods with the same right hand to ensure that I am not wandering off or wasting my time and energy where it is not needed. Looking at the picture, I again notice how clearly her hand shows up on my elbow. The picture doesn t show how tense her hand is as it fights to keep me in the picture. It doesn t show how tightly her fingers grip my arm as she struggles to keep me where I should be. It also fails to show that she will let me go if I protest loud enough and pull away with enough force. The furniture, the fashions, and even the walls in the living room have changed, but her hand remains at my elbow. It
  • 16. Puritan Ideology In Early America Puritan ideology had a profound effect upon early America. Though they came to the New World mainly for religious freedom after attempting to purify the Church of England, they left an impact beyond just the spiritual as many men of the Puritan faith helped shape the young country. This obviously led to the Puritans having a dramatic effect on the literature The whole life of a Puritan was dedicated to God, as He was the only one who could offer salvation from eternal damnation. They believed that humans are sinners incapable of earning God s merit on their own, and for that reason they observed strict moral codes in order to ensure that they may receive God s grace. This central idea, God s long withstanding mercy, a central idea reflected in many of the early writings of America... Show more content on ... One of his sermons, A Model of Christian Charity espouses central Puritan ideals. As stated before the Puritans believed in a strict moral code in order to gain God s grace. One means of living up to this code was helping those who were less fortunate. Winthrop not only recommended charity towards others but stated it was a Christian duty saying, When there is no other means by whereby our Christian brother may be relieved in his distress, we must help him beyond our ability (208). In other words, he believed that as Christians the people should go through drastic measures in order to help his common man. This lends itself to Puritan ideals, as he personally believed this was a way of completing one s covenant with God and later suggested that if all Christians can strive to practice the morals expressed in the Bible that they could perhaps create a utopian community as a safe haven for all including the Native Americans. This in particular was important at the time as the writings of Winthrop can perhaps be attributed to improving relationships between the colonist and their neighbors in the new
  • 17. Game Theory Introduction Strategies and Games Strategies and Games Theory and Practice prajit k. dutta The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts . London, England 1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from the publisher. This book was set in Melior and MetaPlus by Windfall Software using ZzTEX and was printed and bound in the United States of America. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Dutta, Prajit K. Strategies and games : theory and practice / Prajit K. Dutta. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and... Show more content on ... 7.2 A Simple Model 7.3 Social Optimality 7.4 The Problem Worsens in a Large Population 7.5 91 91 93 95 96 case studies and the Internet Buffalo, Global Warming, 97 98 99 100 7.6 Averting a Tragedy Summary Exercises C H A P T E R 8 Mixed Strategies 8.1 Deп¬Ѓnition and Examples 8.1.1 What Is a Mixed Strategy? 8.1.2 Yet More Examples 8.2 An Implication 8.3 Mixed Strategies Can Dominate Some Pure Strategies 8.3.1 Implications for Dominant Strategy Solution and IEDS 8.4 Mixed Strategies Are Good for Blufп¬Ѓng 8.5 Mixed Strategies and Nash Equilibrium 8.5.1 Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibria in an Example 8.6 103 103 103 106 107 108 109 110 111 113 114 115 116 case study Summary Exercises Random Drug Testing xii Contents C H A P T E R 9 Two Applications: Natural Monopoly and Bankruptcy Law 9.1 Chicken, Symmetric Games, and Symmetric Equilibria 9.1.1 Chicken 9.1.2 Symmetric Games and Symmetric Equilibria 9.2
  • 18. East-Midland English A project in theoretical phonetics of English Shcherbakova Natalia, group 01 Contents: 1.Introduction 2.English in East Midlands 1.Vowels 2.Consonants 3.Word Stress 4.Sentence rhythm and intonation 3.Conclusion 4.List of references Introduction East Midlands, general facts The East Midlands, in its broadest sense, is the eastern part of central England (and therefore part of the United Kingdom as well). The East Midlands covers three major landscape areas: The relatively flat coastal plain of Lincolnshire, the river valley of the Trent, the third largest (and longest) river in England, and the southern end of the Pennine range of hills in Derbyshire. The second of these contains several large cities: Nottingham, ... Show more content on ... Lincolnshire also has a marked north south split in terms of accent. The north shares many features with Yorkshire, such as the open a sound in car and park or the replacement of take and make with tek and mek. The south of Lincolnshire is close to Received Pronunciation, although it still has a short Northern a in words such as bath. In Northamptonshire, crossed by the North South isogloss, residents of the north of the county have an accent similar to that of Leicestershire and those in the south an accent similar to rural Oxfordshire. The town of Corby in northern Northamptonshire has an accent with some originally Scottish features, apparently due to immigration of Scottish steelworkers. It is common in Corby for the GOAT set of words to be pronounced with . This pronunciation is used across Scotland and most of Northern England, but Corby is alone in the Midlands in using it п‚ћ East Midlands accents are generally non rhotic, instead drawing out their vowels, resulting in the Midlands Drawl, which can to non natives be mistaken for dry sarcasm. Old and cold may be pronounced as owd and cowd (rhyming with loud in the West Midlands and ode in the East Midlands), and in the northern Midlands home can become wom . The West Midlands accent is often described as having a
  • 19. Empowerment Of Water In Annie John, By Jamaica Kincaid Water Oceans cover most of the Earth. They are essential for our environment since they produce more than half of the oxygen in the atmosphere. Without our vast sea, humankind would not be able to survive. In Annie John, written by Jamaica Kincaid water is demonstrated as a motif in literature showing the coming of age story of a young girl growing up in the Caribbean. The protagonist, Annie, grows learning how to properly balance the values of the colonized world and the native Caribbean culture , Obeah. Kincaid uses the motif of water as an empowerment to Annie s growth by curing, nurturing, and transforming her. Annie s safe haven as a young child consists of baths to help heal her from bodily aches. In the Obeah culture it is believed that water can cure someone from any body aches. Annie informs the reader of her childhood when she went to bathe in the sea after church, It was at a time when I was thought to have weak kidneys and a bathe in the sea had been recommended as a strengthening remedy (Kincaid 42). Bathingin the water is a remedy for Annie s body. The sea demonstrates a higher power since three quarters cover the earth s surface. Oceans are a natural force no mankind can replicate; therefore, they hold an influential component to heal Annie s weak kidneys. The Obeah culture is woven into Annie s lifestyle even through the colonized world; both cultures are simultaneously respected in her childhood. Thus, allowing water to heal Annie from any bodily aches
  • 20. Comparing The Phenomenon Of Killings At Lake Nyos, Cameroon At 9:30 p.m. on August 21, 1986, a devastating phenomenon took place at Lake Nyos, Cameroon. On that night the locals were sleeping in their beds, unaware of the danger that was surrounding them. Over 1,700 people and thousands of cattle and other wildlife were killed by a seemingly non existent force. Although the locals thought the killings were the work a spirit woman s wrath, scientists were perplexed as to what could ve killed all the people without leaving a trace. Upon further inspection, scientists found that the victims suffocated, most of them in their sleep. Scientists came to the conclusion that they were suffocated by carbon dioxide, which leaves no real distinct smell and is virtually invisible. The noxious mist had risen from
  • 21. Greg Ousley Character Analysis Scott Anderson exhibits the fact that Greg Ousley is a dynamic character by telling that Greg greatly matures in prison, becomes educated, and wants to work with young people upon being released. The change in Greg that first appears is his growth to maturity in prison. This is portrayed when the author states, he occasionally turned to prison dope and moonshine for brief relief, but Greg says, I work across the hall from the superintendent. Greg now working across from the superintendent exemplifies the fact that he has grown in maturity since the days of prison dope and moonshine because of the trust that the prison officials have in him. Greg becomes further dynamic by becoming an educated person. Greg pursues an advanced educationas
  • 22. Similarities Between Judicial Activism And Strict... The Supreme Court is made up of many justices that believe in two different judicial philosophies. These two philosophies are that of judicial activism and strict constructionism. These philosophies differ quite a bit from one another, but they both work toward the same main goal. Both philosophies play a part in court cases when it comes to deciding on a final ruling. Judicial activism is a judicial philosophy that states that a court has the right to, and should go beyond what is stated in the Constitution about an issue that is being brought up and look towards broader suggestions of the impending decision on said issue. Basically, the court strikes down a law and then makes a statement that [may] change a law or policy in a significant... Show more content on ... In this case the Supreme Court determined that Texas law criminalizing, or essentially trying to outlaw abortion was unconstitutional. Strict Constructionism, on the other hand, is a distinct legal philosophy that limits or controls some judicial interpretation. A judge who uses strict constructionism, may reject the use of legislative history when constructing law because whatever a particular legislator may have said while on the floor of congress does not necessarily reflect what was put into law (Stankiewicz) . Justice Antonin Scalia of the Supreme Court is probably one of the most we ll know users of strict constructionism. In essence, he believes that the Constitution should only ever be interpreted the way it was written never any different. Scalia also believes that the Constitution should not be susceptible to any form of updating by any court. In 2015 the Supreme Court ruled on a case about same sex marriage, Obergfell v. Hodges. The final ruling (holding) of the case, stated by SCOTUSBlog, the fourteenth amendment requires a state to license a marriage between two people of the same sex and also to recognize a marriage between two people of the same sex when their marriage was lawfully licensed and performed
  • 23. Diversity In College Education Increasing diversity in college enrollment has been a top task for universities for over fifty years. Despite the targets for diversification, a wide margin exists between the number of affluent white students and minority students enrolled in universities. One of the criteria for admission to many colleges is a standardized admission test. Those of higher socioeconomic background tend to score higher on standardized tests of various categories: namely, SAT (referred to as Scholastic Aptitude Test or Scholastic Assessment Test ) and ACT (originally American College Testing ) for the purpose of college admission than those from a lower socioeconomic status (SES). It is sometimes evident that it is concentrated to racial groups: white and... Show more content on ... Variations in SES factors explained similar percentages of variations across school districts [on] the proportion of seniors who completed the SAT and attended a four year college or university (Toutkoushian and Curtis 265, 269). Applying standardized tests to determine educational quality has been compared, as W. James Popham remarked in the journal Educational Leadership, like measuring temperature with a tablespoon (Popham 10). If ascertaining educational quality has proven difficult, judging an individual students knowledge aptitude is even more challenging. It could also be said of using those means to evaluate ability to learn: that it is an ineffective metric. At best, it is ineffective for that purpose; at worst it is problematic, and further open to scrutiny as
  • 24. Pros And Cons Of World Bank Andi Nadya Amanda AE1A Fall 2016 World Bank World Bank is a private institution which provide development assistance as the world s largest source of fund for its client countries. The main focus is helping the poorest countries and its client countries to develop by investing in human resources, particularly through basic education and health, infrastructure, environment protection and also maintain global financial stability. Despite of its good investment, it was criticized for carry out environmentally unfriendly projects and other error on the target of the fund. These two concepts are at the vital over the pros and cons of World Bankand many arguments from both positive and negative sides are still debated (Bretton Woods Project,2005). This essay will discuss the positive and negative impacts from the World Bank s aid, as information provided before pull up the conclusion that World Bank does either harm or good. One good point of World Bank is it supports economic growth in developing countries. World Bank has helped many developing countries on their economic growth. It supports economic growth by providing fund in the form of loan to build infrastructure that could boost the economic activities. An example from Tanzania, home for 51.8 million people whom 73% of people still live in the rural area where there is no electricity yet. In this mission, ... Show more content on ... Despite of many positive projects that had been funded by World Bank, many of them were failures. The bank s 1987 annual review of the project performance, published by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) stated that 75% percent of World Bank African Agriculture projects were fail. Another failed project was in Indonesia where the government borrowed USD600 million to reduce the density population of Java Island. Among all those failed projects, the debt is still ongoing which could make a big loss for the country
  • 25. Foreign Policy Of Pakist Political Science Essay Foreign Policy Of Pakistan Thought Paper :Political Science 9/5/2015 DANIYA BASIT BPA 2K14 Since Pakistan emerged on the map of the world sixty seven years ago in 1947, its existence have been marked by many ups and downs that includes initial problems faced at its emergence, cold relations with India over border disputes and Kashmir Issue. Moreover wars fought with India in 1965 and 1971 which led to partition of East and West Pakistan. Administration was weak as Prime Ministers and Presidents were changing very frequently without any significant progress and policy makers were having hard time in making decisions. In this scenario our international relations also played a pivotal role in policy making. Pakistan location had an important role in determining its fate, as positioned next to India proved to be distressing for Pakistan due to their distrusting relationship. Secondly being a neighbor to Afghanistan led to problems later on when Pakistan was used by USA to fight USSR in Afghanistan which led to cold relations with USSR. However China was friendly towards Pakistan from beginning and their relationship became stronger by focusing on trade and investment. Pakistan became a member of United Nations on 30 Sept 1947 and became nuclear power in government of Z.A Bhutto when he encouraged people to make an atom bomb that saved Pakistan from an Indian or any external invasion throughout its years and due to this strong power we are still Independent and safe from
  • 26. The Study of History The Study of History History is, in essence, the study of ourselves. Although we look back and examine the actions and behaviors of other people in another time and place, we are really looking back at our own history, almost as though we are looking at an old family photo album. Everything that has come before us has led up to the current time of our lives. It is all built upon the base that others prepared for us. So, in that context, it is imperative that we understand, as much as humanly possible, why things in the past happened the way they did. Just as importantly, we must be able to understand the actions of those placed in that particular moment in history. Often it is difficult to understand, why they have behaved the way they have. For instance, why would so many people, who presumably were decent people in every other way, actively participate or turn a blind eye to the injustice of slavery? How could so many people in Nazi Germany have silently allowed the Holocaust to continue? Or even how could the Supreme Court of the United States have ruled, in the Dred Scott case, that blacks could never be considered United States citizens, even if they were free (Finkelman, 1997, p.2)? To understand questions such as this, it is important to put the actions of historical figures in the context of their time. It is impossible to understand actions in isolation, so the societal norms of the period must be studied as well. In the case of slavery, it had long been held as
  • 27. Columbine High School Essay COlumbine High School On the morning of April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold approach Columbine High School, in Jefferson County, Colorado. Armed with one 10 shot Hi Point model 995 carbine rifle, one Intratec AB 10 (TEC 9) pistol, two Savage 12 gauge shotguns, and as many as ninety five explosive devices, Harris and Klebold enter the school near the cafeteria. Upon doing so, they are met with the words that God commanded unto Moses on Mount Sinai: Thou Shall Not Kill. Harris and Klebold tremble in fear and shame for what they have come to accomplish. Dropping their weapons, the boys fall to their knees, bow their heads in penance, and pray to God for forgiveness. Instead of that scenario the boys fired off an estimated 900 ... Show more content on ... The logical assumption to make is that having God in school (in the form of the Ten Commandments) would have prevented Columbine. That is quite a substantial claim, but it only shows the magnitude of faith that some Christians place in the Word. In 1999, an attempt to pass a law mandating the display of the Ten Commandments in public schools (not coincidentally attached to a gun control bill) failed for reasons stated by People for the American Way on their website: First, posting the Ten Commandments is a solution in search of a non existent problem. Religious Right rhetoric notwithstanding, religion and prayer have not been banned from public schools; in fact the First Amendment protects students rights to pray, discuss religious views and read religious texts in school. Second, posting the Ten Commandments would violate the First Amendment by requiring schools to favor one religion over another; the Supreme Court ruled so in 1980. What is at stake here is not a student s right to practice religion in school that right is already guaranteed; rather, the Christian Right wants to be seen as doing something about school violence. The Ten Commandments as touted by Tom DeLay become a symbol of spirituality, a means to gauge both the morality of a school population and the pro activeness of the Christian Right in combating school violence. Not all in the Christian Right are so naГѓВЇve as to think that the displaying of the Ten Commandments is a panacea for
  • 28. A Study On Becoming A Librarian Introduction There is more than one type of librarian and they play many roles this day and age. They were once thought of as being the keeper of knowledge and were the go to persons for any and everything. Some specialize in areas of interest such as cataloging, allocation, archives, and even special collections. While others, depending on what type of library they work in conduct all of the above job functions and more. With the advancement of technology and its forever growing spear, librarians are being expected to know how no matter the size of the duty or request. Applying for employment in the field is limited and can be a rough job in itself. Either way, it depends on personal interest or whether a career is being sought versus ... Show more content on ... 263). How much technology should a librarian be able to understand and implement in their daily duties? Is learning the basics of technology enough or should librarians have extensive training and knowledge in the advancement of technology as well as becoming involved with its ever increasing span? These are just a few of the examples of what is being sought after from librarians when being considered for positions. A librarian should have a holistic approach to working within the field and become forever students of learning the newest technology. This, in fact, will allow them to become more marketable when seeking employment in various venues of the library world. Training and Education Whether it is a public librarian, academic librarian, a law librarian, a librarian working in the business field, or a medical librarian, it is the norm for librarians to understand the dynamics of technology. Not only are librarians required to have knowledge of the newest technology, they are also being required to be able to use it. Sometimes there is a gap in what is being taught to future librarians in their school programs and what is being required of them within the job sector. In order to sustain as a competitor within the workforce, librarians need to be prepared to reach beyond the classroom guidance along with teaching and seek outside resources for further educational
  • 29. Impact of Big Business on Politics and the Economy Essay After the Civil war, large businesses ruled America. Prior to the industrial revolution, the government upheld a hands off approach towards business. Under the laissez faire principle, free, unregulated markets led to competition, yet this system suffered under the wrath of growing corporations. The impact of big business on the economy and politics was immense during 1870 to 1899. Corporations were growing significantly in number and size, which had a domineering affect on American economy and defined American life. The growing corporations in America dominated most of the economy, creating a large gap between the rich and the poor. During this time period food, lightening, and fuel prices declined significantly, and the cost of living... Show more content on ... This illustrates that the Senate is controlled by big business, and how easily wealthy people had power over the government. Moreover, the railroad presidents were seen as kings, they could delay lawsuits, control the government and the people, corrupt communities, and control the press (DOC B). Important railroad companies dictated government policies because the legal system favored railroad interests. Further, trying to better the political system, the Populist Party made themselves known. Their platform demanded that the government be restored to the hands of the plain people. They wanted to end oppression, injustice, and poverty (DOC F). Evidently, they were dedicated to political and social reform, and urged that the government be strengthened and take responsibility of the people. The harsh working conditions resulting from industrialization drove laborers to organize into unions. Economist David A. Wells compares working in a factory to working in the military because workers are taught to perform one single task. Moreover, manufacturing has largely taken away workers pride in their work (DOC C). Mass production techniques led to specialization of labor, which subsequently decreased workers pride in their craft, as well as left workers largely unskilled. Further Samuel Gompers, founder of the AF to L, addressed the International Labor Congress in Chicago and stated that people should not be considered property. He advocated that labor
  • 30. Summary Of The House Of The Rising Sun Brothel MARIANNE LESOLEIL LEVANT (30 s) wins a brothel in a card game against ruthless WADE BUCHANNAN the former whorehouse owner. To win, Marianne uses voodoo. Wade vows revenge. Years later, Marianne runs the House of the Rising Sun Brothel and does her best to protect her girls, like CORA. When Wade suddenly reappears, Marianne seeks help again from MARIE LEVEAU, voodoo Priestess and the Queen of New Orleans. However, Marie wants help from Marianne to spy on officials to help abolish slavery. Marianne agrees. A doll is made and Marianne uses it to inflict pain on Wade. Wade has his own agenda for revenge and he threatens prostitute PRUDENCE with harm if she doesn t help him get his revenge on Marianne. He wants Prudence to kill Marianne. ... Show more content on ... The card game intercut with the flashback of the hex doll works. It sets the tone and establishes the world. While some tightening of dialogue is suggested, it s a good start. Moreover, the teaser hooks the audience; both Marie Laveau and Marianne fascinate the audience. As the pilot continues, there are some good plotlines, but there s simply not enough anticipation, suspense, tension, and/or romance. The pilot relies a bit too much on dialogue. First, the pilot offers a plot to abolish slavery. Marie wants Marianne s help. It s a plotline that s smart, but vague. Marie talks a lot in the scene about what she wants Marianne to do, but her dialogue, in this scene, can just be clearer. She talks in a round about way. She simply needs to say that she has information that Marianne will be approached to have meetings held at her establishment and that she wants Marianne to agree to the meetings and to spy on the men for information. Be specific. For example, maybe they are expecting the Confederates to attack a fort, or something like this, and she needs Marianne to get information about this attack. This gives this storyline more focus. Moreover, showing Marianne spying will enhance the tension. Maybe she s almost caught. Maybe she checks out the pockets of one of the their clients looking for information. This also makes Marianne more proactive as a character. Also, to elevate this
  • 31. Pc Specification Table ABSTRACT Rita s successful business requires an update in order to continue providing the services that her employees and clients have become accustomed to. Rita has expressed concerns about the recent decrease in download speeds, storage capacity, and general efficiency of the computers that she uses to produce the CDs and DVDs that she distributes to the health clubs and instructors that she serves. This client has requested recommendations for a system that will allow her to: 1. search for and download various media files online to edit, store, and share, 2. create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and calendars, 3. print documents and high quality CD labels, 4. utilize online services like banking, email, and calendars, and 5. ... Show more content on ... | Other Peripheral Devices| MP3 player| These devices are dependent upon client need and budget. Not all devices may be used, and those that are should be carefully chosen to meet the specific needs of the client.| MIDI keyboard| | Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)| | 1 The client s personal preferences will determine which type of device is chosen. 2 The services offered in the client s area will determine which type of broadband modem (DSL or Cable) should be used. System Unit Features| Feature| Details| Need Met| Processor| Intel Core i5| Mid range pricing with increased speed for streaming video and audio| RAM| 8GB| Greater RAM means more speed and the ability to run more applications at the same time; perfect for creating, editing, and sharing videos online and across a network| Adaptor Cards: Graphics| Radeon HD 6450| Entry level graphics card fits basic needs without requiring that the client buy more hardware than necessary| Adaptor Cards: Network| 1. Built in 10/100Base T Ethernet LAN2. Built in 802.11b/g/n wireless LAN| Allows the client to connect multiple PCs to a network for file sharing and internet access via Ethernet cables or wireless connection| Ports (Rear)| HDMI DisplayDVI
  • 32. The Defense Cooperation Of The United States The defense cooperation of the United States in Croatia started formally in November of 1994. It was the time of the Croatian Homeland War, and the United States were the only country that had offered and initiated some of the defense cooperation programs with Croatia before the end of hostilities in the region. Throughout the cooperation, different terms were used, like Train, Advise, and Equip foreign armed forces, or the terms Building Partner Capacity (BPC) and Security Force Assistance (SFA) rather than Security Assistance (SA). According to the Presidential Policy Directive (PPD 23), those defense cooperation programs are being part of the Security Sector Assistance (SSA). In the beginning, cooperation relied mostly on the... Show more content on ... CURRENT SECURITY SECTOR ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS WITH CROATIA Through the direct bilateral defense cooperation with the United States, Croatia received approximately more than $300 million, of which more than $200 million is the value of MRAPs, Kiowa Warriors helicopters, and other military equipment. The U.S. SSA can be divided in three main parts: (1) humanitarian and development programs, (2) miscellaneous support with unrecorded value programs, and (3) special and structural cooperation programs. If we take a look at the humanitarian and developmental programs, Croatia got approximately $4,45 million from 2008. Through Humanitarian Assistance program (HA),US Govt invested in local communities in Croatia almost $0,9 million, including reconstructions of schools and kindergartens, hospitals, building water pipeline, bridges, donating special equipment (incubators), etc. Through the Exercise related Construction program (ERC), US Govt invested to the military training area in Slunj approximately $400.000 for urban warfare training ground, and $400.000 to the training area in Udbina for the new command building. The third part covers the other developmental programs to the local communities, like the reconstruction of high school building in Vukovar, furnishing the hospital in Knin, building bridge over the river Vuka, reconstruction of
  • 33. 1920s Fashion Research Paper The revolutionary clothing of women s fashion in the 1920s not only shows itself in our modern era, but is a historical adjustment which changed the way that we view females today. In the 1920s, breathtaking changes in women s fashion made its role into history. The clothing designers created a unique and elegant style that gave ladies a greater freedom of expression. With the new and colourful fabrics echoing, fashion designers vintage clothing became more and more popular and paved the way for what fashion has become today. After World war one, the dresses became lighter, brighter and whole lot shorter! Designers made new colours, textures, and patterns to make the perfect new well designed dresses of the decade. Everything worn in the 1920s had a specific time of day and people changed more than the average teenager of today. (What did women wear in the 1920s, Par 1). Day wear was very different from evening wear.... Show more content on ... The cloche is a hat that was snug fitting, warn tilted up usually covered the forehead and Often the flapper clothing and the cloche hat were worn together, (1920 s Fashions and Accessories including Prices, Par 1). Ladies of this time span would cut their hair short and keep it flat to fit under this hat. The flapper dress was a historical adjustment on its own. The flapper dress was a chiffon dress with a straight. The dress had different hem lines starting at the calf length making its way to knee length. Wrap over coats were the perfect addition to the flapper look. The inside of the coat was normally designed to match the dress patterns or fabric (Women s Dress Fashion and Style, Par 10). Evening shoes varied from bar shoes and T Bar shoes. They had a strap and were easy to dance in which made them very
  • 34. Ethnic Identity Development Ethnic Identity Development Ethnic identity development of ethnic minorities in the United States has attracted an increasing attention in the adolescent development and college transition literature. A review of literature related to ethnic identity development highlights two major lines of research: 1) identity processes from a developmental perspective and 2) the content and meaning of ethnic identity (Phinney, 1989; Seller et al., 1997; Yip, 2014). Some scholars have specifically examined the developmental progression that individuals go through as they come to understand their ethnic identity and make a commitment (Phinney, 1993). Other scholars have focused on exploring the content, significance, and meaning of ethnic identity within... Show more content on ... Hoping to address the limitations of the MEIM, Umana Taylor, Yazedjian Bamaca Gomez (2004) created the Ethnic Identity Scale (EIS), which is primarily based on Erikson s and Tajfel s theories. The EIS consists of 46 assessing three distinct components of ethnic identity: exploration, resolution, and affirmation. The exploration subscale assesses the extent to which individuals have explored their ethnic identity; resolution subscale assesses the extent to which individuals have resolved issues related to their ethnic identity, and affirmation refers to the feelings (positive or negative) individuals associated with their ethnic identity. Using the three subscales while being consistent with Marcia s (1980) identity statuses, Umana Taylor et al. (2004) proposed a new categorization scheme which classifies individuals into 8 ethnic identity statuses: diffuse positive, diffuse negative, foreclosed positive, foreclosed negative, moratorium positive, moratorium negative, achieved positive, and achieved negative. For example, diffuse positive characterizes individuals who scored low on both exploration and resolution subscales, but with high affirmation. Unlike the MEIM, the EIS allows researchers to take a dimensional approach to understanding ethnic identity. The score of the subscales are continuous variables, so researchers can examine the relationship among the three with other variables of
  • 35. Violated In The Chrysalids There really is no true or perfect human image yet society these days expects people to look and act a certain way and people can be very cruel if a person does not meet these expectations. In the novel The Chrysalids written by John Wyndham and in reality presently, many human rights are violated and these rights will continue to be violated as long as humans exist and people continue to be cruel. In the town of Waknuk, certain people do not follow the human rights but instead they violate them. Throughout the novel, many characters rights are being violated such as the abuse and torture David faces, the intolerance towards woman like Sophie and Petra for being different. Throughout the novel, David, the protagonist is abused and tortured several times by his very own father, Joseph Strorm and his recently discovered Uncle, Gordon. David s father is a strict believer in his religion and is unyielding on the subject of mutations and blasphemy s. If anyone neglects to follow his beliefs and rules, he has serious consequences for them, like with David, once Joseph found out that David knows a blasphemy, he immediately subjected to abusing him for answers. David s father continues to beat him until he receives the information he demands. David has been abused more than once by his father and this is evident when David says, I knew well enough what that meant, but I knew well too, that with my father in his present mood, it would happened whether I told or not. I set my jaw,
  • 36. Making Up People Analysis The Making and Unmaking of People Imagine that you have only seen deer, elk, caribou, and moose in your life. One day a horse comes along. What would you call this thing? It kind of looks like an elk or moose, but not exactly because of the lack of antlers. Without having a defined category to put the horse in, it makes it hard for you to understand it. You would understand that it physically exists when you saw it, but you might just call it a really weird antlerless elk. This is the concept Ian Hacking explains in his article, Making Up People . He tackles the question of how did things get categorized the way they are today, and what were things like before they got put in this categorical order. This theory can be applied to many subjects... Show more content on ... The specific subculture I want to use as an example is from the reading In Our Angelhood: Rave as Counterculture and Spiritual Revolution by Simon Reynolds. Reynolds talks about the roots of the rave culture that started in the UK underground clubs in the 1990 s. Although they still had to run and try to outsmart the police, it actually gave the rowdy teenagers who were causing trouble something to do besides causing havoc at other public events like soccer matches. (Reynolds). But what once started out at as a football alternative and unification of the working class in the UK has now changed. Instead of being a subculture, rave culture is beginning to spill into mainstream and blur the lines between popular culture and rave culture. One example I can think of is right here at the University of Oregon. Nearly every student/young adult I know in Eugene has been to some type of concert/event that would classify as a rave. I think this trend is partially due to the drug culture that surrounds raves and raving. It is no secret that many young adults in college towns use alcohol and drugs, usually at whatever party or get together that are going to that weekend. This makes raves, a place full of music, dancing, and drugs/alcohol, an appealing idea. What really pushes this into the popular culture is the commercial side of it. Instead of having secret warehouse raves, many venues and bars are promoting the idea of a live DJs or a rave type settings because that s what brings the people in (and the people bring in the revenue). The more money that can be made off something, the more public and mainstream it goes. So while it doesn t surprise me that raving is becoming more mainstream, it is interesting to see new contrasting opinions on raves. Another example of a changing subculture is from the reading Elements of Vogue by Marcos Becquer
  • 37. History Of Vanilloids What is the drug ? Transient receptor potential cation better known as the capsaicin receptor and vanilloid receptor.It is a protein that is in humans which is encoded by the gene.This type of protein is a member of TRPV.It was the first member of the transient receptor potential and vailliod receptor.Aslo they are compounds which process through a vanillyl group.This drug is responable for the pungency of capsicums.Also for the burning sensation experienced after eatting spicy peppers.What is the history? Perspectives opened from cloning capsaicin receptor.They are outlines ,long lasting functional ,ultrastructural and nerve terminal effects.It affects the transient receptor potential vanilloid.Which invloves in sensing heart, warmth and most... Show more content on ... It was the first determined by E.K Nelson in 1919.From Chili peppers by the Japanese who named it capsaicinoids.Vanilloids is the main capsaicinoid in chili peppers.What is good about this drug ?The only thing that is good about this drug is that, it is a good appetite.Some members from the transient receptor potential vanilloid ion channel family are expressed in a wide variety cells and sometimes function as sensors of mechanical stress.Capsaicin works by when we eat, and the molecule binds to a type of vanilliod receptor in our mouth.But some receptors aren t meant to be detect spiciness.The main thing that is great about this medication is that, it is a decent appetite.Some individuals from the transient receptor potential vanilloid particle divert family are communicated in a wide assortment cells and now and again work as sensors of mechanical stress.Capsaicin works by when we eat, and the atom ties to a sort of vanilloid receptor in our mouth.But a few receptors aren t intended to be recognize heat.What is bad about the drug ?The drug may rise your high blood pressure .May also cause inflammation can burning sensation.Transient receptor potential cation also called the capsaicin receptor and vanilloid receptor.It is a protein that is in people which is encoded by the gene.This sort of protein is an individual from TRPV.It was the main individual from the transient receptor potential and vailliod receptor.Aslo they are mixes which prepare through a vanillyl group.This medication is responable for the sharpness of capsicums.The medication may ascend your hypertension .May likewise bring about irritation can smoldering sensation.Transient receptor potential cation additionally called the capsaicin receptor and vanilloid receptor.It is a protein that is in individuals which is encoded by the gene.This kind of protein is a person from TRPV.It was the principle individual from the transient receptor potential and vailliod receptor.Aslo they are
  • 38. Who Is Crazy In A Midsummer Night s Dream In William Shakespeare s play, A Midsummer Night s Dream there is Makeups,Breakups and Love. The characters go through a roller coaster of emotions throughout the play. Many emotions of the characters are made confusing by the king of fairies Oberon and his servant Puck/Robin. The drama throughout the play creates many problems for the characters. One of those characters is Helena, she shows that loveis crazy when she talks to Hermia, gives Demetrius permission to beat her and when she talks to Demetrius in the woods. In the beginning of the play Helena is introduced with being in love with Demetrius. The audience knows from the text that Demetrius is in love with Hermia. While talking with Hermia, Helena says, The more I love, the more he hateth me (Shakespeare 199). Helena is talking about Demetrius in this instance. She is saying that the more she loves him the more he hates her. This is the first introduction of the theme that love is crazy. Love is making... Show more content on ... This is where Oberon sends Puck to put the love potion on Demetrius s eyes. Oberon gives Puck a very vague description of who he is supposed to put the love potion on. Puck ends up putting the love potion on Demetrius s and Lysander s eyes. The love potion works where whoever the person sees first they will fall in love with. Lysander and Demetrius both happen to see Helena first when they wake up, so they both fall in love with her. Helena thinks they are playing a joke on her and doesn t believe what they are saying. Hermia comes into the mix and Helena thinks she is joking with her too. While talking to Hermia, Helena says, Wherefore speaks he this, To her he hates? (Shakespeare 230 231). In this line Helena is saying, Why would he speak to me like this if he hates me? She is referring to when Demetrius was calling her beautiful and a goddess. This shows how love is crazy, because it started with Demetrius hating her to now being in love with
  • 39. How Did Dix s Life Changed Dix s life changed in 1841, when she began teaching Sunday school at the East Cambridge Jail, a women s prison. She discovered the alarming treatment of the prisoners, specifically those with mental illnesses, whose place of residence had no heat. She immediately went to court and ensured an order to provide heat for the prisoners, along with other advancements. She began traveling around the state to research the conditions in prisons, and ultimately arranged a document that was presented to the Massachusetts Legislature, which enlarged the budget to expand the Mental Hospital at Worcester. Dix was not content with reforms in Massachusetts. She toured the country documenting the conditions and treatment of patients, campaigning to authorize
  • 40. The Treaty Of Versailles Ended World War Introduction The Treaty of Versailles ended World War I on 28 June 1919. Part of the treaty required Germany to recognize the independence of Poland. However, the treaty did not do enough to prevent Germany from gaining power again. The treaty broke up the Austria Hungary regime and pushed Russia back to the east. Germany was now the only dominant power in Eastern Europe. History The German s did not react well to the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. Most notably, they were upset about the War Guilt Clause, which morally blamed them for the entirety of the war. In addition, their Navy began dismantling and only allowed to retain 36 total ships with no more than 1500 officers. The German Army would be limited to an all volunteer force of no more than 100,000 and banned from tanks, aircraft, and artillery. They began payments of reparations, which severely disrupted their economy. From 1919 1923 the Germans endured a period of instability and hyperinflation. They managed to recover beginning in 1924. Germany entered back into the international community via the Locarno Treaties (1925) and entry into the League of Nations (1926). Furthermore, via the Dawes (1924) and Young (1929) Plans reparations made more manageable and reduced. Not everyone in Germany was happy with the pace of change but aspects of the Versailles Treaty were diminishing. In 1933, the President of Germany named Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of Germany and Hitler quickly moved to take full
  • 41. Samuel Osborne Barber Research Paper Born on March, 9 1910, Samuel Osborne Barber II was already considered a child prodigy. He was of middle class, with in a educate distinguished American Family. Barber came from a musical background. While his father took to being a physician; his mother was a pianist. In the mist of his juvenile 8 year old period, He composed his first work which was a solo pianopiece in C minor named Sadness. Two years later, Barber wrote his first opera, The Rose Tree. Two more years later, He was recruited as an organist at a local church.At the age of 14, Barber was admitted into the Curtis Institute of Music, which is located in Philadelphia. He later developed an interest in not only piano and composing, but also in singing and conducting. His interest
  • 42. The Beginning and End of HealthSouth Corporation HealthSouth Corporation was incorporated in January 1984 in Birmingham, Alabma by the founder Richard M. Scrushy. HealthSouth Corporation is the leading provider of medical rehabilitation health care and outpatient surgery services in the United States. Richard M. Scrushy was the former CEO Founder of HealthSouth Corporation, and there were 5 CFO which were Aaron Beam, Weston, Smith, Bill Owens, Michael Martin and Tadd Mcvay. Richard M. Scrushy is one the founder of HealthSouth in 1984. And he also is the CEO of HealthSouth. At the beginning with his friend in Amcare Company, he use a million dollars investment by Citicorp Venture Capital to founded HealthSouth. Two years later, Richard made HealthSouth become a listed company. In 1987 HealthSouth has expanded to two new areas, which is worker s compensation and sports medicine. Thus it makes HealthSouth earned a hundred million dollars. By 1988, HealthSouth has operated a network of 21 outpatient facilities, 11 inpatient facilities, and seven rehabilitation equipment centers in 15 states, it has became the leader of rehabilitation industry in the U.S(James Press, 2000). HealthSouth got rapid growth through acquisitions in the early 1990s. In early 1990s HealthSouth has been financing over a hundred and eighty one million dollars over 50 states in United States. By the mid 1990s, HealthSouth has operated 14 inpatient and 31 freestanding outpatient rehabilitation centers in 21 states. And it continued to add new
  • 43. The Management Of Human Resource Management People are usually considered to be the critical resource in the new approach that is Human Resource Management. The management of people within every organization, therefore, is very vital as it deals with their acquisition, attaining motivation for higher levels of attainments, skills development as well as ensuring that the level of commitment of every individual is maintained. Much effort, therefore, must be made considering events that aim at improving personal development, attaining employees satisfaction and to comply with employment related laws that accommodate their rights within working environment. Various authors have different definitions for HRM. HRM, therefore, entails planning, implementing, conducting recruitment and... Show more content on ... Discussions The recent findings indicate human resource management is greatly influenced by the federal employment legislation that purposely designed to protect workers from the abuse by their employers. The majority of the organizations have adopted the trend of revolutionary that aim at accelerating product as well as the technological and demographic changes to meet the global competition in the market. However, every organization, therefore, must implement service trends that merge the information age society (Kane 2000, p. 27). Surprisingly, business organizations have experienced tremendous changes in the business environment especially with the concern to retain employees who are considered to be the key human capital resource to the survival of any business enterprise. As Porter (2001, p. 44) notes that organizations do compete for the talented employees to enhance their productivity. One of the new systems that organizations do consider the business management is the element of motivation to the employees and to retain those with high talents to aid in restructuring organizations, reorganize, consolidate, downsize as well as to re engineer individual initiatives needed for the growth of organizations in the recent global market trend (Clarke 2001, p. 36). Before the end of the Second World War, employees were imposed to hard labor duties and denied their labor rights as opposed to the current legislative measures that the Federal States have
  • 44. Tiffany Case Question 1a: Tiffany should go public since an IPO would be able to bring in fresh equity to fund growth, and to establish a relatively liquid and efficient market for the company s shares. Tiffany has a strong brand and would be able to attract investors during the IPO process. Tiffany option of IPO was favorable since it had positive operating results for the past months. Since the terms of renegotiating the terms of the GECC revolving credit were not encouraging , management of Tiffany consideration of getting funding via the IPO route made sense. IPO would help the management of Tiffany to repay GECC completely and free the company to make alternative borrowing arrangements. Since the operating cash flows where not steady, ... Show more content on ... Most term loans require a 10 20% down payment. Personal Credit. Leases do not show up on Amazon Mines s personal credit report. Bank loans will show up on its credit report and may keep it from getting further credit . Improved Cash Forecasting. The lessee knows the amount and number of lease payments so they can accurately forecast the cash requirements for equipment. Upgraded technology. If the nature of Amazon Mines industry demands that they have the latest technology, a short term operating lease can help it get the equipment and keep their cash. Amazon Mines risk of getting caught with obsolete equipment is lower because it can upgrade or add equipment to meet its ever changing needs.. A lease provides the use of equipment for specific periods of time at fixed payments. The lessor assumes and manages the risk of equipment ownership. Flexibility. As Amazon Mines business grows and it needs change, it can add or upgrade at any point during the lease term through add on or master leases. Question 3: A young firm NCI Corporation builds wind power driven energy systems. It is considering raising $400 million in debt capital for an expansion project and can issue bank debt at 16% or junk bonds at a yield of 14%. (a) Explain why bank debt is more expensive than public debt (b) Discuss the major pros and cons of each alternative for NCI. Bank debt vs Public Debt: Private debt comprises bank loan type
  • 45. Emily Dickinson Hope In the poem Hope Is The Thing With Feathers by Emily Dickinson establish a metaphors of hope through a bird. Hope is thinking for the author as a bird that continues to grow inside her. Even though she expresses her dark times, hope gives her some motivations to face it. In this poem Dickinson symbolizes bird as hope, in which she describes hope as something anybody can touch. The author uses iambic trimeter rhythm with and extra syllable in the first and third lines of each stanza and also repetitions. Dickinson realizes hope as a something that never stop growing within humanity no matter what going on. She describes the concept of hope to a feathered bird that constantly is in the heart of every human. She talks about how to react to hardship as human beings.She also shows the storms of potential effects on the bird. She suggests that Hope is a constantly grow that human create after or during hardship. In the last line of the poem the personal pronoun... Show more content on ... Dickinson gives hope some wings to keep it alive in human hearts and minds. She describes how bird has difficult times for example when is winter, bird needs to create nest to be warm. But nevertheless people create hope when they have a problem. She explains that a bird has wings and flies but no one can take away its ability to fly. Likewise, humans have the hope that no one can destroy or remove it. The bird s characteristics stated in this poem is intended to symbolize the hope of a better life. The other symbols are Gale and Storm . They symbolize the hardship we go through in life. This hardship repress hope but hope continues to fly and never ends. In the third stanza, Dickinson continues to use symbols as in the chilliest land and the strangest Sea . Those symbolize the difficult condition of life in where the hope is perpetual. The last symbol used is a crumb . It symbolizes a return that the hope never asked
  • 46. Teaching Is An Integral Part Of My Personality Teaching is an integral part of my personality, it is not just a job that takes a few hours of my day, nor is it a means to earn a living, rather it is a way of life. Since the early days of my youth, I used to imagine myself as a teacher, and to discuss with myself what I have learned, directing questions and trying to extract answers. Such a way proved to be very fruitful, not only in explaining the targeted topics, but also in raising new ideas in my mind. Afterwards it became clear to me; I know that I understand something when I can explain it to others. This has become my way of dealing with any subject. When the topic is difficult, I consider myself in front of a personal challenge, and do my best to simplify it into its easiest possible level. This has become my basic contribution in teaching, to dismantle any complex topic to its simplest elements, so that students do not face any problem in dealing with it; that is in discussing, analysing, and understanding it. The conversion of complex ideas into simpler equivalents is such an arduous task that requires time and effort, but I chose this it as my method in teaching, because I believe that it is the students right to get clear ideas, not a confused set of thoughts. Apart from my personal inclinations, my teaching experience has provided me with a good opportunity to deal with students from diverse backgrounds, and to explore different teaching methods with them. As a lecturer at Cairo University, I have gained
  • 47. Birthmark Essay Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote a time of great change in America. In the mid nineteenth century, Americans began to experience a shift in focus from the once stringent religious outlook to a more scientific view of the world and its natural wonders. Americans, however, did look at these new scientific discoveries with much hesitation, questioning their long term effectson society as a whole. Hawthorne s work, The Birth Mark echoes these sentimentsand combine natural faith with a confidence in science to make a very interesting tale. This tale and its morality convey a message to the reader that there is a price for tampering with the natural orderof things. This story opens by explaining how educated and knowledgeable Aylmer is, and the ... Show more content on ... The fact the whole story is about removing a physical flaw from Georgiana s face when she is already obviously beautiful demonstrates the degree to which Aylmer has allowed this pursuit of knowledge and culture to destroy his ability to perceive nature s beauty. In this text, Georgiana and her birthmark represent nature, and culture is represented by Aylmer. Culture has taught men to question the flaws of women that they once found intriguing, therefore Aylmer is challenging nature when he tries to remove it. Aylmer is so wrapped up in this culture that he treats Georgiana as property. Her opinion about the removal of the birthmark was of little concern to him. Therefore, culture asserts that it is not only a separate entity from nature but that it has superior qualities. Because of Aylmer s belief that culture is superior to nature, the Creator of nature and culture alike chose to punish him. The punishment was not in an effort to be vengeful, but to show him what should have been important to him was not the birthmark on Georgiana s face, but the beauty that she possessed both inside and out that made him desire to spend the rest of his days with her. ...he failed to look beyond the shadowy scope of Time, and living once and for all in Eternity, to find the perfect Future in the present (Birthmark, 1273); therefore, he was
  • 48. Positive Work Ethic was raised by my parents to never lose sight of my goals and to always have a positive work ethic. My parents were born in India and they moved to Canada in hopes that their children could have a better life. They work hard everyday so that my siblings and I do not have to quit school like they did. My greatest eye opening experience was when I started working with my mother as a general factory worker in grade ten. The working conditions were very tough in which we stood for long hours and we had to be constantly working quickly. I met many great women and men who were new immigrants and heard their struggles in their birth country. However, despite all of the pressure they were thankful for their job and to be living in Canada. At the young... Show more content on ... Through SUJAC, I was the first year representative of the social science committee. I attended the meetings and I gave my opinion on issues and proposals set by the Chairs of each faculty at John Abbott. I assisted in proposing a more organized math department student tutoring center as I realized the lines were too long with only one teacher helping at one time and my proposal was a success. Through the investment club, I attended stock simulations and represented John Abbott. My first year I volunteered at the John Molson Stock Exchange, which is a stock market simulation which attracts hundreds of business students from across Canada and the United States. During my second year I participated and I came in a decent position overall. I really enjoy presenting and I am always up to new challenges. I joined John Abbott s Business Administration case competition team and I prepared for business case competitions which occurred at McGill University, John Molson School of Business and Dawson College. I really enjoy competing in business case competitions because it enables me to analyze a company which is struggling and suggest solutions to the problem with a clear plan of how to tackle their challenges. Furthermore, I enjoy public speaking and business case competitions allow me to present and improve on this skill. Also, at business case competitions I am able to meet
  • 49. Benefits Of A Zombie Apocalypse In many cases, there comes the need of science, math, and geography. These subjects are used to prepare kids for their future, but not only is needed for that there are a lot of things you could benefit from them. But in this case i ll be talking how could you benefit from them in a zombie apocalypse. For example, science is needed to create an anti virus. Or to investigate the zombievirus better. Also you could make some awesome diys to make fuel for the truck you are driving, like i heard that you could make fuel by using poop or something but it only works with certain trucks not all of them. Anyways geography can be useful for planning an escape route, like if the zombiesare invading your house. How are you going to escape
  • 50. Life of Pi Symbolism Essay Dhami 1 Karanvir Dhami Ms. Yu ENG3U March 7, 2011 Symbolism in Life of Pi In Life of Pi there are many literary devices used to present the different themes in the novel. The main literary device used in Life of Pi is symbolism. Symbolism is often used to represent an object to something else, either by association or by resemblance. Most of the names of animals, objects and even humans in this novel have a symbolic meaning. In Yann Martels Life of Pi, symbolism such as pi s name, the colour orange and the algae island, are used throughout the novel to provide Pi with protection to help him either survive or overcome his emotional pain. The mathematical pi is undefined, infinite and unable to be understood, just like Piscine Patel. ... Show more content on ... The island can be compared to the Garden of Eden. Pi discovers the black fruit on the twisted branches of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil and his illusion of a perfect island is destroyed. There is a heaven and hell type scenario with the passing of each day and entering of each night. At day the meerkats eat without having to kill and show no fear not even towards Richard Parker. At night however, the ecosystem of the island feeds on itself. Pi then realizes, *he+ preferred to set off and perish in search of my own kind than to live a lonely half life of physical comfort and spiritual death on the murderous island (Martel, ). The algae island provided Pi with a protection from the struggle he had to survive on his journey across the Pacific. The island provided Pi with food such as the algae and the meerkats which he did not have while he was on the boat. It also provided Pi with shelter against storms; he also did not have that in the boat. Yet Pi still left the island because he realized to live in this island he would surely die without ever meeting another human being again. Pi left this lifestyle and chose to go with Richard Parker back into the voyage across the Pacific. The last object of symbolism is the colour orange. The colour orange is shown to be associated with survival. However, Pi has been exposed to the colour orange before through Hinduism. In Hinduism the colour orange is used to symbolize fire, when the religious
  • 51. Seminole Clothing In South Florida The intent of this paper is to illustrate the significance of Seminole clothing and social practices in South Florida by concentrating on the different patterns for both men and women and celebrations they used. Using an ethnographic approach and perspective based on the facts displayed at the History of Miami Museum I can further go into detail about the meaning of the clothingand social practices. The Seminoles prospered in Florida between the years of 1816 1818 and created a less formal society than the creeks. Both the Seminoles and the Creeks had very similar clothing, social and political practices. William Bartram, visited the Seminoles, stated they enjoy a super abundance of the necessities and conveniences of life... The hides of ... Show more content on ... Another way was by the pelts and hides from hunting trips. Men s clothing included shirts that fell to the knees, sleeves were buttoned at the wrist and several handkerchiefs were tied around the neck. A pouch that hung from the belted waist, leggings and moccasins were also part of the men s clothing but were normally worn when visiting the white settlements. The women s clothing consisted of long sleeved pull over blouses and full skirts gathered at the waist. Before the 20 s patchwork appeared in the style of checkerboard or sawtooth designs. By the early 1920 s Seminole clothing was made up of horizontal stripes and patchwork designs. By the 50 s the diagonal designs were illustrated by small bars of color crammed with larger bars. James Henshall described the Seminole turban as some two feet in diameter and six inches thick or high, with a hole in the venter to fit the head. It formed of bright colored shawls, the outside layer being sometimes a bright red cotton or bandana handkerchief; its shape is exactly that of a flat cheese or grindstone. Just as clothing plays a certain role in society so does the unique social
  • 52. The Major Development Of The Persian Empire The Persian Empire originated as a result of the great king known as Cyrus who united the Mediterranean and Asia Minor into one United Kingdom. Many of Cyrus qualities as a leader led to the Persians unspoken success in expanding their civilization into the largest and most powerful empire the world had ever seen. His campaign inspired the Persians to develop their nation by making expeditions through Media, Babylonia, Lydia, and Egypt. These four provinces had a major affect on Cyrus vision of creating an unstoppable empire. Therefore this opened a lot of possibilities for Cyrus and his army as they planned to conquer these regions of Asia Minor. There were many reasons as to why Cyrus was so successful and the main reason was his ability to be so humble and welcoming to his enemies. Through his strength in military command, imperial administration, and respect for his people he forged an Empire that became one of the strongest powers in Asia Minor. Media was one of the four provinces that were crucial for the major development of the Persian Empire. Cyrus believed that with the unification of the four major provinces into a satrapy that he could create a strong standing civilization. Cyrus was known for his behavior and ability to inspire and lead as a strong military commander as described by Cook when he says, at the age of ten his fearless behavior brought him to the notice of Astyages, who recognized him as his own grandson (Cook, 25). This demonstrated that
  • 53. Massachusetts And Virginia Essay The concept of freedom in Massachusetts and Virginia During the 1600s when England began colonizing in the New World, different colonies had their own concept of freedom backed by their beliefs and/ or motives for settling in America. Massachusetts and Virginia were settled for very different reasons therefore life in their settlements differed greatly. The political, economic, social and of course physical aspects of the colonies were not at all the same, yet they both resulted in their colonies prospering and successfully settling the land. The settlers of each colony had searched for a place to express two contrasting beliefs of what freedom meant to them. Massachusetts and Virginiaare two prime examples of how freedom can mean something ... Show more content on ... With religious reforms causing controversy in England came the Puritans, known for their simplicity in their way of life. They wore basic clothing and were against consumption of alcohol and sex (unless married). With the disagreements of the religious conflicts happening in England, the puritans wanted to purify the Church of England from within. The sole reason the idea sparked to settle a colony in America was in search of a Puritan lifestyle and the freedom to do so. On March 4, 1629 King Charles gave the Massachusetts Bay Company a charter while not knowing the true nature of what this colony was to become and for the reasons behind it. Still, the Puritans left for America in March 1630. In contrast to the type of people who immigrated to Virginia, the Massachusetts population was mostly nuclear families, meaning husband, wife, and kids. Also differing from the colonists in Virginia, the settlers in Massachusetts Bay worked together for the common good of the colony. Along with their lives and beliefs, their government and politics were religiously based as well and soon they decided upon a Congregationalism form of church government. Their churches were a matter of choice but in order to become a member they had a strict regulation In order to join one (a church) a man or woman had to provide testimony a confession of faith before neighbors who already had been admitted as full members. Because religion was the bases behind Massachusetts being colonization crimes and religious disagreements called for serious
  • 54. The Effect of Eu Integration on the Business Environment... Introduction Considered to be one of the most advanced forms of regional economic integration, the European Union (EU) is an assemblage of 27 countries that share a common goal of mutual prosperity, cooperation and peace. There is no other such union in the world, although it in many ways serves as a model of integration that has so far has not been successfully replicated. Being part of the EU has many advantages and disadvantages for countries. The advantages include access to SEM; funds that aid in infrastructure building; and world representation by a larger entity that has more power than a small country alone. Among the disadvantages however, is having to give up a degree of sovereignty that sometimes impedes a country from... Show more content on ... The EU has the world s second longest coastline, after Canada. The combined member states share land borders with 21 non member states for a total of 12 million miles, the fifth longest border in the world (Pascal, Europe in 12 Lessons). Evidently, the EU is an entity that warrants careful observation, due to its enormous size, population, and economy, as well as its role in international relations. History of the EU In order to understand the current business environment of the EU, it is critical to examine its origins and schools of thought that shaped its history. The EU is not just a twentieth century concept; it is a unified Europe whose purpose is to maintain peace and create a common European culture that can be traced throughout history, and is rooted in classical philosophical thinking. In the early 1300s, Pierre Dubois, a French lawyer and pamphleteer during the reign of Phillip IV, advocated a unified and stronger Europe to fight papal corruption and win a Crusade. Victor Hugo, a French poet, imagined a more federal type of Europe, as a unity of nations and people, during the 1800s. However, the progression of wars between mainly Germany and France between 1870 and 1945 resulted in massive loss of life and economic deterioration, making the need for peace integral to the survival of Europe (Pascal). The EU s evolution is based on different theories of